College VCIeehl •-- VOL. IL Haverford, Pa., February 28, 1910
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College VCIeehl •-- VOL. IL Haverford, Pa., February 28, 1910
a College VCIeehl •-VOL. IL Haverford, Pa., February 28, 1910 NO. 3 LEHIGH TAKEN IN. HAVERFORD 4: MERION xst, 0. A LONG FELT WANT. CAPTAIN EDWARDS' GYM TEAM TILE CRICKET CLUB PLAYERS SOMETHING WORTIlY OF ACTIVE WINS BY 26 TO 22 SCORE. BEATEN AGAIN IN SATURCONSIDERATION. DAY'S GAME. The Horizontal Bar and Side The meet with Lehigh at South We are glad to have the followHorse were the first two events to Bethlehem, Saturday night, was Haverford's first team met a ing article, which is by W. P. Tombe pulled off in the meet with Am- more cloiely contested than the team from the Merion Cricket Club linson, '10, for next to the Science herst last Tuesday night; in the one with Amherst' at the college twice last week and defeated them Hall, we need here more and *ter first Haverford took first place last Tuesday evening, as in the both times. The game on Satur- Tennis Courts. Tomlinson, who and Amherst second; in the second Amherst meet, Edwards, Baily and ' day was well played by both sides, has contemplated the season says: Amherst took first and Haverford Stieff each took firsts, in the Le- but the collegians had the better "With the approach of spring, we second. To the fair-sized crowd high meet, however, Stieff took two team work and whitewashed their turn tigoin cricket-in-the-shed, present it looked as though the firsts. opponents. Cadbury won the toss gym, bridge and five hundred, to meet would be a close one. But in • Phillips missed tying for first and took the advantage of what, the glorious world of out-doors. the next event—the Parallel Bars place in the side horse by one- wind there was, and in the first Soon, very soon, shirt sleeves will —Captain Edwards performed tenth of a point; in the Amherst half, with this advantage and the be in style, and the Freshman will his stunt perfectly and received meet he barely missed getting first good team work, Downing made be introduced to the sacred mysfirst, while Howson did well enough place in this same event, while two goals and Furness one. With teries of that 'sport -of sports,' to get second. After this it was David did not place, though he the wind against them in the sec'French Cricket.' Phe Senior only a question how big our team performed in point getting style. ond half, Furness made another looks back upon his football, track, would make the score. Ross dropped one of his clubs, score, while the visitors were not and (unless he can afford heavy A double quartette from the and thongh he did not place, he able to tally at... all. Twice it club dues) his soccer and cricket, Glee Club gave a few selections as was only onsisoint back of Baily, seemed as though they would ceras ghosts of a past that will rea curtain raiser, and between who took first. Haverford held- tainly score, but the heady work l turn only in memory. But there Parts I and II. The shower of the lead practically throughout of Longstreth at goal, who was is one game which he can play even pennies from some of the fellows, the meet, but it was not until the just where he was needed, pre-1 when drawing a pension in 1950, who were on the running track, parallel bars event hail been pulled vented. one game which can be played on which greeted the singers when off that a victory for our boys was For-the visitors, Mohtgomery, the lawn of almost every country they had finished giving "La Spag- assured. Barlow and Shoemaker played first house, after a hard day's mental nola," furnished considerable Two of the judges did not show class ball. Mifflin worked hard, work. A game which can be modiup and all of the judging was done but had no chance to do anything amusement for the crowd. fied to aid the weakest heart, and Haverford took both places in by Dr. Chadwick. Summaries: with Young, covering him all of which may become as strenuous as three of the events, first in one and .Horizontal bar—First, Stieff, the.time. Merion had one chance, football itself. A game whose second in the other two. Baily's Haverford ; second, Bley, Lehigh. when a penalty kick was awarded paraphernalia are inexpensive, and club swinging was exceptionally Side horse—First, Sturges, Le- them, but in the try Mifflin entirely yet a social game, which is so popgood as was Shoop's stunt on the high; second, Phillips, Haverford. missed the goal. Furness played ular that it is always played, in Club swinging—First, Bail y,' a beautiful game, advancing the Flying Rings and Stieffs perseason and out, by a multitude formance on the Horizontal Bar. Haverford ; second, Bley, Lehigh. ball well and passing with preof devotees, who can never get A surprise was Wallerstein's getParallel bars—First, Edwards, cision. Young showed that he was enough of it. And yet at Haverting first place ahead of ;Roberts .Haverford; second, Van Blarum, still one of the best half-backs in ford College, Nineteen Hundred Lehigh. the business, though he has not in Tumbling. and Ten, Anno Domini, there is Flying rings—First, Stieff, yet entirely accustomed himself to Summaries: Horizontal Bar, almost no opportunity for tennis! first, Stieff, Haverford ; second, Haverford; second, Johnson, Le- his new position of center half, to Two miserable sandy courts, more Waklee, Amherst; Side Horse: high. which he was changed from left provocative of swearing than good Tumbling—First, Bailey, Le- half. first, Goodnow, Amherst ; second, playing! What a travesty of true The line-up: Phillips, Haverford ; Parallel Bars: high; second, Roberts, Haverford. sport ! Many a Prep. school with Mearox. first, Edwards, Haverford; second, DarERFOIIII Rennie g Longstteth fewer students is blessed with from Howson, Haverford; Club SwingRUTGERS MEET COMING. Gummere r f. four to eight. Yet for even our 1. I. b ing: first, Bally, Haverford; secThe last gym meet of the season Kurth Hartshorne Thomas poor specimen we are charged a r. h. b Tostenson ond, Ross, Haverford; Tumbling: for the Haverford team will be Shoemaker c. h. h Young fee of fifty cents per annum. If first, Wallerstein, Haverford; held in the gymnasium here next Maiden I. h. b Smith this principle were universalized Montgomery o r Thomas second, Roberts, Haverford; Fly- Friday evening, when Cap in Ed- Wetherli r Downing Walton Field would cost each c f.... ing Rings:' first, Shoop, Amherst; wards' undefeated team 1 meet Mifflin Fumes, Rossmossler player something like twenty-five Gheen second, Porter, Haverford. the Rutgers combination. Re- Barlow Cadbury dollars a year, because for every cently in a meet with Lehi , RutTime of halves.. SO minutes. Goats, one who plays football, three play gers won by four point . Last Downing 2, Furness 2. Referee, Danhy. tennis! That is, unless they go to Dr. Francis Gummere was not Saturday evening Haverford dea college where but eight can play able to meet his classes last week feated Lehigh by the same number at a time, eight more look covon account of a severe cold. His of points. This should make the The following program has been etously on, and where the rest go condition has greatly improved meet with the New Jersey team arran*d for the next meeting of without until they have 'forgotand he will take up his regular pretty interesting. A large crowd the Scientific Society, which will ten how.' Yes, we have had good work this week. turned out to see the one-sided con- take place on Tuesday evening; teams, good enough to defeat test with Amherst and it is likely Appendicitis, T. K. Lewis, '09; Swarthmore, but they should be Dr. Babbitt is very much im- that more people still will come Air Ships, Charles Wezel, '12; still better. In any case, those \proved now and is able to visit when it is known that the coming Surface Tension Experiments, P. who do not make the team find some of his patients. meet will be a close one. C. Brewer, '12. (Continued on p. 4, col. AMHERST 53: HAVERFORD 35. NEW ENGLAND BOYS ARE EASY, BUT GAME. 2 COLLEGE WEEKLY Talker Ilinktg ized generation will doubtless FOOD FOR THOUGHT. praise the courage of those who A LIVE QUESTION DISCUSSED. mode the change possible. Much THE MAIN LINE ENGRAVERS Though the basket-balkquestion to our unspeakable horror the rePublishers Tarba imitations is nearly dead its gasping strugDsvm Scum. HiststrAw cent discontinuation—by the ilnokplatra Ertter brads HERBERT MENDENHALL LOWRY gles are painful to many of the Subscriptions may begin at any time. Sophomore class—of one of the Bebbtug Annnunirmerus. etc. Price per annum (90 weeks), one dollar. most sacred rules, which dates undergraduates, one of whom exPrice per single copy, five cents. presses himself as follows: P. 0.Boa, 235 Haverford, Pa. Address all communications to COLL= back to time immemorial, did not "In a recent number of the All orders WEEKLY, Haverford, Pa. produce anarchy. Undergradureceive personal attention and Entered as second-class matter, FebWEEKLY we read the following in satisfaction is guaranteed ruary 15, /909, at the Post-ogee at Haver- ate government still lives, and it ford, Pa., under the act of March 3,1879. has been impossible to see the substance: Kenderdine & ',Edwards A feiv of the Sophomores slightest change in the first year 2 Marion Annex FEBRUARY 28, 1910 were beaten by Haverford School College Agents men. in basket-ball by a 46 to 10 score.' And the result of this experiEDITORIAL. "And again: ment is almost sure to decide the "'A picked up team was beaten "THE OLD ORDER CHANEETH." coming Sophomore class to carry by Westtown by an 87 to 18 "A man's a man for a' that". over into next year only the "Fri- score.' was an idea expressed a century day Night Special." And the per"We wish to condemn this pracand a half ago. And now here at fected system of a generation is tice on the ground that it matecast aside, for if the rules cannot 'Haverford we find the similar idea c rially injures the best interests of of "A freshman's a man in spite or will not—as you please—be Haverford College, in spite of This the Space Reserved for o' that," just beginning to take enforced, then why have them at fact that a few underclassmen are POWER'S definite shape. There is a preva- all, and if you expect to disconbenefited thereby. lent belief in several quarters at tinue them in time, why not do it "With no training for the game at one fell swoop? But the "Frithis college that the old serfdom, in question, our teams are inferior disagreeably subordinating days day Night Special" still has its to most school boy 'fives.' Thereof a freshman are over. And place in this enlightened age—if fore we should not display this insome events seemingly justify this enforced—but it too will go in ferior quality of goads before time. belief. those who will some day have to Maybe we have been wrong in The system of hazing as it once choose E college. It does' not loafer existed was unquestionably a our former stand. The results- of his college in the estimation of a strong force—in many minds— time and experience would seem to Haverfordian, to see a motley TWADDELL toward the proper development of indicate as much. In any case team overwhelmingly defeated, for there is no use playing the role incoming Haverfardians. For Shoes of Quality he knows full well the sound inner fear that some would be missed, of King Canute now. It would worth of his Alm Mater. But who especially needed attention, probably be unwise to have a re- the average school boy seldom pen- 1210-1212 Market St. Philadelphia enough was generously furnished ception committee composed of etrates beneath the surface. With We Call for and Deliver Shoe. to for • all. This method did some members of the Sophomore class him the psychological effect of be Repaired damage, for there were always a meet the incoming Freshmen at the seeing us trounced by a prep. Tate Io few timid souls, to whom such station next fall, but if a large school is a mental hem depreciation of Taldan mod return the third following evening. treatment was unmanly, unhuman part of the lamentable comedy be Haverford Colkge. You may and unbearable. But to the rank dropped, and some method be de- praise the fighting spirit against Yetter's Shoe Shop and file it served its purpose well. vised by which the Freshmen could odds, and you may canes Atone deride the debe made to realize E.T. their Kirk. natural 7 Merlon A.HIDRIORE And it was especially effective to sire to win all you please, but the the fellow who had never had dis- duties—Othout your having to fart remains, however, that when cipline in his home. The majority emphatically explain them—the a young boy sees in the Philadelof men with whom the writer has seemingly proper move would have phia papers that 'Haverford's talked. who had the privilege of been taken. • . Basket-ball' team is repeatedly degoing through this hazing, acfeated by several prep. schools, Y. M. C. A. knowledge that it did as much for and you may be sure that the college Haverford was represented at them as any other one influence in drops more pegs in his estimation, the recent State Convention by their college life. than even three Rhodes' scholarAll Makes Rented, Sold But in spite of such seemingly Shorn, '11. He will present a re- ships would atone for. Of course port of the convention to the asand Repaired universal approbation, hazing is it was surr 'llarerford's Basketno longer an institution at Haver- sociation on March 9th. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS ball Team;' but Jack and George, ford. It is not fair to the word Mr. F. 0. Koehler, state student Penn Charter, 1914, never stop to or to tradition to call the present secretary of the Y. M. C. A. in consider that side of the issue. Ms Standard Typewriter Eachange day farcical horsing'proceeding Pennsylvania, will speak at the Let us find out whether the pres1022 Arch SI., Plistlelphis "hazing." Iconoclasm has been meeting on Wednesday evening. ent system is a wise one. If it is rife here for some time and the not, then I am sure that those few attempt to get a better method of C. C. Morris and Dr. Fred men ho cannot derive enough exSophomoric disciplination for Sharpless have been out helping ercis and pleasure from soccer • Freshmen has been a failure. But coach the cricketers in their shed and ym., will confine their basketin this failure success seems to practice. It is planned by the ball propensities to interclass Ardmore Printing CO. have been found. For hazing is management to have some of the games, if for no other reason than imiters. if tattourre and alumni crack players out at least a sense of loyalty to the best infast going. Eitmlitirre The "banter" of to-day—aside once a week until outdoor practice terests of the colle.a." Merion Title Bldg. Ardmore, Pa. from the "Friday night Sessions" starts and then get as many as will [Editor's Note._LIn justice to —is but little better than the spite- come. J. W. Sharp, Jr., is ex- the "picked up team" which played ful "sassing" of ungovernable pected out some time this week. Westtown, we should say that children, with the younger gener- C. H. Winter and H. V. Horden, most of the men who played in Plumbing, Heating and Rooting n carrying‘off the honor( We of University of Pennsylvania, that game played ns "old scholars" Range and Heater Repairs of to-day sa}' that the degenera- also were out helping coach re- of that school and not as Havercently. tion is lamentable. A more civilfordians.] Colonial Block Ardmore, Pa. A Journal containing news of interest to Haverford College and its friends. Thomas & Sargent Typewriters Supplies James S. Lyons & Bro. COLLEGE WEEKLY Dr. R. M. Jones has been very INTERCOLLEGIATE SOCCER. The first of the intercollegiate busy the past week working on committee of five trying to draw soccer games will be played on up plans for the arbitration of the Walton Field next Saturday after.= car men's strike in Philadelphia. noon at 3 o'clock between Haverford and Penn. Haverford stands a fair show to again win the intercollegiate championship and in view of this and the increased in171h and Lehigh A terest which is being taken in socCollege Engravers anti trtatiourrs cer, the management got out a seaCasa Bag frograms and son ticket that will admit one per3nuttattatta son to all three games played on the home grounds—Penn., ColumJ. E. CALDWELL 4 CO. bia and Harvard—for one dollar. Parties desiring such tickets &evaders anb Silversmiths should drop a line to H. A. Furnesi, manager. We present again Importers of High Grade Watches and Clocks the intercollegiate schedule: Designers and Makers of March 5—University of PennSCHOOL:COLLEGE AND CLASS INSIGNIA sylvania, at Haverford. Including Haverford Seals March 12-Columbia UniverCheeses are Invited to write for designs and prices sity at Haverford. of plum cant. and presentation pieces. Ic March 21—Harvard, at Haver902 CHESTNUT STREET ford. PHILADELPHIA March 25—Cornell, at Ithaca. April 9—Yale, at New Haven. Tartan Groceries The Chas. Elliott Co. need little further comment. Their constant Innsumptiou by a, discriminating dem is proof sufficient of their merits. CANNED GOODS EVAPORATED FRUITS 3 zgzs BANQUET. HEAVY QUESTIONS BROUGHT UP AND SOLVED. FORPERFECT FlTT1 NC EYEGLASSES Last Wednesday night the Sophomore Class held their second annual banquet at Kugler's. At 1623 CHESTNUT STREE T the close of the banquet proper PHIL ViDt LPH1A K. A. Rhoad, as toastmaster, in troduced it line of entertaining speakers. President Smith spoke P. 0. Sox 170 Phone 540 on the "Class of 1912," its aims, Partrogstwe its policies, and its successes. This Canning & Iacono, of course included the past and the future treatment of Freshmen. Gents' West Lancaster Avenue The Class has always stood for Haverfolill Pa. the abolition of the useless trivialMAKERS OF ities of hazing, and this idea it is Liveries and Riding Habits hoped will be carried out and ad- Hygienic Cleaner, and Pressers, Repairing Ladies' Suas Cleated and Pressed 75c vanced even further by the lasses Gents' Stith Cleated nod Pressed 50c to come. H. 31. Lowry, IA a Goods called for and carefully delivered Premises Insured Against Fire speech entitled the "Spirit of the Press,' asked for more earnest support of COLLEGE. WEEKLY sug- JOHN JAMISON gesting that editorials and artifrobure ammtaannt !Nerdy:int cles of similar nature be contrib- Butter, Cheese. Eggs, Poultry, Lard, uted in order that a more perfect Provtetons, Salt Fisk Salt. etc. understanding between the Alumni Dairy, Egg and Poultry Supplies and the undergradute body might 3 and '5 South Water St., Phila. be maintained. L. C. Ritts gave one of the best talks of the evening on "Retrospection," and easily convinced his hearers that 1912 had a bright In Y. M. C. A. Building, Ardmore Thoroughly Equipped past. Modern and Sanitary S. K. Beebe delivered a characteristic dissertation on the "Fair ASK FOR Sex," while D. C. Murray spoke on class Athletics, its past victories and its future prospects. C. D. Chatnplin, in it "poem" entitled "Dies Collegio," emphasized the importance of College spirit, and this was followed with another poem by J. B. Elfreth, called "Name Reg. U. S. Pat. Office" "Gleanings," in which he described Because it is Pure and made under Sanitary the sledding hill by moonlightConditions nuff sad! Sandwiched in between Goods sent by package express. vilifiers welcome it all limes to see our goods mad.. the regular speeches were various MaM attics. 234 below Locust Street. Stare extemporaneous ones by some of and Tea Room, 1310 Chestnut Street. the more witty members. After more than three hours of goodfellowship the party broke up. Ladle: and TAILORS A CORRECTION. • The article headed "HaverOrilians Banq uet,"as continued on PHILADELPHIA page four, column One, of our isPLANET JR. TOOLS MAKE sue of February 14th, would have pleased Mr. Smith better had it GARDENING EASY Handsome Caudate. been inserted under the heading of ree Get our now Wow, "Haverford Union Buirding." illustrat edcatalogue 0(1910 Nand In. It deserlbes86 different Then, too, there is error in the tools including Sentare, Wheel Hoes, first part of the para graph, where Hone-Rom One and Tea Hone Riding it states "Mr. S. has not reserved CultIvaton,Harmes, Orchard and Beet Calttratora Meow, any rooms in the building, except you nothlo g. Send for it new while you one or two of no consequence in think o111. S. L.ALLEN d CO. the basement." A slight qualifiNanHIT E Philadelphia, Pa. cation does appear later, but the pseeceding should have read, "Mr. has only reserved two rooms on Brown S. the first floor and several of small consequence in the basement." In justice to our friend, it PROVIDENCE, R. I. should be added that he has endeavored to make it plain to many The RIGHT school prepares the RIGHT boy for the RIGHT college persons interested, and has frequently given it as his opinion, Far Catalogue, moldrass S. K GIFFORD, Ph.D., Prin. Allows Interest on Deposits "that there should be no reason MOSES BROWN SCHOOL why, under proper conditions, the The second soccer team with 2 per cent on Check accounts. Famed, Friends School Fano:Win 1784 reserved portion of the first floor Moorestown was called off on ac- 3 per cent on Savings Fund demight not be used often by the count of the rough condition of ripter...-74v - ' posits. Union membership."Tun Enrroas. the Merlon Cottage Field. Boxes For Rent and Valuables Stored in Burglar-proof Haverfordians know what is right See how many drive our can Vaults. Alfred Lowry & Brother Barber Shop CRANES Ice Cream and Baking Moses School THE BRYN MNWR TRUST CO. PULLMAN AND ALCO AUTOMOBILES Quality Quality LONGSTRETH MOTOR CAR CO. 257-259 North Broad St. Philadelphia, Pa. TO THAT AND THAT ALONE IS DUE THE SUCCESS OF Rittenhouse Bros. "MEATS THAT YOU CAN EAT" Store. Throughout West Philadelphia and Bryn Mawr as well as Ardmore PRESS OF THE JOHN C. WINSTON COMPANY PHILADELPHIA EDWARD CAMPBELL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Gardens Designed and Planting Plans Prepared. ARDMORE, PA. Headqua for Haverford Men Hotel Walton LUKES & ZAHN, Proppetors Philadelphia 4 COLLEGE WEEKLY (Continued from p. a, col. a) their skill slowly disappearing. But enough; the case is obvious; and restrained by a pinching poverty of courts, we do earnestly beseech the powers that be for is pleasant surprise this spring in the shape of at least four good tennis courts." SOCIAL PROBLEMS. . The class in Social Problems met last Thursday evening to hear a most compact address by .Dr. Cornell on the problem of the defective child. Dr. Cornell, a physical inspector of the Philadelphia public schools and also connected with the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, is an authority on this subject. He pointed out the necessity of classifying the backward children in our schools. Those who are handicapped by physical defects should receive prompt medical attention, while those who are merely mentally dull should be placed in special schools under trained teachers. MERION C. C. 1; HAVERFORD 2. COLLEGIANS WIN PRACTICE GAME. Eleven players from Merton Cricket Club, representing every team Merlon has on the field, came over and gave the Haverford's first team a practice soccer game last Tuesday afternoon. The field was pretty heavy and the playing was slow most of the time, but the game served its purpose in that it gave our first team a chance to get in some combination work, as well as to receive some good coaching froin the crack players on the Merion team. There was not a very great opportunity to get a line On the in dividual players, but the starring of Young at center 'half back was noticeable throughout the game. Furness played well for Haverford as did Lewis and Gheen, while C. C. Morris, Maris and Philler did the best work for Merlon. The line up: • Havertord Merlon C. C. VOTED OUT AND THEN VOTED IN AGAIN AT THE SAME MEETING. had Drop us • postal or use either 'phone 21st and Arch Streets 4 Philadelphia, Pa. —(,,,,_ HE average Young Man wishes to appear well dressed--yet feels the need of economy. To him the William H. Wanamaker store makes special appeal with its great stock of Winter Suits and Overcoats, moderate in price and tailored to perfection by master craftsmen. WILLIAM H. WANAMAKER Twelfth and Market Streets Philadelphia, Pe. Miller h. b. ..W. J. Young C. C. Morris r. Thomas &lyres. Dawson I. h. b. 0. r. I. r. Hopkins Philter. Through a misinterpretation of the Intercollegiate A. A. rule, which refers to the number of men an institution must have entered each year, Haverford nearly lost her standing in this _.association. Track Manager C. M. Froelicher was present at the meeting, which was held in New York Saturday, and after he explained that this was a misinterpretation and not a wilful wrongdoing the meeting had to expel Haverford for not living up to the regulations‘- in view of the circumstarices, but they turned around mita reinstated her. We serve all the leading Clubs, Cafes and Restaurants and have for many years made a specialty of the best class of Family trade. We deliver to Broad Street Station and Reading Terminal in time to catch desired trains. No order is too large for our capacity nor too small to receive prompt and intelligent attention. Our large business is made up of small items. r. f. b. Marls Lewis It. Gummere.. I. f. b. ....Hartshorne r. h. C. . B. Lee RAVERFORD REINSTATED. tuitsj Model Bakery jaally II. Tatnall Vienna • Smith H. Thomas f. .Downing Furness o. I. Cadbury e. Time of halves, 30 mlnittei; goals. C. C. Morris% Furness and Gheen. CALENDAR. Tuesday—Scientific Club meeting, 7.30 P. M. Wednesday—Y. M. C. A., 6.30 P. M. Speaker, F. 0. Koelher. Friday—Gym meet with Rutgers, 8 P. M. Saturday—Penn vs. Haverford in soccer, on Walton Field. The Sophomore basket-ball team was defeated by Westtown's ,team last Saturday evening by a 36 to 27 score. Philadelphia Z.,• Western Haverford College Station adjoins the College grounds, and this Line offers an attractive train service between Haverford College and all parts of Philadelphia and Camden. At 69th Street Terminal, connections can be made to and from Clifton, Swarthmore, Media, Chester and West Chester. The Company aims to render attentive and efficient service to its patrons. —TELEPHONE CONNECTION— H. D. Reese Dealer in the finest quality of Beef, Veal, Mutton, Lamb and ARE YOU TAKING CHANCES . With your Automobile ? We would be glad to give you rates for insurance covering your car anywhere in the United States or Canada against fire, theft, robbery, damage by collision, property damage and your logal liability for any accident resulting from the use of your car. STOKES SI PACILIVRD 142 SO. FOURTH STREET, PHCLADELPHIA, PENNA. Smoked Meats 1203 Filbert Street Philadelphia, Pa. Boys' and Misses' Sailor Suits a Specialty Ladies' Tailor-made Suits and Riding Habits PETER THOMSON THE TRADE-MARK OF Naval and Merchant Tailor SUPERIOR CLOTHES, Men's Department Second floor In addition to the Finer Qualities. we have a Special Line of Suitings at $30. $35, $38, and $40 net Boys' and Young Men's Norfolk. Sack and Tuxedo Suits Made to ordet only—No agencies 1118 WahnitiStreet, Philadelphia 14 and 16 West 23rd Street, New York