December 22, 2009 Mr. Stewart Shannon, Director Performance and Quality Improvement
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December 22, 2009 Mr. Stewart Shannon, Director Performance and Quality Improvement
December 22, 2009 Mr. Stewart Shannon, Director Performance and Quality Improvement Curtiss Wright Flow Control Company, Electro-Mechanical Division (EMD) 1000 Wright Way Cheswick, PA 15024 SUBJECT: ERRATA TO NRC INSPECTION REPORT 99901383/2009-201, NOTICE OF VIOLATION, AND NOTICE OF NONCONFORMANCE Dear Mr. Shannon: The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff is hereby clarifying a paragraph on page 28 of the subject inspection report. The paragraph erroneously refers to “AP1000 RCP thermal barrier” instead of “Model 63 RCP thermal barrier”. The paragraph should have read as follows: The NRC inspection team reviewed a sample of Curtiss Wright-EMD significant quality problem reports (SQPRs) and interviewed responsible Curtiss Wright-EMD management and staff. The NRC inspection team verified that the process was being effectively implemented, and was in conformance with applicable regulatory requirements. The NRC inspection team reviewed SQPR 08-004 associated with the loss of cleanliness during fabrication of a Model 63 RCP thermal barrier. The NRC inspection team verified that Curtiss Wright-EMD personnel had performed a thorough investigation of the customer complaint and documented a root cause analysis. The NRC inspection team verified that 43 corrective actions related to this SQP were adequately documented, processed and closed in timely manner consistent with implementing procedure IDPQ18. In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390, “Public Exemptions, Requests for Withholding,” the agency will make a copy of this letter, its enclosures, and any associated correspondence available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the NRC’s Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS), accessible at Sincerely, /RA/ Juan Peralta, Chief Quality and Vendor Branch 1 Division of Construction Inspection & Operational Programs Office of New Reactors Docket No. 99901383 December 22, 2009 Mr. Stewart Shannon, Director Performance and Quality Improvement Curtiss Wright Flow Control Company, Electro-Mechanical Division (EMD) 1000 Wright Way Cheswick, PA 15024 SUBJECT: ERRATA TO NRC INSPECTION REPORT 99901383/2009-201, NOTICE OF VIOLATION, AND NOTICE OF NONCONFORMANCE Dear Mr. Shannon: The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff is hereby clarifying a paragraph on page 28 of the subject inspection report. The paragraph erroneously refers to “AP1000 RCP thermal barrier” instead of “Model 63 RCP thermal barrier”. The paragraph should have read as follows: The NRC inspection team reviewed a sample of Curtiss Wright-EMD significant quality problem reports (SQPRs) and interviewed responsible Curtiss Wright-EMD management and staff. The NRC inspection team verified that the process was being effectively implemented, and was in conformance with applicable regulatory requirements. The NRC inspection team reviewed SQPR 08-004 associated with the loss of cleanliness during fabrication of a Model 63 RCP thermal barrier. The NRC inspection team verified that Curtiss Wright-EMD personnel had performed a thorough investigation of the customer complaint and documented a root cause analysis. The NRC inspection team verified that 43 corrective actions related to this SQP were adequately documented, processed and closed in timely manner consistent with implementing procedure IDPQ18. In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390, “Public Exemptions, Requests for Withholding,” the agency will make a copy of this letter, its enclosures, and any associated correspondence available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the NRC’s Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS), accessible at Sincerely, /RA/ Juan Peralta, Chief Quality and Vendor Branch 1 Division of Construction Inspection & Operational Programs Office of New Reactors Docket No. 99901383 DISTRIBUTION: RidsNroDcipCQVP RidsNroDcipCQVB SCrane KHeck [email protected] RidsNroDcip YWong KKavanagh SSoto ADAMS Package Accession No.: ML093521254 Office NRO/DCIP/CQVP NRO/DCP/CQVP/CH Name Yanely Malave-Velez Juan Peralta Date 12/18/09 12/22/09 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY RPrato RPatel