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XIX IMEKO World Congress Fundamental and Applied Metrology September 6−11, 2009, Lisbon, Portugal NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION OF PLEXIGLAS MATERIALS USING LOCK-IN AND PULSE PHASE INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY R. Montanini 1, S. Aliquò 1 1 Faculty of Engineering, University of Messina, Messina, Italy, [email protected] Abstract − Lock-in and pulse phase infrared thermography measurement techniques have been exploited for quantitative assessment of subsurface defects in a reference specimen made of Plexiglas. Radiometric thermal images were post-processed using a contrast approach in the frequency domain, allowing defect depth location to be resolved with a relative combined standard uncertainty of about 7% for thicknesses above 3 mm. Conversely, significant radial heat diffusion next to the boundary of the discontinuity made accurate sizing of deeper subsurface defects more difficult. The obtained results demonstrate the potentiality of active thermography as a fast, powerful contactless NDT measurement tool. Keywords: Temperature measurements, radiometric infrared thermography, non destructive testing (NDT) 1. INTRODUCTION Total quality is now an established concept for mass products such as cars, consumer electronics, and personal computers. In many fields, primarily aerospace and military, it has been the rule for years, for security reasons. A major effort to reach this quality concept is to implement inspection tasks along the production line through effective nondestructive testing (NDT) methods to be used for either acceptance/rejection of parts, or for inspection of end products in service [1]. In recent years, remarkable progresses in high sensitive infrared image detectors and much effort from researchers in leading university laboratories have brought about fast growth of infrared radiometric measurement techniques. Nowadays, active thermography [2-7] is recognized as one of the most powerful NDT tool to detect flaws and defects in different kinds of materials, such as metals, composites, and polymers. The active approach involves using an excitation source to induce thermal contrast into the material and an IR camera to measure the stationary or transient response. In particular, lock-in thermography [8-10] makes use of modulated optical stimulation to provide information about the thermophysical properties of the material as well as to identify subsurface defects in a quick and contactless way. Lock-in thermography has been proposed to detect areas of disbond in coatings [2], delaminations, impact damage and inclusions of spurious materials in composite materials [2,4,6], flat-bottom hole defects in steel [11-12], delaminations of veneered wood [13], to visualize fibre ISBN 978-963-88410-0-1 © 2009 IMEKO orientation in composites [14], to identify detachments or cracks in frescoes [15-17]. One limitation of lock-in thermography lies on the available range of frequencies for the heat flux modulation, which may be not sufficiently low to detect deeper defects in materials of very low thermal diffusivity and/or large thickness. Another approach is pulse thermography, which can be obtained by stimulating the part with one or more pulsed heat sources and monitoring its surface temperature evolution during the transient heating (cooling) phase [3,6,11,15,16]. The visibility of defects depends on several factors, which include material characteristics (i.e. thermal contrast), atmospheric conditions and instrument sensitivity. Measurements performed by means of the pulsed thermographic method are affected by local variation of the emissivity coefficient and by non-uniform heating of the surface, that can mask the defect visibility. The emissivity problem may be overcome by painting the surface, but this could be a solution only for parts where this surface finish is tolerable. The uniformity of surface heating may be improved by using the lateral heating technique described by Grinzato et al [17]. A measurement technique which combines the advantages of both lock-in and pulse thermography without sharing their drawbacks is pulse phase termography, which has been first proposed by Maldague and Marinetti [18-19]. The specimen is pulse heated as in pulsed thermography and the mix of frequencies of the thermal waves launched into the specimen is unscrambled by computing the Fourier transform of the temperature evolution over the field of view; the phase, or magnitude, image can be presented as in modulated lock-in termography. The fact that pulse phase termography sorts available information coherently in term of frequencies brings interesting features with respect to the more traditional contrast approach used in pulse thermography. In this paper both lock-in and pulse phase infrared thermography measurement techniques have been implemented for quantitative assessment of subsurface defects in a reference specimen made of Plexiglas. By proper post-processing of phase thermal images, size and depth locations of flat-bottom hole defects were determined and the measurement uncertainty assessed. Merits and limitations of the proposed approach, as well as metrological aspects related to possible interference inputs, are discussed thoroughly. 1524 2. EXPERIMEN E NTAL METH HODS All the expeerimental testss were perform med using a 14-bit 1 diggital output infrared cam mera (Cedip Infrared Systtems, Crroissy Beaubbourg, Francce), equippeed with a high ressolution (320×240 pixel) InSb I focal plaane array and a 25 mm m optical lenss. The IR cam mera operates in the MWIR R (3-5 µm m) wavelength spectral rannge and has a noise equivvalent tem mperature diff fference (NET TD) of 20 mK at 25 °C. Thee data accquisition systtem is controlled by a persoonal computerr and alllows the integgration time too be varied inn the range 10 μs – 5 ms, m with fram me rates up to 80 8 Hz at full resolution. r Synchronizaation of extternal analoggue signals were acccomplished by b the lock-iin module inntegrated intoo the inffrared cameraa. Images acqquisition, cam mera configuuration and nonunniformity corrrection (NUC) calculationss were carriedd out ussing the DispplayIMG ver.2.6 softwaree (Edevis Gm mbH, Sttuttgart, Germ many). Image post-processinng was perforrmed wiith the Labvieew™ ver. 8.5 software (Nattional Instrum ments, Auustin, Texas). mera signals were w synchroniized using a lock-in l ampliffier cam (actu ually integrateed in the cameera). To T heat the saample, a sinussoidal modulated optical waave is used, thus prooducing a therrmal wave which w propagaates throu ugh the thickkness of the object. As th he thermal waave enco ounters a disccontinuity it uundergoes refl flections becauuse of the locally chhanged heat ppropagation parameters. p T The refleected wave innterferes with the surface wave w giving rise r to a stationary oscillating ttemperature field, which is remo otely measureed through its thermal infraared emission by the IR camera. Amplitude and phase images of the onstructed therrmal wave weere computed d in real-time for reco each h heat-generatting frequencyy using the Fourier transfoorm algo orithm. Thesee two quantitties are used d to present the relev vant information about ssubsurface discontinuities. A phottograph of a typical expeerimental set-up is shown in Fig.3 3. IR-camera Power amplifier Function generaator nce specimen preparation p 2.1. Referen A referennce PMMA A (PolyMetthylMethAcryylate) sppecimen, with known flat-bbottom hole defects d of diffferent deepth, has beenn prepared as shown in Figg.1. The speccimen haas a circular shape s and preesents sixteenn 10 mm diam meter hooles, whose deepth from thee front side suurface ranges from 0,66 mm (top right corner) too 3,6 mm (boottom left corrner). Thhe specimen front f surface was painted with w opaque black b paaint to uniform m emissivity annd reduce refllections. halogen lamps Frame grabbeer optical wa ave FFT analyzer Lock‐in amplifiier Computer defect reflected thermal wave thermal input Fig. F 2. Lock-inn infrared therm mography measu uring principle. a a) b) Fig. 1. PMMA A reference speecimen with flatt-bottom holes of diifferent depth: a) rear side of the t specimen, b) b drawing show wing d and relative positioon of defects. nominal dimensions 2.2. Lock-in n termographyy The measuuring principlle used to carry c out lock-in meeasurements is i schematizedd in Fig. 2. The T IR cameraa was cooupled to a heeat source (4× ×1 kW halogeen lamps) whiich is drriven by a power p ampliffier and a fuunction generrator. Haalogen lamps were positionned so as to produce p a uniiform disstribution off heat across the illuminnated side off the sppecimen. The distance of the t IR-cameraa from the saample waas approximaately 50 cm in order to record the entire e suurface of the sample. Thee heat source and the infr frared Fig. 3. Experrimental set-up for lock-in measurements. 2.3. 2 Pulse phaase thermograaphy The T measurinng principle uused to carry out pulse phaase meaasurements is schematized in Fig. 4. Insstead of makiing use of a sinusoidaal modulation, the specimen n is pulse heaated usin ng either haloggen lamps (loong pulse > 500 5 ms) or hiigh pow wer xenon tubee ring flashes (short pulse < 1 ms). Hennce, therm mal waves off different freqquencies are laaunched into the 1525 specimen simultaneously and the resulting temperature field of its surface is measured in the transient regime. Extraction of the various frequencies was performed by acquiring sequences of images and extracting the temporal decay of each pixel in the field of view. Hence, the discrete one-dimensional Fourier transform (DFT) was applied on each pixel of the thermogram sequence to compute the real and imaginary parts and, finally, amplitude and phase images were calculated. IR-camera Power amplifier Pulse generator flash lamps Frame grabber FFT analyzer optical pulse reflected thermal pulse defect thermal pulse Computer thermal input Fig. 4. Pulsed infrared thermography measuring principle. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Lock-in amplitude and phase images of the reconstructed thermal wave on the reference specimen surface are reported in Fig. 5 for different modulation frequencies. As it can be observed, the information given by the phase image is actually more effective, since it is relatively independent of local optical (e.g. non-uniform heating) and infrared (e.g. variability in surface emissivity) surface features. As a consequence, only signal amplitude is affected by the specimen topography while phase is not, except for the level of phase noise which of course increases in parts where less light is absorbed per unit area. At 2,250 Hz, the relatively high modulation frequency limits the analysis to a close to the surface region, where black coating disuniformity can be appreciated in the phase image. By reducing the lock-in frequency, deeper defects are progressively revealed. In the mid-high range (0,100 Hz < f < 0,025 Hz) the first two rows are clearly visible: in the phase images, defects appear brighter than the surrounding background and their boundaries are well defined. The third row starts to come out for modulation frequencies in the mid-low range (0,015 Hz < f < 0,008 Hz). At this stage, the sharpness of the shallower defects in the first row becomes poor. At 4 mHz, also the deepest flat-bottom hole is detected, although the contrast with the background is remarkably lowered due to a noteworthy reduction in the phase shift. Moreover, at very low frequency the boundary of the defects in the thermal image seems to be “out of focus”, because of significant radial heat diffusion that takes place in the specimen plane. This frequency-dependent behaviour is a direct consequence of the inverse relationship existing between the thermal diffusion length µ and the modulation frequency f : μ= 2k ρ ω Cp = α π f (1) being 2 , k the thermal conductivity of the material, ρ the density, Cp the specific heat at constant pressure and α the thermal diffusivity. For the amplitude image, the allowable depth range is given by (1) while, for the phase image, the maximum depth that can be inspected actually corresponds to 1,8µ [9]. Hence, usually tests should start at a quite high frequency value to investigate the surface layer; then the frequency must be decreased to investigate a deeper layer, after which the frequency must be further reduced. This procedure must go on until the entire thickness of the object is investigated or the minimum available modulation frequency is reached. Similar results (Fig. 5, last column) were obtained by unscrambling the frequency content of the infrared images sequence measured after thermal pulse stimulation (pulse phase approach). With respect to the lock-in technique, this method can be much more fast, since it might need just one measure to analyze the whole frequency range of interest, whereas the lock-in approach requires multiple iterative tests. Phase contrast however is poorer, hiding the detection of deeper flaws. One further drawback of the pulse phase approach is that a definite temperature difference between two successive images of the sequence must exist to clearly discern defects. To display discontinuities located more in depth a higher surface heating is usually needed. For quantitative non-destructive evaluation of subsurface defects the thermal diffusivity of the material should be known, as pointed out in (1). Unfortunately, the exact value of this parameter is not always available in the literature, because it strongly depends on the actual material composition. To overcome this problem, a fast method which makes use of a high speed IR camera has been developed. The proposed approach is based on a transmission scheme with thermal pulse stimulation and on the well known Parker’s law [20]: α = 1,37 l2 π 2 t 0, 5 (2) where l is the material thickness and t0,5 the half temperature rise time, that is the time needed to reach one half of the maximum temperature increment over the sample surface opposite to the heated one. A high power flash was used to generate a sudden energy pulse (to limit heat exchange with the surroundings), so that test conditions were not too dissimilar from ideal adiabatic ones. The IR camera recorded the thermal evolution, allowing for the computation of the half temperature rise time. The accuracy of the method can be further improved by using specific non-linear interpolation models which take into account the actual heat exchange conditions [21]. 1526 AMPLITUDE LI PHASE LI A AMPLITUDE LI L PHASE LI PHASE PP f = 2,250 Hz f = 0,100 Hzz f = 0,100 Hz f = 0,080 Hz f = 0,040 Hzz f = 0,040 Hz f = 0,025 Hz f = 0,015 Hzz f = 0,015 Hz f = 0,008 Hz f = 0,004 Hzz f = 0,004 Hz Temperature increment / °C Temperature increment / C Fig. 5. Lock--in IR measurem ments (LI): ampplitude (left) annd phase (right) images of the reconstructed r thhermal wave on n the reference sppecimen surfacee obtained at diffferent modulattion frequenciess. Pulse phase IR measurements (PP): phase iimages obtained d by unscrambling the frequenccy content of thhe infrared imagges sequence measured m after th hermal pulse stiimulation usingg discrete Fourieer transform. 1,4 1,3 1,2 1,1 1,0 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,0 0 t1/210 20 30 40 0 50 60 70 80 90 100 Time / s Fig. F 6 shows the t temperatuure evolution measured m oveer a small area of a defect-free d sam mple. It can be b noted the low l dispersion of the experimental e data and the negative n slopee of the curve c after the maximum temperature haas been reachhed, due to the coolinng effect. Sinnce the meassurement of the therm mal transient used for the determination n of the therm mal diffu usivity is perfformed by thee IR camera, local values can c be averaged, a thus improving thhe S/N ratio. According A to (1) the actuall depth of thee defect depennds upon n the modulattion frequencyy at which th he defect itselff is first detected. To T determinne unambiguuously this frequency, the norm malized contraast was first deefined as follo ows: C (t ) = Fig. 6. Measurem ment of the maaterial thermal diffusivity d by means m of a fast IR trransient flash method: m normaliized temperaturre increments vs. v heating timee. 1527 S def (t ) − S def (t0 ) S b ( t m ) − S b (t 0 ) (3) 0,20 Def #1 0,18 Def #2 Def #3 0,16 Def #4 0,14 Def #5 0,12 Def #6 Def #7 0,10 Def #8 0,08 Def #9 0,06 Def #10 Def #11 0,04 for estimated defect depth values were instead computed as combined standard uncertainty considering the type A contributions of fTR and α. Relative uncertainty of depths estimation ranges from 5,4% (defect #6) to 7,2% (defect #14). From Fig. 8 it can be observed that, as the two deepest defects are concerned, the uncertainty bands do not overlap. It can be concluded that 3,2 mm thickness roughly corresponds to the maximum detection limit for the current measurement setup. As far as defects size assessment is concerned, obviously the best accuracy can be achieved when the contrast between defected and undefected areas is maximized. Hence, starting from the normalized contrast vs. modulation frequency plots, the frequency fmax (for which it results C = Cmax) was first estimated for each region of interest (Fig. 9). Def #12 0,02 Def #13 0,00 Def #14 0,001 0,01 0,1 Modulation frequency / Hz 1 0,20 Def #16 Fig. 7. Family of normalized contrast curves computed for each area of interest according to (3) vs. modulation frequency. To determine the frequency at which each defect had been first detected (fTR), a threshold level CTR was defined, so that for C ≥ CTR the discontinuity was assumed detectable, while for C < CTR it was not. The threshold value was determined by an iterative procedure. Finally, the subsurface defect depth was calculated as p = 1,8μ = 1,8 α π fTR 3,50 11 3,00 3 3 6 7 10 11 9 13 2,50 22 5 9 5 13 6 10 14 14 7 11 15 15 4 8 4 8 12 16 12 16 Def #3 Def #4 0,14 Def #5 0,12 Def #6 Def #7 0,10 Def #8 0,08 Def #9 0,06 Def #10 Def #11 Def #12 0,02 Def #13 Def #14 0,00 0,01 f(C3_max) f(C4_max) 0,1 0,001 Modulation frequency / Hz 1 Def #15 Def #16 Fig. 9. Determination of the maximum normalized contrast modulation frequency for each region of interest. Then, the nearer available (i.e., such that f ≅ fX_max) lockin phase image was selected. The image file was hence postprocessed through different steps (filtering, image calibration, overlaying of predefined geometrical objects, measure of the defect area) by means of a dedicated digital image processing software written in Labview™. Results are reported in Fig. 10, where they are compared with the nominal radius value. 2,00 8 1,50 1,00 0,50 0,00 DEF DEF DEF DEF DEF DEF DEF DEF DEF DEF DEF DEF DEF DEF DEF DEF #4 #3 #2 #1 #8 #7 #6 #5 #12 #11 #10 #9 #16 #15 #14 #13 Nominal depth 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 Estimated depth 0,7 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,3 1,6 2,0 2,0 2,4 2,6 2,5 2,6 2,8 3,1 3,1 3,2 Fig. 8. Quantitative nondestructive evaluation of subsurface defects: comparison of estimated and nominal defects depth. Subsurface defect radius / mm Subsurface defect depth / mm 4,00 Def #2 C3_max 0,16 0,04 (4) Fig. 8 reports the comparison between estimated and nominal defects depth. Def #1 C4_max 0,18 Def #15 Normalized contrast Normalized contrast where Sdef and Sb are the phase signal levels of defected and background areas, respectively, measured at time t and t0, and tm is the time at which the heat absorption is maximum. Then, for each area of interest, C values at time t were plotted as a function of the modulation frequency (Fig. 7). 7 Nominal radius: 5 mm 6 5 4 3 2 1 11 22 3 4 55 66 77 88 10 10 11 11 1212 14 15 99 13 13 14 3 4 15 1616 0 Uncertainty bands for nominal depth values were calculated as type B (UNI CEI ENV 13005) by assuming a rectangular distribution of width 2R, where R = 0,05 mm is the resolution of the calliper used to measure the depth of the reference specimen flat-bottom holes. Uncertainty bands 1528 Fig. 10. Quantitative nondestructive evaluation of subsurface defects: comparison of estimated and nominal defects size. Uncertainty bands were calculated as twice standard deviations (95% confidence value) on three measurements carried out with slightly different geometrical circles in order to take into account data variability induced by unsharpened defect boundaries. Relative uncertainty ranges from 4,5% for the shallower defects in the first row to about 88% for the deepest one (defect #13). The relative high uncertainty found, in particular for the deeper defects (located in the lower two rows), can be attributed to the limited number of experimental data (i.e., modulation frequency steps) and to significant radial heat diffusion, that made measurement of the actual hole boundary quite difficult. It is worth mentioning that similar results can be found by post-processing the thermograms obtained using the pulse phase approach. [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] 4. CONCLUSIONS [10] Active thermography measurement techniques have been exploited for quantitative assessment of subsurface defects in a reference specimen made of Plexiglas. By proper postprocessing of phase thermal images recorded at different frequencies and direct measurement of material’s thermal diffusivity, a fast, contactless and effective NDT methodology has been demonstrated. Lock-in thermography provides quantitative information about size, depth and thermal resistance of defects and, as phase images are used, relatively insensitivity to nonuniform heating and local variation of the emissivity coefficient. The main limitation of this technique lies in the minimum frequency for the heat flux modulation which may be not sufficiently low to detect deeper defects. Pulse phase thermography is even more fast than lock-in. However, there are also some limitations: the main one is that to display deeper defects a higher surface heating is usually required, which may damage plastic materials. Future work directions will addressed the evaluation of different types of artificial defects as well as natural ones. The authors would like to thank Prof. G. Busse and his research group at the IKP-ZfP Insitute of the University of Stuttgart (D) for their kindly support and precious advice. 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