Rod Bundle Heat Transfer Facility – Steady-State Steam Cooling Experiments
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Rod Bundle Heat Transfer Facility – Steady-State Steam Cooling Experiments
NUREG/CR-7152 Rod Bundle Heat Transfer Facility – Steady-State Steam Cooling Experiments Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research AVAILABILITY OF REFERENCE MATERIALS IN NRC PUBLICATIONS NRC Reference Material Non-NRC Reference Material As of November 1999, you may electronically access NUREG-series publications and other NRC records at NRC’s Public Electronic Reading Room at Publicly released records include, to name a few, NUREG-series publications; Federal Register notices; applicant, licensee, and vendor documents and correspondence; NRC correspondence and internal memoranda; bulletins and information notices; inspection and investigative reports; licensee event reports; and Commission papers and their attachments. Documents available from public and special technical libraries include all open literature items, such as books, journal articles, transactions, Federal Register notices, Federal and State legislation, and congressional reports. 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Legally binding regulatory requirements are stated only in laws; NRC regulations; licenses, including technical specifications; or orders, not in NUREG-series publications. The views expressed in contractorprepared publications in this series are not necessarily those of the NRC. The NUREG series comprises (1) technical and administrative reports and books prepared by the staff (NUREG–XXXX) or agency contractors (NUREG/CR– XXXX), (2) proceedings of conferences (NUREG/CP– XXXX), (3) reports resulting from international agreements (NUREG/IA–XXXX), (4) brochures (NUREG/BR–XXXX), and (5) compilations of legal decisions and orders of the Commission and Atomic and Safety Licensing Boards and of Directors’ decisions under Section 2.206 of NRC’s regulations (NUREG– 0750). DISCLAIMER: This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the U.S. Government. Neither the U.S. Government nor any agency thereof, nor any employee, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for any third party’s use, or the results of such use, of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed in this publication, or represents that its use by such third party would not infringe privately owned rights. NUREG/CR-7152 Rod Bundle Heat Transfer Facility – Steady-State Steam Cooling Experiments Manuscript Completed: August 2011 Date Published: May 2014 Prepared by: L. E. Hochreiter, Principal Investigator Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Fan-Bill Cheung, Co-Principal Investigator Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering T. F. Lin, Co-Principal Investigator Applied Research Laboratory D. M. McLaughlin, Jr. J. P. Spring P. M. Kutzler S. Ergun The Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania 16802 K. Tien, NRC Project Manager NRC Job Code N6154 Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research ABSTRACT As part of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission safety analysis computer code development efforts, the Rod Bundle Heat Transfer Test (RBHT) facility has been designed and constructed at The Pennsylvania State University. The test series described in this report is the steam cooling tests. A total of 35 steady-state steam cooling experiments was performed in the RBHT. The purpose of the experiments was to examine the steady-state convective heat transfer from the heater rods to single-phase superheated steam in prototypical rod bundle geometry for computer code model development and validation. The Rod Bundle Heat Transfer Facility has a full length, 3.66 m (12 ft), 7 by 7 rod array with typical Pressurized Water Reactor rod diameters of 9.49 mm (0.374 in) and a rod pitch of 12.59 mm (0.496 in). The heater rods had a top skewed power shape with a peak to average power of 1.5 at the 2.74 m (9 ft) elevation. The RBHT facility has been designed using prototypical mixing vane spacer grids. The bundle inlet steam temperature was held at saturation for the given test pressure and the inlet Reynolds number ranged from 1,400 to 30,000 with most of the experiments at the lower Reynolds number range. The facility was instrumented to measure the quantities necessary for determining local convective heat transfer coefficients that reflect the heat transfer enhancement caused by mixing vane grids. The measured quantities include vapor temperatures at sub-channel centerlines, mixing vane grid temperatures, a detailed axial pressure drop along the bundle length, absolute pressure in the upper plenum, rod temperatures upstream and downstream of mixing vane grids, and vapor flow rates in and out of the bundle. iii FOREWORD A loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) is one of the primary postulated accidents that must be considered in the design of nuclear power plants. The plant response to such an accident, including the performance of safety systems that are designed to mitigate the accident, is mainly analyzed using computer codes. For effective analyses of accidents and operational transients, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) consolidated earlier thermal-hydraulics analysis codes into one called TRACE. The NRC is now assessing and improving the TRACE code as weaknesses are identified. One such weakness is inaccurate prediction of peak clad temperatures of fuel rods, particularly in the later stage of a large-break (LB)LOCA, called the reflood phase. Specifically, the reflood models currently employed in the TRACE code are not sufficiently accurate and, consequently, improved models must be developed to provide necessary support for risk-informed regulations. Accurate prediction of the consequences of an LBLOCA is important because this is one of the limiting postulated accidents used to determine whether plant design parameters (such as power densities, equipment sizes, etc.) have been appropriately selected to ensure safety. As the NRC places increasing emphasis on risk-formed regulations, the agency needs a more accurate and reliable computer code to obtain realistic (rather than conservative) predictions. To develop better computer code models for an LBLOCA, we need detailed, fundamental data that show heat, mass, and momentum exchanges. Some of these detailed data have only recently become possible because of recent advances in instrumentation technology for two-phase flow measurements. Consequently, to acquire detailed, fundamental data for use in developing models for an LBLOCA, the NRC sponsored the construction of a rod bundle heat transfer (RBHT) test facility and completion of four test series; reflood tests, liquid-gas interfacial drag tests, steam cooling tests without liquid droplet injection, and steam cooling tests with liquid droplet injection. This report presents the results of steam cooling tests without liquid droplet injections. The data from these tests will be used to develop and assess a steam cooling model which is a component of a LOCA model for the TRACE code. The results of other test series will be reported in separate reports. With improved data and code models for an LBLOCA, we can more accurately predict the consequences of LBLOCA accidents and provide better technical bases for regulations associated with such accidents. As a result, this study will help to achieve the NRC’s strategic performance goals of making the agency’s regulations more effective, efficient, and realistic. v CONTENTS ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... iii FOREWORD .................................................................................................................................. v CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................. vii FIGURES ....................................................................................................................................... ix TABLES ........................................................................................................................................ xi EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................... xiii ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................................... xv 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 1 2. TEST FACILITY DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................... 3 3. CALCULATION METHODS .............................................................................................. 11 3.1 Heater Rod Outside Wall Temperature and Heat Flux .................................................. 11 3.1.1 Mathematical Model ............................................................................................... 11 3.1.2 Structure of the Source Program DATARH.F ..................................................... 16 3.1.3 RBHT Rod Geometry and Materials ...................................................................... 18 3.1.4 Required Input Files................................................................................................ 19 3.1.5 Calculation of the Power Factor at Each Thermocouple Location ......................... 20 3.2. Subchannel Mean Bulk Fluid Temperature .................................................................. 29 3.3. Subchannel Reynolds Number ...................................................................................... 32 3.4. Heat Transfer Coefficient and Nusselt Number............................................................ 33 3.5. Mixing Vane Grid Loss Coefficient ............................................................................. 33 3.5.1 Single-Phase Friction Factor ................................................................................... 35 3.5.2 Grid Loss Coefficient Results ................................................................................. 38 4. SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................... 41 5. REFERENCES...................................................................................................................... 43 Appendix A. Heat Transfer Reduced Data ............................................................................. A-1 Appendix B. Single Point Uncertainty Analysis ..................................................................... B-1 B.1. Heat Transfer Coefficient ............................................................................................. B-1 B.2. Grid Loss Coefficient ................................................................................................... B-9 vii FIGURES Figure 2-1 Figure 2-2 Figure 2-3 Figure 2-4 Figure 2-5 Figure 2-6 Figure 3-1 Figure 3-2 Figure 3-3 Figure 3-4 Figure 3-5 Figure 3-6 Figure 3-7 Figure 3-8 Figure 3-9 Figure 3-10 Figure 3-11 Figure A-1 RBHT Test Facility Schematic…............................................................................3 RBHT Instrumentation Schematic...........................................................................4 Rod Bundle Array....................................................................................................6 Power Profile for RBHT Rod Bundle .....................................................................6 Mixing Vane Grid....................................................................................................7 Traversing Steam Probe Rake..................................................................................7 Geometry, Materials and Dimensions of RBHT Heater Rod.…………………...19 RBHT-Test Facility, Heater Rod Locations (Looking down from Top) ………. 21 Axial Power Ratio for Rod F4 (Stern Heater Number 2) ……………………… 23 Power Factor as a Function of Length (beginning of heated length to PCT location) ……………………………..…………………………………………. 24 Power Factor as Function of Length (from PCT location to the end of Heater length) ………………………………………………………………...... 24 Variation of the Correlation Factor with the Reynolds Number ………………. 31 Subchannel Center Vapor Temperature .............................................................. 32 Friction Factor Comparison (Full Range) ………………………………………36 Friction Factor Comparison (Zoomed in) ………………………………………36 Calculated Grid Loss Coefficients (Full Range) ……………………………..... 39 Calculated Grid Loss Coefficients (Zoomed in) ……………………………..... 39 Heater Rod and Subchannel Identification Diagram ………………………… A-2 ix TABLES Table 2-1 Table 3-1 Table 3-2 Table 3-3 Table 3-4 Table 3-5 Test Matrix Summary of as Designed Boundary Conditions …………………….9 Heater Number 1 …………………………………………………………….......21 Sample Power Factor Calculation for One Heater Rod …………………………23 Axial Power Factors for the RBHT Heater Rods ………………………………..25 Sample Input File: in2.dat …………………………………………………….. ..27 Calculated Grid Loss Coefficients …………………………………………….. .38 xi EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A series of steady-state, low to intermediate Reynolds number steam cooling experiments have been performed in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission/Penn State University Rod Bundle Heat Transfer (RBHT) Test Facility. As part of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission safety analysis computer code development efforts, the Rod Bundle Heat Transfer test facility has been designed and constructed at The Pennsylvania State University. The Rod Bundle Heat Transfer (RBHT) Facility is a full length simulation of a portion of a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) fuel assembly. The bundle is a 7 by 7 rod array with four unheated corner rods and 45 heated electrical rod which simulate a 17 by 17 PWR fuel assembly. The rod Bundle Heat Transfer Facility is full length, 3.66 m (12 ft), with typical PWR rod diameters of 9.49 mm (0.374 in) and a rod pitch of 12.59 mm (0.496 in). The heater rods had a top skewed power shape with a peak to average power of 1.5 at the 2.74 m (9 ft) elevation. The experiments were performed using saturated to slightly superheated steam at the bundle inlet which then became superheated along the bundle length. The ranges of conditions for the experiments were pressures from 137.9 to 413.7 kpa (20 to 60 psia), steam inlet Reynolds numbers from 1400 to 30,000. Peak heater rod temperatures varied approximately from 400 to 650 degrees C (750 to 1200 degrees F), and bundle powers from 10 kw to 140 kw. Typical PWR mixing vane spacer grids were simulated in the RBHT bundle. There were approximately 500 channels of transient data recorded for each test including the bundle power, heater rod temperatures, upper plenum pressure, inlet steam flow rate, superheated vapor temperatures in the bundle, spacer grid temperatures, and the detailed axial bundle pressure drop. There were a total of 12 experiments that were performed and reported to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. There are 35 data sets from these experiments were qualified and submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission data bank for analysis and code validation purposes. The steam cooling data was reduced to calculate the convective heat transfer coefficient for the instrumented heater rods. To obtain an expression for the sub-channel bulk fluid temperature, the steam probe sub-channel measurements at the center of the sub-channel were analyzed using an expression that was derived based on the heat/momentum transfer analogy approach. Using this methodology, the vapor temperature point measurements were used to calculate the bulk sub-channel vapor temperature. The local heat transfer coefficients and Nusselt number values were calculated axially along the rod bundle. The increased heat transfer effects downstream of the mixing vane spacer grids used in the RBHT was clearly observed from the data. The fully-developed heat transfer data was compared to several single phase heat transfer correlations and best correlation that represented the RBHT data was recommended. The measured axial pressure drop data was also analyzed to calculate the mixing vane grid loss coefficient as a function of Reynolds number. xiii ABBREVIATIONS ACRONYMS: LOCA - Loss of Coolant Accident NRC - Nuclear Regulatory Commission RBHT - Rod Bundle Heat Transfer LMFBR - Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor GREEK SYMBOLS: ∆ - difference μ - viscosity v - specific volume ρ - density υ - kinematic viscosity α - thermal diffusivity ε - spacer grid blockage - mixing vane angle SYMBOLS: A - area BB - general constant for general void fractoin correlation c - specific heat Dh - hydraulic diameter De - hydraulic equivalent diameter F - correlation factor for bulk mean temperature f - friction factor g - acceleration due to gravity gc - gravitational constant h - heat transfer coefficient k - thermal conductivity xv 1. INTRODUCTION The Pennsylvania State University and United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) have designed and built a Rod Bundle Heat Transfer (RBHT) facility to investigate the thermal hydraulic behavior of a nuclear fuel assembly. [1] The goal was to obtain heat transfer and pressure drop data during steady state superheated steam flow, using an electrically heated rod bundle. The experiments will provide insight into the physical phenomena occurring in a nuclear fuel assembly during a postulated loss-of-coolant-accident (LOCA). Best estimate thermal hydraulic safety codes are currently used to evaluate accident scenarios and predict the behavior of the reactor core. [2,3] The codes in use have uncertainties and conservatism and may not accurately represent the thermal hydraulic phenomena during a postulated LOCA. Improved experimental data from the RBHT facility will help reduce these uncertainties and improve the accuracy of the computer codes and models. Therefore, the experiments performed in the RBHT facility were specifically designed for model development and computer code validation. Steady state steam cooling experiments have been performed in the RBHT facility to obtain single-phase heat transfer coefficients within the rod bundle that reflect the heat transfer enhancement caused by mixing vane grids. Mixing vane grids improve heat transfer by providing subchannel blockage, which creates additional turbulence, flow separation, and mixing. The RBHT steam cooling experiments were performed at various powers, pressures, and a wide range inlet Reynolds numbers. The measured quantities include vapor temperatures at subchannel centerlines, mixing vane grid temperatures, a detailed axial pressure drop along the bundle length, absolute pressure in the upper plenum, rod temperatures upstream and downstream of mixing vane grids, and vapor flow rates in and out of the bundle. Inlet and outlet conditions as well as fluid and rod temperatures were monitored during the experiments to ensure accurate quasi-steady state data was collected. The data was reduced and heat transfer coefficients were calculated on a subchannel basis at heater rod thermocouple locations within the inner 5x5 bundle. The heat transfer coefficient is a function of the subchannel mean bulk fluid temperature, heater rod outside wall temperature, and surface heat flux. The mean bulk temperature could not be measured directly. Thus, in order to calculate the local heat transfer coefficient, a method based upon the analogy of momentum and heat transfer was developed to correlate the local mean bulk temperature with respect to the local subchannel centerline temperature, which could be measured. Mixing vane grid loss coefficients were calculated using the detailed axial pressure drop data. Pressure drop measurements were taken across bare bundle spans and spans which contained one or more mixing vane grids. Pressure drop data was only used from the beginning of experiments because it was seen that water was evaporating out of the pressure cell reference legs as the test progressed. This does not invalidate any steady-state windows achieved at least in terms of heat transfer, it does however limit the pressure drop data available for calculating mixing vane loss coefficients. This report provides a summary of the data obtained, the data reduction methods and assumptions used in reducing the data as well as the uncertainty in the experimental data and the derived quantities from the data. A full set of the experimental data has been transmitted to the NRC data bank. 1 2. TEST FACILITY DESCRIPTION The RBHT facility was developed by PSU and the NRC. The facility was designed to conduct systematic separate effects tests under well-controlled laboratory conditions in order to generate fundamental rod bundle heat transfer data including: single-phase steam cooling tests, two-phase level swell, steam flow tests with and without droplet injection, inverted annular film boiling tests, and dispersed flow film boiling reflood heat transfer tests. The facility is capable of operating in steady-state forced and variable reflood modes covering a wide range of flows and heat transfer conditions at pressures from 1.0 to 4.02 bars (20 to 60 psia). Figure 2-1: RBHT Test Facility Schematic. The test facility, as shown in Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-2, is a once-through flow facility in which either water or steam can enter the lower plenum and flow upward through the rod bundle. The lower plenum is attached to the bottom of the flow housing and is used as a reservoir for the coolant prior to injection into the rod bundle during reflood. The upper plenum serves as the first stage for phase separation and liquid collection of the two-phase effluent exiting the rod bundle. The liquid phase separates from the flow due to the sudden expansion from the bundle to the larger plenum flow area. 3 Figure 2-2: Test Facility Schematic with Instrumentation Locations. Figure 2-2: Test Facility Schematic with Instrumentation Locations 4 The facility has a large and small liquid carryover tank provided to collect the liquid carryover in the fluid flow in order to measure the amount of entrainment in the flow. The de-entrained liquid from the upper plenum drains into the top of a 25.6 mm tube, which extends inside a small carryover tank to detect and measure the carryover liquid. This tank collects and measures the amount of liquid overflow from the smaller carryover tank. A centrifugal two-phase separator is located downstream of the upper plenum also acts to separate out the remaining liquid flow from the vapor flow such that the vortex meter at the exit of the steam pipe will measure single phase vapor flow. There is a third liquid collection tank on the phase separator, which measures the separated liquid. A pressure-damping tank located before the vortex flow meter and pressure control valve acts to damp out any pressure oscillations to maintain tight pressure control on the facility. Separating the exit flows from the bundle provides a means of calculating a transient mass balance as well as an energy balance on the facility. The RBHT facility consists of a 7x7 bundle with 45 heated full-length electrical heater rods, which simulates a portion of a 17x17 similar fuel rod assembly, as shown in Figure 2-3. The letters in the figure indicate whether a heater rod is instrumented (I), not instrumented (U), or a support rod (S). The electrically powered heater rods have a diameter of 9.49 mm (0.374 in) and a square pitch of 12.59 mm (0.496 in). There are four unheated Inconel support tubes, one in each corner, which provide structural support for the bundle. Mixing vane grid instrumentation is routed out of the rod bundle via the support rods. The heater rods have a 3.66 m (144 in) heated length with a skewed axial power profile with the peak power located at the 2.74 m (108 in) elevation, as seen in Figure 2-4. The spacer grids, which are used in the bundle have mixing vanes, as seen in Figure 2-5, which improves heat transfer downstream of the grids. These grids have high blockage, the projected area of the mixing vanes on the top plane of the grid is 39 percent of the total flow area such that the flow is accelerated through the grids and entrained droplets can be shattered. In the RBHT facility, subchannel instrumentation is used to measure the local vapor temperature at subchannel centers. Measurements of the subchannel vapor temperature were made using two types of miniature thermocouple probes. The first type of miniature thermocouple used is suspended from the mixing vane grids and faces into the flow. The thermocouples have a 0.38 mm diameter and are supported by 2.44 mm long Inconel tubes which are tack welded to the mixing vane grids. The thermocouple leads are routed along the grid straps to the corner support tubes and out of the bundle. The same type of thermocouples are spot welded to the mixing vane grid walls which measure the grid temperature to determine if the grid is dry or quenched. These thermocouple leads are also routed to the corner support tubes and out of the bundle. 5 Figure 2-3: Rod Bundle Array. Heater Rod Axial P ow er Profile 1.5 P ower Ratio 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0 0 .7 32 1.464 2.196 2 .92 8 Length (m) Figure 2-4: Power Profile for RBHT Rod Bundle. 6 3.66 Figure 2-5: Mixing Vane Grid. The second subchannel vapor measurement is made using traversing thermocouple rakes which consist of three 0.38 mm diameter thermocouples attached to a thin piece of Inconel shim that is welded to a small tube that can be moved to different radial positions within the bundle, as shown in Figure 2-6. The thermocouples are located one rod pitch (12.6 mm) apart on the Inconel shim and can measure vapor temperatures at three different subchannel centers within the bundle. There are 13 traversing thermocouple rakes at different axial positions, most of which are powered by a stepping motor that allows the rake to traverse across a subchannel centerline. Figure 2-6: Traversing Steam Probe Rake. 7 A boiler with a capacity of 2613 kg per hour at 10.3 bars provides steam for the experiments. The boiler is connected to the lower plenum by means of stainless steel piping equipped with a Vortex flow meter to measure steam flows. The piping also has fluid and wall thermocouples, a V-ball control valve, and a quick acting solenoid valve. Electrical heaters on the outside of the flow housing perform preheating of the facility test components prior to each experiment. The test facility instrumentation is designed to measure temperatures, power, flows, liquid levels, pressures, void fractions, droplet sizes, droplet distribution, and droplet velocities. There are approximately 500 channels of instrumentation for the facility. Overall and transient mass and energy balances, mass inventories, carryover liquid, and steam flows can be calculated. Steady state steam cooling experiments were performed with steam at superheated conditions. Steam entered the rod bundle through the lower plenum, passed through the heater rods, and exited via the upper plenum to the exhaust piping. The boiler steam injection rate was computer controlled and was verified for the correct pressure and temperature. The steam injection line was preheated to avoid any condensation. After approximately fifteen minutes of preheating the injection line, the inlet valve to the bundle was opened slightly to preheat the bundle and exit lines. The bypass lines around the rod bundle were closed during this procedure. The lower plenum, carryover tanks, and steam separator tanks were also drained at this time. In order to account for any carryover from the boiler, the tanks had to be drained to accurately measure the liquid. Once the bundle was preheated to saturated vapor conditions, the bundle power was set at the desired power level. As the fluid flow stabilized for each matrix test condition, steady-state flow conditions were approached. Data was recorded for the entire length of the test duration, which included warm-up through shutdown. Table 2-1 below shows the RBHT steam cooling test matrix which indicates the actual boundary conditions of these 21 unique tests. The test matrix was made prior to conducting the steam cooling experiments and was used as a guide to ensure the experiments would cover the full range of conditions shown in the test matrix. Note that the real conditions achieved during the experiments are close to the as designed conditions however, they do not match exactly and the real test conditions should and are used in this report for any data manipulation. The real conditions achieved for each valid steady-state window can be found on the summary and comment sheets in Appendix A. 8 Table 2-1: Test Matrix Summary of as Designed Boundary Conditions NRC Matrix Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Upper Plenum Pressure [kPa (psia)] 275.8 (40) 275.8 (40) 275.8 (40) 275.8 (40) 275.8 (40) 275.8 (40) 275.8 (40) 275.8 (40) 275.8 (40) 137.9 (20) 137.9 (20) 137.9 (20) 413.7 (60) 413.7 (60) 413.7 (60) 275.8 (40) 275.8 (40) 275.8 (40) 137.9 (20) 413.7 (60) 413.7 (60) 9 Bundle Power (kW) Inlet Reynolds Number 10 15 20 30 40 50 70 95 140 15 30 70 14 30 70 10 10 15 95 140 95 1400 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 15000 20000 30000 2000 6000 15000 2000 6000 15000 2000 4000 2000 20000 30000 20000 3. 3.1 CALCULATION METHODS Heater Rod Outside Wall Temperature and Heat Flux The DATARH program was used to calculate the transient heater rod outside surface temperatures, and the total surface heat flux. The surface heat flux and the outside wall temperature represent a total heat transfer from the heater rod surface and would include radiation heat transfer as well as convection. The transient results from DATARH were time averaged to get steady state values which were used in subsequent calculations. Note that the steam cooling tests were performed under quasi-steady conditions. As such, DATARH was used mainly to account for the resistance across the cladding in determining the surface temperatures and to assure that steady-state conditions existed. Program DATARH.F contains the source code to perform an inverse heat conduction calculation in an electrically heated rod, in which internal cladding thermocouples exist. The purpose of the code is to calculate the surface temperature and the surface heat flux for the heater rods. The program uses experimental data, heater rod dimensions, and material properties to perform calculations. The mathematical model for the calculations is described in Section 3.1.1 below. The program input described herein has been modified for the RBHT experiments from the DATARH.F program used for the FLECHT-SEASET experiments. [4] Differences between heater rods used in the FLECHT-SEASET experiments and the RBHT experiments (e.g., rod dimensions, differences in rod internal materials) have been accounted for in this version of the program. The sections that follow describe the structure of the source program, RBHT rod geometry and materials, and the input files required for executing the current version of the program. 3.1.1 Mathematical Model DATARH program calculates the surface temperature, the surface heat flux and the transient heat transfer coefficient for heater rods by solving the “Inverse Heat Conduction Problem” (IHCP). The IHCP is basically the determination of the surface temperature, therefore the surface heat flux can be determined from the transient temperatures measured at an interior location of a heated structure. In the problem solved by DATARH, the initial temperature distribution is known. The IHCP is an ill-posed problem and in order to overcome the ill-posedness, several methods have been developed [9]. One method of solving IHCP problems is the Beck method which requires the knowledge of the initial wall temperature and proceeds sequentially. In this method, the equations are only solved for a few future times while the wall temperature and the wall heat flux is only taken up to the next time step, and the sequential procedure is started again by shifting it one time step further [9]. The finite difference approximation in implicit form of a one-dimensional heat conduction equation in cylindrical coordinates is typically [10] 11 B ( n)T ( n 1) A( n)T ( n) C ( n)T ( n 1) T ' (n) Q ( n); 1 n N (3-1) where B ( n) r ( n 1 / 2) k ( n 1 / 2) r ( n) ( n )c ( n ) ( r ) 2 (3-2) C ( n) r ( n 1 / 2 ) k ( n 1 / 2 ) r ( n) ( n)c ( n) ( r ) 2 (3-3) A( n) B ( n) C ( n) 1 (3-4) q (n) ( n)c ( n) (3-5) Q ( n) where T(n) is the unknown temperature at node point n T'(n) is the known temperature at node point n. This is also the "initial value". r is the spatial variable. ∆r is the spatial increment. ∆θ is the time increment. Here, K, ρ, c are the thermal conductivity, density and specific heat, respectively. Their numerical values are computed at T'. If values at half intervals are required, they are evaluated at the average of two adjacent temperatures. q is the volumetric heat generation rate. N is the number of internals. Hence, there are N+1 node points. For n = 1, the node point is at the centerline of the rod, T(n-1)=T(n+1), since at this point the symmetry requires the flux be zero. At the point n=M, T(M) is the known measured temperature and finally, at the outer boundary point, n=N, T(n+1) is the desired wall temperature. If the heat conducting body is made up by composite material, the temperature at the interface can be handled by usual means, i.e. both the temperature and flux must be continuous. However, in this case, the spatial interval size, ∆r, would vary from region to region such that particular node points coincide with the material interfaces and T(M). Apply Equation (3-1) to node points n=1,2,...N and, combining the boundary condition T(0) = T(2) with the finite difference equation at n=1 to eliminate T(0), we have a set of N linear simultaneous equation with N unknown temperatures, T(n); n=1,..., N+1, n≠M. The solution of this set of equations define the temperature field at a given time step, θ. The transient solution can thus be obtained by repeating the same procedure with successive increment of ∆θ. 12 The method outlined above is simple-minded in principle and straightforward in practice. Because of the implicit finite difference scheme, the stability of the computation is guaranteed. As long as reasonable increment sizes, ∆r and ∆θ, are chosen, acceptable numerical accuracy can be expected. It is noticed that if M=N+1, the inverse heat conduction problem is reduced to a more conventional type with a flux condition specified on one boundary (centerline) and a temperature condition specified on the other (wall). In this case, the coefficient matrix for the linear equations, as defined by Equation (3-1), is tri-diagonal. However, the presence of a known temperature, T(M), M≠N+1, in the linear set to replace the wall temperature, T(N+1), destroys the tri-diagonality and consequently complicates the solution procedure since for linear equations with a tri-diagonal coefficient matrix, the solution can be obtained by a time saving matrix resolution technique which is not applicable to any other form of matrix. Let us, for the time being, ignore the fact that T(M), M≠N+1, is known and assume that T(N+1) is known instead. The linear equation, written in the usual manner is: [ J ]T F C ( N )T ( N 1)G (3-6) where [J] is the tri-diagonal coefficient matrix defined by Equations (3-1) through (3-4). T is the solution vector with N components F is the "source" vector with the components defined by the quantities on the right-hand side of Equation (3-1). G is a vector with first N-1 components equal to zero and the N-th component equal to one, i.e. q(i)=0, i≠N, q(i)=1, i=N If X and Y are, respectively, solutions of [J ]X F (3-7) [ J ]Y G (3-8) then the linearity of Equation (3-6) leads to T X C ( N )T ( N 1)Y (3-9) Equation (3-9), in scalar form for n=M, gives T ( M ) X ( M ) C ( N )T ( N 1)Y ( M ) (3-10) or 13 T ( N 1) T (M ) X (M ) , Y(M) 0 C ( N )Y ( M ) (3-11) Since all the quantities on the right hand side of Equation (3-10) are known, the wall temperature T(N+1), can be computed. The remaining temperature field can be obtained by repeated application of Equation (3-9). If the temperature measurement T(M) as a function of time is both accurate and frequent enough, the method outlined above would produce acceptable results. In practice, however, such accuracy and frequency as demanded by the numerical method is almost impossible to achieve. Any error in T(M), either due to instruments or due to interpretation, would be amplified in this numerical process. An error is usually propagative and oscillatory and results from a successive over and under correction of the heat balance as demanded by the governing heat conduction equation. Therefore, it is desirable to devise a numerical method such that the input error of T(M) could be damped during the subsequent computation steps. One such method is programmed in DATARH. It must be stressed that damping of input error can only improve the accuracy of the computed results by reducing the input error amplification. The inherent error due to inaccurate input data still remains. The basic principle of the method is to utilize the information of T(M) available over an open time span when the computation is just entering this time span. Let the parenthesized superscript (1) denote a relative time step then the computation of T would not only involve an initial value T ( 0 ) , but also T ( 2 ) ( M ), T ( 3) ( M ),.. This calculation is followed by an optimization process to minimize the error amplification. This optimization can be accomplished in, although not restricted to, a least-squared sense. Following Equation (3-1) and the subscript notation defined above, we have: B(n)T (1) (n 1) A(n)T (1) (n) C (n)T (1) (n 1) Q(n) T ( 0) (n) (3-12) B ( N )T (1) ( N 1) A( N )T (1) ( N ) Q( N ) T ( 0) ( N ) C ( N )T ( N 1) (3-13) The solution using Equation (3-9) is; T (1) X (1) C ( N )T ( N 1)Y (1) (3-14) (1) (1) (1) In the above equation, all the components in X and Y are known and T is not known since the wall temperature T(N+1) is needed to be determined. The computation can be carried out for one more time step as below: 14 B( n)T ( 2 ) ( n 1) A(n)T ( 2 ) (n) C (n)T ( 2 ) (n 1) Q (n) T (1) (n) Q (n) X (1) ( n) C ( N )T ( N 1)Y (1) (3-15) B( N )T ( 2 ) ( N 1) A( N )T ( 2) ( N ) Q ( N ) T (1) ( N ) C ( N )T ( N 1) Q ( N ) X (1) ( N ) C ( N )T ( N 1)Y (1) ( N ) C ( N )T ( N 1) Q ( N ) X (1) ( N ) C ( N )T ( N 1) Y (1) ( N ) 1 (3-16) The above equations form a linear system which is the same as that defined in Equation (3-6) G F and . The linear set has the solution of the form of Equation (3-9): provided the vectors T ( 2 ) X ( 2 ) C ( N )T ( N 1)Y ( 2 ) (3-17) For the other time steps, similar equations can be written: T ( 3) X ( 3) C ( N )T ( N 1)Y ( 3) (3-18) T ( j ) X ( j ) C ( N )T ( N 1)Y ( j ) ; j 1,2,...., J (3-19) ( j) ( j) In the above equation, the vectors X and Y are known for all j. The computation can terminate at any value of J. This set of equations are to be optimized to obtain the value of T(N+1). At a location where the measurements are recorded for T(j)(M), Equations (3-18) and (3-19) gives T ( j ) ( M ) X ( j ) ( M ) C ( N )T ( N 1)Y ( j ) ( M ) (3-20) The measured temperatures u(j) are known for all values of j. The error between the computed and measured temperature is ( j) T ( j ) (M ) u ( j ) X ( j ) ( M ) C ( N )T ( N 1)Y ( j ) ( M ) u ( j ) ; j 1,2,...., J (3-21) The problem is now reduced to finding a T(N+1) such that θ is at a minimum. This can be accomplished by a least-squares method: 2 E 2 j ( j ) j X ( j ) ( M ) C ( N )T ( N 1)Y ( j ) ( M ) u ( j ) dT ( N 1) 0 15 ( 2) (3-22) (3-23) j X ( j ) (M ) u ( j ) C ( N )T ( N 1) 0 Y ( j ) (M ) (3-24) 1 u ( j ) X ( j ) (M ) j C(N ) Y ( j ) (M ) (3-25) T ( N 1) Therefore, the desired temperature field can be calculated by, T (1) X C ( N )T ( N 1)Y (1) (3-26) Above equation defines the initial values for the computations of the subsequent time step. The computation can be carried out repeatedly for each advance of time increment. 3.1.2 Structure of the Source Program DATARH.F This section briefly describes the structure of the source program. Detailed comments may be found within the body of the source program as well. The reader is advised that it will be helpful if a listing of the program DATARH.F is referenced as the remainder of this section is being read, since this will enhance the reader’s understanding of the description of the program structure that follows. All real variables used in the program have been declared double precision numbers, as indicated by the use of the implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) statement. The program reads two character variables, TITLE1 and RLOC, that may each be up to 15 alphanumeric characters in length. These are intended to be identifiers of a test case. No intermediate spaces may be present within each set of alphanumeric characters. However, each identifier may be of length less than 15 alphanumeric characters if desired. The program utilizes a number of data arrays, which may be identified by examining the dimension statements within the main program and sub-programs. It is important to note that some of these arrays have been declared to be of length 2000, while others have been declared to be of length 10 or 50. There are several arrays that have multiple dimensions; e.g., array ti is seen to be of dimension 10x10. These numerical figures are indicative of limits built into the program. The length 10,000 indicates that the current version of the program is capable of reading in up to a maximum of 10,000 sets of input data, each comprising time, clad temperature and power to the rod being analyzed. (See input file in1.dat described below.) It also indicates that the maximum number of points in time for which the program is capable of computing heat flux and heat transfer coefficient values is limited to 10,000. The length 10 indicates that the region between two adjacent conduction nodes may be divided into a maximum of 10 sub-regions. As seen by the data (r(i), i=1,5) statement, the program is capable of handling five outer conduction nodes and one implied conduction node at the rod-center, and hence five regions. Thus, the length 50 arises from the fact that the total number of sub-regions that may be handled by this version of the program is 10x5. 16 The radial distance from the center of a heater rod to each outer conduction node is initialized by the data (r(i), i=1,5) statement. Currently, this statement contains radial data for RBHT heater rods, and values are in ft. The program reads input data via two input files. The file names are expected to be in1.dat and in2.dat. These files must exist at the time the executable is run. The required contents of these files are described in a section that follows. The program will write output data to a file by the name of out1.dat. This file will be created by the executable during a run, and a file by this name must not be present in the working directory at run-time. (If the output file from a previous run exists, it must either be deleted, or be renamed.) The program will terminate upon reaching the end of the input file in1.dat. As described in the section on input files that follows, the end of input data is signaled to the executable program by the use of characters END (case sensitive) in the input file in1.dat as input to character variable title1. Initializing the number of sub-regions within the region between a given pair of conduction nodes is accomplished by the array intv(i), i = 1 through 5. As discussed above, the maximum number of sub-regions within any region is limited to 10. The heater-rod length is set to be 3.66 m (12 ft) by means of variable tlength. After all input data has been read, and once the initialization of the conduction region dimensions and heater rod length has been completed, the program will write a summary of the input data to the output file. It is after this that the computational procedures begin. The first step is to convert the input time scale (array timer) so that the time of flood is treated as zero-time. This is accomplished by a do loop that causes the time of flood, tflood, to be subtracted from each time value (array timer) that was read by the program. Next, the number of data points that would be output by the program, jtime, is computed using the last value of input time, timer(nscan), the first value of input time, timer(1), and the value of dt (which is the time interval between results computed by the program). Note that nscan is the number of sets of input data points; see description of input file in1.dat below. Now, an array of time values at which results will be computed, array time, is computed. This too is accomplished by a do loop, and is performed by first setting time(1) equal to timer(1), and then successively adding the value of dt to the current value of time to get the next value of time. The next step is to compute an array of sink temperatures, Tsink. This array will have nscan number of values. It should be noted that the current version of the program treats the saturation temperature corresponding to the operating pressure as the sink temperature throughout the length of the heater rod. Thus, all values in array Tsink will numerically be the same. The program will now access an interpolation subroutine (a subroutine tbl in DATARH) to compute the saturation temperature, rod power, and the clad temperature at each value in array time (the time values at which results are desired). The value of sink temperature computed, Tsink, will be written to the output file at this time as well. Preparation of an array q that will contain volumetric heat generation rates at each value of array time is performed next. Each interpolated value of rod power (at a given value of time) is multiplied by the axial power factor, fax, and the radial power factor (if applicable), fp, and is 17 divided by the total rod length. Then, each resulting value of q is converted to a volumetric heat generation rate in Btu/hr.ft2.s by means of appropriate conversion factors and rod dimensions. It should be noted that if the total power supplied to the rod that is being analyzed is input in file in2.dat (values of variable po11), then fp should be input as 1.0. (Zone power differences will be accounted for when total rod power is input.) It is important to note also that the value of fax is dependent on the axial height of the thermocouple from which clad temperatures have been obtained for input (values of variable tclad in file in2.dat). These have been calculated for each thermocouple location and for each rod in the RBHT rod bundle. The program investigates the curvature of the future three data points next. The subroutine that performs the inverse conduction calculation is called after this computation. Once the inverse conduction calculation is completed for all time values desired, values of heat flux and heat transfer coefficient at the rod surface are computed. These values along with the computed rod surface temperature at each time value are then written to the output file. The program will then continue onto the next case (if input data are present), or will terminate if the end of input data has been reached. It is important to note that the program limits the values of nscan and jtime to be 2000 at most. See statements if (nscan .gt. 2000) nscan=2000 and if(jtime .gt. 2000) jtime=2000 that appear within the source program. This is in accordance with the limitation in the dimensioning of some arrays, as described previously. It should also be noted that the maximum time up to which the program will compute results is limited to 2000 s after reflood. See statement tfinal=dmin1(2.0d+03, timer(nscan)) within the program. 3.1.3 RBHT Rod Geometry and Materials The RBHT bundle and rod geometry is described in Section 2 of the report. Figure 2-3 shows the cross section of the RBHT bundle. The bundle has 45 heater rods and four unheated corner rods. The corner rods are used to support the bundle, grids and the thermocouple leads. The support rods are made from Inconel 600 tubing having a diameter of 9.525 mm (0.375 in.), a wall thickness of 2.108 mm (0.083 in.) and a form length of 3.96 m (156 in.). The heater rods are 3.657 m (12 ft) in heated length with a skewed axial power profile, as shown in Figure 2-4, with the peak power located at 2.74 m (9 ft) elevation. The bundle has a uniform radial power distribution. The maximum to average power ratio (Pmax/Pavg) is 1.5, and the minimum to average power ratio (Pmin/Pavg) is 0.5 at both ends of the heated length. Figure 3-1 shows the description of the geometry for the RBHT heater rod geometry and dimensions. 18 Figure 3-1: Geometry, Materials and Dimensions of RBHT Heater Rod. 3.1.4 Required Input Files The program reads input data via two input files. The file names are expected to be in1.dat and in2.dat. These files must exist at the time the executable is run. File in1.dat should contain sets of input data arranged in lines, one line being required per reflood experiment analyzed. Each line must have values for the following input variables in the specified format, separated by one or more spaces: 19 TITLE1 RLOC NSCAN FAX FP FKA PRES TFLOOD DT Character, A15 Character, A15 Integer Real Real Real Real Real Real Identifier for each experimental run. Rod location/elevation. Number of data points per channel. Axial power factor. Fraction of zone power to this rod. Volumetric fraction of KANTHAL. System pressure, psia. Time of flood, s. Desired time interval between successive values of heat flux and heat transfer coefficient calculated by this program, s. After the last set of values, a final additional line with 'END' (case sensitive) as the first two entries and zeros (in required format, real or integer) as remaining entries must be present. This signals end of input data to the executable program. File in2.dat should contain nscan sets of time, rod power and clad temperature values per line of data in file in1.dat. (The value of nscan appears as an input in file in1.dat.) One set of values must appear on one line, each value separated by at least one space. A description of the data required follows: timer po11 tclad nscan Real Real Array of time values, s. Rod power from decay power table at each TIMER value, kW. Note that the power input into the individual rod under consideration, corrected for decay, must be input here. Real Clad temperature, deg. F, at each timer value. Integer Number of data points per channel. Value is given as an input in file in1.dat The calculation of the axial power factors for the RBHT heater rods is given in Section 3.1.5. The sample input and output files from DATARH are given at the end of the section. 3.1.5 Calculation of the Power Factor at Each Thermocouple Location Stern Lab measured the resistance of each heater rod filament beginning from the bottom of the heated length to the end of the heated length. The measurements were made over increments of one tenth of the length of the rod and the cumulative resistances were reported. Table 3-1 shows a sample table of data from Stern Lab. 20 Table3-1. Heater Number 1 Length (in) Resistance (Ohm) 0 0.000 14.28 0.018 28.55 0.040 42.83 0.066 57.1 0.096 71.38 0.129 85.65 0.166 99.93 0.211 114.20 0.258 128.48 0.291 142.75 0.315 WINDOWS (EAST) Rod A1 Support Rod Rod B1 GR-7 PSP-15 Rod C1 GR-0 PSP-45 Rod D1 GR-7 PSP-16 Rod E1 GR-0 PSP-48 Rod F1 GR-0 PSP-42 Rod G1 Support Rod Rod A2 GR-0 PSP-40 Rod B2 GR-1 PSP-36 Rod C2 GR-2 PSP-32 Rod D2 GR-6 PSP-12 Rod E2 GR-8 PSP-6 Rod F2 GR-1 PSP-37 Rod G2 GR-0 PSP-47 Rod A3 GR-0 PSP-49 Rod B3 GR-8 PSP-27 Rod C3 GR-5 PSP-4 Rod D3 GR-3 PSP-21 Rod E3 GR-4 PSP-7 Rod F3 GR-8 PSP-28 Rod G3 GR-0 PSP-43 Rod A4 GR-7 PSP-17 Rod B4 GR-3 PSP-22 Rod C4 GR-3 PSP-23 Rod D4 GR-3 PSP-25 Rod E4 GR-3 PSP-24 Rod F4 GR-5 PSP-2 Rod G4 GR-0 PSP-44 Rod A5 GR-0 PSP-41 Rod B5 GR-2 PSP-33 Rod C5 GR-4 PSP-8 Rod D5 GR-8 PSP-29 Rod E5 GR-4 PSP-9 Rod F5 GR-2 PSP-34 Rod G5 GR-0 PSP-50 Rod A6 GR-7 PSP-18 Rod B6 GR-1 PSP-38 Rod C6 GR-2 PSP-35 Rod D6 GR-6 PSP-13 Rod E6 GR-8 PSP-30 Rod F6 GR-1 PSP-39 Rod G6 GR-0 PSP-3 Rod A7 Support Rod Rod B7 GR-0 PSP-1 Rod C7 GR-6 PSP-11 Rod D7 GR-7 PSP-19 Rod E7 GR-0 PSP-46 Rod F7 GR-7 PSP-20 Rod G7 Support Rod WINDOWS (WEST) Figure 3-2. RBHT- Test Facility, Heater Rod Locations (Looking down from Top). Figure 3-2 shows the schematic of the RBHT test facility heater rod layout. The 7x7 bundle consists of 8 groups of rods as indicated by GR - # (group number), these are instrumented rods while GR-0 rods are un-instrumented. The PSP - # is the serial number of the rods as given by Stern Labs. 21 The heater rod is composed of a series of resistances along the length. The power shape that is required is obtained by appropriately changing the pitch of the heater element. Using the data, the resistance for every incremental length (one tenth of the total length) is calculated by subtracting the value of resistance over the total length (0 to that axial location) from the previous value (0 to the previous axial location). This would give the resistance of the filament portion for that region (one-tenth of the total length). The incremental length over which the measurements are made is also calculated. This is a constant (14.28 in or 14.27 in). The axial power ratio is defined as the ratio of the incremental resistance for that incremental length over the incremental length to the total resistance of the rod over the total heated length. Using this definition, the axial power ratio over each incremental length is calculated. This is plotted as a function of length to get the power shape for each rod. Since the measurements provided by Stern labs was over every tenth of the heated length, these points were plotted at an average axial position (for example – for the length between 14.28 in and 28.55 in, the incremental resistance and hence the power ratio over this span was plotted at a location of 21.415 in). Such a plot is shown in Figure 3-3, for Rod F4 (Stern lab heater number 2) Measurements from Stern labs were such that they bypassed the peak power location, meaning – the measurement was taken at 99.93 in and 114.20 in elevations. The peak power location was 108 in. In order to calculate the power ratio at the peak power location and for any arbitrary location along the length of the heater rod, a straight line is fit for the power ratio calculated using the data points between 0 and 108 in. The equation for the power ratio is a function of length along the heater rod. Using this equation, the peak power ratio is calculated for each rod (i.e. the value of power factor is calculated at 108 in. location). This is then used along with the remaining calculated values of power ratio (for length beyond 108 in) and another such plot is made. An equation relating the power ratio and the heated length is obtained for the region beyond 108 in. Thus, for each heater rod, two plots are made, one for the length of the heater rod below the peak power location and the other beyond the peak power location to the end of the heated length. Using the equations for the power ratio as a function of axial position, the power ratio at any location along the heater rod is obtained. This procedure is followed for each rod with thermocouples and the power ratio for every thermocouple location is obtained. Table 3-2 shows a typical calculation for one rod (The resistances are values before swaging). 22 1.6 1.4 Power Ratio 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 50 100 150 Length (in) Figure 3-3 Thermocouple Locations for Rod F4, (Stern Heater number 2). Table 3-2. Sample Power Factor Calculation for One Heater Rod Ste rn Lab He ate r Numbe r 2: RB HT RO D F4 Length (in) Increment length (in) Averaged Length (in) 0 14.28 28.55 42.83 57.1 71.38 85.65 99.93 14.28 14.27 14.28 14.27 14.28 14.27 14.28 14.27 114.2 128.48 142.75 14.28 14.27 7.14 21.415 35.69 49.965 64.24 78.515 92.79 107.065 108 121.34 135.615 Heater # 2 Difference Res is tance Ohm Ohm 0 0.017 0.039 0.065 0.095 0.129 0.167 0.209 0.017 0.022 0.026 0.03 0.034 0.038 0.042 0.044 0.253 0.288 0.311 0.035 0.023 Power Ratio Channel # Ins trument Location Power ratio T HERM OCOUP LE INFORM AT ION 0.55 0.71 0.84 0.96 1.09 1.22 1.35 1.42 1.49 1.13 0.74 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 85.6 88.4 92.4 94.3 97.2 108 108.8 111 1.29 1.31 1.35 1.37 1.39 1.49 1.47 1.41 Figure 3-4 and Figure 3-5 show the plots of the power ratio as the function of length along the heater rod. Figure 3-4 is the plot from the beginning of the heated length to the peak power location (108 in.), while Figure 3-5 is the plot from the peak power location (108 in.) to the end of heated length. The values of the axial power factor for all the thermocouples used in the RBHT facility is shown in Table 3-3. The values of the axial power factors range from 0 to 1.5, which is the value at peak power location of 108 in. For example: RodB1_47.9 refers to the thermocouple at 47.9 in elevation for rod B1. These values are directly used in DATARH for the local rod heat flux and heat transfer coefficient calculations. 23 1 .6 y = 0 .0 0 9 2 x + 0 .4 9 7 8 R 2 = 0 .9 9 8 8 1 .4 1 .2 Power Ratio 1 0 .8 Ro d F4 0 .6 T C lo c a tio n s Lin e a r (Ro d F4) 0 .4 0 .2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 L en gt h ( in ) Figure 3-4. Power Ratio as a Function of Length (beginning of heated length to PCT location). 1 .6 Ro d F4 1 .4 T C lo c a tio n Lin e a r (Ro d F4) 1 .2 y = - 0 .0 2 7 2 x + 4 .4 2 9 4 R2 = 1 Power Ratio 1 0 .8 0 .6 0 .4 0 .2 0 100 110 120 130 140 150 L en gt h ( in ) Figure 3-5. Power Ratio as a Function of Length (from PCT location to the end of heater length). 24 Table 3-3. Power Ratios at various axial the RBHT Heater Rods Rod ID Elevation (inches) RodB1_47.9 RodB1_63.6 RodB1_68.6 RodB1_79.7 RodB1_97.1 RodB1_114.8 RodB1_126.7 RodB1_139.4 RodD1_47.9 RodD1_63.8 RodD1_68.8 RodD1_79.9 RodD1_97.3 RodD1_115 RodD1_126.6 RodD1_139.4 RodB2_4.1 RodB2_11.2 RodB2_16.2 RodB2_23.3 RodB2_29.3 RodB2_33.3 RodB2_35.3 RodB2_38.4 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 Power Factor 0.936 1.082 1.128 1.231 1.393 1.314 0.99 0.644 0.941 1.093 1.141 1.248 1.415 1.317 0.99 0.629 0.521 0.589 0.636 0.704 0.761 0.799 0.818 0.847 0.87 0.983 1 1.026 1.083 1.175 1.194 1.203 1.455 1.481 1.358 1.295 1.227 1.134 1.024 0.92 0.962 0.998 1.025 1.054 Rod ID Elevation (inches) RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 RodF2_4.1 RodF2_11.2 RodF2_16.2 RodF2_23.3 RodF2_29.2 RodF2_33.3 RodF2_35.3 RodF2_38.3 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 RodF3_50.1 25 Power Factor 1.111 1.147 1.176 1.195 0.519 0.586 0.634 0.701 0.757 0.796 0.815 0.843 0.956 0.992 1.018 1.048 1.104 1.139 1.168 1.187 1.228 1.281 1.308 1.344 1.362 1.388 1.463 1.313 1.341 1.358 1.378 1.423 1.479 1.46 0.51 1.079 1.331 1.281 1.203 1.094 0.995 0.86 0.759 0.956 Rod ID Elevation (inches) RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_69.9 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodA4_48 RodA4_63.8 RodA4_68.8 RodA4_79.9 RodA4_97.1 RodA4_115 RodA4_126.8 RodA4_139.4 RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4_110 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_93.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 Power Factor 0.993 1.022 1.05 1.108 1.145 1.174 1.193 0.94 1.084 1.13 1.231 1.387 1.291 0.977 0.642 1.303 1.329 1.347 1.363 1.407 1.461 1.414 0.549 1.328 1.354 1.376 1.394 1.439 1.496 1.448 0.553 1.323 1.351 1.369 1.388 1.434 1.491 1.44 0.534 1.303 1.329 1.347 1.365 1.416 Table 3-3 Power Ratios for Thermocouple Locations for the RBHT Heater Rods (cont.) Rod ID Elevation (inches) RodE4_106.1 RodE4_110 RodE4_142.3 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 Power Factor 1.463 1.428 0.54 1.285 1.311 1.348 1.365 1.392 1.47 1.41 0.872 0.982 1.002 1.028 1.085 1.177 1.196 1.205 1.059 1.298 1.246 1.073 0.974 0.853 0.752 0.959 0.996 1.022 1.051 1.107 1.142 1.169 1.188 1.085 1.339 1.292 1.208 1.108 1.006 0.878 0.775 0.866 0.978 0.996 Rod ID Elevation (inches) RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodA6_47.7 RodA6_63.6 RodA6_68.5 RodA6_79.8 RodA6_97.4 RodA6_115.1 RodA6_126.6 RodA6_139.9 RodB6_4.1 RodB6_11.2 RodB6_16.2 RodB6_23.3 RodB6_29.3 RodB6_33.3 RodB6_35.3 RodB6_38.4 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 26 Power Factor 1.022 1.08 1.171 1.19 1.199 0.942 1.085 1.129 1.231 1.389 1.29 0.986 0.633 0.526 0.592 0.638 0.703 0.758 0.795 0.813 0.842 0.866 0.981 1.001 1.03 1.088 1.184 1.204 1.214 1.457 1.484 1.354 1.298 1.246 1.132 1.024 0.916 0.956 0.992 1.018 1.048 1.102 1.138 1.166 Rod ID Elevation (inches) RodE6_75 RodF6_4.1 RodF6_11.2 RodF6_16.3 RodF6_23.3 RodF6_29.3 RodF6_33.3 RodF6_35.3 RodF6_38.3 RodC7_112.6 RodC7_116.6 RodC7_124.4 RodC7_128.4 RodD7_47.9 RodD7_63.6 RodD7_68.8 RodD7_79.8 RodD7_97.1 RodD7_114.9 RodD7_126.7 RodD7_139.4 RodF7_47.9 RodF7_63.8 RodF7_68.9 RodF7_79.9 RodF7_97.2 RodF7_114.9 RodF7_126.8 RodF7_139.4 Power Factor 1.184 0.528 0.593 0.639 0.703 0.757 0.794 0.812 0.839 1.323 1.224 1.03 0.931 0.948 1.091 1.138 1.238 1.396 1.293 0.958 0.598 0.946 1.101 1.15 1.257 1.425 1.333 0.953 0.551 Sample input file: in1.dat RodD4_110 END RodD4_110 END 8656 1.4396 1 0.863844 40 0 0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 This input file should contain values of the following variables, each value separated by one or more spaces: TITLE1, RLOC, NSCAN, FAX, FP, FKA, PRES, TFLOOD, DT TITLE1 RLOC NSCAN FAX FP FKA PRES TFLOOD DT Character, A15 Character, A15 Integer Real Real Real Real Real Real Identifier for each experimental run. Rod location/elevation. Number of data points per channel. Axial power factor. Fraction of zone power to this rod. Volumetric fraction of KANTHAL. System pressure, psia. Time of flood, s. Desired time interval between successive values of heat flux and heat transfer coefficient calculated by this program, s. One line of values per test case should be present. After the last set of values, a final additional line with 'END' as the first two entries and zeros (in required format, real or integer) as remaining entries must be present. Table 3-4 Sample Input File: in2.dat* 0 0 .1 0 .2 0 .3 0 .4 0 .5 0 .6 0 .7 0 .8 0 .9 1 1 .1 1 .2 1 .3 1 .4 1 .5 1 .6 1 .7 1 .8 1 .9 2 3 .1 9 4 3 .1 9 6 3 .1 9 6 3 .1 9 4 3 .1 9 3 3 .1 9 6 3 .1 9 7 3 .1 9 6 3 .1 9 9 3 .1 9 8 3 .1 9 7 3 .1 9 7 3 .1 9 7 3 .1 9 8 3 .1 9 9 3 .1 9 8 3 .1 9 5 3 .1 9 5 3 .2 0 0 3 .2 0 0 3 .2 0 0 1 2 9 0 .7 0 6 1 2 9 0 .1 5 3 1 2 9 1 .2 3 8 1 2 9 2 .0 1 5 1 2 9 2 .5 4 7 1 2 9 3 .4 2 7 1 2 9 4 .0 6 1 1 2 9 4 .4 7 0 1 2 9 5 .1 6 5 1 2 9 6 .1 4 7 1 2 9 6 .4 5 4 1 2 9 7 .3 1 3 1 2 9 7 .5 3 8 1 2 9 8 .6 2 3 1 2 9 8 .9 0 9 1 2 9 9 .6 4 7 1 3 0 0 .4 9 0 1 3 0 0 .9 0 1 1 3 0 1 .2 9 1 1 3 0 2 .1 9 5 1 3 0 3 .0 7 9 8 7 1.8 8 7 1.9 872 8 7 2.1 8 7 2.2 8 7 2.3 8 7 2.4 8 7 2.5 8 7 2.6 8 7 2.7 8 7 2.8 8 7 2.9 873 8 7 3.1 8 7 3.2 8 7 3.3 3 .2 01 3 .2 02 3 .2 01 3 .2 03 3 .2 02 3 .2 02 3 .2 02 3 .2 01 3 .2 00 3 .2 01 3 .2 02 3 .2 02 3 .2 02 3 .2 02 2 .5 43 0 .0 21 2 7 4 .28 9 2 7 5 .17 4 2 7 4 .20 4 2 7 4 .05 7 2 7 4 .16 2 2 7 4 .01 4 2 7 3 .95 1 2 7 3 .38 2 2 7 3 .36 1 2 7 3 .93 0 2 7 3 .23 4 2 7 3 .23 4 2 7 4 .16 2 2 7 4 .31 0 2 7 4 .77 4 2 7 3 .44 5 * Note: This input file is truncated between the two columns of entries in view of saving paper for print out. The file continues in steps of 0.1 s. Obviously, this text line portion will not appear in the actual input file. This file is usually created in EXCEL and saved as in2.dat SAMPLE OUTPUT FILE 27 ***** RBHT EXPERIMENTS ***** ***** Test ID : RodD4_110 ***** Rod : RodD4_110 Initial Run Conditions : No. of data points per Channel: Axial Power Factor: Fraction of Zone Power to rod: Volumetric fraction of KANTHAL: System pressure: Time of Flood: Desired time interval between successive values of results: 0.50000 sec Saturation Temperature is: 264.51414 deg. F ** Summary of Results ** Test ID : RodD4_110 Time (s) 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 8656 1.43960 1.00000 0.86384 40.00000 psi 0.00000 sec ** ** Data Calculated Heat Heat Temp Surface Flux Transfer Temp Coefficient (F) (F) (Btu/hr.ft^2) (Btu/hr.ft^2.F) 1290.71 1290.18 0.5879E+04 0.5731E+01 1293.43 1292.26 0.3568E+04 0.3472E+01 1296.45 1295.18 0.1908E+04 0.1851E+01 1299.65 1298.13 0.1502E+04 0.1453E+01 1303.08 1301.33 0.7332E+03 0.7072E+00 1305.71 1304.41 0.7259E+03 0.6980E+00 1309.39 1307.64 0.2868E+03 0.2749E+00 1312.12 1310.69 0.5431E+03 0.5191E+00 1315.61 1313.85 0.2996E+03 0.2855E+00 1318.33 1316.86 0.5821E+03 0.5531E+00 1321.74 1319.73 0.9626E+03 0.9123E+00 Note: The results are truncated in view of saving paper for print-out. Time results continue in steps of 0.5 s until here. Obviously this text line will not appear in the actual output file. This file can be opened in EXCEL or a program like notepad. 868.50 869.00 869.50 870.00 870.50 871.00 273.23 273.99 274.82 276.38 275.79 274.79 268.20 269.13 269.64 269.50 269.18 268.79 0.1270E+05 0.1178E+05 0.1211E+05 0.1314E+05 0.1375E+05 0.1408E+05 0.3448E+04 0.2549E+04 0.2364E+04 0.2636E+04 0.2949E+04 0.3289E+04 This is the end of RodD4_110 The format of input for file in1.dat has already been described in the write-up for DATARH.F. 28 What follows now is all the information pertaining to RBHT heater rods that need to be input into the file in1.dat, used for running DATARH.F. For each experiment, the value of NSCAN (set as 8656), PRES (set as 40), TFLOOD (set as 0) and DT (set as 0.5) in the sample listing below, need to be changed prior to running the code to reflect the number of values of NSCAN, the experimental pressure and time of flood. TITLE1, RLOC, FAX, FP and FKA are fixed values for the RBHT heater rods. Note that file in1.dat contains ONLY one line of input for each test case. Please refer to the sample file in1.dat that has been provided. RodB1_47.9 RodB1_63.6 RodB1_68.6 RodB1_79.7 RodB1_97.1 RodB1_114.8 RodB1_126.7 RodB1_139.4 RodD1_47.9 RodD1_63.8 RodD1_68.8 RodD1_79.9 RodD1_97.3 RodD1_115 RodD1_126.6 RodD1_139.4 RodB2_4.1 RodB2_11.2 RodB2_16.2 RodB2_23.3 RodB2_29.3 RodB2_33.3 RodB2_35.3 RodB2_38.4 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 3.2. RodB1_47.9 RodB1_63.6 RodB1_68.6 RodB1_79.7 RodB1_97.1 RodB1_114.8 RodB1_126.7 RodB1_139.4 RodD1_47.9 RodD1_63.8 RodD1_68.8 RodD1_79.9 RodD1_97.3 RodD1_115 RodD1_126.6 RodD1_139.4 RodB2_4.1 RodB2_11.2 RodB2_16.2 RodB2_23.3 RodB2_29.3 RodB2_33.3 RodB2_35.3 RodB2_38.4 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 8656 0.936 1.082 1.128 1.231 1.393 1.314 0.990 0.644 0.941 1.093 1.141 1.248 1.415 1.317 0.990 0.629 0.521 0.589 0.636 0.704 0.761 0.799 0.818 0.847 0.870 0.983 1.000 1.026 1.083 1.175 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.859 0.866 0.867 0.869 0.867 0.867 0.860 0.816 0.859 0.866 0.867 0.869 0.867 0.867 0.860 0.816 0.792 0.811 0.822 0.835 0.843 0.847 0.849 0.852 0.854 0.862 0.863 0.864 0.866 0.868 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Subchannel Mean Bulk Fluid Temperature In order to calculate the local heat transfer coefficient in terms of the local bulk mean temperature of the flow, a method based upon the analogy of momentum and heat transfer was developed to correlate the local bulk mean temperature to the local subchannel centerline temperature, which was measured in the experiments [5]. Steam cooling data covering a wide range of Reynolds numbers were used to obtain a correlation factor for determining the local bulk mean temperature. The analogy between momentum and heat transfer is widely recognized for internal flows. 29 From this, at a given elevation of a rod bundle, the expected relationship is: T Tw u f Tc Tw u c (3-27) where T is the local temperature, u the local velocity, Tc the subchannel center temperature, uc the subchannel center velocity, Tw the rod temperature, and η the dimensionless radial coordinate (r/ro) The local bulk mean temperature is defined as: ro Tb uTrdr 0 ro urdr (3-28) 0 where r is the measured distance from the subchannel center and r0 is the distance to the wall (heater rod surface) Substituting Equation (3-27) into (3-28) gives Tb Tw Tc Tw / F (3-29) where F, the correlation factor, is given as: 1 F f d 0 1 f d 2 (3-30) 0 For a given system pressure and bundle power, the local temperature profile, f(η), was measured at various axial locations for different Reynolds numbers. The Reynolds number is based on the local properties of steam evaluated at the local temperature. The correlation factor F was evaluated from the steam cooling test data as shown in Figure 3-6. Also shown in the figure are values of F obtained from the local velocity profiles reported in the literature for channel flows [6]. For turbulent flows, f(η) has been shown to satisfy a 1/n power-law relationship with n equal to 7 over a wide range of Reynolds numbers. However, for Reynolds numbers between 2300 and 5000, n has a value very close to 5. When the Reynolds number is greater than 106, the value of n is close to 9. For Reynolds numbers below 2300, the flow becomes laminar and the correlation factor has a value of 1.5. The “F” method has been presented at an ANS meeting by Cheung et al. [5] and described in detail in the thesis work of McLaughlin [11]. The uncertainty in F depends, of course, on the uncertainty in the measured temperature profile using the steam probes as discussed in Appendix B. 30 Figure 3-6. Variation of the Correlation Factor with the Reynolds Number. A method based upon momentum and heat transfer analogy has been successfully developed to correlate the local bulk mean temperature to the local subchannel centerline temperature by use of a correlation factor. The correlation factor is a function of the Reynolds number alone, which can be used to determine the local bulk mean temperature. Since the subchannel center temperature is used to calculate the mean bulk fluid temperature it is necessary to have a subchannel center temperature at every heater rod thermocouple location in which a heat transfer coefficient is to be calculated. To accomplish this, the thirteen subchannel center temperature measurements were plotted axially and a third order polynomial curve fit was generated such that the center temperature could be estimated at any elevation in the bundle. Figure 3-7 shows a sample axial plot of the subchannel centerline fluid temperature along with the third order data fit. 31 Figure 3-7. Subchannel Center Vapor Temperature. 3.3. Subchannel Reynolds Number Using the calculated mean bulk fluid temperature, the steam fluid properties were found and local subchannel Reynolds numbers were calculated along the axial length of the bundle. In order to calculate the local Reynolds number, the subchannel mass flow is calculated, assuming a uniform mass flow distribution of the steam through each subchannel: m SC ASC * m Af (3-31) m is the bundle mass flow rate, Af the bundle where SC is the subchannel mass flow rate, m flow area, and ASC the subchannel flow area. The local Reynolds number is a function of the hydraulic diameter. In order to calculate the local Reynolds number in a subchannel, the local hydraulic diameter had to be calculated from the subchannel geometry as: DH 4 * ASC WPSC (3-32) where DH is the subchannel hydraulic diameter, and WPSC the subchannel wetted perimeter. this case the wetted perimeter is equal to the heated perimeter of the heater rods. In The local Reynolds numbers were then calculated from Equation 3-33, where the properties for 32 the local viscosity of the steam are at the mean bulk temperature of the subchannel. That is: Re( z ) m SC DH ASC ( z ) (3-33) where Re(z) is the local subchannel Reynolds number and the local viscosity. 3.4. Heat Transfer Coefficient and Nusselt Number Heat transfer coefficients and resulting Nusselt numbers are calculated at all heater rod thermocouple locations within the inner 5x5 bundle, except for the corner rods. The rod outside wall temperature and local heat flux are calculated by DATARH and the mean bulk fluid temperature is found using the measured subchannel centerline vapor temperature and the heat transfer/momentum analogy as described in Section 3.2. With these three quantities known the heat transfer coefficient is found from: h( z ) q" ( z ) Tw ( z ) Tb ( z ) (3-34) where h(z) is the local heat transfer coefficient, q"(z) is the local heat flux, Tw(z) the local wall temperature, and Tb(z) the local mean bulk temperature. From the local heat transfer coefficient, the local Nusselt number can be calculated using the local vapor thermal conductivity of the steam evaluated at the mean bulk temperature. The expression for the Nusselt number becomes: Nu ( z ) h( z ) DH k v( z ) (3-35) where Nu(z) is the local Nusselt number and kv(z) the local vapor thermal conductivity. 3.5. Mixing Vane Grid Loss Coefficient Pressure drop measurements were made along bare bundle lengths (no grids within the pressure drop measurement span) and along spans that contained one or more grids using Differential Pressure (DP) cells. Grid loss coefficients were calculated across DP spans that contained one grid. The measured pressure drop across a span containing a spacer grid has two components; a single-phase frictional pressure drop caused by the bare bundle and a pressure drop related to the grid loss coefficient: Pmeasured Pbare Pgrid (3-36) where ∆Pmeasured is the measured pressure drop across a span containing a spacer grid, ∆Pbare is 33 the single-phase frictional pressure drop, and ∆Pgrid is the pressure drop caused by the grid itself. The single-phase pressure drop is related to the friction factor f by: Pbare fLV 2 (3-37) 2DH where L is the DP span length, V the average velocity across the span, ρ the density evaluated at the average bulk fluid temperature across the DP span, and DH the bundle hydraulic diameter. The pressure drop created by the grid is a function of the grid loss coefficient (kgrid): k grid V Pgrid 2 (3-38) 2 where ρ and V are the same as in Equation 3-37. Combining Equations 3-36 through 3-38, an expression for the grid loss coefficient can be found: 2Pmeasured fL k grid 2 D H V (3-39) Review of Equation 3-39 shows that the grid loss coefficient is a function of the measured pressure drop, the DP span length, the bundle hydraulic diameter, the fluid density and velocity, as well as the single-phase friction factor. In this case the frictional pressure drop is calculated across the entire bundle length, including grids. The bundle hydraulic diameter is easily calculated and span length is known, however, determination of the average fluid density and velocity require an energy balance on the system. Knowing the inlet flow conditions and the bundle power, the fluid enthalpy as a function of bundle length is found from: z h( z ) P P.F .( z )dz 0 m hinlet (3-40) the inlet steam flow, P.F. the axial peaking factor shown in where P is the bundle power, m Figure 2-4, and hinlet the inlet enthalpy. With the fluid enthalpy known at a certain elevation, the bundle bulk fluid temperature can be determined: Tbulk ( z ) (h( z ) hinlet ) Tinlet Cp (3-41) where Cp is the fluid specific heat. For this calculation Cp is assumed constant and is evaluated at the steam inlet temperature, and upper plenum pressure. Using Equations 3-40 and 3-41, the enthalpy and bulk steam temperature can be calculated at the ends of a DP span. The steam temperature is then averaged across the span and the 34 average span fluid density is found for this temperature and the specified upper plenum pressure. With the average fluid density known for a given DP span, the average fluid velocity across that span is found by assuming a constant bundle flow rate: V m Af (3-42) where Af is the bundle flow area and ρ the average fluid density across the DP span in question. 3.5.1 Single-Phase Friction Factor As mentioned previously, DP measurements were made along bare bundle spans that do not contain a spacer grid. These measurements can be used with Equation 3-37 to determine single-phase friction factors: f 2Pbare DH LV 2 (3-43) where the variables are the same as in Equation 3-37 and the fluid density and velocity are averaged across the span and are derived from the energy balance described above. Figure 3-8 and Figure 3-9 below provide comparisons of the calculated friction factors from the RBHT data to several single-phase friction factor correlations. The Blasius correlation [7] was created for circular geometries and is valid for Reynolds numbers between 4000 and 105. The Laminar correlation is taken from Moody [7] and is valid for Reynolds numbers below 2300. The correlation used by TRACE V4.160 [8] is a modification of the Churchill correlation and is used for all Reynolds numbers. 35 Friction Factor Comparison F riction F acto r 1 0.9 Calculated Blasius Laminar (16/Re) TRACE 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 Reynolds Number Figure 3-8. Friction Factor Comparison (Full Range). F rictio n F acto r Friction Factor Comparison 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 Calculated Blasius Laminar (16/Re) TRACE 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 Reynolds Number Figure 3-9. Friction Factor Comparison (Zoomed in). 36 25000 Review of Figure 3-8 and Figure 3-9 reveals that the majority of the RBHT single-phase friction factor data falls above the presented correlations. This is expected since the spacer grid acts to disrupt the boundary layer on the heater rods such that the flow must redevelop downstream of the grid, resulting in higher effective frictional losses. This behavior was also seen in the separate effects single-phase pressure drop experiments used to characterize the RBHT bundle. Due to the relatively large spread in the RBHT friction factor data and the fact that the calculated grid loss coefficients will be used to improve the models in TRACE, the single phase friction factors used for the grid loss coefficient calculation will be found from the correlation used by TRACE V4.160 instead of the relationship given in Equation(3-43). This is a modified Churchill correlation: 8 12 1 f 2 1 . 5 Re ( a b ) 1 / 12 (3-44) where: 1 a 2.457 ln 0.9 7 0.27 Re DH 37530 b Re 16 (3-45) 16 (3-46) and Re is the local bundle Reynolds number, ε the surface roughness and DH the bundle hydraulic diameter. For the RBHT facility the ratio ε/DH was found to be 1.6x10-4 and the local Reynolds number is found assuming a constant bundle flow rate: Re m DH A f (3-47) Here the viscosity is evaluated at the average steam temperature for a given DP span and the terms DH and Af represent the bundle hydraulic diameter and bundle flow area. 37 3.5.2 Grid Loss Coefficient Results Using the methodology described above, grid loss coefficients were calculated over a range of local Reynolds numbers spanning from approximately 800 – 2100. Each valid steady-state window allows a grid loss coefficient to be calculated for grids 2, 4, 5, and 6. A grid loss coefficient was not calculated for grid 1 because it is located close to the bundle inlet. Since the flow is not fully developed here the grid loss coefficient would be larger than expected. Loss coefficients were not calculated for grids 3 and 7 because these grids have moved, covering one of the DP taps which means the recorded pressure drop from these DP cells only reflects a partial grid loss. Grid loss coefficient results are plotted with respect to local Reynolds number and are shown in Figure 3-10 and Figure 3-11. The results are also available in Table 3-5 which lists the loss coefficient uncertainties as well. Table 3-5. Calculated Grid Loss Coefficients 38 Calculated Grid Loss Coefficients 17 Grid #2 15 Grid #4 13 Grid #6 Grid #5 k_grid 11 9 7 5 3 1 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 Local Bundle Reynolds Number Figure 3-10. Calculated Grid Loss Coefficients (Full Range). Calculated Grid Loss Coefficients 5 Grid #2 4.5 Grid #4 4 Grid #6 Grid #5 k_grid 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 Local Bundle Reynolds Number Figure 3-11. Calculated Grid Loss Coefficients (Zoomed in). 39 25000 4. SUMMARY Steam cooling experiments have been completed in the RBHT facility. The experiments were designed to collect quasi-steady state heat transfer data in which the working fluid was single-phase super-heated steam. The goal of the experiments was to collect the data necessary for the calculation of heat transfer coefficients that reflect the heat transfer enhancement caused by mixing vane grids. To accomplish this, heater rods were instrumented axially with thermocouples upstream and downstream of mixing vane grids. Steam temperatures were measured axially at subchannel centers and a method based on the momentum/heat transfer analogy was developed to relate the measured subchannel center temperature to the mean bulk steam temperature. The results of the heat transfer coefficient calculations are contained in Appendix A. The results are broken down by steady state window. From twelve experiments, thirty-five steady state windows have been deemed valid. Each steady state window has its own summary of conditions contained in Appendix A as well as critical instrument plots to show steady state has been reached. Heat transfer coefficients are calculated at every heater rod thermocouple location within the inner 5x5 bundle, excluding the corner rods. The results of an uncertainty analysis on the calculated heat transfer coefficients is also contained in the heat transfer tables. One should note that the heat transfer coefficients presented here are not “true” convective heat transfer coefficients since they were calculated using experimental measurements that reflect both convective and radiative heat transfer. Along with collecting the measurements used for the heat transfer coefficient calculations, detailed axial pressure drop measurements were also made. These pressure drop measurements were made across both bare bundle spans and across spans that contain a mixing vane grid. The bare bundle span measurements were used to calculate single-phase friction factors and the spans that contained a mixing vane grid were used to calculate grid loss coefficients. The results of these calculations are shown in Table 3-5 and the grid loss coefficients are tabulated with the local bundle Reynolds number and the results of a grid loss coefficient uncertainty analysis. The table shows that the uncertainty increases substantially as the flow rate decreases. The grid loss coefficients are also plotted as a function of local bundle Reynolds number as shown in Figure 3-10 and Figure 3-11. 41 5. REFERENCES 1. E. R. Rosal, T. F. Lin, I. S. McClellan, L. E. Hochreiter, F. B. Cheung, "The Pennsylvania State University and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rod Bundle Heat Transfer Facility," Proceedings 6th ASME-JSME Joint Thermal Engineering Conference, Paper No. TED-AJ03-625, March 2003. 2. C. Frepoli, A.J. Andrew, L.E Hochreiter, and F.B. Cheung, "RBHT Steam Cooling and Droplet Injection Pre-test Analysis Using COBRA-TF," Proceedings 2001 IMECE, New York, NY, November 2001. 3. C. Frepoli, L. E. Hochreiter, J. Mahaffy, and F. B. Cheung, “A Noding Sensitivity Analysis Using COBRA-TF and the Effect of Spacer Grids During Core Reflood,” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Paper No. 8711, April 2000. 4. Lee, N., Wong, S., Yeh, H.C., and Hochreiter, L.E., ‘PWR FLECHT-SEASET Unblocked Bundle, Forced and Gravity Reflood Task Data Evaluation and Analysis Report’ WCAP-9891, February 1982. 5. F. B. Cheung, D. M. McLaughlin, J. P. Spring, L. E. Hochrieter, “Correlation Factor for Determining the Local Bulk Mean Temperature in a Sub-channel.” Trans. ANS, Vol. 93. Winter Meeting, Washington D.C. Nov. 2005. 6. L. C. Burmeister, Convection Heat Transfer, Wiley, New York, 1993. 7. F. M. White, Fluid Mechanics, 3rd Edition. McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1994. 8. S.W. Churchill, "Friction Factor Equations Spans All Fluid-Flow Regimes." Chemical Eng., November, 91-92, 1977. 9. Reinhardt, H. J., “Analysis of the discrete Beck method of solving ill-posed parabolic equations”, Inverse Problems, 10 (1994), pp. 1345-1360. 10. Lee, N., Wong, S., Yeh, H.C., and Hochreiter, L.E., “PWR FLECHT SEASET Unblocked Bundle, Forced and Gravity Reflood Task Data Report Volume 1”, WCAP-9891, February 1982. 11. McLaughlin, D. M. “Rod Bundle Heat Transfer Facility Steam Cooling Experiments,” M.S. Thesis, The Pennsylvania State University, 2005. 43 Appendix A. Heat Transfer Reduced Data This appendix contains the data acquired in 12 RBHT steam cooling tests containing a total of 35 valid steady state windows. For each steady state window, the following plots and tables are included: Summary and comment sheet – lists the as-run conditions, presents the axial subchannel center steam temperature polynomial curve-fit equations used for data reduction, and notes any traversing operations made by the subchannel steam probe rakes. Critical instrument plots – verifies steady state was reached and maintained for boundary conditions and selected heater rod and steam temperature measurements. The following experimental data is plotted over the steady state time window: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. inlet and exhaust steam flow rates inlet steam temperature bundle power upper plenum pressure selected steam probe rake temperatures selected heat rod temperatures axial subchannel center steam temperature profiles Data tables – tabulations of the following: 1. steam probe rake thermocouple positions and temperature measurements 2. reduced data from DATARH, bulk steam temperature, heat transfer coefficient, and local Reynolds number calculations. Reduced heat transfer data is presented at all heater rod thermocouple locations within the inner 5x5 bundle, excluding the corner rods. That is, 21 rods totaling 130 thermocouple locations. The results are organized by heat rod location and most heater rods have 8 thermocouples instrumented at various axial locations. Figure below provides the heat rod and subchannel identification diagram which indicates the location of heater rods within the bundle. A-1 Figure A-1. Heater Rod and Subchannel Identification Diagram. A-2 RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3163-A Matrix test # 4 Test date – 3/15/2005 Steady state time window: 25920 - 26520 sec Inlet flow: 1.35 m3/min (47.6 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 408 K (275 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 271.7 kPa (39.4 psia) Bundle power: 29.9 kW Outlet steam temperature: 790 K (963 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 5413 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -16.388x3 + 100.57x2 - 49.17x + 436.12 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -8.9366x3 + 58.937x2 + 6.0702x + 417.72 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -16.388x3 + 100.57x2 - 49.17x + 436.12 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.5 4 Elevation (m) Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile 2 3 y = -8.9366x + 58.937x + 6.0702x + 417.72 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m ) A-9 2.5 3 A-10 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4_110 RodD4_142.1 Channel Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 Elevation (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 Zgrid (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 628.3 786.4 797.6 808.5 817.3 819.5 805.8 810.5 689.3 714.4 741.9 766.6 820.8 695.2 721.0 734.6 746.6 770.4 789.9 780.9 828.4 688.9 714.1 728.5 742.2 766.6 789.5 779.2 828.6 H.R.Tw (K) 687.0 716.6 730.7 745.1 769.5 792.1 785.3 817.4 6587.6 8120.8 7811.5 7331.2 6654.8 6045.2 5224.7 4589.5 7959.9 8111.6 8336.7 8643.2 3234.4 8080.7 8250.2 8358.9 8473.9 8758.6 9103.4 8793.8 3200.7 8112.3 8268.6 8400.2 8510.5 8787.3 9131.2 8839.6 3309.5 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 8017.7 8186.1 8288.9 8413.7 8688.1 9028.0 8918.1 3051.9 549.3 737.8 743.6 752.3 763.6 772.8 783.6 790.2 647.2 658.2 673.9 694.8 798.4 646.8 658.6 665.9 673.5 691.9 713.2 726.4 798.2 647.2 657.8 666.7 673.9 691.9 713.2 726.4 798.3 Tcl (K) 646.8 658.6 665.5 673.9 691.9 713.2 726.4 798.2 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 566.2 748.2 755.2 764.4 775.1 782.8 788.3 794.5 656.2 670.2 688.5 710.2 803.2 657.2 671.9 680.6 689.2 708.7 729.7 738.1 804.7 656.1 669.8 679.9 688.5 707.9 729.6 737.7 804.8 Tbulk (K) 655.4 671.0 679.5 689.2 708.5 730.1 739.0 802.3 4217 3058 3026 2986 2940 2908 2886 2861 3549 3464 3359 3243 2827 3543 3454 3403 3355 3250 3145 3105 2821 3549 3466 3407 3359 3255 3145 3107 2821 3554 3459 3410 3355 3251 3143 3101 2830 Re (z) Table SC-3163-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data 106.11 213.02 184.03 166.24 157.76 164.68 298.25 287.21 241.00 183.41 156.15 153.25 183.94 212.70 168.25 154.82 147.54 141.99 151.15 205.13 135.06 247.99 186.96 172.98 158.73 149.67 152.38 213.07 139.19 h(z) (W/m2-K) 253.87 179.30 161.91 150.51 142.48 145.78 192.67 202.11 7.14 15.46 13.06 11.71 11.18 12.00 29.11 29.58 18.14 12.95 10.72 10.46 18.10 15.38 11.61 10.54 9.97 9.52 10.16 14.50 11.54 18.60 13.10 11.94 10.80 10.08 10.24 15.12 11.76 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 19.30 12.55 11.14 10.24 9.60 9.81 13.37 22.06 6.73% 7.26% 7.10% 7.04% 7.09% 7.29% 9.76% 10.30% 7.53% 7.06% 6.87% 6.82% 9.84% 7.23% 6.90% 6.81% 6.76% 6.71% 6.72% 7.07% 8.55% 7.50% 7.01% 6.90% 6.81% 6.73% 6.72% 7.10% 8.45% Fractional Uncertainty 7.60% 7.00% 6.88% 6.80% 6.74% 6.73% 6.94% 10.92% 29.05 39.17 33.39 29.64 27.56 28.36 50.85 48.41 53.55 39.54 32.38 30.39 30.52 47.17 36.14 32.64 30.55 28.24 28.82 38.47 22.35 55.12 40.34 36.53 32.91 29.82 29.06 39.99 23.03 56.51 38.59 34.22 31.17 28.35 27.77 36.07 33.59 Nu(z) A-11 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 Channel Elevation Number (m) 225 1.618 226 2.885 227 2.939 229 3.117 230 3.218 231 3.343 232 3.447 H.R. Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 Zgrid (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 574.0 597.5 610.3 622.1 636.1 619.6 646.6 661.0 670.9 680.3 684.6 717.2 727.7 746.7 787.9 626.3 774.8 785.0 795.3 803.3 808.3 798.9 806.7 H.R.Tw (K) 631.2 780.9 795.3 817.5 821.0 810.5 817.6 5855.8 6085.5 6243.3 6419.3 6762.4 6978.8 7142.1 7252.9 7502.6 7825.4 7987.4 8205.1 8316.8 8475.5 8931.3 6626.2 8170.0 7883.3 7360.6 6742.6 6110.9 5332.2 4691.5 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 6470.1 7919.8 7597.2 6529.5 5918.6 5181.8 4547.6 502.3 515.9 525.6 536.8 559.5 574.1 585.8 593.7 613.2 636.2 647.6 662.8 670.5 681.1 722.4 550.0 737.8 743.3 752.9 763.4 773.0 783.4 790.2 Tcl (K) 550.4 737.8 744.2 763.6 773.2 783.4 790.3 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 517.7 533.4 543.8 555.0 575.9 583.9 598.8 608.1 625.5 645.6 655.5 674.5 682.7 695.1 736.4 566.4 745.8 752.3 762.0 771.9 780.6 786.7 793.7 Tbulk (K) 567.7 747.1 755.2 775.1 783.5 789.2 796.2 4691 4527 4424 4318 4133 4067 3947 3877 3751 3616 3553 3439 3391 3322 3113 4215 3069 3039 2996 2954 2917 2892 2864 4204 3063 3026 2940 2905 2882 2854 Re (z) Table SC-3163-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 103.88 94.98 93.86 95.73 112.38 195.10 149.66 137.20 165.33 225.71 274.99 192.11 185.02 164.52 173.57 110.59 281.31 240.57 220.74 214.86 220.37 436.41 360.85 h(z) (W/m2-K) 101.98 234.23 189.35 154.16 157.64 243.35 212.28 7.05 6.36 6.27 6.39 7.57 14.29 10.38 9.40 11.60 16.76 21.50 13.63 13.01 11.33 11.95 7.45 21.95 18.08 16.49 16.30 17.36 53.95 42.57 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 6.91 17.65 13.71 11.00 11.49 21.47 18.62 6.78% 6.70% 6.68% 6.67% 6.74% 7.32% 6.93% 6.85% 7.02% 7.42% 7.82% 7.10% 7.03% 6.89% 6.88% 6.74% 7.80% 7.52% 7.47% 7.58% 7.88% 12.36% 11.80% Fractional Uncertainty 6.77% 7.54% 7.24% 7.13% 7.29% 8.82% 8.77% 32.11 28.21 27.16 26.94 30.05 51.18 37.89 33.98 39.34 51.34 61.20 41.04 38.84 33.65 32.66 30.27 51.97 43.89 39.53 37.76 38.11 74.62 60.91 27.82 43.17 34.35 26.93 27.12 41.42 35.67 Nu(z) A-12 Channel Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 Elevation (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 Zgrid (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 555.4 588.9 598.5 611.6 629.9 650.3 661.1 667.2 548.1 587.5 595.7 607.4 623.3 636.5 647.6 652.0 550.9 582.2 591.5 603.0 620.2 635.8 648.6 654.0 H.R.Tw (K) 553.8 586.2 594.5 607.0 625.5 646.9 659.5 664.6 5298.2 6001.1 6119.7 6296.2 6653.4 7236.1 7358.7 7418.2 5321.0 6004.5 6112.3 6270.4 6616.5 7179.2 7296.3 7354.2 5290.7 5971.7 6079.5 6238.1 6591.3 7147.9 7261.1 7317.9 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 5337.4 6009.9 6128.8 6288.1 6640.4 7200.9 7314.2 7370.5 477.6 510.3 516.3 525.4 544.3 577.0 584.1 587.5 477.9 511.2 516.9 525.4 544.6 577.3 584.1 587.5 477.9 511.2 516.9 525.4 544.9 577.3 584.1 587.5 Tcl (K) 477.9 510.6 516.9 525.4 544.9 577.7 584.4 587.8 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 490.6 527.1 533.9 543.8 562.6 592.7 600.6 604.6 489.6 527.5 533.7 543.0 561.5 590.0 597.7 601.3 490.0 526.4 532.8 542.0 561.1 589.8 597.9 601.7 Tbulk (K) 490.5 526.8 533.5 542.9 562.2 592.5 600.5 604.3 5003.2 4591.0 4521.8 4423.4 4248.6 3995.6 3934.1 3903.8 5015.7 4586.8 4523.2 4432.0 4259.1 4017.0 3956.3 3928.4 5009.9 4598.5 4532.3 4441.1 4262.7 4018.3 3954.8 3925.2 5004.0 4594.4 4525.8 4432.8 4252.5 3997.1 3934.6 3906.0 Re (z) Table SC-3163-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 81.69 97.22 94.64 92.97 98.88 125.62 121.64 118.46 90.92 100.13 98.61 97.24 107.03 154.29 146.19 145.03 86.90 106.98 103.62 102.22 111.40 155.69 143.35 140.06 h(z) (W/m2-K) 84.36 101.11 100.44 98.02 104.88 132.30 123.97 122.23 4.79 6.54 6.34 6.20 6.59 8.50 8.18 7.94 5.40 6.76 6.64 6.52 7.20 10.75 10.08 10.00 5.15 7.30 7.03 6.90 7.54 10.89 9.90 9.64 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 4.95 6.83 6.76 6.57 7.03 9.01 8.39 8.25 5.87% 6.73% 6.70% 6.67% 6.66% 6.76% 6.73% 6.70% 5.94% 6.75% 6.73% 6.71% 6.73% 6.97% 6.89% 6.89% 5.93% 6.82% 6.78% 6.75% 6.77% 6.99% 6.91% 6.88% Fractional Uncertainty 5.87% 6.75% 6.73% 6.70% 6.71% 6.81% 6.76% 6.75% 27.06 29.34 28.07 26.90 27.31 32.27 30.67 29.59 30.19 30.18 29.26 28.20 29.64 39.88 37.11 36.50 28.82 32.34 30.82 29.71 30.89 40.26 36.37 35.22 27.95 30.53 29.83 28.43 29.00 34.00 31.26 30.55 Nu(z) A-13 Channel Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 Elevation (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 Zgrid (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 762.2 769.5 759.5 773.5 784.2 794.5 801.7 804.8 759.5 769.6 761.7 778.9 786.4 795.8 801.4 802.2 675.8 678.2 712.2 725.2 741.7 774.4 763.4 H.R.Tw (K) 684.0 711.5 724.4 735.1 754.1 776.5 767.7 817.7 8895.4 9057.0 8270.5 7923.7 7595.6 6898.0 6232.5 5568.3 8872.3 9032.4 8289.4 7899.0 7474.5 6897.5 6223.7 5583.5 7848.9 8006.6 8228.0 8333.9 8495.7 8965.9 8602.7 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 7958.4 8115.3 8222.6 8320.8 8588.9 8915.7 8632.8 3285.8 677.3 686.9 709.1 715.3 721.1 733.4 744.5 755.2 677.6 686.9 708.1 715.3 722.9 733.1 744.5 754.9 617.7 627.3 641.1 647.6 657.5 696.0 703.0 Tcl (K) 627.3 637.3 644.2 650.3 666.9 686.9 699.5 787.6 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 695.5 704.6 719.8 727.8 734.6 746.4 756.8 765.8 695.2 704.6 719.6 728.9 736.5 746.5 756.7 765.1 630.1 638.2 656.3 664.2 675.5 712.8 716.0 Tbulk (K) 639.5 653.2 661.3 668.5 685.6 706.1 714.1 794.1 3320.5 3271.8 3193.4 3154.4 3121.2 3065.9 3019.2 2979.6 3322.2 3271.8 3194.8 3148.8 3112.2 3065.7 3019.5 2982.9 3719.7 3665.0 3548.4 3499.9 3432.8 3229.2 3213.0 3656.8 3567.9 3517.4 3474.2 3375.0 3264.0 3222.3 2862.7 Re (z) Table SC-3163-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 133.38 139.49 208.78 173.11 153.09 143.58 138.60 142.93 137.93 138.97 196.98 158.11 149.82 139.87 139.24 150.15 171.96 200.34 147.21 136.58 128.30 145.49 181.38 h(z) (W/m2-K) 178.83 139.13 130.46 124.84 125.33 126.57 161.12 139.09 8.90 9.33 15.01 12.12 10.59 9.99 9.75 10.34 9.24 9.30 14.01 10.94 10.37 9.70 9.81 10.98 12.05 14.38 10.03 9.21 8.59 9.79 12.61 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 12.61 9.45 8.80 8.38 8.39 8.46 11.09 11.79 6.67% 6.69% 7.19% 7.00% 6.92% 6.96% 7.04% 7.24% 6.70% 6.69% 7.11% 6.92% 6.92% 6.94% 7.05% 7.31% 7.00% 7.18% 6.81% 6.75% 6.70% 6.73% 6.95% Fractional Uncertainty 7.05% 6.80% 6.74% 6.71% 6.70% 6.69% 6.88% 8.47% 27.26 27.98 40.60 33.14 28.91 26.49 25.07 25.41 28.21 27.87 38.33 30.20 28.18 25.81 25.19 26.73 40.50 46.33 32.71 29.83 27.35 28.70 35.55 41.24 31.12 28.67 27.01 26.15 25.31 31.69 23.46 Nu(z) A-14 Channel Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 Elevation (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 Zgrid (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 567.7 587.5 598.6 610.6 623.5 608.8 632.6 645.1 569.1 590.7 603.5 615.3 622.4 608.7 633.0 647.1 562.6 578.3 588.0 597.3 618.3 606.3 632.2 645.1 H.R.Tw (K) 566.2 588.2 600.8 613.7 625.7 607.3 631.0 642.5 5841.3 6059.4 6221.3 6402.3 6734.8 6956.5 7123.7 7230.8 5832.7 6058.9 6232.0 6405.6 6761.7 6990.2 7164.6 7280.5 5849.6 6071.0 6228.5 6411.5 6750.3 6969.5 7141.6 7254.2 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 5866.5 6090.1 6257.2 6431.7 6784.2 7007.0 7181.8 7295.8 502.8 514.2 522.9 532.9 551.8 564.6 575.0 581.4 502.5 513.9 522.9 532.2 551.8 564.6 574.6 581.4 502.8 514.2 522.6 532.5 551.8 564.3 574.6 581.4 Tcl (K) 502.5 513.9 522.6 531.9 551.4 563.9 574.3 581.0 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 516.7 529.9 539.1 549.5 567.1 574.1 587.3 595.0 516.7 530.3 540.2 550.0 566.9 574.0 587.1 595.5 515.6 527.9 536.6 546.4 566.0 573.3 587.0 595.0 Tbulk (K) 516.1 529.8 539.4 549.4 567.3 573.2 586.4 594.2 4702.3 4562.7 4469.4 4369.2 4209.0 4148.7 4038.7 3977.2 4701.6 4558.0 4459.1 4364.4 4211.0 4148.9 4040.2 3973.9 4714.3 4583.0 4494.3 4398.8 4218.7 4155.5 4041.4 3977.3 4708.3 4563.6 4467.2 4370.1 4207.0 4155.9 4045.7 3983.7 Re (z) Table SC-3163-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 114.49 105.13 104.61 104.72 119.51 200.17 157.39 144.49 111.47 100.32 98.42 98.10 121.79 201.63 156.31 141.06 124.45 120.41 121.22 126.05 129.09 210.94 157.77 145.00 h(z) (W/m2-K) 117.20 104.29 101.87 100.11 116.23 205.51 161.11 151.12 7.88 7.13 7.07 7.06 8.12 14.78 11.02 9.97 7.65 6.77 6.61 6.57 8.28 14.88 10.90 9.66 8.66 8.29 8.33 8.67 8.84 15.77 11.03 9.99 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 8.07 7.04 6.84 6.70 7.84 15.21 11.27 10.44 6.88% 6.78% 6.76% 6.74% 6.80% 7.39% 7.00% 6.90% 6.86% 6.75% 6.71% 6.69% 6.80% 7.38% 6.97% 6.85% 6.96% 6.89% 6.87% 6.88% 6.85% 7.48% 6.99% 6.89% Fractional Uncertainty 6.88% 6.75% 6.72% 6.69% 6.75% 7.40% 6.99% 6.91% 35.48 31.50 30.62 29.88 32.65 53.76 40.95 36.91 34.53 30.03 28.74 27.95 33.29 54.16 40.68 36.00 38.67 36.26 35.71 36.24 35.36 56.77 41.08 37.04 36.37 31.26 29.81 28.57 31.73 55.31 42.00 38.68 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3163-B Matrix test # 5 Test date – 3/15/2005 Steady state time window: 27300 - 27600 sec Inlet flow: 1.80 m3/min (63.5 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 409 K (277 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 272.3 kPa (39.5 psia) Bundle power: 39.2 kW Outlet steam temperature: 805 K (990 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 7184 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -16.261x3 + 100.93x2 - 49.657x + 438.59 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -9.6585x3 + 64.419x2 - 2.3145x + 422.76 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-15 A-16 A-17 A-18 A-19 A-20 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -16.261x3 + 100.93x2 - 49.657x + 438.59 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3 3.5 4 Elevation (m) Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile 2 y = -9.6585x3 + 64.419x - 2.3145x + 422.76 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-21 2.5 A-22 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4_110 RodD4_142.1 Channel Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 Elevation (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 Zgrid (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 642.6 804.2 817.0 828.0 836.6 837.7 818.8 826.4 702.3 731.0 760.8 787.3 836.0 708.0 737.7 752.1 764.3 787.7 808.9 796.2 844.8 701.6 729.8 744.2 758.8 783.8 809.0 794.2 846.1 H.R. Tw (K) 699.9 733.8 748.7 763.6 788.5 812.5 801.4 833.9 8608.1 10610.6 10209.7 9587.1 8705.3 7910.7 6837.0 6007.7 10395.1 10594.2 10888.5 11292.5 4234.2 10550.7 10773.8 10917.1 11066.2 11442.0 11890.4 11488.4 4194.5 10594.6 10793.9 10968.6 11114.0 11479.8 11934.4 11554.4 4336.6 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 10475.2 10694.5 10830.9 10990.7 11354.7 11798.7 11657.3 3997.0 552.5 745.0 751.0 760.1 772.0 781.7 793.2 800.5 651.9 663.0 679.2 700.6 809.9 651.5 663.4 670.9 678.8 697.5 719.5 733.1 809.7 651.9 662.6 671.7 679.2 697.5 719.5 733.1 809.8 Tcl (K) 651.5 663.4 670.6 679.2 697.5 719.5 733.1 809.7 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 567.5 757.7 765.1 774.7 785.8 793.7 798.7 806.1 662.7 677.6 696.6 719.1 815.5 663.6 679.4 688.3 697.1 716.9 738.7 746.6 817.2 662.5 677.0 687.3 696.2 716.0 738.7 746.2 817.5 Tbulk (K) 661.9 678.5 687.3 697.2 717.0 739.5 747.7 814.9 5600 4015 3971 3917 3856 3814 3788 3750 4673 4555 4413 4257 3702 4665 4541 4474 4410 4272 4131 3694 3694 4674 4559 4482 4416 4278 4130 4084 3692 4679 4548 4482 4409 4271 4126 4075 3706 Re (z) Table SC-3163-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data 114.57 227.99 197.05 179.67 171.33 179.50 340.20 295.23 262.39 198.50 169.69 165.56 206.47 237.39 184.52 171.25 164.56 161.45 169.36 231.53 151.90 270.91 204.48 192.53 177.64 169.43 169.77 240.48 152.11 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 275.03 193.53 176.38 165.63 158.93 161.44 217.12 209.78 5.77 14.61 12.39 11.23 10.78 11.58 29.37 25.29 17.43 12.44 10.39 10.07 17.77 15.30 11.37 10.44 9.97 9.73 10.22 14.63 11.41 17.97 12.77 11.89 10.84 10.25 10.23 15.26 11.20 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 18.41 12.04 10.82 10.07 9.59 9.73 13.50 19.01 5.04% 6.41% 6.29% 6.25% 6.29% 6.45% 8.63% 8.57% 6.64% 6.27% 6.12% 6.08% 8.60% 6.45% 6.16% 6.10% 6.06% 6.03% 6.03% 6.32% 7.51% 6.63% 6.24% 6.17% 6.10% 6.05% 6.03% 6.35% 7.36% Fractional Uncertainty 6.69% 6.22% 6.13% 6.08% 6.04% 6.02% 6.22% 9.06% 31.27 41.16 35.08 31.42 29.34 30.30 56.91 48.74 57.49 42.12 34.60 32.24 33.52 51.91 39.01 35.53 33.52 31.59 31.72 37.47 24.58 59.38 43.44 40.03 36.25 33.20 31.80 44.39 24.60 60.37 40.99 36.67 33.73 31.08 30.19 39.96 34.09 Nu(z) A-23 Channel Number 225 226 227 229 230 231 232 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 H.R. Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 Elevation (m) 1.618 2.885 2.939 3.117 3.218 3.343 3.447 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 Zgrid (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 586.2 611.3 625.1 636.6 648.7 628.3 659.6 675.5 684.8 692.4 697.6 734.6 744.3 764.5 807.5 639.3 792.9 804.0 813.0 820.8 825.3 810.8 822.7 H.R. Tw (K) 642.6 798.1 814.8 837.9 840.2 824.3 833.9 7645.0 7943.9 8150.3 8377.4 8824.4 9108.5 9322.6 9468.9 9795.8 10220.4 10431.5 10720.0 10866.3 11074.1 11671.5 8654.5 10669.6 10296.9 9616.9 8815.0 7989.9 6975.7 6140.4 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 8440.9 10338.8 9921.4 8529.7 7734.6 6770.7 5948.1 505.0 518.7 528.6 539.8 562.8 577.6 589.5 597.5 617.2 640.6 652.3 667.8 675.7 686.5 729.0 553.2 745.0 750.7 760.7 771.7 781.9 793.0 800.5 Tcl (K) 553.6 745.0 751.7 772.0 782.1 793.0 800.7 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 518.5 534.2 544.7 555.9 577.1 586.0 601.2 610.5 631.7 651.7 662.0 682.1 690.4 703.2 745.8 567.6 755.3 762.1 771.9 782.2 791.2 796.8 805.3 Tbulk (K) 568.4 756.4 765.2 786.1 794.6 799.7 807.8 6235 6017 5880 5739 5490 5392 5233 5139 4939 4763 4678 4521 4459 4366 4086 5599 4029 3989 3933 3876 3827 3797 3754 5589 4023 3971 3855 3809 3782 3741 Re (z) Table SC-3163-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 113.06 103.03 101.27 103.82 123.25 215.32 159.58 145.57 184.33 251.02 292.89 204.33 201.33 180.70 189.11 120.69 283.53 245.74 233.96 228.35 234.15 500.55 351.93 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 113.86 247.73 199.92 164.64 169.52 275.90 228.18 5.77 5.17 5.05 5.18 6.26 12.24 8.39 7.50 11.55 16.55 20.00 12.83 12.58 11.10 11.61 6.11 19.03 16.06 15.34 15.18 16.08 54.70 32.94 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 5.80 16.35 12.74 10.39 10.91 21.56 17.31 5.11% 5.02% 4.99% 4.99% 5.08% 5.69% 5.26% 5.15% 6.27% 6.59% 6.83% 6.28% 6.25% 6.15% 6.14% 5.06% 6.71% 6.54% 6.56% 6.65% 6.87% 10.93% 9.36% Fractional Uncertainty 5.09% 6.60% 6.37% 6.31% 6.44% 7.81% 7.59% 34.86 30.54 29.24 29.15 32.86 56.19 40.18 35.86 43.26 56.33 64.27 42.95 41.59 36.35 34.93 32.93 51.43 44.00 41.12 39.37 39.71 84.02 58.18 31.00 44.84 35.59 28.18 28.57 46.07 37.55 Nu(z) A-24 Channel Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 Elevation (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 Zgrid (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 563.8 601.9 611.9 625.4 642.2 664.4 675.4 681.9 556.5 598.8 607.0 618.9 632.1 651.0 663.1 667.9 559.5 595.2 604.5 615.7 631.1 650.2 664.4 670.1 H.R. Tw (K) 562.6 599.5 608.2 620.9 637.2 661.9 675.6 681.1 6913.9 7829.2 7987.2 8219.3 8681.6 9443.0 9604.5 9681.0 6945.7 7843.2 7983.6 8191.0 8641.9 9377.1 9529.1 9602.2 6914.7 7804.8 7944.0 8148.6 8610.0 9334.4 9479.8 9555.0 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 6957.1 7838.7 7995.1 8203.2 8662.6 9391.5 9541.5 9617.3 479.1 512.2 518.3 527.6 547.1 580.8 588.2 591.7 479.3 513.1 518.9 527.6 547.4 581.2 588.2 591.7 479.3 513.1 518.9 527.6 547.7 581.2 588.2 591.7 Tcl (K) 479.3 512.5 518.9 527.6 547.7 581.5 588.5 592.0 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 493.2 527.2 533.9 543.9 562.9 594.7 602.7 606.7 492.2 527.4 533.6 542.9 561.5 592.8 600.7 604.4 492.7 526.8 533.2 542.3 561.6 592.7 600.9 604.8 Tbulk (K) 493.2 527.0 533.8 543.2 562.6 594.9 603.0 606.9 6620.3 6112.8 6021.0 5888.8 5653.8 5298.9 5217.0 5176.6 6636.6 6109.5 6025.1 5902.8 5670.7 5319.3 5237.8 5200.0 6628.4 6117.8 6030.7 5909.7 5669.3 5320.7 5235.7 5196.2 6620.1 6114.7 6022.2 5898.5 5657.2 5297.2 5213.7 5175.0 Re (z) Table SC-3163-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 97.91 104.80 102.42 100.86 109.47 135.54 132.13 128.80 108.01 109.90 108.80 107.67 122.46 161.03 152.58 151.20 103.46 114.17 111.43 111.03 123.93 162.24 149.32 146.13 h (z) (W/m2-K) 100.23 108.10 107.42 105.56 116.22 140.21 131.53 129.65 4.99 5.28 5.13 5.03 5.47 6.89 6.67 6.48 5.57 5.58 5.50 5.42 6.22 8.48 7.92 7.83 5.31 5.84 5.67 5.62 6.32 8.58 7.75 7.54 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 5.11 5.47 5.42 5.29 5.86 7.19 6.67 6.55 5.09% 5.04% 5.01% 4.98% 4.99% 5.08% 5.05% 5.03% 5.16% 5.07% 5.05% 5.03% 5.08% 5.26% 5.19% 5.18% 5.14% 5.12% 5.09% 5.07% 5.10% 5.29% 5.19% 5.16% Fractional Uncertainty 5.09% 5.06% 5.04% 5.01% 5.04% 5.13% 5.07% 5.05% 32.21 31.62 30.38 29.17 30.21 34.65 33.15 32.01 35.63 33.14 32.30 31.23 33.91 41.35 38.46 37.78 34.08 34.48 33.11 32.25 34.31 41.67 37.62 36.48 32.97 32.62 31.87 30.59 32.10 35.83 32.97 32.21 Nu(z) A-25 Channel Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 Elevation (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 Zgrid (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 781.6 787.9 775.4 791.6 803.2 813.6 820.1 822.0 781.9 791.7 778.8 797.9 806.1 816.2 821.1 820.9 688.9 692.5 730.0 743.9 761.5 794.0 776.3 H.R. Tw (K) 697.0 727.9 740.4 752.3 773.6 797.4 782.4 836.9 11622.4 11836.6 10800.7 10350.1 9923.7 9015.7 8150.0 7284.0 11596.2 11807.0 10832.8 10324.0 9772.1 9020.6 8143.9 7307.8 10246.4 10450.9 10749.8 10887.6 11098.6 11715.6 11244.9 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 10392.5 10597.0 10740.4 10865.9 11218.5 11648.3 11281.5 4305.1 685.0 695.0 718.1 724.6 730.7 743.4 755.1 766.2 685.4 695.0 717.1 724.6 732.6 743.1 755.1 765.9 623.0 633.0 647.3 654.1 664.4 704.5 711.8 Tcl (K) 633.0 643.4 650.5 656.9 674.2 695.0 708.2 799.9 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 705.7 714.9 730.4 738.9 746.2 758.5 769.0 778.1 706.0 715.7 730.3 740.3 748.3 758.8 769.2 777.7 637.1 645.7 665.0 673.3 685.2 723.7 725.6 Tbulk (K) 646.7 661.5 669.8 677.3 695.5 716.9 724.1 807.8 4348.8 4285.6 4183.3 4128.9 4084.0 4010.4 3949.3 3898.1 4346.6 4280.2 4183.7 4120.5 4071.1 4008.6 3948.2 3900.6 4890.1 4814.4 4653.9 4588.1 4497.5 4227.0 4214.1 4806.0 4682.6 4616.0 4556.9 4421.4 4271.9 4224.3 3740.9 Re (z) Table SC-3163-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 153.06 162.09 239.76 196.58 174.15 163.55 159.41 166.13 152.91 155.44 223.60 179.27 169.11 157.11 157.07 169.16 197.76 223.47 165.36 154.20 145.36 166.53 222.13 h (z) (W/m2-K) 206.55 159.61 151.97 144.93 143.63 144.75 193.37 148.27 9.18 9.75 15.45 12.32 10.80 10.19 10.05 10.78 9.18 9.33 14.22 11.10 10.47 9.74 9.88 11.01 12.43 14.30 10.09 9.33 8.74 10.07 14.00 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 13.07 9.73 9.21 8.74 8.64 8.69 12.00 10.85 6.00% 6.02% 6.44% 6.27% 6.20% 6.23% 6.31% 6.49% 6.00% 6.00% 6.36% 6.19% 6.19% 6.20% 6.29% 6.51% 6.29% 6.40% 6.10% 6.05% 6.01% 6.05% 6.30% Fractional Uncertainty 6.33% 6.10% 6.06% 6.03% 6.01% 6.00% 6.20% 7.32% 30.63 31.84 45.65 36.80 32.15 29.49 28.17 28.86 30.58 30.48 42.58 33.47 31.09 28.31 27.75 29.41 45.85 50.82 36.05 33.02 30.36 32.14 42.70 46.87 35.07 32.79 30.77 29.35 28.31 37.28 24.40 Nu(z) A-26 Channel Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 Elevation (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 Zgrid (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 579.8 601.3 613.3 624.7 636.4 618.2 646.3 660.2 580.7 602.9 615.4 626.0 631.5 617.9 646.5 662.3 574.2 590.4 600.5 608.4 630.8 615.0 645.3 659.6 H.R. Tw (K) 577.9 601.5 615.1 628.2 639.1 616.4 644.7 656.9 7626.3 7910.7 8123.3 8359.9 8791.9 9083.2 9303.4 9440.6 7626.5 7917.4 8146.1 8373.5 8835.7 9135.9 9358.2 9509.7 7635.2 7924.9 8129.4 8369.5 8814.2 9100.1 9321.5 9468.0 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 7671.5 7960.8 8178.5 8405.7 8863.6 9156.0 9380.6 9531.1 504.5 516.2 525.1 535.3 554.8 568.0 578.7 585.4 504.2 515.9 525.1 534.7 554.8 568.0 578.4 585.4 504.5 516.2 524.8 535.0 554.8 567.7 578.4 585.4 Tcl (K) 504.2 515.9 524.8 534.3 554.4 567.3 578.0 585.0 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 517.1 530.4 539.8 550.2 568.4 576.4 590.0 597.8 517.0 530.4 540.2 549.9 567.5 576.3 589.7 598.2 516.1 528.5 537.4 547.2 567.4 575.5 589.5 597.7 Tbulk (K) 516.5 530.1 539.9 550.0 568.5 575.5 589.1 597.0 6255.5 6069.0 5942.4 5809.3 5590.0 5498.4 5349.2 5266.9 6257.0 6068.7 5937.7 5813.2 5599.5 5498.9 5352.0 5263.2 6269.2 6093.9 5973.8 5846.9 5600.9 5507.6 5354.1 5267.8 6263.7 6072.0 5941.8 5812.1 5588.1 5508.2 5358.3 5275.5 Re (z) Table SC-3163-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 121.51 111.48 110.61 112.26 129.22 217.21 165.21 151.43 119.69 109.09 108.26 109.97 138.10 219.67 164.86 148.35 131.50 128.11 128.88 136.78 139.10 230.80 167.15 153.00 h (z) (W/m2-K) 124.95 111.55 108.72 107.52 125.67 224.02 168.96 158.99 6.29 5.66 5.59 5.66 6.60 12.41 8.73 7.88 6.18 5.52 5.45 5.53 7.11 12.55 8.68 7.65 6.91 6.65 6.66 7.11 7.18 13.44 8.84 7.96 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 6.48 5.64 5.46 5.37 6.36 12.85 8.92 8.30 5.18% 5.08% 5.06% 5.05% 5.11% 5.71% 5.29% 5.20% 5.16% 5.06% 5.03% 5.02% 5.15% 5.71% 5.26% 5.16% 5.25% 5.19% 5.17% 5.20% 5.16% 5.82% 5.29% 5.20% Fractional Uncertainty 5.18% 5.06% 5.02% 5.00% 5.06% 5.74% 5.28% 5.22% 37.61 33.36 32.33 31.97 35.19 58.01 42.71 38.43 37.06 32.65 31.61 31.34 37.68 58.68 42.65 37.61 40.80 38.52 37.89 39.24 37.97 61.77 43.26 38.83 38.73 33.40 31.77 30.64 34.21 59.96 43.77 40.42 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3166-A Matrix test # 3 Test date – 3/21/2005 Steady state time window: 15000 - 15600 sec Inlet flow: 0.91 m3/min (32.2 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 408 K (275 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 271.7 kPa (39.4 psia) Bundle power: 21.0 kW Outlet steam temperature: 780 K (945 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 3655 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -15.787x3 + 96.024x2 - 41.28x + 433.52 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -10.056x3 + 62.945x2 + 2.2908x + 419.79 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-27 A-28 A-29 A-30 A-31 A-32 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -15.787x 3 + 96.024x 2 - 41.28x + 433.52 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.5 4 Elevation (m) Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -10.056x 3 + 62.945x 2 + 2.2908x + 419.79 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-33 2.5 3 A-34 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4_110 RodD4_142.1 Channel Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 Elevation (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 Zgrid (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 615.7 774.2 783.3 793.3 801.3 803.7 797.1 799.5 680.3 701.7 728.1 751.1 809.4 687.7 708.0 721.1 733.1 756.1 773.6 769.6 814.3 680.3 702.3 716.7 729.3 751.9 770.3 765.0 811.9 H.R. Tw (K) 681.1 704.4 717.4 732.0 755.2 775.2 772.9 804.9 4612.3 5691.1 5480.9 5147.2 4678.3 4255.2 3679.2 3241.5 5573.6 5682.1 5839.8 6057.8 2307.3 5661.3 5781.2 5857.3 5937.7 6138.4 6378.2 6381.4 2283.2 5683.3 5791.6 5885.4 5962.0 6158.7 6402.8 6198.8 2359.3 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 5616.5 5734.5 5806.5 5895.4 6088.2 6325.3 6248.2 2174.7 550.1 734.6 740.2 748.7 759.7 768.5 779.0 785.4 646.2 656.9 672.3 692.7 793.3 645.8 657.3 664.5 672.0 689.8 710.7 723.5 793.2 646.2 656.5 665.2 672.3 689.8 710.7 723.5 793.2 Tcl (K) 645.8 657.3 664.1 672.3 689.8 710.7 723.5 793.2 1.27 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.27 1.27 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.27 1.27 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.27 1.27 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 564.2 747.8 754.6 763.6 773.5 780.3 785.0 790.1 653.5 666.5 690.9 712.2 798.7 654.8 668.2 683.4 692.3 711.9 731.6 738.8 800.2 653.5 666.3 682.4 691.3 710.5 730.5 737.3 799.5 Tbulk (K) 653.4 667.4 681.9 692.2 711.6 732.2 739.9 797.1 2863 2068 2047 2021 1992 1973 1960 1946 2410 2356 2261 2185 1923 2405 2350 2290 2256 2186 2119 2096 1919 2410 2357 2294 2260 2191 2123 2101 1921 2411 2353 2296 2257 2187 2118 2093 1927 Re (z) Table SC-3166-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data 89.53 215.93 190.78 173.22 168.51 181.38 304.16 345.34 207.89 161.35 157.03 155.49 215.26 171.93 145.15 155.13 145.62 138.89 152.02 207.22 161.75 212.21 160.96 171.52 156.90 148.93 161.05 223.94 189.75 h (z) (W/m2-K) 202.60 155.04 163.49 148.22 139.65 147.08 189.57 278.16 7.31 21.62 18.82 16.98 16.65 18.45 38.92 50.98 19.10 13.93 15.06 14.85 29.63 14.91 12.17 14.75 13.75 13.03 14.31 19.92 19.56 19.33 13.70 16.44 14.88 14.02 15.21 22.12 24.07 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 18.37 13.21 15.69 14.07 13.16 13.87 18.21 47.24 8.17% 10.01% 9.87% 9.80% 9.88% 10.17% 12.79% 14.76% 9.19% 8.63% 9.59% 9.55% 13.76% 8.67% 8.38% 9.51% 9.44% 9.38% 9.41% 9.61% 12.09% 9.11% 8.51% 9.59% 9.49% 9.41% 9.44% 9.88% 12.68% Fractional Uncertainty 9.07% 8.52% 9.60% 9.49% 9.42% 9.43% 9.61% 16.98% 24.63 39.74 34.65 30.93 29.53 31.39 52.17 58.68 46.47 35.06 32.40 30.71 36.01 38.32 31.43 32.52 29.96 27.44 28.87 38.80 26.98 47.43 34.99 36.03 32.35 29.51 30.66 42.06 31.70 45.30 33.63 34.38 30.50 27.61 27.91 35.42 46.67 Nu(z) A-35 Channel Number 225 226 227 229 230 231 232 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 H.R. Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 Elevation (m) 1.618 2.885 2.939 3.117 3.218 3.343 3.447 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 Zgrid (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 565.2 586.5 597.6 608.9 625.0 615.0 635.8 648.8 661.5 671.8 675.7 703.2 714.6 731.5 769.4 613.4 762.9 772.3 783.6 791.5 796.5 792.8 795.9 H.R. Tw (K) 619.8 765.9 777.9 799.0 802.8 798.5 803.9 4096.5 4256.1 4367.8 4489.9 4731.1 4881.5 4997.9 5077.9 5250.7 5477.4 5593.2 5746.1 5825.7 5936.0 6256.9 4635.7 5727.5 5530.9 5168.2 4740.5 4302.9 3757.7 3317.2 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 4527.2 5555.5 5330.9 4589.5 4167.3 3652.3 3217.0 503.6 517.1 526.8 537.7 560.2 574.6 586.1 593.8 612.9 635.4 646.6 661.5 669.0 679.3 719.6 550.9 734.6 740.0 749.3 759.4 768.8 778.8 785.4 Tcl (K) 551.2 734.6 740.8 759.7 769.0 778.8 785.6 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.27 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.27 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 516.8 532.0 541.9 553.0 574.0 583.2 596.7 605.6 623.3 643.2 652.8 670.4 684.2 696.7 736.2 564.3 744.1 750.7 760.7 770.1 778.0 783.5 788.9 Tbulk (K) 565.9 745.0 753.2 772.8 780.2 785.4 791.7 3177 3069 3002 2931 2804 2753 2679 2633 2546 2455 2413 2341 2287 2240 2105 2862 2080 2059 2029 2002 1979 1964 1949 2852 2077 2052 1994 1973 1959 1941 Re (z) Table SC-3166-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 84.66 78.07 78.43 80.33 92.88 153.68 127.90 117.44 137.33 191.41 245.05 175.04 191.68 170.56 188.49 94.34 303.60 256.78 225.82 221.88 232.72 403.23 472.78 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 84.01 266.63 215.69 174.88 185.10 278.93 262.62 6.95 6.34 6.35 6.51 7.58 13.44 10.78 9.78 11.67 17.26 23.64 15.29 18.78 16.44 18.25 7.73 32.76 26.72 23.13 23.03 25.06 59.73 85.28 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 6.92 28.30 22.03 17.58 19.11 34.42 33.34 8.21% 8.12% 8.10% 8.10% 8.16% 8.75% 8.43% 8.33% 8.50% 9.02% 9.65% 8.74% 9.80% 9.64% 9.68% 8.19% 10.79% 10.41% 10.24% 10.38% 10.77% 14.81% 18.04% Fractional Uncertainty 8.24% 10.61% 10.21% 10.05% 10.32% 12.34% 12.70% 26.22 23.27 22.80 22.72 24.95 40.38 32.54 29.26 32.85 43.77 54.86 37.72 40.11 34.77 35.48 25.95 56.28 46.99 40.54 39.13 40.44 69.36 80.51 23.02 49.33 39.28 30.69 32.03 47.81 44.50 Nu(z) A-36 Channel Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 Elevation (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 Zgrid (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 545.4 577.7 586.7 598.1 616.6 638.4 648.8 654.4 541.0 575.9 583.8 594.6 611.2 623.4 632.9 636.7 539.4 569.4 578.1 588.7 606.4 623.0 634.4 639.2 H.R. Tw (K) 544.2 575.4 583.0 594.5 613.6 634.6 646.0 650.6 3703.6 4194.2 4278.9 4403.3 4652.8 5065.3 5151.7 5193.9 3720.3 4197.3 4274.0 4385.4 4629.1 5021.8 5101.1 5140.8 3690.2 4179.6 4256.4 4369.3 4616.2 5004.5 5084.8 5124.5 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 3730.9 4201.0 4286.2 4397.7 4643.8 5037.4 5116.8 5156.9 478.8 511.8 517.8 527.0 546.0 578.7 585.8 589.1 479.1 512.7 518.4 527.0 546.3 579.0 585.8 589.1 479.1 512.7 518.4 527.0 546.7 579.0 585.8 589.1 Tcl (K) 479.1 512.1 518.4 527.0 546.7 579.4 586.1 589.5 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 493.1 525.9 532.6 542.2 561.1 591.5 599.3 603.1 492.3 526.2 532.4 541.5 560.2 588.5 595.9 599.3 492.0 524.8 531.2 540.2 559.5 588.5 596.2 599.9 Tbulk (K) 493.0 525.7 532.3 541.4 561.0 591.2 598.9 602.6 3361.5 3111.9 3065.6 3000.6 2881.0 2707.4 2666.2 2646.2 3367.5 3109.5 3066.6 3005.6 2886.6 2723.3 2684.1 2665.8 3370.3 3119.4 3075.0 3013.9 2891.2 2723.8 2682.4 2663.0 3362.0 3113.6 3067.7 3005.8 2881.8 2709.0 2667.9 2649.0 Re (z) Table SC-3166-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 70.82 81.06 79.04 78.77 83.86 107.89 104.01 101.31 76.45 84.50 83.17 82.58 90.85 144.00 137.73 137.55 77.80 93.85 90.72 90.09 98.27 144.67 133.14 130.23 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 72.93 84.42 84.40 82.95 88.23 116.14 108.61 107.40 5.80 6.62 6.42 6.38 6.78 8.85 8.49 8.24 6.29 6.94 6.80 6.73 7.43 12.39 11.72 11.69 6.45 7.81 7.51 7.42 8.12 12.48 11.30 11.00 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 5.96 6.92 6.90 6.75 7.19 9.65 8.94 8.84 8.19% 8.17% 8.13% 8.10% 8.09% 8.20% 8.17% 8.14% 8.23% 8.21% 8.18% 8.15% 8.18% 8.60% 8.51% 8.50% 8.29% 8.33% 8.27% 8.24% 8.26% 8.63% 8.48% 8.45% Fractional Uncertainty 8.17% 8.19% 8.17% 8.14% 8.14% 8.31% 8.23% 8.23% 23.31 24.54 23.53 22.88 23.25 27.79 26.31 25.39 25.21 25.55 24.76 24.04 25.24 37.36 35.11 34.78 25.67 28.48 27.09 26.30 27.35 37.54 33.92 32.89 24.01 25.57 25.14 24.15 24.47 29.94 27.49 26.95 Nu(z) A-37 Channel Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 Elevation (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 Zgrid (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 744.4 751.0 748.3 759.0 768.8 778.6 786.8 790.8 739.2 748.5 751.0 764.1 778.9 778.9 784.3 786.1 665.7 667.4 697.5 709.4 724.6 758.8 755.2 H.R. Tw (K) 673.7 696.2 709.1 719.4 738.0 756.5 753.5 798.3 6229.6 6344.5 5789.7 5553.1 5327.9 4841.1 4379.2 3917.6 6215.5 6325.6 5807.1 5535.4 4841.6 4841.6 4373.0 3926.8 5496.3 5604.4 5762.7 5837.7 5950.6 6286.8 6033.3 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 5573.8 5683.9 5759.7 5828.8 6018.2 6247.5 6050.0 2332.6 676.9 686.0 706.9 712.6 718.0 729.2 739.2 748.6 677.2 686.0 706.0 712.6 719.7 728.9 739.2 748.4 619.0 628.4 641.9 648.2 657.8 694.6 701.2 Tcl (K) 628.4 638.2 644.9 650.9 666.9 686.0 697.9 775.6 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 699.4 707.6 720.7 728.1 734.9 745.7 755.1 762.7 697.9 706.8 721.0 729.8 739.4 745.6 754.3 761.0 629.0 636.8 653.8 661.3 672.1 716.0 719.2 Tbulk (K) 638.1 650.6 658.6 665.5 690.6 709.5 716.5 783.1 2230.3 2200.7 2155.9 2131.1 2108.8 2074.8 2046.0 2023.2 2235.8 2203.6 2154.8 2125.5 2094.4 2075.0 2048.4 2028.3 2519.6 2483.8 2409.2 2377.7 2333.9 2171.7 2160.8 2477.7 2422.7 2388.9 2360.4 2262.5 2194.3 2170.2 1964.8 Re (z) 138.29 146.45 209.57 179.57 157.52 147.00 138.28 139.28 150.30 151.77 193.28 161.28 122.61 145.28 145.45 156.32 149.68 183.03 131.86 121.34 113.26 146.83 167.78 h (z) (W/m2-K) 156.59 124.60 114.21 108.31 126.96 132.87 163.34 153.82 Table SC-3166-A.1: Reduced Heat Transfer Coefficient Data (cont.) 12.98 13.78 20.80 17.53 15.21 14.24 13.47 13.80 14.21 14.34 18.96 15.56 12.09 14.07 14.28 15.80 12.78 16.21 10.97 9.99 9.24 13.85 16.07 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 13.49 10.35 9.39 8.85 11.95 12.52 15.72 17.91 9.38% 9.41% 9.92% 9.76% 9.66% 9.69% 9.74% 9.91% 9.46% 9.45% 9.81% 9.65% 9.86% 9.69% 9.81% 10.11% 8.54% 8.86% 8.32% 8.23% 8.16% 9.43% 9.58% Fractional Uncertainty 8.61% 8.31% 8.22% 8.17% 9.41% 9.42% 9.62% 11.64% 28.04 29.19 40.69 34.35 29.72 27.16 25.09 24.91 30.57 30.30 37.50 30.74 22.93 26.85 26.43 28.05 35.34 42.46 29.46 26.66 24.32 28.77 32.67 36.22 28.03 25.25 23.59 26.21 26.38 31.98 26.47 Nu(z) A-38 Channel Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 Elevation (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 Zgrid (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 557.1 574.9 585.0 596.9 611.3 602.1 621.1 632.4 558.7 578.1 589.8 600.9 611.6 602.8 622.4 635.2 552.2 566.6 576.3 587.2 607.2 600.3 621.2 633.4 H.R. Tw (K) 555.9 575.9 587.4 599.6 613.7 602.7 620.8 631.5 4081.8 4236.7 4352.0 4478.7 4711.4 4864.3 4985.4 5060.3 4077.5 4237.8 4360.9 4484.1 4732.9 4889.8 5013.7 5095.4 4088.5 4243.7 4354.7 4483.7 4722.4 4873.8 4996.8 5076.9 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 4100.4 4259.3 4377.6 4499.4 4746.3 4899.1 5021.9 5102.7 504.2 515.7 524.5 534.5 553.5 566.3 576.7 583.1 503.9 515.4 524.5 533.9 553.5 566.3 576.3 583.1 504.2 515.7 524.2 534.2 553.5 566.0 576.3 583.1 Tcl (K) 503.9 515.4 524.2 533.6 553.1 565.7 576.0 582.7 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 515.5 528.4 537.5 547.9 565.9 574.0 586.2 593.6 515.6 528.8 538.5 548.2 565.9 574.1 586.2 594.2 514.5 526.6 535.4 545.5 565.0 573.3 585.9 593.8 Tbulk (K) 515.0 528.4 537.8 547.7 566.1 573.6 585.6 593.2 3186.9 3094.6 3032.2 2963.9 2852.5 2804.8 2736.2 2695.8 3186.1 3091.4 3025.3 2961.6 2852.1 2804.0 2736.1 2692.6 3194.7 3107.1 3046.4 2979.0 2857.8 2808.6 2737.5 2694.7 3190.5 3094.7 3030.4 2965.0 2851.0 2807.1 2739.4 2698.3 Re (z) Table SC-3166-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 98.16 91.12 91.61 91.37 103.69 172.85 142.85 130.39 94.74 85.97 84.97 85.15 103.54 170.54 138.49 124.25 108.46 106.14 106.37 107.73 111.92 180.74 141.73 128.27 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 100.34 89.61 88.15 86.74 99.73 168.15 142.59 133.15 8.23 7.53 7.55 7.51 8.59 15.59 12.30 11.03 7.90 7.06 6.94 6.94 8.55 15.27 11.81 10.39 9.21 8.93 8.92 9.01 9.34 16.46 12.16 10.80 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 8.40 7.36 7.21 7.06 8.18 14.97 12.20 11.23 8.38% 8.26% 8.24% 8.22% 8.28% 9.02% 8.61% 8.46% 8.34% 8.21% 8.17% 8.15% 8.26% 8.95% 8.52% 8.36% 8.49% 8.42% 8.39% 8.37% 8.35% 9.11% 8.58% 8.42% Fractional Uncertainty 8.37% 8.22% 8.17% 8.14% 8.20% 8.90% 8.55% 8.43% 30.50 27.41 26.93 26.17 28.41 46.44 37.27 33.42 29.43 25.83 24.91 24.37 28.37 45.80 36.13 31.80 33.79 32.07 31.44 31.04 30.73 48.63 36.99 32.86 31.22 26.96 25.90 24.86 27.31 45.21 37.25 34.16 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3166-B Matrix test # 2 Test date – 3/21/2005 Steady state time window: 18660 – 19260 sec Inlet flow: 0.48 m3/min (17.1 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 406 K (272 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 271.7 kPa (39.4 psia) Bundle power: 14.0 kW Outlet steam temperature: 825 K (1026 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 1965 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -18.477x3 + 106.36x2 - 31.321x + 429.69 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -10.78x3 + 62.962x2 + 26.651x + 409.87 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-39 A-40 A-41 A-42 A-43 A-44 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -18.477x 3 + 106.36x 2 - 31.321x + 429.69 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.5 4 Elevation (m) Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature PRofile y = -10.78x 3 + 62.962x 2 + 26.651x + 409.87 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-45 2.5 3 A-46 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4_110 RodD4_142.1 Channel Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 Elevation (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 Zgrid (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 628.0 809.0 815.3 822.5 828.9 832.2 834.5 836.3 715.5 730.1 753.8 776.6 844.2 721.5 736.4 748.4 760.4 783.5 798.8 802.2 848.1 712.6 730.1 743.4 755.2 779.1 793.6 796.0 844.4 H.R. Tw (K) 712.8 729.8 742.4 757.2 780.1 798.0 803.1 840.7 3093.6 3804.1 3663.5 3438.6 3124.8 2840.1 2452.5 2158.0 3733.2 3806.3 3910.5 4052.7 1530.7 3791.3 3871.9 3921.3 3974.4 4105.5 4266.0 4121.2 1515.8 3802.9 3877.1 3938.5 3990.2 4119.7 4280.1 4141.9 1565.9 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 3762.5 3841.4 3887.0 3944.9 4072.3 4231.0 4178.4 1443.2 577.9 781.0 786.7 795.2 805.9 814.2 823.5 828.7 686.4 698.2 715.0 737.0 833.6 686.0 698.6 706.5 714.6 734.0 756.1 769.5 833.5 686.4 697.8 707.3 715.0 734.0 756.1 769.5 833.5 Tcl (K) 686.0 698.6 706.1 715.0 734.0 756.1 769.5 833.5 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 594.6 790.3 796.2 804.3 813.6 820.2 827.2 831.2 696.1 708.8 728.0 750.2 837.1 697.9 711.2 720.5 729.9 750.5 770.4 780.4 838.4 695.2 708.6 719.3 728.4 749.0 768.6 778.3 837.1 Tbulk (K) 694.9 709.0 718.2 729.1 749.3 770.1 780.7 835.9 1437 1039 1031 1019 1007 998 989 983 1198 1173 1139 1139 1101 1194 1169 1152 1135 1100 1069 1054 974 1200 1174 1154 1138 1103 1072 1057 976 1200 1173 1156 1137 1102 1069 1053 977 Re (z) Table SC-3166-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data 92.73 203.88 192.36 189.23 203.49 237.86 335.12 426.35 193.09 179.24 151.27 153.74 216.05 160.25 153.77 140.19 130.39 124.31 150.00 188.79 155.97 218.16 179.89 163.81 149.07 136.86 171.16 234.34 217.26 h (z) (W/m2-K) 211.12 185.05 160.66 140.27 132.40 151.62 186.63 299.04 10.98 26.20 24.58 24.39 27.30 34.70 62.95 104.36 24.66 22.50 18.46 18.73 41.87 19.60 18.64 16.79 15.48 14.65 17.93 23.45 25.42 28.23 22.29 19.95 17.90 16.23 20.73 30.27 41.47 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 27.31 23.21 19.67 16.87 15.78 18.25 22.91 77.34 11.84% 12.85% 12.78% 12.89% 13.42% 14.59% 18.79% 24.48% 12.77% 12.55% 12.20% 12.18% 19.38% 12.23% 12.12% 11.97% 11.87% 11.79% 11.95% 12.42% 16.30% 12.94% 12.39% 12.18% 12.01% 11.86% 12.11% 12.92% 19.09% Fractional Uncertainty 12.94% 12.54% 12.25% 12.02% 11.92% 12.03% 12.28% 25.86% 23.71 34.63 32.32 31.34 33.15 38.29 53.29 67.32 39.41 35.64 28.94 29.41 39.57 32.59 30.43 27.23 24.85 22.76 26.44 32.66 24.32 44.62 35.79 31.89 28.49 25.13 30.27 40.70 33.95 43.20 36.78 31.35 26.78 24.29 26.74 32.27 46.84 Nu(z) A-47 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 H.R. Channel Location Number RodC5_63.7 225 RodC5_113.6 226 RodC5_115.7 227 RodC5_122.7 229 RodC5_126.7 230 RodC5_131.6 231 RodC5_135.7 232 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 Elevation (m) 1.618 2.885 2.939 3.117 3.218 3.343 3.447 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 Zgrid (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 574.2 594.8 607.0 619.1 638.3 641.4 658.0 669.6 681.7 696.0 707.5 729.7 742.0 757.7 795.4 628.1 802.0 808.5 818.4 826.4 831.2 835.7 838.5 H.R. Tw (K) 627.8 800.9 809.2 826.7 832.0 835.4 840.4 2745.8 2854.3 2928.6 3009.8 3169.6 3268.4 3349.3 3402.0 3516.9 3669.5 3748.8 3850.9 3903.4 3975.2 4186.7 3107.0 3825.7 3694.4 3451.0 3163.5 2870.1 2503.6 2207.0 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 3033.0 3710.6 3561.8 3062.9 2778.9 2431.9 2138.9 523.6 539.5 550.8 563.6 589.5 606.0 619.1 627.8 649.3 674.5 686.9 703.2 711.4 722.6 765.5 578.8 781.0 786.4 795.7 805.6 814.4 823.4 828.7 Tcl (K) 579.2 781.0 787.3 805.9 814.7 823.4 828.8 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 540.5 558.0 569.5 582.1 605.8 617.8 632.0 641.8 660.1 681.7 693.7 712.0 721.6 734.3 775.4 595.2 788.0 793.8 803.3 812.5 820.0 827.5 831.9 Tbulk (K) 595.4 787.6 794.6 812.8 820.4 827.4 832.7 1609 1549 1512 1474 1406 1374 1338 1315 1273 1227 1202 1167 1150 1128 1061 1436 1043 1034 1021 1008 998 988 982 1435 1043 1033 1008 997 988 982 Re (z) 81.38 77.44 78.18 81.29 97.34 138.32 129.12 122.25 162.81 255.87 273.02 217.85 191.55 170.09 210.23 94.54 273.71 251.09 228.91 229.06 256.53 304.42 336.21 h (z) (W/m2-K) 93.56 279.22 243.75 220.32 240.32 303.74 275.02 Table SC-3166-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 9.62 9.10 9.17 9.55 11.54 16.97 15.68 14.73 20.35 35.20 38.07 28.31 24.18 20.99 26.64 11.19 37.88 34.15 30.84 31.62 38.26 52.98 67.50 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 11.26 39.83 33.68 30.75 35.74 54.12 49.67 11.82% 11.75% 11.73% 11.74% 11.85% 12.27% 12.14% 12.05% 12.50% 13.76% 13.95% 13.00% 12.62% 12.34% 12.67% 11.84% 13.84% 13.60% 13.47% 13.80% 14.92% 17.40% 20.08% Fractional Uncertainty 12.03% 14.26% 13.82% 13.96% 14.87% 17.82% 18.06% 23.74 21.63 21.23 21.42 24.25 33.51 30.28 28.05 35.87 53.83 56.00 43.04 37.12 32.14 36.71 24.14 46.69 42.38 37.98 37.38 41.31 48.38 53.02 23.88 47.66 41.08 35.93 38.67 48.29 43.32 Nu(z) A-48 Channel Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 Elevation (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 Zgrid (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 546.6 584.3 593.1 603.7 623.1 654.1 663.2 668.2 542.5 579.6 586.8 597.2 614.7 638.1 646.9 651.0 543.9 579.1 588.0 598.9 617.7 645.0 655.6 660.2 H.R. Tw (K) 546.2 583.1 590.2 601.3 620.1 637.9 659.0 663.6 2479.1 2810.1 2865.4 2947.9 3114.4 3390.2 3448.2 3475.6 2491.8 2817.0 2867.6 2941.8 3104.3 3366.9 3419.2 3446.4 2478.7 2801.3 2852.1 2926.8 3093.1 3354.0 3406.9 3433.4 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 2494.6 2813.1 2868.4 2942.5 3107.4 2611.7 3424.1 3450.8 493.4 532.9 539.9 550.6 572.5 609.7 617.6 621.4 493.7 533.9 540.6 550.6 572.9 610.1 617.6 621.4 493.7 533.9 540.6 550.6 573.3 610.1 617.6 621.4 Tcl (K) 493.7 533.2 540.6 550.6 573.3 610.4 618.0 621.8 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 511.1 550.0 557.6 568.3 589.4 624.5 632.8 637.0 510.0 549.1 556.0 566.1 586.8 619.4 627.4 631.3 510.5 549.0 556.4 566.7 588.1 621.7 630.3 634.4 Tbulk (K) 511.2 549.8 557.1 567.5 588.9 619.6 631.7 635.7 1720.0 1576.1 1550.5 1516.1 1452.3 1357.3 1336.5 1326.3 1724.7 1579.0 1555.9 1523.0 1459.8 1370.3 1349.9 1340.3 1722.8 1579.6 1554.7 1521.2 1456.2 1364.4 1342.8 1332.8 1719.7 1576.6 1552.1 1518.7 1453.8 1369.8 1339.4 1329.4 Re (z) 69.95 81.97 80.76 83.26 92.33 114.47 113.50 111.58 76.69 92.50 92.99 94.68 111.41 180.12 175.00 175.01 74.12 92.90 90.32 90.94 104.48 144.13 134.78 132.78 h (z) (W/m2-K) 71.33 84.57 86.65 87.11 99.49 142.88 125.39 123.80 Table SC-3166-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 8.29 9.69 9.52 9.81 10.90 13.65 13.50 13.24 9.12 11.05 11.09 11.28 13.41 23.02 22.17 22.21 8.83 11.14 10.79 10.84 12.54 17.77 16.47 16.18 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 8.43 10.02 10.27 10.31 11.85 21.27 15.15 14.92 11.85% 11.83% 11.79% 11.79% 11.81% 11.93% 11.89% 11.87% 11.90% 11.94% 11.93% 11.92% 12.04% 12.78% 12.67% 12.69% 11.91% 11.99% 11.94% 11.92% 12.00% 12.33% 12.22% 12.19% Fractional Uncertainty 11.83% 11.85% 11.86% 11.84% 11.91% 14.88% 12.08% 12.05% 21.98 23.36 22.58 22.68 23.90 27.31 26.57 25.87 24.17 26.41 26.10 25.93 29.02 43.47 41.47 41.11 23.33 26.54 25.33 24.87 27.13 34.60 31.73 30.97 22.41 24.11 24.26 23.78 25.79 34.47 29.43 28.79 Nu(z) A-49 Channel Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 Elevation (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 0.445 0.547 0.595 0.669 0.963 -0.044 Zgrid (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 1.367 763.7 769.5 783.8 790.1 797.5 808.5 817.3 822.3 761.8 772.1 789.3 797.3 810.3 810.3 816.2 819.4 691.4 698.7 724.5 735.7 750.7 787.0 791.5 H.R. Tw (K) 700.5 718.0 729.2 737.9 756.4 776.0 780.6 828.2 4164.9 4240.6 3867.6 3710.1 3559.1 3231.4 2920.6 2610.9 4157.2 4232.6 3883.1 3701.1 3234.8 3234.8 2919.8 2619.8 3680.3 3753.2 3858.9 3908.6 3983.0 4203.5 4031.2 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 3727.6 3803.1 3853.8 3898.9 4022.1 4174.7 4040.7 1549.4 717.9 727.7 749.9 756.0 761.6 773.3 783.7 793.3 718.2 727.7 748.9 756.0 763.4 773.0 783.7 793.0 654.7 665.1 679.9 686.8 697.2 736.9 743.9 Tcl (K) 665.1 675.8 683.2 689.7 707.1 727.7 740.4 819.7 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.50 733.1 741.6 761.2 767.4 773.6 785.0 794.9 802.9 732.7 742.5 762.4 769.7 779.0 785.5 794.5 801.8 666.9 676.3 694.7 703.1 715.1 753.6 759.8 Tbulk (K) 676.9 689.9 698.5 705.8 723.6 743.8 753.8 824.8 1129.6 1115.2 1083.3 1073.6 1064.0 1046.8 1032.6 1021.2 1130.4 1113.7 1081.3 1069.9 1055.8 1046.2 1033.1 1022.8 1258.0 1237.9 1200.5 1184.3 1161.9 1095.4 1085.5 1236.7 1210.1 1193.1 1179.2 1146.5 1111.6 1095.0 991.6 Re (z) 136.17 151.93 171.10 162.89 148.86 137.61 130.29 134.74 143.14 142.85 144.14 134.45 103.33 130.03 134.75 148.96 150.28 167.63 129.83 119.96 111.69 125.67 126.99 h (z) (W/m2-K) 158.12 135.34 125.61 121.19 122.35 129.61 150.66 456.05 Table SC-3166-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 16.21 18.25 21.21 20.17 18.30 16.98 16.21 17.22 17.15 17.07 17.47 16.26 12.97 15.93 16.86 19.43 18.40 20.80 15.55 14.25 13.18 14.87 15.09 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 19.54 16.37 15.06 14.48 14.60 15.51 18.41 100.14 11.90% 12.01% 12.39% 12.38% 12.30% 12.34% 12.44% 12.78% 11.98% 11.95% 12.12% 12.10% 12.55% 12.25% 12.51% 13.05% 12.24% 12.41% 11.97% 11.88% 11.80% 11.84% 11.89% Fractional Uncertainty 12.36% 12.09% 11.99% 11.95% 11.94% 11.96% 12.22% 21.96% 25.79 28.30 30.69 28.88 26.08 23.60 21.95 22.37 27.13 26.56 25.79 23.73 17.92 22.28 22.71 24.78 32.63 35.67 26.58 24.13 21.93 22.87 22.84 33.60 27.99 25.51 24.25 23.62 24.04 27.41 72.82 Nu(z) A-50 Channel Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 Elevation (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 Zgrid (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 567.8 585.6 596.1 608.5 568.4 587.0 597.9 608.2 623.6 627.2 642.6 654.5 558.9 574.3 586.1 598.4 617.8 621.8 636.9 647.2 H.R. Tw (K) 564.6 584.6 595.8 607.5 623.4 625.9 639.0 648.5 2736.6 2839.9 2915.9 2999.9 2738.0 2843.6 2925.5 3007.7 3173.4 3278.6 3360.7 3415.0 2737.4 2841.5 2915.9 3001.3 3160.0 3261.7 3344.4 3397.7 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 2754.7 2860.3 2938.1 3018.8 3183.3 3284.4 3366.7 3421.1 523.9 537.4 547.7 559.3 523.5 537.1 547.7 558.6 581.1 595.7 607.0 614.6 523.9 537.4 547.4 558.9 581.1 595.3 607.0 614.6 Tcl (K) 523.5 537.1 547.4 558.2 580.7 595.0 606.7 614.2 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 538.5 553.5 563.9 575.7 538.5 553.7 564.4 575.1 595.3 606.2 618.9 627.9 535.5 549.7 560.3 572.1 593.3 604.2 617.0 625.5 Tbulk (K) 537.2 552.9 563.5 574.6 595.0 605.3 617.5 625.6 1616.2 1564.4 1530.2 1493.1 1616.3 1563.6 1528.4 1494.9 1435.5 1405.2 1371.6 1348.7 1626.8 1577.1 1541.9 1504.3 1441.0 1410.8 1376.6 1354.8 1620.7 1566.2 1531.3 1496.4 1436.4 1407.7 1375.3 1354.4 Re (z) 93.51 88.45 90.33 91.36 91.58 85.44 87.46 90.94 111.92 156.39 141.88 128.33 117.35 115.54 113.00 114.16 128.91 184.75 168.24 156.28 h (z) (W/m2-K) 100.50 90.20 90.92 91.84 111.71 159.05 155.96 149.93 Table SC-3166-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 11.22 10.52 10.74 10.85 10.95 10.12 10.35 10.77 13.42 19.52 17.37 15.51 14.46 14.13 13.73 13.84 15.76 23.91 21.25 19.43 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 12.08 10.69 10.76 10.85 13.36 19.87 19.34 18.47 12.00% 11.90% 11.89% 11.88% 11.96% 11.85% 11.84% 11.84% 11.99% 12.48% 12.24% 12.09% 12.32% 12.23% 12.15% 12.12% 12.23% 12.94% 12.63% 12.43% Fractional Uncertainty 12.02% 11.85% 11.83% 11.81% 11.96% 12.49% 12.40% 12.32% 27.42 24.99 24.87 24.44 26.85 24.12 24.05 24.37 28.57 38.92 34.28 30.37 34.67 32.95 31.39 30.81 33.06 46.19 40.83 37.19 29.56 25.51 25.06 24.63 28.54 39.66 37.81 35.67 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3166-C Matrix test # 1 Test date – 3/21/2005 Steady state time window: 25050 - 25550 sec Inlet flow: 0.33 m3/min (11.5 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 406 K (272 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 271.7 kPa (39.4 psia) Bundle power: 10.3 kW Outlet steam temperature: 810 K (999 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 1320 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -15.802x3 + 89.248x2 - 6.8734x + 421.94 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -10.723x3 + 60.253x2 + 30.582x + 409.62 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-51 A-52 A-53 A-54 A-55 A-56 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -15.802x 3 + 89.248x 2 - 6.8734x + 421.94 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.5 4 Elevation (m) Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile 3 2 y = -10.723x + 60.253x + 30.582x + 409.62 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-57 2.5 3 A-58 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4_110 RodD4_142.1 Channel Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 Elevation (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 Zgrid (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 614.8 788.1 793.8 799.8 805.4 808.6 812.3 813.5 702.0 714.9 735.3 755.2 818.1 707.9 722.0 732.5 743.0 763.1 776.0 781.7 822.0 700.3 715.8 727.9 738.3 759.0 770.9 775.9 818.5 H.R. Tw (K) 699.9 715.2 726.6 739.2 758.4 774.4 781.2 818.8 2256.9 2765.4 2661.4 2495.9 2262.9 2053.0 1768.1 1550.8 2719.5 2771.8 2846.0 2950.6 1089.1 2761.0 2819.9 2856.3 2894.9 2898.1 2901.3 2904.4 1075.1 2772.5 2824.9 2869.7 2905.0 2997.6 3115.0 3015.9 1115.3 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 2738.7 2795.7 2830.1 2871.8 2961.6 3079.0 3038.9 1025.0 576.3 765.6 770.9 778.9 789.1 797.1 806.2 811.4 677.6 688.5 704.1 724.5 816.9 677.2 688.9 696.2 703.7 721.7 742.3 754.8 816.8 677.6 688.1 697.0 704.1 721.7 742.3 754.8 816.9 Tcl (K) 677.2 688.9 695.8 704.1 721.7 742.3 754.8 816.8 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 589.1 773.1 778.5 785.9 794.5 800.9 808.2 812.1 685.7 697.3 714.5 734.8 817.3 687.4 699.9 708.3 716.8 735.5 753.6 763.8 818.5 685.1 697.3 707.3 715.5 734.1 751.8 761.8 817.4 Tbulk (K) 684.7 697.7 706.1 715.8 733.9 753.0 763.6 817.5 977 716 710 703 694 688 682 678 819 804 782 757 673 817 800 789 779 757 736 725 672 820 803 791 780 758 738 727 673 820 803 792 780 758 737 726 673 Re (z) Table SC-3166-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data 88.05 184.06 174.82 179.12 207.98 268.08 434.52 1073.53 167.25 157.32 136.87 144.20 1348.25 134.93 127.66 117.89 110.61 104.90 129.21 162.06 312.63 183.49 153.23 139.12 127.43 120.45 163.58 214.56 1001.31 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 181.24 159.48 138.05 122.81 121.13 143.98 172.33 760.43 13.13 29.71 28.12 29.33 36.46 54.33 132.92 833.64 26.59 24.68 21.00 22.18 1851.92 20.49 19.21 17.58 16.38 15.83 20.38 25.73 110.83 29.23 23.56 21.06 19.08 17.88 25.04 34.82 1002.40 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 29.08 24.90 21.09 18.49 18.17 21.89 26.62 633.65 14.91% 16.14% 16.08% 16.38% 17.53% 20.27% 30.59% 77.65% 15.90% 15.69% 15.34% 15.38% 137.36% 15.19% 15.05% 14.91% 14.81% 15.09% 15.77% 15.87% 35.45% 15.93% 15.37% 15.14% 14.97% 14.85% 15.31% 16.23% 100.11% Fractional Uncertainty 16.05% 15.62% 15.27% 15.05% 15.00% 15.20% 15.45% 83.33% 22.81 32.28 30.35 30.67 35.06 44.67 71.46 175.32 34.89 32.03 26.90 27.22 218.15 28.04 25.85 23.47 21.64 19.77 23.52 28.93 50.48 38.32 31.20 27.75 25.00 22.77 29.87 38.44 161.98 37.88 32.45 27.61 24.07 22.90 26.23 30.77 123.00 Nu(z) A-59 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 H.R. Channel Location Number RodC5_63.7 225 RodC5_113.6 226 RodC5_115.7 227 RodC5_122.7 229 RodC5_126.7 230 RodC5_131.6 231 RodC5_135.7 232 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 Elevation (m) 1.618 2.885 2.939 3.117 3.218 3.343 3.447 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 Zgrid (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 567.3 585.5 596.2 606.8 625.9 634.0 648.7 658.2 668.9 683.5 696.2 715.7 726.7 740.5 773.4 614.6 782.9 787.9 796.3 803.1 807.5 813.0 815.2 H.R. Tw (K) 615.3 781.5 788.7 803.6 808.1 812.9 817.1 2013.3 2088.9 2141.1 2200.2 2315.9 2391.4 2446.7 2483.4 2563.0 2673.0 2729.2 2801.5 2838.4 2890.3 3044.4 2269.9 2786.2 2690.3 2510.3 2296.0 2078.5 1807.5 1588.6 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 2216.0 2700.5 2591.8 2223.2 2012.3 1756.5 1539.6 524.8 540.0 550.7 562.8 587.2 602.6 614.9 623.1 643.1 666.5 678.0 693.1 700.7 711.2 751.0 577.1 765.6 770.6 779.4 788.8 797.3 806.0 811.4 Tcl (K) 577.5 765.6 771.5 789.1 797.5 806.0 811.5 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 539.0 555.2 565.9 577.5 600.1 613.1 626.2 634.8 651.7 672.2 684.0 700.7 709.4 721.0 758.5 589.6 771.3 776.4 785.0 793.6 800.7 808.3 812.6 Tbulk (K) 590.1 770.9 777.2 793.9 801.0 808.3 813.4 1085 1048 1024 1000 956 932 909 895 868 838 821 799 788 774 731 976 717 712 704 695 689 681 677 975 718 711 695 688 681 677 Re (z) Table SC-3166-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 70.97 68.86 70.57 74.96 89.72 114.31 108.47 106.03 149.21 235.63 224.93 185.98 163.92 147.64 204.02 90.80 240.76 234.17 223.82 242.04 304.73 386.66 624.15 h (z) (W/m2-K) 87.95 254.44 225.40 229.05 285.21 383.29 410.18 10.45 10.11 10.37 11.04 13.34 17.34 16.36 15.94 23.45 40.84 38.20 29.97 25.75 22.78 32.94 13.53 41.36 40.26 38.70 44.36 65.36 106.02 283.97 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 13.33 45.70 39.40 42.20 60.66 107.27 133.79 14.73% 14.68% 14.69% 14.73% 14.87% 15.17% 15.08% 15.03% 15.71% 17.33% 16.98% 16.11% 15.71% 15.43% 16.15% 14.90% 17.18% 17.19% 17.29% 18.33% 21.45% 27.42% 45.50% Fractional Uncertainty 15.16% 17.96% 17.48% 18.42% 21.27% 27.99% 32.62% 20.78 19.37 19.33 19.97 22.65 27.99 25.78 24.71 33.49 50.58 47.08 37.61 32.56 28.64 36.78 23.49 42.36 40.81 38.39 40.87 50.79 63.57 101.83 22.73 44.81 39.22 38.65 47.51 63.02 66.83 Nu(z) A-60 Channel Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 Elevation (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 Zgrid (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 536.4 573.9 581.9 591.1 609.2 642.3 649.6 653.7 532.0 569.6 576.2 585.6 602.4 629.4 635.8 639.0 533.4 568.6 576.8 586.8 604.6 633.8 643.2 647.4 H.R. Tw (K) 536.4 574.0 580.4 590.0 608.0 635.8 645.3 649.3 1819.2 2056.8 2096.5 2156.7 2276.8 2475.0 2516.1 2536.2 1828.5 2064.0 2099.5 2151.7 2269.3 2461.4 2496.4 2514.7 1816.3 2050.9 2086.7 2140.6 2258.1 2447.5 2485.2 2504.7 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 1831.8 2060.4 2099.6 2152.5 2272.8 2462.5 2500.4 2519.3 494.4 533.1 540.0 550.5 571.8 607.7 615.3 619.0 494.7 534.2 540.7 550.5 572.1 608.0 615.3 619.0 494.7 534.2 540.7 550.5 572.5 608.0 615.3 619.0 Tcl (K) 494.7 533.5 540.7 550.5 572.5 608.4 615.7 619.3 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 508.4 546.7 554.0 564.0 584.3 619.2 626.7 630.5 507.1 546.0 552.5 562.2 582.2 615.1 622.1 625.7 507.6 545.7 552.7 562.6 583.2 616.6 624.6 628.4 Tbulk (K) 508.6 547.0 553.9 563.6 584.3 617.5 625.6 629.3 1163.6 1066.9 1050.4 1028.3 986.3 921.4 908.5 902.2 1167.0 1068.6 1053.6 1032.2 990.3 928.5 916.3 910.3 1165.8 1069.4 1053.1 1031.4 988.4 925.9 912.1 905.6 1163.0 1066.3 1050.4 1029.1 986.2 924.3 910.5 904.1 Re (z) Table SC-3166-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 64.96 75.60 75.06 79.66 91.19 107.33 110.16 109.62 73.52 87.27 88.75 91.88 112.37 172.96 182.73 187.86 70.48 89.21 86.59 88.35 105.48 142.56 133.92 131.95 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 65.96 76.24 79.32 81.71 96.00 134.59 126.59 125.87 9.64 11.21 11.10 11.80 13.58 16.07 16.53 16.43 10.98 13.08 13.31 13.80 17.15 28.00 29.88 30.87 10.55 13.47 13.02 13.28 16.05 22.34 20.75 20.37 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 9.76 11.30 11.78 12.15 14.40 20.82 19.38 19.28 14.85% 14.83% 14.79% 14.81% 14.89% 14.97% 15.01% 14.98% 14.94% 14.99% 15.00% 15.02% 15.26% 16.19% 16.35% 16.44% 14.97% 15.10% 15.04% 15.03% 15.22% 15.67% 15.49% 15.44% Fractional Uncertainty 14.79% 14.82% 14.85% 14.86% 15.00% 15.47% 15.31% 15.31% 20.56 21.72 21.18 21.93 23.90 25.91 26.14 25.79 23.34 25.11 25.13 25.40 29.59 42.15 43.82 44.69 22.35 25.69 24.50 24.40 27.71 34.63 31.94 31.19 20.86 21.88 22.38 22.51 25.15 32.62 30.12 29.70 Nu(z) A-61 Channel Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 Elevation (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 Zgrid (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 743.0 748.9 766.6 772.4 778.8 787.7 794.3 799.5 740.8 750.7 772.0 778.1 789.2 789.2 794.7 798.1 676.2 685.6 707.0 716.9 730.8 765.3 770.9 H.R. Tw (K) 688.2 703.3 712.7 719.9 736.3 754.0 761.2 801.5 3036.4 3091.2 2822.3 2705.7 2591.4 2349.7 2118.1 1890.0 3026.5 3080.4 2824.5 2693.4 2347.9 2347.9 2114.5 1896.3 2679.2 2736.0 2809.3 2843.9 2898.0 3059.7 2934.1 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 2719.3 2772.4 2808.4 2841.0 2930.6 3043.8 2945.2 1107.9 710.3 719.4 739.9 745.5 750.7 761.2 770.5 778.9 710.7 719.4 739.1 745.5 752.3 761.0 770.5 778.7 650.7 660.7 674.7 681.2 691.0 728.0 734.5 Tcl (K) 660.7 670.8 677.8 683.9 700.3 719.4 731.2 801.0 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 721.2 729.3 748.8 754.5 760.1 770.0 778.4 785.8 720.7 729.9 750.0 756.4 764.6 770.4 778.5 785.2 659.2 669.0 685.4 693.1 704.3 740.4 746.6 Tbulk (K) 669.8 681.7 689.4 695.9 712.3 731.0 741.2 801.1 773.5 763.8 741.5 735.3 729.3 718.8 710.3 702.9 774.1 763.1 740.2 733.3 724.5 718.5 710.1 703.5 856.9 842.5 819.4 809.1 794.5 750.9 744.0 841.3 824.6 814.0 805.4 784.4 761.8 750.0 688.1 Re (z) Table SC-3166-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 139.65 157.59 158.71 150.81 138.02 133.18 133.34 137.55 150.53 148.04 128.80 124.08 95.39 124.78 130.58 146.11 157.99 164.50 130.20 119.48 109.31 122.85 120.82 h (z) (W/m2-K) 148.16 128.13 120.72 118.54 122.14 131.98 147.49 3233.81 21.11 24.14 24.75 23.50 21.39 20.88 21.35 22.77 23.04 22.56 19.61 18.91 15.26 19.42 20.86 24.52 24.85 25.94 19.80 17.99 16.32 18.39 18.12 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 23.09 19.56 18.30 17.92 18.48 20.05 22.88 10422.40 15.12% 15.32% 15.60% 15.58% 15.50% 15.68% 16.01% 16.55% 15.30% 15.24% 15.22% 15.24% 15.99% 15.56% 15.97% 16.78% 15.73% 15.77% 15.21% 15.06% 14.93% 14.97% 15.00% Fractional Uncertainty 15.58% 15.26% 15.16% 15.12% 15.13% 15.19% 15.51% 322.29% 27.08 30.07 29.15 27.40 24.81 23.49 23.15 23.56 29.22 28.22 23.60 22.46 17.00 22.00 22.67 25.05 34.88 35.56 27.17 24.54 21.94 22.93 22.28 31.96 26.96 24.99 24.21 24.12 25.10 27.49 538.59 Nu(z) A-62 Channel Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 Elevation (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 Zgrid (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 560.3 575.2 583.8 595.0 613.3 620.7 634.3 642.5 558.4 574.5 584.6 594.1 611.4 619.2 632.0 641.9 552.7 566.7 578.3 589.1 606.7 614.3 626.7 635.7 H.R. Tw (K) 556.9 574.2 583.7 593.8 610.6 616.8 628.8 636.3 2004.5 2075.4 2129.4 2191.6 2305.1 2380.5 2439.0 2471.3 2005.0 2082.1 2138.3 2195.8 2317.9 2398.0 2456.6 2492.8 2006.1 2079.3 2133.1 2193.9 2307.7 2383.3 2441.5 2479.7 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 2017.2 2091.5 2146.8 2204.2 2324.2 2400.4 2460.2 2497.2 524.3 537.6 547.6 558.9 580.1 594.2 605.5 612.4 524.0 537.2 547.6 558.2 580.1 594.2 605.1 612.4 524.3 537.6 547.3 558.6 580.1 593.8 605.1 612.4 Tcl (K) 524.0 537.2 547.3 557.9 579.7 593.5 604.8 612.0 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 536.3 550.1 559.7 571.0 591.1 603.0 615.1 622.4 535.5 549.7 560.0 570.2 590.5 602.5 614.1 622.2 533.8 547.3 557.6 568.7 589.0 600.6 612.3 620.2 Tbulk (K) 535.0 549.6 559.4 569.8 590.0 601.2 612.8 620.1 1091.6 1059.1 1037.6 1013.5 972.8 950.3 928.6 915.8 1093.6 1060.1 1037.0 1015.1 974.0 951.3 930.4 916.1 1097.7 1065.6 1042.2 1018.1 977.0 954.8 933.5 919.7 1094.9 1060.3 1038.2 1015.8 975.0 953.6 932.7 919.8 Re (z) Table SC-3166-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 83.61 82.80 88.28 91.07 104.13 134.52 126.78 123.06 87.42 83.84 86.71 91.77 110.99 144.05 137.33 126.73 105.99 107.27 103.37 107.88 129.69 174.95 169.42 159.72 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 92.08 84.86 88.48 91.99 112.83 154.35 153.25 154.34 12.53 12.38 13.25 13.67 15.76 20.95 19.51 18.86 13.15 12.51 12.95 13.75 16.84 22.55 21.24 19.36 16.31 16.47 15.74 16.46 20.17 28.62 27.38 25.42 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 13.86 12.63 13.19 13.73 17.11 24.43 24.11 24.26 14.99% 14.95% 15.01% 15.01% 15.13% 15.57% 15.39% 15.32% 15.04% 14.92% 14.94% 14.98% 15.17% 15.65% 15.47% 15.27% 15.39% 15.35% 15.23% 15.26% 15.55% 16.36% 16.16% 15.92% Fractional Uncertainty 15.05% 14.88% 14.91% 14.93% 15.16% 15.82% 15.73% 15.72% 24.65 23.59 24.56 24.65 26.85 33.72 30.90 29.49 25.83 23.91 24.10 24.88 28.66 36.15 33.55 30.39 31.45 30.77 28.90 29.35 33.61 44.10 41.56 38.48 27.24 24.21 24.63 24.96 29.17 38.85 37.55 37.19 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3171-A Matrix test # 16 Test date – 3/24/2005 Steady state time window: 16560 - 17160 sec Inlet flow: 0.48 m3/min (17.0 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 406 K (272 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 271.7 kPa (39.4 psia) Bundle power: 7.1 kW Outlet steam temperature: 620 K (657 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 1957 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -7.3809x3 + 47.254x2 - 16.084x + 417.71 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -4.3898x3 + 27.869x2 + 12.056x + 408.04 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-63 A-64 A-65 A-66 A-67 A-68 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -7.3809x 3 + 47.254x 2 - 16.084x + 417.71 650 Temperature (deg K) 600 550 500 450 400 350 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.5 4 Elevation (m) Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -4.3898x 3 + 27.869x 2 + 12.056x + 408.04 650 Temperature (deg K) 600 550 500 450 400 350 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-69 2.5 3 A-70 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4_110 RodD4_142.1 Channel Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 Elevation (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 Zgrid (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 514.1 608.1 612.5 618.3 623.4 625.6 626.3 627.3 553.8 562.9 577.0 590.0 634.0 558.0 566.7 573.6 580.5 593.4 603.0 605.7 635.3 552.7 562.7 570.5 577.3 590.3 599.2 600.8 631.0 H.R.Tw (K) 553.4 564.0 570.8 578.9 592.2 602.1 603.0 628.2 1547.6 1910.7 1838.9 1726.3 1567.7 1423.7 1226.0 1075.7 1867.0 1904.4 1959.2 2031.6 749.6 1907.8 1948.9 1975.8 2004.4 2071.5 2151.0 2072.6 752.6 1906.7 1944.1 1977.1 2004.3 2069.9 2150.2 2078.0 771.6 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 1885.7 1925.8 1950.4 1981.1 2045.9 2126.1 2102.1 718.1 410.3 597.9 603.8 612.7 624.2 633.8 645.1 652.3 507.1 518.0 533.7 554.5 661.5 506.7 518.4 525.7 533.3 551.6 573.1 586.3 661.3 507.1 517.6 526.5 533.7 551.6 573.1 586.3 661.4 Tcl (°F) 506.7 518.4 525.3 533.7 551.6 573.1 586.3 661.3 483.3 587.5 590.8 595.7 602.2 607.5 613.8 617.7 537.1 543.1 551.9 563.5 622.9 536.9 543.4 547.4 551.7 561.8 573.7 581.1 622.8 537.1 542.9 547.9 551.9 561.8 573.7 581.1 622.8 Tcl (K) 536.9 543.4 547.2 551.9 561.8 573.7 581.1 622.8 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 493.6 594.4 598.0 603.3 609.2 613.5 617.9 620.9 542.7 549.7 560.3 572.3 626.6 543.9 551.1 556.1 561.3 572.4 583.5 589.3 626.9 542.3 549.5 555.4 560.4 571.3 582.2 587.7 625.6 Tbulk (K) 542.4 550.2 555.1 560.9 571.9 583.2 588.4 624.6 1786 1432 1422 1407 1391 1380 1368 1361 1595 1571 1536 1497 1346 1590 1566 1549 1532 1497 1464 1447 1346 1596 1571 1552 1535 1500 1467 1451 1349 1596 1569 1553 1534 1499 1464 1449 1352 Re (z) Table SC-3171-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data 75.43 139.78 127.25 114.67 110.98 117.39 147.32 169.12 167.61 144.83 116.76 114.67 101.11 135.29 125.20 113.43 104.14 98.43 110.34 126.17 90.08 183.63 147.52 131.19 118.09 109.13 126.57 157.87 141.22 h (z) (W/m2-K) 171.41 139.99 123.82 110.15 101.18 112.36 144.02 199.03 15.33 29.56 26.68 23.86 23.20 25.03 34.21 43.32 36.85 30.94 24.21 23.67 25.35 28.14 25.72 23.01 20.93 19.65 22.16 25.89 21.84 40.38 31.01 27.05 24.02 21.96 25.73 33.26 39.72 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 37.50 29.48 25.63 22.49 20.46 22.83 29.64 73.38 20.32% 21.15% 20.96% 20.81% 20.90% 21.32% 23.22% 25.62% 21.99% 21.36% 20.73% 20.64% 25.07% 20.80% 20.54% 20.29% 20.10% 19.96% 20.08% 20.52% 24.24% 21.99% 21.02% 20.62% 20.34% 20.13% 20.33% 21.07% 28.13% Fractional Uncertainty 21.88% 21.06% 20.70% 20.42% 20.22% 20.32% 20.58% 36.87% 24.79 35.76 32.27 28.73 27.42 28.72 35.67 40.67 48.64 41.29 32.44 30.93 24.00 39.13 35.57 31.83 28.86 26.55 28.97 32.67 21.37 53.33 42.08 36.88 32.80 29.51 33.33 41.04 33.60 49.77 39.86 34.84 30.55 27.32 29.52 37.37 47.47 Nu(z) A-71 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 H.R. Channel Location Number RodC5_63.7 225 RodC5_113.6 226 RodC5_115.7 227 RodC5_122.7 229 RodC5_126.7 230 RodC5_131.6 231 RodC5_135.7 232 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 Elevation (m) 1.618 2.885 2.939 3.117 3.218 3.343 3.447 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 Zgrid (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 485.0 495.5 501.7 508.0 516.6 516.4 525.5 532.3 540.5 546.7 550.4 563.2 569.8 579.0 598.7 513.0 604.6 610.8 618.5 623.8 627.0 628.9 630.4 H.R.Tw (K) 513.6 605.0 611.8 624.2 627.5 628.4 631.2 1373.7 1428.1 1464.9 1505.8 1586.6 1636.0 1675.0 1701.7 1763.9 1840.3 1878.8 1930.0 1957.2 1994.8 2104.1 1556.8 1904.3 1836.8 1713.3 1567.6 1417.6 1228.4 1074.6 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 1520.9 1854.2 1777.3 1525.1 1379.4 1201.0 1050.6 365.4 378.6 387.9 398.6 420.5 434.6 445.9 453.5 472.3 494.8 506.0 521.0 528.7 539.3 581.4 411.4 597.7 603.6 614.0 625.7 636.9 649.6 658.7 Tcl (°F) 411.8 597.7 604.5 626.0 637.1 649.6 658.9 458.4 465.7 470.9 476.8 489.0 496.8 503.1 507.3 517.8 530.3 536.5 544.8 549.1 555.0 578.4 483.9 587.4 590.7 596.5 603.0 609.2 616.3 621.3 Tcl (K) 484.1 587.4 591.2 603.1 609.3 616.3 621.4 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 467.2 475.6 481.2 487.2 498.2 503.3 510.6 515.6 525.4 535.7 541.1 551.0 556.0 563.0 585.1 493.6 593.1 597.4 603.8 609.9 615.1 620.5 624.3 Tbulk (K) 493.9 593.3 598.1 610.1 615.4 620.3 624.7 1908 1867 1842 1814 1766 1745 1715 1695 1658 1619 1600 1566 1550 1527 1459 1786 1436 1424 1406 1390 1376 1362 1352 1785 1435 1422 1389 1375 1362 1351 Re (z) Table SC-3171-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 77.52 71.76 71.27 72.53 86.15 124.96 111.98 102.36 116.39 168.21 203.28 157.24 141.76 124.41 155.33 80.43 166.14 136.60 116.45 112.99 119.67 145.24 177.78 h (z) (W/m2-K) 77.45 157.95 129.46 108.71 113.67 148.48 161.02 15.90 14.58 14.45 14.70 17.62 26.58 23.40 21.14 24.30 36.97 46.46 33.83 29.95 25.80 32.84 16.35 36.25 28.99 24.35 23.72 25.65 33.59 46.63 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 16.05 34.98 27.96 23.23 24.70 35.30 41.20 20.52% 20.32% 20.28% 20.27% 20.45% 21.27% 20.89% 20.65% 20.88% 21.98% 22.86% 21.52% 21.13% 20.74% 21.14% 20.33% 21.82% 21.22% 20.91% 20.99% 21.44% 23.12% 26.23% Fractional Uncertainty 20.72% 22.15% 21.60% 21.37% 21.73% 23.77% 25.59% 27.25 24.69 24.18 24.23 27.98 40.06 35.24 31.80 35.28 49.67 59.22 44.70 39.80 34.33 40.62 26.44 42.63 34.70 29.14 27.87 29.17 34.97 42.42 25.43 40.51 32.83 26.80 27.69 35.76 38.39 Nu(z) A-72 Channel Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 Elevation (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 Zgrid (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 474.6 493.3 497.9 503.4 513.3 527.7 533.0 535.9 473.1 490.0 493.7 499.3 508.8 517.9 522.6 524.6 471.9 490.0 494.7 499.9 508.8 520.2 526.0 528.5 H.R.Tw (K) 474.2 492.6 496.3 502.1 512.1 525.9 532.1 534.4 1239.7 1406.5 1434.7 1476.2 1559.0 1695.9 1725.0 1738.9 1244.8 1407.5 1433.3 1471.0 1553.0 1682.8 1711.4 1724.9 1240.5 1403.3 1427.9 1464.5 1546.2 1674.3 1701.6 1714.8 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 1247.1 1406.3 1434.4 1472.5 1554.9 1686.4 1713.1 1726.5 445.7 463.7 467.0 471.9 482.1 499.5 503.2 505.0 445.9 464.2 467.3 471.9 482.3 499.7 503.2 505.0 445.9 464.2 467.3 471.9 482.4 499.7 503.2 505.0 Tcl (K) 445.9 463.9 467.3 471.9 482.4 499.8 503.4 505.2 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 455.3 473.6 477.3 482.4 492.5 508.9 513.1 515.3 454.9 472.8 476.1 481.0 491.1 505.7 509.7 511.5 454.5 472.8 476.4 481.3 491.2 506.5 510.8 512.9 Tbulk (K) 455.3 473.5 477.0 482.0 492.3 508.5 513.0 514.9 1967.9 1877.1 1859.7 1836.0 1790.9 1722.1 1705.0 1696.4 1970.1 1880.8 1865.3 1842.3 1797.1 1734.9 1718.7 1711.3 1972.2 1880.8 1863.6 1841.3 1796.5 1731.7 1714.2 1706.1 1968.1 1877.6 1861.1 1838.0 1791.7 1723.5 1705.6 1697.8 Re (z) 64.39 71.36 69.55 70.33 74.82 90.24 87.02 84.57 68.62 81.85 81.49 80.63 87.82 138.65 132.22 132.17 71.49 81.57 78.09 78.38 87.89 122.04 111.99 109.37 h (z) (W/m2-K) 65.92 73.41 74.12 73.17 78.49 96.87 89.57 88.55 Table SC-3171-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 13.24 14.55 14.12 14.25 15.14 18.34 17.61 17.06 14.14 16.91 16.79 16.55 18.06 29.91 28.20 28.15 14.83 16.89 16.08 16.12 18.16 25.93 23.48 22.85 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 13.52 15.01 15.14 14.90 15.99 19.94 18.29 18.05 20.56% 20.39% 20.30% 20.26% 20.23% 20.33% 20.23% 20.17% 20.61% 20.66% 20.61% 20.53% 20.57% 21.58% 21.33% 21.30% 20.74% 20.71% 20.60% 20.56% 20.66% 21.25% 20.97% 20.89% Fractional Uncertainty 20.51% 20.45% 20.43% 20.36% 20.37% 20.58% 20.42% 20.38% 23.32 24.68 23.83 23.79 24.66 28.52 27.21 26.29 24.88 28.37 28.01 27.37 29.05 44.18 41.70 41.49 25.95 28.27 26.82 26.59 29.06 38.81 35.22 34.22 23.88 25.40 25.42 24.77 25.88 30.65 28.02 27.56 Nu(z) A-73 Channel Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 Elevation (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 Zgrid (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 586.0 589.5 599.5 605.5 611.3 617.5 622.3 624.6 578.9 584.0 591.6 597.0 600.5 605.5 609.6 611.7 544.4 547.0 560.3 566.7 575.6 597.0 599.1 H.R.Tw (K) 548.2 558.5 565.5 570.9 581.3 591.2 593.5 618.3 2085.8 2123.9 1922.4 1832.2 1755.2 1593.2 1436.9 1279.3 2084.0 2121.7 1945.7 1855.1 1757.0 1622.3 1462.7 1312.3 1840.8 1877.6 1930.5 1956.3 1994.1 2104.3 2015.8 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 1865.9 1903.6 1929.8 1954.0 2017.0 2091.3 2021.4 760.6 551.9 556.8 568.3 571.5 574.5 580.7 586.5 591.9 552.1 556.8 567.8 571.5 575.4 580.6 586.5 591.8 520.9 525.9 533.1 536.5 541.6 561.5 565.2 Tcl (K) 525.9 531.1 534.7 537.9 546.5 556.8 563.4 608.4 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 563.3 567.7 578.7 582.8 586.7 593.0 598.4 602.8 561.0 565.9 575.7 580.0 583.8 588.9 594.2 598.4 528.7 532.9 542.2 546.6 552.9 573.4 576.5 Tbulk (K) 533.3 540.3 545.0 548.9 558.1 568.3 573.4 611.7 1525.9 1511.7 1478.0 1465.6 1454.1 1436.1 1420.8 1408.7 1533.2 1517.4 1486.9 1474.0 1462.8 1447.8 1432.7 1420.8 1645.2 1629.6 1596.6 1581.4 1559.7 1494.2 1484.6 1628.1 1603.3 1586.9 1573.4 1542.6 1510.0 1494.0 1384.7 Re (z) 91.83 97.50 92.34 80.85 71.49 65.08 60.19 58.69 116.61 116.99 122.58 108.82 104.89 97.70 94.91 98.96 117.62 133.80 106.26 97.00 87.96 89.11 89.01 h (z) (W/m2-K) 125.73 104.29 93.98 88.94 87.07 91.41 100.48 115.72 Table SC-3171-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 18.43 19.62 18.86 16.52 14.57 13.29 12.35 12.16 23.84 23.88 25.49 22.47 21.70 20.24 19.85 21.13 24.47 28.21 21.79 19.72 17.76 17.91 17.94 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 26.45 21.49 19.19 18.08 17.66 18.58 20.72 30.09 20.07% 20.13% 20.42% 20.43% 20.38% 20.42% 20.52% 20.72% 20.44% 20.41% 20.80% 20.65% 20.68% 20.72% 20.91% 21.35% 20.80% 21.08% 20.50% 20.33% 20.19% 20.10% 20.16% Fractional Uncertainty 21.04% 20.60% 20.42% 20.33% 20.28% 20.33% 20.62% 26.00% 25.32 26.59 24.53 21.26 18.63 16.71 15.25 14.72 32.34 32.05 32.79 28.81 27.52 25.32 24.29 25.08 35.35 39.79 30.87 27.87 24.88 23.98 23.77 37.35 30.45 27.11 25.41 24.32 24.90 27.03 28.43 Nu(z) A-74 Channel Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 Elevation (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 Zgrid (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 482.0 491.0 496.1 502.8 510.9 510.1 518.2 524.0 485.0 494.8 500.5 505.8 512.3 513.0 521.0 527.6 480.2 487.9 493.9 500.0 509.8 510.2 517.6 523.3 H.R.Tw (K) 482.1 492.0 497.6 503.7 511.3 510.9 518.3 523.6 1369.2 1421.4 1460.2 1502.5 1579.7 1629.9 1670.1 1695.3 1368.2 1422.1 1463.3 1504.6 1587.1 1639.5 1680.4 1708.1 1368.6 1420.9 1458.9 1502.8 1582.8 1633.1 1673.0 1699.8 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 1377.9 1431.3 1470.9 1511.7 1594.3 1644.3 1686.0 1713.8 459.6 465.8 470.6 475.9 486.1 492.9 498.4 501.8 459.5 465.7 470.6 475.6 486.1 492.9 498.2 501.8 459.6 465.8 470.4 475.8 486.1 492.7 498.2 501.8 Tcl (K) 459.5 465.7 470.4 475.4 485.9 492.5 498.0 501.6 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 467.1 474.2 479.1 484.9 494.3 498.6 505.0 509.2 468.0 475.4 480.6 485.7 494.8 499.6 505.8 510.4 466.5 473.2 478.3 483.8 494.0 498.5 504.7 509.0 Tbulk (K) 467.0 474.5 479.5 484.9 494.4 498.7 504.8 508.9 1908.6 1874.1 1851.2 1824.6 1783.0 1764.5 1737.9 1720.7 1904.3 1868.6 1844.4 1821.2 1780.8 1760.5 1734.5 1716.0 1911.5 1879.0 1855.2 1829.4 1784.5 1764.9 1739.2 1721.7 1909.0 1873.0 1849.4 1824.8 1782.9 1764.4 1738.8 1721.8 Re (z) 91.66 84.77 85.71 83.77 95.53 142.10 126.61 114.36 80.52 73.24 73.31 74.81 90.57 122.61 110.56 99.43 99.65 96.62 93.19 93.02 100.03 140.27 129.64 118.67 h (z) (W/m2-K) 91.37 81.42 81.15 80.20 94.16 134.42 125.07 116.99 Table SC-3171-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 19.22 17.55 17.71 17.22 19.80 31.01 27.00 24.00 16.65 14.95 14.92 15.21 18.59 25.97 23.01 20.42 21.13 20.29 19.42 19.30 20.79 30.46 27.68 24.96 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 19.03 16.67 16.56 16.31 19.31 28.78 26.36 24.37 20.97% 20.70% 20.66% 20.56% 20.72% 21.82% 21.32% 20.99% 20.68% 20.42% 20.35% 20.33% 20.53% 21.18% 20.82% 20.54% 21.20% 21.00% 20.84% 20.75% 20.79% 21.72% 21.35% 21.04% Fractional Uncertainty 20.83% 20.48% 20.41% 20.33% 20.51% 21.41% 21.08% 20.83% 32.23 29.28 29.23 28.15 31.34 46.10 40.42 36.12 28.26 25.22 24.91 25.09 29.67 39.68 35.22 31.31 35.10 33.46 31.86 31.35 32.85 45.52 41.42 37.50 32.14 28.10 27.65 26.96 30.89 43.61 39.95 36.97 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3173-A Matrix test # 17 Test date – 3/25/2005 Steady state time window: 11340 - 12240 sec Inlet flow: 0.90 m3/min (31.9 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 409 K (276 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 271.7 kPa (39.4 psia) Bundle power: 10.1 kW Outlet steam temperature: 580 K (585 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 3614 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -5.4909x3 + 37.468x2 - 16.632x + 420.07 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -3.7844x3 + 25.883x2 - 0.3224x + 414.53 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-75 A-76 A-77 A-78 A-79 A-80 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -5.4909x 3 + 37.468x 2 - 16.632x + 420.07 650 Temperature (deg K) 600 550 500 450 400 350 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.5 4 Elevation (m) Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -3.7844x 3 + 25.883x 2 - 0.3224x + 414.53 600 Temperature (deg K) 550 500 450 400 350 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-81 2.5 3 A-82 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4_110 RodD4_142.1 Channel Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 Elevation (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 Zgrid (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 504.0 579.8 585.0 590.6 595.2 596.4 590.1 591.2 532.2 543.1 556.6 567.8 594.3 534.3 544.9 551.0 556.5 567.9 577.2 574.4 596.3 530.2 541.4 548.3 554.5 566.2 575.8 572.3 595.3 H.R. Tw (K) 532.4 545.4 552.2 558.9 570.0 581.0 578.1 591.9 2205.9 2720.6 2618.5 2458.9 2233.9 2031.0 1754.2 1543.5 2666.2 2717.2 2792.8 2896.9 1095.4 2706.6 2764.1 2800.6 2839.7 2933.9 3048.8 2945.2 1086.0 2718.3 2770.7 2815.8 2852.3 2945.4 3062.8 2964.4 1123.9 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 2688.0 2744.4 2779.0 2820.7 2913.5 3028.1 2990.5 1033.6 467.5 552.1 555.1 559.7 565.9 571.3 578.2 582.9 509.5 514.3 521.5 531.1 590.2 509.3 514.5 517.8 521.3 529.7 539.9 546.3 590.0 509.5 514.2 518.2 521.5 529.7 539.9 546.3 590.1 Tcl (K) 509.3 514.5 517.7 521.5 529.7 539.9 546.3 590.0 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 475.3 558.0 561.5 566.3 572.2 576.7 580.7 584.7 514.3 520.5 529.0 539.0 591.1 514.6 521.0 524.9 528.8 537.9 547.9 552.3 591.3 513.9 520.0 524.6 528.6 537.5 547.6 551.9 591.2 Tbulk (K) 514.2 521.1 525.0 529.5 538.4 548.7 553.1 590.4 3477 2871 2850 2821 2787 2761 2739 2717 3164 3119 3059 2992 2682 3161 3115 3087 3060 2999 2934 2906 2681 3167 3122 3090 3062 3001 2936 2909 2682 3164 3114 3087 3056 2996 2929 2901 2686 Re (z) Table SC-3173-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data 77.04 125.13 111.44 101.32 97.12 103.06 186.86 237.70 149.58 120.05 101.29 100.51 333.59 137.89 115.91 107.40 102.53 97.93 104.04 133.43 217.59 166.77 129.55 118.93 109.76 102.90 108.67 145.49 270.95 h (z) (W/m2-K) 147.85 113.27 102.46 95.82 92.20 93.77 119.73 682.64 11.16 18.75 16.49 14.89 14.32 15.51 35.77 56.53 23.29 17.93 14.78 14.60 137.97 20.83 16.98 15.55 14.75 13.98 14.88 19.83 63.73 26.16 19.23 17.38 15.85 14.70 15.54 21.80 91.40 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 22.78 16.65 14.86 13.78 13.17 13.37 17.29 585.11 14.48% 14.98% 14.80% 14.69% 14.74% 15.05% 19.14% 23.78% 15.57% 14.94% 14.59% 14.53% 41.36% 15.11% 14.65% 14.48% 14.38% 14.27% 14.30% 14.86% 29.29% 15.69% 14.84% 14.61% 14.44% 14.29% 14.30% 14.98% 33.73% Fractional Uncertainty 15.41% 14.69% 14.50% 14.38% 14.29% 14.26% 14.44% 85.71% 26.53 34.95 30.86 27.73 26.20 27.51 49.39 62.23 46.62 36.84 30.42 29.44 86.02 42.95 35.52 32.59 30.80 28.76 29.80 37.80 56.07 52.04 39.80 36.12 33.00 30.25 31.15 41.26 69.84 46.09 34.70 31.08 28.74 27.05 26.81 33.85 176.31 Nu(z) A-83 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 Channel Elevation Number (m) 225 1.618 226 2.885 227 2.939 229 3.117 230 3.218 231 3.343 232 3.447 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 H.R. Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 Zgrid (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 477.4 487.6 493.0 498.4 504.5 499.3 510.2 516.9 522.5 527.2 529.6 544.1 549.2 558.0 576.0 499.7 568.8 574.0 579.4 583.0 585.6 583.0 584.8 H.R. Tw (K) 503.1 572.8 580.1 591.6 593.1 588.3 591.0 1959.2 2037.1 2089.7 2148.2 2263.7 2336.9 2392.5 2429.8 2510.1 2620.1 2675.1 2748.2 2786.3 2838.9 2993.7 2223.0 2739.5 2645.1 2470.8 2264.9 2054.2 1799.6 1581.2 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 2165.7 2655.1 2549.0 2194.4 1991.6 1743.4 1533.6 448.1 453.7 457.7 462.3 471.8 477.9 482.9 486.2 494.6 504.6 509.6 516.4 519.9 524.8 544.4 467.8 552.1 555.0 560.0 565.8 571.4 578.0 582.9 Tcl (K) 468.0 552.1 555.4 565.9 571.6 578.0 583.0 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 454.4 461.0 465.3 470.0 478.8 482.5 488.7 492.8 500.5 509.4 513.9 522.4 526.2 531.9 551.1 474.6 555.7 559.0 564.2 569.5 574.5 579.1 583.3 Tbulk (K) 475.5 556.5 560.7 571.4 576.2 580.2 584.7 3671 3608 3568 3525 3447 3415 3363 3330 3268 3200 3167 3106 3079 3039 2913 3483 2885 2865 2834 2802 2774 2748 2724 3476 2880 2855 2791 2764 2741 2716 Re (z) 85.11 76.56 75.32 75.79 87.91 139.03 111.35 100.84 114.38 147.38 170.58 126.50 121.04 108.60 120.35 88.89 208.39 176.54 162.26 167.17 184.88 460.39 1048.94 h (z) (W/m2-K) 78.45 163.58 131.31 108.81 117.58 217.01 244.29 Table SC-3173-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 12.62 11.15 10.92 10.96 12.84 21.82 16.67 14.85 17.13 22.92 27.32 18.97 17.99 15.89 17.68 13.00 35.00 28.44 25.94 27.56 32.67 162.33 899.87 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 11.59 26.39 20.36 16.60 18.44 45.37 59.52 14.82% 14.56% 14.49% 14.46% 14.61% 15.70% 14.97% 14.73% 14.98% 15.55% 16.02% 14.99% 14.86% 14.63% 14.69% 14.63% 16.80% 16.11% 15.98% 16.49% 17.67% 35.26% 85.79% Fractional Uncertainty 14.78% 16.13% 15.50% 15.25% 15.69% 20.91% 24.36% 30.90 27.35 26.61 26.45 30.01 47.01 37.06 33.21 36.93 46.52 53.23 38.64 36.61 32.38 34.19 30.66 58.54 49.19 44.65 45.40 49.61 122.16 275.52 27.00 45.86 36.44 29.41 31.42 57.43 63.95 Nu(z) A-84 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 Channel Elevation Number (m) 153 1.041 154 1.344 155 1.397 156 1.468 157 1.626 158 1.877 159 1.928 160 1.953 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 Zgrid (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 470.2 486.3 491.0 496.6 505.6 515.5 520.7 523.6 469.9 487.3 491.1 496.6 504.1 507.7 512.4 514.2 468.6 482.6 487.0 491.8 499.3 506.8 512.4 514.9 H.R. Tw (K) 470.4 485.6 489.3 495.1 503.4 514.0 519.8 522.0 1766.2 2004.7 2045.3 2104.7 2225.1 2420.8 2462.4 2482.4 1777.4 2007.2 2043.7 2097.5 2214.3 2402.9 2440.7 2459.3 1772.4 2000.1 2036.3 2089.7 2207.6 2394.5 2432.6 2451.4 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 1781.7 2007.5 2047.7 2101.0 2219.6 2408.2 2446.1 2465.2 437.9 451.5 454.0 457.9 465.9 479.8 482.8 484.3 438.0 451.9 454.3 457.9 466.0 479.9 482.8 484.3 438.0 451.9 454.3 457.9 466.1 479.9 482.8 484.3 Tcl (K) 438.0 451.6 454.3 457.9 466.1 480.1 483.0 484.4 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 444.8 459.0 461.9 466.2 474.4 487.4 490.9 492.7 444.8 459.5 462.2 466.2 474.2 485.9 489.2 490.7 444.5 458.5 461.3 465.1 473.2 485.7 489.2 490.9 Tbulk (K) 444.9 458.9 461.8 465.8 474.1 487.3 490.9 492.5 3766.4 3626.9 3599.0 3559.7 3485.9 3373.9 3345.0 3330.5 3766.3 3622.3 3597.0 3559.8 3487.7 3386.9 3359.5 3347.0 3769.1 3631.8 3605.2 3569.3 3495.9 3388.5 3359.6 3345.8 3765.1 3627.5 3600.4 3562.8 3488.2 3374.7 3345.6 3332.4 Re (z) 69.52 73.27 70.46 69.09 71.33 86.34 82.82 80.31 70.94 72.23 70.67 68.94 73.94 110.29 105.04 104.70 73.76 82.88 79.29 78.43 84.83 113.66 104.71 101.94 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 69.96 75.27 74.32 71.90 75.91 90.46 84.54 83.49 Table SC-3173-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 10.27 10.67 10.19 9.94 10.21 12.44 11.86 11.46 10.46 10.51 10.24 9.94 10.67 16.51 15.57 15.50 10.95 12.29 11.67 11.49 12.45 17.15 15.57 15.08 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 10.27 10.98 10.80 10.39 10.96 13.18 12.21 12.03 14.77% 14.56% 14.46% 14.38% 14.31% 14.41% 14.32% 14.27% 14.74% 14.55% 14.49% 14.42% 14.43% 14.97% 14.83% 14.81% 14.85% 14.83% 14.71% 14.65% 14.68% 15.09% 14.86% 14.80% Fractional Uncertainty 14.68% 14.59% 14.54% 14.45% 14.44% 14.57% 14.44% 14.41% 25.85 26.30 25.10 24.36 24.63 28.83 27.41 26.45 26.38 25.89 25.16 24.30 25.54 36.97 34.91 34.67 27.44 29.79 28.30 27.72 29.37 38.12 34.81 33.74 26.01 27.02 26.49 25.37 26.22 30.21 27.98 27.52 Nu(z) A-85 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 Channel Elevation Number (m) 161 2.245 162 2.319 163 2.370 164 2.416 165 2.540 166 2.692 167 2.791 168 3.614 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 -0.074 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 Zgrid (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 565.9 569.0 564.2 570.4 575.5 580.0 583.7 585.0 562.6 567.4 565.0 572.1 575.3 579.0 581.7 582.0 525.0 526.7 541.9 548.0 555.8 571.2 568.1 H.R. Tw (K) 528.9 541.1 547.6 552.8 561.9 571.0 567.9 587.2 2980.4 3035.4 2769.1 2653.7 2545.3 2311.9 2090.0 1868.9 2973.7 3027.1 2776.6 2645.2 2504.3 2311.3 2085.2 1871.6 2628.5 2680.4 2755.7 2791.1 2846.1 3006.1 2883.7 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 2665.7 2718.6 2755.3 2788.2 2877.7 2987.9 2892.8 1108.8 523.2 527.4 537.2 540.0 542.6 548.0 553.0 557.9 523.4 527.4 536.8 540.0 543.4 547.9 553.0 557.7 497.3 501.5 507.4 510.2 514.5 531.4 534.5 Tcl (K) 501.5 505.8 508.8 511.4 518.7 527.4 533.0 572.8 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 532.4 536.3 543.0 546.5 549.6 554.9 559.6 563.7 531.8 536.0 542.8 546.8 550.2 554.6 559.2 562.9 503.2 506.9 514.8 518.3 523.4 539.9 541.7 Tbulk (K) 507.3 513.3 517.1 520.3 527.9 536.8 540.5 575.9 3036.1 3009.4 2965.5 2942.9 2923.1 2890.2 2861.2 2836.8 3040.1 3011.7 2966.4 2940.6 2919.3 2892.1 2863.8 2841.2 3247.4 3219.6 3160.2 3134.5 3098.4 2985.3 2973.7 3215.9 3171.0 3143.6 3120.3 3066.4 3006.5 2982.0 2765.8 Re (z) 88.89 92.99 130.62 110.93 98.46 92.02 86.71 87.67 96.46 96.41 125.05 104.86 99.82 94.50 92.70 98.12 120.77 135.33 101.81 94.09 87.89 96.19 109.41 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 123.65 98.02 90.35 85.72 84.68 87.20 105.59 98.05 Table SC-3173-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 12.61 13.22 19.60 16.37 14.40 13.52 12.82 13.21 13.80 13.77 18.67 15.41 14.68 13.96 13.86 15.09 18.06 20.56 14.81 13.56 12.58 13.76 15.91 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 18.60 14.29 13.06 12.33 12.15 12.51 15.51 17.52 14.18% 14.21% 15.00% 14.75% 14.62% 14.69% 14.78% 15.07% 14.31% 14.29% 14.93% 14.69% 14.71% 14.77% 14.95% 15.38% 14.95% 15.19% 14.54% 14.42% 14.31% 14.31% 14.54% Fractional Uncertainty 15.04% 14.58% 14.45% 14.38% 14.35% 14.35% 14.69% 17.87% 26.47 27.42 37.87 31.89 28.08 25.90 24.13 24.15 28.77 28.45 36.27 30.11 28.43 26.62 25.82 27.08 38.73 43.00 31.70 29.03 26.77 28.10 31.82 39.24 30.63 27.97 26.32 25.50 25.68 30.81 26.22 Nu(z) A-86 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 Channel Elevation Number (m) 73 1.273 74 1.372 75 1.445 76 1.521 77 1.676 78 1.773 79 1.852 80 1.902 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 Zgrid (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 473.9 481.9 486.4 492.2 498.4 494.1 503.5 509.2 479.0 488.6 494.3 499.6 502.8 498.3 507.7 514.1 473.9 480.4 485.2 489.9 499.0 495.3 504.9 510.3 H.R. Tw (K) 476.7 486.4 491.8 497.6 503.0 496.8 506.3 511.2 1956.4 2030.7 2085.7 2146.0 2257.1 2330.1 2388.0 2424.9 1952.5 2028.2 2086.7 2145.2 2264.1 2341.0 2398.3 2436.9 1955.8 2030.4 2084.0 2145.2 2259.7 2331.9 2390.7 2428.7 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 1965.3 2040.6 2096.6 2154.4 2271.8 2345.2 2404.1 2442.6 448.4 453.1 456.8 461.0 469.0 474.5 478.9 481.7 448.2 453.0 456.8 460.8 469.0 474.5 478.8 481.7 448.4 453.1 456.7 460.9 469.0 474.4 478.8 481.7 Tcl (K) 448.2 453.0 456.7 460.6 468.9 474.2 478.6 481.5 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 453.8 459.3 463.2 467.7 475.3 478.7 484.2 487.6 454.8 460.6 464.9 469.1 476.3 479.6 485.0 488.6 453.8 459.0 462.8 467.1 475.5 478.9 484.4 487.8 Tbulk (K) 454.3 460.2 464.2 468.5 476.2 479.1 484.6 487.9 3676.6 3623.8 3587.5 3545.8 3477.5 3448.0 3401.0 3372.7 3666.8 3611.3 3571.8 3533.1 3469.3 3440.2 3394.4 3364.2 3676.4 3627.0 3591.0 3551.2 3476.3 3446.7 3399.6 3370.8 3671.6 3615.7 3577.8 3538.1 3469.8 3444.9 3397.9 3370.2 Re (z) 97.62 89.70 89.78 87.72 97.85 151.23 123.54 111.99 80.77 72.57 70.80 70.19 85.41 125.15 105.53 95.75 97.28 94.94 93.19 94.14 95.91 141.44 116.74 107.96 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 87.78 77.82 76.06 74.20 84.77 132.17 110.54 104.83 Table SC-3173-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 14.83 13.36 13.32 12.92 14.53 24.32 18.88 16.78 11.94 10.54 10.22 10.09 12.44 19.18 15.64 13.98 14.77 14.26 13.90 14.00 14.19 22.33 17.63 16.06 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 13.04 11.32 11.00 10.67 12.28 20.43 16.46 15.45 15.19% 14.89% 14.83% 14.73% 14.85% 16.08% 15.28% 14.98% 14.78% 14.52% 14.44% 14.38% 14.56% 15.33% 14.82% 14.60% 15.18% 15.02% 14.91% 14.87% 14.79% 15.79% 15.10% 14.88% Fractional Uncertainty 14.86% 14.55% 14.47% 14.39% 14.49% 15.46% 14.89% 14.73% 35.50 32.17 31.89 30.80 33.70 51.64 41.59 37.38 29.30 25.94 25.04 24.56 29.35 42.63 35.46 31.87 35.37 34.08 33.13 33.11 33.02 48.27 39.28 36.01 31.88 27.85 26.94 26.00 29.13 45.09 37.18 34.96 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3178-A Matrix test # 10 Test date – 3/31/2005 Steady state time window: 17100 - 18400 sec Inlet flow: 0.94 m3/min (33.0 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 389 K (240 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 133.8 kPa (19.4 psia) Bundle power: 13.9 kW Outlet steam temperature: 835 K (1044 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 2019 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -17.396x3 + 100.73x2 - 16.897x + 410.81 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -11.39x3 + 66.36x2 + 28.17x + 395.56 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-87 A-88 A-89 A-90 A-91 A-92 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -17.396x 3 + 100.73x 2 - 16.897x + 410.81 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.5 4 Elevation (m) Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -11.39x 3 + 66.36x 2 + 28.17x + 395.56 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-93 2.5 3 A-94 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4_110 RodD4_142.1 Channel Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 Elevation (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 Zgrid (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 625.2 815.3 821.9 830.0 836.6 839.7 842.3 844.1 718.1 732.5 756.1 779.6 850.4 720.9 738.0 749.8 761.8 787.1 804.1 807.7 854.0 714.0 731.9 745.4 757.2 782.1 798.3 801.0 850.1 H.R.Tw (K) 713.0 732.4 745.0 759.5 783.0 800.8 805.6 847.3 3061.9 3766.2 3626.3 3403.9 3092.2 2811.0 2426.3 2135.7 3696.4 3767.1 3871.5 4013.3 1515.4 3751.9 3831.7 3882.0 3935.7 4064.3 4223.5 4079.4 1500.4 3765.4 3837.7 3899.5 3950.2 4076.9 4238.9 4102.6 1549.9 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 3721.3 3799.9 3847.4 3905.6 4031.5 4187.8 4135.9 1427.5 572.2 782.8 788.9 798.1 809.9 819.4 830.3 836.8 683.8 695.9 713.4 736.3 844.2 683.3 696.4 704.5 713.0 733.1 756.3 770.5 844.1 683.8 695.5 705.4 713.4 733.1 756.3 770.5 844.2 Tcl (K) 683.3 696.4 704.1 713.4 733.1 756.3 770.5 844.1 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 589.8 793.6 799.9 808.8 818.8 826.2 834.3 839.2 695.2 708.1 727.6 750.7 846.3 695.8 710.2 719.6 729.2 751.1 772.3 782.9 847.4 693.9 707.6 718.7 728.0 749.4 770.3 780.7 846.2 Tbulk (K) 693.2 708.4 717.7 728.8 749.7 771.2 782.2 845.2 1424 1016 1007 995 982 972 962 956 1178 1153 1119 1080 947 1176 1150 1133 1116 1080 1047 1031 946 1180 1154 1134 1118 1082 1050 1034 947 1182 1153 1136 1117 1082 1048 1032 948 Re (z) Table SC-3178-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data 86.67 173.77 164.79 160.38 174.08 206.99 302.70 438.00 161.76 154.51 135.97 139.05 370.53 149.92 138.14 128.62 120.81 112.93 132.78 164.64 227.63 186.64 158.12 146.07 135.17 124.68 151.45 201.92 388.63 h (z) (W/m2-K) 188.36 158.19 141.16 126.93 121.18 141.15 176.97 670.77 10.28 21.83 20.63 20.16 22.61 28.92 53.88 110.61 20.18 19.10 16.51 16.87 108.82 18.30 16.65 15.37 14.34 13.31 15.79 20.18 46.58 23.53 19.35 17.65 16.18 14.77 18.20 25.46 116.39 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 23.99 19.51 17.13 15.22 14.43 16.98 21.70 357.16 11.87% 12.56% 12.52% 12.57% 12.99% 13.97% 17.80% 25.25% 12.47% 12.36% 12.14% 12.13% 29.37% 12.21% 12.06% 11.95% 11.87% 11.79% 11.90% 12.26% 20.46% 12.61% 12.23% 12.09% 11.97% 11.85% 12.02% 12.61% 29.95% Fractional Uncertainty 12.73% 12.33% 12.14% 11.99% 11.91% 12.03% 12.26% 53.25% 22.51 29.38 27.54 26.38 28.13 33.01 47.60 68.29 33.15 30.83 26.08 25.49 57.07 30.68 27.44 25.07 23.09 20.68 23.35 28.39 35.00 38.35 31.58 28.52 25.91 22.91 26.74 34.96 59.87 38.76 31.54 27.62 24.29 22.25 24.88 30.56 103.52 Nu(z) A-95 Channel Number 225 226 227 229 230 231 232 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 H.R. Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 Elevation (m) 1.618 2.885 2.939 3.117 3.218 3.343 3.447 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 Zgrid (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 568.8 590.7 603.3 615.4 634.6 637.6 655.0 667.1 680.7 694.9 706.5 730.0 743.3 759.9 797.3 624.4 811.9 818.3 826.5 833.7 837.6 842.2 844.8 H.R.Tw (K) 624.1 809.4 818.0 835.1 839.3 842.1 846.6 2718.2 2825.2 2898.5 2979.4 3138.6 3237.7 3315.7 3367.3 3480.8 3631.1 3707.0 3808.3 3859.3 3932.2 4143.4 3075.9 3789.3 3658.6 3417.4 3133.3 2842.5 2477.7 2185.1 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 3002.2 3672.9 3525.4 3033.4 2751.6 2407.4 2118.2 516.2 532.6 544.3 557.4 584.0 601.0 614.4 623.4 645.5 671.4 684.2 701.1 709.6 721.3 766.2 573.0 782.8 788.6 798.7 809.7 819.6 830.1 836.8 Tcl (K) 573.5 782.8 789.6 809.9 819.8 830.1 836.9 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 533.7 552.0 563.9 576.8 600.9 613.2 627.9 638.0 657.2 679.2 691.6 710.7 720.8 734.2 776.6 590.2 792.5 798.5 808.0 817.7 825.6 834.1 839.4 Tbulk (K) 590.3 791.6 799.1 818.3 826.3 834.1 840.2 1602 1539 1501 1462 1393 1361 1324 1300 1256 1209 1185 1149 1130 1107 1040 1423 1017 1009 996 983 973 962 955 1422 1018 1008 982 972 962 955 Re (z) 77.54 72.99 73.69 77.04 93.11 132.48 122.76 115.84 148.50 232.60 249.48 197.57 171.89 152.68 200.27 89.77 194.93 184.89 184.63 195.52 236.94 305.56 408.03 h (z) (W/m2-K) 88.96 207.12 185.72 180.99 212.58 299.37 326.52 Table SC-3178-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 9.19 8.60 8.68 9.08 11.07 16.27 14.92 13.98 18.43 31.36 34.12 25.35 21.48 18.72 25.34 10.66 24.89 23.49 23.72 25.92 34.45 53.77 95.39 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 10.74 27.41 24.19 24.07 30.40 53.34 66.58 11.86% 11.79% 11.77% 11.79% 11.89% 12.28% 12.16% 12.06% 12.41% 13.48% 13.67% 12.83% 12.49% 12.26% 12.65% 11.87% 12.77% 12.71% 12.85% 13.26% 14.54% 17.60% 23.38% Fractional Uncertainty 12.07% 13.23% 13.02% 13.30% 14.30% 17.82% 20.39% 23.20 20.83 20.40 20.66 23.55 32.55 29.15 26.88 33.01 49.30 51.50 39.21 33.42 28.91 34.94 23.30 33.02 30.98 30.41 31.65 37.83 48.06 63.59 23.08 35.14 31.09 29.27 33.90 47.09 50.82 Nu(z) A-96 Channel Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 Elevation (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 Zgrid (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 538.4 578.1 587.0 598.0 618.8 651.2 660.8 666.0 535.6 572.6 580.3 591.5 610.9 636.3 645.6 649.7 534.8 574.1 583.4 594.8 614.4 642.4 654.0 659.0 H.R.Tw (K) 538.1 577.6 585.2 596.6 616.9 646.7 657.8 662.6 2454.7 2781.9 2836.7 2919.4 3084.2 3355.3 3413.2 3440.7 2467.1 2786.2 2836.3 2910.1 3070.9 3329.1 3381.4 3408.0 2454.3 2773.1 2823.0 2896.8 3059.9 3317.3 3369.5 3396.1 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 2471.9 2784.5 2839.9 2913.6 3077.3 3337.8 3389.8 3416.0 483.7 525.2 532.6 543.9 567.0 606.2 614.5 618.5 484.0 526.3 533.4 543.9 567.4 606.6 614.5 618.5 484.0 526.3 533.4 543.9 567.8 606.6 614.5 618.5 Tcl (K) 484.0 525.6 533.4 543.9 567.8 607.0 614.9 618.9 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 501.9 542.8 550.8 561.9 584.3 621.2 630.0 634.3 501.2 541.8 549.0 559.8 581.9 616.5 624.9 628.9 500.9 542.2 550.1 560.9 583.3 618.5 627.7 632.0 Tbulk (K) 502.1 542.9 550.7 561.5 584.2 620.2 629.2 633.5 1723 1570 1543 1507 1440 1340 1319 1308 1726 1574 1549 1514 1447 1352 1331 1321 1727 1572 1546 1511 1442 1347 1324 1314 1722 1570 1544 1509 1440 1343 1321 1310 Re (z) 67.31 78.97 78.22 81.04 89.42 111.68 110.58 108.69 71.66 90.31 90.77 91.76 105.83 167.93 163.50 163.83 72.50 87.15 84.64 85.41 98.51 138.82 128.15 125.78 h (z) (W/m2-K) 68.50 80.39 82.16 82.90 94.06 126.03 118.51 117.36 Table SC-3178-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 8.01 9.38 9.27 9.60 10.60 13.38 13.21 12.96 8.54 10.84 10.89 10.99 12.77 21.34 20.62 20.70 8.68 10.47 10.13 10.21 11.85 17.16 15.69 15.35 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 8.13 9.56 9.77 9.85 11.22 15.34 14.33 14.17 11.90% 11.88% 11.85% 11.84% 11.86% 11.98% 11.95% 11.92% 11.92% 12.01% 11.99% 11.98% 12.07% 12.71% 12.61% 12.64% 11.97% 12.01% 11.97% 11.95% 12.03% 12.36% 12.24% 12.20% Fractional Uncertainty 11.87% 11.89% 11.89% 11.88% 11.93% 12.17% 12.09% 12.07% 21.91 23.07 22.39 22.55 23.54 26.94 26.13 25.43 23.37 26.46 26.10 25.68 28.02 40.95 39.10 38.81 23.66 25.50 24.27 23.83 26.00 33.69 30.45 29.59 22.29 23.48 23.53 23.10 24.77 30.46 28.06 27.52 Nu(z) A-97 Channel Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 Elevation (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 Zgrid (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 1.367 767.9 777.2 796.5 803.8 809.1 816.4 820.3 825.5 764.8 774.8 793.0 803.1 809.5 818.3 823.5 826.6 691.2 703.7 726.5 737.8 753.4 791.6 796.4 H.R.Tw (K) 701.5 720.2 731.3 740.4 759.6 780.3 785.6 834.2 4124.2 4200.2 3831.3 3673.2 3522.6 3199.3 2891.2 2584.1 4117.3 4191.6 3843.3 3663.1 3469.1 3203.4 2890.2 2594.5 3642.0 3715.0 3818.1 3867.7 3942.6 4162.0 3991.7 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 3691.2 3764.4 3814.7 3860.0 3983.5 4135.0 4003.5 1536.1 719.9 730.2 753.6 760.0 765.9 778.1 789.0 799.0 720.3 730.2 752.6 760.0 767.7 777.8 789.0 798.8 653.5 664.5 680.0 687.3 698.3 739.9 747.3 Tcl (K) 664.5 675.8 683.5 690.3 708.7 730.2 743.6 826.7 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 735.9 745.9 767.9 774.6 780.3 790.9 799.4 807.8 735.1 745.1 766.1 774.4 781.6 791.3 800.5 808.1 666.1 677.5 695.5 704.1 716.7 757.1 763.7 Tbulk (K) 676.8 690.6 699.4 707.0 725.7 746.9 757.6 829.2 1104 1088 1053 1043 1035 1020 1008 996 1106 1089 1056 1044 1033 1019 1006 996 1237 1213 1177 1161 1138 1070 1060 1214 1187 1170 1155 1122 1086 1069 968 Re (z) 128.89 134.16 133.85 125.66 122.41 125.52 138.42 146.77 138.70 141.07 142.53 127.24 124.74 118.75 125.72 140.02 144.77 142.27 123.29 114.93 107.17 120.81 121.93 h (z) (W/m2-K) 149.45 127.02 119.51 115.61 117.23 123.93 143.01 306.51 Table SC-3178-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 15.37 16.03 16.19 15.17 14.81 15.41 17.52 19.25 16.67 16.95 17.38 15.41 15.16 14.49 15.67 18.15 17.77 17.38 14.80 13.70 12.70 14.35 14.54 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 18.45 15.37 14.37 13.86 14.04 14.87 17.49 76.14 11.92% 11.95% 12.09% 12.07% 12.10% 12.28% 12.66% 13.11% 12.02% 12.02% 12.19% 12.11% 12.16% 12.20% 12.47% 12.96% 12.27% 12.22% 12.01% 11.92% 11.85% 11.88% 11.93% Fractional Uncertainty 12.35% 12.10% 12.03% 11.99% 11.98% 12.00% 12.23% 24.84% 24.32 24.82 23.74 22.01 21.21 21.33 23.15 24.18 26.21 26.14 25.37 22.29 21.56 20.16 20.99 23.06 31.57 30.26 25.25 23.12 21.01 21.87 21.80 31.84 26.28 24.28 23.12 22.57 22.88 25.86 48.63 Nu(z) A-98 Channel Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 Elevation (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 Zgrid (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 561.2 579.9 590.6 603.0 620.7 622.9 638.3 649.7 564.1 583.8 595.3 605.6 621.2 625.2 640.8 653.2 551.7 568.9 581.7 594.3 614.6 618.2 632.0 643.5 H.R.Tw (K) 560.2 580.5 591.8 603.7 620.5 623.1 636.9 647.0 2708.8 2810.3 2885.8 2969.3 3122.9 3224.5 3305.0 3354.8 2710.8 2816.3 2896.6 2977.5 3141.2 3245.9 3325.6 3379.5 2710.8 2813.2 2886.2 2971.3 3129.7 3230.3 3311.2 3363.6 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 2726.3 2830.0 2907.4 2987.4 3150.0 3250.9 3332.5 3385.2 515.8 530.0 540.9 553.1 576.0 591.4 603.8 611.3 515.4 529.7 540.9 552.3 576.0 591.4 603.4 611.3 515.8 530.0 540.5 552.7 576.0 591.0 603.4 611.3 Tcl (K) 515.4 529.7 540.5 551.9 575.6 590.6 603.0 610.9 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 530.9 546.7 557.5 569.7 590.9 601.9 615.3 624.1 531.6 547.7 559.0 570.1 591.1 602.7 615.9 625.3 527.7 543.0 554.2 566.6 588.9 600.1 612.9 622.1 Tbulk (K) 530.3 546.6 557.6 569.2 590.6 601.5 614.3 623.0 1612 1557 1521 1483 1421 1390 1355 1333 1609 1553 1516 1482 1420 1388 1354 1330 1623 1569 1532 1493 1426 1395 1361 1338 1614 1557 1521 1485 1422 1392 1358 1336 Re (z) 89.40 84.54 87.06 89.24 104.81 153.68 143.60 131.21 83.50 78.01 79.89 83.75 104.39 144.08 133.10 120.95 113.20 108.47 105.23 107.07 121.66 178.61 173.27 156.85 h (z) (W/m2-K) 91.37 83.53 85.06 86.64 105.39 150.14 147.39 140.74 Table SC-3178-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 10.76 10.10 10.40 10.65 12.63 19.36 17.83 16.10 9.98 9.25 9.46 9.93 12.52 17.88 16.28 14.63 13.97 13.25 12.78 12.98 14.87 23.11 22.17 19.66 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 10.96 9.91 10.09 10.26 12.62 18.71 18.25 17.27 12.03% 11.94% 11.94% 11.94% 12.05% 12.60% 12.42% 12.27% 11.95% 11.85% 11.84% 11.85% 12.00% 12.41% 12.23% 12.09% 12.34% 12.22% 12.14% 12.12% 12.22% 12.94% 12.79% 12.53% Fractional Uncertainty 12.00% 11.87% 11.86% 11.85% 11.98% 12.46% 12.38% 12.27% 26.94 24.46 24.50 24.35 27.15 38.78 35.11 31.43 25.11 22.51 22.40 22.83 27.03 36.29 32.50 28.89 34.39 31.68 29.86 29.45 31.67 45.27 42.60 37.75 27.58 24.17 23.93 23.68 27.33 37.93 36.12 33.80 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3178-B Matrix test # 11 Test date – 3/31/2005 Steady state time window: 24000 - 24300 sec Inlet flow: 2.78 m3/min (98.3 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 409 K (277 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 133.8 kPa (19.4 psia) Bundle power: 30.1 kW Outlet steam temperature: 805 K (990 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 5359 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -13.526x3 + 86.131x2 - 29.021x + 432.39 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -10.085x3 + 66.105x2 - 5.3139x + 425.12 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-99 A-100 A-101 A-102 A-103 A-104 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -13.526x 3 + 86.131x 2 - 29.021x + 432.39 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.5 4 Elevation (m) Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -10.085x 3 + 66.105x 2 - 5.3139x + 425.12 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-105 2.5 3 A-106 Channel Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4_110 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 Elevation (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 Zgrid (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 632.9 792.8 804.7 816.2 824.9 827.1 812.7 817.5 691.8 717.7 745.9 770.5 825.5 698.6 725.3 739.4 751.3 774.8 795.4 783.7 832.6 693.3 719.6 734.3 748.2 772.4 795.9 784.9 833.0 H.R.Tw (K) 692.4 723.0 737.2 752.0 776.3 798.6 789.8 823.9 6615.7 8157.7 7852.5 7374.8 6702.5 6098.1 5268.9 4645.9 7989.0 8143.1 8370.9 8682.5 3305.4 8110.3 8285.0 8394.1 8507.9 8793.7 9141.2 8830.0 3268.8 8139.2 8296.6 8430.5 8541.6 8823.1 9172.6 8878.2 3383.1 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 8049.9 8218.1 8318.9 8443.4 8723.3 9066.5 8955.8 3117.1 552.5 740.8 747.0 756.5 769.1 779.7 792.8 801.5 648.4 659.2 675.0 696.1 814.0 648.0 659.6 666.9 674.6 693.1 715.0 728.7 813.7 648.4 658.8 667.7 675.0 693.1 715.0 728.7 813.9 Tcl (K) 648.0 659.6 666.5 675.0 693.1 715.0 728.7 813.7 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 569.7 752.0 759.4 769.3 781.0 789.8 797.1 805.0 657.7 671.7 690.2 712.0 816.5 658.8 673.7 682.4 691.0 710.6 732.2 740.4 817.7 658.0 671.8 682.0 690.7 710.1 732.3 740.7 817.9 Tbulk (K) 657.5 673.2 681.7 691.5 710.9 732.9 741.8 815.9 4177 3037 3004 2961 2912 2876 2847 2817 3535 3450 3345 3229 2773 3527 3438 3388 3340 3236 3129 3090 2769 3533 3449 3391 3342 3239 3128 3088 2768 3536 3441 3392 3338 3234 3125 3084 2776 Re (z) Table SC-3178-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data 104.79 199.48 173.36 157.29 152.75 163.72 337.04 369.25 233.88 177.04 150.07 148.47 367.39 203.84 160.57 147.38 141.18 136.97 144.60 204.17 219.92 230.60 173.76 161.13 148.45 141.54 144.20 200.88 225.34 h (z) (W/m2-K) 230.26 165.01 149.74 139.50 133.31 138.02 186.25 389.91 7.03 14.24 12.14 10.94 10.72 11.85 35.19 44.66 17.43 12.40 10.23 10.07 58.11 14.58 10.98 9.96 9.48 9.14 9.66 14.38 23.95 16.93 12.01 10.99 10.00 9.46 9.61 14.07 24.23 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 17.01 11.38 10.18 9.39 8.91 9.22 12.82 68.50 6.71% 7.14% 7.00% 6.95% 7.02% 7.24% 10.44% 12.09% 7.45% 7.00% 6.82% 6.78% 15.82% 7.15% 6.84% 6.76% 6.71% 6.67% 6.68% 7.04% 10.89% 7.34% 6.91% 6.82% 6.74% 6.68% 6.67% 7.00% 10.75% Fractional Uncertainty 7.39% 6.90% 6.80% 6.73% 6.68% 6.68% 6.88% 17.57% 28.60 36.47 31.25 27.82 26.43 27.87 56.62 61.15 51.94 38.13 31.08 29.39 59.61 45.16 34.44 31.02 29.19 27.19 27.48 38.18 35.60 51.18 37.42 33.95 30.71 28.13 27.40 37.54 36.46 51.16 35.43 31.57 28.81 26.44 26.19 34.73 63.33 Nu(z) A-107 Channel Number 225 226 227 229 230 231 232 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 H.R. Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 Elevation (m) 1.618 2.885 2.939 3.117 3.218 3.343 3.447 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 Zgrid (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 576.2 599.4 612.4 624.8 638.9 620.3 649.0 664.8 677.2 685.3 689.4 723.6 735.0 754.6 792.8 628.7 781.6 791.7 802.2 811.4 816.3 804.8 812.1 H.R.Tw (K) 637.0 787.0 801.9 822.9 826.2 813.5 820.7 5872.2 6103.2 6262.4 6438.3 6783.1 6999.1 7166.1 7279.5 7522.5 7851.6 8013.3 8233.1 8347.6 8504.4 8967.5 6647.9 8205.2 7920.8 7403.3 6790.8 6162.8 5378.9 4749.1 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 6487.0 7955.4 7635.8 6575.4 5969.1 5229.5 4604.7 506.8 520.1 529.5 540.3 562.4 576.7 588.1 595.8 614.8 637.4 648.7 663.8 671.5 682.2 724.5 553.3 740.8 746.7 757.1 768.8 779.9 792.6 801.5 Tcl (K) 553.6 740.8 747.7 769.1 780.2 792.6 801.7 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 521.6 537.0 547.3 558.4 578.8 586.0 601.1 610.6 628.2 647.7 657.4 676.6 685.1 697.7 739.1 569.4 749.6 756.3 766.8 777.9 787.7 795.2 803.8 Tbulk (K) 571.5 750.7 759.3 780.6 790.1 797.0 805.8 4636 4479 4380 4277 4100 4041 3922 3852 3727 3597 3536 3421 3373 3304 3096 4180 3048 3017 2972 2925 2885 2855 2821 4162 3043 3004 2913 2875 2847 2814 Re (z) 107.63 97.93 96.16 96.99 112.91 204.38 149.62 134.28 153.35 208.73 250.91 175.45 167.34 149.38 167.16 112.09 255.69 224.18 209.21 202.99 215.59 560.84 571.81 h (z) (W/m2-K) 98.98 219.14 179.26 155.33 165.15 318.02 309.67 Table SC-3178-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 7.32 6.57 6.42 6.47 7.60 15.12 10.38 9.16 10.62 15.18 19.03 12.23 11.56 10.15 11.43 7.55 19.32 16.49 15.36 15.08 16.76 83.76 96.34 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 6.68 16.20 12.81 11.05 12.11 32.24 33.37 6.80% 6.71% 6.68% 6.67% 6.73% 7.40% 6.94% 6.82% 6.93% 7.27% 7.58% 6.97% 6.91% 6.79% 6.84% 6.74% 7.56% 7.36% 7.34% 7.43% 7.78% 14.93% 16.85% Fractional Uncertainty 6.75% 7.39% 7.14% 7.12% 7.33% 10.14% 10.78% 33.24 29.04 27.77 27.23 30.13 53.59 37.82 33.20 36.39 47.39 55.75 37.39 35.03 30.45 31.34 30.61 46.97 40.65 37.18 35.33 36.85 94.55 94.90 26.89 40.16 32.32 26.90 28.10 53.43 51.21 Nu(z) A-108 Channel Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 Elevation (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 Zgrid (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 558.3 592.6 602.4 615.5 634.3 653.8 665.7 672.2 551.9 593.1 601.4 613.1 628.5 641.5 653.3 658.2 553.9 585.5 594.9 606.4 623.1 639.2 652.3 657.8 H.R.Tw (K) 557.8 590.5 598.7 611.3 629.6 651.4 664.3 669.6 5298.5 6010.6 6129.3 6307.8 6664.5 7254.6 7377.8 7436.1 5325.5 6016.8 6125.8 6286.8 6637.1 7199.3 7312.4 7370.9 5301.3 5991.6 6101.5 6260.5 6615.6 7173.7 7288.3 7346.3 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 5339.6 6014.2 6135.6 6294.7 6649.9 7213.2 7325.7 7385.7 479.6 512.6 518.6 527.9 547.2 580.7 588.0 591.4 479.9 513.5 519.2 527.9 547.5 581.0 588.0 591.4 479.9 513.5 519.2 527.9 547.8 581.0 588.0 591.4 Tcl (K) 479.9 512.9 519.2 527.9 547.8 581.4 588.3 591.8 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 496.5 529.7 536.5 546.7 565.8 596.3 604.6 608.7 495.3 530.5 536.8 546.1 564.8 594.0 602.0 605.7 495.7 528.9 535.4 544.7 564.0 593.5 601.7 605.6 Tbulk (K) 496.6 529.5 536.2 545.7 565.4 596.3 604.6 608.5 4916 4552 4484 4386 4211 3959 3896 3865 4929 4544 4481 4391 4220 3978 3916 3888 4924 4561 4495 4404 4227 3982 3918 3888 4915 4554 4487 4394 4215 3959 3896 3867 Re (z) 85.75 95.61 93.11 91.57 97.38 126.23 120.70 117.12 94.08 96.14 94.80 93.91 104.32 151.41 142.28 140.53 91.15 105.87 102.52 101.42 111.90 156.81 144.07 140.92 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 87.25 98.60 98.20 96.08 103.45 131.13 122.57 120.74 Table SC-3178-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 5.78 6.42 6.22 6.09 6.47 8.53 8.10 7.83 6.39 6.46 6.35 6.27 6.99 10.50 9.78 9.64 6.19 7.20 6.93 6.83 7.57 10.96 9.94 9.68 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 5.87 6.64 6.59 6.42 6.93 8.93 8.27 8.13 6.74% 6.71% 6.68% 6.65% 6.65% 6.76% 6.71% 6.69% 6.79% 6.72% 6.70% 6.68% 6.70% 6.94% 6.88% 6.86% 6.79% 6.80% 6.76% 6.74% 6.76% 6.99% 6.90% 6.87% Fractional Uncertainty 6.73% 6.73% 6.71% 6.69% 6.69% 6.81% 6.75% 6.73% 28.32 28.90 27.65 26.49 26.84 32.28 30.26 29.08 31.17 29.00 28.13 27.20 28.82 38.94 35.90 35.14 30.17 32.07 30.53 29.49 30.98 40.38 36.37 35.25 28.81 29.82 29.18 27.86 28.54 33.53 30.74 30.00 Nu(z) A-109 Channel Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 Elevation (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 Zgrid (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 767.2 775.6 766.9 782.4 792.5 801.5 806.8 807.9 767.3 777.3 768.0 785.3 793.6 804.7 810.3 810.5 680.2 681.9 717.0 730.6 747.8 774.7 767.2 H.R.Tw (K) 687.5 716.0 729.6 741.3 761.4 784.1 775.1 824.7 8926.8 9093.4 8298.2 7956.7 7634.2 6934.9 6268.4 5609.9 8916.4 9075.7 8328.7 7936.6 7518.1 6945.9 6272.5 5634.0 7878.8 8034.8 8262.2 8369.0 8529.6 9011.7 8644.4 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 7979.3 8138.6 8250.8 8349.4 8618.0 8951.3 8665.5 3353.9 683.4 693.2 715.7 722.0 727.8 740.1 751.3 761.9 683.8 693.2 714.7 722.0 729.7 739.8 751.3 761.6 622.4 632.3 646.4 653.1 663.2 702.4 709.6 Tcl (K) 632.3 642.5 649.6 655.9 672.8 693.2 706.0 793.3 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 701.4 710.8 726.6 734.9 741.7 753.3 763.2 771.7 701.6 711.2 726.1 735.5 743.4 753.7 763.9 772.1 634.8 642.9 661.5 669.7 681.3 717.9 721.9 Tbulk (K) 644.1 658.3 666.7 674.1 691.8 712.6 720.8 800.0 3284 3235 3156 3116 3084 3031 2987 2951 3283 3233 3158 3113 3076 3029 2984 2949 3682 3628 3511 3462 3395 3199 3179 3620 3531 3480 3436 3336 3225 3184 2836 Re (z) 135.64 140.38 205.92 167.41 150.31 143.69 143.57 154.92 135.81 137.36 199.05 159.34 149.66 136.28 135.34 146.53 173.50 206.33 148.88 137.37 128.25 158.62 190.81 h (z) (W/m2-K) 184.04 140.90 131.21 124.36 123.79 125.27 159.69 136.16 Table SC-3178-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 9.04 9.37 14.73 11.63 10.34 9.97 10.13 11.37 9.06 9.16 14.15 11.01 10.32 9.38 9.45 10.60 12.15 14.87 10.13 9.25 8.57 10.75 13.34 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 13.02 9.57 8.84 8.33 8.27 8.35 10.96 11.28 6.67% 6.68% 7.15% 6.95% 6.88% 6.94% 7.06% 7.34% 6.67% 6.67% 7.11% 6.91% 6.90% 6.88% 6.98% 7.24% 7.00% 7.21% 6.80% 6.74% 6.68% 6.78% 6.99% Fractional Uncertainty 7.08% 6.79% 6.74% 6.70% 6.68% 6.67% 6.86% 8.28% 27.44 27.85 39.57 31.65 28.04 26.20 25.69 27.28 27.46 27.23 38.29 30.08 27.83 24.83 24.18 25.78 40.56 47.35 32.79 29.72 27.06 31.02 37.02 42.12 31.25 28.57 26.65 25.55 24.76 31.05 22.75 Nu(z) A-110 Channel Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 Elevation (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 Zgrid (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 568.8 588.8 599.6 611.1 624.1 609.2 636.0 650.3 574.4 596.3 608.9 620.5 627.0 612.8 638.0 652.6 565.9 582.1 592.0 601.3 622.2 608.6 634.0 647.5 H.R.Tw (K) 571.4 593.7 606.4 619.5 633.2 612.4 636.8 648.9 5855.0 6074.9 6238.5 6420.4 6753.5 6971.9 7146.5 7256.8 5854.7 6081.7 6256.9 6433.6 6789.3 7012.7 7187.8 7305.3 5854.5 6076.7 6238.6 6419.3 6761.5 6979.1 7154.2 7268.5 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 5887.3 6113.2 6279.9 6452.9 6805.5 7024.8 7202.8 7318.1 504.9 516.5 525.4 535.5 554.8 568.0 578.6 585.2 504.6 516.2 525.4 534.9 554.8 568.0 578.2 585.2 504.9 516.5 525.1 535.2 554.8 567.6 578.2 585.2 Tcl (K) 504.6 516.2 525.1 534.5 554.5 567.3 577.9 584.8 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 518.6 532.0 541.3 551.7 569.6 576.8 590.9 599.1 519.6 533.3 543.3 553.2 570.3 577.6 591.0 599.6 518.0 530.5 539.4 549.3 569.2 576.4 590.2 598.5 Tbulk (K) 518.9 532.8 542.5 552.7 571.3 576.9 590.5 598.5 4668 4529 4437 4338 4178 4117 4002 3938 4657 4516 4418 4325 4172 4111 4001 3934 4674 4544 4455 4360 4181 4120 4008 3943 4664 4521 4425 4329 4163 4116 4005 3942 Re (z) 116.57 106.93 106.97 108.06 123.97 215.08 158.45 141.70 106.69 96.62 95.34 95.64 119.64 198.91 153.13 137.90 122.07 117.87 118.54 123.48 127.57 216.68 163.34 148.39 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 112.12 100.36 98.25 96.60 110.05 197.95 155.51 145.31 Table SC-3178-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 8.03 7.25 7.24 7.30 8.45 16.17 11.09 9.75 7.26 6.48 6.37 6.37 8.10 14.60 10.62 9.42 8.46 8.09 8.11 8.46 8.72 16.30 11.48 10.25 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 7.66 6.74 6.57 6.43 7.37 14.49 10.80 9.99 6.89% 6.78% 6.76% 6.75% 6.82% 7.52% 7.00% 6.88% 6.81% 6.71% 6.68% 6.66% 6.77% 7.34% 6.94% 6.83% 6.93% 6.86% 6.84% 6.85% 6.83% 7.52% 7.03% 6.90% Fractional Uncertainty 6.83% 6.72% 6.68% 6.66% 6.70% 7.32% 6.94% 6.87% 36.28 32.13 31.38 30.86 33.84 57.68 41.06 36.00 33.12 28.93 27.82 27.21 32.61 53.24 39.66 34.99 38.06 35.55 34.94 35.48 34.86 58.16 42.40 37.75 34.87 30.10 28.73 27.51 29.91 53.07 40.33 36.96 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3178-C Matrix test # 6 Test date – 3/31/2005 Steady state time window: 28100 - 28500 sec Inlet flow: 2.26 m3/min (79.9 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 413 K (284 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 271.7 kPa (39.4 psia) Bundle power: 49.9 kW Outlet steam temperature: 825 K (1026 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 8820 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -14.71x3 + 93.998x2 - 37.575x + 438.03 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -10.559x3 + 70.797x2 - 9.6599x + 429.36 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-111 A-112 A-113 A-114 A-115 A-116 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -14.71x 3 + 93.998x 2 - 37.575x + 438.03 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.5 4 Elevation (m) Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature PRofile y = -10.559x 3 + 70.797x 2 - 9.6599x + 429.36 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-117 2.5 3 A-118 Channel Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4_110 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 Elevation (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 Zgrid (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 657.0 827.8 842.4 854.6 862.2 862.2 839.6 849.6 716.5 749.6 781.8 808.9 856.7 724.3 758.3 773.7 786.5 809.3 832.1 814.1 865.6 720.5 753.3 768.0 783.3 807.4 833.9 816.5 869.1 H.R. Tw (K) 718.2 757.0 773.3 789.2 813.2 837.5 822.2 857.0 10970.8 13523.8 13016.0 12217.0 11110.3 10103.6 8736.1 7695.8 13248.7 13501.7 13875.8 14387.6 5471.5 13446.9 13736.7 13914.7 14104.5 14576.9 15148.0 14635.1 5411.6 13497.8 13757.0 13974.9 14160.6 14626.2 15206.9 14723.3 5600.3 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 13345.8 13626.8 13801.4 14005.2 14461.1 15027.5 14840.1 5164.6 559.8 758.8 765.4 775.4 788.6 799.8 813.5 822.7 661.0 672.5 689.2 711.5 835.6 660.6 672.9 680.7 688.8 708.4 731.5 746.0 835.3 661.0 672.1 681.5 689.2 708.4 731.5 746.0 835.4 Tcl (K) 660.6 672.9 680.3 689.2 708.4 731.5 746.0 835.3 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 576.0 773.6 781.9 792.4 804.4 813.1 819.1 828.4 670.3 685.4 704.6 727.7 840.1 671.2 687.2 696.2 705.1 725.2 748.3 760.6 841.8 670.9 685.7 695.9 704.9 724.9 748.6 761.1 842.7 Tbulk (K) 670.2 686.9 695.8 705.9 725.8 749.2 762.3 839.9 6837 4875 4818 4748 4670 4615 4579 4523 5731 5587 5413 5219 4454 5721 5570 5488 5409 5240 5059 4968 4445 5724 5584 5490 5411 5243 5057 4964 4440 5732 5572 5492 5403 5235 5052 4955 4455 Re (z) Table SC-3178-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data 135.56 249.56 214.98 196.13 192.10 206.00 427.37 364.12 286.58 210.19 179.92 177.23 330.87 253.23 193.04 179.48 173.19 173.31 180.69 273.26 227.10 272.57 203.40 193.85 180.55 177.14 178.18 265.58 211.63 h (z) (W/m2-K) 278.31 194.63 178.11 168.14 165.57 170.12 247.70 302.62 6.18 14.72 12.46 11.32 11.19 12.33 35.53 29.66 14.85 9.98 8.28 8.09 31.56 12.53 8.95 8.20 7.86 7.83 8.17 16.12 17.48 13.75 9.51 8.96 8.23 8.01 8.02 15.56 15.42 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 14.22 9.07 8.16 7.63 7.46 7.66 14.32 28.43 4.56% 5.90% 5.80% 5.77% 5.82% 5.98% 8.31% 8.15% 5.18% 4.75% 4.60% 4.57% 9.54% 4.95% 4.64% 4.57% 4.54% 4.52% 4.52% 5.90% 7.70% 5.04% 4.67% 4.62% 4.56% 4.52% 4.50% 5.86% 7.29% Fractional Uncertainty 5.11% 4.66% 4.58% 4.54% 4.51% 4.50% 5.78% 9.39% 36.24 43.72 37.09 33.19 31.81 33.58 68.93 57.78 61.77 43.87 36.08 33.92 51.45 54.47 40.14 36.63 34.70 33.34 33.22 49.07 35.21 58.67 42.43 39.58 36.19 34.10 32.74 47.64 32.76 60.00 40.49 36.38 33.64 31.81 31.22 44.33 47.07 Nu(z) A-119 Channel Number 225 226 227 229 230 231 232 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 H.R. Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 Elevation (m) 1.618 2.885 2.939 3.117 3.218 3.343 3.447 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 Zgrid (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 598.0 623.3 637.0 647.2 661.8 638.5 674.1 692.5 701.7 709.2 715.8 758.3 767.8 790.2 830.7 650.3 819.9 830.9 839.3 848.0 850.8 831.1 845.5 H.R. Tw (K) 656.9 824.0 842.4 864.6 865.2 842.7 855.4 9741.7 10124.6 10390.0 10683.7 11249.5 11605.4 11884.8 12070.0 12478.8 13020.3 13293.6 13654.1 13841.9 14102.6 14869.3 11031.9 13603.5 13131.8 12277.5 11257.4 10214.7 8918.9 7870.4 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 10761.9 13188.5 12656.2 10895.3 9891.2 8664.1 7628.6 511.8 525.7 535.7 547.0 570.3 585.3 597.3 605.5 625.6 649.5 661.5 677.4 685.6 696.8 741.6 560.6 758.8 765.0 776.0 788.3 800.0 813.3 822.7 Tcl (K) 561.0 758.8 766.1 788.6 800.3 813.3 822.9 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 526.2 542.0 552.6 563.7 585.5 594.2 610.1 620.0 638.2 659.4 670.5 690.9 699.3 712.4 760.7 575.6 771.9 779.1 789.6 801.1 810.9 817.1 827.5 Tbulk (K) 577.0 772.8 782.4 804.9 814.2 819.6 829.9 7613 7349 7182 7014 6707 6592 6390 6272 6064 5839 5729 5536 5460 5347 4967 6844 4887 4837 4766 4691 4629 4591 4528 6824 4881 4815 4667 4609 4576 4514 Re (z) Table SC-3178-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 135.55 124.49 123.00 127.93 147.59 261.69 185.78 166.44 196.63 261.57 293.40 202.56 202.04 181.36 212.40 147.64 283.27 253.62 247.15 239.96 255.97 636.75 438.50 h (z) (W/m2-K) 134.69 257.37 210.99 182.39 193.98 374.62 298.14 6.27 5.65 5.56 5.79 6.78 13.65 8.81 7.71 9.35 13.23 15.29 9.52 9.47 8.32 12.10 6.80 17.06 15.05 14.76 14.48 16.03 68.16 39.40 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 6.20 15.40 12.31 10.62 11.56 29.11 21.99 4.63% 4.54% 4.52% 4.53% 4.60% 5.21% 4.74% 4.63% 4.76% 5.06% 5.21% 4.70% 4.69% 4.59% 5.70% 4.61% 6.02% 5.93% 5.97% 6.03% 6.26% 10.71% 8.98% Fractional Uncertainty 4.60% 5.98% 5.83% 5.82% 5.96% 7.77% 7.38% 41.00 36.19 34.83 35.24 38.56 66.98 45.80 40.12 45.47 57.72 63.21 41.79 40.97 35.80 38.13 39.51 49.79 43.98 42.04 39.97 41.89 103.06 69.68 35.92 45.16 36.36 30.17 31.56 60.37 47.19 Nu(z) A-120 Channel Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 Elevation (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 Zgrid (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 573.4 616.6 626.6 639.9 656.2 682.5 694.6 701.7 568.2 612.9 621.0 632.9 646.2 669.5 682.8 688.1 568.2 607.8 616.8 627.3 642.6 665.7 680.1 685.7 H.R. Tw (K) 575.1 616.2 625.3 637.5 652.4 680.4 695.6 701.9 8801.2 9974.6 10172.1 10469.0 11060.2 12035.4 12243.3 12340.5 8839.0 9982.6 10162.3 10428.9 11003.2 11936.5 12129.8 12220.8 8805.2 9948.1 10126.8 10392.3 10978.4 11902.5 12092.8 12186.3 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 8863.1 9983.7 10179.8 10444.4 11030.4 11966.0 12155.7 12250.2 483.9 518.3 524.6 534.4 554.7 590.1 597.8 601.5 484.2 519.2 525.2 534.4 555.0 590.5 597.8 601.5 484.2 519.2 525.2 534.4 555.4 590.5 597.8 601.5 Tcl (K) 484.2 518.6 525.2 534.4 555.4 590.8 598.2 601.9 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 498.8 534.7 541.6 552.0 571.6 605.5 614.0 618.2 498.2 534.8 541.2 550.8 570.2 603.6 612.0 616.0 498.2 534.0 540.5 549.8 569.9 603.0 611.6 615.6 Tbulk (K) 499.3 534.8 541.9 551.5 571.6 605.8 614.4 618.6 8115 7469 7355 7191 6900 6448 6344 6293 8128 7466 7362 7210 6919 6471 6368 6320 8128 7480 7373 7224 6924 6479 6373 6324 8105 7466 7350 7198 6900 6444 6338 6289 Re (z) Table SC-3178-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 117.95 121.73 119.69 118.98 130.74 156.34 151.80 147.89 126.24 127.80 127.30 126.99 144.86 181.35 171.28 169.39 125.73 134.75 132.67 134.24 151.11 189.88 176.30 173.68 h (z) (W/m2-K) 116.91 122.79 122.14 121.55 136.41 160.25 149.76 146.95 5.44 5.53 5.41 5.35 5.92 7.16 6.90 6.69 5.88 5.85 5.81 5.77 6.65 8.56 7.97 7.86 5.86 6.22 6.10 6.16 6.99 9.06 8.26 8.11 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 5.37 5.58 5.54 5.49 6.22 7.39 6.82 6.67 4.61% 4.54% 4.52% 4.50% 4.53% 4.58% 4.55% 4.53% 4.66% 4.57% 4.56% 4.54% 4.59% 4.72% 4.66% 4.64% 4.66% 4.62% 4.60% 4.59% 4.63% 4.77% 4.69% 4.67% Fractional Uncertainty 4.59% 4.55% 4.53% 4.51% 4.56% 4.61% 4.56% 4.54% 38.25 36.04 34.82 33.74 35.33 38.96 37.10 35.79 41.01 37.82 37.08 36.11 39.27 45.40 42.05 41.20 40.84 39.96 38.71 38.26 41.00 47.60 43.33 42.29 37.87 36.34 35.51 34.50 36.86 39.91 36.56 35.53 Nu(z) A-121 Channel Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 Elevation (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 Zgrid (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 804.2 810.9 800.2 819.6 830.3 839.1 842.4 842.1 807.0 815.1 802.2 822.9 832.2 843.4 846.8 845.5 705.3 708.9 751.5 766.4 784.5 811.2 794.8 H.R. Tw (K) 714.9 750.2 763.1 776.7 800.0 824.4 805.5 863.5 14811.6 15084.2 13770.0 13194.8 12659.4 11502.8 10403.9 9309.7 14784.8 15051.6 13805.3 13169.3 12466.4 11513.9 10400.8 9342.5 13066.4 13327.4 13698.5 13876.9 14147.8 14941.5 14338.5 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 13239.3 13503.1 13686.2 13850.5 14300.8 14847.4 14377.2 5562.6 699.9 710.5 734.8 741.7 748.1 761.5 773.8 785.5 700.3 710.5 733.8 741.7 750.1 761.2 773.8 785.2 634.5 645.1 660.1 667.3 678.1 720.5 728.2 Tcl (K) 645.1 656.0 663.5 670.3 688.5 710.5 724.4 820.7 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 717.3 727.2 745.7 754.7 765.7 778.1 788.5 797.6 718.1 727.9 745.2 755.2 767.7 778.8 789.4 798.1 646.3 655.7 675.4 683.8 695.9 735.6 739.3 Tbulk (K) 656.7 671.7 680.1 688.0 707.1 729.5 737.9 829.9 5305 5224 5078 5011 4931 4844 4774 4714 5299 5218 5082 5007 4917 4839 4767 4711 5976 5878 5681 5601 5491 5157 5128 5867 5717 5636 5562 5392 5206 5139 4514 Re (z) Table SC-3178-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 170.43 180.16 252.89 203.30 195.85 188.75 192.98 209.07 166.28 172.58 242.34 194.57 193.18 178.18 181.30 197.22 221.51 250.49 179.95 167.99 159.57 197.60 258.46 h (z) (W/m2-K) 227.65 172.11 165.00 156.23 154.00 156.35 212.60 165.56 7.68 8.15 12.46 9.62 11.26 10.93 11.39 12.81 7.47 7.78 11.81 9.13 11.11 10.25 10.60 11.93 10.70 12.42 8.28 7.63 7.19 9.09 12.66 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 11.05 7.90 7.51 7.05 6.92 7.01 10.02 10.97 4.50% 4.53% 4.93% 4.73% 5.75% 5.79% 5.90% 6.13% 4.50% 4.51% 4.87% 4.69% 5.75% 5.75% 5.84% 6.05% 4.83% 4.96% 4.60% 4.54% 4.50% 4.60% 4.90% Fractional Uncertainty 4.86% 4.59% 4.55% 4.52% 4.49% 4.48% 4.71% 6.63% 33.31 34.52 46.72 36.92 34.83 32.79 32.89 35.04 32.45 33.02 44.82 35.30 34.22 30.92 30.85 33.03 50.31 55.72 38.37 35.18 32.59 37.24 48.35 50.54 36.99 34.83 32.43 30.73 29.82 39.89 26.20 Nu(z) A-122 Channel Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 127 128 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 Elevation (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 Zgrid (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 591.0 612.9 624.8 634.6 649.2 663.4 679.8 594.0 616.0 627.9 637.0 643.9 629.5 663.1 680.5 588.8 605.0 615.8 622.3 647.3 627.2 660.7 677.2 H.R. Tw (K) 590.7 615.1 629.2 641.5 652.7 628.0 661.1 675.5 9712.8 10080.9 10352.8 10654.1 11203.3 11858.0 12031.4 9719.9 10093.2 10386.1 10675.4 11265.4 11645.0 11932.2 12127.1 9717.4 10086.9 10348.8 10656.0 11221.5 11583.2 11873.1 12061.1 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 9773.6 10145.3 10420.6 10709.7 11292.3 11656.8 11951.0 12142.0 510.3 522.4 531.7 542.4 562.7 587.9 594.9 510.0 522.1 531.7 541.7 562.7 576.6 587.5 594.9 510.3 522.4 531.4 542.0 562.7 576.3 587.5 594.9 Tcl (K) 510.0 522.1 531.4 541.4 562.4 575.9 587.2 594.5 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 524.9 538.5 548.1 558.3 577.3 600.0 608.4 524.0 537.7 547.8 557.6 576.3 585.5 600.1 609.2 523.4 536.1 545.5 555.4 576.8 584.8 599.7 608.6 Tbulk (K) 523.4 537.6 547.7 558.0 577.4 584.6 599.5 608.0 7634 7406 7252 7094 6820 6517 6411 7651 7418 7257 7105 6834 6708 6515 6402 7662 7444 7293 7139 6826 6717 6520 6409 7661 7421 7258 7099 6817 6719 6523 6417 Re (z) Table SC-3178-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 146.95 135.46 134.97 139.67 155.68 187.12 168.66 138.80 128.86 129.64 134.35 166.59 264.28 189.44 169.96 148.46 146.53 147.21 159.37 159.22 273.25 194.63 175.74 h (z) (W/m2-K) 145.20 130.90 127.81 128.39 150.02 268.59 194.07 179.98 6.76 6.14 6.11 6.35 7.22 8.98 7.93 6.46 5.89 5.90 6.12 7.79 13.80 9.01 7.89 6.99 6.84 6.84 7.48 7.40 14.49 9.33 8.23 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 6.79 5.98 5.80 5.80 6.90 14.09 9.27 8.43 4.60% 4.54% 4.53% 4.55% 4.64% 4.80% 4.70% 4.65% 4.57% 4.55% 4.56% 4.67% 5.22% 4.75% 4.64% 4.71% 4.67% 4.65% 4.69% 4.65% 5.30% 4.79% 4.68% Fractional Uncertainty 4.68% 4.57% 4.54% 4.52% 4.60% 5.25% 4.77% 4.69% 44.58 39.71 38.63 38.98 41.49 47.23 41.74 42.22 37.86 37.14 37.57 44.51 69.06 47.81 42.00 45.23 43.22 42.42 44.80 42.48 71.53 49.17 43.48 44.23 38.47 36.62 35.86 39.97 70.33 49.05 44.59 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3180-A Matrix test # 13 Test date – 4/6/2005 Steady state time window: 12840 - 13800 sec Inlet flow: 0.35 m3/min (12.2 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 420 K (297 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 409.5 kPa (59.4 psia) Bundle power: 14.0 kW Outlet steam temperature: 800 K (981 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 1991 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -16.039x3 + 96.018x2 - 36.677x + 442.13 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -8.8333x3 + 55.056x2 + 20.513x + 423.98 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-123 A-124 A-125 A-126 A-127 A-128 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -16.039x 3 + 96.018x 2 - 36.677x + 442.13 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.5 4 Elevation (m) Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -8.8333x 3 + 55.056x 2 + 20.513x + 423.98 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-129 2.5 3 A-130 Channel Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4_110 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 Elevation (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 Zgrid (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 612.2 779.7 786.6 794.7 801.4 804.4 806.2 807.8 687.8 702.7 725.1 747.3 814.1 695.1 710.5 721.5 732.6 755.7 770.6 774.2 819.4 693.3 708.7 721.1 732.3 754.7 769.8 772.2 819.1 H.R.Tw (K) 685.8 704.2 716.3 730.1 752.0 768.1 772.2 813.6 3071.5 3780.2 3638.6 3415.6 3104.0 2821.7 2435.3 2144.2 3703.9 3775.5 3878.9 4021.9 1518.7 3758.0 3837.2 3887.9 3940.8 4069.6 4229.2 4084.2 1501.2 3775.4 3848.0 3909.4 3960.5 4088.1 4249.4 4112.0 1556.3 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 3731.8 3811.0 3858.3 3916.4 4041.8 4200.1 4147.4 1434.3 565.1 750.4 755.9 764.3 774.9 783.5 793.5 799.5 662.3 673.0 688.5 708.8 806.6 661.9 673.4 680.6 688.1 706.0 726.7 739.4 806.5 662.3 672.7 681.4 688.5 706.0 726.7 739.4 806.5 Tcl (K) 661.9 673.4 680.2 688.5 706.0 726.7 739.4 806.5 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 580.8 760.2 766.2 774.4 783.7 790.5 797.7 802.3 670.8 682.9 700.7 721.6 809.1 673.0 685.8 694.2 702.9 722.5 741.3 751.0 810.8 672.6 684.7 694.6 703.1 722.2 741.1 750.3 810.7 Tbulk (K) 669.9 683.7 692.3 702.3 721.3 740.5 750.3 808.8 1553 1139 1129 1116 1101 1091 1080 1073 1313 1286 1249 1208 1063 1308 1280 1262 1244 1206 1172 1155 1061 1308 1282 1261 1244 1207 1172 1156 1061 1315 1284 1266 1245 1208 1173 1156 1064 Re (z) Table SC-3180-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data 97.69 193.34 178.08 168.41 176.08 202.59 288.74 386.48 218.09 191.19 158.91 156.70 303.48 169.78 155.26 142.62 132.85 122.77 144.70 175.76 173.49 182.89 160.00 147.52 135.48 125.89 147.96 188.11 185.73 h (z) (W/m2-K) 234.53 185.77 160.26 141.21 131.63 152.31 189.60 300.67 11.67 24.69 22.53 21.30 22.87 28.02 49.83 88.18 28.78 24.42 19.63 19.24 75.60 21.08 18.97 17.21 15.89 14.55 17.33 21.73 30.10 22.93 19.57 17.82 16.19 14.90 17.71 23.39 32.41 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 31.34 23.45 19.72 17.08 15.76 18.43 23.46 78.54 11.95% 12.77% 12.65% 12.65% 12.99% 13.83% 17.26% 22.82% 13.19% 12.77% 12.35% 12.28% 24.91% 12.41% 12.22% 12.07% 11.96% 11.85% 11.98% 12.36% 17.35% 12.54% 12.23% 12.08% 11.95% 11.84% 11.97% 12.43% 17.45% Fractional Uncertainty 13.36% 12.62% 12.31% 12.09% 11.97% 12.10% 12.37% 26.12% 25.69 34.69 31.59 29.42 30.23 34.36 48.32 64.15 46.85 40.03 32.07 30.31 49.76 36.30 32.31 29.16 26.68 23.70 26.92 32.10 28.36 39.13 33.37 30.14 27.20 24.32 27.54 34.40 30.37 50.48 38.83 32.90 28.40 25.47 28.38 34.67 49.33 Nu(z) A-131 Channel Number 225 226 227 229 230 231 232 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 H.R. Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 Elevation (m) 1.618 2.885 2.939 3.117 3.218 3.343 3.447 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 Zgrid (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 565.2 583.6 594.1 605.0 621.8 621.7 637.6 648.8 665.6 677.1 685.7 708.0 719.7 734.2 769.4 610.0 772.9 780.3 788.6 795.2 799.2 802.4 805.1 H.R.Tw (K) 618.0 778.4 786.8 802.4 806.3 808.2 812.4 2726.1 2832.9 2905.9 2987.1 3145.9 3245.2 3323.8 3376.4 3491.0 3641.9 3717.7 3818.3 3871.0 3943.9 4156.0 3085.0 3799.6 3669.3 3427.4 3142.1 2850.0 2484.8 2191.7 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 3011.3 3683.4 3536.4 3042.0 2759.9 2414.9 2125.3 517.6 531.4 541.3 552.5 575.3 589.9 601.6 609.4 628.7 651.4 662.7 677.6 685.1 695.5 735.6 565.8 750.4 755.7 764.8 774.7 783.7 793.3 799.5 Tcl (K) 566.2 750.4 756.5 774.9 783.9 793.3 799.7 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 533.4 548.8 558.9 570.0 590.8 600.5 613.6 622.6 641.0 660.0 670.3 687.7 696.6 708.4 746.8 580.6 757.9 763.9 772.7 781.5 788.9 796.4 801.4 Tbulk (K) 583.5 759.7 766.6 784.1 791.4 798.3 803.9 1719 1661 1626 1588 1522 1493 1456 1431 1383 1337 1314 1276 1257 1233 1162 1554 1143 1133 1119 1105 1093 1082 1075 1544 1140 1129 1101 1090 1079 1071 Re (z) 85.89 81.47 82.43 85.25 101.54 153.05 138.37 128.65 141.87 212.74 242.60 188.51 168.10 152.73 184.48 104.69 253.49 222.99 215.61 230.01 276.49 410.07 585.94 h (z) (W/m2-K) 87.15 197.19 175.02 165.87 185.19 243.55 251.10 Table SC-3180-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 10.24 9.65 9.76 10.09 12.14 19.17 17.01 15.67 17.46 27.97 32.84 23.93 20.88 18.68 22.98 12.56 34.43 29.49 28.70 31.96 42.92 87.52 184.50 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 10.48 25.77 22.49 21.57 25.27 38.71 43.20 11.92% 11.84% 11.83% 11.84% 11.95% 12.52% 12.29% 12.18% 12.31% 13.15% 13.53% 12.69% 12.42% 12.23% 12.46% 12.00% 13.58% 13.22% 13.31% 13.90% 15.52% 21.34% 31.49% Fractional Uncertainty 12.03% 13.07% 12.85% 13.01% 13.64% 15.89% 17.20% 25.30 23.12 22.84 23.00 26.08 38.44 33.72 30.72 32.51 46.77 52.16 39.07 34.20 30.34 33.96 27.55 45.68 39.73 37.78 39.65 47.03 68.80 97.42 22.77 35.41 31.02 28.46 31.35 40.72 41.56 Nu(z) A-132 Channel Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 Elevation (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 Zgrid (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 545.8 579.0 586.8 596.5 613.9 640.3 649.2 653.9 542.2 572.6 579.1 588.8 605.7 626.5 635.2 638.9 541.0 572.2 580.3 590.1 606.8 628.4 638.6 643.0 H.R.Tw (K) 545.7 578.8 585.5 595.5 613.0 638.9 649.1 653.2 2463.0 2791.5 2845.8 2928.7 3093.5 3366.6 3424.4 3451.4 2474.6 2795.6 2845.9 2919.6 3080.2 3342.3 3395.4 3421.9 2463.5 2783.3 2833.4 2907.4 3070.8 3329.7 3382.4 3408.7 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 2479.6 2795.0 2850.6 2924.4 3087.6 3348.8 3401.0 3427.0 494.8 529.2 535.4 544.8 564.2 597.4 604.5 607.9 495.1 530.1 536.0 544.8 564.5 597.7 604.5 607.9 495.1 530.1 536.0 544.8 564.9 597.7 604.5 607.9 Tcl (K) 495.1 529.5 536.0 544.8 564.9 598.0 604.9 608.3 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 511.8 545.8 552.5 562.0 580.8 611.7 619.4 623.3 510.8 544.3 550.4 559.5 578.3 607.3 614.8 618.3 510.4 544.2 550.8 559.9 578.8 607.9 615.9 619.6 Tbulk (K) 511.9 546.0 552.5 561.7 580.9 611.7 619.6 623.3 1807 1672 1648 1615 1553 1461 1440 1429 1811 1678 1656 1624 1561 1473 1452 1443 1813 1678 1654 1622 1559 1472 1449 1439 1806 1672 1648 1616 1553 1461 1439 1429 Re (z) 72.46 84.16 83.01 84.95 93.35 117.55 114.95 112.54 78.77 98.82 99.12 99.63 112.20 174.34 165.80 165.55 80.51 99.12 95.88 96.38 109.87 162.62 149.00 145.93 h (z) (W/m2-K) 73.53 84.99 86.41 86.61 96.25 122.99 115.34 114.35 Table SC-3180-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 8.65 10.02 9.85 10.07 11.08 14.10 13.75 13.43 9.44 11.94 11.96 11.99 13.59 22.25 20.90 20.84 9.69 12.02 11.56 11.60 13.31 20.55 18.51 18.06 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 8.75 10.12 10.29 10.29 11.48 14.89 13.88 13.74 11.93% 11.90% 11.87% 11.85% 11.87% 12.00% 11.97% 11.93% 11.98% 12.08% 12.06% 12.04% 12.11% 12.76% 12.61% 12.59% 12.04% 12.12% 12.06% 12.03% 12.12% 12.64% 12.43% 12.37% Fractional Uncertainty 11.90% 11.91% 11.91% 11.88% 11.93% 12.11% 12.03% 12.01% 22.50 24.06 23.35 23.36 24.55 28.77 27.64 26.83 24.52 28.36 28.03 27.57 29.68 43.10 40.30 39.92 25.09 28.45 27.09 26.64 29.03 40.15 36.12 35.08 22.83 24.29 24.31 23.83 25.30 30.11 27.73 27.26 Nu(z) A-133 Channel Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 Elevation (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 Zgrid (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 738.2 746.7 763.0 770.4 775.8 782.5 785.9 790.2 733.9 743.2 759.1 769.0 775.1 783.3 789.2 792.8 670.6 675.2 698.8 709.8 724.6 760.5 764.7 H.R.Tw (K) 684.5 702.7 712.3 720.6 738.1 757.3 761.6 807.7 4136.7 4212.2 3843.4 3686.8 3536.1 3209.8 2901.1 2592.9 4131.0 4205.2 3857.0 3677.5 3482.1 3216.3 2902.6 2606.1 3655.1 3728.5 3832.7 3882.2 3956.6 4176.1 4005.4 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 3701.9 3775.8 3826.4 3872.5 3996.8 4149.1 4016.3 1544.0 696.6 705.9 727.2 733.2 738.8 750.4 760.9 770.8 696.9 705.9 726.3 733.2 740.5 750.1 760.9 770.6 638.1 647.6 661.2 667.6 677.3 714.7 721.5 Tcl (K) 647.6 657.5 664.2 670.3 686.5 705.9 718.1 800.3 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 710.5 719.5 739.2 745.6 751.1 761.1 769.2 777.3 709.3 718.4 737.3 745.1 752.0 761.2 770.3 778.0 648.9 656.8 673.7 681.7 693.0 730.0 735.9 Tbulk (K) 659.9 672.5 680.3 687.1 703.7 723.0 732.6 802.7 1229 1212 1175 1164 1155 1138 1124 1111 1232 1214 1179 1165 1153 1138 1123 1110 1364 1345 1306 1289 1264 1192 1181 1338 1309 1292 1277 1243 1205 1187 1073 Re (z) 149.34 154.87 161.05 148.87 143.32 149.76 173.88 200.17 167.47 168.94 176.61 153.96 151.01 145.25 153.39 175.67 168.56 203.10 152.85 137.94 125.53 136.87 138.89 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 150.63 125.30 119.29 115.35 116.28 121.09 138.62 313.25 Table SC-3180-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 18.02 18.73 19.87 18.28 17.61 18.82 23.03 28.63 20.52 20.67 22.12 19.02 18.76 18.16 19.74 24.03 21.10 26.24 18.73 16.68 15.02 16.39 16.72 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 18.58 15.11 14.31 13.79 13.89 14.47 16.86 78.79 12.07% 12.09% 12.34% 12.28% 12.29% 12.57% 13.25% 14.31% 12.25% 12.24% 12.52% 12.36% 12.42% 12.50% 12.87% 13.68% 12.52% 12.92% 12.25% 12.09% 11.96% 11.98% 12.04% Fractional Uncertainty 12.33% 12.06% 12.00% 11.96% 11.94% 11.95% 12.17% 25.15% 29.54 30.08 30.09 27.47 26.17 26.83 30.67 34.78 33.21 32.89 33.12 28.43 27.52 26.01 27.00 30.48 37.96 44.96 32.63 28.95 25.73 26.04 26.12 33.12 26.81 25.11 23.94 23.32 23.36 26.23 51.96 Nu(z) A-134 Channel Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 Elevation (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 Zgrid (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 558.9 574.9 584.2 595.4 610.3 609.9 623.9 634.3 562.8 580.1 590.1 599.2 611.9 613.2 627.7 639.0 556.6 571.2 581.7 592.7 610.3 611.3 624.7 635.6 H.R.Tw (K) 557.3 575.2 585.2 595.7 609.8 610.0 623.3 632.9 2718.7 2820.6 2896.4 2979.7 3133.8 3235.4 3316.5 3365.5 2720.7 2826.1 2907.2 2988.0 3152.8 3257.8 3339.0 3392.9 2719.9 2822.9 2897.8 2982.0 3140.1 3240.6 3322.6 3375.6 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 2737.0 2841.2 2918.4 2998.6 3161.3 3262.9 3345.7 3399.1 521.3 533.2 542.3 552.5 571.8 584.9 595.3 601.8 521.0 532.9 542.3 551.8 571.8 584.9 595.0 601.8 521.3 533.2 542.0 552.2 571.8 584.5 595.0 601.8 Tcl (K) 521.0 532.9 542.0 551.5 571.5 584.2 594.7 601.5 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 533.9 547.1 556.3 566.8 584.6 593.2 604.9 612.6 534.9 548.6 558.2 567.6 585.2 594.3 605.9 614.2 533.1 545.9 555.2 565.7 584.6 593.4 604.9 613.1 Tbulk (K) 533.1 547.0 556.4 566.2 584.3 592.8 604.2 611.9 1717 1667 1635 1599 1541 1515 1480 1458 1713 1662 1628 1596 1539 1511 1477 1454 1720 1672 1638 1602 1541 1514 1480 1457 1720 1668 1634 1600 1542 1516 1482 1460 Re (z) 108.61 101.52 103.53 104.12 122.14 193.84 174.19 155.49 97.83 89.82 91.26 94.71 118.10 172.58 152.93 136.78 115.54 111.39 109.42 110.45 122.52 181.48 167.88 149.75 h (z) (W/m2-K) 113.09 100.84 101.35 101.89 123.72 189.47 175.24 162.15 Table SC-3180-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 13.31 12.29 12.52 12.57 14.92 25.54 22.29 19.45 11.83 10.73 10.88 11.30 14.31 22.04 19.02 16.70 14.27 13.62 13.30 13.40 14.95 23.51 21.29 18.58 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 13.85 12.13 12.16 12.20 15.04 24.65 22.29 20.27 12.25% 12.11% 12.10% 12.07% 12.21% 13.17% 12.80% 12.51% 12.09% 11.95% 11.93% 11.93% 12.12% 12.77% 12.44% 12.21% 12.35% 12.23% 12.16% 12.13% 12.20% 12.95% 12.68% 12.41% Fractional Uncertainty 12.25% 12.03% 12.00% 11.97% 12.15% 13.01% 12.72% 12.50% 31.97 28.94 28.86 28.30 31.83 49.51 43.31 37.98 28.72 25.51 25.32 25.70 30.74 43.97 37.93 33.29 34.07 31.84 30.58 30.11 31.93 46.33 41.74 36.54 33.34 28.75 28.25 27.74 32.27 48.44 43.63 39.67 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3180-B Matrix test # 14 Test date – 4/6/2005 Steady state time window: 9960 - 10260 sec Inlet flow: 1.01 m3/min (35.5 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 420 K (297 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 409.5 kPa (59.4 psia) Bundle power: 29.9 kW Outlet steam temperature: 770 K (927 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 5794 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -14.398x3 + 90.388x2 - 48.035x + 444.77 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -7.8945x3 + 54.904x2 - 1.1931x + 430.65 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-135 A-136 A-137 A-138 A-139 A-140 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -14.398x 3 + 90.388x 2 - 48.035x + 444.77 800 750 Temperature (deg K) 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.5 4 Elevation (m) Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -7.8945x 3 + 54.904x 2 - 1.1931x + 430.65 800 750 Temperature (deg K) 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-141 2.5 3 A-142 Channel Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4_110 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 Elevation (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 Zgrid (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 615.0 762.6 773.5 784.0 792.4 794.3 780.9 786.0 669.4 694.3 720.3 743.4 791.1 676.1 701.1 713.3 724.2 745.6 763.4 756.6 799.7 674.8 697.9 710.9 723.3 744.0 767.7 757.9 804.5 H.R.Tw (K) 668.1 696.7 709.5 722.7 745.7 765.0 757.1 792.3 6586.7 8125.9 7823.5 7345.8 6681.7 6078.9 5258.7 4641.3 7952.2 8106.1 8332.2 8640.0 3307.5 8077.2 8247.6 8356.9 8472.0 8756.0 9098.3 8787.0 3270.3 8107.5 8265.3 8397.8 8509.1 8787.1 9136.9 8845.0 3386.3 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 8009.5 8180.9 8283.1 8410.8 8684.7 9022.9 8913.8 3126.3 541.7 712.8 718.2 726.4 737.1 746.0 756.6 763.3 629.6 639.5 653.9 673.0 772.1 629.3 639.9 646.6 653.5 670.3 690.0 702.1 771.9 629.6 639.2 647.3 653.9 670.3 690.0 702.1 772.0 Tcl (K) 629.3 639.9 646.2 653.9 670.3 690.0 702.1 771.9 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 557.4 723.5 730.1 738.8 749.0 756.3 761.8 768.2 638.1 651.3 668.1 688.0 776.2 639.3 653.0 660.9 668.7 686.4 705.7 713.8 777.8 639.3 651.8 660.9 668.8 686.1 706.6 714.1 779.0 Tbulk (K) 637.6 652.1 659.8 668.6 686.4 706.0 713.9 776.3 4745 3504 3468 3423 3370 3334 3307 3277 4046 3952 3837 3710 3239 4038 3939 3885 3833 3720 3604 3558 3232 4038 3948 3885 3833 3722 3599 3556 3226 4050 3946 3893 3834 3720 3602 3557 3239 Re (z) Table SC-3180-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data 114.30 207.86 180.19 162.47 153.99 160.08 274.58 259.50 254.25 188.44 159.54 156.22 221.80 219.31 171.36 159.46 152.52 147.96 157.72 205.16 149.90 228.10 179.17 167.91 156.01 151.65 149.64 201.81 132.56 h (z) (W/m2-K) 262.35 183.19 166.55 155.54 146.62 152.98 206.21 194.50 7.75 15.00 12.73 11.38 10.84 11.55 25.46 24.94 19.45 13.37 10.99 10.68 24.02 15.98 11.86 10.90 10.35 9.97 10.65 14.51 13.21 16.74 12.47 11.54 10.60 10.23 10.03 14.17 10.81 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 20.16 12.87 11.51 10.62 9.91 10.34 14.48 20.34 6.78% 7.22% 7.07% 7.01% 7.04% 7.22% 9.27% 9.61% 7.65% 7.10% 6.89% 6.84% 10.83% 7.28% 6.92% 6.84% 6.79% 6.74% 6.76% 7.07% 8.81% 7.34% 6.96% 6.87% 6.79% 6.74% 6.70% 7.02% 8.15% Fractional Uncertainty 7.68% 7.03% 6.91% 6.83% 6.76% 6.76% 7.02% 10.46% 31.78 40.06 34.27 30.38 28.23 28.94 49.12 45.87 58.63 42.22 34.46 32.36 38.62 50.44 38.24 34.99 32.91 30.75 31.50 40.31 26.02 52.47 40.10 36.84 33.66 31.54 29.83 39.63 22.96 60.57 40.97 36.63 33.56 30.47 30.53 40.51 33.86 Nu(z) A-143 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 Channel Elevation Number (m) 225 1.618 226 2.885 227 2.939 229 3.117 230 3.218 231 3.343 232 3.447 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 H.R. Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 Zgrid (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 566.7 587.4 598.7 609.1 621.2 605.7 632.0 645.8 657.2 664.5 668.6 700.1 708.8 725.0 764.9 610.9 752.2 761.3 769.4 777.8 783.0 771.2 778.9 H.R.Tw (K) 620.8 760.4 774.3 793.1 795.6 782.7 791.3 5851.1 6082.3 6237.4 6413.5 6755.3 6972.2 7141.2 7253.3 7492.0 7817.9 7980.9 8198.6 8312.6 8470.1 8930.1 6618.9 8176.3 7896.2 7379.6 6772.0 6148.4 5373.1 4748.5 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 6465.1 7929.2 7613.8 6559.8 5956.2 5222.2 4604.5 500.1 512.1 520.7 530.5 550.8 563.8 574.3 581.4 598.9 619.6 630.0 643.8 650.8 660.4 698.4 542.3 712.8 717.9 727.0 736.9 746.2 756.4 763.3 Tcl (K) 542.7 712.8 718.8 737.1 746.4 756.4 763.4 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 511.2 524.6 537.4 547.4 565.9 572.8 586.7 595.2 611.3 629.2 638.2 655.8 663.2 674.3 712.7 557.0 721.2 727.2 736.1 745.7 754.1 759.6 766.6 Tbulk (K) 559.4 723.0 730.7 749.1 756.9 762.0 769.4 5265 5102 4957 4849 4661 4594 4465 4390 4254 4113 4045 3920 3870 3797 3564 4749 3516 3484 3437 3387 3345 3318 3284 4725 3507 3465 3370 3331 3306 3271 Re (z) 105.38 96.89 101.66 103.87 122.02 211.86 157.51 143.37 163.51 221.74 262.86 185.16 182.19 167.06 170.85 122.91 264.33 231.71 221.09 210.54 212.77 459.76 387.50 h (z) (W/m2-K) 105.29 211.92 174.51 149.20 154.20 252.48 210.31 Table SC-3180-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 6.30 5.69 6.84 6.98 8.30 15.85 11.01 9.86 11.46 16.40 20.27 13.06 12.78 11.53 11.74 8.39 20.21 17.22 16.50 15.83 16.49 58.71 47.67 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 7.15 15.58 12.43 10.55 11.14 22.55 18.20 5.98% 5.87% 6.73% 6.72% 6.80% 7.48% 6.99% 6.88% 7.01% 7.40% 7.71% 7.05% 7.02% 6.90% 6.87% 6.82% 7.65% 7.43% 7.46% 7.52% 7.75% 12.77% 12.30% Fractional Uncertainty 6.80% 7.35% 7.12% 7.07% 7.23% 8.93% 8.65% 32.77 29.16 29.66 29.59 33.25 56.78 40.85 36.45 40.05 52.16 60.60 41.07 39.77 35.62 33.64 34.20 51.17 44.32 41.56 38.84 38.62 82.59 68.69 29.13 40.88 33.15 27.34 27.84 45.15 37.08 Nu(z) A-144 Channel Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 Elevation (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 Zgrid (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 551.8 583.7 592.2 603.6 619.6 639.9 650.5 656.3 546.4 581.3 589.1 600.3 614.8 625.5 635.3 639.2 547.0 576.6 584.7 594.3 608.4 624.0 635.8 640.7 H.R.Tw (K) 551.1 582.2 589.7 600.7 617.2 639.1 651.3 656.2 5288.8 5990.1 6110.9 6288.8 6646.6 7229.4 7352.0 7411.6 5302.7 5990.1 6097.8 6257.1 6604.0 7165.4 7281.4 7339.1 5276.7 5968.3 6077.3 6236.6 6591.3 7147.5 7262.1 7319.8 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 5318.1 5993.1 6112.3 6271.2 6623.6 7185.4 7299.6 7356.7 479.8 508.8 514.1 522.3 539.3 569.0 575.5 578.6 480.0 509.5 514.6 522.3 539.6 569.3 575.5 578.6 480.0 509.5 514.6 522.3 539.9 569.3 575.5 578.6 Tcl (K) 480.0 509.0 514.6 522.3 539.9 569.6 575.8 579.0 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 491.8 521.2 527.1 539.7 556.5 584.2 591.6 595.3 491.1 521.5 527.0 539.0 555.7 581.4 588.3 591.6 491.2 520.7 526.3 537.7 554.6 581.0 588.4 591.9 Tbulk (K) 491.9 521.2 527.1 539.0 556.4 584.5 592.0 595.5 5516 5142 5074 4932 4754 4488 4422 4389 5526 5139 5074 4940 4762 4514 4451 4421 5525 5148 5083 4954 4774 4517 4450 4419 5515 5143 5073 4939 4755 4485 4418 4387 Re (z) 88.21 95.98 93.91 98.37 105.28 129.72 124.85 121.47 95.88 100.16 98.26 102.06 111.76 162.39 155.07 154.13 94.55 106.86 104.05 110.15 122.37 166.54 153.41 150.15 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 89.78 98.28 97.75 101.79 109.04 131.66 123.13 121.18 Table SC-3180-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 5.24 5.65 5.49 6.59 7.06 8.79 8.43 8.17 5.76 5.94 5.80 6.88 7.56 11.42 10.79 10.70 5.69 6.42 6.20 7.50 8.37 11.78 10.68 10.40 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 5.33 5.80 5.75 6.85 7.35 8.97 8.33 8.18 5.94% 5.88% 5.85% 6.70% 6.70% 6.78% 6.75% 6.72% 6.01% 5.93% 5.90% 6.74% 6.77% 7.03% 6.96% 6.94% 6.01% 6.00% 5.96% 6.81% 6.84% 7.07% 6.96% 6.93% Fractional Uncertainty 5.93% 5.91% 5.88% 6.73% 6.74% 6.82% 6.77% 6.75% 28.74 29.13 28.10 28.55 29.33 33.84 32.01 30.88 31.30 30.38 29.40 29.67 31.20 42.65 40.06 39.52 30.86 32.47 31.19 32.12 34.26 43.77 39.63 38.47 29.25 29.83 29.24 29.58 30.39 34.32 31.54 30.79 Nu(z) A-145 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 Channel Elevation Number (m) 161 2.245 162 2.319 163 2.370 164 2.416 165 2.540 166 2.692 167 2.791 168 3.614 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 Zgrid (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 737.3 745.1 740.7 755.1 764.4 773.1 778.0 778.7 739.0 747.3 739.3 755.6 763.2 773.1 778.9 780.0 657.6 661.4 693.6 705.9 721.3 750.9 740.0 H.R.Tw (K) 670.6 697.6 708.4 718.4 736.8 760.0 750.1 800.0 8926.8 9093.9 8299.0 7959.3 7638.0 6944.3 6282.2 5622.3 8876.9 9034.6 8293.8 7909.9 7493.9 6925.7 6261.6 5625.9 7845.9 8003.3 8227.3 8335.1 8496.1 8974.4 8615.8 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 7950.8 8109.8 8220.2 8317.2 8587.9 8918.4 8633.8 3362.6 662.3 671.4 692.6 698.6 704.2 716.1 727.1 737.7 662.6 671.4 691.7 698.6 706.0 715.8 727.1 737.4 606.5 615.4 628.2 634.3 643.6 680.0 686.8 Tcl (K) 615.4 624.7 631.1 636.9 652.5 671.4 683.4 770.8 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 678.3 687.2 702.9 710.7 717.1 728.3 738.0 746.5 678.9 687.6 701.9 710.8 718.2 728.1 738.2 746.5 617.4 625.3 642.2 649.6 660.2 695.2 698.2 Tbulk (K) 627.2 640.3 647.6 654.3 670.5 690.3 697.7 777.1 3771 3715 3621 3576 3539 3478 3427 3383 3767 3712 3627 3575 3533 3479 3425 3383 4205 4143 4016 3963 3890 3666 3648 4128 4030 3977 3930 3821 3696 3651 3235 Re (z) 151.44 156.89 219.27 179.13 161.54 155.16 157.18 174.42 147.90 151.33 221.64 176.37 166.78 153.94 153.74 168.22 195.22 221.25 160.04 148.16 139.11 161.16 205.87 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 183.23 141.50 135.36 129.82 129.64 128.05 164.72 146.54 Table SC-3180-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 10.21 10.59 15.90 12.58 11.23 10.89 11.27 13.19 9.97 10.21 16.15 12.40 11.72 10.81 11.00 12.60 14.00 16.24 11.01 10.08 9.38 10.96 14.62 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 12.98 9.64 9.16 8.74 8.71 8.57 11.37 12.50 6.74% 6.75% 7.25% 7.02% 6.95% 7.02% 7.17% 7.56% 6.74% 6.75% 7.29% 7.03% 7.03% 7.03% 7.15% 7.49% 7.17% 7.34% 6.88% 6.81% 6.75% 6.80% 7.10% Fractional Uncertainty 7.08% 6.81% 6.77% 6.74% 6.72% 6.69% 6.90% 8.53% 32.01 32.56 44.05 35.42 31.53 29.61 29.43 32.13 31.22 31.37 44.62 34.86 32.48 29.39 28.78 30.98 47.16 52.51 36.57 33.31 30.57 32.89 41.75 43.29 32.47 30.57 28.89 27.86 26.40 33.44 25.47 Nu(z) A-146 Channel Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 Elevation (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 Zgrid (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 560.3 578.1 588.0 598.2 609.5 596.1 620.0 632.5 563.9 583.1 594.4 604.3 609.8 598.4 621.7 634.7 561.1 575.3 584.6 592.9 612.1 598.3 621.9 634.1 H.R.Tw (K) 560.2 580.6 591.8 603.5 614.8 595.2 618.7 629.8 5834.7 6057.9 6223.2 6404.7 6737.1 6950.6 7126.9 7238.0 5831.8 6057.9 6231.8 6407.6 6760.4 6986.2 7161.1 7276.1 5833.4 6054.3 6211.7 6395.6 6733.1 6951.1 7126.8 7239.8 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 5864.7 6089.0 6254.4 6425.7 6775.5 6995.1 7174.1 7290.0 502.0 512.2 520.1 529.0 546.1 557.7 567.2 573.1 501.8 511.9 520.1 528.4 546.1 557.7 566.9 573.1 502.0 512.2 519.8 528.7 546.1 557.4 566.9 573.1 Tcl (K) 501.8 511.9 519.8 528.1 545.8 557.1 566.6 572.7 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 511.7 523.2 534.6 543.8 559.6 565.9 578.5 585.8 512.1 523.8 536.0 544.7 559.7 566.4 578.6 586.3 511.9 522.7 533.7 542.4 560.2 566.2 578.7 586.1 Tbulk (K) 511.5 523.4 535.2 544.3 560.5 565.3 577.7 585.0 5257 5119 4988 4887 4723 4660 4540 4473 5253 5112 4973 4878 4722 4655 4539 4469 5256 5125 4999 4902 4717 4658 4539 4470 5260 5117 4981 4882 4713 4666 4547 4481 Re (z) 120.13 110.24 116.56 117.78 135.20 230.46 171.56 154.91 112.65 102.12 106.72 107.37 135.01 218.33 166.13 150.06 118.43 115.14 122.00 126.79 129.72 216.25 164.82 150.95 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 120.39 106.46 110.50 108.50 124.84 233.56 175.25 162.47 Table SC-3180-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 7.38 6.62 7.97 8.04 9.33 17.71 12.19 10.79 6.83 6.05 7.22 7.25 9.30 16.46 11.70 10.37 7.26 6.97 8.40 8.74 8.90 16.30 11.63 10.47 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 7.37 6.33 7.49 7.32 8.50 17.94 12.45 11.36 6.15% 6.00% 6.84% 6.82% 6.90% 7.68% 7.11% 6.96% 6.07% 5.93% 6.77% 6.75% 6.89% 7.54% 7.05% 6.91% 6.13% 6.05% 6.88% 6.89% 6.86% 7.54% 7.05% 6.94% Fractional Uncertainty 6.12% 5.94% 6.78% 6.74% 6.81% 7.68% 7.11% 6.99% 37.31 33.30 34.24 33.84 37.39 62.78 45.36 40.26 34.95 30.80 31.25 30.78 37.33 59.40 43.91 38.96 36.77 34.82 35.92 36.55 35.83 58.87 43.56 39.20 37.41 32.14 32.42 31.14 34.45 63.72 46.42 42.31 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3180-C Matrix test # 15 Test date – 4/6/2005 Steady state time window: 7100 - 7600 sec Inlet flow: 2.43 m3/min (85.9 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 420 K (297 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 409.5 kPa (59.4 psia) Bundle power: 70.0 kW Outlet steam temperature: 780 K (945 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 14026 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -13.97x3 + 88.205x2 - 42.988x + 445.08 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -9.3462x3 + 64.485x2 - 15.996x + 436.62 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-147 A-148 A-149 A-150 A-151 A-152 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -13.97x 3 + 88.205x 2 - 42.988x + 445.08 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.5 4 Elevation (m) Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -9.3462x 3 + 64.485x 2 - 15.996x + 436.62 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-153 2.5 3 A-154 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4_110 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 Channel Elevation Number (m) 185 2.243 186 2.319 187 2.365 188 2.421 189 2.543 190 2.695 191 2.794 192 3.609 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 Zgrid (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 637.7 798.7 814.5 826.5 828.2 824.8 800.0 812.7 696.1 731.8 760.8 781.8 817.0 704.5 739.0 754.1 766.4 783.7 802.6 787.3 825.8 701.3 735.9 750.9 766.7 781.7 807.9 788.9 831.9 H.R.Tw (K) 696.1 737.8 754.2 768.4 784.5 806.2 790.6 817.0 15426.6 19015.6 18310.7 17196.1 15637.2 14228.3 12296.7 10849.1 18623.0 18984.1 19512.1 20231.4 7738.0 18907.8 19313.0 19568.5 19838.7 20496.7 21302.1 20575.0 7654.9 18972.1 19339.3 19651.8 19909.5 20561.1 21375.4 20685.9 7910.0 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 18763.8 19164.9 19404.9 19697.1 20333.9 21133.8 20869.4 7301.9 546.3 719.8 725.4 733.8 745.0 754.2 765.4 772.6 635.1 645.2 659.7 679.1 782.4 634.8 645.5 652.3 659.4 676.4 696.4 708.8 782.1 635.1 644.8 653.0 659.7 676.4 696.4 708.8 782.2 Tcl (K) 634.8 645.5 651.9 659.7 676.4 696.4 708.8 782.1 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 561.5 733.0 740.2 749.3 758.8 765.9 771.1 779.3 645.3 659.6 676.6 696.2 788.1 646.4 661.1 669.3 677.2 694.3 714.1 721.9 789.4 646.1 660.0 669.3 677.5 693.9 715.0 722.2 790.5 Tbulk (K) 645.0 660.9 669.0 677.8 694.4 714.7 722.5 787.9 11386 8358 8266 8154 8040 7957 7897 7806 9668 9426 9154 8859 7709 9649 9401 9269 9145 8888 8608 8503 7695 9653 9419 9268 9139 8893 8596 8499 7684 9673 9404 9274 9135 8886 8599 8495 7711 Re (z) Table SC-3180-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data 202.47 289.30 246.48 222.67 225.41 241.77 426.61 324.57 366.27 262.99 231.54 236.33 268.01 325.31 247.88 230.64 222.47 229.11 240.82 314.73 210.10 343.99 254.66 240.95 223.35 234.24 229.99 310.14 191.18 h (z) (W/m2-K) 366.85 249.34 227.77 217.52 225.68 230.93 306.39 251.60 8.52 12.59 10.45 9.37 9.67 10.79 26.03 18.15 17.15 11.23 9.62 9.79 16.39 14.58 10.40 9.54 9.13 9.40 9.90 13.70 11.32 15.65 10.73 10.02 9.16 9.63 9.38 13.42 9.67 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 17.12 10.50 9.43 8.92 9.26 9.46 13.18 15.44 4.21% 4.35% 4.24% 4.21% 4.29% 4.46% 6.10% 5.59% 4.68% 4.27% 4.15% 4.14% 6.11% 4.48% 4.19% 4.14% 4.10% 4.10% 4.11% 4.35% 5.39% 4.55% 4.21% 4.16% 4.10% 4.11% 4.08% 4.33% 5.06% Fractional Uncertainty 4.67% 4.21% 4.14% 4.10% 4.11% 4.10% 4.30% 6.14% 55.74 54.71 45.96 40.79 40.55 42.91 74.98 56.19 83.14 57.86 49.13 48.13 45.65 73.67 54.36 49.70 47.14 46.85 47.29 60.84 35.70 77.94 55.98 51.92 47.29 47.93 45.08 59.92 32.42 83.33 54.71 49.11 46.03 46.13 45.29 59.16 42.87 Nu(z) A-155 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 Channel Elevation Number (m) 225 1.618 226 2.885 227 2.939 229 3.117 230 3.218 231 3.343 232 3.447 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 H.R. Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 Zgrid (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 590.0 612.3 620.8 627.1 643.8 623.3 660.1 676.6 681.7 687.3 695.7 738.1 744.7 766.0 800.4 631.3 793.2 805.0 812.7 815.0 812.9 789.5 807.5 H.R.Tw (K) 638.7 800.8 820.8 832.0 829.5 806.2 822.2 13695.3 14234.2 14604.4 15011.9 15814.3 16311.7 16705.5 16968.6 17539.1 18303.1 18684.7 19196.0 19457.6 19823.3 20900.7 15499.2 19124.1 18465.5 17261.1 15832.5 14371.2 12546.5 11089.8 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 15124.0 18541.6 17801.6 15334.4 13923.9 12192.4 10747.3 504.1 516.3 525.0 535.0 555.4 568.6 579.2 586.4 604.0 625.0 635.5 649.4 656.5 666.4 705.1 546.9 719.8 725.1 734.4 744.7 754.4 765.2 772.6 Tcl (K) 547.3 719.8 726.0 745.0 754.6 765.2 772.8 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 518.4 532.3 541.0 550.3 570.2 577.7 592.7 601.4 616.9 635.4 645.5 664.2 671.2 683.0 721.0 561.0 732.0 738.4 747.4 756.4 764.1 769.2 778.4 Tbulk (K) 562.5 733.3 741.8 759.5 767.1 772.0 781.0 12528 12137 11904 11662 11181 11007 10679 10497 10188 9843 9664 9350 9238 9056 8515 11398 8370 8289 8177 8068 7978 7919 7816 11362 8354 8247 8032 7943 7888 7787 Re (z) 191.38 178.00 182.98 195.64 214.64 357.66 247.96 225.50 270.96 352.60 372.36 259.77 264.75 238.68 262.97 220.51 312.58 277.45 264.51 270.13 294.98 617.75 381.04 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 198.43 274.63 225.29 211.29 223.05 356.48 260.98 Table SC-3180-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 8.14 7.42 7.63 8.22 9.08 17.28 10.73 9.54 11.84 16.39 17.51 11.03 11.26 9.93 11.02 9.42 13.83 12.02 11.50 12.06 13.94 47.98 23.05 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 8.39 11.94 9.49 9.02 9.83 19.74 13.18 4.26% 4.17% 4.17% 4.20% 4.23% 4.83% 4.33% 4.23% 4.37% 4.65% 4.70% 4.25% 4.25% 4.16% 4.19% 4.27% 4.43% 4.33% 4.35% 4.46% 4.73% 7.77% 6.05% Fractional Uncertainty 4.23% 4.35% 4.21% 4.27% 4.41% 5.54% 5.05% 58.48 52.59 52.93 55.33 57.88 94.74 63.41 56.51 65.53 81.81 84.48 56.59 56.81 49.96 50.93 60.79 59.22 51.91 48.63 48.82 52.53 108.96 66.07 54.50 51.90 41.88 37.96 39.50 62.55 45.04 Nu(z) A-156 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 Channel Elevation Number (m) 153 1.041 154 1.344 155 1.397 156 1.468 157 1.626 158 1.877 159 1.928 160 1.953 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 Zgrid (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 563.4 604.4 611.9 620.9 638.8 669.7 679.4 685.3 559.2 600.3 606.5 614.0 629.5 656.1 666.5 670.4 559.0 597.4 604.1 611.7 628.0 653.8 665.4 668.9 H.R.Tw (K) 568.3 606.8 614.6 621.6 636.5 668.3 680.7 685.5 12367.2 14014.5 14293.8 14709.0 15541.5 16912.1 17203.7 17341.0 12427.4 14034.4 14286.4 14657.1 15467.4 16783.7 17048.1 17180.3 12372.2 13978.2 14230.8 14602.2 15426.3 16724.8 16991.1 17124.5 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 12447.0 14030.1 14308.4 14680.9 15504.1 16818.4 17084.1 17215.6 479.1 508.6 514.1 522.5 540.3 571.3 578.2 581.4 479.3 509.4 514.6 522.5 540.6 571.7 578.2 581.4 479.3 509.4 514.6 522.5 540.9 571.7 578.2 581.4 Tcl (K) 479.3 508.9 514.6 522.5 540.9 572.0 578.5 581.7 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 493.2 524.6 530.4 538.9 556.7 587.7 595.0 598.7 492.6 524.6 529.9 537.8 555.4 585.7 592.9 596.2 492.6 524.1 529.5 537.4 555.4 585.4 592.7 596.0 Tbulk (K) 494.2 525.2 531.3 539.1 556.8 588.0 595.5 599.0 13308 12352 12189 11958 11504 10786 10630 10552 13325 12353 12202 11988 11536 10829 10675 10604 13326 12366 12213 11999 11536 10837 10679 10609 13275 12334 12164 11955 11501 10779 10620 10546 Re (z) 176.08 175.52 175.32 179.40 189.28 206.25 203.81 200.28 186.69 185.39 186.59 192.33 208.82 238.56 231.55 231.66 186.44 190.58 190.97 196.59 212.57 244.19 233.75 234.77 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 167.81 171.84 171.69 177.89 194.63 209.63 200.64 199.20 Table SC-3180-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 7.54 7.33 7.29 7.45 7.86 8.58 8.44 8.26 8.08 7.81 7.85 8.10 8.83 10.23 9.84 9.83 8.08 8.09 8.08 8.32 9.03 10.54 9.96 10.00 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 7.10 7.15 7.12 7.39 8.13 8.77 8.31 8.23 4.28% 4.17% 4.16% 4.15% 4.15% 4.16% 4.14% 4.12% 4.33% 4.21% 4.21% 4.21% 4.23% 4.29% 4.25% 4.24% 4.33% 4.24% 4.23% 4.23% 4.25% 4.31% 4.26% 4.26% Fractional Uncertainty 4.23% 4.16% 4.15% 4.15% 4.18% 4.18% 4.14% 4.13% 57.19 52.84 52.04 52.15 52.72 53.36 51.84 50.51 60.71 55.81 55.44 56.07 58.34 62.01 59.19 58.76 60.64 57.44 56.80 57.36 59.39 63.53 59.78 59.58 54.37 51.65 50.85 51.70 54.19 54.20 50.98 50.20 Nu(z) A-157 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 Channel Elevation Number (m) 161 2.245 162 2.319 163 2.370 164 2.416 165 2.540 166 2.692 167 2.791 168 3.614 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 Zgrid (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 773.6 781.9 776.3 797.1 806.5 810.0 807.1 806.9 773.5 783.1 773.9 795.0 804.8 811.5 809.6 806.9 684.0 689.9 732.0 745.5 761.0 792.0 764.0 H.R.Tw (K) 696.0 735.0 747.1 759.9 772.6 799.5 777.5 829.3 20809.7 21192.4 19340.1 18547.5 17795.4 16172.3 14628.7 13087.2 20777.3 21152.2 19405.6 18505.9 17527.5 16196.3 14632.2 13144.2 18361.2 18728.5 19253.7 19502.6 19888.0 20999.1 20142.6 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 18604.6 18977.7 19233.3 19463.6 20092.1 20863.6 20197.4 7848.3 669.1 678.6 700.6 706.8 712.7 724.9 736.2 746.9 669.4 678.6 699.7 706.8 714.5 724.6 736.2 746.7 610.6 620.0 633.4 639.8 649.5 687.6 694.6 Tcl (K) 620.0 629.7 636.5 642.5 658.9 678.6 691.1 779.9 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 686.5 695.8 713.2 721.9 728.3 739.1 748.0 756.9 686.8 696.0 712.1 721.5 729.5 739.1 748.4 756.7 622.8 631.6 649.9 657.4 668.1 705.0 706.2 Tbulk (K) 632.7 647.3 654.9 662.1 677.8 698.7 705.5 788.1 9003 8866 8620 8503 8418 8280 8170 8062 8999 8863 8636 8507 8402 8280 8165 8065 10075 9911 9589 9462 9288 8734 8717 9892 9633 9504 9385 9135 8823 8726 7709 Re (z) 239.05 246.27 306.67 246.65 227.62 228.27 247.38 261.79 239.54 242.93 313.77 251.83 233.03 223.90 239.15 261.85 300.21 321.76 234.47 221.50 214.11 241.51 348.65 h (z) (W/m2-K) 293.81 216.33 208.68 198.98 212.00 207.09 280.72 190.57 Table SC-3180-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 9.85 10.17 13.47 10.43 9.56 9.77 11.06 12.32 9.88 10.02 13.86 10.70 9.86 9.55 10.59 12.31 13.30 14.44 9.77 9.13 8.76 9.96 15.67 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 12.91 8.93 8.56 8.10 8.66 8.40 12.01 9.66 4.12% 4.13% 4.39% 4.23% 4.20% 4.28% 4.47% 4.71% 4.13% 4.12% 4.42% 4.25% 4.23% 4.26% 4.43% 4.70% 4.43% 4.49% 4.17% 4.12% 4.09% 4.13% 4.49% Fractional Uncertainty 4.40% 4.13% 4.10% 4.07% 4.09% 4.06% 4.28% 5.07% 49.67 50.20 60.32 47.68 43.44 42.65 45.43 47.26 49.75 49.50 61.87 48.72 44.37 41.84 43.89 47.30 71.64 75.28 52.69 48.96 46.25 48.30 69.56 68.58 48.89 46.38 43.55 44.86 41.96 56.09 32.46 Nu(z) A-158 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 Channel Elevation Number (m) 73 1.273 74 1.372 75 1.445 76 1.521 77 1.676 78 1.773 79 1.852 80 1.902 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 Zgrid (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 583.0 600.3 608.3 615.1 632.7 614.8 650.3 664.1 585.9 602.6 610.6 617.9 627.9 615.8 652.3 669.9 582.1 594.6 603.4 608.2 631.6 614.2 649.3 664.3 H.R.Tw (K) 582.1 601.0 612.4 619.5 632.6 612.6 647.1 661.6 13650.2 14161.8 14543.5 14963.8 15739.2 16251.5 16658.6 16906.9 13659.4 14188.8 14596.4 15002.5 15830.9 16358.9 16767.4 17036.6 13654.9 14172.8 14544.9 14969.2 15766.3 16272.3 16684.5 16950.3 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 13736.7 14260.6 14651.2 15054.1 15873.9 16383.3 16798.8 17068.7 501.7 512.1 520.3 529.5 547.3 559.5 569.4 575.5 501.4 511.9 520.3 528.9 547.3 559.5 569.1 575.5 501.7 512.1 520.0 529.2 547.3 559.2 569.1 575.5 Tcl (K) 501.4 511.9 520.0 528.6 547.0 558.9 568.8 575.2 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 515.2 526.8 534.9 543.8 561.5 568.7 582.9 590.3 515.5 527.0 535.3 543.8 560.7 568.9 582.9 591.3 515.1 525.9 533.9 542.4 561.3 568.4 582.4 590.3 Tbulk (K) 514.9 526.7 535.4 543.8 561.3 567.8 581.8 589.6 12622 12288 12065 11830 11385 11214 10892 10730 12614 12284 12055 11831 11405 11210 10891 10709 12627 12315 12094 11867 11390 11223 10901 10729 12633 12292 12053 11830 11392 11235 10916 10745 Re (z) 201.44 192.76 198.33 209.78 221.07 352.73 247.18 229.00 194.02 187.68 193.99 202.34 235.71 348.45 241.88 216.60 203.86 206.27 209.22 227.43 224.48 354.67 249.56 229.09 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 204.33 192.11 190.31 198.74 222.62 365.75 257.40 237.23 Table SC-3180-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 8.68 8.17 8.41 8.94 9.43 16.99 10.70 9.73 8.29 7.91 8.18 8.55 10.16 16.65 10.39 9.08 8.80 8.86 8.96 9.86 9.59 17.11 10.82 9.72 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 8.81 8.11 7.98 8.36 9.47 17.78 11.16 10.11 4.31% 4.24% 4.24% 4.26% 4.26% 4.82% 4.33% 4.25% 4.27% 4.21% 4.22% 4.23% 4.31% 4.78% 4.30% 4.19% 4.32% 4.29% 4.28% 4.33% 4.27% 4.82% 4.34% 4.24% Fractional Uncertainty 4.31% 4.22% 4.20% 4.21% 4.25% 4.86% 4.34% 4.26% 62.03 57.71 58.22 60.28 60.86 95.45 64.68 58.89 59.71 56.16 56.89 58.14 65.02 94.26 63.29 55.58 62.80 61.89 61.57 65.56 61.83 96.06 65.37 58.91 62.98 57.53 55.80 57.10 61.33 99.19 67.53 61.11 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3205-A Matrix test # 6 Test date – 4/14/2005 Steady state time window: 10680 - 12000 sec Inlet flow: 2.26 m3/min (79.9 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 407 K (273 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 271.7 kPa (39.4 psia) Bundle power: 50.1 kW Outlet steam temperature: 810 K (999 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 9145 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -26.873x3 + 174.62x2 - 204.99x + 539.89 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -19.366x3 + 133.36x2 - 150.05x + 521.57 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-159 A-160 A-161 A-162 A-163 A-164 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -26.873x 3 + 174.62x 2 - 204.99x + 539.89 850 800 Temperature (deg K) 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.5 4 Elevation (m) Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -19.366x 3 + 133.36x 2 - 150.05x + 521.57 850 800 Temperature (deg K) 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-165 2.5 3 A-166 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4_110 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 Channel Elevation Number (m) 185 2.243 186 2.319 187 2.365 188 2.421 189 2.543 190 2.695 191 2.794 192 3.609 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 Zgrid (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 843.5 818.3 822.8 832.6 844.2 851.6 851.0 828.4 837.3 707.9 740.9 806.5 856.5 712.3 747.9 766.6 781.7 811.3 825.2 807.9 854.3 715.4 750.6 767.4 781.0 805.0 823.9 804.9 859.3 H.R.Tw (K) 762.9 707.6 746.9 763.9 810.8 831.7 813.5 843.1 10984.3 13559.4 13063.4 12259.8 11143.6 10132.3 8750.6 7718.6 13272.8 13545.2 13923.5 14424.6 5498.0 13494.8 13785.2 13966.3 14155.2 14617.9 15193.4 14671.2 5432.2 13543.1 13805.3 14026.9 14207.3 14609.9 15251.6 14774.5 5613.5 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 13372.6 13672.7 13842.9 14048.5 14468.9 15076.1 14895.3 5168.6 550.4 756.7 762.9 772.1 783.7 792.6 802.3 807.4 655.8 668.0 685.7 709.1 811.3 655.3 668.5 676.7 685.3 705.9 729.7 744.2 811.3 655.8 667.6 677.6 685.7 705.9 729.7 744.2 811.3 Tcl (K) 655.3 668.5 676.3 685.7 705.9 729.7 744.2 811.3 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 599.3 767.0 775.7 785.1 796.6 805.2 812.7 811.9 686.0 674.7 694.9 725.4 821.0 664.8 681.7 691.7 701.4 723.4 745.6 754.8 820.5 665.7 681.4 692.5 701.6 722.4 745.4 754.3 821.6 Tbulk (K) 673.3 675.0 688.0 698.7 723.3 746.7 755.7 818.1 6642 5009 4946 4881 4803 4747 4699 4705 5679 5788 5596 5331 4648 5887 5720 5626 5538 5347 5169 5099 4651 5878 5723 5618 5536 5356 5170 5102 4644 5802 5785 5660 5561 5348 5160 5092 4665 Re (z) Table SC-3205-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data 44.97 263.98 277.26 258.01 234.13 218.67 228.75 467.76 87.75 407.32 302.54 177.67 154.90 284.54 208.34 186.37 176.17 166.28 190.88 276.40 160.79 272.46 199.64 187.42 178.89 176.82 194.29 292.16 148.76 h (z) (W/m2-K) 149.18 419.06 235.36 215.64 165.50 177.46 258.04 207.05 1.92 13.22 16.77 15.57 14.11 13.23 14.50 44.51 3.80 24.13 15.69 8.11 10.10 14.55 9.78 8.55 8.00 7.46 8.68 13.68 10.69 13.72 9.28 8.60 8.13 8.00 8.84 14.64 9.50 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 6.70 25.02 11.36 10.18 7.46 8.02 12.45 15.67 4.26% 5.01% 6.05% 6.03% 6.02% 6.05% 6.34% 9.52% 4.33% 5.92% 5.19% 4.56% 6.52% 5.11% 4.69% 4.59% 4.54% 4.49% 4.55% 4.95% 6.65% 5.03% 4.65% 4.59% 4.55% 4.53% 4.55% 5.01% 6.39% Fractional Uncertainty 4.49% 5.97% 4.83% 4.72% 4.51% 4.52% 4.82% 7.57% 11.37 46.83 48.38 44.25 39.31 36.15 37.32 76.42 18.29 86.97 61.90 34.17 24.90 62.06 43.83 38.39 35.57 32.10 35.28 50.18 25.87 59.31 42.02 38.54 36.10 34.21 35.92 53.09 23.89 31.95 89.42 48.86 43.77 31.96 32.73 46.76 33.45 Nu(z) A-167 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 Channel Elevation Number (m) 225 1.618 226 2.885 227 2.939 229 3.117 230 3.218 231 3.343 232 3.447 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 H.R. Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 Zgrid (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 591.7 616.4 629.6 639.1 653.7 632.0 667.5 685.2 672.9 695.3 702.0 708.1 750.6 781.7 821.0 640.9 810.0 821.2 828.7 837.1 840.2 819.0 833.5 H.R.Tw (K) 650.8 816.9 835.3 856.1 855.3 833.9 846.8 9770.5 10155.7 10418.6 10711.0 11283.1 11638.9 11920.4 12107.8 12510.2 13052.9 13328.0 13692.6 13878.1 14129.9 14918.2 11060.3 13638.8 13169.2 12307.3 11284.9 10236.9 8933.4 7888.4 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 10784.9 13225.6 12695.5 10928.2 9916.7 8683.5 7646.3 506.2 518.2 527.2 537.9 560.8 576.0 588.4 596.9 618.0 643.5 656.2 673.2 681.9 693.8 739.8 551.2 756.7 762.6 772.7 783.4 792.8 802.1 807.4 Tcl (K) 551.5 756.7 763.5 783.7 793.0 802.1 807.5 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 520.4 534.6 544.3 554.8 576.3 585.3 601.6 611.6 627.2 652.1 663.9 679.0 693.3 708.4 753.4 566.1 765.6 775.1 784.7 794.9 803.0 805.7 813.0 Tbulk (K) 568.1 766.7 778.9 799.2 806.4 808.9 815.9 7850 7602 7441 7274 6954 6827 6611 6485 6297 6019 5897 5746 5611 5475 5110 7102 5019 4950 4884 4815 4762 4744 4698 7073 5011 4924 4786 4740 4723 4679 Re (z) 137.07 124.12 122.20 127.03 145.72 249.14 180.84 164.58 273.60 301.97 349.31 472.02 242.21 192.91 220.58 147.91 307.02 286.07 279.87 267.24 274.77 672.13 384.06 h (z) (W/m2-K) 130.34 263.61 225.15 191.92 202.69 347.62 247.46 Table SC-3205-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 6.35 5.63 5.51 5.74 6.68 12.76 8.52 7.60 14.21 15.99 19.43 30.03 11.78 8.93 10.35 6.79 16.08 17.36 17.15 16.51 17.54 74.88 31.74 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 5.96 13.38 13.24 11.24 12.17 25.98 16.83 4.63% 4.53% 4.51% 4.52% 4.58% 5.12% 4.71% 4.62% 5.19% 5.30% 5.56% 6.36% 4.87% 4.63% 4.69% 4.59% 5.24% 6.07% 6.13% 6.18% 6.38% 11.14% 8.26% Fractional Uncertainty 4.58% 5.08% 5.88% 5.86% 6.00% 7.47% 6.80% 42.07 36.75 35.32 35.77 38.93 65.13 45.48 40.44 64.87 67.71 76.34 99.86 49.72 38.39 40.16 40.50 54.61 49.98 48.03 45.01 45.61 111.02 62.62 35.52 46.79 39.06 32.08 33.44 57.09 40.14 Nu(z) A-168 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 Channel Elevation Number (m) 153 1.041 154 1.344 155 1.397 156 1.468 157 1.626 158 1.877 159 1.928 160 1.953 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 Zgrid (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 566.5 610.3 619.7 632.3 648.3 676.8 688.4 695.5 562.7 605.5 613.5 625.4 639.5 661.8 673.8 678.5 562.3 602.2 610.5 620.0 635.0 659.5 674.3 680.0 H.R.Tw (K) 569.6 611.7 620.5 632.3 648.2 677.0 691.6 697.6 8819.4 9995.7 10192.8 10489.3 11082.6 12061.6 12268.6 12367.5 8863.1 10009.6 10189.0 10453.8 11031.8 11971.0 12161.1 12256.0 8821.2 9968.2 10147.9 10413.4 11000.6 11932.4 12121.7 12216.7 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 8877.5 10004.9 10203.6 10469.8 11056.1 11995.7 12185.3 12280.0 487.9 513.5 518.9 527.4 546.2 581.0 588.8 592.6 488.1 514.3 519.4 527.4 546.5 581.3 588.8 592.6 488.1 514.3 519.4 527.4 546.9 581.3 588.8 592.6 Tcl (K) 488.1 513.8 519.4 527.4 546.9 581.7 589.2 593.0 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 501.0 529.6 535.7 544.9 563.2 596.9 605.4 609.7 500.5 529.5 535.1 543.8 562.0 594.8 603.0 606.9 500.4 528.9 534.6 542.9 561.6 594.4 603.1 607.2 Tbulk (K) 501.7 530.1 536.3 544.9 563.8 597.6 606.3 610.4 8215 7687 7583 7431 7145 6672 6562 6508 8225 7690 7593 7449 7163 6700 6593 6543 8226 7699 7602 7464 7170 6705 6592 6540 8202 7679 7574 7431 7137 6663 6552 6500 Re (z) 134.68 123.85 121.25 120.01 130.22 151.08 147.77 144.27 142.49 131.72 129.97 128.02 142.46 178.57 171.75 171.10 142.63 136.04 133.66 135.07 149.80 183.13 170.22 167.77 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 130.62 122.59 121.17 119.82 130.95 151.15 142.72 140.85 Table SC-3205-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 6.35 5.63 5.48 5.40 5.88 6.88 6.69 6.50 6.78 6.05 5.94 5.81 6.52 8.39 7.99 7.94 6.81 6.29 6.14 6.19 6.92 8.66 7.92 7.78 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 6.11 5.57 5.48 5.39 5.93 6.90 6.45 6.35 4.72% 4.55% 4.52% 4.50% 4.52% 4.55% 4.53% 4.51% 4.76% 4.59% 4.57% 4.54% 4.58% 4.70% 4.65% 4.64% 4.77% 4.62% 4.60% 4.58% 4.62% 4.73% 4.65% 4.63% Fractional Uncertainty 4.68% 4.54% 4.52% 4.50% 4.53% 4.57% 4.52% 4.51% 43.43 37.14 35.81 34.63 35.91 38.42 36.84 35.60 46.01 39.51 38.44 37.05 39.40 45.64 43.06 42.50 46.06 40.86 39.58 39.18 41.48 46.85 42.67 41.65 42.05 36.72 35.73 34.57 36.07 38.38 35.51 34.70 Nu(z) A-169 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 Channel Elevation Number (m) 161 2.245 162 2.319 163 2.370 164 2.416 165 2.540 166 2.692 167 2.791 168 3.614 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 Zgrid (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 1.367 796.8 805.0 796.6 814.9 824.9 833.4 836.3 835.5 797.4 806.1 791.9 812.3 821.4 832.0 834.7 833.3 695.8 700.4 742.2 756.3 774.1 806.8 783.9 H.R.Tw (K) 709.8 746.6 761.7 774.2 795.1 818.3 797.8 304.3 14843.5 15116.7 13789.2 13222.6 12684.0 11523.1 10418.9 9316.4 14832.6 15095.7 13846.3 13200.8 12499.8 11543.5 10421.4 9358.6 13096.3 13356.9 13730.7 13908.7 14181.3 14971.2 14357.8 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 13268.3 13532.2 13714.6 13878.0 14255.4 14885.0 14412.3 5602.0 695.4 706.3 731.3 738.1 744.5 757.6 769.1 779.7 695.8 706.3 730.2 738.1 746.5 757.3 769.1 779.4 626.7 637.8 653.6 661.2 672.6 716.7 724.6 Tcl (K) 637.8 649.3 657.2 664.3 683.5 706.3 720.6 807.0 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 712.3 722.8 742.2 750.9 757.9 773.8 783.5 791.6 712.7 723.0 740.5 750.5 759.0 773.3 783.2 791.0 638.2 648.2 668.4 677.0 689.5 731.7 734.5 Tbulk (K) 649.8 665.5 674.6 682.6 702.1 725.0 733.5 723.2 5442 5353 5196 5128 5075 4960 4892 4837 5438 5351 5209 5131 5068 4964 4894 4841 6171 6061 5851 5766 5647 5279 5257 6044 5880 5789 5711 5531 5334 5265 5349 Re (z) 175.66 183.91 253.47 206.66 189.24 193.35 197.32 212.46 175.16 181.64 269.58 213.70 200.13 196.66 202.13 220.85 227.43 255.81 186.01 175.45 167.66 199.28 290.41 h (z) (W/m2-K) 221.10 166.78 157.49 151.58 153.21 159.53 224.22 -13.37 Table SC-3205-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 7.93 8.34 12.48 9.80 8.89 11.23 11.68 13.07 7.91 8.23 13.49 10.21 9.54 11.45 12.02 13.69 11.04 12.74 8.59 8.01 7.59 9.17 14.69 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 10.65 7.61 7.12 6.81 6.89 7.16 10.67 0.56 4.52% 4.53% 4.92% 4.74% 4.70% 5.81% 5.92% 6.15% 4.52% 4.53% 5.01% 4.78% 4.77% 5.82% 5.95% 6.20% 4.85% 4.98% 4.62% 4.57% 4.53% 4.60% 5.06% Fractional Uncertainty 4.82% 4.56% 4.52% 4.50% 4.50% 4.49% 4.76% -4.22% 34.68 35.55 47.16 37.80 34.15 33.86 33.94 36.00 34.56 35.10 50.32 39.12 36.05 34.48 34.79 37.47 52.59 57.85 40.26 37.28 34.70 37.85 54.85 49.83 36.32 33.63 31.83 30.89 30.70 42.43 -2.58 Nu(z) A-170 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 Channel Elevation Number (m) 73 1.273 74 1.372 75 1.445 76 1.521 77 1.676 78 1.773 79 1.852 80 1.902 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 Zgrid (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 584.6 605.8 617.4 626.9 641.5 621.9 654.9 670.5 587.5 609.0 620.1 628.9 636.3 622.6 655.7 673.3 853.3 585.6 601.4 611.7 618.1 643.7 623.9 657.5 H.R.Tw (K) 583.0 607.0 620.9 632.9 642.5 618.7 651.2 665.1 9743.7 10109.8 10382.0 10682.1 11235.9 11600.4 11890.1 12067.0 9742.2 10119.0 10409.2 10699.0 11290.7 11668.5 11959.0 12152.6 9715.9 10112.2 10375.4 10677.6 11246.1 11607.2 11903.6 12091.8 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 9803.0 10177.7 10456.4 10743.4 11327.0 11691.2 11985.9 12177.2 506.9 517.0 525.1 534.7 553.9 567.5 578.8 585.8 506.7 516.7 525.1 534.1 553.9 567.5 578.4 585.8 506.9 517.0 524.8 534.4 553.9 567.2 578.4 585.8 Tcl (K) 506.7 516.7 524.8 533.8 553.6 566.8 578.0 585.4 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 519.9 531.8 540.5 550.1 568.5 576.6 591.5 599.9 520.2 532.1 540.9 549.9 567.6 576.7 591.3 600.4 564.7 528.4 537.6 547.3 564.6 579.9 586.0 597.8 Tbulk (K) 519.4 531.7 540.8 550.3 568.4 575.5 590.2 598.7 7859 7650 7503 7348 7066 6950 6745 6633 7854 7645 7496 7351 7079 6948 6747 6627 7124 7708 7552 7393 7124 6903 6819 6661 7868 7650 7498 7344 7068 6966 6761 6649 Re (z) 150.50 136.52 135.01 139.07 153.96 255.98 187.46 171.09 144.57 131.58 131.47 135.44 164.52 254.03 185.71 166.73 33.66 176.87 162.53 165.83 210.34 181.97 313.78 202.46 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 154.17 135.19 130.59 130.04 152.88 270.18 196.68 183.52 Table SC-3205-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 7.10 6.29 6.18 6.37 7.11 13.26 8.91 7.97 6.77 6.02 5.99 6.17 7.66 13.08 8.78 7.71 1.43 8.57 7.69 7.83 10.37 8.61 17.36 9.75 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 7.28 6.20 5.93 5.88 7.02 14.18 9.40 8.62 4.72% 4.61% 4.58% 4.58% 4.62% 5.18% 4.75% 4.66% 4.68% 4.58% 4.56% 4.56% 4.66% 5.15% 4.73% 4.62% 4.26% 4.85% 4.73% 4.72% 4.93% 4.73% 5.53% 4.81% Fractional Uncertainty 4.72% 4.58% 4.54% 4.52% 4.59% 5.25% 4.78% 4.70% 46.26 40.71 39.39 39.62 41.91 68.34 48.29 43.20 44.40 39.21 38.32 38.60 44.88 67.79 47.86 42.05 9.25 53.20 47.77 47.57 57.81 48.19 81.89 51.38 47.44 40.32 38.07 37.03 41.63 72.32 50.82 46.47 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3205-B Matrix test # 4 Test date – 3/15/2005 Steady state time window: 13400 - 15000 sec Inlet flow: 1.36 m3/min (47.9 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 409 K (276 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 271.7 kPa (39.4 psia) Bundle power: 30.1 kW Outlet steam temperature: 800 K (981 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 5420 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -16.558x3 + 102.54x2 - 52.216x + 437.53 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -10.616x3 + 69.175x2 - 8.02x + 423.94 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-171 A-172 A-173 A-174 A-175 A-176 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -16.558x 3 + 102.54x 2 - 52.216x + 437.53 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.5 4 Elevation (m) Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -10.616x 3 + 69.175x 2 - 8.02x + 423.94 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-177 2.5 3 A-178 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4_110 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 Channel Elevation Number (m) 185 2.243 186 2.319 187 2.365 188 2.421 189 2.543 190 2.695 191 2.794 192 3.609 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 Zgrid (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 626.6 788.7 800.1 811.3 820.4 823.0 809.9 814.1 686.3 711.6 741.2 766.5 820.6 690.2 718.1 733.5 746.8 772.1 788.0 778.9 828.6 692.5 719.9 734.8 747.0 771.6 790.4 780.5 832.5 H.R.Tw (K) 685.5 716.2 731.3 746.7 772.7 793.3 784.3 820.2 6632.2 8175.9 7874.0 7398.3 6731.0 6127.8 5300.0 4677.1 8001.7 8156.5 8381.4 8703.9 3334.8 8118.7 8285.2 8394.8 8503.3 8814.5 9148.4 8833.9 3291.4 8155.6 8311.3 8447.6 8552.6 8903.4 9170.8 8863.2 3407.3 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 8066.2 8243.1 8351.5 8478.6 8786.0 9086.8 8969.9 3149.5 550.2 742.8 748.7 757.8 769.5 779.1 790.4 797.5 649.8 661.0 677.1 698.4 806.5 649.4 661.4 668.9 676.7 695.4 717.4 730.9 806.3 649.8 660.6 669.6 677.1 695.4 717.4 730.9 806.4 Tcl (K) 649.4 661.4 668.5 677.1 695.4 717.4 730.9 806.3 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 566.6 752.6 759.7 769.2 780.4 788.5 794.6 801.1 657.6 671.8 690.8 713.0 809.5 658.1 673.5 682.7 691.7 711.9 732.5 741.2 811.0 658.9 673.3 683.6 692.0 711.8 733.0 741.5 812.0 Tbulk (K) 657.1 673.1 681.9 692.0 712.0 733.6 742.3 809.2 4228 3049 3017 2975 2928 2895 2871 2845 3553 3467 3358 3239 2813 3549 3456 3403 3353 3245 3142 3101 2807 3544 3458 3398 3351 3246 3140 3099 2803 3556 3459 3408 3351 3245 3137 3096 2814 Re (z) Table SC-3205-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data 110.44 226.64 194.95 175.74 168.25 177.55 346.16 358.38 278.94 204.87 166.29 162.68 300.07 252.87 185.67 165.34 154.33 146.37 164.82 234.18 187.68 243.04 178.36 165.07 155.73 148.82 159.92 227.52 165.75 h (z) (W/m2-K) 284.42 191.15 169.22 155.01 144.76 152.42 213.87 286.31 7.43 16.62 13.93 12.44 12.00 13.08 36.59 42.18 21.88 14.72 11.48 11.14 40.02 19.06 12.99 11.33 10.47 9.82 11.16 16.96 18.47 18.07 12.36 11.28 10.55 9.95 10.78 16.34 14.86 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 22.34 13.48 11.67 10.54 9.71 10.27 15.07 38.77 6.73% 7.33% 7.15% 7.08% 7.13% 7.37% 10.57% 11.77% 7.84% 7.19% 6.90% 6.85% 13.34% 7.54% 6.99% 6.85% 6.78% 6.71% 6.77% 7.24% 9.84% 7.44% 6.93% 6.83% 6.77% 6.68% 6.74% 7.18% 8.96% Fractional Uncertainty 7.85% 7.05% 6.89% 6.80% 6.71% 6.74% 7.05% 13.54% 30.21 41.32 35.06 31.04 29.11 30.26 58.34 59.70 61.80 44.02 34.32 32.07 49.23 55.96 39.75 34.71 31.79 28.93 31.25 43.65 30.71 53.69 38.20 34.59 32.06 29.42 30.29 42.38 27.07 63.08 40.95 35.58 31.91 28.60 28.84 39.78 46.99 Nu(z) A-179 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 Channel Elevation Number (m) 225 1.618 226 2.885 227 2.939 229 3.117 230 3.218 231 3.343 232 3.447 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 H.R. Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 Zgrid (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 571.6 594.2 606.3 617.7 631.6 615.9 643.3 657.9 673.3 682.1 686.0 719.8 731.0 748.1 788.0 618.4 775.0 785.2 794.7 803.6 809.2 799.8 806.7 H.R.Tw (K) 632.8 785.6 800.3 821.2 824.3 812.5 820.3 5884.5 6115.5 6273.2 6449.3 6795.6 7010.3 7180.5 7293.3 7539.5 7870.5 8034.1 8255.1 8374.0 8543.7 8967.5 6664.2 8228.7 7946.0 7429.7 6818.8 6190.7 5409.4 4777.0 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 6505.3 7959.3 7643.5 6586.1 5983.3 5244.4 4626.4 502.7 516.4 526.2 537.5 560.5 575.4 587.3 595.3 615.1 638.5 650.2 665.7 673.6 684.4 726.8 551.0 742.8 748.4 758.3 769.2 779.3 790.2 797.5 Tcl (K) 551.3 742.8 749.4 769.5 779.5 790.2 797.7 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 517.4 533.1 543.4 554.7 575.8 584.1 599.3 608.7 627.5 647.8 657.8 677.3 685.9 698.0 739.9 565.4 749.7 756.3 766.1 776.6 785.7 792.3 799.5 Tbulk (K) 568.8 751.9 760.3 780.6 789.1 795.0 802.5 4710 4546 4443 4336 4149 4079 3958 3886 3751 3614 3551 3434 3385 3318 3107 4239 3062 3032 2989 2944 2906 2880 2851 4209 3052 3014 2928 2892 2869 2840 Re (z) 108.58 100.08 99.65 102.35 121.58 219.81 163.20 148.20 164.85 229.98 285.78 194.22 185.44 170.85 186.51 125.66 324.74 275.19 260.12 252.14 263.28 717.10 663.39 h (z) (W/m2-K) 101.62 236.67 190.98 162.04 170.02 299.44 260.43 Table SC-3205-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 7.39 6.72 6.67 6.85 8.24 16.56 11.44 10.24 11.53 17.10 22.55 13.76 13.00 11.78 12.94 8.57 26.56 21.45 20.31 20.02 22.06 131.48 126.67 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 6.86 17.83 13.80 11.61 12.54 29.22 25.12 6.80% 6.71% 6.70% 6.70% 6.78% 7.53% 7.01% 6.91% 7.00% 7.44% 7.89% 7.09% 7.01% 6.89% 6.94% 6.82% 8.18% 7.79% 7.81% 7.94% 8.38% 18.34% 19.09% Fractional Uncertainty 6.75% 7.53% 7.23% 7.17% 7.37% 9.76% 9.65% 33.58 29.75 28.87 28.83 32.52 57.64 41.28 36.66 39.05 52.06 63.28 41.24 38.67 34.73 34.85 34.47 59.54 49.82 46.22 43.93 45.10 121.37 110.83 27.65 43.21 34.31 28.02 28.94 50.43 43.27 Nu(z) A-180 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 Channel Elevation Number (m) 153 1.041 154 1.344 155 1.397 156 1.468 157 1.626 158 1.877 159 1.928 160 1.953 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 Zgrid (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 556.9 591.3 600.8 613.4 631.4 652.8 664.3 670.6 551.5 588.6 596.9 608.8 625.3 637.0 647.2 651.4 551.9 583.7 592.7 603.7 620.4 635.9 648.6 653.9 H.R.Tw (K) 555.6 589.5 597.5 609.4 629.2 651.8 664.7 669.9 5316.6 6024.9 6145.2 6324.0 6681.5 7269.3 7394.7 7454.3 5342.5 6031.2 6139.5 6299.0 6646.5 7211.4 7326.7 7384.0 5320.8 6009.1 6117.4 6277.2 6631.3 7190.2 7304.3 7361.1 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 5353.5 6031.9 6151.1 6310.8 6665.8 7228.2 7341.7 7399.4 478.4 512.0 518.2 527.7 547.4 581.7 589.1 592.7 478.6 512.9 518.8 527.7 547.8 582.0 589.1 592.7 478.6 512.9 518.8 527.7 548.1 582.0 589.1 592.7 Tcl (K) 478.6 512.3 518.8 527.7 548.1 582.4 589.5 593.1 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 495.2 529.0 535.9 546.0 565.4 596.9 605.2 609.4 494.2 529.1 535.5 545.0 564.4 593.8 601.6 605.3 494.3 528.1 534.6 544.0 563.6 593.6 601.9 605.8 Tbulk (K) 495.1 528.8 535.6 545.2 565.5 597.3 605.6 609.5 4965 4588 4517 4418 4239 3976 3912 3881 4976 4586 4521 4427 4248 4001 3940 3912 4975 4597 4530 4438 4255 4002 3938 3908 4966 4589 4520 4426 4238 3974 3909 3880 Re (z) 86.18 96.64 94.59 93.82 101.22 130.08 125.24 121.72 93.27 101.36 100.05 98.85 109.10 167.05 160.72 160.22 92.44 108.08 105.30 105.03 116.76 169.82 156.34 152.99 h (z) (W/m2-K) 88.48 99.38 99.49 98.24 104.60 132.51 124.27 122.53 Table SC-3205-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 5.80 6.48 6.32 6.25 6.74 8.81 8.43 8.16 6.32 6.84 6.73 6.62 7.34 11.76 11.21 11.19 6.27 7.35 7.13 7.09 7.92 12.01 10.91 10.62 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 5.96 6.69 6.68 6.57 7.00 9.03 8.39 8.25 6.74% 6.71% 6.68% 6.66% 6.66% 6.78% 6.73% 6.71% 6.78% 6.75% 6.72% 6.70% 6.73% 7.04% 6.98% 6.98% 6.78% 6.81% 6.77% 6.75% 6.78% 7.07% 6.98% 6.94% Fractional Uncertainty 6.73% 6.73% 6.71% 6.69% 6.69% 6.81% 6.75% 6.74% 28.21 29.03 27.92 27.00 27.77 33.08 31.23 30.06 30.61 30.43 29.56 28.52 30.00 42.80 40.43 39.95 30.33 32.54 31.18 30.38 32.17 43.53 39.30 38.10 28.97 29.86 29.38 28.33 28.69 33.67 30.96 30.25 Nu(z) A-181 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 Channel Elevation Number (m) 161 2.245 162 2.319 163 2.370 164 2.416 165 2.540 166 2.692 167 2.791 168 3.614 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 Zgrid (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 763.3 771.9 767.4 781.9 791.7 800.5 805.5 806.6 762.2 772.6 763.8 780.8 789.0 800.3 806.4 807.4 674.1 677.9 712.4 725.2 741.7 774.7 764.5 H.R.Tw (K) 687.6 717.3 730.9 741.5 760.7 782.9 773.8 826.3 8941.0 9106.1 8313.1 7973.4 7650.5 6956.0 6295.1 5631.5 8923.3 9084.9 8338.0 7955.7 7537.2 6970.2 6301.0 5663.7 7898.8 8056.2 8281.0 8388.2 8553.6 9037.2 8671.7 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 8004.2 8170.4 8282.9 8384.9 8688.0 8974.9 8670.4 3386.5 686.7 696.6 719.4 725.8 731.8 744.2 755.5 766.1 687.0 696.6 718.5 725.8 733.6 743.9 755.5 765.8 624.4 634.5 648.9 655.7 666.0 706.0 713.3 Tcl (K) 634.5 645.0 652.1 658.6 675.9 696.6 709.7 797.4 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 703.1 712.7 729.7 737.8 744.6 756.3 766.2 774.8 703.1 712.9 728.2 737.6 745.5 756.0 766.4 774.7 635.0 643.8 662.5 670.6 682.2 720.7 724.2 Tbulk (K) 645.9 660.5 669.0 676.3 694.0 715.1 723.4 803.6 3291 3241 3156 3117 3085 3032 2988 2952 3291 3240 3163 3118 3081 3033 2988 2952 3699 3641 3522 3474 3406 3200 3183 3627 3535 3483 3440 3340 3229 3187 2835 Re (z) 148.47 153.77 220.79 180.79 162.48 157.37 160.11 176.92 151.01 152.11 234.29 184.24 173.23 157.39 157.39 173.42 202.31 236.48 165.93 153.64 143.89 167.37 215.48 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 191.79 143.62 133.79 128.69 130.35 132.34 172.06 148.88 Table SC-3205-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 9.98 10.35 16.02 12.71 11.30 11.06 11.51 13.42 10.18 10.24 17.24 13.01 12.22 11.06 11.27 13.04 14.56 17.58 11.44 10.47 9.71 11.40 15.39 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 13.65 9.76 9.01 8.63 8.71 8.85 11.92 12.73 6.72% 6.73% 7.25% 7.03% 6.95% 7.03% 7.19% 7.58% 6.74% 6.73% 7.36% 7.06% 7.05% 7.03% 7.16% 7.52% 7.20% 7.44% 6.89% 6.81% 6.75% 6.81% 7.14% Fractional Uncertainty 7.12% 6.79% 6.73% 6.70% 6.68% 6.69% 6.93% 8.55% 29.87 30.33 42.10 33.92 30.09 28.49 28.45 30.93 30.38 30.00 44.81 34.59 32.02 28.51 27.95 30.32 47.12 54.01 36.37 33.10 30.24 32.49 41.54 43.60 31.62 28.92 27.38 26.72 25.98 33.22 24.69 Nu(z) A-182 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 Channel Elevation Number (m) 73 1.273 74 1.372 75 1.445 76 1.521 77 1.676 78 1.773 79 1.852 80 1.902 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 Zgrid (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 565.1 584.5 595.3 606.9 619.7 605.6 630.6 644.0 570.6 592.0 604.6 616.1 623.0 609.5 634.2 648.2 566.3 582.2 592.2 601.9 623.6 609.8 634.6 647.7 H.R.Tw (K) 566.0 588.3 600.4 613.2 626.8 605.9 630.1 641.8 5866.7 6086.6 6249.8 6430.6 6764.8 6984.8 7159.4 7266.6 5873.9 6101.3 6276.6 6452.2 6809.4 7035.0 7210.4 7326.3 5867.4 6091.1 6251.1 6434.6 6777.3 6993.0 7170.1 7284.5 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 5906.1 6130.3 6297.2 6470.0 6822.5 7043.1 7222.0 7337.7 504.2 516.0 525.1 535.5 555.2 568.7 579.6 586.3 503.9 515.7 525.1 534.8 555.2 568.7 579.2 586.3 504.2 516.0 524.8 535.1 555.2 568.3 579.2 586.3 Tcl (K) 503.9 515.7 524.8 534.5 554.9 568.0 578.9 585.9 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 517.2 530.7 540.1 550.8 569.0 576.6 590.5 598.7 518.2 532.0 542.1 552.2 569.7 577.4 591.0 599.6 517.5 530.2 539.2 549.4 569.9 577.2 591.1 599.5 Tbulk (K) 517.2 531.2 541.0 551.3 570.3 576.1 589.8 597.9 4713 4570 4475 4373 4207 4142 4027 3963 4702 4556 4455 4359 4201 4135 4023 3956 4710 4575 4484 4385 4199 4136 4022 3956 4713 4565 4467 4367 4196 4146 4032 3968 Re (z) 122.58 113.12 113.27 114.50 133.53 240.51 178.53 160.35 112.04 101.68 100.42 101.04 127.87 219.50 167.01 150.61 120.22 117.03 118.03 122.69 126.08 214.77 164.78 150.90 h (z) (W/m2-K) 120.98 107.47 105.92 104.64 120.75 236.50 179.46 167.04 Table SC-3205-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 8.49 7.72 7.70 7.77 9.18 18.67 12.75 11.21 7.66 6.84 6.73 6.76 8.71 16.50 11.73 10.40 8.31 8.01 8.06 8.39 8.59 16.10 11.58 10.43 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 8.33 7.26 7.12 7.01 8.16 18.16 12.76 11.69 6.93% 6.82% 6.80% 6.79% 6.87% 7.76% 7.14% 6.99% 6.84% 6.73% 6.70% 6.69% 6.81% 7.52% 7.03% 6.91% 6.91% 6.85% 6.83% 6.84% 6.82% 7.50% 7.03% 6.91% Fractional Uncertainty 6.89% 6.75% 6.72% 6.70% 6.76% 7.68% 7.11% 7.00% 37.93 33.83 33.08 32.56 36.31 64.20 46.10 40.61 34.59 30.30 29.18 28.63 34.71 58.48 43.07 38.06 37.18 35.04 34.55 35.01 34.21 57.25 42.49 38.15 37.44 32.10 30.87 29.72 32.73 63.21 46.41 42.38 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3205-C Matrix test # 18 Test date – 4/14/2005 Steady state time window: 16140 - 17400 sec Inlet flow: 0.48 m3/min (17.0 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 406 K (272 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 271.7 kPa (39.4 psia) Bundle power: 14.0 kW Outlet steam temperature: 830 K (1035 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 1951 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -18.252x3 + 107.5x2 - 36.933x + 429.86 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -11.408x3 + 67.772x2 + 18.559x + 413.73 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-183 A-184 A-185 A-186 A-187 A-188 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile 2 3 y = -18.252x + 107.5x - 36.933x + 429.86 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.5 4 Elevation (m) Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -11.408x3 + 67.772x2 + 18.559x + 413.73 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-189 2.5 3 A-190 Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4_110 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 Channel Elevation Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 H.R. 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 Zgrid 621.1 808.2 815.1 822.8 829.1 832.2 837.1 837.3 706.9 726.0 750.7 774.1 845.0 713.9 730.6 743.4 756.5 780.5 794.1 798.4 847.4 713.7 729.9 743.5 755.6 779.3 794.0 797.3 846.4 (K) 707.7 727.9 741.0 754.9 778.5 794.4 800.1 844.7 H.R.Tw 3171.3 3847.5 3700.3 3473.0 3151.7 2859.3 2432.5 2155.0 3797.2 3864.4 3964.3 4096.5 1519.0 3842.0 3921.1 3969.1 4017.7 4140.4 4298.6 4155.1 1508.5 572.9 779.8 785.9 794.9 806.4 815.6 826.0 832.2 682.3 694.3 711.5 734.1 838.9 681.9 694.7 702.7 711.1 730.9 753.8 767.8 838.8 682.3 693.9 703.6 711.5 730.9 753.8 767.8 838.9 (K) 681.9 694.7 702.3 711.5 730.9 753.8 767.8 838.8 (W/m2) 3813.7 3890.9 3935.3 3990.6 4110.8 4264.2 4200.3 1431.4 3844.6 3917.3 3975.9 4024.6 4144.5 4305.4 4171.6 1558.1 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction 589.0 789.3 795.6 804.2 814.0 821.1 829.7 833.9 690.5 704.9 724.6 747.4 840.9 692.5 706.7 716.3 726.2 747.4 767.2 778.0 841.7 692.8 705.9 716.9 726.2 747.0 767.2 777.6 841.4 (K) 690.5 705.8 715.2 726.0 746.8 767.4 778.5 840.8 Tbulk 1444 1034 1025 1013 1000 990 979 974 1201 1173 1137 1098 965 1197 1170 1152 1134 1098 1067 1051 964 1197 1171 1151 1135 1099 1067 1051 964 1201 1172 1154 1135 1100 1067 1050 965 Re (z) Table SC-3205-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data h (z) 98.78 203.53 190.18 186.90 208.43 258.44 330.99 627.81 231.58 182.57 151.48 153.31 376.85 180.01 163.71 146.48 132.67 125.28 160.31 203.70 263.47 183.41 162.95 149.43 136.75 128.49 160.71 212.05 311.07 (W/m2-K) 221.51 175.97 152.68 137.81 129.64 157.58 195.07 362.07 ±σhtc 11.56 25.93 24.08 23.85 27.98 38.83 62.13 213.57 30.45 22.74 18.31 18.53 112.02 22.22 19.84 17.48 15.66 14.69 19.20 25.49 59.43 22.71 19.73 17.87 16.18 15.09 19.23 26.67 77.21 (W/m2-K) 28.70 21.68 18.41 16.41 15.32 18.94 24.04 110.21 Fractional 11.70% 12.74% 12.66% 12.76% 13.42% 15.02% 18.77% 34.02% 13.15% 12.46% 12.09% 12.09% 29.72% 12.34% 12.12% 11.93% 11.80% 11.73% 11.98% 12.51% 22.56% 12.38% 12.11% 11.96% 11.83% 11.75% 11.97% 12.58% 24.82% Uncertainty 12.96% 12.32% 12.06% 11.91% 11.82% 12.02% 12.32% 30.44% 25.60 34.64 31.99 30.96 33.93 41.54 52.40 98.67 47.82 36.60 29.18 28.23 58.51 37.02 32.70 28.69 25.47 23.07 28.42 35.40 40.86 37.70 32.60 29.23 26.26 23.68 28.50 36.87 48.27 45.75 35.21 29.97 26.47 23.90 27.93 33.86 56.24 Nu(z) A-191 Number 225 226 227 229 230 231 232 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 (m) 1.618 2.885 2.939 3.117 3.218 3.343 3.447 Channel Elevation Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 H.R. 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 Zgrid 567.7 588.4 600.2 612.0 630.1 632.7 649.8 661.6 682.2 695.3 706.9 731.7 743.8 760.0 795.2 616.3 800.4 807.7 815.7 822.3 826.5 844.9 839.5 (K) 625.7 804.4 813.1 829.2 833.3 836.6 841.0 H.R.Tw 2771.9 2886.4 2960.6 3044.4 3207.6 3309.9 3388.3 3442.1 3562.1 3716.9 3790.8 3888.3 3937.1 4002.7 4208.4 3160.1 3854.1 3716.8 3469.2 3179.4 2884.5 2520.6 2216.2 (W/m ) 3066.5 3728.1 3580.5 3071.6 2785.0 2440.8 2140.2 2 H.R. q'' 519.0 534.7 545.9 558.7 584.5 601.0 614.2 623.0 644.7 670.2 682.7 699.4 707.7 719.3 763.6 573.8 779.8 785.6 795.5 806.1 815.8 825.9 832.2 (K) 574.2 779.8 786.5 806.4 816.0 825.9 832.3 Tcl 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction 535.2 552.6 564.0 576.4 599.7 611.6 626.0 635.9 657.2 678.6 690.8 710.1 719.8 732.8 774.1 588.0 786.7 792.9 802.2 811.5 819.4 832.2 834.6 (K) 591.4 788.0 795.4 814.0 821.8 829.4 835.2 Tbulk 1618 1557 1520 1481 1414 1382 1345 1321 1271 1225 1201 1164 1146 1123 1056 1447 1038 1029 1016 1003 992 976 973 1437 1036 1025 1000 989 979 972 Re (z) Table SC-3205-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 85.32 80.70 81.81 85.61 105.44 156.73 142.83 133.91 142.46 221.29 235.51 180.56 163.79 147.58 199.65 111.45 281.77 252.36 256.98 295.68 404.95 198.22 454.60 (W/m -K) 89.41 228.19 201.87 202.36 242.46 341.89 368.82 2 h (z) 10.05 9.43 9.56 10.01 12.48 19.43 17.44 16.17 17.30 28.94 31.16 22.45 20.03 17.80 24.97 13.23 39.14 34.22 35.77 44.96 77.29 27.83 114.29 (W/m -K) 10.64 30.56 26.45 27.46 36.13 65.39 81.33 2 ±σhtc 11.78% 11.69% 11.68% 11.69% 11.84% 12.40% 12.21% 12.08% 12.14% 13.08% 13.23% 12.43% 12.23% 12.06% 12.51% 11.87% 13.89% 13.56% 13.92% 15.20% 19.09% 14.04% 25.14% Uncertainty 11.90% 13.39% 13.10% 13.57% 14.90% 19.12% 22.05% Fractional 25.23 22.85 22.52 22.86 26.64 38.51 33.95 31.13 31.59 46.86 48.61 35.81 31.85 27.97 34.95 28.95 48.18 42.66 42.72 48.34 65.28 31.24 71.36 23.04 38.93 33.98 32.94 38.92 54.15 57.84 Nu(z) A-192 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 Channel Elevation Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 Zgrid 547.0 584.6 593.3 604.0 623.8 654.4 663.8 668.9 544.1 580.3 587.7 598.5 616.9 641.3 650.4 654.3 543.1 579.3 588.2 599.2 617.8 643.4 654.5 659.3 (K) 547.9 585.6 592.9 603.9 623.6 652.6 663.4 668.0 H.R.Tw 2501.5 2845.6 2899.7 2983.1 3153.8 3432.3 3488.6 3516.4 2517.9 2852.0 2903.6 2980.1 3146.3 3407.8 3458.1 3483.3 493.4 533.0 540.1 550.9 573.2 611.1 619.3 623.1 493.7 534.1 540.8 550.9 573.6 611.5 619.3 623.1 493.7 534.1 540.8 550.9 574.0 611.5 619.3 623.1 (K) 493.7 533.3 540.8 550.9 574.0 611.9 619.6 623.5 (W/m2) 2520.5 2848.8 2905.3 2980.8 3147.9 3412.8 3466.3 3492.8 2508.3 2841.7 2893.8 2969.2 3137.6 3400.9 3454.3 3479.4 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction 511.3 550.2 557.8 568.6 590.1 625.6 634.1 638.4 510.5 549.5 556.4 566.8 588.1 621.4 629.7 633.5 510.1 549.1 556.6 567.0 588.6 622.2 631.0 635.2 (K) 511.7 550.8 558.2 568.6 590.5 625.5 634.2 638.3 Tbulk 1708.5 1565.4 1540.0 1505.4 1441.1 1345.9 1324.9 1314.6 1711.6 1567.8 1544.5 1511.2 1446.9 1356.3 1335.8 1326.2 1713.1 1569.0 1543.9 1510.4 1445.4 1354.5 1332.4 1322.2 1706.6 1563.4 1538.8 1505.4 1439.8 1346.2 1324.6 1314.7 Re (z) Table SC-3205-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 69.89 82.76 81.80 84.33 93.61 118.92 117.49 115.27 74.85 92.41 92.90 94.10 108.88 171.49 166.39 167.43 76.19 94.27 91.55 92.32 107.35 159.74 147.01 144.25 (W/m2-K) 69.78 81.74 83.67 84.36 95.18 125.73 118.84 117.86 ±σhtc 8.23 9.71 9.58 9.87 10.97 14.12 13.91 13.61 8.83 10.94 10.99 11.11 12.96 21.52 20.78 20.91 9.02 11.21 10.84 10.91 12.79 19.82 18.01 17.61 (W/m2-K) 8.18 9.58 9.81 9.88 11.19 15.09 14.15 14.02 Fractional 11.78% 11.74% 11.71% 11.70% 11.72% 11.87% 11.84% 11.81% 11.79% 11.84% 11.83% 11.81% 11.90% 12.55% 12.49% 12.49% 11.84% 11.89% 11.84% 11.82% 11.91% 12.41% 12.25% 12.21% Uncertainty 11.72% 11.72% 11.72% 11.71% 11.76% 12.00% 11.91% 11.89% 21.96 23.57 22.86 22.95 24.20 28.30 27.42 26.65 23.56 26.36 26.05 25.73 28.28 41.19 39.23 39.13 24.00 26.92 25.66 25.22 27.84 38.31 34.55 33.58 21.89 23.25 23.36 22.96 24.57 29.93 27.73 27.25 Nu(z) A-193 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 Channel Elevation Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 Zgrid 764.2 773.8 792.9 799.7 804.5 843.3 814.7 819.5 763.2 772.4 790.6 800.2 805.9 813.8 819.0 822.2 688.5 695.1 719.3 730.6 746.8 784.6 789.6 (K) 705.4 722.3 731.8 739.8 757.7 779.7 785.1 832.8 H.R.Tw 4194.7 4265.8 3894.2 3735.3 3579.3 1519.0 2935.0 2620.5 4192.6 4264.8 3911.4 3720.5 3526.0 3251.7 2928.6 2624.1 722.2 732.3 755.2 761.5 767.4 779.5 790.2 800.1 722.6 732.3 754.3 761.5 769.2 779.2 790.2 799.9 657.2 667.9 683.1 690.2 701.0 741.8 749.1 (K) 667.9 679.0 686.5 693.2 711.2 732.3 745.5 827.5 (W/m2) 3769.2 3840.9 3887.2 3931.9 4049.8 4199.4 4063.4 1547.3 3730.6 3802.2 3902.6 3949.3 4020.0 4231.7 4057.9 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction 736.2 746.1 767.8 774.3 779.8 800.7 798.3 806.6 736.1 745.7 766.4 774.4 781.4 790.7 799.8 807.3 667.6 677.0 695.2 703.7 716.2 756.1 762.6 (K) 680.4 693.4 701.6 708.7 726.7 748.1 758.7 829.3 Tbulk 1117.2 1100.6 1066.0 1056.2 1047.9 1017.8 1021.1 1009.7 1117.3 1101.3 1068.2 1055.9 1045.4 1032.0 1019.1 1008.7 1248.3 1228.6 1192.0 1175.6 1152.3 1084.4 1074.1 1221.5 1195.4 1179.6 1166.1 1133.7 1097.3 1080.3 979.6 Re (z) Table SC-3205-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 149.83 154.39 155.11 146.88 144.66 35.68 179.64 202.58 154.63 159.63 161.50 144.55 144.11 140.99 152.18 176.42 178.60 210.16 161.86 146.68 131.67 148.23 150.16 (W/m2-K) 150.72 132.91 128.74 126.53 130.43 132.83 153.79 441.08 ±σhtc 17.91 18.50 18.87 17.84 17.65 7.48 23.79 28.86 18.57 19.21 19.76 17.57 17.62 17.41 19.43 24.03 22.25 26.96 19.73 17.64 15.65 17.73 18.06 (W/m2-K) 18.36 15.93 15.38 15.08 15.58 15.86 18.77 147.61 Fractional 11.96% 11.98% 12.16% 12.14% 12.20% 20.96% 13.24% 14.25% 12.01% 12.03% 12.23% 12.15% 12.23% 12.35% 12.77% 13.62% 12.46% 12.83% 12.19% 12.03% 11.88% 11.96% 12.03% Uncertainty 12.18% 11.99% 11.95% 11.92% 11.94% 11.94% 12.20% 33.47% 28.20 28.50 27.47 25.70 25.06 5.95 30.07 33.41 29.11 29.50 28.68 25.29 24.88 23.93 25.41 29.06 38.72 44.65 33.10 29.47 25.79 26.85 26.86 31.79 27.28 25.98 25.16 25.02 24.43 27.71 69.89 Nu(z) A-194 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 Channel Elevation Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 Zgrid 563.5 581.3 591.8 604.0 620.6 622.2 637.0 648.2 568.6 587.5 598.5 608.6 623.6 627.0 643.0 655.2 563.2 579.7 591.5 603.6 623.1 625.7 639.3 651.1 (K) 562.5 582.0 593.0 604.5 620.5 622.6 637.0 647.3 H.R.Tw 2772.2 2880.3 2958.1 3043.7 3201.8 3305.6 3386.5 3430.9 2776.9 2885.4 2970.7 3054.2 3226.1 3331.1 3409.4 3467.1 523.9 537.6 548.0 559.8 581.9 596.8 608.8 616.2 523.6 537.2 548.0 559.0 581.9 596.8 608.4 616.2 523.9 537.6 547.7 559.4 581.9 596.5 608.4 616.2 (K) 523.6 537.2 547.7 558.7 581.6 596.1 608.0 615.8 (W/m2) 2795.6 2906.1 2985.0 3068.2 3237.1 3341.0 3421.5 3476.1 2766.3 2874.0 2952.2 3039.3 3201.7 3303.5 3387.3 3439.9 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction 537.1 552.2 562.6 574.5 594.8 605.3 618.2 626.9 538.6 554.0 564.9 575.6 595.8 606.9 619.9 629.2 537.0 551.6 562.3 574.1 595.7 606.2 618.7 627.8 (K) 536.5 552.2 562.8 573.9 594.5 604.9 617.7 626.3 Tbulk 1610.8 1558.7 1524.4 1487.2 1427.6 1398.7 1364.6 1342.7 1605.5 1552.6 1517.3 1484.0 1424.8 1394.4 1360.2 1337.0 1611.1 1560.5 1525.5 1488.3 1425.2 1396.2 1363.3 1340.3 1612.8 1558.7 1524.0 1488.9 1428.4 1399.7 1365.9 1344.2 Re (z) Table SC-3205-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 105.20 98.89 101.39 103.30 124.13 195.96 179.95 160.43 92.50 86.12 88.32 92.37 116.21 165.78 148.04 133.25 105.59 102.36 101.04 103.10 116.62 169.54 164.49 147.49 (W/m2-K) 107.83 97.29 98.87 100.39 124.61 189.16 177.18 165.60 ±σhtc 12.67 11.77 12.06 12.28 14.97 25.48 22.83 19.95 10.97 10.11 10.35 10.84 13.83 20.68 18.05 16.01 12.74 12.24 12.03 12.26 13.96 21.35 20.50 18.06 (W/m2-K) 12.94 11.48 11.66 11.82 14.91 24.18 22.23 20.45 Fractional 12.04% 11.90% 11.90% 11.89% 12.06% 13.00% 12.69% 12.44% 11.86% 11.74% 11.72% 11.73% 11.90% 12.47% 12.19% 12.01% 12.06% 11.96% 11.90% 11.89% 11.97% 12.59% 12.46% 12.25% Uncertainty 12.00% 11.80% 11.79% 11.77% 11.97% 12.78% 12.54% 12.35% 30.96 28.03 28.00 27.72 31.72 48.86 43.55 38.06 27.12 24.30 24.26 24.72 29.63 41.18 35.68 31.45 31.08 29.05 27.93 27.69 29.75 42.19 39.76 34.92 31.77 27.57 27.30 26.97 31.87 47.21 42.93 39.34 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3209-A Matrix test # 6 Test date – 4/21/2005 Steady state time window: 10020 - 11100 sec Inlet flow: 2.26 m3/min (79.9 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 410 K (279 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 271.7 kPa (39.4 psia) Bundle power: 50.0 kW Outlet steam temperature: 805 K (990 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 8971 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -15.264x3 + 96.728x2 - 46.606x + 437.45 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -10.909x3 + 72.459x2 - 16.805x + 428.65 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-195 A-196 A-197 A-198 A-199 A-200 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -15.264x 3 + 96.728x 2 - 46.606x + 437.45 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.5 4 Elevation (m) Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -10.909x 3 + 72.459x 2 - 16.805x + 428.65 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-201 2.5 3 A-202 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4_110 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 Channel Elevation Number (m) 185 2.243 186 2.319 187 2.365 188 2.421 189 2.543 190 2.695 191 2.794 192 3.609 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 Zgrid (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 639.4 806.2 820.8 832.9 840.1 839.3 817.4 827.1 700.6 733.3 764.3 790.4 832.3 707.8 741.4 756.1 768.4 789.3 810.7 796.7 841.2 705.7 738.5 752.4 766.7 788.2 813.1 795.3 846.6 H.R.Tw (K) 699.6 737.4 753.4 768.6 792.3 815.3 800.7 831.6 10974.8 13520.8 13016.8 12220.9 11106.7 10100.1 8731.5 7693.6 13256.6 13512.9 13888.6 14399.6 5471.6 13469.7 13758.0 13939.3 14129.9 14599.0 15171.8 14651.6 5422.4 13513.0 13773.4 13995.1 14177.7 14642.3 15220.6 14730.7 5602.9 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 13353.3 13638.7 13809.0 14017.8 14470.6 15036.0 14848.0 5162.5 549.5 741.6 747.8 757.3 769.7 780.0 792.6 800.7 647.7 658.8 674.9 696.4 811.9 647.3 659.2 666.7 674.5 693.4 715.6 729.4 811.6 647.7 658.4 667.5 674.9 693.4 715.6 729.4 811.8 Tcl (K) 647.3 659.2 666.3 674.9 693.4 715.6 729.4 811.6 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 564.5 752.4 760.0 773.5 784.7 792.7 797.9 806.4 656.5 671.2 689.8 712.1 816.3 657.4 672.9 681.6 690.2 709.4 731.5 740.6 818.0 657.4 671.8 681.6 690.2 709.2 731.9 740.4 819.2 Tbulk (K) 656.0 672.2 680.8 690.5 709.9 732.2 741.3 815.9 7060 5070 5013 4916 4838 4785 4751 4696 5918 5769 5591 5393 4634 5909 5752 5668 5588 5416 5232 5160 4623 5909 5763 5668 5588 5418 5229 5162 4615 5923 5759 5676 5585 5412 5226 5154 4636 Re (z) Table SC-3209-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data 146.52 251.00 214.14 205.51 200.72 216.77 446.54 371.44 300.33 217.67 186.49 183.75 341.49 267.01 200.94 187.00 180.61 182.54 191.38 261.35 232.95 279.33 206.29 197.65 185.42 185.21 187.30 268.41 204.51 h (z) (W/m2-K) 306.06 209.20 190.33 179.59 175.44 180.95 249.80 328.45 6.74 12.41 10.27 11.94 11.77 13.11 38.12 30.61 15.81 10.41 8.62 8.43 33.29 13.40 9.37 8.60 8.24 8.30 8.71 12.76 18.14 14.19 9.66 9.16 8.48 8.43 8.49 13.15 14.67 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 16.14 9.88 8.81 8.22 7.97 8.21 11.98 32.62 4.60% 4.94% 4.80% 5.81% 5.87% 6.05% 8.54% 8.24% 5.26% 4.78% 4.62% 4.59% 9.75% 5.02% 4.67% 4.60% 4.56% 4.55% 4.55% 4.88% 7.79% 5.08% 4.68% 4.63% 4.57% 4.55% 4.53% 4.90% 7.17% Fractional Uncertainty 5.27% 4.72% 4.63% 4.58% 4.54% 4.54% 4.79% 9.93% 40.28 45.78 38.50 36.02 34.45 36.66 74.81 61.28 66.70 46.82 38.57 36.30 55.36 59.19 43.07 39.35 37.32 36.26 36.36 48.77 37.65 61.92 44.33 41.58 38.32 36.80 35.56 50.11 32.98 68.04 44.90 40.12 37.08 34.81 34.33 46.55 53.28 Nu(z) A-203 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 Channel Elevation Number (m) 225 1.618 226 2.885 227 2.939 229 3.117 230 3.218 231 3.343 232 3.447 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 H.R. Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 Zgrid (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 586.3 610.0 622.1 631.0 646.5 625.4 660.2 677.8 687.5 694.0 700.3 741.8 749.5 771.7 810.6 633.2 797.2 808.4 816.4 825.7 828.2 806.5 820.8 H.R.Tw (K) 643.4 805.4 823.6 844.3 843.0 821.1 834.0 9749.0 10131.7 10392.2 10681.9 11255.3 11614.7 11893.5 12079.7 12488.9 13033.4 13302.4 13664.6 13851.3 14113.1 14877.2 11031.6 13611.1 13139.8 12275.7 11257.4 10215.3 8913.2 7869.2 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 10773.7 13199.4 12670.8 10906.0 9898.0 8665.6 7635.1 503.0 516.4 526.1 537.1 559.6 574.2 585.9 593.8 613.3 636.5 648.1 663.5 671.4 682.3 725.2 550.2 741.6 747.5 757.9 769.4 780.2 792.3 800.7 Tcl (K) 550.6 741.6 748.5 769.7 780.5 792.3 800.9 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 516.9 532.0 542.1 552.7 574.1 582.7 598.3 607.8 625.6 646.1 656.8 676.6 684.4 697.2 739.4 564.1 750.9 757.6 770.4 781.4 790.5 795.4 805.0 Tbulk (K) 566.1 752.2 761.0 785.6 793.9 798.5 808.0 7840 7575 7408 7239 6921 6800 6593 6472 6257 6028 5915 5716 5642 5524 5169 7066 5081 5030 4938 4861 4799 4767 4704 7037 5071 5006 4832 4777 4747 4685 Re (z) 140.43 130.01 129.82 136.38 155.41 272.05 192.06 172.52 201.94 272.16 305.68 209.40 212.91 189.28 209.12 159.56 293.74 258.96 267.09 254.27 271.04 800.97 499.09 h (z) (W/m2-K) 139.29 248.40 202.24 186.04 201.47 383.38 293.87 Table SC-3209-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 6.53 5.94 5.91 6.23 7.18 14.38 9.17 8.04 9.66 13.93 16.16 9.90 10.08 8.74 9.73 7.43 15.17 12.99 16.21 15.54 17.25 102.88 48.96 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 6.42 12.41 9.71 10.85 12.09 30.16 21.52 4.65% 4.57% 4.55% 4.57% 4.62% 5.28% 4.78% 4.66% 4.78% 5.12% 5.29% 4.73% 4.73% 4.62% 4.65% 4.66% 5.16% 5.02% 6.07% 6.11% 6.37% 12.84% 9.81% Fractional Uncertainty 4.61% 5.00% 4.80% 5.83% 6.00% 7.87% 7.32% 43.49 38.75 37.73 38.60 41.74 71.56 48.69 42.77 48.04 61.85 67.84 44.53 44.53 38.55 39.11 43.91 53.74 46.76 47.08 43.90 46.02 134.80 82.54 38.15 45.32 36.29 31.87 34.00 64.16 48.34 Nu(z) A-204 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 Channel Elevation Number (m) 153 1.041 154 1.344 155 1.397 156 1.468 157 1.626 158 1.877 159 1.928 160 1.953 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 Zgrid (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 562.4 605.6 615.1 627.5 644.1 669.9 680.9 687.7 560.3 604.0 611.4 621.6 634.0 656.3 668.1 672.9 558.5 597.1 605.8 615.8 631.1 653.9 668.3 673.8 H.R.Tw (K) 565.6 607.0 615.9 627.4 642.1 669.9 684.2 690.2 8808.9 9984.0 10181.1 10476.7 11069.9 12047.7 12253.7 12352.7 8843.9 9988.2 10167.2 10430.5 11008.5 11945.5 12133.7 12227.7 8808.5 9951.5 10130.5 10395.3 10982.2 11911.3 12100.6 12195.3 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 8865.3 9993.1 10191.4 10456.1 11044.0 11981.4 12169.8 12264.2 477.2 510.1 516.2 525.6 545.3 579.5 587.0 590.6 477.4 511.0 516.8 525.6 545.6 579.9 587.0 590.6 477.4 511.0 516.8 525.6 545.9 579.9 587.0 590.6 Tcl (K) 477.4 510.4 516.8 525.6 545.9 580.3 587.4 591.0 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 491.4 526.0 532.7 542.6 561.7 594.6 602.7 606.8 491.2 526.5 532.6 541.6 560.3 592.6 600.6 604.3 490.9 525.4 531.7 540.7 560.1 592.2 600.6 604.5 Tbulk (K) 492.1 526.5 533.4 542.6 562.0 595.2 603.5 607.5 8331 7678 7563 7399 7101 6640 6536 6484 8334 7669 7565 7415 7122 6666 6563 6515 8340 7689 7581 7431 7125 6672 6563 6513 8316 7670 7552 7399 7098 6633 6525 6475 Re (z) 124.05 125.46 123.56 123.46 134.45 159.96 156.58 152.68 128.09 128.95 129.08 130.45 149.44 187.58 179.56 178.40 130.30 138.77 136.71 138.32 154.74 193.07 178.73 175.89 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 120.60 124.23 123.41 123.25 137.81 160.39 150.78 148.39 Table SC-3209-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 5.77 5.72 5.60 5.58 6.09 7.35 7.15 6.94 5.98 5.91 5.90 5.95 6.89 8.91 8.43 8.35 6.11 6.44 6.31 6.37 7.19 9.24 8.40 8.23 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 5.57 5.65 5.60 5.57 6.27 7.40 6.87 6.74 4.65% 4.56% 4.54% 4.52% 4.53% 4.59% 4.57% 4.54% 4.67% 4.58% 4.57% 4.56% 4.61% 4.75% 4.70% 4.68% 4.69% 4.64% 4.62% 4.60% 4.65% 4.79% 4.70% 4.68% Fractional Uncertainty 4.62% 4.55% 4.54% 4.52% 4.55% 4.61% 4.56% 4.54% 41.01 37.96 36.76 35.83 37.21 40.90 39.28 37.94 42.36 38.97 38.42 37.95 41.51 48.19 45.27 44.58 43.12 42.06 40.78 40.34 43.00 49.65 45.06 43.94 39.79 37.54 36.66 35.77 38.12 40.95 37.75 36.81 Nu(z) A-205 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 Channel Elevation Number (m) 161 2.245 162 2.319 163 2.370 164 2.416 165 2.540 166 2.692 167 2.791 168 3.614 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 Zgrid (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 783.1 789.4 780.5 799.9 810.4 818.6 821.0 820.2 785.5 793.1 781.7 802.3 811.6 822.6 824.5 822.6 688.7 693.7 735.1 749.5 766.7 797.3 774.7 H.R.Tw (K) 701.5 736.7 749.3 762.1 783.6 806.1 785.9 841.2 14829.5 15100.9 13775.7 13211.4 12673.5 11514.9 10412.6 9311.8 14786.6 15051.0 13808.9 13164.9 12465.1 11511.4 10392.8 9333.3 13072.3 13333.4 13705.7 13882.7 14153.9 14947.7 14338.0 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 13249.3 13514.3 13696.4 13861.0 14308.1 14856.5 14381.8 5558.5 685.6 695.7 719.1 725.6 731.7 744.4 756.0 766.9 686.0 695.7 718.1 725.6 733.6 744.1 756.0 766.7 622.5 632.7 647.3 654.2 664.7 705.3 712.8 Tcl (K) 632.7 643.3 650.6 657.1 674.7 695.7 709.1 799.4 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 701.9 711.3 729.3 738.0 744.8 756.8 769.9 778.3 702.6 712.0 728.7 738.4 746.6 757.2 770.7 778.7 633.6 642.9 661.9 670.1 681.7 720.7 723.1 Tbulk (K) 644.2 658.9 667.0 674.6 692.8 714.1 721.9 808.3 5482 5399 5250 5180 5127 5037 4941 4882 5476 5394 5255 5177 5114 5034 4936 4880 6166 6063 5862 5780 5668 5321 5300 6048 5893 5810 5736 5564 5376 5310 4683 Re (z) 182.68 193.59 268.89 213.34 193.33 186.36 203.67 222.52 178.40 185.53 260.66 205.86 191.71 176.12 193.18 212.27 236.90 262.53 187.23 174.72 166.39 195.15 277.57 h (z) (W/m2-K) 231.34 173.63 166.54 158.47 157.70 161.63 224.48 169.32 Table SC-3209-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 8.30 8.85 13.47 10.19 9.12 8.91 12.13 13.84 8.09 8.44 12.94 9.77 9.07 8.33 11.41 13.05 11.63 13.19 8.66 7.98 7.53 8.95 13.86 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 11.27 7.97 7.59 7.16 7.10 7.27 10.69 11.31 4.54% 4.57% 5.01% 4.78% 4.72% 4.78% 5.96% 6.22% 4.54% 4.55% 4.97% 4.75% 4.73% 4.73% 5.91% 6.15% 4.91% 5.02% 4.63% 4.57% 4.53% 4.59% 4.99% Fractional Uncertainty 4.87% 4.59% 4.56% 4.52% 4.50% 4.50% 4.76% 6.68% 36.84 38.30 51.31 40.02 35.78 33.71 35.93 38.64 35.93 36.66 49.80 38.58 35.36 31.83 34.03 36.84 55.36 60.08 41.09 37.68 35.00 37.89 53.62 52.79 38.36 36.15 33.84 32.41 31.79 43.47 27.84 Nu(z) A-206 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 Channel Elevation Number (m) 73 1.273 74 1.372 75 1.445 76 1.521 77 1.676 78 1.773 79 1.852 80 1.902 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 Zgrid (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 579.7 599.9 611.0 619.8 634.2 615.4 648.0 663.5 584.8 604.7 615.3 623.2 630.4 617.6 650.2 650.2 581.0 595.2 605.4 612.0 637.4 618.5 651.1 666.4 H.R.Tw (K) 578.4 599.9 612.7 622.3 633.5 613.3 645.3 658.8 9725.9 10090.6 10362.2 10660.8 11214.3 11579.2 11867.7 12044.0 9725.8 10102.4 10391.6 10681.5 11272.1 11649.5 11938.0 11938.0 9722.3 10090.6 10355.4 10658.9 11226.7 11588.6 11881.6 12070.2 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 9779.8 10152.0 10429.1 10714.9 11298.6 11663.4 11958.2 12149.0 502.4 514.1 523.1 533.4 553.1 566.5 577.4 584.2 502.1 513.8 523.1 532.7 553.1 566.5 577.1 584.2 502.4 514.1 522.8 533.0 553.1 566.2 577.1 584.2 Tcl (K) 502.1 513.8 522.8 532.4 552.7 565.8 576.7 583.8 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 515.3 528.4 537.7 547.8 566.6 574.7 589.2 597.4 515.9 528.9 538.5 547.8 565.9 575.0 589.3 595.2 515.5 527.6 536.6 546.2 567.1 574.9 589.4 597.9 Tbulk (K) 514.8 528.1 537.8 547.4 566.2 573.7 588.1 596.3 7870 7637 7479 7316 7029 6913 6712 6604 7858 7628 7467 7316 7039 6907 6711 6633 7865 7651 7499 7341 7021 6909 6709 6598 7878 7642 7478 7323 7035 6926 6726 6618 Re (z) 151.07 141.16 141.45 147.96 165.88 284.06 201.74 182.24 141.22 133.33 135.24 141.61 174.94 273.89 195.75 216.82 148.44 149.31 150.32 162.03 159.67 265.91 192.66 176.19 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 153.79 141.51 139.13 143.01 167.84 294.73 209.34 194.41 Table SC-3209-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 7.14 6.54 6.53 6.85 7.77 15.28 9.72 8.60 6.59 6.12 6.19 6.50 8.25 14.48 9.37 10.69 6.99 6.99 7.01 7.62 7.42 13.96 9.21 8.25 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 7.27 6.54 6.39 6.56 7.84 16.01 10.13 9.25 4.73% 4.64% 4.62% 4.63% 4.68% 5.38% 4.82% 4.72% 4.66% 4.59% 4.58% 4.59% 4.72% 5.29% 4.79% 4.93% 4.71% 4.68% 4.67% 4.70% 4.65% 5.25% 4.78% 4.68% Fractional Uncertainty 4.73% 4.62% 4.59% 4.59% 4.67% 5.43% 4.84% 4.76% 46.97 42.46 41.55 42.39 45.37 76.18 52.25 46.29 43.84 40.05 39.66 40.57 47.93 73.39 50.69 55.36 46.13 45.00 44.29 46.61 43.62 71.28 49.88 44.71 47.88 42.59 40.87 41.01 45.95 79.23 54.36 49.51 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3214-A Matrix test # 7 Test date – 4/26/2005 Steady state time window: 11000 - 11500 sec Inlet flow: 3.54 m3/min (125.0 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 417 K (291 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 271.7 kPa (39.4 psia) Bundle power: 70.0 kW Outlet steam temperature: 775 K (936 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 13508 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -13.233x3 + 84.376x2 - 38.8x + 441.58 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -9.9912x3 + 67.516x2 - 20.267x + 434.51 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-207 A-208 A-209 A-210 A-211 A-212 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile 3 2 1.5 2 y = -13.233x + 84.376x - 38.8x + 441.58 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.5 4 Elevation (m) Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile 3 y = -9.9912x + 67.516x2 - 20.267x + 434.51 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-213 2.5 3 A-214 Channel Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4_110 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 Elevation 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 Zgrid 635.4 798.5 814.0 826.0 827.5 823.5 797.5 811.3 695.7 732.0 760.8 780.7 817.3 701.6 736.8 751.8 763.5 780.3 800.5 781.4 822.1 697.2 733.9 748.1 762.5 777.4 798.5 779.5 826.5 (K) 692.1 733.1 748.6 762.3 781.1 804.0 787.4 812.9 H.R.Tw 15423.1 19007.8 18304.8 17191.2 15633.5 14222.5 12290.7 10845.2 18619.1 18980.8 19508.3 20228.1 7725.9 18903.0 19304.5 19559.5 19829.2 20485.2 21290.2 20564.4 7643.7 542.6 714.2 719.8 728.3 739.6 749.0 760.6 768.2 630.0 640.0 654.4 673.6 778.8 629.7 640.3 647.0 654.0 670.9 690.8 703.2 778.5 630.0 639.6 647.7 654.4 670.9 690.8 703.2 778.6 (K) 629.7 640.3 646.7 654.4 670.9 690.8 703.2 778.5 (W/m2) 18761.1 19161.2 19398.5 19693.5 20328.5 21127.6 20862.5 7299.3 18971.4 19336.7 19648.6 19906.8 20558.8 21373.2 20682.6 7908.6 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 558.1 728.2 735.5 744.6 754.3 761.4 766.7 775.4 641.0 655.3 672.1 691.4 785.2 641.7 656.4 664.5 672.3 689.1 709.1 716.3 785.8 641.2 655.3 664.4 672.4 688.6 708.7 715.9 786.6 (K) 640.1 655.8 663.7 672.4 689.3 709.7 717.2 784.2 Tbulk 11298 8302 8210 8097 7982 7898 7837 7741 9604 9362 9094 8804 7634 9593 9344 9214 9091 8838 8555 8458 7628 9600 9362 9214 9089 8845 8560 8463 7619 9620 9354 9227 9090 8836 8547 8445 7644 Re (z) Table SC-3214-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data h(z) 199.58 270.76 233.32 211.31 213.45 229.11 399.99 301.58 340.29 247.47 219.92 226.56 240.84 315.63 240.06 223.92 217.35 224.68 232.91 315.43 210.39 339.08 246.25 234.91 220.91 231.62 238.24 325.16 198.38 (W/m2-K) 360.94 247.83 228.27 218.90 221.22 223.89 297.26 254.82 ±σhtc 8.38 11.62 9.79 8.81 9.06 10.08 23.49 16.23 15.57 10.44 9.07 9.33 13.85 14.03 10.01 9.22 8.89 9.19 9.53 13.74 11.36 15.36 10.31 9.73 9.05 9.51 9.76 14.23 10.20 (W/m2-K) 16.76 10.42 9.45 8.99 9.06 9.13 12.70 15.76 Fractional 4.20% 4.29% 4.20% 4.17% 4.24% 4.40% 5.87% 5.38% 4.57% 4.22% 4.12% 4.12% 5.75% 4.45% 4.17% 4.12% 4.09% 4.09% 4.09% 4.36% 5.40% 4.53% 4.19% 4.14% 4.10% 4.10% 4.10% 4.38% 5.14% Uncertainty 4.64% 4.21% 4.14% 4.11% 4.09% 4.08% 4.27% 6.19% 55.74 51.77 43.98 39.13 38.79 41.07 70.99 52.66 78.21 55.10 47.22 46.70 41.30 72.43 53.32 48.87 46.65 46.53 46.29 61.78 36.04 77.89 54.83 51.28 47.40 48.02 47.38 63.73 33.93 83.12 55.12 49.91 46.97 45.80 44.44 58.11 43.77 Nu(z) A-215 Channel Number 225 226 227 229 230 231 232 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 H.R. Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 (m) 1.618 2.885 2.939 3.117 3.218 3.343 3.447 Elevation 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 Zgrid 587.9 609.6 617.4 623.7 640.9 621.2 657.7 674.1 676.1 682.4 690.9 732.3 738.4 762.6 797.5 627.7 795.7 806.4 813.4 817.8 815.3 790.4 808.0 (K) 634.2 793.9 813.9 826.0 824.5 802.0 818.2 H.R.Tw 13688.9 14228.2 14597.1 15004.3 15806.0 16305.7 16699.0 16961.5 17540.5 18300.9 18683.9 19196.5 19459.5 19826.0 20901.8 15492.4 19120.9 18463.5 17256.6 15831.9 14371.2 12543.2 11082.0 (W/m ) 15122.1 18536.2 17796.8 15329.3 13920.3 12190.0 10745.5 2 H.R. q'' 501.3 513.3 521.8 531.6 551.7 564.6 575.0 582.0 599.4 620.1 630.4 644.2 651.2 660.9 699.4 543.3 714.2 719.5 728.9 739.4 749.3 760.4 768.2 (K) 543.6 714.2 720.4 739.6 749.5 760.4 768.4 Tcl 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 515.7 529.3 537.7 546.9 566.5 574.0 588.8 597.4 612.2 630.5 640.5 658.9 665.7 677.9 715.8 557.4 727.8 734.0 743.0 752.4 760.3 765.4 774.8 (K) 558.7 727.5 736.0 754.0 762.0 767.3 776.7 Tbulk 12412 12032 11808 11572 11099 10928 10606 10427 10132 9791 9613 9304 9193 9005 8465 11315 8307 8228 8117 8003 7911 7852 7747 11283 8311 8204 7984 7891 7830 7726 Re (z) Table SC-3214-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 189.60 177.15 183.15 195.41 212.57 345.95 242.40 221.00 274.29 352.58 370.45 261.59 267.87 234.06 255.70 220.28 281.41 254.91 244.94 242.12 260.99 501.43 333.87 (W/m -K) 200.42 278.99 228.48 212.84 222.74 351.41 258.88 2 h(z) Fractional 8.05 7.38 7.64 8.21 8.98 16.52 10.44 9.31 12.02 16.39 17.39 11.12 11.41 9.71 10.66 9.41 12.14 10.85 10.47 10.51 11.85 33.50 18.71 4.25% 4.17% 4.17% 4.20% 4.22% 4.77% 4.31% 4.21% 4.38% 4.65% 4.69% 4.25% 4.26% 4.15% 4.17% 4.27% 4.32% 4.26% 4.28% 4.34% 4.54% 6.68% 5.60% (W/m -K) Uncertainty 8.48 4.23% 12.17 4.36% 9.65 4.22% 9.10 4.27% 9.81 4.40% 19.32 5.50% 13.03 5.03% 2 ±σhtc 58.89 53.16 53.81 56.11 58.15 92.93 62.84 56.14 67.31 82.97 85.23 57.79 58.30 49.64 50.13 61.63 53.86 48.19 45.50 44.16 46.89 89.22 58.36 55.89 53.43 43.03 38.70 39.89 62.30 45.10 Nu(z) A-216 Channel Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 Elevation 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 Zgrid 559.0 600.9 608.5 617.4 635.7 665.1 674.5 680.2 555.9 597.5 602.9 608.7 624.8 652.1 662.6 666.7 556.8 594.8 601.9 609.8 626.5 651.3 662.9 666.5 (K) 564.6 603.0 610.4 617.0 633.7 664.6 677.1 681.9 H.R.Tw 12365.8 14015.6 14292.9 14709.0 15540.5 16910.5 17200.9 17340.4 12427.7 14034.0 14286.9 14660.8 15471.7 16786.5 17051.9 17185.9 475.1 504.7 510.2 518.7 536.5 567.6 574.5 577.7 475.3 505.5 510.7 518.7 536.8 568.0 574.5 577.7 475.3 505.5 510.7 518.7 537.1 568.0 574.5 577.7 (K) 475.3 504.9 510.7 518.7 537.1 568.3 574.8 578.1 (W/m2) 12446.9 14027.8 14307.0 14679.0 15502.9 16817.7 17084.0 17215.6 12367.9 13975.4 14228.3 14599.7 15424.2 16724.7 16990.3 17124.0 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 489.1 520.7 526.6 535.1 553.0 583.9 591.1 594.8 488.8 520.8 526.1 533.7 551.4 582.0 589.1 592.6 488.9 520.4 525.9 533.9 552.0 581.8 589.2 592.5 (K) 490.2 521.3 527.3 535.0 553.2 584.3 591.8 595.4 Tbulk 13225 12270 12107 11877 11421 10711 10556 10480 13236 12267 12120 11915 11460 10752 10598 10526 13231 12279 12125 11910 11447 10755 10597 10527 13189 12254 12086 11879 11417 10701 10542 10468 Re (z) Table SC-3214-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h(z) 176.82 174.73 174.46 178.84 187.84 208.11 206.26 203.11 185.05 183.04 186.01 195.39 210.96 239.37 232.15 231.79 182.10 187.68 187.24 192.25 207.04 240.86 230.64 231.39 (W/m2-K) 167.37 171.69 172.25 179.19 192.56 209.53 200.44 199.04 ±σhtc Fractional 7.57 7.29 7.25 7.43 7.79 8.67 8.56 8.40 7.99 7.70 7.82 8.25 8.94 10.27 9.87 9.83 7.85 7.94 7.89 8.10 8.76 10.36 9.80 9.83 4.28% 4.17% 4.16% 4.15% 4.15% 4.17% 4.15% 4.13% 4.32% 4.20% 4.20% 4.22% 4.24% 4.29% 4.25% 4.24% 4.31% 4.23% 4.21% 4.21% 4.23% 4.30% 4.25% 4.25% (W/m2-K) Uncertainty 7.08 4.23% 7.14 4.16% 7.14 4.15% 7.45 4.16% 8.03 4.17% 8.76 4.18% 8.30 4.14% 8.22 4.13% 58.79 53.59 52.72 52.89 53.12 54.59 53.18 51.91 61.58 56.12 56.28 57.99 59.90 63.08 60.14 59.56 60.57 57.61 56.67 57.04 58.70 63.49 59.74 59.46 55.49 52.58 51.95 53.00 54.44 54.90 51.59 50.80 Nu(z) A-217 Channel Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 Elevation 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 Zgrid 768.6 776.8 771.5 793.4 803.5 806.6 804.8 805.4 775.5 784.8 774.9 795.7 804.9 810.4 807.2 804.3 686.1 692.0 734.6 748.1 763.9 792.5 764.3 (K) 690.4 728.8 740.2 754.1 769.8 792.5 770.0 821.0 H.R.Tw 20807.2 21187.2 19335.3 18544.9 17793.8 16174.5 14629.6 13090.2 20780.2 21152.3 19407.1 18510.0 17532.2 16202.8 14637.7 13150.7 665.0 674.4 696.0 702.1 707.7 719.6 730.4 740.7 665.3 674.4 695.1 702.1 709.5 719.3 730.4 740.5 606.9 616.3 629.7 636.0 645.7 683.3 690.1 (K) 616.3 626.0 632.7 638.7 654.9 674.4 686.7 771.5 (W/m2) 18606.0 18977.8 19235.4 19466.6 20095.4 20865.5 20200.1 7854.0 18359.8 18727.5 19253.3 19503.9 19884.2 20997.8 20143.8 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 682.3 691.4 708.6 717.3 723.7 734.1 742.8 751.5 683.7 692.8 708.4 717.7 725.4 734.5 743.2 751.1 620.1 628.9 647.2 654.7 665.4 701.5 702.5 (K) 628.7 643.1 650.6 657.9 674.0 694.1 700.6 779.8 Tbulk 8939 8804 8562 8445 8360 8227 8119 8014 8918 8784 8565 8440 8338 8222 8114 8019 9981 9819 9498 9372 9200 8661 8646 9823 9567 9440 9319 9064 8766 8673 7692 Re (z) Table SC-3214-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h(z) 240.97 248.22 307.38 243.58 222.86 223.19 236.23 242.94 226.44 229.77 291.92 237.17 220.63 213.44 228.81 247.27 278.36 297.00 220.20 208.76 201.83 230.57 326.01 (W/m2-K) 301.10 221.44 214.69 202.39 209.81 211.97 291.03 190.55 ±σhtc Fractional 9.95 10.26 13.51 10.28 9.33 9.51 10.43 11.16 9.27 9.40 12.67 9.97 9.24 9.02 10.02 11.40 12.10 13.05 9.08 8.53 8.20 9.45 14.39 4.13% 4.13% 4.40% 4.22% 4.18% 4.26% 4.42% 4.59% 4.09% 4.09% 4.34% 4.20% 4.19% 4.22% 4.38% 4.61% 4.35% 4.39% 4.13% 4.09% 4.06% 4.10% 4.41% (W/m2-K) Uncertainty 13.32 4.42% 9.18 4.14% 8.84 4.12% 8.26 4.08% 8.56 4.08% 8.62 4.07% 12.54 4.31% 9.66 5.07% 50.63 51.16 61.15 47.61 43.00 42.18 43.89 44.39 47.43 47.22 58.10 46.32 42.43 40.31 42.48 45.21 67.07 70.14 49.92 46.54 43.97 46.54 65.67 71.15 50.65 48.30 44.81 44.86 43.45 58.85 33.00 Nu(z) A-218 Channel Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 Elevation 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 Zgrid 582.3 599.2 607.0 613.9 631.5 612.7 648.8 662.8 586.0 602.6 610.4 617.6 627.1 616.5 652.8 670.9 578.2 589.0 598.0 603.8 626.7 609.5 643.9 658.9 (K) 582.0 599.8 609.9 616.1 631.0 611.4 647.4 662.2 H.R.Tw 13648.0 14161.4 14543.5 14964.3 15738.8 16250.1 16658.5 16908.2 13658.7 14187.8 14595.6 15000.6 15830.3 16358.1 16766.2 17036.8 497.7 508.2 516.4 525.7 543.5 555.8 565.7 571.8 497.5 508.0 516.4 525.1 543.5 555.8 565.4 571.8 497.7 508.2 516.1 525.4 543.5 555.4 565.4 571.8 (K) 497.5 508.0 516.1 524.8 543.2 555.1 565.0 571.5 (W/m2) 13734.8 14258.7 14648.7 15051.5 15870.5 16380.7 16796.6 17066.1 13655.6 14173.4 14546.0 14970.2 15767.4 16271.6 16684.6 16950.7 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 511.8 523.4 531.5 540.4 558.2 565.3 579.5 587.0 512.2 523.7 532.0 540.5 557.5 565.9 579.9 588.4 511.1 521.7 529.7 538.4 557.4 564.5 578.5 586.4 (K) 511.6 523.3 531.7 540.0 557.8 564.5 578.8 586.6 Tbulk 12525 12195 11974 11739 11296 11129 10805 10644 12513 12186 11959 11736 11313 11114 10796 10615 12545 12242 12020 11790 11315 11147 10829 10658 12533 12199 11967 11749 11304 11146 10822 10651 Re (z) Table SC-3214-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h(z) 193.75 186.80 192.54 203.49 214.75 342.29 240.56 223.16 185.09 179.92 186.30 194.60 227.16 323.02 230.02 206.49 203.58 210.50 212.99 229.06 227.38 360.98 254.86 233.74 (W/m2-K) 194.96 186.33 187.43 197.78 216.96 349.35 244.67 225.78 ±σhtc Fractional 8.28 7.87 8.12 8.62 9.10 16.31 10.35 9.43 7.84 7.53 7.80 8.17 9.72 15.04 9.78 8.59 8.79 9.08 9.16 9.94 9.74 17.53 11.06 9.96 4.27% 4.21% 4.22% 4.24% 4.24% 4.77% 4.30% 4.23% 4.23% 4.18% 4.19% 4.20% 4.28% 4.66% 4.25% 4.16% 4.32% 4.31% 4.30% 4.34% 4.29% 4.86% 4.34% 4.26% (W/m2-K) Uncertainty 8.32 4.27% 7.83 4.20% 7.84 4.18% 8.31 4.20% 9.19 4.23% 16.70 4.78% 10.49 4.29% 9.53 4.22% 60.78 56.90 57.46 59.39 59.96 93.93 63.76 58.10 58.00 54.76 55.52 56.78 63.54 88.51 60.91 53.59 63.98 64.40 63.85 67.18 63.61 99.25 67.73 60.95 61.20 56.78 55.90 57.78 60.63 96.05 64.97 58.84 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3214-B Matrix test # 8 Test date – 4/26/2005 Steady state time window: 12800 - 13800 sec Inlet flow: 4.81 m3/min (169.8 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 419 K (294 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 271.7 kPa (39.4 psia) Bundle power: 95.0 kW Outlet steam temperature: 770 K (927 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 18198 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -13.119x3 + 83.696x2 - 39.122x + 442.54 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -8.1355x3 + 57.708x2 - 7.379x + 431.3 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-219 A-220 A-221 A-222 A-223 A-224 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile 3 2 y = -13.119x + 83.696x - 39.122x + 442.54 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.5 4 Elevation (m) Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -8.1355x3 + 57.708x2 - 7.379x + 431.3 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-225 2.5 3 A-226 Channel Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4_110 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 Elevation 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 Zgrid 636.3 803.7 820.3 831.4 827.0 823.0 797.1 811.7 700.8 738.5 766.2 782.4 816.6 707.3 743.7 759.5 770.5 785.9 804.4 786.1 821.4 702.8 742.3 757.9 772.2 783.4 804.2 785.4 826.0 (K) 697.4 741.4 757.5 770.0 786.7 809.2 793.0 812.6 H.R.Tw 20907.3 25772.3 24814.3 23301.0 21184.4 19270.1 16651.9 14687.5 25249.3 25736.8 26451.8 27429.4 10453.9 25634.9 26180.9 26527.8 26892.2 27785.0 28878.0 27891.4 10345.8 541.8 711.3 716.9 725.3 736.4 745.7 757.2 764.6 628.2 638.0 652.2 671.2 775.1 627.8 638.3 644.9 651.8 668.5 688.2 700.5 774.8 628.2 637.6 645.6 652.2 668.5 688.2 700.5 775.0 (K) 627.8 638.3 644.6 652.2 668.5 688.2 700.5 774.8 (W/m2) 25436.9 25976.4 26300.4 26697.6 27564.1 28644.1 28288.4 9872.2 25731.1 26227.8 26651.3 27001.4 27884.9 28989.5 28056.2 10704.9 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 557.5 726.7 734.1 743.0 751.5 758.6 763.8 772.5 640.3 654.7 671.2 689.7 782.0 641.0 655.9 664.0 671.6 688.1 707.6 714.7 782.6 640.6 655.1 664.3 672.2 687.6 707.5 714.6 783.5 (K) 639.4 655.5 663.4 671.8 688.2 708.4 715.9 781.1 Tbulk 16001 11771 11639 11483 11337 11219 11134 10995 13605 13258 12885 12490 10848 13585 13231 13044 12875 12524 12132 11995 10839 13596 13250 13037 12863 12532 12133 11997 10825 13626 13240 13058 12871 12521 12117 11973 10861 Re (z) Table SC-3214-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data h(z) 265.60 334.78 288.01 263.56 280.63 299.10 500.01 374.22 417.17 307.20 278.39 295.92 302.29 387.05 298.08 277.77 271.90 283.96 298.12 391.02 266.45 413.65 300.61 284.83 269.96 291.21 299.88 396.45 251.67 (W/m2-K) 438.45 302.48 279.43 271.83 279.80 284.08 366.97 313.36 ±σhtc 10.60 13.47 11.35 10.34 11.32 12.51 27.39 18.78 17.79 12.17 10.82 11.54 16.25 16.08 11.70 10.76 10.49 10.97 11.53 15.97 13.51 17.47 11.80 11.07 10.39 11.28 11.60 16.21 12.19 (W/m2-K) 18.92 11.92 10.86 10.50 10.81 10.94 14.72 17.85 Fractional 3.99% 4.02% 3.94% 3.92% 4.03% 4.18% 5.48% 5.02% 4.26% 3.96% 3.89% 3.90% 5.38% 4.16% 3.92% 3.88% 3.86% 3.86% 3.87% 4.09% 5.07% 4.22% 3.93% 3.88% 3.85% 3.87% 3.87% 4.09% 4.84% Uncertainty 4.31% 3.94% 3.89% 3.86% 3.86% 3.85% 4.01% 5.70% 74.28 64.21 54.44 48.96 51.27 53.91 89.23 65.70 96.03 68.49 59.89 61.21 52.14 88.94 66.29 60.69 58.44 58.94 59.43 76.83 45.91 95.15 66.97 62.19 57.95 60.50 59.79 77.91 43.29 101.13 67.32 61.13 58.40 58.06 56.54 71.93 54.14 Nu(z) A-227 Channel Number 225 226 227 229 230 231 232 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 H.R. Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 (m) 1.618 2.885 2.939 3.117 3.218 3.343 3.447 Elevation 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 Zgrid 593.5 612.2 617.9 626.2 645.4 624.6 663.2 678.5 677.9 686.7 696.1 737.9 743.6 767.4 804.2 629.9 802.3 813.8 820.8 819.5 815.2 790.6 810.0 (K) 637.2 801.7 821.5 827.4 827.5 803.8 820.9 H.R.Tw 18565.9 19296.3 19796.7 20349.0 21437.3 22115.1 22650.4 23005.8 23785.5 24820.9 25337.0 26031.8 26388.7 26888.0 28349.6 21011.4 25932.0 25038.9 23401.7 21465.2 19479.8 16998.8 15014.5 (W/m ) 20507.0 25139.1 24132.8 20780.7 18866.1 16519.0 14557.9 2 H.R. q'' 501.0 512.8 521.2 530.9 550.7 563.5 573.8 580.7 597.9 618.3 628.5 642.1 649.1 658.7 696.7 542.5 711.3 716.6 725.8 736.2 746.0 757.0 764.6 (K) 542.8 711.3 717.4 736.4 746.2 757.0 764.8 Tcl 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 516.4 529.4 537.3 546.8 566.5 573.7 588.7 597.0 611.2 629.7 639.8 658.1 664.8 676.8 714.7 557.0 726.5 732.8 741.7 750.1 757.5 762.6 772.2 (K) 558.5 726.4 734.8 751.6 759.8 764.8 774.2 Tbulk 17531 17020 16719 16377 15703 15470 15006 14761 14360 13870 13617 13179 13026 12762 11996 16019 11776 11662 11505 11362 11237 11154 11000 15968 11778 11627 11336 11200 11119 10969 Re (z) Table SC-3214-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 240.84 232.89 245.69 256.24 271.62 434.49 303.92 282.18 356.51 435.70 449.63 326.05 335.01 296.73 316.50 288.33 341.91 309.11 295.61 308.99 337.85 607.01 397.25 (W/m -K) 260.67 333.91 278.41 274.13 278.49 423.06 311.39 2 h(z) Fractional 9.65 9.21 9.76 10.21 10.84 19.46 12.30 11.23 14.81 18.91 19.58 13.03 13.42 11.61 12.40 11.68 13.79 12.30 11.81 12.68 14.56 36.95 20.28 4.01% 3.96% 3.97% 3.99% 3.99% 4.48% 4.05% 3.98% 4.15% 4.34% 4.36% 4.00% 4.01% 3.91% 3.92% 4.05% 4.03% 3.98% 3.99% 4.10% 4.31% 6.09% 5.11% (W/m -K) Uncertainty 10.44 4.00% 13.53 4.05% 10.99 3.95% 11.07 4.04% 11.52 4.14% 21.31 5.04% 14.46 4.64% 2 ±σhtc 74.68 69.88 72.25 73.60 74.32 116.81 78.81 71.74 87.68 102.71 103.62 72.16 73.06 63.07 62.19 80.74 65.61 58.58 55.05 56.61 61.02 108.59 69.78 72.73 64.09 52.55 50.08 50.09 75.36 54.50 Nu(z) A-228 Channel Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 Elevation 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 Zgrid 563.4 604.0 611.0 619.5 639.2 669.9 677.9 682.9 559.5 599.6 604.2 608.6 626.8 656.0 665.2 668.3 559.3 596.3 602.7 610.6 628.6 654.2 664.0 666.7 (K) 568.0 604.7 611.4 617.5 636.7 669.8 680.7 685.0 H.R.Tw 16768.7 19006.5 19382.7 19946.6 21075.4 22935.1 23330.6 23518.0 16850.2 19030.4 19373.3 19878.4 20977.8 22762.8 23123.8 23304.0 476.8 505.6 510.9 519.1 536.3 566.3 572.9 576.1 477.0 506.4 511.4 519.1 536.6 566.7 572.9 576.1 477.0 506.4 511.4 519.1 536.9 566.7 572.9 576.1 (K) 477.0 505.8 511.4 519.1 536.9 567.0 573.3 576.4 (W/m2) 16879.3 19024.3 19402.5 19907.2 21025.8 22809.9 23170.4 23350.4 16772.6 18953.6 19296.3 19801.8 20919.6 22685.7 23045.4 23226.3 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 491.2 522.0 527.6 535.8 553.4 583.6 590.4 593.9 490.8 521.9 526.9 534.0 551.6 581.6 588.3 591.5 490.7 521.4 526.6 534.4 552.1 581.2 588.1 591.2 (K) 492.2 522.3 528.1 535.5 553.5 584.1 591.2 594.5 Tbulk 18612 17307 17088 16774 16142 15160 14954 14851 18633 17310 17114 16843 16206 15223 15017 14923 18635 17332 17124 16830 16187 15233 15023 14931 18569 17293 17068 16787 16140 15145 14932 14833 Re (z) Table SC-3214-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h(z) 232.48 231.66 232.35 238.32 245.65 265.72 266.71 264.27 245.07 244.83 250.52 266.70 278.86 305.69 300.79 303.28 244.54 252.84 253.86 259.70 273.66 311.09 303.61 307.85 (W/m2-K) 222.54 230.85 232.99 242.88 252.69 266.31 258.87 258.10 ±σhtc Fractional 9.45 9.18 9.18 9.41 9.66 10.46 10.48 10.35 10.07 9.80 10.04 10.76 11.23 12.38 12.10 12.20 10.06 10.20 10.21 10.44 10.99 12.66 12.25 12.44 4.07% 3.96% 3.95% 3.95% 3.93% 3.94% 3.93% 3.92% 4.11% 4.00% 4.01% 4.04% 4.03% 4.05% 4.02% 4.02% 4.11% 4.03% 4.02% 4.02% 4.02% 4.07% 4.04% 4.04% (W/m2-K) Uncertainty 8.95 4.02% 9.14 3.96% 9.21 3.95% 9.63 3.96% 9.99 3.95% 10.51 3.94% 10.14 3.92% 10.09 3.91% 76.88 70.82 70.03 70.35 69.40 69.75 68.87 67.68 81.13 74.86 75.63 79.09 79.14 80.63 78.07 78.12 80.96 77.42 76.70 76.95 77.56 82.12 78.83 79.35 73.41 70.51 70.13 71.76 71.38 69.82 66.73 66.01 Nu(z) A-229 Channel Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 Elevation 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 Zgrid 770.3 779.7 777.8 801.0 809.0 806.2 804.7 805.7 782.5 791.8 780.5 799.9 808.6 808.3 804.7 800.6 690.1 697.1 740.1 752.9 767.0 799.1 767.0 (K) 695.6 735.9 746.3 760.4 773.0 798.8 776.7 819.9 H.R.Tw 28222.8 28740.8 26227.5 25150.7 24129.9 21927.2 19833.2 17739.4 28223.7 28728.1 26357.9 25132.4 23803.1 21995.3 19864.4 17842.4 661.6 671.0 692.9 699.1 704.9 717.2 728.6 739.7 661.9 671.0 691.9 699.1 706.7 716.9 728.6 739.4 604.4 613.6 626.7 632.9 642.4 679.9 686.9 (K) 613.6 623.1 629.6 635.5 651.6 671.0 683.4 774.4 (W/m2) 25234.3 25737.7 26088.1 26400.8 27256.9 28304.2 27400.3 10632.0 24902.5 25402.3 26113.9 26453.2 26971.0 28484.0 27323.2 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 679.7 689.1 707.0 716.0 722.2 732.1 741.3 750.7 682.0 691.1 706.7 715.9 723.7 732.2 741.3 749.6 618.7 627.5 645.6 652.9 663.2 699.8 700.3 (K) 627.3 641.9 649.1 656.3 671.8 692.3 699.0 782.0 Tbulk 12699 12502 12143 11970 11854 11675 11511 11351 12650 12460 12149 11973 11827 11673 11511 11370 14157 13926 13475 13300 13063 12285 12276 13933 13565 13391 13220 12871 12437 12302 10848 Re (z) Table SC-3214-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h(z) 311.72 317.26 370.50 296.15 278.21 295.93 312.85 322.21 280.96 285.24 356.86 299.01 280.41 288.84 313.49 349.89 348.97 364.80 276.18 264.46 259.69 286.81 409.10 (W/m2-K) 369.18 273.86 268.29 253.74 269.26 265.71 352.46 280.07 ±σhtc Fractional 12.18 12.39 15.17 11.70 10.95 12.00 13.17 14.14 10.82 10.98 14.48 11.83 11.08 11.64 13.19 15.76 14.26 14.99 10.73 10.20 9.97 11.07 16.98 3.91% 3.91% 4.09% 3.95% 3.94% 4.05% 4.21% 4.39% 3.85% 3.85% 4.06% 3.96% 3.95% 4.03% 4.21% 4.50% 4.09% 4.11% 3.89% 3.86% 3.84% 3.86% 4.15% (W/m2-K) Uncertainty 15.25 4.13% 10.66 3.89% 10.39 3.87% 9.75 3.84% 10.38 3.85% 10.18 3.83% 14.17 4.02% 14.32 5.11% 65.85 65.71 73.94 58.03 53.84 56.16 58.30 58.97 59.06 58.83 71.27 58.61 54.11 54.80 58.42 64.17 84.35 86.43 62.83 59.19 56.84 58.10 82.79 87.51 62.82 60.56 56.37 57.85 54.67 71.52 48.31 Nu(z) A-230 Channel Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 Elevation 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 Zgrid 586.3 601.1 606.7 614.6 634.7 615.8 653.0 665.9 589.8 605.6 611.5 619.4 630.2 619.6 658.2 676.6 582.0 592.3 600.8 607.5 630.2 613.7 649.3 663.5 (K) 585.4 601.5 609.7 617.3 634.2 614.2 652.6 667.1 H.R.Tw 18510.1 19206.2 19723.1 20294.3 21346.6 22042.4 22594.0 22930.8 18522.5 19240.5 19792.2 20344.9 21468.9 22187.3 22740.7 23107.1 498.9 509.0 516.9 525.9 543.1 554.9 564.5 570.4 498.6 508.8 516.9 525.3 543.1 554.9 564.2 570.4 498.9 509.0 516.6 525.6 543.1 554.6 564.2 570.4 (K) 498.6 508.8 516.6 525.0 542.8 554.3 563.9 570.1 (W/m2) 18625.0 19334.6 19863.1 20410.3 21522.2 22215.3 22780.6 23143.4 18518.6 19222.1 19726.1 20303.9 21385.9 22071.7 22629.8 22990.4 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 513.4 524.4 531.9 540.7 558.4 565.0 579.2 586.3 513.8 524.9 532.7 541.0 557.6 565.7 579.8 588.1 512.7 522.9 530.7 539.2 557.6 564.4 578.4 585.9 (K) 513.1 524.2 532.1 540.4 558.0 564.3 578.6 586.3 Tbulk 17652 17213 16924 16597 15973 15750 15295 15077 17637 17192 16893 16585 15999 15729 15276 15023 17682 17270 16970 16649 15999 15770 15322 15089 17667 17219 16913 16606 15985 15775 15314 15079 Re (z) Table SC-3214-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h(z) 253.88 250.26 263.61 274.36 279.48 434.10 306.38 288.16 243.60 238.53 251.00 259.51 295.74 411.62 290.24 261.21 267.25 276.86 281.03 297.40 294.71 448.12 318.84 296.42 (W/m2-K) 257.43 250.22 256.00 265.31 282.45 444.52 308.08 286.42 ±σhtc Fractional 10.29 10.04 10.63 11.09 11.23 19.47 12.44 11.52 9.79 9.48 10.02 10.37 11.99 18.07 11.63 10.25 10.96 11.35 11.49 12.23 11.96 20.31 13.05 11.91 4.05% 4.01% 4.03% 4.04% 4.02% 4.48% 4.06% 4.00% 4.02% 3.97% 3.99% 3.99% 4.06% 4.39% 4.01% 3.92% 4.10% 4.10% 4.09% 4.11% 4.06% 4.53% 4.09% 4.02% (W/m2-K) Uncertainty 10.45 4.06% 10.02 4.00% 10.24 4.00% 10.63 4.01% 11.34 4.01% 20.03 4.51% 12.49 4.05% 11.41 3.98% 79.32 76.04 78.60 80.02 78.00 119.19 81.27 75.14 76.03 72.38 74.69 75.63 82.70 112.84 76.88 67.83 83.65 84.44 84.05 87.05 82.41 123.22 84.76 77.37 80.50 76.06 76.28 77.43 78.90 122.28 81.84 74.70 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3214-C Matrix test # 9 Test date – 4/26/2005 Steady state time window: 16600 - 17100 sec Inlet flow: 6.66 m3/min (235.2 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 422 K (299 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 271.7 kPa (39.4 psia) Bundle power: 140.2 kW Outlet steam temperature: 785 K (954 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 24776 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -13.358x3 + 84.94x2 - 38.965x + 445.15 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -7.4673x3 + 54.417x2 - 1.5846x + 432.97 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-231 A-232 A-233 A-234 A-235 A-236 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -13.358x3 + 84.94x2 - 38.965x + 445.15 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.5 4 Elevation (m) Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile 2 y = -7.4673x3 + 54.417x - 1.5846x + 432.97 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-237 2.5 3 A-238 Channel Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4-110 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 Elevation 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 Zgrid 649.9 825.2 842.1 849.4 841.1 838.0 812.0 826.6 717.4 756.2 784.7 801.1 830.2 725.0 762.3 779.0 789.0 806.5 822.7 806.7 834.7 720.5 763.1 778.6 792.4 804.2 826.3 807.2 840.1 (K) 714.6 762.0 778.3 789.8 807.8 829.6 815.2 825.1 H.R.Tw 30851.4 38021.4 36606.9 34375.2 31252.8 28427.6 24561.4 21664.9 37251.2 37968.4 39023.6 40465.4 15418.5 37820.3 38626.3 39137.2 39672.6 40989.3 42603.8 41148.9 15261.9 546.9 719.0 724.6 733.1 744.4 753.8 765.3 772.8 634.7 644.6 659.1 678.3 783.2 634.3 645.0 651.7 658.7 675.6 695.6 708.0 783.0 634.7 644.3 652.4 659.1 675.6 695.6 708.0 783.1 (K) 634.3 645.0 651.4 659.1 675.6 695.6 708.0 783.0 (W/m2) 37523.6 38312.4 38789.6 39372.2 40651.9 42246.8 41725.7 14557.9 37962.8 38693.9 39317.9 39833.8 41132.8 42761.1 41387.4 15793.3 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 564.1 736.7 744.2 752.5 760.5 767.8 773.1 781.8 648.5 663.2 680.0 698.8 791.1 649.4 664.6 672.9 680.4 697.4 716.8 724.5 791.6 649.0 664.1 673.4 681.3 697.1 717.4 724.6 792.6 (K) 647.7 664.5 672.5 680.9 697.6 717.9 725.9 790.0 Tbulk 20159 14807 14640 14459 14290 14139 14032 13860 17123 16684 16213 15717 13681 17093 16646 16409 16201 15752 15271 15088 13671 17107 16659 16394 16178 15762 15257 15086 13651 17146 16647 16420 16190 15746 15243 15055 13701 Re (z) Table SC-3214-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data h(z) 359.48 429.76 373.78 354.75 387.93 404.91 630.17 482.86 540.51 408.41 372.83 395.56 394.04 500.26 395.03 368.98 365.46 375.94 402.31 500.32 354.29 531.11 390.68 373.83 358.55 383.88 392.58 500.47 332.20 (W/m2-K) 561.20 392.85 366.73 361.36 369.17 378.21 467.06 414.33 13.71 16.31 13.96 13.27 14.96 16.09 31.15 22.31 21.61 15.38 13.81 14.69 19.47 19.55 14.75 13.63 13.46 13.84 14.86 19.23 16.72 21.02 14.56 13.82 13.17 14.16 14.45 19.21 14.99 12.92% 7.66% 7.59% 7.98% 9.49% 9.77% 10.44% 7.77% 8.97% 8.38% 8.84% 9.59% 10.58% 9.19% 8.77% 8.80% 9.12% 9.75% 9.83% 9.37% 12.38% 8.48% 7.79% 7.99% 8.29% 9.46% 9.48% 9.01% 10.77% Fractional Uncertainty 8.90% 8.19% 8.37% 8.84% 9.53% 9.53% 9.17% 10.75% ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 22.60 14.68 13.56 13.31 13.58 13.89 17.67 21.73 98.94 80.82 69.27 64.69 69.67 71.72 110.52 83.32 122.18 89.38 78.71 80.29 66.84 112.83 86.21 79.08 77.09 76.52 78.72 96.40 60.04 119.92 85.34 80.03 75.49 78.20 76.72 96.41 56.19 127.07 85.74 78.67 76.15 75.11 73.83 89.73 70.42 Nu(z) A-239 Channel Number 225 226 227 229 230 231 232 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 H.R. Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 (m) 1.618 2.885 2.939 3.117 3.218 3.343 3.447 Elevation 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 Zgrid 604.6 621.9 629.3 639.5 660.9 636.9 678.1 692.5 692.0 704.1 715.0 756.7 761.4 783.4 824.4 642.0 822.5 834.5 838.8 834.4 829.8 806.2 825.9 (K) 650.4 823.7 841.7 845.2 845.5 820.8 838.6 H.R.Tw 27392.7 28467.8 29207.6 30024.4 31630.2 32631.4 33414.4 33943.6 35089.1 36619.4 37381.1 38403.2 38930.9 39663.6 41820.7 31005.5 38259.9 36938.9 34519.6 31666.6 28733.0 25076.1 22147.1 (W/m ) 30253.6 37083.0 35598.2 30656.0 27831.5 24368.5 21473.0 2 H.R. q'' 505.3 517.3 525.9 535.8 555.9 569.0 579.4 586.5 603.9 624.7 635.0 648.9 655.9 665.7 704.2 547.6 719.0 724.3 733.7 744.1 754.0 765.1 772.8 (K) 547.9 719.0 725.2 744.4 754.2 765.1 773.0 Tcl 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 521.9 534.8 543.2 553.1 573.4 580.3 595.9 604.1 618.6 637.9 648.4 666.9 673.5 685.3 724.3 563.3 736.3 742.7 751.2 759.2 766.6 771.9 781.6 (K) 565.0 736.5 744.6 761.2 769.4 774.4 783.9 Tbulk 22112 21477 21082 20634 19769 19494 18896 18593 18086 17451 17126 16580 16392 16070 15093 20191 14817 14673 14487 14318 14163 14055 13862 20120 14812 14631 14276 14106 14007 13818 Re (z) Table SC-3214-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 330.92 326.68 339.13 347.22 361.53 576.21 406.24 384.09 477.85 553.21 560.68 427.29 443.00 404.14 417.78 394.00 443.48 402.28 393.96 420.95 454.94 730.98 500.21 (W/m -K) 354.11 425.14 366.56 364.76 366.12 524.83 392.56 2 h(z) Fractional 12.66 12.39 12.89 13.19 13.74 24.24 15.61 14.57 18.81 22.34 22.60 16.17 16.83 15.09 15.56 15.22 16.89 15.16 14.96 16.46 18.58 38.71 23.23 12.19% 13.04% 13.73% 13.77% 12.23% 12.42% 10.43% 10.62% 11.38% 9.90% 8.22% 8.42% 9.10% 9.17% 8.96% 13.77% 6.01% 6.30% 6.78% 7.66% 8.43% 8.87% 6.44% (W/m -K) Uncertainty 13.54 13.27% 16.20 6.91% 13.73 7.25% 13.97 9.06% 14.30 9.07% 23.91 9.83% 16.78 7.90% 2 ±σhtc 101.20 96.69 98.29 98.19 97.25 152.46 103.56 96.03 115.54 128.02 126.76 92.78 94.83 84.37 80.52 108.64 83.47 74.77 72.02 75.79 80.76 128.47 86.34 97.24 79.99 67.88 65.42 64.65 91.82 67.47 Nu(z) A-240 Channel Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 Elevation 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 Zgrid 575.1 616.0 622.6 631.8 652.9 684.9 691.8 696.2 571.7 611.0 615.1 619.3 638.8 669.2 677.6 679.8 569.5 606.7 613.1 621.8 641.9 668.0 676.3 678.1 (K) 577.5 615.2 621.5 628.5 649.3 683.4 693.0 697.0 H.R.Tw 24740.4 28039.5 28596.3 29428.6 31093.0 33836.1 34420.2 34698.4 24862.4 28079.1 28584.7 29330.5 30951.8 33584.7 34114.7 34380.8 481.7 510.7 516.1 524.3 541.5 571.7 578.3 581.5 481.9 511.5 516.6 524.3 541.8 572.0 578.3 581.5 481.9 511.5 516.6 524.3 542.1 572.0 578.3 581.5 (K) 481.9 511.0 516.6 524.3 542.1 572.3 578.7 581.8 (W/m2) 24901.7 28067.7 28623.9 29370.9 31018.4 33651.1 34183.2 34452.0 24748.3 27965.2 28471.2 29215.7 30864.9 33469.4 34000.9 34266.8 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 497.3 528.3 533.8 542.2 560.1 590.6 597.3 600.6 496.9 528.1 533.0 540.1 558.0 588.2 594.9 597.9 496.5 527.4 532.7 540.5 558.7 588.0 594.7 597.6 (K) 497.8 528.3 534.1 541.7 560.0 590.8 597.7 601.0 Tbulk 23428 21793 21523 21126 20328 19095 18844 18720 23450 21801 21561 21223 20419 19185 18933 18821 23470 21836 21577 21204 20386 19193 18941 18831 23395 21788 21510 21152 20333 19085 18828 18706 Re (z) Table SC-3214-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h(z) 317.74 319.62 322.16 328.44 334.97 358.65 363.89 363.18 332.26 338.77 348.17 370.67 382.94 414.55 412.37 419.74 338.87 352.38 354.09 359.76 371.24 418.52 416.71 425.79 (W/m2-K) 312.43 323.04 327.55 338.39 347.37 363.60 358.77 359.06 ±σhtc 12.31 12.11 12.18 12.40 12.61 13.46 13.65 13.61 12.98 12.96 13.35 14.31 14.72 15.98 15.84 16.15 13.31 13.60 13.63 13.82 14.20 16.18 16.05 16.44 (W/m2-K) 12.05 12.26 12.42 12.84 13.16 13.69 13.45 13.45 Fractional 3.87% 3.79% 3.78% 3.78% 3.76% 3.75% 3.75% 3.75% 3.91% 3.83% 3.83% 3.86% 3.84% 3.86% 3.84% 3.85% 3.93% 3.86% 3.85% 3.84% 3.83% 3.87% 3.85% 3.86% Uncertainty 3.86% 3.80% 3.79% 3.80% 3.79% 3.77% 3.75% 3.75% 103.46 96.17 95.59 95.41 93.09 92.59 92.46 91.56 108.29 101.98 103.51 108.25 106.98 107.62 105.37 106.49 110.55 106.27 105.36 104.95 103.52 108.70 106.54 108.10 101.58 97.18 97.12 98.44 96.57 93.81 91.07 90.43 Nu(z) A-241 Channel Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 Elevation 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 Zgrid 786.0 796.8 797.0 819.3 824.9 819.4 818.7 820.1 803.1 813.8 804.2 824.8 831.6 825.6 821.4 819.8 706.9 713.5 756.5 767.9 780.6 819.6 783.5 (K) 712.3 754.7 765.0 778.5 789.1 818.3 798.4 832.6 H.R.Tw 41642.2 42407.0 38685.0 37103.8 35599.3 32350.1 29260.5 26170.1 41573.0 42316.6 38823.7 37017.0 35056.1 32390.5 29258.6 26281.8 667.9 677.4 699.8 706.2 712.2 725.0 736.9 748.4 668.2 677.4 698.9 706.2 714.1 724.7 736.9 748.2 610.0 619.2 632.5 638.8 648.4 686.6 693.7 (K) 619.2 628.8 635.4 641.4 657.7 677.4 690.2 785.6 (W/m2) 37229.4 37974.5 38492.0 38953.9 40212.4 41754.8 40424.6 15685.0 36743.1 37475.5 38525.9 39027.2 39789.2 42017.8 40308.7 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 687.6 697.3 716.0 725.1 731.0 740.7 750.5 760.4 690.7 700.2 716.4 726.0 733.7 741.5 751.0 760.1 626.2 634.9 653.1 660.3 670.4 708.7 708.7 (K) 634.7 649.8 657.0 664.3 679.6 700.9 708.2 793.4 Tbulk 16009 15755 15289 15074 14936 14716 14502 14292 15927 15682 15279 15053 14875 14699 14492 14299 17832 17546 16982 16770 16479 15467 15468 17552 17082 16865 16654 16225 15663 15481 13636 Re (z) Table SC-3214-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h(z) 423.10 426.33 477.82 393.82 379.17 411.47 429.27 438.21 369.91 372.44 442.22 374.52 358.14 385.16 415.45 440.30 455.09 476.87 372.77 362.60 361.18 379.06 538.68 (W/m2-K) 480.12 362.09 356.49 340.86 367.13 355.67 448.31 400.37 ±σhtc Fractional 15.78 15.88 18.42 14.79 14.25 15.96 17.20 18.23 13.57 13.65 16.80 13.97 13.38 14.75 16.52 18.32 17.56 18.50 13.82 13.38 13.29 13.93 21.11 3.73% 3.72% 3.86% 3.76% 3.76% 3.88% 4.01% 4.16% 3.67% 3.66% 3.80% 3.73% 3.74% 3.83% 3.98% 4.16% 3.86% 3.88% 3.71% 3.69% 3.68% 3.68% 3.92% (W/m2-K) Uncertainty 18.68 3.89% 13.41 3.70% 13.15 3.69% 12.49 3.67% 13.52 3.68% 13.00 3.66% 16.97 3.79% 19.75 4.93% 87.91 86.80 93.63 75.79 72.11 76.77 78.58 78.71 76.36 75.39 86.59 71.94 67.75 71.75 75.98 79.13 108.14 111.09 83.40 79.86 77.83 75.39 107.15 111.90 81.61 79.08 74.43 77.58 71.88 89.26 67.63 Nu(z) A-242 Channel Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 Elevation 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 Zgrid 598.5 612.5 617.8 627.6 650.3 629.7 668.6 680.5 600.0 614.5 621.1 630.0 642.8 630.8 671.4 688.3 592.5 603.2 611.5 619.8 643.5 626.1 663.9 677.5 (K) 595.7 611.4 619.3 628.6 647.4 626.2 666.3 680.1 H.R.Tw 27310.5 28336.5 29099.3 29941.8 31493.8 32522.5 33334.9 33839.2 27325.7 28384.7 29200.6 30018.4 31672.0 32735.6 33549.9 34091.4 503.9 514.2 522.1 531.1 548.4 560.2 569.8 575.8 503.7 513.9 522.1 530.5 548.4 560.2 569.5 575.8 503.9 514.2 521.8 530.8 548.4 559.9 569.5 575.8 (K) 503.7 513.9 521.8 530.2 548.1 559.6 569.2 575.5 (W/m2) 27481.3 28527.8 29308.1 30113.6 31753.9 32777.9 33604.1 34146.2 27321.8 28357.7 29103.2 29954.5 31551.7 32563.3 33387.2 33918.0 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 519.7 530.6 538.0 547.2 565.4 571.8 586.3 593.2 519.7 530.7 538.6 547.1 564.1 572.0 586.5 594.6 518.7 529.0 536.8 545.6 564.2 570.9 585.2 592.8 (K) 519.0 530.1 538.0 546.6 564.6 570.7 585.4 592.9 Tbulk 22222 21680 21321 20899 20104 19836 19259 18994 22220 21675 21296 20902 20157 19829 19251 18945 22273 21755 21382 20969 20152 19872 19300 19013 22256 21700 21321 20924 20135 19881 19294 19006 Re (z) Table SC-3214-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h(z) 346.67 345.95 364.67 372.29 370.56 561.31 405.03 388.04 340.39 338.60 353.99 361.95 402.30 556.45 395.13 363.75 370.36 382.02 389.24 404.07 398.16 590.58 424.65 400.30 (W/m2-K) 358.27 351.15 360.84 367.38 383.61 590.24 415.24 391.73 ±σhtc 13.40 13.27 14.06 14.33 14.16 23.44 15.57 14.76 13.10 12.93 13.56 13.85 15.54 23.12 15.10 13.67 14.51 14.94 15.20 15.81 15.37 25.06 16.47 15.30 (W/m2-K) 13.91 13.48 13.85 14.08 14.68 24.98 16.01 14.89 Fractional 3.86% 3.84% 3.85% 3.85% 3.82% 4.18% 3.84% 3.80% 3.85% 3.82% 3.83% 3.83% 3.86% 4.16% 3.82% 3.76% 3.92% 3.91% 3.91% 3.91% 3.86% 4.24% 3.88% 3.82% Uncertainty 3.88% 3.84% 3.84% 3.83% 3.83% 4.23% 3.85% 3.80% 106.60 103.49 107.06 106.83 101.66 151.60 105.63 99.54 104.65 101.26 103.78 103.88 110.71 150.22 103.00 93.02 114.17 114.72 114.64 116.39 109.54 159.84 111.03 102.81 110.35 105.15 105.93 105.56 105.43 159.84 108.53 100.56 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3214-D Matrix test # 12 Test date – 4/26/2005 Steady state time window: 19300 - 19700 sec Inlet flow: 5.95 m3/min (210.0 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 415 K (287 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 133.8 kPa (19.4 psia) Bundle power: 70.0 kW Outlet steam temperature: 790 K (963 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 11080 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -13.003x3 + 82.397x2 - 30.146x + 438.44 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -10.194x3 + 68.413x2 - 16.692x + 433.78 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-243 A-244 A-245 A-246 A-247 A-248 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile 3 2 y = -13.003x + 82.397x - 30.146x + 438.44 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.5 4 Elevation (m) Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -10.194x3 + 68.413x2 - 16.692x + 433.78 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-249 2.5 3 A-250 Channel Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4_110 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 Elevation 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 Zgrid 644.1 808.9 824.9 837.3 839.7 835.6 808.5 822.6 704.6 742.1 771.9 793.1 830.1 711.1 747.9 763.2 775.3 792.4 813.3 792.7 835.4 708.2 745.6 760.0 774.8 790.6 812.4 791.9 840.8 (K) 701.3 743.8 759.9 774.2 793.5 817.6 799.1 825.7 H.R.Tw 15407.6 18983.2 18280.3 17162.9 15605.5 14194.0 12266.2 10821.4 18602.6 18959.9 19484.0 20204.4 7701.4 18883.4 19283.0 19536.4 19807.3 20466.0 21270.0 20539.5 7621.0 549.3 725.1 730.8 739.6 751.2 760.9 772.9 780.8 639.0 649.1 663.8 683.5 791.9 638.6 649.5 656.3 663.5 680.7 701.1 713.8 791.6 639.0 648.8 657.0 663.8 680.7 701.1 713.8 791.8 (K) 638.6 649.5 656.0 663.8 680.7 701.1 713.8 791.6 (W/m2) 18744.9 19140.3 19380.3 19671.5 20307.7 21102.6 20839.2 7271.9 18945.1 19313.3 19625.3 19883.7 20531.2 21345.2 20654.3 7881.0 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 565.1 739.1 746.5 755.9 765.9 773.3 778.8 787.7 649.9 664.6 681.8 701.8 798.3 650.7 665.9 674.1 682.1 699.3 719.8 727.0 798.9 650.5 664.9 674.2 682.3 699.0 719.7 726.8 799.9 (K) 649.0 665.2 673.3 682.2 699.5 720.5 728.0 797.3 Tbulk 8863 6507 6434 6345 6253 6186 6138 6062 7530 7339 7127 6898 5974 7520 7323 7220 7124 6925 6702 6628 5969 7522 7335 7219 7121 6928 6704 6629 5960 7541 7331 7231 7122 6923 6695 6617 5982 Re (z) Table SC-3214-D.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data h (z) 195.00 271.83 233.29 210.89 211.46 228.16 413.26 310.80 340.28 244.64 216.33 221.29 242.02 312.61 235.15 219.35 212.63 219.93 227.49 312.34 209.07 328.32 239.30 228.81 214.95 224.20 230.26 317.29 192.96 (W/m2-K) 358.84 243.61 223.71 213.89 216.14 217.45 293.37 256.04 ±σhtc 7.14 15.46 13.06 11.71 11.18 12.00 29.11 29.58 18.14 12.95 10.72 10.46 18.10 15.38 11.61 10.54 9.97 9.52 10.16 14.50 11.54 18.60 13.10 11.94 10.80 10.08 10.24 15.12 11.76 (W/m2-K) 19.30 12.55 11.14 10.24 9.60 9.81 13.37 22.06 Fractional 6.73% 7.26% 7.10% 7.04% 7.09% 7.29% 9.76% 10.30% 7.53% 7.06% 6.87% 6.82% 9.84% 7.23% 6.90% 6.81% 6.76% 6.71% 6.72% 7.07% 8.55% 7.50% 7.01% 6.90% 6.81% 6.73% 6.72% 7.10% 8.45% Uncertainty 7.60% 7.00% 6.88% 6.80% 6.74% 6.73% 6.94% 10.92% 53.84 50.97 43.11 38.27 37.64 40.05 71.80 53.11 76.89 53.51 45.60 44.73 40.57 70.51 51.29 47.00 44.79 44.68 44.32 59.98 35.01 74.08 52.31 49.02 45.26 45.58 44.87 60.95 32.25 81.23 53.22 48.02 45.04 43.89 42.30 56.22 43.00 Nu(z) A-251 Number 225 226 227 229 230 231 232 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 (m) 1.618 2.885 2.939 3.117 3.218 3.343 3.447 Channel Elevation Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 H.R. 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 Zgrid 593.8 616.8 625.5 631.9 649.0 628.4 666.1 683.4 687.7 693.4 701.6 744.6 750.9 775.6 811.2 634.6 807.0 818.8 825.9 830.0 827.3 802.3 820.5 (K) 642.6 806.3 826.8 840.2 838.1 814.9 831.4 H.R.Tw 13677.6 14217.2 14586.1 14992.8 15791.2 16289.5 16682.8 16942.5 17514.7 18279.4 18656.7 19173.1 19433.1 19797.6 20875.3 15483.5 19096.8 18442.4 17234.9 15807.7 14348.7 12515.1 11060.9 (W/m ) 15102.1 18509.7 17768.6 15302.0 13892.6 12167.4 10717.8 2 H.R. q'' 506.4 518.9 527.7 537.8 558.5 571.9 582.6 589.8 607.6 628.8 639.3 653.4 660.6 670.6 710.0 549.9 725.1 730.5 740.2 750.9 761.1 772.7 780.8 (K) 550.3 725.1 731.4 751.2 761.4 772.7 781.0 Tcl 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 521.0 535.2 544.0 553.5 573.6 581.3 596.5 605.4 620.9 639.5 649.7 668.6 675.7 688.1 726.8 564.1 738.7 745.2 754.5 764.1 772.2 777.6 787.4 (K) 565.7 738.6 747.3 766.0 774.2 779.7 789.4 Tbulk 9756 9450 9269 9082 8708 8573 8318 8176 7938 7671 7533 7288 7201 7053 6630 8882 6510 6446 6358 6269 6197 6149 6065 8852 6511 6426 6252 6179 6131 6048 Re (z) Table SC-3214-D.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 187.74 174.15 178.93 191.30 209.40 346.00 239.77 217.11 262.21 339.18 359.56 252.41 258.41 226.17 247.49 219.43 279.93 250.78 241.22 239.86 260.27 506.15 334.07 (W/m -K) 196.30 273.41 223.46 206.18 217.20 346.08 254.84 2 h (z) 7.05 6.36 6.27 6.39 7.57 14.29 10.38 9.40 11.60 16.76 21.50 13.63 13.01 11.33 11.95 7.45 21.95 18.08 16.49 16.30 17.36 53.95 42.57 (W/m -K) 6.91 17.65 13.71 11.00 11.49 21.47 18.62 2 ±σhtc 6.78% 6.70% 6.68% 6.67% 6.74% 7.32% 6.93% 6.85% 7.02% 7.42% 7.82% 7.10% 7.03% 6.89% 6.88% 6.74% 7.80% 7.52% 7.47% 7.58% 7.88% 12.36% 11.80% Uncertainty 6.77% 7.54% 7.24% 7.13% 7.29% 8.82% 8.77% Fractional 58.07 51.90 52.11 54.38 56.60 91.77 61.29 54.34 63.28 78.44 81.28 54.73 55.19 47.05 47.54 60.74 52.52 46.45 43.89 42.85 45.79 88.14 57.13 54.12 51.31 41.22 36.70 38.07 60.03 43.42 Nu(z) A-252 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 Channel Elevation Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 Zgrid 564.5 607.2 615.0 624.5 642.9 674.2 684.3 690.5 562.5 605.6 611.3 618.0 633.0 660.7 671.6 675.8 561.9 601.4 608.5 616.6 633.5 659.4 671.7 675.7 (K) 570.1 610.7 618.7 626.1 642.2 674.3 687.4 692.4 H.R.Tw 12348.8 13999.4 14275.3 14686.6 15521.9 16891.5 17181.0 17318.0 12408.5 14016.5 14269.9 14640.4 15450.4 16763.7 17034.4 17164.9 478.8 509.9 515.6 524.5 543.0 575.4 582.5 585.9 479.1 510.7 516.2 524.5 543.3 575.7 582.5 585.9 479.1 510.7 516.2 524.5 543.6 575.7 582.5 585.9 (K) 479.1 510.1 516.2 524.5 543.6 576.1 582.8 586.2 (W/m2) 12424.9 14004.9 14281.8 14654.9 15477.7 16794.3 17059.7 17188.3 12362.0 13966.8 14220.2 14592.9 15415.4 16712.3 16972.7 17109.2 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 493.1 526.1 532.2 541.1 559.7 591.9 599.5 603.3 493.0 526.5 532.0 540.1 558.3 589.9 597.3 600.9 492.9 525.8 531.6 539.8 558.6 589.7 597.4 600.9 (K) 494.2 526.9 533.3 541.4 560.1 592.5 600.2 603.9 Tbulk 10414 9644 9514 9327 8964 8394 8270 8208 10417 9635 9516 9350 8990 8427 8304 8247 10420 9650 9526 9354 8984 8431 8304 8248 10386 9626 9490 9322 8957 8384 8257 8199 Re (z) Table SC-3214-D.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 173.03 172.55 172.37 176.17 186.52 205.22 202.51 198.72 178.55 177.25 179.95 187.91 206.68 236.67 229.34 229.10 179.04 184.71 184.82 190.11 205.79 239.77 228.34 228.56 (W/m2-K) 163.87 167.06 167.14 172.99 188.42 205.10 195.86 194.21 ±σhtc 4.79 6.54 6.34 6.20 6.59 8.50 8.18 7.94 5.40 6.76 6.64 6.52 7.20 10.75 10.08 10.00 5.15 7.30 7.03 6.90 7.54 10.89 9.90 9.64 (W/m2-K) 4.95 6.83 6.76 6.57 7.03 9.01 8.39 8.25 Fractional 5.87% 6.73% 6.70% 6.67% 6.66% 6.76% 6.73% 6.70% 5.94% 6.75% 6.73% 6.71% 6.73% 6.97% 6.89% 6.89% 5.93% 6.82% 6.78% 6.75% 6.77% 6.99% 6.91% 6.88% Uncertainty 5.87% 6.75% 6.73% 6.70% 6.71% 6.81% 6.76% 6.75% 57.67 52.66 51.77 51.69 52.20 53.05 51.40 49.98 59.53 54.03 54.06 55.29 58.05 61.47 58.51 57.96 59.71 56.40 55.59 55.97 57.75 62.31 58.25 57.82 54.45 50.87 50.06 50.73 52.68 52.94 49.62 48.77 Nu(z) A-253 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 Channel Elevation Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 Zgrid 783.3 791.2 784.4 806.3 817.1 821.2 819.2 819.4 786.8 796.4 785.2 806.7 816.0 822.7 819.6 816.7 694.6 699.7 744.0 757.9 774.0 803.1 774.1 (K) 701.3 740.6 752.0 766.3 783.0 806.2 782.0 834.9 H.R.Tw 20781.6 21165.8 19315.2 18518.2 17767.9 16152.9 14604.7 13063.0 20756.9 21121.2 19379.5 18477.1 17499.6 16169.6 14606.9 13111.0 676.2 685.8 708.1 714.4 720.2 732.5 743.6 754.2 676.5 685.8 707.2 714.4 722.0 732.2 743.6 753.9 616.1 625.8 639.7 646.2 656.2 695.0 702.1 (K) 625.8 635.9 642.8 649.0 665.7 685.8 698.5 785.8 (W/m2) 18581.1 18951.5 19205.8 19439.9 20066.2 20835.5 20165.8 7824.0 18343.1 18713.6 19236.9 19481.6 19864.4 20982.3 20124.3 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 694.0 703.4 720.8 729.7 736.4 747.3 756.2 765.0 694.9 704.2 720.2 729.8 737.7 747.3 756.3 764.4 629.2 638.1 657.1 664.8 675.8 713.0 714.1 (K) 638.4 653.3 661.0 668.5 685.3 705.9 712.4 794.0 Tbulk 6985 6879 6692 6600 6533 6427 6342 6261 6975 6870 6698 6600 6520 6427 6341 6267 7817 7690 7436 7336 7200 6775 6763 7687 7485 7385 7289 7087 6852 6781 6009 Re (z) Table SC-3214-D.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 232.83 240.95 303.75 241.62 220.00 218.41 231.82 240.38 225.78 229.13 297.83 240.21 223.41 214.25 230.52 250.76 280.54 303.87 221.17 209.35 202.38 232.90 335.10 (W/m2-K) 295.20 217.14 211.01 198.74 205.31 207.71 290.00 191.49 ±σhtc 8.90 9.33 15.01 12.12 10.59 9.99 9.75 10.34 9.24 9.30 14.01 10.94 10.37 9.70 9.81 10.98 12.05 14.38 10.03 9.21 8.59 9.79 12.61 (W/m2-K) 12.61 9.45 8.80 8.38 8.39 8.46 11.09 11.79 Fractional 6.67% 6.69% 7.19% 7.00% 6.92% 6.96% 7.04% 7.24% 6.70% 6.69% 7.11% 6.92% 6.92% 6.94% 7.05% 7.31% 7.00% 7.18% 6.81% 6.75% 6.70% 6.73% 6.95% Uncertainty 7.05% 6.80% 6.74% 6.71% 6.70% 6.69% 6.88% 8.47% 47.83 48.54 59.06 46.15 41.47 40.30 42.04 42.86 46.30 46.08 57.98 45.87 42.00 39.53 41.80 44.77 66.42 70.49 49.19 45.77 43.21 46.00 66.05 68.44 48.69 46.53 43.10 42.96 41.63 57.35 32.35 Nu(z) A-254 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 Channel Elevation Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 Zgrid 589.1 607.5 616.0 623.2 641.0 621.5 658.8 673.5 591.4 608.5 617.2 624.6 634.2 622.4 659.9 678.4 585.2 597.3 606.6 612.5 636.7 618.6 654.2 669.8 (K) 587.7 606.9 618.0 624.8 639.4 618.3 654.4 669.6 H.R.Tw 13633.7 14146.4 14528.7 14948.3 15724.9 16236.9 16643.7 16891.0 13647.8 14177.4 14583.8 14988.0 15821.5 16347.6 16751.5 17024.6 502.6 513.6 522.1 531.8 550.4 563.1 573.4 579.8 502.3 513.3 522.1 531.2 550.4 563.1 573.1 579.8 502.6 513.6 521.8 531.5 550.4 562.7 573.1 579.8 (K) 502.3 513.3 521.8 530.8 550.0 562.4 572.7 579.4 (W/m2) 13725.3 14248.1 14636.8 15041.1 15856.7 16365.7 16783.6 17048.0 13633.1 14150.6 14523.4 14945.7 15742.8 16247.4 16660.7 16924.8 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 517.0 529.2 537.7 547.0 565.5 572.8 587.6 595.4 517.2 529.2 537.9 546.7 564.3 573.0 587.5 596.2 516.4 527.5 535.9 545.0 564.7 572.1 586.6 594.8 (K) 516.5 528.9 537.8 546.5 564.9 571.7 586.3 594.5 Tbulk 9845 9576 9397 9209 8856 8722 8465 8336 9842 9578 9393 9215 8877 8720 8467 8323 9860 9613 9435 9250 8869 8736 8483 8346 9856 9584 9396 9220 8866 8742 8487 8351 Re (z) Table SC-3214-D.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 189.15 180.78 185.62 196.22 208.20 333.40 233.90 216.30 183.91 178.68 184.05 192.44 226.44 330.49 231.43 207.23 197.97 202.80 205.36 221.31 218.82 349.34 246.44 225.58 (W/m2-K) 192.96 182.64 182.52 192.20 212.95 351.68 246.54 226.89 ±σhtc 7.88 7.13 7.07 7.06 8.12 14.78 11.02 9.97 7.65 6.77 6.61 6.57 8.28 14.88 10.90 9.66 8.66 8.29 8.33 8.67 8.84 15.77 11.03 9.99 (W/m2-K) 8.07 7.04 6.84 6.70 7.84 15.21 11.27 10.44 Fractional 6.88% 6.78% 6.76% 6.74% 6.80% 7.39% 7.00% 6.90% 6.86% 6.75% 6.71% 6.69% 6.80% 7.38% 6.97% 6.85% 6.96% 6.89% 6.87% 6.88% 6.85% 7.48% 6.99% 6.89% Uncertainty 6.88% 6.75% 6.72% 6.69% 6.75% 7.40% 6.99% 6.91% 59.12 54.71 54.95 56.72 57.43 90.29 61.09 55.44 57.46 54.09 54.46 55.66 62.64 89.47 60.46 53.01 61.99 61.65 61.08 64.30 60.47 94.79 64.53 57.90 60.39 55.33 54.02 55.62 58.82 95.50 64.59 58.28 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3214-E Matrix test # 20 Test date – 4/26/2005 Steady state time window: 27300 - 27600 sec Inlet flow: 4.81 m3/min (169.9 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 426 K (307 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 409.5 kPa (59.4 psia) Bundle power: 139.8 kW Outlet steam temperature: 780 K (945 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 26858 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -13.241x3 + 84.47x2 - 39.173x + 448.99 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -10.095x3 + 68.576x2 - 23.746x + 444.23 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-255 A-256 A-257 A-258 A-259 A-260 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile 3 2 y = -13.241x + 84.47x - 39.173x + 448.99 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.5 4 Elevation (m) Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -10.095x3 + 68.576x2 - 23.746x + 444.23 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-261 2.5 3 A-262 Channel Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4_110 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 Elevation 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 Zgrid 651.7 825.9 843.0 850.2 842.5 839.8 814.5 828.4 719.7 758.1 786.6 803.3 832.3 726.9 764.2 780.5 790.3 807.5 824.0 808.3 836.7 722.0 764.3 779.7 792.8 804.2 825.7 807.9 841.8 (K) 716.5 764.0 780.2 791.5 808.9 831.3 817.7 827.3 H.R.Tw 30782.1 37947.6 36537.5 34305.1 31197.5 28374.2 24520.3 21630.8 37174.5 37885.7 38942.4 40383.3 15396.4 37740.7 38546.0 39055.9 39592.4 40901.8 42512.5 41055.4 15237.6 549.7 721.1 726.7 735.3 746.5 756.0 767.5 775.1 637.0 646.9 661.3 680.5 785.7 636.7 647.3 654.0 661.0 677.8 697.7 710.1 785.4 637.0 646.6 654.7 661.3 677.8 697.7 710.1 785.5 (K) 636.7 647.3 653.6 661.3 677.8 697.7 710.1 785.4 (W/m2) 37447.2 38244.3 38715.0 39302.9 40580.3 42173.3 41647.3 14540.8 37880.4 38614.1 39241.1 39750.4 41049.5 42677.0 41305.7 15770.3 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 566.7 738.6 746.1 754.4 762.5 769.9 775.4 784.0 650.8 665.5 682.2 701.0 793.4 651.7 666.8 675.1 682.5 699.4 718.8 726.5 794.0 651.2 666.2 675.5 683.2 698.9 719.1 726.4 794.9 (K) 650.0 666.7 674.7 683.0 699.7 720.0 728.1 792.4 Tbulk 21910 16121 15939 15743 15557 15391 15272 15086 18625 18152 17641 17102 14888 18595 18110 17855 17631 17145 16623 16424 14877 18612 18128 17841 17610 17161 16615 16425 14857 18652 18111 17865 17617 17139 16591 16384 14909 Re (z) Table SC-3214-E.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data h (z) 361.94 434.49 377.18 358.16 390.22 405.99 626.49 487.36 539.76 409.07 372.88 394.79 396.70 501.65 395.45 370.45 367.39 378.33 403.93 502.04 356.47 534.65 393.61 376.65 362.69 389.83 400.10 506.85 336.46 (W/m2-K) 562.77 393.08 367.11 362.29 371.47 378.98 464.85 416.63 ±σhtc 13.83 16.52 14.11 13.42 15.08 16.16 30.91 22.63 21.58 15.41 13.81 14.67 19.68 19.63 14.77 13.69 13.54 13.94 14.93 19.32 16.88 21.21 14.69 13.94 13.34 14.41 14.76 19.51 15.27 (W/m2-K) 22.69 14.69 13.58 13.35 13.68 13.92 17.58 21.94 Fractional 3.82% 3.80% 3.74% 3.75% 3.86% 3.98% 4.93% 4.64% 4.00% 3.77% 3.70% 3.71% 4.96% 3.91% 3.74% 3.70% 3.69% 3.68% 3.70% 3.85% 4.74% 3.97% 3.73% 3.70% 3.68% 3.70% 3.69% 3.85% 4.54% Uncertainty 4.03% 3.74% 3.70% 3.69% 3.68% 3.67% 3.78% 5.27% 98.42 81.27 69.53 64.97 69.71 71.52 109.25 83.64 121.05 88.88 78.19 79.61 66.91 112.28 85.67 78.85 76.98 76.54 78.57 96.17 60.07 119.80 85.38 80.10 75.88 78.96 77.78 97.10 56.60 126.44 85.17 78.20 75.83 75.11 73.54 88.77 70.41 Nu(z) A-263 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 (m) 1.618 2.885 2.939 3.117 3.218 3.343 3.447 Channel Elevation Location Number RodC5_63.7 225 RodC5_113.6 226 RodC5_115.7 227 RodC5_122.7 229 RodC5_126.7 230 RodC5_131.6 231 RodC5_135.7 232 H.R. 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 Zgrid 606.1 624.5 631.4 641.3 662.3 638.0 679.3 693.6 693.0 705.8 716.5 758.5 763.5 785.8 826.7 643.3 824.7 836.6 840.0 835.8 830.5 807.6 827.4 (K) 651.4 824.0 842.1 846.2 846.6 822.2 840.4 H.R.Tw 27333.6 28407.7 29143.7 29961.5 31562.6 32564.3 33346.5 33871.9 35012.4 36537.9 37299.5 38319.4 38845.8 39579.7 41737.6 30937.3 38179.2 36865.5 34458.2 31605.4 28683.9 25033.3 22112.2 (W/m ) 30188.7 37008.5 35536.6 30598.2 27778.0 24325.4 21441.1 2 H.R. q'' 508.4 520.3 528.8 538.6 558.7 571.6 582.0 589.0 606.4 627.0 637.4 651.2 658.2 667.9 706.4 550.3 721.1 726.4 735.8 746.3 756.2 767.3 775.1 (K) 550.7 721.1 727.3 746.5 756.4 767.3 775.3 Tcl 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 524.6 537.7 545.9 555.7 575.9 582.7 598.2 606.5 620.8 640.2 650.6 669.0 675.7 687.5 726.4 565.8 738.4 744.8 753.2 761.2 768.6 774.0 783.8 (K) 567.5 738.3 746.4 763.1 771.5 776.5 786.1 Tbulk 24026 23329 22906 22426 21493 21199 20550 20222 19675 18984 18633 18039 17835 17484 16425 21950 16126 15971 15772 15587 15421 15300 15089 21875 16129 15932 15543 15357 15247 15040 Re (z) Table SC-3214-E.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 335.72 327.31 340.85 350.24 365.38 588.32 411.36 388.51 484.74 556.79 565.67 428.46 442.65 402.88 416.26 399.27 442.35 401.66 397.08 423.50 462.92 745.77 507.50 (W/m -K) 359.57 431.75 371.63 368.60 369.47 531.54 395.42 2 h (z) 12.89 12.42 12.97 13.33 13.92 24.93 15.86 14.78 19.16 22.54 22.87 16.23 16.82 15.04 15.50 15.48 16.85 15.14 15.11 16.59 19.01 40.00 23.74 (W/m -K) 13.79 16.50 13.95 14.15 14.47 24.37 16.95 2 ±σhtc 3.84% 3.80% 3.81% 3.80% 3.81% 4.24% 3.86% 3.80% 3.95% 4.05% 4.04% 3.79% 3.80% 3.73% 3.72% 3.88% 3.81% 3.77% 3.80% 3.92% 4.11% 5.36% 4.68% Uncertainty 3.84% 3.82% 3.75% 3.84% 3.92% 4.58% 4.29% Fractional 101.04 95.45 97.42 97.78 97.19 154.03 103.86 96.24 116.21 127.82 126.93 92.37 94.09 83.54 79.75 108.80 82.77 74.23 72.20 75.84 81.75 130.37 87.12 97.60 80.81 68.46 65.77 64.90 92.50 67.59 Nu(z) A-264 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 Channel Elevation Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 Zgrid 576.6 617.0 623.6 632.7 653.7 686.1 693.0 697.3 573.2 612.8 616.5 620.6 640.0 671.2 679.7 681.9 571.6 608.2 614.5 623.2 643.3 669.6 678.3 680.2 (K) 578.4 615.7 621.7 628.3 649.0 683.7 693.2 697.1 H.R.Tw 24681.7 27975.4 28532.3 29361.6 31019.8 33760.1 34342.0 34618.5 24803.5 28013.2 28517.4 29262.1 30880.3 33511.3 34041.7 34302.3 482.2 511.4 516.8 525.2 542.9 573.9 580.7 583.9 482.5 512.2 517.4 525.2 543.2 574.2 580.7 583.9 482.5 512.2 517.4 525.2 543.5 574.2 580.7 583.9 (K) 482.5 511.6 517.4 525.2 543.5 574.5 581.0 584.2 (W/m2) 24844.0 28002.4 28559.8 29303.8 30949.4 33580.9 34111.0 34376.2 24690.7 27901.5 28407.1 29151.1 30795.1 33398.8 33927.1 34194.1 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 498.0 529.0 534.6 543.1 561.3 592.6 599.4 602.8 497.6 529.0 533.9 541.1 559.3 590.3 597.2 600.2 497.3 528.2 533.6 541.6 560.1 590.1 596.9 600.0 (K) 498.5 529.0 534.8 542.4 561.1 592.7 599.7 603.1 Tbulk 25589 23790 23490 23048 22158 20782 20503 20366 25612 23791 23527 23151 22254 20874 20593 20468 25628 23833 23545 23129 22216 20884 20602 20480 25558 23789 23482 23085 22172 20776 20491 20356 Re (z) Table SC-3214-E.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 314.07 317.88 320.75 327.75 335.72 361.07 366.92 366.47 328.10 333.97 345.05 368.09 382.62 414.66 412.42 420.07 332.34 348.68 350.80 356.98 370.11 419.83 417.08 426.12 (W/m2-K) 310.81 322.76 328.33 340.99 351.98 369.06 364.90 365.37 ±σhtc 12.15 12.04 12.13 12.38 12.65 13.57 13.79 13.75 12.79 12.75 13.21 14.20 14.72 16.00 15.85 16.17 13.01 13.44 13.49 13.70 14.16 16.25 16.07 16.46 (W/m2-K) 11.98 12.25 12.46 12.97 13.37 13.94 13.72 13.73 Fractional 3.87% 3.79% 3.78% 3.78% 3.77% 3.76% 3.76% 3.75% 3.90% 3.82% 3.83% 3.86% 3.85% 3.86% 3.84% 3.85% 3.91% 3.85% 3.84% 3.84% 3.83% 3.87% 3.85% 3.86% Uncertainty 3.85% 3.80% 3.79% 3.80% 3.80% 3.78% 3.76% 3.76% 100.84 94.67 94.23 94.32 92.46 92.37 92.39 91.54 105.44 99.47 101.55 106.44 105.90 106.63 104.38 105.56 106.87 104.05 103.32 103.12 102.24 108.02 105.62 107.15 99.68 96.12 96.42 98.30 97.01 94.38 91.82 91.22 Nu(z) A-265 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 Channel Elevation Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 Zgrid 788.5 799.4 798.5 821.6 827.3 821.5 820.7 822.1 803.5 814.1 804.9 825.1 832.1 826.4 822.4 820.8 708.4 714.6 756.8 768.0 780.3 819.9 784.2 (K) 713.7 756.4 766.7 780.0 790.1 818.9 799.3 834.0 H.R.Tw 41554.9 42318.2 38619.3 37029.3 35529.3 32287.1 29203.8 26121.0 41488.6 42231.9 38741.1 36939.8 34990.5 32328.7 29210.2 26231.9 671.0 680.4 702.0 708.1 713.7 725.6 736.5 746.7 671.3 680.4 701.1 708.1 715.5 725.3 736.5 746.5 613.0 622.4 635.7 642.0 651.7 689.3 696.1 (K) 622.4 632.0 638.7 644.7 660.9 680.4 692.7 777.6 (W/m2) 37145.9 37887.7 38402.4 38863.2 40124.9 41665.0 40334.8 15659.5 36660.1 37398.7 38442.6 38942.1 39704.3 41935.6 40222.0 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 690.6 700.2 718.1 727.0 732.7 741.6 750.5 759.3 693.4 702.6 718.4 727.6 734.9 742.2 750.8 758.9 628.9 637.7 655.9 663.0 673.1 711.0 710.8 (K) 637.6 652.8 660.0 667.3 682.4 703.5 710.5 787.0 Tbulk 17396 17124 16641 16411 16268 16048 15835 15630 17316 17056 16634 16396 16212 16034 15829 15640 19380 19068 18457 18228 17915 16828 16834 19073 18559 18323 18095 17634 17034 16843 15022 Re (z) Table SC-3214-E.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 424.52 426.66 480.18 391.20 375.41 404.33 416.17 415.73 376.69 379.05 447.91 378.71 360.17 383.79 408.02 423.64 461.27 486.65 381.06 371.15 370.49 385.30 547.81 (W/m2-K) 487.90 365.54 360.11 344.67 372.80 360.87 454.09 332.90 ±σhtc 15.85 15.90 18.54 14.68 14.09 15.63 16.56 17.04 13.85 13.92 17.06 14.15 13.47 14.69 16.16 17.43 17.85 18.97 14.18 13.74 13.68 14.19 21.56 (W/m2-K) 19.06 13.56 13.31 12.65 13.76 13.21 17.23 15.09 Fractional 3.73% 3.73% 3.86% 3.75% 3.75% 3.87% 3.98% 4.10% 3.68% 3.67% 3.81% 3.74% 3.74% 3.83% 3.96% 4.11% 3.87% 3.90% 3.72% 3.70% 3.69% 3.68% 3.94% Uncertainty 3.91% 3.71% 3.70% 3.67% 3.69% 3.66% 3.80% 4.53% 87.47 86.18 93.54 74.86 71.04 75.19 76.07 74.72 77.16 76.18 87.20 72.39 67.85 71.28 74.54 76.20 108.58 112.33 84.52 81.06 79.19 76.13 108.28 112.65 81.62 79.16 74.59 78.13 72.41 89.82 56.82 Nu(z) A-266 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 Channel Elevation Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 Zgrid 600.0 613.9 619.2 628.8 651.7 630.8 669.5 681.6 600.4 614.8 621.2 630.3 643.5 631.0 672.6 689.7 593.6 604.9 612.8 620.9 644.5 627.5 665.8 679.1 (K) 597.3 613.3 621.5 630.8 649.2 628.2 667.4 681.3 H.R.Tw 27247.3 28273.0 29033.6 29874.7 31424.1 32451.8 33262.2 33771.3 27263.9 28323.4 29137.4 29951.7 31606.7 32662.5 33471.0 34015.5 504.5 514.9 523.0 532.2 549.9 562.0 571.9 578.1 504.3 514.6 523.0 531.6 549.9 562.0 571.6 578.1 504.5 514.9 522.7 531.9 549.9 561.7 571.6 578.1 (K) 504.3 514.6 522.7 531.3 549.6 561.4 571.3 577.7 (W/m2) 27418.8 28464.8 29245.2 30046.7 31683.4 32704.8 33533.9 34072.8 27256.6 28292.0 29033.2 29883.6 31475.6 32486.2 33308.5 33838.5 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 520.4 531.4 539.0 548.3 566.9 573.5 588.2 595.3 520.3 531.3 539.3 548.0 565.5 573.5 588.4 596.7 519.4 529.9 537.7 546.7 565.7 572.7 587.3 594.9 (K) 519.8 531.1 539.1 547.9 566.2 572.5 587.3 595.0 Tbulk 24261 23661 23260 22790 21902 21601 20964 20668 24270 23665 23243 22802 21966 21599 20953 20613 24321 23741 23328 22868 21957 21637 21001 20685 24298 23678 23253 22810 21933 21644 21001 20681 Re (z) Table SC-3214-E.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 342.36 342.81 361.80 370.86 370.19 566.33 408.95 391.49 340.41 339.32 355.72 364.14 405.35 568.43 397.58 365.48 366.94 377.29 386.49 402.87 399.03 592.99 424.17 401.78 (W/m2-K) 353.50 346.29 355.12 362.38 381.52 587.78 418.50 394.63 ±σhtc 13.20 13.13 13.93 14.27 14.15 23.74 15.76 14.92 13.11 12.97 13.64 13.95 15.69 23.80 15.22 13.75 14.35 14.73 15.08 15.76 15.42 25.22 16.46 15.38 (W/m2-K) 13.70 13.27 13.60 13.86 14.64 24.86 16.17 15.03 Fractional 3.86% 3.83% 3.85% 3.85% 3.82% 4.19% 3.85% 3.81% 3.85% 3.82% 3.83% 3.83% 3.87% 4.19% 3.83% 3.76% 3.91% 3.90% 3.90% 3.91% 3.86% 4.25% 3.88% 3.83% Uncertainty 3.88% 3.83% 3.83% 3.83% 3.84% 4.23% 3.86% 3.81% 104.10 101.50 105.16 105.41 100.62 151.52 105.69 99.51 103.55 100.49 103.31 103.56 110.54 152.07 102.69 92.60 111.86 112.12 112.70 114.94 108.77 158.96 109.85 102.22 107.66 102.61 103.19 103.10 103.87 157.62 108.38 100.38 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3216-A Matrix test # 19 Test date –5/5/2005 Steady state time window: 14000 - 15300 sec Inlet flow: 7.93 m3/min (280.0 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 414 K (286 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 133.8 kPa (19.4 psia) Bundle power: 95.1 kW Outlet steam temperature: 755 K (900 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 14832 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -14.368x3 + 88.495x2 - 44.856x + 440.3 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -9.7242x3 + 63.535x2 - 14.296x + 429.05 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-267 A-268 A-269 A-270 A-271 A-272 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile 3 2 y = -14.368x + 88.495x - 44.856x + 440.3 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.5 4 Elevation (m) Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile 3 2 y = -9.7242x + 63.535x - 14.296x + 429.05 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-273 2.5 3 A-274 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4_110 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 Channel Elevation Number (m) 185 2.243 186 2.319 187 2.365 188 2.421 189 2.543 190 2.695 191 2.794 192 3.609 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 Zgrid (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 631.0 791.3 807.5 817.8 813.4 808.8 781.5 795.5 692.0 729.8 756.4 771.8 803.5 698.1 734.5 749.5 760.2 774.7 793.2 774.5 806.7 691.5 730.4 748.8 760.7 768.1 789.4 771.1 809.7 H.R.Tw (K) 688.5 732.1 748.8 762.7 772.2 797.0 780.1 795.7 20927.0 25803.3 24846.2 23333.6 21219.8 19303.4 16680.8 14719.4 25272.0 25758.5 26480.0 27459.6 10480.5 25657.6 26206.3 26554.0 26917.8 27813.7 28908.3 27916.4 10375.0 25752.4 26251.8 26675.4 27025.1 27909.0 29018.5 28082.7 10733.8 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 25454.5 25995.5 26319.1 26715.6 27584.4 28666.9 28312.3 9899.5 537.6 702.5 707.6 715.2 725.1 733.2 742.7 748.6 623.1 632.7 646.5 664.7 755.9 622.8 633.0 639.4 646.1 662.2 680.9 692.4 755.7 623.1 632.3 640.1 646.5 662.2 680.9 692.4 755.8 Tcl (K) 622.8 633.0 639.1 646.5 662.2 680.9 692.4 755.7 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 553.1 717.3 724.2 732.3 739.8 745.8 749.2 756.4 634.6 648.9 664.8 682.6 763.8 635.3 649.9 657.8 665.1 680.9 699.6 706.1 764.2 634.5 648.7 658.2 665.5 679.8 699.0 705.5 764.8 Tbulk (K) 633.7 649.5 657.4 665.8 680.5 700.3 707.0 762.4 12154 8998 8901 8791 8691 8613 8570 8479 10351 10088 9811 9519 8387 10337 10069 9931 9805 9545 9255 9159 8383 10352 10091 9923 9799 9563 9265 9168 8376 10367 10076 9938 9793 9552 9246 9146 8405 Re (z) Table SC-3216-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data 268.64 348.83 298.49 272.95 288.48 306.35 516.09 376.02 440.32 318.11 288.96 307.82 263.89 408.49 309.83 289.44 283.27 296.59 308.85 408.20 243.99 451.70 321.18 294.64 283.89 316.16 320.95 428.47 239.05 h (z) (W/m2-K) 464.38 314.87 287.85 275.80 300.84 296.34 387.64 296.80 10.75 14.15 11.83 10.77 11.70 12.89 28.77 18.89 19.07 12.68 11.29 12.07 13.21 17.21 12.23 11.28 10.98 11.52 12.00 16.84 11.85 19.57 12.75 11.50 11.00 12.39 12.53 17.85 11.30 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 20.39 12.50 11.23 10.68 11.74 11.47 15.73 16.36 4.00% 4.06% 3.96% 3.94% 4.06% 4.21% 5.57% 5.02% 4.33% 3.99% 3.91% 3.92% 5.01% 4.21% 3.95% 3.90% 3.88% 3.88% 3.89% 4.12% 4.86% 4.33% 3.97% 3.90% 3.87% 3.92% 3.90% 4.17% 4.73% Fractional Uncertainty 4.39% 3.97% 3.90% 3.87% 3.90% 3.87% 4.06% 5.51% 76.44 68.31 57.64 51.86 54.00 56.69 94.87 68.16 102.98 72.04 63.18 64.78 47.17 95.37 70.00 64.27 61.89 62.63 62.71 81.78 43.58 105.66 72.77 65.36 61.98 66.92 65.25 85.94 42.65 108.82 71.20 63.97 60.17 63.59 60.09 77.51 53.19 Nu(z) A-275 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 Channel Elevation Number (m) 225 1.618 226 2.885 227 2.939 229 3.117 230 3.218 231 3.343 232 3.447 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 H.R. Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 Zgrid (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 586.7 605.2 611.5 619.5 637.8 614.7 652.7 666.7 666.9 676.6 686.5 730.8 742.3 756.0 790.3 622.6 788.8 802.2 811.2 808.9 804.3 780.8 799.5 H.R.Tw (K) 627.9 787.4 806.8 813.3 812.8 789.1 806.5 18579.6 19310.5 19811.0 20365.7 21453.2 22131.1 22667.6 23025.9 23806.6 24839.2 25359.2 26058.8 26416.1 26915.5 28378.8 21019.4 25950.8 25058.1 23419.6 21486.5 19502.2 17020.0 15036.5 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 20526.3 25167.9 24164.9 20813.0 18897.4 16548.9 14588.5 496.6 508.5 516.9 526.6 546.5 559.2 569.4 576.3 593.3 613.4 623.4 636.7 643.5 652.8 689.0 538.2 702.5 707.3 715.7 724.9 733.4 742.5 748.6 Tcl (K) 538.5 702.5 708.1 725.1 733.6 742.5 748.7 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 511.7 524.6 532.7 542.1 561.7 568.5 583.3 591.4 605.6 624.0 634.0 652.4 659.9 670.0 705.8 552.3 716.9 723.1 731.6 738.9 745.2 748.9 757.1 Tbulk (K) 553.4 716.7 724.5 739.8 746.8 750.3 758.3 13329 12940 12707 12447 11937 11769 11418 11236 10929 10555 10362 10025 9893 9724 9163 12177 9004 8916 8800 8703 8621 8573 8471 12147 9007 8897 8691 8600 8555 8455 Re (z) 247.53 239.73 251.35 263.07 281.97 478.39 326.61 305.64 388.39 472.13 482.27 332.61 320.62 312.71 336.01 298.98 361.07 316.88 294.49 307.08 330.23 533.53 354.63 h (z) (W/m2-K) 275.77 355.62 293.94 283.30 286.36 426.46 302.81 Table SC-3216-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 9.97 9.53 10.03 10.53 11.33 22.21 13.43 12.35 16.50 21.03 21.49 13.34 12.74 12.33 13.29 12.21 14.73 12.67 11.75 12.58 14.13 29.94 17.13 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 11.16 14.60 11.71 11.52 11.92 21.55 13.89 4.03% 3.97% 3.99% 4.00% 4.02% 4.64% 4.11% 4.04% 4.25% 4.46% 4.46% 4.01% 3.97% 3.94% 3.95% 4.08% 4.08% 4.00% 3.99% 4.10% 4.28% 5.61% 4.83% Fractional Uncertainty 4.05% 4.11% 3.98% 4.07% 4.16% 5.05% 4.59% 78.48 73.44 75.38 77.00 78.52 130.97 86.20 79.09 97.16 113.13 112.95 74.73 70.85 67.61 67.35 85.26 70.76 61.32 56.03 57.59 61.17 98.12 64.21 78.41 69.72 56.72 53.04 52.88 78.22 54.69 Nu(z) A-276 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 Channel Elevation Number (m) 153 1.041 154 1.344 155 1.397 156 1.468 157 1.626 158 1.877 159 1.928 160 1.953 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 Zgrid (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 557.6 596.4 603.0 611.0 630.2 662.0 670.5 675.0 554.3 595.4 600.1 604.4 621.6 647.2 657.2 660.1 555.9 591.9 598.0 605.6 622.4 645.6 654.5 657.2 H.R.Tw (K) 561.2 596.6 602.8 608.5 626.9 657.6 667.3 671.2 16781.6 19021.6 19397.7 19963.4 21093.5 22956.6 23352.4 23541.1 16862.1 19045.7 19387.7 19892.6 20992.4 22782.4 23290.3 23513.9 15529.3 18185.0 18611.4 19221.5 20576.2 22676.6 23170.5 23389.8 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 16894.7 19041.3 19421.4 19925.9 21044.9 22829.6 23191.0 23370.6 471.9 500.7 506.0 514.2 531.3 561.1 567.6 570.7 472.1 501.5 506.6 514.2 531.6 561.4 567.6 570.7 472.1 501.5 506.6 514.2 531.9 561.4 567.6 570.7 Tcl (K) 472.1 501.0 506.6 514.2 531.9 561.8 567.9 571.1 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 486.2 516.6 522.2 530.4 547.8 577.9 584.8 588.1 485.8 517.1 522.1 529.3 546.6 575.7 582.6 585.6 486.1 516.6 521.8 529.5 547.0 575.5 582.1 585.2 Tbulk (K) 486.9 516.9 522.6 529.9 547.8 577.7 584.5 587.8 14163 13177 13011 12774 12294 11543 11385 11309 14176 13162 13012 12805 12326 11595 11436 11365 14167 13179 13023 12800 12315 11601 11446 11376 14136 13169 12999 12786 12296 11548 11391 11317 Re (z) 234.88 238.54 240.07 247.60 256.09 273.13 272.45 270.85 245.97 243.26 248.80 264.74 280.11 318.97 312.06 315.71 222.28 241.31 244.17 252.53 272.81 323.33 319.99 324.70 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 227.40 238.93 242.22 253.66 265.97 285.77 280.10 279.96 Table SC-3216-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 9.57 9.50 9.54 9.84 10.14 10.80 10.74 10.65 10.11 9.72 9.95 10.67 11.29 12.99 12.62 12.77 9.19 9.77 9.86 10.19 11.01 13.22 13.03 13.24 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 9.18 9.52 9.64 10.13 10.61 11.41 11.11 11.09 4.07% 3.98% 3.97% 3.97% 3.96% 3.95% 3.94% 3.93% 4.11% 4.00% 4.00% 4.03% 4.03% 4.07% 4.05% 4.05% 4.13% 4.05% 4.04% 4.04% 4.04% 4.09% 4.07% 4.08% Fractional Uncertainty 4.04% 3.98% 3.98% 3.99% 3.99% 3.99% 3.97% 3.96% 79.79 74.63 74.02 74.72 73.86 73.04 71.65 70.65 83.64 76.01 76.72 80.12 81.04 85.76 82.51 82.85 75.53 75.52 75.36 76.39 78.85 86.99 84.70 85.31 77.08 74.71 74.60 76.63 76.73 76.46 73.71 73.09 Nu(z) A-277 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 Channel Elevation Number (m) 161 2.245 162 2.319 163 2.370 164 2.416 165 2.540 166 2.692 167 2.791 168 3.614 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 Zgrid (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 764.5 773.9 769.5 790.3 798.3 796.4 794.9 796.0 769.0 777.3 768.0 786.9 795.2 794.5 790.6 787.1 679.4 686.1 727.2 739.6 753.8 783.2 752.3 H.R.Tw (K) 684.9 725.1 739.3 748.9 757.2 784.8 762.6 803.6 28248.3 28765.8 26249.5 27448.0 26563.4 21956.5 19862.6 17765.5 28213.0 28718.5 26347.1 27337.1 26150.2 24329.5 22131.5 20049.0 25402.8 26003.9 27365.2 27902.0 26994.9 28509.6 27349.2 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 25254.2 25763.0 26113.3 26426.8 27280.8 28328.3 27424.2 10659.1 652.7 661.3 681.2 686.8 691.9 702.7 712.4 721.6 653.0 661.3 680.4 686.8 693.5 702.4 712.4 721.3 598.4 607.2 619.7 625.7 634.7 669.5 675.8 Tcl (K) 607.2 616.3 622.6 628.2 643.3 661.3 672.7 748.2 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 671.3 680.1 695.9 704.0 709.6 718.3 726.2 734.0 672.3 680.7 695.0 703.4 710.5 717.8 725.4 732.3 611.9 620.3 637.7 644.7 654.5 688.5 688.6 Tbulk (K) 620.1 634.4 642.0 648.3 662.3 681.9 687.7 757.5 9702 9559 9312 9190 9108 8984 8875 8769 9685 9550 9326 9199 9096 8991 8884 8791 10798 10627 10293 10164 9988 9426 9424 10631 10353 10212 10098 9854 9530 9439 8466 Re (z) 303.17 306.76 356.80 318.19 299.74 281.30 288.86 286.49 291.70 297.22 360.60 327.69 308.64 316.98 339.48 366.08 376.06 395.28 305.47 294.04 272.01 301.05 429.50 h (z) (W/m2-K) 389.91 284.06 268.41 262.77 287.48 275.42 366.13 231.15 Table SC-3216-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 11.79 11.92 14.48 12.42 11.63 11.28 11.91 12.13 11.29 11.51 14.66 12.87 12.07 12.62 14.03 15.93 15.53 16.43 11.90 11.35 10.50 11.69 18.04 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 16.32 11.11 10.40 10.13 11.17 10.59 14.83 10.81 3.89% 3.89% 4.06% 3.90% 3.88% 4.01% 4.12% 4.23% 3.87% 3.87% 4.07% 3.93% 3.91% 3.98% 4.13% 4.35% 4.13% 4.16% 3.90% 3.86% 3.86% 3.88% 4.20% Fractional Uncertainty 4.19% 3.91% 3.87% 3.86% 3.89% 3.85% 4.05% 4.68% 65.36 64.90 73.01 64.02 59.61 54.97 55.56 54.26 62.75 62.80 73.93 66.01 61.28 62.01 65.39 69.56 92.69 95.52 70.94 67.22 60.83 62.57 89.24 94.26 66.45 61.72 59.59 63.21 58.04 76.22 41.82 Nu(z) A-278 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 Channel Elevation Number (m) 73 1.273 74 1.372 75 1.445 76 1.521 77 1.676 78 1.773 79 1.852 80 1.902 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 Zgrid (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 582.0 595.8 602.3 610.9 629.7 608.7 643.8 656.0 584.1 598.8 605.4 613.7 624.6 611.5 646.8 660.3 574.8 586.1 594.6 601.4 622.0 606.0 639.8 653.3 H.R.Tw (K) 581.6 597.7 606.1 613.9 629.0 607.5 645.9 660.1 17607.4 18490.9 19100.5 19790.3 21108.5 21507.5 22558.5 23076.8 17650.5 18568.6 19210.6 19876.8 21157.3 21690.2 22748.0 23319.0 18531.6 19233.9 19740.0 20315.6 21398.2 22083.3 22642.2 23005.0 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 17717.9 18646.4 19291.8 19949.2 21275.5 21667.0 22774.3 23349.2 494.0 504.1 512.0 521.0 538.1 549.8 559.3 565.2 493.7 503.9 512.0 520.4 538.1 549.8 559.0 565.2 494.0 504.1 511.7 520.7 538.1 549.5 559.0 565.2 Tcl (K) 493.7 503.9 511.7 520.1 537.8 549.2 558.7 564.8 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 508.6 519.4 527.1 536.0 553.4 559.6 573.4 580.3 508.8 519.7 527.6 535.9 552.5 560.1 573.6 581.0 507.4 517.8 525.6 534.1 552.1 558.9 572.5 579.8 Tbulk (K) 508.3 519.5 527.5 535.8 553.0 558.9 573.2 580.7 13423 13094 12868 12616 12148 11988 11651 11488 13419 13085 12854 12617 12170 11977 11645 11471 13461 13142 12913 12667 12182 12006 11673 11499 13432 13090 12857 12622 12158 12006 11655 11478 Re (z) 239.95 242.14 253.74 264.11 276.44 438.35 320.47 304.92 234.31 234.75 246.96 255.78 293.57 422.09 311.01 294.02 274.91 281.64 285.85 302.22 306.12 469.08 336.00 313.29 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 241.97 238.36 245.46 255.26 280.16 446.16 313.35 294.30 Table SC-3216-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 9.77 9.77 10.26 10.68 11.12 19.95 13.09 12.30 9.49 9.40 9.92 10.26 11.94 18.88 12.59 11.74 11.34 11.58 11.73 12.48 12.52 21.63 13.86 12.72 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 9.85 9.56 9.83 10.23 11.27 20.36 12.70 11.75 4.07% 4.04% 4.04% 4.04% 4.02% 4.55% 4.09% 4.03% 4.05% 4.01% 4.02% 4.01% 4.07% 4.47% 4.05% 3.99% 4.13% 4.11% 4.10% 4.13% 4.09% 4.61% 4.13% 4.06% Fractional Uncertainty 4.07% 4.01% 4.00% 4.01% 4.02% 4.56% 4.05% 3.99% 76.70 75.20 77.23 78.54 78.61 122.69 86.67 81.07 74.87 72.86 75.07 76.07 83.66 118.00 84.06 78.04 88.15 87.85 87.35 90.31 87.33 131.53 91.08 83.39 77.40 74.01 74.64 75.95 79.74 125.10 84.78 78.17 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3216-B Matrix test # 8 Test date – 5/5/2005 Steady state time window: 21300 - 22740 sec Inlet flow: 4.81 m3/min (169.7 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 419 K (295 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 271.7 kPa (39.4 psia) Bundle power: 95.2 kW Outlet steam temperature: 770 K (927 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 18147 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -14.189x3 + 88.469x2 - 43.509x + 444.57 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -7.7021x3 + 53.724x2 + 0.2758x + 429.27 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-279 A-280 A-281 A-282 A-283 A-284 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile 3 2 y = -14.189x + 88.469x - 43.509x + 444.57 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.5 4 Elevation (m) Subchannel C5 Axial Temperatre Profile 3 2 y = -7.7021x + 53.724x + 0.2758x + 429.27 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-285 2.5 3 A-286 Channel Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4_110 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 Elevation (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 Zgrid (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 639.4 803.8 820.1 830.8 826.9 822.2 794.7 809.1 702.5 740.3 768.5 785.0 818.9 708.5 745.6 761.3 772.8 789.2 807.7 789.5 822.6 702.5 741.4 760.4 772.5 787.0 800.8 782.8 825.7 H.R.Tw (K) 699.9 743.6 761.3 776.2 795.0 812.2 795.6 810.3 20943.5 25811.2 24856.8 23341.5 21221.6 19305.1 16681.6 14715.3 25293.6 25783.7 26499.8 27478.7 10480.7 25672.0 26216.5 26563.2 26932.4 27825.1 28918.8 27930.3 10370.1 25767.4 26267.0 26684.9 27037.1 27918.9 29027.9 28082.9 10727.7 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 25477.4 26016.8 26339.1 26737.6 27600.8 28684.9 28330.5 9897.8 544.7 714.7 720.1 728.2 738.8 747.5 757.9 764.5 632.3 642.1 656.4 675.3 773.1 631.9 642.5 649.1 656.0 672.6 692.1 704.2 772.9 632.3 641.8 649.8 656.4 672.6 692.1 704.2 773.0 Tcl (K) 631.9 642.5 648.8 656.4 672.6 692.1 704.2 772.9 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 560.5 729.6 736.8 745.3 753.4 759.9 764.0 771.9 644.0 658.5 675.1 693.6 780.7 644.7 659.7 667.8 675.5 692.1 711.4 718.4 781.2 644.0 658.4 668.3 675.7 691.7 710.2 717.3 781.8 Tbulk (K) 643.3 659.3 667.5 676.4 693.0 712.1 719.4 779.1 14767 10883 10763 10626 10497 10398 10336 10218 12548 12229 11885 11524 10091 12532 12204 12034 11877 11553 11197 11074 10084 12548 12232 12024 11872 11559 11217 11093 10076 12565 12211 12039 11859 11534 11184 11056 10114 Re (z) Table SC-3216-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data 265.42 347.91 298.26 273.08 288.89 309.88 543.53 395.53 432.16 315.14 283.71 300.53 274.29 402.09 305.20 284.22 276.81 286.59 300.24 392.73 250.52 440.44 316.38 289.46 279.47 292.84 320.46 428.66 244.36 h (z) (W/m2-K) 449.87 308.76 280.89 267.67 270.69 286.69 371.75 317.27 10.59 14.10 11.82 10.77 11.72 13.08 31.25 20.39 18.61 12.54 11.05 11.74 13.99 16.87 12.02 11.05 10.70 11.08 11.62 16.05 12.32 18.93 12.53 11.27 10.80 11.34 12.51 17.86 11.67 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 19.55 12.21 10.92 10.32 10.41 11.05 14.95 18.17 3.99% 4.05% 3.96% 3.94% 4.06% 4.22% 5.75% 5.15% 4.31% 3.98% 3.89% 3.91% 5.10% 4.19% 3.94% 3.89% 3.86% 3.87% 3.87% 4.09% 4.92% 4.30% 3.96% 3.89% 3.87% 3.87% 3.90% 4.17% 4.78% Fractional Uncertainty 4.35% 3.95% 3.89% 3.86% 3.85% 3.85% 4.02% 5.73% 73.70 66.35 56.08 50.50 52.59 55.71 96.96 69.52 98.66 69.68 60.53 61.66 47.42 91.65 67.31 61.59 59.00 58.99 59.39 76.59 43.28 100.55 69.97 62.67 59.54 60.32 63.54 83.79 42.17 102.87 68.15 60.91 56.95 55.60 56.62 72.35 55.02 Nu(z) A-287 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 Channel Elevation Number (m) 225 1.618 226 2.885 227 2.939 229 3.117 230 3.218 231 3.343 232 3.447 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 H.R. Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 Zgrid (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 593.1 612.5 619.2 626.8 645.3 622.2 661.2 675.7 676.4 686.8 697.6 742.7 755.0 769.8 801.1 630.8 803.6 817.7 827.3 824.5 821.4 797.7 815.5 H.R.Tw (K) 635.5 800.6 820.8 829.0 828.9 805.1 822.8 18594.6 19327.6 19825.6 20374.7 21469.4 22146.9 22684.8 23040.8 23821.0 24859.7 25375.1 26071.8 26432.8 26924.7 28389.3 21044.3 25973.3 25086.3 23438.8 21502.4 19514.5 17032.2 15045.6 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 20536.1 25179.5 24161.8 20810.7 18896.4 16546.6 14582.9 502.9 515.0 523.6 533.5 553.7 566.8 577.3 584.3 601.7 622.4 632.6 646.3 653.3 662.9 700.5 545.3 714.7 719.8 728.7 738.5 747.7 757.7 764.5 Tcl (K) 545.7 714.7 720.6 738.8 747.9 757.7 764.6 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 518.0 531.3 539.6 549.1 569.0 576.0 591.2 599.5 614.1 633.1 643.5 662.4 670.2 680.7 717.3 559.6 729.5 736.1 745.2 752.8 760.0 764.4 773.0 Tbulk (K) 560.6 729.0 737.3 753.8 761.4 765.6 774.3 16219 15736 15448 15131 14504 14296 13863 13639 13260 12799 12560 12147 11984 11773 11093 14794 10883 10774 10628 10506 10397 10330 10203 14761 10891 10754 10492 10375 10312 10183 Re (z) 247.36 237.82 249.09 262.17 281.42 479.45 324.18 302.34 382.37 462.55 468.95 324.80 311.70 302.23 338.78 295.59 350.87 307.42 285.17 300.10 317.70 510.42 354.15 h (z) (W/m2-K) 274.26 351.93 289.52 276.85 279.75 419.20 300.91 Table SC-3216-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 9.96 9.44 9.92 10.49 11.30 22.27 13.31 12.18 16.17 20.46 20.69 12.96 12.32 11.85 13.41 12.04 14.22 12.22 11.31 12.23 13.44 27.90 17.09 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 11.08 14.42 11.50 11.20 11.58 21.01 13.77 4.03% 3.97% 3.98% 4.00% 4.01% 4.64% 4.10% 4.03% 4.23% 4.42% 4.41% 3.99% 3.95% 3.92% 3.96% 4.07% 4.05% 3.97% 3.97% 4.07% 4.23% 5.47% 4.83% Fractional Uncertainty 4.04% 4.10% 3.97% 4.05% 4.14% 5.01% 4.58% 76.39 71.01 72.85 74.88 76.52 128.17 83.55 76.41 93.40 108.20 107.19 71.21 67.19 63.71 66.22 82.25 66.92 57.88 52.75 54.69 57.12 91.00 62.12 76.12 67.19 54.38 50.36 50.16 74.56 52.65 Nu(z) A-288 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 Channel Elevation Number (m) 153 1.041 154 1.344 155 1.397 156 1.468 157 1.626 158 1.877 159 1.928 160 1.953 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 Zgrid (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 564.5 604.2 611.3 619.7 639.2 671.3 680.1 684.7 562.0 602.4 607.3 612.3 630.6 657.5 667.9 670.9 561.9 599.3 605.6 613.4 630.7 654.8 663.8 666.4 H.R.Tw (K) 567.6 604.5 610.6 616.0 634.4 667.8 677.8 682.0 16795.4 19032.5 19412.6 19977.7 21107.9 22970.5 23362.4 23555.2 16876.6 19060.1 19403.6 19909.6 21010.3 22797.5 23159.0 23340.5 16801.5 18981.6 19323.9 19830.8 20951.4 22718.5 23077.6 23260.2 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 16904.8 19053.1 19432.7 19938.2 21057.4 22846.8 23207.8 23385.5 478.9 507.7 513.0 521.1 538.0 567.5 574.0 577.1 479.1 508.5 513.5 521.1 538.3 567.8 574.0 577.1 479.1 508.5 513.5 521.1 538.6 567.8 574.0 577.1 Tcl (K) 479.1 507.9 513.5 521.1 538.6 568.1 574.3 577.4 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 493.2 523.8 529.4 537.5 554.9 584.8 591.7 595.0 492.9 524.1 529.1 536.3 553.7 582.8 589.6 592.7 492.9 523.6 528.9 536.5 553.9 582.3 588.9 592.0 Tbulk (K) 493.9 524.0 529.7 536.9 554.6 584.7 591.5 594.8 17201 16005 15804 15518 14943 14043 13852 13760 17211 15992 15811 15560 14980 14101 13908 13823 17212 16011 15821 15554 14972 14114 13927 13844 17172 15995 15792 15539 14953 14045 13855 13765 Re (z) 235.37 236.58 236.98 243.17 250.37 265.57 264.11 262.58 244.37 243.53 248.18 262.08 273.06 305.10 295.89 298.66 243.56 250.89 251.69 257.90 273.00 313.60 308.36 312.42 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 229.38 236.74 240.11 252.12 263.80 275.19 268.94 268.12 Table SC-3216-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 9.59 9.41 9.39 9.63 9.87 10.45 10.35 10.27 10.03 9.73 9.92 10.54 10.95 12.35 11.86 11.98 10.00 10.10 10.10 10.35 10.96 12.78 12.48 12.66 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 9.28 9.41 9.54 10.06 10.50 10.91 10.59 10.54 4.08% 3.98% 3.96% 3.96% 3.94% 3.93% 3.92% 3.91% 4.10% 4.00% 4.00% 4.02% 4.01% 4.05% 4.01% 4.01% 4.11% 4.03% 4.01% 4.01% 4.01% 4.08% 4.05% 4.05% Fractional Uncertainty 4.04% 3.98% 3.97% 3.99% 3.98% 3.97% 3.94% 3.93% 77.44 71.99 71.11 71.48 70.48 69.51 68.01 67.08 80.45 74.04 74.51 77.28 77.09 80.25 76.56 76.71 80.19 76.38 75.62 76.01 77.03 82.57 79.91 80.39 75.34 71.99 71.99 74.22 74.32 72.04 69.27 68.52 Nu(z) A-289 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 Channel Elevation Number (m) 161 2.245 162 2.319 163 2.370 164 2.416 165 2.540 166 2.692 167 2.791 168 3.614 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 Zgrid (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 780.2 790.0 784.7 806.9 814.9 812.9 812.0 812.8 782.5 791.8 780.5 799.9 808.6 808.3 804.7 800.6 689.7 696.5 739.7 752.9 767.5 798.5 767.0 H.R.Tw (K) 695.2 735.9 750.4 760.5 775.7 793.7 775.0 818.6 28265.8 28782.8 26255.0 25189.8 24166.7 21962.4 19864.5 17771.1 28223.7 28728.1 26357.9 25132.4 23803.1 21995.3 19864.4 17842.4 24938.5 25440.7 26154.3 26489.5 27009.0 28524.4 27363.9 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 25268.6 25774.3 26125.4 26440.7 27296.3 28342.0 27437.9 10658.4 660.1 669.1 690.2 696.2 701.8 713.7 724.6 735.2 660.4 669.1 689.3 696.2 703.6 713.4 724.6 734.9 604.7 613.6 626.3 632.3 641.5 677.8 684.5 Tcl (K) 613.6 622.8 629.1 634.8 650.4 669.1 681.1 768.4 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 680.1 689.3 706.0 714.6 720.7 730.2 739.2 748.1 680.8 689.6 704.5 713.5 721.1 729.2 738.0 745.9 618.8 627.4 645.2 652.4 662.5 697.9 698.2 Tbulk (K) 627.2 641.6 649.3 655.8 671.2 689.9 696.8 776.8 11784 11606 11294 11139 11034 10872 10724 10580 11772 11600 11321 11160 11027 10888 10743 10616 13142 12934 12522 12361 12144 11443 11437 12939 12602 12429 12288 11963 11594 11463 10147 Re (z) 282.40 285.81 333.62 273.10 256.51 265.67 273.01 274.96 277.41 280.94 346.71 290.77 272.00 278.06 297.81 326.22 352.03 367.86 276.77 263.69 257.21 283.43 398.09 h (z) (W/m2-K) 371.21 273.42 258.58 252.42 261.38 272.96 350.62 254.78 Table SC-3216-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 10.88 11.00 13.36 10.65 9.97 10.54 11.11 11.51 10.67 10.80 13.98 11.45 10.69 11.13 12.37 14.34 14.41 15.14 10.75 10.16 9.86 10.91 16.40 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 15.35 10.64 9.97 9.69 10.03 10.49 14.08 12.43 3.85% 3.85% 4.00% 3.90% 3.89% 3.97% 4.07% 4.19% 3.84% 3.84% 4.03% 3.94% 3.93% 4.00% 4.15% 4.40% 4.09% 4.12% 3.89% 3.85% 3.83% 3.85% 4.12% Fractional Uncertainty 4.13% 3.89% 3.85% 3.84% 3.84% 3.84% 4.02% 4.88% 59.61 59.17 66.73 53.66 49.80 50.60 51.09 50.57 58.47 58.13 69.55 57.27 52.76 53.07 55.86 60.26 85.07 87.17 63.02 59.09 56.38 57.64 80.90 88.01 62.75 58.34 56.14 56.22 56.44 71.47 44.37 Nu(z) A-290 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 Channel Elevation Number (m) 73 1.273 74 1.372 75 1.445 76 1.521 77 1.676 78 1.773 79 1.852 80 1.902 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 Zgrid (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 587.5 602.5 610.2 619.4 638.2 615.9 652.8 665.2 589.8 605.3 611.8 620.0 631.1 617.4 654.3 668.8 582.4 593.8 602.5 608.8 630.4 612.5 648.8 662.4 H.R.Tw (K) 587.4 604.2 613.5 621.4 636.6 614.3 653.8 668.7 18538.9 19233.6 19753.2 20323.1 21376.3 22074.4 22627.7 22967.5 18549.5 19268.0 19821.5 20374.9 21501.5 22218.8 22772.6 23143.3 18548.2 19254.6 19763.8 20336.5 21419.6 22106.3 22664.2 23027.8 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 18654.1 19364.8 19892.7 20442.0 21554.7 22249.5 22813.3 23181.1 501.0 511.1 518.9 527.8 544.7 556.3 565.7 571.5 500.7 510.8 518.9 527.2 544.7 556.3 565.4 571.5 501.0 511.1 518.6 527.5 544.7 556.0 565.4 571.5 Tcl (K) 500.7 510.8 518.6 526.9 544.4 555.7 565.1 571.2 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 515.4 526.3 534.1 543.0 560.3 566.2 580.2 587.1 515.6 526.6 534.4 542.7 559.1 566.5 580.2 587.7 514.6 524.9 532.6 541.0 559.0 565.4 579.3 586.7 Tbulk (K) 515.2 526.4 534.4 542.7 559.8 565.5 579.9 587.4 16315 15912 15636 15330 14772 14588 14174 13978 16309 15903 15627 15343 14809 14580 14175 13961 16348 15964 15689 15398 14812 14613 14201 13991 16324 15910 15625 15343 14787 14612 14184 13969 Re (z) 257.09 252.43 259.53 266.02 274.55 444.37 311.73 294.19 249.84 244.86 256.13 263.43 298.72 436.09 307.49 285.50 273.49 279.52 282.75 300.27 300.07 469.20 325.94 304.08 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 258.25 248.94 251.70 259.65 280.56 455.41 308.46 285.42 Table SC-3216-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 10.45 10.14 10.43 10.68 10.98 20.08 12.70 11.80 10.09 9.77 10.26 10.55 12.13 19.52 12.46 11.36 11.27 11.47 11.57 12.37 12.22 21.63 13.40 12.27 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 10.48 9.95 10.03 10.36 11.24 20.69 12.50 11.35 4.06% 4.02% 4.02% 4.02% 4.00% 4.52% 4.07% 4.01% 4.04% 3.99% 4.00% 4.00% 4.06% 4.48% 4.05% 3.98% 4.12% 4.10% 4.09% 4.12% 4.07% 4.61% 4.11% 4.04% Fractional Uncertainty 4.06% 4.00% 3.99% 3.99% 4.01% 4.54% 4.05% 3.98% 79.91 76.32 76.94 77.12 76.26 121.65 82.49 76.57 77.63 73.99 75.88 76.44 83.22 119.31 81.38 74.20 85.20 84.82 84.14 87.49 83.62 128.70 86.45 79.24 80.32 75.25 74.56 75.34 78.03 124.90 81.70 74.23 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3216-C Matrix test # 21 Test date – 5/5/2005 Steady state time window: 25200 - 26460 sec Inlet flow: 3.12 m3/min (110.3 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 424 K (303 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 409.5 kPa (59.4 psia) Bundle power: 93.5 kW Outlet steam temperature: 790 K (963 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 17631 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -15.612x3 + 96.934x2 - 52.418x + 451.41 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -9.0768x3 + 62.294x2 - 9.6212x + 436.62 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-291 A-292 A-293 A-294 A-295 A-296 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -15.612x3 + 96.934x2 - 52.418x + 451.41 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.5 4 Elevation (m ) Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -9.0768x3 + 62.294x2 - 9.6212x + 436.62 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-297 2.5 3 A-298 Channel Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_100.1 RodD4_106.1 RodD4_110 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 Elevation (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 Zgrid (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 650.1 820.4 837.0 848.4 845.8 841.4 813.2 828.0 714.7 753.8 783.0 801.1 838.8 720.6 759.2 775.0 787.0 802.0 822.9 803.5 843.0 715.6 755.3 774.9 787.8 795.6 818.4 799.9 846.1 H.R.Tw (K) 712.0 756.8 774.3 789.2 800.5 828.0 810.5 830.2 20609.8 25422.0 24482.3 22997.8 20915.2 19028.5 16444.7 14514.4 24880.0 25361.9 26070.6 27037.3 10355.6 25258.0 25803.8 26139.0 26506.5 27385.5 28465.0 27486.6 10247.7 25350.0 25843.0 26302.3 26613.1 27440.9 28539.1 27614.1 10598.7 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 25061.1 25598.3 25914.8 26331.2 27175.5 28270.2 27903.0 9779.8 553.2 732.2 737.7 746.1 757.0 765.9 776.4 782.9 645.7 656.1 671.1 691.0 791.1 645.3 656.4 663.4 670.7 688.2 708.6 721.1 790.9 645.7 655.7 664.2 671.1 688.2 708.6 721.1 791.0 Tcl (K) 645.3 656.4 663.1 671.1 688.2 708.6 721.1 790.9 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 569.3 746.9 754.3 763.2 771.8 778.4 782.5 790.4 657.2 672.4 689.7 709.3 799.1 657.9 673.6 682.0 690.1 707.1 727.6 734.9 799.6 657.3 672.3 682.6 690.5 706.1 726.9 734.3 800.2 Tbulk (K) 656.4 673.2 681.6 690.8 706.9 728.5 736.0 797.5 14229 10398 10284 10150 10024 9929 9872 9763 12026 11714 11377 11020 9647 12012 11690 11524 11370 11058 10707 10588 9640 12023 11715 11512 11362 11077 10719 10598 9632 12042 11698 11532 11357 11063 10693 10569 9668 Re (z) Table SC-3216-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data 255.17 345.60 296.03 269.77 282.61 302.34 535.50 386.17 432.79 311.54 279.60 294.68 260.38 402.51 301.24 281.06 273.53 288.70 298.80 400.46 236.01 435.11 311.32 284.91 273.51 306.56 311.81 420.83 231.00 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 451.15 305.97 279.58 267.49 290.27 284.15 374.94 299.10 10.19 14.06 11.77 10.66 11.46 12.74 30.80 19.82 18.77 12.43 10.91 11.53 13.04 16.99 11.89 10.95 10.60 11.22 11.60 16.53 11.37 18.76 12.35 11.11 10.59 12.01 12.17 17.56 10.84 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 19.76 12.14 10.91 10.35 11.31 10.98 15.18 16.68 3.99% 4.07% 3.98% 3.95% 4.06% 4.21% 5.75% 5.13% 4.34% 3.99% 3.90% 3.91% 5.01% 4.22% 3.95% 3.90% 3.87% 3.89% 3.88% 4.13% 4.82% 4.31% 3.97% 3.90% 3.87% 3.92% 3.90% 4.17% 4.69% Fractional Uncertainty 4.38% 3.97% 3.90% 3.87% 3.90% 3.86% 4.05% 5.58% 68.95 63.61 53.72 48.13 49.61 52.42 92.15 65.50 95.72 66.70 57.71 58.43 43.47 88.89 64.32 58.95 56.41 57.49 57.11 75.45 39.37 96.20 66.65 59.69 56.36 61.18 59.68 79.38 38.49 99.94 65.39 58.69 55.09 57.83 54.22 70.48 50.08 Nu(z) A-299 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 Channel Elevation Number (m) 225 1.618 226 2.885 227 2.939 229 3.117 230 3.218 231 3.343 232 3.447 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 H.R. Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 Zgrid (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 601.5 623.0 629.8 637.1 656.1 632.2 673.1 688.6 688.6 698.8 709.3 756.7 769.6 785.1 820.8 640.3 819.5 834.0 844.0 841.7 839.4 815.0 833.3 H.R.Tw (K) 646.4 817.2 838.2 847.5 847.6 823.0 841.4 18287.8 19008.5 19503.9 20051.7 21121.9 21781.7 22311.6 22668.0 23433.8 24454.0 24963.0 25675.9 26105.9 26490.4 27935.7 20700.3 25564.9 24688.2 23083.8 21178.8 19230.6 16783.1 14835.5 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 20210.1 24775.3 23795.3 20501.4 18621.1 16306.8 14386.0 509.2 521.9 531.0 541.4 562.8 576.5 587.6 595.0 613.4 635.2 646.1 660.5 667.8 677.9 717.3 553.9 732.2 737.4 746.6 756.7 766.1 776.2 782.9 Tcl (K) 554.2 732.2 738.3 757.0 766.3 776.2 783.0 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 524.6 538.8 547.5 557.4 578.3 585.8 601.8 610.6 625.9 645.8 656.6 676.5 684.8 695.8 734.6 568.3 746.7 753.5 762.9 770.9 778.3 782.6 791.3 Tbulk (K) 569.6 746.3 754.9 772.1 779.8 784.0 792.8 15693 15198 14909 14594 13968 13756 13325 13100 12726 12271 12039 11631 11471 11264 10593 14260 10400 10295 10155 10037 9931 9870 9751 14222 10406 10274 10020 9910 9852 9731 Re (z) 237.74 225.69 236.86 251.37 271.56 469.57 313.29 290.80 373.85 461.26 473.89 320.22 307.85 296.58 323.95 287.28 351.05 306.64 284.56 298.96 314.56 519.41 353.30 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 263.08 349.58 285.91 271.72 274.92 417.67 295.62 Table SC-3216-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 9.55 8.92 9.40 10.03 10.92 21.80 12.83 11.69 15.81 20.53 21.14 12.81 12.19 11.65 12.79 11.69 14.30 12.24 11.33 12.23 13.35 28.95 17.16 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 10.60 14.38 11.39 11.00 11.39 21.06 13.52 4.02% 3.95% 3.97% 3.99% 4.02% 4.64% 4.10% 4.02% 4.23% 4.45% 4.46% 4.00% 3.96% 3.93% 3.95% 4.07% 4.07% 3.99% 3.98% 4.09% 4.24% 5.57% 4.86% Fractional Uncertainty 4.03% 4.11% 3.98% 4.05% 4.14% 5.04% 4.57% 71.56 65.64 67.45 69.90 71.83 122.04 78.44 71.35 88.59 104.58 104.94 67.95 64.20 60.45 61.07 77.82 64.63 55.72 50.80 52.57 54.56 89.36 59.83 71.04 64.41 51.82 47.68 47.54 71.68 49.92 Nu(z) A-300 Channel Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 Elevation (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 Zgrid (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 572.3 613.6 621.2 630.3 650.4 683.7 693.2 698.2 569.0 611.9 616.9 621.7 640.0 668.4 679.7 682.9 568.7 608.3 614.8 622.6 640.1 665.5 675.2 678.1 H.R.Tw (K) 576.4 615.3 622.1 627.5 645.7 679.7 690.8 695.4 16519.4 18727.0 19097.6 19653.7 20764.6 22601.1 22989.8 23175.9 16599.3 18747.7 19084.0 19581.9 20668.1 22431.3 22789.5 22964.3 16518.6 18668.9 19006.7 19506.4 20608.0 22333.0 22703.7 22880.6 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 16628.3 18743.9 19118.8 19618.9 20718.4 22475.2 22830.1 23010.6 483.7 513.9 519.4 528.0 546.0 577.4 584.2 587.5 483.9 514.7 520.0 528.0 546.3 577.7 584.2 587.5 483.9 514.7 520.0 528.0 546.6 577.7 584.2 587.5 Tcl (K) 483.9 514.1 520.0 528.0 546.6 578.0 584.6 587.9 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 498.4 530.5 536.4 545.1 563.4 595.1 602.4 606.0 498.1 530.9 536.2 543.7 561.9 592.8 600.1 603.4 498.0 530.3 535.8 543.8 562.2 592.3 599.4 602.6 Tbulk (K) 499.3 531.0 537.0 544.6 563.1 595.0 602.3 605.8 16691 15483 15279 14988 14408 13504 13311 13219 16706 15469 15287 15034 14453 13565 13370 13284 16708 15490 15299 15030 14445 13578 13389 13305 16655 15465 15257 15003 14416 13507 13314 13223 Re (z) 223.75 225.38 225.27 230.72 238.56 255.11 253.16 251.34 234.13 231.41 236.33 250.78 264.63 296.68 286.54 288.88 233.83 239.45 240.56 247.49 264.48 305.14 299.40 303.04 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 215.62 222.31 224.75 236.60 250.82 265.14 257.76 256.73 Table SC-3216-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 9.07 8.93 8.89 9.10 9.40 10.02 9.90 9.81 9.57 9.21 9.41 10.05 10.60 12.00 11.47 11.57 9.57 9.60 9.62 9.90 10.60 12.43 12.11 12.26 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 8.66 8.79 8.87 9.38 9.95 10.50 10.13 10.07 4.05% 3.96% 3.95% 3.94% 3.94% 3.93% 3.91% 3.90% 4.09% 3.98% 3.98% 4.01% 4.01% 4.04% 4.00% 4.00% 4.09% 4.01% 4.00% 4.00% 4.01% 4.07% 4.04% 4.05% Fractional Uncertainty 4.02% 3.95% 3.95% 3.96% 3.97% 3.96% 3.93% 3.92% 71.76 66.88 65.89 66.08 65.38 64.88 63.30 62.33 75.15 68.60 69.17 72.07 72.78 75.85 72.02 72.06 75.07 71.09 70.47 71.11 72.69 78.10 75.38 75.73 69.00 65.88 65.64 67.84 68.79 67.45 64.47 63.70 Nu(z) A-301 Channel Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 Elevation (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 Zgrid (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 796.1 805.6 800.1 823.0 831.7 831.6 830.3 830.9 798.7 807.6 797.0 816.7 825.4 826.1 822.4 819.0 701.7 708.5 753.3 767.2 782.9 813.6 782.1 H.R.Tw (K) 707.8 749.6 764.8 775.8 784.6 813.1 790.3 838.8 27819.0 28328.1 25855.1 24797.9 23798.2 21633.2 19571.8 17515.2 27817.2 28301.3 25968.7 24757.4 23446.8 21672.1 19584.2 17599.5 24538.5 25027.1 25739.8 26068.6 26581.2 28060.1 26925.9 H.R. q'' (W/m2) 24860.5 25366.8 25793.6 26033.7 26781.3 27869.7 26992.0 10521.9 675.6 685.1 707.3 713.5 719.3 731.7 743.0 753.8 675.9 685.1 706.3 713.5 721.2 731.4 743.0 753.5 616.9 626.3 639.8 646.2 656.0 694.2 701.2 Tcl (K) 626.3 636.1 642.9 648.9 665.3 685.1 697.7 787.1 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 695.7 705.2 722.7 731.8 738.1 748.3 757.5 766.6 696.4 705.5 721.4 730.7 738.5 747.2 756.2 764.4 631.0 640.0 658.7 666.4 677.1 714.1 714.7 Tbulk (K) 639.9 655.0 663.2 670.1 685.2 706.5 713.2 795.7 11265 11093 10789 10639 10536 10375 10235 10099 11252 11087 10811 10656 10529 10393 10254 10132 12606 12401 11993 11835 11619 10936 10925 12403 12072 11901 11760 11462 11070 10953 9692 Re (z) 277.16 282.12 334.25 271.65 254.07 259.85 269.01 272.42 272.03 277.36 343.60 287.78 270.09 274.57 295.99 322.72 347.02 365.60 272.21 258.52 251.32 281.95 399.58 h (z) (W/m2-K) 366.36 268.13 253.76 246.20 269.54 261.36 350.07 244.17 Table SC-3216-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 10.69 10.88 13.45 10.63 9.90 10.32 10.97 11.44 10.47 10.68 13.90 11.37 10.65 11.01 12.34 14.22 14.24 15.11 10.60 9.98 9.64 10.90 16.57 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 15.19 10.45 9.79 9.46 10.44 10.03 14.13 11.77 3.86% 3.86% 4.02% 3.91% 3.90% 3.97% 4.08% 4.20% 3.85% 3.85% 4.04% 3.95% 3.94% 4.01% 4.17% 4.41% 4.10% 4.13% 3.89% 3.86% 3.84% 3.86% 4.15% Fractional Uncertainty 4.15% 3.90% 3.86% 3.84% 3.87% 3.84% 4.03% 4.82% 56.50 56.40 64.51 51.50 47.57 47.69 48.51 48.29 55.38 55.41 66.48 54.67 50.52 50.51 53.51 57.44 81.30 83.96 60.00 56.05 53.26 55.36 78.36 84.15 59.58 55.40 52.96 56.16 52.12 68.87 41.02 Nu(z) A-302 Channel Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 Elevation (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 Zgrid (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 595.4 612.2 620.3 629.5 649.1 626.0 664.3 677.4 598.5 614.9 621.9 630.1 641.4 626.8 664.9 680.5 591.3 603.2 612.3 618.6 641.2 622.1 659.7 673.9 H.R.Tw (K) 595.3 613.1 622.9 630.9 646.4 623.1 663.9 679.4 18226.0 18917.2 19428.1 19991.0 21027.7 21706.7 22237.7 22591.7 18244.9 18954.1 19500.3 20045.8 21150.7 21858.1 22386.1 22775.3 18240.5 18930.2 19429.3 19995.9 21064.3 21734.1 22289.3 22646.9 H.R. q'' 2 (W/m ) 18347.6 19051.0 19572.8 20111.1 21205.4 21884.1 22418.3 22802.2 506.8 517.5 525.7 535.1 553.1 565.4 575.4 581.6 506.5 517.2 525.7 534.5 553.1 565.4 575.1 581.6 506.8 517.5 525.4 534.8 553.1 565.1 575.1 581.6 Tcl (K) 506.5 517.2 525.4 534.2 552.8 564.8 574.8 581.3 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 521.6 533.3 541.5 550.8 569.1 575.5 590.2 597.6 521.9 533.5 541.7 550.5 567.8 575.7 590.1 598.1 520.9 531.8 539.9 548.8 567.8 574.6 589.2 597.0 Tbulk (K) 521.3 533.2 541.7 550.3 568.4 574.5 589.6 597.6 15802 15387 15107 14801 14236 14048 13635 13437 15791 15379 15098 14813 14274 14044 13639 13424 15827 15438 15159 14867 14276 14074 13663 13453 15810 15389 15100 14817 14257 14077 13651 13436 Re (z) 246.90 239.71 246.55 254.20 262.92 429.77 300.06 282.90 238.11 232.81 243.38 251.52 287.32 427.50 299.19 276.36 259.18 264.89 268.30 286.54 287.10 457.26 316.07 294.43 h (z) 2 (W/m -K) 248.07 238.42 240.93 249.72 271.83 450.04 301.86 278.97 Table SC-3216-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 10.00 9.59 9.86 10.17 10.52 19.34 12.19 11.32 9.57 9.26 9.70 10.03 11.64 19.14 12.12 10.99 10.61 10.80 10.91 11.75 11.64 21.04 12.98 11.87 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 10.04 9.50 9.57 9.94 10.88 20.51 12.24 11.11 4.05% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.50% 4.06% 4.00% 4.02% 3.98% 3.99% 3.99% 4.05% 4.48% 4.05% 3.98% 4.09% 4.08% 4.07% 4.10% 4.06% 4.60% 4.11% 4.03% Fractional Uncertainty 4.05% 3.99% 3.97% 3.98% 4.00% 4.56% 4.06% 3.98% 74.87 70.65 71.23 71.80 71.08 114.43 77.18 71.53 72.15 68.58 70.27 71.11 77.92 113.80 76.99 69.79 78.72 78.36 77.81 81.34 77.87 122.02 81.49 74.55 75.26 70.28 69.58 70.63 73.62 120.12 77.75 70.53 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3242-A Matrix test # 6 Test date – 8/5/2005 Steady state time window: 8900 - 9400 sec Inlet flow: 2.27 m3/min (80.1 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 412 K (282 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 271.7 kPa (39.4 psia) Bundle power: 50.0 kW Outlet steam temperature: 600 K (621 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 8919 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Experiment SC-3242 was run with the traversing probes withdrawn. Centerline steam temperatures used are from experiment SC-3209-A. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -15.264x3 + 96.728x2 - 46.606x + 437.45 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -10.909x3 + 72.459x2 - 16.805x + 428.65 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-303 A-304 A-305 A-306 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile 3 2 y = -15.264x + 96.728x - 46.606x + 437.45 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-307 2.5 3 3.5 4 Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile 3 2 y = -10.909x + 72.459x - 16.805x + 428.65 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-308 2.5 3 3.5 4 A-309 241 242 243 244 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 Elevation RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 Channel (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 H.R. Location Number RodD3_88.3 185 RodD3_91.3 186 RodD3_93.1 187 RodD3_95.3 188 RodD3_100.1 189 RodD3_106.1 190 RodD3_110 191 RodD3_142.1 192 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 Zgrid 639.9 801.1 814.6 826.7 833.6 834.0 812.2 823.8 704.4 736.7 767.8 794.7 832.7 709.3 742.5 757.3 769.3 837.2 704.6 737.3 753.9 767.1 789.9 810.3 791.5 840.2 (K) 699.4 737.3 753.4 768.9 794.4 814.4 797.0 829.5 H.R. Tw 11008.8 13570.3 13064.4 12268.5 11154.2 10149.5 8770.1 7738.1 13290.9 13548.3 13925.0 14438.1 5507.8 13496.2 13783.0 13966.6 14158.6 5450.3 549.5 741.6 747.8 757.3 769.7 780.0 792.6 800.7 647.7 658.8 674.9 696.4 811.9 647.3 659.2 666.7 674.5 811.6 647.7 658.4 667.5 674.9 693.4 715.6 729.4 811.8 (K) 647.3 659.2 666.3 674.9 693.4 715.6 729.4 811.6 (W/m2) 13389.2 13674.0 13845.8 14053.4 14507.4 15077.9 14889.7 5199.7 13543.1 13807.9 14028.7 14213.9 14678.3 15265.4 14771.9 5636.6 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 Correction 564.6 751.5 762.1 772.1 783.4 791.5 796.8 805.7 657.1 671.8 690.4 712.8 816.3 657.6 673.1 681.8 690.3 817.1 657.2 671.6 681.9 690.3 709.5 731.4 739.8 817.9 (K) 656.0 672.2 680.8 690.6 710.2 732.1 740.7 815.4 Tbulk 7049 5069 4991 4919 4841 4786 4751 4694 5903 5755 5578 5380 4627 5898 5742 5658 5579 4622 5902 5757 5657 5579 5408 5225 5159 4617 5915 5751 5668 5576 5402 5220 5152 4632 Re (z) Table SC-3242-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data h (z) 146.11 273.59 248.99 224.89 221.90 239.19 569.82 426.61 281.06 208.63 179.80 176.24 337.72 261.32 198.65 185.02 179.17 271.24 285.56 209.90 194.73 184.97 182.40 193.47 285.54 251.94 (W/m2-K) 308.19 210.10 190.78 179.50 172.39 183.20 264.30 371.09 ±σhtc 11.00 13.84 14.75 13.22 13.22 14.77 56.97 38.12 16.82 11.44 9.24 8.53 32.51 15.23 10.69 9.66 9.12 22.90 16.93 11.39 10.19 9.43 8.83 8.92 14.21 19.94 (W/m2-K) 18.79 11.45 10.06 9.17 8.34 8.43 12.83 40.00 Fractional 7.53% 5.06% 5.92% 5.88% 5.96% 6.17% 10.00% 8.93% 5.98% 5.48% 5.14% 4.84% 9.63% 5.83% 5.38% 5.22% 5.09% 8.44% 5.93% 5.43% 5.24% 5.10% 4.84% 4.61% 4.98% 7.91% Uncertainty 6.10% 5.45% 5.27% 5.11% 4.84% 4.60% 4.85% 10.78% 40.16 49.99 44.58 39.51 38.18 40.54 95.66 70.48 62.33 44.82 37.14 34.76 54.74 57.89 42.56 38.92 37.01 43.90 63.33 45.12 40.95 38.22 36.22 36.77 53.38 40.73 68.52 45.10 40.21 37.06 34.18 34.77 49.32 60.24 Nu(z) A-310 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 Elevation (m) 1.618 2.885 2.939 3.117 3.218 3.343 3.447 Channel Location Number RodC5_63.7 225 RodC5_113.6 226 RodC5_115.7 227 RodC5_122.7 229 RodC5_126.7 230 RodC5_131.6 231 RodC5_135.7 232 H.R. 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 Zgrid 590.1 614.3 626.7 636.0 650.4 629.7 665.2 683.1 702.0 692.4 696.2 739.6 752.8 769.0 801.5 638.8 799.5 808.5 815.9 824.2 828.7 809.0 823.0 (K) 643.8 802.8 820.4 839.6 840.0 821.3 833.9 H.R. Tw 9775.1 10161.9 10423.7 10713.1 11286.0 11641.1 11923.7 12110.7 12523.4 13067.2 13339.8 13708.2 13893.5 14156.4 14927.1 11049.0 13639.9 13172.5 12308.9 11288.7 10245.7 8940.5 7898.5 (W/m ) 10795.8 13236.8 12705.3 10942.0 9932.5 8697.2 7666.5 2 H.R. q'' 503.0 516.4 526.1 537.1 559.6 574.2 585.9 593.8 613.3 636.5 648.1 663.5 671.4 682.3 725.2 550.2 741.6 747.5 757.9 769.4 780.2 792.3 800.7 (K) 550.6 741.6 748.5 769.7 780.5 792.3 800.9 Tcl 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction 517.5 532.8 542.8 553.5 574.8 583.4 599.1 608.7 628.1 645.8 656.1 676.2 685.0 696.7 737.9 565.0 751.3 757.7 770.3 781.1 790.6 795.9 805.5 (K) 566.1 751.8 763.9 784.6 793.2 798.6 808.0 Tbulk 7818 7552 7385 7216 6902 6781 6573 6452 6220 6022 5913 5712 5628 5520 5173 7043 5071 5023 4932 4856 4792 4757 4695 7026 5067 4978 4832 4774 4740 4679 Re (z) Table SC-3242-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 134.68 124.61 124.23 129.89 149.22 251.79 180.45 162.70 169.40 280.63 332.41 216.18 204.68 195.80 234.79 149.65 282.77 259.01 270.08 261.88 269.05 682.08 451.59 (W/m -K) 138.95 259.54 224.60 199.20 212.48 381.59 296.04 2 h (z) 12.33 10.67 10.19 10.20 10.81 18.28 12.10 10.52 10.35 17.28 20.75 11.73 10.78 9.95 11.15 11.23 14.41 12.97 16.41 16.10 17.07 76.81 41.26 (W/m -K) 10.57 13.11 13.20 11.73 12.87 29.87 21.70 2 ±σhtc 9.15% 8.56% 8.21% 7.85% 7.25% 7.26% 6.70% 6.47% 6.11% 6.16% 6.24% 5.43% 5.27% 5.08% 4.75% 7.50% 5.09% 5.01% 6.08% 6.15% 6.34% 11.26% 9.14% Uncertainty 7.61% 5.05% 5.88% 5.89% 6.06% 7.83% 7.33% Fractional 41.64 37.07 36.03 36.69 40.01 66.12 45.65 40.25 40.08 63.81 73.89 46.01 42.76 39.91 44.05 41.09 51.69 46.77 47.61 45.24 45.68 114.68 74.63 38.05 47.39 40.08 34.19 35.90 63.85 48.70 Nu(z) A-311 Channel Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 Elevation 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 Zgrid 563.8 604.8 613.8 626.2 642.4 670.7 679.8 687.1 559.6 602.6 609.2 619.9 630.2 657.0 668.6 674.0 561.8 600.4 609.0 619.3 633.8 659.5 674.8 681.0 (K) 564.2 605.3 614.5 626.3 642.3 671.1 685.0 691.1 H.R. Tw 8825.9 10002.8 10201.3 10499.4 11094.1 12072.4 12279.4 12375.4 8865.4 10017.7 10198.1 10463.7 11041.0 11982.6 12169.7 12267.5 477.2 510.1 516.2 525.6 545.3 579.5 587.0 590.6 477.4 511.0 516.8 525.6 545.6 579.9 587.0 590.6 477.4 511.0 516.8 525.6 545.9 579.9 587.0 590.6 (K) 477.4 510.4 516.8 525.6 545.9 580.3 587.4 591.0 (W/m2) 8888.5 10016.6 10215.9 10481.8 11069.9 12008.6 12199.6 12293.2 8829.4 9975.7 10157.0 10423.3 11012.5 11940.3 12130.4 12226.4 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 491.6 525.9 532.5 542.4 561.5 594.7 602.5 606.7 491.1 526.3 532.2 541.3 559.7 592.8 600.6 604.5 491.5 525.9 532.2 541.2 560.6 593.2 601.7 605.7 (K) 491.9 526.2 533.1 542.4 562.0 595.4 603.7 607.7 Tbulk 8314 7669 7556 7392 7095 6629 6529 6476 8324 7663 7561 7409 7121 6655 6553 6504 8317 7669 7561 7411 7108 6650 6540 6489 8308 7663 7546 7392 7087 6621 6514 6464 Re (z) Table SC-3242-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 122.26 126.72 125.42 125.25 137.13 158.98 158.87 153.96 129.45 131.35 132.56 133.22 156.56 186.47 178.95 176.47 125.61 133.96 132.21 133.55 150.41 179.92 165.81 162.26 (W/m2-K) 122.83 126.67 125.56 124.97 137.91 158.56 149.93 147.34 ±σhtc 13.05 11.11 10.65 10.15 10.19 10.38 10.09 9.62 13.77 11.49 11.27 10.85 11.76 12.41 11.56 11.23 13.40 11.77 11.28 10.92 11.29 11.96 10.66 10.27 (W/m2-K) 13.02 11.09 10.63 10.14 10.26 10.38 9.51 9.22 Fractional 10.67% 8.77% 8.49% 8.10% 7.43% 6.53% 6.35% 6.25% 10.64% 8.75% 8.50% 8.15% 7.51% 6.66% 6.46% 6.36% 10.67% 8.79% 8.53% 8.17% 7.50% 6.65% 6.43% 6.33% Uncertainty 10.60% 8.75% 8.47% 8.11% 7.44% 6.54% 6.35% 6.26% 40.39 38.35 37.34 36.37 37.98 40.64 39.87 38.27 42.82 39.72 39.49 38.79 43.55 47.89 45.11 44.08 41.51 40.54 39.39 38.89 41.75 46.16 41.70 40.42 40.55 38.31 37.32 36.29 38.15 40.47 37.53 36.54 Nu(z) A-312 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 Elevation RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 Channel (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 H.R. Location Number RodB4_88.4 161 RodB4_91.3 162 RodB4_93.3 163 RodB4_95.1 164 RodB4_100 165 RodB4_106 166 RodB4_109.9 167 RodB4_142.3 168 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 Zgrid 788.7 795.1 783.4 800.2 811.4 821.5 825.4 825.5 779.6 786.0 772.3 792.1 803.3 817.3 820.8 818.9 695.5 698.9 739.3 752.6 767.7 802.4 778.3 (K) 700.2 735.3 750.7 761.9 786.1 801.0 781.2 835.5 H.R. Tw 14858.7 15130.5 13805.2 13235.5 12699.3 11539.6 10436.9 9335.8 14835.0 15101.1 13853.8 13208.5 12511.1 11562.7 10441.6 9384.9 685.6 695.7 719.1 725.6 731.7 744.4 756.0 766.9 686.0 695.7 718.1 725.6 733.6 744.1 756.0 766.7 622.5 632.7 647.3 654.2 664.7 705.3 712.8 (K) 632.7 643.3 650.6 657.1 674.7 695.7 709.1 799.4 (W/m2) 13283.7 13547.3 13731.8 13897.7 14351.8 14898.7 14427.6 5598.2 13107.9 13372.9 13747.5 13924.1 14195.5 14996.3 14381.1 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 Correction 702.8 712.3 729.8 738.0 745.0 757.3 770.9 779.5 701.6 710.8 727.1 736.7 745.2 756.3 769.9 777.9 634.7 643.8 662.6 670.6 681.8 721.5 723.7 (K) 644.0 658.6 667.3 674.6 693.2 713.3 721.1 807.1 Tbulk 5466 5384 5238 5173 5119 5026 4928 4867 5477 5397 5260 5183 5117 5033 4935 4879 6145 6045 5846 5767 5658 5306 5288 6042 5887 5800 5728 5552 5375 5309 4685 Re (z) Table SC-3242-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 173.05 182.71 257.71 212.84 191.16 179.71 191.32 202.98 190.19 200.82 306.56 238.49 215.49 189.57 204.87 228.50 215.55 242.60 179.26 169.74 165.27 185.33 263.17 (W/m2-K) 236.32 176.71 164.64 159.15 154.62 169.93 239.87 196.82 ±σhtc 8.12 8.40 12.74 10.15 8.99 8.51 11.26 12.34 9.03 9.37 15.97 11.69 10.44 9.08 12.20 14.27 12.60 14.01 9.47 8.73 8.21 8.43 12.93 (W/m2-K) 13.65 9.47 8.57 8.09 7.44 7.80 11.57 13.91 Fractional 4.69% 4.60% 4.94% 4.77% 4.70% 4.74% 5.89% 6.08% 4.75% 4.66% 5.21% 4.90% 4.85% 4.79% 5.96% 6.24% 5.85% 5.78% 5.28% 5.14% 4.97% 4.55% 4.91% Uncertainty 5.77% 5.36% 5.20% 5.08% 4.82% 4.59% 4.82% 7.07% 34.84 36.07 49.13 39.92 35.37 32.47 33.69 35.17 38.38 39.77 58.75 44.85 39.85 34.32 36.15 39.72 50.24 55.41 39.28 36.56 34.76 35.92 50.78 53.95 39.06 35.72 33.99 31.75 33.48 46.53 32.43 Nu(z) A-313 Channel Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 Elevation 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 Zgrid 583.8 604.6 616.2 625.3 639.6 621.2 654.4 669.3 586.2 606.2 617.4 625.6 632.4 620.8 654.4 672.1 581.3 599.0 610.8 619.0 633.3 616.8 652.8 668.5 (K) 583.0 605.4 618.5 627.9 638.8 618.6 650.9 662.7 H.R. Tw 9740.9 10106.9 10378.8 10678.8 11232.8 11598.1 11888.1 12066.8 9750.8 10130.2 10420.5 10711.0 11301.7 11678.1 11968.5 12162.9 502.4 514.1 523.1 533.4 553.1 566.5 577.4 584.2 502.1 513.8 523.1 532.7 553.1 566.5 577.1 584.2 502.4 514.1 522.8 533.0 553.1 566.2 577.1 584.2 (K) 502.1 513.8 522.8 532.4 552.7 565.8 576.7 583.8 (W/m2) 9803.7 10177.2 10454.8 10742.0 11327.4 11691.0 11988.7 12181.1 9742.1 10113.1 10379.6 10682.0 11252.6 11613.6 11910.0 12099.4 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 516.0 529.2 538.6 548.7 567.5 575.6 590.2 598.4 516.1 529.2 538.8 548.2 566.3 575.6 590.0 598.8 515.6 528.2 537.5 547.4 566.4 574.6 589.7 598.2 (K) 515.6 529.0 538.7 548.3 567.1 574.6 589.1 597.0 Tbulk 7846 7613 7454 7291 7006 6889 6689 6582 7843 7613 7451 7299 7024 6890 6693 6576 7854 7629 7473 7312 7022 6904 6696 6584 7853 7615 7452 7297 7012 6904 6704 6600 Re (z) Table SC-3242-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 143.69 133.92 133.83 139.39 155.84 254.54 185.41 170.17 139.10 131.54 132.65 138.40 170.91 258.05 185.75 166.08 148.28 142.82 141.43 149.17 168.30 275.04 188.71 172.09 (W/m2-K) 145.47 133.23 131.06 134.96 157.96 265.88 193.95 185.31 ±σhtc 13.21 11.55 11.05 10.99 11.36 18.56 12.47 11.07 12.77 11.33 10.91 10.90 12.48 18.76 12.44 10.72 13.65 12.35 11.71 11.81 12.31 20.32 12.71 11.18 (W/m2-K) 13.32 11.43 10.75 10.60 11.45 19.43 13.04 12.08 Fractional 9.20% 8.63% 8.25% 7.88% 7.29% 7.29% 6.73% 6.51% 9.18% 8.61% 8.22% 7.87% 7.30% 7.27% 6.70% 6.45% 9.21% 8.65% 8.28% 7.92% 7.32% 7.39% 6.73% 6.50% Uncertainty 9.16% 8.58% 8.20% 7.85% 7.25% 7.31% 6.73% 6.52% 44.60 40.20 39.23 39.85 42.53 68.11 47.90 43.13 43.16 39.49 38.87 39.61 46.78 69.06 48.02 42.04 46.08 42.97 41.58 42.78 46.05 73.78 48.82 43.63 45.20 40.01 38.41 38.62 43.16 71.32 50.25 47.12 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3242-B Matrix test # 7 Test date – 8/5/2005 Steady state time window: 14700 - 15000 sec Inlet flow: 3.55 m3/min (125.2 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 417 K (291 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 271.7 kPa (39.4 psia) Bundle power: 70.0 kW Outlet steam temperature: 610 K (639 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 13553 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Experiment SC-3242 was run with the traversing probes withdrawn. Centerline steam temperatures used are from experiment SC-3214-A. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -13.233x3 + 84.376x2 - 38.8x + 441.58 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -9.9912x3 + 67.516x2 - 20.267x + 434.51 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-314 A-315 A-316 A-317 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -13.233x3 + 84.376x2 - 38.8x + 441.58 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m ) A-318 2.5 3 3.5 4 Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -9.9912x3 + 67.516x2 - 20.267x + 434.51 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m ) A-319 2.5 3 3.5 4 A-320 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 Channel Elevation Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 Zgrid 632.6 787.2 802.1 813.8 815.2 813.3 788.9 803.1 695.1 730.3 758.1 778.8 809.4 699.5 733.4 747.8 758.7 812.5 694.1 730.5 748.0 761.2 780.1 794.4 773.4 815.7 (K) 689.7 729.6 746.3 761.8 783.8 800.0 781.4 806.4 H.R.Tw 15413.2 18998.6 18294.3 17180.2 15621.7 14210.7 12281.2 10833.1 18608.8 18969.5 19494.8 20214.7 7714.9 18895.1 19297.3 19552.2 19820.5 7636.7 542.6 714.2 719.8 728.3 739.6 749.0 760.6 768.2 630.0 640.0 654.4 673.6 778.8 629.7 640.3 647.0 654.0 778.5 630.0 639.6 647.7 654.4 670.9 690.8 703.2 778.6 (K) 629.7 640.3 646.7 654.4 670.9 690.8 703.2 778.5 (W/m2) 18745.6 19144.1 19384.2 19675.5 20313.6 21110.0 20848.2 7285.8 18964.1 19330.7 19642.5 19900.3 20553.3 21366.1 20675.3 7899.8 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 557.6 726.4 733.5 742.6 752.2 759.7 765.3 774.0 640.9 655.0 671.6 691.1 783.9 641.3 655.8 663.8 671.5 784.2 640.7 654.8 664.4 672.2 689.1 708.1 714.9 784.8 (K) 639.7 655.2 663.3 672.3 689.7 709.0 716.2 783.2 Tbulk 11023 8115 8026 7917 7804 7717 7655 7560 9363 9130 8871 8586 7455 9356 9117 8991 8874 7452 9366 9134 8982 8863 8615 8353 8262 7445 9384 9127 9000 8861 8606 8340 8245 7462 Re (z) Table SC-3242-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data h (z) 205.70 312.47 266.84 241.38 247.99 265.26 521.65 371.84 343.32 252.15 225.56 230.49 301.84 324.90 248.68 232.89 227.25 269.41 355.33 255.20 235.07 223.49 225.80 247.54 353.34 255.49 (W/m2-K) 375.08 257.25 233.44 219.72 215.83 231.93 319.92 313.02 ±σhtc 12.34 13.87 11.50 10.32 10.88 12.17 36.39 22.52 17.45 11.78 10.05 9.89 19.96 16.17 11.49 10.51 10.06 16.70 18.03 11.84 10.59 9.86 9.63 10.29 15.81 14.98 (W/m2-K) 19.45 12.00 10.58 9.72 9.20 9.60 13.90 22.18 Fractional 6.00% 4.44% 4.31% 4.27% 4.39% 4.59% 6.98% 6.06% 5.08% 4.67% 4.45% 4.29% 6.61% 4.98% 4.62% 4.51% 4.43% 6.20% 5.07% 4.64% 4.50% 4.41% 4.27% 4.16% 4.47% 5.86% Uncertainty 5.19% 4.66% 4.53% 4.42% 4.26% 4.14% 4.35% 7.09% 57.51 59.97 50.49 44.87 45.25 47.71 92.83 65.10 78.92 56.18 48.48 47.54 51.88 74.61 55.31 50.90 48.86 46.28 81.71 56.89 51.31 47.98 46.77 49.30 69.39 43.84 86.45 57.29 51.08 47.16 44.65 46.10 62.66 53.88 Nu(z) A-321 Number 225 226 227 229 230 231 232 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 (m) 1.618 2.885 2.939 3.117 3.218 3.343 3.447 Channel Elevation Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 H.R. 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 Zgrid 587.0 609.1 617.9 624.1 641.4 621.3 658.6 675.8 690.3 679.3 686.6 731.1 743.8 760.3 787.6 629.1 787.1 796.4 802.9 807.7 807.6 783.9 801.9 (K) 632.7 788.5 808.1 820.2 820.3 797.7 813.2 H.R.Tw 13685.2 14223.4 14593.0 15000.7 15801.6 16301.7 16696.4 16959.1 17529.3 18291.0 18672.2 19183.8 19447.0 19814.7 20891.9 15485.3 19114.7 18457.2 17252.0 15825.5 14364.9 12536.1 11074.9 (W/m ) 15117.8 18531.3 17790.6 15324.1 13913.7 12184.8 10739.7 2 H.R. q'' 501.3 513.3 521.8 531.6 551.7 564.6 575.0 582.0 599.4 620.1 630.4 644.2 651.2 660.9 699.4 543.3 714.2 719.5 728.9 739.4 749.3 760.4 768.2 (K) 543.6 714.2 720.4 739.6 749.5 760.4 768.4 Tcl 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 515.6 529.2 537.8 547.0 566.6 574.1 589.0 597.7 614.5 629.9 639.8 658.7 666.7 677.5 714.1 557.6 726.3 732.3 741.2 750.8 759.0 764.3 773.8 (K) 558.5 726.6 735.0 753.0 761.3 766.6 775.8 Tbulk 12102 11730 11507 11278 10817 10651 10334 10158 9832 9552 9382 9072 8947 8783 8272 11024 8116 8041 7933 7820 7726 7666 7562 11003 8113 8008 7794 7700 7640 7540 Re (z) Table SC-3242-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 191.54 178.13 182.13 194.50 211.36 344.90 239.62 216.99 231.47 370.88 398.39 265.00 252.02 239.22 284.54 216.59 314.89 288.13 279.73 277.72 295.29 640.01 393.59 (W/m -K) 203.69 299.42 243.48 228.21 235.86 391.55 287.27 2 h (z) 13.55 11.86 11.71 12.08 12.29 20.74 13.14 11.51 11.81 19.67 21.06 12.34 11.46 10.57 12.10 13.00 13.96 12.60 12.34 12.50 13.97 51.12 24.31 (W/m -K) 12.35 13.29 10.40 9.90 10.55 22.85 15.18 2 ±σhtc 7.07% 6.66% 6.43% 6.21% 5.82% 6.01% 5.48% 5.31% 5.10% 5.30% 5.29% 4.66% 4.55% 4.42% 4.25% 6.00% 4.43% 4.37% 4.41% 4.50% 4.73% 7.99% 6.18% Uncertainty 6.06% 4.44% 4.27% 4.34% 4.47% 5.84% 5.28% Fractional 59.52 53.47 53.50 55.83 57.81 92.64 62.10 55.08 56.49 87.38 91.81 58.57 54.75 50.77 55.97 60.56 60.44 54.65 52.14 50.82 53.18 114.11 68.93 56.83 57.44 45.94 41.57 42.29 69.51 50.12 Nu(z) A-322 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 Channel Elevation Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 Zgrid 558.0 597.9 605.2 614.9 632.4 664.7 672.9 680.0 555.0 595.0 600.1 606.6 620.6 652.0 662.8 667.5 557.3 594.6 601.4 609.0 625.2 654.1 667.5 671.9 (K) 561.4 600.4 607.6 614.7 631.5 664.8 677.2 682.6 H.R.Tw 12360.3 14010.0 14286.4 14702.0 15533.5 16903.6 17195.9 17334.8 12419.3 14027.0 14279.5 14651.8 15461.9 16776.3 17041.3 17175.8 475.1 504.7 510.2 518.7 536.5 567.6 574.5 577.7 475.3 505.5 510.7 518.7 536.8 568.0 574.5 577.7 475.3 505.5 510.7 518.7 537.1 568.0 574.5 577.7 (K) 475.3 504.9 510.7 518.7 537.1 568.3 574.8 578.1 (W/m2) 12442.1 14023.3 14302.0 14673.8 15497.5 16812.7 17078.8 17209.0 12362.0 13969.6 14222.5 14594.4 15418.3 16720.4 16985.8 17118.3 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 488.9 520.2 526.0 534.7 552.4 583.8 590.9 594.8 488.6 520.4 525.6 533.3 550.7 582.0 589.2 592.7 489.0 520.3 525.8 533.7 551.8 582.3 590.0 593.4 (K) 489.7 520.8 526.9 534.7 552.8 584.4 591.9 595.5 Tbulk 12897 11973 11816 11587 11146 10442 10295 10216 12907 11968 11827 11623 11187 10480 10330 10258 12894 11970 11821 11612 11163 10473 10313 10243 12873 11956 11793 11588 11137 10430 10275 10201 Re (z) Table SC-3242-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 178.96 180.25 180.39 183.38 194.36 209.06 209.57 203.48 187.18 187.97 191.77 199.97 221.34 239.40 231.50 229.59 181.03 188.03 188.29 193.78 209.92 232.78 218.96 218.05 (W/m2-K) 173.58 176.33 177.19 183.29 196.84 208.97 200.14 197.52 ±σhtc 14.49 12.25 11.93 11.66 11.51 11.14 10.93 10.47 15.13 12.77 12.73 12.84 13.30 13.02 12.28 12.04 14.66 12.82 12.51 12.44 12.56 12.64 11.56 11.39 (W/m2-K) 13.94 11.95 11.68 11.67 11.67 11.16 10.43 10.17 Fractional 8.10% 6.80% 6.61% 6.36% 5.92% 5.33% 5.21% 5.15% 8.08% 6.80% 6.64% 6.42% 6.01% 5.44% 5.30% 5.24% 8.10% 6.82% 6.65% 6.42% 5.99% 5.43% 5.28% 5.22% Uncertainty 8.03% 6.78% 6.59% 6.37% 5.93% 5.34% 5.21% 5.15% 59.53 55.35 54.59 54.29 55.05 54.85 54.06 52.01 62.31 57.69 58.09 59.40 62.95 63.09 59.96 58.97 60.20 57.72 57.00 57.51 59.55 61.29 56.61 55.91 57.63 54.06 53.50 54.26 55.70 54.75 51.51 50.40 Nu(z) A-323 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 Channel Elevation Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 Zgrid 770.3 778.1 769.1 788.0 799.0 805.0 805.4 804.9 766.0 773.4 760.4 781.0 791.8 800.7 800.8 798.8 686.3 690.8 732.3 745.0 759.0 790.7 761.5 (K) 688.6 726.5 741.2 751.1 769.5 785.8 764.1 811.8 H.R.Tw 20802.0 21182.6 19327.4 18540.3 17789.1 16166.1 14624.9 13084.3 20763.9 21138.1 19394.8 18495.1 17516.8 16187.3 14624.2 13137.1 665.0 674.4 696.0 702.1 707.7 719.6 730.4 740.7 665.3 674.4 695.1 702.1 709.5 719.3 730.4 740.5 606.9 616.3 629.7 636.0 645.7 683.3 690.1 (K) 616.3 626.0 632.7 638.7 654.9 674.4 686.7 771.5 (W/m2) 18598.1 18971.6 19228.0 19460.3 20089.2 20860.8 20195.0 7848.2 18352.4 18721.7 19246.0 19495.9 19875.3 20990.4 20134.5 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 682.6 691.7 708.2 716.4 722.9 733.9 742.9 751.4 682.1 690.9 706.0 715.2 723.2 732.9 742.2 750.2 620.1 628.7 646.8 654.2 664.5 701.2 702.0 (K) 628.3 642.7 650.8 657.4 674.0 692.9 699.6 778.2 Tbulk 8709 8578 8351 8243 8159 8022 7912 7813 8715 8589 8381 8258 8155 8034 7922 7827 9728 9574 9265 9144 8980 8446 8434 9581 9332 9199 9092 8836 8560 8467 7514 Re (z) Table SC-3242-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 237.17 244.93 317.34 258.82 233.96 227.12 234.11 244.73 247.53 256.05 356.23 281.24 255.29 238.69 249.54 270.27 277.58 301.70 224.98 214.70 210.39 234.39 338.54 (W/m2-K) 308.67 226.58 212.60 207.79 210.43 224.61 313.17 233.86 ±σhtc 10.01 10.20 14.07 11.05 9.88 9.71 10.32 11.27 10.52 10.75 16.31 12.24 11.01 10.32 11.18 12.85 13.77 14.84 10.22 9.55 9.14 9.63 15.10 (W/m2-K) 15.32 10.42 9.55 9.18 8.99 9.30 13.72 13.10 Fractional 4.22% 4.17% 4.43% 4.27% 4.22% 4.28% 4.41% 4.60% 4.25% 4.20% 4.58% 4.35% 4.31% 4.32% 4.48% 4.75% 4.96% 4.92% 4.54% 4.45% 4.34% 4.11% 4.46% Uncertainty 4.96% 4.60% 4.49% 4.42% 4.27% 4.14% 4.38% 5.60% 49.80 50.46 63.19 50.68 45.21 42.95 43.49 44.72 52.02 52.84 71.25 55.20 49.31 45.22 46.43 49.51 66.87 71.28 51.04 47.92 45.91 47.34 68.26 72.99 51.87 47.81 46.05 45.00 46.15 63.46 40.62 Nu(z) A-324 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 Channel Elevation Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 Zgrid 581.1 598.4 606.7 613.2 631.2 613.8 650.3 664.7 584.7 601.2 609.8 616.6 626.7 615.8 653.5 671.7 577.4 592.2 601.2 607.1 623.8 608.3 645.9 661.2 (K) 581.2 599.8 610.8 616.0 631.3 612.4 648.0 661.4 H.R.Tw 13642.9 14155.8 14536.6 14957.1 15732.7 16245.2 16654.0 16905.2 13650.5 14180.1 14587.1 14994.7 15821.6 16351.3 16757.3 17028.9 497.7 508.2 516.4 525.7 543.5 555.8 565.7 571.8 497.5 508.0 516.4 525.1 543.5 555.8 565.4 571.8 497.7 508.2 516.1 525.4 543.5 555.4 565.4 571.8 (K) 497.5 508.0 516.1 524.8 543.2 555.1 565.0 571.5 (W/m2) 13727.3 14251.4 14640.3 15043.8 15861.9 16372.1 16788.6 17057.3 13649.1 14167.5 14539.0 14964.7 15761.3 16266.0 16678.1 16943.6 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 511.6 523.3 531.4 540.3 558.1 565.4 579.8 587.3 512.0 523.5 531.9 540.3 557.4 565.8 580.0 588.5 511.0 522.2 530.3 539.0 556.9 564.2 578.8 586.7 (K) 511.4 523.3 531.9 540.0 557.9 564.7 578.9 586.5 Tbulk 12214 11890 11673 11446 11012 10843 10527 10368 12203 11884 11659 11444 11029 10836 10521 10344 12232 11918 11703 11478 11041 10870 10548 10380 12220 11890 11661 11453 11017 10861 10547 10385 Re (z) Table SC-3242-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 196.26 188.41 193.21 205.02 215.36 335.66 236.21 218.41 187.80 182.44 187.45 196.50 228.26 326.93 228.23 204.70 205.55 202.39 204.88 219.74 235.71 369.50 248.40 227.61 (W/m2-K) 196.72 186.27 185.49 197.95 216.03 343.17 242.83 227.77 ±σhtc 13.92 12.64 12.50 12.80 12.59 20.10 12.93 11.61 13.28 12.20 12.07 12.22 13.37 19.38 12.40 10.76 14.63 13.64 13.33 13.81 13.89 22.63 13.65 12.14 (W/m2-K) 13.90 12.43 11.91 12.30 12.57 20.57 13.26 12.11 Fractional 7.09% 6.71% 6.47% 6.24% 5.84% 5.99% 5.47% 5.32% 7.07% 6.69% 6.44% 6.22% 5.86% 5.93% 5.43% 5.26% 7.12% 6.74% 6.50% 6.29% 5.89% 6.12% 5.50% 5.33% Uncertainty 7.06% 6.67% 6.42% 6.21% 5.82% 5.99% 5.46% 5.32% 61.60 57.41 57.67 59.85 60.14 92.07 62.57 56.82 58.89 55.56 55.88 57.35 63.86 89.60 60.42 53.11 64.61 61.83 61.33 64.36 66.03 101.65 65.96 59.30 61.77 56.76 55.31 57.83 60.36 94.31 64.47 59.37 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3242-C Matrix test # 8 Test date – 8/5/2005 Steady state time window: 16100 - 16400 sec Inlet flow: 4.81 m3/min (169.8 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 418 K (294 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 271.7 kPa (39.4 psia) Bundle power: 95.1 kW Outlet steam temperature: 620 K (657 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 18216 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Experiment SC-3242 was run with the traversing probes withdrawn. Centerline steam temperatures used are from experiment SC-3214-B. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -13.119x3 + 83.696x2 - 39.122x + 442.54 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -8.1355x3 + 57.708x2 - 7.379x + 431.3 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-325 A-326 A-327 A-328 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile 3 2 y = -13.119x + 83.696x - 39.122x + 442.54 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-329 2.5 3 3.5 4 Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -8.1355x3 + 57.708x2 - 7.379x + 431.3 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-330 2.5 3 3.5 4 A-331 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 Channel Elevation Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 Zgrid 639.7 798.6 814.5 825.1 822.8 820.2 795.0 810.3 704.8 742.0 768.6 785.6 815.0 710.4 745.2 760.1 770.6 818.4 703.2 742.6 760.2 772.7 789.9 805.1 784.6 821.0 (K) 698.7 741.3 759.5 775.3 794.8 811.2 793.9 812.1 H.R.Tw 20909.0 25770.6 24813.4 23301.3 21181.9 19267.5 16649.1 14680.9 25249.2 25736.1 26450.8 27427.8 10446.1 25637.0 26181.5 26527.8 26892.4 10339.6 541.8 711.3 716.9 725.3 736.4 745.7 757.2 764.6 628.2 638.0 652.2 671.2 775.1 627.8 638.3 644.9 651.8 774.8 628.2 637.6 645.6 652.2 668.5 688.2 700.5 775.0 (K) 627.8 638.3 644.6 652.2 668.5 688.2 700.5 774.8 (W/m2) 25438.6 25978.2 26300.3 26697.5 27562.3 28645.2 28288.5 9865.5 25729.4 26225.3 26647.8 26998.4 27880.7 28985.9 28052.0 10698.2 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 558.1 725.9 733.1 741.9 750.8 758.1 763.5 772.3 640.9 655.3 671.6 690.2 781.7 641.6 656.1 664.1 671.6 782.1 640.7 655.1 664.7 672.3 688.7 707.7 714.5 782.6 (K) 639.6 655.5 663.7 672.7 689.6 708.7 716.0 781.0 Tbulk 14880 10974 10852 10708 10567 10453 10372 10241 12652 12331 11988 11619 10104 12637 12314 12143 11987 10099 12658 12336 12131 11975 11647 11294 11172 10091 12682 12328 12151 11966 11632 11275 11145 10114 Re (z) Table SC-3242-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data h (z) 256.23 354.23 305.09 280.26 294.44 310.61 528.54 385.99 395.18 296.78 272.54 287.73 314.31 372.23 294.02 276.49 271.70 284.70 411.18 299.87 279.15 268.89 275.50 297.43 400.27 278.57 (W/m2-K) 430.41 302.72 274.52 260.23 261.84 279.52 363.43 317.22 ±σhtc 12.38 13.94 11.55 10.36 10.94 12.25 37.01 22.84 17.54 11.82 10.08 9.92 20.29 16.24 11.53 10.54 10.10 16.95 18.11 11.88 10.62 9.89 9.66 10.33 15.89 15.17 (W/m2-K) 19.54 12.03 10.61 9.74 9.22 9.62 13.96 22.57 Fractional 5.99% 4.44% 4.31% 4.28% 4.39% 4.60% 7.03% 6.09% 5.09% 4.67% 4.46% 4.29% 6.65% 4.98% 4.62% 4.51% 4.43% 6.23% 5.08% 4.64% 4.50% 4.41% 4.27% 4.16% 4.48% 5.89% Uncertainty 5.19% 4.67% 4.53% 4.42% 4.26% 4.14% 4.35% 7.14% 71.56 68.06 57.78 52.17 53.87 56.03 94.39 67.80 90.83 66.08 58.58 59.45 54.24 85.44 65.35 60.39 58.40 49.10 94.57 66.80 60.90 57.71 57.10 59.28 78.68 47.99 99.22 67.38 60.01 55.80 54.18 55.60 71.22 54.81 Nu(z) A-332 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 (m) 1.618 2.885 2.939 3.117 3.218 3.343 3.447 Channel Elevation Location Number RodC5_63.7 225 RodC5_113.6 226 RodC5_115.7 227 RodC5_122.7 229 RodC5_126.7 230 RodC5_131.6 231 RodC5_135.7 232 H.R. 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 Zgrid 594.7 615.4 622.4 629.8 649.6 627.9 667.8 684.3 693.6 686.6 695.4 740.7 753.0 768.1 798.6 635.0 798.5 807.8 815.0 816.3 813.2 789.8 809.8 (K) 639.2 801.0 820.3 828.5 829.1 805.2 822.1 H.R.Tw 18564.8 19295.6 19794.9 20348.0 21436.4 22114.4 22647.9 23004.0 23784.1 24822.1 25336.5 26032.3 26386.5 26885.2 28345.1 21015.9 25934.6 25040.3 23402.3 21465.1 19479.5 16997.8 15012.5 (W/m ) 20504.8 25135.0 24129.1 20774.7 18859.6 16513.8 14550.4 2 H.R. q'' 501.0 512.8 521.2 530.9 550.7 563.5 573.8 580.7 597.9 618.3 628.5 642.1 649.1 658.7 696.7 542.5 711.3 716.6 725.8 736.2 746.0 757.0 764.6 (K) 542.8 711.3 717.4 736.4 746.2 757.0 764.8 Tcl 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 516.6 529.9 538.1 547.4 567.2 574.2 589.4 598.0 613.8 629.7 639.7 658.6 666.4 676.9 713.7 557.9 725.9 731.8 740.7 749.5 757.2 762.4 772.2 (K) 558.8 726.3 734.6 751.8 760.0 765.0 774.4 Tbulk 16315 15827 15541 15228 14599 14387 13951 13718 13304 12914 12681 12261 12096 11880 11186 14888 10975 10875 10728 10587 10468 10388 10242 14857 10968 10829 10552 10424 10349 10210 Re (z) Table SC-3242-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 237.60 225.54 234.72 246.80 260.08 411.75 289.15 266.53 298.12 435.81 454.21 317.06 304.80 294.86 333.88 272.57 356.81 329.31 315.01 321.37 347.58 621.98 399.10 13.59 11.90 11.75 12.12 12.34 20.86 13.19 11.55 11.83 19.75 21.14 12.38 11.49 10.60 12.13 13.02 14.02 12.65 12.38 12.56 14.05 52.28 24.63 (W/m -K) 12.38 13.36 10.45 9.95 10.61 23.17 15.34 2 2 (W/m -K) 255.22 336.45 281.61 270.63 272.87 411.01 305.00 ±σhtc h (z) 7.07% 6.66% 6.43% 6.21% 5.82% 6.02% 5.48% 5.31% 5.10% 5.31% 5.29% 4.66% 4.55% 4.42% 4.25% 6.00% 4.44% 4.38% 4.41% 4.51% 4.74% 8.06% 6.21% Uncertainty 6.06% 4.44% 4.28% 4.34% 4.48% 5.87% 5.30% Fractional 73.63 67.58 68.90 70.78 71.04 110.55 74.85 67.61 72.88 102.74 104.70 70.10 66.25 62.66 65.73 76.17 68.55 62.53 58.77 58.94 62.82 111.29 70.11 71.15 64.59 53.18 49.42 49.05 73.19 53.36 Nu(z) A-333 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 Channel Elevation Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 Zgrid 563.2 603.4 610.5 619.6 639.1 673.7 681.7 688.3 560.6 601.1 605.5 608.7 625.9 659.7 669.8 673.3 562.8 599.9 606.4 614.3 632.3 662.5 674.7 677.9 (K) 566.6 604.9 611.1 617.4 637.2 673.2 684.5 689.3 H.R.Tw 16769.0 19006.1 19382.3 19947.2 21075.3 22937.0 23331.5 23518.9 16848.3 19029.4 19372.2 19877.5 20977.2 22761.0 23121.0 23300.1 476.8 505.6 510.9 519.1 536.3 566.3 572.9 576.1 477.0 506.4 511.4 519.1 536.6 566.7 572.9 576.1 477.0 506.4 511.4 519.1 536.9 566.7 572.9 576.1 (K) 477.0 505.8 511.4 519.1 536.9 567.0 573.3 576.4 (W/m2) 16879.1 19023.9 19402.4 19907.8 21025.5 22809.5 23170.3 23350.3 16769.7 18950.9 19293.6 19798.6 20917.0 22682.8 23042.0 23223.0 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 491.2 521.9 527.5 535.8 553.4 584.2 591.1 594.8 491.0 522.2 527.1 534.0 551.5 582.2 589.1 592.3 491.3 522.0 527.3 535.0 552.8 582.6 589.9 593.1 (K) 492.0 522.3 528.0 535.5 553.6 584.7 591.8 595.2 Tbulk 17331 16118 15913 15618 15030 14097 13906 13803 17341 16108 15927 15681 15094 14156 13961 13872 17326 16115 15921 15648 15051 14143 13938 13851 17299 16100 15894 15630 15025 14085 13885 13791 Re (z) Table SC-3242-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 232.92 233.19 233.62 238.31 245.99 256.46 257.53 251.53 241.76 241.02 247.26 266.17 281.73 293.48 286.51 287.79 234.72 243.01 243.72 249.67 263.13 284.16 271.79 273.91 (W/m2-K) 225.98 230.47 233.72 243.08 251.47 257.61 249.91 248.27 ±σhtc 14.53 12.28 11.96 11.70 11.54 11.18 10.96 10.50 15.16 12.80 12.75 12.87 13.33 13.06 12.31 12.07 14.69 12.85 12.54 12.47 12.60 12.68 11.59 11.42 (W/m2-K) 13.98 11.98 11.71 11.71 11.71 11.20 10.46 10.20 Fractional 8.10% 6.80% 6.61% 6.36% 5.92% 5.33% 5.22% 5.15% 8.08% 6.80% 6.64% 6.42% 6.01% 5.44% 5.30% 5.25% 8.10% 6.82% 6.65% 6.42% 5.99% 5.43% 5.28% 5.22% Uncertainty 8.03% 6.78% 6.59% 6.37% 5.93% 5.34% 5.21% 5.15% 77.03 71.30 70.43 70.34 69.50 67.21 66.41 64.28 80.00 73.65 74.61 78.92 79.99 77.30 74.23 73.99 77.60 74.29 73.51 73.86 74.46 74.76 70.28 70.29 74.58 70.39 70.36 71.82 71.02 67.45 64.33 63.39 Nu(z) A-334 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 Channel Elevation Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 Zgrid 776.5 785.3 779.0 799.6 808.8 810.9 811.9 811.9 774.7 782.8 771.3 792.6 802.8 807.2 806.9 805.6 695.9 700.9 743.7 755.9 769.0 803.0 770.5 (K) 696.1 735.7 749.6 758.6 775.0 794.8 774.6 815.4 H.R.Tw 28223.4 28742.4 26226.2 25151.8 24130.9 21928.7 19833.4 17739.9 28178.8 28682.3 26313.6 25094.2 23763.3 21955.1 19829.6 17810.7 661.6 671.0 692.9 699.1 704.9 717.2 728.6 739.7 661.9 671.0 691.9 699.1 706.7 716.9 728.6 739.4 604.4 613.6 626.7 632.9 642.4 679.9 686.9 (K) 613.6 623.1 629.6 635.5 651.6 671.0 683.4 774.4 (W/m2) 25235.4 25739.0 26088.8 26402.8 27256.5 28302.9 27400.1 10627.5 24894.6 25395.0 26108.4 26444.9 26963.4 28473.9 27316.2 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 680.8 690.0 707.2 715.8 722.2 732.9 742.5 751.7 680.7 689.6 705.1 714.7 722.7 732.0 741.7 750.4 619.7 628.1 646.2 653.4 663.5 700.4 700.8 (K) 627.3 641.8 649.6 656.0 672.1 691.6 698.6 781.2 Tbulk 11803 11623 11302 11149 11037 10857 10699 10553 13157 12951 12533 12373 12156 11426 11419 0 11804 11631 11340 11169 11028 10871 10712 10573 12970 12631 12456 12315 11977 11592 11460 10111 Re (z) Table SC-3242-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 294.73 301.74 365.15 300.30 278.57 280.99 286.05 294.78 299.83 307.92 397.82 321.81 296.67 291.80 304.12 322.86 326.52 348.85 267.80 258.11 255.60 277.55 392.07 (W/m2-K) 366.89 274.32 260.95 257.37 265.06 274.19 360.79 310.83 ±σhtc 10.04 10.24 14.14 11.09 9.91 9.76 10.37 11.35 10.54 10.77 16.38 12.28 11.04 10.35 11.24 12.92 13.81 14.90 10.25 9.58 9.16 9.66 15.16 (W/m2-K) 15.38 10.46 9.58 9.21 9.01 9.32 13.78 13.25 Fractional 4.22% 4.17% 4.44% 4.27% 4.22% 4.28% 4.41% 4.61% 4.25% 4.20% 4.58% 4.35% 4.31% 4.32% 4.49% 4.76% 4.97% 4.92% 4.54% 4.45% 4.34% 4.11% 4.46% Uncertainty 4.97% 4.60% 4.49% 4.42% 4.27% 4.14% 4.39% 5.62% 62.12 62.37 72.85 58.87 53.91 53.24 53.18 53.84 63.20 63.71 79.70 63.24 57.35 55.38 56.63 59.11 78.75 82.53 60.84 57.71 55.90 56.14 79.25 86.95 62.92 58.83 57.21 56.91 56.49 73.26 53.69 Nu(z) A-335 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 Channel Elevation Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 Zgrid 588.1 603.3 609.3 616.6 637.2 619.4 658.0 671.5 591.1 606.7 613.8 621.8 633.7 621.9 662.8 681.7 583.2 597.3 605.1 612.2 630.2 614.2 653.8 669.0 (K) 587.2 604.5 614.1 620.2 637.9 618.5 657.0 671.1 H.R.Tw 18509.4 19204.6 19721.5 20292.1 21344.0 22041.6 22592.6 22931.7 18518.8 19237.3 19789.6 20342.3 21465.7 22184.8 22735.2 23103.5 498.9 509.0 516.9 525.9 543.1 554.9 564.5 570.4 498.6 508.8 516.9 525.3 543.1 554.9 564.2 570.4 498.9 509.0 516.6 525.6 543.1 554.6 564.2 570.4 (K) 498.6 508.8 516.6 525.0 542.8 554.3 563.9 570.1 (W/m2) 18623.2 19333.7 19862.0 20408.9 21520.7 22214.4 22776.7 23141.4 18517.7 19220.6 19724.6 20301.8 21384.0 22070.3 22627.8 22987.7 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 513.7 524.7 532.3 541.0 558.8 565.6 580.1 587.3 514.0 525.1 533.0 541.4 558.2 566.1 580.6 589.0 512.9 523.7 531.4 540.0 557.6 564.5 579.1 586.9 (K) 513.4 524.7 532.9 540.9 558.6 565.0 579.4 586.9 Tbulk 16424 16013 15742 15442 14859 14646 14217 14012 16413 16001 15716 15428 14878 14633 14201 13964 16455 16049 15775 15475 14896 14681 14244 14023 16438 16014 15722 15445 14864 14666 14237 14021 Re (z) Table SC-3242-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 248.94 244.33 256.08 268.48 272.02 410.28 289.75 272.28 240.16 235.72 245.03 252.81 284.24 397.19 276.47 249.07 263.43 261.15 267.62 281.40 294.52 444.50 302.80 279.78 (W/m2-K) 252.10 242.28 244.57 257.30 271.43 415.12 293.46 275.02 ±σhtc 13.95 12.67 12.53 12.83 12.62 20.18 12.97 11.64 13.32 12.23 12.10 12.25 13.41 19.47 12.44 10.79 14.67 13.68 13.36 13.86 13.94 22.74 13.70 12.18 (W/m2-K) 13.93 12.46 11.94 12.33 12.60 20.65 13.30 12.14 Fractional 7.10% 6.71% 6.47% 6.25% 5.85% 5.99% 5.48% 5.32% 7.07% 6.69% 6.44% 6.22% 5.86% 5.93% 5.43% 5.26% 7.12% 6.74% 6.51% 6.29% 5.90% 6.13% 5.50% 5.34% Uncertainty 7.07% 6.67% 6.42% 6.21% 5.82% 6.00% 5.46% 5.32% 77.72 74.17 76.27 78.24 75.84 112.48 76.70 70.85 74.92 71.50 72.84 73.60 79.37 108.78 73.09 64.54 82.41 79.48 79.89 82.20 82.35 122.20 80.35 72.87 78.77 73.56 72.74 75.00 75.70 113.99 77.82 71.61 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3242-D Matrix test # 9 Test date – 8/5/2005 Steady state time window: 18840 - 19020 sec Inlet flow: 6.66 m3/min (235.1 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 421 K (298F) Upper plenum pressure: 271.7 kPa (39.4 psia) Bundle power: 140.0 Outlet steam temperature: 635 K (684 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 24837 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Experiment SC-3242 was run with the traversing probes withdrawn. Centerline steam temperatures used are from experiment SC-3214-C. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -11.49x3 + 75.265x2 - 24.912x + 440.09 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -7.4673x3 + 54.417x2 - 1.5846x + 432.97 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-336 A-337 A-338 A-339 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -11.49x3 + 75.265x2 - 24.912x + 440.09 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m ) A-340 2.5 3 3.5 4 Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile 2 y = -7.4673x3 + 54.417x - 1.5846x + 432.97 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m ) A-341 2.5 3 3.5 4 A-342 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 Channel Elevation Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 Zgrid 652.0 815.3 831.3 838.6 834.2 832.1 806.6 822.3 720.1 758.4 785.2 800.2 824.7 726.3 761.4 776.5 786.8 827.6 717.7 759.0 776.1 788.4 805.4 822.7 803.0 831.4 (K) 712.7 758.7 777.4 792.4 812.7 829.3 813.3 821.6 H.R.Tw 30831.9 37996.9 36581.6 34351.0 31230.4 28406.2 24544.8 21645.9 37226.4 37944.1 38998.0 40438.0 15401.8 37795.2 38598.6 39108.7 39644.9 15242.7 547.2 718.8 724.7 733.7 745.7 755.9 768.9 777.7 633.5 643.4 657.8 677.2 790.8 633.2 643.8 650.5 657.5 790.4 633.5 643.1 651.2 657.8 674.5 694.7 707.4 790.6 (K) 633.2 643.8 650.1 657.8 674.5 694.7 707.4 790.4 (W/m2) 37504.6 38299.4 38777.0 39361.0 40633.5 42227.2 41702.5 14544.0 37934.1 38664.3 39288.3 39803.5 41106.6 42738.1 41362.9 15772.4 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 564.6 734.9 742.4 751.2 760.4 768.6 775.2 785.1 648.0 662.6 679.0 697.7 796.4 648.7 663.4 671.5 679.0 796.6 647.6 662.4 672.0 679.6 696.3 716.0 723.4 797.4 (K) 646.4 662.9 671.3 680.3 697.5 717.1 725.1 795.6 Tbulk 20161 14867 14698 14508 14310 14141 14009 13813 17161 16725 16261 15766 13597 17138 16702 16471 16261 13593 17173 16730 16456 16246 15802 15309 15134 13579 17208 16715 16475 16228 15771 15283 15094 13613 Re (z) Table SC-3242-D.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data h (z) 353.08 472.55 411.77 392.69 423.51 447.55 780.51 582.35 516.33 396.03 367.54 394.55 544.05 487.22 393.94 372.24 367.79 491.43 541.11 400.21 377.39 365.81 376.60 400.63 519.50 464.20 (W/m2-K) 566.30 399.83 365.57 350.92 352.76 376.53 472.48 560.76 ±σhtc 15.39 18.25 15.61 14.93 16.65 18.27 43.56 29.50 21.18 15.35 13.92 14.83 32.51 19.66 15.19 14.16 13.88 27.71 22.29 15.46 14.36 13.79 14.04 14.82 20.08 24.75 (W/m2-K) 23.68 15.48 13.91 13.20 13.09 13.86 17.91 35.63 Fractional 4.36% 3.86% 3.79% 3.80% 3.93% 4.08% 5.58% 5.07% 4.10% 3.88% 3.79% 3.76% 5.98% 4.03% 3.86% 3.80% 3.77% 5.64% 4.12% 3.86% 3.80% 3.77% 3.73% 3.70% 3.87% 5.33% Uncertainty 4.18% 3.87% 3.80% 3.76% 3.71% 3.68% 3.79% 6.35% 97.04 89.18 76.57 71.80 76.07 79.15 136.35 99.87 116.84 86.79 77.75 80.27 91.39 110.07 86.19 80.03 77.81 82.52 122.56 87.74 81.05 77.30 76.84 78.51 100.31 77.84 128.58 87.56 78.62 74.05 71.80 73.62 90.92 94.34 Nu(z) A-343 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 (m) 1.618 2.885 2.939 3.117 3.218 3.343 3.447 Channel Elevation Location Number RodC5_63.7 225 RodC5_113.6 226 RodC5_115.7 227 RodC5_122.7 229 RodC5_126.7 230 RodC5_131.6 231 RodC5_135.7 232 H.R. 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 Zgrid 605.0 623.8 631.4 640.8 662.9 638.7 680.2 695.5 703.3 701.3 709.9 754.2 764.4 777.9 814.9 645.4 816.3 824.4 828.4 826.1 823.9 801.4 822.5 (K) 650.5 818.6 835.8 841.9 842.9 818.6 836.9 H.R.Tw 27374.9 28452.2 29188.4 30003.6 31606.8 32608.9 33393.7 33918.6 35067.4 36593.9 37357.3 38378.6 38902.9 39637.1 41786.9 30982.6 38229.3 36911.9 34496.9 31641.8 28714.8 25056.6 22130.2 (W/m ) 30235.0 37058.3 35575.8 30632.2 27808.4 24349.6 21455.2 2 H.R. q'' 506.3 518.2 526.6 536.3 556.0 568.8 579.1 586.0 603.1 623.6 633.9 647.7 654.7 664.4 703.6 547.8 718.8 724.4 734.3 745.4 756.2 768.7 777.7 (K) 548.1 718.8 725.3 745.7 756.5 768.7 777.9 Tcl 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 522.8 535.8 544.1 553.7 573.9 580.5 595.9 604.2 619.8 636.6 646.6 665.4 673.0 683.3 722.1 564.1 735.1 741.0 749.9 758.9 767.5 774.1 785.2 (K) 565.2 735.5 743.7 761.7 770.9 777.0 787.7 Tbulk 22096 21458 21068 20635 19778 19513 18919 18614 18069 17517 17204 16643 16429 16144 15164 20184 14864 14729 14534 14344 14164 14030 13812 20137 14855 14670 14284 14096 13973 13762 Re (z) Table SC-3242-D.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 332.71 323.35 334.17 344.56 354.84 559.49 396.22 371.67 420.30 565.22 589.63 432.45 425.46 419.38 450.15 381.00 470.78 443.01 439.60 470.75 508.88 917.86 592.47 (W/m -K) 354.61 445.61 386.16 382.10 386.11 585.22 436.24 2 h (z) 15.83 14.84 15.08 15.27 15.21 25.47 16.60 15.27 17.20 23.95 24.94 16.89 16.47 16.05 16.95 16.70 18.14 16.98 17.04 18.91 21.52 56.14 29.92 (W/m -K) 15.58 17.12 14.58 14.77 15.27 28.02 19.40 2 ±σhtc 4.76% 4.59% 4.51% 4.43% 4.29% 4.55% 4.19% 4.11% 4.09% 4.24% 4.23% 3.91% 3.87% 3.83% 3.77% 4.38% 3.85% 3.83% 3.88% 4.02% 4.23% 6.12% 5.05% Uncertainty 4.39% 3.84% 3.77% 3.87% 3.95% 4.79% 4.45% Fractional 101.51 95.47 96.63 97.29 95.36 147.97 101.00 92.91 101.34 131.19 133.84 94.20 91.18 87.92 87.14 104.85 88.82 82.60 80.56 84.81 90.19 160.66 101.60 97.32 84.00 71.63 68.46 68.00 101.89 74.45 Nu(z) A-344 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 Channel Elevation Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 Zgrid 572.5 613.9 620.7 630.2 651.4 686.6 692.4 697.5 571.3 611.5 615.0 616.7 636.0 670.5 679.6 681.4 571.9 608.8 615.3 623.7 643.9 674.8 685.1 687.3 (K) 576.2 613.2 619.7 627.1 649.3 685.5 695.2 699.1 H.R.Tw 24725.3 28024.2 28578.5 29410.3 31072.6 33816.8 34398.4 34675.3 24845.6 28061.4 28566.0 29309.5 30930.5 33562.8 34094.8 34360.0 481.7 510.7 516.1 524.3 541.5 571.7 578.3 581.5 481.9 511.5 516.6 524.3 541.8 572.0 578.3 581.5 481.9 511.5 516.6 524.3 542.1 572.0 578.3 581.5 (K) 481.9 511.0 516.6 524.3 542.1 572.3 578.7 581.8 (W/m2) 24888.0 28050.2 28608.0 29352.4 30999.5 33629.7 34161.0 34425.9 24728.9 27943.7 28448.4 29193.0 30839.8 33445.9 33976.8 34242.6 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 496.8 527.9 533.5 542.0 559.8 590.9 597.3 600.9 496.8 528.2 533.0 539.7 557.5 588.4 595.2 598.2 496.9 527.7 533.0 540.9 559.1 589.2 596.1 599.1 (K) 497.6 528.0 533.8 541.4 560.0 591.2 598.1 601.4 Tbulk 23484 21839 21566 21166 20366 19110 18866 18737 23484 21826 21590 21272 20466 19202 18945 18836 23479 21849 21588 21216 20399 19175 18911 18800 23439 21834 21553 21190 20359 19097 18839 18718 Re (z) Table SC-3242-D.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 326.74 325.96 327.67 333.29 339.38 353.27 362.02 358.74 333.32 336.82 348.34 380.84 393.94 409.10 403.90 413.01 329.63 344.78 345.91 352.34 363.75 390.47 382.02 388.59 16.97 15.15 15.00 14.94 14.66 14.47 14.72 14.50 17.29 15.69 16.05 17.40 17.35 17.15 16.73 17.08 17.13 16.14 15.96 15.95 15.85 16.27 15.71 15.94 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 16.32 15.31 15.26 15.42 15.03 14.65 14.29 14.23 h (z) (W/m2-K) 316.79 329.21 333.11 342.52 347.00 356.75 351.89 352.17 Fractional 5.19% 4.65% 4.58% 4.48% 4.32% 4.10% 4.07% 4.04% 5.19% 4.66% 4.61% 4.57% 4.40% 4.19% 4.14% 4.14% 5.20% 4.68% 4.61% 4.53% 4.36% 4.17% 4.11% 4.10% Uncertainty 5.15% 4.65% 4.58% 4.50% 4.33% 4.11% 4.06% 4.04% 106.51 98.16 97.30 96.89 94.38 91.14 91.97 90.39 108.66 101.37 103.57 111.34 110.18 106.15 103.13 104.72 107.43 103.88 102.83 102.70 101.35 101.14 97.33 98.30 103.06 99.12 98.84 99.70 96.46 91.96 89.24 88.62 Nu(z) A-345 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 Channel Elevation Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 Zgrid 789.2 799.4 795.0 815.5 821.3 820.6 822.7 824.3 790.5 799.8 788.6 809.1 818.0 819.7 819.2 818.5 711.1 716.1 758.5 769.9 782.3 821.8 785.5 (K) 709.6 750.0 763.1 771.3 787.2 809.3 791.2 824.1 H.R.Tw 41610.5 42372.5 38662.0 37076.9 35570.5 32324.0 29237.7 26149.2 41549.3 42292.5 38797.3 36996.2 35037.0 32372.5 29239.1 26264.0 667.9 677.4 699.8 706.2 712.2 725.0 736.9 748.4 668.2 677.4 698.9 706.2 714.1 724.7 736.9 748.2 610.0 619.2 632.5 638.8 648.4 686.6 693.7 (K) 619.2 628.8 635.4 641.4 657.7 677.4 690.2 785.6 (W/m2) 37204.3 37946.9 38463.2 38925.2 40185.0 41727.1 40395.2 15665.7 36712.6 37449.1 38497.3 38996.9 39756.6 41984.9 40277.1 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 688.1 697.8 715.7 724.4 730.4 741.0 751.2 761.1 688.6 697.8 713.8 723.4 731.4 740.5 750.6 759.9 626.9 635.4 653.5 660.6 670.7 709.1 709.0 (K) 634.3 649.0 656.7 663.1 679.3 699.4 707.0 792.0 Tbulk 16016 15764 15317 15109 14970 14731 14507 14297 17832 17555 16994 16782 16493 15478 15481 0 16003 15763 15363 15134 14947 14740 14519 14322 17590 17129 16897 16711 16255 15722 15531 13681 Re (z) Table SC-3242-D.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 411.61 416.80 487.40 407.17 391.39 405.85 409.14 413.74 407.72 414.80 518.60 431.70 404.88 409.19 426.54 447.90 435.73 464.02 366.59 356.78 356.23 372.64 526.32 (W/m2-K) 494.25 375.81 361.44 359.51 372.11 379.61 479.47 488.10 ±σhtc 15.42 15.53 18.87 15.38 14.78 15.70 16.21 16.92 15.26 15.45 20.33 16.47 15.42 15.85 17.07 18.74 17.47 18.60 13.99 13.49 13.35 13.67 20.52 (W/m2-K) 20.10 14.46 13.75 13.59 13.92 14.02 18.36 26.92 Fractional 3.75% 3.72% 3.87% 3.78% 3.78% 3.87% 3.96% 4.09% 3.74% 3.72% 3.92% 3.82% 3.81% 3.87% 4.00% 4.18% 4.01% 4.01% 3.82% 3.78% 3.75% 3.67% 3.90% Uncertainty 4.07% 3.85% 3.80% 3.78% 3.74% 3.69% 3.83% 5.52% 85.43 84.78 95.57 78.45 74.52 75.69 74.80 74.22 84.53 84.37 102.08 83.36 76.93 76.37 78.07 80.53 103.38 107.99 81.96 78.53 76.72 74.05 104.61 115.31 84.85 80.23 78.71 78.69 76.96 95.70 82.66 Nu(z) A-346 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 Channel Elevation Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 Zgrid 598.3 612.3 617.6 626.6 649.8 630.4 671.3 684.1 601.2 615.6 622.2 631.5 645.3 632.6 675.1 691.5 592.7 606.4 613.4 622.3 641.5 624.1 665.8 681.3 (K) 597.1 613.7 621.6 630.2 650.0 628.8 669.7 683.2 H.R.Tw 27292.4 28317.4 29079.9 29920.8 31472.1 32500.5 33312.3 33811.6 27307.5 28366.2 29180.9 29995.5 31651.4 32713.5 33523.5 34065.9 503.9 514.2 522.1 531.1 548.4 560.2 569.8 575.8 503.7 513.9 522.1 530.5 548.4 560.2 569.5 575.8 503.9 514.2 521.8 530.8 548.4 559.9 569.5 575.8 (K) 503.7 513.9 521.8 530.2 548.1 559.6 569.2 575.5 (W/m2) 27462.5 28509.8 29289.0 30095.2 31734.0 32757.3 33586.2 34123.8 27305.3 28341.6 29085.5 29936.3 31531.1 32542.7 33363.8 33894.0 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 519.7 530.5 538.0 547.0 565.3 571.9 586.7 593.9 519.9 530.9 538.8 547.3 564.5 572.3 587.1 595.1 518.7 529.5 537.1 546.0 563.9 570.6 585.6 593.4 (K) 519.3 530.5 538.4 546.9 565.1 571.1 586.0 593.4 Tbulk 22253 21710 21352 20934 20134 19858 19268 18997 22239 21694 21315 20918 20166 19843 19253 18950 22301 21759 21396 20978 20193 19912 19313 19014 22274 21710 21331 20939 20143 19890 19298 19012 Re (z) Table SC-3242-D.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 347.04 346.15 365.50 375.89 372.22 555.61 394.03 374.73 336.08 334.69 349.78 356.26 391.62 542.26 381.18 353.34 369.15 368.82 381.05 392.77 406.37 608.59 416.03 385.49 16.62 16.05 16.70 16.86 16.08 25.28 16.50 15.42 16.03 15.45 15.87 15.85 16.96 24.45 15.85 14.40 17.82 17.25 17.52 17.73 17.73 28.39 17.56 15.92 ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 16.87 15.83 15.96 16.09 16.09 25.92 16.79 15.64 h (z) (W/m2-K) 352.67 342.79 352.10 361.28 373.39 568.05 400.91 380.24 Fractional 4.79% 4.64% 4.57% 4.48% 4.32% 4.55% 4.19% 4.12% 4.77% 4.62% 4.54% 4.45% 4.33% 4.51% 4.16% 4.07% 4.83% 4.68% 4.60% 4.51% 4.36% 4.66% 4.22% 4.13% Uncertainty 4.78% 4.62% 4.53% 4.45% 4.31% 4.56% 4.19% 4.11% 106.72 103.56 107.31 107.90 102.14 150.02 102.66 95.99 103.28 100.05 102.50 102.18 107.66 146.28 99.22 90.25 113.78 110.61 112.14 113.02 111.89 164.85 108.69 98.85 108.56 102.55 103.26 103.74 102.51 153.67 104.64 97.50 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3248-A Matrix test # 6 Test date – 8/11/2005 Steady state time window: 7700 - 8100 sec Inlet flow: 2.26 m3/min (79.9 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 409 K (276 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 271.7 kPa (39.4 psia) Bundle power: 50.0 kW Outlet steam temperature: 605 K (630 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 9056 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Experiment SC-3248 was run with the traversing probes withdrawn. Centerline steam temperatures used are from experiment SC-3178-C. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -14.71x3 + 93.998x2 - 37.575x + 438.03 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -10.559x3 + 70.797x2 - 9.6599x + 429.36 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-347 A-348 A-349 A-350 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile 3 2 y = -14.71x + 93.998x - 37.575x + 438.03 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m ) A-351 2.5 3 3.5 4 Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -10.559x3 + 70.797x2 - 9.6599x + 429.36 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m ) A-352 2.5 3 3.5 4 A-353 Channel Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 Elevation 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 Zgrid 647.9 813.0 826.7 839.1 846.2 847.7 827.8 840.2 716.4 749.4 781.1 808.1 850.0 720.7 755.2 770.5 782.9 854.3 715.7 748.9 765.7 779.1 802.1 823.7 804.9 856.4 (K) 709.3 747.9 764.3 779.8 805.8 826.7 809.0 846.0 H.R. Tw 10986.2 13534.8 13029.0 12228.9 11119.7 10109.9 8731.0 7700.7 13268.3 13526.1 13899.9 14414.5 5474.7 13469.1 13758.0 13942.4 14134.8 5426.7 559.8 758.8 765.4 775.4 788.6 799.8 813.5 822.7 661.0 672.5 689.2 711.5 835.6 660.6 672.9 680.7 688.8 835.3 661.0 672.1 681.5 689.2 708.4 731.5 746.0 835.4 (K) 660.6 672.9 680.3 689.2 708.4 731.5 746.0 835.3 (W/m2) 13360.0 13642.2 13812.6 14020.5 14476.3 15044.2 14857.0 5164.3 13516.3 13779.0 14000.6 14187.1 14646.2 15225.9 14737.6 5611.6 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 Correction 574.5 770.4 778.5 789.0 801.0 810.0 816.6 826.4 670.3 685.4 704.5 727.6 838.7 670.6 686.6 695.7 704.5 839.4 670.1 684.9 695.5 704.2 724.0 746.9 755.8 839.9 (K) 668.7 685.4 694.3 704.3 724.6 747.4 756.5 837.6 Tbulk 6950 4963 4906 4834 4755 4697 4655 4595 5808 5662 5487 5290 4522 5804 5649 5566 5487 4518 5809 5666 5567 5490 5320 5137 5070 4515 5823 5661 5578 5488 5315 5133 5065 4529 Re (z) Table SC-3248-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data h (z) 149.79 317.96 270.37 244.23 245.89 268.54 779.69 559.82 287.67 211.07 181.45 179.07 484.96 269.13 200.79 186.29 180.18 363.29 296.95 215.40 199.64 189.44 187.48 198.33 300.44 341.59 (W/m2-K) 329.29 218.53 197.24 185.74 178.20 189.62 282.78 614.20 ±σhtc 11.31 19.69 16.28 14.59 14.98 17.13 99.69 60.78 17.33 11.60 9.34 8.69 61.70 15.81 10.83 9.75 9.19 37.26 17.80 11.75 10.50 9.69 9.12 9.19 15.20 32.68 (W/m2-K) 20.49 12.00 10.46 9.55 8.67 8.78 13.99 100.80 Fractional 7.55% 6.19% 6.02% 5.97% 6.09% 6.38% 12.79% 10.86% 6.02% 5.50% 5.15% 4.85% 12.72% 5.87% 5.40% 5.23% 5.10% 10.26% 6.00% 5.45% 5.26% 5.12% 4.87% 4.63% 5.06% 9.57% Uncertainty 6.22% 5.49% 5.30% 5.14% 4.86% 4.63% 4.95% 16.41% 40.19 56.04 46.94 41.58 40.97 44.02 126.32 89.14 62.01 44.06 36.40 34.28 75.59 57.97 41.80 38.06 36.15 56.56 64.03 45.00 40.80 38.03 36.15 36.56 54.44 53.13 71.21 45.61 40.41 37.28 34.32 34.92 51.17 95.92 Nu(z) A-354 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 Elevation (m) 1.618 2.885 2.939 3.117 3.218 3.343 3.447 Channel Location Number RodC5_63.7 225 RodC5_113.6 226 RodC5_115.7 227 RodC5_122.7 229 RodC5_126.7 230 RodC5_131.6 231 RodC5_135.7 232 H.R. 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 Zgrid 595.3 620.4 633.2 643.6 659.0 637.1 673.8 692.1 712.5 703.4 706.7 751.6 765.2 781.5 816.2 647.5 811.1 820.8 830.7 840.7 846.1 825.7 838.5 (K) 651.0 815.3 834.0 856.5 858.7 839.8 850.4 H.R. Tw 9764.6 10154.4 10417.9 10707.5 11279.6 11632.3 11912.4 12103.3 12494.8 13038.8 13311.8 13674.2 13861.9 14122.5 14887.3 11064.7 13634.7 13166.6 12304.9 11289.9 10248.1 8931.8 7880.5 (W/m ) 10772.7 13209.5 12683.0 10922.8 9919.4 8685.7 7644.8 2 H.R. q'' 511.8 525.7 535.7 547.0 570.3 585.3 597.3 605.5 625.6 649.5 661.5 677.4 685.6 696.8 741.6 560.6 758.8 765.0 776.0 788.3 800.0 813.3 822.7 (K) 561.0 758.8 766.1 788.6 800.3 813.3 822.9 Tcl 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Factor 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction 525.7 541.5 551.9 563.1 585.1 593.9 610.1 619.9 640.0 658.5 669.0 689.8 698.8 711.0 754.0 575.1 770.0 777.0 787.8 799.5 809.9 816.0 826.1 (K) 576.0 770.9 780.6 803.2 812.8 819.0 828.8 Tbulk 6125 5927 5820 5620 5537 5430 5083 0 7723 7455 7288 7117 6802 6683 6476 6357 6929 4959 4891 4740 4679 4640 4581 0 6942 4966 4917 4842 4764 4697 4659 4597 Re (z) Table SC-3248-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 140.35 128.75 128.11 133.01 152.55 269.49 186.99 167.67 172.36 290.49 352.87 221.35 208.81 200.23 239.48 152.90 332.18 300.33 286.24 274.49 283.28 914.07 631.92 (W/m -K) 143.68 297.54 237.54 204.71 216.42 416.51 353.66 2 h (z) 12.88 11.05 10.53 10.46 11.08 19.81 12.59 10.88 10.57 18.07 22.48 12.08 11.05 10.22 11.43 11.48 20.73 18.43 17.63 17.07 18.25 131.03 73.95 (W/m -K) 10.98 18.32 14.10 12.12 13.17 34.25 28.45 2 ±σhtc 9.18% 8.58% 8.22% 7.86% 7.26% 7.35% 6.73% 6.49% 6.13% 6.22% 6.37% 5.46% 5.29% 5.10% 4.77% 7.51% 6.24% 6.14% 6.16% 6.22% 6.44% 14.33% 11.70% Uncertainty 7.64% 6.16% 5.94% 5.92% 6.08% 8.22% 8.05% Fractional 42.50 37.47 36.33 36.69 39.90 69.02 46.11 40.42 39.70 64.24 76.27 45.78 42.38 39.64 43.54 40.97 58.59 52.29 48.85 45.85 46.44 148.25 100.68 38.41 52.39 41.08 33.97 35.30 67.19 56.08 Nu(z) A-355 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 Channel Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 Elevation 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 Zgrid 568.8 610.9 620.6 633.8 651.0 678.9 688.5 695.9 551.1 565.9 611.0 618.1 629.1 639.1 678.2 683.7 566.4 606.3 615.4 626.5 641.8 667.5 683.4 689.9 (K) 568.9 611.0 620.5 633.2 650.4 679.5 693.8 700.1 H.R. Tw 8818.4 9994.5 10189.8 10484.7 11077.0 12058.6 12267.2 12362.5 8855.1 10000.1 10177.1 10441.3 11019.6 11958.0 12144.3 12245.0 483.9 518.3 524.6 534.4 554.7 590.1 597.8 601.5 484.2 519.2 525.2 534.4 555.0 590.5 597.8 601.5 484.2 519.2 525.2 534.4 555.4 590.5 597.8 601.5 (K) 484.2 518.6 525.2 534.4 555.4 590.8 598.2 601.9 (W/m2) 8867.4 9994.3 10195.0 10457.5 11048.2 11984.7 12171.9 12270.1 8810.6 9956.0 10133.7 10393.8 10989.5 11919.1 12107.1 12200.5 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 498.0 533.7 540.6 550.9 570.7 604.9 612.9 617.3 495.3 527.0 539.5 548.3 567.4 598.6 611.2 615.2 497.9 533.7 540.3 549.7 569.8 603.3 612.1 616.3 (K) 498.3 534.0 541.1 550.8 571.2 605.6 614.1 618.3 Tbulk 8239 7585 7470 7304 7004 6541 6441 6388 8293 7700 7487 7345 7053 6622 6462 6413 8242 7585 7475 7323 7018 6562 6451 6401 8234 7580 7461 7305 6997 6532 6426 6376 Re (z) Table SC-3248-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 124.62 129.44 127.40 126.49 137.98 162.96 162.42 157.16 158.67 257.02 142.40 149.60 178.52 294.97 181.45 178.93 128.62 137.22 134.85 135.33 152.58 185.73 169.78 165.73 (W/m2-K) 125.61 129.72 128.38 127.01 139.59 162.28 152.78 149.93 ±σhtc 13.32 11.37 10.84 10.27 10.28 10.67 10.34 9.85 17.05 23.80 12.17 12.28 13.56 21.06 11.75 11.42 13.76 12.09 11.53 11.10 11.48 12.41 10.95 10.53 (W/m2-K) 13.35 11.38 10.90 10.33 10.41 10.66 9.72 9.40 Fractional 10.69% 8.78% 8.51% 8.12% 7.45% 6.55% 6.36% 6.27% 10.74% 9.26% 8.54% 8.21% 7.60% 7.14% 6.48% 6.38% 10.70% 8.81% 8.55% 8.20% 7.52% 6.68% 6.45% 6.35% Uncertainty 10.63% 8.78% 8.49% 8.13% 7.46% 6.57% 6.36% 6.27% 40.49 38.41 37.16 35.96 37.36 40.67 39.78 38.11 51.92 77.58 41.65 42.80 48.73 74.72 44.62 43.60 41.81 40.72 39.37 38.58 41.41 46.53 41.67 40.29 40.79 38.47 37.40 36.11 37.75 40.43 37.32 36.28 Nu(z) A-356 Channel Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 Elevation 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 Zgrid 801.8 808.1 795.1 813.4 826.2 836.9 843.8 843.5 792.6 798.3 782.7 803.2 815.0 829.5 834.2 833.5 705.9 708.8 750.1 763.9 779.7 814.4 789.7 (K) 710.8 746.1 761.7 773.2 798.6 814.4 794.2 851.5 H.R. Tw 14827.6 15097.6 13786.9 13215.6 12678.4 11521.5 10421.9 9326.6 14797.5 15061.4 13816.4 13171.7 12470.7 11517.7 10396.1 9335.7 699.9 710.5 734.8 741.7 748.1 761.5 773.8 785.5 700.3 710.5 733.8 741.7 750.1 761.2 773.8 785.2 634.5 645.1 660.1 667.3 678.1 720.5 728.2 (K) 645.1 656.0 663.5 670.3 688.5 710.5 724.4 820.7 (W/m2) 13253.8 13518.6 13703.5 13861.7 14313.5 14861.5 14385.7 5570.3 13080.8 13334.8 13712.2 13891.9 14169.5 14959.9 14348.5 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 Correction 716.9 726.7 744.9 753.6 761.1 777.7 788.8 797.9 715.7 725.1 742.0 751.9 760.9 775.8 786.7 795.5 646.4 655.7 675.1 683.4 695.1 736.1 738.5 (K) 656.0 671.0 679.9 687.4 706.9 727.8 736.0 827.3 Tbulk 5379 5297 5153 5086 5030 4912 4835 4775 6055 5956 5760 5680 5571 5221 5203 0 5390 5311 5176 5099 5032 4925 4849 4790 5953 5800 5714 5642 5466 5289 5222 4590 Re (z) Table SC-3248-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 174.73 185.49 274.61 221.14 194.85 194.53 189.44 204.47 192.46 205.67 338.96 256.90 230.61 214.69 218.81 245.61 219.78 251.22 182.91 172.58 167.42 191.08 280.26 (W/m2-K) 242.06 180.01 167.54 161.62 156.11 171.64 247.07 230.52 ±σhtc 8.21 8.55 13.83 10.64 9.21 11.31 11.14 12.46 9.17 9.64 18.36 12.88 11.39 12.68 13.22 15.68 12.91 14.64 9.70 8.90 8.34 8.74 14.03 (W/m2-K) 14.06 9.68 8.74 8.24 7.53 7.90 12.02 17.54 Fractional 4.70% 4.61% 5.04% 4.81% 4.73% 5.81% 5.88% 6.09% 4.76% 4.69% 5.42% 5.01% 4.94% 5.91% 6.04% 6.38% 5.87% 5.83% 5.30% 5.16% 4.98% 4.57% 5.01% Uncertainty 5.81% 5.38% 5.22% 5.10% 4.83% 4.60% 4.86% 7.61% 34.18 35.58 50.82 40.24 34.95 33.82 32.27 34.26 37.74 39.57 63.09 46.90 41.38 37.46 37.41 41.33 49.90 55.89 39.02 36.17 34.25 35.97 52.52 53.81 38.74 35.38 33.59 31.17 32.85 46.52 36.65 Nu(z) A-357 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 Channel Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 Elevation 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 Zgrid 588.3 609.8 621.8 631.9 646.4 628.0 661.3 676.8 592.9 613.7 625.5 634.2 641.3 628.6 662.8 680.8 586.6 604.9 617.1 625.8 640.5 623.8 660.8 677.2 (K) 588.1 611.0 624.4 634.8 646.3 625.5 658.2 669.9 H.R. Tw 9723.1 10090.3 10361.3 10660.1 11214.9 11582.6 11866.6 12045.9 9725.7 10100.5 10389.7 10684.7 11271.2 11647.8 11938.2 12129.6 510.3 522.4 531.7 542.4 562.7 576.6 587.9 594.9 510.0 522.1 531.7 541.7 562.7 576.6 587.5 594.9 510.3 522.4 531.4 542.0 562.7 576.3 587.5 594.9 (K) 510.0 522.1 531.4 541.4 562.4 575.9 587.2 594.5 (W/m2) 9783.2 10154.3 10431.7 10719.2 11302.8 11668.1 11961.9 12154.0 9728.0 10095.5 10360.6 10661.9 11230.8 11593.6 11887.8 12070.7 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 523.3 536.9 546.7 557.3 576.7 585.2 600.1 608.5 523.8 537.3 547.4 557.1 575.8 585.3 600.1 609.2 523.0 536.1 545.7 556.0 575.7 584.2 599.8 608.6 (K) 523.0 536.9 546.9 556.9 576.4 584.2 599.0 607.1 Tbulk 7766 7531 7370 7205 6919 6801 6602 6496 7757 7524 7360 7208 6931 6799 6603 6487 7771 7544 7387 7225 6933 6814 6607 6495 7771 7531 7368 7210 6924 6815 6617 6514 Re (z) Table SC-3248-A.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 149.57 138.50 138.04 142.82 160.84 270.44 193.96 176.57 140.74 132.25 133.01 138.62 172.17 268.89 190.25 169.35 152.92 146.84 145.16 152.80 173.22 293.09 194.66 175.96 (W/m2-K) 150.30 136.95 134.66 137.73 161.56 282.71 202.13 193.46 ±σhtc 13.80 11.98 11.43 11.29 11.76 19.95 13.13 11.54 12.96 11.42 10.97 10.94 12.60 19.73 12.80 10.97 14.12 12.74 12.06 12.13 12.72 21.96 13.17 11.48 (W/m2-K) 13.81 11.79 11.08 10.84 11.75 20.94 13.68 12.69 Fractional 9.23% 8.65% 8.28% 7.91% 7.31% 7.38% 6.77% 6.54% 9.21% 8.63% 8.24% 7.89% 7.32% 7.34% 6.73% 6.48% 9.23% 8.67% 8.31% 7.94% 7.34% 7.49% 6.77% 6.52% Uncertainty 9.19% 8.61% 8.23% 7.87% 7.27% 7.41% 6.77% 6.56% 45.58 40.77 39.65 39.97 42.93 70.71 48.95 43.70 42.83 38.89 38.15 38.81 46.05 70.29 48.02 41.84 46.63 43.32 41.81 42.90 46.34 76.82 49.17 43.54 45.83 40.32 38.67 38.58 43.15 74.11 51.15 48.04 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3248-B Matrix test # 5 Test date – 8/11/2005 Steady state time window: 24100 - 24400 sec Inlet flow: 1.81 m3/min (64.1 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 413 K (284 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 271.7 kPa (39.4 psia) Bundle power: 40.0 kW Outlet steam temperature: 580 K (585 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 7089 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. . Experiment SC-3248 was run with the traversing probes withdrawn. Centerline steam temperatures used are from experiment SC-3163-B. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -16.261x3 + 100.93x2 - 49.657x + 438.59 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -9.6585x3 + 64.419x2 - 2.3145x + 422.76 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-358 A-359 A-360 A-361 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile 2 y = -16.261x3 + 100.93x - 49.657x + 438.59 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m ) A-362 2.5 3 3.5 4 Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -9.6585x3 + 64.419x2 - 2.3145x + 422.76 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m ) A-363 2.5 3 3.5 4 A-364 Channel Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 Elevation 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 Zgrid 646.5 806.0 818.3 829.9 837.9 839.5 820.2 829.5 710.4 739.4 769.4 794.9 837.2 714.3 744.7 759.2 771.1 841.6 707.6 736.7 752.4 764.7 787.9 810.3 795.8 841.4 (K) 703.6 738.4 753.5 767.7 792.5 813.3 799.8 834.6 H.R.Tw 8810.9 10863.7 10461.7 9822.4 8930.4 8123.8 7024.3 6190.3 10646.8 10855.6 11153.7 11565.9 4399.4 10810.4 11046.6 11191.0 11346.1 4362.2 552.5 745.0 751.0 760.1 772.0 781.7 793.2 800.5 651.9 663.0 679.2 700.6 809.9 651.5 663.4 670.9 678.8 809.7 651.9 662.6 671.7 679.2 697.5 719.5 733.1 809.8 (K) 651.5 663.4 670.6 679.2 697.5 719.5 733.1 809.7 (W/m2) 10729.1 10956.4 11091.1 11261.5 11623.7 12081.4 11933.0 4157.3 10847.9 11059.0 11236.1 11386.6 11762.3 12225.7 11827.3 4505.9 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction 568.1 758.1 765.4 775.1 786.1 794.1 799.0 806.7 664.4 679.4 698.5 720.7 815.7 664.9 680.8 689.9 698.5 816.5 663.8 678.5 689.0 697.5 716.9 739.0 746.5 816.5 (K) 662.6 679.5 688.3 698.1 717.9 739.6 747.4 815.0 Tbulk 5579 4003 3960 3906 3846 3803 3777 3737 4648 4530 4389 4236 3692 4643 4519 4452 4389 3689 4653 4537 4458 4397 4262 4119 4072 3688 4662 4530 4463 4392 4255 4115 4067 3696 Re (z) Table SC-3248-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data h (z) 112.38 226.67 197.94 179.23 172.40 178.73 331.93 271.63 231.37 180.84 157.30 156.06 205.05 218.90 173.03 161.29 156.39 173.68 247.84 190.03 177.29 169.29 165.72 171.35 239.99 181.37 (W/m2-K) 261.82 186.07 170.09 161.85 155.80 163.90 227.61 212.40 ±σhtc 10.06 14.36 12.32 11.09 10.74 11.38 27.75 21.81 17.23 12.71 10.49 9.88 17.12 16.04 11.99 10.91 10.35 13.47 18.44 13.29 12.04 11.24 10.51 10.37 15.07 14.05 (W/m2-K) 19.81 13.04 11.61 10.77 9.89 9.93 14.11 18.84 Fractional 8.95% 6.33% 6.23% 6.19% 6.23% 6.37% 8.36% 8.03% 7.45% 7.03% 6.67% 6.33% 8.35% 7.33% 6.93% 6.76% 6.62% 7.76% 7.44% 7.00% 6.79% 6.64% 6.34% 6.05% 6.28% 7.74% Uncertainty 7.56% 7.01% 6.83% 6.65% 6.35% 6.06% 6.20% 8.87% 30.62 40.90 35.22 31.32 29.51 30.15 55.50 44.79 50.51 38.23 31.95 30.29 33.27 47.73 36.47 33.35 31.76 28.14 54.17 40.25 36.73 34.46 32.42 32.08 44.27 29.39 57.37 39.33 35.29 32.90 30.42 30.64 41.92 34.51 Nu(z) A-365 Number 225 226 227 229 230 231 232 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 (m) 1.618 2.885 2.939 3.117 3.218 3.343 3.447 Channel Elevation Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 H.R. 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 Zgrid 590.9 616.4 630.1 642.4 655.4 634.7 667.7 684.5 699.4 697.4 698.7 738.2 750.9 765.5 800.6 647.3 802.7 811.2 818.6 826.4 831.8 817.9 827.8 (K) 647.6 803.1 818.8 839.1 841.1 827.6 836.1 H.R.Tw 7835.3 8148.3 8358.3 8589.3 9051.5 9332.0 9560.0 9710.3 10031.0 10469.8 10686.7 10980.1 11131.7 11339.3 11957.1 8884.3 10950.2 10575.6 9880.2 9061.9 8227.5 7177.9 6335.9 (W/m ) 8647.4 10606.6 10181.2 8768.7 7960.8 6972.2 6141.7 2 H.R. q'' 505.0 518.7 528.6 539.8 562.8 577.6 589.5 597.5 617.2 640.6 652.3 667.8 675.7 686.5 729.0 553.2 745.0 750.7 760.7 771.7 781.9 793.0 800.5 (K) 553.6 745.0 751.7 772.0 782.1 793.0 800.7 Tcl 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Factor 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction 519.3 535.0 545.5 556.9 578.2 587.1 602.5 612.0 634.8 652.8 662.2 682.9 691.8 703.4 744.3 568.9 757.4 763.7 773.1 783.4 792.6 798.4 806.4 (K) 569.3 757.5 766.0 786.3 794.8 800.4 808.3 Tbulk 6208 5992 5855 5713 5465 5367 5207 5112 4899 4743 4665 4504 4438 4355 4086 5570 4007 3971 3917 3860 3811 3780 3739 5566 4007 3957 3844 3799 3770 3730 Re (z) Table SC-3248-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 109.43 100.12 98.81 100.48 117.24 196.21 146.64 133.81 155.35 234.51 292.90 198.35 188.19 182.75 212.45 113.26 241.39 222.47 217.23 210.69 209.85 367.41 296.02 (W/m -K) 110.43 232.30 192.99 166.15 171.79 256.60 220.40 2 h (z) 12.11 10.32 9.73 9.43 10.05 16.49 11.49 10.12 12.21 17.99 22.67 13.88 12.84 12.11 13.10 10.05 15.42 14.07 13.84 13.56 13.77 32.05 24.48 (W/m -K) 10.02 14.94 12.09 10.37 10.94 19.07 16.16 2 ±σhtc 11.06% 10.31% 9.85% 9.38% 8.57% 8.40% 7.84% 7.56% 7.86% 7.67% 7.74% 7.00% 6.82% 6.62% 6.17% 8.88% 6.39% 6.32% 6.37% 6.43% 6.56% 8.72% 8.27% Uncertainty 9.07% 6.43% 6.27% 6.24% 6.37% 7.43% 7.33% Fractional 33.68 29.61 28.47 28.15 31.18 51.07 36.80 32.85 36.20 52.51 64.24 41.62 38.76 36.74 39.36 30.81 43.61 39.71 38.09 36.25 35.50 61.50 48.84 30.01 41.96 34.30 28.43 28.94 42.79 36.24 Nu(z) A-366 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 Channel Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 Elevation 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 Zgrid 567.2 604.7 614.5 627.8 645.0 669.1 678.6 685.5 547.7 561.4 603.4 610.8 622.3 635.6 665.1 669.9 565.4 601.2 610.6 622.1 637.8 658.9 673.6 679.7 (K) 564.0 602.7 612.0 625.2 644.6 668.0 682.0 688.2 H.R.Tw 7072.0 8018.3 8173.0 8411.2 8889.7 9673.8 9838.7 9918.6 7108.3 8046.0 8195.3 8411.0 8876.5 9628.9 9775.3 9852.9 479.1 512.2 518.3 527.6 547.1 580.8 588.2 591.7 479.3 513.1 518.9 527.6 547.4 581.2 588.2 591.7 479.3 513.1 518.9 527.6 547.7 581.2 588.2 591.7 (K) 479.3 512.5 518.9 527.6 547.7 581.5 588.5 592.0 (W/m2) 7121.4 8025.0 8185.1 8398.6 8872.3 9622.9 9776.7 9854.5 7069.2 7986.6 8131.8 8345.1 8817.2 9562.5 9714.7 9789.1 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 493.7 527.6 534.3 544.3 563.4 595.5 603.2 607.3 490.7 521.2 533.0 541.5 559.9 590.2 601.0 604.7 493.7 527.8 534.2 543.4 562.8 594.1 602.4 606.4 (K) 493.4 527.5 534.4 543.9 563.9 595.9 604.1 608.1 Tbulk 6595 6092 6001 5870 5635 5278 5199 5158 6645 6182 6019 5906 5677 5334 5222 5184 6597 6089 6003 5882 5643 5293 5208 5168 6601 6093 6000 5875 5629 5274 5191 5151 Re (z) Table SC-3248-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 96.24 104.02 101.90 100.82 108.90 131.45 130.48 126.89 124.72 199.96 116.40 121.37 142.23 212.41 152.48 151.18 98.51 108.78 106.44 105.99 117.49 147.62 136.47 133.42 (W/m2-K) 100.90 106.83 105.54 103.36 109.88 133.48 125.51 123.02 ±σhtc 12.51 11.01 10.43 9.81 9.63 10.06 9.67 9.25 16.24 21.82 11.91 11.88 12.74 17.04 11.49 11.22 12.81 11.54 10.93 10.40 10.48 11.49 10.25 9.86 (W/m2-K) 13.04 11.30 10.78 10.08 9.72 10.25 9.32 8.99 Fractional 13.00% 10.58% 10.23% 9.73% 8.84% 7.65% 7.41% 7.29% 13.02% 10.91% 10.23% 9.79% 8.96% 8.02% 7.53% 7.42% 13.00% 10.61% 10.27% 9.81% 8.92% 7.78% 7.51% 7.39% Uncertainty 12.92% 10.57% 10.21% 9.75% 8.85% 7.68% 7.43% 7.31% 31.62 31.35 30.19 29.14 30.02 33.54 32.69 31.49 41.30 61.25 34.61 35.32 39.55 54.88 38.41 37.75 32.37 32.77 31.55 30.70 32.44 37.79 34.26 33.18 33.18 32.20 31.26 29.90 30.25 34.02 31.38 30.48 Nu(z) A-367 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 Channel Elevation Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 Zgrid 788.8 795.9 784.9 800.2 810.5 820.4 826.4 828.1 781.1 787.2 772.5 792.0 802.8 816.8 821.9 821.8 698.5 700.7 738.8 752.1 767.7 801.7 783.3 (K) 701.3 732.4 746.8 757.6 780.5 797.1 782.4 833.2 H.R.Tw 11902.0 12119.2 11055.0 10606.2 10175.3 9247.2 8363.0 7484.5 11886.9 12097.1 11097.9 10581.3 10021.4 9261.3 8360.0 7509.0 685.0 695.0 718.1 724.6 730.7 743.4 755.1 766.2 685.4 695.0 717.1 724.6 732.6 743.1 755.1 765.9 623.0 633.0 647.3 654.1 664.4 704.5 711.8 (K) 633.0 643.4 650.5 656.9 674.2 695.0 708.2 799.9 (W/m2) 10640.6 10854.6 10998.9 11131.3 11490.7 11932.6 11551.9 4472.0 10497.4 10705.1 11007.3 11150.2 11368.4 12001.1 11514.5 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction 707.2 716.6 732.4 740.8 747.8 759.9 770.4 779.4 705.9 714.7 729.0 739.0 747.6 758.9 769.4 777.9 639.2 647.5 666.9 675.1 686.5 725.3 727.2 (K) 647.6 662.4 671.1 678.5 697.0 716.9 724.1 807.0 Tbulk 4328 4264 4160 4108 4065 3992 3932 3882 4337 4277 4182 4119 4066 3998 3938 3890 4860 4788 4628 4564 4477 4206 4194 4787 4664 4594 4537 4400 4262 4214 3736 Re (z) Table SC-3248-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 145.99 152.91 210.61 178.49 162.11 152.93 149.25 153.93 158.00 166.99 254.83 199.92 181.70 159.87 159.15 170.84 176.79 201.34 153.15 144.80 139.97 157.13 204.91 (W/m2-K) 198.15 155.17 145.42 140.74 137.60 148.73 197.93 170.65 ±σhtc 8.97 9.20 13.12 10.93 9.86 9.34 9.22 9.72 9.76 10.13 16.44 12.45 11.24 9.83 9.92 11.01 13.11 14.68 10.46 9.67 9.07 9.37 12.63 (W/m2-K) 14.48 10.76 9.84 9.34 8.71 8.99 12.20 12.91 Fractional 6.14% 6.02% 6.23% 6.12% 6.08% 6.11% 6.17% 6.32% 6.18% 6.07% 6.45% 6.23% 6.19% 6.15% 6.23% 6.44% 7.42% 7.29% 6.83% 6.68% 6.48% 5.96% 6.16% Uncertainty 7.31% 6.94% 6.77% 6.64% 6.33% 6.04% 6.16% 7.57% 29.12 29.93 39.94 33.30 29.83 27.49 26.31 26.68 31.61 32.81 48.66 37.42 33.45 28.80 28.10 29.69 40.80 45.61 33.25 30.89 29.15 30.22 39.27 44.87 34.02 31.29 29.81 28.04 29.10 38.16 28.12 Nu(z) A-368 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 Channel Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 Elevation 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 Zgrid 583.3 605.0 617.0 629.0 641.5 624.6 653.9 668.0 587.5 609.5 621.9 632.1 637.5 625.0 654.7 670.9 580.6 600.4 613.2 624.8 636.6 619.0 651.2 666.3 (K) 583.4 607.3 620.4 633.1 642.9 623.6 651.3 662.1 H.R.Tw 7800.6 8094.2 8313.9 8555.4 8997.1 9290.2 9524.0 9669.5 7807.5 8110.2 8344.3 8578.8 9050.7 9350.8 9583.2 9739.2 504.5 516.2 525.1 535.3 554.8 568.0 578.7 585.4 504.2 515.9 525.1 534.7 554.8 568.0 578.4 585.4 504.5 516.2 524.8 535.0 554.8 567.7 578.4 585.4 (K) 504.2 515.9 524.8 534.3 554.4 567.3 578.0 585.0 (W/m2) 7849.1 8151.2 8373.2 8603.6 9072.9 9364.4 9602.1 9756.1 7808.0 8104.0 8317.4 8562.1 9017.0 9306.0 9542.4 9694.6 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Factor 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Correction 517.7 531.0 540.4 550.9 569.2 577.4 591.2 599.1 518.1 531.5 541.3 550.9 568.5 577.5 591.1 599.6 517.2 530.2 539.5 550.0 568.4 576.2 590.5 598.8 (K) 517.4 531.1 540.7 550.8 569.2 576.7 590.2 597.9 Tbulk 6232 6046 5920 5787 5567 5473 5323 5241 6226 6039 5909 5787 5575 5473 5325 5236 6239 6057 5932 5799 5576 5487 5331 5244 6236 6045 5916 5788 5567 5482 5334 5254 Re (z) Table SC-3248-B.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 118.77 109.39 108.60 109.59 124.46 196.89 152.12 140.44 112.45 103.88 103.44 105.69 131.21 196.86 150.73 136.69 123.22 115.41 112.91 114.42 132.22 217.38 157.32 143.75 (W/m2-K) 118.91 107.01 105.11 104.58 122.99 199.67 157.28 151.82 ±σhtc 13.21 11.38 10.77 10.33 10.75 16.60 11.97 10.68 12.48 10.78 10.21 9.94 11.30 16.51 11.80 10.32 13.71 12.01 11.22 10.80 11.43 18.55 12.40 10.93 (W/m2-K) 13.16 11.06 10.36 9.82 10.55 16.78 12.35 11.54 Fractional 11.12% 10.40% 9.92% 9.42% 8.63% 8.43% 7.87% 7.61% 11.10% 10.37% 9.87% 9.40% 8.61% 8.39% 7.83% 7.55% 11.13% 10.41% 9.93% 9.44% 8.64% 8.53% 7.89% 7.60% Uncertainty 11.07% 10.34% 9.85% 9.39% 8.58% 8.40% 7.85% 7.60% 36.71 32.69 31.69 31.15 33.83 52.45 39.21 35.53 34.72 31.00 30.12 30.05 35.72 52.44 38.86 34.54 38.13 34.55 33.02 32.61 36.01 58.08 40.62 36.39 36.77 31.97 30.65 29.74 33.43 53.29 40.64 38.52 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3248-C Matrix test # 4 Test date – 8/11/2005 Steady state time window: 27200 - 27500 sec Inlet flow: 1.36 m3/min (48.1 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 408 K (276 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 271.0 kPa (39.3 psia) Bundle power: 30.0 kW Outlet steam temperature: 590 K (603 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 5448 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Experiment SC-3248 was run with the traversing probes withdrawn. Centerline steam temperatures used are from experiment SC-3163-A. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -16.388x3 + 100.57x2 - 49.17x + 436.12 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -8.9366x3 + 58.937x2 + 6.0702x + 417.72 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-369 A-370 A-371 A-372 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile 3 2 y = -16.388x + 100.57x - 49.17x + 436.12 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m ) A-373 2.5 3 3.5 4 Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -8.9366x3 + 58.937x2 + 6.0702x + 417.72 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m ) A-374 2.5 3 3.5 4 A-375 Channel Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 Elevation 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 Zgrid 628.3 780.9 792.0 803.8 812.6 815.4 800.5 807.0 690.0 715.4 743.2 767.1 814.9 693.9 719.9 733.6 744.9 819.2 687.7 713.0 727.9 739.5 762.2 783.6 773.7 818.3 (K) 684.0 714.4 728.7 741.9 765.5 785.3 776.2 812.9 H.R.Tw 6622.8 8161.7 7857.8 7380.6 6710.8 6107.4 5279.8 4658.1 7996.6 8151.1 8375.9 8681.7 3323.8 8119.4 8291.8 8399.2 8516.6 3289.0 549.3 737.8 743.6 752.3 763.6 772.8 783.6 790.2 647.2 658.2 673.9 694.8 798.4 646.8 658.6 665.9 673.5 798.2 647.2 657.8 666.7 673.9 691.9 713.2 726.4 798.3 (K) 646.8 658.6 665.5 673.9 691.9 713.2 726.4 798.2 (W/m2) 8053.6 8223.0 8324.9 8450.5 8724.9 9065.0 8954.2 3138.7 8147.0 8305.1 8437.4 8548.7 8830.2 9175.5 8881.3 3402.1 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction 566.1 747.0 753.9 763.3 774.0 781.8 787.1 793.8 656.3 670.3 688.6 710.2 801.9 656.8 671.6 680.3 688.7 802.7 655.8 669.5 679.7 687.9 706.8 728.2 736.4 802.6 (K) 654.7 670.4 678.9 688.4 707.5 728.6 737.0 801.3 Tbulk 4250 3086 3055 3013 2967 2934 2912 2886 3575 3489 3383 3267 2853 3572 3482 3431 3383 2850 3578 3494 3434 3388 3285 3176 3136 2851 3585 3489 3439 3385 3281 3174 3134 2856 Re (z) Table SC-3248-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data h (z) 106.53 240.68 206.13 182.26 173.84 182.07 396.77 351.45 237.29 180.84 153.64 152.40 256.33 219.17 171.70 157.56 151.62 198.86 255.53 190.84 175.05 165.52 159.41 165.74 238.52 215.88 (W/m2-K) 275.04 186.98 167.38 157.80 150.53 159.74 228.12 271.16 ±σhtc 12.76 17.96 14.94 13.03 12.52 13.55 46.22 41.00 21.49 15.19 12.05 11.17 30.56 19.38 14.16 12.58 11.76 20.28 23.16 15.94 14.06 12.91 11.70 11.42 17.32 22.52 (W/m2-K) 25.56 15.66 13.53 12.34 11.06 11.03 16.32 35.41 Fractional 11.98% 7.46% 7.25% 7.15% 7.20% 7.44% 11.65% 11.67% 9.06% 8.40% 7.84% 7.33% 11.92% 8.84% 8.25% 7.98% 7.76% 10.20% 9.06% 8.35% 8.03% 7.80% 7.34% 6.89% 7.26% 10.43% Uncertainty 9.29% 8.38% 8.09% 7.82% 7.35% 6.91% 7.15% 13.06% 29.17 44.36 37.49 32.56 30.43 31.42 67.79 59.32 52.72 38.97 31.85 30.22 42.63 48.64 36.91 33.24 31.43 33.03 56.83 41.20 36.98 34.37 31.83 31.70 44.88 35.86 61.32 40.29 35.42 32.73 30.01 30.53 42.88 45.15 Nu(z) A-376 Channel Number 225 226 227 229 230 231 232 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 H.R. Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 (m) 1.618 2.885 2.939 3.117 3.218 3.343 3.447 Elevation 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 Zgrid 572.1 595.1 607.4 619.0 633.6 618.1 646.4 661.6 676.0 678.9 680.0 714.6 726.7 740.7 775.0 624.3 775.2 783.0 791.7 799.9 805.9 797.4 803.9 (K) 629.3 777.1 791.2 811.9 815.2 806.2 812.0 H.R.Tw 5881.8 6113.7 6268.6 6444.3 6788.2 7005.2 7173.8 7285.5 7530.7 7858.5 8022.5 8240.7 8351.6 8511.9 8971.5 6654.3 8211.9 7932.2 7415.2 6801.8 6173.4 5395.1 4766.8 (W/m ) 6496.4 7959.5 7643.8 6585.7 5979.2 5244.6 4620.7 2 H.R. q'' 502.3 515.9 525.6 536.8 559.5 574.1 585.8 593.7 613.2 636.2 647.6 662.8 670.5 681.1 722.4 550.0 737.8 743.3 752.9 763.4 773.0 783.4 790.2 (K) 550.4 737.8 744.2 763.6 773.2 783.4 790.3 Tcl 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction 517.1 532.8 543.0 554.2 575.2 583.5 598.7 608.2 626.5 645.3 654.5 673.8 682.5 693.8 733.6 565.8 745.8 751.8 761.1 771.1 780.0 786.4 793.1 (K) 567.2 746.2 754.2 773.9 782.2 788.2 794.9 Tbulk 4733 4567 4465 4358 4170 4101 3978 3906 3773 3646 3587 3469 3418 3355 3150 4252 3092 3065 3023 2979 2942 2916 2888 4240 3090 3054 2968 2933 2908 2881 Re (z) Table SC-3248-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 107.08 98.08 97.43 99.52 116.34 202.08 150.52 136.26 152.09 233.46 314.38 202.13 188.58 181.53 216.49 113.77 279.57 254.14 242.99 236.42 238.38 488.06 442.76 (W/m -K) 104.62 257.67 206.74 173.23 180.75 292.06 271.52 2 h (z) 15.84 13.55 12.87 12.52 13.39 22.79 15.85 13.88 14.60 21.80 30.27 16.94 15.27 14.14 15.43 13.58 21.73 19.36 18.60 18.41 19.23 65.14 60.24 (W/m -K) 12.70 19.91 15.22 12.61 13.57 28.14 26.91 2 ±σhtc 14.80% 13.81% 13.21% 12.58% 11.51% 11.28% 10.53% 10.18% 9.60% 9.34% 9.63% 8.38% 8.10% 7.79% 7.13% 11.94% 7.77% 7.62% 7.66% 7.79% 8.07% 13.35% 13.61% Uncertainty 12.14% 7.73% 7.36% 7.28% 7.51% 9.64% 9.91% Fractional 33.14 29.18 28.25 28.06 31.16 53.06 38.12 33.75 36.11 53.15 70.12 43.24 39.61 37.23 40.96 31.18 51.65 46.41 43.59 41.62 41.27 83.51 74.83 28.57 47.57 37.58 30.34 31.17 49.80 45.73 Nu(z) A-377 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 Channel Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 Elevation 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 Zgrid 554.2 586.0 595.5 607.9 626.7 648.0 657.5 663.7 535.9 548.9 587.4 594.7 605.0 620.9 642.2 646.5 552.4 583.3 592.5 604.0 621.2 638.3 651.6 657.2 (K) 549.9 583.4 591.9 604.2 624.7 646.6 659.2 664.7 H.R.Tw 5313.6 6018.5 6139.2 6316.6 6674.1 7262.4 7386.0 7445.8 5332.3 6024.4 6132.5 6291.9 6640.6 7204.5 7318.3 7375.1 477.6 510.3 516.3 525.4 544.3 577.0 584.1 587.5 477.9 511.2 516.9 525.4 544.6 577.3 584.1 587.5 477.9 511.2 516.9 525.4 544.9 577.3 584.1 587.5 (K) 477.9 510.6 516.9 525.4 544.9 577.7 584.4 587.8 (W/m2) 5346.5 6024.8 6144.2 6303.7 6658.9 7220.7 7335.8 7389.9 5314.4 6005.0 6112.7 6273.6 6627.6 7185.1 7301.3 7356.7 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Factor 1.20 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction 490.4 526.4 533.1 542.9 561.8 592.1 599.7 603.7 487.5 519.2 531.9 540.1 557.5 586.6 596.4 600.0 490.3 526.5 532.9 542.1 561.2 590.3 598.4 602.3 (K) 489.9 526.1 532.8 542.1 561.9 592.3 600.3 604.2 Tbulk 5044 4633 4564 4466 4288 4031 3971 3940 5079 4710 4577 4493 4328 4075 3996 3968 5045 4632 4566 4474 4294 4045 3980 3950 5050 4637 4567 4473 4287 4029 3966 3936 Re (z) Table SC-3248-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 83.24 101.05 98.45 97.17 102.81 129.86 127.82 124.17 110.29 202.74 110.38 115.25 139.62 209.78 160.10 158.66 85.51 105.72 102.59 101.41 110.40 149.60 137.44 133.95 (W/m2-K) 89.04 105.15 104.00 101.54 106.01 132.96 124.56 122.10 ±σhtc 14.16 14.31 13.47 12.66 12.18 13.34 12.74 12.18 18.79 29.60 15.14 15.13 16.79 22.53 16.28 15.89 14.54 14.98 14.09 13.30 13.16 15.61 13.87 13.31 (W/m2-K) 15.06 14.88 14.22 13.26 12.58 13.72 12.45 12.02 Fractional 17.01% 14.16% 13.69% 13.03% 11.85% 10.27% 9.96% 9.81% 17.04% 14.60% 13.72% 13.13% 12.03% 10.74% 10.17% 10.02% 17.00% 14.17% 13.73% 13.12% 11.92% 10.44% 10.09% 9.94% Uncertainty 16.92% 14.15% 13.67% 13.06% 11.86% 10.32% 10.00% 9.85% 27.59 30.55 29.26 28.18 28.45 33.40 32.29 31.08 36.82 62.42 32.91 33.66 39.06 54.67 40.76 40.05 28.34 31.95 30.51 29.47 30.60 38.65 34.83 33.63 29.55 31.81 30.93 29.50 29.33 34.18 31.42 30.53 Nu(z) A-378 Channel Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 Elevation 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 Zgrid 761.4 768.7 761.7 775.5 785.4 794.8 801.3 803.5 754.3 760.5 750.2 767.7 777.8 791.3 797.5 799.0 678.7 680.5 714.2 726.7 742.1 774.8 763.1 (K) 682.2 709.8 723.5 733.7 755.1 771.0 761.1 810.1 H.R.Tw 8936.3 9099.7 8310.8 7968.5 7645.7 6949.6 6288.6 5628.8 8915.2 9076.9 8330.8 7942.4 7522.6 6950.6 6283.1 5645.5 677.3 686.9 709.1 715.3 721.1 733.4 744.5 755.2 677.6 686.9 708.1 715.3 722.9 733.1 744.5 754.9 617.7 627.3 641.1 647.6 657.5 696.0 703.0 (K) 627.3 637.3 644.2 650.3 666.9 686.9 699.5 787.6 (W/m2) 7985.8 8146.6 8253.1 8356.1 8627.1 8955.9 8671.8 3377.8 7878.8 8035.7 8262.2 8369.0 8530.9 9009.3 8645.0 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction 695.2 704.3 720.2 728.1 734.8 746.4 756.6 765.5 693.9 702.5 717.0 726.4 734.6 745.4 755.8 764.3 630.7 638.6 656.6 664.4 675.5 712.7 715.8 (K) 639.0 652.7 661.0 668.0 685.7 704.8 712.6 792.4 Tbulk 3347 3298 3216 3177 3144 3089 3043 3004 3354 3307 3232 3185 3145 3094 3046 3009 3744 3690 3573 3525 3459 3254 3238 3687 3598 3546 3503 3400 3296 3254 2891 Re (z) Table SC-3248-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 135.01 141.30 200.43 167.95 150.95 143.54 140.71 147.90 147.76 156.53 251.54 192.43 174.24 151.56 150.67 162.80 163.85 192.09 143.42 134.39 127.96 145.16 182.71 (W/m2-K) 184.70 142.76 132.11 127.28 124.25 135.17 178.97 190.91 ±σhtc 9.47 9.63 14.27 11.68 10.40 9.96 9.89 10.73 10.45 10.79 18.89 13.73 12.33 10.61 10.73 12.08 14.59 16.78 11.56 10.52 9.63 9.76 12.70 (W/m2-K) 16.13 11.71 10.51 9.87 9.06 9.25 12.48 18.59 Fractional 7.01% 6.82% 7.12% 6.95% 6.89% 6.94% 7.03% 7.26% 7.07% 6.89% 7.51% 7.14% 7.08% 7.00% 7.12% 7.42% 8.91% 8.74% 8.06% 7.83% 7.53% 6.72% 6.95% Uncertainty 8.73% 8.20% 7.95% 7.75% 7.29% 6.85% 6.98% 9.74% 27.61 28.36 38.94 32.13 28.49 26.49 25.46 26.31 30.30 31.53 49.19 36.93 32.90 28.02 27.30 29.03 38.54 44.38 31.84 29.34 27.28 28.64 35.82 42.64 31.97 29.05 27.57 25.92 27.10 35.31 32.30 Nu(z) A-379 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 Channel Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 Elevation 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 Zgrid 566.4 586.3 597.3 609.2 622.6 609.3 634.9 648.3 570.9 592.2 604.7 616.0 622.9 611.0 636.1 650.5 564.2 583.4 595.6 607.8 620.2 604.5 632.2 646.0 (K) 567.1 589.2 601.5 614.5 625.5 609.0 632.0 642.0 H.R.Tw 5878.6 6100.6 6265.7 6445.8 6782.3 6996.1 7173.1 7282.1 5869.7 6095.4 6271.9 6444.4 6802.1 7026.9 7201.6 7319.1 502.8 514.2 522.9 532.9 551.8 564.6 575.0 581.4 502.5 513.9 522.9 532.2 551.8 564.6 574.6 581.4 502.8 514.2 522.6 532.5 551.8 564.3 574.6 581.4 (K) 502.5 513.9 522.6 531.9 551.4 563.9 574.3 581.0 (W/m2) 5900.5 6125.3 6292.7 6465.6 6818.1 7035.4 7214.1 7329.4 5861.1 6082.4 6240.4 6423.4 6767.3 6984.1 7159.3 7275.2 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction 516.3 529.5 538.7 549.1 566.8 574.1 587.7 595.6 517.0 530.5 540.3 550.0 566.9 574.5 587.7 596.1 515.8 528.9 538.1 548.5 566.3 572.8 586.9 595.1 (K) 516.2 529.9 539.4 549.5 567.2 573.5 586.6 594.0 Tbulk 4742 4601 4507 4406 4243 4180 4066 4003 4734 4591 4491 4397 4243 4177 4066 3999 4747 4607 4513 4411 4248 4191 4073 4006 4743 4597 4501 4403 4240 4185 4075 4015 Re (z) Table SC-3248-C.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 117.28 107.42 107.06 107.26 121.64 198.82 151.99 138.30 108.92 98.88 97.36 97.66 121.34 192.51 148.76 134.45 121.10 111.54 108.57 108.35 125.48 220.20 158.08 142.94 (W/m2-K) 115.90 103.23 101.33 99.44 116.91 198.20 158.68 152.62 ±σhtc 17.38 14.90 14.17 13.50 14.03 22.39 15.99 14.09 16.14 13.71 12.84 12.28 13.96 21.53 15.60 13.62 18.01 15.53 14.44 13.69 14.52 25.14 16.72 14.58 (W/m2-K) 17.12 14.26 13.35 12.49 13.42 22.24 16.70 15.56 Fractional 14.82% 13.87% 13.24% 12.59% 11.54% 11.26% 10.52% 10.19% 14.82% 13.86% 13.19% 12.58% 11.51% 11.18% 10.48% 10.13% 14.87% 13.92% 13.30% 12.64% 11.57% 11.42% 10.58% 10.20% Uncertainty 14.77% 13.82% 13.18% 12.56% 11.48% 11.22% 10.52% 10.20% 36.38 32.22 31.38 30.63 33.25 53.40 39.51 35.28 33.72 29.58 28.42 27.82 33.17 51.66 38.67 34.26 37.61 33.51 31.86 30.98 34.34 59.32 41.17 36.50 35.96 30.93 29.65 28.37 31.93 53.31 41.36 39.08 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3248-D Matrix test # 3 Test date – 8/11/2005 Steady state time window: 29400 - 29700 sec Inlet flow: 0.91 m3/min (32.0 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 409 K (277 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 271.7 kPa (39.4 psia) Bundle power: 21.0 kW Outlet steam temperature: 580 K (585 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 3610 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Experiment SC-3248 was run with the traversing probes withdrawn. Centerline steam temperatures used are from experiment SC-3166-A. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -15.787x3 + 96.024x2 - 41.28x + 433.52 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -10.056x3 + 62.945x2 + 2.2908x + 419.79 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-380 A-381 A-382 A-383 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -15.787x3 + 96.024x2 - 41.28x + 433.52 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-384 2.5 3 3.5 4 Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile 3 y = -10.056x + 62.945x2 + 2.2908x + 419.79 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-385 2.5 3 3.5 4 A-386 Channel Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 Elevation 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 Zgrid 618.2 772.0 781.3 792.4 801.0 804.1 797.4 801.0 684.5 705.5 731.8 754.9 809.9 688.6 709.0 722.0 733.7 813.6 681.0 703.2 717.6 728.9 750.8 767.9 763.5 809.8 (K) 680.5 704.4 717.6 730.5 753.4 771.3 767.0 806.8 H.R.Tw 6504.2 8032.4 7734.9 7265.0 6609.1 6012.3 5197.5 4589.7 7857.1 8011.5 8234.8 8538.9 3272.2 7980.3 8151.6 8260.6 8374.4 3238.7 550.1 734.6 740.2 748.7 759.7 768.5 779.0 785.4 646.2 656.9 672.3 692.7 793.3 645.8 657.3 664.5 672.0 793.2 646.2 656.5 665.2 672.3 689.8 710.7 723.5 793.2 (K) 645.8 657.3 664.1 672.3 689.8 710.7 723.5 793.2 (W/m2) 7918.4 8088.9 8189.1 8314.9 8585.3 8923.7 8810.7 3094.5 8007.2 8164.0 8295.4 8409.0 8683.1 9030.1 8739.8 3352.3 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.27 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.27 1.27 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.27 1.27 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.27 1.27 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Factor 1.27 1.27 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction 564.7 747.1 753.9 763.3 773.4 780.4 785.1 790.6 654.4 667.3 692.2 713.4 798.9 655.0 668.4 683.7 692.5 800.0 653.7 666.5 682.7 691.2 710.2 729.8 736.8 798.7 (K) 653.3 667.4 682.0 691.7 711.0 730.9 738.0 797.7 Tbulk 2834 2052 2031 2003 1974 1955 1942 1927 2385 2332 2236 2161 1905 2382 2328 2268 2235 1902 2388 2335 2272 2240 2172 2106 2084 1905 2390 2332 2275 2238 2169 2103 2080 1908 Re (z) Table SC-3248-D.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data h (z) 121.57 322.63 282.56 249.34 239.52 253.51 423.72 440.78 261.33 209.76 207.52 205.85 295.49 237.61 200.74 215.26 203.30 238.06 293.26 222.50 237.79 223.05 213.60 236.53 327.22 304.45 (W/m2-K) 291.06 218.56 229.41 214.37 202.43 220.76 303.14 340.88 ±σhtc 14.85 29.45 25.25 21.99 21.31 23.32 50.74 58.19 24.41 18.18 19.34 18.25 37.74 21.55 17.06 20.35 18.77 27.19 27.75 19.22 22.63 20.71 18.95 20.22 29.31 38.93 (W/m2-K) 27.74 18.92 21.93 19.94 17.96 18.82 26.65 49.90 Fractional 12.21% 9.13% 8.93% 8.82% 8.90% 9.20% 11.98% 13.20% 9.34% 8.66% 9.32% 8.86% 12.77% 9.07% 8.50% 9.45% 9.23% 11.42% 9.46% 8.64% 9.52% 9.29% 8.87% 8.55% 8.96% 12.79% Uncertainty 9.53% 8.66% 9.56% 9.30% 8.87% 8.52% 8.79% 14.64% 33.41 59.46 51.39 44.54 41.98 43.86 72.66 74.83 58.30 45.50 42.71 40.55 49.42 52.94 43.45 45.10 41.80 39.73 65.53 48.35 49.92 46.00 42.36 45.09 61.52 50.93 65.10 47.40 48.23 44.16 40.07 41.99 56.86 57.13 Nu(z) A-387 Number 225 226 227 229 230 231 232 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 (m) 1.618 2.885 2.939 3.117 3.218 3.343 3.447 Channel Elevation Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 H.R. 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 Zgrid 563.7 584.5 595.3 606.8 624.5 614.4 636.6 650.3 666.3 672.8 674.1 702.9 714.7 728.8 761.7 613.6 766.8 774.7 784.5 793.0 798.8 795.8 799.0 (K) 616.7 765.6 777.7 798.4 802.7 800.0 804.8 H.R.Tw 5774.1 6003.7 6159.2 6331.5 6671.2 6880.5 7048.4 7160.0 7406.9 7729.1 7887.1 8113.0 8221.8 8378.0 8837.5 6535.7 8077.0 7797.8 7292.5 6692.0 6074.1 5303.9 4685.9 (W/m ) 6382.1 7834.5 7522.9 6485.2 5889.7 5159.5 4551.7 2 H.R. q'' 503.6 517.1 526.8 537.7 560.2 574.6 586.1 593.8 612.9 635.4 646.6 661.5 669.0 679.3 719.6 550.9 734.6 740.0 749.3 759.4 768.8 778.8 785.4 (K) 551.2 734.6 740.8 759.7 769.0 778.8 785.6 Tcl 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.27 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Factor 1.27 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction 516.5 531.6 541.5 552.5 573.9 583.1 596.9 605.9 624.3 643.4 652.5 670.3 684.2 695.8 733.6 564.3 745.3 751.5 761.0 770.6 778.8 784.5 790.0 (K) 565.3 744.9 753.1 772.6 780.2 785.9 792.0 Tbulk 3151 3045 2979 2908 2780 2728 2654 2608 2519 2432 2393 2320 2266 2223 2094 2836 2057 2038 2010 1982 1959 1944 1929 2830 2058 2033 1977 1955 1940 1923 Re (z) Table SC-3248-D.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 122.36 113.50 114.30 116.61 131.94 219.67 177.71 161.30 176.53 263.26 365.46 249.33 269.84 254.25 315.13 132.59 376.46 336.36 309.98 298.94 303.10 469.16 516.78 (W/m -K) 123.98 379.80 305.66 251.23 261.90 364.57 355.26 2 h (z) 18.47 15.99 15.39 14.96 15.48 25.37 19.22 16.83 17.37 25.45 37.34 21.89 26.06 23.75 28.03 16.16 35.69 31.19 28.60 27.90 29.20 58.81 74.78 (W/m -K) 15.36 36.68 28.11 22.78 24.51 40.54 41.49 2 ±σhtc 15.10% 14.08% 13.47% 12.83% 11.73% 11.55% 10.81% 10.44% 9.84% 9.67% 10.22% 8.78% 9.66% 9.34% 8.89% 12.19% 9.48% 9.27% 9.23% 9.33% 9.63% 12.54% 14.47% Uncertainty 12.39% 9.66% 9.20% 9.07% 9.36% 11.12% 11.68% Fractional 37.93 33.87 33.27 33.02 35.45 57.73 45.19 40.16 42.13 60.17 81.88 53.74 56.46 51.93 59.62 36.47 69.61 61.45 55.62 52.67 52.59 80.56 87.84 34.02 70.28 55.67 44.10 45.32 62.43 60.16 Nu(z) A-388 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 Channel Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 Elevation 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 Zgrid 543.8 574.0 583.1 594.7 614.4 637.2 646.8 652.2 527.1 543.3 577.3 584.2 593.8 610.4 632.6 636.1 542.8 572.0 580.6 591.0 609.1 628.1 639.9 645.0 (K) 542.1 573.6 581.7 593.3 613.0 635.8 647.3 652.3 H.R.Tw 5218.8 5913.6 6032.4 6206.9 6559.0 7140.6 7262.4 7322.7 5243.0 5916.5 6025.2 6183.3 6526.4 7082.4 7195.9 7253.4 478.8 511.8 517.8 527.0 546.0 578.7 585.8 589.1 479.1 512.7 518.4 527.0 546.3 579.0 585.8 589.1 479.1 512.7 518.4 527.0 546.7 579.0 585.8 589.1 (K) 479.1 512.1 518.4 527.0 546.7 579.4 586.1 589.5 (W/m2) 5256.7 5924.9 6043.1 6199.9 6549.2 7102.5 7217.6 7271.6 5216.4 5894.5 6001.5 6160.7 6505.8 7057.9 7169.8 7227.0 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction 492.7 525.1 531.8 541.5 560.7 591.2 598.8 602.6 489.4 519.3 531.0 539.3 556.5 585.8 595.8 599.2 492.7 525.4 531.7 540.7 560.0 589.5 597.4 601.1 (K) 492.6 525.3 532.0 541.2 560.9 591.4 599.2 602.9 Tbulk 3334 3089 3043 2978 2858 2684 2644 2625 3362 3131 3048 2993 2883 2714 2660 2643 3334 3087 3044 2984 2862 2693 2652 2633 3335 3088 3042 2980 2857 2683 2642 2623 Re (z) Table SC-3248-D.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 102.20 120.97 117.57 116.66 121.94 155.34 151.47 147.72 138.98 246.47 130.15 137.55 174.87 286.92 195.62 196.63 104.17 126.41 122.81 122.55 132.66 183.08 168.53 164.58 (W/m2-K) 106.19 122.62 121.60 118.94 125.55 160.14 149.96 147.27 ±σhtc 18.06 17.48 16.42 15.50 14.74 16.34 15.42 14.81 24.64 37.31 18.23 18.46 21.64 32.82 20.52 20.34 18.41 18.31 17.22 16.42 16.18 19.69 17.48 16.79 (W/m2-K) 18.64 17.68 16.94 15.83 15.19 16.93 15.32 14.83 Fractional 17.67% 14.45% 13.96% 13.29% 12.09% 10.52% 10.18% 10.03% 17.73% 15.14% 14.00% 13.42% 12.37% 11.44% 10.49% 10.35% 17.67% 14.48% 14.02% 13.40% 12.19% 10.75% 10.37% 10.20% Uncertainty 17.55% 14.42% 13.93% 13.31% 12.10% 10.57% 10.22% 10.07% 33.66 36.69 35.06 33.95 33.84 40.04 38.35 37.06 46.18 75.87 38.89 40.26 49.03 74.93 49.88 49.74 34.31 38.31 36.63 35.74 36.87 47.38 42.81 41.44 34.99 37.17 36.25 34.64 34.83 41.26 37.93 36.93 Nu(z) A-389 Channel Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 Elevation 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 Zgrid 745.1 752.5 755.6 766.4 775.3 784.4 791.1 794.4 737.9 743.9 742.1 757.1 766.4 778.8 785.3 788.1 673.5 674.2 702.9 714.2 728.6 763.4 759.4 (K) 674.2 696.2 708.7 718.2 738.2 752.9 750.4 798.1 H.R.Tw 8789.8 8953.0 8173.1 7839.0 7521.0 6836.4 6183.3 5536.0 8784.9 8937.2 8205.6 7826.7 7415.3 6853.0 6196.6 5564.5 676.9 686.0 706.9 712.6 718.0 729.2 739.2 748.6 677.2 686.0 706.0 712.6 719.7 728.9 739.2 748.4 619.0 628.4 641.9 648.2 657.8 694.6 701.2 (K) 628.4 638.2 644.9 650.9 666.9 686.0 697.9 775.6 (W/m2) 7853.5 8014.1 8125.2 8221.9 8487.8 8818.6 8536.2 3330.1 7743.4 7897.1 8122.0 8230.8 8391.1 8860.9 8502.1 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction 699.6 708.2 723.1 730.6 737.1 747.6 756.5 763.9 697.4 705.3 718.0 727.5 735.2 745.6 754.6 761.6 630.7 638.2 654.9 670.2 681.4 717.5 720.6 (K) 638.2 650.6 658.6 673.3 690.7 708.3 715.4 783.1 Tbulk 2209 2179 2128 2104 2083 2050 2023 2002 2217 2189 2145 2114 2089 2056 2029 2008 2489 2455 2383 2320 2277 2147 2137 2455 2401 2368 2308 2242 2179 2154 1947 Re (z) Table SC-3248-D.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 193.24 201.95 251.35 218.59 196.82 185.86 178.85 181.45 216.97 231.60 340.78 263.89 238.39 206.17 201.76 210.48 180.63 219.75 169.41 187.10 177.72 193.26 219.29 (W/m2-K) 218.53 175.97 162.01 183.19 178.62 197.67 244.13 221.70 ±σhtc 16.63 17.06 21.78 18.68 16.69 15.84 15.37 15.90 18.86 19.84 31.35 23.23 20.81 17.81 17.64 18.94 16.44 19.80 14.01 14.25 16.04 16.09 18.55 (W/m2-K) 19.75 14.88 13.23 13.83 15.78 16.76 21.02 23.99 Fractional 8.61% 8.45% 8.66% 8.55% 8.48% 8.52% 8.59% 8.76% 8.69% 8.57% 9.20% 8.80% 8.73% 8.64% 8.75% 9.00% 9.10% 9.01% 8.27% 7.62% 9.02% 8.33% 8.46% Uncertainty 9.04% 8.46% 8.17% 7.55% 8.83% 8.48% 8.61% 10.82% 39.16 40.21 48.56 41.61 36.98 34.22 32.36 32.38 44.17 46.39 66.51 50.54 44.96 38.10 36.64 37.72 42.49 50.82 37.75 40.33 37.41 37.76 42.58 50.53 39.59 35.82 39.23 36.87 39.35 47.90 38.16 Nu(z) A-390 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 Channel Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 Elevation 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 Zgrid 557.1 574.1 583.9 596.3 612.6 604.5 625.3 637.5 563.3 582.7 594.2 605.0 616.0 608.4 629.0 642.3 555.2 572.3 584.0 595.8 609.9 600.0 621.8 634.5 (K) 559.3 579.3 590.7 603.0 616.5 607.1 625.2 634.9 H.R.Tw 5759.9 5977.3 6138.0 6317.2 6646.4 6859.7 7032.9 7139.5 5758.4 5979.9 6154.1 6324.3 6676.0 6898.1 7073.4 7188.4 504.2 515.7 524.5 534.5 553.5 566.3 576.7 583.1 503.9 515.4 524.5 533.9 553.5 566.3 576.3 583.1 504.2 515.7 524.2 534.2 553.5 566.0 576.3 583.1 (K) 503.9 515.4 524.2 533.6 553.1 565.7 576.0 582.7 (W/m2) 5791.6 6012.5 6177.8 6349.7 6694.4 6910.0 7086.6 7200.5 5760.4 5979.7 6137.5 6316.5 6657.1 6865.7 7043.3 7156.8 Tcl H.R. q'' 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Factor 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 Correction 515.5 528.2 537.2 547.8 566.1 574.5 587.1 594.7 516.6 529.8 539.5 549.1 566.9 575.3 587.6 595.8 515.1 527.8 537.0 547.4 565.5 573.3 586.1 594.1 (K) 515.8 529.1 538.4 548.4 566.7 574.5 586.5 593.9 Tbulk 3158 3068 3007 2938 2825 2777 2707 2666 3150 3057 2992 2929 2821 2772 2704 2660 3161 3070 3008 2940 2829 2784 2712 2669 3157 3062 2998 2934 2822 2776 2710 2670 Re (z) Table SC-3248-D.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 138.55 130.15 131.58 130.00 142.99 228.85 183.87 166.76 123.29 112.98 112.32 113.13 135.88 208.57 170.80 154.35 143.76 134.33 130.67 130.46 150.26 256.63 197.01 177.10 (W/m2-K) 133.17 119.77 118.34 116.32 134.51 212.31 183.45 175.53 ±σhtc 21.03 18.49 17.85 16.75 16.89 26.62 19.95 17.45 18.65 15.98 15.12 14.52 15.95 23.87 18.34 15.97 21.85 19.10 17.74 16.83 17.78 30.36 21.52 18.59 (W/m2-K) 20.09 16.89 15.91 14.90 15.76 24.35 19.81 18.34 Fractional 15.18% 14.21% 13.57% 12.89% 11.82% 11.63% 10.85% 10.46% 15.13% 14.14% 13.46% 12.83% 11.74% 11.45% 10.74% 10.35% 15.20% 14.22% 13.57% 12.90% 11.83% 11.83% 10.92% 10.50% Uncertainty 15.09% 14.10% 13.45% 12.81% 11.72% 11.47% 10.80% 10.45% 43.05 39.17 38.71 37.25 39.15 61.40 47.86 42.63 38.20 33.86 32.86 32.31 37.14 55.85 44.40 39.36 44.72 40.46 38.46 37.41 41.21 69.06 51.41 45.34 41.36 35.96 34.70 33.27 36.78 56.96 47.82 44.96 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3248-E Matrix test # 2 Test date – 8/11/2005 Steady state time window: 32500 - 32800 sec Inlet flow: 0.48 m3/min (17.0 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 407 K (274 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 271.7 kPa (39.4 psia) Bundle power: 14.0 kW Outlet steam temperature: 585 K (594 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 1938 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Experiment SC-3248 was run with the traversing probes withdrawn. Centerline steam temperatures used are from experiment SC-3166-B. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -18.477x3 + 106.36x2 - 31.321x + 429.69 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -10.78x3 + 62.962x2 + 26.651x + 409.87 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (K) A-391 A-392 A-393 A-394 Subchanne ls D5 and E5 Axial Te mpe rature Profile y = -18.477x3 + 106.36x2 - 31.321x + 429.69 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m ) A-395 2.5 3 3.5 4 Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -10.78x3 + 62.962x2 + 26.651x + 409.87 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m ) A-396 2.5 3 3.5 4 A-397 Channel Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 Elevation 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 Zgrid 626.7 801.8 807.8 816.2 823.0 826.4 828.5 830.4 716.1 730.3 753.5 775.1 836.8 719.5 734.9 746.5 757.4 840.0 710.7 727.8 740.2 750.7 773.6 786.9 789.8 835.7 (K) 710.3 727.9 740.3 753.3 774.4 789.7 792.8 833.1 H.R.Tw 3074.0 3783.3 3647.0 3419.7 3110.5 2825.5 2442.1 2146.9 3712.7 3784.3 3888.6 4030.3 1521.0 3767.1 3848.7 3898.0 3954.5 1506.6 3782.8 3855.7 3916.7 3967.0 4097.4 4256.3 4120.5 1557.7 (W/m2) 3740.0 3819.3 3868.3 3924.0 4050.9 4205.4 4156.1 1437.6 H.R. q'' 577.9 781.0 786.7 795.2 805.9 814.2 823.5 828.7 686.5 698.2 715.0 737.0 833.6 686.0 698.6 706.5 714.6 833.5 686.5 697.8 707.3 715.0 734.0 756.1 769.5 833.5 (K) 686.0 698.6 706.1 715.0 734.0 756.1 769.5 831.5 Tcl 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction 594.2 787.9 793.8 802.2 811.6 818.3 825.2 829.3 696.3 708.9 727.9 749.7 834.7 697.2 710.7 719.8 728.9 835.7 694.5 707.8 718.3 726.9 747.2 766.4 776.3 834.3 (K) 694.1 708.4 717.5 727.8 747.4 767.3 777.3 832.0 Tbulk 1423 1032 1023 1011 999 990 981 975 1185 1161 1127 1090 969 1183 1158 1141 1125 967 1188 1163 1144 1128 1094 1064 1049 969 1189 1162 1145 1127 1094 1062 1047 972 Re (z) Table SC-3248-E.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data h (z) 94.53 272.39 258.96 244.62 272.28 348.53 730.23 1819.64 187.83 176.71 151.70 158.57 699.35 168.62 159.28 146.28 138.56 350.49 233.54 192.70 178.84 166.69 154.92 207.42 304.34 1090.44 (W/m2-K) 231.48 196.03 169.38 153.79 150.21 187.70 268.17 1373.84 23.12 37.96 35.88 33.94 40.60 61.71 254.47 1713.38 31.61 28.27 22.42 21.56 363.86 27.76 24.86 22.00 20.09 98.91 39.82 30.68 27.23 24.46 20.93 26.61 42.51 851.24 24.46% 13.94% 13.85% 13.87% 14.91% 17.70% 34.85% 94.16% 16.83% 16.00% 14.78% 13.59% 52.03% 16.46% 15.61% 15.04% 14.50% 28.22% 17.05% 15.92% 15.23% 14.67% 13.51% 12.83% 13.97% 78.06% Fractional Uncertainty 17.21% 16.05% 15.34% 14.69% 13.59% 12.73% 13.34% 106.11% ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 39.84 31.46 25.99 22.59 20.41 23.90 35.78 1457.77 24.20 46.47 43.71 40.66 44.51 56.30 116.53 288.31 38.32 35.13 29.03 29.07 109.77 34.34 31.55 28.45 26.46 54.92 47.82 38.40 34.89 31.96 28.54 36.84 53.05 171.28 47.45 39.01 33.09 29.43 27.66 33.27 46.66 216.64 Nu(z) A-398 Channel Number 225 226 227 229 230 231 232 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 H.R. Location RodC5_63.7 RodC5_113.6 RodC5_115.7 RodC5_122.7 RodC5_126.7 RodC5_131.6 RodC5_135.7 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 (m) 1.618 2.885 2.939 3.117 3.218 3.343 3.447 Elevation 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 Zgrid 571.2 591.5 603.6 615.8 634.9 638.6 656.6 668.7 679.5 692.3 701.3 724.5 736.1 750.5 782.3 625.1 799.9 805.5 813.1 819.9 825.2 829.9 831.8 (K) 623.9 795.7 803.5 820.3 824.9 829.2 833.4 H.R.Tw 2731.8 2837.7 2913.7 2993.7 3155.1 3252.1 3332.9 3385.9 3501.2 3651.6 3727.3 3827.1 3882.7 3952.7 4164.0 3091.3 3807.6 3679.6 3439.4 3152.5 2859.9 2493.9 2200.4 (W/m2) 3021.4 3696.6 3548.5 3055.7 2770.4 2428.1 2134.3 H.R. q'' 523.6 539.5 550.8 563.6 589.5 606.0 619.1 627.8 649.3 674.5 686.9 703.2 711.4 722.6 765.5 578.8 781.0 786.4 795.7 805.6 814.4 823.4 828.7 (K) 579.2 781.0 787.3 805.9 814.7 823.4 828.8 Tcl 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction 539.5 556.9 568.4 581.0 604.6 616.8 631.6 641.4 659.4 680.4 691.7 710.3 719.6 731.9 771.1 594.2 787.3 792.8 801.5 810.4 818.0 825.5 829.7 (K) 594.1 785.9 792.7 810.7 818.1 825.3 830.3 Tbulk 1596 1537 1500 1461 1395 1362 1325 1302 1261 1216 1194 1158 1141 1120 1056 1423 1032 1025 1012 1000 990 980 975 1424 1034 1025 1000 990 981 974 Re (z) Table SC-3248-E.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 86.10 81.96 82.85 86.05 104.31 149.45 133.22 124.46 174.23 307.81 388.60 269.43 235.69 213.19 371.00 100.11 301.66 289.23 297.86 332.10 399.35 569.25 1038.59 (W/m2-K) 101.41 376.77 327.79 318.83 406.10 628.10 688.01 h (z) 26.43 23.42 22.54 22.21 24.34 33.16 27.97 25.20 33.31 58.57 75.96 45.04 37.22 31.76 55.95 24.34 43.34 41.37 44.15 53.79 76.10 156.67 552.72 30.70% 28.58% 27.20% 25.81% 23.34% 22.19% 21.00% 20.25% 19.12% 19.03% 19.55% 16.72% 15.79% 14.90% 15.08% 24.31% 14.37% 14.30% 14.82% 16.20% 19.06% 27.52% 53.22% Uncertainty 24.82% 16.18% 15.44% 16.27% 19.80% 30.69% 37.28% 2 (W/m -K) 25.17 60.94 50.62 51.87 80.42 192.78 256.50 Fractional ±σhtc 25.18 22.96 22.56 22.73 26.05 36.28 31.27 28.57 38.45 64.93 80.05 53.41 45.85 40.47 65.31 25.62 51.52 48.91 49.58 54.40 64.53 90.78 164.42 25.96 64.52 55.43 52.20 65.62 100.21 108.81 Nu(z) A-399 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 Channel Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 Elevation 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 Zgrid 544.9 581.1 589.5 599.9 620.1 651.7 659.3 663.7 523.2 541.8 580.6 587.0 596.4 613.0 644.4 647.0 544.7 579.4 588.1 598.7 617.3 646.1 657.4 662.2 (K) 544.0 581.4 588.9 600.0 618.9 647.2 657.8 662.4 H.R.Tw 2465.3 2793.3 2849.9 2931.9 3098.0 3371.8 3431.2 3456.6 2476.0 2797.4 2849.6 2922.6 3085.0 3346.6 3400.3 3428.2 2463.2 2790.2 2839.3 2912.5 3078.5 3336.7 3388.4 3417.4 (W/m2) 2483.3 2799.8 2856.5 2929.1 3093.9 3354.8 3408.0 3433.1 H.R. q'' 493.4 532.9 539.9 550.6 572.5 609.7 617.6 621.4 493.7 533.9 540.6 550.6 572.9 610.1 617.6 621.4 493.7 533.9 540.6 550.6 573.3 610.1 617.6 621.4 (K) 493.7 533.2 540.6 550.6 573.3 610.4 618.0 621.8 Tcl 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction 510.6 548.9 556.4 567.0 588.4 623.7 631.5 635.5 503.6 536.5 553.9 562.7 580.7 611.0 626.6 629.9 510.7 549.1 556.4 566.6 588.0 622.1 630.9 635.0 (K) 510.5 549.3 556.7 567.1 588.5 622.7 631.3 635.4 Tbulk 1704 1563 1538 1504 1440 1345 1326 1316 1732 1606 1546 1518 1462 1377 1338 1329 1703 1563 1538 1505 1441 1349 1327 1317 1704 1562 1537 1504 1440 1347 1326 1316 Re (z) Table SC-3248-E.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 71.84 86.85 86.11 89.26 97.77 120.45 123.59 122.61 125.98 529.59 106.91 120.26 196.91 1696.53 190.74 201.47 72.53 91.99 89.71 90.85 104.76 138.79 127.97 125.69 (W/m2-K) 74.09 87.17 88.62 88.94 101.66 137.05 128.63 126.73 26.16 25.49 24.38 23.97 23.67 24.74 24.51 23.91 46.01 188.34 30.32 32.59 49.25 993.87 39.12 40.85 26.41 26.98 25.45 24.56 25.50 28.90 25.70 24.79 36.42% 29.35% 28.31% 26.86% 24.21% 20.54% 19.83% 19.50% 36.52% 35.56% 28.36% 27.10% 25.01% 58.58% 20.51% 20.27% 36.42% 29.33% 28.37% 27.03% 24.34% 20.82% 20.08% 19.72% Fractional Uncertainty 36.14% 29.26% 28.21% 26.88% 24.21% 20.69% 19.97% 19.63% ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 26.78 25.51 25.00 23.91 24.62 28.35 25.68 24.88 22.61 24.81 24.15 24.39 25.37 28.79 29.01 28.53 40.36 156.05 30.17 33.20 52.04 417.40 45.29 47.47 22.82 26.27 25.16 24.85 27.21 33.29 30.09 29.27 23.32 24.88 24.83 24.30 26.38 32.83 30.21 29.50 Nu(z) A-400 Channel Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 Elevation 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 Zgrid 762.3 769.5 785.2 790.5 796.2 804.8 811.7 817.5 753.7 761.0 773.1 783.1 790.7 802.1 809.3 813.5 695.3 701.4 724.9 735.3 749.9 785.6 789.4 (K) 697.8 715.0 724.8 732.2 749.9 766.9 772.6 820.0 H.R.Tw 4149.9 4224.3 3852.5 3691.1 3542.4 3218.3 2910.8 2603.3 4138.0 4211.6 3859.7 3681.4 3488.7 3218.5 2905.6 2605.9 3662.9 3733.6 3839.7 3892.3 3968.6 4182.8 4016.6 (W/m2) 3709.6 3782.6 3833.2 3882.0 4005.2 4153.4 4021.3 1544.5 H.R. q'' 717.9 727.7 749.9 756.0 761.6 773.3 783.7 793.3 718.2 727.7 748.9 756.0 763.4 773.0 783.7 793.0 654.7 665.1 679.9 686.8 697.2 736.9 743.9 (K) 665.1 675.8 683.2 689.7 707.1 727.7 740.4 801.0 Tcl 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction 732.7 741.6 761.6 767.5 773.2 783.8 793.0 801.3 730.0 738.8 757.0 765.0 772.5 782.7 792.2 799.8 668.2 677.2 694.9 703.0 714.8 753.1 759.1 (K) 676.0 688.9 697.0 703.9 721.4 740.7 751.1 807.3 Tbulk 1119 1103 1071 1062 1053 1038 1024 1013 1123 1108 1078 1066 1054 1039 1025 1015 1242 1223 1188 1172 1150 1085 1075 1225 1199 1183 1170 1138 1105 1088 1004 Re (z) Table SC-3248-E.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 140.21 151.25 163.65 160.53 153.59 153.06 155.64 161.14 174.73 189.63 239.70 203.17 191.48 165.81 170.33 191.11 135.18 154.27 127.93 120.29 113.10 128.72 132.50 (W/m2-K) 170.29 144.75 138.00 136.85 140.55 158.75 187.45 122.05 18.00 18.71 20.20 19.90 19.03 19.27 20.05 21.50 22.98 24.18 31.99 26.35 24.80 21.21 22.42 26.84 23.05 25.37 19.47 17.68 15.80 15.32 15.85 12.84% 12.37% 12.35% 12.40% 12.39% 12.59% 12.88% 13.34% 13.15% 12.75% 13.35% 12.97% 12.95% 12.79% 13.16% 14.04% 17.05% 16.45% 15.22% 14.69% 13.97% 11.90% 11.96% Fractional Uncertainty 16.67% 15.71% 15.16% 14.71% 13.64% 12.59% 12.64% 0.00% ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 28.39 22.74 20.92 20.14 19.17 19.98 23.69 0.00 26.58 28.17 29.33 28.45 26.93 26.31 26.31 26.83 33.29 35.52 43.34 36.17 33.62 28.56 28.83 31.90 29.27 32.76 26.18 24.21 22.22 23.45 23.86 36.26 29.99 28.11 27.49 27.25 29.62 34.27 20.10 Nu(z) A-401 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 Channel Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 Elevation 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 Zgrid 564.4 581.3 591.7 604.4 622.5 626.8 642.1 652.5 570.4 588.8 599.6 609.4 624.9 629.9 645.9 658.2 560.1 576.2 587.7 599.2 615.3 619.0 633.9 644.8 (K) 566.5 586.8 597.6 608.5 625.1 629.8 642.9 651.8 H.R.Tw 2720.8 2824.6 2898.7 2983.8 3138.6 3240.6 3322.2 3372.9 2724.6 2825.3 2910.2 2988.5 3154.9 3260.8 3344.1 3398.2 2721.0 2823.7 2896.8 2984.2 3140.9 3243.0 3323.2 3377.3 (W/m2) 2738.0 2842.9 2921.4 3000.7 3166.5 3266.6 3350.3 3404.5 H.R. q'' 523.9 537.4 547.7 559.3 581.1 595.7 607.4 614.6 523.5 537.1 547.7 558.6 581.1 595.7 607.0 614.6 523.9 537.4 547.4 558.9 581.1 595.3 607.0 614.6 (K) 523.5 537.1 547.4 558.2 580.7 595.0 606.7 614.2 Tcl 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction 537.4 552.0 562.4 574.3 594.9 606.1 619.0 627.2 539.1 554.3 565.0 575.5 595.7 607.1 620.0 629.1 536.0 550.4 560.8 572.4 592.5 603.2 616.0 624.7 (K) 537.8 553.6 564.1 575.0 595.5 606.6 618.8 626.7 Tbulk 1603 1553 1519 1482 1421 1391 1357 1336 1597 1545 1510 1478 1419 1388 1354 1331 1608 1558 1524 1488 1428 1398 1365 1342 1601 1547 1513 1480 1420 1389 1357 1337 Re (z) Table SC-3248-E.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 100.72 96.53 98.93 99.33 113.62 156.52 143.73 133.60 87.24 81.98 84.17 88.24 107.90 142.92 128.97 116.92 112.50 109.07 107.59 111.12 137.54 205.59 185.30 167.80 (W/m2-K) 95.67 85.80 87.27 89.48 106.90 140.81 138.49 136.09 31.06 27.77 27.09 25.74 26.70 34.90 30.30 27.20 26.83 23.54 22.91 22.82 25.20 31.54 26.92 23.52 34.76 31.46 29.56 28.88 32.51 46.75 39.72 34.54 30.83% 28.77% 27.39% 25.91% 23.50% 22.30% 21.08% 20.36% 30.75% 28.72% 27.22% 25.87% 23.36% 22.07% 20.87% 20.12% 30.90% 28.84% 27.47% 25.99% 23.64% 22.74% 21.44% 20.58% Fractional Uncertainty 30.65% 28.57% 27.16% 25.80% 23.30% 22.06% 20.92% 20.23% ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 29.32 24.51 23.70 23.08 24.90 31.06 28.98 27.53 29.62 27.37 27.34 26.66 29.03 38.96 34.72 31.67 25.54 23.11 23.11 23.62 27.52 35.49 31.08 27.60 33.20 31.05 29.85 29.97 35.34 51.51 45.07 40.01 28.10 24.23 24.02 23.98 27.28 35.01 33.47 32.30 Nu(z) RBHT Steam Cooling Test SC-3248-F Matrix test # 1 Test date – 8/11/2005 Steady state time window: 34900 - 35200 sec Inlet flow: 0.34 m3/min (12.0 ft3/min) Inlet steam temperature: 407 K (273 °F) Upper plenum pressure: 271.7 kPa (39.4 psia) Bundle power: 10.2 kW Outlet steam temperature: 580 K (585 °F) Bundle inlet Reynolds number: 1370 Subchannel Centerline Temperatures The equations below were correlated using the axial subchannel centerline temperature distribution. Experiment SC-3248 was run with the traversing probes withdrawn. Centerline steam temperatures used are from experiment SC-3166-C. Subchannels D5 and E5 (use for inner 3x3 rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -15.802x3 + 89.248x2 - 6.8734x + 421.94 Subchannel C5 (use for 5x5 peripheral rod bundle thermocouple locations) Tcl = -10.723x3 + 60.253x2 + 30.582x + 409.62 where x is the elevation (m) and Tcl is in (°C) A-402 A-403 A-404 A-405 Subchannels D5 and E5 Axial Temperature Profile y = -15.802x3 + 89.248x2 - 6.8734x + 421.94 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m) A-406 2.5 3 3.5 4 Subchannel C5 Axial Temperature Profile 3 2 y = -10.723x + 60.253x + 30.582x + 409.62 900 Temperature (deg K) 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elevation (m ) A-407 2.5 3 3.5 4 A-408 Channel Number 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 248 201 202 204 205 208 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 H.R. Location RodD3_88.3 RodD3_91.3 RodD3_93.1 RodD3_95.3 RodD3_100.1 RodD3_106.1 RodD3_110 RodD3_142.1 RodC4_88.4 RodC4_91.1 RodC4_93.4 RodC4_95.3 RodC4_100.1 RodC4_106.1 RodC4_110 RodC4_142.2 RodD4_88.3 RodD4_91.3 RodD4_93.2 RodD4_95.2 RodD4_142.1 RodE4_88.4 RodE4_91.2 RodE4_95.3 RodE4_100.9 RodE4_142.3 RodE3_63.4 RodE3_113.6 RodE3_115.5 RodE3_118.5 RodE3_122.7 RodE3_126.5 RodE3_131.7 RodE3_135.6 1.610 2.885 2.934 3.010 3.117 3.213 3.345 3.444 2.245 2.316 2.421 2.563 3.614 2.243 2.319 2.367 2.418 3.609 2.245 2.314 2.372 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.612 (m) 2.243 2.319 2.365 2.421 2.543 2.695 2.794 3.609 Elevation 0.417 0.022 0.070 0.146 0.253 0.349 -0.046 0.053 -0.003 0.069 0.173 0.315 0.224 -0.005 0.071 0.119 0.170 0.218 -0.003 0.066 0.124 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.221 (m) -0.005 0.071 0.117 0.173 0.295 0.447 0.546 0.218 Zgrid 611.5 782.7 788.3 795.8 802.5 806.5 811.2 814.2 702.2 714.8 735.0 754.7 820.7 706.4 720.2 730.5 740.3 823.7 697.2 712.7 724.4 733.9 753.6 765.2 770.4 819.3 (K) 697.6 712.8 723.9 735.3 753.6 768.0 773.6 817.9 H.R.Tw 2237.0 2766.9 2667.2 2510.8 2296.8 2097.7 1821.9 1619.6 2701.2 2752.0 2835.2 2944.4 1187.7 2741.4 2798.5 2837.7 2879.1 1177.5 2752.3 2803.1 2849.5 2890.2 2995.3 3116.3 3014.6 1216.2 (W/m2) 2718.9 2776.4 2812.4 2860.4 2962.8 3078.6 3036.9 1121.2 H.R. q'' 576.3 765.6 770.9 778.9 789.1 797.1 806.2 811.4 677.6 688.5 704.1 724.5 816.9 677.2 688.9 696.2 703.7 816.8 677.6 688.1 697.0 704.1 721.7 742.3 754.8 816.9 (K) 677.2 688.9 695.8 704.1 721.7 742.3 754.8 816.8 Tcl 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction 588.1 771.3 776.7 784.5 793.5 800.2 807.8 812.3 685.8 697.3 714.4 734.6 818.2 686.9 699.3 707.6 715.9 819.1 684.1 696.3 706.1 714.0 732.3 749.9 760.0 817.7 (K) 684.0 696.9 705.2 714.5 732.3 750.9 761.1 817.2 Tbulk 1016 745 739 731 722 715 708 704 850 834 812 787 698 849 832 821 810 697 853 836 823 812 789 769 757 699 853 835 824 812 789 768 756 699 Re (z) Table SC-3248-F.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data h (z) 95.28 242.23 229.65 223.17 255.67 334.43 543.77 860.25 164.61 157.21 137.78 146.55 466.71 140.77 134.00 124.04 118.12 255.97 210.99 171.18 155.62 145.64 140.76 204.71 289.96 750.51 (W/m2-K) 199.94 174.30 150.32 137.57 139.50 179.77 242.49 1607.53 31.46 41.94 39.49 38.64 47.87 75.22 194.20 517.52 36.13 32.74 26.35 25.48 212.37 30.13 27.12 24.12 22.08 71.14 46.88 35.40 30.61 27.51 24.26 33.46 51.42 521.06 33.02% 17.31% 17.20% 17.31% 18.72% 22.49% 35.71% 60.16% 21.95% 20.83% 19.12% 17.39% 45.50% 21.41% 20.24% 19.45% 18.69% 27.79% 22.22% 20.68% 19.67% 18.89% 17.24% 16.35% 17.73% 69.43% Fractional Uncertainty 22.32% 20.86% 19.91% 18.97% 17.38% 16.14% 16.65% 158.83% ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 44.63 36.35 29.92 26.10 24.25 29.01 40.37 2553.23 24.74 42.62 40.00 38.31 43.17 55.79 89.48 140.43 34.33 32.01 27.09 27.67 75.40 29.29 27.17 24.72 23.15 41.29 44.16 34.92 31.12 28.65 26.70 37.52 52.12 121.36 41.86 35.52 30.11 27.04 26.46 32.88 43.50 260.17 Nu(z) A-409 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 RodC3_79.8 RodC3_85.6 RodC3_88.5 RodC3_92.4 RodC3_94.4 RodC3_97.2 RodC3_108.8 RodD5_50 RodD5_54.1 RodD5_56.9 RodD5_60 RodD5_66.1 RodD5_69.9 RodD5_72.9 RodD5_74.9 1.270 1.374 1.445 1.524 1.679 1.775 1.852 1.902 2.027 2.174 2.248 2.347 2.398 2.469 2.764 1.615 2.885 2.931 3.015 3.114 3.216 3.343 3.444 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 RodE5_63.6 RodE5_113.6 RodE5_115.4 RodE5_118.7 RodE5_122.6 RodE5_126.6 RodE5_131.6 RodE5_135.6 Elevation (m) 1.618 2.885 2.939 3.117 3.218 3.343 3.447 Channel Location Number RodC5_63.7 225 RodC5_113.6 226 RodC5_115.7 227 RodC5_122.7 229 RodC5_126.7 230 RodC5_131.6 231 RodC5_135.7 232 H.R. 0.076 0.180 0.251 0.330 0.485 -0.025 0.051 0.102 0.227 0.374 0.000 0.099 0.150 0.221 0.516 0.422 0.022 0.067 0.151 0.250 0.352 -0.048 0.053 (m) 0.424 0.022 0.075 0.253 0.354 -0.048 0.056 Zgrid 561.0 578.7 589.6 600.5 619.9 628.8 644.8 654.8 664.6 679.3 691.7 711.8 721.9 734.4 763.8 609.8 782.5 787.4 794.6 800.9 806.1 813.2 816.3 (K) 608.1 777.8 784.7 800.2 804.8 811.1 816.4 H.R.Tw 1956.3 2045.2 2103.0 2168.9 2286.5 2350.9 2407.8 2448.5 2543.0 2652.9 2702.9 2772.2 2819.0 2877.6 3041.1 2247.0 2778.2 2688.7 2520.3 2324.0 2117.5 1853.6 1655.5 (W/m2) 2193.5 2698.1 2593.9 2251.6 2056.7 1811.3 1612.4 H.R. q'' 524.8 540.0 550.7 562.8 587.2 602.6 614.9 623.1 643.1 666.5 678.0 693.1 700.7 711.2 751.0 577.1 765.6 770.6 779.4 788.8 797.3 806.0 811.4 (K) 577.5 765.6 771.5 789.1 797.5 806.0 811.5 Tcl 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction 536.9 552.9 563.7 575.4 598.1 611.4 624.9 633.6 650.3 670.7 682.5 699.4 707.8 718.9 755.3 588.0 771.2 776.2 784.5 792.9 800.2 808.4 813.0 (K) 587.7 769.6 775.9 792.8 799.9 807.7 813.1 Tbulk 1132 1093 1068 1043 996 971 947 931 904 872 855 832 820 806 763 1016 745 740 731 723 715 708 703 1017 747 740 723 716 708 703 Re (z) Table SC-3248-F.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) 80.96 79.26 81.16 86.23 104.91 134.81 120.88 115.84 177.39 311.58 296.37 222.90 199.56 185.95 356.82 103.14 246.34 240.50 250.00 288.51 358.92 388.00 506.32 (W/m2-K) 107.55 331.70 293.21 302.08 418.54 530.42 492.18 h (z) 34.28 31.00 30.14 30.23 33.13 40.28 34.12 31.50 45.41 79.45 71.45 47.61 40.37 35.44 69.00 33.91 42.73 41.72 44.77 56.57 83.60 104.16 183.83 42.34% 39.11% 37.13% 35.06% 31.58% 29.88% 28.22% 27.19% 25.60% 25.50% 24.11% 21.36% 20.23% 19.06% 19.34% 32.87% 17.35% 17.35% 17.91% 19.61% 23.29% 26.85% 36.31% Uncertainty 33.65% 19.97% 19.20% 20.62% 26.55% 35.18% 36.33% 2 (W/m -K) 36.18 66.24 56.30 62.28 111.12 186.61 178.82 Fractional ±σhtc 23.84 22.42 22.36 23.09 26.61 33.15 28.81 27.06 39.94 67.09 62.24 45.19 39.76 36.23 64.72 26.79 43.35 41.93 42.92 48.78 59.88 63.78 82.55 27.95 58.55 51.15 51.08 69.86 87.30 80.23 Nu(z) A-410 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 RodF5_41 RodF5_53.1 RodF5_55 RodF5_57.8 RodF5_64 RodF5_73.8 RodF5_75.8 RodF5_76.8 RodC2_41 RodC2_53.1 RodC2_55 RodC2_57.8 RodC2_63.9 RodC2_73.8 RodC2_75.8 RodC2_76.8 RodC6_40.9 RodC6_52.8 RodC6_54.8 RodC6_57.8 RodC6_63.8 RodC6_73.7 RodC6_75.8 RodC6_76.8 Channel Number 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 H.R. Location RodB5_41 RodB5_52.9 RodB5_55 RodB5_57.8 RodB5_64 RodB5_73.9 RodB5_75.9 RodB5_76.9 1.039 1.341 1.392 1.468 1.621 1.872 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.623 1.875 1.925 1.951 1.041 1.349 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.875 1.925 1.951 (m) 1.041 1.344 1.397 1.468 1.626 1.877 1.928 1.953 Elevation 0.340 0.147 0.198 0.274 0.427 0.072 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.429 0.074 0.125 0.150 0.343 0.155 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.074 0.125 0.150 (m) 0.343 0.150 0.203 0.274 0.432 0.077 0.128 0.153 Zgrid 531.8 567.3 574.9 584.1 603.3 636.9 643.3 647.1 510.0 529.1 568.2 574.1 582.4 599.3 632.8 634.4 530.9 565.8 573.8 583.7 601.9 632.2 641.8 646.1 (K) 532.8 569.9 576.4 585.9 603.8 633.1 642.6 646.9 H.R.Tw 1781.2 2019.4 2064.3 2131.1 2258.6 2448.7 2494.4 2516.7 1790.9 2022.3 2055.7 2113.5 2235.4 2430.5 2458.3 2479.8 1785.5 2017.0 2057.4 2115.4 2237.8 2418.9 2462.4 2483.5 (W/m2) 1791.5 2021.4 2067.4 2126.9 2253.3 2436.4 2478.9 2499.2 H.R. q'' 494.4 533.1 540.0 550.5 571.8 607.7 615.3 619.0 494.7 534.2 540.7 550.5 572.1 608.0 615.3 619.0 494.7 534.2 540.7 550.5 572.5 608.0 615.3 619.0 (K) 494.7 533.5 540.7 550.5 572.5 608.4 615.7 619.3 Tcl 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction 506.8 544.5 551.6 561.7 582.3 617.4 624.6 628.3 499.8 532.5 549.9 558.3 575.5 605.1 621.1 624.1 506.8 544.7 551.7 561.6 582.3 616.1 624.1 628.0 (K) 507.4 545.6 552.6 562.3 582.9 616.6 624.7 628.5 Tbulk 1213 1113 1096 1073 1028 960 947 941 1233 1143 1100 1081 1043 983 953 948 1213 1113 1096 1073 1028 962 948 941 1211 1111 1094 1072 1027 961 947 940 Re (z) Table SC-3248-F.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 71.50 88.73 88.72 94.90 107.47 125.46 133.66 134.01 175.58 -596.71 112.19 134.19 327.90 -415.13 211.27 240.42 74.07 95.67 93.11 95.30 114.13 150.17 139.43 137.11 (W/m2-K) 70.47 83.30 86.88 89.96 107.95 147.77 138.14 136.17 35.75 35.59 34.22 34.59 35.12 34.62 35.58 35.01 88.89 304.07 43.57 49.73 118.82 136.57 59.01 67.05 36.93 38.36 36.00 34.99 37.62 42.24 37.64 36.31 49.99% 40.11% 38.58% 36.45% 32.68% 27.59% 26.62% 26.13% 50.63% -50.96% 38.83% 37.06% 36.24% -32.90% 27.93% 27.89% 49.85% 40.10% 38.66% 36.71% 32.96% 28.13% 27.00% 26.48% Fractional Uncertainty 49.67% 40.00% 38.44% 36.48% 32.70% 27.89% 26.79% 26.29% ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 35.00 33.32 33.40 32.82 35.30 41.21 37.01 35.80 22.72 25.63 25.18 26.27 28.30 30.42 31.87 31.69 56.80 -177.65 31.98 37.46 87.76 -103.56 50.78 57.40 23.54 27.62 26.42 26.39 30.05 36.52 33.29 32.44 22.36 24.00 24.60 24.87 28.38 35.89 32.94 32.19 Nu(z) A-411 Channel Number 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 H.R. Location RodB4_88.4 RodB4_91.3 RodB4_93.3 RodB4_95.1 RodB4_100 RodB4_106 RodB4_109.9 RodB4_142.3 RodF4_85.6 RodF4_88.4 RodF4_92.4 RodF4_94.3 RodF4_97.2 RodF4_108.8 RodF4_111 RodD2_103.2 RodD2_106 RodD2_112.6 RodD2_114.9 RodD2_117.4 RodD2_120.8 RodD2_124.8 RodD2_128.6 RodD6_103.1 RodD6_106 RodD6_112.9 RodD6_114.9 RodD6_116.8 RodD6_120.9 RodD6_124.8 RodD6_128.7 2.619 2.692 2.868 2.918 2.967 3.071 3.170 3.269 2.621 2.692 2.860 2.918 2.982 3.068 3.170 3.266 2.174 2.245 2.347 2.395 2.469 2.764 2.819 (m) 2.245 2.319 2.370 2.416 2.540 2.692 2.791 3.614 Elevation 0.371 0.445 0.004 0.055 0.103 0.207 0.306 0.405 0.373 0.445 -0.004 0.055 0.118 0.204 0.306 0.403 0.374 -0.003 0.099 0.147 0.221 0.516 -0.044 (m) -0.003 0.071 0.122 0.168 0.292 0.445 0.544 0.224 Zgrid 743.0 749.9 768.0 772.8 778.1 786.2 792.9 799.2 735.0 742.4 759.4 767.1 773.7 785.1 792.4 796.9 678.0 686.4 706.9 716.3 730.0 765.0 770.5 (K) 698.9 698.9 707.1 713.4 729.2 746.6 754.8 803.3 H.R.Tw 3028.9 3082.0 2814.2 2702.3 2597.6 2371.1 2156.7 1937.3 3019.6 3071.6 2814.2 2686.4 2546.2 2363.2 2140.7 1935.7 2674.7 2721.9 2799.7 2841.5 2899.0 3065.8 2937.8 (W/m2) 2751.9 2751.9 2792.1 2827.9 2927.1 3037.2 2937.1 1209.0 H.R. q'' 710.3 719.4 739.9 745.5 750.7 761.2 770.5 778.9 710.7 719.4 739.1 745.5 752.3 761.0 770.5 778.7 650.7 660.7 674.7 681.2 691.0 728.0 734.5 (K) 660.7 670.8 677.8 683.9 700.3 719.4 731.2 801.0 Tcl 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction 721.2 729.6 749.3 754.6 759.8 769.5 777.9 785.7 718.8 727.1 745.9 752.7 759.4 769.0 777.8 784.8 659.8 669.2 685.4 692.9 704.0 740.3 746.5 (K) 673.4 680.2 687.5 693.8 710.0 728.5 739.1 801.8 Tbulk 803 793 769 763 758 747 738 730 806 796 773 766 758 748 738 731 889 875 851 840 825 780 773 868 858 848 839 818 794 781 714 Re (z) Table SC-3248-F.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 139.24 151.93 150.66 148.40 142.30 142.46 144.33 142.72 185.90 200.71 207.31 186.60 177.94 147.11 146.42 159.22 147.39 158.90 130.34 121.42 111.56 124.15 122.44 (W/m2-K) 107.87 146.91 142.98 143.77 151.71 167.71 187.10 775.64 22.89 23.96 23.36 23.09 22.11 22.42 23.13 23.35 31.72 33.12 34.29 30.43 29.05 23.39 23.69 26.88 33.36 34.52 25.98 23.25 20.16 18.57 18.37 16.44% 15.77% 15.51% 15.56% 15.54% 15.74% 16.03% 16.36% 17.06% 16.50% 16.54% 16.31% 16.32% 15.90% 16.18% 16.88% 22.63% 21.73% 19.93% 19.15% 18.07% 14.96% 15.00% Fractional Uncertainty 21.00% 20.68% 19.91% 19.28% 17.73% 16.17% 16.14% 72.08% ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 22.65 30.39 28.46 27.72 26.90 27.11 30.19 559.05 27.00 28.97 27.65 26.95 25.59 25.15 25.08 24.45 36.23 38.47 38.29 34.02 32.02 26.00 25.46 27.32 32.50 34.33 27.21 24.95 22.40 23.18 22.59 23.10 31.00 29.71 29.49 30.10 32.05 35.02 129.04 Nu(z) A-412 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 RodB3_50.2 RodB3_54.1 RodB3_56.9 RodB3_60.1 RodB3_66.1 RodB3_69.9 RodB3_73 RodB3_75 RodF3_50.1 RodF3_54 RodF3_57 RodF3_60 RodF3_66.1 RodF3_70 RodF3_73 RodF3_75 RodE6_50.2 RodE6_54.1 RodE6_57 RodE6_60.2 RodE6_66.1 RodE6_70 RodE6_73.1 RodE6_75 Channel Number 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 H.R. Location RodE2_50.1 RodE2_54 RodE2_56.9 RodE2_59.9 RodE2_66 RodE2_69.8 RodE2_72.9 RodE2_74.9 1.275 1.374 1.448 1.529 1.679 1.778 1.857 1.905 1.273 1.372 1.448 1.524 1.679 1.778 1.854 1.905 1.275 1.374 1.445 1.527 1.679 1.775 1.854 1.905 (m) 1.273 1.372 1.445 1.521 1.676 1.773 1.852 1.902 Elevation 0.081 0.180 0.254 0.335 0.485 -0.022 0.056 0.105 0.079 0.178 0.254 0.330 0.485 -0.022 0.054 0.105 0.081 0.180 0.251 0.333 0.485 -0.025 0.054 0.105 (m) 0.079 0.178 0.251 0.328 0.483 -0.027 0.051 0.102 Zgrid 554.6 569.2 578.0 589.9 608.8 617.1 630.6 638.9 559.0 575.1 585.1 594.2 611.5 620.3 633.8 643.9 549.8 564.3 574.9 584.8 601.0 610.0 623.1 632.1 (K) 555.4 573.1 582.3 591.9 610.1 618.5 631.1 638.0 H.R.Tw 1954.9 2039.0 2101.2 2166.3 2277.4 2345.5 2402.6 2442.8 1960.1 2045.1 2110.6 2171.2 2290.2 2359.6 2418.8 2461.1 1960.3 2043.6 2103.6 2171.2 2288.0 2352.7 2408.0 2450.4 (W/m2) 1969.3 2055.0 2117.8 2181.8 2297.8 2362.6 2420.8 2461.1 H.R. q'' 524.3 537.6 547.6 558.9 580.1 594.2 605.5 612.4 524.0 537.2 547.6 558.2 580.1 594.2 605.1 612.4 524.3 537.6 547.3 558.6 580.1 593.8 605.1 612.4 (K) 524.0 537.2 547.3 557.9 579.7 593.5 604.8 612.0 Tcl 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Correction 534.4 548.1 557.8 569.2 589.6 601.8 613.8 621.2 535.7 549.9 560.1 570.2 590.5 602.9 614.7 622.9 532.8 546.5 556.5 567.3 587.0 599.2 611.1 619.0 (K) 534.5 549.2 559.0 569.2 589.8 601.8 613.5 620.7 Tbulk 1138 1105 1082 1056 1013 989 967 953 1135 1100 1077 1054 1011 987 965 950 1142 1108 1085 1060 1019 994 972 957 1138 1102 1079 1056 1013 989 967 954 Re (z) Table SC-3248-F.1: Summary of Steam Cooling Data (cont.) h (z) 96.76 96.84 103.68 104.97 119.04 153.29 143.64 138.37 83.97 81.10 84.54 90.51 109.40 135.77 126.69 117.39 115.38 114.60 114.40 123.96 164.12 218.80 200.59 186.86 (W/m2-K) 94.08 85.95 90.86 96.12 113.38 141.85 137.85 142.13 41.02 38.09 38.65 36.91 37.87 46.15 40.85 37.93 35.47 31.76 31.27 31.72 34.53 40.40 35.63 31.73 48.95 45.14 42.74 43.73 52.71 67.60 58.37 52.12 42.40% 39.34% 37.28% 35.16% 31.81% 30.11% 28.44% 27.41% 42.24% 39.16% 36.99% 35.05% 31.56% 29.76% 28.13% 27.03% 42.43% 39.39% 37.36% 35.28% 32.12% 30.90% 29.10% 27.89% Fractional Uncertainty 42.11% 39.00% 36.94% 34.96% 31.52% 29.84% 28.24% 27.29% ±σhtc (W/m2-K) 39.62 33.52 33.57 33.60 35.74 42.33 38.93 38.79 28.66 27.72 28.98 28.53 30.80 38.53 35.11 33.25 24.80 23.12 23.49 24.54 28.25 34.05 30.91 28.11 34.32 32.94 32.08 33.85 42.73 55.34 49.34 45.14 27.87 24.54 25.32 26.13 29.32 35.66 33.72 34.20 Nu(z) Appendix B. Single Point Uncertainty Analysis Single point uncertainty or replication analysis provides a method for predicting the uncertainty of a variable based on its component uncertainties. If one measures n quantities (or variables), x1, x2, ..., xn, and each of these quantities has a known experimental uncertainty associated with it, which shall be denoted by w, then the actual or true xi = measured xi wxi, for each of the n measured xi quantities. Furthermore, unless otherwise specified, each of these uncertainties has a confidence level of 95 percent. Suppose now that some new variable, R, is a function of each of these measured quantities, i.e. R = R(x1, x2, ..., xn). The goal in replication analysis is to estimate the uncertainty in R to that same confidence level, i.e. actual or true R = calculated R wR, where wR is the uncertainty on variable R. To accomplish this, the root of the sum of the squares (RSS) method (A.1 Rabinovich) will be used, which defines wR as, (B-1) where wXi is the uncertainty of a specific variable and R is the sensitivity coefficient for that X i particular variable. B.1. Heat Transfer Coefficient In the case of the RBHT steam cooling tests, it is desired to calculate the overall RSS uncertainty associated with the experimental heat transfer coefficient, which is defined as, h q" (Tw Tbulk ) (B-2) where Tw is the rod surface temperature and Tbulk is the mean bulk fluid temperature for a subchannel, defined as Tbulk Tw (Tc Tw ) F (B-3) where Tc is the measured subchannel centerline temperature and F is the Tbulk correlation factor. The local heat flux, q” is defined as q" P / HR f z A (B-4) where P is the measured bundle power, HR is the number of heater rods, A is the rod surface B-1 area, and f(z) is the axial power factor. Using Equations (B-1) through (B-4) along with the uncertainties of the measured quantities Tw, Tc, and bundle power it is possible to calculate the total uncertainty associated with the convective heat transfer coefficient. The uncertainty of the convective heat transfer coefficient will be calculated for test 3163-A, heater rod D3, at 2.24m elevation using the RSS replication analysis. Test 3163-A conditions: Upper Plenum Pressure: 2.76 bar (40 psia) Bundle power: 30 kW Inlet Reynolds number: 6000 Steam flow 122.5 kg/hr Heater Rods= 45 Heater rod geometry: Diameter: 9.5 mm Surface Area: 0.107m2 Length: 3.66 m Data for heater rod D3 at 2.24m (88.3 in) is given as: Twi = 684.1 K Tc = 646.8 K F = 1.27 f(z) = 1.32 Uncertainties from Table 8 are given as: wTw = 1.17 K wTc = 1.17 K wP = 1290.35 W wD = 0.05 mm Throughout this sample calculation, the uncertainty in the heater rod length and the f(z) measurements has been neglected because it is sufficiently smaller than the largest uncertainty. Also, since there is no uncertainty in the measurement of the number of heater rods, this value does not contribute to the final value of the convection coefficient uncertainty. Finally, the uncertainty in the temperature difference between the inside wall of the heater rod cladding, where the thermocouple has been attached, and the outside surface temperature can be neglected. Although the measurements were taken from the inside of the heater rod, the uncertainty in moving this to the outer surface is negligible. This can be shown by first performing an uncertainty analysis on the following equation for Q, the total amount of heat transferred, Q (Ti To ) (2 k L) r ln o ri (B-5) where Ti is the inside wall temperature, To is the temperature at the outermost surface of the fuel rod, k is the thermal conductivity, L is the rod length, ro is the outside radius of the rod and ri is the inside radius of the rod. B-2 This equation must first be solved for To resulting in the following expression; r Q ln o ri To Ti 2 k L Applying Equation B-1 for the uncertainty gives a general formula for the uncertainty in To , 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 T To To To To To o wQ wTi wro wri wk wL wTo Ti L ro Q ri k where To 1 Ti r ln o To ri Q 2 k L wTi 1.17 K wQ 1.32 f ( z) wP 1290.35W 37.85W 45 HR To Q ro 2 k L ro wro 2.54 10 5 m To Q ri 2 k L ri wri 2.54 10 5 m r ln o Q r To i 2 k 2 k L r ln o Q r To i 2 L 2 k L wk 0.627 W mK wL 0m Combining these terms with their respective uncertainties results in the following equation for the uncertainty in the outer wall temperature measurement. B-3 1 2 2 ro ln 2 r Q i 2 (1 wTi ) 2 k L wQ 2 k L r wro o wTo 2 2 ro ro ln ln Q Q 2 ri ri Q 2 k L r wri 2 k 2 L wk 2 k L2 wL i At 2.24 m the uncertainty in the outside wall temperature measurement is found by using the above equation with the correct values 1 2 2 0.00475m ln 0.00292m 37.85W (11.17K)2 2 20.9 W 3.66m m K 2 880W 5 2.5410 m W 3.66m 0.00475m 2 20.9 m K wTo 2 2 ln 0.00475m 880W W 880 W 0 . 00292 m 5 0.627 2.5410 m W 2 W m K 2 20.9 ) 3.66m 3.66m 0.00292m 2 (20.9 m K m K 2 0.00475m ln 0.00292m 880W 0m 2 20.9 W (3.66m)2 m K 1.171K As can be seen, this value is nearly identical to that used in the initial calculation, showing that this temperature difference can be neglected. The uncertainty analysis on the convective heat transfer coefficient can now be performed, neglecting all terms with uncertainties that are sufficiently small. B-4 Table 2: Total Probable Errors Used in Uncertainty Analysis B-5 To begin the uncertainty analysis of the convective heat transfer coefficient, the heat flux (q”) in Equation B-2 must first be determined because it is a function of various components each with their own uncertainty that must be found. The heat flux Equation is given as q" P / HR f z A where the axial power shape factor is given as: f ( z ) 1.087 z 4.4783 (B-6a) for elevations between 2.74 m and 3.66 m and (z measured in meters) f ( z ) 0.365 z 0.5 (B-6b) for elevations 2.74 m (z measured in meters). For an elevation of 2.24 m (88.3 in) where f(z) is 1.32, the heat flux is found to be q" 30000W 1.32 W P / HR f z 8161.99 2 . 2 A 45rods 0.107 m m The uncertainty is now calculated for the heat flux by taking the partial derivatives of q” with respect to each variable and putting these into Equation B-1 with their respective uncertainties 1 2 2 2 2 q" 2 q" q" q" wHR w A w f ( z ) wP wq" HR A f ( z ) P Where; f ( z) q" P HR A wP 1290.35W q" P f ( z) HR ( HR ) 2 A wHR 0 P f ( z) q" A HR A 2 w A L wD q" P f ( z ) HR A w f ( z ) negligible Combining these terms with their respective uncertainties and dismissing the negligible terms with component uncertainties of zero results in the following Equation for the uncertainty of the B-6 heat flux. f ( z ) w p wq" HR A 2 P f ( z ) ( L wD ) HR A 2 2 1 2 At 2.24 m this uncertainty becomes 1.32 1.29 10 3 W wq" 2 45 0.107m 353.78 1 2 3.0 10 W 1.32 ( 3.66m 5.08 10 m) 45 (0.107m 2 ) 2 5 4 2 2 W m2 The heat flux can now be expressed with its uncertainty as; q" 8161.99 kW kW 353.78 2 2 m m Combining Equation B-2 and B-3 it is now possible to calculate the convective heat transfer coefficient h q' ' (Tw Tbulk ) q" q"F (T Tw ) (Tw Tc ) Tw Tw c F W 1.27 2 W m h 277.9 2 (684.1K 646.8 K ) m K 8161.99 The uncertainty can now be calculated using a method identical to that used for the uncertainty in the heat flux 1 2 2 22 2 h h h h w wF wTw w wh dTw Tc Tc q" q" F Where each partial derivative is listed with its respective uncertainty, including the uncertainty for the heat flux found above. The values for WF depend on Reynold’s number and can be found listed below. The values for wTc/Tw due to the wall and center line temperatures are taken from B-7 Table 8 and are repeated below. h F q" (Tw Tc ) f ( z ) w p wq" HR A h q" F (Tw Tc ) wF = 0.04 for Re>5000 wF = 0.06 for 2300<Re<5000 wF = 0.10 for Re<2300 h q"F Tc (Tc Tw ) 2 h q"F Tw (Tw Tc ) 2 2 P f ( z ) ( L wD ) HR A 2 wTc/Tw = 1.15 for 0-648.15 K wTc/Tw = 1.17 for 648.15 K - 1073.15 K wTc/Tw = 1.23 for 1073.15 K – 1644.15K 2 1 2 Combining these terms with their respective uncertainties results in the following Equation for the uncertainty in the convective heat transfer coefficient. f ( z ) wP P f ( z ) ( L wD ) F 2 2 HR A ( T T ) HR A w c wh 2 2 2 q"F wTw q"F wTc q"WF 2 2 ( T T ) ( T T ) ( T T ) c c w c w w 2 2 2 1 2 At 2.24 m the uncertainty in the convective heat transfer coefficient is found by using the above Equation with the correct values for wF and wTc/Tw found in Table 8 and also above. 1 1.32 1290.35W 2 30000W 1.32 ( 3.66 5.08 10 5 ) 2 2 1.27 2 45 (0.107 m 2 ) 2 (684.1K 646.8K ) 2 45 0.107 m 2 2 2 2 wh W W W 8161.99 2 1.27 1.17 K 8161.99 2 1.27 1.17 K 8161.99 2 0.06 m m m (684.1K 646.8K ) 2 (646.8K 684.1K ) 2 (684.1K 646.8K ) B-8 wh 21.67 W m2 K The convective heat transfer coefficient at an elevation of 2.24 m can now be expressed with its uncertainty by applying the result from the above calculation. h 277.9 W W 21.67 2 2 m K m K The uncertainty associated with the heat transfer coefficient is at 95 percent confidence level since all of the measured variables used to calculate the heat transfer coefficient were at a 95 percent confidence level. With the uncertainty in the heat transfer coefficient known, the fractional uncertainty can be found to see how heat flux and the temperature difference affect the RSS uncertainty. Fractional uncertainty is simply defined as the uncertainty divided by the measured or calculated variable. The fractional uncertainty in the heat flux is: W m 2 100% 4.33% W q" 8161.99 2 m wq" 353.78 While the fractional uncertainty in the final convective heat transfer coefficient calculation becomes W wh m 2 K 100% 7.80% W h 277.9 2 m K 21.67 The above results apply only to rod D3 at an elevation of 2.24 m, however, by applying the Equation for the convective heat transfer coefficient given above, the uncertainty can be obtained for any rod at any elevation. B.2. Grid Loss Coefficient In a similar fashion, the overall RSS uncertainty associated with the experimental grid loss coefficient can be found. The grid loss coefficient isdefined as, B-9 2(Pmeas Pbare ) V 2 k grid (B-7) where Pmeas is the pressure differential over a particular grid span for which the grid loss will be calculated, Pbare is the pressure differential over a particular span containing no grids, ρ is the average density over the grid span of interest, and V is the average velocity over that particular grid span. Pbare can be found with the following equation fLV 2 Pbare (B-8) 2 DH where f is the friction factor over the given span, L is the length of the span and DH is the hydraulic diameter for the rod bundle. Also from equation A-2 and equation A-3, the velocity, V, can be found using the following equation m V Af where m (B-9) is the mass flow rate of the steam, and Af is the bundle flow area. Using Equations (B-1) and (B-7) through (B-9) along with the known uncertainties of the measured quantities ∆Pmeas, and coefficient. m, it is possible to calculate the total uncertainty associated with the grid loss Combining equationsB-7, B-8, and B-9 results in the following result for kgrid in its most general form, where the uncertainty of each parameter is known. k grid Af 2 m 2 P f L meas D H Applying Equation B-1 for the uncertainty gives a general formula for the uncertainty in kgrid , wkgrid 2 2 k k grid k grid w Af grid w wPmeas P m A f meas m 2 2 2 k k grid k grid grid wf w L w DH f L D H B-10 1 2 k grid w 2 2 Where the partial derivatives and their parameter’s respective uncertainty are given as shown below: k grid A f 4 A f Pmeas m 4 A f Pmeas 2 k grid m m k grid Pmeas k grid k grid f k grid L k grid D H w Af negligible 2 2 A f w Given m 2 wPmeas Given 2 m 2 2 A f Pmeas 3 2 w negligible m L DH w f negligible f DH wL negligible f L 2 DH wDH negligible The uncertainties in the bundle flow area (Af), the average density (ρ), the friction factor (f), the span length (L), and the hydraulic diameter (DH) are sufficiently small and can be neglected for this calculation. Combining the above partial derivatives with their respective uncertainties results in the following equation for the uncertainty in the grid loss coefficient (kgrid). 1 wkgrid 2 2 2 2 2 A 2 4 A P f meas f w wPmeas 3 m 2 m m With the uncertainty in the grid loss coefficient now known, the fractional uncertainty can be found. This allows for a comparison of the uncertainty in all grid loss coefficients. Fractional uncertainty is simply defined as the uncertainty divided by the measured or calculated variable. That is: B-11 The fractional uncertainty in the grid loss coefficient is: Fractional Uncertainty wkgrid kgrid The above results apply to all cases and can be used to find the uncertainty in any grid loss coefficient as long as the necessary variables are known. B-12 UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, DC 20555-0001 -----------------OFFICIAL BUSINESS NUREG/CR-7152 Rod Bundle Heat Transfer Facility – Steady-State Steam Cooling Experiments May 2014