Assessment of a Pressurizer Spray with RELAP5/MOD2
NUREG/IA-O 121 ICSP-AS-SPR-R International Agreement Report Assessment of a Pressurizer Spray Valve Faulty Opening Transient at Asco Nuclear Power Plant with RELAP5/MOD2 Prepared by F. Reventos, J. S. Baptista, A. P. Navas, P. Moreno Asociacion Nuclear Asco C/Tres Torres, 7 0817 - Barcelona Spain Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 December 1993 Prepared as part of Thc Agreement on Rcsearch Participation and Technical Exchange under the International Thermal-Hydraulic Code Asscssment and Application Program (ICAP) Published by U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NOTICE This report was prepared under an international cooperative agreement for the exchange of technical information. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, or any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for any third party's use, or the results of such use, of any information, apparatus product or process disclosed in this report, or represents that its use by such third party would not infringe privately owned rights. Available from Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Mail Stop SSOP Washington, DC 20402-9328 and National Technical Information Service Springfield, VA 22161 NUREG/IA-O 121 ICSP-AS-SPR-R International Agreement Report Assessment of a Pressurizer Spray Valve Faulty Opening Transient at Asco Nuclear Power Plant with RELAP5/MOD2 Prepared by F. Reventos, J. S. Baptista, A. P. Navas, P. Moreno Asociacion Nuclear Asco Crrres Torres, 7 0817 - Barcelona Spain Office or Nuclear Regulatory Research U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Wahshington, DC 20555-0001 December 1993 Prepared as part of The Agreemcnt on Research Participation and lbchnical Exchange under the International Thermal-Hydraulic Code Assessment and Application Program ([CAP) Published by U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ABSTACr MThe Asociacibn Nuclear Asc6 has prepared a mocdel of Asc6 NPP using RELAP5/MOD2. This mrodel, wh~ich include thenzalhydraulics, kinetics and protection and controls, has been qualified in previous calculations of several actual plant transients. one of the transients of the qualification process is a "Pressurizer spray valve faulty opening" presented in this report. it consists in a primaery coolant depressurization that causes the reactor trip by overtarrerature and l~ater on the actuation of' the safety injecin T0he results are in close agreement with plant data. iii TABLE OF CNi'~lr ABs'rRA=r.............. DEtIIV ....... .. StI'ARY.o....................... .. .. .. Vi ..................o 1. I1NrIT~COUION............ o..... o ..... . . o ........ 2.PI.AN .. o.....o......1I AND TANSI=1 DESCRIPTION ....o....................... o. ........ 4 2.1 PLA~NT DESCRIPTION.......o.....o............... ...o...........o....4 2.2 DA.TA ACQUISITION~ AND ANALYSIS SYSTM4 DESCRIPTION . 2 .3 TRANSIE~vr DESCRIPTION 3. MOD1 DESCRIPTION. . ..... o.o..o... ....... 3.1 TI-271'AL-HYDRAtL',IC .o.o MOE .. o... ... 5 oooos-o.........o o........................ nMEX OF 3Mxor .. MABLES Fi~u1w 2 DAIA oesso11 ... ....... oooooo. ... o ........ *o.... *.oo*o*******oo****oo****o**a*************e***oos** v o..... o ..... o....... o.*.**..e*... 12 17 ****e* o...............***.oooooewoooo******o************~ .. 7.. . . SYSrEMS MOELo....o......... o.... o.........7 P'R=CTI0 5. TRANSIM'.r CAI.uIATCt AND CCMPARISON VERSUS XMfM PIEDE 5 o..... 4. STEADY STATE CALCUL~ATION.........o....o..... o............ 8. 4 ............... o... 3.2 K=~~IC MODL..... ..................... 3.3 CON'TL AN 4 o .... oo 19 30 E)t7CIVE SLVMAM Asc6 Nuclear Powr Plant is a nuclear station with two PWR Qf -930 Mie of Westinghouse design. The The~nalhydraulic analysis gru of the Asociaci6n Nuclear Asc6 (ANA) has prepared a model of the plant using REAP5fYDD2. This model includes thermaihydraulics, kinetics and protection and controls. AN-' s =matrm~ent with the International Code Assessment and Application Program (ICAP) is the participation with two cases. one of the transients selected for this purpose is the "Assessment of a Pressurizer Spray valve faulty opening". T1his transient has been chosen because of two main - Plant instrumentaticn data are reasonably reasons: accurate for the entire transient. - The assessment qualifies the behaviour of different system and ca, nents; under abnormal conditions (spray valve, safety injection, Reactor protection system). The conclusions of the analysis are the following: - Close agreement between results and data. - 1Relap5/nrod2 Asc6 mordel is a valuable tool to analyze plant transients. Vii FO0R E WOR D This report has been prepared by Asociaci6n Nuclear Asc6 in the framework of the ICAP-UNESA Project. The report represents one of the application calculations submitted in fulfilment of the bilateral agreement for cooperation in thermal hydraulic activities between the Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear of Spain (CSN) and the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USWRC) in the form of Spanish contribution to the International Code Assessment and Applications Program (ICAP) of the USNRC whose main purpose is the validation of the TRAC and RELAP system codes. The Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear has promoted a coordinated Spanish Nuclear Industry effort (ICAP-SPAIN) aiming to satisfy the requirements of this agreement and to improve the quality of the technical support groups at the Spanish Utilities, Spanish Research Establishments, Regulatory Staff and Engineering Companies, for safety purposes. This ICAP-SPAIN national program includes agreements between CSN and each of the following organizations: - Unidad Elictrica (UNESA) Uni6n Iberoamericana de Tecnologia El~ctrica (UITESA) Empresa Nacional del Uranio (ENUSA) - TECNATOM - LOFT-ESPARA - - The program is executed by 12 working groups and a generic code review group and is coordinated by the "Comiti de Coordinaci6n ". This committee has approved the distribution of this document for ICAP purposes. D-1/90-MPNV ix i 1. NTROD0CtON In 1986, the Asociaci~n Nuclear Asc6 (ANA) -created a croup for plant and core thezrmal-hydraulic analysis. The objectives of the group are as follows: 1. Create and update core and plant thezna 1-hydraulic mrodels based on best-estinrate criteria. 2. Provide off-lin~e engineering support to the different technical branches of Ala (i.e., technical services, reactor operation): a. Analyze operating events that result in event reports. b. Assess plant systems and/or equipmrent mocdifications plant operating procedures and emergency instructions. as weill as c. Analyze plant behavior under incident or accident conditions in the abovvrentiorned cases. d. Scenarios and assessment. core damage evaluation for probabilistic risk 3. Review final safety analysis report transients and accidents based on best-estimate criteria. 4. In the future and if plant examination. appropriate, participate in Aso6 individual The plant analysis activities developed so far include the following: 1. Imrplement~ation of RELAP5/lMt02 (Pef.l) cycle 36.05 in its IBM version in an MA 4381 and 3090 and cycle 36.04 and its Control Data Corporation version in a Cyber 180/830. The results of both versions for the scenarios analyzed are in close agreemnt. 2. Thermal-hydraulic model of both the pr~imay and secondary systems. /2/ -1- 3. Kinetic --cdel specifically adapted to Aso5 4. Si.rm~lation of control and- protection systems /3/. 5. Revision and detailed study of all start-up tests and every transient th-at has occurred in either unit. A total of 60 cases were studied. Because of the influence of plant dynmuics and the quality and availability of plant data, six cases were selected to validate the ccuplete plant mod~el: a. Station blackout b. Faulty pressurizer spray valve openi~ng. c. Turbine trip without available. steam dump~ and secondary relief valves d. Loss of feedwater MLOMW e. Tumrbine trip with all systers available f. Turbine powr step 6. Sinxilation of the above paramreters /4/, /5/, /6/. six transients and adjustrrent of control 7. Participation in the Internacional Code Assessrent, and Application Program with two cases. -2- 8. Analysis of transients such as s-nall-break-loss-of-coolant accident (SBIJX-A) , anticipated transient without scrxn (A`TWS) , and others for PA studies. The adjustment and qualification process is the first and nost inrortant part of plant analysis. Sufficiently accurate predictions with rrea~r.ingful sets of rreasu~red data provide validation of both the rrodel and the procedures to be used in the future to analyze various transient and accident scenarios of general interest such as SBLC' and AnS -3-. 2. PLAINr AND TRANS=~T DESCRIMTON 2.1 Plant Description Asc6 Nuclear Station is a nuclear power plant with two 930-Mwe Westinghouse Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR). The first criticalities were reached in June 1983 and September 1985, respectively, for units I an II. Today, both units are in their sixth and fourth cycles. of ncrmal operation. The mirn characteristics of both units are given in Table I. The core contains 157 fuel asserblies of (17x17 -25) fuel rods arnd the steam generators are typical ones with U-tubes and preheaters (rrodel D-3). All other rmajor cat nents are standard Westinghouse components. 2.2 Plant Data Acqu~isition System *t.e plant data used in each assessment calculation is that produced by the plant process computer on the post-trip report. It types a value of each pre-selected variable every 10 seconds. The post-trip report of this particular transient is given in Annex I. 2.3 Transient description The~ transient started fran 100% rated conditions because of an unnoticed failure on the primrary pressure control system. The- failure turned off all the pressurizer heaters arid opened the spray valve to its maxixrmn mass flow rate. Innediately U-4 primary pressure started a continuous decrease. TIhe reactor scramed 117 seconds after the failure of the pressure control systemi by the overta.eprature protection system. The reactor trip further decreases the pressure causing the injection of safety water 10 secnds after reactor trip. -4- 3. MODEL DESCRIPTION Figure 1 shows the mocdel used to simulate the plant. It consists of 134 volumes, 146 junctions, 32 heat structures, and 259 control variables. The model includes the vessel, the three primary loops, the pressurizer, the three steam generator, the three secundary loops, and the steam lines. The turbine, condenser, and feedwater tank are modeled as tin-.dependent volumes. The usual practice of izrplenenting FPELAPS by homogenizing the multiple steam generator loops into two loops (one including the pressurizer) is not followd in this model because of the following reasons: a) non - synr~mtric distribution of auxiliary feed-water am~ong the three steam generators b) Different length of the steam lines of each loop. c) Different number of plugged tubes in each steam generator. d) Non - symmretric transients (loss of feed water, steam generator tube break, small break in the primary circuit, one reactor colant pump trip, and so on) that require mocdeling of different actuations or boundary conditions, in each loop. e) Ccaputer availability. 3.1 Thermal a.- - Hydraulic Model Primary System. The model / 2/ of the primary system includes the main components of the plant. The core is mocdeled by volume 120 and the proper heat structures. Volume 130 simulates the by-pass region between the core baffle and the core barrel. Volume 1.40 mo~del the upper plenumn and volumes 150 and 160 the vessel upper head. The three hot lines depart from the core -5- pressurizer through volumre Linto two voltzms. 510. The pressurizer is divided The locer one (volum~ 520) i~s divided into five nodes. Heat structures, sixrulating the pressurizer actual heaters, are attached to the first two. nodes. Volume 525 is a branch in order to mod~el the junctions connecting the pressurizer with the safety and relief valves and with the spray system. Volum.r 420 mocdels the remaining of the hot leg. volumes 430 and 440 sirmilate the water boxes of the steam generator. The prirary side of the steam generator is modeled by volume 431 divided into nine nodes. Volumes 450, 465, 466 and 470 represent the cold leg. Volume: 460 modxel the primary colant pt~mp, proper hamlolous curves, given by the vendor, have been used for this purp,.ise. Voltrnm 468 nrioels the Safety Injection System. b. - Secondary Systan The mocdel of the secondary system staurts with Time Dependent Volume 870 (Loop 3) that represent the feed-water going to the steam generator. Volume 871 models the Auxiliary Feed Water. The dcwncomer is simtlated by mreans of -omluaes 800, 801, 822 and 825. The steam generator preheater is modeled by volumres 806 and 807, and the remning -of the tubes zone by volumres 808, 806, 809 and 810. The stearn separator with volumre 820. Volumre 830, 840 and 850 nr:del the steam dryer and the dczrc of the steam generator. Ste~ steam line starts at volumre 880. Safety and relief valves (cmponents 886 and 884) are connected to volume 881. Component Valve 885 moedels the isolation valve. Tirie- Dependent Volumres 994 and 999 represent the free atmrosphere. The steam is conducted throughout volumie 883 to the steam-collector, volumre 900. Finally Valves 906, 903 and 907 mo~del the by-pass to condenser valve, and the turbine stop and control valves, respectively. -6- Proper heat struactures are used to connect thermally the prirrary side of the steam generator wuth the secondlary si-de. Actual values are used for all the var-iables except for the hydraulic diamrter, heat transfer surface, and thenrml conductivity of the tubes material where scae changes were introduced in order to achieve the actual heat transfer rate without any change in primary average terperature and secondary pressure. The data used to model volumes and junctions as well as heat structures were taken form plant design information /7/. 3.2 Kinetic Model The kinetic mtodel /3/ was prepared using the RELAPS/Mod2 spaceindependent reactor kinetics option with data from the ANA Nu.clear Analysis Group. The mrodel includes a scrxn table of reactivity versus time. The total control rod drop time. is the actual value mreasured at plant. This table is activated by reactor trip. The control model supplies the reactivity of the C and D control rod banks. This control reactivity is added to the feedback reactivities calculated by the kinetic mocdel from the data supplied for the specific bur-up condition of each transient. 3.3 Control and Protection System Model The protection and control systems were mrodeled using RELAPS/l4)D2 control blocks and following specific setpint studies, logical diagrams~ and technical specifications of the plant /3/, /8/, 19/. The mrodel includes the following systems: -.7- a. - Reactor Trip System -1he reactor can be tripped in this ASCX7 model because of the effects: - Lcw primaray pressure. High primrary pressure. Low speed at any pmp.High pressurizer level. High reactor pc;'Aer. Low level at any steam generator. verte-a~xrat=re. -Overpower. -Turbine -Safety trip. injection. In Figure 2 the logic of the reactor protection system is presented. b. - High pressure Injection System Using the following signals: - Very low Average Temerature. Low steam generator pressure. High steam mass flow rate. Low. primary pressure. Large pressure difference between S*G. The the logic of the safety injection system was reprodced. rnassflow' rate injected is mocdeled by mrans of the purnps characteristic curves. c .- Tu\rbine Trip and Control System The position of the turbine control valve is controlled as a function of the difference between the Required Powr and Actual Power, with the proper control block to mocdel the act-ual logjic of the plant. The Turbine Trip (closure of the turbine stop valve) is also mocdeled. The signals of Safety Injection, very high steam generator level and Reactor trip, are used to trip the turbine. Turbine run-back has not yet been mocdeled. d. - Feed Water Control System T~he feed water control systemn has been mrodeled as shown in Figure 3. The rnassflo; rate calculated by the control system is injected by m~ans of a tire dependent junction. The auxiliary feed water system is also included in the model. e .- Pressurizer level and pressure control system The mocdel of the pressure control systen actuates upon heaters, spray valve and charging Pressurizer safety and relief valves and level control systemi are also simulated. f.- Steam Dua control system In Figure 4 the model used for the steam dump control system is represented. g. - Average Tenprature Control System control system mode led with torperature The average PEWA5/MOD2 is shown in Figure 5. As can be observed this system controls both the primary average temperature and the prrimary-secorKdary power mistmach. -9- other svstc--s nrr'e led are: h.- Stean-line Isolation logic. i. - Main Feedwater Isolation logic. j.- Safety and Relief valves of the secondary. -10- 4.- STEADY STATE CALCULATION Asteady state calculation was performed with the plant at 100% rated condition. Tkhe objective transients. is to obta~n a stable condition to start In Table 3 a ccaparison between the model results and the plant data is given for the mrain plant variables. A catplete description of the plant sensors and signals Is given in ref. 10. -11- 5.- TRANSIENT CALCMlATION AND Ct4PARISON VERSUS ACTUAL DATA The caniarison between model predictions (see table 5) against plant data (see table 4) shows an overall grood agreement with some minor disagreements that will be explained later. Table 6 shows a carmaarison of the cronology of the main events. As can be seen in figures .6 to 18 the transient which begun at second 100, starts with an unnoticed opening of the spray valves to its fully open position (figure 13). This causes a continuous decrease in primary pressure (figure 6), reactor power because of the correspondent decrease in moderator density, primary average temperature (figure 7) and secondary pressure (Figure 10). This event produces a decrease in the overtemperature setpoint signal that (see Figure 17) reaches the actual delta-tenperature and trips the reactor. The trip takes place in the mo~del at second 216.3 (see Table 6) while in plant it was at seoond 217, but in both cases for the sane reason: overtemperature. The low pressure setpoint of the protection system was close to be reached but it is not the signal that trips the plant. Figure 13 shows the pressurizer spray mass flow rate accordingly with delta-P between cold leg and pressurizer (see figure 18). After the trip a further decrease in plant pressure occur, because of the power reduction and sate 10 seconds later, at second 236.*4, the high Pressure Injection System becamre active injecting abouat 25 Kg/s into the primary system (Figure 14) until the end of the transient. Because of turbine 'trip the steam-dump primra~ry average temperature, (see Figures pressure and in same seconds steam dumrp continous decrease in secondary pressure is valves open, controlled by 10 and 16) lowering secondary valves close. Afterwards the caused by steam extractions. Control system causes main feed water trip (see Figure 15) and auxiliary feed-water is injected only to steamn generators 1 and 3 (because of loop 2 disfunction). -12- The ca~parison in the behaviour of the main variables is explained below. a.- Primary Pressure. In figure 6 pressure at the hot leg is presented. As can be seen the cariparison is good but the pressure decrease predicted by PREAP because of the spray actuation (second 100 to plant trip), has a lower slope than the actual one. It may be caused by a mo~re effective vapor condensation in the plant, caused by the liquid dropplet, than in the model1. b. - Primary Temerature In figure 7 mo~del primary average te-mperature with and without signal proccesing is compared versus the plant value. In figure 8 model hot leg temrperature of loop 1, without signal proccesing is ccarar~ed against plant data. It can be observed that when comarion is fairly good. signal procces sing is introduced the c.- Pressurizer level. In figure 9 the caTparison between mo~del prediction and plant data is given. The overall carparison is fair although a larger increase in plant level is observed both before the reactor trip and when level recovery starts. It may be due to limitations to the actual simrulation of the surge line in the model. d. - Secondary Pressure In figure 10 the ccnparison of this variable versus actual data is given. It can be observed that the short term behaviour of the steam dump valves is not well reproduced in the model and a faster decrease of secondary pressure than the actual one is obtained. The long term behaviour is correctly predicted. This problem is being studied also -13- with other transients. obtained. Except for this point a good corrparison is e. - Steam Generators level. In figure 11 the carparison between steam generator 1 narrow range level (steam generator 3 behaviour is totally similar since auxiliary feed water is injected at both steam generators) and actual plant data is given. Figure 12 shows the catparison for steam generator 2 which does not receive auxiliary feed-water in this transient. In both level predictions saue oscillations can be observed when na~rrow range level decrease under about 30%. Sam diferent. nodalizaticns have been tested before chosing the best one in order to minimize these oscillations. The overall conarisons shoed in figures 11 and 12 ar good, except for steam generator 2 during the last 40 seconds, where plant data show a quicker decrease that has not yet an explanation. -14- 6.- RUN STATISTICS calculations were- carried out on a CYBER 180/830 NOS 2.5 property of Fundacicn Leonardo Torres Quevedo located at Santander - Spain. RELAP5/Mcd. 2 cycle 36.04 was used in all the calculations. In Table 8 a Typical run statistics is presented. -15- 7.- .)NCLUSIONS The transient has been simulated with Relap5/zrod2 Asc6 model. The results are in close agreement with plant data. This calculation, along with those of the rest of transients of the qualification matrix, provides the validation of the model. The function of the pressurizer spray valve is correctly predicted by the model. The transient provides the assessment of the high pressure Injection, as well as the reactor protection system. Safety Although in long term, the actuation of the steam-di-mp seems to be correctly predicted, in short term this actuation can be =nproved. Some diferent steam generator nodalizations; have been tested before chosing the best one in order to min~imize level oscilations. The level predictions are, any way in fair agreement with actual data. The mocdel of Asc6 using Relapsfnod.2 is a valuable tool to analyze plant transients. -16- 8. - __________ 1) V. -H. RAYSON and R.J. WAZR SAAM-6377, E)G&G Idaho, Inc. 2) F. REVENI1OS, J. Te~rrhidr5Lulico "PELAPS/MC)D2: Cod~e Manual, "EGG- (Apr. 2984). S7ANCREZ-BAPTISTA, and P. MORENO, "Modelo Ascb", Asociaci6n Nuclear Asc6 (June de la C.N. 1987). 3) F. REVRMIS, J. SAHEZ-BA?1'ISTA, and P. MOlRENO, "Modelo Termzhidraulico y de proteccibn y control de C.N. Asc6," Asociaci~x Nuclear Asc6 (May 1988). 4) F. REVENTOS, J. SANCEZ-BAPTISTA, transitorios en A.N.A. Mtg. and P. MORENO, "Analisis de con IELAP5/MOD2," presented at 14th Annual Sociedad Nuclear Espa~fiola, Marbella, Spain, October 26-28, 1988. 5) F. REVENIPOS, "Transient J. SA~NCHEZ-BAPTISTA~, Analysis RE.AP5 /MDD2,1" Proc. for Ist P. 14)RENZ), and A. Nuclear ASCO Int. F.AP5 Power Users' PEREZ NAVAS, Plant Seminar, Using College Station Texas, January 31-February 2, 1989. 6) F. REvmOMS, J. SANCHEZ-BAPTISTA, A. PEREZ-NAVAS and P. MOJREN. "Transient Analysis in the AsoB NPP using RELAPS/Mt'D2," Nuclear Technology, voltme 90, Niunrer 3, pp 294-307. June 1990. 7) "Final Safety Analysis Repor-t-Asc6 I" (June 1983), "Final Safety Analysis peport-Ascb II-" (Sep. 1985), and later revisions, Asociaci6n Nuclear Asc6. 8) F. BA12ERINI, "Setpoint Study Asc6 Units I and 2," Westingt~se Electric Corporation (m~ar. 1976). 9) "precautions, Lin-itations and Setpoints of Asc6 Units 1 and 2". E/PS176/068. Rev. 11. Sep. 1988. -17- 10) C. Simo~n, et al "Central Nuiclear de Asc6 Units 1 and 2. Emrgency Recovery Guidelines Setpoint Values. Calculation and Methodology Appendi.x D. Instrumentation channels statistical calculation of Uncertainties". N=C 88-08. Rev. 2. October 1989. -18- TABLES TABLE 1. DESCRIPTION~ OF THE MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF AS00 I AND II NUCLEAR STATION. TOOK PLACE DURIN~G TH TABIBE 2. MAIN EVUMTIS THA TABLE 3. Cl1tlARISCN BETWEE TRZANSI=N. FMEAP5IMZD2 VALUJES AND ACIIJAIJ DATA FOR STEADY STATE. TABLE 4. DESCRIPTION OF PLANT DATA MEASURIEN'T2TS. TABLE 5.* DESCRIPTION OF FEAP5 fMOD2 VARLIABES. TABLE 6. COMPARISON OF TkX CRONOIb3 TABLE 7. RUN SEATISTICS. -19- OF THE MAIN EVENTS. - Electrical power - Thez~al reactor - Fuel U02 - Number of assemblies 157 - Fuel rod~s per fuel asserbly - Active length of fuel rods - Ouatside diareter of fuel rods - Cladding tube imaterial - Cladd~ing tube w-all thickniess - Average linear heat generation rate 17.2 Xw/m. - Absorber rods per control assembly 24 - AZbsorber material - Ntrrber of coolant loops - Reactor operating pressure (pressurizer) - Coolant Average Terrerature - Coolant flow rate 930 Mw 2686 Yh,7th (17x17 - 25) = 264 3.657 m, 4.75 x 10- i Zr -4 0.655x10-3 M. Ag- in -Cd. 3 15.51 Npa. 581.3 QK 14287 Kg/s Table 1.- Description of the main c-haracteristics of Asc6 I and II Nuclear Station. (1 of 3) -20- Steam Generator Westinghouse D-3 - Numnber 3 - Height 20.6 m - Diaxmter (Upper shell) 4.445 m - Tube mrterial - Average tube length - Design pressure/tenperature (steam plant side) 8.17 1.2a/589 QK - Inner diameter of tubes l.687x10- - outer dliazreter of tubes 1.905x102 M. Inconel 600 15.94 m M. Reactor coolant Punms Westinghouse 93-DS - Discharge head 86.25 m - Design flow rate 5.928 m3 s - Speed 155 rad/s Table 1.- Description of the main characteristicsof Asc6 I and ii Nuclear Station. (2 of 3) -21- Pressurizer - Height - Diameter (inner) - Volume 3 39.64 Mn - operating saturation pressure 15.51 MPa - Heating power of the heater rods 12.835 m 2.134 mn 1. 40 Mwe Steam/Power Conversion Plant - Feed Water flow rate - Main steam flow rate - Steam moisture at steam generator outlet - 497.5 Kg/s/loop 1492 Kg/s 0.25% Feedwater temperature Table 1 - 497.05 OK Description of the ma~in characteristics of Asc6 I and II Nuclear Station. (3 of 3) -22- Event Second Pressure control system failure. 0.0 117.0 Reactor Trip. 117.1 Low pressure signal. 127.0 Safety injection. Table 2 - main events that took place during the transient. -23- RELAP5/14OD2 VARIABLE PLANT DAT'A PRIMARY 1H.SS FLOWq RATE (Kgfs) 14027. 14287. CORE BY-PASS MA.SS FLCW RATE(% 2.71 2.71 33.24 33.26 VESSEL DELTA-T (QK) REACTOR POWER. 2681. (nq) 2686. PRIMARY PRESSURE (MPa.) 15.50 15.51 PRIJ-7Y AVERAGE T~ERAýTtRE (QK) 581.1 581.3 2.286 2.29 RECII UIA TION RATIO UP-STREA2,M FLOW RATIO IN THE S.G. PRSHATER. .517 .520 STEAM GEERATOR NARROW RANGE LEVEL .66 .66 SBTO\NDARY PRESSURE (MPa) 6.808 6.821 STEAMv' OJLLECR PRESSURE 02~a) 6.705 6.724 1478.5 1492.0 STEN-M FASS FLCW RATE (Kgfs) * DESING DATA Table 3 - Conparison between RELP5/rflD2 values and actual date for steady state. -24- IDENTIFIC'IOR DESCRIPTION T04 21A Average Temperature me~asured in loop 2. T0424A Vessel Delta F0442A Meassured Mass Flow Rate of loop 3. P0499A Pressure at loop 2, hot leg. P0484A Pressurizer pressure. P0419A Teuperature at loop 2, hot leg. N0482A Pressurizer level. P0400A Secondary pressure, loop 1. N0400A Level of the steam generator 1. N0420A Level of the seteamn generator 2. N0440A Level of the steam generator 3. Table 4 - - Tepe-rature measured in loop 2. Description of plant data umeasurements. -25- VARIABIE VARIABLEDESCRIPTION P220010000 Pressure at the Hot leg of loop 2. T220010000 Temperature at the hot leg of loop 2. P520050000 Pressurizer pressure. 1vk7M~J 100030000 Mass Flow rate of loop 3, cold leg. CNTRLVAR 5 Average Tezmperature. CNTRLVAR 26 Proccessed Average Temperature. CNTRLVAR 6 Vessel Delta-T (Hot minus cold leg Temperature). a.TERLVAR 25 Processed'Vessel Delta-T. C=RVAR 13 -Pressurizer level. oRTPo1 0 Nuclear Reactor Power. MF10WJ 105 Mass Flow Rate at the inlet of the lower Plenum. YFJ10001 Mass Flow Rate of loop 1, cold leg. MFJ10002 Mass Flow Rate of loop 2, cold leg. P681010000 secondary pressure at the steam line of loop 1. MFThJ90 6 Steam-Dtxrp Mass Flow Rate. Table 5 - Description of RELAP5/I4?D2 variables. -26- (1 of 2) MFThJ675 Main Feed Water Mass Flow Rate of Loop 1. MFJ672 Auxiliary Feed Water Mass Flow Rate of Loop 1. MFJ3772 Auxiliary Feed Water Mass Flow Rate of Loop 2. CNTRLVAR 16 Steamn Generator 1 narrow range water level. CNT~RLVAR 17 Steam Generator 2 narrow range water level. Q'NTRLVAR 18 Steam Generator 3 narrow range water level. YSW535 Pressurizer Spray Mass Flow Rate. MFL7367 Safety Injection Mass Flow Rate. CNTRLVAR 147 Mlain Feed Water Mass Flow Rate of Loop 1. CNTRLVAR 36 Overtemperature Setpoint. CNTRLVAR 47 Processed Vessel Delta-T (Reactor Protection System) P36501 Cold leg Pressure Table 5 - Description of RELAP5/DMD2 variables. -27- (2 of 2) Event Tinre (s) Plant Relap Pressure control system failure 100.0 100.0 Reactor trip (overtemperature) 217.0 216.3 - 216.5 Steam-Dump starts to open Low pressure signal 217.1 Steam-Dump~ fully open Safety injection Low average temperature signal Table 6 - 218.0 - 223.5 227.0 236.3 - 236.7 Ccaparison of the cronology of the main events. -28- CCMPWtr~ ASSESSMEW C"YMM 180/830 TRANSIENT TflE (s) CP~rLT 290 (s) 37460 C (total niumiber of actives voluTies in the rodel) DT (Total numb~er of timre steps) 173 7600 CPU x 1000 28. 491 C x DT 129.17 CPhMI/TRANSIENT TflE Table 7 - Ruin Statistics. -29- FIGURES FIGURE 1. NODAIJIZATION DIAGRAM OF ASCO NUCLEAR POWER PULNr. FIGURE 2. LOGIC OF THE REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM4. FIGURE 3. [email protected] CONTROL SYS=E~. FIGURE 4. STEAI4-DUMP CON~l!RL SYSTEMY. FIGURE 5. PPfl'2R FIGURE 6. PRESSURIZER PRESSURE. FIGURE 7. PRIMARY AVERAGE TEMPERATURE. FIGURE 8. HOT LEG T2ERATURE. FIGURE 9. PRESSURIZER LEVEL. FIGURE 10. SECONDARY PRESSURE. FIGURE 11. STEAM GENERATOR 1 NARRO FIGURE 12. STEAM GENERATEOR 2 NARROW RANGE LEVEL. FIGURE 13. SPRAY MASS FLCM RATE. FIGURE 14. SAFETY WATER MASS FLW~ RATE. FIGURE 15. FEE-WATER MASS FLOW RATE. FIGURE 16. STEAM-DUMP MASS FLOW7 RATE. FIGURE 17. VESSEL DELTA T FIGURE 18. PRIMA~RY PRESSURE. AVERAGE TEMERATURE CONTROL SYSTEM. RANGE LEVEL. PERATURE. FR/ac/mb/jv IST00282 27.12.90 -30- NODALIZATION DIAGRAM OF A3CO NUCLEAR POWER PLANT JULY 1990 ::4ZZ~j-'UZ~ "s on CONDENSER PPMUsInZrER i-El 405 PRESSURIZER LEVEL IHIGH PRESSURIZER LEVEL NIGH RP iREACTOR TRIP SG2 LEVEL SAFETY INJECTION SG3 LEVEL I RCP FIGURE 2. -LOGIC, OF THE REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM4 REACTOR POWER -TO FUI MODULATION STEAM4 FLOW LOOP 1 -TO FV2 MODULATION FLOW LOOP 2 STEAM4 kTION STEAM FLOW LOOP 3 FEED-WATER TRIP SIGNAL FIGURE 3. FEED-WATER CONTROL SYSTEM -TO STEAM-DUMP VALVES FIGURE. 4 STEAM-DUM4P CONTROL SYSTEM REACTOR POWER AVERAGE TEMPERATURE LAG FIGURE. 5 - AVERAGE TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEM ANA PRESS. SPRAY VALVE OPENING 18 17 16 w 15 (I) w 14 N 13 U) 'in a. 12 11 10 0 100 FIGURE 6 P520050000 300 200 TIME (sec) + P0484A 400 ANA PRESS. SPRAY VALVE OPENING 600 T r 590- I-- & I -I w 580 -+ 4- - - -1- 4 ~ w w w 570 CL 560 550 - 200 100 0 CNTRLVAR 5 FIGURE 7 CNTLVA TIME (sec) 5NTR0VAR2 300 400 0 T0421A ANA PRESS. SPRAY VALVE OPENING 620 610 600 ci 590 wd 2:, 580 I-. 570 560 550 540 0 100 200 FIGURE 8 TEMPF 22001 TIME (sec) 300 + T0419A 400 ANA PRESS. SPRAY VALVE OPENING 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 N 0.5 Fr D, ;v) (n 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 200 0100 - FIGURE 9 CNTRI-VAR 13 300 TIME (sec) N0482A 400 ANA PRESS. SPRAY VALVE OPENING 8 7.9 7.8 7.7 7.6 7.5 ++ 7.4 7.3 It Cf, Id 7.2 7.1 7 6.9 6.8 0 63.7 0 Id 6.6 (n) ___________________~~~ _________ ___________________ ~~~~ +_________ +_________ 6.5 6.4 6.3 6.2 6.1 6 0 100 FIGURE 10 P681 010000 300 200 TIME (sec) P0400A 400 ANA PRESS. SPRAY VALVE OPENING 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 in 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 100 FIGURE 11 QNTRLVAR 16 200 .300 TIME (sec) + N0400A 400 ANA PRESS. SPRAY VALVE OPENING 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 C14 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 100 0 - FIGURE 12 CNTRLVAR 17 200 300 TIME (sec) N042-OA 400 ANA PRESS. SPRAY VALVE OPENING 50 40 30 0 -J LL (n) in 20 10 0 0 100 200 TIME (sec) FIGURE 13 .MFLOWJ535 300 400 ANA PRESS. SPRAY VALVE OPENING 9 8 w 7 6 0 Li. 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 TIME (sec) FIGURE 14 MFLOWJ 36700 300 400 ANA PRESS. SPRAY VALVE OPENING 600 500 0~ 0 0 400 w 0 300 -J LL U) in 200 w Id Li- 100 0 0 FIGURE 15 CNTRLVAR 147 300 200 100 TIME (sec) - MFLOWJ 672 400 ANA PRESS. SPRAY VALVE OPENING 600 0 500 K 400 0 -J 1±. (I) U) 300 0~ 2-0-0 0 U) 100 0 .10 100 200 TIME (sec) MFLOWJ 906 400 300 FIGURE. 16 ANA PRESS. SPRAY VALVE OPENING 60 50 40 w 30 w 20 10 0 -10 0 100 200 FIGURE 17 CNTRL-VAR 36 .300 TIME (sec) CNTRLVAR 47 400 ANA PRESS. SPRAY VALVE OPENING 15 14.8 14.614.4 14.2 14 13.8 (n (L 13.6 13.4 13.2 13 12.8 12.6 12.4 160 180 200 FIGURE 18 -P52005 220 TIME (sec) -P36501 240 260 U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION NRC FORM 335 (2-891 NRCM 1102, 1. REPORT NUMBER IAuslgnod by NRC. Add Vol., Supp.. Rev.. and Addendum Numbers, if env.)I BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET 3201, 3202 (See instructions on the reverse) NUREG/IA-Ol 21 ICSP-AS-SPR-R 2. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Assessment of a Pressurizer Spray Valve Faulty Opening Transient at ASCO Nuclear Power Plant with RELAP5/MOD2 3. DATE REPORT PUBLISHED December 1993 4. FIN OR GRANT NUMBER L2245 6. TYPE OF REPORT 5. AUTHOR(S) F. Reventos, J.S. Baptista, A.P. Navas, P. Mor eno 7. PERIOD COVERED (Inclusive Dares) 8. PERFORMING ORGAN IZATION JN11 milngadroucl - NAME AND ADDRESS (IfNRC. providelDivision. Office or Region. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and mailing address: If contractor,provide ear Asco C/Tres Torres, 7 0817 - Barcelona Spain 9. SPONSORING ORGANIZATION - NAME AND ADDRESS (if NRC. type "Same as above-,-if contractor,provide NRC Division, Office orRegion. U.S, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and mailing eddressj Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 1D. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 11. ABSTRACT 1200 words or les) The Asociacion Nuclear Asco has prepared a model of Asco Nuclear Power Plant using RELAP*5/MOD2. This model, which includes thermaihydraulics, kinetics and protection and controls, has been qualified in previous calculations of several actual plant transients. One of the transients of the qualification proce~ss is a "pressurized spray valve faulty opening" presented in this report. It consists in a primary coolant depressurization that causes the reactor trip by overtemperature and later on the actuation of the safety injection. The results ara in close agreement with plant data. 12. KEY WORDS/DESCR!PTORS (List words or phtrises that will &asistresarcher in locatingthe report.) ICAP, ASCO, RELAP5/MOD2, Spray Valve 13. AVAILABILITY STATEMENT unlimited 14. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION (This Page) unclassified (This Report) unclassified 15. NUMBER OF PAGES 16. PRICE NRC FORM 335 (2-891 Federal Recycling Program NUREC/IA-0121 UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 A3Z)1,ZI~LfN 4- UP A f'l{t~L11SUItE SP1HAY VALVE PAUIJY OJPENING TRANSIENT AT ASCO NUCLEAR POWER PLANT WITH RELAIP5/iNOD2 DECEMBER 1993 FIRST CLASS MAIL POSTAGE AND FEES PAID USNRC PERMIT NO. G-67 OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 I