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EXHIBIT 1 MICHIGAN ESSENTIAL HEALTH BENEFITS COMPARISON* Benefits provided by potential benchmark major medical plans - data as of 3/31/12 Grouped in the 10 categories of Essential Health Benefits required by the ACA. See http://www.healthcare.gov/news/factsheets/2011/12/essential-health-benefits12162011a.html Terms: MB - Michigan mandated benefit Small Group Benefits [3] BCBSM Community Blue PPO Plan 4 1. Ambulatory patient services - Federal Mandate Primary Care Visit to Treat an Injury or Yes Illness Specialist Visit Other Practitioner Office Visit (Nurse, Physician Assistant) Outpatient Surgery Physician/Surgical Services Outpatient Facility Fee (e.g., Ambulatory Surgery Center) Home Health Care Services Hospice Care Breast Cancer Outpatient Treatment Services Yes State Employee Plans HMO Federal Employee Plans Priority Health (HMO) BCN10 (HMO) Priority Health (HMO) BCBSM (Self-insured) PHP (HMO) Priority Health (HMO) FEHBP BCBSM Standard Option Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MB 500.3519(3) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MB 500.3519(3) Yes Yes must be must be participating participating Yes provider provider referral A nonA nonrequired except participating participating OB/GYN provider provider requires prior requires prior approval approval 5/21/2012 FEHB GEHA Standard Option Michigan Mandate Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MB 500.3519(3) Yes Yes Yes Yes MB 500.3406c 550.1417 Yes Doesn't specifically include or exclude this benefit Doesn't specifically include or exclude this benefit Doesn't specifically include or exclude this benefit MB 500.3406d 550.1416 Yes MB 500.3406k 500.3519(3) 550.1418 Yes Yes Yes Yes maximum of 45 days per contract year Yes Yes maximum of 45 days per contract year Yes limited to 60 visits per calendar year Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2. Emergency Services - Federal Mandate Emergency Room Services FEHBP BCBS Basic Option Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1 of 8 EXHIBIT 1 MICHIGAN ESSENTIAL HEALTH BENEFITS COMPARISON* Small Group State Employee Plans HMO BCBSM Community Blue PPO Plan 4 Priority Health (HMO) BCN10 (HMO) Priority Health (HMO) BCBSM (Self-insured) PHP (HMO) Emergency Transportation/Ambulance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Urgent Care Centers or Facilities 3. Hospitalization - Federal Mandate Inpatient Hospital Services (e.g., Hospital Stay) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Inpatient Physician and Surgical Services Yes Yes Transplants Yes Antineoplastic Surgery Drugs Inpatient Hospital Services Other Than Those for the Treatment of Mental Illness Benefits [3] Priority Health (HMO) FEHBP BCBS Basic Option FEHB GEHA Standard Option Michigan Mandate Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MB 500.3406l 500.3519(3) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MB 500.3519(3) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 500.3519(3) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 500.3519(3) MB 500.3406e 550.1416a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 730 days per confinement Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 500.3519(3) Yes Yes Yes Yes 500.3519(3) Yes Yes Yes Yes MB 500.3406b 550.1401b Yes Yes Yes Yes MB 500.3519(3) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes non-network maximum of 45 maximum of 45 maximum of 45 120 days per up to a Skilled Nursing Facility benefits are admission for indays per days per days per maximum of limited to 100 network contract year contract year contract year 120 days days per year 4. Maternity and newborn care - Federal Mandate Prenatal and Postnatal Care Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Delivery and All Inpatient Services for Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Maternity Care 5. Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment - Federal Mandate Yes Yes Yes Mental/Behavioral Health Inpatient up to 20 days up to 30 days up to 20 days Yes[2] Yes Yes Services per contract per calendar per contract year year year Yes Yes Yes up to 20 visits Mental/Behavioral Health Outpatient up to 20 days up to 20 days Yes Yes[2] Yes per member Services per contract per contract per calendar year year year May 21, 2012 Federal Employee Plans FEHBP BCBSM Standard Option MB 500.3519(3) Page 2 of 8 EXHIBIT 1 MICHIGAN ESSENTIAL HEALTH BENEFITS COMPARISON* Small Group Benefits [3] BCBSM Community Blue PPO Plan 4 Priority Health (HMO) State Employee Plans HMO BCN10 (HMO) Yes limited to one program of treatment per 12 month period. Combined with outpatient services Yes limited to one program of treatment per 12 month period. Combined with inpatient services Federal Employee Plans Priority Health (HMO) BCBSM (Self-insured) PHP (HMO) Priority Health (HMO) FEHBP BCBSM Standard Option Yes Yes[2] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MB 550.1414a(1) Yes Yes[2] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MB 500.3425 500.3519(3) 550.1414a(4) [4] FEHBP BCBS Basic Option FEHB GEHA Standard Option Michigan Mandate Substance Abuse Disorder Inpatient Services Yes Yes Substance Abuse Disorder Outpatient Services Yes Yes Autism Therapy No No No No No No No Covers PT/ST/OT Covers PT/ST/OT Covers PT/ST/OT Generic Drugs Yes with pharmacy rider Yes Yes with pharmacy rider Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Preferred Brand Drugs Yes with pharmacy rider Yes Yes with pharmacy rider Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Non-Preferred Brand Drugs Yes with pharmacy rider Yes Yes with pharmacy rider Yes Yes Yes[2] Yes[2] Yes[2] Yes[2] Yes[2] Specialty Drugs Yes with pharmacy rider Yes Yes with pharmacy rider Yes Yes Yes[2] Yes[2] Yes[2] Yes[2] Yes[2] Preferred Tobacco Cessation Yes Products must be prescribed by a with pharmacy Physician and obtained from a Network rider Retail Pharmacy Yes Yes with pharmacy rider Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6. Prescription drugs - Federal Mandate May 21, 2012 Page 3 of 8 EXHIBIT 1 MICHIGAN ESSENTIAL HEALTH BENEFITS COMPARISON* Small Group BCBSM Community Blue PPO Plan 4 Benefits [3] Priority Health (HMO) State Employee Plans HMO BCN10 (HMO) Priority Health (HMO) BCBSM (Self-insured) PHP (HMO) Federal Employee Plans Priority Health (HMO) FEHBP BCBSM Standard Option FEHBP BCBS Basic Option FEHB GEHA Standard Option Yes Yes Yes Michigan Mandate 7. Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices - Federal Mandate Outpatient Rehabilitation Services Yes Yes maximum of 30 limited to one visits per period of Yes contract year treatment for limited to a each for: (1) any combined PT/OT/Chiro- combination of maximum of 60 practic office therapies visits for visits; (2) ST; within 60 PT/ST/OT and (3) cardiac consecutive and pulmonary days per episode rehab Habilitation Services No No No Yes maximum of 30 visits per Yes contract year limited to a each for: (1) combined PT/OT/Chiro- maximum of 90 practic office days per visits; (2) ST; calendar year for and (3) cardiac PT/ST/OT and pulmonary rehab No No Yes Yes limited to 60 maximum of 30 visits per visits per year for a combo of contract year PT/ST/OT and each for: (1) PT/OT/Chiropulmonary practic office rehab. Any visits; (2) ST; combo of cardiac rehab and (3) cardiac limited to 36 and pulmonary rehab visits per year. Covers Covers Covers PT/ST/OT for PT/ST/OT for PT/ST/OT for conditions conditions conditions such as such as autism such as autism autism No No Yes Includes hearing aids limited to $880 for monaural or $1600 binaural once every 36 months Yes Includes 1 hearing exam, 1 audiometric exam, and 1 basic hearing aid per ear every 36 months. Hearing aid is limited to $500 per aid. Yes Yes Yes Durable Medical Equipment Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Includes hearing care benefits limited to once every 36 months unless significant hearing loss occurs earlier and is certified by your physician Breast Cancer Rehabilitation Services Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Mastectomy Prosthetics Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8. Laboratory services - Federal Mandate Diagnostic Test (X-Ray and Laboratory Tests) Imaging (CT and PET Scans, MRIs) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes May 21, 2012 [4] MB 500.3406d 550.1416 MB 500.3406a 550.1415 MB 500.3519(3) 500.3519(3) Page 4 of 8 EXHIBIT 1 MICHIGAN ESSENTIAL HEALTH BENEFITS COMPARISON* Small Group State Employee Plans HMO BCBSM Community Blue PPO Plan 4 Priority Health (HMO) BCN10 (HMO) Priority Health (HMO) BCBSM (Self-insured) PHP (HMO) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10. Pediatric services, including oral and vision care - Federal Mandate Dental Check-Up for Children No No Vision Screening for Children No Yes Eye Glasses for Children No No No Yes No General Pediatric Care Yes Benefits [3] Breast Cancer Diagnostic Services Federal Employee Plans Priority Health (HMO) FEHBP BCBSM Standard Option FEHBP BCBS Basic Option FEHB GEHA Standard Option Michigan Mandate Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MB 500.3406d 550.1416 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MB 500.3519(3) No Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9. Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management - Federal Mandate Preventive Care/Screening/Immunization Yes panel physician only Yes Yes Yes Miscellaneous Chiropractic Office Visits Diagnosis and treatment of infertility, e.g. endometriosis, blockage of fallopian tubes, varicocele Morbid Obesity weight management program May 21, 2012 Yes visits are included in the 24 visits per maximum of 30 calendar year visits per contract year for PT/OT No Yes Prescription drugs to treat infertility with purchase of Rx rider No Yes Yes MB 500.3406n 500.3519(3) 550.1401g Yes Yes Osteo and Osteo and Yes Yes chiro chiro Yes visits are visits are manipulative manipulative 12 visits per 24 visits per included in the included in the treatment treatment person per calendar year for 20 visits per maximum of 30 maximum of 30 limited to limited to calendar year chiropractic calendar year visits per visits per combined combined for manipulation contract year contract year total of 12 total of 12 manipulation for PT/OT for PT/OT visits per visits per of the spine person, per person, per calendar year calendar year Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes subject to No Infertility Infertility Prescription $10,000 per Prescription medical unless it treats a drugs used in drugs used in Limited to a drugs to treat calendar year; drugs to treat criteria. medical conjunction conjunction max of $3000 infertility with Artificial infertility with per person per Includes condition other with ART with ART purchase of Rx Insemmina- purchase of Rx coverage for than infertility procedures procedures calendar year rider tion covered rider infertility drugs excluded excluded No Yes weight Yes 1 weight management Yes lifetime max of management Yes Yes Yes Yes programs $300 program per offered at a lifetime discount rate Page 5 of 8 EXHIBIT 1 MICHIGAN ESSENTIAL HEALTH BENEFITS COMPARISON* Small Group Benefits [3] BCBSM Community Blue PPO Plan 4 Morbid Obesity surgical treatment Acupuncture only for certain conditions specified in contract Wigs and supplies (cancer or alopecia only) Yes Yes 1 per lifetime No No No No No Yes coverage for women only including pregnant women Genetic Testing May 21, 2012 Priority Health (HMO) State Employee Plans HMO BCN10 (HMO) Priority Health (HMO) Yes Yes subject to 1 per lifetime medical criteria BCBSM (Self-insured) Priority Health (HMO) Yes Must be ordered by primary care physician, provided by a Yes network If this is for physician in a weight loss designated Yes surgery, this is facility, and 1 per lifetime payable if the covered person medical criteria must qualify is met under current morbid obesity policy which included medically necessary services No Yes 20 treatments per calendar year No No Yes $300 per lifetime except for children Yes when authorized by BCN Yes coverage for women only including pregnant women No No PHP (HMO) Federal Employee Plans FEHBP BCBSM Standard Option FEHBP BCBS Basic Option FEHB GEHA Standard Option Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 24 visits per 24 visits per 20 visits per calendar year calendar year calendar year No No Yes Yes Any amount Any amount over $350 for over $350 for one wig per one wig per lifetime (no lifetime (no deductible) deductible) Yes coverage for certain Medically Necessary Genetic Tests with prior author-ization Yes coverage for women only including pregnant women No Yes Diagnostic only Yes Diagnostic only Michigan Mandate No Yes Requires referral, precertification, prior authorization Page 6 of 8 EXHIBIT 1 MICHIGAN ESSENTIAL HEALTH BENEFITS COMPARISON* Small Group Benefits [3] Evaluation and treatment of chronic pain Reconstructive Procedures - covers medically necessary services for reconstructive procedures when a physical impairment exists and the primary purpose of the procedure is to improve or restore physiologic function Blepharoplasty of upper lids, breast reduction, panniculectomy*, rhinoplasty*, septorhinoplasty*, and surgical treatment of male gynecomastia *sleep apnea treatment procedures May 21, 2012 BCBSM Community Blue PPO Plan 4 Yes Yes Yes provided BCBSM's specific medical criteria is met Priority Health (HMO) Yes Yes Yes HMO BCN10 (HMO) Yes Yes Yes subject to medical criteria State Employee Plans Federal Employee Plans Priority Health (HMO) FEHBP BCBSM Standard Option FEHBP BCBS Basic Option FEHB GEHA Standard Option Doesn't specifically include or exclude this benefit Doesn't specifically include or exclude this benefit Yes Yes No Yes Requires referral, precertification, prior authorization Priority Health (HMO) BCBSM (Self-insured) Yes Doesn't specifically include or exclude this benefit Yes Yes Doesn't specifically include or exclude this benefit Yes Reconstructive surgery is covered only for the correction of 1) birth defects 2) conditions resulting from accidental injuries 3) deformities resulting from certain surgeries, such as breast reconstruction following mastectomies Yes Yes Yes Yes Blepharoplasty is only procedure specifically mentioned based on medical policy. If the reason for the service is cosmetic, the service is not payable PHP (HMO) Yes Yes No Michigan Mandate Page 7 of 8 EXHIBIT 1 MICHIGAN ESSENTIAL HEALTH BENEFITS COMPARISON* Small Group Benefits [3] Services related to Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome or Dysfunction Orthognathic Surgery BCBSM Community Blue PPO Plan 4 Yes dental surgery directly to the temporomandibular joint and related anesthesia services Yes surgical corrections of skeletal abnormalities Priority Health (HMO) Yes Yes State Employee Plans HMO BCN10 (HMO) Yes Yes Priority Health (HMO) Yes Yes BCBSM (Self-insured) PHP (HMO) Benefits for TMJ or jaw-joint disorder are limited to: 1) Yes surgery directly if medically to the jaw joint, necessary and 2) x-rays not part of (including MRIs), dental 3) trigger point treatment injections, 4) arthrocentesis (injection procedures) Yes Yes covered if medically necessary Federal Employee Plans Priority Health (HMO) FEHBP BCBSM Standard Option FEHBP BCBS Basic Option FEHB GEHA Standard Option Yes No Surgery only No Surgery only No Surgery only No Yes Severe sleep apnea only, cleft palate, and Pierre Robin Syndrome Yes 50% coverage No Michigan Mandate Abbreviations: BCBSM = Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan; BCN = Blue Care Network; CT = computed tomography; GEHA = Government Employees Health Association; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; PET = positron emission tomography; PT = physical therapy; OT = occupational therapy; ST = speech therapy; ART = Assisted Reproductive Technology Footnotes for table [1] The FEHBP BCBS Standard and Basic options cover skilled nursing facilities only when approved by a case manager. [2] Coverage for Non-Preferred Brand Drugs and Specialty Drugs requires special permission. [3] The chart greatly simplifies the benefits offered. For more specificity, please refer to the Certificates of Coverage for each plan that are linked in the column headings. [4] Implementation of Autism Bill (Senate Bill 414, 415, and 918) will take place 10/2012. Not part of Essential Health Benefits as these are defined as of 3/31/12. *The data provided in this chart is not legal advice and is intended for informational purposes only. This chart has been compiled by the Michigan Office of Financial and Insurance Regulation based on presently available enrollment data and benefit design, utilizing the essential health benefit (EHB) definitions and categories as delineated in the most recent guidance provided by the federal government. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has directed states to choose the EHB benchmark from certain enumerated plans, including the largest HMO and small group plans in the state, identified by enrollment data as reported to HHS for the first quarter of 2012. The data provided in this chart is subject to change as additional federal guidance is provided with regard to EHB. May 21, 2012 Page 8 of 8