
The Ledger Longhorn A message from our Principal...

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The Ledger Longhorn A message from our Principal...
The Longhorn Ledger
Issue 2, Year 7
Important Dates
Band - Football game performance 6pm
10 NJHS Talent Show/Dinner Theater
Jr. Thespian Meeting 7:50am
11 Regional Auditions for Choir and Orchestra
14 6th Grade Choir Fall Rehearsal
& Concert
16 7th & 8th Grade Choir
Fall Concert
18 Band All District Auditions
23 Fall Band Concert 6:30pm
27 Band Sounds of the Stadium
CH Collins 6:30pm
29 STAR Store
31 7-1 Field Trip
Jr. Thespian Meeting 7:50am
Band All Region Auditions
October/November 2014
A message from our Principal...
What a great start to the school year! In some ways, it’s like
we never left for summer break. Everyone seems like they
are transitioning well into the new year. This is amazing as
Harpool has had several BIG changes this year: traffic flow,
grading policy, grading period, new math TEKS and new
math books. With all of these changes there are, and will be,
wrinkles along the way. These wrinkles will need to be ironed
The best way to iron these out is to get all stakeholders’
views on the issue(s). This philosophy ties into our
campus improvement plan for this year which is to increase
involvement/engagement with all stakeholders within the
school. Our stakeholders include students, staff, parents and
the community at large. I believe that it takes all four groups
to develop our children into future leaders. It truly takes a
village to raise a child.
Throughout the year, I will communicate areas where the
stakeholders will have the opportunity to contribute to our
Harpool community. I do believe that our school climate
propels our students to achieve great things whether it is
through academics, fine arts, athletics or community service. I
am excited about the awesome things that are going to happen
this year at Harpool!
14 7-2 Field Trip
15 Choir - Regional Concert
20-22 Fall Musical - Seussical, Jr.
g up
Watch for Cross
Country meets and
Boys and Girls Basketball games to
start in November! Check out their
links on the sports page to get full
This listing does not contain
all HMS dates. For a complete
listing on a monthly printable
calendar click here. See
page 8 for links to all sports
Jeff Smith, Principal
Harpool Middle School
[email protected]
In this issue...
NEW Longhorn Life Section - pg 5
Important Volunteer Information from Denton ISD- pg 13
Special Holiday Spirit Wear Order Info - pg 24
Longhorn Day
All Students
Fabulously Fun Festival!
In back parking lot by gym
Friday, October 24th 12:30 – 3:00
Students enjoy a fantastic afternoon of friendship, fun and food! There will be
games of skill, inflatable activities, a DJ, a prize table and some tasty food. Every student will receive one free ticket to use at the prize table, compliments of the PTA. Tickets: All tickets are $1.00 each
Tickets will be sold every day the week of the carnival before and after school
and during lunches with cash and checks. Please make sure checks are
payable to HMS PTA. NEW – There will be a specific time advertised for parents
to drop by the office to purchase tickets with credit cards.
Special! Buy 10 tickets AND bring a 12 pack of soda/water, get 5 TICKETS FREE! (You must purchase 10 tickets AND bring the soda/water to get the 5 free. Bringing the soda/water alone will not get you free tickets. Full size water bottles only.)
This is a joint fundraiser hosted by the school and the PTA. Each team and
special group hosts their own activity/game so everyone benefits!
Volunteers are needed to run activities and sell food. Watch your email and the
Harpool PTA facebook page for a sign-up. The Longhorn Committee is also
looking for cool age appropriate prizes for kids to win at the prize drawing
table. Prize donations can be dropped off in the front office any time before Wednesday, October 22nd.
If you would like to make a monetary donation or know of a business who
would like to sponsor an activity or the general event, please contact Christy Stewart, Longhorn Day Coordinator at [email protected]. All donations are 100% tax deductible.
Thank you for your support of Harpool Middle School and Harpool MS PTA! The Longhorn Ledger Issue 2, Year 7
Page 2
The Longhorn Ledger Issue 2, Year 7
Page 3
From HMS Administration...
The administration at HMS appreciates all the parent and community support that we are
shown. We would like to make a directory of businesses that our students’ families own or
manage, so that we can, in return, patronize those establishments. Please send business
name and type of business to [email protected].
Thank you,
HMS Administration
Coming Soon!
Harpool Middle School Orchestras
All Orchestras: Some shredded, some scooted and some shuffled, but
EVERYONE had a blast at the annual roller skating welcome social! Orchestra
veterans welcomed new-timers into their tribe over colossal amounts
of pizza, cupcakes and games. Everyone laughed as Mr. Wood charged
daringly into a limbo bar set FAR too low, and Ms. Ortiz inspired all with her
courageous attempt to get from point A to point B on skates.
Lock-down: On Friday, September 26th, 7th and 8th graders auditioning
for Region Orchestras channelled their inner beast during the All-Region
Marathon Lock-down. From 3:30 to 8:00 pm, they rehearsed, ate and
rehearsed some more! Resistance was futile. They were being educated.
Auditions: All-region auditions take place on Saturday, October 11th. Good
Longhorn Day: Orchestra will continue their “Wheel of Fortune” booth at
Longhorn Day which means lots of special prizes!
Winter Concert: Tuesday, December 2nd is the “Jingle Around the World”
orchestra concert. Come join us for holiday music and delicious treats!
The Longhorn Ledger Issue 2, Year 7
Page 4
For students, by students
We would like to introduce a new addition to the Longhorn Ledger! Longhorn Life will
be a dedicated section of the newsletter containing stories, interviews, artwork, humor,
blogs, news reporting, sports updates and photography created and submitted by
our Harpool Middle School students. We hope to encourage HMS students to express
themselves through literature and the arts.
A Student’s View
In my sixth grade year my experience at
Harpool Middle school showed that the
school was a welcoming environment, so
when summer was completed I was happy
to get back in the groove of things. On
my first day of school there was a certain
buzz of excitement in the air. Our teachers
welcomed us into their classrooms and
helped us with anything we needed.
Adjusting to our new grading policy was
easy because the teachers explained it to
is and encouraged us to inquire about the
matter. It was clear school wouldn't drag
out like most kids would expect in fact I had
a presentation in English already!
With a new year came new things, I had
moved to a different orchestra with a new
assistant conductor Mr. Wood. We also had
a new nurse both I feel are fully equipped to
the job. Mr. Wood takes on a challenge and
conquers it while our new nurse will help
you in any way to feel better than you did
when you entered her office.
One thing I like different than last year
is that my schedule and lockers are now
the least of my worries. I finally got what
I wanted out of getting back to school;
getting in a routine. This way the days
we do have off I can cherish and relax
instead of the days in summer when
everyday lasted forever when you didn't
have something to do. Lunch was a time
for catching up with your friends, and the
library let me refresh on series I brushed
over last year.
If this school was a train each floor
would be a train car running smoothly with
our assistant and head principals as the
conductors. My first weeks at Harpool are
continuing to be helpful, informative, and
packed full of an equal blend of knowledge
and fun. I am comfortable with asking for
help and finding ways towards success and
that is something every school should hope
to try and accomplish.
- Isabelle Kenneke
Classifieds: Reporters Wanted
HMS students! We are looking for some reporters
to expand the Longhorn Ledger! If you would like to
submit an article, interview, report, short story, original
cartoon, original artwork/photo or something you think
your fellow classmates would like to see, we would
love to include it in the new student life section of the
Longhorn Ledger. This is totally new this year so we
may have to work out some kinks but if we start smart
who knows where it could lead! All submissions are
subject to administrations approval. If interested, email
Janet Malmquist at [email protected].
The Longhorn Ledger Issue 2, Year 7
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Car Line Drop-off/Pick-up procedures:
There’s a new sign in town!
Thank you Dana Linnabary for your donation to
the school!
For those of you who haven’t seen the sign
yet, it marks the location drivers should pull
up to before they stop and unload. When cars
are stopped all students should be unloading
if they are on the curb. This allows for a
maximum number of cars to unload at once.
Your cooperation is appreciated. Thank you for
working together to make the new procedures
run smoothly and safely.
*Note - Remember to explain these new
procedures to any visiting relatives or other
caregivers that may be providing transportation
for your student to and from school.
Thank you for participating in our Blood Drive on September 11th!
On behalf of Carter BloodCare and Harpool MS, we would
like to thank all of the wonderful donors that gave so
graciously of their time to help others. We collected 26
units of blood and there were 8 deferrals. We exceeded
our projection by 10 units! This was EXCELLENT
participation! Thank you!
at HMS
On October 15th, the football players
will be playing against Navo MS at GHS.
This will be the PINK OUT game for the
Please come to this game wearing pink!!
It is a great way to show that we support
breast cancer awareness!!
The first 2015 Pep Rally
will be on Tuesday,
October 21st.
The Longhorn Ledger Issue 2, Year 7
Page 6
From Texas PTA...
PTA - Money or Mission?
Back to school time! That means PTA is back in full swing. What an
exciting time to be a part of PTA! As we celebrate the start of school,
I challenge us all to ask everyone in your families and community
the question, “Will you back the future?” This will create meaningful
dialogue for you to follow up with, “It’s time to join PTA!” It’s not a
question, but a statement, “It’s time!”
A common question about joining PTA is, “So what do I get for my money?” It is important
to remind us all that PTA is not only about collecting dues. Paying the less than $10 dues
(average $5) for 12 months is a tangible way to show our support for and belief in PTA’s
vision of making every child’s potential a reality. The real reason we join is to support our
own children and everyone else’s to make a difference not only on our campuses, but in
our communities.
It’s nearly time to begin another legislative session in January 2015. The debate over
dollars for public education, testing and graduation requirements, just to name a few,
is not over. Numbers matter. We are a half a million members strong in Texas PTA, but
our student enrollment in Texas has exceeded 5 million students. It’s time to have a PTA
member and voice for every child in Texas public schools!
As we begin another school year, be reminded it’s not just about dues. It’s about being
an advocate for every child in our local communities which translates to an even greater
strength in Austin! So, will you back the future?
By Leslie Boggs, Texas PTA President
The Voice, Fall 2014 edition
The Longhorn Ledger Issue 2, Year 7
Page 7
Football and volleyball are in full swing!
Come out and support our Longhorns!
Click the pictures to view video highlights of our 8th Grade Football team.
Week 1 Highlights
Week 2 Highlights
Attention Harpool football & volleyball parents and fans!
We plan to do an end of season photo highlight spread for our football
and volleyball teams in the November 12 issue of the Longhorn Ledger.
If you have already sent in pictures in to us thank you! If you have any or will be taking
some please submit them via [email protected] until Thursday, November 6th. Please
note what team and grade they are of. Thank you for your assistance! Go Longhorns!
Keep up to date with the latest in
Harpool sports! Bookmark the links below
to the school website,
facebook pages and Rank One Sport
for current game schedules.
Harpool Boys Athletics - Facebook
Harpool Athletics - School Website
Harpool Girls Athletics - Facebook
Rank One Sport - Website
Boys Football
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Boys & Girls
Cross Country
Boys & Girls
Track & Field
Click on a picture above to go directly to that Harpool webpage for general team
information and this season’s schedules for each sport!
Support our Longhorns - Home football games are at Guyer, other sports home games at Harpool unless posted.
Admission to sporting events: Adults $4.00
The Longhorn Ledger Issue 2, Year 7
Students $2.00
Page 8
Donations Needed!
Harpool GOAL will be collecting new or gently used coats until Friday, Oct. 10 for its first
community service project of the 14-15 school year. GOAL is a district-wide program that
promotes personal health, teamwork, and good educational choices. We do this through
the game of soccer, and Harpool’s team is the Club Deportivo Toros. Please support our
service project by donating coats. All donated coats will go to children and babies to age
18. Students, parents, and staff may bring the coats to Harpool, and request that they
are delivered to Mrs. Elsa Pruneda or Mr. Jose Fuentes, Harpool GOAL sponsors. We
will have donation boxes at school as well. All donations will be delivered to Interfaith
Ministries of Denton, Inc. on Oct. 13. Thank you!
~Elsa Pruneda and Jose Fuentes, Harpool GOAL sponsors
Family Fun
It gets harder and harder to squeeze in any family time as our kids get older. If your
family is due for some “together time” check out this link to 30 Great Festivals happening
in Dallas/Ft. Worth this fall.
Dallas Morning News - GuideLIVE - ARTS
The Longhorn Ledger Issue 2, Year 7
Page 9
Please remember under the Texas Transportation Code 545.425, you may NOT use
a wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle on the property of
a public elementary, middle, junior high, or high school during the time of a reduced
speed limit is in effect for the school crossing zone.
Please slow down on Stacee Lane. We have been blessed this year with not a lot of
traffic due to the new traffic flow, but we have noticed people are forgetting
Please use your turn signals to help the movement of traffic.
Most Important*** Look for kids; they don’t always remember to look for cars.
Please remind your students to be safe this Halloween. Halloween is on a Friday night
this year so there will be more people out driving around.
I plan on being a permanent section of the Longhorn Ledger from here out. If there are
any topics or information you would like me to write about please feel free to email me
[email protected].
Did you know Harpool has a
student of the month program?
(Check out page 16 for September winners!)
At HMS, we have a student of the month program that recognizes students that exhibit hard
work, integrity, and character. Each month every team nominates a student for this award.
These students don’t have to make all As, nor do they have to have a completely spotless
discipline record. Teachers nominate students who they feel are deserving of recognition,
for some reason or another. Students who receive this award get their picture taken (which
is displayed on the tv announcements), they get to ride in a limo (courtesy of A Style
Limousine) and get to eat a complimentary lunch at Chilito’s
Mexican Restaurant. Those 2 businesses have sponsored
our Student of the Month program for several years, and we
cannot say thank you enough for this sponsorship. We have
great kids at HMS, and we want all to know it!
Colleen Grindle, Assistant Principal
Asked and Answered
If you have a question relating to Harpool Middle School you can email it to
[email protected]. We will do our best to provide you with an answer either back by
email or in print in the next edition of the Longhorn Ledger.
The Longhorn Ledger Issue 2, Year 7
Page 10
Harpool Band
Indianapolis Here We Come!
We are excited to announce the invitation of the Harpool Symphonic Band to the Music for
All National Festival in Indianapolis, IN. Our students will be performing amongst the most
elite ensembles throughout the country at the festival which will take place March 12-14,
Click here to go to directly to the Denton ISD article and see all of the students who will be
participating in the festival. It is going to be an incredible journey for our students, and I
know they will represent Harpool, and Denton ISD well.
Beginning band students are in full swing as they are now taking home instruments every
day. This is an exciting time to watch them grow as musicians so quickly. Continue to
encourage daily, focused practice. It will definitely pay off!
7th and 8th grade band students have many performances coming up. Please check out
our dates and come listen to some great music performed by these young musicians.
Thank you!
Bryan Stone - Director of Bands / Fine Arts Dept. Chair
Donations Needed!
Hello Everyone!
We are pleased to announce that the Guyer Band
Boosters are participating in Project Sole. This project
provides solid shoes for children in need all over the
nation and world. Anyone can help!
All you have to do is:
• Collect any old or used athletic shoes you may have at home. They can be in any shape
as long as the soles of the shoes are in good shape.
• Bring them up to the Harpool front office and drop them into the “Project Sole” box
(must be a pair). Look for the Project Sole Logo.
• Project Sole will be coming by to pick up these shoes for repair, and delivering them
across the world.
Thank you for supporting our bands in Denton ISD!
You can check out the project at www.projectsole.org. We appreciate your help!
The Longhorn Ledger Issue 2, Year 7
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Donations Needed!
Our 8th grade students are building rockets
in science this December so we need
approximately 600 empty 2-liter bottles. If you
drink 2-liter beverages at home, please donate
your empty bottles to help us with our study
of Newton’s laws. Your student may drop off
his/her empty bottles to either Mrs. Melka or
Mrs. Schindler. Thank you!
From Denton ISD
Ten district students participate in state leadership program
Denton Independent School District had 10 students from five campuses take part in the 2014 Lone
Star Leadership Academy this summer.
The participating students included:
Blanton Elementary – Jacob Brooks, Greg Forsythe, Jackson Williams, fourth grade; Edel
Fernandez, fifth grade;
Paloma Creek Elementary – Nathan Lester, fifth grade;
E.P. Rayzor Elementary – Reese Carson, fifth grade;
Calhoun Middle School – Faith Houston, eighth grade
Harpool Middle School – Stacee Goldstein, sixth grade; Ceanna Cooksey, seventh grade
These students were part a distinguished contingent of 941 students that took part in a weeklong
program designed to build leadership skills and teach children about Texas. The purpose of
the program is to show students how their classroom learning relates to historical, political,
environmental and scientific sites across the state.
Students participating in the Leadership Academy visited the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and
Printing, the Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza, the Texas State Capitol, the Alamo, the
San Jacinto Battleground Monument, NASA and many other important historical, political,
environmental and scientific sites. The educational field trips varied in regard to their academy’s
location, but Denton ISD had students participate in each of the three regional locations.
Students in the program discussed what they learned, completed problem solving and decisionmaking simulations, exercised creativity, and practiced presentation skills in leadership groups.
All students were chosen to participate based on an educator’s recommendation as well as
demonstrated academic success and leadership ability and involvement in school and community
activities. The event was sponsored by Education in Action, a non-profit organization dedicated to
empowering young Texans to become informed and active leaders in their communities.
Harpool Middle School
9601 Stacee Lane
Argyle, TX 76226
P: 940-369-1700
F: 940-241-1342
Harpool Website
The Longhorn Ledger Issue 2, Year 7
Denton ISD
1307 N. Locust St.
Denton, TX 76201
P: 940-369-0000
F: 940-369-4982
Denton ISD Website
Page 12
Volunteer Information
NEW - Denton ISD Volunteer System
The volunteer application (background check) is
now live and can be accessed at
Everyone who wishes to volunteer at the school or go
on field trips for the 2014-15 school year MUST complete this application. Please register
by using the same email and password that you used to register your child in infosnap. By doing
this, it should cut down on a lot of confusion during registration and with volunteer applications
from this point forward. The new procedure allows you to check off all campuses you plan on
volunteering at this year within Denton ISD.
Harpool has a coordinator that gathers all volunteer hours for anything related to our school
whether it is a school function, donation or PTA activity. She reports to the district while assisting
both the school and the PTA.
If you are a parent who volunteers for concessions at sporting events, prepares meals for
athletics (lunch or dinners!!), helps in choir, band, orchestra or theater, your hours count for the
school. If you did anything at home over the summer or leading up to school starting to help out
a teacher, donated items for the dance, helped with something related to football or volleyball
practices send in your estimated hours! If you donate something to the school whether food or
other good you can claim 30 minutes of volunteer time! If you go to the store and purchase
food to cook for staff or students at the school count hours for your purchasing trip, cooking time,
serving and cleanup. Who knew Harpool could earn volunteer hours in so many ways!
The sign-in computer in the office is not currently tracking hours as it has in the past when
you volunteered at school during the day. We hope this will be up and running soon. In the
meantime, please keep track of all the hours you work at and off campus. Requests for hours
will be made once a month throughout the school year but you are welcome to send an email
with your total at any time to the email below.
Last year HMS came in 2nd place for the district! That’s awesome!! Thank you for all you
did. This year we are committed to being #1.
Thank you for volunteering at Harpool Middle School!
Email hours or questions to Cristina Ubing at [email protected].
Like us and get the most current
buzz about our students
and our school!
Harpool Middle School
Harpool Middle School PTA
The Longhorn Ledger Issue 2, Year 7
Page 13
7th Grade Team
The surest sign of fall around HMS is the excitement building as we get ready for
Longhorn Day. This year, on October 24th, the seventh grade teams are going to host
two incredibly fun events:
TEAM 7-1 will host a Coke & Cake Walk - If you can donate a cake or a 2 liter of soda, please contact Ms. Rice.
TEAM 7-2 will host Dodge Ball
This year, the seventh grade teams have the privilege of visiting the University of North
Texas once again for our fall field trip. UNT hosts Harpool’s seventh graders for a full day
of learning the valuable role that college can play in our students’ futures.
TEAM 7-1 will visit UNT on October 31st
TEAM 7-2 will visit UNT on November 14th
Details about the fall UNT field trip ($10) and the spring Main Event field trip ($15) will be
sent home with your child and will also be available on our team websites. The total cost
for both field trips combined is $25. If you have any questions about the field trips that
are not answered on our team websites, please let us know.
7-1 Website link
Child Nutrition
From the cafeteria...
7-2 Website link
Secondary School Meal Prices for 2014-15
Reduced-cost $0.30
Pre-Payment of Meals - Parents are encouraged to place money in their child’s account
to reduce the need for carrying cash, which can be lost or stolen. You may send a check or
cash with your child, or you may pay online at www.parentonline.net. Please note that our
cashiers will not accept bills greater than $20.00 from students.
A La Carte Items - Many schools offer items not planned on the menu such as cookies,
yogurt, ice cream, etc. We refer to these as a la carte items since they are priced individually,
not as a unit. If you do not want your child to use his/her money for these purchases,
please make arrangements with your child’s cafeteria manager to block their account.
Charging Meals - When a student has overdrawn their account the total value of a
breakfast and lunch ($3.85 for Elementary and $4.35 for Secondary), the student will be
offered a cheese sandwich and carton of milk until the parent places money in the account.
You may view your student’s account balance by registering online at www.parentonline.net.
During the month of May, we do not allow any charges.
What is there to eat if you buy?
Middle school students have more choices when buying their breakfast or lunch. To see the
breakfast and lunch menus click here. Menus are subject to change.
For more information go to http://www.dentonisd.org/Page/501
The Longhorn Ledger Issue 2, Year 7
Page 14
7th grade vision and hearing screenings were completed on 9/30 and 10/1.
6th grade parents please consider getting 7th grade state mandated vaccines as you
make appointments for well child checks this school year.
My direct phone number is 940-369-1709 and my email is
[email protected]. Please feel free to contact me for health needs.
Danielle Strauss, RN
Our quest for donations is in full swing! We need fantastic items
for our student prize table at Longhorn Day and our NEW Online
Auction. No matter the size or value, every donation makes an
incredible difference toward meeting our goals.
If you are a business owner and would like to donate an item or a
service to be added to either event -- we need and appreciate support
from individuals and companies no matter how big or small!
Successful events will mean Harpool Longhorn’s Dreams Come True, so please contact
us by emailing [email protected] if you can assist us in acquiring an item or service
for the auction.
Thank you for attending the September PTA Membership meeting! Our next
meeting will be held on December 9th in the cafeteria.
Throughout the year a Gifting Report will be made available for you to see
what PTA is doing for our students, staff and school.
Harpool MS PTA Gifting Report 2014-15
• Welcome Back Faculty Luncheon
• Faculty prizes donated for day long training event
• Student prizes donated for Think Through Math Picnic
• Car line Signage Repaired
• Monthly Newsletter for school
• STAAR Store (A/B Honor Roll Celebration held every 9 weeks)
• Assisted HMS in coordinating cookie donations for the Howdy Dance
• Ordered headsets for Fine Arts Department
• Consistent Communication support of HMS through social medias
• Welcome Snack Packs for Teacher’s
• Car line Signage & Assistance the first week of school
In The Works:
• Counselor Lounge/Sign-in area for students
• Computer/Technology Learning Lab
• All participating groups “split” with Longhorn Day (Annual)
• Winter Dance
The Longhorn Ledger Issue 2, Year 7
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Junior Thespians
The HMS Jr. Thespian Troupe #88870 will be conducting our annual food
drive as a part of the International Thespian Society’s service project initiative
Trick-Or-Treat So Kids Can Eat (TOTS-EAT). The official kick off day will be
Wednesday, October 1st and will run until Friday, October 31st.
It’s a conte
As we have done in years past this will be structured as a
competition between Advisory classes. Last year was a
huge success as we were able to donate over 2,600 lbs. of food to The Shepherd’s Hand, a
local food shelter. Our goal is to top our past collection, but we will need your help! Please bring
in canned food/ non-perishable items into your Advisory teachers. At the end of the month the
Advisory class with the largest amount collected will receive a pizza/dessert party! Thank you in
advance for your support.
We will have two Jr. Thespian meetings in October. One on Friday, October 10th and the other
on Friday, October 31st from 7:50 – 8:15. Again, Jr. Thespians us a student honor organization
for those who work in and love the theatre. If you are interested please come to the meetings!
Everyone is welcome. Please see the HMS Theatre website under Jr. Thespians/ Theatre
Calendar for meeting dates and upcoming events.
Links to Junior Thespian page
Harpoool Theatre home page
Harpool Middle School
Students of the Month
Ashley Rosengren
Ariana Sadler
William Foley
Lauren Adams
Bailey Anderson
Charlotte Pyle
Congratulations on receiving this honor!
The Longhorn Ledger Issue 2, Year 7
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Harpool Middle School Theatre
November 20th, 21st and 22nd at 7:00 p.m.
Special Matinee Performance & Story time
on November 22nd at 2:30 p.m.
General Admission: $5.00
Tickets will go on sale beginning November 3rd
through the front office. We accept cash or
checks. Checks can be made payable
to HMS Musical Theatre.
The Longhorn Ledger Issue 2, Year 7
Page 17
HMS National Junior Honor Society
“Harpool’s Got Talent!”
Talent Show and Dinner Theatre
Friday, October 10th
Order forms will be available on the Harpool webpage beginning
October 1st. Cost is $12 and includes dinner and the show. We'll have a
dozen great acts from amongst our talented Longhorn population!
Helpful websites and links
http://bestappsforkids.com - This website allows searches by age, school subject,
general category plus many more. Gives descriptions and photos plus reviews and
links to app store for ratings and more reviews.
http://www.scholastic.com/parents/resources/article/parent-teacherpartnerships/parent-involvement-partner-your-childs-middle-school - Article
for parents on parent involvement in education.
http://www.scholastic.com/parents/resources/article/more-schoolinvolvement/success-tips-middle-school-principal - Article on tips for success
from a middle school principal.
http://familyeguide.com/haunted-houses-dfw/ - Family Eguide to family
activities in our area. Special DFW listing of Haunted Houses!
http://www.controlwithcable.org/tv-ratings/ - Explanation of TV ratings for
audience level and content label.
The Longhorn Ledger Issue 2, Year 7
Page 18
Texas PTA - Excerpts From “The Next Step” The Voice, Fall 2014: 22-23, 26-28
The Longhorn Ledger Issue 2, Year 7
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Scholarship Opportunities
Back the future for continuing education! PTA membership is an
eligibility requirement for both student and faculty.
Texas PTA offers $1000 scholarships to graduating high school
seniors in Texas who will be enrolled full-time in an accredited college
or university or a technical institute in the summer or fall semester immediately following
applicant’s high school graduation. All funds for the scholarships are provided by gifts to
the Texas PTA Endowment Fund.
Through our scholarship program, Texas PTA works to support students who are focused
on achieving career goals through higher education. In evaluating each application, the
scholarship committee will also consider service and participation in school activities,
community involvement and scholastic merit.
Texas PTA offers $500 scholarships to teachers, teachers’ aides, or other faculty members
planning to take college credit courses, workshops or other continuing education which
improves the applicant’s teaching proficiency or applies to a specific education-related
certification (includes middle management, administrator, counselor, etc.) These courses
may include online correspondence courses.
Watch for information to be posted about the Texas PTA 2015-16 Scholarship application
information on the PTA facebook page. Deadlines will be in November and December.
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To view the entire Texas PTA
publication of
The Voice, Fall 2014
click here.
Disclaimer: Articles and advertisements in the Longhorn Ledger do not necessarily represent the
viewpoints and policies of Texas PTA or Harpool Middle School. Texas PTA and Harpool Middle School do
not endorse non-PTA products or services mentioned in this publication.
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Click here to for printable order form!
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Denton Community Council of PTAs
The Denton Community Council of PTAs meets at the district offices
several times throughout the year. It’s members include local PTA
Presidents, Principals and up to 2 Council Delegates from each
school. The meetings are open to any who wish to attend. School
officials are frequently invited to speak at these meetings to assist in
communication with our school communities.
What’s happening this year in Denton ISD?
Superintendent Jaime Wilson presented information on the Denton Mentor Campaign and
Program – program designed to get mentors from the community to assist our 10,000 at-risk
students in our schools. This program was started 2 years ago to engage community members
and get them involved in our schools. Last year 1100 college students were paired with our kids.
He discussed plans to draw community members directly into schools to help as science fair
judges and volunteers. 2 buses are regularly sent into the Robson Ranch community to pick up
grandparents to work with our students. We have had about 100 grandparent volunteers engaged
in our program from that community. DISD hopes to expand this program in the coming year. All
Mentor Program volunteers are required to have background checks.
COMING SOON! “Sippin’ With the Supe”- Harpool Middle School
PTA along with our other vertical zone PTAs will be hosting a
“town hall” style gathering with Denton ISD Superintendent,
Jaime Wilson, talking about our school district and answering
questions. More information is on the way!
Get Ready to RUN Longhorns! Save the Date March 28th,
2015 for the Denton Dash at South Lakes Park.
Check out these links for more information - DCCPTAs Website
DCCPTAs Facebook
PTA Reflections Program
Started in 1969 by the Colorado PTA President Mary Lou Anderson,
Reflections has encouraged millions of students to express themselves
by giving positive recognition for their artistic efforts. Students in
preschool through grade 12 may create and submit works of art in six
categories: dance choreography, film production, literature, musical
composition, photography, and visual arts. The Reflections program recognizes students
at the Local, Council/Region, State and National PTA levels. At each level, all entries are
judged on interpretation of the theme, creativity and artistic merit.
2014-15 Theme is “The World Would be a Better Place If...”
For general program rules, entry forms and category guidelines click here to go to the
Texas PTA website. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].
Submissions can be dropped off in the front office of the school to the attention of PTA no
later than Friday, November 14, 2014. Get those creative juices flowing! Good luck!
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Academic UIL
What is it?
A+ Academics (the name for UIL competitions at the middle school level) includes 19
different events for grades 2-8. Our district currently competes in 13 of those events.
These events span the curriculum - they are designed to complement and expand upon
what students learn in the classroom, both through learning specific subject knowledge,
and through learning skills that are valuable in many disciplines. Approximately 3,000
Texas schools participate in A+ Academics, competing in more than 300 district meets
each year.
Harpool teams:
Calculator Applications
Chess Puzzles
Dictionary Skills
Maps, Graphs, and Charts
Number Sense
Oral Reading
Ready Writing
Science I
Science II
Social Studies
Practice Schedule
Teams are formed
and practices
have started!
Come support
these students at
their Invitational
Contest on
November 8th
at Lake Dallas
Middle School.
Click picture to view
the Denton ISD
Student Code of Conduct
or the
Student & Parent
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Harpool Rewards - Spotlight Program
Woohoo! We just received our first check from Shoparoo totaling $131.63! That
is wonderful considering it was a new, untried program for us. The writing is on
the wall now. This passive fundraiser has HUGE POTENTIAL for Harpool.
We have already earned more than $50.00 since
August and are up to 50 supporters participating in
the program! Imagine what we could do with more!
Join us today and help earn for Harpool.
About Shoparoo:
Shoparoo is a hassle-free way to turn pictures of your everyday shopping receipts
into cash donations for your school. Fundraising rewards are generated through the
submission of qualifying receipts through the Shoparoo app available on iOS and
Android devices.
Qualifying Receipts:
Two types of receipts are rewarded in Shoparoo: grocery receipts which are awarded
Roo Points that convert to $$ and non-grocery receipts that earn Sweepstakes Entries
for large cash prizes.
Participants can earn extra points with our Frequent Usage Bonus, filling out surveys
and referring new participants to our program.
For more detailed information about this program and more click here.
To download the app click here and you will have the option to text yourself a link or
download directly to your device. Every download earns Harpool will earn 150 points!
Join and start helping us earn today! Every new download through our link earns
Harpool free points. Once you download it, you can invite friends and family members
through YOUR link and continue to earn Harpool the free 150 points for all new users!
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Current Reward Programs
Please check out the opportunities that are out there to earn
free money and points to redeem for merchandise! We are
always looking for new ways to earn for Harpool. If you see
something feel free to share it with us by emailing HMSPTA@
zoho.com. All of the pictures are live links on this page if you
are looking for more information. Everything you send in can be
dropped off in the front office! Thanks for your support!
Our school participates in
the Box Tops for Education
program. If you shop at Tom
Thumb be sure to watch their
app to add bonus Box Tops
opportunities to your reward
We are collecting UPCs
from participating
Community Coffee & Tea
products. Each UPC is
worth $0.10 to our school!
Please send in the entire
UPC code from participating
Register your Kroger Plus and
Tom Thumb reward cards at
website to earn bonus points
every time you shop.
Download the Shoparoo app
to your phone and upload
images of your shopping
receipts to earn money for
our school! Very easy and
costs you nothing! Use the
link from the PTA fb page
and earn extra points.
20 UPCs earn a
teacher 20 free books
from Scholastic! Please
send in the whole label
to the front office.
If you have a Target
Red Card please
designate Harpool as
your preferred school.
Our school ID is
148571. If not, please
consider getting one.
The Longhorn Ledger Issue 2, Year 7
Please link your Kroger Plus
Reward card to support
Harpool Middle School PTA!
Log into your
Kroger.com account & enter
90540 as your preferred
Collect labels from
participating Tyson chicken
products. Each label is
worth $0.24!
Enter codes from participating
Coca-Cola products at
mycokerewards.com &
donate them to Harpool Middle
School or send the lids or
codes in to front office.
Create an account, enter
points and when you earn
enough donate in cash to our
school! Earn 1,800 points,
redeem for a $1 donation to
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Fly UP