Biogeochemistry of Wetlands Topic: Toxic Organic Compounds (Xenobiotics) Science and Applications
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Biogeochemistry of Wetlands Topic: Toxic Organic Compounds (Xenobiotics) Science and Applications
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) Biogeochemistry of Wetlands Science and Applications June 23 23--26, 2008 Topic: Toxic Organic Compounds (Xenobiotics) Wetland Biogeochemistry Laboratory Soil and Water Science Department University of Florida Instructor: Todd Z. Osborne 22/06/2008 6/22/2008 WBL 1 Biogeochemistry of Wetlands Science and Applications Topic: Toxic Organic Compounds (Xenobiotics) Learning Objectives Define xenobiotics Ecological significance of xenobiotics Sources and common classifications Environmental fate of xenobiotics Abiotic pathways Biotic pathways 6/22/2008 WBL 2 1 What is a Xenobiotic? ¾ Xeno means foreign, Bios means life: ¾ Xenobiotic is in essence a compound that is foreign to life ¾ Synonyms ¾ Toxics, toxic [organic] substances, priority organic pollutants [POPs], endocrine disruptors ¾ Examples: ¾ Pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, industrial toxins, petroleum products, landfill leachate 22/06/2008 WBL 3 Are Xenobiotics an issue in Wetlands? ¾Wetlands are often the receiving bodies of Agricultural and urban drainage ¾Extent of xenobiotic contamination in wetlands ¾Approximately 5000 wetlands and aquatic systems impacted by pesticides 22/06/2008 WBL 4 2 Are Xenobiotics an issue in Wetlands? ¾Wetlands may be excellent pollutant removers (aerobic - anaerobic interfaces) ¾Wetlands are not in the spot light ! ¾No wetland superfund site, etc. ¾Upland (aerobic) and aquifier (anaerobic) soil contamination and remediation is the driving force in our current know-how 22/06/2008 WBL 5 Ecological Significance • Lethal L th l toxicity t i it to t biota bi t • Non-lethal toxicity to biota – Endocrine disruptors – Hormone mimicry – Reproductive disorders – Harmful mutation - DNA damage 22/06/2008 WBL 6 3 Types of Xenobiotics / Petroleum products (BTEX, MTBE) / Pesticides (DDT, DDE…..) / Herbicides (2,4D, Atrazine) / Industrial wastes (PCB’s, aromatics) 22/06/2008 WBL 7 Aromatic Compounds CH3 Napthalene Benzene Toluene OH Naphthol 22/06/2008 OH Phenol WBL Biphenyl 8 4 Halogenated Compounds ¾Carbon tetrachloride ¾Chloroform ¾Vinyl chloride ¾1,2-Dichloroethane ¾Trichloroethylene ¾T t hl ¾Tetrachloroethylene th l ¾Benzoates 22/06/2008 WBL 9 Halogenated Aromatic Compounds ¾ Polychlorinated Biphenyls ¾ PCBs ¾ Organochlorine Insecticides ¾ DDT, Toxaphene, … ¾ Chlorinated Herbicides ¾ 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, Atrazine….. ¾ Chlorinated Phenols ¾ Pentachlorophenol P t hl h l ¾ 2,4-dichlorophenol…2,4-D ¾ 2,4,5-trichlorophenol…. 2,4,5-T ¾ 2,3,and 4-Nitrophenol 22/06/2008 WBL 10 5 Halogenated Aromatic Compounds CCl3 Cl DDT CH Cl Cl Cl Chlorobenzene Cl CCl2 C Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl CCl2 Cl 22/06/2008 Cl CH 1,3-dichlorobenzene PCB DDE Cl DDD WBL 11 Halogenated Aromatic Compounds O-CH2COOH Chlorinated Herbicides Cl 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid [2,4-D] Cl Chlorinated Phenols Pentachlorophenol 22/06/2008 WBL OH Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl 12 6 Halogenated Aliphatic Compounds Cl Cl C Cl C Br Cl Trichloroethylene [TCE] 22/06/2008 H H C C H H Br Ethylene Dibromide [EDB] WBL 13 Sources of Xenobiotics Wetlands can receive: - Drainage from agricultural land [pesticides [pesticides, herbicides] - Drainage from urban areas - Discharge from industrial facilities - Landfill leachates - Undetonated military y explosives p [[TNT, HMX, RDX, etc.] in war zones and training bases - Spills [fuels, etc.] due to transportation accidents - Atmospheric deposition 22/06/2008 WBL 14 7 Environmental Fate of Xenobiotics • Need to know constants • Fugacity Modeling – KOW – KH – Ka – Kd – Kr – MW – Sw Octanol – water partition coefficient Henry’s Law constant Dissociation constant Partition [sorption] coefficient Reaction rate constants Molecular weight Solubility in water 22/06/2008 WBL 15 22/06/2008 WBL 16 8 Predicting the Fate of Xenobiotics • Need to know the biogeochemical / environmental i t l conditions diti iin th the wetland tl d soils – Microbial consortia – Redox potential – Salinity y – C content – Other e- acceptors 22/06/2008 - pH - Temperature - N,, P availabilityy - Oxygen status - Vegetation type WBL 17 Environmental Fate of Xenobiotics ¾Abiotic Pathways ¾Sorption ¾Photolysis ¾Volatilization ¾Export ¾Leaching / surface run-off 22/06/2008 WBL 18 9 Abiotic Pathway: Sorption S Soil Particle Organic Matter [mg/kg] Desorption Adsorption Chemical in Solution C [mg/L] Products of Biodegradation Partition coefficient (L/kg) Kd = S (mg/kg)/C (mg/L) 22/06/2008 WBL 19 Abiotic Pathway: Sorption ¾ For organic chemicals not adsorbed by soils, Kd is equal to zero ¾ For a given organic chemical, sorption (Kd) is greater in soils with larger organic matter content.. These chemicals move slowly in soils ¾ For a given soil, organic chemicals with smaller Kd values are sorbed to lesser extent… and highly mobile 22/06/2008 WBL 20 10 Abiotic Pathway: Sorption ¾ Bioavailabilityy of xenobiotics to degradation g is strongly influenced by sorption ¾ Chemicals with low sorption coefficients are generally more soluble, and are more readily degraded p of chemicals increases with amount ¾ Sorption soil organic matter 22/06/2008 WBL 21 Abiotic Pathway: Sorption ¾Sorption may protect biota from toxic levels of chemicals ¾High levels of DOM may increase the mobility of chemicals ¾Chemicals with high sorption coefficients are generally less mobile 22/06/2008 WBL 22 11 Environmental Fate of Xenobiotics ¾Biotic pathways ¾Extracellular enzyme hydrolysis ¾Microbial degradation ¾Plant and microbial uptake ¾Bioaccumulation / magnification 22/06/2008 WBL 23 Biotic Pathways: Microbial ecology: why do microbes degrade Xenobiotics? 1) Derive energy i) Electron acceptor ii) Electron donor 2) A source of Carbon 3) Substitution for a similar “natural” compound: Cometabolism. Cometabolism: organisms mediating the mineralization of a certain compound obtain no apparent benefit from the process 22/06/2008 WBL 24 12 Energetics of Xenobiotic Biodegradation ¾Energetics of aerobic and anaerobic benzoate degradation Reaction G (kJ) Benzoate + 7.5O2 Æ 2CO2 -3175 Benzoate + 6NO3 Æ 3N2 +7CO2 -2977 Benzoate + 8NO3- Æ 14NH4+ + 7CO2 -1864 - 3 Æ 30 Fe2+ 2 + 7 CO Benzoate + 30 Fe3+ 2 -303 303 Benzoate + SO42- Æ 7CO2 + 3.75HS- -185 Benzoate + So Æ 7CO2 + 15HS22/06/2008 WBL -36 Thauer et al. 1977 25 Biodegradation ¾ Hydrolysis [ + H2O ] ¾ Oxidation [ + O2 ] ¾ Reduction [ + e- ] ¾ Sy Synthesis es s [ + Functional u c o a G Groups oups] 22/06/2008 WBL 26 13 Biotic Pathway: Hydrolysis ¾ Extracellular, possibly not compound specific ¾ Ether hydrolysis ¾ R-C-O-C-R R C O C R + H2O R-C-OH R C OH + HO HO-C-R CR ¾ Ester hydrolysis (Chlorpropham) R-C-OH + HO-C=O ¾ R-C-O-C=O + H2O ¾ Phosphate ester hydrolysis (Parathion) ¾ R-C-O-P=O + H2O R-C-OH + HO-P=O ¾ Amide hydrolysis (Propanil) ¾ R-N-C=O + H2O O=C-OH + H-N-R ¾ Hydrolytic dehalogenation (PCP) ¾ R-C-CL + H2O -C-OH + HCl 22/06/2008 WBL 27 Biotic Pathway: Oxidation ¾Key to xenobiotic detoxification and subsequent b t mineralization i li ti th through h oxidation: ¾Presence of molecular oxygen ¾Presence of selected aerobic or facultative aerobic microbial groups (fungi or bacteria) ¾Aromatic rings without functional groups ¾Benzene, toluene, naphthalene 22/06/2008 WBL 28 14 Biotic Pathway: Oxidation Benzene H2O OH + O2 H2O OH OH + O2 Monooxygenase Monooxygenase + O2 Dioxygenase COOH COOH CO2 + H2O Muconic Acid 22/06/2008 WBL 29 Biotic Pathway: Reduction ¾ Reductive dechlorination ¾ (TCE, (TCE PCB PCB, PCP) ¾ Reduction of the aromatic ring ¾ (BTEX) 6 H+ + 6 e¾ Reduction of the Nitro group ¾ (Parathion) ¾ R-C-NO2 + 6H+ + 6e22/06/2008 WBL C-C-NH2 30 15 Reductive Dechlorination OH Cl Cl Cl Cl OH H++ 2e- H++ 2e- OH Cl H H Cl- Cl Cl Cl- Cl Cl Cl H Cl Cl ¾ Sequential replacement of Cl- ions with H atoms ¾ Usually results in accumulation of toxic intermediates ¾ Promoted under highly reducing conditions (low redox potential) and high microbial activity 22/06/2008 WBL 31 Acetate Oxidation with Different Electron Acceptors Go’ Electron acceptor ATP (kJ/ mol Ac) (mol/mol Ac) 22/06/2008 O2 / H2O -858 28 PCP / TeCP -557 18 NO3 - / NO2- -556 18 SO4 2- / HS- -56 2 WBL 32 16 Reductive Dechlorination of PCP in Methanogenic Everglades Soils PCP 345 TCP 35 DCP 1 0.8 345 TCP 0.6 PCP 35 DCP 0.4 0.2 0 0 20 40 60 80 Time, days 22/06/2008 WBL 33 Reductive Dechlorination by Anaerobic Microorganisms [Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)] Van Dort and Bedard, 1991; Appl. Environ. Micro. 57:1576-1578 Rela ative Mole Fraction 100 80 235-CB 60 26-CB 40 20 0 22/06/2008 2356-CB 25-CB 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 Incubation time (weeks) WBL 34 17 Biotic Pathway: Reduction NH2 NO2 + 6 e- + 6 H+ + H2O OH OH p-nitrophenol it h l p-aminophenol i h l 22/06/2008 WBL 35 Anaerobic Degradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene [TNT] Boopathy et al. 1993 Water Environ. Res. 65:272-275 120 No electron acceptors TNT (ppm) 100 80 Sulfate Reducing 60 H2 : CO2 40 20 Nitrate Reducing 0 0 22/06/2008 10 20 30 Time (days) WBL 40 50 36 18 Fate Processes of Chlorophenols in Soil ¾Microbial transformations ¾Reductive dechlorination ¾Aerobic catabolism Sorption/ Desorption ¾Sorption Aerobic Catabolism PCPaq PCP s CO2 Reductive Dechlorination Aerobic Catabolism CPaq 22/06/2008 WBL 37 Coupled Anaerobic Anaerobic--Aerobic PCP Degradation OH OH Cl Cl Cl Cl Anaerobic: Cl- removal Cl H H H Cl Cl PCP DCP OH H H CO2 + H2O + 2Cl- + O2 Aerobic: Cl- removal and ring cleavage H 22/06/2008 Cl Cl WBL 38 19 Biotic Pathway: Polymerization ¾ Oxidative coupling under aerobic conditions ¾Recalcitrant humic-like humic like polymers polymers. Example TNT CH3 NO2 NO2 toxic, mutagenic NO2 NO2 N N NO2 NO2 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene NO2 2,2’,6,6’-tetranitro-4.4’-azoxytoluene Field et al. 1995. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 67:47-77 22/06/2008 WBL 39 Biotic Pathway: Polymerization OH OH Cl Cl OH O Cl O Cl 2, 4-dichlorophenol Cl Cl 2,3,7,8-dibenzo-p-dioxin Field et al. 1995. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 67:47-77 22/06/2008 WBL 40 20 Case Study: Lake Apopka • 1940’s marshes of lake Apopka drained f agricultural for i lt l use (19 (19,000 000 acres)) • 1950-1990 extensive eutrophication and numerous fish / alligator kills • 1992 alligator / turtle population crash – Reproduction problems problems, gender defintion – 1980 Dicofol spill (90% gator die-off) Lake Apopka Marsh 22/06/2008 WBL 42 21 Case Study: Lake Apopka • 1997 muck farm buy out by state ($100m) • 1998 marsh restoration and reflooding begins (July) • November 1998 massive wading bird kill on Apopka with dispersion (est. 1000+ birds) • Necropsy found DDT, Diedrin, Toxaphene Contaminant Exposures and Potential Effects on Health and Endocrine Status for Alligators in the Greater Everglades Ecosystem Source: Wiebe et al (2003) 22 Xenobiotics in Wetlands ¾ Sources and examples ¾ Aerobic-Anaerobic A bi A bi iinterfaces t f ¾ Fate dictated by partitioning ¾ Abiotic pathways ¾Sorption, photolysis, volatilization ¾ Biotic pathways ¾Hydrolosis Oxidation ¾Hydrolosis, Oxidation, Reduction Reduction, Synthesis ¾Mediated by microbial consortia ¾Biogeohemical controls ¾Environmental controls 22/06/2008 WBL 45 23