Joseph F. Picciano Acting Regional Director
Joseph F. Picciano Acting Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency RE: INDIAN POINT RADIOLOGICAL EVACUATION PLAN We, the undersigned are First Responders. We include Police Officers, Fire Fighters, EMS Workers, Transportation Workers, School Administrators, Educators, Doctors and Nurses in the communities within the 10-mile Emergency Evacuation Zone or the 50-mile peak injury zone around the Indian Point Nuclear Power Facility. The Report by James Lee Witt Associates commissioned by Governor Pataki, has clearly determined that the existing emergency evacuation plan in inadequate to protect the public health and safety. The four surrounding counties - Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Putman - and the State of New York have refused to certify the evacuation plan because of the broad range of deficiencies identified. We will do our utmost to make sure that the evacuation plan is executed as best as is humanly possible. However, the large population, the lack of infrastructure, and the limited resources of this region make it hard to foresee a successful evacuation without casualties, regardless of the cause of a significant radiological release. We are concerned that even our best efforts may not be enough to adequately protect the public health and safety of the citizens of this region. In conclusion, we request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") not certify the emergency evacuation plan for Indian Point. >Please return to Susan Shapiro, 21 Perlman Dr., Spring Valley, NY 10977 - - Joseph F. Picciano Acting Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency RE: INDIAN POINT RADIOLOGICAL EVACUATION PLAN We, the undersigned are First Responders. We include Police Officers, Fire Fighters, EMS Workers, Transportation Workers, School Administrators, Educators, Doctors and Nurses in the communities within the 10-mile Emergency Evacuation Zone or the 50-mile peak injury zone around the Indian Point Nuclear Power Facility. The Report by James Lee Witt Associates commissioned by Governor Pataki, has clearly determined that the existing emergency evacuation plan in inadequate to protect the public health and safety. The four surrounding counties - Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Putman -- and the State of New York have refused to certify the evacuation plan because of the broad range of deficiencies identified. We will do our utmost to make sure that the evacuation plan is executed as best as is humanly possible. However, the large population, the lack of infrastructure, and the limited resources of this region make it hard to foresee a successful evacuation without casualties, regardless of the cause of a significant radiological release. We are concerned that even our best efforts may not be enough to adequately protect the public health and safety of the citizens of this region. In conclusion, we request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") not certify the emergency evacuation plan for Indian Point. >Please return to Susan Shapiro, 21 Perlman Dr., Spring Valley, NY 10977 . I P. Joseph F. Piocisno Acting Regional Director Federal Emergency Mansgement Agency RE: INDIAN POINT RADIOLOGICAL EVACUATION PLAN We, the undersigned are First Responders, We include Police Officers, Fire Fighters, EMS Workers, Transportation Workers, School Administrators, Educators, Doctors and Nurses Inthe communities within the 10-mile Emergency Evacuation Zone or the 50-mile peak injury zone around the Indian Pcint Nuclear Power Facility. The Report by James Lee WItt Associates commissioned by Governor Pataki, has clearly determined that Ihe existing emergency evacuation plan In Inadequate to protect the public health and safety. The four surrounding countis - Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Pulman - and the State of New York have refused to certify the evacuation plan because of the broad range of deficiencies Identified. We will do our utmost to make sure that the evacuation plan is executed as best as Is humanly possible. However, the large population, the lack of Infrastructure, and the limited resources of this region make It hard to foresee a successful evacuation without cusualties, reg;rdlesg of the cause of a significant radiological release. We are concerned that even our best eforts may not be enough to adequately protect the public health and safety of the cltizens of this region. Inconcluslon, we request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA7) and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission CNRCII) not certfy the emergency evacuation plan for Indian Point. OrganizatlonilG rou Slcnature _ /* 2 3 I' ~ <~- 4 / __) LA41 /i:t~wd )-7is~ /A /L 'vi1R o1 . -7 IfVIIA' 6 TownNillacel CountY ~- -/t3tr iit ; PoItlonrTItle ,, en >'r 7 l )4tf /A i4tz /tk/sed-. CJ'-* I .,/S ( t4 k'h,//i.6esr A D ~~~I ,f,/i-J 4 / /a(7/) 8 rvl~ X\ (/LiI C~oso I _ grm- ________ ___. _ (tS/P _ >Please retd/rn to SJn Shapiro, 21 Perlman Dr., Spring Valley, NY 10977 _ (1/ & _ _ JzI{ &Z/ _ _ ,/l.^e _ _ _ _ _/; A2/o512ee3 11:39 845371'721 r;LT4 D F4GE SHA1R Joseph F. Picclano Acting Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency 26 Pederal Plaza, Suite 1311 New York, NY 1027$ RE- INDIAN POINT RADIOLOGICAL EVACUATION PLAN We, the undersigned are first responders, including police, fire, EMS and bus drivers, in the communities within the 50 mile pcak injury zone of the IndiUn Point Nuclear Facility. The current evacuation plan is inadequate and Unworkable. Due to the large population of the region, limited resources and escape routes it will be impossible ',or even the best Cvacuatkon plfui to adequately protect the public health and safety. We implore the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMAW) rind the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC')* not to certify the emergency evacuation plan fol Indian Point, which the four surrounding countics Westchester, Rockland. Orange :ind Putrnan and New York State haye not certified. SlGNATURE NNAMEIGROUP POSITJONJTITLE 7OWN/ COUNTY 02 - Yi:=/ O MILIUN B !A1WW * HeA.i Joseph F. Picciano Acting Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency RE: INDIAN POINT RADIOLOGICAL EVACUATION PLAN We, the undersigned are First Responders. We include Police Officers, Fire Fighters, EMS Workers, Transportation Workers, School Adminlstrators, Educators. Doctors and Nurses In the communities within the 10-mile Emergency Evacuation Zone or the 50-mile peak injury zone around the Indian Point Nuclear Power Facility. The Report by James Lee Witt Associates commissioned by Governor Pataki, has clearly determined that the existing emergency evacuation plan in Inadequate to protect the public health and safety. The four surrounding counties - Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Putmar - and the State of New York have rehued to certify the evacuation plan because of the broad range of deficiencies identified. We WIll do our utmost to make sure that the evacuation plan Is executed as best as Is humanly possible. However, the large population, the lack of infrastructure, and the limited resources of this region make it hard to foresee a successful evacuation without casualties, regardless of the cause of a significant radiological release. We are concerned that even our best efforts may not be enough to adequately protect the public health and safety of the citizens of this region. Inconclusion, we request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency CFEMA") and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC') not certify the emergency evacuation plan for Indian Point. 21 Perlman Dr., Spring Valley, NY 10977 I - - VII|f-l , 0 nM,.rIAMU VA(ah- U2 Joseph F. Plcclano Acting Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency RE: INDIAN POINT RADIOLOGICAL EVACUATION PLAN We, the undersigned are First Responders. We include Police Officers, Fire Fighters, EMS Workers, Transportation Workers, School Administrators, Educators, Doctors and Nurses in the communities within the 10-mile Emergency Evacuation Zone or the 50-mile peak injury zone around the Indian Point Nuclear Power Facility. The Report by James Lee Witt Associates commissioned by Governor Pataki, has clearly determined that the existing emergency evacuation plan In inadequate to protect the public health and safety. The four surrounding countie - Westchooter, Rockiand, Orange and Putnan - and the State of Now York have refused to certify the evacuation plan because of the broad range of deficiencies Identified. We will do our utmost to make sure that the evacuation plan Is executed as best as Is humanly possible. However, the large population, the lack of Infrastructure, and the limited resources of this region make It hard to foresee a successful evacuation without casualties, regardless of the cause of a significant radiological release. We are concerned that even our best efforts may not be enough to adequately protect the public health and safety of the citizens of this region. In concluslon, we request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA!) and the Nuclear Reulatory Commission ("NRC") not certify the emergency evacuation plan for Indian Point. TowrilViliapo( Orqanktlton)Grour ,0-1 County Po-ltion/Title ;PI I2~f _______ - i-At//--?6Vp< 45--' 7iZ, 76 i e-,Kr ,9rJJY2=XrgoC--~fa ~I~n . 6 £Ftk n 4 , 7 >9 Fr Pc .~ 1 S:t« -ktCpjk ll 5 ' j4 S iI ) 2~~~R SC /L'sdSjI/ AlA ' , e L/ 5 ;1 tW >Please retum to Susan Shapiro, 21 Perlman Dr., Spring Valley, NY 10977 lJ I I *kp1 §{S? _____________ I2--'. (iZr ( {/( 05/01/2003 13:46 pr 11 oa 8454252213 O3231p PAGE HATZOLOH EMS INC ell 914 4-30- I p. Josph F.Picclano ACt R90ional Director Federal Emergency Maanagement Agency RE: INDALN POINT RADIOLOGICAL EVACUATION PLAN W, the undersigned are First Reaponders. We Include Police Officers, Fire Figfters, EMS Workers, Transportion Workers, School Adminisators, Educators, Doctors and Nurmea Inthe communities within the 10-mile Emergency Evacuation Zone or the 50-mile peak Injury Zone around the Indian Point Nuclear Power Facily. The Report by James Lee Witt Associates commissioned by Governor Pataki, has clearly eterminad that the xisting emergency evacuation plan Is Inadequate to prate ths public teat and afiety, The four surrounding counties - Westchestar, Rockland, Orange and Putman - and the State ci New York have refused to cartify the evacuition plan because of the broad range of deflcil iderrdnlod. We wAlldo our utmost to make sur that the evacuation plan is executed as best as Is humrninly possbio. However, the large population, the lack of infraetruture, and the 1imited resources of this region make It hard to foresee a successful evacuation without casualties, regardless of the cause of a sig -iiicart radiological release. We are concerned that even our best eforts may not be enough to adequataly protct th FUb and WWy of the citizens of this region. MGal hW Inconclusion, we requeytite, the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") and Ihe Nuclear Aitgulatory Commission CINRC) not cerfy the emergency evacuation plan for Indian Point -Please return to Susen Shapirm, 21 Perdman Dr., Spring Valley, NY 10977 01 2 Joseph F. Picciano Acting Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency RE: INDIAN POINT RADIOLOGICAL EVACUATION PLAN We, the undersigned are First Responders. We include Police Officers, Fire Fighters, EMS Workers, Transportation Workers/School Administrators, Educators, Doctors and Nurses in the communities within the 10-mile Emergency Evacuation Zone or the 50 mile peak injury zone around the Indian Point Nuclear Facility. The Report by James Lee Witt Associates commissioned by Governor Pataki, has clearly determined that the existing emergency evacuation plan is inadequate to protect the public health and safety. The four surrounding counties, Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Putman, and the State of New York have refused to certify because of the broad range of deficiencies identified. The large population, the lack of infrastructure, and the limited resources of this region render it impossible to have a successful evacuation regardless of the cause of a significant radiological release. We are dedicated to our positions as public safety officers and we are also dedicated family members. We are concerned about the potential conflict of interest this could present in an emergency. In conclusion, we request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") do not certify the emergency evacuation plan for Indian Point. SIGNATURE GROUP/ ORGANIZATION , iv t 2 2/ i, _ _ POSITION/ TITLE TOWNNILLAGEI COUNTY _r__/__- f.)f M8 *y.g1id."/*' &..} !aS. s xv9........................ oC Please return to Susan Shapiro, 21 Perlman Dr., Spring Valley, NY 10977 Joseph F. Picciano Acting Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency RE: INDIAN POINT RADIOLOGICAL EVACUATION PLAN We, the undersigned are First Responders. We include Police Officers, Fire Fighters, EMS Workers, Transportation Workers School Administrators, Educators, Doctors and Nurses in the communities within the 10-mile Emergency Evacuation Zone or the 50 mile peak injury zone around the Indian Point Nuclear E aciliy. . The Report by James Lee Witt Associates commissioned by Governor Pataki, has clearly determined that the existing emergency evacuation plan is inadequate to protect the public health and safety. The four surrounding counties, Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Putman, and the State of New York have refused to certify because of the broad range of deficiencies identified. The large population, the lack of infrastructure, and the limited resources of this region render it impossible to have a successful evacuation regardless of the cause of a significant radiological release. We are dedicated to our positions as public safety officers and we are also dedicated family members. We are concerned about the potential conflict of interest this could present in an emergency. In conclusion, we request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") do not to certify the emergency evacuation plan for Indian Point. SIGNATURE 1~ , - * I l'; GROUP/ ORGANIZATION /' t. ,. Jr .- ii POSITION/ TITLE i ,!{{ a1 TOWNNILLAGEI COUNTY i ! ' ti,;. 2 ............................ ; 7l~i^.cc4e /'L*;72c;&- .de3dtc 4 i ken f 47 tcw'/& tL A 86r ~si'zttXfc-Xde 8 _ LaxC-tAo. SA?;/ <-29t- 11 t/ c'., tit,(e VLl(J7'6 ILi ~tL:AM- 7Xg.,., ,4@1J,,'hi -tl: 7 V~,i's 10~j <jc SLL/L4AA st3~~ 2 ya -]A1zBe no; vv~ @ 10/futK4 ~n4 - UCk Jy mI\--aC L24~ j/L/zX.(A .ill Please return to Susan Shapiro, 21 Perlman Dr., Spring Valley, NY 10977 Joseph F. Picciano Acting Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency RE: INDIAN POINT RADIOLOGICAL EVACUATION PLAN We, the undersigned are First Responders. We include Police Officers, Fire Fighters, EMS Workers, Transportation WorkersSchool Administrators, Educators Doctors and Nurses in the communities within the 10-mile Emergency Evacuation Zone or the 50 mile peak injury zone around the Indian Point Nuclear Facility. The Report by James Lee Witt Associates commissioned by Governor Pataki, has clearly determined that the existing emergency evacuation plan is inadequate to protect the public health and safety. The four surrounding counties, Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Putman, and the State of New York have refused to certify because of the broad range of deficiencies identified. The large population, the lack of infrastructure, and the limited resources of this region render it impossible to have a successful evacuation regardless of the cause of a significant radiological release. We are dedicated to our positions as public safety officers and we are also dedicated family members. We are concerned about the potential conflict of interest this could present in an emergency. In conclusion, we request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") do not certify the emergency evacuation plan for Indian Point. Please return to Susan Shapiro, 21 Perlman Dr., Spring Valley, NY 10977 Joseph F. Picciano Acting Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency RE: INDIAN POINT RADIOLOGICAL EVACUATION PLAN We, the undersigned are First Responders. We include Police Officers, Fire Fighters, EMS Workers, Transportation WorkersSchool Administrators, Educators, Doctors and Nurses in the communities within the 10-mile Emergency Evacuation Zone or the 50 mile peak injury zone around the Indian Point Nuclear Facility. The Report by James Lee Witt Associates commissioned by Governor Pataki, has clearly determined that the existing emergency evacuation plan is inadequate to protect the public health and safety. The four surrounding counties, Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Putman, and the State of New York have refused to certify because of the broad range of deficiencies identified. The large population, the lack of infrastructure, and the limited resources of this region render it impossible to have a successful evacuation regardless of the cause of a significant radiological release. We are dedicated to our positions as public safety officers and we are also dedicated family members. We are concerned about the potential conflict of interest this could present in an emergency. In conclusion, we request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") do not certify the emergency evacuation plan for Indian Point. Please return to Susan Shapiro, 21 Perlman Dr., Spring Valley, NY 10977 Joseph F. Picciano Acting Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency RE: INDIAN POINT RADIOLOGICAL EVACUATION PLAN We, the undersigned are First Responders. We include Police Officers, Fire Fighters, EMS Workers, Transportation WorkersSchool Administrators, Educators, Doctors and Nurses in the communities within the 10-mile Emergency Evacuation Zone or the 50 mile peak injury zone around the Indian Point Nuclear Facility. The Report by James Lee Witt Associates commissioned by Governor Pataki, has clearly determined that the existing emergency evacuation plan is inadequate to protect the public health and safety. The four surrounding counties, Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Putman, and the State of New York have refused to certify because of the broad range of deficiencies identified. The large population, the lack of infrastructure, and the limited resources of this region render it impossible to have a successful evacuation regardless of the cause of a significant radiological release. We are dedicated to our positions as public safety officers and we are also dedicated family members. We are concerned about the potential conflict of interest this could present in an emergency. In conclusion, we request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") do not certify the emergency evacuation plan for Indian Point. GROUP/ ORGANIZATION SIGNATURE TOWNNILLAGEI COUNTY POSITION/ TITLE 1~ 2 v3 lr 3 _ hat fto /.A l P661is 9Job / / 8/ L' Iy7<iJ.;i1 C'. I R~tI(j 8'i C cs ,vS% >-- 2 w./Lk~silt -1 C _____ fivr. -iTrk~r--I A hab s... _ 5\e: C.Cuv 5t,: ], - __e .g $0 .)IILi., C.__I_ -reo.s % dv |Claz 6P &fls A 10 A% ~ L) k. Please return to Susan Shapiro, 21 Perlman Dr., Spring Valley, NY 10977 L Lac 1 ...t('SkiV' Joseph F. Picciano Acting Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency RE: INDIAN POINT RADIOLOGICAL EVACUATION PLAN We, the undersigned are First Responders. We include Police Officers, Fire Fighters, EMS Workers, Transportation Workers.,School Administrators, Educators, Doctors and Nurses in the communities within the 10-mile Emergency Evacuation Zone or the 50 mile peak injury zone around the Indian Point Nuclear Facility. The Report by James Lee Witt Associates commissioned by Governor Pataki, has clearly determined that the existing emergency evacuation plan is inadequate to protect the public health and safety. The four surrounding counties, Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Putman, and the State of New York have refused to certify because of the broad range of deficiencies identified. The large population, the lack of infrastructure, and the limited resources of this region render it impossible to have a successful evacuation regardless of the cause of a significant radiological release. We are dedicated to our positions as public safety officers and we are also dedicated family members. We are concerned about the potential conflict of interest this could present in an emergency. In conclusion, we request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") do not certify the emergency evacuation plan for Indian Point. IT T T Please return to Susan Shapiro, 21 Perlman Dr., Spring Valley, NY 10977 Joseph F. Picciano Acting Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency RE: INDIAN POINT RADIOLOGICAL EVACUATION PLAN We, the undersigned are First Responders. We include Police Officers, Fire Fighters, EMS Workers, Transportation WorkersSchool Administrators, Educators, Doctors and Nurses in the communities within the 10-mile Emergency Evacuation Zone or the 50 mile peak injury zone around the Indian Point Nuclear Facility. The Report by James Lee Witt Associates commissioned by Governor Pataki, has clearly determined that the existing emergency evacuation plan is inadequate to protect the public health and safety. The four surrounding counties, Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Putman, and the State of New York have refused to certify because of the broad range of deficiencies identified. The large population, the lack of infrastructure, and the limited resources of this region render it impossible to have a successful evacuation regardless of the cause of a significant radiological release. We are dedicated to our positions as public safety officers and we are also dedicated family members. We are concerned about the potential conflict of interest this could present in an emergency. In conclusion, we request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") do not certify the emergency evacuation plan for Indian Point. F SIGNATURE . GROUP/ POSITION/ TOWNNILLAGE/ ORGANIZATION TITLE COUNTY. 3 oz g)-y4 /Cl> 4_ 7 _ 4 e F A. | - _ _ __._ _ _ ~r ,~' _ _ _ _ _ g _ _Huf , l _ _ _ 7 _ _ _ 5"AS(etA 6\J Please return to Susan Shapiro, 21 Perlman Dr., Spring Valley, NY 10977 Joseph F. Picciano Acting Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency RE: INDIAN POINT RADIOLOGICAL EVACUATION PLAN We, the undersigned are First Responders. We include Police Officers, Fire Fighters, EMS Workers, Transportation WorkersSchool Administrators, Educators, Doctors and Nurses in the communities within the 10-mile Emergency Evacuation Zone or the 50 mile peak injury zone around the Indian Point Nuclear Facility. The Report by James Lee Witt Associates commissioned by Governor Pataki, has clearly determined that the existing emergency evacuation plan is inadequate to protect the public health and safety. The four surrounding counties, Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Putman, and the State of New York have refused to certify because of the broad range of deficiencies identified. The large population, the lack of infrastructure, and the limited resources of this region render it impossible to have a successful evacuation regardless of the cause of a significant radiological release. We are dedicated to our positions as public safety officers and we are also dedicated family members. We are concerned about the potential conflict of interest this could present in an emergency. In conclusion, we request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") do not certify the emergency evacuation plan for Indian Point. irn to Susan Shapiro, 21 Perlman Dr., Spring Valley, NY 10977 Joseph F. Picciano Acting Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency RE: INDIAN POINT RADIOLOGICAL EVACUATION PLAN We, the undersigned are First Responders. We include Police Officers, Fire Fighters, EMS Workers, Transportation Workers School Administrators, Educators, Doctors and Nurses in the communities within the 10-mile Emergency Evacuation Zone or the 50 mile peak injury zone around the Indian Point Nuclear Facility. The Report by James Lee Witt Associates commissioned by Governor Pataki, has clearly determined that the existing emergency evacuation plan is inadequate to protect the public health and safety. The four surrounding counties, Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Putman, and the State of New York have refused to certify because of the broad range of deficiencies identified. The large population, the lack of infrastructure, and the limited resources of this region render it impossible to have a successful evacuation regardless of the cause of a significant radiological release. We are dedicated to our positions as public safety officers and we are also dedicated family members. We are concerned about the potential conflict of interest this could present in an emergency. In conclusion, we request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") do not certify the emergency evacuation plan for Indian Point. SIGNATURE GROUP/ ORGANIZATION f£ 1 eCv'S Alo a C POSITION/ TITLE f.1, v. A or T ia 4 6 TOWNNILLAGE/ COUNTY Igtr -- arm-- < t~r?) AT- ___T_ -(d( __ T >1 & ct rt . 1 __A-T raA,4 47d4 7 7 8 8_ _ __ _Ng 10 _ X_ si/ C°ad~~g/oh^ /{U1'-? _ % -1 __ >4 WN A 9,'d- 7r 1 __ __ 7,, 1 8 __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ ___ _ _ _ __ Please return to Susan Shapiro, 21 Perlman Dr., Spring Valley, NY 10977 JS _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Joseph F. Picciano Acting Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency RE: INDIAN POINT RADIOLOGICAL EVACUATION PLAN We, the undersigned are First Responders. We include Police Officers, Fire Fighters, EMS Workers, Transportation Workers,School Administrators, Educators, Doctors and Nurses in the communities within the 10-mile Emergency Evacuation Zone or the 50 mile peak injury zone around the Indian Point Nuclear Facility. The Report by James Lee Witt Associates commissioned by Governor Pataki, has clearly determined that the existing emergency evacuation plan is inadequate to protect the public health and safety. The four surrounding counties, Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Putman, and the State of New York have refused to certify because of the broad range of deficiencies identified. The large population, the lack of infrastructure, and the limited resources of this region render it impossible to have a successful evacuation regardless of the cause of a significant radiological release. We are dedicated to our positions as public safety officers and we are also dedicated family members. We are concerned about the potential conflict of interest this could present in an emergency. In conclusion, we request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") do not certify the emergency evacuation plan for Indian Point. Please return to Susan Shapiro, 21 Perlman Dr., Spring Valley, NY 10977 Joseph F. Picciano Acting Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency RE: INDIAN POINT RADIOLOGICAL EVACUATION PLAN We, the undersigned are First Responders. We include Police Officers, Fire Fighters, EMS Workers, Transportation Workers,School Administrators, Educators, Doctors and Nurses In the communities within the 10-mile Emergency Evacuation Zone or the 50 mile peak injury zone around the Indian Point Nuclear Facility. The Report by James Lee Witt Associates commissioned by Governor Pataki, has clearly determined that the existing emergency evacuation plan is inadequate to protect the public health and safety. The four surrounding counties, Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Putman, and the State of New York have refused to certify because of the broad range of deficiencies identified. The large population, the lack of Infrastructure, and the limited resources of this region render it impossible to have a successful evacuation regardless of the cause of a significant radiological release. We are dedicated to our positions as public safety officers and we are also dedicated family members. We are concerned about the potential conflict of interest this could present in an emergency. In conclusion, we request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") do not ' certify the emergency evacuation plan for Indian Point. SIGNATURE 2 61, af l W24v GROUP/ ORGANIZATION I o 0 4 .1 YK!&AN,>4 Ae POSITION/ TITLE .s§c(-. Z t-.'vi' oWat TOWNNILLAGE/ COUNTY I i. /tr ek' fc.d l 5 7 8 9 r tD Please return to Susan Shapiro, 21 Perlman Dr., Spring Valley, NY 10977 Joseph F. Picciano A-ting Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency RE: INDIAN POINT RADIOLOGICAL EVACUATION PLAN We. the undersigned are First Responders. We include Police Officers. Fire Fighters. EMS Workers ransoortation Workers,_School Administrators. Educators, Doctors and Nurses in the communities within the10-mile Emergency Evacuation Zone or the 50 mile peak iniury zone around the Indian Point Nuclear The Report by James Lee Witt Associates commissioned by Governor Pataki. has clearly determined that the existing emergency evacuation Alan is inadequale to protect the Dublic health and safety. The four suroundina counties. Westchester. Rockland, Orange and Putman, and the Slate of New York have refjsed to certify because of the broad range of deficiencies identified. The Garge population, the lack of infrastructure. and the limited resources of this region render it impossible to have a successful evacuation regardless of the cause of a significant radiological release We are dedicated to our positions as public safety professionals and we are also dedicated familt members. We are concerned about the potential conflict of interest this could present in an emergency. In conclusion. we request that the Federal Emeraencv Management Agency ("FEMA") and the Nuclear &egulatorv Commission {"NRC") not certify the emergency evacuation plan for Indian Point. Please return to Susan Shapiro. 21 Perlman Dr.. Spring Valley, NY 10977 Joseph F. Picciano Acting Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency RE: INDIAN POINT RADIOLOGICAL EVACUATION PLAN We, the undersigned are First Responders. We include Police Officers, Fire Fighters, EMS Workers, Transportation Workers, School Administrators, Educators, Doctors and Nurses in the communities within the 10-mile Emergency Evacuation Zone or the 50-mile peak injury zone around the Indian Point Nuclear Power Facility. The Report by James Lee Witt Associates commissioned by Governor Pataki, has clearly determined that the existing emergency evacuation plan is inadequate to protect the public health and safety. The four surrounding counties -- Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Putnam -- and the State of New York have refused to certify the evacuation plan because of the broad range of deficiencies identified. We will do our utmost to make sure that the evacuation plan is executed as best as is humanly possible. However, the large population, the lack of infrastructure, and the limited resources of this region make it hard to foresee a successful evacuation without casualties, regardless of the cause of a significant radiological release. We are concerned that even our best efforts may not be enough to adequately protect the public health and safety of the citizens of this region. In conclusion, we request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") not certify the emergency evacuation plan for Indian Point. Signature 3 11611 *4 ._ 2 Orcanization/Group Position/Title f "I 1,4itzF P r '1 . ( . h, 7 8. qmg, TownNillagel County I NW-46t? .- 41 A A-A e a Joseph F. Picciano Acting Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency RE: INDIAN POINT RADIOLOGICAL EVACUATION PLAN We, the undersigned are-First Responders. We include Police Officers, Fire Fighters, EMS Workers, Transportation Workers, School Administrators, Educators, Doctors and Nurses in the communities within the 10-mile Emergency Evacuation Zone or the 50-mile peak injury zone around the Indian Point Nuclear Power Facility. The Report by James Lee Witt Associates commissioned by Governor Pataki, has clearly determined that the existing emergency evacuation plan is inadequate to protect the public health and safety. The four surrounding counties -- Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Putnam -- and the State of New York have refused to certify the evacuation plan because of the broad range of deficiencies identified. We will do our utmost to make sure that the evacuation plan is executed as best as is humanly possible. However, the large population, the lack of infrastructure, and the limited resources of this region make it hard to foresee a successful evacuation without casualties, regardless of the cause of a significant radiological release. We are concerned that even our best efforts may not be enough to adequately protect the public health and safety of the citizens of this region. In conclusion, we request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") not certify the emergency evacuation plan for Indian Point. X-Sprlng,.V5lFe-V,-NYfTOD.7-'k Joseph F. Picciano Acting Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency RE: INDIAN POINT RADIOLOGICAL EVACUATION PLAN We, the undersigned are First Responders. We include Police Officers, Fire Fighters, EMS Workers, Transportation Workers, School Administrators, Educators, Doctors and Nurses in the communities within the 10-mile Emergency Evacuation Zone or the 50-mile peak injury zone around the Indian Point Nuclear Power Facility. The Report by James Lee Witt Associates commissioned by Governor Pataki, has clearly determined that the existing emergency evacuation plan is inadequate to protect the public health and safety. The four surrounding counties -- Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Putnam- and the State of New York have refused to certify the evacuation plan because of the broad range of deficiencies identified. We will do our utmost to make sure that the evacuation plan is executed as best as is humanly possible. However, the large population, the lack of Infrastructure, and the limited resources of this region make it hard to foresee a successful evacuation without casualties, regardless of the cause of a significant radiological release. We are concerned that even our best efforts may not be enough to adequately protect the public health and safety of the citizens of this region. In conclusion, we request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") not certify the emergency evacuation plan for Indian Point. Sinnature 2 B y rganizationlGroup Position/Title / 8. 9 10 >Please return to Susan Shapiro, 21 Perlman Dr., Spring Valley, NY 10977 Town/illagel County _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Joseph F. Picciano Acting Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency RE: INDIAN POINT RADIOLOGICAL EVACUATION PLAN We, the undersigned are First Responders. We include Police Officers, Fire Fighters, EMS Workers, Transportation Workers, School Administrators, Educators, Doctors and Nurses in the communities within the 10-mile Emergency Evacuation Zone or the 50-mile peak injury zone around the Indian Point Nuclear Power Facility. The Report by James Lee Witt Associates commissioned by Governor Pataki, has clearly determined that the existing emergency evacuation plan is inadequate to protect the public health and safety. The four surrounding counties -- Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Putnam- and the State of New York have refused to certify the evacuation plan because of the broad range of deficiencies identified. We will do our utmost to make sure that the evacuation plan is executed as best as is humanly possible. However, the large population, the lack of infrastructure, and the limited resources of this region make it hard to foresee a successful evacuation without casualties, regardless of the cause of a significant radiological release. We are concerned that even our best efforts may not be enough to adequately protect the public health and safety of the citizens of this region. In conclusion, we request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") not certify the emergency evacuation plan for Indian Point. Signature 21 Organization/Group A W"l~;t; l Position/Title -\ '\t)A\W 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 >Please return to Susan Shapiro, 21 Perlman Dr., Spring Valley, NY 10977 TownNillaie/ County C ((C& k i p~r-lV- Joseph F. Picciano Acting Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency RE: INDIAN POINT RADIOLOGICAL EVACUATION PLAN We, the undersigned are First Responders. We include Police Officers, Fire Fighters, EMS Workers, Transportation Workers, School Administrators, Educators, Doctors and Nurses in the communities within the 10-mile Emergency Evacuation Zone or the 50-mile peak injury zone around the Indian Point Nuclear Power Facility. The Report by James Lee Witt Associates commissioned by Governor Pataki, has clearly determined that the existing emergency evacuation plan is inadequate to protect the public health and safety. The four surrounding counties - Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Putnam- and the State of New York have refused to certify the evacuation plan because of the broad range of deficiencies identified. We will do our utmost to make sure that the evacuation plan is executed as best as is humanly possible. However, the large population, the lack of Infrastructure, and the limited resources of this region make it hard to foresee a successful evacuation without casualties, regardless of the cause of a significant radiological release. We are concerned that even our best efforts may not be enough to adequately protect the public health and safety of the citizens of this region. In conclusion, we request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") not certify the emergency evacuation plan for Indian Point. Siqnature Org anization/Group 9- -F ._f 6 PositionlTitle a __.AL. C AILS' Ka'PL. -s':a t21o ;\/4ol 10 >Please return to Susan Shapiro, 21 Perlman Dr., Spring Valley, NY 10977 TownlVillagel CountW