JULY 1983 NEW YORK Greek-American Monthly Review 9 BAEIIE :!:EA.
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JULY 1983 NEW YORK Greek-American Monthly Review 9 BAEIIE :!:EA.
JULY 1983 NEW YORK Greek-American Monthly Review BAEIIE :!:EA. 9 A la Carte menu for the hours of 5-9 daily except Saturdays. Sunday 12-9 Bar drinks $2 .50 soft drinks $1. 50 MEZEDHES hot opp".m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Keftedakia meatballs Loucanica Kypriotika sausages Glycadakia sweetbreads Souvlakia and Shefatalia Combination shish kebob Kalamarakia fried baby squid MEZf:DHf:S .5.25 3.50 Kolokyth.ki. Ti.nita 3.25 4.25 Saganaki Ran.be baked cheese Halloumi Athienou Sharas sliced cheese 4.75 4.75 Bakaliaro Skordalia fried codfish small 7.25 Zesta Mezedhakia hot platter large 10.25 Skordalia fried zucchini ,oldoppe""" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ T aramosa1ata fish roe Giaourti hamemade yogurt Tal1atouri 3.25 4.75 3.50 salad Dolmades Yalantzi rice-stuffed vine leaues Octapodaki Ksidato marinated octopus 2.95 2.75 3.25 3.25 4.75 SOUPS Avgolemono chicken soup 5.25 3.50 3.50 sman5.25 large 7.75 Garides Ladolemono shrimp Fet. Cheese Sardelles Ladoksido sardines Kria Mezedhakia cold platters SALADS 1.25 2'(Xl Horiatiki CHf:F'S PRIDE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Psito T ou Founou roast lamb Sheftalies rolls of spiced ground meat Ami Kapama lomb casserole Souvla Troodous shish ~ebob Paidakia Amisia lamb chops Brizola sirloin steak Filetakia Alavarosia filet mignon 5.95 5.25 6.25 7,95 10.25 9.95 10.25 Ami Giouvetsi baked lomb with Souvl.ki. Garides Kato Paphou broiled shrimp Filet Mignon Kotopoul. broiled chicken Kotopoula Gernlsto stuffed chiCKen Souvlaki Lemesiano Tsipoura whole broiled porgy Filet of Lemon Sole Psari. A La Zygi 6.75 7.50 .shrtmp. scallops & .sale combination 9.95 ana pork shish kebob lobster. scallops & shrImp kebob 5.75 5.95 11.75 · 12.25 5.95 6.95 11.75 Gartdes T ourkoHmano shrimp in marine sauce Broiled Bay ScaUops 11.75 11.25 DESSERTS-BEVERAGES Homemade Cypriot Deserts 1.75 Greek Coffee Coffee Fresh Fruits in Season 2.00 Tea SeJections of Delicious 1.00 .75 .75 -SPECIAL OFFER- WERFARES ON HOMERIC'S 747 -CH ERS' E to For The Summer TO PLUS TA X 5. 75 ROUNDTRIP • You Fly BOEING-747 JUMBO JET - NON-STOP • Departures every THURSDAY and SUNDAY Returns every FRIDAY and MONDAY • Children 2-12 years old pay only $499 round trip. Infants travel Free. • Limited number of seats • CALL NOW New York : Brooklyn: 595 Fifth Ave 79-04 5th Avenue Tel 212753-1100 Tol. 212 833-6800 AHOPIA 31-19 DITMARS Blvd Tel, (2121721-8400 Sl;Inford. CT: 906 E. MaIO 51. 203/359-2917 Hicksville 86 No Broadway 5161487-1108 Athens, Greece: 59 Panepistimiou St. Tel. 321-4717 Tel. (212) 947-3180 [j][![3~Q)~~~ PACKING SHIPPING CO. nArKorMlm: META<I>OPIKH ETAIPIA 47-24 30th AVENUE, ASTORIA, N.Y. 11103 Hf\Q4 YOPKH TtlI-. (212) 278-1058 MllAOYAA. AYTOKINHTA. EllIllAA I~~ HAEKTPIKEI: I:YI:KEYEI: NEW YORK, Greek-American Monthly Review JULY 1983 VOL. XXXV No.4IS All correspondence should be addressed to Al:GlAAEIA H NEA YOPKH PO. BOX 675 GRAND CENTRAL STATION NEW YORK, N.Y. 10163 TAXYTHl: PETER S. MAKRIAS l:Yl:THMA Editor and 6.lf;u9uv'tui - 'IOlOKtiltal K. NTOYPMAl: - r. l:YMHINI6Hl: HERODION HOTEL Publish~r Foundn and Social Editor SPYROS MINOTOS A5social~ EditoT5 P'of. E. BOURODEMOS Ph.D . JACQUES A. CASE ContTibuting Editor5: P,of. M. VYRON RAtZIS ADRIANNE PALIOS RIGAS KAPPATOS BOB NICOLAIDES DIMITRIS IOANNIDES GtANNIS KO UN ADIS ELIAS GRIVOGIANNIS NICOS SPANIA S 5TA VROS GRAM MATIKOPOULOS CHRYSTALENNI LOUKAIDOU ACHILLES SAKELLARIDES Art DirulQr CHRISTINE NERRIE Represenrative in Greece GrANNIS L. KOUNADIS Solonos 116 - Te!. 3606307 4, Rovertou Galli Street, Makriyanni - Acropolis, Athens 402 - Gr<cce Phones: 923 6832~ Telex: 21-9423 HERO GR OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT BY M . TSIMIDOPOULOS S.A. The Herodion Hotel, fully airconditioned. all rooms with private bath - shower. telephone and radio, television on request. is situated in the hean of Alhrns. Mlow the Acropolis, opposite the He-rodeus Auicus ancient theatre. within easy reach of the main business and shopping centen, theatres and prominent points of historical interest. The Hotel features exquisite international Restauranl. Cocktail LounJe. Coffee Shop, Snack-Bar. Roof Garden Bar facing the Acropolis. Parking facilities are availahle. 4 NEA YOPKH (N~w York) the Greek . Amencan monthly review is published by the HELLENIC HERITAGE LTD ., )0 West J6th Street ( 10th n oo r), N. York , N. Y. 100lK Second Class postag~ paid at N . York. NY . 'Ct'loia tv .... o po~.Il'i : S25 .00 yui ·A",tpt.:fJ I(ui KavuOO . ' Atpon:opll(", 6'WOlOkfl yu:i EopWl'I:'l I(ui OAO T01l 1(60~0 S5O.00. Tpal'I:t<wv . ' E'''luP'';Otwv .:ai 'OP1UV10,",<dV SIOO.OO . • NEA YOPKH .. eef.1 ara TOO M'lVOr; Ti npenel va KaraAufJovv (Jr~v 'AB1jva . .. 'Ano TOV 6IEUeUVT~ TOO 'EAArJVIKOO rpa$eiou Tunou Kol nA~po<l>op,,;:'v OT~ NEa 'Y6pK~, M~a~o KaJ ouxapioT~S 6~~0OIEUOJ,JE Kol oXoAI6~OIJE T~V EmaToA~ nau O:KoAougei: K6ptt "ETC, ~ttueUVt6.: CfX,OAUS aa~ jJ£ 'thAD (( Ti TIPE1tEt vo. KataMpouv on)v 'A9~va .. t~S taKtlK~S O'a~ OTrlAl1<; «@£J.lCl'tQ TOU M'lv6C;» (n:ux,oc; ']ouviou 1983), bnXElptitt ,.no. £Ktilll1<Jll trov trtlO'KtWtWV otic; HTIA lmoupywv tile; E"'.T]VlKij<; KUPtPVT]OT] <;, OUI1<Prova 11< t"V onoia l aue; U1tOcS(SEtE 1tp69£o'1 KOIlj.lauKoltoiT]oT]<; tij <; 6l1oytVEla<; ("11£ ti<; c111€tPlltt<; bna.::£\j1£lC; Moo 1tOA1TlICOAOYOUV- troy POUA£utWV Kai UTroup'Ywv Kai QAAffiV tlt lO~l1rov Kai 11~ ..... ). 'H tKtil1T]OT] aut" ltOppro altEXEl t~<; npaYJ..1anK(hrl'ra.C; Kai Stv dVQl U1tOt£A.£0J..10 civttK£lJl£VlKiiC; 8£WPllO'llC;. O£SOIlE:VOU on of taKndc; Kat ouv£1t£ic; npo; tiC; t~ay YEAiE<; tij<; KuptpVT]oT]<; tltIOKEIjIEl<; I1EAWV tT]<; odxvouv c1KPIPW<; t o ~EXropI OtO tvolacpepov tll<; ),1(1 tOV e).J"'1vtcrIlO Tfie; Sta01ropaC;. Kai, O'TJJ..LQVtlKOOU:PO, orron:Aouv Ttlv £~rrpaKrTJ ovayvoo ptcrTJ rii ~ rrpoa<popa~ to tOU EAATJVIO'J..LOU tooV HnA O'ra. tOVIKa. 9EJlaTa, orroo~ ixel KaT' E1taVaATJ'I'TJ TOviO'£t 6 npoo9urroupy6~ K, ' AvopEa~ narravoptou. Elval a~lo cirropia~ Y1ari. apaYE. tl taKTlKil napouO'la roov tmwSuvoov tfjc; tAA"V1Kil~ KuPtPVTJO'TJ~ O'TOV OJloy£v£laKo xoopo va. yiVtTa1 ciVtlKelJlEVO apV11flKffiv O'xoAioov ano TO 1ttPtOOlKO O'a~, rrot:. rov ntpO'lVO MaplTJ. JlE ltlV d)Kalpia rou raSlOlOU rou . Yq)Orroupyou K, TIarrOUAta cn:i~ HnA, urrtpStJlari~ovtac; OtalurrCJ)vE O'TijV 'iow OrtlAll tilv tuXtl. «va. OOUJlt O'uvroJlu Kat aAAOu~ imoupyouc; ... va tnloKErrlovTat tij OeUlEpTJ rratpi&a Jla~., ." To Otll1€AT] tij <; EUT]VIKij<; KUPEPV~OT]<; Kat aAAOt urrllPtOlaKOt rrapaYOVTtc; £xouv c1pXiOEll1lcl c111<Piopol1T] OXEOT] Kl eva ~wv lavo OU1AOYO JlE: lfJV 6JlOytVEta, sa. bepErrt va 9toopElral oxt JlOVO E1tl9uJlllTO, QAAa ~rofllCii~ oTJJlaoiac; Kat yta ti~ OUO Tt"AtUpte;. Kat £Ivai CPUO'lK6, O'ra rrAuiO'1a tile; 'AmivTf/Of/ T;;r .NEar 'YOPKf/<;»: M, TO axoAIO OTO "POf/YoupEVO TEUXO{ pa{. Off EmXElpouoapE dlPla EKTlpfJof}» TWV unoupYIKWV Koi 6AAwv EmOKElpEwV. ITO SEpa ouro lYIVE onAij avar/>opo, AIYEr povov ypappir. To 9ipa rou axoAlou par ijTav ,MAo! ./lev "Elpcl(EI "au 9iAf/aE va TO ayvor)af/ 0 tmaroAoyp6r/>or· nEpIOpl(OpOOTE Aomov {JXI oro oaa O'V yp6r/>EI, 6AAa at tKElva povo "au 9EAf/OE va tmaf/povf/ () K. rEpoAor. P' To 6TI noAITIKoAoyoDv 01 a(/>IKVOUPEVOf EOW Enlof}pOI ana Ti/V 'A9r)va, TO yvwp!(EI 0 K. rtpEAor, OIOTI auxva TOUr ouvoDEUEl 6 iOlo{ Koi OKOUll (joo AEYouv of: OUVEVTEU[EI{, Of OUOKf",Elr 4!Awv TOU nA.IO.K.• Kal6AAEr Of/pOOlEr aUYKEvrpWaElr, OTJ{ onoiE{ naYIOEUOVTOI OPOYEVEi{ nou npOOfPXOVTaI yJ(t va aKOUOOUV Jlf}VUpOTO E 9 v I K a Koi 6XI KOJlPOTIKa. ' Orav Aomov par ypOr/>EI 0 K. rtpEAor OTi r) tKTlpf/or) par OUTf) «n6ppw anEXE/ T;'j{ npoYJlOTIK6TfJTO{ Koi OlV Elvol anoTEAEOJlO aVTJKElPEvIKij{ SEWPfJOfJ{», TO A/yWTEPO nou KaVE/llval va UnOTIJlO Tt)v VOfJJlOOUVfJ T;j{ ·OJlOYEVEIG{. AUTO, TO 6TI npaVPGTI noAITIKoAoyoDv 01 EnlGfJJlOI nou lpxovTal am) TijV 'A9r)va, TO OPOAOYEi 0 ,maToAoypclr/>or par xwplr "p0r/>avwr va TO liVTIAf/r/>9;; - ori)v TtrapTf/ "opoypar/>o, orijv 0"010 VP6r/>EI.' .KaJ olval <l>UOIK6, OTa nAalola T~~ E",KOIvUlvlas aUT~~, va napexoVTal nA~paq,opiES KaJ 6IEUKPIV~OEI~ navUl OTJ~ eEOOI~ KaJ TO np6vpa~~a T~<; KU~tpv~o~<;, nou 6nwo6f!nOTEi:$anTOVTal noAITIKWV apxwv ...». Elval of/AaOi'! ,,"oAil r/>ualKo., va "p0{Jalvouv 01 tmaKEITTOPEllOI Ti)V 'APEPIKi) ,"Iaf/pol a, tm9ioer Evavrlov T;;r «ilE{ujr' IOYAIOl: 1983 • £1rlKOlVCJ)viae; autll~ va rrapExovral )tAll pOq:lopi£C; Kai &l£UKpl VtlO£t~ 1[(1.VOO O'tiC; 9Eotte; Kat ro npoypal-tjAa Tiic; KUPEpV'10TJe;, noo 6rrrooor)rroTE tcpcirrtQvral rrOAtTlKWV apxwv. aAAa rroo EXOUV oa.v o.j.u:T<1.8Eto OTOXO rou~ TO t9V1KO OUI"UpEpOV. 'ErrOI-tEvCJ)C; otv rrpoK£nal y1(1 "nOA-lttKOAOY1tC; " &A/"O: ytli I-tla l'tpoO'm:i8tla im£u9uvT]<; Kai oo~ap~ <; ltAT]pO<pOpT]oT]<; ni<; 0jAoytvElae; 0.1[0 tilv TCarpioa, nov otv ouvavra Tilv •• rra811tlKtl o.VrlOtaOTJ>' TroV Ol-toy£v&v, OTCoo~ olanlOtOOVt l 6 o.pSpoyp(hpoC;, o.AA' aVTl9Erooe;, Til 8tpl-ttl QVTUrrOKplO'TJ TOU fAAllV10J,10i) Kai to ~oollPO tvolacptpov TOU Yia rie; rrpooTOPOUA.l£e; Kai t~ cppovttoa Tile; £UT]VIK~<; KUPtPVT]OT]<;. ME: TljAtl, L\~I1. rtI1EAO<; l:UI1POUAO<; TultoU 24 ' Iouviou 1983 'Ap. nprot. 863/H.3 KGl va KoAoOVTOI 016jJoyEVB{ VO . .. oUJlP6AAouv Koi ouTOI orov «oooloAJOTIKO JlErOOXf}POTIOJlO Tij{ ·£AA6oo{-- .. , Elvol _noAu (/>UOJKCP oj POUAEUTE{ Koi 01 unoupyoi nou pa~ fPXOVTaJ eow, va OUOKfnrWVTal npwTo IJf Tt)V TomKr) emTpOm) TOU nA.IO.K. "plv 6"0 K69E 6AAf/ ,"ar/>i) Ti)V 9Pf/OKWTI_1J KGi Ti)V "OAITIKij r)VEola T;;r ·OpoyovElar · · . TJ~ TEAEUTOiE{ TPEi{ OfKOfTIE{. ", 'OpOytvEJO oEv EIXE OUV/]· 910£1 Ti{ noAITIKoAoVIE{. OUTf (TxE VEUTEi npoon68EIE{ Koppon KonOlljoEW{ rf}{ ana Ti~ KUPlpvIjO(J{ Ttj{ YEVErEIPO{. NOAoJ 01 npw8unoupyo; KO; unoupyoi nou KOra KaJPOU~ elxav emOKE¢8Ei TIJV 'APEPIKi) (r na"aVOpfOu, K. KapapavAf;r. PclAAf/r. E. 'A{JEpwr/>, K. Mf/TaoTclKf/r. r . Maupor Kal "oAAoi (lAADI! cmir/>wyov Ti~ noAJTlKoAoylE{. 01 EnG¢E{ TOU{ Pl Tr)V 'OpOyivEIO EIxov anoKAl/OTIKa i 8 v I K 0 XOpGKTljpO - (jX/ KOJlJlOTIKO. '£[olpEOfJ flxGV anoTlAtoEJ unoupyoi KO; u¢unoupyoi T;j{ xouvro{ TWV IUVTOYJlGTOPXWV. oj ono;ol fKPIVOV anapalT/]To va "po{J6AAouv tOw TO lpyo Tf;r" E9V1Kf;r KU{JEpVr)OEWr" To iOlo ElxE tmXElpr)aEl Kai pia oA/Y0pI9pf/ opooo r/>IAwv Tf;r 'E"avaOT60EW{-- OTlJv NEG ' Y6PKf], KGi fixE KGI fKElvry OUVGVTI!OEI Tt)V " a 9 f/ TI K ij Ii v T I a T a a f/ Tf;r .OpOYOVElaf Kai ElXE 6"opoVW8Ei. 6rrw{ oUJlPajvEJ Twpa Jll Ti{ Ola(/>OPE{ emTpOnl{ «</1iAwv rou nA.IO.K.•. To iOlo 9a aup{J;; Kal aTOUr r/>IAour T;;r «Ntar ./If/POKpaTiar· ori)v 'APEPIKr), 6v 9EAr)00uv Kal aUToi va OUOTr)aouv 'EmTpo"'r TU"OU xouvTar Kal nA.IO.K. -Ar TO KaraAti{Jouv Aomov _01 aUTO aTi)v 'A9r)va: 'H 'OpoytvEla O'V "pOUlTal vo "apaaup9;; a"o Ta fAAf/VIKf;f KaTO- P' r. OKEU;;~ "E(OOpOPIOKQ oUV8IJPGTO KGi Tr'}V oVEU8uvf}; (Joo Koi EmK/VDUVfJ Ol1pGywyia TWV KoppaTWV. Oi imoupyoi KO; 01 POUAEUTE~ (JAwv TWV EKAEYPEVWV iAAI1VIKWV KupEpvIJaEwv EivO/ Eimp6uofKTOI fOw, £C!>' (Juov OEV Emoi6ovTaJ ae "OA,TIKOAoyIEt; KGi oev ovarmJaoouv KoppaTIKE~ 6paOTl1pl6TfJrE~. MO rov npo 'TOU ~ EKrppti(OIl< Tt'lV <uxt'I va Ilii~ lpOouv Koi iiAAol U"ouPyol. oev t/>avTa(6poorE 6TI 01 t",oKltpE/~ TOU~ 8a Elxav KOPPOTIKOUC; OT6xou~; r'j 86 onipAEnov oe KPITIKr) T;;~ nO),/T/K;;e; T;;~ oeuTEPfJt; narpi6o~ PG~, rJ)v OTIlfPr'J pa),/OTa nou KarlovriorOlXo 8EwpEirol EYKAfJllOTIKO UTt'lV ·AOljvo .. pEpVf}rIKWV KO} KpaT/Kwv unfJPEaJwv, 6T1 0/ KOjJpaTIKtc; TOut; opoOTf}pI6Tl1rfC; y/vovral ouoapEOTO oio8fJrec; OTr)V 'OjJoYEVE/a, nou ElvO/ onot/>OOJopEVf} va "opopEiVf} iVWPfVf} Koi oOlOipETf}. TEroIEe; KOjJPOTIKEC; opaorfJPI6T'lTEC; imoxpiwoov Eva OIOKEKPIPfVO MEAAl1va omAwjJoTfJ. TOV "piopu orr'}v OiJoOJYKrwv K. N. Kapavapio. vo U"OPtiAfJ Tp<i~ rpOPE~ lliXPI Twpa Tt'lV "opaiTfJolj TOU. TtrOlEt; KOppOTIKeC; OPOOTl1pI6T'lTEt; OT/IV Nia ' Y6PKf} Koi oAAoD. jJEuiJVOUV TO KUPOt; TWV omAWjJaTIKWV U"I1PEOHiJv Tt7t; 'EAAoooC; Koi tiJpJOjlEvWV KpaTIKWV iml1PEoltiJv Ka} fmXElpt}OEWv pAtirrrouv Tii .0VlKa aUllrpfpovra Koi pE(IAfUOUV Tt'lv ·EAAtiaa ... • • • nAN. nAc; KaraAdpouv Koi 0/ tow fKnp6ownOi TWV 010¢6pwv KU - ~. MAKPIA~ • «AMOIBAIDX Ennf/>E/lElX» 01 BAXElX ETA TOV npOEapo T;; ~ ll<yaAUT<PfJ~ ' EAAfJvOaIlEpIKaVIK;;~ ·OpyavwOEW~. T;; ~ AHEPA. lpXEral Kai 0 y<pOUOlaoTt'I~ nr.iJA To6vYKO~ va TOV/Of} 6T1 01 OJlEPIKOVJKfC; paoEIt; OTrIV 'EA- M K, ..1060 E{U"I1PETODv Ta t8VIKa OUjJC!>fpovra Kai TWV OUO xwpwv. MIAwvTa~ JlIME~ "au UTt'lv 'AOljva KaTa Tt'lV iivaxwPfJalj TOU. IlITO Ti~ ouvoEIXE 11< TOV npoEapo T;;~ LJfJllOKpaTia~ K. K. KapallavA;; Kai TOV npwOU"Oupyo K. A. na"avapiou. ,; olloyEVt'I~ y<pouOIGOTIJC;. "au elVGJ plAoC; T1K 'EmTpo"f/c; ..1/E8vwv IXEOEWV Tt7C; rEpouaioc;. OIJ),WOE: «MoD OflJlIOupyIJ8flKE I) fVTU"WOI1 6TI 8a "PUTOVEUOI1 I) AOYIKr'} Koi II oUjJC/Jwvia Yla TiC; paoE/~ 8a u"oypa¢f/». ' 0 y<POUOlOOTt'I~ E'"E. f"lofJ~. 6T1 TO Xpovoo"jypalllla Yla Tt'lV olaTljPfJOfJ TWV P60EWV. "Pf"EI va "apfX" Tt'lV ouvarOTfJra ava- HOTEL GRANDE BRETAGNE VEWOEW~ T;;~ OUllrpwv;a~ i"piiYlla "au aEv OfXITOI I; fAAfJVlKt'I KUPfPVfJofJi. 'rp ' 600v I; "apouo;a TOU~ OTt'lv .EAMoa <ivai a Il I P a i a . " W rp <A Ij ~ - Kai Ylii Ti~ HnA Kai Yla Tt'lV ·£AMoa. ' 01<. T06vYl<oC; LmooTlJpl{E EKEiVO "au ToviOTf]KE KaT e"avGaUTO Kai EuxllA'lt.pfl 0' aUTEC; TiC; oTijAEC; Ta TE),Euraia Xp6vlo. 811KE va p U TO VEU 0'1 11 A Y / K t1» KGi va U"oypof/Ji] q oUjJC/Jwvla. Tr'}v f"iTEU{11 6jJwC; oup¢wvioC; fp"6%ov, Tr'}V TEAEuTaia UTIYIlIj. oUllrpwva IlE ofJllOolOyparplKE~ "AfJPorpopiE~. Ta oKAflPO, OPIOTEPO OTO/XEio roD nA.IG.K. ~ETal oEv aVEKolvw8fl GUjJf/Jwvlo Koi 6 'Aj.JEpIKavoc; o/O"POYPOTEUTI)e; 1<. M"opT6AojJIOU f"EOTPEIJ)E OTr)V OUOOWKTWV YIC1o/apouAEuaEIe;. nl8aVOAOyEiTGI TWPO II t"/TEU{fJ oUjJf/>wvioC; JJEoa OTOV '/OUAIO, GV Koi oEv ElVGJ cml8ovf} I) d'voOToAJ) TWV olo"paYjJoTEuOEWV Yla pEPIKOU~ Il;;v<~ . .. ° «" n ° MITTEPAN KO/IOMBOX KAI XODA/l/XMOX NArNO~TH~ "OU ol6poaE TO axoAI';lla~ UTO T<UXO~ 'Iou- v/ou V,a Tr'}V KOTOOTPO¢I} Tt7> O/Kovoj.Jioc; ana TOV A Ioo/GAlojJo TaD K. (/JPOVOOua MITTEpOV. JlO) iOWOf O"6I<oj.JjJo roAAIKij~ f),Al1vIKi]c; eC/JfJJlEplooC; GXETIKa JJE PIa emoToAr'} "OU KUK),O¢OPEi TOV TEAEUTOio KOIPO OTllv roAA!o. 'H fmOToAr) npoEPxerOI a"O pia 'EmTpo"1I nou ouvEOTq811 Yla Tr'}V OUYI<EVTPWOI1 "EVTE eI<OToj.Jp. ¢pOYKWV "OU 80 XPEIOGraDv Yla TJ)V aVEYEPOfl QVOplaVTO roD K. MITTEpav, 'AAAa q emAoyt'I TOU KaTaAAljAou xwpou a"oTiAEoE Ilfy6Ao np6pAfJIla Yla Tt'lV ·EmTpO"Ij. Ij 6"0;a yptirp., art'lv 'mOToA/) TfJ~: c' EaKE:q>8rUJEV {m 6Ev 80 liTO O'UVETOV va Ton08ETr'l00UI..IE TOV 6v6pIOVTO nAr}oiov bEivou TOU rEwpyiou OuomYKTWV, a anoioe; 6Ev ElnE nOTE TOU qJE~HlTa , OUTE nAfloiov EKEivou TOU 1\6ii6 T~tiJPT~ . 6 6noios 6Ev .In. nOTE TOU 6A~e€la . '<1>' 600v 6 ¢>pavooua MITTEpOV 6EV Konop8woE nOTE OUVEI6flTonOIl'lOfl T~V 6Ioq,op6v. KOT6mv wpifJOU OKE:4JEWC;, anEq>ooiool..lEV cm Sa liTO AOfJnpa i6EO va Ton09ETr'loOUJ,JE TOV 6v6pIOVTO nAf')oiov EKEIvou TOO XplO'Toq>6pou KoA6J..1!3ou , TOO fJEyoAuTEpOU O'OOloAIO'TOO 6Awv TWV enoxwv, 616T1 E~EKrV'lOE xwplc; va yvwpi~r} noO I..IETE!301VE, Eq>90O'E xwplc; va yvwpi(r} noO EupiaKETo KOi. emOTP'<I>WV. o£v 'yvtiJPI~' noO <lx' ~ETap~ - Kal ilAa aUTO ~E TO XPr'lI..lOTO TWV CiAAwvl. va ATHENS. GREECE - Tel. 3230.251 Telex . 219615 - Cables: HOTBRITAN WORLD FAMOUS HOTEL CENTRALLY LOCATED ON THE MAIN SQUARE OF THE CITY WITH MAGNIFICENT VIEW OF THE ACROPOLIS 450 bedrooms equ ipped wilh every modern comfon. Fully air-condilioned . Internationa l bar . superb cuising. luxurious restaurant Convent ion rooms wi lh full congress facilities. World w id~ r~pres enlation 770 lexington A ... ~nuc , New York 10021 For rcservalions and information call 800-223-6800 New York $Iale and Canada (212) 838-)100 Collect 6 H KATANTIA THX OMOXnONLJIAX rTA 600 ypOtpOPEOTO TEiiXo{ ToD 'Iouv/ou Ylo Tr'}V 'OpOO"OV- "6/0 'EA),l1vOajJEP/KovIKwv IWjJOTE/WV N. 'YoPKfJC; Koi Till! «LJfJIlOKPaTlKt'I naptiTaffJ' "aU KfPOIOE Ti~ fKAoYflC Oa .NEA YOPKH· TTpo09iow/JE OTIO TTPWr}V GVTmp6EOpO{ Tfj~' OJ,JoOTTovoio~ K. .l\EwviOa{ /l6r}~ "au ElXE (mop6),EI UTTOI.pr}¢f(jT'1Ta YlCt FUJ,JpouAo~, GTTioupE TlJv UTTOI.pr}¢16T!]Ta TOU aKplpw~ ol6TI oi u"6AomOl OUJ,J POU),OI /JETElxaV OTi~ iK),OV(~ GaV UTTOfJJr'j¢/OI Tfj~ «nap6To(f}{». D: ovaKoivwolj TOU GTOV TUTTo, 6 K. 1I.6f}~ OVi¢EPE jJETO(U oAAwv: «'H ·O~oa.oviiia dvOl EElNIKOnATPUlTIKH opy<ivOlal<; f:vtuuOu H,A.llVIKfi~ OlJoyi:vEla~ Kat 011 KOJ.l.J.l.UnKO opyavo Kai <pOOA.Ea KmpoaKoJtoov d'lllJtptPOVtOAOYOOV 0T1AT)tllP1UalJi:VCllV Uto.. lJoov tfj~ auton:poPoAfi~ 1tOU t1tl)lE:vOllV f:vte1Voo~ va 'TT)V Katata~OllV aE nAUld'lU, civaAoya !,E to. 1tU01Ud'!'E:vU n:OA.ttll(a tOu~ 1tld'tEUro EKad'tO~. »KavEi~, o!'oo.;;, E~ autrov 3i:v )ldC; dnt, Jie1Pt an'YJiii~, ti ["YIVE 6 KUta(Jt:atu(o~ iopunKo~ XQPtT)~ ttl~ OIJ.o(Jltovoi.a~ ltOV Plltro~ UMYOPEU£! on ~ ·O~oa.oviiia dvOl KAElAPQl: nATPIQTIKH OprAN!lI:H troy 'EAAT)VIKroV natptOOnKOW kroJ.lan:irov tfi~ MEi~ovo~ Neu~ 'YoPK1l~ KUi. tfi~ O)loYE:vEla~ Kai. on an:uyopEunul va KUtUd'td K0IJ.JiUnKO opyavo Kui avtpo troy KU1PO<JKOn:OUVtrov aUIJCPEPOVTOA6yOOV Kat tOOV butT)oEioov ... KUrQO"tuO'lV ltOV Otv dVUI OUVUtOV va civEX90uv oi KaOapro~ IIATPI!lTIKA Kai E0NIKA d'KEnto!'Evol OJ1oytvti,;;. ,; AKOllll Of:v !,ii~ dnav 1toio~ toU~ EO(J)(JE to OIKUiroJ.lu va KO!,llanKOltOltlaOuv tci~ EKJ.oya~ Kai tilv 'O!'oanovoiav nou J.lE tOlOUtOU~ (JuvouaO"J1ov~ Kai Ko!,!,anKo.~ 1tapUtU~EI~ oiaaOTjnOt£ nOA.Itlloi.;; IPO\ii~, OU1AUO'IV, 0110VOIUV Kat KUtUO"tpocpi] Oacpepouv at-qv opyuvooo"tV Kat at1)v OJ.1oytVEla». t~~ TO f/JY/IET/KO KP/THP/o KaAO~ <piAo~ Tfi~ «Nia~ 'Y6pK!)~» K. ITEAlo~ TaTO!)~. "PW!)V O np6<6po~ TOO naYXIOKoD IuAA6you «Kopafi~». JlE <moTOAf) TOU fK<ppa(<I T;'V /laOmi a"oyoqT<uoq TOU YII' TO y<yovo~ OTi 6 6110y<V;'~ K. rlljVV!)~ 'AAa<poYlavv!)~ (moaTqpl{< al: "p60<paT!) EKAoVIKIJ GVGJ1ETPf}O'1 oro KoulJw;, TrJV UTTOI.pf}¢16TI]TO ivo~ iTaAIKfj{ l(aTa,;,wyfj~ uTTotpf}f/Jiou. aVTlTToAou TOO t)'A'1vII,fjf KOTavw,;,ik imol.p'1rp/ou K. iJf}jJ'1rpiou. rov anoia UTTOOTIjPI(E 6 TTPWf}V np6<6po~ Tfi~ KOIV6T!)TO~ 'Ayiou iJ!)Jl!)Tpiou 'AaTopia~ K. NiKo~ 'Avopni;TfJC;· '0 K. TOTof}t; aTTEu8uvEI ouYXaPf}TIjPIO OTf)v Tiva IavToplvalou Yla JlIO "apaTqp!)olj T!)~ OTOV K. 'AAa<poYlavv!) KO! U"OOTf}p/(EI OT! oi 6jJOYEVEi{ tpfJ¢O¢OPOI TTpinEI va "poT/jJollv TOUe; 6J,Joy€v€;C; unol.pf}¢lou~. '0 K. T6ra'1~ Tovl(f/6TI oEv lXEI a'1jJoofa aE "010 K61111a avljK<l lva~ 6110y<v;,~ U"OIfJIj<PIO~. YIO Jla~ <lvO/ «TTpwra NEA),!]vac;», tiv Olo8iT!] TO TTpoo6vTO. "H «Nia ·Y6pK!)" 6Ev aUJl<Pwv<i Ka06Aou Jll: T;'V Oia!) TOO TaTO!). To y<yovo~ oTl6i61O~.1J Ij Jl!)Tipa ivo~ ,molfJ!)<piou fi 6 TTarroiJc; mu, i)Tav EA),"VIf(ij~ Koroywy;;c;. KoBE 6.-1..10 napa roD OiVEI TO npov6J,J10 va OIEKOIKij TIJV q;fj¢o /Joe; jJE paalKO KPITrjPIO TO t/Ju),erIKO. '"Av EXf} TO "pOOOVTa vn:'r TfJV 8iar} "oil OIEKOIKEi Ka; GUppa/vEI of TToAITII(f~ TOU oo{aoiE~ va oUJ,JTTiTTTOUV jJE EKE;VEt; roD fJI!]1>orp6pou. ElVG/ (j{IO~ Tfj~ f1pOTlJ,Jr'jaEw~ nou ('lTG. eo 8uJ,JioWJ,JE orov K. TaTof} T/)v m:pfT1Twof} rau PErroujJT1),IKavoiJ K. FT1UPOU uAYKVIOU. TOV OTToio fIIr'jtJnoav noAAoi LJ!]J10«POT/KO; 6J.10YEVfi~ oav UTTOfJJI}qUO GVTmp6Eopo rwv HnA. YJt:7 va anOYOf}TEUfJoDv iJpy6TEpa. Drav {lonaOE TO YVWOTO OKavoaAo. Ka; npiv an' aur6. OTGV 6 1(. vAYKVIOU avaK6),uTTTE fa¢vlKCr TOV rOTTO Tfjc; KaTGywvfj~ TOU naTipa TOU, yIC1 vet VOJ,JIPOTTOIIjOf} J,Ji: TO "TTPOOKUVf}J.10» TOU Trw xouvra TWV LuvraYJ,JOTOPXWV. TfJV nEpinrwGf] ~AYKVIOU TTpiTTEI va EXWjJE miVTOrE IWTG VOUv. Kai va €iJ,JaoTt: mo EKAEKTlKO; oTi~ TTporlJ,Jt10€/~ J,Ja~ orav rp!](/JI(OJ,JE. T6 1(plrljplo jJTTop€i va nai(!] K6TTOIO p6Ao, 6AAo TTOr! OEV TTpiTTEI va orf}pf(wjJE TtJV GTT6¢aolj jJa~ jJ6vo OTO KPITr'jplO our6, t7 va €TTf]pEa(wJ,Jaon. r,. aUTO Ka; 6 K. 'AAa(/Joyf(jvVfJ~ OEV iKaJ,J€ Tinor! 'ro K01(O imOOTr}pi(oVTar €vav 'lTaAoaJ,J€pIKaVO unorpr,(/JIO UV ";GrEUE OT! aUTo~ 1}Tav 6 KaAuTEpOr . K. lOY 1\10). In3 ANLJPEAX r. /lA/MaX E "paYl1aTlK;' OMIfJ!) "A!)po<POpqO!)KE 6 (AA!)VIKO~ <<po"AI- M Niaf 'YoPKf}f, TWV 6AAwv vauTIAlaKwv KEvTPWV, oAAa Ka; 0001 TOV vvwploav TTpOOWTTlKtJ, TOV 90vaTo OTIKO~ KOOJ,JO~ rfj~ TOO OfpaOToO KO; ayan'1ToD (/JIAou 'Avopio r. /lalpoD, TO 6vOJ,JG TOO 6"010u (1)« auv6<O<i OXI Jl6vo JlE T;'V aVa"TU{!) Tfi~ 'EAA!)VIKfj~ '£jJTTOPIKfj~ NouTlAfa~ TO jJETOTTOA€J,JIKCt XPOVlG, o),).a KG; jJE Ko8E wpGfa TTPOoTTo9Ela Kai TTaTpJWTIKO oKon6. '0 'Av6pia~ r. lIalJlo~ 6Ev IjTav Jl6vo 6 <maTqJlOVa~ 6IK!)y6pof, 6 Ka"ETOVIO~ KG; 6 (f/>oTTAIOTt1~, r}rav Kai 6 nVEuJ,JaTlKO~ ovOpW"O~. 6 auvypo<p'a~ a<lpa~ /l1/lAiwv. To /l1/lAio TOU "H 'IOTopla TOO NauTIKoO rivou} TWV '£AAr'jvwv» PpoPEu9f}KE CITrO T;'V 'AKG6!)Jlla 'AO!)vwv <vw TO ,.Muraio aUTo/llOypa<pIKo ,pyo TOU, aTToonOOjJaTa TOO 6noiou Of}J,JOGIEU9fJKOV orlJv «Nio 'Y6PKf}», TOV Ka9JipwOE Kai oav AOYOTixvfJ a{IWGEwV. -O"W~ avi<p<p< OTO ,.A<uraio aUTO' <pyo TOU, 6 'Av6pia~ lIaIJl6~. 6 "6VTOT< IIp<Jlo~. "pao~ Ka! a{lay6"!)TO~ AiyvoualwT!)~ <u"oTpI6!)~. avaJllxO!)K< aT;'V "OAITIK;' KO! «<Aiy!) /louAwT;'~ Xiou Jl6vo KGi Jl6vo Yla va "powOIjO!) T;'V 'EJl"opIK;' NauTI),fo oav nAouTOTTopaywYIKIJ n'1YI'} Tij} .E)'AooOf KGi f}UTUXf}OE va TlJv ofj va 8€PIEUfJ Koi va (TTEKTfivaGI TTEPIo06TEPO OTTO 600 Jl"opoDo< 6 i610~ vo <povToaOfi. IT;'V 6v6"TU{!) Tfi~ 'EJl"opIKfi~ NauTlMo~, t] 6TToia KOTioTfJ jJi TOV Kalpo Gf}jJavTlKwTaTOf TTOp6ywv OT;'V OiKOVOJlIK;' 6v6mu{!) Tfi~ ·EAM60~. 6 'Av6pia~ 1I.00jJOf ouvipoA€ J,J! Tt)V jJaKpoxpOVla 8f}Tfia TOU OTt)V TTpoEopfa Tij} 'EVWOEWf 'EA),r'jvwv 'E¢onAloTwv, KG; jJE Ti~ "PWTOpou).fE{ Ka; Tt)V aUjJpo),r'j TOU OTt)V iopuOf} NauTIKwv LxoAwv Ka; TIJV EUPUTEPf} 016000'1 TWV EUKalplwv TTOU npooi¢EPE I} 90Aoooa VIa (¢OTT),IOT!f Koi vaUTlKoUf. IT;'V olKoyiv<lo TOO a{ixaaTou <pIAau Ij «Nia 'Y6pK!)>>cm<uOUV<l O<PJlO ouAAu"!)TljplO. KA/ THN npOELJP/A TOY ABC! E iOIOITEPf} ;KOVOTTOIr}O'1 Kai "paVjJaTIKIJ U"EP'1¢GVEJa TTAf}- M po<popIjO!)K< Ij .OJloyiv<la 'AJl<PIKfi~ T;'V ov060 TOO K. Anthony D. Thomopoulos OT;'V "po<6p!a Tfi~ 6Jl660~ <mX<lplj OEWV ABC. '0 K. eWJ,J6TTOuAo{ IjTGV Ta T€AEUTaia XP6vlo unEu9uvo} Via TO paOIO¢WVIKO Ka; Tf}AEOTTTIKO 61KTUO Tfj}i6Ia}, VlYavTlala} ETalpfa~. '0 TaAavTOiJxo~ EKTEAEOTIKOf, TTOU or'jjJEpa ElvOi J,J6A/{ 45 ETWV, ouvipaAE ono¢ooloTIKa KOTa TO TEA EUTaia XPovla OTIJV OVGTTTU{!] TOO ABC Ka; onoTiAEojJO Tfj{ EpyaTlK6Tf}TO{ KG; Tfj} aTTo600EW} TOU, Elval rj 6"vOOO{ TOU OT/IV onouoal6TOT'1 8iu'1 Tfj} TTpOEopia} TOO KoAooooiJ aUToiJ. 'H TTEplnTWOf} GWjJonouAou ElvOI J,Jla ana Tif ajJiTpf}TE~ nou u"€v9ujJi(ouv TJ)v TTp6060 TOiJ .EA),fJvoajJEPIKOVIKOO OTOJX€/OU o· 6Aou~ TOi)~ tTTaYVEAjJaTIKou~, ETTlXEJPf}jJaTlKoi)~ Ka; (",OT'1J,JOVIKOU{ TOJ,J€i~ . .. MIa OTTO T;~ TTEpmTwoEIf nou f/>ipvouv OE ouoKoAr) 9io'1 roilf ~ EAAf}VE} Em9EWpf}010vpaf/>ou} Ka; oAou~ EKE/YOUr TTOU EipwVEUOVTOI roilf «M"poUKA'1oE}:» Ka; OEv" TTalpvouv noAiI oopapa TOU} .EAAf}voojJEpIKavou~. OYSTER BAY CRYSTAL PALACE 31'{)1 BROADWAY. ASTORIA. LI . 11106 •If V£TC(. Tel. 545 -8402 wi 545-2990 ai(}ovoc( Y/(J 1! 0), mOj.J.l vu; KOIVWVIKl( o),C( riC; oa( tKO,,)'WOCl(, iOIWTlKi:, Ka; ou),),oYIKi(. ·Ao......i TOM KQi nOA KAAAMAPAI: 7 H Luv£8plO yui Ttl N£u" EAAllV1Krl a1:o "EAAllV1KO KOAA£Y10 • H ilw1[Qvt:mOflll.llQKt; 'Enl'tpo1ttl yui Ttl liloacrKaAia Tii<; NEa<; 'EH~vlKii<; rAwcrcra~ Olav ' AYYAO<j)WVO "DOIlO Sci ou;l;ciYEI TO 3eufCpo tll~ 1he:8vec; O"UVEOPlO ala Hellenic College , 50 Goddard Avenue, Brookline, Mass. linD 22 ).lEXpt 26 AUYOUUTOU 1983. To Be)la lOU crUVEOPlOU 96: dvat ·:0 nOAltlO1.l6~ OtO tTl; rAwcrua;». To cruv£OPlO Sa ole~axSet Kata lleyaAO IlEpo<; crta . En~VlKa. Ta E~ooa Eyypaq>ii<;. olallovii<; Kai Tpmpi;; KOTa triv OA11 OUiPKEIU tOU cruv£opiou Elval $150.00. To ouvtoplO aUTal> lOU Xp6vou Sci 1ttPWplcrn;t ala NtQ ' EAAllVlK& O"lil 1.1-£011 bmaibEu011. "01..0\ ot Ka8rrr l'l'tEl;, Kal Uhaiu:pa o i ICa&r1'Yll'!t<; YAoooO'a; ata OXOA£i:Q j.1EOTJC; tKltuioEUOTlC; Kal rrQv£JtlOtrU.1lCl, 1lapotpuVDVtQl va nupeupe8ouv. ' 0 apt6J.1.6c; 000J.latiwv OlD Hellenic College Elvat 1tEPWPlOllEvoC; Kai YUlUtO Sa oaed npOtEpal6tllta cr' Qiltouc; nou 9a npoKpattlaouv &00llatHl . To !;~a~ll£po crUV<OPlO Sa cruIlTI£PlAUIlPaVel nOAAoo<; &lO.lCeKp1llEvoOC; OlllA11t€:<; a1tD ttlv AuatpaAia, Kavaoa, 'EAAaoa Kal H.n.A. npopAt1t£tal on Il£YUAO<; aplSllo<; KaS~y~Twv Tii<; 'EAA~vlKii <; YAwcrcra<; crtO axoAda J,l£a11C; EKnaiSwa11C; tllv Auo'tpaAia, KavaSfi Kai TWV • EAA11vIKWV napoucHilv trov H.n.A. 96: napuKoAou8tlcrouv t6 crUVtSPIO. '0 Ka811Y11"[t)C; A. TaonavaK11<; "[,;v· En.6:oo. 86 dvat 0 KUPlO<; billA ~T~<; crtO SElla.' H ' En~VlK~ rAwcrcra Twpa» Ka"[o: 't';v OUipKClU TroV E.VapK'tt)plOlV cruv£OpiOlV. Tci 8i:llaTa Yla l'a ouic.popa J,li:P11 lOU auveopiou aUJ,l1t€pIAUJ,lP6.vouv 6J,lclO€<; dOIKWV O''to.: Tci 'EAA11V\Ka oTa rUJ,lVQOlU KUt 'to. naV€1I10t';J,lla • H 'EKKA11aia Kat"" nOAlttattKtl na.paoocr~ Ola 'ii<; r).Wcrcra, 'H nOAlTlcrnK~ napaoocr~ OUI 'ii<; rAwcrcra<; nOla N€O£AA11VIKtl MIA.IEl'CU onlv' EA- ano ano ).<iOn nOlO: NeO£I..A11VIK'; MIAtEtal a"[ov 'AnAOq><ovo KocrllO. TO, 1tPOYPO:llllu'ta trov 'EAAllVlKWV I:nouo&v tOU 1tav€1tlot11lllOu McGill, tOU Hellenic College Ka8~ Kai tOU Ktvtpou 8u~avtlVWv Kai N£O£AA11VIKWV I:1toucS&v tOU Queens College, CUNY, elVUl ta opyuvrotlKa JA£A11 lOU Consortium. npoKpaT';O£l(; JA1tOpOUV va yivouv an €u8eia<; at6 Hellenic College. Tn tpia opyavroT ucci IlEA11 tOU Consortium 8a OteiA.OUV 1tpo'Ypa}J).1u"[a tOU ouv£cSpiou Kata nupayycA.ia. "'0001 Ili:vouv onlv 1tEPIOX'; tii<; N<a<; 'YOpK~<; ~nopouv va npoll~e£U 'tOuv npoypalJ,J,lata tT)A£c.provffivtu<; OtO Ki:vtpo Bu~avttvrov Kal NEoEAAnvucrov 8 LTIOuOWV crtO Queens College, (212) 5207035 . 'H TOJtlKT\ opyavroTl1ctl ErtlTpontl toU Hellenic College 80: 1tPOOc.pEP£l OHic.pOPE<; 010.O1cEoaOElC; Kal Sa opyavffiaEl EKOT)AmO'w; Kai 1t€P1llYrlOtl<; otriv iOtOplKri Boo tmvll· I:uVtOvi~OVtal oi BOptlO111ttlProUC; Eup£ia ol1J,100l6tllta EOooO£ 6 £AA11VIKO<; tuno<; , tOV n£paoJ,livo Ilf)va, crtt;V bti.oK£\j111 tOU npOEOpOU tfj<; TIavT)JtEtPOltlKfj<; 'OJlOO'1tOVola<; 'AIlEPlKfj<; Kal Kavaoa K. 'HAla MnCtCIOu oTt;V' A8r;va Kal OTa ']wavvlVa. '0 K. MJtEt~toC; ouvavn1811KE IlE tOY uq>uJtouPYo 'E~rot€ptKWV K. KapoAo nanouAla 1lE. tOY 61toio OU~tlt110£ to Si:Jla TWV uv8pro1tlVroV olKalOO).lO:trov trov ' EAi..riVOOV 'Hn:ElPWtWV ott;V ' AApav{a. Euvavn;8TlKE, [;niO'Tl~ . Jlt tOV' APX1€1t{OK01tO' EAi..O:cSOe; K. I:epac.p£i.IJ" tOY aPXTlYo tfj<; «Nine; 811JlOKpatiae; .. K. EuaYYEAo •APtproc.p Kal dX£ nOAH.e; O'UOKE'I1El<; 1lE: €K7tpOOOJ1tou<; trov BoPEtOl11ttlpootlKWV 6PYUVWOEroV. To 1tpwtO pfj).la Yla tOY OUVtOVIO}J0 trov €V£Py£u'i)v tWV BopELOl11tElPWtlKWV 'opyavwotwv ' EAAaoo<; Kai E.~Olt€.plKOU TE8T)KE Kata tilv blo:pKf:la Seinvou 1[00 naptflEO'€ npo<; Tlllt;v tOU K. M1ti:t~lOu ti O\OiKT)Ol1 til <; naVl11t£lpWTlKf)<;' O).lOO1tOVblac; ' E)"Anoo<;. :Ett;v o uv£otiaO'T) JtUP£Ka.8110QV Kai ).ltA11 til<; K£VtpIKiie; 'Enlt pOnil<; BopClOl11tEtpWTlKOU •Aywva Kat 'tou Bop£ LO l11t£lPWTlKoi) I:UAAOYOU 'A811VWV Kat uvt11AAaYTloav oKE'VE1<; yta eva KaAutEpO OUVTOVI0).10 trov eVEPYEIWV Yla Tilv ('npoao1tlO'l1 tWV ~h€8v&r; Ka"[o'XuprolJ,i:vrov d.v8pro1tivrov SlKalOlJ,lO:trov tf)<; e.SV1Kfjr; EAA11vlKf)<; popElOTln£lproTlKfj<; IJ..ElOVOT11'tO~ otilv'AApavia ... '0 K. M1tEt~lO<; €~tc.ppaoE Tt;V LKavonoiT)01l "[OU 'YHi "[l<; e.1taq>£<; nou ElX€ OTf}V' Ei..AnOn Kai 8';1..000£ Ott at 1tpoo€Xil €niOKE'I1T\ tOU oTt;V' A8,;va 8a ouvnvtT)8fj Kai ).lE "[ou<; ""YE'tE<; Kat QAAWV KO).l).lanov. ••• 'E~ OAAOU, to 6101KT)TlKO I:UIJ..POUAtO TOU 'EflvlKOU I:ullpouAiou ' EKKAllOlrov KaAEOE tiJv KOIJ..IJ..0UVIOtl1ciJ KuPtpV11O'Tl tfj<; •AAJ}avia<; va EliOT) ttpJ,la Ottiv Kata8iro~11 , ttC; OUAAri\j1£I<; Kal tt<; c.puAaKioEl<; trov 1tOAltroV t11<;, AOYW trov flPTloKCUtlKroV tou<; 1I:EnO\9t\aEwv. 'H OX£tlKtl anoq>aoTl tOU I:ullpouAiou 1tOU £YKpiS~K£ blloq><ova dni> oAa Tel 260 IlEA~ TOU, E).~ij>S~ Ilcr"pa dni> npotacr~ tii<;' Ap- X1£nloK01tfj<; ).lac; FINE CUSTOM CATERERS IF ELEGANCE IS YOUR STYLE, WE MEET YOUR STANDARDS • Our Victorian Grand Ballroom is our city's Largest and Most Elegant • Choose your style and date from Twelve Ballrooms • Banquets, Weddings, Fashion Shows, Masquerade Balls, Fund Raisers, International Shows, Viennese Nights, Meetings, Concerts, Community Theater • Uniquely iElegant Accommodations for groups of any size... from 50 to 2000 people • The "Oak Room", our Gourmet Restaurant, with!its Medieval Decor • Discover our Continental Cuisine • Private Valet Parking .. We are in the heart of Brooklyn" 263 PROSPECT AVENUE BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11215 Telephone: (212) 788-0777 «NEA YOPKH» 'R oj.uiJa roB «ilaYKurrpiof)>> at 1loJO(1(palpIKiJ (Jf)Vo.VTtll1tf j1C alJj1j1C!oxiJ Juo JreOvwv .. aa(1(nv»: Tou Mlpq ,jop.'ov Kai Mipq llanaiwavvov (/981). ano nplV 7rEVT£ aKpl~&t; XPOVUl, ti .<Nta 'YoPKll" doxoAOuJ.1Cvll J.1 e tilv opaoll tou •• naYKunplou» J.1£ nlV €.incu1pia tli <; TPltll t; trtlO"la<; XOPoc01[€pioat; t OU, Kat aqH€pWVOVta<; yui rrp<j)Tll qJopa TO E~W(j)l)AAO Ilar; atilv oPy6vwoll at'}'[~, a TlJ.1€.loovaJ.1€.: .. ' H xopoearr£pioa nun) tOwa€. tilv £uKQlpia rrpof3oA:il~ tvo<; cpyou nov otv £;(£1 rrpollyol)J.1€.VO atilv iato pia TroV • EAATlVOOllcpIKaVlKWV EWllan:iwv. Kavi:var; (iAAOt; oVA/,oyor; OEY rrhux£ toaa, at Toao J.1tKPO XPOVllCO ol6.atTllla ». TO. n€vt€. Xpovw 1tOU rrtpaaavOIKaiwoav CK£tV£r; Tit; OtamOtWo€.lt; Kat I'll) O€UTE:Pl1 ' 0 JIp&apo<; rft<; KllnpolJ K. En. K U1lplUvoB uno&xop.vo<; rov K. KpiaTOlpr.p a ro npocJplKo j.lf:yapo. ariJv AWKwaia. IOYAIOl: 1983 •0 J.l0vlIlOr; o.vt1rrpOaw1[Ot; tli e; Kurrpou otav OHE npi:oput; K. Ntivot; MOUOlOUtW; EmSii}{(Jv llllllT1Ktl rrA6.Ka TOU .. naYKUrrpiou» (HOV K. •Ao6.110 r e: wpyiou, rrpcl:Jllv IlCAOe; TOU • EKU:A£at1KOU EUIlPOOALOU. 6.laKplvOVtOl, aptcrt€.pa 6 r£VIKOe; npo~cvo, t~,' EnciSo, K . N. KarrEncip~ ,. (H~ j.ltall (, npoe:o po<; lOU naYKurrpl ou K. KpiatO(jH:p Kat 6 rEVIKOC; npO~EVOr; Tii<; Kl)npou K. 0. 0COtpLAOO, J.10AIr; bWKPIVOj.l£Voe;. 9 <pOpa tOU a<pu:p6:wOJ.lE to t~6.}(puAAO J.la<;. . 0 "TIaYKtmplOt;», ouvE):cil<; tlvavEo0~ e: VO<; Kat ava1rtUOOoj..lEVO<;. tlrrOTEAEl oti~£pa TO rrlO a~lOAOYO K£<pIlAmo ~ElU~U nov opyavwo£wv, e.AAT)VLKWV Kai KUrrplCl1crov, onlY rr£ptoxit TTJ<; Nea<; ' Y6PKTJ<;, KaSw<; j.uIAUJTCt'; 'OJ.toorrovc'5ia 'EAATJVOU~EpIKa VIKcilv 1:oojlCtT£iwv Nea<;' Y6PKTJ<; <pSi VEL OUv£xcil<; KCti Xav£1 to KUPO<; TTJ<;. AOYOO Tilt; rroAITlKOrroltio£w<; TTJ<; ... rUI TpiTT) XPovla, oTl<; 3 ' IouAiou, '; 1[0Boo<pmplKti tOU o~aBa CYlV£ nponaOAtiTpla epaOlTExvlKWV ojlaBwv' Aj.l.£PIKTJ<;. To YEYOVO<; aUTO. jlu~i j..lt TOV €'0pTaOjlO tOW OKtw Xp6vwv ano Tilv lBpuoT) TO\) "TIayKunp{ou". clrrOTEAEoE ~HI vea a<poPJ..lil t1tlKOIV(ovla<; lil<; «NEa<; 'YOPKT)<;" ~t TOV 8uva ~nKO np6£Bpo Til<; opyavroo£w<; atlTil<; K. tl>iAl1t Kp{OTO<pEp. «"OXl, j.l.n<; TOVi.~EI , 6 «naYK(mplO<;» Btv ElvCtI BIKO J..lOU OT)J..llOUPYTJJ..lCt, dvul epyo 1tOAAWV' EAAT)voKunplrov Kai TroV lHtQOTTJplKTWV ~a<;". Kat J..la<; ava<pepu Ta ovoJ..lata 'trov unoAoi1tooV {OPUTlKWV ~EA&V: Tcilv K.K . .. APYl KoovotavTlVIOll, MaplOU Aaouta, TI. ToayKaPTJ. K. M1toyBavou Kai James Adams. dOU),,£\iJaV 0A0l ~a~i , ~a , HYE', YIIl t~V BTJJ..llOupyta lOU 1:UI..I..OyOU, ltOU rhto Tilv apxit ot oT6XOl tOU Btv ";tav J..lOVO tiOA11TIKOi. aAAa Kui 1tUtplooTnmi.· H ic'5eCt ye:vvtl811K£ j..l£ta tilv ElOPOAl) tcilv TOUPKWV OttlV K()7tpo. MEXPI tOTE oi VEOI o.utoi CivSprorrol dxCtv aoxoATJOil J,li; tl)v nooompmplKtl 6~a8u «Ztiv(Ov» tTJ<; OJ..lwvu~l1<; 1tUl..cuu<; KD1IplCtKTJ<; opyavwoe:ffi<; lOU AOYK AlAavl, oav n:080o<palploTE<; Kai ~EA11 tOU LUjl~ouAiou tii, o~nO(l" ' H da~oA~ at~V Kun:po PPfiKe: tou<; VEOU<; autou<; Otl)v n:pwTonopio. TroV 0J..l0Y£VEIo.Kwv ayrovwv Yla tTtV bnpolTt lOU t~1t(lPYKO oTilv OtpaTIWTUCTt poi)8£la n:po<; TitV ToupKia Kat o .. TIaYKu- rrpLO<;". nou oUv€Oni811 to <pOIV01tWPO TOU 1974. uvayvropicrtllKE (mo tl)v TIoALTtla tT;<; NEtt.;' YOPKll <; crav aqHAOKEpOE~ VOJ..lIKO rrpooffin:o TOV ' Iavouaplo TOU 1975 . "01tW<; ~a<; dn:E 6 K. KpioTO<p£P, Ol cruver;KE<; nOli 011j..llOupyi)OT)Kav OTO J..lUP'TUPIKO vTJcrt J..l€ta Tilv pappaP11 tOUPKlKl) dcrpoAi). avuYKaoav 1tOAAov,; VEOU<; Kurrpiou<;, 110Bompalplcrtc.;, IlIOl t11lE<; Kai. CiAAU TalEvTa va EYKataA€:hvouv to v11oi. Bpt;KaV OTtlV NEa • YOPK11 aVOlKTl) ll)V rropta lOU nayKurrp{ou Yla POtiOEUl Kai. Yla 8TWlOUPYllCTt £pyCtoia. '0 n:POUn:OAOYlOj..lO<; Tr;<; 6pyavwo£oo<; Yla toV rrpiino Xpovo tt;<; A£lloupyin, t~, ~tnv YUP'" ati, 20,000 00)"),,. ntp'· au, ~Entp(la E ti, 200,000 oon. -TIou ppC9TJKav Tooa XPtll1atCt, rr,v OtlYJ..lTt rrov 6AOKATJPT) . O~ocrn:ov8{a 'EAA11voa~£p lKavlKrov LffiJ..laTcirov, nou £X£I J.lEATJ T1)<; rtavw tirro. 100 opyavwo£l<;. PA£rt£l Kal rra8ai V€l KaSt Xpovo '(UI va OUYKEVlPWOT) 20-30 XlI,.. 801,.1,.. Yla ll)V noP£ACt°TJ; · On"" ~a , /;~ ~naE 6 K. Kpiato<j>Ep, ta l ooBa tOU naYKunpiou rrpoEPXOVTCtl KUpLro~ ano Ti <; ouvavTtlm:l<; Tt; <; rtoc'5ompalPIKil<; 011680.<;, ano 8ropd<; q:liAWV, altO TTtV £ttlOiCt xopOEorrEpi8a Kai aAA€:'; EKc'5 TJ loocrEl~ K01VWVIKOU xapaKtfipa. ne:pIOOOt£PO OJ..lro.; POTJOa. TO hi)OlO <pEOtlPaA TOU <.TICtyKun:pioUtt onlY ' Aotopta, nou OUYK£VTPro- U •0 rE.VlKCU; npo<CVOC; rijc; '£)).o.ooC; {;moiOt, rlJUJrlKr, n..l.aKa arov K. Aoo" 'Avrwv;ov. 'Aplaupi;. ~ tK(jorpla riic; "npwi"v;;C;» K. po.)). ". 'AnD aplau,pa: '0 K. KpfaTorpcp avvoOeVeI rilv X6.p, 'A)'£<fov ~ (moia ;;p8£ eloIKa yta rilv xopoecmcpfOa rOD "llaYKvnpfou». Err,v Or.<ui rpOJ- 10 roypa({Jia: b tr:p01r.J..l(Jrilc; K. 'HAfac; Tao.Koc; f.vw napaJ..appo.l'Cl rl)JflrlKr, n).o.Ka rOD .. llaYKvnplov» anD rilv If. (J)avil n£raJ..).iar]-pa..l.J.". .NEA YOPKH. ra roo M£plKa ano jlf.).'l EVJ1povA.iov roi} «llaYKvrrpiov» ue anYJuoruno arro r;,v npoarparYf XOpo[;Grrepiaa. 'AnD apulupa, oi K.K. KvPUiKOC; 'Iwd vvou, AwrepYfC; 'H).,aaYfC;, Bawiu'lC; EVOvpuw'lC;, A'I- I'~rpq<; il"pioq<;. ~ K. 80pa illEp~. 0 ilpoeopo<; VEl XII,1<i3cc; KuTtpi oue; Kat aAAOUC; 6~OYE vEiC;, Ka8wc; Kui nOAAOUe; OAAOUC; , A~£pIKa Voue; TfJe; ncplOxfJe;. To £q:lEtEIVQ <p c aTl~aA. nou £YIVE OtO Bohemian Hall Kai KpatlloE ouo f:~OOllcio£e;, 0111lEiwoE tOWlt£PT) btltUXlo. . H XOpOEa1tEpll)a K. KpiuroqJep. ~ K. EwrYfPov)"a KapaKwara, b K. 'Avap. 'Iu.xivvou, 6 K. MKOr;, riAarijc; Kai 0 K. 'Avap. lllepijC;. Erqv tpwroyparpia o£v TtapovGui(ovral oi PiKa Toupo v. K. MnoyOdvor;. 'Avap, KapaKwar ar;. Kap. BpaXiJ1YfC; Kai KvplaKoc; ' HpaK).i.oV<;,. KunplUJCWV Kai £AAllVlKWV 0PYOVWO£ffiV Kai TTlv npoo/popci -rou OtTlv K1l1lptaKTl utt;C; Nt.ac; • Y OpKlle; fjtav Iltta~U tWV npoon60Eol1. TIJllltlK:EC; avaJ..lvTJonK£r; 1IAaK£<; EA.8ovtwv. an£V£J..Irl0llOOv, £niOllr;, atOUr; tarpouc; r. Kata. tilV blapKElO t1i<; xOpotolttpiooC;, 6 'Iwavvoll Kut r. XPlotOubla, Olav paolOnpo£opor; tOU "TIaYKunplou» avuKoivwOE <pWVlKO napoyooyo, olCllvo8h ll Kai ,,8011010 trtV avalCtipll~ll oi: £nitll-1o J.lEi~o r; tOV E<POK. i\Wtt.Pll Xat~T)tooaVVOll Kat a£ OAAOUC; nAlO'ttl K. ' HAia TaaKO YU1 to EVOIO<PCpOV . rTlIlOVTtKTl nT)yi} taQOwv dVQlKai 6 EtrlalOe; Aaxvoe; ltOU Guv8ucI~ £ TQlI-1€ TTlV XopoEon£pioo . . H £<pETtIVrl. nou tylVt. (mooc; Ka8E Xpovo , GTi}V WpOIOtaTT) , ~£ycIAll a18ouoa TOU "KptJOtoA TIaAOe; .. , dxc E~alpETlKi} tnltuXlO, xapi Kat O'trtV GUj..1~elOX~ r~, O~~O'Pl).OU, XUPOUAU, ' AA£~i OU, noo flP8c d3tKQ '(I' auti} ti}v ppuouit Kai OtaOKCbam: toGe; npood.80vtcc; j..1CXPl TtC; npwtvec; £OpEC;. 0U\)~aUltC; tVTunwm:le; arp110t Kat 6 XOp£lYtlKOC; OJ..lIAOC; tOO .. naYKultpiou» , noG J..IE t01tlKEC; £vbu~ooi.£e; X6PE",E KunptalCOuc; Koi 'EAAllvlKOUe; OllJ..lOTllCOUe; XOpoue; uno noput£tOJ..ltvo Kui Ev80lJO'lW0l1 XElPOKPOtrlJ..lUTO. . 0 XOPEUtllCOC; OlJTOC; OI-1IAOC; EI-1/povi ctaL KOtU Kalpouc; oi: OJlOYEVElaKEC; tKollAmm:lC; nou npooKOAcltat, KaSO)C; Kal O£ ol{i<popo naV£nlOTrlj..1la. '0 JlOVlJ..lOC; o.vtlnpoooono<; tti~ Kunpou Otav OHE, npt.oPlJC; K. Ntivoe; MOUOlOUTuC;.6 rCVIKOC; npO~EVOC; tfJ e; ·EAAciooC; Koi s ~ K. Ku",nap~. 6 rCV1KO\ np6~cvo, T~, Kl.JnpolJ Kui 1") K. 0EO<plAOU Kat 6 E1IioKOnOC; M£AOllC; K. ~IA08£0 e;, 6 i}y€.tllC; to[, 811JlOKpattKoiJ KOJlI-10to<; o-ri}v nOi.ltf.lUKTt BOIJA i} toij Ntoo XOIl06.tp K. Xp. L,nl)poIJ, i}yhEC; Kui civnnpoo!JJ7tOl nOAAwv IOYAIOI: 1983 '0 rf.pOIJ(]taat~r; Mrra.i"vrcv toil Nrr.)"a yovep Kai 0 oJl0,/f.V;'C; rrOA,lTlKOC; K. Xp. Envpov ae dlao~A,wa'l yta ro KIJTtplaKO nOll mpyavwar. b «llaYKU1l.plOC;» to 1978. II noo pOTl90uv to cpyo "tou naYKunpiou. Ti]v npo£opia "tfj<;; 'Em"tponfj~ n01J wpyavwot "ti]v mpata EKOi)AOOOTl dXE ti aK06paenT] Kai Spacr'~pla K. 0tAI1a nlEpp~ . noo dVOl Kai Ttp6£opo~ tOU 7tEpitpTl~OU TtAEOV XOP£U"tLKOU •O~i.AOU. Mt "tilv EUKalp{a til<; XOPOE07tEpioa<;;, 6 ((naYKlmploc;» KUKAOr,pOPTlOE l:va OYKWoto"tu"to A£uKw~a o'to OTtoio KuOp£nt{~CtUl ti c»;:'tciXPovTl opaoTl 'tou Kat to. bn n:6y~a 'to. 'tou. To A£uKw~a Tt£ptdX£ ~'lvuJlata tou npOEOpOU tfje; Ku7tpou K. En. Kunptavou , tOU 'APXIE1tlOKOnOu ' A~tPtKii~ K.• IaKwpou, toU 'Apxu:moxonou Kunpou K. XpuoootOJlou tau ll1tOUpyou •E~roTEPIK<llV til<;; Kunpou K. POAAO:VO'l, trov ycpouowon:i>v KevvcvTU Kai Eap~no:Vl1 Kat liAAwv npooromKOtJitWV. TO. KtlJl£Va aUTa avtaVaKAouoav OuuJlao~o Yio. tt)v 1tOAUntUXTl OpaOT'lPtOtTlta 'tile; op)'ovroo£w~. nAOUOtO cpo.)toypacplKo uA1Ko KOl tpoototUni£<;; anOKOJ,lJ,lclTOOV EqnU.tepiowv YUl tiC; btltuXi£C; t'il~ rrooom.palpudie; 6Jltloo~, noo KOA,£i 1\ato. KOtpOue; 81£Ovd; 00'000e; a1(O 'ti]v' EAAaOa, oUJlrrA:ripwoav "to uAuc6, 'Ano ro T1J1'1!lKO r5efllvO toi} .. llaYKflTCpiou», 1:0 1979, yui roy 'ApX'EniaKo1w Klmpou Xpvao£VOO oi otpOov£C; olaCP'lJ.1lO"tlK£e; KatOXW- moj.lO. nov €Ow(J£ b «naYK(mpIOr;» aro eevoooxeio Xf),TOv N. ·Y6pKf/r;. 'AplGT/:pd b 'APX'EpitOtte; ~~aO'cpciAloOV oopapo eoooo otilv niaKoTCoc; K. ' /a.KOJpoc;, b K. Kpia'Wcpep rn lo/Jrov civaj1VfJGtlK;' 1l'J.ciKa arov K. XpOOOaTOj1o. Kai l1tO 111KPOqJ(f)VO b a/b. I. flov}.oC;. 6py6.v",cr~. t To KEVtpO TOU «n«YKtHtpiou» 6uo XPOVIO J.l£'to. ttlv O'uO'tuO'Tl tOU «nayKunpiov», ti opyavoo0'l ayopaoe Eva KtiplO crt~V KapSu\ tfi, E).).~VlKfj,· Acrt6pla, Kai TO bncncEuao£ Pl~lK6:, O'lJlIOupyrovwe; eva o\ryxpovo KOIVOtlKO KEVtpO nov m:plAaJ.lpaV£l o.190uo£e; o uv£oTH10Ewv. n)v To.ptpva ((BpaKO» nou npootptp£l £KA£Kto KaAAt't£xvlKO npoypaJ,.lJ,.lO Kal J,.lta £~atp£tlKil Kou~i.va Kai AtOX'l yto. TO: ~tA'l Kat tOVe; r,piAOUe; 'toue;. To Ktipto ayopa.o'tTlK£ to 1977 avti 275,000 ooAA. To lmOAOl1tO tOU oo.vEiou £IvaI cr~l1£paI80.000 SOAA. " Eva, a~o tOU, QI1£crou, crt6xou, £IvaI ~ tI;6'1'A~cr~ to;; oavdou ii tOUAUXtOTOV Ti P1.~lKt) Jlelwoij tOU. Oi o.1.0000£e; 01ctri9£vto.t oUlva, EKtoe; Tie; opaOtTlP16Tllt£C; 'HOV otacpopwv t~'lJ.uhrov 'tOU .. naYKunpiou to , O€ n:OAAE<; ano CiAAE:~ EAATlVOoJ,.l€ptKavl1C£e; opyavroO'€lC;. 'EKEl ouv£opia~ av oi ' ETtt'tpo1t£e; not> Elxo.v ouota8fj YUl lilv un:OOn1Pt~ 'l trov npoi:KAOyUC&V &KOtpatEtrov TOW £)"A.'lVIKi'je; Ko.Taywy'ile; POUA,£UTWV Kat ycpou01o.O'trov Kat EXOUV yivel EKEi UJ,.lEtP'1t£e; ouv£cSptaOC1e; aAAoov opyavWo£oov Ka9we; Kal tile; 'OJ,toO'novoiae; Kal ' E1tltporrwv nov Qrr£pA£1taV O'tov OUVTOV10J,tO lillv opo.O'tTlPIOtiltwv YUl n)v rrpopOAtl T<llV KurrplctKWV Kat ' EAATlVtKWV ouwioov OTi]V OUaOtYKtOOV. npOC; n)v KcttEU9uvoTl auni, 6 K. KpiOtor,p£p J,.liie; £11[£ on Xp£l(l~£tal KctAU't£pOe; OUVTOVI0J.lOe; Kal Ott 0 «Tlo.YKunplOe;» OCt imootTlPi.~Tl r'jOlKcl Kai OiKOVOJ,.ltKeX lTJV 3'lJ,.lloupyia tvoe; KOWOU <poptwc; nOAltlKilC; E1ttppO;;e; O'tilv OOOatYKTWV. ETO J,.lE'ta~u, 6 «TlaYKunptOe;» 9£oopti XP'lOlJ,tWtan:e; tie; t-rro.tpe:e; Kal tilv oov£pyaoio. )It 'to American TWPOTO KQI fl O~Y!t!-.;!!~."'fH 00<; \-IETOcpEpOUV OTflV EAACxOO \-IE TOV 1T10 CxVETO KQI OOCPOArl TP01TO KQI \-IE Hellenic Institute tile; OOOotYKtWV Kal 'to United Hellenic Congress nou £X£l Eopa 'to ElK6.yO. 'YltOtpocpiEC; Oi n€ptaaoupot n<liKt£e; tou .. naYKunpiou .. dval tpOl't'lT£C; Kai 6 aUAAoyo~ K<lA.UTtt£l 'til Oio<lKtpa Kal ta ptpAia tOUe; Ilf: t~v Sa~,,"'l 50-60 XIA. So).).. tOV Xpovo. AAM. Kai 01 a).).£, Sa""v£, yu\ t~V Slat~P~cr~ ilIa, KaAfj, Kai l1ax~nK~, ol1"Sa, nou £X£t a.~t-rp'lT£e; ViK€~ ato £V£PYTlTtKO TTl~. dvat "t£paoTt€e; .• H 6pyavwO'Tl ex€t ~a9~tlK6 a~o t~V A£lToupyia tfi, ol1"Sa,. ~pO~O"'l~' tij, o~oia, £IvaI ,va, C\"C\ 'ou, ,(oO'ooue;» 'tou !:AA'1VtKOU nooocrcpo.{pou, 6 Mi~Tl~ nanalffiavvou. O! Sa~"v£, 011"', autE, K6.9£ a).).o ~apc't n"iiyav xalltvce;. '0 .. naYKunptoe;» b;:toe; . - (800) 221--4478 _--EIIiIKa q,9'lVEC; TlIIEC;--" (212)932-3232 yla IpOIT'lTEC;KaI KU1TpiouC; _ _ _ _ _ _~--------------------~ Yla AaPVOKO liE British Airways IIE(J(J) Aovliivou i) \IE ASTORIA KARDAMYLIA TOURS GREECE' HOUSTON OAUlitfIOKi) Kal Cyprus Airways 4~6 Frlell inon SIr. L-_ _ _ IIIE(J(J) A9'lvwv _ _ _.1 29 · 11 Oitma rs Blvd 29-11 A Ditmars Blvd Piraeus 92 ·31 Stella l in k JUMBO 747 xwpi<; OT08\-1o. TOL 932·3232 12 TI'lA.721 · 7990 TOh.,(713)665·4151 TIlA. :452 ·6.139 "NEA YOPKH. PANCYPRIAN A.A. $ "" •0 ;(opwrtKi)(; ofuAoc; tU rr,v klT.lKtq>a).r,~ K. e i},f.la Illr.pr, Kai aAA.a ard.ix'l roD «IlaYKl)1!piov» arav hperelvo lope)" r1j.altlKl:~ n).a.KEC; h6e"Kuv ae aAa Ta J,1.t.lrJ TOU o/1i).ov. on dvat r, 7tpCl)1:a8AfttptU oj.laoa YUI to Epam t£XVIKO rrooo(J(pCllPO 0"1"11 BapElO ' AJ.I€jJIKt1 . dVOl Kal ti nprot11 Q.J..IEpIKavIKT) noo fqlBaOE 0'[011<; TtJ.1nd,lKOuC; YUI TO K(mEJ.. Ao BopEioe;, KE:VTPl1ciiC; Kal KapaiplK~' . • AnoK)'eio9~K£ Imo to M£~IKO OTlC; apxi::<; rou nepaOJ,lEvOU J..Ifjva . •0 K. Kpicrlocpe p !JUC; t6Vlm: , Ott ,; 1tpOPOAtl flit; Kunpo\) e: 7nruyxciVEttll j.I£ tiC; Em~60 £1, t~, 1I9).~tlK~ ' 6~ci~a,. Kai ~i; TT)V opaOTllptOtllta '(wv clAAOOV tJ..lllJ.HITCov TOU: Tou TIOAITlOtlKOi) tj.lTlIJ.O:W<;, tOD 0TO U oJ..laoa. aHa noioD uneu8uvoc; elval 6 K. Kupu:hcoC; • HpaKAEouc;. Tou Xo p£utucoiJ, J..IE um:uBuVll n)v 1(. E>EJ.j.lu nlEppfj. Kai tOU n pOOKOnlKoD tOU onoiou npotcrrarcn 6 K. Xp. Bpax(~~,· T tAEu'taia. 6 (. f1a YK()1t plO ~ ••• :not'> ISIa8lhEI Kai 'tJ.lii)la NtOAaia <;;, cSllJ.ltOUPYllO'E Kat <l>lAapJ.10VLKTJ . tt;<;; 6:noia ~ 01[EU9uvo~ dvcn 6 K . BpaXlJlrll; . 'Ym:u8uvo~ yui 'tTJV ACltOupyia tau KOIVOtlKOU Ktv'tpou, Elval 6 •AVtlrrpo£~po, t~, 6pyavwo£w, K. ' Avopi;a, KapaKOOatac;. •H 1tEpl1ttw~ Kpi"tO<pEP KlVTJtJiPLa 3uvaJ.111 6AooV autoov tOOV 3paU1:11PIOtti tooV Elvat 0 K. KpiotOq>EP , Hhaitepa ~L'ya1tl1t6c; Q1[i> TOU<;; 1[aiKrEC; Kat TOU<;; CJUVEpYCltEC; rou O'tO I:UJ.1POUALO, ~ Htav 27 xpovrov Olav 0 TJJ.11 0upY lloav tOV «f1aYKU1tpW •A8AllTUCO EUAAOYO " 1[0\:) t EAEUtaia dAAa~E tilv ovoJ.laaia 'tou 0'£ .. nay- To KtiplO rou «llaYKvnpiov» ar;,v 'Aaropla . KU1[PIO E6vlSEoJ.1o 'AJ.1E PIKii~". Yll), AOYOO<; opyavrotlKOUC; Kat Ylli va KaAucp8ii to 1[AiiSoc; trov UAAooV cSpaOtTJPI0ttltooV t OU. '0 K. Kplato<pEp e:naVtKAE:yttat npo£lSpo~ Kn9£ Xpovo. ru, ~uo Xp6vla. (1980-1982). ~tav np6£~po, t~ , KunplaK~, ' O~OO1tOV ~(a, • A~£P1K~" t~, atto(n, npo~you~tv(O, £lIt 3lattAto£1 rEVIK6~ fpaJ.1J.1attuc; yta t €oa£pa XPovla. E1'o 'i15w otnarralU 1)tav JtPoE8po~ 1'ii~ 'E1[ltpo:nii<; "Remember Cyprus", ti o1[oia ouvoUa ~(: tiC; 3paal'llPIOtTJ l'EC; nov EAATJ VIKroV Kal 1'rov KuJtptaKrov opyavwotwv \3 IOYAIOl: 1983 Dr. Kimon A. Legakis A thens University Law School, Master of Law, Harvard Law School, Doctor of Law, Greece, Certificate in Hague A cademy of Int'/ Law LAW OFFICES A TTOR NE Y AT LAW LEGAL CONSULTANT 14 Nikitaras Street Athens 142, Greece Phone: 3633.340. 6461.016 209 Garth Road Scarsdale. N.Y. (914) 725-4717, (914) 737-8765 With emphasis on: Settlements of Inheritance, Taxes, Disputed Properties, Civil, International, Family and Business Law in Greece. 'H Miss GOY A 1983, Joanne Korakis. 1I:0V if.E/iy'l arov /50 tr~alO xopo r;,c; opyavwawx;, ari~ 13 Mufou. 'H hi~ KOpaK'l ou56,aKu aro Ka r'll'lr1Ko r;,c; tvopiac, uIC; KUI avaTrr(Jaaer Ttl,ovata opaar'lplfJr'lra aav po..or; owrpoP(J.}v tTlltpoTtG7;v. Elva l dprarovxoc;, rpf)..u()).oc; lea; napa;'A'Ii.a 11£ ric, KavovIKi:C; G7tOVJic; r'le;, aTrol.Jbd.(er '£))f/V1KQ., AunvlKO: Kai Tai.i.IKa. l"rox or; t'le; r.lva/ va yiv", ymrpoc;. BANQUET CENTER FOR ALL OCCASIONS Accomodations from /0 to 1,200 for reservations CALL (lOI) 636-2700 At hens Inlernalional - D . Kessoglides orov aymva unEp tii~ K (mpou. .. Av npocrn:9ii 0' 0).,,, alrT11 tr,v opacrtTlplotllta ij aVttnpoomnWOTl toU n aYKunpiou Otijv 'OJ.J.oonovcSla TIooompaipou, dVOl CVKOI...O va KOtaAaPll xavd; TTJV Y£VlKmtcPll natpu:ottxij Kat a.8ATlnxi] npocripOpa tau 4>iAln Kp(crtOipEP , nov lipSe (J'rijv ' Aj.J.cPIKll j.J.IXPO natcSi , to 1959. Lrlj.J.Epa, crE r,AIKlCl 35 Xpovwv, elval 'EKt£A£otlKO; , A vtlnpoeopo; "ttl; i:talpia; ij A£KtPOVIKci>V AUD IOVOX . ME 0/.T] oGtij Tij V n).T]8<.iJpa TroV inrDXPEmoEwv, tci>v ta ~ l o lW v Iw i TWV olJOKb.j1EOJV, tci>v Enacp&v Kai tci>v 6pyavwt l)'WV npoona8uwv, PPlOKU tav Xpovo YU1 vel 7t1lYalvll apya "aSE ppaou ota anI. tl toU, OtO 1\6YK AlAOVl, 5nou t OY :n:CPl~tVOUV navtotc r, wpalOtatll ou~uy6; toU KOl Ti BANQUET MANAGER _~I Inn MOTOR LODGE & RESTAURANT U.S. ROUTES I & 9 WOODBRIDGE, N.J. 07095 l1'EU9uvnj<; nETPOl: l:MEPHl: ATHENS ACROPOLIS PHOTO STUDIO wEDDINGS CO M ...... ERClA.L v PORTR ..... I TS OF DISTINCTION - nOLO elval to j.J.OOtlKO TTl; i:1ItTlJxia~ lOU "naYKtJ1l:piolJ»; - <. npOOcpEpOJ.lE Katl TO OlOcpo pellKO. '0 .. naYKtlrrplo;" otv ('(IVE aAAo Eva Kacptveto ,(1(i va OKOtWvOuv t a lltAll lijV wpa tOlJ~ ... 0EArlOOJ.lE va clJ.laOtC OT]~tOlJP YliCOl. Na npooip€:pwJ.U: D,ll tiwv ouvato OTTtV WVIKll Kal tilV 69AllllKll lJ1tOOCOll. npOOtn (~ oJ.lr; tel 9EJ.lUtU KUta tpono brayyd.J.lutu,O, J.lC ~t90oo Kai , KtJpiw<;, ).1t OKAT]Pll tpyao(o Kai KaAil oUV£pyoola ... » 14 COMMUNIONS . GRA.DU ..... TlONS CMRISTENING. AND ALL OCC ..... SIONS 35· 04 BROADWAY CORNER OF 35TH 5T . ASTORIA . N . Y . TEL . 728·0806 COPIES. C OLOR BLACK "NO W .... ITE P .... SSPOATS Athens International News Agency ~nTOrpA~IEI: rIA E~HMEPII1El: KAI nEPIOl1lKA «NEA YOPKH. IIEvtCl1c60W '[plo.v-ra XP6vta rrtpaouv ti<p6'[ou Ka'taKUptEuGTJKE ti BaOtAIOoa '[wv n61..£rov, ii npro'tEUOUOa n'jc; XpionavoouvllC; Kai 'tau apxaLOU Pro~atr(Qu Kpa'[ouc;. ti Krovo'[avnvounOAtc;. 'H flJ.,l.tpa 29TJ MaloD 1453 elvat tll1tpaano<ppaoo, 1\11 roy 'EAATJVIOIJO tiva '[ov K6oJlo. 'HSEanmAEIO KOl aiXlJaArooia '[rov Prolloirov aVExoi'[tOE '[rl V Slo.00011 '[rov ypaJlJlo.'[rov Kal KaA.rov ,[EXVWV Kai Errt<pEpe 7tuKVO OKO'to:Sl 0' o,n a<popoiJOE rtlv £~tAt~D Kat avunru~11 n'j, uvSpO"t1Vll, ~Ol~, Kat EUlll1Epla, roD 1c6oJ.,l.ou DAOU. Oi Ko'[alC'tTJtai SEV otaJlO:,[TJoav o'[rlV n6ATJ aAAa doepaAav paGeta or1\v EupwnD_ 'H Of MtKpa 'Aola PaSI11180v £tOUPK01tOltlGTJ Kato: tp6no po:vauoo Kai anavepw1to nov O€V EYVWPIOE nOTl: ii av8prono'[1lC;. ME Ti}V EUKatpia aU'[rl KaAO 9EropOO onroc; yvropioroll£ Eva 'to: rroAAO: dina nou E~TJcr9tvloav Ti}V lmepoXtl '[fic; BUsavtlvfjc; AUToKpu'topiac; Kai Aiyo A.iyo O'uVEtelvav o'ttlV Kata.1t'[rootl tT)C;. "Eva arro ta Kupla ahm Elval ii AETJAaoia Kal J.,l.E'[a<popa 'trov ciVeKtlJltl'trov GT)oaup&v tou KpaTouc;. Au'[o Sf: 'to £Kallav oi o'taupo<POpOl t1'je; tE'tO:PTllC; o'taupo<popiac; Tfj<; pmj..l.TJ<;· Oi OtUUPO<pOPOI ~EKiV1l0UV npoe; tirrEAw8EproOTJ 'tou navayiou Ta<pou. AUToe; t;'tav 6 KUpWe; OKOn:O<; TOUe;. '0 Sf: tinoKpU<pOe; oKono<; TOUe; anEpAene o'ttlv KUptapxia Kal E~OOSEVIOTJ 'tfjc; KrovcnavnvounoAE(J.)e;, 1tpa.YJla nov eYlv£ Kai hcrt Errt nEv~vra Enta XPovta (1204-1257) tOP US ll Aa'tlvIKtl alrroKpa'topia Ottlv nOATJ. 'H rrunlKtl €:Opa XPllOlj..l.onollloE KaSE JlEOOV va &rrlpaAT) OTtlV' A VatOAtl to «1tproTtiOV» TOU 'EnloKonou PWJ1TJ<; Kal ciAAE<; KalVo'toJ1iEe; ao:v ttlV EK1tOpeuOTJ 'tou' Ayiou IIw:uj..l.ato<; "EK tOU Yiou» , TO AEYOJ1eVOv «<PIAIOKOUE» Kai TrlV XPtl0TJ nov "a,uj..l.rov •• Otr,v 0Eia EUXaplo'tia. Oi OIKOl Jla<; O€V 8€xGTJKav Jlf: KavEva tpono 'tic; KaKooo~iEC; Kat mpaAEpee; a~l mcrEl<; tfje; proj..l.TJe;. '0 IIanue; ~TJ'toucrE aitta Kat PpfjKE ():(POPj..l.tl VO: npaYj..l.atrooll 'ti)v JltyaAoJlavia Kai aouYXroPTJT11 au8mpEoia TaU . .6.1aTaYtl. AOlnov, npoe; tOve; apXTJyoue; tfje; TETapTTJe; oTaupo<popiae; 1lTav va nOAWpKtlOouv n)v IIOATJ Kat ttAl1CO: va Ko'taKupleuO'ouv autrlv IJE KaSe tpono. rpacpEl 0 1'VffiOTOe; iOTOplKOe; Kai Ka8TjYDrt\, r~<; 'IEpn, 0EOAOYtK~, l:xoA~<; XUAKD, ' APXtl1, <!>tAapno, Ba<p€1011, (roJ10e; B' tfj~ 'EKKAT]O'lUoTlKfie;' Iotopiae; crEA. 205-207): «Ta tv TU n6AEl tau'tU uno AaTiVffiV tOtE KaKouPYTJ8€vta e1val uvwn:pa nO:OTle; 1ttplypacpfje;-lva napaAEln(J.)JltV Tae; KAo1tae;, 'tae; UnEpnJlTlcrelC; TroV 'tpo<piJlOJv, 'tae; tvtopae;, Ta<; o<payae;, Kat Ta 'tOtauta ava<pE:pOJlEV JlOVOV Tae; ~EPTlArom:1C; trov tEproV ebi:ovffiv, tae; iEpoouAiae;, TTlv napaKroh.UOIV 'trov (EProv tEA£TOOV, to..; apnayo:e; TroV tEProv OKEuWV KClt to 3uOTl.WUOTOV no.crt, Tae; OlCl<p6poue; clO'XTJJ1ocruvae; nvwv, 01- ano 71, II. N. llAllATEQPTlOY TlVE<; civaj3avTEe; tnt. TfjC; ayia.:; TpanE~TJC; Kal j3appapa aOlJanu 'VO:AAovTEo; roPXOUVtO bf au'tfje; Kai evoupouv KCltO: 'to liylOV i8a<p0e; , . , TU 12U' A1tplAtoU 1204 EYEVOVTO KUPLOl tfie; nOAEOJe;, Ttl Kato: ni)v 1lj..l.E'[EpWV ror< otanpaxStvra ~oav <11.11900, <PPlKWOll Kat S11PtWOD ... ", oe Tu avnxptOnavlKu Kai arrayijpffin:a aUta E1tEI0601a nov ouvtPTloav OTTlv KffiVOtaVTlVOUnOATJ nEplypa<povTul Enloll<; OTO: iO'tOPlKcl ouyypaJlJlUTa Muller, Byzantinische Analekten O'EA.. 43, Wien 1852 Cotelerii Eccles. Graecae Monumenta TOJl. 3, OEA. 513. ZTJj..l.i.a Ctvu1toA6YlO'tn 1tPO~E:VllcrE 'to Aa- tlVIKO KaStOnOe;. 1:e oAa to: 57 XPOVlCl til.; AanvlKtic; £ntKpa'ttlOtwo; 8E:v OTaj..l.etTTlOav OUTE onYJltl of pw).taioL oTaupocpopOl va apn6.~ouv Kal U1toyUj..l.vwvouv 'tie; eKKA.TtolEe;, to. OTJJlOO'lCl KEVtpa Kai tie; KatOlKiEe; 'toov npouXOvtwv Tile; n6ATJe;. Of Bu~av'tlvoi e~tltTJoav ~OtleElCl M.. A.a ri rcpoO'na8Elet TOUe; Ct1tEPTJ j..l.aTaia. Ot Eupw1taiol OEV ESffioav O1waaia Kal npocroxi) OTa 8EPJlO ahrlJlata Kal 1'1(1 TOV 1.01'0 mho ltapa Aiyo va yivovrav Kai autOi aiXJlaAWtoL tfie; TOUPKIKfjo; opyfje; Kat aLJlOOL'Via<;. '0 ToupKOe; e1XE T€TOlee; EmpouU.<; Kai T€tOW KaraKtllTlKa O'xESla. 'EVOJllO'E on j..l.E ti)v 'taK'tlKi) aUTi) 80: EKUpiEU£ OATJ TtlV Eup<l)1tl1 Kai 8a yi vovtav i'tO't JlOVOKpatffip TOU KOOJlOU OAOICA.rlPou . .6.Ev e<pavTaoGTj nori: on 9a tUPLOK€: tOY a,Vta~lO aVTinaA6 toU nov 8a TOAJlOUO£ va avnotaSfj evavtiov ME TO PETERS TOURS rIA ENA ErrYHMENO TASIAI l:THN EAAAAA Xropi" TaAal7tropiE" Kai TpExaJ.lata Ta~t8f;IjfE'tE 11£ 'tel KaVOVtK~ op o lloA6yta 1'li~ . O~UjlTctaKl1,~ 11£ JUMBO-747 X(oPt~ O''t<leIlOV, no. riTv Kparrw'l 8iatwv Kai K.a8t rrA'Iporpopia 'Arrom8f;rt aro ,)IKO aa<;: PETERS TOURS, INC, 600 EIGHTH AVE., HEW YO Rk , N . Y. 10018 hI.: 19HJ2oo QUEENS OFFICE: 29·14 DITMARS BLVD., ASTORIA. N.Y. IIIO~ TEl.. 932-3366 lOY AIOl: 1983 15 Ti;; ,.U:yaAT); 68wjJ.avlKf); a\)TOKpatopia~. Ot Bu~avnvoi KaTEtpuyav OtO TEA.O; npo; T11V PWjJ.T) jJ.£ tnV fAnion on 00. EljploKav oUjJ.naOEla Kai aO£AtplKtl oUjJ.1tapaotaoT) . •AAAD. ouoTU'lro; oev bttTu'lav tino't£ napa TtlV napa)..oyo uJtaitllO'T) Tf); nu1tlKi;<; £opu<; vct 0£x80uv tOU; opou<; Kai o.vnXPIOttaVlKe; o.1;toooEl; nou ~ll'tOUO'£ 6 ml1ta; Tf); Pro~T], va o~oAoy1iaouv Otl uvny~wpi ~ouv to .. 1t'PWUlOV 'lOU nana» roC; jJ.ovou o.V'tl1tpooomou TOU '!rIOOU XPIOtOU brl Ti;<; rf); Kai va IlVTljJ.ov£UEtal TO DVOJ,la tOU K(lTa titv ettaV A£lToupyiQv. 'EmOTpEtpOVtE~ ot aV't1.1t'pOOW1tOt tfj; KWVOtQvrtvOUnOAEW; Otilv nat pion TOUC; Tt; OUV£Oplo.O£le; tii; <l>Awp€Vtiac;, onou 01 "EHT]VE, 'Op96oo~0\ ' APX1Epd, \.l1t£otTloav nol..l..t<; KaKOUX1€C; Kat imEjJ.€LVQV navroEIO€le; ta1t'£lVWO€lC; Kai nIEOE\(; Kat QV't'lJ,l€TIDnlO<lV WPYIOjJ.EVOV Aaov va o.l..aAa~ll ltpaYIl<ltl1CCt Kai va Ctva.8£J,tati~1l EKElVOUC; tK TOOV' Ap'l1€PEWV 1t00 OUJ,ltpoovllO'av Kat un£Kmvav ode; JtAOVE<; tile; PIDJlllC; Kat t:r7tEtclX8110av OtO naltllcov nf:AjJ.Q Kpo.~Ovta «. _ . it o€~tci autTl imtYPUIVE, Ko1t'dtoo' ,; yAiiloOQ cO)JOAOyt']OEV, I:Kpll;oua9w .. aEA. 230. Tn oe 000 ai.ltll nina, bTlI... of 1uroEIC; tile; Prol1T], om", 01 ' Op9600~0\ uanna90"v ti, KaLVOto)Jh:C; tfiC; .6.UO€WC; KQi IC(ltCt bEUt£pO )..oyo ot taKnK£C; npocrpoUc; Kai E1t'lOpO)J£c; tOOv 68wJ,lav&v KUtE:OtT)cr<lV to But;uvttvOV KpatoC; civiKQVO Kai tPOOtO noo Jlt ttlV napooo TOU Xpovou bt£'PEpav ttlv JttWOll Tf')C; KoovcrtaVTLVounoAEwc;. Oi Bu~avnvoi. otv EAapav otpUnWtlK" POi)8£lu ano TO. OUtl1Ca Kpat Tl, ciAAa oihE dxuv ttlv ouvallll Kal dVTO'lTJ UOtEpa ano )JaXEC; nOAAOOv hrov KUta TOU Ex8pou va QvtlO'ta80uv KupiooC; Ota nOAunA1l8fi OTpuuuJ,taTa tooV ~ap~ap",v. 01 Bui;avtlVoi Otv napEoo9T]oav abo~a. lloA£J,lllcr(lV €voo~a Kat tn.o~ napEM9T]aav OtOV M",6~E9 B'. npoti~T] oav TO tOUPKIKO tp£O'l, octv ola)Jap'tupia O''tOU<; t1t'lOtpE,\If(lVTac; tKnpOOc:Onouc;, napa tT)V nanucT) napa «KPElt6'tEPOV to'tlV iO£iv tv J,lE,0tl tfl ll6A£1 'PaK10A10V paOlA£UOV tOUpKIKOV 11 KUAU1tTpaV AanVIKr)V", M£XPI oi),.u:pa O{ Aaol tOU KOOJJOU TtAllpO>vouv clXPIPa ttiv aOla'Popia Kai ana-eEta npo, t~V 9£p~~ EKKAT]aT] Trov Bu~avt\Vrov. ZT)touoav poi)eEla Kai KataVOll0T) Ka'tn Trov Ex9prov lij, XplatlaVlKijc; 'EKKAT]aia, Kai 'tou nOA1'tlO}lOU. napa to. 011}lEPlVa ouva 'tfj~ , Avu'toAi;; Bev 80. £uptmcav Ka90Aou atpop)Jrl Kat tA.a'ti)plOv va OT)J,llOUpyi)oouv 't"v QKatuotuoia Kal 'PIA.<lP'lia nou ETtan£lAOUV oi)JJEpa tilv dpi)vlllCai. EUO'taO£IU nov 'PIAEtP'; VIKroV Aarov tiiC; yf')C;. ATHENS CENTER HOTEL I:THN KAPt>IA THI: AE>HNAI: . • KtvtPl1CCH; ICAI)J.Qno)J.O<; • 136 &ut.tattCl. AOUtpO. ",UqK!.IVO. palh6cpwvo. p£pO:vta. • 'EcTttatoplO 1(OAUtEAda~ . Mmp. poOIp ylCapvtEV. KOAUtEA.ti~ ai90uou; imOOolii~ lCat iOI(J)tu::o "flCapci~. 15 Mapt(o\) - 31 'OICt",~p(o\) TI)J.ui ~Qti(J)v: MovOd.lva 1.630 5pa»att;. 111.1.,,,,, 2.348 6pax~t~. Tpl •• "", 2.892 6px. I:UJ.lKEpIAaJ.lPcivttaIICOvtlvtvtuA J.l1I:pb:qlcuJ't. t.UJ p.t~£ppt:o,o~ ~botaeiit£ CJ"tTjv N .• YOpI01 (212) 483~2 • . '''pot'''! ~ YpG'I/Cltt: Sophodeous and Athenas 26. Alhens. Gn:ec:e, Tel. 524-H51'-7 Tele. 4488 "LeY OR ano .1 taqrrw i~E'(f; tt~ E1nXEtprjow; Kat ta npoi:ovta au<; atllv NEA YOPKH 16 ~..@[S[ID &u[FJ~~ ~'titv · Acr'topla 31 St. Kat 34 Ave. ywvia. TllA. (212) 626-3400 "Eva KEV'tPO ltpay~a'tlKii~ •A9l]valKii~ !plVhcra~. MUl rVJlcrtU Ta~Epva •A9l]valKOii KE!ptoii. I:n'1v EAAl]VtKTJ •AcrTOpta. ME~E/)E~ Kai !payl]Ta yv,;crta~ d9l]valKii~ KOU~iva~ . ITEpt~ciAAOV ltOU 9u cra~ 9u~i~Et ltAUKtcO'tlKl] YOlvtci . .. ITAAIA A0HNA .. , rVJlcrto d9l]valKO yAEVTt . Me to ayanTjJ.1tvo vtOUEtO tii, . OJ.1oytVtla, AHM. MOI;XOrIANNH - ANAP. OPTITKA 'H aiOolX1a Olar£Oeral YIII KOIVWVIKt<; eK""Ama,,<;. .NEA YOPKH .. Ll Nlld,W YIVI.YIOIIIIVVJ:-IW - .7I1NX·U .711XI vv Ilvn ' WVN' ' .'-I.I,dV,¥ ' .'U dIIL-IX).--t - VIVU/If - /() ,¥.71V - 'yVdJ ~ 'TU .nv,v - V,VIVOldelll 'OIlA.!. ,()Nld:iWIII'!V,¥ 0 .7()V() - V.YU7U<PVH - ),()WVlIIVn 3ri(lODlflJdlllL(l~~ 'PD J?A 3lP"t3. S'v'NldS'v'l'v'l"I 'v'lnOS 'A~nI3r :SJJUMO 9toH-9l9 :' YH.l V I ~O.lS\l 'AVMOVO~U dOHS L:IID Ic-lt NOIVVVVVIl n(\d)'l)~9 1l)13AC)X3d nr1Lt9AC;W olqnnog lJl\?, p JO(\Thd1tiJ! 1\'9£1 Q1DUd3lL 9011 gD"{ 91 ,lLV . ' 1 3d'9i\~ D9PW If ,1)1 -n)to~ DdlDp ,1 }LJ? nOl'9)1 3191 Ui\13)1'1 ,1)1 '3ll}3 ) 1J1 ',( 53d1r1 S~'(D)I IO Dr101/\<)0 A006dP0 '" 13dour1 /\,}V '" /\o06d'Q0 » 'SDd ll\'Q 5910(l)O SD/\3 " 'JOOl Id gA.J} 91 AD1\! 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Dd310A " 'Sn01i\9d3A !'IJ)l ~:)1 21l)1L !'O)t S3)110i\O.t "'O0(l)19)10 ' i\<.!,Jld(1)X i\Wl S3~()'{'O)I 5}1 ADm -D)I ~ ' i\D~Dri~d 'OO1l91 QOl It.t ~X(l)1.cb \11.0 130 0X3~ "DXP JOOl Dw()ocb3'( Y.l 'Ac:!?i\Drid 3J A<:)1. !D)I /\(j)'(D1L A(!>J. D13,(002 ulXDl,j)'9dJ? /\~l .11'9 /\(l)A~ 'Y,(3. AC!U S9D'{ 9 3jD"113: ••• '91'("'forf DI\'!rl.olrl3Al;> ,l. 1rl Ug}AU'( -'(3. I\i},l 'O}'Od':lodo)l 1rf Ull\'9lL 'ori9dg o'('(p £861 10IVAOI '5{ft'Ol.Vo1 V, 5/p v1mf,{pl '1plll.vtf.d:; ~l..o (Uj]A~g 1201 aOlq! gOl) nOl(pymfX,v 5'?. . ~ D}J01D! Ij.IDAJ3 QOJl '«8lf /f od'Jrif)oN" q1. IV ....! 3 W. . Xnol.oy lMOdXI.f)D .... IP.D 5rJJJI8 53Updu 5{1 qup f(l1t " '}/ . . )8 .... qlD 3!)ro~] (!OU 5(1)rig 0JYrilri (1.1 '«,()l'Ori~'{J.l1q vyyp !v)l 5v)I)I;W 5UYCfJADW 0. » 0Yl}l 3Xp ~Oll M1)l -prlu. IJ/~ ~. OanD V,rI , rI 8,61 ql vlvrlrlpdJ T!)llttuYY3, {HD VdodJ U1CfJdu f(11. 'JJtU1DP1D -<tod'Ou !V)I 50YY7J'V 5'Of'(H. IDAp 'OriO . . 9 001 9)ll1'Orll.vdu (!..L '5vJ,fUqrJ)/Y. 5Yl 50'(lri ld,:n -'3}'l Lf61 q.L 'l.j(iJodlDVlV)I 1f)l11.VIJ)vdJt1W IIlfl T!l'Jrl nppyy3". "'P..!> 3tf.YlL lV)l 5DJ.oV. 'W 5Yl. {'(Dr/W. ql.D t061 q1 'J>tUO¥il . . '3tf. 5U)'11\1g JD,lYH. 50d)'pdl..OIdo1D1Bori {V:>i 50dJpdl.olv7fuI..taq o. ]£'9 )U19lLO)lD 91 J9dll 3~ug~dl JD)l ogod'9lL J?lrf 10 3)1 U69X u .o(l)"( l}.g'01g H. 'QorlDl'(od -odm1 QOl S019d" 9 Pl0(0)lJ) t\ !dlL ~rf A llO UlD1 X~'(~ ;nri (l)0,1l 3~ 1I.~'1)dl t\~1 }D)l 30D,u n -gdU '~I'('(Dri D1\1rfDlri31\'9 '91 ?rf od9cbomrf -UD ~1 :OX91D 910 1)1.01. 303lL9)10 S9/\'Orid3j S'O t\';! 9011 nodlodlDld311 Q01 'OAy)l DM qd3glD J.t 3)1 Ut\YID od09ydDll 9"( url\ 'O/\ ~ 9 11 '9 I\D10 " 'SUl Dld~X '1)10 3.oQ01Ud)l QOll SDJDT1uo SlJ,l J3"{lL Jg 10 ,)I I\DlAO;1ri3A'9 ''Od1.tJ} "91.0 t\DlA01Jrf31\1) )1I.1 '91"("(Dri ndQ'Orf 91 'DpJID -odo~ 3]lgl'g UAP'3, 'SoA~8V, S ~ l Soorl9dg Si)010 It..o(1)''( l}.g'Olg ylrl 10 '9'(lL-W'(U !363d~ ADXp I\D19 ' urflDJd)l DdW 10 'S3AlJ,rl SOOAn 91L1) A}dll 13101d(l)t\A I\'OX13 '1\0,{,{1rf 9 1 ;nA JD)I ) 001 '9d1 31\Q yl '91A. 3191 l\'OOU'(}Jr',I 'c<'" oorl l}.)ll g ~1 1»1 000 l}.)t lg ~l ' S'OTi 'O ,X(11)3 1\~1 y lA JI))I 3rlQ01DDlOA J?/\ 3rfQodouTi '90 319.1 'Ot\1riUI\I)lAOO IdgA'9 91 3llp ' 53d~ rf S1,,('O)l 5'Qrf l)IA }D)l I\n06dY0» :'OdW u .tl"{ 1"{;>ll 30'Od1 U ' .. ud oo).!o m rlH >' '«ld 9A.'9 91 131'( ' Ud OOA}O lD,O .'9N 'old <JD ;>du'()lo AOOO~ll OIX 96 }ol\Drld3j 10') :OA!'( 9 11l;> ,113113 .. '(' 1Drf!?dOID 1V 'Ul'O~1~ JD)I l}.d36Ul0t\Ullf SUl ~/\('J)cb J.t }D)l311}3 ' IXO ..» '3~ lcbo? 91 J'O)l IdiX 91 3 D'Ol1l~ Qo.1 'l}.nkllD J?lli 30Ulq>d J(l)lll}.ri " 'S(l)ll~YIl » ~l ('~ 'Ol.OUJ l 1D.o'Q~ ocb '}0'(UllOO1O 3AU/\}3rl 'OdW uoolLnY)l 'lOX ~AOri 13)11 )001 90g !O I\U1H ~ 'xnX9A ~d09'O)l /\l)lH ~ 'pAd /\'OXp ;JIll Dd lO!;) . l 'O)lA1)ll DI\? ,0 /\I).ou6'9)1 }'O)( o)(d;1l.f 91.0 /\DAIJ U ''91.oodg u.tJ'{ 3 rfoo d~1l ~N 'w11do)t 91 3Up ' nd1l\qg 910 3t1l}U SV,;'OAJ'{ AQ01DDdoO)l3~ '9t\ A'Ollp '5001 ngyri9 A~l 9lLJ} 1\00/\9'" V/\ !31D1d9 3Xp 51)01 u 'g I\DO(l)13,,(31 QOID'9 'o g1)d~ 91 1)1)))1 ' S'Od1ri Slt,,('9A.3rf 51J,1 l}.A o T1Ddull I\~l HZ3NtHI VIVH Efr61 ao]'yaoIt; II ' .. /\ooOdp0)' ;o49~ 0,(9,A.3r191 Sin u '(pX 911ri 130}A.Ddd':l.o A91 9/\ 3"'(3e~ '1)/\ l)o 'Oll(l)111i91.0 30U'(}ID /\91 1D)l 311\ :W.LVJVHJHlV AO)fINHVV3 V/JovoeNV Eva )leyaAo KU)la Kat rpeXEt npo~ tov aVOIX"to xwpo, nou &ivai )lnpo~ 01"0 fiav£mOtTl~lO. rE~..d ~E I 6 "ton~;:;. ~ Eva KOpitO"l K'pcl"[wvra<; Eva o"tEqlaVl cmo 6aqlv'l. O'K'CtAWVEl 01'6 aYCtA~a toO CllEpalou Kat TO O'tEqlaVWVEl. 'a Aa6<; yova"tl~El. Kat o~,a Tel JtlKpa~eva O'to~ata 'l'tAVOUV "tov UjlVO O'TtlV • Ej,wOEpia. TrlV 'iola O'nYjlTl uKouyoVtal an' TtlV tlK'P'l tOU op6)loU at 6.AuO'I&£;:; tOU yEpjlaVIKOiJ TavK, rr06 KitptVO oav to Sava"to, tptXEl npo~ TO jltpo.; 11:00 aVUlVE it mti8a. fipiv npOqltaoEI va pi~El "tTl CPWtla tau, rl Ola0tlAWO''l reUKVtl TWPCl, OAo€va mOnUKVTl, ~ExuvETal 0 ' aAAO OpO)lO, O'tpipEl, EAiOOEtat oa.v ~OOVtavo ni\.aojla. nou ajlUVEtal Kai nClAf.uEI Il€ cnyoupui Kat IJE ntOt'l. ~OAa ta Otollata twpa <pwv6.~ouv, oAa to. otoJ.lata OUpAHi~ouv. wO XI nHi aAAo! etA.QUI.H; Ttl AEUtEpui J.la<;! 0€AOUIlE tTl AEUU: pUi! • AnD nOAu llaKPUQ, KA'lPOVO)lllJ.levO ana xpovou~ na A lOu~ TO paSo a'i09'l)la , rl uYIlJt'l tOU Aaou autoo ria tTl Awttpui Kai ti} 01KOlOOUV'l, ~EOTCOUO'E yuptUOVTa.; v' aKouO'tEi, tvro yupw tou jI,uooaojl€va aPXIO'av va xuvouv 1l0AuPI KClt Cl~t~!Q "t' apllOta navoo ot av8pwnou.; a.01tI,OU;:; Kat aVl)nEpaO'retcrTou ~, 0'8 yuvaiKE;:; Kat nat&u!. ,;'OXI ma cDJ,o! "OXI aAAO! Katoo Ot topaVvot!" •ACPPI(J1l8VO "twpa KattpalVE TTlV ITAat£la. ACOO<pOpO to KUjla Kat POYYOUOE. LaV uAacpp6<; 'VWupo~ Oti}v aPxTl . areo ),iya otOjlata npw"ta. uou:pa areo Ol"a Ta OtOllata. apXloE mi/.. t va XUVEtal TO na911tlKo tpayou&l "tfj<; hut£:pIO:<; 6"Y~lVO<; tii>v 'EAAtlVWV. I:"ttlV KOPUfPtl 'tOu KU)lCttO<; )llQ aonpoyaAaVT) o'lJ.lOia ~t& I Tt'A(OS'lKt 1"OtE. KUjlanO'E Oto Aiyo aYEpa, KUjlo:noCtv KCtt ta ~aAAul tau KopnolOu nou ttl 0TlKWVE Ota XEPlet tau. llpoXWPOUOE )li: ota9tpo pi}~a . ~a.va~EVT) Kai Tre.PTlc.paVT) Kat nAn, t~, pnl"sE 6 ",(AO, t~,. T payouliouoCtv tOV u ~vo OtTlV EAweEpia Kui ~a8t~ov. Aiyo mo ,.J.1tpO~ tOU<;, ,.t1tpo;:; O"ta )lana TOU<; noo oni91~av, E.ACt)lTrE t6 opa)lu T'ii~ 'EA/,O:So.;. Kat Aiyo nLo ~npoota CtKOIlCt.. tltCtv TO opa~Ct TO OUCO tou<;. rl tUlUxia TrOll jliAT)oav Xtt;:; JlE to aotpa. eva aYOPO:Kt U€ IJCtupCt 18 J.1CtAAlcl, nou ea to Ilf.yu),wvav Kai Sci "to IlciOatvav va yiVEI oroOto<; aVtpa~ nov vci )lnopd v6. nd Ottlv KpiCJtJ.l'l ffipa Eva .. OXI » ~OXt nu). nOAtJ.lOt Kai a"l)lCt ablKo. W ••• TO: n:cptOtanKa tlPOav bt'Ettu yP tl yopa oav aotpantl. To r e.PJlaVIKO apJ.1a cpavT)K€: Ottlv aKpT) tou OPOJlOU a rr tTlV tlVtiSEtT) ~lEpla nou KllttpalvE it SlOOtlAOOOl1 Kat xu8T)KE Travou OtO nAi}Ooc;. To reoAupoAO apXIOE va. Kpotii. 'AU.a to KUJ.1a no\; Ka"tt~CUVE )lE OPJ.1Tl &tv ~tav )lnOpElO va Ota~latTlOEl. ruvtXtcrE ttlV nopda. To reoAUPOAO EPPIXVe. twpa nciv(t) O'tei KOpjlta. Bpi;KE np(i)'t'a KataOt'lOa to v£avlKo O'&Jla not) tIXE &VEJ..ltO~l€VCt JlO~.. At6: OtO KEtf>aAI Kal not) KpatOuoe. ota XEpta tOU ttlv aV£J.1LO'Ili:VT) o'lJ.1tla. WEnat~e. to O'wJla J..{yo O'av AaPOOJlEVO reouAi, UUtE PCt €y£lpC Kt' EreEoE. Ttlv 'iSlet onYJlTt TO taVK not) ElPEXE J.1E &CtIJLOVIOjltvO 06pupo Kai dXE c.pn1.oe.l. enEoE navou 01'0 Aapwlli:vo O'&)lO reou Ol'tapa~E. nEpaoE ano n:avu> tOU Ti<; papEtE ~ 6:Auolot~ tOU, ~nfjK£ )Ji:~ OtO rrATiSo<;, to OKOp1ttOC yui J..Ita onYJltl Kal tpapn/;e. rrtpCt. "01.0. cY lva v oav aotpaml. To D.AaAlaOJli:vo nATi9o.; )lOAl(; ni:paoE 6 JtT)xavoKivl1tO~ Oavatoc;. ~£;XU8 'lKE reCtld 0.1£6 ti;:; no.pooou~ onou tlXe. KCttaCPOYEI KI' bPE~£ pOYYWVtCt<; npoc; to oWJtO tou KOPltO'lOU, noo €xovtac; OYKUAtaO)lEVT) ti}v o'l)laia ttlV €PPEXt Jl8 to U'I)lCt nov Etpe.Xe. o:n' tl~ O'napay~t:vEC; OapKe:e; tou . ME 80/,a ta JUlna tTlV nfjpE to a yo pt , 6 <pD.o~ tT)C;. ota X8pta TOU Kai ttlv otlKWO'£. "Eva;:; CiAAoe; qlOttT)ttlC; crtlKOOOt ttl J.IaH.uIJEV'l on~.lQtu. KI' an' til Pa9Ela O'lW1t'tl no\; tixt ~an). wOt i )J€ to oi:o~ tOU 9avatou. 0'1Kf.M1T)KC aypw 00. oiqlouva<; tl c.pOPEPtl KpauYtl tou JtATlOOUC; nou KlltapIOtCtV tOl)C; c.povuic.; Kat <PWVCt~E YIO EKOiKT)O'l Kai AWT£pla. ~ta<pT)J.liSE'tE 'tiC; E1nXEtPT1<JEtC; Kat 'til 1tpoi:ov'ta <Jac; <J'tT]V NEA YOPKH ArpOKTHMA l:THN AN~PO Af'POKTHMAbn:rio£w,;; Q\lW TW\, 8 1)2 (I'tpql~O:tW\l. O'tJ,v 'fpa~IKW to t'l 'U:PLOXtl l:apl~T)<; "A \lbpolJ. ",w- hital or. tE,OlPUIKfJ tL)Jt1. Ih:PliXtl ttPO:O'tlO al"{'lu. KOUJAAllA.O yui tOU· PICUKt; ciC,IO'l'{'OlT)OTJ· ·E~Olpnu.o. JrAI:O\lCKt';.,aato rlli buXciP'1G'l. yui tE,oIU(1'l KOtOIKia. ii Oi hOloqU:POJ4(VOI nopoKOAOUVfQl ,,0: tT)ACCPWVt100lJ'" OtOV K. 1',0"'\',, KOpK.OU).O, T~). . (212) 499-1700. n!lAHl:H ~ ANTAAAArH &IAMEPIl:MAT!lN l:tO MAPOYl:1 'A9!)vwv Kai an' yvwCJtll TOUPlc.TTIKT! AOtltparroAI AOY· TPAKI, EX'" KAINOYPrIA ho,l'orrapci&Ota &loJ4tpiO'~ato I'tOAUtEAOU~ ",t Eyxpw.,.a <PUO'IKQ I.uipta 6rroia rrWAcO pi: E~ KOAlE<; rrll1j)<1)l,ul<; 1) ta dvtal)."oaow I't dK''''1Ta aT~v 'AI"plI,tj. KOtQaK£uii<; j.lapo K.A.7t. ••• "EKavE QVE lpa Yla to Ili:AAov . .. KOlJ.111O'ou J.I1Kptl' ED"'lvioa. TO. QV£lpa 8apSouv Otv OapOouv 1tt0 Yla o€va. ' AA~.a 8a.p8ouv YUl to. a/,ACt Kopi to'lCt Kai to. ciyopta rou TOnal) oou, Ylo. to. K'opitCJtQ. Kat 1" ayopw tou KOOJ.lOU. K l auta Sa. O'E 8UJlOUVtCtl Kai 06 d EUAOYOUV, cm:loil )lE to u'l)la oou uYlaO'£;<; T' OVEtpa tOue;. l:TEAIOl: BOrIATZAKHl: KE<IIAAAHNIAl: 7 - XOAAPr01: ATHENS, GREECE THA.: 65.21.678 .NEA YOPKH .. . 0 oldivolx; qJr,W1C; "£,U ttvaC; muviarac; LJ'lJi"rp'lC; TOIxpcc;ijc; rrapovaiaa£ GVW rrov 50 auvavA/cOv 'H ,V('!Jar~ nruviora Bivla TacmrJ. a ad ljlqJavlarr.i at pc.mrii) aro MIKPO J'lJ10rrKO 8tarpo 'HpaK ) c.!olJ ro Dipparo 2 '!ov).fou ari~ 9 TO ppdau. 'H t p..q)(ivlatj r'le; Oii iYKalvulacl ri t; KU}.AlTI:l.VIKC; t KO'lJ..waw; rOD A ' LJu:8voiX; (/)r.arrfidJ.. 'HpaK).c.!ou, nov iX£f ;;01J npopJ..1JBd dna TOUr; TriiJ1C; rr,c; N. "YOPK'IC; aav lva ano O'lj...laVTlKa £vpwnalKd rpeorrpaA... "Orrwc; £Ivai ,vwaro. ro (/>c.aTlpd) 'HpaK) £fO ' 83 CXCI tt,aarpa)fatt rq aup..p..cToX~ rroV . wv OWOtTj...lw v KaLtluxV«W Ka, aUYKpOr'1jlarwv. orrwc; ~ r ( iJav MrraiC Nriva MOUaXOfJP'l, ~ 'Opxljarpa rou At Vlvypavr. i] EUJ1<P(;JvIKiT 'Opx,:,arpa TOU Aovoivou K.A..n. 'H Bivla Ta6nd a f.YKalvld( CI TO (/)WTlpo.) ),leTa dno rrpoaK),1Jatt rou LJ1Jj...lapl.0u K. MavdJ).fJ KapaA1J Kai r ou Jr,p..ou 'HpaKAe!ou. 'N avvavJ..ia rttC; avap..i vcral J1i; w:,yaAo l vBovmaap..6, ytari e!vU/ npwrfJ <popa nov 00. l:p..<pavlard ar~v 'E)).rioa j1ero. ano OeKarpia l.p6VlU a.nova[ac;. Ero Olriar1Jjla auro lKUVC orrooor..; aro napial Kai arit Nea . Y6pKfJ Ka; l X" apXiael Kup,epa c)u;Ovovt; dKtlVOpohac;. 'H Bivla TaOlu;)a J1i VCI j...lOVljla arit Nea .. YOPK1J. fa r, r, ~uVEpYEio emOKEUWV AYTOKINHTON trperoc; ariTv 'AlleplKr" Evpwntt KU} ..Anw 'Avaro )." . '£rphoC; r o KaA..OKaipl Bo. rUC;lbevael ariJv Evpwn1J Kai 00. 6ci)acl aClpd avvav) l(ov. Ernv qJwroyparpia 0 U;,aipcroe; 1tlaViarae;),lETOV npocopo rije; Ni ae; J'lJioKpariac; K. Eva yye.Ao 'Aptpwrp Kara r~v olapKcza iliac; t5eC;lwaeW~ TrOV 060'lK£ ornv 'AO,:,va 7lPO~ TlJiqv roo K. Tovrpe.t,ij. '0 K. N. Ku1tEAAapll<; (JttlV 'Avtl1tpo(Jo)1tEiu tOU OHE HOmur; O'fJ~tlroO'a~E O'tO TtpOrIYOI)~EVO T<i>XO, ~a" TO ~<i>yo, KanEl,Anp~ Sa ~Ei Vl] KovTn ~a, i'~~ ,i< 6 ~~ ~~v<, . '0 r<VtKO, np6~EVOI T~, 'EnciSo, Sa t~aKoA.ou8itOfJ bd rou nap6VTOr; TrlV aO"Kll· 0" trov TtPO~EVIKrov TOU KaS"K6vroov aAAa altO illr; 'IouAiou avaAa~~a.vEl TrlV ou:68\)vOll dOllcou r paiptiou O'TT}V M6vl~ll ' A V· turpoooontia Tlir;' EAA6.oor; OTOV OH E YU1 tOV (JUVTOV1O'~O Tlit; TtOAITlKli r; O'uvEpyaotar; trov x.OOp&V-~EJ.. &V rlit; EOK OTOV ou:8VT; 6pyavlo~6. TO: Ka9itKovTa aura Tlir; 'EnciSo, <moppeouv ani> Tl\v avciA~IjI~, t~V J11 •IOUAlou, TT; t; npoEoplar; TT;r; Eu pooTtatKT;r; OiKOVO,.HKil r; KOlV6"t"TOt;. ' 0 K. Ka- m:AAa.PfJr; 90. dVQl {) O'uvTOVlOtll r; tilr; olaKOlVOTlKlir; ouvEpyaoiar; O'rov OHE. FOREIGN & DOMESTIC Specializing in Mercedes, BMW, Fiat Volvo, Toyota, Datsun presents an exciting International Flor Show Nitely Featuring Greek and International Singers and Exotic Belly Dancers BE GREEK TONITE Dance the nite away to fabulous music every nite but Tuesday. Savor the tastes of authentic Greek cuisine in this exciting supper club. OPEN 530 P.M. CLOSED TUESDA YS Come to Ei6IKEU~EvOS • EM~vos 6PXI~~XOVIKOS ~E 15ETii nEipo OE EmoKEuES EupwnoiKiis Kol i610iTEPO VEP~OVIKiis KOTOOKEUiis OUTOKIV~TWV. WALLINGTON SHELL 370 RT. 46· SOUTH HACK . SILVER FORK AWARD Reservall o ns (201) 440-1 77 1 165 Paterson Avenue, Wallington, New Jersey 07057 Tel. (201) 779·9528, (201) 473·1784 IOYAIOr 19K3 Major Credit Cards Accepted 19 'OIlUblKTt EK9E<JTJ OIlOYEvrov ~roypacprov To M£)'QA'l tnrruxiu 01l1l£iwO'E 'Ti npciHT] 0JlalhKT} b:9tol'J • E)J"l1vOUJltpUCQvrov ~w ypacpwv 1£00 crlve 'tOV 1tEpaOIlEVO }.1l1VCl O'TO 'EAA.llVl1CO nVWJlQtlKO KEVtpO ni~ KOlV6'['l'to~ 'Ariou rewPYlou, OtO L1tpiVYK'P~AVt, Maoo, M£Ta~u troy ppapeufllwTwv KQAAlT€XVWV >itav 6 yvooot6, ~ooypci'Po, e.6ooopo<; 'Avayvrootapo:<; 6 on-oIOC; E1tat~E 9auJ.ulolCl KtOapa Kat tpaYOUOTJO€ I((t'ta 'tt;v ollipKElCl O'~l",oEOO, .0U t860~ .po<; tl~~V tOOv sooypci'POOv .ou EAapav ~EPO<; at"V E<eEO~, " AAAOl ppapEUOEvt<<; KaAAlt£XvE<; Titav 6 Nick Phakos, (nov bnoio £069'1 to rrpwto ppaPElo, 6 flOOpyO<; KEpaOl"'t~<;, ,; "'ropoSEQ BkllXOD, it .. Awn Kovnvou, 6 Andrew Harmatos, 6 NiKO, KaAa~apa" 6 Anthony Velonis. 6 Alexander Gazonas, ti Irene Elios, 6 Peter Stathis Kat 6 Th>t11P~<; KUtUO"tllJlU 'EnllVlKWV ~WPWV KENTPIKON AnOPIA~ 31-12 23rd Ave, (Kovta otliv 31st Street) TnAE'Poova (212) 721-9190 Kat (212) 721-9191 'EKI..£Ktfl (JUI..AOyi) 01[0 J17tOUJ.l1tOUVIEptC;, (JtEcpava, ~a1tn(JtlKa., ucpaVto., tpyoJ(tlpa, tiVtlK£illtva ttJ(V1J<;, "tpalltlKa, plpHa, IttPIOOIKa Kai £<pTJIItpiOt<;, - Kaptt<; Yla o,-t<; ti<; Ittpl1ttro.m<;, ITAOYLInTATH LYAAOfH EAAHNIKQN ~I:EKQN Kat TAPES, VIDEO CASSETTES, 'AVOlKtO "'EUtEpa - lli~pato 10 TI,~, - 8 ~,~ , t1ltu9uva~: KuplaKE<;: 12-6 ~,~, Xplot[va Dlp~YlawT1 faAIOTOalOC;. 'H KtTJIlUtlKtl Tpa1U:~u O'ttlV Ni:u 'YOPKTJ a- 'H Kt~~atlK~ TpUTIEsa t~<; 'EAAaoo, VOl~£ o"t'rlV • Acrt6plCI U1rOICQ'taOtrnl(l 1U1 tilv E~U1tT)PttT)O'l1 trov OjJOYEVroV 1tOU En19u).loDv va civoi~ouv el()u.:ouC; AoyaptaoJ.loG~ m,;v . E)'J.aoa jJf OK01[O T~V O:1tOKtllOll i010Ktlltll~ Kat01Kia~. il t1tayy£A.J.laTtKfj~ Ot€Yll~ Ot,;v' EAAaoa Of ouvouaojJ.o 11£ t,;V XOPrlYllOll ano t,;V Tptl1tECa autrl. 7IpOVO1l1UKroV OtEyUOtllCOOV ouvdwv. · 0 o\EU9uvt,;~ tOu u1tOKaTacrTrllla'tO~ K. TaKT) ~ Kapoup61touA.o~ Kal 6 im£u8uvo~ TOU Marketing K .• AA.t~llt.; Ml'xarlA.. Eoroaav TOV ltEpUaJ.1EvO jJllva cruVE:VtEU~ ll 1tpO~ 'toG~ OVTrrtPOOWrtou<; trov OJ.1oYEvElaKoov jJ.E:OWV tV'lJ.lEpWOEro<; Kat O:1tavt'laUV af EPWTrlJ.1ata CJXEtUC:a. jJ€ TOU<; OK01tOU<; KUJ TtC; Ou:uKOAUVOClt.; nOD naptx,£l TO tpa1tECITlKO auto lopujJa atouc,; an:6011J.10u<; noG f1t\9ujJouv va. ErtEVOUOouv af OKiVlltU OT';V 'EAAcioa, tTI"''PEAOi>~EVOl Kat t~<; iJ\II~A~<; ayopUOTlKfjc,; ouv6:J.1EWc,; tau ooAAapiou. O{ KU1tPlUKE;' AEpoYPUIlIlE; O'tT)V Ntu 'YOPKTJ · H KunplOK'; •AEpOTCopia, Ot,;v TCpooml8Eta t'lt.; va t~un:'lPETrlOll KUAIYtEpa to KU1tplaKO OTOlXdo Ot,;v' AIlEPUCTJ Kat va 1tPOOtl..KU0'l m:.p\006tEPO~ •AJ.1EPIKUVOUc; ToupiOtEt.; OtO Vlloi tfj<; •A!ppoolt'l<;, o.V01~E Otijv Nta ' Y6PK'l fpu!ptlo, tilv OlEU8uvall tou 61toiou avtAap£ to naAai.uax,o OT£AEXOt.; t'lt.; 6 K. • A voptac,; t\.EJ.1EotUv6t.;. • H OlEU8uvo'l tro", rpa<pdwv tfj<; Cyprus Park Ave. South Kal Airways £ival 387 to t~A''ProVO 689-1130, 20 .NEA YOPKH. u.s. Envoy Back for (The Washington Post, June 18, 1983) ATHENS, June 17 - U.S. envoy Reginald Bartholomew, who has beenl negotiating the future of American bases in Greece with the Socialist government of Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou. will return to Washington this weekend for about two weeks of consultations, the U.S. Embassy confirmed today. Announcement of a final draft of a bases agreement, after eight months of negotiations, had been widely expected ea rlier this week, but an apparent last-minute hardening of position by the government in Athens resulted in rejection of the draftaccord as too moderate and new proposals being submitted to Washington. Bartholomew met with his Greek counterpart, Foreign Undersecretary Yannis Kapsis, yesterday and received from him a document outlining Greece's position on the bases, accord ing to a Greek government spokesma n. Papandreou told the Greek Cabinet last Friday that the talks would end this week. Consultations Although he said he did not know"which way the scales would tip," diplomatic observers here expected the government to initial a new bases pact. The government set the stage Tuesday foran announcementof the conclusion of the negotiations, planning political and press briefings as well as a nationally televised message by Papandreou. Analysts link the Socialists' about-face with stormy reaction from the Greek left to leaked reports of the proposed agreement in the influential Athens newspaper To Virna on Sunday. The reports-not denied by either Greek or U.S. sources-said the accor.d would have a five-year term. It would contain provisions for termonation but also for renewal by whatever government is in power in Greece at the expiration date. This would place the decision on whether to close the bases, which Papandreou has pledged to do, well beyond the end ' of the present Socialist government's term in 1985. The Communist press called the leaked agreement a "document of shame." Greece threatens shutdown of U.S. bases (The Washington Times. June 20, /983) ATHENS (AP) - Premier Andreas Papandreou said yesterday that Greece may close U.S. military bases in the country unless negotiators reach a quick agreement on the future status of the facilities. "The United States will do well to proceed to the solution of this problem, otherwise we shall be obliged to proceed with unilateral action, ,. Papandreou told reporters on his return from the Common Market summit in West Germany. ''The Greek government's patience is limited." It was the first time the Greek premier had threatened such action, though he also said Greece was not "setting any ultimatum." Papandreou has spoken previously of closing the American bases "within an agreed time frame" if negotiations on their future fail. Talks on the bases recessed abruptly on Friday despite expectations that Greece and the United States were about to announce a new five-year defense cooperation agreement. Greek and American officials refuse to reveal the nature of the last-minute disagreement. But diplomatic sources who declined to be identified said the talks stalled over a formula for eventually terminating the bases and for providing U.S. economic aid. JULY 1983 Drug Firms in Greece Set Closings to Protest Government s Policies Wall Street Journal, June 22, 1983 ATHENS , Greece-A number of multinational pharmaceutical companies have begun quietly closing their Greek operations because of what they say is a growing sense of frustration with the policies of the Socialist government. The announced or expected departure of a half dozen foreign drug concerns signals what many say is a loss of confidence by the drug companies in their ability to operate in Greece. .. It's as though the sword of Damocles were hanging over us, " said one executive of a major European drug concern. "We're all very concerned and will be forced into making a decision to stay or not on commercial grounds," the executive said. None of the company officials contacted would allow themselves to be identified. Of the drug companies that have announced plans to leave, the most prominent are Merck Sharp & Co. of Rahway, N.J ., and Smith Kline & French Hellas S.A., a unit of Smith Kline Beckman Corp., Philadelphia. The companies said they can't any longer afford to do business in Greece because of mounting financial losses. BACK TO FIRST BASE The Economist. June 25 Mr Andreas Papandreou , the Greek prime minister, makes Machiavelli look like a straightforward man. He has changed his foreign policy SO many times that neither his friends nor his enemies have much idea of what he is trying to achieve. A week ago, it seemed clear that he had decided to sign an agreement with the Americans to allow them to continue to operate their four bases in Greece. On June 14th Mr Papandreou a rranged an audience with the Greek president, Mr Constantine Karamanlis , to explain the terms of the deal-to be followed by a press conference and a special televised meeting of the cabinet. Then, suddenly, these plans were cancelled. Mr Papandreou's decision not to sign a deal on the bases can hardly have had much to do with the terms offered by the United States, which were generous. After eight months of talks, the Americans had agreed that an agreement on the bases would run for five years and could then be terminated with three months' notice , or one year's notice thereafter. This met Mr Papandreou '5 demand that the Americans would not control the bases for an unlimited period. The Americans had also agreed to raise their military aid for Greece from S280m to SSOOm next year. They had not formally promised that Greece would get at least seven tenths of the amo unt of aid given to Turkey, as Mr Papandreou wanted; but in fact that will be about the share Greece gets next year. In addit ion, the Americans undertook to help develop Greece's arms industry; to accept repayment of past Greek debts in Greek exports; and to allow Greeks to have titular command of the disputed bases (which would be used , as before, on ly by American forces) . The Greeks would also have access to most of the secret information sent in or out of the bases by code. Mr Papandreou seems to have found these terms satisfactory-until he discussed them with his closest advisers on the Socialist party's executive. They warned him that such an agreement would be unpopular in Greece, and would give the Communists ammunition to use against him. The tribulations of the 21 Mike Manatos Dies, Played Major Role in U.S. Policy for Greece Mike Manatos, the first Greek-American to hold positions of major influence in Washington, D.C., died of congestive heart failure on May 27 . 1983 in Washington, D.C. Mr. Manatos served as Administrative Assistant for Senate Liaison to Presidents Jack Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. He was the first Greek-American to hold senior staff positions in the United States Senate, where he worked from 1938 to 1961. For the last twenty years, Mr. Manatos has been on a first name basis with the nation 's Presidents, Speakers of the House, Majority Leaders of the Senate. Cabinet Members, Supreme Court Justices and others in Washington's policy process. Throughout his career. Mr. Manatos played a major role in America's policy toward Greece and Greek-Americans. He was involved in the actions of President Johnson which stopped the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in the late 1960's. With his son Andy, who was Legislative Assistant to Senator Thomas Eagle.to~ during the consideration of the Cyprus/Turkey issue in Congress and Assistant Secretary of Commerce in the Carter Administration, they played pivotal roles on the Greece / Turkey/ Cyprus issue. He played a critical role in substantially increasing America's immigration quota from Greece. He helped numerous Greek-Americans to get into the U.S. and with their problems with the government. For many years he provided the country's Greek-American leadership with access to the White House government's economic policies are already eating into its support. The hapless American negotiator. Mr Reginald Bartholomew, then asked what would satisfy Mr Papandreou. He was told that (a) the American bases ought to revert to Greece automatically after five years; (b) the Americans should make a formal promise of a 7: 10 ratio in arms supplies to Greece and Turkey; and (c) the Americans should pay S500m to support the Greek arms industry. Not surprisingly, Mr Bartholomew packed his bags and- returned to Washington to discuss these demands with his superiors. MeanwhiJe, the four aircraft manufacturers who are hoping to get the contract for 100 new Greek fighters have been told to extend their bids for another 90 days. Few people believe the Greeks can afford to place this order, worth around $3.5 billion, until they have got access to American credit in return for a deal on the bases. 22 and other power centers in Washington, D.C. Most recently. President Carter invited Mr. Mana tos to serve as a member of the American delegation to bring to the United States the Olympic flame for the 1980 Winter Olympi cs held in the United States. President Johnson appointed Mr. Manatos, and former President Truman to represent him at the funeral of King Paul of Greece. President Kennedy had Mr. Manatos, his father (Nicholas) and brother (Tom) as honored guests at a White House dinner during King Paul's visit to the U.S. President Kennedy also appointed Mr. Manatos' wife ( the former Dorothy Varanakis of Salt Lake City, Utah) to coordinate for him the government sposored open heart surgery for a critically ill young Greek girl. Mr. Manatos was a Grand Archon of the Greek-Orthodox Church, a member of the AHEPA, past president of his local chapter of the Pan Cretan Association and an active member of his local Greek-American community. Mr. Manatos is most well known in Washington. D.C. for his work on nonGreek related matters. He was recognized as one of the nation's leaders with regard to his ability to shape American public pOlicy. He was credited by Presidents Kennedy and Johnson with having played a major role in the enactment of the plethora of legislation from 1961 to 1968 - the most legislatively productive period in American history. For ten years SUbsequent to his work in the White House, Me. Manatos was the Director of Government Affairs in Washington. D.C. for the Procter and Gamble Corporation. Since 1981, he has been involved in his son's consulting business. Shortly before his death. they established the Washington, D.C. firm of Manatos & Manatos, Inc. Mr. Manatas was born in 1914 in Rock Springs, Wyoming to Nicholas and Anna (former Anezakis) Manatos. His father was from Chiliomoudou. Crete and his mother was from Lakous, Crete. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy of Bethesda, Maryland; his son, Andy, also of Bethesda, Maryland and his four children Mike, Nick, Tom and George; his daughter Kathy Shand of Salt Lake City, Utah. and her three children Dori, Nathan and Rebecca; his daughter Ann Hatsis Sikand of Bethesda, Maryland. and her children Chuck and Julie Hatsis; by his brothers George Manatos of Modesto, California; and Tom Manatos of Rock Springs, Wyoming; and his sisters Sylvia Johannessen of Arlington, Virginia and Tina Mamalis of Rock Springs, Wyoming. A ir Fare Bargains Over the Atlantic (The New York Times, June 19, 1983) T.W.A. matches the Pan Am fares to London and Paris, offers Rome on Super Apex for $749, and has reduced its New York-Athens round trip to $699 (649 midweek) to match the fare of Olympic Airways, the Greek national airline. For those who prefer first-class travel, T. W.A. has one of the oddest and best bargains in the air these days , should you want to fly to Athens. The airline's normal round-trip fares to Athens are $1,596 in economy, $2,100 business class and $3,500 first class. These are for nonstop flights. If, however, you want to fly to Athens and stop over, say in Rome , that first-class fare drops $900 to $2,600. Why? "So we can compete with Olympic, which charges $2,600 first class from New York," says T.W,A:s Miss McElwreath. n:ropylO~ K. cJ)roKa~ 4lKHrOPOE nAP' APEIQ nArD MAl:l:AAIAI: 12 - 'I' APPON 17 T~l..: 3~9086 - 522-0260 "NEW YORK" Chicago to Host 61st AHEP A Convention Dr. Mary Allen Engle (Ie/f), Director of the Greek Children 5' Cardiac Program, accepts a check for more than $/6,000 from Archbishop lakovos. and Virginia Skoufalos, representing the Combined PhiloplOchos Charities 0/ Brooklyn and Slaten Island. N. Y. Photo by Dean Liambas The largest annual gathering of GreekAmericans the AHEPA Supreme Co nvention - will be held this year in Chicago, Illinois, from August 7 to 13. The convention, headquartered at the Hyatt Regency Chicago, includes a full schedule of daily social and athletic events, in addition to the business sessions of the AHEPA Family. "Chicago is an excellent convention city," said Supreme President Peter S. Kouchalakos, "and we expect a large attendance at this year's convention. " The convention begins on Sunday, August 7, with church services at the Greek Orthodox Annunciation Cathedral. The official convention opening will be held at 6:30 that evening, followed by the Welcome Night Dance with music provided by the Aristons. Business sessions for the AHEPA, Daughters of Penelope, Sons of Pericles, and Maids of Athena begin Monday, as does the AHEPA National Golf Tournament. The Hellenic Fest ival, featuring an old convention favorite - Gus Vah - will be DROULIA&CO. Members New York Stock Exchange Since 1957 120 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10271 Telephone (212) 349-Jl44 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND 1002 2 Place St. Francois Telephone: 20.42.62 ATHENS,GREECE 3 Stadiou Street Telephone: 3220-330 Direct Lines to all u.s. Stock, Option, Futures Exchanges Clearing Through Pershing & Co. Division of Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette JULY 1983 23 held that evening. On Tuesday. August 9. the AHEPA hosts a luncheon on the AHEPA Statue of Liberty! Ellis Island Project, which seeks to raise funds for the renovation of the Statue of Liberty and the building of an immigration museum and research center on Ellis Island. The main evening event will be the Grand Ball. Wednesday begins with a breakfast hosted by the Atlantic Bank of New York, and from noon to 3 p.m. the Daughters annual fashion show and luncheon will be held al the hotel. At 9 p.m. a full night of entertainment begins with Gus Yali, and will be highlighted with the performance of singer Jimmy Damon. Damon, a multi-talented singer-songwriter of pop and contemporary jazz music soared to musical fame recently with his second hit single "Young Hearts Young Hands." The first of two AHEPA Educational Foundatio n lectures "Stones of Greece" by James Chimbidis will be held on Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. , and Dr. Charles Moskos will lecture on "World of our Immigrant Fathers" on Thursday. The traditional convention highlight, the Grand Banquet, will be held on Thursday. The final list of speakers for this year's banquet is till incomplete, but in previous years speakers have included former Prime Minister of Canada Joseph Clark; and Mrs. Margaret Papandreou. wife of Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou. Slate Commissioner Angelo Pelromelis presents HANA CS public service plaque 10 City Council Majority Leader Thomas J. Cuile at ceremonies held at City Hall. Pictured above. left to right. are Tina Santorineou, who received HANA C s Woman of the Year Award; Commissioner Petromelis, Councilman Cuite; Catherine SakelOs. President of HANAC. and City Council President Carol Bel/amy. Full Youth Program Provided Following upon last year's success, from Wednesday through Friday the Sons of Pericles and Maids of Athena will again sponsor a Cooley's Anemia screening center offering free tests to Ahepans and their families . Dr. Joseph Graziano, a top medical researcher on Cooley's Anemia, will address the Sons and Maids breakfast on Thursday morning. On Thursday afternoon His Eminence Archbishop Iakovos will hold a "Youth Dialogue," and daily 'After Hours" dances from I a.m. to 4 a.m. will be held. Entertain· ment at these dances will be provided by such accomplished performers as Peter Pyr~s and the Greek Ambassadors, and Network. The sports events held convention week will include golf, tennis, the Sons national basketball championship. and the AHEPA Olympiad . On Friday, August 12, the AHEPA Athletic Luncheon will honor the winners of the convention sports events and will induct new members of AHEPA's American Hellenic Sports HaJJ of Fame. Friday's Sons and Maids Grand Ball, from 9 p.m. to 2 a .m. features music by both the Nisiotes and the Aristons. The final business session and the Farewell Dance will be held on Saturday. August 13. 24 ATLANTIC RA.NKA!0 ~ Trust Department Member FDIC 960 Avenue of the Americos, New York. N. Y. 10001 "NEW YORK" How AnEnterprisingltaiianMadeltln Greece ATHENS - (Special to Nea Yorki)Once in a while someone conceives a realistic idea to do something that others have not done before. Building another ceramics plant in Greece (there were at least three in Greece when Ceramica Olympia, S.A. was conceived) was hardly a new idea or anything that had not been done before. Yet Giovanni Maranzana. an Italian architect by training and a designer of manufacturing plants by occupation, hailing from ;Milan, conceived the idea three years ago and today Ceramica Olympia, S.A., just potside Pyrgos, Greece, is a growing, manufacturing and selling reality. Today the plant is one of the most modern ceramics manu-facturing facilities in Europe. Finished in August of last year, it began production of a unique flower design line of earthenware (faience) plate service last December. Actual sales began early this year and have now reached the plant's current manufacturing level of 10,000 plates per day. The plant capacity of 25,000 plates per day, as managing director and principal stockholder Giovanni Maranzana has indicated, will be reached by year's end. The basic idea behind the plant is not to become a copycat of its competitors in Greece. Maranzana, who had spent six months in Greece before 1967 as a factorydesigning consultant, though an Italian who did not speak a word of Greek then, decided to make Greece his home, returning here to live, in 1967, just about without any visible means of support. After becoming a successful consultant in Greece ~ and mastering the rather difficult Modern Greek language ~ he deCIded to by Jacques A. Case-Kesisoglou build his own ceramics plant, near his Greek wife's home town of Pyrgos, usi ng the latest European ceramics manufacturing technology. Maranzana felt that for him to succeed in Greece in this virtually closed, largely monopolized field , he would have to make products his competitors knew little about: faience(earthen) plateware service sets to begin with, made up of 34 and 44 pieces respectively, of some 25 unique octagonal and round patterns of flower designs created exclusively for Ceramica Olympia by several of England's top designers. Although faience products are made in France, Italy and England, mostly, the English crearly enjoy the best reputation for qua lity and durability in the faience field. It is that premier quality in faience products that Maranzana has emulated successfully. In some products, in fact , Ceramica Olympia may have surpassed his European competitors in durability and overall quality. Although the plant was conceived some three years ago, construction began in May 1981 and was completed in August of 1982, a record time by Greek standards. Occupying only a fourth of its 7.5-acre property, the plant has room to grow. New designs will be introduced every year, Maranzana pointed out. Ceramica Olympia employs about 70 skilled workers and technicians at the site and another 10 or so administrative person- nel at the 55 Vasilissis Sophias Avenue office in Athens , across from the Athens Hilton. The company's six full-time salesmen are combing Athens and the rest of Greece with considerable success. The plant is about five (5) kilometers frem Pyrgos and only about seven (7) kilometers from the dcep-water port of Katakolon. It COS t about $6 million to build, including a $3 million loan from the Hellenic Indu strial Development Bank and other Greek state credit sources. Managing Director Maranza feels so confiden t abou t the quality of hi s products that he is offering retai l outlets a 6-year warranty against crack ing hor his washerproof plate servicc. Ceramica Olympia is now also organizing to expo rt its product line to the Uni ted States. The company is now making co nt acts with china buyers of major American department sto res. Exports a re important to Greece. Ceramica Olympia's exports, i.e., durable plateware serv ice sets designed to replace everyday plates (rather than luxury sets). now imported in large quantities mostly from Italy at a high cost to Greece in val uable foreign exchange. is offering Greek consumers solidly built, 101,1,.'cost but tastefully designed plate sets at a savings for them and in foreign exchange for Greece. The plant now has three state-of-the-arttechnology ceramics furnaces, one for the faience biscuit and two for glazing. Plates TQPA TO AEGEAN PRODUCTIONS ~IAeETEI KINHMA TO rp A <I> IKEl: T AINIES BINTEO KAI . Ilpo<; 1tcOA'lG'l , , Kal EVOlKlaGT) ITO~Ol:<I>AIPIKOYl: ArnNEl: rIA TO l:ITITI l:Al: rIC} ItEplCla6n:pE<; ItAT]po<popiE<; lCai lCatOAOYO tT]AE<pwvTjaatE i\ YPOljlatE am. Aegean Productions 29-11 Ditmars Blvd., Astoria, N.Y. 11105 TT]A. (212) 721-7990 JULY 1983 2S 'The Birds' by Aristophanes By RICHARD F. SHEPARD The N Y. Times, June 2. 1983 There is a good time to be had in the 'the birds into this ambitious leap into a new current presentation of "The Birds," an civilization. He and his lines are very funny ancient but not timeworn comedy by Aristophanes that opened in Athens in 414 B.C. and is now enjoying, in every sense a revival, in English by the Greek Theater of New York. This is a large-scale production, with music and gorgeous avian costumes and a cast, if not of thousands, then of 18, more than enough to fill the Off Off Broadway stage with an ambience of overpopulation that might do credit to Cecil B. DeMille. This is, as done here, a satire and also a farce, with opportunities for the highest order of low comics in the burlesque (funny, not sexy) tradition. One thinks of it as custombuilt Zero Mostel of Phil Silvers. They are not there, but the comics who are will do very nicely. • This version is the 1948 translation by Walter Kerr, now Sunday drama critic of the New York Times. It not only captures what must surely be the spirit of the original, with its commentary on the degeneration of society, but it also lets you know, in the most tradelike terms, that this is theater. The actors speak directly to the audience, make asides about the structure of the plot and threaten ill-speaking critics with the equivalent of immolation, or at least great discomfort. Parts of the dialogue are in comic-patter and much of it is in rhyme and all of it is worth listening to. What's more, it works. To get the story line out the way, this is the tale oftwo gentlemen of Athens who, revolted by the life of their hometown, by its politics, poetry, religion and business, travel out to a high land where the birds dwell. They persuade the birds to set up their own kingdom, fight the gods and establish their own supremacy on earth. Yannis Simonides is marvelously oracular as the con man , Pithetaerus, who talks are press-molded and that prevents distortion. More than 60% of the new material is mined in England; most of the rest in Greece. Managing Director Maranzana's plans include wall-decorative plate designs with scenes from Greece's most picturesque areas. Despite the bureaucratic odds - and they are massive in Greece - and strong competition from three other local manufacturers and imports, the future of Ceramica Olympia is assured by the enterpreneurship of an Italian who made it in Greece, against all odds. 26 as he instills the birds with fervor by recalling to them what they have suffered from man. Alexis Mylonas, as Epops, the hoopoe, once a human king who was turned into king of the birds, is hilarious as he postures and struts about, hopping and moving his legs and feet in birdlike fashion. Russ Fast, whose direction gives the show its fast-paced merriment, plays the second man, Euelpides, a dimwitted straight man as bird or human. The 10 songs composed and arranged by Evangelos Fampas, with lyrics by John Neil Harris, reflect an eclectic taste-pop, ballads, cantata, gospel - and they all bounce cheerfully off one's ears. Stephen Eagle, who did sets and costumes, is also a backstage star of this production. His set is a craggy forbidding gray-black stone mountain. This austerity is more than countered by the ingenious costumes of the bird characters; they are in all colors and shapes, with wings that flutter and tails that shake, get-ups that at times make the onlookers more bird-watchers rather than theater audience, particularly as the "birds" bill and coo and screech in what passes for a native tongue. "The Birds" has a lot to say, in English or in Greek, but it doesn't really matter what it says because in this case it says it so amusingly. Olympic Switches to its Own Computer System Olympic Airways will effect annual savings of 2.5 million dollars sta rting May 22. 1983, when the Greek flag airline switches to its own computer reservation system. For the past four years the airline has been utilizing a shari ng system with British Airways equipment. paying the amount of $200,000 per month. Olympic Airways computer system will be used initially for automatic confirmation of reservation and passengers' check-in and departures. This program was originally establ ished for Olympic Airways to have its own worldwide staff become familiar with the workings of a computer system. preparalOry to installing its own. In the future, Olympic Airways computer system is to be expanded to automatically issue tickets. to make hotel accommodations as well as to give tourist program information. Sotirhos Wins Top GOP Post Michael Sotirhos of New York was elected National Chairman of the Republi can Party's ethnic division. Thirty State Councils and forty Nationality Federations that comprise the National Republican Heritage Groups Council convened at the Meadowlands Hilton in New Jersey to elect its leadership for the next two years. Sotirhos is the first GreekAmerican to be elected to this post. As Chairman. Sotirhos will be a member of the Republican National Commmittee as well as its Executive Committee_ The responsibility of the Heritage Council is to seek ethnic votes among the 80 million Americans who still identify with their land of origin and heritage. Sotirhos' term of office shall includ e the 1984 Republican National Convention in Dallas at which the Party's Presidential and Vice-Presidential nominees shall be selected . In meetings with Vice President George Bush and RNC Chairman Frank Fahrenkopf Sotirhos emp hasized the importance of the Ethnic vote for the Re publ ican Part y. On Thursday June 24th Sotirhos met with President Reagan at the White House. "Ethnics came to this country for opportunity and to work" Sotirhos said. "The Republica n Pany stands for work ethic. free enterprise. unlimited opportunity. a strong economy and defense. These principles are identical to Ethnic American concerns". Sotirhos has been an active RepUblican for thirty years. In addition he is prominent in Greek-American affairs . he is an Archon of the Patriarchate ofConstantinopJe. President of the Archdiocesan Cathedral in New York. a member of the Archdiocese Council and General Chairman of the New York 1984 Clergy-Laity Congress. Married to the former EsteJle Manos the Sotirhos' have two children. Michael 14 and Stacey 12. Sotirhos is Chairman of the Board of Ariston Interior Designers. "NEW YORK" NYU Opens Management Program in Greece Fifty se nior executives from Greek business and industry arc taking part this month in an intensive management training course in Athens taught by six professors fr om the New York University Graduate School of Business Administration. The program "New York University/ Executive Management Training-Athens," or "NYU / EMTA," was organized by Dr. John Brademas, NYU President, who is the son of a Greek immigrant to the United States. Said Brademas, " I am delighted that NYU / EMTA has won the endorsement of so many leading figures in Greek political and business life. The program is tTangly supported by Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou and Minister of the National Economy Gerassimos Arsenis as well as by a wide range of Greek Business and industrial leaders ... The NYU program consists of two weeks of courses, six hours dai ly, in management marketing and strategy, decision analysis, financial management, international trade, and management for quality and productivi ty. The courses, taught on the campus of Athens Co llege, are being offered by Professors C. Samuel Craig, William D. Guth, Ernest Kurnow, Marti G. Subrahmanyam, Ingo Walter and Dale E. Zand, all ofNYU's Graduate School of Business Administration. Brademas said the program, directed by Professor K urnow, chairman of the doctoral program at GSA, is being financed by co ntribut ions from the government of Greece and Greek private business firm s. Chairman of an Advisory Council guiding the program is George P. Livanos, President of Seres Shi pp ing, New York and Piraeus, a prominent Greek-American businessman. Council Vice Chai rman and Coordinator in Athens is D r. George Kalamotousakis, Managing Director, Bank of Crete, and an NYU graduate. Tuition for the two-week seminar is $1 ,000 with payment by the individual stu den t of a sponsoring firm. Tuilion for studen ts from public enterprises is cove red by government fund ing. Said Srademas, who before coming to New York University was for twenty-two years a Member of Congress from Indiana, '" am conv inced that our New York University program in Athens ca n make a significant co ntribution to meeting the needs for advanced busi ne.ss training of managers from both the private and public sectors in Greece. And NYU j EMTA will be an exciting venture for New York University as well. "As an American of Greek origin, I nat urall y feel a particular com mitment to the success of a program that offers such a .ILI. Y 19H3 splendid opportunity for collaboration between the peoples of Greece and of the United States ... Coordinator of the program in New York is Mrs. Leslie Serlowitz, Assistant Vice President of New York University for Academic Affairs, who is now in Athens evaluating the program. In Greece, the program is being assisted by ELKEPA, the Hellenic Productivity Council, an agency of the Ministry of National Economy. Said Brademas, " If we and our Greek colleagues believe this initial effort effective, New York University will consider similar programs in health services, educational and public administration." ESTAURAN , E~alp£tlKTJ H.A.1JVIKTJ KOU~[ va ut tlJ1t~ auuvayrovlu't£~ 117 East 15th Street New York City Tel. (212) 254-0960 ' - - - - - - -_________J SylVia Kekklas of Manhasset. New York, a beautiful 20 years old Col/ege student studying pre-law, has been named" Miss Greek Independence 1983 ". Sylvia is ajunior, presently taking courses at both Adelphi and St. John s Universities. She hopes to become an attorney specializing in either labor or maritime law. She is presently a member of the Honor Society Kappa Delta Pi, and the former "Miss Chios of 1982". SylVia is the daughter of John Kekklas a director of Operations for Holiday Inn hotels. Her mother Helen is/rom Thessaloniki, Greece. The new "Miss Greek Independence" has a 17 year-old brother John Van, a senior at Manhasset High S chool. Miss Kekklas formerly laught Sunday School or the Church of the Archangel Michael in Roslyn. She is a member ofthe Church Choir, as well as an active member a/ the Church s Young Adult League. ~lr~~1fll 22-81 Jist STREET. ASTORIA. NY 11105 T11", (212) 932-7011 GIFT SHOP MflOMflON1EPEI.' - BArTT1IT1KA - IlAMflA.1EI.' - IlfI.'KOl - 8 TRACK TAPES - CASSETIES Ef~H ~npnN 27 Olympic Airways Runs Special Programs For 12th Annual Athens Marathon Run Olympic Airways, the national airline of Greece, has announced three special travel packages for participants and spectators of the 12th Annual Athens Open International Marathon, to be run October 8, 1983. The 26-mile, 385-yard race commemorates the famous run by Pheidippides to announce the Athenian victory over the Persians in 490 B.C. The race is open to all runners, with eight categories of winners, and is officially sanctioned. There is no qualifying time. In 1928, 28 countries were represented. Race officials anticipate an even greater representation this year, Olympic Airways Marketing and Sales Manager-North America, Bob Shearer sa id that interest in this marathon increases each year. "This is the run that sta rted all the running," Shearer said, "and has become something of a must for serious runners, and a tremendous spectacle for thousands of others." The race starts at the village of Marathon, where the name of this distance- originates, and the finish line is at the 70.000 seat Olym- pic Stadium, in the hean of Athens. The stadium was built of marble for the 1896 Olympic Games, the first games of modern times. Olympic's th ree special travel packages range from six to 15 days in length, and are priced from $809 including transatlantic airfare. The packages were developed by Greek Holidays, Inc. and Cloud Tours, Inc. AU travel packages include roundtrip nonstop flights on an Alympic 747 widebody from New York to Athens, hotel, breakfasts, transfers, race fee, training tour, beer and spaghetti dinner, and other racerelated items. The "Athenian Marathon" offers the basic package of five nights. The" Aegean Marathon" allows one extra night in Athens and combines the basic package with a four-day cruise to the Greek Isles and Turkey. The "Mediterranean Marathon" provides two extra nights in Athens with a tour to Delphi and a seven-day cruise to the Greek Isles, Israel, Egypt and Turkey. An eight-page color brochure is available from local travel agents Greek Holidays, Inc. at 212-753-6104, Cloud Tours, Inc. at 212-753-6104 or Olympic 'Airways offices in U.S.A. and Canada. Or write Olympic Airways, Athens Marathon, 647 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022. fHi !i~ TU1tOypUq>LK£~ i:pYUOiE<; OU~ 01tOraeijn O!TJ f\fA YOPKH AEIJKO)J1Ura 'OPYUVWOE(J)V KUI KOlV0T11!Wv. Menus' EO!Lu!opiwv Tel. (212) 947-3180 We give you more than just a place to hang your Hat! You can check into any hotel and perhaps not see it until it's time to go to bed! At a Chandris Hotel , it's just the opposite . you might never want to leave it! Mer ali , as the largest privately owned hotel chain in Greece, Chandris has mare to oHer than 3,000 modern accommodations avail· able in Athens , Corfu, Crete and Chios. From our fine restau· rants , friendly bars and comfortable lounges to our fun·filled pools and sun-drenched , white ~i~~~~~~~~ii~llllllllllll~ beaches , you will experience the warmth of Greek hospitality and superior Chandris service. YOll 'II also enjoy every· thing from a lively phere. ali Greekshopping taverna and almos· sons of spons, to making a business meeting a hit in our spacious conference rooms . Additional services are booked according to specific requests . CI-IANDRIS HClTELS~ Book today! See your travel agent Ask tor our brochures. Call or write GREECE 666 Fifth Ave .. New York, NY. 10019 . (212) 586·8370 . Outside N.Y. Stale (800) 223·0848 Zii "NEW YORK" KPOu(l~li:pa " EVlGXUGfJ " ym" tfJV nov 'EAAfJVlKrov I:1tou/irov 'H 'Errl'tp07trl YUl tflV U7tOUTtlPl~l1 Kai Ola.*~p~ WU TIpoypa~~awc; N€o€l.A~ VU(WV I::n:ouowv tOU KOAAEyiou BarnardColumbia University, 6pyavwvEl 'tt)v KuPtaK~ 24 'louAiou, ppaouv~ Kpoua~IBpa yupw o.rro Tlll.U:yciAll o.U1'" Kai r.pavtacr~a YOPIK~ 1[6A~ . ~eta~u 8.30 ~.~. ~BXPI Kai tel ~EO"avuKTa. ~€ ei8tKO rrpoypaJlI..ta j..IOUOlKilc; Kat xopou, j.lE cruvooeia tfjc; 6pxtiol'pac; .. TItV!t • AO'tEPIQ». To opo ~O ),oylO .~C; ppaouv~c; atl.~c; KpouaClEpac; a.PXl~El arro to Pier No. 83 of the Circle Line : (42nd Street, West) ).1£ KQte:u8uvO''l npoc; to .. AYUAJ.lU tfj<; • EAEU8Epta<;. to l:tETJT€V" AlAuvl, MrrutT€pu napK Kat to 'AVatOAuCo TIOtaJll, ~1tPOO'Tll ano to KtlpLO "TOU 'OpyaVlOjlOU' HVW)..ltvwv 'E8vwv. IIpOKEttal "(la J.na 8auJlcioLO. Kat. €~al PElT".., EUKUlpla. nou aUVOI)6.~El EUX<lPlO"1'O JlE ro<ptAIJ.lO a<pou 01 Ela1tpci~El(; to to Kpoua~lEpa 80. ota'tc90uv yta Eva oKono nov 'tll1U 'tOY 'EAA'lV10116, 8'lAaSTJ yta 't"v OUVEXt0T] Koi 0\0'ttlP'10Tl 'tou IIpo),paJlJla'to<; 'EAA'1vtKwv :Enouowv. Elol'tT1PLa npo<; $30.00 nov dvat Tax Deductible. l1nopEin va npol1TlflwflTl'tE (mo 'to Athenian Gift Shop ".~v 42~ 600 ~em~u 8~c; Kai 9~c; i\ewq>opou Kai .0 TIaven~ V10V Oto MnpovtyouaiTl crt"v •Aatopto, Thessa Loniki Jewellers Kal Astor Gift Shop, Astoria. , AKPIP~C; ilipa dvaxwp~"ewc; 8.30 ~ . ~, na 1tEptcrcrOtEPE<; 1tA'1Pol.popiE<; £1tlKOlvwvtlOCtt JlE: tOV Chairman 'tf)<;' E1tltpo1tTl<; elno t,;V Bpaouv" au'tTJ 'EKbTJAro(fELC; YUl tOV Kopafj H naponAla~tvll (ftO AOVbi VO XWPll TlK OTllTO •H 150" EltEtC1O<; altO to Savato wi) , AS. Kopafj, YlO pt6.~Eta l Kai a'to E~Wtf;PtKO I.pEto<;, Oltw<; KCli anlv 'EAAcioa. LtD Aov«' E),A11V1Ktl • EtOlpla J\OVSlVOU» olvo Ot"v 0noia npoESpCt)U 0 Kwata<; N. Xat~l1nattpa<; Kal 1i onoia €XE l napouauiou a~l6AOY'1 nV£UJla'tlKTJ 8paatll P10trrcO , uipyavw"e ouo i:KO~),"'''",C;, '0 Mlxa).~c; Moaxo<;, 6no tou<; mo a~16AoyOU<; vi:ou<; AOY1Ou<; tOU 6n0811110U' EAA TlVLOJ.tOU, eowof. O l(iAf.~~ ~E et~a ,:0 Kopa~c; Kai 0 En~ VIKO<; olO.ipWnOJlo<;" J.1 E auvoo£i.a 1tpof3o)~Tl<; EYXPWl1WV 81a<pavw:i}v. 'H tO la hal pia at ouvcpyacria JlE: to King's College napouoiocr£: til O£t)'ttP11 £Kotl ),ooOl1 , J.1Hl ouiAE~ll ytti tOV KopoTl ano 'tov yvooo'to KOt OTtlV 'EAAaoa fJ.. AllV10tij Kat LOtOPIKO C.M. n Woodhouse. To Nto ~UJ1POUALO ton ~uAA.6you «lluppoC;» To VEO 8.lOtKl1t1KO :EUl1~06A1O toD 'H n£lpootlKOU LUAA6you nuppo<; nov avaodX911KE ano h:AOyb; li)V 1211 ' IOUVLOU cruvt:Kponie~ wc; .~~ C;: , A vopEac; KOAIOC; rrpoeSpoc;, , AAtKOC; KaAU~ac; dvn1[p6eopoc;. Ba"iA~C; MIKEA~C; rev, ypa~~a .. uc;. TIauAoc; Xa.~~c; dOIKOC; ypaJlJlQtEu<;, •A VTWVll<; Kapao11 C; taJlia<; Kai M11VQC; KapoKupoc;, Krov. rlOucrTl<;, TaK~C; Ba""oc;. Mev, T~BAIOC;, ' E~~ , Aim~c; Koi EUO:yyEA.O<; Mn:aJlnouAllt; crUJlPOUAOl. K. Taoov Mcivs:oT] .1.wti;pa l1£XPl KQ\ TIapa"Keu~ ~eta~u I :00-3:00 ~ . ~. ".0 TIjABq>WVO 687-0980. H nAPonAIIMENH XWPI1TlKOTI1TO o· 01\0 TOV K00110 nopouaiooe TlOpanEpo oU~TlOl1 TOV ntpooJlevo ¢lE6 pouapIO. oUlJipwva IJE TO O"TolXdo TOU r EVIKO U IU1160UAiou HIC; BpnovvIK!'lc; NOUTIAioC;. IUIJ c:pwva npo~ TO ieSla OTOIXdo DE OUVOAO «cS ElJtVWV J> 1758 nAoiwv , TO 737 !)TOV uno TTlV KuavOJ..CUKO . Kat OVTlnpooumcuov TO 31 % TOU OAIKOU Tovva~ Tl1C;. AVaAUTlKOTCPO, TO noponAIOjJEVO cSl,s 9vwC; Maio ou~~8I1KOV OE 1.758 XWPI1TtKOTTlTOC; 9 1 CKOl OJl jJup iwv TOVWV dw ono 1.645 nADia XWPTlTlKOTl1TOC; 86,8 TOU 10vouopiou 1983, tVW TOV ¢lE6pouOPIO tOU n,spool1evou tTOUC; oV£PXOVTOV at 640 XWPI1TtKOTl1TOC; 35,2 EKQT . TOVVWV . l\uo XPOVIO VwpiH:pa TOV ¢lE6pouOPIO TOU 1981 TO nopOnAIOIJ£VO cSlt8vwC; nAoio avi:PxovToV OE 431 TWV 9 ,8 EKOT . TOVVWV. To nopOnAIOIJ£VO Ot~olJ£vonl\o la OTO TCl\OC; ¢lc 6pou opiou avi:pxovTOv OE 429, OUVOl\IKri~ XWPl1TlK6TI1Ta~ 63,8 EKOT . TOVVWV EVW TO OKO C:Pl1 ~'1POU c:popTiou tc:p80vav TO 1.329 OUVOA IKr;c: XWPl1T IK OTl1TaC; 27,2 EKaT. Tov ¢lc6pou6plO rou 1982 TO noponl\IOJli:vo cSE~aJltVOn.\Olo OVCPxoVTOV oE: 252 OUVO'\IKr;c; XWPTlTlKOTllTOC; 3 1,6 CKor . rovvwv Kat TO oKoqHl f,rlPo u I.poprio u O£ 388 TWV 3.6 EKOT. TOVVWV. To uno E:'\A'1VIK~ Olwoio noponAIOIJEVO OKO<PTl KOTa TO TtAOC; ¢lc6pouopiou tep80VOV OE 737 OUVOAIKT)C; XWPTlTlKOTl1TOC; 21,4 eKor. rovvwv, &K TWV onoiwv TO 89 TWV 9,2 £KOT. TOVVWV riTOV eSE~Ol1CVonAOla Kat TO 648 rwv 12,2 £KOT . rovvwv rilOV t;TlPou c:p0pTiou . E~ aAAou , OUlJl.pwvw<; npoc; TO arOlXcio TOU r£VIKOU IUJl60UAiou 1'1<; BPETOVV IKri C; NaUTlAioc; 11 £AATlVIKr; OIwoio £LX£ TO 1-1£YOAUl&PO noooOTO TWV noponAIOI-li;vwv OKa!.pWv 1-1£ TO 31 % rou uno £AATlVIKr; OTl\.JOio aro.\ou. ASTIR HOTELS THE QUALITY HOTELS OF GREECE HEAD OFFICE OUIIIIIIEPRESENTATIYE IN U.S.A.: ASTIR HOTEL Co. Inc . ROBERT F. WARNER IHC . 12 P,uilelous 11 AlMn, 12•. GREECE Tel, 32'3961.6 711 THIRD ""VENU E NEW YORK N.Y, 10011 PHONE (2 1 2)681 ,5~. Tele . : M221 C.bles: WARNEAFlEO NEW YOR~ Tel.. , 21S7Q7 ASCO GR. CAll TOll FREE 800 2236625 JULY 1983 OUR REPRESENTATIYE IN CANADA: TRAVEL,I NE IN C 80 BIoo, $1. W To.o"to On'I"O ""58 2V, h l_•• 161967.• 333 Tele" 005~3909 29 H OIE9vilc; EAA'lVIKil Tpane~Q 'H 'E8vIK!') Tp6n£~o T1i~ 'EAMlio~ e!vm!') Il£YOAlJT£PIl Tp6n£~o aT!')v 'EM6lio, 'EMYX£125 6n6 Ti~ Il£YO/..UT£P£~ Koi 6no1iOTlKOT£P£~ tmX£lp!')O£I~ aT!') XWPO,aTOV TpOn£~IK6, 60<POAlaTlKO, 6101lllXOVlKO Koi TOUPlaTlK6 TOlltO, 'H 'E8vIK!') Tp6n£~o tX£1 0' 6AI1 T!')V 'EMMo n6vw 6no 400 KOTOaT!')IlOTO, 1:TO t~WT£PIKO tX£122 UnOKOTOaT!')1l0TO, 5 ypoq>£io 6vTlnpoown£io~ Koi tMVX£15 Tpon£~IKou~ 6PYOVIOIlOU<;, ElvOI!') 1i1£8v!,)<; tMI1VIK!') Tp6n£~o nou KOAUnT£1 i\AOU~ TOU~ TOIl£i~ TWV tmX£lp!')o£WV OO~ aT!')v 'EMMo, nil HNOMENEI nOlllTEIEI Boarwvl1: 33, State Street· TELEX : 940493 IIKoyo: 168, North Michigan Avenue - TELEX: 254179 Nta 'Y6PKI1: 960, Avenue of the Americas, Suite 908 - TELEX: ITT-42219S nrrENHI TPAnEZA ATLANTIC BANK OF NEW YORK Nta 'YOPKI1: 1) HERALD SQ UARE BRANCH, 960, Avenue of the Americas TELEX : R.C.A, 224053 2) DOWNTOWN BRANCH, 123, William Street - TELEX: R,C.A. 224053 3) ASTORIA BRANCH, 29-10 Ditmars Boulevard - TELEX: RCA 224053 4) ASTOR IA MIN I BRANCH. 33-12, 30th Avenue, Astoria TELEX : RCA 224053 5) BAY RIDGE BRANC H, 8010, Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn - TELEX: R,C.A, 224053 "ti'fimr.1rrt:m11' itrttti· 'JIlTII E8NIKH TPAnEZA THE EAAAAOE GREEK VIDEO. RECORD & T'APE CLUB PRESENTS NEW RECORDS ~~and TAPES PLUS VIDEO ~ DAlARAS UTSA DIAMAN T! OI,n .gapn TA TRAGOUDIA MOU Records: PLO SS()1·8 Record: PlD 5594 Cassettes: pea 5607·8 • • ''''''.''' _,.'-' .... ",., .. , "-, ~, CasseU<): pe a 5594 STRATOS OIONISIOU Thiml sou Record: PLD 55 93 Cassette: pea 5593 ...... " TE LOS DEN EHI TO TRAGOUOI ,. VARIOUS ' Record: Pl O 5602 Cassette: Pe D $6()2 VI KI MOSHOLI OU TIS MINOS 35 TRAGOUOIA . VARIOUS AlICOfds :MSM " 6-7 Cassella: CAMT CS 44&7 RVRILRBLE VHS ond aET A PARIOS . OI MOU D. MITROPANOS Wolke. si ll/mas ReCOfd: 8 11 3·s.t l pea 5611 Postage & Handlin g: If rOil order 1$... Under $ 10.00 add $2.50 • $ 10.00 to $30.00 add $3.50 • $30.00 to 50.00 add $4.50 • Over $50.00 add $5,00. UCAKIS Mil, mou apia Reco rd : MSM459 I(OSTA HATZI S Afierom. TO GRAMM OFONO Rccord : 64a3-372 Cassel1 e: PCO 5603 ~_/ I~ ~ : ~ ~ NOW ClIS$ette: DOUII:ISSA Record: 6483-390 Casselle: pee 5614 Record: 6483-388 Cassette: pe a $615 VHS: V·1 BETA: B·1 $ 65.00 The Concert Of The Venr! "TA TRAGOUDIA mou" • " mv SONGS" Videotaped LIVE at the "ORPHEUS" In Athens Cassette: pe a 5605 Make Chek or Money Order Payable to: Video 394 mcGuinness Blvd, Blooklyn. N.Y. 11222 EnI~KEY0HTE TA KATA~THMATA MA~ EIAIKOTHl; MAl;: ra/lOC; ij Bannan. AIA0ETOYME: Trjv /leyaAvrepn Ka( ma /lovrepva aVAAoyrj ana L'tEq>UVU, BU1t'tIO'tlKo., Kuecb<; £1ttOT]<; KUt 'tt<; WPUlO'tEPI:<; IJ,1tOUIJ,1tOuV!tPI:<;. EITII:HI: : L'to. Ku'tuoTIiIJ,U'to. 1J,<l<; eo. Ppfj'tl: 'tTtV OA.OKAT]PO>IJ,EVT] OIOKO(hjKT] ' EA.A.T]V1KWV OtOKO>V KUt IJ,UYVT]'tO'tUlvtii'lv Kuecb<; KUt BIV'tEO. mo To <DUAAO APOLLO • .- , € - flEV epuJJaTi~ETal - flEV KoAA5 - flEV ~UVi~EI EINAI nANTOTE (/JPEXKO LlOUAEUETCI EUKoAa. "OlOV ljJ~VETCI <l>OUOKWVEI Kai viVETal P060K6KKIVO. MEVEI nOVTOTE O<l>POTO. KalOOKEUaOIJEVO IJE TO OVV6TEpa VAlKO. nEploo6TEpa <l>uMa OTO nOouvT. LllaTllPEiTCI OTO ljJuVEio Via IJ~VEC:; . fJ/O¢EpE/. Ll16T1 I'J AE~1l <l>vMo EivCI TOUTIOIJEVIl IJE TI'JV erolpio lJoc:;. Lll6TI {IIJOOTE npwTOn6poi. npWTOI EIJEic:; TO 6109EOOIJE OTI'JV OIJEPIKOVIKI'J ·Avopo. I. To <l>uMo APOLLO TO ~piOKETE O· 6Aa TO EMIlVIKO naVTonWAEia Kai d 6Aa TO OOunEPIJOpKETC:;. napaYYEAiEC:; OTEMoVTCI O· 0A1l T~V . AIJEPIK~ Koi Kova601 npOTllJOTE Koi TO cMo EKAEKTO npoi6vlO lJoc:;: TYPOnlTTA - LnANAKOnlTTA - MnAK/\ABA KATA'I 'CPI KAI A/\/\A r/\YKI2MATA ElfJtKEL TlMEL riA KOtNOTHTEL KAt OprANDLEtX CJlllluiVEt <l>YAAO <I>YAAO crrHlalv£l •• APOLLO STRUDEL LEA VES CO. 18'{)1 RIVER ROAD FAIR LAWN. N.J . 07410 Telephone: (201) 797'{)888