_____________________ INFORMATION REPORT March 30, 2016 SECY-16-0039 FOR: The Commissioners FROM: Robert J. Lewis /RA/ Assistant for Operations Office of the Executive Director for Operations SUBJECT: WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT – WEEK ENDING MARCH 18, 2016 CONTENTS Enclosure Office of Administration A Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer B Office of the Chief Information Officer C Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research D Office of the Secretary E Robert J. Lewis Assistant for Operations, OEDO Contact: L. Rakovan, OEDO 301-415-2589 March 30, 2016 SECY-16-0039 FOR: The Commissioners FROM: Robert J. Lewis /RA/ Assistant for Operations Office of the Executive Director for Operations SUBJECT: WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT – WEEK ENDING MARCH 18, 2016 CONTENTS Enclosure Office of Administration A Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer B Office of the Chief Information Officer C Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research D Office of the Secretary E Robert J. Lewis Assistant for Operations, OEDO Contact: L. Rakovan, OEDO 301-415-2589 DISTRIBUTION: EDO R/F AO R/F ADAMS Accession No: ML16084A854 OEDO AO/OEDO OFFICE LRakovan RLewis NAME 03/30/16 03/30/16 DATE OFFICIAL RECORD COPY Office of Administration Items of Interest Week Ending March 18, 2016 List of Approved Spent Fuel Storage Casks: Holtec International HI-STORM 100 Cask System; Certificate of Compliance No. 1014, Amendment No. 10: Direct Final Rule; Part 72 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) (Regulation Identifier Number (RIN) 3150-AJ71; NRC-2015-0270) On March 14, 2016, the NRC published a direct final rule in the Federal Register (81 FR 13265) amending its spent fuel storage regulations by revising the Holtec International HI-STORM 100 Cask System listing within the “List of approved spent fuel storage casks,” to include Amendment No. 10 to Certificate of Compliance No. 1014. The companion proposed rule was also published in the Federal Register on March 14, 2016 (81 FR 13295). Unless significant adverse comments are received, the direct final rule will become effective on May 31, 2016. Physical Protection of Category 1 and Category 2 Quantities of Radioactive Material: Request for Comment; 10 CFR Part 37 (NRC-2015-0109) On March 14, 2016, the NRC published a document in the Federal Register (81 FR 13263) informing the public that it is implementing a retrospective program review to provide an objective assessment of the new security requirements for the use and transport of category 1 and category 2 quantities of radioactive material and associated implementation guidance. The final rule establishing these new security requirements was published in the Federal Register on March 19, 2013 (78 FR 16921). The information that the NRC receives will be used in developing a report to Congress. The public comment period closes on May 13, 2016. MARCH 18, 2016 ENCLOSURE A Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer (OCHCO) Items of Interest Week Ending March 18, 2016 ARRIVALS KRUGER, PAMELA METTER, DARLENE RETIREMENTS LENNARTZ, JAY DEPARTURES FLETCHER, MICHELE SUBOSITS, STEPHEN MARCH 18, 2016 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ACMUI MEMBER R-II NMSS PROJECT ENGINEER R-III ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT SR. FUEL FACILITY INSPECTOR OGC R-II ENCLOSURE B Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Items of Interest Week Ending March 18, 2016 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA) Requests and Appeals Received During the Period of March 11, 2016 – March 18, 2016. Copies of all videos shown during session TH-32 - Improving Realism in Fire Probabilistic Risk Assessments on March 10, 2016, during the Regulatory Information Conference, and all other videos of high energy arc fault testing conducted since January 1, 2013 Copies of all NRC site specific initial License Operator Written Final Exams from Indian Point Energy center both Unit 2 & 3 from 2010 to Present Any and all records relating to the Texas Instruments site located in North Attleboro, Massachusetts, 1960-1999 All Office of the Inspector General's reports and documents regarding the 2014-2015 investigation of the MARTA contract account and Region II All released records in FOIA 2012-0248 All released records in FOIA 2012-0319 All released records in FOIA 2012-0255 SECY-02-0081 Organizational chart of "Behavioral Observation Program," staff roster, and report listing related to program NRC oversight of the force-on-force program, and Contingency response force-on-force testing ML1006440188 ML1012701439 Most current FOIA Annual Report to Department of Justice SECY-01-0071 and SECY-06-0212 ML092510055 ML01320502 Memorandum of Understanding dated March 16, 1992, between Environmental Protection Agency and NRC All response letters to FOIA appeal 2015-0017A All internal and external communications related to FOIA 2015-0018A All records released in FOIA 2015-0124 All Memorandum of Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding contracts and agreements between NRC and the Department of Homeland Security List of any NRC findings that were determined between January 1, 2013 December 31, 2015, to be violations at nuclear facilities in the state of Illinois MARCH 18, 2016 FOIA/PA-2016-0356 FOIA/PA-2016-0357 FOIA/PA-2016-0358 FOIA/PA-2016-0359 FOIA/PA-2016-0360 FOIA/PA-2016-0361 FOIA/PA-2016-0362 FOIA/PA-2016-0363 FOIA/PA-2016-0364 FOIA/PA-2016-0365 FOIA/PA-2016-0366 FOIA/PA-2016-0367 FOIA/PA-2016-0368 FOIA/PA-2016-0369 FOIA/PA-2016-0370 FOIA/PA-2016-0371 FOIA/PA-2016-0372 FOIA/PA-2016-0373 FOIA/PA-2016-0374 FOIA/PA-2016-0375 FOIA/PA-2016-0376 FOIA/PA-2016-0377 ENCLOSURE C The Statement of Considerations for the 10 CFR 50.9, Completeness and Accuracy of Information regulation adopted by the NRC on December 31, 1987. Materials provided by NRC for the notices of proposed rulemaking and final rule that appeared in the Federal Register on March 11, 1987, (52 FR 7432) and December 31, 1987 (52 FR 49372) Copies of the 26 listed Office of the Secretary (SECY) papers Staff Requirements Memoranda in response to SECY-91-074 "Prototype for Advanced Reactor Designs" All records pertaining to outages, including the particular units that were taken offline, maintained, and/or overhauled during outages for the years 1960-1989 for Long Island Lighting Co. Sites: Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant Office of Investigations Report in OI Case No. 3-2012-021 and all attachments regarding the Palisades Nuclear Plant operated by Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc. All documents reflecting communications about the Office of Investigations Report in OI Case No.3-2012-021, and all attachments from March 10, 2015 – February 22, 2016 Resolution of suggestion made to eliminate a notice in the Federal Register regarding the issuance of exceptions from rule used in connection with Vogtle Units 3 & 4 and Summer Units 2 & 3 licensing actions Copy of letter that U.S. House Representative William Keating and the Massachusetts congressional delegation sent to NRC Chairman Stephen Burns regarding the decommissioning of the Pilgrim nuclear plant Records pertaining to each Information Technology Specialist in Region II that was permitted to telework from January 2012, to March 2016, as specified Appeal of search performed and redactions in response to FOIA/PA 2016-0210 Appeal withholding of drafts letters in response to FOIA 2016-0193 Appeal redactions and search in response to FOIA 2016-0257 MARCH 18, 2016 FOIA/PA-2016-0378 FOIA/PA-2016-0379 FOIA/PA-2016-0380 FOIA/PA-2016-0381 FOIA/PA-2016-0382 FOIA/PA-2016-0383 FOIA/PA-2016-0384 FOIA/PA-2016-0385 FOIA/PA-2016-0386 FOIA/PA-2016-0074A FOIA/PA-2016-0075A FOIA/PA-2016-0076A ENCLOSURE C Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) Items of Interest Week Ending March 18, 2016 RES and Office of Administration (ADM) Developing First NRC eBook RES staff are working with ADM staff to develop an electronic book (eBook) of the proceedings of the International Workshop on the Use of Robotic Technologies at Nuclear Facilities, held at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) February 2–4, 2016. RES staff is collaborating with workshop co-sponsors NIST, Department of Energy, and Department of Homeland Security to create the eBook as a NUREG/CP. ADM and RES staff are working with the Government Publishing Office and NRC’s Office of the Chief Information Officer to design and publish the report. The initial effort is to incorporate the workshop video, presentations with imbedded robotic videos, and panel discussion summaries within the existing workshop program format (see: ). MARCH 18, 2016 ENCLOSURE D Office of the Secretary (SECY) Items of Interest Week Ending March 18, 2016 Document Released to Public Date of Document Subject 1. SECY-02-0085 05/16/2002 2. Staff Requirements Memorandum SECY-02-0085 01/03/2003 3. SECY-16-0021 02/29/2016 Recent Issues with Respect to Decommissioning Funding Assurance that have Arisen as part of License Transfer Applications and other Licensing Requests Recent Issues with Respect to Decommissioning Funding Assurance that have Arisen as part of License Transfer Applications and other Licensing Requests Discontinuation of Rulemaking Activities Decision Documents Information Papers 1. SECY-16-0029 03/18/2016 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending March 4, 2016 03/14/2016 Meeting with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards 03/14/2016 Briefing on Strategic Programmatic Overview of the Fuel Facilities and the Nuclear Materials Users Business Lines Memoranda 1. Staff Requirements Memorandum M160304 2. Staff Requirements Memorandum M160225B Commission Correspondence 1. Letter to the Honorable Nita Lowey responds to her letter regarding the recent tritium leak at the Indian Point Energy Center, dated March 10, 2016. 2. Letter to the Honorable Barbara Boxer informing her on the status of Diablo Canyon’s compliance with the NRC’s actions based on the lessons learned from the accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant, dated March 11, 2016. Federal Register Notices Issued 1. 633rd Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Full Committee Notice of Meeting – April 7 - 9, 2016. MARCH 18, 2016 ENCLOSURE E