by user
ADVANCED STAGE ACA EXAMS NOVEMBER 2012 NOVEMBER 2012 CREDIT LIST At this session the candidates listed below have obtained credits for the subject shown in capital letters against their names. Credits obtained previously by these candidates are shown in lower case. Candidates' unique identification numbers for this session are the four-figure numbers shown. Please note that any e-assessment examinations passed on or after Thursday 5 December may result in candidates not appearing on the pass list. Key: TIBR – Business Reporting TIBC – Business Change ASCS – Case Study Name (Candidate No) Abbas A (3588) Abbas M (7007) Abbas Z (2867) Abdul Latiff A (5088) Abdul Razak S (5106) Abdulaziz R (4288) Abraham A (1090) Abubaker M (3264) Acheson G (1202) Achilleos A (5021) Ackner B (1947) Ackroyd I (1881) Adamou C (4954) Adams H (2103) Adil Z (2409) Adjepong A (1107) Afxenth L (4986) Agadzhanyan N (1804) Agarwalla R (3499) Aggarwal K (3472) Aguila A (1340) Ahir J (1830) Ahmed M.F (2320) Ahmed N (3349) Ahmed-Zoarder B (3049) Town Leeds Lahore London Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur Jersey London Lahore London Nicosia London London Nicosia London London London Nicosia London Guwahati Delhi London London London Manchester Derby Credits TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR ASCS tibc tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr ASCS 1 Ahsan H (3153) Ahsan H (3202) Ajayi A (1240) Akram T (3429) Ali M.A (1043) Ali M (4880) Ali U (3808) Aling P (1390) Allcock D (1827) Allen G (1949) Alli D (1794) Aloneftis C (4984) Amir K (3822) Amor E (3614) Anastasiou H (4638) Anders J (4517) Anderson Brown G (1874) Andjelkovic J (3396) Andreou G (4924) Andreou V (4956) Andrews S (1805) Ang M.P (1952) Ang Y.Y (5135) Ansari A (3148) Anthony C (4712) Anthousi A (4661) Antoniadou P (4988) Antoniou L (4915) Antoniou N (5071) Antonova T (4811) Anver M (2257) Apostolou A (5018) Archer D.J (3331) Arif A (2089) Armour R.M (1781) Arnold D (4012) Arnold T (2976) Arulanandam S (2335) Asghar M (3194) Ashraf Z (3192) Ashworth E (3292) Asif H (3234) Assiotou K (4937) Assomull A (2410) Astreos C (4927) Athwal J (4041) Atnas S (4605) Ayon N (1291) Azim A (1904) Azim S.S (2387) Aziz J (3213) Karachi Lahore London Manchester Dubai Preston Islamabad London London London London Nicosia Karachi Leeds Limassol Bury St. Edmunds London Manchester Nicosia Nicosia London London Kuala Lumpur Karachi Peterborough Limassol Nicosia Nicosia Limassol Moscow St. Albans Larnaca Manchester London London Milton Keynes Birmingham London Faisalabad Lahore Leyland Lahore Nicosia London Nicosia Slough Paphos London London London Okara TIBR tibc TIBR tibc TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC tibr ASCS TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc Babeja O (2886) Bacha K (1065) Badar T (1222) Bagshaw E (2720) Bainbridge S (4405) Baines D (3978) Bairstow C (4164) Baiyat S (2874) Baker L (4879) Baker N (1012) Baker N (2299) Ball K (4222) Barber J (2781) Barchha B (3992) Barker C (3605) Barker M (1310) Baron K (2380) Barratt F (2396) Barritt P (1845) Barton G (1885) Bass M (2517) Bassett L (4540) Bates C (4306) Batigan I (2925) Batish B (4052) Baxter R (1875) Baxter S (2712) Beard A (4033) Belbin S (4688) Bell J (4389) Bellars L (4550) Bennett J (2863) Bennett J (1924) Bennett S (4554) Berramou L (2954) Berrill D (4551) Berris D (2475) Berry J (3673) Bettley V (4256) Bhagalee S (3010) Bhella T (2961) Bhogal S (1808) Bibi M (4215) Binnie A (1284) Bitnerowski J (1851) Blackburn R (3541) Blakey L (3634) Blance J (3537) Blow A (4758) Booth D (3397) Booth L (3426) Gatwick London London London Newcastle Upon Tyne Milton Keynes Wrexham London London Edinburgh London Cardiff London Luton Leeds Bristol Carshalton London London London London Bury St. Edmunds Jersey Birmingham Windsor London Staines-Upon-Thames Reading Oxford Newcastle Upon Tyne Peterborough London London Cambridge Birmingham Cambridge Southend-On-Sea Cheltenham Chester Birmingham Birmingham London Swansea London London Leeds Leeds Leeds Nottingham Manchester Manchester tibr ASCS TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ascs TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC Boparai K (1233) Borlace L (3683) Boulton L (3669) Bowden C (2452) Bowler C (4777) Boyd C (4375) Brady C (2797) Brady M (2333) Brandist G (2970) Brankin D (1014) Bray J (3709) Briggs L (2302) Briggs M (3620) Broad L (3764) Broadhead N (4402) Bromley S (4872) Brooke R (3760) Brooks T (2728) Brown C (3957) Brown E (4335) Brown G (1828) Brown M (4390) Browning G (1100) Brumby M (4530) Buck Acsi J (2283) Buczko J (3408) Budd T (2876) Budhdev N (1798) Bukhari S (3118) Bundhun G (2245) Bungwe T.J (4023) Burberry N (1757) Burgess C (2225) Burgess S (1403) Burke C (1807) Burrell C (4716) Burrows J (2401) Burton B (4757) Burton J (1138) Burton S (4031) Butler N (4126) Butterworth J (1876) Byrd C (3762) Callan T (4276) Campbell C (4355) Campbell E (2419) Campbell K (3067) Campbell R (7008) Campbell T (3370) Campbell-Peat L (1404) Camps A (1891) London Bath Portishead London Nottingham Newcastle Upon Tyne London London Kettering Bridge Of Weir Bristol London Leeds Leicester Newcastle Upon Tyne London Bristol London Milton Keynes Newcastle Upon Tyne London Newcastle Upon Tyne London Cambridge London Manchester Crawley London Lahore London Luton London London London London Derby London Nottingham London Milton Keynes Reading London Bristol Preston Newcastle Upon Tyne London Oldbury London Manchester London London TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC ASCS TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC Cant O (4871) Carney G (3434) Carr K (3765) Carr S (2865) Carter N (4011) Casian C (3274) Castelino V.F (1029) Catton J (3868) Caulfield P (2284) Chacko M.J (3761) Chadwick P (3461) Chambore R (2599) Champion R (3873) Chan A (1338) Chan K (1211) Chana A (3017) Chandler A (2498) Chapman R (1008) Charalambidou C (4932) Charalambous I (4962) Charalambous K (5075) Charitou P (4936) Charman M (1944) Chatwin E (1935) Chaudary T (2557) Chaudhry Z.A (3820) Chaudry M (7010) Cheah P.E (5114) Checkley C.J (1761) Cheng M (1971) Cherry F (1080) Chiduruppa S (2324) Chieng L.T (5138) Chik C (2451) Choong L.E (5144) Chormovitis G (4843) Choudhry M (4086) Chowdhury B (2695) Christodoulou E (4641) Christodoulou K (4939) Christodoulou M (4644) Christodoulou P (4943) Christofi N (4948) Christou D (4653) Chrysochos F (4637) Chu L (3401) Chu S.C (5102) Chu X (2337) Chuah R (5089) Clapham J (2220) Clare S (3427) London Manchester Bristol London Milton Keynes Bucharest Dubai Southampton London Bath Manchester Uxbridge Southampton London London Birmingham Billericay Edinburgh Nicosia Nicosia Nicosia Nicosia London London London Rawalpindi London Petaling Jaya London London Hitchin London Kuala Lumpur London Petaling Jaya Athens Wokingham London Limassol Nicosia Nicosia Nicosia Nicosia Limassol Limassol Manchester Petaling Jaya London Kuala Lumpur London Manchester TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC ASCS tibc TIBR TIBC ASCS tibc TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC Clarke I (3613) Clarke J (4744) Clarke S (4403) Clayton N (1785) Cobb M (2928) Coe T (4721) Coffey A (3618) Cole A (2095) Coleman J (1873) Collier J (4102) Collins C (1796) Collins-Youngs A (3722) Colvin B (1232) Comben E (1818) Connew S (2505) Constantinou C (4922) Cooke L (3031) Cooley A (4718) Cooper A (1849) Cooper J (3410) Copley R (2339) Cornforth S (3849) Costelloe E (4088) Coto Zevallos F.B (4556) Coward T (1950) Cowie D (4436) Cowling M (2246) Cowper A (4522) Cox J (1208) Coyle L (1839) Crabtree C (3648) Crawford L (4590) Creasey B (4322) Cross K (4327) Crumpler C (4208) Culley T (4229) Cullis T (2314) Culverhouse M (1288) Culverwell C (4877) Cuming D (2442) Cummins S (4057) Cunningham W (2264) Curtis T (2268) Cuthbert L (2503) Cutmore C (1005) Czajkowski T (2113) Daffurn J (2923) Daga K (3498) Dagworthy H (3598) Dalak P.J (1938) Damianou K (4957) Leeds Nottingham Newcastle Upon Tyne London Birmingham Derby Leeds London London Reading London Cheltenham London London London Nicosia Solihull Leicester London Manchester London Isle Of Man Iver Cambridge London Birmingham London London London London Keighley Norwich Guernsey Newcastle Upon Tyne Swansea Carmarthen Watford Tunbridge Wells Nottingham London West Byfleet London London Chatham Aberdeen London Birmingham Mumbai Leeds London Nicosia TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR ascs TIBR TIBC TIBC ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR Damianou N (5028) Dandy M (1094) Dang S (1933) D'authreau A (4293) Dave H (2270) Davies A (2406) Davies H (4196) Davies N (2471) Davies R (4280) Dawson C (1829) Dawson E (3766) Dawson L (3641) De Lange C (2500) Deakin S (2331) Dearman R (4886) Deeley C (4450) Deena Y (1773) Deeny G (4146) Delamare A (4589) Delle Cave R (2114) Deltas J (5057) Demetriou A (4968) Demetriou A (5063) Demetriou S (5032) Demosthenous R (4916) Dent C (4273) Deora P (2090) Desarda S (4236) Devetyarov D (1833) Devine C (2260) Dewu R (2482) Dhiman D (1051) Dhir K.D (3467) Dhutia S (1858) Dickie J (1956) Dines J (1824) Dinneen G (1918) Dix R (1931) Dixon A (3718) Do T.A (2877) Dobson P (1799) Doe J (4557) Donnelly A (3432) Donya V (2875) Doughty C (4103) Douglas S (1927) Dowling A (4736) Dracup M (2856) Draisey R (1386) Driver D (3902) Nicosia Letchworth Garden City London Jersey Oxford London Newport Wembley Jersey London Bristol Leeds Sittingbourne London London Sheffield Watford Liverpool Norwich Feltham Nicosia Nicosia Nicosia Limassol Nicosia Isle Of Man London Pune London London Romford Dubai Hoshiarpur London London London London London Bristol London London Crawley Manchester Crawley Reading London Ashbourne Crawley Egham London TIBR tibr TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR ASCS tibc TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC tibr ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR ASCS TIBR tibc TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR ASCS TIBC TIBR TIBC Drozd K (2379) Drury E (2334) Duboff R (4893) Duck C (3393) Ducker R (3758) Duda D (2981) Duff M (1921) Duffy E (1229) Dunton N (4444) Duong-Nguyen J (3369) Durant R (2919) Durkin R (3405) Durvesh A (2476) Dutton M (4767) Dykes T (2454) Eassom M (4129) Ebdon J (3676) Edmond P (2263) Edmunds K (2161) Edwards B (2518) Edwards N (2448) Efstathiou S (4942) Elia I (4921) Elliott M (4417) Ellis N (1856) Ellis P (4272) Ellwood F (3348) Emmanouilidis A (4861) English S (1957) Essex C (3433) Eteocleous A (5062) Evangelou L (1775) Evans G (3913) Evans M (2873) Evans R (3096) Evans R (4369) Everatt R (2262) Ewen N (4354) Fahr L (1084) Fairbairn S (4391) Faisal S (3159) Fan N (3615) Farmer L (2817) Farnell J (2629) Farnworth P (4277) Farooq S (3214) Farrow E (3612) Feeney M.J (1169) Felton A (3763) Fenova O (1857) Fenton R (1255) Weybridge London London Manchester London Birmingham Watford London Sheffield Manchester Birmingham Manchester Jeddah Bristol London Reading Cheltenham London Hertford Romford London Nicosia Nicosia Edinburgh London Isle Of Man Manchester Athens London Manchester Nicosia London Southampton London Lichfield Durham London Newcastle Upon Tyne London Newcastle Upon Tyne Karachi Leeds Dartford London Preston Muscat Leeds London Bristol St. Albans London TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC Feoktistova A (5015) Ferguson C (4409) Fernandes D (1861) Ferris D (4070) Field J (2400) Fitch J (7000) Fitzgerald R (1821) Flanagan D (1852) Flatley K (3619) Fleming R (1786) Fletcher E (4576) Flint K (2341) Foo S.Y (5139) Forbes A (1356) Foster N (2349) Fox E (1902) Francis S (2920) Francis Sinnappar N (5163) Francis V (3767) Frangou S (4645) Franks J (2635) Fylaktou C (4652) Gabriel C (4097) Gabriel S (3447) Gaffar A.I (3144) Gage A (2738) Gahir M (2436) Galea A (1789) Gallier S (1104) Gan Y.C (5168) Ganesharaja G (4122) Gardiner W (7006) Garvey D (3347) Gauvin A (1384) Gayday V (5060) Georgiou D (4926) Georgiou G (1922) Ghawsi M (2287) Gilbert O (1330) Gill A (3222) Gill D (1083) Gill J (2958) Gill J (2440) Gill K.S (4143) Gill R (4495) Gill S (1165) Gillard A (2330) Gillett A (1758) Gillibrand T (1866) Given E (2329) Glennie G (1366) Nicosia Carlisle Uxbridge Reading London London London London Leeds London London London Kuala Lumpur New Barnet London London Birmingham Kuala Lumpur Bristol Limassol London Limassol London Nicosia Karachi Guildford Birmingham London London Petaling Jaya Reading Cambridge Manchester London Limassol Nicosia London Weybridge Newcastle Upon Tyne Lahore London Birmingham London Reading Plymouth London London London London London Sevenoaks TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC tibr ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC tibr TIBC ASCS tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC Glotova E (5061) Goard C (2521) Goel M (3508) Gogna V (4863) Golding T (1407) Goldzweig J (1803) Gong Z (2306) Goodier M (3315) Gorasia N (2569) Gorasia V (2641) Goraya I (1787) Gordon L (4025) Goud N (2646) Gowers H (4017) Grabham E (2434) Grady K (1279) Graham D (4410) Graham E (4404) Graham J (2636) Grant T (2959) Grant Thorold H (1342) Gray A (2912) Gray A (1850) Gray A (2472) Gray C (3644) Green A (3553) Green B (3399) Green J (3639) Green K (3867) Green M (2087) Greene D (1149) Gregoriou P (4976) Gregory O (4563) Grewal R (2654) Grimwade K (4586) Grinchenko V (4821) Groves J (2906) Grummitt P (1257) Guintivano R (5177) Guo D (4796) Gupta H (3497) Gupta N (3076) Gurung H (2563) Gut A (1349) Hadjicostas A (5058) Hadjidakis A (1863) Hadjigerou M (4929) Hadjipetrou E (4972) Haggerty B (1955) Haider S (3180) Haji Z (4560) Nicosia Romford Mumbai Birmingham London London London Manchester Oxford London London Southam St. Albans Milton Keynes London Tunbridge Wells Carlisle Newcastle Upon Tyne London Birmingham Guildford Crawley London Chelmsford Leeds Cleckheaton Manchester Leeds Southampton London London Nicosia London Uxbridge Ipswich Moscow East Grinstead London Singapore Shanghai Thane Droitwich Edgware London Nicosia London Nicosia Nicosia London Karachi Letchworth Garden TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc ASCS TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR ASCS TIBR tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC tibr TIBC Haley O (2930) Hall S (4406) Hallatt J (4426) Halsall R (4692) Hamill A (1326) Hamilton C (2343) Hammerton R.A (1337) Hanif Merchawala M.O (3112) Hanson Pettengell L (2453) Hanwella A (2756) Harley T (3413) Harris A (1243) Harris R (1267) Harris S (4331) Harrison E (2688) Harrop M (4475) Hart D (1797) Hart T (4275) Harun A (5159) Hasan M.S (1900) Hasl Georgiou I (4660) Hassan M (3863) Hastings A (1218) Hastings K (4094) Hawke J (1910) Hay G (1914) Haynes S (2972) Hays T (4520) Hayter S (4682) Hayward-Browne L (3679) Hazlehurst R (4895) He H (5181) Heah J (5161) Heasman M (4055) Hedley L (3728) Hegarty L (2760) Henderson R (2233) Higgins Moore T (3611) Hile R.L.W (4319) Hind S (4742) Hirani A (2276) Ho K (1889) Ho N (4022) Hocknull A (3437) Hodder J (1387) Hodgkinson G (4422) Hodgson B (4884) Holcombe S (4687) Holmes M (4761) Holt C (2249) City Birmingham Newcastle Upon Tyne Sheffield Henley-On-Thames Newcastle Upon Tyne London Hatfield Karachi London London Manchester London London Newcastle Upon Tyne London Hull London Preston Kuala Lumpur London Limassol Dhaka London Wokingham London London Birmingham Royston Reading Swindon London Singapore Kuala Lumpur Swindon Bristol Leeds London Leeds Guernsey Derby London London Milton Keynes Manchester London Northampton London Oxford Peterborough London TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr ASCS TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBC ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC Holt N (4779) Honer P (2402) Hong V (2312) Hopkin R (3772) Hotchkiss C (3080) Howarth A (3018) Howgate T (2267) Howie J (1397) Huband K (1150) Hudson H (2927) Huetter C (4064) Hui Y.M (2328) Humayun A (3209) Hundal R (4750) Hunt E (2229) Hunt J (4714) Hunt J (3351) Hunt P (4780) Hunt S (4348) Hunter A (4894) Hussain F (2449) Hussein F (2743) Hustler A (3538) Hutcheson J (1088) Hutchinson P (4881) Hutton J (1888) Huxley E (4183) Hyde R (1265) Hynes D (2241) Idrees O (3138) Ievers B (2266) Iftikhar O (3130) Iggulden N (1289) Ignatius C (2653) Ikhlas N (5130) Iliff F (2973) Ilyassova S (4800) Ingham H (2239) Ioakim K (4928) Ioannou A (5012) Iorwerth (.F (4180) Iosif I (5056) Irungu S (4451) Irwin A (3771) Isaacs S (2441) Islam M.M (1459) Ismail I (5119) Israel L (1812) Ivanov N (4104) Ivel C (3622) Jabbar M (1086) Leicester London London Bristol Birmingham Birmingham London London London Birmingham Reading London Lahore Nottingham London Swadlincote Manchester Leicester Newcastle Upon Tyne Preston London Guildford Bradford London Reading London Liverpool London Beaconsfield Karachi London Manchester Dorchester Uxbridge Subang Jaya Birmingham Moscow London Nicosia Nicosia Liverpool Nicosia Nairobi Bristol London London Kuala Lumpur London Reading Leeds Luton TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR Jacklin A (2977) Jackson K (1311) Jackson S (2931) Jacob S (1293) Jagpal S (2939) Jain M (3503) Jamal R (2418) Jamison D (3642) Jarman B (4753) Jasani K (5151) Javaid A (3113) Jay F (4201) Jayakumar V.K (1292) Jayasuriya M (2861) Jeffrey M (4036) Jenkins O (2253) Jenner P (1802) Jennings O (2357) Jervis A (2729) Jewers J (1951) Jeyasuntaram K (2808) Jhawar A (3504) Ji Y (1840) Johnson A (1217) Johnson D (2744) Johnson M (3282) Jones B (4021) Jones M (4227) Joseph A (2860) Josephides A (5051) Joshi A (2445) Josiah J (2560) Joy S (2597) Joyner M (2510) Ju J (1942) Juma A (1125) Kafton L (2551) Kambanella G (4945) Kang R (3060) Kantoutis L (4917) Kanzaria H (1093) Kaoullas T (4923) Kapp-Meroney L (4882) Karciauskaite J (2236) Kardos A (3298) Karkalik L (2273) Karwal R (4667) Kaspari C (4925) Kassinos M (4973) Kastrup C (1348) Kasujee I (1221) Birmingham London Birmingham London Birmingham Kolkata London Leeds Nottingham Singapore Karachi Cardiff London London Basingstoke London Guildford London Egham London Wokingham Hyderabad London London Epsom Preston Milton Keynes Cardiff London Nicosia London London London Crawley Birmingham London Borehamwood Nicosia Stafford Nicosia Epsom Nicosia London London Bolton London Oxford Nicosia Nicosia London London TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC Keljik J (1908) Kelly S (2708) Kelso P (2748) Kemal A (1278) Kemp I (4328) Kenjale N (4239) Kenneally D (2403) Kent M (4301) Kerr H (4283) Khadim A (3190) Khadloya P (4245) Khalid A (3233) Khalid Z (3186) Khan E (3104) Khan H (2850) Khan I (3097) Khan N (2579) Khan N (2929) Khan S (4715) Khan U (1047) Khan Z (4098) Khanchandani S (4257) Khaw K.K.H (1837) Khullar V (2450) Khurram N (3193) King T (1862) Kingston A (4065) Kinoshita K (2361) Kirby A (4175) Kirk T (4481) Kirkby R (2963) Kirkman E (2325) Kirton C (4485) Kittinantapol V (1836) Kokonas Y (5016) Komlev I (5059) Kong J (1783) Kong P (5128) Konomou P (4908) Konstantinou M (4999) Kopczyk A (1925) Kornaros S (1009) Koskina M (4655) Kostromins N (1389) Koufopavlou A (5065) Koupatos E (4656) Krishnama Raju S.K (3285) Krishnan D (5142) Kumar A (3165) Kumar V (2154) Kurz J (4127) London Staines-Upon-Thames Crawley Chislehurst Newcastle Upon Tyne Pune London Jersey Jersey Lahore Pune Lahore Lahore Karachi Crawley Karachi London Birmingham Leicester Dubai Reading Dubai London London Lahore London Reading London Liverpool St. Austell Birmingham London Braunton Uxbridge Strovolos Nicosia London Kuala Lumpur Nicosia Nicosia London Edinburgh Limassol London Nicosia Limassol Warrington Kuala Lumpur Karachi Hyderabad Reading TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR ASCS tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBC ASCS tibc TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS tibc ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC Kuzmina A (5082) Kynigos G (4842) Kyriacou C (4646) Kyriacou I (1823) Kyriakides S (4975) Lacey C (3877) Laing J (1883) Lall P (3032) Lally (nee Kumar) A (2435) Lane D (4677) Langan A (3411) Langridge C (1865) Lappin J (2499) Lau C (1844) Lau K.Z (2918) Lau L (1011) Law K (2584) Lawrence M (2210) Lazarou A (4953) Lazarus B (3428) Le Roy T (4691) Leal M (3687) Lean R (4487) Lee A.K (2603) Lee C.H (5143) Lee C (4346) Lee F (1157) Lee R (1194) Lee T (4013) Leney L (2221) Leong J (1859) Leslie F (4407) Levy C (4887) Lewis A (2975) Lewis E.C (2611) Lewis J (3646) Li C.K (3028) Li R (4833) Li X (4835) Liaqat N (3254) Liasides C (5076) Liassides C (4654) Liddar K (2309) Lim D.H.W (1880) Lim S.E.R (5155) Lister J (1768) Liu J (2317) Liu L (2315) Liu S (2974) Lloyd R (2275) Lockett S (3026) Nicosia Athens Limassol London Nicosia Southampton London Birmingham London Oxford Manchester London London London Birmingham Edinburgh Uxbridge London Nicosia Manchester Oxford Newcastle Upon Tyne Taunton St. Albans Kuala Lumpur Newcastle Upon Tyne London London Milton Keynes Tunbridge Wells London Newcastle Upon Tyne London Birmingham London Leeds Birmingham Beijing Beijing Jhang Nicosia Limassol London London Petaling Jaya London London London Birmingham St. Albans Stoke-On-Trent ASCS TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibr TIBC ASCS tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBC ASCS TIBR ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR tibc tibr TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC Logvinenko A (4812) Loh J.M.T (4219) Lok Y.H (5122) Loke C (5162) Long T (4484) Lopez J (2238) Lornie S (1010) Louca L (4640) Louden R (1868) Lovett S (2327) Lower P (3357) Lu Z (1111) Lucas E (1835) Ludwig S (1321) Lulat Y (2520) Lum H.Y (5136) Lundberg C (2626) Lundberg S (2112) Lynch R (4151) Lysandrou I (5007) Ma N.C (5167) Ma X (1842) Macandrews G (4565) McCloy E (3636) McColl K (1153) McConnochie A (4415) McDermott C (2516) McDonald M (4060) Macek S (2252) McEwen J (2308) Macfarlane F (4501) McGain P (4159) McGeever H (1791) McGrath K (2857) McGurk A (2983) McHardy C (3536) McInerney E (3020) McKay J (1905) McKeary R (4318) McKenna C (1782) Mackenzie M (4063) McKone B (2216) Macmillan L (1235) McMillan W (3624) Macnab A (1154) McQuillan S (2962) Madeley C (4494) Madhar V (2932) Madhavji S (1788) Magan F (1769) Mahmood T (3958) Moscow Cardiff Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur Plymouth London Aberdeen Limassol London London Manchester London Uxbridge Hamburg Romford Kuala Lumpur London London Liverpool Larnaca Klang London Ipswich Leeds London Kilmarnock Gravesend Reading London Manchester Cambridge Liverpool London Horsham Birmingham Southampton Birmingham London Guernsey St. Albans Reading London London Leeds London Birmingham Truro Birmingham London London Milton Keynes TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ascs TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr ASCS TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC Maidan I (1923) Maidment E (4226) Majeed A (3160) Major E (4883) Malde J (1801) Malghani T.A (1898) Malik S (3438) Malpas A (2926) Manning K (4418) Manorwala M.O (3133) Manouchou D (4987) Manousakis N (4961) Mantell D (1834) Marcou A (4959) Mardle V (4089) Marsh T (1820) Martin B (2200) Martin O (1887) Martindale G (1146) Mason L (3610) Masoura M (4965) Masouras V (4931) Masters T (4739) Matei R (1926) Mather J (4187) Mathews F (1400) Matthews B (1251) Matthews J (4120) Mavalvala Z (4099) Mavronicolas N (4980) Mavros A (4933) Mawdsley H (2316) Maycock M (1937) Mazhar B (3161) Mazzeo R (4200) Mburu R (4454) Md Khair K (5123) Meader S (1770) Meades H (2214) Meager D (2226) Meghji A (1772) Mehta N (2804) Mei Z (3027) Meikle K (4549) Mensah J (2644) Merali A (2313) Merchant A.S (1048) Merchant N (3093) Merton Jones W (1958) Metaxas P (4989) Mettas C (5020) London Cardiff Karachi London London London Manchester Birmingham Newcastle Upon Tyne Karachi Nicosia Nicosia London Nicosia Farnham London London London London Leeds Nicosia Nicosia Leicester London Swansea London Dartford Reading Reading Nicosia Larnaca London London Karachi Cardiff Nairobi Kuala Lumpur London Tunbridge Wells London London London Birmingham Cambridge Uxbridge London Dubai Birmingham London Limassol Nicosia TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR Mia M (2094) Michael N (4907) Michael N (4912) Michaelides N (4608) Michalopoulou T (4848) Mihailovic C.J (1953) Miles M (3753) Miller A (2769) Miller F (1303) Miltiadous E (4664) Minsky J (2658) Mir U.A (1042) Mirpuri A (2602) Mirza S.U.H (1867) Mistry H (2642) Mistry K (2691) Mistry N (2213) Mistry R (1334) Miszkowska L (3019) Mitchell E (4262) Mithani A (2235) Mitra P (1940) Moffatt D (2737) Mohammad Mushtaq I (1040) Mohsin M (3265) Mohsin Z (4902) Mokhtar M (2828) Moorby A (1855) Moreau M (1259) Morgan S (4559) Morjaria T (2553) Morley S (3038) Morris A (1895) Morris C (1946) Morris K (3333) Morritt T (4763) Mottram C (2960) Mourouti A (5005) Muhammad S (3166) Muhammad Sufi N.A (5112) Mukhtar A (3667) Mulvihill S (1954) Munro L (1806) Murphy D (1777) Murphy P (2878) Murray S (2657) Murrells C (4339) Mushambadzi L (2651) Mushonga K (2796) Mushtaq R (3136) Naidu V (1269) London Nicosia Nicosia Limassol Halandri London Plymouth London Newcastle Upon Tyne Limassol London Dubai London London London London Birmingham London Coventry Ruthin London London Guildford Dubai Lahore Manama Croydon London London Cambridge Stanmore Malvern London London Manchester Nottingham Birmingham Nicosia Karachi Kuala Lumpur Riyadh London London London London London Newcastle Upon Tyne Uxbridge East Grinstead Karachi London TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC Napier L (2353) Naqvi S.K.A (1285) Naranjo Perez S.M (2271) Nash A (2120) Nasir A (1893) Nath Hari Nath P (1013) Nathwani M.P (1871) Nawab A (3125) Naz N (2256) Nazir S (3352) Neal S (2866) Nelson S (4388) Neocleous A (1063) Neshkova N (1383) Ness M (3394) Newell B (1869) Ng T.H (2304) Ng Y.P (5086) Ngiam C (5137) Ngo N (1843) Nguyen H (2768) Nguyen T (2292) Nguyen T (2093) Niaz R.D (3835) Nicholas J.L (4191) Nicholson T (1825) Nickels T (2269) Nicolaides M (5055) Nicolaidou V (4606) Nicolaou A (4949) Nicolaou A (5072) Nicolaou I (5053) Nikiforou I (4935) Nikodemou M (4620) Nissar H (1771) Nobre Alecrim E (4019) Nolan J (3451) Noor Z (2355) Nowakowski S (3616) Ntoussas A (4855) Ntziourou L (4977) Nuttall M (1163) O'Brien S (4303) O'Connor D (2286) Odedra M (7003) O'Donovan B (1764) Ogden A (4470) Olin N (4678) Oliver A (1287) Oliver C (4185) Olsen C (2097) London Jeddah London London London Edinburgh London Karachi London Manchester London Newcastle Upon Tyne London London Manchester London London Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur London Crawley London London Islamabad Milford Haven London London Nicosia Limassol Limassol Nicosia Nicosia Nicosia Limassol London Uxbridge Stockport London Leeds Athens Nicosia London Jersey London Leicester London Scunthorpe Oxford London Cardiff London tibr TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR ASCS TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR tibc TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC O'Neill H (2296) O'Neill R (2227) Ong J (5104) O'Reilly N (2153) Orgill A (3022) Orr C (4397) O'Sullivan W (3025) Otter A (3872) Owen R (1911) Paabor A.V (2862) Packir-Saibo T (2770) Padley C (2272) Padwal S (3485) Painter J (4766) Paisley C (3430) Paisner B (1290) Panagiotou I (4642) Panayi K (4913) Panayiotou K (4647) Pandey R (4163) Panteli A (4938) Papachristophorou C (4990) Papademetriou M (4940) Papadopoulos P (5052) Papadopoulou C (4650) Papaetis A (4918) Papageorgiou A (4946) Papamichael A (5006) Papamichael M (4658) Papantoniou N (5064) Papetta M (4985) Paphiti V (4960) Paphitis N (3308) Paracha D (3099) Paracha O (1204) Parekh A (1882) Parekh F (3181) Park D (3342) Parkar A (1046) Parker C (2444) Parker T (1759) Parkes H (2098) Pastou M (2248) Patel A (2254) Patel A (3505) Patel A (2277) Patel A (1795) Patel H (3162) Patel K (4888) Patel K (2694) Patel M (2232) London Tunbridge Wells Puchong London Birmingham Newcastle Upon Tyne Hereford Dorchester London London Croydon London Mumbai Nottingham Manchester London Limassol Larnaca Limassol Liverpool Nicosia Nicosia Nicosia Nicosia Limassol Nicosia Nicosia Nicosia Limassol Nicosia Nicosia Nicosia Manchester Karachi London London Karachi Manchester Dubai London London Middlesbrough London London Mumbai London London Karachi Birmingham London London TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBR ASCS TIBC TIBR ASCS TIBC TIBR TIBR ASCS tibc TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR tibc ASCS TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC ASCS TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC Patel M (2583) Patel M (1886) Patel N (1945) Patel P (2215) Patel P (1296) Patel P (2102) Patel P (2681) Patel R (2307) Patel R (1896) Patel R (2648) Patel S (2639) Paterson J (2118) Pattemore D (4217) Pavlidou M (4643) Pavlou P (4971) Payne J (3757) Pecora M (4476) Pem A (3400) Percival L (2531) Pereira I (1813) Perring D (1295) Pessego C (4307) Petkov S (4909) Petre-Hoyle C (3435) Petrou A (4603) Petrou C (3300) Pettican R (4274) Pettis N (4934) Pham H.V.A (2915) Philippides A (5074) Pichon C (2630) Pickard S (3711) Pickles D (1841) Pieridis C (4930) Pinner M (2433) Pipes S (4593) Pissiris A (4911) Pitchers H (3696) Playford L (2231) Plummer A (2884) Pogson N (4759) Poliakovaite M (1877) Polyviou K (4649) Pond S (3938) Ponomareva E (3404) Porter K (4186) Portwood J (4731) Potter H.A (2411) Potts S.A (1763) Powell D (1870) Pownall D (3295) Harrow London London London Northwood Windsor Edgware London London London London Helensburgh Cwmbran Limassol Nicosia Devizes Hull Manchester Canterbury London London Jersey Nicosia Manchester Limassol Nicosia Preston Larnaca Birmingham Nicosia Uxbridge Bristol London Nicosia London Norwich Nicosia Bristol London London Nottingham London Limassol Fareham Manchester Cardiff Nottingham London London London Rochdale tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc ASCS TIBC ASCS tibc TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS tibc TIBR TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr ASCS TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc Poxon M (3409) Prashamsha K (4121) Priestley S (4423) Procopiou E (4665) Psaras M (1234) Purkis A (3879) Quarticelli L (2416) Quinn S (4152) Quinn S (3398) Quinton A (4225) Qureshi H.A (3114) Rafiq R (3169) Raines S (4460) Raj D (3037) Rajendran R (2833) Ralf N (4558) Ralph P (2119) Ramaj L (4569) Ramchandani N (2643) Rana W.S (2209) Rane S (3500) Rashid R (2305) Rasool F (4905) Rathbone A (2921) Rathod P (4764) Rawson W (1872) Raza A (3221) Raza A (3189) Raza M (3328) Reavley P (1913) Redington L (1250) Redman K (3870) Reeves E (4675) Rego J (3869) Reid A (4220) Resurreccion R.A (4006) Rhazi A (1906) Riaz M (3217) Riaz O (1151) Richards P (1007) Riminton H (3454) Rivas J (2228) Rizvi S.Q.R (3135) Robbins B.J (3072) Robert T.C (4214) Robinson H (2491) Robinson J (1800) Robinson J (1890) Robinson J (1140) Robinson J (1382) Robinson P (3332) Manchester Reading Nottingham Limassol London Southampton London Widnes Manchester Cardiff Karachi Karachi Driffield Birmingham Croydon Cambridge London Norwich London London Thane London Manama Birmingham Leicester London Lahore Lahore Manchester London Slough Southampton Oxford Southampton Cardiff Bedford London Lahore London Edinburgh Manchester Ipswich Karachi Solihull Bristol Southend-On-Sea London Watford London Bishop's Stortford Manchester TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS tibc ascs TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS tibc TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC ASCS tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC Robson C (4326) Rodwell C (3962) Rogers D (1878) Romero R.R (4885) Ross D (2354) Rotheram L (3638) Roychowdhury S (4242) Royle A (2300) Rubin S (2289) Ruparell A (2455) Rusden W (2432) Russell C (2447) Rybak U (2318) Rye M (4776) Saadullah M (3098) Sachedina Z (3041) Sadek T (4421) Sahibzada R (3816) Salapa J (3340) Saleem K (1377) Saleem S.M.K (3267) Saleh A (3343) Salman S (3623) Salter K (4218) Sampson K (2244) Sanandres O (1096) Sanctuary D (4588) Sanger P (1879) Sanghera J (1774) Sanghera S (1760) Saranina N (4814) Sargent M (4073) Satav G (4238) Sathiveil S (5149) Sattar S (3259) Saunders C (1253) Savvidou I (4963) Scallon R (3355) Schizas G (5008) Schofield T (3544) Scholey B (3580) Schumacher-Wood A (4347) Scott A (1776) Scott C (2211) Sellar C (3412) Selli S (2555) Sen A (2301) Senerat J (2088) Sepou D (4919) Sergeant D (2280) Serrano J (2311) Newcastle Upon Tyne Milton Keynes London London Jersey Leeds Pune London London London London London London Derby Karachi Croydon Newcastle Upon Tyne Karachi Manchester London Lahore Manchester Leeds Cardiff London London Downham Market London London London Moscow Reading Baramati Kuala Lumpur Lahore London Nicosia Oldham Limassol Huddersfield Leeds Newcastle Upon Tyne London London Manchester Surbiton London London Nicosia London London TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBR tibc TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ascs TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC Shabkhez S (3229) Shah A (2834) Shah A.B (3828) Shah B (2593) Shah D (2105) Shah D (2645) Shah H (2844) Shah H (2647) Shah J (2222) Shah M (2660) Shah N (2869) Shah R (3491) Shah R (2700) Shah R (1438) Shah S.S (3621) Shah V (2008) Shahid U (3198) Shahzad U (3823) Shaikh H (3106) Shamsir M.N (5127) Sharang P (3484) Sharif M (3406) Sharma V (2652) Sharp J (3042) Shataylo R (3795) Shaw L (4592) Sheppard S.P (2502) Sheth N (2600) Shier A (1415) Shiret A (1831) Shiret A (2230) Shortall J (3907) Showler R (2303) Shubbar N (1853) Sibanda E (2372) Sibert M (2251) Sibley L (3894) Sidaway G (4518) Siddiqa A (1271) Siddiqi D (1848) Siddiqui F (1069) Sim S (1899) Simmonds D (2924) Singh G (3069) Slater D (1256) Sluckis M (3277) Small A (2281) Small J (3403) Smirnov N (5054) Smith A (2489) Smith K (1182) Lahore Croydon Rawalpindi London Ilford London Croydon London London London Crawley Mumbai London London Leeds London Lahore Karachi Karachi Kuala Lumpur Bangalore Manchester London Newcastle Upon Tyne Bristol Norwich Canterbury London London London London Southampton Watford London Purfleet London Southampton Peterborough Barking London London London Birmingham Birmingham London Rochdale London Manchester Nicosia Billericay Dartford TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR ASCS Smith L.F (2717) Smith M (2298) Smith P (3024) Smith P (2868) Smullen J (4034) Snowley D (2741) Socratous C (4659) Socratous E (4982) Socratous M (4914) Solomonides C (4958) Sood K (2556) Soor S (1930) Sotiriou C (4636) Souames A (4967) Soutar R (1003) Southall S (2237) Spencer V (4353) Spicer E (2247) Spilioti E (4850) Spotswood J (4435) Stanley R (1912) Stanley R (3640) Stanyer R (3344) Startin A (2971) Stavrinides A (4651) Stavrou T (5067) Stead A (2040) Steell J (4179) Steiner H (1846) Stephens J (2656) Sterghides P (4964) Stern H (2640) Sterne R (3532) Stevens H (3881) Stevens J (2326) Stevens M (2870) Stevens T (1907) Stevens V (4095) Stewart G (1128) Stockdale A (2279) Stoten T (2319) Stoyanov D (3579) Strachan C (3768) Straughan J (2117) Stringer W (4010) Strutt R (3878) Stylianou C (4951) Stylianou C (1934) Sualy B (2638) Sullivan D (4221) Sun L (1819) Sittingbourne London Hereford Crawley Wokingham Epsom Nicosia Limassol Nicosia Nicosia St. Albans London Limassol Nicosia Edinburgh London Newcastle Upon Tyne London Halandri Rotherham London Leeds Cheadle Birmingham Limassol Larnaca London Liverpool London London Nicosia Pinner Ripon Southampton London Crawley London Camberley London London London Leeds Bristol Hailsham Milton Keynes Southampton Nicosia London London Bridgend London ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBR TIBC tibr ASCS TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR Sun W (2595) Suntherasegarun K (5150) Suryanarayana Rao M (3518) Swaleh S.A (3168) Sweeney K (3617) Swiers J (4330) Syddall A (3284) Syed M (3035) Syers D (3660) Sykaki V (2258) Sykes C (1809) Sykes N (2739) Sykes R (3645) Symes J (1915) Symons G (2879) Taitt F (3436) Tan I (5158) Tan J.L (2650) Tan L (5116) Tan M.Q (5172) Tandberg N (1817) Tannock S (2922) Tanwir A (3188) Tanwir B (1884) Taoushani E (2250) Tariq M (2408) Taube R (2649) Taurae P (1070) Tavener J (2534) Taylor C (1178) Taylor C (1312) Taylor H (4341) Taylor N (4555) Taylorson S (1928) Tefula M (2990) Telkar V (3501) Tercijonaite L (3392) Tetulics L (1004) Teutsch D (1903) Tezgel A (2864) Theocharides A (4983) Theodorou T (4981) Theodoulou T (1110) Theofilou N (4941) Theologou S (5078) Thompson D (1897) Thompson L (4385) Thompson M (3608) Thomson L (1318) Thorne C (1892) Thorpe - Costa S (2536) St. Albans Kuantan Bangalore Karachi Leeds Newcastle Upon Tyne Bolton Sutton Coldfield Wetherby London London Guildford Leeds London London Manchester Kuala Lumpur London Subang Singapore London Birmingham Lahore London London London London London Sutton Gatwick London Newcastle Upon Tyne Cambridge London Birmingham Mumbai Manchester Edinburgh London London Nicosia Nicosia London Nicosia Nicosia London Newcastle Upon Tyne York London London London TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC tibr ASCS TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBC ASCS TIBC TIBR ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR ASCS TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr ASCS TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC Thorpe A (4765) Thulborn K (4539) Tinsley E (1920) Tolley N (1854) Tope J (4519) Townshend H (1274) Tran J (4498) Travers K (2446) Trembath D (2261) Trevett R (2806) Trotman K (4128) Trower E (1816) Truran J (2711) Tsang C.P (2359) Tse K (2627) Tsiailis M (4950) Tsiala T (4657) Tucker J (4125) Tuffin A (1210) Tulloch A (1148) Turner E (1039) Turner R (3769) Turrell A (2916) Turvey J (1248) Umarji I (1379) Unadkat A (3023) Ung C.H (5091) Upton A (2218) Upton B (4101) Usher E (1160) Usman M (3827) Valtorta E (2259) Van Der Merwe J (1273) Van J (4176) Vandame L (2111) Vartholomeou E (4648) Vasiliadou P (4632) Vassiades A (4974) Vaudrey F (4150) Vaughan G (1766) Vaux M (3650) Vekaria M (2606) Vellin J (2572) Vergel S (2285) Verity E (3607) Verity T (2937) Veysi S (1079) Viedma G (1767) Violari A (4969) Virdee R (3068) Vitt A (1790) Nottingham Royston London St. Albans Cambridge London Cambridge London London London Reading London Guildford London London Nicosia Limassol Reading London London Dubai Gloucester Birmingham London London Birmingham Kuala Lumpur London Amersham London Islamabad London London Liverpool London Limassol Limassol Nicosia Ormskirk London Skipton London Quatre-Bornes London Harrogate Birmingham Beckenham London Larnaca Birmingham London TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR ASCS TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC Vong P (3697) Wadud S (2352) Waigi G (4456) Walker A (4676) Walker M (1916) Wallace L (2310) Waller M (3592) Walling M (3371) Wallis S (4254) Wallwork H (1909) Walters D (4202) Walton S (3534) Wang S (1362) Wang X (4834) Wang X (2274) Wang Y (1832) Waqar A (3101) Waring M (1166) Warner N (1762) Warner S (4443) Warren J (2288) Waswani O (3177) Watford N (4471) Watkins R (3741) Watson H (3407) Watson J (2933) Watson R (3574) Watts J (2338) Waymont D (4732) Webb J (1270) Webber S (1179) Webster H (1939) Webster K (3635) Weeden A (1917) Weedon J (4762) Wells C (4707) Whale C.J (2527) Whatton S (3912) Wheeler E (4142) Whetton K (3439) White A (2734) White B (4878) White R (3609) Whitefoot M (3793) Whitehead S (2340) Whitlow E (1372) Whittington J (1941) Wigley K (4188) Wilcock J (4781) Williams A (4181) Williams A (4387) Bristol London Nairobi Oxford London London Sheffield Preston Stourbridge London Cardiff London Borehamwood Beijing London London Karachi London London Sheffield Bristol Karachi Grimsby Cheltenham Manchester Birmingham Leeds London Nottingham Barnet Uckfield London Leeds London Birmingham Lincoln Waltham Cross Bromsgrove Wokingham Manchester London London Huddersfield Bristol London London London Milford Haven Nottingham Liverpool Newcastle Upon Tyne TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR ASCS TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR tibc tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ascs TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC Williams G (3431) Williams R (4194) Williams R (3310) Williamson E (4400) Williamson E.J (4419) Williamson N (4737) Willmer A (2345) Wilsher S (3939) Wilson E (3545) Wilson J (2219) Wilson W (4309) Winfieldale R (3079) Winspeare D (3656) Wisbey H (4500) Wiseman L (1793) Withers J (2871) Wong A (2548) Wong D (2598) Wong Z (5125) Woo G.Y (5141) Wood G (3942) Wood H (3735) Wood I (2332) Wood J (1943) Woolf N (2633) Woolven H (1901) Worsdell W (1784) Wozmirska N (3402) Wright N (3021) Wu J (5183) Wu J (1006) Wynter S (4255) Xenofontos D (2056) Yam B (5186) Yang S.Y (5145) Yao D (4789) Yap C (5098) Yap J (5140) Yau J (2628) Yau W (1948) Ye L (4830) Yeo G.S (1929) Yglesia A (1932) Yiannaki S (4910) Yong P.Y (5126) Yousaf M (3818) Yu J (1894) Yu M (1168) Yu Q (1815) Zafar D (3105) Zafar M (3200) Manchester Cardiff Manchester Newcastle Upon Tyne Newcastle Upon Tyne Derby St. Albans Ryde York Peterborough St Helier Nuneaton Leeds Huntingdon London Crawley Marlow St. Albans Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur Eastleigh Cheltenham London London London London London Manchester Dudley Singapore Edinburgh Leicester London Singapore Kuala Lumpur Shanghai Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur London London Beijing London London Nicosia Kuala Lumpur Karachi London London London Karachi Lahore TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC ASCS tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC ASCS TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC ASCS tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR ASCS TIBC tibr TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR tibc TIBC TIBC TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR tibc TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC Zafar Saigal H (3158) Zaheer M (3095) Zahid M (3216) Zaidi S (3122) Zaman S (3224) Zannetou D (4970) Zavros M (5080) Zhang Y (4823) Zhdanova L (3847) Zhou M (2297) Zia S (3103) Zucker A (1765) Zulfiqar N (3240) Zurek A (2805) Zyuzeva N (2212) Karachi Birmingham Lahore Karachi Lahore Nicosia Nicosia Beijing Novosibirsk London Karachi London Lahore London London TIBR ASCS tibc TIBC TIBR TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBC TIBC tibr TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBC TIBR TIBR TIBC TIBR