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Yang, Lin
Associated Professor,
Department of Biomedical Engineering,
University of Florida
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
Xian Jiaotong University
Rutgers University
Rutgers University
(if applicable)
B. S.
M. S.
Ph. D.
Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering
A. Personal Statement
I am an associated professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at University of Florida. I was an
assistant professor in the Department of Radiology and Pathology at University of Medicine and Dentistry of
New Jersey (now Rutgers Medical School) and graduate faculty at the Department of Biomedical
Engineering in Rutgers University from 2009-2011. I was an assistant professor in the Department of
Biostatistics and Computer Science at University of Kentucky from 2011-2013. I had over 15 years of
research experience in biomedical image analysis, imaging informatics, and machine learning. I am the
winner of NIH Young Investigator Paper and Travel Award in 2008 International Symposium on Biomedical
B. Positions and Honors.
Positions and Employment
09/2013-Current Associated Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL
09/2011-09/2013 Assistant Professor, Division of Biomedical Informatics, Dept. of Biostatistics, University of
Kentucky, Lexington, KY
05/2009-09/2011 Graduate Faculty, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
02/2009-09/2011 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Radiology, Rutgers University and Cancer Institute of New
Jersey, Piscataway, NJ
06/2008-09/2008 Research Scientist, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Hawthorne, NY
03/2008-06/2008 Research Scientist, Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton, NJ
05/2007-09/2007 Research Scientist, Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton, NJ
Other Experience and Professional Memberships
1995Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
1999Member of the IEEE Computer Society
2005Member of the Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society
Stocker Research Award
Stocker Research Award
NIH Young Investigator Paper and Travel Award at 2008 International Symposium on Biomedical
Imaging (ISBI)
UMDNJ-RWJMS High Impact Research Award
Best student poster award in Center for Muscle Biology Fall Retreat at University of Kentucky
Best student paper travel award in 2013 International Conference on Medical Image Computing
and Computer Assisted Intervention. (30 out 798)
Young investigator travel award in the Sixth North America NeuroEndocrine Tumor Society
(NANETS) Conference
Invited young investigator’s presentation in the European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society
(ENETS) Conference as one of three representatives of NANETS
Professional Committee
Program Committee, High Performance Computing Workshop in conjunction with the 13th
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention.
Chair, the 4th High Performance Computing Workshop in conjunction with the 14th International
Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention
Program Committee, Microscopic Image Analysis with Application in Biology in conjunction with
ACM International Conference on Biomedical Informatics and Computational Biology.
Program Committee, International Conference on Information Systems, Technology and
Associate Editor of Journal of Pathology Informatics.
Chair, The 5th Workshop on Data and Compute-Intensive Clinical Image Application for
Translational Research in conjunction with the 15th International Conference on Medical Image
Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention.
Program Committee, Workshop on Sparsity Techniques in Medical Imaging in conjunction with
the 15th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted
Program Committee, The 3th International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging
in Conjunction with the 15th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and
Computer Assisted Intervention.
Program Committee, Workshop on Medical Computer Vision in conjunction with the 15th
International Conference on Medical Imaging Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention.
Scientific Advisory Board Member, Digital Pathology Association (DPA)
Associate Editor of Journal of OncoPathology.
Associate Editor, International Journal of Biomedical Imaging.
Program Committee, The 4th International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging
in Conjunction with the 16th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and
Computer Assisted Intervention.
Chair, the 6th High Performance Computing Workshop on Biomedical Image Analysis in
Conjunction with the 16th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer
Assisted Intervention.
Chair, the 7th International High Performance Computing Workshop on Biomedical Image
Analysis in Conjunction with the 17th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and
Computer Assisted Intervention.
Program Committee, the International Medical Computer Vision: Algorithm for Bigdata
Workshop in Conjunction with the 17th International Conference on Medical Image Computing
and Computer Assisted Intervention.
Associate Editor, BMC Bioinformatics.
C. Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
1. Lin Yang, Peter Meer and David J. Foran, "Unsupervised analysis of imaged pathology specimens based
on robust estimation and color active contour models", IEEE Transaction on Information Technology in
Biomedicine (TITB), Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 475-486, 2005.
2. Oncel Tuzel, Lin Yang, Peter Meer and David J. Foran, "Classification of hematologic malignancies using
texton signatures", Pattern Analysis and Applications, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 277-290, 2007.
3. Lin Yang, Wenjin Chen, Peter Meer, Gratian Salaru, Viktors Berstis and David J. Foran, "Virtual microscopy
and grid-enabled decision support for large scale analysis of imaged pathology specimens", IEEE
Transaction on Information Technology in Biomedicine (TITB), Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 636-644, 2009
4. Lin Yang, Oncel Tuzel, Wenjin Chen, Peter Meer, Gratian Salaru, Lauri A. Goodell and David J. Foran,
"PathMiner: A web-based tool for computer assisted diagnostics in pathology", IEEE Transaction on
Information Technology in Biomedicine (TITB). Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 291-299, 2009
5. Jianqin Qu, Leiguang Gong and Lin Yang, "A 3D point matching algorithm for affine registration",
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 229-236, 2010.
6. Lin Yang, Bogdan Georgescu, Yefeng Zheng, Wang Yang, Peter Meer and Dorin Comaniciu, "Prediction
based collaborative trackers (PCT): A robust and accurate approach toward 3D medical object tracking ",
IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging (TMI), Vol. 30, No. 11, pp. 1921-1932, 2011
7. David J. Foran , Lin Yang, Wenjin Chen, Jun Hu, Lauri A. Goodell, Michael Reiss, Fusheng Wang, Tahsin
Kurc, Tony Pan, Ashish Sharma, and Joel Saltz. "Image miner: Comparative analysis of tissue microarrays
using content based image retrieval, high performance computing, and Grid technology", Journal of
American Medical Information Association (JAMIA), Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 403-415, 2011
8. David J. Foran, Wenjin Chen and Lin Yang, "Automated image interpretation computer-assisted diagnosis",
Analytical Cellular Pathology, Vol. 34, No. 6, pp. 279-300, 2011
9. Xin Qi, Fuyong Xing, David J. Foran and Lin Yang, "Robust segmentation of overlapping cells in
histopathology specimens using parallel seed detection and repulsive level set ", IEEE Transaction on
Biomedical Engineering (TBME), Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 754-765, 2012
10. Rebekah H. Gensure, David J. Foran, Vincent M. Lee, Vyacheslav M Gendal, Salma K Jabbour, Darren R
Carpizo, John L. Nosher, and Lin Yang, “Evaluation of hepatic tumor response to yttrium-90
radioembolization therapy using texture signatures generated from contrast-enhanced CT”, Academic
Radiology, Vol. 19, No. 10, pp. 1201-1207, 2012.
11. Xin Qi, Fuyong Xing, David J. Foran, Lin Yang, "A Fast, Automatic Segmentation Algorithm for Locating
and Delineating Touching Cell Boundaries in Imaged Histopathology ", Journal of Methods in Medical
Informatics, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 91- 102, 2012
12. Xin Qi, Hyunjoo Kim, Fuyong Xing, Manish Parashar, David J. Foran, Lin Yang, “The Analysis of Image
Feature Robustness Using CometCloud”, Vol. 3. No. 33, pp. 1-13, Journal of Pathology Informatics, 2012.
13. Baiyang Liu, Junzhou Huang, Casimir Kulikowski, Lin Yang, “Robust Visual Tracking Using Local Sparse
Appearance Model and K-selection”, Accepted to IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence (TPAMI), 2013.
14. Joythi Mula, Jonah D. Lee, Fujun Liu, Lin Yang, Charlotte A. Peterson, “Automated Image Analysis of
Skeletal Muscle Fiber Cross-sectional Area”, Vol. 114, No. 1, pp. 148-155, Journal of Applied Physiology,
15. Fujun Liu, Abigail L. Mackey, Ratchakrit Srikuea, Karyn Esser, Lin Yang, “Automated Image Segmentation
of Hemotoxylin and Eosin Stained Skeletal Muscle Cross-Sections”, Accepted to Journal of Microscopy,
16. Hai Su, Fuyong Xing, Jonah Lee, Charlotte Peterson, Lin Yang, “Automatic Myonuclear Detection in
Isolated Single Muscle Fiber Using Robust Ellipse Fitting and Sparse Optimization”, Accepted to IEEE/ACM
Transaction on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB), 2013
17. Lin Yang, Xin Qi, Fuyong Xing, Tahsin Kurc, Joel Saltz, David J. Foran, “Parallel Content Based Sub-image
Retrieval Using Hierarchical Searching”, Accepted to Bioinformatics, 2013
18. Fuyong Xing, Hai Su, Janna Neltner, Lin Yang, “Automatic Ki-67 Counting Using Robust Cell Detection and
Online Dictionary Learning”, Accepted to IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Engineering (TBME), 2013
19. Fujun Liu, Christopher S. Fry, Jyothi Mula, Janna R. Jackson, Jonah D. Lee, Charlotte A. Peterson, Lin
Yang, “Automated Fiber-type-specific Cross-sectional Area Assessment and Myonuclei Counting in
Skeletal Muscle”, Accepted to Journal of Applied Physiology, 2013
20. Hui Meng, Paul M. L. Janssen, Robert W. Grange, Lin Yang, Alan H. Beggs, Lindsay C. Swanson, Stacy A.
Cossette, Alison Frase, Martin K. Childers, Henk Granzier, Emanuela Gussoni, Michael W. Lawlor, "Tissue
triage and freezing for models of skeletal muscle disease", Accepted to Journal of Visualized Experiments
(JOVE), 2013
21. Michael W. Lawlor, Marissa G. Viola, Hui Meng, Rachel V. Edelstein, Fujun Liu, Ke Yang, Elizabeth J. Luna,
Alexandra Lerch-Gaggl, Raymond G. Hoffmann, Christopher R. Pierson, Anna Buj-Bello, Jennifer L.
Lachey, Scott Pearsall, Lin Yang, Cecilia Hillard, Alan H. Beggs, “Differential Muscle Hypertrophy Is
Associated With Satellite Cell Numbers And Akt Pathway Activation Following Activin Type IIB Receptor
Inhibition In Mtm1 p.R69C Mice”, Accepted to American Journal of Pathology, 2014
22. Hongyuan Wang, Fuyong Xing, Hai Su, Arnold Stromberg, and Lin Yang, “Novel image markers for
non-small cell lung cancer classification and survival prediction”, Accepted to BMC Bioinformatics, 2014.
23. Xin Qi, Daihou Wang, Ivan Rodero, Javier Diaz-Montes, Rebekah H Gensure, Fuyong Xing, Hua Zhong,
Lauri Goodell, Manish Parashar, David J Foran, Lin Yang, “Content-based histopathology image retrieval
using CometCloud”, Accepted to BMC Bioinformatics, 2014
24. Christopher S. Fry, Jonah D. Lee, Jyothi Mula, Tyler J. Kirby, Janna R. Jackson, Fujun Liu, Lin Yang,
Esther E. Dupont-Versteegden, John J. McCarthy, Charlotte A. Peterson, "No causal relationship between
loss of muscle satellite cells and sarcopenia", Accepted to Nature Medicine, 2014
25. Sandra Donkervoort, Ying Hu, Tanya Stojkovic, Nicol Voermans, A. Reghan Foley, Meganne E Leach,
Jahannaz Dastgir, Veronique Bolduc, Thomas Cullup, Alix de Becdelievre, Lin Yang, Hai Su, Katherine
Meilleur, Alice Schindler, Erik-Jan Kamsteeg, Pascale Richard, Russell Butterfield, Thomas L. Winder,
Thomas Crawford, Robert B. Weiss, Francesco Muntoni, Valerie Allamand, Carsten G. Bonnemann,
"Mosaicism for dominant COLVI mutations as a cause for intra-familial phenotypic variability", Accepted to
Human Mutation, 2014
26. Michael Spencer, Lin Yang, Akosua Adu, Brian S. Finlin, Beibei Zhu, Lindsey R. Shipp, Neda Rasouli,
Charlotte A. Peterson, Philip Kern, "Pioglitazone treatment reduces adipose tissue inflammation through
reduction of mast cell and macrophage number and by improving vascularity", Accepted to PLOS ONE,
27. Nicolas Wein, Adeline Vulin, Maria Sofia Falzarano, Christina Al-Khalili Szigyarto, Baijayanta Maiti, Andrew
Findlay, Kristin H. Heller, Mathias Uhlen, Baskar Bakthavachalu, Sonia Messina, Giuseppe Vita, Chiara
Passarelli, Francesca Gualandi, Steve D. Wilton, Louise Rodino-Klapec, Lin Yang, Diane M. Dunn, Daniel
Schoenberg, Robert B. Weiss, Michael T. Howard, Alessandra Ferlini, Kevin M. Flanigan, "A novel DMD
IRES results in a functional N-truncated dystrophin, providing a potential route to therapy for patients with 5’
mutations", Accepted to Nature Medicine, 2014
D. Peer-reviewed Selected Conference Publications (CVPR, ECCV, MICCAI, and ISBI)
28. Lin Yang, Peter Meer and David J. Foran, "Multiple class segmentation using a unified framework over
mean-shift patches", Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
(CVPR), Vol. 1, pp. 1-8, June 2007.
29. Lin Yang, Wenjin Chen, Peter Meer, Gratian Salaru, Michael D. Feldman and David J. Foran, "High
throughput analysis of breast cancer specimens on the Grid", Proc. International Conference on Medical
Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Vol. 10, pp. 617-625, 2007.
30. Lin Yang, Bogdan Georgescu, Yefeng Zheng, David J. Foran and Dorin Comaniciu. "A fast and accurate
tracking algorithm of left ventricles in 3D echocardiography", Proc. International Symposium on Biomedical
Imaging (ISBI), Vol. 5, pp. 221-224, 2008.
31. Lin Yang, Bogdan Georgescu, Yefeng Zheng, Peter Meer and Dorin Comaniciu, "3D Ultrasound tracking of
the left ventricle using one-step forward prediction and data fusion of collaborative trackers", Proc. IEEE
International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Vol. 1, pp. 1-8, 2008.
32. Lin Yang, Oncel Tuzel, Peter Meer and David J. Foran, "Automatic image analysis of histopathology
specimens using concave vertex graph", Proc. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and
Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Vol. 11, pp. 833-841, 2008.
33. Hong Zhang, Lin Yang, David J. Foran, John Nosher, Peter Yim, "3D segmentation of the liver using
free-form deformation based on boosting and deformation gradients", Proc. IEEE International Symposium
on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Vol. 1, pp. 494-497, 2009.
34. David J. Foran, Lin Yang, Oncel Tuzel, Wenjin Chen, Jun Hu, Tahsin Kurc, Renato Ferreira, Joel Saltz, "A
caGrid-enabled, learning based image segmentation method for histopathology specimens", Proc. IEEE
International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Vol. 1, pp. 1306-1309, 2009.
35. Baiyang Liu, Lin Yang, Casimir Kulikowski, Jinghao Zhou, Leiguang Gong, David J. Foran, Salma J.
Jabbour and Ning J. Yue. "An adaptive tracking algorithm of lung tumors in fluoroscopy using online learned
collaborative trackers ", IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Vol. 1, pp. 209-212,
36. Baiyang Liu, Lin Yang, Junzhou Huang, P. Meer, Leiguang Gong, Casimir Kulikowski, "Robust and fast
visual tracking with two stage sparse optimization", European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Vol.
6314, pp. 624-637, 2010
37. Tahsin Kurc, Patrick Widener, Wenjin Chen, Fusheng Wang, Lin Yang, Jun Hu, Vijay Kumar, Vicky Chu,
Lee Cooper, Jun Kong, Ashish Sharma, Tony Pan, Joel Saltz, David Foran, "Grid-enabled,
high-performance microscopy image analysis", High Performance Computing (HP) workshop associated
with Proc. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention
(MICCAI), Beijing, China, 2010
38. Xin Qi, Fuyong Xing, David J. Foran and Lin Yang, "GPU enabled parallel touching cell segmentation using
mean shift based seed detection and repulsive level set", High Performance Computing (HP) workshop
associated with Proc. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted
Intervention (MICCAI), Beijing, China, 2010
39. Xin Qi, Hyunjoo Kim, Fuyong Xing, Manish Parashar, David Foran and Lin Yang, "The Analysis of Image
Texture Feature Robustness Using CometCloud", High Performance Computing (HP) Workshop associated
with Proc. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention
(MICCAI), Toronto, Canada, 2011
40. Lin Yang, Hyunjoo Kim, Manish Parashar and David Foran, "High Throughput Landmark Based Image
Registration Using Cloud Computing", High Performance Computing (HP) workshop associated with Proc.
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI),
Toronto, Canada, 2011
41. Baiyang Liu, Junzhou Huang, Casimir Kulikowski, Lin Yang, "Robust tracking using local sparse
appearance model and K-Selection", Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition (CVPR), Vol. 1, pp. 1-8, 2011
42. Xin Qi, Fuyong Xing, Meghana Ghadge, Ivan Rodero, Moustafa Abdelbaky, Manish Parashar, Evita
Sadimin, David Foran, Lin Yang, “Content-based Image Retrieval on Imaged Peripheral Blood Smear
Specimens using High Performance Computation”, Data- and Compute-intensive Clinical and Translation
Imaging associated with the International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted
Intervention (MICCAI), Nice, France, 2012
43. Fuyong Xing, Xin Qi, David Foran, Tahsin Kurc, Joel Saltz, Lin Yang, “Content-based Parallel Sub-image
Retrieval”, Data- and Compute-intensive Clinical and Translation Imaging associated with the International
Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Nice, France,
44. Fuyong Xing, Lin Yang, “Robust non-small cell lung cancer classification using molecular morphological
features”, International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2013
45. Hai Su, Fuyong Xing, Jonah Lee, Charlotte Peterson, Lin Yang, “Learning based automatic detection of
myonuclei in isolated single skeletal muscle fibers using multi-focus image fusion”, International Symposium
on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2013
46. Fuyong Xing, Lin Yang, “Robust Selection-based Sparse Shape Model for Lung Cancer Image
Segmentation”, The 16th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted
Intervention (MICCAI), Nagoya, Japan, 2013
47. Fuyong Xing, Hai Su, Lin Yang, “An Integrated Framework for Automatic Ki-67 Scoring in Pancreatic
Neuroendocrine Tumor”, The 16th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer
Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Nagoya, Japan, 2013
48. Xin Qi, Daihou Wang, Javier Diaz-Montes, Ivan Rodero, Tony Pan, Abulimit Aji, Lee Cooper, Fuyong Xing,
Manish Parashar, David J. Foran, Lin Yang, “Exploring Online Nuclear Segmentation on Large
Fluorescence Brain Tumor Images Using CometCloud”, Accepted to the Six High Performance Computing
Workshop Associated with The 16th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer
Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Nagoya, Japan, 2013
49. Daihou Wang, Xin Qi, Manish Parashar, David J. Foran, Lin Yang, “High Throughput Content-based Image
Retrieval Using GPGPU”, Accepted to the Six High Performance Computing Workshop Associated with The
16th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI),
Nagoya, Japan, 2013
50. Manish Sapkota, Fujun Liu, Lin Yang, “Distributed Content Based Image Retrieval for Skeletal Muscle
Images Using Kd-Tree and MapReduce”, Accepted to the Six High Performance Computing Workshop
Associated with The 16th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted
Intervention (MICCAI), Nagoya, Japan, 2013
51. Fujun Liu, Fuyong Xing, Lin Yang, “Robust muscle cell segmentation using region selection with dynamic
programming”, Accepted to 2014 International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2014
52. Fujun Liu, Fuyong Xing, Hai Su, Lin Yang, “Touching adipocyte cells decomposition using combinatorial
optimization”, Accepted to 2014 International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2014
53. Xiaofan Zhang, Lin Yang, Wei Liu, Hai Su, Shaoting Zhang, “Mining histopathology images via composite
hashing and online learning”, Accepted to The 17th International Conference on Medical Image Computing
and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Boston, MA, U. S. A., 2014
54. Fuyong Xing, Manish Sapkota, Lin Yang, “Histopathology lung cancer image mining with Kd-tree and
MapReduce”, Accepted to the Seventh High Performance Computing Workshop Associated with The 16th
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI),
Boston, MA, U. S. A. 2014
55. Daihou Wang, Manuel Diaz Granados, Javier Diaz-Montes, Ivan Rodero, Lin Yang, Manish Parashar,
David J. Fordan, Xin Qi, “High-throughput Automatic Gleason-grading System for Prostate Histopathology
Images using CometCloud”, Accepted to the Seventh High Performance Computing Workshop Associated
with The 16th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention
(MICCAI), Boston, MA, U. S. A. 2014
E. Other Peer-reviewed Conference Publications and Book Chapters
56. Mehmet Celenk, Lin Yang, Ganti Kamalakar, Derek J. Bleyle, Sudhir K. Sunkara, Yufei Wang, Philip
Prudich, Yuangcui Huang and Qiang Zhou, "Tumor detection in VIVO NIRF imaging", Vol. 5370, SPIE
International Symposium on Medical Imaging (SPIE), 2004.
57. Lin Yang, Jundong Liu, Charles D. Cavanaugh and Lonnie R. Welch, "A robust QoS forecasting algorithm
for a dynamic, distributed real-time testbed", Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Computer Architectures
for Machine Perception (WCAMP), New Orleans, LA, May, 2003
58. Lin Yang, Jundong Liu, Charles D. Cavanaugh and Lonnie R. Welch, "A L2E-based QoS forecasting
technique for dynamic, distributed real-time systems", Proc. International Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA), 2004.
59. Xiaoping Shen and Lin Yang, Handbook of medical image analysis: segmentation and registration models,
Suri/Wilson/Laxminarayan, eds, Vol. 1, Chapter 1, 47 pp., Kluwer, ISBN: 0306485508, 2005
60. Dazhang Gu, Lin Yang and Lonnie R. Welch. "A predictive, decentralized load balancing approach", 19th
Proc. IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Vo1. 1, pp. 101-110,
61. Lin Yang and David J. Foran, Parametric and geometric deformable models: An application in biomaterials
and medical imaging. Suri/Farag, eds, Vol. 2, Chapter 4, pp. 95-122, Springer, ISBN: 0-387-31204-8,2006.
62. Lin Yang and David J. Foran. "A variational framework for partially occluded image segmentation using
coarse to fine shape alignment and semi-parametric density approximation", Proc. IEEE International
Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Vol. 1, pp. 78-82, 2007.
63. Lin Yang, Leiguang Gong, Hong Zhang, John L. Nosher and David J. Foran, "A multicore based parallel
image registration method", Proc. International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
(EMBS), Vol. 1, pp. 98-101, 2009.
64. Lin Yang, Leiguang Gong, Hong Zhang, John L. Nosher and David J. Foran, "A parallel point matching
algorithm for landmark based image registration using multicore platform", European Conference on Parallel
Computing (Euro-par), Vol. 5704, pp. 936-947, 2009.
65. Hyunjoo Kim, Manish Parashar, David J. Foran and Lin Yang, "Investigating the use of automatic
cloudbursts for high-throughput medical image registration", IEEE International Conference on Grid
Computing (GRID), Vol. 1, pp. 34-41, 2009.
66. Xin Qi, Fuyong Xing, David J. Foran and Lin Yang, "Comparative performance analysis of stained
histopathology specimens using RGB and multispectral Imaging", SPIE International Symposium on
Medical Imaging (SPIE), 2011
67. Fuyong Xing, Baiyang Liu, Xin Qi, David J. Foran and Lin Yang, "Digital tissue microarray classification
using sparse reconstruction", SPIE International Symposium on Medical Imaging (SPIE), 2012
68. Xin Qi, Rebekah H. Gensure, David J. Foran, Lin Yang, “Content-based white blood cell retrieval on
bright-field pathology images”, SPIE International Symposium on Medical Imaging (SPIE), 2013
Fly UP