
Entrance and Exit Protocol for English Learners The Michigan Department of Education

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Entrance and Exit Protocol for English Learners The Michigan Department of Education
Entrance and Exit Protocol for
English Learners
The Michigan Department of
Presentation by
Shereen Tabrizi, Michelle
Williams, Maria Silva & Anne
Webinar Protocol
 Please mute your phone *6
 Use the chat box to send questions
 We will answer questions at the end of the webinar
 Power point will be posted on the
State of Michigan website: www.Michigan.gov
 We will attempt to record the discussion using
Camtasia and post it on website.
Shereen Tabrizi, Ph.D.,
Special Populations Unit Manager/Title III & Title I,
Part C State Director.
Maria Silva,
English Learner Education Consultant
Michelle Williams,
Migrant Education Consultant
Anne Hansknecht, CEPI
Many Thanks
to EEP Subcommittee
 Michelle Mattson, Hart Public schools
 Sara Rainwater, GISD
 Nadra Shami, Dearborn Public Schools
 Maria Silva, MDE-OFS
 Michelle Williams, MDE- OFS
 Shereen Tabrizi, MDE- OFS
Objectives of Session
 Review LEP and Immigrant screens on MSDS
 Discuss the revisions in the Entrance and Exit
Protocol for ELs.
 Address Questions and Clarify EEP and MSDS
MSDS Changes for 2015-2016
MSDS collects Primary & Home Languages
 Primary Language is the child’s native or first
language. The student’s primary or native as
indicated on the home language survey.
 Home Language is the language(s) most often used
in the home or the language(s) primarily spoken by
those in the home.
Reporting LEP in MSDS
 Required fields
LEP/Immigrant Funding
Instructional Program (SIOP has been added)
Primary Language
Home Language
 Conditional fields
LEP Exit Reason
LEP Exit Date
LEP Re-Entry Date
Exiting LEP Proficient After June 30th
 Due to changes in testing, MDE hopes to have M-
STEP results back to districts by mid-August.
 May exit via prior school year Student Record
Maintenance (SRM) Collection between 9/1 and
9/15/2015 with an exit date of 6/30/2015.
Exiting False LEP
 Annual process
 Submit WIDA Test Exception in MDE Secure Site
during specific time frame.
 Appeal must include a scanned copy of the initial
home language survey (HLS), signed by director
 1st enrollment in any LEA in Michigan.
 Explanation of discrepancy between HLS & MSDS
coding of LEP.
 MDE Title III team will approve or deny requests.
MSDS & Immigrant students
Coding Immigrant Students:
The correct identification of a student as immigrant in
the Michigan Student Data System (MSDS) occurs in
the “Program Participation Component,” where
the student is flagged as code 9130 (plus 9120 for
foreign exchange/international student). Immigrant
students who are not Limited English Proficient (LEP)
should not have any data entered into the Title III
Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and
Immigrant Component.
Entrance Protocol
Entrance Protocol
Removal of Math as a criterion:
 Math is no longer a criterion for determining
eligibility for entering the EL program due to
the inclusion of the language of math in the
WIDA standards.
Entrance Protocol
Entrance- Maintaining Reading/ELA:
 Student scores below grade level on a stateapproved reading assessment listed in the EEP
- page 33- (in lieu of M-STEP due to delays in
scoring); and
 The district will review local writing assessments
to determine proficiency; and
 The student scores below 5.0 on one or more
domains measured by W-APT. (The scores from
the W-APT- Grades K -12 that result in
entrance to the EL program are unchanged from
2014. Refer to chart on page 13 of the EEP.
Exit Protocol
Exit - Removal of Math as a criterion:
 Math is no longer a criterion for determining
eligibility for the EL program.
Exit - Proficiency in all domains:
In order to exit, the following must be met:
 ELs must score 4.5 or higher in all four
domains (listening, speaking, reading and
writing); and
 ELs must obtain a score 5.0 of higher on
WIDA Composite/Overall score.
Exit Protocol
Exit- Keeping reading/ELA:
 In order to exit, ELs must demonstrate
academic proficiency in English language arts
(ELA) as measured by one of the stateapproved reading assessment listed in the
EEP (page 33); and
 The district will review local writing assessments
and ensure students’ grade level proficiency in
writing prior to exiting ELs.
Exit Protocol
 Exit- LEAs must monitor English learners and
continue to provide the necessary support to them
in the domain (L, S, R, or W) in which they
scored 4.5 (less than 5.0) even if they meet the
minimum criterion for exit.
 Exit- If a student's daily performance across
content areas is not commensurate with test
results, the districts’ EL team may consider
maintaining the LEP status/reclassifying.
 Exit- All FLEPs must be monitored for two years to
ensure they meet state content standards as
measured by state content assessments.
Entrance and Exit Protocol
 The second ELA measure/criterion is used in lieu
of using the M-STEP ELA assessment for the
2014/15 school year due to delays in releasing
results and the transition between two state
assessments. The M-STEP results can still be
used, by the instructional school teams, to assist
with curriculum planning, and classroom level
 This transition period will be in effect for 2014/15
and until MDE gathers two years of WIDA and MSTEP data to inform future decision regarding
exit procedures.
Entrance and Exit Protocol
State-approved assessment list (change)
 Moved the language assessment to ‘interim
assessment/ diagnostic’ list since only WIDA
language assessment may be used to exit
Reminder- Parents have the right to opt out of
the alternative language program/Title III
services. Opting out of such services occurs
only after student eligibility has been
determined. These students are tested on the
annual WIDA.
Entrance and Exit Protocol
Reminder Districts must screen potentially eligible students with W-APT
even if their parents requested ‘opting out’ their students
from the Alternative Language Program/Title III
services. Parents may opt out of ALP/Title III services only
after eligibility has been determined.
An English Learner who has ‘opted out’ and declined all
alternative language program/Title III services must be
monitored regularly (similar to FLEP) to ensure academic
progress, be provided adequate support to reduce any
language barriers, participate in the annual WIDA:ACCESS
for ELs until meeting the exit protocol requirements.
After meeting the exit protocol requirements, the student
who has ‘opted out’ is formally exited and receives the
required FLEP monitoring for two years (OCR/DOJ).
Entrance and Exit Protocol
Reminder Districts may use WIDA if the districts decide to reenter a FLEP into the EL program due to failing
performance in general education placement.
 SAT will replace ACT in Spring 2016- MDE will
determine measures of proficiency in reading then.
Entrance and Exit Protocol Document
 The EEP is available at English Learner & Immigrant
 http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mde/Entranc
Or use the path
www. michigan.gov/OFS
Title III English Learner Program
Under “What’s New”
Contact Information
 Shereen Tabrizi,Ph.D.
• Special Populations Unit Manager/Title III & Title I, Part
C State Director.
• [email protected]
 Maria Silva, Title III Consultant
• [email protected]
 Michelle Williams, Title I Part C Consultant
 [email protected]
 Anne Hansknecht, CEPI
 [email protected]
Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives
 New AMAO Targets-
AMAO # 1 Progress – 51% for 2014/15 and an
increase of 1% annually (pending approval from
 AMAO # 2 Proficiency - 22% for 2014/15 and an
increase of 1% annually (pending approval from
 AMAO # 3 Proficiency in Reading and Math as
demonstrated on the scorecard targets determined
by MDE for each district.
Districts MUST meet ALL three AMAOs to meet
AMAO requirements.
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