
Kimberly Keith Patsy Chilcote Jeanie Bragg

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Kimberly Keith Patsy Chilcote Jeanie Bragg
Kimberly Keith
Patsy Chilcote
Jeanie Bragg
CTE Counselor Div. I
CTE Counselor Div. II
CTE Counselor Div. III
[email protected]
940. 369.3025
[email protected]
[email protected]
The Denton ISD Career and Technology Education Guidance Program is a district-wide developmentally appropriate comprehensive career
education program. The curriculum components are designed to support the DISD District Goals, Senate Bill 158 and 518, TEA Model
Developmental Guidance and Counseling Program and Guidance mandates for “No Child Left Behind.”
The three Denton ISD CTE Counselors hold Master’s Degrees and certifications in teaching fields, School Counseling and additional
certification for Vocational/Career Counseling. Their services are more comprehensive in nature and embrace ALL Denton ISD students,
from Gifted/Talented to Special Education. Each CTE counselor provides services to approximately 6,000 students. They assist all students
in discovering their career options and utilize Denton ISD educational programs to prepare for whatever that career might be, not limited to
CTE areas. CTE programs do support, educate and prepare students in a variety of career areas that lead to higher education.
Outstanding achievements of the CTE District counseling program on the secondary campuses:
CareerScope Interest and Aptitude Assessment administered at the 9th grade level. (Interpretation provided)
Career Directions Interest Inventory administered at the 10th grade level. (Interpretation provided)
“Do What You Are” Assessment administered at the 11th grade level. (Interpretation provided)
“Senior Round-Up” provided for all 12th graders.
Transition ARD’s for Eighth Grade Students preparing to enter ninth grade.
Outstanding achievements of the CTE counseling program district-wide:
Provide coherent and coordinated district-wide career planning for all students Pre-Kindergarten – twelve and beyond.
Maintain and update skills and career/labor information by attending training conferences and staff development.
Create and maintain curriculum-based Web site including CTE courses, student profile, career opportunities, equipment and
software and certifications and software.
Coordinate CareerSafe training program. ($20,000 training advantage to district for no cost)
Provide bi-annual presentations at the state Career and Technology Conference.
Provide statewide training for new Career Counselors.
Maintain memberships in CTE professional organization at the regional, state and national levels.
Denton Independent School District Goals
District Expectations
Review and adjust policies and procedures
so that the district can transition from
medium size to large and effectively
address the challenges of growth.
Develop and expect a uniformly high level of
professional performance in teaching staff.
Hire every teacher in every classroom because
of his or her substantive experience in the
discipline they are teaching, rather than
because of auxiliary functions.
Encourage teachers to earn a Master’s degree
within 5-7 years if employment.
Career and Technology Guidance Program
Work with the CTE Director to transition to the
Advance Technology Complex concept in
order to provide more opportunities within a
fast growth district.
Collaborate with post-secondary institutions in
order to provide a seamless transition from
high school to post-secondary education.
Continue a comprehensive career guidance
program that is developmentally appropriate
and provides services to ALL students in
Denton ISD.
All Counselors hold multiple degrees including
Master’s Degrees and beyond.
Each counselor holds multiple advanced
certifications beyond teaching credentials, TEA
professional counseling credentials, and
vocational/career counseling credentials.
Each Counselor has met the business and
industry requirement in order to perform
Career Counseling duties.
District Expectations
Integrate counseling programs, particularly at
transition grades, to inform and involve parents
and to prepare students for post-secondary
educational options.
Career and Technology Guidance Program
District-wide Elementary Guidance Program:
Counselor’s Guide and Resource Kit
Teacher Guide-Integrated Career/ Academic
Parent Handout-Family Activity Calendar
(English and Spanish)
High School Mentoring Projects with students
in Ready, Set, Teach
Business and Community Involvement
Assist with Career Month activities.
District-wide Middle School Program:
American Careers program with interest
High School Tours
Student Portfolios used in 8th grade
transition presentations
The” Real Game” simulated career
Integrated Career information in the
Technology Curriculum
6th grade Academic Connections to illustrate
academic relationships to careers.
Business and Community Involvement
Activity Fair for 8th grade students and
parents to spotlight clubs and organizations.
Presentations for Middle School CTE
students as requested
Provide Credit-by-Examination testing to
allow middle school students to earn credit
for Keyboarding prior to entering high school
Train Middle school CTE teachers about
career pathways and high school offerings.
District-wide High School Program:
(Some activities are in coordination with all
campus counselors.)
Counselor presentations on campuses to
highlight changes and new CTE courses
Beginning of Year Informational Handouts
for parents and students
Freshman/Sophomore High School
Connections course support
CTE Course Selection Catalogue/Coherent
Sequence of courses updates
CareerScope Assessment
(Interest/Aptitude) 9th
Four year Planning/Portfolio (9th)
Career Directions interest inventory and
career information (10th)
Do What You Are personality type and
careers inventory (11th)
Tech Prep Symposium (CTE) to illustrate to
students the courses for which they might
earn college credits each year.
Coordinate CATEMA student registration
and data collection for TechPrep college
credit validation.
Senior Roundup (12th) to finalize postgraduation plans
Evaluate all graduates’ transcripts for
earned TechPrep credits
Provide data to academic counselors as to
students’ earning TP Advanced Measures
for the DAP Graduation Plan.
Student shadow, mentors, rotations
and work-based learning opportunities.
Financial Aid Information Night
ASVAB (Schedule and interpret)
Encourage parent participation
Community involvement will continue through
citizens’ advisory committees to focus on
short-and long-term goals
Develop a consistent, strong, district-wide
curriculum that supports all students.
Develop quality staff development programs to
support the curriculum
Expect full implementation on each campus by
instructional leaders.
Develop a culture that the classroom is our first
Goals for individual campuses and the district
will incorporate measurable factors.
The district will develop a budget focused on
curriculum delivery
District-wide K-12 Programs:
Create and maintain Curriculum-based CTE
Create and provide career education models
to Elementary and Middle School teachers
and counselors.
Coordinate PEIMS data collection for
secondary schools and input to correctly
provide accurate data to TEA for funding.
Provide bus scheduling for across-town
course offerings from three campuses
Coordinate 58+ TechPrep agreements with
seven community colleges/universities;
update yearly and disseminate information
to teachers, parents, and students.
Maintain historical files on TechPrep
agreements as they change each year.
Attend required meetings with TechPrep
agreement colleges.
Coordinate Out of District pre-registration,
enrollment, and scheduling
Report Out of District weekly attendance
and grades
Coordinate and provide Out of District
information to CTE Director for billing.
Serve on CTE Executive Council
Serve on the Denton County Seamless
Education Leadership Committee
Serve on the CTE Leadership Team
Provide parent presentations, especially at
transition years.
Provide CTE Career Guidance newsletter.
Maintain professional knowledge and skills
by attending conferences and trainings.
Create consistent Career and Technology
Education Power Points
Provide information on certifications and
licensures to students and staff
Provide student and adult access to Career
Centers during and beyond the school day.
Create and provide Educational Models
handouts to illustrate progression from 6th
grade to university on DAP graduation plan.
Parent Newsletters
Career Guidance Website
Executive Council
Seamless Education K-16 Committee
Career Center Open Extended Hours
Explain Educational Model handouts as
Presentations (Community/Parent)
Transition ARD’s (Eighth Grade)
Career Guidance Curriculum is district-wide
Pre-K – 12.
Counselors attend Local, Regional, State and
National conferences and local staff
development opportunities.
Guidance curriculum supports developing
academic skills in order to prepare students for
higher education and the highly competitive
global workforce.
Promotion of Lifelong Learning and career
Encourage all students to graduate from high
school ” college ready.”
Fly UP