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JANUARY 1982 ~· ~i~~ Oij~ ~'-)~ NEW YORK Greek-American Monthly Review 'H rrapeEVO~ flE 'to 0Eio BPECPO~ (EiKova tOU 120u a!wva, OtO Mouotlo napou) $2.00 ,-----------------, II I,tltsnian ~ I~~:::;.. WHOLESA LE AND RETAIL I . II G'lt Shop I I I I Imported Ceramics from Greece I I I 323 WEST 42nd STREET, NEW YORK, N,Y, 10036 I I Tel. : (212) CI 7-6244 I CI 7-6219 I I I I r----- ----------1I , Books, Records I, I, " SI~~~l~~AFr~~~~I~ II OYSTER BAY Tel. 545-8402 Ka! 545-2990 I .AVETC<;. noJ..moIJi v£(; a/BouoEr; YllI iJJ..Er; rir; I K01VWVlKir; oar; eK()'1J..WOEIr;, MIWTlKtr; I I Kai OVJ..J..OY1Kir;, I 'AbEA..,oi TOM Kai nnA KAAAMAPAI: j L--------------I I I I II I I I II I BE GREEK TONIGHT BA SK I N T H E SUNSHINE AND WARM T H OF AN A U TH EN TlC G R EEK R ES TA URA NT e Savor I he smells SPECIAL and l aSles of a BELLY DAN CE R cuisine born in NI G HTLY the islands of Greece With our latest ex tensio n we ca n ca ter 10 450 people The Epitome ofHotels Is not a Claim Lightly Made ... • Not with 416 rooms and 55 luxury suites, all effectively fireproofed\tlith aluminum doors, • And an ideal environment for conferences, meetings and banquets, with JJ haJJs that can handle fun ctions of50 to 1000 persons in heated or airconditioned comfort; and, of course, aJJ the facilities needed on hand. • Not to mention a mini-bar in every room, an indoor and outdoor swimming p ool with an ex cellent view of Athens (including, of course, the A cropolis), a health studio plus sauna, a jogging track, a discotheque, 3 restaurants, 5 bars and 24-hour room service, • We have a piano bar, and a taverna with traditional Greek bouzouki and guitar players, • Conventions and other group events are entitled to discount rates. Instant Reservation Confirmation Through: Swissair, Horis International System, Austrian Airlinos, Iberia, Pan American, KLM, DER, Business Consultants Japan Ltd, Toll Free: American International Hotel Repr. (800) 223-5695 New York or Selective Hotel Reservations, Inc, (800) 223-6764 New York or Adolfo Bezamat / Deluxe Hotels (800) 243-5806 U,S,A, CARAVEL HOTEL FEA TU R/,",,'C (i REn: CO U Rt.f ET FOODS 2, Vassileos Alexandrau Ave, Athens 508 - Greece Phones: 790,721 - 9/790,731-9 Telex: 21-4401 CH GR 370 ROUTE 46 SOU TH HAC KE N SA C K CARA VEL .. , The Epitome of Hotels Live International Floor Show Reservali a ns (201 ) 440-1 77 1 Open Daily 01 5 • Closed Tuesday CARAVEL HOTEL ~ ____________._____-----J "l:ooato Kal l:iyoupa ... " Movabud:~ ~EAAaba 1tpOtaCfEICj ayoprov CftTtV Til rpa'l'Eia 'E~noPIKWV Kat Kt~~a"KWv . EmXElpt\aEOlv .KTHMATEMnOPIKH". navEnlat~~iou 59 . •A9flvQI, one; npoO'(ptpouv ol1lJ£pa t1')v 8uvo1"61'11tO va t01t09£'tr\OEtE 0 to a t a Kai 0" l you p a ta XPtlJlQta oa~ OlflV 'E)..)..acSa. EIOUCQ atTjv nephnwO'll nou oKt1t't&ofh:: va bnOtp£\jI£tE atr,v rtatpioa, h:t6c;, tillv rcpaY)lQnxwv r.UKalploov oTic;, ciyopt:<; tOOv QKlvtltwv (thaJJ£piojJQ'tQ - ohc61t£oa - xataotfu.tata K.)...1I.) 1..l7toPOUJlE vir. ocre; 1tpotdvou~u;. 1-1£ n;\tlPT) lhaocpaA.lO"ll. tilv 6:yopO. uyu'])y Kai brucep8cilv 'EJtIXEIPr1CJ£WV. Kat(J)t£plJ) ocre; r.pou;ivouJ,u; 6plOJltVE<; a~\6>"oytC; iu;punwouc;: llflAEITAI ::::ENOAOXEION AKINHTON & EllIXEIPHI:II: llAA. CIIAAHPON - AMCIII0EA OIKOllEAON 3.614 T.M. 1:tr,v lmpaAlQ ilnA. Cl>aAtlPou - KaAQJlcha , 8uVOIlIKO- rWVtOKOV crt 4 op6j.lo~ (6)"OKATlPOV oilwooJ,u Kov tEtpaywvov), '[SaVIKrl 1u:plrrlwOl<; '(Hi KatamcwTJ SHOPPING t~to, 150· 200 KAIVWV, 'OAa til OOl~atla ~< Ota npi>, t~V OciAaaaa. AIR CONDITION. dlaOttE! BAR·RES· TAURANT 300 ato)lw\!, KttCJI-lEVO btl rOlOKltiloU entntoou 1.400 t.~. AoUl; KatQaKEu~" Ktpo~ olampaAI' a~tva . ¢)ip~a '(vwon]. Tlj.1Jl '/tpaYj.lanKTj~ £UKQlpiac;. CENTER ~. 'YnoYEIO LtaO~o PARKING 2.800 t.~. ~ clvtyepO'lv KUtCl01TlJ..lQlWV ,.d:. 81Uj.l€pioj.lara Kai l:ta9j..J.o PARKING 7tw).,rl0eWC; AoyucrotorT'). nWAEiTal lCOl TO iiJllO"U. AIAMEPII:MATA A::::mI:EflN (llAPMEII:OI: - AMAPOYI:IOY) EllIXEIPHI:II: GRILL ROOM "FRIED CHICKEN" • EtOlJ!01tap~oota OE 20v K~i 3?v opocpov tooV 118 t.ll. 166 T·Il· eEQ KQ't01tAllKTlKll . .6.0.1[£00. ~J(ipJ..lapa - KOUipWIl ata clAOUj.llViou - 'IraAlIcd 1tAOKHha - napKIVY - 0upo 1V T~nKla - QrroGtiK£<;. TIJ..lE<; AoytKrotate<;. l:uST)'TEiTal Kat ~tpo, Xp~~citOlV cr. auva"ay~a ~ 5'0 ~. (moypa'l'~ Lu~~oAaiOlv crti, H.n.A. AEt tOuPYOOOQ Xftllwva - KaAOtcoipl. Mova.)n:";c; btayYEAj.lQTlKiiC; tolto6£oiac;. 'E~01tAlUjJ6<; • Y1tEPOl)'yxpOVOC;. 'npyavwj..ltvl1 apIOt(l uno 'EAAllVOOj.1EptKUVOU bnXE1Pl1j.1atta. nd.anda Kai El(J7tpci~EU; o'n6AUta t~l1o<paAl olltVt:~. nwAt:itat ~ · EntXd.p'1O'l~ ot ttll~ 7rpaYllattK~~ EUKalp(a~. (l:uCT}TOVVTal EUKOAiE~). $220.000 SUPER EYKAIPIA KATAI:THMA 250 ql. AMllEAOKHllOI-A0HNA MIOOOl~tVOV cr. ao~apl\ .",xEip~a~ ZAXAPOnAA· LTEIOY. Aiota 6 XPOVla, MicrOOl~a 10, XP. 40,000 ~~v. 2o~ - 44.000 JHlV. Kat 10% Kat' tto~. nwldtat J,lOVOV 6.300.000 oPX. I:u,~tOUVtal EUKO'iE,. EYKAIPIAII' nOAU Kat01Kia trov 4 l1ta~Ept O~uitwv Kai I Ka-raotli~ato, (50po'l'0,) at~v til' . A9~va,. NEoo~~ro, H.n.A.). TPIOPOCIIOI: HMITEAHI: OIKOAOMH AIAMEPII:MATflN 'E1ti ciJ,lql18EatptKOv OiK01t€OQU cipioTll~ 9tOEOO<; (N. Aloota - • A tttKii<;). 'A7rotEAOUIlEVll altO untpu\VwJ,l£VOV iooYEtOV - lov ICOl 20v opoq>ov £~ 115 t.ll. EICaOtO~ . TIroltitGl <O~ i:X£t (~Jltt£Atl~ Ota Tovllla) OE: t11lT) <pavTaot"llCii~ EUKalpia~. 1:u~'1tOfJvtat EUICOliE<;. Kapolil (1978) MLU8wJ,ltvll OAll . TIwAEital J,lOVOV of. 110vlllO KatOtKO H.TI.A. OE: ruvuAAaYl1a (ME: EUIlPolata oti~ EllIXEIPHI:II: SUPER MARKET TPOCIIIMflN AEltoupyouoa tyyu<; tf)<; TIAat£ia<; •AIlEptlC'il<; - natlloirov tnt oElpa hwv. (¢>iPl1G yvwoni). - Aptl~ IlT}XQvOAoyuc6<; t~onllOl1&; . l1tampaAiCoooa 1tElGttia Kai h~", o t~ ipo liVOl twV 25.000.000 oPX. 'IOavlK~ 1tTWOl<; YUl J,lOVIJlll tYKataOTaOll OtrtV . A8r]va. riA AEllTOMEPEIH - llAHPOCIIOPIH KAI rXE6IA rPA'I'ATE: en • Kn REAL ESTATE AGENCY A<IlOI AO'I'ZOY O.E. llANEmrrHMIOY 59 - A8HNAI - 131 - GREECE THA. 3213-213& 3213-310 IANOYAPIOI: 1982 nEpi. MidNiq~T REVERiE ... iN OUR qRf.)' C~iNc~ill. C'pE WiT~ d",c~Ablu"prlrr coll.R. Timeless 4 The Christie Brothers. 333 Seventh Avenue, New York· 340 Omni International. Atlanta. Ga. .NEA YOPKH. To VEO JlEC;O , (JUYKOlvrovla~ , Yla TllV ~EAAaba .•. Au:Ovll<; l\EP01tOP1Kll ~Etal & IUYYCVIKtl hUlpEia wi! ~ TOURLITE International Inc. napaKOAou8EitC ti~ aYY£Aic~ ,lU~ yui 1!Cpl<J(J!\tcpa vea ... Tel- (212) 947·3180 NEW '0 K. Kai Tj Ka ~TAYPOY ~KOYPAH YORK , Greek·American Monthly Review JANUARY 1982 VOL. XXXV No. 398 All correspondence should be addressed to EUXOVTUt <JlOU<; <PtAOU<; lOU<; KaU<; rtop,i:<; Kai EuwXi:<; ,<,> NEo "ElO<; r ~:' .. iG ":".:""':i"_:i"":4+~a=~~:~~:' It!:' '7!!_"ll'!_~ _"ll'! _'7!! _ .. .. •. _ .. ~ JQI:' ..•. '. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Nicholas Wish a Very Happy New Year to All NEW YORK CITY Compliments and Best Wishes H NEA YOPKH P.O. BOX 675 GRAND CENTRAL STATION NEW YORK, NY 10163 Editor and Publisher PETER S. MAKRIAS Founder and Social Editor SPYROS MINOTOS AssocioJe Editors ProL E. BOURODEMOS Ph.D. JACQUES A. CASE ContribUling Editors: ProL M. VYRON RAIZIS ADRIANNE PALlOS RIGAS KAPPATOS BOB NICOLAIDES DIMITRIS IOANNIDES GrANNIS KOUNADIS ELIAS GRIVOGIANNIS NICOS SPANIAS STAVROS GRAMMATIKOPOULOS CHRYSTALENNI LOUKAIDOU ACHILLES SAKELLARIDES Arl Director CHRISTINE NERRIE Representative in Greece GIANNIS L KOUNADIS Solonos 116 . Tel. 3606307 GREAT EASTERN ASSOCIA TES, Inc. NEA YOPKH (New York) the GreekAmerican monthly review is published by the HELLENIC HERITAGE LTD .• 30 West 36th Street (10th floor), N. York, N.Y. 1001 8. Second Class postage paid atN. York, NY. Insurance Brokers and A verage Adjustors One, World Trade Center, Suite 14-37 New York, N.Y. 10048 'EtTloia I:uvopoJ.u;: $25.00 yux 'A,.u:pu(tl KUl KavaM . •Atpo1topucT) tirroCTtoA.1l Y1(1 Eupoo1t11lCoi 0).,0 tOV 1C60'.,.0 $50.00. TpanE~ciiv, 'E1tllttpt')O&CllV Kat 'Opyavto ... wv $100.00. Tel.: 432-0550 ~S~~S~*~~~~~~S~$S9S~S We wish all our friends a very healthy, prosperous and happy 1982 LYGNOSBROTHERSSHIPPING 401 Sylvan Avenue Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 07632 6 * .NEA YOPKH .. ,eef.1ara rou M1]vi)(; To KaOfjKov H «Nea •YOPK'l » aup.7rA..r/pWVEI bpt:coc; 35 XPOVla (wr,e; - 31 aav JUlvlaia irp'lj1EpiJa. uno roy iJpurr, K. Enupo MIvwro Ka; reaaapa miv nepIOOI1<O. Vno tOY (J11PC.p,viJ tKoOrl] Kai OlEUeVvr~ T'IC;. Td 35 aUra XpOV1Q, TrOD elva! mipa 1rOAAU. y,a KdOe ivrvno. hufJr.fJalf.hvouv tilv XP'l(JIJ1or1JTa rig «Niw; 'Y6pKIJC;» Kai rr,v t¢"u7rl1Ptr1'](Jt] pliiC; civciYK1J<;. nov ~r.K'va allo tirv Y£VfKr, tmOvp.ia yui tva 0j10yr.Vf'.IGKO lvW7rO iKUVQ vao larmui)(l'1 v71e60vva d1l01./1f:l<;. napd))."A.a Ill. pia aworq eV11pepwa". rov;'dXIUTOV nuvw ani Oil-lara nov dllaaXOAOvv to roy •£ )')JJ V1(JJ.JC) Kai. r.lo lKwupa, YCVF.raKO avvoJ.o. 0/10- 'H dvliYK'l aVriJ rivera/ £vTOvrinepIJ aripepa tiTv KO/lJ1aTlK01toi"u'l dAAwv 0J1.0ycv£la- f1a~ ara 351 (J1]j1G.VWjl£ rob~ KI VJVVO~ rfjc; 1l0A1TlKOnO l~at~ Kai TO'll apVI'/TlKO pO).o nov iJ 1l0).,nKonoi1]a1] avrr, 80. tX1] arr,v iKavOT'lra j1a( va e.ij1aaTe XP"t71/1.Ol ml)v'1 rwv t 8 vlKWV npopJ.'lJiaTmV !If( 'E..l.).MOC; Kai rfie; K unpou. Ta npofJJ..~/lara aura tmqKuv at; Jl1a via rpaa'1, arllv onoia Od dvat dxoWJ 1T.£plaaOTf.pO dva'iKaia ~ Jpaar'lp/o1T.o i1Ja~ j1ae.;. ~OXI untp roj) tWJr.;, ~ rou C1}.AOU eA)."vIKOV KO/Lpara( , d).)a Yla ra (Jtpara nov p1T.OPel va'l ~ dpeP1KavlKr, I:c,WUP1Kr, 1tO).'TlKIj. OJ UxtTlKCr; ouva rorqrer; £XOI)V ro v rdwmlo Kalpo UnoUTel rie; dpvqTlKl;r; brmrwaf:le; WP10jlEVWV TtPWroPOUAl("iJV, npbe; rie.; o1T.oice; iJ dvTi8uT1J Oiz pnopoDa£ va Of,WP'10i} auv /Ai nOAtrlK~. KWV J,ltU())V tV'lJ1Epwar.m<;, npiiYJ).a nov at uuvJooaJ,J.o J.i.C d..1),a oeJoJ.-tEva Kai lvipye.tee;. eival ouva ro va o&rr/~a1] a t t KElvo nob Ta r i aat pa rc..l.wrala xpaVla oi ar;'J.e.( a vrt~ dXav iOlairEpa TOviaCl cnpcne va dnorpcuXOq: Ti)v no..l.IrIK01W;'WI'/ rfj( ' OjlO- To KaOijKov rwv oj1oyeVf.IaKWV jLE,OW1: iVIJPf.pWUU»e; iiao Kaj OAWV r&v 'Op yavwaewv Kai rrov .Opomrovol(iJV;, marc.uojJ.£ art l1C1paA).£1 va dvrtjJ.r.rmniaol)v l)).qVlKiI. BtjJ.ara ano rr, v iOVlKr, (JKomd - Kai 0Xl j1i; Xa/JalAr.ovnapolx;... NiI. t V'1flcpdJvovv awara Kai uncvOuva rr,v 'OjJ.O yi Ve/a xwpi~ no}.mKl:r; avv81]/laro..l.oy[£(; Kai trp~jJ.epa KOfl j1a TlKa avvO!fpara. ~Era l Ba avvqiamjJ.e" va tivTl ).ajJ.jJavojJ.uare r~v dnoaro)~ pae;. nphu;,1 va dnonpooavaro).larq r, 'Oj1 oyivela ano rr,v d1T.o).lr IKil ypafl)l~ nov an ye vcia~. KaOwr; jl£ iKavOnoi1]a1] Kai untp1]rpa.veta a1]jlt lw vOjlC rilv 35eria Tfje; tKooacwr; aVTile;, Or,wPOUjlr. jjnoxpiwarj pac; npoc; opoyr,Vt:laKO KOIVO Kai npoc; rr,vanoaroAi) Ttovlra<f. a Tov caur a rou nf.pIOOIKO aMo. wi ro ro rnl- ra Jev axoAOIJ8'1f1'av MiiJ ytvci;~ OJ..OK)."PCe.;, )lero. r~v rpa ywoia roB OIXaf1j1oii Kal riK ola)lal.IJC; jJ.erac,v Bevl (e).,IKii>v Ka; Bam).,Kwv .. , 'EKf/JPo.( opc rr,1' CUl.l) l/U yiv1J ~f.KrO Ka; tn~V 'AB' jva, Ka).vnp'l aVjJ.Ttapaaraa1] npoc; ui: tJ.).1JV1Ka. oiKa ta Ba fc,aarpaAlafHj jJ. 0 I' 0 /J i r I) v K a 00) I K iT au j1 p r. r 0 X I) rwv 'EA..l.1JvoajJ.cpIKavwv arr,v TtO},IT/KI) o/ao/KaKaala HOV ' HvmjJ.evmv [Jo)m;uJJv (Ka i 0XI rq ; '£)).o.oor;j ~Ef(n, of mOavor1Jrr.r; d,norponfjr:; lvoe; vt ov olxaajwB Oa jlCIWOoBv oro tAaXlaro Kai aVTO B6. clvat Kara KVPIO ).0'10, npo~ Of/Jejoc; r;;e" 'E )"MoO!; . orl" ••• M nopr.i ii).a aIJra wi tinord.ouv rpwviT powvroe; tv ru ipljflQJ. 'A )).a oaOl '-XOU V napaKoAovOljael ric" O!:ar.le; roil ncplOolKoiJ auroiJ oev B6. CXOUV ovaKoAia va pac" tivayvOJpiaol)v rov).riXUTrov Ka).r, npoaipea'l, 'H flova<lo. 06. yiv1J. eral. n epuJaorepo f:).KVaTlKIj . .. "Ort avro a l)/Lpaivl:l lil; roiY; tivaYVloan;c; ri}c; «N!:ae; ' YopK'1e;", maronolciml dno r ilv IXTifll'/f1I'/' r i) v ayunq Kai rr,v uTtoarljplc,1 roue;. "Eva j1cya)o ~<EIJl.aplarw», j1a( i jJ.e riC; OepjJ.tx; euxte; j1ae; 'lId l va tMU1J(JjJ.i vo Kai F.iP'1VlKO v!:o XpiJVo, /Lr. uyda Kai npoooo, Jev cinOTCAoDv iniKalpo rU7CIKO XatPCTl(J/LO. Elval eoXapiarrw'1. K ai T1J11j . H OYLIA TON XPILTOyrENNON M~vvf1a TOU M i ua aritv plUavvq liae" v' dyopaaOUfle ntlO 1[0))0. rr.r; aYlee; aoree" r,j1i pcC;, va owaoujJ.C 1[UO no))Jj xapil a' lJaotx; Bo.. napovv fa orop« liru:;, Kai lif:a ' r;,v JIKI6. j1ac; dvvnoJiovq npoaliovit va tJoiijJ.£ Kai vd c,eru).fc,ou/lc ro ri Oa pac; npoarptpouv o[ d)).OI, npo(F1!£p vo iJJie ra xepla roD Beov nov arr)wflEva tino rov ovpavo npoe" roy KaBlva j1ae; KparoiJv '110. va j1a.e; TO npoarpipovv ro nuo j1eya),o &i>po. To JiiJpo, nov elval iJ Xf,lpaf{Jer1Ja1J dno rov VOflO ~ j..ui).),ov rilv napavOj1fa Ka; ;, tvaYKdAlal roD dvOpwnou dno rov eCO ae pia KalvoVPYla (m~. nov elval npdYflart arijv oooia roue; ra Xplarovye vva. ra To i&1O, npo(JJ(cpaaav 011A. xipla rou 8eou, KI' alA.te; YCVUC; npiv dno rr,v &'KIj;. To 7010 00. Kavovv KI' avrEr;. nov fM dKo).ov81jaouv, /fao Kapolir; rol.l\ ic,axoAouOoDv va KtVnouv KOV'Ina, iinwe; oi olKi e" liar;. Kai appv8j1a xmpJr; eVXe~ Kt' dyane( '110. Karl KaAvrepO, yra Karl jlOvlflWrepo dno ra 1lpoamplvd, rd rpOaprd Kai TO. f{Jeuya)ia «dyaBa», nov vOjJ.i(OVIiC Orl aei(el va dnou)ouv rilv fl6vq jlae; flll oiw(,l. Frari 'II ' aura rptxoujJ.e AaxaVlaajJ.tvOi d<najlarqra, na8Iaalicva, aav rpe)Aof. r, Marala ( ljrqac v' O,pnd(,q rilv npoaoxlj pac; 0 'AnouroAor; nauAoe; fl£ rilv npoclo01l01l'/TlKq avoraai rou npoc; rov veapo liaB'l'T1j rov TI1i60co. arav rou i ypatpc: «rar; JE V£WTCPIKW; i1ll0ulifar; f{J£uye» (B ' Tlj1. 2, 21). 'Ep£iC; YI' aura, vemrcp'Kd, Ka, veWreplaTlKa OlvOUj1e ro nllv, c,oOcuovrac; aua lxoujJ.£, Ka; fla(1 fl' aurd <5uaruxw, nOAAtr; rpopec; Ka; rl)v WUX~ flar;. Ta vemreplKCr. Ka; vEwreplarlKa [Yl vav b OIKOe; par; )apvplvBor;, orcou xavoliaare xwpir; riTv tAn/oa va ta IANOYAPIOl: 1982 Eel). 'ApXlenzaKonov K. 7aKwfJov ppoujJ.e b ltC.OOO ij It,,ooo, jlE dnorf.)£ajJ.a va Ylvwlia(JU 1<1' t.uelC; OVjlam roD avyxpovou Iilw.Qravpov, nov elval;' KaravaAWrtK;' jJ.avia r;;<; tnox;;<; pa<;. Oi naAalOrepOl XavoUfle tit'll iKavorqra viI. aroxcvovjJ:J award. Na PH:rcoufle to. Xplarovyr.vva aav ro Bpla/LpeUrlKo rf.)or; lvo~ aapavraflr,pou XPltntaVIKOU dywva, nov aKono '-xr:1 va; aUYKpar!far, ano rilv ajJapt"ia Kai va flae; (r,arav'1 rr,v Kapoul tTm, nov va j10Ipa(wflatne riTv (e arama Ka} rr,v xapa tOO (J1lITJOU flae; PE OIKOix; Ka; c,tvoue;. Ta Xprarovyevva ,;rav Kanore r, v6xra. nov;c rob<; ovpavov<; J1 ' d yyu. ol.l\, r' aUTla pac; jJ.E rr,v lieya).onprn'l ooc,oAoyia rol.l\, ra Kpvw{ xepta rwv TWlfltvwv liE r;,v Oa).nwp;' rmv )'6ywv roB dyyf.)ou: « '[&0& eooyydi(oJ1a1 ujllv xapav jJ.cyd).qv» (AK, 2, 10). rEe;ac5elec; ano npoaooKia Kapolr.e" ) aou flr. dyycAia «OT! erix0'l ufliv m]jJ.r.pov a{1Jr~p .. (AK. 1. II). Ta Xplarouyf.Vva, rf Kplfla. rnauaav va elval ;'VVXra, nov jJ.£ ra rra/oui ro~ maaliEva ana Xipi Olapalvav jJ.' lva ).Vxvri.PI o[ XPlarravo; yove ie; rr,v dnoaraOI ano ro mriTl We; rilv 6AOf{JWr1] .'EKKAqala Yla va 100uv fl£ ra rol.l\ « ro Pi}flU rooro y£yoVO~ » (.11K. 2, /5). Kaj aro rCAoe.; va KOIvwvljoouv oWfla Kai a;jla Xplarov: XaPl KI' Un ioa Kai ritv xapOlJjJ.cvq unOOXCOI rije" awr1Jpiae; dno « ro Ppttpoe; KeifleVOV rou r;,v ro ro ro tv ",ann» (AI(. 2. /6). T' drpfaajJ.£ o).a va yivouv «t<OJrepIKa». 'Ano l:UVEXEta "T~V rOl' xwpo rije; I:EA. 9 7 To ()1a({J'!lKO !lj.IOAO)I/O rfi~ «Nea~ • Y6PK'l~" elVa! dKplpwrepo dno KriBe a.,uov tA;''lVIKOiJ evrvnov ari~ H.II.A . ... '.\I:"""~JOHN G_ NICHOLAS HARRY RAPT AKIS JOHN KENDRICH PHILLIP MAMOS STEPHEN A. VALl Attorneys At Law athens 37-11 UNION STREET, FLUSHING, N.Y. 11354 r"J.. ~~cOo,-\~~ 886-5200 Evxapl(n:ovvu~ )luI rr,v vnoartjpl~'l. evxopaau aE; iJ;'ov~ EYTYXEE TO NEO ETOE .. ·_~_~_~:e~_~:.".~: ot OiKOYEVEt1;~ ~:=~ TOM KAAAMAPA KAI rrnA KAAAMAPA Ei5xovrm a' OAOVC; KAAH XPONIA Kai KaAec; C>laaKeC>uaelC; (lTel daUYKplTa OYSTER BAY And CRYSTAL PALACE 31-01 BROADWAY, ASTORIA, N.Y. 11106 Tel. 545-8402 and 545-2990 Holidavinn The most accommodai.iJ"l9 people in the world Location: The Holiday Inn is situated near the center, 8 few minutes walk from both the business and tourist parts of Athens. Accommodation: 200 rooms 8ach with priV8tb ~~th. shower and toilet, television. radio. telephone and airconditioning I heating. facilities: Restaurant, American Bar, CoHee Shop, Discotheque, Bowling, Meeting and Banqueting facilities up to 500 persons. For reservations contact: any Holidav Inn reservation office, anV Holidav Inn front desk, or your travel agent. Address 50 Michalacopoulou Sir., Athens, Greece Te'aphone 74B322-74B320 TELEX 21-8870 ~_~S~~$$~S~-:~~$SS~SS~~S~ o APXAIOTEPOL LTHN AMEPIKH TIUYXlUKO<; :EUAAOY0<; «Kopuii~» N£(l~ 'YOPK1]~ rllV •OJloyiv[Ja 'AWPlh').; Kai (Jra d&J..({J1a Jlac; rfic; dKpmKijc; Xfou Euxeral ma JleA'l TaU, (J' OJ..OKA'lP'l EYTYXEE TO NEO ETOE 8 "NEA YOPKH .. To MrlVUIlU TOD ' Apyu:moxo1!ou LuvtX£la 0.11:0 TllV :Ed., 7 Kapolae; j.u;rarpepOqKGV (Jr~v pi(a rou XplarovY£vvuiTlKOQ dtvrpoIJ 5;.a KI' fYlva v .. TO UKt'/VIKO rig yevVllacfJ.Jt;», avri va £fval iJ yf:vv'I(JI ij dva yi vv'IUf riie; I./IlJxfir;. nov "rav rei XpIOTou-/£Vva lila rpopa K" t'vav Kalpo. 'H Mapia. b ·1())(J~qJ. TO 8cio PpirpQ(;, " rparv'l. (wa, oi ra yo vanaroi nOlpever; tYlvav ~u)lva ii yvqllva draA-paniK/a. Jevelvat m;ul iJ 'Aria O/Koye vc/O.. 'H OIKOyI:Vr.1G "wr;. To (wvravo divrpo rou anmou ~ar;. Kt' aKOtla;, yevcaAoytKir; /Jar; pi(cr;. KI otJ,fJ.Jt; yf aura rov OKOTCO Kai #ovo elX£, opiacl " 'EKKJ.,wia I.we; rov YlOpWGjJ.O rfir; Tivvar; TOU Xplawv rov .1' alwva. Tid flilr; 8V/ii(t} rr,v d2,,On!'t] - nlv fJrJ)d, Karaywy~ liae;. "On b Aoyor;, 1[OV «(Jape, eyivtro», /laC; fbc'JJKP. r~v c!,ouaia «riKva eeoij ytvia()w» (Iwavv. /, 12) Kai on «/.aKlfvwac tv ~/Aiv». 'iva rt,v vov8caiav dnoAapwpr.v. Tf Kpip.a, viz nr.pvovv rd: Xplarovycvva xwpic; v' dt'pivovv oiJu: Kav n}v xpoaoaKov", rij~ rpOXla, roLi ·Aortpo~. r'iz viz fla;, Ovp.i(ci r~v ypaf"lpt, rfjr; nopeia~ j1a, arov KOUP.O rouro! ano va r----------'---"-"-'-j I I I I I eiJ. r' drpiaovpc. d&.J.f/JOi. Ka; ra erperf.lVa ra Xplarouycvva va /At,v dtpiaovv rinorc M)O niaw WO( ano Eva orr.({Jti.vt <cV/ullapivo KPCf.J.aopivo ort,v nopra; KI' fino tva 6i:.vrpo. nov /Ar. Kaf}c pipa. nov ncpva. Oa J.l.apaivcral. Yl(l va ncrax(};; reA.IKa; Kat t, O)IPCPt, dvrirpam KI' dvnvopia tival on f!Jwva( ovpt Yla rte; «piCe, .. pae; 5ao nod:. 'A..iAa nOlte; pi(f;(; /Aae.; Aliri,. nov lpPI<c PaOf./a arilv iaropia rou Koapov«~ pdPJoe; rou 'AapWv" pJ.aar"aaaa». fj oi 5AACe; pi(e,. oi pvf}lapive, a' eva Kop.pan r fje;. nov yui nOA;o~ fino pae.. rove; (,tppl(wpivOlX;, Ol:V imapxovv rrcl(i; Kai tvw tpcie;. rij, na).17ae; ycvuie;. OlWnOVjit ~ dno vrponil if KI dno Eva alo0",pu dnpoaoujp1ar'le; tvoX;;C; yui rt,v pil rrpaY/Jarolr.of",m aKo/Ja rij~ tUX;;C; rciiv dyyt.).wv va brlKpar"a'1 Ka);, 00.",0'1 dvallt oa aroix; dvOpwnovc;, «tni yfje; dp"v'1C;». Kai oo<oAoyia roD Belou ovoparoc;, oi V/:.f.OrcpOi - ra nau'/(l Kai ni tyyovJa ).LUe; pt ddldpBpw r", dyavriKr",al 00. dtpioouv aav artvaY/Jo rilv tpW'Vll rove; v' dpOpwal] ree; )J:~f.I(;: .. "wart arilv dpJjv'1 pia dJKUlpfa - give peace a chance». K,' oorcpa pi; rce; ypoO ,cC; vV/w).Liv£(; Bd: rpc<ovv Kovra 6 Evac; orov d'J.AOV, 8d: yivovv £KarovrMcc; XIAUi&r:;, 00. 0X17pariuovv noptlf.(;. JludIJi..woelC; Kat o la/Japrvpiee; Kl' orav Kovpaaf}ovv an' auvO,,/Jura Ka; tee; rpwvcr:;. Kai roVe; Ylopraop.olx;, Kai rer; JIUK,!PV(,tIr:; 5Jew 00. nc(]ouv ni xipla rour:; an' roix; dipO/x; rou~ KI' anoKajiWPCVOI 00. (]wnauovv. Kai p.a(v j1' aVra tblO ciJc,tC; ntaouv KI' oi lJIoXir:; roue; ano roy Xaj1'!)o ovpavo /Jlar.; anatIJAijr:; f~apa,!<;, xwpir:; vo. OW(]OUV ar;, v dpJjv'1 PlaV f.VKalpia - t~v tVKalpia noiJt;'1Tii. c.ip1 vIJ Yla vo. yivIJ npaypatlKihIJra if vd: iKavwaouv tt,v avvcioIJai tOue; Ka; va dvaAri.povv Oappcta roy dywva Yia va yiv,! clp1v,! dna Kpauyt, r.mraYil Kai dno t mwYil (Wlf. I I I I kkOnO$ WH~(SAL( F~~~ Inc. I I Greek Housewives ... Now, you also can buy the grocery items directly from KRONOS FOODS Warehouse and save money! I I I ra ro 8a r, r, ro. Til Xplorol;{I;VVf~ JlaKIJPuaan;, 'EKKA'10fa pae; iOrOPIKa Ka; awrllPIO}OYIKo. til: rcr; t(;;r:;; Kparali;c; A.t(ur;: .. ore be ~Af}e TO n)1pwj1a tOil Xpovou. t(aniarCIACv 0 eeoc; rov viOv Aurov, ycv6jif:VOV r.K y/) valKOr;. yevop.cvov ImO VOf"lOV, Iva roiX; uno VOjiOV tf,a'lopaaIJ. Iva rilv vioOcafav dno)apwj1cv (TaA.. 4, 4). 'AJcA.poi Kf7.i rCKva t v Xplarcii /:vavOpwniaavTl d yan'1ra! M"nw<; ;')f}r. ro n}.Jjpwj1a roLi Xpovou Ka! Yla l1ac; va (Jjaov/Jc ra Xplorovytvva Gt;,V d).I]BJv" rou<; ar,p.auia Kai evvOIa; Niz XtlparpCTt]Ooupe ano roY livo/Jo KOUJ.l.O Kat ter.; napavojiitr; rou; Mlfnwc; r,).Bc to nAljpOJj1U roD Xpovou, "Iva r;,v uio8tGim';"dpwpr.v». dveupiUKOVtf.r:; t oV 8r.o, pia' art,v V/UXJj jiac;, npo.ypa nov Ba par; lKave nUl"ul Tou; . Dplapivo.x; 00. oaare ~ dndvrl1(]1 va clvUl BcrlKIj. To OiJ..ovlle if).OI . .. A C; npoanaO"fJovJ.l.e AOl1l0V va Ppou/Jc r~v J6vapl va npo(]wX'!Ooupc Kara fa bperelva XpiaroVyevva. noao opoarpo, nouo CVr uxlOpivo f}dmv t va rirolo auvafao",j1a; AVrocuxojial va 1t.AIJp.p.vpi(]" ril v Kapola Ka; ro G1lin aae; KaJ VdVUl ta XPlorouycvvd oar:; d(]tpatprcpa, dyycAo rpayooolara. eUAoy"j1fva p£ o)t] rilv dyanIJ Ka; XaPI roii ewU. Mi: dyanIJ narplKt, - npocKraal riic; dya1rll~ roiJ N'1nlaUaVtOC; Ylo. t;,V Of:(J)(1i fLUe; Xplorov aar; danti{OjiUl narplKa. IANOYAI'I02: 1982 IMPORTED CHEESES - OILS OLIVES - COFFEES - CYPRIOT HALOUMIA (our own imports) CHEESE PlES- SPINACH PlEFILLO and many other items. I Special Prices for Restaurants & Diners WE MAIL ORDERS THROUGHOUT THE USA Write or Call for FREE CATALOGUE: KRONOS FOODS 37-37 11th STREET, ASTORIA, N.Y. 11101 TEL. (212) 786-3399 L-_________,__________JI 9 flcvr, vra axd ov apxov Tu; roD OiKOl)jl £VfKO U lla rplapxr:iov ano Ni a 'YO{JKI1 Kui n) v Nfa '!cpai tl napaKoAorJO,.,Oal' rd w raf(f)C; taru;plvo aro napcKKh jolO rfis 'Apparl(JKoni;;; xopoararovvro r fijI' ro il r e{l. 'ApXlcmaKon ov K. '!aKw /Jov pi:; ro v onolo (lV(,j nwa ~' apyorEpa (5uirpopa Oi:Jwra Tii;; 'EKKi,twiac; /iuC;. Mt.rac.v rw\' /'\1(1)- ~S8~~$~a.\i:~_' •H Ot£U8UVGll a rw v (J/aKCKP I)1!VW V OflO},Cv(!JV OJal<.piVETal Jirr/a arDV 'Apxu;rri- OK07[Q b IJp&oPO\; rou Td. }ll wroC; roi! 'Anoara/au 'AvJpia. rov imoiov /.iii,,! Elval of "APxovrr:C; toi) narplapXf;iov. Dr. Antony Borden Kai b TWV/Cp. M",.,c; N. 'lEpai tl.; II:. If/.a.;. HOTEL GRANDE BRETAGNE Kai TO rrpOGCOTCtKO TOU yvcocrrou . EAAllVtKOU EGnaTOpiou 117 East 15 th Street New York City TllA. [212] 254-0960 EVXeWI (Jr~v tKAeKr~ l1eAareia YOU Evrvxer; 10 ro Neo "Eror; ATHENS GREECE· Tel. 3230.251 Telex. 219615 - Cables' HOTBRITAN WOIILD FAMOUS HOTEL CENTR ALL \' LOCATED ON TH [M AIN SOli ARE OF THE CITY WITH MAGNIFICENT VIEW OF THE ACROPOLIS .. ~ bedrooms equipped with evtry modtrn comfort. Fullyair<onditioned. International bar. superb cuisine, luxurious reslaurant. Convtntlon rooms with full congress facililie-s. World wide rt'presenlation 770 Lexington AVtnut, Ntw York 10021 For rtKrvations and informalion call 800-22J~OO New York Stale and Canada (212) 838-3110 Collect •. NEA YOPKH·. ~H npWTIJ f.10U el)lla.~·tal GaV QVEIPO niv 1tPWtT) lloU fIpo)ToXpovui OtT]v' AJlEPl1C~, Ttpiv 36 toaa Xpovw. ElXa qlOaO€L eltt:n:a cmo rre.plTtEt E l(j)8e~ ta~Hh ., nrlYaiVOVtCl~ Otcl 'H vro)..ItVQ vE9vll , yt' auto oE 'PpovTloa va m:i:pw Su:UOUV(J£ L ~, 11 ' (linD Kai Of yvrop I ~a KQvtva .• H np60cot1 Jlou T)tav va ).1r:lVW taallE 4 ~.J:iiv£~. Kat tooo ~ t1t1l0Cl ato i)..l,.I.lYK pEcnOV ltDU avt~l1K£ oro Kapcipl. '0 officer 0rlKWOE ta ".u hta TOU Kai ""i:: Koita~t J.lEanopia: a ~ P<l).OUJ.lE, JlOU A££l, ~~ T);VE<; Kai nO:Al PJ..E1tOUI.U: ! :Eta flarr6pl, TO b nraYJ.1 EVO ,.u:taywYIKo «MarlY Kap7t », elxa yvWp iO£1 Kcinotov, 1'[Oll 1l0UOWO£ tilv 8tr.tJOuVOT] TOU npocopou tOD I:uAAOYOU ZaKl)VOiwv rUlvvl1 BtafJap8Tl Kat Iilv ai'J"l1 !lEpa rrfjya oro Ilaya~ i tOU Oti) v 811 AH(HPO PO Kai 25 .6.P0J.lou<;, Af.yo vTa t; TOU nwc; t' )..IOOft oUJ.lna't p l(7),,[E~ YlU1:l Tl)..lOUV YIOt; tOU yta tpou MIVOlTOU Kai ,;MJa yui A.i.You~ )..IfjVEt;, va napmco A.ou9t)ow ti~ epyacrLr.t; TOO OHE. ·0 rulvvl)<; )..I t KoiTa~E coro KE<paAfJt; IlEXPI no8&v, tOUKava <paiVETa l KaAT] Evtun(llOfJ Kai IlE KatamoptnOlt)9l)Kf.. E1X£ <puy£t uno lilv ZUKuv90 IJ.IKp6~, 1415 xpovro, uAAa Til 9U)..IOtuv IJ.€ K0.9E AEntO)lt PEW , i.8[(1)t; ta. "TtUVl)YUPlQ») OtT]V MnoxaAn. OtO Muxmpa80, 01"'; 1\19aKIa Kal OtOV" An I\tl1tlO, Ot' •Apyam. Tov nuttpa )..Iou 8tv TOV ii ~E P £, 9u)..lotav O)lWt; ta (. MIVWtt"lKU,) otit; BapE~. to. KTt)llata. 811Aa8iJ noo E)lEVE 6 «v6vot;» )..IOU, MlVWTOt;. ouvta~IOOX0C; 81Kaotll~ Ent ' AYYA IKfj ~ Opootao[ac; OTtlV 'I9ciKll. 'H npoC1v6va )lOU (npo~ui~~~ ~ou) , ~taV£ ' IvyK AECu Kui j..ll AaYE to. EAAllVIKCt Il€ arY~~ IK'; npo<pop6 , TO O)..llKPO, b'lAa8tl . oav uA<pa. KcinolE, 6 npoov6voC; )..IOU enEOE Kal toaKioOllKE Kat OAO I oi yenovOl ono TOY Ka)..lnO, ciA ACt Kat ono t il xffipa; ~PXOVtaV an itt va J.ui8ouv nwt; nllyaiv£l. - XTE, ppciou - <00, I:c,~yo"a £ ~ n poav6vu, (KaVE IlEyaATJ uKarac5a (O'IwT(i81) Kai t o KUT)lltVO t o mop MIVWtO, EnEoE Kal GKarwO,.,Ke! (oKotw9T)KE). '0 Blapcipo~, ~taV nOAo KUI,6, iiv8pOlnot; Kai aya1tllt6~ , 81apu~£ to. no.vta, toU 6.p£Of:' to O€atpo Kal ti ).10 UmK~ Ka\ KEivE<; tlt; IltPE<; (PYOlE Kal VOOttllTf t <PllIJ.EpiBa. Ttl "ZaKUVOoc;». ftVtlKa)..lE otEvoi <piAOt Kat K60E <popa nov nrlyalva OTO Tl)noypa<pEio beet KovTa, nEpvouoa Ka1 TOY CpAl:na. ·'Evu anoylOJ..ta dXE KaAE OE! to: A.i.ya )..IEA,ll lOU I:UAAOYOU ZaKuv8irov KClIl).1ui 20pta - oAa - 01..0, yu): yo. Il£ yvwpioouv Kl ' hat J..Ii: Jl£ya},l'J EuxapiotllOll yvw ptcra tOOt; o UJJ7t alpu1>tE~ 1l0U, 6.v9p(l}not cropapoi, IlClyu~atOpEt; Kat xovOP€j..lTtOPOl otllVrov a.,AAo. Kat J.mpOK£pr; aKlVrltWV. M E ta~U troy n:l€utairov "'Tav eva €KAEKtO CaKuv91vO ~El)yap l . 6 ouxroPEIl£VO<; •A VTWVll~ KaKoAuPll<; Kat" OOpuiCl o uCuyo<; tOU <l>rotOUAO. oi onoiot Il£: npooK6:AEoov )..IE tti Maipll Ilou vO: J..Iat; <PIAO~EVtlOOOV ttiv Ttupa)..loVl) Kai a.v~~cpa tT]V IANOYAPIOE 1982 IlpwToxpovza TOY K, (JT~V IITYPOY MINQTOY llprotOX POVl(): ota onin TOU<;, OtO TIan:poov. Nloo T~i:pOEU. 6. eXHrjKUj.tE IlC lapa blOtt TlIlOUV no)~u KOUpaO)ltvo<;, aAAQ Kal 810tt " Nta· YOPKll aPXIKO: O€V )lou apEoe Ka80lou. To <prow tfj<; MrrpoVtYOUOl TJ K01 TOU T im es Square , Ev90oo{0~av, o\) pavo~{)(Jt£~. EiXU)..lE Bev J..Il: OUtE oi Katac.prolo l oAo O'UVVEqHO: Kat to: YUJ..I v6 8tvtpa t aD I:tVtPU A na pK ~ tav Ilaupa oav t tiv niooa Kat Il£ JIElClYXOAOUoav <pop£pa, crOVll OlC1j.t€VOC; OltWt; TlJ.l0UVU !:Ii: t ov atttKO Ol)paVD Kat til <pt).vncrEvtQ ~~~~$~~~~~~S~~~~ Seasons Greetings WILLIAM G. CHIRGOTIS Summit, New Jersey HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL Sea Group, Inc. 505 Park A venue New York, N.Y. 10022 Tel. (212) 980-0500 KaAT] XPOVlO cr' OAOU~ 'tOU~ NaunUo)l£VOU~ M. K. MARINAKIS CHARTERIN G INC. 19 Rector Street New York, N.Y. 10006 Tel. [212]-483-0340 11 Mr. and Mrs. JAY NICHOLAS LONG ut~60'(pa\pa rftc; Z<iKUvUOC;. At)'rov TOV fiAIO Kal clTJ,.tOmpalpa VOCHQAyouaav ot ouo SUICJ1UJOl TtOl'lti:C; tile; rOlaiu:P'l<; n:uTpioac; Ilou, 6 Oiryo CPWOKOAOC; Kal 6 . A vaptn; K<iA~OC; ROU ~€VTJt€(),tTJlcaV VEOl OTT] OUV- ve:qnuoJ,.tEvll •AYYAia, Kai uJlVTJoav "[11 ZaKuveo. Ei5xovral (J' iJAove; rove; rpiAOve; rove; EYTYXII;MENO TON KAINOyprIO XPONO ~-"":.~:.~~*,:.~:.*,:.ilI:.~:.ilI:.1lti •0 Nwpo/..oyo<; - 'l'uxiatpo<; Kai l'J Ka MIXAHA Ei5xovral (J' LI~EPH iJAove; rove; rp[AOVe; rove; KAAH XPONIA 30 CENTRAL PARK SOUTH, N.Y.C. 30-5236 STREET, ASTORIA, N.Y. Telephone: 545-8900 . 0 1tpWroc;. oro 1t£pic.pllflO (pyo lOU .~Oi. napa9t-t€1 J,.tlli E~aiO"la JtEPIrpacp~ t~, Z6.KUSO,: «'Ano 1./1,,).0. ri1~ ortAvel 0 aiwvlO~ ijAlo, rir; (woyaver; dKrivCC; rOj) Kai 0 <1iac; rei ouirpa va (1uyvc<pa rfj~ xapi(el ... K/' [xu rovr; nUKvorpl,rcvrovc; t)aulwec;. Xap lT£<;" rove; d,U1re)o<puro~ rov Boxxov Ka/..l7wur; Kai r~v vyeia r~ p6o/v" (1Kopni(cl aiJpa y)uKua nov P.UPWP.EV'! nvul dna K~710ur; dv8wv KI' aldJvullv KAOpmv . Karl Thow TpayoooCi YUl n; ZaKu80 aTo <l>1).6natpl 6 KaA~o,: ~Q qu).rarl1 narpir;, W 8aupaoia viJaor;, ZO.KuvOc ... florE Jtv 01: l:J.r,opovt'/aa, nort ... Xaipe Avoovia, xaipc Ka! au 'A)'p/wv, xalpcrmoav ra e voo~a llapitJl(J.· wpaia Kai povt'/ r, ZaxuvOoc; Ji£ Kvpu;uel . .. MoaxopoJ...6.c/ ro K).fjp.a aov. e!; rplJ... narpir; JiG!), Kai nJ...ovri(el rre).ayor; dna t~V I'vpw3iav nov XPU(}WV KirpWV. rar" Dr. and Mrs. LOUIS FERRIS Happy and Prosperous New Year Wish all their Friends ~---KAAH XPONIA I:' OAOYI: TOYI: C/JIA 0 YI: KAI IlEAATEI: MAI: •Am) t"V ou:ti9\)vCJ11 Kat to 1tPOO'(l)1tlKO tOU Ta~lOl(l)tlKOU 'OpyaVlO'J10U PETERS TOURS 600 EIGHTH A VENUE NEW YORK, N.Y. 10018 Tel. (212) 391-0200 12 29-14 DITMARS BLVD. ASTORIA, N.Y. 11105 Tel. (212) 932-3366 ro Era~f)).orp6po", pi,a,. iAarppd, KaOapa, r)l(J.qJaviJ fa auvveqJa pa(JI).e~ aof) txapuJ{; rwv 'AOavarwv. o <1h lpcrvr.v t:av [neae narc de; fO npouwnov aov r, XlWV . .. daa/ eUrvx~r; ... AUTE~ ti~ ~WvTavt~ dK6v€:~ £xouv aTa Iltlna toU~, ta~loeUovTa~, oi Z(J.Jcuv9wl. n' aUTO tOU~ '-tvE Kal «a1tOupyitEe;" nOl) otv q,EUYOUV nOte tOY -rono tOue;. ano ••• 'E1tiiya AOt1tOV 0.1[0 ppaoue; tilv 1tUpUJlOVtl tii~ npw-rOXpOVla~ aT apXOvtlKO tOU 'A VTWV." Kat tii~ <DWtOUAa~ KaKOAupl), a1'O natEpaov, JlIO: )'paq'llKtl 1[()A'1, Aiyo £~W ano T~ NEa ' Y6PKT]. 'H MaipT] Sa <Px6Tav 1'1)v clAA'1 Jltpa. vOIlOP<po Kal EUPUXWPO TO tUTUXtcrJ!tVO ani'll TOU~, nou to aT6Al~av 01 tpti~ O:Y)'EA6Ilop<pt~ KOPOUAt~ twv. npOu1(avrt;aQ)JE to Nto Xp6vo (1947) nuiCovta~ «YUl to KOA6» xop-raKlo. ltEVtapOoEKapt~. 3U1(v'1oa TO n:pwi XOpaIlQ-ra. "OA'1 vUXTa X10V1C€ JlE j.t€yaAE~ tmaAE~ vu<pao€~. "Eva naxu Qa1(po aCvtoVl ElX€ cmAw8ei a' 01..'1 t~v nEpIOX~. ~EXroP l ~E, Ka66Aou TO Spoj.tO to: xwpa<pIQ. Kattpl)Ku tptXovTa~ OtO OPOJlO, xwpi~ yO: etOO1(OlT1CfW Kavtva. EIXa rp€AAa8ei aT[() to t~aioto 6Ea~a. EIXE pyt! 6 ~~Ep~~6.VTT]' ~AtO" xa~€:Ut ta Jla)'la 1(O~ ElX~ a<Pt1a£l t'J VUXtO, ano .NEA YOPKH. ).lnOva).lQ OTe, XroPlO yui tOY Ka1VOUPYlO OpO).lO Kal nOlXVIOlllPlS£ K1' aUTOe; ).If; tn XtoV10).lEVa OEVTpa, KaVOVTUe; ta va. Aaj.lnOKOnOUVE aa. OW).laVna. rUpl~a K1' tyro naVtOU, naTWVTae; KanOtE Kal af; XUVtaKta nOt') Of: t;€XWpl~av anD to XIOVl Kat naAai~ovtae; KatOmV va ~ywl EIxa ma o7ro).laKpuv8£i: nOAu ano to onl n, Exaaa TOV rrpoaaVatOAlaj.lO Kat OEv tl~Epa n&e; va yupioro nioro. "0).0. Ta onina <paivovtav aKCIWaj.1£va j.1E to XLOV1 OJ.lOta. ~EV cmavtcxa vuXt) swaa, 0e; nou Oto TEAoe; ~PiiKU Eva Civ8pWlIO lIOU lIEtUY€ ).lE to cpttapl ta XLOVta, avoiyovtae; 01000 Y1a to orrin tOU Kat ).lOUOElS£ lI&e; va ppw to O"rri"tL tOU KaKoAuPTl· ~ Etptaoa ato anhl j.lEallJ.lEPl 1tEpao).lEvo KUt ~piiKa ttl MalPTlKAalouaa. :I:n)v npxt) <I>rotOUAa ][(Oe; 8& KOtJ.lOJ.lOUva aK6j.1a KL avtPllKUV 1tavro on) oWJ.lano ,..lOu. Elxa yivEL acpavTOe;! KavEie; Of;V £tx£ rro:pE1 xa~mipl mo, ElXa py<i <1;",. ~ 0, tOUe; AEro, PyfjtE Aiyo ESW va OfjtE ta owpa tile; VUXtae;. Kat va 8auJ.1O:u£t£ Ta Ilcl"(lCt Tile;. Kat TOUe; OL TlYrl8'l1ca tL E1tu8a. n nJ.aoall£, cpayall£ AaiJ.lupyu ti] YUAOnouAa KUt oTpro8r,Kall£ GOtEpa Ota xapnO:. LE AlYO <p8claavE aH:voi <plAOl tOU OnlttOU aU).lnatp1Wt£e;, om:ue; Kai 6 as£xaatoc; np6EOPOC; tile; KOlVOtllTOe; tou natEpaov Kwotae; •AKtU1tll<;, €vac; A£~EVtav8poo1t0e; nna to ypaqllKo xwptO ratTUV1 Tlic; ZUKu80c;, a anoloe; J.lae; npooKclA£o£ OTi] 8W.tPIKi] napo:cJTauTl 0.710 EpaOlt£Xv£C; ltOU o{oovmv i anOYlOllU imi:p tfie; 'EKKAllcrtae;. TIiJyUJ.1£ Kl E:1l£lVa j..tE aV01KtO to atoJ.1a. pAe1tovtae; tOY cpiA tato Krocrm VTUJ.1EVO J.1E <ppch:o, 1.VTlAO KantH.o Kat nunpu Yclvna, va nUplO"tclVTl TOV MaupoKopSnto a' €va EPYO nOD SExaoa Elt£lta alto tooa xpovta tOY t{ tAO TaU. 0auJ.laoa ti]v E~rotEP1Kll Il£taj..topcprooTl tou KaAou aAAcl lmAOtKOU Kwo'ta 'AKTlJ1tTl crE nOAtnKo.· Htav Ae.PEVto:v8poo1t0C; - a 8£0<; UXroPEcrtOVE - Kal ~,.mopouoE Kuv£ie; Esaip£ta va tOY napE1 Y1(1 . .. npw8unoupyo. Movo nOD SEXavE ta ),oyw TOU pOAou TOU, t& OUVt0J.lEUE, ytaTl o€v TOU np£oav 01 ... ltOI..UAOY{E<;, Kall~.lla <popa. OJ.1ro~ EPa~E Kai 'to XEpt otd autL tOU, J.1r1nw~ tOY ~oTl8r,oTl Ko.l 6 U1tOPOAto.~, To loto nOAD KaAoi aE eJ.1<pclvIOTl. r,to.v Kal oi aAAOl EpaonexvE<; lltlO1tOtol , , , ••• TIavtOU onou rrepaau, UKOJ.lU Kui of; xropta tfje; , AJ.lEp1Kfje; J.lE OUllltuyfj 0J.10ytVElo., {olooe; o~oo<; OtO Mai:aJ.ll, TpoD, LlKclYO K(lt Nto. 'Y6PKTl, ppt;Ka e~aipE tOU~ ti:tOtoUe; epaanEXVLK01)~ oJ.1iA.oue;, ltOD ltpiv KaJ.1ltOOe~ oe.Ka£TTlPloe.~. a1tapti~ov tov alto 1tpoot01tOPOU<; J.1ETaVauTE<;, J.1f:. A.1:ya YPUJ.lJ.1aTu. npOKEltaL Y1a eva ~EX(J)P10tO 8£UTPlKO taAev'to tfic; <puAfic;<;, nou otv 1tapatTlpEital OUTE on)v qnA6~ouoll ito.AtKll <puAiJ, nOD olaKpivEtU1 lloVO Ota Tpayouo1u. ~Exouv IlqaATl trnppoi] ot ZaKu8lvoi O'to TIatepO'ov, EXOVtae; oUJ.11tatpl(OTE~ toU~ IANOYAPIOE 1982 '0 Ko~ Kat Ka IIHTEP IIAIIArEQPrIOY [KAY GEORGE] EUXOVTaI de; rr,v 'OJ.wyevelUv rije; 'AJ1.epIKije; KaAae; 'Eoprae;, A'imov c5i; Kai Evrvxee; TO NeouEroe; ·0 K. BaaiAE:lOC; 1. Kapaj.1ndroc; L\tKllYOPO" 'En' £UKlllPlll t&v tOptWV anw9uv£l d~ tOU~ n£Aatll~ tOU Kat 6A6KAllPOV tilv •0IlOYEV£lIlV 0EPMAI EYXAI TO NEON ETOI ~IA Happy New Year to All Our Friends Everywhere Mr. and Mrs. THEODORE O. PROUNIS New York, N.Y. Orion and Global Chartering Co., Inc. 29 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N.Y. XrGv vaur/KG K6a/Jo, arr'}v 'O/JOYEVEJa 'A/JEP/KfJ~ Ka; aTOU~ ac5E),¢otJ~ /Ja~ arr'}v 'E),Moa EYTYXLEMENO TO 1982 J3 lOXUPOU':; n:apo:YOVTf:~ OtO XWPIO, rrou f:V IOXlJOUV ~ t KaOE: tporro t~\' E)J..'lV1Ktl KOIVO T'11"U. "Ooov acpopa t i ~ ZmclIv90rro ui, c ~, XaipOlJV ~ ey ciA'l t:n lJ,lTJo'l ffi~ VOIKOK Upcio£e; Kat OXI J,lOVttpvr.t; ani TiOTJ Kl' £81J,la. T6 J.lOVO rrou tPO~ci ~O llV Ot J,lavcio£.e; £.ivUI ot J.lI KTOi yaJ,lOL, rrou£uTlIX&~ Elval J,lOVO 'E)).TjV01W).IKOi Kai 0XI I-lt a")~ Tj <pllAr]. "E1'OI 1'O J,lo\'o nov 1'OUe; XWpi~EI d VQl " Op'lO"KE:ia .• nOteOO Kat auwI oi '(UIlOI £0&o l(l~I OUV m:piq,' Kai to: &lO~uyta dval t;,aX IOW. ••• ijmv ~ nfHDtll npo)"COXPOV1U 1l0U ' AJ.lE:PIKr] . 'ApyoT£pa, omv £~t8wou T~ "Nta 'YOPK'll'> , Acipcllva nrra navtoi) rrpooKAr]O£I<; , ot 1'p6rro rrou rroAAt~ <popt~ Errp£rrc va !-Ir.lVW no),u 1.iyo ot KaElE arrin, YI(1. va rrpo,.a~(!) va ow Kal (iAAOU<;, Y1(IVa J,lr) olJaapCaTTJOOlJv. (Jrr,v idEKTr, ndarda /lae; Kai (J' OAOKAlJPlJ rr,v ' O/loyiV[;la Coach House A0T~ Ot~V To orrin ~ou J.l t KaS£. AOy ti.:; oropa, KaO'a£.<; OAOKATJpr.t; nOTa, nKOJ,la Ka i yul-),IKte; O'uJ.lmivu:c; Kai aq,Sovu yAuKa . n panta nKo.l-lCo<i01' I ~av!' H)~O avol-lw<; Ka i XPOVlO , to. n:f.£1Jtaia, n:OlJ noi~Ao i Kat uyaTCTJJ.ltVO L<pD.OL <p0yuv£ uno ttl NtU'YOPKTJ, yui 'AOr]va, at m:plooon::pOI OI-lW~ '(Hi 'EAPr.tiu KUI i\ovoivo Kal ilia vtu KOL vwvia QvtPTJK£ anlv bn<pavcu). LtO ti:AOC; E<PUYE "(LO: navta " MaipTJ ~ou, to orrin nou Iltval-l£ on) Ntu'YepKTJ f.KAt tC£., KI ellElVa KUtUI-l0voo:; KUt yuptaa an;v natpioa. 'Ano lotr. Dr.V mira ot KUVEva npootoXPovlCittKO nciptlJ, tK10<; (mo (va wi) npUYJ.lUnKoG q>ii,ou Kui apxovTCt 010: ai08~l-lala Lnupou TOl),lllnciPTJ . C1>i:loe; ~yiiKU Kiiv arro to ant tI , KciOllaa 010 ypa< ~ ou - 10 110vaXlKo mo: ouVtpo€po !-IO\) - ypcitpovwe; "tv 110 WAVERLY PL., NEW YORK, N.Y. Tel. (212) 777-0303 ~_~:ie ~*:ieill:ie ~*:ieill:ie,;\!:ie~:ie*:ie~~ Ted Bouzalas Realty '9002 5th Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. Tel. 833-2700 KaAr, XpOVla (Jrr,v idEKTr, ndarda Jwe; Kai (J' GAOUe; rove; rplAoue; /lae; .~a:>~_~:~_~:ie~:.~_~t~iie~_~ t i ~ avaj.tvr]o£.t ~ 1l0U. eo. KUAtl XpoVHl of; " OAOUC; ~8tJ, u va £uXTJOw a' oj,ou.:; toue, Kai.o l)e, <pii,olJ~ (Hrl Nta 'YOPKTJ KUt aTllv , AIlEPIKr]. civa'( Vw CJtE~ tti ~ «Ni: a ~ ' Y OPKTJC;" toG €pit,taTOUolao6XOlJ !-tOU K. nav. MUJ(pIQ vy£ia Kat 0, n Ttoed ~ KapDlcl TWV 010 1982. I:nYPOI: MINQTOI: •; IOU ra{ 1t5/O[J auto[J,).Lipa J.l.i: t~V ~pi;pu.. Ppi(JKOVWI (Jrov B' tOJiO to)V rlvaJivr,ar.(;JV pOIJ ano r;'v 'AJ.l.[P1K~ 1tOt~ W1t())VOVUlI 0;'01: va. '0 A' ropo; tunOJO'lKf: Kloia Kai KIJKAorpoP'lar.. EvvoJ.IKo. Oil dvw 5-7 rOj.wl. l! QUAN-TEC Construction Corp. ~41 BROADWAY, NEW YORK , N.Y. 10010 • (2 12) 473- 1666 TEL. (212) 777-4033 'Av(l)(JIJjJdvo/J[; bUGKWr.r; Kai riv(lKwviGU C; 'EaTiaropiwv, rpaq;dwv Kai navror; c'i6ovr; KTlpiwv Kai (17ClrtWV. EPrA:!:IA ErrYHMENH - AOrIKE!: TIME!: 0 naYKU1tplO<; , AOA:'1 t1KO <; I:UAAOY0<; EUXE:Tal (J" OAOVe; rove; cpfAOVe; rov, rove; V7[O(J'T'1PIKTae; rov Kai (J" OAOKA'1P'1 T1)V 'Of.1oytvcla EYTYXEI TO NEO ETOI 14 "NEA YOPKH .. EAAHNlt.EL t.IHrHMATOrPA<DOI Ta XP1(JtOUYEVVa tOU 1ta1ta-BaYYEAl1 "en "Owv a.VOl~€ nopa8upa t OU 611:o.1'[aBayyO"Tl <; f.KE1VO 1"0 npwl, CAQ y6 pw ~O'av XlOvla~Eva. ' H CiKP'l 'to\) pouvou, 01tO\) ~ "C aVf: xncr~t.v'1 tK:K/,Tj oia Kai ~lKp6 crrnnlKl, ~Ta v OA T] a K E 7raa~EVl1 ~' Eva to li Of.vtOVl Kai rccipa )tEpa Of V jlJtopoi)m; Kavti c; vel i&~ 'rlTtOtf., yW:d XU)Vl 1(00 em:qrt£ aKuni rrCtucrra , to: oKbtai;;r. OAU JlE ,.lUi JlOAlJ~U:l papeul Kouptiva. "H'rav£ napallovij toov XPIO"tOIJytvW!lV Kat to ;::16vl €l,et 'Vll).cl OEv ~taV 01t(l vLO . aorrpo to • A AAa. 'tEroto crav Kl' ~ava[o ~ ~EPaAE 6 /J1I7YtlfJa rije; TEQPTIAr TAPrOYAH To ~E:OllJ.1tpl YU ptOE OtO KEAAt LOll Kcd Eq'laYE VTlOTrlOt~a, 8uo tpde; E}"ltcrE~ KUl 1.1.f(!)j.laKl. ME ttl ~la O J.l ro~ KattpmvE KciOE IlrtOUKlcl." 000 £p/.EnE 0 nU1£a. ~ TO XIOVl rrou £JtEq'ltE OAoeva, toOO tOY En laVE: J.1EyaAuLE:pll anEAmoia... n&e; 00. £J.tEVE EKKAT}O'la dOl yuptOtn ; LtlJ.1Epa t) mo <p,ooXrl n yuva tKa OtYUPISE 1(\ ' aon pisc to VOIKOKUptO 'tT]~ Kl 6 OrKO~ tOl) Swi\ rrou YIOPW~E auplO va Cj..IE:VE <iOteAlO"to~ Kai £PllJ.tO~ . 'Arroc.po.O'IO'E vo: no. '1 J.t ovcixo~ toU vo: Ka9apiol) t r,v CKKA"Ola KQt rrtpam: OAO i drro),wJ.ta yua).isovw<; Ilf. to. )'tP IKei toU xtpta ta J.tOVOUeiAta. d'';'.ei~ovwe; to vcpa an:' auto oi:v OUJlotav va:Xf. Mnfi-Bayyf.).~<;. va 'V~cr.., tOY Kaq)l~. TOU Kl' tv no JlCta ~U OUAAOyt~6tav. ti aOXTHJ.a 80. TJTOV, av t~QI(OAOUOOUO £ va xtOv i ~ 'l Kat lItv I-l1tO- pouoav. varODUV aupw OTOV <H ETmpia o pepo DAOl 01 xwptKOi. Oi to'OrcuvllOE<; un ' Ti<; Kovn vEC; t,,; O'1"<; 00: tpxoVl ouoav, 11' aiJt() otv dX£ aJ.1q'llPOAla. 'A).).a an' t i ~ j.taKp uvt~, tie; otavee; Kl ' arco ,a. xwp ul. J.1rcopf.i ,6 XlOVl va ii,avE ,000 rroAu, tOO', e va ,oue; EKAE IVE to SpO).1o. -Mna , Si:v aaputoa l, bcaVE KOlni(ovw~ an ' E~W. mi\V'l) va Xtovi(Tj, orrou eo. VaVal. ff Oao OJ.1we; K1 (Xv rrpoarraOouol;: va ),I;:Ao.OTl n)v EUU,O ,ou 6 nCtnue;. "«>XIOVI OEv ErrauE va rrEq'ltTl . ' EX t OV 1 ~E oAotva , KI' <1v,i va ~a o' EpWvTl , i:aKon:ivlo(C KI ' ~ J.10AUPHl Koup,i va tK:Ei ato P60o~ , ), lv6,uVE mo O'Kou pa Ka1 mo rruKv~. ' 0 1[a1[a ~ apxlO'c va on:voxwplhal. ~ rUp I;E l!tpa-&&,8E K,ai OE'y ij~~PE n ,va KUVT]. Av OEV Erra UE to XIOVI rr w~ 8a Ka8apI~E ,r,v i;KKATlolO~ n O I O~ 00: tTlv f.OtOA ISC. ltOlOe; 90: )'u6/. I ~E ta Kavt ij Aw Koi ,a flO VOOOI.. LO , 1[010e; 00: E~UVE to: K€P10: urr6 , i<; rrAUKEe;; KeiOE Xpovo EPXOVtOuoa v ol PAUXEe; KOl i;O',OAI~OV t~V I:KK/.T]oia Koi crx0'tav£ Kai ti Kupia Ntev Kat tr,v £KUVf. va Aa).1flll oav 'tov TlAIO. Ka t tphoe; va w:i vT} h <H; :Eav ,a ntlloHl rrou 8tv f.XO DV ).1ava va flOV va ).1f.mAcipouvaol)'uplora; Tou 1[orrfi TOl) ~ot') rKC1)aOV La flana . npw'tT] <.popO: 00: na9CttVE £.va L£TOIO npo)'!.la. 'AD,a miAI, iiww: aKOW1 TtpWl, (OC;"((J ppeiSu Oa £rraUE t o XtOVI 8ixoo<; aAAo. KI' av dKOJ.1T] Sty J.tTtopoi)oav vapOouv 01..01. autOi 1[oi) OdPXovTouoav 00. ~w v a pKCTOt. • 0 n:ana.-BantAl)~ Koha~E an' ,0 napaSuro. To XteVl EJt€<PtE xoopie; olClKonij . •Avaottva~E Kat <lnOq'laOtO'E va rraT] j.tOVOXO<; TOU (nr,v cKKAl)oia . .. AX 0d flou, 1£&<; ~taV t6 '.UKpO t PT}j..IOKKATlOaKl ! n&C; nEpiJ.1Eve vO: OtOA lOT"ii )' Ul va ytOPTO:0Tl TO. XPloTOUyEwa! - Av epx6V1"aVE 1"ou}..ciXto,ov t) KUpa NteVl€Va;' AhAa av ErrEqHE nou9Evo: J.t' 001"0,0 XIOVI; "OXl, KQAuLEpa ae; i:PXotUVE apyoLE:pa Kat a<; EKaVE o,n ~nopOUO'E. '0 narra.e; xci910e: 01..0 to npw\ Ka1 E\V'EA.VE O',tlV €KKAlloia. Tn !-.uina tOU O).1ooe; KotL(i~av mo nOAu to rrap6.9upo napa to PERRAKIS MARINE SUPPLY CORP. Ship Chandlers Evxaplaui eepfJa Yla rr,v {m:oanjplc,tl Kai eUXeW: a' OAOVe; rove; 7rAOIOKrijue;, rove; Ka7rcuiVIOVe; KW a ' OAOVe; rOl';e; VaVTlAAOfJivove;, KaAl.;e; bOVAelE:e; Kai EYTYXEI: TO NEO ETOI: Cabin, Deck and Engine Supplies Full Line of Dry and Fresh Provisions 27 1 40th STREET, BROOKL YN, N.Y . 11232 Phone: (2 12) 499-1700 Telex 4228 12 Ca ble Address: "PERMARS UP", N. Y. rE "OAU La MEA" Tou •APXtE7ttOK01tllCOU Ku8E1;ptKOU Nuou < Ayiue; TpHi/)oe; NEue; 'Yop K lle; . 4~U. KaAd XpUrrOVYEVVa ~ . Kai EVrVXl(JlleVO rov KazVOVPYlO Xp6vo o IEPA TIKm: llPO'J-I:TAMENOI: TO ,l.IOIKHTIKO I:YMBOY AIO ",aAT~pL. IANOYAPIOI: 1982 I" "ta. KUVniAlCJ.• OI(Quni ~OV ta e; "tOV Vape11Ka Kai i "AylO Bfj~ a. KI' 000 OOUACU£, t600 civaottvu ~e. n <i:le; 90. unoo£xotav tOY a<pEv"t'l tOY XPlO"tO ~EOU cr' auto. to xa)~la~ t1.ev 90 t ijv na9ulvc rooO:v KI' f:Ktivov tlie; nupapoAfi c;, rtOU Btv elXe EV&UJla YUJlOU; •AAAa. t OUAD.XlOtOV, 6 KuploC; liC; Jlijv Eppr;(V£ t -ijv 6p'YTJ tOU otiC; ~AaXEC; Kai oniv KaKoJlolpa tilv 9£1(1 - Nlovu;vo. rlti va Jlt)v EpeOUV h:eivec;, &tv eo. Jlnop£oav. nOlOC; ~tpel napa Kcitro nooo eo: ~tav£ to XIOVl. BEpata Kat ea ~9t:J..av vapOoi)y. "OXI, 0XIO KuploC; Sty €n pcnt va. 6p'Yl09ii ~ i tOue;. "Av fieeA-£ va nJl{Op~oll KanolOv. 1[OU ..; EKKATJaia tou oty dXt EVOUJla y(tj.lOU, OC; tlJlWPOuOt autov, nOt) tltav 'Y€POC; KUt aya~lOC; Kai oev Jlnopouot va Kaeapta'l onwc; npbttl. • Oc; toao VUXtWOC Kai. 6 nano.e; yuptO£ rriow OtO KtAAi tOU. ~EppI~t ouo-tpia ~uAa o ni v <pWtlO: Kat EKatOe Ki autoe; oinAa OtO t~UKl. vEna l ~c Jl'lXUVIKCt JlE: t6 K O ~.t1tO AOI t OU Kat ~O UP Jl oupt~e JlE to. XdA la npocrCUXEC;, 6 voue; tou OJlWe; h ptx£ OAAOU. TIpwt' an ' OAO o· auto to EUAOY'lJlEVO t o XIOVI. nou Btv ErtOUE Kat nOll OEV S' aqnv£ tO Ue; XPlonavouc; vap90uv yui va. YlOptaOOUv tt)v YEVV'lOl toU XPIOtOU att)v EKKA lloia. Kat noaol on' autoue; Of:V SaSeAUY va ETtlOtPEIVOUV OtOV OPOJlO tOU 0eou KUI va lJ.e:taVOlw crouv Yla to Ctj.lOptrlJlota tOUe; Kai va Acipouve 0ei.a Kotvwvia. KI' au"toi Ot CiYPlO1aVS pW1tOI, Ot tOOnQVaptol, nou Btv KatUAa~aivav£ YlOptij napa. JlOVOV crtt;V b()~Allo(a, liv otv €PX6vtoooav yui va AEltOUPY'lSouv, OEV 90. j.Htopouoav va Yloptacrouv. .1.Evea EVOlw9av moc; CH1JlEpa dvat XPIOtOUYEvva, Kat Sev 00. KataAUpalvav tOOO pa9u). 00 0 EnpE1tE, nwc; crrlw:pa YEvvT)8'lKE 6 Autpwt~e;, nwc; oT)Jltpa npEntl ViiJlOOtE OAOt JlOVlacrJleV01, nw~ tTl 0'l~J.l:P 1Vt) f)Jl£pa, ~i:v apJta~t: l npopata aKOJlflKOi 6 mo 1[EIVUOJlEVOe; AUKOC; .• 0 Jta na-Boyyi:A 'l ~ Eotaupwm: ta XEpta t OU K1 £YUPE to KE<paAc -KuPI£ f)Jlwv ' II")O'ou XPlcrt£, Stv <ptaiv£ a utoi nou O(;V cvolwoav OOOV Jtpf:nEl tt)v dyaJt'l I:ou. (!ltaiw tyro 6 6:~aptWA O~ nou ~£v d~al a~tOe; va tOUe; t~V (')loci~w. KI' UV 9EA'lC; Kanolov va tlJlWP~ol']C;, tlJlWPflO£ ~E €JlEVa , tOY dva~lo l5ou).o crOli. L'lKWel1KC KI' r.<pcpr. Kava (')\)O KOUtOOUpa va pi~l'] OKO).tl'] Oll) <pwtui.· Hoav rrd.wpw, aroatoi Kop).toi oevopwv Kat 'ta. dXl: <piPEI tOU 1IQJta-BayytA'l 6 .1.11).t'ltPOC; ana tOY ).oyyo. 'Htav <ptWXOe; Kl' autoe; 6 1((t1(0J.wipl'] e; K1 ' epya~£ t o 1V{O~i tOO 01t(!)e; ~nopoucrE Jl' 0).0 not> e ~ ya l v£ Ka~~ta <popa ono tOY opo).to tOU 0eoU. ~ AJla epAcm: ta nal5ul tau va ntlVaVt, elJnOIvt nou:-nOtt Kat IJt ~ Ota ~i:vo to Kon€tmo ... TIAoUmOt elval, nana JlOU, Stv Ba. xa80uv {lJlO tOue; AdlV'l tva KOtOnOuAo» cAeYE, otav 6 nanaC; t OY vou9ttOUOE. natt OtOV nana BuyyH.l'] J.1ovcixa ErtalpvE 6 t1.m.l.'ltpOC; TO 8cippoC; va At'l OAO tOU ta puoava Kat tie; CtJlaptite;. Koi OrlJJEpa otv sa ~.1Jt0pOOOt OUTC tOY opSo vapS" vOKOUO''l, yui va KaSapIOtfj Aiyo ~ lVux~ tOU ana tilv aj.taptto. Kai oUAAoy\~otav 6 nanG-BaYYEA'lC; OAOUC; tOUe; cptWXOue; nou ~EV 80 Jl1tOPOUoavE va ppouv naP'lYOPla OUte: OTilv EKKA'lcria. Kat cr\)AAOYI ~OtaV ta. JJIKpa 1tmOaKIa, not> I5tv eo. Jlnopcaav JlE to XIOVI 16 .0 K. Kai TJ Ka MIXAHA H. XAAKIA *:.~:i=~:.~:.~a=~; EiJxovral (J' OAOVr; rOVr; cpiAOVr; rovr; EYTYXEE TO NEO ETOE Brooklyn, N.Y. '0 • Apxwv TOU OI!CouJ.u:vucou I1uTplapxeiou ~:.~-~:.~ K. MIMHl: Tl:INTOAAl: Mua nl~ OIKO"f£vda~ EiJxovral tOU urou<; 'ApKaOe<;, U1:Ou<; <pf).. ov<; Ka/ uro~ •Apxovre<; roo Darplapxefov rov<; EYTYXIEMENO TON NEO XPONO PANDAZ SERVICENTER, INC. 74-21 Queens Blvd., Elmhurst, N.Y. 11373 .0 OIEUeuvTi)~ !C. rEWpylO~ I1avTu(;EA.O~ Kai TO 1tPOOW1tlKO toU oa~ EUXOVTUI €~1tElPO XapOIJIlf.VOC; Kai EvrvXUJlleVOC; () KarvovpylOC; Xp6voC; Til)". (212) 446-2957-8 SITAM KATY FASHION 138 E. 73rd STREET. NEW YORK , N.Y. and 200 E. 84th STREET. NEW YORK. N.Y. TEL. (2 12) 249-4419 'EK1tUlO£UTtKOV O'UCHl'J).lU OloaO'KUAia<; j.lOV'tepva<; K01tTtKfj<; - pU1t'tlKfj<; KOITTIKH SITAM , rINETE EKITA I~ EYTPIA KOITTIKHr - PAITTIKHr 'H L!ICvOvvrpm rr,e; LXO),r,C; KAITH TAPMIlH - llE<1>ANATOY ciJXCTa I arie; paOtjrplte; r'le; Kai ari7v lK),CKTt/ r'le; " darcfa XAPOYMENO TO 1982 " NEA YOPKH" va PYouv "Ila va rrouv ta KclAaVta Kui Jt00 UUPlO OE:V sa. epxovtouaav va ).1£wAcipouv, Kal n)v ' Avel) t l)v KOPll til~ KUpa NIOVH,:vac; 1WU Etoq. Hl~OtaV Yla vapfj'l vIOVmp'1 aupw atnV EXKA'1oia Kal ea n)v El-m001~E to Xl()Vl. Kai 1tprot'1 q10pa arro te>T£ rroo 8uJlotav£ tOV Eauto -rou, €VOte:09E 6 na1tOBayytA'1-; AOrr'1 avti YUI xapa, crrl).1Epa TrOl) ~'1~f:pUlVaV XPlOtOUYEWU. '0 1taTra-Bu:YYEAll~ tlVciXtTJKE ~u(PVLU0).1£v0c;. "EVVOlUl8E KPUO Kal wA1X-TTJKE KaAUtEpa Jlf: tov tou. Ta 8EOpata KOUtoOUpa 1tOU ElXE p(~El ato tsaKl dxav XWVEWEl Kal i] <pUltta £KOVtEUE va crpuaTJ. TIw-; ~EXcicrtTJK£ Ctot Ki aq:rlloE va JtEpciOTJ 'ri wpu. L'1Kw811KE va KOltci~TJ to po Aot. TEcrcrEpt.; liwv Kt' OA.a-;. Kt' autov tOV ElXE TrapEt 6 UTrVOC; anaWE tEtOla 0XOA11! "AX, TrOO to. aAAa XpOVlQ 1tOU EKavE ttlv oypuTrvia ) j..lE: oAou,; tou.; taorro:v'lOEC; Ottlv 'EKKA11oia. <bb::o-; JlOVO-; tou Kt' EPll~O-; 8a YlOpta~E to. XplatO\YYEvva )..lEoa ata XlOVta . "Avol~e nlv Tr6pta Kal PYilK€ E.~w. To XLOVl ElXE 1tciWEl rrul vel rrE<ptll Kl' 6 oupavo.; ijtaVE ~ o:atEpOC; Kat KaSapO.;. Aiya ao-rpa tPEJ.1o<ptyyavE EKd \VTJAU Kal KaeW'; " yilt;wv aOnpll1tEpa 00-; rrf:pa, <puLVOtaVE oav vel dXE rrEta~£l Ka8e ~aupiAa Kt' aOXflJ.1ul Kai EIXE paAAEl Kl' aUTtl 'HI KaAa tll1 YUI va urrooEx8ti to Ayvo TIaloaKl, TrOU so. EPXOWVe o.TrO EKEI \VTJAa YUl va YAUtWOll tOV (iv8pomo cmo Tl)V ,,-oAaat. '0 naml.-Bayyf:All-; apXloE va XWrtllll d.; Kal.mO:vEC;. Tic; XTUrrouoE J.1' OAT) toU ttl OUVa)ll1,Il' OATJ TOU TtlV\V'UXTl. Ti.;xw1tOOOE ouvunl, oav VliSEAE V o.VTTJXTlOOUV 00'; Katw oTic; onxvec; Kal OTOU'; Ko.).1rrOU-;. va d.; o.KOUOOUVE oi XplonaV01, va OTUlJPOKOJt11900VE Kal va rroovE (':=:llll€ProvouVE XP1OTouYEvva». Ti.; XTU1tOUGE UKO).1a aav va8E/.E V o:vTllXtlaouv &; tmivw bed 'Vll/"a, yta va toil 6 KaAoc; E>EOC;, Ott ot {ivePWTrOl tow K(hw OEV T QV ~f:xaoav, aAA.' Ott OTl)V aKPll TOU pouvou ppiaKET(ll Evac; YEpoe; rrarra.;, n:OU ¥lOpTa~El ttlv Yf:VVTJat TOll rLOG TOll Kai OteTUl Y1U 1'l'; \jfUXEr; t&v Xplonavwv. Kat TiC; X1'U1tOGOE o.K0J.111, oopa rroAAl) tic; KajlTto:vE~ 6 n:an:G-BaYYf:Allr;, aav VaXE )lEoa Tot} ).11(1 KpU<ptl tAn:ioa, on O:KouyovTac; 1'E'; Kavivar; Xplonavo.;. Ef aW'l<PoGoE to. XlOVLU Kal 8apxoTav. < •AAJ.. a KaVf:Va-; oev <palVoTav vCiPXETal Kl' 6 na1tG BaYY£'A'l~ n:il"lE OTl)V £KKAlloLa J.1ovaxoc; tou. To TrPWTO TrOO €Kave: )lOAl'; avol~E TtlV rropTa, llTav va c:ptpll to Xf:pt TOU OTa ).1O:na 8UIlTtrojl£.voC;. "Eva <pw.; an:A£TO, A€UKO, U1tEpKOajllO TtA'lIlIlUPl~E Tilv EKKAlloia. '0 Tran:a-BaYYEATJ~ Tp<iPTJ~e: Olya TO XtPl TOU o:n:' Tn llaTta Kal KoiTa~€ IlEoa. 'H tKKAll0ta t;TaV YEllci1'l1 ayyf:AOUC;. " AYYEAOU'; 'VllAOU'; Kai YEPOU';)lE J.1CtKpl£r; I.pT€pouye:r; Kal AEUKOU'; jlaVOUEe; Kal Xapwn:a dYYEAO:KlCt jl£: TptaVta<pUAAEVlCt n:poo(t)rra Kai xpuoa ).1aAI..10:. Kl' OAOl oi iiYYEAOl lioav OKOPTtlO).1f:VOl Ilcoa Ottlv tKKA'loia Kat Koha~av tOY rran:aBaYYf:All, oavva m:pljl€VUVE 1l0VcixaauTov. Tou Tta1ta EAUYlcr(lV Tel yovata. «WTaVIKO'; TtElpaaJ.10c; Bavul», d1te: Ttpw1'a J.1E TO vou TOU. BciA8'lKC 6 'E~a1too& va ).1E IANOYAPIOI: 1982 < t® ~ ~ i81OK-CTj-CT]~ 0 Kat 8lf;ueuv-ci)~ BA~IAEIO~ TENTEAOYAH~ Kat -co EKAEK-CO 1tPOcr(oTttKO -cou Mediterranean Foods 33-20 30th Avenue. Astoria. N.Y. Phone: 728-6166 EuxoVTaI (TTr,V nOAvnA"Ofj neAaTda f1ar;;, rplAovr;; Kat yVWCTrovr;; uyda, xapa Kat eOTvxla Yla TO Nto "Eror;; TO KaTaa"t1\l1n ItOV ItpoafjlEp£L /iAa fa tH'lVLKa Kai KU1IpLaKa 1tpoi6vta 1toL6tlJTO<; - t~V1''lptt'101J ~lJ~ruJ1ft) GIFT SHOP 22-81 31st STREET. ASTORIA. N.Y.III05 TT))... (212) 932-7011 MflOMflONIEPEE - BAflTIITIKA - AAMflAL1EE E1L1H MJPQN - MEKOI- 8 TRACK TAPES - CASSETIES PACKING SHIPPING CO. fIArKOrMIA MET A<l>OPIKH ETAIPIA _it ,,_=~!~~~~~): "" (j~~ T'll.. (212) 278-1058 MIlAOYAA. AYTOKINHTA. EIlIIlAA HAEKTPIKEX XYXKEYEX I:YI:THMA AI:CIIAAEIA TAXYTHI: &te:u8UVTai - . IOlOKtTlt(ll K. NTOYPMAI: - r. l:YMEnNI6Hl: 17 KOAaOTl O'rl~t:pa nov dJ.lQl jlovax6~ J.lOU. YEKQV£ rp£jJ.ovrac; TO O'l'HU:io TOU crwupou. QAAO: Kuvtva anD to OUpaVIQ 1tAa.Oj.1UTU bev Kouvi)6'1K£ an' ni 9£0'11 lOU 1(1' OAQ OlQTrlPl1oav ti}v 61lopqaQ roue; Kat lilv Bela 10Ue; )lOPl.Jlrl. '0 nona-SaritA.rV; npoxwPlloe tptJ.lOVraC;. TptIJOVTa~ cpaA£ i clll<PlCi TOU Kai fpC.Jlovtac; Erot~ . ';' (J'fl1K£ v' apxioll tliv A£lToupyia. ftoli E1tpCJtE va AEltOUpYr)0ll, )'1 aUtOOEV unli OXE cljlqnpoAia. r( aUTO tOV OKOJtO dxav EpeCt oi aHEAOl on) EKKAT]0111(1. eft )..IOU. 0' aUlov I3pijKE va on:D.T] o KUplOC; laue; <iyyO.. ouc; Tou, nou l1TUV ytpoc; Kat dypallJ.lQroc; Kat bEV Tl~£P£ va. AElTouPYrl0ll onwc; ErtpEm:. «ElvOl bUVarDY, O'UA"'OYI~6TC1V, tyro 6 clJ.l0ptroA0C; v' a;lCJJ9& va {oOO Eva thow SauJ.lo;». Kolta~£ Ill: <popo Kal J.lE Oauj.looJlo tOile; ant-Aoue;. "HtaVE noA/.ot, O:JlE:-cPllt01 lCI' rll:av SaUIJQ Jtii>~ xwpoucrav <51.01 J.1£cra ato ~.m(po. naAH)' €KKAT]acilCl. Ot I. U;yo.A01 tiaav XWPIOJ.1EvOl DAOl tOUe; ot ouo xopoue;. crro apIOttpO Kal OtO St~ IO J.1tpo ~ tli e; £KKAT]oia~ Kal ta ~uc pa ayy£l..OKla Jioav OKOpntOj.JEVO ha yupw. rtO OC~l() Xopo I.utPOOta OtCKOrav 6 . APxo.yycAoe; fappltiA . ~ O! atnov tOV YV"'PI~E 6 ~o~a BOyy'A~,. nTOV ~(OYpo qIlOJ.1tvoc; bcd, Ot~v oE~lIl nopta rou r£j.JnAou Kat twpa £AaJ..lnE oAoe; a:nD ayaAHOOT] PAbtovta~ V tlAT]fh:uT] to j.ltivUJ.lO nou EiXE naEt Ot~V Mapu11J. Kat OtDV UAAO XOP" eo nTOV ~t~OIO 6 . APXUYYEAO, Mlxa~), ll1tpoota-J..l1tpoora , aAAO: KI' aUtD~ OrlJ..lcpa EiXE pi~cI Evav Kciraonpo lJavoua no.vw an' to yuaAIOtCpO \VUAIOWtO tOU 9WpaKa Kat to QUOtT]pO rou 1tpoowno IpClltl~otav 01.0 ano oupavla KaACllouvT] Kal xapa. Kai 01.01 ot iiYYCAOl E'I'EAVav to. rpomlpta nov XptOtouy£vvwv Kt' 6 n:an:ciBayyo.T]~ ~OUOE oav at OVElPO KI' (AEYl: J..lT]XavlKa tt)v Atltoupyia Kai KaJlJ.l1(i IpOpa toG EPxotavE vO: OtaJ..lClttiaT] YIO: V o.KOU0T] KaAQ tic; ou pavu:e; 'ProvEC;. Kt' otav lpyaAc to. Ayta 6 nCl7t(i-BayytAT]<; t)oav ta lOla ta. XcpouPeiJ..l nou unoo£XtT]ICav tOV paOlHa tii~ OO~T]r; KI' €vro ta. tP£).lclj.J.EVCl XEpla 'lOU 7tCl7tn OtlKwvav 'l'llAo. to OlOKOn:otllPO, Eytlpav oi 0.000).latot 00<; ~atw tie; J..laKpui:~ XLOvan:r; tO~ mo H '1>TEpoGYE~. '0 n:and-BayycAllC; ICoita~E 1t£tClxta nou Kai n:ou tOU~ o.yytAOU<;. Tou q>Qlvotav£ 1tooC; nOAAOUe; toOe; dX£ ~avatoii. l:av va ~WVto.VC1JaV J.11tpootci tou 1.1Opq>E:e;, All0j.J.OVlllJ.tvce; an' ta nat(~hKci rou XPovla Kal XO~tVE, ~t, oni ~ua~ T~, ~vti~~, TOU. Kl' €KEivo tKd to poeaAo dyytA(lIn n:ou orEKOtaV£ J.1npoota tou Kat KOUVOOOE pUeJ.lIKcl ro SUJ.1tatO Kl' mJto IATJn:we; to ~avatio£ nO\Jetva; ~ n ptptta auto to 9uJ..lotav! 6tv "rav to nCltOaKt tfte; c.ptWxfte; Maptwe;, nov ntpm tpxotav talCtlKcl on)v£o:AT]oia, Kai noli dX£ n£9avEl to q>9tvo1twpO; HOOt£ dXt yivct ayyd.clKl! "AX, va tOPAt1t€ T) ).IT]ttpa 'lOU noao Sci xmpotav! riyo\Jpa Kai to nCllOaKt Sci nEpVOuot KaAurepa Otav napaO£loo napa Oto c.pttlJX1ICO tOU. XaJ..l0yCAaOf. OtO QYYCAalCt Kal €~aKOAouSllOt t~v Af.t totJPyla .... EAf.YC tpq.lOuAlaotci tic 1M Dr. Kimon A. Legakis LL.B, LL.M, LL.D Athens University Law School. Master of Law. Harv.rd Law School. Doctor of Law. Greece LAW OFFICES ATTORNEY AT LAW LEGAL CONSULTANT 14 Nikitaras Street Athens 142, Greece Phone: 3633.340,3620.830 209 Garth Road Scarsdale, N. Y. (914) 725-4717 With emphasis on: Settlements of Inheritence. Taxes, Disputed Properties. Civi/. International, Fami/y and Business Law In Greece. npooeux&<; Kai o6~a~E 01..11 'tT]V ropa tOV eta ltOU tOV 6:~i(()(JE o.urov tOV tl~apnoA6, a~Ur)ef) v' va iSii Ilui thota S6~a npiv ~~~~_~;; 1tf:8<ivTJ· Kl' iJ Act t~upy ia hd.Eirooe Kai Il€ ta. f€A.EUto.ia )..oyw to\) Jtcoro, i] Eltda. 61tTO,ala E~ac.pavicrt llK E. Ai.YO-Aiyo oi a:yyeAol ~Yl vav mo SdupavOl Kal mo 9all1toi, Kai oro A lpha Marine, Inc. ttAO<; ot(Qp1tl(Jl~Kavc (Jav !lUX C:PWTEIVtl 6~(XA~. '0 n:unac; €J.L€LV£ b~crtattK6<;, EKnAllKtoc; Stm tou. "Youpa anD ropa Il1tOP£u£ va. (JuvtA9'l Kat vel tpt~Tl (ltD KEAAI tou. Kt' amv KuropElrocrav bti r£A.QUe; ai. xooplatE<; v' a.voi~ouv OpallO aro XtOV1 Kat v' O:Vt~Ouv bttivw OT"V l-HKpi! h;:KAlloia, PROVISIONS· CABIN - DECK & ENGINE SUPPLIES SEVEN DAYS A WEEK. 24 HO URS A DAY O'lrlV CAPTAIN STELlOS TATSIS 323 GREENWICH STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10013 Ttltphones: (212) 925-8180,81,82,83 J)PiiKQV t OV nund-BayytAll KouKouAroJlEVO (no KpEppan t OU Jl£ nupna. 1:' o,n l"OY After Office Hours Call: (212) 224-8772 - (914) 337-0236 pwrouoav Btv TOU~ anavtoooe:, UAAa tOUs €KOlTa~E 7t(lpa~Eya, ~ Op8a.VOlKta Tel Mavov brav TOV pwt"'oaVE n&r; Jlnopecu:: va AtlTOUpYrlOTl 1..lOVaxo<; tou, avaollKw9TlKE 0 nana~ OtO otpooJla TOU Kai. apxtOE va tou<; 1..I.lAcill YUl roo<; aYYEAou<; Kal '1 til ti} 0Eia 'OntaOla noo dXE Be:i. ot avepwnot Kouvouoav Ta. KF.q>clAlCt rou<;. -napa~I A<i EI "":.~:it''''·l. HAPPY NEW YEAR From the Freiends of The Greek Ship At East and Gulf Coasts of the United States ... ~ Cable Address: STAL TON NEW YORK TELEX: 233716 ALPH UR HERODION HOTEL to 4, Rovcnou Galli Street, Makriyanni • Acropolis. Athens 402 . Greecr Phones: 923 6832~ Telex: 21-9423 HERO GR OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT BY M. TSIMIDOPOULOS S .A. rEnprtA TAPLOYi\H The Herodion HOle l. fully aircondilioned. all rooms with private bath - shower. lelephone and radi o. lelevision on request. is siluated in the hnrt of Athl'ns, !wlow thl' Acropolis, opposite' (he Ht'rodeus Allicus ancient thealre. within easy ruch of the main business and shopping centers. theatres and prominent points o( hlSloncal interest. The Hotel features exquisite internalional Reslaurant, Cock.tall loun.e. Coffee Shop, Snack-Bar. Roof Garden Bar facina the Acropolis . Parkins faC"ilities are availahlc:. r pChVEtE Eva cpil..o aac; auvOpOlll1 t TJ atTJv «NEA YOPKH" MONO ME 25 AOAA. ,-.-.------~--'---------------'---- I I I I ~fi.. 6 ?<tKO~O(p~<;, )"travE, Sty dyat Kala . . 0 nanar; OJlro<; €~aKOAOUeTlcrE va. AEll tel 'iBw, ctJ(OJlll K1' otav €ytaTPEUTllKE Kat Jl1l:apEOE va Kare:Pii ror; TO X.roPIO. - EI Sa Kai T() stI(O oou to nalsaKt, EAEYE Oti}v q>tWxi} Mapleo. Kt' EKdvll tOV ClKOUye: Jlf: ra sclKpua Ota jlcina, va Tfi<; Aell '1U1 JlIKPO Tllr; TO 11:0.18aKI 1I:OU iltay lOOO OJlOpq>o ~E t' ao1tpa tOU q>tEpa. O{ aAAol OAOl Kouvouoav ta KEq>aJ.. ta TOllt; K1' cAqav Jle:ra~ u TOUr;, Ott 6 nannr; TOUr; ta ExaOE Al'yclKl, UOTEpa ano Ti}V tEA.EUl"ala 'lOU oppwcrn:ta . . EKelVO<; toUr; a.qJllVE va AEVE. Kt' orav UOTe:pa 1111:0 Kmpo ~pet naA1 6 'ApXciyYEAOr;, oAr aiml Ti} q>opa ytll va tOV mlPTl, 6 1I:a1l:(1r; 8Ev tp6Jla~£ OUte: tapaXtllKE,a.AAa tOU x ajloYEAa<H: '110K6.. rlaTL aUtOr;, TO ti~EPE Kala, nwr; tOY dxe: Kl' alloLf; ~a valofj. .0 II • MANHATTAN (212) 753·1100 - - j.leya)..urepot; •EU'!VOaJ,l£pIKaVIKOC; Tat,u5IWtIKOt; 'OpyavUlj.lOt; j.lE: eit5IKOr,!ra Ura OIKOVOj.lIKWrepa vaii)..a Yla ritv •£)..)..cioa. I 595 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 l ASTORIA QUEENS BROOKLYN, N.Y. STAMFORD, CT. ATHENS· GREECE 3H9 DITMARS BLVD. 7904 FIFTH AVE. BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11209 906 EAST MAIN STREET STAMFORD. CONN. 06902 PANEPISTIMIOU 59 ATHENS. GREECE ASTORIA, N.Y. 11105 _ _ _ ~~~_~ _ _ _ ..~::2) 833.a00 _ _ _,_ _ _ (20_3_)_3_59_••29,_1_7_ _ _ _ _ _3_2_1~,_ IANOYAPI Ol: 1982 __J 19 To ITU"CP1UPXEio KUt i] , Ope68o~1l Mia I-u;).tr'l rov M'lrpono),Jrov Eov'lt3fac; K, flavAov 'Ano /lla /:votarpepovaa w;).£u, tou Ml1tpOllOJ..frOV l:oufJOiac; K. lla6lov. /leTarpipOflt: lOw dnormduJlara. nov J"fJ.ouiwae it eKKA.fJUtaUT1KfJ lrprllu;pioa« 'Op86Joc.m; T{moc;» TOJV 'Aeqvwv. '0 If-p. dVGAVeI TO np6p}.1J/la r;;c; 'OpOoJ6~of) AtarmopiU; fmb to rrpfapa roil 280u KavavDC; -dje; J' OIKOU/leV1K;;C; Lvv6Jof), nov ).LaO J.iE drrorpaaeu; aAAwv Lvv6owv, KarOl,Vpwvouv rif\! qyCtlKr, Btu" rou llarplapxdov J1cra~u rwv 'OpOoooc,mv '£KK)..'10/O;V, (J' 5)..0 rov K6u/10. 'AKoAouBcl to ri.1l0rmaUlla rfje; JiEAtrfJ<; avTiic;: . . . . 6.h e:lvUl 8uvarov va ~£),.€:rTleii to npO~AT]~a t~, 'Opeo30~ou lltacmopu, acrxttoo<; Kill aVf;~aptTltfi)~ troy<paoe:wv tii~ EV XaAKTl86vl cruv£A8ouoTl<;; 6,' OiKOU~€VlKil<;; :Euvooou (451), Kal ~ciA.lcrlU tOU 280u auti'f<;; Kav6vo<;;. . .. 8.00 crt01XEia TOU Kavovo~ OiyTOU aipopouv TO uno £~f: TOOW SE~O: ' .. I:H ' EKKA'lola KrovoTovnVoun6A€w~ npWT'l 'EKKA'loio €v rij XplorwvlKij 'AVatOAU. 01 TIattp€, t~, II' otKOU~£ V1Kii~ l:uv6Sou, tv TCPWtOl~, aVWpEpOVtOl tl~ tOY "Kov6vo row EKOTOV n£Vtl1KOVtO 9£OeplA.£Ot6.rrov emoKom:ov rwv ouvox8tvnov Enl TOU rfj~ €UO€/3ou~ ~vl1~ll~ Mt'yaA.OU etoSooiou, rou YEVO~f:VOU pOOlHro~ l:v Tn POO"lA.iOl KroVOTOVttVOU1tOAtro~ Nf:~ proj.tU " , TOY «aptiw~ civoyvroo8EvTa» tnl ouvooou. npOKEl'tal n£pi tOU 30u Kavovo~ rii~ tv KrovOtaVtlVOU1tOA.f.l 8' OiKOUj.tEVtK~, l:uvooou (381), iitaAa~~uVOvto,: «tOV J.1EVtOl KrovCtOVTlVOU1tOAEro~ £TCioK01tOV EX€lV Ta np£o/3eia t1~fj~ J.1£ra tOY tfj~ Proll'l~ Enlm:01tOv, ou): to dvm ClUtTJV VEOV proJ.1'lv». tou KOVOVO~ rOUTOU Tt 'EKKA'loia KrovOtaVTtVOU1rOAEro~ j.tV'l~OV€UUat oU1nproTllv !popav bnoiJJlroe; roc; KurEXOUOO £~Exouoav 8f:OlV J.1UO~U trov {j).. A.WV 'EKKA'lOlWV Tfie; 'AVCltOA.TiC;, Tov Kovova TOUtOV O:KptproC; E1t1KOA.OUJ.1EVOl oi nOtE pEe; tt;e; 11' O{KOUJ.1€V1Kt;e; I:uvooou dvoyvwpl~ouv (l:v tro 2800 Kavovl) tie; ti]v 'EKKA.llOiuv KrovorOVtlVOU1t()A.EWe; «100 1tpEoPEio» KOl npovoJ.1la TtpOe; T~V 'EKKA.'loiuv Tt;e; Pro~l1e;, Kal Ku90pi~ouv n)v ta~lV npmcu9tlipiae; TroV 'EKKA'lOlWV, dc; ilv 1tPWtTl SEOle; ETtHPUA.o.OOUUt de; tOY Proj.tfK 'Kol Tt b€Ut.Epu d; TOV Ku>voTaVTlVOUnOI.:£ffic;. Ta. 500 U1tO Tfje; 11' OIKOUJ.1€V1Kt;e; 1:uvooou liu): tOU 280u OlJ'Tfje; Kavovoc; t8eo1ti08110UV, E/3£Pou.i>STloav Kal UTtO rt;~ tv TpoUA.Aql nEv9tKtTle; OiKOUJ.1£V1Kfj~ 1:uvooou (691), a1roq)olVO~Ev'le; Olo. TOU 360u uurfje; Kavovoe; TCI e~Tie;: ,;Avav£ouJ.1EVOl to: napa. Trov h:atov n€Vr~Kov-ro o.yiwv narEpwv, TroV tv Ttl 9Eo<puA.ciKT<p TaUTU Kai /3aolAi<h Ttoht OUv€A.Sovrwv, Kal troy e~aKooirov tpu:ltcovta, tWV EV XOAK'106v1 ouva8pOlo9EV-rWV V0J.10SUll9tVTO, 6pi~0J.1EV, roorE TOV KwvotavTlvou1t6AEroe; 8povov tWV iorov unoAauElV np€a~€iwv tOU t~, np£aputtpa, PW~T], Sp6vou, Kai tv Tote; EKKA.'10taOTlKOic;, we; EK£ivov, j.teyaA.UVEo9a.l 1tpayj.taTl. OEUT£POV j.t£! EK€ivov U1to.pXOvtO, J.1€9 ov 6 rfjc; 'AA€~avoptwv ~€yaAonOA€W, c\pte~£iaew epovo~, elru 6 'AvtlOXEioe;, Kat j.t€ta 20 • Toihov, 6 Tt;~ ' lEPOOOAUj.llTrov 1tohw,;;» . KaTa taUTa, ~ 'EKKA.llOia KrovOtaVtlVOU1t6A.EWe; avayvwpi~erQl OplOtlKWe; Kal d~ aEi, lmo rputlv OiKOUj.tEV1KWV LUvoowv, ro~ 'Ii npwt'l 'EKKA'loia tv Tfj XplonOvIK1J ' AVaToAtl, Kal ~Era TO oxioJ.1a ·AvaTOA~, Kai Ma€w, (1054), w, 1] np<i>tT] To vnovPyclO flaz&far; Yla ro (JXOAIKO {JI{JAfo «Oi MVK'lvaiol» To aKoAou80 ypciJ.1lla tOU urroupyeiou j.lE lij.l€pOJ.1'lVla 23 'OKTro/3P~OU an£U8UVeral crti]v I1l€USUVOl1 nato£ta~ Ti;<; 'APX1£1rlOKOni;e; , AJI€p1KTle; Kal civaipEPEtat OTO 131131..[0 «Oi MUIt;:llvaiol»: ,:·EX0j.lE Ti)v t1J.1i] va acre; yvwpioouJ.1€. on 1tapaAci~a~E to / .,O{ MUK'lvaiol)) nov €Koo8flKE cino to rpa<peto nalOel(1(; Tt;C; 'T€piie; , ApX1ErnoKOnt;e; Tt;~ •AJ.1£plKfje;, Yla ro onoio, aepou to ~€A.ETl1oaJ.1E npoOEKtlK6., Ka-ra).ri~aJ.1E OTa E:~fie; OUI.17rEpaoj.loTa: I. 'H EnlAOyi) TOU SEJ.1UtOC; CPXCTU l oa CmVEXf.lO TOU /31f3Aiou «MivwE<;)) nou £Ko0811KC Kai auto cino ti)v 'ApXIEmOKOnTl, YEyovoe; TO onoto J.1Upwpei TTJV OUVf:1tELCt Ottlv nPOOrra9Elo. oae; va. l:tpOOt6.O€t€ Ta ' EAAl)V1Ka Lxohia wu OUOlri~a't6c; oae; j.tE /31/3A.ia nou KIVOUVWl OT~V TCEPlOXi) TOU ~uSO\) Kat tfjc; 'IuTopiae; tOU 'EA.A.llV1KOU ~ESvoue; Kal roe; £K tOUTOU KaTaA.'lAu va 81eyEipoov Ti)V tpovrooia Kal TO £VOt(l(PEPOV tWV nalOUtlV va j.tEAf.Tr}OOUV J.lto. 0.1t0 Ti<; nAi;ov Ev8lW:pEpoum:e; ncploooue; TOU 'EAAl)VIKOU nOAltl0J.10U, tvw 1tUpaA.A.llAa dvat /3E/3alO on Sa ci.OK1100UV EUEPYEtlK1l E:niopao'l UTa' E)"ATlv01tOUA.a Tt;C; 'AJ.1€pIKlie;, ytaTi Sa tOVe; EVlOXUOEL to 'E9vIKO ipp0V'l'lj.lU Kal 00: TOUe; ovanTU~€l TtlV UrrEP'lipo:vna yta. Tijv KOtaYWYTl nalOela~ toU~. 2.• H Ot6.Ta~'l tlie; VAlle; dvat naloayroytKOrOtTl (O~llPIKa £.Tll , epUA.Ol Kai napaoocrEle; Y1(1 Ti<; MUKllV€e;. apxalOAoYIKt~ O:VOOKUtptC; - tUf.Pfl Kat KTEpioJ.1aT~) tyro 'Ii OlKovoj.tia avti] dvat nOAU KaA'1, YlaTi EnlUYEI 0 ouyypa<pEac; O,tl elval 0.vaYKuio Kat ano<pCUYEt O,Tl dval nEplno. 3. 'H YAwcroa TOU ouyypa<pEa dvat anAt; Kat KUTClVOTJti] Kal to Uf.POe; TOt> A.LTo. To AE<;'lAOYlO, 1tOU nopaTLeELat OtO rEAOe; rou K6.9E KE<puAaiou YHi Tie; mo on6.vlEe; A.E~€l<; nov EXEt TO Kclj.l€VO, pOllSd crTJj.taVrlKa crtilv KOtaVOllOl1 TOO a1tO TOVe; j.laSTJrE<;. 4. . H dKovoypa<pTj0'1 XWptC; vO: elVat nA.TJ8WplKri, oUJ.lf3UA.A.€l Oti)v 000 elval ~lUO'1tOpa 'EKKA.llOiu tv Tfj 'Op8ooo~iq:. 'AKOAOU80DV E:v Ttl ra~Et nllt;C; ui 'EKKAlloim 'AAE~avopdae;, 'Avtloxeia<; Kal 'IEPOOOAUJ.1WV. 2.• H 'EKKA.'1oia Kwvo'tavnvoun6A.€we; u1tf:u8uvoe; €V Tii opyavOOO€l KUI 01an01~civo€t t~, 'Opeo06~ou IItaanopu" '0 280C; KUVWV Tfje; 11' OIKOUj.lEV1Kiie; l:uv6oou OlaA.aJ.l/3o.VEl KOt 'to: l:~t;<;: «en ot KOL TOUe; tv Toie; papflaplKot<; EnloKonoUe; trov npotlPllJ.l.Ev(r}v OlOlKt1UEWV XE tporovd08al UTtO TOt) npO£lpl)J.1EVOU O:YlroTaTou SPOVOD rile; Kata. KWVOTC1VTtVOUnOA.lV aY1roto.T'1e; bcKA.llOiu<;.). ME: ti)v a1t6<paOlvtoutllVrii~ tJ.' OiKOUJ.1E.VtKii~ :Euvooou Tt 'EKKA.llOio K(r}vOTaVTtVOU1tOA.EroC; (TO OiKOUJ.1€VlKOv naTptapXElOv), KUTEOT'l it J.16v'l 'Op9000~0e; 'EKKA'loia €ie; Ti]V onolav aVEyv(r}pi0911 ro KaVOVlKO «unE.pOplOl))' OtKOtOoou{ac;. 'Evro to. OtolK'1TtKa. ys:wypaq)Ucu opta OA.WV nov tnt j.ttpouC; 'OpSoo6~rov 'EKKA.llOlroV elval EnOKpt/3we; Ka9w10J.1.EVCl, Kat £KaOr'l nov 'EKKA.'lUtrov TOUTWV aOKEl Ttl. KaVOVIKa, OlOlKllTIKa. KOI TtVWj.laTlKO: aUTTic; OlKalOOJ.1aTa, EVTOe; TroV KavovIKooV aurfje; opirov, Tt 'EKKA.'loio KwvoravtlvounOA"., €lVUt ~ ~OVT] 'opeooo~o, 'ElCKAT]ola Tt onola KEKtTlTal j.t£. a1tOipaOlv oiKouJ.1EVIKt;<; ouvo80u to KUVOVIKOV OlKaiwJ.1a aO'K110E.(r}C; um:poplou tKKAl)OlaOTlKTi~ 8tKalo8ooiae;. To TOUta, ro~ ~p~T]V€UeT] Kai t~tweT] tv t~ ~aKp~iwvt {uTopio Kai Ttpo.~£l TOU 0{KOUj.t£V1KOU naTptapxEiou KrovoTaVTtVOUnoA.E.roc;, €KC:PPo.~E.Tat tv Tfj SEOEl : Ott mioa xoopa KE,Lj.1EV'1 EKTOe; trov opiwv Ka9wpl0J.1tvlle; Tlvo<; £KKAl1OlaO'TlKt;C; 1tEpUpEpeiae; (ijTOl EKTO<; TroV KavovlKwV opiwv trov aVEyvropLOj.1tvrov 'Op800o~rov AUTOK£:<pclA.WV Kai AUTov6j.tffiV 'EKKAllOlWV), unaY£Tat £KK)..'101aO'tlK&e; de; TO O{KOUI..1EVIKOV nOtpIOpXelOV Kwvo-raVTlVOUnoAEffi<;.· H SEute; ourll anOTEA.El n)v KA.£tOa tnlAUO'€W~ rou npopA~~atO, t~, 'OpeoM~ou lltaanopu" <1>, tOflj.llOUpyt18rtoav Kat OlEJ.10p<pwoav TOl)TO VEO)TEPOl OUv8t;Kat Kal EKKA.llOlOOtt~ai KaTaOto.OEle;. TO. o.VWtEpW o.vaAu8tvra 000 oTlJ.1Ela rOl) 280u Kavovoc; tfje; tJ.' OiKOUj.tEVIKt;<; Luv6oou OTt O'lAUOTJ Tt 'EKKAlloia KwvoTavTlV~UTt6A.EWe; £Ivat 1') 1tpWTll 'EKKA'1oio £V Tfj XPlOTtC1VIKt; , AvaTOAli Kat Ott 'iI 'EKKA'1oia KrovoWVTlVOU1tOA.£We; £IvaI UTt£u9uvoc; l:v Tt; opyavrooEl Kat OlC1nOlj.tavOEl Tt;C; 'Op9006~ou tJ.loonopa:c;, a.noT£A.Ol)V Tae; ouo npo[J1[09EO'Ele;, tep' <bv elval ouvaTov, onwe; OTllPlX8ii r, ETtiA.uutC; TOU npo/3A.l1~aTOe; Tf)~ 'Op90oo~ou I1laonopiic; Y€VtKro~, Kal TOu 1tpo/3)..l1j.tatoe; :t;~ 'OpeoM~ou IItacrnopii, <I, t~V l:ouT]otav dOlKWT£POV))_ 8uvato £:vllj.t£PW0'1 TroV l..1a8'ltwv. ea i]taV /3f:/3aw rrpOTlJ.10tEPO elV i)tov ErXPWj.tll Kat KaA.AlTEpO TO xapTt TOU {3t/3Aiou (OipOEr), O€OOj.lEVOU on Ol J.1a9l)TE,;;, UtOue; onoiou<; arrw9UVETat, exouv OUV119iOEl at Tf:TOtoU Ei.80ue; /31pAia», «NEA YOPKH" Mla KapJovAa ana vreveKE; LTPA TH MYPIBHAH ttis ~wijC;. ;.. AC; Jlrlv ElvOl aKplf}ti TO owpa. "Eva J.11KPO npay).IUnlKt aC; Elva. , Eva KO~l\V6 '(inota lel KUt01n VE:<; rrpwToXPOVl€'S ~tPE<; tOU J'[al~hou. Tn XptOtOoYEvva. , H ~ mo crUyKlVT}llKrl Yl?Pl~ . . H, a~oe£(i)a1J Oi ~ll( pOI(Ocr ~ ou nov 'r oao ayarrlloE 0 XPlotO$' Katorn it npWTOXPOVla.. Tei <Dana. 0 t~rylO(J ~ 6<; tii<; GUAao-crus n00 KUKAWVE1 , GUHtEU€l I(ui tpayouoa t~v' EA· 1"OU Cit:; ~r)v Kpanlo'f.l ntpa 0.1["0 t"v npUHOXPovul. uO~oot:; va elva l. Na ~"v toU ',,£hV£l. • Yno:pxcl tOall ~ayeia ~leaa cr' aUta tav8pwnO:K1a, ~ecra a' alni:t:; tit:; ~lI(ph; KOUKAC':;, aKo~a Kai tie;; me,) tptTlvEt;, ~f:aa a' auta ta 1r.lCPPOtQKta 1["00 KOltasOuv £KnA 11Kta Kal yeAaoTO:. <I>taVCl Eva a1t' aUTO ytel va yto~iael ano fUTuxia t"V KapOouAa hot:; nalolOu, ICUl at" tpavtaoia tOU ano evav J.llKPO napaoEloo. ftart to nal01, noo cpxeta1 U1tO ro nit:; OT}- Acioa. n ocre:<; xape:c;. KCli Jtooa Sropa. Kavtva nCllociKl cr' oAo tOV 8arrpEItE n0te<; TiS KOOJ.l.O ~ tPE<; va OtEPEltUl ok to rrU1XV1SciKl lOU. 6.£ 8o.vut rrpocrwplvi] aim] Ti crttPllOl1. '1-1 OAIJ.l.J.l.i:vll rrpO£Ktucrij tTp; 80 IJEl VE t d OAll ttl ~w~ tau. Eva1 t6ao A1Yo. la 1tatOtKCt XPOVICl. T6!,o )j)'u Kui t600,rro''{)'tq.lCI. KriSt crtEprU.1l:vll npWTOXPOVla wue; 8a 1rDJ.lElVE l },wl caaAo. ~ap~.u:tKl yU:l6A€~ tiC; MOAII: KYKAO(/>OPHI:E 01 MYKHN AIOI (MYCENAEANS) Kd.~evo: NIKOAO:OU BapoT;. ElKovOYPO:<PllaT}: 0EOOOOPOU rewpyoTd. KaAAlTCxvllCr) . E1tl~f:AEta: no:VOU t..O:PElOU. ~ EKOOOT}: r pa<pdou OaH,eiat:;' IEpfit:;' ApXlEmaK01tt;t:; , A~epIK;;':;. Nea' Y OPKll, 1981. l:tl.iOE, 64 - Tl~~ S5.00. LtO nAOlKna ch;:ovo"yp<lq"l'l~i:vo auto (ll(l)"io, 6 1haK£Kp l~i:v oc; {OtOPllC~ NU.OAOex; BapOij;, )J£ j3ciO'l tee cUPtl~ata t"fl<; olrrlpoVl1<; btlottl)J'l~ t"fl<; aPtaloAoYlac;, IJE rroH.Tj lpQvmoia . ot onA"fl V£ocH'lVUCTt yMlx:roa . avaHn:t tOY KOlV(J.lV1ICO ICal o hcoycVCtaKO (llO Kata niv iOl:OptKTt m:PloOO til<; Sla)JopqxUo£roC; toi) 'EA),,'lVlKOi) - E9vo~. noo oU)JrrlntEl )J£ to KOpUcpw)Ja Kai t o tHoc; tij~ 'EHT]vtIC"flc; XaAKOKp<ltiac;. 01 MYKHNAIOI )Ja<; ~tacptpouv onlv i1P(J.ltKr, ncpioOo tOU apxaiou . EAA11vlO)JOU, otiC; pi,<CC; tou' EH.'lV1ICOU )Jac; nOAI TtOlloi), oi:. " )J1I1. 9auIlOOt,; OKT]Voypocpla, " 6n:Ola O£ OAT] tilv aptatot'lta Otv tnouO!: va tlln:vCCI tou.; nOl'ltt~ Kai toUe; nxvinc; ... (Xp. Toouv·tae;). T6 rpaqlcto naloEiac; tile; ·Il.pae; 'Ap"XlEnloKorri1~ npooql£pu Kal t6 vto auto ~lPAio OtOOc; J.La&T]·ti;~ Kat IlOEhilptCC; nov KOIVOtlKWV o;(oAtiwv Ilt tTlv ~c(lot6'['lto, Ott Kat tic; lOtOPlKE:<; tou<; yvroOtu; eo. rrA.OUtlOOUV, aAA.n KOt tilv vEOtHllV1KTl YAooOOO eo )Jei8ouv KOA.Uttpa Katn tpon:o cuXaPIOtO Kai tnaywyu(o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ORDER FORM GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OFFICE OF EDUCA nON 8 East, 79th Street New York, N.Y. 10021 Price S5 .00 r enclose S ...... (Make check payabie to the GREEK ARC HDIOCESE) Please send me .. . .. (No. of copies) of the book ·01 MYKHNAIOI(MYCENAEANS) NAME ADDRESS ..... . . .... . . .. .... .. .. .. ..... . ,.Houpyia;. ~d ro. 7tp&ta tOU xpovta ~toa OTO 8ai') ~a. Kai alrto elvat nou ,,,t~E «1") nOlT}0TI Tft.:; ~w ft; ... Kai (hav Ae~E «0 notT}Ttl.:; )., EVVOOU~E Jt6:Al TOV npovo~lOUXO, Jtou ~1topf.O"e va KpaTT}8ei 6:no TO 6aulla o· oAa rou ro XPOVla, O:vnKpusOVta.:; ra cpUlv6~£va tll ~ ~<oiit; ~t to. rrap8€V1KQ, ro EK8a~pa JUl"tla EVO; nmotOu. To ~EyuAo 1["pOV6~1O rou 1totOtOU dvot Ti lKav6rT}tO: tou va BOUllO:C€\. 0au~6:Cw 80. m:i OtXO~Ol o:no /tpono xepl ta q:lalVO~f.Va tft.:; Coofie;;· 6.111..00" Kat' euOdav altO TO xtpl tof) 0eou. MYor£po, ~€ ta XPOVla not) 1U:pvouv, ~de;; tYKataAd1t£ l Ti Y011tEia rou Bat) ~aTOe;; . I:teyvcOvEl r) Kopoui rou tiv8pomou KOt o€v ElVOl 1[\0 lKavt) va. Bau~O:a e l. ' 0 nOi.lltt)~ O lOOOO~El alhtl ttlv 1KavotT)ta we;; to TtA.O; r fi ~ slOfi.:; tou. 81oaoo~E1 011Aao" j.Lf:oa tOU T"V ltOAUTlIlTl Kopoul tOU nalOtOu. To XPlOtOUy£vvo. n npootOXPOVlU, dvat aUYKlv11tlKOi orae~oi an). ~ffi~ po, .. 0 0EO, - natoi KaALl "T~ r lOpT~ tOU 01..0 ra ltOlOlCi tfie;; riio:;. KaAEi Kl' EJ.ld.:; tOU; J.lf.yaAou,:; yo. tout; oroaou~E rr) xapa tOU OOU~Otot;. ' H avtaJ.lOlj3it ~o.:; YlauTo dvot aO"tl~aVrll, o.tpou KOta Evav TP01tO, ~a~i Il€ to. 1talOla 'Y lv6~oOtE oAOl ).iyo 1tOA.U K1' t ~Ei; natotO:. KohaCn JtpoxOtt; ~la ~EYaA 11 aUYKf:VtpooOT1 KOO~OU Otr)v E'1a080 Evo.:; Kurllatt1~atO.:; ... AvrpE':;, yuvaiKE<;. K01ttAE~, VCOl Kat yepol. Lt£KOYraY £K£1, a1["pO>6vovrav va tOOUV Kot a' DAa Ta npoacu1ta a v9lCE to xa~6ycAo Kat 0 Bau~ao~o.:;. nAT}oiaoa, CtVaKat£uTllKU Kl' tyw J.l€ tOY IC6o~0 va io& tl tpeXEt, va low tidv ;;Kdvo noo (OtVE 0' oAa to. npoao:)1ta to <PW':; Til.:; f.utuxia.:;. • Hta.y c11tA060tata cKBeoll ano IlT}XaVtKO: nalxvlola. Aoyil; - AO'Yil~. or UmlAATlAOl tOU KataattlllOto.:; ta dxav &'nAWOEl 7tQVW 0' £Va aavloevLO 1tA.Ut<Olla, to: K01)pOICaV Kat ta E po~av ai: K{V11all. TEV£KEotVlOt i1tn6t£.:; "litOY Ka~uAa ot TCVEKEotYla aAOyaKlCt. Kat aura to:AoyaKla (""CPEXav. [atUKla KUAIOYtaV dvaoKEAa, naiCov"ta; ~t ~la ~lKpr) Xpcu~otlor" otpoipa. KOpl"tO"uKla ~t ayopaKlQ xopwav j3UA~. MOtOOUKAEnari:; ErPEXUV Ka~QAa ati.:; J.lllxave.:; tou.:;. ~Eva~ apa1tT1; £nul~E t~<i~. "Eva, "AAo, Xtunou", ~lKPO ~uA6tpcuvo. .. Eva.:; xapltcu~f:vo,:; J.l7t£~1t£; npoxcupouo£ CtPKOuOWVta~. XiAIO Thota. Kai of ~EyciAOl to. Ko{""Ca~ay Ili: xa~6YEAo eUTuxia.:;. I:t€KOVTay bCEi Kat xa~f.Uay. £~7tatvay. dbtatpvav oro Xf:Pl Kat to: Ej3aCuv at KlYllOll. To 1ta,oi dXE ~U1tVrlOEl ~E:aa roue; . To ~£xaoJ.lf:vo natoi, nou tOOT1 npoonaBeta npoon080UJ.lE va 0'1(0rrooouJ.l£ J.l£oa;. L€ Aiyo oi lleptc; tOU 7tallhou Ba 1tEpaOOUY. IlT}AUSt) ol ~epE~ rou 1tOlOlOU oev nEpvoi')\! notE:. ' Ano~f:vouV ~f:oa ~a; aav J.l1a 1tOAutl~ll 1tapaKataBitKll, nOAu yAUKElo. Yia 500u.:; "t1; XO:pT}KQV Oto. ~tKpO:ta "touC;, ltOAU nlKp" yta 5aou.:; ti.:; (JTEp~el)KOV. 'E~Ei, nov ,lxo~E t~V KaA~ rUXll va CrlOOU~£ TO 9au~a tfi.:; 1["al010:TlKl), ~",fj, ~,,,a "t~V KopSla TOll ~AAl)IANOYAPIOl: 19H2 21 'lKOU XWptOU, Jt&~ J.l7tOPOUjJE va ~e.xao:ouJ.U; Happy New Year to All tic; KQtavUXtl1cf:C; clKOAou9iec; tile; VUXtat;, j.l£ ta XIOVIO, J.lE Tel q>QVapOKla, JlE Til c~oxa J}u~aVttVa rpo7tCtpUX tfic; YlOprf)c;; nii>c; j.lnopoujJ£ va ~cxaO'ouJ.u: roue; cicrtElouc; KQAA1KO:Vtl;apOlx;. not> £lX0j.l£ epee't at. Cij.l£O'Tj E. naqnl J,lal;i roue; ora nUlOU(O Poles, Tub lin, Patestides & Stratakis ~a<; XPOVIO; ta ~ Hrav EUX€'tU1 O""CODt; q>iAOllt; "COll Kat 0"£ OAT] nlv' OI.!OY€V€lU EvrvxuJ/levor; Kai XapOV/lEVOr; b KalvoVPYlOr; Xp6vor; ANTHONY GILAS & SONS 53 Franklin A venue, Lynbrook , N.Y. 11563 T'lA. (516) 599-6640 Ill:. ~:.....:. i!l!:.ltii:O *':. . . IlI:..\':.*':.*':..'-':.,.,. Mr. and Mrs. ALEXANDROS SIORIS and Son Wish all their friends here and in Greece Happy New Year ~ErciAO I ~ii<; ~ ~ r ouaav llevOI jJE "clnOIO KOUOOUPI, ~aAAtapoi, KOPOIOEUTfJoce;, ~nEp~nclvT1l8EC; ~€ TO. KOpirOICl. oKayoaAlclPTlOee; ~E Tie; YPTlEe;. • H J.l.TlTtpQ. KAd8rovE Tte; 008El€e; 'tou OmTlOil ana TO: XPIOTOUYEVVCl we; 'to: <I>wTa, yO: ,.uie; ~ayapioouv Ttl oTatpioa, to: (JuKa, to: pEO'eAla, to rupto: Ka1 tOUe; tpaxavuOE,. •0 K. ' A v't(OVto~ ~. rKiAa~ Kat YiOt Oi lOVe; Jl£ tOOT} cropapOtllta. vavOl KQKOj..lOUtcrOUV01, OllJlClOE- qmou::ci 'E~a~E aTt<; ou6 clKpe, TOU woo· J.l.oocivt80u ciYKCl9tee;, YIO: yO: J.l.i]v~nopouv va 1rATJO"1UO'OUV til yea Cu~wO'UI nou ~OOKO POAOUOE tppeOKOI.pOuPV IO'~EV~. OUpAta~av til vuxTa &.no tilv &'j.l1rapWIlEVTJ ~oonopta. Toue; &Kouya~E, toue; p},£naJ.l.£. ~€v ehav l.paVtaOlee; Kai nap0lJ.u9ta. X£tponlaOtO: rcpOJ.l.OTa. 3aipaJ.l.£ 11'(0C; oAoxpovie; Kci90vtCll O'tOV KUTu) - KoolJ.O Kat o.YWV£COVTCll J.l.i: TO. O'OUPAEPa. oovnlKta TOUe; va pOUl(Qviaouv to geonKo OEVTPO noD O'TJKWVEI oav neAwplO Kopna til yfje;. Lav KOVteUEl nUl va. l.payw8et (; KOPIJ.Oe; tOU OEv'tPOU spxovrat TO. XPIO'Touy£vva. TOtE (; XPIOTOC; TOUe; OiVEI tilV d8Eta VaVEPOUV Yla OWOEKO J.l.epEe; otav o.1't'avw KoO'IJ.O va 1t£lPOSOUV tOUe; &'V8pcll1rOU<;. Kl' autoi, xapa - XaPOUJ.l.EVOl, sr:rplmw vouv dna TO. AaYOU Kat Ti.e; O'nT]AIE<; Kai ~lIaivouv O'tte; nOAlteiee; Kai oni XWpta va KO:VOUV to:olcivrpo1't'a KaJ.l.mJ.l.Ota tOue;. "0~we; d auto TO O:V0J.l.£taSU TO pOUKavlO~tvo OEVTPO tfje; rli c; Sava8p£I.pEl, 0 KOp~Oe; TOU yivETal aKeplOC; Kal ouvatOe; 01't'WC; £LtaVE at~V apxtl. "Etat, lhav 6 rrannc; J.l.E T~V aYlaOtOupa tou ta1tOOlcll~E l , DAa aina. ta n:ayovo, Katepaivouv nOAl o.rro tie; tPU1tE<; Tfje; yfj e; O'ta Kotux8ovw., to PpiO'KOUV 0'00 Koi aKi:polo KOi. J.l.f.: lJ.uvia apxi ~ouv va to SavapouKavi ~ouv. Elval 5~wc; navto n£tvoolli:vo to. KOKOllotPO ta. KO}.AlKOVtCOpo.KlCl Kat auto; £'KOVE va. ta l,un:OUllaatE Kata pa8oe;, 000 Kl (iv ta OKWCOlJ,aOtav. Ka8ollaOtClv AOln:OV oAoyupa ato napaywvl, onou AaJ.l.naOtaCay ta J.l.Eycli..a €A ~TlKCt KO(llaoupa, aKooyallC tit I.pWtU:l va. tpiCel Kat TOUe; XUIJ,OUe; dno ta ~UAO va ppa~ouv Kai va (Jl.pupi~ouv .. AK01)yClIJ,.€ Kat to pOPUI va OUPA1I1CEl O'tOOe; OpOIJ,.OU~ Kat tav dveJ.l.o vaprra~El to. K€PUlltOW tino t1<; O'ti:y£<; Kat va Kui..aEl ata O'OKaKlO tOUe; rrO/"lOVtEVEKEOEC; . • H 1J..1ltEpa, dvaOKOUIJ,.1I:WJ.l.£VT] J.l.npoO'tll 1tUPOO'tla, tTJ YO:Vl~E AOUKOUJ.l.O:OEC;, EPPlX V£ tllyovit£C;. £'VTlVE yAUKl0J.l.UtO t fi e; npffitOXpovuiC;. 3 al.pVIKa ciKOOY0J.l.E 11:0tT]J.l.aO'l€C; nO:Vffi at6 X10VIO'IJ..EVO OWJ.l.a. natTJJ.l.OO'l£ Kai ).touPIJ..OUPlltO:. LwnaivaJ.l.E tpOJ.l.aYJ.l.EVOl Kui YOTJtEUJ.l.i:vOl. rlOTi ~OipalJ..E tl Sa O'UIlPd. ---= AKOU! "EAr.yE ~ lluvOUAa, Kat otaIl Ctl'OUOE IJ,€ to )'[llPOUVl opfho. AKOU, epXOVtul! -nOlOi. epXOVta t, llaVOUACl; 3alpOJ,lE moe; epXOVtUl oi KaAAIKcivt~aat~V Hellenic Printing Co., Inc. 23-53 31st STREET, ASTORIA, N.Y. 11105 T'IA. 278-5806 EvXe<; 1(ai Xpovza Ilo)')'d (Je o).ov<; dna rav 1(. FeWpJlIO Bpor:(Jo 22 .NEA YOPKH .. pm Kal aval"plx.l(i~aj.l[: anD itOOVIKi] IPpiKl1. HOJ.lW~ PO)1"OUOOJ,.lt vO: ttiv Cl1coucrOUj.l£ va TO ~£PalCilvEl. '0 TIuvu:p. Mlltp01COAitll~ N. 'h:pcrEll~ K. ~IAA~ MupiotllXQV uno ltiV KQI.Hvaoa ta YAuKa x· EPXOVl(U npaYJ.lQtlKa, EUXf.T:a1 tYKapoio)(; el~ anaaav titv 'Ol1oyeVf.lav AIEIONKAITPIEEYTYXIEMENON TONEONETOE HAPPY NEW YEAR DEMETRIOS C. DARDOUFAS Group Insurance _ Pensions _ Life Insurance NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. TWO PENN PLAZA, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10001 (212) 564-2770/564-2765 •H OtJWYEVEtU tOU iutpou BAl:IAEIOY I. ~nTOY E,iJXf.TaI ae OAOVC; EYTYXEI TO NEO ETOI V.APOSTOLATOS ASSOCIATE PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 30-10 STEINWAY STREET, ASTORIA, NY. Tel.: (212) 626-3371 Ei5XHal arr,v nOAunA17Bij n£Aarda rou KaAix; TlOprE, Kai b KatVOupylO, Xpovo, fiE KdB£ xapa Kai £vrvxia D & G Marine Services Inc. 540, 39th STREET, BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11232 Tel. (212) 438-2931 GENERAL SHIP REPAIRS STEAM & DIESEL BOILERS, ANY KIND OF PIPE FABRICATION Evxe~ aro/x; rpiAOVC;, 7reAaTeC; Kai npOaW7rlKO, EvrvXlaf.1.evo Kai XapOVf.1.eVO TO 1982 IANOYAPIOl: 1982 -Oi lCaAAt1CaVt~apol, j.lw pa ,..I.OU! nClVOUV KQl Kpuwvouv of ~Ucr tUXIO J.ltvOl. va; yuptwovv. at Aiyo Evac; 96put.\oC; a- KOUYOtaV J,1EOQ Oti}v KQ~U vaSa., iva. rrpQJ.lo Kp£J.laOJ.ltvo a1to OKOIvl KaT€:palv£ rr<IVW a1to t:i~ I.pA6y£~. Ehav miv J.lui poup toa ~E OlSEPE:vlO. Kapcpui Y1(i tpiXE~, Iii auri:~ nOll ~a ivouv Ol yuvah:c; TO ~QAAi Kal ri~ A£yavc .(AavO:pla ... To AaVapt raAavn-;uawv 1ttlVW anD Tij c.pOHHl Kat ~a~i KaT€:palV£ )l€:d {mo tijv KaJ..LlVa&a Eva rpayouol ono I.pwvt~ napOrrOVE)l£V£~ Kat J.lnOUKW)li:va yEAIO. «AaYKovp-).OVYKOVP rei. ).avapm tOU Xpl(Jroi; nl Ka).aVtapm. nd pili n~rra. }'ul tVp; Yf(i aapdvta (JapaO.i!» TO. oapatAl drav Eva dSo~ o.vatOAltlKa "Enp£7t£ AOl7tOV va 7tO:vw ora Kapqna tOU AavaplOu )l£puc& yAU1c(aJ.lara. onarE: oi KaA).,IKavt~apot , nou tOUC; napiutavav oi YEltOVOnouA£;. avtPa~av to Aavopl <poptW)lEVO rei S&pa, Kat Ot I.pwvt; KatEpalvav rrOA1 01t0 tijv Ka~lVaSa ri~cpw )li:vc~ tropa 1t\o: -Kat rou Xpovou vaotE: KaAcl! ~Ef.Puyav; poorouoa~H: ni ~TJti:pa Kat xrunoiJur. ri KapSIcl ~a<; . ~El.puyav. ra KD.KOJ..LOlpa ta KarO"l1tDOta.pIKa! . Kai J..L etc; r;l)laOTaV EuxaplOTflJ.lEVOI 1tOlxpuyav, YlQri ouxaCE J.lEOa ~m; ri KapSlo J..Lac;. Kat AU 7tOUJ.laurc AtyOKl rraA1 ytatt Ec.puyav. Trope Stv ~aipw nUl O:v aro xwpta ~ou E~aKoAouaoi)v va pxovra1 aur£.;; rie; J..LtpE:e; ta KaAAIKaVtCapaKta yta vO: Kavouv rie; J.l1t£pJ.lnaVtlE<; tOO<;. vO: YUPE\VOUV rpayou&tUto. 0:1t0 tie; KaJ.ltvciS£c; rupanTJH£C; Kai oapatA. l(I, Kai OtPIJ..LW~OUV tiC; K01tEA£e; nou ~WJ.lClvaV Oto: xwpciq>la. MUl <popa oti; nOAtrdEe; nOll KatOlKOUJ..LE rwpa Stv KataSEXOVtal mel. vap80uv. "lowe; Ylatt SlOPciCouv cHie; tc.pTlJ..Lcpi&£<; 1[(0<; £IvaI ncPI rt"fj nui r, rropouoia tOue;. a-.pou tOOO KaAO: tOlle; avtlKa910tOuV ol ayvWOtOl tTle; •AoTUvoJ..Liac;. • A1tOJ..LClvav O)lWC; YHi to rralOla nov rroAcwv rei naIxviola. Kai ta 7ta.t,~heittKa rral"xvi&lQ. autb; tiC; J..LEp£<; Bev £IvaI a\Vuxa ~TJXa.VIKa rrpaJ.latO:Kta .• A7tOXtOlW ~ro~. J..LIa 0IKlCi roue; ~wi) Yia XcipTJ t&v naI01WV. wE_ xouv J..LIa 'VUX~. J..LHl J.lIKpOUAa \Vuxri rrQlxvlSiattKTJ. rrou tOUe; XapiCouv YIO )..iy£<; IJEpEe;. 6 J.lIKpOe; XplorOe; Kal 0 ~ ATJ-BaoiyAuKio ~ ata. Kapq>waou~..u: va TIAPA~KEYH rpHrOPIA~H rPAtPEION TEAEH1N KAI MNHMOI:YNON • Ayirov . Avapyoprov 43 naAala KOICIVU1. nElpalEUe; GREECE THA.:49.!3.206 - 49.18.418 A~, .. El'd, 01 o~(t)c; '(cutQ18ui OMOI:TIONAIA I:TEPEAI: EAAAAOI: AMEPIKHI: Kai KANAAA I1EyaAOl Mv tli ~At"OUI'£. n)v oloTavOUVtat, Y1aTi TO 11:01&111 bev 6:noxwpi.Ot'lKQV aKOJ..lT't <ino "to 9auJ.l.o.· 0 KoojJoC; TroV nalxvl&t&V Elvat oAaKEpoc; £vac; 1COOJ..lO<; nOll Klvf:irat IlEoa of: £~w!.puouctc; OU J..l~acrEl <;. 01l:W<; Kat /) K00J..10C; trov nOtOlWV. Bpt9'lKQ TiC; TCpoaAA£<; crt J..lUl OVYl';:tvJla~i Ill: roue; I.U~y6.AOUC;, of; J.tla ~tX(oP10trl KaJ..lOpT] OlO.(jJ,toa~av )..Ie TO JrCtlXViOlQ lOVe; eva 1[0- rpw0'l XPICftouy£vvuitlK'l onou '0 TIpoE8pOt; K. llHM. A8ANALIOY Kat r') lltoiKll(Hl Tfit; 'Olloonov8iat; EUXOVTat of; OAOUt; TOUt; POUIlEAHI)'tEt; Kat OAOUt; TOUt; 'OIlOYEVEtt; Eipllvll Kat npOKOnT] KaTCt TO VEO ETOt;. ~ JIM KELLIS HOLIDAY GREETINGS SOPHIE and Fairfield. Conn. '0 K. Kat 11• K. EiJxovraz a' OAOVe; rove; rpiAOVe; rove; Kui OAOVe; rove; vavuAAo,uevOVe; AlEJO KAI EYTYXEE TO NEO ETOE Alpro Maritime Agencies, Inc. 595 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. '~:iM'~:.~:.~:.~p:.~:.",:.~:.~:.~~~ EVTvxer; TO Neo "ETOr; NICHOLAS G. LIGNOS Dentist AMALIA N. LIGNOS Orthodontist 57 W. 57th STREET, N.Y.C. Tel.: (212) 753-5471 24 Aue6pu~o olJ,flvo<; anD natoul. 2ExwplOtn h::avav xa~l JlC Evav xopwn; apanaKO ano A€nTO VTEVEK€OO:Kl. TovE XOUp81~E<; Kal iiPXI~E va XOPEUEt oafJ7ta. KOllVOiJo€ Tn x£p1a TOU, Tiva~e Tn nOOapaKlQ tOU, 1"0Aclvn:ue TO K£cpaAl oe~l(i-~ep~o. navw OtO puOJlO TOU xopou. TO. 1J,1Icpa dXav ncpioel taAAa nalxvioLa tOU<;, 1J0~euTTlKaV yupw O'TO Tpan€ ~ l nob ncivw TOU h:OVE tiC; XOpEUllK€<; TOU ~7tlO£i~E1C; 0 apanclKoc; Kal BtaOK£Ba~av o)..o'Vuxo )Jf: tOUTO to OaUlJ,o. AEw 7tw<; Kl 0 aponO:Ko<; £vuoge TOV OpioJlpo tOU , Y1ati OTO KocpE()lnpoawnO:Kl TOU ehav Ct1tAoo).1EVO EVo 1tAOtU 10).10YEAo, nou lipXl~E anD to Eva acpTi Kal £<pTove we; to.AAo. ~ Aonpl~o v Tn 80vtaKla tOU, <'ionpl ~av to OTpOYYUAa TOU JlOTclKla. wEcpEyye ano £6xopiot Tl oT] to OKOUPO npOOW1tO:Kl tou. EttOV anD tit xapa 1t00 EVlwge nw<; XOp{~£l OTa nat8la. XOP£'V€ AOtnOV J,110tl ropa, XOPE't'E ~lla cOpa. Kotom ... Katom ~UCPV1'rCa Exao£ TO 1(£<pO:Al TOU. KuvEvo<; Sty "~EPE ncOC; EYLVE auto, OJ,1We; TO K£cpaAt TOU apQnTl ~E1(OAA Tlot. To ~'1touoav nav'tou, K6.tW otO XaAl, KO:Too (mc to Tpa1tE~OJlaVtTlAO, Kal to K£<pciA1 tOU ).laupou lOPfUttl OEv pplOKomv. "Eva<; a1to tou<; IJ£yO,AOUe;, Y1n va KavEl K€:qll PWtT]0£ O'opapa-oopopo to. nal81a . -fui 9ujlT]9flt£, na1810: 1J0ll, j.nlltooe; /) apon~, SEv dX< «<pOAI ano 1'10, 6.PX~" Td ).llKpa KOt tciXtT]XUV aVaj..1£Ta~U TOue; oof!apa, Ull~ rltTlUav aopapd Kai o:no<pamaav noo<; OXt, 6 apao1tTV; elXE KecpaAl. 0u)Jovtave Ta OtpoyyuAn ,.ullla tou Jlt TOUe; aonpOlx; f!oAP01J<;. ta xovtpa X£1AT] tOU ta dUnpIOjlCVa, to: 8ovno tOU 1tOU YEAouuav Eva nAaTu, KOl KaAoKaya90 yV.lO. "OXl, aiyoupa, 6 apa1tll<; elXE KE<paAl. "OnOlJ KcinotE ) jllKPOUAU, 1tOU JlOAl<; dX£ lJ.£tprlOE1 ..; ~wouAa tT]<; E~T] XPICJtOUyt':vva, TCflpe tOVQKEcpaAo xopeuttl Ota XEpIa, XOUp810E TO SAOtrlptO tOU KaL tOY to1t09f:t'la£ 1to.A1 Jravw OtO tpa1t£~1. TotE £rIVE auto to Sau)Ja. '0 apaTCll<; Kal CTm, 81Xw<; Kt':<paA1, aPXlo£ vCr. XOPEUi:l, va XOptU£l ).l£ 1t6.90<;. Jlf: to i810 Jlnpio ttl aajlna TOU, va KOUVfi. to: xtpla tou , va tLVa~£l to no81a onw<; otav dXE to K£q>aA1 TOU. TO. nat8uI tOV tP lyup1 ~av miAl SVOOUOIOOJlEva. fl)oov£<; , XE lpOKpOn;j.1aTO, <paaapia. -afit£! XOPEUEl Kai 81Xoo<; K£<pal..t! •AArlOEla, auto Ottlv 1tpaYJlOnKOtlltO Eltav Eva wEva OUYKlVTltlKO 9aujla, Jtou to. Jta18ul to 8EXtllKOV 8iXO><; CtnOpla, 110VO I'E tKP~~E1, Xapo,. ru, 110, aI'''', to", IJ£yO,AOU<; dtav EKEi IJ.TCpOOta Ila<; Jlta IllKPOCJKOltlKtl tpayw8(a 1tOAU OUYK1V'ltlKrl. Eltav t'llJ.oipa tOU Jto18l6.tlKOU 1tatxvI8lOU. ~ l1£yciA~ Kal ",paia. Eltav ~ httA<"~ t~, l£pfl<; O:7toCJfoAfi<; TOU vfev£Ke8i:vLOu apa- «NEA YOPKH .. no.KOU, va SlaO'KtSaO'tl 'til. nalSui. Kai EK'tEAOOOt 'ttlV anOO''tOAr, 'tOU IJ.€: 'tov iOlO OAOKA11PootuCO tpono, onoo~ Ot rlpoolKOi itpanoO'tOAOl nov ntnaivouv va Ka't11xr,oouv tOU~ avepoonocpciyou~ O't6 tvoyy€:1..10 tfi<; UyQn11<;. npoO'cptpovta<; KQi t";Vi01Q 'tTl ~ooTJ tou<; O'ttlV nio't'l 1I:OV tou<; cpAoyi~tl. "'Onou ~aCPVIKa tva nal0QKl cprova~E XaPOUJ.ltvo. -To KtcpaAl tou apanTl! Na, to KtcpaAl tOU apanll! To aVQKQAu\VE v.EO'a 0'£ CPPOUtltpa Kal tOOtlXVC ala natoui. To nr;pa O'tOXEPl Kat to Koi:ra~a K1 tyro. To npoO'oono TOU 'to KOCPEOl t~QI'OAOU90uO't vO: XalJ.0YEAa., Eva XOJ-lOytAO noo a.PXI~E ano to Eva acpti K' EcptaVt ro~ to aAAO .... AO'npl~ov tn OOVtla tOU, XOlloy£AotiO'av Ta O'TPOYyUAa J-lQnQ tou . . H 'VuX" tOU nQIXVlolOU. £uXapIO'tllv.tVll. llCovonOl'lJ-lEV11 . Eq:l£Yyt O''to O'KOUPO npoO'oo1[(1Kl, (VW 'to an:oICEqKIAIO'J-lEVO O'ooJ-lataKI t~olCoAou90iJO't va XOPEUEI. 00pw nw<; QV dXE IlEoa o'to Ot1190<; tOU Ilui J-lIKP"; VtEVEK£oEvla KopOOUAa Kat J-ln:opoooaJ-lt va ola~ciooullt IlEoa, GO. ~AEnaJ-lt EKel nw<; npaYJ-la'tlKa thav 6AO'ttAO £uxaplo:tllJ-lEVO~ nov J-ln:opoiJoc QKOJ-la va XOpt'VEI Yla XaPTl 'tOU<;. I:TPATHl: MYPIBHAHl: KAAH XPONIA KAI KAAE1: ~OY AEIE1: 1:' OAOY1: TOY1: <l>IAOY1: MA1: DINO A. RALlS LIFE AND GENERAL INSURANCE 32-17 BROADWAY, ASTORIA, N.Y. 11106 TEL. 274-0701 --..:... \I:"'~:'" '!l':• •:'" ,.:....:....:... ,.:... \1:....:... , Oi KA"fJ1KOi, 0 IIpoebpo~, TO L1IOIK'lTlKO IVflfJOVAIO Kai oi 'Opyavw(Jel~ T"~ EAAHNOPE>OdOSHL KOINOTHTOL ALTOPIAL, N.Y. «" AytoC; ~l1'l1i'tptoc; - • Ayia AiKa't€pivl1» EUXOVTaI (J' /fAa Ta fleA" Kai OAOKA"P" T~V 'OfloyeVela EYTYXEr TO NEO ETOr To 1tp6~AllJla trov aO'tpatcutrov •EAA:r)VroV - Eva ano Ta noUa npO~At\~aTa tOU 'HA~Vla~ou TIi<; £Ivai Kat 'tonpopATH.I.O nilv acn:p(l'tEUTOOV, Ot 6noiOl aOUVQTOUV YIO oui~opou~ >"OYOO<; va £KnAllpWOOUV tic; OtpaPloottKEC; TO)\;, U1t01PtroaCl<;, v.t anO't£A£O'J.1a va tOlx; Elval ciSuvat~ ~ btiaKtlJl~ t~<; tSlait£p~<; natpiSa<; TOlV. rEVIKO: ot viOl ao'tol c:iV1llJ.nooni~ovtal oav va EKQVaV a~16n:01V11 7tpci.~11, n:oi> nptn:El va nv.ooP1190uv J.1t 'tov O'1(A'1pOtEPO 'iaoo~ 'tPOltO, ti;<; an~£\I'Cl)(J£I:o<; 'toov ano ttlv' EAAaOQ. nOAAOi ano ou'tOUC; £xouv S11Il\oUP'Yr,O£l O{KOyEV£lE<;. elval 7tui aouvQ'tov va u1t11pnTiaouv TTiv 9quia 'tOU<;, Kat OlalClvOUvtOOOV va XQOOUV 't";V JtpQ:O'lVT] Kap'ta Tom;, nov J-l£ t6at<; Suai£, noUt, 'l'opt, cin6Kt~aav. l:Kono, T~, avaKOlvWatw, aUT~<; Sty elval va t~Staa£1 toUe; AOr,?U<; Ylti fOU<; 6noiou<; lYlvav avun:OtaK'tOl a).J..a va npoana~a£l va SWatl 1.0"'1 ato np6~A~~cI TOO<;. Elval d)..ti9Ela on JU:1Pl oTJlJ.Epa anD Kallv.ia 6pytivCJ)O'TJ ~ IiU~ tnia~~~ apx~, Sty <rIV£ npoanciS£la rIa np0<i>9tjaT) AOOE~ au'tou tou 9t~te><;. tvro Kat ouval0'9TJjJatucoi ).OYOI to unaroptUoov. aUa Kai au~'I'i:pov til, 'EUclSo, £ivaI, Slon Sty npOKtltal rIa I'tPIKt, StKclS£<; avllpronwv, ciAAa rui nout, XIA"iS£,. Mt tl\v np<Oto~oo).[a I'tPIKIDV avllpronwv S~1I100PY~ &rJKE ,.no opyavOOOT) it 6noia EXE1 OK01[O va KIVT)TOJtOltlO'El 'tT1V ouvallTJ tOOv QOTpO:'tEU'tOOV • EkA:rivoov Kat ~ ri<; Ka'tO:A.A~A<, £vtPY£I£<; np6<; SU1<POP£, KaTw8iJvatl, va npoa1tU~atl va Aootl auto to npO~A~J.l<X. -HS~ npoi:~~ at npoKatapKnKl\ £vi:py£la 111 ~aal~t, tAniS£, rui tl\v Aoo~ tOO. To onoopy£!o 'E9v!K~, ' AIIOVTl, !lei tvSla'l'£p8t:1 £'1" Oeov 0 aplSllo, tIDV aatptlt£lYtwv d· val I'tra~ Kat KIVTltOnOI~S£1. Elval <!><lV£PO lin airt~ ~ KIVTltOno(T)a~ a1tUlt£! t£ptlatla ~~ooa, ta onola £ivaI Sovatov va KaA0<p8oiiv 116vo 111 tl\v £npa'l'~ aa, me; ~£Milv. 'A~P I Kii~ IANOYAPJOl: 1982 Movo ta. J-lEAll eo. roCPEA1190uv .. H tyypacp!1 oa K<?a't.iO'E~ 100 OOAAQPla 'to 6noia n:PE1ttl va unoo'toAoUV, ya~l Il£ 'to Ka'toottpoo Oe). 'tio, at"; otEu9uvoll 37-11 Union Street, Flushing, N.Y. 11354. 'OcptiA£Tal va tOVIOtel on 1') 6~6.voooTl. btv EXE\ ~£PbO oKonllCo xapaKTrlpa aAAa o:nopUntl O''tllv t~u1tl\PETll0ll tOU • EAA'lVIOV.OU. 'EAAl1 VOO l'EP1KOV1KTt 'OpyovroG1J Y10 tt'lv EnlAuG1J tOO npop Alll'OtO<; tOOV ciO"tpOtEUtrov ' AnoOl11'rov, Inc. JOHN G. NICHOLAS, Attorney-AI-Law, GEORGE PATERAKIS, MANOLIS PANAGIOTAKIS AEATIO "Ovolla , E 1trovu~o ..... , ....... , . .........•.... . . , ...... . l:,patl(J)tlK~ KM(JT) .... .. ...... . ..... . ... .. .... . "Ovolla 1ta,po<; ............ . . . ... . ............. . . "Em<; Y£VV1](J£(J)<; ... . .... . . , ....... . ....... .. ... . Tono<; y£vvTj(J£(J)<; ........ . •................ . .... dI£U9uv(JT) KamlKla<; . .....•........ , . . ......... . "Em<; &cpi~£(J)<; (J'tlV ' AII£PllcTj ........ , ........... . 25 ""lIdOA Y1N' 'A'N ')jJOA M.;}N spJ8AdJIIS amAuOs}f;)Sf pus pUSIAJSW 9t -<>Aov it."lln~ Aitl ·D)dOlOI. it""llxn 1\1;11 - 311QoJ ~Olt D}I\(l)1\10)l ~)t1I\U)tld3rl9 \l1o no?ri I\OOD<!n~ ':nhD}d)t ~)tllDl'("ndoo'(lL ~I\ Sntf 1\Q?1(l)ld1I)lLriOO I\Q.U '3pl1'(~ noo)1~ lD. 53031~X"A3rl 511 3rlnoo\tellog -luOOD !D)t 01\1"(l)l\nA.d~ Q1 n10lLll. 131\y)l Drl9~1' 3rlnol1 A~g '53)xnO~01OOOll 5~"'rl -011) "1)1121:01 QUI) Dd1lL 'D\31\1A.01'1Q 1\"9'l "MY3A A\3N AddYH '91\ ~10l)\O1\ J?)lllU 10ltOI\D)tl 3riool~ 1\1V -5»rl ;nglD2I: 003l.c)'lDA.31'1 J?l. ID)I ,nl1 'C)0l.0l)~ SQOl. ~0191 '(101 ":Mol1l;tl0uq JQol\l))t1d -311DOl\u'("'t~ So01/\ '(101 J?)tl101l1,(OU lD)I J?)tll03g1D1D'1 3tfOODI;tOUO{j J?I\ J?1A. Q)tllDrl UlO.l.:/ HSIX Hd3S0r ~ ~ ~I~------ 'D)'X31 lD" 5itlnllY1 SDrl . nA)t31 DI\\I\3A.OI\D)lld31111 Dl D1A. lDl\'9l\ u01dolLrl '99 1\19 ' Qo)tllOt1ltV · Q01 513~9l '110 Q \l V13fiZ3N3A 'SV::>V~V::> '8 "lI~OA M.3N ~lDrlD1D I\D19 'nP9lDll ~)l1I\u,(",(3. ~101i '5,,)01100 5~"1AllH1 5!.u D1Drl -91\ V1 1" 3rloo~1dODI\I) V1 VI\ ID)I 'OlD1'1 Qo)t1l\u'("'("i QOl ue!)~ V,,1I\X3101.0'( 3rlOOD)llLDg Ji)1 Ji)1\ :njD~9'(odlL 1\19 D.o -1)31\lL 'l1D S07flOJOH.xJS H9HOH9 spua!J..:! .mo I/O 01 J.oaA MaN tfddoH 'A"N ';}[PlPO~ M.;}N SOd"~go.d llO,,,,dU . t,. 53gl'llrlll'( 5)1 53103g0y -o\!lU p"llxn ~itl "'~ D0111 )lD1A Mol~ llDrlAI'Oll lD)I '5"11l19""llH1 DXl'lO A~g S001 (l)l\yu I\ool~ 1\~T1 -10311rlno ~ 513U1X~ 1?" ~.l I\V.o lDlAod?c:b 'Dxno1l9Alln3. 7!dDlL Dl)l"9l\mnd3rlv. 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"/'I ·~"ld3t1V. 013d98 "aD OAfndDlf031g !Ol~U1g \lOU )nOA93 .. QO)l.1I\ -U''f,{3. QOl (loldY131 SQI\? QOl QorlO1l\U",£ -'{JIDy QO)lDlgDlO SOl\ogl\}" 51M3 .. ')ulmOn SIJ)nl\~H lU)t 'lu11;t1\11 '~pl1dOJ.Dl 'l\ol1~l1 -l1udA. "uDD<!r"tA. "ClOo~ :Qo)llI\U'fH 11 30!))I 'Sl1A~oorlollX 5Yl 'S lllill 'Xl'lD~A~ 5!.u 50Mg -A)" AOO~3loXX1 'I '50rlygodnOllt\j 5~11lA lle -U)I 9 13< '(l)lLg ' lD1\13 "'~ll\ol1DU'( , 1J,1 uDud>9lL~ U1Ugpl\ClDI) ~ ulugpl\ClOI\~ ~"ll"rlllX"A~ it lDA)3 (5D)lolO~ Syl D10M~ A\ll ~rl) Sm1 SD)ldDrl~ 5~'lln3glDll"~ 5Yl 5Yl?" Drl03X11011Y, 'llg'!"gI. ~"Alln1 V" 311Qo~ogo"'(\d> 53)000 53.091 lD)t n1Drl~dl n.o91 ~tf (lOll Q1<}U '~'(311tfIstDlA"91L5DlAOI\I;1d> -1) ' ll.o03g}DlL)t3 . U.o?W ID" Ugq>13lt011 itlO ·SnO)DO~3. 5?01 ~rl 'l'll 130~e'lA~ A1 '310Drl9)ld0103U llg lDA)3 5Drl Drl'~dg Q.l '5Y~lA -oV I'" 5DpglDli '5D)d101 S!i,,,u~H. 5Y1 itAldDrlom1 itl AnOO,!,lg ~A lloitello~ ~l ~01L 'D)"'Ooo,,(l'" lUX 'DldolO} ·'DlI\X310A.oV 5y."llXX1 5Yl 'AOOll'rlrlDdJ A\!l~"llXX1 I\Wl uJonol.lL113lt t\l;J.1.o 3rlnoo~A.ugQ V1 '91\ Dd319A.dy 3TiooD1dolLl1 VI\ VIA. " UOOo/'(A. 5~""llxn 5yl uooog~url~ it~llDrllllOno S~lXDX 5~"1AllH1 S~l AooUgedl w A!.uO lD" 1\<91 D!l\otfdV 1\l;J.10 1\(l)1C)1\9 1\<9"(DlLJ? ~~ 'Drt 1)A)l~1. V1 3"0001;1011 Jtl\ 5Dtf D}A(l)A.9 ~ UWDtf -C)D901~"p 1D)I 5~3A.C}3 llDrlA.!)dlL 1D1\13. "D.oO<9,(.l \1XlI\U'l,,(3". 1\\11 1D)I D1Drltf;>d.l V"II\U'( -'l3" . V11" DI\Ogl\pt1lL~ 3tf{\o~l).ru) Q1 '1do<b 5~HOU 9011 5D)3glDli 5y""uXX3. 5!.u D111f1 O!Dgo.OlLo Q1 V1A. 5Dn DpnodDlL I\~l..o 5QodlD)I V1D)t tD131\}A. ,ognd98 JQ,,(OIl '91 . 1U)t U}d>ODO"(lC'J) 1;1)111\U,(,(1 1\1;11 'UJl\l31 '{.Yr!!31'yoIlld'Il '1J"MorfO. ,8'110::> IU~wQ8euew 10 looq~ ·.(~SJQr "'~N ]0 UOSJ~I1!d wem!M. 'SO!WOUOO3]0 JO,,",,]OJd I~unfpv HNNVIJOHIdJ V.llU)I VIVH QUA. sl~gln'M Q2D /U<!PH.L /uP"'V9 IV" Od~"~P1"'ifJ Q.L :"'19Y3. :m700n~oJ '." "DQOrfYOl ..ollP tlip tl:f.(J '13tlD:Ji ~m tlDltlOXg3 tliplOyg qOl1. nolQ091T(:Ji crOJ tl~D ~d)i'rl twIMI" ~lrf ~l< "o"Plv '"OXprf ,"09.L» U2<),,(H . SndgHn SY,2 nrlu9A Q.L 53t1.X?.L - vlvrlrlpdJ - 513f)9~){3~ NEOEAA.T)VIKWV I:JtOUOWV '05uoo£a 'EAU'tT) GUVI0'tQ tpyo t9vuco Kal npCOtEVOooa na15EUtiKti Kai'tllCft Q.Vci:YKT) YU1 tOY anOOT1I10 ~H'1V10~O tii, ' A~Epll'ii" Na nOll1 dvat 1') OtJ..lEAtaKft oUoia Kai to t8V1KO: J.lEyaAo Kal OT)J.laVTtKO VOT) TT)<;. ••• KaJ..r, XpOVla (J' /JJ..OVr; rovr; rp{J..OVr; rovr;, Mill Kai (Jrr,v 'EJ..J..dl5a ano rov 'ApxmJ..o{apxo Kai rr,v Ka • Av uncipJ(£l ~la ~a01Krl {Sl:a OtOV UA'1V10~O, AtE10 U'lltp'1" tOOt'1 ElVQl ~ !liEa 'tOU «EI.£UOEPOU 6:v6pwnou», tOU «5iKatOu.~, TOU dv6po)Jtou nou dvat «J.lEtpo» til~ ~(J)iic; .. Elval tpaY1KO va KOU~Evtlll1;'1' ~. -EA' AT)VE~ tilC; Jtapondac; ).lac; Kal Otan1O'tro~ TAKH TLEB~OY va v'1, on 1[OAAOi an' auto", S~V ~tpauv d ElVQl 0 IE'lll:p'1" 0 'EMt'1" " PitOO" i\ nOlOi Elval of: MaKPoyulvV'1" Ka1;avt1;ciKa~ci'll'1' , I1KEAlav6" TIaAalln" KciApo, Kai IoAOlI'6,. Elvat OKA'1PO va ~l:p'1, lin onavla OTi, OU1;'1T~OEt, TOU<; Kai KTl" Oti.~ "t KM:Ktt~. nVEU).latlKt~» tO~ OUV- TENAFL Y, N.J. iI!!:'" ~ac'-';ID~~ao~il!;i:e ~ao~~;""';."'i EYTYXIIMENO TO 1982 tPO'llt" ava'lll:pOvtal OTa tpya, atO Ti90" to \)~O~ Kal t6 A6yo 1tVEU).latlKWV h:npooo)Jt(J)V tii~ ytVT)QC; j.lac;. t..uOtuJ(cli" Stv ~nopaU~E va SISru;OU~ d OAT) tOU tiJv n-Al1POnl'm 0't0: KOl· vonKil ~a, IJ(oAEla ytad 0 J(povo, Sloo- U<PEPl1 oKaAiac; dVatnEptOptOj.lEVOC; Kai ta na,5,6: J.11Kpa, OUtE t'! OUVallT) TWV J.lllWJ.laTWV «ouoiae; Kat A6you .. nov MaKpuyuiVVTJ, 'E· Aut'1 i\ Ka~avt1;aK'1 ~nopouv I:~ oupavou va ntaouv atrl ouvE!S'1a~ ~a, J(Olpi, ~la anapait'1t'1 geo~IKr\ unoOO~~. XOlpi, ,vav OUyKEKP1~tVO geo~6, onOl, Elval ~ta TIavE- JtlOTT)J.llaKti Mpa • EAAflV1Kmv I:nouoroy. nou ouc:rtT)).laTlKO: tpYcl~Eta\ yui va VOi~El 'to 5po).l0 tmv J.1EyO:AWV VEOEAA'1": VtKWV JtV£UJ..lclt(J)V at" ouvEiOTJOTI tOU ea O'1I'OU Aaou an' a:. ano- ~a,. -Eva TO: O'oPapa Ka8tlKOVta rile; no· potKiae;<; OTllV napouoa {OTOpI"" OTtyJ.liJ. ot J.lui nEpioOo not> '" JlE'taVO:O'tEUOT) an' tr\v 'EAMoa l:1.attoutat Kai ' EH'1voaJ.ltpIKavonouAa 5EOttPTJC; Kai tplTllC; YEVTJdC; KaAOUVtUt va. ano5EI'[oUV Kai vd SlalOlv(aouv trlv ~H'1V1Krl nOAmanKrl KAT)povoJ.1ui. Elvat va. ppEi ,[p6nouc; va OtQ~ ~Opq><ilV£1 ~).).'1VtKt, OUVEtS~OE1" KA'1POOOt'10'1 tou l:9vlKOU ~a, 'Eav ~ nOAttl- dJlou. tav T) tVT)J.l1poooT) trov aJ.lEplKaVoYEVV'1~I:VOlV nalSlcliv ~a, rul ta I:9VlKa {SavlKci tii, I:AA'1v1Kii, 1.EpEvtln" TOU 1:),),'1VIKOU 'll1l.6tl~OU Kai tii, ~}Jwjv'Kii<; ap- XovTlde; OtV J.17topd vciY(lctJ.11tEtptKtl, tOU oav 6j.l0yEvE1a ed npBJtEt va 8E01tl00UJ.1E Kai va \>nOOt11 pi~OUJ.lE J.1EeOOOUe; KA'1pOOOT~oeOl, nou aT'1p(1;ovtat OTOV npo<poplKO Kal ypanto A6yO, nov O'tT)pt1;ovTal atr\ ~E9001Kr\ Kai OUOt'1~attK~ aVOltat~ x~, OJ(OA1Krl tK1taiSEUO'1. 0atav EU,pyo Mv nppllldl'~ata NeOEn'1Vl- TO. KAaPla aro f5tvf5po rifr; PARALIA qJovvrwvovv Kai j1eyaAwvovv avvexwr;, Kai oi pi(er; j1ar; elvaz aPKera f5vvarer; Yla va fJaara.l;ovv Kai rr,v ff51K1j (Jar; erazpia, EMm:ETEY0HTE MA:E THN IIPAKTOPEY:EH TON IIAOION :EA~ va KWV onouowv ).lnopoUt"av npOO)9TJ80uv ot ntp1000ttpa navE: t ~attlJlla tOOTT)e; rile; xropa,. rIa tr\v KA'1Po06t'1O'1 OTOtJ(eiOlV ~n'1VUC6TTJTae; otic; tnEpxOJ1fYE<; YEVlltC; Od nptnfl VaXOU).lE bn' 6'V11 ~ae; Ott ao'[o nov naVTQ olinAa9£ Kal olaJl6p~rov£ t6 vto c5:v6prono "tav T) mOTll '[ou a ' Eva napa· 5EIYJ.1atlKO np6tuno dv6pronlVou xapa- "Tiipa, . APKETE, J(clipe, EJ(OUV tnigeTa yi aUTa Ta np6tuna. ' H AI:~'1 -t1;tvtAel'av. n.J(. J(apaKt'1P(1;Et aTrlv ' AnAia ,vav OUYKEKP1~VO tp6no 5talo90:v£09al Ka{ 'lltpeo9Ql ltOU OEV EJ(EI QvtiatotJ(o d lIA1.E, J(cliPE, toil K6ol1ou. " 0 .. 11[n6t'1,. rjTav IANOYAPIOI 1982 CORPORATION SteamshiP AgencieCi Phone (617) 426-3143 BUNKERING • BROKERAGE • Cable: Paralia INTERNATIONAL FORWARDING Telex: 94 0656 141 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. 02109 at: Boston - Portsmouth - Providence - Portland - (USA) 27 Eva, UAAO, turro, aveprorrou rrou xapaKtTipl~e ,.ua 1tVEUj.lanKO 7tOAITlO"jl£Vll 'VuXT! crt ~,,) iiAA'l crlY)'K£KP1~£V'l trroxlj. O! POlo-ODt txouv til A€~" «Jl7tOATCJf:PiKO~» MU KA£iv£1 tilv lOla evvoia ~t til At~'l «t~£VtAq.l.av» of: aAACl 8£OI. 1t1(Q 1tAaiOlCl. '0 tiv8p6l:rnvoc; tU1tO~ toi) J. L1toAtcrepiKou J.11topd VUVClt tmOouYJ..LCltUCOC; ii cpavtaO",[l1CO<;. UA.Aa Kuptapxei EVTova oTiJ OOPl£Tue" 0'1(£"'11. l:uJlcprova Jl€: tOY napaooOlaICO, tA.A:llVlKO tp6no TOU OlUlOSaVEaeal Kai cptpc:crem, lOQvl1coC; TU1tOC; &v8p6>lnvou xapaKtijpa ~tav (, 'A£~tvt'l," A£~£vt'1, dVCll tKEivoC; 6 Tunoc; civ8p<l>rtou 7tOU auvou6:CEl pOOj.lfJ aWIlCltncti JlE EU)'EVf:tCl Kai dVCOl'€POTl1tct xapmcTiipa ... 0 liv8po)7[oC; JlE .... Ano:U.6)v1Q» ICOPJlocnaaul Kai JlE «(~H AD-nJlo» . To tAA:tlV1.ICO «'PlAOtljlO», 1) a~pot'1ta, ~ aKalplOt'1t!l Kal app£vOJrrot'1ta tOU xapaKtijpa, ~ l:AA'1V1K~ "ap- lOVna» , NO. nOta ea "utOPOOOE va:rav Tt npoocpopa Kal to t!lvlKO vO'1~a tij, <opa, 'EMt'1 crta EAATlvOnOuACl tftc; tv •AJu:pu.::flnClpondac;'!;. MUI civaYlCaia tOtOP11CT) yl Kil ~ucr'1cr~ Kat t8EO).,0- cr. !oaV1Ka avepomlVu rrpo- tu1ta til'!; qmAil'!; ~a'!;. 1tOU dvat aouvatov, ~eO'a O'TT)V ftAOUpa).,lO'tlKll aj.lepllCavllCll lColVrovia va lCa).,AtepyT)9d (C1Ce~oopo ~lQKcl", • H . EAA~, ~ tOU, wavlKou, liv9pwmYOU, )(apaKtijp£, MU Ola~Op'l''''cr£, ~rro pet va pOT)fhlO'El Tel 1tatOlcl Ila,!; va aVQlcaAlHVOUV TOV Ka).,).,hEpo faUtO TOU<;. va KaTa).,O:pouv TO tBvuco ~<{)1t' t.yW)lo lOU'!; Kat 1t\IWj.laT1ICQ va avaytVV'18ouv. Mnopet va 86>OEl O'TO: tEICVa Ila<; Tilv nlo KoSapll aUToO'UVE10TlO'ia. tllV mo E~7tpaKtT] tfMKt1 autoyvwO'ia, Kat O'uyxpovroe; va aftOTU7tIDO''l Ctti<; 1C0LVroVUCt'!; aV9pID1tlVee; O'XEO'E1e; tOU<; 'E¢alpErrK~ /;rr.lTIJXia a'lI1£iWaE iva rr.aprv J1ErEWIJlf.(JJiivwv TrOD M~aav b K~erlYrrr,,<; l!a,Vf.n,Iar'll1iov Kai " Ka navay. M1JA1Wr'l. aro NIOU T(tf!ar.v. Mr.P~Kix; &Kdo~<; rpl}.01 ro~<; a?!o r'lv N. 'YOPK'I Kai TO NIOU T(tpaf.v, J1era~D rwv onolwv nOA)ol KvnPIO.K1J<; Kara~'wy'l<;' ~)a{Jav J1£POC; aro TrapTu . . . dyvwp!a,ro! oi 1}f.praao,rf.pOl •..l.6Y?J J1f.raJ1'1!.I~af.O;<;. [Iapan,avw. I!la l-apaKr'lPI(JTlKij ({Jwroyp,afpia, dTro 0 wpau;naro Tr:zprv, hr.,aW!A'IljI1J r~u OTrOl,oV m;OaXf:B1JK£... 'I navrorc 1ja).oKapo" OIKoOeaTrOlva. nov OtaKpIVf.Tal J1f. m; n)f.~ov&C; aav PaYKEvrv - A vv. ;~\f:ll\;_1l\::..t:~~:tJi:~a:~_:l\::~~ Ot ' A8EA!pOt' MnE-r1;;lOU EUXOVtal crtTjv •OIlOytvEta KUATj XPOVlcl Eva ~a9Ut£po cr£~!lCJJlO, ~la tKli'lAOt£P'1 tlj.l16t'lta. Kai Illa 1tV&Uj.latlICO-Kat&USUv6~EV'l O'UVE1t£la 1tOD OEV ~ftOpet &()KoAa va KaA.h.1EpY'18&i E~W a1tO EKnal0&UtUCa 8&O'j.lllCa 1tAaiOla OtacpopetllCa aUTa 1tOU ftPOU7tOSETEI 1\ £8pa 'EAUtll· an Ot lhavooUl-\.evOl Tile; cpUAfje; J.1aC; 8a 1tPE7tEl OlJO'TTlJ.1atllCa va ftpoP).,TJSOUVKat JlE8001lCel va KOTOCiTOUV aVtlKetIJEVa 9auJ.1aO'IJou Jme;. CONTINENT AL FOOD PRODUCTS 3 I -45 Downing Street Flushing, New York 11354 Tel. 358-7894 O! 1')y£tlxt, rrvw~atlK.' ~OP'l't, E1v!ll o! a1tol'tT]'tlKoi ~'ltlavOt TfjC; YVOOO''1e; Kat ot O'XOAOOtlKOt tpwvTJ.tai t1i<; clAt18Etac;. Mtcr", tij, OIKij, tOU, l:p~~v£ia, 1') t~rr£lpia Kat 1\ avtiA'l\il'1 tOU rrapL1.86vt~ Ka8i- O'tavtal om8EO'1jloO'E Jl.dc; YUl tTJv ft08'lYEO'io tOu napOVtOC; O'TO IJEAAOV, ri abt6. ,,"01tOU Kat va PpiO'KEO'n: aOEA!pO{. c3nou Kat va nan:t to 1t081 O'a<;. civoil;ETE IJla PPUO'll OlKtl 0'0<; . . . l:EA8~oUKOl pOrrQAoq)opOl KopaOOKOUV. XayavOl 0pvEOIc£cpaAol pUO'O'oOOj.louv. "Orrou lCat yO: one; PpiOKEl to lCaKo. aOEAcpoi. Dnou Kat vel 90AOOVEl 6 voue; O'ae;. IJYTlIJOV&UEtE 6l0VU0'10 l:OACOIJO Kat IJVllJlOVEUETE •AAt~avopo IIa1ta8tajlavtll .• H AUAla rrou OEV ~tP£1 arro \iI£~ (j avurraucr£l to rrp6cr",rro toU Ilaprupiou ~t to Aiyo P6.JlIJa TOU 'YAUKOU ' Otel XEiA TJ ... "Onou Kat va naTd to nOOl O'ae;. cpcova~ro. aVOi~EtE, aO£A'I'o!, ~ul ~pucr'1 avoi~£t£, t~ OIK~ cra, ~pucr'1 tOU Maupoy£V1]!" rOliucrcrEa, 'EAUt'1,: To· A~IOV ' Emi, IA'). Kata OUVE7tEla. 1'1 npOBOATJ Kat 6 9auJlaoIJo<; Jloe; Yl' abTa TO. nVWj.lQtlKQ tEKva tij, qmAij, O'llJlavtlKT). ~a, E1val rrpa~'1 t9vtKcl 100TOPlK&' avaYKala 28 IANOYAPIOI: 1982 Kat A THENS CENTER HOTEL rTHN KAPt.IA THI: AElHNAI: • KevtpucQ.; l(A.lj.lOttOIJ6c; • 136 ~6:Tla. ).olltp6, t'1At~vo, palh~wvo, ~Epd:vtO. • . EOttatOpLO nOAuttA.elac;, M'II:ap, poOcp YI(OpvtEV, 1I:o).un).((c; at6ovo~ ill'toOo1"C; Kal IcSUI,ITU:O YKOp6:C. 15 l:£rruJ1Ppiou - 15 Map"ou T1Jlai o(O).unlrov; Movod.tva 998.00 OpaXJ.lE~. AilcA.lVO 1.434 opaX),l~, TpiKA.1Va 1.742oPX. LU),lm;p1AaIJP6.vEt'at KOvtl vtvtaA ),11tpEK<pClot. ,Au] P£~EPPEOtoV 0:1I:ota8litt ~titv!'C. 'Y,6PKTl ·t'TlA. (212) 483-{)642 K. 'ApcrEVTl ll ypO'VO'tE A THENS CENTER HOTEL Sophodeous and Athenas 26, Athens, Greece Td.' 522-6/ /()'9 Tel", 4488 ALCY GR HAPPY NEW YEAR Southern Star Shipping Co., Inc. New York, N.Y. ~a~~88,,-,:~~a,:~a.\;SSS$ Happy New Year ORESTES VARVITSIOTES VICE PRESIDENT PRESCOTT, BALL & TURBEN Members New York Stock Exchange. Inc. 666 5th AVENUE, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10019 Tel.: (212) 974-3745 - (800) 223-0610 , 0 ~iOKO<; nov npEm:1 va (3piOKETOI OTO anin TOU K08£ "EAAllva nmplWTIl E0NErEPIJA I\ail(o 'OpmoplO Ka~, IlliMH1PH <I>!lllMH naipvollv ~EPOc;: BYZANTI· NH .0{ rYNAIKEIA xopnIl.IA .0{ OPXHHPA Movw6ol: e. ~HMHTPIEct--X. KAI:lnTAKHI:-K . AI:mnTH.-. I\AMnpOnOY I\OI:- n. MAKAPnNHI:-'. !HPOMI MAI:-N . KAPANTAI\Hl:-r. ANAI:TAI:IOY -1\. MAY POnnprOI:-Il.. I:nHI\IOnOYI\OY. • ACP.,y'lo'l KOl imaYYEI-.ia nOln~Cnwv AI\EKA KATI:EI\H 01 CryWVE<; Toil ~ E9VOIJ<; po, ano niv "AAUKl11 UK; Tit" . E6vfVfpoia. Iooj.,I-Zw.Ovyo·Ka).6PPUlO-· AAoJ.lCrva-Xcivt Ti'j<; r palllOc;-T pino).,Il-6.Ep(3EvCKI'X io<;-'I'apilM£OoAOVYI-' Apoxwjla 'AKOUYOVTOI TloM6 ono 16 t.q~OTIK6IJaC; TpaYOOOIO Kai EXEt oov 4>lvOAE to nV€U)JOfIK O . EIJBo [~! !lO TOU ~ AYYEf..O-U I:1I(fAlovoi:r ~"OlJnpCK; 1301'1901'1 va OfllUOOOUPE T6v ij)..10 nOvw an' Ttl\l 'EIJ,66(1)).'OL; yvulmov XapoKT~p \Oe TO hoc:; noll 6\aWou ~.II: oov "ETOL Arrt.l\OY LIKEJ\lANOY •. ri n(!T~i( noi""" , PH r AI: BEJ\EH1NI\HI:-KAi\BO!:-l:OMlMo!:-nMAMAI:-l:IKEJ\IANOl: uEvo<; unl:poxo<; \).-YO<; m';Y 'OaJ&Epia KUK),04>0Pfi 01: Oimmuc;; 33 m~wv Kof KaohuC;; 06H, OIOpKlla 40' AmTO OfY KUK),04>0Pfi crro KmamitJlma 6iOKWV. eo TOV "apET( (o,IOKO " Kaoina) INSURED lu:ponop IKwc;;imo Titv ' A9itva Km' (oOliav. TlMATAI$10 o\lv$2.5O laxu6po.-IKG. EuI}.l (lI1V mnavfl 00<; (K512.50 m6v K . BASIL PAN DOS 510 W. I84th STR.(No. 4) NEW YORK. N.Y. 10033 "Eva no),u 6.-0p¢.0 XPI(TTOuVtYVlCnIKO Owpo. M"y bpq"pM"nE Ka9b).oLJ VI? ~v ,T1lu~TIlTa '~ai ..""'IKpiYfIO 1Jac:;.' Epva~6lJooTE VIa Tity 6Im"PIl"" Kai 6ICl6om'l TlOY mo WPOlW\I ,6(1\1IKWY TTl<; ~LJM\<: lJoe;. -Toue; OTI:)'YOlJt n(lVlOll, 'AlJtpu(rl Kal Kavoo6. u1touoaia. Clati 0.1..).01&<;, 1t&C; t::Io: yvwpiuouJ.u: OE noui 1rVe:UJ.latlKil 1topEia tPOltOU ~oo ~ <; 9thav Kal-I-hEpa va ~pE90UI1E; nou'>, al..1..o<; KpaTa.£po AoyaptaOJ.lo t&v KEpaOJ.ltvwv tJntUXlWv Kai TroV 1la1..olCllv mpaAJ.laTWV til<; atOJ.lIKf)<; Kai OUAAOYlKf}e; ~oo~, l1a<;; "Bo'190, Kai oKEn'1 l1a, • A '1 Kavap'1! Bo~90, Kai oKEn~ l1a,· A'1 MlaouA11! 801100<; Kai OI(C1t11 J.Lac; • Ayla Mavtw! (0_ 'EI-ut~,: To" A~IOV·EotU;T). l:uv£xw<; ol olavooull£VOl 'lOU ~9vou<;<; E1taVEK:tlJ..IOUV Kat ~ava£PJ.l11v£UOUV autOUe; tO ~ 1taAalOUe; Aoyapta0J.L0uc; KaSwo:; Ottlaououv ~a9ut£pa OtOV Tt£paoJ.l£vo xpavo Kat £1t£KTEtVOVtal 1tAQttJTEpa OTOU KOaJ.LOU Kai Otou uUJ.l1tavto; ttlV o.TtspavToauv11· 6.Ev tou; KaA.a 'lOU; 1tpoyovouo:;, Kl ae; tpt~ouv aKOj..1a 01 aaPKS; tOUe; J.l'a1lEA1tlaia Otte; cp1..eJ}te; vlowe; v&.tav )'tati otv CXOUJ.L€ oxoAEta. vIoroc; ytati litv J}piOKOUJ.L£ to Xpovo. Tuxaia dept£L KavEvo J}lJ}Aio tOU~ ato lEpla J.Lae; Kai £J.LCPUT£U£l J.llO: I:A1tioa aTl<; KapOt£e; J.Lo; no\) q>ffiV6.~£l Ott TOUe; CXOUj..1i: tOUe; 1tpoyovoue; yvwplm:l. TaAai1twpOl t j..1i:ie; V£OEAA11VEC;! Kopoili£uouj.l£ tOUe; tauTOue; J.La; J.L £ I:n:taK£'V£lC; anx 1tOO J.La.<; oe:lxvouv J.LOVO to OpOJ.lO YlO: til 00.).0.000.. aftoKtiloaJ.LE aKOJ.LO, 0 ' CAll t11e; tilv ftA!lPOtllTa, tilv ~£~aI6t~ta t~<; ounoytK~, a~ia, l1a, out< tfiV O"uve:lo11011 tau 1tAOUtOU J.La; 1tOU oUYKponi fI 1lv£uj..1atlKil 1l0A1TlCJtlKil ltapaoOO"l1 Tt;C; CPUAt;o:; J.Loe;. rt' auto , avti va <PPOVTl~OUJ.l£ va OtllPI~O J.Laot£ oav atOJ.La Kat oav OJ.Loytv£La OtOV cauto J.Lae; Kat otie; ltOA.lTlOtlK£O:; a~iEe; tfjo:; cpUAf'je; J.Lae;, ttpoottaSOUJ.LE 1tOA.ltlOtlKa va «tKJ.L0VTEpvlatoUJ.L£>O, a1topVOUll£VOl J.Lla 1tV£UJ.LaTlKtl 1tOA.lttOtLKfI 1tapaKota8tlK11 alWVtoT11Tae; oov av6.~tot Kat aVEVTlJ.LOl KA11pOVOJ.L0l. nOlO; 00. lliie; Aoyapuio11 tilv E·P:A11J.LatlKfI 1"OOt11 alto<pao11 tt;c; EvouvEio11t11e; i1 aouvEiolltlle; A1101l0VlQe;; 6.poJlllttKil Sa elvat )'ui j..1a.e; tau; QVa~lOUe; tn(yovotJ<; 1'\ a~Ei"Kt~ Kpio'1 <~<; totOpia<; . XA..e:ua0J.L0<; avri CttQIVOe; 9ci elval 6 J.ltoS&;. ME aoYKI-OVI0I10 \jIUX~ , SlaypatpEl ilIa tttOla tpaYlKtl Jla<; tUX11 6 Jl£yaAoe; 'EA.ut11e;: .. KaTQ1tp60w1to J.Lou EXAtOOOav ot VCOl •AI-E~avSpE!,: IStot<, dnav, 6 atpEA1'\<; nEpl~nt1'\, tOU al';'vo<;: 6 avaio9~to,. _. 6 an6~I-'1to, ano ti, tlyopt, tOU al';'vo,! 'E1lElOtl YOU OEV £X£l Kai a1to ~tva 8aKPUa Ktpooe; otv pyaivl:l Kat Oto 9aJ.LvO 1I0U Kai£l tilv aywvia llO<; J.LovO:xa KIl"ta8eXEt"al va oup£i , .. Ka"taltp60w1Io J.LOU oi veol •AA£~avSpEi, txAEuaoav! .. (0. 'H6t~,: To " A~IOV 'Eo<i, 1'). Na ha<; tlx611a I-6yo, noil I1d, XpEUi~OVtal ttEPlOOotSpEe; 1tav£1ltOtTJJ.ltaK€e; lop£e; NEOtAATlVlKWV l:ttouowv. 'EK£i to. T£Kva j..1ae;, J.Lt til OUOtTJ~.lQTlKil J.LEA..E:trt Kai SlE~oIiIK1'\ SlEPEUV~O~ 'EU~voov :Euyypacpi:wv 90 OUV£IO l1t 01tOltiOOUV til JlEJlalotrtta 1tOl Otlld~<; QVWt£P6t11 ta; . EA1..rlvo>v otoxaot&v IJE va 9tArlOOUV JlE KOJ.Lapl va. J.I.£TaOWOOuv tOUT11 Tfl IltllalotTJto Koi OTa naloul TOUe;. Ma.e; Uitt£1 6 atOxaoJ.loe;, t'I J.L0V1J.l.rt tao11 tOU oK£1tt£o9al aUOt11JlatlKa, t'I oUvrlS£la tOU otoxaoJ.l.ou .• H aTOj..1l1(tl Kai 6J.L0)'tvElaKll llae; ~lOil Klve:il"al 1tOA.U tJ.LrtElPlKcl, xrop!<; Koo~09EooplaKt, ouU~\jIEl" xoopi<; OUYK£KplJ.L€Va oxi:bla, xwpiC; KPlt"l"'l. ttpOEtOlJ.Laoio Kai Kpttl"tl {KavOt11ta. lalOe; auto va. 6cptlA£tal ato yt"{ovo; OTl otv ~XOU~£ apKEtoll<; 9£o~oil<; oul-).0YIKfI, 29 1tVEUJ,J.CltlKij<; oi1coooJlilc;;. Kai ioc.r)(; Y1Clti Kat Clt'.lTOUC; too'<;, A(rou<; 8€oj.1ouC; nOll tXOUjJE nA'1~~EAro, TOU, EXOU~H: a~LOnoLOu~E . £iolKm)c; Kai apKET01JC; 9EOllouC; noo va aYKaAul~ouv OAT) tnV 0).10ytVE1Q Kat va ,.mopEl i! 0j.10yi:VEtCl EKEi va ch:ovi~€l lilv "picrYl t11<;. va tj.11tVEEl TTlv \j1UxiJ t'1<;, vo. KClAAlEpyd {oaV1KCt Kat vel ltA.a9Et 1tVEOIlCltlKOUC; Opallaatl0l.lOUC; OlO u1toouveiS11tO trov 1tQt01OOV '[fie;· "Elm, TJ 1tVEUjJOtlKtl ~{J)r, TCOAltlOllKrl nap01Klac; j.1ao:; rivErat J.llO: oElpa uno ntrturn1itt~aa-aa-".a-,. 11'.... ••••• C7 XpoVla IJo)...}..a arav e<ponAZa!lKO KoajJ.o Kai a OAOVe; rove; vavrlAAojJ.evove; tflo:; «1t€- puttroUEIC;" Kat ltOte oev OUYKpoteitCH O' Eva OWjJCl aUv£lOl1trov KClTw9uvoewv. "Eope<; Neoe)..). TJvlKOOV 1:1[ouooov Eva Thow KEV6 eo. ea )lltOpoiJOQV J.l1IopoUoav va va €J.l1tVEOUV KClAU'II0UV. O"UvTi9€tCl til TOU O'UAAOYlICOU crtOXClOIlOU. Nit OTUnoupyouv Eva OWIlCl ouvElorrrrov KClu:u6Uvoeffiv nov 96.val (UtotEAEO'jJCl cruOtllJlalu:ou A6you. O'ICE'Vll~ Kat KpiOTl~ . • EKT6~ arc' TCi 7tP0<lva,t:pEp9EVTa 6JloyevElaKa Kai t9vlKa o'l'tA '11\" Eopa' El.UT'1 9a t~~a'l'aA~a£ l: ( I) "~va )lOVl~O tVOlQ'I'tpo~ ~vo~ tJ,lllJlato tou VEOU EmOtllJlOVIKOU 7 OUV<lJ,lIKOU tii~ AJ,lEPIKii~ at"v 7tVEUJ,laTlK" npoo'l'opa tOU Aaoli ~a,. (2) " Eva OlKO ~a, opyavo YUl Jllcl QV<lYKaia cmoo7taoll Tii~ a~EplKavlKij, 0~~6",a, yv<iJ~'1' at OOPE, KPlOlJlt~ Kat iOtOPIKE~. (3) "Eva OIKO JlU<; Kavo)...l yui tOU~ "EAAllVE'; olaVOOUJ,lEVO~ :n:Oll 9a tOU~ OlEUKOAuvel va OlOXtteUOuv OTO 61l0yevuaICo Kai to aJ.leplKaV1KO KOlVO tva aio9fltO pet) e:l. A.llvlKWV Q7to'Veoov, tva crmW.VtLKO Yla TOOr;; "EAAflVtr;; YEYOVO~, J.l.tcl tmepOxtl· AOYlKiit;: Aa'h,:ii~ {mootllpi~eoor; of: t9vlKcl 9tJ.lata lOU Aaou ~a,. naV£7tlOTflJ,ltaKtr;; Eopeo; NWEAAllVIKWV I:n:ouo.&v 5Jtro~ TOU fu.opyou Iet:pEPll (lTO XappapVt Kat TOU 'OouooEa 'EAUTll (lTO PaT)'Kep~ UJtOT&AOUV ti~ aptTlpiE~ )li:oro t&V 6rcoirov 6 tAAllVlKo'; 1tvEUJlattK6~ JtOAltLOJlOr;;. 6 ~AATlVlK6.; Tp67too; TOU OKE1rteo9at lCal SlolO9ci.veo9at 9a J.l7tOPOUOE VO: 0.10xenu9d OT<lOlOKa OtO euputepo QIlEP1ICOVIKO KOIV6, lCal va KaVEl lOUo; wEAAllVEr; mo lCOt<lVOlltout; Kal m:paotOUO; atOV QAAOc.pUAO ICOOJ.lO. ME t£tOlE~ ESpEr; to eSvor;; 0llJ.llouPyei .. tpa:n:E~e~ nvwJ.latocoov d~liiw .. 1l£000 tow 6noioov 01. 6J.lOYEvEio; Jla~ 9a ,mopouv va o.avei~ouv Kal va E:n:EVo.UOUV Sldo; touo; {oEto; Ota JlUaAa Kat mil auveiOllOTl ni')V ' AJ.lEpIlCavrov. XpEl(;~Etal T6 f9vo, ~a, Yla nOAAoiJ, A6you~ (1tOAITUCOU~, OlKOV0).11KOU,;, noAltLOnKou,; K.A.:n:.), t" o.llJ.llOupyia ).1100; tttOla~ 9EOJ.lIICt;o; nvEU)JatlKt;o; u:n:oo.oJ.liio; of: 7tEPIOo6tEpa 7tavE:n:lOTTH.lla. all JlOVO tiic; •A)J&pucii~, J.l.Ct liv Elval SuvatOV Kal 5A'1, tij, yij,. "OaOl ov)J7tatpt(r,tE<; CJU•.upoovouv Y1I1 tiJv avaYKalOt'1ta AEltOupyia, tij, fopa, 'EAUlll. )J:n:opouv 7tPOaoo7tllCa va aU)Jf}aAAouv atTJv O{lCOVOJlIKTJ npOlKOOOT1l01l MltOUPyiar; tTl<; t<lIUopo)JOOvtao; npoaro:n:nci:r; SroPEt.;, aale10 nooo J.llKptt;. OlO "Rutgers University Foundation for the Elytis Chair" . AP19)Jo~ lp a1tt~t tllCOU A.oyaplaa)Jou 01-\34-779 "'~ OlEU9uvo'1: Atlantik Bank of New York, G.P.O. 560, New York, N.Y. 10001. 30 Hellenic Ship Supply, Inc. Bonded Warehouse Custom House License No, 37 CAPTAIN ALEX KORAKIS, Manager 210 NORTH 13th STREET, TAMPA, FL. 33602 Tel. (813) 229-1507\:~_8~\;~\;~Ua.\i;~\;~"-.r: Han. and Mrs. Gabriel M oustakis And Son Wish all their friends in New York, in Chile and in Greece HAPPY NEW YEAR Santiago, Chile Capt. and Mrs. G. J. CARRAS New York, Athens, Kardamyla IJpae; anavrae; rove; VaVrlAA.ojJ.ivo~ evxowlJa eYKapt5fwe; AIEION KAI EYTYXEE TO NEO EI'OE Best Wishes From r pci'l'EtE Eva ,lAO aac; DARIOS PRINTING auvopof11JtTj atTjv «NEA YOPKH" New York City .NEA YOPKH· O( 'En~voa~EptKavtK', 1t\IEU~aTtK'<; TOY Kai Aoyon;XVUCE<; O'XEOEl<; Ka9cix; Kat 6 ·HA~va, ~EmvuaT~, m, 6E~a aT~v al1E- pu;:avIKr, AOyoTExvia, dVQ1t6<pEUICtQ StU~E Tilv 1topEia 'tTl'; ~ro"c; trov ~EtaVaatrov (npmt~" SEtitEP~, Kat aK611a tpit~, YEVtn,) at~v ' A~EptKr;, O! ax'aEl, nirrE'; Kai. 6 poloe; TOU ~ttaVaaT11 aT"v K. r . rIANNAPH Ka9TlYl]rT; CJrc, Deere College CJUV8tOVlUl Ctj.U:plKUVUC1l AOYOlEXvia «eYKQIVuiuTT]- Kata Tilv £1tQVclUTQOT] "tou 1821 Kat £vlO"Xu9'lKQV altO to ~EtaVaot£UtlK6 peUIlQ ote ttAOC; lOU 1tEpaOjltvou awvn Kat 7[tO Kay» OUVQJ.Luca Tci Olav ouc6 !lac; alcOva. ajJEpIKQVIKcl AOron;- 1tOAltlOtlKa, i1 qltAOAOYUCO: EvolacptpoV'ta YUI tilV' . EAMon «q)l)tPWOQv» Kat £jl1M:UUTT)Kav a1to to l:plAEAAT]VlKO pOJlavn0J.10 Kai XVl1d.l to KiVTUlQ yui titv acpoI.whooll lOU KAnona- OtliCOU TPOTtO\) smiic; o'ti.C; aplEe; TOU rt£paa~tvou a(wva, 'H ~UPWVtK~ 6'p~~ , nou dX£ ~a1tACl}9Ei 1tAo:tUI a.vajl£OQ (J'tOUe; KOAAlTtXVE<;. cruyypacpElc; Kal OlUVOOUJ,l£VOUC; ati, H,n,A" S~~tOtiP1~aE Eva ouvato p£uJ,J.u oUVOpO~l'fl<; O"fOU<; J.JaX0J,J.EVOUC; "EAAllVE<; tvtlvnQ aroue; TOUPKOU<;. npoJtootati)oavtE<; O'TT)V KiVllOll aUTfJ T)tav at )lOpq>(t)Jl£VOl ' AJlEPUcavoi, ai 1[01~t'" o( nE~orPU<jlOt, o( o~~oatoypu<jlOt, 1tAOUOlOl ta~lol&Tf:C;. ~llJloalo)'pc:i:q>Ol Kat ouyypa~ti<; OAKi;c; OftWC; 6 XtPJlClV MEA~tA, <'> Na6ava~A nUpKEp rouiHt" ot 6 OuamYKtOV wIpvl'YK. 6 MapK TOOOlnV. 6 <I>tPlJ..lOP Kou:rn:p ()'1Il va 1U:plOplo"r& ~6vo atou, nE~oypU<jlou<;) IiXt ~6vo Bor;8Tloav )...iyo-noAu UAUCa TOV arrova, &1.J..6: 1(Clt£ypa-VQv tiC; EUVOUld:C; )lUI tOix; "EAA'lVE<; €1taVaOtatE<; tvtUrtOOOE1<; tou<;. OTa Epya toU" ·EAA~vE' ~P"'E" lin",<; 6 Kav6p~<; Kt <'> MtaotiA~<; yivovtUt xapaKT~pE, O£ lpya troy rouiA)...l<;, MiJ.. fh)'" Kat Map" Toooi~v. !l'v ava<jltpo~at tM at~v nA~6Wpa t~, <jltAEn~VtK~, a~EptKaVtrij, "oi~a~, (ano t6tE ~XPt Tel np6a<jlata xpovm) 1tOU elV OUA.A.ExtEi J.l1topEi va (i7tDn:HO£l J.1lO: nOAD 1tA.OUOla rtapalCata9il"'l A.oyon:.xviac; Kai nov J,J.6Al<; uuutaIa fXEl 1tpom:xtd ano n:aVE1tlOlTlJ.llQKOUC; 01tOOC; 6 Btipwv Pai1;~, di, 'Ano to 'lAAO ~po" 'A~EptKaVOt otaVOOUI1EvOt rvWpt1;av tOV aPXa10 EAA.llV1KO 1tOA1TlOI.1() Kai 1(OU brio'l<; dXav no" Kcl1tOlCl UlEtlKt; O{KOV0J.11KiI £UXtp£lQ, 'A~PtK~ 6p<pava ~ tao E<jlEpaV aT~v AEVtO nUtOUl ano il tTjv 'EAMOn, YUl va J.10p<pmBouv O'ta aJ.1£PIKQVlKa nav£nlO'tii· tll OlclpK£ta tou ai6lVQ J.1a~, onol) 11 n£~o ypa<jlia 'EAAr;vwv Kat 'En~voa~ptKa viilv (O£Ut£Pll Y£VlO:) 0'11l.l£lWV£1 o"J.1QVtlKiI JtQPouoia Kal !lVOOO J.1E:O'Q O'tTjv' AJ.1EplKavlKJi AOYOt£xviQ. AI)O'tuXc:i)~ ).10VO Ka'to: 'to. t£l,.£utaiQ £il(oO't xPOVta aPXiC£l t~ aUat~l1at!K~ Kat nA~pO<pop~~v~ E- pEUva va J.1£A£tU toO'o tTjv aYYAoYAOOO'o" 00'0 Kai tJiv EAA"voy~woO'" n£Coypa<pla, ypa~~'~ ano 'EH~voa~EptKavoUe; Kat 011J.100U;U).1tVll otie; HilA. Elvat a~lOO''').1dooto to on yupro OtOU~ O€:KQ ano tou~ tpuivtQ n£pinou n£soypa<poue; dvat yUVQiK£~ . E{olKonpa tp£ie; an' aUTE" ~ !l~~~Tpa BUKa-Mnp6ouv, ~ BapOouAUK~ Kat ~ 0eavw nanci~oYAotJ-Mupyap~ ~nopEi va 6EWP~ Maip~ Gouv O'KQnQv£i~ tOU EAJ...llVOQ).1£plKaVl- KOU ~u6taTOpr;l1atO" 'H BtlKa-Mnpuouv, e{OtOpUl::£~-nO~ltlK£~ ).1£Att£~ yupro ano noo ).1£tQVclO't£UO'£ anD ypaljlE, tHO<; Kal ano tTl MIKpaoia Tel 3-4 a~~aVTtKa nE~ci, to tOUPKtKO 1;r;t~~a, to naAut! ("itav ~EVt~EAtKtu) Kat tnia,], dvat ano tou<; npWtou<; A6y1OU, (Kathjy*pta al1E- a. PIKQVl1CO nQvt:nlcrt~lllO) nou, J.1QCi ).1£ tOV Ka6~y~t~ tou Xup~apvt' AptatEio~ <l>outpio~ , ~Et;;Cj)paaE ·EAA~VE' nE~oyptlCj)ou, ata ayyAtKa TO (920, 'H nanu~orAoo - Mupyap~ yp6<jlEl 116vo aTa En~vtd, tvro 1\ Maip~ BapoouAuK~ 6EwpEltat ~ npW~ auyypaCj)£a, nou yEVV"ST]KE otilv • A).1£PIKTJ KQi noo KQtQnta- at11KE ~ T~V ~w~ trov 'EH~voa~EptKa- vwv OtO ).1UB10'tOP'1).1Q "Gold in the Streets" (1945), 1:tJiv m:plOaO autfJ fltav nou . EAA'1voaJ.1£pl1CQVoi ouyypa<p£ie; otpt<poVta1 O'ta. oUJ.1paivovta em' xoopa trov YOVlrov tOue;. Tpi.a a~lOol1Jl£irotQ ).1UBIOtOPTtJ.1at(l trov nWA l:tE<jlawEA~ Kat mil Mtxa~" nE1;n Jt£ptypa<pouv 9i:Jlata Kai ytyov6ta tTJ~ ' EAMoa" ·Eva, lino, apt6110<; l1u6tatoPllJ.1at(l)V, tOUAclX10tOV OE.KQ aKO).1T]. ypa<jlT~Kav ano to 1945 m, to 1959. Mi: to K~£iOl~O flie; oE1Ca£tiac; tou' 50 tY1CQlvlaCetUl ).1Ul v£a n£pi.oaoe; 6PJ.1'1tlKOtT]ta~ OOOV a<popa tfJ om.noupyuCOtl1ta, to civayvrootl1CO KotVQ 1CU1 tilv avayv<i>plOT) trov 'EAATlVOQj.t.E:p1Kavrov ouyypcuptoov tfJv uJ.1£plKavl1CfJ KPltlKTJ .. AnD tTjv n£pi000 tKEi~ Kat ~£XPt twpa ~ £n~voa~E p1KaV1KT! Aoyot£xvia aVtaVQKJ...U n10 n1O'tO: 1Cai n10 E:vtEXVa tfJ OUVElalltonoillO''1 trov ~Etava.crtrov Kai tWV natotii)v tOU~ Y141 tilv o.vciY1Cll va Ill).. rlO'ouv Bapp£tO: yui ttlV KataYOOYTl tOU;, tou "' EAATlVa. j.1£ta- ana vtlot~, yta t~V atirxpo~), 'EnuOn (!aTOptK~ Kat aYYAtKu, rtipw aTa tptcivta ~U6taTOpr;~m avanAtl60uv t~ ~w~ ata trov 'EA.ATtVroV O'tTjv • AJ.1£PIKrl . aAAft Kal xapaKtTlpa tOU 'E~A"voall£plKavou y£vuc6.. 'E1Ct6~ anD tOU; napanclvoo, J.1D- to 6tatopr;~am EypaljlaV Kat ~aA~" ' JaaaK MnEAEpio~" taciK~ , !lci<jlv~ o( To~ TatlPo~uv~ Kw- • A6a , 'Aptuo~ T6~aov, MtltPEP, nijTEp l:otiptav, T1;t~ Kat elAAOt, 'AVTW~, NtiH~, EuwXtO/lEVll XPOvt<l of: OA.OU<; NIKO~ ZYMAPH~ 'Ooov,larpoc; (Assistant Professor N.Y.U,) 41-19 77th STREET, ELMHURST, N.Y, 11373 TEL. (212) 779-4100 l1,a, Kat' autov tOY tp6no aVO(Xt~KE 6 Op0J.10~ yui ti)v n£pantpm 1tV£UJ.1QtlKTJ auvEpyaaia Kat tTj aTEp£w~ TroV OtyAwaO'lKrov, trov OlE:KnO~ltlOtlKOOV Kai aKQa,,J.1Q1KWV oxto£rov twv aoo xrop<ilv. O! ' En~vIlI~ RUMVEi<; ·Eva, ano toUe; npWTou<; ·E ....~VE, ~. mvuaTE<; nou ~P~KE EIl<j>Opa EOnCj)O<; v6 o~~oatEtiaEl Tt<; nEptnETEt£<; tOU ano tTjv KataatpoCj)~ tfj, X(ou (Kat ~Ta ~op<p~ l1u6taTOpr;l1aTO<;) "'mv <'> XptaTeXpapo<; KaaTavaK~" To 19S( KOKAo<popEl TO 1'tJ6tat6p~~ tOU THE GREEK EXILE, nov aTo eiSa<; TOU (TEXvOTponla \Cat Xp6vo<; O~~touP1(a,) v1UpTEp.l KU\ ltpamElta1 EVO<; auyY£voii, ~o6taToPTil1aTO<; (TO -Aoo:<:rJ ."..apc::..) tot: Bt'KH.<l.. "'O~ "'tav x:ata a. . 0 iaTpo<; Kat" Ka rEropyiOl> E. KOKOtUKl1 Ei5xovrm a' OAOVe; rove; rpiAOVe;, avvaoiArpovc; Kai rr,v •Op.oyeve/a EVrVX1(Jf.1iVOr; 0 Neor; Xp6vor; 30-02 30th DRIVE, ASTORIA, N.Y, 11102 IANOYAPIOl: 1982 TEL. (212) 728-0325 31 ·0 To oEon6~ov SEIlQ ata llu81oropru.tata nou , npoavacptp911KQV dvcu ri avciYKTl t~, Btat~p~a~, tl'j, t9VIK';, Kat napaOOOlClKfjC; toot6t'1to<; tOU HEAATlVa oro vEO lOU 1tEplpaAAov. tvro tauroxpova (va «Q:Vtt-6tJ,tU» a.nClVtQ OTt1V <iv<iYKll tt;C; avanocpWKtTlC; acpoj..1oiwO"Tl<; an; VEa KotVW via. -Etal, Ka9oi, ~ • En~VIK~ nEp~'I'a veta yui rtlv KCl}.AtlexvIKT] OYUllo11pyia K. APH~ ~AN QvtPXEtQl OTT) ou:9vt; KOlvrovia, ouotllJ.1atlKa, 1tal~ha t"~ ot6ttpl1~ Kat tPltll~ YtVla~ J.lttavaotrov ltOU ypaq)ouv Ota UYYAlIC<i, Euxeral (1riTv edeKriT neAareia roD B~AWVOUV ~ t a{",oBo~ia Kai u'l'o~a. noi, airnlKl 0X1 clAAll €Ivai" KaTaywyt1 TOU':; Kat Otl a<pOJ.lOlCOOl1 OtV OllJ.laiv£1 t~aq)aVl0t1 tOU~. rUYKEKplJ.l€Va ouo ouyypa<ptl~, " . A9~va Kai (1' OAOKA1'fP1'f rr,v •O/-loyevew EYTYXEE TO NEO ETOE To Sirocco, Jlf: Tr,V via TOU nAtjpl'J dvaKaivl(J1'J Kai tf,aiperl'J OtaKO(JIlI'J(JI'J, eYlvc eva npaYJlaUKO KapdPI nov (Jar; w;mrpep[;1 (Jrir; yaAtjVl[;r; t)J.I'JVIKi;r; BdAa(J(JCr;. SIROCCO: 29 East 29th Street Tel. 683-9409 or 683-9410 .,,:..*:..,,:.....:.."':..,,:...:.,.-~:.,,:• .~.~ •0 • I€puT. Ilpoto"Tu)l€VOe;, 6 Ilpo€8poe; Kat TO LU)lPOUAto Tile; KOlVoTllToe; ~T AYPO Y Whitestone TIMI 0 Y 105-05 12th AVENUE, WHITESTONE, N.Y. 11357 TeL (212) 767-0996 ara Evxovrm /-IeA1'f Kai (1' OAOKAIJP1'f rr,v 'O/-loyevew KAAH XPONIA npOEt.PO~, KAI TO 0 IEPAT. npO ' HTAMENO~ ~YMBOYAIO TH~ IHOPIKH~ KOINOTHTO~ TOY ArIOY l:TIYPIAnNOl: Euxovrm /-Ie rr,v dJKalpia roD eopra(1/-1oD rfjr; 50eriar; rfjr; KOlVOr1'fror;, Evrvxer; Neo "Eror; (1' oAa /-IeA1'f, evepyerer; Kai ()7r0(1r1'fP1Krer;, Kai (1' OAOKA1'fP1'f rr,v •O/-loyevela. ro ra 124 WADSWORTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10033 TEL SW 5-5870 32 - Ntal.Aa, Kat {Biro, <'> 1 '1'o~oiroa~ . napaBoa~, (atOpia Kh.)UAAU tEKIlTlPla - epya papUOT;J.1<lVta nou, nOAAte; <pope.:; . ~EnE pvouv OJ.1Ola epya .auyypa<PEWV aAAWV t9VIKOTt;TWV Kat civTaycoviCOVTal OTOV aJ.1EpucavlICO Kat blE9vij 1tVEUjlaTlKO otipo , onoo~ T) nEpiJrtwall TOU llETpaKTj. Mu91Otopt;J.1ata, OlTjyTlJ.1ata, aAAa. Kal J.1EAtTE~ mlvw cf alna. ylvOVtalnA.EOV Kupla 9t~ata at~v ,pEOva Kai t~v KPltlK~.<il.AU Kai ~AKUOUV to tvc'5tatptpov toti YEV1KOU KOIVOU, Oi tpyaalE':; trov T~WptC KpiaTu, Xapp~ Mouvt~06p~ Kat Taup1-, T~ap~l, olapal;ovtal clnAl1O'ta O:1tO to aJ.1EplKaV1Ko K01VO. Kai. €IvaI ytyovoo:; nooo:; ouyypaq)Et.:; aAAwv t9vIKOTrltrov, Kupiro.:; •ApIlEV101 • aOXOAOUVTal Kata eva illKpO ii J.1Ey<iAO noaoato ~t tov -El.A~va t~, · A~EPIKl'j,. Atv 90: npt1tEl va ~cxaO'td ncb.:; 6 K1Vllllatoypa<po.:; Kai T) tTjACopaO'l £Xouv ciPKE:tf.~ 'l'Opt, Kai ~t ~Ey,iA~ tnltUxia napou- OUiO'€l to 9tJ.1a «"'EAAllva.:; J.1€TavaO'Tll':;» Kat tOV 'EAA'lVOall€pIKav6. TOUAaXlOtOV bmi c.plAJ.1~ txouv lCaAu\j1tl aKpoailUtlKOTllTa XlAlaowv Kai, j..ItPlKQ bcatoJ.1J.1upiwv aKpoatWV (Ka~av. nEtpaK~" l:a~aAa,. BAlixo, K.U.). Tu aEvapui tOu, (.' A~tpIKa , A~tpIKa ••• K6t~aK" K.U.) npiv ~ ~EtU I~~.~_~.:i:e ~:i:e":"''':'''':i:e'':''.:.~ o Nta~l, Xappu MaPK nEtpaKlle; otpe<poVTal OttlV 'Elt<xvaot<X0ll TOU 1821, Yla va ~Ei~ouv tilv"pWlK6tllt<X i1 tfiV tP<XYIKoTllTa tile; J.lOlpa~ TOU NtotAAllva. ' H thCOOaEtia 1960-1980 eXEl nAEov va ()El~El 0Xl toao til OuvEXEla Ti;.:; ava1t1"u~11e; nov nUl ncivoo 9q.1O:TOOV (J..lETavciotl1e;. tilv KlVllJ.1Utoypcic.pllOl1 yp<iqHllKav Kai tumo911Kuv w~ j..IU910"tOpnIlQTU. AlOVtapl at1)v KupSui tOU To 'EAAl1VOOJ.1EplKavlKo J.1U910tOPl1J.1a 'XEl nAtov <ptaaEl t~V nA~p~ oipi~ava~ tOU ~t ta !pya tOU Xappu MapK nEtp<iK~. '0 nttpch::ll':;. YEVVl1J.1i:vo.:; O'tO l:lKciyo ~f. KPl1tlKtl Kataywyn, £Xtl Kcivel TtlV «'EAAllVlKtl n6Al1» tOU I1Kciyou TO OPJ.1l1nlPI0 tOU. Kata Ko;n010 tpono 'ri l;wn TOU dval l~hQ Kai tunuci) ~E ICcige -EAAllvn Til.:; • AIlEplKr;.:;. '"EXtt 50llAE\j1tl of. tP'YoOtaOla. tXEl XP'lJ.1atiOtl XPl1J.1<XTOlltoitll':;, EOtlQTopa~, xapTon<xiXtll~. ouyypa<pEa.:; CIlI- AIWV .• AVatp<i'l'~KE rI Eva nEpllk\Uov tVt£AW, tAA~VIKO (6 nattpa, tOU EYIVE nana,). liv Kl' 6 'iBIO, nott Mv dXE tmaKE'I'9Ei t~V Kp~t~ otav ~rpa'l'E ta ~U91crtop~~ata tou. T~ atly~~ au~ EXEt B~~lOupy~aEl axoA~ auyypa'l'IKl'j, ttxv~, .NEA YOPKH .. OtO I:IKO:YO nou tt)V napaKoAou90uv 1[01..1..01 taAaVtOUxol ' A~pIKavoi, Evib to. plpAla tau, i:K'ro~ ano tt)v £d.aiKLUoTi tou~. Xpt)ol~onolOuVtal c:b~ EniallJla EYXEIpiota Ota . A~EplKavlKa oxoAEia. To np&to tOU Jlu9lotOPllJla "Lion at my heart", KUKOCPOPllOE to 1959 .• AKOA.OOet,aav oAAa 6xtoo e:pya. naAATlKapta Kat nEPllCPo:vEta, 6 f1£TpaKll~ oEIxvEl to POAO tou KplltlKOU natipa TOU Ilioa Ott) CWrl tou: AlOVtaPI OTt)V Kapola tou . . Ano to np&to tOU KIOAa<; e:pyo JlCiC; nar'0uaulCEl tOV V,.. ATlVOaJlEpIKClVIKO Koa~o JlE PEaA.lUJlO, xWPt~ unEKcpuYEC; Kat KPU\lflVOlEC; onwc; Ch:plP&e; E{vm' JlE ti.e; lOLOtponiEe;, ti~ aOUVaJllEC;. tic; cpaywJ.uip£C; tou. <f)UOlKo. to £A.ATlVOaIlEpIKclVlKO KOlVO KatEKplve tOY f1EtPO:Kll YIO. TiC; anoKaAO'VE1~ Kai «npoopoAE<;>' toU ~EAATlVa (J"toUC; •Allepllcavooe;_ TIapOJlOlE<; KpltlKte; &XOUV E~U Kovtlu9Ei Kui at auyypa<peiC; aAAwv t9VlKOt~TOlV: T1;E~~, <I><iPPEA (ipAavo6,), <l>iHln poe (Eppaio,), Maplo noG1;o (ltaAoc;). '0 TICtpaKTle; EJlElVE :n:lat()e; Kat o:ntOlltOC; Ott)v 0llJlLOuPYla tOll. :EuvEXiCEl Kal ota oAAa tall e:pya va oKlaypa<pEi Kat vo. ~wv'taveUEl, h :toc; dn6 to. o:ouvata Kat t:n:tA.Ti'Vqm, ·nl: ElOIKa. Kat XaPl-rWJlEVa xapaK-rTlPl0tU(a. -r&v 'EAArlvwv tile; , AJlEPlKilc; .• 0 KpTlLlKoe; na-rEpac; toG MalK otv oUYKata-ri8etat va nClvrpwtei 0 Yl0e; tOU Jlla 'IpAClvoE~u. Kai M:v 9E:A£l va. yivEt 6 YelJloC;, liv yivEt, Ott)v taoE €KKATloia, yta-ri 6 nana.e; £IvaI paOlA.IKO~ hw 6 iOlOC; dvat PEVl~£A.lKO~. 'EKtOC; ti] PEClAlOtIKi] KPltIKTJ, Tj ne~oypCl<pi.u Kai ot Cwv-ruvoi XClpm;:riipEe; -rOU TIUPelKll Jlt to o:ni9avo XLOUJlOP tOUe; K<lVOllV -ra. tpya tOU va. f:~EXOUV o-ro £looe; tOue;. Me e'EAAllVE~ AOyOtEXVE~ tOU MOVtPEUA Ml; idmirt::.po tVOlarpepov rpr))..}.op,trpr,aap,e to {31{3)io «iloilfalf - ar.lpa npdJr:,,» nov e(,eowac. re)wrafa b "Op,IAot:; 'EAA~vwv Aoyorexvwv Movrpe6J... 'Ano to /31{3UO - avA.Ao}'~ 12nOllfn.IJv flc.rarpepotJ.c tOw tpia xapaKttlplGtlKo. &i)'fwta. Mavpo - aarcpo 'EJw navov aro Boppa tlJ.1.aare nzo KOvra aro 8eO. Fvpw an' ra igloo KarefJaivovv avvexe/a ayyeA-OI J.1.i aanpa \fIaUovra, Yla r~v aiwVlorl)ra. 'EaKIJ.1.wo, npenci vaval 0 8eo, 1'1£1 KI dno' aw Opi,el ro KJ.iJ.1.a OAOV rov KOaJ.1.ov. '0 xpovo, J.1.a, dVai an),w, 1'1£1 J.1.ipa Kai 1'1£1 vvxra. POAOY/a atv I'a, XPela'OVrai Yla va J.1.erpovv ro XPOVO. Ei ri TaXa e' aUa'e ~ 'w~ J.1.a,; "EXOI" trpra Ai(el, Yla ro XIOVI, 1'£1 Yla napeA-eo v if J.1.tAAOV. 'EKelva Oiv ra fJAtnOVJ.1.e. 'YrrapXel J.1.0VO ro a~wpa. 'H <!>val) rrov J.1.a, rrePlfJaAAel (ipel ro jdAAOV Kai npofJAirrel, dpKei rov, VOJ.1.0V' rl)<;- v' dKoAoveovW. <!>QTHE KOMlJOPOZOE Frobisher Bay, 1976 ano TO. OUO ~U810tOpt;llata, •.'H 'Ooooo£1a TOU Kooo-ru BoAaK.".' (1963) Kat« To OVEIPO BaolAl<ioOlv" (1966) 6AOKA'1pWVOOV tit nOptpaitCl TaU 'tU:n:lKOU "EAAllva ano ti]v apXal6t~ta (OouooEa,) ~EXPI tOY ZopJlnCi. To UAW-rClio EPYO toO f1£'tpaKll •.'H ciipa t~, Ka~naya,,, (1976), ~a, <PEPVEl KI' au-ro atllv £'navao-raoll tOU 1821, OXt ~6vo at~v KP~T~, aHa a' OA~ t~V 'EAAelba.. ' Ano -r,;v 'tptAoyia nou 0XEOlelCEl £XEl KllKAocpoPtlO£l to npibto Jlipoe; Jlovo. 'Eo& 6 TIupaKll~ <ptaVEt, aAAa KCli ~£nEpVa 0XEOOV, Ka9£ nH. o jJU9l0'tOPLOypo:<po tOU Eiooue; -rOU tOtOPIKOU jJU910tOpt;IJ.a-roe;. "'EXCl EnioTl~ Kata1tlamEi Jlt to ptoypaqHKo Jlu9to-ropTwa: eva YUl tOV iOlO teal ttlv OiKOYtvUcl tau Kl Eva Yla. tov 'IpAavc5o TIooA rKclA~lV. Kat CJta. ouo auto. [pya 6 il€TpaKllC; dVCll KCltac:puv&~ Eva~ jJclOtOpa<; tOU ptoypmplKou, onwe; Kat tOU {OtOptKOU teal tau KOlVWvtoAlytKOu jJU8l0tOPTJllatoc;. ElvCll Ka-ra OOVE:nEla 6 KUPto<; h:<ppaoti]c; jJla.e; nA£upQe; roo 'EAATlVlOJlOO, tOOO tfi~ OlClonopiie; 000 Kat ti'j~ 'EU<ioa" ato ~uela,6p~~. HVCll AOlJtOV Kat' apXtlv to VA.IKO lllEtaVelOtEUOTl, OlClOnOpa, napelOOO'l), ciAAa teal to tOA.£VtO nou £Xouv Ol1tMlOU Jlla 6A6KA'1P~ atlpQ ~pyOlv 'HA'1VOa~Epl Kavwv, EPYWV nou oUO"tUXw,;; Jl£VOUV ayvooo'tu OtO tAA'lVtKO KOlVO Kat OtOU~ Aoyiou~. JANOYAPJOI: 1982 T' aAoya TpiXave va rprGaOVVe aT/iv dJpa KI eav KOIra'OVra<;- rov<;- &ixre<;- rov POAOYWV eVOlWee, r~ jdpa vaval dreAclwrl). To aroJ.1.a aov KAelaro . .. ''Yaupa drroKolJ.1.~eI)Ke,. '0 Jvvaro, aVeJ.1.0' ro naywJ.1.ivo rrpoawrro aov Ka! aoil J.1.IAOvae pVeJ.1.IKa Yla r~ avvixela. To pOAM eKei araJ.1.aTl)ae ... Kai 01 dKivl)U, aKi\flel, aov fJp~KaVe ra aAoya VeKpa. L1HM. NTAAAE JIp6oJoc; Twp qmivel';; rrpo.;; ro rtAo,;; aov, alwva, aniv rrpoolio I'a.;; litv vrraPXel ma rppayl'o,;;! r darpa, rpeyyapla, ai KeVO 'III/Ad nerufl£ KI DAa ani y~ erVa/ IJpijvo.;; Kai AII)'I'O, ... "AvlJ" Ka! (wa Ka! rroVAla apyorrelJaivovv, IJOJ.aaae.;; Ka! nOral',a yil'laav PPWl'la . .. "OnAa lJavarov r~ (w~ KarapYOVVe, aKopma GTO XWl'a roa' avlJpwmva KOPI',a . .. Twpa rrou ndel b n).av~r".;; aro xal'o rov, rpVye mo yp~yopa, alwva E1KOGrt . .. E1Koart rrpwre, nou eo. iipIJCI';;, ai pwrufl£: IJdplJez 1'10. npoolio.;; OJ."lJlv~ nort; MAP8A ZEH "'u; 33 Ot plieD nQAQIOU:POl KOq>tVElO 8ci 8Uj..lOUVtal to ioto- ZaXapo'tou at"'v nAan:ia :rrou auxva~av O"uY'YpmpEic;, l:uvtQ:Y)..lato~. 1tOlllt£~ Kai 0TJJlOolOypaq:lOl, {moupyoi Kat ltProllV ltOAITWOj..lEVOl, Ka611Yl1T€C; naw:- 1tlOlllJliou, a:rroo"rpa'tOl d~lWJ.latucoi. Ka1 tl.)J..Ol b.A£KTol 1tEA.QtEC;. 'Ev TOUfOl'; SEY ~tav 1[Oti: YEJ.UI-ro! 1:t6 Kaq>EVElO TJ ,,6.8£ CJuvtpocpui elxe tTlC; j..l6Vlj..lO olbcI, nOD KQVtiC; QAJ.. OC; OE:v £n:atPVE ttl 9toll tTlC;. tOOO tOV XElj..lWVa 00'0 Kai KQAOICaipl 0"[0 1tE~oop6j..110 Kai crt"V an:tpavtTl 1tAatda, ouco To Ka<p€v€io Zaxapatou 'AVaJLVljO"w; rov K. EflYPOY MINQTOY to Kat t1tEIOTt CPOtX;» btPOK€lTO yui cropapouc;. «00- Kai 1-1£ KUpOC; Ka1 OUVEXWC; 0XOAHi~ovtac; OU~TJtouoav KaBe: VEO, 6 KOO,,",O'; tOUe; lXEYE «n:poucria TOU Zaxapa:tou», Ittlv livtucpuvi} a.KPIPWC; ywvia "tav OEJMOJ.J.lO PIPAlO1tWA&io TOU 'EAwgepouM"". 0UflQJ.1at to pa&U 1I:£v90.; )'10: tOV to Savato tOU Ottvou cpiAoo TOO Zax.apia nanavtwvioo. "OAt~ at Pltpivt~ aOtlQOaV Kat oKtnao9riKav Kpbna, h::TO~ TT)V KEVTPIKTl. nOll dXE 6AOKAllPT] OKEnaoTEi J.lE Eva 9auJ.laO'lo XElpoypacpo: OR npoaE.UX~ roo TanClvoiJ, tou aAllo~OvT]tOU nanavTwviou. KavEva TO. lOTOpUCo. auto. Ktipta otv oro~Etal 1tUl. I:TTl 9tOT] tou ZaXapatOO invroVtTal 0Tll-u:pa TO i>1tEP0X.O j..IEyapo «M£piVTtav)t - to 1tOAUTl:AtOftpO Kai apXIttKtOVIKW~ j..IovaolK:o ~EvoooX£io j..IE Ti}v ano napOlKia jJae; "t"'<; NtQ':;; 'YOPlCll<; yVWPI0£ VEWtalO, w<; OTtVQ cpiAO Kat ouvEpya'tll tau d~tx.acrTou I:o<pod.f) BEvl~tAou KUlnoD OTllltpa Aoyapui~E'ta\ ro.:;; tva.:;; o.1tO tOUe; IJEyaAuT£poU~ Kai 1tAOUOIWttpOU':;; "E)..)..TlVt<; trnXEIP'1jJat{E<; Kai aPXOVtE<; Tti.:;; •A8Tlva<;, a."~aywvl~OlltvO<; tOY 8PUAIKO nui rlaWll I\firo'1. nou b:avt npiv l:va Xp6vo &&po ~na 1tOAut£A.taTatTl SaAaJ-UnO 0' Eva Apafkt l:£iXTl. Ella yvwpiaEl Kat aUtOV crt" NtQ 'YOpKTl Kat napaotti OTD. tYKaivla tOU 1tprorou ypaqltiou TOU OTOll':;; 42 bPOjJouC;, wanoD IJEtQ<PEp9", otD VEO Kai t010KtTltO jJEyapo tOO .. nttpo:k.a .. , W va EvruXla/J.evoc; b KmvovpylOC; Xp6voC; T~V A W(;()vva17 Kai TO IJpoawmKO rov 'Ano ano ltEp('1"W~ <jIapoEl(\ ~ap~aptvla <mlAa Iii, to h:to natwj.lo, nov 60rrrti OtT) Brasserie. "Eva<; "c1"lltTlpa<;; ~t OtOAT) ~ou OUVIOTQ. v· dvtpw va. Til 0&. NO~loa Ott ~ovo j..IEOW .~, eau~clal'" ~w ~KEi, aKclAa, au ~ltopoDaa V 6.vt- Kal KouToa-Kothon KaTacpEpa va. c.p9ciow oro 6ntpoxo ~OttatOpLO, onou E~avrA~~tvo, ltUl, K(;e~aa at~v ltp"t~ KapEKAa nov f3p",Ka ~npoora ~oo. 6tv 61tllPX£ OUtEl:va<; nEAciTTlC; Ktivll tT)v ropa! EacpvIKd £loa va cpBavTl plaOtlKd 6 Maitp tOU ntpicpTl~ou ~OTlat6plou. pwro>VTa<; ti E",eu~oijaa va ~oij <jItp~ . Tov Euxap(at'1- 00., AtyoVta<;; 'IOU on d~al O'1~OolOypa cpo.:;; Kl' liVEPllKa ~OVO ano 1tEplEpYEla. At.'lTO<; cS~ooe; brEj..l£VE va jJE KEpaOll! Tou apYTi91lKa Kai miAl, Ka1 jJ6Al; aovll:k.9a, xoopi; va KOUVllScii Ka90)..00, aPt loa va 9au~al;w t~v TtK1"OVllCT) 0Xl --~, Inn MOTOR LO DGE & R E ST AlJRAf\lT "'IWeUVTll, PETER SIDERIS tv<EAW, ltPWtOtUltl] apXI- tOU ~atlaT6plou, ~6vo at~v ' A9~va, j.lOVablKOU ana Kai at" BaA- KaVla. ProT1l0a 1tOU £Ivai TJ £~ooCX; Kai jJouoEl~av ato ~aeo, t~ aElp" aaava'p rul. K<l9E opO<jlO.1:E ).(ra oEU<Ep6AEltta ~plaK6- jJouv OtO t06YELO. Kar01tlV EjJa9a nd>.:;; to U1tEPOIO mho jJ£yapo, nov 6 Ka9t ,",Xu<; tou otKontoou Route 1-9, Woodbridge, N.J, Te!. (212) 636-2700 altotl~atm XIAlaoE, XPOOE, AipE" aV~KEI a~~Epa atov nauAo BapolvOYlaWTJ, ltOU 1\ EYTYXIEMENOE 0 NEOEXPONOE Louis Butter Eggs & Cheese Co. Inc. )$ V~J!.!3~2~6~3~~I~83~~OS 8419 7th Ave., Brooklyn, N,Y, 34 .NEA YOPKH- (>tou<; 55 8pol1ov<;. ~ Htav arro TOUO:; AIYOO"-rOUC; dv8pwrrouc; rroo jl£ htu1twcriam: jl£ lilv a<pH.€ta 1tOU oll1ydto ncO.:; apXlcrE niv K<It01t1 KaT(l- 1tAT)K"tlKT) oTaolOopollia tOl>, JlUa<pEpov- tao:; JlE Kahaa 7tPOOKUV1')ttc; anD niv avth,pu nd.07tDW'100, KatUKffiAO K(It Ku)J·rlvTl. O"-ri] ZtiKuv80 Oti) YlOpttl tou • Ayi.ou OTic; 24 Auyoocr!Ou nOD rivEral it At'TaVEla . • A8up6crtojloC; uAAa Kai T€:pac; opaotllplat~to<; Kui t~unvaoa<;. avtEA~<p9~ all". awe; tiC; iKC1v6tlltE<; tOU <bci8EP rKptYKOPU tile; •ApXtEmoKorrfjc;, noo dXE Kc:X).1El tOY <iYlaOjlO ara ~YK(li.VlU Kai tOV 7tPOOEAUP£ ajlf:oooc; cruvEPya:rll_ L' Eva Xp6vo, 6 O\)jJrra9tcrtatoc; «q)(iOEP» BaalATlC;, jJE 'to Kat(l7tAllKtllCO good will - K(l7tOt£ So. ypcX'tvw €'tCtEVWC; yt' UllTOV - ytv6tav rrp6EopoC; o TOU EAAI1VIKOU '[tic; «TIEtp6Aa» Kai oU:VOC; O"uvEpycitl)C; lOU AatOll. T()V 6noio pori811<H: 1tOAU atTiv t1tEKTaoll TOOV tpyaO'lOOv tOU ~E ta 'E~1paTa, tvro 6 yl()~ TOU BaolAll, nov n:P0(i)p{~£TO yui c'5£01[Otll~, n:apatrovTa~ Ttl 0£oAoyia, YlVOtaV AOYIOT"~ Kai avo.Aa~llo.v£ ttlV OiKOVO~tKtl c'5taX£tploll Tii~ ((n£tpoAa», X(i)pi~ va tYKataA£l\jl'1 o~w~ ttlv 'EKKA'1oia, A.£lToupyrovto.~ ti~ KuptaK€~ Kai ~£yciA.£~ YLOptE~ Kat. KaVOVta~ T11 v' unOKTTlo'1 ~£yaATl q)Jl~'1, OUYK£VtproVOVta~ nOAv Kat h:A£Kto KOO~O. KOcpe ••• EiXal1E Kui "tOV OHE til, Nta<; ·yap· KTl~ eva napo)..LOLO .. Ka<PEV£lO ZaxapaTou», on:(/}~ an:oKaAouoE n:eptcppov'1TUCa. to an:EpavTo ((AO)..L1W» ~£To.~u Tii~ aieo6CJt'J~ tii~ rev1Kfj~ :I:uveA€UOE(i)~ Kai tou :I:u~llouAiou , AcrcpaAEia~ 6 ~aKapitllC; nay. nl1rtVEAll~. 6 ~6vo~ n:ov ot ouxva~£ n:Ott OTO AO~n:\J, 'EKei npo Kat ~EtO: ti~ OuvEoplaCJet~, Kan:Ot£ Kat OTa (haAei~~at, m:pvouoav ot 1tAllpE~OUOlOl Y10: tva «vTpivK>o aAAO: Kal YlCt va. o\Jvavti!oouv OUVaO€A<pou~ troy aAAWv aVtl1t"pOO{f)1r£tOOv Y\(l tn:£tyovta et~ata . . An:o tOve; taKTlKOU~ m)••ciTEC; TOU ~1t(lP "to AOl1nu. ~mv 6 u~Exa"to, apx~yo<; tij<; EAA~VtKij<; uvtlnpo"UlnEia<; •AA"~~<; K6pou, nov n:ArlProe; Jt(ivta tV'1j.l£pro~EVOC; YU1 oAa to U1[O ouCi!tlloll et~ata Kat tiC; 1[leavt~ t;;eAl;;£l~ TWV, Katat01rlse tOU~ 01K06C; ~a~, 01t{OC; Kai tov~ ;;£vou~ aVtan:oKp1t£e;, Otov~ 61[oiou~ liTO trriall~ Ot'J~O<pIAtOtaTO~, :E'1~EHOTtOV on it ' AVtl1[pooumEia j.lac; KaAAlepyouoe fPtAnc6Hate~ Kat OteVEC; aX£O£1C; ~i: ttl uno tOY :EapnEp touPKIK~. "Omv o~w<; 1\ 'EHa<; un,,~aAE tljv npci)t~ npo"<puylj Yla tljv Ktinpo, ~ Katciotao'1 j.letEIlAtl811 OtOT1 t'I Uj.ltp1KaV1Kit dvtl1tpooumEia, napa ttlV unoox£oi! tT)~ on ea tllPoum: ClOOtT'lPtl OUO€t€POtll ta , lPP1\jlE Ot1lv 1tAaonyya OAO t11<; to tlcipo~, EVClvtiov ~ac; . . EvOO dn:o t' aAAo I1 EPO, 1\ navotipya •AAP";'v, 8~AwvE I1E"W tou ~HVtEV on oVJbwre fJ dV€yv6>p1~e Otov Kun:plaKo Aao to autoota8t- COFFEE ASSOCIATES . ATHENS ACROPOLIS PHOTO STUDIO WEDDINGS COMMERCIAL PORTRAITS OF DISTINCTION COMMUNIONS. GRADUATIONS CHRISTENING ..... ND ALL OCCASIONS oEro<; Ka1 tOUtO €VOO oroplloov tc'5ic'5EtO otic; 1\l1 la YPlE<; u<PPIKavlK£, <pvA"<;. l:nYPOl: MINflTOl: • , Eyypa<pi'j,[E l:uvcSpolHlwi (J'[tl v «NEa • Y 6PKTJ» IANOYAPIOI: 1982 35·04 BROADWAY CORNER OF 35TH 5T. ASTORIA.. N.Y. TEL. 72840e06 COPIES. COLOR BLACK AND WHITE F>ASSPQRTS Athens International News Agency <bOTOrPA<bIEr riA E<bHMEPIt.El: KAI nEPIOt.IKA 35 1:UO'KE\j11] ll1tWOUVCOV 0')(OA1KroV npoypaJiJultCOV 'En1]V1Kij~ rAcOO'!J1]<; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parlamis .. Wish all their friends HAPPY NEW YEAR Cliffside Park, N.J. ~:iMO ...,:iMo ...:iMo ~_~ EiKOOl bcrcaltiWtlKOi, UTIEuBuVOl '["mv 1tpo),POJ.l.J.uitwv OlOQO"<; tfi~ . E)'J•.T]VlKT}r; yAWO"O"TV;; (no. r)J.l£p~crtn Kat 01'[0YWJ.lanva KOlV01UC& O'XOAEla n;r; NtClr; lib:' ~:""~:""_:ie lib:..... !1Wee~ .. r~~ " _ ~:""~:iMo .. _ .. _"",_""~ .. C 21tU ~))1Jt?jll(j11f fl ~J>I~OTIKI LIN~ S, 'Y6PKT]~ .H ;n<. 551 FIFTH AVE., New York, N.Y. 10007 Telephone (212) 599-1750 Mts Argonaut, Mts Apollo, Mts Jason, Mts Orpheus JUPITER.NEPTUNE,Mts OCEANUS, M/ V WORLD RENAISSANCE. ATLAS, HERMES tJ..apav J.lEpOr; crE crUOKEWT] TIOU £y tVE O'1'tlV ' IEpel ' ApXIEmOlC01trl, V01'Epa ono aXEttlCtl npOOlCA1l01l 1'OU rpa<pciou nu,odu<;, t~V 3~ ~CKE~~pioll, 1981. cr()crKEIJI~ lit~PKEcrE o,oacrKaAia trov ' EAA~V'KroV_ B & A Marine Co., Inc. General Ship and Engine Repairs 75 HUNTINGTON STREET. BROOKLYN , N.Y. 11231 TlJA. (212) 875-6700 Ot 'IOlOKtfjtUl Kai ~lEU8uvtai •AOEA<jlOi BaoiAElOC;, •Avaotcimoc; Kai rtciVVllC; KPOKOC; EVXOVTUl oir;; OAOVr;; rour;; rpfAovr;; nCAarar;; Kai npOaW7rlKO I~:iei!ll:;';'''':ie~ KaAr, XPOVla ~:.,..":.,...:.*;:.,..,, K. S. Deli Food Market 411 8th AVENUE, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10001 TlJL 695-0574 'Y1l0 t"V OlEU8uVOlV tmv K.K. Kai NtEvlC; na1laota~citou ~1lUpOU EVTVXlaj1eVOC; Kai XapOvj1eVOC; b KalVOVPYIOC; Xp6voC; LU~~- ~)' H xp~cr~ TroV OlOUK1'tKWV PtPAiwv Tfj<; ' IEpn<;' APXtEll"lOlCOni;c; OE ouvOuaoJ..lo J..l€ aAAo O'OaKtlKa ~'~Aia_ K01'a TtlV t~t1'OO'l1 1'OU npwtou 9tJ..loto<; aVa<PCp911KaV Kal O'U~l1Trl911KOV <inAOt tP01tOl OtaxwptoJ..lOU aE OJ..laO£C; TWV J..lo911 TroV, nov t<pap J.lO~OVTat O'ta 1tEPtO'ooTEpa O'xoAEi:a to\) l'.uOtT1J..laTOc; J.lO<; Kai mo O"VOEta oxto,a, noil .~:""*:""*':.~~~-~~~~,:;.~-'-':""~ tpEi<; mPE<;_ 1'rlElllKaV EUpU1'a1'a 1'ci t~ii<; Oej.una: a) Tponot OtaXWpIOJ..lOU trov J..la9111'WV ot OJ..lciOE<; o:vciAoya I.l€ to €.1ti.1tEOO YVWOEW<; 1'l1<; tAAllvlKt;<; YUI ttlV anoTEAcollunKtl tcl'ap~o~ovta, ~o~ crt . 2-3 KOtVOTlKa CJxoAda, tvro J..l£Ae:TCitat ~ .£n€KtOorl tou.:; KUl CJ€ dAAa oxoActa. •A1t0c.paola9T]KE OE Ott 6 olOXroPI0J..lOC; ot OIJa.oc<; IJE PciCJll to bri ltEOO YVWOEWC; 01'tl yAwooo Kal OXt tfl XPOVOAOYlICrl tOU<; ~AIlCia, ciVOl OtOlXEio cinopaitlltO Yla ttlV a1tOOOtlKij aOKlloTl ti;<; al0aOKaAio<; Kat nptnEI va £<poPIJ6~£tal 000 to £In tptnouv oi TomKE<; auvOfjKE<; at Ka8£ OloAEtO. Tuxov aVnPPrlOEl<; trov yovtwv Oa 1tP€1tEt va dvtlllE1'Wnl ~ OVtOl J.lE l((ltaAAT]AT] Olac.pci>"tlaTl . Ta I:UJ..lpOUAla TWV KOIVOTrltWV npbU:l btiaT]<; va ()ta<pwna90uv Koi va 11:£1aSouv Yla TtlV tlnOtcl..Eollon1COtllta Tile; npoaEyyio£w<; m'> tiic;. wate: va tYKpivouv £nlnp009Eta tUXov ~~oaa. fta TOOEUTEPO Sella OUIlc.pwvrl9T]1CE OTt TO. plpAi.a 1'[OV .£KOlO£1 TO r pa<pcto TImcSciae; tiiC; 'IEpae; 'APXIEnlOKOniie; Elval Ta nAtov KataAAllAQ altO oAa ta umipxovra YUl tTl awanl, aucrTllllatlK~ 010aOKaAlO tfje; •EAAllVIKtie; YAwooa<; YUI nUlala Kupiwc; nov EXOUV Y€VVllOd to&. :Eu~llt~ellKav OUYKf:KPlj.ltVOl Tponol OUJ..lnAllpwOEW<; Tii<; OElPUC; EKaoo£wv tiic; 'I€pae; 'APX1£1rl0Kontic; Kat tpOnOI ' ouvi5uaoJ..lOU T&V E:1CooetVtWV PIPAiwv J.1€ ~'~Aia IhacpopOlV aAAOlV ouyypacptoov 00<; Kai nilv ~lt3A(WV nov ElCcS(OEI to "EAAllVlKO "YnouPYElo naLOEla<;. :Eta ftAUlO'la t"il<; O~llTrlOEW<; aut"il<; Compliments of Mr. and Mrs. La"hmont,~~GENE P~~~;~OPOULOS ~ 36 .NEA YOPKH .. "[0 rpacpdo nalodu~ (Stat imo'VTJ axtolO ,,[OU aVUAUtlKOU TtPoypall/la"[oc;, "[0 OTtoio cr"[Tlpi~ttal crttlV apXtl on otiC; Kat6)tj~pt~ t6:~EI~ (NTJ1tlaywydo Il£xpl Kat rEro:prll t6:~TJ) npbrel va oiOetal ~EYaAur£PTJ EIlq>aa~ tK~aB~a~ 'lie; ' En~vlKii e; yA..wocra~, EVro o"[i~ <ivwt£PEC; t cl~tl~ (ntjJ7ttTJ flEX-pt Kat 6yo(11) ~ YAwocra npt7tct va. XPllOtIlO7tOl£ltal 7ttPlCJOOtEPO rta. "[tl IlEA..Et11 ttic; ' Io"[opiac;, rij ~ r£wypacpiac;, 0p110KEUtnCwv Kat CiA..Awv 8E/lI:l'troV ytVIKii~ 7tatoEiac; IlEOW f3011911tlKWV f!l(3A..ilOV Kat tOU tillCPlloiou Kai nEplOOtKOU eAA11VIKOU Tlmou. Lttl OUO'KC'VTJ tA..af3av ~EPOC;: 6 Aioeo. IlpOl•. "AYYCAOe; T~a~aAile;, 6 K. 'E~~a VOU"A Xa'~~E~~avou~)" ~1&uBuv,"<; TIatoEiae; ttic; ' I€pne; 'APXH: 7tlO'K07tii~, 6 67toioC; 7tPOtlOPEUO€ riie; aUO'KE'V €lO~ , 6 LUIlPOUAOC; 'EK1tatO€UaEW~ tOU rpacpdou TIalSEiac; .6.p. ' AvSpEae; ZaXapiou Kal £\KOO't tKnUlSeunKoi EK7tPOOW1[OUVtte; 't(x oxoA..tin £v't€Ka KOtVOttltwv roc; e~ il~: .6.p. Euorpo:noc; KaAoy£paKo~ tou KaStoptKOU. ~p. rEOOPYIO<; MEAlKaK~e; ,iie; KOl~1i O€We; 0EoroKou, MnpouKAuV, Kwotac; n apSEVTle; , Pita LUVttlAa Kat Tlj.lOA€WV K6KKlVOC; tou •Ayiou .6.11IlTltpiot) ' Acrtopine;, . Avaotaoia MlXaTlAioou Kat <1>1A1O , Avnataoac; tile; MctajJoprproO'€We; tile; Kopwvoe;, nEAayi.a Xo.t~TlIW<iVVOU t i'j e; ZWQ86;:ou Il~Ylie;, Mnp6v~ . Xplia,oe; Kapaaoae; Kat · EHVTJ Ko.n07tOUAOU tOU . Ayiou NtKOAaOU <1>AclO'tYK, navoe; nupTmpfjc; "[ou Ko8e8pIKou Kai. Tl~iou LtaUpou toD rouaXtotOv, ·OAu~.I.1tia I:J..I.1tlAij , KaAAt6nll MrjtO'tou Kat EucppoO'uVTl MavcrivTI trov Tptwv 'Iepapx.rov. MnpooKAuV. ' AYY€AIKtl POUCPclKTl tOD T1llLoU 1:To.upoD, MnpoDKAUV, Mapio. Mo.upoYH1VVTl trov •Ayirov KrovO'tavtlvou Kai 'EHvll~ M7tPOUKAUV, Kwvowvtivo<; NIKO)"ilc; nov' Ayiwv KwvuTo.v"[ivou Kal ' El£vl1e;, T'aKoo~ Xal:t'~, 'Iroclvvl1<; :E16Aac; tWV 'A"(iwv ' Avapyupwv tOO OUclOlYKTrov Xclrte; Kat :ETi:AAa KOK KOAl1 tOU 6.T)I.100i.ou ru~vaO'iou tou $op, Ali. Nl:ue; ·IEpaE~e;. 'E~ l'iAAou, enie; 29 Noe~ppiou aUVE&pio.m: {mb tflv Jtpm;8pia "[OU O{KOVOIlOAOyou KaeTl'YTI"[ou K. 'HALo. rplpo"(laVVTl. J.lf:ADtX; tou 'Avwtatou 'EK1to.10€UtIKOU I:WpouAiou ,lie; I. ' Ap;:l&1tlaKOnlie;, ~ dOtK~ 'E1tltP01ttl yta t1) Il£A€'tT) TroV oiKoVOJ..l.IKrov trov O'XOAtlroV tOD KOlvonKoD :EuOtt;llatOC; nmotiac; tfj<; I. . ApXl€m- a."v O'Koni'je;. 'H 'Emtpo7tT! o.KOUO€ Kal OUV€~r1tT)O€ £UpUTUTo. 0X£OIO napoxfje; auvt<i~troe; O'tOUe; oLoaoKaaAouc;, to 6noio 7topouoiao£ 6 d8 tKoe; K. Jerry Duh!. To O'X£OlO au"[o OEOlp1iB~K& tK ~EpOUe; Exltponlie; npaK'tlKO Kai tcpa p~6O'tJ..l.o . eo. tc8d 8t im041'1 "[ou ' A VWtcltOU ' EK1tQtO£UtlKOO lUJ..l.pouAiou tfje; I. . APXlt1ttO'Konfjc; Kai troy um:u8uvrov trov KOWOtt;tWV 1tpOe; 7t€pnl,EPOl ~EAE,~V. l:ni auvEopiaa~ naPav ~ EpOe; ot: ~p . NIK6AaOe; TI(toupae;. Bo.oiA€loe; Aa~apio~e;. ~tanOl . ABavamaoou, Nilcoe; EtUAtaVOu, Zaxapiae; rtawtac;, KrooTue; BtAtOe; Kai 6 lU/lf3ouAoe; 'EK1tot8€uotwe; tOU rparpEiou nal8tiae; tile; I. 'ApXl€maKonile; ~p. 'AvopEae; Zaxapiou. ,Ii, ' IANOYAPIOl: t982 . 0 ia"Cpo<; Kat ~HMHTPIOY EVXOVTal (J' ti Ka KOTLIAIMTIA (fAove; rove; rpiAOVe; rove; KAAH XPONIA 30-41 36th Street Astoria. N.Y, I J 103 Tel. 278-2422 133 East 73rd Street New York, N.Y, 10021 Tel. 861-9000 Compliments of John A. Vassilaros & Son, Inc. (] 4 Coffee - Tea - Spices 29-05 120th Street, Flushing, New York 10054 Phone: TV 6-4140 Honorable and Mrs. STEPHEN S. SCOP AS And Family Wish all their friends everywhere HAPPY NEW YEAR New York and Douglaston, L. I. SEASON'S GREETINGS Worldwide marine service • I marine fuels/marine lubricants marine coatings 37 "01tW~ 1:TJV e d8e eva~ ['ep~avo~ (Juyypa<pta~ H I:J.lUPVll crtiC; apXEC; #('H npdJrq nOA.11 Tilr; 'AvaroAiir;, OTeOO mi.:r"aa TO nOOl P.OV, ~rav " Epvpv'l, rile; 'Aaiat; o' npiinoc; 1lVPU()(; Kai Ka-ra roY (/)1A.ot:nparo " of1opqJoreP'l d1l' OAt(; riC; 1l'O.l.E1C; TrOU 'Pwr[(el (; ff).lm;. Elvat ;, a",ivnoaa rfie; OdAaaaar;;, tvro oi (irpUpOi t;Ouaovv a1taAa yupw aTro ric; n'lyh; rflC;.,. 'Ana;'" alAovina, ydAd(la OdAauo-a. ICaOapiJr; oupavor;. xaiOEUTlKO aepOxI. TO. KaA.Vrcpa f/Jpovra Ka; TO. mo v6aTlJi(1 ).axaV1Ka ue dq>dvraar'1 drp8ovla. . . 'EJiiJ ar;, £#6pv'1 O1la-rald it ri]v 1l0AvreACI(1 r"c;: XapOUj.,leVCC; KOIAdoEr; Kui rpoo" pouva nov 6 llA.iVlOC; ra fa ollop<porepa rfjc; ne.plOx;;t; avrijc; roo Koa/-lov - fiovva nov Jev d)' QVOj1d(el rpoj,to.(ovv, a..t)'d nov rrpoarpepovv npoaraaia twivna aric; KGmryi&c; TO xe1jJ.wva Ka[ apomQ. KaloKaipl. "Eral ~rav navro!t qEpvpv1J Kai ra TCf.pixwpa T1f~, KI' tUJI elVaI to< (f~f.lepa Yf.VIKa». to • Auto e:{vat Eva tlnomtaO' o:no to PlPAio tOU DpwO'oou ou)'ypacpEa 'IaKwj}ou Bartholdy (1779-1825) nov elX£ tnloK£tp6E! ttlV 'EAAo.oa Kat ttlV MIKpa 'Aoio anI XPovla 1803-1804. 'Enm~~tlKOe;" MnapVt6AvtU. onw~ aXEoov cSAot of O'UJ..l7tOtPI(Ot£~ tOU, YUl ttiv aSAta KatO:O'ta<Jll trov 'EAAT)VWV tlie; £lIoxlie; tou npm;:aA~i J..lE tiC; ,')1tCpPOAec; tOU ti) oiKala oP)'i) tOU EuuiO'ST]tOU yepovta O'tO nUplOl 'AoaJ,lo:vtlou Kopali, 0'£ J.llll nuplvll O:VTIKp1tlKtl nOD 0l1J..l0OlEuetat xwpiC; napaAEllVEle; OE lYKPlto YEPJ..laV1KO 1t€PIOOllCO. Kat J..lOVOV attlv 7t€Pi1ttWO'l1 tOU MIKpaO'latlKOU 'EAA.llVtO)JOU Kai tfie; Eu8uJ,lTle; lCapatne; TOU nOll £IvaI" l:jJupvT), OUjJiplAIWVEtQl 6 QuatT)poe; nprooooe; )1t tie; apEtee; trov' En~VOlV Kat ttlV TPUYIKTl tOU iOTOP1Kij Jloipa. 'AKP1Pci)~ ~KatO XPovla apyoupa Evae; lino, npiiiooo<; ouyypatpta,. <'> Paul Lmdau (1839-1919)tnlOKtntEtal ~v npwt~ XPOVleX TOU atwva J..lae; ttl vUipll tliC; . Iwviae; Kat T1i~ O:fj)lEPWVEl O'XEOOV 60 oEAioec; Kat oAooH.tOEe; ropalOtaUC; <PWtoYPUfj)lEC; OtO ~l~A(O tou: .l:ti, 8unKte; anee; t~e; MlKpn, 'Aoia~>" BEPOAivo 1900. Elval nouof ~WVtUvte; tOU nEplypacpEe; JlE YVWOT] Ka1 KpioT] o£v E:ytvaV tOe; ta oT)JlEpa yvWOtEe; Ot~V tAA~VlK~ ~l~AlO'lpatp(a 'l"). t~ l:~upv~. Auto to K£ve aVaAa)1~aVOu)1< )1a 1tAllPWaOUJlE OTi) aupa auttl trovap9prov. l:t~ ~V~)1~ troy npalOt£pOlV ane toUe; tllupV10Ue; Kat tODe; MlIcpaOt(itE~ )'EVIKwt£pa 6' avaot~60ov «KOV<e; ~lne; ~Ol~e; nov ~8~ fo~~o£ ana Sev ~£xaOt~K£ 'llati o£v nptnEI va c,ExaOtEi. Ot VEOUPot anD TOUe; avayvci)oTE~ J,la~ eo. nAllpOfj)opT]90uv uno nproto X£Pl YU1 ttl ~Wtl Kat TOV nEpiyupo troy natEpaorov tOU~ nOD XIAla8Ee; XPovla. S£~tvOl ~e tie; napaMotle;. t~ yAOOoO'a Kat tOV t).,AT)VIKO nOAItloJl6 tOue; 38 Tou K. I1.K. ENEI1EKIL'iH KaO'lY'lr;; aro llaVf:1rlarr,j.lIO r;;, BltvV'l, (Avabll)JOO'lEUEtOt ano ttlV «·EA.£u9cpOTU1tla») EJ,lEtVaV aKA.OVTlTOI ijEllaTocpUAaK£~ trov E8vtKroV ovdpmv )'UI va lCataA"~ouv va yivouv oAOKaUTWlla xwpi~ t~lHroO'l1 'trov ntpav tOU Aiyaiou OUllnatpIWtrov TOU~. HAOe;. )1e t~V l:n~VlK~ )1Etatppao~ nOll ),iVETal YUt np6ltl1 fj)opa anD ti~ oTt;AEe; OUtE~ ed ltAoutto8Ei Kat" 0XETIKtl Pl~AIO yp~tpia tli~ l:JlUPVT)~ Jl' Eva Crovtavo O'UIlnaeTJttlCox:ElIlEVO. Kat J..loAov6Tl EXEl Kai (; t\(Vtoou, 01troe; Kat 6 MnapVT6A.tu, nprooatlCe~ iOHJtlltE<; dVCll auoTllPOe; oTi~ KpioEl~ TOU Kai apKEtO: tnltl)lT]tlKO<; Ota 1Cpoamna Kui Ti~ KatUOTnOEle; R"OU nEplypcifj)El - dVUl WOTOOO Kat oav OlEU9uVTi)<; KUta KatpOUe; onouoaiwv YEpJlaV1Krov Etpll)1£p(SOlV. KaAOe; 8~)1omo'lptitpoe;. S~Aa8~ EoouvEUhltO~ napQTTlPT]ti)~ IlE KanotE PEplaOJ..ltvEe; Kpiotl~ Kat OXI nATlPT) eV~)1tpOlO~. T" ooa 'lpatp" 'll" t~ l:)1UPV11 Kat to VOJlO TT]e; unoTEAouv JllO: npaYJ..laTlKtl £YKuKAOR"aioEla t~~ C'!'~~ Kat t~e; ICi.vllo'le; OttlV iroVlKi) JlT]tp6noAll TOG • EAAllVl0J..lOU J..lE TtlV avatoAtl tOU otffivo Jla~. fl' aUTO Kl ac,i~El va to: yvropioOUJ,lt. rpafj)El AOI1tOV 0 Aivtuou: - Acpll;'1 "til I:""pVTJ «Kara to npwi ti.XQJlt a<PTloEl Ttl AEOPo. . H )1tpa ~tav 1[OAV s£Ot~ Kl <'> ~).we; ~Pl oK6tav o/T]Aa., OTav EnElta an6 Eva Euxa- , I I I I I ,, tOU OlO>VO PIOTO ta~ibl eiOOIJE O'Tit VOtlOaUTlKi) ciKPT] tOU YEAaOtoii KOAnou O'a IJUl JlEYaA'l 01..0CwvtavT] JlUPJlT])'KOC:PWAIO: v' avOOUOvtal oi nov O'nlttrov tfje; l:IlUPVTlC;· 'HIJ1KPTl )1ae; 9aAa)1~'lOe; naptnA££ to )1£'lUAO E~no PIKO ).l~aVl 1/0V £lx, ~Ol~p~ Kiv~o~ ~t ICOTEU9uvo'l TO. popEta TJlTl~aTa tfic; 1tPOKUJ..laiae; - toG Kat - Kt 6PPl~E EKEi IJ1tPO(Jta a1to to: £1ttpAT]l\Ka KttPIO tlir.; napoAia.;. avallEoQ. tou~ lCat t1 Eopa tOU J..l0V01tWAlOU Kunvrov - tli~ PE~i - Kat 1"0. JlEYc:lAQ ICTipta troy aUO AEoxrov (KAOUn:) ltOU £VTunWOlaCouv )lE to J..lEYE.:86~ TOU~ OUYKPlttKo. J..lE tei aAAa - a:YKUpa, uKptproe; crt KEivo to O'lJlEio onou IlEta Ttl OUOll tOU iiAtou ~€tu).(y£tal ~ i8,,\ppu6~~. no).uxpro~~ oAoCwvTavll EiKova Tfje; KO\VWV\Kli<; srolie; Kat Kiv'lOT]r.; tfi<; ~J.lUpV'le; o· 01..0 T'le; TO fj)O:OIlU. 'AAAo. Kato. tr,v c1ipa aut'" tOU J..lEOT]JlE.:ptou nou 0 i1AI0~ tOOUPOUq>AI~E, 6 KOAol.laAll£vo~. J..laKpu<;, nAan)e; Koi EltioTl~ &nocpepta AlSOO'TpWJlEVOe; BpOllO~ lOU lCoAnou - 6 KaAouJlEVO~ JlaplVa - ";tav CpT1J..lOr.;, \VUX~ 8EV imfipXE. Tei lCatuo1"T)Jlata OAWV Tci)v ICnpiwv ";oav lCataKA~lOTa. •AV£AE~ta ~0~~ap81s£ 6 ~AWe; ~t ti, lCaUtE<; tOU axt{BEr.; Ttr.; a.O'npe~ 1tEtPEr.;. dEV oaAEUE Kav£va O:EpaKI. KavEva~ £mpatll~ Oto tPO:Jl1tOU tOOEPVE.: tva 1C0UpaOJlEVO aAoyo jJE J..lEtplO nvaxto pu8Jlo, tOOUAcOVtUe; ano ttlV )lta aKP'l tou Kai oTijV aAATl. ano tOV oIOllPOOPOJ,lIKO O'tQ9llO TOU •AiOIVlOU nOD dv(lt OtO j}OPEto JlEPO~, npocrnEpvwVTac; ta onitla troy nAouolwV ---------------~·------I TIMEl: EYKAIPIAl: l:TON OtKO EUKUlpiuC; 1 TOY TZIMH KAAOlIANNH 22-35 31st Street. Astoria. N.Y. T11A. 728-3067 (KatOl ano tOV ota6~o toli DITMARS) I I I I I XPYEA KOEMHMATA KAI POAOTIA EliJH TAMOY KAI BAIITIETIKA HAEKTPIKA EliJH KAI ME PEYMA EAAAiJOE IlAOYEIA EYAAOTH QPAIOTATQN iJQPQN "OA(1 E~UlPenKfj,,; 1touhTJ1:0~ I eu Mi] 1tClPClAEl\jlE'tE IlUI E1tiOKE\jIT] ~Pii'tE IlOVClOlKEC;. U1tiO'tEU'tEC; EUKCllpiEC; o'tov OIKO EYKAIPIAL I'----------------------_._--_ "HOUSE OF OPPORTUNITY" .... .NEA YOPKH. t)Jnopwv, )Jf K(lt£:u9uVOT) tOY VOtO roo:; to Al)JaVl J.I£ to )JcyaAo KtiplO toU TCAWVEiOU, onou ~XCl OT))JIoupYT)eci it OUVOIKia )JE TtlV mo ~OOTlPr, KivT)oTl Ota. 1tOSla tTi~ naAl(i~ TOUPK01tOAT}~. Kai nepa o:no S& €.~oo oo~ tov )JEyciAO OTpatWva. . H I:)JupvT) Tta{pV£:l TOV IJCOTlJ.lCPIUVO TTl ~ UTtVcXKO. Kat dVOl Ctl.ho~ Katel tOue; IJiivc.:; TOU KQAOKCnploD l't'OU <iPXi~£:L vwpi.:; Kat KpataCl 1tOAU, ano Ti~ mo taKtlKEc; ouvr)eCl£:<; tfj<; r)JUpVTl~ .• A VaIJEOa otiC; otK:a Kai CVOCKU i) oopu apxi~ouv of li POJ1Ol V· dOE:lciCouv, Katel to )JEOTlJ.IEPl to. navta dvCtl oav va £Xouv VEKPOOOci. Kat J.lOA1<; J.ltta~u teOOcpl<; KUt. nEVtC, otav 6 « ~1[(iT~,» ( «€~~<i.~, .. ). 6 OPO"Epoe; EUCPYEttKOe; dtpae; KUjlatl~El ota vEpa tou KOAnou Kai tptpvEl onlv KUlOJ.lEV'1 JtOATl opooui, tOtt Ol(OXVE1 it lJ.lUpVTl tOY urtVo fino ta jlatla K\ tva0'1KWVEtUl enya aJto to xou~oupAiolKO tT)<; Otprojlu. Kat tOU ~UrrVaEl ~ ~"'~ ".0 op6~0 rrou 6"0 6 ;jl.lO\ pu9i CtOl ~UeUtCpU tooo i) KivT)o'1 yiVEtQl CWTlPon:p'1 Kui Aiyo npiv Kat )leta to "; AlOpaoiAE)lQ nou OtrlV£l oa J1aYlOOQ cn:a tptJ10UAluOta Vtpa tou KOA1tOU naLyvUha 1tOAUXPWJ1U Kai 9aullUOt<l toVisovTac; hen tfj<; KOOJ1C1JtOATl<; TOl-mpio Kat ta jlEyaAda. s MeyaAonpCnTl dVQl )JOVO Tl npooOl.j1'1. TO: Ktlpla, en{oll <; Kai to. OnltlU TroV mo 1tAOUOlWV Kai EYKPltWV O{KOY£VElroV eival Alta OTi<; E:owt£pucc<; tOUl; OUvGiiKE<; Kat xwpi<; <i~l(OOC\<; Otr,v apXlt£KtOV1Ktl TOU':;. M£PIKO: £Ivat apKUO: £uxaptOtU Kai ropaia - O:AAIl tinotc ncplocron:pO. "Exouv m:pinou to J.lEy£9o<; )Jlne; J.lEOlle; ayptnuuATl~ QAA' aKplpm<; tftEllii) PpioKOvtal to £va oinAa crtO liAAO (JuvtXEla UtO 8po)J0 £Xouv o uvtl8w.:; 1l0VO )Jlll OtEVtl np6crO\Vll. )JE: 1tAaTo,:; tpia - t £OOE PU Jtapci8upu xwpl.C; TtlV xapaKTT)ptcrtlKr, XciPT] tile; apXltEKtOV1- AGORA SHIP SUPPLIES CORPORATION P.O. Box 399 Boston. Ma. 02101 WHOLESALE SHIPCHANDLERS Provisions, Fresh and Dry Cabin Stores Deck Supplies Bonded Stores Charts and Nautical Instruments Engine Supplies Cable: Parilia Telex: 940656 "WE PROVIDE EVERYTHING THE GREEKS ASK FOR" 617/ 426-3168 TOUNAS ENTERPRISES 32-1030 AVENUE, ASTORIA, N.Y. 11102 Phones: 545-7550.545-7551 "TAXI BROKERAGE - INSURANCE GORGONA TRAVEL" We Buy and Sell Medallion Taxi KAI H K~\ ~lfi\ ErrauA~,. o~Aao~ T~V aVOlKT~ 8£0T) Kai tOUe; KT)nO~ tplyil pro. nOA.U Aiyo npaO'lvo pA.En£l Kavtie;. ME; nOAv AiYEe; C~a.1P{:Of;lC; cnLlcputEl TtAtlPT) e; EAAEl'Vll arro jlVT))JElrooll Ktipla. Ta nOAua p18)JQ KacpEVElU Kai ta KEVt pa 01am;:E;o6:aEw~ OiVOllV 5A.a )Ja~i xw pi~ £~aipEOTl tr,v EVT\)1tOOOT) )une; OUYKl VT)tlKil ~ ucrT)J.laVTOtT)ta<;. !ltv etA'" va rrw rrffi, ~ 1:I'Up V~ ~i: arroyotlt£UcrE ano ttlV npWtT) OtlY)Jtl Kl' OAQ~ . d)"A.a cpuvtaCoJ.louv ttl CPUO'loyvw~iQ Til<; UOuYKplta )JEYUAUtEpT)e; Kai onouoalon:P~\ rr6A~\ .~\ MlKpfi, •A,,(a\ • • ~\ OEUt£PT)<; Katn oElpav tile; )JEyaAT)<; aUtOKpatopia<; tmv '09 oo~avwv , £ VT£Aro ~ O:AAOlWTlKT) , nOAt) n10 E1tlPAT)TlKT). . AUa ~ ~"'~ toU op6~ou ".~ 1:~0pv~ 8£v £X£l Otr,v ToupKia nap6)J0l6 TT)~, oihE Kai d UUtiJv tiJv Koovcr'ta.VtlVOlmOA.T), Ylad o{ uvn9to£le; J.lEta~U ' AVatOATi~ Kat .6.60T) <;. QKO)Jll Kai. Ottl vea yiq>upa nov tVWVEl tOY raAatn )J£ tr,v ITu~nouA . otv elval t600 £vtov£<; Kal t600 ulu9T)tE~ onoo<; a.vci~coa 01'0 J.lUKPU opoJ.lO til e; npOKU)Jaiac; tfj<; l:)JupVT}e; Kai tiC; O'uvEX6~EVEC; O'UYKOIVWVlQK£e; 6006C;. 'Eoro OUYKpOUOvtal ti .Avat oAiJ Kai ti .6.60T) anoto)Ja Kat o'npOEIOOnoiT)tQ. Kata t r,v ropa tOU ppaouvou 1tcpl'mitou J,lEtaJ.lOptpwVEtal to aPXOVtlKo t)Jii~a rile; ~~Ma pivae;» )JEtu~U TOU KTlpiou rile; PEsi Kai tOU IANOYAPIOI: 1982 PYRSOS ACCOUNTING SERVICE Ei5XOVTal KaA~ XpOVla ae OAOVe; rove; rpiAOVe; Kai neAa:ree; rove; FAROS GIFT SHOP 83-12 GRAND AVENUE, ELMHURST, N.Y. 11373 Tel. (212) 898-0215 "Eva Ko##an ·E),J.I/VIKO arr,v Kap31a roil Kovr,w; EAAHNIKA JQPA E2AIPETIKHE IlOIOTHTOE EE AEYNATQNIITEE TIMEE KQl:T Al: Kat IIEPl:EClIONH MANTEAOY Kai rraAl only tJ7tTlPEoia toii 'EHTlvlOl'oii A.qJ.UVIO U Greek-American Singer-entertainer ANDREAS MODINOS and THE GEMINIS Greek-American Orchestra A vailable to entertain you at your next affair (212) 526-0522 - 526-2368 «Have A Greek Night" is the ti tle of th e 20th L. P. Reco rd Album by the JIMMY LlNARDOS ORCHESTRA For your affa irs call fo r the most exciti ng Group - In Greek and Am e ri ca n M usic 47-25 170 th Street. f' lu, hl ng. N.Y. 11358 Tel. [ 212 ] 539-8685 T aE,(CHa EtC; bAa l O: ~fP'1 TOU K6o!-' ou- TaE,(Ello t ou 1-10\11:0<; EtOlt~pla cIEPOTIOPI KO: Ka i. (h:I-' O'Jt A.O·l Ka- Kpoua~uipE<; ME '!ava OtE un Ka- ME TmppaoEu:;- n Ail pEE,OUOl a Ionian Travel Agency, Inc. CHRIS VRETfOS - President 135-34 ROOSEVELT AVE. (OFF MAIN ST.) Fl.USHING , NY PHONE: (212) 939-4404 o · eva dao~ rtupa9a/..<locnou flouAEpap'tou JrOU eU~iCe:l apKEtcl tiJv " DIGUE" t~ , 'OOt<ivo~ , ~£ 'vtd.w, KOOJ.101tOAiuKO xapaK'tfjpa OUTtKO\) 1[01..1- n0J.JOu .• Eo& KQVOUV tov 1te:PlJta'to tO~ o'to CPP£OICO opom;po acplha TtOll lPUOIIEl J,JaKPla aTtO TO ~90e; TOU opJ,Jou EKatOVtOSEe; TtOAitEe;. oi Kuph:e; Jll: J,Jui lPpovnO'J,JEV'1 Kat TtOAUtEAT; TouaAtna Kai TtOll 6 &'pt8J,Joe; tOUe; 8a JlTtOpouO'£ va 1I:POUTCO8tO'£t 1I:0AAf:e; £KatOvtcXo£e; XIAIcXO£~ Ka1'OI.KOUe;, J,1£ aVOIKtOU XPwJlatOe; 8£plva (j)optJ,Jata YCJ,JcXTa KOAO youO'1'O, J,J£ KOTtEAa KOta Ta TtUl EKKEVtPIKa J,JoV'lEAa ti;e; n:AtUTaiae; Ttapt~tcXVIK11e; 1l6Sae;. Oi vEapoi KUPLOl VTUIl£VOl oav oavofioE<; Ilf: VtEKOA t£ nOTtOUTOIQ Kat ~£ 1tAOUIlIO'tf:C; Iltta~tvl£<; Ko.ATO'£<;, '0 ouO'avaAoyo~ ap18J,Joe; trov nOAUtlJlrov CPOPEJ,Jo.tooV tcilv KUPIWV Kat ,; 6q>8alIl0cpavil<; oUO'QvaAoyia J,Jtta~u tOU Jl£yo.lou cipt8JloU nov v£oov KUPIWV Kai KOPltOlroV 1[00 Elval vtuJ,Jtv£~ KOJl\jJcX Kui £V J,JtPEl Il£ 1[OAUtO.t10 IlOAlO1'a - Ka\ tOU 0XEtlKOU nooootOU nou sa JlnopouO'£ va napoumOott 6 nA'18uoIlOe; KUta AOy tK"; O'taTlOTlKtl, 60'1y£t a t OPlOJ.lEVE<; OK£'VEle;. ea IlTt0POUOi: 0'11.., va u1I:08£o£ t lCav£i~ lCal £UxoJlaott, XOPIV tnc; Tllln~ trov ropairov yuvalKwv tn e; :Ellupvne; moe; ti lm08£o'1 autiJ £IvaI o.OllCo.loAOY11t11 - on 01 MtKPOOlatlO'O'£<; TtOU O'tO no.pOUOHlOTlICO tOU<; ouvayrovi~OvtOl ttc; Kupiec; tnC; u\jJ'1Af!e; £upronollCnc; J,Jooae; ttAIICCt lCo.taArlYouv OtO lOW KOATtO OTtroe; Kat 01. "Mondaines" tfj.:; PouJ,Javlac;. Ot 6Ttotte; Yla va ilCavonOtT)oouv TtlV J,JaVlQ tOU AOuO'ou oEv 6pprooouv npo<; a1toAutou 8uoia<;. rta1'i oEv J,J1I:0pEi TtpaYjJoTl va KQtaAapEt KQVEi.:; 11:&<; dvat OUVOtOV va O'UJ,JpaOl~£l tEtOW AOUOO Il£ ti)v «£VT1jJOV Tt£vlav».• H otJlOOIOtpOUAa.,. TtOU EpYO~ Etal otO OTthl Kai ta «pouxa 'fli<; n£paOJlEV'1<; XPOV1Qe;". noo Kl' aUTO. Jli:pata 1tai~ouv Kl tow Eva polo, Stv aplCouv c.pUOtlCa va t~'1ytlO'ouv to cpaLvoJ,J£vO, 'H clI1opQ)lQ tii, EI1"PVIU, or yuvatK£':; tlie; :ElluPV'1C; exouv onlY •AvaTOAt; tTl cptlJl'1 chi dVQl t~atPEtlKa oopai£,. 6tv 9tA'" vti d~al aY£vli" tinti litv Ilnopw va. ~hKatOAoYrlO'ro D.TtOAUto. autt; t~ <pli~~. Mlin"" ~ KO~'I'6.~ta .wv <pop£llo.trov tOUC; 86:Jl1tooO'E TOO<; Kpltt<; Kat £n11p£ao£ tt;V Kpio11 TOU':;; npaYllaflKEC; KaA- Aovt, "xcoov o€v £loa, "vtl9ota £loa TtOAAte; llt e:uXaPl0tO napouO'laonK6, xapt toojJ£va Ttpoooo1ta Jlt Y£AaOta l..uina. llaA)..ta 8aulla Kal 8aullcima c50vnQ nOll AaJlJtouv Ttiooo uno Ta ~tOOav01y~tva XEiAll rEropylO~ K. cDroKo<; AIKHroPOl: nAP' APEtn nArn MAl:l:AAIAl: 12 - 'f'APPrlN 17 AElHNAI Tql..: J6O-9016 - 522-0260 40 .NEA YOPKH. YUl Eva (JI:q.1VO xa~oy€Ao. "000 Yla. Tilv &piClOTll &u9u~1l </,uUlKOTllTU Tll<; aTi<; nup€€<; ~1'[op&aa 6 10\0<; va 1tEIOO& Kal ~. &uyvwllOaUVTl 00Klllaaa nlv tYKUPOICl </'lAo~E via Tll<; .• H E~upV1] qln~i ~Etal ani> to", a~lw~an KOU~ 'IOU vauT1Kou OAffiV TroV t9v&v aav tAvTopaVtO, Kal IlOAt~ P£';EL niv ay,;:upa eva nOAEIlLKO TtAoio U1tAWVU(ll Ti xapa. atous KOlVWV1KOUC; KUKAou~ . Ton: £IVal ltOO OiVOVTUl ll&yaAo y&UllotO. 6pyavffiVOVtal ata VEpa toU "DAltOU 1tCplltatOI IlE YDvc'5oA€~, ltUPOtE),YrllluTa, YlOptaOtlKE<; </,rorayroYrlO£l~, 1tiK-viK Kat YKapVT€V - naptu. Kat tr,v ropa tou XooPLOIlOU ltOtO:llt ta oO:Kpua noo tPE:XOUV KpUqla. ot vi:.&<; yuvaiKt~ Kat. 'fa. KOP lTOOltOUAa J.1 E:VOUV lttO'ttc; UtOU~ £UY£VIKOU; U';UI)J,lClTtKOU~ - w~ tilv ropa nou 9a. KaTanA€OO£1 to 1tPOO€XE; noAqllKD. 'H KOlVWVlKl] ~wl] t~, E~upvn, Elval dvti9uCl 1tp6; oXE8ov 01.£; tis nOAE1<; 'Ava toA~, nOA" av£ntur~£ vn . tfi~ BpoXl] o! ltPOOKAtiO£I; yui ytUllata, IlnclAAou<; , yui IlEYclA.e<; Kat 1l1KpOt£p£e; napE:Ee;. 'EKtOC; autou nOAAE:e; KupicC; €XOUV Kal nlv 6plOIlEvTl flllEpa nou OE:XOVtUl. ME tie; tvoXAlltlKEe; TunlKEe; bnOK€\jI€\<; nou dval lotnit €pa tom t600 1tAllK'tlKE<; onooc; navtou, xliv€tal 1tOAu<; Kalpoc;. n ' auto to npa.Ylla chcouoa a1to 1tOAAEe; nA€OpEe; napanova. I:ta oaAovla ltai ~ouv taKtlKa ,.1OUOllCr, Kai Kal.lla <popa nOAu KUKij 1l00AtOta. Kat ptpala aKOUa Kl autij tij </,oPel tiC; XaPltoolltv£e; O"UV9e:OE1(; toU Mopl t <; MooKro</,OKI nou £IvaI tropa Ota oo.A6vta tlie; 'Avatolt;; Kai til e; 6u011<; Kai pe:pUla 6 mo 1tOAUnaIYIl£VOe; llouoouPYo<; - napa~€vo on autil tft <popa 8EV ~nat ~av tftv o:vanoq>€UKtll «I:epEVata», 0llooe; <pUOt1Cel tij ouvgeoti tOU «I:tijv Kl9apa », Kal J.1aAlo'ta to •• Ka1tpic; EonaVl6A», nou ta tpayooollo£ ilia xapltC1lIlEVI1 'A pllevonouAa Ilt: nOAU YOUOTO Kai Ila£otpia. 'AAAa KI' 6 Mnpa.ll<; ~ </'taOE roe; t&& KI EylVe OeKtOe; IlEta nEplOOOt> OEPaollo4. Tit oaAOVta Ota o1ti't1a T&V €un6pwv £IvaI &lappu9Ilt0J.1EVa EuxaplOta Kal 010.KOollllllEva, OOOV a<popa. ta [pya tlic.; avo.tOAitlKn, Eqlnp~O"~£vn, t £XV1] " ~E ll€yaATl noAuTfA£ la. BpioKEI KuveiC; IlEoa o· aina 9auIlaOla Xaha Kai K£Vtrljla'ta, KaAAltEXVlK6tatEe; ayyelOnAaonKE~ EPyaoiEe;, iOlUitepa J.1ooOalKel tpaytaVC; Kai nAaKaKla nopOEAavTl<;, 1tprotowna E.pya ano AEnttl b,[E~EpyaoIlEvo aotillt Kai 1tIipa nOAAEC; naAlt:e; TtOpOeAavee; MCllooEv IlE tic; 01tOiE<; 90. npbtEl va £Ixav 1tAllllJ.1Upioel Kata tOV l'tEpaOJ.1EVO aiwva tilV ITall1tOUA Kai tr,v :Ej.1UPVTl. It Ila.e; toUe; Eu pw1taioue; Kav£l tvtunwoTl iJ KaTanAllK't1Kij anouoia ICaA&v i1 EOtro Kai lmO<pEpt&v epyoov tfje; ~roy pa<pIKli c;. dev pA£n£l Kavtie; oun Kav KUAE<; pEnpovTou~16v. 'EKtOe; 'tTtv KOIVooVtKr, ~roti, tllV Kt vllo11 a'ta oaA6vla Kai tOue; Ka911IlEPLvotlpaOUvoue; 1tepl1tatoue; O'tcl Kai. dvat TCOAU aVEntuYIlEvll otr,IIlUPVl1 1'1 ~ror) oti~ &ta<p0pE<; AEoxEe;, OTO KAoun . 'Ynapxouv nOAAa ThOla KAOUlt IltyaAou OtOA. i\6you XaplV to InOptlYK KAoun £Ivai IlE tr)81appu91l10tl TOU to 1tlO aVEtO pE:pata, J.1i; TOUe; '0 K. Kai 1i K. ANT. <l>ErrOY ~AKH Euxovral ara j.J.t). '7 rou IIaYXlaKou .EVAAOyOV «Kopafjr;», 0" OAOVr; rour; XIWrer; Kai 0" OAOVr; rour; rpiAOVr; rovr; EYTYXEI TO NEO ETOI ~~_~_~#~.~:b:'~:.~~~:.~:.~ EVrVXla/18VOC; o KalVOVPYlOC; Xp6voC; , Ana 'tOY ibWK'trl'tll K. MUKll,Ku'tcrUY'tCOYll , , Kat 'to npocru)1ttKO 'tot) COSMORAMA TOURS 1576 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10036 TEL. (212) 489-7776 ~:i'C.:i'C't:.*:...:.. ~;c-~~~_~~;.~ib: Ta 'tpiu W;YUAU KUmO''tr]),IUm PANELLINION I 29-14 DITMARS BLVD. - TEL. (212) 721 -2300 KAI P ANELLINION II 32-02 BROADWAY. L.!. C ITY , TEL. (212) 274-5525 KAer.u:: KAI TO ATHENIAN RECORDS and GIFTS 323 WEST 42nd STREET, NEW YORK , N.Y. 10036 TEL. CI 7-6244 - CI 7-6219 ano ~EraAonpEnE!" EOOEPOU" IjInAOU, xoopou, IANOY APJOE 1982 .Ear; evxaplarovv ()epj.J.a Yla rr,v V1!oarr,pl¢'7 Kai aar; eUXOVTaI EYTYXIEMENO TO 1982 41 tOU, oi On:OiOl Kara TtlV ropa nou TtupnoAEi 6 ~AlO~ nciv IJ.1tOPOUv va aUOKOnOeOllV to n:xvllTCr. Kal vCr: npompEpouv .,uIAloro KUra ttiv mo ~tUTti ropa TOU Jl£OfJlJ.e:plOU Eva O:VEKTO tOnD 1tapaJlovfl~. MnpoCJTCt ano to l:nopnYK K)..o(m. oro IlEYUAO 3poJ.lo TOU JtEPl1tClTOU tile; npOKllj.laiac;. imapX£l Evac; XapOUIl£VOC; KijrtOC;. 'EKtl 1tai~El KaBE IiPciou ).lta !lucpi) O:AAO: 0Xl 1(QKT] opXt;cnpa 01QKplT1Ka, xwpiC; Ka96A-ou vO: tvoXAd. . E3& ouvavtlOUVrUl of KUplr:C; trov ,.lE:AOOV TOU K106ft ).leta rei cruxva 1tllyalOvoE)..Q ToD 1ttptnarou trov. J.l£ Ttl O"toAtOIlEVCl rtmoui TOUe; Kal tic; U1tl1phPlE<; TOUC;. -yui va 1tlODv ttl n:onl no\.) cruvllei~ouv: ot KUpi.e:<; Kcupe Kal I extend to all the Faithful of the Diocese of Boston and to all my friends in New York and all over the country, my paternal blessings and best wishes for A Happy New Year Bishop Anthimos of Boston AQ.10VUSa, ot KUP 10 l to rrOtllpaKl paKi, liAi:novrac; tov ~AlO va liue{~€tat myti-Olyd ora KUj.10ta jJ£oa 0' £va. opyw Aa.j..I1tPWV XPCllJ.1a.tlOJ.1roV. • rOTJttutUcti e[val 1i ltapaJ.10VTl Uti}v inVffiJ.1EVTJ tapatoa tOO Ktlpiou tOU KAOUlt. l:nlv lttptntffiUTJ auti} 8i:v 9tA.OUJ.1E va KaVOUJ..l£ no All auot'lPi} KPl'flKi} tf)~ nOIOtlltae; troy npOmpEpOJ..lEVffiV c.paYllnl>v, noo 96 J..IltopoiJoav va tIvOl Ka).(m:pa. npOtlJ..lOn: po va xapOUj..It to 9aUj..IO:OlO ppo:au, til apOOla nou CpXEtal rrEpa. ana t"; 9aAaaaa Kai ava~ffioyov£i ti~ alu9rj- Greetings and Best Wishes for a Christmas Season and New Year filled with the love, the joy and the blessings of Christ. <TEl,. ~ta n681Q ~Q, ~Atnou~E t~ ~Ol~p~ KlVTJUTJ noo avantuoOEtal Ot";v ltpoKuJ..laia Koi ani tpa.n€~la. TOU Krl1tOU, onou f.V tro J..IEta ~U exouv aV(hVEl to. <proto., Kai napaKoAOu90uj.l£ tie; OJ..lui5Ee; J..IE tiC; KOJ..l'l'tC;£te;. Mnpouta J..Iac; Cl1tI.WV£lUI 0 OKOtEIVOC; "DA.nOe; IJE tie; 0TlJ..lai5oUpte; nOD Aa.J..I1tOUV J..IE to. SU1<popa XPwj..Iata. rouc; Kai TiC; J..Iaupec; <povtOUtlKEC; OlAOUEtee; troy J..ItyaA.ffiV KopapuI)V. 11.[;~LCi J..Iac;. at";v UKt"; 'lOU KOA1tOU. A0J..lnOKOnOuv ol OElPEC; TWV c.pWTffiV 'lOU t~OXlKOU 1tpoaoTiou, TOU KopSd.LOu. Kai <ino ltQVffi J..Iac; TO an£paVTO oT£ t' oupavou j..IE t' cialEpta noo U1tlv911POPOAOUV Kal to A.£nto 8p£.mlVI tOU vtou qlE"fyapLOu noo Od:K£tOl il311 Oto pa90C; tOU 6pi~ovta. Oi J..I£A.roOi£C; noo nai~£l Ti opxnOtpa 1tPOXWpouv Olya we; Ejlae; Kai OEV aKouYOvtal KanOU-KanOU ane to tile; acpup{xtpac; tOW KapapUllv Kal to oUpAlaOJ..lQ tWV OEIPTtVWV. "'0, airri} it Ka9apotTJ"to, ti 8pOOla Kai to lipoo)J.a tOU atpa! • Aac.poAwc; 8EV unapx.£l KavEva kanat6pto 1tlO wpato no:voo at.., jl£yOAl1 Yii! .. HELLENIC COLLEGE HOLY CROSS GREEK ORTHODOX SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Brookline, Massachusetts ~Sl\:~~:l~:t\:~S~"\:f.Q::~1t~':: '0 K. Kat f] K. r£ropyiOD Zia Ei5xovrat (Jrov ·EAJ.'7v[(JJ1.O clJTVX[(JJ1.evo rov KalVOVpylO xp6vo THE BYZANTINE FELLOWSHIP Wishes its members, its friends and all the Greek-Americans A Happy New Year President: CAPTAIN NICHOLAS E. KULUKOUNDIS 42 "NEA YOPKH" M:invo tOU iutpou K. N. ZUJlUpl] "{tel tl]V WPtl], tOU '. ME tilv clJli,Qlpia tTi~ 6vOIlQOTlKt;C; tau f::opn'jc;. 6 yvWOtOc; Ot."v ·OJj.oyivUQ ooovTiarpo, K. N1Ko, Z0~ap~" po~e&, .ae~ Y11 t 1)<; ot6 N. Y. University. noptfh;:oE 8£1rrvo of: )Jl:pu::OUC; c:plAoue; tau, 01:6 1tOA.UtEAEOtarO EiVaL Palisadium, noo mivw otllv Ox8l] lOU tUl'tClrOplO XtlOIJ.EVO ltotalJ.0u Hudson, Gtitv TrA.EUpa tou NlOU T~i:pm:ij, IJ.E U1tEPOXTJ , 1tOVOPOJlIKi} ,.aa Sta lOU Mavxaanav. MEta~u toov 1tpom:;'tG6vnov ~tav 'r1 ll11rtpa Kal ti ci8EAIPTt tou OIUICEICPl ),ltVQU , tUrrOll, 6 K. Kal ri 1( , Bao. Mapou<J'l , /) K, Damis KOl ri (Ju~vy6<; tau Ie • A811VO: (Dal- las) Dam is, 6 K. Kal ti K. 1r£l... Il>paYKo00 'l . 6 K. Kai 1(. I. 'I wavvi oll , 6 1(, Kal 1(, K. klSEpia. 6 K. Kai K. T . MrrQJetlOT], 6 K. l<ai Ie 6. TnAa, 6 K. Kal K. 0. KOKO~OU, 6 1(, Kat Ie ·E~~. lappili~ , 0 K. Kat K. N. KaO(H~aT~, 61(, Kai 1(. Euayy. KapaYKouAE, 6 1(, Koi K. X. NTapoup).~, 0 K. TaK~, ToepSO, Kai 0 K. Kai K. n. MaKpltl. Me Eva Jll'·Y6J..o yevjla aro ~e.voooxejo Pierre r~r; Near; 'YopK'le; Yloptaat'l"av ta 50 xpovra d1ro tiTv iopua'l tije; 'E8V1Kijr; (/>,J.OlCTWXOU tije; 'EKKJ.'laiar; jjae;, pt tiTv auppr.roxi] E.KarOVrdOwv KUP1WV. a r:eJ.exWv r£i)v r07tlKWV opyavwauJ)v rwv K01V0t1frcvv di'l'o OJ..6KJ..'lP'l rr,v 'ApeplKr, Kal rov KavruJd,rrapouaia rOD 'ApX1EmaKorrov 'ApCpIKijr; K. '!axwpou Kai rijr;rrpwt'le; Kuplar; r~r; nOAlUiar; T~r; NtGi; -YopK~r; K. KdpeU. ET~V nANQ dvaI'V~OTlK~ rpwroyfXUPia rJlaKpivovtal Ka8tjpcvce; ~ K. M. Cambell, alCo rtiv 'Adav'l'G, ~ K. I. Kehayes, dno ro NIOUaPK. ti L1k Pann, dno ro NtivPEp. KOAOpdvro, "K. B. Marks, a1ro ro EIKayo, .!J..J...• ti Gamanos, dno ro A;TtA. <1>ciA.A.<; rOD N. T{ipacQ Ka; ti K. TashiogJou, dno ttiv Boarwvf/. N. T{ipaeu. K. wOpBla" np6cop~ riie; 'EBvIKije; 'Opyavwacwe; rije; (/>/).olCrwxov K. C. Pappas dno rtiv Boarmv'l Ka; 0 EepaujJlwraroc; Kparwv avajJvf/arlKti n)'dKa. Ertiv KATfJ rpwroyprupia" dpaanipla npoeopoc; riic; 'Emrponiic; rOD Fevparoe; K. Estelle Sotirhos jllA.WVrar; ur;,vwpaia aVYKivTpCJXJ11. 0aVUtOl Me iOlaircPll I..U1I:'1 1I:I..TlPoq>oPllOrlKa~E rov {lavaro tv6~ ropaiou Kai unepox ou o:v8primolJ, tOU Bacril..." ZaXO:Pll, nOll YVWptcrc " 'O~OY€:VCLO til~ 'A~EPlKii~, E~Etijlllcrc Kat ciYO:7tTJoc, <Jtav ""rav crt~ N€:a 'YcipK~, ~pcid;po, T~, "Xavlip~ Aaiv,,,. rCWrlO"I1<E crtilv 'AAt~o:vOpEla to 191 5 . . 0 1l'ar€:pac; rou KwVOtaVtlvoe; ZaxciPll~ Ota61OopoJJTJOC onlv A1YlJ7tro. li: ~lucia 28 Xpovwv Ot£ttA,EOt lUIlPOUAO, r~, . HA~VIK~, npeopeia, oro Ajlou:pvtajl. ' Opaioe;, C~U7tVOe;, 7tpo8ujlOC; va t~L)'rt'llPttii to':"~ 7tlivtac;. "tav "lljlOqHAEO'tatO~ . Itov 7tOAtIlO 40-41, EO'7ttlJor va rupial) crt~v 'A6iiva KUl va KararaxO~ tOeAovT~" To 1946 E'I'U'lE 'll(\ r~v w 'A~epIK~. I:Uvtp'laOe~K£ ~t ~oUOU, "E).lllVCC; tcp07tAtati:c; KUl iOLOltCPWC; t01Je; Vovooe; tou NlK'O Kal Mllvd PE90jlVll Kttl ftciWll KOUAOUKOUVTr;. IANOYAPIOI: 1982 43 9 reasons wh ~ou should fyOlympic to Greece. If the first 8 reasons don't convince you, the last one will. Olympic has the Love-A-ra resM - the lowest round trip fare you can get on a scheduled airline to Greece. Only Olympic offers you the converuence of daily Jumbo 747 service nonstop to Greece all yearlong. Only Olympic has one less seat per row than other airlines to Greece-so you enjoy a more comfortable ride. Only Olympic has a private terminal in Athens, with connecting flights just steps away. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Only Olympic can fly you from Athens to more than two dozen other Greek towns and sunny Greek islands. Another Olympic first: The $50 Greek Isle! When you buy any special round trip fare from the US., you can connect in Athens and fly round trip to any point in G reece for only $50-and save up to $132. What's more, a 72-hour layover in Athens is permitted. Unlike most transatlantic airlines, our in-flight meals are prepared fresh - are never frozen. 7 8 Coming home, you'll speed through the private baggage and customs facilities we share with American Airlines at J.F.K. airporI. Connections on American are in the same terminal, and United is right next door. 9 '';1 'm.1Jf.l1U~>;~ dVU_L lj E_8vLXlj UEQOJtoQLXT] natQELu '[T]£ 'HA6.0oC;. MLAouf.lE '[ljv yAfoaau ow;! No wonder Olympic is # I to Greece. For reservations, call your travel agent or Olympic Airways at once. OZVIWP'C AIR..,AYS Our 15th year of serving the Greek community. Greece in America A Monthly Digest of the American Press The Foreign Policy of the New Greek Government worker and producer and for the develop. The Prime Minister of Greece, Mr. Andreas Papandreou, last month presented 10 ment of the country, irrespective of Parliament the policy a/the new government a/the Panhellenic Socialist Movement which Community obligations. Mr, Papandreou was victorious in the general election a/October /8.1 98/. The/allowing is a brie/summary of some of the main points of the long statement, wilh special reference to foreign policy, said that he would set out Greece's positions as provided by the Athens News Agency. at this week's London EEC Summit. "I think it is very significant that there is a Mr. Papandreou reaffirmed that his countries in the area. growing awareness in the Community of Government saw no point in keeping Greece Greece and the European Community unacceptable inequalities within its in the military wing of an Alliance which did Turning to Greece's continued membernot guarantee its eastern borders ~ an structure," he said. ship of the European Economic Community obvious reference to Turkey. Mr. PapanGreece, Turkey and Cyprus (EEC) Mr. Papandreou said that the Greek dreou repeated his charge that NATO had people would be asked to decide the issue Referring to the Aegean issue and the supported the seven-year military dictatorthrough a referendum. He noted , however, Greek-Turkish relations, the Greek leader ship and had done nothing to stop the that it is the prerogative of the President said that "our neighbors and the Atlantic Turkish invasion of Cyprus. of the Republic to decide the matter. He Alliance should be clearly aware that our "There is no point in belonging to the land and sea borders, as well as the limits of pointed out that in any event the governmilitary wing of an alliance which does not the Greek continental shelf in the Aegean, ment's position was to propose a special guarantee our eastern borders against any are non-negotiable issues which are agreement with the Community that would possible threat and which, with its constant protected by international treaties and permit the implementation of Greece 's supplies of military equipment to Turkey, agreements. " development program, especially in the tends to upset the balance of forces in the industrial and agricultural sectors so crucial He declared that the Greek government Aegean," Mr. Papandreou told Parliament. to the country's national independence. had apprised Ankara of the will ofthe Greek Mr. Papandreou reiterated his campaign people to live in peace and friendship with He added, however, that if a referendum pledge to negotiate a phased withdrawal were to be held, the government would Turkey. He said that the two countries of the U.S. military bases in Greece. "In the honor the verdict of the Greek people. should seriously consider putting an end to negotiations which we will hold early in the spending of monumental sums on Until then, he said, the government would 1982, we will definitely include a time table armaments, using their resources instead on wage a battle within the community itself for their removal," said the Prime Minister. and exhaust all avenues to protect the Greek improving health and education and raising He rejected the "Rogers Agreement", drafted in October 1980 by NATO Supreme Commander Bernard Rogers for ... settlement of the Greek-Turkish dispute in the Aegean, as detrimental to the country's national interests. He said: "The government considers that the Rogers agreement, as interpreted so far, casts doubt on the limits of Greece's operational control in the Aegean, something which is unacceptable to us." In a reference to the vote to be taken by Parliament at the end ofthe two-day debate, Mr. Papandreau said: "Your vote of confidence will give us at the same time a mandate to take the action needed to safeguard our borders and to protect the interests of the country and the nation." Such a mandate, the Premier said, would provide for the country's disengagement from the Rogers agreement. As to the U.S. bases, he declared that, With close collaborativn between the gvvernments of Greece and the l./niled Slates, pending the conclusion of the forthcoming negotiations: one vf the world's rarest and most impressive relio af ancient Greek art. the Pdla Mos;J.ic. was safely airlifted 10 take irs place among the exhihits of the Search far Alexander -Their activities would be subject to display when it opened at the Boston Musellm vf Fine Arcs on OctOber ]7. The mosaic. Greek control and supervision; measuring roughly II I/l by 6 1/2 feet and weighing some 800 lbs., is amvng Ihe earliest -Their operation would be subject to pvlychrome mosaics wilh figure.~ ever discovered. The t~·o men depicted attackinfl a fierce annual review with Greece retaining the lion may , in the vit'w vf many sc holars, be Alexander the Creat and his friend Kr~/eros. right to abrogate any agreement that To be shipped to Boston. the great pehble mosai(' /loor had to be cur from the ~'aJ/ of the infringe the country's national interests; of PeJ/a, birthplace of Alexander ....·hae the ./lovr "'as discovered in 1957. and museum -and Greece would have the right to then carefully restored to a condition .witahle for safe transport at ian. With the personal suspend the activities of the bases in the interest of U.s. Defense Secretary Caspar Weinherger. fhe mosaic was transported in an event that they jeopardised the interests aircraft of the Us. Air Fvrce. It wilt accomp(lfIY lhe Search for Alexander exhibition tv of the country and its security, or were San Francisco. Nev... Orleans and New York a./ter the display closes in Bosron next January. deemed to harm relations with friendly JANUARY 1982 NEWSWEEK/ DECEMBER 21 ,1981 The Delphic Oracle Plays Brussels Aristophanes could not have written a zanier script. Andreas Papandreou arrived at NATO headquarters in Brussels last week armed with the cunning ofOdysseus and the ambiguity of the Delphic oracle-and promptly upstaged the dead-serious meeting of thirteen defense ministers. The Greek Prime Minister dwelt on what his Western colleagues considered a gratuitous demand: guaranteed prQtection against any attack their people's living standards. The dialogue with Turkey, he stressed, is meaningful only to the extent that it does not entail concessions of inalienable, national sovereign rights. On the Cyprus question , which he described flatly as "a matter of fore ign occupation and of crucial national significance to Greece," Mr. Papandreou said: "The Greek government is constantly conscious of its legal right and obligation, as a guarantor power, actively to support the struggle of the Cypriot people." This, he said, meant the withdrawal of all foreign troops, rights of free establishment and movement on the island, and the formulation of a charter providing for a united and independent Cypriot Republic and ensuring equal rights and obligations for all its citizens- both Greek and Turkish Cypriots. He said the Greek Government would launch an international crusade to inform public opinion and mobilize all those forces in a position to contribute to a just solution of the Cyprus problem. Mr. Papandreou noted at this point that his government would re-open the "Cyprus from Turkey, Greece's unfriendly NATO neighbor. Papandreou's intransigence diverted the meeting from setting NATO militaTY and arms-control policy. And his antics drowned out news of an invitation to Spain to join the alliance and cast doubts on the stability ofNA TO's southern flank. A s soon as he arrived, Papandreou stirred rumo rsofa Greek withdrawal from NATO. He fed Greek journalists an exaggerated laundry list of " demands" : that 24,000 Turkish troops withdraw at once from Cyprus; that an agreement permitting U.S. mili taTY bases in Greece be radically revised, and that Greece be permitted to retain direct control of its troops in peacetime-and to file H- a reference to the Junta-engineered ' coup that toppled the late President Makarios in 1974- so that the Greek and Cypriot people would finally know who was responsible for the Cyprus tragedy. Peace and Realism The new government's stance on foreign policy, the Greek leader said, would be one of peace, realism and solidarity with those peoples struggling for their national independence and aspiring to a self-supporting economic deve1opment- a policy. he added, formulated from the standpoint that Greece is a country belonging at the same time to Europe, the Balkans and the Mediterranean. EYXONTAI Elxpp6uuva XPluroVYI:Vva EuJ..oY'ljdva napa. Kupiou Kai Elp'lV1KOV ro 'AvariJ..Aov Ncov "Ero, struggle 01 the Palestinian people for selfdetermination, the establishment of their own homeland and the return ofthe refugees to their homes," Mr. Papandreou said. Reiterating his government's well-known position that the Balkans be made a nuclearfree zone, Mr. Papandreou told the packed Parliament that , as a first step, his government would "propose specific denuclearized zones" in the peninsula. He expressed the government's view that the area should be detached from political and military blocs and declared that Greece, after the necessary consultations, would be the first to implement, and very soon, this principle by removing nuclear weapons from her soil. Concluding his references to foreign policy the Prime Minister said that his government also aimed at the development of multilateral ties with the countries of the third world and particularly the promotion of cooperation with the non-aligned states. Domestic Policy Turning to domestic issues, Greece's first Socialist Premier said that the government would introduce the simp le proportional electoral system-instead of the reinforced proportional system used in the recent elections-and lower the voting age from 20 to 18. With inflation currently running at over 20 percent, Mr. Papandreou disclosed that the national currency (drachma) had lost two-thirds of its purchasing power since 1974, more than double that of the EEC countries. Citing the increase of the state budget deficit from 22.S billion drs. in 1974 to about 190 billion in 1981 (over three billion U.S. dollars), the Greek Premier attributed this in part to the "tremendous increase in tax evasion" which he estimated at over I SO billion drs. (2.5 billion U.S. dollars). Ell: AnAl:AI: TAl: KOINOTHTAl:, TAl: <l>IAOnTOXOYl: AAEA<I>OTHTAI:, THN ArAnHTHN OMOrENEIAN KAI AnANTAl: TOn KA0' OIONAHnOTE TPonON H0IKOl: KAI YAIKOl: BOH00YNTAl: TO MONAAIKON TOYTO <l>IAAN0POnIKON IAPYMA THl: IEPAl: APXIEnIl:KOnHI: AMEPIKHl: Mr. Papandreou said his government welcomed foreign investment provided it contributed to the country's development in the field of production and advanced technology and that it would be under clear national control. " We believe that the Mediterranean region should belong to its inhabitants without the presence of superpower fleets and without military exercises that endanger peace in such a delicate, sensitive and volatile region," Mr. Papandreou said. Relations with the Arab World, the Greek Premier emphasized, were developing favorably and it was the government's aim to expand them. "We steadily support the H AKAAHMIA TOY AnOY BAl:IAEIOY OI AIEY0YNONTEI:, OI AIAAI:KONTEI: KAI OI AIAAI:KOMENOI OI ynHPETOYNTEI: KAI AIAKONOYNTEI:' EN TO IEPO IAPYMATI THI: AKAAHMIAl: TOY AnOY BAl:IAEIOY 46 yield them to NATO only in time of war. NATO officials tried to convince themselves that the tough talk was only for Greek domestic consumption- but in the end Papandreou disappointed them. He balked at half a dozen propositions for compromise language on the Greek-Turkish issue. The Brussels gathering was not a total disaster. The NATO foreign ministers issued a joint communique supporting the U.S. positions on missile talks with the Soviets. And the invitation to Spain will fin an important strategic gap on the southwestern flank of the alliance. With the unruly Papandreou on the southeastern flank, the addition couldn't have come at a better time. "NEW YORK" Among those gathered at High Acres, site of the new headquarters/or Hydroponic Technologies International Corp .. for groundbreaking ceremonies Wednesday were, from lefI: George B. Harris Jr .. Wellsville allorney; Nicholas J. Papadakos, founder and preSident of Hydroponic Technologies; Dr. Roger Blaisdell, former owner of the property; Peter Metros, vice president and general manager of Turbodyne Division of McGraw-Edison, Wellsville: George McAndrews. a neighbor 10 Mr. Papadakos on Baker Hill Road: and James Raptis, Allegany County legislator from Wellsville andfriend oj Mr. Papadakos. The new firm. locating on &ker Hill Road, town of Ward, will use hydroponics - soilless gro wing - (0 establish a vegetable growing business. His Industry Is 'Growing' DEBBIE CLA RK (Times Herald, Olean, N. Y.) By ALFRED - The age-old concept of Hydroponic growing took on a new meaning in the Alfred area Wednesday with groundsbreaking ceremonies for Hydroponic Technologies International Corp.'s first greenhouse. "We are today witnessing the birth of a new child," Nicholas 1. Papadakos, founder and president of the firm, told gathered friends, dignitaries and company personnel. Mr. Papadakos explained that with the new farming technology encompassed in hydroponic growin~. his firm hopes to make "outstanding contnbutions" to food production, both scientifically to the farmer and commercially. Hydroponics , which was used to create the Hanging Gardens of Babylon - one of the seven wonders of the world - is essentially soilless farming, growing with only water and nutrients. "Above all we expect to make the life of the farmer that much easier, more produclive and more compensating," said Mr. Papadakos. We want to "'again make the farmer the master of his own destiny rather than at the mercy of the elements." With that statement, Mr. Papadakos, a native Greek. sprinled some blessed water from his homeland across the site of what will become the pilot greenhouse for his firm's enterprise. Mr. Papadakos and the beginning of the Hydroponic Technologies International Corp. arrived in Allegany County about a year ago. Headquarters for the company is the some 262 acres of the former Blaisdell Estate which Mr. Papadakos purchased from Dr. Roger Blaisdell. The property is about a half mile west of the intersection of Baker Hill Road and County Road 12 in the town of Ward. Hydroponics, said Mr. Papadakos, is a relatively new agricultural concept in the United States, although it has been known to man since ancient Egypt. Although originally conce ived as a means to fa rm in areas of the world with poor soil and water conditions, such as the Mideast, today Hydroponics provides a cont rolled environment and better nutrition. Also, in the northeast United States, where soil and water are plentiful. but the climate hinders vegetable production, hydroponics can become an important form of growing. With the hydroponic method, a farmer could use 30 times less space than is required in open farm land for the same output. Mr. Papadakos searched for more than a yea r before learning of High Acres, the Blaisdell property in Allegany County. The recurring question asked throughout the sea rch was: Will the energy requirement of light and heat for hydroponic growth in this latitude be equal or less than those for ferti lizer, farm equipment. refrigeration and O*:.~:.~:.ll':.~:i:t'~:i:t'.:.. 't.:• •:"''':'''!l!:'''IJI!:''.:'''~_~~~_~ KaAit, XpOVta cr'tOV E<p01tAtcr'ttKO KOcrllO , Kat cr OAOUS 'tous vaU'ttAAOIl£VOUs DELTA MARINE SUPPLY CORP. 5 VARIG STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. \0013 TEL. (212) 334-1414 Branches: MIAMI BALTIMORE NEW ORLEANS HOUSTON LONDON PIRAEUS JANUARY 1982 47 transponation in conventional farming in such places as Florida, California and Mexico? It was decided finally to find a site anywhere in New York State which could provide all or a good part of the energy requi red for launching its program. The Blaisdell property, with its two producing water wells, three producing natural gas wells and approximately 130,000 trees assures this , from the company's point of view. The residence will afford the company space for hospitality, entertainment, offices, meeting room, classroom, showroom and promotional space. Total acquisition of the property was put at $4 16,750, including the main house and outbuildings. All mineral rights are owned by the company. Other features of the site include: its classification as farm land eligible for benefits under state and federa l farm programs; possible qualification for state and federal energy programs; location in a good market area; its accessibility by rai l or road and its proximity to the state Vandermark Forest, an approximately 2.500-acre reserve for additional low cost wood fuel. if needed. Hydroponic Technologies International Corp.'s present plans include building between eight and 30 quonset style greenhouses equipped with nursery-lateral green leaf vegetable system known as the hydro trough system. List price for such a greenhouse is $29,715. Estimated transportation, construction, ground improvement and installation costs are estimated not to exceed $10,000 per unit. Annua l operating expenses per unit are estimated at $26,000. Income from an eight-unit operation is estimated at $450,000, with $242,000 gross profit. Mr. Papad~kos. who has lived at High Acres for more than a year "planning and thinking," said he has been exposed to the hydroponics idea since 1975 and "dedicated to it since November 1978." He describes his company's offerings as "a new frontier for the Southern Tier." In addition to Mr. Papadakow, Hydroponic Technologies International Corp. includes three directors and officers, a threemember legal and accounting staff, nine consultants and an international sales department manager. Locally, Dianne Martin of Alfred. chairman of the village planning board, has been appo inted the assistant to the president. Mr. and Mrs. GEORGE MAKOS and Family EiJXOVWl a' OAOUe; rove; rpiAOUe; roue; Xp6vza IloAAd ~~:.~:.t;\':""':.~:"~-~~~-~:.~:~:~ HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL Phoenix Maritime Agencies, Inc. 645 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10022 '. .. _.. ,,:< --,..-.,...,11' !':? ~:ie " ___ -.:w. ,,:w. .. _ ~:w. .. _._ II' iQ!_~:' .._~_ .::- JQt:je ~_~:w. BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR Pacific Chartering and Brokerage Co., Inc. Engineering Consultants, Agents. Brokers ELIAS FRANTZIS, GEORGE HEINE 29 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10006 TEL. (212) 943-6040 ••:.*:..,.:... ~:.~"':.t;\':.~: :.t;\':.":"~:W EAAHNIKH OpeO~030~ KOINOTHE ArION KONLTANTINOY Kat EAENHL 37-57 72nd Street. Jackson Heights, New York, N.Y. 11372 rEropywC; K. cJ)roKac; 41KHrOPOt nAP' APEIO nAro MAHAAIAI 12 - 'l'APP{JN 17 A0HNAI T~l..: 48 360-9016 - 522-0260 '0 'Iepar_ Ilp0i'arop.eVOC; Kai ro A. J:Vj1.j30VAIO eVXOVTaI (lTd j1.eA'1, aravc; napoiKOVC; Kai a' OAOKA'1P'1 rr,v 'Oj1.oytveia EYTYXEI: TO NEO ETOI: "NEW YORK" THE GREEK SCENE By Jacques A . Case • Greek-Americans In Sports Who are the sporting Greek Americans? A good dozen have achieved preeminence in various sports, both as top collegiate athletes and as professionals, over the last 60 or so years. The o ldest and best remembered name is that of Jim Landos, world heavyweight wrestling champion in 1930. He was only 5' 8"', But he packed a wallop for his height when he defeated his taller opponent Dick Shikat at Philadelphia's Bell Park 52 years ago. That same year, the 175-pound "Golden Greek" defeated Chief White Feathers in Washington, D.C. Landos was at the height of his form in those days. He was willing, hesaid. to defend his title every week. His wrestling techniques included a body-twirling swing that his opponents feared . After swinging around in quick action, holding his opponent overhead, he twirled them and dumped them at high speed like a sack of potatoes. That often did them in. He often told how he got his inspiration to become a wrestler when he was a schoolboy in Patras, Greece, his hometown. He would spend hours admiring the marble statue of Miron of Croton, ancient Greece's greatest wrestler, the winner of six Olympic crowns. In 1932, Londos visits President Hoover at the White House to receive his accolade. In 1939, Mayor Rossi of San Francisco welcomes the famous Greek wrestler. Londos had began his wrestling career in that city. Jim Londos had wrestled for 34 years before finally retiring in 1946 at his 26-acre ranch at Escondido, Ca lifornia. He held the Happy New Year Light & Delicious Our famous Fillo Strudel leaves are umque in the world ... They can be preserved in the refrigerator for months (not in the freezer) even though the package is not airtight. N ow in the same excellent quality ... A polio has prepared • KATAIFI • BAKLAVA • SPANAKOPITA • TYROPITA Ask for them at your local supermarket. RECOMENDA nON: To the owners of Restaurants - Hotels - Caterers - Etc ..... . Buying our outstanding prepared products are economical both in time and money. APOLLO STRUDEL LEAVES CO. 56 CORTLAND AVENUE DUMOND, N.J. 07628 TEL. (201) 385-5661 JANUARY 1982 World Heavyweight Championship title for 14 years. Once, he wretled in Athens, at the Olympic Stadium, right where the first modern Olympics began in 1896, before 65,000 fans, beating his opponent. He fought over 2,000 matches during his long wrestling career. In the early 70's he was still active helping young athletes. To Greeks and Greek Americans alike, the name Jim Londos was legend. In the 30's and 40's, his name was a household word, at least in Greek homes. A less known Greek wrestler of the early 20th Century was George Zaharias whose real name was Theodos ios Vitoyannis. He was prominent for a time in heavyweight wrestling. Babe Didrikson Zaharias, the woman who married this Greek wrestler, '0 I1p6£8po~ wu Ka8£8plKOU Naou ~~~~~~: Tii~ • Ayia~ Tpl(i80~ Kat 1'] Ka AOYH AMOPATH EUXOVTaI a' OAOV( KAAH XPONIA Best Wishes for the Holidays James P. Christodou/oUM.D. F.A.C.C. 625 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10021 TEL. (212) 744-1118 Dr. and Mrs. CHRISTOS D. PYRROS Wish all their friends HAPPY NEW YEAR '0 68oVTiaTpo~ KnNrTANTINOr XPlrTOAIAr EUXeWI a' 5ilov( roU( rpiilov( Kai 7teilare( rov EYTYXEE TO NEO ETOE 608 ANDERSON AVE., CLIFFSIDE PARK, N.J. 07010 Tel.: (201) 941-5800 50 was one of the greatest women ath letes of modern times. In the last half century Greek American athletes have been gaining preminence slowly. In the last 25 years the pace has quickened. The best known of the Greek American athletes of today is Alex Karras. He was an all-pro defensive tackle during his football career, becoming a broadcasting celebrity in later years. A massively built man , he became one of the football greats of the Detroit Lions. That was back ten years ago. American football is not quite the same as European soccer, which is what the Greeks play. Yet American football attracts a number of Greek American youths. In the late 40's, Pete Pihos "was so good, so consistent" at American football that he was elected to two football halls of fame. In November 1948, during a game between the Eagles and the Steelers, Pete Pihos and Bill Mackrides, both members of the Philadelphia Eagles and national football champions, were honored in a special ceremony. Pete Pihos was enshrined in the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio, his native town. He led the NFL for three consecutive seasons, from 1953 to 1955. In his 9-year career with the Philadelphia Eagles, he missed only one game. Alex Karras, Pete Pi has. Bill Mackrides, three (Greek) American football greats. That other great American sport, baseball, has also produced even more Greek American greats. Harry Agganis, Milt Pappas, Gus Triandos, Chris Peiekoudas, Gus Niarhos, Alex Campanis, Alex Grammas, all became very prominent in that most American of sports. Harry Agganis was a star in Boston Un iversity's team. When he died at 26, in June 1955, "the entire sports wo rld was shocked." He had just become one of the greatest stars in professional baseball. He made his mark, first as a halfback, then as a signal caller. While still in high school, he was so good he was invited to Miami to play. In 1947 he played in the Hearst Newspaper Baseball Tournament in New York. Some 85 colleges were eventually vying at one time for this remarkable Greek athlete. He chose Boston University, partly because he wanted to be close to his mother. The massive pulmonary embolism that killed him had not discouraged his involvement in football. He was elected Boston U's Athlete of the Year twice, the only one to have received such an honor. Soon after his death, the Order of Ahepa, the largest and best-known of the Greek American organizations, established the Harry Agganis Award. In the following 20 years almost as many Harry Agganis Awards were given to American as to Greek American athletes who merited them, including Alex Aronis, George Spaneas, Alex Karras, Lou Tsiriopoulos, Gus Triandos, Milt Pappas, Chris Pelekoudas, Alex Grammas, George Saimes, Peter T oundas, Dee Andros. Angelo Loucas, George Allen "NEW YORK" and George Pappas. There are others. Chris Pelekoudas got it twice. From 1957 to 1970, Milt Pappas, the baseball right-hander whose feat of a nohitter was unmatched. became a model for youths to follow. Billy Loes was another great Greek American pitcher. Pappas pitched for the Baltimore Orioles. Chris Pelekoudas, a National League Umpire, was known for his impartiality. Gus Triandos was a leader of the American League catchers in putouts. In sports medicine , Dr. James Nicholas, doctor of the Knicks and the Jets, carved his niche by curing hundreds of injuries and preventing thousands more. The Greek Americans have not stayed out of professio nal hockey either. Nick Fotiu and Chris Kotsopoulos have made their mark in that rather violent sport. Fotiu started with the Hartford Whalers. Between 1976 and 1979, he played for the New York Rangers. He has been traded back and forth several times between these teams. Now both Fotiu and Kotsopoulos are with the New York Rangers. They are both big and rugged. They would have to be to play hockey. Fotiu, from Staten Island, is6-foot2, over 200 pounds. KOISOpouios is even bigger, 6-foot-3 and 215 pounds. There are at least also four young Greek American women with records of athletic achievement. Leah Poulos at 18 became world speed skating champion. winning a silver medal at the Olympics and passing ahead of Russian and Dutch skaters. Then there was Diana Nyad. Her name matched her feat. She was a marathon swimmer. In fact, she swam around Manhattan for the heck of it. There is also Katherine Loukopoulos-Baxter, who came to this country when she was only 14, a top-level karate expert. No muggers can get past her. Perhaps the youngest Greek American athlete is Jana Ange lakis, a Pennsylvania State Universit y student. She has won a se ries of fencing competitions around the country. She is now considered among the top ten women fencers in the world. Her goal: the 1984 Olympics. "We have won," (nenikikamen) cried out Pheidippides. announcing the victory of the Athenians over the Persians in 490 B.c., before he collapsed, after running the 42 kilometers (26 miles) from Marathon to Athens. And thus began today's running craze. In 1896, when the modern Olympics began al the Olympic Stadium in Athens, the winner of that first modern marathon was a Greek. His name was Louis. His name also entered the Greek language. In various combinations with the forms of the Greek verb yinomai (to become), for almost a century to become a Louis has been a sta ndard Greek idiomatic phrase, signifying those who disappear too quick ly, with either positive or negative connotations. Almost 50 years after Louis. Kyriakides, another Greek , wins the Boston Marathon. The Olympics began in Greece, of course. Greece has asked the International Olympic Committee to hold the summer Olympics JANUARY 1982 ~~S:t~~ HAPPY HOLIDA YS, ~:;\.~~~ HAPPY NEW YEAR Captain and Mrs. Demetrios Sarigiannis BAYRIDGE, BROOKLYN 11le1J] i?hristmns 51 permanently at a new site near ancient Olympia, in Greece. Many countries favor that idea. The Greeks and Gambling If gambling is a sport, the Greeks are in it, too. There are at least three major casinos in Greece: at Mount Parnis, north of Athens; at Corfu and in Rhodes. And, of course, the idle wives of the wealthy Greek socialites of Kolonaki and elsewhere are known for their sometimes obsessive eardplaying. Greek restaurant owners - an uncomfortably large number of them - in America are themselves known for losing their hard-earned businesses by playing the horses. This Greek gambling streak is particularly disturbing. After working years to acquire equity in a restaurant property, many former owners ofthese restaurants are in effect just managers, answerable to their loan sharks. There are two rather famous Greek Americans who have made it big in gambling, nevertheless: one is Nick "The Greek" Dandolos and the other is Jimmy the Greek. By now their stories are legend. Nicholas Andreas Dandolos was born in Crete in 1883. He became a legend at the Las Vegas gaming tables, leaving this world in 1966. Through the years, he is said to have won over $500,000,000 (five hundred million). His losses were also high, as much as $40,000 on a single bet. The story goes that he once escorted Albert Einstein around the Las Vegas casinos (it may be only the figment of a stand-up comic's imagination), introducing him as "Little AI from Princeton, who controls a lot of the action around Jersey." But it is unclear whether it was Nick the Greek or J immy the Greek that took the great scientist around, if at alL According to a Washington Post reporter, who once did an errant for Nick "The Greek" Dandolos in the early 50'5, the legendary gambler had a soft heart. At Christmas one year, he anonymously distributed hundred-dollar bills to many a needy person. Jimmy the Greek's real name was Demetrios Georgios Synadinos. It was his school friends in Steubenville, Ohio, who named him Jimmy the Greek. He gambles with other people's money or OPM, as Onassis called it, not his own, as did Dandolos. Synadinos also syndicated his football predictions. As he admitted once: "I've won a lot ... and I've lost a lot." Synadinos, sometimes referred to as Snyder, because of German American wife, is also a regular of the lecture circuit. But Dandolos of half a century ago was a more legendary name. He had come to this country when he was only 18. in 1902. He first tried the fig business. Then came gambling in Chicago's Greek coffeehouses. One of the most famous games, in 1926, was between Nick the Greek (Dandolo,) and Arnold Rothstein. There was $797,000 on the table, by far the biggest pot in the history of stud poker, especially in 1926 dollars. T~ere was much that was unusual about th iS man. Above all, his reputat ion was unblemished, because he had nothing to do with the rackets. He also had litt le use for fancy living. Most of his life, he was a millionaire, but not in his old age. When he died in Las Vegas in 1966, he was flat broke. The kind of scenario movies are made of. Best Wishes for a Happy New Year MICHAEL SOTIRHOS And Family , 0; EvX ee; Yla KaAa XplaroVYeVva Kai EvrvXlaj.J.evo rov KalVOVPYlO Xpovo KIMnN Kat EAENH .10YKA ~~\f:~S~':$a\:$S~a.\;~S' Compliments of Theo. Arapoglou Corporation 225 Broadway New York, NY 10007 Headquarters for: Arpol Petroleum Company Hatchet Petroleum Compa ny The Old Oil Compa ny Troy Petroleum Company TAC Chemical Company Petroleum Specialties Company Petroleum & Synthetic lubricants Company Best Wishes Jor a Happy New Year to All Atlantic Maritime Enterprises Corp. 10 West 55th Street New York, N,Y. 10019 ="1i:"'\;.~_a.\;~ 52 "NEW YORK" • Diets are healthy zn Mediterranean By Jean Mayer and Jeanne Goldberg "We eat to live, we do not live to eat" is true enough, Eating is one of life's great pleasures, and there are any number oftimetested eating patterns around the world that not only have produced good food but also are conducive to good health, particularly cardiovascular health. The Chinese and Japanese cuisines 3Te one example (provided you go easy on the soy sauce). Another is the way of eating shared by the people who live in the area of the Mediterranean Sea, from the Iberian Peninsula to Greece. Just the thought of Spanish paella, Greek rnoussaka, the bouillabaise of Marseilles is mouth-watering. Not to mention the multitude of Italian pastas--enough, it is said, so that you could eal two different dishes each day for a year. An outstanding characteristic of the Mediterranean diet is the use of great quantities of fresh vegetables. In appetizers and soups, in pasta sauces and in salads Compliments oj lE~fE$ HIPPIN INC. 505 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. Seasons Greetings to All IONIAN TRANSPORT, INC. 964 Third A venue New York. N. Y. 10022 which are part of most meals, vegetables are served by themselves or in a melange with the meat or poultry or fish main course. Moreover, fresh fruit is the usual dessert at the main meal. although cooked fruit is also much enjoyed. Root vegetables are not eaten much. except for. potatos,_. which rank just behind wheat products-bread and pasta-and just ahead of rice and corn meal in order of importance for starchy foodstuffs, which all told comprise about 60 percent of the calories of the Mediterranean diet (about 50 percent being from breads and pasta alone). Indeed, in the Mediterranean area, bread is the staff of life; loaves and rolls of all sizes and shapes are prepared fresh in the shOps each weekday morning. The average person eats more than half a pound of bread a day, in contrast to a:l average of J .ounces consumed by Americans. How can so much starch be part of a good diet? Easily. Carbohydrates are as low in calories as protein; they hold four calories a gram. One slice of Italian bread contains only 80 calories. Grains provide protein of good biological value, and whose grains in particular offer a number of B vitamins and minerals. In fact, there is far more overweight and obesity in the United States than in the Mediterranean area, and this is in part because the bread and other starchy foods in that diet take the place of some of the meats, dairy products and sweets and fatty snacks that account for many of the calories in typical American fare, And, of course, there are the many special foods and flavors of the Mediterranean. Fish and shellfish, yogurt that is used extensively in cooking throughout the area and the great vanety of cheeses (beloved by all but the Spaniards), many of which, like mozzarella, feta and ricotta, are low in fat. But above all. there are olives. It is hard to think of the countries that surround the Mediterranean without 't hinking also of olive trees. Olive oil is the dominant cooking fat , salad dressing, "spread" for bread and flavoring for vegetables. (When butter is used , it is mainly for cooking.) In general, olive oil accounts for up to one-fifth of the dietary calories throughout ,~~~~~"-'i:f.Q;;~$~~S~~8~~a,::tt.'i:~~~ Happy New Year to All Transoceanic Marine Inc. New York, N.Y. JANUARY 1982 53 the Mediterranean area. On the island of Crete, which is the champion user, the average person puts away 3 to 4 ounces a day. That's per person, not per household! If you add up the amount of olive oil and the small amounts of other "seed oils, " lard and suet eaten by Mediterraneans, you will find that the total amount of fat is about the same as the amount in the typical American diet. But the vital difference is that olive oil is mono-unsaturated, which means that it has no effect, one way or the other, on the level of serum cholesterol. And "seed" oilspeanut oil, corn oil, soybean and the likeare largely polyunsaturated. Thus the Mediterranean diet is much lower in saturated fats, which have been shown to raise serum cholesterol. In addition, the typical American diet contains much more invisible saturated fat, in meats, high-fat dairy products and many processed foods, whereas meat used in the Mediterranean is relatively lean. And Mediterranean natives eat about half the amount of eggs and milk in all forms. What aU this adds up to, as far as health is concerned, is revealed in the resu lts of a 10year follow-up on the different groups in the seven different countries. For the southern Europeans, their mean serum cholesterol level was 199 milligrams per deciliter, compared with a level of 236 for the American subjects. But the incidence rate of serious heart disease, in American men, was more than double that of the Italians, four times that of the Greeks and Yugoslavians. Of course, high serum cholesterol is not the only risk factor in coronary heart disease. A man with a serum cholesterol of 350 milligrams has about seven times the risk of a comparable man with a cholesterol of J50. Smoking a pack of cigarettes a day doubles the risk. KaA" xpovra Kai KaAes bOVA£les ~S~'i:~\;~S a' OAOVs rovs vavnAAo,uivovs For Deck, Engine and Provisions GULF MARINE And INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, Inc. 401 SI. Joseph Street, New Orleans, La. 70130 Tel. [504] 525-6252 STEVE KOUTSOURADIS, Manager -+ Eie; anavrae; rove; vaVT/))'0J-l£VOVe; , Kal' " rae; OlKOYC:VC:We; rwv c:uxoJ-lf;Ba tYKapOfwe; EYTYXEI: TO NEON ETOI: Tricontinental Shipping Corp. 410 Park Avenue New York, N.Y. Best Wishes to All Independence Maritime Agency, Inc. 19 Rector Street, New York, N.Y. .0. ~~~~$S~~SS~~$~S~SSS8~~ Seasons Greetings JOHN S. LA TSIS (U.S.A.) Inc. 5 West 54th Street New York, N.Y. 10019 54 "NEW YORK·· Hellenic Museum and Cultural Center Project in Chicago The creation of a Hellenic Museum and Cultural Center is an idea whose time has come. For years numerous people have been saying that such a center is necessary as a focal point ot the Greek community at large, to preserve its memories and express its vitalities. At last, a broadly based effort is beginning to get underway to make the dream of many a reality. In a meeting on September 17, 1981 , various community elements met to explore further various aspects of the project. A first meeting had been held on June 25, 1981 by members of the Executive Committee of U.H.A.C.. at which time it wasresolved that an ad hoc committee be established with the charge to ••... conduct a study which shall include, as a minimum, a survey of other similar existing centers, a recommendation of the feasibility of establishing a Hellenic Museum and Cultural Center, and, short and long range plans for the establishment, development and maintenance of a Center," The committees' charge further is to expand itself into a community-wide committee of interested members representing constituent groups that share the objective of establishing, developing and maintaining a Hellenic Museum and Cultural Center. The committee is also charged with preparing a report of its st udy, short and long range plans, and recommendations on a plan of action. With the establishment of the ad hoc committee, the first steps have been taken. The committee, at this time, includes the foHowing individuals: Leon Skan, Chairman Pro Tern, Dr. Angeline Caruso, Reverend Chris Kerhulas, Dr. Andrew Kopan, Leon Marinakos, James Mezilso.n, Dr. Charles Moskos, and James Peponts. Serving on the committee is an ex-officio capacity are: His Grace Bishop Iakovos, Bishop of Chicago and Andrew A. Athens, National Chairman of the United Hellenic American Congress . It is the United Hellenic American Congress (U,H.A.C.) that is taking the i~itiat~ve to fuse the effort into a communitY-Wide project. Having demonstrated its capabilities with an impressive list of activities, U. H.A.C. is acting as a catalyst for the community as a whole to channel its efforts into a well coordinated effort. A project of this magnitude is much too large in importance, significance and scope for any one organization - and this includes U. H.A.C. as well - to undertake on its own. This has been borne out by well meaning, enthusiastic and sincere past attempts, started by individuals and groups who did not embrace the entire community. The ad hoc committee will begin work shortly on the feasibility study which will require about six months to complete. U,H.A,C. has budgeted S I0,000 to prepare the feasibility study, After this study is completed, it will be presented to the entire community fo its approval and the green light to proceed on this project which is envisioned to be national in scope. Ind ividuals and organizations interested in this project can contact the U.H.A.C. \ office in downtown Chicago at (312) 580- ' OJ J 1 for further information. • Eyypaqnin; rUVOp O lll1 t ai OttlV «Nta 'Y6pKl1" Weie lending money for anythi~ you need. Come and get it If you qualify, ATLANTIC BANK OF NEWYORK will lend you the money for a new car, a family vacation, home improvements, or for any good reason, Get low interest rates, flexible re-payment terms-you can even apply by phone. Call 695-5400 Today! ATLANTIC BA..NK ~o Cot"por.,. OF NEW YORK ~u."",r. : 960 Avenue 01 I"" Amerius. New Vork. N Y 10001 ~ !2 12) 695 5400 I----..~ MIftNoltwl : 9OOA!! ol lhe Americn. NewYor1I. . N v . 10001 • 695·S400.'23 W,III.mSlreel , Ne",Yorlt , N Y 10038 ~ 695 5400 O~s : 2910 Oill"n-afS Boulev"d. ASloria. N V 11105· 72' · 2800.33·12 30lh Avenue. ASIO';', N If 11103· 9322300 .roolllvn : 8010 Fifth Avenue. B'OOldyn. N.Y 11209.748· 6400. Membe. Fede,.' Oeposu 'nsuro1nc"" Corporal,on JANUARY 1982 55 Quaint Historic Church of the Early Greek Immigrants By Rev. P.N. Papageorge Amidst towering awesome office buildings and dwarfed by high rise luxurious condominiums and directly in front of the majestic World Trade Center, where millions upon millions of yearly visitors and tourists from all over the world turn out daily to marvel at and enjoy tremendously the super architectural wonder of the past decade with its modern facilities of underground mass transit systems. elegant gourmet restaurants and unique subterranean labyrinthine shopping center, is the quaint little Archdiocesan Greek Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas. St. Nicholas dates back to the early days of the immigrant Greeks. For many years on end the parish adequately administered to all the needs of the rather small Greek ..:..*:.~:...:.*:....:.IttiWr".. *:r~~~y Dr. and Mrs. VAN LATSEY Wish all their friends here and in Greece HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Happy New Year to All Crossway Navigation Agency 19 Rector Street, New York, N. Y. 10006 Happy New Year to All Sea Fare of the Aegean 25 West 56 Street. New York . N.Y. 10019 Tel. [212]581-0540 va.~ ••at~.~.~ ..... .. ~ OMOLTION~IA AMEPIKHIKAIKANA~A H TIANHTIEIPQTIKH EUXf.!al KaA~ Xpovui ae "OAOV~ Kai b KaJvovpy/O~ Xp6vo~ va rpepl1 r~v nO()l1r~ 'EAw()f.pia ar~ f1.aprvpIK~ Bopf./O "Hnf.lpo 1 minority on the lower westside of Manhattan. At one time the parish ranked amongst the better Greek communities of greater New York. Since than the members took up residence in upper Manhattan and Brooklyn and Queens. However, the staunch supporters continue to worship at the same place disregarding the distance and expense of travel. The few remaining dedicated members generously support the church and are ever ready to provide whatever is required to improve and maintain the four~storied church and community edifice. These devout parishioners come from the five boroughs of the city, northern New Jersey and Westchester County. I've had the privilege to serve the parish on numerous occasions as interim priest and have truly experienced at the Holy Altar of Almighty God an inexplicable blissful exaltation in the divine Presence and grace of our Lord Jesus. And, following the Divine Liturgy the ubi· quitous feeling of christlike agape and warmth which prevailed in the gatherings of the Apostolic Church of old and often mentioned by our Lord Jesus in His short public ministry is indeed enjoyable and gratifying. It is hardly necessary to emphasize the importance of this particular type of christian behavior that is indeed essential in the promulgation and survival of our God-given Greek Orthodox Christian Faith. I've actually enjoyed listening to the Senior Members relate in detail the various incidents and important events of the parish particularly the not too distant precious moments of the early days that were indeed trying and throublesome. It was not at all easy to meet the regular financial commitments. especially during the bleak depression years of unemployment and insufficient means to provide the basic necessities oftife. Today conditions are altogether much different. There is no longer the cumbersome question of maintenance but a serious matter of retaining their lifestyle at the present site at Cedar Street in downtown Manhattan. The enormous redevelopment of Battery Park is gradually taking over the entire area and for sometime fabulous money offers have been extended to the Parish Council to purchase outright the property which is proposed for the construction of a four block multilevel office complex. Today the members have refused to sell. They want to remain where they are for old time's sake. This is their unanimous decision and ardent desire and I'm quite sure that it will take more than money to negotiate a change and reversal of their decision and intent. It seems that there are too many fine sentiments and unforgettable precious memories of years gone by which inhibit even a rc-evaluation of the tempting offers and attractive compensations. The parishioners are not willing to part with their present House of Worship, where they witnessed and experienced momentous times of trials and tribulation, joy and sorrows, hope and comfort. positive direction and divine inspiration. "NEW YORK" The Call of the Earth By Evange/os Avero//- Tossizza One of the less noticed aspects of the Axis occupation of Europe during World War II was that it fanned ethnic and social enmities: the Nazis and Fascists developed a policy of encouraging conflicts as a means of checking resistance against their rule. This policy was very successful in Eastern Europe and the Balkans. where age-Old feuds and ethnic distrust were skillfully exploited by the occupiers. Some of the "wars within the War" that resulted brought about as much sufferring and death as the occupation forces themselves. It is in this context that Evangelos Averoff-Tossizza sets THE CALL OF THE EARTH. The story traces the evolution of a young, Paris-educated poet unwittingly thrust in provincial northern Greek life at about the time of the outbreak of the War. Averoff describes the transformation of an indifferent, bored for to a man of action and commitment. A verofrs narrative paints a number of characters whose loyalties and visions are shaped and tested by the momentous catastrophe: Greece's defeat and occupation by the Axis forces. THE CALL OF THE EARTH is more than an historical novel: Averoff handles dilemmas which remain constant, indeed became more pronounced during periods of catastrophic events. He does not judge, rather he describes the many, often conflicting, forces that make up the human psyche and the transformation of which man is capable as a result of reversals of fortune. Mr. A veroff was recently Deputy Prime Minister and was Minister of Defense of Greece since 1974. he has been involved in that country's political life at the highest levels for the last thirty years. Mr. & Mrs. LOUIS LAMBRAN ~~:.It:i:t*,:iD~:.ti Extend to all their friends their wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year SADDLER RIVER, N.J. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OUR FRIENDS Petro con Marine Chemical Corp. 243 44th Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232 . 0 XE1POUPYOC; ia'tpoc; Kat T] Ka ANA1:TA1:IOY 1:. KA1:AIIIAH IlE 'ta 'tEKva 'trov ~ro'tiJ PTJv Kat 'AllaAiav Happy New Year to our Friends Philios Memorials 27-10 23rd Ave. Astoria, N. Y. 11105 Telephone: 726-4011 MAYmAEIA - TA4DOnETPEI: MNHMEIA JANUARY 1982 Euxovral (J' oAoVl; ror)(; rpfAove; rove; Mw Kai (Jrr,v 'EUliba EYTYXEl: TO NEO ETOl: Kings Point, L.I., N.Y. TTJ/,.. 545-8889 Q EvrvX[X; ro Neo "Eroc; . . Eie; anavrae; rove; vav!1AAof1tvove; --' Martran Steamship Co., Inc. 29 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N.Y. 57 Greek Heritage Society appoints Executive Director Washington, D.C. - The Society for the Preservation of the Greek Heritage has named Frederick Haupt, III, to be Executive Director. Haupt's appointment was announced by the Society's Chairman, Professor Bernard MW. Knox, who is also Director of the Washington-based Center for Hellenic Studies. The Society, a national membership group with headquarters in Washington, D.C., was formed in 1974 as an independent American sister organization to Elliniki Etairia (Hellenic Society) in Athens, Greece. "Our aim," Knox said, "is to acquaint Americans with private sector preservation and conservation projects in Greece, that is, those buildings, sites and programs that are outside the scope of official agencies of the Greek Government, and develop financial support for them in the United States." Ellimiki Etairia, also a private, nongovernmental organization, has assumed the responsibility for such projects; but because there are so many, Professor Knox explained, outside help is urgently needed. To Meet that need, sister organizations, with the same aims as the American Society, have been established in England and Switzerland. The Society for the Preservation of the Greek Heritage, under Haupt's direction, will mount a campaign to increase national membership and its ability to raise money for the survival of significant elements of the Greek heritage and those qualities in Greek life that have nourished Western civilization. The AHEPA held a luncheon/or the departing Greek Ambassador to the United States, John E. Tzounis, on November 20. Pictured here from left to right are the departing Deputy Chief of Mission. Chara/ambos Papadopoulos, Greek Ambassador Tzounis. Supreme President Gustav Cofflnas, and Supreme Counsellor George Charles. '0 'ErciO"KOrcOC; 'Am:opiac; 0EO<p. K. IIETPOL E15Xeral (Jr~v •OpOytVela EYTYXEI TO 1982 The Editors of "KRIKOS" Extend cordial wishes to the Editors oJ 'New York" and al/ its readers Jor a happy and prosperous 1982 "KRIKOS" The illustrated Greek Review 33 MAPESBURY ROAD LONDON N.W .2 ENGLAND S8 XpOVla flOAAa E' "OAOUe; rove; fleM.ree; Kai {/}IAOUe; JOHN S. LINAKIS Queens County Realty Business Brokers A!I Types oJ Insurance and Real Estate Tel. (212) 297-3700 33 YEARS OF PERSONAL SERVICE "NEW YORK" New Books on Greece and Greeks The RediscoH~ r y of Greece- Tra,"elcrs and Painters of the Romantic Era. a lavis hly-i ll ustrated study of m any s ites o f Greece as seen by fo reig n sc hoh.lfs and tra velers. b~ Fan i-Maria Tfigakou, published by C<lratLas Brot he rs. I'\ew Roche ll e. New Y ork . History of the Greek and Roman Theater , a n ew Pr i nct:lon University P r ess paperback. by M argaret e Bieber. The Minoan World . illu strated. bv Arthur ColtereJi. Cha rles Sc rib ner' s Son;, New York . Atlas of th e Greek World, ill ust rated. by Peter L evi, Fa cts o n File Pu blicat io ns. New Yo rk. Maria ~ephele: A Poem in Two Voices. by Cdyueus El.rlis. transl ated by Alhan A nagnostopoul os. publ ish ed by H ough ton M imin. The Life and Times of the Greek Alphabet , by Alexander and Nicholas H umez. published by Da vi d R . Godinc, Boston . The Victori a ns and Ancient Greece. by Richard Jenk ins, the much-praised recent stud y now avail able in paperback from the Har va rd Unive rsity Press. The Archeology of Greece: an Introduction, by William R. Biers. ano th er new paperback in l(Jr gc formal , from Corne ll Un iversit y. Education in Greece Today, a dou ble issue of the J o urn a l of the Hellenic Diaspo ra . edit ed and introduced by Professor Anna Frangoudakis. ava ilable from Pel la Pu bl ishing Com pany, New York. The Regional Cuisines of Greece, a selection fro m the Recipe Cl ub of 5t. Pa ul's Greek Orthodox Chu rch, publ ished by Duub k day. New York . 'OJllAiu EK1tUlOWttKOfi (JE KOlVOtl]tU M1tpOfiKAlJV lt~ Ol>V{:).W0t"J toli lllAAOYOU rOVE:6JV Kal .1.tOaOKOA6JV tou' H~€PTl(Jiou I:xoAdoo .' ApyuplO<; <l>avt~<;.. t~<; KOlVOt~to<; · Ayiwv Kwvotavttvol> Kai' EAtvTJ~ , M1I:pouK),DV. ~ 6noia !),apE xwpa crti<; 2 6€K£~Ppiou OtT,V a'iSouoa t€A€tWV tOU 0xoAdotl, ~iATlO€, iJot€pa 0.11:0 TCpoOKAll011 t~<; n POtO POD. 6 l:u~PO"),o<; • EnaloEuo£oo~ tt'j <; . APXU::1tlOK01t1;<;, ~p . ' Avopta<; Zaxaplou. ~t Bella ,(To WEpyo Kai of 'E1tlou.i>~€l<; TOU rpacpElou natO£ia<; t1;<;' IEpa.<; · APX t€7ttoKon"<;,,. l:t~ OUVCAtuaTJ napwptSTJoav 1I:Epi TOlx; 50 yovdC; Kai lhocim::aAOt, 00<; Kai of AloEa. 0EOOOlPO<; NE(;t),\O<;. 6 npOEOpO<; t~<; KOlVOtlltO<; K. Euota81O<; MnQ.Kac; , 6 npOEO pO, t~<; l:XO),lK~ <; ' Enltponij<; K. · Io)uvvTl<; BoAaVtll<;. 6 .1.tEu8uvtli<; tou l:XO),dOD Bito T~Evvapo Kai ~ npOEOpO<; tOU I:IJAAOYOl> r ovcwv Kai 6loaoKaAwv Kapo), • Avv Xa),KlQ. JANUARY 1981 Straightening Out Greece (Editorial in Ihe Washington Post, Nov. 29. 1981) Of Greece Secretary of State Dean Acheson sa id in 1947: .. It was necessary to interfere in their internal affairs in order to get them straightened out." In that p~r~od American policy was of course patroOlzmg and not exactly overanxious about Greek sovereignty and Greek sensibilities. Fortunately. that wasn't all. The policy succeded: it did more or less "straighten Greece out." The nature of the threat to Greece after World War II is still debated, but Greece did emerge as a working democracy-not always a smoothly working democracy but a place where, most years, the Greek people could decide how they were governed. Recently, in a sense vindicating Dean Acheson's po licy, they threw out the party associated with the American connection over the years and installed the socialist pany, which in effect campaigned against the attitude represented by Dean Acheson 's comment. Its leader, Andreas Papandreou, said he would plunge first into urgent domestic concerns but he is now deep into foreign policy. He announced the other day that, unilaterally, he wishes to remo,:,"e American nuclear weapons, He also saId that, by negotiation, he intends to set a timetable to remove the American military bases and to take Greece out of the integrated military commi:\nd of NAT.O .. It'!'o important here that he stresses negotlatmg, since thi s puts bureaucrats into the process and slows things down. But a possible further diminution of the American presence in the eastern Mediterranean is surely possible. The Reagan administration is no less nationalistic in its way than Mr, Papandreou's is in his , and it will not be easy for it to keep cool. That appears to be its intention, however, and it's the only way to go. Greeks have to work out of their system the resentment many of them still feel at being taken in hand by the Americans after the war and at having their democracy suspended by colonels in the 19705. Mr. Papandreou is frank to acknowledge that his country is a Balkan and Mediterranean place as well as a Western one. Though the West may have been thinking of Soviet communism when it brought Greece into NATO, Greece never had Turkey far from mind . Mr. Papandreou's grievance against NATO now is that the Alliance, meaning the United States, neither guarantees Greece's borders with Turkey (it was never meant to) nor ends the Turkish military occupation in Cyprus (too hard). Though we hesitate to put an anti-American tag onMr. Papandreou,or on Greeks in general, a policy that will sound antiAmerican to many American ears can now be expected out of Athens. It's a good time for Americans to be patient while Greeks straighten themselves out. HERMES CHAPTER 186 ORDER OF AHEPA HAPPY NEW YEAR TO OUR MEMBERS, ALL BROTHERS AHEPANS AND ALL GREEK·AMERICANS PETER GEORGIADIS President ARISTIDES STA VRAKIS SAVVAS CONSTANTINIDIS Vice Presidents GEORGE PHILIOU Secretary GEORGE PETROU Treasurer JOHN J. NICHOLAS Esq. Chairman of the Board of Governors 'E).)''lVIKO ([)wroypalptfo ar~v KapblG. r;jc; 'AaroPIaC; ASTRO STUDIO 35-35 30th A VENUE ASTORIA, N.Y. 11103 59 Papandreou's Message TIME. DECEMBER 7. 1981 Split Persona u.s. Papandreou raises tempers ince he was elected just seven weeks ago, he has become the aging en/ant S terrible of European politics, the cause of what has become known in the chanceries of the European Commun ity as "the Greek problem." Last week Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou. 62, hcad of the first Socialist government in Greek postwar history. was on his best behavior for a change at the ten-nation Fe. summit meeting in London. Still, as members agreed to approve European participation in the Sinai peace-keeping force, Papandreou made some statements that were bound to anger the Israelis. Declaring that Greece in " no way" accepted the Camp David accords, Papandreou reaffirmed his position that the Palestine Liberation Organization was "the only spokesman for the Palestinian people." The difficulties that Papandreou caused the E.C. over the sensitive Middle East issue were merely a sample of how troublesome Greece has become following the landslide election victory of Papandrcou's Panhellenic Socialist Movement. Two weeks ago, for example, Greece complained about an E.e. resolution that supported the withdrawal of Libyan occupation forces from Chad. The Greek Socialists, who maintain warm relations with Libyan Dictator Muammar Gadaffi. cautioned that " for the good of Europe" the E.C. should guard against " imperialism" and " neocolonialism." These righteous admonitions by the Greeks were especially resented by the F:-ench, who had sponsored the Chad resolution. Said one exasperated diplomat: "The Greeks' nuisance value has been so high since they came into the Community that I sometimes think we would have J:>:e:en better off if they had stayed out." apandreou himself has hardly waxed enthusiastic about Greece's E.c. P membership, which was engineered by 9, President Constantine Caramanlis months before the Socialist sweep last October. Long before the election, Papandreou had expressed strong hostility toward the E.C., and has often called for a referendum on Greece's membership in the Community. At the same time, Papandreou has expressed opposition to some E.C. export quotas. 'demanding that Greece be accorded spec:ial status within the Community. When he objected to one E.C. regulation on agriculture at the London summit, Belgian Prime Minister Mark Eyskens interrupted him , asking, "Then why don 't you just leave?" On other issues, Papandreou's personality seems split between the bluff and bluster of the consummate politician and the ideological pronouncements of a dedicated Socialist. Papandreou's ambivalence was particularly apparent in his first major policy speech last week when he 60 Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou Sounding offlike Europe senfant terri ble. waffled on the two key foreign policy planks of his election campaign: Greek withdrawal from NATO and the removal of U.S. military bases from Greece. He indicated that Greece might ultimately withdraw from the military wing ofNATQ. but he left it unclear whether this was his firm intention or merely a suggestion. Said one high-level NATO aide in Brussels: " I believe Papandreou will negotiate. He knows quite well that Greece would have less influence if it moves out of NATO and Turkey would ha ve more." Papandreou's position on the four U.S. bases in Greece was even more am biguous. Though he restated his earlier view that the bases must be phased out and proposed that negotiations begin next year, he also called for an "annual review" of the issue, raising the possibility that the facilities might continue in operation for years. Indeed. there is a suspicion that Papandreou may be using the U.S. bases as leverage in a matter of greater emotional importance to Greeks: the withdrawal of Turkish forces from the Greek-dom inated island of Cyprus. For allowing the U.S. to continue to operate the bases, Papandreou might insist that the U.S. exert pressure on Turkey for a Cyprus solution. So far the Reagan Administration is understandably uncertain about what Papandreou really wants to do about the bases. ]n dealing with the Greek Socialists. Washington has leverage of its own. U.S. aid to Greece is running at the rate of $200 million annua lly. "None of the things he is talking about is cost-free in security and political influence," says one State Department official. "There is really nobody to take our place. " But before acting, Washington is waiting and watching for Papandreou to decide, once and for all, precisely what it is that he wants to do. • News & World Report, Dec. 7. 1981 Blunt message from Socialist Premier Papandreou of Greece: Athens has no intention of detouring from its new antiU.S .• anti-NATO, anti-Turkey course. Atlantic Allies had hoped that Papandreou might moderate some of his radical campaign promises after taking office. Not so. Instead, the Premier, in his first policy address, announced that he will set a timetable early next year for removal of U.S. bases in Greece, will order all American nuclear arms out of Greece, will withdraw from NATO's military wing. On top of that, Papandreou served noti~e he will renegotiate Greek membership terms in the European Economic Community, take a toughe~ line in dealing with Turkey, push for creation of a nuclear-free zone in the Balkans. Constraints? Some exist. Greece is virtually depended on American military suppl ies. Losing those would alienate the armed forces. Early withdrawal from the EEC could cost Athens 1.8 billion dollars in special aid. Also, President. C~ramanlis, a conservative, may try to rem 10 Papandreou. For now, Papandreou is pursuing his goit-alone strategy with a vengeance. FOTI GONIS (EXPRESS) rUl nlv bmuxia KnOe flou"",;;, "a, tKOTJA",,,ew<; TTJA€'PWV1]"aT€: FOTi GONIS (212) 762-6222 For a super affair and sound of class Call FOTi GONIS (212) 762-6222 "NEW YORK" Interview With Spyros Kyprianou, President of Cyprus U.S. News & World Report, Inc. "America Has leverage" With Turkey to End Cyprus Conflict A He and I fully agree that decisions regarding Cyprus should be made by the government of Cyprus. Still, Greece will lend more active support to Cyprus in the international arena. Papandreou has shown more willingness to assist us, and that simply means he will he more active on OUT The leader of a divided nation spells out the U.S. stake in a solution to his island's problem-and the dangers if the crisis continues. behalf with various governments and within organizations to which Greece belongs. We are not speaking of Greek military assistance; our aim is to solve the problem peacefully. Q Mr. President, the Cyprus conflict is hampering President Reagan's bid for closer ties with both Turkey and Greece. What is the prospect for an early solution? A At the moment, very bleak. A solution will come only when Turkey withdraws its soldiers and allows Cypriots themselves, of both Greek and Turkish ancestry, to work out their differences. The bulk of the Turkish troops that invaded Cyprus in 1974-some 30,000 now-still occupy almost 40 percent of our island. About 200,000 Greek Cypriots-nearly one third of the total population of the island-are now refugees, forced to leave their homes in the Turkish-occupied areas. Turkish settlers are being brought in to colonize those areas-which indicates Turkey's eventual goal may be annexation of the occupied area. In short, Ankara's aim, until now at least, is not to seek federation, as it claims, but a solution of a partitionist nature. This undercuts any chance for a just and lasting settlement. a Does the threat by Papandreou to close American bases in Greece make Turkey more vital to the U.S.? Reagan with Kyprlanou at the White House else because of its internal policies. Today, Turkey depends on the U.S. for most of its military, economic and political support. vVashington has every right to effectively use its influence on Turkey to abandon its intransigent stand on Cyprus and seek a reasonable accord. America has the leverage if it wan ts to use it. a The United States has just agreed to closer military cooperation with Turkey. Will that weaken Washington's leverage? A My assessment is that Papandreou simply wants December 8. to renegotiate certain things with the u.s. In the end, 1 believe he will reach an understanding with the United States. Turkey may now feel that she's more important to NATO: I have my doubts whether that is true. But however you look at it, it wi~l be essential to persuade Turkey to see reason in the search for a solution to the Cyprus problem. a If Turkey withdraws Its troops, is there danger of renewed violence between Greek and Turkish Cypriots? A If Cyprus and its people were reunited, chances of violence would be -( emote. Events of the past have been a lesson for everybody. Everybody has been convinced that the only way out is What danger does the continued to reconcile and cooperate for the benstalemate in Cyprus pose for the U.S.? efit of all in an independent Cyprus, A The Cyprus problem, unless it is with everybody owing loyalty to the resolved soon, may become a permaRepublic of Cyprus. This is definitely nent source' of friction and even armed the feeling among Greek Cypriots, and conflict between Greece and Turkey, there is quite strong eviden·~e that the two of your important NATO allies. If vast majority of Turkish Cypriots feel civilians rather than military leaders this way as welL They are having serihad held power in Athens when Turkey ous economic problems and are fed up invaded Cyprus, there would have with the presence of the Turkish troops been war between the two countries. and Turkish colonizers, with whom What effect will the election of America has a deep interest in avert- Greek SOCialist Premier Andreas Papan- they have nothing in common. ing such a catastrophe. And remember dreou have on negotiations with Turkey? I am sure that if the TIJ.rkish Cypriots this: The Cyprus conflict has and the Greek Cypriots are left not, up to now, become a focus free of foreign occupation and of East-\Vest rivalry, but there is interference, they will resolve certainly no guarantee that this their differences. Somebody will always be the case. America may argue, "But if the Turkish should want to keep matters as troops go out, the Turkish Cyppeaceful as possible throughout riots would be in danger." As ~§TE ,$ Cyp~ the Middle East region. \... e have proposed, the Turkish ~ Mediterranean Scala 01 miles Sea.,. Q What role can the U.S. play Cypriots can be protected by a o 200 In finding a solution In Cyprus? United Nations police force as A Turkey must be persuadlong as that is necessary. We ed to end its occupation-and have also proposed the demiliBasic Facts About Cyprus there is no country with more tarization of the republic. influence over Ankara than the Population: 620,000, including 465,000 Greeks So the stumbling block really United States. The military reand 124,000 Turks is the Turkish occupation and gime in T urkey is isolated from Turkey's philosophy of dividing Area: 3,572 sq. miles, or smalier than Connecticut Europe and almost everywhere the island. D a A It is true that the stronger Turkey feels, the more difficult it is to change Ankara's attitude. But again I say: It is in Washington's interest to have a solution to the Cyprus problem. I try to avoid the word pressure, since people don't like it, but that's what it may take. Clearly, it is also in Turkey's interest to resolve the Cyprus crisis because it is a source of great tension and conflict in the region. It is a burden on Turkey's troubled economy and has other negative consequences for Turkey internationally. a JANUARY 1982 61 TIME. DECEMBER 7. 1981 The Untidy Legacy of Alexander FUNERAL GAMES by Mary Renault; Pantheon; 335 pages; $/4.50 ary Renault, born Mary Chanans 76 M years ago in London, is regarded as one of the world's leading historical novelists. From Cape Town, South Africa, where she has lived since 1948, Renault looks back to antiquity where history, legend and myth rocked in the same cradle. The King Must Die. her most widely known book, is also her best, because it leaves the reader with the illusion of having attended the birth of Western consciousness. Theseus was the narrator, and civilization was only a gleam on his sword. A writer of Renault's re-creative powers had little difficulty moving from Theseus, mythical founder of a unified Attica, to Alexander the Great, who spread the seed of Hellenism across Asia Minor, North Africa and the brow of India. In Fire from Heaven and The Persian Boy, Renault took the most romantic of all military heroes from his beginnings as son of Philip of Macedon through his glories as youthful conqueror. Funeral Games ends the trilogy. The novel opens in 323 B.C. with Alexander, 33, dying of swamp fever in a Babylonian palace. Renault guides us through the property, noting its special features and listing the previous owners. Her description could be a model for Beverly Hills realtors: " Nebuchadrezzar's bedroom, once ponderously Assyrian, had been Persianized by successive kings from Kyros on. Kambyses had hung its walls with the trophies of conquered Egypt; Darius the Great had sheathed its columns with gold and malachite; Xerxes had pegged across one side the embroidered robe of Athene, looted from the Parthenon." Such loaded passages are frequently funeral 62 of Alexander the Creat: necessary to keep the reader oriented in ancient history. Characters, many related by polygamy. swarm out of the giltwork and malachite. All have their ambitions, dreams and passions. One of the refreshments of Renault's ancient world is the absence of modern psychology. AU that is needed to define the cast are the seven deadly sins, mainly wrath. a varice, envy and. above all, pride. In death Alexander is still an untamed force of nature. During his own time, many believed that he was more divine than human, and he may have believed that too. For all his military genius and energy, this bold, danger-loving man does not appear to have given serious thought to the consequences of an early death. He ruled a sprawling network of satrapies largely through the power ofhis personali ty . There were no heirs to the empire, though two of his wives were pregnant when he died. Excerpt His spirit sank like the altar fire when the fuel was low. 'Shall we see it? Will a new Xerxes comeT ' , The Chaldean shook his head. 'A dying, nota killing. Another city will rise and ours will wane. It is un- der the sign of the King.' 'Will he live, then, after all?' 'He is dying, as I told you, But his sign is walking along the constellations, further than we can reckon in years. You will not see it set - , , ting in your day .' Even the unborn are participants in the "funeral games," the author's euphemism for the power struggles that began with Alexander's first death rattles. The events of the book cover four decades and include 45 "Principal Persons" whom the author lists and identifies in a handy program preceding the action. T he first strong move is made by Perdikkas, who becomes No.2 man in the empire after the death ofHephaistion. He was figuratively and literally Alexander's comrade-inarms. Not of the blood, Perdikkas seeks to rule as regent until Alexander's as yet unborn offspring come of age. ut not so fast. Back in Macedon, where men are men and some women B are too, an athletic teen-ager named Eurydike is practicing her javelin toss and dreaming of asserting a claim to the throne. Eurydike is the granddaughter of Philip II; her grandmother was an IlIyrian warrior whom Philip wed to seal a peace treaty. Renault handles the matter discreetly: "The lady would not have been his choice for her own sake; she was comely, but he had trouble remembering which sex he was in bed with." Of course, the great symbolic marriage during the Age of Alexander was between the rough-riding culture of Macedonia and Thrace and the silkier Persians and other Orientals. Alexander subdued them all, but he also succumbed to their styles. In a general way, Eurydike represents the dashing and wild West and Perdikkas the exotic and clever East. She marries but does not couple with Alexander's retarded brother, a large sweet creature who can be made to look and sound kingly for brief ceremonial occasions. Perdikkas attempts to juggle alliances from his headquarters in the East. They and other contenders meet bad ends. There are decades of wa rs, treacheries and murders. One of the great the seed of Hellenism across Asia Minor, North Africa and the brow of India "NEW YORK" va L IIPQTO KAI KATA TO 1981 To 1tprotO HJ..TJvlKO tll~ElOlWtlKO YPIl<PEio crE i:1tl~lltlKi) KlVTJGTJ Ytli ti)v 'Enaoll to 1979, ,to 1980 Kill to 1981, crUJ.l<pWVIl J.lE _, _ e _ tl~ E1tlcrTJJ.lE~ crtlltlcrtlKE~ tWV IlEP01t0PlKWV UlllplWV. ,~, TO 1982 ME KAeE XAPA KAI EYTYXIA To AEGEAN TRAVEL, J.lECJOl toli rpa<pE\ou tOU CJtO Mavxattav, 1toil pplCJKual KOVta CJt11V Wall Street, t~U1t1JPuEi 1toi..H~ YVOlCJtts VaUtli..laKE~, t<p01ti..tCJtlKt~ Kal t/11tOPlKE~ t1tl XElPtlCJEl~ E/11tEipO Kal dOlKEU/1EvO 1tPOCJOl1tlKO Kal toil~ Kai..UtEpOu~ opou~. ~ • L I I Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10004. Suite 1551 (2 12) 269-5900 (800) 221-5752.3 QUEENS:29 - 1 I Oitman Blvd .. Ast o ria , N. Y. 11105 (212) 932·3232 (800) 221 -441(}' I BROOKLYN: 1670 E. 11th St., Broo kl yn. N.Y. 11229 (212) 621.8268 NEW YORK: Kardamylia Tou", I I Broadway. 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