<!ollege lll!leeltl)2 Haverford, Pa., November 14, VOL. IL '
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<!ollege lll!leeltl)2 Haverford, Pa., November 14, VOL. IL '
<!ollege lll!leeltl)2 VOL. IL Haverf ord, Pa., Novem ber 14,' 1910 N0.29 MEETING OF HAVERFORD THE_LAST SMOKER. J ohns H opkins end did it last week. UNIOK. Another was a quarter-b ack run Last Thursda y evening a special E N TERAG.\IN WILL EN FRESHM through center for fifteen yards, TRINITY OvERWH EL:\IS H AVERFORD, meeting o£ the members of the T AI N ALL \Vno \VILL CoME, and two from forward passes, one 37-Q. Haverfo rd Union was held in their of which was mentione d. · building. The purpose was to workis Ashbrook ader Cheer-le H a verford gained considera ble amend the constitut ion in certain It would not look so bad for friday next for outside of ing up a smoker do with the Haverfo rd if one o f our football distance through the The usual plan will be clauses having to evening. vely,' consecuti not but line, the teams had been defeated by that of Trinity's having speeches over office rs of the associati on and by followed enthe in downs two .. The amendone of the larger institutio ns by a making only preparation governin g board. a as Hall Roberts in was pass 37-o score, but to have an institn- tire game. The forw'!rd follow ments were passed unanim<Msly, by a Trinity for the good time that will tion with 225 fellows administ er snatched out of the air but cannot gO into eff<'Ct until they m. gymnasiu the in Havertime such a trouncing seems decidedly player nearly every have been passed again in a second a to out sent -en be have Cards · And in turn wrpng . And it seems wrong just ford resorted· to it. the meeting/~ held in not less than a and alumni, the of many great intercept ed because down here in Philadelp hia the Haverfor d backs week. 'l...l.l::, Spiers, treasurer , was see to anxious arc aduates undergr · attempts to we have not been hearing anything seve ral of Trinity's a t this meet- called onJ He outlined in brief the them of more hear and much about a certain little Con- gain in this way. • ing than were present at the last purposes of the Union, and then In the third quarter Haverford necticut college eleven thi s year. one. Then only a palt ry few of the went on to give a list of the things time One .The answer to the score to any pulled together well. very younger alumni were present, necessary to make it a success. twoour on one who has seen Trinity play this Trinity had the ball with three of four exceptions. and The room used for intercour se . were and year or who has followed her play- yard line for a first down, were not more than .twenty among the students has received its there in the last ing is perfectly evident. T o one held. Another time altogethe r. The expense of expected patronag e, and heated depresent the ball up who has done neither we will state quarter they had to give up a smoker, to ·say nothing bates can often be sec!) there. The getting line. Several that the eleven who de(eated us s~ on our one-yard trouble, is (lccidedly not next need is a room where . quiet second half of the badly beat Colgate 23-o, and the times during the wort h while .if there. is not a la rger study may be possible. W e need, to ts opponen her forced d Haverfor best Yale could do with Colgate ~oo. periodicals, for conversa tion ' .with the tum-out. was I!)-0, the week afterwa rds. kick, but luc~ - Saturday's game will be t he will not satis fy altogether. There and is, always it as team, Colgate has defeated Syracuse and stronger on our schedule. This is a reading room, let us have style of play hardest one tied Brown this fall. Appreciating no matter what does not mean that the Collegeville somethin g to read. Furnitur e {or Trinity to, that they had a team of the " big Haverfor d resorted aggrCj.,vation is better than Trinity, the study room would be acceptthe ball. four". calibre, the Trinity man:>ge- would eventually get but that--we are going to \\•in next able. There are 230 members of The most noticeable thing about Saturday, and that will mean the .ment tried to schedule games with this association. . 0 £ these, 75 are tac.k ling. • ReYale, Harvard and Princeton , but the game was the hardest playing of the year, and now in college. Where are the rest from s paper Sunday's in ports they were turned down. that will not be done unless we of the students? You who are alHaverfo rd Three of their backfield are Hartford · says tl1at have a mighty strong alumni back- ready members, these matters are was This tackles. many missed seniors, and this means that they ing. Yale wins her games on in your hands to remedy. The Trinity backs will be · in our class next year. hardly the case. The sp\rit; after she is apparent ly down alum11i, notably one, have spent ntnners hard strong, 'Ramsdell, wJ!o is half of their back- were such and out. O ur spirit will be just as thousand s of dolla rs to present you two or three field , · is playing his last game for ·that it generally took good as Yale's providing ' every with a beautiful building, to equip they if then Trinity against West Point next mel) to stop them, <~nd alumnus with any spirit will come it. I s it iinpossible {or you to raise would they Saturday. H e is being seriously had half a chance out here next friday evening and a finger to help make the place atfor · A.ll -Americ an bounce up again like rubber and be whoop things up. W e need you considjered tractive ? Surely if you cannot Ramsdell honors by not only the Trinity fol- off• for ten yards more. now if we ever have. Better spend a few dollars to get a magawhen tracks his in stopped was_ , writers sporting the lowers, but by come. zine which you may enjoy, you can Taylor, througho ut New England and in tackled only three times. at least use your tongue to entice Taylor twice. him getting '14, unwould New York City. H e CAP AKD BELLS. members into the ~ld. r more Froeliche game. strong. a played ricap questionably . he an All-Ame there has been certain damAgain, done has ·he that work best the did half-back this fall if he were playTRY-OUT S FOR DANCING HELD. the building by carelessusual done his age played Post season. this ing on a big college eleven. ness. 1£ your interest does not ne tackled the of The game was called at 2.30. good game. Hartshor several y Last Thursda take the form of action, at least let played an With the advantag e of the wind mighty well, and Levin members of the Cap and Bells it be passive. Don't destroy or game. good d all-aroun The receive. new to thirty chose rd with Haverfo club in conjunction the ali· The fact that all but eight points applicant s for chorus positions in maltreat the propertie s of. ball had been in play' but a very . This is the pith of Dr. sociation first the in done was scoring the of swept was few minutes when it the annual show, were put through Spiers' remarks. The resignati on that the over from a fonvard pass. T he • half is eno.!'gh to indicate their paces at the Un.ion to see what Dr. Hancock from the presiquit. of not did players rd Haverfo few play was fast, and in another the college could put out in the line was accepted with regret, dency nd e7 out-class simply were minutes Trinity again crossed the They of dancing . Ralph Mellor was the and the ·Board of Governo rs was by whirl ·nd Haverfo rd go_a l line. It seems like rushed off their feet instructo r and expresse d himself · empowered to elect another. Dr. irony to sit here now and attempt play. well pleased with the result. ·By Hancock will be unable to give as several see to ·to describe the whirlwin d play ' of . The line-up: expect we spring, the much of his time as he had hoped Haverford. Trinity. transs be comrade would e There aforetim backs. our of the Trinity . .... .. .. Smiley formed into maids of the footlights. to the Union on account of his ill a rush of the ball one way, some of Ahearn ........ left end (Thomas) . the ocspecta- h'ealth. His resignati on is the Haverfo rd players would be .. . ..... Poley Alas for the hearts of the· .. .... left tackle ...... disappointment to much of casion drawn over, then the ball · would Hudson Moon .. beauties guard of left . .. .. number .. a Clark.. tors, th~e are· (Moore) himself as well as all the members , shoot through the air, to be taken Post (Co!><:) in the crowd. .... .... center .. .... on the dead run by an end or a Bleecker for he was known to have spent Froellcher guard right Lawlor. . . ... . future (Moore) back, and before he could be the only alum- much time ptanning for the been has 'os, Scull, Taylor .... .. tackle ...... .. riJh't ity. ped the ball ·would be twenty Howell sto.r.::: Gilderslee,·e .. . nght end .. . Longstreth nus to come out with any regularit y. welfare of his: lit'tle commun PI'• Cooke.... .. . quarterback .. .. .. . Levin If some others were to show this The meeting was Jhen adjourne d. yar~ nearer our ~a!. Then, too, n . . . . left halfback . Wallerstei of the the Trinity interfere nce was of the Ramsdell· COllett .... . . right halfbac:k.Hartshome same interest it would be quite pos- This is the first assembly (Lowry) (Dissel) its kind. strike highest order and woqld clear the to .team the for sible .. . . . Hinshaw field of Haverfo rd's secondar y de- Carroll . .. . . . ... fullback stride again. "' Referee-Davis, Wesleyan. Umpire>-l Th pond h as been c Ieaned On · fen. se in an errorless manner. Y- Field e TechnolOC Burke, Worcater Score. Dartmouth Herr, . the that probable is It flooded. and There were five touchdowns ittdge-Dr table pool new a be There will . o. Touch· before 'II t begm made during the first half, two 0~ Trinity, W,; Haverford Ramldell, t' nstalled m· ·the Union. W. P. skati'ng season WI no doW.ui- Gildersleeve, Cooke, touchdownsg is· in \ everythin but s, these resulting from on-side kicks, 2 ; Lawlor, 2. Goals from Christma ntal placaDent- Morris, '86, has been instrume readiness for it. which were sw~ down upon , Gildersleeve, '+ Goal &om · Gilderolefte. .Ti--.Fo ur 15-misult)e in -+hog it. ~·..________~~~~~~~--~------~---._.~.~~-~~,,--~~~wH ::______ ______ __~--~l_--&__ ~y~ili=e~~~:n~·~ ..---~ ~~wa ~~sune ._•in~the ~.~m~uch A CRUSHING DEFEAT . t COLLEGE WEEKLY 2 C!tnlltgr Jlrrklv broke, and that the manager of one EDWARD J . LYONS department would probably be as ' A Journal containing news of interest to HARDWARE saving as the manager of another, Haverford College and its friends. lkfda .. lf•••,.,..,... it would seem that no reconsidera- Palau. OUau• llu• Editor-i•-Chitf tion of the revised gym. appropria'AUTOMOBtLIE SUPPLIES DAvto Scuu. HINSHAW., 'n t ion is necessary. &UIIOU.PA. As.rod4te Editor There is no question, however, DAVID CoLDEN MUJUtAY, '12 -Piooeo,U.ABusintss J\{o"o~tr that the first point argued by those PHlLIP CoLLINS GIFFORD, 'IJ who take the gymnasium side of Office Hours: 8 to 9 A. M. the matter, that there has been in · Bell Telephone: Ardmore 900IIUIOII nn& BVIUIIIIG Subscriptions may begin at any time. Price per annum (JO wefks), one dollar. the College Association a carelessRepairiaa Proaptl:r Doae ness and laxness on the part of the Price per single copy, five cents. Address all communications to CoLLEGE student-body, , a . tendency to ARUMORE, PA. pass WJZKLv, Haverford, Pa. Entered as second--class matter, Feb-- any motion on the · face of it withruary 15, 1909. at the Postoffice at Haver· out hearing both The sides of the ques· ford, Pa., under the act of March 3, 1870. tion. A division seldom occurs, a fact which proves that there is too NOVEMBEI 14, 1910 MISS CLAltA O'DONNEU..little independent thought. If the WHY RECOKSIDER? discussion of the gymnasium apLANCASTER AVE. Last week when the new consti- propriation wakes the college mind tution of the Athletic Association to a realization that it is to deSMEDLEY & MEHL was adopted, there was a division termine these questions on thl!ir COAL made in the money allotted the merits, it will have been a good LUMB&R different departments. The prin- thing. a..u•~a• ••-... cipal change· being that fifty cents ARDMORE was taken away from the gymY. K. C. A. nasium department and given to Irvine Deer, State Student Y. Pbone 8. Ardmore soccer. This was made in view . M. C. A . Secretary, will be at the ACADEMY QF MUSIC of the fact that the gym. depart- College next Saturday and Sunday. PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA ment is several hundred dollars While here Mr. Deer will attend CAJIL POHIJG, ~ ahead, and also that the 'soccer de- the Coopertown Sunday School, partment has annual deficit. the Sunday evening meeting at o~~~:C. :!:.~:C~f;:'~f!; ~-== There is a movement on foot to Prest9n, and will lead the Sunday ~r:=t~:o-~~-o&!.~ OC:~'.f.· Pia~~!~ arti.u, ftVKJ[DQlf reconsider this change, the argu- evening7meeting of the AssociaFrida7 Afternoon, November 18, at 8.00, eame procra.mme. ment being that gym. is perfectly tion. Sea.te at trEPPE'S, 1110 O.tnut BtrMt willing to lend money to any deThis present week is the annual partment that may be behind, and week of prayer for the Y. M. C. A. that extra money given to any Meetings will be held in some felmanager will make that ·manager low's : oom each evening this week. extravagant. Just why,the surplus Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Huston, of in one department would not have Coatesville, addressed the mida tendency to make the manager week m~ting last Wednesday eveof that department just as extrava- niog. gant as the manager who, by tl!e Rev. G. A. Johnson Ross, . of change, would have enough for a comfortable working basis is not Bryn Mawr, will have charge of Untc Hokl Ylt.ol Ia btll Pcoa lqaare the regular_mid-week meeting next wldl Ill f..011 Frld O,.CC" II •tettr well explained. k~Mnn~ br llle Haftrtor• bop. Thursday evening. Rev. Ross· canIt is not good business to have one department showing an annual · not conv,eniently come on W ednesdeficit and another a heavy surplus. day evening, so the date of the We have athletic dues oqly tg meeting has been changed for this BAILEY, BANKS.& BIDDLE CO. finance properly our different ac- week. . Main Line Electrlc:lan Thomas & Sargent THE MAIN UNE ENGRAVERS Qlara. JmrilaltDIUI ~· &anlirab nr. Wrbbtng AIIIUIII11mlllll P. O.Jios. 235 Ha..rfonl, Pa. All orden receive penoaa) atteotioo aod satislactioo is auaraoteed D. S. Hinabaw Coli... ..\a'eat 12 Morioa Cottap UP-JO.I!AD LuGGAGE 1\rllmnrt inta Jlnnm an =. o( £yery Deecription lt.,.Jrel• AU It• II~ POWER'S SADDLERY TWADDELL Shoes llllG-1212 Morket St. Phu..t.lphla Y etter'• Shoe Shop ... Typewriten IU&aiiOJ'~ tivities, and not so that the manager ·of any particular department · may make a good showing. It is not entirely through the aggressive work of past managers of gym. that this department has such a' heavy surplus, or through the poor management of former soccer managers that soccer shows a deficit, but because there is plenty of opportunity for a gym. manager to mo~e than pay his expenses by ga\e receipt..- alone. In soccer there is no such opportunitythere are no guarantees in soccer, and but small gate receipts. The gymnasium department furnishes uniforms for the gym. team, buys expensive apparatus, pays its expenses on trips, and in addition makes big money. No matter how ..- aggressive a soccer manager may be, he cannot furnish suits for his \ players, an<f more than this, ~e members of a soccer team have to pay their own ··expenses on trips, if they possibly can. When it is considered that four times more fellows come out for soccer than do for gym., that gym'. is always flush and soccer al!"ays · Rev. H. Roswell Bates made the Sunday evening address·at Preston last ·evening. Rev. Bate5 gets out to Preston once a year, and always has a full house to address. Supplies 06ciol Sool Pia, Ha.wfanl Collop ....... c.w ... - . . . · - ~~~,;..,·t: Aa-......._ ......__ All Mates Rentd, Sold and Repaired ~...1Wool£..w.. 12la.aD.ZZa.....tSt. ot Quality ............ Pa. SPECIAL UTES TO sru.urs The bad weather has made it necessary to postpone the finishing of the tennis finals until next spring. tt Several soccer ent~siasts have been practicing for past two weeks. Regular practi e will begin a week from t<rmorro . The first game will be with Princeton at Princeton, December 3rd. A. G • .SPALDING CQ BRO.S. Th IP.U .Dtall "'-' rra...llu•• &nl &be l.&'Wfl" Kaaa· o..ctare111o the wortd or Olftdal IqUpment PAINT- Stoloo,--. U.. .I, .::go.:• ~..!::-~":'Dot han Yarnall Paint Company 1028-28a-80. Pltll.. .J..... . . . C. ELLWOOD CARPENTER Dancing PtlnteknoM ..Ja•dnonlaa. BecloMtS' claaen. All daun prfnte aad aambcr of pepU. llmUed. Moden.. tenDI. 1123 Chestnut St. · Pblladelpbla •aOTH JiHONI!S la kDOWD lhtoqbOUt tbe world u a -- ............ tuiMt Jrtldir., ~ allll £qrnrra s,ena Merion Title Bide. Ardmore, P1. IF YOU ~:==!~ james S. Lyons & Bro. . . fir ...... ALL JCINI)S FOil AU. USES AlooV........ Ardmore Printing Co. yoa.boald ban a cop,- ot lbe SpaldJDif O.Wopa. E!i:C:~='•iepL~ ~ 1 ~uulllltDll'rMoo A.G • .S.aldla.caBroa. UIIC.....•tltnel ~Pa. ~ PIIIIDU.,. Beat~DC a•ul'loolfae RUle aad Beater Re,atn Col~ial Blod Ardmore, Pa. LAWN GRASS SEED J'la• ~~:mr:wu u4 S ...... ,.... ......... ,... ..:; .. ~~Ul.OOO'a h u : Itt.......... _........ Stok. . S4ied Store · The Logan Trust Co. by ....... olltalocad...,,o4en ~ fadll• =~.=sCIIlU..maiQ~of 1431 Clleaat St. ............ Pa. 3 COLLEGE WEEKLY Wm. R. Dougherty I Cltarprnttr 11~ llutlbrr Jobbins work ol all kinds attended to 1614·16lt SIDIOOI SL Philadelphia, Pa. The Chas~ Elliott Co. 17th ....J ~h A ...Doe GlollrJtt £ngraun anll .&lafutnns Clllus Bag Jmgioams anll JnllilllttPIUI , J. E; CALDWELL~ CO. Sewelere ant! Stlveremttbe lmporten of BJch Gra4e Watt• u4 aoc.a DoolcMn ........... of !ICIIOOL, COLLKGB A11D CLASS IIISIOJrlA baci..U..CIIanrf<d 8oolo a... an btrit.d to write for....._ u4 prtC.. ol piu. can. u.4 JA~~Dtatioo ,__ 802 CHESTNUT STREET PIIILADIIJ.PlllA Harvey T. Weber .-matlnr.: 206 Mint Arcade Bl~ FINAL FRACAS FRIDAY. "SPECIAL CQ_~CHING." SexiOR-}UNIOR \oVoGGLEUUG GAME T oPIC DiscussED m; ATHLETIC CouNCIL. DuE TO CoME OFF THEN. There has been a definite alfootness manifested by the Junior Wogglebuggers toward their brothers in misery in the Senior class ever since the Juniors sprung their surprise last year. And try as hard as they could the W ogglebug authorities in the Senior class had not, until recently, been able to arrange a game with the 1912 representatives. ·· The entire trouble seems to have been over the eligibility of certain candidates for the Senior team. Of course the charge of "ringers" has not even been whispered, for no Haverford team could be accused of resorting to this means, but the Juniors did demand that .the oneyear rule, which is in effect at other institutions, be adhered to. Though this weakens the Senior team immeasurably nothing could be done but give in and offset this weakness by the hardest kind of playing. The game is scheduled to come off ' ~t"".~riday afternoon · on Walton Field after Varsity practice. Teams representing these two classes have each won one game, this last one will be the crushing test. Two ambulances, three conv"' pet~11t physicia':'s, • and yards and yards of medical supplies have ordered, so tl)at everything will be complete. The treasurer of the Senior class was instructed, by a vote of the class, to pay all bills that may arise in preparation for this ev~nt. There will be some new ye11s and some classy songs written especially for this occasion. There will nev~r be seen anywhere any "realer" football than this contst- will bring forth. been -1-) Ji=~fthl ~~cJli':Jr. J. GilSON MciLVAIN ~ ·co. LUMBER. Hardwoodo a Specially '~ Phlladdpbla, Pa; 1420 Cbaluut St. A. TALON£ Ladies and Gent& Tailor Suib Cleaoed ODd P......t Called lor and Dtli..red Weet a..-t.r A... Quality Quality :TO THAT AND THAT ALONE IS DUE THE SUCCESS OF Rittenhouse Bros. . - .. "MEATS THAT YOU CAN EAT" -.. ,..,.._t·...U ....J BI7D Mawru Weet ............ u ~ "The last two periods showed Haverford's fighting spirit and Jrinity was reduced to eight _pOints from · field goal ~d touchdown, once being held or downs on Haverford's one-ya line. The game was fast, cl an, open and abounded . in se ational plays. Both teams repeatedly tried forward passes; but without much success. -------------------l D. D. L. FARSON Why Pay More? Bf.JCKENSDERFER TYPEWRITER§} No.5 Model No. 7 Model No.8 Model . A dispatch under the date line of Hartford, Connecticut, in Sunday's Press, had the following to say, in part, of Haverford's contest with Trinity_: $40.00 50.00 60.00 ReW1t mocw- at low fipN ,_.;..-tos 11£ IUCIEIIIEIFU IPI CO. I P'rP ''t" Pa. I ·. -.mliw .J'~Dwr jHptp OVERBROOK. PA. PbODC". write or e~~ll Onrbrook 4310 for nnytbla1 Ia Plower.-wc dtllnr eftt1Ybtte ' A meeting of the Athletic Council was held at Dr. Babbitt's home last Wednesday evening, with Chairman Phillips presiding. A short time was given .to the discussion of the management of finances of the different departments, after which the subject of "special coaching" was introduced. The coaching . system and its effect in each of the branches of college sports was discussed in detail. It was the general opinion of the council that the value and necessity for special coaching rests chiefly in five points-( 1) Regularity of competitors. (» Selection for position. (3) Disci-, pline of team. (4) Points of individual play. (5) Moral prestige of an expert. ' These points seem so necessary in the developm~nt of some of our athletic activities that there will almost surely be a soccer coach this _year, for 'the early part of the season and then again just before ihter-collegiates. Also the same man who coached the gym. team last year will again be engaged. CALENDAR. Thursday-¥. M. C. A. at 6.3o p. m. Speaker, Rev. G. A. · Johnson Ross. Friday-Awful Wogglebug Contest on Walton Field, 4.30 p. m. Saturday-Haverford vs. U r-· sinus on Walton Field. Game called at 2.30 p. m. Monday-Annual Soph - Fresh Football game at 4.15 p. m. (This game may not be played until Tuesday afternoon.) Although the Trinity game was one of the hardest played this year the players came out of it in better shape than from any gam'e they have played. Hartshorne who received a bad shoulder bruise from hard tackling, the only Haverford player to get hurt worth mentioning. . Murray, Brownlee and Porter were saved up for the Ursinus game and with the rest of the team in good shape we should make a fine showing next Saturday against the early season wonders. The practice this week will be long and hard ever)" evening. Every alumnus who has the' best interest of the team at heart, and who knew how to play· football during his day here, -should corne out aOJd help Atwood. ALEX. CANNING . Udieo' ..... c..to• TAILOR. Ceat'o Suite ......_. ~ 0.,. Cleaaad ~ Scaund ' .10 1.10 1.10 Al"R~~=not tta.oo UP Suml TO MEASUU FROII ~h. .M4 W. Lucaller .be. JOHN JAMISON Jndllirr ~Willa .amtpad CI.HM, &.lo. Poultry, Lard. Provioiou. SaftFiol., ·s.It. etc. Dairy, E,. and Poultry Supplieo ~Iter, 3 ud 5 Soath Wator St., Phil~ Ardmore ~arber Shop In Y. M. C. A . BuUdlnf PJnt aa.. BarMn UP·to-d•t• 1nd Slnltii'Y A. VusuUo Phone. ue AN..,.... Parents, 6rat t!.oulll.t ol.ould be tl.e l.ealtl. of tl.eir dUidreu. W!.at they eat. ..,verno, to a .,...t extmt, tl.eir l.ealtl.. You owe, at leut, l.ealtl. to tl.em. aN-.. . . . . ..-..-- c.n.,... -c-·...,..._ ...... The)' tat7 .,.;.,.u-. : CRANE'S N- a.,. A-.7.1£08, U.S. Pet. 0 . :ZU s - helow Locuot ~~~ • 1310 C h - s - F. L. HOOVER 1_..... ~tan. ~ SONS c-....-.. BuiWc......JJOiilolq . OfRce1 a.......'.Eadaaap ................... BuiJden of the new ChemlcallAbota&ot)" Brooks Brothers CLOTHIERS Inexpensive Rtady-Made Suitt for Medium or EX1rcme W ann Weather Separate Norfolk Jackett in Faacy PatteRll Attn.c1i ~e diaplayt of Engliah Shirtt, Neckwear, Hosiery, etc . lmponed Hata, Mackintoahea, Bluen, Polo Ultten a...4wair, cor. 22. . St. E.lolol0hodl818 11- Yorl c...~oouo-- Phototraphs H, PA-ItK ROL'J'It HAR~Y HARRISON Departm~nt Store lAolloo'- O.,.Gooolo,- c:todolatr ... , ..... ...t T - 1 0 An!more.Pa. l..aac.uter AYe. .. T-- OffldaiP~.::.eoo. ._ Exttrtor a11d Jnlt:rlor \'le~n oC Jt.ldmctt~ p.:~~~~:d~d.n~:l:::t Aru• teun Portn.U 81Ulllp b7 Appolptmt Dt 1714 O...taat 5net PlaJI. .elpiUa. Pa. Longacre & Ewing BuUitt Building 141 S. 4th St. PULLMAN AND ALCO AUTOMOBILES LONGsrREm MOTOR:w· CO. ~hia.PL Philadelphia, Pal C'OL LEG E WEE KLY 4 were glad, for they had no one to face. The players to take the trip THAT HAP.. SoME OF THE THINGS I were: Captain Levin, Post, Moon, PEN£0. Froelicher, Taylor, '14, Poley, rle, in· Smiley, Longstreth, Schoeppe Ashbrook Cheer· leader L. Thomas, Reynolds, Lowry, HinWe aerve all the leadinr Clubs, Cafes and R~tauranu structed Freshmen Friday night to shaw, Wallerstein, Hartshor ne and and have for many yean made a specialty of the best clua , awaken everybody Saturday mornCope. They were accompanied by of Family trade. We deliver to Broad Street Station ing at 6.30, and to dump those who Manager Patrick, Barton Levin, and Readinr Terminal in time to catch desired trains. was' result The up. get o t ' failed Manager Ritts, J. P. Assistant No order is too large for our capacity nor too small to underthe of all ly that practical '10, and Coach Atwood. Phillips, prompt and inteUigent attention . Our larre receive Satstation the at graduate s were ia made up of small items. business emteam the urday morning when WOGGLEBUGS JUNIOR S VS. barked for Trinity. Songs were Drop u• • pottll or uac eltbu ' phone SOPBS. sung and cheers were given fl)r Philadelphia, Pa. each member of the squad until 21st and Arch Streets they all felt like heroes. The FEATURE OF GAME, A~SENCE OF BLOODSH ED. team went by the way of the "Reading '' to New York, having a yet feda spec.ial car all to themselves. Most The great playing of Smi"thy carTHE averqe Yo~~~~g Man wiahes to appear well clraaedof the fellows . quartetted off and ried the '12 bugs to a victory unthe need of economy. To him the William H • .Wanamaker atore makes apecial appeal with its sreat atock of Vlt_inter Suits played cards, the. grinds spending marked by the gore customary tq and Ove1coata, moderate in price and tailored to perfectioa'by ,._ their time studying. such conAicts. The bosoms of all ' ter craftsm<D. No one was lost i!l New York, the members of the class of 1912 to guide a for the Reading had sent swelled with 'patriotic pride as thefr WILUA M H. WANAMAKER lead us aright. Lunch was eaten representatives carried the pig-skin before on the "Diner," and almost in a steady advance down the field it \Vas realized. Post and Hinshaw, to the twenty-yard line, where who were the only men on the from a difficult angle Loyd booted squad to take the trip two years it, the pig-skin, over the goal posts ~go, discovered a long building on , for as pretty a field goal as could 66 a ridge. several miles across a val- be wished. This was the only A Valu ed Poli cy" .Jpy. This was the main building score of the game. The ·r~-o( the PoUc,. " IJ one In which the lnluraace Company aDd ala...t V •• s. A opponent our of campus the on value of the artlde the time was spent in rushmg up auuftd oar&' that the amount of lnsunnce rqwaents the Hartat were we minutes In a few . huund. and down the field. For the specdue to .,. or In the event of a loos thue Ia no quallon ot depredatio n ford, and on the way up, the gen- tators this contest proved a truly with eral, who stands at attention policy. valued a IJ policy state to MJtomoblle venture ORD We The DAltTF exciting one. drawn sword on the state house _/ that tile majority came to the game · grounds, was pointed out to the of wirit STOK ES & PACK ARD expectin g to .treat it in a· new fellows. venture, the folwe Again levity. Genera l Insura nce The ,men went immediately to 142 Soatlo 4tla Stnet lowing remark was ,wr~;~ng from . the rooms in the dorms assigned to them in admiration, "This, is a them and' shortly afterwar d to the good game," with the accent on field for a signal · practice. A THE TRADE-MARK OF the "is." Busiit~ss-like was the appearthe and storm snow young From finish. to ·start motto from ance of Trinity's 5quad, 'who were kick-off to the final whistle coming out for practice, drove the of the cheers was'the wo~di"{ the Wl><k. hour's them in after half an of the status of the indication only at fed The Haverfo rd men ' were course some credit is the different fraternity houses, players. Of system, but nothSpecial Line of Suitings there being no other place to eat at due the coachi~g -without ~e mateTrinity except at the Commons, a ing can be ilone &t $30, $35, $38, and $40 net . · most impossible place. All were rial. the into went res Sophomo The treated royally, some were ·stuffed TELEPHON E CONNECTION apparent ly much with good things to eat and others, game ,_;ith an of showing the the more gullible, were stuffed weaker team, but De&ler In the finest 'guallty of th's protegees was with some inside information of Coach Longstre of the highest order. Twice they Haverfo rd's t eam. Beef, V~ Mutton, Lamb and Smoked M•ta yard PWJ.dolploio, p .. Most of the players went to bed were within the Junior's ten not rush the early in the evening. Those who· line, but they could Crosman did not attended a vaudeville in ball over. Both times and . once ·be Hartford, whlch is ten minutes essayed fit;ld goals The tack,.-- away by trolley. Here two of the failed only by inches.PROVIDEN(:f;, R. L was exception·( r~al aristocrats went to the ·box ling of both teams Jines F•~· - S. K. GIFFORD, Pt.. D. Pria. office window and asked for the allY good and at times both followlliOSES IIIIOWN SCHOOL best seats in the house. They were held like stone walls. The F'...W • 1784 F-'r'F.- Sdoool given box seats at fifty cents apiece. ing men haye been awarded "W"s The accommodating management .....:the highest honor in the gift of Smith, had taxies waiting for the players the assoc1at10n: 1912, at the gym. after the game, and we Steere, Tansler, Ritts and EJ{reth; were whisked to the station in 191'j, Crosman, Ludlam, Van· time to get the 5.04 to New York. Sickle, Tomlinson and Richards. On the car with some· of the fel- The line-up: ~ Gymnoo!W.. . lows were three "bad" boys from 191J. 1912. ...U... TIM RIGHT oclooot .._,... tloe lUCHT Joo,. fw tloe RIGHT Yale, who drank ginger . ale, Smith ........ right end ...... .. . Curtis Froelicher .. .. .. tackle ..... Van Sickle cou~ed the Yale score, and ~ng Webb .... ...... Nichols ... . ..... guard ~ndover songs. \ Brewer . . . • .. . . center ....... . Meader ..... left RUard .. .. .. .. Kirk At New York the squad dis- Morris... Parker . • . • . ... . . . tackle ..... Nicho!Jon p,...of L banded. Alrthose who were either Steere. • . . . . • . . . . . end •• .••. ·. Crosman .. . . ..... quarter ......Tomlinson too sore or were broke--t here FJfreth THE JOHN C. ~INBTON CO. Ritts ......... ... half ........ . Ludlam were eleven ih this crowd-c ame Fansler .......... half .......... .. Steift Philadelp hia, Pa. · ....... .. Richarda direct to Philadelphia, the others Lewis .. ......... full Referee, Guiney. Umpire, Altwood. made a night of it in New York. Field judge, Levin. Subt, Ca<peuter The lights had just ~one out when for Pitker; ~OUDtr for Steilf. nme for • the Ia en ~ed home, and they •quarten eltrbt minatea. THE TRIP•. u-. -- SUPERIOR CLO THE S H. D. Re ese Mo ses Bro wn Sch ool )