
Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants

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Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants
Supplement 53
Generic Environmental
Impact Statement for License
Renewal of Nuclear Plants
Supplement 53
Regarding Sequoyah Nuclear
Plant, Units 1 and 2
Final Report
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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Supplement 53
Generic Environmental
Impact Statement for License
Renewal of Nuclear Plants
Supplement 53
Regarding Sequoyah Nuclear
Plant, Units 1 and 2
Final Report
Manuscript Completed: March 2015
Date Published: March 2015
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Responsible Agency: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Reactor
Regulation. There are no cooperating agencies involved in the preparation of this document.
Title: Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants,
Supplement 53, Regarding Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Final Report
(NUREG-1437). Sequoyah Nuclear Plant (SQN) is located in Hamilton County, Tennessee.
For additional information or copies of this document contact:
Division of License Renewal
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Mail Stop O-11F1
11555 Rockville Pike
Rockville, Maryland 20852
Phone: 1-800-368-5642, extension 6223
Fax: (301) 415-2002
Email: [email protected]
This supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS) has been prepared in response to an
application submitted by Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to renew the operating licenses for
Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 (SQN), for an additional 20 years.
This SEIS includes the analysis that evaluates the environmental impacts of the proposed
action and alternatives to the proposed action. Alternatives considered include: natural gas
combined-cycle generation, supercritical pulverized coal generation, new nuclear generation,
combination wind and solar generation, and no renewal of the licenses (the no-action
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC’s) recommendation is that the adverse
environmental impacts of license renewal for SQN are not great enough to deny the option of
license renewal for energy-planning decisionmakers. This recommendation is based on the
the analysis and findings in NUREG–1437, Volumes 1 and 2, Generic
Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants,
the Environmental Report submitted by TVA,
consultation with Federal, State, local, and Tribal government agencies,
the NRC’s environmental review, and
consideration of public comments received during the scoping process and
the draft SEIS comment period.
ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................. iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................ v
FIGURES .................................................................................................................................. xi
TABLES ................................................................................................................................. xiii
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................... xvii
ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS .................................................................................. xxiii
1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1-1
Proposed Federal Action ............................................................................................. 1-1
Purpose and Need for the Proposed Federal Action .................................................... 1-1
Major Environmental Review Milestones ..................................................................... 1-1
Generic Environmental Impact Statement ................................................................... 1-3
Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement .......................................................... 1-5
Decision To Be Supported by the SEIS ....................................................................... 1-5
Cooperating Agencies ................................................................................................. 1-6
Consultations............................................................................................................... 1-6
Correspondence .......................................................................................................... 1-6
Status of Compliance .................................................................................................. 1-6
Related Federal and State Activities ............................................................................ 1-7
References .................................................................................................................. 1-7
2.0 ALTERNATIVES INCLUDING THE PROPOSED ACTION ............................................. 2-1
Proposed Action .......................................................................................................... 2-1
Plant Operation During the License Renewal Term .......................................... 2-1
Refurbishment and Other Activities Associated With License Renewal ............ 2-2
Termination of Nuclear Power Plant Operation and Decommissioning After
the License Renewal Term ............................................................................... 2-2
2.2 Alternatives ................................................................................................................. 2-2
No-Action Alternative ........................................................................................ 2-3
Replacement Power Alternatives ...................................................................... 2-4
2.3 Alternatives Considered but Dismissed ..................................................................... 2-13
Wind Power .................................................................................................... 2-13
Solar Power .................................................................................................... 2-14
Conventional Hydroelectric Power .................................................................. 2-15
Geothermal Energy ........................................................................................ 2-16
Biomass Energy ............................................................................................. 2-16
Municipal Solid Waste .................................................................................... 2-17
Wood Waste ................................................................................................... 2-17
Ocean Wave and Current Energy ................................................................... 2-18
Table of Contents
Oil-Fired Power............................................................................................... 2-18
2.3.10 Fuel Cells ....................................................................................................... 2-18
2.3.11 Coal-Fired Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle ....................................... 2-19
2.3.12 Delayed Retirement ........................................................................................ 2-19
2.3.13 Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management ......................................... 2-20
2.3.14 Purchased Power ........................................................................................... 2-21
2.4 Comparison of Alternatives........................................................................................ 2-21
2.5 References ................................................................................................................ 2-22
3.0 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT ........................................................................................... 3-1
Description of Nuclear Power Plant Facility and Operation .......................................... 3-1
External Appearance and Setting ..................................................................... 3-1
Nuclear Reactor Systems ................................................................................. 3-5
Cooling and Auxiliary Water Systems ............................................................... 3-5
Radioactive Effluent, Waste, and Environmental Monitoring Programs ........... 3-11
Nonradioactive Waste Management Systems ................................................ 3-18
Utility and Transportation Infrastructure .......................................................... 3-19
Nuclear Power Plant Operations and Maintenance ......................................... 3-20
3.2 Land Use and Visual Resources................................................................................ 3-20
Land Use ........................................................................................................ 3-20
Visual Resources............................................................................................ 3-21
3.3 Meteorology, Air Quality, and Noise .......................................................................... 3-21
Meteorology and Climatology ......................................................................... 3-21
Air Quality ....................................................................................................... 3-23
Noise .............................................................................................................. 3-24
3.4 Geologic Environment ............................................................................................... 3-25
3.5 Water Resources ....................................................................................................... 3-28
Surface Water Resources ............................................................................... 3-28
Groundwater Resources ................................................................................. 3-35
3.6 Terrestrial Resources ................................................................................................ 3-39
SQN Ecoregion............................................................................................... 3-39
SQN Site and Vicinity ..................................................................................... 3-39
Transmission Line Corridors ........................................................................... 3-49
3.7 Aquatic Resources .................................................................................................... 3-49
Description of the Tennessee River ................................................................ 3-49
Description of Chickamauga Reservoir ........................................................... 3-50
3.8 Special Status Species and Habitats ......................................................................... 3-76
Species and Habitats Protected Under the Endangered Species Act ............. 3-77
Species and Habitats Protected Under the Magnuson–Stevens Act ............... 3-89
3.9 Historic and Cultural Resources ................................................................................ 3-89
Cultural Background ....................................................................................... 3-90
Historic and Cultural Resources ..................................................................... 3-91
Table of Contents
3.10 Socioeconomics ........................................................................................................ 3-94
3.10.1 Power Plant Employment and Expenditures ................................................... 3-94
3.10.2 Regional Economic Characteristics ................................................................ 3-95
3.10.3 Demographic Characteristics .......................................................................... 3-97
3.10.4 Housing and Community Services ................................................................ 3-104
3.10.5 Tax Revenues .............................................................................................. 3-106
3.10.6 Local Transportation ..................................................................................... 3-107
3.11 Human Health ......................................................................................................... 3-108
3.11.1 Radiological Exposure and Risk ................................................................... 3-108
3.11.2 Chemical Hazards ........................................................................................ 3-109
3.11.3 Microbiological Hazards ................................................................................ 3-109
3.11.4 Electromagnetic Fields ................................................................................. 3-111
3.11.5 Other Hazards .............................................................................................. 3-112
3.12 Environmental Justice ............................................................................................. 3-113
3.12.1 Minority Population ....................................................................................... 3-114
3.12.2 Low-Income Population ................................................................................ 3-116
3.13 Waste Management and Pollution Prevention ......................................................... 3-118
3.13.1 Radioactive Waste ........................................................................................ 3-118
3.13.2 Nonradioactive Waste................................................................................... 3-118
3.14 References .............................................................................................................. 3-118
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 4-1
Land Use and Visual Resources.................................................................................. 4-1
Proposed Action ............................................................................................... 4-1
No-Action Alternative – Land Use and Visual Resources.................................. 4-2
Natural Gas Combined-Cycle Alternative – Land Use and Visual
Resources ........................................................................................................ 4-2
Supercritical Pulverized Coal Alternative – Land Use and Visual
Resources ........................................................................................................ 4-3
New Nuclear Alternative – Land Use and Visual Resources ............................. 4-4
Combination Alternative – Land Use and Visual Resources ............................. 4-5
4.3 Air Quality and Noise ................................................................................................... 4-6
Proposed Action ............................................................................................... 4-7
No-Action Alternative – Air Quality and Noise ................................................... 4-8
NGCC Alternative – Air Quality and Noise ........................................................ 4-8
SCPC Alternative – Air Quality and Noise....................................................... 4-10
New Nuclear Alternative – Air Quality and Noise ............................................ 4-11
Combination Alternative – Air Quality and Noise............................................. 4-13
Air Quality and Noise Summary ...................................................................... 4-13
Table of Contents
Geologic Environment ............................................................................................... 4-14
Proposed Action ............................................................................................. 4-14
No-Action Alternative – Geology and Soils ..................................................... 4-15
Alternatives to the Proposed Action – Geology and Soils ............................... 4-15
NGCC Alternative – Geology and Soils .......................................................... 4-15
SCPC Alternative – Geology and Soils ........................................................... 4-15
New Nuclear Alternative – Geology and Soils ................................................. 4-15
Combination Alternative – Geology and Soils ................................................. 4-15
4.5 Water Resources ....................................................................................................... 4-16
Proposed Action ............................................................................................. 4-16
No-Action Alternative - Water Resources........................................................ 4-21
NGCC Alternative - Water Resources ............................................................. 4-21
SCPC Alternative - Water Resources ............................................................. 4-23
New Nuclear Alternative - Water Resources ................................................... 4-23
Combination Alternative - Water Resources ................................................... 4-24
4.6 Terrestrial Resources ................................................................................................ 4-25
Proposed Action ............................................................................................. 4-25
No-Action Alternative – Terrestrial Resources ................................................ 4-28
NGCC Alternative – Terrestrial Resources ..................................................... 4-28
SCPC Alternative – Terrestrial Resources ...................................................... 4-28
New Nuclear Alternative – Terrestrial Resources............................................ 4-29
Combination Alternative – Terrestrial Resources ............................................ 4-29
4.7 Aquatic Resources .................................................................................................... 4-30
Proposed Action ............................................................................................. 4-30
No-Action Alternative – Aquatic Resources .................................................... 4-41
NGCC Alternative – Aquatic Resources.......................................................... 4-41
SCPC Alternative – Aquatic Resources .......................................................... 4-42
New Nuclear Alternative – Aquatic Resources ................................................ 4-43
Combination Alternative - Aquatic Resources ................................................. 4-43
4.8 Special Status Species and Habitats ......................................................................... 4-43
Proposed Action ............................................................................................. 4-43
No-Action Alternative – Special Status Species and Habitats ......................... 4-45
NGCC Alternative – Special Status Species and Habitats .............................. 4-46
SCPC Alternative – Special Status Species and Habitats ............................... 4-47
New Nuclear Alternative – Special Status Species and Habitats .................... 4-47
Combination Alternative – Special Status Species and Habitats ..................... 4-47
4.9 Historic and Cultural Resources ................................................................................ 4-48
Proposed Action ............................................................................................. 4-48
No-Action Alternative – Historic and Cultural Resources ................................ 4-51
NGCC Alternative – Historic and Cultural Resources...................................... 4-51
SCPC Alternative – Historic and Cultural Resources ...................................... 4-51
Table of Contents
New Nuclear Alternative – Historic and Cultural Resources ............................ 4-52
Combination Alternative – Historic and Cultural Resources ............................ 4-52
4.10 Socioeconomics ........................................................................................................ 4-53
4.10.1 Proposed Action ............................................................................................. 4-53
4.10.2 No-Action Alternative – Socioeconomics ........................................................ 4-54
4.10.3 NGCC Alternative – Socioeconomics ............................................................. 4-54
4.10.4 SCPC Alternative – Socioeconomics .............................................................. 4-56
4.10.5 New Nuclear Alternative – Socioeconomics.................................................... 4-57
4.10.6 Combination Alternative – Socioeconomics .................................................... 4-58
4.11 Human Health ........................................................................................................... 4-59
4.11.1 Proposed Action ............................................................................................. 4-59
4.11.2 No-Action Alternative ...................................................................................... 4-78
4.11.3 NGCC Alternative – Human Health................................................................. 4-78
4.11.4 SCPC Alternative – Human Health ................................................................. 4-78
4.11.5 New Nuclear Alternative – Human Health ....................................................... 4-79
4.11.6 Combination Alternative – Human Health ....................................................... 4-79
4.12 Environmental Justice ............................................................................................... 4-80
4.12.1 Proposed Action ............................................................................................. 4-80
4.12.2 No-Action Alternative – Environmental Justice................................................ 4-82
4.12.3 NGCC Alternative – Environmental Justice..................................................... 4-82
4.12.4 SCPC Alternative – Environmental Justice ..................................................... 4-83
4.12.5 New Nuclear Alternative – Environmental Justice ........................................... 4-83
4.12.6 Combination Alternative – Environmental Justice ........................................... 4-84
4.13 Waste Management .................................................................................................. 4-85
4.13.1 Proposed Action ............................................................................................. 4-85
4.13.2 No-Action Alternative – Waste Management .................................................. 4-86
4.13.3 NGCC Alternative – Waste Management........................................................ 4-87
4.13.4 SCPC Alternative – Waste Management ........................................................ 4-87
4.13.5 New Nuclear Alternative – Waste Management .............................................. 4-87
4.13.6 Combination Alternative – Waste Management .............................................. 4-88
4.14 Evaluation of New and Potentially Significant Information.......................................... 4-88
4.15 Impacts Common to All Alternatives .......................................................................... 4-89
4.15.1 Fuel Cycles ..................................................................................................... 4-89
4.15.2 Terminating Power Plant Operations and Decommissioning........................... 4-91
4.15.3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate Change .......................................... 4-92
4.16 Cumulative Impacts of the Proposed Action ............................................................ 4-100
4.16.1 Air Quality and Noise .................................................................................... 4-101
4.16.2 Geology and Soils ........................................................................................ 4-103
4.16.3 Water Resources .......................................................................................... 4-103
4.16.4 Terrestrial Ecology ........................................................................................ 4-109
4.16.5 Aquatic Ecology ............................................................................................ 4-110
Table of Contents
4.16.6 Historic and Cultural Resources ................................................................... 4-115
4.16.7 Socioeconomics ........................................................................................... 4-116
4.16.8 Human Health............................................................................................... 4-117
4.16.9 Environmental Justice................................................................................... 4-118
4.16.10 Waste Management...................................................................................... 4-120
4.16.11 Global Climate Change................................................................................. 4-121
4.16.12 Summary of Cumulative Impacts .................................................................. 4-123
4.17 Resource Commitments .......................................................................................... 4-126
4.17.1 Unavoidable Adverse Environmental Impacts ............................................... 4-126
4.17.2 Short Term Versus Long Term Productivity .................................................. 4-126
4.17.3 Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitments of Resources ............................. 4-127
4.18 References .............................................................................................................. 4-127
5.0 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................. 5-1
Environmental Impacts of License Renewal ................................................................ 5-1
Comparison of Alternatives.......................................................................................... 5-1
Recommendation ........................................................................................................ 5-1
6.0 LIST OF PREPARERS .................................................................................................... 6-1
THIS SEIS ARE SENT ..................................................................................................... 7-1
8.0 INDEX .............................................................................................................................. 8-1
APPENDIX C CONSULTATION CORRESPONDENCE .......................................................C-1
APPLICATION REVIEW ................................................................................ F-1
Table of Contents
Figure 1–1.
Figure 1–2.
Figure 3–1.
Figure 3–2.
Figure 3–3.
Figure 3–4.
Environmental Review Process ............................................................. 1-2
Environmental Issues Evaluated for License Renewal .......................... 1-4
SQN 50-mi (80-km) Radius Map ........................................................... 3-2
SQN 6-mi (10-km) Radius Map ............................................................. 3-3
SQN General Site Layout ...................................................................... 3-4
Location of SQN Cooling Water Supply Facilities and Surface
Water Features...................................................................................... 3-7
Figure 3–5. Site Geologic Formations and Structure.............................................. 3-27
Figure 3–6. Locations of Inadvertent Liquid Releases Containing Tritium .............. 3-38
Figure 3–7. Land Cover at the SQN Site ................................................................ 3-40
Figure 3–8. Typical Food Web for the Chickamauga Reservoir (Showing Fish
by Trophic Group) ............................................................................... 3-52
Figure 3–9. 2010 Census Minority Block Groups Within a 50-mi Radius of
SQN .................................................................................................. 3-115
Figure 3–10. 2010 Census Low-Income Block Groups Within a 50-mi (80-km)
Radius of SQN .................................................................................. 3-117
Figure 4–1. Analysis of Hydrothermal Conditions for the Tennessee Valley
Reflecting Observed Air Temperature and Estimated Natural
River Flow at Chattanooga, Tennessee ............................................ 4-108
Table of Contents
Table ES–1.
Table 2–1.
Table 2–2.
Table 3–1.
Table 3–2.
Table 3–3.
Table 3–4.
Table 3–5.
Table 3–6.
Table 3–7.
Table 3–8.
Table 3–9.
Table 3–10.
Table 3–11.
Table 3–12.
Table 3–13.
Table 3–14.
Table 3–15.
Table 3–16.
Table 3–17.
Table 3–18.
Table 3–19.
Table 3–20.
Table 3–21.
Table 3–22.
Summary of NRC Conclusions Relating to Site-Specific Impacts
of License Renewal ............................................................................... xix
Summary of Replacement Power Alternatives and Key
Characteristics Considered in Depth .................................................... 2-6
Summary of Environmental Impacts of Proposed Action and
Alternatives......................................................................................... 2-22
Air Emission Estimates for Permitted Combustion Sources at
SQN ................................................................................................... 3-24
Common Noise Sources and Sound Levels ....................................... 3-25
SQN Reported Annual Water Withdrawals and Return
Discharges to Chickamauga Reservoir .............................................. 3-31
Ecological Health Indicators for Chickamauga Reservoir, 2011 ......... 3-33
Primary Land Cover on the SQN Site ................................................. 3-39
State-Listed Plant Species in Hamilton County .................................. 3-43
Most Common or Abundant Wildlife on or Within the Vicinity of
the SQN Site ...................................................................................... 3-46
State-Listed Bird Species in Hamilton County .................................... 3-47
Average Mean Density Per Square Meter of Benthic Taxa
Collected at Downstream and Upstream Sites Near SQN.................. 3-56
Results of the Native Mussel and Snail Survey Near the
SQN Site in 2010................................................................................ 3-58
Species Identified During Sampling Studies in the Vicinity of the
SQN Site From 1999 to 2011 ............................................................. 3-61
Percent Composition of the Dominant Species Caught Upstream
(Tennessee RM 490.5) and Downstream of the SQN Site
(Tennessee RM 482) by Electrofishing, 2002 Through 2011 ............. 3-63
Percent Composition of the Dominant Species Caught Upstream
(Tennessee RM 490.5) and Downstream of the SQN Site
(Tennessee RM 482) by Gillnetting, 2002 Through 2011 ................... 3-64
Percent of Fish in Each Trophic Group by Season and Location
in 2011................................................................................................ 3-65
Commercial Harvest Rates for Paddlefish From
Chickamauga Reservoir: 2008 to 2012 ............................................. 3-66
Commercial Harvest Rates for Nonroe Fish and Turtles From
Chickamauga Reservoir From 2008 to 2011 ...................................... 3-67
Number of Fish Caught in Annual Creel Surveys of the
Chickamauga Reservoir ..................................................................... 3-68
State-Listed Protected Aquatic Species Present in Hamilton
County, TN ......................................................................................... 3-75
Federally Listed Species in Hamilton County, TN .............................. 3-79
Known Occurrences of Federally Listed Mussels in and Near the
Action Area ......................................................................................... 3-87
Cultural Resources Within the SQN Site ............................................ 3-94
2010 SQN Employee Residence by County ....................................... 3-94
Table of Contents
Table 3–23.
Table 3–24.
Table 3–25.
Table 3–26.
Table 3–27.
Table 3–28.
Table 3–29.
Table 3–30.
Table 3–31.
Table 3–32.
Table 3–33.
Table 3–34.
Table 4–1.
Table 4–2.
Table 4–3.
Table 4–4.
Table 4–5.
Table 4–6.
Table 4–7.
Table 4–8.
Table 4–9.
Table 4–10.
Table 4–11.
Table 4–12.
Table 4–13.
Table 4–14.
Table 4–15.
Table 4–16.
Table 4–17.
Table 4–18.
Table 4–19.
Table 4–20.
Table 4–21.
Table 4–22.
Major Employers of the SQN ROI in 2012 .......................................... 3-96
Estimated Income Information for the SQN ROI in 2011 .................... 3-96
2007−2012 Annual Unemployment Rates in the SQN ROI ................ 3-97
Population and Percent Growth in SQN ROI Counties
1970–2010, 2012 (estimated), and Projected for 2020–2060............. 3-98
Demographic Profile of the Population in the
SQN Socioeconomic Region of Influence in 2010 .............................. 3-98
2007-2011 Estimated Seasonal Housing in Counties Located
Within 50 Mi of SQN ......................................................................... 3-100
Migrant Farm Workers and Temporary Farm Labor in Counties
Located Within 50 Mi of SQN ........................................................... 3-103
Housing in the SQN ROI (2007−2011, 5-year estimate) .................. 3-105
Public School System Statistics, 2010–11 School Year ................... 3-105
Local Public Water Supply Systems ................................................. 3-106
2008−2011 Payments in Lieu of Taxes Attributable to SQN ($) ....... 3-107
Major Commuting Routes in the Vicinity of SQN: 2012 AADT......... 3-107
Land Use and Visual Resources .......................................................... 4-2
Air Quality and Noise ............................................................................ 4-7
Estimated Direct Air Emissions From Operation of SQN, NGCC,
SCPC, New Nuclear, and Combination Alternative ............................ 4-14
Geology and Soils .............................................................................. 4-14
Surface Water Resources .................................................................. 4-16
Reservoir Operating System, Minimum Flows for
Chickamauga Dam ............................................................................. 4-18
Groundwater....................................................................................... 4-20
Terrestrial Resources ......................................................................... 4-26
Aquatic Resources ............................................................................. 4-31
List of Fish Species by Family, Scientific, and Common Name
and Numbers Collected in Impingement Samples From 2005
Through 2007 at the SQN Intake........................................................ 4-35
Entrainment Percentages for Fish Eggs and Larvae at
Sequoyah Nuclear Plant 1981–1985 and 2004 .................................. 4-37
Total Estimated Numbers of Fish Impinged by Year at SQN and
TVA’s Modeled Numbers Using Equivalent Adult (EA) and
Production Foregone (PF) Models ..................................................... 4-39
Special Status Species and Habitats.................................................. 4-44
Effect Determinations for Federally Listed Species ............................ 4-44
Historic and Cultural Resources ......................................................... 4-48
Socioeconomic Issues ........................................................................ 4-53
Human Health Issues ......................................................................... 4-60
Issues Related to Postulated Accident ............................................... 4-63
SQN Units 1 and 2 CDF for Internal Events ....................................... 4-66
Base Case Mean Population Dose Risk and Offsite Economic
Cost Risk for Internal Events .............................................................. 4-68
Estimated Cost Ranges of SAMA Implementation Costs at SQN ...... 4-70
Potentially Cost-Beneficial SAMAs for Units 1 and 2 of the SQN ....... 4-71
Table of Contents
Table 4–23.
Table 4–24.
Table 4–25.
Table 4–26.
Table 4–27.
Table 4–28.
Table 4–29.
Table 4–30.
Table 6–1.
Table A–1.
Table A–2.
Table A–3.
Table B–1.
Table B–2.
Table C–1.
Table C–2.
Table D–1.
Table E–1.
Table F–1.
Table F–2.
Table F–3.
Table F–4.
Table F–5.
Environmental Justice ........................................................................ 4-80
Waste Management ........................................................................... 4-85
Issues Related to the Uranium Fuel Cycle ......................................... 4-89
Issues Related to Decommissioning .................................................. 4-91
Estimated GHG Emissions From Operations at SQN ........................ 4-94
Direct GHG Emissions From Operation of the Proposed Action
and Alternatives .................................................................................. 4-95
Comparison of GHG Emission Inventories ....................................... 4-123
Summary of Cumulative Impacts on Resource Areas ...................... 4-124
List of Preparers ................................................................................... 6-1
Individuals Providing Comments During the Scoping Comment
Period ...................................................................................................A-2
Issue Categories ..................................................................................A-3
Individuals Providing Comments During the Comment Period ...........A-30
Federal and State Environmental Requirements ..................................B-2
Licenses and Permits ...........................................................................B-4
ESA Section 7 Consultation Correspondence ..................................... C-3
NHPA Correspondence ....................................................................... C-5
Environmental Review Correspondence ............................................. D-2
Actions and Projects Considered in Cumulative Analysis ....................E-2
SQN Units 1 and 2 CDF for Internal Events ......................................... F-3
Base Case Mean Population Dose Risk and Offsite Economic
Cost Risk for Internal Events ................................................................ F-5
Summary of Major PRA Models and Corresponding CDF and
LERF Results ....................................................................................... F-7
Significant Fire Areas at SQN Included in Final Screening Phase
and Their Corresponding CDF ........................................................... F-15
SAMAs Cost/Benefit Analysis for Units 1 and 2 of the SQN ............... F-28
By letter dated January 7, 2013, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), submitted an application to
the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to issue renewed operating licenses for
Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 (SQN) for an additional 20-year period.
Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations 51.20(b)(2) (10 CFR 51.20(b)(2)), the
renewal of a power reactor operating license requires preparation of an environmental impact
statement (EIS) or a supplement to an existing EIS. In addition, 10 CFR 51.95(c) states that, in
connection with the renewal of an operating license, the NRC shall prepare an EIS, which is a
supplement to the Commission’s NUREG-1437, Generic Environmental Impact Statement
(GEIS) for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants.
Upon acceptance of TVA’s application, the NRC staff began the environmental review process
described in 10 CFR Part 51 by publishing a Notice of Intent to prepare a supplemental EIS
(SEIS) and conduct scoping. In preparation of this SEIS for SQN, the NRC staff performed the
conducted public scoping meetings on April 3, 2013, in Soddy-Daisy,
conducted a site audit at SQN on April 7–11, 2013;
reviewed TVA’s environmental report (ER) and compared it to the GEIS;
consulted with Federal, state, and local agencies;
conducted a review of the issues following the guidance set forth in
NUREG-1555, Standard Review Plans for Environmental Reviews for
Nuclear Power Plants, Supplement 1, Revision 1: Operating License
Renewal; and
considered public comments received during the scoping process and the
draft SEIS comment period.
TVA initiated the proposed Federal action—issuing renewed power reactor operating licenses—
by submitting an application for license renewal of SQN, for which the existing licenses (DPR-77
and DPR-79) expire on September 17, 2020, and September 15, 2021, respectively. The
NRC’s Federal action is the decision whether or not to renew the licenses for an additional
20 years. In accordance with 10 CFR 2.109, if a licensee of a nuclear power plant files an
application to renew an operating license at least 5 years before the expiration date of that
license, the existing license will not be deemed to have expired until the safety and
environmental reviews are completed and the NRC has made a final decision to either deny the
application or issue a renewed license for the additional 20 years.
The purpose and need for the proposed action (issuance of renewed licenses) is to provide an
option that allows for power generation capability beyond the term of the current nuclear power
plant operating license to meet future system generating needs. Such needs may be
Executive Summary
determined by other energy-planning decisionmakers, such as state, utility, and, where
authorized, Federal agencies (other than NRC). This definition of purpose and need reflects the
NRC’s recognition that, unless there are findings in the safety review required by the Atomic
Energy Act or findings in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental analysis
that would lead the NRC to reject a license renewal application, the NRC does not have a role in
the energy-planning decisions as to whether a particular nuclear power plant should continue to
The SEIS evaluates the potential environmental impacts of the proposed action. The
environmental impacts from the proposed action are designated as SMALL, MODERATE, or
LARGE. As set forth in the GEIS, Category 1 issues are those that meet all of the following
The environmental impacts associated with the
issue are determined to apply either to all plants
or, for some issues, to plants having a specific
type of cooling system or other specified plant or
site characteristics.
A single significance level (i.e., SMALL,
MODERATE, or LARGE) has been assigned to
the impacts, except for collective offsite
radiological impacts from the fuel cycle and from
high-level waste and spent fuel disposal.
Mitigation of adverse impacts associated with the
issue is considered in the analysis, and it has
been determined that additional plant-specific
mitigation measures are likely not to be
sufficiently beneficial to warrant implementation.
SMALL: Environmental
effects are not detectable or
are so minor that they will
neither destabilize nor
noticeably alter any
important attribute of the
Environmental effects are
sufficient to alter noticeably,
but not to destabilize,
important attributes of the
LARGE: Environmental
effects are clearly noticeable
and are sufficient to
destabilize important
attributes of the resource.
For Category 1 issues, no additional site-specific analysis is
required in this SEIS unless new and significant information is
identified. Chapter 4 of this SEIS presents the process for
identifying new and significant information. Site-specific issues (Category 2) are those that do
not meet one or more of the criteria for Category 1 issues; therefore, an additional site-specific
review for these non-generic issues is required, and the results are documented in the SEIS.
Neither TVA nor NRC identified information that is both new and significant related to
Category 1 issues that would call into question the conclusions in the GEIS. This conclusion is
supported by the NRC’s review of the applicant’s ER and other documentation relevant to the
applicant’s activities, the public scoping process and substantive comments raised, and the
findings from the environmental site audit conducted by the NRC staff. The NRC staff,
therefore, relies upon the conclusions of the GEIS for all Category 1 issues applicable to SQN.
Table ES–1 summarizes the Category 2 issues relevant to SQN as well as the NRC staff’s
findings related to those issues. If the NRC staff determined that there were no Category 2
issues applicable for a particular resource area, the findings of the GEIS, as documented in
Appendix B to Subpart A of 10 CFR Part 51, are incorporated for that resource area.
Executive Summary
Table ES–1. Summary of NRC Conclusions Relating to Site-Specific Impacts of
License Renewal
Resource Area
Relevant Category 2 Issues
Surface Water Resources
Surface water use conflicts
Groundwater Resources
Radionuclides released to groundwater
Terrestrial Resources
Effects on terrestrial resources (non-cooling
system impacts)
Water use conflicts with terrestrial resources
(plants with cooling ponds or cooling towers
using makeup water from a river)
Aquatic Resources
Impingement and entrainment of aquatic
Thermal impacts on aquatic organisms
Water use conflicts with aquatic resources
Special Status Species and
Threatened, or endangered, and protected
species, critical habitat, and essential fish
No effect; no adverse
Historic and Cultural
Historic and cultural resources
No adverse effect
Human Health
Microbiological hazards to the public health
Electric shock hazards
Environmental Justice
Minority and low-income populations
See note below
Cumulative Impacts
Surface Water
Terrestrial resources
Aquatic resources
Environmental Justice
Global Climate Change
All other resource areas
See note below
For species and habitats protected under the Endangered Species Act, the NRC reports the effects from
continued operation of SQN during the license renewal period in terms of its Endangered Species Act (ESA)
findings of (1) no effect, (2) not likely to adversely effect, (3) likely to adversely affect, or (4) is likely to jeopardize
listed species or adversely modify critical habitat. Similarly, for essential fish habitat designated under the
Magnuson–Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, the NRC reports the effects of continued
operation on essential fish habitat as (1) no adverse impact, (2) minimal adverse impact, or (3) substantial adverse
The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (NHPA) requires Federal agencies to consider the
effects of their undertakings on historic properties.
There would be no disproportionately high and adverse impacts to minority and low-income populations and
subsistence consumption from continued operation of SQN during the license renewal period and from cumulative
Since TVA had not previously considered alternatives to reduce the likelihood or potential
consequences of a variety of highly uncommon but potentially serious accidents at SQN,
Executive Summary
10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(L) requires that TVA evaluate severe accident mitigation alternatives
(SAMAs) in the course of the license renewal review. SAMAs are potential ways to reduce the
risk or potential impacts of uncommon, but potentially severe accidents, and they may include
changes to plant components, systems, procedures, and training.
The NRC staff reviewed the ER’s evaluation of potential SAMAs. Based on the staff’s review,
the NRC staff concluded that none of the potentially cost beneficial SAMAs relate to adequately
managing the effects of aging during the period of extended operation. Therefore, they need
not be implemented as part of the license renewal, pursuant to 10 CFR Part 54.
The NRC staff considered the environmental impacts associated with alternatives to license
renewal. These alternatives include other methods of power generation and not renewing the
SQN operating license (the no-action alternative). The feasible and commercially viable
replacement power alternatives considered were:
natural gas combined-cycle (NGCC),
supercritical pulverized coal (SCPC),
new nuclear,
a combination of wind and solar power.
The NRC staff initially considered a number of additional alternatives for analysis as alternatives
to the license renewal of SQN; these were later dismissed because of technical, resource
availability, or commercial limitations that currently exist and that the NRC staff believes are
likely to continue to exist when the existing SQN licenses expire. The no action alternative and
the effects it would have were also considered by the NRC staff.
Where possible, the NRC staff evaluated potential environmental impacts for these alternatives
located both at the SQN site and at some other unspecified alternate location. Alternatives
considered, but dismissed, were:
wind power,
solar power,
conventional hydroelectric power,
geothermal power,
biomass energy,
municipal solid waste,
wood waste,
ocean wave and current energy,
oil-fired power,
conventional hydroelectric power,
fuel cells,
coal-fired integrated gasification combined-cycle (IGCC),
delayed retirement,
Executive Summary
demand-side management (DSM); and
purchased power.
The NRC staff evaluated each alternative using the same resource areas that were used in
evaluating impacts from license renewal.
The NRC’s recommendation is that the adverse environmental impacts of license renewal for
SQN are not great enough to deny the option of license renewal for energy-planning
decisionmakers. This recommendation is based on the following:
the analyses and findings in the GEIS,
the ER submitted by TVA,
the NRC staff’s consultation with Federal, state, and local agencies,
the NRC staff’s independent environmental review,
the NRC staff’s consideration of public comments received during the scoping
process and the draft SEIS comment period.
degree(s) Celsius
degree(s) Fahrenheit
average annual daily traffic
alternating current
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
American Community Survey
Agencywide Documents Access and Management System
Atomic Energy Act of 1954
auxiliary feedwater
as low as is reasonably achievable
American Nuclear Society
American National Standards Institute
Associated Press
area of potential effect
air quality control region
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
anticipated transient(s) without scram
Bureau of Economic Analysis
blended low-enriched uranium
Bureau of Labor Statistics
best management practice
Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League
boiling water reactor
Clean Air Act, as amended through 1990
Chattanooga Area Chamber of Commerce
cutset and fault tree analysis/analyses
Clean Air Interstate Rule
Circular Area Profiles
Abbreviations and Acronyms
conditional core damage probability
carbon capture and sequestration/storage
component cooling system
component cooling water
condenser circulating water
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
core damage frequency
Cropland Data Layer
Council on Environmental Quality
carbon equivalent per kilowatt-hour
containment event tree
Code of Federal Regulations
cubic foot/feet per second
Chattanooga–Hamilton County Air Pollution Control Bureau
Chattanooga–Hamilton County Regional Planning Agency
current licensing basis/bases
Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses
carbon monoxide
carbon dioxide
carbon dioxide equivalent(s)
combined license
Center for Plant Conservation
candidate species
Cross-State Air Pollution Rule
concentrated solar power
combustion turbine
Clean Water Act of 1972
decibels adjusted
design-basis accident
direct current
U.S. Department of Energy
digital object identifier
Abbreviations and Acronyms
draft supplemental environmental impact statement
demand-side management
definitive phage type 104
drinking water standard
Executive Order
environmental assessment
equivalent adult
exclusion area boundary
Early Action Compact
emergency diesel generator
energy efficiency and demand response
Enhanced Fujita Scale of tornado strength (166–200 mph)
essential fish habitat
Energy Information Administration (of DOE)
environmental impact statement
extremely low frequency
electromagnetic field
EnerNOC Utility Solutions Consulting
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Electric Power Research Institute
Environmental Report
Energy Recovery Council
emergency/essential raw cooling water
Engineer Research and Development Center
Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended
frequently asked question
floor drain collector tank
Federal Emergency Management Agency
final environmental statement
Federal Highway Administration
fire-induced vulnerability evaluation
foot/feet per second
Federal Register
square foot/feet
Abbreviations and Acronyms
cubic foot/feet
Federal Water Pollution Control Act
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
g Ceq/kWh
gram(s) of carbon equivalent per kilowatt-hour
Geothermal Energy Association
Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of
Nuclear Plants, NUREG–1437
Global Energy Partners
greenhouse gas
generic issue
geographic information system
Goddard Institute for Space Studies
generic letter
gallons per day
gallons per minute
gigawatt hour(s)
global warming potential
gaseous waste processing system
water vapor
hazardous air pollutant
high confidence in low probability of failure
human error probability
highly enriched uranium
habitat protection area
hot shower drain tank
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Housing and Urban Development
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
hazardous waste storage facility
International Atomic Energy Agency
International Energy Agency
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
integrated gasification combined cycle
Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
individual plant examination
individual plant examination(s) of external events
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
Intake Pumping Station
Integrated Resource Plan
independent spent fuel storage installation
interfacing-systems loss-of-coolant accident
Invasive Species Specialist Group
Integrated Taxonomic Information System
International Organization for Standardization
square kilometer(s)
kilowatt hour(s) per square meter per day
liter(s) per minute
Leading Edge Flow Meter
large early release frequency
light detection and ranging
low-level mixed waste
Abbreviations and Acronyms
low-level radioactive waste
low NOx burner
linear, no-threshold
loss-of-coolant accident
loss(es) of offsite power
litre(s) per day
license renewal application
Loudon Utilities Board
liquid waste processing system
meter(s) per second
square meter(s)
cubic meter(s)
cubic meters per second
m /y
cubic meters per year
Modular Accident Analysis Program
MELCOR Accident Consequence Code System 2
maximum averted cost-risk
macroinvertebrate aggregated index for streams
Mercury and Air Toxics Standards
Migratory Bird Treaty Act
motor-driven auxiliary feedwater pump
migratory fishes
milligrams per liter
million gallons per day
million gallons per year
square mile(s)
modified maximum averted cost-risk
Modified Mercalli Intensity
m /s
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Minerals Management Service
Michigan Mine Safety & Health Training
million metric ton(s)
mixed-oxide fuel
mile(s) per hour
milliradiation absorbed dose
milliroentgen equivalent man
Magnuson–Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act
mean sea level
municipal solid waste
metric ton(s)
measurement uncertainty recapture
megawatt-day(s) per metric ton of uranium
megawatt(s) electrical
megawatt hour(s)
megawatt(s) thermal
not applicable
nitrous oxide
National Ambient Air Quality Standards
North American Industry Classification System
National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners
National Academy of Sciences
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Agricultural Statistics Service
National Biological Information Infrastructure
National Climate Assessment Development Advisory Committee
National Climatic Data Center
National Center for Education Statistics
Nuclear Energy Institute
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
North American Electric Reliability Corporation
National Electrical Safety Code
Abbreviations and Acronyms
National Energy Technology Laboratory
natural gas combined-cycle
National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
National Marine Fisheries Service (of NOAA)
National Nuclear Security Administration
nitrogen dioxide
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
nitrogen oxide(s)
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
National Park Service
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
National Register of Historic Places
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
New Source Review
NRC technical report designation (Nuclear Regulatory
National Weather Service
Owner-Controlled Area
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
offsite economic cost risk
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OSHA Technical Manual
Public Law
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
polychlorinated biphenyl
picocuries per liter
plant damage state
production foregone
peak ground acceleration
Abbreviations and Acronyms
potential of hydrogen
Public Health Agency of Canada
particulate matter
particulate matter >2.5 microns and ≤10 microns in diameter
particulate matter ≤2.5 microns in diameter
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
power-operated relief valve
power purchase agreement
probabilistic risk assessment
Prevention of Significant Deterioration
pounds per square inch absolute
pressurized water reactor
request for additional information
radiological control area
reactor coolant pump
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended
reactor coolant system
raw cooling water
Radiation Exposure Information and Reporting System
roentgen equivalent(s) man
radiological environmental monitoring program
Regulatory Guide
Radiological Groundwater Protection Program
Regional Haze Rule
residual heat removal
river kilometer
review-level earthquake
river mile
region of influence
renewable portfolio standard
risk reduction worth
radwaste storage pad
Abbreviations and Acronyms
recreational vehicle
reactor water cleanup
severe accident mitigation alternative
Severe Accident Mitigation Design Alternative
Severe Accident Mitigation Guidelines
safety analysis report
station blackout
supplemental condenser cooling water
supercritical pulverized coal
selective catalytic reduction
Safe Drinking Water Act
state endangered
Southeast Industrial Development Association
supplemental environmental impact statement
safety evaluation report
SERC Reliability Corporation
sulfur hexafluoride
Simon Fraser University
standby gas treatment system
State Historic Preservation Officer
State Implementation Plan
Seismic Margin Assessment
small modular reactor
spent nuclear fuel
sulfur dioxide
sulfur oxide(s)
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure
Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2
state rare
Savannah River Ecology Laboratory
Standard Review Plan
spent resin storage tank
species of special concern
structures, systems, and components
safe-shutdown earthquake
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Safe Shutdown Equipment List
state threatened
steam turbine generator
surface water
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
technical assignment control
Tennessee American Water
Tennessee Code Annotated
turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump
tritiated drain collector tank
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation
Tennessee Department of Health
Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development
Tennessee Department of Transportation
thermoluminescent dosimeters
total maximum daily upload
Tennessee Rule
tritium-producing burnable absorber rod
ton(s) per year
Tennessee River Mile
technical specification
treatment, storage, and disposal facility
Tennessee State Parks
total suspended particles
Tennessee Valley Authority
Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency
United States
United States Code
updated final safety analysis report
uranium oxide
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Abbreviations and Acronyms
U.S. Census Bureau
U.S. Department of Agriculture
U.S. Enrichment Corporation
United States Global Change Research Program [or GCRP]
U.S. Geological Survey
unit station service transformer
The University of Tennessee
Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries
volatile organic compound
wet active waste
Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant
Watts Bar Unit 2
Watts Bar Utility District
Westinghouse Commercial Atomic Power
Under the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC’s) environmental protection regulations
in Title 10, Part 51, of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR 51)—which implement the
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)—issuance of a new nuclear power plant operating
license requires the preparation of an environmental impact statement (EIS).
The Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (AEA) specifies that licenses for commercial power reactors can
be granted for up to 40 years. NRC regulations (10 CFR 54.31) allow for an option to renew a
license for up to an additional 20 years. The initial 40-year licensing period was based on
economic and antitrust considerations rather than on technical limitations of the nuclear facility.
The decision to seek a license renewal rests entirely with nuclear power facility owners and,
typically, is based on the facility’s economic viability and the investment necessary to continue
to meet NRC safety and environmental requirements. The NRC makes the decision to grant or
deny license renewal based on whether the applicant has demonstrated that the environmental
and safety requirements in the agency’s regulations can be met during the period of extended
1.1 Proposed Federal Action
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) initiated the proposed Federal action by submitting an
application for license renewal of Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 (SQN), for which the
existing licenses (DPR-77 and DPR-79) expire on September 17, 2020, and
September 15, 2021, respectively. The NRC’s proposed Federal action is the decision whether
to renew the licenses for an additional 20 years.
1.2 Purpose and Need for the Proposed Federal Action
The purpose and need for the proposed action (issuance of a renewed license) is to provide an
option that allows for power generation capability beyond the term of a current nuclear power
plant operating license to meet future system generating needs, as such needs may be
determined by other energy-planning decisionmakers. This definition of purpose and need
reflects the NRC’s recognition that, unless there are findings in the safety review required by the
AEA or findings in the NEPA environmental analysis that would lead the NRC to reject a license
renewal application (LRA), the NRC does not have a role in the energy-planning decisions of
State regulators and utility officials as to whether a particular nuclear power plant should
continue to operate.
1.3 Major Environmental Review Milestones
TVA submitted an Environmental Report (ER) (TVA 2013b) as part of its LRA (TVA 2013a) on
January 15, 2013. After reviewing the LRA and ER for sufficiency, the NRC staff published a
Federal Register Notice of Acceptability and Opportunity for Hearing (78 FR 14362) on
March 5, 2013. Then, on March 8, 2013, the NRC published another notice in the
Federal Register (78 FR 15055) on the intent to conduct scoping, thereby beginning the 60-day
scoping period.
The NRC staff held two public scoping meetings on April 3, 2013, in Soddy-Daisy, Tennessee.
The comments received during the scoping process are presented in their entirety in
“Environmental Impact Statement Scoping Process, Summary Report, Sequoyah Nuclear Plant,
Units 1 and 2,” published in April 2014 (NRC 2014). The staff presents comments considered to
be within the scope of the environmental license renewal review and the NRC responses in
Appendix A of this supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS).
In order to independently verify information provided in the ER, the NRC staff conducted a site
audit at SQN, in April 2013. During the site audit, the staff met with plant personnel, reviewed
specific documentation, toured the facility, and met with interested Federal, State, and local
agencies. A summary of that site audit and the attendees is contained in the audit summary
report (NRC 2013b).
Upon completion of the scoping period and site audit, the NRC staff compiled its findings in the
draft SEIS. This document was made available for public comment for 45 days. During this
time, the NRC staff hosted public meetings and collected public comments. Based on the
information gathered, the NRC staff amended the draft SEIS findings, as necessary, and
published the final SEIS for license renewal. Figure 1–1 shows the major milestones of the
NRC’s license renewal application environmental review.
Figure 1–1. Environmental Review Process
The NRC has established a license renewal review process that can be completed in a
reasonable period with clear requirements to assure safe plant operation for up to an additional
20 years of plant life. The NRC staff conducts the safety review simultaneously with the
environmental review. The staff documents the findings of the safety review in a safety
evaluation report (SER). The findings in the SEIS and the SER are both factors in the NRC’s
decision to either grant or deny the issuance of a renewed license.
1.4 Generic Environmental Impact Statement
The NRC staff performed a generic assessment of the environmental impacts associated with
license renewal to improve the efficiency of its license renewal review. The Generic
Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Power Plants (GEIS),
NUREG-1437, Revision 1 (NRC 1996, 1999, 2013a), documented the results of the staff’s
systematic approach to evaluate the environmental consequences of renewing the licenses of
individual nuclear power plants and operating them for an additional 20 years. The staff
analyzed in detail and resolved those environmental issues that could be resolved generically in
the GEIS. The GEIS was originally issued in 1996 (NRC 1996), Addendum 1 to the GEIS was
issued in 1999 (NRC 1999), and Revision 1 to the GEIS was issued in 2013
(NRC 2013b). Unless otherwise noted, all references to the GEIS include the GEIS,
Addendum 1 and Revision 1.
The GEIS establishes separate environmental impact issues for the NRC staff to independently
verify. Of these issues, the NRC staff determined that some issues are generic to all plants
(Category 1). Other issues do not lend themselves to generic consideration (Category 2 or
uncategorized). The staff evaluated these issues on a site-specific basis in the SEIS.
Appendix B to Subpart A of 10 CFR 51 provides a summary of the staff findings in the GEIS.
For each potential environmental issue in the GEIS the NRC staff performs the following:
describes the activity that affects the environment,
identifies the population or resource that is affected,
assesses the nature and magnitude of the impact on the affected population
or resource,
characterizes the significance of the effect for both beneficial and adverse
determines whether the results of the analysis apply to all plants, and
considers whether additional mitigation measures would be warranted for
impacts that would have the same significance level for all plants.
The NRC’s standard of significance for impacts was established using the Council on
Environmental Quality (CEQ) terminology for “significant.” The NRC established three levels of
significance for potential impacts: SMALL, MODERATE, and LARGE, as defined below.
SMALL: Environmental effects are not
detectable or are so minor that they will neither
destabilize nor noticeably alter any important
attribute of the resource.
MODERATE: Environmental effects are
sufficient to alter noticeably, but not to destabilize,
important attributes of the resource.
Significance indicates the importance of likely
environmental impacts and is determined by
considering two variables: context and intensity.
Context is the geographic, biophysical, and social
context in which the effects will occur.
Intensity refers to the severity of the impact, in
whatever context it occurs.
LARGE: Environmental effects are clearly noticeable and are sufficient to destabilize important
attributes of the resource.
The GEIS includes a determination of whether the analysis of the environmental issue could be
applied to all plants and whether additional mitigation measures would be warranted. Issues
are assigned a Category 1 or a Category 2 designation. As set forth in the GEIS, Category 1
issues are those that meet the following criteria:
The environmental impacts associated with the issue have been determined
to apply either to all plants or, for some issues, to plants having a specific
type of cooling system or other specified plant or site characteristics.
A single significance level (i.e., SMALL, MODERATE, or LARGE) has been
assigned to the impacts (except for offsite radiological impacts—collective
impacts from other than the disposal of spent fuel and high-level waste).
Mitigation of adverse impacts associated with the issue has been considered
in the analysis, and it has been determined that additional plant-specific
mitigation measures are likely not to be sufficiently beneficial to warrant
Figure 1–2 illustrates the process used to analyze and categorize issues in the GEIS
and in each SEIS.
Figure 1–2. Environmental Issues Evaluated for License Renewal
In the GEIS, 78 issues were evaluated.
A site-specific analysis is required for 17 of those 78 issues.
For generic issues (Category 1), no additional site-specific analysis is required in the SEIS
unless new and significant information is identified. The process for identifying new and
significant information is presented in Chapter 4. Site-specific issues (Category 2) are those
that do not meet one or more of the criteria of Category 1 issues; therefore, additional
site-specific review for these issues is required. The results of that site-specific review are
documented in the SEIS.
1.5 Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement
The SEIS presents an analysis that considers the environmental effects of the continued
operation of SQN, alternatives to license renewal, and mitigation measures for minimizing
adverse environmental impacts. Chapter 4 contains analysis and comparison of the potential
environmental impacts from alternatives while Chapter 5 presents the recommendation of the
NRC on whether or not the environmental impacts of license renewal are so great that
preserving the option of license renewal would be unreasonable. The final recommendation
was made after consideration of comments received on the draft SEIS during the public
comment period.
In the preparation of the SEIS for SQN, the NRC staff carried out the following activities:
reviewed the information provided in the TVA’s ER;
consulted with other Federal, State, local agencies, and tribal nations;
conducted an independent review of the issues during site audit; and
considered the public comments received (during the scoping process and,
subsequently, on the draft SEIS).
New information can be identified from many
sources, including the applicant, the NRC, other
agencies, or public comments. If a new issue is
revealed, it is first analyzed to determine whether
it is within the scope of the license renewal
environmental evaluation. If the new issue is not
addressed in the GEIS, the NRC staff would
determine the significance of the issue and
document the analysis in the SEIS.
New and significant information must be both
new and bear on the proposed action or its
impacts, presenting a seriously different picture of
the impacts from those envisioned in the GEIS
(i.e., impacts of greater severity than impacts
considered in the GEIS, considering their intensity
and context).
1.6 Decision to Be Supported by the SEIS
The decision to be supported by the SEIS is whether or not to renew the operating licenses for
SQN for an additional 20 years. The NRC decision standard is specified in 10 CFR 51.103:
In making a final decision on a license renewal action pursuant to Part 54 of this
chapter, the Commission shall determine whether or not the adverse
environmental impacts of license renewal are so great that preserving the option
of license renewal for energy planning decisionmakers would be unreasonable.
There are many factors that the NRC takes into consideration when deciding whether to renew
the operating license of a nuclear power plant. The analyses of environmental impacts
evaluated in the GEIS will provide the NRC’s decisionmaker (in this case, the Commission) with
important environmental information for use in the overall decisionmaking process. There are
also decisions outside the regulatory scope of license renewal that cannot be made on the basis
of the final GEIS analysis. These decisions concern the following issues: changes to plant
cooling systems, disposition of spent nuclear fuel, emergency preparedness, safeguards and
security, need for power, and seismicity and flooding (NRC 2013a).
1.7 Cooperating Agencies
During the scoping process, no Federal, State, or local agencies were identified as cooperating
agencies in the preparation of this SEIS.
1.8 Consultations
The Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (ESA); the Magnuson–Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act of 1996, as amended (MSA); and the National Historic
Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA) require that Federal agencies consult with applicable state
and Federal agencies and groups prior to taking action that may affect endangered species,
fisheries, or historic and archaeological resources, respectively. The NRC consulted with the
following agencies and groups:
State Historic Preservation Office,
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP),
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS),
Cherokee Nation,
The Chickasaw Nation,
Alabama Quassarte Tribal Town,
Muscogee (Creek) Nation,
Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas,
Thlopthlocco Tribal Town,
Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma,
Kialegee Tribal Town,
Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians,
Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma,
United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma,
Seminole Tribe of Florida, and
Seminole Nation of Oklahoma.
Appendix C contains a discussion of consultation related documents sent and received during
the environmental review.
1.9 Correspondence
The NRC staff corresponded with Federal, State, regional, local, and tribal agencies during the
environmental review. Appendix D contains a chronological list of documents sent and received
during the environmental review.
1.10 Status of Compliance
TVA is responsible for complying with all NRC regulations and other applicable Federal, state,
and local requirements. Appendix F of the GEIS describes some of the major applicable
Federal statutes. There are numerous permits and licenses issued by Federal, State, and local
authorities for activities at SQN. Appendix B contains further discussion about SQN status of
1.11 Related Federal and State Activities
The NRC reviewed the possibility that activities of other Federal agencies might impact the
renewal of the operating license for SQN. There are no Federal projects that would make it
necessary for another Federal agency to become a cooperating agency in the preparation of
this supplemental EIS. There are no known Native American reservations or controlled lands
within 50 mi of SQN (TVA 2013b). There are approximately 37 Federal and 88 State-managed
lands within 50 mi of SQN. There are four Federal lands and one State-managed land within
6 mi of SQN. These Federal lands are TVA-managed habitat protection areas. Harrison Bay
State Recreation Park is the only state-managed area within 6 mi of SQN (TVA 2013b).
The NRC is required under Section 102(2)(C) of NEPA to consult with and obtain comments
from any Federal agency that has jurisdiction by law or has special expertise with respect to any
environmental impact involved in the subject matter of the EIS. For example, during the course
of preparing the SEIS, the NRC consulted with the FWS. A complete list of key consultation
correspondences is listed in Appendix C.
1.12 References
10 CFR Part 51. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Energy, Part 51, “Environmental
protection regulations for domestic licensing and related regulatory functions.”
10 CFR Part 54. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Energy, Part 54, “Requirements for
renewal of operating licenses for nuclear power plants.”
61 FR 28467. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. “Environmental review for renewal of
nuclear power plant operating licenses.” Federal Register 61(109):28467–28497. June 5, 1996.
78 FR 14362. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. “Tennessee Valley Authority; notice of
acceptance for docketing of application and notice of opportunity for hearing regarding renewal
of Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 facility operating license nos. DPR–77, DPR–79 for
an additional 20-year period.” Federal Register 78(43):14362–14365. March 5, 2013.
78 FR 15055. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. “License renewal application for
Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Tennessee Valley Authority.” Federal
Register 78(46):15055–15056. March 8, 2013.
[AEA] Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. 42 U.S.C. §2011 et seq.
[ESA] Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. 16 U.S.C. §1531 et seq.
[MSA] Magnuson–Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, as amended.
16 U.S.C. §1801 et seq.
[NEPA] National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended. 42 U.S.C. §4321 et seq.
[NHPA] National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. 16 U.S.C. §470 et seq.
[NRC] U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 2013a. Generic Environmental Impact Statement
for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants. Revision 1. Washington, DC: NRC. NUREG-1437,
Volumes 1, 2, and 3. June 2013. 1,535 p. ADAMS No. ML13107A023.
[NRC] U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 2013b. Memorandum from D. Drucker, Sr.
Project Manager, to Tennessee Valley Authority. Subject: Summary of the site audit related to
the review of the license renewal application for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2.
August 7, 2013. 6 p. ADAMS No. ML13120A198.
[NRC] U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 2014. Environmental Impact Statement Scoping
Process, Summary Report, Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Hamilton County, TN.
Washington, DC: NRC. 2014. ADAMS No. ML14041A118.
[TVA] Tennessee Valley Authority. 2013a. License Renewal Application, Sequoyah Nuclear
Plant, Units 1 and 2. January 7, 2013. 1,544 p. ADAMS No. ML13024A011.
[TVA] Tennessee Valley Authority. 2013b. Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, License
Renewal Application, Appendix E, Applicant’s Environmental Report, Operating License
Renewal Stage. Chattanooga, TN: TVA. January 7, 2013. 783 p. ADAMS No. ML130240007,
Parts 2 through 8 of 8.
Although the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC’s) decisionmaking authority in the
case of license renewal is limited to deciding whether or not to renew a nuclear power plant’s
operating license, the NRC’s implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
requires consideration of the environmental impacts of potential alternatives to renewing a
plant’s operating license. While the ultimate decision about which alternative (or the proposed
action) to carry out falls to utility, state, or other Federal officials (non-NRC), comparing the
impacts of renewing the operating license to the environmental impacts of alternatives allows
the NRC to determine whether the environmental impacts of license renewal are so great that
preserving the option of license renewal for energy-planning decisionmakers would be
unreasonable (10 CFR 51.95(c)(4)).
Energy-planning decisionmakers and owners of the nuclear power plant ultimately decide
whether the plant will continue to operate, and economic and environmental considerations play
important roles in this decision. In general, the NRC’s responsibility is to ensure the safe
operation of nuclear power facilities and not to formulate energy policy or encourage or
discourage the development of alternative power generation. The NRC does not engage in
energy-planning decisions and makes no judgment as to which energy alternatives evaluated
would be the most likely alternative in any given case.
The remainder of this chapter provides: (1) a description of the proposed action, (2) a
description of alternatives to the proposed action (including the no-action alternative), and
(3) alternatives to Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 (SQN), license renewal that were
considered and eliminated from detailed study. Chapter 4 of this plant-specific supplemental
environmental impact statement (SEIS) compares the impacts of renewing the operating
licenses of SQN and continued plant operations to the environmental impacts of alternatives.
2.1 Proposed Action
As stated in Section 1.1 of this document, the NRC’s proposed Federal action is the decision
whether to renew the SQN operating licenses for an additional 20 years. For the NRC to
determine the impacts from continued operation of SQN an understanding of that operation is
needed. A description of normal power plant operations during the license renewal term is
provided in Section 2.1.1. SQN is a two-unit, nuclear-powered steam-electric generating facility
that began commercial operation in July 1981 (Unit 1) and June 1982 (Unit 2). The nuclear
reactor for each unit is a Westinghouse pressurized-water reactor (PWR), producing a reactor
core rated thermal power of 3,455 megawatts thermal.
2.1.1 Plant Operation During the License Renewal Term
Most plant operation activities during license renewal would be the same as or similar to those
occurring during the current license term (NRC 2013 new GEIS). Section 2.1.1 of the Generic
Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Power Plants (GEIS),
NUREG-1437, Revision 1 (NRC 2013 new GEIS) describes the general types of activities that
are carried out during the operation of a nuclear power plant such as SQN, as follows:
reactor operation;
waste management;
Alternatives Including the Proposed Action
office and clerical work;
surveillance, monitoring, and maintenance; and
refueling and other outages.
As stated in the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Environmental Report (ER), SQN will
continue to operate during the license renewal term in the same manner as during the current
license term except for, as appropriate, additional aging management programs to address
structure and component aging, in accordance with 10 CFR Part 54.
2.1.2 Refurbishment and Other Activities Associated With License Renewal
Refurbishment activities include replacement and repair of major systems, structures, and
components. Replacement activities include replacement of steam generators for PWRs and
recirculation piping systems for boiling water reactors (BWRs).
SQN Units 1 and 2 are PWRs. All original SQN steam generators have been replaced. The
last steam generator replacement took place in 2012. The TVA ER states that no plant
refurbishment activities were identified as necessary to support the continued operation of SQN
beyond the end of the existing operating license terms.
2.1.3 Termination of Nuclear Power Plant Operation and Decommissioning After the
License Renewal Term
The impacts of decommissioning are described in the Generic Environmental Impact Statement
on Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities: Regarding the Decommissioning of Nuclear Power
Reactors, NUREG-0586 (NRC 2002a). The majority of the activities associated with plant
operations would cease with reactor shutdown. Some activities (e.g., security and oversight of
spent nuclear fuel) would remain unchanged, while others (waste management, office and
clerical work, laboratory analysis, and surveillance, monitoring, and maintenance) would
continue at reduced or altered levels. Systems dedicated to reactor operations would cease
operations; however, impacts from their physical presence may continue if not removed after
reactor shutdown. For sites such as SQN, with more than one unit, shared systems may
operate at reduced capacities. Impacts associated with dedicated systems that remain in place
or shared systems that continue to operate at normal capacities would remain unchanged.
Decommissioning would occur whether SQN was shut down at the end of its current operating
licenses or at the end of the period of extended operation. There are no site-specific issues
related to decommissioning. The GEIS concludes SMALL (Category 1) impacts of terminating
operation and decommissioning on all resources for nuclear power plants.
2.2 Alternatives
As stated at the beginning of this chapter, the NRC has the obligation to consider reasonable
alternatives to the proposed action of renewing the license for a nuclear reactor. The 2013
GEIS update incorporated the latest information on replacement power alternatives; however,
rapidly evolving technologies are likely to outpace the information presented in the GEIS. As
such, a site-specific analysis of alternatives must be performed for each SEIS, taking into
account changes in technology and science since the preparation of the GEIS.
Sections 2.2.1 below describes the no-action alternative, i.e., the NRC takes no action and does
not issue renewed licenses for SQN. Sections– describe the characteristics of
replacement power alternatives for SQN.
Alternatives Including the Proposed Action
2.2.1 No-Action Alternative
At some point, operating nuclear power plants will terminate operations and undergo
decommissioning. The no-action alternative represents a decision by the NRC not to renew the
operating license of a nuclear power plant beyond the current operating license term. Under the
no-action alternative, the NRC denies the renewed operating licenses, and the SQN plant will
shut down at or before the end of the current licenses, in 2020 and 2021. After shutdown, plant
operators will initiate decommissioning in accordance with 10 CFR 50.82.
Only those impacts that arise directly as a result of plant shutdown will be addressed in this
SEIS. The environmental impacts from decommissioning and related activities are addressed in
several other documents, including the Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement on
Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities, NUREG-0586, Supplement 1 (NRC 2002); the license
renewal GEIS, Chapter 4 (NRC 2013 new GEIS); and Chapter 4 of this SEIS. These analyses
either directly address or bound the environmental impacts of decommissioning whenever TVA
ceases to operate SQN.
Even with renewed operating licenses, SQN will eventually shut down, and the environmental
impacts addressed later in Chapter 4 of this SEIS will occur at that time. As with
decommissioning impacts, shutdown impacts are expected to be similar whether they occur at
the end of the current license or at the end of a renewed license.
Termination of operations at SQN would result in the total cessation of electrical power
production. Unlike the alternatives described below in Section 2.2.2, no-action does not
expressly meet the purpose and need of the proposed action as described in Section 2.2, as it
does not provide a means of delivering baseload power to meet future electric system needs.
Assuming that a need currently exists for the power generated by SQN, the no-action alternative
would likely create a need for a replacement power alternative. A full range of replacement
power alternatives (including fossil fuels, new nuclear, and renewable energy sources) are
described in the following section, and their potential impacts are assessed in Chapter 4.
Although the NRC’s authority only extends to the decision of whether to grant or deny the
renewed SQN operating licenses, the replacement power alternatives described in the following
sections represent possible options for energy-planning decisionmakers should NRC choose to
deny the SQN operating licenses.
Alternatives Including the Proposed Action
2.2.2 Replacement Power Alternatives
In evaluating alternatives to license renewal, the NRC considered energy technologies or
options currently in commercial operation, as well as technologies not currently in commercial
operation but likely to be commercially available by the time the current SQN operating licenses
expire. The current operating licenses for the SQN reactors expire on September 17, 2020, and
September 15, 2021. Alternatives that cannot be constructed, permitted, and connected to the
grid by the time the SQN licenses expire were eliminated from detailed consideration.
Alternatives that cannot provide the equivalent of SQN’s current generating capacity and, in
some cases, those alternatives whose costs or benefits do not justify inclusion in the range of
reasonable alternatives, were eliminated from detailed consideration. Each alternative
eliminated from detailed study is briefly discussed, and a basis for its removal is provided at the
end of this section. In total, 18 alternatives to
Alternatives Evaluated in Depth:
the proposed action were considered (see text
box) and then narrowed to the 4 alternatives
• natural gas combined-cycle (NGCC)
considered in Sections– The
• supercritical pulverized coal (SCPC)
NRC staff evaluated the environmental
• new nuclear
impacts of these four alternatives and the
no-action alternative and discusses them in
• combination of wind and solar
depth in Chapter 4 of this SEIS.
Other Alternatives Considered:
The GEIS presents an overview of some
energy technologies but does not reach any
conclusions about which alternatives are most
appropriate. Because many energy
technologies are continually evolving in
capability and cost, and because regulatory
structures have changed to either promote or
impede development of particular alternatives,
the analyses in this chapter may include
updated information from the following
Energy Information Administration
other offices within the
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE),
wind power
solar power
conventional hydroelectric power
geothermal power
biomass energy
municipal solid waste (MSW)
wood waste
ocean wave and current energy
oil-fired power
fuel cells
coal-fired integrated gasification combined
cycle (IGCC)
delayed retirement
demand-side management (DSM)
purchased power
U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA),
industry sources and publications, and
information submitted by TVA in its environmental report (ER).
The evaluation of each alternative in Chapter 4 of this SEIS considers the environmental
impacts across several impact categories: land use and visual resources, air quality and noise,
geologic environment, water resources, ecological resources, historic and cultural resources,
socioeconomics, human health, environmental justice, and waste management. Most
site-specific issues (Category 2) have been assigned a significance level of SMALL,
MODERATE, or LARGE. For ecological and historic and archaeological resources the impact
significance determination language is specific to the authorizing legislation (e.g., Endangered
Species Act and National Historic Preservation Act). The order of presentation of the
Alternatives Including the Proposed Action
alternatives is not meant to imply increasing or decreasing level of impact. Nor does it imply
that an energy-planning decisionmaker would be more likely to select any given alternative.
In some cases, the NRC considers the environmental effects of locating a replacement power
alternative at the existing nuclear plant site. Selecting the existing plant site allows for the
maximum use of existing transmission and cooling system infrastructure and minimizes the
overall environmental impact. However, based on information gathered from TVA, SQN does
not have a sufficient amount of land available for all the replacement power alternatives
because TVA would want to continue operating while the replacement alternative is being built
to prevent a gap in energy generation during the period of construction—which would likely take
several years (TVA 2013). As a result, the NRC evaluated the impacts of locating replacement
power facilities at other existing power plant sites within the TVA region of interest, which
includes most of Tennessee and parts of Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi,
North Carolina, and Virginia (TVA 2013). TVA also stated that replacement power alternatives
could reasonably be located outside of the TVA region, specifically elsewhere within the
Southeast Electric Reliability Corporation (SERC) transmission grid because electricity
generated within SERC region could be efficiently routed back to the TVA region. Installing
replacement power facilities at existing power plants and connecting to existing transmission
and cooling system infrastructure would reduce the overall environmental impact.
To ensure that the alternatives analysis is consistent with State or regional energy policies, the
NRC reviewed energy-related statutes, regulations, and policies within the TVA Region. As a
result, the staff considers alternatives that include wind power or solar photovoltaic (PV) power,
as well as a combination that includes both of them.
The NRC considered the current generation capacity and electricity production within the State
of Tennessee, as well as, where pertinent, the TVA region in the alternatives analysis.
Tennessee relies on coal, natural gas, and nuclear power as its primary electric generation fuels
(EIA 2012b). While the staff generally considers alternatives located within Tennessee, it
acknowledges that alternatives could also be located elsewhere in the TVA region, or elsewhere
in the SERC region.
At this time, the State of Tennessee has no regulations to encourage the increased production
of energy from renewable resources such as wind, solar, biomass, and other alternatives to
fossil and nuclear generation. TVA’s current renewable energy portfolio includes
3,889 megawatts (MW) from hydroelectric, wind, solar, and methane gas sources within the
TVA region. TVA also recently announced the addition of 1,625 MW of wind energy through the
acquisition of eight additional purchased power contracts with Iowa, Kansas, North Dakota,
South Dakota, and Illinois (TVA 2011b). An analysis of clean energy policy in the SERC region
concluded that Tennessee has a variety of available renewable resources, including solar PV
and a small hydroelectric potential (McLaren 2011).
The remainder of this section describes the alternatives to license renewal that are evaluated in
depth in Chapter 4 for potential environmental impacts. These include an NGCC alternative in
Section, an SCPC alternative in Section, a new nuclear alternative in
Section, and a combination wind and solar power alternative in Section
Table 2–1 summarizes key design characteristics of the alternative technologies evaluated in
Alternatives Including the Proposed Action
Table 2–1. Summary of Replacement Power Alternatives and Key Characteristics
Considered in Depth
NGCC Alternative
Summary Six 400-MWe units,
for a total of
Alternative 2,400 MWe
New Nuclear
Four SCPC units, for Two-unit nuclear plant,
a total of 2,400 MWe for a total of 2,400 MWe
SCPC Alternative
2,350–3,150 2-MWe
wind turbines, for a
total of
4,700–6,300 MWe
(DOE 2008);
2,000–2,900 MWe
installed solar PV
Spread across multiple
sites throughout TVA
solar PV installed at
developed sites and
existing buildings
An existing power
An existing power
An existing nuclear
plant site (other than plant site (other than power plant site (other
SQN) or brownfield SQN) or brownfield than SQN);
site with available
site with available
some infrastructure
infrastructure in the infrastructure in the upgrades may be
TVA region; some
TVA region; some
upgrades may be
upgrades may be
would require
construction of a new
or upgraded supply
Closed-cycle with
Closed-cycle with
Closed-cycle with natural N/A
mechanical draft
natural draft cooling draft cooling towers;
cooling towers;
cooling water withdrawal
cooling water
cooling water
48–62 mgd;
withdrawal 14.9 mgd; withdrawal 33.5 mgd; consumptive water use
consumptive water consumptive water 45–48 mgd (NRC 2013)
use 11.4 mgd
use 26.6 mgd
(NETL 2010a,
(NETL 2010a,
48 ac for the plant
131 ac for the plant 1,000 ac (TVA 2013);
Wind farms would
(NETL 2010b);
(NETL 2010a);
2,400 ac for uranium
require 1,410–1,890 ac
8,640 ac for wells,
7,440–52,800 ac for mining and processing (NRC 2013);
collection site,
coal mining and
(TVA 2013)
standalone solar PV
pipeline (NRC 1996) waste disposal
installations would
(NRC 1996)
12,400–17,980 ac
(Renné et al. 2008).
2,880 during peak
2,880–6,000 during 5,000 during peak
200 during peak
peak construction;
120–180 during
360–480 during
540–720 during
50 during operations
Sources: Cited values derived or scaled from NETL 2010a, 2010b, 2010c; NRC 1996, 2013; Renné et al. 2008;
TVA 2013 Natural Gas Combined-Cycle Alternative
Natural gas combined-cycle (NGCC) systems represent the largest majority of the total number
of plants currently under construction or planned in the United States. The EIA projects that
natural gas-fired generation will account for the largest single share of new generating capacity
Alternatives Including the Proposed Action
in the United States (37 percent) through 2040 (EIA 2013a). Factors that contribute to the
current popularity of NGCC facilities include high capacity factors (ratio of actual output to
potential output at full capacity, over a given period of time), low relative construction costs, low
gas prices, and relatively low air emissions. Development of new NGCC plants may be affected
by uncertainties about the continued availability and price of natural gas (though less so than in
the recent past) and future regulations that may limit greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. A
gas-fired power plant, however, produces markedly fewer GHGs per unit of electrical output
than a coal-fired plant of the same electrical output.
Combined-cycle power plants differ significantly from most coal-fired and all existing nuclear
power plants. Combined-cycle plants derive the majority of their electrical output from a gas
turbine and then generate additional power—without burning any additional fuel—through a
second steam-turbine cycle. The exhaust gas from the gas turbine is still hot enough to boil
water to steam. Ducts carry the hot exhaust to a heat recovery steam generator, which
produces steam to drive a steam turbine and produce additional electrical power. The
combined-cycle approach is significantly more efficient than any one cycle on its own; thermal
efficiency (ratio of electrical power output to electrical power input) can exceed 50 percent
versus 39 percent for conventional single-cycle facilities (NETL 2010a; Siemens 2007). In
addition, because the natural gas-fired alternative derives much of its power from a gas-turbine
cycle, and because it wastes less heat than the existing SQN units, it requires significantly less
cooling water.
While nuclear reactors, on average, operate with capacity factors above 90 percent
(SQN Units 1 and 2 operated at a 96 percent average capacity factor from 2008 to 2010
(TVA 2013)), the staff expects that an NGCC alternative would operate with roughly an
85 percent capacity factor. Nonetheless, the staff assumes that a similar-sized NGCC facility
would be capable of providing adequate replacement power for the purposes of this NEPA
Typical power trains for large-scale NGCC power generation would involve one, two, or
three combined-cycle units, available in a variety of standard sizes, mated to a heat-recovery
steam generator. To complete the assessment of an NGCC alternative, the NRC assumes that
appropriately sized units could be assembled to annually produce electrical power in amounts
equivalent to SQN. For purposes of this review, the staff evaluated an alternative that consists
of six parallel Advanced F Class units, 400 megawatts electric (MWe) each, equipped with
dry-low-nitrogen-oxide combustors to suppress nitrogen oxide formation and selective catalytic
reduction of the exhaust with ammonia for post combustion control of nitrogen oxide emissions.
This alternative provides 2,400 MWe of capacity, replacing the full 2,400 MWe produced by
In its ER, TVA scaled from estimates in the 1996 GEIS of 0.11 ac/MW (110 ac per 1,000 MW for
an NGCC plant) to calculate a land requirement for the NGCC alternative of approximately
264 ac (107 ha) (TVA 2013). For the purposes of this analysis, NRC staff will use a scaling
factor of 0.02 ac/MW, based on updated information from DOE sources (NETL 2010b). Using
this updated scaling factor, a 2,400-MWe NGCC alternative would require approximately
48 ac (19 ha) of land. Depending on the site location and availability of existing natural gas
pipelines, a 100-ft wide (30.5-m wide) right-of-way may be needed for a new supply pipeline.
The NGCC alternative may also require up to 8,640 ac (3,497 ha) of land for wells, collection
stations, and pipelines to bring the gas to the plant (NRC 1996). Most of this land requirement
would occur on land where gas extraction already occurs.
The NRC staff assumes that an NGCC alternative would utilize a closed-cycle cooling system
and be equipped with mechanical-draft cooling towers. The NGCC alternative would require
Alternatives Including the Proposed Action
approximately 14.9 mgd (0.65 m3/s, 23 cfs) of water for cooling and related processes
(NETL 2010a, 2010b). Consumptive water use by the plant would be approximately 77 percent
of the amount withdrawn, or about 11.4 mgd (0.5 m3/s, 17.6 cfs) (NETL 2010a, 2010b).
While siting an alternative on the SQN site would allow for the fullest use of existing ancillary
infrastructure, such as transmission and support buildings, and minimize the use of undisturbed
land, space constraints on the SQN site preclude that option (TVA 2013). In its ER, TVA
assumed that the NGCC alternative could be located outside the Tennessee Valley if the
electricity could be efficiently routed to the SQN region (TVA 2013). The NRC determined that
this assumption is valid, and for the purposes of this analysis also assumes that the NGCC
alternative could be constructed at another existing nuclear power plant site or brownfield 1 site
with available infrastructure elsewhere in the TVA region or SERC region, which would mitigate
construction impacts in a similar way to building the alternative at the SQN site. It is possible
that an NGCC alternative constructed at an existing power plant site would require some
infrastructure upgrades, such as improved transmission lines or modifications to existing intake
or cooling systems, but the NRC staff expects that these impacts would be smaller than those
necessary to support an NGCC alternative constructed on an undeveloped site.
Wherever the NGCC alternative is constructed, it is likely to require a new or upgraded pipeline
to supply natural gas to the facility. Some of the natural gas supplied to this alternative is likely
to come from Tennessee or from neighboring states, but the NGCC alternative is unlikely to
directly trigger new natural gas development in Tennessee or the TVA region.
NGCC power plants are feasible, commercially available options for providing electric
generating capacity beyond the current SQN license expiration dates. The overall
environmental impacts of an NGCC alternative, as well as the environmental impacts of
proposed SQN license renewal, are discussed in Chapter 4. Supercritical Pulverized Coal Alternative
Coal-fired generation historically has been the largest source of electricity in the United States;
however, due to cost uncertainties associated with anticipated future environmental regulations
(such as cap-and-trade and greenhouse emission regulations), projections for future coal-fired
generation vary (EIA 2013a; NRC 2013). In its 2013 Annual Energy Outlook, the EIA projects
that coal’s generation share could fall from 48 percent in 2008 to 35 percent in 2040, or as low
as 27 percent in some projections (EIA 2013a). In Tennessee, 41 percent of electricity was
generated using coal-fired power plants in 2010 (EIA 2012b). Baseload coal units have proven
their reliability and can routinely sustain capacity factors of 85 percent or greater. Among the
various boiler designs available, pulverized coal boilers producing supercritical steam (SCPC
boilers) are the most likely variant for a coal-fired alternative given their generally high thermal
efficiencies and overall reliability.
While nuclear reactors, on average, operate with capacity factors above 90 percent, the new
SCPC coal-fired power plant would operate with roughly an 85 percent capacity factor. Despite
the slightly lower capacity factor, an SCPC plant would be capable of providing adequate
replacement power for a nuclear plant for the purposes of this NEPA analysis.
A myriad of sizes of pulverized coal boilers and steam turbine generators (STGs) are available;
however, the NRC staff assumes that four equal-sized boiler/STG powertrains, operating
independently and simultaneously, would likely be used to match the power output of SQN. To
complete this analysis, the NRC staff assumes that all powertrains would have the same
A brownfield site is an abandoned, idled, or under-used industrial and commercial facilities in which expansion or redevelopment is
sometimes complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination (EPA 2011, NRC 2013).
Alternatives Including the Proposed Action
features, operate at generally the same conditions, have similar impacts on the environment,
and be equipped with the same pollution-control devices, such that once all parasitic loads
(electric power consumed that does not contribute to the net electric yield) are overcome, the
net power available would be equal to 2,400 MWe. The NRC staff assumes that 6 percent of an
SCPC boiler’s gross capacity is needed to supply typical parasitic loads (plant operation plus
control devices for criteria pollutants to meet New Source Performance Standards). Introducing
controls for GHG emissions (i.e., carbon capture and sequestration (CCS)) would cause the
parasitic load to increase to 27.6 percent of the boiler’s gross rated capacity (NETL 2010a).
However, because of uncertainty regarding future GHG regulations and the limited real-world
experience in CCS at utility-scale power plants, parasitic loads associated with CCS are not
considered. Various bituminous coal sources are available to coal-fired power plants in
Tennessee. EIA reports that, in 2009, Tennessee produced electricity from coal with heating
values of 12,650 British thermal units per pound (Btu/lb), sulfur content of 1.25 percent, and ash
of 8.87 percent (EIA 2010b). For the purpose of this evaluation, the staff assumes that coal
burned in 2009 will be representative of coal that would be burned in a coal-fired alternative
regardless of where it was located. Approximately 0.7 percent of the coal burned in Tennessee
in 2009 came from mines in Tennessee. Wyoming, Illinois, and Kentucky supplied most of the
remaining coal (EIA 2010b). Bituminous coals from Tennessee and Georgia mines have
average carbon dioxide emission factors of 204.8 to 206.1 lb per million Btu of heat input,
respectively (Hong and Slatick 1994).
In its ER, TVA determined that the current
SQN site was not viable to accommodate a
coal-fired alternative with net generating
capacity sufficient to meet the power
production of SQN because of limited space
on the SQN site (TVA 2013). The staff
considers this assessment valid and the
analysis of the impacts, in this SEIS, of the
coal-fired alternative assumes that the SCPC
coal-fired power plant would be sited at an
existing power plant site or brownfield site
with available infrastructure to take
advantage of existing infrastructure. The site
could be located in Tennessee or elsewhere
in the TVA or SERC regions.
Supercritical Steam
“Supercritical” refers to the thermodynamic
properties of the steam being produced. Steam
whose temperature and pressure is below water’s
“critical point” (3,200 pounds per square inch
absolute (psia) (221 bar] and 705 °F (374 °C)) is
subcritical. Subcritical steam forms as water boils
and both liquid and gas phases are observable in
the steam. The majority of coal boilers currently
operating in the United States produce subcritical
steam with pressures around 2,400 psia (165 bar)
and temperatures as high as 1,050 °F (566 °C).
Above the critical point pressure, water expands
rather than boils, and the liquid and gaseous
phases of water are indistinguishable in the
supercritical steam that results. More than
150 coal boilers currently operating in the
United States produce supercritical steam with
pressures between 3,300 and 3,500 psia (228 to
241 bar) and temperatures between 1,000 and
1,100 °F (538 to 593 °C). Ultrasupercritical boilers
produce steam at pressures above 3,600 psia
(248 bar) and temperatures exceeding 1,100 °F
(593 °C). There are only a few of these boilers in
operation worldwide, none of which are in the
United States.
It is reasonable to assume that a coal-fired
alternative would use supercritical steam
(see text box). Supercritical steam
technologies are increasingly common in
new coal-fired plants. They are
commercially available and feasible.
Supercritical plants operate at higher
temperatures and pressures than older
subcritical coal-fired plants and, therefore,
can attain higher thermal efficiencies. While
supercritical facilities are more expensive to
construct than subcritical facilities, they consume less fuel for a given output, reducing
environmental impacts throughout the fuel life cycle. The NRC staff expects that a new
supercritical coal-fired plant would operate at a heat rate of 8,721 British thermal units per
kilowatt hour (EIA 2010a), or approximately 39 percent thermal efficiency. However, heat inputs
Alternatives Including the Proposed Action
could be less, depending on the coal source and whether fuel blending is practiced in order to
remain compliant with emission limitations.
In its ER, TVA scaled from estimates in the 1996 GEIS of 1.7 ac per MW to calculate a land
requirement for the SCPC alternative of approximately 4,080 ac (1,651 ha) (TVA 2013). For the
purposes of this analysis, NRC staff will use an updated scaling factor of 0.05 ac per MW,
based on updated information from DOE sources (NETL 2010a, 2010b). Using this updated
scaling factor, a 2,400-MWe SCPC alternative would require approximately 131 ac (53 ha) of
land. The 1996 GEIS estimates that up to 22,000 ac (8,900 ha) of land would be necessary for
coal mining and processing for a 1,000-MWe coal-fired plant (22 ac per MW) (NRC 1996).
A 2010 NETL study, however, estimated a much smaller scaling factor of 3.1 ac per MW
(NETL 2010c). Because the NETL study was based on only one operating coal mine (Galatia
Mine, Illinois), NRC staff will use a range of 7,440 ac (3,011 ha) to 52,800 ac (21,400 ha) of land
for coal mining and processing for the SCPC alternative.
The NRC staff assumes that an SCPC alternative would utilize a closed-cycle cooling system
and be equipped with natural-draft cooling towers. The SCPC alternative would require
approximately 34 mgd (1.5 m3/s, 53 cfs) of water for cooling and related processes
(NETL 2010a, 2010c). Consumptive water use by the plant would be approximately 80 percent
of the amount withdrawn, or about 27 mgd (1.2 m3/s, 42 cfs) (NETL 2010a, 2010c).
SCPC coal-fired power plants are currently commercially available and currently are feasible
alternatives to SQN license renewal. The overall environmental impacts of a coal-fired
alternative, as well as the environmental impacts of proposed SQN license renewal, are
discussed in Chapter 4. New Nuclear Alternative
In Tennessee, 15.9 percent of electricity was generated using nuclear power plants in 2010
(EIA 2012b). As noted by EIA in its Annual Energy Outlook (EIA 2013a), nuclear generation is
expected to grow by 14.3 percent from 2011 through 2040. The EIA projects that nuclear
capacity will increase by 19 gigawatts (GW) (1 GW equals 1,000 MW) through 2040, including
8.0 GW of expansions at existing plants and 11.0 GW of new capacity (EIA 2013a). A new
nuclear power plant is likely to be similar to SQN in terms of capacity factor.
Several designs are possible for a new nuclear facility. However, a two-unit nuclear power plant
similar to the existing SQN in output is most likely. Currently, four nuclear reactor designs have
been certified, including the 1,300-MWe U.S. Advanced Boiling Water Reactor, the 1,300-MWe
System 80+ Design, the 600-MWe AP600 Design, and the 1,100-MWe AP1000 Design
(NRC 2013). The new nuclear alternative would rely on a closed-cycle cooling system with
natural-draft cooling towers, similar to the cooling system currently in place at SQN.
In its ER, TVA determined that the current SQN site was not viable to accommodate a new
nuclear alternative with net generating capacity sufficient to meet the power production of SQN
because of insufficient space at the SQN site (TVA 2013). The NRC staff supports this
assumption, and for the purposes of this analysis also assumes that the new nuclear alternative
would most likely be constructed on a site that already hosts a nuclear power plant elsewhere in
the TVA region or SERC region. This placement would allow the new nuclear alternative to take
advantage of existing site infrastructure, including transmission lines and some support facilities.
In February 2012, the NRC issued two combined licenses (COLs) for the construction and
operation of two AP1000 reactors at the Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant site in
Waynesboro, Georgia (77 FR 12332; NRC 2013). In March 2012, NRC issued two COLs for
the construction and operation of two new AP1000 reactors at the Virgil C. Summer Nuclear
Station site in Jenkinsville, South Carolina (77 FR 21593; NRC 2013).
Alternatives Including the Proposed Action
In its ER, TVA calculated a land requirement for the new nuclear alternative of approximately
1,000 ac (405 ha) based on the sizes of TVA’s existing nuclear plant sites (Browns Ferry, SQN,
and Watts Bar, which range from 600 to 1,500 ac (243 to 607 ha)) (TVA 2013). This estimate is
consistent with the 2013 GEIS, which estimates a land requirement of 500 to 1,000 ac (202 to
405 ha) for a new nuclear plant (NRC 2013). For the purposes of this analysis, NRC staff will
use TVA’s estimate of 1,000 ac (405 ha). TVA also estimated that up to 2,400 ac (971 ha) of
land would be affected by the uranium mining and processing during the life of the nuclear plant
(TVA 2013).
The NRC staff assumes that a new nuclear alternative would utilize a closed-cycle cooling
system and be equipped with natural-draft cooling towers. Because SQN only operates in
open-cycle and helper cooling modes, water consumption for the new nuclear alternative would
be considerably greater than SQN (see Section The new nuclear alternative would
require approximately 62 mgd (2.7 m3/s, 96 cfs) of water for cooling and related processes
(NETL 2010a, 2010c). Consumptive water use by the plant would be approximately 80 percent
of the amount withdrawn, or about 48 mgd (2.1 m3/s, 74 cfs) (NETL 2010a, 2010c).
New nuclear power plants are commercially available and feasible alternatives to SQN license
renewal. The overall environmental impacts of a new nuclear alternative, as well as the
environmental impacts of proposed SQN license renewal, are discussed in Chapter 4. Combination Wind and Solar Alternative
The combination alternative consists of 4,700 to 6,300 MWe of total installed wind capacity and
2,000 to 2,900 MWe of total installed solar PV capacity to provide the balance needed to
replace SQN. The staff applied a capacity-factor-based approach to determining the relative
amount of wind and solar power in this alternative.
The overall environmental impacts of a combination wind and solar (PV) alternative, as well as
the environmental impacts of proposed SQN license renewal, are discussed in Chapter 4.
Wind Power Portion
The feasibility of wind as a baseload power source depends on the availability, accessibility, and
constancy of the wind resource within the region of interest. Wind power, in general, cannot be
stored without first being converted to electrical energy. Wind power installations, which may
consist of several hundred turbines, produce variable amounts of electricity. SQN, however,
produces electricity almost constantly. Because wind power installations deliver variable output
when wind conditions change, wind power cannot substitute for existing baseload generation on
a one-to-one basis.
The energy potential in wind is expressed by wind generation classes, which range from 1 (least
energetic) to 7 (most energetic). Wind resources with wind speeds of at least 15.7 miles per
hour (mph) (7.0 meters per second (m/s)), that is, Class 3 or better, are most desirable for
utility-scale amounts of electricity. Utility-scale wind potential in the State of Tennessee and the
surrounding TVA region is relatively low compared to other parts of the country, with the
majority of the region rated at Class 1 or 2 (DOE 2012). A 2010 NREL report estimated a wind
potential of 1,247 MWe in the TVA region, while DOE estimated approximately 3,219 MW in the
seven states that comprise the TVA region (NREL 2011). TVA owns one small windfarm with
three 660-kilowatt (kW) turbines on Buffalo Mountain near Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and
purchases 27 MW of wind generated electricity from another windfarm on Buffalo Mountain
(TVA 2011a). Due to lack of available resources, TVA has taken the approach of procuring
wind power through power purchase agreements (PPAs) with other States that do have the
available wind energy potential (TVA 2011b). TVA has entered into PPAs with seven windfarms
for a total of 1,625 MW (TVA 2011b).
Alternatives Including the Proposed Action
Wind power is a commercially available and feasible means of generating electricity. Although
the TVA region has relatively low wind energy potential, other areas in the SERC region have
higher potential wind resources (DOE 2012). A study by Archer and Jacobson (2007) indicates
that an array of interconnected wind sites (19 in the study) spread across significant distances
(with approximately 850 km (530 mi) distance from north to south and east to west) could
provide 21 percent of installed capacity 79 percent of the time. While the sites in Archer and
Jacobson’s study, in most cases, accessed higher power-class wind resources than are readily
available onshore in the TVA region, the approach suggests that approximately 20 percent of
the installed capacity in a series of interconnected wind installations could provide baseload
power. Therefore, this study indicates that interconnecting windfarms, as assumed in this
alternative, may provide a source of consistent baseload power. In this alternative, the staff
considers a wind alternative that relies on numerous, interconnected wind installations scattered
across the TVA or SERC region. This arrangement ensures that generators are sufficiently
dispersed so that low-wind or no-wind conditions are unlikely to occur at all or most locations at
any given time.
Wind farms currently operate at much lower capacity factors than nuclear power. For example,
SQN operated at a 96-percent average capacity factor from 2008 to 2010 (TVA 2013).
Currently, DOE estimates that wind turbine installations operate at 39 percent or lower capacity
factors because of the variability of wind resources (DOE 2008). NREL uses a capacity factor
range of 30 to 37 percent (NREL 2013; Tegen et al. 2013). Capacity factors are likely to
increase as wind turbine technology advances and as operators become more experienced in
maximizing output. According to a DOE report, capacity factors improved by 11 percent from
2005 to 2006 (DOE 2008). The DOE report states that most common large turbines have a
rated capacity of between 1 MW and 3 MW, with rotor diameters between 60 m and 90 m (197
and 295 ft), tower heights between 60 m and 100 m (197 and 328 ft), and capacity factors
between 30 and 40 percent (DOE 2008). For the purposes of this analysis, the staff will assume
a capacity factor range of 30 to 40 percent. In the wind portion of this alternative, the staff
considers a wind alternative that relies on numerous interconnected wind installations scattered
across the TVA or SERC region, with an installed capacity between 4,700 MWe and
6,300 MWe. Relying on commonly available 2-MWe turbines, 2,350 to 3,150 turbines would be
required to replace SQN generation in conjunction with the solar portion of this alternative
described below.
Since wind turbines require ample spacing between one another to avoid air turbulence, the
footprint of a utility scale wind farm could be quite large. Wind energy facilities require
approximately 0.3 ac (0.12 ha) of land per MW (NRC 2013). Most of the wind farms would likely
be located on open agricultural cropland, which would remain largely unaffected by the wind
turbines. Once the installation of the turbines and the construction of support facilities are
completed, land areas between the turbines can be used for other beneficial (nonintrusive)
uses. During operations, only 5–10 percent of the total acreage within the wind farm is actually
occupied by turbines, access roads, support buildings, and associated infrastructure while the
remaining land area can be returned to its original condition or some other compatible use, such
as farming or grazing.
This alternative assumes all wind power would be generated onshore because it is currently
commercially available and a feasible means of generating electricity. While some offshore
wind development is possible by 2024, no commercial offshore wind installations currently
operate in the United States, despite more than a decade of development efforts. In the Atlantic
Ocean, several commercial wind-power projects have been proposed, but none have yet
received final approvals or begun construction.
Alternatives Including the Proposed Action
Solar Photovoltaic Portion
Solar energy potential is a function of average daily solar insolation and is reported either as
direct normal radiation (without diffuse light) or total radiation (direct and diffuse light)
(TVA 2011a). In PV systems, sunlight incident on special PV materials produces direct current
electricity. An advantage of PV is that it is suitable for locations with low direct-sun irradiation.
The potential for solar technologies to serve as reliable baseload power alternative depends on
the value, constancy, and accessibility of the solar resource. Solar resources across the
United States are good to excellent, with solar insolation levels ranging from about 2.7 to
6.8 kilowatt hours per square meter per day (kWh/m2/day) (NREL 2012). Tennessee receives
approximately 4.5 to 5.0 kilowatt hours per square meter per day (kWh/m2/day) of global
radiation, compared to roughly 6.0 to 8.0 kWh/m2/day in areas of the Southwest and West, such
as California (NREL 2012). Other states within the TVA region receive 5.0 to 5.5 kWh/m2/day of
global radiation (NREL 2012). A 2007 study which calculated the net PV energy density for
each state concluded that solar resources in the TVA region are plentiful, with TVA region states
ranking between 14th and 29th in PV energy density (Denholm and Margolis 2007; TVA 2011a).
Currently, TVA owns 14 PV installations, with a combined capacity of about 280 kW
(TVA 2011b). TVA has taken a similar approach of procuring solar power as it has with wind
power, through PPAs with other States that have available solar energy potential (TVA 2011b).
TVA projects the acquisition of an additional 365 MW of solar capacity through PPAs by 2020
(TVA 2011b). In TVA’s renewable portfolio projections, solar accounts for approximately 7 to
10 percent net renewable capacity, approximately 185 to 365 MW, by the year 2029
(TVA 2011b).
The PV technologies would generally be installed on building roofs at existing residential,
commercial, or industrial sites; however, some solar installations may also be built at standalone
solar sites. Land use impacts may vary depending on the amount of additional land required
and the actual allocation of solar installations. The footprint of a utility scale standalone PV
solar installation would be quite large, with approximately 12,400 to 17,980 ac (5,018 to
7,276 ha) of land needed to support a 2,000- to 2,900-MW solar PV alternative (Renné
et al. 2008). Installing PV solar technologies on building rooftops would reduce the amount of
land required for standalone solar. A 2008 study found the PV rooftop potential solar capacity in
the TVA region to be approximately 23,000 MW (Paidipati et al. 2008; TVA 2011a). Based on
this, NRC staff assumes that sufficient rooftop space exists throughout the TVA or SERC
regions to support installation of the solar PV portion of this alternative solely on existing
structures, thus minimizing potential for land-use and terrestrial ecology impacts from solar PV
2.3 Alternatives Considered but Dismissed
Alternatives to SQN license renewal that were considered and eliminated from detailed study
are presented in this section. These alternatives were eliminated because of technical,
resource availability, or current commercial limitations. Many of these limitations would continue
to exist when the current SQN licenses expire.
2.3.1 Wind Power
The feasibility of wind power relies on the availability of the wind resource within the region of
interest and access to transmission infrastructure. In recent years, wind power has increased in
scale significantly, and the largest operating plant in the United States is a 1,020-MW facility
located in Tehachapi Pass in Kern County, California. The advantages of wind power are the
use of a renewable natural resource and no direct airborne emissions. Disadvantages are a
Alternatives Including the Proposed Action
large total land commitment (although much of the land surrounding individual wind turbines
could be used for other purposes such as agriculture), a relatively low capacity factor, aesthetic
intrusion, and bird and bat casualties.
The energy potential in wind is expressed by wind generation classes, which range from 1 (least
energetic) to 7 (most energetic). Wind resources with wind speeds of at least 15.7 mph
(7.0 m/s), that is, Class 3 or better, are most desirable for utility-scale amounts of electricity.
However, advances in wind energy technology development, specifically blade diameter, make
areas previously considered “low” wind resources, such as areas with wind speeds of 13.4 mph
(6 m/s), suitable for development (NREL 2011).
The majority of Tennessee and the TVA region is classified as a Class 1 or Class 2 region
(NREL 2009). Approximately 29 MW of wind capacity is operating in the TVA region as of 2011,
all of which is located within the State of Tennessee (DOE 2012). Based on the amount of
available windy land area, the NREL estimates 309 MW of potential installed wind capacity for
Tennessee, and 3,219 MW for the entire TVA region, with a gross capacity factor of 30 percent
at 80-m (260-ft) heights above ground (NREL 2011). Although this does not address current
cost and turbine design limitations, as stated previously, turbine technology improvements are
leading to industry expectations to serve sites with lower wind speeds (NREL 2012).
The potential for energy storage could address the variable aspect of wind power, which is now
one of the primary drivers behind renewed interest in energy storage. Storage provides one
solution to provide firm capacity and energy, allowing intermittent generation to effectively
replace baseload generation. As of 2009, only four energy storage technologies (sodium-sulfur
batteries, pumped hydro, compressed air energy storage, and thermal storage) have a
worldwide installed capacity that exceeds 100 MW (NREL 2012).
As a result, the NRC staff does not consider new wind generation to be a reasonable
standalone alternative to SQN license renewal. However, when combined with other renewable
technologies, wind energy can contribute to a viable alternative. The NRC staff evaluated such
a possible combination in Section
2.3.2 Solar Power
Solar technologies, including PV and solar thermal (also known as concentrated solar power
(CSP), use the sun’s energy to produce electricity at a utility scale. In PV systems, special PV
materials convert the energy contained in photons of sunlight to direct current electricity that can
be aggregated, converted to alternating current, and connected to the high-voltage transmission
grid. Some PV installations, especially those located on existing buildings, provide power
directly to consumers without first going onto the grid. The CSP technologies produce electricity
by capturing the sun’s heat energy. The CSP facilities are typically grid connected, and owing
to size and operational characteristics, are not located atop existing structures. Although some
aspects of solar generation result in few environmental impacts, solar technology requires
substantial land areas, and CSP technologies require roughly the same amount of water for
cooling of the steam cycle as most other thermoelectric technologies.
The potential for solar technologies to serve as reliable baseload power alternative to SQN
depends on the value, constancy, and accessibility of the solar resource. Both PV and CSP are
enjoying explosive growth worldwide, especially for various off-grid applications or to augment
grid-provided power at the point of consumption; however, discrete baseload applications still
have technological limitations. Solar power generation typically requires backup generation or
other means of balancing its variable output. Further, PV installations have no ability to provide
power at night, and they provide reduced levels of power on overcast days, during fog events,
and when snow accumulates. While their generation during summer months is high when
Alternatives Including the Proposed Action
electricity consumption is high, their capacity to generate electricity in winter declines before the
evening electricity demand peaks.
EIA reports the total solar generating capacity (CSP and solar PV) in the United States in 2011
was 1,524 MW, 0.01 percent of the total nationwide generating capacity. Solar power produced
1.818 million megawatt hours (MWh) of power in 2011, 0.04 percent of the nationwide
production (EIA 2013b). The NRC staff is not aware of any CSP facilities in the United States
that are not located in the Southwest, while many PV installations occur throughout the country.
As a result, the NRC staff determined that a solar-powered alternative in the TVA region would
rely on solar PV technology rather than CSP technology.
Because PV does not produce electricity at night and produces diminished amounts of power
during particular weather conditions, the staff does not consider solar PV to provide a viable
standalone alternative to license renewal. Load balancing or firming methods (using storage to
remove the variability of available solar resources) would be necessary for solar to serve as a
standalone alternative to SQN. Technology to achieve load balancing or firming methods is not
yet feasible or commercially available, which is part of the reason why the NRC staff determined
that this alternative is not reasonable. However, when combined with other renewable
technologies, solar power can contribute to a viable alternative. The NRC staff evaluated such
a possible combination in Section
2.3.3 Conventional Hydroelectric Power
Currently, there are approximately 2,000 operating hydroelectric facilities in the United States.
Hydroelectric technology captures flowing water and directs it to a turbine and generator to
produce electricity (NRC 2013). There are three variants of hydroelectric power:
run-of-the-river (diversion) facilities redirect the natural flow of a river, stream, or canal through a
hydroelectric facility; store-and-release facilities block the flow of the river by using dams that
cause water to accumulate in an upstream reservoir; and pumped storage facilities use
electricity from other power sources to pump water to higher elevations during off-peak load
periods to be released during peak load periods through the turbines to generate additional
electricity. Store-and-release facilities affect large amounts of land behind the dam to create
reservoirs, but can provide substantial amounts of power at capacity factors greater than
90 percent. Power generating capacities of run-of-the-river facilities fluctuate with the flow of
water in the river, and operation is typically constrained (and suspended entirely during certain
periods) so as not to create undue stress on an aquatic ecosystem. Capacities of pumped
storage facilities are dependent on the configuration and capacity of the elevated storage
The EIA projects that hydropower will remain the leading source of renewable generation
through 2040; however, there is little expected growth in hydropower capacity (EIA 2013). The
potential for future construction of large hydropower facilities has diminished due to increased
public concerns over flooding, habitat alteration and loss, and destruction of natural river
courses (NRC 2013).
A comprehensive survey of hydropower resources in Tennessee was completed in 1997 by
DOE’s Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) (now known as the
Idaho National Laboratory). In the study, generating potential was defined by a model that
considered the existing hydroelectric technology at developed sites, or applied the most
appropriate technology to undeveloped sites, and introduced site-specific environmental
considerations and limitations. Tennessee had limited hydroelectric potential, with a total
generating potential of 138 MWe (INEEL 1997a). This potential was spread across 22 sites,
one of which had the potential for 90 MWe of generation, or 65 percent of the total undeveloped
Alternatives Including the Proposed Action
hydropower potential of the Tennessee river basins. Most other states in the TVA region have
similarly limited undeveloped potential (Conner et al. 1998), with the largest potential in Virginia,
which has 617 MWe spread across 88 sites (INEEL 1997b).
More recently, EIA reported that, in 2010, conventional hydroelectric power (excluding pumped
storage) was the principal electricity generation source among renewable sources in Tennessee
(EIA 2012c). Approximately 2,624 MWe of hydroelectric capacity was installed in Tennessee as
of 2010. Those installations provided 8,138 gigawatt hours (GWh) of electricity (EIA 2012c).
Although hydroelectric facilities can demonstrate relatively high capacity factors, the small
potential capacities and actual recent power generation of hydroelectric facilities in Tennessee,
combined with the diminishing public support for large hydroelectric facilities because of their
potential for adverse environmental impacts, supports the NRC staff’s conclusion that
hydroelectric is not a feasible alternative to SQN.
2.3.4 Geothermal Energy
Geothermal technologies extract the heat contained in geologic formations to produce steam to
drive a conventional steam-turbine generator. Geothermal energy facilities have demonstrated
capacity factors of 90 to 98 percent, making geothermal energy clearly eligible as a source of
baseload electric power (NRC 2013). However, as with other renewable energy technologies,
the ultimate feasibility of geothermal energy serving as a baseload power replacement for SQN
depends on the quality and accessibility of geothermal resources within or proximate to the
region of interest—in this case, the TVA or SERC region. Most domestic geothermal resources
exist in the western United States, with the greatest contribution of geothermal energy to
electricity production occurring in California. As of October 2009, the United States had a total
installed geothermal electricity production capacity of 3,153 MWe originating from geothermal
facilities in eight states—Alaska, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and
Wyoming. Additional geothermal projects are being considered in 14 other states. Neither
Tennessee nor the TVA region has adequate geothermal resources to support utility-scale
electricity production (GEA 2010). NRC staff concludes, therefore, that geothermal energy does
not represent a feasible alternative to SQN.
2.3.5 Biomass Energy
When used here, “biomass energy” includes crop residues, switchgrass grown specifically for
electricity production, forest residues, methane from landfills, methane from animal manure
management, primary wood mill residues, secondary wood mill residues, urban wood wastes,
and methane from domestic wastewater treatment. The feasibility of using biomass fuels for
baseload power depends on its geographic distribution, available quantities, constancy of
supply, and energy content. Biomass energy conversion is accomplished using a wide variety
of technologies, including direct burning, conversion to liquid biofuels, and biomass gasification.
In a study completed in December 2005, Milbrandt of NREL documented the geographic
distribution of biomass fuels within the United States, reporting the results in metric tons (MT)
available (dry basis) per year. Most counties in Tennessee have limited potential for biomass
fuels, with the exception of Shelby County. Use of biomass fuels in Tennessee is also limited.
Beyond the wood and wood waste considered in Section 2.3.7, generators in the State used
biomass fuels to produce merely 2,000 MWh of electricity in 2010 (EIA 2012).
TVA has a cofiring methane facility at the Allen Fossil Plant and also purchases about 21 MW of
non-wood waste biomass-fueled generation, including 9.6 MW of landfill gas generation and
11 MW of corn milling residue generation (TVA 2011b). TVA’s Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)
also includes up to 490 MW of biomass generation and landfill generation, some of which
Alternatives Including the Proposed Action
includes the conversion of existing coal-fired units to biomass-fired units and cofiring biomass
with coal at existing coal plants (TVA 2011b). TVA is currently assessing the feasibility of
converting coal-fired units to biomass fuel.
In the GEIS (NRC 2013), the NRC indicated that technologies relying on a variety of biomass
fuels had not progressed to the point of being competitive on a large scale or of being reliable
enough to replace a baseload plant such as SQN. After reevaluating current technologies, and
after reviewing existing Statewide capacities and the extent to which biomass is currently being
used to produce electricity, the NRC staff finds biomass-fueled alternatives are still unable to
replace the SQN capacity and are not considered feasible alternatives to SQN license renewal.
2.3.6 Municipal Solid Waste
Municipal solid waste (MSW) combustors use three types of technologies—mass burn, modular,
and refuse-derived fuel. Mass burning is currently the method used most frequently in the
United States and involves no (or little) sorting, shredding, or separation. Consequently, toxic or
hazardous components present in the waste stream are combusted, and toxic constituents are
exhausted to the air or become part of the resulting solid wastes. Currently, approximately
87 waste-to-energy plants operate in 25 states, processing 97,000 tons (88,000 MT) of MSW
per day. Approximately 26 million tons (24 million MT) of trash were processed in 2008 by
waste-to-energy facilities. With a reliable supply of waste fuel, waste-to-energy plants have a
nationwide aggregate capacity of 2,720 MWe (compared to a 2,400 MWe capacity at SQN) and
can operate at capacity factors greater than 90 percent (ERC 2010).
The decision to burn municipal waste to generate energy is usually driven by the need for an
alternative to landfills, rather than energy considerations. Regulatory structures that once
supported MSW incineration no longer exist. For example, the Tax Reform Act of 1986 made
capital-intensive projects, such as municipal waste combustion facilities, more expensive
relative to less capital-intensive waste disposal alternatives, such as landfills. Additionally, the
1994 Supreme Court decision C & A Carbone, Inc., et al. v. Town of Clarkstown, New York,
struck down local flow control ordinances that required waste to be delivered to specific
municipal waste combustion facilities rather than landfills that may have had lower fees. In
addition, environmental regulations have increased the capital cost necessary to construct and
maintain municipal waste combustion facilities.
Given the limited nationwide implementation of MSW-based generation to date (only 7 percent
greater than the capacity of SQN), the small average installed size of MSW plants, the likelihood
that additional stable streams of MSW are not likely to be available to support numerous new
facilities, and the increasingly unfavorable regulatory environment, the NRC staff does not
consider MSW combustion to be a reasonable alternative to SQN license renewal.
2.3.7 Wood Waste
The use of wood waste to generate utility-scale baseload power is limited to those locations
where wood waste is plentiful (NRC 1996). Wastes from pulp, paper, and paperboard industries
and from forest management activities can be expected to provide sufficient, reliable supplies of
wood waste as feedstocks to external combustion sources for energy generation. Beside the
fuel source, the technological aspects of a wood-fired generation facility are virtually identical to
those of a coal-fired alternative—combustion in an external combustion unit such as a boiler to
produce steam to drive a conventional STG. Given constancy of the fuel source, wood waste
facilities can be expected to operate at equivalent efficiencies and reliabilities. Costs of
operation would depend significantly on processing and delivery costs. Wood waste
combustors would be sources of criteria pollutants and GHGs, and pollution control
Alternatives Including the Proposed Action
requirements would be similar to those for coal plants. Unlike coal plants, there is no potential
for the release of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) such as mercury. Cofiring of wood waste with
coal is also technically feasible. Processing the wood waste into pellets can improve the overall
efficiency of such cofired units.
Although cofired units can have capacity factors similar to baseload coal-fired units, such levels
of performance are dependent on the continuous availability of the wood fuel. In Tennessee,
2010 electricity generating capacity from wood waste was 185 MWe and produced
914,000 MWh (EIA 2012). TVA has a cofiring wood waste facility at Colbert Fossil Plant and
currently purchases about 70 MW of wood waste generation through PPAs (TVA 2011b). Given
the limited capacity and modest actual electricity production, the NRC staff has determined that
production of electricity from wood waste would not be a feasible alternative to SQN license
2.3.8 Ocean Wave and Current Energy
Ocean waves, currents, and tides represent kinetic and potential energies. Waves, currents,
and tides are often predictable and reliable; ocean currents flow consistently, while tides can be
predicted months and years in advance with well-known behavior in most coastal areas. The
total annual average wave energy off the U.S. coastlines at a water depth of 60 m (197 ft) is
estimated at 2,100 terawatt-hours (TWh) (2,100,000,000 MWh) (MMS 2006). In general,
technologies that harness ocean wave energy are in their infancy and have not been used at a
utility scale, though these technologies may become commercially available in the near future
as more feasibility studies and prototype tests are conducted.
Ocean current energy technology is similarly in its infancy. In relatively constant currents,
ocean turbines can produce sufficient capacity factors for baseload demand (MMS 2006). Only
a small number of prototypes and demonstration units have been deployed to date.
The NRC staff is not currently aware of any plans to develop or deploy ocean wave and ocean
current generation technologies on a scale similar to that of SQN. Consequently, due to
relatively high costs and limited planned implementation the NRC staff concludes that ocean
energy technologies are not feasible substitutes for SQN.
2.3.9 Oil-Fired Power
EIA projects that oil-fired plants will account for very little of the new generation capacity
constructed in the United States during the 2008 to 2030 time period (EIA 2013a). In 2010,
Tennessee generated 0.3 percent of its total electricity from oil (EIA 2012).
The variable costs of oil-fired generation tend to be greater than those of nuclear or coal -fired
sources, and oil-fired generation tends to have greater environmental impacts than natural
gas-fired generation. In addition, future increases in oil prices are expected to make oil-fired
generation increasingly expensive (EIA 2013a). The high cost of oil has prompted a steady
decline in its use for electricity generation. Thus, the NRC staff does not consider oil-fired
generation as a reasonable alternative to SQN license renewal.
2.3.10 Fuel Cells
Fuel cells oxidize fuels without combustion and its environmental side effects. Power is
produced electrochemically by passing a hydrogen-rich fuel over an anode and air (or oxygen)
over a cathode and separating the two by an electrolyte. The only byproducts (depending on
fuel characteristics) are heat, water, and carbon dioxide. Hydrogen fuel can come from a
Alternatives Including the Proposed Action
variety of hydrocarbon resources by subjecting them to steam reforming under pressure.
Natural gas is typically used as the source of hydrogen.
Currently, fuel cells are not economically or technologically competitive with other alternatives
for electricity generation (EIA 2012). Fuel cell units are likely to be small in size (the EIA
reference plant is 10 MWe). While it may be possible to use a distributed array of fuel cells to
provide an alternative to SQN, it would be extremely costly to do so and would require many
units and wholesale modifications to the existing transmission system. Accordingly, the NRC
staff does not consider fuel cell technology to be a reasonable alternative to SQN license
2.3.11 Coal-Fired Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle
Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) is an emerging technology for generating
electricity with coal that combines modern coal gasification technology with both gas turbine and
steam turbine power generation. Gasifiers, similar to those used in oil refineries, use heat
pressure and steam to pyrolyze (thermally reform complex organic molecules without oxidation)
coal to produce synthesis gases (generically referred to as syngas) typically composed of
carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and other flammable constituents. After processing to remove
contaminants and produce various liquid chemicals, the syngas is combusted in a combustion
turbine to produce electric power. Separating the carbon dioxide from the syngas before
combustion is also possible. Latent heat is recovered both from the syngas as it exits the
gasifier and from the combustion gases exiting the combustion turbine and directed to a heat
recovery steam generator feeding a conventional Rankine cycle STG to produce additional
amounts of electricity. Emissions of criteria pollutants would likely be slightly higher than those
from an NGCC alternative but significantly lower than those from the supercritical coal-fired
alternative. Depending on the gasification technology employed, IGCC would use less water
than SCPC units but slightly more than NGCC (NETL 2010a). Long-term maintenance costs of
this relatively complex technology would likely be greater than those for a similarly sized SCPC
or NGCC plant.
Only a few IGCC plants are operating at utility scale. Operating at higher thermal efficiencies
than supercritical coal-fired boilers, IGCC plants can produce electrical power with fewer air
pollutants and solid wastes than coal-fired boilers. To date, however, IGCC technologies have
had limited application and have been plagued with operational problems such that their
effective, long-term capacity factors are often not high enough for them to reliably serve as
baseload units. Although IGCC technology may become more commonplace in the future,
current operational problems that compromise reliability result in the dismissal of this technology
as a viable alternative to SQN license renewal.
2.3.12 Delayed Retirement
The retirement of a power plant ends that power plant’s ability to supply electricity. Delaying the
retirement of a power plant enables that power plant to continue supplying electricity. TVA’s
IRP, issued in March 2011, outlines TVA’s plan to retire 18 of its 59 coal-fired units by the end of
2017 (TVA 2011b). Delayed retirement of these units would provide approximately 2,400 to
4,700 MWe of capacity, or about 16 percent of its coal-fired generation. TVA’s decision to retire
these coal plants was based on the age of the fleet, increasingly stringent air quality regulations,
and the anticipation of new generating capacity from Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2 and a new
combined-cycle plant at the John Sevier Fossil Plant (TVA 2011b).
Most retired units are dirtier and less efficient than new units. Often, units are retired because
operation is no longer economical. In some cases, the cost of environmental compliance or
Alternatives Including the Proposed Action
necessary repairs and upgrades are too high to justify continued operation. As a result, the
NRC staff does not consider delayed retirement a reasonable alternative to license renewal.
2.3.13 Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management
In its ER, TVA indicates that its energy efficiency and demand response (EEDR) program by
itself would not be a reasonable alternative to license renewal (TVA 2013). While the NRC staff
finds this position reasonable for purposes of this analysis, it notes that demand-side
management (DSM) is an option for energy planners and decisionmakers—and it may be a
potential consequence of a no action alternative—and so it is discussed in this section.
As addressed in the GEIS, DSM measures are efforts designed to either reduce electricity
demand at the retail level or alter the shape of the electricity load (NRC 2013). DSM programs
can include incentives for equipment upgrades, improved codes and standards, rebates or rate
reductions in exchange for allowing a utility to control or curtail the use of high-consumption
appliances or equipment, training in efficient operation of building heating and lighting systems,
direct payments in consideration for avoided consumption, or use of price signals to shift
consumption away from peak times (NRC 2013).
In terms of overall ability to offset or replace an existing baseload power plant, DSM measures
that reduce energy consumption, typically referred to as energy conservation and energy
efficiency, are the most useful. Though often used interchangeably, energy conservation and
energy efficiency are different concepts. Energy efficiency typically means deriving a similar
level of service by using less energy, while energy conservation simply indicates a reduction in
energy consumption. Conservation measures may include incentives to reduce overall energy
consumption, while efficiency measures may include incentives to replace older, less efficient
appliances, lighting, or heating and cooling systems. A variety of conservation or energy
efficiency measures would likely be necessary to replace the capacity currently provided by
TVA currently has an EEDR program, which outlines a variety of residential, commercial, and
industrial programs, as well as education and outreach (TVA 2011a). TVA’s current power
planning approach, outlined in its IRP, shows an increase in focus on the EEDR program. The
IRP strategy reduces required energy and capacity needs by approximately 14,000 GWh and
4,700 MW, respectively, by the year 2029, using a variety of power planning scenarios
(TVA 2011b). In 2011, TVA commissioned a study from Global Energy Partners (GEP) to
determine the potential for EEDR as a resource to help meet the TVA region’s future energy
needs (EnerNOC 2011a). The 2012 update to the 2011 study projected potential cumulative
annual energy savings of approximately 2.1 to 4.7 percent (3,061 to 6,993 GWh) of the region’s
baseline energy forecast in 2015, and approximately 9.6 to 17.9 percent (17,343 to
32,474 GWh) of the baseline forecast in 2030 (EnerNOC 2012). GEP’s study notes that TVA’s
energy efficiency and DSM programs are “off to a strong start,” and provides general
recommendations to TVA to reach the projected potentials (EnerNOC 2011b). GEP’s energy
efficiency recommendations include coordinating the distributor layer between TVA and energy
end-users, maintaining a transparent stakeholder process, creating internal energy efficiency
targets, pursuing light savings, creating targeted marketing messages, and expanding TVA’s
knowledge of its customer base (EnerNOC 2011b). GEP’s DSM recommendations include
expanding DSM programs to include smaller customers, focusing efforts on programs with the
largest potential, providing incentives for voltage regulation programs, customers, and
technologies (EnerNOC 2011b).
Alternatives Including the Proposed Action
Because it is unlikely that demand reductions in the TVA region could be sufficiently increased
to replace the SQN baseload capacity, the NRC staff did not consider DSM to be a reasonable
alternative to license renewal.
2.3.14 Purchased Power
It is possible that replacement power may be imported from outside the SQN region of interest,
which would have little or no measurable environmental impact in the vicinity of SQN; however,
impacts could occur where the power is generated or anywhere along the transmission route,
depending on the generation technologies used to supply the purchased power (NRC 2013).
As described in earlier sections, TVA is currently a party to numerous short-term and long-term
PPAs, totaling 4,495 MW of generating capacity (TVA 2011b). For the PPAs that TVA has
contracted, it is assumed that the supplier will either interconnect with the TVA transmission
grid, or obtain a transmission path to the grid. Based on the PPAs TVA currently has in place
with various transmission companies in other states, impacts from operation of other generators
could occur within the TVA region, the SERC region, or outside both regions. TVA dismissed
purchased power as a reasonable alternative for meeting load obligations if the SQN licenses
are not renewed (TVA 2013). TVA acknowledged in its ER that PPAs have an inherent risk of
power not being delivered and, based on its IRP, TVA must plan for the possibility of
undelivered purchased capacity (TVA 2011b, 2013).
Purchased power would likely come from one or more of the other types of alternatives
considered in this chapter. As a result, operational impacts would be similar to the operational
impacts of the alternatives considered in this chapter. Unlike the alternatives considered in this
chapter, however, facilities from which power would be purchased would not likely be
constructed solely to replace SQN. Purchased power may, however, require new transmission
lines (which may require new construction), and may also rely on slightly older and less efficient
power plants that operate at higher capacities than they currently operate.
2.4 Comparison of Alternatives
In this SEIS, the NRC considers both the proposed action (license renewal of the SQN
operating licenses); alternatives to the proposed action, including the no-action
alternative (denial of renewed SQN licenses); and, alternatives to SQN license renewal
that were considered and eliminated from detailed study, as described in the preceding
sections. Table 2–1 in this chapter summarizes key design characteristics of the
alternatives evaluated in depth.
The environmental impacts of the proposed action are evaluated in Chapter 4 of this
SEIS, along with the environmental impacts of the no-action alternative and each of the
replacement power alternatives considered in depth above (the NGCC alternative, the
SCPC alternative, the new nuclear alternative, and the combination wind and solar
alternative). Table 2–2 presents a summary comparison of the environmental impacts of
the proposed action and alternatives that were evaluated in detail with respect to
common resource areas. The NRC staff concluded that the environmental impacts of
renewal of the operating licenses for SQN would be smaller than those of feasible and
commercially viable alternatives. The no-action alternative, the act of shutting down
SQN on or before its licenses expires, would have SMALL environmental impacts in
most areas with the exception of socioeconomic impacts which would have SMALL to
LARGE environmental impacts. Continued operations of SQN would have SMALL
Alternatives Including the Proposed Action
environmental impacts in all areas. The staff concluded that continued operation of the
existing SQN is the environmentally preferred alternative.
Table 2–2. Summary of Environmental Impacts of Proposed Action and Alternatives
Natural Gas
Land Use
Air Quality
Special Status
Historic and
Impact Area
Surface Water
Socioeconomics SMALL
Human Health
(Wind and
New Nuclear Solar)
The magnitude of impacts could vary widely based on site selection and the presence or absence of special status
species and habitats when the alternative is implemented; thus, the NRC staff cannot forecast a level of impact for
this alternative.
The NRC staff concludes that license renewal would cause no adverse effect on historic properties.
This alternative would not have disproportionately high and adverse human health and environmental effects on
minority and low-income populations in the vicinity of the SQN.
The No-Action alternative could disproportionately affect minority and low-income populations.
2.5 References
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Alternatives Including the Proposed Action
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Alternatives Including the Proposed Action
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Alternatives Including the Proposed Action
[NRC] U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 2013. Generic Environmental Impact Statement
for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants. Revision 1. Washington, DC: NRC. NUREG-1437,
Volumes 1, 2, and 3. June 30, 2013. 1,535 p. ADAMS Nos. ML13106A241, ML13106A242, and
[NREL] National Renewable Energy Laboratory. 2010. “Energy Analysis—Energy Technology
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Paidipati J, Frantzis L, Sawyer H, Kurrasch A. 2008. Rooftop Photovoltaics Market Penetration
Scenarios. Golden, CO: NREL. NREL/SR-581-42306. February 2008. 105 p. Available at
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Renné D, George R, Wilcox S, Stoffel T, Myers D, Heimiller D. 2008. Solar Resource
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[Siemens] Siemens Power Generation. 2007. Technical Data: Combined Cycle Power Plant
Performance Data. Available at < http://www.energy.siemens.com/hq/pool/hq/powergeneration/power-plants/gas-fired-power-plants/combined-cyclepowerplants/Siemens%20Combined%20Cycle%20Plants.pdf
http://www.energy.siemens.com/hq/pool/hq/power-generation/power-plants/gas-fired-powerplants/combined-cycle-powerplants/Siemens%20Combined%20Cycle%20Plants.pdf >
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Tegen S, Lantz E, Hand M, Maples B, Smith A, Schwabe P. 2013. 2011 Cost of Wind Energy
Review. NREL/TP-5000-56266. March 2013. 50 p. Available at
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[TVA] Tennessee Valley Authority. 2011a. Environmental Impact Statement for TVA’s Integrated
Resource Plan. Knoxville, TN: TVA. Volume 1. March 2011. 282 p. Available at
<http://www.tva.gov/environment/reports/irp/archive/pdf/IRP_FEIS-V1_complete.pdf> (accessed
21 October 2013).
[TVA] Tennessee Valley Authority. 2011b. Integrated Resource Plan, TVA’s Environmental &
Energy Future. March 2011. 217 p. Available at
<http://www.tva.gov/environment/reports/irp/archive/pdf/Final_IRP_complete.pdf> (accessed
21 October 2013).
[TVA] Tennessee Valley Authority. 2013. Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2—License
Renewal Application, Appendix E, Applicant’s Environmental Report, Operating License
Renewal Stage. January 7, 2013. 783 p. ADAMS No. ML130240007, Parts 2–8 of 8.
In this supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS), the “affected environment” is the
environment that currently exists at and around Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 (SQN).
Because existing conditions are at least partially the result of past construction and operation at
the plant, the impacts of these past and ongoing actions and how they have shaped the
environment are presented here. The facility and its operation are described in Section 3.1.
The affected environment is presented in Sections 3.2 to 3.13.
3.1 Description of Nuclear Power Plant Facility and Operation
SQN is a two-unit nuclear power plant located in Hamilton County, Tennessee. It began
commercial operation in July 1981 (Unit 1) and June 1982 (Unit 2). Generally , the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff drew information about SQN’s facilities and operation from
Tennessee Valley Authority’s (TVA) Environmental Report (ER) (TVA 2013n).
3.1.1 External Appearance and Setting
The SQN site is approximately 18 miles (mi) (29 kilometers (km)) northeast of Chattanooga,
Tennessee, and approximately 31 mi (50 km) south-southwest of the Tennessee Valley
Authority (TVA) Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) site. The SQN site is approximately 630 acres
(ac) (250 hectares (ha)). The power production portion of SQN is located on 525 ac (212 ha).
SQN’s training center is located on the remaining 105 ac (42.5 ha) (TVA 2013n).
The SQN site is located on a peninsula on the western shore of Chickamauga Reservoir at
Tennessee River Mile (TRM) 484.5. The town of Soddy-Daisy, Tennessee, is located 6 mi
(10 km) west of site. Figure 3–1 and Figure 3–2 present 50-mi (80-km) and 6-mi (10-km)
vicinity maps, respectively.
The SQN site’s main structures include two reactor buildings, a turbine building, an auxiliary
building, a control building, a service and office building, a diesel generator building, an intake
pumping station, an essential raw cooling water (ERCW) pumping station, two natural draft
cooling towers, 161-kilovolt (kV) and 500-kV switchyards, a condensing water discharge and
diffuser system, and an independent spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI). The site’s tallest
structures are the two 459-ft cooling towers (TVA 2013n).
The area of the SQN site completely enclosed by a security fence with access to the area
controlled at a security gate is called the protected area. A plant security system monitors the
protected area, as well as buildings within the protected area. Principal roadways near the SQN
site are US 27 and Tennessee Route 319 (Hixson Pike). Sequoyah Access Road leads directly
to the SQN site. The nearest occupied residence is 0.5 mi (0.8 km) north-northwest of the site
boundary (TVA 2013n).
The SQN exclusion area boundary (EAB) defines the area around the reactors where TVA has
the authority to determine all activities, including exclusion or removal of personnel and property
(NRC 2014). Figure 3–3 shows the general features of the facility, the protected area, and the
Affected Environment
Figure 3–1. SQN 50-mi (80-km) Radius Map
Source: TVA 2013n
Affected Environment
Figure 3–2. SQN 6-mi (10-km) Radius Map
Source: TVA 2013n
Affected Environment
Figure 3–3. SQN General Site Layout
Source: TVA 2013n
Affected Environment
3.1.2 Nuclear Reactor Systems
The nuclear reactor for each of the two SQN units is a Westinghouse pressurized-water reactor
(PWR), producing a reactor core rated thermal power of 3,586 megawatts thermal (MWt). The
nominal net electrical capacity for SQN is 2,400 megawatts electric (MWe). SQN uses a
once-through cooling system, aided by periodic operation of cooling towers. The system
withdraws cooling water from and discharges to Chickamauga Reservoir (TVA 2013n).
The nuclear fuel is low-enriched (less than 5 percent by weight) uranium dioxide, with a
maximum average burnup level of less than 62,000 megawatt-days/metric ton of uranium.
Refueling and maintenance outages for SQN Units 1 and 2 are on a staggered 18-month
schedule (TVA 2013n).
The containment for each reactor consists of a steel containment vessel with an ice condenser
and a shield building. The steel containment vessel is a freestanding carbon steel structure
composed of a cylindrical wall, a hemispherical dome, and a bottom liner plate encased in
concrete. The ice condenser system, located inside the steel containment vessel, provides
containment energy removal and pressure suppression for certain accident events. The system
contains about two million pounds of ice located in 1,944 baskets. The shield building encloses
the steel containment vessel. It is a reinforced concrete cylinder supported by a circular base
concrete foundation resting on bedrock and covered with a spherical dome (TVA 2013n).
3.1.3 Cooling and Auxiliary Water Systems
As discussed previously, SQN uses pressurized-water reactors in the nuclear steam supply
system. At SQN, water is withdrawn from the Chickamauga Reservoir portion of the
Tennessee River to cool plant components and to condense the steam exiting the turbines to
liquid water. Normally, the vast majority of withdrawn water is discharged back through SQN’s
diffuser pond system and into the reservoir at a point 1.1 mi (1.8 km) downstream from the
intake. The waste heat in the thermal discharge is dissipated to the atmosphere mainly by
evaporation from the water body and, to a much smaller extent, by conduction, convection, and
thermal radiation loss.
The SQN cooling system functions to remove heat from the steam and transfers that heat to the
environment. Excess heat is removed using a combination cooling system: a once-through
condenser circulating water (CCW) system that may be assisted by two natural-draft cooling
towers (i.e., helper mode operation) (TVA 2013n). Helper mode operation is typically
implemented when the mixing zone river temperature downstream of SQN’s discharge diffuser
climbs to within about 1 °F (0.6 °C) of SQN’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) permit limits. SQN also uses helper mode during low flow conditions to limit the
upstream propagation of heat from the SQN discharge diffusers (NPDES-permitted Outfall 101)
to the plant intake 1.1 mi (1.8 km) upstream. The number of cooling tower lift pumps (CTLPs) in
operation controls the degree of cooling that can be achieved from helper mode (TVA 2013j).
From an operations standpoint, helper mode is defined as full operation of one cooling tower
and at least three CTLPs in service for each operating unit (TVA 2013n).
For each of the two turbine generator units, SQN’s CCW system can supply a theoretical
maximum of 561,000 gpm (1,250 cfs or 35.3 m3/s) of water for the main condensers and water
for the raw cooling water (RCW) system that supplies auxiliary systems. The CCW system is
comprised of a total of six pumps housed in SQN’s CCW intake pump station located at the end
of the intake channel, as depicted in Figure 3–3 (TVA 2013j, 2013n).
The essential raw cooling water (ERCW) system is designed to continuously supply cooling
water to SQN systems and components necessary for plant safety. The eight supply and four
Affected Environment
associated screen-wash pumps of the ERCW system are housed in the ERCW intake pump
station located at the top of the plant’s skimmer wall structure (see Figure 3–3).
The SQN maximum surface water withdrawal rate from Chickamauga Reservoir is
approximately 1,166,000 gpm (2,600 cfs (73.5 m3/s)), or 1,680 mgd (TVA 2011c, 2011d). The
plant’s consumptive use of water withdrawn is essentially zero when operated in open mode
and could be as much as 31,250 gpm (70 cfs (1.98 m3/s)) or 45 mgd in full helper mode
(TVA 2013n).
Generally, the NRC staff drew information about SQN’s cooling and auxiliary water systems
from the TVA’s ER (TVA 2013n) and responses to the NRC’s request for additional information
(TVA 2013d-f, 2013j). Individual SQN systems that interact with the environment are further
summarized below with a focus on facilities owned and operated by TVA.
Affected Environment
Figure 3–4. Location of SQN Cooling Water Supply Facilities and Surface Water Features
Source: TVA 2013f
Affected Environment Cooling Water Intake System
Both the CCW and ERCW systems are supplied from Chickamauga Reservoir using intake
structures on the upstream end of the SQN site. An intake skimmer wall, situated approximately
400 ft (122 m) into the reservoir, spans the entrance to the embayment leading to SQN’s CCW
intake. The intake channel extends approximately 1,800 ft (550 m) from the skimmer wall to the
CCW intake pump station (see Figure 3–4). The skimmer wall has a clear opening length of
550 ft (167 m) and an opening height of 9.7 ft (3 m). The top of the opening is 641 ft (195 m)
above mean sea level (MSL), which is approximately 34 ft (10 m) below minimum pool elevation
of Chickamauga Reservoir (TVA 2013j, 2013n). Based on the design CCW flow rate, the staff
determined that the average velocity through the skimmer wall opening is approximately 0.47
feet per second (fps) (0.14 meters per second (m/s)). This is consistent with the original design
velocity (i.e., 0.5 fps (0.15 m/s)), which TVA confirmed remains valid (TVA 2013j).
The skimmer wall is designed to allow withdrawal of cooler water from the lower depths of
Chickamauga Reservoir (TVA 2013n). River water temperature stratification with depth is
typical from late spring through early fall. In this case, the river stage (water elevation) can
influence the location of the river thermocline (thin layer of water in which temperature changes
more rapidly with depth than it does in the layers above or below) relative to the location of the
withdrawal zone for SQN’s cooling water intake. In contrast, the vertical river temperature
distribution is more uniform in the late fall, winter, and early spring. Under these conditions,
river stage has little effect on the plant intake water temperature (TVA 2013j).
Dam hydropeaking operations (the practice of abruptly increasing dam discharge and river flow
for added power generation during periods of high demand) temporarily increase river
discharges and produce higher levels of turbulence that result in deeper mixing of warm surface
water. This produces higher water temperatures in SQN’s cooling water withdrawal zone.
When hydropeaking is deemed detrimental to SQN’s intake water temperature, TVA reduces or
suspends hydropeaking operations to provide calmer, steadier flows in Chickamauga Reservoir,
which tends to stabilize intake water temperature for SQN. Dam hydropeaking operations have
less effect on plant intake water temperature in late fall through early spring when the vertical
river temperature is more uniform than in late spring through early fall (TVA 2013j).
Another engineered feature that affects cooling water intake temperatures is the presence of a
submerged dam across the main river channel. This dam is situated approximately 1 mi
(1.6 km) downstream from the intake skimmer wall (about 250 ft (80 m) upstream from the
discharge diffusers). The dam is about 90 ft (27 m) thick and 900 ft (274 m) long, with its crest
at 654 ft (199 m) above MSL or 13 ft (4 m) above the top of the skimmer wall opening
(TVA 2013j, 2013n). The dam is designed to provide a subpool of cooling water for the CCW
intake pumps in the event of a sudden drop in the Chickamauga Reservoir level
(e.g., catastrophic water release from the downriver Chickamauga Dam). The submerged dam
also serves to impound cooler water in the lower layer of Chickamauga Reservoir, making it
available for SQN withdrawals. This has the effect of decreasing the potential for any water
wedge buildup of discharge water emanating from the discharge diffusers extending upstream
to the plant intake (TVA 2011c, 2013n).
Condenser Circulating Water System. The CCW system is designed to condense steam that
has passed through each turbine generator and to dissipate all rejected heat. Efficient
operation of the turbine generators will limit the maximum temperature rise for water circulating
through the steam condensers to about 29.5 °F (16.4 °C). Depending on the thermal conditions
in Chickamauga Reservoir, there are three operational modes for controlling the temperature of
SQN’s thermal discharge to the reservoir: open, helper, and closed. In open mode, the system
operates as a once-through cooling system, and water exiting the CCW system is discharged
Affected Environment
directly to the reservoir after passing through SQN’s pond system. In helper mode, water
exiting the CCW system is pumped to the cooling towers so that some of the heat can be
transferred to the atmosphere before the water is returned to Chickamauga Reservoir. In
closed mode, plant hydraulics return flow from the cooling tower(s) to the intake forebay by way
of the cooling tower discharge (return) channel (see Figure 3–4). However, closed mode testing
after plant startup determined that cooling tower performance is not sufficient for sustaining this
mode without significant power derates (TVA 2013n).
The CCW system consists of six circulating water pumps, a water intake structure and
discharge lines, traveling screens, screen wash pumps, and associated piping, valves, and
instrumentation. Each pump has a capacity of 187,000 gpm (417 cfs or 11.8 m3/s). The
nominal (design) CCW flow through the condensers with both SQN units in operation is about
1,070,000 gpm (2,384 cfs (67.3 m3/s) or about 1,541 mgd) (TVA 2013j, 2013n).
The circulating water pumps are mounted vertically in the intake structure and discharge into
six separate lines and then to two separate conduits, with one conduit supplying each unit’s
main condenser. From the intake channel, water flows into the intake structure through racks
designed to remove larger trash items, such as driftwood, plastic containers, etc. The flow then
passes through six traveling screens (i.e., one for each pump) with a velocity of approximately
2.08 fps (0.63 m/s). The traveling screens were replaced in February 2013 (TVA 2013d-f,
2013j, 2013n). The traveling screens have 3/8-in. (0.95-cm) square openings and are designed
to trap smaller trash and any larger-sized trash that may have passed through the trash racks.
There are currently no fish return systems or any plans for structural or operational measures to
reduce entrainment and impingement of fish and shellfish associated with the CCW intake
structure (TVA 2013n).
Upon discharge to the CCW discharge channel (see no. 5 in Figure 3.4) and ultimately through
the diffuser pond system as further discussed below, the CCW flow can provide for dilution and
dispersion of routine low-level radioactive liquid wastes. As discussed in Section 3.1.4, such
low-level radioactive effluents are released only in small quantities and in accordance with
applicable NRC and other Federal regulations (TVA 2011c, 2013n).
Raw Cooling Water (RCW) System. In addition to condenser cooling, the CCW system supplies
water to the plant RCW system for use by auxiliary equipment. This includes pumps, which, in
turn, supply cooling water to nonessential systems (i.e., systems not necessary for the safe
shutdown of the reactor). Raw cooling water can also be supplied by gravity directly from the
river by way of the condenser intake tunnels without the CCW pumps (TVA 2013n).
Cooling Tower Operation. In helper mode, control gates are lowered at the end of the CCW
discharge channel (see no. 5 in Figure 3–4) and condenser discharge water is pumped into the
cooling towers by the CTLPs, where part of the waste heat is rejected to the atmosphere.
Four CTLPs are designed to deliver approximately 560,000 gpm (1,248 cfs or 35.2 m3/s) of
water to each cooling tower (TVA 2013j, 2013n). The original cooling tower pumping station
included eight CTLPs. However, following operational damage, one of the CTLPs was
abandoned, with the plant’s current design basis reflecting use of seven CTLPs. Control valves
allow any of the lift pumps to supply flow to either one or both of the cooling towers. As a
consequence, if five or more CTLPs are placed in service, the headers must be aligned through
the control valves to supply flow to both cooling towers. After exiting the cooling towers, the
treated flow enters the diffuser pond through a gate structure (TVA 2013j).
From 2006 through 2009, cooling towers were in service an average of 112.7 days per year
(TVA 2011c). For the period 2007–2011, helper-mode use averaged about 120 days a year.
Between 2007 and 2013, SQN operated cooling towers an average of 125 equivalent days per
year, with a minimum of 34 equivalent days in 2009 and a maximum of 197 equivalent days
Affected Environment
in 2008. TVA calculates equivalent days of cooling tower operation based on a summation of
the number of hours where at least one CTLP is in service (TVA 2013j).
The cooling towers are designed to reject waste heat to the atmosphere, thereby cooling the
CCW and controlling the temperature of the thermal discharge at the edge of the mixing zone
established for SQN’s diffusers (NPDES Outfall 101) (TVA 2013n). Cooling tower operation is
used by TVA to comply with the conditions of the plant’s current NPDES permit
(No. TN0026450) issued to TVA by the Tennessee Department of Environment and
Conservation (TDEC), Division of Water Pollution Control. As described below, the permit
imposes the following limitations at the edge of SQN’s diffuser mixing zone:
the 24-hour downstream temperature must not exceed 30.5 °C (86.9 °F),
except in cases when the 24-hour ambient river temperature exceeds 29.4 °C
(84.9 °F). In these cases, the 24-hour downstream temperature can exceed
30.5 °C (86.9 °F) when SQN is operated in helper mode (defined as full
operation of one cooling tower and at least three CTLPs in service for each
operating unit), but, in such situations, the hourly average downstream
temperature must not exceed 33.9 °C (93.0 °F) without the consent of TDEC;
the maximum 24-hour average temperature rise is limited to 3.0 °C (5.4 °F) for
April through October and 5.0 °C (9.0 °F) for November through March; the
maximum hourly average temperature change is limited to 2.0 °C (3.6 °F) per
SQN’s NPDES permit delineates the maximum extent of the mixing zone as an area
750 ft (230 m) wide and extending 1,500 ft (457 m) downstream and 275 ft (85 m) upstream of
the plant’s twin diffusers. The depth of the mixing zone varies linearly from the water surface
275 ft (85 m) upstream of the diffusers to the top of the diffuser pipes and then extends to the
bottom downstream of the diffusers. For closed-mode operation, the mixing zone also includes
the area of the forebay to the CCW intake pump station.
The amount of cooling water loss caused by evaporation and drift from the cooling towers
depends on such factors as flow volume, the temperature of the water delivered to the cooling
towers, and local weather conditions. When operated in helper mode under design conditions
(which TVA identifies as a “conservative upper-bounding scenario”), water losses to the
atmosphere from evaporation and drift resulting from cooling tower operation can consume up
to 31,250 gpm (70 cfs (1.98 m3/s, or 45 mgd)) of water (TVA 2013n).
Diffuser Pond and Discharge to River. Heated water is discharged either from the CCW
discharge channel (when in open mode) or from the cooling towers (when in helper mode)
directly into the diffuser pond (see no. 6 in Figure 3–4). From the diffuser pond, the wastewater
(including cooling tower blowdown during helper mode operations) and other permitted effluent
sources are conveyed to the Chickamauga Reservoir through two corrugated metal diffuser
pipes that extend under the pond’s diked embankment into the river channel. The upstream
and downstream diffuser pipes are 17 ft (5.2 m) and 16 ft (4.9 m) in diameter, respectively, and
the diffuser sections of the discharge pipes are installed in the 900-ft (274-m) wide navigation
channel of the Chickamauga Reservoir. Each diffuser section is 350 ft (107 m) long and
contains seventeen 2-in. (5.1-cm) diameter ports per foot of pipe length. The downstream
diffuser pipe discharges across a section 0 to 350 ft (0 to 107 m) from the SQN side of the
deeper main navigation channel. The diffuser section of the longer upstream diffuser pipe
discharges across a section 350 to 700 ft (107 to 214 m) from the SQN side of the main channel
(TVA 2011c, 2013n). Flow rate through SQN’s diffusers is controlled by the elevation difference
between the water levels in the diffuser pond and in the Chickamauga Reservoir. At peak plant
operation, each diffuser discharges about 1,250 cfs (35.3 m3/s) of effluent to the river. The
Affected Environment
diffuser pond will discharge to the river through the diffusers whenever the pond level is greater
than the reservoir level (TVA 2013n). According to TVA, a gate will be reinstalled by the end of
2015 that allows for the downstream diffuser to be closed off, routing all flow through the
upstream diffuser, when discharge to the diffuser pond is low and the elevation difference
between the pond and the reservoir is less than about 4 ft (1.2 m). Essential Raw Cooling Water System
The essential raw cooling water (ERCW) system is a safety-related system (seismic Category 1
structure) used to supply cooling water to various heat loads in both the primary (radiological)
and secondary (nonradiological) portions of each SQN unit. It is operated to provide a
continuous flow of cooling water to those systems and components necessary for plant safety
during normal operations, or under accident conditions.
The ERCW intake pump station is located near the north end of the intake skimmer wall (see
Figure 3–4). It is designed to be operable for all Chickamauga Reservoir levels, including the
probable maximum flood and loss of the Chickamauga Dam. The estimated minimum river flow
for the ERCW system to operate is only 45 cfs (1.27 m3/s). To protect the intake from floating
debris, a floating trash boom (shown in Figure 3–4) extends from a spit on the upstream end of
the SQN site, around the ERCW intake pump station, to the skimmer wall to the south. The
station houses eight ERCW pumps, four traveling water screens, four screen wash pumps,
four strainers, and associated piping and valves. These components are divided between each
of the plant’s two units. Each of the eight ERCW pumps are rated at 11,000 gpm (24.5 cfs
(0.69 m3/s)), and the screen wash pumps are each rated at 270 gpm (0.6 cfs (0.017 m3/s))
(TVA 2011c, 2013n). While the ERCW system has a total of eight pumps, minimum combined
safety requirements are met by only two pumps in operation per each of the plant’s two ERCW
cooling trains.
Water withdrawn from the reservoir enters the pumping station through the ¼-in. (0.64-cm)
mesh traveling water screens at a velocity of <0.50 fps (<0.15 m/s) and into a corresponding
ERCW pump pit, each served by two ERCW pumps. The screens are designed to remove
3/8-in. (0.95-cm) diameter and larger objects. A routine manual backwash of the traveling
screens is performed four times per week, but may be performed on an unscheduled basis as
needed. The ERCW pumping station supplies water to the SQN auxiliary building systems
through four independent sectionalized supply headers. The return discharge from the various
heat exchangers served by the ERCW system goes to a seismically qualified open basin with
overflow capability, then flows by gravity to the cooling tower discharge channel (see no. 7 in
Figure 3–4), and ultimately to the diffuser pond, where it provides a continuous source of return
water for effluent dilution, including low-level radioactive liquid effluents (TVA 2013n).
3.1.4 Radioactive Effluent, Waste, and Environmental Monitoring Programs
As part of their normal operations and as a result of equipment repairs and replacements
caused by normal maintenance activities, nuclear power plants routinely generate both
radioactive and nonradioactive wastes. Nonradioactive wastes include hazardous and
nonhazardous wastes. There is also a class of waste, called mixed waste, which is both
radioactive and hazardous. The systems used to manage (i.e., treat, store, and dispose of)
these wastes are described in this section. Waste minimization and pollution prevention
measures commonly employed at nuclear power plants are also discussed in this section.
All nuclear plants were licensed with the expectation that they would release radioactive
material to both the air and water during normal operation. However, NRC regulations require
that radioactive gaseous and liquid releases from nuclear power plants must meet radiation
dose-based limits specified in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 20,
Affected Environment
“Standards for protection against radiation,” and the as low as is reasonably achievable
(ALARA) criteria in Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. Regulatory limits are placed on the radiation
dose that members of the public can receive from radioactive effluents released by a nuclear
power plant. All nuclear power plants use radioactive waste management systems to control
and monitor radioactive wastes.
The liquid, gaseous, and solid waste processing systems used by SQN collect and process, as
needed, radioactive materials produced as a byproduct of plant operations. The radioactive
liquid and gaseous effluents are processed to reduce the levels of radioactive material before
discharge to the environment. This is to ensure that the dose to members of the public from
radioactive effluents is reduced to levels that are ALARA in accordance with NRC regulations.
The radioactive material removed from the effluents is converted into a solid form for eventual
disposal at a licensed radioactive disposal facility.
SQN’s radiological environmental monitoring program (REMP) assesses the radiological impact,
if any, to the public and the environment from radioactive effluents released during operations at
SQN. The REMP measures the aquatic, terrestrial, and atmospheric environment for
radioactivity, as well as the ambient radiation. In addition, the REMP measures background
radiation (i.e., cosmic sources, global fallout, and naturally occurring radioactive material,
including radon).
SQN’s Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) contains the methods and parameters used to
calculate offsite doses resulting from radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents. These methods
are used to ensure that radioactive material discharges meet NRC and Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) regulatory dose standards. The ODCM also contains the
requirements for the REMP (TVA 2013b). Liquid Waste Processing Systems and Effluent Controls
Radioactive liquids are processed as necessary by the liquid waste processing system (LWPS)
for release to the environment into the Tennessee River/Chickamauga Reservoir. The layout of
the LWPS consists of two main subsystems designed for collecting and processing the liquid
waste. Provisions are made to sample and analyze the liquids to ensure the radiation levels are
within NRC and EPA regulatory standards and are ALARA before being released. Based on the
laboratory analysis, these wastes are either released under controlled conditions via the cooling
water system or retained for further processing. The data from the analysis are used to ensure
that the release conforms to the controls specified in the ODCM. The ODCM’s controls are
based on the concentration of radioactive material in the liquid effluent and the projected dose
from the release.
The liquid waste is processed through a demineralizer system that removes soluble and
suspended radioactive material using ion exchange and filtration processes before being
released into the environment. Once the resin and filter media are expended, it is processed for
disposal. The system has controls to prevent an inadvertent release. For example, at least two
valves must be manually opened to permit the liquid waste to be released from the plant, and
one of these valves is normally locked closed. In addition, an automatic control valve will stop
the release if there is a high effluent radioactivity level signal.
Parts of the LWPS are shared by the two units. The following shared equipment is inside the
auxiliary building:
one sump tank and two pumps;
one tritiated drain collector tank (TDCT) with two pumps and one filter;
Affected Environment
one floor drain collector tank (FDCT) with two pumps and one strainer,
monitor tank and two pumps;
a chemical drain tank and pump;
two hot shower drain tanks (HSDT) and pump;
a spent resin storage tank (SRST);
a cask decontamination tank with two pumps and two filters;
auxiliary building floor and equipment drain sump and two pumps;
a passive sump;
a radwaste demineralizer system; and
associated piping, valves, and instrumentation.
Waste liquids high in tritium content are routed to the TDCT, while liquids low in tritium content
are routed to the FDCT. All liquid wastes are processed before being released into the
Waste water enters the liquid waste disposal system from equipment leaks and drains, valve
leakoffs, pump seal leakoffs, tank overflows, and other sources, including draindown of the
chemical and volume control system (CVCS) holdup tanks. The waste is processed through the
radwaste demineralizer and then prepared for release through one of two release tanks.
The liquid collected in the TDCT contains boric acid and fission product activity. The liquid is
processed as necessary to remove fission products so the water may be reused in the reactor
coolant system or discharged to the environment.
Nontritiated water is sampled and processed as necessary for discharge to the Tennessee
River/Chickamauga Reservoir. Sources include floor drains, equipment drains containing
nontritiated water, certain sample room and radiochemical laboratory drains, hot-shower drains,
and other nontritiated sources. If the activity is below regulatory release limits, the tank contents
may be discharged without further treatment other than filtration. Otherwise, the tank contents
are processed through the radwaste demineralizer system.
The spent resin storage tank stores the used demineralizer resins. The resin is held in this tank
for a period of time to allow for the decay of short-lived isotopes. The resin is periodically
removed for disposal.
The use of these radioactive waste systems and the procedural requirements in the ODCM
ensure that the dose from radioactive liquid effluents complies with NRC and EPA regulatory
dose standards.
Dose estimates for members of the public are calculated based on radioactive liquid effluent
release data and aquatic transport models. TVA’s annual radioactive material release report
contains a detailed presentation of the radioactive liquid effluents released from SQN, Units 1
and 2, and the resultant calculated doses. The NRC staff reviewed 5 years of radioactive
effluent release data: 2008 through 2012 (TVA 2009a, 2010a, 2011b, 2012a, 2013a). A 5-year
period provides a data set that covers a broad range of activities that occur at a nuclear power
plant, such as refueling outages, routine operation, and maintenance activities that can affect
the generation of radioactive effluents. The NRC staff compared the data against NRC dose
limits and looked for indication of adverse trends (e.g., increasing dose levels) over the period
from 2008 through 2012.
Affected Environment
The following summarizes the calculated doses from radioactive liquid effluents released during
The total-body dose to an offsite member of the public from SQN’s
radioactive liquid effluents was 1.27×10−2 millirem (mrem)
(1.27×10−4 millisievert (mSv)), which is well below the 6 mrem (0.06 mSv)
dose criterion in Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 for a site having two reactor
The organ (child liver) dose to an offsite member of the public from SQN’s
radioactive liquid effluents was 1.28×10−2 mrem (1.28×10−4 mSv), which is
well below the 20 mrem (0.2 mSv) dose criterion in Appendix I to
10 CFR Part 50 for a site having two reactor units.
The NRC staff’s review of SQN’s radioactive liquid effluent control program showed that
radiation doses to members of the public were controlled within the NRC’s and EPA’s radiation
protection standards contained in Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50, 10 CFR Part 20, and
40 CFR Part 190. No adverse trends were observed in the dose levels.
Routine plant refueling and maintenance activities currently performed will continue during the
license renewal term. Based on the past performance of the radioactive waste system to
maintain doses from radioactive liquid effluents within NRC and EPA radiation protection
standards, similar performance is expected during the license renewal term. Gaseous Waste Processing System and Effluent Controls
The gaseous waste processing system (GWPS) is designed to remove fission product gases
from the reactor coolant and minimize the amount of radioactivity released into the environment.
The GWPS is a shared system serving both units. It consists of two waste-gas compressor
packages, nine gas decay tanks, and the associated piping, valves, and instrumentation.
Gaseous wastes are generated from the following: gases removed from the reactor coolant and
purging of the volume control tank before a cold shutdown of the reactor, displacing of cover
gases caused by the accumulation of liquids in storage tanks, purging of some equipment,
sampling and gas analyzer operation. The reduction of the levels of radioactivity is
accomplished by internal recirculation of the gases within piping systems and temporary storage
in gas decay tanks. The recirculation of the gases and the temporary storage (at least 60 days)
in tanks allows time for radioactive decay to reduce the level of radioactivity.
Periodically, small quantities of radioactive gases are released into the atmosphere, in a
controlled and monitored manner, through plant vents on the shield building, auxiliary building,
turbine building, and service building. The radioactive gaseous waste sampling and analysis
program specifications supplied in the ODCM address the gaseous release type, sampling
frequency, minimum analysis frequency, type of activity analysis, and lower limit of detection
(i.e., sensitivity) for the radiation monitor.
The use of these radioactive waste systems and the procedural requirements in the ODCM
ensure that the dose from radioactive gaseous effluents complies with NRC and EPA regulatory
dose standards.
Dose estimates for members of the public are calculated based on radioactive gaseous effluent
release data and atmospheric transport models. TVA’s annual radioactive material release
report contains a detailed presentation of the radioactive gaseous effluents released from SQN
and the resultant calculated doses. The NRC staff reviewed 5 years of radioactive effluent
release data: 2008 through 2012 (TVA 2009a, 2010a, 2011b, 2012a, 2013a). A 5-year period
provides a data set that covers a broad range of activities that occur at a nuclear power plant,
Affected Environment
such as refueling outages, routine operation, and maintenance activities that can affect the
generation of radioactive effluents. The NRC staff compared the data against NRC dose limits
and looked for indication of adverse trends (e.g., increasing dose levels) over the period of 2008
through 2012. The following summarizes the calculated doses from radioactive gaseous
effluents released during 2012:
The air dose at the site boundary from gamma radiation in gaseous effluents
from SQN was 3.91×10−3 millirad (mrad) (3.91×10−5 milligray (mGy)), which is
well below the 20 mrad (0.2 mGy) dose criterion in Appendix I to
10 CFR Part 50 for a site having two reactor units.
The air dose at the site boundary from beta radiation in gaseous effluents
from SQN was 1.52×10−3 mrad (1.52×10−5 mGy), which is well below the
40 mrad (0.4 mGy) dose criterion in Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 for a site
having two reactor units.
The dose to an organ (child bone) from radioactive iodine, radioactive
particulates, and carbon-14 from SQN was 3.35×10−1 mrem (3.35×10−3 mSv),
which is well below the 30 mrem (0.3 mSv) dose criterion in Appendix I to
10 CFR Part 50 for a site having two reactors.
The NRC staff’s review of the SQN’s radioactive gaseous effluent control program showed that
radiation doses to members of the public were controlled within the NRC’s and EPA’s radiation
protection standards contained in Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50, 10 CFR Part 20, and
40 CFR Part 190. No adverse trends were observed in the dose levels.
Routine plant refueling and maintenance activities currently performed will continue during the
license renewal term. Based on the NRC’s review of past performance of the radioactive waste
system to maintain doses from radioactive gaseous effluents within NRC and EPA radiation
protection standards, similar performance is expected during the license renewal term. Solid Waste Processing
Solid low-level radioactive waste (LLW) is generated by the removal of radioactive material from
liquid waste streams, filtration of gaseous effluents, and removal of contaminated material from
various reactor areas. Solid wastes are processed by the solid waste system. The waste is
divided into two categories: dry active waste (DAW) and wet active waste (WAW). The DAW
and WAW inputs are products of plant operation and maintenance. The DAW is further
subdivided into compactible and noncompactible wastes. Solid compactible wastes include
paper, clothing, rags, mop heads, rubber boots, and plastic. Noncompactible wastes include
tools, mop handles, lumber, glassware, pumps, motors, valves, and piping. The WAW is
primarily composed of spent resins. Sources for spent resins are the spent resin storage tank
and the radwaste demineralizer system.
A waste packaging area is provided for receiving, sorting, and compacting DAW. Dry active
waste is collected from throughout the plant and brought to the waste processing area for final
packaging. The waste may also be sent to a contracted broker or processor for any or all of the
stages involving processing, packaging, and subsequent disposal.
Wet waste that is suitable for disposal is transferred from a shielded storage tank to a large
container called a liner. The wet waste is pushed through a piping system using a combination
of reactor system water and pressurized nitrogen. When the liner is filled, the water is removed
and the waste is stabilized to eliminate freestanding water, as required by licensed disposal
facilities. The disposable liner is placed in a reusable shielded cask mounted on a truck or
trailer bed for transport to a temporary onsite storage facility or to a licensed disposal facility.
Affected Environment
Transportation and disposal of solid radioactive wastes are performed in accordance with the
applicable requirements of 10 CFR Part 71 and Part 61, respectively. In 2012, 10 waste
shipments were made from SQN to treatment facilities for processing and disposal. The total
volume and activity of DAW shipped off site in 2012 was 60.4 cubic meters (m3)
(2,133 cubic feet (ft3)) and 0.26 curies (Ci) (9,620 megabecquerel (MBq)), respectively
(TVA 2013a). Routine plant operation, refueling outages, and maintenance activities that
generate solid radioactive waste will continue during the license renewal term. Similar levels of
solid radioactive waste are expected to be generated and shipped for disposal during the
license renewal term. Radioactive Waste Storage
Low-level radioactive waste is classified as Class A, Class B, Class C, or greater than Class C.
Class A includes both DAW and WAW. Classes B and C are normally WAWs. The majority of
LLW generated at SQN is Class A waste and is shipped to an offsite vendor for volume
reduction, packaging, and then shipped to a licensed Class A disposal facility. Classes B and C
wastes make up a low percentage by volume of the total LLW generated at SQN. Classes B
and C wastes are currently stored in an onsite storage facility at SQN until they are disposed of
at a licensed disposal facility.
SQN’s onsite storage facility was designed to contain packaged radioactive waste generated at
SQN and Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) Unit 1. The total current radioactive waste inventory
of the SQN onsite storage facility, as of August 2012, is 895 ft3 (25 m3) and 689 Ci
(2.55×107 MBq). The applicant states that although TVA may apply to the NRC for approval to
transport LLW from WBN Unit 2 to SQN in the future, there are no long-term plans to construct
additional onsite storage facilities to accommodate Classes B and C radioactive waste during
the license renewal term.
The applicant has, by procedure, limited the total storage capacity of SQN’s onsite storage
facility to 88,500 Ci (3.27×109 MBq). The applicant concludes that for the 20-year license
renewal term, even assuming that TVA decides to transport LLW from WBN Unit 2 to SQN at
similar annual volumes as currently generated at WBN Unit 1, adequate storage capacity for
LLW will be available during the license renewal term.
SQN stores its spent nuclear fuel in a spent fuel pool and also maintains an independent spent
fuel storage installation (ISFSI) on site. The ISFSI is used to safely store spent fuel in licensed
and approved dry cask storage containers on site. The installation and monitoring of this facility
is governed by NRC requirements in 10 CFR Part 72, “Licensing Requirements for the
Independent Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel, High-Level Radioactive Waste, and
Reactor-Related Greater Than Class C Waste.” The SQN ISFSI would remain in place until the
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) takes possession of the spent fuel and removes it from the
site for permanent disposal or processing. Expansion of the onsite spent fuel storage capacity
may be required during the license renewal term if DOE does not take responsibility for the
permanent storage and disposal of the spent fuel. The SQN ISFSI is located within the existing
protected area boundary, southeast of the Unit 2 Reactor Building. The ISFSI storage pad
consists of eight sections, which is sufficient to store 90 HI-STORM 100 storage systems (TVA
2013b). Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program
TVA conducts a REMP to assess the radiological impact, if any, to the public and the
environment from operations at SQN.
To determine the amount of radioactivity in the environment before the operation of SQN, a
preoperational REMP was initiated in 1971 and operated until Unit 1 began operation in 1980.
Affected Environment
Measurements of the same types of radioactive materials that are measured currently were
assessed during the preoperational phase to establish normal background levels for various
radionuclides in the environment. The knowledge of preexisting radionuclide patterns in the
environment permits a determination, through comparison and trending analyses, of any impact
on the environment due to SQN operation. The determination of impact from the plant during
the operating phase also utilizes data from control stations (i.e., monitoring stations far from the
plant that monitor ambient background radiation levels). The data from environmental samples
taken at control stations are compared against the data from indicator stations (i.e., monitoring
stations located near the plant) to determine the potential radiological impact of operations at
The REMP measures the aquatic, terrestrial, and atmospheric environment for radioactivity, as
well as the ambient radiation by sampling air, water, milk, foods, soil, fish, and shoreline
sediment. In addition, the REMP measures background radiation (i.e., cosmic sources, global
fallout, and naturally occurring radioactive material, including radon). The radiation detection
devices and analysis methods used to determine the radioactivity in environmental samples are
very sensitive to small amounts of radioactivity. The REMP supplements the radioactive
effluent monitoring program by verifying that any measurable concentrations of radioactive
materials and levels of radiation in the environment are not higher than those calculated using
the radioactive effluent release measurements and transport models.
In addition to the REMP, SQN has an onsite groundwater protection program designed to
monitor the onsite plant environment for detection of leaks from plant systems and pipes
containing radioactive liquid (TVA 2013b). Information on the groundwater protection program
is contained in Section 3.5.2 of this document.
The NRC staff reviewed 5 years of annual radiological environmental monitoring data: 2008
through 2012 (TVA 2009b, 2010b, 2011a, 2012b, 2013b). A 5-year period provides a data set
that covers a broad range of activities that occur at a nuclear power plant, such as refueling
outages, routine operation, and maintenance activities that can affect the generation and
release of radioactive effluents into the environment. The NRC staff looked for indication of
adverse trends (e.g., buildup of radioactivity levels) over the period of 2008 through 2012.
The NRC staff’s review of TVA’s data showed no indication of an adverse trend in radioactivity
levels in the environment. The data showed that there was no measurable impact to the
environment from operations at SQN. Reasonably Foreseeable Radiological Projects at SQN
The applicant stated in its ER that SQN has been selected by DOE for irradiation services for
the production of tritium. Tritium production at SQN was studied in DOE’s environmental impact
statement (EIS) for tritium production in a commercial light water reactor (DOE 1999). However,
TVA provided the NRC with updated information that DOE, in August 2014, released a Draft
SEIS for the Production of Tritium in a Commercial Light Water Reactor (DOE/EIS-0288-S1) in
which the preferred Alternative 1 assumes the use of the Watts Bar site only, with no tritium
production at SQN. Furthermore, in TVA’s comments on the SQN DSEIS submitted to the
NRC, TVA states that it is not currently considering tritium production at SQN (TVA 2014b). If
SQN were to again be considered for tritium production, TVA would need to submit license
amendment applications to the NRC. The NRC would perform a safety evaluation and an
environmental assessment to determine whether the proposed action (i.e., tritium production)
meets NRC’s safety and radiological requirements. If approved by the NRC, TVA could then
proceed with the production of tritium.
Affected Environment
TVA is also coordinating with DOE on projects regarding the use of other types of nuclear fuel
associated with DOE’s disposition of nuclear materials pursuant to U.S. nuclear nonproliferation
policies. The DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration may modify the scope of the
surplus plutonium disposition program to consider the option of using alternative methods of
disposing of surplus plutonium. If this program moves forward, DOE, with TVA as a cooperating
agency, will prepare an EIS to analyze the potential environmental impacts of the disposal of
plutonium through the use of mixed oxide fuel (MOXF) in reactors operated by TVA, including
SQN. Fabricating MOXF entails mixing plutonium oxide with depleted uranium oxide,
manufacturing the fuel into pellets, and loading the pellets into fuel assemblies for use in nuclear
reactors. If DOE decides to dispose of surplus plutonium as nuclear fuel in this manner,
thorough evaluations would need to be made by the NRC and TVA before MOXF is used at
SQN. In addition, TVA would need to submit license amendment applications to the NRC for
the use of MOXF (TVA 2013n). The NRC would perform a safety evaluation and an
environmental review to determine whether the proposed action meets NRC’s safety and
radiological requirements.
3.1.5 Nonradioactive Waste Management Systems
Like any other industrial facility, nuclear power plants generate wastes that are not
contaminated with either radionuclides or hazardous chemicals. These wastes include trash,
paper, wood, and sewage.
SQN has a nonradioactive waste management program to handle its nonradioactive hazardous
and nonhazardous wastes. The waste is collected in central collection areas within the plant
and managed in accordance with SQN’s procedures. The waste materials are received in
various forms and packaged to meet regulatory requirements before final disposition at an
offsite facility licensed to receive and manage the waste. Listed below is a summary of the
types of waste materials generated and managed at SQN.
SQN’s hazardous waste generator classification ranges from conditionally
exempt small quantity generator to large quantity generator. The amount of
hazardous wastes generated are only a small percentage of the total wastes
generated—consisting of paints and paint-related materials, spent and
shelf-life expired chemicals, laboratory chemical wastes, and project-specific
Hazardous wastes from SQN are shipped directly to a permitted treatment,
storage, and disposal facility (TSDF).
Special nonhazardous wastes such as asbestos, sandblast grit, alum sludge,
resin, and sand from water treatment systems are transported to the licensed
Rhea County Landfill. Special wastes such as oily debris, desiccant, resin,
nondestructive examination chemicals, and nonhazardous batteries are
shipped directly to a permitted TSDF.
Materials such as universal wastes (batteries and lighting wastes), oil, scrap
metal, aluminum cans, plastic bottles, cardboard, paper, and wooden pallets
are collected and shipped to licensed recycling facilities approved by TVA.
General plant trash is collected in dumpsters and transported to a
State-licensed regional landfill permitted to accept solid wastes. General
trash typically consists of garbage, paper, plastic, packing materials, leather,
rubber, glass, soft drink and food cans, dead animals and fish, floor
Affected Environment
sweepings, ashes, wood, textiles, and scrap metal. The waste is disposed of
in a State-permitted landfill.
TVA holds a State of Tennessee permit (TDEC permit number DML 331050021) for an onsite
construction and demolition landfill. This landfill is permitted to accept nonhazardous,
nonradioactive solid wastes including scrap lumber, bricks, sandblast grit, crushed metal drums,
glass, wiring, nonasbestos insulation, roofing materials, building siding, scrap metal, concrete
with reinforcing steel and similar construction and demolition wastes generated at the SQN site.
The landfill is approximately 18 acres in size, but, because there is currently no need to use the
landfill, it has not received any waste for at least 10 years. The landfill permit is still active and
TDEC inspects the landfill quarterly. Instead of using its onsite landfill, SQN sends its
construction and demolition wastes to an offsite State-permitted landfill.
Sanitary sewage from all plant locations is collected and pumped off site to the Moccasin Bend
publicly owned treatment works for processing and disposal (TVA 2013n).
3.1.6 Utility and Transportation Infrastructure
Existing utility and transport infrastructure characteristics for SQN are briefly described in the
following subsections. Electricity
Electrical service to SQN is supplied by generating stations within TVA’s distribution network.
The adjacent 500-kV and 161-kV switchyards provide independent offsite power to SQN Units 1
and 2 from the grid as needed. Both switchyards and all the high-voltage lines would remain in
service if SQN Units 1 and 2 were decommissioned. There are no other lines from SQN that
connect to the grid or other outside sources of power (TVA 2013f). Fuel
SQN has five underground diesel fuel oil storage tank assemblies encased in concrete
foundations. Each assembly consists of four interconnected tanks with a combined capacity of
68,000 gallons (17,000 gallons/tank). In accordance with TDEC’s underground storage tank
program regulations 0400-18-01, SQN is subject to and complies with the petroleum release
response, remediation, and risk management requirements (TVA 2013f). Water
Systems designed to provide cooling water at SQN are described in Section 3.1.3. In addition
to water needed for cooling, SQN requires water for sanitary purposes and for everyday use by
personnel (e.g., drinking, showering, cleaning, laundry, toilets, and eyewashes). SQN does not
use onsite groundwater for plant or potable water use. Instead, TVA contracts with Hixson
Utility District to access potable and fire protection water at SQN. Hixson Utility District draws
groundwater from an aquifer at Cave Springs, approximately 8 mi (13 km) southwest of the
SQN site. No wastewater treatment occurs on the SQN site (TVA 2013n). Transportation Systems
SQN has extensive paved surfaces, including roads and parking lots, connecting power plant
infrastructure. Local transportation systems, including roadway access, are detailed in
Section 3.10.6 of this SEIS. Norfolk Southern Corporation is the operator of the southwest–to–
northeast rail line running near the SQN site through Soddy–Daisy. A railroad spur runs from
the Norfolk Southern line to SQN just outside the exclusion area boundary (TVA 2013n).
Affected Environment Power Transmission Systems
TVA is the owner and operator of the power transmission line systems that were constructed for
the purpose of connecting SQN to the transmission grid. SQN Unit 1 is connected to the
500-kV transmission network, and SQN Unit 2 is connected to the 161-kV transmission system.
The two systems are interconnected at SQN through a 1,200-megavolt ampere, 500–161-kV
intertie transformer bank on the SQN site (TVA 2013n).
In scope transmission lines for the NRC’s license renewal environmental review are limited to
those transmission lines that connect the nuclear plant to the switchyard where electricity is fed
into the regional distribution system (NRC 2013c). For SQN, the 500-kV and 161-kV
switchyards, adjacent to Units 1 and 2 within the protected area of SQN, serve this purpose
(TVA 2013f). The two switchyards and the 500–161-kV intertie transformer bank are located on
the SQN site (TVA 2013n). The two switchyards and the intertie transformer bank are the only
transmission lines considered in scope for license renewal.
3.1.7 Nuclear Power Plant Operations and Maintenance
Maintenance activities conducted at SQN include inspection, testing, and surveillance to
maintain the current licensing basis (CLB) of the facility and to ensure compliance with
environmental and safety requirements. Various programs and activities currently exist at SQN
to maintain, inspect, test, and monitor the performance of facility equipment. These
maintenance activities include inspection requirements for reactor vessel materials, boiler and
pressure vessel inservice inspection and testing, and maintenance of water chemistry.
Additional programs include those carried out to meet technical specification (TS) surveillance
requirements, those implemented in response to the NRC generic communications, and various
periodic maintenance, testing, and inspection procedures. SQN must periodically discontinue
the production of electricity for outages supporting refueling, periodic in-service inspection and
testing, and maintenance activities. The SQN reactor units are on staggered 18-month refueling
cycles (TVA 2013n).
3.2 Land Use and Visual Resources
3.2.1 Land Use
The SQN site comprises two peninsulas totaling 630 acres (ac) (253 hectares (ha)). The larger
peninsula is 525 ac (212 ha) and includes the power block and support facilities (buildings,
parking lots, and roads) surrounded primarily by grass fields. The smaller peninsula is 105 ac
(42 ha) and includes the training center surrounded by a mix of mostly evergreen and deciduous
forest habitat. No commercial, institutional, residential, or public recreational areas occur within
the SQN exclusion area boundary (see Figure 3–3). Similarly, no public railroads or major
highways occur within the SQN exclusion area boundary. Two rural county roads, Igou Ferry
and Stone Sage, run adjacent to and sometimes cross the western boundary of SQN’s property
(see Figure 3–3). A private-use helipad is located on the site (TVA 2013n). Figure 3–3 shows
the SQN site boundary and key features.
The Tennessee River creates the southern and eastern boundaries of the SQN site. This
portion of the river is currently dammed, creating the Chickamauga Reservoir. The SQN site is
located at Tennessee River Mile (TRM) 484.5, approximately 6 mi (10 km) east of Soddy-Daisy.
Land not owned by TVA bounds the northern and western portions of the site. Several new
housing subdivisions have been developed adjacent to and near the site boundaries since SQN
began operation (TVA 2013n).
Affected Environment
Land use is primarily rural within the vicinity of SQN (TVA 2013n). The TVA (2013n) ER
determined that the largest amount of land cover within a 6-mi (10-km) radius of SQN was
deciduous forest (30 percent), followed by pasture or hay (18 percent), open water (13 percent),
and developed land (13 percent). The area within a 50-mi (80-km) radius of SQN includes
mostly forested and agricultural lands, with pockets of developed areas (Fry et al. 2011).
The SQN site is located in Hamilton County, one of the most populated counties in Tennessee.
The county population grew 8 percent from 2000 to 2008, with an estimated population of
336,463 in 2010 (CHCRPA 2009). The most common land uses (based on parcel land-use
activity and zoning) within Hamilton County include agriculture (60 percent), residential
(31 percent), and manufacturing and industrial (7 percent) (TVA 2013n). Within developed
areas, the majority of the area is suburban (42 percent), followed by rural (30 percent),
transitional (rural to suburban development, 23 percent), and urban (6 percent)
(CHCRPA 2005).
Tennessee Code 13-3-301 requires Chattanooga–Hamilton County to develop a land-use plan
for the future. In accordance with this State requirement, the Chattanooga–Hamilton County
Regional Planning Agency (CHCRPA) has adopted an active land-use plan and advisory guide
entitled Comprehensive Plan 2030. The goal of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan “is to provide
guidance in creating desirable and diverse communities in Hamilton County and to encourage
and provide for new development opportunities while protecting neighborhoods, infrastructure,
and the environment” (CHCRPA 2005). In addition, the Chattanooga–Hamilton County
Regional Planning Agency is responsible for continuing to implement its zoning and land-use
development strategies, whereby every parcel of land in the county carries a zoning designation
(CHCRPA 2005).
3.2.2 Visual Resources
The SQN site is situated on a relatively flat area adjacent to the shore of the Tennessee River.
Predominant features at the SQN site include the two reactor buildings, a turbine building, an
auxiliary building, a control building, a service and office building, a diesel generator building, an
intake pumping station, an essential raw cooling water pumping station, two natural draft cooling
towers, 161-kilovolt (kV) and 500-kV switchyards, a condensing water discharge and diffuser
system, and an independent spent fuel storage installation (TVA 2013n).
The tallest structures on site are the two cooling towers at approximately 459 ft (140 m) high
(TVA 2013n). A visible plume of condensation rising up from the cooling towers can be seen
when the cooling towers are operating. The height and visibility of the plume depend on
weather conditions such as temperature, humidity, and wind speed. The plume is typically
several hundred feet tall and can be seen from several miles away. The rolling and forested
terrain of Hamilton County provides significant visual screening in the immediate vicinity of
3.3 Meteorology, Air Quality, and Noise
3.3.1 Meteorology and Climatology
The SQN site is located within the Tennessee River Valley, with the Cumberland Plateau to the
west and the Appalachian Mountains to the east. The valley, known as the Great Valley, is
oriented in a northeasterly-to-southwesterly direction. The local topography within the
Great Valley is complex, characterized by a number of minor ridges and valleys with a similar
northeast-to-southwest orientation. The regional climate is characterized as humid subtropical.
Because of the moderating influences of the surrounding terrain, extreme heat or cold outbreaks
Affected Environment
are uncommon. The summer months of June through September are quite warm and are
characterized by frequent afternoon thunderstorms (NCDC 2013a). The winter months of
December through February are cool and characterized by alternating periods of warming and
cooling from mid-latitude, low-pressure systems and associated fronts passing through the area;
minimum temperatures during this time are usually near freezing, but temperatures below zero
are rarely observed (NCDC 2013a). The regional climate is influenced by the position of the
semipermanent high-pressure system, known as the Bermuda High. During the summer
months, the Bermuda High is situated off of the Atlantic Coast and draws moisture
northwestward from the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, resulting in the observed warm and moist
summers. During the winter months, the Bermuda High shifts southeastward as the jet stream
moves southward; low-pressure systems and fronts accompany the jet stream and pass through
the area (NOAA 2013).
The NRC staff obtained climatological information with 30-year averages (1981–2010) for the
Chattanooga, Tennessee, first-order National Weather Service (NWS) station. This station is
approximately 15 mi (24 km) south-southeast of the SQN site and can be used to characterize
the region’s climate because of its nearby location, comparable elevation, and long period of
record. Additionally, TVA maintains a SQN meteorological facility that consists of a
91-m (300-ft) tower that is instrumented at three levels for wind and temperature measurements
(TVA 2013n). Dewpoint, temperature and precipitation are also measured by a separate
10-m (33-ft) tower (TVA 2013n). Recent meteorological observations from the SQN site were
made available to the staff (TVA 2013e, 2013f). These data were evaluated in context of the
longer climatological record from the Chattanooga NWS station.
The prevailing wind direction at the Chattanooga NWS station is from the south during most of
the year, except during the winter months, when it is generally from the north (NCDC 2013a). In
the absence of any large-scale weather systems, low-level winds at the SQN site tend to more
closely follow the orientation of the Tennessee River Valley, with daytime south-southwesterly
upslope winds and nighttime north-northeasterly downslope winds (TVA 2013e, 2013f). The
mean annual wind speed at the Chattanooga NWS station is 5.0 mph (2.2 m/s) and mean
monthly wind speed ranges from 4.0 mph (1.8 m/s) in August to 6.5 mph (2.9 m/s) in March
(NCDC 2013a). Average wind speeds at the SQN site tend to be slightly lower, but exhibit the
same seasonal trend (TVA 2013e). A peak 3-second wind gust of 69 mph (30.8 m/s) was
recorded in April of 2011 at the Chattanooga NWS station (NCDC 2013a).
The mean annual temperature at the Chattanooga NWS station is 60.8 °F (16.0 °C), with a
mean monthly temperature ranging from a low of 40.5 °F (4.7 °C) in January to a high of 80.0 °F
(26.7 °C) in July (NCDC 2013a). Recent temperature observations taken at the SQN site are
consistent with these values (TVA 2013h). Extreme temperatures in Chattanooga range from a
maximum of 107 °F (41.7 °C) in June and July of 2012 to a minimum of −10 °F (−23.3 °C) in
January of 1985 (NCDC 2013a).
Normal annual liquid precipitation measured at the Chattanooga NWS station is 52.48 in.
(1,333 mm) (NCDC 2013a). The wettest year from the most recent 30-year period of record
was 1994, with 73.70 in. (1,872 mm) (NCDC 2013a); the driest year from the same period was
2007, with 38.62 in. (981 mm) (NCDC 2013a). Monthly precipitation amounts tend to be evenly
distributed throughout the year and range from an average of 3.28 in. (83 mm) in October to
5.00 in. (127 mm) in November (NCDC 2013a). Precipitation trends from recent observations
made at the SQN site (TVA 2013g) are consistent with precipitation observations at
Chattanooga, although precipitation amounts are generally lower at the SQN site. Snowfall is
not common in the region; average annual snowfall at the Chattanooga NWS site is 3.9 in.
(9.9 cm) (NCDC 2013a), with a maximum monthly snowfall of 20.0 in. (50.8 cm) recorded in
March 1993.
Affected Environment
Thunderstorms are observed normally on 55 days throughout the year, with the majority
occurring during the summer months of May through August (NCDC 2013a). Severe weather
can occur in the form of hail and tornadoes. In the past 13 years, there have been 77 large-hail
events (greater than 0.75-in. (1.9-cm) diameter) reported in Hamilton County; however, many of
the hail reports are associated with the same storm (NCDC 2013b). In the past 13 years,
19 tornado events have been reported in Hamilton County, including 1 tornado classified as an
EF4 (166–200 mph (74.2–89.4 m/s) 3-second wind gust) on the Enhanced Fujita Scale
(NCDC 2013b). Thirteen of the tornado events, including the EF4 tornado, were associated
with a tornado outbreak on April 27, 2011 (NCDC 2013b).
3.3.2 Air Quality
Under the Clean Air Act (CAA), the EPA has set primary and secondary National Ambient Air
Quality Standards (NAAQS) for six common criteria pollutants to protect sensitive populations
and the environment. The NAAQS criteria pollutants include carbon monoxide (CO), lead (Pb),
nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and particulate matter (PM). PM is
further categorized by size—PM10 (diameter between 2.5 and 10 micrometers) and PM2.5
(diameter of 2.5 micrometers or less).
The EPA designates areas of “attainment” and “nonattainment” with respect to the NAAQS.
Areas that have insufficient data to determine designation status are denoted as
“unclassifiable.” Areas that were once in nonattainment, but are now in attainment, are called
“maintenance” areas; these areas are under a 10-year monitoring plan to maintain the
attainment designation status.
Air quality designations are generally made at the county level. For the purpose of planning and
maintaining ambient air quality with respect to the NAAQS, EPA has created Air Quality Control
Regions (AQCRs). Air Quality Control Regions are intrastate or interstate areas that share a
common airshed (40 CFR 81). The SQN site is located in Hamilton County, Tennessee; this
county, along with several counties in Georgia, are part of the Chattanooga Interstate AQCR
(40 CFR 81.42). With regard to the NAAQS criteria pollutants, Hamilton County is designated
as unclassified or in attainment with respect to CO, Pb, SO2, NO2, and PM10 standards
(40 CFR 81.343). Hamilton County was an Early Action Compact 2 (EAC) area with respect to
the 1997 8-hour ozone standard and demonstrated attainment to the standard on April 15, 2008
(73 FR 17897). Hamilton County is designated as nonattainment with respect to the 1997 PM2.5
annual standard (40 CFR 81.343).
States have primary responsibility for ensuring attainment and maintenance of the NAAQS.
Under section 110 of the CAA (42 U.S.C. 7401) and related provisions, states are to submit
State Implementation Plans (SIPs) that provide for the timely attainment and maintenance of the
NAAQS to EPA for approval. On February 8, 2012, EPA approved and promulgated TDEC’s
revisions to the SIP in support of PM2.5 attainment demonstration (77 FR 6467). Subsequently,
on December 14, 2012, EPA strengthened the air quality standards for PM2.5. EPA will make
final designations with regard to the new PM2.5 standards by December 2014 (EPA 2012d).
TVA maintains a synthetic minor operating permit (Source ID: 4706504150) for sources of air
pollution at the SQN site (TVA 2013f, 2013i). A synthetic minor source has the potential to emit
air pollutants in quantities at or above the major source threshold levels but has accepted
federally enforceable limitations to keep the emissions below such levels. Permitted sources
include two cooling towers, insulator saws, a carpenter shop, as well as emissions from
The Early Action Compact program allows states to submit agreements pledging to meet the 1997 8-hour ozone standard earlier
than required. This is a voluntary program, and states had to meet a number of criteria and milestones (EPA 2012b).
Affected Environment
abrasive blasting, auxiliary boilers, and several emergency/blackout diesel generators
(TVA 2013f).
As a condition of the operating permit, TVA is required to submit an annual compliance
certification to the Chattanooga-Hamilton County Air Pollution Control Bureau (CHCAPCB),
which includes estimated air pollutant emissions (TVA 2013n). The SQN site has been in
compliance with the requirements set forth in the air permit, and there are no reported violations
in the last 5 years (EPA 2012d). Air emissions from the cooling towers, insulator saws,
carpenter shop, and abrasive blasting are primarily PM; total PM emissions from these sources
range from 5.8 tons/yr (2009) to 33.8 tons/yr (2008) over the 5-year period from 2007 to 2011
(TVA 2013d). Air emissions from permitted combustion sources, including the auxiliary boilers
and diesel generators, are listed in Table 3–1 (TVA 2013d, 2013f, 2013k). Greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions from operation of SQN are discussed in Section 4.15.3, Greenhouse Gas
Emissions and Climate Change.
The EPA promulgated the Regional Haze Rule (RHR) to improve and protect visibility in
National Parks and Wilderness Areas from haze, which is caused by numerous, diverse sources
located across a broad region (40 CFR 51.308–309). Specifically, 40 CFR 81 Subpart D lists
mandatory Class I Federal Areas where visibility is of important value. The RHR requires states
to develop SIPs to reduce visibility impairment at Class I Federal Areas. The TDEC submitted
its Regional Haze SIP for Tennessee to EPA on April 4, 2008. On April 24, 2012, EPA
published a final rule granting limited approval of TDEC’s Regional Haze SIP (77 FR 24392).
The Cohutta Wilderness Area in Georgia is the closest Class I Federal Area to the SQN site; it
is approximately 40 mi (64 km) southeast of SQN. Because of limited source emissions,
distance from the site, and prevailing wind direction, no adverse impacts on Class I areas are
anticipated from SQN operation.
Table 3–1. Air Emission Estimates for Permitted Combustion Sources at SQN
NOx (t) 2007
CO (t) (a)
SOx (t) (a)
PM2.5 (t) 0.23
PM10 (t) 0.24
VOC (t) 0.34
CO2e (t) (b)
To convert t to MT, multiply by 0.91.
Value not provided by TVA; estimated in accordance with Tier 1 calculation methodology found in § 98.33 of
40 CFR Part 98, Subpart C by NRC staff based on hours of operation of combustion sources for 2007 and 2008.
Key: NOx = nitrogen oxides; CO = carbon monoxide; SOx = sulfur oxides; PM2.5 = particulate matter with a
diameter of 2.5 micrometers or less; PM10 = particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter between 2.5 and
10 micrometers; VOC = volatile organic compounds; CO2e = carbon dioxide equivalent
Sources: TVA 2013d, 2013f, 2013k
3.3.3 Noise
Noise is unwanted sound and can be generated by many sources. Sound is described in terms
of amplitude (perceived as loudness) and frequency (perceived as pitch). Sound pressure
levels are typically measured by using the logarithmic decibel (dB) scale. A-weighting (denoted
by dBA) is widely used to account for human sensitivity to frequencies of sound (i.e., less
sensitive to lower and higher frequencies and most sensitive to sounds between 1 and 5 kHz),
Affected Environment
which correlates well with a human’s subjective reaction to sound (ASA 1983, 1985). Table 3–2
presents common noise sources and their respective sound levels. Nuclear power generation is
an industrial process that can generate noise. Noise sources at the SQN site include fans,
turbine generators, transformers, cooling towers, compressors, emergency generators, main
steam-safety relief valves, and emergency sirens (TVA 2011c). As a major industrial facility,
SQN noise emissions can reach 65–75 dBA levels on site, which attenuate with distance
(TVA 2013f). Most of these noise sources are not audible at the site boundary or are
intermittent and considered a minor nuisance. There is scattered residential development in the
vicinity of the SQN site; the nearest resident lives 0.5 mi (0.8 km) from the central point of the
reactors (TVA 2013f). Noise sources in the vicinity of the SQN site include river and lake traffic,
road traffic, dogs barking, insects, and power lines (TVA 2013f). The SQN emergency sirens,
when activated, are meant to be heard off site to alert the nearby communities of a possible
emergency. Offsite noise levels may sometimes exceed the 55-dBA level that EPA uses as a
threshold level to protect against excess noise during outdoor activities (EPA 1974). However,
according to EPA this threshold does “not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation,” but
was intended to provide a basis for state and local governments in establishing noise standards
(EPA 1974). The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) has established noise assessment
guidelines and finds that noise of 65 dBA or less is acceptable (HUD 2013). Beyond local
ordinances, there are no Federal regulations 3 for public exposures to noise (EPA 2012a).
Table 3–2. Common Noise Sources and Sound Levels
Sound Pressure Level (dBA)
Jet Plane (at 100 ft distance)
Diesel truck (at 30 ft distance)
Food blender (at 3 ft distance)
Car (50 mph at 50 ft distance)
Threshold of hearing
Sources: MMSHT 2013; SFU undated
3.4 Geologic Environment
This section describes the current geologic environment of the SQN site and vicinity, including
landforms, geology, soils, and seismic conditions.
Physiography and Geology
The SQN site is in the Valley and Ridge physiographic province (TVA 2013a), which is
characterized by a sequence of folded and faulted northeast-trending sedimentary rocks that
form a series of ridges and alternating valleys. The topography is the result of the folding and
faulting of the rocks in combination with differential rates of erosion. More erosion-resistant
rocks form the ridges, while less resistant rocks form the valleys. In general, the ridges consist
of quartz-rich, coarser-grained rocks like sandstones and conglomerates, while the valleys
contain limestone and shale rocks.
In 1972 Congress passed the Noise Control Act of 1972 establishing a national policy to promote an environment free of noise that
impacts the health and welfare of the public. However, in 1982 there was a shift in Federal noise control policy to transfer the
responsibility of regulation noise to state and local governments. The Noise Control Act of 1972 was never rescinded by Congress
but remains unfunded (EPA 2014).
Affected Environment
The SQN site is located in a broad northeast-southwest trending valley that contains the
Chickamauga Reservoir. The site is on a peninsula on the west bank of the Chickamauga
Reservoir. Most of the plant is at an elevation of 705 ft (215 m) above MSL. Where not
occupied by the Chickamauga Reservoir, land north and south of the site forms a broad, rolling
plain with elevations that range between about 800 ft (244 m) and 900 ft (274 m) above MSL.
At 5 mi (8 km) west of the SQN site, the elevation of the land rapidly rises up from the valley
floor to approximately 1,600 ft (488 m) above MSL to form the Cumberland Plateau (TVA
2013a). East of the site, on the other side of the Chickamauga Reservoir, a terrain of small hills
rises to approximately 900 ft (274 m) above MSL. This hilly terrain continues to the opposite
side of the valley, approximately 8 mi (13 km) distant.
The bedrock beneath the valley is made up of geologic units containing limestone, dolomite,
shale, and sandstone, with limestone and dolomite being the most abundant rock type. The
primary geologic units from oldest to youngest include the Conasauga Group, Copper Ridge
Dolomite, Knox Group, the Chickamauga Limestone, and the Newman Limestone. In the TVA
Environmental Report (TVA 2013), the Knox Group and Conasauga Group are referred to as
”formations”. However, to be consistent with the public literature, in this SEIS, they will be
called “groups”. The bedrock geologic units generally strike northeast/southwest and dip
towards the southeast at approximately 20 degrees (Haugh 2002). As a result of the folding
and thrust faulting of these units, the same geologic units will be repeatedly encountered in the
bedrock in an east-west direction (Haugh 2002, TVA 2013a).
Immediately underlying SQN, the bedrock is composed of several hundred feet of interbedded
limestone and shale that make up the Conasauga Group. For this group, shales dominate the
rock assemblage. The Conasauga Group is also part of a now eroded anticline (upward fold or
arch) with steep eastward dipping beds (Figure 3–5). The eastward dip of the Conasauga
Group beds ranges from 60 degrees to near vertical (Julian 2007). The nearest thrust fault to
the site is the Kingston Thrust Fault, which occurs approximately 2,000 ft (610 m) northwest of
the plant site. This fault is not considered to be active and was formed approximately
250 million years ago in association with the creation of the Appalachian Mountains. Along this
fault, the Conasauga Group is in contact with the Knox Group (Figure 3–5) (TVA 2013a).
Affected Environment
Figure 3–5. Site Geologic Formations and Structure
Source: Modified from Julian 2007
Affected Environment
At SQN, where the Conasauga Group is not in direct contact with plant structures, it is overlain
by structural fill or by soils. Within the main plant site, much of the soil was removed during
plant construction. The soils were formed from clayey alluvium and from the shale and
limestone of the Conasauga Group. The soils tend to have a high clay content and to be fine
grained (silt, loam, or clay). Depth to bedrock ranges from 3 to 34 ft (1 to 10 m) (Julian 2007,
TVA 2013a, USDA 2013).
Seismic Setting
The SQN site is located in the “East Tennessee Seismic Zone.” The East Tennessee Seismic
Zone is an approximately 46-mi (75-km) wide, 218-mi (350-km) long region of seismicity located
in the southern Appalachians that extends from NE Alabama and NW Georgia to NE of
Knoxville, Tennessee. It is the second most active seismic zone east of the U.S. Rocky
Mountains. The East Tennessee Seismic Zone has not recorded historical earthquakes greater
than a magnitude of 5 (Hatcher et al. 2012). The largest recorded earthquake in this seismic
zone was a magnitude 4.6 that occurred in 1973 near Knoxville, Tennessee. Sensitive
seismographs have recorded hundreds of earthquakes too small to be felt in this seismic zone.
Small, non-damaging earthquakes occur about once a year (USGS 2013a). The site is located
in an area that could experience strong shaking from earthquakes, but the damage associated
with them would be light. Should a strong earthquake occur, well-designed ordinary structures
might experience slight to moderate damage, but poorly built structures could experience
considerable damage (FEMA 2013, USGS 2013b, USGS 2013c, Wood and Ratliff 2011). The
NRC requires every nuclear power plant to be designed for site-specific ground motions that are
appropriate for its location.
3.5 Water Resources
3.5.1 Surface Water Resources Site Description and Surface Water Hydrology
Local Hydrology and Drainage
The SQN site is situated on a peninsula on the western shore of Chickamauga Reservoir, part
of the Tennessee River System, at Tennessee River Mile (TRM) 484.5.
Chickamauga Reservoir lies within the Upper Tennessee River Basin, based on the
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) established boundary between the upper and lower portions of
the basin at TRM 465 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The Upper Tennessee River Basin
encompasses approximately 21,390 mi2 (55,400 km2), and includes the entire drainage area of
the Tennessee River and its tributaries upstream from the USGS gauging station at
Chattanooga, Tennessee. It comprises parts of four states including Tennessee,
North Carolina, Virginia, and Georgia. The Upper Tennessee River Basin contains some of the
most rugged terrain in the eastern United States, including the Great Smoky Mountains range
(Hampson et al. 2000; TVA 2013n). Below Chattanooga, the Tennessee River travels a
generally U-shaped course through the Lower Tennessee River Basin, which encompasses the
remaining portions of Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Kentucky that drain to it.
The Tennessee River ultimately has its confluence with the Ohio River at Paducah, Kentucky
(TVA 2013n).
Specific to the SQN site, Chickamauga Reservoir extends approximately 59 river miles
upstream from Chickamauga Dam at TRM 471 to Watts Bar Dam at TRM 529.9. The reservoir
has a drainage area of 20,790 mi2 (53,820 km2), a shoreline length of 784 mi (1,262 km), a
Affected Environment
volume of 628,000 ac-ft (774.6 million m3), and a surface water area of 35,400 ac (14,326 ha) at
a normal maximum pool elevation of 682.5 ft (208 m) above MSL behind Chickamauga Dam.
The reservoir ranges from 700 ft (213 m) to 1.7 mi (2.7 km) wide (TVA 2011c, 2013n). In the
vicinity of SQN, the reservoir is approximately 3,000 ft (910 m) wide with water depths ranging
between 12 and 50 ft (3.6 and 15 m) at normal maximum pool elevation (TVA 2011d).
The SQN site directly interacts and is connected with Chickamauga Reservoir through modified
embayments and a discharge pond system that support plant operations. These features are
depicted in Figure 3–4. In summary, on the north end of the main plant site, they include the
unlined plant intake embayment (forebay) where the ERCW system intake pump station and the
CCW system intake pump station (see Section 3.1.3) and associated intake channel are
located. In the central portion of the main plant complex, the unlined CCW discharge channel
receives heated condenser water and other effluents (see no. 5 in Figure 3–4) and drains to the
unlined diffuser pond (no. 6 in Figure 3–4). As part of this system, several smaller ponds also
collect and convey plant stormwater and other wastewaters from plant systems in accordance
with SQN’s current Tennessee-issued NPDES permit (No. TN0026450). The largest of these is
an unlined yard drainage pond (no. 1 in Figure 3–4) which discharges via oil skimmer and
drains by gravity to the diffuser pond (TVA 2014b). Next are two former metal cleaning waste
ponds (nos. 2 and 3 in Figure 3–4), which are regulated at an NPDES internal monitoring point
(internal outfall 107). These ponds discharge to the lined, low volume waste treatment pond
(no. 4 in Figure 3–4), which, in turn, discharges via NPDES internal outfall 103 to the diffuser
pond (no. 6 in Figure 3–4). Ultimately, thermal effluents (including cooling tower blowdown
when the plant operates in helper mode) and other wastewaters collected in SQN’s diffuser
pond system are discharged through the plant’s submerged diffuser structure (NPDES outfall
101) into Chickamauga Reservoir. SQN’s diffuser structure is detailed in Section of this
SEIS. However, should SQN operate in closed-cycle mode, the cooling tower discharge
(return) channel (no. 7 in Figure 3–4) would convey cooling water circulated through the cooling
towers back to the intake embayment rather than to the diffuser pond. Finally, a separate
settling pond yard (no. 8 in Figure 3–4), that is used to dewater dredged sediments, discharges
via NPDES outfall 118 to the intake embayment rather than to the diffuser pond system
(TVA 2011c, 2013n, 2013d-f).
It is noted that there are no groundwater monitoring requirements imposed by the plant’s
NPDES permit as it relates to the use of SQN’s ponds. SQN’s NPDES permit is further
discussed in Section
Regional Hydrology and Flow Regulation
The Tennessee River system is regulated by a series of 49 active dams and reservoirs
managed by TVA, including Chickamauga Reservoir, which lies between the Watts Bar and
Chickamauga Dams. TVA operates the Tennessee River system to provide year-round
navigation, flood-damage reduction, power generation, improved water quality, water supply,
recreation, and economic growth (Bohac and Bowen 2012; TVA 2011c). System-wide flows are
measured at Chickamauga Dam, located near Chattanooga, Tennessee, as it provides the best
indication of flow for the upper half of the Tennessee River system (TVA 2013i). The average
annual flow of the Tennessee River at the Chickamauga Dam is approximately 32,500 cfs
(918 m3/s, or 21,000 mgd) (TVA 2011c, 2013n). TVA’s Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) is also
located on Chickamauga Reservoir at TRM 528, approximately 31 mi (50 km) north-northwest
and upstream of SQN (TVA 2013n). The average annual flow at Watts Bar Dam is
approximately 27,500 cfs (777 m3/s, or 17,800 mgd) (NRC 2013a).
In total, the flow of the main stem Tennessee River in the vicinity of SQN and through
Chickamauga Reservoir is controlled by releases from Watts Bar and Chickamauga Dams and,
Affected Environment
to a lesser extent, inflow from the Hiwassee River. The SQN site is approximately 15 TRM
downstream from the Hiwassee River’s confluence with the Tennessee River at TRM 499. The
Hiwassee River discharge accounts for the bulk of the increase in Tennessee River flow
between Watts Bar Dam and Chickamauga Dam. The Hiwassee River discharge into the
Tennessee River is largely controlled by releases from the Ocoee 1 Dam on the Ocoee River
and Apalachia Dam on the Hiwassee River. The Ocoee River empties into the Hiwassee River
downstream of Apalachia Dam. As noted by TVA and the NRC staff’s review of archived river
flow and stage data, regulated inflow to Chickamauga Reservoir from the Hiwassee River is
small, ranging from about 5 to 15 percent, as compared to the contribution of the main stem
Tennessee River (TVA 2013d-f, 2013j).
Within this highly regulated hydrologic environment, the Tennessee River Basin is one of the
wettest regions in the United States. The long-term average annual precipitation and runoff
from 1894 to 1993 were 51 and 22 inches, respectively. Average monthly rainfall and runoff
maximum is in March and the minimum is in October. The major flood season in the Tennessee
Valley is from December to mid-April with the highest frequency of storms in March. Dormant
vegetation and ground conditions favor a high rate of runoff during this time period.
Nevertheless, natural flow (i.e., the estimated flow that would have occurred had there been no
dams) in the Tennessee River for the Chickamauga Reach (i.e., the stretch of the river now
encompassed by Chickamuaga Reservoir) for the period 1903 to 1993 averaged 34,300 cfs
(969 m3/s, or 22,170 mgd). The estimated minimum natural flow occurred in 1998 at 15,700 cfs
(444 m3/s, or 10,150 mgd), with the maximum of 51,400 cfs (1,450 m3/s, or 33,200 mgd) in 1929
(Miller and Reidinger 1998). A comparison of these estimates of natural flow with observed
values at Watts Bar and Chickamauga Dams indicates that flow regulation operations closely
mimic natural flow on an annualized basis.
In summary, the water levels and flow rates in Chickamauga Reservoir are actively regulated as
part of the Tennessee River and reservoir system. The current TVA policy for reservoir
operations was implemented in May 2004. The policy specifies flow requirements for
(1) individual reservoirs that are designed to prevent dryout of the riverbed downstream and
(2) system-wide operation to meet downstream needs. TVA releases enough water to augment
natural inflows in order to provide the weekly average minimum flows at Chickamauga Dam
according to the minimum operations guide, which is based on the amount of water stored in the
reservoirs. When water must be released to meet downstream flow requirements, a fair share
of water is drawn from each reservoir, resulting in some drawdown from each source.
Furthermore, TVA enhances recreational opportunities by restricting the drawdown of tributary
storage reservoirs during the summer (June 1 through Labor Day). During this period, under
normal operations, just enough water is released from these reservoirs to meet downstream
flow requirements. TVA works to keep the water levels in these reservoirs as close as possible
to each reservoir’s “flood guide level”—a guideline that reflects how much storage space each
reservoir needs to hold back potential flood waters (TVA 2013i, 2013n).
Floodplain Hydrology
Through regulation, changes in water levels within the Tennessee River system are minimized,
a situation which greatly reduces the frequency of flooding. Chickamauga, along with Watts Bar
and Ft. Loudon-Tellico, are the three main stem reservoirs on the Upper Tennessee River. TVA
management of these reservoirs is designed, in part, to reduce the flood crest at Chattanooga
(TVA 2011d, 2013p). The flood insurance rate map for the SQN site and vicinity identifies the
100-year flood elevation at 686 ft (209 m) above MSL (FEMA 2002). All SQN buildings,
including safety-related structures, are above this elevation, with plant grade at 705 ft (215 m)
above MSL. The original licensing basis flood water-surface elevation for SQN was updated in
2002 to account for Tennessee River dam safety modifications. The current licensing-basis
Affected Environment
probable maximum flood (at stillwater-surface elevation) for SQN is 719.6 ft (219.3 m) above
MSL (TVA 2011d). Since 2008, TVA has been working on updating, validating, and verifying its
legacy hydrology and hydraulic models. TVA submitted a license amendment request for SQN
(TVA 2012d) to the NRC on August 10, 2012, to raise the licensing-basis flood stillwater-surface
elevation to 722 ft (220 m) above MSL. The NRC staff is currently reviewing TVA’s request. By
March 2015, TVA is scheduled to submit a reevaluated flood hazard assessment for SQN in
response to the NRC’s 10 CFR 50.54(f) letter (NRC 2012). The requirement established in
NRC’s 10 CFR 50.54(f) letter for a reevaluated flood hazard assessment is part of the
Fukushima lessons learned effort. Surface Water Use
Surface water withdrawals from the Tennessee River and reservoir system are regulated under
Section 26a of the TVA Act (1933). TVA evaluates water intake structure permit requests for
environmental impacts to determine the volume of water that can be withdrawn. The conditions
for the withdrawal take into account operation of the river system and impact on the river
environment. Water withdrawal permit holders are required to report annual usage as a
condition of their permits, except for small residential irrigation users who are exempt from
reporting requirements. These data are used in tracking existing withdrawals and evaluating
proposed increases in withdrawals from the Tennessee River system (TVA 2013h, 2013n).
SQN itself does not have a Section 26a permit as TVA is not required to issue permits to
TVA-owned and –operated facilities (TVA 2013j). However, the plant’s surface water
withdrawals are voluntarily reported to the State of Tennessee in accordance with the
Tennessee Water Resources Information Act of 2002. Tennessee requires entities, except for
some exempted users, withdrawing 10,000 gpd (37,500 Lpd) or more of surface or groundwater
to register the withdrawal with the State on an annual basis (TCA 69-7-3; TDEC 2013a).
Table 3–3 summarizes SQN’s surface water withdrawals for the period 2008 to 2012. As
described in Section 3.1.3 of this SEIS, all primary cooling and auxiliary cooling water needs for
plant operation are provided by intake structures in communication with Chickamauga
Reservoir. Nominal water demand by the CCW system and the ERCW system require SQN
withdrawals from Chickamauga Reservoir at a peak rate of 2,600 cfs (73.5 m3/s, or 1,680 mgd)
(see Section 3.1.3).
Table 3–3. SQN Reported Annual Water Withdrawals and Return Discharges to
Chickamauga Reservoir
SQN Withdrawals (mgy)
SQN Discharges (mgy)
Note: Data in this table showing discharge exceeding withdrawal in a given year may be indicative of
inflow from sources other than withdrawal from the Tennessee River (e.g., stormwater or utility water) or
measurement inaccuracies.
Source: TVA 2013d-f
Based on the NRC staff’s review of TVA’s Water Withdrawal Registration reports submitted to
the State, SQN continuously withdraws water at a fairly constant rate. Specifically, during the
Affected Environment
past 5-year period, withdrawals from Chickamauga Reservoir to support SQN operations have
averaged 576,788 mgy (2,183 million m3/y). This is equivalent to a withdrawal rate of 2,445 cfs
(69.1 m3/s, or 1,580 mgd).
For the once-through cooling system at SQN, the condenser flow rate is nearly equal to the
surface water withdrawal rate, and the consumption rate is much less than closed-cycle
systems with continuous cooling tower operation. Consequently, the volume of water returned
to Chickamauga Reservoir from SQN plant cooling operations is nearly equal to or slightly less
than the volume withdrawn. There is some consumptive use of water because of evaporation
and drift during cooler tower operation in helper mode. During full helper mode operations,
consumptive water use could be as much as 31,250 gpm (70 cfs (1.98 m3/s)) or 45 mgd, as
further discussed in Section 3.1.3. This consumptive use is less than 3 percent of the
continuous water withdrawal by the plant. Surface Water Quality and Effluents
Water Quality and Standards
TDEC is authorized by the EPA to regulate pollutants discharged from point sources into
Tennessee surface waters under the NPDES permit program. In particular, TDEC administers
this program for industrial, municipal, State, and Federal facilities discharging pollutants directly
to surface waters, including the Tennessee River. TDEC also sets water quality standards
within the State, establishes pollutant treatment and control requirements, and reviews
monitoring reports to protect the desired and designated uses of the water bodies.
TDEC has established criteria to protect Chickamauga Reservoir water quality for its designated
uses including domestic and industrial water supply, fish and aquatic life, recreation, livestock
watering and wildlife, irrigation, and navigation (TNR 1200-04-04). Under Section 303(d) of the
Clean Water Act (CWA) (officially, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act) of 1972, the State of
Tennessee biennially assesses the water quality of streams and develops a list of impaired
waters. These are waters that do not meet water quality standards. The law requires priority
rankings for waters on the list and the development of total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) of
pollutant for these waters.
Chickamauga Reservoir is not listed on TDEC’s 2008, 2010, or 2012 Section 303(d) lists for
impaired waters. However, nine listed impaired waters that discharge to Chickamauga
Reservoir between TRM 529.9 and TRM 478 are listed because of various causes, ranging from
high E. coli levels to channel alteration and siltation. They include Watts Bar Reservoir, Little
Richland Creek, the Hiwassee River embayment of Chickamauga Reservoir, Roaring Creek,
Possum Creek, an unnamed tributary to Chickamauga Reservoir, Savannah Creek, Wolftever
Creek, and Rogers Branch. Most notably, the Hiwassee River embayment of Chickamauga
Reservoir is listed as impaired for fish consumption because of mercury, primarily attributable to
atmospheric deposition and industrial sources. Upstream of SQN, Watts Bar Reservoir is listed
as impaired for fish consumption because of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from industrial
sources, as well as mercury and chlordane contamination in sediments. The Emory River Arm
of Watts Bar Reservoir is identified as impaired for arsenic, coal ash deposits, and aluminum, as
well as mercury, PCBs, and chlordane (TDEC 2010, 2014; TVA 2013n). The Emory River Arm
is the area of the reservoir most affected by the ash spill that occurred at TVA’s Kingston Fossil
Plant in 2008 (NRC 2013; TVA 2013g).
TVA has conducted its Vital Signs Monitoring Program on Chickamauga Reservoir in alternate
years since 1994. This program uses metrics to evaluate the ecological health of TVA
reservoirs including chlorophyll concentration, sediment contamination, and dissolved oxygen.
Values of good, fair, or poor are assigned to each metric. Table 3–4 summarizes the 2011
Affected Environment
values for monitoring sites in the deep, still area near the Chickamauga Dam (forebay,
TRM 472.3), midreservoir (TRM 490.5), the Hiwassee River embayment (Hiwassee
River Mile 8.5), and at the upstream end of the reservoir (inflow, TRM 518 and 527.4). Based
on the metric evaluation, the overall ecological health condition of Chickamauga Reservoir rated
fair in 2011. Ecological health scores tend to be lower in most Tennessee River reservoirs
during years with low flows, because chlorophyll concentrations are typically higher and
dissolved oxygen levels are lower near the bottom. In 2011, the individual metrics scored good
or fair at all sites except for chlorophyll in the forebay and mid-reservoir stations, which rated
poor (TVA 2013c, 2013n).
Table 3–4. Ecological Health Indicators for Chickamauga Reservoir, 2011
Monitoring Locations
Hiwassee River Embayment
Dissolved Oxygen
Not Measured
Not Measured
Not Measured
Sources: TVA 2013c, 2013n
Thermal and Chemical Effluent Regulation
Industrial wastewater, cooling water, and stormwater discharges from SQN are governed by a
TDEC-issued NPDES permit (No. TN0026450). SQN is also covered by a Tennessee Storm
Water Multi-Sector General Permit (No. TNR050015), which requires TVA to implement and
maintain a stormwater pollution prevention plan for the site. SQN’s current NPDES permit for
plant operations was issued to TVA by TDEC with an effective date of March 1, 2011; the permit
expired on October 31, 2013 (TVA 2013n). However, TVA submitted a permit renewal
application to TDEC on May 2, 2013 (Alexander 2014). Therefore, the current permit remains in
effect (i.e., administratively continued) pending issuance of a new permit. TVA expects that
TDEC will issue a renewed permit in 2016 (TVA 2013j). Further, TVA expects that the renewed
permit will include language indicating that continued NPDES permit coverage also constitutes
State water quality certification under Section 401 of the CWA (TVA 2013j, 2013n).
TVA’s current permit sets effluent limits and monitoring requirements for the plant’s discharges
covering five external and two internal outfall (internal monitoring point) locations. The outfalls
discharge industrial wastewater (mainly cooling water) or comingled cooling water with
stormwater. As noted in Section, effluents collected from the yard drainage pond,
former metal cleaning waste ponds, low volume waste treatment pond, CCW discharge
channel, cooling tower blowdown basin (including liquid radioactive effluents), and stormwater
are discharged from the diffuser pond through the plant’s submerged diffusers (outfall 101) in
the Tennessee River (TVA 2013d-f, 2013n). However, the metal cleaning waste ponds no
longer receive process wastewater, which included boiler cleaning and various piping cleaning
wastes. The permanent piping to the metal cleaning waste ponds from SQN has been
disconnected, and TVA may pursue decommissioning of the ponds through the NPDES permit
process (TVA 2013j).
The NPDES permit for SQN identifies outfall 101 for the release of cooling water and associated
effluents to the Tennessee River (Chickamauga Reservoir) through the plant’s discharge
diffusers. The compliance point for water temperature is at the downstream end of the diffuser
mixing zone in accordance with the permitted thermal criteria and defined mixing zone, as
previously described in Section To restate, SQN’s NPDES permit delineates the
maximum extent of the mixing zone as an area 750 ft (230 m) wide and extending 1,500 ft
Affected Environment
(457 m) downstream and 275 ft (85 m) upstream of the plant’s twin diffusers. The depth of the
mixing zone varies linearly from the water surface 275 ft (85 m) upstream of the diffusers to the
top of the diffuser pipes and then extends to the bottom downstream of the diffusers. For
closed-mode operation, the mixing zone also includes the area of the intake forebay to the CCW
intake pump station.
The mixing zone geometry is based on a physical model study of the discharge diffusers, which
examined the thermal effluent over a wide range of plant and river conditions, including reverse
flows in Chickamauga Reservoir (TVA 2013n). Conditions favoring a larger mixing zone with
higher temperatures include: (1) low river flow, (2) high ambient river water temperatures,
(3) active upriver heat transport processes, and (4) high temperature thermal discharges to the
river. When river flow is less than 25,000 cfs (706 m3/s), heat from the thermal discharge has
been observed to migrate upstream to the SQN intake, resulting in intake water temperatures
above ambient (Hopping et al. 2009). Nevertheless, NPDES permit limits and conditions
governing SQN’s thermal discharge via outfall 101 effectively dictate how TVA manages flow
through Chickamauga Reservoir. TVA currently avoids scheduling daily average releases from
Chickamauga Dam at rates below 6,000 cfs (169 m3/s, or 3,880 mgd) when both SQN units are
in operation, and 3,000 cfs (84.7 m3/s, or 1,940 mgd) when one SQN unit is in operation.
Part III(F) of SQN’s NPDES permit specifies requirements related to monitoring thermal
compliance for outfall 101 in accordance with CWA Section 316(a). Ranges for the daily
average flow past SQN are defined wherein special field surveys are required to verify the
adequacy of TVA’s measurements of ambient river temperature and the adequacy of SQN’s
diffuser mixing zone. TVA operates the Chickamauga Reservoir to meet these NPDES permit
requirements (TVA 2013j).
As of July 2013, SQN had operated in compliance with the requirements of Part III(F) of the
current NPDES permit. Based on the current operating policy for the TVA reservoir system, the
daily average river flow past the SQN site can be as low as 3,000 cfs (84.7 m3/s, or 1,940 mgd).
In practice, the river flow past SQN rarely drops below a daily average of 6,000 cfs (169 m3/s, or
3,880 mgd). TVA has not released less than 6,200 cfs (175 m3/s, or 4,000 mgd) of water from
Chickamauga Dam since January 2007 (TVA 2013j).
Furthermore, there have been no NPDES thermal violations since SQN began operation.
Under the current NPDES criteria, operating conditions for the river and the plant are primarily
managed for two of the limits―the 24-hour average maximum downstream temperature and the
24-hour average maximum downstream temperature rise (TVA 2013j).
Boyington et al. (2013) is TVA’s most recent study that has been performed to establish the
validity of the numerical model prediction of temperature in the mixing zone as required by the
current NPDES permit. Using samples from 1982 to 2012 for the calibration study, TVA
demonstrated that the existing model continues to provide acceptable estimates for the mixing
zone temperatures, with the average discrepancy of 0.38 °F (0.21 °C) for river temperatures
above 75 °F (23.9 °C).
The NRC staff also reviewed 5 years of NPDES Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) for SQN
as submitted by TVA to TDEC. Specifically monitored are daily maximum upstream ambient
temperature (Station 14, TRM 490.4), daily maximum temperature rise from upstream to
downstream (TRM 483.4, mixing zone compliance model) of SQN, daily maximum rate of
temperature change, outfall 101 flow and water quality (temperature, pH, total suspended solids
(TSS), oil and grease, and chlorine), CCW trench and channel extractable hydrocarbons,
outfall 103 flow and water quality (pH, TSS, oil and grease), outfall 107 flow and water quality
(pH, TSS, oil and grease, copper, and iron), outfall 110 flow and water quality (temperature, pH,
TSS, oil and grease, and chlorine), outfalls 116 and 117 floating debris and oil and grease, and
Affected Environment
outfall 118 flow and water quality (dissolved oxygen, TSS, and settleable solids). Other than
two pH exceedances in the low volume waste treatment pond (internal outfall 103) on
July 8, 2009, and October 1, 2010, no exceedances of effluent limitations were identified.
Violations for a missed sampling during biocide/corrosion treatment on October 25, 2009, and a
late report during a chlorine leak at the ERCW intake on August 20, 2010, occurred during the
period of review (TVA 2013d-f, 2013j).
3.5.2 Groundwater Resources
This section describes the current groundwater resources of the SQN site and vicinity. Site Description and Hydrogeology
The valley containing SQN can have from 0 to 300 ft (0 to 100 m) of unconsolidated material
(regolith and soils) on top of soluble carbonate bedrock. This unconsolidated material is usually
composed of insoluble chert and clay residuum formed by the in-situ chemical weathering of the
carbonate bedrock. Groundwater flow in this unconsolidated material is recharged by water
from local precipitation. Where thicker than 50 ft (15 m), the unconsolidated material can serve
as a storage reservoir and supply water to the underlying bedrock (Haugh 2002).
Some of the geologic units that underlie the valley are also aquifers which are used as sources
of water. These geologic units are the Copper Ridge Dolomite, the Knox Group, the
Chickamauga Limestone, and the Newman Limestone (herein after referred to as aquifers).
Water movement through these aquifers is largely through interconnected fractures, joints, and
bedding planes that have been enlarged by chemical weathering (Lloyd OB and Lyke WL.
1995). West of the site, these aquifers are recharged with water by direct infiltration (from rain
or snow) through the overlying soils and by infiltration from streams that flow along the base of
the Cumberland Plateau Escarpment. Most recharge to these aquifers occurs during the winter
and spring months (Haugh 2002). In general, groundwater in these aquifers flows towards the
Chickamauga Reservoir, with some of the groundwater flowing into wells, streams, and springs
(Haugh 2002). Chickamauga Reservoir is likely another source of water for these aquifers
when they outcrop beneath the reservoir, but this is not considered to be a source of recharge
for the area on the west side of the reservoir around SQN (Haugh 2002).
The SQN site is underlain by the Conasauga Group. Neither the Conasauga Group nor the
overlying soil would be considered an aquifer. The high clay content of the shale beds in the
Conasauga Group make it a poor water producer (Julian 2007, TVA 2013a), while both the high
clay content and shallow depth of the soils make them poor sources of groundwater.
The source of groundwater in the SQN soil and in the Conasauga Group is from on-site
precipitation or from the Chickamauga Reservoir. Chickamauga Reservoir surrounds the SQN
site on the north, east, and south. Groundwater levels move up or down as Chickamauga
Reservoir water levels move up or down (Julian 2007). When water levels rise in either the
reservoir, intake, or discharge channels, water moves from these water bodies into the
Conasauga Group and the soil. When water levels in the reservoir, intake, or discharge
channels are lowered, groundwater in the Conasauga Group and the soil flows into these
channels and the reservoir. Overall, groundwater flow direction in the soil and Conasauga
Group at SQN is towards the reservoir (Julian 2007, TVA 2013a).
The beds of the Conasauga Group are nearly vertical. For groundwater within the Conasauga
Group to flow westward or eastward from SQN, it would need to cross the low-permeability
shale beds contained within the Conasauga Group (TVA 2013a). As a result, little if any
groundwater movement is expected within the Conasauga Group in a west or east direction.
Instead, groundwater within the Conasauga Group is expected to move parallel to the bedding
Affected Environment
planes (between the shale beds) and within small fractures in a northeast or southeast direction
and into Chickamauga Reservoir (Julian 2007, TVA 2013a). West of SQN, the Conasauga
Group is in contact with the Knox Group Aquifer. However, the potential for groundwater to
move laterally across bedding planes is so low that significant groundwater movement from the
Conasauga Group into the Knox Group is considered to be very unlikely. Groundwater Use
In the area around the SQN site, well yields are dependent on the local rock type (limestone or
shale) and the location of joints, fractures, and faults. Well yields can be variable, ranging from
less than one to several hundred gallons per minute. Where the conditions are favorable, the
aquifer system is capable of supplying significant quantities of groundwater. In addition to
supplying many small springs, the aquifer system also supplies Cave Springs, which is the
second largest spring in East Tennessee. The average discharge for this spring is 17.5 cfs
(0.5 m3/s) (Haugh 2002). The primary groundwater user of this aquifer system is the Hixson
Utility District, which is a local supplier of public water. Their well fields are located
approximately 5.5 mi (8.9 km) and 8.5 mi (14 km) southwest of SQN.
There are no groundwater supply wells on the SQN site or within a 1-mile (1.6-km) radius (from
the plant center point) of the site. The Hixson Utility District supplies SQN with water for all
plant potable water needs. In 2011, the SQN average monthly consumption of potable water
was 3.3 million gal (12.5 million L), or approximately 110,295 gpd (417,512 Lpd) (TVA 2013a).
Potable water for the residential area around SQN is also supplied by Hixson Utility District
(TVA 2013a). Groundwater Quality
The groundwater aquifers around SQN consist largely of dolomite and limestone rock. The
groundwater quality in these aquifers is characterized as calcium bicarbonate and calcium
magnesium bicarbonate (Pavlicek 1996). It is generally satisfactory for municipal supplies
(TVA 2013a). Water obtained by these aquifers and delivered via the Hixson Utility District is of
high quality (Chattanooga Times Free Press 2013, Hixson Utility District 2013, TAUD 2013). As
discussed in Section, the Conasauga Group is not a good producer of groundwater at
SQN. However, the little data on groundwater quality that is available states that the water at
SQN in the Conasauga Group is generally good (TVA 2013a).
Tritium concentrations in groundwater above background levels have been detected near some
of the plant structures at SQN. Tritium has been detected near the Unit 1 Refueling Water
Storage Tank and near the Unit 2 Reactor Building. No ongoing leaks of tritium have been
identified. Groundwater data from many wells and geoprobe borings, and data on past water
spills, suggest the source of the tritium in the groundwater is from past inadvertent water spills
that occurred on the land surface. These accidental spills were of limited areal extent and
occurred close to the plant buildings. Eight water spills occurred from 1981 to 2006. Spills
occurred near the Condensate Demineralizer Waste Evaporator Building, the Additional
Equipment Building, the Auxiliary Building, the Refueling Water Storage Tank Moat Drain, and
the Modularized Transfer Demineralization System (Julian 2007) (see Figure 3–6).
Groundwater containing tritium greater than background has been detected in four wells located
very close to plant structures. Their tritium concentrations are well below the EPA primary
drinking water standard of 20,000 pCi/L (TVA 2013c, 2014a). These wells monitor groundwater
quality in the structural fill and soil. In addition to these wells, another well (W-10) also located
close to plant structures, but completed in the top of the underlying Conasauga Group, has
tritium values that exceed background concentrations (Julian 2007). In 2013 tritium
concentrations in this well were detected up to a maximum concentration of 29,630 pCi/L. This
Affected Environment
exceeds the EPA drinking water standard for tritium. The most recently reported concentrations
for this well are 19,888 pCi/l (sample collected on August 17, 2013) (TVA 2014a). In
December 2011, water from this well was analyzed to determine the ratio of tritium (hydrogen-3)
to helium-3 in the groundwater. From these ratios, the tritium was calculated to have last been
in contact with the atmosphere 14 years (plus or minus 6 years) ago (TVA 2013c). This age
agrees reasonably well with the record of past spills and supports TVA’s assertion the source of
tritium is from historical water spills and not from ongoing activities.
TVA is actively involved in monitoring the extent of contamination. In 2007, the nuclear power
industry began implementing its “Industry Ground Water Protection Initiative” (NEI 2007). Since
2008, the NRC staff has been monitoring implementation of this initiative at licensed nuclear
reactor sites. The initiative identifies actions to improve management and response to
instances in which the inadvertent release of radioactive substances may result in low but
detectible levels of plant-related materials in subsurface soils and water. Results from SQN
groundwater monitoring are reported annually to the NRC (TVA 2010a, 2011b, 2012, 2013b).
Affected Environment
Figure 3–6. Locations of Inadvertent Liquid Releases Containing Tritium
Source: Modified from Julian 2007 and TVA 2011b
Affected Environment
3.6 Terrestrial Resources
3.6.1 SQN Ecoregion
SQN lies within the ridge and valley ecoregion, which occupies 44,589 km² (17,216 mi2) of land
from the southeastern corner of New York to northeastern Alabama. The ridge and valley
ecoregion is long and narrow, extending 1,600 km (995 mi). Roughly parallel ridges and
lowland valleys characterize most of the area and are the result of extreme folding and faulting
geological events. The predominant land cover in the ecoregion includes forests (56 percent),
agricultural land (30 percent), and developed areas (9 percent). Although developed land is
less prominent than forests and agricultural land, from 1973 to 2000, the percent of developed
land has increased 1.4 percent, while the percent of forested and agricultural land has
decreased (USGS 2012).
3.6.2 SQN Site and Vicinity
The SQN site is located along the Chickamauga Reservoir. The primary terrestrial habitats on
the site include forests, grasslands, wetlands, and scrub-shrub habitats (see Table 3–5 and
Figure 3–7).
Table 3–5. Primary Land Cover on the SQN Site
Land Cover
Developed or Cleared Land Cover
Barren (rocks, sand, clay)
Developed (open)
Developed (improvements)
Undeveloped Land Cover
Forest (Deciduous)
Forest (Evergreen)
Forest (Mixed)
Open Water
Note: Total percentage does not add to 100 because of rounding.
Source: TVA 2013n
Affected Environment
Figure 3–7. Land Cover at the SQN Site
Source: TVA 2013n
The SQN site is composed of two peninsulas. The larger peninsula is mostly developed and
includes the plant buildings and infrastructure surrounded primarily by grass fields. A small strip
of forested habitat borders the Chickamauga Reservoir. The smaller peninsula consists mostly
of a mix of evergreen and deciduous forest habitat.
Affected Environment Summary of Past SQN Surveys and Reports Within the Site and Vicinity
The TVA (1974) conducted site surveys of the SQN site and vicinity as part of the construction
permit application for SQN Units 1 and 2. These initial site surveys included an assessment of
terrestrial plant communities. The TVA (1974) review did not specify survey methodology,
although TVA (2013n) assumed that the surveys were conducted on site with additional data
extracted from a 1969 Bradley–Hamilton County survey (TVA 1969).
In 2010, TVA staff and contractors (TVA staff) conducted a walkdown of the site to identify
general plant populations along fence rows, roadsides, and lawns (TVA 2011c). The TVA
walkdown also noted birds and other wildlife observed. In addition, TVA staff conducted a
desktop review of natural areas (such as wildlife management areas). On March 27, 2013, TVA
staff conducted a follow-up study and surveyed nest sites within 6 mi (10 km) of SQN
(TVA 2013f).
These surveys are the primary sources for describing the terrestrial resources at SQN. To
supplement such surveys, the NRC staff conducted an environmental site visit and a desktop
review of other natural resource databases and surveys within the vicinity of SQN, such as
FWS 2013a, Henry 2011, and TDEC 2013b. Vegetation
Common Vegetation
Before construction, 93 percent of the SQN property was forested, including 54 percent pine,
32 percent pine–hardwood, and 7 percent hardwood (TVA 1974). The remaining portions of the
peninsula included pasture (3 percent), old field (2 percent), and transmission right-of-ways
(2 percent) (TVA 1974). Construction of the SQN plant converted approximately 525 ac
(212 ha) of terrestrial habitat, including mixed hardwood forest, pine forest, pasture, and old
fields, into buildings, parking lots, landscaped areas, and other industrial uses. Both before and
after construction of the SQN plant, agricultural and private land development activities have
disturbed forests and other vegetation at and surrounding the plant (TVA 2013n).
TVA (1974) concluded that common tree assemblages on the SQN site include evergreens,
such as shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) and Virginia pine (Pinus virginiana), and hardwoods,
such as oaks (Quercus spp.), hickories (Carya spp.), beech (Fagus spp.), and other typical
ridge and valley deciduous species. During the January 2010 SQN site walkdown, TVA
observed similar common tree species, such as shortleaf pine and Virginia pine (TVA 2013n).
TVA also recorded common flowering plant and grass species, including Japanese honeysuckle
(Lonicera japonica), trumpet creeper (Campsis radicans), various unnamed lawn species, and
weedy species such as crabgrass (Digitaria spp.). TVA (2011c) concluded that the types of
plants currently existing on the SQN site are typical of hardy species that can tolerate
environmental conditions near industrial facilities.
As part of the environmental report for the 2009 power uprate (TVA 2009c), TVA characterized
common invasive species found on the SQN site. Observed invasive species included Chinese
privet (Ligustrum sinense), Japanese honeysuckle, Japanese stilt grass (Microstegium
vimineum), multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora), and Chinese bush clover or sericea lespedeza
(Lespedeza cuneata).
TVA (1974) conducted a field survey of dominant vegetation within the vicinity of SQN. The
studies indicated that dominant tree species included the following: white oak (Q. alba), post
oak (Q. stellata), black oak (Q. velutina), southern red oak (Q. falcata), shagbark hickory
(Carya ovata), mockernut hickory (Carya tomentosa), yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), and
American beech (F. grandifolia).
Affected Environment
TVA (2013n) determined the presence of wetlands on the SQN site and in the vicinity of SQN by
examining U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) land cover maps and National Wetland
Inventory maps. Wetlands compose approximately 1 percent of the SQN site. The majority of
the wetlands occur on the edge of the site adjacent to the Chickamauga Reservoir. The U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) (FWS 2013a) classifies these wetlands as lacustrine, which
means that the wetlands occur in a topographic depression or a dammed river channel; trees,
shrubs, or other persistent vegetation is less than 30 percent of the areal coverage; and the total
area exceeds 8 ha (20 ac). In addition to the lacustrine wetlands, a single, 0.88-ac (0.35-ha)
wetland occurs on the north side of the SQN site. The FWS (2013a) classifies this wetland as
palustrine scrub or shrub, or a nontidal wetland with woody vegetation that includes woody
shrubs, young trees, or trees with stunted growth. The FWS (2013a) also classifies several
onsite ponds as palustrine (nontidal), unconsolidated bottom, and permanently flooded habitats.
These ponds are described in the aquatic resources section of this SEIS.
Additional wetlands occur within the vicinity (6 mi (10 km)) of SQN, including freshwater forested
and scrub-shrub wetlands and freshwater emergent wetlands (FWS 2013a; TVA 2013n). These
wetlands primarily occur along the Chickamauga Reservoir or its tributaries.
State-Listed Vegetation
This section discusses plant species protected only by the State, and Section 3.8 discusses
those species protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (ESA), alone
or in combination with the State. Table 3–6 identifies the 23 plants that are considered
threatened or endangered by the State of Tennessee within Hamilton County. Within 6 mi
(10 km) of SQN, one State endangered, one State threatened, and five species of special
concern have been identified (TDEC 2013b; TVA 2011c). Plant species of special concern
include species or subspecies that are uncommon or have unique or very specific habitat
requirements or scientific value. The seven species identified within 6 mi (10 km) of SQN are
described below, including where the species was observed in relation to SQN.
Affected Environment
Table 3–6. State-Listed Plant Species in Hamilton County
Scientific Name
Nonvascular Plants
Common Name
State of
Calcareous bluffs, rock
& logs of wet sinks
Lejeunea sharpii
Sharp’s lejeunea
Vascular Plants
Clematis fremontii
Clematis glaucophylla
Delphinium exaltatum
Diamorpha smallii
Fremont’s virgin’s-bower
White-leaved leatherflower
Tall larkspur
Small’s stonecrop
Diervilla lonicera
Northern bush-honeysuckle
Mountain bush-honeysuckle
Dry cliffs and bluffs
Florida hedge-hyssop
Canada lily
Lilium philadelphicum
Wood lily
Lonicera flava
Yellow honeysuckle
Lysimachia fraseri
Nestronia umbellula
Phemeranthus mengesii
Fraser’s loosestrife
Menge’s fameflower
Phemeranthus teretifolius
Roundleaf fameflower
Ribes curvatum
Granite gooseberry
Sabatia capitata
Cumberland rose gentian
Silphium laciniatum
Silphium pinnatifidum
Solidago ptarmicoides
Stylisma humistrata
Compass plant
Southern prairie-dock
Prairie goldenrod
Southern morning-glory
Trillium lancifolium
Narrow-leaved trillium
Trillium rugelii
Southern nodding trillium
Wooded swamps
Rich woods and seeps
Dry openings,
Rocky woods and
Dry open woods
Upland woods
Dry rock ledges
Dry sandy rock
Rocky woods
Dry open woods,
Dry piney woods
Alluvial woods and
moist ravines
Rich mountain woods
Diervilla sessilifolia var.
Gratiola floridana
Lilium canadense
Limestone barrens
Wooded stream banks
Glades and barrens
Sandstone outcrops
Rocky woodlands and
Source: TDEC 2013b
Southern Prairie-Dock (Silphium pinnatifidum)
Southern prairie-dock, a State threatened species, was identified in 2011 on private property
less than 4 mi (6 km) from SQN (TVA 2013f). Southern prairie-dock grows in areas exposed to
full sun and with average to poor soil. This perennial plant is relatively tall and grows as high as
3 m (10 ft). When in bloom, southern prairie-dock can be identified by its large flower heads
with yellow ray and disc flowers (USDA 2004).
Affected Environment
Tall Larkspur (Delphinium exaltatum)
Tall larkspur, a State endangered species, was observed historically from an area less than 6 mi
(10 km) from SQN; the last sighting was in 1939 (TVA 2011c). Tall larkspur is a herbaceous
perennial plant that belongs to the buttercup family. In Tennessee, primary habitat includes
ridge and valley cedar barrens on thin cherty loam over limestone (dolomite). However, the
plant has also been observed within oak-cedar woods, mixed pine-cedar woodlands, and
disturbed areas (e.g., powerlines, roadsides, and pastures) that provide similar habitat as
barrens (NatureServe 2013f).
Pink Lady’s Slipper (Cypripedium acaule)
Pink lady’s slipper, a species of special concern, was observed in 2007 approximately 6 mi
(10 km) from SQN (TVA 2011c). Pink lady’s slipper is an orchid that requires bees for
pollination. This species lives in a variety of habitats, including mixed hardwood coniferous
forests of pine and hemlock and in deep humus and acidic but well-drained soil near birch and
other deciduous trees (USDA 2011).
Fragrant Bedstraw (Galium uniflorum)
Fragrant bedstraw, a State species of concern, was identified in 1997 approximately 6 mi
(10 km) from the SQN site (TVA 2011c). Fragrant bedstraw is a perennial forb.
Gibbous Panic-Grass (Sacciolepis striata)
Gibbous panic-grass, a species of special concern, was identified approximately 1.5 mi (2 km)
from SQN in 1985 (TVA 2011c). Gibbous panic-grass grows within wetlands, although suitable
habitat does not occur on the SQN site (TVA 2013n).
Ovate-Leaved Arrowhead (Sagittaria platyphylla)
Ovate-leaved arrowhead, a species of special concern, was observed in 1980 approximately
6 mi (10 km) from SQN (TVA 2011c). Ovate-leaved arrowhead is a rhizomatous aquatic plant.
It can grow up to 5 ft (1.5 m) (NBII and ISSG 2006).
American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius)
American ginseng, a commercially exploited State species of concern, was observed in 2007
approximately 6 mi (10 km) from the SQN site (TVA 2011c). This perennial plant grows
primarily in moist woods under a closed canopy (NatureServe 2013f). Wildlife
Common Wildlife
The SQN site provides several types of terrestrial habitats for birds, mammals, and other
wildlife. For example, shoreline along the Chickamauga Reservoir is used extensively by birds
and waterfowl. During periods of reservoir drawdown, exposed mudflats along the shoreline
provide several important food sources for birds, such as aquatic invertebrates (Henry 2011).
Plant communities that develop along the shoreline also provide an important source of food
and refuge for birds. The combination of food, protection, and other resources available make
the Chickamauga Reservoir an important habitat for many birds and wildlife. In addition, the
reservoir is part of the Mississippi flyway, an important stopover location for many birds,
including sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) (TVA 2013n; TWRA 2013b).
Farther inland, wetlands occur within continually or regularly flooded areas, which provides food
and shelter for a variety of birds, amphibians, and wildlife. Forested areas also occur on the
SQN site, as described above. Because of the limited size of the SQN site and surrounding
Affected Environment
development, most wildlife species that occur on the SQN site are those that are relatively
tolerant of semiurban conditions.
Several important terrestrial habitats occur within the vicinity of SQN. As described above, this
area is part of the Mississippi flyway, used by migrating birds as important stopover points
during long seasonal migrations. High-quality bird habitats within the region surrounding SQN
include Soddy Mountain, Hiwassee National Wildlife Refuge, Harrison Bay State Park, and
Chester Frost Park (Henry 2011; TVA 2013n; TWRA 2013b).
Another relatively unique and important habitat within 6 mi (10 km) of SQN is three caves
(TVA 2011c). Caves provide a unique habitat because of the combination of geologic
requirements and environmental conditions created inside caves. The Tennessee cave
salamander (Gyrinophilus palleucus) typically occurs within caves in Hamilton County.
Table 3–7 describes the most common or abundant birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians
on the SQN site and within the vicinity.
Affected Environment
Table 3–7. Most Common or Abundant Wildlife on or Within the Vicinity of the SQN Site
Passerines (Songbirds)
northern cardinal
(Cardinalis cardinalis)
sedge wren
(Cistothorus platensis)
tree swallow
(Tachycineta bicolor)
American crow
(Corvus brachyrhynchos)
American robin
(Turdus migratorius)
eastern bluebird
(Sialia sialis)
marsh wren
(Cistothorus palustris)
Waterfowl (Ducks and Geese)
black duck
hooded merganser
(Anas rubripes)
(Lophodytes cucullatus)
Canada goose
(Branta canadensis)
(Anas platyrhynchos)
wood duck
(Anas strepera)
(Aix sponsa)
green-winged teal
(Anas crecca)
Birds of Prey (Eagles, Hawks, Ospreys, and Vultures)
bald eagle
red-tailed hawk
(Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
(Buteo jamaicensis)
black vulture
sharp-shinned hawk
(Coragyps atratus
(Accipiter striatus)
broad-winged hawk
turkey vulture
(Buteo lineatus)
(Cathartes aura)
(Pandion haliaetus)
great blue heron
(Ardea herodias)
(Larus spp.)
(Charadrius vociferous)
(Canis latrans)
eastern cottontail
(Sylvilagus floridanus)
eastern mole
(Scalopus aquaticus)
eastern Virginia opossum
(Didelphis virginiana)
hispid cotton rat
(Sigmodon hispidus)
Other Nonpasserine Birds
sandhill crane
(Grus canadensis)
(Meleagris gallopavo)
whooping crane
(Grus americana)
least shrew
(Cryptotis parva)
North American beaver
(Castor canadensis)
striped skunk
(Mephitis mephitis)
whitetail deer
(Odocoileus virginianus)
Affected Environment
American toad
(Bufo americanus)
Fowler’s toad
(Bufo fowleri)
northern cricket frog
(Acris crepitans)
Reptiles and Amphibians
Tennessee cave salamander
(Gyrinophilus palleucus)
upland chorus frog
(Pseudacris feriarum)
Sources: Henry 2011; TVA 2009c, 2011c, 2013n, 2013f; TWRA 2013b, 2013c, 2013d,
State-Listed and Other Important Wildlife
This section discusses bird, mammal, and reptile species protected only by the State, the Bald
and Golden Eagle Protection Act, and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Section 3.8 discusses
those species protected under the ESA alone or in combination with the State.
Table 3–8 identifies the three birds that are considered threatened or endangered by the State
of Tennessee within Hamilton County.
Table 3–8. State-Listed Bird Species in Hamilton County
Common Name
State of
Tennessee Status
Aimophila aestivalis
Bachman’s sparrow
Falco peregrinus
peregrine falcon
Thryomanes bewickii
Bewick’s wren
Scientific Name
Dry open pine or oak woods;
nests on the ground in dense
Varied habitats, including
farmlands, marshes, river
mouths, and cities; often nests
on ledges
Brushy areas, thickets and
scrub in open country, open and
riparian woodlands
Source: TDEC 2013b
Neither the Bachman’s sparrow (Aimophila aestivalis) nor the Bewick’s wren (Thryomanes
bewickii) are likely to occur at SQN because of a lack of available habitat.
Peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus) are medium-sized hawks and have the potential to occur
at or near SQN. The FWS removed the peregrine falcon from the Federal list of endangered
species in 1999 (64 FR 46542). However, it is still considered endangered by the State of
Tennessee (TDEC 2013b). Peregrine falcons are present in a variety of habitats, including
large cities. They eat birds and small mammals. Peregrine falcons nest in loose material on a
cliff or the ledge of a building in an area with a protective overhang. They prefer sites that are
100 ft (30 m) or higher (TWRA 2013c). A nest in Hamilton County was active below
Chickamauga Dam until 2007 (TWRA 2013c). Because peregrine falcons are present along the
Tennessee River and known to nest on ledges, there is a potential for them to be present at the
SQN site. In April 2013, the NRC staff observed that TVA had taken steps to ensure permanent
Affected Environment
structures, including buildings and equipment regarded as suitable falcon nesting sites, were
equipped with structures that would deter nest building.
The State of Tennessee lists seven bird species in Hamilton County as “deemed in need of
management” (TDEC 2013b). Of these seven species, barn owls (Tyto alba), sharp-shinned
hawks (Accipiter striatus), and bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) have been observed
along the Chickamauga Reservoir near the SQN site. Bald eagles are also protected under the
Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and are discussed later in this section.
The State of Tennessee lists four additional Hamilton County bird species as “deemed in need
of management” (TDEC 2013b) that have not been observed on the SQN site or within 6 mi
(10 km):
Swainson’s warbler (Limnothylpis swainsonii),
least bittern (Ixobrychus exilis),
king rail (Rallus elegans), and
golden-winged warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera).
Species Protected Under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act
The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act of 1940, as amended (16 U.S.C. §668-668c),
prohibits anyone from taking bald or golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos), including their nests or
eggs, without a permit issued by the FWS. The Act defines the word “take” to mean, among
other things, to pursue, shoot, shoot at, poison, wound, kill, capture, trap, collect, destroy,
molest, or disturb (50 CFR 22.3). The Act defines the word “disturb” to mean, among other
things, to take action that (1) causes injury to an eagle or (2) decreases its productivity or nest
abandonment, by substantially interfering with breeding, feeding, or sheltering behavior
(50 CFR 22.3).
Bald eagles have been observed downstream of the SQN site near Harrison Bay State Park
and Chester Frost Park, as well as other locations along the Tennessee River and its tributaries
(eBird 2013; TWRA 2013d). A bald eagle nest was observed approximately 1 mi (1.6 km) from
the site during 2006. Although the nest was not present during the survey completed in 2013, it
is possible that in the future a pair of bald eagles will nest near the site (TVA 2013f).
Species Protected Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, as amended (16 U.S.C. §§703–712, herein referred to as
MBTA), is administered by the FWS. The Act prohibits anyone from taking native migratory
birds, their eggs, feathers, or nests. The MBTA defines “take” to mean to pursue, hunt, shoot,
wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect, or any attempt to carry out these activities (50 CFR 10.12).
However, “take” does not include habitat destruction or alteration. All Tennessee State listed
species shown in Table 3–8 are protected under the MBTA.
Three mammals are listed by the State of Tennessee as being “deemed in need of
management”: the Allegheny woodrat (Neotoma magister), the smoky shrew (Sorex fumeus),
and the southeastern shrew (S. longirostris). This classification is analogous to the category
“special concern” discussed above for plants. None of these mammals have been reported
near the SQN site (TVA 2013f).
Affected Environment
The eastern slender glass lizard (Ophisaurus attenuatus longicaudus) is listed by the State as
“deemed in need of management.” A legless lizard, it is approximately 13 in. (33 cm) from the
head to the base of the tail, or up to 41.9 in. (106 cm) including the tail (NPS 2013). The
eastern slender glass lizard is rarely seen. They are found in dry soil or on dry grassy areas
(VDGIF 2013), often in open areas such as powerline right-of-ways, fields, and open woods
(NPS 2013), and occasionally in vacant lots or farms (TWRA 2013e). They burrow in sandy
soils and live in old rodent burrows or under grass mats (VDGIF 2013).
3.6.3 Transmission Line Corridors
Section describes the transmission lines under consideration in this SEIS as those that
connect the nuclear power plant to the switchyard where electricity is fed in to the regional
distribution system (NRC 2013c). For SQN, the 500-kV and 161-kV switchyards serve this
purpose (TVA 2013f). The switchyards are adjacent to Units 1 and 2 and within the protected
area of SQN (see Figure 3–3). Therefore, the above discussion of the affected terrestrial
environment for the SQN site is representative of the affected environment for these
transmission lines.
3.7 Aquatic Resources
3.7.1 Description of the Tennessee River
The only aquatic community in the vicinity of the SQN site is the Tennessee River. The
Tennessee River drains an area of approximately 105,000 km2 (40,540 mi2) in portions of
Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Kentucky. TVA
constructed a series of impoundments from the 1930s through the 1960s that altered the
character of the Tennessee River Valley (TVA 2013n). Chickamauga Dam, completed in 1940
by TVA, impounded the river to create the Chickamauga Reservoir, which is proximate to the
SQN site (TVA 1974). A total of 49 dams and reservoirs in the Tennessee and Cumberland
watersheds are owned or operated by TVA, 9 of which are located on the main stem of the
Tennessee River (TVA 2013n).
According to Etnier and Starnes (1993), “Tennessee has the richest freshwater fauna of any of
the United States” and further, that “the richest fish fauna are from the Tennessee and
Cumberland drainages.” Parmalee and Bogan (1998) find that the Tennessee River and its
tributaries “harbored the most diverse and abundant assemblage” of freshwater mussels known
in historic times. Impoundment of the river and the subsequent habitat loss, pollution, and
introduced species have greatly altered the diversity of the mussels and fish, however, and
changed the ecosystem processes in the Tennessee River system (White et al. 2005). White
et al. (2005) provide examples of these processes, including the loss of “shallow shoals, large
snags and accumulations of woody debris,” which affect benthic ecosystem processes and
make the water chemistry of the river more dependent on releases from upstream.
The assemblage of organisms living in the river has changed in response to the impoundments
that have produced conditions that allow nonnative species to invade and proliferate. Species
that were not able to adapt to the new conditions have been and are being decimated,
extirpated, or driven to extinction. According to Parmalee and Bogan (1998), only one-third of
the 130 species of freshwater mussels known to occur or to have occurred in Tennessee are
considered stable. For example, all 11 species of the unionid mussel genus Epioblasma that
inhabited the shoal and riffle areas in the Tennessee River and its tributaries are now extinct
(Parmalee and Bogan 1998). Parmalee and Bogan attribute these extinctions directly or
Affected Environment
indirectly to impoundment. According to Neves and Angermeier (1990), obligatory riverine
species, those that require riverine habitat for at least part of their life history, typically do not
survive in reservoirs. Further, Neves and Angermeier (1990) report that even though fish
sampling on the Tennessee River was not extensive in the years before construction of the
dams began (late 1930s), enough surveys were conducted to document the adverse effects of
impoundment on native fish species. For example, fish surveys conducted before and after the
impoundment of Melton Hill Reservoir, located in East Tennessee upstream of the Watts Bar
Dam on the Clinch River, demonstrate a shift in the fauna—species requiring shoal and riffle
habitats that were present before impoundment were no longer present in the postimpoundment
surveys. Such adverse impacts have been extensive, and Neves and Angermeier found that
“[t]here is little doubt that the integrity of the resident fish fauna of these rivers [the Tennessee
River and its tributaries] and their associated drainages has been and will be compromised by
such extensive alterations of habitat.”
White et al. (2005) summarized one aspect of the problem as follows:
Because reservoirs create ecosystem conditions that did not exist previously in
the basin, conceptually these are “new” ecosystems…Although most species
occurred in the system prior to impoundment the dominant species now are
those adapted to the new set of environmental conditions.
Further, the impoundments created good reservoir fisheries for sport and commercial fishermen.
This, in turn, contributed to the change in composition of the aquatic biota. According to Etnier
and Starnes (1993), resource managers and others, whether purposely or accidentally,
introduced other species (including nuisance species) into the system. These species include
carp (various species, including Cyprinus carpio, Ctenopharyngodon idella, and
Hypophthalmichthys spp.), striped bass (Monrone saxatilis), yellow perch (Perca flavescens),
and possibly the threadfin shad (Dorosoma petenense) (Etnier and Starnes 1993). Nuisance
species (i.e., nonnative species whose introduction causes, or is likely to cause, economic or
environmental harm) include Eurasian water milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum), spiny leaf naiad
(Najas minor), hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata), zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha), and Asiatic
clams (Corbicula fluminea) (TWRA 2008). These species and their potential effect on the native
aquatic biota are discussed in detail later in this section.
3.7.2 Description of Chickamauga Reservoir
The SQN site is on the western shore of the Chickamauga Reservoir at Tennessee
River Mile (RM) 484.5. The Chickamauga Reservoir extends approximately 59 mi (95 km) from
Chickamauga Dam (Tennessee RM 471) to Watts Bar Dam (Tennessee RM 529.9).
The characteristics of the reservoir at different locations (e.g., water velocity, water depth and
temperature, substrate, aquatic vegetation) determine, to a large degree, the types of and
relationships among the organisms in these locations. Reservoirs on the Tennessee River main
stem are divided into three functional zones based on hydrology and limnology characteristics:
riverine, transitional, and lacustrine (White et al. 2005). The riverine zone in Chickamauga
Reservoir is located at the inflow of Watts Bar Dam, upstream of the SQN site. This zone has
characteristics similar to those of a river, although the flows are variable depending on releases
from upstream dams. The riverine zone tends to have higher turbidity, swifter water velocities,
and sand and gravel river bottoms. The transitional zone in Chickamauga Reservoir is located
midreservoir, and has slower water velocity, and bottom substrates that are mixed sand, gravel,
and organic deposits. The lacustrine zone, also called the forebay, is a lake-like area where
water amasses behind a downstream dam (Chickamauga Dam). The bottom substrate of
Affected Environment
lacustrine zones in the Chickamauga Reservoir is commonly composed of clay deposits with
low organic content.
The SQN site is located where the Chickamauga Reservoir changes from a transitional zone to
a lacustrine zone. TVA (Simmons 2011) characterized substrates in the sampling areas
upstream and downstream of the site in the autumn of 2009. The three most dominant
substrate types upstream of the site (centered at Tennessee RM 490.5) were silt (51.2 percent),
mollusk shell (18.4 percent), and bedrock (8.8 percent). The downstream sites (centered at
Tennessee RM 482.0) were composed of mollusk shells (27.6 percent), silt (19.9 percent), and
clay (16.4 percent). However, TVA (Simmons 2011) reported that the overall average water
depths at the sampling sites upstream and downstream of the SQN site were similar. Depths at
the sampling locations ranged from 27 to 44.7 ft (8.2 to 13.6 m) at the downstream transects
and 26.1 to 34.9 ft (8.0 to 10.6 m) at the upstream transect. Actual depths in the river at these
locations range from 7.4 to 78.5 ft (2.3 to 23.9 m) at the downstream transect and 6.4 to 55.2 ft
(2.0 to 16.8 m) at the upstream transect (Simmons 2011). The lacustrine zones of most TVA
impoundments suffer depletion of dissolved oxygen and have characteristics similar to eutrophic
lakes, which renders the environment inhospitable to many species, including many freshwater
mussels. In summer and autumn of 2011, dissolved oxygen readings tended to be higher at the
downstream sampling location than at the upstream location (Simmons 2011), which would not
be the case if the SQN effluent was depleting dissolved oxygen levels and encouraging
eutrophication. Habitat and Biological Communities
The following sections describe the habitat and aquatic organisms of Chickamauga Reservoir in
the vicinity of the SQN site. Figure 3–8 depicts a typical food web for this location and illustrates
the connectivity of aquatic resources.
Affected Environment
Figure 3–8. Typical Food Web for the Chickamauga Reservoir (Showing Fish by
Trophic Group)
Plankton are small plants or animals that float, drift, or weakly swim in the water column of any
body of water. There are two main categories of plankton: phytoplankton and zooplankton.
Phytoplankton contain chlorophyll and require sunlight to live and grow. Zooplankton are small
microscopic animals. In addition to other ecological services, phytoplankton and zooplankton
form the basis of many aquatic food webs. Many types of zooplankton feed on phytoplankton
and then become the primary source of food for other invertebrates and larval fish (White
et al. 2005). As a result, plankton plays key ecosystem roles in the distribution, transfer, and
recycling of nutrients and minerals.
In general, the density of plankton in Chickamauga Reservoir increases from upstream to
downstream during normal water flows (TVA 1990). Tennessee main stem reservoirs have a
spring diatom (a type of phytoplankton) peak in late March to early April. White et al. (2005)
report that water velocity and turbidity are high in the upper part of each reservoir and, as a
result, primary productivity (growth of phytoplankton) is low. Further downstream in the
reservoir, water velocity and turbidity decrease and primary productivity may be high during the
early spring if enough nitrogen and phosphorus are available for algae growth. By early
summer, the nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations are usually too low to measure in the
water column, and less algal growth occurs. By midsummer the dominant phytoplankton are
green algae, diatoms, and cyanobacteria (White et al. 2005). Because very little primary or
secondary production occurs in the bottom sediments, most of the fixed carbon (i.e., inorganic
carbon that has been fixed by photosynthesis into organic compounds and typically is part of
living organisms and detritus) likely moves through the dams or is metabolized in the water
Affected Environment
Smaller zooplankton (including small planktonic crustaceans such as Bosmina longirostris and
Daphnia retrocurva) quickly consume the spring diatom peak. In turn, these smaller
zooplankton are consumed by other organisms including larger zooplanktonic crustaceans,
such as copepods, or by mollusks, aquatic insects, and various larval fish.
Surveys of phytoplankton and zooplankton were conducted between 1980 and 1985
(Dycus 1986), in 1986, 1987, and 1988 with altered protocols (TVA 1989), in 1989 (TVA 1990),
and, most recently, in 2011 (TVA 2012c). The 2011 study characterized phytoplankton in the
vicinity of the SQN site and found that cyanophytes (formerly known as blue-green algae) were
the numerically dominant taxa in the summer, comprising 96 to 99 percent of the
67 phytoplankton species identified. Diatoms (bacillariophytes) were the numerically dominant
taxa in autumn and the group with the greatest biovolume in both summer and autumn
(TVA 2012c). Cryptophytes (mostly genus Cryptomonas) were the next dominant
phytoplankton taxa in autumn. The 2011 study identified 35 zooplankton taxa, of which
cladocerans, copepods, and rotifers were the dominant groups (TVA 2012c).
The TVA surveys conducted in the 1980s noted reduced phytoplankton cell densities (but not
changes in the composition of the plankton community) in samples taken downstream of the
diffuser at Tennessee RM 483.4. These reductions occurred during times when the plant
entrained at least 10 percent of the river flow and had a buoyant heated discharge (Dycus 1986;
TVA 1989). TVA (1989) suggested that this reduction was likely due to the withdrawal and
subsequent discharge of water drawn from below the skimmer wall. This water has lower
phytoplankton cell densities, which are lowered further due to passage through the plant. The
discharge water has reduced cell densities where it is reintroduced into the reservoir.
These observations were supported in the 2011 study (TVA 2012c), which showed a reduction
in phytoplankton density in the vicinity of the discharge structure (Tennessee RM 483.4) but no
changes in community composition. The study also showed that just over 2 mi (3 km)
downstream from the diffuser, at Tennessee RM 481.1, the levels increased to be similar to
those found at the upstream sampling location (Tennessee RM 490.5). Reductions in
zooplankton have also been observed. These reductions are, in part, due to passage through
the SQN cooling system (which is harder on the softer-bodied zooplankton than it is on the
phytoplankton, such as diatoms). TVA (2012c) postulates that the reduction in zooplankton and
phytoplankton at the site is partially due to the complex hydrology of the area caused by the
original channel morphology and complicated by the addition of the dam across the main river
Aquatic Macrophytes
Aquatic macrophytes include vascular aquatic plants (i.e., plants with true stems, roots, and
leaves), mosses, and some large algae. Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA 2008)
reports that introduced or nonnative species of aquatic macrophytes make up the most
abundant aquatic plant species in the Tennessee River, which include exotic or nonnative
species such as Eurasian water milfoil, spiny leaf naiad, and hydrilla. In addition, alligatorweed
(Alternanthera philoxeroides), a vascular plant that roots in bottom sediments, and Asian
spiderwort (Murdannia keisak) have been found in Chickamauga Reservoir (TWRA 2008).
Aquatic plants provide benefits (e.g., food and cover) for waterfowl, fish, and smaller organisms
and reduce wave action, filter sediments suspended in the water, add oxygen to the water, and
help protect shorelines from erosion. TVA (Scott 1993) monitored the population trends of fish
and aquatic macrophytes in Chickamauga Reservoir and observed temporal changes in fish
populations, including an increase in abundance of certain species. Fish species positively
affected by increased vegetation include midwater species that feed on insects (e.g., bluegill
(Lepomis macrochirus), brook silverside (Labidesthes sicculus), yellow bass (Morone
Affected Environment
mississippiensis), black crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus), warmouth (Lepomis gulosus),
golden shiner (Notemigonus crysoleucas), and yellow perch). Fish species that feed in the
shallow, silted overbank areas decline in abundance as the vegetation in these areas increases.
These species include freshwater drum (Aplodinotus grunniens), channel catfish (Ictalurus
punctatus), smallmouth buffalo (Ictiobus bubalus), spotted sucker (Minytrema melanops), and
carp (Scott 1993). Scott observes that the responses of the fish populations to changes in
aquatic vegetation are more complex than simple correlations, however, and that the fish
communities have been destabilized due to highly variable water conditions such as rate of
spring warming, discharges, turbidity, and water level fluctuations that affect not only aquatic
macrophytes but also planktonic food webs, fish spawning times and success, and interspecific
competition among early life stages of fish species.
TVA (2013n) reported that rooted aquatic macrophytes were not abundant near the SQN site
until Eurasian water milfoil was established in Chickamauga Reservoir. Eurasian water milfoil
was introduced into Watts Bar Reservoir (upstream of Chickamauga Reservoir) around 1953
and expanded into Chickamauga Reservoir in 1961. Spiny leaf naiad became the most
common submerged aquatic macrophyte during the 1980s (TVA 2013n). Aquatic macrophyte
coverage in Chickamauga Reservoir was less than 100 hectares (ha) (247 acres (ac)) between
1970 and 1975 and increased to nearly 2,800 ha (6,920 ac) between 1982 and 1988
(Scott 1993; TVA 2013n). The coverage of spiny leaf naiad in the reservoir correlates
negatively with water flow levels, and increased in several drought years occurring during the
1982 to 1988 period (Scott 1993; TVA 2013n; TWRA 2008). Increased water flows caused a
decrease in vegetation to 155 ha (383 ac) by 1992 (TVA 2013n), but vegetation increased again
to 1,400 ac (567 ha) by 2007 (TVA 2007). TVA (2007) reports the dominant aquatic plant on
Chickamauga Reservoir was the spiny leaf naiad, a species that grows in shallow water areas
of the reservoir (e.g., embayments, sloughs, and overbank areas).
TVA (Simmons 2011) conducted the initial and most recently published survey of aquatic
macrophyte coverage in the vicinity of the SQN site in autumn 2009 during a shoreline habitat
study. TVA assessed the percentage of aquatic macrophytes in the shallow areas along both
shorelines of eight line-of-sight transects across the Chickamauga Reservoir. The transects
were sited between Tennessee RM 481.1 and 483.6, downstream of the SQN site, and from
Tennessee RM 487.9 to 491.1, upstream of the SQN site. No aquatic macrophytes were
observed in the upstream sampling area (Tennessee RM 487.9 to 491.1). At the downstream
sampling areas (Tennessee RM 481.1 to 483.6), slightly fewer than half of the locations had
aquatic macrophytes. The average percentage of macrophytes was 2 percent along the left
descending bank and 5 percent along the right descending bank (TVA 2012c).
TVA plans to continue sampling habitats in the vicinity of the SQN site every 3 years in autumn
unless there are significant changes to the river system as based on the initial characterization
(in 2009), in which case the sampling would occur the next autumn (TVA 2012c).
Invertebrates are animals that do not have a true backbone. Macroinvertebrates are typically
invertebrates large enough to see with the human eye and include animals such as flatworms;
roundworms; leeches; crustaceans; aquatic life stages of insects; and mollusks such as snails,
clams, and mussels. Macroinvertebrates perform a variety of ecosystem services and are an
important food source for other aquatic organisms, including some fish. Their distribution
depends partly on their habitat (e.g., substrate type, amount of cover, food availability, dissolved
oxygen levels, flow patterns, and water temperature). The term “benthic macroinvertebrates”
refers to macroinvertebrates that live all or part of their life near, on, or in the bottom of streams
or reservoirs. Researchers use studies of benthic macroinvertebrate abundance and
Affected Environment
distribution to detect major environmental changes because these animals do not migrate
rapidly and, in general, do not make major changes in location.
White et al. (2005) find that transitional zones of the main stem Tennessee reservoirs have
greater diversity and density of benthic invertebrates than riverine or lacustrine zones. The
transition zone is dominated by worms that feed on subsurface deposits. The primary insects in
the transition zones are the larvae of mayflies, caddisflies, and chironomids (midges). The
lacustrine zone has less organic matter, as discussed previously, and the tubificid worms are
the primary feeders on sediment deposits and filters. Mayfly and chironomid larvae are the
most common insects. Filter-feeding mollusks (e.g., fingernail clams (family Sphaeriidae),
Asiatic clams (family Corbiculidae), and some unionid mussels (native freshwater mussels)) are
found in the lacustrine zone, although unionid mussels are found in much greater densities in
the riverine zone.
TVA performed studies of macroinvertebrates before the start of operations at SQN, Units 1
and 2 (i.e., from 1971 to 1978), and following the start of operations (i.e., from 1980 to 1985)
(Dycus 1986). Studies were conducted at an upstream control site at Tennessee RM 490.5
(midchannel) and at three downstream sites, Tennessee RM 483.4 (right descending channel
margin), Tennessee RM 482.6 (left descending channel margin), and Tennessee RM 478.2
(midchannel). TVA (Dycus 1986) reports that results of the studies between 1971 and 1985
show no evidence of decline in the community and that spatial and temporal differences are
associated with factors other than the operation of SQN. At one location, a macroinvertebrate
community appeared to be stressed, although TVA attributed that stress to habitat limitations.
Because no changes were observed in the macroinvertebrate community, TVA decided not to
continue the studies after the early 1985 sampling season.
In 1999, TVA reinitiated surveys of benthic macroinvertebrates as part of its annual monitoring
program to verify that balanced indigenous populations were being maintained at TVA’s thermal
plants with alternative thermal limits (TVA 2013n). Sample locations for benthic
macroinvertebrates are located upstream (Tennessee RM 490.5) and downstream
(Tennessee RM 482.0). Table 3–9 provides a comparison of the data from the two sampling
locations during the four most recent sampling years, 2008 to 2011 (Shaffer et al. 2010;
Simmons 2011; Simmons and Baxter 2009; TVA 2012c). From 2008 to 2011, the density of
organisms is higher at the upstream locations, and this difference appears to be largely driven
by the high upstream density of Chironomidae (midges) as densities of most other taxa are
higher at the downstream sampling location. According to TVA (2013n), lower densities and
numbers of macroinvertebrates were found in sampling near the SQN site than were found in
other sampling locations in Chickamauga Reservoir.
Mollusks, a subset of macroinvertebrates, include snails, freshwater clams, and mussels. The
Tennessee River is home to both introduced and native mussel and clam species.
Approximately 130 of nearly 300 species of freshwater mussels in the United States live, or are
known to have lived, in waters within Tennessee (Parmalee and Bogan 1998). Stressors such
as farming, strip mining, industry, hydropower dam construction, and commercial exploitation
have greatly reduced species distributions and abundances (Parmalee and Bogan 1998).
Affected Environment
Table 3–9. Average Mean Density Per Square Meter of Benthic Taxa Collected at
Downstream and Upstream Sites Near SQN
Planariidae (flatworms)
Oligochaeta (segmented worms)
Hirudinea (leeches)
Ephemeroptera (mayflies)
Trichoptera (caddisflies)
Diptera Chironomidae (midges)
Gastropoda (snails)
Bivalvia (mussels and clams)
Unionidae (mussels)
Corbiculidae (≤10 mm (0.4 in.))
Corbiculidae (>10 mm (0.4 in.))
Sphaeriidae (fingernail clams)
Dreissenidae (zebra mussels)
Density of total organisms
Total area sampled (m (11 ft ))
TVA 2012c did not designate sizes of Corbicula fluminea
TRM = Tennessee River Mile
Sources: Shaffer et al. 2010; Simmons 2011; Simmons and Baxter 2009; TVA 2012c
Mussels spend their entire juvenile and adult lives buried, either partially or completely, in the
substrate. Although mussels are able to change their position and location, they rarely move
more than a few hundred yards during their lifetime unless dislodged. Individuals from some
species of freshwater mussels live for more than 100 years (Parmalee and Bogan 1998).
Freshwater mussels filter organic particles and microorganisms (e.g., protozoans, diatoms, and
bacteria) from the water. Native freshwater mussels have a unique reproductive cycle. Males
release sperm into the water, where they are carried into the female mussel’s body via tubes in
the gills, where they fertilize the eggs. The fertilized eggs develop into small larvae, called
glochidia, that release into the water. If the glochidia do not encounter a passing fish and attach
to its gills or body, they fall to the bottom and die a short time later. The glochidia that attach to
a fish’s gills remain on that fish for 1 to 6 weeks before falling off and beginning their growth into
adulthood. Each mussel species has particular species of fish that serve as hosts for the
glochidia (Parmalee and Bogan 1998). The survival of freshwater mussel species depends not
only on the environmental conditions for the mussel, but on the survival and health of the host
fish populations.
Affected Environment
The numbers of native mussels have been declining since the early 1940s when TVA filled the
Chickamauga and Watts Bar reservoirs. Parmalee et al. (1982) studied aboriginal shell
middens in the Chickamauga Reservoir (Tennessee RM 495 to 528). The five most abundant
species during the Middle Woodland (A.D. 1) to Late Woodland Mississippian times
(approximately A.D. 600 to 1600) included the currently endangered dromedary pearly mussel
(Dromus dromas), spike mussel (Elliptio dilatatus), mucket (Actiononaias ligamentina),
elephant-ear (E. crassidens), and rough pigtoe (Pleurobema plenum). Together these species
composed about 66 percent of the community surveys at 16 prehistoric aboriginal sites along
the Chickamauga Reservoir. Watters (2000) points to impoundments, dredging, snagging, and
channelization as having long-term detrimental effects on freshwater mussels. The
impoundments result in silt accumulation, loss of shallow water habitat, stagnation,
accumulation of pollutants, and nutrient-poor water.
As a result of the loss of diversity in mussel species, the State of Tennessee created a
freshwater mussel sanctuary in the riverine zone of Chickamauga Reservoir immediately below
Watts Bar Dam. The mussel sanctuary extends 16 km (10 mi) from Tennessee RM 520.0 to
Tennessee RM 529.9 (NRC 2013a). Mussel harvesting is illegal in this area.
TVA observed unionid mussels and snails in the annual monitoring surveys in the vicinity of the
SQN site (Table 3–10). Two unionid mussels were identified in 2008 and 2009 at the sampling
location downstream of the site at Tennessee RM 482 (Simmons and Baxter 2009), and
two unionid mussels were identified at the upstream survey location in 2011 (TVA 2012c).
Aquatic snails are routinely found in the annual monitoring survey as shown in Table 3–10.
Invasive mussels were also identified including the Asiatic clam and zebra mussel (Dreissena
polymorpha) but their numbers not quantified.
Additional field surveys were conducted between June 28 and July 9, 2010, to document the
number and diversity of the unionid mussels and snails, along with their habitat conditions in the
vicinity of SQN in areas that could be affected by plant operations and in areas beyond those
affected areas (Third Rock 2010a, 2010b). Reconnaissance dives (timed searches) were made
in specific areas within 1 to 2 mi (1.6 to 3.2 km) of the plant. The dives identified eight survey
sites. At each site, four 100-m (328-ft) long sampling transects were set up perpendicular to the
bank. Densities of both mussels and snails were reported to be low throughout the survey area.
Sampling resulted in the identification of 280 mussels from 11 species. The most abundant
were the threehorn wartyback mussel (Obliquaria reflexa), which comprised almost 69 percent
of the individuals observed; the pink heelsplitter (Potamilus alatus) with 13 percent; and the
pimpleback (Quadrula pustulosa) with 7 percent. Invasive, nonnative zebra mussel numbers
were not recorded, although the authors indicate that zebra mussels “were prevalent and
attached to the majority of the live mussels recorded in the survey.” Of the 280 unionid mussels
observed, approximately half (136) were infested with zebra mussels that covered between 5
and 15 percent of the surface area of the live unionid mussels, and, in some cases, zebra
mussels covered 50 percent of the surface area of a given unionid mussel.
Affected Environment
Table 3–10. Results of the Native Mussel and Snail Survey Near the SQN Site in 2010
Taxonomic Class and
Scientific Name
Obliquaria reflexa
Potamilus alatus
Quadrula pustulosa
Pyganodon grandis
Anodonta suborbiculata
Megalonaias nervosa
Leptodea fragilis
Amblema plicata
Truncilla truncate
Elliptio crassidens
Vivaparus subpurpureus
Pleurocera acuta
Pleurocera canaliculata
Campeloma decisum
Common Name
Number of
of Total
threehorn wartyback
pink heelsplitter
giant floater
flat floater
fragile papershell
olive mysterysnail
sharp hornsnail
silty hornsnail
pointed campeloma
Source: Third Rock 2010b
Four species of snails, consisting of 281 individuals, were identified during the survey. The
most abundant was the olive mysterysnail, which comprised 49 percent; the sharp hornsnail
with 42 percent; the silty hornsnail with 5 percent; and the pointed campeloma with 4 percent
(Third Rock 2010b).
Densities of both snails and mussels were generally low with mean densities in quantitative
samples ranging from zero to 0.7 mussels per square meter and 0.008 to 1 snail per square
meter. Densities were higher at sites 5 (immediately above discharge), 6 (in the mixing zone),
and 7 (downstream of the mixing zone) than they were further upstream or further downstream
of the discharge. This may have been influenced by the substrate in the vicinity of the sampling
transects. The substrate at site 5, where the greatest number of mussels were observed, was
predominately a mix of sand/cobble/gravel substrates. The remaining locations had substrates
of silt over either clay or sand or silt over a combination of clay and sand (Third Rock 2010b).
The fish populations in the Tennessee River have changed and are changing considerably as a
result of human-initiated activities (e.g., impoundment of the river and introduction of nonnative
species). Etnier et al. (1979) and Neves and Angermeier (1990) both indicate that the
Tennessee River was poorly studied prior to impoundment, especially for small fish. In 1977
and 1978, Etnier et al. (1979) examined samples of over 49,000 fish specimens collected by
TVA field crews between 1937 and 1943, prior to impoundment of the river. Based on an
analysis of those specimens and a comparison with more recent observations, Etnier et al.
(1979) conclude that “many changes have occurred in the Tennessee River fish fauna
coincident with main channel impoundments,” including the disappearance of species in
response to drastic alteration of the Tennessee River system. Fish species extirpated from the
Tennessee River system include the lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens), the shovelnose
Affected Environment
sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus), and the silvery minnow (Hybognathus nuchalis)
(Etnier et al. 1979).
Fish populations in the Chickamauga Reservoir near the SQN site have been sampled fairly
consistently over the past 50 years. Considerable data are available on fish abundance and
diversity in the vicinity of the SQN site. Rotenone studies were initiated in various coves in
Chickamauga Reservoir in 1947 and continued throughout the reservoir through 1959
(excluding 1948 and 1953) and then began again in 1970 and continued through 1993, at which
time they were conducted biennially until 1999. Rotenone is a toxic chemical that kills fish and
allows for the collection and identification of fish when added to water in a cove or other limited
area. It is detoxified with the release of another chemical. Rotenone sampling sites were
located approximately 10 mi (16.1 km) upstream or 6 mi (9.7 km) downstream of the SQN site
(Baxter 2000). Although the purpose of the rotenone sampling was to understand the density of
forage, sport, and commercially valued fish species, it also provided a characterization of the
fish community and occurrence data for fish in the reservoir. However, rotenone sampling is
known to underestimate the number of certain species such as common carp (Cyprinus carpio),
smallmouth buffalo, flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris), white crappie (Pomoxis annularis), and
sauger (Sander canadensis) (Baxter 2000; Wilson and Sawyer 1994).
The rotenone sampling study results were used to identify trends in fish populations. For
example, threadfin shad populations showed dramatic declines in 1978, 1979, 1982, 1984, and
1989 (Baxter 2000). Threadfin shad are susceptible to extensive winter kills (Etnier and Starnes
1993, Loar et al. 1978), and estimates of numbers killed in Chickamauga Reservoir, as in other
reservoirs and lakes, vary dramatically depending on winter water temperatures. Baxter (2000)
attributed the increased population estimates for centrarchids such as warmouth, redear sunfish
(Lepomis microlophus), bluegill, and largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) to the large
increase in aquatic macrophytes between 1980 and 1988. In particular, warmouth and bluegill
are known to find habitat and protection in areas of vegetative and sometimes dense cover
(e.g., debris or weedbeds) (Etnier and Starnes 1993). Other species, however, such as the
freshwater drum, may be displaced to areas not inhabited by macrophytes (Baxter 2000, Wilson
and Sawyer 1994).
In 1986, data obtained by the rotenone studies and TWRA creel surveys of Chickamauga
Reservoir caused concern from TWRA and the Tennessee Division of Water Pollution Control
regarding the possible declining populations of specific fish species in Chickamauga Reservoir.
The species, including sauger, white crappie, white bass (Morone chrysops), and channel
catfish, were the subjects of additional analyses and studies conducted by TVA in following
years (Buchanan 1994; Buchanan and McDonough 1990; Hevel and Hickman 1991; Hickman
and Buchanan 1995; Peck and Buchanan 1991), and each species is discussed later in this
In 1942, TVA sampled using rotenone and gillnets. Gillnets were also used during
preoperational monitoring between 1971 and 1978 in the vicinity of the SQN site. TVA sampled
quarterly using gillnets and trap nets at locations upstream (Tennessee RM 495), below
Tennessee RM 473, and adjacent to the site (Tennessee RM 483.6) (Dycus 1986;
Simmons 2010a). TVA conducted additional monitoring after the start of SQN operations (from
1980 to 1985) using standard gillnets at approximately the same locations (Dycus 1986;
Simmons 2010a). TVA used experimental gillnets, which are composed of panels with varying
mesh sizes to capture a variety of species, during a study in 1986 between Tennessee
RM 482.7 and Tennessee RM 487.6 (Simmons 2010a).
TVA began evaluating the ecological health of fish communities in the reservoir using the
Reservoir Fish Assemblage Index methodology in 1993 (TVA 2012c). This annual survey uses
Affected Environment
gillnets and electrofishing from boats and is conducted primarily at monitoring stations located at
the inflow (Tennessee RM 529), upper end (Tennessee RM 518 and 527.4), transition zone,
(Tennessee RM 490.5), and forebay zone (Tennessee RM 472.3) of the reservoir and in the
embayment of the Hiwassee River (Hiwassee RM 8.5). In 1990, TVA added an additional
sampling site at Tennessee RM 482.0, just downstream of the SQN site, to assess the effects of
site discharge on fish (TVA 2013n).
Table 3–11 is a list of species by family that were identified during the sampling studies that ran
from 1999 to 2011. Fifty-three species from 13 families are present in the vicinity of the SQN
site. Tables 3–12 (electrofishing) and 3–13 (gillnetting) provide the percentage of the catch
composed of each of the most dominant species at each sampling location (upstream of the site
at Tennessee RM 490.5 or downstream of the site at Tennessee RM 482) during the most
recent 10 years of sampling (2002 to 2011). As expected, variations exist between
electrofishing and gillnetting results, as smaller fish escape gillnets. Bluegill was the numerically
dominant species caught during electrofishing at both upstream and downstream sample sites
for the past 11 years (TVA 2013n), followed by the gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum)
(Table 3–12). Other numerically dominant species include the redbreast sunfish, redear
sunfish, spotted bass, and largemouth bass. Results from gillnet samples indicated the gizzard
shad was the numerically dominant species at both upstream and downstream sample sites.
Other numerically dominant species include the yellow bass, blue catfish, spotted bass, redear
sunfish, black crappie, skipjack herring, channel catfish, redear sunfish, and drum (Table 3–13).
Affected Environment
Table 3–11. Species Identified During Sampling Studies in the Vicinity of the SQN Site
From 1999 to 2011
Scientific Name
Acipenser fulvescens
Labidesthes sicculus
Menidia audens
Menidia beryllina
Hypentelium nigricans
Ictiobus bubalus
Ictiobus niger
Minytrema melanops
Moxostoma duquesnei
Moxostoma erythrurum
Ambloplites rupestris
hybrid Lepomis spp.
hybrid Micropterus sp.
Lepomis auritus
Lepomis cyanellus
Lepomis gulosus
Lepomis macrochirus
Lepomis megalotis
Lepomis microlophus
Micropterus dolomieu
Micropterus punctulatus
Micropterus salmoides
Pomoxis annularis
Pomoxis nigromaculatus
Alosa chrysochloris
Dorosoma cepedianum
Dorosoma petenense
hybrid Dorosoma sp.
Campostoma oligolepis
Cyprinella spiloptera
Cyprinella whipplei
Cyprinus carpio
Gambusia affinis
Notemigonus crysoleucas
Notropis atherinoides
Pimephales notatus
Pimephales vigilax
Hiodon tergisus
Ictalurus furcatus
Ictalurus punctatus
Pylodictis olivaris
Common Name
lake sturgeon
brook silverside
Mississippi silverside
inland silverside
northern hog sucker
smallmouth buffalo
black buffalo
spotted sucker
black redhorse
golden redhorse
rock bass
hybrid sunfish
hybrid bass
redbreast sunfish
green sunfish
longear sunfish
redear sunfish
smallmouth bass
spotted bass
largemouth bass
white crappie
black crappie
skipjack herring
gizzard shad
threadfin shad
hybrid shad
largescale stoneroller
spotfin shiner
steelcolor shiner
common carp
western mosquitofish
golden shiner
emerald shiner
bluntnose minnow
bullhead minnow
blue catfish
channel catfish
flathead catfish
Affected Environment
Scientific Name
Lepisosteus oculatus
Lepisosteus osseus
hybrid Morone (chrysops × sax.)
Morone chrysops
Morone mississippiensis
Morone saxatilis
Perca flavescens
Percina caprodes
Sander canadensis
Sander vitreum
Ichthyomyzon castaneus
Aplodinotus grunniens
Common Name
spotted gar
longnose gar
hybrid striped × white bass
white bass
yellow bass
striped bass
yellow perch
chestnut lamprey
freshwater drum
Sources: Shaffer et al. 2010; Simmons 2011; TVA 2012c
Another way to view the differences between the upstream and the downstream sites is to
examine the percentages of fish in each location based on their trophic groups (see Table 3–14)
for the trophic groups and the fish species in each group. In 2011, insectivores and omnivores
dominated the fishery ecosystem both upstream and downstream of the SQN site in both
summer and autumn (TVA 2012c, Table 3.7). In general, upstream and downstream locations
exhibited fairly similar proportions of fish in each trophic level, regardless of season, with the
exception of planktivores, which were significantly more abundant in downriver locations in
autumn. The planktivore trophic group includes threadfin shad, which are schooling fish with
patchy distribution, and the random capture of a school can strongly influence abundance
longear sunfish
redear sunfish
spotted bass
largemouth bass
smallmouth bass
black crappie
spotfin shiner
emerald shiner
golden shiner
bluntnose minnow
channel catfish
freshwater drum
other species
Sources: Shaffer et al. 2010; Simmons 2011; TVA 2012c
Columns may not add to 100 due to rounding.
Species are ordered alphabetically by family name (not shown) and then by scientific name (not shown).
common carp
redbreast sunfish
inland silverside
threadfin shad
gizzard shad
Mississippi silverside
brook silverside
Species (a)
Table 3–12. Percent Composition of the Dominant Species Caught Upstream (Tennessee RM 490.5) and Downstream of the
SQN Site (Tennessee RM 482) by Electrofishing, 2002 Through 2011
Affected Environment
Species (a)
spotted sucker
longear sunfish
redear sunfish
largemouth bass
smallmouth bass
spotted bass
black crappie
skipjack herring
gizzard shad
golden shiner
blue catfish
0.40 11
channel catfish
flathead catfish
white bass
yellow bass
striped bass
freshwater drum
other species
Columns may not add to 100 due to rounding.
Species are ordered alphabetically by family name (not shown) and then by scientific name (not shown).
Sources: Shaffer et al. 2010; Simmons 2011; TVA 2012c
Table 3–13. Percent Composition of the Dominant Species Caught Upstream (Tennessee RM 490.5) and Downstream of the
SQN Site (Tennessee RM 482) by Gillnetting, 2002 Through 2011
Affected Environment
Affected Environment
Table 3–14. Percent of Fish in Each Trophic Group by Season and Location in 2011
Summer 2011
Benthic Invertivores
Autumn 2011
Downstream Upstream Downstream
Source: Table 3 of TVA 2012c
Fish Egg and Larval Studies
Between 1981 and 1985, TVA (Dycus 1986) conducted studies as part of entrainment
monitoring after the start of SQN operations. As part of this monitoring, samples of fish eggs
and larvae were collected at transects near the diffuser (Tennessee RM 482.7), near the plant
(Tennessee RM 484.8), at the skimmer wall, and in the intake channel. In addition, entrainment
monitoring was conducted during a 12-week period from April through June 2004 (Baxter and
Buchanan 2010).
During the sampling in 1985, 99.5 percent of all fish eggs collected were freshwater drum eggs.
Eggs were first observed in mid-April (3 weeks earlier than in previous years) and were present
through the season (i.e., until August 27). Peak density of 4,430 eggs per 1,000 m3 was
observed on June 17 at the transect closest to the diffuser (Dycus 1986). The majority of fish
larvae collected in 1985 were clupeid (shad) larvae (61 percent in 1985 as compared to
79 percent in 1984 and 74 percent in 1983). Lepomis, or sunfish larvae, were next in
abundance (17 percent), followed by freshwater drum (15 percent), and temperate bass larvae
(Morone) (4 percent).
Average density of total fish larvae for the season was 2,169 per 1,000 m3 of water at the plant
and 2,108 per 1,000 m3 of water at the diffuser transects. Densities were lower by a factor of 4
at the skimmer wall and intake. The peak seasonal density was 9,671 larvae per 1,000 m3 of
water at the plant transect on May 6. Freshwater drum dominated peak densities at the
skimmer wall (82 percent) and in the intake basin (85 percent), while clupeid larvae dominated
peak densities at the plant (86 percent) and diffuser transects (72 percent) (Dycus 1986).
Ichthyoplankton sampling in 2004 occurred from April 20 through July 12 (Baxter and
Buchanan 2010). Results were similar to those from the 1980s; most were freshwater drum
eggs (98.8 percent), and they were collected during all 12 sampling periods. Peak densities
occurred on May 25 with 24,367 per 1,000 m3 of water and June 2 with 1,594 per 1,000 m3 of
water. Average seasonal densities were slightly less in the intake channel (549 drum eggs per
1,000 m3 of water) than those observed in the reservoir samples (652 drum eggs per 1,000 m3
of water).
During sampling in 2004, the majority of fish larvae collected were clupeids (87.9 percent)
followed by Morone spp. (white and yellow bass) at 5.5 percent, freshwater drum (3.2 percent),
and centrarchids (3.1 percent). Average density for the season was 2,639 per 1,000 m3 in the
intake and 3,946 per 1,000 m3 in the reservoir samples.
Affected Environment
Commercially and Recreationally Important Fish Species
This section examines the degree to which the continued operation of SQN directly or indirectly
affects commercially, recreationally, and biologically important species. TVA and TWRA allow
commercial fishing on Chickamauga Reservoir. TVA does not manage or regulate commercial
The most recent report on commercial fishing indicates small numbers of paddlefish (Polyodon
spathula) have been harvested in the Chickamauga Reservoir. Summaries of 2008 to 2012
commercial roe harvest from Chickamauga Reservoir are provided in Table 3–15. Table 3–16
summarizes nonroe harvest for 2008 through 2012. The majority of fish caught for commercial
use include catfish (blue, channel, and flathead (Ictalurus spp. and Pylodictis olivaris)), buffalo
(Ictiobus spp.), and carp (bighead, silver, and common (Hypophthalmichthys spp. and Cyprinus
carpio)). Freshwater drum, gar (Lepisosteus sp.), and a small number of snapping turtles
(Chelydra serpentina) were also taken (Black 2010).
Table 3–15. Commercial Harvest Rates for Paddlefish From Chickamauga Reservoir:
2008 to 2012
Chickamauga Reservoir
Roe (eggs) (lb)
Flesh (lb)
Source: TVA 2013d - f
Affected Environment
Table 3–16. Commercial Harvest Rates for Nonroe Fish and Turtles From Chickamauga
Reservoir From 2008 to 2011
Alosa chrysochloris
Aplodinotus grunniens
Chelydra serpentina
Cyprinus carpio
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and H.
Ictalurus furcatus and I. punctatus
Ictiobus bubalus
Lepisosteus sp.
Morone mississippiensis
Multiple species
Pylodictis olivaris
Common Name
shad (skipjack
freshwater drum
snapping turtle
common carp
silver or bighead carp
blue or channel
buffalo fish
yellow bass
flathead catfish
Chickamauga Reservoir
Total Weight (lb)
NR = not reported
Black 2010; Ganus 2013
Chickamauga Reservoir is a popular location for recreational fishing. In 2011, Chickamauga
Reservoir ranked first among lakes in the State of Tennessee in terms of angling effort (number
of hours spent angling) and number of fish caught. In addition, Chickamauga Reservoir had the
second highest number of fish caught per hour of any reservoir in Tennessee. Table 3–17
shows the number of fish caught recreationally during the last 5 years (Black 2008, 2009, 2010,
2011, 2012) based on the annual creel survey of the entire Chickamauga Reservoir by the State
of Tennessee. Because the data are reported for the entire reservoir, some fish listed in
Table 3–17 were not observed in the gillnet or electrofishing sampling results reported in
Table 3–12 and Table 3–13. For each year from 2007 through 2011, the most frequently caught
fish species was bluegill, followed by largemouth bass, blue catfish, black crappie, and yellow
bass. Drum, striped bass, and black bass are frequently released. Crappie, yellow perch, and
catfish are less likely to be released (Black 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012).
Affected Environment
Table 3–17. Number of Fish Caught in Annual Creel Surveys of the Chickamauga
Lepomis gulosus
Lepomis macrochirus
Micropterus dolomieu
Micropterus punctulatus
Micropterus salmoides
Pomoxis annularis
Pomoxis nigromaculatus
Pomoxis nigromaculatus
Alosa chrysochloris
Alosa pseudoharengus
Cyprinus carpio
Notemigonus crysoleucas
Esox masquinongy × lucius
Ictalurus furcatus
Ictalurus punctatus
Pylodictis olivaris
Lepisosteus osseus
Hybrid striped bass × white
Morone chrysops
Morone mississippiensis
Morone saxatilis
Aplodinotus grunniens
Perca flavescens
Sander canadensis
Polyodon spathula
spotted bass
white crappie
black crappie
skipjack herring
common carp
golden shiner
tiger muskie
blue catfish
channel catfish
flathead catfish
longnose gar
Cherokee bass
white bass
yellow bass
striped bass
freshwater drum
yellow perch
Sources: Black 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
Biologically Important Fish Species
This section describes biologically important species, their relationship to the aquatic habitat
near the SQN site, and their interactions with each other. Discussion includes species that are
numerically dominant, thermally sensitive, use the area as spawning or nursery grounds,
migrate past the site to spawn, have recreational or commercial value, are important links in the
local food web, or are critical to the ecosystem.
Affected Environment
Gizzard Shad (Dorosoma cepedianum). Gizzard shad are prolific spawners. An average size
female gizzard shad produces about 300,000 eggs per year. Gizzard shad deposit their eggs in
substrate (e.g., boulders, logs, or debris). The eggs adhere to the substrate and hatch in 2 to
3 days. Gizzard shad typically spawn from mid-May to mid-June in Tennessee (Etnier and
Starnes 1993). After spawning, gizzard shad larvae migrate away from the shoreline to the
limnetic zone (open water). Garvey and Stein (1998) observed that larval gizzard shad always
emerged in the limnetic zone before larval threadfin shad. As larvae, gizzard shad feed
primarily on zooplankton. As juveniles, gizzard shad are strictly planktivores (i.e., feeding on
plankton). Once they reach 2.5 to 3.5 cm (0.98 to 1.4 in.) in total length, gizzard shad become
omnivores and feed on detritus in addition to zooplankton and phytoplankton (Stein et al. 1995).
Threadfin Shad (Dorosoma petenense). Threadfin shad are smaller than gizzard shad (less
than 8.5 in. (22 cm)) and usually live for only 2 to 3 years. Spawning occurs along the shoreline
in the spring and possibly in autumn (Etnier and Starnes 1993). After hatching, the larvae move
into the limnetic zone (open water away from the shore) (Armstrong et al. 1998). Threadfin
shad synchronize their spawning time and spawn in groups a few hours after sunrise.
Ecologists believe the synchronous behavior allows predator avoidance and rapidly strengthens
populations that may have been depleted during the winter (Etnier and Starnes 1993). Both the
young and adult are planktivores, eating about half their diet from phytoplankton and half from
zooplankton (Etnier and Starnes 1993). Threadfin shad are not cold tolerant and are
susceptible to large winter die-offs when temperatures drop. Sublethal effects such as feeding
cessation can begin at 10 °C (50 °F). Inactivity occurs at 6 to 7 °C (43 to 45 °F), and death at 4
to 5 °C (39 to 41 °F), although death has been reported at temperatures as high as 12 °C (54 °F)
(Etnier and Starnes 1993).
Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus). Bluegill is one of the sunfish species found around the SQN
site. Bluegill are both a forage and a game fish. The young are abundant and provide prey for
bass. Bluegill frequent shallow water with vegetative cover, submerged wood, or rocks. They
spawn from late spring into summer. Like other sunfish, male bluegill construct nests in shallow
water on varied substrates (although they prefer gravel) and guard the eggs until hatching
occurs. Young sunfish frequent weed beds or other heavy cover. Bluegill eat a varied diet,
including midge larvae and microcrustaceans (Etnier and Starnes 1993). Etnier and Starnes
(1993) report that bluegill select larger prey when abundant but become less selective as the
abundance of their preferred prey decreases. Because juvenile bluegill are prey for largemouth
bass, the population of bluegill can affect the largemouth bass population.
Black Bass (Micropterus spp.). Black bass include largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides),
smallmouth bass (M. dolomieu), and spotted bass (M. punctulatus). Largemouth bass and
spotted bass inhabit lower velocity portions of streams and larger lakes and reservoirs. In
reservoirs, smallmouth bass prefer steep rocky slopes along submerged river and creek
channels. Smallmouth and spotted bass spawn in April or early May, and largemouth bass
spawn from late April to June. Black bass construct nests in coarse gravel at depths less than
1 m (3.3 ft) near the margins of streams or lakes (smallmouth bass) or in other types of gravel or
firm substrates (spotted bass and largemouth bass) along the shallow margins of lakes. For all
three species, the males guard the nests until the fry have hatched. For smallmouth bass,
hatching requires about 4 to 6 days; fry swim up from the nest 5 to 6 days later. The fecundity
of females varies with the size of the fish, but they may produce from 2,000 to 145,000 eggs.
Young bass feed on zooplankton, insects, and small fish, and are cannibalistic (Etnier and
Starnes 1993). Smallmouth and spotted bass feed primarily on small fish, crayfish, and aquatic
insects. Largemouth bass prey on bluegill, redear sunfish, shad, minnows, crayfish, and
amphibians (Mettee et al. 1996). Gizzard shad are reported by numerous sources to be
preferred by largemouth bass and other piscivores over bluegill or other Lepomis species
Affected Environment
(Aday et al. 2003). Gizzard shad grow too large to be the primary prey for largemouth bass;
thus, largemouth bass likely switch to other prey (Aday et al. 2003).
The TWRA has been stocking Florida black bass fingerlings into Chickamauga Reservoir since
2000. The goal of this stocking program is to encourage hybridization and introgression of the
stocked fish with those native to the Tennessee River system. Florida largemouth bass are a
subspecies of largemouth bass and they have greater size and longevity compared to the
largemouth bass found in the Tennessee River (TWRA 2013f). Over 250,000 Florida
largemouth bass were stocked in Chickamauga Reservoir in the spring of 2013 (TWRA 2013a).
Interactions Between Shad, Bluegill, and Largemouth Bass. Multiple ecological interactions
occur between sunfish and shad, which, in some cases, are stimulated by the timing of the
increase in reservoir water levels and spring warming.
Larval gizzard shad can be a strong competitor with other fish, such as bluegill, for zooplankton
in reservoirs because of their high numbers, feeding preference for smaller zooplankton (based
on their mouth size), and the timing of their appearance. Many factors may influence the timing,
abundance, and size of the shad larvae and so intensify or mitigate the competition for
zooplankton. Such factors include the relative timing of hatching of the bluegill larvae, water
fluctuations (e.g., spring reservoir water levels), temperature (specifically the timing of spring
warming), primary productivity, and turbidity (Garvey and Stein 1998). Hatchery experiments
conducted by Garvey and Stein (1998) show that gizzard shad, when introduced 2 weeks
before the introduction of bluegill, depleted the zooplankton and affected the growth of the
bluegill but not their survival. When both species were introduced simultaneously, the
abundance of zooplankton declined only slightly with only a small effect on bluegill growth and
Aday et al. (2003) conjecture that other indirect effects (e.g., serving as an alternative prey for
largemouth bass) may have a greater influence on the size structure of the bluegill population
than competition between bluegill and shad larvae for zooplankton. Aday et al. (2003) report
that largemouth bass prefer small gizzard shad over bluegill or other Lepomis species until
gizzard shad grow too large to be the primary prey. In the Chickamauga Reservoir, largemouth
bass may then switch to threadfin shad, which is a related and common species there
(Table 3–12).
In addition, timing of increased spring reservoir water levels can affect the nesting sites and
forage areas for bluegills and other sunfish, including the largemouth bass. This, in turn, can
affect shad competition for zooplankton as well as the number of adult largemouth bass that will
prey upon the shad.
Armstrong et al. (1998) examined the similarities and differences between gizzard shad and
threadfin shad larvae and found that they were ecologically similar, especially in terms of diet,
taxonomy, prey-size selection, and mouth structure, which relates to prey selection. Threadfin
shad and gizzard shad larvae likely compete when resources are limiting, although spatial and
temporal distribution of the larvae differ once they move into the limnetic zone of the reservoir
(Armstrong et al. 1998).
Black and White Crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus and P. annularis). Both black and white
crappie are popular sport and food fishes. The white crappie inhabits slow-moving streams and
lakes and is tolerant of turbidity. The black crappie prefers clear waters and is more abundant
in natural lakes, although it does well in less turbid reservoirs. Spawning for both occurs from
April to June. In general, black and white crappie spawn in shallow, protected areas
(e.g., coves and deeper overflow pools near vegetation (black crappie), brush, and overhanging
banks). Hatching requires 2 to 5 days depending on the water temperature. Adult males guard
Affected Environment
the nests until the fry have dispersed. Females contain from 10,000 to 160,000 mature eggs
and spawn repeatedly in the nests of several males over the season. Young crappie feed on
small invertebrates, including microcrustaceans and small insects, but prey progressively more
on fish as they mature. Adults feed heavily on forage fish (e.g., shad) but they also consume
microcrustaceans and other plankton (Etnier and Starnes 1993; Mettee et al. 1996).
In the 1980s, the adult white crappie population appeared to be declining. TVA (Buchanan and
McDonough 1990) conducted a study from 1986 through 1989 to determine the status of the
white crappie in Chickamauga Reservoir and to determine if the operation of SQN was a
contributing factor to the decline. The study investigated larval fish, young-of-the-year, and
adult fish. The decline in white crappie population was substantiated. The more recent
gillnetting and electrofishing studies between 1999 and 2012 (TVA 2012c) both upstream and
downstream of the plant reveal a larger number of black crappie than white. Factors correlating
with the decline of the white crappie population in the study in the late 1980s include an
increased density of aquatic macrophytes and competition between species (Buchanan and
McDonough 1990). Based on the distribution of crappie in the reservoir, the lack of apparent
attraction to the thermal discharge, and the identification of preferred spawning habitat distant
from the SQN site, those authors attributed no connection to the operation of SQN.
White and Yellow Bass (Morone chrysops and M. mississippiensis). White and yellow bass are
important game fish in the Chickamauga and Watts Bar reservoirs. Yellow bass school and
avoid flowing water habitats more so than the white bass (Etnier and Starnes 1993). Both
species spawn in midwater, although the yellow bass can migrate into large streams or
tributaries to spawn. Spawning runs for white and yellow bass occur in mid-February and in
April and May, respectively. The eggs of both species drift to the bottom and are adhesive.
White and yellow bass larvae hatch in 2 days and in 4 to 6 days, respectively. Rather than
being passively transported downstream with the river flow, the larvae of white bass in the
Tennessee River appear to use areas of low velocity as refuge or stay near the bottom of the
river. Juveniles eat small invertebrates (e.g., cladocerans, copepods, and midge larvae) (Etnier
and Starnes 1993). Adults are aggressive predators and feed on threadfin and gizzard shad
(Mettee et al. 1996), silverside, and occasionally young sunfish (Etnier and Starnes 1993). In
some populations, adult yellow bass continue to feed heavily on aquatic insects (Etnier and
Starnes 1993).
Emerald Shiner (Notropis atherinoides). The emerald shiner was observed more frequently at
the sampling site upstream from the SQN site (Tennessee RM 490.5) prior to 2008; very few
have been found since 2008. A similar decrease in the emerald shiner population was
observed in the vicinity of the Watts Bar Nuclear site (NRC 2013a), although the timing of the
decline indicated that the operation of the Watts Bar plant was not likely the cause.
Crowder (1980) documented cases of dramatic reductions in emerald shiner populations in
other locations. In several cases, competition with a clupeid fish species (alewife (Alosa
pseudoharengus)) contributed to the decline. Clupeids (e.g., gizzard shad and threadfin shad)
are prolific in the Chickamauga Reservoir. Short et al. (1998) identified a decline in water
quality as the impetus for reduced emerald shiner populations.
Freshwater Drum (Aplodinotus grunniens). Freshwater drum are common in large rivers and
reservoirs and prefer backwaters and areas with slow current. They are an important part of the
commercial fishery in the larger rivers and reservoirs of Tennessee. Freshwater drum are
broadcast spawners and spawn large numbers of eggs (40,000 to 60,000 per female) in
midwater at water temperatures in the range of 18 to 20 °C (64 to 68 °F) (Etnier and
Starnes 1993). Spawning in this stretch of the Tennessee River typically occurs in late spring,
although it can also continue into the late summer (TVA 2012c). The eggs are pelagic and float
until they hatch, within 1 to 2 days (Etnier and Starnes 1993). The larvae are small, about
Affected Environment
3.2 mm (0.13 in.) long at hatching, and grow rapidly; they are considered juveniles a few weeks
later when 1.5 cm (0.60 in.) long. The larvae feed on other fish larvae, especially shad and
younger drum. Individuals are 10 to 12 cm (4 to 5 in.) long by autumn, at which time they begin
to feed on zooplankton, small crustaceans (e.g., amphipods), and aquatic insects. Freshwater
drum grow rapidly with the young-of-the-year reaching 10 to 12 cm (4 to 5 in.) (Becker 1983).
Sauger (Sander canadensis). Sauger inhabit large, often turbid rivers and have been
successful in many reservoirs (Etnier and Starnes 1993). They spawn from April through May,
commonly over rubble and gravel in tailwaters (Etnier and Starnes 1993). In Chickamauga
Reservoir, spawning occurs approximately 13 km (8 mi) downstream of Watts Bar Dam
(TVA 1989) at Hunter Shoals (Hevel and Hickman 1991). Eggs adhere to rubble and gravel
immediately after spawning, but soon become nonadhesive and may be widely dispersed in
currents. Larger females can produce over 100,000 eggs annually, but most produce 20,000 to
60,000 eggs. Larvae feed on cladocera, copepods, and midge larvae. Juveniles switch to a
diet almost exclusively of fish, primarily gizzard and threadfin shad in the Tennessee River
Basin (Etnier and Starnes 1993), although they are also known to feed on young walleye
(Sander vitreum), sauger, white bass, crappie, and yellow perch (Mettee et al. 1996).
In an effort to understand the population dynamics of sauger in Chickamauga Reservoir, TVA
used standard and experimental gillnets during special studies conducted from 1993 to 1994 in
the upper 24 km (14.9 mi) of the reservoir (Hickman and Buchanan 1995). Hickman and
Buchanan concluded that an instantaneous minimum discharge of 8,000 cubic feet per second
(227 m3/s) was necessary and sufficient to ensure appropriate conditions for successful sauger
reproduction. Hickman and Buchanan (1995) also concluded that the thermal variance
instituted for SQN discharge from November through March had no adverse impact on the
sauger population in Chickamauga Reservoir and, further, that the sauger did not show an
attraction to or an avoidance of the diffuser area and the thermal plume. Based on tagging
studies and returns by fishermen, sauger appear to move through Watts Bar Dam into the
upstream reservoir, although in low numbers (3 to 9 percent during the 1993 and 1994 study
(Hickman and Buchanan 1995)).
Catfish (Family Ictaluridae). Catfish in the Chickamauga Reservoir include the blue catfish
(Ictalurus furcatus), channel catfish (I. punctatus), and flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris).
Catfish are both recreationally and commercially important species. Members of the family
Ictaluridae spawn in summer and deposit their eggs in depressions or nests constructed in
natural cavities and crevices in rivers. Male catfish display territorial behavior after spawning
and aggressively defend their eggs. Catfish are opportunistic feeders and eat aquatic insect
larvae, crayfish, mollusks, and small fish (live and dead) (Etnier and Starnes 1993; Mettee
et al. 1996).
Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula). Paddlefish are large fish (generally greater than 40 in. (1 m)
and 44 to 66 lb (20 to 30 kg)) with a life span that may exceed 20 years. They spawn in swift
water over gravel bars in the spring. Although female paddlefish do not spawn every year, they
do produce large numbers of eggs (more than 500,000 eggs) during spawning. Paddlefish are
commercially fished in Chickamauga Reservoir (Table 3–15) for both meat and roe (eggs).
Juvenile paddlefish are reportedly susceptible to impingement on cooling water intake screens
(Etnier and Starnes 1993).
Nonindigenous Species
Five nonindigenous species were collected during the sampling studies between 1999 and 2011
(TVA 2012c). Redbreast sunfish, yellow perch, and striped bass are considered valuable sports
and commercial fishing species. The common carp and inland silversides are considered
aquatic nuisance species.
Affected Environment
Redbreast Sunfish (Lepomis auritus). Redbreast sunfish, native to the Atlantic slope drainages,
were introduced intentionally for sport fishing and are considered an invasive species.
Redbreast sunfish have been found in the vicinity of the SQN site. This species may have
caused the decline or extirpation of many native longear sunfish populations through direct
competition (Etnier and Starnes 1993), although longear sunfish still occur in the Chickamauga
Reservoir (TWRA 2008).
Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens). Yellow perch have been introduced into many states,
including Tennessee, from their native range in the middle Mackenzie drainage in Canada
through the northern states east of the Rocky Mountains and to the Atlantic Slope drainages
south to South Carolina. They were introduced in the late 1800s for food and sport fishing.
Yellow perch are known to compete for food resources with trout and are valuable prey for
walleye (TWRA 2008). Yellow perch have been found in the vicinity of the SQN site.
Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis). Etnier and Starnes (1993) characterize striped bass as “an
extremely important game and commercial species.” Striped bass in North American inland
waters are offspring of the anadromous striped bass that became land-locked when the Santee
River in South Carolina was impounded in the 1940s. The eggs of the striped bass must remain
suspended in the current until the larvae hatch (1 to 3 days). As a result, the impoundment of
the Tennessee River eliminates most, if not all, reproduction, and the striped bass in
Chickamauga Reservoir are introduced from hatcheries (Etnier and Starnes 1993).
Inland Silverside (Menidia beryllina). Inland silversides are native to coastal and freshwater
habitats from Massachusetts to Mexico. They were not found in the Tennessee River until
1991, when first collected from the Kentucky Reservoir. In 2004, the first individuals were
collected in the Chickamauga Reservoir at the upstream sampling location near the SQN site
(Simmons 2010a). By 2010, inland silversides made up over 32 percent of the fish caught
during electrofishing upstream of the SQN site (Tennessee RM 490.5) and 46 percent of the fish
caught during electrofishing at the downstream site (Tennessee RM 482). Percentages at both
sites dropped to zero by 2011, although large numbers of Mississippi silversides (M. audens)
were reported from the electrofishing surveys. M. audens is reported to be a synonym for
M. beryllina (ITIS 2013) and is considered to be the same species, so the zeros no doubt
represent a reporting difference rather than a disappearance of inland silversides. In the last
2 years, the inland silverside has been the numerically dominant species in the downstream
electrofishing samples. Inland silversides introduced in Oklahoma almost completely replaced
brook silversides; however, more time is needed to understand the impact on the brook
silverside populations in the Tennessee River, as well as on other species with similar
ecological niches (TWRA 2008).
Carp (Cyprinus carpio, Ctenopharyngodon idella, and Hypophthalmichthys spp.). Carp are
nonnative fish introduced into North America from Eurasia. Carp are considered invasive
species and have clearly changed the population dynamics of Tennessee River aquatic
communities. Several species of carp are present in Tennessee River aquatic communities.
Common carp have been present for over 100 years and currently exist in all reservoirs,
including the vicinity of the SQN site. Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) have been
introduced throughout much of the United States for biological control of nuisance aquatic
plants, but were not identified in the sampling studies in the vicinity of the SQN site. Grass carp
primarily inhabit the lower portions of the river system. Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys
molitrix) and bighead carp (H. nobilis) have been found in parts of Chickamauga Reservoir
(Black 2010) but were not identified in the sampling studies in the vicinity of the SQN site. Carp
are detrimental to the native fauna and negatively affect water quality. They are highly tolerant
of poor water-quality conditions, and researchers expect them to continue to spread throughout
the Tennessee River system.
Affected Environment
Carp are important commercial fish, and the grass carp has a recreational value in some
Tennessee River reservoirs such as Guntersville Reservoir. These fish tend to frequent deep
water (up to 6 m (20 ft) deep). They are omnivores that feed on the bottom (mostly in mud) and
eat worms; insect larvae; plankton; vascular plants; and, occasionally, small fish (Etnier and
Starnes 1993; Mettee et al. 1996). Carp increase the turbidity of the water as they feed and
spawn, decreasing light penetration and primary productivity and covering the eggs of other fish
species with silt, both of which are detrimental environmental effects. Spawning occurs in the
spring, in flooded fields or along the shore of the reservoir, and the eggs are small and
adhesive. Female carp may produce over 2,000,000 eggs in a given season and may release
600,000 or more in a given spawning period (Etnier and Starnes 1993). Carp are long-lived fish
species (20 years) and reach sizes of 23 to 36 kg (50 to 80 lb) (Etnier and Starnes 1993).
State-Listed Aquatic Species
The State of Tennessee has identified species that occur near the SQN site for special
protection. Table 3–18 lists those species that are present in Hamilton County and protected by
the State of Tennessee. The list includes one amphibian, two fish, five freshwater mussels, and
one crustacean. Some of these species (all five mussels and the snail darter) are also
Federally protected under the ESA. This section discusses those species protected only by the
State, and Section 3.8 discusses those species protected under the ESA alone or in
combination with the State. The species protected only by the State include a crustacean, the
Chickamauga crayfish (Cambarus extraneus); one fish, the highfin carpsucker (Carpiodes
velifer); and an amphibian, the Tennessee cave salamander (Gyrinophilus palleucus).
Affected Environment
Table 3–18. State-Listed Protected Aquatic Species Present in Hamilton County, TN
Scientific Name
State of
Springs & small- to
medium-sized streams under
rocks or in vegetation; South
Chickamauga Creek
watershed, Hamilton County
pearly mussel
Lampsilis abrupta
pink mucket
orange foot
rough pigtoe
Medium-large rivers with
riffles and shoals with
relatively firm rubble, gravel
and stable substrates
Generally a large river
species, preferring
sand-gravel or rocky
substrates with moderately
strong currents
Large rivers in
substrates in riffles and
shoals in deep flowing water
Medium-to-large rivers in
sand, gravel and cobble
substrates of shoals
Shallow riffle and shoal
areas of headwater streams
and bigger rivers, in coarse
sand/gravel substrates
Tennessee River system
Deemed in
Need of
Large rivers, mostly in
Tennessee River drainage
Sand and gravel shoals of
moderately flowing,
vegetated, large creeks
Aquatic cave obligate; cave
streams and rimstone pools;
Central Basin, Eastern
Highland Rim and
Cumberland Plateau
Dromus dromas
Carpiodes velifer
Percina tanasi
snail darter
Sources: FWS 2013b; TDEC 2013b
Affected Environment
Chickamauga crayfish are threatened in the State of Tennessee but not Federally listed. They
have a very small range and are found in the South Chickamauga Creek basin in Hamilton
County and in Walker and Whitfield Counties in Georgia. They prefer moderately flowing
shallow streams; are usually found under rocks or in leaf litter debris; and are omnivorous
scavengers that eat aquatic vegetation, small fish, snails, and aquatic insects (Georgia Museum
of Natural History 2008). South Chickamauga Creek enters the Tennessee River downstream
of Chickamauga Dam. For this reason, Chickamauga crayfish would not be affected by
operation of SQN and are not discussed further in this SEIS.
The State deems the highfin carpsucker, the smallest carpsucker in Tennessee, as “in need of
management” for Hamilton County. They live in areas of gravel substrate in relatively clear
medium-to-large rivers. Highfin carpsuckers are more susceptible to impoundment and siltation
than other carpsuckers and, in Tennessee, are known to persist in the Nolichucky, French
Broad, Clinch, Hiwassee, Sequatchie, and Duck River systems (Etnier and Starnes 1993). In
2004, TVA found a single individual approximately 5 mi (8 km) upstream from the intake of the
SQN plant during an electrofishing survey (TVA 2013d-f).
Tennessee cave salamanders are listed as threatened. They are found only in the southern
Appalachian Mountains of Tennessee, Georgia, and Alabama. They inhabit limestone caves
with subterranean waters (SREL 2013). No caves are present on the SQN site. For this
reason, the Tennessee cave salamander would not be affected by operation of SQN and is not
discussed further in this SEIS.
The State of Tennessee and various partner groups are working to reintroduce the lake
sturgeon into the upper Tennessee River watershed (TWRA 2013f). Since 2000, the TWRA
has stocked over 125,000 lake sturgeon (Tennessee Aquarium 2013) into rivers including the
French Broad, Holston, and Tennessee rivers downstream of Douglas and Cherokee
Reservoirs (TWRA 2013f). In addition, the Tennessee Aquarium introduced approximately
100 lake sturgeon into Nickajack Reservoir between 2010 and 2011 (TWRA 2013a). The
sampling studies conducted by TVA between 1999 and 2011 identified a single lake sturgeon,
collected in 2003 by gillnet, from the sampling site located upstream of the SQN intake at
Tennessee RM 490.5 (TVA 2012c).
Lake sturgeon are considered endangered by the State of Tennessee, but are not Federally
listed by the Fish and Wildlife Service. Lake sturgeon are large fish that can reach 4 m (13 ft)
and 310 lb (141 kg). They are slow to mature; first spawning occurs between 14 and 25 years
for females and 12 and 20 years for males. Lake sturgeon are considered to be the longest
lived North American freshwater fish, with a maximum age estimate of 154 years, although
populations in Tennessee would be expected to have a smaller size and shorter life span than
those farther north (Etnier and Starnes 1993).
3.8 Special Status Species and Habitats
This section addresses species and habitats that are Federally protected under the ESA and the
Magnuson–Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, as amended
(16 U.S.C. §1801–1884, herein referred to as Magnuson–Stevens Act). The ESA, along with
the Magnuson–Stevens Act, put requirements on Federal agencies such as the NRC. The
Affected Environment
terrestrial and aquatic resource sections of this SEIS (Sections 3.6 and 3.7, respectively)
discuss other species and habitats protected by other Federal acts and the State of Tennessee
that do not put requirements on the NRC.
3.8.1 Species and Habitats Protected Under the Endangered Species Act
The FWS and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) jointly administer the ESA. The
FWS manages the protection of, and recovery effort for, listed terrestrial and freshwater
species, and NMFS manages the protection of and recovery effort for listed marine and
anadromous species. This section describes the action area and considers those species that
could occur in the action area under both FWS’s and NMFS’s jurisdictions. Section 4.8
assesses potential impacts to Federally listed species and habitats that could result from the
proposed action and alternatives, and Appendix C describes the NRC’s consultation with FWS
pursuant to section 7 of the ESA. Action Area
The implementing regulations for section 7(a)(2) of the ESA define “action area” as all areas
affected directly or indirectly by the Federal action and not merely the immediate area involved
in the action (50 CFR 402.02). The action area effectively bounds the analysis of
ESA-protected species and habitats because only species that occur within the action area may
be affected by the Federal action.
For the purposes of the ESA analysis in this SEIS, the NRC staff considers the action area to be
the SQN site (described in Sections 3.1 and 3.6) and the Chickamauga Reservoir (described in
Section 3.7) from the point of river water intake at the site (at Tennessee River Mile (TRM)
485.1) and extending 4.1 mi (6.6 km) downstream to TRM 481.0. This area of the reservoir
corresponds to the area over which the thermal plume extends during the summer
measurement period (as discussed in Section 4.7). The NRC staff expects all direct and
indirect effects of the proposed action to be contained within these areas.
The NRC staff recognizes that while the action area is stationary, Federally listed species can
move in and out of the action area. For instance, a migratory fish species could occur in the
action area seasonally as it travels up and down the river past SQN. Similarly, a flowering plant
known to occur near, but outside, of the action area could appear within the action area over
time if its seeds are carried into the action area by wind, water, or animals. Thus, in its analysis,
the NRC staff considers not only those species known to occur directly within the action area,
but those species that occur near the action area. The staff then considers whether the life
history of each species makes the species likely to move into the action area where it could be
affected by the proposed SQN license renewal.
Within the action area, Federally listed terrestrial species could experience impacts such as
habitat disturbance associated with refurbishment or other ground-disturbing activities, cooling
tower drift, collisions with cooling towers and transmission lines, exposure to radionuclides, and
other direct and indirect impacts associated with station, cooling system, and in-scope
transmission line operation and maintenance (NRC 2013d). The proposed action has the
potential to affect Federally listed aquatic species in several ways: impingement or entrainment
of individuals into the cooling system; changes in dissolved oxygen, gas supersaturation,
eutrophication, and thermal discharges from cooling system operation; habitat loss or alteration
from dredging; and exposure to radionuclides (NRC 2013d). Species and Habitats Under the FWS’s Jurisdiction
Table 3–19 identifies the species under FWS’s jurisdiction that may occur within Hamilton
County. Hamilton County includes approximately 369,000 ac (149,000 ha) of varying land uses
Affected Environment
and habitat types. Thus, a Federally listed species that occurs within Hamilton County does not
necessarily occur within the action area. The NRC staff uses this geographical range as a
starting point for its analysis because Federally listed species distribution and critical habitat
information is readily available at the county level. Additionally, the action area is a small area
of land near the center of and wholly contained within the geographical boundaries of the
county. Following the table, descriptions of each species include a determination of whether
each species occurs in the action area based on the species’ habitat requirements, life history,
and available occurrence information.
The NRC compiled the list of species in Table 3–19 from the FWS’s Endangered Species
Program online database (FWS 2014); correspondence between the NRC and the FWS
(FWS 2013b, 2013c; NRC 2013g); information from TVA’s ER (TVA 2013n) and Natural
Heritage Database (TVA 2013j); and available scientific studies, surveys, and literature.
The NRC staff did not identify any candidate species or proposed or designated critical habitats
within the action area.
Affected Environment
Table 3–19. Federally Listed Species in Hamilton County, TN
Common Name
Federal Status
Myotis grisescens
gray bat
Myotis septentrionalis
northern long-eared bat
Myotis sodalis
Indiana bat
snail darter
limestone karst areas within
the southeastern United
Hardwood forests; caves and
mines with cool, moist air
Hardwood forests and
hardwood-pine forests; oldgrowth forest; agricultural
lands, and old fields
Percuba tanasi
Sand and gravel shoals of
moderately flowing,
vegetated, large creeks
Freshwater Mussels
Dromus dromas
dromedary pearlymussel
Lampsilis abrupta
pink mucket
orangefoot pimpleback
Pleurobema plenum
rough pigtoe
Isotria medeoloides
small whorled pogonia
Scutellaria montana
large-flowered skullcap
Spiraea virginiana
Virginia spiraea
Medium to large rivers with
riffles and shoals with
relatively firm rubble, gravel,
and stable substrates
Generally a large river
species, preferring sandgravel or rocky substrates
with moderate to strong
Large rivers in sand-gravelcobble substrates in riffles
and shoals in deep flowing
Medium to large rivers in
sand, gravel, and cobble
substrates of shoals
Hardwood or coniferhardwood forest floors near
stream beds
Mid- to late-successional
forests dominated by oak
and pine trees
Floodplains, riverbanks, and
other riparian habitat in the
southern Appalachian
The NRC preliminarily considered two additional species—the Cumberland monkeyface (Quadrula intermedia;
Federally endangered) and the white fringeless orchid (Platanthera integrilabia; candidate for Federal listing)—in
its early correspondence with FWS (NRC 2013g). However, the NRC staff determined that these species do not
occur within Hamilton County, and thus, would not occur within the action area based on historical and known
occurrence information and habitat requirements.
Sources: FWS 2013b, 2013c, 2014; NRC 2013g; TVA 2013j, 2013n
Affected Environment
Gray Bat (Myotis grisescens)
The FWS listed the gray bat as endangered in 1976 (40 FR 17590). No critical habitat has been
designated for this species. White nose syndrome, human disturbance, water impoundments,
and other activities resulting in loss of habitat are factors that have contributed to this species’
decline. Unless otherwise indicated, information on this species below is derived from the
FWS’s Gray Bat Recovery Plan (Brady et al. 1982).
The gray bat is the largest Myotis species with a wingspan of 40 to 46 mm (1.7 to 1.8 in.), and it
is distinguishable from other bat species by its unicolor dorsal fur, which is dark gray after
molting in July and August and chestnut brown to russet between moltings. The species mainly
inhabits five states in the southeastern United States (Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Missouri,
and Tennessee) and is also found in small numbers as far north as Illinois and as far south as
northwestern Florida. Distribution of the species has always been patchy, but fragmentation
and isolation of populations has increased as the species has become more in danger of
Gray bats migrate seasonally between hibernating and maternity caves. Upon arrival at
hibernating caves in September through early October, adults mate and enter hibernaculum.
Adults emerge beginning in late March, at which time they migrate to summer habitat. Mortality
is typically high during this time because fat reserves and food supplies are low. Summer
colonies occupy traditional home ranges that include a maternal cave and several roost caves
typically located along a river or reservoir. Hibernating females store sperm until spring, and
give birth to one pup in late May or early June. Females raise young in maternity colonies.
Gray bats possess very specific microclimate requirements and are limited to limestone karst
areas, typically within 1 km (0.6 mi) of rivers or reservoirs. Foraging territories may include
lands farther from water. Brady et al. (1982) indicates that because of its habitat requirements,
the species is restricted to fewer than five percent of available caves, and in 1982, 95 percent of
the known population hibernated in only nine caves each winter. In 1982, the gray bat
population was estimated to include 1,575,000 individuals, of which 300,000 individuals were
located in Tennessee. Mitchell and Martin (2002) estimated the population to have risen to
2.3 million bats by 2001.
In a Final Environmental Statement for operation of Watts Bar 2 in Rhea County (located 31 mi
[50 km] north of SQN), the NRC (2013b) found that gray bats are known to roost in two caves
near the Watts Bar 2 site. The gray bat has also been documented within the Chickamauga
and Chattanooga National Military Park according to a FWS (2012) press release announcing
the discovery of white-nose syndrome in a park cave. The Military Park includes lands in
Hamilton County, Tennessee, and Catoosa, Dade, and Walker Counties, Georgia. Three caves
exist near the action area (within 6 mi (10 km) of the SQN site): Posey Cave, Havens Cave,
and Harrison Bluff Cave (TVA 2013a). However, none of these caves are associated with
occurrences of Federally listed species (TVA 2013a, 2013b). Additionally, during the NRC
staff’s environmental site audit, TVA provided NRC staff with records for review from its Natural
Heritage Database, which included detailed occurrence information on Federally listed species,
State-listed species, and other special status species throughout the TVA power service area.
The NRC reviewed database records of species and habitat occurrences within a 6-mi (10-km)
radius of the SQN site and found that TVA (2013b) has not identified the gray bat within this
Given the available information, the NRC staff concludes that the gray bat is unlikely to occur
within the action area.
Affected Environment
Northern Long-Eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis)
The FWS published a proposed rule to list the northern long-eared bat as endangered
throughout its range on December 2, 2013 (78 FR 72058). The FWS did not propose to
designate critical habitat for the species because it found that such habitat is “not determinable
at this time” (78 FR 61046). White nose syndrome, wind energy development, and loss of
habitat specifically linked to surface coal mining in prime summer habitat are factors that have
contributed to this species’ decline. Unless otherwise indicated, information on this species is
derived from the FWS’s Federal Register notice for the proposed rule to list the species
(78 FR 61046).
The northern long-eared bat is a medium-sized bat that is distinguished from other Myotis
species by its long ears, which average 0.7 in. (17 mm) in length. This bat inhabits 39 states in
the eastern and north central United States and all Canadian provinces west to the southern
Yukon Territory and eastern British Columbia. Populations tend to be patchily distributed and
are typically composed of small numbers. More than 780 winter hibernacula have been
recorded in the United States (11 in Tennessee), most of which contain only a few (1 to 3)
individuals. The FWS recognizes four United States populations, and northern long-eared bats
inhabiting Tennessee are considered part of the Southern population. The northern long-eared
bat is less common in the southern portion of its range than in the northern portion of the range.
Thompson (2006) considers the species common within Tennessee, and in 2010, individuals
were caught in summer mist-net surveys as well as observed in 11 caves during Tennessee
hibernacula censuses. The proximity of these occurrences to the SQN site is unknown because
survey locations are not provided in the proposed rule or otherwise published.
In summer, northern long-eared bats roost alone or in small colonies under the bark of live or
dead trees; in caves or mines; or in man-made structures, such as barns, sheds, and other
buildings. The species opportunistically roosts in a variety of trees, including several species of
oaks, maples, beech, and pine. Northern long-eared bats forage both in-flight and on the
ground and eat a variety of moths, flies, leafhoppers, caddisflies, and beetles. The species
breeds from late July to early October, after which time it will migrate to winter hibernacula.
Northern long-eared bats are short-distance migrators and will travel 35 to 55 mi (56 to 89 km)
from summer roosts to winter hibernacula. Hibernating females store sperm until spring, and
give birth to one pup approximately 60 days after fertilization. Females raise young in maternity
colonies of up to 30 individuals.
The action area does not contain suitable habitat for hibernation. As indicated in the description
of the gray bat, three caves exist near the action area, but none of the caves are associated
with occurrences of Federally listed species (TVA 2013a, 2013b). For roosting and foraging,
over half of the action area is developed or composed of unsuitable habitat types. The
remainder of the action area includes approximately 278 ac (113 ha) of suitable habitat types:
150 ac (60 ha) of forest habitat of various types; 120 ac (50 ha) of grasslands or agricultural
lands; and 8 ac (3 ha) of wooded wetlands (TVA 2013a). However, none of the available FWS
records indicate occurrences of hibernacula, maternity colonies, or individual northern longeared bats in the action area or in the larger geographical area of Hamilton County.
Additionally, during the NRC staff’s environmental site audit, TVA provided NRC staff with
records for review from its Natural Heritage Database, which included detailed occurrence
information on Federally listed species, State-listed and other special status species throughout
the TVA power service area. The NRC reviewed database records of species and habitat
occurrences within a 6-mi (10-km) radius of the SQN site and found that TVA (2013b) has not
identified northern long-eared bat hibernacula, maternity colonies, or individuals within this area.
Affected Environment
Given the available information, the NRC staff concludes that the northern long-eared bat is
unlikely to occur within the action area.
Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis)
The FWS listed the Indiana bat as endangered in 1967 (32 FR 4001). The FWS designated
critical habitat for the Indiana bat in 1976 (41 FR 41914) to include 11 caves and 2 mines in six
states including a cave in Blount County, Tennessee. No critical habitat for this species occurs
in Hamilton County.
The Indiana bat is an insectivorous, migratory bat that inhabits the central portion of the eastern
United States and hibernates colonially in caves and mines. The decline of Indiana bats is
attributed to urban expansion, habitat loss and degradation, human-caused disturbance of
caves or mines, insecticide poisoning, and white nose syndrome (FWS 2007, 2011).
During summer months, reproductive female bats tend to roost in colonies under slabs of
peeling tree bark or cracks within trees in forest fragments, often near agricultural areas
(FWS 2007). Colonies may also inhabit closed-canopy, bottomland deciduous forest; riparian
habitats; wooded wetlands and floodplains; and upland communities (FWS 2007). Maternity
colonies typically consist of 60 to 80 adult females (Whitaker and Brack 2002). Colonies occupy
multiple trees for roosting and rearing young (Watrous et al. 2006) and, once established,
usually return to the same areas each year (FWS 2007). Nonreproductive females and males
do not roost in colonies during the summer; they may remain near the hibernacula or migrate to
summer habitat (FWS 2007). High-quality summer habitat includes mature forest stands
containing open subcanopies, multiple moderate- to high-quality snags, and trees with
exfoliating bark (Farmer et al. 2002). In summer, bats forage for insects along forest edges,
riparian areas, and in semiopen forested habitats. In the winter, Indiana bats rely on caves for
hibernation. The species prefers hibernacula in areas with karst (limestone, dolomite, and
gypsum) and may also use other cave-like locations, such as mines.
The FWS’s Indiana Bat Recovery Plan (FWS 2007) indicates that Indiana bats are distributed
across 21 Tennessee counties. Thirty-four winter hibernacula (21 extant, 7 of uncertain status,
and 6 historic) are located throughout these counties. Three extant maternity colonies occur in
Blount and Monroe Counties. Additionally, adult males and/or nonreproductive females have
been captured during summer surveys within 9 of the 21 counties. In 2007, the FWS estimated
that Tennessee’s total population of Indiana bats was 8,906 individuals (FWS 2009). According
to more recent estimates based on winter surveys conducted in January and February of 2013,
the FWS (2013d) estimate that the Tennessee population of Indiana bats is currently
15,537 individuals.
The action area does not contain suitable habitat for hibernation. As indicated in the description
of the gray bat, three caves exist near the action area, but none of the caves are associated
with occurrences of Federally listed species (TVA 2013j, 2013n). For roosting and foraging,
over half of the action area is developed or composed of unsuitable habitat types. The
remainder of the action area includes approximately 278 ac (113 ha) of suitable habitat types:
150 ac (60 ha) of forest habitat of various types; 120 ac (50 ha) of grasslands or agricultural
lands; and 8 ac (3 ha) of wooded wetlands (TVA 2013n). However, none of the available FWS
records indicate occurrences of hibernacula, maternity colonies, or individual Indiana bats in the
action area or in the larger geographical area of Hamilton County. Additionally, during the NRC
staff’s environmental site audit, TVA provided NRC staff with records for review from its Natural
Heritage Database, which included detailed occurrence information on Federally listed species
throughout the TVA power service area. The NRC reviewed database records of species and
habitat occurrences within a 6-mi (10-km) radius of the SQN site and found that TVA (2013j)
has not identified Indiana bat hibernacula, maternity colonies, or individuals within this area.
Affected Environment
Given the available information, the NRC staff concludes that the Indiana bat is unlikely to occur
within the action area.
Snail Darter (Percina tanasi)
The FWS listed the snail darter as endangered in 1975 (40 FR 47505) and reclassified the
species as threatened in 1984 after additional populations were identified in several
Tennessee River tributaries and reservoirs (FWS 2013e). The FWS designated critical habitat
for the species in the Little Tennessee River at the time of listing. However, creation of
Tellico Dam destroyed the darter’s entire critical habitat area, and the FWS rescinded the critical
habitat designation upon reclassifying the species as threatened in 1984 (FWS undated d).
Snail darters inhabit larger creeks where they frequent sand and gravel shoal areas in low
turbidity water. They are also found in deeper portions of rivers and reservoirs where current is
present (Etnier and Starnes 1993). The FWS believes the snail darter originally inhabited the
main stem of the Tennessee River and possibly ranged from the Holston, French Broad,
Lower Clinch, and Hiwassee rivers downstream within the Tennessee drainage to northern
Alabama (FWS undated d). However, impoundments have fragmented much of the species’
range (Etnier and Starnes 1993). The FWS (2013e) has records of the snail darter occurring in
Chickamauga Reservoir in Hamilton, Meigs, and Rhea Counties in 1976 (before the
construction of SQN). TVA has not collected the species during its stream samplings of
tributaries to the Tennessee River within Chickamauga Reservoir in the available data years
(1995–2009) (Simmons 2010b). The NRC staff’s review of records from the TVA (2013j)
Natural Heritage Database also did not identify information that would suggest the species
occurs in vicinity of the plant. Furthermore, the snail darters’ habitat requirements make it
unlikely to occur in the portion of Chickamauga Reservoir within the action area.
Given the available information, the NRC staff concludes that the snail darter is unlikely to occur
within the action area.
Dromedary Pearlymussel (Dromus dromas)
The FWS listed the dromedary pearlymussel as endangered in 1976 (41 FR 24062). The FWS
has not designated critical habitat for this species.
The dromedary pearlymussel is a medium-sized freshwater mussel with a yellowish green shell
that has two sets of broken green rays. Juveniles and adults inhabit riffles on sand and gravel
substrates with stable rubble within small to medium streams that have low turbidity and high to
moderate gradients. Individuals have also been observed in slower waters and to depths of
5.5 m (18 ft). The species has as many as 11 glochidial (larval) hosts. The fantail darter
(Etheostoma flabellare) is a known host, and laboratory studies indicate that the following
species may also be hosts: banded darter (E. zonale), tangerine darter (Percina aurantiaca),
logperch (P. caprodes), gilt darter (P. evides), black sculpin (Cottus baileyi), greenside darter
(E. blennioides), snubnose darter (E. simoterum), blotchside logperch (P. burtoni), channel
darter (P. copelandi), and Roanoke darter (P. roanoka) (FWS undated a).
Dromedary pearlymussels, which were historically widespread in the Cumberland and
Tennessee River systems, have been eliminated from the majority of the species’ historic
riverine habitat because of impoundments. Only three reproducing populations are thought to
exist: one in the upper Clinch River, Tennessee; one in the Powell River, Tennessee; and one
in Virginia above Norris Reservoir (NatureServe 2013a).
TVA’s (2013j) Natural Heritage Database records indicate that one dromedary pearlymussel
individual was identified near the mouth of Soddy Creek (approximately 2.4 mi (4 km) upstream
of the action area) in a 1918 publication by A.E. Ortmann. The most recent observation of a
Affected Environment
dromedary pearlymussel in Chickamauga Reservoir occurred during a September 1983 survey;
it was observed in a mussel bed near the reservoir inflow at TRM 520.0 to 520.8, approximately
35 mi (56 km) upstream of the action area (Baxter et al. 2010). In 2010, Third Rock
Consultants, LLC (Third Rock 2010a) conducted a survey to document the existing mollusk
community and habitat conditions in Chickamauga Reservoir near SQN in both areas that may
be affected by plant operations and those that would not be affected by operations. The
dromedary pearlymussel was not identified during this survey, and TVA (2013j) reports that the
Chickamauga Reservoir adjacent to SQN is not suitable habitat to sustain a breeding population
of the species. Table 3–20 summarizes known dromedary pearlymussel occurrences in and
near the action area.
Given the available information, the NRC staff concludes that the dromedary pearlymussel is
unlikely to occur within the action area.
Pink Mucket (Lampsilis abrupta)
The FWS designated the pink mucket mussel as endangered in 1976 (41 FR 24062). The FWS
has not designated critical habitat for this species.
Pink muckets are medium-sized freshwater mussels with smooth, yellow to yellow-green shells
and faint green rays. The species inhabits sand and gravel substrates in medium to large rivers
with strong currents, and it can also survive in impounded, but flowing waters. Confirmed
suitable glochidial hosts include the largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), spotted bass
(M. punctulatus), smallmouth bass (M. dolomieu), and walleye (Stizostedion vitreum).
Additionally, sauger (S. canadense) and freshwater drum (Aplodinotus grunniens) may act as
hosts (FWS undated b).
Historically, this species was distributed in 25 rivers and tributaries in the Mississippi, Ohio,
Cumberland, and Tennessee Rivers (NatureServe 2013c). The species is now likely extirpated
from Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York (NatureServe 2013c). It has also been mostly
extirpated from Tennessee, though a few localized, but stable populations remain in the
Cumberland River and the Tennessee River below Pickwick Dam (Parmalee and Bogan 1998).
Occasional individuals also occupy several small- to medium-sized tributaries of large rivers
including the Holston, French Broad, and Upper Clinch rivers (Parmalee and Bogan 1998). A
1963 survey identified a pink mucket mussel in the Tennessee River at Houseboat Cove of
Harrison Bay State Park between TRM 477 and 483 (TVA 2013j). The location range of this
record overlaps with the action area for about a 2-river-mile (3.2-river-kilometer) stretch, which
means that this historic sighting could have occurred within the most downstream portion of the
action area. TVA’s Natural Heritage Database contains no other records indicating any more
recent occurrences of the species within 6 mi (10 km) of the SQN site, and the pink mucket was
not observed during a 2010 mussel survey conducted by Third Rock Consultants, LLC
(Third Rock 2010a). Upstream of the action area, TVA has found the pink mucket in the vicinity
of the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant site during mussel surveys in 10 data years between 1983 and
1997, though the number of specimens in a single year has never amounted to more than 10
(NRC 2013b). Additionally, a single pink mucket individual was found between TRM 526 and
527 (roughly 42 river mi upstream of the action area) in a September 2010 survey
(Third Rock 2010b). Table 3–20 summarizes known pink mucket occurrences in and near the
action area.
The available information (the historical sighting of one individual that may have occurred within
the downstream portion of the action area) does not indicate the current-day presence of the
species within the action area. However, given that the species has been consistently observed
in studies in the Chickamauga Reservoir upstream of the action area, the NRC staff considered
whether the species could move into the action area when attached to a host fish. Of the known
Affected Environment
and potential host species, all but the walleye occur both up and downstream of SQN (see
Section 4.7), and could, thus, transport pink mucket glochidia into the action area. However, the
results of the 2010 mussel survey (Third Rock 2010a) indicate that the silty substrate conditions
in the action area are not suited for pink mucket. Therefore, the species, which currently does
not occur in the action area, is unlikely to successfully colonize the action area if it were to be
transported into it. This assumption is supported by the fact that while the species has been
consistently observed in small numbers in studies upstream of the action area since the 1980s,
it has not appeared in the action area.
Given the available information, the NRC staff concludes that the pink mucket is unlikely to
occur within the action area.
Orangefoot Pimpleback (Plethobasus cooperianus)
The FWS listed the orangefoot pimpleback as endangered in 1976 (41 FR 24062). The FWS
has not designated critical habitat for this species.
The orangefoot pimpleback is a round freshwater mussel with a thick light-brown to chestnut or
dark-brown shell that grows up to 4 in. (10 cm) in size. It inhabits sand, gravel, or cobble
substrates of medium to large rivers (Cummings and Mayer 1992). Its glochidial host is
unknown (Mirarchi et al. 2004; Parmalee and Bogan 1998).
Historically, the species inhabited the Ohio, Wabash, Cumberland, lower Clinch, and Tennessee
rivers. Within the Tennessee River, the species is believed to occur in nine Tennessee
counties, including Hamilton County (FWS 2013g). The largest remaining population occurs in
a short reach of the Tennessee River below Pickwick Dam (FWS 1997), which lies 133 river mi
(214 river km) downstream of Chickamauga Dam. The species was not observed during
Third Rock Consultants, LLC’s 2010 mussel survey (Third Rock 2010a) near SQN, and TVA’s
Natural Heritage Database contains no records indicating the occurrence of the species within
6 mi (10 km) of the SQN site. This information suggests that the species does not occur within
the action area.
The NRC also considered whether the orangefoot pimpleback glochidia could move into the
action area when attached to a host fish. Glochidia could possibly attach to a host fish below
Pickwick Dam (where the closest population of orangefoot pimpleback is known to occur; see
Table 3–20), although the host would not be able to travel the 133 river mi (214 river km)
upstream to Chickamauga Reservoir because of the occurrence of six dams (many of which do
not have fish ladders) between the known population and the action area. It is also unlikely that
a host fish would carry glochidia downstream because no known populations occur upstream of
the action area within Chickamauga Reservoir. In 2013, the NRC evaluated the potential for the
orangefoot pimpleback to occur near Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, which lies approximately
45 river mi (72 river km) upriver of SQN and found that, based on both historic and recent
surveys, the species does not occur near that plant (NRC 2013b).
Given the available information, the NRC concludes that the orangefoot pimpleback is unlikely
to occur within the action area.
Rough Pigtoe (Pleurobema plenum)
The FWS listed the rough pigtoe mussel as endangered in 1976 (41 FR 24062). The FWS has
not designated critical habitat for this species.
The rough pigtoe is a medium-sized freshwater mussel with a yellowish brown to light brown
shell with faint green rays. It inhabits sand, gravel, and cobble substrate within medium to large
rivers. Its glochidial host is unknown (FWS undated c).
Affected Environment
Historically, this species occurred in the Ohio, Cumberland, and Tennessee River drainages in
nine states. Within Tennessee, the species is currently known to occur downstream of the
Pickwick, Wilson, and Guntersville Dams on the Tennessee River and in the Clinch River
(NatureServe 2013d). Available records indicate no historic or recent occurrences of the rough
pigtoe in the action area. The species was not identified during the 2010 mussel survey near
SQN (Third Rock 2010a). Additionally, TVA’s Natural Heritage Database contains no records
indicating the occurrence of the species within 6 mi (10 km) of the SQN site. In 2013, the NRC
(2013b) evaluated the results of 15 native mussel surveys to determine the potential for the
rough pigtoe to occur near Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (upstream of the action area). The NRC
identified three instances of specimen collection between TRM 520.0 and 528.9 (two individuals
in 1983, two individuals in 1984, and one individual in 1985). No individuals were identified in
seven additional surveys of the mussel beds upstream of the action area from 1985 to 1997 or
in 2010. The NRC (2013b) concluded that the rough pigtoe was no longer present in the vicinity
of the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant. Thus, the potential for individuals to move into the action area
from upstream is not present. Table 3–20 summarizes known rough pigtoe occurrences in and
near the action area.
Given the available information, the NRC staff concludes that the rough pigtoe is unlikely to
occur within the action area.
Affected Environment
Table 3–20. Known Occurrences of Federally Listed Mussels in and Near the Action Area
dromedary pearlymussel
pink mucket
Upstream of the
Action Area
1 individual in 1918
near the mouth of
Soddy Creek approx.
2.4 mi upstream
(TVA 2013j)
1 individual in 1983 in
mussel bed at
TRM 520.0–520.8
(Baxter et al. 2010)
63 individuals over
10 data years
(1983–1997) from
TRM 520–529.2
(summarized in
NRC 2013b)
Action Area
Downstream of the
Action Area
No known occurrences
No known occurrences
1 individual in 1963 at
Houseboat Cove of
Harrison Bay State
Park between
TRM 477 and 483
(TVA 2013j)
Localized, stable
population inhabits
Tennessee River
below Pickwick Dam
(Parmalee and
Bogan 1998)
No known occurrences
6 individuals relocated
in 2004 and
1 individual relocated
in 2005 to Nickajack
Reservoir (FWS 2014)
Largest remaining
population of the
species inhabits a
short reach of the
Tennessee River
below Pickwick Dam
(FWS 1997)
1 individual in 2010 in
mussel bed survey at
TRM 526–527
(Third Rock 2010b)
orangefoot pimpleback
rough pigtoe
No known occurrences
5 individuals over
3 data years
(1983–1985) from
TRM 520–529.2
(summarized in
NRC 2013b)
No known occurrences
1 individual relocated
in 2004 to Nickajack
Reservoir (FWS 2014)
1 individual relocated
in 2004 to Nickajack
Reservoir (FWS 2014)
Small Whorled Pogonia (Isotria medeoloides)
The FWS listed the small whorled pogonia as endangered in 1982 (47 FR 39827) and
reclassified it as threatened in 1994 (59 FR 50852). The FWS has not designated critical
habitat for this species (FWS 2013h).
The small whorled pogonia is a small, herbaceous, perennial orchid. Its primary range extends
through the Atlantic seaboard states, although it also occurs at the southern end of the
Appalachian chain in the Blue Ridge Mountains. The species generally grows in young and
Affected Environment
maturing stands of mixed deciduous or mixed deciduous/coniferous forests that are in secondor third-growth stages of succession. The species inhabits areas with sparse to moderate
ground cover, a relatively open understory, or areas in proximity to logging roads, streams, or
other features that create long-persisting breaks in the forest canopy. Throughout its range, the
small whorled pogonia is associated with understories containing red maple (Acer rubrum) and
oak species (Quercus spp.) (FWS 1992). Habitat destruction, disease, and predation by deer
and rabbits threaten the species’ continued existence (FWS 1992, 2008).
The FWS (2013h) identifies Carter and Hamilton Counties as the only Tennessee counties in
which the small whorled pogonia is known or believed to occur. However, TVA has not
identified the species as occurring on the SQN site (TVA 2013n), and the NRC staff did not
identify any information in its review of TVA’s Natural Heritage Database that would indicate
historic or recent occurrences of the species within 6 mi (10 km) of the SQN site (TVA 2013f).
Given the available information, the NRC staff concludes that the small whorled pogonia is
unlikely to occur within the action area.
Large-Flowered Skullcap (Scutellaria montana)
The FWS listed the large-flowered skullcap as endangered in 1986 (51 FR 22521). Subsequent
discovery of additional populations led the FWS to reclassify the species as threatened in 2002
(67 FR 1662).
The large-flowered skullcap is a member of the mint family (Lamiaceae). It is a perennial herb
that ranges from 12 to 20 in. (30 to 50 cm) tall. The plant flowers from mid-May to early June
and produces mature fruit in June or early July (FWS 1996). Mature fruit consists of four seedcontaining nutlets, which are expelled from the calyx (CPC 2010). Large-flowered skullcap is a
mid- to late-successional species that typically inhabits slopes, ravines, and stream banks that
are rocky, well-drained, and slightly acidic (FWS 1996).
The species is known or believed to occur in four Tennessee counties, including
Hamilton County, and nine Georgia counties (FWS 2013f). The FWS (1996) reports three
populations of the species in Hamilton County on private lands on White Oak Mountain,
Chestnut Ridge, and Walden Ridge. Additionally, TVA manages several habitat protection
areas (HPAs) that contain populations of large-flowered skullcaps (TVA 2013n):
Chigger Point TVA HPA lies across Chickamauga Reservoir approximately
1.0 mi (0.6 km) to the east of the action area. It includes 15 ac (6 ha) of
steeply wooded shoreline.
Ware Branch Bend TVA HPA lies 2.6 mi (4.2 km) northwest of the action
area. It contains 42 ac (17 ha) of steep, rocky shoreline.
Murphy Hill TVA HPA lies 4.7 mi (7.6 km) northeast of the action area. It
encompasses 194 ac (79 ha) and includes a steep bluff that runs along the
river front.
In total, TVA has identified 16 populations of large-flowered skullcaps in these locations, which
range from 1.0 to 6.0 mi (0.6 to 10 km) away from the action area (TVA 2013n). TVA maintains
a formal monitoring program for these populations.
TVA has no records of the large-flowered skullcap occurring within the action area (TVA 2013j,
2013n). However, because the species is known to occur near the action area, the NRC staff
considered whether the species could colonize habitat within the action area over time.
Because the species is not mobile, colonization of the action area would occur through seed
dispersal and subsequent germination in suitable habitat. Nutlets, however, are not adapted to
Affected Environment
long-distance dispersal and likely fall less than 5 m (16 ft) from the parent plant
(NatureServe 2013b). Those nutlets that travel farther from being washed downslope by
rainwater or carried by small animals only have a remote chance of dispersal beyond the
existing population (NatureServe 2013b). Given that seeds from the nearest known population
would have to travel a distance of at least 1.0 mi (0.6 km) and across Chickamauga Reservoir to
occur in the action area, successful seed dispersal is unlikely.
Thus, the NRC staff concludes that the large-flowered skullcap is unlikely to occur within the
action area.
Virginia Spiraea (Spiraea virginiana)
The FWS listed the Virginia spiraea as threatened in 1990 (55 FR 24241). The FWS has not
designated critical habitat for this species.
The Virginia spiraea is a perennial shrub in the rose family. It grows 3 to 10 ft (0.9 to 3 m) tall
and blooms from late May through July, although vegetative reproduction is more common than
seed dispersal (Ogle 1992). Because of this, most occurrences are thought to represent a
single genetic type, which means that there are about as many genetically distinct individuals as
there are extant populations (NatureServe 2013e). The species is typically found in disturbed
areas along rocky rivers and stream banks (Ogle 1992).
Historically, the species occurred within the Appalachian (Cumberland) Plateau and Blue Ridge
physiographic regions of Pennsylvania and Ohio, south to Georgia and Tennessee
(NatureServe 2013e). NatureServe (2013e) reports that an estimated 61 extant populations
exist within seven states, and 17 of the extant populations occur in Tennessee. The FWS
Recovery Plan (Ogle 1992) does not include Hamilton County in the species’ historical or
present range; however, the FWS’s (2013i) current species profile includes Hamilton and nine
other Tennessee counties as being among those where the plant is known or believed to occur.
TVA has not identified the species as occurring on the SQN site (TVA 2013n), and the NRC
staff did not identify any information in its review of TVA’s Natural Heritage Database that would
indicate historic or recent occurrences of the species within 6 mi (10 km) of the SQN site
(TVA 2013j).
Given the available information, the NRC staff concludes that the Virginia spiraea is unlikely to
occur within the action area. Species and Habitats Under NMFS’s Jurisdiction
As discussed in Section 3.7, Chickamauga Reservoir does not contain marine or anadromous
fish species. Therefore, no species or habitats under NMFS’s jurisdiction occur within the action
3.8.2 Species and Habitats Protected Under the Magnuson–Stevens Act
NMFS has not designated essential fish habitat in the Chickamauga Reservoir. Therefore, this
section does not contain a discussion of any species or habitats protected under the
Magnuson–Stevens Act.
3.9 Historic and Cultural Resources
This section discusses the cultural background and the known historic and archaeological
resources found on and in the vicinity of SQN. The discussion is based on a review of recent
historic and archaeological resource studies and other background information on the region
Affected Environment
surrounding SQN. In addition, a records search was performed at TDEC to obtain the most
up-to-date information about historic and cultural resources in the region.
The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (NHPA), requires Federal agencies
to consider the effects of their undertakings on historic properties, and renewing the operating
license of a nuclear power plant is an undertaking that could potentially affect historic properties.
Historic properties are defined as resources eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic
Places (NRHP). The criteria for eligibility are listed in the 36 CFR Part 60.4 and include
(1) association with significant events in history; (2) association with the lives of persons
significant in the past; (3) embodiment of distinctive characteristics of type, period, or
construction; and (4) sites or places that have yielded, or are likely to yield, important
The area of potential effect (APE) is the area at the SQN site, the transmission lines up to the
first substation and immediate environs that may be affected by the license renewal decision,
and land-disturbing activities associated with continued reactor operations. The APE may
extend beyond the immediate environs in instances in which land-disturbing maintenance and
operations activities during the license renewal term could potentially have an effect.
3.9.1 Cultural Background
This section discusses the cultural history of the SQN site and the surrounding area.
In addition, the cultural history of the State of Tennessee and the Tennessee River Valley has
been described in other NRC EISs, including the following:
Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants,
Supplement 21, Regarding Browns Ferry, Units 1, 2 and 3, June 2006, and
Final Environmental Impact Statement: Related to the Operation of Watts Bar Nuclear
Plant, Unit 2 (Supplement 2, Docket Number 50-391, Tennessee Valley Authority)
(NUREG-0498) May 30, 2013.
The SQN site and surrounding area are rich in cultural history and contain significant cultural
resources. For 12,000 years, humans have occupied the Tennessee River valleys and
surrounding areas. The record indicates prehistoric occupation of the area was approximately
as follows:
Paleo-Indian (12,000 to 8000 B.C.),
Archaic (8000 to 1200 B.C.),
Woodland (1200 B.C. to A.D. 1000), and
Mississippian (A.D. 1000 to 1500) (NRC 2013b).
In addition, the prehistoric period and archaeological record in the region are described in the
TVA’s ER for SQN (TVA 2013n).
Spanish explorers first made contact with indigenous peoples living in the area now known as
Hamilton County during the 16th century. During this time, the Cherokee were living in eastern
Tennessee, western North Carolina, and northern Georgia. In the late 1700s and early 1800s,
various treaties were established between the U.S. Government and the Cherokee that included
lands along the Tennessee River. According to regional historians, some of the treaty land
could have included the SQN site (NRC 2013b).
Euro-American settlers began moving into the region in large numbers in the early 19th century,
and Hamilton County was established in 1819. Settlers staked claims for farmsteads and small
Affected Environment
port towns, and many ferry crossings were established along the Tennessee River. Because of
these developments, the U.S. Government removed the Cherokee from the area in 1838, which
led to the intensification of Euro-American settlement in the region (TVA 2013n). TVA was
established in the 1930s, and the Chickamauga Reservoir was completed in 1940, after which
the surrounding area was flooded below the 693-ft (211-m) contour level (TVA 2013n).
3.9.2 Historic and Cultural Resources
The following sources of information were used to identify historic and cultural resources on the
SQN site and the surrounding area:
TVA ER (TVA 2013n);
environmental audit at SQN that included a cultural resources records review
and a cultural resources field tour by NRC staff (NRC 2013m);
NRC meeting with the Tennessee Historical Commission and site file query
with Division of Archaeology, Tennessee Department of Environment and
Conservation (NRC 2013e);
phone call to the Tennessee Historical Commission on May 22, 2013, for
additional information on the Igou Cemetery within the APE (NRC 2013l);
scoping and consultation letters—see Appendices C and D for a complete list
(NRC 2013i, 2013j);
request for additional information (RAI) responses from TVA dated
July 23, 2013 (TVA 2013f);
NRC phone call with TVA on August 13, 2013, to clarify responses to cultural
resource RAI (NRC 2013k);
TVA ER revisions (TVA 2013c);
TVA cultural resource compliance reports (publicly available at the
Tennessee Historical Commission):
2013 Phase I Cultural Resources Survey of the TVA Sequoyah Nuclear
Plant, Hamilton County, Tennessee: Revised Final Report, TRC
Environmental Corporation;
2009 Phase I Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Improvements to
the TVA Sequoyah Nuclear Power Plant, Hamilton County, Tennessee,
prepared by TRC Environmental Corporation;
2010 Phase I Cultural Resources Survey of the TVA Sequoyah Nuclear
Plant, Hamilton County, Tennessee, prepared by TRC Environmental
Corporation; and
1973 Archaeological Investigations of the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Area
by Calabrese, Hood, and Leaf. Cultural Resource Investigations at SQN
TVA’s ER (TVA 2013n) describes all of the cultural resource investigations that have been
conducted on the SQN site between 1936 and 2013 and identifies cultural resources found
within the APE. The earliest TVA cultural resources surveys at what is now the SQN site
occurred in 1936 and 1937, before construction of the Chickamauga Dam and reservoir.
Affected Environment
Surveys at the SQN site conducted prior to 1983 may not meet the Secretary of the Interior’s
Historic Preservation Professional Qualification Standards, which define the minimum education
and experience required for the identification, evaluation, registration, and treatment and
preservation of archaeological and historic resources.
Early surveys and literature reviews show that southern portions of the SQN site were owned by
a General Samuel Igou, who established a homestead and ferry crossing connecting roads on
the east and west banks of the Tennessee River near the SQN site. The 1936 TVA cultural
resource investigation confirmed that there was no active ferry at the time of the survey.
A family cemetery was also established by Igou on what is now the SQN site. Today, TVA
maintains the Igou Cemetery and allows access only by special request. In addition, the McGill
Cemetery was identified in the northern portion of the SQN site during the mid-1930s surveys.
All 11 graves in the McGill Cemetery were subsequently relocated to a nearby cemetery across
the river, prior to 1983. Early surveys also revealed that a Union Army camped in this area
during the Civil War (TVA 2013n).
In 1937, TVA surveyed properties in the SQN area to generate a land acquisition map for the
Chickamauga Dam and reservoir. The survey generated a land map identifying public and
private roads, structures, fields, orchards, fences, property boundaries, and cemeteries.
At least 14 residences and 2 cemeteries were identified within what are now the SQN site
boundaries. In 1938, TVA recorded the names and location of each burial. These cemetery
reports were the last cultural resource investigations involving the SQN site until 1973, when
surveys were conducted for the construction of SQN (TVA 2013n). These surveys confirmed
the findings from the earlier surveys that identified the Igou and McGill Cemeteries and Igou
ferry crossing and homestead.
The most recent cultural resource investigations were conducted in 2009 for a proposed SQN
steam generator replacement project and in 2010 in preparation for the license renewal of SQN
Units 1 and 2. The 2009 investigation determined that no cultural resources would be affected
by the proposed steam generator replacement project, as the affected areas had been
extensively disturbed by the construction of SQN (TVA 2013n). The 2010 investigation, which
surveyed the entire SQN site, reported one new archaeological site (Site 40HA549) and three
isolated finds (TVA 2013n). Site 40HA549 was characterized by two unbroken Early or Middle
Archaic projectile points and was determined ineligible for listing in the National Register of
Historic Places (NRHP); the Tennessee Historical Commission concurred with this finding (TVA
2013n). In addition, the 2010 survey confirmed the condition of previously recorded
archaeological sites on the SQN property. In 2013, TVA revised its 2010 survey of SQN
property to correct information related to new information about Site 40HA22, which is
discussed below (TVA 2013c). Cultural Resources Located within SQN
Site 40HA20 was first recorded in 1936 and was described as a Late Woodland or Early
Mississippian mound complex. Cultural resource investigations completed in 1973 documented
that Site 40HA20 had been destroyed by the construction of SQN Unit 1 and Unit 2. The 2010
cultural resources investigation confirmed that Site 40HA20 was destroyed during construction
(TVA 2013n).
Site 40HA22 was first recorded and tested in 1913. It was first described as an undisturbed
mound on the SQN site measuring 52 ft (16 m) in diameter and 7.5 ft (2.3 m) in height with
midden materials documented in the surrounding cultivated field. Early excavation into the top
of the mound encountered eight human burials, with the disturbed remnants of a ninth found to
the side of the mound. In 1936, the mound was still visible and ceramic fragments were noted
on the surface. Cultural resource investigations completed in 1973 documented that
Affected Environment
Site 40HA22 had been destroyed by the construction of SQN Units 1 and Unit 2 (TVA 2013n).
The 2010 cultural resources investigation confirmed that Site 40HA22 was destroyed during
construction (TVA 2013n). However, during the April 2013 NRC environmental audit, Site
40HA22 was found to be partially intact and incorrectly identified as within the SQN property
boundary (NRC 2013k). In September 2013, after discussion with the NRC, TVA reopened
Section 106 consultation with the Tennessee State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and
submitted revisions to its previous 2010 cultural resource survey and an updated site form to the
Tennessee Division of Archaeology, the keeper of archaeological records for the State of
Tennessee (TVA 2013m). TVA also reinitiated consultation with tribes (TVA 2013n). The
mound has been reassessed to be approximately 30 ft (9 m) in diameter with a depression
several feet across and likely to include human remains (TRC 2013). Fire-cracked rock, a
byproduct of the use of hot rocks for cooking and heating purposes, and chert artifacts were
also identified surrounding the mound (TRC 2013). There has been no formal eligibility
determination of the site for the NRHP, although TVA believes the site is eligible (TVA 2013c).
Site 40HA549 was found and recorded during the 2010 cultural resources investigation and is
described as a prehistoric period short-term open habitation. Two unbroken Early or Middle
Archaic projectile points and one small quartz flake were found during shovel tests. Three
isolated finds were also discovered. TVA determined the site and isolates were ineligible for
listing in the NRHP; the Tennessee Historical Commission concurred in May 2010 (TVA 2013n).
Site HS-2, identified during the 2010 cultural resources investigation, is the previously
mentioned Igou Cemetery (TVA 2013n). TVA determined Site HS-2 to be ineligible for listing in
the NRHP; the Tennessee Historical Commission concurred in May 2010 (TVA 2013n). The
2010 cultural resources investigation confirmed that all the burials at the former McGill
Cemetery site identified before construction of SQN were relocated to the McGill Cemetery
No. 2 across the Tennessee River. The NRC staff contacted the Tennessee Historical
Commission to discuss the eligibility determinations for sites within the APE. The Tennessee
Historical Commission confirmed Site HS-2 (Igou Cemetery) was not eligible for listing in the
NRHP (NRC 2013l).
In summary, the NRC performed a confirmatory analysis and queried the Division of
Archaeology of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation to identify cultural
resources present at the SQN site. Table 3–21 lists the cultural resources recorded within the
SQN site. Section 4.9.1 provides a status on cultural resources consultation. No cultural
resources were identified as being listed in the NRHP within the APE; however, Site 40HA22 is
located near the SQN site boundary and is potentially eligible for listing in the NRHP.
Site 40HA22 is located on TVA-controlled lands and, as such, will be treated by TVA staff as
eligible for the NRHP (TVA 2013c). On September 23, 2013, the Tennessee SHPO concurred
that there are no sites eligible for listing on the NRHP within the SQN plant boundary
(TVA 2013l). All human remains, either historic or ancient, in the State of Tennessee are
protected by Tennessee State law. The Igou Cemetery (HS-2) is located in the southern area of
the SQN site and is protected by several State statutes. The Tennessee Code Annotated
(T.C.A.) 39-17-311 is the primary statute providing protection for the historic cemetery, which is
maintained by TVA.
Affected Environment
Table 3–21. Cultural Resources within the SQN Site
Located on the
SQN Site
Late Woodland/Early Mississippian
Mound Complex
Burial Mound
Two Complete Early/Middle Archaic
Projectile Points and a Quartz Flake
Potentially Eligible
Igou Cemetery (Historic)
Not Eligible/Protected by
State Statutes
Destroyed/Not Eligible
Not Eligible
3.10 Socioeconomics
This section describes current socioeconomic factors that have the potential to be directly or
indirectly affected by changes in operations at SQN. SQN, and the communities that support it,
can be described as a dynamic socioeconomic system. The communities supply the people,
goods, and services required to operate the nuclear power plant. Power plant operations, in
turn, supply wages and benefits for people and dollar expenditures for goods and services. The
measure of a community’s ability to support SQN operations depends on its ability to respond to
changing environmental, social, economic, and demographic conditions.
3.10.1 Power Plant Employment and Expenditures
The socioeconomic region of influence (ROI) is defined by the areas where SQN employees
and their families reside, spend their income, and use their benefits, thus affecting the economic
conditions of the region. SQN employs a permanent workforce of approximately
1,141 employees (TVA 2013n). Approximately 84 percent of SQN employees reside in a
two-county area in southeastern Tennessee dominated by Hamilton County and Chattanooga,
including Rhea County. Most of the remaining 16 percent of the workforce are spread among
24 other counties in Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee, and among five other states, with
numbers ranging from 1 to 30 employees per county (TVA 2013n). Given the residential
locations of SQN employees, the most significant effects of continued plant operations are likely
to occur in Hamilton and Rhea Counties. The focus of the socioeconomic impact analysis in
this SEIS is, therefore, on the impacts of continued SQN operations on these two counties, also
termed the ROI. Table 3–22 summarizes the SQN workforce geographic distribution.
Table 3–22. 2010 SQN Employee Residence by County
Number of Employees Percentage of Total
Hamilton, TN
Rhea, TN
Other TN (17 other counties)
Alabama (3 counties)
Georgia (4 counties)
Other States (5 other states)
Source: TVA 2013n. Includes TVA and permanent contract workers.
Affected Environment
SQN purchases goods and services to facilitate its operations. While specialized equipment
and services are procured from a wider region, some proportion of the goods and services used
in plant operations are acquired from within the ROI. These transactions fuel a portion of the
local economy, as jobs are provided and additional local purchases are made by plant suppliers.
Refueling outages at SQN typically have occurred at 18-month intervals. During refueling
outages, site employment typically increases by an average of 750 temporary contract workers
for approximately 30 to 33 days (TVA 2013n). Outage workers are drawn from all regions of the
country; however, the majority would be expected to come from Tennessee, Georgia, and other
southeastern states.
3.10.2 Regional Economic Characteristics
This section presents information on employment and income in the ROI. The two-county SQN
ROI is predominantly rural. Hamilton County is home to Chattanooga, a regional transportation
hub in southeast Tennessee. Nearly 26 percent of the county is urbanized (USDA 2013).
Agricultural and forested land makes up the majority of the land use In Rhea County, and urban
lands make up about 7 percent of the total county land area (USDA 2013). Employment and Income
From 2000 to 2012, the civilian labor force in the SQN ROI increased 3.5 percent to just over
180,000. The number of employed persons declined by about 1 percent over the same period,
to over 166,000. Consequently, the number of unemployed people in the ROI has increased
nearly 130 percent in the same period, to over 13,900, or about 7.7 percent of the current
workforce – up from 3.5 percent in 2000 (BLS 2013).
In 2011, the health care and social assistance industry made up the largest sector of the
economy in terms of employment (10.7 percent), followed by manufacturing (10.1 percent),
retail trade (9.6 percent), accommodations and food services (8.1 percent), and finance and
insurance industry (7.7 percent) (BEA 2013). A list of selected major employers in the ROI is
given in Table 3–23. SQN’s 1,141 full-time employees are included in the TVA total, which is
the third largest employer in the ROI, as shown in the table.
Affected Environment
Table 3–23. Major Employers of the SQN ROI in 2012
Hamilton County Dept. of Education
BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee
Tennessee Valley Authority
Erlanger Health System
Memorial Health Care System
McKee Foods Corporation
Volkswagen Chattanooga
LA-Z-Boy Chair Company
City of Chattanooga
Amazon.com.dedc LLC
Hamilton County Government
Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation
CIGNA HealthCare
Astec Industries, Inc.
Roper Corporation
The University of TN at Chattanooga
Parkridge Medical Center, Inc.
Elementary & Secondary Schools
Health Care Financing
Utility – Electric Service
Health Care
Mfr. Cakes & Cookies
Mfr. Automobiles
Sofas, Sleepers, Recliners
Distribution Center
Poultry Slaughtering & Processing
Health Services
Mfr. Asphalt & Construction Equipment
Mfr. Cooking Products
Healthcare – Hospital
Sources: CACC 2013; SEIDA 2012
Estimated income information for the SQN ROI and Tennessee is presented in Table 3–24.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s (USCB’s) 2007–2011 American Community Survey
5-Year Estimates, people living in Hamilton County had median household and per capita
incomes above the State average, while Rhea County had median household and per capita
incomes lower than the State average. The same trend is evident for families and individuals
living below the official poverty level. The relative lack of economic development in rural Rhea
County contributes to higher than average poverty and lower than average median incomes
compared to the more economically developed Chattanooga in Hamilton County.
Table 3–24. Estimated Income Information for the SQN ROI in 2011
Median household income (dollars)
Per capita income (dollars)
Individuals living below the poverty level (percent)
Families living below the poverty level (percent)
In 2011 inflation adjusted dollars
Source: USCB 2013b
Rhea Tennessee
45,826 36,934
26,924 17,860
Affected Environment Unemployment
Unemployment rates in the SQN ROI have mirrored State and national trends from 2007 to
2012. Table 3–25 illustrates the unemployment rates for the SQN ROI counties compared to
State and SQN ROI rates.
Table 3–25. 2007−2012 Annual Unemployment Rates in the SQN ROI
ROI Counties
Source: TDLWD 2013; for consistency all values not seasonally adjusted.
The effects of the recent economic recession (often referred to as the Great Recession that
began in December 2007 and lasted to June 2009) on employment are visible in the two
counties, the ROI, and the State. Rhea County has had consistently higher unemployment
rates than its urban neighbor, Hamilton County, through this period. As a whole, the ROI
experienced slightly less unemployment than the State during the recent economic recession.
3.10.3 Demographic Characteristics
According to the 2010 Census, an estimated 472,684 people lived within 20 mi (32 km) of SQN,
which equates to a population density of 376 persons per square mile (TVA 2013n). This
translates to a Category 4, “least sparse” population density using the generic environmental
impact statement (GEIS) measure of sparseness (greater than or equal to 120 persons per
square mile within 20 mi). An estimated 1,080,361 people live within 50 mi (80 km) of SQN with
a population density of 138 persons per square mile (TVA 2013n). Because Chattanooga is
located within 50 mi (80 km) of SQN, this translates to a Category 3 density, using the GEIS
measure of proximity (one or more cities with 100,000 or more persons and less than
190 persons per square mile within 50 mi) (NRC 2013d). Therefore, SQN is located in a high
population area based on the GEIS sparseness and proximity matrix.
Table 3–26 shows population projections and percent growth from 1970 to 2060 in the
two-county SQN ROI. The population in the ROI has increased over the previous two decades
(2000 and 2010). Based on State forecasts (UT 2012), the population is expected to continue
to increase at a moderate rate.
Affected Environment
Table 3–26. Population and Percent Growth in SQN ROI Counties 1970–2010, 2012
(estimated), and Projected for 2020–2060
Hamilton County
Rhea County
Percent growth
Percent growth
Sources: Population data for 1970–1990 (State of Tennessee 1996); population data for 2010, population data for
2000–2010 and projections for 2020–2040 by Tennessee State Data Center (UT 2012); 2012 (USCB 2013f);
2050–2060 calculated.
The 2010 Census demographic profile of the two-county ROI population is presented in
Table 3–27. According to the 2010 Census, minorities (race and ethnicity combined) comprised
26.3 percent of the total two-county population. The minority population is mostly comprised of
Black or African-American residents.
Table 3–27. Demographic Profile of the Population in the SQN Socioeconomic Region of
Influence in 2010
Total Population
Race (percent of total population, not Hispanic or Latino)
Black or African-American
American Indian & Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander 0.0
Some other race
Two or more races
Hispanic or Latino
Percent of total population
Minority population (including Hispanic or Latino ethnicity)
Total minority population
Percent minority
Source: USCB 2013e
Affected Environment Transient Population
Within 50 mi (80 km) of SQN, colleges and recreational opportunities attract daily and seasonal
visitors who create a demand for temporary housing and services. In 2012, approximately
42,032 students attended colleges and universities within 50 mi (80 km) of SQN (NCES 2013a).
Based on the 2007−2011 American Community Survey (ACS) estimates, approximately 27,650
seasonal housing units are located within 50 miles (80 kilometers) of SQN. Of those, 2,517 are
located in the SQN two-county ROI. Table 3–28 presents information about seasonal housing
for the counties located all or partly within 50 mi (80 km) of SQN.
Affected Environment
Table 3–28. 2007-2011 Estimated Seasonal Housing in Counties Located Within 50 Mi of
Total Housing Units
Vacant Housing Units: for
Seasonal, Recreational, or
Occasional Use
County Subtotal
County Subtotal
North Carolina
Tenn essee
Affected Environment
Total Housing Units
Van Buren
County Subtotal
Vacant Housing Units: for
Seasonal, Recreational, or
Occasional Use
Counties within 50 mi (80 km) of SQN with at least one block group located within the 50-mi (80-km) radius. A
block group is defined by the U.S. Census Bureau as a statistical division generally containing 600 to 3,000 people.
Source: USCB 2013a Migrant Farm Workers
In the 2002 Census of Agriculture, farm operators were asked for the first time whether or not
they hired migrant workers. Migrant farm workers are individuals whose employment requires
travel to harvest agricultural crops. These workers may or may not have a permanent
residence. Some migrant workers follow the harvesting of crops, particularly fruit, throughout
rural areas of the United States. Others may be permanent residents near SQN and travel from
farm to farm harvesting crops.
Migrant workers may be members of minority or low-income populations. Because they travel
and can spend a significant amount of time in an area without being actual residents, migrant
workers may be unavailable for counting by census takers. If uncounted, these workers would
be “underrepresented” in USCB minority and low-income population counts.
Table 3–29 supplies information about migrant farm workers and temporary farm labor (less
than 150 days) within 50 mi (80 km) of SQN. Approximately 9,400 farm workers were hired to
work for less than 150 days and were employed on 3,557 farms within 50 mi (80 km) of SQN.
The county with the highest number of temporary farm workers (1,190) on 460 farms was
DeKalb County, Alabama (USDA 2012). A total of 312 farms, in the 50-mi radius of SQN,
Affected Environment
reported hiring migrant workers in the 2007 Census of Agriculture. Warren County, Tennessee,
reports the most farms with migrant farm labor (64 farms) (USDA 2012).
Affected Environment
Table 3–29. Migrant Farm Workers and Temporary Farm Labor in Counties Located
Within 50 Mi of SQN
County Subtotal
County Subtotal
North Carolina
Number of Farms
With Hired Farm
Number of Farms
Hiring Workers for
Less Than
150 Days
Number of Farm
Workers Working
for Less Than
150 Days
Number of
Farms Reporting
Migrant Farm
Affected Environment
Van Buren
County Subtotal
Number of Farms
With Hired Farm
Number of Farms
Hiring Workers for
Less Than
150 Days
Number of Farm
Workers Working
for Less Than
150 Days
Number of
Farms Reporting
Migrant Farm
Counties within 50 mi (80 km) of SQN with at least one block group located within the 50-mi radius
Table 7. Hired farm Labor—Workers and Payroll: 2007
= Data not disclosed by USDA
Source: 2007 Census of Agriculture — County Data (USDA 2012)
3.10.4 Housing and Community Services
This section presents information regarding housing and local public services, including
education and water supply. Housing
The socioeconomic ROI is dominated by Hamilton County, which is part of the Chattanooga
metropolitan area. The size of the Chattanooga area weighs heavily on the housing statistics,
and Rhea County is considerably more rural and less like the ROI averages in terms of housing
statistics. Table 3–30 lists the total number of occupied and vacant housing units, vacancy
rates, and median value in the two-county ROI. Based on USCB’s 2007–2011 ACS 5-Year
Estimates, there were nearly 165,000 housing units in the socioeconomic region, of which
nearly 97,000 were occupied. The median values of owner-occupied housing units in the ROI
range from $151,000 in Hamilton County to about $104,000 in Rhea County. The vacancy rate
also varied considerably between the two counties, from 10.9 percent in Hamilton County to
16.2 percent in Rhea County (USCB 2013c).
Affected Environment
Table 3–30. Housing in the SQN ROI (2007−2011, 5-year estimate)
Total housing units
Owner occupied units
Median value (dollars)
Owner vacancy rate (percent)
Renter occupied units
Median rent (dollars/month)
Rental vacancy rate (percent)
Total vacant housing units
Percent vacant
Rhea County
Source: USCB 2013c Education
Three public school districts serve Hamilton and Rhea counties: the Hamilton County Schools,
Rhea County Schools, and the Dayton School District (NCES 2013b). Table 3–31 lists the
school system enrollments based on National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) data.
Table 3–31. Public School System Statistics, 2010–11 School Year
Hamilton County
Rhea County
Source: NCES 2013b Public Water Supply
The SQN ROI includes Hamilton and Rhea counties, which is where 84 percent of SQN workers
reside. The discussion of public water supply systems is limited to major municipal water
systems in the local area. Table 3–32 provides information on municipal water supply systems
located near SQN. In aggregate, these systems are operating at approximately 72 percent of
design capacity. The source of potable water at SQN is groundwater supplied by the Hixson
Utility District water system.
Affected Environment
Table 3–32. Local Public Water Supply Systems
Water System
Eastside Utility District
Hixson Utility District
Mowbray Mountain Utility District
Sale Creek Utility District
Savannah Valley Utility District
Signal Mountain Water System
Soddy-Daisy–Falling Water Utility District
Tennessee-American Water Company
Union Fork-Bakewell Utility District
Walden Ridge Utility District
Source: TVA 2013n
3.10.5 Tax Revenues
Per Section 13 of the TVA Act of 1933, as amended, TVA makes payments in lieu of taxes to
states and counties in which they conduct power operations or in which TVA has acquired
power-producing properties previously subject to state and local taxation. One-half of the
payments to states is determined by the percentage of total TVA gross proceeds of power sales
within each state, and the other half is apportioned by the percentage of book value of TVA
power property in each state (TVA 2013n). These payments amount to 5 percent of gross
revenues from the sale of power during the preceding year, excluding sales or deliveries to
other Federal agencies and power sales to utilities not on the TVA grid. There is a provision for
minimum payments under certain circumstances.
Except for certain direct payments that TVA is required to make to counties, distribution of
payments in lieu of taxes within a state is determined by individual state legislation. Under
Tennessee Code, Title 67, Chapter 9, 48.5 percent of the total payments received by the State
are distributed to the State’s counties and municipalities. Of this amount, 30 percent is
distributed to counties based on county shares of the total State population, 30 percent to
counties based on county acreage shares of the State total, and 30 percent to incorporated
municipalities based on each municipality’s share of the total population of all incorporated
municipalities in the State. The remaining 10 percent is allocated to counties based on each
county’s share of TVA-owned land in the State. The payments in lieu of taxes received by
Hamilton County, Chattanooga, and Soddy-Daisy are provided in Table 3–33. TVA is exempt
from sales and use taxes per Section 13 of the TVA Act of 1933, as amended. TVA indicates
that the portion of its total payments in lieu of taxes attributable to SQN is 7 percent
(TVA 2013n).
Affected Environment
Table 3–33. 2008−2011 Payments in Lieu of Taxes Attributable to SQN ($)
City of Chattanooga
City of Soddy-Daisy
Hamilton County
Source: Based on TVA 2013n
3.10.6 Local Transportation
The area surrounding SQN is largely rural. Highway access to Hamilton County and SQN from
population centers is via US-27, a principal arterial originating in Chattanooga and paralleling
the Chickamauga Reservoir and the Tennessee River through Hamilton and Rhea Counties.
The Sequoyah Access Road from Soddy-Daisy provides primary access to the site for SQN
employees. The Chattanooga area is connected by interstate freeways to the larger
metropolitan areas of Atlanta, Georgia, Birmingham, Alabama, Nashville, Tennessee, and
Knoxville, Tennessee.
The ROI is served by CSX and Norfolk Southern freight rail services, and a Norfolk Southern
spur line provides rail access to the SQN site (TVA 2013n). Freight also is transported by
navigable waterway on the Tennessee River between Knoxville, Tennessee, and the confluence
of the Tennessee and Ohio rivers, via a system of locks and dams (TVA 2013n). The SQN site
is served by a barge slip on the Chickamauga Reservoir.
Table 3–34 lists commuting routes to the SQN site and average annual daily traffic (AADT)
volume values. The AADT values represent traffic volumes for a 24-hour period factored by
both the day of the week and the month of the year.
Table 3–34. Major Commuting Routes in the Vicinity of SQN: 2012 AADT
Roadway and Location
Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT)
Sequoyah Access Rd. W of Hixson Pike
Igou Ferry Rd. @ TVA Access Rd.
SR 319 Hixson Pike N of Sequoyah Access Rd.
SR 319 Hixson Pike S of Sequoyah Access Rd.
Hamby Rd. N of Lakesite
SR 319 Hixson Pike @ Trail Ridge Rd.
Sequoyah Access Rd. E of Trail Ridge Rd.
Sequoyah Access Rd. S of US 27 Exit
All AADT values represent traffic volume during the average 24-hour day during 2012.
Source: TDOT 2013
Affected Environment
3.11 Human Health
3.11.1 Radiological Exposure and Risk
As required by NRC regulation 10 CFR 20.1101, SQN has a radiation protection program
designed to protect onsite personnel, including TVA employees, contractor employees, visitors,
and offsite members of the public from radiation and radioactive material generated at SQN.
The radiation protection program is extensive and includes, but is not limited to, the following:
organization and administration (i.e., Radiation Protection Manager who has
overall control of the program and having trained and qualified workers),
implementing procedures,
ALARA program to minimize dose to workers and members of the public,
dosimetry program (i.e., measuring of radiation dose to plant workers),
radiological controls (i.e., protective clothing, shielding, filters, respiratory
equipment, and individual work permits with specific radiological
radiation area entry and exit controls (i.e., locked or barricaded doors,
interlocks, local and remote alarms, personnel contamination monitoring
posting of radiation hazards (i.e., signs and notices alerting plant personnel of
potential hazards),
record keeping and reporting (i.e., documentation of worker dose and
radiation survey data),
radiation safety training (i.e., classroom training and use of mockups to
simulate complex work assignments),
radioactive effluent monitoring management (i.e., control and monitoring of
radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents released into the environment),
radioactive environmental monitoring (i.e., sampling and analysis of
environmental media such as air, water, vegetation, food crops, direct
radiation, and milk, to measure the levels of radioactive material in the
environment that may affect human health), and
radiological waste management (i.e., control, monitoring, processing, and
disposal of radioactive solid waste).
Regarding the radiation exposure to SQN personnel, the NRC staff reviewed the data contained
in NUREG-0713, Occupational Radiation Exposure at Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors and
Other Facilities 2011: Forty-Fourth Annual Report (NUREG-0713, Volume 33) (NRC 2013f).
This report, which was the most recent available at the time of this review, summarizes the
occupational exposure data through 2011 that are maintained in the NRC’s Radiation Exposure
Information and Reporting System (REIRS) database. Nuclear power plants are required by
10 CFR 20.2206 to report their occupational exposure data to the NRC annually.
NUREG-0713 calculates a 3-year average collective dose per reactor for all nuclear power
reactors licensed by the NRC. The 3-year average collective dose is one of the metrics that the
NRC uses in the Reactor Oversight Program to evaluate the effectiveness of the licensee’s
Affected Environment
ALARA program. Collective dose is the sum of the individual doses received by workers at a
facility licensed to use radioactive material over a one year time period. Based on the data for
operating pressurized-water reactors (PWRs) like those at SQN, the average annual collective
dose per reactor was 59.71 person-rem. In comparison, SQN had a reported annual collective
dose per reactor of 55.52 person-rem.
In addition, as reported in NUREG-0713, for 2011, no worker at SQN received an annual dose
greater than 0.5 rem (0.005 Sv), which is well below the NRC occupational dose limit of 5.0 rem
(0.05 Sv) in 10 CFR 20.1201.
3.11.2 Chemical Hazards
The use, storage, and discharge of chemicals, biocides, and sanitary wastes, as well as minor
chemical spills are regulated by State and Federal environmental agencies. Chemical hazards
to plant workers resulting from continued operations and refurbishment associated with license
renewal are expected to be minimized by the applicant’s implementing good industrial hygiene
practices as required by permits and Federal and State regulations. Plant discharges of these
chemical and sanitary wastes are monitored and controlled as part of the plant’s NPDES permit
process to minimize impacts to the public and the environment. In addition, proposed changes
in the use of cooling water treatment chemicals would require review by the plant’s NPDES
permit-issuing authority and possible modification of the existing NPDES permit, including
examination of the human health effects of the change. The GEIS concluded that the impacts
from these chemical and sanitary wastes, when released within the limits specified in the
NPDES permit, would be SMALL and classified the issue as Category 1 (NRC 2013c).
The use, storage, and discharge of chemicals and sanitary wastes at SQN are controlled in
accordance with site and fleet chemical control procedures and site-specific chemical spill
prevention plans. SQN’s Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan serves
as the site’s hazardous waste contingency plan. Chemical wastes are controlled and managed
in accordance with SQN’s waste management procedure. These plant procedures and plans
are designed to prevent and minimize the potential for a chemical or hazardous waste release
that could affect workers, members of the public, and the environment (TVA 2013n).
3.11.3 Microbiological Hazards
Microbiological hazards associated with nuclear plant cooling operations and thermal discharge
include thermophilic microorganisms such as enteric pathogens (Salmonella spp., Shigella spp.,
and Pseudomonas aeruginosa), thermophilic fungi, bacteria (Legionella spp.), and the
free-living amoeba (Naegleria fowleri). The presence of these microorganisms could result in
adverse effects to the health of nuclear power plant workers in plants that use cooling towers
and to the health of the public where thermal effluents discharge into cooling ponds, lakes,
canals, or rivers. Background Information on Microorganisms of Concern
Salmonella typhimurium and S. enteritidis are two species of enteric bacteria that cause
salmonellosis, which is more common in summer than in winter. Salmonellosis is transmitted
through contact with contaminated human or animal feces and may be spread through water
transmission or contact with food or infected animals (CDC 2013d). The bacteria grow at
temperatures ranging from 77 to 113 °F (25 to 45 °C), have an optimal growth temperature
around human body temperature (98.6 °F (37 °C)), and can survive extreme temperatures as
low as 41 °F (5 °C) and as high as 122 °F (50 °C) (Oscar 2009). Research studies examining
Affected Environment
the persistence of Salmonella spp. outside of a host found that the bacteria can survive for
several months in water and in aquatic sediments (Moore et al. 2003).
Shigellosis infections are caused by the transmission of Shigella spp. from person to person
through contaminated feces and unhygienic handling of food. Like salmonellosis, infections are
more common in summer than in winter (CDC 2013d). The bacteria grow at temperatures
between 77 and 99 °F (25 and 37 °C) and can survive temperatures as low as 41 °F (5 °C)
(PHAC 2010).
Pseudomonas aeruginosa can be found in soil, hospital respirators, water, sewage, and on the
skin of healthy individuals. It is most commonly linked to infections transmitted in healthcare
settings. It is a waterborne pathogen, and infections from exposure to P. aeruginosa in water
can lead to development of mild respiratory illness (CDC 2013c). These bacteria have an
optimal growth temperature of 98.6 °F (37 °C) and can survive in temperatures as high as
107.6 °F (42 °C) (Todar 2004).
Legionella spp. infections result in legionellosis (e.g., Legionnaires’ disease), which manifests
as a dangerous form of pneumonia or an influenza-like illness. Legionellosis occurrences vary
by season and geographic location; mid-Atlantic states report the highest numbers of cases
during summer and early fall (CDC 2011). Legionella spp. thrive in aquatic environments as
intracellular parasites of protozoa and are only infectious in humans through inhalation contact
from an environmental source (CDC 2013a). Conditions that favor Legionella spp. growth are
stagnant water between 95 and 115 °F (35 and 46 °C), although the bacteria can grow at
temperatures as low as 68 °F (20 °C) and as high as 122 °F (50 °C) (OSHA 1999).
The free-living amoeba Naegleria fowleri prefers warm freshwater habitats and is the causative
agent of human primary amoebic meningoencephalitis. Infections occur when N. fowleri
penetrate the nasal tissue through direct contact with water in warm lakes, rivers, or hot springs
and migrate to the brain tissues (CDC 2013b). This free-swimming amoeba is rarely found in
water temperatures below 95 °F (35 °C), and infections rarely occur at those temperatures
(Tyndall et al. 1989). Studies of Microorganisms in Cooling Towers
A 1981 study (Tyndall 1982) found pathogenic Naegleria fowleri in heated cooling water at 2 of
11 nuclear power plant sites and infectious Legionella spp. at 7 of the 11 sites. The
concentrations of these organisms at these sites increased less than 10-fold in heated waters
relative to source water. Tyndall’s (1982) recommendations for disease prevention include the
use of protective devices for plant personnel in close contact with cooling water sources known
to contain infectious microorganisms.
In another study, Tyndall (1983) examined the distribution and abundance of Legionella spp.
and N. fowleri near large industrial cooling towers. Legionella spp. were detected at low
abundances in air discharged from cooling towers and in some upwind and downwind air
samples during high-wind events. N. fowleri were detected but were not pathogenic. Tyndall
(1983) concludes that industrial hygiene measures to limit plant worker exposure during
maintenance of cooling water systems may be appropriate.
A more recent study (Berk et al. 2006) examined 40 natural aquatic environments and
40 cooling towers to determine the relative abundance of amoebae that may harbor infectious
bacteria due to cooling tower operations from industries, hospitals, and public buildings. Those
authors find that infected amoebae are 16 times more likely to occur in cooling towers than in
natural environments and that cooling towers may be possible “hot spots” for emerging
pathogenic bacteria.
Affected Environment Microbiological Hazards to Plant Workers
Plant workers are most likely to be exposed to pathogenic microorganisms from power plant
operations when cleaning or providing other maintenance services that involve the cooling water
system, including cooling towers and condensers. Diseases (e.g., legionellosis and primary
amoebic meningoencephalitis) that involve respiratory or nasal infectivity routes are of primary
concern, and workers should wear appropriate respiratory protection. Workers performing
underwater activities should wear protective gear to prevent oral or nasal exposure to amoebae
or other pathogenic bacteria. Plant operators should continue using proven industrial hygiene
principles to minimize workforce exposures to microbiological organisms that may occur in the
cooling water system (NRC 2013c). Microbiological Hazards to the Public
Thermal effluents produced during nuclear power plant operations are discharged to lakes,
ponds, canals, or rivers and, therefore, may enhance the growth of naturally occurring
thermophilic microorganisms. The public could come into contact with these water bodies
through swimming and boating activities, although no public swimming beaches occur in close
proximity downstream from SQN (TVA 2013n). NPDES permits limit the maximum daily
temperature for the discharge. Although public access to these freshwater sources is often
limited, at some locations, depending on the NPDES limits, the temperatures could support
survival of the thermophilic microorganisms during summer conditions. The Tennessee
Department of Health (TDH) (Cooper et al. 2009) found no reported cases of Naegleria fowleri
infection and 386 reported cases of legionellosis between 2000 and 2009.
3.11.4 Electromagnetic Fields
Based on the GEIS, the Commission found that electric shock resulting from direct access to
energized conductors or from induced charges in metallic structures has not been found to be a
problem at most operating plants and generally is not expected to be a problem during the
license renewal term. However, a site-specific review is required to determine the significance
of the electric shock potential along the portions of the transmission lines that are within the
scope of this SEIS.
In the GEIS, the NRC found that without a review of the conformance of each nuclear plant
transmission line with National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) criteria, it was not possible to
determine the significance of the electric shock potential (IEEE 2002). Evaluation of individual
plant transmission lines is necessary because the issue of electric shock safety was not
addressed in the licensing process for some plants. For other plants, land use in the vicinity of
transmission lines may have changed, or power distribution companies may have chosen to
upgrade line voltage. To comply with 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(H), the applicant must provide an
assessment of the impact of the proposed action on the potential shock hazard from the
transmission lines if the transmission lines that were constructed for the specific purpose of
connecting the plant to the transmission system do not meet the recommendations of the NESC
for preventing electric shock from induced currents. The NRC uses the NESC criteria and the
applicant’s adherence to it during the current operating license as its baseline to assess the
potential human health impact of the induced current from an applicant’s transmission lines. As
discussed in the GEIS, the issue of electric shock is of small significance for transmission lines
that are operated in adherence with the NESC criteria.
TVA completed a detailed analysis of the current state of compliance with NESC criteria in
2012. In addition, TVA did an aerial light detection and ranging (LIDAR) survey on all of its
500-kV transmission lines that connect SQN to the electric grid. TVA used the data from the
survey to calculate the potential for induced shock effects for four reference vehicles, including
Affected Environment
utility trailers, sport utility vehicles (SUVs), and large farm machinery. TVA used the Power Line
Systems Software (PLS-CADD) program to analyze the three-dimensional models created from
the LIDAR data. All electromagnetic field calculations in PLS-CADD are based on Electric
Power Research Institute (EPRI) methodology. Of the 500-kV transmission lines studied, TVA
reported that there are nine transmission line spans that have insufficient clearance to limit the
steady-state current caused by the electrostatic effects to the NESC standard of 5 milliamperes
(mA). These line spans are as follows: Widows Creek (three spans), Franklin (two spans),
Watts Bar, Unit 1 (two spans), and Watts Bar, Unit 2 (two spans).
In accordance with 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iii), TVA has provided information on actions it is
considering to reduce the potential impacts from those transmission lines that exceed the NESC
standard. Using a 500-kV transmission line uprate program with defined projects, TVA plans to
correct the deficiencies with improvements in various stages of planning or design. These
projects are all scheduled for construction and completion by June 2017, before the end of
SQN’s current operating license.
In addition, the following physical adjustments are being considered that could lower the
calculated short-circuit loads to below 5 mA:
Add tower extensions to elevate the 500-kV conductors in the problem spans.
Replace existing towers with taller towers.
Supply shield wires below the 500-kv phase wires in the problem spans.
For all but the nine spans listed above, the vertical clearances of the transmission lines built to
connect SQN to TVA’s transmission system are sufficient to limit the steady-state current
caused by electrostatic effects to 5 mA, should the largest anticipated truck, vehicle, or
equipment under the line be short-circuited to ground.
In its ER, TVA stated that the location of these nine spans are in areas where the potential for
induced shock would be of a low risk, and a more aggressive remediation schedule is not
warranted. However, as previously stated, TVA plans to correct the deficiencies, which are
scheduled for completion before the end of SQN’s current operating license.
3.11.5 Other Hazards
Two additional human health issues are addressed in this section: physical occupational
hazards and electric shock hazards.
Nuclear power plants are industrial facilities that have many of the typical occupational hazards
found at any other electric power generation utility. Workers at or around nuclear power plants
would be involved in some electrical work, electric power line maintenance, repair work, and
maintenance activities, and thus exposed to some potentially hazardous physical conditions
(e.g., falls, excessive heat, cold, noise, electric shock, and pressure). The issue of physical
occupational hazards is generic to all nuclear power plants (NRC 2013c).
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is responsible for developing and
enforcing workplace safety regulations. OSHA was created by the Occupational Safety and
Health Act of 1970 (29 U.S.C. § 651 et seq.), which was enacted to safeguard the health of
workers. With specific regard to nuclear power plants, plant conditions that result in an
occupational risk, but do not affect the safety of licensed radioactive materials, are under the
statutory authority of OSHA rather than the NRC as set forth in a Memorandum of
Understanding (53 FR 47279, November 22, 1988) between the NRC and OSHA. Occupational
hazards can be minimized when workers adhere to safety standards and use appropriate
protective equipment; however, fatalities and injuries from accidents can still occur.
Affected Environment
Physical occupational safety and health hazards are generic to all types of electrical generating
stations, including nuclear power plants (NRC 2013c). As discussed above, worker safety is
regulated by OSHA. As a Federal agency, TVA is not directly subject to regulation from OSHA;
however, TVA and its contractors use health and safety practices that comply with OSHA’s
substantive requirements.
3.12 Environmental Justice
Under Executive Order (E.O.) 12898 (59 FR 7629), Federal agencies are responsible for
identifying and addressing, as appropriate, disproportionately high and adverse human health
and environmental impacts on minority and low-income populations. In 2004, the Commission
issued a Policy Statement on the Treatment of Environmental Justice Matters in NRC
Regulatory and Licensing Actions (69 FR 52040), which states, “The Commission is committed
to the general goals set forth in E.O. 12898, and strives to meet those goals as part of its
[National Environmental Policy Act] NEPA review process.”
The Council of Environmental Quality (CEQ) provides the following information in Environmental
Justice: Guidance Under the National Environmental Policy Act (CEQ 1997):
Disproportionately High and Adverse Human Health Effects.
Adverse health effects are measured in risks and rates that could result in latent
cancer fatalities, as well as other fatal or nonfatal adverse impacts on human
health. Adverse health effects may include bodily impairment, infirmity, illness, or
death. Disproportionately high and adverse human health effects occur when the
risk or rate of exposure to an environmental hazard for a minority or low-income
population is significant (as employed by NEPA) and appreciably exceeds the
risk or exposure rate for the general population or for another appropriate
comparison group (CEQ 1997).
Disproportionately High and Adverse Environmental Effects.
A disproportionately high environmental impact that is significant (as employed
by NEPA) refers to an impact or risk of an impact on the natural or physical
environment in a low-income or minority community that appreciably exceeds the
environmental impact on the larger community. Such effects may include
ecological, cultural, human health, economic, or social impacts. An adverse
environmental impact is an impact that is determined to be both harmful and
significant (as employed by NEPA). In assessing cultural and aesthetic
environmental impacts, impacts that uniquely affect geographically dislocated or
dispersed minority or low-income populations or American Indian tribes are
considered (CEQ 1997).
The environmental justice analysis assesses the potential for disproportionately high and
adverse human health or environmental effects on minority and low-income populations that
could result from the operation of SQN during the renewal term. In assessing the impacts, the
following definitions of minority individuals and populations and low-income population were
used (CEQ 1997):
Minority Individuals
Individuals who identify themselves as members of the following population
groups: Hispanic or Latino, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or
African-American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, or two or more
Affected Environment
races, meaning individuals who identified themselves on a Census form as being
a member of two or more races; for example, Hispanic and Asian.
Minority Populations
Minority populations are identified when (1) the minority population of an affected
area exceeds 50 percent or (2) the minority population percentage of the affected
area is meaningfully greater than the minority population percentage in the
general population or other appropriate unit of geographic analysis.
Low-Income Population
Low-income populations in an affected area are identified with the annual
statistical poverty thresholds from the Census Bureau’s Current Population
Reports, Series P60, on Income and Poverty.
3.12.1 Minority Population
According to 2010 Census data, 17.5 percent of the population residing within a 50-mi (80-km)
radius of SQN identified themselves as minority individuals. The largest minority group was
Black or African-American (8.1 percent), followed by Hispanic or Latino (of any race)
(6.7 percent) (CAPS 2012).
According to 2010 Census data, minority populations in the socioeconomic ROI (Hamilton and
Rhea Counties) composed 26.3 percent of the total two-county population (see Table 3–27).
Figure 3–9 shows predominantly minority population block groups, using 2010 Census data for
race and ethnicity, within a 50-mi (80-km) radius of SQN.
Census block groups were considered minority population block groups if the percentage of the
minority population within the block group exceeded 17.5 percent (the percent of the minority
population within the 50-mi radius of SQN). A minority population exists if the minority
percentage of the population within the block group is meaningfully greater than the minority
population percentage in the 50-mi (80-km) radius. Approximately 237 of the 779 census block
groups located within the 50-mi (80-km) radius of SQN have meaningfully greater minority
As shown in Figure 3–9, minority population block groups are mostly clustered near
Chattanooga and Cleveland, Tennessee, and Dalton, Georgia. None of the block groups near
Soddy-Daisy and SQN have meaningfully greater minority populations.
Affected Environment
Figure 3–9. 2010 Census Minority Block Groups Within a 50-mi Radius of SQN
Source: USCB 2013d
Affected Environment
3.12.2 Low-Income Population
According to 2011 ACS data, an average of 14.5 percent of families and 18.7 percent of
individuals residing in the 29 counties within a 50-mi (80-km) radius of SQN were identified as
living below the Federal poverty threshold in 2011 (USCB 2013d). The 2011 Federal poverty
threshold was $22,350 for a family of four.
Based on ACS data, 12.7 percent of families and 16.9 percent of individuals in Tennessee were
living below the Federal poverty threshold in 2011, and the median household income for
Tennessee was $43,989 (USCB 2013d). Hamilton County had higher median household
incomes and lower percentages of families and individuals living in poverty compared to State
averages. In Rhea County, just the opposite occurs; the county has lower household incomes
and higher poverty levels than the State average. Hamilton County had a median household
income average of $45,826 and 15.9 percent of individuals and 12.0 percent of families living
below the poverty level. Rhea County had a median household income average of $36,934 and
20.3 percent of individuals and 14.4 percent of families living below the poverty level
(USCB 2013).
Figure 3–10 shows the location of predominantly low-income population block groups within a
50-mi (80 km) radius of SQN. Census block groups were considered low-income population
block groups if the percentage of individuals living below the Federal poverty threshold within
any block group exceeded the percent of the individuals living below the Federal poverty
threshold within the 50-mi radius of SQN. Approximately 310 of the 779 census block groups
located within the 50-mi (80-km) radius of SQN have meaningfully greater low-income
As shown in Figure 3–10, low-income block groups are evenly distributed with no particular
concentrations. Wide areas of rural land and urban centers show pockets of block groups that
meet the low-income criteria. None of the block groups near Soddy-Daisy and SQN have
meaningfully greater low-income populations.
Affected Environment
Figure 3–10. 2010 Census Low-Income Block Groups Within a 50-mi (80 km) Radius
of SQN
Source: USCB 2013d
Affected Environment
3.13 Waste Management and Pollution Prevention
3.13.1 Radioactive Waste
As discussed in Section 3.1.4 of this SEIS, SQN uses liquid, gaseous, and solid waste
processing systems to collect and treat, as needed, radioactive materials produced as a
byproduct of plant operations. Radioactive materials in liquid and gaseous effluents are
reduced before being released into the environment so that the resultant dose to members of
the public from these effluents is well within NRC and EPA dose standards. Radionuclides that
can be efficiently removed from the liquid and gaseous effluents before release are converted to
a solid waste form for disposal in a licensed disposal facility.
3.13.2 Nonradioactive Waste
Waste minimization and pollution prevention are important elements of operations at all nuclear
power plants. The applicants are required to consider pollution prevention measures as
dictated by the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 13101 et seq.) and Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq., herein referred to as RCRA).
As described in Section 3.1.5, SQN has a nonradioactive waste management program to
handle this nonradioactive waste. In addition to managing its nonradioactive waste, TVA has
programs in place to minimize the generation of this waste. As stated by TVA in its ER, SQN is
committed to the requirements of the Tennessee Hazardous Waste Reduction Act of 1990,
which requires that, wherever feasible, the generation of hazardous waste is to be reduced or
eliminated as expeditiously as possible. Waste generated should, in order of priority, be
reduced at its source, recovered and reused, recycled, treated, or disposed of to minimize the
present and future threat to human health and the environment.
SQN implements a hazardous waste minimization plan to reduce, to the extent feasible, waste
generated, treated, accumulated, or disposed. This plan documents waste streams that have
been eliminated and lists current waste streams generated at the facility. The plan is updated
annually and used in conjunction with plant waste management procedures on solid, special,
hazardous, and mixed waste, and chemicals to control and minimize waste generation to the
maximum extent practicable.
3.14 References
10 CFR Part 51. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Energy, Part 51, “Environmental
Protection Regulations for Domestic Licensing and Related Regulatory Functions.”
40 CFR Part 51. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Protection of Environment, Part 51,
“Requirements for preparation, adoption, and submittal of implementation plans.”
40 CFR Part 81. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Protection of Environment, Part 81,
“Designation of areas for air quality planning purposes.”
50 CFR Part 10.12. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 50, Wildlife and Fisheries, Part 10,
“General Provisions,” Subpart B– Definitions.
50 CFR Part 22.3. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 50, Wildlife and Fisheries, Part 22, “Eagle
Permits,” Subpart A–Definitions.
50 CFR Part 402. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 50, Wildlife and Fisheries, Part 402,
“Interagency cooperation—Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended.”
Affected Environment
32 FR 4001. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Native fish and wildlife; endangered species.
Federal Register 32(48):4001. March 11, 1967.
40 FR 47505. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants;
amendment listing the snail darter as an endangered species. Federal Register
40(197):47505–47506. October 9, 1975.
41 FR 17736. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants;
determination that two species of butterflies are threatened species and two species of
mammals are endangered species. Federal Register 41(83):17736–17740. April 28, 1976.
Available at <http://ecos.fws.gov/speciesProfile/profile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=A04J>
(accessed 28 May 2014).
41 FR 24062. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Endangered status for 159 taxa of animals.
Federal Register 41(115):24062–24067. June 14, 1976.
41 FR 41914. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants,
determination of critical habitat for American crocodile, California condor, Indiana bat, and
Florida manatee. Federal Register 41(187):41914–41916. September 24, 1976.
47 FR 39827. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants;
determination of Isotria medeoloides (small whorled pogonia) to be an endangered species.
Federal Register 47(178):39827–39831. September 10, 1982.
51 FR 22521. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants;
determination of endangered status for Scutellaria montana (large-flowered skullcap). Federal
Register 51(119):22521–22524. June 20, 1986.
53 FR 47279. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. “Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
between the NRC and the Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety.” Federal Register 53:47279.
November 22, 1988.
55 FR 24241. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants;
threatened status determination for Spiraea virginiana (Virginia spiraea). Federal Register
55(116):24241–24247. June 15, 1990.
59 FR 50852. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants;
final rule to reclassify the plant Isotria medeoloides (small whorled pogonia) from endangered to
threatened.” Federal Register 59(193):50852–50857. October 6, 1994.
59 FR 7629. Executive Order No. 12898. “Federal actions to address environmental justice in
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Affected Environment
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Affected Environment
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Affected Environment
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No. ML13296A491.
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Affected Environment
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4.1 Introduction
In this chapter, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) evaluates the environmental
consequences of the proposed action (i.e., license renewal of Sequoyah Nuclear Plant,
Units 1 and 2 (SQN)), including the (1) impacts associated with continued operations similar to
those that have occurred during the current license terms; (2) impacts of various alternatives to
the proposed action; (3) impacts from the termination of nuclear power plant operations and
decommissioning after the license renewal term (with emphasis on the incremental effect
caused by an additional 20 years of operation); (4) impacts associated with the uranium fuel
cycle; (5) impacts of postulated accidents (design-basis accidents and severe accidents);
(6) cumulative impacts of the proposed action; and (7) resource commitments associated with
the proposed action, including unavoidable adverse impacts, the relationship between
short-term use and long-term productivity, and irreversible and irretrievable commitment of
resources. The NRC also considers new and potentially significant information on
environmental issues related to operation during the renewal term.
The Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants (GEIS)
(NRC 2013e) identifies 78 issues to be evaluated in the license renewal environmental review
process. Generic issues (Category 1) rely on the analysis presented in the GEIS, unless
otherwise noted. Applicable site-specific issues (Category 2) have been analyzed for SQN and
assigned a significance level of SMALL, MODERATE, or LARGE. Section 1.4 of this SEIS
provides an explanation of the criteria for Category 1 and Category 2 issues, as well as the
definitions of SMALL, MODERATE, and LARGE. Resource-specific impact significance level
definitions are provided where applicable.
4.2 Land Use and Visual Resources
This section describes the potential impacts of the proposed action (license renewal) and
alternatives to the proposed action on land use and visual resources.
4.2.1 Proposed Action
The land use and visual resource issues applicable to SQN during the license renewal term are
listed in Table 4–1. Section 3.2 describes the land use and visual resources associated with
SQN. There are no Category 2 issues for land use and visual resources.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Table 4–1. Land Use and Visual Resources
GEIS Section
Onsite land use
Offsite land use
Offsite land use in transmission line right-of-ways (ROWs)
Visual Resources
Land Use
Aesthetic impacts
This issue applies only to the in-scope portion of electric power transmission lines, which are defined as
transmission lines that connect the nuclear power plant to the substation where electricity is fed into the regional
power distribution system and transmission lines that supply power to the nuclear plant from the grid.
Source: Table B–1 in Appendix B, Subpart A, to 10 CFR Part 51
The NRC staff did not identify any new and significant information related to the generic
(Category 1) issues listed above during the review of TVA’s ER, the site audit, or the scoping
process. Therefore, no impacts are associated with these issues beyond those discussed in the
GEIS. The GEIS concludes that the impact levels for these issues are SMALL.
4.2.2 No-Action Alternative – Land Use and Visual Resources Land Use
Plant shutdown would not affect onsite land use prior to decommissioning. Plant structures and
other facilities would remain in place until decommissioning, and no additional land would be
required. The staff expects no impacts associated with this issue beyond those discussed in the
GEIS, which concludes that the impact level for this issue would be SMALL. Visual Resources
The overall appearance of the major plant structures is not expected to change prior to
decommissioning. Once the cooling towers stop operating, the condensate plumes from the
onsite cooling towers would not occur and therefore, would no longer be part of the viewshed.
The NRC staff expects no impacts associated with this issue beyond those discussed in the
GEIS. The GEIS concludes that the impact level for this issue would be SMALL.
4.2.3 Natural Gas Combined-Cycle Alternative – Land Use and Visual Resources Land Use
The analysis of land use impacts focuses on the amount of land area that would be affected by
the construction and operation of a natural gas combined-cycle (NGCC) plant at an existing
power plant or brownfield site other than SQN. Locating the new NGCC power plant at or near
an existing power plant site would maximize the availability of support infrastructure and reduce
the need for additional land.
Construction of an NGCC plant would require approximately 48 ac (19 ha) of land for the plant
and associated infrastructure. This estimate is based on NETL’s (2010b) scaling factor of
0.02 ac/MW. Depending on the site location and availability of existing natural gas pipelines, a
100-ft-wide (30.5-m-wide) ROW would be needed for a new pipeline. Collocating a new
pipeline within an existing ROW would minimize land use impacts. Assuming the NGCC
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
alternative is built within the footprint of an existing power plant site, land use impacts from
NGCC construction would be SMALL.
In addition to onsite land requirements, land would be required off site for natural gas wells and
collection stations during operations. The 1996 GEIS indicates that 3,600 ac (1,457 ha) would
be necessary for wells, collection stations, and associated pipelines for a 1,000-MW gas-fired
power plant. Using scaled 1996 GEIS figures, the NGCC alternative may require up to 8,640 ac
(3,497 ha) of land for gas extraction and collection. The elimination of uranium fuel for SQN
could partially offset some, but not all, of the land requirements for the NGCC. Scaling from
GEIS (NRC 1996) estimates, approximately 240 ac (97 ha) per year, or 4,800 ac (1,900 ha)
over 20 years, of land would be used for uranium mining to supply fuel to SQN (based on
100 ac (40 ha) of temporarily disturbed land per 1,000-MW nuclear plant). Therefore, land use
impacts from operation of the NGCC alternative would be SMALL. Visual Resources
The analysis of aesthetic impacts focuses on the visibility of the NGCC alternative and its
degree of contrast to the surrounding landscape. During construction, all clearing and
excavation would occur on the existing power plant or brownfield site and be visible off site.
Since the existing power plant site would already appear industrial, construction of the NGCC
power plant would appear similar to other ongoing onsite activities. The tallest structures at the
new plant would include two exhaust stacks up to 150 ft (46 m) tall and two mechanical draft
cooling towers over 100 ft (30 m) high (NRC 2013d). The facility would be visible off site during
daylight hours, and some structures may require aircraft warning lights. The addition of
mechanical draft cooling towers and associated condensate plumes could add to the visual
impact. The power block of the NGCC alternative could look similar to the existing power plant.
In general, given the industrial appearance of the existing power plant site, the new NGCC
power plant would blend in with the surroundings and the NGCC power plant could be similar in
appearance to the existing power plant. Aesthetic changes would be limited to the immediate
vicinity of the existing power plant site, and any impacts would be SMALL assuming the NGCC
alternative is built at an existing power plant site that has infrastructure of a similar appearance
and height to that of the NGCC alternative.
4.2.4 Supercritical Pulverized Coal Alternative – Land Use and Visual Resources Land Use
The analysis of land use impacts focuses on the amount of land area that would be affected by
the construction and operation of a supercritical pulverized coal (SCPC) power plant at an
existing power plant site or a brownfield site with available infrastructure. Locating the new
SCPC power plant at or near an existing power plant site, or a brownfield site with available
infrastructure, would maximize the availability of support infrastructure and reduce the need for
additional land.
The NRC staff assumed that the SCPC alternative would require approximately 131 ac (53 ha),
based on a scaling factor of 0.05 ac/MW (NETL 2010a, 2010b). Depending on existing power
plant infrastructure, additional land may be needed to build sufficient infrastructure for frequent
coal and limestone deliveries by rail or barge. This land may not have been previously
industrial, particularly if the SCPC alternative is sited at a smaller previous plant site or
brownfield site. For example, an NGCC plant is typically one-half to one-third the size of an
SCPC plant. If an SCPC plant is built on an existing NGCC site, the footprint of the SCPC plant
would likely exceed the existing footprint of the NGCC site. Impacts could range from minimal,
if the newly disturbed land surrounding the NGCC site was previously used for industrial
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
purposes, to noticeable, if newly disturbed land that exceeded the original footprint of the NGCC
site was previously used for nonindustrial land uses. Therefore, the land use impacts from
construction would range from SMALL to MODERATE depending on the amount of new
infrastructure required for operation (e.g., new railroads) and the extent that land adjacent to the
site is converted to an industrial land use.
Offsite land use impacts would occur from coal mining, in addition to land use impacts from the
construction and operation of the new power plant. The 1996 GEIS indicates that 22,000 ac
(8,900 ha) would be necessary for coal mining and processing for a 1000-MW coal-fired power
plant, or 22 ac/MW. A NETL study from 2010, however, found that 1,709 ac (692 ha) would be
needed for coal mining for a 550-MW facility, or 3.1 ac/MW (NETL 2010c). Based on the 1996
GEIS and the NETL study, the NRC assumed a range of 7,440 ac (3,011 ha) (NETL 2010c) to
52,800 ac (21,400 ha) (NRC 1996) of land for coal mining and processing for the SCPC
The elimination of uranium fuel for SQN could partially offset some, but not all, of the land
requirements for the SCPC alternative. Scaling from GEIS estimates, approximately 240 ac
(97 ha) per year, or 4,800 ac (1,900 ha) over 20 years, of land used for uranium mining to
supply fuel to SQN (based on 100 ac (40 ha) of temporarily disturbed land per 1,000-MW
nuclear plant) no longer would be needed for mining and processing uranium during the
operating life of the SCPC plant. Based on the 7,440 ac (3,011 ha) to 52,800 ac (21,400 ha) of
land that would be required for coal mining and processing, land use impacts during operations
could range from SMALL to MODERATE. Visual Resources
The analysis of aesthetic impacts focuses on the visibility of the SCPC alternative and its
degree of contrast to the surrounding landscape. During construction, all of the clearing and
excavation would occur on the existing power plant site and would be visible off site. The
coal-fired power plant could be approximately 100 ft (30 m) tall, with two to four exhaust stacks
several hundred feet tall with natural-draft cooling towers approximately 500 ft (152 m) in height
(NRC 2013d). The facility would be visible off site during daylight hours, and some structures
may require aircraft warning lights. The condensate plumes from the cooling towers could also
add to the visual impact.
In general, given the industrial appearance of the existing power plant site on which it would be
built, the new SCPC power plant would blend in with the surroundings. The power block of the
SCPC alternative could look very similar to the existing power plant and construction would
appear similar to other ongoing onsite activities. However, if natural draft cooling towers did not
previously exist at the site, the impact could be noticeable. Aesthetic impacts would therefore
range from SMALL to MODERATE, depending on if aesthetic changes are limited to the
immediate vicinity of the existing power plant site, or if the construction of new natural draft
cooling towers results in a noticeable change within the viewshed of the plant.
4.2.5 New Nuclear Alternative – Land Use and Visual Resources Land Use
The analysis of land use impacts focuses on the amount of land area that would be affected by
the construction and operation of a new two-unit nuclear power plant at or adjacent to an
existing nuclear power plant site. Locating the new nuclear power plant at or near an existing
power plant site would maximize the availability of support infrastructure and reduce the need
for additional land.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
TVA (2013a) estimated 1,000 ac (405 ha) (excluding transmission lines) for construction of the
two new units, based on the sizes of TVA’s existing nuclear plant sites (e.g., Bellefonte,
Sequoyah, and Watts Bar, which range from 600 to 1,500 ac (243 to 607 ha)). Based on the
2013 GEIS, a new reactor at an alternate site would require approximately 500 to 1,000 ac
(202 to 405 ha). Land would be required for the construction of spent nuclear fuel and low-level
radioactive waste storage facilities. The NRC staff determined that TVA’s estimate of
1,000 ac (405 ha) is consistent with a scaling factor of approximately 0.49 ac/MW for a new
nuclear plant used in recent SEISs, and is therefore used in this analysis. Locating the new
units at or adjacent to an existing nuclear power plant would mean that the majority of the
affected land area would already be zoned for industrial use. Making use of the existing
infrastructure would reduce the amount of land needed to support the new units. Assuming the
new nuclear alternative is built within the footprint of an existing nuclear power plant site, land
use impacts from constructing two new units at an existing nuclear power plant site would be
The amount of land required to mine uranium and fabricate nuclear fuel during reactor
operations would be similar to the amount of land required to support SQN. Impacts associated
with uranium mining and fuel fabrication to support the new nuclear alternative would generally
be no different from those occurring in support of the existing SQN reactors. Overall, land use
impacts from nuclear power plant operations would be SMALL because the NRC staff assumed
that the new nuclear plant would be sited entirely within an existing nuclear power plant site. Visual Resources
The analysis of aesthetic impacts focuses on the visibility of the new nuclear alternative and its
degree of contrast to the surrounding landscape. During construction, all of the clearing and
excavation would occur on site and may be visible off site. Since the existing power plant site
already appears industrial, construction of the new nuclear power plant would appear similar to
other ongoing onsite activities. The tallest power plant structures would be the natural draft
cooling towers, with a height of approximately 400 to 500 ft (122 to 152 m) (NRC 2013d). The
towers would be visible off site during daylight hours, and they may require aircraft warning
lights. Associated condensate plumes could add to the visual impact. The power block of the
two new units would look very similar to the power block(s) at the existing nuclear power plant.
In general, given the industrial appearance of an existing nuclear power plant site, the new
nuclear power plant would blend in with its surroundings. Aesthetic changes would therefore be
limited to the immediate vicinity of the existing power plant site. However, if natural draft cooling
towers did not previously exist at the site, the impact could be noticeable. Aesthetic impacts
would therefore range from SMALL to MODERATE, depending on if aesthetic changes are
limited to the immediate vicinity of the existing power plant site, or if the construction of new
natural draft cooling towers results in a noticeable change within the viewshed of the plant.
4.2.6 Combination Alternative – Land Use and Visual Resources Land Use
The analysis of land-use impacts focuses on the amount of land area that would be affected by
the construction and operation of a combination of wind turbines and PV solar installations.
Wind turbines would be located at multiple sites throughout the TVA region, or, if TVA used
purchased power agreements, could include wind farm sites in other parts of the country. Wind
energy facilities would require approximately 0.3 ac (0.12 ha)/MW (NRC 2013d), for a total land
requirement 1,410 to 1,890 ac (570 to 765 ha) to build and operate 2,350 to 3,150 land-based
wind turbines for this alternative. Although a relatively large area of land would be required for
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
the wind portion of this alternative, only about 5 to 10 percent of the land area would be used by
turbines, power collection and conditioning systems, and other support facilities. During
operations, land areas between the turbines can be put to other beneficial (nonintrusive) use or
may be able to remain as the same land use prior to construction. For example, most of the
wind farms would likely be located on open agricultural cropland or grazing pasture, which
would remain largely unaffected by the wind turbines during operations.
The solar PV capacity would mostly be installed at already-developed sites, including on
existing buildings. Based on calculations using NREL (2008) estimates, 12,400 to 17,980 ac
(5,018 to 7,276 ha) could be necessary for a solar PV alternative at stand-alone sites.
However, this likely overstates the potential impacts as it is anticipated that the solar PV
capacity would mostly be installed at already-developed sites, including on existing buildings.
The elimination of uranium fuel for the SQN would partially offset some, but not all, new land
requirements. Scaling from GEIS estimates, approximately 240 ac (97 ha) per year, or 4,800 ac
(1,900 ha) over 20 years of land used for uranium mining to supply fuel to Sequoyah (based on
100 ac (40 ha) of temporarily disturbed land per 1,000-MW nuclear plant), would no longer be
needed for mining and processing uranium. Based on the substantial amount of land required
to construct and operate the wind and solar alternative, overall land use impacts from the
combination alternative would range from SMALL to MODERATE, depending on the number of
existing buildings that would be used during construction of the solar alternative and whether
most of the area required for wind farms would revert back to the original land use. Visual Resources
The analysis of aesthetic impacts focuses on the degree of contrast between the wind and solar
installations and surrounding landscapes and the visibility of new wind turbines at existing wind
farms and PV solar technologies on existing buildings. In general, aesthetic changes would be
limited to the immediate vicinity of PV solar installations, but could expand for wind installations
depending on the location, topography, and other structures and trees near the chosen sites.
Wind turbines would have the greatest potential visual impact. Modern wind turbines have rotor
diameters greater than 300 ft (100 m) on towers that are hundreds of feet tall (NRC 2013d).
Spread across multiple sites, wind turbines often dominate the viewshed and become a major
focus of attention. However, adding additional wind turbines to existing wind farms is not likely
to increase the visual impact of the wind farm unless the number of wind turbines is
considerably increased. Any PV solar technologies located on building rooftops or within
preexisting solar farms, may or may not be seen off site, but would be less noticeable in urban
Based on this information, aesthetic changes caused by this combination alternative would
range from SMALL to MODERATE, depending on visibility of new wind installation and whether
wind turbines are added to existing wind farms or whether entirely new wind farms are required
to support the combination alternative.
4.3 Air Quality and Noise
This section describes the potential impacts of the proposed action (license renewal) and
alternatives to the proposed action on air quality and noise conditions.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
4.3.1 Proposed Action Air Quality
The air quality issues applicable to SQN during the license renewal term are listed in Table 4–2.
Section 3.3 describes the meteorological, air quality, and noise conditions in the vicinity of SQN.
There are no Category 2 issues for air quality.
Table 4–2. Air Quality and Noise
GEIS Section
Air Quality impacts (all plants)
Air Quality effects of transmission lines
Noise Impacts
Source: Table B–1 in Appendix B, Subpart A, to 10 CFR Part 51
The Category 1 issue “air quality impacts (all plants)” considers the air quality impacts from
continued operation associated with license renewal. Section 3.3.2 discusses the air quality
conditions in the vicinity of SQN as well as air emissions resulting from operation of SQN. Air
emissions from SQN operations are regulated by the synthetic minor operating permit
conditions (CAA Source ID: 4706504150) and these would continue in effect during the license
renewal period. There are no planned refurbishment activities associated with license renewal
and, therefore, no associated additional air emissions with refurbishment activities. The only
expected equipment change that could increase air emissions will be from a blackout diesel
generator and up to three emergency diesel generators being installed at each unit in 2016 in
response to NRC’s order (Order Number: EA-12-049) titled “Order Modifying Licenses with
Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events”
(TVA 2013d, 2013m). The diesel generators are expected to be operated only in the event of
loss of AC power to the site and during periodic routine testing. In periodic tests of the diesel
generators they are estimated to emit 0.11, 0.11, 4.1, 1.0, 0.002 MT/year of PM10, PM2.5,
nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, respectively (TVA 2013k). Installation and
operation of the new generators will result in limited emissions and are not associated with
license renewal (TVA 2013e, 2013i).
The Category 1 issue “air quality effects of transmission lines” considers the production of
ozone and oxides of nitrogen; the GEIS found that minute and insignificant amounts of ozone
and nitrogen oxides are generated during transmission. Results of field testing in the vicinity of
SQN’s transmission lines are consistent with GEIS conclusions, in that ozone levels were not
measurable above ambient amounts at ground level (TVA 2013a).
The NRC staff did not identify any new and significant information during the review of TVA’s
ER (TVA 2013a), the site audit, or during the scoping process. As a result, no information or
impacts related to these issues were identified that would change the conclusions presented in
the GEIS. Therefore, there are no impacts related to these issues beyond those discussed in
the GEIS. For these two Category 1 issues, the GEIS concluded that the impacts are SMALL. Noise
One Category 1 noise issue is applicable to SQN, “noise impacts” (see Table 4–2).
Section 3.3.3 discusses the noise conditions in the vicinity of SQN as well as noise resulting
from operation of SQN. There is no planned refurbishment associated with license renewal
and, therefore, no associated noise emissions with refurbishment activities. The NRC staff did
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
not identify any new and significant information during the review of TVA’s ER (TVA 2013a), the
site audit, or during the scoping process. No major facility construction or refurbishments are
planned to occur during the license renewal period. Therefore, there are no impacts related to
this issue beyond those discussed in the GEIS. For this Category 1 issue, the GEIS concluded
that the impacts are SMALL.
4.3.2 No-Action Alternative – Air Quality and Noise Air Quality
When the plant stops operating, there will be a reduction in emissions from activities related to
plant operation, such as use of diesel generators and employee vehicles. In Section 4.3.1, the
NRC staff determined that these emissions would have a SMALL impact on air quality during
the renewal term. Therefore, if emissions decrease, the impact on air quality would also
decrease and would be SMALL. Noise
When the plant stops operating, there will be a reduction in noise that is generated from sources
associated with plant operations, such as fans, turbine generators, transformers, cooling towers,
compressors, emergency generators, main steam-safety relief valves, and emergency sirens.
In Section 4.3.1, the NRC staff determined that these noise sources have a SMALL impact on
ambient noise levels during the renewal term. Therefore, if these noise sources are reduced,
the impact on ambient noise levels would also be reduced and would be SMALL.
4.3.3 NGCC Alternative – Air Quality and Noise Air Quality
This alternative includes the construction and operation of six 400-MWe NGCC generation units
with a total output of 2,400 MWe. Because of land restrictions at the SQN site, the NGCC
generating plant would likely be located near an existing power plant or brownfield site with
available infrastructure within the TVA region (including parts of Tennessee, North Carolina,
Virginia, Kentucky, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi).
Construction of the NGCC plant would result in temporary impacts on local air quality. Activities
including earthmoving and vehicular traffic generate fugitive dust. In addition, emissions from
these activities would contain various air pollutants, including carbon monoxide, oxides of
nitrogen, oxides of sulfur, particulate matter (PM), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), as well
as various greenhouse gases (GHGs). Air emissions would be intermittent and vary based on
the level and duration of a specific activity throughout the construction phase. Gas-fired power
plants are constructed relatively quickly; construction lead times for NGCC plants are
approximately 2 to 3 years (Dujardin 2005; EIA 2011). Various mitigation techniques could be
utilized to minimize air emissions and reduce fugitive dust. Since air emissions from
construction activities would be limited, local, and temporary, the NRC staff concludes that the
associated air quality impacts from construction would be SMALL.
Operation of the NGCC plant would result in significant emissions of certain criteria pollutants,
including carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and PM. Consequently, a new
NGCC plant would qualify as a major-emitting industrial facility and would be subject to a New
Source Review (NSR) under requirements of the Clean Air Act (CAA) to ensure air emissions
are minimized and the local air quality is not substantially degraded (EPA 2013c). The NGCC
plant would need to comply with the standards of performance for stationary combustion
turbines set forth in 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart KKKK. Subpart P of 40 CFR Part 51.307 contains
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
the visibility protection regulatory requirements, including review of the new sources that may
affect visibility in any Federal Class I area. If the NGCC alternative were located near a
mandatory Class I area, additional air pollution control requirements would be required.
A new NGCC plant would also have to comply with Title IV of the CAA (42 U.S.C. 7651)
reduction requirements for SOx and NOx, which are the main precursors of acid rain and the
major causes of reduced visibility. Title IV establishes maximum SOx and NOx emission rates
from the existing plants and a system of SOx emission allowances that can be used, sold, or
saved for future use by new plants.
More recently, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has promulgated additional
rules and requirements that apply to certain fossil-fuel-based power plants, such as NGCC
generation. The Clean Air Interstate Rule 4 (CAIR) and the Title V Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
Tailoring Rule impose several additional standards to limit ozone, particulate, and GHG
emissions from fossil-fuel-based power plants (EPA 2013d). A new NGCC plant would be
subject to these additional rules and regulations.
The EPA has developed standard emission factors that relate the quantity of released air
pollutants to a variety of regulated activities. Emission for a NGCC plant can be estimated once
the plant capacity and gas heat content are known (EPA 2000). Assuming a plant gross
capacity of 2,400 MWe, a capacity factor of 0.85, and a gas heat content of 1,021 Btu/ft3, the
NRC staff estimates the following air emissions for an NGCC alternative plant:
sulfur oxides (SOx) – 330 tons (300 MT) per year,
nitrogen oxides (NOx) – 960 tons (870 MT) per year,
carbon monoxide (CO) – 1,450 tons (1,320 MT) per year,
particulate matter (PM10) – 640 tons (580 MT) per year,
carbon dioxide (CO2) – 10,643,500 tons (9,655,621 MT) per year, and
methane (CH4) – 830 tons (760 MT) per year.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) could be used as a method to reduce carbon dioxide by up
to 90 percent; however, it would also decrease the power production capacity of an NGCC plant
by up to 15 percent (NETL 2013).
As noted above, a new NGCC plant would be subject to several EPA regulations designed to
minimize air quality impacts from operations. Nevertheless, a new NGCC plant would be a
major source of criteria pollutants and GHGs and the overall air quality impacts from the
operation of a new NGCC plant located within the TVA region would be SMALL to MODERATE. Noise
Construction vehicles and equipment associated with the construction of the NGCC plant would
generate noise; these impacts would be intermittent and last only through the duration of plant
construction. Noise emissions from common construction equipment would be in the 85 to
95 dBA range (FHWA 2012). However, noise abatement and controls can be incorporated to
reduce noise impacts.
The Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) was first issued by EPA in 2005; however, the Federal rule was vacated by the D.C. Circuit
Court on February 8, 2008. In December 2008, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit reinstated the rule, allowing it to
remain in effect but also requiring EPA to revise the rule and its implementation plan. On July 6, 2010, EPA proposed replacing
CAIR with the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) for control of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions that cross state
lines, the regulations of which would be implemented in 2011 and finalized in 2012. However, CSAPR was vacated by the D.C.
Circuit Court on August 21, 2012. On April 29, 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the D.C. Circuit opinion vacating CSAPR.
EPA is reviewing the opinion and CAIR remains in effect.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Noise impacts from operations would include cooling towers (water pumps, cascading water, or
fans), transformers, turbines, pumps, compressors, exhaust stack, the combustion inlet filter
house, condenser fans, high-pressure steam piping, and vehicles (Saussus 2012). The NRC
staff does not expect noise impacts for operation of an NGCC plant to be any greater than those
associated with the existing SQN site. Therefore, the noise impacts of a new NGCC plant
located within the TVA region would be SMALL.
4.3.4 SCPC Alternative – Air Quality and Noise Air Quality
This alternative includes the construction and operation of two to four SCPC units with a total
output of 2,400 MWe. Because of land restrictions at the SQN site, the SCPC generating plant
would likely be located near an existing power plant or brownfield site with available
infrastructure within the TVA region (including parts of Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia,
Kentucky, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi).
Construction of the SCPC plant would result in temporary impacts on local air quality. Activities
including earthmoving and vehicular traffic generate fugitive dust. In addition, emissions from
these activities would contain various air pollutants, including carbon monoxide, oxides of
nitrogen, oxides of sulfur, particulate matter (PM), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), as well
as various greenhouse gases (GHGs). Air emissions would be intermittent and vary based on
the level and duration of a specific activity throughout the construction phase. Construction lead
times for coal plants are around 5 years (NETL 2013). Various mitigation techniques could be
utilized to minimize air emissions and reduce fugitive dust. Since air emissions from
construction activities would be limited, local, and temporary, the NRC staff concludes that the
associated air quality impacts from construction would be SMALL.
Operation of the SCPC plant would result in significant emissions of certain criteria pollutants,
including carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and PM. Consequently, a new
SCPC plant would qualify as a major-emitting industrial facility and would be subject to a New
Source Review (NSR) under requirements of the CAA to ensure air emissions are minimized
and the local air quality is not substantially degraded (EPA 2013c). The SCPC plant would
need to comply with the standards of performance for electric utility steam generating units set
forth in 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart Da. Subpart P of 40 CFR Part 51.307 contains the visibility
protection regulatory requirements, including review of the new sources that may affect visibility
in any Federal Class I area. If the SCPC alternative were located near a mandatory Class I
area, additional air pollution control requirements would be required.
A new SCPC plant would also have to comply with CAA (42 U.S.C. 7651) Title IV reduction
requirements for sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides, which are the main precursors of acid rain
and the major causes of reduced visibility. Title IV establishes maximum sulfur oxide and
nitrogen oxide emission rates from existing plants and a system of sulfur oxide emission
allowances that can be used, sold, or saved for future use by new plants.
More recently, EPA has promulgated additional rules and requirements that apply to certain
fossil-fuel-based power plants, such as SCPC generation. The Clean Air Interstate Rule
(CAIR), the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS), and the Title V Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
Tailoring Rule impose several additional standards to limit ozone, particulate, mercury, sulfur
oxides and GHG emissions from fossil-fuel-based power plants (EPA 2013d). A new SCPC
plant would be subject to these additional rules and regulations.
EPA has developed standard emission factors that relate the quantity of released air pollutants
to a variety of regulated activities. Emission for an SCPC plant can be estimated once the plant
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
capacity, type and method of coal burning, and pollution control devices are known
(EPA 1998a). Assuming a dry-bottom, tangentially fired, bituminous coal plant with a capacity
of 2,400 MWe, the NRC staff estimates the following air emissions for an SCPC alternative
sulfur oxides (SOx) – 10,660 tons (9,670 MT) per year,
nitrogen oxides (NOx) – 2,110 tons (1,910 MT) per year,
carbon monoxide (CO) – 2,110 tons (1,910 MT) per year,
particulate matter (PM10) – 670 tons (610 MT) per year,
particulate matter (PM2.5) – 330 tons (300 MT) per year,
carbon dioxide (CO2) – 19,158,400 tons (17,380,500 MT) per year, and
mercury (Hg) – 0.35 tons (0.32 MT) per year.
The above emission estimates assume a limestone wet scrubber is used to reduce sulfur oxide
emissions by 95 percent, a low NOx burner (LNB) is used to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions by
95 percent, and a fabric-filter baghouse with a 98-percent efficiency is used to control particulate
emissions. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) could be used as a method to reduce carbon
dioxide by up to 90 percent; however, it would also decrease the power production capacity of
an SCPC plant by up to 28 percent (NETL 2013).
As previously noted, a new SCPC plant would be subject to several EPA regulations designed
to minimize air quality impacts from operations. Nevertheless, a new SCPC plant would be a
major source of criteria pollutants and GHGs and the overall air quality impacts from the
operation of a new SCPC plant located within the TVA region would be MODERATE. Noise
Construction vehicles and equipment associated with the construction of an SCPC plant would
generate noise; these impacts would be intermittent and last only through the duration of plant
construction. Noise emissions from common construction equipment are estimated to be in the
85 to 95 dBA range (FHWA 2012). However, noise abatement and controls can be
incorporated to reduce noise impacts.
Noise impacts from operations would include cooling towers (water pumps, cascading water, or
fans), transformers, turbines, pumps, boiler, compressors, and other auxiliary equipment, such
as standby generators, and vehicles (Fahda et al. 2012). The NRC staff does not expect noise
impacts for an SCPC plant to be any greater than those associated with the existing SQN site.
Therefore, the noise impacts of a new SCPC plant located within the TVA region would be
4.3.5 New Nuclear Alternative – Air Quality and Noise Air Quality
This alternative includes the construction and operation of two new nuclear units with a total
output of 2,400 MWe. Because of land restrictions at the SQN site, the new nuclear plants
would likely be located near an existing power plant within the TVA region (including parts of
Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia, Kentucky, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi).
Construction of the new nuclear plant would result in temporary impacts on local air quality.
Activities including earthmoving and vehicular traffic generate fugitive dust. In addition,
emissions from these activities would contain various air pollutants, including carbon monoxide,
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulfur, particulate matter (PM), volatile organic compounds (VOCs),
as well as various greenhouse gases (GHGs). Air emissions would be intermittent and vary
based on the level and duration of a specific activity throughout the construction phase.
Construction lead times for nuclear plants are anticipated to be 7 years (NRC 2013a). Various
mitigation techniques could be utilized to minimize air emissions and reduce fugitive dust. Since
air emissions from construction activities would be limited, local, and temporary, the NRC staff
concludes that the associated air quality impacts from construction would be SMALL.
Operation of a new nuclear generating plant would result in similar air emissions to those of the
existing SQN site; air emissions would be primarily from backup diesel generators and boilers
as well as particulates from the cooling towers. As noted in Section 3.3, TVA maintains a
synthetic minor operating permit for sources of air pollution at the SQN site (TVA 2013a). A
synthetic minor source has the potential to emit air pollutants in quantities at or above the major
source threshold levels but has accepted federally enforceable limitations to keep the emissions
below such levels. Because air emissions from a new nuclear plant would be similar to those
from SQN, the NRC staff expects similar air permitting conditions and regulatory requirements.
Subpart P of 40 CFR Part 51.307 contains the visibility protection regulatory requirements,
including the review of the new sources that may affect visibility in any Federal Class I area. If a
new nuclear plant were located near a mandatory Class I area, additional air pollution control
requirements may be required.
The NRC staff estimates the following air emissions from a new nuclear plant:
sulfur oxides (SOx) – 0.22 tons (0.19 MT) per year,
nitrogen oxides (NOx) – 13 tons (12 MT) per year,
carbon monoxide (CO) – 4 tons (3 MT) per year,
total suspended particles (TSP) – 5.8 tons (5.2 MT) per year,
particulate matter (PM10) – 0.2 tons (0.18 MT) per year, and
carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) – 700 tons (635 MT) per year.
As previously noted, a new nuclear plant would be considered a minor source of criteria
pollutants and GHGs and the overall air quality impacts from the operation of a new nuclear
plant located within the TVA region would be SMALL. Noise
Construction vehicles and equipment associated with the construction of the new nuclear plant
would generate noise; these impacts would be intermittent and last only through the duration of
plant construction. Noise emissions from construction equipment are estimated to be in the 85
to 95 dBA range (FHWA 2012). However, noise abatement and controls can be incorporated to
reduce noise impacts.
Noise impacts from operations would include cooling towers (water pumps, cascading water, or
fans), transformers, turbines, pumps, compressors, and other auxiliary equipment, such as
standby generators, and vehicles. The NRC staff does not expect noise impacts for a new
nuclear plant to be any greater than that analyzed for the existing SQN site. Therefore, the
noise impacts of a new nuclear plant located within the TVA region would be SMALL.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
4.3.6 Combination Alternative – Air Quality and Noise Air Quality
The combination alternative relies on wind and solar generating capacity to replace SQN. This
alternative includes an installed wind capacity of 4,700 to 6,300 MW (based on a 30 to
40 percent capacity factor range) and an installed solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity of 2,000 to
2,900 MW (based on a 17 to 24 percent capacity factor range) to provide replacement power.
Wind generation would occur at multiple wind farm sites scattered across the TVA region, or, if
TVA used purchased power agreements, could include wind farm sites in other parts of the
country. Solar PV generation would mostly be located on existing buildings at
already-developed sites throughout the TVA region.
Construction of the combination alternative would result in temporary impacts on local air
quality. Activities including earthmoving and vehicular traffic generate fugitive dust. In addition,
emissions from these activities would contain various air pollutants, including carbon monoxide,
oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulfur, particulate matter (PM), volatile organic compounds (VOCs),
as well as various greenhouse gases (GHGs). Air emissions would be intermittent and vary
based on the level and duration of a specific activity throughout the construction phase. The
construction of wind farms and solar PV can be completed in about 1 year (First Solar 2013;
Tegen 2006). Various mitigation techniques could be utilized to minimize air emissions and
reduce fugitive dust. Since air emissions from construction activities would be limited, local, and
temporary, the NRC staff concludes that the associated air quality impacts from construction
would be SMALL.
Operation of the combination alternative would result in no routine direct air emissions.
However, there would be intermittent air emissions associated with maintenance equipment and
vehicles servicing the wind turbines and solar PV systems. These emissions would be similar to
air pollutants from construction, and include carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides,
PM, and VOCs, as well as various GHGs, but would be minimal compared to those from
construction activities. Emissions from operations would be limited, local, and intermittent;
therefore, the NRC staff concludes that the associated air quality impacts from operation would
be SMALL. Noise
Construction vehicles and equipment associated with the construction of the combination
alternative would generate noise; these impacts would be intermittent and last only through the
duration of construction. Noise impacts from wind generation operations would include
aerodynamic noise from the turbine rotors and mechanical noise from the turbine drivetrain
components; noise levels are dependent on the wind and atmospheric conditions, which vary
with time. Studies show that at approximately 1,000 ft (300 m) from a wind turbine, noise levels
can reach 48 dBA (GE 2010; Hessler 2011). Except for intermittent noise associated with
servicing and maintenance, there would be no routine operational noise impacts associated with
the solar PV systems. The NRC staff does not expect noise impacts for the combined
alternative to be any greater than those associated with the existing SQN site. Therefore, the
noise impacts of wind and solar PV facilities located within the TVA region would be SMALL.
4.3.7 Air Quality and Noise Summary
Table 4–3 compares estimated air emissions resulting from the proposed action, NGCC
alternative, SCPC alternative, new nuclear alternative, and the combination alternative. This
table presents only direct emissions from operations of the electricity generating technologies
and does not include emissions from construction or workforce vehicle emissions. The NGCC
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
and SCPC alternatives will produce significantly greater air pollutant emissions than those
associated with the proposed action (license renewal of SQN), new nuclear alternative, or the
combination alternative.
Table 4–3. Estimated Direct Air Emissions from Operation of SQN, NGCC, SCPC, New
Nuclear, and Combination Alternative
Proposed Action
New Nuclear
SQN emissions presented are from the 2009 annual compliance report of combustion sources.
Values presented are rounded values from the 2009 SQN estimated air emissions.
Operation of the combined alternative would result in no routine direct air emissions.
Source: TVA 2013d
As discussed in the sections above, noise levels and impacts from operation of the NGCC,
SCPC, new nuclear, and combination alternatives would not be greater than those associated
with operation of the SQN site.
4.4 Geologic Environment
This section describes the potential impacts of the proposed action (license renewal) and
alternatives to the proposed action on geologic and soil resources.
4.4.1 Proposed Action
The geology and soils issue applicable to SQN during the license renewal term is listed in
Table 4–4. Section 3.4 discusses the geologic environment of the SQN site and vicinity. There
are no Category 2 issues for geology and soils.
Table 4–4. Geology and Soils
Geology and soils
GEIS Section
Source: Table B–1 in Appendix B, Subpart A, to 10 CFR Part 51
The NRC staff did not identify any new and significant information associated with the
Category 1 geology and soils issue identified in Table 4–4 during the review of the applicant’s
ER, the site audit, the scoping process, or the evaluation of other available information. As a
result, no information or impacts related to this issue was identified that would change the
conclusions presented in the GEIS (NRC 2013). For this geology and soil issue, the GEIS
concludes that the impacts are SMALL. It is expected that there would be no incremental
impacts related to this Category 1 issue during the renewal term beyond those discussed in the
GEIS and therefore the impacts associated with this issue by the proposed action would be
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
4.4.2 No-Action Alternative – Geology and Soils
There would not be any impacts to the geology and soils at the SQN site with shut down of the
facility. With the shutdown of the facility, no additional land would be disturbed. Therefore,
impacts would be SMALL.
4.4.3 Alternatives to the Proposed Action – Geology and Soils
For all alternatives, impacts to geology and soil resources would occur during construction and
no additional land would be disturbed during operations. During construction, for all the
alternatives to the proposed action discussed in this section, sources of aggregate material,
such as crushed stone and sand and gravel, would be required to construct buildings,
foundations, roads, and parking lots. The NRC staff presumes that these resources would likely
be obtained from commercial suppliers using local or regional sources. Land clearing during
construction and the installation of power plant structures and impervious surfaces would
expose soils to erosion and alter surface drainage. The NRC staff also presumes that best
management practice (BMP) would be implemented in accordance with applicable permitting
requirements so as to reduce soil erosion. These practices would include the use of sediment
fencing, staked hay bales, check dams, sediment ponds, riprap aprons at construction and
laydown yard entrances, mulching and geotextile matting of disturbed areas, and rapid
reseeding of temporarily disturbed areas. Removed soils and any excavated materials would
be stored onsite for redistribution such as for backfill at the end of construction. Construction
activities would be temporary and localized. Therefore, for all the alternatives to the proposed
action, construction impacts would be SMALL.
4.4.4 NGCC Alternative – Geology and Soils
The impact significance level on geology and soil resources is the same for all alternatives as
discussed in Section 4.4.3 above. Therefore, impacts of the NGCC alternative on geology and
soils resources would be SMALL.
4.4.5 SCPC Alternative – Geology and Soils
The impact significance level on geology and soil resources is the same for all alternatives as
discussed in Section 4.4.3 above. Therefore, impacts of the SCPC alternative on geology and
soils resources would be SMALL.
4.4.6 New Nuclear Alternative – Geology and Soils
The impact significance level on geology and soil resources is the same for all alternatives as
discussed in Section 4.4.3 above. Therefore, impacts of the new nuclear alternative on geology
and soils resources would be SMALL.
4.4.7 Combination Alternative – Geology and Soils
The impact significance level on geology and soil resources is the same for all alternatives as
discussed in Section 4.4.3 above. Therefore, impacts of the combination alternative on geology
and soils resources would be SMALL.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
4.5 Water Resources
This section describes the potential impacts of the proposed action (license renewal) and
alternatives to the proposed action on surface water and groundwater resources.
4.5.1 Proposed Action Proposed Action Surface Water Resources
The surface water use and quality issues applicable to SQN during the license renewal term are
listed in Table 4–5. Surface water resources relevant to the SQN site are described in
Section 3.5.1.
Table 4–5. Surface Water Resources
GEIS Section Category
Surface water use and quality (noncooling system impacts)
Altered current patterns at intake and discharge structures
Altered salinity gradients
Altered thermal stratification of lakes
Scouring caused by discharged cooling water
Discharge of metals in cooling system effluent
Discharge of biocides, sanitary wastes, and minor chemical spills
Surface water use conflicts (plants with once-through cooling systems)
Surface water use conflicts (plants with cooling ponds or cooling towers using
makeup water from a river)
Effects of dredging on surface water quality
Temperature effects on sediment transport capacity
Sources: Table B–1 in Appendix B, Subpart A, to 10 CFR Part 51 (78 FR 37282); NRC 2013
Generic Surface Water Resources
The NRC staff did not identify any new and significant information with regard to Category 1
(generic) surface water issues based on review of the SQN ER (TVA 2013a), the public scoping
process, or as a result of the environmental site audit. As a result, no information or impacts
related to these issues were identified that would change the conclusions presented in the
GEIS. Therefore, it is expected that there would be no incremental impacts related to these
Category 1 issues during the renewal term beyond those discussed in the GEIS. For these
surface water issues, the GEIS concludes that the impacts are SMALL.
Surface Water Use Conflicts
This section presents the NRC staff’s review of the plant-specific (Category 2) surface water use
conflict issue listed in Table 4–5.
Plants with Cooling Ponds or Cooling Towers Using Makeup Water From a River
For nuclear power plants like SQN that use cooling towers or cooling ponds supplied with
makeup water from a river, the potential impact on the flow of the river and its availability to
meet the demands of other users is a Category 2 issue. This designation requires a
plant-specific assessment.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
In evaluating the potential impacts resulting from surface water use conflicts associated with
license renewal, the NRC staff uses as its baseline the surface water resource conditions as
described in Sections 3.1.3 and 3.5.1 of this SEIS. Terrestrial and aquatic resources are
described in Sections 3.6 and 3.7, respectively. These baseline conditions encompass the
defined hydrologic (flow) regime of the surface water(s) potentially affected by continued
operations as well as the magnitude of surface water withdrawals for cooling and other
purposes (as compared to relevant appropriation and permitting standards). The baseline also
considers other downstream uses and users of surface water.
As described in Section of this SEIS, TVA operates and regulates the Tennessee River
system and its many impoundments, including the Chickamauga Reservoir, to provide for
multiple, year-round uses for navigation, flood control, power generation, water-quality
improvement and aquatic resources, water supply, recreation, and economic growth. The SQN
site is located on a peninsula on the western shore of Chickamauga Reservoir. As such, SQN
operations are included in system-wide planning and management.
Peak water demand by the condenser circulating water (CCW) system and the essential raw
cooling water (ERCW) system require SQN withdrawals from Chickamauga Reservoir at a rate
of 2,600 cfs (73.5 m3/s, or 1,680 mgd) (TVA 2011b) (see Section 3.1.3). During the 5-year
period from 2008 to 2012, withdrawals from Chickamauga Reservoir to support the operations
of SQN have averaged 2,445 cfs (69.1 m3/s, or 1,580 mgd) (see Section Limitations
on withdrawals are closely related to thermal compliance for plant diffuser discharges through
NPDES permitted outfall 101 to the Tennessee River. As detailed below, SQN uses oncethrough cooling both with and without the assistance of cooling towers (termed helper and open
modes, respectively). SQN operates in a once-through CCW system during most of the year.
In the open mode, the water bypasses the cooling tower lift pumps and is returned to the
Chickamauga Reservoir through the diffuser pond and the discharge diffusers (TVA 2013a).
Annual average flow of the Tennessee River at Chickamauga Dam is approximately 32,500 cfs
(920 m3/s, or 21,000 mgd). Under the reservoir operations study of 2004, TVA must provide a
daily average release of at least 3,000 cfs (84.7 m3/s, or about 1,940 mgd) from
Chickamauga Dam from October through April. From May through September, there are no
minimum daily release requirements; only weekly requirements (TVA 2013i) (see Table 4–6).
Thus, during periods of minimum daily average flow, SQN could in theory withdraw (at its peak
withdraw rate of 2,600 cfs (73.5 m3/s)) more than 80 percent of the Tennessee River flow.
However, NPDES permit (No. TN0026450) requirements for SQN thermal discharges have the
added effect of capping SQN water withdrawals. In consideration of SQN operations and
thermal discharge limits, TVA currently avoids scheduling daily average releases from the
Chickamauga Dam at rates below 6,000 cfs (169 m3/s, or 3,880 mgd) when both SQN units are
in operation, and 3,000 cfs (84.7 m3/s, or 1,940 mgd) when one SQN unit is in operation. Since
January 2007, no daily release from Chickamauga Dam has been less than 6,200 cfs (175 m3/s,
or 4,000 mgd), including during the recent drought years of 2007 and 2008 (TVA 2013i).
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Table 4–6. Reservoir Operating System, Minimum Flows for Chickamauga Dam
3,000 cfs daily average
3,000 cfs daily average
3,000 cfs daily average
3,000 cfs daily average
7,000 cfs biweekly average
June – July
13,000–25,000 cfs weekly average, depending on week and amount of water in tributary
reservoir storage
25,000–29,000 cfs weekly average, depending on amount of water in tributary reservoir
storage (through Labor Day)
7,000 cfs biweekly average (after Labor Day)
3,000 cfs daily average
3,000 cfs daily average
Note: To convert cfs to m /s, divide by 35.4. To convert cfs to mgd, divide by 1.547.
Source: TVA 2013i
Within this operating environment, once-through cooling operations at SQN essentially return all
the water withdrawn to the Chickamauga Reservoir. However, surface water is consumed
through evaporation and drift when the plant operates in helper mode. In this mode, the cooling
towers are used to ensure that Chickamauga Reservoir temperatures remain within the limits
specified in SQN’s NPDES permit, as described in Section, and also discussed below.
SQN’s NPDES permit limits the daily maximum 24-hour average river temperature at the
downstream end of the diffuser mixing zone to 86.9 °F (30.5 °C). This limit may be exceeded
when the 24-hour average ambient temperature exceeds 84.9 °F (29.4 °C) and the plant is
operated in helper mode. In that case, the 1-hour average river temperature downstream of the
mixing zone cannot exceed 93.0 °F (33.9 °C) without the consent of the Tennessee Department
of Environment and Conservation (TDEC).
To date, no thermal discharge limit has been exceeded under the current NPDES permit
(TVA 2013i). The temperature of the SQN thermal discharge is primarily a function of the intake
water temperature, heat added by the plant condensers, and heat removed by the cooling
towers. Other sources and sinks of heat along the flow path of the condenser cooling water are
small compared to the contributions by the condensers and the cooling towers. For a given
level of power generation and helper mode cooling, higher intake water temperature will result in
higher temperature of the thermal discharge from SQN. Under low flow conditions, heated
effluent from outfall 101 can propagate 1.1 mi (1.8 km) upstream to the plant intake. When this
recirculation of heat occurs, helper mode is often employed to prevent the progressive increase
in the intake water temperature, even when there is no immediate risk of exceeding an NPDES
temperature limit. Specifically, in the springtime, TVA may implement helper mode operation if
the daily average river flow past the plant drops below about 8,000 cfs (226 m3/s, or about
5,170 mgd) (TVA 2013i).
Helper mode operation averaged 113 days per year for 2006 to 2009 (TVA 2011b). For the
period 2007 to 2011, helper mode use averaged about 120 days per year. Helper mode usage
increased to 125 days per year for the period 2007 to 2013. Based on a long-term forecasting
model using projected temperature increases for the license renewal term, TVA has projected
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
that helper mode operation may increase in certain years by as much as 70 percent compared
to the average recent operational experience. However, this conservative projection does not
account for TVA’s ability to implement options (e.g., increasing river flow) to address extreme
hydrothermal conditions that would otherwise require unit derates (reduction of power
generation rates) and shutdowns (TVA 2013i).
When operated in full helper mode under design conditions, water losses to the atmosphere
from evaporation and drift resulting from cooling tower operation could consume up to 70 cfs
(1.98 m3/s, or 45 mgd). TVA identifies this as a conservative, upper-bounding scenario
(TVA 2013a). It reflects a condition in which both cooling towers and all seven cooling tower lift
pumps (CTLPs) are operating. This peak consumptive loss of water is approximately
2.7 percent of the peak amount (2,600 cfs (73.5 m3/s, or 1,680 mgd)) that is withdrawn from the
reservoir for two-unit operation, circulated through the plant, and then returned to the reservoir.
Further, the net consumptive loss on an average daily basis because of helper cooling tower
operation is not likely to exceed 1.2 percent of the typical minimum daily river flow (6,000 cfs),
and 0.2 percent of the annual average daily river flow (32,500 cfs) past the SQN site
(TVA 2013a).
In reality and as noted above, SQN has historically operated in helper mode only about
one-third of the year. The number of recorded “days” of helper mode operation is based on at
least one of SQN’s seven CTLPs being placed into operation for some number of hours. For
the majority of the days where cooling tower helper mode is necessary, SQN averages no more
than about four CTLPs in operation (TVA 2013i). As a result, on an annualized basis, the
average net consumptive use of water is approximately 9 cfs (0.25 m3/s, or 6 mgd)
(TVA 2013a), which is about 0.15 percent of the typical minimum flow. Relative to the cited
magnitude of the variability of flows in the Tennessee River and through Chickamauga
Reservoir (as managed by TVA) (see Table 4–6), the hydrologic impacts of surface water
withdrawals associated with SQN operations are minor.
In conclusion, operation of SQN during the license renewal term is not expected to result in a
water use conflict on the Chickamauga Reservoir. The operation of the Tennessee River
system and its many impoundments, including the Chickamauga Reservoir, is and will likely
continue to be managed to safeguard resources for a wide range of uses. As discussed in
Section of this SEIS, water levels within the system are regulated to ensure adequate
instream and downstream flows, which minimizes the impacts on aquatic and riparian
resources. To maintain adequate water depth for navigation, water levels in the
Chickamauga Reservoir are maintained within an operating range of 6.5 ft (1.98 m) above MSL
between winter and summer (TVA 2013a). The NRC staff believes that consumptive water use
from continued SQN operations will continue to be a very small percentage of the overall flow of
the Tennessee River through the Chickamauga Reservoir. Thermal criteria imposed by TDEC,
through SQN’s NPDES permit, effectively limit SQN’s water withdrawals and consumptive water
use to ensure that cooling tower discharges support the designated uses of the reservoir for
water supply and aquatic resources. Therefore, the NRC staff concludes that the impact on
surface water resources and downstream water availability from SQN consumptive water use
during the license renewal term would be SMALL. Proposed Action Groundwater Resources
The groundwater issues applicable to SQN during the license renewal term are listed in
Table 4–7. Section 3.5.2 describes groundwater resources at SQN.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Table 4–7. Groundwater
GEIS Section
Groundwater contamination and use (noncooling system impacts)
Groundwater use conflicts (plants that withdraw <100 gpm)
Radionuclides released to groundwater
Source: Table B–1 in Appendix B, Subpart A, to 10 CFR Part 51
The NRC staff did not identify any new and significant information associated with the
Category 1 groundwater issues identified in Table 4–7 during the review of the applicant’s ER,
the site audit, the scoping process, or the evaluation of other available information. As a result,
no information or impacts related to these issues were identified that would change the
conclusions presented in the GEIS (NRC 2013). For these issues, the GEIS concludes that the
impacts are SMALL. Therefore, it is expected that there would be no incremental impacts
related to these Category 1 issues during the renewal term beyond those discussed in the
GEIS, and therefore the impacts associated with these issues by the proposed action would be
The Category 2 issue (see Table 4–7) related to groundwater during the renewal term is
discussed in the following text.
Radionuclides Released to Groundwater
This issue considers potential contamination of groundwater from the release of radioactive
liquids from plant systems into the environment. Section of this document contains a
description of tritium contamination in groundwater detected close to some plant structures. In
evaluating the potential impacts on groundwater quality associated with license renewal, the
NRC staff uses as its baseline the existing groundwater conditions as described in
Section of this SEIS. These baseline conditions encompass the existing quality of
groundwater potentially affected by continued operations (as compared to relevant State or EPA
primary drinking water standards) as well as the current and potential onsite and offsite uses
and users of groundwater for drinking and other purposes. The baseline also considers other
downgradient or in aquifer uses and users of groundwater.
Groundwater contaminated with tritium is not close to the site boundary and has not been
detected off site. At SQN, neither the soils, structural fill, nor the underlying Conasauga Group
is considered to be an aquifer or a source of water.
Tritium concentrations in groundwater from 2006 to the present show some variation but do not
exhibit a discernible trend, either higher or lower (Julian and Williams 2007; TVA 2010, 2011b,
2012, 2013a, 2013b). The water levels, permeability measurements, and lack of changes in
tritium concentrations indicate a lack of significant groundwater movement. In effect, a small
volume of groundwater is contaminated with tritium and is moving very slowly. Past liquid spills
that caused the tritium contamination in groundwater have been corrected. In the future, the
tritium in the groundwater is projected to move very slowly with the groundwater and eventually
reach Chickamauga Reservoir. Therefore, because of the very slow rate of groundwater
discharge into the much larger volume of water contained in the reservoir, tritium concentrations
would be highly diluted to very low concentrations.
Remediation of the contaminated groundwater at the site is not planned by TVA because of the
limited areal extent of tritium concentrations in groundwater, low exposure and dose risks, and
negligible potential for offsite groundwater migration (TVA 2013c). The NRC will continue to
monitor any unanticipated radionuclide releases and take appropriate regulatory action. Final
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
cleanup of the site, including contaminated geologic materials, would be addressed by TVA with
NRC oversight during decommissioning of the facility.
There does not appear to be any immediate threat to groundwater resources. Present and
future operations are not expected to impact the quality of groundwater in any aquifers that are
a current or potential future source of water for offsite users. Water use in the area should not
be affected. Based on the information presented and the NRC staff’s review, the NRC staff
concludes that inadvertent releases of tritium have not substantially impaired site groundwater
quality or affected groundwater use. The NRC staff further concludes that groundwater quality
impacts are SMALL and would remain SMALL during the license renewal term.
4.5.2 No-Action Alternative - Water Resources No-Action Alternative Surface Water Resources
The rate of consumptive use of surface water would decrease as SQN is shut down and the
reactor cooling system continues to remove the decay heat from the reactor fuel. The thermal
component of plant discharges would be greatly reduced upon shutdown. Wastewater
discharges would be reduced considerably. Shutdown would reduce the impacts on surface
water use and quality. These impacts would remain SMALL. No-Action Alternative Groundwater Resources
There are no aquifers beneath the SQN site. Groundwater is not presently used from SQN and
would not be used when the facility ceases operation. Therefore, the impact on groundwater is
4.5.3 NGCC Alternative - Water Resources NGCC Alternative Surface Water Resources
The NGCC alternative would be located at an existing power plant site or brownfield site with
available resources. Construction activities associated with the NGCC alternative would be
similar to construction activities for most large industrial facilities. A new NGCC plant would
occupy a much smaller footprint (i.e., about 48 ac (19 ha)) than the current SQN or the
proposed SCPC or new nuclear alternatives. This would also result in less extensive
excavation and earthwork than under either of the other conventional replacement-power facility
alternatives. The staff assumes that there would be no direct use of surface water during
construction, because it is assumed groundwater would be used, or water could be supplied by
a local water utility. In addition, the dewatering of excavations is unlikely to consume enough
water to affect surface water bodies.
For the NGCC alternative, the NRC staff also assumes that any existing intake and discharge
infrastructure at an alternative site location would be refurbished to maximize use of existing
facilities. This would reduce construction-related impacts on surface water quality.
Dredge-and-fill operations would be conducted under a permit from the United States Army
Corps of Engineers (USACE) and State-equivalent permits requiring the implementation of best
management practices (BMPs) to minimize impacts. Construction activities associated with
these alternatives will alter onsite surface water drainage features. Some temporary impacts to
surface water quality may result from increased sediment loading and from any pollutants in
stormwater runoff from disturbed areas, from excavation, and dredge-and-fill activities.
Stormwater runoff from construction areas and spills and leaks from construction equipment
could potentially affect downstream surface water quality. Nevertheless, for this alternative, it is
anticipated that appropriate soil erosion and sediment control measures would be observed.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Application of BMPs in accordance with a State-issued NPDES general permit, including
appropriate waste management, water discharge, stormwater pollution prevention plan, and spill
prevention practices, would prevent or minimize surface water quality impacts during
Depending on the path of any required new gas pipelines and transmission lines to service the
NGCC plant, some stream crossings could be necessary. However, because of the short-term
nature of any required dredging and filling and stream-crossing activities, the hydrologic
alterations and sedimentation would be localized and water-quality impacts would be temporary.
In addition, modern pipeline construction techniques, such as horizontal directional drilling,
would further minimize the potential for water-quality impacts in the affected streams. Such
activities, including any dredge-and-fill operations, would be conducted under a permit from the
USACE or State-equivalent permits for dredge-and-fill and stream encroachment, requiring the
implementation of BMPs to minimize impacts.
For onsite facility operations, the NGCC alternative would require much less cooling water than
SQN, and total consumptive water use would also be much less on an annualized basis. The
staff assumes that a new NGCC plant at an alternative TVA site would utilize a closed-cycle
cooling system employing mechanical draft cooling towers. It is projected that an NGCC plant
would require approximately 23 cfs (0.65 m3/s, or 14.9 mgd) of water for cooling and related
processes, with consumptive use totaling approximately 77 percent of the total withdrawn (or
about 17.6 cfs (0.5 m3/s, or 11.4 mgd)). While the significance of cooling water withdrawals on
a particular water body would vary based on the site selected within TVA’s service area, peak
consumptive water use from operation of a new NGCC plant at an alternative site would be
about 25 percent of that associated with existing SQN operations. However, on an annualized
basis, an NGCC plant’s consumptive use would actually be twice that of current SQN operations
(i.e., 9 cfs (0.25 m3/s, or 6 mgd)), as detailed in Section Surface water withdrawals
would be subject to applicable State water appropriation or registration requirements to manage
surface water use conflicts. Cooling water treatment additives would essentially be the same as
SQN. While the discharge would be chemically similar to SQN, the concentration of dissolved
solids and other constituents would be higher in the blowdown from the NGCC plant. However,
the discharge volume from a new NGCC plant would be a small fraction of the cooling water
discharge, blowdown, and related effluents discharged from SQN during either once-through
cooling or helper mode. All effluent discharges would be subject to State-issued NPDES
individual permits for the discharge of wastewater and industrial stormwater to waters of the
United States. Therefore, based on the above assessment, the impacts on surface water use
and quality under the NGCC alternative would be SMALL. NGCC Alternative Groundwater Resources
For the NGCC alternative, the staff assumed that construction water would be obtained from
groundwater or from a local water utility. Construction water would be required for such uses as
potable and sanitary use by the construction workforce and for concrete production, equipment
washdown, dust suppression, and soil compaction. The dewatering of excavations is unlikely to
consume enough water to affect groundwater supplies. During construction and throughout the
life of this alternative, groundwater withdrawals would be subject to applicable State water
appropriation and registration requirements. The application of BMPs in accordance with a
State-issued NPDES general permit, including appropriate waste management, water
discharge, stormwater pollution prevention plan, and spill prevention practices, would prevent or
minimize groundwater quality impacts during construction. For this alternative, after the facility
is constructed and operational, groundwater from onsite wells would be used as a source of
potable water and for fire protection. During operations, the consumptive use of potable water
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
and water for fire protection would be similar to the proposed action. Therefore, the impact of
this alternative on groundwater resources would be SMALL.
4.5.4 SCPC Alternative - Water Resources SCPC Alternative Surface Water Resources
Impacts from construction activities associated with the SCPC alternative on surface water
resources would be expected to be similar to but somewhat greater than those under the NGCC
alternative (see Section This is attributable to the additional land required (i.e., 131 ac
(53.0 ha)) for construction of the power block and for excavation and construction of other onsite
facilities for coal handling and storage, and for coal ash and scrubber waste management. The
staff assumes that there would be no direct use of surface water during construction because it
is conservatively assumed that groundwater would be used, or water could be supplied by a
local water utility.
Some temporary impacts to surface water quality may result from increased sediment loading
and from pollutants in stormwater runoff from disturbed areas and from excavation and
dredge-and-fill activities. There also would be the potential for water-quality effects to occur
from the extension or refurbishment of rail spurs to transport coal to the site location.
Nevertheless, as described in Section for the NGCC alternative, water-quality impacts
would be minimized by the application of BMPs and compliance with State-issued NPDES
permits for construction. Any dredge-and-fill operations would be conducted under a permit
from USACE and State-equivalent permits requiring the implementation of BMPs to minimize
Cooling water treatment additives would essentially be the same so that the discharge water
quality would be chemically similar to SQN. During peak cooling operations, the SCPC
alternative would consumptively use less water than SQN does operating in helper cooling
mode, because of the greater generation efficiency of the SCPC technology. The staff assumes
that a new SCPC plant at an alternative TVA site would utilize natural draft cooling towers. It is
projected that an SCPC plant would require approximately 53 cfs (1.5 m3/s, or 34 mgd) of water
for cooling makeup and related processes, with consumptive use totaling approximately
80 percent of the total withdrawn (about 42 cfs (1.2 m3/s, or 27 mgd)). Nevertheless, on an
annualized basis, an SCPC plant’s consumptive use would actually be substantially greater than
that of current SQN operations (i.e., 9 cfs (0.25 m3/s, or 6 mgd)), as detailed in Section
Surface water withdrawals and effluent discharges would be subject to applicable regulatory
requirements under this alternative. As a result, the overall impacts on surface water use and
quality from construction and operations under the SCPC alternative would be SMALL. SCPC Alternative Groundwater Resources
Facts considered, assumptions made, and conclusion reached in determining the impact
significance level on groundwater resources from the SCPC alternative are the same as for the
NGCC alternative described in Section Therefore, impacts of the SCPC alternative on
groundwater resources would be SMALL.
4.5.5 New Nuclear Alternative - Water Resources New Nuclear Alternative Surface Water Resources
Impacts from construction activities on surface water resources associated with the new nuclear
alternative would be greater in scale than those described for the SCPC alternative (see
Section by virtue of the larger land area required (i.e., up to 1,000 ac (405 ha)). While
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
coal storage or ash and scrubber waste management facilities would not be required as under
the SCPC alternative, deep excavation work for the nuclear island as well as more extensive
site clearing and larger laydown area for facility construction would have potentially greater
impacts on water resources caused by stream alteration, water use, and stormwater runoff.
The NRC staff assumes that there would be no direct use of surface water during construction,
because it is conservatively assumed that groundwater would be used, or water would be
supplied by a local water utility. During construction, the dewatering of excavations is unlikely to
affect offsite surface water bodies. In support of new nuclear unit construction, temporary
impacts to surface water quality may result from increased sediment loading and from pollutants
in stormwater runoff from disturbed areas, deep excavations, and from any required
dredge-and-fill activities. Nevertheless, as described in Section water-quality impacts
would be minimized by the application of BMPs and compliance with State-issued NPDES
permits for construction. Any dredge-and-fill operations would be conducted under a permit
from the USACE and State-equivalent permits requiring the implementation of BMPs to
minimize impacts.
To support operations of a new nuclear power plant, the staff expects that the new facility would
utilize natural draft cooling towers operating in a closed-cycle configuration. Consequently, it is
estimated that the operation of two new nuclear units would require up to 96 cfs (2.7 m3/s, or
62 mgd) of water for cooling makeup and related processes, with consumptive use totaling
approximately 80 percent of the total withdrawn (about 74 cfs (2.1 m3/s, or 48 mgd)). While
cooling water makeup requirements would be considerably less under this alternative (less than
5 percent) as compared to current SQN operations, consumptive water use would be
considerably greater than SQN, and consumptive use would be continuous throughout the year,
subject to seasonal variation. While the relative significance of cooling water withdrawals on a
particular water body would vary based on the site selected within TVA’s service area for the
new nuclear units, SQN’s peak daily consumptive use is similar to the projected average
consumptive loss under this alternative.
The NRC assumes that water treatment additives for new nuclear plant operations and effluent
discharges would be relatively similar in quality and volume to SQN. As summarized in
Section, surface water withdrawals and effluent discharges would be subject to
applicable regulatory requirements under this alternative. As a result, the overall impacts on
surface water use and quality from construction and operations under the new nuclear
alternative would be SMALL. New Nuclear Alternative Groundwater Resources
Facts considered, assumptions made, and conclusion reached in determining the impact
significance level on groundwater resources from the new nuclear alternative are the same as
for the NGCC alternative described in Section Therefore, impacts of the new nuclear
alternative on groundwater resources would be SMALL.
4.5.6 Combination Alternative - Water Resources Combination Alternative Surface Water Resources
Impacts on surface water resources from constructing up to 3,150 land-based wind turbines
would primarily be limited to the relatively small amounts of water needed at each installation
site for dust suppression and soil compaction during site clearing and for concrete production.
Construction of utility-scale solar PV farms would require relatively larger volumes of water per
site due to the much larger land area required per megawatt of replacement power produced.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
The NRC assumes that required water would be procured from offsite sources and trucked to
the point of use on an as-needed basis. Water could also be supplied by a local water utility.
The likely use of ready-mix concrete would also reduce the need for onsite use of nearby water
sources for construction.
In addition, the installation of land-based wind turbines and utility-scale solar PV farms would
require installation of access roads and possibly transmission lines (especially for sites not
already proximal to transmission line corridors). Access road construction would also require
some water for dust suppression and roadbed compaction and would have the potential to
result in soil erosion and stormwater runoff from cleared areas. For construction, water would
likely be trucked to the point of use from offsite locations along with road construction materials.
In all cases, it is expected that construction activities would be conducted in accordance with
State-issued NPDES or equivalent permits for stormwater discharges associated with
construction activity, which would require the implementation of appropriate BMPs to prevent or
mitigate water-quality impacts. In contrast to land-based wind turbine sites and utility-scale
solar PV farms, installation of small solar PV units on rooftops and at already-developed sites
within the TVA service area would have little or no impact on surface water resources.
To support the operation of wind turbine and PV installations, no direct use of surface water
would be expected. Water would likely be obtained from groundwater or purchased from a
water utility. Regardless, only very small amounts of water would be needed to periodically
clean turbine blades and motors and could be trucked to the point of use as part of routine
servicing. Water also would be required to clean panels at solar PV farms. Adherence to
appropriate waste management and minimization plans, spill prevention practices, and pollution
prevention plans during servicing of wind turbine and solar PV installations and operation of
vehicles connected with site operations would minimize the risks to soils and surface water
resources from spills of petroleum, oil, and lubricant products and stormwater runoff. In
consideration of the information above, the impacts on surface water use and quality from
construction and operations under the combination alternative would be SMALL. Combination Alternative Groundwater Resources
Construction dewatering would be minimal because of the small footprint of foundation
structures, pad sites, and piling emplacements. Little or no impacts on groundwater use or
water quality would be expected from routine operations. Consequently, the impacts on
groundwater use and quality under this alternative would be SMALL.
4.6 Terrestrial Resources
This section describes the potential impacts of the proposed action (license renewal) and
alternatives to the proposed action on terrestrial resources.
4.6.1 Proposed Action
Terrestrial resources issues applicable to SQN during the license renewal term are listed in
Table 4–8. Terrestrial resources at SQN are described in Section 3.6.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Table 4–8. Terrestrial Resources
GEIS Section
Effects on terrestrial resources (non-cooling system impacts)
Exposure of terrestrial organisms to radionuclides
Cooling system impacts on terrestrial resources (plants with oncethrough cooling systems or cooling ponds)
Cooling tower impacts on vegetation (plants with cooling towers)
Bird collisions with plant structures and transmission lines
Water use conflicts with terrestrial resources (plants with cooling ponds
or cooling towers using makeup water from a river)
Transmission line ROW management impacts on terrestrial resources
Electromagnetic fields on flora and fauna (plants, agricultural crops,
honeybees, wildlife, livestock)
This issue applies only to the in-scope portion of electric power transmission lines, which are defined as
transmission lines that connect the nuclear power plant to the substation where electricity is fed into the regional
power distribution system and transmission lines that supply power to the nuclear plant from the grid.
Source: Table B–1 in Appendix B, Subpart A, to 10 CFR Part 51 Generic Terrestrial Resource Issues
For the Category 1 terrestrial resources issues listed in Table 4–8, the NRC staff did not identify
any new and significant information during the review of the ER (TVA 2013a), the NRC staff’s
site audit, the scoping process, or the evaluation of other available information. Therefore, there
are no impacts related to these issues beyond those discussed in the GEIS. For these issues,
the GEIS concludes that the impacts are SMALL. Effects on Terrestrial Resources (Non-Cooling System Impacts)
The geographic scope for the assessment of this issue is the SQN site and area near the site.
Section 3.6 describes the terrestrial resources on and in the vicinity of the SQN site, including
State-protected plants, birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians as well as birds protected
under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. Construction of
the SQN plant converted approximately 525 ac (212 ha) of terrestrial habitat, such as mixed
hardwood forest, pine forest, pasture, and old fields, into buildings, parking lots, landscaped
areas, and other industrial uses. The remaining terrestrial and associated wetland habitats
have not changed significantly since construction (TVA 2013a). As discussed in Chapter 3 and
according to the applicant’s ER (TVA 2013a), TVA has no plans to conduct refurbishment or
replacement actions associated with license renewal to support the continued operation of SQN.
Further, TVA (2013a) anticipates no new construction in previously undisturbed habitats. Nor
does TVA (2013a) expect changes in operations or changes in existing land use conditions
because of license renewal.
TVA would continue to conduct ongoing plant operational and maintenance activities during the
license renewal period. However, these activities are expected to have minimal impacts on
terrestrial resources because activities would not occur within previously undisturbed habitats
and because regulations, permits, and policies are in place to protect terrestrial resources at
SQN (TVA 2013a). For example, TVA manages the SQN site in accordance with the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers’ Section 404 permitting process, TVA’s NPDES Permit TN0026450, TVA’s
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Multi-Sector General Stormwater Permit TNR 050015 issued by the Tennessee Department of
Environment and Conservation (TDEC), and TVA’s Spill Prevention, Control, and
Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan, as appropriate (TVA 2013a). Under TVA’s Multi-Sector
General Stormwater Permit, TVA is required to develop, maintain, and implement a Stormwater
Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that identifies potential sources of pollution that could affect
the quality of stormwater and identifies how TVA will prevent or reduce pollutants from
stormwater discharges (TVA 2013a). Similarly, TVA has an SPCC plan that identifies and
describes the procedures, materials, equipment, and facilities used at the station to minimize
the frequency and severity of oil spills (TVA 2013a). In accordance with the Federal Insecticide,
Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, only certified personnel conduct pesticide and herbicide
applications at SQN (TVA 2013a).
When new activities that could impact the environment occur at SQN, TVA implements various
procedural controls and best management practices to protect terrestrial habitats and wildlife,
State-listed and important species, wetland areas, and water quality (TVA 2013a). For
example, as a Federal agency, TVA is required to conduct environmental reviews for such
activities, which include an analysis of the potential environmental impacts. TVA uses such
analyses to inform its decisions and determine what action, if any, is to be taken to protect,
restore, and enhance the environment. In its ER for the proposed SQN license renewal,
TVA (2013a) determined that these control measures ensure that activities at SQN comply with
the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), TVA’s implementing regulations, the Council on
Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations, and other environmental laws, regulations, and
executive orders.
Based on the NRC staff’s independent review, the staff concludes that operation and
maintenance activities that TVA might undertake during the renewal term, such as maintenance
and repair of plant infrastructure (e.g., roadways, piping installations, onsite transmission lines,
fencing and other security infrastructure), would likely be confined to previously disturbed areas
of the site. Furthermore, TVA has established and implements several policies, procedures,
and control measures to ensure that activities at SQN comply with NEPA, TVA’s implementing
regulations, the CEQ’s regulations, and other environmental laws, regulations, and executive
orders. Therefore, the NRC staff expects non-cooling system impacts on terrestrial resources
during the license renewal term to be SMALL. Water Use Conflicts with Terrestrial Resources (Plants with Cooling Ponds or Cooling
Towers Using Makeup Water from a River)
For nuclear power plants using cooling towers or cooling ponds supplied with makeup water
from a river, the potential impact on the flow of the river and its availability to meet the demands
of other users is a Category 2 issue. This designation requires a plant-specific assessment of
the potential impacts resulting from surface water use conflicts, which is discussed in detail in
Section 4.5.1. This section addresses the effects of water use conflicts on terrestrial resources
in riparian communities, and the potential impacts on aquatic (instream) communities are
discussed in Section 4.7.1. Water use conflicts with terrestrial resources in riparian
communities could occur when water that supports these resources is diminished either
because of decreased availability due to droughts; increased water demand for agricultural,
municipal, or industrial usage; or a combination of such factors (NRC 2013d).
The NRC staff concluded in Section 4.5.1 of this SEIS that the operation of SQN during the
license renewal term is not expected to result in a surface water use conflict on the
Chickamauga Reservoir. This conclusion was reached because TVA regulates water levels in
the Chickamauga Reservoir and the Tennessee River system to ensure adequate instream and
downstream flows for aquatic and riparian resources. The NRC staff concluded that
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
consumptive water use from continued SQN operations has been and will continue to be a very
small percentage of the overall flow of the Tennessee River through the Chickamauga
Reservoir. Therefore, the NRC staff concludes that the impact of water use conflicts with
riparian communities during the license renewal term would be SMALL.
4.6.2 No-Action Alternative – Terrestrial Resources
If the plant were to cease operating, the terrestrial ecology impacts would be SMALL, assuming
that no additional land disturbances on or off site would occur prior to decommissioning
4.6.3 NGCC Alternative – Terrestrial Resources
Construction of an NGCC plant would occur at the site of an existing power plant other than
SQN or a brownfield site with available resources and would require about 48 ac (19 ha) of land
for the plant itself and up to 8,640 ac (3,497 ha) of additional land off site for wells, collection
stations, and pipelines to bring the gas to the plant (see Section Because the onsite
land requirement is relatively small, the plant operator would likely be able to site most of the
construction footprint in previously disturbed, degraded habitat, which would minimize impacts
to terrestrial habitats and species. Offsite construction would occur mostly on land where gas
extraction is occurring already. Siting any new gas pipelines or transmission lines along existing
utility corridors would minimize impacts. Erosion and sedimentation, fugitive dust, and
construction debris impacts would be minor with implementation of appropriate BMPs. Impacts
to terrestrial habitats and species from transmission line operation and corridor vegetation
maintenance, and operation of the mechanical-draft cooling towers would be similar in
magnitude and intensity as those resulting from operating nuclear reactors and would, therefore,
be SMALL (NRC 2013d). Overall, the impacts of construction and operation of an NGCC plant
to terrestrial habitats and species would be SMALL.
4.6.4 SCPC Alternative – Terrestrial Resources
Construction of an SCPC plant would require approximately 131 ac (53 ha), as described in
Section Because of the relatively large land requirement for the SCPC alternative, a
portion of the site may be land that had not been previously disturbed, especially if the SCPC
alternative is sited at an existing NGCC plant site. Construction within undisturbed land would
directly affect terrestrial habitat by removing existing vegetative communities and displacing
wildlife. The level of direct impacts would vary substantially based on the amount and
ecological importance of directly affected habitats. Construction of a railroad spur may be
necessary, depending on the existing infrastructure at the site. Siting the spur along an existing,
previously disturbed railroad corridor would minimize impacts to terrestrial habitat. Otherwise,
the rail spur could create new edge habitat and reduce the availability of continuous tracts of
habitat. Erosion and sedimentation, fugitive dust, and construction debris impacts would likely
be minor with the implementation of appropriate BMPs. Impacts to terrestrial habitats and
species from transmission line operation and corridor vegetation maintenance, and operation of
the cooling system would be similar in magnitude and intensity as those resulting from operating
nuclear reactors and would, therefore, be SMALL (NRC 2013d). The SCPC alternative may
require 7,440 ac (3,011 ha) to 52,800 ac (21,400 ha) of additional land for coal mining and
processing, as described in Section Offsite activities would occur mostly on land where
coal extraction is ongoing. Because of the potentially large area of undisturbed habitat that
could be affected from construction of an SCPC plant, the impacts of construction on terrestrial
habitats and species could range from SMALL to MODERATE depending on the amount and
ecological importance of directly affected habitats. The impacts of operation would be SMALL.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
4.6.5 New Nuclear Alternative – Terrestrial Resources
The new nuclear alternative, including the new reactor units and auxiliary facilities, would affect
1,000 ac (405 ha) of land at the site of an existing nuclear power plant other than SQN
(TVA 2013a), as described in Section Because of the significant land requirement for
the site, impacts to terrestrial species and habitats would vary depending on the amount of
previously undisturbed land that would be cleared for the new nuclear alternative. By siting the
new nuclear alternative at an existing nuclear site, the majority of land that would be affected by
construction would be developed or previously disturbed. However, as with the SCPC
alternative, the level of direct impacts would vary based on the extent and ecological importance
of habitat disturbed during construction activities. For the purposes of this analysis, the NRC
staff assumed that the new nuclear alternative is built within the footprint of an existing nuclear
power plant site. Erosion and sedimentation, fugitive dust, and construction debris impacts
would be minor with implementation of appropriate BMPs. Impacts to terrestrial habitats and
species from transmission line operation and corridor vegetation maintenance, and operation of
the cooling system would be similar in magnitude and intensity to those resulting from operating
nuclear reactors and would, therefore, be SMALL (NRC 2013a). The offsite land requirement
would be about 2,400 ac (971 ha) (NRC 1996) and impacts associated with uranium mining and
fuel fabrication to support the new nuclear alternative would be no different from those occurring
in support of SQN (see Section Assuming the new nuclear alternative is built within the
footprint of an existing nuclear power plant site, the impacts of construction and operation of a
new nuclear facility on terrestrial species and habitats would be SMALL.
4.6.6 Combination Alternative – Terrestrial Resources Wind
The wind portion of the combination alternative would contain between 2,350 to
3,150 land-based wind turbines requiring approximately 1,410 to 1,890 ac (570 to 765 ha) of
land, although only 5 to 10 percent of this area would be affected during operations, as
discussed below. The remaining area would be relatively unaffected after construction is
During construction of wind farms, the logistics of delivering heavy or oversized components to
ideal locations such as hilltops or ridgelines could require extensive modifications to existing
road infrastructures and construction of access roads that take circuitous routes to their
destination to avoid unacceptable grades. However, once construction was completed, many
access roads could be reclaimed and replaced with more-direct access to the wind farm for
maintenance purposes. Likewise, land used for equipment laydown and turbine component
assembly and erection could be returned to its original state. Following construction, BMPs that
include plans to restore disturbed land would also reduce the impact of construction on
terrestrial habitats. Overall, construction impacts on terrestrial species and habitats could range
from SMALL to MODERATE depending upon the degree of undisturbed and forested habitat
that is directly affected by the wind portion of the combination alternative.
Because wind turbines require ample spacing between one another to avoid air turbulence
between them, the footprint of utility-scale wind farms would range from 410 to 1,890 ac (570 to
765 ha). During operations, however, only 5 to 10 percent of the total acreage within the
footprint of wind installations would actually be occupied by turbines, access roads, support
buildings, and associated infrastructure while the remaining land areas could be put to other
compatible uses, including agriculture. Habitat loss and some habitat fragmentation may occur
as a result, especially for wind turbines installed in forested areas. Operation of wind turbines
could uniquely affect terrestrial species from noise, collision with turbines and meteorological
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
towers, site maintenance activities, disturbance associated with activities of the project
workforce, and interference with migratory behavior. Bat and bird mortality from turbine
collisions is a concern for operating wind farms; however, recent developments in turbine design
have reduced the potential for bird and bat strikes. Additionally, impacts to those bird and bat
species protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act or the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act
could be mitigated if the wind operator interacts with appropriate agencies to develop mitigation
measures. Impacts to terrestrial habitats and species from transmission line operation and
corridor vegetation maintenance would be similar in magnitude and intensity to those resulting
from operating nuclear reactors and would, therefore, be SMALL (NRC 2013d). Overall,
operational impacts to terrestrial species and habitats could range from SMALL to MODERATE
depending on the likelihood of bird strikes and interference with migratory behaviors. Solar
Up to 12,400 to 17,980 ac (5,018 to 7,276 ha) could be necessary for a solar PV alternative at
standalone sites (see Section However, the amount of land would likely be less
because some of the solar installation would include many relatively small installations on
building roofs or existing residential, commercial, or industrial sites. Constructing solar
installations on existing structures would have minimal impacts to terrestrial resources given
that these sites provide negligible, if any, terrestrial habitat. Construction at standalone solar
sites could have greater impacts given the large amount of land required. Siting standalone
installations in previously disturbed areas would minimize impacts. Because many of the
installations would likely be installed in developed areas that are already connected to the
regional electric grid, construction of additional transmission lines or access roads to solar PV
installation sites would likely be unnecessary. During operations, impacts would be minimal
because of relatively flat and low design of most installations. Therefore, the NRC staff
determined that the impact from construction on terrestrial habitats and species could range
from SMALL to MODERATE, depending on the number of installations built within previously
undisturbed habitats, and the impacts of operation to terrestrial habitats and species would be
SMALL. Conclusion
Overall, construction of the combination alternative would have a SMALL to MODERATE impact
on terrestrial habitats and species, and operation would also have a SMALL to MODERATE
4.7 Aquatic Resources
This section describes the potential impacts of the proposed action (license renewal) and
alternatives to the proposed action on aquatic resources.
4.7.1 Proposed Action
The aquatic resource issues applicable to SQN during the license renewal term are listed in
Table 4–9. Section 3.1.3 describes the SQN cooling water system. Section 3.7 describes the
aquatic resources. The impacts of managing the transmission line right-of-way do not apply
because the proposed license renewal will use the existing onsite switchyard and transmission
facilities (TVA 2013g). The NRC staff did not consider impacts along existing transmission
system right-of-ways off site as a part of this SEIS.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Table 4–9. Aquatic Resources
Impingement and entrainment of aquatic organisms (plants with once-through
cooling systems or cooling ponds)
Impingement and entrainment of aquatic organisms (plants with cooling
Entrainment of phytoplankton and zooplankton (all plants)
Thermal impacts on aquatic organisms (plants with once-through cooling
systems or cooling ponds)
Thermal impacts on aquatic organisms (plants with cooling towers)
Infrequently reported thermal impacts (all plants)
Effects of cooling water discharge on dissolved oxygen, gas supersaturation,
and eutrophication
Effects of nonradiological contaminants on aquatic ecosystems
Exposure of aquatic organisms to radionuclides
Effects of dredging on aquatic organisms
Water use conflicts with aquatic resources (plants with cooling ponds or
cooling towers using makeup water from a river)
Effects on aquatic resources (noncooling system impacts)
Losses from predation, parasitism, and disease among organisms exposed to
sublethal stresses
Source: Table B–1 in Appendix B, Subpart A, to 10 CFR Part 51 Aquatic Ecology Issues
The NRC staff did not identify any new and significant information related to the generic
(Category 1) issues listed above during the review of TVA’s ER, the site audit, or the scoping
process. Therefore, no impacts are associated with these issues beyond those discussed in the
GEIS. The GEIS concludes that the impact levels for these issues are SMALL.
For the site-specific (Category 2) issues, the NRC staff examined the present and past impacts
resulting from plant operation to infer future impacts over the license renewal term, i.e., the
remainder of the present term plus an additional 20 years. Two related concepts bound the
analysis of direct and indirect impacts in time and space: the timeframe and geographic extent.
The timeframe defines how far back and how far forward the analysis will extend, and the
timeframe for the direct and indirect impacts is less extensive than the timeframe for cumulative
impacts (discussed in section 4.16.5 of this SEIS). The timeframe of analyses for ecological
resources centers on the present and extends far enough into the past to understand trends and
to determine whether the resource is stable, which the NRC definitions of impact levels require.
For assessing direct and indirect impacts, the geographic extent depends on the biology of the
species under consideration.
In assessing the level of impact, the NRC staff looks at the projected effects in comparison to a
baseline condition. Consistent with NEPA guidance (CEQ 1997), the baseline of the
assessment is the condition of the resource without the action, i.e., under the no-action
alternative. Under the no-action alternative, the plant would shut down and the resource would
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
conceptually be in its present condition without the plant, which is not necessarily the condition
of the resource before the plant was constructed. Impingement and Entrainment of Aquatic Organisms
Impingement and entrainment of aquatic organisms are site-specific (Category 2) issues for
assessing impacts of license renewal at plants with once-through cooling systems.
Impingement, according to EPA (66 FR 65256),
…takes place when organisms are trapped against intake screens by the force of
the water passing through the cooling water intake structure. Impingement can
result in starvation and exhaustion (organisms are trapped against an intake
screen or other barrier at the entrance to the cooling water intake structure),
asphyxiation (organisms are pressed against an intake screen or other barrier at
the entrance to the cooling water intake structure by velocity forces that prevent
proper gill movement, or organisms are removed from the water for prolonged
periods of time), and descaling (fish lose scales when removed from an intake
screen by a wash system) and other physical harms.
The impingement rate is influenced by factors including flow, intake velocity, and swimming
speed. Death from impingement (impingement mortality) can occur immediately or
subsequently as an individual succumbs to physical damage upon its return to the water body.
The NRC staff assumes a 100 percent mortality rate for impinged organisms in the absence of a
fish-return system. The SQN intakes do not have a fish-return system.
Entrainment, as defined by the EPA (66 FR 65256) occurs when
…organisms are drawn through the cooling water intake structure into the cooling
system. Organisms that become entrained are normally relatively small benthic,
planktonic, and nektonic organisms, including early life stages of fish and
shellfish. Many of these small organisms serve as prey for larger organisms that
are found higher on the food chain. As entrained organisms pass through a
plant’s cooling system they are subject to mechanical, thermal, and/or toxic
stress. Sources of such stress include physical impacts in the pumps and
condenser tubing, pressure changes caused by diversion of the cooling water
into the plant or by the hydraulic effects of the condensers, sheer stress, thermal
shock in the condenser and discharge tunnel, and chemical toxemia induced by
antifouling agents such as chlorine. The mortality rate of entrained organisms
varies by species and can be high under normal operating conditions. [footnotes
EPA indicated that “entrainment is related to flow” and that “[l]arger withdrawals of water may
result in commensurately greater levels of entrainment” (69 FR 41576). For entrainment
assessment, the NRC staff assumes 100 percent mortality of entrained organisms.
The GEIS (NRC 2013e) lists species commonly impinged or entrained at power plants. The list
includes species found in the Chickamauga Reservoir, including alewife (Alosa
pseudoharengus), gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum), common carp (Cyprinus carpio),
white bass (Morone chrysops), sunfish (Lepomis spp.), crappie (Pomoxis annularis and
P. nigromaculatus), yellow perch (Perca flavescens), and freshwater drum (Aplodinotus
grunniens). Further, the GEIS reports that impingement at some plants is often seasonal with
order-of-magnitude greater numbers of fish impinged in the colder months. For some southern
plants (e.g., McGuire Nuclear Plant in North Carolina or V.C. Summer Nuclear Generating
Station in South Carolina), most of the fish that were impinged (gizzard shad or threadfin shad)
were already dead or moribund at the time they were impinged, and the GEIS concludes that
they would have been lost even if they had not been impinged.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Because of the various linkages between entrainment and impingement at different life stages
for the species present in the Chickamauga Reservoir, the NRC staff used a weight-of-evidence
approach to evaluate the effects of impingement and entrainment on the aquatic resources in
the Chickamauga Reservoir. The term “weight-of-evidence” has many meanings. Menzie et al.
(1996) provides an overview of the weight-of-evidence approach as “…the process by which
multiple measurement endpoints are related to an assessment endpoint to evaluate whether
significant risk of harm is posed to the environment.” The NRC’s final SEIS regarding Cooper
Nuclear Station (NRC 2010) defined weight-of-evidence as “an organized process for evaluating
information or data from multiple sources to determine whether there is evidence to suggest that
an existing or future environmental action has the potential to result in an adverse impact.” The
EPA (1998b) recommends a weight-of-evidence approach for ecological risk assessments. The
NRC (2010, 2013c, 2013f) has used this approach in the SEISs for other license renewal
The NRC staff examined multiple lines of evidence to determine if the operation of the SQN
cooling system has the potential to cause adverse impacts to aquatic organisms in the vicinity of
the SQN site. The first line of evidence is based on impingement data obtained by TVA during
studies conducted from 1981 to 1985 (Dycus 1986), a short winter study in 2001–2002 (Kay and
Baxter 2002), and studies from 2005 to 2007 (TVA 2007c) in response to EPA’s 2004 thenproposed 316(b) Rule. The second line of evidence is based on entrainment data provided by
TVA during studies that occurred from 1981 through 1985 (Dycus 1986) and in 2004 (Baxter
and Buchanan 2010). The third line of evidence utilizes TVA’s (2012c) monitoring of fish
populations prior to and during operations at the two sampling sites above and below the SQN
The lines of evidence directly relate to NRC’s definitions of SMALL, MODERATE, and LARGE,
as described in Section 1.4 are as follows:
The NRC staff categorized the impingement and entrainment impacts as
SMALL and concluded that impingement and entrainment will not destabilize
or noticeably alter the aquatic resources if
monitoring data show the same species were consistently entrained or
impinged without resulting in an observable decrease over time in the
abundance of the species most affected by entrainment and impingement
the number of equivalent adults and the amount of production foregone
from impingement were small in comparison to the adult population of the
same species in the reservoir.
The NRC staff categorized the impingement and entrainment impacts as
MODERATE and concluded that impingement and entrainment noticeably
alters but does not destabilize the aquatic resources near the SQN site if
the monitoring data show a sustained decrease over time in the
abundance of entrained or impinged species at sampling locations above
and below the site but no change in the abundance of species that feed
on the entrained or impinged species and
the number of equivalent adults and the amount of production foregone
from impingement were high enough to noticeably change but not cause
a decreasing trend in the population of one or more of the species in the
reservoir over a period of more than one or two years.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
The NRC staff categorized the impingement and entrainment impacts as
LARGE and concluded that impingement and entrainment effects are clearly
noticeable and destabilize the aquatic resources near the SQN site if
monitoring data indicate a sustained decrease over time in the
abundance of an entrained or impinged species at sampling locations
above and below the site and a similar decrease over time in the
abundance of species that feed on the entrained or impinged species and
the number of equivalent adults and the amount of production foregone
for impinged species were high enough to noticeably change and
decrease the population of any species.
TVA conducted three impingement studies at the SQN intake. The first study occurred between
1981 and July 1985 (Dycus 1986), starting the same year as the commercial operation of SQN
Unit 1 began. TVA discontinued impingement sampling prior to the end of the fifth consecutive
year of impingement sampling because of low impingement rates. During the 4.5 years of
sampling, threadfin shad was the dominant species impinged (Dycus 1986). Threadfin shad
made up between 30 percent and 80 percent of the fish impinged in any given year (based on
data presented in Dycus 1986). Other species with high impingement rates included gizzard
shad (0.6 percent to 24 percent), freshwater drum (4 percent to 19 percent), and bluegill
(6 percent to 17 percent).
TVA researchers (Kay and Baxter 2002) conducted the second impingement study in the winter,
from December 19, 2001, through February 25, 2002. During this study, TVA collected 10
impingement samples based on about 24 hours of operation per sample (48 hours for
one sample in January) and identified 13,570 individuals from 15 fish species representing
8 families and weighing a total of 50,532 g (111 lb). Because one sample was of 48 hours
duration, this is equivalent to 11 sampling days collected over a period of 69 days. Assuming
that these sampling days are representative and extrapolating to the 69-day sampling period,
the total number of fish caught would be (13,570 fish/11 days) x 69 days = 85,121 fish and the
total biomass would be 311,973 g (699 lb). The fish were generally small, with an overall
average weight of 3.7 g (0.13 oz) per fish, calculated as 50,532 grams collected divided by
13,570 individuals collected. Threadfin shad was again the numerically dominant species, with
13,160 individuals comprising 97 percent of the total number of individuals collected (74 percent
of the total weight). The next most common species was bluegill (0.80 percent of the total
number of individuals, 0.64 percent of the weight), freshwater drum (0.77 percent of the total
number of individuals, 15 percent of the weight), and gizzard shad (0.43 percent of the total
number of individuals, 1.3 percent of the weight). All other species contributed less than
1 percent of the total number and weight.
TVA researchers conducted weekly impingement studies from January 25, 2005, through
January 15, 2007 (TVA 2007c), again collecting fish after 24 hours of operation. TVA reported
22 species from 9 families during this impingement study. The estimated annual impingement
(extrapolated from weekly impingement rates) was 20,233 fish during the first year and 40,362
fish during the second year, as shown in Table 4–10. Threadfin shad comprised 91 percent of
the total individuals during the entire impingement study, followed by bluegill (3 percent),
freshwater drum (2 percent), and channel and blue catfish (1 percent each). All other species
contributed less than 1 percent of the total. The largest contributors to biomass were the blue
catfish (22 percent), threadfin shad (21 percent), channel catfish (17 percent), and freshwater
drum (15 percent).
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Table 4–10. List of Fish Species by Family, Scientific, and Common Name and Numbers
Collected in Impingement Samples From 2005 Through 2007 at the SQN Intake
Scientific Name
Labidesthes sicculus
Lepomis spp.
Lepomis auritus
Lepomis macrochirus
Lepomis microlophus
Micropterus salmoides
Pomoxis annularis
Alosa chrysochloris
Alosa pseudoharengus
Dorosoma cepedianum
Dorosoma petenense
Moxostoma spp.
Notropis atherinoides
Pimephales notatus
Pimephales vigilax
Ameiurus natalis
Ictalurus furcatus
Ictalurus punctatus
Pylodictis ofivaris
Morone chrysops
Morone saxatilis
Sander canadensis
Gambusia affinis
Aplodinotus grunniens
Common Name
unidentified sunfish
unidentified sunfish
redbreast sunfish
redear sunfish
spotted bass
largemouth bass
white crappie
black crappie
skipjack herring
gizzard shad
threadfin shad
emerald shiner
bluntnose minnow
bullhead minnow
yellow bullhead
blue catfish
channel catfish
flathead catfish
white bass
yellow bass
striped bass
freshwater drum
Total fish
Total Number of
Fish in
Year 1
Year 2
Year 1
Year 2
Total collected from once a week, 24-hr impingement samples.
Calculated as the total number of fish in weekly impingement samples multiplied by 7 days per week.
Source: TVA 2007c
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
TVA conducted entrainment studies of ichthyoplankton (fish eggs and larvae) from 1981 through
1985 (Dycus 1986) and in 2004 (Baxter and Buchanan 2010). Entrainment rates of
ichthyoplankton are influenced by the timing of the study, which usually occurs during the spring
spawning season, by the fraction of the water withdrawn (which in turn is influenced by the river
flow), and by the life history of the species being entrained. Table 4–11 provides the hydraulic,
egg, and larval entrainment rates for the 6 years of entrainment studies.
Hydraulic entrainment (the fraction of the water flowing past the SQN site that is withdrawn for
cooling) varies depending on the plant operations and the flow past the site. Mean hydraulic
entrainment ranged from 5.7 percent in 1983 and 1984 (Dycus 1986) to 24.2 percent in 2004
(TVA 2013g), although in 1985 both units were shut down for the last 4 months of the year. The
average hydraulic entrainment between 1981 and 1985 was 8.6 percent. According to TVA
(2013g), the higher hydraulic entrainment in 2004 may have been the result of lower reservoir
flow rates. The peak hydraulic entrainment of 111.1 percent occurred as a result of zero
release at Chickamauga Dam and an average release from Watts Bar Dam (Baxter and
Buchanan 2010). Entrainment rates of over 100 percent occur during periods when the flow of
water past the plant is smaller than the withdrawal from the reservoir (TVA 2013a). This is most
likely due to upstream flow. For reference, Hopping et al. (2009) discuss the various
mechanisms that influence upstream flow, including flow advection as a result of reservoir
sloshing from peaking operations, the entrainment of ambient flow by the high velocity diffuser
jets, and velocity gradients created by boundary resistance, shoreline irregularities, and bends
in the river.
Dycus (1986) reports that freshwater drum comprised 99.5 percent of all fish eggs collected
during entrainment sampling conducted in 1985. Freshwater drum spawn large numbers of
eggs (40,000 to 60,000 per female), broadcasting them into the open water to float until
hatching occurs, typically in one or two days (Etnier and Starnes 1993). Results from studies
conducted in 1981 and 1982 estimated the percentage of freshwater drum eggs entrained as
6.7 percent and 41.4 percent, respectively (Baxter and Buchanan 2010). Results from the 2004
sampling study show freshwater drum eggs comprised 98.8 percent of the fish eggs collected
(Baxter and Buchanan 2010). The percent entrained was estimated to be 11.2 percent of the
5.4 billion eggs transported past SQN or about 600 million fish eggs per year lost to
Table 4–11 shows the estimated percentages of all larvae passing SQN that were entrained
during studies conducted from 1981 through 1985 and in 2004. For the total number of larvae
entrained in 2004, 15.6 percent of those passing were entrained, compared to 2.2 to 4.7 percent
for previous sampling years. Clupeid (shad) larvae comprised 87.9 percent of the total fish
larvae entrained. Morone larvae (white, yellow, and striped bass) comprised 5.5 percent,
freshwater drum comprised 3.2 percent, and centrarchids (sunfish, such as bluegill) accounted
for 3.1 percent (Baxter and Buchanan 2010).
The large number of entrained clupeids (shad) greatly influenced the overall estimated
entrainment rate for larvae in 2004. Clupeids were found in the intake samples at average
densities lower than in the reservoir and were entrained at a rate of 15.6 percent (the fraction of
the clupeids passing the plant that were entrained). Clupeid entrainment rates were lower for
1981 through 1985 (ranging from 1.1 to 2.7 percent), as would be expected from the lower
hydraulic entrainment during that time period (Baxter and Buchanan 2010).
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Although centrarchids (sunfish) represented only 3.1 percent of the entrained larvae, they were
entrained at a higher rate than clupeids. TVA’s entrainment analysis from the 2004 study
indicated that 24.2 percent of the centrarchid larvae that passed the plant were entrained.
Lower entrainment rates, ranging from 0.6 to 1.8 percent, were seen in the entrainment studies
between 1981 and 1985 (Baxter and Buchanan 2010).
Table 4–11. Entrainment Percentages for Fish Eggs and Larvae at Sequoyah Nuclear
Plant 1981–1985 and 2004
Mean percent hydraulic entrainment
Sampling period
freshwater drum
Clupeidae (shad)
Cyprinidae (carp)
Catostomidae (suckers)
Ictaluridae (catfish)
Moronidae (white/yellow bass)
Centrarchidae (sunfish)
Percidae (perch)
Sciaenidae (drums)
Sources: Baxter and Buchanan 2010; Dycus 1986
Morone larvae comprised 5.5 percent of the entrained larvae during the 2004 study and were
entrained at a rate of 5 percent of the larvae passing by the plant (Baxter and Buchanan 2010).
Entrainment rate estimates from the studies in the 1980s range from 1.7 to 4.8 percent (Baxter
and Buchanan 2010).
Although cyprinids (carp) made up 0.2 percent of the larvae sampled, the entrainment rate was
over 72 percent. This is based on very low densities of carp larvae in either the intake samples
(7 per 1000 m3 of water) or in the reservoir samples (2 per 1000 m3 of water). The estimated
percentage of carp entrained in the studies that were done in the 1980s ranged from 2.3 to
5.9 percent (Baxter and Buchanan 2010). As discussed in Section 3.7, carp are nonnative,
introduced species and a female carp may produce over two million eggs in a given season
(Etnier and Starnes 1993).
Freshwater drum comprised only 3.2 percent of the larvae collected during the 2004 study
period, and the entrainment rate was 45.4 percent, which is within the range of the entrainment
rates observed from the studies conducted in the 1980s (5.5 to 57.8 percent).
Discussion of Impingement and Entrainment
Of the planktonic fish eggs and larvae that pass SQN and are not entrained, most probably pass
through the Chickamauga Dam and are lost to the Chickamauga Reservoir ecosystem. Their
contribution to the ecosystem below the dam is unclear. Although the NRC staff considers the
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
entrainment mortality rate to be 100 percent, the entrained organisms appear to be mostly
destined to go through the dam and not to contribute to the Chickamauga Reservoir ecosystem
in any event. Because some fish eggs and larvae may survive passage through the dam, the
total mortality due to the dam and SQN together will be greater than that due to the dam alone.
The NRC staff found insufficient information to quantify these mortality rates, however.
Impingement studies conducted within a 26-year time span indicate the highest rates of
impingement were for four species: threadfin shad, bluegill, freshwater drum, and gizzard shad.
In electrofishing and gillnet data from sampling sites upstream (Tennessee RM 490.5) and
downstream (Tennessee RM 482) of the SQN site, collected during studies between 1999 and
2011, TVA (2012c) did not observe trends in either the abundance or the distribution of these
four species. The NRC staff notes that the high variation inherent in such sampling makes any
pattern recognition difficult. Further, impingement of threadfin shad in large numbers occurs
frequently in the southeastern United States. A study of 32 southeastern United States power
plants found threadfin shad accounted for more than 90 percent of all fish impinged (Loar et al.
1978). EPA (2001) reported similar findings in its compilation of impingement data. The study
was not limited to facilities in the southeast and the percentage of threadfin shad impinged was
not as high, although threadfin shad was the most frequently impinged species. EPA found the
typical annual impingement rate per facility for all reservoirs and lakes (excluding the Great
Lakes) to be 678,000 fish per year, ranging from 203,000 to 1,370,000 depending on the facility.
Shad are intolerant of cold water temperatures, which often results in high winter mortality, such
as that observed at SQN and discussed in Section 3.7. Shad are less susceptible to
impingement at higher temperatures when they are able to swim away from the intake.
At SQN, the same species are being impinged across years at approximately the same rates,
with the largest number being threadfin shad, followed by gizzard shad, bluegill, and freshwater
drum. The consistency in impingement of these species over the years suggests that
impingement is having little effect on fish populations in the Chickamauga Reservoir. Further,
sampling studies conducted between 1999 and 2011 upstream and downstream of SQN have
not shown obvious and sustained declines in fish populations that can be attributed specifically
to entrainment or impingement during the operation of SQN (see Section 3.7). In past SEISs,
NRC has investigated sustained declines in fish populations as an indication of instability for
assessing level of impact (e.g., NRC 2013f).
TVA (2007c) used two types of models, an equivalent adult model and a production foregone
model with information from 2006 and 2007, to express the impact of fish impingement at SQN.
Equivalent adult losses, which TVA applied for harvestable fish species, are modeled estimates
of the number of fish impinged that would have survived to harvestable (adult) age. Production
foregone, which TVA applied to non-harvestable species assumed to be prey for harvestable
species, is the modeled reduction in prey biomass available to predators due to the loss of prey,
including the expected future growth of the prey prior to consumption by the predators. Many
fish impinged at SQN are immature or small, and these models assume a natural mortality rate
such that not all would have survived to become adults, and so the modeled number of
equivalent (adult) fish affected is much lower than the actual number of immature fish actually
affected. TVA (2007c) considers the modeled numbers that would have survived to be the
“biological liability,” which is a representation of the effect the plant’s operation has on the
aquatic organisms. The total modeled numbers of fish that would have survived had they not
been impinged are 1,868 and 821 fish for studies conducted in 2005–2006 and 2006–2007,
respectively. Table 4–12 shows the estimated total numbers of impinged fish per year for each
full year of impingement sampling at the SQN site and TVA’s modeled numbers after application
of the equivalent adult and production foregone models. Modeled equivalent impingement
numbers range from 821 fish in 2006–2007 to 5,843 fish in 1981–1982. Because of the many
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
uncertainties in assumptions incorporated into these models, much uncertainty is associated
with the results.
Table 4–12. Total Estimated Numbers of Fish Impinged by Year at SQN and TVA’s
Modeled Numbers Using Equivalent Adult (EA) and Production Foregone (PF) Models
Extrapolated annual
number for all species
Modeled annual
number after EA and
PF reduction
Percent of shad
(threadfin and gizzard)
by number
Percent of shad after
EA and PF modeling
Source: TVA 2007c
Entrainment and impingement studies show that the species most affected by operation of SQN
(freshwater drum, threadfin and gizzard shad, and bluegill) are some of the most common
species in the reservoir and that the operation of the SQN site has not destabilized or noticeably
altered the populations of these species. Assuming that the past effects predict future effects,
the impact of entrainment and impingement on these aquatic resources from the proposed
license renewal for the SQN plant would be SMALL. Thermal Impacts on Aquatic Organisms
Thermal discharges can increase the ambient water temperature in sections of the
Chickamauga Reservoir. Section 3.1.3 discusses the operation of the SQN cooling system and
the design of the diffuser used for discharges. SQN uses once-through cooling during most of
the year. When the river temperature approaches the NPDES limit, TVA uses the helper
cooling towers to help prevent the plant from exceeding the NPDES limits The number of
helper tower operation hours, reported as equivalent days, varies from year to year, but has
averaged 125 equivalent days per year between 2007 and 2013. In 2009, helper towers
operated less than 34 equivalent days, and, in 2008, they operated 197 equivalent days
(TVA 2013g). TVA calculates equivalent days of cooling tower operation based on a summation
of the number of hours that at least one CTLP is in service (TVA 2013g).
As discussed in Section 3.1.3, the NPDES permit specifies a mixing zone that is 750 ft (230 m)
wide and extends 275 ft (84 m) upstream of the diffusers and 1,500 ft (460 m) downstream of
the diffusers. The diffusers are placed such that they span almost the entire width of the main
channel (TVA 2011b). TVA (2013g) indicates that the main channel is approximately 900 ft
(270 m) wide adjacent to the plant, and that the entire reservoir width (including the main
channel and the overbank areas) is approximately 2,000 ft (610 m) wide in the vicinity of the
diffuser, thus allowing room for fish to avoid the plume in the mixing zone.
Temperature limits set by the permit include a 24-hour downstream temperature of 30.5 °C
(86.9 °F), and, if the ambient temperature of the reservoir water exceeds 29.4 °C (84.9 °F), the
24-hour downstream temperature cannot exceed 33.9 °C (93 °F). The NPDES permit also
specifies a maximum 24-hour average temperature increase of no more than 5.0 °C (9.0 °F) for
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
November through March (when the reservoir is coldest), and 3.0 °C (5.4 °F) for April through
October. The maximum hourly average temperature rate-of-change is limited to 2.0 °C (3.6 °F)
per hour (TVA 2013a). Temperature criteria are based on 24-hour averaging. TVA (2012)
measured temperature profiles in the summer (August 25, 2011) and autumn
(September 14, 2011). The thermal plume was the longest in the summer measurement period
and extended approximately 4.1 mi (6.6 km) downstream of the discharge point to Tennessee
RM 479.5. The ambient surface temperature (measured at Tennessee RM 486.7) was 81.9 °F
(27.7 °C) and the highest temperature measured downstream of the discharge was 86.85 °F
(30.5 °C) (at Tennessee RM 481.1).
Water temperatures of 97 °F (36 °C) are considered the upper thermal limit for mortality of
warm-water fish species such as gizzard shad, common carp, largemouth bass, and sunfish
(NRC 2013d). The upper lethal temperatures for cool water species such as freshwater drum,
yellow perch, smallmouth bass, walleye, and sauger are similar or slightly lower than those for
the warm-water species, although cool-water species need cooler average temperatures for
growing and reproducing (NRC2013). The thermal limits specified by the NPDES permit do not
exceed the upper temperature limit for mortality of warm- or cool-water fish species.
TVA conducted studies on certain species to determine if plant operations, including thermal
discharges, affected the fish, including sauger (Hickman and Buchanan 1995), white crappie
(Buchanan and McDonough 1990), white bass (Buchanan 1994), and channel catfish (Peck and
Buchanan 1991. The studies report no instances of attraction or avoidance of the thermal
plume for fish species within the Chickamauga Reservoir.
Between November 1993 and March 1994, TVA (Kay and Buchanan 1995) conducted field
investigations including gillnetting, creel census, and estimates of the number of persons fishing
and number of fishing boats in the vicinity of the diffuser to determine whether fish were
attracted to or unable to avoid the thermal plume. TVA conducted gillnetting at two sites:
Tennessee RM 483.4, in the thermal plume, and Tennessee RM 483.8, upstream from the
underwater dam. Catfish, bass, and centrarchids were collected in similar numbers at both
sampling sites, and the studies report no indication that fish were avoiding the thermal plume or
were attracted to the plume. Sauger, a cool-water species, was collected in comparable
numbers at both sampling stations, indicating to the investigators that the thermal effluent did
not preclude them from moving past the site.
The diffuser discharge plume is buoyant relative to the ambient water in the river. In general,
however, the buoyancy is less at lower ambient water temperatures and, thus, the mixing and
dilution of the thermal plume is less during months when the river is coolest. In addition,
stratification of the river occurs in the warmer months (April through September) at which time
the water at a depth of 5 ft (1.5 m) (the basis for the NPDES permit criteria) is warmer than the
water at the bottom of the river. According to TVA (2013b), the diffuser jets cause an upwelling
that can cool the surface water around the diffuser mixing zone. The river flow over the
underwater dam also contributes to the upwelling, which in extreme cases of stratification
produces neutral buoyancy in the effluent, causing it to remain submerged.
Ecological monitoring studies did not find a measurable or discernible effect on aquatic
organisms in the vicinity of the SQN discharge. Further, TVA has a valid NPDES permit from
the State of Tennessee that limits the discharge temperatures. The NRC staff relies on the
State’s permitting process to ensure the health of the aquatic organisms in the reservoir. In
view of all these observations, the NRC staff concludes that the thermal impact on aquatic
organisms as a result of the proposed license renewal would be SMALL.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions Water Use Conflicts with Aquatic Resources
Water use conflicts occur when the amount of water needed to support aquatic resources is
diminished as a result of demand for agricultural, municipal, or industrial use or decreased water
availability due to droughts, or a combination of these factors.
As discussed in Sections 3.1.3 and, the total SQN peak water demand is 1,680 mgd
(2,600 cfs, or 73.5 m3/sec). This is approximately 8 percent of the annual average flow of the
Tennessee River at the Chickamauga Dam (21,000 mgd (32,500 cfs or 920 m3/s)). As
mentioned in Section 3.5.1, for once-through cooling system operation at SQN, the condenser
flow rate is nearly equal to the surface water withdrawal rate, giving a negligible consumptive
use rate.
Between 2008 and 2012, the SQN plant withdrew an average of 1,580 mgd (2,445 cfs, or
69.1 m3/s) of water, which is also about 8 percent of the Tennessee River’s average flow past
the SQN site (31,100 cfs (881 m3/s)). When it occurs, the majority of the consumptive loss
occurs on days when the plant operates the cooling towers in helper mode. The amount of
water consumed from the river (during the cooling tower operations) on a daily average basis
can approach about 45 mgd (70 cfs, or 2 m3/s)) (see Section On a daily average basis,
the net consumptive loss is likely to be roughly 1.2 percent of the river flow past the SQN site.
During 2011, the cooling towers were operated fewer than 90 equivalent days (TVA 2013g).
Additional information on water use conflicts can be found in Section
The amount of water consumed by the operation of SQNs is minor in comparison to the flow
past the plant and even smaller in comparison to the volume of water in the Chickamauga
Reservoir. Changes in surface water elevation and aquatic habitat due to water consumption by
SQN are very small in comparison to those due to TVA’s use of dams to regulate the river. The
fish species described in Section 3.7 as present in the Chickamauga Reservoir in the vicinity of
the SQN site do not appear to be affected by the consumption of water from the reservoir. The
NRC staff concludes that the impact of water use conflicts on aquatic species from the proposed
license renewal would be SMALL.
4.7.2 No-Action Alternative – Aquatic Resources
This section describes environmental effects to aquatic organisms if the NRC takes no action.
No action, in this case, means that the NRC would not renew the operating licenses for SQN,
the SQN units would shut down, and TVA would initiate decommissioning in accordance with
10 CFR Part 50.82. The environmental impacts from decommissioning and related activities
are discussed in the Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Decommissioning of
Nuclear Facilities (NRC 2002) and in Section 2.1.3 of this SEIS.
If SQN were to shut down, any existing impacts to aquatic ecology would decrease. Some
withdrawal of water from the Chickamauga Reservoir would continue during the shutdown
period as the fuel is cooled, although the amount of water withdrawn would decrease over time.
The aquatic organisms would be subject to lower rates of impingement, entrainment, and heat
shock. Impacts on aquatic resources from the no-action alternative would be SMALL.
4.7.3 NGCC Alternative – Aquatic Resources
The NRC staff assumes that construction activities for the NGCC alternative would occur at an
existing power plant site (other than SQN) or a brownfield site with available infrastructure and
could affect drainage areas or other onsite aquatic features. Also, the NRC staff assumes TVA
will implement best management practices (BMPs) to minimize erosion and sedimentation in
nearby streams, ponds, or rivers. Stormwater control measures would be required to comply
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
with the State’s NPDES permitting. Any dredging or in-water work requires a permit from the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) pursuant to Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution
Control Act (Clean Water Act) as amended (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.). Other USACE permits
could be required, depending on the location of the site. Dredging activities would also require
BMPs for in-water work to minimize sedimentation and erosion. Due to the short-term nature of
the dredging activities, the effect on the aquatic habitats would likely be relatively localized and
temporary (recovery time for aquatic communities typically takes several years).
The NGCC plant would typically require less cooling water be withdrawn from the environment
than SQN. The lower withdrawal rates would reduce the numbers of fish and other aquatic
resources affected by the operation of the intake and decrease the heat released from the
discharge as compared to the SQN units. Chemical discharges from operation of the NGCC
alternative cooling system would be similar to SQN. Air emissions from the NGCC alternative
would emit particulates (as discussed in Section that could be introduced into the water
from erosion of soil or from settling on the surface of the water. The particulates would result in
minimal exposure to aquatic organisms. Overall aquatic impacts from operation of an NGCC
plant would likely be less than for the continued operation of SQN. Impacts on aquatic
organisms from construction and operation of an NGCC alternative would be SMALL.
4.7.4 SCPC Alternative – Aquatic Resources
The NRC staff assumes that construction activities for the SCPC alternative would occur at an
existing power plant site (other than SQN) or a brownfield site with available infrastructure, and
could affect drainage areas or other onsite aquatic features. Also, the NRC staff assumes TVA
will implement BMPs to minimize erosion and sedimentation in nearby streams, ponds, or rivers.
Stormwater control measures would be required to comply with the State’s NPDES permitting.
Any dredging or in-water work requires a permit from USACE pursuant to Section 404 of the
Clean Water Act as amended (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.). Other USACE permits could be
required depending on the location of the site. Dredging activities would also require BMPs for
in-water work to minimize sedimentation and erosion. Due to the short-term nature of the
dredging activities, the effect on the aquatic habitats would likely be relatively localized and
temporary (recovery time for aquatic communities typically takes several years).
The SCPC plant would typically require slightly less cooling water be withdrawn from the
environment than SQN. The lower withdrawal rates would reduce the numbers of fish and other
aquatic resources affected by the operation of the intake and the heat released from the
discharge would be less than that for the SQN units. The actual impact to the aquatic
organisms would depend on the ecosystem and biological interactions among the organisms.
The SCPC plant would have similar chemical discharges to those from the SQN units as a
result of operation of the cooling system. Air emissions from the SCPC units would include
small amounts of ash (as discussed in Section that would settle on water bodies or be
introduced into the water from soil erosion. Overall, the aquatic impacts from operation of an
SCPC plant would be less than for the continued operation of the SQN units if the SCPC plant
were located on Chickamauga Reservoir in the vicinity of the SQN site. Without knowing the
location of the SCPC unit and the aquatic species and their interactions within the ecosystem,
the NRC staff cannot assume that overall impacts of operation of an SCPC plant would be less
than those for the license renewal term at the SQN site. Impacts on aquatic organisms from
construction and operation of an SCPC alternative would likely be SMALL to MODERATE.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
4.7.5 New Nuclear Alternative – Aquatic Resources
The NRC staff assumes that construction activities for the new nuclear alternative would occur
at a site other than the SQN site and could affect drainage areas or other onsite aquatic
features. Also, the NRC staff assumes TVA will implement BMPs to minimize erosion and
sedimentation in nearby streams, ponds, or rivers. Stormwater control measures would be
required to comply with the State’s NPDES permitting. If the site selected is a greenfield site, a
new intake and discharge system would be required. If it is located at an existing nuclear site,
such as the Bellefonte site in Alabama, the available infrastructure could be used in its current
configuration or be modified or expanded. Any dredging or in-water work requires a permit from
USACE pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act as amended (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.).
Other USACE permits could be required, depending on the location of the site. Dredging
activities would also require BMPs for in-water work to minimize sedimentation and erosion.
Due to the short-term nature of the dredging activities, the effect on the aquatic habitats would
likely be relatively localized and temporary (recovery time for aquatic communities typically
takes several years).
The new nuclear units would use a closed-cycle cooling system so that water consumption
would be less than for the SQN units, which operate in open-cycle and helper modes. As a
result, the withdrawal of water and the thermal input from the discharge would be less than for
the SQN units. This in turn would reduce entrainment, impingement, and thermal impacts to
aquatic organisms. Without knowing the location of the new nuclear units and the aquatic
species and their ecosystem interactions, NRC staff cannot assume that the overall impacts of
operation of a new nuclear unit would be less than those for the license renewal term at the
SQN site. Impacts on aquatic organisms from construction and operation of a new nuclear
facility would be SMALL to MODERATE.
4.7.6 Combination Alternative - Aquatic Resources
The staff assumes that construction activities for the combination alternative would occur at
another site, other than the SQN site, and could affect drainage areas or other onsite aquatic
features. The NRC staff assumes TVA will implement BMPs to minimize erosion and
sedimentation in nearby streams, ponds, or rivers. The State’s NPDES permitting would require
stormwater control measures. During operations, the land-based wind and solar alternative
would not require withdrawal of water or consumptive water use. Thus, the impacts on aquatic
ecology from the land-based wind and solar combination alternative would be SMALL.
4.8 Special Status Species and Habitats
This section describes the potential impacts of the proposed action (license renewal) and
alternatives to the proposed action on special status species and habitats.
4.8.1 Proposed Action
The special status species and habitats issue applicable to SQN during the license renewal
term is listed in Table 4–13. Section 3.8 of this SEIS describes the special status species and
habitats that have the potential to be affected by the proposed action. The discussion of
species and habitats protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (ESA),
includes a description of the action area as defined by the ESA section 7 regulations at
50 CFR Part 402.02. The action area encompasses all areas that would be directly or indirectly
affected by the proposed SQN license renewal.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Appendix C.1 contains information on the NRC staff’s section 7 consultation with the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service (FWS) for the proposed action. The NRC did not consult with the National
Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) as part of the SQN license renewal review because (as
described in Section 3.8 and no species or habitats under NMFS’s jurisdiction occur
within the action area.
Table 4–13. Special Status Species and Habitats
GEIS Section
Threatened, endangered, and protected species, critical habitat, and
essential fish habitat
Source: Table B–1 in Appendix B, Subpart A, to 10 CFR Part 51 Species and Habitats Protected under the Endangered Species Act
Species and Habitats Under FWS Jurisdiction
Section 3.8 considers whether the 11 Federally listed and proposed species identified in
Table 4–14 occur in the action area based on each species’ habitat requirements, life history,
scientific surveys and studies, and other available information. In that section, the NRC staff
concludes that none of these species are likely to occur in the action area. The NRC staff also
concludes that no candidate species or proposed or designated critical habitat occur in the
action area. Thus, the NRC staff concludes that the proposed action would have no effect on
Federally listed species or habitats under FWS’s jurisdiction.
Table 4–14. Effect Determinations for Federally Listed Species
Myotis grisescens
Myotis septentrionalis
Myotis sodalis
Percuba tanasi
Freshwater Mussels
Dromus dromas
Lampsilis abrupta
Plethobasus cooperianus
Pleurobema plenum
Isotria medeoloides
Scutellaria montana
Spiraea virginiana
gray bat
northern long-eared bat
Indiana bat
no effect
no effect
no effect
snail darter
no effect
dromedary pearlymussel
pink mucket
orangefoot pimpleback
rough pigtoe
no effect
no effect
no effect
no effect
small whorled pogonia
large-flowered skullcap
Virginia spiraea
no effect
no effect
no effect
Common Name
E = endangered; T = threatened; P = proposed
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
If in the future a Federally listed species is observed on the SQN site, the NRC has measures in
place to ensure that NRC staff would be appropriately notified. SQN’s operating licenses,
Appendix B, “Environmental Protection Plan,” Section 4.1.1 (NRC 1980, 1981) require TVA to
report to the NRC within 24 hours any occurrence of a species protected by the ESA on the
SQN site. Additionally, the NRC’s regulations containing notification requirements require that
operating nuclear power reactors report to the NRC within 4 hours “any event or situation,
related to…protection of the environment, for which a news release is planned or notification to
other government agencies has been or will be made” (10 CFR Part 50.72(b)(2)(xi)). Such
notifications include reports regarding Federally listed species, as described in Section 3.2.12 of
NUREG-1022 (NRC 2013b). Further, as a Federal agency, TVA has the responsibility to
comply with section 7 of the ESA if listed species or effects of the action are identified that were
not previously considered.
Species and Habitats Under NMFS’s Jurisdiction
As discussed in Section 3.8, no species or habitats under NMFS’s jurisdiction occur within the
action area. Thus, the NRC staff concludes that the proposed action would have no effect on
Federally listed species or habitats under NMFS’s jurisdiction.
Cumulative Effects
The ESA regulations at 50 CFR Part 402.12(f)(4) direct Federal agencies to consider cumulative
effects as part of the proposed action effects analysis. Under the ESA, cumulative effects are
defined as “those effects of future State or private activities, not involving Federal activities, that
are reasonably certain to occur within the action area of the Federal action subject to
consultation” (50 CFR Part 402.02). Unlike the NEPA definition of cumulative impacts (see
Section 4.16), cumulative effects under the ESA do not include past actions or other Federal
actions requiring separate ESA section 7 consultation. When formulating biological opinions
under formal section 7 consultation, the FWS and NMFS (1998) consider cumulative effects
when determining the likelihood of jeopardy or adverse modification. Therefore, consideration
of cumulative effects under the ESA is necessary only if listed species will be adversely affected
by the proposed action (FWS 2014).
In the case of SQN, because the NRC staff concluded earlier in this section that the proposed
license renewal would have no effect on listed, proposed, or candidate species or on designated
or proposed critical habitat, consideration of cumulative effects is not necessary. Species and Habitats Protected under the Magnuson–Stevens Act
As discussed in Section 3.8, NMFS has not designated essential fish habitat (EFH) pursuant to
the Magnuson–Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, as amended
(Magnuson–Stevens Act) in the Chickamauga Reservoir. Thus, the NRC staff concludes that
the proposed action would have no effect on EFH.
4.8.2 No-Action Alternative – Special Status Species and Habitats
Under the no-action alternative, SQN would shut down. Federally listed species and designated
critical habitat can be affected not only by operation of nuclear power plants but also by
activities during shutdown. The ESA action area for the no-action alternative would most likely
be the same or similar to the action area described in Section 3.8. Because the plant would
require substantially less cooling water, potential impacts to aquatic species and habitats would
be reduced, although the plant would still require some cooling water for some time. Changes
in land use and other shutdown activities might affect terrestrial species differently than under
continued operation.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Because no Federally listed species or habitats occur in the action area, the no-action
alternative would likely have no effect on any such species or habitats. However, NRC would
assess the need for ESA consultation upon plant shutdown. The ESA forbids the taking of a
listed species, where to “take” means “harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap,
capture, or collect, or attempt to engage in any such conduct.” In the case of a take, ESA
section 7 requires that NRC initiate consultation with the FWS or NMFS. The implementing
regulations at 50 CFR Part 402.16 also direct Federal agencies to reinitiate consultation in
circumstances where (a) the incidental take limit in a biological opinion is exceeded, (b) new
information reveals effects to Federally listed species or designated critical habitats that were
not previously considered, (c) the action is modified in a manner that causes effects not
previously considered, or (d) new species are listed or new critical habitat is designated that
may be affected by the action. An ESA Section 7 consultation could identify impacts on
Federally listed species or critical habitat, require monitoring and mitigation to minimize such
impacts, and provide a level of exempted takes. Regulations and guidance regarding the ESA
Section 7 consultation process are provided in 50 CFR Part 402 and in the Endangered Species
Consultation Handbook (FWS and NMFS 1998). Upon shutdown, if the NRC determined that
the no-action alternative would result in take of listed species or that one or more of the
reinitiation criteria at 50 CFR Part 402.16 would be met, the NRC would reinitiate consultation,
as appropriate, with FWS at that time. TVA, as a Federal agency, would also have
responsibilities under section 7 of the ESA upon SQN shutdown.
The effects on ESA-listed aquatic species would likely be smaller than the effects under
continued operation but would depend on the listed species and habitats present when the
alternative is implemented. The types and magnitudes of adverse impacts to terrestrial ESAlisted species would depend on the shutdown activities and the listed species and habitats
present when the alternative is implemented, and thus, the NRC cannot forecast a particular
level of impact for this alternative.
The no-action alternative would not affect EFH because NMFS has not designated EFH in the
Chickamauga Reservoir.
4.8.3 NGCC Alternative – Special Status Species and Habitats
This alternative entails shutdown and decommissioning of SQN and construction of a new
NGCC alternative at an existing power plant site other than the SQN site or at a brownfield site
with available infrastructure in the TVA region. Section 4.8.2 discusses ESA considerations for
the shutdown of SQN.
Unlike the proposed action, no-action alternative, and new nuclear alternative, the NRC does
not license NGCC facilities, and the NRC would not be responsible for initiating section 7
consultation if listed species or habitats might be adversely affected under this alternative. The
facilities themselves would be responsible for protecting listed species because the ESA forbids
the taking of a listed species. If TVA were to implement the NGCC alternative, as a Federal
agency, TVA would be required to consult with FWS or NMFS under section 7. Similarly, TVA,
and not NRC, would be responsible for engaging in EFH consultation with NMFS under the
Magnuson–Stevens Act if EFH could be affected by construction or operation of the NGCC
Because the NGCC alternative would be built on an existing power plant site other than the
SQN site, the special status species and habitats affected by the action would be different than
those considered under the proposed action. The types and magnitudes of adverse impacts to
ESA-listed species and EFH would depend on the proposed site, plant design, operation, and
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
listed species and habitats present when the alternative is implemented. Therefore, the NRC
cannot forecast a particular level of impact for this alternative.
4.8.4 SCPC Alternative – Special Status Species and Habitats
This alternative entails shutdown and decommissioning of SQN and construction of a new
SCPC alternative at an existing power plant site other than the SQN site or at a brownfield site
with available infrastructure in the TVA region. Section 4.8.2 discusses ESA considerations for
the shutdown of SQN.
Unlike the proposed action, no-action alternative, and new nuclear alternative, the NRC does
not license SCPC facilities, and the NRC would not be responsible for initiating section 7
consultation if listed species or habitats might be adversely affected under this alternative. The
facilities themselves would be responsible for protecting listed species because the ESA forbids
the taking of a listed species. If TVA were to implement the NGCC alternative, as a Federal
agency, TVA would be required to consult with FWS or NMFS under section 7. Similarly, TVA,
and not NRC, would be responsible for engaging in EFH consultation with NMFS under the
Magnuson–Stevens Act if EFH could be affected by construction or operation of the NGCC
Because the SCPC alternative would be built on an existing power plant site other than the SQN
site, the special status species and habitats affected by the action would be different than those
considered under the proposed action. The types and magnitudes of adverse impacts to ESAlisted species and EFH would depend on the proposed site, plant design, operation, and listed
species and habitats present when the alternative is implemented. Therefore, the NRC cannot
forecast a particular level of impact for this alternative.
4.8.5 New Nuclear Alternative – Special Status Species and Habitats
This alternative entails shutdown and decommissioning of SQN and construction of a new
nuclear alternative at an existing power plant site other than the SQN site in the TVA region.
Section 4.8.2 discusses ESA considerations for the shutdown of SQN.
The NRC would remain the licensing agency under this alternative, and thus, the ESA would
require NRC to initiate consultation with the FWS and NMFS, as applicable, prior to construction
to ensure that the construction and operation of the new nuclear plant would not adversely
affect any Federally listed species or adversely modify or destroy designated critical habitat. If
the new nuclear plant is sited in an area that could affect water bodies with designated EFH, the
Magnuson–Stevens Act would require the NRC to consult with NMFS to evaluate potential
impacts to that habitat. TVA, as a Federal agency, would have consultation responsibilities
under the ESA and Magnuson–Stevens Act.
Because the new nuclear alternative would be built on an existing power plant site other than
the SQN site, the special status species and habitats affected by the action would be different
than those considered under the proposed action. The types and magnitudes of adverse
impacts to ESA-listed species and EFH would depend on the proposed site, plant design,
operation, and listed species and habitats present when the alternative is implemented.
Therefore, the NRC cannot forecast a particular level of impact for this alternative.
4.8.6 Combination Alternative – Special Status Species and Habitats
This alternative entails shutdown and decommissioning of SQN and construction and operation
of wind turbines, possibly outside of the TVA region through purchased power agreements, and
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
solar photovoltaic systems throughout the TVA region. Section 4.8.2 discusses ESA
considerations for the shutdown of SQN.
Unlike the proposed action, no-action alternative, and new nuclear alternative, the NRC does
not license wind turbines or solar photovoltaic systems, and the NRC would not be responsible
for initiating section 7 consultation if listed species or habitats might be adversely affected under
this alternative. The facilities themselves would be responsible for protecting listed species
because the ESA forbids the taking of a listed species. If TVA were to implement this
alternative, as a Federal agency, TVA would be required to consult with FWS or NMFS under
section 7. Similarly, TVA, and not NRC, would be responsible for engaging in EFH consultation
with NMFS under the Magnuson–Stevens Act if EFH could be affected by any component of
this alternative.
Because this alternative would involve several sites throughout the TVA region, the special
status species and habitats affected by the action would be different than those considered
under the proposed action. The types and magnitudes of adverse impacts to ESA-listed
species and EFH would depend on the proposed sites, alternative design, operation, and listed
species and habitats present when the alternative is implemented. Therefore, the NRC cannot
forecast a particular level of impact for this alternative.
4.9 Historic and Cultural Resources
This section describes the potential impacts of the proposed action (license renewal) and
alternatives to the proposed action on historic and cultural resources.
4.9.1 Proposed Action
The historic and cultural resource issue applicable to SQN during the license renewal term is
listed in Table 4–15. Section 3.9 of this SEIS describes the historic and cultural resources that
have the potential to be affected by the proposed action.
Table 4–15. Historic and Cultural Resources
GEIS Section
Historic and Cultural Resources
Source: Table B–1 in Appendix B, Subpart A, to 10 CFR Part 51
The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (NHPA) requires Federal agencies
to consider the effects of their undertakings on historic properties, and renewing the operating
license of a nuclear power plant is an undertaking that could potentially affect historic properties.
Historic properties are defined as resources eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic
Places (NRHP). The criteria for eligibility are listed in 36 CFR Part 60.4, “Criteria for
evaluation,” and include (1) association with significant events in history, (2) association with the
lives of persons significant in the past, (3) embodiment of distinctive characteristics of type,
period, or construction, and (4) sites or places that have yielded, or are likely to yield, important
The historic preservation review process (Section 106 of the NHPA) is outlined in regulations
issued by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) in 36 CFR Part 800, “Protection
of historic properties.”
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
In accordance with the provisions of the NHPA, the NRC is required to make a reasonable effort
to identify historic properties included in or eligible for inclusion in the NRHP in the area of
potential effect APE. The APE for a license renewal action includes the nuclear power plant
site, its immediate environs including viewshed, and inscope transmission lines that may be
affected by the license renewal decision, and land-disturbing activities associated with
continued reactor operations.
If historic properties are present within the APE, the NRC is required to contact the State
Historic Preservation Office, assess the potential impact, and resolve any possible adverse
effects of the undertaking (license renewal) on historic properties. In addition, the NRC is
required to notify the State Historic Preservation Office if historic properties would not be
affected by license renewal or if no historic properties are present. The State Historic
Preservation Office is part of the Tennessee Historical Commission in the State of Tennessee. Consultation
In accordance with 36 CFR Part 800.8(c), on March 14, 2013, the NRC initiated consultations
on the proposed action by writing to the ACHP and Tennessee Historical Commission
(NRC 2013e, 2013g). Also on March 14, 2013, the NRC initiated consultations with the
following 14 Federally recognized tribes (NRC 2013e) (see Appendix C for a discussion of these
Cherokee Nation,
Chickasaw Nation,
Alabama Quassarte Tribal Town,
Muscogee (Creek) Nation,
Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas,
Thlopthlocco Tribal Town,
Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma,
Kialegee Tribal Town,
Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians,
Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma,
United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma,
Seminole Tribe of Florida,
Seminole Nation of Oklahoma, and
Shawnee Tribe.
In its letters, the NRC provided information about the proposed action, defined the APE, and
indicated that the NHPA review would be integrated with the NEPA process, in accordance with
36 CFR Part 800.8. Also in its letters, the NRC invited participation in the identification and
possible decisions concerning historic properties and also invited participation in the scoping
In February 2013, the NRC contacted the Tennessee Historical Commission concerning the
license renewal of SQN and scheduled a meeting to discuss the potential impacts to cultural
resources at SQN. The NRC met with the staff of the Tennessee Historical Commission in
April 2013. During this meeting, the Tennessee Historical Commission representative did not
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
express any concerns about the proposed license renewal (NRC 2013j). The Tennessee
Historical Commission representative also suggested that the NRC consult with the Eastern
Tennessee Historical Society and the Tennessee Historical Society as interested parties. In
May 2013, the NRC sent letters to these historical societies offering them an opportunity to
consult in the environmental review (NRC 2013f, 2013h). The NRC did not receive a response
before the publication of this final SEIS.
The NRC received scoping comments from one tribe, the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee
Indians in Oklahoma, in March 2013 (UKB 2013) (see Appendix C). The United Keetoowah
Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma did not raise any concerns and indicated there are no
religious or culturally significant sites in the project area but said it would like to be contacted if
any inadvertent discoveries of human remains are made as a result of the proposed Federal
action (license renewal).
Currently, TVA has no planned physical changes or ground-disturbing activities related to
license renewal at the SQN site (TVA 2013g). As described in Section 3.9, there are no known
historic properties or NRHP-eligible cultural resources located within the SQN site. However,
Site 40HA22 is located near the SQN boundary, but not within the SQN site. Since
Site 40HA22 is located on TVA controlled lands, TVA has the responsibility, under Section 110
of the NHPA, to address site preservation and possible effects to the site from TVA actions such
as reservoir operations (TVA 2013c). In addition, as a Federal agency, TVA will also have to
comply with Section 106 of the NHPA for any future undertakings in the vicinity of Site 40HA22.
TVA has reopened Section 106 consultation with the Tennessee State Historic Preservation
Office and submitted revisions to its previous 2010 cultural resource survey of TVA lands, and
updated information about this site with the Tennessee Division of Archaeology
(TVA 2013a, 2013e). In addition, TVA reinitiated consultation with tribes, including the United
Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma (TVA 2013h). There has been no formal
eligibility determination of the site for the NRHP at the time of publishing of this final SEIS,
although TVA believes the site is eligible and will treat it as such (TVA 2013a).
The Igou Cemetery is located in the southern area of the SQN site and is protected by several
State statutes. The Tennessee Code Annotated (T.C.A.) 39-17-311 is the primary statute
providing protection for the historic cemetery, which is maintained by TVA. NRC staff contacted
the Tennessee Historical Commission to discuss the historic cemeteries associated with SQN
(Igou and McGill). The Tennessee Historical Commission did not express any concerns
regarding the management or protection of these historic cemeteries (NRC 2013k).
TVA has established procedures to ensure cultural resources are considered in project planning
at SQN. These are the same procedures used throughout TVA properties. In addition, TVA
has established procedures for consulting with the State Historic Preservation Office, Federally
recognized Indian tribes, and any other interested parties. These procedures describe how TVA
will comply with Section 106 of the NHPA for identifying, evaluating, and resolving any adverse
effects to historic properties. In addition, TVA has procedures in place for the inadvertent
discovery of cultural resources during project activities which include a description of the
process for consulting with the Tennessee Historical Commission and Indian tribes (TVA
2013c). Also, TVA provides NEPA Overview and Categorical Exclusion training; 100 percent of
the TVA environmental personnel working at SQN have completed this training (TVA 2013c).
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Based on the following factors and considerations, the NRC staff concludes that license renewal
would cause no adverse effect on historic properties (36 CFR Part 800.4(d)(1)) for the following
there are currently no NRHP-eligible historic properties on the SQN site,
TVA will continue to protect the Igou Cemetery and Site 40HA22,
input has been received from tribes,
TVA has continued to adhere to its cultural resources protection procedures,
the NRC has received assurance that no license renewal-related physical
changes or ground-disturbing activities will occur,
the Tennessee Historical Commission has offered its input, and
the NRC has received findings from the cultural resource assessment and
4.9.2 No-Action Alternative – Historic and Cultural Resources
Not renewing the operating licenses and terminating reactor operations would have no effect on
historic properties and cultural resources on or in the immediate vicinity of SQN. A separate
environmental review would be conducted to determine the impacts of decommissioning
activities on historic properties and cultural resources. Therefore, the impacts on historic and
cultural resources from plant shutdown would be SMALL.
4.9.3 NGCC Alternative – Historic and Cultural Resources
Land areas affected by the construction and operation of an NGCC alternative would be
surveyed to identify and record historic and cultural resources, including land required for a new
gas pipeline, roads, transmission corridors, and other ROWs. Former industrial (brownfield)
sites would need to be surveyed to verify the level of previous disturbance and to evaluate the
potential for cultural resources to be present. Any cultural resources found during these surveys
would need to be recorded and evaluated for eligibility for listing on the National Register of
Historic Properties (NRHP). Mitigation of adverse effects would be considered if eligible
properties were encountered. Areas with the most significant cultural resources should be
avoided. Visual impacts, such as historic property viewsheds near the proposed power plant
site, should also be evaluated.
The potential impacts to historic properties and cultural resources would vary depending on the
site selected for the proposed NGCC alternative. Assuming the NGCC alternative is located at
an existing power plant site (other than SQN) or brownfield site in the region, TVA could further
reduce the potential impacts to historic and cultural resources if effectively managed under
current laws and regulations. However, historic and cultural resources could be affected by the
construction of a new or upgraded gas pipeline. Therefore, the impacts to historic and cultural
resources from the construction and operation of a NGCC alternative at an existing or
brownfield site could range from SMALL to MODERATE assuming that existing gas pipelines
are used or that existing gas pipelines are upgraded.
4.9.4 SCPC Alternative – Historic and Cultural Resources
Land areas affected by the construction of the SCPC alternative would need to be surveyed to
identify and record historic and cultural resources—all potentially affected land areas, including
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
land required for new roads, railroads, transmission corridors, and other right-of-ways (ROWs).
Former industrial (brownfield) sites would need to be surveyed to verify the level of previous
disturbance and to evaluate the potential for cultural resources to be present. Power plant
developers would need to survey cultural resources. Any resources found would need to be
recorded and evaluated for eligibility for listing on the NRHP. Mitigation of adverse effects
would need to be considered if eligible properties were encountered. Areas with the most
significant cultural resources should be avoided. Visual impacts, such as historic property
viewsheds near the proposed power plant site, should also be evaluated.
The potential impacts to historic properties and cultural resources would vary depending on the
site selected for the proposed SCPC alternative. The 500-ft (150-m) cooling towers could
impact the viewshed of historic properties. However, selecting a previously disturbed former
power plant or brownfield site in the TVA region could reduce the potential impacts to historic
and cultural resources if effectively managed under current laws and regulations. Therefore, the
impacts to historic and cultural resources from the construction and operation of a SCPC power
plant would be SMALL.
4.9.5 New Nuclear Alternative – Historic and Cultural Resources
Land areas affected by the construction of the new nuclear alternative would need to be
surveyed to identify and record historic and cultural resources—all potentially affected land
areas, including land required for new roads, transmission corridors, other ROWs. Former plant
sites would need to be surveyed to verify the level of previous disturbance and to evaluate the
potential for cultural resources to be present. Any cultural resources found during these surveys
would need to be recorded and evaluated for eligibility for listing on the NRHP. Mitigation of
adverse effects would need to be considered if eligible properties were encountered. Areas with
the most significant cultural resources should be avoided. Visual impacts, such as historic
property viewsheds near the proposed power plant site, should also be evaluated.
The potential impacts to historic properties and cultural resources would vary depending on the
site selected for the proposed new nuclear alternative. The 500-ft (150-m) cooling towers could
impact the viewshed of historic properties. However, selecting an existing nuclear plant site
(other than SQN) in the TVA Region could further reduce the potential impacts to historic and
cultural resources if effectively managed under current laws and regulations. Therefore, the
impacts to historic and cultural resources from the construction and operation of a new nuclear
power plant would be SMALL.
4.9.6 Combination Alternative – Historic and Cultural Resources
Land areas would also need to be surveyed that could be potentially affected by the
construction and operation of new wind or solar power generation to identify and record historic
and cultural resources, including land required for new roads, transmission corridors, or other
ROWs. Any historic properties found during these surveys would need to be recorded and
evaluated for eligibility for listing on the NRHP. Mitigation of adverse effects would need to be
considered if eligible properties were encountered. Areas with the most significant cultural
resources should be avoided. Visual impacts, such as historic property viewsheds near the
power generating sites, also should be evaluated.
The potential impacts on historic properties and cultural resources would vary, depending on the
sites selected for the proposed power generating components of this combination alternative.
Construction of wind farms and their support infrastructure could impact historic and cultural
resources because of ground-disturbing activities (e.g., grading and digging). Land-based solar
PV installations would require more land than rooftop installations and would have a greater
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
potential impact on historic and cultural resources because of ground-disturbing activities. New
solar PV installations on rooftops would minimize any land disturbances, thereby reducing
impacts to historic and cultural resources. Aesthetic changes caused by the installation of new
wind turbines and solar PV systems would have a noticeable effect on historic property
viewsheds. However, construction of additional wind turbines and solar PV systems within
existing developed solar installations and wind farms could lessen visual impacts to historic
properties. Therefore, the impacts to historic and cultural resources from the construction and
operation of the wind and solar power generation components of this combination alternative
could range from SMALL to LARGE.
4.10 Socioeconomics
This section describes the potential impacts of the proposed action (license renewal) and
alternatives to the proposed action on socioeconomic resources.
4.10.1 Proposed Action
The socioeconomic issues applicable to SQN during the license renewal term are listed in
Table 4–16. Section 3.10 describes the socioeconomic resources.
Table 4–16. Socioeconomic Issues
Employment and income, recreation and tourism
Tax revenues
Community services and education
Population and housing
Source: Table B–1 in Appendix B, Subpart A, to 10 CFR Part 51
Socioeconomic effects of ongoing reactor operations at SQN have become well-established as
regional socioeconomic conditions have adjusted to the presence of the nuclear power plant.
These conditions are described in Section 3.10. Any changes in employment and tax payments
caused by license renewal and any associated refurbishment activities could have a direct and
indirect impact on community services and housing demand, as well as traffic volumes in the
communities around a nuclear power plant.
The supplemental site-specific socioeconomic impact analysis for the SQN license renewal,
included a review of the TVA ER, scoping comments, other information records, and a data
gathering site visit to SQN. The NRC staff did not identify any new and significant information
during the review that would result in impacts that would exceed the predicted socioeconomic
impacts evaluated in the GEIS, and no additional socioeconomic issues were identified beyond
those listed in Table B–1 of Appendix B, Subpart A, to 10 CFR Part 51.
In addition, TVA indicated in their ER that they have no planned refurbishment activities, and do
not plan to add non-outage workers during the license renewal term and that increased
maintenance and inspection activities could be managed using the current workforce.
Consequently, people living in the vicinity of SQN are not likely to experience any changes in
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
socioeconomic conditions during the license renewal term beyond what is currently being
experienced. Therefore, the impact of continued reactor operations during the license renewal
term would not exceed the socioeconomic impacts predicted in the GEIS. For these issues, the
GEIS predicted that the impacts would be SMALL for all nuclear plants.
4.10.2 No-Action Alternative – Socioeconomics Socioeconomic Issues Other Than Transportation
Not renewing the operating licenses and terminating reactor operations would have a noticeable
impact on socioeconomic conditions in the communities located near SQN. The loss of jobs
and income would have an immediate socioeconomic impact. Some, but not all, of the 1,141
SQN employees would begin to leave after reactor operations are terminated; and overall tax
revenue and purchasing activity generated by plant operations would be reduced. As explained
in Chapter 3, TVA payments in lieu of taxes each year are based upon the gross revenues TVA
receives from electricity sales from within the service area, regardless of where the power is
generated (TVA 2013a). However, terminating reactor operations at SQN would reduce the
percentage of power sales and book value of TVA property in Tennessee and, in turn, the
amount of money allocated to the State’s counties and municipalities. Therefore, tax-equivalent
payments to the State of Tennessee would continue, but at a reduced amount. TVA will still be
responsible for producing and distributing electricity (and tax-equivalent payments), even if the
operating licenses for SQN are not renewed (TVA 2013a). The loss of tax revenue could
reduce or eliminate some public and educational services. Indirect employment and income
generated by plant operations would also be reduced.
Former SQN workers and their families could leave in search of employment elsewhere. The
increase in available housing along with decreased demand could cause housing prices to fall.
Since the majority of SQN employees reside in Hamilton and Rhea counties, socioeconomic
impacts from the termination of reactor operations would be concentrated in these counties, with
a corresponding reduction in purchasing activity and tax revenue in the regional economy.
Income and revenue losses from the termination of reactor operations at SQN would directly
affect Hamilton County and nearby communities most reliant on income from power plant
operations. However, the reduction in jobs at SQN would most likely occur gradually as TVA
transitions from reactor operations to decommissioning. Socioeconomic impacts may not be
noticeable in local communities, because this transition may occur over a long period of time.
The socioeconomic impacts from the termination of nuclear plant operations (which may not
entirely cease until after decommissioning) would, depending on the jurisdiction, range from
SMALL to LARGE. Transportation
Traffic congestion caused by commuting workers and truck deliveries on roads in the vicinity of
SQN would be reduced after power plant shutdown. Most of the reduction in traffic volume
would be associated with the loss of jobs. The number of truck deliveries to SQN would be
reduced until decommissioning. Traffic-related transportation impacts would be SMALL as a
result of the shutdown of the nuclear power plant.
4.10.3 NGCC Alternative – Socioeconomics Socioeconomic Issues Other than Transportation
Socioeconomic impacts are defined in terms of changes to the demographic and economic
characteristics and social conditions of a region. For example, the number of jobs created by
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
the construction and operation of a power plant could affect regional employment, income, and
Two types of jobs would be created by this alternative: (1) construction jobs, which are
transient, short in duration, and less likely to have a long-term socioeconomic impact and
(2) power plant operations jobs, which have the greater potential for permanent, long-term
socioeconomic impacts. Workforce requirements for the construction and operation of the
NGCC alternative were evaluated to measure their possible effects on current socioeconomic
Scaling from GEIS estimates, the construction workforce would peak at 2,880 workers
(TVA 2013a). The relative economic effect of this many workers on the local economy and tax
base would vary with the greatest impacts occurring in the communities where the majority of
construction workers would reside and spend their income. As a result, local communities could
experience a short term economic “boom” from increased tax revenue and income generated by
construction expenditures and the increased demand for temporary (rental) housing and public
services as well as commercial services.
After construction, local communities could experience a return to pre-construction economic
conditions. Based on this information and given the number of workers required for this
alternative, socioeconomic impacts during construction in communities near the SQN site could
range from MODERATE to LARGE.
The workforce during power plant operations likely would be 120 to 180 operations workers.
Local communities would experience the economic benefits from increased tax revenue and
income generated by operational expenditures and demand for housing and public services as
well as commercial services. The amount of property tax payments under the NGCC alternative
may also increase if additional land is required to support this alternative.
This alternative would also result in the loss of jobs at SQN and a corresponding reduction in
purchasing activity and revenue contributions to the regional economy. However, the reduction
in jobs at SQN would most likely occur gradually as TVA transitions from reactor operations to
decommissioning. Socioeconomic impacts may not be noticeable in local communities, because
this transition may occur over a long period of time. The socioeconomic impacts of terminating
reactor operations are described in Section Based on this information and given the
number of operations workers required for this alternative, socioeconomic impacts during NGCC
power plant operations on local communities could range from SMALL to MODERATE. Transportation
Transportation impacts associated with construction and operation of a six-unit, NGCC power
plant would consist of commuting workers and truck deliveries of construction materials to the
power plant site. During periods of peak construction activity, up to 2,880 workers could be
commuting daily to the construction site. Workers commuting to the construction site would
arrive via site access roads and the volume of traffic on nearby roads could increase
substantially during shift changes. In addition to commuting workers, trucks would be
transporting construction materials and equipment to the work site, thus increasing the amount
of traffic on local roads. The increase in vehicular traffic would peak during shift changes,
resulting in temporary levels of service impacts and delays at intersections. Pipeline
construction and modification of existing natural gas pipeline systems could also have a
temporary impact. Materials also could be delivered by barge or rail, depending on location of
the NGCC alternative. Traffic-related transportation impacts during construction would likely
range from MODERATE to LARGE.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Traffic-related transportation impacts would be greatly reduced after construction of the NGCC
alternative. Transportation impacts would include daily commuting by the operating workforce,
equipment and materials deliveries, and the removal of commercial waste material to offsite
disposal or recycling facilities by truck. The operations workforce of 120 to 180 likely would not
be noticeable relative to total traffic volumes on local roadways. Since fuel is transported by
pipeline, the transportation infrastructure would experience little to no increased traffic from
plant operations. Overall, given the relatively small operations workforce of 120 to 180 workers,
transportation impacts would be SMALL during power plant operations.
4.10.4 SCPC Alternative – Socioeconomics Socioeconomic Issues Other than Transportation
As explained in Section, two types of jobs would be created by this alternative:
(1) construction jobs, which are transient, short in duration, and less likely to have a long-term
socioeconomic impact and (2) power plant operations jobs, which have the greater potential for
permanent, long-term socioeconomic impacts. Workforce requirements for the construction and
operation of the SCPC alternative were evaluated to measure their possible effects on current
socioeconomic conditions.
Scaling from GEIS estimates, the construction workforce would peak at 2,880 to 6,000 workers
(TVA 2013a). The relative economic effect of this many workers on the local economy and tax
base would vary with the greatest impacts occurring in the communities where the majority of
construction workers would reside and spend their income. As a result, local communities could
experience a short term economic “boom” from increased tax revenue and income generated by
construction expenditures and the increased demand for temporary (rental) housing and public
services as well as commercial services.
After construction, local communities could experience a return to pre-construction economic
conditions. Based on this information and given the number of workers required for this
alternative, socioeconomic impacts during construction in communities near the site could range
The workforce during power plant operations likely would range between 360 and 480
operations workers. Local communities would experience the economic benefits from increased
tax revenue and income generated by operational expenditures and demand for housing and
public as well as commercial services. The amount of property tax payments under the SCPC
alternative may also increase if additional land is required to support this alternative.
This alternative would also result in the loss of jobs at SQN and a corresponding reduction in
purchasing activity and revenue contributions to the regional economy. However, the reduction
in jobs at SQN would most likely occur gradually as TVA transitions from reactor operations to
decommissioning. Socioeconomic impacts may not be noticeable in local communities, because
this transition may occur over a long period of time. The socioeconomic impacts of terminating
reactor operations are described in Section Based on this information and given the
number of operations workers, socioeconomic impacts during SCPC power plant operations on
local communities could range from SMALL to MODERATE. Transportation
Transportation impacts associated with construction and operation of an SCPC power plant
would consist of commuting workers and truck deliveries of construction materials to the power
plant site. During periods of peak construction activity, up to 2,880 to 6,000 workers could be
commuting daily to the construction site. Workers commuting to the construction site would
arrive via site access roads and the volume of traffic on nearby roads could increase
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
substantially during shift changes. In addition to commuting workers, trucks would be
transporting construction materials and equipment to the work site, thereby increasing the
amount of traffic on local roads. The increase in vehicular traffic would peak during shift
changes, resulting in temporary levels of service impacts and delays at intersections. Materials
could also be delivered by rail or barge, depending on location of the SCPC alternative. Trafficrelated transportation impacts during construction would likely range from MODERATE to
Traffic-related transportation impacts on local roads would be greatly reduced after the
completion of the power plant. The estimated maximum number of operations workers
commuting daily to the power plant site could be 480. Frequent coal and limestone deliveries
and ash removal by rail would add to the overall transportation impact. The increase in traffic
on roadways would peak during shift changes, resulting in temporary levels of service impacts
and delays at intersections. Onsite coal storage would make it possible to receive several trains
per day at a site with rail access. If the SCPC power plant is located on navigable waters, coal
and other materials could be delivered by barge. Coal and limestone delivery and ash removal
via rail would cause levels of service impacts because of delays at railroad crossings. Overall,
transportation impacts would be SMALL to MODERATE during SCPC power plant operations.
4.10.5 New Nuclear Alternative – Socioeconomics Socioeconomic Issues Other than Transportation
As explained in Section, two types of jobs would be created by this alternative:
(1) construction jobs, which are transient, short in duration, and less likely to have a long-term
socioeconomic impact and (2) power plant operations jobs, which have the greater potential for
permanent, long-term socioeconomic impacts. Workforce requirements for the construction and
operation of a new nuclear power plant were evaluated to measure their possible effects on
current socioeconomic conditions.
TVA estimated the construction workforce would peak at 5,000 workers (TVA 2013a). The
relative economic effect of this many workers on the local economy and tax base would vary
with the greatest impacts occurring in the communities where the majority of construction
workers would reside and spend their income. As a result, local communities could experience
a short term economic “boom” from increased tax revenue and income generated by
construction expenditures and the increased demand for temporary (rental) housing and public
as well as commercial services.
After construction, local communities could experience a return to pre-construction economic
conditions. Based on this information and given the number of workers required for this
alternative, socioeconomic impacts during construction in communities near the site could range
The workforce during power plant operations likely would range between 540 and 720
operations workers. Some SQN operations workers likely would transfer to the new nuclear
power plant. Local communities would experience the economic benefits from increased tax
revenue and income generated by operational expenditures and demand for housing and public
as well as commercial services. The amount of property tax payments under the new nuclear
alternative may also increase if additional land is required to support this alternative.
This alternative would also result in the loss of jobs at SQN and a corresponding reduction in
purchasing activity and revenue contributions to the regional economy. However, the reduction
in jobs at SQN would most likely occur gradually as TVA transitions from reactor operations to
decommissioning. Socioeconomic impacts may not be noticeable in local communities, because
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
this transition may occur over a long period of time. The socioeconomic impacts of terminating
reactor operations are described in Section Based on this information and given the
number of operations workers required for this alternative, socioeconomic impacts during
nuclear power plant operations on local communities could range from SMALL to MODERATE. Transportation
Transportation impacts associated with construction and operation of a new nuclear power plant
would consist of commuting workers and truck deliveries of construction materials to the power
plant site. During periods of peak construction activity, up to 5,000 workers could be commuting
daily to the construction site (TVA 2013a). Workers commuting to the construction site would
arrive via site access roads and the volume of traffic on nearby roads could increase
substantially during shift changes. In addition to commuting workers, trucks would be
transporting construction materials and equipment to the work site, thereby increasing the
amount of traffic on local roads. The increase in vehicular traffic would peak during shift
changes, resulting in temporary levels of service impacts and delays at intersections. Materials
could also be delivered by rail or barge, depending on the location. Traffic-related
transportation impacts during construction would likely range from MODERATE to LARGE.
Traffic-related transportation impacts on local roads would be greatly reduced after the
completion of the power plant. Transportation impacts would include daily commuting by the
operating workforce, equipment and materials deliveries, and the removal of commercial waste
material to offsite disposal or recycling facilities by truck. Traffic on roadways would peak during
shift changes, resulting in temporary levels of service impacts and delays at intersections.
Overall, at the new nuclear power plant site, transportation impacts would be SMALL to
MODERATE during operations.
4.10.6 Combination Alternative – Socioeconomics Socioeconomic Issues Other Than Transportation
As explained in Section, two types of jobs would be created by this alternative:
(1) construction jobs, which are transient, short in duration, and less likely to have a long-term
socioeconomic impact and (2) operations jobs, which have the greater potential for permanent,
long-term socioeconomic impacts. Workforce requirements for the construction and operation
of wind and solar generation components of this combination alternative were evaluated to
estimate their possible effects on current socioeconomic conditions.
Installation of 2,350-3,150 wind turbines would likely be done in stages and could employ up to
200 construction workers. Additional workers would be required to install solar photovoltaic
systems on existing buildings or structures at already-developed residential, commercial, or
industrial sites. Similar to the wind farms, installation would likely be done in stages and could
also employ up to 200 construction workers.
Conversely, a relatively small number of operations workers (about 50) would be needed to
maintain the wind farm while a similar amount of operations workers (about 50) would be
needed to maintain the photovoltaic systems. Local communities would experience the
economic benefits from increased tax revenue and income generated by operational
expenditures and demand for housing and public as well as commercial services. The amount
of property tax payments under the wind and solar photovoltaic components may also increase
if additional land is required to support this combination alternative.
This combination alternative would also result in the loss of jobs at SQN and a corresponding
reduction in purchasing activity, tax payments, and revenue contributions would occur in the
surrounding regional economy. However, the reduction in jobs at SQN would most likely occur
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
gradually as TVA transitions from reactor operations to decommissioning. Socioeconomic
impacts may not be noticeable in local communities, because this transition may occur over a
long period of time. The socioeconomic impacts of terminating reactor operations are described
in Section Based on this information and given the small numbers of construction and
operations workers required for this alternative, socioeconomic impacts during construction and
operations on local communities would be SMALL. Transportation
Transportation impacts during the construction and operation of the wind and solar components
of this combination alternative would be less than the impacts for any of the previous
alternatives discussed. This is because the construction workforce for each component and the
volume of materials and equipment needing to be transported to the respective construction site
would be smaller than for the individual alternative. In other words, the transportation impacts
would not be concentrated as in the other alternatives, but spread out over a wider area.
Workers commuting to the construction site would arrive via site access roads and the volume
of traffic on nearby roads could increase during shift changes. In addition to commuting
workers, trucks would be transporting construction materials and equipment to the work site,
thereby increasing the amount of traffic on local roads. The increase in vehicular traffic would
peak during shift changes, resulting in temporary levels of service impacts and delays at
intersections. Transporting heavy and oversized components on local roads could have a
noticeable impact over a large area. Some components and materials could also be delivered
by rail or barge, depending on location. Traffic-related transportation impacts during
construction could range from SMALL to MODERATE at the wind farms and solar installations;
depending on current road capacities and average daily traffic volumes.
During operations, transportation impacts would be less noticeable during shift changes and
maintenance activities. Given the small numbers of operations workers, the levels of service
traffic impacts on local roads from wind farm and solar photovoltaic operations would be
4.11 Human Health
This section describes the potential impacts of the proposed action (license renewal) and
alternatives to the proposed action on human health resources.
4.11.1 Proposed Action
The human health resource issues applicable to SQN during the license renewal term are listed
in Table 4–17. Section 3.11 describes the human health resources.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Table 4–17. Human Health Issues
GEIS Section
(a) N/A
Radiation exposures to the public
Radiation exposures to plant workers
Human health impact from chemicals
Microbiological hazards to the public
Microbiological hazards to plant workers
Chronic effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs)
Physical occupational hazards
Electric shock hazards
N/A (not applicable)—The categorization and impact finding definition does not apply to this issue.
Source: Table B–1 in Appendix B, Subpart A, to 10 CFR Part 51 Normal Operating Conditions
Generic Human Health Issues (Category 1)
The NRC staff did not identify any new and significant information during its review of TVA’s ER,
the site audit, or the scoping process for the Category 1 issues listed in Table 4–17. Therefore,
there are no impacts related to these issues beyond those discussed in the GEIS. For these
Category 1 issues, the GEIS concluded that the impacts are SMALL.
Chronic Effects of Electromagnetic Fields
In the GEIS, the chronic effects of 60-Hz electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from power lines were
not designated as Category 1 or 2, and will not be until a scientific consensus is reached on the
health implications of these fields.
The potential for chronic effects from these fields continues to be studied and is not known at
this time. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) directs related
research through the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
The report by NIEHS (NIEHS 1999) contains the following conclusion:
The NIEHS concludes that ELF-EMF (extremely low frequency-electromagnetic
field) exposure cannot be recognized as entirely safe because of weak scientific
evidence that exposure may pose a leukemia hazard. In our opinion, this finding
is insufficient to warrant aggressive regulatory concern. However, because
virtually everyone in the United States uses electricity and therefore is routinely
exposed to ELF-EMF, passive regulatory action is warranted such as continued
emphasis on educating both the public and the regulated community on means
aimed at reducing exposures. The NIEHS does not believe that other cancers or
non-cancer health outcomes provide sufficient evidence of a risk to currently
warrant concern.
This statement is not sufficient to cause the NRC staff to change its position with respect to the
chronic effects of electromagnetic fields. The NRC staff considers the GEIS finding of
“UNCERTAIN” still appropriate and will continue to follow developments on this issue.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Site-Specific Human Health Issues (Category 2)
Microbiological Hazards to the Public
The 2013 GEIS (NRC 2013e) categorizes microbiological hazard to the public as a site-specific
(Category 2) issue that requires an assessment of potential health effects to the public from
microorganisms associated with nuclear power plants with cooling ponds, lakes, canals, or
discharge into rivers. During the license renewal term, members of the public might be exposed
to microbiological hazards just as they might be during operation during the original license
Microbiological hazards to the public are discussed in Section 3.11.3. Potential public exposure
to thermophilic microorganisms from cooling tower or thermal discharge to Chickamauga
Reservoir is limited at SQN. SQN maintains an NPDES permit administered by the State of
Tennessee that limits thermal discharge to a 24-hour downstream temperature of no greater
than 86.9 °F (30.5 °C) during summer months. When the ambient temperature is greater than
84.9 °F (29.4 °C), this restriction can be exceeded, but the permit states that SQN may not have
an hourly average downstream temperature greater than 93.0 °F (33.9 °C) (TVA 2013g). These
temperatures are below the stated optimal growing temperature of approximately 95 °F (35 °C)
for Legionella spp. and 98.6 °F (37 °C) for Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Naegleria fowleri is rarely
found in water temperatures below 95 °F (35 °C). In addition, thermal effluent from SQN is
discharged to Chickamauga Reservoir through two diffuser pipes and mixed with ambient water,
preventing the stagnant water habitat needed for optimal growth of these microorganisms
(TVA 2013g). Further, public boating access to Chickamauga Reservoir is located downstream
and opposite of SQN, and public swimming access occurs more than 3 mi (5 km) downstream
from SQN (NRC 2013e; TVA 2013g).
The NRC staff concludes that Chickamauga Reservoir water conditions and SQN operation are
not likely to encourage the growth of the microbiological organisms of concern and present an
exposure hazard to the public. The NRC staff concludes that impacts on public health from
thermophilic microbiological organisms from continued operation of SQN in the license renewal
period would be SMALL.
Electric Shock Hazards
Based on the GEIS, the Commission found that electric shock resulting from direct access to
energized conductors or from induced charges in metallic structures has not been found to be a
problem at most operating plants and generally is not expected to be a problem during the
license renewal term. However, a site-specific review is required to determine the significance
of the electric shock potential along the portions of the transmission lines that are within the
scope of this SEIS.
As discussed in Section 3.11.4, TVA performed an evaluation of its transmission lines to
determine whether the lines conform to the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) criteria for
induced electric shock. The TVA evaluation concluded that nine spans of its transmission lines
exceeded the NESC criteria.
In accordance with 10 CFR Part 51.53(c)(3)(iii), TVA has provided information on actions it is
considering to reduce the potential impacts from those transmission lines that exceed the NESC
standard. TVA has a 500-kV transmission line uprate program with defined projects in the
planning and design stage which will correct the deficiencies. These projects are all scheduled
for completion by June 2017, before the end of SQN’s current operating license (TVA 2013g).
Based on TVA’s stated plans to correct the deficiencies with the affected transmission line
spans to achieve conformance with the NESC criteria during its current license term and its
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
expected conformance with the standard during the license renewal term, the NRC staff
concludes that the potential impacts from acute electric shock during the license renewal term
would be SMALL. Environmental Impacts of Postulated Accidents
This section describes environmental impacts from postulated accidents that might occur during
the period of extended operation at SQN. The term “accident” refers to any unintentional event
outside the normal plant operational envelope that results in a release or the potential for
release of radioactive materials into the environment. Two classes of postulated accidents are
evaluated in the GEIS. These are design-basis accidents and severe accidents.
Design-Basis Accidents
To receive U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) approval to operate a nuclear power
facility, an applicant for an initial operating license must submit a safety analysis report (SAR) as
part of its application. The SAR presents the design criteria and design information for the
proposed reactor and comprehensive data on the proposed site. The SAR also discusses
various hypothetical accident situations and the safety features that are provided to prevent and
mitigate accidents. The NRC staff reviews the application to determine whether the plant
design meets the Commission’s regulations and requirements and includes, in part, the nuclear
plant design and its anticipated response to an accident.
Design-basis accidents are those accidents that both the licensee and NRC staff evaluate to
ensure that the plant can withstand normal and abnormal transients, and a broad spectrum of
postulated accidents, without undue hazard to the health and safety of the public. A number of
these postulated accidents are not expected to occur during the life of the plant, but are
evaluated to establish the design basis for the preventive and mitigative safety systems of the
facility. The acceptance criteria for design-basis accidents are described in 10 CFR Part 50 and
10 CFR Part 100.
The environmental impacts of design-basis accidents are evaluated during the initial licensing
process, and the ability of the plant to withstand these accidents is demonstrated to be
acceptable before issuance of the operating license. The results of these evaluations are found
in licensee documentation such as the applicant’s final safety analysis report, the safety
evaluation report, the final environmental statement (FES), and this section of the supplemental
environmental impact statement (SEIS). A licensee is required to maintain the acceptable
design and performance criteria throughout the life of the plant, including any extended-life
operation. The consequences for these events are evaluated for the hypothetical maximum
exposed individual; as such, changes in the plant environment will not affect these evaluations.
Because licensees are required to assess operational consequences and maintain aging
management programs for the period of extended operation, the environmental impacts as
calculated for design-basis accidents should not differ significantly from initial licensing
assessments over the life of the plant, including the period of extended operation. Accordingly,
the design of the plant relative to design-basis accidents during the period of extended
operation is considered to remain acceptable and the environmental impacts of those accidents
were not examined further in the GEIS.
Based on information in the GEIS, the Commission found that:
The environmental impacts of design-basis accidents are SMALL for all nuclear
plants. Due to the requirements for nuclear plants to maintain their licensing
basis and implement aging management programs during the license renewal
term, the environmental impacts during a license renewal term should not differ
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
significantly from those calculated for the design-basis accident assessments
conducted as part of the initial plant licensing process.
For the purposes of license renewal, design-basis accidents are designated as a Category 1
issue (Table 4–18). The early resolution of the design-basis accidents makes them a part of the
current licensing basis of the plant; the current licensing basis of the plant is to be maintained by
the licensee under its current license and, therefore, under the provisions of 10 CFR Part 54.30,
is not subject to review under license renewal.
Table 4–18. Issues Related to Postulated Accident
Design-basis accidents
Severe accidents
Source: Table B–1 in Appendix B, Subpart A, to 10 CFR Part 51
Severe Accidents
Severe nuclear accidents are those that are more severe than design-basis accidents because
they could result in substantial damage to the reactor core, whether or not there are serious
offsite consequences. In the GEIS, the staff assessed the impacts of severe accidents during
the license renewal period, using the results of existing analyses and site-specific information to
conservatively predict the environmental impacts of severe accidents for each plant during the
renewal period.
Severe accidents initiated by external phenomena such as tornadoes, floods, earthquakes,
fires, and sabotage have not traditionally been discussed in quantitative terms in FESs and
were not specifically considered for SQN in the GEIS (NRC 2013e). In Section 1.7.6 of the
GEIS (NRC 2013), NRC states that neither decisions nor recommendations will be made in the
GEIS regarding earthquakes (seismicity) or flooding at nuclear power plants. Described in
Section 1.7.4 of the GEIS, the risk from intruders (which includes terrorist-related activities)
against nuclear power plants is not unique to facilities requesting license renewal. As discussed
in the Statements of Consideration for the 10 CFR Part 54 rulemaking, the Commission has
determined that there is no need for a special review of security issues in the context of an
environmental review for license renewal. The NRC routinely assesses threats and other
information provided by other Federal agencies and sources. The NRC also ensures that
licensees meet their security requirements through its ongoing regulatory process (routine
inspections) as a current and generic regulatory issue that affects all nuclear power plants.
Based on information in the GEIS, the Commission found that:
The probability-weighted consequences of atmospheric releases, fallout onto
open bodies of water, releases to groundwater, and societal and economic
impacts from severe accidents are small for all plants. However, alternatives to
mitigate severe accidents must be considered for all plants that have not
considered such alternatives.
As described in the Design Basis Events section, information related to external flooding does
not affect the impacts discussed in the GEIS. The NRC’s assessment of flood hazards for
existing nuclear power plants is a separate and distinct process from license renewal reviews.
As indicated in the GEIS (NRC 2013e), seismic and flood hazard issues are addressed by the
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
NRC on an ongoing basis at all licensed nuclear facilities. However, in accordance with
10 CFR Part 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(L), the NRC staff has reviewed severe accident mitigation
alternatives (SAMAs) analysis provided by TVA for SQN. The results of the review are
discussed in the Severe Accident Mitigation Alternatives section below.
Severe Accident Mitigation Alternatives
If the NRC staff has not previously evaluated SAMAs for the applicant’s plant in an
environmental impact statement (EIS) or related supplement or in an environmental
assessment, 10 CFR Part 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(L) requires a consideration of alternatives to mitigate
severe accidents. SAMAs have not been previously considered for SQN; therefore, the
remainder of Section addresses SAMAs. The purpose of this consideration of SAMAs
is to ensure that plant changes (i.e., hardware, procedures, and training) with the potential for
improving severe accident safety performance are identified and evaluated. Pursuant to
10 CFR Part 54, the only changes that must be implemented by the applicant as part of the
license renewal process are those that are identified as being cost beneficial, that provide a
significant reduction in total risk, and that are related to adequately managing the effects of
aging during the period of extended operation.
Overview of SAMA Process
This section presents a summary of the SAMA evaluation for SQN as described in the
TVA’s ER (TVA 2013a), additional requested information (TVA 2013c), and the review of those
evaluations. The entire evaluation is presented in Appendix F. The NRC staff performed its
review with contract assistance from the Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses. The
NRC staff review is available in full in Appendix F; the complete SAMA evaluation is available in
Attachment E of TVA’s ER.
The SAMA evaluation for SQN was conducted with a four-step approach. In the first step, TVA
quantified the level of risk associated with potential reactor accidents using the plant-specific
probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) and other risk models. In the second step, TVA examined
the major risk contributors and identified possible ways (SAMAs) of reducing that risk. Common
ways of reducing risk are changes to components, systems, procedures, and training. In the
third step, TVA estimated the benefits and the costs associated with each of the candidate
SAMAs. Estimates were made of how much each SAMA could reduce risk. Those estimates
were developed in terms of dollars in accordance with NRC guidance for performing regulatory
analyses. The costs of implementing the candidate SAMAs were also estimated. In the fourth
step, TVA compared the cost and benefit of each of the remaining SAMAs to determine whether
each SAMA was cost beneficial, meaning the benefits of the SAMA exceeded its cost.
Estimate of Risk
TVA submitted an assessment of SAMAs for SQN as part of the ER (TVA 2013d). The
assessment was based on the most recent revision to the PRA for each unit, including an
internal events model and a plant-specific offsite consequence analysis performed using the
WinMACCS Version 3.6.0 computer code, and insights from the SQN individual plant
examination (IPE) submittals (TVA 1992, 1998) and individual plant examination of external
events (IPEEE) submittals (TVA 1995, 1999).
TVA’s determination of offsite risk at SQN is based on the following three major analysis
elements: (1) essentially new Level 1 and 2 risk models that replace the original 1992 and
revised 1998 IPE submittals (TVA 1992, 1998), (2) analyses of the 1995 and 1999 IPEEE
submittals (TVA 1995, 1999), and (3) the combination of offsite consequence measures from
WinMACCS analyses with release frequencies and radionuclide source terms from the Level 2
PRA model.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
The SQN Unit 1 core damage frequency (CDF) is approximately 3.0×10−5 per reactor-year while
the Unit 2 CDF is approximately 3.5×10−5 per reactor-year. These values were used as the
baseline CDF in the SAMA evaluations (TVA 2013d). The CDF is based on the risk
assessment for internally initiated events, which includes internal flooding. TVA did not explicitly
include the contribution from external events within the SQN risk estimates; however, it did
account for the potential risk reduction benefits for individual SAMAs associated with external
events by multiplying the estimated benefits for internal events by a factor of 2.9 for Unit 1 and
2.6 for Unit 2. This is discussed further in Appendix F, Sections F.2.2 and F.6.2. Using the
calculated risk reduction as a quantitative measure of the potential benefit from SAMA
implementation, TVA performed a cost-benefit comparison, as described in the Cost-Benefit
Comparison section.
The breakdown of CDF by initiating event is provided in Table 4–19. As shown in this table,
Internal Flooding, Loss of All Component Cooling Water and Stuck Open Safety/Relief Valve
are the dominant contributors to the CDF in both units. Station blackout (SBO) and anticipated
transients without scram (ATWS) are not listed in Table 4–19 because multiple initiators
contribute to their occurrence. Station blackout contributes about 13 percent and 10 percent to
the occurrence of severe accidents for Units 1 and 2, respectively (3.9×10−6 per reactor-year
and 3.6×10−6 per reactor-year) of the total CDF while anticipated transients without scram
(ATWS) contribute about 14 percent and 12 percent for Units 1 and 2, respectively,
(4.1×10−6 per reactor-year for each unit) to the total CDF. In a subsequent correction to the
ATWS model, TVA indicated that ATWS contributes about 2 percent and 2.3 percent to the total
CDF for Units 1 and 2, respectively (TVA 2013c).
The Level 2 SQN PRA model that forms the basis for the SAMA evaluation is essentially a new
model for SQN. The Level 2 model was developed with a focus on the quantification of Large
Early Release Frequency (LERF) but does include the development of other end states. The
Level 2 model utilizes containment event trees (CETs) containing both phenomenological and
systemic events. The core damage sequences from the Level 1 PRA are binned into plant
damage states based on similar characteristics that influence the accident progression following
core damage. These bins provide the interface between the Level 1 and Level 2 CET analyses.
The CETs are linked directly to the Level 1 event trees and CET nodes based on the plant
damage states.
The CET considers the influence of physical and chemical processes on the integrity of the
containment and on the release of fission products once core damage has occurred. Each CET
sequence was assigned to one of seven end state categories. Four of these categories
represent LERF with the remaining representing late and small early releases and an intact
containment. These end states were subsequently grouped into 12 release categories (or
release modes) that provide the input to the Level 3 consequence analysis. The frequency of
each release category was obtained by summing the frequency of the individual accident
progression CET endpoints binned into the release category. The determination of the
characteristics for each release category was based on representative accident scenarios that
reflect the core damage and containment behavior for the dominant sequence or sequences
within a plant damage state and the dominant Level 2 sequence within the release category.
The source terms for the representative scenarios were based on a SEQSOR emulation
spreadsheet methodology. The results of this analysis for SQN are provided in Table E.1-15 of
ER Attachment E (TVA 2013d).
Unit 1
Percent CDF
Unit 2 CDF
(per year)
Percentages were rounded to the nearest whole percent for reporting and may not sum to 100 percent because of round off error.
Train A is listed as Train 1A for Unit 1 and Train 2A for Unit 2.
Multiple initiating events with each contributing less than 1 percent.
Initiating Event
Internal Flooding
Loss of All Component Cooling Water
Stuck Open Safety/Relief Valve
Secondary ide Break Outside of Containment
Losses of Main Feedwater
Reactor Trip
Loss of Train A Component Cooling Water
Loss of Instrument Boards
Other Initiating Events
Loss of Offsite Power
Turbine Trip
Small Loss of Coolant Accident
Total CDF (Internal Events)
Unit 1 CDF
(per year)
Table 4–19. SQN Units 1 and 2 CDF for Internal Events
Unit 2
Percent CDF
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
TVA computed offsite consequences for potential releases of radiological material using the
WinMACCS Version 3.6.0 code and analyzed exposure and economic impacts from its
determination of offsite and onsite risks. Inputs for these analyses include plant-specific and
site-specific input values for core radionuclide inventory, source term and release
characteristics, site meteorological data, projected population distribution and growth within a
50-mile radius, emergency response evacuation modeling, and economic data. Because of the
similarity of the reactor cores at Watts Bar Unit 1, SQN Unit 1, and SQN Unit 2, the radionuclide
inventory for the SQN SAMA analysis is based on the core inventory for Watts Bar Unit 1
multiplied by the power ratio of the SQN Unit 1 power of 1,148 MWe to the Watts Bar Unit 1
power of 1,123 MWe (TVA 2013d, Attachment E). Although the SQN Unit 2 power was slightly
lower at 1,126 MWe, the same core inventory for SQN Unit 1 was conservatively used for the
SQN Unit 2 consequence analysis. The estimation of onsite impacts (in terms of cleanup and
decontamination costs and occupational dose) is based on guidance in NUREG/BR–0184
(NRC 1997).
In the ER, the applicant estimated the dose risk to the population within 80 km (50 mi) of the
SQN site to be 0.450 person-sievert (Sv) per year (45.0 person-rem per year) for Unit 1 and
0.439 person-Sv per year (43.9 person-rem per year) for Unit 2 (TVA 2013a, Tables E.1-20 and
E.1-21). The breakdown of the population dose risk by containment release mode is
summarized in Table 4–20. Late containment failure releases and large early releases caused
by containment isolation failures accounted for approximately 79 and 75 percent of the
population dose risk at Units 1 and 2, respectively. Late containment failure releases alone
contributed approximately 47 and 45 percent of the population dose risk at Units 1 and 2. Late
containment failure releases and large early releases caused by containment isolation failures
accounted for approximately 85 and 83 percent of the offsite economic cost risk at Units 1 and
2, respectively. Late containment failure releases alone contributed approximately 58 and 56
percent of the offsite economic cost risk at Units 1 and 2.
The NRC staff has reviewed TVA’s data and evaluation methods and concludes that the quality
of the risk analyses is adequate to support an assessment of the risk reduction potential for
candidate SAMAs. Accordingly, the staff based its assessment of offsite risk on the CDFs and
offsite doses reported by TVA.
Unit 2
Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 2
Population Dose Risk
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 1
Unit 2
Offsite Economic Cost Risk
Unit Conversion Factor: 1 Sv = 100 rem
Release Category Descriptions
I – Large early releases with containment failures
II – Large early releases with containment isolation failures
III – Large early releases with containment bypass
IV – Late containment failure release
V – Small early release with some mitigation
Percentages are rounded to the nearest whole percent for reporting and may not sum to 100 percent because of roundoff error.
Unit 2
Unit 1
Frequency (per year)
Release Mode
Table 4–20. Base Case Mean Population Dose Risk and Offsite Economic Cost Risk for Internal Events
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Potential Plant Improvements
The TVA’s process for identifying potential plant improvements (SAMAs) consisted of the
following elements:
review of industry documents including NEI 05-01 (NEI 2005) and 12 other
plant SAMA analyses for potential cost-beneficial SAMA candidates,
review of potential plant improvements identified in the SQN IPE and IPEEE,
review of the risk significant events in the current SQN PRA Levels 1 and 2
models for modifications to include in the comprehensive list of SAMA
Based on this process, an initial set of 309 candidate SAMAs, referred to as Phase I SAMAs,
were identified. In Phase I of the evaluation, TVA performed a qualitative screening of the initial
list of SAMAs and eliminated SAMAs from further consideration using the following criteria:
The SAMA is not applicable to SQN.
The SAMA has already been implemented at SQN.
The SAMA is similar in nature and could be combined with another SAMA
The SAMA has an estimated implementation cost in excess of the Modified
Maximum Averted Cost Risk (MMACR).
The SAMA is related to non-risk significant systems.
A plant improvement that addresses the intent of the SAMA is already in
Based on this screening, a total of 262 SAMAs were eliminated leaving 47 for further evaluation.
The remaining SAMAs, referred to as Phase II SAMAs, are listed in Tables E.2-1 and E.2-2 of
Attachment E to the ER (TVA 2013a). In Phase II, a detailed evaluation was performed for each
of the 47 remaining SAMA candidates.
The NRC staff concludes that TVA used a systematic and comprehensive process for
identifying potential plant improvements for SQN, and that the set of SAMAs evaluated in the
ER, together with those evaluated in response to NRC staff inquiries, is reasonably
comprehensive and, therefore, acceptable. The NRC staff evaluation included reviewing
insights from the SQN plant-specific risk studies that included internal initiating events as well as
fire, seismic, and other external initiated events, and reviewing plant improvements considered
in previous SAMA analyses.
Evaluation of Risk Reduction and Costs of Improvements
In the ER, the applicant evaluated the risk-reduction potential of the 47 SAMAs that were not
screened out in the Phase I analysis and retained for the Phase II evaluation. The SAMA
evaluations were performed using generally conservative assumptions.
Except for one SAMA associated with internal fires, TVA used model requantification to
determine the potential benefits for each SAMA. The CDF, population dose, and offsite
economic cost reductions were estimated using the SQN SAMA PRA model for the SAMAs not
associated with fire events. The changes made to the model to quantify the impact of SAMAs
are detailed in Section E.2.3 of Attachment E to the ER (TVA 2013a). Bounding evaluations
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
were performed to address specific SAMA candidates or groups of similar SAMA candidates.
For the fire related SAMA 287, the benefit was determined by assuming the conditional core
damage probability and the associated CDF for the four fire compartments involved was
reduced by a factor of 10. The evaluation assumed that all release category frequencies were
reduced by the same percentage as CDF. The reduced CDF and release category frequencies
were then used to determine the reduction in population dose and offsite economic cost in a
manner similar to all other SAMAs (TVA 2013c). The NRC staff notes that the above, as
applied by TVA, included increasing the benefit by the external event multiplier which is a
significant conservatism because the SAMAs would only impact the fire CDF.
For the SAMAs determined to be potentially cost beneficial, Table 4–22 lists the assumptions
made to estimate the risk reduction for each of the evaluated SAMAs, the estimated risk
reduction in terms of percent reduction in CDF, population dose risk and offsite economic cost
risk, and the estimated total benefit (present value) of the averted risk. The estimated benefits
reported in Table 4–22 reflect the combined benefit in both internal and external events. The
determination of the benefits for the various SAMAs is further discussed in Appendix F,
Section F.6.
TVA estimated the costs of implementing the 47 Phase II SAMAs through the use of other
licensees’ estimates for similar improvements and the development of site-specific cost
estimates where appropriate.
In Table 4–21 below, TVA indicated the following cost ranges were utilized based on the review
of previous SAMA applications and an evaluation of expected implementation costs at SQN.
Table 4–21. Estimated Cost Ranges of SAMA Implementation Costs at SQN
Type of Change
Estimated Cost Range
Procedural only
Procedural change with engineering or training required
$50K to $200K
Procedural change with engineering and testing or
training required
$200K to $300K
Hardware modification
$100K to >$1,000K
TVA stated that the SQN site-specific cost estimates were based on the engineering judgment
of project engineers experienced in performing design changes at the facility and were
compared, where possible, to estimates developed and used at plants of similar design and
Unit 1
Internal and
($1,430) #
Unit 2 Percent Risk
Unit 2
Internal and
Assumption: A bounding analysis was performed by eliminating the failure of cooling to the compressors. This includes compressors for the
auxiliary compressed air system and the compressed air system. In response to an RAI, determined by TVA to be potentially cost beneficial.
control valves
Assumption: A bounding analysis was performed by eliminating the failure of the existing flow control valves.
87—Replace service and instrument
air compressors with more reliable
Assumption: The fault trees for the component cooling water system were modified to reflect that failure of multiple pumps was required to cease
flow to the respective heat exchanger train.
5.12% 5.01% 3.33%
70—Install accumulators for turbine
driven auxiliary feedwater pump flow
Assumption: A bounding analysis was performed by eliminating the failure of the manual action required to align high-pressure recirculation
(HARR1) by setting the event to false.
45—Enhance procedural guidance
for use of cross-tied component
cooling pumps
Assumption: To assess the benefit of increased training on loss of two 120V alternating current buses causing inadvertent actuation signals, the
inadvertent actuation of safety injection was removed from the model. In response to an RAI, determined by TVA to be potentially cost beneficial.
32—Automatically align emergency
31.8% 8.9%
core cooling system to recirculation
Individual SAMA and Assumption
8—Increase training on response to
loss of two 120V alternating current
Unit 1 Percent Risk
Percentage Risk Reductions Are Presented for CDF, Population Dose Risk (PDR), and Offsite Economic Cost Risk (OECR)
Table 4–22. Potentially Cost-Beneficial SAMAs for Units 1 and 2 of the SQN
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Unit 1
Internal and
Unit 2 Percent Risk
Unit 2
Internal and
Assumption: A bounding analysis was performed by changing the model so that the refueling water storage tank was always available. This
included removing refueling water storage tank rupture, as well as failure to deliver flow from the refueling water storage tank to containment
spray pumps A and B. In addition, the failure probability of the human action to align high-pressure recirculation (HARR1) was decreased by half
to account for the increased time that the operator would have to perform this action.
160—Implement procedures for
temporary heating, ventilation, and
air conditioning
Assumption: The analysis was performed by adding a human action to provide temporary cooling (failure frequency of 10 ) for the following
areas given cooler/ventilation failure: turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump room; residual heat removal pump rooms A and B; safety injection
pump rooms A and B, containment spray room; centrifugal charging pump cooler rooms A and B; and space coolers A and B for boric acid
transfer pump and auxiliary feedwater pumps.
Assumption: A bounding analysis was performed by modifying the atmospheric relief valve fault tree logic for all four valves to remove their
dependence on compressed air.
105—Delay containment spray
16.0% 5.0%
actuation after a large loss of coolant
106—Install automatic containment
16.0% 5.0%
spray pump header throttle valves
249—High volume makeup to the
16.0% 5.0%
refueling water storage tank
Individual SAMA and Assumption
88—Install nitrogen bottles as
backup gas supply for safety relief
Unit 1 Percent Risk
Table 4–22. Potentially Cost-Beneficial SAMAs for Units 1 and 2 of the SQN (continued)
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Unit 1
Internal and
Unit 2 Percent Risk
Unit 2
Internal and
Assumption: The analysis was performed by reducing the overall failure probability of important flooding human actions, with the flood multiplier
for important human actions reduced by a factor of two.
279—Improve internal flooding
response procedures and training to
improve the response to internal
flooding events
Assumption: A bounding analysis was performed by eliminating spray initiators from the motor-driven auxiliary feedwater pumps, and space
coolers used to cool motor-driven auxiliary feedwater pumps.
275—Install spray protection on
motor-driven auxiliary feedwater
pumps and pump space coolers
Assumption: The analysis was performed by eliminating the failure of the component cooling water system and auxiliary feedwater space
268—Perform an evaluation of the
component cooling water
system/auxiliary feedwater area
cooling requirements
Assumption: This analysis was used to evaluate the change in plant risk from providing a means to ensure reactor coolant pump seal cooling so
that reactor coolant pump seal loss of coolant accidents are precluded for station backout events. The analysis was performed by adding an
additional seal cooling system to the logic “anded” with the existing reactor coolant pump thermal barrier cooling logic. The new seal cooling
system with independent power source was given an unavailability of 0.05, which is representative of a single pump train system.
Individual SAMA and Assumption
215—Provide a means to ensure
reactor coolant pump seal cooling so
that reactor coolant pump seal loss
of coolant accidents are precluded
for station blackout events
Unit 1 Percent Risk
Table 4–22. Potentially Cost-Beneficial SAMAs for Units 1 and 2 of the SQN (continued)
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Unit 1
Internal and
Unit 2 Percent Risk
Unit 2
Internal and
288—Install spray protection on
component cooling water system
pumps and component cooling water
system/auxiliary feedwater space
Assumption: A bounding analysis was performed by eliminating spray initiator events from the component cooling water system pumps and
component cooling water system/auxiliary feedwater space coolers fault tree logic.
Assumption: The analysis was performed by removing the failure of important equipment from certain floods to simulate watertight doors.
286—Install flood doors to prevent
water propagation in the electric
board room
Assumption: The analysis was performed by adding a factor to the flooding initiators that resulted in reduced spray damage to the turbine
building distribution boards and the raw cooling water pumps to simulate addition of spray shields. The spray shield was given a failure
probability of 10 .
285—Protect important equipment in
the turbine building from internal
Assumption: A bounding analysis was performed by reducing the failure probability of important human actions by 10 percent. The human error
probability dependency factors for important human actions were also improved by 10 percent.
Individual SAMA and Assumption
283—Provide frequent awareness
training to plant staff on important
human actions
Unit 1 Percent Risk
Table 4–22. Potentially Cost-Beneficial SAMAs for Units 1 and 2 of the SQN (continued)
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Unit 1
Internal and
Unit 2 Percent Risk
Unit 2
Internal and
Value in parentheses represents the larger benefit calculated in the sensitivity analysis (TVA 2013d, Attachment E, Tables E.2-3 and E.2-4).
* TVA identified that implementation costs could be shared between Units 1 and 2 for this SAMA and considered the combined total averted cost risk from both
Units 1 and 2 in the cost-benefit evaluation.
By assessing the sensitivity analysis and the resulting increases in estimated benefits (shown in parentheses), TVA considered the following additional SAMAs
to be potentially cost beneficial for either one or both of the units: SAMA 32 (Unit 2), SAMA 88 (Units 1 and 2), SAMA 160 (Unit 2), SAMA 249 (Units 1 and 2),
SAMA 275 (Units 1 and 2), SAMA 285 (Units 1 and 2), SAMA 286 (Units 1 and 2), SAMA 288 (Units 1 and 2), and SAMA 289 (Units 1 and 2).
For the baseline results presented in this table, SAMA 160 was considered potentially cost beneficial for Unit 1 only. However, TVA considered SAMA 160 to
be potentially cost beneficial for Unit 2 based on the sensitivity results (shown in parentheses).
SAMAs 286 and 288 were considered to be potentially cost beneficial, because implementation costs could be shared between Units 1 and 2 and the
sensitivity analysis results for the combined total averted cost risk from both units (shown in parentheses) exceeded the SAMA implementation cost.
Additional analyses performed by TVA for the loss of two busses indicated that averted cost risk could exceed $50,000 (TVA 2013c).
Individual SAMA and Assumption
289—Install backup cooling system
$2,219,000* 21.7% 19.1% 22.6%
13.7% 16.0% 19.2%
for component cooling water
system/auxiliary feedwater space
Assumption: The analysis was performed by adding a backup space cooler to the fault tree logic, such that failure of the existing and backup
coolers is required for failure of the component cooling water system and auxiliary feedwater space coolers.
Unit 1 Percent Risk
Table 4–22. Potentially Cost-Beneficial SAMAs for Units 1 and 2 of the SQN (continued)
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
In response to an NRC staff RAI to provide further information as to what was included in the
SQN cost estimates, TVA indicated that the cost estimates were done in 2012 dollars and
included contingency costs and capital overhead. Cost estimates from past projects were used
when applicable. For cost estimates that were not based directly on past projects, itemized cost
estimates were developed where applicable and appropriate. Specific hardware costs from
recent projects such as piping, valves, electrical cable, and switchgear were used when
applicable. Engineering estimates were based on typical man-hours costs for design changes.
Training costs were developed based on the man-hours needed to prepare operator training
materials. Cost input was received from the electrical, mechanical, and civil disciplines as
required. The cost estimates were reviewed by the project manager and/or the discipline
engineering managers when warranted. Replacement power, lifetime maintenance, escalation
and inflation were not considered in the estimate (TVA 2013c).
The NRC staff reviewed the applicant’s cost estimates, presented in Tables E.2-1 and E.2-2 of
Attachment E to the ER (TVA 2013a). For certain improvements, the NRC staff also compared
the cost estimates to estimates developed elsewhere for similar improvements, including
estimates developed as part of other licensees’ analyses of SAMAs for operating reactors. With
requested clarifications for a few SAMAs (TVA 2013c), NRC staff concludes that the cost
estimates provided by TVA are sufficient and appropriate for use in the SAMA evaluation.
Cost-Benefit Comparison
If the implementation costs for a candidate SAMA exceeded the calculated benefit, the SAMA
was determined to be not cost beneficial. If the benefit exceeded the estimated cost, the SAMA
candidate was considered to be cost beneficial. Sensitivity analyses performed by the applicant
can lead to increases in the calculated benefits. Two sensitivity cases were developed by TVA:
one used a discount rate of 3 percent and the other used an alternative value for failure
probability to explicitly account for uncertainty and include margin into cost-benefit evaluation.
Additional details on the sensitivity analysis are presented in Appendix F, Section F.6.2.
The TVA’s baseline cost-benefit analysis identified nine and eight candidate SAMAs as
potentially cost beneficial for Units 1 and 2, respectively. From a sensitivity analysis, TVA
identified an additional seven and nine candidate SAMAs as potentially cost beneficial for
Units 1 and 2, respectively. Results of the cost-benefit evaluation are presented in Table 4–22
for these potentially cost-beneficial SAMAs.
In response to NRC RAI, TVA identified 4 additional SAMA candidates as potentially cost
beneficial for both units. These additional cost-beneficial SAMAs arose from the NRC
evaluation of the baseline SAMA analysis and questioning on potentially lower cost alternatives.
In response to NRC staff RAI on the SAMA analyses, TVA indicated that SAMA 8—to increase
training on response to loss of two 120V AC busses—and SAMA 87—to replace service and
instrument air compressors with more reliable compressors—will be retained as potentially cost
beneficial for both units (TVA 2013c).
In its response to questions on potentially lower cost alternatives, TVA identified two additional
SAMA candidates as potentially cost beneficial for (1) human actions to automatically trip the
RCP on loss of CCW and (2) manufacturing a gagging device for a steam generator safety
valve and developing a procedure or work order for closing a stuck-open valve (TVA 2013c).
These two potentially cost-beneficial SAMAs are not listed in Table 4–22.
TVA indicated that the potentially cost-beneficial SAMAs will be considered in the
design process.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
TVA considered 309 candidate SAMAs based on risk-significant contributors at SQN from
updated probabilistic safety assessment models, SAMA-related industry documentation,
plant-specific enhancements not in published industry documentations, and its review of SAMA
candidates from potential improvements at twelve other plants. Phase I screening reduced the
list to 47 unique SAMA candidates by eliminating SAMAs that were not applicable to SQN, had
already been implemented at SQN, were combined into a more comprehensive or plant-specific
SAMA, had excessive implementation cost, had a very low benefit, or relate to in-progress
implementation of plant improvements that address the intent of the SAMA.
For the remaining SAMA candidates, TVA performed a cost-benefit analysis. The baseline
cost-benefit analysis identified nine and eight candidate SAMAs as potentially cost-beneficial for
Units 1 and 2, respectively. From a sensitivity analysis, TVA identified an additional seven and
nine candidate SAMAs as potentially cost beneficial for Units 1 and 2, respectively. In response
to NRC staff RAI, TVA identified 4 additional SAMA candidates as potentially cost beneficial for
both units. These additional cost-beneficial SAMAs arose from the NRC evaluation of the
baseline SAMA analysis and questioning on potentially lower cost alternatives. In response to
NRC staff RAI on the SAMA analyses, TVA indicated that SAMA 8—to increase training on
response to loss of two 120V AC busses—and SAMA 87—to replace service and instrument air
compressors with more reliable compressors—will be retained as potentially cost beneficial for
both units. In its response to questions on potentially lower cost alternatives, TVA identified two
additional SAMA candidates as potentially cost beneficial for (1) human actions to automatically
trip the RCP on loss of CCW and (2) manufacturing a gagging device for a steam generator
safety valve and developing a procedure or work order for closing a stuck-open valve.
The NRC staff reviewed TVA’s SAMA analysis and concludes that, subject to the discussion in
this section and Appendix F, the methods used and implementation of the methods were sound.
As mentioned in Section F.3.2, the new improved flood mitigation systems to be installed at
SQN Units 1 and 2 would be expected to reduce the risk from all external events and possibly
some internal events. These new systems are additional plant improvements to which TVA has
committed. On the basis of the applicant’s treatment of SAMA benefits and costs, NRC staff
finds that the SAMA evaluations performed by TVA are reasonable and sufficient for the license
renewal submittal.
The staff concurs with TVA’s conclusion that 20 candidate SAMAs are potentially cost beneficial
for SQN Unit 1 and 21 candidate SAMAs are potentially cost beneficial for SQN Unit 2, which
was based on generally conservative treatment of costs, benefits, and uncertainties. This
conclusion of a moderate number of potentially cost-beneficial SAMAs is consistent with a
moderately large population within 50 mi (80 km) of SQN and moderate level of residual risk
indicated in the SQN PRA.
Additionally, the NRC staff evaluated the identified potentially cost-beneficial SAMAs to
determine if they are in the scope of license renewal, i.e., they are subject to aging
management. This evaluation considers whether the systems, structures, and components
(SSCs) associated with these SAMAs: (1) perform their intended function without moving parts
or without a change in configuration or properties and (2) that these SSCs are not subject to
replacement based on qualified life or specified time period. The NRC staff determined that
these SAMAs do not relate to adequately managing the effects of aging during the period of
extended operation. Therefore, they need not be implemented as part of license renewal in
accordance with 10 CFR Part 54, “Requirements for renewal of operating licenses for nuclear
power plants.”
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
4.11.2 No-Action Alternative
Human health risks would be smaller following plant shutdown. The two reactor units, which are
currently operating within regulatory limits, would emit less radioactive gaseous, liquid, and solid
material to the environment. In addition, following shutdown, the variety of potential accidents at
the plant (radiological or industrial) would be reduced to a limited set associated with shutdown
events and fuel handling and storage. In Section, the NRC staff concluded that the
impacts of continued plant operation on human health would be SMALL, except for “[c]hronic
effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs),” for which the impacts are UNCERTAIN. In
Section, the NRC staff concluded that the impacts of accidents during operation were
SMALL. Therefore, as radioactive emissions to the environment decrease, and as likelihood
and variety of accidents decrease following shutdown, the NRC staff concludes that the risk to
human health following plant shutdown would be SMALL.
4.11.3 NGCC Alternative – Human Health Construction
Impacts on human health from construction of the natural gas-fired alternative, including the
possible construction of a new pipeline, would be similar to effects associated with the
construction of any major industrial facility. Compliance with worker protection rules would
control those impacts on workers at acceptable levels. Impacts from construction on the
general public would be minimal since crews would limit active construction area access to
authorized individuals. Based on the above, the NRC staff concludes that the impacts on
human health from the construction of the natural gas-fired alternative would be SMALL. Operation
Impacts from the operation of a natural gas-fired facility introduces public risk from inhalation of
gaseous emissions. The risk may be attributable to nitrogen oxide emissions that contribute to
ozone formation, which in turn contribute to health risk. Regulatory agencies, including the EPA
and State agencies, base air emission standards and requirements on human health impacts.
These agencies also impose site-specific emission limits as needed to protect human health.
Given the regulatory oversight exercised by the EPA and State agencies, the NRC staff
concludes that the human health impacts from natural gas-fired power generation would be
4.11.4 SCPC Alternative – Human Health Construction
Impacts on workers are expected to be similar to those experienced during construction of any
major industrial facility. Impacts from construction of combustion-based energy facilities are
expected to be the same as those for construction of fossil-fuel facilities. Construction would
increase traffic on local roads, which could affect the health of the general public. Human health
impacts would be the same for all facilities whether located on greenfield sites, brownfield sites,
or at an existing nuclear plant. Personal protective equipment, training, and engineered barriers
would protect the workforce (NRC 2013e). Based on the above, the NRC staff concludes that
the impacts on human health from the construction of the supercritical pulverized coal
alternative would be SMALL. Operation
Coal-fired power generation introduces worker risks from coal and limestone mining, worker and
public risk from coal, lime, and limestone transportation, worker and public risk from disposal of
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
coal-combustion waste, and public risk from inhalation of stack emissions. In addition, human
health risks are associated with the management and disposal of coal combustion waste. Coal
combustion generates waste in the form of ash, and equipment for controlling air pollution
generates additional ash and scrubber sludge. Human health risks may extend beyond the
facility workforce to the public depending on their proximity to the coal combustion waste
disposal facility. The character and the constituents of coal-combustion waste depend on both
the chemical composition of the source coal and the technology used to combust it. Generally,
the primary sources of adverse consequences from coal-combustion waste are from exposure
to sulfur oxide and nitrogen oxide in air emissions and radioactive elements such as uranium
and thorium, as well as the heavy metals and hydrocarbon compounds contained in fly ash and
bottom ash, and scrubber sludge (NRC 2013e).
Regulatory agencies, including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state
agencies, base air emission standards and requirements on human health impacts. These
agencies also impose site-specific emission limits as needed to protect human health. Given
the regulatory oversight exercised by the EPA and State agencies, the NRC staff concludes that
the human health impacts from radiological doses and inhaled toxins and particulates generated
from coal-fired generation would be SMALL (NRC 2013e).
4.11.5 New Nuclear Alternative – Human Health Construction
Impacts on human health from construction of two new nuclear units would be similar to impacts
associated with the construction of any major industrial facility. Compliance with worker
protection rules would control those impacts on workers at acceptable levels. Impacts from
construction on the general public would be minimal since limiting active construction area
access to authorized individuals is expected. Impacts on human health from the construction of
two new nuclear units would be SMALL. Operation
The human health effects from the operation of two new nuclear power plants would be similar
to those of the existing SQN. As presented in Section, impacts on human health from
the operation of SQN would be SMALL. Therefore, the impacts on human health from the
operation of two new nuclear plants would be SMALL.
4.11.6 Combination Alternative – Human Health Construction
Impacts on human health from construction of a combination wind and solar photovoltaic
alternative would be similar to effects associated with the construction of any major industrial
facility. Compliance with worker protection rules would control those impacts on workers at
acceptable levels. Impacts from construction on the general public would be minimal since
crews would limit active construction area access to authorized individuals. Based on the
above, the NRC staff concludes that the impacts on human health from the construction of a
wind and solar alternative would be SMALL. Operation
Operational hazards at a wind facility for the workforce include working at heights, working near
rotating mechanical or electrically energized equipment, and working in extreme weather.
Potential impacts to workers and the public include ice thrown from rotor blades and broken
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
blades thrown because of mechanical failure. Potential impacts also include EMF exposure,
aviation safety, and exposure to noise and vibration from the rotating blades.
Operational hazards at a solar photovoltaic facility may involve exposure to airborne toxic
metals (e.g., cadmium) and silicon if a photovoltaic cell were to lose its integrity from a fire.
Workers could also inhale silicon dust if the photovoltaic cells were smashed by an object or
from a fall to the ground.
However, given the expected compliance with worker protection rules and remediation efforts to
contain the toxic material, the potential impacts to workers at the facility and offsite exposure to
the public, the impacts would be SMALL.
4.12 Environmental Justice
This section describes the potential human health and environmental effects of the proposed
action (license renewal) and alternatives to the proposed action on minority and low-income
populations and special pathway receptors.
4.12.1 Proposed Action
The environmental justice issue applicable to SQN during the license renewal term is listed in
Table 4–23. Section 3.12 of this SEIS describes the environmental justice matters with respect
to SQN.
Table 4–23. Environmental Justice
GEIS Section
Minority and low-income populations
Source: Table B–1 in Appendix B, Subpart A, to 10 CFR Part 51
The NRC addresses environmental justice matters for license renewal by (1) identifying the
location of minority and low-income populations that may be affected by the continued operation
of the nuclear power plant during the license renewal term, (2) determining whether there would
be any potential human health or environmental effects to these populations and special
pathway receptors, and (3) determining if any of the effects may be disproportionately high and
adverse. Adverse health effects are measured in terms of the risk and rate of fatal or nonfatal
adverse impacts on human health. Disproportionately high and adverse human health effects
occur when the risk or rate of exposure to an environmental hazard for a minority or low-income
population is significant and exceeds the risk or exposure rate for the general population or for
another appropriate comparison group. Disproportionately high environmental effects refer to
impacts or risks of impacts on the natural or physical environment in a minority or low-income
community that are significant and appreciably exceed the environmental impact on the larger
community. Such effects may include biological, cultural, economic, or social impacts.
Figures 3–9 and 3–10 in this SEIS show the location of predominantly minority and low-income
population block groups residing within a 50-mi (80-km) radius of SQN. This area of impact is
consistent with the impact analysis for public and occupational health and safety, which also
focuses on populations within a 50-mi (80-km) radius of the plant. Chapter 4 presents the
assessment of environmental and human health impacts for each resource area. The analyses
of impacts for all environmental resource areas indicated that the impact from license renewal
would be SMALL.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Potential impacts on minority and low-income populations (including migrant workers or Native
Americans) would mostly consist of socioeconomic and radiological effects; however, radiation
doses from continued operations during the license renewal term are expected to continue at
current levels, and they would remain within regulatory limits. Section of this SEIS
discusses the environmental impacts from postulated accidents that might occur during the
license renewal term, which include both design basis and severe accidents. In both cases, the
Commission has generically determined that impacts associated with design basis accidents
are small because nuclear plants are designed and operated to successfully withstand such
accidents, and the probability weighted consequences of severe accidents are small.
Therefore, based on this information and the analysis of human health and environmental
impacts presented in Chapter 4 of this SEIS, there would be no disproportionately high and
adverse human health and environmental effects on minority and low-income populations from
the continued operation of SQN during the license renewal term.
As part of addressing environmental justice concerns associated with license renewal, the NRC
also assessed the potential radiological risk to special population groups (such as migrant
workers or Native Americans) from exposure to radioactive material received through their
unique consumption practices and interaction with the environment, including subsistence
consumption of fish, native vegetation, surface waters, sediments, and local produce;
absorption of contaminants in sediments through the skin; and inhalation of airborne radioactive
material released from the plant during routine operation. This analysis is presented below.
Subsistence Consumption of Fish and Wildlife
The special pathway receptors analysis is an important part of the environmental justice
analysis because consumption patterns may reflect the traditional or cultural practices of
minority and low-income populations in the area, such as migrant workers or Native Americans.
Section 4-4 of Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629) directs Federal agencies, whenever
practical and appropriate, to collect and analyze information about the consumption patterns of
populations that rely principally on fish and/or wildlife for subsistence and to communicate the
risks of these consumption patterns to the public. In this SEIS, the NRC considered whether
there were any means for minority or low-income populations to be disproportionately affected
by examining impacts on American Indian, Hispanics, migrant workers, and other traditional
lifestyle special pathway receptors. The assessment of special pathways considered the levels
of radiological and nonradiological contaminants in native vegetation, crops, soils and
sediments, groundwater, surface water, fish, and game animals on or near SQN.
The following is a summary discussion of TVA’s radiological environmental monitoring programs
that assess the potential impacts from the subsistence consumption of fish and wildlife near the
SQN site.
TVA has an ongoing comprehensive Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) to
assess the impact of SQN operations on the environment. To assess the impact of nuclear
power plant operations, samples are collected annually from the environment and analyzed for
radioactivity. A plant effect would be indicated if the radioactive material detected in a sample
was significantly larger than background levels. Two types of samples are collected. The first
type, a control sample, is collected from areas that are beyond the measurable influence of the
nuclear power plant or any other nuclear facility. These samples are used as reference data to
determine normal background levels of radiation in the environment. These samples are then
compared with the second type of samples, indicator samples, collected near the nuclear power
plant. Indicator samples are collected from areas where any contribution from the nuclear
power plant will be at its highest concentration. These samples are then used to evaluate the
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
contribution of nuclear power plant operations to radiation or radioactivity levels in the
environment. An effect would be indicated if the radioactivity levels detected in an indicator
sample was significantly larger than the control sample or background levels.
Samples of environmental media are collected from the aquatic and terrestrial pathways in the
vicinity of SQN. The aquatic pathways include groundwater, surface water, drinking water, fish,
and shoreline sediment. The terrestrial pathways include airborne particulates and food
products (i.e., broad leaf vegetation). During 2011, analyses performed on samples of
environmental media at SQN showed no significant or measurable radiological impact above
background levels from site operations (TVA 2012b).
Based on the radiological environmental monitoring data from SQN, the NRC staff concludes
that no disproportionately high and adverse human health impacts would be expected in special
pathway receptor populations in the region as a result of subsistence consumption of water,
local food, fish, and wildlife. Continued operation of SQN would not have disproportionately
high and adverse human health and environmental effects on these populations.
4.12.2 No-Action Alternative – Environmental Justice
This section evaluates the potential for disproportionately high and adverse human health and
environmental effects on minority and low-income populations that could result from the no
action alternative. Impacts on minority and low-income populations would depend on the
number of jobs and the amount of tax revenues lost by communities in the immediate vicinity of
the power plant after SQN ceases operations. Not renewing the operating licenses and
terminating reactor operations would have a noticeable impact on socioeconomic conditions in
the communities located near SQN. The loss of jobs and income would have an immediate
socioeconomic impact. Some, but not all, of the 1,141 SQN employees would begin to leave
after reactor operations are terminated; and overall tax revenue generated by plant operations
would be reduced. The reduction in tax revenue would decrease the availability of public
services in Hamilton County. This could disproportionately affect minority and low-income
populations that may have become dependent on these services. See also Appendix J of
NUREG-0586, Supplement 1 (NRC 2002), for additional discussion of these impacts.
4.12.3 NGCC Alternative – Environmental Justice
This section evaluates the potential for disproportionately high and adverse human health,
environmental, and socioeconomic effects on minority and low-income populations that could
result from the construction and operation of a new NGCC plant. Some of these potential
effects have been identified in resource areas discussed in this SEIS. For example, increased
demand for rental housing during replacement power plant construction could disproportionately
affect low-income populations.
Potential impacts to minority and low-income populations from the construction and operation of
a new NGCC plant at an existing power plant site would mostly consist of environmental and
socioeconomic effects (e.g., noise, dust, traffic, employment, and housing impacts). Noise and
dust impacts from construction would be short-term and primarily limited to onsite activities.
Minority and low-income populations residing along site access roads would be affected by
increased commuter vehicle traffic during shift changes and truck traffic. However, these effects
would be temporary during certain hours of the day and would not likely be high and adverse.
Increased demand for rental housing during construction could affect low-income populations in
the vicinity of the existing power plant site. However, given that power plant sites are generally
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
located near metropolitan areas, construction workers could commute to the site, thereby
reducing the potential demand for rental housing.
Emissions from the operation of an NGCC plant could affect minority and low income
populations living in the vicinity of the new power plant. However, permitted air emissions are
expected to remain within regulatory standards.
Based on this information and the analysis of human health and environmental impacts
presented in this SEIS, the construction and operation of a new NGCC plant would not likely
have disproportionately high and adverse human health and environmental effects on minority
and low-income populations in the vicinity of the existing power plant site. However, a definitive
determination of the potential for disproportionately high and adverse human health and
environmental effects on minority and low-income populations would depend on the alternative’s
location, plant design, and expected operational characteristics. Therefore, the NRC cannot
definitively forecast the effects on minority and low-income populations for this alternative.
4.12.4 SCPC Alternative – Environmental Justice
This section evaluates the potential for disproportionately high and adverse human health and
environmental effects on minority and low-income populations that could result from the
construction and operation of a new SCPC power plant. Some of these potential effects have
been identified in resource areas discussed in this SEIS. For example, increased demand for
rental housing during replacement power plant construction could disproportionately affect lowincome populations.
Potential impacts to minority and low-income populations from the construction and operation of
a new SCPC plant at the existing power plant site would consist of environmental and
socioeconomic effects (e.g., noise, dust, traffic, employment, and housing impacts). Noise and
dust impacts from construction would be short-term and primarily limited to onsite activities.
Minority and low-income populations residing along site access roads would be affected by
increased commuter vehicle traffic during shift changes and truck traffic. However, these effects
would be temporary during certain hours of the day and would not likely be high and adverse.
Increased demand for rental housing during construction could affect low-income populations.
However, given the proximity of some existing power plant sites to metropolitan areas, many
construction workers could commute to the site, thereby reducing the potential demand for
rental housing.
Emissions from the operation of a SCPC plant could affect minority and low income populations
living in the vicinity of the new power plant. However, permitted air emissions are expected to
remain within regulatory standards.
Based on this information and the analysis of human health and environmental impacts
presented in this SEIS, the construction and operation of a new SCPC plant would not likely
have disproportionately high and adverse human health and environmental effects on minority
and low-income populations. However, a definitive determination of the potential for
disproportionately high and adverse human health and environmental effects on minority and
low-income populations would depend on the alternative’s location, plant design, and expected
operational characteristics. Therefore, the NRC cannot definitively forecast the effects on
minority and low-income populations for this alternative.
4.12.5 New Nuclear Alternative – Environmental Justice
This section evaluates the potential for disproportionately high and adverse human health and
environmental effects on minority and low-income populations that could result from the
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
construction and operation of a new nuclear power plant. Some of these potential effects have
been identified in resource areas discussed in this SEIS. For example, increased demand for
rental housing during replacement power plant construction could disproportionately affect lowincome populations.
Potential impacts to minority and low-income populations from the construction and operation of
a new nuclear power plant would mostly consist of environmental and socioeconomic effects
(e.g., noise, dust, traffic, employment, and housing impacts). Noise and dust impacts from
construction would be short-term and primarily limited to onsite activities. Minority and lowincome populations residing along site access roads would be affected by increased commuter
vehicle traffic during shift changes and truck traffic. However, these effects would be temporary
during certain hours of the day and would not likely be high and adverse. Increased demand for
rental housing during construction could affect low-income populations. However, given the
proximity of some existing nuclear power plant sites to metropolitan areas, many construction
workers could commute to the site, thereby reducing the potential demand for rental housing.
Potential impacts to minority and low income populations from new nuclear power plant
operations would mostly consist of radiological effects; however, radiation doses are expected
to be well below regulatory limits and permitted air emissions are expected to remain within
regulatory standards.
Based on this information and the analysis of human health and environmental impacts
presented in this SEIS, the construction and operation of a new nuclear power plant would not
likely have disproportionately high and adverse human health and environmental effects on
minority and low-income populations. However, a definitive determination of the potential for
disproportionately high and adverse human health and environmental effects on minority and
low-income populations would depend on the alternative’s location, plant design, and expected
operational characteristics. Therefore, the NRC cannot definitively forecast the effects on
minority and low-income populations for this alternative.
4.12.6 Combination Alternative – Environmental Justice
This section evaluates the potential for disproportionately high and adverse human health and
environmental effects on minority and low-income populations that could result from the
construction and operation of a combination of wind and solar photovoltaic electrical power
generating activities. Some of these potential effects have been identified in resource areas
discussed in this SEIS. For example, increased demand for rental housing during construction
could disproportionately affect low-income populations.
Potential impacts to minority and low-income populations from the construction and operation of
new wind turbines and solar photovoltaic installations would mostly consist of environmental
and socioeconomic effects (e.g., noise, dust, traffic, employment, and housing impacts). Noise
and dust impacts from construction would be short-term and primarily limited to onsite activities.
Minority and low-income populations residing along site access roads would be affected by
increased commuter vehicle traffic during shift changes and truck traffic. However, these effects
would be temporary during certain hours of the day and would not likely be high and adverse.
Increased demand for rental housing during construction could affect low-income populations.
However, given the small number of construction workers and the possibility that many workers
could commute to these construction sites, the potential need for rental housing would not be
Minority and low income populations living in close proximity to wind farm and solar photovoltaic
power generating installations could be disproportionately affected by maintenance and
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
operations activities. However, operational impacts from the wind turbines and solar
photovoltaic installations would mostly be limited to noise and aesthetic effects.
Based on this information and the analysis of human health and environmental impacts
presented in this SEIS, the construction and operation of new wind farm and solar photovoltaic
installations would not likely have disproportionately high and adverse human health and
environmental effects on minority and low-income populations. However, a definitive
determination of the potential for disproportionately high and adverse human health and
environmental effects on minority and low-income populations would depend on the alternative’s
location, plant design, and expected operational characteristics. Therefore, the NRC cannot
definitively forecast the effects on minority and low-income populations for this alternative.
4.13 Waste Management
This section describes the potential impacts of the proposed action (license renewal) and
alternatives to the proposed action on waste management and pollution prevention.
4.13.1 Proposed Action
The waste management issues applicable to SQN during the license renewal term are listed in
Table 4–24. Section 3.13 of this SEIS describes SQN waste management.
Table 4–24. Waste Management
GEIS Section
Low-level waste storage and disposal
Onsite storage of spent nuclear fuel
Offsite radiological impacts of spent nuclear fuel and high-level
waste disposal
Mixed-waste storage and disposal
Nonradioactive waste storage
(a) (b) N/A
The impacts of this issue only apply for the license renewal term.
N/A (not applicable)—The categorization and impact finding definition do not apply to this issue.
Source: Table B–1 in Appendix B, Subpart A, to 10 CFR Part 51
The NRC staff’s evaluation of the environmental impacts associated with spent nuclear fuel is
addressed in two issues in Table 4–24, “Offsite radiological impacts (spent fuel and high-level
waste disposal)” and “Onsite spent fuel.” The issue, “Offsite radiological impacts (spent fuel and
high-level waste disposal),” is not evaluated in this SEIS. In addition, the issue, “Onsite spent
fuel” only evaluates the environmental impacts during the licensed life for operation of the
reactor, i.e. the license renewal term. As discussed below, the Continued Storage of Spent
Nuclear Fuel Rule and supporting generic EIS provide the necessary NEPA analyses of the
environmental impacts at an onsite or offsite spent nuclear fuel storage facility.
For the term of license renewal, the staff did not find any new and significant information related
to “Onsite spent fuel” and the remaining waste management issues listed in Table 4–24 during
its review of the TVA’s ER (TVA 2013g), the site visit, and the scoping process. Therefore,
there are no impacts related to these issues beyond those discussed in the GEIS. For these
Category 1 issues, the GEIS concludes that the impacts are SMALL.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Historically, the NRC’s Waste Confidence Decision and Rule represented the Commission’s
generic determination that spent fuel can continue to be stored safely and without significant
environmental impacts for a period of time after the end of a reactor’s licensed life for operation.
This generic determination meant that the NRC did not need to consider the storage of spent
fuel after the end of a reactor’s licensed life for operation in NEPA documents that supported its
reactor and spent fuel storage application reviews. The NRC first adopted the Waste
Confidence Decision and Rule in 1984. The NRC amended the Decision and Rule in 1990,
reviewed it in 1999, and amended it again in 2010 (49 FR 34658 and 34694; 55 FR 38474;
64 FR 68005; and 75 FR 81032 and 81037). The Waste Confidence Decision provided a
regulatory basis and NEPA analysis to support the Waste Confidence Rule (10 CFR 51.23).
On December 23, 2010, the Commission published in the Federal Register a revision of the
Waste Confidence Rule, supported again by a Waste Confidence Decision, to reflect
information gained from experience in the storage of spent fuel and the increased uncertainty in
the siting and construction of a permanent geologic repository for the disposal of spent nuclear
fuel and high-level waste (75 FR 81032 and 81037). In response to the 2010 Waste Confidence
Rule, the States of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Vermont—along with several other
parties—challenged the Commission’s NEPA analysis in the decision, which provided the
regulatory basis for the rule. On June 8, 2012, the United States Court of Appeals, District of
Columbia Circuit in New York v. NRC, 681 F. 3d 471 (D.C. Cir., 2012) vacated the NRC’s Waste
Confidence Rule, after finding that it did not comply with NEPA.
In response to the court’s ruling, the Commission, in CLI-12-16 (NRC 2012a), determined that it
would not make final decisions for licensing actions that depend upon the Waste Confidence
Rule until the court’s remand is appropriately addressed. The Commission also noted that all
licensing reviews and proceedings should continue to move forward. In addition, the
Commission directed in SRM-COMSECY-12-0016 (NRC 2012b) that the NRC staff proceed
with a rulemaking that includes the development of a generic EIS.
The generic EIS, which provides a regulatory basis for the revised rule, would provide NEPA
analyses of the environmental impacts of spent fuel storage at a reactor site or at an
away-from-reactor storage facility after the end of a reactor’s licensed life for operation
(“continued storage”). As directed by the Commission, the NRC will not make final decisions
regarding renewed license applications until the court’s remand is appropriately addressed.
This will ensure that there would be no irretrievable or irreversible resource commitments or
potential harm to the environment before the impacts of continued storage have been
appropriately considered.
On September 13, 2013, the NRC published a proposed revision of 10 CFR Part 51.23 (i.e., the
Waste Confidence Rule), which, if adopted as a final rule, would generically address the
environmental impacts of continued storage (78 FR 56776). The NRC also prepared a draft
generic EIS to support this proposed rule (NRC 2013c) (78 FR 56621). The final rule is
scheduled to be published by October 2014. Upon issuance of the final rule and generic EIS for
waste confidence, the NRC staff will consider whether additional NEPA analysis of continued
storage is warranted before taking any action on the SQN license renewal application.
4.13.2 No-Action Alternative – Waste Management
If the no-action alternative were implemented, SQN would cease operation at the end of its
initial operating licenses, or sooner, and enter decommissioning. The generation of spent
nuclear fuel high-level waste would stop and generation of low-level, mixed waste and
nonradioactive waste would decrease. The impacts of decommissioning are discussed in
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Section 4.15.2. Impacts from implementation of the no-action alternative are expected to be
4.13.3 NGCC Alternative – Waste Management Construction
Construction-related debris would be generated during plant construction activities, and would
be recycled or disposed of in approved landfills. Operation
Waste generation from natural gas-fired technology would be minimal. The only significant
waste generated at a natural gas-fired power plant would be spent selective catalytic reduction
(SCR) catalyst, which is used to control nitrous oxide emissions.
The spent catalyst would be regenerated or disposed of offsite. Other than spent SCR catalyst,
waste generation at an operating natural gas-fired plant would be limited to nonhazardous
waste and trash resulting from operations and maintenance activities. Overall, the NRC staff
concludes that waste impacts from natural gas-fired power generation would be SMALL.
4.13.4 SCPC Alternative – Waste Management Construction
Construction-related debris would be generated during plant construction activities, and would
be recycled or disposed of in approved landfills. Operation
Coal combustion generates waste in the form of fly ash and bottom ash. In addition, equipment
for controlling air pollution generates additional ash, spent SCR catalyst, and scrubber sludge.
The management and disposal of the large amounts of coal combustion waste is a significant
part of the operation of a coal-fired power generating facility.
Although a coal-fired power generating facility is likely to use offsite disposal of coal combustion
waste, some short-term storage of coal combustion waste (either in open piles or in surface
impoundments) is likely to take place on site, thus establishing the potential for leaching of toxic
chemicals into the local environment.
Based on the large volume, as well as the toxicity of waste generated by coal combustion, the
NRC staff concludes that the impacts from waste generated at a coal-fired plant would be
4.13.5 New Nuclear Alternative – Waste Management Construction
Construction-related debris would be generated during construction activities, and would be
recycled or disposed of in approved landfills. Operation
During normal plant operations, routine plant maintenance, and cleaning activities would
generate radioactive low-level waste, spent nuclear fuel, and high-level waste as well as
nonradioactive waste. Sections 3.1.4 and 3.1.5 discuss radioactive and nonradioactive waste
management at SQN. Quantities of radioactive and nonradioactive waste generated by SQN
would be comparable to that generated by the two new nuclear plants.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
According to the GEIS (NRC 1996, 2013c), the generation and management of solid radioactive
and nonradioactive waste during the license renewal term are not expected to result in
significant environmental impacts. Based on this information, the waste impacts would be
SMALL for the new nuclear alternative.
4.13.6 Combination Alternative – Waste Management Construction
Construction-related debris would be generated during construction activities, and would be
recycled or disposed of in approved landfills. Operation
Waste generation from a combination wind and solar photovoltaic alternative would be minimal,
consisting of debris from routine maintenance and the disposal of worn or broken parts. Based
on this information, the NRC staff concludes that waste impacts from the construction and
operation of a combination wind and solar photovoltaic alternative would be SMALL.
4.14 Evaluation of New and Potentially Significant Information
New and significant information must be both new and bear on the proposed action or its
impacts, presenting a seriously different picture of the impacts from those envisioned in the
GEIS (i.e., impacts of greater severity than impacts considered in the GEIS, considering their
intensity and context).
In accordance with 10 CFR 51.53(c), the ER that the applicant submits must provide an analysis
of the Category 2 issues in Table B–1 of 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B. Additionally,
it must discuss actions to mitigate any adverse impacts associated with the proposed action and
environmental impacts of alternatives to the proposed action. In accordance with
10 CFR 51.53(c)(3), the ER does not need to contain an analysis of any Category 1 issue
unless there is new and significant information on a specific issue.
The NRC process for identifying new and significant information is described in NUREG–1555,
Supplement 1, Standard Review Plans for Environmental Reviews for Nuclear Power Plants,
Supplement 1: Operating License Renewal (NRC 1999a, 2013i). The search for new
information includes:
review of an applicant’s ER and the process for discovering and evaluating
the significance of new information,
review of public comments,
review of environmental quality standards and regulations,
coordination with Federal, state, and local environmental protection and
resource agencies, and
review of technical literature.
New information that the staff discovers is evaluated for significance using the criteria set forth
in the GEIS. For Category 1 issues in which new and significant information is identified,
reconsideration of the conclusions for those issues is limited in scope to assessment of the
relevant new and significant information; the scope of the assessment does not include other
facets of an issue that the new information does not affect.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
The NRC staff reviewed the discussion of environmental impacts associated with operation
during the renewal term in the GElS and has conducted its own independent review, including a
public involvement process (e.g., public meetings) to identify new and significant issues for the
SQN license renewal application environmental review. The NRC staff has not identified new
and significant information on environmental issues related to operation of SQN during the
renewal term. The NRC staff also determined that information provided during the public
comment period did not identify any new issue that requires site-specific assessment.
4.15 Impacts Common to All Alternatives
This section describes the impacts that are considered common to all alternatives discussed in
this SEIS, including the proposed action and replacement power alternatives. The continued
operation of a nuclear power plant and replacement fossil fuel power plants both involve mining,
processing, and the consumption of fuel, which results in comparative impacts (NRC 2013e).
The termination of operations and the decommissioning of both a nuclear power plant and
replacement fossil fueled power plants are also discussed in the following sections, as well as
greenhouse gas emissions.
4.15.1 Fuel Cycles
This section describes the environmental impacts associated with the fuel cycles of the
proposed action and replacement power alternatives. Most replacement power alternatives
employ a set of steps in the utilization of their fuel sources, which can include extraction,
transformation, transportation, and combustion. Emissions generally occur at each stage of the
fuel cycle (NRC 2013e). Uranium Fuel Cycle
The uranium fuel cycle issues applicable to SQN are discussed below and listed in Table 4–25.
Table 4–25. Issues Related to the Uranium Fuel Cycle
GEIS Section Category
Offsite radiological impacts—individual impacts from other than the disposal of
spent fuel and high-level waste
Offsite radiological impacts—collective impacts from other than the disposal of
spent fuel and high-level waste
Nonradiological impacts of the uranium fuel cycle
Source: Table B–1 in Appendix B, Subpart A, to 10 CFR Part 51
The uranium fuel cycle includes uranium mining and milling, the production of uranium
hexafluoride, isotopic enrichment, fuel fabrication, reprocessing of irradiated fuel, transportation
of radioactive materials, and management of low-level wastes and high-level wastes related to
uranium fuel cycle activities. The generic potential impacts of the radiological and
nonradiological environmental impacts of the uranium fuel cycle and transportation of nuclear
fuel and wastes are described in detail in NUREG–1437, Generic Environmental Impact
Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants (NRC 1996, 1999b, 2013c).
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
The NRC staff did not identify any new and significant information related to the uranium fuel
cycle issues listed in Table 4–25 during its review of the applicant’s ER (TVA 2013g), the site
visit, and the scoping process. Therefore, there are no impacts related to these issues beyond
those discussed in the GEIS. For these Category 1 issues, the GEIS concludes that the
impacts are SMALL, except for the issue, “Offsite radiological impacts (collective effects),” to
which the NRC has not assigned an impact level. This issue assesses the 100-year radiation
dose to the U.S. population (i.e., collective effects or collective dose) from radioactive effluents
released as part of the uranium fuel cycle for nuclear power plants during the license renewal
term compared to the radiation dose from natural background exposure. There are no
regulatory limits applicable to collective doses to the public from fuel-cycle facilities. The
Commission has determined that the practice of estimating health effects on the basis of
collective doses may not be meaningful. Fuel-cycle facilities are designed and operated to meet
regulatory limits and standards. Therefore, the Commission has concluded that the collective
impacts are acceptable and would not be sufficiently large to require the NEPA conclusion that
the option of extended operation should be eliminated (78 FR 37282). Replacement Power Plant Fuel Cycles
Fossil Fuel Energy Alternatives
Fuel cycle impacts for a fossil-fuel-fired plant result from the initial extraction of fuel, cleaning
and processing of fuel, transport of fuel to the facility, and management and ultimate disposal of
solid wastes from fuel combustion. These impacts are discussed in more detail in
section of the GEIS (NRC 2013e) and can generally include:
significant changes to land use and visual resources;
impacts to air quality, including release of criteria pollutants, fugitive dust,
VOCs, and coalbed methane in the atmosphere;
noise impacts;
geology and soil impacts due to land disturbances and mining;
water resource impacts, including degradation of surface water and
groundwater quality;
ecological impacts, including loss of habitat and wildlife disturbances;
historic and cultural resources impacts within the mine footprint;
socioeconomic impacts from employment of both the mining workforce and
service and support industries;
environmental justice impacts;
health impacts to workers from exposure to airborne dust and methane
gases; and
generation of coal and industrial wastes.
New Nuclear Energy Alternatives
Fuel cycle impacts for a nuclear plant result from the initial extraction of fuel, transport of fuel to
the facility, and management and ultimate disposal of spent fuel. The environmental impacts of
the uranium fuel cycle are discussed above in Section
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Renewable Energy Alternatives
The “fuel cycle” for renewable energy facilities is difficult to define for technologies such as wind
and solar because these natural resources exist regardless of any effort to harvest them for
electricity production. Impacts from the presence or absence of these renewable energy
technologies are often difficult to determine (NRC 2013e).
4.15.2 Terminating Power Plant Operations and Decommissioning
This section describes the environmental impacts associated with the termination of operations
and the decommissioning of a nuclear power plant and replacement power alternatives. All
operating power plants will terminate operations and be decommissioned at some point after the
end of their operating life or after a decision is made to cease operations. For the proposed
action, license renewal would delay this eventuality for an additional 20 years beyond the
current license periods, which end in 2020 and 2021 for SQN Units 1 and 2, respectively. Existing Nuclear Power Plant
Environmental impacts from the activities associated with the decommissioning of any reactor
before or at the end of an initial or renewed license are evaluated in Supplement 1 of
NUREG–0586, Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Decommissioning of Nuclear
Facilities Regarding the Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Reactors (NRC 2002a).
Additionally, the incremental environmental impacts associated with decommissioning activities
resulting from continued plant operation during the renewal term are discussed in the GEIS.
Table 4–26 lists the Category 1 issues in Table B–1 of 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B
that are applicable to SQN decommissioning following the license renewal term.
Table 4–26. Issues Related to Decommissioning
Radiation doses
Waste management
Air quality
Water quality
Ecological resources
Socioeconomic impacts
GEIS Section
Decommissioning would occur whether SQN were shut down at the end of its current operating
license or at the end of the period of the license renewal term. TVA stated in its ER
(TVA 2013a) that it is not aware of any new and significant information on the environmental
impacts of SQN during the license renewal term. The staff has not found any new and
significant information during its independent review of TVA’s ER, the site visit, or the scoping
process. Therefore, the NRC staff concludes that there are no impacts related to these issues,
beyond those discussed in the GEIS. For all of these issues, the NRC staff concluded in the
GEIS that the impacts are SMALL. Replacement Power Plants
Fossil Fuel Energy Alternatives
The environmental impacts from the termination of power plant operations and
decommissioning of a fossil-fuel-fired plant are dependent on the facility’s decommissioning
plan. General elements and requirements for a fossil fuel plant decommissioning plan are
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
discussed in section 4.12.2 of the GEIS and can include the removal of structures to at least
3 ft (1 m) below grade; removal of all coal, combustion waste, and accumulated sludge; removal
of intake and discharge structures; and the cleanup and remediation of incidental spills and
leaks at the facility. The decommissioning plan outlines the actions necessary to restore the
site to a condition equivalent in character and value to the greenfield or brownfield site on which
the facility was first constructed (NRC 2013e).
The environmental consequences of decommissioning are discussed in section 4.12.2 of the
GEIS and can generally include:
short-term impacts on air quality and noise from the deconstruction of facility
short-term impacts on land use and visual resources,
long-term reestablishment of vegetation and wildlife communities,
socioeconomic impacts due to the decommissioning workforce and the longterm loss of jobs, and
elimination of health and safety impacts on operating personnel and the
general public.
New Nuclear Alternative
Termination of operations and decommissioning impacts for a nuclear plant include all activities
related to the safe removal of the facility from service and the reduction of residual radioactivity
to a level that permits release of the property under restricted conditions or unrestricted use and
termination of a license (NRC 2013e). The environmental impacts of the uranium fuel cycle are
discussed above in Section 4.15.1.
Renewable Alternative
Termination of power plant operation and decommissioning for renewable energy facilities
would be similar to the impacts discussed for fossil-fuel-fired plants above. Decommissioning
would involve the removal of facility components and operational wastes and residues in order
to restore the site to a condition equivalent in character and value to the greenfield or brownfield
site on which the facility was first constructed (NRC 2013e).
4.15.3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate Change
The following sections discuss greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions released from operation of
SQN and the environmental impacts that could occur from changes in climate conditions. The
cumulative impacts of GHG emissions on climate are discussed in Section 4.16.12, Global
Climate Change. Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Proposed Project and Alternatives
Gases found in the Earth’s atmosphere that trap heat and play a role in Earth’s climate are
collectively termed greenhouse gases (GHG). GHG include, but are not limited to, carbon
dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), water vapor (H2O), hydrofluorocarbons
(HFC), perfluorocarbons (PFC), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). Earth’s climate responds to
changes in concentration of GHG in the atmosphere as GHGs affect the amount of energy
absorbed and heat trapped by the atmosphere. Increasing GHG concentration in the
atmosphere generally increases Earth’s surface temperature. Atmospheric concentrations of
CO2, CH4, and N2O have significantly increased since 1750 (IPCC 2007c). CO2, CH4, N2O,
HFCs, PFCs, and SF6 (termed long-lived GHGs) are well mixed throughout Earth’s atmosphere
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
and their impact on climate is long lasting as a result of their long atmospheric lifetime (EPA
2009b). CO2 is of primary concern for global climate change because of its long atmospheric
lifetime and it is the primary gas emitted as a result of human activities (USGCRP 2009).
Climate change research indicates that the cause of the Earth’s warming over the last 50 years
is due to the buildup of GHGs in atmosphere resulting from human activities (USGCRP 2014).
Proposed Action
Operations at SQN emit GHG directly and indirectly. In accordance with Executive Order 13514
(Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance), the Tennessee
Valley Authority (TVA), a Federal agency and owner of SQN, is required to measure and report
GHG emissions resulting from SQN’s direct and indirect activities. 5 SQN’s direct GHG
emissions result from stationary combustion sources (auxiliary boilers and diesel generators),
mobile combustion sources (fleet vehicles), and fugitive fluorinated gases (electrical and
refrigerant equipment). Indirect GHG emissions originate from mobile combustion sources
(workforce commuting and official travel), off-site municipal solid waste disposal, contracted
wastewater treatment, purchased electricity, and transmission and distribution losses of the
consumed purchased electricity.
Annual GHG emissions are presented in Table 4–27 for 2008-2012. These quantified GHG
emission estimates include the direct and indirect sources discussed above that emit long-lived
GHGs, presented as CO2 equivalents (CO2e). 6 The GHG emission estimates presented do not
include potential emissions as result of leakage, servicing, repair, and disposal of refrigerant
equipment at SQN (CEQ 2012). Ozone depleting substances, such as chlorofluorocarbons
(CFC) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC), are present at SQN and can potentially be
emitted (TVA 2013i). However, estimating GHG emissions from these substances is
complicated due to their ability to deplete ozone, which is also a GHG, making their global
warming potentials difficult to quantify. These ozone depleting substances are regulated by the
Clean Air Act under Title VI. TVA maintains a program to manage stationary refrigeration
appliances at SQN to recycle, recapture, and reduce emissions of ozone depleting substances
and is in compliance with Section 608 of the CAA (TVA 2013a).
In response to the NRC’s order (Order Number: EA-12-049) titled “Order Modifying Licenses
with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External
Events,” TVA will install one large blackout diesel generator and up to three emergency diesel
generators at each unit in 2016 to mitigate and cope with an extended station blackout event
(TVA 2013i). The diesel generators are expected to be operated only in the event of loss of AC
power to the site and during periodic routine testing. Periodic testing of the diesel generators is
estimated to emit 200 MT CO2e/year (TVA 2013i, 2013d).
The additional GHG emissions from routine testing of the diesel generators will be minor. As
there are no plans for refurbishment at SQN for license renewal, GHG emissions are not
expected beyond those direct and indirect sources discussed above. Table 4–27 provides
emissions indicative of those expected during the extended period of operation.
GHG direct and indirect emission categories are defined in the 2012 Federal Greenhouse Gas Accounting and Reporting
Guidance Technical Support Document. The direct and indirect emission classification was retained for SQN’s GHG emissions
inventory and GHG emission discussions in this EIS. http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ceq/
Carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) is a metric used to compare the emissions of GHG based on their Global warming potential
(GWP). GWP is a measure used to compare how much heat a GHG traps in the atmosphere. GWP is the total energy that a gas
absorbs over a period of time, compared to carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide equivalents is obtained by multiplying the amount of
the GHG by the associated GWP. For example, the GWP of CH4 is estimated to be 21; therefore, 1 ton of CH4 emission is
equivalent to 21 tons of CO2 emissions.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Table 4–27. Estimated GHG emissions(a) from Operations at SQN
GHG emission estimates presented include indirect and direct GHG emissions. Direct GHG emission from
stationary combustion sources at SQN reported to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency were added to the
GHG inventory provided by TVA 2013d.
Values rounded to the nearest tens.
Source: TVA 2013i, 2013t
No-Action Alternative
When the plant stops operating, there will be a reduction in GHG emissions from activities
related to plant operation, such as use of diesel generators and employee vehicles. GHG
emissions are anticipated to be less than that presented in Table 4–27.
NGCC Alternative
As discussed in the Section 2.3, the NRC staff evaluated an NGCC alternative that consists of
six 400 MW units. The 2013 GEIS (NRC 2013e) presents lifecycle 7 GHG emissions associated
with natural gas power generation. As presented in Table 4.12-5 of the GEIS, lifecycle GHG
emissions from natural gas can range from 120 to 930 g Ceq/kWh. The EPA has developed
standard emission factors that relate the quantity of released pollutants to a variety of regulated
activities (EPA 2000). Using these emission factors, the NRC staff estimates that operation of
six 400-MW NGCC units will directly emit 9.7 MMT of CO2e per year.
SCPC Alternative
As discussed in Section 2.4 of this SEIS, the NRC staff evaluated an SCPC alternative that
consists of two to four SCPC units with a total output of 2,400 MW. The 2013 revised GEIS
presents lifecycle GHG emissions associated with coal power generation. As presented in
Table 4.12-4 of the GEIS, lifecycle GHG emissions from coal power generation can range from
264 to 1689 g Ceq/kWh. The NRC staff estimates that operation of two to four SCPC units will
directly emit 17.5 MMT of CO2e per year.
New Nuclear Alternative
As discussed in Section 2.5, the NRC staff evaluated the new nuclear plant alternative that
would consist of two units with approximate generating capacity of 1,200 MW each. The 2013
revised GEIS presents lifecycle GHG emissions associated with nuclear power generation. As
presented in Table 4.12-4 through 4.12-6 of the GEIS, lifecycle GHG emissions from nuclear
power generation can range from 1 to 288 g Ceq/kWh. GHG emissions from operation of the
new nuclear power plant alternative would be similar to the GHG emissions from operation of
SQN presented in Table 4–27.
Lifecycle carbon emissions analyses consider construction, operation, decommissioning and associated processing of fuel (gas,
coal, etc.).
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Combination Alternative
As discussed in Section 2.6, the NRC staff evaluated a combination alternative that relies on
wind and solar capacity to replace SQN. The total installed solar photo voltaic (PV) capacity
would be 2,000 to 2,900 MW and total installed wind capacity would be 4,700 to 6,300 MW.
The 2013 revised GEIS presents lifecycle GHG emissions associated with renewable power
generation. As presented in Table 4.12-6 of the GEIS, lifecycle GHG emissions from wind
power range from 2 to 81 g Ceq/kWh and solar PV from 5 to 217 g Ceq/kWh. Beyond
maintenance of the wind turbines and solar PV (e.g. serving equipment or repairs), there would
be no direct emissions associated with operations from wind generation or from solar PV.
Summary of GHG Emissions From the Proposed Action and Alternatives
Table 4–28 presents the direct GHG emissions from operation of the proposed action (license
renewal) and alternatives. As quantified in the table, nuclear power plants emit a substantially
lower amount of GHG emissions than electrical generation based on fossil fuels. The NGCC
and SCPC direct GHG emissions estimates do not consider carbon capture technologies that
could capture and remove CO2. In 2012, the EPA issued a final GHG Tailoring Rule to address
GHG emissions from stationary sources under the Clean Air Act permitting requirements; the
GHG Tailoring Rule establishes when an emission source will be subject to permitting
requirements and control technology to reduce GHG emissions. The National Energy
Technology Laboratory (NETL) estimates that carbon capture technologies can remove as
much as 90 percent of CO2 (NETL 2010a); if carbon capture technologies were to be installed
for the NGCC and SCPC alternatives, GHG emissions would still be substantially greater than
the proposed action, the new nuclear alternative, and the combination alternative.
Table 4–28. Direct(a) GHG Emissions From Operation of the Proposed Action and
SQN continued operation
New Nuclear
Combination Alternative
CO2e (MT/year)
GHG emissions presented include only direct emissions from operation of the electricity generating technology. For
the NGCC and SCPC alternatives, GHG emission result from direct combustion of the gas and coal. For the
proposed action and new nuclear alternative; direct GHG emissions are a result of combustion sources such as
diesel generators, auxiliary boilers, etc.
Direct emissions from continued operation include emissions from stationary sources (diesel generators and
auxiliary boilers). Data provided reflect the highest direct GHG emissions from the most recent 5 years of SQN
operation (Table 3.3.2-1, TVA 2013i, 2013d).
Source: TVA 2013i, 2013d Climate Change Impacts to Resource Areas
Climate change is the decades or longer change in climate measurements (temperature,
precipitation, etc.) that has been observed on a global, national, and regional level (IPCC 2007c,
EPA 2012, USGCRP 2014). Climate change can vary regionally, locally, and seasonally
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
depending on local, regional, and global factors. Just as the regional climate differs throughout
the world, the impacts of climate change can vary between locations.
On a global level, from 1901 to 2011, average surface temperatures have risen at a rate of
0.14 ˚F per decade (0.08 °C per decade), and total annual precipitation has increased at an
average rate of 2.3 percent per decade (EPA 2012). The observed global change in average
surface temperature and precipitation has been accompanied by an increase in sea surface
temperatures, a decrease in global glacier ice, increase in sea level, and changes in extreme
weather events. Such extreme events include an increase in frequency of heat waves, heavy
precipitation, and minimum and maximum temperatures (EPA 2012, IPCC 2007c,
USGCRP 2009).
In the United States, the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) reports that from
1895 to 2012, average surface temperature has increased by 1.3 °F to 1.9 °F (0.72 to 1.06 °C)
and since 1900, average annual precipitation has increased by 5 percent (USGCRP 2014). On
a seasonal basis, warming has been the greatest in winter and spring. Since the 1980s, an
increase in the length of the freeze-free season, the period between the last occurrence of 32 ˚F
(0 °C) in the spring and first occurrence of 32 ˚F (0 °C) in the fall, has been observed for the
contiguous United States; between 1991 and 2011 the average freeze-free season was 10 days
longer than between 1901 and 1960 (USGCRP 2014). Since the 1970s, the United States has
warmed at a faster rate as the average surface temperature rose at an average rate of 0.31 to
0.45 ˚F (0.17 to 0.25 °C) per decade. In addition, the year 2012 was the warmest on record
(USGCRP 2014). Observed climate related changes in the United States include increases in
the frequency and intensity of heavy precipitation, earlier onset of spring snowmelt and runoff,
rise of sea level in coastal areas, increase in occurrence of heat waves, and a decrease in
occurrence of cold waves (USGCRP 2009, EPA 2012, NOAA 2013, USGCRP 2014).
Temperature data indicates that the Southeast region, where SQN is located, did not
experience significant warming overall for the time period from 1900 to 2012 (USGCRP 2014).
The lack of warming in the Southeast has been termed the “warming hole” (NOAA 2013).
However, since 1970, average annual temperatures in the Southeast have risen by 2 ˚F (1.1 °C)
and accompanied by an increase in the number of days with daytime maximum temperatures
above 90 °F (32.2 °C) and nights above 75 °F (23.9 °C) (USGCRP 2009, NOAA 2013, IPCC
2007c, USGCRP 2014). This atmospheric warming trend is also evident for the SQN site and
vicinity. Based on data from the SQN meteorological station spanning the period of 1972
through 2012, linear regression analysis indicates that the average daily minimum temperature
has increased about 3.4°F (1.9°C), whereas the average daily maximum temperature has
increased about 2.5°F (1.4°C) (TVA 2013i). Average annual precipitation data for the Southeast
does not exhibit an increasing or decreasing trend for the long term period (1895-2011) or a
trend in the length of the freeze-free season (NOAA 2013). Nevertheless, since the mid-1970s,
the number of freezing days has declined by four to seven days in the region (USGCRP 2009).
On the other hand, average precipitation in the region has increased in the fall and decreased in
the summer (NOAA 2013 and USGCRP 2009). The number of tornadoes in the Southeast
region has increased since the 1950s; however, the observed increasing tornado trend is not
statistically significant and may be a result of better reporting of tornadoes (USGCRP 2014).
GHG emission concentration and climate models are commonly used to project possible climate
change. Climate models indicate that over the next few decades, temperature increases will
continue due to current GHG emissions concentrations in the atmosphere (USGCRP 2014)
Over the longer term, the magnitude of temperature increases and climate change effects will
depend on both past and future GHG emission scenarios (USGCRP 2009, IPCC 2007c,
USGCRP 2014). Climate models project a continued increase in global surface temperatures,
more frequent and long-lasting heat waves, continued increase in sea level, continued decline in
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
arctic sea ice, an increase in heavy precipitation events, and an increased frequency of severe
For the license renewal period of SQN, climate model simulations (between 2021-2050 relative
to the reference period (1971-1999)) indicate an increase in annual mean temperature in the
Southeast region from 1.5-3.5 ˚F (0.83-1.9 °C) (NOAA 2013). The predicted increase in
temperature during this time period occurs for all seasons with the largest increase occurring in
the summertime (June, July, and August). Climate model simulations (for the time period
2021-2050) suggest spatial differences in annual mean precipitation changes with some areas
experiencing an increase and others a decrease in precipitation (for Tennessee, a 0 to
3 percent increase in annual mean precipitation is predicted); however, these changes in
precipitation were not significant and the models indicate changes that are less than normal
year to year variations (NOAA 2013). While future regional changes in precipitation are difficult
to predict, the USGCRP reports that storm tracks are expected to shift northward, increases in
heavy precipitation events will continue, the number of dry days between rainfalls will increase,
and an increase in drought is expected (USGCRP 2014). Higher temperatures increase
evaporation that contributes to dry conditions and a warmer climate allows more moisture to be
held in the atmosphere because of warmer air’s ability to hold more water vapor
(USGCRP 2009).
Changes in climate have broader implications for public health, water resources, land use and
development, and ecosystems. For instance, changes in precipitation patterns and increase in
air temperature can affect water availability and quality, distribution of plant and animal species,
and land-use patterns and land-cover, which can in turn affect terrestrial and aquatic habitats.
The sections below discuss how future climate change may impact air quality, water resources,
land-use, terrestrial resources, aquatic resources, and human health in the region of interest for
SQN. Although there is uncertainty in the exact future climate change scenario, the discussions
provided below demonstrate the potential implications of climate change on resources.
Air Quality
Air pollutant concentrations result from complex interactions between physical and dynamic
properties of the atmosphere, land, and ocean. The formation, transport, dispersion, and
deposition of air pollutants depend in part on weather conditions (IPCC 2007a). Air pollutant
concentrations are sensitive to winds, temperature, humidity, and precipitation (EPA 2009b).
Hence, climate change can impact air quality as a result of the changes in meteorological
Ozone has been found to be particularly sensitive to climate change (EPA 2009a; IPCC 2007a;
USGCRP 2014). Ozone is formed as a result of the chemical reaction of nitrogen oxides (NOx)
and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the presence of heat and sunlight. Sunshine, high
temperatures, and air stagnation are favorable meteorological conditions to higher levels of
ozone (EPA 2009, IPCC 2007a). The emission of ozone precursors also depends on
temperature, wind, and solar radiation (IPCC 2007a); both NOx and biogenic VOC emissions
are expected to be higher in a warmer climate (EPA 2009a). Warmer climate and weaker air
circulation is conducive to higher ozone levels. Although surface temperatures are expected to
increase in the Southeast region, ozone levels will not necessarily increase since ozone
formation is also dependent on the relative amount of precursors available (NASA 2004).
Regional air quality modeling indicates that the Southern regions of the U.S. can experience an
increase in ozone concentration by the year 2050 (Tagaris, 2009). However, air quality
projections (particularly ozone and PM2.5) are uncertain and indicate that concentrations are
driven primarily by emissions rather than by physical climate change (IPCC 2013).
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Land Use
Changes or fluctuations in river and lake water levels could result in land use changes along
affected water bodies as well as the possible loss of man-made infrastructure. This could
necessitate infrastructure redesign and replacement, or its relocation. The Southeast region
has experienced an expanding population and regional land-use changes faster than any other
region in the U.S., which has resulted in reduced land available for agriculture and forests
(USGCRP 2014). As noted by the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP 2009),
the projected rapid rate and large amount of climate change over the next century will challenge
the ability of society and natural systems to adapt. For example, it is difficult and expensive to
alter or replace infrastructure designed to last for decades (such as buildings, bridges, roads,
and reservoirs) in response to continuous and/or abrupt climate change. Energy and
transportation infrastructure and other property could also be adversely affected. Projections in
land-use changes, between 2010 and 2050, indicate that the Southeast region will experience a
continued increase in exurban and suburban development and a decrease in forests and
cropland land cover (USGCRP 2014). However, the limited extent of climate change that may
occur during the 20-year license renewal term would not likely cause land use conditions to
change in the vicinity of SQN.
Water Resources
Predicted changes in the timing, intensity, and distribution of precipitation would be likely to
result in changes in surface water runoff affecting water availability across the Southeast.
Specifically, while average precipitation during the fall has increased by 30 percent since about
1900, summer and winter precipitation has declined by about 10 percent across the eastern
portion of the region including eastern Tennessee (USGCRP 2009). A continuation of this trend
coupled with predicted higher temperatures during all seasons (particularly the summer
months), would reduce groundwater recharge during the winter, produce less runoff and lower
stream flows during the spring, and potentially lower groundwater base flow to rivers during the
drier portions of the year (when stream flows are already lower). As cited by the USGCRP, the
loss of moisture from soils because of higher temperatures along with evapotranspiration from
vegetation is likely to increase the frequency, duration, and intensity of droughts across the
region into the future (USGCRP 2009, USGCRP 2014). Changes in runoff in a watershed along
with reduced stream flows and higher air temperatures all contribute to an increase in the
ambient temperature of receiving waters. Annual runoff and river-flow are projected to decline
in the Southeast region (USGCRP 2014). Land use changes, particularly those involving the
conversion of natural areas to impervious surface, exacerbate these effects. These factors
combine to affect the availability of water throughout a watershed, such as that of the
Tennessee River, for aquatic life, recreation, and industrial uses. Additionally, Tennessee is a
karst rich state and the aquifers are a significant source of domestic water to residents; changes
in precipitation patterns and drought conditions can impact this groundwater resource
(TWRA 2009). While changes in projected precipitation for the Southeast region are uncertain,
the USGCRP has reasonable expectation that there will be reduced water availability due to the
increased evaporative losses from rising temperatures alone (USGCRP 2014). For the 20102060 period, net water supply availability in the Southeast region is projected to decrease;
specifically water availability in eastern Tennessee is expected to decrease by 2.5 to 5 percent
(USGCRP 2014).
Terrestrial Resources
As described above, an increase in annual mean temperature combined with less rainfall will
increase the frequency, duration, and intensity of drought in the Southeast. As the climate
changes, terrestrial resources will either be able to tolerate the new physical conditions, such as
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
less water availability, or shift their population range to new areas with a more suitable climate,
or decline and perhaps be extirpated from the area. Some species may be more susceptible to
changes in climate. For example, migratory birds that travel long distances may not be able to
pick up on environmental clues that a warmer, earlier spring is occurring in the United States
while the birds are still overwintering in the tropics. Fraser et al. (2013) found that songbirds
overwintering in the Amazon did not leave their winter sites earlier, even when spring sites in
the eastern United States experienced a warmer spring. As a result, the song birds missed
periods of “peak food” availability. Special status species and habitats, such as those that are
Federally protected by the ESA, would likely be more sensitive to climate changes because
these species’ populations are already experiencing threats that are endangering their
continued existence throughout all or a significant portion of their ranges. Because of this,
these species populations are already experiencing reduced genetic variability that could
prohibit them from adapting to and surviving amidst habitat and climate changes. Climate
changes could also favor non-native invasive species and promote population increases of
insect pests and plant pathogens, which may be more tolerant to a wider range of climate
conditions or have range limits that are set by extreme cold temperatures or ice cover (Bradley
et al. 2010; Hellman et al. 2008). Physiological stressors associated with climate change may
also exacerbate the effects of other existing stressors in the natural environment, such as those
caused by habitat fragmentation, nitrogen deposition and runoff from agriculture, and air
Aquatic Resources
The potential effects of climate change described above for water resources, whether from
natural cycles or man-made activities, could result in changes that would affect aquatic
resources in the Tennessee River. Raised air temperatures could result in higher water
temperatures in the Tennessee River reservoirs. For instance, TVA found that a 1 °F (0.5 °C)
increase in air temperature resulted in an average water temperature increase between 0.25 °F
and 0.5 °F (0.14 °C and 0.28 °C) in the Chickamauga Reservoir (TVA 2013i). Higher water
temperatures would increase the potential for thermal effects on aquatic biota and, along with
altered river flows, could exacerbate existing environmental stressors, such as excess nutrients
and lowered dissolved oxygen associated with eutrophication (NCADAC 2013). Even slight
changes could alter the structure of the aquatic communities in the reservoir. As discussed
above under “terrestrial resources,” special status species, such as those that are Federally
protected under the ESA, would be more sensitive to climate changes. Invasions of non-native
species that thrive under a wide range of environmental conditions could further disrupt the
current structure and function of aquatic communities (NRC 2013).
Historic and Cultural Resources
Changes or fluctuations in river and lake water levels because of climate change could result in
the disturbance or loss of historic and cultural resources from flooding, erosion, inundation, or
drying out. Because of water-level changes, some resources could be lost before they could be
documented or otherwise studied. However, the limited extent of climate change that may
occur during the 20-year license renewal term would not likely result in any significant loss of
historic and cultural resources at SQN.
Rapid changes in climate conditions could have an impact on the availability of jobs in certain
industries. For example, tourism and recreation are major job creators in some regions,
bringing significant revenue to regional economies. Across the nation, fishing, hunting, and
other outdoor activities make important economic contributions to rural economies and are also
a part of the cultural tradition. A changing climate would mean reduced opportunities for some
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
activities in some locations and expanded opportunities for others. Hunting and fishing
opportunities could also change as animals’ habitats shift and as relationships among species
are disrupted by their different responses to climate change (USGCRP 2014). Waterdependent recreation could also be affected (USGCRP 2009). The USGCRP reports that
climate change in the Southeast region by the year 2050 could create unfavorable conditions for
summertime outdoor recreation and tourism activity (USGCRP 2014). However, the limited
extent of climate change that may occur during the 20-year license renewal term would not
likely cause any significant changes in socioeconomic conditions in the vicinity of SQN.
Human Health
Increasing temperatures because of changes in climate conditions could have an impact on
human health. The limited extent of changes in climate conditions that may occur during the
license renewal term would not likely result in any change to the impacts discussed in
Section 4.11 from SQN’s radioactive and non-radioactive effluents. Increased water
temperatures may increase the potential for adverse effects of thermophilic organisms that can
be a threat to human health.
Environmental Justice
Rapid changes in climate conditions could disproportionately affect minority and low-income
populations. The USGCRP (2009) indicates that “infants and children, pregnant women, the
elderly, people with chronic medical conditions, outdoor workers, and people living in poverty
are especially at risk from a variety of climate-related health effects.” Examples of these effects
include increased heat stress, air pollution, extreme weather events, and diseases carried by
food, water, and insects. The greatest health burdens related to climate change are likely to fall
on the poor, especially those lacking adequate shelter and access to other resources such as
air conditioning. Elderly poor people on fixed incomes are more likely to have debilitating
chronic diseases or limited mobility. In addition, the elderly have a reduced ability to regulate
their own body temperature or sense when they are too hot. According to the USGCRP (2009),
they “are at greater risk of heart failure, which is further exacerbated when cardiac demand
increases in order to cool the body during a heat wave.” The USGCRP study also found that
people taking medications, such as diuretics for high blood pressure, have a higher risk of
dehydration (USGCRP 2009). The USGCRP (2014) study reconfirmed the previous report
findings regarding the risks of climate change on low-income populations, and also warns that
climate change could affect the availability and access to local plant and animal species, thus
impacting the people that have historically depended on them for food or medicine
(USGCRP 2014). However, due to the limited amount of expected changes in the environment
during the 20-year license renewal term, minority and low-income populations at SQN are not
likely to experience disproportionately high and adverse impacts from climate change.
4.16 Cumulative Impacts of the Proposed Action
As described in Section 1.4 of this SEIS, the NRC has approved a revision to its environmental
protection regulation, 10 CFR Part 51, “Environmental protection regulations for domestic
licensing and related regulatory functions.” This revision amends Table B–1 in Appendix B,
Subpart A, to 10 CFR Part 51 by adding a new Category 2 issue, “Cumulative impacts,” to
evaluate the potential cumulative impacts of license renewal.
The NRC staff considered potential cumulative impacts in the environmental analysis of
continued operation of the SQN during the 20-year license renewal period. Cumulative impacts
may result when the environmental effects associated with the proposed action are overlaid or
added to temporary or permanent effects associated with other past, present, and reasonably
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
foreseeable actions. Cumulative impacts can result from individually minor, but collectively
significant, actions taking place over a period of time. It is possible that an impact that may be
SMALL by itself could result in a MODERATE or LARGE cumulative impact when considered in
combination with the impacts of other actions on the affected resource. Likewise, if a resource
is regionally declining or imperiled, even a SMALL individual impact could be important if it
contributes to or accelerates the overall resource decline.
For the purposes of this cumulative analysis, past actions are those before the receipt of the
license renewal application. Present actions are those related to the resources at the time of
current operation of the power plant, and future actions are those that are reasonably
foreseeable through the end of plant operation, including the period of extended operation.
Therefore, the analysis considers potential impacts through the end of the current license terms,
as well as the 20-year renewal license terms. The geographic area over which past, present,
and reasonably foreseeable actions would occur depends on the type of action considered and
is described below for each resource area.
To evaluate cumulative impacts, the incremental impacts of the proposed action, as described
in Sections 4.1 to 4.13, are combined with other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable
future actions regardless of which agency (Federal or non-Federal) or person undertakes such
actions. The NRC staff used the information provided in the TVA’s ER; responses to requests
for additional information; information from other Federal, State, and local agencies; scoping
comments; and information gathered during the visits to the SQN site to identify other past,
present, and reasonably foreseeable actions. To be considered in the cumulative analysis, the
NRC staff determined if the project would occur within the noted geographic areas of interest
and within the period of extended operation, was reasonably foreseeable, and if there would be
potential overlapping effect with the proposed project. For past actions, consideration within the
cumulative impacts assessment is resource- and project-specific. In general, the effects of past
actions are included in the description of the affected environment in Chapter 3, which serves as
the baseline for the cumulative impacts analysis. However, past actions that continue to have
an overlapping effect on a resource potentially affected by the proposed action are considered
in the cumulative analysis.
Other actions and projects identified during this review and considered in the NRC staff’s
analysis of the potential cumulative effects are described in Appendix E. Not all actions or
projects listed in Appendix E are considered in each resource area because of the uniqueness
of the resource and its geographic area of consideration.
4.16.1 Air Quality and Noise
This section addresses the direct and indirect effects of license renewal on air quality and noise
when added to the aggregate effects of other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future
actions. As described in Section 4.3, the incremental impacts on air quality and noise levels
from the proposed license renewal would be SMALL. The geographic area considered in the
cumulative air quality analysis is the county of the proposed action, as air quality designations
for criteria air pollutants are generally made at the county level. Counties are further grouped
together based on a common airshed—known as an air quality control region (AQCR)—to
provide for the attainment and maintenance of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards
(NAAQS). The SQN site is located in Hamilton County, Tennessee, which is part of the
Chattanooga Interstate AQCR (40 CFR 81.42, “Chattanooga Interstate Air Quality Control
Region”); this AQCR also includes several counties in Georgia.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions Air Quality
Section 3.3.2 presents a summary of the air quality designation status for Hamilton County. As
noted in Section 3.3.2, the EPA regulates six criteria pollutants under the NAAQS, including
carbon monoxide, lead, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, sulfur dioxide, and particulate matter (PM).
Hamilton County is designated as unclassified or in attainment with respect to carbon monoxide,
lead, sulfur dioxide, ozone, and PM, ≤ 10 µm (PM10) (40 CFR 81.343). Hamilton County is a
non-attainment area with respect to the 1997 annual PM, ≤ 2.5 µm (PM2.5) standard
(40 CFR Part 81.343, “Tennessee”).
Criteria pollutant air emissions from the SQN site are presented in Section 3.3.2. These
emissions are from permitted sources, including two cooling towers, a carpenter shop, as well
as emissions from blasting operations, insulator saws, auxiliary boilers, and several emergency
or blackout diesel generators (TVA 2013a). Section noted that, except for limited
emissions associated with new diesel generators being installed in response to lessons learned
from the Fukushima incident, there would be no additional air emissions associated with the
SQN license renewal because there is no planned site refurbishment. Therefore, cumulative
changes to air quality in Hamilton County would be the result of changes to present-day
emissions, as well as future projects and actions within the county.
Appendix E provides a list of present and reasonably foreseeable projects that could contribute
to cumulative impacts to air quality. For example, the listed coal-fired energy projects and
manufacturing facilities are presently operational and are sources of criteria air pollutants.
Continued air emissions from existing projects and actions listed in Appendix E as well as
proposed new source activities would contribute to air emissions in Hamilton County.
Development and construction activities associated with regional growth of housing, business,
and industry, as well as associated vehicular traffic, will also result in additional air emissions.
Project timing and location, which are difficult to predict, affect cumulative impacts to air quality.
However, permitting and licensing requirements, efficiencies in equipment, cleaner fuels, and
various mitigation measures can be used to minimize cumulative air quality impacts.
Climate change can affect air quality as a result of changes in meteorological conditions. Air
pollutant concentrations are sensitive to winds, temperature, humidity, and precipitation
(EPA 2009b). As discussed in Section, ozone levels have been found to be particularly
sensitive to climate change influences (EPA 2009a, IPCC 2007b). Sunshine, high
temperatures, and air stagnation are favorable meteorological conditions leading to higher
levels of ozone (EPA 2009a, IPCC 2007b). Although surface temperatures are expected to
increase in the Southeast region, ozone levels will not necessarily increase since ozone
formation is also dependent on the relative amount of precursors available (NASA 2004). The
combination of higher temperatures, stagnant air masses, sunlight, and emissions of precursors
may make it difficult to meet ozone NAAQS (USGCRP 2009). States, however, must continue
to comply with the Clean Air Act and ensure air quality standards are met. Noise
Section 3.3.3 presents a summary of noise sources at SQN and site vicinity. Noise emission
sources from SQN include fans, turbine generators, transformers, cooling towers, compressors,
emergency generators, main steam-safety relief valves, and emergency sirens. With the
exception of emergency sirens, most of the noise sources are not audible at the site boundary
or are intermittent and considered a minor nuisance. As a major industrial facility, SQN noise
emissions can reach 65–75 A-weighted decibels (dBA) levels on site, which attenuates with
distance. Within the last 5 years, SQN has not received any noise-related complaints from
operation (TVA 2013i). Additionally, future residents of the recreational vehicle (RV) park near
the SQN site boundary, as identified in Appendix E, are not anticipated to be affected since
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
most noise sources from SQN are not audible at the SQN site boundary. Occupants of the
RV park will be the nearest residents to SQN. Beyond any local ordinances, there are no
Federal regulations for public exposures to noise. As there are no planned refurbishment
activities associated with license renewal, cumulative impacts to noise levels would be the result
of continued operation sources from SQN and around the site, as well as future projects and
actions in the vicinity of SQN.
Appendix E provides a list of present and reasonably foreseeable projects that could contribute
to cumulative noise impacts. Development and construction activities associated with regional
growth of housing, business, and industry, as well as associated vehicular traffic, will result in
additional noise generation. Construction equipment, for instance, can result in noise levels in
the range of 85–95 dBA; however, noise levels attenuate rapidly with distance such that at half
a mile distance from construction equipment noise levels can drop to 51–61 dBA (NRC 2002).
Therefore, contributions to noise levels from future actions are limited by projects in the vicinity
of the SQN site. While the timing of these future activities is difficult to predict, noise emissions
are expected to occur for short periods of time. Additionally, future residents of the RV park
near the SQN property boundary are not anticipated to be affected since noise sources from
SQN are not audible at the SQN site boundary.
Given that there is no planned site refurbishment associated with the SQN license renewal and,
therefore, no expected changes in air emissions or noise levels beyond those noted for the
operation of new diesel generators, cumulative air quality and noise impacts would be the result
of changes to present-day and reasonably foreseeable projects and actions. As noted above,
the timing and location of new projects, which are difficult to predict, affect cumulative impacts
on air quality and noise levels. However, various strategies and techniques are available to limit
air quality impacts. Also, noise abatement and controls can be incorporated to reduce noise
impacts (HUD 2013, FHWA 2013). Therefore, the NRC staff concludes that the cumulative
impacts from past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions on air quality and noise
levels during the license renewal term would be SMALL.
4.16.2 Geology and Soils
This section addresses the direct and indirect effects of license renewal on geology and soils
when added to the aggregate effects of other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future
actions. As noted in Section 4.4.1, the TVA has no plans to conduct refurbishment or
replacement actions. Ongoing operation and maintenance activities at the SQN site are
expected to be confined to previously disturbed areas. Any geologic materials, such as
aggregates used to support operation and maintenance activities, would be procured from local
and regional sources. These materials are abundant in the region. Geologic conditions are not
expected to change during the license renewal term. Thus, activities associated with continued
operations are not expected to affect the geologic environment. Considering ongoing activities
and reasonably foreseeable actions, the NRC staff concludes that the cumulative impacts on
geology and soils during the SQN license renewal term would be SMALL.
4.16.3 Water Resources
This section addresses the direct and indirect effects of license renewal on water resources
when added to the aggregate effects of other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future
actions. As described in Sections and, the incremental impacts on water
resources from continued operations of SQN, during the license renewal term would be SMALL.
The NRC staff also conducted an assessment of other projects and actions for consideration in
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
determining their cumulative impacts on water resources (see Appendix E). The geographic
area considered for the surface water resources component of the cumulative impacts analysis
spans the Tennessee River Basin (watershed) but focuses on the catchment area (i.e., the
Chickamauga Reservoir Catchment Area) for the reach of the Tennessee River from Watts Bar
Dam to Chickamauga Dam and the potential for impacts to downstream users. As such, this
review focused on those projects and activities that would withdraw water from or discharge
effluent to the Tennessee River or its tributaries (e.g., the Hiwassee River). For groundwater,
the geographic area of interest comprises the local groundwater basin relative to the SQN site
and Chickamauga Reservoir in which groundwater flows to discharge points, or is withdrawn
through wells including residential and public water supply wells (e.g., Hixson Utility District). As
such, this review focused on those projects and activities that would (1) withdraw water from or
discharge waste water to the local groundwater basin relative to the SQN site and Chickamauga
Reservoir or (2) use groundwater from the Hixson Utility District. Surface Water Resources
Water resource managers must balance multiple conflicting water management objectives.
Within the Tennessee River Basin, this includes demands for power generation, public water
supply, industrial use, irrigation, recreation, flood protection, and instream flow requirements to
sustain aquatic life (TVA 2011b). Specifically, Section 26a of the TVA Act requires that TVA
approval be obtained before any construction activities can be carried out that affect navigation,
flood control, or public lands along the shoreline of TVA-managed reservoirs or in the
Tennessee River or its tributaries. TVA requires permits for intake structures and withdrawals
from the Tennessee River, which enables system-wide tracking of water usage. As the operator
of Chickamauga Reservoir and upstream and downstream dams, TVA controls the reservoir to
maintain adequate water resources and manage water use conflicts and competing objectives
under variable interannual and intraannual flow conditions (TVA 2013a, 2013q). These
competing issues and their associated regulatory considerations are discussed in Section 3.5 of
this SEIS.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and TVA have extensively studied water use in the
Tennessee Valley (Hutson et al. 2004, TVA 2012g). The study, Water Use in the Tennessee
Valley for 2010 and Projected Use in 2035 (TVA 2012g), considers present and reasonably
foreseeable uses of water in the Tennessee River Basin. Projections are based on increasing
resource demands for a growing population; changes in economics, manufacturing, technology,
environmental regulations; and reservoir operations. Climate change was not included in this
study but climate change implications have been considered by NRC staff as discussed later in
this section.
Specifically, the largest use of surface water in the Tennessee River Basin is for thermoelectric
power generation. According to TVA (2012g), tabulated surface water withdrawals for
thermoelectric, industrial, public-supply, and irrigation water use in the basin’s Chickamauga
Reservoir Catchment Area in 2010 were 1,591.37, 66.24, 31.33, and 0.53 mgd, respectively.
Corresponding return flows, which includes pumped groundwater, were 1,724.21, 64.19, 16.34,
and 0.0 mgd, respectively. Return flows include effluent discharges from such sources as
power plants, other industrial facilities, and municipal wastewater treatment plants.
Thermoelectric power generation accounts for more than 90 percent of all withdrawals from the
Chickamauga Reservoir Catchment Area. In 2010, cumulative surface water withdrawals from
the Tennessee River Basin above Chickamauga Dam totaled 4,899 mgd. This volume is about
15 percent of the mean annual flow (i.e., 21,000 mgd) through Chickamauga Dam.
Corresponding consumptive use was 252 mgd, which is 5 percent of total withdrawn and
approximately 1 percent of the mean annual flow through the dam. During the same period, the
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
combined consumptive water use in the Watts Bar and Chickamauga Reservoir catchment
areas, encompassing Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant (WBN) Unit 1 and SQN, was estimated to
total 22.93 mgd, which was 9 percent of all upstream consumptive uses (TVA 2012g).
By 2035, it is projected that water use will decrease by 21 percent overall from 2010 levels in
the Tennessee River Basin. This is mostly attributable to declines in water demand for power
generation based on the expected shut-down of coal-fired power plants with high withdrawal
rates for once-through cooling systems. However, net (consumptive) water use is projected to
increase by 51 percent due in part to future power plants switching to closed-cycle cooling
systems (TVA 2012g). Although once-through systems return most of their withdrawn water to
the source (minus evaporative losses of less than 3 percent), surface water withdrawals for
closed-cycle cooling systems entail consumptive losses of greater than 50 percent, resulting in
the return of less water (see Section These impacts may be greater during times of
drought, especially when temperatures are high. As there are no other power generation
facilities in the Chickamauga Reservoir Catchment Area of the river basin, NRC staff would
expect no decline in water use over the license renewal period for SQN. In fact, Watts Bar
Unit 2 (WBN 2) is scheduled for completion in December 2015. Once full operations are
achieved, water use for WBN Units 1 and 2 is projected to be 284 mgd, of which 40 mgd will be
consumptive use (NRC 2013c). Combined with SQN’s annualized surface water consumptive
use of 6 mgd (see Section, the total combined consumptive use in the Watts Bar and
Chickamauga Reservoir Catchment Area could be as much as 46 mgd. Nevertheless, these
combined, consumptive losses would still be a very small fraction of the mean annual flow of the
Tennessee River as measured near the WBN site, which is equivalent to 17,800 mgd
(NRC 2013c).
In contrast to water demand for thermoelectric power generation, demands for other uses are
projected to increase throughout the whole of the river basin by 2035 because of population
growth. Demands for public supply, other industrial, and irrigation water use are projected to
increase by 215, 354, and 12 mgd, respectively. Total consumptive water use in the Tennessee
River watershed is expected to increase by 241 mgd to 712 mgd by 2035. This consumptive
use is approximately 8 percent of the total forecasted withdrawals within the watershed, and
approximately 1.7 percent of the current mean annual discharge of the Tennessee River
(i.e., 65,600 cfs (1,853 m3/s), or 42,400 mgd) (NRC 2013c; TVA 2012g).
Water Quality Considerations
The concentration of chemical constituents in water samples collected in Chickamauga
Reservoir adjacent to the SQN site are indicative of the cumulative impact of all upstream
activities including industrial, agricultural, and municipal discharges. As presented in
Section, the water quality of the reservoir is generally good. Nevertheless, the Hiwassee
River embayment of Chickamauga Reservoir is identified by the Tennessee Department of
Environment and Conservation (TDEC) as having an impaired use for fish consumption
because of mercury, primarily attributable to atmospheric deposition and industrial sources.
Upstream of SQN, Watts Bar Reservoir is listed as impaired for fish consumption because of
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from industrial sources. Portions of the reservoir are also
identified as impaired for fish consumption because of mercury and chlordane in contaminated
sediments. The Emory River Arm of Watts Bar Reservoir is identified as impaired because of
arsenic, coal ash deposits, and aluminum, as well as mercury, PCBs, and chlordane
(TDEC 2010, 2012). The Emory River Arm is the area of the reservoir most affected by the ash
spill that occurred at TVA’s Kingston Fossil Plant in 2008.
As noted previously, further development in the basin and associated population growth is
expected. Upstream development could lead to discharges to Chickamauga Reservoir that
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
affect water quality. Development projects can result in water quality impacts if they increase
sediment loading to nearby surface water bodies. The magnitude of cumulative impacts would
depend on the nature and location of the actions relative to surface water bodies, the number of
actions (facilities or projects), and whether facilities comply with regulating agency requirements
(e.g., permitted discharge limits). However, the potential for unchecked development,
particularly industrial development, would be limited during SQN’s license renewal term by
TVA’s authority to regulate land use and development along the shoreline of the Tennessee
River system (TVA 2013p). Moreover, new and modified industrial and large commercial
facilities would be subject to regulation under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. This
would include TDEC-administered National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
permit limits on stormwater and point source discharges designed to be protective of surface
water resources. Likewise, it is this regulatory framework that presently governs wastewater
effluent and thermal discharges from SQN, WBN, and other major industrial facilities in the
Tennessee River Basin.
Climate Change Considerations With Respect to Water Resources
The NRC staff considered the U.S. Global Change Research Program’s (USGCRP’s) most
recent compilation of the state of knowledge relative to global climate change effects (USGCRP
USGCRP 2009, 2014). For the Southeastern United States, the area of moderate to severe
spring and summer drought increased by 12 percent and 14 percent, respectively, from 1975 to
2008. Average temperatures have increased by 1.6 °F (0.9 °C) while annual precipitation has
declined by about 8 percent. As part of its analysis, the NRC staff specifically considered the
potential for climate change-related impacts on water resources and its implications specific to
the Tennessee River Basin over the course of the SQN license renewal term. The operation of
the dams and reservoirs by TVA on the river and its tributaries provide many benefits, but has
resulted in increased water temperature and thermal stratification of some reservoirs during
summer months. Water temperature in the Tennessee River above and below the SQN site
fluctuates throughout the year in response to many factors. Air temperature and solar radiation
are the dominant meteorological variables influencing river system water temperatures. For
example, during July 1993, maximum air temperatures recorded in Chattanooga were above 90
°F (32 °C) each day, with temperatures reaching as high as 104 °F (40 °C). During this period,
all nine mainstem Tennessee River reservoirs had surface water temperatures that exceeded
86 °F (30 °C), and some had water temperatures as high as 90 °F (32 °C) (NRC 2013c).
Relative to the Tennessee River system, historical records encompassing the Watts Bar–
Chickamauga Reservoir Catchment Areas show a trend of increasing temperature over the last
40 years. Observations from TVA’s Sequoyah Meteorological Station for the years 1972
through 2012 indicate an atmospheric warming trend. In general, the average daily minimum
temperature has warmed slightly faster than the average daily mean and the average daily
maximum. Since 1972 , linear regressions suggest that the average daily minimum temperature
has increased about 3.4°F (1.9°C), whereas the average daily maximum has increased about
2.5°F (1.4°C) (TVA 2013i).
TVA has further analyzed the relationship between historical air temperature and river flow at
Chattanooga, which is centrally located in the Tennessee River Basin. The analysis required
the estimation of “natural” flow (i.e., the flow rate that would have occurred without dams and
flow regulation, based on observed rainfall and runoff). The natural flow at the location of
Chickamauga Dam on the Tennessee River provides a measure of the magnitude of drought in
the eastern part of the Tennessee River Basin. To obtain a measure of conditions when the
river temperature is most likely to be extreme, TVA analyzed measured air temperature and
natural flow for the warmest months of the year (i.e., June, July, and August from 1948 to 2012).
Figure 4–1 shows the plot of the deviation in mean air temperature at the Chattanooga airport
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
and the deviation in mean natural flow at Chickamauga Dam. While there is considerable
scatter in the points, there is a general inverse relationship between the percent deviation from
mean air temperature and the percent deviation from mean natural river flow (i.e., the highest air
temperatures are associated with the lowest flow rates). Five of the most recent six data points
(2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, and 2012) are in the quadrant of higher temperature and lower flow
(TVA 2013i).
As part of the cumulative impacts analysis, the NRC staff evaluated the potential for rising river
water temperatures. River water temperature is a complex function of many contributions
including SQN operations, Tennessee River operating policy, land use, regulated withdrawals
and effluent discharges, seasonality, regional meteorology, and the global climate system.
Potential cumulative impacts with respect to elevated Tennessee River temperatures and the
incremental addition of SQN thermal discharges was assessed using historical data and TVA
climate change scenario modeling.
TVA performed a modeling study to simulate the potential effect of climate change on the
performance of SQN encompassing the proposed period of extended operations (2012 to
2041). The principal model input data were: (1) 20 years of historical (1992-2011) river
discharge, stage, temperature, and meteorology data; 2) an estimate of the potential future
increase in air temperature and humidity in the Tennessee Valley due to climate change based
on research by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI); and (3) a relationship between air
temperature and water temperature during the warmest months of the year. The latter element
reflects the results of a recent TVA study of extreme meteorology in the TVA reservoir system
that found for a water body such as Chickamauga Reservoir, each 1°F (0.55°C) increase in air
temperature generally increased the average water temperature in the reservoir by an amount
between 0.25°F and 0.5°F (0.13 to 0.25°C). TVA’s model incorporates the thermal discharge
(mixing zone) compliance model developed for managing SQN operations. It also incorporates
an algorithm to make plant operational decisions to include cooling tower operation and
generation load reductions necessary to comply with thermal discharge and ambient river
temperature limits specified in SQN’s NPDES permit (TVA 2013i).
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Figure 4–1. Analysis of Hydrothermal Conditions for the Tennessee Valley Reflecting
Observed Air Temperature and Estimated Natural River Flow at Chattanooga, Tennessee
Source: TVA 2013i
TVA’s modeling results indicate that by 2041, SQN helper cooling tower use may increase in
certain years by about 70 percent compared to recent operational experience. The results
identified the potential for plant derates (power reductions) and shutdown events to occur in 4
of the 30 modeled years, although the duration of the simulated events was very small
compared to the extent of the license renewal period. TVA noted that the model does not
account for TVA’s ability to forecast and respond to extreme hydrothermal conditions in
managing SQN operations. Therefore, TVA believes that the modeling results suggest that
SQN’s cooling capacity will be adequate during the license renewal period (TVA 2013i).
Ultimately, elevated intake river water temperature can decrease the efficiency of the
generators, increase helper cooling tower operations, and increase receiving water
temperatures. If these occur during drought-induced low flow periods, decreases in SQN
withdrawals (such as through plant derates) may be necessary to maintain Chickamauga
Reservoir temperatures in accordance with SQN’s NPDES permit.
Consumptive water use from continued SQN operations will continue to be a very small
percentage of the overall flow of the Tennessee River through Chickamauga Reservoir. Criteria
imposed by TDEC, through SQN’s NPDES permit, will continue to limit SQN’s water
withdrawals and thermal discharges. Potential cumulative impacts to surface water resources
include prolonged drought and temperature increases. The magnitude of such future impacts
within the Tennessee River System associated with climate change remains speculative.
However, long-term warming could potentially affect navigation, power production, and
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
municipal and industrial users, although the magnitude of the impact is uncertain. Therefore,
the NRC staff concludes that the cumulative impacts from past, present, and reasonably
foreseeable future actions on surface water resources during the license renewal term would be
SMALL to MODERATE. This conclusion is based in part on the regulatory framework
established by the State of Tennessee in managing surface water use and quality and the
operation of the Tennessee River System by TVA to manage flows and to regulate water quality
for designated uses. Ground Water Resources
This section addresses the direct and indirect effects of license renewal on groundwater use
and quality when added to the aggregate effects of other past, present, and reasonably
foreseeable future actions. Groundwater is not used at the SQN site. As described in
Section of this SEIS, TVA obtains water for SQN industrial and potable uses from the
Hixson Utility District, a municipal supplier of water (TVA 2013a). The Hixson Utility District
currently has an estimated excess capacity of 12 mgd (45 million Lpd) (Chattanooga–Hamilton
County Regional Planning Agency 2011). Potable water supplies around the SQN plant area
are abundant and are expected to remain so over the period of extended operations
(TVA 2013a, Table 2.10-1).
Historical releases of liquids containing tritium have not affected groundwater quality beyond the
site boundary. A groundwater pathway has not been identified for tritium-contaminated
groundwater to reach drinking water users. As described in Sections and of this
SEIS, a program is in place to safeguard groundwater quality. SQN operations have not
affected and are not expected to affect the quality of groundwater in any aquifers that are a
current or potential future source of water for offsite users. Considering ongoing activities and
reasonably foreseeable actions, the NRC staff concludes that the cumulative impacts on
groundwater use and quality during the SQN license renewal term would be SMALL.
4.16.4 Terrestrial Ecology
This section addresses past, present, and future actions that could result in cumulative impacts
on the terrestrial species and habitats described in Sections 3.6 and 3.8, including protected
terrestrial species. For purposes of this analysis, the geographic area considered in the
evaluation includes the SQN site and surrounding region.
Historic Conditions
Section 3.6 discusses the ecoregion in which the SQN site lies—the Ridge and Valley
ecoregion. Over the past 40 years, the amount of area developed into residential, commercial,
or industrial uses has increased, and the amount of forested area has decreased. For example,
forests declined from 57.3 percent in 1973 to 55.8 percent in 2000, whereas developed areas
increased from 7.9 percent to 9.3 percent. The amount of agricultural land also decreased, from
31.2 percent to 30.5 percent from 1973 to 2000. USGS (2012) determined that strong
economic growth, especially near large urban centers such as Chattanooga, contributed to the
increase in developed areas. Development is likely to continue in the reasonably foreseeable
future as a result of new transmission lines, power plants, and residential and commercial
Development, Urbanization, and Habitat Fragmentation
As the region surrounding the SQN site becomes more developed, habitat fragmentation will
increase and the amount of forested and wetland areas are likely to decline. Transmission line
corridors established for SQN transmission lines represent past habitat fragmentation because
some of the corridors split otherwise continuous tracts of forested, scrub-shrub, or wetland
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
habitats. Construction of transmission lines associated with new energy projects may also
result in habitat fragmentation if the corridors are not collocated with existing right-of-ways or
sited within previously developed areas. Edge species that prefer open or partially open
habitats (similar to the area within and near a right-of-way corridor) will likely benefit from the
fragmentation, while species that require interior forest or wetland habitat will likely decline.
Increased development will likely decrease the overall availability and quality of forested, scrubshrub, and wetland habitats. Species that require larger ranges, especially predators, will likely
suffer reductions in their populations. Similarly, species with threatened, endangered, or
declining populations are likely to be more sensitive to declines in habitat availability and quality.
Parks and Wildlife Preserves
State parks and wildlife refuges located near SQN provide valuable habitat to native wildlife and
migratory birds during the proposed license renewal period. As development and urbanization
increase habitat conversion and fragmentation, these protected areas will become ecologically
more important as they provide large, continuous areas of minimally disturbed habitat.
Section 4.6 of this SEIS concludes that the impact from the proposed license renewal would not
noticeably alter the terrestrial environment and, thus, would be SMALL. However, as
environmental stressors, such as construction of new transmission lines, power plants, or
residential areas, continue over the proposed license renewal term, certain attributes of the
terrestrial environment (such as species abundance) are likely to change noticeably. The NRC
staff does not expect these impacts to destabilize any important attributes of the terrestrial
environment because such impacts will cause gradual change, which should allow the terrestrial
environment to appropriately adapt. The NRC staff concludes that the cumulative impacts of
the proposed license renewal of SQN plus other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable
future projects or actions would result in MODERATE impacts to terrestrial resources.
4.16.5 Aquatic Ecology
This section addresses the direct and indirect effects of license renewal on aquatic resources
when added to the aggregate effects of other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future
actions. Section 4.7 of this document finds that the direct and indirect impacts on aquatic
resources from the proposed license renewal, when considered in the absence of the aggregate
effects, would be SMALL. The cumulative impact is the total effect on the aquatic resources of
all actions taken, no matter who has taken the actions (the second principle of cumulative
effects analysis in Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ 1997).
The geographic area of interest considered in the cumulative aquatic resource analysis depends
on the particular cumulative impacts being discussed. Direct and indirect impacts from the SQN
site are largely limited to the Chickamauga Reservoir because dams on the Tennessee River
and its tributaries largely segment the biological communities. The direct and indirect effects of
the continued operation of SQN would not be communicated in a discernible manner beyond
Chickamauga Dam. The geographic area considered for cumulative impacts from closely sited
power plants, as well as from activities such as dams, agriculture, and urban and industrial
development, includes the entire Chickamauga Reservoir, as well as one reservoir above the
site (Watts Bar Reservoir) and one below (Nickajack Reservoir). This area is largely defined by
water use.
Actions other than relicensing that can affect aquatic resources can be placed into two groups.
The first is those caused by closely sited power plants. The NRC staff considers other power
facilities within the geographic area of interest as “closely sited” for the purposes of cumulative
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
impact analyses if these plants can affect the aquatic resources at SQN. The second group
includes multiple other activities that affect Chickamauga Reservoir, such as dams, agriculture,
and urban and industrial development.
Closely Sited Power Plants
The analysis of effects from other power-producing facilities on the aquatic resources in the
vicinity of the SQN site is limited to facilities in Chickamauga Reservoir, as well as one reservoir
upstream (Watts Bar Reservoir) and one reservoir downstream (Nickajack Reservoir). These
power-producing facilities are listed in Appendix G and include Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 1
(operating) and Unit 2 (pursuing a license), located 2 mi (3 km) downstream of Watts Bar Dam
and approximately 44 mi (71 km) upstream of the SQN site; the Kingston Fossil Plant at the
junction of Emory River and Clinch River, approximately 94 mi (151 km) upstream of the SQN
site; and Raccoon Mountain Pumped-Storage Plant near Chattanooga. The two dams on either
end of Chickamauga Reservoir (Watts Bar and Chickamauga dams) are considered with the
effects of other activities including impoundment of the river.
Raccoon Mountain pumped-storage plant withdraws water from Nickajack Reservoir,
downstream of Chickamauga Dam, during periods of low power demand. The water is pumped
to a reservoir on the top of Raccoon Mountain. TVA indicates that it takes 28 hours to fill the
upper reservoir. Water is released through tunnels to Nickajack Reservoir when power demand
is high. The water running through the tunnels drives generators that produce power
(TVA 2013q). The facility was built in the 1970s and the reservoir holds 60 million yd3
(46 million m3) of water (TVA 2013p).
Watts Bar Nuclear Plant is a source of entrainment, impingement, and thermal stress in the
same reservoir as SQN. WBN Unit 1 received an operating license in 1996. It is collocated with
WBN 2, which applied for an operating license in 2009. The WBN units are pressurized water
reactors designed with a total electrical generating capacity of 2,540 megawatts electric (MWe)
and two natural-draft cooling towers. Although the operating license for Unit 2 has not yet been
issued, the two units are designed to use the same intake and discharge structures. The
original intake pumping station is located on the Chickamauga Reservoir at Tennessee River
Mile (RM) 528.0. A supplemental condenser cooling-water intake, originally used for the Watts
Bar Fossil Plant, is also used for operation of WBN Unit 1 and will be used for WBN 2. The
supplemental condenser cooling-water intake is located above Watts Bar Dam at Tennessee
RM 529.9 and pulls water from Watts Bar Reservoir. It operates by gravity flow such that the
flow through the intake structure fluctuates in response to changes in the elevation of the water
level in Watts Bar Reservoir (NRC 2013c).
The total flow through the two operating units (including withdrawals from both the supplemental
condenser cooling water intake and the intake pumping station) would be approximately 237
mgd (12 m3/s or 440 cfs), which is approximately 1.6 percent of the mean annual flow past the
WBN site (see Table 3–1 for anticipated water use). When operating together, WBN Units 1
and 2 would consume 33 mgd (1.8 m3/s or 62 cfs), which is approximately 0.2 percent of the
mean annual flow past the WBN site (NRC 2013d).
In compiling the environmental impact statement (EIS) related to the operation of WBN 2
(NRC 2013c), the NRC staff considered cumulative entrainment and impingement from both
units based on studies conducted during operation of WBN Unit 1. The total entrainment of fish
eggs and larvae, using the most recent estimates available and assuming both intakes were
withdrawing water from the same environment, is 2.45 percent for eggs (assuming 2 times the
entrainment rate for the Intake Pumping Station (IPS) from the 2010–2011 study (TVA 2012e)
combined with the supplemental condenser cooling water (SCCW) system intake entrainment
rate) and 2.84 percent for larvae (assuming two times the entrainment rate of 0.43 percent from
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
the 2010–2011 study (TVA 2012e) for the IPS, combined with the entrainment rate for the
SCCW). Current operation of the SCCW for WBN Unit 1 accounts for the largest portion of the
entrainment rates. The NRC staff’s determination of impact levels was based on studies of
impingement at both intakes, although the intakes draw water from populations in two different
reservoirs. TVA researchers conducted two impingement studies at the intake pumping station
on Chickamauga Reservoir. The first occurred in 1996 and 1997 (Baxter et al. 2010) and the
second from March 2010 to March 2011 (TVA 2012c). Small numbers of fish were impinged at
the intake pumping station in 1996 and 1997. Larger numbers were impinged in the 2010
through 2011 study, but they were almost entirely composed of gizzard shad and threadfin shad
(over 99 percent). TVA researchers conducted three impingement studies on the SCCW: (1) in
1974 through 1975, during operation of the Watts Bar Fossil Plant (TVA 1976), (2) in 1999 and
2000 (Baxter et al. 2001), and (3) in 2005 through 2007, as part of the 316(b) monitoring
program (TVA 2007a). In the first study, shad constituted 73 percent of the fish collected.
Bluegill was the next most abundant fish species followed by freshwater drum and skipjack
herring. In the second study, again the majority of fish impinged were gizzard shad and
threadfin shad (75 percent) followed by bluegill (17.6 percent). In the third study over 99
percent of the fish impinged were threadfin and gizzard shad; however, the threadfin shad
composed the majority, with estimates of greater than 5.3 million impinged during the first year
of the study, and over 211,000 the second year. The staff concluded that this high number of
threadfin shad impinged likely resulted from weather conditions and the location of the SCCW
system, which is on Watts Bar Dam. Overall, NRC staff concluded that the cumulative impact of
operation of both WBN Units 1 and 2 would not destabilize or noticeably alter aquatic resources
(NRC 2013d).
The Kingston Fossil Plant, near Kingston, Tennessee, is located on a peninsula at the junction
of the Emory River and Clinch River, approximately 88 mi (142 km) upstream from the SQN
site. TVA conducted impingement studies in 2004 through 2005 and 2005 through 2006,
reporting 30 species impinged during the first year of the study and 33 in the second year. The
estimated annual impingement extrapolated from weekly samples was 185,577 fish during the
first year and 225,197 fish during the second year. Similar to impingement results for the
SCCW, threadfin shad accounted for 95 percent of the 2-year total of fish TVA collected during
an impingement study conducted from November 16, 2004, through November 16, 2006
(TVA 2007b).
Historical entrainment studies (Schneider and Tuberville 1981) showed that, although the
hydraulic entrainment of the Kingston Fossil Plant averaged 22.7 percent in 1975, the biological
entrainment was significantly lower at 0.84 percent. This difference was attributed by TVA, at
least partially, to the use of a skimmer wall. The NRC staff does not anticipate cumulative
impacts from entrainment and impingement at the Kingston Fossil Plant to affect the fish
population observed in the vicinity of the SQN site because the home ranges of most species
are less than the migratory distance between the two locations.
A nuclear facility is proposed for the Clinch River site, which is located upstream of the Kingston
Fossil Plant, but between Watts Bar Dam and Melton Hills Dam. Although an application has
not been submitted, the proposed project consists of one or more small modular reactors. A
potential for impacts to aquatic resources exists, the magnitude of which is unknown, although,
based on the size of the proposed units, it would be much smaller than that from a conventional
nuclear power facility.
Thermal impacts beyond the SQN site may add to aquatic resources cumulative impact. The
NRC staff also considered potential cumulative impacts as a result of the addition of thermal
discharges from the Kingston Fossil Plant or the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant. All three facilities
have NPDES permits that are granted by the State of Tennessee. The NRC relies on the State
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
of Tennessee to protect the health of aquatic organisms by ensuring compliance with the
NPDES permit requirements. Furthermore, because of the distances between these three sites,
the travel time of water through the reservoirs, and the dissipation of heat from the discharge
plumes, the NRC staff considers these impacts to be independent of effects at SQN.
Chemical contamination from power producing facilities can also adversely affect aquatic
resources. The chemical releases from Watts Bar Nuclear Plant are similar to those from SQN.
The two nuclear plants control water chemistry for various plant water uses by adding biocides,
algaecides, corrosion inhibitors, potential of hydrogen (pH) buffering, scale inhibitors, and
dispersants. Similar to SQN, the NRC relies on the State of Tennessee to ensure compliance
with the NPDES permit requirements at the WBN site (TDEC 2011, TVA 2011d) such that
aquatic resources of Chickamauga Reservoir would not be affected by chemical discharges
resulting from operation of WBN, Units 1 and 2.
Although NRC staff expects little effect on aquatic habitats from anticipated industrial and
wastewater discharges if facilities comply with NPDES permit limitations, there is a case within
the geographical area of interest where an accident occurred. In December 2008, a coal fly-ash
slurry spill occurred at the Kingston Fossil Plant. The Tennessee Department of Health (TDOH)
sampled water quality downstream of the Kingston Fossil Plant in response to the spill. It
conducted the majority of sampling in the Clinch and Emory rivers. In addition, TDOH also
sampled at Tennessee RM 568.2. According to the TDOH, except in the immediate vicinity of
the coal ash release, the coal ash or the metals in the coal ash have not affected surface water
in the Watts Bar Reservoir, and concentrations of radiation are below the regulatory limits that
protect public health. In addition, TDOH sampling and analysis of metals associated with coal
ash indicate that metals in all other areas of the Emory River and Clinch River have remained
below any health comparison values.
Although the TDEC and the Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency advise citizens to avoid
consuming striped bass and limit consumption of catfish and sauger in the Clinch and Emory
rivers, the pollutants of concern in these rivers include PCBs and mercury from historical
activities not related to TVA (TDOH 2009). The long-term hazards of PCBs and mercury to
aquatic resources are discussed in Section These PCBs can impair reproductive,
endocrine, and immune system functions in fish, increase the incidence of lesions and tumors,
and cause death. Mercury can adversely affect reproduction and development and cause
death. The effects of contamination on the level of individual fish can alter population dynamics
and destabilize natural populations and ecosystems.
Other Activities Including Dams, Agriculture, Urban and Industrial Development
Section 3.7 describes some of the changes that were made to the Tennessee River since the
early 1900s. These changes include impoundment of the river. Historically, the Tennessee
River was free flowing and flooded annually. Before 1936, the few power dams that obstructed
streams in Tennessee backed up relatively small impoundments. In 1936, TVA completed its
first reservoir on the Tennessee River—Norris Reservoir. Currently, TVA operates nine dams
on the mainstem of the Tennessee River. The dams have fragmented the watershed, altered
water temperatures, increased sedimentation, reduced dissolved oxygen concentrations, and
altered flow regimes. This in turn has caused and will continue to cause extirpation of fish,
mussels, and other aquatic resources (Etnier and Starnes 1993, Neves and Angermeier 1990,
Neves et al. 1997). Other past actions that have changed and continue to change the aquatic
fauna in the geographical region include introduction of nonnative species, overfishing of
species such as paddlefish, harvesting of mussels, toxic spills, mining, and agriculture.
Section 3.7 describes the introduction and success of nonnative and invasive aquatic fish,
invertebrate, and plant species that have clearly destabilized and changed Tennessee River
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
aquatic communities. The aquatic community in Chickamauga Reservoir, like many other
aquatic communities, changes slowly in response to stress. This community has been changing
for a long time, is changing now, and will probably continue to change for the foreseeable future.
In their review of the Tennessee River, White et al. (2005) made the following observation:
Because reservoirs create ecosystem conditions that did not exist previously in
the basin, conceptually these are “new” ecosystems. Reservoir ecosystems do
not reach the longitudinal and temporal equilibriums of the parent river…,
producing conditions ripe for invasions of true nonnative plants and animals that
are highly adaptable. Although most species occurred in the system prior to
impoundment, the dominant species now are those adapted to a new set of
environmental conditions.
The dams on the Tennessee River are barriers to fish migration, and the transport of fish, eggs,
and larvae through the dams result in some mortality (Cada 1991, Watters 2000). Furthermore,
the placement of the dams altered the flow regimes and continues to alter the water quality,
including the temperature of the river (as discussed in Section 3.5). For example, increasing the
volume of water released from Watts Bar Dam is one of five options TVA can use to keep the
thermal discharge from operation of WBN, Units 1 and 2, within the NPDES limits (NRC 2013c)
If this option is chosen, the water released from Watts Bar Dam could have slight and
indiscernible effects on the water levels in Tennessee River reservoirs and tributaries upstream
and downstream of Watts Bar Dam, including in the vicinity of the SQN site, and slight and
indiscernible effects on the aquatic resources in those reservoirs and tributaries.
The management of the impounded river as reservoirs, including the management of
commercially and recreationally important fish, stocking of fish, and introduction of nonnative
fish also serve as a stress on the native aquatic resources. Chapter 3 of this SEIS describes
specific impacts on aquatic resources from reservoir impoundment, including the extirpation of
aquatic resources, which is detectable and a symptom of ecosystem destabilization.
Operations at industrial sites can affect the chemicals that are released to the aquatic
environment. For example, waste disposal activities at the U.S. Department of Energy’s
(DOE’s) Oak Ridge Reservation, located on the Clinch River at Clinch RM 17.7, introduced
PCBs, metals, organic compounds (including those with mercury), and radionuclides (including
cesium-137) into local streams and, ultimately, into the Watts Bar Reservoir system. The
highest discharges occurred in the mid-1950s. The mouth of the Clinch River is located at
Tennessee RM 567.7, placing the Oak Ridge Reservation at approximately 100 mi (161 km)
upstream of the Watts Bar Dam and 140 mi (225 km) upstream of the SQN site. The highest
concentrations of chemical and radioactive contaminants lie in the subsurface sediments where
40 to 80 cm (16 to 32 in.) of sediment covers the deposits (ATSDR 1996). Such legacy
contaminants can adversely affect resources in the Tennessee River.
Other industrial sites with discharges that could contribute to cumulative impacts include
Resolute Forest Products, a paper mill, and Olin Chlor Alkali Products (Olin 2013), a
manufacturer of chlorine and caustic soda on the Hiwassee River, a tributary that empties into
Chickamauga Reservoir upstream of the SQN site. The NRC staff expects little effect to aquatic
habitats from industrial and wastewater discharges if facilities comply with NPDES permit
A preliminary study has been conducted for a toll bridge that would cross the Tennessee River
in the vicinity of the SQN site to connect Highway 58 with Interstate 75
(Chattanoogan 2012). The project would require inwater work that would temporarily affect
aquatic resources in the vicinity of the construction site. The study estimated that by 2021
between 9,900 and 10,700 vehicles would cross per day. The staff assumes that the
construction firm would use best management practices to minimize the effects of construction
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
on aquatic resources and to minimize effects of runoff into the river during operation of the
Based on information TVA provided and the NRC staff’s independent review, the NRC staff
concludes that the cumulative impacts on aquatic resources in Chickamauga Reservoir are
LARGE based on past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions. The environmental
effects are clearly noticeable and have destabilized important attributes of the aquatic resources
in the vicinity of the SQN site. The incremental, site-specific impact from the continued
operation of SQN during the license renewal period would be minor and not noticeable in
comparison to cumulative impact on the aquatic ecology.
4.16.6 Historic and Cultural Resources
This section addresses the direct and indirect effects of license renewal on historic and cultural
resources when added to the aggregate effects of other past, present, and reasonably
foreseeable future actions. The geographic area considered in this analysis is the area of
potential effect (APE) associated with the proposed undertaking, as described in Section 3.9.
The archaeological record for the region indicates prehistoric and historic occupation of the
SQN site and its immediate vicinity. The completion of Chickamauga Reservoir in 1940 and the
construction of SQN, Units 1 and 2, in 1970 resulted in destruction of cultural resources within
the SQN site and surrounding area. Other historic land development in the vicinity of SQN also
resulted in impacts on, and the loss of, cultural resources on the SQN site and its immediate
vicinity. However, there remains the possibility for additional historic or cultural resources to be
located within the SQN site. The present and reasonably foreseeable projects which could
affect these resources reviewed in conjunction with license renewal are noted in Appendix G of
this document. Direct impacts would occur if historic and cultural resources in the APE were
physically removed or disturbed. Indirect visual or noise impacts could occur from new
construction or maintenance. The following projects are located within the geographic area
considered for cumulative impacts:
Chickamauga Dam water level fluctuation,
independent spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI) expansion,
tritium production,
use of highly enriched uranium (HEU) fuel,
use of mixed-oxide fuel (MOXF),
decommissioning of SQN, Units 1 and 2,
transmission lines maintenance or construction, and
future urbanization in the immediate vicinity of SQN.
As described in Section 4.9, no cultural resources would be adversely affected by SQN, Units 1
and 2, license renewal activities as no associated changes or ground-disturbing activities would
occur (TVA 2013a). Cultural resources on the SQN site are being managed through TVA best
management practices (e.g., procedures and training) and license renewal would have no
contributory incremental effect on historic and cultural resources (TVA 2013b). Expansion of
ISFSI, tritium production, use of HEU fuel, use of MOXF, decommissioning of SQN, Units 1 and
2, transmission lines, and future urbanization all have the potential to result in impacts on
cultural resources through inadvertent discovery during ground-disturbing activities. The
Chickamauga Dam has the potential to affect cultural resources because of the fluctuation of
river water levels that may cause erosion impacts to resources located on the river banks.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
However, TVA has established processes and procedures to ensure cultural resources are
considered in project planning during normal operation of SQN, Units 1 and 2, and these same
processes and procedures are used throughout the TVA power properties. Therefore, the NRC
staff concludes that the cumulative impact of the proposed license renewal when combined with
other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future activities on historic and cultural
resources would be SMALL.
4.16.7 Socioeconomics
This section addresses socioeconomic factors that have the potential to be directly or indirectly
affected by changes in operations at SQN in addition to the aggregate effects of other past,
present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions. The primary geographic area of interest
considered in this cumulative analysis is Hamilton and Rhea Counties, where approximately
84 percent of SQN employees reside (see Table 3–22). This is where the economy, tax base,
and infrastructure would most likely be affected because SQN workers and their families reside,
spend their incomes, and use their benefits within these counties.
As discussed in Section 4.8.10 of this SEIS, continued operation of SQN during the license
renewal term would have no impact on socioeconomic conditions in the region beyond those
that are already being experienced. Since TVA has no plans to hire additional workers during
the license renewal term, overall expenditures and employment levels at SQN would remain
relatively constant and unchanged, with no additional demand for permanent housing and public
services. In addition, as employment levels and tax payments would not change, there would
be no population- or tax revenue-related land-use impacts. Based on this and other information
presented in preceding sections of Chapter 4 of this SEIS, there would be no additional
contributory effect on socioeconomic conditions in the future from the continued operation of
SQN on socioeconomic conditions in the region during the license renewal term beyond what is
currently being experienced. Therefore, the only contributory effects would come from
reasonably foreseeable future planned activities at SQN, unrelated to the proposed action
(license renewal), and other reasonably foreseeable planned offsite activities. For example,
residential development is forecast for the SQN area, but not to the point that population
densities will be significant. Contributing to projected development is a provision to install
sewage lines in part of the area (TVA 2013a). Tritium Production and Use of Highly Enriched Uranium and Mixed-Oxide Fuel at SQN
The applicant stated in its ER that SQN has been selected by DOE for irradiation services for
the production of tritium. Tritium production at SQN was studied in DOE’s environmental impact
statement (EIS) for tritium production in a commercial light water reactor (DOE 1999). Fewer
than 10 additional workers per unit and some power plant modifications would be required to
provide tritium production irradiation services to DOE. These additional workers and other
transportation-related activities would increase traffic volumes on local roads near SQN. During
reactor operations, irradiated tritium-producing burnable absorber rod assemblies,
nonradioactive waste, and some additional low-level radioactive waste would be transported off
site for processing and disposal. Should DOE select SQN for irradiation services, and the NRC
approve a license amendment for this activity, the contributory socioeconomic effect of this
action would be SMALL in the immediate vicinity of SQN. Furthermore, the use of HEU and
MOXF would not create any contributory socioeconomic effects in the immediate vicinity of
SQN. Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2
The 1978 operating license final environmental statement (FES) evaluated the impacts from
operating both WBN Units 1 and 2, concluding no significant socioeconomic impacts would
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
occur from combined power plant operations. Since that time, the region around WBN, Units 1
and 2, has experienced economic growth and increases in population and housing.
Currently, TVA expects to employ 200 workers to operate WBN 2, which is the same number of
operations workers projected in the 1978 FES (NRC 1978). However, this would be in addition
to the 700 TVA personnel and 1,360 construction workers (PNNL 2009) currently employed at
the WBN site (TVA 2008, 2010). Should WBN 2 become operational, the overall level of
employment at the WBN site would be less than total current employment at the WBN site. The
contributory socioeconomic effect of this action would be SMALL in the immediate vicinity of
SQN. Small Modular Reactor Modules at the Clinch River Site
The incremental socioeconomic effects of installing and operating small modular reactor (SMR)
modules at the Clinch River site cannot be accurately estimated since the NRC has not received
an application for a construction and operation license. However, installing and operating SMR
modules would create new employment and income opportunities resulting in temporary (during
installation) and permanent (during operations) population increases in communities located
near the Clinch River site. Employment-driven population growth would cause increased traffic
volumes on local roads and increased demand for housing and local commercial and public
services near the site. Should SMR modules be installed and operated at the Clinch River site,
the contributory socioeconomic effect of this action could be SMALL in the immediate vicinity of
SQN. Recreational Vehicle Trailer Park
Construction and operation of an RV trailer park directly across from SQN would both increase
traffic volumes on roads near SQN as well as demand for commercial and public services. The
RV trailer park will use the same municipal public water supply as SQN. The contributory
socioeconomic effect of this action could be SMALL in the immediate vicinity of SQN. Conclusion
When combined with other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future activities, there will
be no additional contributory effect on socioeconomic conditions from the continued operation of
SQN during the license renewal period beyond what is currently being experienced. Therefore,
the NRC staff concludes that the cumulative socioeconomic impact would be SMALL in the
immediate vicinity of SQN.
4.16.8 Human Health
The NRC and EPA established radiological dose limits for protection of the public and workers
from both acute and long-term exposure to radiation and radioactive materials. These dose
limits are codified in 10 CFR Part 20 and 40 CFR Part 190. As discussed in Section 4.11.1, the
doses resulting from operation of SQN are below regulatory limits and the impacts of these
exposures are SMALL. For the purposes of this analysis, the geographical area considered is
the area included within an 50-mi (80-km) radius of the SQN site. The only other nuclear power
plant within the applicable geographical area is TVA’s Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) that is
approximately 31 miles north-northeast of the SQN site. The WBN site contains an operating
reactor, Unit 1, and Unit 2 that is under construction. In addition to storing its spent nuclear fuel
in a storage pool, SQN also stores some of its spent nuclear fuel in an onsite independent spent
fuel storage installation (ISFSI).
EPA regulations in 40 CFR Part 190 limit the dose to members of the public from all sources in
the nuclear fuel cycle, including nuclear power plants, fuel fabrication facilities, waste disposal
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
facilities, and transportation of fuel and waste. As discussed in Section of this SEIS,
SQN has conducted a radiological environmental monitoring program since 1971, well before
commercial operation began in 1981. This program measures radiation and radioactive
materials in the environment from SQN, its ISFSI, and all other sources, such as WBN. The
NRC staff reviewed the radiological environmental monitoring results for the 5-year period from
2008 to 2012 as part of the cumulative impacts assessment. The NRC staff’s review of TVA’s
data showed no indication of an adverse trend in radioactivity levels in the environment from
SQN, its ISFSI, or WBN. The data showed that there was no measurable impact to the
environment from the operations at SQN and there were no contributory impacts from WBN.
As discussed in Section of this SEIS, TVA may seek NRC approval to produce tritium at
SQN for the DOE. In addition, TVA may seek NRC approval to use mixed oxide (MOX) fuel at
SQN. Also, as discussed in Section, SQN is not producing tritium for the DOE and is not
using MOX fuel. In order to conduct either of these actions, TVA is required to submit license
amendments to the NRC. The NRC would perform independent safety and environmental
reviews of these actions to ensure the adequate protection of the public and the environment.
The NRC and the State of Tennessee will regulate any future development or actions in the
vicinity of the SQN site that could contribute to cumulative radiological impacts.
Based on the NRC staff’s review of radiological environmental monitoring data, radioactive
effluent release data, and the expected continued compliance with Federal radiation protection
standards, the cumulative radiological impacts to SQN workers and members of the public from
the operation of SQN during the renewal term would be SMALL.
4.16.9 Environmental Justice
The environmental justice cumulative impact analysis assesses the potential for
disproportionately high and adverse human health and environmental effects on minority and
low-income populations that could result from past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future
actions, including SQN operations during the renewal term. Adverse health effects are
measured in terms of the risk and rate of fatal or nonfatal adverse impacts on human health.
Disproportionately high and adverse human health effects occur when the risk or rate of
exposure to an environmental hazard for a minority or low-income population is significant and
exceeds the risk or exposure rate for the general population or for another appropriate
comparison group. Disproportionately high environmental effects refer to impacts or risks of
impacts on the natural or physical environment in a minority or low-income community that are
significant and appreciably exceed the environmental impact on the larger community. Such
effects may include biological, cultural, economic, or social impacts. Some of these potential
effects have been identified in resource areas presented in preceding sections of this SEIS.
As previously discussed in this chapter, the impact from license renewal for all resource areas
(e.g., land, air, water, ecology, and human health) would be SMALL.
As discussed in Section 4.12 of this SEIS, there would be no disproportionately high and
adverse impacts on minority and low-income populations from the continued operation of SQN
during the license renewal term. Because TVA has no plans to hire additional workers during
the license renewal term, employment levels at SQN would remain relatively constant, and there
would be no additional demand for housing or increased traffic. Based on this information and
the analysis of human health and environmental impacts presented in the preceding sections, it
is not likely there would be any disproportionately high and adverse contributory effect on
minority and low-income populations from the continued operation of SQN during the license
renewal term. Therefore, the only contributory effects would come from the other reasonably
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
foreseeable future planned activities at SQN, unrelated to the proposed action (license
renewal), and other reasonably foreseeable planned offsite activities. Tritium Production and Use of Highly Enriched Uranium and Mixed-Oxide Fuel at SQN
Potential impacts to minority and low-income populations would mostly consist of environmental
and socioeconomic effects (e.g., traffic, employment, and housing impacts). Radiation doses
from plant operations after power plant modifications for irradiation services or the use of HEU
and MOXF would be expected to continue to remain well below regulatory limits. Noise and
dust impacts from power plant modifications would be temporary and limited to onsite activities.
Minority and low-income populations residing along site access roads could experience
increased commuter vehicle traffic during shift changes. Increased demand for inexpensive
rental housing during irradiation services-related power plant modifications could
disproportionately affect low-income populations; however, because of the short duration of the
work and the availability of housing, impacts to minority and low-income populations would be of
short duration and limited.
Based on this information and the analysis of human health and environmental impacts
presented in this section of the SEIS, irradiation services or the use of HEU and MOXF would
not have disproportionately high and adverse human health and environmental effects on
minority and low-income populations residing in the vicinity of SQN. Watts Bar Unit 2
Potential impacts to minority and low-income populations would mostly consist of environmental
and socioeconomic effects (e.g., noise, dust, traffic, employment, and housing impacts).
Radiation doses from WBN 2 power plant operations are expected to be similar to WBN Unit 1
and well below regulatory limits. Increased demand for inexpensive rental housing during the
completion of WBN 2 could disproportionately affect low-income populations; however, because
of the short duration of the work and the availability of housing, impacts to minority and
low-income populations would be of short duration and limited.
Based on this information and the analysis of human health and environmental impacts
presented in this section of the SEIS, the contributory effects of WBN 2 operations would not
cause any disproportionately high and adverse human health and environmental effects on
minority and low-income populations residing in the vicinity of SQN. Small Modular Reactor Modules at the Clinch River Site
Potential impacts to minority and low-income populations would mostly consist of environmental
and socioeconomic effects (e.g., noise, dust, traffic, employment, and housing impacts).
Radiation doses from operating SMR modules at the Clinch River site are expected to be well
below regulatory limits. Increased demand for inexpensive rental housing during the installation
of SMR modules could disproportionately affect low-income populations; however, because of
the short duration of the installation work and the availability of housing, impacts to minority and
low-income populations would be of short duration and limited.
Based on this information and the analysis of human health and environmental impacts
presented in this section of the SEIS, the contributory effects of SMR module operations at the
Clinch River site would not cause any disproportionately high and adverse human health and
environmental effects on minority and low-income populations residing in the vicinity of SQN. Recreational Vehicle Trailer Park
Potential impacts to minority and low-income populations would mostly consist of environmental
and socioeconomic effects during the construction of the RV trailer park (e.g., noise, dust, and
traffic impacts). Noise and dust impacts during construction would be temporary and limited to
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
onsite activities. These adverse effects would also be offset by the availability of low-income
housing at the proposed RV trailer park. Minority and low-income populations residing nearby
could also experience increased traffic on roads near their houses; however, impacts to minority
and low-income populations would be limited to certain hours of the day and would be of short
Based on this information and the analysis of human health and environmental impacts
presented in this section of the SEIS, the contributory effects of the RV trailer park would not
cause any disproportionately high and adverse human health and environmental effects on
minority and low-income populations residing in the vicinity of SQN. Conclusion
The NRC staff concludes that the contributory effects of this action, when combined with other
past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future activities considered, would not cause any
disproportionately high and adverse human health and environmental effects on minority and
low-income populations residing in the vicinity of SQN.
4.16.10 Waste Management
This section describes waste management impacts during the license renewal term when added
to the aggregate effects of other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions. For
the purpose of this cumulative impacts analysis, the area within a 50-mi (80-km) radius of SQN
was considered.
As with any major industrial facility, SQN generates waste as a consequence of normal
operations. The expected waste generation rates during the license renewal term would be the
same as during current operations, and radioactive waste (low-level, high-level, and spent
nuclear fuel) and nonradioactive waste will continue to be generated. Hazardous waste would
continue to be packaged and shipped to offsite Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
(RCRA)-permitted treatment and disposal facilities. Typically, hazardous waste is not held in
long-term storage at SQN. Hazardous wastes from SQN are transferred to TVA’s permitted
hazardous waste storage facility (HWSF) in Muscle Shoals, Alabama, which serves as a central
collection point for all TVA-generated hazardous wastes. It is then shipped to an approved
licensed facility for disposition (TVA 2013a).
As discussed in Sections 3.1.4 and 3.1.5 of this SEIS, TVA maintains waste management
programs for all radioactive and nonradioactive waste generated at SQN and is required to
comply with Federal and State permits and other regulatory requirements for the management
of waste material. Current waste management activities at SQN would likely remain unchanged
during the license renewal term. The existing onsite independent spent fuel storage installation
at SQN may be expanded to handle the additional spent nuclear fuel generated during the
license renewal term; however, the impacts of this expansion would be addressed under a
separate licensing action and associated NEPA review process (TVA 2013a). Nonradioactive
and nonhazardous waste generated during the license renewal term would continue to be
shipped off site by commercial haulers to licensed treatment and disposal facilities. Tritium Production and Use of Mixed-Oxide Fuel at SQN
As discussed in Section 3.1.4, if SQN applies for and receives NRC approval to provide tritium
production services to DOE, power plant modifications will be required. These modifications
would generate small amounts of construction and other nonradioactive waste. This waste
material would be shipped off site by commercial haulers to licensed treatment and disposal
facilities. During reactor operations, nonradioactive waste, and some additional low-level
radioactive waste would be generated and transported off site for processing and disposal.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Should SQN provide tritium production services during the license renewal term, the NRC staff
concludes that the contributory effect of this action on waste management, would be SMALL in
the immediate vicinity of SQN. Additionally, the use of HEU and MOX fuel would not result in
any noticeable changes in the types or quantities of nonradioactive or radioactive waste. SQN’s
waste management program would handle the waste in accordance with Federal and State
requirements. The NRC staff concludes that the contributory effect of this action on waste
management during the license renewal term would be SMALL. Watts Bar Unit 2
The 1978 operating license final environmental statement (FES) evaluated the impacts from
operating both WBN, Units 1 and 2. Should WBN 2 become operational, waste management
activities at the WBN site would be required to comply with Federal and State permits and other
regulatory requirements for the management of waste material. The contributory effect of this
action would be SMALL. Recreational Vehicle Trailer Park
Construction and operation of an RV trailer park directly across from SQN would generate
volumes of commercial waste, but the operator of the park would be required to comply with
Federal and State requirements for the management of waste material. The contributory effect
of this action would be SMALL in the immediate vicinity of SQN. Conclusion
Since current waste management activities at SQN would continue during the license renewal
term, there would be no new or increased contributory effect beyond what is currently being
experienced. Therefore, the only new contributory effects would come from reasonably
foreseeable future planned activities at SQN, unrelated to the proposed action (license
renewal), and other reasonably foreseeable planned offsite activities. All radioactive and
nonradioactive waste treatment and disposal facilities within 50 mi (80 km) of SQN would also
be required to comply with Federal and State permits and other regulatory requirements.
In addition, the waste management activities at other TVA nuclear power reactor sites
(e.g., Watts Bar) as well as other industrial facilities generating radioactive and nonradioactive
waste would also have to meet the same or similar requirements. Based on this information,
the cumulative effect from continued waste management activities at SQN during the license
renewal term would be SMALL.
4.16.11 Global Climate Change
This section addresses the impact of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions resulting from
continued operation of SQN on global climate change when added to the aggregate effects of
other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions. The impacts of climate change
on air, water, and ecological resources are discussed in Section 4.14.3. Climate is influenced
by both natural and human-induced factors; the observed global warming (increase in Earth’s
surface temperature) in the 21st century has been attributed to the increase in GHG emissions
resulting from human activities (USGCRP 2009, 2014). Climate model projections indicate that
future climate change is dependent on current and future GHG emissions (IPCC 2007b,
USGCRP 2009, 2014). As described in Section, operations at SQN emit GHG
emissions directly and indirectly. Therefore, it is recognized that GHG emissions from
continued SQN operation may contribute to climate change.
The cumulative impact of a GHG emission source on climate is global. GHG emissions are
transported by wind and become well-mixed in the atmosphere as a result of their long
atmospheric lifetime. Therefore, the extent and nature of climate change is not specific to
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
where GHGs are emitted. In April 2013, the EPA published the official U.S. inventory of GHG
emissions, which identifies and quantifies the primary anthropogenic sources and sinks of
GHGs. The EPA GHG inventory is an essential tool for addressing climate change and
participating with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to compare the
relative global contribution of different emission sources and GHGs to climate change. In 2011,
the U.S. emitted 6,702.3 teragrams of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) (6,702 million metric
tons (MMT) CO2e) and since 1990 emissions have increased at an average annual rate of
4 percent (EPA 2013e). In 2010 and 2011, the total amount of carbon dioxide equivalent
(CO2e) emissions related to electricity generation was 2,303 teragrams (2,303 million metric
tons (MMT)) and 2,200 teragrams (2,200 MMT), respectively (EPA 2013e). The Energy
Information Administration (EIA) reported that, in 2010, electricity production in Tennessee was
responsible for 48 MMT CO2e (EIA 2012). Facilities that emit 25,000 metric tons (MT) CO2e or
more per year are required to report annually their GHG emissions to the EPA. These facilities
are known as direct emitters and the data is publicly available in EPA’s facility-level information
on GHGs tool (FLIGHT). In 2011, FLIGHT identified eight facilities in Hamilton County, where
SQN is located, that emitted a total of 818,014 MT CO2e (EPA 2013a). In 2011, FLIGHT
identified 93 facilities in Tennessee that emitted a total of 55.8 MMT CO2e (EPA 2013b).
Appendix E provides a list of present and reasonably foreseeable projects that could contribute
to GHG emissions. Permitting and licensing requirements and other mitigative measures can
minimize the impacts of GHG emissions. For instance, in 2012 the EPA issued a final GHG
Tailoring Rule to address GHG emissions from stationary sources under the Clean Air Act
permitting requirements; the GHG Tailoring Rule establishes when an emission source will be
subject to permitting requirements and control technology to reduce GHG emissions. Executive
Order (E.O.) 13514 (Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance)
requires Federal agencies to set GHG emission reduction targets, relative to 2008 GHG
emissions, by the year 2020. TVA, in accordance with this E.O. has developed a Strategic
Sustainable Performance Plan that identifies the actions and measures that will be taken to
reach GHG emission reduction targets by 2020 of its facilities (TVA 2012f). On June 25, 2013,
the Executive Office of the President set forward a Climate Action Plan. The Climate Action
Plan will reduce carbon pollution, prepare the United States for the impacts of climate change,
and lead international efforts to combat global climate change. Future actions and steps taken
to reduce GHG emissions, such as E.O. 13514 and the Climate Action Plan, will lessen the
impacts on climate change.
EPA’s U.S. inventory of GHG emissions illustrates the diversity of GHG source emitters, such
as electricity generation, industrial processes, and agriculture. GHG emissions resulting from
operations at SQN range from 23,250 to 28,720 MT CO2e (Table 4–27). In comparing SQN’s
GHG emission contribution to different emissions sources, whether it be total U.S. GHG
emissions, emissions from electricity production in Tennessee, or emissions on a county level,
GHG emissions from SQN are minor relative to these inventories; this is evident as presented in
Table 4–29. Climate models indicate that short-term climate change (through the year 2030) is
dependent on past GHG emissions. Therefore, climate change is projected to occur with or
without present and future GHG emissions from SQN. The NRC staff concludes that the impact
from the contribution of GHG emissions from continued operation of SQN on climate change
would be SMALL. As discussed in Section, climate change and climate-related
changes have been observed on a global level and climate models indicate that future climate
change will depend on present and future GHG emissions. Based on continued increases in
GHG emission rates, climate models project that Earth’s average surface temperature will
continue to increase and climate-related changes will persist. Therefore, the cumulative impact
of GHG emissions on climate change is noticeable but not destabilizing. The NRC staff
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
concludes that the cumulative impacts from the proposed license renewal and other past,
present, and reasonably foreseeable projects would be MODERATE.
Table 4–29. Comparison of GHG Emission Inventories
Global Fossil Fuel Combustion Emissions
U.S. Emissions
Hamilton County
SQN Emissions
CO2e MMT/year
According to the International Energy Agency in 2011 global CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion was
31.6 Gt (IEA 2012); 31.6 Gt of CO2 is equivalent to 31,865 CO2e.
Source: EPA 2013e
GHG emissions account only for direct emitters, those facilities that emit 25,000 MT or more a year (EPA 2013b)
GHG emissions account only for direct emitters, those facilities that emit 25,000 MT or more a year (EPA 2013a)
Emissions include direct and indirect emissions from operation of SQN and the most conservative value is
provided (2011 GHG inventory) (TVA 2013d; TVA 2013t).
4.16.12 Summary of Cumulative Impacts
The NRC staff considered the potential impacts resulting from the operation of SQN during the
period of extended operation and other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions
near SQN. Potential cumulative impacts would range from SMALL to LARGE, depending on
the resource. Table 4–30 summarizes the cumulative impacts on resource areas.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Table 4–30. Summary of Cumulative Impacts on Resource Areas
Resource Area
Cumulative Impact
Because there are no planned site refurbishments with the SQN license renewal, and
no expected changes in air emissions, cumulative impacts in Hamilton County would
Air Quality and
be the result of changes to present-day emissions and emissions from reasonably
foreseeable projects and actions. Various strategies and techniques are available to
limit air quality impacts. Therefore, the cumulative impacts from the continued
operation of SQN would be SMALL.
Consumptive surface water use from continued SQN operations will continue to be a
very small percentage of the overall flow of the Tennessee River through Chickamauga
Reservoir. Potential impacts to surface water resources include prolonged drought and
temperature increases. Long-term warming could potentially affect navigation, power
production, and municipal and industrial users, although the magnitude of the impact is
uncertain. However, the regulatory framework established by the State of Tennessee
in managing surface water use and quality and the operation of the Tennessee River
System by TVA to manage flows and to regulate water quality for designated uses will
continue to limit water withdrawals from and thermal discharges to the Chickamauga
Water Resources
Reservoir. Therefore, the NRC staff concludes that the cumulative impacts from past,
present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions on surface water resources during
the license renewal term would be SMALL to MODERATE. SQN operations have not
affected and are not expected to affect the quality of groundwater in any aquifers that
are a current or potential future source of water for offsite users. Considering ongoing
activities and reasonably foreseeable actions, the NRC staff concludes that the
cumulative impacts on groundwater use and quality during the SQN license renewal
term would be SMALL. Therefore, overall cumulative impact to water resources from
continued operation of SQN would range from SMALL to MODERATE.
NRC staff concludes that the cumulative impacts on aquatic resources in Chickamauga
Reservoir are LARGE based on past, present and reasonably foreseeable future
actions. The environmental effects are clearly noticeable and have destabilized
Aquatic Ecology important attributes of the aquatic resources in the vicinity of the SQN site. The
incremental, site-specific impact from the continued operation of SQN during the
license renewal period would be minor and not noticeable in comparison to cumulative
impact on the aquatic ecology.
Construction of new transmission lines, power plants, or residential areas over the
proposed license renewal term have the potential to affect terrestrial resources.
Habitat fragmentation will increase as the region surrounding the SQN site becomes
more developed. Therefore, the cumulative impacts from the continued operation of
SQN would be MODERATE.
The NRC staff reviewed SQN’s radioactive effluent and environmental monitoring data
from 2008 to 2012, and concluded the impacts of radiation exposure to the public from
operation of SQN during the renewal term are SMALL. The cumulative radiological
impacts from SQN, Units 1 and 2, and their potential production of tritium and use of
Human Health
MOX fuel, as well as its ISFSI, Watts Bar 1, and any future operating nuclear power
plants are required to meet the radiation dose limits in 10 CFR Part 20 and EPA’s 40
CFR Part 190. Therefore, the cumulative impacts from the continued operation of SQN
would be SMALL.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Resource Area
Cumulative Impact
As discussed in Section 4.9 of this SEIS, continued operation of SQN during the
license renewal term would have no impact on socioeconomic conditions in the region
beyond those already experienced. TVA has no plans to hire additional workers during
the license renewal term; employment levels at TVA would remain relatively constant
with no new demands for housing or increased traffic. Combined with other past,
present, and reasonably foreseeable future activities, there will be no additional
contributory effect on socioeconomic conditions from the continued operation of SQN
during the license renewal period beyond what is currently being experienced.
Therefore, the NRC staff concludes that the cumulative socioeconomic impact would
be SMALL in the immediate vicinity of SQN.
As described in Section 4.9, no cultural resources would be adversely affected by SQN,
Units 1 and 2, license renewal activities as no associated changes or ground-disturbing
activities will occur (TVA 2013a). Cultural resources on the SQN site are being
managed through TVA best management practices (e.g., procedures and training) and
license renewal would have no contributory incremental effect on historic and cultural
resources. Therefore, combined with other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable
future activities, the potential cumulative impacts on historic and cultural resources
would be SMALL.
There would be no disproportionately high and adverse impacts to minority and
low-income populations from the continued operation of SQN during the license
renewal term.
Since current waste management activities at SQN would continue during the license
renewal term, there would be no new or increased contributory effect beyond what is
currently being experienced. Therefore, the only new contributory effects would come
from reasonably foreseeable future planned activities at SQN, unrelated to the
proposed action (license renewal), and other reasonably foreseeable planned offsite
activities. All radioactive and nonradioactive waste treatment and disposal facilities
Management and
within 50 mi (80 km) of SQN would also be required to comply with Federal and State
permits and other regulatory requirements. In addition, the waste management
activities at other TVA nuclear power reactor sites (e.g., Watts Bar) as well as other
industrial facilities generating radioactive and nonradioactive waste would also have to
meet the same or similar requirements. Based on this information, the cumulative
effect from continued waste management activities at SQN during the license renewal
term would be SMALL.
As discussed in Section 4.14.3, the NRC staff concludes that the impact from the
contribution of GHG emissions from continued operation of SQN on climate change
would be SMALL. As discussed in Section, climate change and
climate-related changes have been observed on a global level and climate models
indicate that future climate change will depend on present and future GHG emissions.
Global Climate
Because of continued increases in GHG emission rates, climate models project that
Earth’s average surface temperature will continue to increase and climate-related
changes will persist. Therefore, the cumulative impact of GHG emissions on climate
change is noticeable but not destabilizing. The NRC staff concludes that the
cumulative impacts from the proposed license renewal and other past, present, and
reasonably foreseeable projects would be MODERATE.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
4.17 Resource Commitments
4.17.1 Unavoidable Adverse Environmental Impacts
Unavoidable adverse environmental impacts are impacts that would occur after implementation
of all workable mitigation measures. Carrying out any of the energy alternatives considered in
this SEIS, including the proposed action, would result in some unavoidable adverse
environmental impacts.
Minor unavoidable adverse impacts on air quality would occur due to emission and release of
various chemical and radiological constituents from power plant operations. Nonradiological
emissions resulting from power plant operations are expected to comply with EPA emissions
standards, though the alternative of operating a fossil fueled power plant in some areas may
worsen existing attainment issues. Chemical and radiological emissions would not exceed the
national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants.
During nuclear power plant operations, workers and members of the public would face
unavoidable exposure to radiation and hazardous and toxic chemicals. Workers would be
exposed to radiation and chemicals associated with routine plant operations and the handling of
nuclear fuel and waste material. Workers would have higher levels of exposure than members
of the public, but doses would be administratively controlled and would not exceed standards or
administrative control limits. In comparison, the alternatives involving the construction and
operation of a non nuclear power generating facility would also result in unavoidable exposure
to hazardous and toxic chemicals to workers and the public.
The generation of spent nuclear fuel and waste material, including low level radioactive waste,
hazardous waste, and nonhazardous waste would be unavoidable. Hazardous and
nonhazardous wastes would be generated at non nuclear power generating facilities. Wastes
generated during plant operations would be collected, stored, and shipped for suitable
treatment, recycling, or disposal in accordance with applicable Federal and state regulations.
Due to the costs of handling these materials, power plant operators would be expected to carry
out all activities and optimize all operations in a way that generates the smallest amount of
waste possible.
4.17.2 Short Term Versus Long Term Productivity
The operation of power generating facilities would result in short term uses of the environment,
as described in Chapter 4. “Short term” is the period of time that continued power generating
activities take place.
Power plant operations require short term use of the environment and commitment of resources
(e.g., land and energy), indefinitely or permanently. Certain short term resource commitments
are substantially greater under most energy alternatives, including license renewal, than under
the no action alternative because of the continued generation of electrical power and the
continued use of generating sites and associated infrastructure. During operations, all energy
alternatives entail similar relationships between local short term uses of the environment and
the maintenance and enhancement of long term productivity.
Air emissions from power plant operations introduce small amounts of radiological and
nonradiological constituents to the region around the plant site. Over time, these emissions
would result in increased concentrations and exposure, but they are not expected to impact air
quality or radiation exposure to the extent that public health and long term productivity of the
environment would be impaired.
Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
Continued employment, expenditures, and tax revenues generated during power plant
operations directly benefit local, regional, and state economies over the short term. Local
governments investing project generated tax revenues into infrastructure and other required
services could enhance economic productivity over the long term.
The management and disposal of spent nuclear fuel, low level radioactive waste, hazardous
waste, and nonhazardous waste requires an increase in energy and consumes space at
treatment, storage, or disposal facilities. Regardless of the location, the use of land to meet
waste disposal needs would reduce the long term productivity of the land.
Power plant facilities are committed to electricity production over the short term. After
decommissioning these facilities and restoring the area, the land could be available for other
future productive uses.
4.17.3 Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitments of Resources
This section describes the irreversible and irretrievable commitment of resources that have
been noted in this SEIS. Resources are irreversible when primary or secondary impacts limit
the future options for a resource. An irretrievable commitment refers to the use or consumption
of resources that are neither renewable nor recoverable for future use. Irreversible and
irretrievable commitment of resources for electrical power generation include the commitment of
land, water, energy, raw materials, and other natural and man made resources required for
power plant operations. In general, the commitment of capital, energy, labor, and material
resources are also irreversible.
The implementation of any of the energy alternatives considered in this SEIS would entail the
irreversible and irretrievable commitment of energy, water, chemicals, and—in some cases—
fossil fuels. These resources would be committed during the license renewal term and over the
entire life cycle of the power plant, and they would be unrecoverable.
Energy expended would be in the form of fuel for equipment, vehicles, and power plant
operations and electricity for equipment and facility operations. Electricity and fuel would be
purchased from offsite commercial sources. Water would be obtained from existing water
supply systems. These resources are readily available, and the amounts required are not
expected to deplete available supplies or exceed available system capacities.
4.18 References
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Environmental Consequences and Mitigating Actions
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