
July 29, 2005 MEMORANDUM TO: R. William Borchardt, Deputy Director

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July 29, 2005 MEMORANDUM TO: R. William Borchardt, Deputy Director
July 29, 2005
MEMORANDUM TO: R. William Borchardt, Deputy Director
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Bruce A. Boger, Director /RA/
Division of Inspection Program Management
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
On June 17, 2005, a periodic public NRC/Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO)
coordination meeting on training-related issues was held at INPO Headquarters, Marietta,
Georgia. Such meetings are conducted in accordance with the NRC/INPO Memorandum of
Agreement dated December 24, 1996. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss items of
mutual interest concerning INPO's training program accreditation process. Participants
included representatives of the NRC’s Division of Inspection Program Management, NRC’s
regional offices, and INPO’s Training and Accreditation Division. The list of meeting attendees
is provided as Attachment 1. The meeting agenda is provided as Attachment 2. A summary of
the discussions related to key agenda topics covered during the meeting follows.
Introduction and Opening Remarks
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m.
Phil McCullough (INPO) reviewed the agenda and changes to the National Nuclear Accrediting
Board and the INPO organization. Mr. McCullough noted that Fred Tollison is now the
Chairman of the Board and Jim Ellis is the President and CEO. Mr. McCullough also discussed
the INPO business plan for 2006.
Dave Trimble (NRC) mentioned improvements INPO has caused in industry training and the
challenges from competition, downsizing, management changes, and the aging workforce. Mr.
Trimble further stated that these challenges will drive the need for INPO and NRC to work
towards identifying precursors to declining human performance.
Richard M. Pelton, NRR/DIPM
(301) 415-1028
R. Borchardt
New Reactor Licensing and Accreditation
The discussion focused on what is expected or needed for licensing a new reactor with regard
to training. Although still early in the process, the industry, INPO, and NRC need to work
together to develop a training timeline. INPO’s current plan is to treat new reactor licensees as
an initial accreditation, regardless of the location of the facility. Experience gained during the
initial accreditation of the Koeberg Power Station (Duynefontein, South Africa) in 2003 will be
used for initial accreditation of new domestic reactor licensees. INPO agreed to contact NEI
regarding a training development timeline and to contact NRC (Rick Pelton) to discuss future
meetings on this topic.
Licensed Operator Eligibility
NRC expressed concern that some direct senior reactor operator candidates appear to have
knowledge weaknesses. NRC is also seeing an increase in the number of waiver requests for
the six month onsite experience requirement. NRC reaffirmed through their legal counsel the
requirement that shift technical advisors (on shift engineering expertise) shall possess a
bachelor’s degree in engineering or equivalent.
Simulator Fidelity and Testing
Completed and planned activities relative to simulator fidelity were discussed. The NRC noted
in several instances that simulator performance had misled operators. Also, some plants have
not been able to locate their initial simulator validation documentation in order to confirm
simulator capabilities. A meeting with INPO, NEI, and NRC officials was scheduled for July 11
and 12 in Washington, D.C., to discuss simulator scenario-based testing in preparation for a
demonstration of simulator scenario based testing at the August Mid-Atlantic Nuclear Training
Group meeting at Millstone Point Station.
Meeting participants agreed that the industry, INPO, and NRC need to continue to work
together to determine acceptable simulator testing methodologies and the simulator test
records needed to be retained.
Licensed Operator Requalification, Training, and Examination Issues and Resolution
The NRC reported that requalification examination development findings have increased over
the past three years. The NRC continues to see examples of low level job performance
measures, easy written questions, lenient re-grading, and excessive repeat questions. There
were 4 findings in 2002, 9 in 2003, and 24 in 2004.
The INPO Operator Training Improvement Action Plan (Action Plan), started in 2004, is nearing
completion. As part of the Action Plan, a common cause analysis of several plant specific root
cause analyses was conducted. Common causes were identified as:
a lack of understanding of the systems approach to training process
a lacking in the application of the systems approach to training process
a lack of understanding of personnel performance and knowledge requirements
R. Borchardt
deficient management oversight of training programs
lack of rigor in self-assessments and corrective action programs
Actions taken as a result of the Action Plan include additional training for accreditation team
members and managers, staffing accreditation teams with individuals that possess more
operator training experience, development of a self assessment guideline, communicating the
issue to the industry, i.e., attributes of well implemented training programs published and listing
the challenges to training, developing self-assessment and key attributes documents for
industry use, and analyzing the training needs of operator training supervisors. INPO currently
has no plans to enhance the licensed operator requalification examination guidance; however,
they may visit this area in the future.
Accreditation Update
An update of the INPO operator training improvement initiative was provided.
Insights from Plant Events, Inspections, and Examination Reports
A generic letter addressing the 2003 grid blackout event will be issued by NRC. Included in the
generic letter will be training implications as a result of the event. NRC will review the
knowledge and abilities catalog to determine if the addition of tasks associated with grid
operations is appropriate. INPO has sent to the industry an addendum to SOER 99-1 that
contains recommendations for improving initial and continuing operator training with respect to
grid operation.
Meeting participants discussed the potential impact on staffing levels due to the implementation
of the draft “fatigue rule.” One utility projected that an increase in the number of instructors
would be necessary due to the additional operators needed to comply with the rule. Additional
information on the fatigue rule is posted on the NRC web site. Further review of this concern by
industry and NRC is warranted.
Other Items of Mutual Interest Related to Training
Bruce Boger provided positive feedback on the 2005 INPO Training Manager Workshop, based
on his attendance at the workshop.
John Munro provided positive feedback on his observation of an operations accreditation team
preparing for and conducting a visit to the McGuire plant.
The following were also discussed during the meeting:
as reported in the Annual Report on the Effectiveness of Training in the Nuclear
Industry for Calendar Year 2003, there is currently no direct correlation between
human performance and plant performance. However, NRC said there appears to
be a correlation between plants with significant human performance problems and
weak training performance. In addition, there appears to be a loose correlation
between insufficient management oversight and poor training.
R. Borchardt
operator training throughput issues and data analysis
the Accreditation withdrawal process relative to INPO membership
Robert Meyer, representing the Professional Reactor Operator Society (PROS),
expressed concern that standards for instructor training vary from utility to utility,
there is a significant turnover at some sites, and that instructor resources may not be
adequate. INPO commented that they are not seeing a reduction in the overall
quality of training in the industry.
The meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m.
Attachments: As stated
R. Borchardt
operator training throughput issues and data analysis
the Accreditation withdrawal process relative to INPO membership
Robert Meyer, representing the Professional Reactor Operator Society (PROS),
expressed concern that standards for instructor training vary from utility to utility,
there is a significant turnover at some sites, and that instructor resources may not be
adequate. INPO commented that they are not seeing a reduction in the overall
quality of training in the industry.
The meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m.
Attachments: As stated
ACCESSION #: ML052060232
R Pelton
D Trimble
P Hiland
B Boger
INPO-NRC Coordination Meeting, June 17, 2005
Institute of Nuclear Power Operations
Phil McCullough, Vice President, Training and Accreditation
Kent Hamlin, Manager, Accreditation
James Lynch, Manager, Industry Leadership and Development
George Mortensen, Industry and External Relations
Rick LaRhette, Accreditation Team Manager
Tom Reeder, Team Manager
Michael Marler, Accreditation Team Manager
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Bruce Boger, Director, Division of Inspection Program Management, NRR
Dave Trimble, Chief, Operator Licensing and Human Performance Section, NRR
Fred Guenther, Senior Reactor Engineer, NRR
John Munro, Senior Reactor Engineer, NRR
Larry Vick, Reactor Engineer, NRR
George Usova, Training and Assessment Specialist, NRR
Richard Pelton, Training and Assessment Specialist, NRR
Richard Conte, Chief, Operational Safety Branch, RI
Jim Moorman, Chief, Operator Licensing Branch, RII
Hironori Peterson, Chief, Operations Branch, RIII
Anthony Gody, Chief, Operations Branch, RIV
Pat Wiley, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station
Steve Sewell, Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station
Phil Polefrone, Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station
Tommy Albright, Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant
Robert Meyer, Professional Reactor Operator Society*
Connected via telephone bridge
Attachment 1
INPO-NRC Coordination Meeting
June 17, 2005
Room 206 A & B
8:00 AM
Introductions and opening remarks
New Accrediting Board Members
8:15 AM
New Reactor Licensing and Accreditation
Expectations for accreditation of new reactors?
What is the expected time line for
What type of assessments would INPO
What if the new reactor is built at an already
accredited site?
9:00 AM
Licensed Operator Eligibility
Degree equivalency for STA and instant SRO
9:30 AM
Simulator Fidelity and Testing
Scenario Based Testing, Core Performance
10:00 AM Licensed Operator Requalification, Training and
Examination Issues and Resolution
Requal issues and related improvements
Effectiveness of actions to enhance training
Training Department Staffing
KA Catalog Update
Post examination reviews
11:00 PM Accreditation Update:
Operations training improvement initiative
Self-assessment guide
Warning flags
Examination analysis results
2004 Training Weaknesses Letter
INPO question bank changes
P. McCullough
12:30 PM Insights from Plant Events, Inspections, and
Examination Reports
NRC – D. Trimble
INPO – K. Hamlin
NRC – D. Trimble
NRC – D. Trimble
INPO – K. Hamlin
NRC – D. Trimble
INPO – K. Hamlin
INPO – K. Hamlin
1:00 PM
Do INPO training warning flags address safety
culture attributes/elements?
INPO Response to Industry Events
Other Items of mutual interest related to training
2:00 PM
INPO Training Manager Workshop Feedback
NRC Feedback on accreditation process
(McGuire Operations ATV)
Closing Remarks
P. McCullough
Attachment 2
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