
Sebewaing River Watershed Implementation of Physical Improvements Clean Michigan Initiative

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Sebewaing River Watershed Implementation of Physical Improvements Clean Michigan Initiative
Clean Michigan Initiative
Nonpoint Source Grant
Tracking code 2002-0061
Huron Conservation District
Telephone: 989-269-9540, Ext 3
Fax: 989-269-8421
Email: [email protected]
Sebewaing River Watershed Implementation of Physical Improvements
April 1, 2004, through September 30, 2007
The Sebewaing River Watershed is made up of approximately 66,000 acres of mostly agricultural land
draining into Saginaw Bay. The two major water quality issues are nutrient and sediment loading from
agricultural practices. Ice blockage was also leading to flooding and erosion in the Village of Sebewaing.
The project goal was to correct the causes of the sources of sediment and excessive nutrients and to
reduce the risk of flooding and erosion caused by the changes in the natural hydrology of the watershed.
The project was a joint effort with the Sebewaing River Inter-County Drainage Board using a holistic
approach to drain maintenance rather than traditional open channel excavation. The project included BMPs
to reduce sediment and nutrient loads through the application of grade stabilization structures, stream
bank stabilization, conservation tillage, filter strips, tile inlet/outlet stabilization and nutrient management.
Grant Amount: $
Match Funds: $
Total Amount: $ 1,277,500
Best Management Practices:
•Ag Waste Storage System (1)
•Cover Crops (3,854 acres)
•Tile Outlet Repairs (187)
•Filter Strips (125 acres)
•Windbreaks (4.7 acres)
•Structures (236)
•Channel Restoration (13.3 miles)
•Sediment Basins (2)
• Septic System Update (3 systems)
Annual Load Reductions:
• Sediment: 36,560 tons/year
• Phosphorus: 39,100 pounds/year
• Nitrogen:
78,730 pounds/year
Partners involved:
•Natural Resources Conservation Service
•Huron and Tuscola County Drain
•Sebewaing Inter-County Drainage Board
•Brookfield Township
•Sebewaing Township
•Huron County Board of Commissioners
•Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber, Inc
Sebewaing River Watershed Best Management Practices
Tile outlet in need of
repair. The stream bank
was cut back over 20 feet.
Sediments and nutrients
were entering the water.
Sugar beet field after harvest
had very little residue present
to prevent sheet and rill
Kundinger Brothers
Animal Waste Storage
New outlet tube installed.
The stream bank was seeded
and riprap placed to prevent
Rye cover crop was installed to reduce
sediment erosion from 2.4 ton per acre
to virtually zero. Phosphorous and
nitrogen entering waterbody is also
Channel restoration on
Columbia Drain
Sediment Basin on Columbia Drain
Aerial photo of Sediment Basin
on Columbia Drain
Aerial photo of Sediment Basin
on State Drain
State & Columbia Drains
Before BMP Implementation
Typical Washout formed by Runoff
from Agricultural Fields
(State Drain Sta. 25+00)
Typical Washout formed by Runoff
from Agricultural Fields
(State Drain Sta. 42+00)
Typical Rill Erosion formed by Runoff
from Agricultural Fields
(Near State Drain Sediment Basin)
Typical Rill Erosion formed by Runoff
from Agricultural Fields
(State Drain Sta. 118+00)
Typical Gully Erosion formed by Runoff
from Agricultural Fields
(State Drain Sta. 178+00)
Typical Gully Erosion formed by Runoff
from Agricultural Fields
(State Drain Sta. 280+00)
State Drain
After BMP Implementation
ream Restoration Downstream of Sebewaing Road
Tree Revetments & Selective Clearing
(State Drain Sta. 10+00)
Tree Revetment Installation & Selective Clearing
(State Drain Sta. 5+00)
Tree Revetment with Sediment Deposition
(State Drain Sta. 55+00)
Tree Revetment with Sediment Deposition
(State Drain Sta. 55+00)
Typical Tree Revetment
(State Drain Sta. 115+00)
Typical Tree Revetment Anchoring System
(Steel Cable with U-Bolt Connector
and Duckbill Earth Anchor)
Columbia Drain
After BMP Implementation
Typical Grade Control Structure
During Low Flow
(Columbia Drain Sta. 40+00)
Typical Grade Control Structure
During Low Flow
(Columbia Drain Sta. 40+00)
Typical Grade Control Structure
(Columbia Drain Sta. 26+00)
Typical Grade Control Structure
(Columbia Drain Sta. 82+00)
Typical Tile Outlet Protection
(Columbia Drain Sta. 50+00)
Typical Tile Outlet Protection
(Columbia Drain Sta. 35+00)
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