
Document 1556150

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Document 1556150
The Career and Technology Education Guidance Department provides career assessment opportunities to all students,
including those who qualify for Special Education services. A diagnostician, supervisor, parent or teacher may request in
writing that a student be tested or retested. These assessment opportunities are highlighted below with the appropriate
grade level for implementation:
CareerScope Assessment
The CareerScope Assessment is an aptitude and interest assessment provided in order to facilitate the educational and
career planning process for each individual student. This computerized assessment is a product of the Vocational
Research Institute and is updated yearly. This assessment is used at the 9th grade level or by special request.
The Interest Inventory measures a user’s interests, which correspond to the U.S. Department of Labor information. The
results identify the evaluee’s relative high interest areas. The interest areas include:
Plants and Animals
Business Detail
Lead and Influence
Physical Performing
Aptitudes are the student’s natural abilities and talents. The student report provides information relating to the following
six aptitudes:
General Learning Ability
Form Perception
Verbal Aptitude
Spatial Aptitude
Numerical Aptitude
Clerical Perception
Based upon the student’s current CareerScope interest and aptitude profiles, the student’s report includes career options
for further investigation and research. Recommendations encompass a variety of employment levels based on
education and training. Job option information included in the student’s profile addresses jobs that require short-term
training beyond high school graduation up to and including professional level employment.
Student report includes the following:
Letter from the Career Counselor
Crosswalk of Denton ISD Career and Technology Education related courses keyed to the student’s interest.
Interest Scores
Individual Profile Analysis
Aptitude Assessment Performance on Tasks
Aptitude Profile
Recommendations – CareerScope and US Department of Labor (O*NET)
Interest Area with Job Title and DOT#
General Education Development for Math Development and Language Development
Specific Vocational (Career and Technical) Preparation
Interest Area Report Legend
Aptitude Area Report Legend
Check out the Denton ISD CTE Website: www.dentonisd.org/CTE
Career Direction
The Career Direction program provides a presentation, an interest assessment and a workbook. The seminar includes
taking an interest inventory, outlining the goal setting and decision-making process, exploring educational and career
opportunities, identifying financial aid and scholarship opportunities and reviewing the job application process. Each
student receives a Career Direction book provided by the Texas Army National Guard. A crosswalk to the DISD Career
and Technology Education Course offerings is integrated into this program. This assessment is used at the 10th grade
level or by special request.
Student report includes the following:
Description of Career Direction Interest Inventory Student Planning Report
Interest Scores (Agriculture/Forestry, Arts/Communications, Business/Management, Clerical/Administrative,
Protective/Military Services, Outdoor/Technology, Public Service, Science/Mathematics, Social/Helping)
Courses the student might want to consider taking in high school and beyond (in addition to Math & English)
Extracurricular/volunteer activities or organization the student might find interesting.
Workplaces that the student might wish to consider for a part-time job.
Career Possibilities for the student to explore
Careers for students that are “More People Oriented” to “More Technical Oriented”
Careers for students with entry to professional level according to education and training required.
DoWhatYouAre Assessment
DoWhatYouAre is a web-based personality and career assessment used to assist students in discovering a wealth of
information about them, which in turn contributes to a student making the best career and college choices. Personality
Type is the foundation of the DoWhatYouAre program. Personality Type refers to a system for understanding human
behavior. It is based upon the belief that there are sixteen distinctly different personality types, and every person has
one type that most accurately describes him or her. The DoWhatYouAre premise is that people are born with a type and
that one’s type does not change throughout life. Certainly we grow, develop, and change as a result of life experiences.
And we develop a range of behaviors that are appropriate to a given situation. This enables us to act differently at a
party than at work. But it is really our behaviors that change and not our personality types.
The results of the DoWhatYouAre help students to discover important insights into both career and educational needs. It
also helps an individual understand how people of different types communicate indifferent ways and how to work more
effectively with others who are different from us. When the personality type is considered in the career selection process
people will choose a more compatible occupation. Workers are happiest and most successful in jobs that allow them to
use their greatest natural gifts. Personality Type is the best way of determining what those gifts are, and in which
occupations they find the greatest opportunity for expression. This assessment is used at the 11 th grade level or by
special request.
The student report includes the following:
Personality Type Indicators and Explanation
Student Strengths
Identifies areas that students need to address or recognize (possible weaknesses)
Factors for satisfaction in an educational and career setting
What teachers and employers need to know about working effectively with the student?
Student’s preferred learning style.
Potential careers and college majors for the student
Contact Information:
Do What You Are
Career Directions
Aptitude/Interest Assessment
Assessment (Personality Type
Guidance Activity/Book
Texas Army National Guard 1-800-GO-GUARD
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