
National Level Workshop cum Summer Internship on Labview and Selected Applications

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National Level Workshop cum Summer Internship on Labview and Selected Applications
National Level Workshop cum Summer Internship
on Labview and Selected Applications
Organized by
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
in association with
RESONICS - Society for Promotion of Education and Research in Electronics and Related Areas
Gauhati University, Guwahati-781014, Assam, India
8th – 15th July, 2013
Call for Participation
Prof. Okhil Kumar Medhi
Vice Chancellor,
Gauhati University
The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, along with RESONICSSociety for Promotion of Education and Research in Electronics and Related Areas, Gauhati
University is organizing a 08-day National Level Workshop cum Summer Internship on
LABVIEW and Selected Applications.
Prof.(Mrs.) Pranayee Datta
Dean, Faculty of Technology &
HOD,Dept. Of ECT
Gauhati University
Objective: The objective of this workshop is to expose and acquaint the participants with the
various tools and applications of LABVIEW in various fields like Commuinication
Systems,Control Systems, Signal Systems, Process Control etc.
Dr.Kandarpa Kumar Sarma
HOD i/c, Dept. of ECE
Gauhati University
The workshop shall be conducted in a full time mode, involving lectures, practical session,
demos and hands-on-practice on different topics mentioned in the detailed Workshop
Manash Pratim Sarma
Asst. Professor,Dept. Of ECE
Gauhati University
Workshop Syllabus:
Familiarization with Labview
5. Signal System using LABVIEW
Important Components of LABVIEW
6. Process Control Using LABVIEW
Communication System Design using LABVIEW 7. Application development using LABVIEW
Control System using LABVIEW
Registration and Publicity
 Jyoti Prakash Medhi
 Anjan Kr. Talukdar
Manash Pratim Sarma
Asst. Professor,Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Gauhati University.
Event and Course
 Jyoti Prakash Medhi
 Anjan Kr. Talukdar
 Dr.S. R. Nirmala
 Juthika Gogoi
 Ritumoni Goswami
 Manashjyoti Bhuyan
 Pallabi Baruah
Teachers/ Research Scholars/ Technical Staff/ Students of any Educational/ Research/
Training Institute from the engineering and science departments.
Registration: Scanned copy of Registration form should be submitted via the following e-mail.
(email: [email protected])
Logistics (Technical)
 Subhash Chandra Rajbongshi
 Amitava Dey
 Hirak Jyoti Goswami
 Jeherul Islam
Logistics (Non-Technical)
 Nava Kr. Talukdar
 Ripul Kalita
 Bipul Patowary
Supporting Member
 Krishna Kamal Deka
 Manash Pratim Goswami
Registration Fees
: Rs. 1500/(For RESONICS members : Rs. 1000/-)
(No refreshment will be provided)
[Payment should be made by the shortlisted participants in the form of a Demand Draft drawn in favour
of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GU, payable at Guwahati]
Maximum Limit
: 40
Last date of Registration
: 2th July 2013
Notification of Shortlisted Candidates: 4th July 2013
: Computational Lab, Dept. of ECE, Gauhati University.
(2nd floor, Arts Building, Gauhati University)
Jyoti Prakash Medhi,Assistant Professor. e-mail: [email protected],Mob:94358-69070
Anjan Kr. Talukdar,Assistant Professor. e-mail: [email protected],Mob:94011-43294
Dept. of ECE, Gauhati University., e-mail: [email protected]
Note: The Participants are advised to see the Present Events menu of the webpage of Dept. of
Electronics and Communication Engineering in the Gauhati University Website or go through the
link below time to time.
------Workshop Brochure and Application Form is also available at: www.gauhati.ac.in------
Registration Form
National Level Workshop cum Summer Internship
on LABVIEW and Selected Applications
Organized by
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
in association with
RESONICS - Society for Promotion of Education and Research in Electronics and Related Areas
Gauhati University, Guwahati-781014, Assam, India
8th – 15th July, 2013
1. Name of the applicant:_____________________________________________________________
3. Department/Centre/Unit:___________________________________________________________
4. Institution:_______________________________________________________________________
5. Address for correspondence: _______________________________________________________
6. Email ID:______________________________________________
7. Phone No. (s):___________________________________________
8. Mobile No. (s):___________________________________________
9. Education Qualification:___________________________________
10. Whether RESONICS member (Yes/No):_____________________
11. Mode of payment (demand draft):
DD No :_____________________________
Drawn at:____________________________
Signature of the applicant with Date
Recommendation from the Head of the Department/Institution
Dr./Mr / Mrs/ Miss _______________________________________________ is hereby recommended as a candidate for
participation in the National Level Workshop cum Summer Internship on LABVIEW and Selected Applications organized by
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GU in association with RESONICS, GU from 8th – 15th
July, 2013
(Signature of the Head of the Department/Institution with date and office seal)
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