Hydrogen Effects on Air Oxidation of Zirlo Alloy
NUREG/CR–6851 ANL-04/14 Hydrogen Effects on Air Oxidation of Zirlo Alloy Argonne National Laboratory U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Washington, DC 20555-0001 AVAILABILITY OF REFERENCE MATERIALS IN NRC PUBLICATIONS NRC Reference Material Non-NRC Reference Material As of November 1999, you may electronically access NUREG-series publications and other NRC records at NRC’s Public Electronic Reading Room at Publicly released records include, to name a few, NUREG-series publications; Federal Register notices; applicant, licensee, and vendor documents and correspondence; NRC correspondence and internal memoranda; bulletins and information notices; inspection and investigative reports; licensee event reports; and Commission papers and their attachments. 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NUREG/CR-6851 ANL-04/14 Hydrogen Effects on Air Oxidation of Zirlo Alloy Manuscript Completed: August 2004 Date Published: October 2004 Prepared by K. Natesan, W.K. Soppet Argonne National Laboratory 9700 South Cass Avenue Argonne, IL 60439 S. Basu, NRC Project Manager Prepared for Division of Sytems Analysis and Regulatory Effectiveness Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 NRC Job Code Y6512 ii Hydrogen Effects on Air Oxidation of Zirlo Alloy by K. Natesan and W. K. Soppet Abstract An experimental program was conducted to generate data on the air oxidation kinetics of unirradiated Zirlo cladding with preoxidation and prehydriding to simulate inventory of spent fuel discharge after a medium or high level of fuel burnup. The oxide layer on the cladding was formed by a preoxidation step in a steam environment for 140 h at 550°C, which resulted in an oxide thickness in the range of 25-30 µm. Prehydriding treatment was done by charging hydrogen to cladding and the process was tailored to produce hydrogen concentration in the range of 100-1000 wppm, typical of medium to high burnup cladding. The prehydrided and prehydrided/steam-preoxidized specimens were subsequently oxidized in air at temperatures in the range of 300-600°C. The maximum air oxidation times ranged between 300 h at 600°C and ≈1000 h at 300°C. Weight-change and oxide-thickness were measured on the specimens exposed at various times to establish the kinetics of the scaling process as a function of temperature. Extensive metallography and hardness measurements were performed on the tested specimens to examine the oxide scale development and hydrogen ingress into the material. Weight-change and oxide-thickness data, generated in the present program, were used to develop correlations to depict the air oxidation behavior of prehydrided alloys with and without steam preoxidation. A comparison of the oxidation data on Zirlo with and without prehydriding (performed in gas phase hydrogen and/or in steam) indicated that hydrogen concentration in the range of 100-1000 wppm had minimal effect on the Zirlo oxidation rate in air at temperatures in the range of 300-600°C. iii iv Contents Abstract .................................................................................................................................... iii Executive Summary ................................................................................................................. ix Foreword .................................................................................................................................. xi Acknowledgments.................................................................................................................... xiii 1 Introduction...................................................................................................................... 1 2 Background ..................................................................................................................... 3 3 Experimental Procedure ................................................................................................. 5 3.1 Material................................................................................................................ 5 3.2 Specimen Geometry ........................................................................................... 5 3.3 Prehydriding of Ring and Capsule Specimens................................................... 5 3.4 Steam Exposure of Prehydrided Ring and Capsule Specimens ....................... 8 3.5 Air Exposure........................................................................................................ 8 Prehydriding of Zirlo........................................................................................................ 11 4.1 Gas Phase Hydriding.......................................................................................... 11 4.2 Hydriding in Steam.............................................................................................. 12 4.3 Hydriding of Capsules......................................................................................... 13 5 Air Oxidation of Prehydrided Zirlo................................................................................... 15 6 Air Oxidation of Prehydrided and Steam-Preoxidized Zirlo............................................ 19 7 Correlations for Oxidation Kinetics ................................................................................. 25 8 Conclusion....................................................................................................................... 29 References............................................................................................................................... 31 4 v Figures 2.1 Zr-H phase diagram, indicating extremely low value for hydrogen solubility in Zr alloy at the reactor operating temperature of 320°C ................................................. 4 2.2 Solubility of hydrogen in Zircaloy-4 as a function of reciprocal temperature ............ 4 2.3 Total hydrogen concentration as a function of volume fraction of ZrH2 phase at temperatures in the range of 100-600°C: 0-0.1 ZrH 2 and 0-0.01 ZrH2 ..................... 4 3.1 Test facility used for hydrogen charging of ring and capsule specimens of Zirlo..... 6 3.2 Typical ring specimens of Zirlo after exposure for hydriding at 320°C ..................... 7 3.3 Capsule specimens of Zirlo before and after hydriding treatment... ......................... 7 3.4 Test facility used for steam preoxidation of prehydrided Zirlo specimens................ 8 4.1 Hydrogen concentration in Zirlo ring specimens as a function of exposure time in pure hydrogen gas at 320°C...................................................................................... 11 Hydrogen concentration and ZrO2 thickness in Zirlo ring specimens as a function of exposure time in steam at 550°C .......................................................................... 12 Hydrogen concentration as a function of oxide thickness for Zirlo specimens steam oxidized at 550°C............................................................................................ 13 Weight change in 75-mm-long capsule specimens after 170-h exposure in pure hydrogen gas at 320°C .............................................................................................. 14 Weight change during air oxidation in capsule specimens of bare and prehydrided Zirlo after 170-h exposure in pure hydrogen gas at 320°C................... 16 Weight change during air oxidation in capsule specimens of bare Zirlo specimens and in ring specimens of prehydrided Zirlo that were exposed for 452 h in pure hydrogen gas at 320°C .............................................................................................. 17 SEM photomicrograph of cross section of Zirlo capsule prehydrided for 170 h at 320°C ......................................................................................................................... 17 SEM photomicrograph of cross section of initially prehydrided Zirlo capsule, after air oxidation for 500 h at 500°C. ................................................................................ 18 SEM photomicrograph of cross section of initially prehydrided Zirlo capsule, after air oxidation for 316 h at 600°C ................................................................................. 18 Weight change data obtained at 500 and 600°C during air oxidation of Zirlo capsule specimens that were initially either only steam oxidized or prehydrided/steam oxidized....................................................................................... 20 Weight change data obtained at 300 and 400°C during air oxidation of Zirlo capsule specimens that were initially either only steam oxidized or prehydrided/steam oxidized....................................................................................... 20 Oxide thickness data obtained at 500 and 600°C during air oxidation of Zirlo capsule specimens that were initially either only steam oxidized or prehydrided/steam oxidized....................................................................................... 21 Oxide thickness data obtained at 300 and 400°C during air oxidation of Zirlo capsule specimens that were initially either only steam oxidized or prehydrided/steam oxidized....................................................................................... 21 4.2 4.3 4.4 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 vi 6.5 Knoop microhardness indentations on as-received Zirlo cladding tube ................... 22 6.6 Knoop microhardness indentations on initially prehydrided Zirlo cladding tube after 1026-h air oxidation at 300°C............................................................................ 22 Knoop microhardness indentations on initially steam-oxidized Zirlo cladding tube after 1000-h air oxidation at 300°C............................................................................ 22 Knoop microhardness indentations on initially prehydrided/steam-oxidized Zirlo cladding tube after 973-h air oxidation at 300°C....................................................... 22 6.9 Knoop hardness profiles for as-received Zirlo in four quadrants .............................. 22 6.10 Knoop hardness profiles in four quadrants for initially steam-preoxidized Zirlo after 1000-h exposure in air at 300°C ....................................................................... 22 Knoop hardness profiles for Zirlo in as-received condition and after several treatments. ................................................................................................................. 23 Parabolic rate constant in the pre-breakaway region for air oxidation of Zirlo, indicating minimal effect of hydrogen up to ≈1000 wppm on the oxidation kinetics at 300-600°C.............................................................................................................. 27 Parabolic rate constant in the post-breakaway region for air oxidation of Zirlo, indicating minimal effect of hydrogen up to ≈1000 wppm on the oxidation kinetics at 400-600°C.............................................................................................................. 27 Oxide growth rate constant in the pre-breakaway region for air oxidation of Zirlo, indicating minimal effect of hydrogen up to ≈1000 wppm on the scaling kinetics at 400-600°C .................................................................................................................. 27 Oxide growth rate constant in the post-breakaway region for air oxidation of Zirlo, indicating minimal effect of hydrogen up to ≈1000 wppm on the scaling kinetics at 400-600°C .................................................................................................................. 28 6.7 6.8 6.11 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 vii Tables 3.1 Chemical composition of Zirlo used in the study....................................................... 5 4.1 Hydrogen concentration in Zirlo rings after prehydriding treatment in hydrogen gas.............................................................................................................................. 11 4.2 Oxide thickness and hydrogen concentration in Zirlo rings after steam exposure... 12 5.1 Air oxidation data for Zirlo capsules that were prehydrided in hydrogen gas for 170 h at 320°C ........................................................................................................... 15 Air oxidation results for 25-mm-long ring samples of Zirlo that were prehydrided in hydrogen gas for 452 h at 320°C........................................................................... 16 Air oxidation results for Zirlo capsules that were prehydrided in hydrogen gas for 170 h at 320°C and steam preoxidized for 140 h at 550°C ...................................... 19 Parabolic rate constants, based on weight change and oxide thickness, for air oxidation of Zirlo cladding with various pretreatments .............................................. 26 5.2 6.1 7.1 viii Executive Summary The kinetics of cladding oxidation in an air environment is important in many safety-related studies on nuclear reactors. For example, in a pressurized thermal shock event, the reactor pressure vessel may be breached, leading to air intrusion in the core and consequent oxidation of relatively cold fuel cladding. Another example is structural failure of the dry storage and transportation cask, which may result in air intrusion and consequent interaction with the spent fuel rods. In spent fuel pool accidents arising from loss of pool inventory, spent fuel rods can be exposed to an air environment. In all these cases, knowledge of the air oxidation kinetics of the cladding at relatively low temperatures is essential in assessing and determining the margin for its integrity. In an extensive experimental study, we previously tested Zircaloy-4, Zirlo, and M5 cladding materials to establish the air oxidation kinetics for the alloys in both bare and steampreoxidized conditions (Natesan and Soppet, 2004). Weight change and oxide thickness were measured over a wide temperature range, and the results from that study were used to develop oxidation rate correlations for all three materials. The study showed that all three alloys, initially in the steam-preoxidized condition, could undergo further oxidation in the event of air ingress. It was concluded that the rate at which the oxide scale grows is dependent on the cladding temperature, exposure time, and alloy composition. The data and correlations on oxide scale development were presented in an earlier report (NUREG/CR-6846). The objective of this program is to obtain experimental data on the air oxidation kinetics of unirradiated Zirlo cladding that has been prehydrided in hydrogen gas with or without steam preoxidation. Experiments were conducted in which Zirlo ring and capsule specimens were exposed in a hydrogen environment at 320°C and for various time periods. Prehydriding treatment was tailored to obtain hydrogen concentrations in a range of 100-1000 wppm. Steam preoxidation treatment was conducted to obtain an oxide thickness of ≈25 µm. The prehydrided and prehydrided/steam-preoxidized Zirlo capsule specimens were subsequently oxidized in air at temperatures in the range of 300-600°C. The maximum air oxidation times ranged between ≈1000 h at 300°C and 300 h at 600°C. Weight change and oxide thickness were measured on the specimens exposed at various times to establish the kinetics of the scaling process as a function of temperature. Extensive metallography of cross sections of prehydrided and air-oxidized specimens was conducted to measure the scale thickness and to establish the distribution of hydride precipitates across the cladding thickness. Hardness measurements were made on specimens with various treatments to examine the variation, if any, in the strength of the alloy due to hydrogen ingress. Knoop hardness indentations that were made at several locations across the cladding thickness in various specimens exhibited negligible variation, indicating uniform distribution of hydrogen. The air-oxidized specimens with various pretreatments were analyzed for hydrogen content, and the results were used to correlate the parabolic oxidation rate and oxide-thickness growth rate with hydrogen concentration in the alloy. Data indicated that exposure of the Zirlo specimen at elevated temperature (e.g., steam preoxidation at 550°C) had a much more softening effect than the hardening effect that can result from higher hydrogen content (e.g., 695 and 735 wppm in steam oxidized specimens). ix We concluded that hydrogen concentration in Zirlo in the range of 100-1000 wppm has negligible deleterious effect on the kinetics of oxidation in air at temperatures in the range of 300-600°C. Furthermore, the scaling data indicated a negligible effect of hydrogen concentration in the range of 100-1000 wppm on the scale growth. x Foreword The kinetics of cladding oxidation in air environment is important in many safety-related investigations. For example, in spent fuel pool accident arising from loss of pool water inventory, spent fuel rods can be exposed to an air environment. Knowledge of air oxidation kinetics of cladding at relatively low temperatures is needed in assessing safety and determining the margin for clad integrity in all these cases. Prior data on cladding oxidation in air environment was based on a very limited set of experiments not directly applicable to the low temperature range of interest for the above cases. More recently, a research program, sponsored by the NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research was conducted at the Argonne National Laboratory to obtain experimental data on air oxidation kinetics of cladding which are representatives of current and/or projected inventory in operating reactors and in spent fuel discharged after a medium or high level of fuel burnup. The program consisted of a large number of experiments with specimens of Zircaloy-4, Zirlo, and M5 cladding in which the specimens were subjected to isothermal air oxidation at different temperatures and for different duration of time. The specimens were unirradiated but simulated in-reactor conditions in terms of oxide growth. Results from these experiments, documented previously in a report (NUREG/CR-6846) published in June 2004, indicated no discernible deleterious effect of the pre-existing oxide layer from the in-reactor operation on further clad oxidation in an air environment. The results also confirmed that the correlations developed in this experimental study are in fair agreement with those used previously for the spent fuel pool risk study. The present report documents the results of additional experiments conducted at the Argonne National Laboratory to investigate the effect of hydrides on subsequent air oxidation kinetics of cladding. The hydrides form on the cladding surface during in-reactor operation as a result of hydrogen pickup from the corrosion process during oxidation of cladding by water and steam. The hydrogen picked up migrates in colder regions of the cladding and tends to form hydride rings or pockets of concentrated hydrides. The hydrides have potential deleterious effects on subsequent oxidation kinetics and mechanical behavior of the cladding. The additional experiments were performed with Zirlo cladding which comprises, in large part, the inventory of most recently discharged fuel in spent fuel pool, particularly that related to higher burnup fuel. The older fuels have Zircaloy-4 cladding, which is known to pick up substantially more hydrogen than Zirlo at a higher burnup. However, these fuels have much less decay heat associated with them and, as such, the cladding is not prone to significant thermal stress or accelerated oxidation kinetics. In contrast to Zircaloy-4 and Zirlo, there is very little, if any, current or projected inventory of M5 cladding in the spent fuel pool. Besides, the M5 cladding is known to pick up less hydrogen during in-reactor operation compared to Zirlo and Zircaloy-4 and, as such, the effect of hydrides may be less significant for M5. The results of the current series of experiments show that hydrogen pickup in Zirlo in the range of 100-1000 wppm during in-reactor operation has negligible effect on the kinetics of oxidation in air at temperatures in the range of 300-600°C. Noting that this level of hydrogen pickup is representative of medium to high burnup operation, the results suggest no noticeable deleterious effect of hydrides on air oxidation of Zirlo that was previously oxidized in steam environment during in-reactor operation. At temperatures higher than 600•C, the hydrides go into solution and do not affect the cladding behavior and thus, the air oxidation kinetics. The air oxidation data reported here and in the companion report NUREG/CR-6846 will provide more xi realistic analysis of the spent fuel pool heatup and thus will add more confidence on the analysis of spent fuel pool safety issues. Farouk Eltawila, Director Division of Systems Analysis and Regulatory Effectiveness xii Acknowledgments This work is sponsored by the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, under Job Code Y6512; Program Manager: S. Basu. Cladding tubes of Zirlo were supplied by Westinghouse, Pittsburgh, PA. L. Cairo and M. Baquera assisted in the metallography and in oxide thickness and hardness measurements of the hydrogen-charged and air-oxidized specimens. Hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen analyses were performed by Argonne National Laboratory, LECO Corporation, and Staveley Company. xiii xiv 1 Introduction The kinetics of cladding oxidation in an air environment is important in many safety-related studies on nuclear reactors. For example, in a pressurized thermal shock event, the reactor pressure vessel may be breached, leading to air intrusion in the core and consequent oxidation of relatively cold fuel cladding. Another example is structural failure of the dry storage and transportation cask, which may result in air intrusion and consequent interaction with the spent fuel rods. In both cases, knowledge of the air oxidation kinetics of the cladding at relatively low temperatures is essential in assessing and determining the margin for its integrity. Zirconium-based alloys are prone to oxidize fairly easily because of their affinity for oxygen and the inherent thermodynamic stability of the zirconium oxide that forms when the alloys are exposed to steam and air environments at elevated temperatures. High temperature oxidation of zirconium and zirconium alloys in oxygen, air, and steam has been the subject of extensive research due to their use as cladding materials in nuclear reactors (Cubiciotti, 1950; Gulbransen and Andrew, 1957; Pemsler, 1962, 1964; Mackay, 1963; Wallwork et al., 1964; Kidson, 1966; Com-Nougue et al., 1969; Pawel, 1979; Pawel and Campbell, 1980). Over the years, several studies have been conducted to evaluate the kinetics of oxidation of Zr-based alloys in steam environments, but most of the studies were conducted at temperatures >700°C on bare alloys and for short time periods to predict the cladding behavior under loss-of-coolant situations (Leistikow et al., 1978, 1980; Leistikow and Berg, 1987; Moalem and Olander, 1991; Rosa and Smeltzer, 1980; Powers et al., 1994). The effect of hydrogen, if any, on the oxidation process was not evaluated in these studies. During the past two years, an extensive oxidation study was conducted at Argonne National Laboratory on Zr-based cladding materials to establish the air oxidation kinetics for the alloys in both bare and steam-preoxidized conditions (Natesan and Soppet, 2004). The objective of the program was to obtain experimental data on the air oxidation kinetics of unirradiated Zircaloy-4, Zirlo, and M5 cladding with an oxide layer that is representative of the current inventory of spent fuel discharged after a medium or high level of fuel burnup. Weight change and oxide thickness were determined for bare and steam preoxidized conditions over a wide temperature range, and the results were used to develop oxidation rate correlations for all three materials. The expected oxide thickness on the cladding stored in spent fuel pool is in the range of 25-30 µm after service in medium burnup conditions and can be as high as 100 µm after high burnup service. The aim of the earlier study was to preoxidize the bare cladding in a steam environment to achieve an oxide thickness of 25-30 µm, which simulates the oxide layer on the cladding in spent fuel pool (Natesan and Soppet, 2004). The air oxidation tests were performed on the steam-preoxidized cladding at temperatures representative of cladding heatup in the event of a partial or full draining of spent fuel pool coolant. Tests were performed on all three alloys over a wide temperature range of 300-900°C, with emphasis on the low temperature regime of 300-600°C. The present study aims to examine the role, if any, of hydrogen ingress into the alloy on subsequent oxidation of Zirlo cladding in an air environment. The report discusses the hydrogen uptake by Zirlo in a gaseous hydrogen and a steam environment. Experimental procedures are described and kinetic data are presented on air oxidation of prehydrided and prehydrided/steam-preoxidized Zirlo alloy in both ring and capsule forms at temperatures in the 1 range of 300-600°C. Hydrogen concentration in the specimens in the prehydrided condition was confined to a range of 100-1000 wppm. Extensive metallography of cross sections of prehydrided and air-oxidized specimens was conducted to measure the scale thickness and to establish the distribution of hydride precipitates across the cladding thickness. Hardness measurements were made on specimens with various treatments to examine the indentation size, and thereby establish the hydrogen distribution across the thickness of the cladding. The air-oxidized specimens with various pretreatments were analyzed for hydrogen content, and the results were used to correlate the parabolic oxidation rate and oxide-thickness growth rate with hydrogen concentration in the alloy. 2 2 Background Zirconium-based alloys, in general, have a strong affinity for oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen, and the cladding, such as Zirlo, could develop a zirconium oxide (ZrO 2) scale during reactor service, as a result of chemical reaction of Zr metal with water. At the same time, the alloy also absorbs hydrogen, that is released from reaction of the Zr metal with water. The thickness of the external oxide scale and amount of hydrogen ingress into the alloy are strongly dependent on exposure time and temperature. Figure 2.1 shows the Zr-H phase diagram, indicating a low solubility value for hydrogen in the alloy (α phase) at the reactor operating temperature of 320°C (Hansen and Anderko, 1958). Several investigators have measured the solubility of hydrogen in Zr-based alloys by a variety of techniques (Gulbransen and Andrew, 1955; Sawatzky, 1960; Ostberg, 1962; Westerman, 1966; Erickson and Hardie, 1964; and Kearns, 1967). Several studies concluded that Zr and its alloys exhibit significant supersaturation of hydrogen, depending on the alloy composition. As a result, there was significant scatter in the solubility values measured by different investigators. Kearns (1967) measured solubility by a diffusion couple method, which was not subject to supersaturation. To check possible compositional effects, he used iodide and sponge zirconium, Zircaloy-2, and Zircaloy-4. Kearns determined the terminal solubility by hydrogen analysis of the low-hydrogen part of diffusion couples made by resistance welding hydride-bearing samples (2.5-cm long) to opposite sides of hydrogen-free samples (0.64-cm long) and annealing to equilibrium in the temperature range of 260 to 525°C. The hydrogen content of the high-hydrogen part of the couple was in the range of 500-2000 wppm, which was sufficient to maintain a two-phase mixture of hydride and saturated alpha solid solution during diffusion anneal. In this method, supersaturation of the low-hydrogen part of the couple was avoided since diffusion raised the level only to that of the alpha phase in the two-phase mixture. Hydrogen concentration in the equilibrated specimens was analyzed by the hot vacuum extraction method. The best-fit straight line through the data points for hydrogen solubility in annealed Zircaloy-2 and Zircaloy-4 was represented by an equation Solubility (wppm) = 9.9 x 10 4 exp(-8250/RT) (2.1) where R is the universal gas constant (1.987 cal/mol·K), and T is absolute temperature (Kearns, 1967). A representation of the hydrogen solubility as a function of reciprocal temperature is shown in Fig. 2.2. Hydrogen solubility values are 1, 71, 207, 460, and 851 wppm at 100, 300, 400, 500, and 600°C, respectively. It is believed that the solubility of hydrogen in Zircaloy-4 and Zirlo is similar in the temperature range of the present study. The hydrogen concentration range in the current air-oxidation study of Zirlo is 100-1000 wppm, which indicates that some hydrogen will be present as hydride precipitates depending on temperature. By assuming that Zr hydride is a stoichiometric compound (ZrH2) and the solubility of hydrogen is identical in Zircaloy-4 and Zirlo, we have calculated the total hydrogen content in the alloy as a function of volume fraction of hydride precipitates at 100600°C. Figure 2.3 shows the total hydrogen content in the alloy as a function of hydride volume fraction. The calculations indicate that for a total hydrogen content of 1000 wppm, the volume fraction of hydride (at equilibrium) will be 0.055, 0.044, 0.03, and 0.005 at 100, 300, 500, and 600°C. 3 Figure 2.1. Zr-H phase diagram, indicating extremely low value for hydrogen solubility in Zr alloy (α phase) at the reactor operating temperature of 320°C. H Temperature (°C) 600 400 200 300 100 Hydrogen concentration (wppm) 1000 Figure 2.2. Solubility of hydrogen in Zircaloy-4 as a function of reciprocal temperature. 100 H (wppm) = 9.9 x 104 exp (-8250/RT) 10 1 10 15 20 25 (a) 2500 600°C 1200 550°C Total hydrogen concentration (wppm) Total hydrogen concentration (wppm) !0,000/T(K) 500°C 300°C 200°C 2000 1500 100°C 1000 500 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 (b) 600°C 1000 550°C 800 500°C 600 300°C 400 200°C 200 100°C 0 0 0.1 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 ZrH volume fraction in Zr alloy ZrH volume fraction in Zr alloy 2 2 Figure 2.3. Total hydrogen concentration as a function of volume fraction of ZrH2 phase at temperatures in the range of 100-600°C: (a) 0-0.1 ZrH2 and (b) 0-0.01 ZrH 2. 4 3 Experimental Procedure This section discusses the size and composition of the test material, type and geometry of the specimens used in various tests, and the facilities and approach for prehydriding, steam preoxidation, and air oxidation of the specimens. 3.1 Material The Zirlo material used in the study was supplied by Westinghouse. The material, supplied in the form of tubes, had dimensions of 0.374 ± 0.0020 in. OD (9.45 ± 0.05 mm), and 0.328 ± 0.0015 in. ID (8.33 ± 0.038 mm), with an average wall thickness of 0.023 in. (0.58 mm). The chemical composition was determined by both Westinghouse and ANL, and the values are listed in Table 3.1. Table 3.1. Chemical composition of Zirlo used in the study Element1 Westinghouse analysis ANL analysis 2 Sn (wt.%) 0.99 0.73, 0.74 Fe (wt.%) 0.11 0.11, 0.12 Nb (wt.%) 0.98 0.96, 0.88 Cr (wt.%) NR3 <0.01, <0.01 Si (wt.%) 0.005 <0.005, <0.005 Zr (wt.%) Balance Balance Hf (wt ppm) 40 200, 200 C (wt ppm) 135 180, 90 O (wt ppm) 1100 1200, 1300 H (wt ppm) NR 3.5, 5.7 N (wt ppm) 46 34, 36 Ni (wt ppm) NR <100, <100 Ta (wt ppm) NR <50, <50 W (wt ppm) NR <100, <100 1 Units of measure in parentheses. 2Duplicate analysis. 3NR = Not reported. 3.2 Specimen Geometry We used two types of specimens: rings ≈6.5 mm long and capsules 75 mm long. The ring specimens established the time for the prehydriding at 320°C to obtain the desired hydrogen concentration in the cladding, and the time and temperature for steam preoxidation of capsule specimens to obtain an oxide thickness ≈25-30 µm. Zirlo capsule specimens 75 mm in length were fabricated, and the capsules were back filled with argon gas and welded shut in a glove box. The capsule specimens were welded by e-beam on one side and tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding on the other side. The end caps were fabricated from Zircadyne 702 material. These specimens were used for air oxidation study in the initially prehydrided and prehydrided/steampreoxidized conditions. 3.3 Prehydriding of Ring and Capsule Specimens Hydrogen charging of ring and capsule samples of Zirlo was performed in two similar radiant-furnace systems, each equipped with a retort tube. Figure 3.1 shows a schematic of the 5 hydrogen-charging apparatus. Both systems are designed for experiments in hydrogen gas with flow rates up to 300 cc/min at pressures from atmospheric (0.10 MPa) to 0.12 MPa. Flow rates are computer controlled with Brooks mass-flow controllers. Furnace system-1 has a quartz retort tube that is 24-in (60-cm) long with a 2 in. (5-cm) I.D. It also has a uniform heat zone 6-in. (15-cm) long. System-2 has a 99.8% alumina retort tube that is 36-in (90-cm) long with a 3.5 in. (8.75-cm) I.D. It has a uniform heat zone that is 8 in. (20 cm) long. Both systems are able to maintain the temperature within 1°C of the desired value over the heat zone. System-1 is capable of 320°C heat-up in 15 min and cool-down to room temperature in 2 h. System-2 has a slower heat-up and cool-down due to its larger size. This condition also minimizes the thermal shock fracture of the alumina reaction tube. System-1 was used primarily to conduct kinetic studies of the hydrogen charging process on ring specimens. System-2 was used for batch processing of Zirlo capsules for both hydrogen charging and steam preoxidation. Zirlo ring and capsule samples were prepared for hydrogen charging by a light polishing with 1200-grit SiC paper to remove any surface oxides. They were then ultrasonically degreased with acetone followed by drying with a warm air blower. Figure 3.2 shows typical ring specimens after hydriding treatment at 320°C. Samples were weighed before and after hydrogen charging with a Mettler Model M5 microgram balance that has five-decimal-place precision. The difference yielded the hydrogen weight gain. Following weighing, the samples were placed on a holder assembly and inserted into the uniform heat zone of the retort tube such that the recording thermocouple well was at the midpoint of the holder assembly. The holder assemblies in furnace systems 1 and 2 were constructed of quartz and Alloy 625, respectively. QUARTZ SPECIMEN HOLDER Oxygen Filter QUARTZ CHAMBER FURNACE ALUMINA THERMOCOUPLE WELL VENT GAS TO LAB EXHAUST SYSTEM UHP Argon UHP Hydrogen Mass Flow Controllers Back-Pressure Regulator Figure 3.1. Test facility used for hydrogen charging of ring and capsule specimens of Zirlo. 6 Figure 3.2. Typical ring specimens of Zirlo after exposure for hydriding at 320°C. After loading the samples into the furnace retort chamber, the port opening was sealed closed with a Viton o-ring compression seal. The retort chamber was initially purged with ultrahigh-purity (UHP) argon Gas (99.999 vol.%) at 200 cc/min flow rate for a minimum of 4 h at slightly above atmospheric pressure. Subsequently, the system was purged further by switching to research-grade hydrogen (99.9995 vol.%) at the 100 cc/min flow rate for 20 h. The hydrogen gas flowed through an oxygen absorbing gas-purifying filter (LabClear Model DGPR1) prior to entering the retort chamber. After the purging period, the furnace was heated to 320°C in 15 min for the quartz chamber and 3 h for the alumina chamber to begin the hydrogen charging time. Upon completion of the specimen exposure, the furnace was cooled down while hydrogen gas flow was maintained at the test flow rate. The system-1 quartz chamber was cooled to room temperature in ≈2 h, while the alumina chamber in system-2 required ≈4 h cool down period. At room temperature, hydrogen gas was flushed out of the retort chambers with UHP argon gas at a flow rate of 200 cc/min for 30 min. Furnace chambers were then vented, and hydrogen-charged specimens were retrieved for visual inspection and weight-gain determination. Samples were stored in polyethelene bags for future steam preoxidation and/or air oxidation. Figure 3.3 shows capsule specimens of Zirlo before (left figure) and after hydriding exposure for 170 h in hydrogen gas at 320°C (right figure). Figure 3.3. Capsule specimens of Zirlo (75-mm long) before (in holder) and after hydriding treatment. Dark gray color: as fabricated; dark black color: after 170-h exposure in hydrogen gas at 320°C. 7 3.4 Steam Exposure of Prehydrided Ring and Capsule Specimens Two tubular resistance-heated furnaces were used to expose the ring and capsule specimens to steam oxidation. Figure 3.4 shows one of the facilities used for steam oxidation. The system consists of a resistance-heated furnace with a constant temperature zone of ≈20 cm. The reaction chamber was made of high-purity alumina. The steam for the experiment was generated by pumping distilled water from a water source and converting it to steam in the preheat portion of the furnace, ahead of the specimen exposure location. The exhaust steam from the chamber was condensed in a steam condenser. The flow rate was 6 cc/h of water. A mass balance on the water flow showed that almost all the input water was collected as the effluent, indicating that the steam consumption was negligible during the oxidation of specimens. Argon gas was used to disperse the steam in the reaction chamber. 3.5 Air Exposure Four resistance-heated furnaces were used for oxidation of prehydrided and prehydrided/steam-preoxidized zirlo capsule specimens in air. The capsules were retrieved periodically to measure the weight changes and determine the oxide thickness by optical metallography. Alumina chamber Steam condenser Furnace Water source Water pump Controller T recorder Figure 3.4. Test facility used for steam preoxidation of prehydrided Zirlo specimens. 8 For the prehydrided/steam-preoxidized specimens that were subsequently exposed in air, the specimens after each exposure time were cut, mounted, polished, and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to determine the total oxide thickness and that developed during the air exposure step. Total oxide thickness was measured in the four quadrants around the capsule specimen, and the values were averaged to establish the scale thickness. Oxide growth during air exposure was calculated from the measured weight change. 9 10 4 Prehydriding of Zirlo 4.1 Gas Phase Hydriding Ring specimens of Zirlo were hydrided in 99.9995 vol.% hydrogen gas at 320°C, the details of which were presented in Section 3.3. Table 4.1 lists the H concentration values obtained on various ring specimens after exposure to hydrogen gas at 320°C. Figure 4.1 shows the hydrogen concentrations obtained on several ring specimens as a function of exposure time. Based on this information, conditions of 170 h at 320°C were selected for the exposure of Zirlo capsule specimens to obtain a hydrogen concentration of 600 wppm, typical of levels anticipated under high-burnup condition. Table 4.1. Hydrogen concentration in Zirlo rings after prehydriding treatment in hydrogen gas Specimen Number Exposure time in hydrogen gas (h) Measured hydrogen concentration (wppm) ZRL-1 - 3.5 As-received CONAM ZRL-2 - 5.7 As-received CONAM ZLH-A 6.3 90.6 None Staveley ZLH-B 12.4 92.7 None Staveley ZLH-C 28.4 175.0 None Staveley ZLH-D 68.4 321.0 None Staveley ZLH-D 68.4 360.0 None Staveley ZLH-E 64.2 202.0 None Staveley None ANL ZLH-F 24.2 1 187.0, 202.0 Specimen Pretreatment Hydrogen Analysis Performer 1 Duplicate analysis. 600 H concentration (wppm) 500 Figure 4.1. Hydrogen concentration in Zirlo ring specimens as a function of exposure time in pure hydrogen gas at 320°C. 400 300 200 100 0 0 50 100 Exposure time (h) 150 200 11 4.2 Hydriding in Steam We also exposed several ring specimens of Zirlo in a steam environment at 550°C for several time periods. Our goal was to examine the hydrogen ingress into the material from steam exposure and also to establish the oxide thickness for the exposed specimens. These specimens were also analyzed for hydrogen content, and the oxide thickness was calculated from the weight change. Figure 4.2 shows the hydrogen concentration and oxide thickness for the Zirlo ring specimens as a function of exposure time in steam at 550°C. Based on these data, prehydriding of bare capsules was followed by steam exposure to obtain 30-µm-thick oxide. The hydrogen content of these specimens is expected to be higher than 600 wppm, and the results from these exposures are discussed in a later section. Table 4.2. Oxide thickness and hydrogen concentration in Zirlo rings after steam exposure Specimen Number Exposure time (h) Weight change (mg/mm2) AR 0 -2 Measured ZrO2 oxide thickness (µm) Measured hydrogen concentration (wppm) Average hydrogen concentration (wppm) - 5.0 5.0 1 ZRL-H 144.0 3.7 x 10 24.6 1265, 1156 1211 ZRL-J 139.5 3.9 x 10-2 27.0 1311, 12041 1258 -2 1 ZRL-K 48.0 1.1 x 10 10.8 223, 197 210 ZRL-L 15.9 5.5 x 10-3 4.7 20.3 20.3 ZRL-M 33.1 -3 9.5 x 10 8.3 122 122 ZRL-N 62.6 1.8 x 10-2 12.8 569 569 -2 ZRL-O 129.4 3.7 x 10 25.9 1252 1252 ZRL-P 178.4 5.2 x 10-2 38.6 1574 1574 254.9 -2 46.7 2221 2221 ZRL-R 7.2 x 10 1 2500 100 2000 80 1500 60 1000 40 500 20 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Exposure time (h) 12 300 Oxide thickness (µm) Hydrogen concentration (wppm) Duplicate analysis; these were performed by LECO Corporation, and all others were performed at ANL. Figure 4.2. Hydrogen concentration and ZrO 2 thickness in Zirlo ring specimens as a function of exposure time in steam at 550°C. An attempt was made to correlate the oxide scale thickness with the hydrogen concentration in the alloy and examine the role of dissolved oxygen in the water/steam. In our steaming experiments, water (in the aerated condition) was pumped into the furnace and converted into steam prior to reaction with the Zirlo specimens. As a result, there are two possible reactions (extreme cases) that can lead to hydrogen ingress into the alloy: Zr + 2H2O = ZrO2 + 4H (deaerated condition) (4.1) Zr + H2O + 1/2 O2 = ZrO2 + 2H (aerated condition) (4.2) Figure 4.3 shows a plot of measured and calculated hydrogen concentrations as a function of oxide thickness for Zilro specimens after steam exposure. Also shown in the figure are the lines that correspond to expected hydrogen in the alloy for oxide thicknesses based on reactions (4.1) and (4.2). Hydrogen concentration (wppm) 3500 3000 Deaerated Zr + 2H O = ZrO + 4H 2 2500 2 2000 1500 Aerated Zr + H O + 1/2O (dissolved) = ZrO + 2H 1000 2 2 2 Hydrogen Conc. with Calculated Oxide 500 Calculated Hydrogen Conc. (deaerated) Calculated Hydrogen Conc. (aerated) 0 Hydrogen Conc. with Measured Oxide 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Oxide thickness (µm) Figure 4.3. Hydrogen concentration as a function of oxide thickness for Zilo specimens steam oxidized at 550°C. 4.3 Hydriding of Capsules Based on the H ingress data on ring specimens, we hydrided several 75-mm-long capsules of Zirlo in a pure hydrogen gas at 320°C for 170 h. Figure 4.4 shows the weight gain for 14 capsules from two exposure runs that were conducted to prehydride the Zirlo capsules. The weight change for the capsules ranged between 6 x 10 -4 and 1.1 x 10-3 mg/mm 2. The prehydrided capsules were used in subsequent tests for air oxidation with and without steam preoxidation. 13 Weight Change (mg/mm2) 10-3 Figure 4.4. Weight change in 75mm-long capsule specimens after 170-h exposure in pure hydrogen gas at 320°C. 10-4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Capsule Number 14 5 Air Oxidation of Prehydrided Zirlo Prehydrided capsules 1-4 were selected for the air oxidation study at 300, 400, 500, and 600°C. The specimens were retrieved periodically to measure the weight change of the capsules. The exposure times for these capsules ranged from a maximum of 1000 h at 300°C to 300 h at 600°C. Tables 5.1 and 5.2 list the air oxidation data generated at various temperatures and the measured concentrations for hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen in all the specimens tested. Upon completion of the air exposures, the specimens were analyzed for their hydrogen content by bulk analysis and for hydrogen distribution by metallography. Figure 5.1 shows the weight change data obtained at 300-600°C during air oxidation of Zirlo capsules, that were prehydrided for 170 h in hydrogen gas at 320°C. Also shown in the figure are the air oxidation data developed earlier for bare Zirlo that contained ≈5 wppm hydrogen (Natesan and Soppet, 2004). The results indicate that at hydrogen concentrations in the range of 116 to 329 wppm (measured in these prehydrided capsules – see Table 5.1), hydrogen has virtually no effect on air oxidation kinetics. Figure 5.2 shows the weight change data obtained at 300-600°C during air oxidation of bare Zirlo capsules and Zirlo rings that were prehydrided for 452 h in H2 gas at 320°C. Note that the sealed capsules of the bare alloy were air oxidized on the OD side only, whereas the prehydrided ring specimens were oxidized on both the OD and ID of the specimens. The data in Figs. 5.1 and 5.2 are normalized with respect to area, and therefore, the weight change can be directly compared. Again, the rates are comparable for both bare and prehydrided specimens at all temperatures except 600°C, where the weight gain is slightly higher for prehydrided specimens. Table 5.1. Air oxidation data for Zirlo capsules that were prehydrided in hydrogen gas for 170 h at 320°C Exposure Specimen temperature Number in air (°C) ZLC-38 ZLC-34 300 Exposure time in air (h) 120 310 621 1026 Measured Weight Calculated hydrogen change ZrO2 thickness concentration (mg/mm2) (µm) (wppm) 170, 172 9.2 x 10-4 0.1 2.1 x 10-4 0.1 3.5 x 10-4 0.2 4.4 x 10-4 0.3 138, 130 Measured oxygen concentration (wt.%) 0.144, 0.142 Measured nitrogen concentration (wppm) 29, 26 ZLC-35 400 75 166 332 666 7.5 x 10-4 1.2 x 10-3 1.8 x 10-3 3.1 x 10-3 0.5 0.8 1.2 2.1 118, 116 0.194, 0.191 32, 32 ZLC-36 500 50 100 260 425 500 5.6 x 10-3 7.8 x 10-3 1.7 x 10-2 3.0 x 10-2 3.6 x 10-2 3.8 5.3 11.3 20.8 24.7 157, 156 0.848, 0.952 53, 54 ZLC-37 600 40 80 150 316 3.4 x 10-2 7.3 x 10-2 1.5 x 10-1 3.6 x 10-1 22.7 48.8 96.6 221.7 249, 329 4.45, 7.43 298, 300 15 Table 5.2. Air oxidation results for 25-mm-long ring samples of Zirlo that were prehydrided in hydrogen gas for 452 h at 320°C Specimen Number LHAE Exposure temperature in air (°C) 300 LHAD 400 LHAK 500 LHAM Calculated ZrO 2 thickness (µm) 0.1 0.1 Measured hydrogen concentration (wppm) - 607 1.2 x 10-3 0.8 - 1010 -3 1.5 88 75 146 -4 5.5 x 10 1.0 x 10-3 0.4 0.7 - 297 1.4 x 10-3 1.0 - 609 -3 1.6 53.4, 53.5 50 101 -3 5.0 x 10 6.3 x 10-3 3.3 4.3 - 248 1.4 x 10-2 9.7 - 536 -2 21.4 101.8, 100 43 59 -2 4.3 x 10 6.1 x 10-2 29.5 41.9 - 80 8.4 x 10-2 57.9 150 -1 1.7 x 10 114.6 - 302 3.7 x 10-1 254.9 350.6, 360.2 2.2 x 10 2.3 x 10 3.1 x 10 closed symbols: bare alloy capsules open symbols: prehydrided capsules for 170 h at 320°C 0.2 Weight change (mg/mm2) 600 Weight change (mg/mm2) 1.1 x 10-4 1.8 x 10-4 Exposure time in air (h) 100 295 Figure 5.1. Weight change during air oxidation in capsule specimens of bare and prehydrided Zirlo after 170-h exposure in pure hydrogen gas at 320°C. 0.16 600°C 0.12 0.08 500°C 0.04 400°C 300°C 24 32 0 0 8 16 Square root of exposure time in air (h0.5) 16 closed symbols: bare alloy capsules open symbols: prehydrided rings for 452 h at 320°C Weight change (mg/mm2) 0.2 Figure 5.2. Weight change during air oxidation in capsule specimens of bare Zirlo specimens and in ring specimens of prehydrided Zirlo that were exposed for 452 h in pure hydrogen gas at 320°C. 0.16 600°C 0.12 0.08 500°C 0.04 400°C 300°C 24 32 0 0 8 16 Square root of exposure time in air (h0.5) Figures 5.3-5.5 show cross sections of Zirlo capsules that were prehydrided at 320°C, prehydrided at 320°C/air oxidized for 500 h at 500°C, and prehydrided at 320°C/air oxidized for 316 h at 600°C. The prehydrided specimen containing ≈170 wppm hydrogen (which exceeds the solubility value of 90 wppm at 320°C) exhibited small circumferential stringers of ZrH2 precipitate. However, these hydrides dissolved in the matrix (note absence of precipitates in Figures 5.4 and 5.5) during air exposure at 500 and 600°C since the hydrogen solubility is much higher than 90 wppm at these higher temperatures. The oxide thicknesses observed upon air oxidation of the prehydrided specimens were similar to those observed during air oxidation of bare Zirlo specimens, the results of which were reported extensively in an earlier report (Natesan and Soppet, 2004). For example, the measured oxide thickness for the prehydrided alloy was 25.6 µm (calculated value was 24.7 µm) after 500-h oxidation at 500°C, whereas the corresponding value for bare alloy was 21.7 µm after 412-h oxidation at 500°C. Similarly, the measured oxide thickness for the prehydrided alloy was 228.1 µm (calculated value was 221.7 µm) after 316-h oxidation at 600°C, whereas the corresponding value for bare alloy was 219.4 µm after 313-h oxidation at 600°C. Figure 5.3. SEM photomicrograph of cross section of Zirlo capsule prehydrided for 170 h at 320°C. 17 Figure 5.4. SEM photomicrograph of cross Figure 5.5. SEM photomicrograph of cross section of initially prehydrided Zirlo capsule, section of initially prehydrided Zirlo capsule, after air oxidation for 500 h at 500°C. after air oxidation for 316 h at 600°C. 18 6 Air Oxidation of Prehydrided and Steam-Preoxidized Zirlo Several prehydrided capsule specimens were steam oxidized at 550°C for 140 h (a condition that was used in earlier study) to develop ≈25-µm-thick oxide on the prehydrided specimens. Two capsules were exposed in air at each of the four temperatures of 300, 400, 500, and 600°C. These specimens were retrieved periodically to measure their weight changes. The exposure times for these capsules ranged from a maximum of 1000 h at 300°C to 300 h at 600°C. At each temperature, one capsule was retrieved at an intermediate exposure time and destructively analyzed to establish the oxide thickness. Table 6.1 lists the air oxidation data generated at various temperatures and the measured concentrations for hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen in all the prehydrided/steam-preoxidized specimens tested. It is evident that prehydriding/steam preoxidation results in hydrogen concentration of ≈733 wppm (see specimen number ZLC-47 in Table 6.1). Air oxidation of these capsules at 300-500°C did not significantly increase the hydrogen concentration. At 600°C and exposure times >150 h, where significant cracking of the oxide scales is anticipated, the capsules showed somewhat larger hydrogen concentration than the starting value of ≈733 wppm. Figure 6.1 shows weight change data obtained at 500 and 600°C during air oxidation of specimens that were initially either only steam oxidized or prehydrided/steam-oxidized to obtain ≈25-µm-thick oxide. The prehydriding condition was 170 h at 320°C. The steam oxidation condition was 140 h at 550°C. The data indicate virtually no effect of prehydriding on air oxidation at 500°C and slightly beneficial effect at 600°C. Figure 6.2 shows weight change data Table 6.1. Air Oxidation results for Zirlo capsules that were prehydrided in hydrogen gas for 170 h at 320°C and steam preoxidized for 140 h at 550°C Specimen Number Exposure temperature in air (°C) Exposure time in air (h) Weight change in air (mg/mm2) ZLC-47 - - - ZLC-39 ZLC-41 ZLC-43 ZLC-46 1 300 400 500 600 Calculated Measured Measured ZrO2 ZrO2 thickness in hydrogen thickness steam and in air concentration (µm) (µm) (wppm) - 23.7 Measured oxygen concentration (wt.%) Measured nitrogen concentration (wppm) 729, 7371 1.00, 0.85 1 46, 571 96 -4 5.7 x 10 0.4 - - - 305 1.5 x 10-3 1.0 - - - 615 -3 2.0 x 10 1.4 973 2.3 x 10-3 1.6 73 1.9 x 10-3 160 2.8 x 10-3 326 -3 3.8 x 10 2.6 636 5.4 x 10-3 3.7 50 -3 3.8 x 10 100 7.6 x 10-3 262 -2 5.6 x 10 14.1 500 4.0 x 10-2 27.5 40 -2 4.2 x 10 27.9 80 8.7 x 10-2 56.4 150 -1 1.7 x 10 104.6 315 3.9 x 10-1 216.3 - - - 774, 779 1.07, 1.11 46, 45 1.3 - - - 1.9 - - - 27.9 739, 748 1.14, 1.15 43, 43 28.9 752, 757 1.09, 1.09 47, 47 2.6 - - - 5.2 - - - 37.2 752, 764 1.38, 1.45 75, 61 49.6 775, 784 1.91, 1.96 71, 67 50.1 726, 747 2.08, 1.61 84, 67 - - - 137.4 765, 881 5.05, 4.90 164, 163 269.2 849, 1136 8.85, 9.13 294, 298 25.8 Duplicate analysis. 19 open symbols: steam preoxidized closed symbols: prehydrided and steam oxidized Weight change (mg/mm2) 0.5 0.4 Figure 6.1. Weight change data obtained at 500 and 600°C during air oxidation of Zirlo capsule specimens that were initially either only steam oxidized or prehydrided/steam oxidized. 600°C 0.3 0.2 500°C 0.1 0 0 Weight change (mg/mm2) 0.016 5 10 15 20 25 30 Square root of exposure time in air (h 0.5) 35 40 open symbols: steam preoxidized closed symbols: prehydrided, steam preoxidized Figure 6.2. Weight change data obtained at 300 and 400°C during air oxidation of Zirlo capsule specimens that were initially either only steam oxidized or prehydrided/steam oxidized. 0.012 400°C 0.008 0.004 300°C 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Square root of exposure time in air (h 0.5) 35 40 obtained in air oxidation at 300 and 400°C. Results show that, at 300°C for up to 1000 h, the effect of prehydriding has virtually no effect on subsequent air oxidation. At 400°C, the prehydriding seems to have a beneficial effect in reducing the oxidation rate during subsequent air exposure. Figures 6.3 and 6.4 show the calculated oxide thickness for air-oxidized specimens that were initially either only steam oxidized or prehydrided/steam oxidized. Figures 6.5 and 6.6 show scanning electron microscopy (SEM) photomicrographs of cross sections of a Zirlo specimen in the as-received condition and a prehydrided specimen that was oxidized in air for 1026 h at 300°C. The latter specimen had an hydrogen concentration of ≈135 wppm, which exceeds the solubility value at 320°C. The microstructure clearly shows precipitates of hydrides in the circumferential orientation across the entire cladding thickness, indicating that once the hydrides are precipitated, subsequent oxidation occurs at low temperatures such as 300°C has little effect on its distribution. Also shown in these figures are Knoop hardness indentations that were made at several locations across the cladding thickness. The size of the indentations within each specimen shows very little variation, indicating negligible variation in hardness. Figures 6.7 and 6.8 show SEM photomicrographs of cross sections of Zirlo specimens in steam-preoxidized/air-oxidized and prehydrided/steampreoxidized/air-oxidized conditions, respectively. Both these specimens were oxidized in air for ≈1000 h at 300°C. The measured hydrogen concentrations in these specimens were 695 and 20 300 600°C Oxide thickness (µm) 250 200 open symbols: steam preoxidized closed symbols: prehydrided, steam preoxidized 150 100 Figure 6.3. Oxide thickness data obtained at 500 and 600°C during air oxidation of Zirlo capsule specimens that were initially either only steam oxidized or prehydrided/steam oxidized. 500°C 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0.5 Square root of exposure time (h ) Oxide thickness (µm) 8 6 open symbols: steam preoxidized closed symbols: prehydrided, steam preoxidized Figure 6.4. Oxide thickness data obtained at 300 and 400°C during air oxidation of Zirlo capsule specimens that were initially either only steam oxidized or prehydrided/steam oxidized. 400°C 4 300°C 2 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0.5 Square root of exposure time (h ) 776 wppm, respectively. Knoop hardness indentations that were made at several locations across the cladding thickness in these specimens also exhibited negligible variation. Figure 6.9 shows Knoop hardness profiles as a function of cladding thickness for an asreceived Zirlo specimen. Measurements were made in four quadrants of the tube, and they indicate significant variation in hardness between the quadrants but also in the radial direction within each quadrant. Figure 6.10 shows similar hardness profiles obtained for an initially steam-preoxidized Zirlo after 1000-h exposure in air at 300°C. Steam preoxidation at 550°C for 140 h seems to homogenize the material with a resultant uniformity in hardness values in all four quadrants and across the cladding wall. Figure 6.11 shows a composite plot of hardness profile data developed for Zirlo with several pretreatments and air oxidation. The hydrogen concentrations in these specimens ranged between 5 and 735 wppm. The data in Fig. 6.11 indicate that the exposure of the Zirlo specimen at elevated temperature (e.g., steam preoxidation at 550°C) has a much more softening effect than the hardening effect that can result from higher hydrogen content (e.g., 695 and 735 wppm in steam-oxidized specimens). 21 Figure 6.5. Knoop microhardness indentations Figure 6.6. Knoop microhardness indentations on as-received Zirlo cladding tube. on initially prehydrided Zirlo cladding tube after 1026-h air oxidation at 300°C. 350 350 300 300 Hardness Knoop number Hardness Knoop number Figure 6.7. Knoop microhardness indentations Figure 6.8. Knoop microhardness indentations on initially steam-oxidized (for 140 h at 550°C) on initially prehydrided/steam-oxidized Zirlo Zirlo cladding tube after 1000-h air oxidation at cladding tube after 973-h air oxidation at 300°C. 300°C. 250 200 150 quadrant 1 100 quadrant 2 quadrant 3 50 quadrant 4 0 250 200 150 quadrant 1 100 quadrant 2 quadrant 3 50 quadrant 4 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Distance from OD surface (mm) 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Distance from OD surface (mm) 0.5 Figure 6.9. Knoop hardness profiles for as- Figure 6.10. Knoop hardness profiles in four received Zirlo in four quadrants. quadrants for initially steam-preoxidized Zirlo after 1000-h exposure in air at 300°C. 22 Hardness Knoop number 350 300 250 200 150 as received (5 wppm H) prehydrided (42 wppm H) 100 prehydrided and air oxidized 1000 h at 300°C (135 wppm H) steamed and air oxidized 101 h at 300°C (735 wppm H) 50 steamed and air oxidized 1000 h at 300°C (695 wppm H) 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Distance from OD surface (mm) 0.5 Figure 6.11. Knoop hardness profiles for Zirlo in as-received condition and after several treatments. Hydrogen concentrations in different specimens are given in the legend. 23 24 7 Correlations for Oxidation Kinetics In general, the kinetics of oxidation of Zirlo specimens were derived from weight change data by plotting the weight change against square root of exposure time and fitting the data by two lines to depict pre- and post-breakaway kinetics. The slopes of both fitted lines were calculated and were used to determine rate constants for the oxidation process. The rates developed using the weight change data at different temperatures were curve fitted in an Arrhenius-type formalism, Rate constant = A exp(-B/TK) (7.1) where A and B are constants, and TK is temperature in degrees Kelvin. Equations for the air oxidation of steam-preoxidized Zirlo specimens in the lowtemperature range (Natesan and Soppet, 2004) are 2 4 2 4 Rate constant (kg /m ·s) = 0.07 exp(-14430/TK) for pre-breakaway, 573 ≤ TK ≤ 873 Rate constant (kg /m ·s) = 8.3 x 104 exp(-24000/TK) for post-breakaway, 673 ≤ TK ≤ 873 (7.2) (7.3) Equations for the air oxidation of bare Zirlo specimens in the low-temperature range are 2 Rate constant (in kg /m4·s) = 0.057 exp(-14240/TK) for pre-breakaway, 573 ≤ TK ≤ 873 (7.4) 2 Rate constant (in kg /m4·s) = 1.0 x 105 exp(-24580/TK) for post-breakaway, 673 ≤ TK ≤ 873 (7.5) Correlations were also developed to depict the kinetics of oxide scale growth over the temperature range of 300-600°C. Equations for oxide growth are as follows: 2 Oxide growth rate constant (µm /s) = 2662 exp(-12790/TK) for pre-breakaway, 573 ≤ TK ≤ 873 (7.6) 2 Oxide growth rate constant (µm /s) = 1.44 x 108 exp(-19610/TK) for post-breakaway, 673 ≤ TK ≤ 873 (7.7) Since we acquired limited data on the air oxidation kinetics of prehydrided and prehydrided/steam-preoxidized Zirlo specimens, an attempt was made to compare the data from this program with extensive oxidation database developed earlier on bare and steampreoxidized Zirlo specimens (Natesan and Soppet, 2004). The parabolic rate constants and oxide-growth rate constants from the current program are listed in Table 7.1, along with the data obtained earlier on bare and steam-preoxidized Zirlo. Further, the data from this program were used to evaluate, if any, the role of hydrogen content in the alloy in its behavior during air exposure. Figure 7.1 shows a plot of parabolic rate constant for oxidation of Zirlo in the prebreakaway region, as a function of hydrogen content in the alloy, irrespective of whether the hydrogen ingress was achieved by prehydriding in hydrogen gas or during steam preoxidation. A similar plot of parabolic rate constant for oxidation in the post-breakaway region is shown in Fig. 7.2. The data indicate that rates may be somewhat lower for hydrogen contents of 25 Table 7.1. Parabolic rate constants, based on weight change and oxide thickness, for air oxidation of Zirlo cladding with various pretreatments Air oxidation temperature Initial condition Steam preoxidized1 1 Bare Prehydrided and steam preoxidized Oxide thickness rate constant (µm2/s) 900 Prebreakaway 1.8 x 10 -6 Postbreakaway 5.7 x 10 -5 Prebreakaway 2.8 x 10 -2 800 3.1 x 10 -7 1.2 x 10 -5 1.9 x 10 -2 700 4.3 x 10 -8 -7 -3 2.0 x 10 -1 600 1.8 x 10 -8 1.9 x 10 -7 4.6 x 10 -3 9.0 x 10 -2 500 1.1 x 10 -10 8.2 x 10 -10 8.3 x 10 -5 8.4 x 10 -4 400 2.6 x 10 -11 4.6 x 10 -11 1.3 x 10 -5 2.6 x 10 -5 300 1.4 x 10 -12 - 5.5 x 10 -7 - 900 1.0 x 10 -6 2.4 x 10 -7 700 6.3 x 10 -8 600 1.1 x 10 -8 500 (°C) 6.9 x 10 11.3 6.3 x 10 -2 4.8 1.1 x 10 -2 2.7 x 10 -1 1.3 x 10 -7 3.9 x 10 -3 5.5 x 10 -2 1.9 x 10 -10 1.1 x 10 -9 1.2 x 10 -4 6.0 x 10 -4 400 3.5 x 10 -11 - 2.9 x 10 -6 - 300 -12 - 1.7 x 10 -7 - 3.5 x 10 -3 2.6 x 10 -2 -9 9.9 x 10 -6 7.2 x 10 -7 2.6 3.9 x 10 1.2 x 10 3.0 x 10 -5 5.1 x 10 Postbreakaway 3.8 -1 800 Prehydrided Parabolic rate constant (kg 2/m4·s) 600 9.1 x 10 500 1.9 x 10 -10 1.2 x 10 -9 5.7 x 10 -5 7.0 x 10 -4 400 4.1 x 10 -12 - 6.0 x 10 -6 - 300 -12 - 7.3 x 10 -7 - 6.8 x 10 -4 1.3 x 10 -2 1.3 x 10 1.4 x 10 -7 -8 600 1.1 x 10 500 6.9 x 10 -11 1.3 x 10 -9 6.9 x 10 -5 5.1 x 10 -4 400 1.3 x 10 -11 - 4.7 x 10 -6 - 300 -12 - -7 - 1.5 x 10 1.9 x 10 -7 6.2 x 10 1 Values from earlier work reported in NUREG/CR-6846. 50-200 wppm at 400 and 500°C, but the data are not sufficient to quantify this effect. We can state, based on the data in these figures, that the hydrogen concentration in Zirlo in the range of 100-1000 wppm has negligible deleterious effect on the kinetics of oxidation in air at temperatures in the range of 300-600°C. Figures 7.3 and 7.4 show rate constants for oxide growth as a function of hydrogen content in the alloy in the pre- and post-breakaway conditions, respectively. These data indicate negligible effect of hydrogen concentration in the range of 100-1000 wppm on the scale growth. 26 600°C Pre-breakaway 10-8 2 4 Parabolic Rate Constant (kg /m s) 10-7 Figure 7.1. Parabolic rate constant in the pre-breakaway region for air oxidation of Zirlo, indicating minimal effect of hydrogen up to ≈1000 wppm on the oxidation kinetics at 300-600°C. 10-9 500°C 10-10 400°C 10-11 300°C 10-12 10-13 1 10 100 Hydrogen concentration (wppm) 1000 600°C Post-breakaway 10-7 2 4 Parabolic Rate Constant (kg /m s) 10-6 10-8 Figure 7.2. Parabolic rate constant in the post-breakaway region for air oxidation of Zirlo, indicating minimal effect of hydrogen up to ≈1000 wppm on the oxidation kinetics at 400-600°C. 500°C 10-9 400°C 10-10 10-11 10-12 10-13 1 10 100 Hydrogen concentration (wppm) 1000 10-2 600°C 2 Oxide rate constant (µm /s) Pre-breakaway 10-3 500°C 10-4 10 Figure 7.3. Oxide growthc rate constant in the pre-breakaway region for air oxidation of Zirlo, indicating minimal effect of hydrogen up to ≈1000 wppm on the scaling kinetics at 400-600°C. -5 400°C 10-6 300°C 10-7 10-8 1 10 100 Hydrogen concentration (wppm) 1000 27 100 Post-breakaway 2 Oxide rate constant (µm /s) 10-1 10 600°C -2 Figure 7.4. Oxide growth rate constant in the post-breakaway region for air oxidation of Zirlo, indicating minimal effect of hydrogen up to ≈1000 wppm on the scaling kinetics at 400-600°C. 500°C 10-3 10-4 400°C 10-5 10-6 10-7 1 10 100 Hydrogen concentration (wppm) 1000 28 8 Conclusion An extensive study was conducted on unirradiated Zirlo alloy to establish the air oxidation kinetics in both prehydrided and prehydrided/steam-preoxidized conditions. Experimental data were obtained on the air oxidation kinetics of Zirlo cladding that had been prehydrided in hydrogen gas with or without steam preoxidation. Experiments were conducted in which Zirlo ring and capsule specimens were exposed in a hydrogen environment at 320°C and for various periods. Prehydriding treatment was tailored to obtain hydrogen concentrations in a range of 100-1000 wppm. Steam preoxidation treatment was conducted to obtain an oxide thickness of ≈25 µm. The prehydrided and prehydrided/steam-preoxidized Zirlo capsule specimens were subsequently oxidized in air at temperatures in the range of 300-600°C. The maximum air oxidation times ranged between ≈1000 h at 300°C and 300 h at 600°C. Weight-change and oxide-thickness data were developed at temperatures in the range of 300-600°C. The results were used to develop parabolic rate constants and oxide-growth rate constants. The following is a summary of the information developed from the test program: • Hydrogen concentration in the specimens in the prehydrided condition was confined to a range of 100-1000 wppm. • Extensive metallography of cross sections of prehydrided and air-oxidized specimens was conducted to measure the scale thickness and to establish the distribution of hydride precipitates across the cladding thickness. • Hardness was measured on specimens with various treatments to examine the variation, if any, in the indentation size due to hydrogen ingress. Knoop hardness indentations were made at several locations across the cladding thickness in various specimens and exhibited negligible variation, which indicated an uniform distribution of hydrogen. • The air-oxidized specimens with various pretreatments were analyzed for hydrogen content, and the results were used to correlate the parabolic oxidation rate and oxide-thickness growth rate with hydrogen concentration in the alloy. • Data indicated that exposure of the Zirlo specimen at elevated temperature (e.g., steam preoxidation at 550°C) had a much more softening effect than the hardening effect that can result from higher hydrogen content (e.g., 695 and 735 wppm in steam-oxidized specimens). • It is concluded that hydrogen concentrations in Zirlo in the range of 100-1000 wppm have negligible deleterious effect on the kinetics of oxidation in air at temperatures in the range of 300-600°C. Furthermore, the scaling data indicated negligible effect of hydrogen concentration in the range of 100-1000 wppm on the scale growth. 29 30 References Com-Nougue, J., K. Omo, B. de Gelas, G. Beranger, and P. Lacombe, 1969, J. Less-Common Metals, 19, 259. Cubiciotti, D., 1950, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 72, 4138. Erickson, W. H. and D. Hardie, 1964, J. Nucl. Mat., 13, 254. Gulbransen, E. A. and K. F. Andrew, 1957, Trans. Metall. Soc. AIME, 209, 394. Gulbransen, E. A. and K. F. Andrew, 1955, Trans. AIME, 203, 136. Hansen, M. and K. Anderko, 1958, Constitution of Binary Alloys, McGraw-Hill, 811. Kearns, J. J., 1967, J. Nucl. Mat., 22, 292. Kidson, G. V., 1966, Electrochem. Technol., 4, 193. Leistikow, S. and H. v. Berg, 1987, “Investigation under Nuclear Safety Aspects of Zircaloy-4 Oxidation Kinetics at High Temperatures in Air,” 2nd Workshop of German and Polish Research on High Temperature Corrosion of Metals, eds. W. J. Quadakkers, H. Schuster, and P. J. Ennis, Julich, Germany. 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PERFORMING ORGANIZATION – NAME AND ADDRESS (If NRC, provide Division, Office or Region, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and mailing address; if contractor, provide name and mailing address.) Argonne National Laboratory 9700 South Cass Avenue Argonne, IL 60439 9. SPONSORING ORGANIZATION – NAME AND ADDRESS (If NRC, type “Same as above”: if contractor, provide NRC Division, Office or Region, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and mailing address.) Division of Systems Analysis and Regulatory Effectiveness Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555–0001 10. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES S. Basu, NRC Project Manager 11. ABSTRACT (200 words or less) An experimental program was conducted to generate data on the air oxidation kinetics of unirradiated Zirlo cladding with preoxidation and prehydriding to simulate inventory of spent fuel discharge after a medium or high level of fuel burnup. The oxide layer on the cladding was formed by a preoxidation step in a steam environment for 140 h at 550°C, which resulted in an oxide thickness in the range of 25-30 µm. Prehydriding treatment was done by charging hydrogen to cladding and the process was tailored to produce hydrogen concentration in the range of 100-1000 wppm, typical of medium to high burnup cladding. The prehydrided and prehydrided/steam-preoxidized specimens were subsequently oxidized in air at temperatures in the range of 300600°C. The maximum air oxidation times ranged between 300 h at 600°C and ≈1000 h at 300°C. Weight-change and oxidethickness were measured on the specimens exposed at various times to establish the kinetics of the scaling process as a function of temperature. Extensive metallography and hardness measurements were performed on the tested specimens to examine the oxide scale development and hydrogen ingress into the material. Weight-change and oxide-thickness data, generated in the present program, were used to develop correlations to depict the air oxidation behavior of prehydrided alloys with and without steam preoxidation. A comparison of the oxidation data on Zirlo with and without prehydriding (performed in gas phase hydrogen and/or in steam) indicated that hydrogen concentration in the range of 100-1000 wppm had minimal effect on the Zirlo oxidation rate in air at temperatures in the range of 300-600°C. 12. KEY WORDS/DESCRIPTORS (List words or phrases that will assist researchers in locating this report.) Air Oxidation Hydrogen content Oxide Thickness Weight Change Oxidation Correlations Zirlo 13. AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Unlimited 14. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION (This Page) Unclassified (This Report) Unclassified 15. NUMBER OF PAGES 16. PRICE NRC FORM 335 (2–89) Printed on recycled paper Federal Recycling Program