ilia M-,--W-0RKnuy Or- Of
SEý7 BY: i=X-V ILl-:--, 1:41OPM 3-24-94 2/ 4 M- WAGNER-my-cRS-ý ilia M-,--W-0RKnuy Or- Thjz Ma=rLnd= c! UndArctanding and 2ýxýee=ent enI,-zCtd i== April Gary L, zisex and the t22il, 5th d2LY Of ri==!&, 3.994', L-y and between p=p0am of p--r-ttibir TennimmzAa Vz2l;;y Authority (TVI) is ;ffor thragreotm*ent tor tha !a=-Wa in -ftill the te=m znd corAitionz of tbf-^ sattjaj!L=t or' x1l c=pjaintz =e./or cIzims of vhataver'natura that Mr. JJsar =ay jLaxa as of the dzta of this agra&r.,unt agalnst c,,* I&V and/cr imfore &my ad=inistrative tribumal TU In r-ny =urt OA". agency ct the 7eýL---ml Govar,-=ent or TVA. Fz. 7iser agrefts t-C zgmincst cocp4ratA to have all Itgal or meministrati-ve a ctions The disisaeia with prejud-4ce. 7VI, to'hich he imiltiated, canziA4raticn 9-rLnUd by TVA heraiz is PQttIzr=t of &11 of Vý-. Tizerts compiaLints =d/or claimr- aq&inst of vrangdcing ar not Be TVX arle, for t1ac zcI4 p=-Pose of 1:ýPtbility on the P&rt C-C M. gha2-1 be Cons-t=,lad to probJ-bit Noth-ý ý-z t-his ltr. 1=2 7istr repo.-J.'Lnq &ny susptctad instance of illeqtl &ativity of Zzy nature, ==-Iety or conccrn, any zz-fety r-ny any v=)cpIr-cIa pubjLc xLfety conoa.-n to th.a UnitmA Stxtzr Depr=trmnt ef Fiicla= 'Asgulatory Co=Lssion, th,*.Vnited St&tzs . qcv4rn=-&-ntaI aganqy, Labor (:)OL) I c-- zny other Federal or State Mr. Tizor fron and shall not 35a =nztL-.mzd, 4-:0 ;=ohib:Lt in ýudicjal, any way in airy Stztc or rQdQra,1 AC!=!.nLVb,--bILt!Vaj wituh retpeCt or I*SisIztjyu proceeding or'investiqatiort by this =d =Ittars not rtsolved and t&--=Lnated nt Exhibit 1 3-24-54 : 1:42 M. : WAGN , KlUtS S' S-z,.T By:KNOXVILLE -R C! thix mettlm=t aqýlallzent Zza JLr and acnditiCnS TV2, Will zelACt Xr. 'rizCr for tbLe Pcfs't'c= malmry will be $76,027.68 to October 4, a jump-S= p&ylzgnt in T7A Vill pay Mr. 2. oil $8,000 1-%raizaburs=errt of expamskz in=Md the cjror--,s zmount Fixý.ex :Ln bY =- Th-% ==-TV.X anpicy-zent al%& business opportuniti*f- ,p=zaiý =ount shall not I-,& 4--=e-x cr in fedaral or attte ThLe Zin toscthnr with intAxavt and chaak will be nade out te Mr. 7i*.L-- zild Vm a*Y-r-. =tilcd to IL-. W Fix*r. ttxss are dUx on Cuch P&Ymkrlj-', F;Lac-- ag_-maz tn pay auch p&,4nalt-ix% tl;areon. Or ztatz mbJect to vý-'t-hholdimq Tor Todara-1 r--Iy way cc.-IdidA_-dd &0 c-O=P*.naztiDm to Y=. the evant thtt F.r. 1991 --YTX vill re4lwc-re 2.48 ho=s of zn=zl IzaVe to acm=t. 44 TVX vill lionant cf &II paLy xr. F;Lss= $3,sco in cltLmd for at-,=!Y'S fees and costs incur,_ied :Ln comrm&-.Jcn with all fil-ad I:rl Rr. fuAl azd firml in &nd clti= c=pItints 0ý VhaA,'.avc-. r.ztIa-.c any court cf I,,-W gr bpmeora any ?ads--.LL Ccv*xn=c=t_ or tribunal or agancy of the Lnd nailed to Ths chaj=k will bit rLade o= -. o Xr.- Ilizer TVX. Xr. V= Baku. S. TVA,,* )C--, thm TV2L tctrd 0! ?!,mcr ralewLs&z M, effIcarzi zg&nts, viractzrs, z-11d =pjoyees f--om my amd. all and actic-*%Ar lzw damm cja=.. Lnd 11abilitiev 0ý every k3m4t at -2- re *4d RAGN-E-P, KYM S'vrER-.. 3-A-4 - 94 5ST Bý,:)mvILLE -W.ICLI cquity, of vhztsvax rmt=x tha:t ba =y hzve a& bf thQ dxte of this aq--&szent in any court od' lax, ýafore =y ad=iniCtr2tiva tr-iltm=1 eLr a-Ve.mcy of tha Podexr-I rovcr=='-- or TVA. a2%d Y--- Xrs Pir-ar V= Bcka z7r4i&. to exa=ta tha ;qpropriate pzparr- to th4t dizzIsaýaj with trcýudica of all p--ridLng off pr,<=a&dImc:a aSainst T71. within !iva work.-Ing dayr, of the execution loy tha P&T-Iciea. ot this 6. Thiz Agr&a=&nt is =d the dLxzixzzl Is 016 Mr. WZTKZSE N"FrRZOT, ad cý ths e-my z=d yt= ==UrqPn'6-. up= itz zpp=cvjLI by ML Fiser's pending DOL r-azz. the Partiez bavr- lexcautad this xp-&A=*n4 first C-axv_ -L. ýZ isa r abcvm writtan. Mark 0. Medford Vice ?resideut, Techni car-r-l" V. VLn Zckz I Esq. 7.tta=ay ror Gary L. risar -3- support