–nitrogen in the Regional hybrid geospatial modeling of soil nitrate
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–nitrogen in the Regional hybrid geospatial modeling of soil nitrate
+ MODEL ARTICLE IN PRESS Geoderma xx (2006) xxx – xxx www.elsevier.com/locate/geoderma Regional hybrid geospatial modeling of soil nitrate–nitrogen in the Santa Fe River Watershed S. Lamsal, S. Grunwald ⁎, G.L. Bruland, C.M. Bliss, N.B. Comerford Soil and Water Science Department, IFAS, University of Florida, 2169 McCarty Hall; PO Box 110290, Gainesville FL, 32611, USA Received 1 July 2005; received in revised form 29 November 2005; accepted 27 December 2005 Abstract Typically, regional assessment of the spatial variability and distribution of environmental properties are constrained by sparse field observations that are costly and labor intensive. We adopted a hybrid geospatial modeling approach that combined sparsely measured soil NO3–N observations collected in three seasons (Sept. 2003, Jan. and May 2004) with dense auxiliary environmental datasets to predict NO3–N within the Santa Fe River Watershed (3585 km2) in north-east Florida. Elevated nitrate–nitrogen concentrations have been found in this watershed in spring, surface and ground water. We collected soil samples at four depths (0– 30, 30–60, 60–120, 120–180cm) based on a random-stratified sampling design. Classification and regression trees were used to develop trend models for soil NO3–N predictions based on environmental correlation and predict values at the watershed scale. Residuals were spatially autocorrelated only for the Jan. 2004 sampling and regression kriging was used to combine the kriged residuals with tree-based trend estimates for this event. At each step of the upscaling process, error assessment provided important information about the uncertainty of predictions, which was lowest for the Jan. sampling event. Sites that showed consistently high NO3–N values throughout the cropping season (Jan–May 2004) with values ≤5 μg g− 1 covered 95.7% (3363.9 km2) of the watershed. Values in the 5–10 μg g− 1 range covered 4.3% (150.7km2), while values exceeding 10μg g− 1 covered only 0.59% (20.7 km2) of the watershed. Elevated soil NO3–N on karst, unconfined areas with sand-rich soils, or in close proximity to streams and water bodies pose the greatest risk for accelerated nitrate leaching contributing to elevated nitrogen found in spring, surface and ground water in the watershed. This approach is transferable to other land resource problems that require the upscaling of sparse site-specific data to large watersheds. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Nitrate–nitrogen; Geospatial; Classification and regression trees; Regression kriging 1. Introduction Typically, regional assessment of the spatial variability and distribution of soil properties are constrained by sparse field observations that are costly and labor intensive. Therefore, hybrid modeling techniques have ⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 352 392 1951x204; fax: +1 352 392 3902. E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Grunwald). been proposed to combine sparsely sampled field data with dense auxiliary environmental datasets to predict soil properties at regional scale (Goovaerts, 1999; McBratney et al., 2000; van Meirvenne and van Cleemput, 2005). Commonly, regression modeling is used to characterize relationships between environmental variables whereas geospatial analysis is focused on the interpretation of soil-landscape variability. Least squares linear regression and multiple regressions are among the most commonly used analytical techniques 0016-7061/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2005.12.009 GEODER-02541; No of Pages 15 ARTICLE IN PRESS 2 S. Lamsal et al. / Geoderma xx (2006) xxx–xxx of ecologists and soil scientists (Trexler and Travis, 1993). Linear models are associated with assumptions about the statistical distribution of a response variable, the form of variance structure and the independence of observations which are often difficult to meet with environmental data (James et al., 2004). Furthermore, environmental datasets are often complex and unbalanced with non-linear relationships that vary in space and time. Therefore, linear regression models often fail to effectively describe landscape pattern to address environmental issues. Numerous studies employed multivariate non-linear methods to interpret environmental behavior and model the spatial distribution of environmental properties. Odeh et al. (1995), McBratney et al. (2000) and Hengl et al. (2004) used a suite of different environmental variables such as soil, land use, topographic and other landscape properties to predict target soil variables. These studies were rooted in the conceptual framework called SCORPAN described by McBratney et al. (2003). Grunwald and Lamsal (2005) provided an overview over mapping techniques to collect environmental data that can be included in a SCORPAN model. McBratney et al. (2000) compared 24 different univariate and multivariate statistical, geostatistical and hybrid models at field, sub-catchment and regional scales and found that hybrid techniques outperformed all other methods at all scales. Hybrid models have the ability to mix deterministic and stochastic components, link data collected at different spatial scales, and integrate sparse point datasets (e.g. soil samples) with exhaustively measured environmental datasets (e.g. digital elevation model—DEM, satellite imagery). Bishop and McBratney (2001) argued that models that incorporate secondary data (e.g. regression kriging— RK) are superior in terms of their prediction performance to generic geostatistical models such as ordinary kriging. The performance of regression kriging was found to be superior when compared to other prediction methods by Odeh et al. (1995), Knotters et al. (1995), Odeh and McBratney (2000), Hengl et al. (2004) and Triantafilis et al. (2001) to predict a variety of different soil properties. To address elevated nitrogen values found in the Santa Fe River Watershed (SFRW) we present a case study that uses land uses, soils, and landscape characteristics in a multi-tier geospatial hybrid approach to model seasonal and regional patterns of soil NO3–N. Increasing concentrations of NO3–N were found in the ground, spring and surface water of the Suwannee Basin in north-east Florida (Hornsby et al., 2001). The SFRW is one of the tributaries of the Suwannee River and has greatly contributed to the NO3–N loads delivered by the Suwannee River to the Gulf of Mexico (Hornsby et al., 2002). The watershed covers 3585 km2 (13.8 %) of the Suwannee Basin but contributed 20% of the total NO3–N loads that drained from the Suwannee Basin into the Gulf of Mexico accounting for about 2900 tons NO3–N (Suwannee River Water Management District, 2003). Our objectives were to upscale site-specific NO3–N measurements to the watershed scale using a mixed modeling approach based on environmental correlation and geostatistical modeling. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Study area The SFRW, a tributary of the Suwannee Basin that drains into the Gulf of Mexico, spans over an area of approximately 3585 km2 across eight counties in northeast Florida (Fig. 1). The soils of the SFRW are predominantly sandy in texture with loamy to clayey deposits, organics and sites with sand hill karst terrain with many solution basins. Ultisols with 36.7% aerial coverage, Spodosols (25.8%), and Entisols (14.7%) are the dominant soil orders in the watershed. Less prominent are Histosols (2.0%), Inceptisols (1.1%), and Alfisols (1.0%). Land use consists of pine plantation (32.2%), wetlands (16.2%), upland forest (14.7%), improved pasture (14.0%), urban (8.8%), forest regeneration (6.0%), crops (5.0%), rangeland (3.7%) and a variety of high intensity land uses such as tree groves, dairies, and feeding operations (SRWMD and SJWMD, 1995). Agricultural land uses in the watershed are diverse, ranging from corn, peanuts, tobacco, vegetables, watermelons, strawberries, blueberries, and pecans. The elevation ranges from around 3 m to over 91 m above mean sea level. Generally, the land is level (0–2% slopes) to gently sloping and undulating (0–5% slopes), with the major exception to this pattern being the moderately and strongly sloping land (5–12% slopes) along the Cody Scarp. Two main physiographic regions in the watershed are the Gulf Coastal Lowlands and the Northern Highlands, which are separated from one another by the Cody Scarp (Schmidt, 1997). Underlying geologic units include Eocene limestone (which occurs near the ground surface in the highrecharge, strongly karst-influenced Gulf Coastal Lowlands), capped by Miocene sediments which tend to be rather clayey and phosphatic (occurring at or near the surface along the Cody Scarp), in turn capped by Pliocene and Pleistocene–Holocene sediments which tend to be sandy at the surface but having loamy subsoils ARTICLE IN PRESS S. Lamsal et al. / Geoderma xx (2006) xxx–xxx 3 Fig. 1. The Santa Fe River Watershed in north-east Florida. The enlarged watershed (right) shows the boundary of the eight counties with sampling locations (May 2004 event). or substrate at varying depths (Randazzo and Jones, 1997; Brown et al., 1990). Based on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) records at seven monitoring stations across the watershed, the total precipitation was 680.7 mm in Sept. 2003, 274.3 mm in Jan. 2004 and 231.4 mm in May 2004 representing “wet/end of cropping season” (Sept.), “dry winter season” (Jan.) and “dry spring season” (May), respectively. The mean annual precipitation based on 30 years of records from 1971 to 2000 across the watershed was 1334 mm and the mean annual temperature 20.4 °C (National Climatic Data Center, NOAA). selected privately owned land. Therefore, the number of samples collected varied slightly by season and depth (Table 1). The samples were extracted with 2 M KCl (Keeney and Nelson, 1982) and the extraction solution was analyzed for NO3–N content and expressed in μg g− 1 of dry soil. Detection limits were 0.05 ppm NO3–N. Samples below the detection limit were assigned the mean value derived from averaging the lowest observed value in the respective sampling event and Null. Profile average NO3–N values (za) were derived according to Eq. (1): 4 X zðxi Þ⁎di 2.2. Field data collection za ¼ We selected 151 sampling locations using a stratified-random sampling design targeted to areas with land use–soil combinations proportional to their aerial extent and other land uses (e.g. tree groves) that were expected to show high NO3–N in soils according to expertknowledge from experienced local extension specialists (personal communication Dr. M.W. Clark). Soil samples were collected during Sept. 2003, Jan. 2004 and May 2004 from four depth increments (0–30, 30–60, 60–120 and 120–180 cm) in composites proportional to the depth of sampling to ensure a constant sampling support for each layer increment. Composite soil samples from each site lumped the local variability of soil properties providing a local signature of average site conditions. Not all sampling depths could be sampled due to field conditions (e.g. high water table during rainy season) or due to lack in receiving sampling permissions on i¼1 4 X ð1Þ di i¼1 where, z(xi) is the measured NO3–N in μg g− 1 soil at sampling sites (xi) for the ith layer (i = 1, 2, 3 and 4) and di is the thickness in cm of the ith layer. Table 1 Number of samples for three sampling events Sampling time Soil layers Layer 1 (0–30cm) Layer 2 (30–60cm) Sept., 2003 Jan., 2004 May, 2004 101 101 89 59 123 122 116 103 128 128 125 122 Layer 3 (60–120cm) Layer 4 (120–180cm) ARTICLE IN PRESS 4 S. Lamsal et al. / Geoderma xx (2006) xxx–xxx 2.3. Spatial datasets A comprehensive suite of soil-landscape and environmental predictor variables were assembled using Table 2 Summary of predictor variables used for CART modeling Soil-landscape and environmental attributes Soil data: a • Taxonomic data: Soil order, suborder, great group; subgroup, component name • Soil properties: Available water capacity low (AWCL) (cm/cm), available water capacity high (AWCH) (cm/cm), surface texture, water table depth (cm), drainage class, hydric/non-hydric, b clay class, c depth to clay (cm), d bulk density (g cm− 3), e organic matter (%),e spodic horizonb Climate data: f • Precipitation amount sampling month (mm) • Precipitation amount previous 3 sampling months (mm) • Precipitation amount previous 12 sampling months (mm) Land cover/land use/landscape data: • Landsat ETM+ 7 spectral bands—local pixel value g • Landsat ETM+ 7 spectral bands—mean within 3 × 3 and 10 × 10 window g • Landsat ETM+ 7 spectral bands—std. dev. within 3 × 3 and 10 × 10 window g • Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) g h • Land use class (2003) i • Majority land use within 3 × 3 windowi • Land use change class j [agricultural/non-agricultural] (period: 1990–2003) • Population density k • Physiographic division l • Ecoregion m Topographic data: • Elevation (m)—local pixel value n • Elevation (m)—3 × 3 windown • Slope (percentage)—local pixel value n, o • Slope (percentage)—3 × 3 window n, o • Upslope drainage area value (m2) n, o • Upslope drainage area class n, o, p • Compound topographic index (CTI)—local pixel value n, o, q • CTI within 3 × 3 window n, o, q • Distance to stream value (m) r • Distance to stream classr Geologic data: s • Environmental geology • Floridian aquifer drastic index • Intermediate aquifer drastic index • Surficial aquifer drastic index Geographic data: t • x coordinates (m) • y coordinates (m) • xy coordinates • Squared xy coordinates local and focal geographic information system (GIS) methods (Table 2). We derived soil attributes from the Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) using ArcGIS version 9.0 (Environmental System Research Institute, Redlands, CA) including taxonomic (e.g. soil order, suborder) and soil characteristics such as available water capacity, bulk density and organic matter content. We gathered precipitation data for the sampling month (e.g. Sept. 2003), the past three months of sampling (e.g. June–August for the September 2003 sampling event) and average annual precipitation for the watershed from NOAA. Spectral reflectance data (digital numbers—DN) were derived from Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) satellite images. In order to account for the dominant signature and variability in the proximity of sampling locations, the mean and standard deviation of the band reflectance values were calculated using moving window neighborhoods of 3 × 3 pixels representing a neighborhood of 8100 m2 and 10 × 10 pixels corresponding to a neighborhood of size 90,000 m2, respectively. Land use data were derived from a supervised classification of Landsat ETM+ 2003 imagery with an overall classification a Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO), Natural Resources Conservation Service–U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. b Presence (1) or absence (0) of soil property. c Three clay classes corresponding to the clay content in the soil profile: 1 = sand, sandy loam, loamy sand, fine sand; 2 = sandy clay loam; and 3 = clay. d Depth to clay—four categories corresponding to depth at which clay layer was encountered. 1 = clay layer within 50cm of the soil surface; 2 = clay layer within 100cm of the soil surface; 3 = clay layer within 200cm of the soil surface; and 4 = no clay layer in the soil profile. e Depth averaged value within soil profile. f National Climatic Data Center. g Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) satellite image (Febr. 13th, 2003). h Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) (Jensen, 1996). i Seven land use classes (Sabesan, 2004). j Nine land use change classes based on agriculture and nonagriculture land uses from 1990, 2000 to 2003 (Sabesan, 2004). k U.S. Census Bureau (http://www.census.gov/main/www/cen2000. html). l St. Johns River Water Management District. m World Wildlife Fund. n National Elevation Dataset (NED) U.S. Geological Survey. o Derived topographic attributed from NED. p Five classes based on the size of upslope drainage area: A ≤ 1800, B 1800–3600, C 3600–5400, D 5400–9000, E >9000m2. q Compound topographic index (Wilson and Gallant, 2000). r Euclidean distance from sampling site to closest stream. s Florida Dept. of Environment Protection (1998). t Geographic coordinates of sampling sites in meters (Albers Equal Area Conic map projection). ARTICLE IN PRESS S. Lamsal et al. / Geoderma xx (2006) xxx–xxx accuracy of 82% (Sabesan, 2004). Demographic data (e.g. population density) that served as a proxy representing anthropogenic induced impact in the SFRW were derived from U.S. Census data (http:// www.census.gov/main/www/cen2000.html). We used the National Elevation Dataset (NED) with a pixel resolution of 30 m to delineate multiple secondary topographic attributes including slope, upslope drainage area, and compound topographic index (CTI) using the ArcHydro extension of ArcGIS. We used geologic datasets developed by the Florida Department of Environment Protection such as the Drastic Index that was derived as a weighting average using the following variables: (i) Depth to water, (ii) Net recharge, (iii) Aquifer media, (iv) Soil media, (v) Topography, (vi) Impact of the vadose zone, and (vii) Hydraulic conductivity (Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection, 1998). Other landscape metrics included the distance of each pixel in the watershed to the closest streams and the geographic coordinates (x and y coordinates). 2.4. Upscaling methods Regional predictions of soil NO3–N across the SFRW were conducted separately for each sampling event using field observations and a set of environmental spatial variables summarized in Table 2. The upscaling procedure followed the following basic assumptions that the prediction of a variable Ẑ (xi) at an unvisited location (xi) is made by summing three components that describe the spatial variation of an environmental variable (Matheron, 1965) (Eq. (2)). Z ̂ðxi Þ ¼ mðxi Þ þ eðxi Þ þ e V ð2Þ where, Ẑ(xi) is the predicted value at location xi, m(xi) is the trend/drift for the region (or the structural component); ε is a stochastic, locally varying but spatially dependent residual from m(xi) known as the variation of the regionalized variable, and ε′ is a residual error term (spatially independent noise term). To describe m(xi) we used Classification and Regression Trees (CART) relating za to environmental datasets summarized in Table 2. Classification and Regression Trees are statistical data mining procedures that were introduced by Breiman et al. (1984). Treebased modeling is suited for the analysis of complex environmental datasets that require flexible and robust analytical methods to deal with nonlinear relationships, high order interactions and missing values (DeAth and Fabricius, 2000). The CART methodology is based on 5 binary recursive partitioning; binary because parent nodes are always split into exactly two child nodes and recursive because the process can be repeated by treating each child node as a parent node. Classification and Regression Trees use either categorical or continuous data types which predict the data class (classification tree) or the data values (regression tree). Optimized splitting rules are identified at each level of the tree. The goal of regression tree models is to partition the data into relatively homogenous (low deviation) terminal nodes, and the mean of the values in each node is the predicted value for that node. The errors from the classification tree model are expressed with two measures of relative cost (Breiman et al., 1984): (i) V-fold validation relative cost which sets aside independent cases that are used to evaluate tree predictions, and (ii) resubstitution relative cost, which is computed using the same data used to train/develop the tree. We used the CART software package (Salford Systems, San Diego, CA) to test a variety of tree models. Trees were pruned to optimize the tree models for each soil sampling event separately. Our goal was to identify parsimonious trees that included environmental variables with large power to predict soil NO3–N. We adopted the concept of minimal costcomplexity measure that is derived using the resubstitution misclassification rate and a penalty imposed per each additional terminal node to optimize trees (Breiman et al., 1984). We calculated the resubstitution relative cost and used V-fold validation with a 90% to 10% split between model and validation datasets. For each of the three sampling events, a tree was built and the environmental predictor variables and splitting rules identified which were subsequently used to predict soil NO3–N across the SFRW representing the deterministic trend component of Eq. (2). At each sampling location the residuals were derived by subtracting the tree-derived trend model from the soil NO3–N observations according to the procedure outlined in Fig. 2. The Moran's Index and semivariogram models were used to test the residuals for spatial autocorrelation (Moran, 1948). The Moran's index (I) is calculated according to Eq. (3) (compare Goodchild, 1986): XX XX I¼ wij ½ðzi −z̄ Þðzj −z̄ Þ=s wij ð3Þ i j i j where zi and zj refer to attribute values measured at different locations i and j, z̄ denotes the mean of the attribute value, s is the sample variance, and the wij term represents the spatial proximity (or similarity) of i's and j's locations, with wii = 0 for all i and wjj = 0 ARTICLE IN PRESS 6 S. Lamsal et al. / Geoderma xx (2006) xxx–xxx Fig. 2. Flow diagram summarizing our adopted methodology for regression-kriging. for all j. The Moran index values that are positive spatial autocorrelation, whereas Moran index values smaller than 1 indicate independent, dissimilar attribute values. We found that the residuals of only one sampling event (January 2004) were spatially autocorrelated. For these spatially autocorrelated residuals a semivariogram was generated and ordinary kriging used to generate soil NO3–N residual predictions. According to Eq. (2) the residuals were added to the trend component to create the final output map showing the predicted spatial distribution of soil NO3–N. This procedure resembles regression kriging as outlined by Odeh et al. (1995) (called “model C—RK”) and Hengl et al. (2004). The advantage of adopting a hybrid modeling approach is that kriging of regression residuals may improve the prediction performance compared to the performance when kriging or regression is done solely. While the regression model predicts the trend component across the area for which the explanatory variables are available, residuals are restricted to the region for which stationarity of the residuals can be assumed. Regression kriging is a hybrid technique that combines a multi-linear regression model (or Regression Tree or Generalized Linear Model) with kriging of the regression residuals (Odeh et al., 1995; Goovaerts, 1997). This method is based on the assumption that the deterministic component of the target (soil) variable is accounted for by the regression model, while the model residuals represent the spatially dependent component. Spatial modeling and upscaling were conducted using the ISATIS software (Geovariances Americas Inc., Houston, TX) and visualizations in ArcGIS 9.0 (ESRI, Redlands, CA). The prediction quality consists of two components: map precision that measures the residual variability in prediction, and map accuracy that measures the closeness of the predictions to true conditions (Mueller et al., 2001). We used the following error measures (Mueller et al., 2001; Schloeder et al., 2001; Webster and Oliver, 2001; Erxleben et al., 2002): (i) Mean Prediction Error (MPE) to assess the systematic error of the model; Mean Absolute Error (MAE) that is indicative of the most accurate global or large-scale estimates; Mean Square Error (MSE) that is more sensitive to outliers than the MPE; Precision which is the inverse of the variance; and the G value which measures how effective a prediction might be relative to that which could have been derived by using the sample mean. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. The NO3–N dataset—exploratory data analysis Statistical properties for the depth averaged soil NO3–N content at the different sampling events are summarized in Table 3. Variations in soil NO3–N in different seasons were due to land use management practices (e.g. fertilizer applications), crop growth, climatic conditions, nitrogen cycling and leaching. The mean NO3–N was highest in Jan. 2004 with 4.1 μg g− 1 ARTICLE IN PRESS S. Lamsal et al. / Geoderma xx (2006) xxx–xxx Table 3 Statistical properties of profile averaged soil NO3–N (μg g− 1) for different seasons Statistics Sept. 2003 Jan. 2004 May 2004 Number of observations Mean Standard error of the mean 95 % confidence of mean — Lower — Upper Median Min. Max. Standard deviation Skewness Kurtosis 101 0.70 0.13 0.45 123 4.09 1.45 1.22 128 1.17 0.24 0.69 0.97 0.23 0.05 6.54 1.31 2.77 7.59 6.96 0.11 0.06 103.71 16.09 4.91 25.36 1.64 0.29 0.05 19.92 2.74 4.37 22.30 followed by May 2004 with 1.2 μg g− 1 and Sept. 2003 with 0.7μg g− 1. The low NO3–N content during Sept. 2003 could be attributed to the influence of precipitation. High rainfall during the rainy season, with 600 mm from June–Aug. 2003, favored leaching losses of NO3– N from soils. The highest NO3–N values with a maximum of 103.7 μg g− 1 encountered in Jan. 2004 were attributed to fertilization of crops and pastures, low plant uptake as well as low microbial immobilization and nitrification during the winter period. Similar results were found in two other studies that documented the impact of fertilization on soil NO3–N (Pérez et al., 2003) and NO3–N leaching due to rainfall–runoff events (Guo et al., 2001). 7 All events showed positively skewed NO3–N distributions with many measurements below the detection limit (BDL). It is a common phenomenon that environmental datasets show many more low observed values and fewer high values. For example, Johnson et al. (2003) observed positively skewed distribution of NO3–N content in 19 ground water monitoring wells with values ranging from BDL of 0.10 up to 350.0 mg L− 1 with a median concentration of 2.0 mg L− 1. The soil NO3–N content by land use was diverse showing high mean values in crops with 2.0μg g− 1 (Sept. 2003), 26.9μg g− 1 (Jan. 2004) and 3.5 μg g− 1 (May 2004). Improved pasture showed mean NO3–N of 1.2 (Sept. 2003), 11.4 (Jan. 2004) and 2.9 (May 2004) μg g− 1 . Soil nitrate–nitrogen values in this study were similar to other studies conducted on comparable soils in Florida (Woodard et al., 2002). Throughout all sampling events, pine plantations showed low NO3–N measurements with means of 0.2 μg g− 1. These low values are typical for a Florida forest ecosystem with tight cycling of nitrogen and low fertilizer input that may only apply 50kg N ha− 1 once in the first 5 years (forest regeneration phase) and as much as 200kg N ha− 1 once during the following 15 years (N. B. Comerford personal. communication, 2005). Low soil NO3–N values were also found in wetlands, with means of 0.3μg g− 1 (Sept. 2003), 0.1 μg g− 1 (Jan. 2004) and 0.5μg g− 1 (May 2004), respectively. The low NO3– N concentrations in wetlands are assumed to be due to denitrification as well as mixing of water from the river Fig. 3. Classification tree model of soil nitrate–nitrogen (NO3–N) for the Sept. 2003 event. The non-terminal nodes contain the node number and number of predicted sites. The terminal nodes (TN) are shown in bold and contain terminal node number, the number of data (N) and the predicted class. ARTICLE IN PRESS 8 S. Lamsal et al. / Geoderma xx (2006) xxx–xxx Table 4 Variable splitting criteria for the classification tree to predict NO3–N classes (Sept. 2003) Node Splitting number variable 1 2 3 Splitting criteria Routing to left child node Land use Agriculture, rangeland Physiographic High flatwoods, divisions Lake city karst, lower, mcalpin plain Soil order Alfisols, Inceptisols, Ultisols Routing to right child node Pine plantation, upland forest, urban, wetland Bell sand hills and willford flats, Haile limestone plain, lake city ridge, newberry sand hills, perched lakes and prairies, pose creek scarp, san felasco hammock, trail ridge Entisols, Histosols, Spodosols riverbed and terrace deposits was accounted for by denitrification and the rest by mixing of river and floodplain water. The chronological assessment using age dating techniques made by Katz et al. (2001) have shown that the NO3–N concentrations of springs of the Suwannee River Basin have responded to increased nitrogen loads from various sources in the basin in the order of decades. Long term trends of NO3–N in the basin showed that the increasing NO3–N concentrations in spring waters followed the steady increase in fertilizer use (Katz et al., 1999). Katz (2004) found that inorganic fertilizers (agricultural land use) were the dominant source of nitrogen in spring waters in the Suwannee River Basin based on δ15N isotope tracers. Our study confirmed that land use is closely related to soil NO3–N. 3.2. Regional predictions of soil NO3–N and groundwater by water level fluctuations. In a comparative study, McMahon and Böhlke (1996) showed that the median NO3–N concentration in groundwater from adjacent floodplain deposits (468 μmol L− 1 ) and riverbed sediments (461μmol L− 1) were lower than the median concentration in the terrace deposits (1857 μmol L− 1). Authors estimated that 15–30% of the difference between floodplain/ We calculated Moran's indices and semivariograms using observed soil NO3–N values for each sampling event, but no spatial autocorrelation was found. Because all three seasonal soil datasets showed spatially independent observations, we proceeded with relating environmental datasets to soil NO3–N measurements to generate trend models using CART. Fig. 4. Regression tree model of NO3–N for Jan. (a) and May (b) 2004 sampling events. ARTICLE IN PRESS S. Lamsal et al. / Geoderma xx (2006) xxx–xxx 9 Table 5 Variable splitting criteria for regression tree model for Jan. 2004 Table 7 Relative cost of classification tree model for Sept. 2003 sampling event Node Class No. of observations Error method Misclassified counts Cost measure A 30 B 20 C 26 D 25 Resubstitution Validation Resubstitution Validation Resubstitution Validation Resubstitution Validation 17 20 3 11 4 11 6 14 0.567 0.667 0.150 0.550 0.154 0.423 0.240 0.560 1 2 3 Splitting variable Band 4 reflectance Land use Available water capacity low (AWCL) Splitting criteria Routing to the left node Routing to the right node ≤113.5 Pine plantation, upland forest, urban, wetland ≤0.025 >113.5 Agriculture, rangeland >0.025 3.2.1. Classification tree model—Sept. 2003 sampling event The regression tree model of Sept. 2003 produced only 2 nodes, suggesting that (i) either the NO3–N distribution could not be predicted based on the selected predictor variables, (ii) the size of the dataset was too small to build a predictive tree, or (iii) the range of the target soil variable values was too small as soil NO3–N was relatively homogenous throughout the watershed. To optimize tree-based predictions, a classification tree Table 6 Variable splitting criteria for regression tree model for the May 2004 event Node Splitting variable Splitting criteria Routing to left child node Routing to right child node Pine plantation, rangeland, urban, wetland ≤14.0 Agriculture 1 Land use 2 Mean compound topographic index (CTI) 3 × 3 window Component name Arredondo, Bigbee, Bivans, Blanton, Blichton, Bonneau, Chiefland, Dorovan, Fluvaquents, Kendrick, Kershaw, Lake, Lakeland, Leon, Lochloosa, Lynn Haven, Mascotte, Millhopper, Monteocha, Myakka, Neilhurst, Newnan, Ocilla, Oleno, Penney, Plummer, Pomona, Ridgewood, Sapelo, Sparr, Tavares, Wauchula, Zolfo Band 7 avg. ≤113.5 reflectance in 10 × 10 window 3 4 >14.0 Albany, Chipley, Pelham was built to predict the four quartile classes of NO3–N: class A (≤ 0.01μg g− 1), B (0.01–0.23 μg g− 1), C (0.23– 0.56 μg g− 1) and D (≥ 0.56 μg g− 1). The optimum tree (Fig. 3) consisted of four nodes using land use, physiographic divisions and soil orders as predictor variables with different splitting criteria (Table 4). 3.2.2. Regression tree model—Jan. and May 2004 sampling events The optimal regression tree models for the Jan. and May soil sampling events are shown in Fig. 4(a) and (b) and their splitting criteria are summarized in Tables 5 and 6, respectively. The Jan. model had 4 predicted values of NO3–N, while the May model had 5 values. The seasonal regression tree models used different sets of environmental variables to predict NO3–N for sampling events reflecting different seasonal patterns. In Jan., spectral reflectance (band 4), land use and available water capacity (low) were used as predictor variables (Fig. 4). According to Lillesand and Kiefer (2000) band 4 (0.76–0.90 μm near-infrared) absorbs reflectance from healthy green vegetation and is commonly used to estimate biomass. This band emphasizes soil–crop and land–water contrasts (Jensen, 1996). In May 2004, predictor variables included land use, mean compound topographic index within a local Table 8 Errors associated with different sized regression tree models for the Jan. 2004 sampling campaign No. of nodes Validation relative error Resubstitution relative error 7 6 5 4a 2 1 >113.5 0.89 ± 0.26 0.89 ± 0.26 0.89 ± 0.26 0.86 ± 0.25 1.13 ± 0.16 1.01 ± 0.00 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.47 0.71 1.00 The mean and variance associated with one node tree were 1.47 and 24.56, respectively. a The optimal tree model. ARTICLE IN PRESS 10 S. Lamsal et al. / Geoderma xx (2006) xxx–xxx Table 9 Errors associated with different sized regression tree models for the May 2004 sampling campaign No. of nodes Validation relative error Resubstitution relative error 7 6 5a 4 2 1 0.59 ± 0.21 0.55 ± 0.19 0.51 ± 0.18 0.52 ± 0.18 0.85 ± 0.07 1.01 ± 0.00 0.08 0.10 0.14 0.20 0.34 1.00 The mean and variance associated with one node tree were 1.67 and 7.43, respectively. a The optimal tree model. neighborhood of 3 × 3 pixels, the main component soils and mean reflectance band 7 within a 10 × 10 pixel neighborhood (Fig. 4b). Band 7 has a spectral resolution from 2.08 to 2.35 μm representing the mid-infrared range and is important to discriminate geologic rock formations (Jensen, 1996). Though band 7 showed a statistical relationship to soil NO3–N, it has less meaning to describe nitrogen cycling or leaching behavior. Land use was consistently used as a predictor variable in all three tree models (Sept. 2003, Jan. and May 2004), illustrating the importance of land use management (e.g. fertilizer input), density and structure of vegetation that are likely impacting nitrate leaching. 3.2.3. CART model error The costs associated with the classification tree model are summarized in Table 7. The validation cost measure is considered more rigorous and conservative than the resubstitution cost measure. Class C showed the lowest costs with 0.15 based on resubstitution and 0.42 based on validation indicating the lowest misclassification rate. From an environmental perspective, it is more important to predict high soil NO3–N values (classes C and D) more accurately when compared to lower values (classes A and B) that are closer to “natural” background concentrations. The errors associated with multiple regression tree models for the Jan. 2004 event are summarized in Table 8. We selected the optimum regression tree with 4 nodes (i.e., 3 splitting variables) based on validation results with a minimum variance of 0.86. The simplest tree consisted of a single node, with mean value of 1.47 and variance of 24.56. The errors associated with regression tree models for the May 2004 sampling event are summarized in Table 9. The one node tree model had a mean and variance of 1.17 and 7.43, respectively, and the optimum tree with 5 nodes had a validation relative error of 0.51 and a resubstitution relative error of 0.14. V-fold validation is considered more rigorous than resubstitution to evaluate modeling success. The NO3– N predictions made for the May event are more accurate compared to Jan. predictions according to the validation relative errors (Tables 8 and 9). 3.2.4. Upscaling of the tree model predictions The predicted NO3–N classes for the Sept. 2003 event (Fig. 5) were upscaled to unsampled locations (pixels) across the watershed based on predictor variables in the respective tree model. This model shows the deterministic trend of NO3–N across the watershed. Class D of the Sept. sampling event was solely based on land use (agriculture and rangeland). Predictions of class C were derived from land use and physiographic division whereas classes A and B were Fig. 5. Classification tree predictions of NO3–N for Sept. 2003 upscaled to the watershed scale. The unmapped areas (white) are water bodies. ARTICLE IN PRESS S. Lamsal et al. / Geoderma xx (2006) xxx–xxx distinguished based on soil orders. Class B extended along a NW–SE axis corresponding to the Cody Scarp. Overall, in the western part of the watershed higher NO3–N values dominated (classes C and D) whereas east of the Cody Scarp classes A and C were prominent. Since soil NO3–N observations were relatively low in the Fall season (Sept. 2003), generated patterns of soil NO3–N were relatively homogenous throughout the mixed-use watershed. Predicted NO3–N values for the Jan. and May 2004 events (Fig. 6) were also upscaled to the unsampled locations across the watershed. Both the Jan. and May trend models showed mixed distributions of high and 11 low NO3–N predictions across the watershed. Land use was an important predictor variable in both seasons. Speckled patterns of soil NO3–N were predicted based on sets of environmental variables including land use, spectral data, soil and topographic attributes. Although the predicted values differed for the Jan. and May events, the spatial distributions of high and low values were similar. In general, the predicted higher soil NO3– N values in the western part of the watershed pose a high risk to be leached into the aquifer due to predominantly sand-rich soils that are unconfined coinciding with karst terrain. On the Lowland side of the watershed (west of the Cody Scarp) the Floridian aquifer is unconfined Fig. 6. (a) Regression tree predictions of NO3–N for Jan. and (b) May 2004 upscaled to the watershed scale. ARTICLE IN PRESS 12 S. Lamsal et al. / Geoderma xx (2006) xxx–xxx (Fernald and Purdum, 1998) posing a high risk for soil NO3–N to be leached into the aquifer. Because the Lowland side is also dominated by karst terrain and sand-rich soils potential risks of leaching is higher in the western region than the eastern Highland part of the watershed where the Floridian aquifer system is confined. The Cody Scarp represents the area containing the most mature karst features including artesian springs, steep-sided sinkholes, lakes that periodically drain downward, disappearing and resurgences of streams (Fernald and Purdum, 1998). High soil NO3– N found along the Cody Scarp possibly poses the greatest risk of accelerated nitrate leaching through the vadose zone into the aquifer. The residuals derived from the regression tree model predictions at sampled sites account for the error of the tree model and their error statistics are summarized in Table 10. Error statistics showed smaller MPE, MAE, MSE, and Precision for the May NO3–N trend model compared to the Jan. 2004 model. The G values for both models were high. The Moran's I analysis of the NO3– N residuals for the Jan. 2004 event indicated that there was significant positive autocorrelation with a positive I value of 0.24 at the first distance interval (0–4500m). For all other distance intervals, Moran's I values showed neither significant positive nor negative autocorrelation. Moran's I analysis for the May 2004 event revealed that there was no significant autocorrelation of residuals at any distance intervals indicating that the CART-based trend map provided the best estimate. For the Jan. dataset, a semivariogram model using the residuals was derived by subtracting the trend values from the observed values. A spherical semivariogram model was fitted with the following parameters: range 5000 m, partial sill 9.2 and nugget of 1.8 (Fig. 7). According to Camberdella et al. (1994), there is a strong spatial dependence of the observations if the ratio of nugget to total semivariance is <25%, which was the case for the Jan. soil NO3–N residual dataset but not for the residual May dataset. The interpolated residual Table 10 Error statistics for the regression tree and regression kriging predictions in different seasons Error measures Jan. 2004 Trend model (CART) RK model Trend model (CART) May 2004 MPE MAE MSE Precision G value −0.034 1.129 11.321 11.414 53.900 0.230 0.738 3.043 3.090 82.570 −0.057 0.537 1.053 1.061 85.833 Fig. 7. Experimental (thin line) and fitted (bold line) semivariogram of the NO3–N residuals for Jan sampling event. model was added to the trend model to produce the final NO3–N distribution map for the Jan. sampling campaign (Fig. 8). The addition of kriged residual data corrected for the over- and under-predictions made by the trend model. Cross-validation of soil NO3–N predictions derived via regression kriging showed a MPE of 0.23, indicating that predictions slightly overestimated observed values. Overall, the RK model performed slightly better than the trend model for the Jan. sampling event which was confirmed by a lower MAE, MSE and Precision (Table 10). The G value was higher for the RK model (82.57) when compared to the trend model (53.90), suggesting that the former provided better regional predictions of soil NO3–N across the watershed (Table 10). The G value for the RK model was slightly lower than that for the May predictions which could be attributed to the higher variance in the Jan. NO3–N data compared to the May data. With a given set of predictor variables, it becomes increasingly difficult to predict the target variables when the target variables become more variable. Spatial patterns of soil NO3–N differed among seasons. In Sept., class A covered an area of 11.3%, class B 6.2%, class C 40.4% and class D 42.1%. For the Jan. sampling event, 90.7% of the watershed was predicted to have ≤ 5μg g− 1 soil NO3–N, while 4.2% was predicted to be within 5–10μg g− 1 soil NO3–N, and 5.1% had predicted values ≥ 10 μg g− 1. During the May 2004 sampling event, 81.9% showed soil NO3–N predictions ≤5 μg g− 1 while 14.0% were in the range between 5 and 10μg g− 1 and 4.1% of sites ≥ 10 μg g− 1. Identifying sites that showed consistently high soil NO3–N predictions in different cropping seasons (Jan. and May) may help to provide a stronger signature of “high risk areas” that potentially contribute to excessive nitrate leaching. Sites that showed consistently higher values throughout the cropping season, as represented ARTICLE IN PRESS S. Lamsal et al. / Geoderma xx (2006) xxx–xxx 13 Fig. 8. Predictions derived from regression kriging of NO3–N distribution across the watershed for the Jan. 2004 event (search neighborhood: 1500m). by the Jan and May sampling events, in the predicted 5–10μg g− 1 range covered 4.3% (150.7 km2) of the watershed, while sites exceeding predicted values of 10 μg g− 1 occurred on only 0.59% (20.7 km2) of the watershed. Over 95.7% of the watershed expanding over an area of 3363.9 km2 predicted soil NO3–N were ≤5 μg g− 1 (Jan. and May, 2004). In the western part of the watershed that is characterized by the presence of sinkholes and karst terrain, 93.5% of the area had soil NO3–N predictions ≤ 5μg g− 1, 2.8% within predicted 5–10μg g− 1 and 3.7% exceeding 10 μg g− 1 in Jan. 2004. Katz et al. (2004) pointed out that karst areas in Florida are susceptible to accelerated leaching of NO3–N, allowing for ground water pollution. High soil NO3–N values in close proximity to streams and water bodies pose a greater risk to increase NO3–N in surface waters. We found that only a small area (2.5%) showed soil NO3–N exceeding 10 μg g− 1 within a 500 m buffer of streams and water bodies in Jan 2004 (area of the buffer = 110.8km2). Within the same buffer, 0.2% showed predicted soil NO3–N in the 5–10 μg g− 1 range while 97.3% showed predicted values ≤ 5 μg g− 1. Similarly, the May prediction model showed 2.5%, 8.3% and 89.1% of the buffer zone accounting for > 10, 5–10 and < 5μg g− 1, respectively. 4. Summary and conclusions We adopted a hybrid geospatial modeling approach that combined sparsely measured soil NO3–N observations collected in three seasons (Sept. 2003, Jan. and May 2004) with dense auxiliary environmental datasets to predict NO3–N within the SFRW in northeast Florida. For each season, different sets of environmental variables had predictive power. Based on the relationships between environmental predictor variables and soil NO3–N, we selected season-specific upscaling strategies. The weakest relationships were found for the Sept. 2003 sampling event for which a classification tree provided the best estimate. Stronger relationships between environmental variables, especially land use and soil NO3–N, were found for the Jan. and May 2004 events using regression trees. For the Jan. event we found that soil NO3–N residuals were spatially autocorrelated and therefore proceeded with kriging of the residuals. Overall, NO3–N prediction quality was highest in Jan. and May 2004. At each step of the upscaling process, error assessment provided important information about the uncertainty of predictions. We found that no universal methodology (e.g. CART, RK) was applicable to predict seasonal and regional patterns of soil NO3–N within the SFRW. This might be due to the fact that NO3–N is a highly dynamic soil property that leaches readily and is highly dependent on climate, soil, topography and season-specific land use management. 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