The Historical Roots of Firm Access to Trade
The Historical Roots of Firm Access to Finance: Evidence from the African Slave Trade∗ Lamar Pierce and Jason A. Snyder+ This paper shows that access to finance is a crucial factor in explaining the link between the historical African slave trade and current GDP. We show that (1) the slave trade is strongly linked to modern firm access to finance, (2) the slave trade is associated with reduced access to both formal and trade credit, (3) ethnic fractionalization and intraethnic political centralization are plausible historical channels for this relationship, and (4) while the slave trade is strongly related to access to finance, it cannot explain most other business obstacles, suggesting that long-term shocks to culture are exceptionally important for finance. This version: August, 2014 We would like to thank Antonio Bernardo, Christian Dippel, Mark Garmaise, Eric Hilt, Phillip Leslie, Todd Milbourn, Nathan Nunn, Jordan Siegel, Todd Zenger, and numerous seminar participants for their thoughtful comments. All mistakes are ours alone. Please send all correspondence to [email protected]. Pierce: Olin Business School, Washington University in St. Louis, One Brookings Drive Box 1156, St. Louis, MO 63130 (email: [email protected]); Snyder: Anderson School of Management, UCLA, 110 Westwood Plaza, Cornell Hall, Suite D506, Los Angeles, CA 90095 (email: [email protected]). ∗ + I. Introduction A well-developed literature in finance shows that firms that cannot access external finance forgo profitable and welfare-enhancing investment opportunities.1 But if external finance is so important both for firms and for economic prosperity, why do we see so much variation in financial development? While a stream of literature has suggested institutional or political economy explanations for persistent financial underdevelopment,2 we propose an explanation that draws on the long-term persistence of historical shocks to culture. In this paper we show that strong negative shocks to culture in the past can have a lasting deleterious impact on firms’ access to external finance.3 We use the historical slave trade in Africa to study how historically persistent crosscountry variation in culture shapes access to finance. Prior work has shown that countries with plausibly exogenous higher rates of slave extraction in the fifteenth through the nineteenth centuries have lower GDP in the twentieth century, which the authors attribute to weaker institutions, reduced cultural trust, and higher ethnic fractionalization (Nunn 2008; Nunn and Wantchekon 2011; Whatley and Gillezeau 2011).4 While this work provides compelling evidence linking this historical shock to trust and development, the role of firms and investment in this relationship remains unclear despite a body of literature on the role of the business environment in development (e.g., La Porta et al. 1997; 1998; Djankov et al. 2007). Our paper asks if (1) historically high levels of slave extraction are associated with current higher barriers to external finance, (2) informal credit effectively substitutes for formal access to external finance in countries that had high levels of slave extraction, and (3) high levels of slave extraction are associated with other business obstacles, or if the relationship with finance is exceptional. We examine this link by combining historical data on the African slave trade with firmlevel data from the World Bank Enterprise Survey (WES). The WES data measure business 1 See Fisman and Love (2003, 2004), Levine (1997), and Rajan and Zingales (1998) for links between access to finance and welfare and development. 2 See Benmelech and Moskowitz (2010) or La Porta et al. (1997, 1998). 3 We build on an important related literature on trust and household finance. These studies have shown that variation in household financial decisions has roots in the long-term persistence of deeply held cultural beliefs such as trust (Guiso, Sapienza, and Zingales 2004, 2006, 2008; McMillan and Woodruff 1999. 4 For other examples from the historical persistence literature, see Acemoglu et al. (2001), Banerjee and Iyer (2005), Dell (2010), Feyrer and Sacerdote (2009), and Tabellini (2010). 1 activities and perceptions of the business climate between 2006 and 2009 for over 15,000 firms in 38 African countries. We first apply least squares regression and instrumental variable models to show that firms in African countries with high historical levels of slave extraction report access to finance to be a greater obstacle to business development than do firms in countries with low extraction.5 We next show that firms in high-slave-extraction countries also rely less on formal means of credit such as bank loans, lines of credit, checking accounts, and overdraft facilities. Slave extraction at the country level also correlates with a lower level of access to credit from suppliers. Although informal financial channels often act as substitutes for inaccessible formal financial channels (Fisman and Love 2003; Meltzer 1960), we find no evidence that firms in countries impacted by the slave trade are able to compensate for insufficient formal finance channels with credit from suppliers and customers. These results are robust to numerous alternative specifications and controls. Most importantly, the results do not seem to be driven by colonial history. The formal colonization of Africa occurred after the slave trade ended and we find that even when controlling for the colonial history and the legal system that was imposed (French or British law), our results remain unchanged.6 We also find that numerous controls for natural resources, political history, and other factors do not materially shift most of the coefficients of interest. We find that the magnitude of these effects is significant; the history of the slave trade explains approximately 10-25% of the cross-country variation in firm-level access to credit in our sample of African countries.7 Furthermore, we test whether it is possible that a history of slave extraction reduces access to credit markets simply by reducing investment opportunities. We show that slave exports are very strongly negatively correlated with the likelihood that firms report not needing a loan. Though not perfect, this is strongly suggestive that the results are not being driven by lack of investment opportunities, but rather by firms in high-slave-extraction countries being unable to 5 The instruments use distance from colonial slave ports in Europe, the Americas, and India as exogenous variation in slave extraction, as suggested by Nunn (2008). 6 See La Porta et al. (2008) for a map of legal origins in Africa. 7 We calculate these numbers using a multilevel model where the model estimates the random intercepts for each country. From this model we can calculate the standard deviation of country intercepts. In Table A1 we show the percentage that the standard deviation decreases by when we do and do not control for the country-level slave trade. See Gelman and Hill (2007) for further details on this approach. 2 pursue identified investment opportunities because of financial constraints. Firms in highextraction countries instead reported they were less likely to apply for a loan because of cumbersome applications, excessive collateral requirements, insufficient loan size, and bribe requirements from bank officials. We support our argument by examining the conditions under which a firm chooses to supply credit to potential buyers. We show that for most specifications, firms in high-slaveextraction countries are less likely to supply credit to buyers. Furthermore, we follow the approach of Rajan and Zingales (1998) by showing a strong interaction with sectoral dependence on sales credit. There is a large cross-sector variation in the supply of credit by firms in the country with sub-Saharan Africa’s best-functioning economy, South Africa, which had no history of slave extraction. Sales credit in South Africa is common in sectors such as manufacturing, but less so in sectors such as retail. We show that other African economies with low slave extraction have similar cross-sector differences in sales credit, but those with historically high slave extraction show less cross-sector differences. These results imply that the slave trade has, if anything, reduced the provision of informal sales credit in industries where it is most often used in the best functioning economy in sub-Saharan Africa. This finding is particularly important because supplier and customer credit are key sources of finance in Africa and are known to be influenced by cultural factors such as ethnic networks and trust (Biggs, Raturi, and Srivastava 2002; Fafchamps 2000; Fisman 2001). We examine two likely channels through which the legacy of slave extraction might have persisted to still affect modern access to finance. Following Nunn (2008) and Whatley and Gillezeau (2011), we first examine the ethnic fractionalization documented by historians as resulting from the slave trade (Azevedo 1982; Inkori 2003). We also examine whether the historical effect of the slave trade on coordination within ethnic groups prior to colonialism, as measured by centralization of political power, might also help explain how the slave trade changed precolonial culture in a way that might have persisted to impact modern access to finance. 3 We show that both ethnic fractionalization and precolonial intraethnic centralization are potential channels explaining the historically persistent link between slave extraction and finance.8 This evidence on persistence is not definitive but is consistent with a cultural explanation of how the slave trade undermined trust and coordination both across and within ethnic groups. Prior literature in economics has tightly linked fractionalization with lower levels of both trust and economic development (Alesina and La Ferarra 2002; Easterly and Levine 1997; Glaeser et al. 2000). Precolonial centralization has been argued to reflect coordination within ethnic groups to guard against trust-destroying parochialism and misuse of power (Gennaioli and Rainier 2007). Given the considerable literature showing the crucial role of trust in finance (Greif 1997; Guiso et al. 2004, 2008; Kotkin 1993; Lyon 2000; McMillan 1997; McMillan and Woodruff 1999), particularly in developing economies (Beck and Demirguc-Kunt 2006; Biggs et al. 2002; Fisman and Love 2003), it is plausible that the sizable variation in access to finance in Africa explained by the slave trade operates through these culturally linked and historically persistent channels of ethnic fractionalization and centralization. Finally, we provide a set of descriptive facts to understand if lack of access to finance is exceptional amongst obstacles to business or just one of many areas in which the cultural legacy of the slave trade has inhibited the growth and success of enterprise in Africa. From 15 major business obstacles in Africa identified by the World Bank’s Enterprise Survey,9 access to finance is one of only two that consistently correlate with historical slave extraction, with the other being access to electricity, which also involves substantial credit components. This suggests that other institutional and transactional obstacles to doing business in Africa have been largely determined by other historically important forces, such as colonization, legal origins, and natural resources. These alternative potential determinants of the business environment cannot, however, explain the link between the slave trade and access to finance. Given the extensive literature linking access to finance with both economic development (Levine 1997; Rajan and Zingales 1998) 10 and 8 As we discuss later, we are unable to directly examine the interpersonal trust used in Nunn and Wantchekon (2011) due to (a) insufficient country overlap with the Afrobarometer and World Values Survey (16 countries overlap) and (b) little within-country geographic variation, due to the high concentration of firm respondents in urban areas. 9 Other obstacles to business include efficacy of the courts, difficulty in obtaining a business license, and political instability. 10 See Gennaioli et al. (2013) for a recent discussion on this literature. 4 cultural elements such as trust (McMillan and Woodruff 1999; Guiso et al. 2004), this set of descriptive facts provides further validation that the role of culture in access to finance is of firstorder importance. Our results point to a wealth of future research opportunities aimed at understanding what drives this relationship. This paper contributes to several lines of research that suggest that the historical foundations of culture are linked to present-day firm access to finance. One line has shown a strong correlation between individual levels of trust and financial contracting (Greif 1997; Guiso et al. 2004, 2008; Kotkin 1993; Lyon 2000; McMillan 1997; McMillan and Woodruff 1999). The literature on trust and finance has been critical to understanding regional and national variation in financial practices, but has largely been limited to correlating individual self-reported trust with household financial decisions. We connect this cultural variation to firm-level financial barriers, which allows us to establish the unique importance of finance in linking culture with economic growth. In contrast, previous studies have primarily focused on how culture affects personal financial decisions (Guiso et al. 2008). Additionally, in contrast to prior scholars, we are able to exploit a large, plausibly exogenous, cross-country shock within a continent. This paper thus provides unique support for finance scholars’ increasing focus on trust (e.g., Sapienza and Zingales 2012). We contribute to a second line of research that uses historical events and conditions to establish causal links to both culture and modern outcomes (Alesina et al. 2013; Glaeser and Shleifer 2002; La Porta et al. 1998, 1999, 2000; Tabellini 2010). Most of these historical events involve quasi-random variation in the propensity of occupying powers to turn their “possessions” into extraction states, leading in turn to present-day underdevelopment (e.g., Acemoglu et al. 2001; Bannerjee and Iyer 2005; Dell 2010; Feyrer and Sacerdote 2009).11 While this literature frequently argues that this persistent causal relationship is based in institutions (Djankov, McLiesh, and Shleifer 2007; Jappelli and Pagano 2002; La Porta et al. 1997, 2000; Stulz and Williamson 2003) or cultural mistrust transmitted across generations (Algan and Cahuc 2010; Dohmen et al. 2012; Guiso et al. 2006, 2009; Knack and Keefer 1997), the literature on historical persistence has typically focused on aggregates like GDP or outcomes such as self 11 See Nunn (2009) for a review of the multiple links between history and economic development. 5 reported levels of trust and investment in public goods. Very little attention has been paid to how these deep-rooted cultural explanations of trust and development manifest themselves in firm behavior. Yet this is important because business practices such as finance are a principal mechanism through which variation in GDP can be explained. Finally, we contribute to an emerging literature on the relationship between culture and business practices, which economists have only recently begun to examine. Bloom et al. (2012) show that trust levels in a multinational corporation’s home country affect the decision rights given to local managers, while Bottazzi et al. (2011) examine national trust levels and venture capital investment decisions. Related work on bilateral national cultural differences has examined cross-border mergers (Ahern et al. 2012; Siegel et al. 2011), loans (Giannetti and Yafeh 2012), and trade (Guiso et al. 2009). Perhaps most closely related to our work is a recent paper by Luigi Pascali (2014) showing how historical Catholic doctrine toward Jewish communities affected modern banking practices. To the best of our knowledge, our paper is unique in this literature in both its focus on developing countries and its use of historical shocks to support causal arguments. Section II provides a brief history of the slave trade in Africa and describes current access to finance in the affected countries. Section III describes our data and identification strategy. Section IV presents our result. Section V concludes. II. Historical and Cultural Context In order to believe that the link between the slave trade and modern development can be partly explained through restricted access to finance, three intermediate arguments must be plausible. First, the slave trade must have dramatically changed cultural and institutional factors in the past. Second, these changes must have persisted across history. Third, these historically persistent remnants of the slave trade must plausibly affect firm access to finance in ways consistent with prior work. In this section, we address why we believe these three arguments are plausible based on prior work. 6 A. The Impact of the African Slave Trade Between 12 and 18 million Africans were sold into slavery between the fifteenth and the eighteenth century (Lovejoy 2000; Nunn 2010), depopulating the continent so severely that it may have lost 50% of its potential population by 1850 (Manning 1990). Slaves were distributed and sold through four major trade routes. The trans-Saharan, Red Sea, and Indian Ocean routes were the oldest, dating back to before A.D. 800. The transatlantic trade route, which emerged in the fifteenth century, ultimately had the highest volume. Although the majority of slaves in the early periods were kidnapped or taken as prisoners of war, the sourcing of slaves later shifted toward internecine conflict. Africans sold family members, friends, and community members to slave traders, both in exchange for goods or money and for fear that these personal or political rivals would betray them first (Almada 1984; Mahadi 1992). Historians and economists have argued that the slave trade had several interrelated effects on historical culture that might link slave extraction to modern development. First, the slave trade destroyed existing institutions and then inhibited the formation and evolution of modern institutions that are critical for economic growth (Acemoglu et al. 2001; Sokoloff and Engelman 2000). Well-established and evolving kingdoms and confederations throughout Africa were undermined by kidnappings and raids by both European and African slave traders (Barry 1998; Inikori 2003; Lovejoy 2000). Furthermore, the slave trade corrupted historical institutions by transforming the legal process into a mechanism through which one could enslave another. Accusations of witchcraft and adultery were frequently used to resolve personal vendettas (Lovejoy 2000; Northrup 1978), with sentences of enslavement used to eliminate rivals. To support this argument, Nunn (2008) finds evidence that the precolonial (and post slave trade) state development measures developed by Murdock (1967) and Gennaioli and Rainier (2006; 2007) are correlated with slave extraction. Second, scholars have argued that warfare and raids by competing villages not only weakened institutions, but also destroyed relationships across villages and states in ways that fractionalized larger societies into smaller ethnolinguistic groups (Azevedo 1982; Inkori 2003). This fractionalization encouraged parochialism and prevented the formation of larger societies and institutions necessary for economic development (Kusimba 2004). Both Nunn (2008) and 7 Whatley and Gillezeau (2011) find evidence that ethnic fractionalization, which is broadly thought to impact economic development (Alesina et al. 2003; Levine and Easterly 1997), can also be directly linked with historical slave extraction. Third, many have argued that the prevalence of betrayal in the slave trade also created a culture of insecurity so severe that it undermined interpersonal trust even within ethnic groups and families. During the slave trade, people often preemptively betrayed community and family members to avoid being betrayed themselves (Piot 1996), even forming alliances with merchants and raiders against community members (Barry 1992; Inikori 2003; Klein 2001). Evidence from a nineteenth-century sample of former slaves in Sierra Leone found that while 25% had been captured in war, 40% had been kidnapped and another 20% had been sold by friends and relatives (Koelle 1854). B. The Historical Persistence of the African Slave Trade on Modern Culture Strong evidence exists that the slave trade not only shaped precolonial political centralization, ethnic fractionalization, and cultural trust, but that these effects also persisted across time to help determine modern development and culture. The persistence of precolonial centralization is supported by a robust literature linking modern development and public goods in Africa with precolonial political centralization within ethnic groups (Gennaioli and Rainier 2006; 2007; Herbst 2000; Michalopoulos and Papaioannou 2013, 2014). This suggests that any historical shock to precolonial intraethnic institutions from the slave trade likely survived colonialism to impact the modern business environment. Additionally, the historical persistence of ethnic fractionalization has been shown in the economics literature (Easterly and Levine 1997; Alesina et al. 2003; Michalopoulos 2011). Both Nunn (2008) and Whatley and Gillezeau (2011) find that ethnic fractionalization in Africa can be specifically linked to the slave trade. The historical persistence of shocks to cultural trust and mistrust is also supported by substantial theory and evidence. Scholars have argued that values persist across centuries through both their intergenerational transmission from parent to child (Algan and Cahuc 2010; Dohmen et al. 2012; Grosjean 2014; Guiso et al. 2008; Tabellini 2008) and through cultural institutions such as religion (Guiso et al. 2003, 2007). Thus, even in the absence of institutional persistence, a 8 severe cultural shock such as the slave trade can generate new cultural paths that spans generations. Within Africa, important evidence points to a link between slave extraction and a long-term impact on culture. Nunn and Wantchekon (2011) linked ethnicity-specific slave extraction to modern trust measures in the geographic regions of ethnic homelands. Analyzing over 20,000 modern survey responses from 185 ethnic groups in sub-Saharan Africa, they found trust to be considerably lower in ethnic groups that had lost large numbers of people to the slave trade. Importantly, they find that high exposure to the slave trade was equally powerful for predicting mistrust toward those closest to the respondent (family members) as it was for predicting mistrust of those furthest from the respondent (other tribes). C. The Link Between Culture and Finance and its Importance in Africa Existing research on finance and trust strongly suggests that firm access to finance is a likely link between the historically persistent shock of the slave trade and the lack of economic development and trust in sub-Saharan Africa. First, access to finance is one of the most important elements for economic development (Bertrand, Schoar, and Thesmar 2007; Rajan and Zingales 1998). Second, a substantial body of research has shown a strong correlation between individual levels of trust and finance (Bottazzi et al. 2011; Kotkin 1993; Greif 1997; McMillan 1997; McMillan and Woodruff 1999; Lyon 2000; Guiso et al. 2004; 2008; 2009). Guiso et al. (2004) find that in areas of Italy where social capital is highest, individuals are more likely to participate in financial markets. For example, they are less likely to hold cash and more likely to own stock. When looking at a broader sample of data, Guiso et al. (2008) find similar results; less trust leads to lower participation in financial markets. This literature collectively establishes a strong link between a broadly defined concept of trust and financial market participation. There are multiple compelling reasons why trust and the related concepts of ethnic fractionalization and precolonial centralization should be particularly important for access to finance in Africa. While over 80% of households in Western Europe and North America have banking accounts (Beck et al. 2007), fewer than 20% in sub-Saharan Africa do (Beck et al. 2008). Banks and other formal financial institutions are underdeveloped, which limits the possibility of checking and savings accounts as well as formal institutional loans. Beck et al. (2008) note that 9 the cost of opening an account in countries such as Cameroon and Sierra Leone exceeds the percapita GDP. Despite this scarcity of finance across Africa, there is evidence of heterogeneity across populations and countries. Private credit as a percentage of GDP ranges from 1.9% in Mozambique to 19.1% in Ethiopia (Beck et al. 2008). Honohan and Beck (2007), in a report for the World Bank, argue that sub-Saharan Africa’s level of trade credit—the world’s lowest—can be partially explained by extremely low levels of trust. Given low levels of generalized trust, friends, family, and ethnic networks play critical roles in trade credit and other informal finance (Beck and Demirguc-Kunt 2006; Biggs et al. 2002). Fafchamps (2000), La Ferrara (2003), and Fisman (2003) all found that ethnicity is a critical factor in determining which firms have access to shared resources and trade credit. Consequently, ethnic fractionalization from the slave trade may inhibit credit networks because there are simply fewer opportunities for financial exchange with firms from the same ethnic group. This is consistent with prior work showing ethnic fractionalization to be strongly linked to lower trust, weaker development, and inhibited access to finance in developing countries (Alesina and La Ferrara 2000; Barr 2003; Glaeser et al. 2000). Compounding this problem of ethnic fractionalization is that the slave trade not only reduced trust between ethnic groups, but also undermined trust within ethnic groups and families (Nunn and Wantchekon 2011). This intraethnic mistrust also may have inhibited the development of precolonial political centralization, given the known importance of trust in institutional development (Putnam 1993; Beck et al. 2005a; 2005b). These connections of both ethnic fractionalization and precolonial centralization with trust and finance are important because trust is difficult to directly correlate to firm outcomes in Africa due to the paucity of trust data in many African countries.12 In contrast, ethnic fractionalization and centralization have more extensive cross-national measures across Africa. 12 The two major sources for trust data in Africa (Afrobarometer and World Values Survey) together cover only 16 of the countries in our WES sample, while fractionalization measures exist for all 38. 10 III. Data Our analysis uses two primary datasets. The first is Nathan Nunn’s (2008) dataset on the African slave trade between the years 1400 and 1900. Nunn constructed estimates of the number of slaves extracted from the land areas that define each present-day African country for the four slave trades (Indian Ocean, Red Sea, trans-Saharan, and transatlantic). These estimates were constructed by combining historical data on slaves’ ethnicities with shipping data from multiple ports and regions of Africa. Ethnicity data came from records on 80,656 slaves with 229 ethnic designations from 54 samples. Shipping data came from different sources for each of the four major slave trades, including data from Austen (1979, 1988, 1992) on the Indian Ocean, Red Sea, and trans-Saharan trades and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database built by Eltis et al. (1999).13 Combining these data based on ethnicity produces slave extraction data for 52 African countries. The second dataset is the World Bank Enterprise Survey (WES), conducted between 2006 and 2010. The surveys cover over 100,000 businesses in more than 120 countries, asking owners and managers to provide information and opinions on productivity, business practices, and business obstacles. The WES covers approximately 15,000 observations in the 38 countries in Africa for which we have historical data on slave extraction. The majority of the missing countries are in North Africa, where slave extraction was relatively low. Others, including Zimbabwe, Equatorial Guinea, and Sudan, also had low slave extraction. Table 1 provides country-level summary statistics for the 38 countries covered by both datasets. We represent slave extraction by logging the number of slaves extracted divided by the geographic area in square kilometers.14 The first set of control variables represents country-level geographic and environmental characteristics that might influence economic development or health and includes longitude, distance from the equator, lowest monthly rainfall, maximum humidity, low temperature, coastline length (logged), and a dummy indicating that the nation is 13 See Nunn (2008) for a detailed description of the sourcing and building of this database. All references to slave extraction in this paper will refer to this logged area-adjusted measure. Since the natural log of zero does not exist, for countries with no slave extraction the 0 observation is replaced with 1. 14 11 an island.15 We also include dummy variables for important cultural and institutional factors that may also influence access to finance, including the percentage of Islam adherence and a dummy for French legal origins, which arguably have the worst protection for investors (La Porta et al. 1997).16 We also include dummies for European colonizers, which proxies for the level and nature of colonial influence. We include controls for natural resource wealth, using the average per capita production of gold, oil, and diamonds. These control variables are the standard set for cross-country work within Africa, used by Besley and Reynal-Querol (2014) and Nunn (2008), among others. Furthermore, we present the minimum distance to the primary slave markets for the four slave trades, which will serve as instrumental variables later in the paper. Figure 1a presents 2010 GDP per capita for each of the 38 countries in our sample, with darker shades representing higher values. Figure 1b presents country-level historical slave extraction per million square kilometers, taken from Nunn (2008), with darker shades representing higher values. Those countries with higher area-adjusted slave extraction have lower per capita GDP. Since we rely heavily on Nunn (2008) to establish the economic importance of the historical slave trade, we replicate his results, using the subset of 38 countries for which we have data from the WES, in Figure 2 and Appendix Table A2. Even with our smaller sample, we find that slave-extraction levels are highly predictive of economic development over the twentieth century. Table 2a presents summary statistics on firm characteristics for the 15,276 responses from the WES for countries with slave-extraction data. The survey provides key information on firm characteristics, including ownership, organizational structure, industry sector, age, and size. Firm size is defined in the WES by three categories: less than 20 employees, 21 to 99 employees, and 100 or more employees. We present the 14 sectors into which the firms are categorized, the most common being retail and wholesale trade, manufacturing, and food. Table 2b presents self-reported financial practices for each firm, including the use of checking or savings accounts, overdraft protection, bank loans or formal lines of credit, input purchases paid with trade credit, and four mutually exclusive and exhaustive sources for working 15 See Nunn (2009) or Nunn and Puga (2012) for a discussion of the relationship between geography and economic development. 16 See La Porta et al. (1997, 1998, 2000) for a discussion of the impact of legal origins on finance and development. 12 capital: internal funds, formal institutional loans, 17 supply chain credit, and other sources. Internal financing is the dominant form of finance, with informal supply chain credit and formal loans being much less common. We also present whether the firm applied for or needed a loan, as well the self-reported most important reasons for not applying for a loan.18 Figure 1c presents the substantial variation in the percentage of firms with a bank loan or line of credit across the 38 countries in our sample. In Table 2c, we present self-reported access to finance as an obstacle to business, which is part of a set of 15 potential business obstacles subjectively measured on a five-point scale between 0 and 4. Based on the five-point scale in the WES, we define each obstacle as equal to 1 if it is reported as a major (3) or severe (4) obstacle.19 Approximately 45% of firms report access to finance as an obstacle, which is only outranked by access to electricity (which typically requires a credit-based deposit for customers and large amounts of credit for those building generation plants). IV. Empirical Analysis A. Firm-level Obstacles to Finance We next use the WES data to examine whether firms in high-slave-extraction countries report difficulties accessing external finance. We explore this relationship in more depth using a series of linear probability models, in which the dichotomous self-report of access to finance as a business obstacle is regressed on the logged number of extracted slaves (normalized by geographic area) and a series of country- and firm-level controls.20 The baseline specification is: 1 𝑦!" = 𝛽! + 𝛽! ln (slave exports! /𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎! ) + 𝑪!! 𝛿 + 𝑿!! 𝛾 + 𝒁!! 𝜆 + 𝜀!" , where 𝑦!" is a dummy variable indicating that respondent i in country k views access to finance as a major or severe business obstacle and ln (slave exports! /𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎! ) is the natural log of the number of slaves extracted from country k between 1400 and 1900 normalized by land area. C k is 17 We combine two categories—bank loans and loans from non-bank institutions—into this formal institutional loans category. 18 The observations decrease by about 3,000 because the reasons for not applying for a loan are conditional on those who did not apply. 19 0 represents no obstacle, 1 a minor obstacle, 2 a moderate obstacle, 3 a major obstacle, and 4 a very severe obstacle. 20 There are no data for self-reported access to finance as an obstacle from Nigeria. 13 a vector of dummy variables representing the European colonizer prior to independence; X k is a vector of geographic, climate, and cultural control variables; and Z i is a vector of industry sector dummies interacted with each of the three firm-size dummies as well as a linear term for firm age. Figure 3 presents raw country-level data showing the positive relationship between areaadjusted slave extraction and access to finance as an obstacle. Coefficients for area-adjusted slave extraction from our regression models are presented in Table 3, with standard errors clustered at the country level in parentheses. The first column reports estimates without any control variables, while the second column adds the industry and firm-size controls. The baseline results suggest that approximately 28% of firms in low-slave-extraction countries describe access to finance as a major or severe obstacle. In the highest-slave-extraction countries, the frequency increases to 57%. Furthermore, these results remain unchanged by the inclusion of extensive firm-level control variables, suggesting that the effect is not driven by the composition of firms across these countries. The third column adds colonizer controls, while the fourth column presents the fully controlled model. Again, the results remain unchanged, suggesting that colonizer identity, legal origins, and geography are not the underlying explanatory factors. Columns (5) and (6) collapse the data to the country level, where self-reported access to finance as an obstacle is the average of all firm data. We rerun the uncontrolled and fully controlled models. In both, country-level slave extraction is positively related to managers reporting access to finance as a major obstacle.21 Columns (7) and (8) implement the instrumental variables approach from Nunn (2008) to address the potential endogeneity of slave extraction.22 The principal concern is that the people historically living within current national boundaries may have endogenously selected into the 21 Because we are concerned that our dichotomous dependent variables were strategically constructed from the survey’s five-point scale, we use alternative cutoffs for finance as a business obstacle. One model defines the obstacle dummies as equal to 1 only if the respondent labeled the obstacle as major (3) or severe (4). Another defines an obstacle as minor or greater (1-4). Both models produce positive and statistically significant coefficients for slave extraction. 22 The description of these instruments closely follows from Nunn (2008), pages 160-161. These four instruments are: (1) The sailing distance from the country’s coastline to the closest major slave markets on the Atlantic slave trade. These markets are in the Southern United States, Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Dominica, Martinique, Guyana, and Brazil. (2) The sailing distance from the country’s coastline to the closest major slave markets on the Indian Ocean slave trade. These markets are in Mauritius and Oman. (3) The overland distance between the center of the country and the major slave markets on the Trans-Saharan slave trade. These markets are in Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Iraq, and Egypt. (4) The overland distance between the center of the country and the major slave markets on the Red Sea slave trade. These markets are in Djibouti, Eritrea, and Sudan. 14 slave trade based on preexisting culture or institutions and that these persistent preexisting cultural or institutional differences also impact modern access to finance. Nunn (2008) presents historical evidence that appears to conflict with this alternative argument. The slave trade was more prevalent in wealthier societies (as measured by population density). Similarly, Africa is the only place in the world where more rugged, agriculturally inhospitable terrain is positively associated with wealth (Nunn and Puga 2012). To support the exogeneity argument, however, we implement Nunn’s instrumental variable model using the distance from each African country to the external demand market location for each of the four major slave trades.23 For these four instruments to be valid, they must be correlated with slave extraction but uncorrelated with other uncontrolled country characteristics that might predict access to finance. The instruments must also be determinant of slave extraction and not the opposite. Historical analysis shows that local demand for slaves was determined by local natural resources, including pearl diving in the Red Sea, salt mines in the Middle East, precious metals in South America, and agricultural plantations in the Caribbean and North America.24 We implement the IV model using all four instrumental variables. Because the instruments are weak, with only 37 observations (3<F-stats<5), we implement Moreira’s (2003) conditional likelihood correction of confidence intervals (Andrews et al. 2006). This correction provides the set of parameter estimates that cannot be rejected at the 95%-confidence level. We present the second-stage results for the IV models in columns (7) and (8) of Table 3, with 95%confidence intervals. The IV models are consistent with the base OLS models, finding a positive relationship between slave extraction and access to finance as a business obstacle. In unreported results, we find that when we control for country-level characteristics beyond colonizer effects, the standard errors become undefined, given our small sample of only 37 countries and the weakness of the instruments. However, the parameter estimate stays approximately the same. 23 24 See Nunn (2008) for details on these calculations. See Nunn and Wantchekon (2011) for a detailed examination of the exclusion restriction for these instruments. 15 B. Access to Formal and Informal Credit The results from Tables 4a and 4b suggest that slave extraction had a major long-term impact on economic development by reducing access to finance. To further investigate this hypothesized link, we next investigate specific financial channels that might be affected by this history. More specifically, we want to understand if the slave trade affected finance through both formal and informal financial channels. To do so, we repeat our OLS models from columns (1) through (4) of Table 3 using selfreported financial practices as our dependent variables. Tables 4a and 4b present regression models for four dependent variables.25 Columns (1) through (4) of Table 4a use a dichotomous dependent variable indicating a formal institutional credit source: a bank loan or line of credit. Columns (5) through (8) examine the percentage of input purchases paid for with credit, which reflects access to trade credit. Table 4b presents models using dichotomous variables indicating two other types of formal credit: the use of a checking or savings account and the availability of overdraft protection. The results from all 16 models indicate that area-adjusted slave extraction is related to lower access to both formal credit from banks and to informal trade credit. In the baseline model in column (1) of Table 4a, the results suggest that in the countries with the lowest levels of slave extraction, approximately 38% of firms have access to lines of credit, while in the countries with the highest levels of slave extraction, that number drops to approximately 10%. Likewise in column (5) of Table 4a, firms in countries with the lowest levels of slave extraction pay for approximately 48% of their input purchases with credit, while this is true for only 16% of firms in the highest-slave-extraction countries. As an alternative measure of access to finance, we investigate whether firms in high-slaveextraction countries acquire their working capital from different sources than those in lowextraction countries. Tables 5a and 5b examine the percentage of working capital from four mutually exclusive and exhaustive sources: internal funds, loans from banks and other institutions, supply chain credit, and other sources (moneylenders, friends, and family). Since these four categories mechanically sum to 1, the effect sizes are relative to one another. The 25 The results in Tables 4a and 4b are robust to testing using a seemingly unrelated regressions approach. Results are available upon request. 16 strongest prediction, therefore, is that slave extraction will increase reliance on internal funds (such as retained earnings) relative to other external sources, indicating that access to finance from the three external sources is restricted. Indeed, Table 5a shows that firms in high-slave-extraction countries are more likely to rely on internal funds (rows (1) through (4)) and less likely to rely on bank loans (rows (5) through (8)), consistent with our earlier results. From column (1), the model predicts that for firms in countries with the lowest level of slave extraction, approximately 65% of working capital will come from internal funds. For firms in countries with the highest levels of slave extraction, that percentage jumps to 78%. Furthermore, Table 5b shows that in the absence of formal credit such as bank loans, firms appear to be less likely to have access to informal credit either through supply chain credit (rows (1) through (4)) or through family or friends (rows (5) through (8)), although these results are only statistically significant in the fully controlled models. The weak results on supply chain credit are most likely attributable to the fact that this measure confounds credit from suppliers and from buyers. Taken in total, when slave extraction increases, working capital coming from banks drops dramatically, with much of the substitution coming from internal funds. Tables 4 and 5 are consistent with a story that slave extraction had a long-term impact on access to multiple channels of finance. Firms in high-slave-extraction countries are far more likely to rely on internal funds for investment, since they appear to have less access to several different channels for credit. This reduced access includes credit through both financial institutions (loans, credit lines, checking accounts) and trade relationships (supplier and customer credit). C. Reasons for Finance Obstacles While our results are consistent with a story that the supply of financing is restricted by cultural factors, it is possible that the lower use of financing reflects reduced demand due to lack of economic development in these countries (Bigsten et al. 2003). We next show that the use of credit is indeed restricted by the supply of credit, not by the demand for credit. The slave trade is associated not with lack of investment opportunities, but instead with the inability to access the capital necessary to pursue those opportunities. 17 We first repeat our OLS models from Tables 3 through 5, regressing a dummy variable indicating whether the firm applied for credit in the previous year on area-adjusted country-level slave extraction and our full set of control variables. Column (1) of Table 6a shows that in the lowest-slave-extraction countries, 26% of firms applied for a loan, compared to only 19% in the highest-slave-extraction countries. These results should be interpreted cautiously, however, since the statistical significance of the coefficient in column (1) of Table 6a is marginal. The results for these regressions, presented in columns (1) through (4) of Table 6a, show lower levels of credit applications in countries with high slave extraction. To test whether this reflects decreased demand rather than the availability—or futility—of loan applications, we next examine the selfreported reasons for those 11,707 firms that chose not to apply for a loan. Each of these possible reasons was represented by a dummy variable indicating whether it was the primary reason for not having a loan; this dummy was then regressed on slave extraction and our full set of controls. It is important to note that because firms were asked to choose only the most important reason, these answers are mutually exclusive and coefficients should therefore be interpreted relative to one another. Column (5) of Table 6a shows a stark cross-country result on firms declaring that they had no need for a loan. In the lowest-slave-extraction countries, 70% of firms that didn’t apply for a loan said the reason was that they didn’t need one. In the highest-slave-extraction countries, this rationale drops to 22%. Columns (6) through (8) of Table 6a are consistent with this result. Even the addition of our extensive controls does not diminish the statistical significance of the result. This suggests that the decreased number of applications is not due to lower demand but rather to expectations that loans will not be granted or that they would cost too much. This conclusion is further supported by the fact that among firms that did not list access to finance as difficult (see Table 2b), 57% reported no need for a loan, compared to 21% of those reporting finance as a business obstacle. Since approximately 40% of firms that did not apply for a loan reported not needing one, we examined several other reasons for not applying: if applications were too cumbersome, if loans required excessive collateral, if interest rates were too high, if loans were too small, if loans required informal payments (that is, bribes to bank officers), or if the firm never applied because 18 it anticipated rejection. We present these regressions in Tables 6b through 6d. Table 6b shows that loan applications in high-slave-extraction countries are perceived to be too cumbersome and to require too much collateral. Columns (1) – (4) of Table 6c indicate that loans that were offered in high-slave-extraction countries were also too small. In contrast, columns (5) through (8) produce inconsistent results on the relationship between slave extraction and the formal interest rates or prices of loans, with the fully controlled model showing no correlation. Table 6d indicates a strong relationship between slave extraction and the need to bribe bank officers (informal payment), but no relationship with the expectation of rejection. The specific rationales for not applying for a loan should be interpreted cautiously, since some of these reasons are not altogether conceptually distinct. For example, if the collateral requirement is too high, it is likely that the interest rate is also too high for loans without sufficient collateral. However, the economic and statistical significance for firms having no need for a loan is overwhelming. This result suggests that supply-side factors—not demand-side factors—are raising the cost of accessing credit. The evidence is consistent with the availability of investment opportunities in the high-slave-extraction countries and the unavailability of the finance necessary to exploit them. D. Firm Supply of Trade Credit Up to this point, we have examined WES respondents’ reported access to finance, but we are also interested in their provision of trade credit to other firms. Table 7 provides models that regress the percentage of sales that the company made to customers on credit on area-adjusted exports and the same set of control variables used previously. Column (1) shows that in the lowest-slave-extraction countries, credit is provided for 45% of all sales, while in the highest-slaveextraction countries, credit is provided for only about 17% of all sales. Columns (3) through (4) present models that suggest that, on average, firms in high-slave-extraction countries also provide less trade credit, although results in the fully controlled model are statistically insignificant. This average effect, however, masks the fact that firms with more than 100 employees provide approximately 50% of their sales on credit, while firms with less than 20 employees provide approximately 22% of their sales on credit. Column (5) divides firms into three size categories based on the three employment levels in Table 2a. Indeed, regression results show that medium- 19 size and large firms are much more likely to provide sales credit, but this provision is substantially reduced in high-slave-extraction countries, making differences in sales credit provision across different firm sizes much smaller in high-extraction countries. This suggests that for the larger firms that provide critical trade credit to their customers, the historical slave trade carries a lasting deleterious effect. E. Sector-specific Effects All of our previous regressions have identified the impact of the slave trade on access to finance at the country level. These results could be explained either by persistent country-level cultural aspects directly affected by the slave trade or, alternatively, by institutional differences that developed in response to heterogeneous extraction levels. In order to disentangle these possible mechanisms, we examine the relationship between finance and the slave trade across different sectors, using the approach from Rajan and Zingales (1998). In this approach, we first identify sector-level effects on specific financial channels in the most frictionless financial market in Africa: South Africa. We do so by regressing the WES accessto-finance variables on interactions between the sectors listed in Table 2a and a dummy for firm size:26 2 𝑦!! = 𝛽 + 𝒁!! 𝜆 + 𝜀!" , where 𝑦!" is a variable indicated in Table A3 and Z i is a vector of industry sector dummies interacted with each of the three firm-size dummies and a linear term for firm age. The observations and adjusted R-squared values are listed in Table A3. In order to use sector-specific measures, there must be sufficient variation in differences across sectors. Of the many access-tofinance variables used in earlier regressions, the provision of trade credit used in Table 7 is most significantly explained by sectoral factors, with more than double the R-squared of all others. For example, while sector explains only 3% of the variation in bank loans or lines of credit, it explains approximately 14.4% of the variation in sales credit provided to a buyer. Because sales credit 26 South Africa has the lowest reported level of access to finance as a business obstacle in the WES data. Furthermore, its size provides sufficient observations in the WES data to estimate sector-specific effects on access to finance. 20 provision therefore provides the best variation across sectors within a country, we use it to estimate industry-specific effects of the slave trade across Africa. We regress individual sales credit responses across the 37 remaining countries on the predicted values from the sales credit regression and their interaction with slave extraction. Column (6) in Table 7 presents the basic model without interaction, while columns (7) and (8) present models that interact sector-specific dependence with slave extraction. In column (6), we see that South African sectors where sales credit is more common strongly predict sales credit in other countries. Furthermore, the interacted model in column (7) shows that slave extraction has a much stronger negative effect on access to sales credit in those sectors that heavily supply this type of financing. Column (8) adds our full set of control variables and this interaction term remains significantly negative. Unreported regression results with country fixed effects also show that, even within a country, historical slave extraction appears to have more impact on access to finance for firms that heavily depend on trade credit. F. Channels of Historical Persistence As we noted in Section II, past work by economists and historians provides three interrelated channels through which the historical slave trade might continue to affect access to finance and development: inhibited state development, intergenerational transmission of cultural trust, and ethnic fractionalization. Although ideally we would directly test each of these mechanisms, our ability to test the role of cultural trust is limited by lack of data. Although prior work has used questions on trust from Afrobarometer (Nunn and Wantchekon 2011) and World Values Survey (Guiso et al. 2006), the overlap of these surveys with our slave extraction data is limited and does not provide sufficient variation to test this channel. Of the 38 countries with both slave extraction and WES data, only 16 have trust data from either the Afrobarometer or the World Values Survey. Nunn and Wantchekon (2011) were able to exploit within-country variation in both respondent and regional ethnicity in the Afrobarometer data, but we are unable to do because the variation in access to external finance in our data is mainly at the country level, not the regional level. In unreported results, we use a nested random-effects model to estimate the standard 21 deviations in country and region effects on bank loans and lines of credit. When incorporating both country and region levels, which is impossible in the fixed-effects framework, we find that the standard deviation of the country intercepts is .0957, while the variation in region intercepts is .0538.27 Almost twice as much variation in whether a firm has a bank loan is explained by country than is explained by region. This is most likely due to the concentration of most WES firm respondents in a few urban areas. Even if we had sufficient variation in firm location within a country, the supply of formal credit is most likely flowing from large national banks located in only a few locations in each country. Even if there is a high level of trust in one subregion, access to credit depends on the interactions of the regions. While self-reported levels of trust vary widely across regions within countries, indicators of access to external finance do not. Instead, we examined the roles of ethnic fractionalization and precolonial intraethnic centralization—two channels for which we have reasonably complete data for all countries in our sample—in translating slave extraction to modern access to finance. These are not only wellestablished historically persistent channels, but also reflect strong elements of trust and cooperation that can be plausibly linked to modern finance. Figure 4 presents country-level data for fractionalization and centralization. We use data from Alesina et al. (2003) to examine country-level ethnic fractionalization, which they measure as 1 minus the summed squares of the population share of each ethnolinguistic group. For intraethnic centralization, we use data from Gennaioli and Rainier (2007), who calculate country-level measures of historical centralization from Murdock’s (1967) precolonial (but post-slave trade) measures of ethnicity-level government hierarchy. To isolate the component of ethnic fractionalization that is correlated with slave extraction, we implement a 2SLS regression model, in which historical slave extraction is used to predict the component of ethnic fractionalization associated with modern access to finance. Figures 5 and 6 illustrate this concept. In Figure 5, we show the association between slave extraction and ethnic fractionalization. While there is a strongly significant and meaningful correlation, slave extraction only explains approximately 50% of the variation in ethnic 27 This is a standard technique in multilevel modeling. See Gelman and Hill (2007) 22 fractionalization.28 In Figure 6, we isolate that component by taking the predicted values from the regression in Figure 5 and regressing self-reported access to finance against them. What this shows is that the variation in ethnic fractionalization that was induced by the slave trade is also correlated with self-reported access to finance. If ethnic fractionalization were not a relevant channel, then what we would most likely see is an upward-sloping relationship in Figure 5 and no correlation in Figure 6. While it is almost certainly the case that the slave trade does not operate exclusively through the channels of ethnic fractionalization and intraethnic centralization, the 2SLS model allows us to study how the component of each channel that is driven by slave extraction is correlated with financing outcomes. We advise caution when interpreting these relationships causally. Tables 8a and 8b present both simple OLS and second-stage results for ethnic fractionalization models using the four access-to-finance variables.29 The first two columns of each group show the simple OLS relationship between fractionalization and access to finance, while the second two present the uncontrolled and controlled 2SLS models. Columns (1) through (4) of Table 8a show that fractionalization strongly predicts finance as an obstacle when instrumented with slave extraction. Columns (5) through (8) show similar results for fractionalization being associated with reduced use of bank loans and lines of credit. Columns (1) through (4) of Table 8b also show less use of trade credit from suppliers, while columns (5) through (8) show weak results on fractionalization reducing trade credit to customers. Collectively, these models support ethnic fractionalization as one channel through which the historical slave trade affects modern access to finance. We implement these same OLS and 2SLS models on centralization. Tables 9a and 9b present evidence that precolonial intraethnic centralization is another possible channel for the effect of slave extraction on access to finance. Taken together, the results are somewhat weaker than those in Tables 8a and 8b. 28 29 This is the R2 of the regression in Figure 5. First-stage results are presented in Appendix Table A4. 23 In summary, our core measures of access to formal finance and trade credit are correlated with the slave-extraction-driven components of ethnic fractionalization and centralization. G. Is Finance Exceptional? Given the many obstacles to business in Africa listed in Table 2c, one might question if access to finance is just one of many ways in which the historical slave trade influences modern development. We present descriptive evidence that shows an exceptional relationship between finance and the historical slave trade. We implement our models from columns (1) through (4) of Table 3 to test whether the 14 other self-reported business obstacles in the WES survey (access to electricity, courts, transportation, land access, educated workforce, political instability, crime, corruption, tax rates, tax administration, business licenses, labor regulations, trade regulation, and informal-sector competition) are also predicted by historical slave extraction. We present the coefficients and standard errors clustered at the country level for area-adjusted slave exports for each of these 14 dependent variables, in addition to our original access-to-finance models from Table 3. Each column represents a different set of control variables (equivalent to columns (1) through (4) in Table 3), while each row represents a different dependent variable. The results show that only access to finance and access to electricity are consistently linked to historical slave extraction. Compare, for example, the consistently significant results in the first two rows to those in the third row, where firms were asked if the courts are an obstacle. In the first two columns, the regressions suggest a correlation between the slave trade and judicial efficacy. However, when we include the controls for colonizer effects in column (3), the parameter estimate drops by 70% and becomes insignificant. This suggests that for judicial efficacy, the relationship is primarily driven by the identity of the colonizer30 rather than by the slave trade. Other institutional obstacles (such as political stability and licensing) and human capital obstacles (such as an educated workforce) are almost certainly important obstacles for business overall (see Table 2c), but they are not the ones through which the historical slave trade appears to be inhibiting business development. The variation for these is primarily driven by colonial history, geography, or natural resources. 30 It is important to remember that official colonial rule in Africa occurred after the slave trades ended. 24 We can only speculate whether, in the absence of other major historical influences such as colonialism and legal origins, the slave trade would have played a much larger role in shaping many of the other business obstacles in Table 10. For them, the impact of the slave trade on the other obstacles to business may simply have been overshadowed by the impact of these other later and significant forces. The descriptive evidence from this table, however, remains clear: the deep historical impact of the slave trade acutely affects present-day access to finance. While, on its own, this may seem like an anomalous result, our evidence helps reinforce the well-substantiated link between trust and finance in the existing literature by revealing its historical roots. V. Conclusion We have demonstrated that firms play a critical role in tying historically based cultural shocks to economic development. While development is influenced by a number of factors, access to finance seems to play a critical role linking it with the historical slave trade. Our historical persistence approach suggests a causal link between culture and finance that is helpful in interpreting previously observed correlations, although we must be cautious in this inference. We are also able to show that the historic slave trade affects access to finance through both formal and informal channels. Formal channels such as bank loans and lines of credit are inaccessible to the firms that need them. Low use of credit in countries with histories of high slave extraction is a function of supply-based shortages, not of a lack of demand. In informal trade channels, neither customers nor suppliers are willing to extend credit, requiring payment-ondelivery that might reduce the frequency of transactions and the magnitude of investment. Consequently, supplier and customer credit does not substitute for formal credit shortages in ways that might support critical investment in developing countries. While we cannot specifically test each mechanism that might link the historical slave trade with access to finance, we demonstrate that ethnic fractionalization and inhibited cooperation within ethnicity through political centralization are two likely channels. We see the fractionalization results as consistent not only with the evidence in Nunn (2008) and Whatley and Gillezeau (2011), but also with the trust-based mechanisms found by Nunn and Wantchekon (2011). Fractionalization has been widely correlated with low levels of trust and 25 trustworthiness (Alesina and La Ferrara 2000; Barr 2003; Glaeser et al. 2000) and is likely to amplify existing problems of generalized mistrust within a country due to the parochial out-group mistrust argued by evolutionary psychologists and behavioral economists to be inherent in human nature (e.g., Bernhard et al. 2006; Choi and Bowles 2007; Fershtman and Gneezy 2001). Although the historical persistence of betrayal-based mistrust may also result from intergenerational transmission of values and culture (e.g., Algan and Cahuc 2010), ethnic fractionalization is also a likely mechanism for this persistence. Lack of data make it difficult for us to directly test the cultural trust mechanisms examined by Nunn and Wantchekon (2011) and we hope the future expansion of general surveys such as Afrobarometer and the World Values Survey will improve cross-national variation in trust data to facilitate such investigation. However, the extensive body of research linking trust to historical shocks, finance, and development makes trust a likely mechanism behind the link between finance and the slave trade. In fact, given the extensive literature detailed earlier, the link between access to finance and both development and trust should not be surprising. A folk critique of the trust and finance literature argues that since trust affects every transaction (e.g., Arrow 1972; Granovetter 1985), finance is not exceptional. 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Countries in white are not included in World Enterprise Survey dataset. 34 Figure 1c: Percent of firms with a bank loan or line of credit Percentage of firms with a bank loan or line of credit Note: Data comes from the World Enterprise Survey. Countries in white are not included in World Enterprise Survey dataset. 35 MUS BWA SWZ CPV GAB ZAF NAM AGO COG ZMB LSO RWA UGA NER BDI NGA GHA SEN CMRCIV MRT KEN LBR TCD BEN MLI GMB GNB BFA TGO TZA GIN MDG MOZ ERI MWI SLE ZAR 5 Log(World Bank GDP per capita) 6 7 8 9 Figure 2: GDP per capita and slave exports -2 0 2 4 Log(Slave exports / mil. sq. kms.) 6 8 Note: Data comes from Nunn (2008) and the World Bank’s 2010 GDP data. Graph replicates Nunn’s key result on the sample of 38 countries from the World Enterprise Survey data. Small changes to positions of countries made to prevent overlap. 36 Self-reported: Access to finance is a major or severe obstacle 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 Figure 3: Slave exports and self-reported difficulty in access to finance ZAR BDI MUS CPV BWA RWA SWZ LSO UGA NER GHA BEN GIN MLI TGO MOZ SENAGO TCD MRTCOG MWI GMB KEN TZA MDG SLE CMR LBR ZMB NAM GNB BFA CIV GAB ZAF ERI -2 0 2 4 Log(Slave exports / area) 6 8 Note: Data comes from Nunn (2008) and the World Enterprise Survey. Small changes to positions of countries made to prevent overlap. 37 Figure 4: Precolonial centralization and ethnic fractionalization LSO BDI RWA 1 SWZ Precolonial centralization .2 .4 .6 .8 BWA MRT MWI ERI MOZ ZMB BEN SEN NAM GHA TZA AGO TGO NER GIN GMB ZAR UGA COG MDG NGA TCD BFA CMR GNB MLI KEN CIV 0 GAB SLE 0 .2 .4 .6 Ethnic fractionalization .8 LBR 1 Note: Data comes from Alessina, et. al. (2003) and Gennaioli and Rainer (2008). Small changes to positions of countries made to prevent overlap. 38 1 Figure 5: Ethnic fractionalization and slave exports Ethnic fractionalization .2 .4 .6 .8 UGA LBR ZMB ZAF NER NAM CMR MDGZAR NGA KEN COG TCD GNB SLE CIV GMBAGOBEN GAB TZA BFA GIN TGO MLIMOZ SEN GHA MWI ERI MRT MUS CPV BWA RWA BDI LSO 0 SWZ -2 0 2 4 Log(Slave exports / area) 6 8 Note: Data comes from Nunn (2008). Small changes to positions of countries made to prevent overlap. 39 Self-reported: Access to finance is a major or severe obstacle 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 Figure 6: Access to finance and predicted ethnic fractionalization ZAR BDI MUS CPV BWA RWA SWZ LSO UGA NER GHA GIN BEN MLI TGO MOZ AGO TCD SEN MRTCOG MWI GMB KEN TZA SLE MDG CMR LBR ZMB NAM GNB BFA CIV GAB ZAF ERI .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 Predicted ethnic fractionalization from Figure 4 .9 Note: Data comes from Nunn (2008) and the World Enterprise Survey. Small changes to positions of countries made to prevent overlap. X-axis shows predicted values from the regression in Figure 4. 40 Table 1: Country summary statistics Observations Mean Standard deviation Min Max Log(Slave exports / area) 38 4.3797 3.6824 -2.3026 8.8183 Ethnic fractionalization 38 0.6896 0.2026 0.0582 0.9302 Precolonial centralization 35 0.5573 0.3038 0 1 British colony 38 0.3684 0.4889 0 1 French colony 38 0.3684 0.4889 0 1 Portuguese colony 38 0.1053 0.3110 0 1 Belgian colony 38 0.0789 0.2733 0 1 Other colonizer 38 0.0789 0.2733 0 1 Longitude 38 13.9409 20.3684 -24.0443 57.7939 Absolute value of latitude 38 12.3790 8.0186 0.2 30 Lowest monthly rainfall (mm) 38 8.1579 11.7669 0 46 Maximum humidity 38 72.5790 10.7895 35 95 Average min temperature 38 8.8158 7.2963 -9 19 Log(Coastline area in 1,000s of km) 38 -0.7798 3.0519 -4.6052 5.4784 Island dummy 38 0.0526 0.2263 0 1 Percent Islamic 38 25.7921 31.5847 0 99 French legal origins 38 0.6053 0.4954 0 1 Former communist country 38 0.1316 0.3426 0 1 Log(Average gold production per capita) 38 -6.3088 5.3928 -13.8155 3.0843 Log(Average oil production per capita) 38 -7.2685 3.6000 -9.2103 2.6501 Log(Average diamond production per capita) 38 -5.1368 2.6032 -6.9078 2.1868 38 6.5896 2.6929 3.6468 12.5890 38 6.6964 3.6407 0.0319 11.9143 38 3.8697 1.3565 1.7682 6.6373 38 3.8009 1.3517 0.5101 6.4654 Variable Distance to nearest Atlantic Ocean slave port (1000s of km) Distance to nearest Indian Ocean slave port (1000s of km) Distance to nearest Saharan slave port (1000s of km) Distance to nearest Red Sea slave port (1000s of km) Note: Data comes from Nunn (2008). Slave exports / area is measured as slaves exported per million square kilometers. 41 Table 2a: Firm summary statistics (WES) Observations Mean Standard deviation Max Min Less than 20 employees 15,276 0.6447 0.4786 0 1 21 to 99 employees 15,276 0.2603 0.4388 0 1 100 or more employees 15,276 0.0950 0.2932 0 1 Part of larger entity 15,272 0.1685 0.3744 0 1 % domestically owned 15,222 83.1083 35.5801 0 100 Manager experience in years 15,069 12.9344 9.3736 0 75 Firm age 15,100 13.2793 12.7964 0 190 Sector: Textiles 15,276 0.0123 0.1103 0 1 Sector: Leather 15,276 0.0008 0.0280 0 1 Sector: Garments 15,276 0.0848 0.2786 0 1 Sector: Food 15,276 0.1246 0.3303 0 1 Sector: Metals and machines 15,276 0.0482 0.2143 0 1 Sector: Electronics 15,276 0.0044 0.0661 0 1 Sector: Chemicals and pharmaceuticals 15,276 0.0238 0.1523 0 1 Sector: Wood and furniture 15,276 0.0161 0.1259 0 1 Sector: Non-metallic and plastic materials 15,276 0.0201 0.1403 0 1 Sector: Other manufacturing 15,276 0.1607 0.3673 0 1 Sector: Retail and wholesale trade 15,276 0.2646 0.4411 0 1 Sector: Hotels and restaurants 15,276 0.0596 0.2368 0 1 Sector: Other services 15,276 0.1247 0.3304 0 1 Sector: Other (transportation, construction, etc.) 15,276 0.0553 0.2285 0 1 Variable Note: Data comes from the World Enterprise Survey. 42 Table 2b: Firm financials Observations Mean Standard deviation Min Max 13,238 0.4483 0.4973 0 1 Bank loan or line of credit 15,141 0.2022 0.4017 0 1 % of input purchases paid for after delivery 14,879 0.2765 0.3657 0 1 Checking or savings account 13,274 0.8595 0.3475 0 1 Overdraft facility 15,105 0.2940 0.4556 0 1 % Working capital from internal funds 15,086 0.7284 0.2965 0 1 % Working capital from bank loan 15,086 0.0671 0.1794 0 1 % Working capital from supply chain credit 15,086 0.1602 0.2149 0 1 % Working capital from other sources 15,086 0.0442 0.1460 0 1 % Sales provided on credit 14,917 0.2785 0.3502 0 1 Any loan applied for 15,079 0.2161 0.4116 0 1 Self-reported: No need for a loan last year 11,707 0.3922 0.4883 0 1 Self-reported: Loan procedures too cumbersome 11,707 0.1791 0.3835 0 1 Self-reported: Too much collateral needed 11,707 0.1108 0.3139 0 1 Self-reported: Interest rates too high 11,707 0.1781 0.3826 0 1 Self-reported: Loan size too small 11,707 0.0215 0.1451 0 1 Self-reported: Informal payment required 11,707 0.0581 0.2339 0 1 Self-reported: Anticipated rejection 11,707 0.0601 0.2377 0 1 Variable Self-reported: Access to finance is a major or severe obstacle Note: Data comes from the World Enterprise Survey. 43 Table 2c: Firm self-reported obstacles Observations Mean Standard deviation Max Min Self-reported: Access to finance is an obstacle 13,238 0.4483 0.4973 0 1 Self-reported: Access to electricity is an obstacle 15,240 0.5271 0.4993 0 1 Self-reported: The courts are an obstacle 12,881 0.1293 0.3356 0 1 Self-reported: Transportation is an obstacle 15,188 0.2656 0.4417 0 1 Self-reported: Access to land is an obstacle 15,090 0.2488 0.4324 0 1 Self-reported: Educated workforce is an obstacle 15,097 0.1851 0.3884 0 1 Self-reported: Political instability is an obstacle 14,973 0.2216 0.4153 0 1 Self-reported: Crime is an obstacle 15,224 0.2826 0.4503 0 1 Self-reported: Corruption is an obstacle 14,993 0.3290 0.4698 0 1 Self-reported: Tax rates are an obstacle 15,052 0.3438 0.4750 0 1 Self-reported: Tax administration is an obstacle 15,117 0.2430 0.4289 0 1 Self-reported: Business licenses are an obstacle 14,953 0.1682 0.3741 0 1 Self-reported: Labor regulations are an obstacle 15,160 0.0838 0.2771 0 1 Self-reported: Trade regulation is an obstacle 14,943 0.1776 0.3822 0 1 Self-reported: Informal competition is an obstacle 15,135 0.3312 0.4706 0 1 Variable Note: Data comes from the World Enterprise Survey. Self-reported access to finance question not asked in Nigeria. 1 indicates a major or severe obstacle; 0 indicates otherwise. 44 45 0.0236 (2) 13,238 37 Firm 13,238 37 Firm Yes (0.0067)*** (0.0062)*** 0.0259 (1) 13,238 37 Firm Yes Yes (0.0068)** 0.0164 (3) 0.0204 (5) 0.0368 (6) 0.0454 (7) 13,238 37 Firm Yes Yes Yes 37 Country 37 Country Yes Yes 37 4.66 Country Yes (0.0066)*** (0.0054)*** (0.0102)*** [0.0207 , 0.1044] 0.0412 (4) 37 3.80 Country Yes Yes [0.0101, 0.1875] 0.0396 (8) Note: *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% confidence levels, respectively. Parentheses contain standard errors clustered at the country level (selfreported access-to-finance question not asked in Nigeria). Slave exports / area is measured as slaves exported per million square kilometers. Firm controls include sector indicators, size indicators, firm age, part of larger entity, % domestically owned, and manager experience in years. Colonizer controls include British, French, Portuguese, and Belgian indicators. Country controls include longitude, absolute latitude, lowest month rainfall, maximum humidity, coastline area, island indicator, % Islamic, French legal origins, former communist country, gold production per capita, oil production per capita, and diamond production per capita. Specifications 7-8 report the Moriera conditional likelihood ratio intervals for the 95% confidence level for instrumental variables with weak instruments. The F-statistic on the first-stage regressions are consistently less than 10, which implies that we have a weak-instruments problem. We use the Moriera (2003) conditional likelihood ratio test that provides a set of parameter estimates that would not be rejected at the 95% percentile confidence level. The actual value of the parameter estimate is ambiguous in this case, so we use a limited information maximum likelihood point estimate from Moriera’s (2003) stata code. See Murray (2006) for a comprehensive explanation of this problem and the various approaches to solving it. When country controls are included in the instrumental variables regression, the error bounds are undefined. Observations Clusters First-stage F-statistic Unit of analysis Instrumental variables Country controls Colonizer effects Firm controls Log(Slave exports / area) Independent variable Dependent variable: Self-reported: Access to finance as major or severe obstacle Table 3: Historical slave exports and present day self-reported access-to-finance obstacle 46 15,141 14,784 14,784 14,784 (6) -0.0243 (7) -0.0250 14,879 38 14,537 38 Yes 14,537 38 Yes Yes (0.0066)*** (0.0058)*** (0.0044)*** (5) -0.0289 14,537 38 Yes Yes Yes (0.0071)** (8) -0.0168 Dependent variable: % of input purchases paid for after delivery Note: *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% confidence levels, respectively. Parentheses contain standard errors clustered at the country level. Slave exports / area is measured as slaves exported per million square kilometers. Firm controls include sector indicators, size indicators, firm age, part of larger entity, % domestically owned, and manager experience in years. Colonizer controls include British, French, Portuguese, and Belgian indicators. Country controls include longitude, absolute latitude, lowest month rainfall, maximum humidity, coastline area, island indicator, % Islamic, French legal origins, former communist country, gold production per capita, oil production per capita, and diamond production per capita. Observations 38 38 38 Yes Yes (0.0086)*** (4) -0.0256 Clusters Yes Yes (0.0045)*** (3) -0.0218 Yes 38 (0.0037)*** (0.0045)*** Yes (2) -0.0217 (1) -0.0253 Country controls Colonizer controls Firm controls Independent variable Log(Slave exports / area) Dependent variable: Bank loan or line of credit Table 4a: Historical slave exports and access to credit 47 13,274 12,893 12,893 12,893 15,105 38 14,746 38 Yes 14,746 38 Yes Yes (0.0076)*** (0.0060)*** (0.0054)*** (5) -0.0296 Dependent variable: Overdraft facility (6) (7) -0.0226 -0.0247 14,746 38 Yes Yes Yes (0.0117)** (8) -0.0277 Note: *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% confidence levels, respectively. Parentheses contain standard errors clustered at the country level. Slave exports / area is measured as slaves exported per million square kilometers. Firm controls include sector indicators, size indicators, firm age, part of larger entity, % domestically owned, and manager experience in years. Colonizer controls include British, French, Portuguese, and Belgian indicators. Country controls include longitude, absolute latitude, lowest month rainfall, maximum humidity, coastline area, island indicator, % Islamic, French legal origins, former communist country, gold production per capita, oil production per capita, and diamond production per capita. Observations 38 38 38 Yes Yes (0.0068)** (4) -0.0153 Clusters Yes Yes (0.0029)*** (3) -0.0124 Yes 38 (0.0033)*** (0.0035)*** Yes (2) -0.0133 (1) -0.0160 Country controls Colonizer controls Firm controls Independent variable Log(Slave exports / area) Dependent variable: Checking or savings account Table 4b: Historical slave exports and access to credit 48 15,086 14,733 14,733 14,733 (6) -0.0072 (7) -0.0080 15,086 38 14,733 38 Yes 14,733 38 Yes Yes (0.0028)*** (0.0026)*** (0.0028)*** (5) -0.0083 (8) -0.0085 14,733 38 Yes Yes Yes (0.0040)** Dependent variable: % working capital from bank loan Note: *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% confidence levels, respectively. Parentheses contain standard errors clustered at the country level. Slave exports / area is measured as slaves exported per million square kilometers. Firm controls include sector indicators, size indicators, firm age, part of larger entity, % domestically owned, and manager experience in years. Colonizer controls include British, French, Portuguese, and Belgian indicators. Country controls include longitude, absolute latitude, lowest month rainfall, maximum humidity, coastline area, island indicator, % Islamic, French legal origins, former communist country, gold production per capita, oil production per capita, and diamond production per capita. Observations 38 38 38 Yes Yes (0.0057)*** (4) 0.0233 Clusters Yes Yes (0.0030)** (3) 0.0077 Yes 38 (0.0030)*** (0.0029)*** Yes (2) 0.0105 (1) 0.0119 Country controls Colonizer controls Firm controls Independent variable Log(Slave exports / area) Dependent variable: % working capital from internal funds Table 5a: Historical slave exports and the composition of working capital 49 15,086 14,733 14,733 14,733 15,086 38 (0.0011) 14,733 38 Yes (0.0011) 14,733 38 Yes Yes (0.0011) 14,733 38 Yes Yes Yes (0.0025)** Dependent variable: % working capital from other sources (5) (6) (7) (8) -0.0004 -0.0005 -0.0010 -0.0065 Note: *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% confidence levels, respectively. Parentheses contain standard errors clustered at the country level. Slave exports / area is measured as slaves exported per million square kilometers. Firm controls include sector indicators, size indicators, firm age, part of larger entity, % domestically owned, and manager experience in years. Colonizer controls include British, French, Portuguese, and Belgian indicators. Country controls include longitude, absolute latitude, lowest month rainfall, maximum humidity, coastline area, island indicator, % Islamic, French legal origins, former communist country, gold production per capita, oil production per capita, and diamond production per capita. Observations 38 38 38 Yes Yes (0.0049)* (4) -0.0084 Clusters Yes Yes (0.0033) (3) 0.0013 Yes 38 (0.0040) (0.0045) Yes (2) -0.0028 (1) -0.0032 Country controls Colonizer controls Firm controls Independent variable Log(Slave exports / area) Dependent variable: % working capital from supply chain credit Table 5c: Historical slave exports and the composition of working capital 50 15,079 14,739 14,739 14,739 (6) -0.0369 (7) -0.0325 (8) -0.0334 11,707 38 11,468 38 Yes 11,468 38 Yes Yes 11,468 38 Yes Yes Yes (0.0051)*** (0.0050)*** (0.0032)*** (0.0054)*** (5) -0.0438 Dependent variable: Self-reported: No need for a loan last year Note: *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% confidence levels, respectively. Parentheses contain standard errors clustered at the country level. Slave exports / area is measured as slaves exported per million square kilometers. Firm controls include sector indicators, size indicators, firm age, part of larger entity, % domestically owned, and manager experience in years. Colonizer controls include British, French, Portuguese, and Belgian indicators. Country controls include longitude, absolute latitude, lowest month rainfall, maximum humidity, coastline area, island indicator, % Islamic, French legal origins, former communist country, gold production per capita, oil production per capita, and diamond production per capita. Observations 38 38 38 Yes Yes Clusters Yes Yes (0.0067)** (4) -0.0147 Yes 38 Yes (0.0041) (0.0036)* (0.0035) (1) -0.0066 Country controls Colonizer controls Firm controls Independent variable Log(Slave exports / area) Dependent variable: Any loan applied for? (2) (3) -0.0043 -0.0071 Table 6a: Is there a need for more finance? 51 11,707 11,468 11,468 11,468 (6) 0.0080 (7) 0.0091 (8) 0.0121 11,707 38 11,468 38 Yes 11,468 38 Yes Yes 11,468 38 Yes Yes Yes (0.0028)*** (0.0022)*** (0.0022)*** (0.0037)*** (5) 0.0102 Dependent variable: Self-reported: Too much collateral needed Note: *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% confidence levels, respectively. Parentheses contain standard errors clustered at the country level. Slave exports / area is measured as slaves exported per million square kilometers. Firm controls include sector indicators, size indicators, firm age, part of larger entity, % domestically owned, and manager experience in years. Colonizer controls include British, French, Portuguese, and Belgian indicators. Country controls include longitude, absolute latitude, lowest month rainfall, maximum humidity, coastline area, island indicator, % Islamic, French legal origins, former communist country, gold production per capita, oil production per capita, and diamond production per capita. Observations 38 38 38 Yes Yes (0.0059)*** (4) 0.0163 Clusters Yes Yes (0.0019)*** (3) 0.0124 Yes 38 (0.0022)*** (0.0021)*** Yes (2) 0.0158 (1) 0.0181 Country controls Colonizer controls Firm controls Independent variable Log(Slave exports / area) Dependent variable: Self-reported: Loan procedures too cumbersome Table 6b: Reasons for not applying for a loan 52 11,707 11,468 11,468 11,468 11,707 38 (0.0031)*** (5) 0.0085 11,468 38 Yes (0.0031)** (6) 0.0070 11,468 38 Yes Yes (0.0030)** (7) 0.0062 11,468 38 Yes Yes Yes (0.0047) (8) -0.0015 Dependent variable: Self-reported: Interest rate too high Note: *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% confidence levels, respectively. Parentheses contain standard errors clustered at the country level. Slave exports / area is measured as slaves exported per million square kilometers. Firm controls include sector indicators, size indicators, firm age, part of larger entity, % domestically owned, and manager experience in years. Colonizer controls include British, French, Portuguese, and Belgian indicators. Country controls include longitude, absolute latitude, lowest month rainfall, maximum humidity, coastline area, island indicator, % Islamic, French legal origins, former communist country, gold production per capita, oil production per capita, and diamond production per capita. Observations 38 38 38 Yes Yes (0.0008)*** (4) 0.0024 Clusters Yes Yes (0.0008)* (3) 0.0014 Yes 38 (0.0007)** (0.0007)** Yes (2) 0.0016 (1) 0.0016 Country controls Colonizer controls Firm controls Independent variable Log(Slave exports / area) Dependent variable: Self-reported: Loan size too small Table 6c: Reasons for not applying for a loan 53 11,707 11,468 11,468 11,468 11,707 38 (0.0022) (5) -0.0006 11,468 38 Yes (0.0020) (6) -0.0003 11,468 38 Yes Yes (0.0019) (7) -0.0010 11,468 38 Yes Yes Yes (0.0031) (8) -0.0047 Dependent variable: Self-reported: Anticipated rejection Note: *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% confidence levels, respectively. Parentheses contain standard errors clustered at the country level. Slave exports / area is measured as slaves exported per million square kilometers. Firm controls include sector indicators, size indicators, firm age, part of larger entity, % domestically owned, and manager experience in years. Colonizer controls include British, French, Portuguese, and Belgian indicators. Country controls include longitude, absolute latitude, lowest month rainfall, maximum humidity, coastline area, island indicator, % Islamic, French legal origins, former communist country, gold production per capita, oil production per capita, and diamond production per capita. Observations 38 38 38 Yes Yes (0.0020)*** (4) 0.0088 Clusters Yes Yes (0.0011)*** (3) 0.0044 Yes 38 (0.0010)*** (0.0009)*** Yes (2) 0.0049 (1) 0.0059 Country controls Colonizer controls Firm controls Independent variable Log(Slave exports / area) Dependent variable: Self-reported: Informal payment required Table 6d: Reasons for not applying for a loan 54 (2) -0.0209 (3) -0.0213 38 14,917 14,584 14,584 14,584 14,584 38 Yes Yes Yes (0.0057) (7) 0.0039 (0.0068)*** (8) 0.0216 13,980 37 13,980 37 13,652 37 Yes Yes Yes -0.0540 -0.0536 (0.0135)*** (0.0116)*** 0.4337 0.7102 0.7430 (0.0906)*** (0.0778)*** (0.0792)*** (0.0047)*** (6) -0.0198 Note: *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% confidence levels, respectively. Parentheses contain standard errors clustered at the country level. Slave exports / area is measured as slaves exported per million square kilometers. Firm controls include sector indicators, size indicators, firm age, part of larger entity, % domestically owned, and manager experience in years. Colonizer controls include British, French, Portuguese, and Belgian indicators. Country controls include longitude, absolute latitude, lowest month rainfall, maximum humidity, coastline area, island indicator, % Islamic, French legal origins, former communist country, gold production per capita, oil production per capita, and diamond production per capita. Observations 38 38 38 Clusters Yes Yes Yes Yes Country controls Colonizer controls Firm controls Log(Slave exports / area) * Predicted dependence Yes -0.0202 (0.0047)*** Log(Slave exports / area) * Large-size firm Yes -0.0125 (0.0041)*** Log(Slave exports / area) * Medium-size firm Predicted industry dependence on sales credit 0.2340 (0.0211)*** (0.0044) (5) 0.0028 Large-size firm (0.0043) (4) -0.0030 0.1282 (0.0183)*** (0.0055)*** (0.0042)*** (0.0032)*** (1) -0.0251 Medium-size firm Independent variable Log(Slave exports / area) Dependent variable: % sales provided on credit Table 7: Slave exports and the extension of sales credit 55 13,238 12,874 13,238 12,874 37 Yes Yes Yes Yes (0.4664)** (4) 0.9974 15,141 38 (0.1317)** (5) -0.3272 14,784 38 Yes Yes Yes (0.1050)** (6) -0.2435 (8) -0.6142 15,141 38 Yes 14,784 38 Yes Yes Yes Yes (0.2210)*** (0.2131)*** (7) -0.7462 Dependent variable: Bank loan or line of credit Note: *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% confidence levels, respectively. Parentheses contain standard errors clustered at the country level. Slave exports / area is measured as slaves exported per million square kilometers. Firm controls include sector indicators, size indicators, firm age, part of larger entity, % domestically owned, and manager experience in years. Colonizer controls include British, French, Portuguese, and Belgian indicators. Country controls include longitude, absolute latitude, lowest month rainfall, maximum humidity, coastline area, island indicator, % Islamic, French legal origins, former communist country, gold production per capita, oil production per capita, and diamond production per capita. In column (3), the F-statistic on the first stage is 16.11. In column (7), the F-statistic on the first stage is 19.22. When using country-level controls, Stata 13.1 fails to calculate the proper F-statistics for columns (4) and (8). Observations 37 37 Clusters 37 Yes Yes Country controls (0.3505)** (3) 0.7871 Two-stage model Yes Colonizer controls (0.1210) (0.0898)** Yes (2) 0.0464 (1) 0.1911 Firm controls Independent variable Ethnic fractionalization Dependent variable: Self-reported: Access to finance is a major or severe problem Table 8a: Ethnic fractionalization, access to capital, and provision of capital 56 14,879 14,537 14,879 14,537 38 Yes Yes Yes Yes (0.2663) (4) -0.4162 14,917 38 (0.1265)* (5) -0.2210 14,584 38 Yes Yes Yes (0.0538)** (6) 0.1116 14,917 38 Yes (0.2829)*** (7) -0.7378 Dependent variable: % sales provided on credit 14,584 38 Yes Yes Yes Yes (0.1101) (8) -0.0728 Note: *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% confidence levels, respectively. Parentheses contain standard errors clustered at the country level. Slave exports / area is measured as slaves exported per million square kilometers. Firm controls include sector indicators, size indicators, firm age, part of larger entity, % domestically owned, and manager experience in years. Colonizer controls include British, French, Portuguese, and Belgian indicators. Country controls include longitude, absolute latitude, lowest month rainfall, maximum humidity, coastline area, island indicator, % Islamic, French legal origins, former communist country, gold production per capita, oil production per capita, and diamond production per capita. In column (3), the F-statistic on the first stage is 16.03. In column (7), the F-statistic on the first stage is 18.61. When using country-level controls, Stata 13.1 fails to calculate the proper F-statistic for columns (4) and (8). Observations 38 38 Clusters 38 Yes Yes Country controls (0.3738)** (3) -0.8839 Two-stage model Yes Colonizer controls (0.0723) (0.1410) Yes (2) 0.0920 (1) -0.1737 Firm controls Independent variable Ethnic fractionalization Dependent variable: % of input purchases paid for after delivery Table 8b: Ethnic fractionalization, access to capital, and provision of capital 57 11,756 11,437 11,756 11,437 34 Yes Yes Yes Yes (0.7140) (4) -0.9328 13,660 35 (0.0882) (5) 0.0791 13,348 35 Yes Yes Yes (0.0562) (6) 0.0744 13,660 35 Yes (0.1959)*** (7) 0.6113 Dependent variable: Bank loan or line of credit 13,348 35 Yes Yes Yes Yes (0.2734)** (8) 0.5503 Note: *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% confidence levels, respectively. Parentheses contain standard errors clustered at the country level. Slave exports / area is measured as slaves exported per million square kilometers. Firm controls include sector indicators, size indicators, firm age, part of larger entity, % domestically owned, and manager experience in years. Colonizer controls include British, French, Portuguese, and Belgian indicators. Country controls include longitude, absolute latitude, lowest month rainfall, maximum humidity, coastline area, island indicator, % Islamic, French legal origins, former communist country, gold production per capita, oil production per capita, and diamond production per capita. In column (3), the F-statistic on the first stage is 12.37. In column (7), the F-statistic on the first stage is 16.67. When using country-level controls, Stata 13.1 fails to calculate the proper F-statistic for columns (4) and (8). Precolonial centralization is missing for Cape Verde, Mauritus, and South Africa. Observations 34 34 Clusters 34 Yes Yes Country controls (0.2257)*** (3) -0.6149 Two-stage model Yes Colonizer controls (0.0823) (0.0819)** Yes (2) -0.0452 (1) -0.1671 Firm controls Independent variable Precolonial centralization Dependent variable: Self-reported: Access to finance is a major or severe problem Table 9a: Precolonial centralization, access to capital, and provision of capital 58 13,410 13,110 13,410 13,110 35 Yes Yes Yes Yes (0.2539) (4) 0.3258 13,488 35 (0.0674) (5) 0.0620 13,201 35 Yes Yes Yes (0.0239) (6) -0.0076 13,488 35 Yes (0.2275)** (7) 0.5733 Dependent variable: % sales provided on credit 13,201 35 Yes Yes Yes Yes (0.0911) (8) 0.0522 Note: *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% confidence levels, respectively. Parentheses contain standard errors clustered at the country level. Slave exports / area is measured as slaves exported per million square kilometers. Firm controls include sector indicators, size indicators, firm age, part of larger entity, % domestically owned, and manager experience in years. Colonizer controls include British, French, Portuguese, and Belgian indicators. Country controls include longitude, absolute latitude, lowest month rainfall, maximum humidity, coastline area, island indicator, % Islamic, French legal origins, former communist country, gold production per capita, oil production per capita, and diamond production per capita. In column (3), the F-statistic on the first stage is 13.43. In column (7), the F-statistic on the first stage is 16.95. When using country-level controls, Stata 13.1 fails to calculate the proper F-statistic for columns (4) and (8). Precolonial centralization is missing for Cape Verde, Mauritus, and South Africa. Observations 35 35 Clusters 35 Yes Yes Country controls (0.3107)** (3) 0.6993 Two-stage model Yes Colonizer controls (0.0644) (0.0915) Yes (2) -0.0213 (1) -0.0258 Firm controls Independent variables Precolonial centralization Dependent variable: % of input purchases paid for after delivery Table 9b: Precolonial centralization, access to capital, and provision of capital Table 10: Self-reported major and severe obstacles to business Dependent Variable Self-reported: Access to finance is an obstacle Self-reported: Access to electricity is an obstacle Self-reported: The courts are an obstacle Self-reported: Transportation is an obstacle Self-reported: Access to land is an obstacle Self-reported: Educated workforce is an obstacle Self-reported: Political instability is an obstacle Self-reported: Crime is an obstacle Self-reported: Corruption is an obstacle Self-reported: Tax rates are an obstacle Self-reported: Tax administration is an obstacle Self-reported: Business licenses are an obstacle Self-reported: Labor regulations are an obstacle Self-reported: Trade regulation is an obstacle Self-reported: Informal competition is an obstacle Firm controls Colonizer controls Country controls (1) 0.0259 (0.0067)*** 0.0349 (0.0094)*** 0.0071 (0.0042)* 0.0097 (0.0059) 0.0057 (0.0062) -0.0092 (0.0063) 0.0080 (0.0086) -0.0055 (0.0054) 0.0089 (0.0071) 0.0080 (0.0087) 0.0114 (0.0064)* 0.0045 (0.0054) -0.0007 (0.0027) 0.0041 (0.0063) 0.0066 (0.0084) (2) 0.0236 (0.0062)*** 0.0340 (0.0089)*** 0.0085 (0.0038)** 0.0116 (0.0055)** 0.0044 (0.0060) -0.0060 (0.0056) 0.0109 (0.0080) -0.0036 (0.0052) 0.0118 (0.0064)* 0.0091 (0.0081) 0.0127 (0.0059)** 0.0051 (0.0050) 0.0006 (0.0025) 0.0087 (0.0049)* 0.0072 (0.0074) Yes (3) 0.0164 (0.0068)** 0.0386 (0.0090)*** 0.0027 (0.0036) 0.0088 (0.0058) 0.0013 (0.0060) -0.0119 (0.0056)** 0.0038 (0.0067) -0.0084 (0.0055) 0.0020 (0.0054) 0.0039 (0.0071) 0.0057 (0.0042) 0.0023 (0.0044) -0.0016 (0.0019) 0.0038 (0.0036) -0.0027 (0.0059) Yes Yes (4) 0.0412 (0.0066)*** 0.0306 (0.0135)** 0.0076 (0.0077) 0.0015 (0.0071) 0.0123 (0.0074) -0.0016 (0.0086) 0.0490 (0.0207)** 0.0120 (0.0109) 0.0085 (0.0147) -0.0011 (0.0073) 0.0053 (0.0086) -0.0014 (0.0078) -0.0034 (0.0046) -0.0021 (0.0075) -0.0039 (0.0121) Yes Yes Yes Note: Coefficients in each cell represent parameter estimate on log(slave exports / area). *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% confidence levels, respectively. Parentheses contain standard errors clustered at the country level. Slave exports / area is measured as slaves exported per million square kilometers. Firm controls include sector indicators, size indicators, firm age, part of larger entity, % domestically owned, and manager experience in years. Colonizer controls include British, French, Portuguese, and Belgian indicators. Country controls include longitude, absolute latitude, lowest month rainfall, maximum humidity, coastline area, island indicator, % Islamic, French legal origins, former communist country, gold production per capita, oil production per capita, and diamond production per capita. 59 Table A1: Random effects models estimating magnitude of the relationship between the slave trade and access to finance Percentage of cross-country variation explained by Dependent variable Self-reported: Access to finance is a major or severe obstacle Bank loan or line of credit % Working capital from bank loan % of input purchases paid for after delivery % of sales provided on credit Standard deviation of country intercepts 0.1522 0.1362 (0.0184)*** (0.0166)*** 0.1055 0.0823 (0.0127)*** (0.0103)*** 0.0555 0.0489 (0.0066)*** (0.0059)*** 0.1675 0.1592 (0.0199)*** (0.0190)*** 0.0969 0.0823 (0.0115)*** (0.0099)*** Self-reported: No need for a loan last year 0.1777 0.1340 (0.0210)*** (0.0163)*** ln(slave exports / area) included No Yes Firm controls Yes Yes the slave trade 10.5% 22% 11.9% 5.0% 15.1% 24.6% Note: *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% confidence levels, respectively. Parentheses contain standard errors clustered at the country level. Firm controls include sector indicators, size indicators, firm age, part of larger entity, % domestically owned, and manager experience in years. 1 Table A2: Replicating Nunn (2008) on the WES countries Dependent variable: Log (Maddison GDP in 2000) Independent variable Log(Slave exports / area) (1) (2) (3) (4) -0.1169 -0.1450 -0.2258 -0.2404 (0.0325)*** (0.0657)** [-.4672 , -.1167] [-∞ , ∞] Colonizer controls Yes Yes Country controls Yes Yes Instrumental variables Observations 38 38 Yes Yes 38 38 Note: *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% confidence levels, respectively. Parentheses contain standard errors clustered at the country level. Slave exports / area is measured as slaves exported per million square kilometers. Firm controls include sector indicators, size indicators, firm age, part of larger entity, % domestically owned, and manager experience in years. Colonizer controls include British, French, Portuguese, and Belgian indicators. Country controls include longitude, absolute latitude, lowest month rainfall, maximum humidity, coastline area, island indicator, % Islamic, French legal origins, former communist country, gold production per capita, oil production per capita, and diamond production per capita. Specifications 3-4 report the Moriera conditional likelihood ratio intervals for the 95% confidence level for instrumental variables with weak instruments. The F-statistic on the first-stage regressions are consistently less than 10, which implies a weak-instruments problem. We use the Moriera (2003) conditional likelihood ratio test, which provides a set of parameter estimates that would not be rejected at the 95% percentile confidence level. The actual value of the parameter estimate is ambiguous in this case, so we a limited information maximum likelihood point estimate from Moriera’s (2003) Stata code. See Murray (2006) for a comprehensive explanation of this problem and the various approaches to solving it. 2 Table A3: Predicting financial variables using sectors within South Africa. Dependent variable Observations R2 Adjusted R2 Self-reported: Access to finance is difficult 937 0.0375 0.0261 Bank loan or line of credit 937 0.0305 0.0190 % of inputs paid for with credit 937 0.0644 0.0532 Checking account 937 0.0121 0.0003 Overdraft facility 937 0.0431 0.0317 % of working capital from internal sources 937 0.0503 0.0390 % of working capital from bank 937 0.0291 0.0176 % of working capital from supplier or buyer 937 0.0505 0.0392 % of working capital from other sources 937 0.0155 0.0038 Any loan 937 0.0385 0.0270 Self-reported: No need for a loan last year 732 0.0266 0.0118 Self-reported: Loan procedures too cumbersome 732 0.0252 0.0103 Self-reported: Interest rates too high 732 0.0461 0.0315 Self-reported: Too much collateral needed 732 0.0089 -0.0062 Self-reported: Loan too small 732 0.0029 -0.0123 Self-reported: Informal payment required 732 0.0147 -0.0004 Self-reported: Anticipated rejection 732 0.0229 0.0079 % of sales where firm provided credit to buyer 937 0.1443 0.1341 Note: Regressions only performed within South Africa. Specification follows equation (2). 3 Table A4: First-stage results for Tables 8-9 Independent variable Dependent variable: Ethnic fractionalization (1) (2) Dependent variable: Precolonial centralization (3) (4) Log(Slave exports / area) 0.0340 0.0418 -0.0356 -0.0470 (0.0078)*** (0.0147)*** (0.0089)*** (0.0257)* Firm controls Yes Yes Yes Colonizer controls Yes Yes Yes Country controls Yes F-statistic Clusters Observations Yes 18.89 - 15.95 - 38 38 35 35 15,276 14,880 13,785 13,436 Note: *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% confidence levels, respectively. Parentheses contain standard errors clustered at the country level. Slave exports / area is measured as slaves exported per million square kilometers. Firm controls include sector indicators, size indicators, firm age, part of larger entity, % domestically owned, and manager experience in years. Colonizer controls include British, French, Portuguese, and Belgian indicators. Country controls include longitude, absolute latitude, lowest month rainfall, maximum humidity, coastline area, island indicator, % Islamic, French legal origins, former communist country, gold production per capita, oil production per capita, and diamond production per capita. When clustering standard errors, statistical packages do not compute F-statistics when there is within-cluster variation. The F-statistic is assumed to be independent, an assumption which is violated by clustering and using within-country variation. 4 Table A5: Self-reported major and severe obstacles to business Dependent variable Self-reported: Access to finance is an obstacle Self-reported: Access to electricity is an obstacle Self-reported: The courts are an obstacle Self-reported: Transportation is an obstacle Self-reported: Access to land is an obstacle Self-reported: Educated workforce is an obstacle Self-reported: Political instability is an obstacle Self-reported: Crime is an obstacle Self-reported: Corruption is an obstacle Self-reported: Tax rates are an obstacle Self-reported: Tax administration is an obstacle Self-reported: Business licenses are an obstacle Self-reported: Labor regulations are an obstacle Self-reported: Trade regulation is an obstacle Self-reported: Informal competition is an obstacle Firm controls Independent variables Ln(Slave exports / area) French legal origins 0.0175 0.1113 (0.0057)*** (0.0448)** 0.0350 -0.0440 (0.0091)*** (0.0727) 0.0042 0.0798 (0.0033) (0.0333)** 0.0088 0.0854 (0.0048)* (0.0391)** 0.0027 0.0645 (0.0057) (0.0336)* -0.0108 0.1460 (0.0045)** (0.0325)*** 0.0028 0.2469 (0.0059) (0.0694)*** -0.0061 0.0708 (0.0051) (0.0466) 0.0064 0.1644 (0.0052) (0.0512)*** 0.0057 0.0995 (0.0067) (0.0551)* 0.0075 0.1618 (0.0041)* (0.0400)*** 0.0034 0.0559 (0.0043) (0.0306)* -0.0009 0.0444 (0.0021) (0.0191)** 0.0046 0.1249 (0.0031) (0.0322)*** 0.0014 0.1717 (0.0055) (0.0431)*** Yes Yes Note: Dependent variable is the column variable. Coefficients in each cell represent parameter estimates on log(Slave exports / area) and French legal origins. *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% confidence levels, respectively. Parentheses contain robust standard errors clustered at the country level. Single regression with country level controls for slave extraction and French legal origins. Firm controls include sector indicators, size indicators, firm age, part of larger entity, % domestically owned, and manager experience in years. 5 Table A6: Obstacles to business & ethnic fractionalization Dependent variable Self-reported: Access to finance is an obstacle Self-reported: Access to electricity is an obstacle Self-reported: The courts are an obstacle Self-reported: Transportation is an obstacle Self-reported: Access to land is an obstacle Self-reported: Educated workforce is an obstacle Self-reported: Political instability is an obstacle Self-reported: Crime is an obstacle Self-reported: Corruption is an obstacle Self-reported: Tax rates are an obstacle Self-reported: Tax administration is an obstacle Self-reported: Business licenses are an obstacle Self-reported: Labor regulations are an obstacle Self-reported: Trade regulation is an obstacle Self-reported: Informal competition is an obstacle Firm controls Colonizer controls Country controls Two-stage model (1) 0.1911 (0.0898)** 0.5191 (0.1824)*** 0.1712 (0.0730)** 0.1914 (0.0680)*** 0.0092 (0.0890) -0.0854 (0.1200) 0.2354 (0.1915) 0.1199 (0.1109) 0.2611 (0.1135)** 0.1449 (0.1242) 0.1864 (0.1022)* 0.0408 (0.0718) 0.0065 (0.0458) 0.0451 (0.0936) 0.0460 (0.1273) (2) 0.0464 (0.1210) 0.1732 (0.1591) 0.1246 (0.0661)* 0.0605 (0.0652) 0.1186 (0.0903) 0.0789 (0.0781) 0.6037 (0.1581)*** 0.2174 (0.1037)** 0.2451 (0.1113)** 0.0537 (0.0652) 0.0345 (0.0862) 0.0500 (0.0657) 0.0281 (0.0504) 0.0191 (0.0852) -0.0455 (0.1192) Yes Yes Yes (3) 0.7871 (0.3505)** 1.0270 (0.3682)*** 0.2160 (0.1369) 0.2838 (0.1942) 0.1674 (0.1957) -0.2714 (0.1879) 0.2357 (0.2569) -0.1632 (0.1738) 0.2627 (0.2201) 0.2365 (0.2727) 0.3368 (0.2246) 0.1316 (0.1718) -0.0217 (0.0763) 0.1207 (0.1924) 0.1945 (0.2643) Yes (4) 0.9974 (0.4664)** 0.7317 (0.4219)* 0.1833 (0.1505) 0.0360 (0.1645) 0.2941 (0.1837) -0.0390 (0.2078 1.1820 (0.4075)*** 0.2867 (0.2159) 0.2017 (0.3108) -0.0256 (0.1746) 0.1274 (0.1962) -0.0325 (0.1897) -0.0813 (0.1214) -0.0496 (0.1833) -0.0944 (0.2876) Yes Yes Yes Yes Note: Dependent variable is the column variable. Coefficients in each cell represent parameter estimates on ethnic fractionalization using ln(Slave exports / area) as an instrument for ethnic fractionalization. *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% confidence levels, respectively. Parentheses contain robust standard errors clustered at the country level. Firm, colonizer, and country controls are similar to prior specifications. 6 7 38 (0.0036) *** 0.01335 internal funds 38 38 (0.0035) (0.0024) *** -0.0047 supply chain credit % of working capital from -0.0754 bank loan % of working capital from 38 (0.0012) -0.0011 other sources % of working capital from Note: *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% confidence levels, respectively. Parentheses contain standard errors clustered at the country level. Slave exports / area is measured as slaves exported per million square kilometers. Firm data collapsed to the country-level. Observations Log(Slave exports / area) Independent variable % of working capital from Table A7: Seemingly unrelated regressions for sources of working capital 8 38 (0.0069) *** 38 38 (0.0026) (0.0041) ** 0.0063 *** 0.0174 38 (0.0040) 0.0051 38 (0.0006) 0.0015 ** 38 (0.0014) *** 0.0051 38 (.0022) .0006 rejection ment required small too high lateral needed too cumbersome loan last year -0.0360 Anticipated Informal pay- Loan size too Interest rates Too much col- Loan procedures No need for a Note: *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% confidence levels, respectively. Parentheses contain standard errors clustered at the country level. Slave exports / area is measured as slaves exported per million square kilometers. Firm data collapsed to the country-level. Observations Log(Slave exports / area) Independent variable Self-reported: Self-reported: Self-reported: Self-reported: Self-reported: Self-reported: Self-reported: Table A8: Seemingly unrelated regressions for reasons not to apply for a loan 9 34 12,874 12,874 11,437 11,437 12,874 37 12,874 37 11,437 11,437 34 Yes Yes Yes Yes (0.0449) 0.0050 (0.0857) -0.1407 (0.0065)*** 0.0424 (8) Note: *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% confidence levels, respectively. Parentheses contain standard errors clustered at the country level (selfreported access-to-finance question not asked in Nigeria). Slave exports / area is measured as slaves exported per million square kilometers. Firm controls include sector indicators, size indicators, firm age, part of larger entity, % domestically owned, and manager experience in years. Colonizer controls include British, French, Portuguese, and Belgian indicators. Country controls include longitude, absolute latitude, lowest month rainfall, maximum humidity, coastline area, island indicator, % Islamic, French legal origins, former communist country, gold production per capita, oil production per capita, and diamond production per capita. Observations 34 34 37 Yes Yes Yes Clusters Yes Yes Yes (0.0060)*** 0.0376 (7) Yes 37 Yes (0.0428) 0.0333 (0.0698)** -0.1781 (0.0063)*** 0.0485 (6) Instrumental variables Yes Yes Yes Yes Country controls Yes (0.1022) (0.0876) (0.0066)*** 0.0412 (5) Yes Yes -0.1041 -0.0804 (0.1618) (0.0079)** (0.1476) (0.0060)*** 0.0200 (4) -0.0944 (0.0090)*** (0.0062)*** 0.0173 (3) -0.1337 0.0280 (2) 0.0236 (1) Colonizer effects Firm controls Precolonial centralization Ethnic fractionalization Log(Slave exports / area) Independent variable Dependent variable: Self-reported: Access to finance as major or severe obstacle Table A9: Historical slave exports and present day self-reported access-to-finance obstacle