Application Title: Question NRC
eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 NRC Letter No System RAI No Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number Response Date Response Accession Number 01.05-1 58 6434 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Other Regulatory Considerations NWE1 5/1/12 ML12122A973 2/12/13 ML13044A570 01.05-1 58 6434 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Other Regulatory Considerations NWE1 5/1/12 ML12122A973 3/31/15 ML15092A222 01.05-2 58 6434 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Other Regulatory Considerations NWE1 5/1/12 ML12122A973 6/29/12 ML121850685 01.05-2 58 6434 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Other Regulatory Considerations NWE1 5/1/12 ML12122A973 10/29/15 ML15306A169 01.05-3 58 6434 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Other Regulatory Considerations NWE1 5/1/12 ML12122A973 6/29/12 ML121850685 01.05-3 58 6434 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Other Regulatory Considerations NWE1 5/1/12 ML12122A973 10/28/13 ML13302C082 01.05-3 58 6434 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Other Regulatory Considerations NWE1 5/1/12 ML12122A973 3/10/16 ML16074A384 01.05-4 58 6434 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Other Regulatory Considerations NWE1 5/1/12 ML12122A973 6/29/12 ML121850685 01-1 57 6367 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Introduction and Interfaces NRR/DP R/PFPB 4/2/12 ML12093A372 5/16/12 ML12138A201 01-2 57 6367 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Introduction and Interfaces NRR/DP R/PFPB 4/2/12 ML12093A372 5/16/12 ML12138A201 02.01.02-1 66 6905 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Exclusion Area Authority and Control RPAC 11/20/12 ML12325A184 1/4/13 ML13008A235 02.01.03-1 46 6077 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Population Distribution RSAC 12/19/11 ML11354A419 1/18/12 ML12019A254 02.01.03-2 55 6079 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Population Distribution RSAC 3/28/12 ML12088A414 4/25/12 ML121170467 02.01.03-3 080 7467 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Population Distribution RPAC 5/20/14 ML14141A201 6/18/14 ML14170A894 02.01.03-3 080 7467 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Population Distribution RPAC 5/20/14 ML14141A201 6/18/14 ML14336A347 02.02.03-1 26 5653 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Evaluation of Potential Accidents RSAC 7/5/11 12/14/11 ML11350A197 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section ML11186A908 **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 1 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 NRC Letter No System RAI No Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number Response Date Response Accession Number 02.02.03-2 27 5655 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Evaluation of Potential Accidents RSAC 7/5/11 ML11186A956 8/4/11 ML11217A224 02.02.03-3 27 5655 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Evaluation of Potential Accidents RSAC 7/5/11 ML11186A956 8/4/11 ML11217A224 02.03.01-1 13 5308 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Regional Climatology RSAC 1/10/11 ML110110682 2/9/11 ML110410567 02.03.01-2 34 5908 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Regional Climatology RSAC 8/15/11 ML11227A004 9/30/11 ML11276A100 02.03.01-3 56 6251 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Regional Climatology RHEB 3/29/12 ML12089A471 5/14/12 ML12136A550 02.03.02-1 14 5309 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Local Meteorology RSAC 1/11/11 ML110110720 2/9/11 ML110410565 02.03.02-2 14 5309 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Local Meteorology RSAC 1/11/11 ML110110720 2/9/11 ML110410565 02.03.03-1 15 5310 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Onsite Meteorological Measurements Programs RSAC 1/11/11 ML110110722 2/9/11 ML110410437 02.03.05-1 16 5311 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Long-Term Atmospheric Dispersion Estimates for Routine Releases RSAC 1/11/11 ML110110758 2/9/11 ML110410444 02.04.02-1 2 4806 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Floods RHEB 8/2/10 ML102140370 9/1/10 ML102450485 02.04.02-2 2 4806 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Floods RHEB 8/2/10 ML102140370 9/17/10 ML102640041 02.04.02-3 2 4806 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Floods RHEB 8/2/10 ML102140370 9/1/10 ML102450485 02.04.03-1 3 4808 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) on Streams and Rivers RHEB 8/3/10 ML102150153 9/2/10 ML102500206 02.04.05-1 10 5233 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Probable Maximum Surge and Seiche Flooding RHEB 12/2/10 ML103370087 3/22/11 ML110840025 02.04.05-2 10 5233 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Probable Maximum Surge and Seiche Flooding RHEB 12/2/10 ML103370087 2/28/11 ML110610686 02.04.05-3 10 5233 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Probable Maximum Surge and Seiche Flooding RHEB 12/2/10 ML103370087 4/6/11 ML110980613 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 2 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 NRC Letter No System RAI No Response Date Response Accession Number 02.04.05-4 36 5860 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Probable Maximum Surge and Seiche Flooding RHEB 9/21/11 ML11272A198 11/16/11 ML11321A317 02.04.05-5 36 5860 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Probable Maximum Surge and Seiche Flooding RHEB 9/21/11 ML11272A198 11/4/11 ML11312A049 02.04.05-6 36 5860 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Probable Maximum Surge and Seiche Flooding RHEB 9/21/11 ML11272A198 10/21/11 ML11298A089 02.04.06-1 4 4809 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Probable Maximum Tsunami Flooding RHEB 8/3/10 ML102150446 9/2/10 ML102500207 02.04.06-2 4 4809 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Probable Maximum Tsunami Flooding RHEB 8/3/10 ML102150446 9/22/10 Ml102670160 02.04.06-3 4 4809 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Probable Maximum Tsunami Flooding RHEB 8/3/10 ML102150446 9/2/10 ML102500207 02.04.06-4 30 5818 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Probable Maximum Tsunami Flooding RHEB 7/18/11 ML11199A015 10/11/11 ML11286A088 02.04.06-4 30 5818 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Probable Maximum Tsunami Flooding RHEB 7/18/11 ML11199A015 10/11/11 ML11286A088 02.04.06-5 30 5818 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Probable Maximum Tsunami Flooding RHEB 7/18/11 ML11199A015 10/28/11 ML11304A201 02.04.06-6 30 5818 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Probable Maximum Tsunami Flooding RHEB 7/18/11 ML11199A015 10/11/11 ML11286A088 02.04.06-7 47 6225 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Probable Maximum Tsunami Flooding RHEB 12/21/11 ML12014A120 3/21/13 ML13100A104 02.04.06-8 47 6225 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Probable Maximum Tsunami Flooding RHEB 12/21/11 ML12014A120 7/26/12 ML122120129 02.04.12-1 11 5190 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Groundwater RHEB 12/16/10 ML103500342 5/5/11 ML11129A058 02.04.12-2 11 5190 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Groundwater RHEB 12/16/10 ML103500342 5/5/11 ML11129A058 02.04.12-3 11 5190 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Groundwater RHEB 12/16/10 ML103500342 5/5/11 ML11129A058 02.04.12-4 11 5190 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Groundwater RHEB 12/16/10 ML103500342 5/5/11 ML11129A058 02.04.12-5 21 5643 N/A Resolved - Closed None Groundwater RHEB 4/28/11 ML11133A391 6/27/11 ML11180A062 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity N/A Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 3 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 NRC Letter No System RAI No Question Type 02.04.12-6 21 5643 N/A 02.05.01-1 41 6024 02.05.01-10 41 02.05.01-11 Sensitivity Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number Response Date Response Accession Number Resolved - Closed None Groundwater RHEB 4/28/11 ML11133A391 6/27/11 ML11180A062 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A073 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A074 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A074 02.05.01-12 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A074 02.05.01-13 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A074 02.05.01-14 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A074 02.05.01-15 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A074 02.05.01-15 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 6/17/15 ML15169A845 02.05.01-16 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A074 02.05.01-16 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 3/3/15 ML15065A070 02.05.01-17 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A075 02.05.01-17 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A076 02.05.01-17 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A077 02.05.01-18 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A078 02.05.01-19 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A078 02.05.01-2 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A073 3/25/2016 N/A Question Status **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 4 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 Question Number NRC Letter No System RAI No Response Date Response Accession Number 02.05.01-20 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A078 02.05.01-20 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 3/3/15 ML15065A070 02.05.01-21 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A078 02.05.01-22 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A079 02.05.01-23 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A079 02.05.01-24 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A079 02.05.01-25 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A079 02.05.01-26 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A079 02.05.01-27 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A079 02.05.01-28 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A079 02.05.01-29 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A079 02.05.01-3 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A073 02.05.01-3 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 2/2/15 ML15034A562 02.05.01-30 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A079 02.05.01-31 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A079 02.05.01-32 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A079 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 5 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 Question Number NRC Letter No System RAI No Response Date Response Accession Number 02.05.01-33 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A079 02.05.01-34 81 7804 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 2/18/15 ML15050A155 7/15/15 ML15198A059 02.05.01-35 81 7804 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 2/18/15 ML15050A155 6/8/15 ML15160A574 02.05.01-36 81 7804 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 2/18/15 ML15050A155 5/19/15 ML15156A616 02.05.01-37 81 7804 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 2/18/15 ML15050A155 5/19/15 ML15142A463 02.05.01-38 85 7950 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 6/16/15 ML15167A417 7/15/15 ML15198A060 02.05.01-39 85 7950 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 6/16/15 ML15167A417 7/15/15 ML15198A060 02.05.01-4 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A073 02.05.01-5 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A073 02.05.01-6 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A073 02.05.01-7 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A074 02.05.01-8 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A074 02.05.01-9 41 6024 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Basic Geologic and Seismic Information RGS2 10/20/11 ML11293A202 10/3/14 ML14282A074 02.05.02-1 19 5691 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Vibratory Ground Motion RGS1 4/25/11 ML11115A094 10/3/14 ML14287A287 02.05.02-10 37 5896 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Vibratory Ground Motion RGS1 9/29/11 ML11272A198 10/3/14 ML14282A014 02.05.02-11 37 5896 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Vibratory Ground Motion RGS1 9/29/11 ML11272A198 10/3/14 ML14282A014 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 6 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 Question Number NRC Letter No System RAI No Response Date Response Accession Number 02.05.02-12 37 5896 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Vibratory Ground Motion RGS1 9/29/11 ML11272A198 10/3/14 ML14282A014 02.05.02-13 37 5896 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Vibratory Ground Motion RGS1 9/29/11 ML11272A198 10/3/14 ML14282A014 02.05.02-2 37 5896 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Vibratory Ground Motion RGS1 9/29/11 ML11272A198 10/3/14 ML14282A015 02.05.02-3 37 5896 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Vibratory Ground Motion RGS1 9/29/11 ML11272A198 10/3/14 ML14282A015 02.05.02-4 37 5896 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Vibratory Ground Motion RGS1 9/29/11 ML11272A198 10/3/14 ML14282A014 02.05.02-4 37 5896 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Vibratory Ground Motion RGS1 9/29/11 ML11272A198 3/16/15 ML15077A177 02.05.02-5 37 5896 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Vibratory Ground Motion RGS1 9/29/11 ML11272A198 10/3/14 ML14282A014 02.05.02-6 37 5896 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Vibratory Ground Motion RGS1 9/29/11 ML11272A198 10/3/14 ML14282A014 02.05.02-7 37 5896 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Vibratory Ground Motion RGS1 9/29/11 ML11272A198 10/3/14 ML14282A014 02.05.02-8 37 5896 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Vibratory Ground Motion RGS1 9/29/11 ML11272A198 10/3/14 ML14282A014 02.05.02-9 37 5896 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Vibratory Ground Motion RGS1 9/29/11 ML11272A198 10/3/14 ML14282A014 02.05.03-1 43 5875 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Surface Faulting RGS2 10/27/11 ML11300A083 10/3/14 ML14281A177 02.05.03-2 43 5875 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Surface Faulting RGS2 10/27/11 ML11300A083 10/3/14 ML14281A177 02.05.03-3 43 5875 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Surface Faulting RGS2 10/27/11 ML11300A083 10/3/14 ML14281A177 02.05.03-4 43 5875 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Surface Faulting RGS2 10/27/11 ML11300A083 10/3/14 ML14281A177 02.05.04-1 40 6006 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 10/18/11 ML11291A220 10/3/14 ML14283A310 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 7 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 Question Number NRC Letter No System RAI No Response Date Response Accession Number 02.05.04-10 40 6006 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 10/18/11 ML11291A220 10/3/14 ML14283A311 02.05.04-11 40 6006 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 10/18/11 ML11291A220 10/3/14 ML14283A311 02.05.04-12 40 6006 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 10/18/11 ML11291A220 10/3/14 ML14283A311 02.05.04-13 40 6006 Application N/A Specific Confirmatory Action None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 10/18/11 ML11291A220 10/3/14 ML14283A311 02.05.04-14 40 6006 Application N/A Specific Confirmatory Action None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 10/18/11 ML11291A220 10/3/14 ML14283A311 02.05.04-15 40 6006 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 10/18/11 ML11291A220 10/3/14 ML14283A311 02.05.04-16 40 6006 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 10/18/11 ML11291A220 10/3/14 ML14283A311 02.05.04-17 40 6006 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 10/18/11 ML11291A220 10/3/14 ML14283A312 02.05.04-18 40 6006 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 10/18/11 ML11291A220 10/3/14 ML14283A312 02.05.04-19 40 6006 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 10/18/11 ML11291A220 10/3/14 ML14283A312 02.05.04-2 40 6006 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 10/18/11 ML11291A220 10/3/14 ML14283A310 02.05.04-20 40 6006 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 10/18/11 ML11291A220 10/3/14 ML14283A312 02.05.04-21 40 6006 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 10/18/11 ML11291A220 10/3/14 ML14283A312 02.05.04-22 40 6006 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 10/18/11 ML11291A220 10/3/14 ML14283A312 02.05.04-23 40 6006 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 10/18/11 ML11291A220 10/3/14 ML14283A312 02.05.04-24 40 6006 Application N/A Specific Confirmatory Action None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 10/18/11 ML11291A220 12/2/11 ML11340A003 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 8 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 Question Number NRC Letter No System RAI No Response Date Response Accession Number 02.05.04-25 44 6184 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 12/2/11 ML11336A250 10/3/14 ML14281A178 02.05.04-26 082 7811 Application N/A Specific Confirmatory Action SER Open Item Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 2/18/15 ML15050A156 7/15/15 ML15198A063 02.05.04-26 082 7811 Application N/A Specific Confirmatory Action SER Open Item Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 2/18/15 ML15050A156 10/29/15 ML15306A111 02.05.04-26 082 7811 Application N/A Specific Confirmatory Action SER Open Item Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 2/18/15 ML15050A156 10/29/15 ML15306A111 02.05.04-27 082 7811 Application N/A Specific Issued/Waiting for Response SER Open Item Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 2/18/15 ML15050A156 7/15/15 ML15198A063 02.05.04-27 082 7811 Application N/A Specific Issued/Waiting for Response SER Open Item Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 2/18/15 ML15050A156 4/29/15 ML15121A794 02.05.04-28 082 7811 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation SER Open Item Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 2/18/15 ML15050A156 4/10/15 ML15103A544 02.05.04-29 082 7811 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation SER Open Item Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 2/18/15 ML15050A156 4/17/15 ML15110A446 02.05.04-3 40 6006 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 10/18/11 ML11291A220 10/3/14 ML14283A310 02.05.04-3 40 6006 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 10/18/11 ML11291A220 10/3/14 ML14283A311 02.05.04-30 082 7811 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed SER Open Item Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 2/18/15 ML15050A156 4/17/15 ML15110A446 02.05.04-31 082 7811 Application N/A Specific Confirmatory Action None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 2/18/15 ML15050A156 4/10/15 ML15103A544 02.05.04-31 082 7811 Application N/A Specific Confirmatory Action None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 2/18/15 ML15050A156 7/13/15 ML15196A048 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 9 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 Question Number NRC Letter No System RAI No Response Date Response Accession Number 02.05.04-32 082 7811 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation SER Open Item Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 2/18/15 ML15050A156 7/13/15 ML15196A048 02.05.04-32 082 7811 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation SER Open Item Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 2/18/15 ML15050A156 4/17/15 ML15110A446 02.05.04-33 082 7811 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation SER Open Item Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 2/18/15 ML15050A156 4/27/15 ML15119A013 02.05.04-33 082 7811 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation SER Open Item Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 2/18/15 ML15050A156 7/13/15 ML15196A048 02.05.04-34 082 7811 Application N/A Specific Issued/Waiting for Response SER Open Item Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 2/18/15 ML15050A156 3/20/15 ML15082A390 02.05.04-35 082 7811 Std. Design N/A In Evaluation SER Open Item Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 2/18/15 ML15050A156 4/27/15 ML15119A013 02.05.04-36 082 7811 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation SER Open Item Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 2/18/15 ML15050A156 4/29/15 ML15121A794 02.05.04-37 082 7811 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation SER Open Item Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 2/18/15 ML15050A156 4/10/15 ML15103A544 02.05.04-4 40 6006 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 10/18/11 ML11291A220 10/3/14 ML14283A311 02.05.04-5 40 6006 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 10/18/11 ML11291A220 10/3/14 Ml14283A311 02.05.04-6 40 6006 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 10/18/11 ML11291A220 10/3/14 Ml14283A311 02.05.04-7 40 6006 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 10/18/11 ML11291A220 10/3/14 ML14283A311 02.05.04-8 40 6006 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 10/18/11 ML11291A220 10/3/14 ML14283A311 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 10 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 NRC Letter No System RAI No Response Date Response Accession Number 02.05.04-9 40 6006 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations RGS1 10/18/11 ML11291A220 10/3/14 ML14283A311 03.03.01-1 1 4759 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Wind Loading SEB1 7/29/10 ML102100598 8/30/10 ML102440243 25 5414 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Aircraft Hazards RSAC 6/29/11 ML11186A912 8/24/11 ML11238A048 03.05.03-1 64 6544 Application N/A Specific Confirmatory Action None Barrier Design Procedures SEB1 7/11/12 ML12193A564 9/19/12 ML12265A065 03.05.03-1 64 6544 Application N/A Specific Confirmatory Action None Barrier Design Procedures SEB1 7/11/12 ML12193A564 5/9/14 ML14132A211 03.05.03-1 64 6544 Application N/A Specific Confirmatory Action None Barrier Design Procedures SEB1 7/11/12 ML12193A564 10/28/13 ML13302C089 03.05.03-1 64 6544 Application N/A Specific Confirmatory Action None Barrier Design Procedures SEB1 7/11/12 ML12193A564 10/29/15 ML15306A153 03.05.03-1 64 6544 Application N/A Specific Confirmatory Action None Barrier Design Procedures SEB1 7/11/12 ML12193A564 2/12/16 ML16049A087 03.05.03-1 64 6544 Application N/A Specific Confirmatory Action None Barrier Design Procedures SEB1 7/11/12 ML12193A564 10/29/15 ML15306A115 03.07.01-1 7 4975 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 9/23/10 ML102670065 10/27/10 ML103010279 03.07.01-1 7 4975 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 9/23/10 ML102670065 4/2/15 ML15100A010 03.07.01-10 7 4975 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 9/23/10 ML102670065 10/27/10 ML103010279 03.07.01-10 7 4975 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 9/23/10 ML102670065 12/11/14 ML14349A373 03.07.01-11 7 4975 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 9/23/10 ML102670065 10/27/10 ML103010279 03.07.01-12 7 4975 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 9/23/10 ML102670065 10/27/10 ML103010279 03.07.01-13 7 4975 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 9/23/10 ML102670065 10/27/10 ML103010279 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 11 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 Question Number NRC Letter No System RAI No SRP Section Tech Branch Response Date Response Accession Number 03.07.01-13 7 4975 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 9/23/10 ML102670065 4/2/15 ML15100A010 03.07.01-14 61 6432 Application N/A Specific Confirmatory Action None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 5/17/12 ML12138A466 4/2/15 ML15097A353 03.07.01-14 61 6432 Application N/A Specific Confirmatory Action None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 5/17/12 ML12138A466 2/12/13 ML13044A572 03.07.01-15 61 6432 Application N/A Specific Confirmatory Action None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 5/17/12 ML12138A466 3/7/13 ML13070A340 03.07.01-15 61 6432 Application N/A Specific Confirmatory Action None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 5/17/12 ML12138A466 4/2/15 ML15097A353 03.07.01-15 61 6432 Application N/A Specific Confirmatory Action None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 5/17/12 ML12138A466 7/17/15 ML15201A539 03.07.01-16 61 6432 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 5/17/12 ML12138A466 4/2/15 ML15097A353 03.07.01-16 61 6432 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 5/17/12 ML12138A466 2/12/13 ML13044A572 03.07.01-17 61 6432 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 5/17/12 ML12138A466 7/30/12 ML12214A592 03.07.01-18 61 6432 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 5/17/12 ML12138A466 2/12/13 ML13044A572 03.07.01-18 61 6432 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 5/17/12 ML12138A466 4/2/15 ML15097A353 03.07.01-19 61 6432 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 5/17/12 ML12138A466 12/11/14 ML14349A372 03.07.01-2 7 4975 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 9/23/10 ML102670065 12/11/14 ML14349A373 03.07.01-20 61 6432 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 5/17/12 ML12138A466 10/3/14 ML14282A015 03.07.01-20 61 6432 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 5/17/12 ML12138A466 7/30/12 ML12214A592 03.07.01-3 7 4975 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 9/23/10 ML102670065 12/11/14 ML14349A373 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 12 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 NRC Letter No System RAI No SRP Section Tech Branch Response Date Response Accession Number 03.07.01-4 7 4975 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 9/23/10 ML102670065 12/11/14 ML14349A373 03.07.01-5 7 4975 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 9/23/10 ML102670065 12/11/14 ML14349A373 03.07.01-6 7 4975 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 9/23/10 ML102670065 4/2/15 ML15100A010 03.07.01-6 7 4975 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 9/23/10 ML102670065 10/27/10 ML103010279 03.07.01-7 7 4975 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 9/23/10 ML102670065 10/27/10 ML103010279 03.07.01-7 7 4975 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 9/23/10 ML102670065 4/2/15 ML15100A010 03.07.01-8 7 4975 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 9/23/10 ML102670065 10/27/10 ML103010279 03.07.01-9 7 4975 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Seismic Design Parameters SEB1 9/23/10 ML102670065 10/27/10 ML103010279 03.08.05-1 62 6433 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Foundations SEB1 5/21/12 ML12142A019 12/11/14 ML14349A370 03.08.05-2 62 6433 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Foundations SEB1 5/21/12 ML12142A019 12/11/14 ML14349A370 03.08.05-3 083 7815 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Foundations SEB1 3/17/15 ML15076A504 4/29/15 ML15121A792 03.08.05-4 083 7815 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Foundations SEB1 3/17/15 ML15076A504 4/16/15 ML15110A419 06.02.02-1 48 6258 Application N/A Specific Confirmatory Action None Containment Heat Removal Systems SPCV 1/27/12 ML12027A058 2/27/12 ML12060A101 06.04-1 54 6340 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Control Room Habitability System RPAC 3/28/12 ML12088A413 8/23/12 ML12237A286 06.04-2 075 7080 Std. Design N/A Resolved - Closed SER Open Item Control Room Habitability System SCVB 7/2/13 ML13183A290 9/18/12 ML13263A174 07.05-1 12 5191 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Information Systems Important to Safety ICE1 12/16/10 ML103500402 3/18/11 ML110800598 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 13 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 NRC Letter No System RAI No Response Date Response Accession Number 08.02-1 38 5993 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Offsite Power System EEB 9/29/11 ML11276A137 10/31/11 ML11306A138 08.02-10 38 5993 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Offsite Power System EEB 9/29/11 ML11276A137 10/31/11 ML11306A138 08.02-11 38 5993 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Offsite Power System EEB 9/29/11 ML11276A137 10/31/11 ML11306A138 08.02-2 38 5993 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Offsite Power System EEB 9/29/11 ML11276A137 10/31/11 ML11306A138 08.02-3 38 5993 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Offsite Power System EEB 9/29/11 ML11276A137 10/31/11 ML11306A138 08.02-4 38 5993 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Offsite Power System EEB 9/29/11 ML11276A137 10/31/11 ML11306A138 08.02-5 38 5993 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Offsite Power System EEB 9/29/11 ML11276A137 10/31/11 ML11306A138 08.02-6 38 5993 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Offsite Power System EEB 9/29/11 ML11276A137 10/31/11 ML11306A138 08.02-7 38 5993 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Offsite Power System EEB 9/29/11 ML11276A137 10/31/11 ML11306A138 08.02-8 38 5993 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Offsite Power System EEB 9/29/11 ML11276A137 10/31/11 ML11306A138 08.02-9 38 5993 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Offsite Power System EEB 9/29/11 ML11276A137 10/31/11 ML11306A138 08.03.01-1 39 5995 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None AC Power Systems (Onsite) EEB 9/29/11 ML11276A136 10/31/11 ML11306A139 08.03.01-2 39 5995 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None AC Power Systems (Onsite) EEB 9/29/11 ML11276A136 10/31/11 ML11306A139 08-1 065 6750 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None 03 Branch Technical Position - Stability of Offsite Power Systems EEB 9/26/12 ML12270A416 12/4/12 ML12342A232 08-1 065 6750 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None 03 Branch Technical Position - Stability of Offsite Power Systems EEB 9/26/12 ML12270A416 3/30/15 ML15091A388 09.02.01-1 28 5399 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Station Service Water System 7/6/11 8/17/11 ML11231A983 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section Tech Branch SBPA RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number ML11187A283 **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 14 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 NRC Letter No System RAI No Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number Response Date Response Accession Number 09.02.01-2 29 5491 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Station Service Water System SBPA 7/6/11 ML11187A325 8/17/11 ML11234A011 09.02.01-3 29 5491 Application N/A Specific Confirmatory Action None Station Service Water System SBPA 7/6/11 ML11187A325 8/17/11 ML11234A011 09.02.01-4 29 5491 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Station Service Water System SBPA 7/6/11 ML11187A325 8/17/11 ML11234A011 09.02.01-5 29 5491 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Station Service Water System SBPA 7/6/11 ML11187A325 8/17/11 ML11234A011 09.02.01-6 53 6346 Application N/A Specific Confirmatory Action None Station Service Water System BPTS 3/28/12 ML12089A104 5/14/12 ML12136A549 09.02.01-7 53 6346 N/A Confirmatory Action None Station Service Water System BPTS 3/28/12 ML12089A104 5/14/12 ML12136A549 09.02.02-1 22 5403 Application N/A Specific In Evaluation None Reactor Auxiliary Cooling Water Systems SBPA 5/18/11 ML11138A325 6/24/11 ML11178A231 09.02.02-2 23 5492 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Reactor Auxiliary Cooling Water Systems SBPA 5/19/11 ML11139A328 6/24/11 ML11178A232 09.02.04-1 9 5112 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Potable and Sanitary Water Systems SBPA 10/7/10 ML102800203 11/5/10 ML103130132 09.02.04-2 9 5112 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Potable and Sanitary Water Systems SBPA 10/7/10 ML102800203 11/5/10 ML103130132 09.02.04-3 068 6916 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Potable and Sanitary Water Systems RPAC 12/4/12 ML12339A487 2/12/13 ML13044A571 09.03.03-1 8 5080 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Equipment and Floor Drainage System SBPA 10/7/10 ML102800197 11/5/10 ML103130131 09.05.01-1 18 5351 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Fire Protection Program SBPA 2/4/11 ML110350651 3/2/11 ML110660151 09.05.02-1 17 5192 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Communications Systems ICE1 2/4/11 ML110350651 3/3/11 ML110660200 09.05.02-2 17 5192 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Communications Systems ICE1 2/4/11 ML110350651 3/3/11 ML110660200 10.04.05-1 24 5405 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Circulating Water System SBPA 5/19/11 11139A468 8/3/11 ML11216A202 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity N/A Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 15 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 NRC Letter No System RAI No Response Date Response Accession Number 10.04.05-2 078 7129 Std. Design N/A Resolved - Closed None Circulating Water System BPTS 7/23/13 ML13204A334 8/16/13 ML13231A153 11.02-1 63 5695 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Liquid Waste Management System CHPB 5/21/12 ML12142A044 7/13/12 ML12199A149 11.02-2 63 5695 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Liquid Waste Management System CHPB 5/21/12 ML12142A044 7/13/12 ML12199A149 11.02-2 63 5695 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Liquid Waste Management System CHPB 5/21/12 ML12142A044 4/7/15 ML15098A463 11.02-3 63 5695 N/A N/A Resolved - Closed None Liquid Waste Management System CHPB 5/21/12 ML12142A044 7/13/12 ML12199A149 11.02-4 63 5695 N/A N/A Resolved - Closed None Liquid Waste Management System CHPB 5/21/12 ML12142A044 7/13/12 ML12199A149 11.02-5 71 6919 Std. Design N/A Resolved - Closed None Liquid Waste Management System RPAC 2/19/13 ML13051A299 4/3/13 ML13095A125 11.02-6 72 6985 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Liquid Waste Management System RPAC 2/20/13 ML13051A779 9/23/14 ML14269A066 11.02-6 72 6985 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Liquid Waste Management System RPAC 2/20/13 ML13051A779 9/9/14 ML14255A016 11.02-6 72 6985 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Liquid Waste Management System RPAC 2/20/13 ML13051A779 6/4/14 ML14156A393 11.02-6 72 6985 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Liquid Waste Management System RPAC 2/20/13 ML13051A779 1/15/14 ML14017A018 11.02-6 72 6985 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Liquid Waste Management System RPAC 2/20/13 ML13051A779 1/15/14 ML14017A019 11.02-6 72 6985 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Liquid Waste Management System RPAC 2/20/13 ML13051A779 1/15/14 ML14017A020 11.02-6 72 6985 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Liquid Waste Management System RPAC 2/20/13 ML13051A779 4/22/14 ML14113A411 11.02-6 72 6985 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Liquid Waste Management System RPAC 2/20/13 ML13051A779 8/9/13 ML13225A029 11.02-7 073 7097 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Liquid Waste Management System RPAC 6/13/13 ML13164A335 7/31/13 ML13214A038 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 16 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 NRC Letter No System RAI No Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number Response Date Response Accession Number 11.02-8 084 7908 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Liquid Waste Management System RPAC 6/4/15 ML15156A623 6/23/15 ML15175A415 11.03-1 077 7112 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Gaseous Waste Management System RPAC 8/7/13 ML13210A400 9/9/13 ML13254A217 11.04-1 076 7104 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Solid Waste Management System RPAC 8/7/13 ML13210A401 9/9/13 ML13254A218 11.05-1 069 6918 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Process and Effluent Radiological Monitoring Instrumentation and Sampling Systems RPAC 12/5/12 ML12340A354 1/16/13 ML13022A102 11.05-2 074 7103 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Process and Effluent Radiological Monitoring Instrumentation and Sampling Systems RPAC 6/13/13 ML13164A383 7/31/13 ML13214A037 12.03-12.041 31 5430 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None 12.04 - Radiation Protection Design Features CHPB 7/20/11 ML11201A152 10/22/14 ML14297A026 12.03-12.041 31 5430 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None 12.04 - Radiation Protection Design Features CHPB 7/20/11 ML11201A152 8/19/11 ML11234A266 13.01.01-1 59 6387 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Management and Technical Support Organization COLP 5/16/12 ML12137A328 6/14/12 ML12167A388 13.01.01-2 59 6387 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Management and Technical Support Organization COLP 5/16/12 ML12137A328 6/14/12 ML12167A388 13.01.01-3 59 6387 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Management and Technical Support Organization COLP 5/16/12 ML12137A328 6/14/12 ML12167A388 13.01.01-4 59 6387 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Management and Technical Support Organization COLP 5/16/12 ML12137A328 6/14/12 ML12167A388 13.01.01-5 70 6917 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Management and Technical Support Organization RPAC 2/19/13 ML13050A642 4/2/13 ML13093A410 13.01.0213.01.03-1 60 6389 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None 13.01.03 - Operating Organization COLP 5/16/12 ML12137A329 6/14/12 ML12167A299 13.03-1 20 5679 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Emergency Planning EP 4/25/11 ML11117A284 5/23/11 ML11145A042 13.03-10 35 5681 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Emergency Planning EP 8/15/11 ML11227A063 9/30/11 ML11276A101 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 17 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 NRC Letter No System RAI No Response Date Response Accession Number 13.03-11 35 5681 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Emergency Planning EP 8/15/11 ML11227A063 9/14/11 ML11259A053 13.03-12 35 5681 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Emergency Planning EP 8/15/11 ML11227A063 9/30/11 ML11276A101 13.03-13 35 5681 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Emergency Planning EP 8/15/11 ML11227A063 9/30/11 ML11276A101 13.03-14 35 5681 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Emergency Planning EP 8/15/11 ML11227A063 10/31/11 ML11306A140 13.03-15 35 5681 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Emergency Planning EP 8/15/11 ML11227A063 13.03-15 35 5681 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Emergency Planning EP 8/15/11 ML11227A063 10/31/11 ML11306A140 13.03-16 35 5681 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Emergency Planning EP 8/15/11 ML11227A063 13.03-16 35 5681 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Emergency Planning EP 8/15/11 ML11227A063 10/31/11 ML11306A140 13.03-17 42 5997 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Emergency Planning EP 10/26/11 ML11299A096 11/21/11 ML11327A018 13.03-18 79 7215 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed SER Open Item Emergency Planning LB4 8/28/13 ML13240A502 10/15/13 ML13290A140 13.03-2 20 5679 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Emergency Planning EP 4/25/11 ML11117A284 5/23/11 ML11145A042 13.03-3 20 5679 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Emergency Planning EP 4/25/11 ML11117A284 5/23/11 ML11145A042 13.03-4 20 5679 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Emergency Planning EP 4/25/11 ML11117A284 5/23/11 ML11145A042 13.03-5 35 5681 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Emergency Planning EP 8/15/11 ML11227A063 9/14/11 Ml11259A053 13.03-6 35 5681 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Emergency Planning EP 8/15/11 ML11227A063 9/14/11 ML11259A053 13.03-7 35 5681 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Emergency Planning EP 8/15/11 ML11227A063 9/14/11 ML11259A053 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 18 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 NRC Letter No System RAI No Response Date Response Accession Number 13.03-8 35 5681 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Emergency Planning EP 8/15/11 ML11227A063 9/30/11 ML11276A101 13.03-9 35 5681 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Emergency Planning EP 8/15/11 ML11227A063 9/30/11 ML11276A101 13.06-1 5 4899 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102510672 10/8/10 ML102860672 13.06-10 5 4899 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102510672 10/8/10 ML102860672 13.06-11 5 4899 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102510672 10/8/10 ML102860672 13.06-12 5 4899 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102510672 10/8/10 ML102860672 13.06-13 5 4899 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102510672 10/8/10 ML102860672 13.06-14 5 4899 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102510672 10/8/10 ML102860672 13.06-15 5 4899 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102510672 10/8/10 ML102860672 13.06-16 5 4899 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102510672 10/8/10 ML102860672 13.06-17 5 4899 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102510672 10/8/10 ML102860672 13.06-18 5 4899 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102510672 10/8/10 ML102860672 13.06-19 5 4899 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102510672 10/8/10 ML102860672 13.06-2 5 4899 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102510672 10/8/10 ML102860672 13.06-20 5 4899 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102510672 10/8/10 ML102860672 13.06-21 5 4899 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102510672 10/8/10 ML102860672 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 19 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 NRC Letter No System RAI No RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number Response Date Response Accession Number 13.06-22 5 4899 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102510672 10/8/10 ML102860672 13.06-23 5 4899 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102510672 10/8/10 ML102860672 13.06-24 5 4899 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102510672 10/8/10 ML102860672 13.06-25 5 4899 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102510672 10/8/10 ML102860672 13.06-26 6 4900 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102520024 10/8/10 ML102861239 13.06-27 6 4900 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102520024 10/8/10 Ml102861239 13.06-28 6 4900 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102520024 10/8/10 ML102861239 13.06-29 6 4900 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102520024 10/8/10 ML102861239 13.06-3 5 4899 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102510672 10/8/10 ML102860672 13.06-4 5 4899 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102510672 10/8/10 ML102860672 13.06-5 5 4899 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102510672 10/8/10 ML102860672 13.06-6 5 4899 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102510672 10/8/10 ML102860672 13.06-7 5 4899 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102510672 10/8/10 ML102860672 13.06-8 5 4899 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102510672 10/8/10 ML102860672 13.06-9 5 4899 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Physical Security NSIR/DS P/RSRLB 9/8/10 ML102510672 10/8/10 ML102860672 13.07-1 49 6279 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Fitness for Duty (Future SRP Section) NSIR/DS 1/27/12 ML12027A067 P/SPSB 2/21/12 ML12053A347 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section Tech Branch **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 20 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number NRC Letter No Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 System RAI No Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section Resolved - Closed None Emergency Planning Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number Response Date Response Accession Number EP 8/1/11 ML11213A317 8/29/11 ML11242A190 14.03.10-1 33 5682 Application N/A Specific 14.03-1 51 6290 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria EP 2/1/12 ML12080A083 3/19/12 ML12080A083 14.03-2 51 6290 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria EP 2/1/12 ML12080A083 3/19/12 ML12080A083 17.01-1 50 6297 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Quality Assurance During the Design and Construction Phases 07/1981 CQVP 1/27/12 ML12027A070 2/27/12 ML12060A102 18-1 45 6176 Std. Design Confirmatory Action None Human Factors Engineering COLP 12/19/11 ML11354A417 1/18/12 ML12019A256 19-1 32 5889 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Severe Accident Evaluation SPRA 7/20/11 ML11201A294 9/8/11 ML11255A009 19-2 32 5889 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Severe Accident Evaluation SPRA 7/20/11 ML11201A294 9/15/11 ML11259A237 19-3 32 5889 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Severe Accident Evaluation SPRA 7/20/11 ML11201A294 9/15/11 ML11259A237 19-4 52 6296 Application N/A Specific Confirmatory Action None Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Severe Accident Evaluation SPRA 2/17/12 ML12048A375 3/15/12 ML12079A109 EIS 1.5-1 11042 71 5699 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Compliance and Consultations RAP2 4/27/11 ML111170533 6/3/11 ML11157A123 EIS 2.2-1 11030 93 5561 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Land Use RENV 3/9/11 ML110680053 4/25/11 ML11116A160 EIS 2.2-2 11030 93 5561 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Land Use RENV 3/9/11 ML110680053 7/7/11 ML11192A042 EIS 2.3.1-1 12032 9 6354 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental Hydrology RAP1 3/29/12 ML12089A145 10/17/12 ml12293A236 3/25/2016 N/A **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 21 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 NRC Letter No System RAI No Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section Tech Branch EIS 2.3.1-1 12032 9 6354 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental Hydrology RAP1 EIS 2.3.110 12032 9 6354 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Hydrology EIS 2.3.1-2 12032 9 6354 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental EIS 2.3.1-3 12032 9 6354 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed EIS 2.3.1-3 12032 9 6354 Application N/A Specific EIS 2.3.1-4 12032 9 6354 EIS 2.3.1-4 12032 9 EIS 2.3.1-5 12032 9 RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number Response Date Response Accession Number 3/29/12 ML12089A145 10/17/12 ml12293A236 RAP1 3/29/12 ML12089A145 10/17/12 ml12293A236 Hydrology RAP1 3/29/12 ML12089A145 8/20/12 ML12234A549 None Hydrology RAP1 3/29/12 ML12089A145 10/17/12 ml13127A052 Resolved - Closed None Hydrology RAP1 3/29/12 ML12089A145 10/17/12 ml12293A236 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Hydrology RAP1 3/29/12 ML12089A145 10/17/12 ml12293A236 6354 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Hydrology RAP1 3/29/12 ML12089A145 10/17/12 ml12293A236 6354 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Hydrology RAP1 3/29/12 ML12089A145 10/17/12 ml12293A236 Resolved - Closed Environ mental Hydrology RAP1 3/29/12 ML12089A145 8/20/12 ML12234A549 EIS 2.3.1-6 12032 9 6354 SUNSI Plant Application Specific (for Specific tracking only) EIS 2.3.1-7 12032 9 6354 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Hydrology RAP1 3/29/12 ML12089A145 10/17/12 ml12293A236 EIS 2.3.1-8 12032 9 6354 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Hydrology RAP1 3/29/12 ML12089A145 7/18/12 ml12202A068 EIS 2.3.1-9 12032 9 6354 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Hydrology RAP1 3/29/12 ML12089A145 10/17/12 ml12293A236 EIS 2.3-1 11061 4 5763 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water RENV 6/14/11 ML11175A138 9/6/11 ML11251A168 EIS 2.3-2 11061 4 5763 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water RENV 6/14/11 ML11175A138 7/29/11 ML11214A032 EIS 2.3-3 11061 4 5763 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water RENV 6/14/11 ML11175A138 9/13/11 ML11258A157 3/25/2016 **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 22 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 NRC Letter No System RAI No Response Date Response Accession Number EIS 2.3-4 11061 4 5763 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental Water RENV 6/14/11 ML11175A138 3/7/12 ML12074A057 EIS 2.3-5 11061 4 5763 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water RENV 6/14/11 ML11175A138 8/30/11 ML11243A165 EIS 2.3-6 11061 4 5763 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water RENV 6/14/11 ML11175A138 7/29/11 ML11214A032 EIS 2.4.1-1 11031 01 5562 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Terrestrial and Wetland Ecology RENV 3/10/11 ML110690002 4/26/11 ML111180713 EIS 2.4.1-2 11031 01 5562 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Terrestrial and Wetland Ecology RENV 3/10/11 ML110690002 4/26/11 ML111180713 EIS 2.4.1-3 11031 01 5562 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Terrestrial and Wetland Ecology RENV 3/10/11 ML110690002 4/26/11 ML111180713 EIS 2.4.1-4 11031 01 5562 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Terrestrial and Wetland Ecology RENV 3/10/11 ML110690002 4/26/11 ML111180713 EIS 2.4.1-5 11031 01 5562 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Terrestrial and Wetland Ecology RENV 3/10/11 ML110690002 4/26/11 ML111180713 EIS 2.4.1-6 11031 01 5562 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Terrestrial and Wetland Ecology RENV 3/10/11 ML110690002 4/26/11 ML111180713 EIS 2.4.1-7 11031 01 5562 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Terrestrial and Wetland Ecology RENV 3/10/11 ML110690002 7/7/11 ML11195A164 EIS 2.4.1-8 11031 01 5562 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Terrestrial and Wetland Ecology RENV 3/10/11 ML110690002 4/26/11 ML111180713 EIS 2.4.2-1 11050 42 5704 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Aquatic Ecology RENV 5/4/11 ML111240011 6/14/11 ML11168A043 EIS 2.4.210 11050 42 5704 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Aquatic Ecology RENV 5/4/11 ML111240011 6/14/11 ML11168A043 EIS 2.4.2-2 11050 42 5704 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Aquatic Ecology RENV 5/4/11 ML111240011 6/14/11 ML11168A043 EIS 2.4.2-3 11050 42 5704 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Aquatic Ecology RENV 5/4/11 ML111240011 6/14/11 ML11168A043 EIS 2.4.2-4 11050 42 5704 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Aquatic Ecology RENV 5/4/11 ML111240011 6/14/11 ML11168A043 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 23 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 NRC Letter No System RAI No Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number Response Date Response Accession Number EIS 2.4.2-5 11050 42 5704 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Aquatic Ecology RENV 5/4/11 ML111240011 6/14/11 ML11168A043 EIS 2.4.2-6 11050 42 5704 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Aquatic Ecology RENV 5/4/11 ML111240011 6/14/11 ML11168A043 EIS 2.4.2-7 11050 42 5704 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Aquatic Ecology RENV 5/4/11 ML111240011 6/14/11 ML11168A043 EIS 2.4.2-8 11050 42 5704 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Aquatic Ecology RENV 5/4/11 ML111240011 6/14/11 ML11168A043 EIS 2.4.2-9 11050 42 5704 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Aquatic Ecology RENV 5/4/11 ML111240011 6/14/11 ML11168A043 EIS 2.5-1 11031 02 5570 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Socioeconomics RENV 3/10/11 ML110690003 4/26/11 ML11118A177 EIS 2.5-2 11031 02 5570 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Socioeconomics RENV 3/10/11 ML110690003 4/26/11 ML11118A177 EIS 2.5-3 11031 02 5570 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Socioeconomics RENV 3/10/11 ML110690003 4/26/11 ML11118A177 EIS 2.7-1 11022 31 5480 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Historic and Cultural Resources RENV 2/23/11 ML110601020 4/15/11 ML111090274 EIS 3.1-1 11022 33 5482 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None External Appearance and Plant Layout RAP2 2/23/11 ML110601071 4/15/11 ML11108A146 EIS 3.1-2 11022 33 5482 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None External Appearance and Plant Layout RAP2 2/23/11 ML110601071 4/15/11 ML11108A146 EIS 3.2.2-1 11061 4 5764 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Structures with a Major Environmental Interface RENV 6/14/11 ML11175A139 7/29/11 ML11214A031 EIS 3.4.4-1 11030 92 5595 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Nonradioactive Waste Systems RENV 3/9/11 ML110680022 4/21/11 ML11122A054 EIS 3.4.4-2 11030 92 5595 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Nonradioactive Waste Systems RENV 3/9/11 ML110680022 4/21/11 ML11122A054 EIS 3.4.4-3 11030 92 5595 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Nonradioactive Waste Systems RENV 3/9/11 ML110680022 4/21/11 ML11122A054 EIS 3.4.4-4 11030 92 5595 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Nonradioactive Waste Systems RENV 3/9/11 ML110680022 4/21/11 ML11122A054 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 24 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 NRC Letter No System RAI No Response Date Response Accession Number EIS 4.2-1 11120 81 5765 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Water-Related Impacts RENV 12/8/11 ML113420010 1/23/12 ML12025A263 EIS 4.2-10 11120 81 5765 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water-Related Impacts RENV 12/8/11 ML113420010 1/23/12 ML12025A263 EIS 4.2-2 11120 81 5765 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Water-Related Impacts RENV 12/8/11 ML113420010 1/23/12 ML12025A263 EIS 4.2-3 11120 81 5765 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Water-Related Impacts RENV 12/8/11 ML113420010 1/23/12 ML12025A263 EIS 4.2-4 11120 81 5765 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Water-Related Impacts RENV 12/8/11 ML113420010 1/23/12 ML12025A263 EIS 4.2-5 11120 81 5765 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Water-Related Impacts RENV 12/8/11 ML113420010 1/23/12 ML12025A263 EIS 4.2-6 11120 81 5765 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Water-Related Impacts RENV 12/8/11 ML113420010 1/23/12 ML12025A263 EIS 4.2-7 11120 81 5765 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Water-Related Impacts RENV 12/8/11 ML113420010 1/23/12 ML12025A263 EIS 4.2-8 11120 81 5765 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Water-Related Impacts RENV 12/8/11 ML113420010 1/23/12 ML12025A263 EIS 4.2-9 11120 81 5765 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Water-Related Impacts RENV 12/8/11 ML113420010 1/23/12 ML12025A263 EIS 4.3.2-1 11050 43 5707 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Aquatic Impacts RENV 5/4/11 ML111240013 6/20/11 ML11172A285 EIS 4.3.2-2 11050 43 5707 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Aquatic Impacts RENV 5/4/11 ML111240013 6/20/11 ML11172A285 EIS 5.2-1 11072 71 5767 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water Related Impacts RENV 7/27/11 ML112081475 9/12/11 ML11257A133 EIS 5.2-10 12210 3 5766 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water Related Impacts RENV 3/21/12 ML12081A068 5/21/12 ML12143A357 EIS 5.2-11 12210 3 5766 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water Related Impacts RENV 3/21/12 ML12081A068 5/21/12 ML12143A357 EIS 5.2-12 12210 3 5766 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water Related Impacts RENV 3/21/12 ML12081A068 5/21/12 ML12143A357 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 25 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 NRC Letter No System RAI No Response Date Response Accession Number EIS 5.2-13 12210 3 5766 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water Related Impacts RENV 3/21/12 ML12081A068 5/21/12 ML12143A357 EIS 5.2-14 12210 3 5766 N/A N/A Resolved - Closed None Water Related Impacts RENV 3/21/12 ML12081A068 5/21/12 ML12143A357 EIS 5.2-15 12051 0 6384 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water Related Impacts RAP1 5/10/12 ML12122A886 6/25/12 ml12178A552 EIS 5.2-15 12051 0 6384 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water Related Impacts RAP1 5/10/12 ML12122A886 6/25/12 ml12178A552 EIS 5.2-15 12051 0 6384 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water Related Impacts RAP1 5/10/12 ML12122A886 6/25/13 ml12178A552 EIS 5.2-2 11072 71 5767 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water Related Impacts RENV 7/27/11 ML112081475 9/12/11 ML11257A133 EIS 5.2-3 11072 71 5767 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water Related Impacts RENV 7/27/11 ML112081475 9/12/11 ML11257A133 EIS 5.2-4 11072 71 5767 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water Related Impacts RENV 7/27/11 ML112081475 9/12/11 ML11257A133 EIS 5.2-5 12210 3 5766 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water Related Impacts RENV 3/21/12 ML12081A068 5/21/12 ML12143A357 EIS 5.2-6 12210 3 5766 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water Related Impacts RENV 3/21/12 ML12081A068 5/21/12 ML12143A357 EIS 5.2-7 12210 3 5766 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water Related Impacts RENV 3/21/12 ML12081A068 5/21/12 ML12143A357 EIS 5.2-8 12210 3 5766 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water Related Impacts RENV 3/21/12 ML12081A068 5/21/12 ML12143A357 EIS 5.2-9 12210 3 5766 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water Related Impacts RENV 3/21/12 ML12081A068 5/21/12 ML12143A357 EIS 5.7-1 11030 71 5498 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Meteorological and Air Quality Impacts RSAC 3/7/11 ML110660019 4/20/11 ML111170331 EIS 5.7-2 11030 71 5498 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Meteorological and Air Quality Impacts RSAC 3/7/11 ML110660019 4/20/11 ML111170331 EIS 5.7-3 11030 71 5498 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Meteorological and Air Quality Impacts RSAC 3/7/11 ML110660019 4/20/11 ML111170331 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 26 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 NRC Letter No System RAI No Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number Response Date Response Accession Number EIS 5.7-4 11030 71 5498 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Meteorological and Air Quality Impacts RSAC 3/7/11 ML110660019 4/20/11 ML111170331 EIS 5.8.1-1 11030 91 5594 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Etiological Agents RENV 3/9/11 ML110680020 4/25/11 ML11116A161 EIS 5.8.1-2 11030 91 5594 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Etiological Agents RENV 3/9/11 ML110680020 4/25/11 ML11116A161 EIS 5.8.1-3 11030 91 5594 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Etiological Agents RENV 3/9/11 ML110680020 4/25/11 ML11116A161 EIS 5.8.1-4 12040 3 6350 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Etiological Agents RAP1 4/3/12 ML12093A302 5/21/12 ML12143A356 EIS 5.8.1-5 12040 3 6350 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Etiological Agents RAP1 4/3/12 ML12093A302 5/21/12 ML12143A356 EIS 7.2-1 12220 3 5768 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water Use and Quality RENV 3/21/12 ML12081A238 5/7/12 ML12130A166 EIS 7.2-2 12220 3 5768 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water Use and Quality RENV 3/21/12 ML12081A238 5/7/12 ML12130A166 EIS 7.2-3 12220 3 5768 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water Use and Quality RENV 3/21/12 ML12081A238 5/7/12 ML12130A166 EIS 7.2-4 12220 3 5768 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water Use and Quality RENV 3/21/12 ML12081A238 5/7/12 ML12130A166 EIS 7.2-5 12220 3 5768 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water Use and Quality RENV 3/21/12 ML12081A238 5/7/12 ML12130A166 EIS 7.2-6 12220 3 5768 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water Use and Quality RENV 3/21/12 ML12081A238 5/7/12 ML12130A166 EIS 7.2-7 12220 3 5768 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water Use and Quality RENV 3/21/12 ML12081A238 5/7/12 ML12130A166 EIS 7.2-8 12220 3 5768 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Water Use and Quality RENV 3/21/12 ML12081A238 5/7/12 ML12130A166 EIS 8.4-1 11050 51 5565 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Assessment of Need for Power RENV 5/5/11 ML111240406 6/20/11 ML11186A893 EIS 8.4-2 11050 51 5565 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Assessment of Need for Power RENV 5/5/11 ML111240406 6/20/11 ML11186A893 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 27 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 NRC Letter No System RAI No Response Date Response Accession Number EIS 9.3.1-1 11022 32 5481 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Alternative Site Selection Process RENV 2/23/11 ML110601062 4/15/11 ML111080761 EIS 9.3.1-10 11040 71 5588 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Site Selection Process RENV 4/6/11 ML110960520 5/23/11 ML11145A041 EIS 9.3.1-11 11040 71 5588 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Alternative Site Selection Process RENV 4/6/11 ML110960520 9/1/11 ML11250A130 EIS 9.3.1-12 11040 71 5588 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Site Selection Process RENV 4/6/11 ML110960520 9/30/12 ML11276A099 EIS 9.3.1-13 11040 71 5588 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Site Selection Process RENV 4/6/11 ML110960520 5/23/11 ML11145A041 EIS 9.3.1-14 11040 71 5588 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Site Selection Process RENV 4/6/11 ML110960520 9/13/11 ML11258A155 EIS 9.3.1-15 11040 71 5588 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Alternative Site Selection Process RENV 4/6/11 ML110960520 9/1/11 ML11250A130 EIS 9.3.1-16 11040 71 5588 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Site Selection Process RENV 4/6/11 ML110960520 9/1/11 ML11250A130 EIS 9.3.1-17 12083 0 6353 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental Alternative Site Selection Process RAP1 8/31/12 ML12242A329 2/6/13 ML13039A018 EIS 9.3.1-2 11040 71 5588 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Site Selection Process RENV 4/6/11 9/1/11 ML11250A130 EIS 9.3.1-21 12083 0 6353 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental Alternative Site Selection Process RAP1 8/31/12 ML12242A329 12/12/12 ML12349A243 EIS 9.3.1-23 12083 0 6353 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Alternative Site Selection Process RAP1 8/31/12 ML12242A329 12/12/12 ML12349A243 EIS 9.3.1-24 12083 0 6353 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Alternative Site Selection Process RAP1 8/31/12 ML12242A329 12/12/12 ML12349A243 EIS 9.3.1-25 12083 0 6353 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental Alternative Site Selection Process RAP1 8/31/12 ML12242A329 12/12/12 ML12349A243 EIS 9.3.1-26 12083 0 6353 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Alternative Site Selection Process RAP1 8/31/12 ML12242A329 3/26/13 ML13087A196 EIS 9.3.1-27 12083 0 6353 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental Alternative Site Selection Process RAP1 8/31/12 ML12242A329 7/8/13 ML13196A063 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number ML110960520 **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 28 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 NRC Letter No System RAI No Response Date Response Accession Number EIS 9.3.1-28 12083 0 6353 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental Alternative Site Selection Process RAP1 8/31/12 ML12242A329 12/12/12 ML12349A243 EIS 9.3.1-29 12083 0 6353 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental Alternative Site Selection Process RAP1 8/31/12 ML12242A329 12/12/12 ML12349A243 EIS 9.3.1-3 11040 71 5588 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Alternative Site Selection Process RENV 4/6/11 ML110960520 5/23/11 ML11145A041 EIS 9.3.1-30 12083 0 6353 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental Alternative Site Selection Process RAP1 8/31/12 ML12242A329 1/10/13 ML13011A348 EIS 9.3.1-31 12111 4 6879 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental Alternative Site Selection Process EPB1 11/14/12 ML12318A263 7/8/13 ML13196A064 EIS 9.3.1-32 12083 0 6353 N/A N/A Resolved - Closed Environ mental Alternative Site Selection Process RAP1 8/31/12 ML12242A329 12/12/12 ML12349A243 EIS 9.3.1-33 12083 0 6353 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental Alternative Site Selection Process RAP1 8/31/12 ML12242A329 12/12/12 ML12349A243 EIS 9.3.1-33 12083 0 6353 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental Alternative Site Selection Process RAP1 8/31/12 ML12242A329 4/18/13 ML13109A431 EIS 9.3.1-34 12083 0 6353 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental Alternative Site Selection Process RAP1 8/31/12 ML12242A329 12/12/12 ML12349A243 EIS 9.3.1-35 12083 0 6353 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental Alternative Site Selection Process RAP1 8/31/12 ML12242A329 12/12/12 ML12349A243 EIS 9.3.1-4 11040 71 5588 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Alternative Site Selection Process RENV 4/6/11 ML110960520 5/25/11 ML11145A041 EIS 9.3.1-5 11040 71 5588 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Site Selection Process RENV 4/6/11 ML110960520 5/23/11 ML11145A041 EIS 9.3.1-6 11040 71 5588 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Site Selection Process RENV 4/6/11 ML110960520 9/1/11 ML11250A130 EIS 9.3.1-6 11040 71 5588 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Site Selection Process RENV 4/6/11 ML110960520 9/1/11 ML11250A130 EIS 9.3.1-7 11040 71 5588 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Site Selection Process RENV 4/6/11 ML110960520 9/1/11 ML11250A130 EIS 9.3.1-8 11040 71 5588 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Site Selection Process RENV 4/6/11 ML110960520 9/1/11 ML11250A130 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 29 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 NRC Letter No System RAI No Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number Response Date Response Accession Number EIS 9.3.1-9 11040 71 5588 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Site Selection Process RENV 4/6/11 ML110960520 9/1/11 ML11250A130 EIS 9.3-1 11030 94 5563 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Alternative Sites RENV 3/9/11 ML110680062 9/2/11 ML11251A209 EIS 9.3-10 11041 21 5589 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Sites RENV 4/11/11 ML111010357 9/30/11 ML11276A099 EIS 9.3-11 11041 21 5589 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Sites RENV 4/11/11 ML111010357 9/30/11 ML11276A099 EIS 9.3-12 11041 21 5589 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Sites RENV 4/11/11 ML111010357 9/30/11 ML11276A099 EIS 9.3-13 11041 21 5589 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Sites RENV 4/11/11 ML111010357 9/30/11 ML11276A099 EIS 9.3-14 11041 21 5589 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Sites RENV 4/11/11 ML111010357 9/30/11 ML11276A099 EIS 9.3-15 11041 21 5589 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Sites RENV 4/11/11 ML111010357 9/30/11 ML11276A099 EIS 9.3-16 11041 21 5589 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Sites RENV 4/11/11 ML111010357 9/30/11 ML11276A099 EIS 9.3-17 11041 21 5589 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Alternative Sites RENV 4/11/11 ML111010357 9/30/11 ML11276A099 EIS 9.3-18 11050 41 5708 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Alternative Sites RENV 5/4/11 EIS 9.3-19 11120 82 5769 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Sites RENV 12/8/11 ML113420019 1/23/12 ML113420019 EIS 9.3-2 11030 94 5563 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Alternative Sites RENV 3/9/11 ML110680062 9/2/11 ML11251A209 EIS 9.3-20 11120 82 5769 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Sites RENV 12/8/11 ML113420019 1/23/12 ML113420019 EIS 9.3-21 11120 82 5769 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Sites RENV 12/8/11 ML113420019 1/23/12 ML113420019 EIS 9.3-22 11120 82 5769 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Sites RENV 12/8/11 ML113420019 1/23/12 ML113420019 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section ML111230733 **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 30 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 NRC Letter No System RAI No Response Date Response Accession Number EIS 9.3-23 11120 82 5769 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None Alternative Sites RENV 12/8/11 ML113420019 1/23/12 ML113420019 EIS 9.3-24 11120 82 5769 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Sites RENV 12/8/11 ML113420019 1/23/12 ML113420019 EIS 9.3-25 13100 9 7269 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental Alternative Sites EPB1 10/9/13 ML13280A543 11/25/13 ml13330B668 EIS 9.3-25 13100 9 7269 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental Alternative Sites EPB1 10/9/13 ML13280A543 11/25/13 ml13330B668 EIS 9.3-25 13100 9 7269 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental Alternative Sites EPB1 10/9/13 ML13280A543 11/25/13 ml13330B668 EIS 9.3-25 13100 9 7269 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental Alternative Sites EPB1 10/9/13 ML13280A543 11/25/13 ml13330B668 EIS 9.3-25 13100 9 7269 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental Alternative Sites EPB1 10/9/13 ML13280A543 11/25/13 ml13330B668 EIS 9.3-25 13100 9 7269 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental Alternative Sites EPB1 10/9/13 ML13280A543 11/25/13 ml13330B668 EIS 9.3-25 13100 9 7269 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental Alternative Sites EPB1 10/9/13 ML13280A543 11/25/13 ML13330B668 EIS 9.3-25 13100 9 7269 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental Alternative Sites EPB1 10/9/13 ML13280A543 11/25/13 ML13330B668 EIS 9.3-25 13100 9 7269 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental Alternative Sites EPB1 10/9/13 ML13280A543 11/25/13 ml13330B668 EIS 9.3-26 13100 9 7269 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed Environ mental Alternative Sites EPB1 10/9/13 ML13280A543 EIS 9.3-3 11041 21 5589 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Sites RENV 4/11/11 ML111010357 9/30/11 ML11276A099 EIS 9.3-4 11041 21 5589 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Sites RENV 4/11/11 ML111010357 9/30/11 ML11276A099 EIS 9.3-5 11041 21 5589 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Sites RENV 4/11/11 ML111010357 5/27/11 ML11151A198 EIS 9.3-6 11041 21 5589 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Sites RENV 4/11/11 ML111010357 9/30/11 ML11276A099 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 31 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 NRC Letter No System RAI No Response Date Response Accession Number EIS 9.3-7 11041 21 5589 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Sites RENV 4/11/11 ML111010357 5/27/11 ML11151A198 EIS 9.3-8 11041 21 5589 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Sites RENV 4/11/11 ML111010357 9/30/11 ML11276A099 EIS 9.3-9 11041 21 5589 Application N/A Specific Unresolved - Closed None Alternative Sites RENV 4/11/11 ML111010357 9/30/11 ML11276A099 EIS 9.4-1 20110 01 5770 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None System Design Alternatives RENV 6/13/11 ML11175A140 9/28/11 ML11213A095 EIS 9.4-2 20110 01 5770 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None System Design Alternatives RENV 6/13/11 ML11175A140 7/28/11 ML11213A095 EIS 9.4-3 20110 01 5770 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None System Design Alternatives RENV 6/13/11 ML11175A140 7/28/11 ML11213A095 EIS 9.4-4 20110 01 5770 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None System Design Alternatives RENV 6/13/11 ML11175A140 7/28/11 ML11213A095 EIS 9.4-5 20110 01 5770 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None System Design Alternatives RENV 6/13/11 ML11175A140 7/28/11 ML11213A095 EIS 9.4-6 20110 01 5770 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None System Design Alternatives RENV 6/13/11 ML11175A140 7/28/11 ML11213A095 EIS AE-1 15021 1 8374 Application N/A Specific Issued/Waiting for Response Environ mental Ecology/Aquatic EPB1 11/2/15 EIS AE-2 15021 1 8374 Application N/A Specific Issued/Waiting for Response Environ mental Ecology/Aquatic EPB1 11/2/15 EIS HYD/G1 15021 1 8380 Application N/A Specific Issued/Waiting for Response Environ mental Hydrology/Ground Water EPB1 11/2/15 EIS MET-1 16030 2 8508 Application N/A Specific Issued/Waiting for Response Environ mental Meteorology and Air Quality EPB 2/2/16 EIS RW/SYS-1 16030 2 8506 Application N/A Specific Issued/Waiting for Response Environ mental Radioactive WasteManagement Systems EPB 2/2/16 EIS TE-1 15021 1 8376 Application N/A Specific Issued/Waiting for Response Environ mental Ecology/Terrestrial EPB1 11/2/15 EIS TE-2 15021 1 8376 Application N/A Specific Issued/Waiting for Response Environ mental Ecology/Terrestrial EPB1 11/2/15 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section Tech Branch RAI Issue Date RAI Accession Number **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 32 eRAI Public Report for Website Application Title: Question Number Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 - Dockets 52-040 and 52-041 NRC Letter No System RAI No Tech Branch RAI Issue Date EIS TE-3 15021 1 8376 Std. Design N/A Issued/Waiting for Response Environ mental Ecology/Terrestrial EPB1 11/2/15 EIS TE-4 15021 1 8376 Std. Design N/A Issued/Waiting for Response Environ mental Ecology/Terrestrial EPB1 11/2/15 EIS TE-5 15021 1 8376 Application N/A Specific Issued/Waiting for Response Environ mental Ecology/Terrestrial EPB1 11/2/15 EIS TE-6 15021 1 8376 Std. Design N/A Issued/Waiting for Response Environ mental Ecology/Terrestrial EPB1 11/2/15 EIS TE-7 15021 1 8376 Application N/A Specific Issued/Waiting for Response None Ecology/Terrestrial EPB1 11/2/15 EIS USACE- 11013 1 1 5340 N/A In Evaluation None US Army Corps Of Engineers RAP2 2/1/11 EIS USACE- 12031 2 6 6347 Application N/A Specific Resolved - Closed None US Army Corps Of Engineers RAP1 3/25/2016 Question Type Sensitivity N/A Question Status Issue Type Issue Number SRP Section RAI Accession Number Response Date Response Accession Number ML110330126 11/10/11 ML113190089 3/14/12 ML12074A005 4/26/12 ML12121A365 **--Status is not a final determination by NRC. Issued/Waiting for Response - The question has been issued to the applicant and the NRC is waiting for a response from the applicant. This can be for a new RAI question or for a follow-up question In Evaluation - The applicant has provided a response to the question and it is in evaluation by the NRC. Confirmatory Action - The applicant has responded to the question. The NRC has reviewed and agrees with the response and the proposed markups, but some action is needed as part of the response is not complete (e.g., FSAR change has not been formally submitted). Resolved – Closed - The NRC has accepted the response and no additional issues or concerns are remaining for that question. Unresolved – Closed - The applicant has provided a response to the question, but the response did not adequately resolve the issue and the staff has issued a follow-up question. 33