Official Transcript of Proceedings NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
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Official Transcript of Proceedings NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
Official Transcript of Proceedings NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Title: Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Future Plant Design Subcommittee Docket Number: (n/a) Location: Rockville, Maryland Date: Wednesday, January 14, 2008 Work Order No.: NRC-2609 NEAL R. GROSS AND CO., INC. Court Reporters and Transcribers 1323 Rhode Island Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 234-4433 Pages 1-337 1 1 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2 NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION 3 + + + + + 4 ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON REACTOR SAFEGUARDS 5 + + + + + 6 SUBCOMMITTEE ON FUTURE PLANT DESIGN 7 + + + + + 8 MEETING 9 + + + + + 10 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 2009 11 + + + + + 12 ROCKVILLE, MD 13 + + + + + 14 The Subcommittee was convened in Room T2B3 15 in 16 Commission, 17 Pike, Rockville, Maryland, at 8:30 a.m., Dr Michael 18 Corradini, Chair, presiding. 19 SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: the Headquarters Two White of the Flint 20 MICHAEL CORRADINI, Chair 21 SAID ABDEL-KHALIK 22 J. SAM ARMIJO 23 GEORGE E. APOSTOLAKIS 24 HAROLD B. RAY 25 WILLIAM J. SHACK Nuclear North, Regulatory 11545 Rockville DENNIS C. BLEY NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 2 1 2 3 CONSULTANT TO THE SUBCOMMITTEE PRESENT: THOMAS S. KRESS 4 5 NRC STAFF PRESENT: 6 MAITRI BANERJEE, Designated Federal Official 7 STEVE BAJOREK 8 SUD BASU 9 DONALD CARSON 10 HERMAN GRAVES 11 JOHN JOLICOEUR 12 JOSEPH KELLY 13 RICHARD LEE 14 ALLEN NOTAFRANCESCO 15 JAY PERSENSKY 16 SEAN PETERS 17 STUART RUBIN 18 ANTHONY ULSES 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 3 1 2 C-O-N-T-E-N-T-S 3 AGENDA ITEM PAGE 4 ACRS Introduction .................................. 3 5 ARRP Introduction (Overview) ....................... 7 6 Reactor Plant Systems Analysis .................... 31 7 Reactor Fuels Analysis ............................ 64 8 Reactor Nuclear Analysis ......................... 134 9 Reactor Thermal-Fluids Analysis .................. 187 10 Reactor Accident Analysis ........................ 239 11 Hydrogen Plant Analysis .......................... 253 12 Human Factors .................................... 275 13 Adjourn 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 4 1 2 P R O C E E D I N G S 3 (8:30 a.m.) CHAIR CORRADINI: Okay. 4 5 Let's get started. The meeting will come to order. This meeting is open to the members of the 6 7 public. My name is Mike Corradini, 8 Future Plant Design Subcommittee. chair of the 9 We have with us today ACRS members, or 10 soon to have with us, Dr. Apostolakis, Dr. Bley, Dr. 11 Shack, 12 others will join us later in the day. Dr. Ray, Dr. Abdel-Khalik, and advanced reactors is also present. 15 16 Dr. Tom Kress is our consultant in the area of 13 14 Armijo, Ms. Maitri Banerjee of the ACRS staff is our designated federal official for this meeting. 17 ACRS INTRODUCTION 18 CHAIR CORRADINI: The purpose of today's 19 meeting is to receive a briefing on and discuss with 20 the staff the NRC's advanced reactor research program. 21 The research program document has been updated 22 recently to address the gaps in the NRC's analytical 23 tools 24 verify NGNP VHTR design and its safety performance as 25 well and as infrastructure other R&D needed needs, to to independently review the NGNP NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 5 1 application. 2 In the recent past the NRC performed a 3 PIRT to 4 relevant 5 infrastructure 6 results from these PIRT efforts and the joint NRC-DOE 7 NGNP licensing strategy report provided input to the 8 research program update. 9 develop NGNP an expert phenomena, needs for assessment and the the NGNP of NRC safety R&D licensing. and The In addition to NGNP the program document 10 also provides 11 research needs for the staff's independent assessment 12 of sodium cooled fast reactors. 13 Dr. a preliminary Powers, now analysis present, of regulatory and I were 14 members of the several PIRT panels, the NRC general 15 counsel has advised us not to provide our views on the 16 work of the specific panels we served on. 17 will not take part in any discussions specifically 18 related to the thermal fluids panel. Hence, I 19 We have up to 10 minutes for any member of 20 the public who may want to ask questions to do so at 21 the end of the meeting. 22 As a transcript of the meeting is being 23 kept, we request that participants in the meeting use 24 the microphones located near the meeting room when 25 addressing the subcommittee. Participants should NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 6 1 first identify themselves and speak with sufficient 2 clarity and volume so that they can readily be heard. 3 We will proceed with the meeting. And I 4 will call upon Stu Rubin, Stuart Rubin, of the Office 5 of Nuclear Regulatory Research, to kick it off. 6 Stu. 7 MR. RUBIN: Okay, thank you. 8 MS. BANERJEE: 9 Matri Banerjee. I And - Excuse me, Stu. just wanted to This is mention to the 10 members that if you are missing any slides, because I 11 anticipated only seven of you to come, and it looks 12 like maybe, you know - if you are missing any slides, 13 and there are going to be 17 sets of slides, please 14 let me know, so I will go and fetch one for you. 15 CHAIR CORRADINI: So actually you reminded 16 me of something I had talked to Stu ahead of time, and 17 I'll ask the members and the staff. There are a number 18 of 19 through 20 research plan. 21 parts to the this presentation various parts of to the try to lead advanced We give the speaker some time to 22 develop 23 clarification 24 something is just burning in us to clean it up. 25 reactor So I would ask that we stick with our general plans. their us presentation. question, try Unless to hold there them is a until And as we always have, about half of this NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 7 1 is for discussion. 2 discussion on any one of these topics. 3 Stu. 4 ARRP INTRODUCTION (OVERVIEW) 5 6 So we should have ample time for MR. RUBIN: Okay, again, good morning. Thank you, Dr. Corradini, and the ACRS members. 7 My name is Stu Rubin. I'm the senior 8 technical adviser for advanced reactors in the Office 9 of Research. And for this presentation I'd like to 10 provide a very high level overview of the research 11 plan with a focus on the R&D that we will have in the 12 HTDR arena, and in the implementation as it exists 13 today. 14 Research again is focused on safety R&D 15 that we need to conduct to get ready to review the 16 NGNP VHTR license application. 17 And so you know our strategy, for today is 18 to start with a presentation at a fairly high level, 19 this presentation. 20 we go through the presentations, the next one being 21 Joe Kelly who will then bring it down to a low level 22 in terms of our evaluation model, development plans, 23 and then following that we get into the ground level 24 specific technical arena plans that participate in the 25 development of that evaluation plan. And then to work our way down as NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 8 1 I think it would be most efficient as you 2 mentioned to kind of hold those detailed questions to 3 those detailed low level presentations. 4 The other point I wanted to make is that 5 we started only a short time ago within the last year 6 and a half, so we are just now starting to get our 7 arms around what we need to do. We may not have all 8 the need 9 answers by the time the application comes in. detailed answers yet. We to have those 10 And the other point I'd make is that I 11 would view this as a first meeting, in that I expect 12 that over the next five years and beyond we will have 13 follow up meetings in areas of focus, thermal fluids, 14 nuclear fuels and the like. 15 actually go through it all today. We are going to do 16 more as time goes on in terms of meeting with the 17 subcommittee. So we don't have to 18 As far as the focus of this presentation 19 over these two days, first my purpose is to provide an 20 overview of our R&D plans, and then to discuss and 21 identify the technical issues and safety research that 22 was identified within each of the technical arenas. 23 And Joe Kelly will also provide a discussion of the 24 accident 25 together the disciplines of many technical arenas. analysis evaluation model, which brings NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 9 1 Third even of course over these is we obtain feedback 3 subcommittee, 4 recommendations on how we ought to move forward with 5 our plans. terms days to 2 in two want of our from views the and 6 And finally we want to support the work of 7 this subcommittee to provide input and recommendations 8 to the full committee on what we need to focus on and 9 how we ought to proceed. 10 Just as a way of background I know Dr. 11 Corradini covered it, but I'd like to give you some 12 additional context, the first version of this plan was 13 issued back in 2003 about five years ago, and it was 14 done because of the HTGRs that were coming in at that 15 time, PBMP principally. 16 on the plan, we actually shut down our R&D activities, 17 because PBMR, or Exxon in that case, had decided to 18 terminate 19 anything going at that time. the review. But by the time the ink dried So we really didn't get 20 But it was an approved plan at that time. 21 But then following that, starting in 2005, a number 22 of non-light water reactor design applicants came to 23 the 24 licensing activities, and these of course were PBMR 25 company, PBMR for design certification, and of course NRC and formally expressed an interest in NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 10 1 the NGMP and the EPact was a need for us to do a 2 licensing 3 reactor, with sodium fast reactor technical review, so 4 we potentially would have to do. 5 Commission recognizing this issued a SRM to the staff 6 to 7 infrastructure for HTGRs and to a much limited amount 8 for sodium fast reactors. action, begin its and Toshiba development 4S of advanced burner So in 2005 the the technical 9 And so we began to revise the plan, bring 10 it up to date to reflect the work that had been done 11 and the like, and the new kinds of technical issues. 12 And so we did that, and focused on HGTRs principally, 13 and to some extent on sodium fast reactors. 14 2007 we provided that to what is called the Advanced 15 Reactor Steering Committee within the NRC management 16 structure for their review. 17 provided some comments back, and following that as was 18 mentioned, we had some PIRTs, we had five PIRTs for 19 the NGNP, in five technical arenas. 20 additional input from that. 21 And in They did review it and So we had the And also we met for the first time at INL 22 out 23 contractors, and we got a very exhaustive briefing on 24 all the work that they were doing to support design, 25 development and licensing of the NGNP. at the Idaho National Laboratories with DOE's NEAL R. 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(202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 11 1 So with all that, we took that in and we 2 revised the advanced reactor research plan, and we 3 sent 4 review and final approval. it back to the steering committee for their 5 And during this whole time, because of the 6 Commission direction, we did initiate tasks in 2007, 7 more in 2008, and we are initiating tasks today. 8 So while we don't have an approved plan 9 formally, we are moving forward because of the time 10 needs. 11 In terms of the infrastructure or the 12 actual structure of this thing, it's two parts. 13 is 14 assessment, which really applies the key technical and 15 safety issues that come out of the licensing NHGR, and 16 the second part of the actual plans themselves. 17 are plans that NRC plans to embark upon to do its 18 regulatory research in meeting our goal. what we would call an infrastructure One needs These 19 And so the focus now is on HTGRs and - but 20 there are generic aspects included as well that apply 21 to all advanced reactors - human factors, digital INC, 22 PRA, 23 specific to NGNP but certainly NGNP is a driver for 24 their needs. 25 regulatory infrastructure. These are not And so we have compiled our detailed plans NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 12 1 in the document, and we've also included a limited 2 infrastructure assessment, or what we would call a 3 survey really, and R&D plans for SFRs. 4 Now again, the reason for the 5 infrastructure is, we really want to understand what 6 are 7 issues and research needs for these designs. 8 want to identify where are the gaps in what the NRC 9 has in terms of data and information and modeling and the key, and unique, the We also 11 management in order to support a licensing review. also to technological know-how, We that different 10 12 call and specifically attention identify of our what 13 experimental 14 developed, and what kind of technical knowledge and 15 know-how does the staff need to develop in order to 16 really be ready to do a review of something close to 17 our expertise for light water reactors, hopefully at 18 that level. data and models and code need to be 19 But having said all that, we do expect 20 that the design of the applicant will be responsible 21 for doing much of the R&D that we will need to look 22 at. 23 24 MEMBER SHACK: Was there a formal process to figure out who does what? 25 MR. RUBIN: Yes, that's this next slide. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 13 1 MEMBER SHACK: 2 MR. RUBIN: Okay. Okay, that's the role of 3 research. And there was a lot of debate going on, 4 what should be our plans for doing research. 5 did have management meetings and we worked through 6 what is our role as regulators. 7 agreed to within the Office of Research, and in the 8 office of NRR and NRO. 9 First we So we And this is what was So this slide summarizes that. conduct safety research to 10 develop our technical know-how and expertise that we 11 are going to need to review an application for an 12 advanced 13 guidance and criteria for making decisions on these 14 reactors. reactor, and also the guidance, develop 15 We also do research to verify the adequacy 16 of the technical bases for the safety requirements, 17 and the safety criteria that are being proposed by the 18 designer-applicant. 19 Third we conduct safety research to capability or 20 develop 21 analytical 22 talking 23 confirming the safety performance and confirming the 24 safety margins in the plant designs, and also to use 25 to an independent tools about assess the and that analytical methods, after designers' me, and Joe will for the purpose analytical tools start and of the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 14 1 designers' results that they provide in their safety 2 analysis. 3 And the fourth, we do it to investigate 4 issues, 5 uncertainty, such as the fluid flow phenomena of air 6 and gas, or the emissivity of the reactor vessel wall 7 during conduction cool down. 8 And 9 technical sufficiently to issues, that finally we scope out we conduct and have feel safety validate large research technical 10 issues that have high risk importance, so we can turn 11 it over to the applicant or designer to resolve. 12 CHAIR CORRADINI: So just to clarify that, 13 because Bill asked the question, but I didn't see in 14 the research plan this process laid out, or even a 15 graphic to give some examples of what things would 16 naturally fall in the NRC's role, would naturally fall 17 in DOE's role as the applicant. 18 MR. RUBIN: Right. 19 CHAIR CORRADINI: And would be somewhere in 20 the middle, and you guys are still in a matter of 21 conversation. Will we get an example of that? 22 MR. RUBIN: I don't have it in front of me, 23 but I thought we had a column in our R&D plans that we 24 called bins or something. 25 graph. And those At least we did that in our numbers corresponded to these NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 15 1 bullets. 2 to one or more of these responsibilities. 3 So we justified reactor based on connecting MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: If there is an 4 issue missed by the PIRTs, when and where would that 5 issue be captured? 6 MR. RUBIN: Well, as we're working, 7 worldwide people are working, and we talk to each 8 other, issues emerge. 9 and phenomenon need to be understood. And they need to be looked at, So we view the 10 PIRT we did as kind of a first major effort to get our 11 arms around the issues, but we are always trying to 12 learn about new issues. 13 And to be sure, in the HTR 2008 there were 14 issues presented that may not have been fully explored 15 in the PIRT. 16 go out and seek additional input, but we certainly are 17 listening to everyone and are exchanging information 18 all the time. So it's not something where we actually 19 So if you - 20 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: But where on this 21 chart would the boundary between the NRC's role and 22 the applicant's role in identifying and following up 23 on those previously unidentified issues? 24 MR. RUBIN: Well, I mean, once an issue is 25 identified, we would, if it has important implications NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 16 1 in terms of the 2 analysis, 3 would do the R&D to develop the data and to develop 4 the 5 graphite dust would be an example I would point to. 6 It came to our attention through a recent analysis in 7 Germany at Julic that there was a view that there 8 could be a large amount of metallic radionuclides, 9 cesium, then modeling we to tied technical up would expect account in basis for the for that that dust the new that the safety applicant issue was or - circulating 10 within the AVR, sufficiently high that it could result 11 in a consequence that far exceeded what the safety 12 analysis had presented in the licensing of that plant. 13 So that's an issue that we need to 14 understand, get our arms around. 15 knowledge is already working that problem very much, 16 and 17 importance, 18 phenomenon. 19 well. we are 20 21 as we well, have a okay. But PBMR to our So piece in because of its understanding the And I'll talk about that in fuels as But the primary responsibility is the applicant, that being an example. 22 But anyway, this chart is intended to show 23 graphically all the 24 information that we 25 application, and the small piece in red is really what amount will of need R&D in and blue data to do and the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 17 1 we view as what our job is in terms of regulatory 2 research. 3 CHAIR CORRADINI: But this is a very good 4 graphic. So I guess to just repeat my question as we 5 proceed through the two days, if the staff could be 6 aware 7 clearly is 8 cross, and 9 thought it didn't even exist it's sitting out there in 10 the dark blue, when you bring it in, what are those. 11 So examples of those things would help us understand 12 your process. of 13 where we red, to MR. are what add trying clearly Said's RUBIN: to is point Okay, understand blue, to okay. what where it, We they where you certainly 14 discuss this all the time with management when an 15 issue comes up. 16 is, why isn't the applicant responsible for this. 17 we have to really think that through. 18 We ask - the first question we ask So The next graphic really is set up for the 19 next two days. 20 really 21 reactor on the left side, and a dynamic pebble bed 22 core reactor on the other side. 23 little bit about them. 24 25 the two I put a graphic in here which is reactor Basically on types, the the prismatic block And I explain a left side on the prismatic block reactor side, we call them PMRs, they NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 18 1 have a fixed central annular core which is comprised 2 of 3 vertically stacked on top of one another to form a 4 tall 5 cylinder are graphite blocks, and outside are graphite 6 blocks. about thin 1,000 wide 7 prismatic circular fuel boxes cylinder, and that within are that And the core is periodically reloaded in a 8 batch basis much like a 9 They're easy to understand. live water reactor is. 10 The pebble bed reactor on the right side 11 has also an annular core, but it involves moving fuel 12 elements. 13 comprised 14 elements, and I'll show you one later, and these are 15 loaded into that annular space, and they all move down 16 the core together and individually, slowly traveling 17 from the top to the bottom by gravity. 18 gets to the bottom they are removed, looked at in 19 terms of burn up, and if they are well below the 20 design burnup they are returned to the top of the core 21 and dropped back in. 22 fuel cycle, and that's why it's called a continuous 23 online refueling system. And of a the bed annular of core about is combined 400,000 pebble - is fuel And when each So this continues throughout the 24 In terms of the coolant flows, basically 25 during power operation the vessel inlet, relatively NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 19 1 cool helium comes in at the bottom, travels vertically 2 up close to the vessel wall, then reverses direction 3 and comes down through the core, picking up heat as it 4 travels 5 prismatic fuel assembly or through the open spaces in 6 a pebble bed type reactor, and having picked up that 7 heat and exited below the core and then exits out 8 through that same annular input duct where it came in 9 initially. through either the circular channels on a 10 So with that background you will have a 11 little understanding of what we'll be talking about in 12 our discussions. 13 Just so you'll know - CHAIR CORRADINI: Just to again, 14 clarification on this one, so originally there was 15 going to be a decision point as to which way to go. 16 Is that decision point in terms of time still the 17 same, 18 designs 19 phase? 20 21 are you through going your to safety have - to your consider both preapplication MR. RUBIN: We are going to consider both designs until DOE makes a decision. 22 23 or CHAIR CORRADINI: So has their decision point estimate changed? 24 MR. RUBIN: The feedback we are getting, 25 and I could defer to DOE, is that we are looking at NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 20 1 some time after 2 strategy, maybe later this summer or beyond, and we'd 3 have to talk to DOE. 4 application date? 6 CHAIR defined by the licensing CORRADINI: It's still 2009-2010 timeframe? 8 9 as And the issue comes up, well, what is the 5 7 - MR. until that RUBIN: time our Yes, correct, strategy and correct. plan is to So move 10 forward with research that really can be applied to 11 both kinds of designs. 12 And again this slide lists some of the 13 basic design facets and the safety approach taken by 14 ACGRs. 15 asterisks I would say are different than Fort St. 16 Vrain. 17 core outlet temperatures, perhaps as high as 900, 950 18 degrees. 19 reflector, 20 normal operation they will use - the NGNP at least 21 will 22 exchange heat with a secondary plant, and there may be 23 a direct cycle as well in which the helium directly 24 goes to a helium tower turbine generator. First of all there - the safety attributes and But basically the designs involve very high The core is annular, with a graphite center different utilize 25 an than Fort intermediate St. Vrain. heating During strategy to But there may also be steam generators in NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 21 1 a design, which makes for more complex factor analysis 2 issues for us. 3 must have very low failure rates to meet the design 4 acceptance criteria. 5 It utilizes coded fuel particles. It They are metallic pressure vessels instead 6 of prestressed concrete, as Fort St. Vrain was. 7 reactor is designed to rely solely on passive systems, 8 structures 9 characteristics to mitigate design basis accident; not 10 and components, and The inherent necessarily beyond design basis, but for design basis. 11 And the dose consequences for these plants 12 were based 13 specific, rather than a bounding source term. 14 we all know, the license basis will be developed using 15 the PRA and deterministic judgment in a risk-informed 16 manner. 17 on mechanistic Again, these are source the terms, technical event And as arenas. 18 The ones that are in red asterisks have an important 19 contribution or 20 development. The green asterisk ones are the ones 21 that are generic, and we added H2 production facility 22 in this particular AARP because of the NGNP design, 23 and again I mentioned sodium fast reactors were also 24 included in terms of a survey of the infrastructure 25 needs. role in our evaluation model NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 22 1 I'd like to point out in this slide what 2 our priorities are for developing analytical methods. 3 And they're listed in descending order. 4 Our first priority is to develop the tools 5 for calculating 6 consequences 7 accidents. 8 9 of the design phenomena basis and accidents, the and dose severe Our second priority is to have tools that allow us to understand the performance and the 10 integrity of the SSCs that are relied upon to mitigate 11 those accidents. 12 integrity and performance of what's called the reactor 13 cavity cooling system during these events, as well as 14 the concrete structures that support everything during 15 these events. Examples would be confirming the 16 Third and lowest priority is development 17 of tools that will allow us to understand failure 18 potential during normal operation. 19 focus for INL. 20 going to have a long term life expectancy, and they 21 don't want early failures. 22 But This is a big They want a design equipment that is we view our focus that as more accident 23 prevention, 24 accident mitigation type and analytical tools. 25 and needs to be really on This next slide was - is intended to show NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 23 1 what are the targeted kinds of events that we want to 2 be able to develop tools for, as well as what are the 3 targeted figures of merit. 4 This was developed by several meetings 5 with the evaluation model development team, and this 6 is what we came up with basically. 7 is the kinds of events, normal operation, pressurized 8 core 9 events, heat up events, depressurized On the left side pressurized core heat core up cool events, down which 10 involve the failure of the heat and pressure boundary, 11 and that with air ingress as another category. 12 then weather and steam ingress events, and reactivity 13 type events. So that is the spectrum of the kinds of 14 events we 15 evaluation model for. 16 that And want the to be figures able of to merit, develop as you And an see 17 there, 18 principal ones that we feel our codes need to be able 19 to display and understand so we can compare those with 20 the applicant's analysis results. 21 there are many CHAIR more, but CORRADINI: these are Again, some some 22 clarification. 23 these essentially the same list that Fort St. Vrain 24 have to worry about? 25 MR. Except for the pebble compaction, are RUBIN: I think so. I think this NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 24 1 basically covers it. 2 heat 3 reactivity as the basic categories, I think they - all 4 ACGRs will have events that fall into those basic 5 categories. up, cool 6 If you look in the categories of down, air ingress, water The details may be somewhat different. I'll give you an example. water ingress event, a 8 reactivity 9 pressure because of the forming of steam. event to okay, occur, that You could have 7 10 ingress, and could also cause could a raise Down the road you could have a valve lift 11 to prevent all the pressurization. 12 have 13 reactor, or you open the reactor later on. 14 could have a reactivity slash water ingress event with 15 a delayed kind of an opening of the reactor, and that 16 could - so there are all kinds of combinations, but 17 they fall into those categories. an event where you don't So you could now actually open the So you 18 CHAIR CORRADINI: Okay, but the reason I 19 asked my question as I did is, besides the pebble bed 20 design, 21 prismatic, I want to understand that this list here is 22 pretty much the same as Fort St. Vrain, which leads me 23 to my next question, the high temperature operation of 24 the NGNP does not change any of the characteristic 25 accidents one would have to consider, or the factor of put that off the table, if we just had NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 25 1 - you are going to produce hydrogen offsite change any 2 of the accidents you might consider on the reactor 3 side? 4 MR. RUBIN: Okay, let me say that there is 5 no road that is - hydrogen plant or process plant 6 events, okay. 7 we 8 understand it. don't The only reasons we don't have that is have 9 enough information yet to But basically if you look at it this way, 10 a hydrogen plant is a load on the reactor. 11 could lose your load. 12 13 really And you You could have load increases. Same as you have on fossil - excuse me, on light water reactors. 14 As far as that goes, those are small 15 hydrogen plants, only 10 percent let's say of the full 16 capacity 17 increase, decrease type events, heat up and cool down. 18 of the reactor. So they are small load What are more interesting, of course, are 19 the IHX failures. 20 sort of another media into the system. 21 start trying to model all that, we want to understand 22 more about what is the design. 23 meeting with NGNP to - excuse me, with INL and DOE to 24 get more information on it. 25 We might have some ingress of some But before we So we are going to be But that is a role we'd like to add in NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 26 1 time. 2 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: This may come out 3 later, but how well do you think we know the core 4 inlet 5 designs? flow distribution in either of these two 6 MR. RUBIN: Well, we could have some people 7 here who will talk about CFP analysis, what we're 8 doing. 9 development, It's not a formal part of our evaluation model but to understand some of the local 10 effects that we may need to be concerned with in our 11 evaluation model. 12 And to give you an example, it's not your 13 example, exactly, but we believe that there will be a 14 profile 15 theta, okay. 16 certainly 17 balance of plant equipment failure issue. at the exit which is not uniform in And so that's important to understand for 18 core downstream mixing issues, for the But we also want to understand what is the 19 temperatures 20 nonuniformly distributed. 21 like an air ingress event, you may have this side of 22 the core at a higher temperature than that side of the 23 core in terms of oxidation rates and the like. 24 25 in the graphite box, you know, So if you did have an event So we definitely are interested in those kinds of things. In terms of the inlet side, I'm not NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 27 1 sure we have anything going on that, but on the outlet 2 side we do have some CFD analysis that we are doing to 3 understand those kind of distributions. 4 CHAIR CORRADINI: So Said's actual question 5 leads me to the one where I like your priorities, but 6 the design can feed back to potential radiological 7 effects. 8 temperature and push it further. 9 verify And let's just take the distribution of that you actually How are you going to know how the graphite 10 dimensionally changes as this core ages? If you were 11 going to get to that later, that's fine. But this is 12 just another step into the question, and I with all 13 due respect to computers, what if I don't believe it? 14 How are you going to know from some sort of in- 15 service inspection about it? 16 So 17 question potentially going. that's kind of where I hear his We can wait on it. 18 MR. RUBIN: Yes, we have someone who is 19 going to talk about graphite and graphite aging and 20 distortion with time, and the implications on thermal 21 analysis and the like. 22 So save those questions. This is I would call an initial concept or 23 preliminary concept of our evaluation model. 24 say much about it. 25 of the sails of Joe Kelly. I won't I don't want to take the wind out But basically we want to NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 28 1 use this kind of a model which brings together really 2 analytical tools and methods associated with nuclear 3 analysis, thermal fluids analysis, fuels performance 4 analysis, graphite behavior, and also fission product 5 transport.. 6 talk about the needs of each other, to make sure the 7 models' inputs and outputs connects. 8 So it involves a team to work together to And I will let Joe talk about it. But 9 this is quote our action analysis evaluation model 10 concept at this point, and we can get more into it 11 after Joe and beyond at the detail level. 12 Just to summarize, where we are in the 13 advanced reactor research plan R&D, first of all our 14 focus is on the NGNP VHTGR COL technical review aids. 15 They are not showing us pebble bed at this point or 16 prismatic, but that is really our focus. 17 We also want to be consistent in terms of 18 high importance, low knowledge, type data needs for 19 modeling in terms of the research that needs to be 20 done, 21 several years ago for TRISO particle fuel, and we had 22 one for human factors. and we had parts for the NGNP, we had one 23 We also want to be consistent with our 24 guidelines for the role of research, to make sure we 25 are not doing what the applicant and DOE needs to be NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 29 1 doing. And we watch that all the time. 2 We also want to utilize extensively the 3 R&D that DOE is doing, and we are going to do that 4 because it's expected, and there is an MOU that says 5 as much, that we will have access to all their work. 6 And they want to understand from us what exactly the 7 environment set ups and data collection, and how you 8 collect data, needs to be, so that it is good data 9 that will serve both our purposes. 10 Again as I mentioned, for now we have both 11 prismatic and pebble bed reactor designs. 12 DOE makes that design selection, we are then going to 13 focus 14 specific design. 15 clearly I on that will say type we of But when reactor incorporated and that cooperative 16 research into our R&D activities. 17 spoken to the European Union RAPHAELE program, people 18 who have a program underway for HGTR type research in 19 fuels, thermal fluids analysis and the like. We have already 20 We recently talked to the Japanese atomic 21 energy agency representative about potential research 22 that they feel they would be willing to do with their 23 HGTR, very useful type research I would add. 24 We need to talk to INL to see if we can 25 identify some of those proposals that would really be NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 30 1 very useful for both of us. 2 We have also been interacting with the 3 OECD TAREF program, which is really a program to pull 4 together worldwide what facilities exist for safety 5 research for sodium transfer reactors, as well as for 6 high-temperature reactors, and we are now at a point 7 where we want to start talking really seriously about 8 which 9 collectively try to get some research completed at. 10 of those And facilities finally we would need the to countries support the 11 timeline for the NGNP COR application. 12 something that is going to be ready in 15 years; we 13 need to do something that needs to be ready when the 14 COR is submitted, which is 2013. 15 Now I put this in We can't do there because Dr. 16 Corradini asked me to walk through the roll out of our 17 presentations, but it's really a dupe of the agenda. 18 And it's intended to really start out high, work our 19 way down, and to do it in that way, and you can see by 20 reading what will be covered at a high level in each 21 case. 22 I will be coming back on fuels, and so we 23 will just work our way down that onion. 24 for me. 25 And that's it Are there any more questions? I guess we NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 31 1 are - are we on schedule? 2 3 CHAIR CORRADINI: We're ahead. We want Joe badly. 4 MR. RUBIN: Joe, okay. 5 REACTOR PLANT SYSTEMS ANALYSIS (OVERVIEW) 6 MR. KELLY: be giving an Okay, I am Joe Kelly, and 7 I'll overview presentation of our 8 evaluation model for the NGNP at the level of the 9 reactor plant system analysis. 10 A simple little roadmap, just what I said. 11 I'll be giving - I'm so used to pointing, I'm an old 12 style presenter, I want to stand up and point, so 13 excuse me, I'm still trying to learn this. 14 So I'll be giving an overview of the 15 evaluation model, and then below that will be five 16 different presentations giving some of the technical 17 details. 18 will be given by Tony Ulses. 19 Bajorek. 20 MELCOR 21 consequence analysis, Jocelyn Mitchell. 22 23 Thermal fluids, Steve The accident analysis, which is more the code, would be Allen Notafrancesco; My contents are pretty short. and The first, what is an evaluation model, what does it have to do. 24 25 Fuel analysis will be Stu, nuclear analysis The second, what is the one that we are putting together actually look like. And then the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 32 1 role of CFD analysis in this. 2 Then if time and your interest permits, 3 I'll give a couple of short examples of some of the 4 CFD work we've done to date. 5 Our evaluation model is straight from the 6 reg guide. It's pretty 7 framework, 8 computer code that all have to work together to go 9 through a design basis accident. typically simple. consists of Calculational more than one And also it includes 10 the assumptions that go along with the use of those 11 codes. 12 For the for the scope of the one that I'm 13 responsible 14 plant systems analysis, and that includes primarily 15 four areas: the nuclear analysis; thermo-fluids; fuel 16 performance; and fission product transport. development of is the reactor 17 At the moment it's going to apply to both 18 pebble bed, that's the PBR, and the prismatic modular 19 reactor, or PMR designs. 20 21 Once there is a design decision by the Department of Energy we will focus that down. 22 I'm going to talk in the way that it's 23 like 24 reality 25 concepts. three separate it's one There evaluation that are the models, covers normal three although in difference operations; the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 33 1 initial release; and the delayed release. 2 So what are those? Normal operations, 3 that's fairly obvious. 4 when it is sitting there operating for a long period 5 of time? 6 What does the plant look like And what we really need, this sets the 7 source term for the initial release. So it's the 8 generation and distribution of the fission products. 9 What I'm talking about here now is actually within the 10 coated fuel particles within the core. 11 have to worry about the fission products that have 12 escaped the coated fuel particles, the ones that are 13 played out, or absorbed within the matrix graphite. 14 So all those within the helium pressure boundary; the 15 circulating activity due to things like contamination 16 in 17 Brayton cycle, the erosion products that have been 18 activated. the helium 19 20 coolant; or if But you also specially if it's a And the dust formed radionuclides. MR. KRESS: Are you working on a dust source model? 21 MR. KELLY: Not yet. Not yet, but that 22 is something that we obviously are going to have to 23 do. 24 generated, but how much is there. 25 of dust that is important. And it's not necessarily how much dust is It's the inventory Where can it hang out? NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 34 1 2 MR. KRESS: it. 3 MR. KELLY: 4 MR. KRESS: 5 But you need attenuator for Right. And you'll have to know what size it is. 6 MR. KELLY: And that is a huge 7 uncertainty at the moment. 8 results, the same people will tell you well, it might 9 be six microns, or it might be point six; it depends 10 on when we measure it. 11 CHAIR And that's a huge difference. CORRADINI: 12 magnitude of the inventory? 13 AVR. 14 MR. You know based on the AVR KELLY: Do they know the They had a lot at the At the AVR they had 15 estimates. 16 2008 is that a lot of it had to do with oil ingress in 17 vents, and now you got - it had to do with oil ingress 18 events, and that was the shift from the six micron to 19 the point six micron. 20 that. 21 of expertise here. 22 But the speculation is that from the HTR They think that's what explains But you are getting me far outside of my area CHAIR CORRADINI: What is the name of the 23 person we can ask this of in the two days? 24 responsible for worrying about this? 25 Who is MR. RUBIN: Okay, let me just use that as NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 35 1 an example. 2 radionuclides actually gets out to the edges of the 3 fuel 4 understand the fission product transport within the 5 particles and the matrix to understand that. - the 6 We have a lot of players here. pebble We may in in that fact case. be How much You talking have about to on 7 contemporary fuels very little in the way of cesium 8 for 9 layers, to get to that point where the dust is then 10 example getting through a TRISO particle fuel generated. 11 So the first part of the puzzle is how 12 much cesium is available to be bound up in the dust. 13 And that is where the fuels program, and I'll talk 14 about that, starts. 15 The next thing is, how much dust is 16 actually generated, containing that very large amount 17 of cesium, or very little cesium. 18 is in our graphite program to get our arms around 19 that. 20 That's a part that The next question is, how is that dust 21 actually transported, and where does it go? 22 have some analysis methods that we are thinking about, 23 CFD analysis, to try to understand how that dust gets 24 distributed 25 thoughts that it goes where it's below the velocity and where it goes. There are So we some NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 36 1 profiles, and that might be where the heat exchangers 2 are, okay. 3 And then the next question is, what 4 happens to that dust in an event where it can be blown 5 out of the system? 6 at the beginning of the process you conclude that 7 there is not a lot of say radionucldes in that dust 8 you can forget everything else. 9 10 So Other kinds of analysis. that's in my research plan, But if to get that. 11 CHAIR CORRADINI: Yes, I'm with you, but 12 let me push that point. So let's say it's not a lot 13 of radioactive material in it. 14 don't care about the dust? All of a sudden I 15 MR. RUBIN: No, but you want to get your 16 arms around the magnitude of it, because it could be 17 the difference between requiring large filters or not 18 requiring large filters. 19 they need to understand it. 20 the system. So we need to understand it; This is in the venting of 21 CHAIR CORRADINI: Okay. 22 MR. RUBIN: So how much rise or fall is the 23 contribution 24 determination in whether or not you need to provide 25 those kinds of of activity mitigation and type dust will have components in a the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 37 1 system. 2 So want to know if it's a little addition 3 or it's a big addition to that source. We need to know 4 regardless. 5 6 MR. KRESS: Will that depend on the quality of the fuel actually? 7 MR. RUBIN: Well, a subcase in there is 8 failure of particles due to elevated diffusion through 9 intact coatings. 10 dust as presented by the author of that issue. 11 12 And that is the issue for graphite MR. KRESS: We are not dealing with non- intact coatings, or too thin coatings? 13 MR. RUBIN: I will get into that. It has 14 to do with the diffusion coefficient through cesium - 15 excuse me, through silicon carbide at the temperatures 16 we are talking about at the burnoffs we are talking 17 about. 18 19 And CHAIR CORRADINI: And it's only cesium? You keep on mentioning that. 20 MR. RUBIN: Well, because strontium tends 21 to be tied up more in the kernel anyway, okay, and the 22 cesium is much more mobile to come out of the kernel, 23 and so that is the one that really is the dominant one 24 in terms of being available for release. 25 MR. KRESS: Do you know what the chemical NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 38 1 form of the cesium is yet from those kernels? 2 3 MR. RUBIN: Well, we will get to my presentation of it. 4 MR. KRESS: 5 MEMBER BLEY: Let me just sneak one in on 6 that. 7 there 8 explosive 9 surfaces be an issue? Okay, sorry. Is it strictly a radiological problem, or is enough dust issue, in or release a that fouling it of could heat be an transfer 10 MR. RUBIN: We'll go into those questions. 11 MEMBER BLEY: Okay, so you are looking at 12 all of that. 13 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: Let me just ask a 14 basic question. 15 the maximum allowable volumetric heat generation rate 16 during normal operation at any point in the core? What physical phenomenon determines 17 MR. RUBIN: Okay, the goal, the goal is - 18 what I should have talked about in my presentation - 19 the goal is to have a passively cooled core for any 20 accident. 21 the maximum power generation or power density you can 22 have in the reactor core, such that when you lose 23 normal 24 processes for passive heat removal, you do not see the 25 temperature rise that goes above some I'll call it And so you need to do analysis of what is cooling and you start developing those NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 39 1 design limit for the core. 2 MR. KRESS: 3 MR. RUBIN: Sixteen hundred is used as a for that. Sixteen hundred? 4 guide 5 calculation to see what the - and that's why the power 6 densities on modular ACGRs are so low. 7 about 5 to 10 percent 8 modern 9 because you want to be able to passively cool the core light And water 10 in an accident. 11 MR. so you to do that They are only power density compared to a reactor KRESS: need for that That's very also one reason, of the 12 reasons for the annular core, you get the fuel out to 13 the 14 traverse radially to get the heat out. periphery where it has a shorter 15 CHAIR CORRADINI: Thank you. 16 MR. KELLY: distance to And the initial release is 17 simply when you have the break you release everything 18 that 19 remobilize dust or plate-out. 20 is what happens much later in time when you are doing 21 a heat up, so you have to model the diffusion out of 22 the intact coated fuel particles as well as the failed 23 one, and you have to worry about either air or steam 24 ingress, and what effects those can have. is 25 circulating in the helium, plus you can And the delayed release And our model will have to model the hold NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 40 1 up and the retention of the fission products within 2 the confinement or containment. 3 Examples of transients to be analyzed, Stu 4 already showed you his table. 5 over the main five ones with the things you worry 6 about. 7 So the I was just going to go pressurized loss of forced 8 circulation which is - you know, you will hear people 9 talk about P-LOFCs all the time. What you are really 10 worried about now is the thermal plumes in what would 11 be the inlet or upper plenum. 12 about the temperature of the components up there, and 13 their integrity. 14 For depressurized So you are worried loss of forced 15 circulation, 16 analysis, that us light water people are more familiar 17 with. 18 temperature. 19 very good estimate of what is the effective thermal 20 conductivity. 21 looks at that and thinks about it's the reactivity 22 coefficient, but so it will overlap. this is more like our standard LOCA And here you are worried about the peak fuel 23 To calculate that you have to have a So I realize any nuclear analysis person it's the effective fuel thermal 24 conductivity, and also the performance, and if you 25 will, the integrity of the reactor cavity cooling NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 41 1 system. 2 Following that you go to higher 3 consequence accidents, which would be like an 4 ingress following a D-LOFC. 5 worry about the graphite oxidation. That then leads 6 you itself, 7 supporting structures for the core. 8 can 9 additional to the occur integrity to the of fission And here you have to the coated core fuel particle 11 contain the absorbed fission products. 12 MR. KRESS: graphite the The damage that release, mobilization the or particles, 10 of air layers, as causing well which as would And with the water ingress 13 you tend to get CO and CO2, will your models have to 14 deal with those? 15 And hydrogen, right. MR. KELLY: That is one, when we get to 16 the 17 MELCOR. 18 And that's why we chose it. evaluation 19 20 you will see are using And MELCOR has a lot of capabilities there. reimplemented to be more specific for graphite. MR. KRESS: You will get countercurrent flows with multiple species of exothermic reactions? 23 MR. KELLY: Not in MELCOR - 24 MR. Can 25 we Now the models will have to be adjusted or 21 22 model, RUBIN: you come back to that question when we have our MELCOR expert here. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 42 1 2 CHAIR CORRADINI: So can I ask you a nonMELCOR question about water ingress, if I'm allowed. 3 4 So where is the water - where are the sources of water in these point designs? 5 MR. KELLY: 6 know. 7 ingress was not covered. 8 9 Well, part of it, is we don't And like if you noticed in the PIRT the water But it typically - CHAIR CORRADINI: Well, in point of fact it was mentioned a whole lot. 10 MR. KELLY: But not in detail. But there are things like the 11 shut down cooling system which will be a helium-to- 12 water heat exchanger going directly into the core, the 13 designs I've seen, and then Stu can tell you we are 14 not sure what the NGNP design is going to be. 15 know you hear different things. 16 there is always going to be an intermediate loop, but 17 there may be a steam generator in place of an IHX now, 18 in which case you have to worry about steam generative 19 ruptures, and so on and so forth. Sometimes you hear 20 CHAIR CORRADINI: Thank you. 21 MR. KRESS: You Will you need a CFD 22 calculation for those thermal plumes you're talking 23 about? 24 25 MR. KELLY: Probably. And that is certainly one of the areas where we would use CFD to NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 43 1 take a look at. 2 And we have already kind of covered the 3 reactivity events. 4 compaction has to do with seismic events. 5 6 And of course the pebble bed So this is the NRC evaluation model as we envision it today. 7 MEMBER RAY: pebble 8 the 9 events, is that what you said? 10 bed The last statement you said, MR. compaction KELLY: has to Yes. do with In the seismic chemical 11 industry, they actual shake pebble beds or pack beds 12 in order to increase their density. 13 worry 14 packing densities run around 60 percent, and it can go 15 up to - 16 about the density MEMBER RAY: And so you would increasing, because the I was just thinking, is 17 there no analog in the prismatic? 18 there no structural function performed by the graphite 19 that might be affected by a seismic event? 20 21 MR. KELLY: In other words is I'm sure it can be affected, but I don't know how it can affect reactivity. 22 MEMBER RAY: Well, I think the issue, in 23 my mind, you could have failures of the graphite core 24 supports, and have the entire core moved - 25 MR. RUBIN: Correct. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 44 1 MEMBER RAY: And then essentially you are 2 moving away from the control rods, because they stay 3 where they are and the core goes down. 4 have a reactivity addition that way, which is also 5 true 6 compaction. 7 negative reactivity for the rods, actually relatively 8 moving away. in 9 pebble beds. So you have So you can them from And also you are losing some of that MR. RUBIN: That was the big problem we 10 struggled 11 supports. 12 with years MR. KRESS: ago, failure of the core Do the designs have a diverse 13 redundant way to - like we introduced boron in the 14 water reactors. 15 MR. KELLY: The ones I'm most familiar 16 with have control rods which tend to be in the outer 17 reflector 18 shutdown system which are absorber spheres, that are 19 dropped through bore holes and a central reflector. 20 21 region, and then they have a reserve And you can correct me, is there anything else? 22 I think that's it. MR. RUBIN: Yes, the absorber balls are 23 equivalent to liquid injection in a LWR water. 24 diverse way of getting native radioactivity in the 25 core. It's a NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 45 1 MR. KELLY: And when we visited the PPMR 2 facilities they were actually testing things like the 3 absorber balls, the dropping of them through the bore 4 holes, 5 conditions. at 6 7 prototypic pressure MR. KRESS: and temperature The fuel itself, on negative temperature coefficients? 8 MR. KELLY: Yes. 9 MR. GRAVES: Excuse me, this is Herman 10 Graves from the Office of Research. 11 talking tomorrow about 12 seismic concerns that 13 qualification on the fuel. 14 prismatic core design. 15 MEMBER RAY: some we of I'm going to be the have structural with the and seismic We are looking at graphite Okay, good, I would just 16 then make the comment that I don't think seismic as an 17 issue is limited to the pebble bed. 18 MR. KELLY: 19 On the left-hand side I have the function 20 of the individual components of the evaluation model, 21 and on the right-hand side the code specific. 22 top part of this, down through the steady state, that 23 is 24 conditions to set up the normal operating conditions. all 25 to get Then the the No, I am learning, thank you. cross bottom sections half of and the In the thermal figure is NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 46 1 actually the transient analysis. 2 will use, you will see, for the - well for doing the 3 cross 4 cetera, is the scale AMPX code suite that you've seen 5 before. section processing, And so the codes we resonance processing, et It's used by both research and NMSS. 6 The reactor kinetics or reactor core 7 simulator, that neutronics solution is by the PARCS 8 code, which had already been adapted somewhat for gas 9 reactors. 10 We have more work to do on it, but it's already been used for a pebble bed. 11 The thermal fluids part of the core 12 analysis is a code called AGREE, which is a module in 13 PARCS. 14 of THERMICS direct. What it is is a new three-dimensional version 15 MR. KRESS: 16 anywhere. 17 would have been? 18 I don't see TRACE in there Does AGREE take the place of what TRACE MR. KELLY: AGREE is more similar to a 19 subchannel code if you will. 20 of TRACE here. 21 the role of MELCOR is the thermal fluid analysis on a 22 system level, as well as the fission product transport 23 and graphite oxidation. MELCOR takes the place When we get to the transient analysis, 24 CHAIR CORRADINI: So one more - because I 25 actually was looking for this thing you call AGREE. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 47 1 What is it again? 2 Can you just repeat please? MR. KELLY: Well it's - actually I've got 3 just a little more detail on a future slide. 4 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 5 there, 6 earlier. 7 really 8 critical to know the inlet core flow distribution, 9 because that will affect the radial distribution, it 10 let me go back to But before we get the question I raised At least in the prismatic design, there is no cross flow. And therefore, it is very will affect all your physics parameters. 11 So where in this picture do you get the 12 detailed radial and azimuthal variations of core in 13 the flow distribution, given the fact that you only 14 have one pipe bringing the flow in? 15 MR. KELLY: 16 Well, once it goes through the plenum - 17 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 18 MR. KELLY: Yes, I understand. But from the plenum to the 19 individual fuel elements is a good question. And the 20 bypass largest 21 uncertainties facing these. 22 do with the question that Dr. Corradini raised about 23 who 24 graphite dimensions are going to change. And that is - is 25 flows going in to my - mind, how do one of the And of course that has to you know MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: how much the But even just the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 48 1 basic physics 2 whatever you start out with you'll likely end up with 3 the same flow rate, and if you had highly nonuniform 4 core inlet flow distribution, which you may not know 5 very well, you will not know the core temperature 6 distribution very well, and you will not know the core 7 power distribution very well. 8 issues, you MR. KELLY: don't have cross flow, Well, if - you see at this 9 point we don't know if the fuel elements are going to 10 contain orifices or not, like in the older designs; 11 they probably won't. 12 of the uncertainties. 13 There So that helps. are cross-flows That removes one between the 14 element blocks, due to the graphite. 15 hope it's small. 16 may have to treat them as uncertainties, okay? 17 may 18 uncertainties. 19 20 have But again you But there are uncertainties, and we to conservatively treat And we them as But the - you know solving a 1-D momentum equation is not that hard. 21 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 22 a trivial problem. 23 distribution for a PWR. 24 25 fuel MR. I mean this is not We do not know the core inlet flow RUBIN: question another way. Let me try to attack that I think you are right, we need NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 49 1 to understand that. 2 modeling, we will get our arms around it. 3 out it's significant in terms of creating an azimuthal 4 power shift, and therefore a temperature effect on the 5 graphite in the fuel, we may have - this I'm just 6 talking out loud - some sort of hot channel factors so 7 to speak to apply that to the action analysis in the 8 normal operation analysis of particle temperatures and 9 failure rates. And And do I a think hot 10 concept, and handle it that way. 11 done. 12 I see that the If it turns channel type of a I mean that can be When you get into fuels analysis, in terms 13 of 14 accidents, temperature is the key. 15 temperature, the more fission products are mobile, the 16 more failures you may see. 17 temperatures well. fission product release during normal operation The higher the You need to know those 18 But if you handle it like in a sector, 19 where a high channel factor, I would imagine that we 20 can handle that in that way, during normal operations 21 to account for those high temperatures, and during 22 accidents as well. 23 24 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: As long as it's on your radar screen, that is the important thing. 25 MEMBER SHACK: But I guess the answer to NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 50 1 Said's question is, you are going to calculate this 2 distribution. 3 kind of validation of this. 4 There are no plans for an experimental MR. KELLY: Well, we do plan to do what 5 we call an integral effects experiment. And you would 6 not it, 7 certainly 8 distribution. be measuring would 9 the flows inside be measuring the but you temperature Now we are not going to have irradiated 10 graphite with leakage channels in it. 11 predefined gaps to simulate what we think the graphite 12 damage might be. 13 CHAIR CORRADINI: So let There may be me turn this 14 around. 15 put the heat on DOE. 16 either demand a temperature decrement on the outlet 17 gas temperature with this uncertainty, I'm not sure if 18 that is directly a Q triple prime question that Said 19 was 20 temperature solves all problems. 21 Fort St. Vrain, thou shalt not go above 700 to 750C, a 22 lot 23 diminished in need, because you can put in hot channel 24 factors, et cetera. This is the one where if I were you guys, I'd asking. of 25 But these So it It seems to me that I would seems uncertainties, my question to me the outlet gas If you go back to a although really is, there, is become that the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 51 1 staff's approach? Are you going to turn to DOE and 2 your partner cooperative meetings and say, until you 3 show us better, we are going to assume a hot channel 4 factor of X to do our accident analysis? 5 this proceeding? Or how is 6 MR. RUBIN: Well, again, if you did it - 7 like the role of research, there is a bullet that I 8 talked about, there is a large uncertainty that has 9 important implications. 10 after that. It's our job to really go But it's also the job of the applicants. 11 So between us we will have to figure out how we are 12 going to get our arms around the importance of the 13 risk implications. 14 applications of those higher temperatures if they are 15 there. 16 So And I'll call it the source term that is definitely on our radar as 17 something that we would want to look at. 18 certainly encourage DOE to do as much as possible in 19 terms of experimental. 20 MR. KELLY: 21 process with 22 exchange, 23 about. 24 about, 25 permeate and But we will And as we go through this DOE, there they will will know be an what we information are worried Because certainly anything that we don't know we are that going to conservatively conservative bias bias. And through our NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 52 1 calculations and see what the effect of it is. 2 the effect is such that the designers can't live with 3 it, then they have to develop a knowledge base so that 4 we can remove or reduce that bias. 5 MR. KRESS: reactor 7 trouble finding - this may be the wrong place to ask 8 this - finding graphite of the right quality. 9 different sources of graphite had such a wide range of quality. 11 area. 12 13 a long time ago, we had The Do you have - this may be the materials Yes, I will defer this to Srini's presentation. MR. RUBIN: I think we'll postpone you on this one. 16 17 was MR. KELLY: 14 15 which Back during my gas cooled 6 10 days, And if MR. KRESS: All right, if you want to put that in your pocket for tomorrow. 18 MR. KELLY: So the last thing on this 19 slide that I haven't really touched on is the PARFUME 20 code. 21 performance code for coated fuel particles. 22 not going to use it directly in our evaluation model 23 and actually Stu will talk about it more. 24 going to use it to help inform the selection of the 25 fuel response surface for the coated fuel particle That's an INL developed mechanistic fuel We are We are NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 53 1 failure rates, which will primarily be based on the 2 NGNP-specific fuel performance test data. 3 And of course once from the actually get confinement or 4 calculator 5 containment, it will go to the consequence analysis 6 code next. 7 release we So what do we have to do in order to make 8 this come to fruition? 9 model development. 10 The first part is the code and That's the phase we are in now. The next one is code integration. There 11 is a lot of different computer codes in that figure 12 that have to work together. 13 back and forth sequentially or in parallel. 14 envision it as an automated workflow for that code 15 suite. 16 They have to pass data So we The next step is we are going to perform 17 uncertainty analysis for this plant. 18 some type of statistical approach; we haven't decided 19 exactly what yet, but it will be something like the 20 Wilks method. 21 MR. KRESS: 22 MR. KELLY: And that will be Is that the non-power method? Yes, it goes by a lot of 23 names, 24 there are various flavors of it, which I'm not an 25 expert on. GRS, Wilks, nonparametric, et cetera. And NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 54 1 And part of that is that we have to 2 incorporate the model bias and uncertainty factors for 3 those 4 actually do the analyses. 5 MELCOR already has a lot of those. 6 have to make sure it has all the right ones, and that 7 some of the other codes like PARCS and AGREE have them 8 as well. into 9 all of the computer codes we can We are fortunate in that And we'll just Then we have this great computer model, 10 but 11 validation phase. 12 assessment matrix that will be performed. we have 13 14 so to prove it. And that's the code So that will be a PIRT-based code MEMBER BLEY: Can you explain that a little bit? 15 MR. KELLY: I can, based on the light 16 water reactor experience, okay? 17 TRACE developer. 18 A year ago I was a So basically the PIRT has identified the 19 high ranking - the high ranking phenomena. 20 each 21 conditions over which that phenomena was important. 22 would say Reynolds numbers, pressures, that kind of 23 thing. 24 database 25 applicable of those Then out for you you go there that then and and determine look see at what phenomena, or the the So for range of I experimental experiments that range are of NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 55 1 conditions. And then you do the separate effects 2 test, or excuse me, you use the code to simulate the 3 separate effects test for that phenomenon. 4 And you do all of those for all the high 5 ranking phenomenon that you can, and then you also do 6 an 7 effects test data will be there so that you can show 8 that all those models, not only are they validated 9 individually, but they work together well. integral 10 calculation And the and hopefully final thing the is integral a code 11 applicability report, which I know some of you have 12 seen ones for the AP-1000 and the ESBWR. 13 producing something similar for the NGNP. 14 15 We will be CHAIR CORRADINI: For the codes that you have showed? 16 MR. KELLY: 17 Just a very brief, what are those codes 18 and what do they do, and then they will be handed off 19 to 20 presentations. the 21 people in Yes. a more detailed technical MELCOR is our severe accident code which I 22 know a lot of you have heard of. 23 and heat transfer in the core, as well as fission 24 product transport. 25 It solves 2-D flow We are - CHAIR CORRADINI: 2-D? NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 56 1 2 MR. KELLY: In the core, yes. It's radial and axial in the core. 3 The - it has been modified to include core 4 heat transfer and fill models for the pebble bed and 5 prismatic. 6 into it. 7 include the graphite dust. 8 to have fission product release models for the coated 9 fuel particles. We've also put graphite oxidation models We will be extending the aerosol models to 10 And then likewise we have SCALE and AMPX is our nuclear analysis 11 suite. 12 code useable libraries, whereas SCALE gives us the 13 lattice physics and the depletion capability to get us 14 our few group cross sections to K heat and the fission 15 product inventory. AMPX processes the in depth 16 I mentioned PARFUME. nuclear data into TMAP4 is a separate 17 code that has been incorporated into PARFUME. 18 gives 19 performance codes. 20 fuel performance data to develop for our failure rate. 21 This is a function of the fuel temperature and burn you the INL developed up. 23 studies to help inform that. we fuel We will be using the NGNP specific 22 And mechanistic It will be using PARFUME's sensitivity 24 The actual fission product transport that 25 we will talk about now is the diffusion through the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 57 1 coated fuel particle individual layers in a graphite 2 matrix. 3 code. 4 we will be looking at it to learn what's in it and 5 either include it in its entirety within MELCOR, or a 6 simplified version of it within MELCOR. That is handled within PARFUME by the TMAP4 DOE has recently provided that code to us, and 7 8 MEMBER SHACK: But the MELCOR will also do the passive containment cooling calculations? 9 MR. KELLY: 10 11 MR. Yes. KRESS: When we talk about fuel performance failure rate - 12 MR. RUBIN: I'm going to cover that next. 13 MR. KRESS: You are going to talk about MR. KELLY: He already gave me a thing 14 that? Okay. 15 16 saying, you got five minutes. 17 MR. KELLY: Hey, I have never given a 18 presentation in front of the HUSE in less than two 19 hours. You are doing good. 20 So MACCS2 is our accident analysis code, 21 and Jocelyn will be talking about that. 22 core 23 kinetics code. 24 been 25 hexagonal. simulator, modified core neutronics simulator, It's 3-dimensional. for both PARCS is the cylindrical reactor It had already coordinates and And it's been benchmarked for the pebble NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 58 1 bed with the OECD PBMR-400 benchmark. 2 which stands for Advanced Gas Reactor Evaluation, is a 3 3-dimensional two-temperature porous body code. 4 basically 5 THERMIX/DIREKT codes. 6 of the coupling is very tight, and it likewise has 7 been benchmarked for the PBMR-400, but also against 8 the sauna experimental test, which is basically what 9 happens after a D-LOFC. 10 a We rewritten have version The AGREE code, of the It's legacy It's a module with inside parts to extend it to the prismatic 11 core. 12 scale, and puts them in the format that PARCS needs. GenPMAX just reads the cross sections out of 13 Schedule: it's tight. 14 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 15 validated for natural convection? 16 MR. KELLY: 17 that. 18 slash MELCOR for that. 19 Was THERMIX ever I don't know. I can't answer But we will certainly have to validate AGREE That is one of the things in the sauna 20 test. 21 are transmitting the heat radially from the center of 22 the core out to the periphery to the reactor cavity 23 cooling system. 24 and 25 looked great. You know those are D-LOFC conditions, where you nitrogen. They ran those tests with both helium The helium test, the calculations And it has to do with the models for NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 59 1 the effect of thermal conductivity are pretty good. 2 But when you do the nitrogen test, now you are also 3 having a natural circulation cell within that, and you 4 get a lot more - you smooth out the radial penetration 5 because of that. 6 well on that. 7 8 And the codes didn't tend to do as That is something we have to look at. MR. KRESS: What was the heat source of those experiments? 9 MR. KELLY: What they did, they had a 10 graphite electrode in the center, pebble bed around 11 it, and then the vessel wall. 12 individual pebbles were instrumented so you could get 13 the radial temperature profile at several elevations. 14 So on schedule, And then you know code development, the 15 initial model development, we need it by September 16 2010. 17 18 That's coming up soon. CHAIR CORRADINI: You need everything you showed done at some level in a year and a half? 19 MR. KELLY: 20 But Yes. obviously code development will 21 proceed in two stages. 22 we've done some of the assessment, found out where our 23 models are missing things. 24 models, and finish the codes by May 2013. 25 The second stage is after We need to improve those Develop new data, any new data that we are NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 60 1 going to 2 assessment, September, 2012, that's soon. 3 4 use as part MR. KRESS: of model development and Is Research developing these models, or are you farming it out to the universities? 5 MR. KELLY: Well, for the most part we 6 hope that we can select models that are already there 7 that cover it. 8 have 9 quantify their uncertainty. a When we - and then just make sure we database to qualify those models, and to Like for example for a 10 pebble bed you would always start with KTA rules. 11 Start 12 uncertainties is right, and hopefully be able to move 13 on. there, make sure the quantification of the But you do need to make sure we revalidate it. 14 And the validation against existing data, 15 September `12, against new data, May of `13, and that 16 gives us a code adequacy report in December, 2013. 17 It's tight; it's going to be very hard to meet that 18 schedule. 19 The role of CFD: it's not part of the - 20 it's not explicitly part of the evaluation model, but 21 we will be using it to provide benchmarks as well as 22 possibly 23 system codes. 24 25 develop or Examples select of models places for there it use is in the just a natural fit, we have already talked about the inlet or NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 61 1 upper plenum in a P-LOFC. 2 lower plenum, the graphite oxidation during an air 3 ingress event. 4 in an IHX. 5 We should also look at the Dust deposition and lift-off, perhaps The reactor cavity cooling system, that's 6 a natural one. 7 cells as well as the radiation heat transport from the 8 vessel walls, the reactor cavity cooling system. 9 Because you have a natural convection We are not going to model that in great 10 detail in MELCOR. It's going to be a fairly simple 11 model. 12 a fairly simple model is good enough. But doing that with CFD we can make sure that 13 And we talked a little bit about core is huge 14 inlet 15 uncertainty, numbers for pebble bed are as high as 30 16 percent. 17 through the pebble bed, so we need to understand that, 18 what kind of gaps can develop. 19 the graphite program. flow distribution. While bypass a That is a lot of your flow to not be going And that comes out of 20 And then we need to know what kind of loss 21 coefficients to use for those gaps in an analysis with 22 something like AGREE or MELCOR. 23 MR. KRESS: When you talk about graphite 24 oxidation by air, you are not really talking about 25 burning are you? In a strict sense you can define NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 62 1 burning versus slower air oxidation? 2 MR. KELLY: 3 Yes. I can't make that definition, but - 4 MR. RUBIN: Well, whether it's endothermic 5 or exothermic really depends on the temperature and 6 the availability of oxygen, and there is always a 7 link. 8 availability is, and the temperatures to know if it's 9 exothermic or endothermic. And you have to see what the actual oxygen 10 11 MR. KELLY: from what I've seen. 12 13 But I think it is exothermic MR. KRESS: The reaction itself is exothermic, but there are heat sinks. 14 (Simultaneous speakers.) 15 MR. KELLY: This was - time and interest 16 permitting 17 ongoing studies. 18 at this point, I don't think I'm going to be showing 19 the last few slides unless asked for. I 20 21 was going to talk about some of the But since I am exactly on schedule CHAIR CORRADINI: Well, I have a question. Is there a philosophy about using CFD in these 22 advanced reactors? 23 commercial products, or are you going to develop open 24 source models that allow for clear - what shall I say 25 politely? - That is, are you going to use checking of it to make sure it makes NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 63 1 sense. Because if you are going to use commercial 2 products that would be an issue. 3 MR. RUBIN: Let me answer that question. 4 That is a question that we could answer if we were 5 interacting with an applicant. 6 CHAIR CORRADINI: If you were what? 7 MR. RUBIN: If we were interacting with an 8 applicant. 9 could see what their plans are for doing a safety 10 If we were in a pre-application review and analysis. 11 I will say this: in the time that we were 12 doing a pre-application 13 certification they did have CFD codes within the suite 14 of codes for their safety analysis. 15 indicator there - and I think they want to use it for 16 things 17 operation and perhaps even the transport during an 18 accident. like distributions with of PBMR dust for design So there is an during normal 19 So we are getting glimpses, but we really 20 can't know for sure until we get that suite to look 21 at. 22 not planning to use it within our evaluation model. 23 We are going to use CFD as kind of a tool to better 24 understand local phenomena and how it needs to be 25 accounted for. I think the answer has got to be yes. But we are But once we understand that, we'll go NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 64 1 through things like scaling of temperatures and hot 2 channel factors and that kind of approach. 3 CHAIR CORRADINI: Thank you. 4 Other questions? We are on break, so 5 unless there are more questions from members, let's 6 take a 15-minute break. 7 o'clock. 8 (Whereupon, 9 the We will be back at 10:00 above-entitled matter went off the record at 9:45 a.m. and resumed at 9:59 10 a.m.) 11 CHAIR CORRADINI: Okay, let us get back 12 into session. 13 our list. You're next on the list, according to 14 MR. RUBIN: Yes, I am. 15 CHAIR CORRADINI: We are ready. 16 REACTOR FUELS ANALYSIS 17 MR. RUBIN: Okay, Are we read to go? this first technical 18 presentation is going to be on the 19 and VHTR fuels performance. 20 over some of the key technical and safety licensing 21 issues, and what our infrastructure development needs 22 are. 23 utilize the advanced gas reactor fuel R&D that DOE is 24 conducting to support the licensing. 25 that extensively. R&D plan for HTGR We are going to try to go And also I'd like to mention that we plan to We plan to use NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 65 1 Now with regard to the objectives in the 2 fuels analysis arena, basically we want to develop and 3 validate 4 develop data, and really insights into performance of 5 the fuel that can bear on licensing decisions and the 6 like. independent 7 We fuels also analysis want to methods, integrate and fuels 8 performance in terms of particle failures and fission 9 product release from the fuel into the accident 10 analysis evaluation model, because that at the end of 11 the day is the purpose of this whole exercise is to 12 account for that, and then see where it goes in the 13 dose implications. 14 We also want to develop an ability to 15 inspect fuel fabrication facilities, because in these 16 fuel designs the fuel plays such a central role in the 17 safety case, and because fuel manufacture plays such 18 an important role in the performance of the fuel that 19 we need to make sure that it is consistently being 20 made 21 sufficient staff knowledge and know how to effectively 22 review an application in the area of HGTR fuels. right. 23 And we MR. KRESS: basically also want to have If I were to draw an analysis 24 between 25 development, you are looking at the process to ensure the fuel manufacture and software and NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 66 1 liability as opposed to the product? 2 MR. RUBIN: Well, I'll get to that. We are 3 looking at both, because the state of the art in fuel 4 fabrication 5 percent product acceptance, but 10 percent are process 6 controls. 7 the process controls end up being a product to make a 8 product specification. 9 that as well. to assure performance is I'd say 90 Because you don't understand exactly how 10 Okay, as So very important to manage far as the key safety and 11 licensing 12 relates to the evaluation model, first of all, we want 13 to be able to predict fuel particle failure rates 14 during normal operation and during core heat up. 15 we 16 understand the release in theory of other kinds of 17 events 18 reactivity associated events. want issues to like do are this water concerned, not only ingress especially for and those, as but potentially it And also large 19 But then not only do you need to worry 20 about particle failures, but you actually at the end 21 of the day you need to know what is deficient in 22 product releases from failed particles, and for that 23 matter, particles that have not failed. 24 be able to assure that those kinds of predictions, and 25 the data on which it is based, are acceptable and So we need to NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 67 1 conservative where they need to be. 2 We also wanted to understand enough about 3 the fuel performance that we have a handle on changes 4 in 5 changes in important parameters, such as temperature, 6 burn up, power density, fluids, so we understand that 7 if we are going to see if we go past this value of 8 temperature 9 dramatically in terms of fission product transport of 10 what I'll call particle things failure really start fractions, to or increase particle failures. 11 We talked about dust, and I'd put it this 12 way: we want to determine the magnitude of metallic 13 nuclides in mobile graphite dust, so the job of the 14 fuel 15 radionuclides are in there anyway. 16 to the fuels and R&D program to try and pin down, and 17 we'll be talking to DOE and others about how to really 18 get at that answer. 19 performance And we R&D guy also is want how to much metallic And so that comes ensure that the 20 methods that are used to qualify the fuels, and for 21 that matter that they are modeling are appropriate; 22 they do do things a little differently than the actual 23 way the fuel will see its environment in the reactor, 24 and we want to make sure that the way they test is 25 still conservative. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 68 1 And lastly the issue of making sure that 2 the fuel is made to the quality standards, and the 3 product and process specifications so it performs as 4 it did in the fuel qualification program. 5 Now I've included this quote to try to 6 kind of make clear that the fuel particle is where 7 it's at in terms of the safety case. 8 from a DOE document in connection with the MHGTR, and 9 basically it says that these are miniature containment 10 vessels, and they need to stay intact, and they need 11 to retain fission products. This is a quote 12 CHAIR CORRADINI: I'm sure Sam is going to 13 ask a technical question, so I'm going to ask a non- 14 technical one. 15 a fuel rod in al light water reactor? 16 17 MR. RUBIN: Well, when you combine this with the proposal to have a vented confinement - 18 19 So couldn't I say the same thing about MEMBER SHACK: This is true even during accidents, which isn't true in the - 20 MR. RUBIN: Right. Okay, what am I hanging 21 my hat on now? 22 perform 23 accidents because I don't have that additional barrier 24 to additional barrier that we see in a light water 25 reactor. during Back to the fuel. normal So the fuel has to operations and all these NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 69 1 MEMBER ARMIJO: But if you had a 2 containment on these things they wouldn't have to meet 3 that point. 4 MR. RUBIN: Absolutely. 5 MEMBER ARMIJO: 6 - 7 8 They'd have a much easier MR. RUBIN: Yes, they'd have a much more relaxed kind of requirements. 9 CHAIR CORRADINI: I am still, with all due 10 respect, I'll let the members get on me now, I am 11 still 12 different sort of failure and release mobile fission 13 products in a light water reactor and I still have the 14 oxide particles such that I'd have to get in a severe 15 accident 16 differently. 17 space, where I have - I assume what Joe was talking 18 about in terms of accidents, in terms of a pressurized 19 loss 20 depressurized loss of flow with air ingress, I'm still 21 within DBA space. 22 fuel rod standpoint, whether I'm here or there, it's 23 still the first barrier to fission product release, 24 not the only barrier. 25 containments at least in the current French designs missing of something, before I'd start because I talking can have about it a any So if I'm within a design basis accident flow, a depressurized loss of flow, So I still would say that from a Because I have filtered vented NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 a WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 70 1 for light water reactors above a certain - 2 MR. RUBIN: Yes. I will get into the 3 credits that are taken for other hold up mechanisms 4 and other barriers in an HGTR release analysis, so 5 it's not only the fuel. 6 Those are definitely modeled. There are other barriers. 7 But if you don't get the particle failure 8 rates down to pre-load numbers, those are not going to 9 work for you unless you put a big filter in the event 10 path, or you make it a traditional containment. 11 CHAIR CORRADINI: All right, that helps. 12 MR. RUBIN: Bu9t it's really a statement 13 that goes with the vented containment concept, and the 14 barriers, and the hold up mechanisms, and how much 15 they 16 releases. 17 of magnitude. really 18 provide for those attenuations of This is the biggest attenuation by orders CHAIR CORRADINI: Because of that 19 importance you make a point in your research plan, the 20 Japanese 21 coated 22 temperature, burn up, and are actually pursuing a zirc 23 carbide coating, another coating. 24 the national labs have said, oh, silicon carbine ought 25 to be okay, my question is, has the NRC staff reached aren't particle confident will that meet the the silicon carbine requirements of And whereas DOE and NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 71 1 that same conclusion that these particles, this type 2 of fuel - 3 MR. RUBIN: I think they - 4 (Simultaneous speakers.) 5 MR. RUBIN: - several months ago, and he 6 put on what he called a radar plot where he had burn 7 up going this way, temperature going this way, power 8 density going that way, fluence going that way, and 9 the like, and his point was that the NGNP is going to 10 push the envelope in all these dimensions, okay. 11 It is an advanced gas reactor program that 12 in DOE's 13 particles that will meet those kinds of environments 14 with the failure rates that they need to have. 15 view that they MEMBER ARMIJO: can make silicon carbide But generally when you 16 push those boundaries, you do something to improve the 17 - 18 19 MR. RUBIN: I would call it an advanced particle design. 20 MEMBER ARMIJO: 21 silicon carbide 22 previous ones? particle This is going to be a that is better than the 23 MR. RUBIN: Well, we will talk about that. 24 MEMBER BLEY: 25 MR. RUBIN: I have a graph that shows that, They claim they are. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 72 1 at least in terms of preliminary tests that Dave Petty 2 has reported on. 3 4 But it's coming. MEMBER ARMIJO: It's coming. The question is, is the NRC staff comfortable that that is going to work out? 5 MR. RUBIN: I mean pick your poison. 6 could 7 carbide, for which there is a wealth of data, tests, 8 to draw on and compare to, or you could say, I'm going 9 for this advanced form for which there is very little. 10 And if I'm proven wrong, I have perhaps wasted my 11 pick the path of using the design, You silicon time. 12 So I think that they have, through their 13 analyses, through a PARFUME code and other kinds of 14 evaluations, they feel with a oxycarbide kernel, where 15 you suppress all CO release, your pressurization of 16 the particle is going to be kept sufficiently low 17 within 18 envelope the power 19 density envelope that they have for the NGNP. Okay? 20 The UCO is going to let them get there. UO2 I think 21 they 22 particle integrity goals that they have. are 23 24 the burnup and the not envelope fluence comfortable CHAIR and the envelope that CORRADINI: temperature and they can Without get these derating the volumetric power or the exit temperature? 25 MR. RUBIN: Well, let me keep going, NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 73 1 because these are questions I have that I think you 2 will see better clarity when we get there. 3 4 Okay, just - I have a little show and tell here, I'll get started with it. 5 6 MEMBER SHACK: Stu, so they would use UCO even for a pebble bed design then? 7 MR. RUBIN: Well, right now the path is 8 UCO, and the reason they are going UCO is first and 9 foremost for the burn ups they want to see they don't 10 want 11 pressurization due to CO formation. to see 12 early particle failures due to over- The other thing is they are at a higher 13 power 14 density 15 temperature 16 It's 17 start to move the kernel toward the silicon carbide, 18 and you can actually degrade it that way. density, in called and the and the when you get particles, you other kinds amoeba of to higher power introduce high failure effect, where mechanisms. you actually 19 CHAIR CORRADINI: Non-isotropically? 20 MR. RUBIN: No, it just - it moves across a 21 temperature profile. 22 23 CHAIR So independent of direction, it's not a gradient. 24 25 CORRADINI: MR. RUBIN: UO2 fuel that those phenomena are going to be problematic. So UCO makes those kind NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 74 1 of go away. 2 catch up with them with these higher burn ups and 3 temperatures that they have to design to. 4 And they have other issues then that may But anyway, here is a greatly magnified 5 picture of a particle. 6 poppy seed and I'm circulating some examples of the 7 kernel, and believe it or not, there is another one 8 that has the kernel coated with the coating. 9 are two different sizes you will see int here. 10 It's actually the size of a So there It's called a TRISO particle because there 11 are 12 particle 13 spherical, and it'll be either UCO or UO2 right now. 14 DOE is pursuing a UCO because of the need to suppress 15 carbon monoxide generation. three high density contains a isotropic center layers. kernel, high Each density 16 The layer is coated with a low density 17 buffer to provide volume for fission gas releases from 18 the kernel, and subsequently the coatings of inner 19 pyrolytic 20 Could have been a silicon carbide layer. 21 outer pyrolytic carbide. carbon 22 layer, a silicon carbide layer. And then an And so I would point out even at this 23 point 24 particles does take credit for the fission product 25 hold up and attenuation of each of those components that the fission product transport from NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 75 1 separately. 2 test, and for modeling fission product releases from 3 core-wide releases. 4 high density layers, and the kernel for that matter, 5 and how those are going to be approached in terms of 6 developing 7 really come down to the fusion coefficients. 8 9 That's how they are modeled in the model So you need to keep in mind those fission product MEMBER ARMIJO: transport, models which What is the density of the UCO percent of theoretical? 10 MR. RUBIN: It's pretty close. 11 MEMBER ARMIJO: 12 MR. RUBIN: We could ask DOE what that is. 13 It's up in that range. 14 Okay, just Like 97, 98? Yes. provide a little more 15 background on what we are dealing with. 16 will 17 pebble bed, 10 billion for a prismatic reactor. 18 particles 19 integrity rate for all conditions, normal accidents, 20 even 21 principal barrier and hold up mechanism for release, 22 because the other barriers that we talked about within 23 the reactor and within the confinement system, don't 24 count for that much. 25 is the biggie. contain billions, really design-base need perhaps to accidents, five maintain because An HGTR core billion a for very they are These high the They do count for some, but this NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 a WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 76 1 2 MR. KRESS: that? Like how many particles - 3 4 MR. RUBIN: I have one, to back calculate what those numbers have to be. 5 6 Do you have a number for MR. KRESS: Yes, you have to back calculate. 7 MR. RUBIN: Back calculate, right. So just 8 to point out, a fuel manufacture has really the prime 9 effect on coated particle properties, and those 10 properties really drive the behavior, and then hence 11 the 12 probably 13 affecting the fusion coefficients and the like. performance also of failure is effective probabilities. release in And it terms of 14 The operating conditions, we talked about 15 temperature and burn up, and also about power density 16 and fluids. 17 is that radar plot. 18 those dimensions, you are challenging the particle to 19 fail. And those also have an effect, and that You start going too far into 20 The accident conditions, principally there 21 what is going to change is temperature, and the peak 22 temperature that the particle sees when the accident 23 reaches 24 location, is going to determine whether or not that 25 particle fails. its maximum point, and in that particular NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 77 1 And so because of all this there is an 2 approach and a 3 specific 4 qualification programs that test it both in radiation 5 which is normal operation simulation, and the accident 6 condition which is the heat up, and to collect data to 7 actually see what the particle performance is during 8 these environments. and 9 requirement that manufacturing they have specific design radiation And these tests are done at the design 10 conditions, so you are actually seeing how the 11 particles - it's going to be the highest particle for 12 the longest amount of time, with the highest burn up, 13 how that one worked. 14 probability. 15 we'll talk about it later, for developing models, for 16 a core-wide particle failure rate. Okay, in terms of its failure So that becomes very valuable data, and 17 And again, we talked about because they 18 are projecting I believe they are going to have low 19 particle 20 proposed event in reactor confinement. 21 of fuel forms. 22 is actually the size of a fuel sphere. 23 fuel in there anymore. failure rates, so they'll be proving the Now, two kinds Here is another show and tell. That There is no So - it's all been burnt up. 24 (Laughter.) 25 The intention is design burn up. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 78 1 (Laughter.) 2 Well, basically, this graphic shows a 3 pebble. 4 billiard ball. 5 each billiard ball, or pebble as they call it, and 6 there is about 400,000 of these things in a typical 7 pebble bed reactor. 8 400,000 times 15,000 is billiards, okay, about five to 9 six billion in a core. 10 It's basically as you see the size of a There are about 15,000 particles in So if you go through the math, I would say that the matrix is viewed as 11 durable. It 12 reactor. It also provides a hold up mechanism, a 13 diffusion, a coefficient of its own to release of 14 especially metallic radionuclides. 15 credit for in the analysis. 16 But can in be the dropped many release times into the And that is taken of gaseous fission 17 products, such as krypton, it doesn't provide much 18 hold up if any at all. 19 So the designers will seek to take credit 20 for 21 modeling a fission product release from particles. each 22 one of the layers, and the kernel, in Okay just so you know, you have probably 23 seen this, here is a prismatic block reactor. 24 actually an hexagonal fuel element. 25 develop that is they take particles and they first put This is And how they NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 79 1 them in a fuel compact, each about a half-inch wide 2 and diameter, and two inches long. 3 the finished compacts and they insert them into bored 4 holes in a hexagonal matrix in the box, and then they 5 plug them on either end, and then interspersed between 6 those fuel holes are the flow holes for cooling during 7 normal operation. 8 9 And then they take Okay, we talked about the particle failure rates. What I've thrown up here is what has been - 10 well, let me start by saying this. 11 operators of HGTRs have asked the NGNPR designers to 12 provide a plan in which the dose at the fission area 13 boundary does not exceed one REM, with the intent to 14 get 15 emergency planning outside that. a license 16 So which the does owner not Potential owner- require specified significant request has 17 resulted in a back calculation of what the particle 18 performance 19 representative of what those back calculations turn 20 out to be. 21 to know fission product transport outside the fuel. 22 And I will go into how they model that. 23 credit for those kinds of hold up mechanisms. 24 end up with a manufacturing defect rate of what is 25 seen there, a normal operation failure rate of 6 X needs to be. So this is kind of And to do the back calculation, you have But they take So you NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 80 1 10^-5, and then an accident failure rate of 10^-4, so 2 these 3 requirements for the fuel - numbers 4 5 are the goals that the design MEMBER BLEY: And what are they defining as a failure for this failure? 6 MR. RUBIN: Okay, I'm with you on that. 7 But 8 failure rates take credit for also all those other 9 hold up mechanisms that are modeled in the fission 10 I just want to point out that these particle product release calculation. 11 Okay. 12 document. 13 big surprise. Here is another quote from the same We need to be able to predict performance; 14 Okay, what I'd like to talk about is our 15 approach for modeling fuel performance, and we really 16 are looking at two kinds of models. 17 it would be a stand-alone model which is a detailed 18 mechanistic finite element computer code that models 19 all 20 behavior and failure, and it's capable of predicting 21 failure for individual particles. the important phenomena that The first model, affects particle 22 And they also plan to use that model from 23 studying the sensitivity studies to better understand 24 the 25 sensitivity behavioral to particles, temperature and the changes, influence, to burn the up NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 81 1 changes, and the like, as a tool to understand where 2 issues 3 ourselves to better understand fuel behavior. may lie, and also as a way of training 4 The second model is an empirical failure 5 probability model that we want to develop, and we 6 would 7 testing, where they irradiate the fuel and they heat 8 it up and they measure how many particles fail, and 9 they derive are that able to directly get a from fuel failure qualification probability based 10 directly on empirical data and not based on trying to 11 mechanistically predict particle failure. 12 MEMBER ARMIJO: When they do these fuel 13 irradiations, do they do them with prototypic fuel - 14 in 15 something where you have to say, well, it wasn't quite 16 the right shape and size, and it wasn't quite the 17 right fluence, and it wasn't really an HGTR that we 18 irradiated in; it was a lightwater reactor. 19 all these variables, and then you have to do a bunch 20 of adjustments. prototypic radiation conditions. Or is it You get 21 MR. RUBIN: Absolutely, I agree with you. 22 Two sides to that question: when you do your testing, 23 is the testing being done on particles which were made 24 using the process and everything, just everything in 25 terms of the inspections, the accepted criteria, the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 82 1 product - that's exactly the same as what you are 2 going to use for the mass production, it's exactly the 3 same thing. 4 take. 5 to change it anymore. 6 process design; we are not going to change the process 7 variable controls or anything. 8 make fuel, and we are going to make 20 batches, and 9 then we are going to mix them up into larger lots, and That's the approach they are going to They have to fix all that; they are not going are going to We're not going to change our create a And we are going to 10 we particle distribution, 11 because no particle is exactly the same as another 12 one, which is representative of production variation. 13 So they will try to make the case that 14 they are tests, which will be hundreds of thousands of 15 individual particles in these tests, is representative 16 and bounding of the production fuel that is actually 17 going to go - 18 MEMBER ARMIJO: 19 MR. RUBIN: Future production, but they are 20 going to fix it. 21 22 Future production. CHAIR CORRADINI: So the recipe will be fixed? 23 MR. RUBIN: The recipe will be fixed. Then 24 you 25 representative of the conditions that the fuel will have the question of, well, are test reactor NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 83 1 see? Well, certainly they can control the burnup. 2 They can control the temperatures very clearly. 3 can control fairly good at the ATR the fast flux, that 4 will be accumulated in the particles, and they can 5 control the power densities in the particles. They 6 So I think with the ATR they will be very 7 - specially in that center hull, will be able to very 8 closely match up with what is projected to be the 9 limiting locations in the VHTR core. So they will be 10 simulating the those 11 locations. Their test is going to be like 12, 1250. 12 Well, that temperature is calculated to be the highest 13 that 14 uncertainties stacked up. 15 are taking. any 16 17 particle will fuel in receive MEMBER ARMIJO: with of So they are testing to MR. RUBIN: Well, statistics will come out of this, and we will get into that. MEMBER ARMIJO: 21 this fuel to make sure that they are - 22 Yes, but they are pushing MR. RUBIN: Yes, they are pushing it to the envelope. 24 25 kinds So that's the approach they 20 23 all limiting make up for let's say statistics or something. 18 19 limiting MEMBER SHACK: Yes, but your footnote says that accelerated testing could be conservative or NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 84 1 nonconservative. 2 CHAIR CORRADINI: 3 what I wanted to ask you. 4 here last time - 5 6 Well, that is exactly Because when Dave came up MR. RUBIN: Oh, we already jumped ahead. Okay. 7 CHAIR CORRADINI: If you want us to wait, 8 but Bill and I were thinking - when Petty came up last 9 time. Dr. Petty came up last time, he inferred that 10 after AGR-1 there would be an accelerated schedule of 11 essentially testing, and to do that - compressing the 12 time - and to do that, the way in which you do that 13 would be modified. 14 you guys reviewed that, and are you okay with it? 15 And my simple question is, have MR. RUBIN: We've reviewed it to the level 16 of the qualitative units. 17 When you accelerate the testing you have a higher 18 power in the particles. 19 particles will increase. 20 on temperature will be enhanced, and so you could 21 force those mechanisms to occur sooner. The arguments are these. And the temperatures in the The mechanisms that depend 22 However, on the flip side, you reduce the 23 amount of the time. So you push it in faster, but you 24 stop the test sooner. 25 that conservative? Now you have to look at, was And you can accelerate tests NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 85 1 sufficiently for let's say UO2 fuel where because of 2 the amoeba effect, you will drive that amoeba effect 3 to occur before, but because you stopped it so early, 4 you may have in effect had a non-conservative type of 5 test. 6 The way they approached that was, they 7 used an individual seam particle code, PARFUME, to try 8 to understand the effects, the sensitivity of faster 9 tests, shorter time, on all the failure mechanisms. 10 And they concluded that if they run faster, but within 11 limits, 12 accelerated tests. they 13 would still have a conservative If they went any faster than that, then 14 they 15 furthermore, they might actually fail more particles 16 than would occur otherwise. 17 18 might not have a CHAIR CORRADINI: test, and Are you comfortable that PARFUME models all of the failure mechanisms? 19 MR. RUBIN: 20 CHAIR CORRADINI: 21 conservative We'll get into that. But I guess I'm asking -- I guess -- 22 MR. RUBIN: 23 CHAIR CORRADINI: Yes and no, yes and no. You politely took me 24 through the thinking but I'm getting -- I'm asking a 25 judgment or at least a process question which is what NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 86 1 you said kind of reminds me of what Dave said in his 2 presentation. 3 reviewed that? Because you're not going to go back 4 and tests. 5 process and the protocols so that we don't come two 6 years later and you then all say hold out, time out. redo 7 But I'm kind of curious. these MR. RUBIN: So are Has the staff you okay with the The agreement is in place. 8 It's called the MOU for NRC participation in the NGNP 9 project. And that calls for NRC staff to come and 10 look from a regulatory mindset and a safety reviewer's 11 mindset what their testing program looks like. 12 whether or not there are issues with it. 13 CHAIR CORRADINI: 14 MR. RUBIN: And And Okay. so we haven't started 15 that. 16 But it hasn't really started yet. 17 because the clock is ticking, and the design needs to 18 move forward, they've already moved away. They want us to do that. 19 We want to do that. And so -- but Now I will say that, that what they are 20 doing now is not on the prototypical fuel. 21 tests, fuel qualification tests, come several years 22 from now. 23 their benefit so that they can get the data they need 24 to 25 design. make Okay. some Those So the acceleration was really for decisions to finalize the particle NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 87 1 But once you get to the fuel qualification 2 tests -- which they are not there yet -- those are the 3 ones we have to answer that question clearly. 4 5 CHAIR CORRADINI: following the compressed time -- 6 MR. RUBIN: 7 CHAIR CORRADINI: 8 So AGR-1, which is not No. -- and AGR-2, which is what you just discussed -- 9 MR. RUBIN: 10 Right. CHAIR CORRADINI: -- are not fuel -- from 11 where you consider to be fuel qualification tests. 12 They are essentially background data tests that get 13 them information. 14 15 MR. RUBIN: Speeding up the development process not the qualification. 16 CHAIR CORRADINI: Fine. 17 MR. you KRESS: If have to a have a 18 quality of six times ten to the minus five failures, 19 it looks to me like you have to use maybe 50 of those 20 balls, 21 kernel -- I mean one of your little spheres to fail if 22 it is at that quality level. 23 that? those 24 25 billiard MR. RUBIN: failures. balls in a test to get one Can you really detect Well, yes. They can detect Not question about it. They can detect NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 88 1 failures. 2 3 The question is what kind of -- how many particles do you have to test -- 4 MR. KRESS: That's what I -- 5 MR. RUBIN: -- at what level of confidence 6 to be able to make the statement -- 7 MR. KRESS: 8 MR. RUBIN: 9 -- that's exactly --- yes, I just made fuel and proved that I met that. 10 MR. KRESS: Yes, that's the question. 11 MR. RUBIN: Okay. 12 MR. 13 KRESS: That's the question. But you're asking that question thought. 14 MR. RUBIN: 15 it's called a one-sided beta test. 16 MR. KRESS: 17 MR. RUBIN: Well, what you have is I think Yes. And it's the old story of 18 you've got a swimming pool full of white balls and 19 there's a few black balls. 20 10,000 times and they're all white balls, you might 21 conclude well, they're all white. 22 in there that are black. 23 enough. 24 MR. KRESS: 25 MR. RUBIN: And if you reach in there Now there's a few Your sample wasn't large Yes. Well, you can do a sample -- NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 89 1 and I'll 2 probably going to use for that -- and so based on that 3 sample size, they can do this one-sided beta analysis 4 and make a statement as to at the 50 percentile, the 5 75 percentile, or the 95 percentile confidence that my 6 failure rate was not above this. 7 8 say 300,000 MR. KRESS: is the number that This is 300,000 of the little coated particles? 9 MR. RUBIN: Right, right, right. 10 MR. KRESS: Okay. 11 MR. RUBIN: Now it's interesting. 12 they're If you did a million -- 13 MR. KRESS: Yes. 14 MR. RUBIN: -- or you did five million -- 15 MR. KRESS: Your confidence level goes up. 16 MR. RUBIN: -- you could make a statement 17 that is even tighter than what they have here. 18 becomes an economic issue. 19 million and a half particles to drive down that number 20 that they can make a statement of 95 percent . 21 22 MR. KRESS: But it Do they want to test a I don't think you have room in one radiation test to do that. 23 MR. RUBIN: No, it's an economic question. 24 MR. KRESS: Yes, you have to do it over 25 and over. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 90 1 MR. RUBIN: the one-sided But that's the bottom line is 2 that beta 3 statement at 95 percent confidence that we do not have 4 more than five times ten to the minus six particle 5 failures even though we saw none. 6 MR. KRESS: 7 MEMBER BLEY: test, it gives them Right. Stu, just for me, can I take 8 you back to the question I asked you earlier? 9 they decide there has been a fuel failure? How do You said 10 they can detect them. 11 always have some leakage, right, some diffusion. What is a fuel failure? 12 MR. RUBIN: 13 MEMBER BLEY: 14 the You Yes. So is it a fusion rate? Is it a visual inspection like the picture you showed us? 15 MR. RUBIN: Well, the thing that they are 16 really measuring is fission gas. 17 online measurements of fission gas. 18 one that they watch closely is krypton, okay, krypton 19 gas. 20 release to birth ratio. 21 number but how many get released is being measured. They have continuous And the one real And there's something called and R over B ratio, The birth is at a certain 22 Well, there is a signature for how much 23 krypton would be released when one particle fails and 24 so when it blips up to that, they say we have a 25 particle failure. And you know that blip by having NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 91 1 done prior tests with particles that fail -- that are 2 made to fail. 3 And it has that signature. So they're waiting for that signature to 4 occur. 5 would say particle failure. 6 They say haven't seen that signature yet that MR. KRESS: 7 has a short half life? 8 over B ratio. 9 CHAIR They use krypton because it And that enters into this R CORRADINI: And it wouldn't be 10 released -- it would not be released at all in a 11 normal intact particle. 12 13 MR. KRESS: That's pretty much right. It's a low R over B. 14 MR. RUBIN: Yes, okay. This next slide is 15 all the failure mechanisms that have been documented, 16 for that matter, in the TRISO particle fuels PIRT. 17 The first five, I would say, are mechanisms that are 18 generally associated with normal operation. 19 first and the last four are generally associated with 20 accident conditions. And the 21 And this last mechanism, elevated fission 22 product diffusion through intact coating layers, that 23 is 24 graphite dust. 25 is a sufficient of metallic radionuclides, principally the mechanism that has been associated with That even with intact particles, there NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 92 1 cesium, through intact silicon carbide layers to get 2 out 3 removed in the form of dust and then to go travel 4 through the system and eventually settle out and be 5 available to, again, be released. to 6 the surface of the pebble and then to So that is the failure mechanisms. be And 7 I'll define a failure mechanism as an elevated release 8 of fission products due to a failure of a particle or 9 due to elevated diffusion rates. 10 MEMBER ARMIJO: 11 MR. RUBIN: 12 MEMBER Is palladium release -- Which? ARMIJO: -- palladium that the 13 Japanese are talking about, is that the same mechanism 14 you are talking about here? 15 diffusion through an intact coating? 16 17 MR. RUBIN: Elevated fission product Well, I mean you have things like Silver-110M -- 18 MEMBER ARMIJO: 19 MR. RUBIN: Okay. -- Silver 110-M diffuses very 20 quickly through 21 released into 22 temperature components like in the balance-of-plant. 23 It becomes an occupational hazard for people who are 24 maintenance workers and the like, okay. 25 But intact the I particles. system said to And plate diffusion out because it's then on low- it's not NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 93 1 clear that diffusion is the mechanism. 2 actually know why Silver 110-M is actually moving so 3 rapidly through the silicon carbide. 4 But I'm not familiar with the palladium 5 being another actor of that sort. 6 hazard. 7 8 MEMBER ARMIJO: Okay. Okay. And being a Well, it was just mentioned in the report. 9 10 People don't CHAIR chance. CORRADINI: Harold You go ahead, Harold. 11 MEMBER RAY: hasn't had a I'm sorry. I think it's better -- what 12 my comment would be in our discussion at the end of 13 the day rather than introduce -- 14 PARTICIPANT: 15 MEMBER ARMIJO: 16 Just as a -- how important is as-fabricated particle quality -- 17 18 Stu? MR. RUBIN: Very important, very important. 19 MEMBER ARMIJO: And how do they actually 20 measure it, you know, as opposed -- you know, all 21 these mechanisms relate to intact particles that are - 22 - 23 24 MR. RUBIN: These are the mechanisms. These are the big ones that make a particle fail. 25 MEMBER ARMIJO: But if the particles is -- NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 94 1 2 MR. RUBIN: The next one is the things you are measuring -- 3 MEMBER ARMIJO: Yes, I'm kind of 4 interested in the quality -- quality control stuff, 5 yes. How do you measure -- 6 7 MEMBER BLEY: You don't have the krypton then. 8 MEMBER ARMIJO: 9 MR. 10 RUBIN: Right. Go ahead How do you find --- who are you please? 11 MR. LEE: Questions on the palladium -- 12 Richard Lee from Office of Research -- the palladium 13 has to do with the fission products from the 14 because this is a high burn up -- up to like 100 15 gigawatts say per tons, the plutonium used is higher 16 for palladium. And It's intact to silicon carbide. 17 MEMBER ARMIJO: 18 MR. LEE: 19 MEMBER ARMIJO: 20 UO2 . Right. And -- So that's the one --- you point that out in your research plan -- 21 MR. LEE: 22 MEMBER ARMIJO: -- correct. -- that that is what the 23 Japanese are concerned about. 24 is ultimately will that become an NRC concern. 25 MR. RUBIN: And then the question Well, again it has to do on NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 95 1 the particle design, on the temperatures it sees. 2 Japanese fuel design, the fuel runs at a much higher 3 temperature than the particles will be operating in 4 the PBMR or the VHTR. 5 design. It's just a function of their 6 And so -- 7 MEMBER ARMIJO: 8 I thought that both of them had a 950 outlet. 9 10 The MR. RUBIN: No, I'm talking about the fuel, the fuel itself, the particle itself. 11 MEMBER ARMIJO: 12 MR. RUBIN: Okay. The particle itself sees -- 13 its envelope, you know, is even bigger in temperature. 14 Very low burn up, very low burn up for the HGTR 15 because they can't run it very long because it's 16 operating at a high temperature. 17 with different service conditions. 18 that in their design they have other issues to design 19 against, palladium being one of them, and the like. 20 Okay. So you're dealing And because of 21 Here are the things that -- getting down 22 to the phenomena level, some of the more significant 23 phenomena in terms of the particle itself, which is 24 what you're talking about, you know, checking these 25 characteristics. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 96 1 I mean there 2 characteristics. 3 properties and chemical properties. 4 There's are material dimensional and physical And I lost track. There may be 80 different parameters that are checked 5 in manufacture of a particle. These ones are 6 particularly important for particle failure, for the 7 failure mechanisms I mentioned. 8 And so yes, they will statistically check 9 all of these properties in manufacture that they have 10 listed. 11 a process and it is a random coating process, there 12 will be a spread in the coating layer thicknesses of 13 silicon carbide from one particle to the next. 14 they 15 distributions will have to be within tolerances. However, there are variations. will 16 have But to have those Because it is distributions. distributions are And And those really the 17 important piece of predicting particle failure because 18 it is the tails that stack up in some particle that is 19 the one that is going to fail. 20 Well now if you were to program in your 21 average 22 you'd ever had a failure. 23 analysis or Monte Carlo analysis with those variations 24 are very important for these mechanistic codes. 25 particle, you probably MEMBER ARMIJO: wouldn't show that And that's why statistical Stu, we're still seeing in NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 97 1 light water reactor fuel pellets, 2 vanilla fuel, we're seeing even today, manufacturing 3 defects that previously were thought to be unimportant 4 are contributing to failed fuel. 5 MR. RUBIN: 6 MEMBER ARMIJO: 7 And this is a -- And UO2 , plain, garden Okay. Yes. this we're After all of these years. fuel going hasn't a batch 9 process with certain quality control measurements to 10 predict what the same batch process will put -- will 11 produce two years later or three years later? 12 at some point -- 14 MEMBER ARMIJO: 15 on much experience. MR. RUBIN: rely as 8 13 to had It's -- Let me go --- I'd like -- maybe Mike should -- 16 MR. RUBIN: 17 MEMBER -- let me just -- ARMIJO: -- show us how the 18 manufacturing -- as manufactured properties, actually 19 can predict or assure that the in-reactor performance 20 will be as expected. 21 MR. RUBIN: 22 MEMBER ARMIJO: Right. And that, to me, is a real 23 tough problem. 24 they going to actually pull this off. 25 going to measure -- I've been trying to figure out how are What are they NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 98 1 MR. RUBIN: Hey, listen. 2 MEMBER ARMIJO: 3 MR. RUBIN: -- to assure that -- What they are missing may get 4 through, it turns out to be the important contributor 5 to particle failure rates. 6 MEMBER ARMIJO: 7 MR. RUBIN: Okay. Right. But to their credit, DOE did a 8 study looking back at all the fuel that they have 9 made, especially for the NPR, and looked at how they 10 actually failed. 11 that there were cases where they had separation of 12 layers from the silicon carbide. They looked down at the PIE and saw 13 They saw that there were those initiated 14 just by failure due to anisotropy, high anisotropy 15 causing a local spot. 16 so 17 performance and mechanisms of failure. they were 18 able to They saw amoeba effects. learn a lot The PIRT added to that. about Okay. And particle They are 19 using all that knowledge. 20 analytical tools to engineer a particle and engineer 21 the tolerances. 22 actually say what are the tolerances to react? We 23 have the statistical pack. It 24 would be great if we could go that far in terms of 25 accepting. And they're using their They're using PARFUME as a tool to Can we go this far? NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 99 1 But as I say, we can't go that far. But 2 we still may have something that -- and it's called 3 weak 4 There's something you missed, okay. 5 sensitivity 6 impose weak fuel where we impose higher failure rates 7 on particles. 8 see what the effect is in terms of dose and the like. fuel 9 -- I think studies somebody when we're coined the term. And we can do done with this to And we'll get to how we can do that and MR. KRESS: I presume, in regulatory 10 space, you'll have some sort of tech spec limit on the 11 activity and the primary -- 12 MR. RUBIN: That's for sure. 13 MR. KRESS: And if you go beyond that, you 14 have to shutdown and do something. 15 MR. RUBIN: Yes. 16 MR. KRESS: That's the way you control the 17 quality, after the fact. 18 19 MEMBER ARMIJO: Yes, but it's after the fact. 20 MR. RUBIN: 21 you are monitoring failed particles. 22 MR. KRESS: 23 MR. RUBIN: The difficulty with that is Yes. And if you have the other 24 failure mechanism where you have an intact particle 25 and you have high diffusion through an intact NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 100 1 particles, your activity is not going to pick that up 2 because it is metallic, it's ground up in dust, it's 3 going 4 monitors. to plate-out, it's going to bypass those 5 And so you have an accumulation of fission 6 products in the system and never know it because you 7 are watching the wrong thing. 8 CHAIR CORRADINI: I think -- just to 9 interject -- I think we need to move on but I think 10 Sam's point is that when we get back together, since 11 we will get back together, let's just talk about fuel 12 manufacturing recipe and the QA related to is, I think 13 is an issue that gets us all a bit -- 14 MR. RUBIN: Yes, a big issue, in fact 15 we've developed an inspection protocol, it's about 50 16 pages long, and it gets into every single aspect of 17 making good fuel. 18 So we can go in there and look. MEMBER RAY: Mike, wait. On this issue of 19 tech spec, though, it doesn't seem to me if we're 20 talking about accident containment function that tech 21 specs are a legitimate way to say well, if we exceed 22 the tech spec, we'll just have to do something. 23 Unless you can correlate what you see 24 during normal operation with the accident condition in 25 some certain way, I'm not sure how you do that. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 101 1 MR. RUBIN: Well, I mean you have to 2 understand what all of the sources of radionuclides 3 are in your system to keep on top of that. 4 fission gases are through the measurements that you 5 talked about. 6 in the AVR, they had some systems in place that were 7 able to keep book on the amount of dust that was being 8 generated 9 intricate system to tell them what was going on there. and The But the other ones, the metallics, now other metallics. It was a very 10 But even there they really were not able 11 to understand the full amount of dust that was being 12 generated in the plant. 13 respects. 14 MEMBER RAY: So it is a black box in many In the light water reactor 15 containment, you pressurize the damn thing every so 16 often and you measure the leak rate. 17 pretty straightforward way to do that. 18 MR. RUBIN: Okay, Don I mean that's a Carlson would 19 probably 20 called pulling fuel out from time to time and putting 21 it into an actual condition test and doing the PIEs to 22 actually see how the fuel is doing and seeing if it is 23 within 24 Okay. 25 like the to jump envelope of MEMBER BLEY: in. the And there's qualification something program. Stu, you said something that NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 102 1 I think is real interesting and important and that 2 after you do all these -- after they do all these 3 tests and there is sampling on the process looking for 4 fuel, you have to look at all the uncertainties. 5 it is the tails that matter because you have so many 6 of these things. 7 MR. RUBIN: 8 MEMBER BLEY: And That's right. And the standard techniques 9 for looking at QA and for looking at distributions do 10 a good job with estimating the central tendency, the 11 middle of the distributions, but do a lousy job out in 12 the tails. 13 convince yourselves that you are covering yourselves 14 really well. 15 I hope you're doing something to really MR. RUBIN: I've lassoed one of our take look at the 16 statistical 17 statistics that they were going to do not only for the 18 qualification testing but for the manufacturing side. 19 That's an important issue to make sure they're doing 20 people to kind of a the right statistics. 21 And from what I've read, they've evolved 22 over 23 quote/unquote, we feel we're doing the right kind of 24 sampling and statistical analysis to prove our case. 25 But we haven't looked at that. the years in what they're doing to today, NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 103 1 MEMBER BLEY: Okay. Sometimes for this 2 kind of thing you need some kind of extreme value or 3 something almost like PRA -- 4 MR. RUBIN: 5 MEMBER 6 BLEY: -- to find out the key We need to move him things that are driving it. 7 MR. RUBIN: 8 CHAIR 9 Yes, I agree. Okay. CORRADINI: along. 10 MR. RUBIN: Move me along. Okay. So the 11 first thing is I mentioned this PARFUME code, DOE has 12 been developing it for many years. 13 one 14 mechanisms it models and the data that it has in it. 15 And they are going to improve it with additional data. of 16 the best that is around I would view it as in terms of the And our plan is to ask the DOE -- we 17 already have -- to obtain that code. 18 use it again as a learning tool to do sensitivity 19 studies to better understand the tails, to understand 20 if the fuel is not made right, what would be the 21 implications on fuel performance and the like. 22 would use it in that way. And we want to And we 23 And finally, we would use it to help us 24 understand how variations in temperature, burn up, and 25 the like would effect core-wide changes in particle NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 104 1 failure rates. 2 Now let me talk about that because that is 3 a different model that we want to develop. 4 just kind of impractical, in my mind, to just kind of 5 link directly to MELCOR. 6 run times are long. 7 it. 8 PARFUME is It's a finite element. The It has a statistical package in And at the end of the day, you don't know 9 if it is valid anyway. Okay. So we need to come up 10 with another approach. And the approach we're taking 11 is not any different really than the designers have 12 used over the years. 13 failure fraction based on actual test data. And that is to establish a 14 And that test data would come from the 15 actual fuel qualification tests of the final product. 16 This is the way we're going to make it. 17 This is the irradiation particle failure rates. 18 is the accident condition particle failure rates. 19 And to use that data to This is it. back This out a 20 particle failure fraction as a function of temperature 21 and 22 defensible that way. burn up based upon data directly. It's more 23 But to use PARFUME because it let's you 24 get below the surface to understand why things can 25 change in that space, temperature burn up space, to NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 105 1 help us shape, if you will, that map, that response 2 surface that we plan to put together. 3 different 4 generating particle failure rates. than applicants worldwide And that's no have used for 5 And one can think of doing that two ways: 6 as a conservative way and also a best estimate way. 7 You can use the statistics. 8 come up with two different kinds of response surfaces. 9 And depending on whether the Commissions says okay, 10 it is okay to use the best estimate response surface 11 for the BDBAs but we want to use the conservative one 12 for the DBAs, you know, we can do that. 13 You can use PARFUME to Or they may say no, I just want you to use 14 the conservative one for both. 15 estimate mechanisms to work with but not the fuel. And fine. Other best 16 And so we want to obtain it for that. 17 Excuse me -- we want to develop this response surface 18 so we can predict core-wide R, Z, and time for normal 19 operation and transients. 20 use it to see what the applicants have come up with. And we also feel we could 21 But in the near term, because we don't 22 have that data, either the experimental data or data 23 in PARFUME that drives the models, we would use data 24 from the German fuel just to kind of get the code 25 going. Okay. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 106 1 Okay. 2 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 3 burn up 4 characterize -- 5 the Now so the idea would be -- only independent MR. RUBIN: Are temperature and variables that would No, no, I think I told you 6 that there is fluence, there is power density, there 7 are other variables. 8 ones, then you -- let's say you are conservative on 9 those, you then can -- and that's how they are going 10 to run their tests, okay, they're going to run their 11 tests with a conservative fluence and a power density 12 and the like. But if you bound those other So you've already bounded that. 13 And now you just work off the variables of 14 temperature and burn up to drive a response surface. 15 Okay. 16 to say those other variables -- you've got a gazillion 17 variables 18 experiment in a conservative way. That's the approach that is taken by applicants but we're going to cover those in the 19 And we're going to just limit ourselves to 20 a couple of variables that we're going to input into 21 our analysis tool. 22 23 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: Does that make sense though? 24 25 So the idea would be to -- MR. KRESS: Actually, this is the way the fission product release models for LWRs in MELCOR were NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 107 1 developed. Almost exactly that way. 2 MR. RUBIN: Right. 3 MR. KRESS: And so it's almost a parallel 4 process. 5 CHAIR CORRADINI: So it is an empirical 6 input for the moment until the data gives you a better 7 number for the empirical model you input. 8 MR. RUBIN: Well, you use the empirical 9 model that is based on the representative tests that 10 are the qualification tests, that are bounding tests. 11 And that's the basis for your response surface. And 12 there are particles in the core that will be less than 13 that bounding test. 14 In any event, the idea would be to be able 15 to 16 operation based on the maximum fuel temperature and 17 the 18 during the heat up would be also fuel temperature but 19 that is changing in time, R, Z, and time, and burn up. come burn up with up. a And failure for fraction particle for failure normal fractures 20 And so what you end up with -- and this is 21 just for illustration -- is that kind of response 22 surface, okay, which shows that as you increase in 23 temperature moving from right to left, for particular 24 burn up you're going to start to increase additional 25 particle failure rates which then now have to be NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 108 1 accounted 2 source term. 3 for in And your this source will be term, time-dependent applied R and Z, so 4 you're seeing sectors, in R and Z, changing in time, 5 moving across this response surface, having additional 6 particle 7 product release for now failed particles. 8 to keep inventory and book on how many more particles 9 have failed in what location and do the source term 10 fails and then going through the fission So you have analysis on that basis. 11 So the model is a response surface. 12 CHAIR CORRADINI: Okay. So let's just use 13 this to illustrate. 14 essentially six times ten to the minus fifth? 15 16 MR. So down at the left, at 900, is RUBIN: I'm doing this for illustration. 17 CHAIR CORRADINI: I understand. But the 18 numbers seem to match up so I just want to make sure 19 I'm not off base. 20 21 So for a fuel operating temperature in the range of 900 to 1100C, right-- 22 MR. RUBIN: 23 CHAIR CORRADINI: 24 is what you are shooting for. 25 MR. RUBIN: Yes. -- the failure fraction Yes, I tried to -- I did this NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 109 1 over the weekend so it would be consistent with what 2 their goals are, okay. 3 say that that is the way it is yet, okay. 4 CHAIR CORRADINI: But I don't have the data to And then until that data 5 is available, there would be a dummy set of data into 6 the -- 7 MR. RUBIN: 8 CHAIR CORRADINI: 9 MR. RUBIN: 10 Right. -- MELCOR analysis. Right. CHAIR CORRADINI: So let me ask. What is 11 known -- what is the experience out of Fort St. Vrain 12 that you can use in this -- 13 MR. RUBIN: 14 CHAIR CORRADINI: Well --- in terms of the type 15 -- the fuel, the type of operating conditions in terms 16 of exit gas temperature and volumetric heating. 17 18 MR. RUBIN: -- the methodology -- the methodology is much the same. 19 CHAIR CORRADINI: 20 MR. RUBIN: Okay. The plot is grossly different 21 -- grossly different because they had BISO fuel and 22 they had TRISO fuel. 23 conditions went to 100 percent. 24 mean heat-ups went to like 3,000 degrees, okay, they 25 went to 100 percent. And some of their temperature During heat-ups, I NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 110 1 And they had to account for that 100 2 percent particle failure rates. 3 core went that high, it went off the cliff. 4 the basic idea is the same but the shape will change 5 dramatically with the fuel and the conditions it will 6 see. Okay. 7 tests 9 model? with 10 Okay. So But the methodology is the same. MR. KRESS: 8 If that sector of the temperature MR. RUBIN: Do you envision steady state to develop this empirical Well, this empirical one is 11 let's say 1,200. 12 1,250 that they are running their fuel testing at. 13 1,250 would be the last temperature at which you'd 14 have a flat kind of a response surface, not giving 15 credit for any temperatures lower than that in the 16 core. In the case of NGNP, I think it is So 17 But once they get above that, now you are 18 into an accident heat up and then you start to see 19 increases. 20 qualification for irradiation is done at. 21 22 So that last step is where their fuel MR. KRESS: Yes. But when you run the test, you'll do it at constant temperature. 23 MR. RUBIN: Yes. However, however, for 24 pebble bed, it is interesting, it is cyclic. 25 up and down because you are putting the pebble in at It goes NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 111 1 the top. 2 MR. KRESS: 3 MR. RUBIN: 4 MR. RUBIN: As it travels down, it gets MR. KRESS: 10 12 Then you go around and come hotter and hotter and hotter. 9 11 MR. KRESS: back again. 7 8 The top is the coldest spot because that's where the cold is. 5 6 Oh, that's right. MR. So you have a sawtooth. Yes. RUBIN: And so their approach, I believe, is to do a sawtooth fuel qualification test. And also max steady. 13 Okay. But you have to look at both. This is particle failure. We 14 haven't even gotten to fission product transport yet. 15 But particle failures are what drive the big fission 16 product transport piece. 17 Okay. I don't know how much time you want to 18 give me. 19 last graph was really the heart and soul of our source 20 term right there. 21 This is really the heart and soul -- that MEMBER ARMIJO: Stu, what are the various 22 mechanisms by which a particle would start it out, 23 intact, meeting all the quality requirements, what are 24 the mechanisms by which they fail? 25 why don't thousands fail? And if one fails, NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 112 1 2 MR. RUBIN: That one, right there, that's the list. 3 MEMBER ARMIJO: If everything is the same 4 and there is one mechanism or two, why don't all of 5 them fail? 6 MR. RUBIN: Well, PARFUME actually has 7 several built in. 8 for sure, I believe it has the second one, I believe 9 it has the third one. 10 one. 11 have the sixth one. I think it has -- the first one, I believe it has the fourth I believe it has the fifth one. 12 It may even It doesn't have the accident-related ones 13 for oxidation effects and reactivity effects. 14 will be able -- through the next code I'm going to be 15 able to talk about -- calculate what the diffusions 16 rates are. 17 And it But it has all those models. MEMBER ARMIJO: In one of the little 18 figures in this handout, there's a picture showing a 19 crack in the pyrolytic carbon layer -- 20 MR. RUBIN: 21 MEMBER ARMIJO: Sure. -- but the silicon carbide 22 doesn't seem to be cracked yet. 23 that concentrates stress? 24 MR. RUBIN: 25 MEMBER ARMIJO: Is that a mechanism Yes. So it seems it me there NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 113 1 would be, you know, some finite number of mechanisms 2 that cause these failures and people would understand 3 how each of these works as a function of burn up -- 4 MR. RUBIN: Well, it's not like a 5 predictor/corrector. 6 failure mechanism. 7 we make the particles so that that particular kind of 8 phenomenon will not occur. 9 10 MEMBER What they find is yes, this is a What can we do to modify the way ARMIJO: Or will happen less frequently because -- 11 PARTICIPANT: they 12 -- 13 dramatically reduce the debonding and the cracking, 14 okay, which were the failure mechanisms of the old NPR 15 fuel. 16 have And so they have engineered engineered MEMBER ARMIJO: their coating process to And if they had a quality 17 control test in fabrication that would confirm that 18 that, in fact, is the case, that they're making much 19 higher 20 that. 21 quality, then MR. RUBIN: I'd be more comfortable with At the end of the day, the 22 irradiation in the particle failures, probably zero. 23 It's not the end of the story. 24 PIE where you'll actually start to look at individual 25 particles and you look to see what they look like. You have to go do a NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 114 1 The other thing they are going to do is 2 they are going to run tests where fuel will be driven 3 so hard that they will fail. 4 kind of data to -- 5 MEMBER ARMIJO: 6 MR. RUBIN: And they will need that I agree with that. -- okay -- and then they'll 7 want to see what the mechanisms are in those tests. 8 Okay. 9 And the reason you need those tests -- 10 11 MEMBER ARMIJO: To get statistics for the PIE is going to be tough. 12 MR. RUBIN: -- the reason you need those 13 tests is you need something to validate your code 14 because if you have a test where no particles ever 15 fail, how do you validate your failure model? 16 have to drive them to fail particles and then simulate 17 that to say that I was able to simulate that failure 18 way beyond the design limits. 19 MEMBER ARMIJO: So you Okay. I agree conceptually. But 20 I think it is really tough in PIE when it is on these 21 tiny little particle basis to get the statistics, you 22 know, something was leaking in let's say one sphere 23 and then what do you do? 24 how many were leaking? 25 MR. RUBIN: How do you inspect to find Yes, I agree with you. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 115 1 2 MEMBER ARMIJO: I fail to understand how they are going to do that. 3 MR. RUBIN: They are looking at more than 4 one particle. They're looking at dozens, if not -- I 5 don't know that number in their PIE. 6 massive effort into itself. 7 move on. But 9 release part -- 11 now here is CHAIR CORRADINI: check? MR. RUBIN: 13 CHAIR CORRADINI: product So may I give you a time Okay. MR. RUBIN: So I'll let you decide Okay. Let me just say this slide -- 17 18 fission what you want to emphasize. 15 16 the In 15 minutes, you are to be done. 12 14 But I think we need to So that's the particle failure. 8 10 But it is a CHAIR CORRADINI: I can blame Sam but we're all to blame. 19 MR. RUBIN: Right. No, but you're asking 20 your questions in the right presentation. 21 you that. 22 (Laughter.) 23 CHAIR 24 that. 25 back in 2009? CORRADINI: I must note that. Thanks. I'll give Appreciate Will we get our assessment Sorry, it was a joke. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 116 1 MR. RUBIN: Okay. Here again is the 2 summary of the components of a particle and the fuel 3 element for that matter. And the idea is to model all 4 those to 5 transport data and fission product modeling of fission 6 product transport for each of those models. components. And develop fission product 7 And if you look at how you would apply 8 that, well, I would apply it for different kinds of 9 particles -- there's something called contamination 10 which is heavy metal that is in the fuel ball, let's 11 say, from manufacture due to the fact that there is 12 going 13 naturally but also because some of it gets in there in 14 the process of making the particles. to 15 be some sort of heavy metal in there So contamination, what can I take credit 16 for? 17 or OPyC. 18 delays in the matrix. I can't take credit for the kernel, IPyC, SiC, 19 I need to take credit for any hold up and The next one is a failed silicon carbide 20 layer. 21 determine how many of those you have. 22 case, do we want to model hold up in the kernel, IPyC 23 -- no. 24 beyond. 25 There are methods available in manufacture to And in that No kind of hold up in the SiC and then hold up Failed particles, you'd only be banking on NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 117 1 the kernel providing some hold-up mechanisms. 2 then the matrix and graphite. 3 would model all of that. 4 And Intact particles, you Now how do you do that? Before I get to 5 that, this is a part of diffusion coefficients versus 6 temperature that were based on fuel that was made and 7 tested in German, U.S.A., Japan, and Russia in many 8 cases. 9 coefficients. And they were able to develop these Okay. 10 So here you have the basic information you 11 need to then plug into a model to calculate what the 12 diffusion 13 Okay. 14 all together. rates are through each of layers. But then you need a tool to actually pull that 15 And a code has been developed. 16 called the TMAP4 code. 17 tritium migration analysis program. 18 that 19 calculations 20 normal operation. was 21 those developed of Okay. It's And that stands for This is a code in the labs to tritium for diffusion actually do reactor for And the basic modeling in there, it's a 22 basic kind of a diffusion code. 23 configured with data and geometries to actually do 24 this -- to solve this problem. 25 1D diffusion equation. It And it can be then And so it solves the also accounts for NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 118 1 chaptering if needed in any and all layers. 2 You can, in principle, model intact 3 particles, failed particles, and so forth, simply by 4 how you set up the modeling in the particular run. 5 You can specify the fission product generation rate on 6 the inside and then it go. 7 and the like, it will calculate what the diffusion 8 rates are for various species of radionuclides. 9 And based on temperatures And you put in the -- for now we have just 10 what I showed you. NGNP and DOE are going to develop 11 that specific for the NGNP fuel. 12 model Soret diffusion in any layer, which is important 13 for the buffer layer because there is a big delta T 14 there. 15 model there. 16 modeled with the Soret diffusion. And so it can also And that's probably the one that you would And I think that that is the one that is 17 And it can handle temperature profiles, 18 which are cyclic or steady state, and keep book on 19 temperatures in various layers at different times, and 20 modified diffusion rates. 21 the chugging along of different diffusion -- fission 22 products through those layers. 23 So it's keeping track of And it can do this for normal operation 24 and then transition to an accident heat up. 25 And it is being used now as a powerful Okay. tool to NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 119 1 actually analyze test data, okay, of fuel performance. 2 But what you end up with at the end of the 3 day, as a key point, is that the fuel temperature is 4 the most important parameter in all of this. 5 are other things but that is the key that drives the 6 whole model. 7 locally to know how much releases you are getting for 8 all these mechanisms. 9 There So you have to understand temperatures MR. KRESS: This sounds a whole lot like 10 the Boothe model that's in the MELCOR now for light 11 water reactors. 12 MR. RUBIN: 13 MR. 14 Yes. KRESS: They use an effective diffusing coefficient, which is an arrhenius thing -- 15 MR. RUBIN: Right. 16 MR. KRESS: -- and then it look to me like MR. RUBIN: This is how it is done for 17 -- 18 19 many years in Germany, in South Africa, and China. 20 They do take credit for all of that. 21 The question is can you put a code like 22 this 23 dimensions? into MELCOR 24 MR. 25 temperatures -- and KRESS: keep As book long as on you all those have the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 120 1 2 MR. RUBIN: temperatures -- 3 4 Yes, as long as you have the MR. KRESS: -- and the transients, yes, you can do it. 5 MR. RUBIN: Right. So our plan is to 6 obtain the code under the MOU. 7 code about two weeks ago and the manuals and some 8 datasets that they've already put together. 9 So we could We already did get the start using the code and 10 understanding the mechanisms and become more familiar 11 with 12 conduct sensitivity studies on temperature and burn up 13 and the like to try to see how things are going to 14 change. 15 temperatures 16 have, which is an issue for dust generation. fission product Okay. transport in particle fuel, Like cesium diffusion with higher and higher burns, with the models we 17 And in the long term, to get the data from 18 DOE to change the diffusion coefficients specially to 19 our fuel. 20 Okay. Now And that's part of that plan. what are we going to do for the 21 evaluation model? 22 starting 23 directly as kind of a brute-force addition the MELCOR 24 code for calculating core-wide diffusion and release 25 versus temperature and burn up and time for all these that There's two choices there and we're now. It's to evaluate using TMAP NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 121 1 kinds of fuel, which you will know from the first part 2 we did on failure rates, and for manufacture. 3 Or following that, we might -- I'll call 4 it simplify the diffusion and release models. 5 codes develop an effective diffusion model where they 6 take the chain of diffusion models and the one over 7 the effective one, and one over the first one, and one 8 over the second one, and one over the third one, and 9 you can generate one diffusion coefficient for all the 10 layers. 11 Okay. Some So that's the approach taken by one. It is going to become managing the 12 complexity of the time of the calculational scheme 13 within MELCOR to see if it will work. 14 getting started with that. But we're just 15 And so once we've made that decision on 16 how to account for these various types of particles, 17 we're going to utilize that together with the particle 18 failure rate piece, which will tell us when we have to 19 shift over to -- we've got more failed particles at 20 this point in time, at this point in the reactor, 21 we've got to go to a different TMAP calculation for 22 those particles. 23 And so what we end up is a fission product 24 release verses time or source term versus time for the 25 entire from those two together. In the near term, NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 122 1 we'll use those diffusion coefficients that came from 2 the TECDOC for the old German fuel. 3 will hopefully get the data from DOE for our fuel 4 specific. 5 And I, long term, I'd like to quickly run through -- this 6 was all for just helium in the system. 7 talked about other kinds of events. 8 kinds of events we've talked about water ingress, air 9 ingress, and reactivity events. 10 I haven't The other three These curves on the right show the effects of water ingress into the fuel. 11 And the of principle mobilization 13 particles. 14 the 15 mobilizing the release from failed particles. Okay. particles is products out is 12 16 fission effect of the failed The phenomena of actually failing not as big an issue as actually And you see there when the steam hit the 17 particles, it went up by an order of magnitude. 18 then settled down because all of -- in this case, I 19 think it was krypton-88 was actually taken out so the 20 number, it came down in time because it had just all 21 been released. And 22 So we need to be able to model his for 23 water ingress events if -- if we see water ingress 24 within the licensing basis as an important kind of 25 event. Okay. Because it is expensive to do these NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 123 1 tests. 2 And so if plants are going to have steam 3 generators, we definitely to get data for NGNP fuel. 4 Okay. 5 get in from the shutdown cooling system and other heat 6 exchangers, you will have some level of moisture in 7 there. Even without steam generators because water can 8 And all the data you have now is based on 9 fuel which is not really representative of the NGNP 10 fuel, neither in burn up or temperatures. 11 is UCO but we just don't see it -- I personally feel 12 it's not necessarily representative of the fuel that 13 was used to generate these curves. 14 So I believe we'll have Some of it to do some 15 testing. 16 right now, are kind of not committed to doing these 17 tests. They're going to look at it. 18 -- there 19 generators, 20 putting that into their plan. if DOE will have to do some testing. are then going they're to be I think that now plants definitely They, with going to steam start 21 So for now, again, the strategy is use the 22 data we have as a means to kind of run the codes, 23 MELCOR codes, to account for these phenomena. 24 the long term, use the data that might come out of the 25 NGNP program. And in NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 124 1 MEMBER RAY: I didn't ask this earlier but 2 I thought about it. 3 application that would have this greater probability 4 of water ingress? 5 system water -- 6 7 Why is it just a steam generator Isn't the reactor cavity cooling MR. RUBIN: It is. But it is outside the reactor vessel. 8 MEMBER RAY: Well -- 9 MR. RUBIN: You have to find a means to 10 get that water into the reactor. 11 12 MEMBER RAY: And you're saying that's not MR. RUBIN: I think the PIRT didn't -- I credible? 13 14 think there was concern that those tubes could fail 15 and then kind of leak over to the reactor vessel, hit 16 the vessel wall, and maybe caused a local temperature 17 change 18 vessel. 19 20 that could But to be see mechanism that get for the into the core, I don't think anybody saw that as a pathway. MEMBER RAY: 22 MR. Okay. RUBIN: The pathways that are traditionally used are the heat exchangers that are -- 24 25 failure actually 21 23 a MEMBER RAY: No, I understand. Nevertheless, I wondered about that. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 125 1 CHAIR CORRADINI: So just to make sure I 2 understand, so it's really just the mass fraction of 3 water in whatever gas is near the graphite and the 4 fuel. 5 6 MR. RUBIN: This shows it is a partial pressure -- 7 CHAIR CORRADINI: 8 MR. RUBIN: 9 thing Well, okay. -- partial pressure of the steam at the site of the particle. 10 CHAIR CORRADINI: 11 MR. RUBIN: Right. If you do that higher for more 12 particles, you are going to force more release for 13 more particles. 14 to 15 curve. get you 16 So steam generators are a candidate going CHAIR higher on that CORRADINI: So is 17 decision by the staff? 18 have communicated to the DOE that -- 19 20 MR. RUBIN: partial pressure this a policy Or is this something that you No, I haven't communicated -- they're seeing this when you are seeing this. 21 CHAIR CORRADINI: 22 different 23 generator, 24 basis. 25 question does then. water MR. RUBIN: Okay. If ingress So let me ask a there go into is a the steam design You've got that right. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 126 1 CHAIR CORRADINI: 2 MR. RUBIN: Okay. Of course. I do believe for 3 the M/HTGR with steam generators water ingress was the 4 limiting event. 5 argument was it was not a high probability of having 6 that many tubes fail. 7 point of view, it was the limiting event. 8 CHAIR CORRADINI: 9 MR. RUBIN: CHAIR MEMBER BLEY: the thinking. is one at Or kind of what is driving Is it -I would assume you guys know because you're always talking -MR. RUBIN: I know but it is not public information. 22 CHAIR CORRADINI: 23 MR. RUBIN: 24 there Does DOE want to get up and CHAIR CORRADINI: 20 21 But answer that question? 18 19 CORRADINI: MR. RUBIN: 16 17 Well, if you want to talk to least? 14 15 So which of the point DOE in the hall, you probably can ask them that. 12 13 But from a sheer consequences designs has a steam generator in the point design? 10 11 Now from a risk point of view, the Okay. Oh, excuse me. That's why I'm saying that. 25 CHAIR CORRADINI: Okay. Thank you. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 127 1 MR. RUBIN: And 2 decision. 3 don't have steam generators. they haven't made a They may decide to choose a plant that 4 Okay. The same thing for air ingress, 5 basically you have mechanisms that can fail particles 6 in that case. 7 the outer pyrolytic carbon layer. 8 away. 9 the 10 One of the mechanisms is you oxidize It kind of goes And it takes away its compressive function on silicon carbide, drives the silicon carbide stresses up. 11 They go from negative to positive in any 12 failed particles. 13 attack the silicon carbide and form SiO or SiO2. 14 can be self sustaining and fail the particle that way. 15 And SiO2 tends And then you also can directly to create a barrier for SiO continued 16 attack by the accident, depending on the temperature 17 by and large. 18 But in any event, there is data -- limited 19 data on the failure rates and the releases due to air 20 ingress or air being exposed to the particles. 21 you can see those effects on these curves. 22 basically done for fuel spheres, nine percent FIMA, 23 and the temperatures were maybe not typical of what we 24 would see in the NGNP. 25 And They're So there is a big question mark in my NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 128 1 mind. It would be hard to make the case that this -- 2 these test 3 application for air ingress events. 4 at least a few tests to see what the effects would be 5 on the fuel specific to your plant. 6 data could used in a licensing You'd want to do At this point, the technology program from 7 DOE, 8 irradiated fuel. 9 them lately about that. 10 be they may include air ingress testing with I think -- we have not talked to So we don't know if they made that decision or not. 11 So in the meantime, we'll use the test 12 data we have. In the long term, we'll work with DOE 13 to get additional data to model these effects. 14 And finally, reactivity events, you can 15 see from this part that depending on the level of the 16 energy pulse into the particle, you could drive the 17 particle failure right up to 100 percent. 18 The question came up very early on is, you 19 know, what are the -- what are the effects of pebble 20 compaction of the entire active core moving away from 21 the control rods in terms of reactivity addition? 22 we need to do some analysis. 23 The pebble bed reactor, because it So is 24 continuous online fueling, it has very little, if any, 25 excess reactivity. So the potential for a large NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 129 1 reactivity addition in pebble bed is said to be small. 2 So these events become nothing more than kind of heat 3 up events. 4 If one were to postulate a rod ejection, 5 those kinds of reactivity additions get you into these 6 kinds of curves. 7 CHAIR CORRADINI: 8 MR. RUBIN: 9 10 Yes. A rod ejection would. Okay. And at least for example in HGTR, that was one of our limiting events. They actually postulated that as 11 licensing basis, rod ejection accident. 12 a limiting event for them. 13 Now whether or not the part of their And it became risk informed 14 approach to licensing the NGNP will, in fact, say with 15 the deterministic bounding event and pose that, we 16 don't have the answer to it yet. 17 on our radar. But it is something Okay. 18 So this problem or this performance issue 19 will rise and fall with the what the risk informed 20 licensing event selection ends up with. 21 And so let me just wrap up here. Fuel 22 fabrication, we talked about that. 23 make clear the differences in fuel performance, R over 24 B ratio over a burn up for a different manufacturer. 25 The blue, the lower part was the range of particle This part tries to NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 130 1 failures. 2 And by the way, if you take those numbers 3 and divide them by .01, let's say, you get the failure 4 rates. 5 running it at higher temperatures. Probably .1 for the NGNP fuel because they are 6 But you can see that the old NPR fuel, the 7 way it was made, performed relatively poorly -- really 8 very poorly. 9 was the gold standard for many years. The German fuel, the way they made it, 10 We're starting to see now in Japan and now 11 in the AGR program that we are meeting and beating 12 those standards with the particle failure rates in 13 operation, which is very encouraging to meet those 14 goals that I talked about in here. 15 So this makes clear that manufacture is 16 important. 17 have variations from lot to lot. 18 way to kind of have a regulatory oversight of that. 19 And we've come up with the next inspection line. 20 And even when you fix manufacture, you can But it's true. So we want to have a We're just inspecting what 21 we know -- what they have concluded what they know. 22 What about what we don't know? 23 at other ways to monitor that in the reactor and the 24 like. 25 So in summary, Then you have to look integrity and fission NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 131 1 product retention is the key to the HTGR safety case. 2 Fuel behavior in fission product release depends on 3 how the fuel is made, 4 accident conditions. its operating history, and 5 We're developing, with the help of DOE, 6 analytical tools and data to develop our expertise to 7 assess all of that in fuel failure as well as fission 8 product release. 9 those both into the evaluation model. 10 And we want to be able to integrate And we have some strategies to do that. 11 We need to pursue the issue of graphite 12 dust in terms of the amount of metallic 13 products that are bound up in all of that. 14 fuel performance guys' piece to answer. fission That's the 15 And we do, if it's not already clear, plan 16 to extensively utilize DOE's work products in helping 17 us to build our databases. 18 to a number of other international groups to see where 19 we can supplement that and have kind of confirmatory 20 data from others in developing our models. And we've already talked 21 And as I spoke about last, the ability to 22 inspect the fuel production facility is something -- 23 we've developed a kind of a template for that even 24 now. 25 So that's it for me. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 132 1 2 CHAIR CORRADINI: Further questions for Stu? 3 MEMBER ARMIJO: In use of these codes that 4 are submitted by let's say Idaho, this TMAP4, would 5 you, 6 regulatory work? 7 codes, 8 analysis that, let's say, a utility or a vendor would 9 submit. 10 when you would get into a licensing, start the Would you, if you chose to use those you go through the same review and Here's our licensing topical report and then you review it? 11 MR. 12 issue. And 13 experience, 14 ourselves. RUBIN: I'll the That's defer NRC to doesn't a Joe code Kelly. impose validation With requirements his on 15 MR. KELLY: No, that's correct. 16 MR. RUBIN: Yet what is our standard for - 17 - 18 MEMBER ARMIJO: Well, in this case it is 19 an Idaho DOE code given to the NRC to use that they 20 claim -- 21 MR. RUBIN: 22 MEMBER ARMIJO: Yes, it's a box, a black box. Right. And then you would 23 have to go through it and make sure that black box 24 worked. 25 MR. RUBIN: Sure. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 133 1 MR. KELLY: Yes. And what we're using 2 TMAP4 for now is the MELCOR developers are looking at 3 it to see what they may need to do within the MELCOR 4 code, whether they can take their current model and 5 then 6 implement TMAP4. change 7 it or whether they need to actually And what we would do is the verification 8 part. That we would, you know, find the data sources 9 and do the code assessment against it. 10 to 11 uncertainties involved in using that code. make sure we have 12 MR. RUBIN: 13 one more this morning? an Okay. And then try understanding of the Are we scheduled to do 14 CHAIR CORRADINI: 15 MR. RUBIN: Okay. Tony Ulses, you are the 17 MR. ULSES: All right. 18 CHAIR CORRADINI: 16 We are. man. Could you take your seat 19 over there, Stu, if you don't mind. 20 MR. RUBIN: 21 CHAIR CORRADINI: 22 to block the screen so they can't see it. Okay. 23 MR. RUBIN: 24 CHAIR CORRADINI: 25 I doubt you are trying Okay. You can stand and move around if you feel like it. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 134 1 MR. RUBIN: 2 CHAIR CORRADINI: 3 MR. ULSES: 4 mentioned, my name is Tony Ulses. 5 of Research. 6 about our advanced reactor research plans in the area 7 of nuclear analysis. 8 9 That's okay. Whatever you like. I thank you, Stu. As was I'm in the Office And I'm going to be talking to you today As we go forward in this and, you know, as we discussed, obviously we're going to have many 10 meetings on this topic. 11 Stu and I talking together quite a bit because we 12 obviously recognize there is a real strong linkage 13 here between these two technical areas. 14 going to be driving some of our thinking. I expect you're going to hear And it's 15 What I want to do today is I want to kind 16 of walk you through our thinking, what we've done so 17 far, and I want to also mention here as we get into 18 this that this is an area that we are really just 19 getting started on. 20 We have done some work that we were able 21 to accomplish back in the -- back when we were doing 22 the PBMR work before it stopped, as was mentioned this 23 morning in the pre-application area. 24 we've done some very basic assessment of it. 25 relatively comfortable with it. And that work But we're We're just NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 135 1 literally getting started and kind of formulating our 2 plans. 3 This is a statement that is actually 4 literally right out of the advanced reactor research 5 plan. 6 This is an extremely high-level document. And this is obviously a guideline statement. 7 But the way that we've been interpreting 8 this is we've almost gotten to the point in light 9 water reactor space where we can almost take nuclear 10 analysis for granted. 11 we're so accurate, we can get, you know, the actual 12 power and the fuel thing relatively accurately. It is down to the point where 13 The expectation, as we go forward with the 14 work related to the NGNP project, is we're intending 15 to take those methods and try and move them forward so 16 we can retain that same level of accuracy as we're 17 trying to analyze this. 18 And it's really -- because we realize that 19 the actual fuel performance of these systems is so 20 critical. 21 obviously, 22 calculation. 23 have methods that are accurate so that when we get to 24 the licensing process, the actual tech staff, at that 25 point, will have the ability to do proper sensitivity And you obviously know, one the of power prime predictions, inputs to that So we want to assure ourselves that we NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 136 1 studies to be able to really have an opportunity to 2 fully understand this system as we go forward. 3 All right. 4 CHAIR CORRADINI: But would that statement 5 hold if I had a gas outlet temperature of 700 to 750C 6 versus 900C? 7 In other words, can I be sloppier? MR. ULSES: Well, you know, that's the 8 question really of margin versus accuracy. 9 a question that will obviously get fleshed out in the 10 And that's licensing process. 11 And that's ultimately up to the applicant. 12 You know how accurate do they want to claim their 13 methods are versus how much uncertainty 14 willing to accept. 15 that will be fleshed out in that process. are they And so that's an issue, you know, 16 What we're really thinking about here -- 17 and then this actually goes to a question that was 18 brought up earlier this morning -- is the question -- 19 I mean how do we really assure ourselves that we fully 20 understand the system? 21 actually go into the system and do analysis where we 22 can say, you know, vary the parameters, do sensitivity 23 studies studies, make sure we understand the margins 24 In other words, are we able to of the system and how it behaves. 25 That's really more where we're thinking NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 137 1 right now with trying to retain the same level of 2 accuracy that we have. 3 valid and it's one that -- And your question is certainly 4 CHAIR CORRADINI: 5 MR. ULSES: 6 Well, that's fine. -- would get nicely fleshed out on the license basis. 7 CHAIR CORRADINI: differently. But asked my 9 applicant what sort of hot channel factors could you 10 live with if it was 750C, 850C, 950C, or the heat 11 generation rate was X, Y, or Z? 12 in which you can operate. 13 going to have to decide what an acceptable level of 14 uncertainty is. the So you know the space It's based on what you are I mean have those trait study calculations been done that the staff is aware of and looked at? 17 MR. ULSES: Well, the short answer to that 18 question is no. 19 level of detail at this point. 20 staff term question 16 the me 8 15 Has let We have not engaged INL down to that And as I said, this is -- 21 CHAIR CORRADINI: 22 MR. ULSES: Okay. -- an area we're just getting 23 started on. 24 know, we will discuss as we go forward within this 25 technical area. And certainly one of the areas that, you NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 138 1 CHAIR CORRADINI: 2 MR. ULSES: Okay. This is basically kind of the 3 picture of our code suite. 4 the plan that we have as we go forward, as we intend 5 it, 6 already have. Within the SCALE code suite, over the 7 past six 8 accurate 9 necessarily tied to any particular system. is we five intend or methods 10 to leverage years, with We, you know, we have -- the we've high systems developed fidelity that we extremely which are not What that really means if it allows us to 11 use 12 frankly, 13 arena. 14 this as we go forward because that's obviously, you 15 know, a real high-level statement. those systems and with actually relatively move them up little into effort, the HTGR And, you know, I'll get into more specifics on 16 But the point I want to make on this is 17 that we really have three areas of application here. 18 We're going to be working within the SCALE code system 19 itself to make the necessary modifications, be sure we 20 have the validation data that we need to validate 21 those tools. 22 We're going to be looking in the area here 23 in yellow, which is really the area where we take the 24 cross sections we calculate from the SCALE system. 25 And we put them into a form that can be used within NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 139 1 the evaluation model, which, in this case, is going to 2 be PARCS code. 3 what we use for our normal diffusion area solver. And then obviously PARCS itself is 4 And the AMPEX 2000 code is the one where 5 we actually take the raw evaluated data and we go in 6 and we actually process it to the point where we can 7 work 8 working -- within SCALE, we're actually working with 9 actual continuous energy data now but there's actually 10 not a lot of processing that goes out between AMPX 11 down to SCALE. with it in SCALE. But since we're actually 12 We're actually able to work with extremely 13 high resolution data at the level of what I would 14 traditionally call a lattice physics calculation. But 15 that's for 16 these systems, that word. not 17 necessarily appropriate, you know, Now one other point to make on this slide 18 is 19 configuration control. 20 modern FORTRAN languages. 21 that we're going to need a lot of new physics to 22 PARCS. 23 code. 24 work is in the actual cross-section parameterization. that 25 all of these codes are currently under They've all been updated to And we don't anticipate We already have an arc data Z solver in the We already -- the one area where we may have to And what I mean there is, you know, the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 140 1 way that we model now is we model a fuel ascender in 2 the light water reactor space. 3 is an isolated ascender. 4 these HTGRs. And we assume that it That may or may not work for 5 We may have to actually go in and add some 6 additional physics as we try and couple those nodes 7 together in the nodal diffusion theory solver. 8 is something that is going to be fleshed out as we go 9 forward in our research plan. 10 That So this is basically a discussion of the 11 area that we have been focusing thus far. 12 is, you know, one of the real strong challenges in 13 these 14 resonances? 15 is, again, we're using the existing codes, existing 16 tools that we have within SCALE. 17 types of systems, how do we And this process the And the methodology that we've developed You know right now we use a continuous 18 energy, 19 process resonances within SCALE. 20 able to do is we've been able to go in and actually 21 handle the multiple layers of heterogeneity in this 22 fuel by essentially leveraging that tool. 23 one-dimensional What we're 24 actual 25 actual kernel model. pebble -- well, transport doing we is theory code to So what we've been we start with an actually start with an And we go in and we do a one- NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 141 1 dimensional 2 kernel. 3 spectrum. transport And we use theory that calculation to get a on that representative 4 And then we use that spectrum to go in and 5 reevaluate an actual -- a new spectrum, which we can 6 then move out to the actual level of the pebble or the 7 actual compact itself. 8 want to make sure, you know, we actually retain the 9 necessary information as we go forward. 10 Again, the idea there is we And then from we need to there, once we get the or the 11 information 12 compact, then we're prepared to go and model what 13 would be analogous to like a light water reactor fuel 14 assembly, for example. 15 model CHAIR CORRADINI: the pebble And the reason you need 16 to do this level -- remind me since I'm not a good 17 neutronics person -- is because of the heterogeneity 18 of these small link scales? 19 MR. ULSES: Right. Basically what we're 20 worried about there is the actual effect of spatial 21 energy sub-shielding -- 22 CHAIR CORRADINI: 23 MR. ULSES: Okay. -- on the resonances. And we 24 want to retain this level of detail so, again, we'll 25 have the ability to understand whether or not some of NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 142 1 the other methods 2 actually simpler, whether or not they have the level 3 of 4 predictions that we need as we go forward with the 5 system. accuracy 10 to give MR. question. ULSES: Wow, the are kind of What is the meaning well, that's a good head to be honest with you. MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: It's ten centimeters. MR. ULSES: 14 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: It's pretty big, yes. A few centimeters at least. 16 MR. ULSES: 17 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 18 us which I couldn't answer that off the top of my 13 15 now, of the path of the neutron in silicon carbide? 11 12 fidelity right MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 8 9 there And -- 6 7 and out Right. So why is this level of detail important. 19 MR. ULSES: Well, because 20 necessarily 21 expect that your point is well made. 22 going 23 pebble itself. to -- see within a lot the of actual power pebble we're not itself, I I mean we're not variation across the 24 But the question that we want to have the 25 ability to answer is we want to be able to retain the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 143 1 ability to model the effects of the pebble to pebble, 2 for example, so we see if I have a high burn-up pebble 3 next to a low burn-up pebble, you know, what is the 4 actual effect of the power within that node? 5 And also what you see here is that this 6 work here has been able to be done with the existing 7 tools that we have. 8 to do was go into SCALE and take the tools that we 9 already have and rearrange them so the sequences we 10 So this really was -- all we had run such that we could retain this level of detail. 11 So it really wasn't that much work at all 12 to actually accomplish this. It was more a question 13 of -- we didn't have to add new physics or new tools 14 to do this. 15 leverage it and use it as we went forward. 16 CHAIR CORRADINI: We had it in there so we decided to But to answer Said's 17 question a bit differently, if it weren't a pebble 18 reactor, it was a prismatic, is it -- is your real 19 technical concern is when you go from the core to the 20 reflector and you cross that boundary that you can't 21 accurately get those heterogeneities as well as if I 22 go into the core region where I've got the coolant 23 channel, the moderator, and then the equivalent of 24 essentially the fuel rod, the compact, I can't get the 25 right measurement of how I get absorption if I have a NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 144 1 power change? 2 That's what I thought was the reason you 3 had to go through this detail. 4 struggling. 5 MR. ULSES: That's where I'm still Certainly. Well, the issue 6 of, you know, you mentioned essentially the reflector 7 interface with the core itself. 8 9 CHAIR CORRADINI: Right. That one I can see. 10 MR. ULSES: That's an area that we've been 11 discussing considerably as the reason for the need to 12 do this -- 13 CHAIR CORRADINI: 14 MR. ULSES: Okay. -- in order to have the right 15 spectrum. 16 be 17 appropriately assess applicant methods. able It's more an issue in my mind of we want to to 18 retain And if the we level have of the detail so fidelity we in can these 19 tools, it gives the staff, when it gets down to the 20 licensing 21 whether or not the simplifications that may or may not 22 be 23 appropriate. imposed 24 25 phase, in the an ability applicant CHAIR CORRADINI: to fully method are understand actually So this is your method of experimental independent verification of what the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 145 1 applicant is going to show you? 2 MR. ULSES: I would -- well, obviously, 3 you know, this isn't experimentation. 4 the ability to fully -- 5 CHAIR CORRADINI: 6 MR. ULSES: 7 This gives us Verification. Sure, exactly. You know we are retaining a considerable amount of information. 8 Now I'll show you a summary on this slide. 9 I'm just going to go through a couple of -- well, 10 this is essentially a summary of what I just said 11 here. 12 have. Again, we're using the existing systems that we 13 What you'll see traditionally out there is 14 the use of Dancoff factors to allow for the spatial 15 effects when you are doing resonance processing. 16 know it is not an invalid method. 17 many years. 18 in these HGTR systems. 19 You It's been used for That's what has been used traditionally But, again, our methods will give the 20 staff the ability to assess those methods with a fully 21 independent set of methods. 22 what we're doing here. That is the intent of 23 We have added the ability into SCALE to 24 handle the hexagonal boundary systems on the pebble or 25 when we're looking at the prismatic block fuel. And NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 146 1 we have added 2 capability for the double heterogenic systems, however 3 we have not extensively tested that at this point. 4 That's something that is ongoing right now. 5 I in a wanted depletion to mention and just a a branching couple of 6 sample calculations that we've done so far with these 7 systems. And, again, these are extremely preliminary. 8 This is work -- this particular problem here was one 9 where we set up using some start-up testing from the 10 HTR-10. 11 International Reactor Physics Evaluator Handbook. This problem is available from the 12 And, you know, this gives us -- this is an 13 example of what I said earlier that we have comfort 14 that the methods are working effectively. 15 this is a simple evaluation of the criticality of the 16 system with a certain pebble height. 17 see 18 particular configuration when compared to the critical 19 experiment. here, 20 the actual And we are calculation continuing You know And as you can is to one for work on this this 21 problem and we're going to work on the control outlook 22 calculations. And that work is currently underway. 23 And, again, this is just an example of one 24 set of data that we currently have that we have been 25 looking at. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 147 1 We have another problem here, the HTTR -- 2 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: What is the pebble 3 volume density that was used in the analysis part of 4 it? 5 MR. ULSES: That's a level of detail that 6 I can't actually answer. 7 by Oak Ridge for us as evaluation. 8 of how they model would actually have been part of the 9 input for the specification for the -- 10 This is work that was done MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: The actual detail I mean isn't that a 11 knob that one can change to come up with whatever 12 results you want? 13 MR. ULSES: Right. But one of the 14 advantages of using a problem that has been accepted 15 for 16 Handbook is that it has gone through a large amount of 17 vetting, it has been reviewed by at least two or three 18 independent reviewers. 19 there is assumed to be correct. 20 MEMBER 21 the International Physics Evaluation And so all the information in ABDEL-KHALIK: So the volume fraction of the pebbles -- 22 MR. ULSES: 23 this problem obviously. 24 25 Reactor Is going to be an input to MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: -- is specified as part of the input? NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 148 1 MR. ULSES: It's going to be specified as 2 part of the specification, exactly. 3 to be specified by the information that was provided 4 in the handbook. 5 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 6 MR. ULSES: is Okay. And, again, the expectation of 7 this 8 extremely well vetted. It has been reviewed by one or 9 two individual people. And so we have a significant 10 handbook And it is going that this information been level of comfort in the information that is in there. 11 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 12 MR. ULSES: 13 has Okay. Thank you. It's not accepted until it reaches that level. 14 This is just another example. This is an 15 example 16 problem has not been actually officially accepted into 17 the handbook. 18 through that evaluation. from HTTR. And, again, this particular But it is in the process of going 19 And, again, this is just another example 20 of where we have applied these methods to a set of 21 experimental data. 22 we've done thus far with the double-het methods is 23 actually working as we expect. 24 was actually done down at Texas A&M with the help of 25 Oak Ridge, using the SCALE code system. And we have comfort that what And, again, this work NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 149 1 So we move on, if we go back to -- again, 2 just to refresh your memory, this figure here, what I 3 just talked about here was the work we've done on the 4 SCALE system itself. 5 discussing 6 GenPMAXS scale and the PARCS. 7 what And then I'm going to move into the GenPMAX actual is current basically state just of sort the of 8 translator. 9 just takes the processing out of SCALE and it puts 10 It doesn't really do any physics. a them into a form that PARCS can use. 11 CHAIR CORRADINI: 12 MR. ULSES: It It actually -- Code process. Right. It uses a series of 13 partial derivatives based on the relevant variables, 14 those being, for this case, it's going to be like the 15 fuel temperature, what the condition of the monitor 16 is. 17 collapsed cross-sections that it needs as it is going 18 to a solution. So it can recreate the actual values of the 19 For PARCS, again, as I mentioned, we 20 currently have a cylindrical solver in the code. 21 currently works with -- we currently have an N-group 22 solver with upscattering. 23 I think PARCS is, with the exception, again, of having 24 to maybe having to assess what we may or may not need 25 to additionally It The bottom line on this is parameterize as we're going from, NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 150 1 again, the fine 2 essentially 3 diffusion 4 information to make sure that we can recreate the 5 relevant reaction rates. 6 going to be researching, looking at. a detail lump of solver, calculation material, how we to which can what is is a nodal translate that That is an area that we're 7 And that is currently the only area that 8 we expect we're going to actually put a considerable 9 amount of research on within the PARCS code itself. 10 And just, again, this is a real quick sample problem 11 of the application of PARCS. 12 benchmark, which has been mentioned previously. 13 There are This is the PBMR-400 five different code 14 calculations. 15 test. 16 that were presented at a conference last year. 17 this is a transient which was a withdrawal of 200 18 seconds. 19 is performing as well as the others. And, again, this This is not based on data. is a code-to-code These are results And And, again, we're showing here that the code 20 The little wiggles you see on here, those 21 are artificial effects from the rod cusping models as 22 the rod transitions from node to node. 23 couple of the codes that don't have a decusping model 24 so 25 that's a numerical artifice of the calculation. that leaves those little wiggles There are a in there but NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 151 1 All right, let me move on 2 right. 3 the PIRT itself. 4 a guide of our research. 5 we're not locking ourselves into the PIRT. here. All So now I'm going to move into a discussion of 6 And, again, we're using the PIRT as But I want to emphasize that And actually you are going to see a couple 7 of 8 modifications based on some recent research. 9 that's a point I want to definitely make as we move 10 things in here where we've actually made some And so forward here. 11 This is not -- you know, we're not moving 12 into 13 continuing to engage with the international community. 14 this with tunnel vision on this. We're continuing to engage with our partners. We're And 15 obviously we'll be also engaging with INL considerably 16 as we go forward here. 17 This is essentially the heart and soul of 18 a nuclear analysis. 19 the flux and the power. 20 right, then I can get anything else right. You know the ability to predict I mean if I can get this 21 And so this is an area where we're going 22 to be focusing a considerable amount of attention. 23 Essentially the first bullet, I mean that's obviously 24 a statement of the obvious. 25 I mean, you know, we have to fundamentally understand this system. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 152 1 And this is why I've been so concerned 2 about trying to retain a large level of accuracy in 3 these methods. 4 to use what we call the TSUNAMI methods in SCALE, 5 which 6 tool suite within SCALE. is 7 a As we go forward, I expect we're going sensitivity and CHAIR CORRADINI: 8 just embedded in the model? 9 MR. ULSES: uncertainty application That's something that is It's just another SCALE is not one code. code 10 sequence within SCALE. It is 11 a sequence of 20 or 30 different actual independent 12 codes which work under a series or sequence of driver 13 modules. 14 SCALE. 15 we're going to try and utilize that tool to help us 16 understand the sensitivities of these systems as we 17 move forward. And this is just another sequence within It is already there. 18 It preexists. And we We expect we're going to take a multi- 19 tiered approach to this. 20 some small-scale studies, which are actually currently 21 underway. 22 doing 23 pebbles, modeling compacts so we can understand the 24 basic physics. 25 We're going to start with And, again, we're going to be looking at models that -- you know, modeling isolated We're going to try and use the data that NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 153 1 we currently have for this phase. 2 - we have the HTTR data, we have HTR-10 data, we have 3 some data from the PROTEUS facility which was a PSI. 4 And, again, this is all data that is available in the 5 International Reactor Physics Handbook. 6 the 7 develop our understanding of the system. data 8 that we We're are going going to to And that's really - use develop And that is to essentially very detailed 9 models of what we expect the NGNP system to look like. 10 Obviously the design, at this point, is not fixed. 11 But the point of that is that we want to make sure 12 that we understand that we haven't missed anything as 13 we go forward in this system. 14 We want to be able to have a very detailed 15 model of the system so we can look at the linkages 16 between 17 sensitivities of the system to make sure that we have 18 a solid understanding of the physics, and that we have 19 what we need in the tool set as we get down to the 20 licensing phase. 21 SCALE and PARCS, so we can look at the And, again, as I mentioned, we're going to 22 work on preparing the PARCS interface. 23 going to really go on in a couple of phases. 24 going to start on developing a simplistic interface 25 now so we can get that part of the project moving And that's We're NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 154 1 forward. 2 But as we get into it, it is very likely 3 that we may find that we need to modify that again. 4 And, again, in order to make sure that we can retain 5 the necessary information that we would need to get 6 the power out of that code, which obviously we're 7 going to then give to the fuel guys so they can model 8 the fuel. 9 And that leads into the next bullet, which 10 is, you know, we certainly recognize there is a very 11 strong linkage here between the fuel performance and 12 the power and the fission product release. 13 is an area that we are going to be working on as we go 14 forward as well. 15 And that This is sort of my vision of the current 16 expectations as we go forward on the system. 17 the pebble systems are definitely going to be much 18 more complex. 19 stochastic nature of the system. 20 very hard to define what is the burn up of a pebble at 21 a given location in that system. I expect And that's given, you know, the general It is going to be 22 Now as we go forward in this, it may very 23 well turn out that that is not a large contributor. 24 But that is something we need the ability to retain 25 the level of fidelity to understand that because it NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 155 1 maybe something 2 important. that as we go forward, that is 3 Certainly the ability to homogenize that 4 information, in other words the pebbles, and then when 5 we get into the PARCS level of analysis, to then pull 6 out the specific detail. 7 kind of the analogue to what we call like a pin power 8 reconstruction methodology. 9 the ability to actually model what we expect. And what I mean there is In current LWRs, we have You 10 know the individual power in the individual fuel pin, 11 we want to retain the ability to have that level of 12 fidelity as we go forward. 13 One of the other challenges for pebble 14 systems, it is going to be really hard to validate 15 predictions because as hard as we've seen it thus far 16 out in the international community, no one has been 17 able to figure out a way to instrument a pebble to 18 actually tell me what the individual power of the 19 given pebble is within the system. 20 And that's going to be an where we are 21 obviously going to be engaging with INL and, you know, 22 with others in the international community to try and 23 get our hands around it. 24 This goes back to the question you brought 25 up when we get into the licensing phase -- you know, NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 156 1 margin versus accuracy. 2 need to add some margin on because we're unsure of the 3 level of accuracy? 4 not going to be a problem. 5 6 Is that an area where we will Or maybe it is an area where it is That is something that we haven't fleshed out yet at this point. 7 But I just -- CHAIR CORRADINI: So in the past -- in the 8 past operation of I guess it was the AGR, which is a 9 pebble design, there's no in-core instrumentation that 10 tells you what the flux is at a location? 11 MR. ULSES: That's correct. There was no 12 in-core instrumentation in that reactor at all as we 13 understand it. 14 You know -- what 15 CHAIR -- CORRADINI: But you don't 16 necessarily need it on the pebble. 17 maybe spatially so that as the pebbles pass through 18 that spatial location, that helps you? 19 MR. ULSES: Right. You just need it But as I understand 20 it, there was no instrumentation on the pebble bed 21 system. 22 MEMBER ARMIJO: 23 MR. ULSES: 24 We knew the burn up. Right. And that was measured -- 25 MEMBER ARMIJO: And if you did PIE, you NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 157 1 might be able 2 temperatures -- to get 3 MR. ULSES: 4 MEMBER 5 some idea of -- but the maximum Right. ARMIJO: it's very qualitative. 6 MR. ULSES: The only real experiment that 7 I'm aware of thus far that made an attempt to measure 8 the local conditions in the pebble bed were the melt 9 wire experiments that were run through the ADR. 10 MEMBER ARMIJO: 11 MR. ULSES: Okay. And as I understand it, those 12 experiments didn't necessarily live up to expectations 13 at this point. 14 obviously going to continue to follow. And that is another area that we're 15 You know as for what the current plans of 16 INL for this issue are -- again, this is an area where 17 we haven't really actually engaged them yet. 18 is something that is obviously going to be important 19 to talk about. 20 Okay, what we need to do to validate the prediction of 21 the model. 22 And it How we are going to be able to that? MEMBER ARMIJO: It seems to me the real 23 challenge is to find out what is the hottest pebble or 24 groups of pebbles in this core as a function of it. 25 MR. ULSES: Right. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 158 1 MEMBER ARMIJO: In 2 conditions. 3 and where they've been, that's 4 5 MR. ULSES: Right. 7 MR. ULSES: 8 MEMBER ARMIJO: And that's one of the -- that's -- It's a problem. -- it's so much different when -- in your core, you know where everything is. 10 MR. ULSES: 11 MEMBER ARMIJO: 12 MR. ULSES: Right. It stays put. It's not to say that it is an insurmountable challenge but -- 14 15 accident reasons -MEMBER ARMIJO: 13 or If you don't know exactly where they are 6 9 normal MEMBER ARMIJO: Oh, I know. I'm just saying -- 16 MR. ULSES: -- but it is an area where, 17 again, we need to engage with INL and, obviously, any 18 future applicant. 19 point I tried to make earlier on this. 20 I mean this also goes back to the That's one of the reasons why I want to attain a significant level 21 of accuracy in our methods. So, you know, that may be 22 an area that we can explore if it is an issue. 23 I want to talk -- I'm sorry -- 24 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 25 If you do have in- core instrumentation, what information would it give NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 159 1 you? 2 MR. ULSES: of the Well, it's going to give me a 3 measurement flux or the power at 4 location. 5 ability to predict which pebbles are there. 6 we have pebble-flow models. a given And then obviously we have to have the You know They exist. 7 Obviously we're going to be using them in 8 our evaluation models of any type of pebble system. 9 But it gives me the analogue of say, for example, the 10 tip that I have in an LWR or like an LPRM system. 11 12 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: Right. But those essentially measure steady state data. 13 MR. ULSES: 14 MEMBER Right. ABDEL-KHALIK: But I'm just 15 wondering if you would ever be able to measure steady 16 state data in this system given the stochastic nature 17 of the positioning of individual pellets. 18 MR. ULSES: Well, that's a very good 19 question and one that I, right now, would say we don't 20 have our hands around. 21 going to be continuing to engage INL on as we move 22 forward. 23 24 CHAIR I mean it is one that we're CORRADINI: All you need is LaGragian flux meter. 25 (Laughter.) NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 a 160 1 MR. ULSES: Is that all? 2 CHAIR CORRADINI: 3 MR. ULSES: Follow the particle. You know, the point I want to 4 make with this slide is this isn't something that 5 we've lost track of. 6 list of things to talk about. 7 engage in this discussion as we go forward because 8 we're not sure exactly whether or not it is an issue. 9 And as This is an area that is on our you point And we are going to out, it may not be 10 something we can really measure. 11 deal with it in licensing space in another way. 12 it is not going to be a problem. 13 that we need to make sure we engage in a discussion 14 with INL and also any future applicant. 15 But the next And we'll have to Maybe But it is something bullet are the common 16 challenges, again between a pebble versus a prismatic 17 system. 18 graphite. 19 I'll touch more on that in a little bit here. Again, the issue of neutron scattering on And that's really a properties issue. And 20 And when you get into the top point of 21 these systems, you have -- and also at the bottom -- 22 you have some voided areas, which leads to a lot of 23 neutron streaming. 24 any type of nuclear analysis code suite. 25 That's obviously a challenge to We're going to be seeing enrichments that NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 161 1 are larger than what we are used to in light water 2 reactors. 3 issue to make sure that we have the data that we need 4 to validate the tools. 5 there. That's really more of a data validation I don't see any real problems It's just an issue we have in the data. 6 And obviously the multi-layer 7 heterogeneity, which is an issue that we've already 8 discussed here today. 9 MEMBER ARMIJO: Are all these fuels in 10 these pebbles, are they all the same enrichment? 11 are there going to be different enrichments? 12 MR. ULSES: I guess right now 13 understand 14 enrichment. 15 don' really have an answer to that right now. it, they're going MEMBER ARMIJO: 17 MR. ULSES: the red gum balls are. 19 be as using I one That's really more a DOE question. 16 18 to Or MR. I You don't know? We don't even know where all Can you imagine -- CARLSON: I have a little extra 20 information on that. 21 to fuel the initial core with a lower enrichment. 22 then go to a -- progress to an equilibrium enrichment 23 that they use little by little. So that there will be 24 in core 25 enrichments. the early life The last I heard PBMR was going of the two And different NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 162 1 MR. ULSES: Well, but from a standpoint of 2 actually being able to make sure we have the methods 3 to 4 question. 5 having to track where this stuff is. 6 All right. handle the system is more a data validation But obviously it is also a question of Let's see here. So, again, 7 I'm walking you through what came out of PIRT in this 8 area. 9 ability to predict decay heat. The other area that was highlighted was the What we're currently 10 planning on doing in this area is we're going to stay 11 involved in standards work. 12 But the next bullet is a statement that 13 within SCALE, we use the ORIGIN code, which is what we 14 use to do -- to actually do our depletion calculation 15 of isotopics. 16 spectrum, it's going to give me a relatively accurate 17 prediction of what isotopics are there. 18 this really goes back to the spectrum and the weighted 19 cross sections is the key to a successful ORIGIN 20 As long as I can give ORIGIN a good So really prediction. 21 And within this area, we would expect -- 22 and, again, this is an area that we are going to have 23 to discuss with INL and any applicant -- is that we 24 would expect to see some relevant calorimetric data in 25 order to assess any models. And this is kind of NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 163 1 similar to what you would see in like an ANS 5.1-type 2 standard, is that there is actually very little data 3 there and most of that is code calculations. 4 there is some data to actually validate the basics of 5 what the standard is telling you. 6 But The next item that was raised is spatial 7 xenon instability. 8 should 9 similar to what we do right now in the operating fleet be able Where I expect to go on this is we to disposition this analytically 10 for BWRs. But obviously this is something that would 11 have to be confirmed as part of any start up physics 12 program just to assure ourselves that we're not going 13 to have a xenon instability problem. 14 I'm not aware of any problem with xenon 15 instability in an existing operating HGTRs or any past 16 operating HGTRs. 17 consider. But that's something we need to 18 Reactivity coefficients, this is certainly 19 one of the other areas which is very significant that 20 came out of the PIRT. 21 a statement of the obvious. 22 a fundamental understanding of phenomena here to make 23 sure that, you know, we know how the system is going 24 to behave. 25 And, again, this is essentially You know we will require We will require measured data in order to NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 164 1 evaluate the code predictions. And, again, this is an 2 area that I'll touch on a little later. 3 an area where we're going to be engaging INL to ensure 4 that we have the necessary data that we will need. But that is 5 My expectation is that the SCALE to PARCS 6 interface will strongly influence these conditions. 7 Again, this goes back to the discussion of, you know, 8 have I properly captured all the physics in that 9 linkage to ensure that I can recreate the relevant 10 reaction rates within a calculation. 11 area that we're working on. And that is an 12 Now this next bullet is an area where we 13 have actually used some recent work to actually go 14 beyond what we studying when we looked at the PIRT. 15 There is some work by a researcher by the 16 name of Dagan. 17 It's 18 indicates 19 assumptions 20 scattering resonances maybe non-conservative. He's working in Germany right now. Karlsruhe. And that that he's done essentially some are way in the some of we work which the basic treat neutron 21 So what we're planning on doing is we're 22 going to go in and modify the CENTRM code which is -- 23 that's the name of our continuous energy one- 24 dimensional transport code that we use to do resonance 25 calculations to assess the impact of this. And if NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 165 1 this turns out to be a problem, then it is an area 2 where we're going to need some high temperature data 3 to assess this. 4 Right now the work by Dagan suggests that 5 it may have anywhere on the order of a ten percent 6 impact on the fuel temperature coefficients. 7 again, this is all very preliminary. 8 that we are just working on. 9 area where we have -- you know where we are reacting But, It is something But, again, this is an 10 to what we see in the community out there. 11 making the necessary changes. And we're 12 And, again, we expect that we are going to 13 be doing a large amount of sensitivity and uncertainty 14 calculations in this area to ensure that we understand 15 system performance and behavior. 16 So this is kind of a wrap up really of all 17 the slides which discuss the PIRT finding. 18 the main issue I want to discuss here is the need for 19 validation data. 20 focused right now. I think And that is really where we are 21 We have been discussing amongst ourselves 22 and we will be engaging with INL here really soon in 23 discussing what data is there, what data we expect we 24 are going to need, where we see that we may or may not 25 have some holes in the database in order to validate NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 166 1 these particular areas of analysis. 2 Again, we will be establishing very 3 detailed models of pebble and prismatic systems to 4 allow us to explore sensitivities and uncertainties 5 and 6 detailed calculations and the PARCS-type analysis. to look at the linkage, again, between the 7 And we will definitely be planning to take 8 advantage of the large amount of international data 9 which is currently out there within the community. 10 And, 11 discussing with INL as we go forward. again, 12 13 14 that The is next an area couple where slides we will be just sort of summarize what we see as the current sources of data. These are the facilities 15 operating. 16 high on our list of interests. that are currently So obviously they're going to be pretty 17 The HTTR in Japan, as has already been 18 mentioned, is a very well documented facility that is 19 currently operating. 20 have done -- they have already released some data 21 through 22 International Reactor Physics Handbook program. the 23 IAEA And they are -- you know they program and also The HTR-10 is in China. through the And, again, they 24 have also released data also. It is currently in 25 operation. know But, you know, we that there is NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 167 1 additional data at these facilities that we would be 2 interested in. 3 will be engaging with INL because obviously our data 4 needs 5 facilities. 6 are And, again, this is an area where we going to be very similar from The ASTRA facility is in Russia. 7 critical facility. 8 the PBMR folks in South Africa. 9 critical facility. 10 from that as well. these It is a They are currently working with It is a zero-power But there is some relevant data 11 These are examples of facilities that have 12 operated but there is a considerable amount of data 13 that exists. 14 experiments that were done at PSI. 15 zero-power critical facility. I've already mentioned the HTR-PROTEUS Again, this is a 16 One of the areas that we are interested in 17 is they actually did some activation foil measurements 18 within this core, within one of the cores, which would 19 give us some spatial information. 20 that we intend to explore. 21 And that is an area The VHTRC facility was a facility that was 22 designed as a precursor to the Japanese HTTR. 23 again, this is an example of a critical facility. 24 25 And, And then the DRAGON facility was one that was done under the auspices of the OECD. We know NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 168 1 there is a considerable 2 facility. 3 out and recreate it. amount of data from this The challenge is going to be to actually go 4 There is a program underway through the 5 OECD to try and capture the reports that were actually 6 written 7 trying to pull them together into a repository so they 8 are usable by researchers and by regulators that want 9 it. as a part of this project. And actually 10 The next slide is examples, again, of the 11 prototypical facilities that we may be able to utilize 12 some information from. 13 these is they use some pretty unique fuel cycles. 14 example, Fort St. Vrain used an HEU thorium-type fuel 15 system. That doesn't mean that the data is worthless 16 to us. But it is certainly not prototypical of what 17 we are going to expect to see in the NGNP system. The one issue with some of For 18 And obviously pebble bed cores that have 19 been operating, the AVR is definitely going to be of 20 interest to us. 21 There 22 there on that. 23 to what we can from that facility on what we need. is a That is a well-documented facility. considerable amount of information out And we're going to be working actively 24 Neutron scattering in graphite is another 25 area where we are reacting to work that has been done NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 169 1 recently in the community. 2 done at NC State which was funded by a DOE grant where 3 they have actually gone out and tried to study the 4 effect of radiation on graphite scattering properties. 5 6 There has been some work And they have concluded that there is an impact. And so we are continuing to follow this work. 7 And I know that they are planning to do 8 some more work in this area. The studies have been 9 preliminary at this point. 10 to do some more research. And we will continue to 11 follow these developments. And if we need to make 12 code modifications, we will do so as necessary as we 13 go forward. They are actually planning 14 But, again, I wanted to point this out as 15 an area where we're not locked into our PIRT process 16 here. 17 are trying to follow relative developments and make 18 the necessary changes as we go forward. 19 We're staying engaged with the community. We This is also more of a summary slide of 20 most of the things I've already talked about. 21 thing that we are working on now is we know that right 22 now we do not have access to any data on actually 23 depleted fuel pebbles. 24 want to have the ability to evaluate our models. 25 So we are One And that is one area that we actually working on what is NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 170 1 going to 2 problem that we're going to be presenting to the OECD 3 next month. 4 us a considerable amount of information to help us 5 guide the assessment and also any further development 6 that we need to make on those methods. 7 be a code-to-code comparison, a standard And we expect that that is going to give I mean, you know, obviously as we go 8 forward with this, we will need to have access to 9 data. But it is the kind of thing where we can't wait 10 until we have the data because then the methods aren't 11 going to be ready. 12 work with right now. 13 problem that is going to allow us to move forward. 14 And then we'll assess as the data becomes available. And we have to have something to So this is an example of a 15 We're working to refine the list of data. 16 And, again, this is an area where we are going to be 17 engaging INL and we're going to make sure we try and 18 leverage 19 community. 20 what is One out of the there in areas the we're international going to be 21 focusing on is trying to identify where we have holes 22 in the database, areas that, you know, we may need to 23 do some initial research on. 24 25 We're going to continue working on our scoping studies. And we're going to work on detailed NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 171 1 model development. 2 to allow us to understand, again, the linkage from 3 SCALE to PARCS because it is an area where we think we 4 may not fully understand that. 5 And, again, this is really driven And it is is an area that we want to make 6 sure we have our hands around. 7 those assessments based on what we currently have from 8 the HTR-10 and from the HTTR. 9 And we're going to do And for the longer term, again, the main 10 emphasis of this slide is data. We intend to get as 11 much -- you know we intend to identify the data needs 12 and we will use that data to validate our codes. 13 I mean that is the area where we are going 14 to be spending most of our effort on over the next 15 three or four years is in code validation. 16 essentially 17 essentially done other than, obviously, going back and 18 feeding back on what we learned from our assessments. 19 most of the actual MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: FORTRAN Because work is What methods did the 20 Japanese use to design HTTR and what methods did the 21 Chinese use to design the HTR-10? 22 MR. ULSES: Well, that's a question that I 23 actually can't answer to be honest with you. 24 is an area where we will be engaging with them to 25 figure that out. But that As was mentioned, we've already had NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 172 1 a discussion with the JAEA folks about HTTR. 2 And we will work to continue those 3 discussions in consultation with INL as we go forward 4 to try and learn from their program and learn what 5 they did. 6 back and say traded off uncertainty versus accuracy. And also how they may have, you know, gone 7 You know question but in that is licensing. obviously the You how 8 perennial 9 accurate do you need versus uncertainty and versus the 10 margin in your system? 11 will engage with them on as we go forward. 12 know So that is something that we And I think that the Chinese used actually 13 the 14 program. 15 used for the HTR-10 program. 16 sure about that. German code suite that was used in the AVR I believe that is the code suite that they 17 CHAIR But I'm not 100 percent CORRADINI: The fact that the 18 Chinese reactor, just for reactor physics purposes, I 19 guess, I'm curious, the fact the Chinese reactor is 20 not 21 cylindrical -- it's totally fueled all the way to the 22 center 23 change things relative to the reactor physics? an 24 25 annular as was, I core I design thought, can but the is AVR, understand a how it essentially does that from a thermohydraulics standpoint but does it really much NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 173 1 matter in terms of what you can gather from their 2 experiments or their information? 3 MR. ULSES: No, I think the only that 4 would be, you know, lacking is obviously the effect on 5 the power distribution, you know, from the annular 6 core. 7 the 8 methods, there really shouldn't be -- But from the basics of actually understanding accuracy 9 and the applicability CHAIR CORRADINI: 10 MR. ULSES: 11 CHAIR CORRADINI: 12 the physics Okay, all right. -- a problem. I didn't think so. I was just curious. 13 14 of MR. ULSES: You know that data should be directly applicable to the assessments. 15 So, again, as we go forward, we're going 16 to work hard to use our sensitivity and uncertainty 17 methods to ensure we understand this system. 18 We have to work a little bit on SCALE 19 execution 20 Again, you know, we have accurate methods. 21 going to work on SCALE execution speed. 22 in 23 ongoing. place 24 25 speed. to do And PARCS interface. It that. also, is a little slow right now. We're We have plans And that work again, back to is the actually SCALE to That is is an area that we have to NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 174 1 explore. We have to make sure we understand that when 2 we are going from our detailed methods to the nodal 3 diffusion 4 information in there which is relevant to the ability 5 to recreate the power exclusions. 6 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: theory methods that 7 take to run a problem? 8 MR. ULSES: 9 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 10 MR. ULSES: we don't lose any How long does it In SCALE? Right. Well, you know, for a series 11 of a few pebbles, it is on the order of a couple of 12 minutes. 13 that calculation up to looking at actually trying to 14 run with thousands of pebbles, obviously, you know, 15 that run time is going to increase. It is not a huge run time. But as we scale 16 I don't have in mind right now what I 17 would accept as an acceptable run time for a large 18 system calculation. 19 with an overnighter myself. 20 satisfaction and gratification our of a code. You know I'm usually comfortable I'm not one for immediate 21 But, you know, if I can get the run time 22 down to the order of a day or so for a calculation, I 23 think I'll be satisfied with that. 24 MEMBER SHACK: 25 MR. ULSES: Get a bigger computer. Exactly. These methods run NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 175 1 pretty fast on modern CPUs. 2 doing 3 about modeling 20, 30,000 energy groups within that 4 system. continuous 5 And, energy you And, you know, when we're calculation, know, we can we're achieve talking those 6 calculations literally in like an order of minutes. 7 It's not a huge computational burden. 8 9 So, again, in summary -- wow, I finished really early -- okay. We sort of recognize that this 10 is part 11 evaluation model to support licensing units. 12 are moving forward with that expectation. a very important 13 We are working in on the -- ability we are of the And we certainly 14 aware of the need to have a solid interface between 15 the nuclear analysis methods and the fission product 16 release. 17 predict the flux of power profiles which obviously 18 impact the ability to get the burnup. 19 isotopic distributions which are relevant to the fuel 20 performance. 21 circle. We need to have the ability to actively And also the So it is all kind of linked in a big 22 But it all really gets down to the fuel. 23 It actually always fundamentally gets down to the flux 24 and the power. 25 the rest of it right. And if I can get that right, I can get That's what we're after. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 176 1 What we see as the key nuclear analysis 2 challenges -- and, again, this is sort of kind of a 3 summary 4 validate our methods to be able to predict reactivity 5 of the system. 6 way to handle the stochastic nature of burnup. 7 obviously the ability to homogenize and then be able 8 to recreate that information to a sufficient level of 9 detail to do that analysis. 10 We 11 multilayered heterogeneity. 12 talked about here but we're certainly aware of is the 13 reactivity effects of moisture ingress. of the PIRT -- we are going to have to We are going to have to figure out a have to be able to handle And the One area that I haven't 14 From the standpoint of the codes, that's 15 going to be more of an input in how we model what 16 moisture is there. 17 know that, then I can calculate the reactivity. And if that's in the system, if I 18 And then we have to be able to reliably 19 predict fuel isotopics, which, again, is integrally 20 linked to the fuel performance studies. 21 Where we're going on this is we're going 22 to take a phased approach to this. 23 start with small-scale studies. 24 those up. 25 understand this system at every step along the way. We're going to We're going to scale And we're going to try and make sure we NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 177 1 We are going to be working on the SCALE to 2 PARCS interface. We have to work on the MELCOR to 3 PARCS 4 handing data back and forth between the codes. linkage. That's more of an issue of just 5 And then I think the key point I want to 6 leave with you from this presentation is that we're 7 definitely focused on the need for code assessment and 8 for the need to get access to validation data as we go 9 forward. 10 And then also as I mentioned, 11 looking into 12 graphite because 13 part of the performance of the system. 14 15 the neutron that's scatter obviously a we are properties of very important And that's a summary of where we are in the area of nuclear analysis. 16 CHAIR CORRADINI: 17 MR. ULSES: 18 MEMBER ARMIJO: Questions? Questions? Where does the effect of 19 changing graphite with 20 irradiation, does that get into to your codes? Into 21 your analyses? 22 thermal conductivity Or not? MR. ULSES: Yes, basically I provide them 23 an input. 24 know, 25 actual graphite is going to see. how of In other words, I'll provide them, you much, how much neutron irradiation the So it is going to be NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 178 1 one of those things where we are going to have an 2 iterative-type solution. 3 Again, I'll give them the necessary 4 fluence. 5 people who are going to tell me the temperature. 6 then I know the temperature and I can 7 MEMBER ARMIJO: okay. MR. KRESS: Okay, so there will be -- Doesn't it seep back though in the moderation? 12 MR. ULSES: 13 MR. KRESS: 14 them the power. Right. 10 11 And So it's all one big circle. 8 9 And then that is going to go to the thermal Dust, definitely, yes. Yes, okay. You need that in your -- 15 MR. ULSES: 16 CHAIR CORRADINI: Right. Right. So this is more of a 17 process question than a technical question. 18 still back to core flow bypass or where does the gas 19 go compared to where you think it goes? But I'm 20 So when I asked that, Stu said well, if I 21 think I heard it right -- I could have been wrong -- 22 well, are you asking about how big the channels are 23 versus how big the bypass is? 24 growth question. 25 Well, that's a graphite Go ask the materials guys. And what I'm kind of worried about is I NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 179 1 heard -- I could have misheard -- compartmentalization 2 of a cross-cutting problem that I think would, even 3 though it is a normal operation problem, would effect 4 any sort of associated accident analysis. 5 to know where the gas goes. 6 Said asked about the plenum. guys what you 8 issues that you need to know something that effects 9 neutronics, 10 materials? 11 and then somebody takes the lead? effects I would fuel call So how are 7 12 handling So I need cross-cutting performance, effects You all get in a room and argue about it MR. ULSES: How is this done? Well, I'll just take it real 13 quick. 14 meet rather frequently and we discuss what we are all 15 doing. 16 forward. 17 18 And make sure that we are lined up as we go I don't know if you want to add anything to that, Stu, or not. 19 20 See, from a process perspective, I know we MR. RUBIN: Well, you are very right. We don't want to be -- 21 CHAIR CORRADINI: 22 I never inferred that. 23 MR. ULSES: 24 I mean -- I never inferred that. I don't know that we argue too much but we do talk a lot. 25 MR. RUBIN: And our first step was to NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 180 1 create that chart: what are the events? 2 figures of merit we want to create? 3 that's an event, a figure of merit. 4 from who to get what I need to put out to the next 5 guy? 6 start to reveal. 7 make sure that we are not in silos because if we are, 8 we're never going to get this job done. Okay. 9 And so okay, What do I need And so that continuous communication will And we'll write those all down and CHAIR CORRADINI: 10 What are the MR. RUBIN: Right. We have to explain what I need 11 to give you, my fission product release, and I listed 12 all those things. 13 spatial 14 assignment. And there's time dependency and dependency. 15 And, okay, that's your You've got to do that. Now if we miss a phenomena, then we're, 16 you know, in trouble. 17 those inputs and outputs, we're set up to have those 18 working group meetings periodically and make sure we 19 are all working to the same kind of sheet music of 20 everybody is doing what they have to do to pass to the 21 next person. 22 But in terms of communicating CHAIR CORRADINI: So the reason I asked a 23 question such as that is then is somebody given -- 24 let's just talk about core bypass phenomena and how it 25 effects accident analysis and associated source term. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 181 1 Is somebody given the lead that then, therefore, 2 there is an appropriate lead on the DOE side that you 3 guys are in communication? 4 Because then the question is all right, so 5 this is an issue. 6 aspect, a thermal hydraulics aspect, what is DOE doing 7 that we don't have to do or choose to verify or choose 8 to duplicate to make sure we confirm their work? 9 is the connection made to then the DOE lead in this? 10 It has a materials aspect, a fuels MR. RUBIN: How Well, we're just setting up 11 our communications channels to start that process of 12 talking by 13 thermal hydraulics, 14 fuels. But 15 connect 16 connect discussions. peer we to -- nuclear also discussion 17 peer have that thermal to to they hydraulics nuclear, get have into with fuels to to that cross our cross Okay. It is a to-do. We know we have to do 18 that. 19 relationships. And 20 already to 21 meetings where they will go through a methods review 22 where we will hear and see what they are faced with. 23 And 24 issues. We are just getting started exchanging those make 25 started sure we will attend that we some are It is a to-do. be attending or of periodic their recognizing those have same We haven't gotten started. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 182 1 But that is on our list of got to do that. The only 2 way to get smart is to talk to people and learn more 3 about what they know. 4 CHAIR CORRADINI: 5 MR. RUBIN: 6 Do you want to add to that? 7 MR. 8 All right. We're going to do that. JOLICOEUR: Yes, This CHAIR CORRADINI: Yes, just pull the mic MR. JOLICOEUR: John Jolicoeur 12 Research. 13 cooperative work between the two agencies. 14 we 15 interagency agreement. 17 have We have signed an MOU with DOE for the not yet completed is But what implementing an That's currently under review. near future. CHAIR CORRADINI: 19 you said? 20 still completing? 21 Could you repeat what So you signed the MOU but what are you MR. JOLICOEUR: Implementing an interagency agreement between the two agencies. 23 24 from And we expect it to be completed here in the very 18 22 John to you. 11 16 is Jolicoeur from Research. 9 10 Okay. The MOU is just a big framework document. Then you have to have 25 -- CHAIR CORRADINI: So at this point, if you NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 183 1 call up somebody at DOE, they'll say time out. 2 don't have the implementation. 3 MR. JOLICOEUR: We I can't answer you. Yes, they will talk to us 4 but at this point we haven't shared peers, as it were. 5 We don't have peers lined up with peers yet because 6 we don't have 7 doing that work. 8 9 the implementing agreement to We expect to start very soon. CHAIR CORRADINI: Okay. Maybe I lack the appreciation of how much legal handshaking there has 10 to be. 11 issue? 12 just management upon management? Is that because of the applicant-regulator Or is that what it comes down to? 13 MR. JOLICOEUR: Or is it It is the way the MOU is 14 structured. 15 document. 16 DOE funding for us so that we can then engage -- 17 18 I mean the CHAIR CORRADINI: to money. MOU is a big framework And then the implementing agreement provide Okay, okay, now we get Okay. 19 (Laughter.) 20 MR. RUBIN: 21 start Let me just say -- let me just say -- we have -- we have their planning documents -- 22 CHAIR CORRADINI: Thank you. 23 MR. we RUBIN: -- have their planning 24 documents 25 integrated code development strategy or graphic is not for code development. Okay. With our NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 184 1 locked up. 2 written down so far as to what their linkage issues 3 are from one discipline to the next. 4 Okay. And we understand what they have We get periodically -- monthly -- their 5 monthly reports and 6 development area. 7 is the face to face -- part of that is their code What we haven't really started yet 8 CHAIR CORRADINI: 9 MR. RUBIN: Okay. -- in real time. And we need 10 to have peer-to-peer but we also need to have system 11 level guys to system level guys. 12 CHAIR CORRADINI: 13 MR. RUBIN: 14 No, I understand that. That's the part we haven't started yet. 15 CHAIR 16 process question. 17 early break but to get John to clarify. 18 me a bit. 19 essentially defines the method of interaction during a 20 pre-application phase between the DOE and the NRC? 21 even beyond? 22 23 But I mean just a I don't want to take away from our So you helped Are you also saying that this -- the MOU MR. JOLICOEUR: Or Actually, the MOU is -- actually -- 24 25 CORRADINI: CHAIR CORRADINI: Or the implementation or whatever the hell the thing is? NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 185 1 2 MR. JOLICOEUR: Yes, the current MOU is really pre-application, if you will. 3 CHAIR CORRADINI: 4 MR. JOLICOEUR: 5 CHAIR CORRADINI: 6 MR. JOLICOEUR: Just pre-pre-application. when pre-application begins. 8 CHAIR CORRADINI: Okay. So we're in pre- pre-application protocol? 10 11 Okay. So a new one will come up 7 9 Pre-pre- or just pre-? MR. JOLICOEUR: Right, right. This is just cooperative work between the two. 12 MR. RUBIN: Here is the genesis of this. 13 The Energy Policy Act has a piece in there that said 14 that the Secretary of DOE shall engage with the NRC to 15 get the NRC's input into their activities so that they 16 are doing their research in a way that is responsive 17 to the safety requirements for this plant. 18 So based on that, I forget what the 19 subsection was, we wrote an MOU that is going to allow 20 us to participate in basically their R&D. 21 focus of it. 22 CHAIR CORRADINI: 23 MR. RUBIN: 24 CHAIR CORRADINI: 25 MR. RUBIN: That's the Fine. Okay. That helps. And that now is in place. Now NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 186 1 we have an interagency agreement that takes us to the 2 next 3 working points of contact? 4 What are they sending us? level. And the next is what are the What is the periodicity? What are we sending back? 5 CHAIR CORRADINI: 6 MR. RUBIN: 7 CHAIR CORRADINI: 8 level You got it. Details to follow. I'm happy now. Thank you. 9 Sorry. Other questions? 10 (No response.) 11 CHAIR CORRADINI: Okay. 12 to thank the morning's presenters. 13 this afternoon. 14 We're -- I want And we have more We'll break until our official start time 15 of one-thirty. 16 (Whereupon, the foregoing matter went off the record 17 at 12:14 p.m. to be reconvened 18 in the afternoon.) All right -- for lunch. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 187 1 A-F-T-E-R-N-O-O-N S-E-S-S-I-O-N 2 1:30 p.m. 3 4 CHAIR CORRADINI: Why don't we get started. 5 Steve Bajorek will take us through 6 discussions of thermal fluids research versus thermal 7 hydraulics versus heat transfer. 8 MEMBER SHACK: 9 (Laughter.) 10 11 MR. BAJOREK: would come up. 12 13 14 With the momentum equation. I wasn't sure whether that Now we know. Thank you very much for that introduction. I'm Steve Bajorek from Office of Research. Good afternoon. 15 Yes, what I'd like to do is talk about our 16 thermal fluids research. 17 we've 18 hydraulics although by design, we're trying to keep 19 the hydraulics out of this. 20 thermal fluids or TF for abbreviations. stumbled over. Yes, that is a word that We like to say thermal So we've been calling it 21 What I'd like to accomplish in like, you 22 know, my 45 minutes are three different parts of the 23 presentation. 24 25 First I'd like to describe the thermal hydraulics research objectives. One of the things NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 188 1 we'd like 2 presentations is to lay out a picture on how these 3 various disciplines fit together in order to help us 4 develop the regulatory framework and to develop the 5 evaluation models. 6 how thermal fluids fits into all of that. 7 to accomplish today in all of our And I'm going to try to describe I want to outline what we are considering 8 the major thermal fluid issues for gas reactors. 9 as part of that, I want to talk a little bit about the 10 PIRT rankings, which ones have given us the most 11 concern, given us the most -- are most interesting to 12 us, 13 those. outline 14 our overall approach to dealing And with And finally, point out what we think from 15 the 16 products, how does it relate to the evaluation model 17 development? 18 information? thermal fluid research, what are some of the You know how are we going to use this 19 Tony Ulses did a really nice job at the 20 end of his presentation in kind of outlining one of 21 the biggest concerns in several of our's work and that 22 is in coming up with the right experimental data in 23 order to benchmark our models, benchmark our codes or 24 various parts of the evaluation model. 25 big concern in the thermal fluids area. And that's a NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 189 1 We have a lot of processes, some fairly 2 well understood, some of them being driven into new 3 ranges of conditions which are going to give us larger 4 uncertainties 5 conditions 6 developed. than where we the may have expected correlations may at the have been 7 So I want to outline where some of those 8 data needs are, where we think we can get some of that 9 experimental data, what are some of the facilities 10 which are available for that. 11 First in research of here objectives, 13 evaluation 14 elements of that. 15 to obtain or generate the integral and the separate 16 effects data that is either going to go into the code, 17 the evaluation model assessment or into development development. to And support the thermal model is the 12 18 fluids terms there the are two First, we're going to be looked up for some of the new models. 19 In terms of the hierarchy on where we will 20 get that experimental data. 21 steps 22 processes. 23 some of the issues. we're going to take There are three different in each one of these And I'll try to outline this as we look at 24 First and foremost, we're going to look at 25 Department of Energy and the applicant to supply that NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 190 1 data for assessing 2 correlations. the models, assessing the 3 We will be able to start interfacing with 4 DOE here as soon as the interagency agreement is in 5 place but we would look to work very closely with 6 Department of Energy in order to make sure that the 7 data that they are developing satisfies our needs as 8 well as theirs. 9 We're also looking at collaborating and 10 entering into agreement with international 11 organizations. 12 the HTR integral facility in China, HTTR in Japan. 13 We've started to talk with both of those groups about 14 gaining better access to the experimental data. We've talked about a couple of those, 15 Some of it has been released in part of 16 the international IAEA cooperative research program. 17 So we see a little bit of that and are convinced that 18 pursuing more data from those facilities is going to 19 be very useful and helpful to us. 20 all of that yet. 21 those international agreements. 22 We're But we don't have And what we're going to do is pursue also working with RAPHAELE, that 23 project, in order to gain some of their work into the 24 gas reactors. 25 project, task We are also working in the CSNI TAREF on advanced reactor experimental NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 191 1 facilities, where we've reviewed the 2 facilities that are available worldwide. experimental 3 The next step in that process is to work 4 with the roughly ten or 12 international groups that 5 want to be part of the TAREF to outline what the tests 6 are, share data, perhaps do some cooperative research 7 with 8 available 9 organizations. one or more to 10 of all Third, those of if the we facilities and make collaborating don't get the it research data from 11 Department of Energy that fulfills our needs and we 12 can't get it from international partnerships, we would 13 conduct some of our own independent experiments. 14 like to leave that go to the third level of, you know, 15 as part of the decision. 16 We have two routes by which we We'd could 17 pursue 18 Hydraulic 19 development. 20 has 21 mechanisms 22 experiments at a couple, three different universities, 23 give us some data that we would need on a timely 24 basis. that been 25 right now. Institute. One, We've we used have this our for Thermal TRACE Up until this point, almost everything light that water would related. allow MEMBER SHACK: us But to run this is small-scale This is Purdue? NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 a 192 1 MR. BAJOREK: 2 There are some other universities which 3 are associated with that but it's primarily Purdue 4 that runs that. 5 We've also Thermal hydraulic? recently Yes. entered into a 6 cooperative agreement with several universities that 7 would help supply us with some work for PARCS, MELCOR, 8 and, if necessary, running some of the experimental 9 tests that we might find necessary. 10 The second element of the thermal fluids' 11 objectives would be to take these data, look at the 12 correlations, the models that are currently existing, 13 and try to evaluate those to see whether those are 14 suitable for MELCOR, determine what the uncertainties 15 are compared to the existing and new data, and use 16 that to be factored into the evaluation model as we do 17 some of the either uncertainty calculations or make 18 changes to that code. 19 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 20 how 21 currently? large 22 is MR. this effort BAJOREK: Just for reference, under the third bullet Right now, the Thermal 23 Hydraulics Institute, with respect to gas reactors, is 24 fairly small. 25 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: No, in general, what NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 193 1 is the size of this effort even though it is now 2 focused on water reactors? 3 MR. BAJOREK: Typically for the Thermal 4 Hydraulics Institute, there would be work to support 5 three or four different experimental programs. 6 reason I'm hesitating -- and I'm not sure in a public 7 format whether I could talk about the dollar value. 8 9 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: Okay. MR. Thermal The Then we'll skip it. 10 BAJOREK: The Hydraulic 11 Institute, 12 interfacial and area concentration. 13 other large-diameter pipes for drift flux so there are 14 usually 15 experimental programs. for two 16 example, or we're three looking at work for We've run some relatively small-scale The second one, there are provisions in 17 there 18 separate effects test work. 19 to pursue that and to go ahead is still yet to be 20 made. 21 forward in a timely fashion. for doing some integral test work or some The decision on whether But it is a mechanism to allow us to move 22 As I think Joe Kelly put up in one of his 23 timelines, we need to have this model ready in 2013. 24 If you start marching backwards in terms of assessing 25 the data, developing the models, building facilities, NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 194 1 the time to get going is on us if not already behind 2 us. 3 MEMBER Do organizations, I either these have test facilities 5 facilities with medium- and high-temperature gas? MR. BAJOREK: mean, of 4 6 -- ARMIJO: Not specifically, no. At 7 the end of the presentation -- and if you flip back to 8 the next to the last page -- I've put a table in 9 there. It is two pages. And it shows the major 10 thermal fluids facilities available for gas reactor 11 processes that I am going to go over. 12 One, it's only two pages long. There 13 aren't too many of them. 14 organization that runs them, there aren't too many in 15 the U.S. 16 U.S. outside of Idaho and Argonne on that list. 17 they are relatively few and far between. 18 And if you look at the In fact, I don't think there are any in the So One thing I would say for work that we 19 have 20 megawatt 21 requirements for doing a number of tests that were on 22 the 23 AP1000. done order 24 25 with DC of Oregon power the State supply, APEX is okay, facility CHAIR CORRADINI: they have and that the we a one steam used for But just to be -- to say it differently, just point of information, so one is NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 195 1 essentially the old PUMA -- oh, PUMA, I've got it 2 wrong -- PANDA -- I'll get it right. 3 4 MR. BAJOREK: time. You were right the first PUMA. 5 CHAIR CORRADINI: I'm sorry, I got a P -- 6 I got my Ps confused. 7 facility and derivatives thereof. 8 is the APEX facility and derivatives thereof. 9 The first one is the PUMA MR. BAJOREK: And the second one Right? Correct. 10 CHAIR CORRADINI: 11 MR. BAJOREK: Okay. And a lot of -- at least the 12 thermal hydraulic work, having the steam, having the 13 electrical supply, you know, DC current, high current, 14 sitting in a low ripple power I think gives you a lot 15 of capability. 16 we've used at least in that work up until now. 17 18 So that's, you know, one aspect that MR. KRESS: we used a lot of electrical simulators for fuel. 19 MR. BAJOREK: 20 MR. KRESS: 21 With LWR integral experiments, Yes. What are you going to do for pebble beds? 22 MR. BAJOREK: That's a tough one. We've 23 talked about this. 24 that 25 graphite heater where the central reflector was, push have been One idea -- there are two things done. One has been to put in NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 a 196 1 the pebbles, and measure the temperatures on the other 2 side. 3 but not really heating the pebbles. But that is instrumenting a few of the pebbles 4 One idea that, you know, I've thrown out 5 to a few people, is creating a heater that you might 6 want to think of as meatballs on a shish kebab skewer. 7 You can bring in the electrode, put the windings, and 8 then build an encasement around each of those. 9 Of course, you don't get to shuffle the 10 balls around 11 Something like that might be feasible. 12 13 and CHAIR change porosity CORRADINI: That very has easy. been done before for debris bed cooling -- 14 MR. BAJOREK: 15 CHAIR CORRADINI: 16 MR. BAJOREK: 17 CHAIR 18 the Okay. -- for many years -- Okay. CORRADINI: --in simulated experiments both for the LMFBR days and the LWRs. 19 MR. BAJOREK: Okay. But, you know, 20 something like that would give us a way of giving 21 power to the balls and instrumenting those. 22 know, 23 electrical fuel rod simulators for reflood experiments 24 that it is certainly different and may be much more 25 difficult to fabricate. I'd have to imagine at least But, you compared to NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 197 1 Something that I think we might have to 2 take a look at, if we're looking at packed beds of 3 some 4 reflector, 5 impact, they're going to give us much different heat 6 transfer and pressure drops that we would out in the 7 far field, out in the center of that. type 8 9 of a where size where bypass is conditions going to near have a the major But it is an area that we're interested in. We've talked about it. But with the preliminary 10 nature of the development work at this point, we don't 11 have an answer to how you do that yet. 12 MR. KRESS: Thanks. 13 MR. BAJOREK: I appreciate that. What I'm going to do on the 14 next 15 parameters or, excuse me, the phenomena and processes 16 from the PIRT that were identified in thermal fluids 17 areas as being highly important but having a fairly 18 low knowledge level. 19 related to that. three or four slides is just outline the And just a couple of the issues 20 What I'm going to do next then is I'm 21 going to take each one of these four major issues and 22 lay out what are the problems that we see in those and 23 what is going to be our general approach to what those 24 are. 25 relatively quickly just to save time and not duplicate So I'll go through these next couple of slides NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 198 1 the effort here. 2 Four areas, the first of which would be 3 the core and the vessel thermal fluids area, we can 4 talk 5 conductivity question -- about, 6 7 you know, the MR. KRESS: effect of thermal Does that thermal conductivity include radiation heat transfer? 8 MR. BAJOREK: 9 MR. 10 core All three of them. KRESS: So it is a function of function of temperature then? 11 MR. BAJOREK: 12 MR. KRESS: 13 MR. Yes. Okay. BAJOREK: It is a 14 temperature, emissivity of the surrounding media, the 15 fluid 16 because this is kind of useful to that question and 17 the core and the vessel questions. 18 challenges in thermal fluids areas? properties as well. I'll jump ahead here Where do you get 19 In each one of the major paths for heat 20 flow from the core all the way out to the concrete, 21 you 22 convection are all important in various parts of that 23 half. 24 of flow-types of conditions where natural convection 25 is the dominant convective mechanism, now you start to will find that radiation, conduction, and Now especially when you start to go to the loss NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 199 1 find that radiation, convection, and conduction, they 2 kind of compete with each other. 3 mode 4 dominant. 5 dominant. problem. In In some other cases, cases, the It is a combined radiation could convection can be be 6 But because you are looking at relatively 7 small differences between those two or three different 8 processes, it is difficult to assert in your models 9 whether you are compensating one or the other. Or 10 whether you are getting all three of those processes 11 correct at the same time. 12 And you see that not only in the core 13 where 14 thermal radiation is carrying most of the heat -- 60, 15 70 percent or so. 16 the 17 relatively small amounts bu they are all in there. for rest 18 19 depressurized of loss of forced cooling, Conduction through the gas, most of that, pellet-to-pellet conduction And depending on the accident, one may be more important than the other. 20 21 a MR. KRESS: Do pellets actually have a contact area? 22 MR. BAJOREK: Very small. In some of the 23 work that we've done so far, they've looked at the -- 24 those three different paths and that pellet to pellet 25 is almost negligible compared to everything. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 200 1 Some of the existing models, though, 2 however, say that that term is dependent on I guess 3 they call it the pellet pressure. 4 many pellets -- 5 6 MR. KRESS: 9 How many bottles are smashing down on it? 7 8 It depends on how MR. BAJOREK: dependent parameter Oh, yes, so it is a scaling and those have been based on relatively small-scale beds. 10 Now we're looking at now something with 11 several hundred thousand pellets, eight meters high. 12 That parameter might be a little bit more important. 13 But I think at this point in looking at it, we would 14 still look at radiation and conduction as being those 15 major contributors. 16 17 MR. KRESS: the void fraction? 18 MR. BAJOREK: 19 MR. KRESS: 20 23 MR. So you would need to know the BAJOREK: You've got to know the porosity, the emissivity, the gas thermal properties. There are five or six different parameters. 24 25 Yes, oh yes. packing fraction. 21 22 Those things will depend on MEMBER ARMIJO: But the variability of the geometry of all those pebbles as a function of height NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 201 1 from the top to the bottom, is that all included in 2 your analysis? Is that what you are going to try and 3 be able to do? How do you do that? 4 MR. BAJOREK: 5 MEMBER ARMIJO: 6 says this is what you are going to have? 7 In the analysis -- MR. BAJOREK: Is there an input that Or -- In the evaluation model, at 8 least as I understand it, as we model the reactor, the 9 various rings or regions of that reactor could have 10 different porosities. 11 porosity near the radial reflectors, near the walls, 12 than there would be in the center. 13 14 There will likely be a high How that varies from the top to bottom, I haven't heard. 15 MEMBER ARMIJO: Is there already a model 16 existing that DOE has or Idaho or somebody that could 17 be an input to yours? 18 And you can verify it? MR. BAJOREK: Yes, I don't know if it was 19 on one of those earlier diagrams with the evaluation 20 model. 21 I think it is called Peb. Bed. CHAIR CORRADINI: 22 model that people are using. 23 verified is -- 24 25 MR. BAJOREK: There is a South African Whether or not it is They are using that model -- I mean there is a code that is under development to NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 202 1 try to estimate 2 porosities in there. 3 the flow of pebbles in the local But -- MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: But the conduction 4 part, these are all sort of mono-dispersed beds. 5 there must be, you know, a lot of old data for the 6 conduction part which you can separate from the total 7 effect of conductivity if you want to validate the 8 data. 9 And The radiation part, I can see will be very 10 difficult 11 dependent. 12 how the particles are arranged. 13 because, you know, it is few-factor- And that will just depend on, you know, MR. BAJOREK: Yes, the correlations that I 14 am familiar with generally use a porosity. 15 emissivity 16 uncertainty contributors. 17 we are aware of. 18 that in the long term. 19 as a couple of the major And the variables or It's, you know, something We are going to have to look into But you are right. There are models and 20 correlations that are there. 21 not necessarily for helium and its conductivity -- 22 usually for air, nitrogen, I think argon, things which 23 are of more interest to the chemical industry, you 24 know, and their use of packed beds. 25 So we have to They have been developed make sure that those NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 203 1 correlations are 2 temperatures likely 3 But 4 contribution. radiation 5 6 applicable than could MR. KELLY: they to have actually much been have higher developed. a higher This is Joe Kelly in Research. Maybe I can put that into perspective a little. 7 At the temperatures you see in a D-LOFC, 8 now these are not exact numbers but they are close -- 9 the radiation component would give you an effective 10 thermal conductivity of 20. 11 pellets, through the pebbles, through the gas for the 12 next one, about five. Conductivity through the 13 And pebble-to-pebble contact, about one. 14 So the uncertainty -- I mean the value of 15 the pebble-to-pebble is less than the uncertainty in 16 the radiation part. 17 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: It is sort of the 18 same problem as the dry cask storage where you have to 19 worry about both conduction and radiation. 20 MR. BAJOREK: And back to the issue of the 21 porosity, there is a large database in the chemical 22 process industry because they use packed beds all the 23 time. 24 go away from a wall. 25 about five pebble widths. And it kind of like a damped sine wave as you And is, in effect, going in NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 204 1 Now in our case, we've got two walls. And 2 if you look at the current PBMR-400 design, it is only 3 15 pebbles across the annular core. 4 Now you can take Okay. those models for the 5 varying porosities, put that into your porous body 6 code. 7 coefficient is right because those are developed for a 8 bed as a whole, not for reaching of higher porosity. But then you are not sure if your drag 9 And one of the things we've done at this 10 point in CFD is to model the region of the porous bed 11 near a wall. 12 that are significantly less in the KTA rules. 13 that's one of the things that we are going to have to 14 look at to see what the radial profile of the flow 15 rate is. 16 And what we get are loss coefficients So Okay, so to kind of move ahead, I think 17 we've kind of covered the core and vessel. 18 are 19 emissivity. 20 are well aware that bypass, you know, what goes on 21 near 22 considerably different and yield much different fuel 23 temperatures, which is ultimately what we need to get 24 at. going 25 the to be important. We need Properties to know the We need to know the porosity because we wall and away from the wall can be Air ingress, I'll talk about this a little NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 205 1 bit more in our approach, a couple of the issues that 2 are raised here are what we called duct exchange flow 3 or 4 molecular 5 little bit over the past few years where it used to be 6 people were considered mainly with diffusion effects, 7 air diffusing into the lower plenum and throughout the 8 system. lock exchange flow. That diffusion in things 9 More that recently I think contributes have it with changed has kind a of 10 dawned on everybody that that way of thinking came 11 about because the pipes were at the bottom of the 12 vessel. 13 If the cross-connect pipes are over on the 14 side, now we have this lock exchange flow which is a 15 term comes from civil engineering, looking at cold 16 water flowing underneath warm water in a stream or a 17 river. 18 into they system much rapidly as helium escapes. In much the same way, we can get air moving 19 So duct exchange flow is a phenomena that 20 we're very interested in because now this brings air 21 and 22 potentially the fuel within several minutes following 23 a break to the system as opposed to several hours as 24 had been the viewpoint several years ago. 25 CHAIR CORRADINI: oxygen in contact with the structures and Is that independent of NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 206 1 the break size? 2 I would think not. MR. BAJOREK: Not, not necessarily. Could 3 I hold off on that because I have a couple of figures 4 that we'll talk about -- about what we're looking at 5 in that area. 6 7 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: been given to the building being inerted. 8 9 And no thought had MR. BAJOREK: Not that I am aware of. I haven't seen that suggestion. 10 So right now, because that and because we can't always 11 guarantee 12 scenarios 13 confinement, we're still going to need to build that 14 into our evaluation models. 15 we'd have to go there. where you would there have may be accident oxygen in the Even if it were inert, 16 RCCS performance, this was another set of 17 phenomena that were highly ranked but relatively low 18 phenomena, 19 because of those properties and behavior of the RCCS, 20 potentially a participating media. again dominated by thermal radiation 21 If we have this graphite dust being blown 22 out of the reactor vessel into the cavity, it is going 23 to change the problem from one of surface-to-surface 24 radiation with 25 would participating be convection to and one where capturing that some media of the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 207 1 thermal radiation changing the flow. 2 RCCS failure assumptions which could lead 3 to either a symmetry if we fail one out of the two 4 RCCS tube banks, which are a part of the system, or if 5 you fail both of those in a very much beyond-design 6 basis event where now the concrete thermal response 7 might come in to play. 8 9 MR. KRESS: Isn't the dust likely to be gone before you really need to calculate this? 10 MR. BAJOREK: 11 MR. KRESS: 12 MR. BAJOREK: 13 Okay. MR. KRESS: 15 MR. BAJOREK: MR. KRESS: MR. BAJOREK: MR. KRESS: We think so but that's It may effect the transient early on. 23 MR. BAJOREK: 24 Internal 25 So you're worried about the something that we're going to have to -- 21 22 By the time the fuel gets up maximum temperature. 19 20 Yes, a little bit early on. to its maximum temperature -- 17 18 I think it is going to be something early on. 14 16 I think so. Yes. side heat transfer, the RCCS processes that were identified were parallel channel NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 208 1 interactions, instabilities in the tubing, and some of 2 what I would call just normal uncertainties associated 3 with boiling. 4 One where we've actually concerned 5 ourselves a bit more over the last several months has 6 been the one that we've referred to as graphite dust. 7 I think you've heard at this point a lot of where 8 this is fitting in. 9 From the fuel standpoint where graphite 10 dust is a sink for the fission products, we are -- our 11 question there is how much of the fission products 12 diffuse through the pellets or the fuel and can become 13 embedded in the graphite dust? 14 We would look to the graphite research to 15 help us understand how quickly the dust is generated, 16 what is the size of those particles, what is the shape 17 of those particles? 18 what we're interested in is from the thermal fluids 19 standpoint 20 transported through and out the system. 21 is Okay. how It could effect -- because easily those particles are So that's from the thermal fluids point of 22 view, graphite dust is a twofold problem. One, its 23 effect and 24 participating media that we just talked about. 25 for us to determine either the correlations or develop on circulation within the cavity the But NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 209 1 the data that would help us develop models for MELCOR 2 to tell us how much of that dust, once we know where 3 it is at, is transported out into the confinement and 4 throughout 5 filter system. the 6 7 system potentially CHAIR CORRADINI: MEMBER BLEY: 9 CHAIR CORRADINI: cavity What about a combustion Explosion. Well, let's just call it a combustion hazard. 11 12 the hazard? 8 10 into MR. BAJOREK: Could I hold off on that just as a -- 13 CHAIR CORRADINI: Well, the reason I asked 14 the question is you've said this is just -- you called 15 it a PBR? I don't remember what you called it. 16 MR. BAJOREK: 17 CHAIR CORRADINI: 18 MR. BAJOREK: 19 Pebble bed. Why is it just that? Oh, we don't think there is going to be a whole lot of dust for a prismatic. 20 CHAIR CORRADINI: 21 MR. BAJOREK: Why? You don't have the relative 22 motion between the graphite to the extent that you do 23 in a pebble bed. 24 25 CHAIR CORRADINI: phenomenological dust generator? And that's the You're not going to NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 210 1 have high velocity helium gas going through the duct 2 work continually eroding, smoothing corners? 3 MR. BAJOREK: In taking a look at the AVR 4 experiments, okay, there was evidence that there was a 5 considerable amount of graphite dust. 6 they have see that in the HTTR. 7 CHAIR CORRADINI: I don't think What is a considerable - 8 - just so I -- I don't even know historically what did 9 they consider a considerable amount? 10 kilograms? MR. BAJOREK: I think it is on the order of several dozen kilograms. 13 MR. RUBIN: 14 MR. BAJOREK: 15 Ten A hundred kilograms? 11 12 A kilogram? kilograms. It's like 20 or more I think. Yes. It was several dozen I don't remember the number. 16 Since you asked the question, I'll jump 17 ahead on the graphite dust. 18 is we've basically done a literature survey to help us 19 characterize 20 think 21 distribution has been seen. the someone amounts talked -- about What we have done so far several kilograms. the to .6 six, I size 22 A lot of uncertainty on whether that was 23 prototypical of the fuel that we are going to see, 24 okay, but that is what we have to go on at this point. 25 So we're at least looking at that as a starting NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 211 1 point. 2 But as you pointed out, one of the things 3 that has popped out of our initial literature survey 4 is that of detonation or combustion. 5 three things for detonation. 6 You have to have You kind of need a 7 concentration of a combustible particle. 8 dust, for example, graphite, sugar -- 9 PARTICIPANT: 10 11 MR. sufficient Okay, coal Flour. KRESS: Yes, almost any burning material. 12 MR. BAJOREK: Yes, something with carbon 13 in it. 14 an oxidizing agent, oxygen, okay, and you need to have 15 an ignition temperature at least in to -- the question 16 to the person who was in charge of this, can we rule 17 this out? 18 least have all three of those. 19 You need to have that. And you need to have And his answer was well, not yet. Now whether that is a major You at issue or 20 concern in the long run, we don't know. 21 something that we are going to have to address or at 22 least we are going to have to go back to the applicant 23 and ask them to address that because we have not been 24 able to rule it out at this point. 25 MR. KRESS: But it is When we transport aerosols and NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 212 1 LWRs, 2 particles, the assumption is that they stick together. 3 Is that a good assumption for this graphite dust do 4 they manage MR. BAJOREK: touch each other, the They aglomerate. I don't know. 7 MEMBER BLEY: 8 MR. KRESS: 9 to you think? 5 6 if They are charged. Yes, they are charged. That's why -- you would expect that would keep them from 10 touching each other even. 11 know if there have been any experiments on that or 12 not. But I don't know. 13 MR. BAJOREK: 14 CHAIR CORRADINI: I don't Okay. The reason that I asked 15 the original question though was the energy content of 16 a 17 equivalent of the pressurization of all of the helium. 18 You can double your peak pressure in any building you 19 build but you have to consider based on just a few 20 dozen kilograms of graphite combusting. few 21 dozen kilograms of graphite dust is the The detonation doesn't worry me because 22 you've got all of this helium buffer. 23 almost like a cold burning accident versus a cold 24 detonation accident. 25 MR. BAJOREK: Right. It would be But it is an issue NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 213 1 that I think has gained more visibility over the last 2 couple of years. 3 reports that PBMR, Incorporated is looking -- actively 4 looking into this. 5 The group that went to South Africa So it is something -- it is on our radar 6 screen. 7 have to make sure our codes can at least transport and 8 track 9 incorporate its effects on the natural circulation and 10 We're going to follow it. the location of the We're going to graphite dust and everything else that goes in the system. 11 With respect to core and vessel thermal 12 fluids, our approach -- we've initiated a project now 13 using CFD to look at existing correlations to examine 14 some sensitivities in the core. 15 mentioned this is how we've determined that there are 16 near-wall and far-wall effects. I think Joe just 17 We've used CFD to help say that hey, this 18 is a sensitivity that we are going to have to be very 19 sensitive to. 20 properties. 21 We've also taken a look at gas mixture Very early on we wanted to try to make 22 sure 23 generic to a prismatic or a pebble bed. 24 getting 25 various constituent gases. -- we were looking properties right, at things mixture which rules could be You know for these So we've identified those. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 214 1 And I think those are going into MELCOR at this time. 2 Our next approach would be to take a look 3 at applicant and DOE data in order to benchmark and 4 assess the models that go into MELCOR. 5 to be insufficient or come too late in the schedule, 6 we would consider running our own separate effects 7 tests. 8 Okay. 9 MEMBER ARMIJO: 10 If those prove I'm going to jump over that. Good. I didn't understand that picture anyway. 11 MR. BAJOREK: Air ingress, we've already 12 talked a little bit about lock exchange. 13 process where we are concerned about the counter flow 14 of fluids with different densities, their ability to 15 flow past one another. 16 This is the As we mentioned, the initial view had been 17 that air ingress was diffusion limited. 18 start 19 orientation, principally horizontal, 20 finding yes, get 21 significantly early. 22 process that is relatively difficult to calculate. to take that a look we can at breaks air But as we of into different we've the been system Just recognize that this is a 23 Other issues with respect to air ingress 24 is there's not a tremendous amount of information on 25 natural circulation in a scaled facility. This might NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 215 1 also feed back on concerns about flow distributions 2 coming into and out of the core. Okay. 3 We have calculations that suggest there 4 are certainly differences between near-wall and far- 5 wall. 6 upper plenum if you define the geometry. You may be able to do CFD calculations for an 7 But no one has been able to go and measure 8 velocity distributions in tests like HTR, HTTR that 9 gives us the ability to benchmark the codes and give 10 us some of the assumptions that we might want to even 11 bias 12 conservative. 13 major shortcoming in addition to getting similar types 14 of natural circulation conditions and flow patterns in 15 a reactor cavity so that we are able to evaluate the 16 RCCS performance. our models 17 in order to make sure they are So that's -- we recognize that is a Graphite oxidation also identified as an 18 issue in the evaluation model. 19 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: Could you just 20 explain to me this locks change process? 21 you have to totally depressurize the system before -- 22 MR. BAJOREK: 23 MEMBER 24 takes place? 25 And wouldn't Yes. ABDEL-KHALIK: -- this process So it really is much later -MR. BAJOREK: It's early. It would be NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 216 1 right after what we would call a blow-down phase. 2 wouldn't -- you know, if there was a rupture to the 3 system -- 4 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 5 MR. BAJOREK: -- We Right. you would vent down 6 fairly rapidly depending on the size of the break. 7 Once that has -- once you've reached an equilibrium 8 pressure between the vessel and the confinement, then 9 this lock exchange would occur. 10 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 11 MR. 12 calculations, 13 accident. 14 15 BAJOREK: we're MEMBER If looking at recall minutes But the into it an is a concentration gradient-driven process. MR. BAJOREK: 17 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: Yes. So it is a diffusion process. 19 20 I ABDEL-KHALIK: 16 18 Okay. MR. BAJOREK: Diffusion but also density different. 21 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 22 MR. BAJOREK: Oh, I see. Okay, the helium is at say 23 an outlet temperature of 900, 1000 degrees C. 24 the air is sitting in the confinement at 100 degrees 25 C. Well, And just because the difference in those fluids, NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 217 1 there is a considerable density difference between the 2 nitrogen or the air and the helium. 3 CHAIR CORRADINI: But back to my original 4 question about this -- he brought it up -- it's his 5 fault -- if I'm pointed down, it is purely diffusion. 6 If I'm pointed up, the buoyancy-driven plume would 7 augment it. 8 9 If I'm sideways, I would think that it is break size dependent. If I have a little break, 10 frictional effects could shut it down then it just 11 goes back to diffusion. 12 could have essentially two counter-flowing streams. 13 MR. BAJOREK: If I have a big hole, then I Break area -- yes, break 14 size is going to be part of it as well as break 15 orientation. 16 MEMBER RAY: 17 CHAIR CORRADINI: 18 I just want to make sure I understood, that's all. 19 MR. BAJOREK: 20 MEMBER RAY: 21 Is there no break -- Yes. Is there no break in the head area assumed? 22 MR. BAJOREK: That's a good point because 23 what we have done is we've kind of run with that 24 question a little bit. 25 other CFD. We've seen some results from What happens if you have a break in the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 218 1 large counter-flow pipe. 2 Okay, well we go back to this classic lock 3 exchange in a great big flow area. Well, one of the 4 questions that we had following well, there is a lot 5 of penetrations in the upper head. 6 pebbles have to come in. That's where the 7 So we said well, is this also a concern? 8 So part of our early approach in trying to understand 9 the issues better is we used a -- well, we had 10 somebody come and set up a CFD model and we asked him 11 to make a prototypical-sized upper head. 12 knew 13 dimensions. the 14 hemisphere, approximately And we just volume, and Get some prototypical temperatures of what 15 we might think is going on there. 16 down has ended, how quickly does air get into that 17 system? 18 kind of a significant amount? 19 show what some limited experimental data shows? Okay. Assume that blow- And does it get into there with any And could CFD kind of 20 And it is that you get the maximum of air 21 ingress into the system not for a horizontal situation 22 or a vertical situations. 23 But it is about 60 degrees. And in calculations, we are able to come 24 fairly close to that. 25 show is for -- and I can't remember what size of a And what these figures here NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 219 1 break this was -- but, yes, if you do have a break in 2 the upper head where you would have a control rod 3 drive, you will have penetration of air in at least 4 the calculations were showing it was of the several 5 ten to 20 kilograms fairly early such that oxidation 6 in the vessel of any fuel up in that region would be 7 at least an issue or a concern to us. 8 9 MR. KRESS: lock exchange coming in, 10 reacting and getting hot, and hot air going out. In 11 the long term, isn't that what you have? 12 meant Early on, I was assuming this you MR. BAJOREK: had cold air Depending on where the break 13 is, 14 oxidizes the graphite structures, and that plume then 15 goes up into the core. our concern 16 MR. 17 somewhere, yes. 18 would KRESS: MR. BAJOREK: be that And the gets air comes trapped up in, there Well, I don't think it is 19 trapped 20 eventually go up through the core into the down-comer. 21 It would reverse the natural direction or the initial 22 there but the circulation pattern would direction of the flow. 23 But it wouldn't be one of the air coming 24 into the lower plenum and going back out. 25 going elsewhere into the system. It would be NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 220 1 In this set of calculations I had the -- 2 she is a graduate student who did this -- model the 3 rest of the vessel and try to follow the plume down -- 4 actually 5 plenum and back up. going down the down-comer into the lower 6 So we were able to at least use CFD to 7 help get a handle on the problem and give us some 8 indication that yes, break orientation, break size are 9 going to be important on certainty contributors. And 10 that we can't just write off breaks -- small breaks to 11 the top of the vessel right off hand. 12 have to do more work to rule those out of the design 13 basis. We're going to 14 In terms of air ingress and kind of the 15 work that we've been doing at this point, I talked 16 about 17 understand what is going on. 18 our thermal hydraulics institute to set up a small 19 separate effects test where we would look at helium, 20 this lock exchange with helium within a vessel, air 21 outside of the vessel, and change the break area, the 22 orientation, and the break shape itself. 23 the exploratory CFD calculations to help us We have started to use When you set up these models in a code, do 24 you often want to assume that it is circular? 25 we want to know what happens if it is a larger crack. Well, NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 221 1 So we're trying to develop some of the database that 2 we are eventually going to be able to use to go to 3 MELCOR and give us what you might call a break model 4 or an air ingress model, give us indication on how 5 much air is going to get into the system if we know 6 the conditions inside and outside the system. 7 we're starting to move in that direction. So 8 Outside of that, we would want to talk 9 with Department of Energy to deal with air ingress. 10 We feel that there is going to be a need for some type 11 of integral test system in order to look at air into 12 the system. 13 natural circulation and the processes within inside 14 the vessel. 15 And how that contributes or augments the RCCS performance, issues that were 16 identified in the PIRT were one, a lack of prototypic 17 data for circulation within the cavity, how you would 18 model thermal radiation, a lot of uncertainty as to 19 what would be the emissivities of the vessel, the RCCS 20 panels themselves. 21 Again, you see this, especially in the 22 RCCS, but a number of the thermal fluids, lack of 23 data, insufficient data. 24 approach is first of all, we view this as being very 25 crucial, very important This is an area that our in the overall success of NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 222 1 licensing a gas reactor design because this is our -- 2 you know in a way one of the major heat sinks to the 3 system -- our intent here is to participate with the 4 work that is being planned at Argonne where they have 5 an RCCS test set up. 6 I know they are in the process of 7 refurbishing that facility because of the size. And 8 as far along as they are, it would be our intent to 9 participate in those tests, helping to outline what 10 needs to be -- what type of data we need to get out of 11 that and we would look forward to the interagency 12 agreement being in place so we could start dealing 13 with them more directly. 14 And, of course, the third avenue there is 15 if those tests were to go away or fall significantly 16 behind schedule, we would look to other test data, 17 possibly internationally or, unless we got forced into 18 running our own RCSS tests. 19 CHAIR CORRADINI: So -- maybe this is the 20 wrong time to ask this question so I'll register it 21 then you can decide where to answer it. 22 At what point 23 inter-visitation 24 confirmatory information? 25 to be of essentially does information the MOU versus allow for independent I assume calculations have separate and confirmatory. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 223 1 Experiments are essentially shared by this process? 2 MR. BAJOREK: I believe that is what the 3 memorandum would allow. That we would be sharing 4 data. us 5 Department of Energy. And it enables 6 Stu? 7 MR. RUBIN: to work jointly with Yes, I mean we have a common 8 concern. And we believe that the experiment type 9 Steve talking 10 agree, 11 experiment, make sure it is set up right with proper 12 instrumentation and so forth. 13 to the data while we attend the tests. was we 14 will about, when collaborate CHAIR that's on signed, setting up they that And we'll have access CORRADINI: Right. I guess my 15 question is a technical question and also in some 16 sense a licensing question about what sorts of things 17 are clearly confirmatory because you have to make an 18 independent 19 doing it with them. 20 21 judgment about safety adequacy versus And I'm assuming calculations have to be separate and experiments can be shared. 22 MR. BAJOREK: Yes, well keep in mind that 23 the 24 evaluations is different from ours. suite 25 of codes that they CHAIR CORRADINI: are using for their Okay. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 224 1 MR. BAJOREK: would be 2 we 3 assessments. 4 the same correlations that they are using. 5 going to have independent calculations. 6 be confirmatory but how good our correlations are may 7 be these data, doing our own 8 experimental data. We aren't necessarily going to be using pointing 9 taking So what we would be doing is back to a jointly CHAIR CORRADINI: 10 MR. BAJOREK: 11 Current So we are Those would shared set of Thank you. Okay. progress with RCCS performance, 12 not as much as in the other areas. 13 preliminary CFD calculations to help us understand how 14 we would model this gray gas of the participating 15 media. 16 They are very preliminary. 17 really have results on those yet. 18 plans have not be started yet. 19 that interagency agreement. 20 We've done some We don't And experimental So we have to wait for Graphite dust, I think we talked about 21 some of this already. 22 operation, 23 significant 24 fission products. 25 abrasion, amount of As we mentioned, during normal vibrations, could generate graphite particles with a the We don't have a whole lot of experimental NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 225 1 data on this yet. 2 out of the AVR. 3 graphite 4 ingress into the system. 5 graphite isn't necessarily the same as what we would 6 be using in the VHTR at Idaho. dust 7 8 We've tried to glean what we could But as we mentioned, some of that may have MEMBER RAY: been due to, I guess, oil And the pebbles and the But I guess you are still on graphite dust but -- 9 MR. BAJOREK: 10 MEMBER Yes. RAY: -- I heard the exchange 11 earlier just speculating -- combustion isn't the word 12 I'm search for, Mike. What is it? 13 CHAIR CORRADINI: 14 MEMBER RAY: Detonation. Detonation wasn't thought to 15 be an issue. 16 vessel. 17 the confinement building presumably where it is not so 18 obvious to me that it isn't a hazard there. I interpreted that to be within the But the blow-down transports this stuff into 19 Is anything that you are doing going to 20 look at that? 21 explosion kind of model? 22 You know in the classical flower silo MR. BAJOREK: 23 identified it as an issue. 24 plans. 25 how At this point, we've We don't have any concrete The first thing we need to do is to understand much is being generated and how much of it NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 226 1 actually gets transported from the vessel on out. 2 MEMBER RAY: Okay. All right. But I 3 guess the point is you would consider it not just 4 within the vessel as a hazard. 5 MR. BAJOREK: Oh, no. No, actually the 6 initial thought was this would be a problem in the 7 reactor vessel cavity itself until we started to think 8 that gee, you can actually have air ingress very early 9 in time where you could have a higher concentration of 10 the particles. 11 So we are going to have to take a look at 12 in vessel and in the cavity and elsewhere within the 13 system. 14 and we haven't thought it through. 15 So it's -- but it is a relatively new issue MR. LEE: Steve, under the fission product 16 transport part -- this is Richard Lee from Research -- 17 the dust explosion issues is addressed and the peer 18 reviewers have identified that as in the confinement. 19 So it is something that we will keep track 20 of under MELCOR because in the containment, carbon 21 dust explosion, that can be monitored easily. 22 need 23 particles, the easier you can combust it. 24 be evaluated. to 25 know is what MR. KRESS: the size. The Just we finer the So that can I'll bet you have to have an NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 227 1 ignition source rather than self igniting. 2 do, I don't see that you get that inside the vessel. 3 4 MR. LEE: MR. KRESS: This is Oh, in the confinement, you'd probably have some ignition sources. 7 8 Not inside the vessel. in the confinement. 5 6 And if you MR. LEE: That was considered by the experts. 9 MR. KRESS: 10 question 11 happening in there. 12 about in Yes, I was just addressing his the MR. LEE: vessel. I can't see it And earlier you also asked about 13 the -- earlier someone asked about the content amount 14 of dust in the system, if you look at page eight in 15 the volume three report, it is between ten and 50 16 kilograms for the test reactor and the expert, the 17 peer review -- I mean the PIRT members thinks that for 18 the power reactor, it would be higher, maybe up to 19 about a factor of ten. 20 For prismatic reactor, it is a factor of 21 at least ten less. 22 of dust in kilograms. 23 That's the estimate for the amount MR. BAJOREK: So, you know, the graphite 24 dust and all of its issues, it is on our radar screen. 25 We are trying to get our hands around it at this NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 228 1 point. 2 information, there is a lot of uncertainty in all of 3 these. 4 5 CHAIR allotted time. 6 7 And it is clear that just on the preliminary CORRADINI: MR. BAJOREK: your So I'm not -- to jump. 9 MR. BAJOREK: That's fine. We've covered some of these. I'm trying to be selective on -- I'm trying to pick out the slides where I get the easiest questions. 12 13 over Well, that's why I'm trying CHAIR CORRADINI: 11 are But Al seems very calm. 8 10 You CHAIR CORRADINI: That's fine. I figured that. 14 MR. BAJOREK: Experimental database, one 15 of the things that we have started is to compile what 16 facilities would be very useful to us, what data could 17 be available if we get the right agreements. 18 As I mentioned, we are trying to 19 participate in a couple of international exercises. 20 One, the TAREF to identify experimental facilities, 21 try to gain access to some of that experimental data, 22 RAPHAELE, another project that is ongoing. 23 24 MR. KRESS: Where is TAREF located? T-A- R-E-F, where is that located? 25 MR. BAJOREK: Oh, that's part of CSNI. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 229 1 TAREF stands for Task on Advanced Reactor Experimental 2 -- 3 4 MR. KRESS: But I don't know where the experiment zone is. 5 6 Yes, but CSNI is in Paris. MR. BAJOREK: That's not a facility. It's a project. 7 MR. KRESS: 8 MR. BAJOREK: 9 MR. KRESS: 10 looking at experimental facilities. 11 Oh, it's a project. It's a task. I'm sorry. MR. BAJOREK: 12 the scaling of it was? 13 MR. KRESS: 14 (Laughter.) 15 MR. KRESS: 16 MR. BAJOREK: Okay. I thought we were You were going to ask what Yes. Okay. Thank you. Yes, this is basically the 17 major facilities that have been either operated, run, 18 or 19 emphasize 20 reactors, we would go on for several pages. 21 each one of those, we'd have lots of experimental 22 data, a number of tests which would be available for 23 us to develop evaluation models. planned. And that if I think we did the point this for that I would light water And for 24 If you go through this list, you'll find 25 basically there are -- you have tests at Idaho to help NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 230 1 for CFD qualification, the Mear facility. 2 got the Argonne facility for RCCS. 3 And we've Just about everything else on that list, 4 unless I missed something, is international. 5 overseas. 6 colleagues there to make that data available to us. We need a partnership with some of our 7 8 MR. KRESS: CSAR? It is This would be different from Or would it follow under there? 9 MR. BAJOREK: We don' necessarily get that 10 data through CSAR per some of those agreements. 11 have to pursue that. 12 experimental facilities out there to generate the data 13 even 14 temperature gas reactors. if everyone 15 So we But there are relatively few goes and starts to develop high But we are looking towards these to help 16 us 17 performance. 18 help us for air ingress, several proposed by PBMR, 19 Incorporated which would help us with some of the 20 vessel thermal fluids. So we are looking at these as 21 potential help 22 experimental needs. with 23 24 potentially integral test, RCCS There are a couple there which would avenues to MR. KRESS: us with our data and On your previous slide, there are a lot of UTs out there. 25 effects Which one is that? (Laughter.) NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 231 1 2 MR. Basin. This is like UT Western I know I don't have that right. 3 4 BAJOREK: CHAIR CORRADINI: That's the reactor that will never get built. 5 MR. BAJOREK: Irving Basin -- I knew it 6 was some basin. 7 was it might be a prismatic but it is in the very, 8 very 9 debating whether to even keep it on this list at this 10 preliminary point. stages. It is proposed. I was But I just wanted it to be complete. 11 12 But that's the one, I think the idea MEMBER ARMIJO: GA doesn't have any heating test facilities? 13 MR. BAJOREK: They have some facilities 14 for 15 along those lines. 16 to 17 circulation in a large region, nothing that is going 18 to really help us on the evaluation model development. looking go and 19 at look components, pumps, heat exchangers, But nothing where we would be able at core thermal CHAIR CORRADINI: fluids or natural Do you plan to have all 20 the 21 making -- when I asked Stu about things relative to 22 fuel, 23 conversation about 24 their tests. But eventually when there has to be fuel 25 -- let his me reverse answer qualification, my was they fluence they are last question haven't and going time to since started and enter power into I'm the for the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 232 1 conversation. 2 I assume DOE will be invited into your 3 conversation if you choose to do experiments about the 4 scaling of the experiments you do so that they might 5 share in the data so that there is an open discussion 6 about scaling, et cetera. 7 MR. BAJOREK: 8 CHAIR CORRADINI: 9 MR. BAJOREK: 10 Yes. Is that correct? Yes. CHAIR CORRADINI: Okay. And then let's 11 take one of the examples, the RCCS. Am I allowed to 12 ask in open session is it a water design, an air 13 design, or to be determined. 14 MR. RUBIN: 15 CHAIR CORRADINI: 16 MR. 17 Both. RUBIN: Both right now? Both designs are being proposed. 18 CHAIR CORRADINI: 19 MR. BAJOREK: Open possibilities. I think they are being 20 proposed but I thought the facility right now was 21 water. 22 23 MR. RUBIN: But the vendors have different -- 24 25 Okay. MR. KELLY: Joe Kelly from Research. When we went to Idaho last spring and they showed us their NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 233 1 experimental program, for the natural conduction test 2 facility, which is going to be the RCCS, they showed 3 planned experiments for both the natural convection 4 air 5 planning on doing both. and 6 7 water. So at the moment, they were But the status is they're just cleaning out the old experiment from 20 years ago. 8 9 the MR. KRESS: General question on these facilities -- 10 MR. BAJOREK: 11 MR. KRESS: look at the Yes? -- I recall there was once a 12 proposed range 13 scaling analysis that would name a facility as an 14 appropriate scale, did anything ever come of that? 15 MR. BAJOREK: 16 water reactor facilities? 17 MR. KRESS: 18 MR. BAJOREK: of PIE values and the Oh, the one with the light Yes. Yes, the basic conclusion 19 out of that is after you do your scaling evaluation, 20 the better approach would be to look at that range of 21 PIE values for those higher-ranked values, set up a 22 conceptual model and range those because some of those 23 distortions -- 24 25 MR. KRESS: general for all of them. Of course they wouldn't be It would be specific to a NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 234 1 given application I would think. 2 MR. BAJOREK: 3 MR. KRESS: 4 MR. BAJOREK: 5 MR. KRESS: 6 MR. BAJOREK: Yes, yes. Okay. Yes. I mean -- Thank you. -- we did it for a boiling 7 water system but you could take that same general 8 approach for pressurized water, light water system, 9 you could do it for gas reactors. 10 11 MR. KRESS: So it's -- I would assume there would be something like that come up at some point. 12 MR. BAJOREK: Yes. And the scaling will 13 be an important question mark as we start to look at 14 the integral facilities because it is clear that you 15 don't want to have a facility full height and full 16 radial scale. 17 scale pebbles to get the five pellets away from the 18 wall and preserve everything. You don't have the power. How you 19 And it is almost inevitable that when we 20 scale this, there are going to have to be distortions 21 that are going to have to be dealt with. 22 group 23 investigating it. 24 25 ranging Our is probably outlook on the the And that PIE right way infrastructure of or experimental data needs, we find that the separate NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 235 1 effects data exists for a number of these processes 2 but most of these are out of our reach. 3 either 4 international organizations. 5 pursue that data. 6 planned We by DOE, may need they're in the They are hands of We are going to have to our own separate effects 7 tests, possibly an interval test to fill in the blanks 8 between the needs that we have, which are looking at 9 regulatory criteria and in some cases looking at the 10 CLFs associated with the system. 11 We are interested in those accident 12 scenarios which are design basis but also those ones 13 which go well beyond the design basis. 14 and the applicant is more focused on AOOs, anticipated 15 transients, and the design basis. The designer 16 So our needs overlap but there are some 17 exclusive areas that we are going to have to take a 18 look at. 19 The technical staff feels that we are 20 going to need access to a well scaled integral effects 21 facility in order to look at things like multiple 22 system failures, CLF effects, system interactions. 23 The point that we like to make is that in 24 every other design certification, the staff has relied 25 upon usually not one but several scaled integral NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 236 1 facilities in which to draw its regulatory decisions 2 and develop evaluation models. 3 first-of-a-kind engineering that is going into the gas 4 reactor, we don't see that as being any different 5 here. 6 And because of the So in summary, we have initiated some of 7 the thermal fluids research. We are just scratching 8 the surface on a lot of these issues. 9 to identify what they are, what the data needs are 10 going to be, and where we are going to have to go from 11 here. We are trying Our primary focus is the evaluation model. 12 I haven't said a whole lot about CFD but 13 just to close with this, we are using CFD to help 14 guide our decisions. 15 intend to make it an integral part of the evaluation 16 model but depending on the issue, depending on the 17 design, we may have to augment our experimental data 18 needs in order to provide information to assess and 19 quantify CFD if we get into situations where we need 20 to know local details within the RCCS, a vessel wall, 21 lower plenum structures. 22 So we're As Joe pointed out, we don't leaving that off right now. 23 We're not forgetting about it. 24 because we don't have enough design information in 25 order identify which specific tests we would want to But that's primarily NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 237 1 require for that situation or what might be the tool 2 we might need. 3 MR. KRESS: In terms of your need for 4 integral experiments, is the fact that you are going 5 to 6 facility change your perspective on that? 7 used? have 8 9 sort of CHAIR a demonstration CORRADINI: plant Can it on a DOE Can it be be the experiment, is that what you are asking? 10 MR. BAJOREK: Well, we haven't talked 11 about this and got the staff opinion. 12 you my two cents' worth on this. 13 nuclear core, you are limited on your instrumentation 14 and how risky you want to be. So I'll give When you have a 15 With AP 1000 and the APEX facility, the 16 electrically heated core, you could fail one valve 17 after the other after the other and if you got a 18 little bit too aggressive with the facility, we knew 19 that John Groom, the operator, was very quickly going 20 to go over there and hit that scram button and it 21 would be no problem. 22 you are using HTR or HTTR. You don't have that liberty if 23 If I'm looking at tests that might involve 24 air ingress, you certainly can't use any kind of a 25 nuclear core. But, you know, we're still going to NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 238 1 need that type of experimental data. 2 And I think, especially for the pebble 3 bed, it is that question on instrumentation that is 4 going to be very, very difficult experimentally to 5 deal with. 6 are, we want to know what the flow distributions, both 7 into and out of the core, we are going to want to know 8 what the flows are out on the reactor cavity. 9 We want to know what those bypass flows Whether you go with an optical technique 10 or hot wires 11 limitations on where you can effectively put those and 12 under what conditions they are going to last without 13 constant calibration. 14 15 or CHAIR thermocouples, CORRADINI: Okay. (No response.) 17 CHAIR CORRADINI: Since we're other a bit behind, thank you, Steve. We'll turn it over to Allen. 20 MR. We're okay. NOTAFRANCESCO: (Laughter.) 23 CHAIR CORRADINI: sorry. 25 We're not behind. We just messed up the timing, that's all. 22 24 their Any 19 21 got questions? 16 18 they've Ready? Go ahead. I'm I was just writing notes to myself. MR. NOTAFRANCESCO: I'm Allen NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 239 1 Notafrancesco. 2 the 3 plan. accident 4 I am going to give you the overview of analysis section within research We are at a point where we are going at a 5 lower level and more detail. 6 the 7 details going into our analytical code. status 8 9 the of the I am going to provide implementation of some of the Some of this stuff was discussed already as part of the evaluation model. Clearly we want to 10 -- the first bullet leads to that. 11 provide an evaluation model and develop validating, 12 utilize the accident source term and fission transport 13 analysis 14 licensing 15 release, dose assessment, and PRA analysis. 16 models, in tools, the knowledge, various areas of That we want to and support fission for product That's a big global evaluation model. The 17 next bullet is really what I'm trying to do within 18 code space, integrate the fuel nuclear, the thermal 19 fluid models into an accident source term and fission 20 product transport analysis models and tools for the 21 evaluation of HTGR. 22 This is basically a diagram showing the 23 complexity from the fuel kernel outside the break, the 24 different processes and physics we need to capture in 25 the code. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 240 1 But the bottom line, we want to calculate 2 normal operation and transient behavior for the entire 3 system, core, 4 thermal fluids 5 transport 6 oxidation effects. vessel, and the processes, 7 As confinement, 8 MELCOR code. 9 are there in place. fission including mentioned integrating product the earlier, dust we the release and the selected the Basically we believe a lot of the models And it won't take too much to 10 modify. 11 accidents in one code. And this way we can do DBA and beyond DBA 12 Okay, this slide, what this does is -- 13 what I did is I took the PIRT on the left side -- 14 these 15 them against some of the MELCOR packages to show you 16 that we have the modeling in place. 17 are important And processes we've and discussing cross referenced burning, possible 18 detonation, there are models in MELCOR. 19 they will have to be assessed based on the medium that 20 we're dealing with. 21 To get the ball rolling in Obviously the HTGR 22 analysis, we took on initial activities that we knew 23 were deficient. 24 INEL had a MELCOR version to look at HTGR. 25 who is the developer, is also doing the development, And some of the key tasks we did was Sandia, NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 241 1 which the HTGR neglected to mention. 2 So Sandia got the INEL code. 3 at the models. 4 was 5 MELCOR. to look 6 And that's one task. at CHAIR the helium They looked The other task properties CORRADINI: Al, modeled could you in just 7 repeat what you said? 8 MELCOR 2.X that Idaho has as it was modified by Idaho. 9 I guess I'm -- so there is a And Sandia is modifying the Idaho -- 10 MR. NOTAFRANCESCO: 11 CHAIR CORRADINI: 12 MR. NOTAFRANCESCO: No, no. Okay. -- it is an old model 13 so they are looking at it to see if there is any value 14 to taking anything out of it. 15 CHAIR CORRADINI: 16 MR. NOTAFRANCESCO: 17 CHAIR CORRADINI: 18 MR. NOTAFRANCESCO: It's a 1.82. 19 CHAIR CORRADINI: Okay, so you're using 20 MELCOR 1.82 modified by Idaho? 21 using -- Who is they? Okay. Or I should say DOE is 22 MR. NOTAFRANCESCO: 23 CHAIR CORRADINI: 24 MR. NOTAFRANCESCO: 25 2.1. Sandia. Right. Okay. Our current model is So -NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 242 1 CHAIR CORRADINI: And so the modifications 2 or the tool that the NRC is using is not the Idaho 3 MELCOR. It's the modified Sandia code. 4 MR. NOTAFRANCESCO: 5 CHAIR CORRADINI: 6 MR. I'll get into -- Okay. NOTAFRANCESCO: -- because what 7 happened is since it was an old MELCOR model, there 8 were several tricks done to simulate things. 9 think things could be done better. 10 CHAIR CORRADINI: 11 MR. And we Okay. NOTAFRANCESCO: For example, the 12 second bullet is where we going to update the core 13 package. And I'll get into a little detail on that. 14 CHAIR CORRADINI: 15 MR. Oh. NOTAFRANCESCO: Okay. Okay? And also 16 incorporate the graphite oxidation models of steam and 17 oxygen. 18 that have been pursued over the past year or so for 19 both the pebble bed and the prismatic designs. 20 So, again, those are the initial activities Now where we are today is these initial 21 attempts, we've got the reports in house. 22 received them. 23 to provide you some initial status of when I read it. 24 They have to be peer reviewed and we'll have to get 25 back with Sandia because we see some little problems We're looking at them now. We just I'm trying NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 243 1 we need to pursue. 2 But basically there were two models from 3 the INEL modification 4 oxidation of graphite of heat structures and diffusion 5 of the air and helium. 6 that Sandia cited. And Right now we're not doing anything with 7 that but it was identified. 8 think we may have -- they used the correlation that is 9 in the literature for oxidation, for example, bu they 10 applied 11 directly. it to heat Nothing really useful. structures, not to the I core But I'll get to that point. 12 The other thing is the helium properties 13 in MELCOR. 14 the ideal gas law modeling in MELCOR, trying to get 15 the density of helium, showed reasonable results. 16 that was positive. 17 That was compared against NIST data and So Just to expand the point on the updating 18 of the MELCOR Corp. core package. 19 light water reactor to what we see with these gas 20 reactors, we needed to customize the core in the sense 21 of 22 graphite as a core model, and the reflectors and stuff 23 like that. 24 be nodalized specifically for that whereas the INEL 25 work obviously we didn't have advantage of that. geometry and materials pretty Clearly from a much, putting in So we've customized something that could NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 244 1 This next slide, basically what I tried to 2 do was to glean the important phenomena. 3 that on the left side based on the PIRT, provided the 4 status 5 taken. 6 that we're making in that area. of where are and the approach that was And you could tick off some of the progress 7 8 we And I put And, again, this phenomena was in that NUREG for the status and our approach. 9 CHAIR CORRADINI: 10 The PIRT NUREG? MR. NOTAFRANCESCO: The PIRT NUREG. So 11 what I did is I took what was the initial activities 12 we 13 implementation. did, take 14 the processes, MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: and correlate our Which bed effective 15 conductivity correlation or model has been added and 16 tested. 17 where Steve was talking about. I mean that tells me that you're way ahead of 18 MR. NOTAFRANCESCO: Well, we have a 19 correlation in there and we have discussions about 20 what type of correlation. 21 of -- it needs to be -- when I say tested, it means 22 that it is working in the code, not assessed against 23 data, okay? So it's just a correlation 24 CHAIR CORRADINI: 25 MR. NOTAFRANCESCO: It functions. It functions. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 245 1 MEMBER BLEY: 2 MR. NOTAFRANCESCO: 3 The code generates stuff. I was careful. I said tested, not assessed. 4 MR. BAJOREK: Allan, this is Steve Bajork, 5 one of the things that I think we want to do with 6 MELCOR 7 operating soon. 8 testing out the models. is 9 you want to get it up and running and That gives you a way of at least I think what it is using right now is 10 basically a debris bed porous media correlation. 11 comparison 12 Schl_nder, which is an effective thermal conductivity 13 for packed beds, it's not too far off. 14 between that correlation and In Zehner- So at least at this point, it gives you a 15 way of starting MELCOR. 16 have looked at the data would recommend that they put 17 in 18 similar to that -- 19 MEMBER something like 20 temperature 21 highly nonlinear? a But I think those of us who Zehner-Schl_nder ABDEL-KHALIK: effects because of And or it radiation something includes so it is 22 MR. BAJOREK: 23 The German one accounts for things like Which one? 24 emissivity and porocity effects. 25 believe it is only porocity. The German one? The one in MELCOR, I Oh, excuse me, that's NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 246 1 right, it is only temperature. 2 counts for several other parameters. 3 CHAIR CORRADINI: But the German one But to generalize what I 4 think we're hearing is is that when you say this has 5 been 6 functional in MELCOR to be tuned to the appropriate 7 data or basic information in the future. 8 fair way of putting it? addressed, 9 that is they that model -- Is that a 11 dominant, 12 would be highly non-linear in terms of its dependence 13 on 14 temperature dependence, you might be testing the code 15 and you may be getting conversions whereas if you have 16 a higher order correlation, it may not. temperature. 17 would And if case, But I guess my concern you this Yes. 10 as in a Okay. MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: is made say, you MR. NOTAFRANCESCO: 18 it, right. 19 the one we chose. 20 then radiation this don't is correlation have the right This has radiation in This modified Z-S has radiation, at least MR. BAJOREK: 21 think it is in there. 22 empirical fit. 23 if Well, the one in MELCOR, I I think it is more of an MR. NOTAFRANCESCO: Right. Conductivity 24 is not the -- that came out of the PIRT but we are 25 recognizing radiation as part of the process. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 247 1 MR. BAJOREK: But I think you point is 2 that we're getting MELCOR operating at this point. 3 But, you know, selecting more appropriate correlations 4 is still an open issue. 5 MR. NOTAFRANCESCO: Right. We want to put 6 in the building blocks to build the plant at the end 7 of the day, get it going, and then we'll go back and 8 iterate. 9 analysis. And then ultimately how we do 10 So that was the early phase -- 11 CHAIR CORRADINI: a plant So can I torture you one 12 last -- or ask one last question to follow Steve's? 13 So here's where, I guess, I was going to ask -- here 14 is a good place to ask when you use -- Steve used the 15 term CFD to help guide, I assumed that somewhere in 16 this you will do a CFD calculation to help guide what 17 you might choose to do in this regard. 18 you 19 geometries and various temperatures and see what the 20 functional dependence would be. would actually -- you can 21 MR. NOTAFRANCESCO: 22 CHAIR CORRADINI: 23 this, right? 24 way. 25 Because then essentially in Yes. That is a way to attack Not the right way necessarily. MR. put NOTAFRANCESCO: Well, again, But a we're NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 248 1 going to put the building blocks to make it work. 2 We'll use CFD later for insights to see how good our 3 models are. 4 built. But as a minimum, we want to get a plant 5 CHAIR CORRADINI: 6 MR. NOTAFRANCESCO: Great. Fine. And get the building 7 blocks in place. That's the theme which you will see 8 here. 9 phase and the phase we have now is to do the rest of And that's what we're doing -- is the initial 10 the plant. 11 and the pebble bed. 12 And when I say plant, both the prismatic Sandia is working with Texas A&M to set up 13 the deck. 14 we're looking at. 15 subset for now just as a benchmark of reference. 16 obviously we'll conduct the assessments of relevant 17 data when available. 18 These are some of the accident classes It's just we're taking a small And Also where we are currently in the plans 19 is to get Sandia PARFUME and TMAP4. 20 TMAP4. 21 line with this and with MELCOR in general is we're 22 going to take complex models and have it technically 23 consistent within the MELCOR framework. 24 25 They already have They are going to analyze it. And the bottom We don't want something too detailed and when the rest of the model is less detailed. So what NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 249 1 we're going to take insights from other sources and 2 embed it in MELCOR to get a calculation. 3 4 5 This was discussed before. The other thing that Texas A&M is to put some kind model for the reactor and cavity and cooling system. 6 issues were 7 cooling. discussed about the And these make up of the 8 Other issues we are going to go after is 9 the plant components, heat exchangers, gas turbines. 10 And 11 Sandia is pontificating now on how to model some sort 12 counter-current flow. this other 13 issue about CHAIR CORRADINI: air ingress modeling, That's a good word. I 14 was going to say usually the noun in from of that is 15 not that noun. 16 17 MR. NOTAFRANCESCO: Well, until I see results, I'll use words like that. 18 Other plant activities we're going to 19 chase 20 resuspension 21 benchmarking experimental validation, that was touched 22 on before. 23 after is the modeling, fission product identifying liftoff the areas and of These transients are going to be slow and 24 long. 25 pursing in MELCOR space is trying to look at different So one of the issues we're also going to be NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 250 1 runtime optimizations, 2 parallelizations, and other schemes to make it run 3 faster. 4 Again, in what I've format steps, done the here is code just phenomena I to 5 summarize 6 discussed: the status and our plan of approach. 7 to be more organized in all the phenomena that is 8 perking out there and demonstrate to you guys that 9 were insistent with the PIRT. 10 PIRT time just And In summary, we have made progress with 11 MELCOR 2.1. 12 PIRT. 13 mentioned 14 coordination with the other programs to make sure we 15 are a success. And we're going to be consistent with the And follow the assessment activities. before, we are going to have 16 So that ends my presentation. 17 CHAIR CORRADINI: 18 Dr. Lee? 19 MR. LEE: Good. And as extensive Questions? Tom, you asked about the cesium 20 form. Doing the PIRT we discussed about the cesium 21 form. Basically in the reactor system itself, this 22 will be a metallic form because it is a helium system. 23 Once it gets out into confinement, it would be an 24 oxide form. 25 CHAIR CORRADINI: And does that impact NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 251 1 what could be combustion and essentially would have 2 been vaporized and be transported out of the particle? 3 MR. LEE: We can consider everything under 4 MELCOR frameworks. 5 have data to support it. 6 7 MR. KRESS: form? How is it that it was in metal Why doesn't it combine with the iodine? 8 9 It's not a problem as long as you MR. LEE: I think all of these things going to be considered to see what there is. 10 the 11 graphite? 12 answer. 13 very closely. cesium also, how does it interacts Because with the That's a major questions that we have to That's why we talked to the graphite research 14 Dana Powers mentioned about what he 15 observed in the end reactors, how the graphites look 16 like. 17 the behaviors. 18 all of these so we may do some detail modelings. 19 then try to take some simplified treatment under the 20 Melcor framework. There are some tunnelings appearing because of 21 22 MR. So we need to KRESS: how we can account for Weren't there And some resuspension tasks in the CSAR program? 23 MR. LEE: The resuspension, we are looking 24 in the resuspension not just for gas reactor but for 25 light water reactor, especially with the acoustic NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 252 1 vibration type resuspension. And we are pursuing that 2 with the PSI Porche Institute because they are doing 3 some separate effects experiment. 4 So under the cooperative severe accident 5 research framework, we are going to be discussing with 6 them to do this resuspension experiment. 7 meantime, we can also ask them to put some carbon on 8 those surfaces. 9 treatment. 10 an aerosol. 11 So in the And look at the in treatment and So it is the same thing. It's treatment as So we will be doing those. CHAIR CORRADINI: Okay. Let's 12 break if we might. 13 to move up the hydrogen analysis discussion? 14 15 Is that all right? take a Or do you want Sud, do you want to make that call? Stu is pointing at you. 16 MR. BASU: 17 CHAIR CORRADINI: 18 suggest 19 right. we take a I'm okay. break Well, I was going to until 20 MR. BASU: 21 CHAIR CORRADINI: Do you want to -- 3:15 if that's all Yes, that's fine. All right. Good. Let's 22 take a break then. 23 (Whereupon, the foregoing matter went off the record 24 at 2:56 p.m. and went back on 25 the record at 3:17 p.m.) NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 253 1 CHAIR CORRADINI: 2 So 3 Dr. Basu is Let's get started. the stand in for Mr. Hudson. 4 MR. BASU: Yes. 5 CHAIR CORRADINI: 6 MR. BASU: Sud? Thank you. I think somebody 7 already designated two of us as odd couples because 8 I'm sitting in for Nate Hudson and Jay will be sitting 9 in for Valerie Barnes. 10 MR. KRESS: 11 Well, they had another reason for calling you the odd couple. 12 (Laughter.) 13 MR. BASU: 14 (Laughter.) 15 CHAIR CORRADINI: 16 I'm sure. And, you, too, George. Happy New Year. 17 MR. BASU: 18 Professor Apostolakis? 19 business. 20 21 Yes, I'm sure. I'm wondering what happened to All right. Happy New Year, Jay. Now we are in Happy New Year to you all. 22 Okay. So this is going to be a little 23 short presentation. 24 slides or go through all the slides. 25 I'm not going to wade through the Nate Hudson has a family emergency so he NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 254 1 couldn't be here so I'm giving the presentation for 2 him. 3 It's the research plan for hydrogen and 4 process plant analysis. 5 misleading. 6 doing the hydrogen process plant analysis for that 7 plant. 8 process plant analysis as to its impact on the reactor 9 safety. We 10 The title is a little bit We are actually not in the business of are in the business of doing hydrogen So that's what the focus of our research 11 plan 12 develop independent and confirmatory safety analysis 13 tools 14 implication of the hydrogen or any other process plant 15 operations on the NGNP or the reactor safety. is 16 to about. The support the objective staff is very review of simple, the to safety And, of course, the tools and methods to 17 be 18 perform the confirmatory safety analysis, not unduly 19 conservative, but also for phenomena that are unknown, 20 for processes that are unknown. 21 those things, we'll work on those things that, you 22 know, we like to assure ourselves that there are going 23 to 24 predictive capability. implemented be 25 safety should margins be in accurate our and to And I'll come to analysis MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: adequate and in our What you are trying NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 255 1 to do is essentially set the boundary conditions? 2 MR. BASU: Set the boundary conditions in 3 a way. But as you go into it and analyze it -- as I 4 go into it, you'll see that the boundary conditions 5 themselves are not quite known at this point, okay. 6 7 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: conditions the right one? 8 9 MR. BASU: Well, the interface between the two. 10 11 Is the word boundary MR. RUBIN: What are the hazards that it poses? 12 MR. BASU: Okay. So here is the cartoon 13 that I'm going to spend time on, in fact the rest of 14 my talk I'll just keep that in large part. 15 the reactor plant here, the NGNP or the HTGR plant if 16 you will. 17 You have And then you have the process plants. And 18 here, of course, in this cartoon, there are two plants 19 shown. 20 hydrogen co-generation. 21 perspective, the NGNP technology envelope definition, 22 if you will, is that ten percent of the process goes 23 to hydrogen generation. 24 25 For NGNP, if you recall, the focus is on So if megawatt-thermal, And, again, to put things in you roughly are talking about 50 about a 600 megawatt-thermal NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 256 1 goes to hydrogen generation. 2 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 3 also producing hydrogen? 4 else? 5 6 MR. it could be any Any application. MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: So what if you have some other hazardous materials there? 9 10 Or it could be someplace Well, processing applications. 7 8 BASU: Is the second plant MR. BASU: Yes, you can. And that is going to be -- yes, exactly. 11 So, okay, so what are the issues? There 12 are basically three categories. 13 the operation of the process heat plant, if you will, 14 the hydrogen co-generation being one of them bu then 15 there 16 characteristics of the plant will have some impact on 17 the reactor plant in a couple of ways. are other One is the -- during applications, the operational 18 One is that the transient in the hydrogen 19 plant, and I'll say hydrogen plant but it could be any 20 of 21 hydrogen 22 operation or the mode that the reactor is going to see 23 in terms of the mass balance and energy balance. the 24 25 processing plant plants, can the actually transient impact the in the reactor The upset conditions in the hydrogen plant can also impact the reactor plant. So what we did NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 257 1 here is we kind from a 2 release 3 reactor safety in a number of ways. 4 through the mass and energy balance, as I mentioned. 5 And 6 materials, material performance. 7 the effect of corrosive and toxic byproducts on the 8 reactor operation in terms of the operator dose and 9 operator exposure, et cetera. then list a processing the 10 of effect The few things. plant of could corrosive detonation Chemical effect the First of all byproducts on And then, of course, was mentioned in the 11 context of dust. 12 which 13 issue. 14 unconfined hydrogen explosion. 15 if the byproduct is oxygen, as it may be from one 16 particular 17 high 18 electrolysis, 19 gas. produces Here, We, of course, in a hydrogen plant hydrogen, of course, hydrogen temperature the 20 And 21 concentrations, 22 reactor safety. 23 The hydrogen we are that oxygen if it that is could transport process is is thinking is of an the And then, of course, co-generation -- detonation a high heavy generating also -- have that the temperature ground-hugging in an flammable impact processing on transport 24 system, the transients -- and I mentioned that all the 25 times in chemical plant that get reactor trip or NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 258 1 component failures. 2 the 3 processing failure and piping factors, and so on and 4 so forth. intermediate And some of the components are heat exchanger tube failures, the 5 The third category that has an impact and 6 it is going on the other side is whatever is happening 7 in the reactor plant is going to be -- the process 8 plant and a particular issue here is the trace amount 9 of tritium that is generated in the reactor plan which 10 isn't transported through the intermediate loop to the 11 process plan. 12 in 13 product. the And the possibility of that ending up consumer product, the ultimate consumer 14 So that is an area that we recognize and 15 we need to be able to address that either in some form 16 of administrative control, tech spec control, and so 17 on and so forth. 18 So these are the three main categories of 19 issues 20 processing to the high-temperature gas reactor. that 21 22 are related to coupled, co-located If there are no questions on this, then I will -- yes? 23 CHAIR CORRADINI: 24 MR. BASU: 25 CHAIR CORRADINI: There is a question. There is a question. So I remember when you NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 259 1 first were discussing this in the context of license 2 training, you and Stu were up, there was a distance 3 beyond which it just becomes some industrial facility 4 in the region thereof, all right, and within some 5 distance it has to be considered both feed forward, 6 which is essentially stuff that happens in the NGNP 7 that can effect the hydrogen plant. 8 back, which is some sort of gaseous effluence or some 9 sort of feed back of the process plant effecting the 10 And then the feed reactor. 11 Are you taking the -- are you trying to 12 think independently of the DOE about these sort of 13 initiators? 14 colleagues are thinking in this regard? 15 16 Or are MR. BASU: you waiting what your segue to what I was doing. CHAIR CORRADINI: 18 MEMBER Okay. APOSTOLAKIS: I have another question. 20 MR. BASU: 21 MEMBER 22 see I think you gave me the good 17 19 to So -- APOSTOLAKIS: So when you say safety issues -- 23 MR. BASU: 24 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 25 help you develop your R&D program I suppose. Yes. -- this list will NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 260 1 MR. BASU: 2 MEMBER 3 Yes. APOSTOLAKIS: You want to understand those. 4 MR. BASU: Yes. 5 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: I'm wondering whether 6 there are additional safety issues if you consider a 7 major 8 disable parts of both plants -- 9 external event MR. BASU: 10 MEMBER like an earthquake which may there any Yes. APOSTOLAKIS: -- are 11 safety issues that perhaps would be raised there and 12 we have to understand? 13 MR. BASU: 14 answer your question. 15 external fire, those have already been incorporated 16 into the traditional design and safety analysis of the 17 reactor plant if the reactor plant was a standalone 18 plant. Okay. Let me see if I can Earthquake, external flooding, 19 The issues that I brought up here are the 20 issues that are unique to the couple and co-located 21 plants, process plants to the reactor plant. 22 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: But it is unique to 23 have a major earthquake effecting the reactor and a 24 chemical plant. 25 MR. BASU: Absolutely. But that will be NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 261 1 taken care of in the complex external load from the 2 earthquake to the reactor safety. 3 MEMBER RAY: What he is saying is have you 4 thought about an earthquake at the reactor? 5 about an earthquake at the reactor combined with one 6 of these -- 7 MR. 8 hydrogen plant. 9 10 BASU: Earthquake MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: MR. BASU: 12 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: Well, most likely it It will. MR. BASU: If it damages the And that's through one of these three categories. 16 17 the reactor, I assume. 14 15 damaging How will. 11 13 Yes. MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: Well, I don't know about that. 18 MR. BASU: 19 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 20 (Laughter.) 21 MEMBER BLEY: No? What am I missing? I don't know. Well, one thing you might be 22 missing is you may have opened up air pathways into 23 the plant that wouldn't normally be there if you'd 24 look a the hydrogen plant in isolation. 25 MEMBER RAY: Yes, and our envelope for NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 262 1 toxic gases isn't seismically. 2 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 3 MR. BASU: What I think -- If I have an upset in the 4 hydrogen plant, if I have an accident in the hydrogen 5 plant, I open up that pathway anyway. 6 7 MEMBER MR. BASU: it would If there was the intermediary MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: All we're suggesting here, Sud, is it would be nice to have a little story. 12 MR. BASU: 13 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 14 think loop because of an accident -- 10 11 I behoove you -- 8 9 APOSTOLAKIS: Right? No, I -Don't try to explain it now. 15 MR. RUBIN: Here is the rub. We're not 16 going to license the hydrogen plant. 17 to really regulate the plant. 18 assure that the frequency of events is not caught -- 19 what kind of -- 20 We're not going What oversight can we MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: No, that's not what I 21 mean, Stu. That's not what I mean. I mean if I do a 22 traditional seismic analysis for the nuclear reactor 23 where you have a hell of a lot of authority, right, 24 now I have to worry about the co-located facility 25 suffering from the same earthquake and maybe releasing NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 263 1 bad stuff or doing other things. 2 And I'd like to That's understand I'm the possibilities 4 whether there is a need for additional safety issues 5 to be put there or to be investigated. 6 saying because this is kind of unique here. MR. BASU: all what 3 7 are. Right? saying. And That's all I'm No, your point is well taken. 8 In terms of whether or not an earthquake or any other 9 external load could cause damage to both plants and 10 the possibility of that we need to look into. 11 Once that happens, phenomena-wise, it's 12 not going to be -- at least in my mind, I haven't seen 13 -- 14 different from the phenomena that we have identified. I'm not 15 aware of anything CHAIR CORRADINI: that's going to be I think, though, you 16 guys are in violent agreement. 17 asking you to do is to go away and at least make sure 18 it is enveloped within what you are considering. 19 20 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: My agreement is grudging. 21 (Laughter.) 22 CHAIR CORRADINI: 23 I think all George is Good, George. I think as long as you determine its envelope. 24 MR. BASU: 25 MR. RUBIN: Okay. I think you can imagine the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 264 1 failure modes and effects in the worst case for that 2 plant. 3 that. 4 that 5 possibilities 6 hazards. And we want to make sure we can accommodate Okay, we're not going to say you can't build it way. 7 8 are want to enveloped make in us sure that looking at the the The people who will do the PRA will definitely have to worry about this. MR. BASU: You are absolutely right. I agree with you -- 11 12 we MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 9 10 But MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: Now the question is - - 13 MR. BASU: 14 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: -- quite strongly. -- the question is 15 whether 16 issues or other issues that they would need answers 17 to. 18 they will have some issues, chronological And these answers should come from this program. That's all I'm saying. And if you say no, that's 19 fine with me. 20 because that's really the phenomenological threat in 21 my mind. But we'll wait and see what will be 22 MR. BASU: 23 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 24 MR. BASU: 25 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: Yes, if there are -Seismic. -- we're in agreement, George. Okay. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 265 1 MR. BASU: If there are any new 2 phenomenological issues that come up, we definitely 3 are going to look into that. 4 At this point, I've not. Okay, now how do we -- 5 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: In the second 6 category of events that you are looking at, why is 7 this 8 removal event that may be caused by something within 9 the plant itself? any 10 different than MR. BASU: any other decreased heat It is not in theory but now -- 11 I mean you have already designed the coupled plant to 12 deliver 13 operation. 14 there is a load falling operation in the other plant 15 or load rejection in the other plant you have to find. part 16 17 your process heat for the other And now you have to find a heat sink if So in that sense but in theory, transientwise, it is not. 18 19 of I mean phenomena-wise, it's not. I'm just trying to recognize that these are the issues that one has to look into. 20 MEMBER 21 wondering 22 something that -- 23 if ABDEL-KHALIK: you're MR. RUBIN: spending a But lot of I'm time just on Here's something we're not 24 privy to yet and this is why we have to talk to DOE, 25 they are writing requirements for this plant for the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 266 1 various vendors. And one of the requirements that one 2 could think of is a requirement to design a plant 3 where events, transients that occur in the hydrogen or 4 processing plant would be buffered in some way through 5 dump systems, through control systems, so it would not 6 perturb the reactor much at all, notwithstanding I do 7 believe that those kinds of requirements are being 8 looked at so that a plant -- this hydrogen production 9 plant, which who knows what the reliability is going 10 to be -- that they could be tripping off every day -- 11 okay -- you don't want to have to deal with that in a 12 full transient of that -- even though it won't be -- 13 it will be ten percent, I believe. 14 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 15 MR. RUBIN: Right. I mean you want to not have 16 that -- even that as an issue. 17 can engineer away that kind -- there are 100 percent 18 load reject systems available in nuclear plants. And there are ways you 19 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 20 MR. RUBIN: And that's what we're talking MR. BASU: I think I'm going to answer 21 Right. about here. 22 23 your question, the second part of that in a minute or 24 so because I'm going to go back to -- Mike was asking 25 me now what. We have these phenomena identified, what NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 267 1 do we do? Where do we go from here? 2 I'll tell you what is happening in the 3 HTGR involving design work, which is evolving. In 4 NGNP we define the technology envelope as ten percent 5 processing going into hydrogen plant. 6 There is some kind of thinking going on in 7 the industry to be able to utilize the processing for 8 more than ten percent. 9 10 CHAIR CORRADINI: sorry. Say that again. I'm I didn't understand what you say. 11 MR. BASU: Industry is looking into the 12 utilization of processes for more than ten percent. 13 In other words, less than 90 percent for the nuclear 14 electricity production. 15 the 16 possibility. licensing 17 18 And more than ten percent for application. We don't know. Okay? So that is a We're not clear yet. And it could be -- it could be as high as 80 percent processing -- 19 CHAIR CORRADINI: 20 MR. BASU: 21 CHAIR CORRADINI: 22 MR. BASU: Of a smaller plant. What? Nothing. Now what happens, going back to 23 your question, if it is at ten percent, it's kind of 24 no, never mind what is happening in the processing 25 plant. But if an 80 percent load is taken by the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 268 1 process plant, then any upset that is happening at he 2 process plant and if it is a single process plant or 3 any other transients, I think we need to -- 4 5 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: any different than a turbine plant? 6 7 MEMBER 10 BLEY: Terminally, I wouldn't. Besides, you've got a lot of graphite. 8 9 Why would that be MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: I mean I'm raising the question because, you know, you want to devote your resources to things that actually are important. 11 MR. BASU: Right. 12 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: And if this turns 13 out to be irrelevant under any and all circumstances, 14 then maybe you ought not spend a lot of time on this. 15 16 MEMBER BLEY: Except that the first one, the chemical release -- 17 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 18 only on the second part. 19 MEMBER BLEY: 20 MR. RUBIN: view, they're Yes, I'm focusing Yes. I think from a designers point 21 of looking at trying to design the 22 control system in ways to accept the full reject and 23 not have the reactor trip. 24 of view, you are right. 25 terms of the loss of load. But from a sinking point I think it is bounding in NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 269 1 2 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: a PIRT? 3 MR. BASU: 4 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 5 Yes. Well, the PIRT was never wrong. 6 (Laughter.) 7 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 8 CHAIR CORRADINI: 9 MR. BASU: Okay. This is a PIRT pride. It's a living PIRT. 10 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 11 MR. BASU: 12 Is this the result of It's a living PIRT? So we'll not -- we'll take into consideration your suggestion. 13 In terms of what we are doing or what we 14 are planning to do -- and let me answer your question, 15 in terms of the hydrogen explosion issue, we have a 16 very large amount of database from LWR -- 17 18 MEMBER unique. 19 ABDEL-KHALIK: That I agree is And you need to look at. MR. BASU: Well, we will look into it but 20 I'm also saying that we will benefit from the database 21 that we generated under the LWR program. 22 large amount of database on the chemical dispersion, 23 the plume modeling, so on and so forth. 24 25 We have a And then, again, we're going to reap the benefit of that database. This is in the context of NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 270 1 light water reactor but it equally applies to this. 2 And we're going to be looking to the applicability of 3 this. 4 regard. So there may not be any new R&D coming in this 5 In fact, we have RegGuide 1.78 that's on 6 the control room habitability against the chemical and 7 toxic release. 8 brought to bear. A lot of that information then may be 9 The transients in chemical plant that ill 10 lead to reactor -- potentially reactor trip, we will 11 look 12 earthquake, and others. into. So load facts has been brought up, 13 This point that I'm trying to make is that 14 there is already a large amount of database on many of 15 these 16 program. 17 ourselves. phenomena And that we we will generated look into under those the to LWR inform 18 And then if at that point we find that 19 there are some data missing, some information missing 20 and 21 generate, then we'll set up -- we'll let that then 22 define our program coding. that 23 the applicant or DOE are not So this is a work in progress. going to We're not 24 doing anything at the moment. 25 the necessary information that will inform us as to We have gathered all NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 271 1 what needs to be done in the future. And we will sort 2 of define our program and design our program. 3 So that's, in a nutshell, and you have the 4 handout but I, you know, I think I basically mentioned 5 everything that is in the handout. 6 CHAIR CORRADINI: 7 (No response.) 8 CHAIR CORRADINI: 9 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 10 MR. BASU: 11 MEMBER Other questions? Thank you. On the next slide -- The next slide. ABDEL-KHALIK: -- you want to 12 develop an evaluation model to predict response of a 13 reactor 14 production plant and vice versa. 15 to transients MR. BASU: undertaking the hydrogen Why the vice versa? Well, here it is. I already 16 said that I did not intend to go through the slides. 17 The slides were prepared by Nate Hudson. 18 perspective in mind. 19 cannot -- I really cannot -- you know, I 20 CHAIR CORRADINI: 21 MR. BASU: Reconstruct it? Yes, interpret what he may have 22 in mind when he talked about vice versa. 23 think vice versa applies. 24 25 MEMBER ARMIJO: plant's problem. He had a I don't But -Well, that's the hydrogen They should evaluate what happens if NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 272 1 they -- 2 MEMBER 3 problem, too, though because -- 4 MEMBER 5 ARMIJO: But No, I it mean is from our their standpoint -- 6 7 APOSTOLAKIS: MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: -- if something bad happens there -- 8 MEMBER ARMIJO: -- no but from them coming 9 back to the reactor is an issue but from them -- from 10 the chemical plant's standpoint if the reactor shuts 11 down, if they've got a problem, they should say that's 12 a possibility and this is how we'll handle it. 13 14 MEMBER BLEY: stops. I mean -- 15 16 Well, their reaction just MEMBER ARMIJO: Yes, well, it may not be so easy depending. 17 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: I remember that many, 18 many 19 because 20 information. 21 Regarding what hazardous materials they would carry 22 and so on? years 23 24 the ago, the chemical Is MR. Midland owner that BASU: plant refused a If was to correct I cancelled supply some recollection? remember, vaguely something like that. 25 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: Something like that. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 273 1 MR. BASU: Also there was this -- 2 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: Have you guys -- is 3 the situation not different? 4 operators and the owners of these facilities would be 5 willing to cooperate with you and answer the questions 6 you might have? 7 8 9 MR. BASU: Well, these facilities will be -- in the regulatory space will be controlled by agencies like EPA. 10 11 Do you expect that the MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: Well, I assume that - - 12 MR. BASU: So we may have to -- we may 13 have 14 regulatory agency. 15 the 16 demand some information and then expect that they will 17 provide the information. to initiate operator 18 or dialogue with the corresponding I don't know whether we can go to owner of a chemical MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: facility and Well, who -- maybe it 19 is not your problem but somebody should worry about it 20 it seems to me. 21 it? 22 Are high level people worried about MR. RUBIN: Well, we'll certainly 23 communicate that. 24 hazards and make sure we have protection against those 25 kinds of chemical hazards. We need to know what are those And DOE is -- we'll look NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 274 1 to them to provide that for us. 2 Other issues are what are the security 3 requirements? 4 over those security arrangements. 5 6 Okay? And we don't have regulatory What will they be? They are what they are for chemical plants in the United States. 7 How good that is, I'm not privy o bu I 8 suspect it is a little different than ours. 9 are the implication? 10 11 CHAIR CORRADINI: MR. RUBIN: I think CHAIR CORRADINI: is Homeland It's not -- okay -- I thought it was FEMA. 16 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 17 CHAIR CORRADINI: 18 MR. RUBIN: 19 it Security. 14 15 Who is the regulatory agency that deals with -- 12 13 And what There is no CRC. Okay. And that's another whole issue of security and the implications of that relationship. 20 CHAIR CORRADINI: 21 (No response.) 22 CHAIR CORRADINI: 23 MR. BASU: 24 CHAIR CORRADINI: 25 DR. PERSENSKY: Other questions for Sud? Okay. Thank you. You're welcome. Jay, are you up? I am up. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 275 1 CHAIR CORRADINI: Okay. 2 DR. PERSENSKY: Good afternoon. It is 3 always good to be the last person because it makes you 4 want to get out of here faster and hurry up and not 5 ask any questions. 6 going to start this off by asking for some sympathy. 7 As Stu said, I'm here replacing Dr. Barnes or subbing 8 for Dr. Barnes who messed up her knee skiing. 9 can't be around. 10 And besides that, you know, I'm And so they asked me to help out. So she And I 11 actually postponed my trip to Hawaii for one day so I 12 could do this. 13 George. So let's have some sympathy here, What's this Jay, what are you doing here? 14 Okay, now that's over, let's move on. 15 You're not going to get any sympathy from this group, 16 I can tell. 17 I am -- one of the reasons George asked 18 that question is because I am a re-employed annuit and 19 I actually retired last January. 20 through the end of March as a re-employed annuit to 21 try 22 transfer since I had been here for something like 30 23 years in the human factors area. 24 us have been here that long. and 25 help out the staff But I'm back here with some knowledge And not too many of So anyway, the other thing I'd like to NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 276 1 start off with is I understand, you know, the focus 2 has been on the NGNP but one of the things about human 3 performance 4 topic. 5 is that It's it hard really to is focus on a cross-cutting one particular 6 design because so much of what we would be doing from 7 the human factors standpoint would cross over any of 8 the advanced reactor designs as well as some of the 9 work that might be going on for new reactors and as we 10 see PIRT plants upgrading or updating their control 11 rooms. 12 So a lot of the work that we're going here 13 does cross cut. 14 lot that focuses directly on the NGNP. 15 Sud's presentation, I think that there is some support 16 here -- more support for some of the things I'll be 17 talking about. 18 And to be honest, we haven't done a But hearing Now what do we plan to do here? And 19 really a couple of things. 20 seeing and what we have seen in the licensing of the 21 new 22 technologies even in the human factors area that are 23 taking place and are being used for licensing purposes 24 in 25 performance modeling. reactors terms of is that the One is that what we are there human -- are a they're lot using of new human NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 277 1 They're using rapid prototype. So there 2 are some things out there we haven't been able to -- 3 we're trying to get a better handle on in terms of 4 understanding 5 kinds of evidence that we typically have looked at in 6 the past. 7 how those tools might play into the The other is that we have to look at what 8 are the new concepts of operation? I mean we've just 9 talked a lot with Sud here about -- all right, well, 10 you've got the nuclear plant over here. 11 the 12 interactions are there? 13 transients? 14 is going to have to be doing? hydrogen plant over here. You've got What kind of Are there any types of new Is there something new that the operator 15 Are there going to be new tools that he's 16 going to -- issues that he is going to have to be 17 addressing, 18 And, again, thinking more broadly about all different 19 types of advanced reactors. different types of accident scenarios? 20 We hear things from the PBMR people about 21 one person operating several units by him or herself 22 from his basement part-time. 23 concepts of operation that need to be considered. 24 expect that there will be. 25 And the current So there may be new regulatory guidance We we NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 278 1 have out there, though it is fairly consistent or 2 fairly good for the new reactors, we're not sure that 3 it is really going to be as good in all conditions for 4 the advanced reactors. 5 changes. So we would be looking for 6 Unfortunately I didn't get the new -- I 7 did make a new slide where I combined some of these 8 things so what you have in front of you really is -- I 9 have a couple more slides that I pulled together here. 10 But, you know, what kinds of issues? 11 course, 12 potential for human error. 13 decrease? 14 kinds of error? the one we are interested in is the Is there an increase? A How is it -- is it going to be different 15 16 main Of This would also, of course, lead to some of the HRA work that is going on. 17 One of the big things that I look for from 18 a human factors perspective is the lack of situation 19 awareness, which is really a phenomena in the human 20 factors area of basically knowing what is going on 21 now, what has gone on in the past, and what you can 22 expect in the future. 23 And as we've heard, I know from a lot of 24 places 25 current control room, look around because he has all that a seasoned operator can walk into NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 a 279 1 of his displays, he has all of his alarms, he has 2 everything in front of him and can pretty well figure 3 out what is going on at the plant when he walks into 4 the plant, that he has a quick awareness of what is 5 happening. 6 Whereas if you walk into a new type of 7 control room and if you see the little picture down at 8 the bottom there, what you have is a bunch of computer 9 screens that may or may not be on the kind 10 information that you want at the time. 11 great because you can get all kinds of information. of And it is 12 But on the other hand, you get what is 13 called the keyhole effect because you are only looking 14 at one thing and you have to navigate through several 15 screens to actually get to the information that you 16 might want at the time. 17 18 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: Jay, coming back o your safety issues -- 19 DR. PERSENSKY: 20 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: Right. -- where would you 21 put -- or is it an issue that maybe two different 22 groups of people will get to coordinate their efforts 23 in an emergency. 24 25 DR. PERSENSKY: Well, actually one of the things, and you'll see it, in terms of the actual NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 280 1 projects that we're talking about or topical areas is 2 the concept of teamwork and communication. 3 those is, in fact, distributed decision-making. 4 you make decisions in that type of situation. 5 So, yes, that is the heart of it. 6 Another issue, and we hear this a lot from 7 the industry, is the lack of adequate adequate staff 8 out 9 things with any kind of experience. there, 10 people that can actually And one of How Yes. operate these I saw Dave DeSonjas in the audience but I 11 see he left. 12 year, a rule -- a new fitness for duty rule. 13 of 14 requirements -- fatigue management requirements that 15 we have before in terms of a requirement. that 16 I mean right now we just put out -- last fitness They for have duty to rule apply And part included those by fatigue I think 17 October -- no, I forget the date now but sometime this 18 -- I think it is October of this year. 19 already 20 sufficient staff to met what amounts to some reduced 21 hours that would they would have to hire new people to 22 actually fill in for that. 23 beginning to hear voices about And we're not having And, you know, I'm talking to operators, 24 talking to plants. 25 the new plants, taking people from existing plans. And they are concerned about with So NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 281 1 there is still a need --- this is more of a 2 sociological issue -- but a need to get out there and 3 figure out how we could encourage the development of 4 staff. 5 One of the licensing issues that has come 6 up is the fact that we're now talking about depending 7 on 8 opposed o the analogue that is out there now. 9 -- digital as we technology know, digital 10 rapidly. 11 tomorrow or the next day. 12 Buy a and computer computer technology today, technology And the changes it's an as very antique And our currently regulatory framework may 13 not necessarily be able to adjust as rapidly. 14 those are some problems that we have been discussing. 15 And also the training and development of NRC staff. So 16 As I said, I've been here for a long time. 17 leaving -- we have a few new people but without of a 18 lot of experience and we're trying to bring them along 19 but the rate both in terms of the research end and in 20 the licensing end is not quite what we need. 21 MEMBER BLEY: 22 DR. PERSENSKY: 23 MEMBER BLEY: 24 DR. PERSENSKY: Yes? 25 MEMBER -- BLEY: I'm Jay? Yes? Before you leave that one -- you talked about the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 282 1 reduction in situational awareness in some new design 2 control 3 anywhere? 4 new ones as -- operators talking about how much a 5 better view they get of the plant. rooms, 6 have you seen the opposite effects I've heard people talk about some of the DR. PERSENSKY: I think what we are seeing 7 is with the large view -- the large overview display, 8 that there may be -- a number of people have said that 9 is better. 10 But even with that, we don't have any guidance on how to evaluate those. 11 MEMBER BLEY: 12 DR. PERSENSKY: 13 MEMBER 14 That's true, yes. So -- BLEY: Is there any work in know, we progress trying to figure out how to do that? 15 DR. PERSENSKY: Well, as you 16 participate in the Halden reactor project. 17 is one of the things that we have encouraged them to 18 put into their general program as a way of trying to 19 assess that because they do have a facility to do 20 that. 21 Anecdotally, I have heard And that that from 22 actually some of the existing light water reactors 23 where 24 adjunct so we didn't have to review it necessarily, 25 the operators have been very happy with it and have they have put something like that in as an NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 283 1 learned 2 everything else at the same time. 3 difference between having it and not having it at all. 4 to use it quickly. But they still have So there is a So -- 5 MEMBER BLEY: Is it -- let me sneak in a 6 question for you. 7 your slides. Is there a timetable for when you folks 8 think be 9 guidance on how you might review these things and 10 you'll I didn't see it. coming together I skimmed through with some of understand what they need to be effective? 11 DR. PERSENSKY: to develop a Not really. more precise I mean we're 12 trying 13 factors. 14 plan but that went by the wayside some years ago. plan for human And we used to have a human factors research 15 So there's now a push to begin to develop 16 that again. 17 having more schedule. 18 19 the And part of that would be, of course, MEMBER BLEY: Right now you don't have a place in the advanced reactor plan? 20 DR. PERSENSKY: 21 MR. RUBIN: 22 DR. PERSENSKY: Yes, we're in there. But it is generic. It's very generic and it's 23 kind of amorphous right now. 24 of the other issues that might help because some of 25 the things we are working on. But let me get to some NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 284 1 2 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: Is there human factors branch now? 3 DR. PERSENSKY: There is a human factors 4 and reliability branch in research. 5 Peters is back there. 6 we're in the division of risk assessment. 7 8 a And I see Sean He is the branch chief. MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: And And how many expert on human factors are in that group? 9 DR. me, in PERSENSKY: that We branch, now yes, you 11 wouldn't consider me an expert anyway, I know that -- 13 CHAIR CORRADINI: 14 (Laughter.) 16 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: I didn't say anything. 18 19 I'm glad you got that on. 15 17 -- not counting (Laughter.) have -- 10 12 we have DR. PERSENSKY: We have four people on board -- five? 20 MR. PETERS: 21 DR. Yes, five. PERSENSKY: Oh, If you count Val. if you count Val, 22 okay. 23 level advisor, she's there. 24 them will be leaving for school under our development 25 program. Val -- she's not in the branch but as a senior So there's five. One of So she will be gone for a couple of years. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 285 1 2 MEMBER DR. PERSENSKY: The the human human reliability people, we have three of them now. 5 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 6 DR. PERSENSKY: 7 So reliability people are -- 3 4 APOSTOLAKIS: Okay. All right. In NRO, the new reactors, there's probably four plus Dave. 8 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 9 DR. PERSENSKY: 10 as well. 11 agency. 12 point. Okay. And NRR has I think four So that is the total of human factors in the We don't have anybody in NMSS or FSME at this 13 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 14 DR. PERSENSKY: All right. Now what are we looking at 15 here and you've probably seen something like this. 16 We're going from the large, expansive control rooms to 17 the more cockpit style where the crew interaction is 18 much more defined with the analogue systems as opposed 19 to going through some computer -- the physical versus 20 virtual HSIs, parallel access, serial access, these 21 are 22 differences. all 23 the kinds of things that we see as So this is actually a modified control 24 room. 25 And It has both digital and -- this is the Beznau. this is a conceptual design from the PBMR. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 286 1 Again, those are the kinds of things we're looking at, 2 this major kind of change that is going to occur. 3 As far as developing our plan or the 4 topics that are here, most of it actually comes from 5 something called the human factor -- NUREG/CR-6947. 6 MEMBER BLEY: 7 DR. PERSENSKY: 8 When was that done? That was published just about a month or two ago. 9 MEMBER BLEY: 10 Okay. DR. PERSENSKY: It was finally published. 11 It was the results of a PIRT in human factors where 12 we looked at a number of issues that had been collated 13 from 14 vendors, talking to some of the users, looking at what 15 is going on internationally as well as looking at what 16 is 17 nuclear industry. both going 18 looking on So in at the we vendor documents, digital spent a world lot talking outside of time to of the with the 19 petroleum industry, for instance. 20 coal-fired 21 They've got a lot more digital systems already in 22 place than we see in the nuclear industry. 23 24 industry or the The other is the fossil MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: power industry. Are our digital I&C experts involved in this work? 25 DR. PERSENSKY: We do coordinate quite NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 287 1 closely with Dan Santos, who is our digital I&C SL 2 than we had in the past with Steve. 3 We've been also working on another thing 4 that I'm going to bring up next. 5 mention 6 couple of projects, one on operations under degraded 7 I&C conditions which is where you might have some 8 faults in the I&C condition even to the extent of 9 complete failure. right 10 11 now MEMBER we have funded APOSTOLAKIS: I just want to and Do under we way a understand those degraded conditions? 12 DR. PERSENSKY: What we used in this -- 13 what we're using here is trying to use the work that 14 the 15 categorization of those types of faults -- or whatever 16 faults they come up with. I&C 17 people are doing to MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: establish some We have been asking 18 the I&C people to identify failure modes of systems. 19 So evidently they have been done. 20 DR. PERSENSKY: Yes, I think they are on 21 tomorrow, aren't they? 22 MR. RUBIN: 23 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 24 MR. RUBIN: 25 DR. PERSENSKY: Yes. Oh, they are? Yes, they are. So you can ask them some NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 288 1 more. 2 MEMBER BLEY: 3 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 4 DR. PERSENSKY: 5 PIRT and some 6 involved with. 7 8 other MEMBER Okay. That we got from both the workshops BLEY: actually in progress? 9 I didn't notice that. Is that we that have work been that is Or is it just slated -- DR. PERSENSKY: It is in progress right 10 now. We've established a framework from the work that 11 we've gotten from the I&C people in the Oak Ridge 12 project that's going on. 13 more of the human factors aspects into it. And we're now trying to fit 14 But I mentioned before the methods and 15 tools are changing in terms of what human factors 16 people can use, what designers are using to actually 17 replace sometimes human factors people. 18 don't need that. 19 The Somehow we We'll just use this model. other that we've got going on is levels of 20 looking 21 automation effect personnel. 22 into questions, particularly of situation awareness 23 and workload. at 24 25 levels of automation, how And, again, this gets One of the issues that, you know, somebody said some time ago when we started talking about NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 289 1 advanced reactors, well, we don't need to worry about 2 human factors anymore because everything is so slow, 3 they don't have anything to do. 4 don't worry about it. 5 6 And concept of underload is also something that we've seen in other phenomena. 7 8 the And, you know, so MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: Can we get a copy of this NUREG, Maitri? 9 MS. BANERJEE: This NUREG/CR-6947? 10 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 11 MS. BANERJEE: 12 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 13 DR. PERSENSKY: Yes. Okay. Thank you. And to get back to -- 14 somebody asked the question -- one of the things we're 15 also working on in the human factors standpoint, and 16 you've 17 steering committee on I&C for the new reactors, and 18 where we have one of the task working groups on that 19 and we've been working to develop guidance in the area 20 of 21 displays. heard minimum 22 a couple inventory Operator of of manual presentations the large action from controls is credited the and in 23 safety 24 which we put out an interim staff guidance on all of 25 these now but we are getting a lot of feedback on analysis and also computerized procedures, NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 290 1 needs to improve, 2 computerized procedures. 3 especially in the area of We do participate in the Halden reactor 4 project. 5 with them. 6 that 7 organizational factors that is part of the NEA/CSNI 8 Group. 9 not yet published -- CSNI has approved a technical we We just started a new three-year agreement And one of the other issues and I think is work with the working group on human and And they have just recently published a -- no, 10 opinion paper that is not yet published. 11 give you all the details on it. So I can't 12 But they have proposed in this technical 13 opinion paper a set of research that should be done 14 for advanced reactors as well. 15 how we can merge these two things. So we're looking at 16 As far as what you would see in the plan 17 that we published for the ARRP, the topics are these 18 nine topics. 19 I mentioned a couple of them before: Concepts of operation, how you deal with 20 concepts of operations, functions and tasks? 21 the people going to be doing? 22 they are doing, especially if you are dealing with 23 numerous different areas? 24 25 The function What are How do you assess what allocation and automation? How do you balance automation with personnel review? NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 291 1 Another part of using the digital system 2 is, in fact, they may be much more complex than the 3 analogue systems because they could be almost like a 4 black box in trying to know it. 5 opacity of being able to understand what is behind 6 some of the things. 7 training and procedures and other aspects of human 8 factors. 9 The other is the And that relates, of course, to Workload variations, I mentioned that, and 10 transitions. 11 you know, how many people do you need? 12 qualifications of those people? 13 And it gets to the question of staffing, What are the Teamwork and communications, George asked 14 about distributed decision-making. 15 area would fit. 16 each one of these overall topics. 17 That's where this There are a number of projects under Computer-based procedures, we see that as 18 a fairly major issue. 19 ISGs that the industry has actually come back to us 20 with a lot of questions on. 21 unanswered questions there. As I said, it is one of the And there are a lot of 22 We just had one of our new people look at 23 -- do a little literature search and they came up with 24 30 different issues related to computerized procedures 25 that we need to try to address in some way from the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 292 1 literature. 2 Alarm management has been a long-term 3 issue to try to get away from the waterfall effect. 4 And how does it really play out in a digital system? 5 And, again, the human factors methods and tools. 6 Right now these are the projects for which 7 we have funding in `09 or plan funding for `09 and 8 `10. 9 NUREGs 0711, and that is supposed to say 0700, which 10 are the two primary documents that we use in the human 11 factors -- that we and our regulator friends use in 12 the human factors area. You'll see that one of these is the update of 13 One is the process -- the entire human 14 factors 15 0700, 16 Interface. 17 of telephone cords. 18 You're wireless now. 19 regard to what does this thing really look at. engineering is details process. on the The HSI, other, the which Human is System And this gets into the colors and lengths I'll bring it up before you do. But a lot of the issues with 20 And we're also working with the standards 21 committees as much as possible to try and get them to 22 develop some of these standards that we can endorse. 23 IEEE is working on a computerized procedure standard 24 right now that they are trying to get out. 25 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: There seems to be a NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 293 1 lot of work going on, Jay. And I'm wondering does the 2 staff seek ACRS advice on these things? 3 have to? Or they don't Or what? 4 DR. PERSENSKY: No -- well, we have not -- 5 because we have haven't had a plan, we have not had as 6 many opportunities to interact with you. 7 that, again, is part of this overall planning process 8 that the new management wants us to go through. 9 sure there will be more opportunities. 10 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: I think that I mean these projects 11 sound very interesting. 12 have -- or useful maybe -- to get a supplement. 13 I'm So it would be interesting to MEMBER BLEY: And, you know, that one you 14 mentioned on operations under degraded I&C is one I 15 think we would really be interested in hearing where 16 you are headed. 17 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: That's also touching 18 on our work with the I&C people with failure modes and 19 so on. 20 this? So who is the right person to talk to about 21 22 DR. PERSENSKY: That man right back there, Sean. 23 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 24 DR. PERSENSKY: 25 contacted us with regard Okay. And in addition, EPRI has to trying to do some NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 294 1 collaborative work. 2 yet but there are some areas that they are interested 3 in that we also have a common interest in. 4 We haven't defined what that is Okay, now what are we going to do with all 5 this when it is done? 6 follows on from the TWG work, is making sure that the 7 industry knows what they are getting themselves into. 8 9 10 And part of it -- and this In a sense, what to expect. get that license? What do I need to do to And that is one of the ways we're trying to make it as transparent as possible. 11 What do we need to do to enhance safety or 12 maintain safety and deal with any kind of regulatory 13 action that is necessary? 14 perspective, what we do is we develop the technical 15 basis for whatever tool we're using, whether it is a 16 regulatory 17 guidance change. 18 for. guide, and And really from a research SRP change, or inspection That's what our research is used 19 And that's what we, again, try and make 20 sure that whenever we put out a new guide, that the 21 basis for it is clear. 22 So there's transparency there. Sort of as an ending slide, I mentioned 23 the 24 actually -- and part of the reason for that CSNI-TOP - 25 - and just, you know, for complete transparency, Dr. CSNI work. What we are hoping to do is to NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 295 1 Barnes and I played a role in writing that TOP, we 2 hope to have more international cooperation, to be 3 able to leverage some of the work because as George 4 was kind of hinting at, I think, our staffing and if 5 you really look at our budget, it is such that the 6 more leveraging we can do, the better off we are. 7 Well, the Halden program is part of the 8 EOCD so they are going to be taking advantages of that 9 as well. And another topic that has come before -- I 10 think has come before you as well -- is this issue of 11 new research facilities. 12 primary research facility, in terms of having a full- 13 scope simulator is Halden. 14 15 As I said right now, our And the Commission has asked us in the past to look and see whether or not -- 16 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 17 letter supporting that idea. 18 letter two years ago. 19 DR. PERSENSKY: I thought we wrote a This Committee wrote a Supporting the -- and 20 there's been a Commission paper that went out that 21 we're doing a pilot test on that right now. 22 there's not much human factors involvement because one 23 of 24 develop a simulation research facility. the 25 more expensive parts of MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: that would But be to What is CSNI-TOP? NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 296 1 DR. PERSENSKY: 2 This is 3 they've 4 well. the one that I developed this integrated was mentioning that research says plan as And we want to integrate with them. 5 6 Technical opinion paper. MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: Who is our representative on this? 7 DR. PERSENSKY: 8 And if you really want to know the future 9 10 of control rooms, it's Dr. Barnes. that CHAIR CORRADINI: 12 (Laughter.) 13 DR. PERSENSKY: Actually he's at home. And with that, if there are any questions, if not, you can go home. (Laughter.) 18 MS. BANERJEE: 19 CHAIR CORRADINI: 20 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: Any questions for Jay? Do we have a human CHAIR CORRADINI: We'll discuss it at the DR. According retreat. 24 25 That was sneaky. factors subcommittee? 22 23 his Is he NRC this guy? 17 21 in This is one of the Halden virtual settings. 15 16 sitting basement with a virtual control room and he can do it. 11 14 guy PERSENSKY: to the -- looked that up, as a matter of fact. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 I 297 1 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 2 DR. PERSENSKY: 3 longer a human factors subcommittee. 4 be. I noticed that there is no 5 MEMBER SHACK: 6 CHAIR CORRADINI: There used to We trimmed it out. Questions to Jay before 7 we broaden the discussion? 8 (No response.) 9 CHAIR CORRADINI: 10 Oh, okay. Okay. Thank you very much. 11 DR. PERSENSKY: Thank you. 12 CHAIR CORRADINI: What I wanted to do was the our 13 to 14 questions of anybody else during the day. 15 I'd like to broaden -- just general comments from the 16 folks for the day's events because we're going to have 17 another full day tomorrow. see 18 19 if members MEMBER and APOSTOLAKIS: consultant Are we had any And then writing a letter in February? 20 CHAIR CORRADINI: No, it turns out. But 21 we are to write a letter. I was informed today that 22 staff -- unnamed staff can't support a letter writing 23 in February but -- so we will look -- take it upon 24 ourselves to possibly March or April to write a letter 25 on the research plan. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 298 1 So I'm open to members' comments. 2 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 3 CHAIR CORRADINI: On what we've heard? Well, if we have nothing 4 about what we've heard, I want to broaden it because 5 Harold and I talked briefly outside and I want to ask 6 actually the staff since we've got them here about 7 some policy issue -- questions that relate to the 8 research plan. 9 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: Well, my only comment 10 is that this issue of external events and like the 11 research I think ought to be explored a little better. 12 CHAIR CORRADINI: 13 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 14 So if I might -Is that what you're asking for? 15 CHAIR CORRADINI: Well, before I even do 16 that, Maitri reminded me that since this is an open 17 meeting and I think we may have -- or we did at least 18 at the beginning of the day, members of the public in 19 attendance, 20 comment. if there was 21 (No response.) 22 CHAIR CORRADINI: 23 going to be any public The public has left the building. 24 So, George, I'm sorry. 25 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: Let me repeat. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 I 299 1 mean my only comment is that I'd like to see a better 2 story on what safety issues may arise when you have a 3 major 4 that would effect both the reactor and the chemical 5 facilities. external event, in particular 6 CHAIR CORRADINI: 7 mode event that effects both. 8 9 10 MEMBER earthquake, So some sort of common APOSTOLAKIS: Yes. explore what kinds of issues would arise. And then I mean you can't wait until PRA guys come in. 11 CHAIR CORRADINI: 12 MEMBER RAY: 13 an Other comments? Yes, I have -- do you want me to launch? 14 CHAIR CORRADINI: Well, before you launch 15 where I think you are going to go, I want to see about 16 presentations. 17 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: I have a big picture 18 question about how realistic is the timeline. 19 you 20 verifying it so that you can actually use it by 2013 21 and 22 experiments, this is a dream world. 23 the timeline? talk an 24 25 about element completing of that is CHAIR CORRADINI: an evaluation a possible When model set of and NRC How do you view I think he's addressing at the last staff member standing in front of the room NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 300 1 -- or sitting. Stu? 2 MR. RUBIN: 3 CHAIR CORRADINI: 4 the big bucks. 5 with us. 6 Okay. This is where you earn Please come to the front and help us MR. RUBIN: Okay. We're struggling with a 7 number of issues. One is what is the timeline? 8 is the real COL application date? 9 Or is going to start slipping as events between now 10 and things that need to be decided in the future start 11 to slip so we may have more time? 12 We don't know. 13 Another What Is it still 2013? That's one aspect. budgets, okay. 14 We're operating under a continuing resolution. That 15 causes 16 work, okay. us aspect budgetary issues is our in terms of initiating 17 Assuming it was the best case scenario, we 18 had all the money, are we going to be able to get 19 there? 20 identified 21 stopper. 22 that it is just never going to come together in the 23 time frame, you've got to help me out if you can point 24 to what those specific issues are. 25 Right now I would say we don't -- we haven't something If that is going to be a show- you feel you just kind of vaguely think But right now -NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 301 1 CHAIR CORRADINI: Well, let me through one 2 at you. Since I'm not allowed to use anything about 3 TF, so I'll use fuel, the thing that concerns me most 4 is is the fuel irradiations in ATR and how they are 5 going to play out and if you are going to buy into -- 6 staff that is -- is the staff going to buy into the 7 protocol about compressing the irradiation time at the 8 higher power. 9 And if that's not the case, what is going 10 to have to be redone or what is going to have to be 11 lengthened? 12 fuel irradiations, I can't see you making the schedule 13 that has been laid out to us by DOE and you guys are 14 coordinating with that. 15 head. 16 And as soon as you start lengthen the MR. RUBIN: So that's one that pops in my One thing you have to realize 17 is if they cannot ultimately have their plant licensed 18 because of those issues, then everything slips. 19 with that slippage, we have more time as well. 20 And Okay. It's not like well we have to be done but 21 they're going to have to stretch out. 22 to have to live with the date that we start out with. 23 In other words, we're all 24 time. 25 slippage due to any -- for any reason. Okay. They're going slipping in So there's that whole issue of schedule If they are NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 302 1 slipping, we're buying time at the same time. 2 But your technical issue of accelerated 3 irradiation, we're going to have to look at that. 4 the fuel qualification program, I have not heard that 5 that is part of the plan. 6 For I know they are getting into that in some 7 of the earlier tests but once you get into fuel 8 qualification then the risks start to increase because 9 you are actually pushing the fuel harder than you 10 would otherwise. 11 failures, oops, we've really tripped over ourselves 12 here by doing that. 13 And if you start seeing particle CHAIR CORRADINI: So is a way of 14 summarizing what you are saying to Said is that you 15 are trying to -- you feel there is no show-stoppers 16 that makes NRC the blockage to make the schedule if it 17 is maintained? 18 hear you saying? Is that a way of interpreting what I 19 MR. RUBIN: 20 this data for doing our modeling. 21 too. 22 for their models. 23 those in time, then they are slipping. 24 25 Okay. Well, in other words, we need But they need it, They need to provide the technical basis Okay. And if they can't deliver MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: Okay. But your job is to - NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 303 1 MR. RUBIN: 2 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 3 It needs another application. -- do an independent assessment. 4 MR. RUBIN: But the data, we're looking 5 for the data. 6 they are going to incorporate but the basic data, if 7 we 8 simulating the core in terms of burn up, in terms of 9 power level, in terms of temperature, in terms of feel that 10 fluence, 11 simulation 12 acceptable. 13 14 We may not use the same models that if the we tests don't for that were have valid any in issues qualification, terms with the of that data is You go off and you model it how you want to. We'll go off and model it the way was want to. 15 MEMBER BLEY: I guess, though, where you 16 first started -- let me just take it organizationally 17 -- I haven't seen anything in the presentations that 18 lays out a detailed project plan, how you get from 19 where you are to the end, identifying all the key 20 places where it could go awry. 21 22 And without that, I'd say categorically you don't have a chance to get there. 23 24 CHAIR CORRADINI: Just as a point of information -- 25 MR. RUBIN: Let me respond to that. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 304 1 CHAIR CORRADINI: -- yes you can -- but a 2 point of information, you look at section five, there 3 are dates on all of their bulleted points. 4 could draw a PIRT chart or whatever the heck it is 5 form that. 6 MR. RUBIN: 7 CHAIR CORRADINI: So one It's more than a PIRT chart. In each one of their 8 points, they've got dates where certain things have to 9 be complete. 10 11 MR. RUBIN: has that kind of information. 12 13 We need a project plan that MEMBER BLEY: Including the key places where things could go awry. 14 MR. RUBIN: Jennifer Ewell, our Division 15 Director, has asked us for that. 16 together. And we will get that You are absolutely correct. 17 MEMBER BLEY: Okay. 18 MR. RUBIN: We need to have a project 19 schedule. 20 MR. KRESS: In the LWR work to develop the 21 fission product release models, we had to fuel that 22 had 23 built up in it and we had to re-irradiate it to get 24 some of the short lives back. already 25 been irradiated MR. RUBIN: with fission products Yes, and I pointed that out. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 305 1 MR. KRESS: And then we would take those 2 and stick them in a hot cell and heat them up and hold 3 them 4 accident 5 correlate the rates at which fission products came out 6 as a function of temperature and burnup and what else. 7 We could do about one or two tests a year at different temperatures conditions. And corresponding then grab samples to and 8 with the small samples of fuel. 9 you are going to have to have a lot of data on the 10 fission product release from these particles and from 11 the things. 12 extent of data to make an empirical model which, by 13 the way, I like, the empirical model, in that time 14 frame. 15 Now I just can't -- And I just can't see you getting that It's going to take a lot of data. MR. RUBIN: We haven't challenged Dave 16 Petty and his staff in terms of having the throughput 17 capability to get all of that data we need. 18 have heard that they want to buy additional furnaces 19 for additional accident testing, heat-up testing, so 20 they can run more irradiated fuel through those tests 21 to get data faster. But we Okay. 22 MR. KRESS: Yes. 23 MR. RUBIN: But I don't know if there are 24 any choke points where it's just not going to work 25 out. But they recognize that. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 306 1 2 MR. KRESS: Those are tough experiments to do. 3 MR. RUBIN: Sure. Sure. I think that 4 would mean providing more equipment to PIE and to 5 accident 6 reason. 7 8 test that irradiated CHAIR CORRADINI: fuel for that very I held off Harold before because he is going to to take us -- 9 MR. LEE: Mike, I think we did look at the 10 -- the staff did look at INL, the fuel campaign that 11 they are undertaking at ATR. 12 same thing that Tom just mentioned. 13 get the empirical data for the releases. 14 15 And our concern is the Is that how do I And I think we do have some comments that we have compiled but until the implementation 16 agreement is in place, we can not convey them until 17 then. So we kept those in mind. 18 The adequacy of that so-called fission -- 19 studying the fission product releases, we looked at it 20 already. 21 earliest possible chance. 22 So we will be discussing with them at the MR. RUBIN: We believe that the licensing 23 strategy for the NGNP also was looking at that very 24 issue, the timeliness of data that you need to use in 25 your models for licensing. And what is the strategy NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 307 1 whereby you 2 lower operating temperatures, restricting the burnups, 3 things of that sort where you start to really lower 4 particle failure rates, release rates, even perhaps 5 adding filters to vent systems, really just -- I guess 6 they are compensatory measures. 7 can take compensatory measures, okay, And just allowing the plant to operate at 8 much lower power levels. 9 know, power being generated in the particles is much 10 Okay. So the amount of, you lower, for example. 11 to So there mind to are If we are 13 absolutely must meet the date, there are things that 14 you can do. CHAIR CORRADINI: date. that coming 16 the thoughts 12 15 meet those really Harold, you had some questions. 17 MR. KRESS: Is the date somewhat arbitrary 19 MR. RUBIN: Yes, it is. 20 PARTICIPANT: 21 CHAIR 18 22 anyway? It is written into law. CORRADINI: We've been known to break the law. 23 MEMBER RAY: On Christmas Eve, Maitri gave 24 us a very comprehensive memo on this in advance of 25 this meeting. And I just want to refer to two points NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 308 1 here and then ask 2 actually. 3 staff members here. the question of the members I don't expect to address it to any of the 4 But in talking about the NGNP licensing 5 strategy report basis document and licensing report to 6 the Congress, she indicated that the top four issues 7 included number one, defense in depth measures -- 8 MS. BANERJEE: 9 MEMBER RAY: Policy issues. What? 10 MS. BANERJEE: Policy issues. 11 MEMBER RAY: What did I call it? 12 technical policy issues. 13 thought I'd read that. 14 MS. BANERJEE: 15 MEMBER RAY: What did I call it? I Oh, I'm sorry. Yes. And -- well, I may not 16 have so -- it's a policy issue, right. 17 agree on that. 18 Oh, I think we all But then it indicated further on in the 19 memorandum 20 developing regulatory guidance for implementation of 21 Commission policy statement on defense in depth for 22 advanced reactors may be on hold as the staff plans to 23 recommend the Commission doesn't work on the policy 24 statement -- be put on hold. 25 And that the then third proposed elsewhere milestone either here on or NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 309 1 someplace else -- at least I gathered the rationale 2 for 3 comprehensive 4 judgement about the policy statement. 5 exchanges in e-mail among the members back and forth 6 that I won't go into. that was 7 related PRA In any for for such event, meeting, the do need reactors to see before a making And we had some the question we intend is this have any 8 subcommittee 9 discussion among the members or with staff on this 10 question? 11 direct it back to anybody else. to at I'll direct it to the Chairman but you'll 12 CHAIR CORRADINI: Well, let me add 13 something -- fuel to the fire. 14 traffic we had to each other, it was my impression 15 that we kind of broke up into two quasi-camps on this. 16 I guess in the e-mail I don't even know what they called the camps. 17 But from my perspective, I want to -- I 18 kind of want to make the staff say something about 19 this 20 because 21 issues. or at I least am 22 understand struggling. how There you were are thinking four policy Harold mentioned one but it kind of comes 23 down 24 performance 25 criteria, to containment, criteria, or the performance the -- containment containment system the building performance performance NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 310 1 criteria for this machine -- and how it may differ 2 depending upon the licensing basis events that you are 3 considering, 4 outside the design base. 5 what And is given in the that design this base, defense what in is depth 6 policy statement has been put on hold or is being 7 delayed a bit, where does this leave you relative to 8 your policy questions that you have for the NGNP? 9 That's what I'm kind of struggling with myself because 10 to me, the containment performance criteria -- the 11 containment 12 important in this sort of design. 13 system performance criteria is quite So not just the staff -- I guess the other 14 -- 15 curious what the staff thinks about this because we're 16 going to have to wrestle with this as we go forward. I'm sorry, 17 18 just MR. RUBIN: the members but I'm very Well, I don't want to speak for Mary Drouin who is going to be here tomorrow -- 19 20 not CHAIR CORRADINI: Oh, you are going to put it on Mary? 21 MR. RUBIN: Well, I mean her piece in this 22 is the risk informed infrastructure. 23 of that is the defense in depth requirements. 24 you 25 environment. construct defense in depth in And a big piece a How do risk-informed NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 311 1 And she has been spearheading the work we 2 have done so far in developing a draft, if you will, 3 of a defense in depth policy paper. 4 aware of the reasons why these decisions are being 5 made. 6 7 So she's more on top of it. 10 So tomorrow is the time to ask that question. 8 9 And she's fully CHAIR CORRADINI: to the members. Okay. So then I'll turn So I'll throw out just one point to kind of feed this for Harold. And then Maitri. 11 I guess my feeling is is that if you don't 12 have a containment system with this reactor, you are 13 betting too much on the design, whatever the point 14 design might end up to be. 15 There was some staff documents about what is going on 16 in Fort St. Vrain and apparently with the PCRV and the 17 BISO, 18 confinement structure with certain requirements. TRISO 19 whatever fuel And so I looked back. it was, there was a To me that is at least a minimum that has 20 to be here. 21 defense in depth, particularly because you'd have a 22 lot of passive systems that you'd yet to prove will 23 actually function over the multi days. 24 25 And regardless of what the policy is on MR. RUBIN: Well, the paper that Mary was preparing had in it as a very important piece the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 312 1 policy position 2 advance reactors. 3 parallel with what appeared in the technology-neutral 4 framework under defense in depth. 5 And on containment requirements for And that statement was very much so Okay. that was Okay. the direction we were 6 going in. 7 with there is postulated challenge events to the core 8 to be defined and then go through an analysis of the 9 fission product 10 containment 11 challenge event. can And I think what you are dealing releases provide Okay. and to defense ensure in depth that the for that And that was the idea. 12 That might be beyond what you might -- 13 well, you would be beyond what you would get from a 14 PRA. 15 five steam generator tubes failing or maybe it is that 16 and a valve opening up. 17 18 Okay. And we'd all have to agree -- maybe it is Or maybe the RCC doesn't work for two days, okay, you can find a lot of challenging events and we'd have to decide what that would be. 19 That was the concept in the technology- 20 neutral framework. 21 case, particle failures heating up, caps failing due 22 to a chemical attack or what have you, and making sure 23 that your containment was okay for that. 24 25 And The challenge to core, in this we'd all be happy with containment if that kind of event were to occur. that And NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 313 1 that would be an engineering judgment. 2 MEMBER RAY: And is that the way a policy 4 MR. RUBIN: For defense in depth, it's a 5 deterministic judgment. 3 gets set? 6 MEMBER RAY: Well, I'm asking about the 7 idea that there is this mandate to address a policy 8 matter 9 something happens. 10 but we're going to put it on hold until It sounds like Mary will turn a crank and we'll get a lot of information -- 11 MR. RUBIN: Well, she could talk to you 12 privately as to the reasons behind that. 13 go back to the original paper of I think SECY-03-0059, 14 it talked about the options for developing defense in 15 depth for PBMR at that time and non-LWRs. 16 But if you And one option was case by case. Okay. 17 We can take each plant on its own and make a decision 18 on that one case and we'll decide. 19 generic concept or policy at the end of the day but we 20 have figured it out. 21 22 We may not have a So -- MEMBER RAY: Well, okay, then that is the MR. RUBIN: We may have stepped away from policy then. 23 24 the generic policy paper. 25 options. But so there are other NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 314 1 2 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: A clarification question -- what is it that has been postponed? 3 MR. KRESS: The submittal of a policy -- 4 CHAIR CORRADINI: The presentation we got 5 last meeting where Mary made the presentation about 6 their developing a policy paper on defense in depth, 7 that activity is being postponed. 8 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 9 CHAIR CORRADINI: 10 Postponed until when? Maitri, I'll leave it to you. 11 MS. BANERJEE: Well, yes, what is 12 happening is staff is writing a SECY paper to the 13 Commission, expected towards the end of February where 14 they are going to identify why it is premature to 15 start working on a policy paper on defense and depth 16 and how to go forward from here. 17 CHAIR CORRADINI: 18 MS. BANERJEE: Oh, I see. So we are going to get a 19 copy of the draft SECY paper and hopefully then we can 20 decide whether we want to take it up and want to talk 21 to the staff, have another presentation or not. 22 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: Well, so this SECY 23 will argue why they are postponing it. 24 MS. BANERJEE: 25 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: Yes. But it doesn't answer NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 315 1 to the question until when. 2 MS. BANERJEE: I think they are also going 3 to say, you know, tie up their schedule of developing 4 this policy paper with some additional work that is 5 going on in the risk-informed performance-based area 6 with, you know, HTGR and all this work. 7 is -- you know, until a certain time. 8 see a logical -- 9 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: And say this So I expect to Now a previous 10 Commission told us explicitly not to get involved in 11 policy issues. 12 can't get involved here at all. 13 Is that still valid? MS. BANERJEE: Otherwise we No, my impression is these 14 are areas that ACRS would like to get involved in. 15 I'm not sure. 16 17 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: order. 18 MEMBER SHACK: Well, I think his is a 19 technical policy issue. 20 (Laughter.) 21 MR. KRESS: 22 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 23 on. Since when do you take orders? It was policy. Come Unless we have a different Commission now. 24 25 That was an explicit MEMBER SHACK: We've certainly be involved in technical policy issues and that's been a long NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 316 1 mission. 2 3 MR. KRESS: But containment is a technical MR. RUBIN: There have been many meetings matter. 4 5 on the technology-neutral framework. 6 is fraught with policy issues. 7 in it. 8 9 MEMBER RAY: And all of that So we've been involved I don't know how you stay out of it honestly on this level. 10 MEMBER BLEY: Well, you raised it in the 11 context of that last meeting. 12 last 13 organizing a process that would lead to a SECY that 14 would put forward a policy decision. meeting was staff was 15 CHAIR CORRADINI: 16 MEMBER 17 BLEY: were, you know, on track. My impression at the well on its way to Right. And it seemed like they There was more to be done. 18 I don't quite get it but I guess I'd have 19 to see the arguments they are making now about why it 20 should 21 extremely useful, as the rest of this process goes 22 forward, to have that defined. 23 be postponed. It CHAIR CORRADINI: seems -- it would be Well, I mean -- I guess 24 it is a cart before the horse sort of thing but it 25 seems to me without that, to ad hoc develop something, NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 317 1 the staff for the NGNP project. 2 3 MR. RUBIN: We will make regulatory decisions. 4 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 5 big deal is. 6 the big deal? 7 I don't see what the All the review stuff, we do. MEMBER RAY: All right. What is Then the big deal 8 -- since I started this -- would be you are going to 9 make policy after you-- 10 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 11 MEMBER RAY: 12 Do it. -- after you applied policy. In other words, you are applying policy but you don't 13 know what it is. 14 done it, I guess. 15 We'll figure it out after you've MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: There are some real 16 safety issues I submit. 17 difference because we will review here whatever these 18 guys are doing. It really doesn't make a And, you know, pass judgment. 19 Now what you are saying, Harold, is that 20 sounds very odd that we establish policy after we have 21 implemented something. 22 23 But terms of real safety issue, I frankly don't see a difference. 24 25 in I agree. MEMBER SHACK: I mean there was an SRM, too, that sort of said exercise the technology-neutral NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 318 1 framework -- 2 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 3 MEMBER SHACK: Yes. -- including some of this 4 defense in depth concept on a reactor concept just to 5 see how it all worked out. 6 that, you know, that's what we're going here is we're 7 sort 8 really applies to a real case. of 9 10 going through And you can sort of argue that process MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: to see how it And the Commission may very reasonably wait until the results of this. 11 MEMBER SHACK: Well, I'm not sure, you 12 know, that could be part of the argument for holding 13 off is to just actually go through a more concrete 14 case than trying to decide policy in the abstract. 15 16 MEMBER BLEY: again tomorrow in Mary's talk. 17 18 This will no doubt arise MR. RUBIN: I will advise Mary that she need to be ready. 19 (Laughter.) 20 MR. RUBIN: As I understand it, go from 21 the letter that you signed April 30th -- if I read it 22 anyway -- Mary will be talking about a partially risk- 23 informed approach as the option that we are trying to 24 implement here. 25 CHAIR CORRADINI: Correct. Out of four NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 319 1 options -- 2 3 MR. RUBIN: I think we dropped partial. It is risk informed. 4 MEMBER RAY: I see. All right. Because 5 option two was partially, option three was fully. 6 I was going to say -- 7 CHAIR CORRADINI: We've managed to kind of 8 -- we've landed in between the two I think. 9 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 10 between a 11 informed? 12 13 partial What's the difference risk-informed CHAIR CORRADINI: And and a full risk- It's like being a little pregnant. 14 MEMBER RAY: You know, George, we actually 15 get into some debates, as we did in the e-mail over 16 this very issue because to me the real question is 17 between risk informed versus risk based which we never 18 confuse that. 19 20 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: MEMBER RAY: 22 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: That's correct. It's not risk based. We know that. 24 25 That has been settled. 21 23 All right. MEMBER RAY: All right. Swell. Then I was simply going to ask what's the difference between NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 320 1 partially and fully risk informed. 2 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 3 MEMBER RAY: 4 CHAIR CORRADINI: 5 Boy, you are in a very certain mood these And I'm saying none. Good. That settles that. 6 days. But let me just push -- let me just push the 7 point because I think -- I thought I saw where Harold 8 was going with this but let me tell you what worries 9 me. What concerns me about at least this reactor, 10 this design -- or not concerns me -- what I concern 11 myself 12 behavior, which we seem to focus on but the short-time 13 behavior of what is the limiting accident that is 14 going to essentially cause a pressurization? 15 how you handle that initial pressurization. about in this design is not the long time And then 16 Because unless that is thought through, 17 you can literally have opened the confinement building 18 or the building, the system, and then any further 19 failure down the line, you essentially have now a 20 bypass. 21 22 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: And you think that the policy statement on this -- 23 24 You have no -- CHAIR CORRADINI: No, no, no. No, that isn't my point. 25 MEMBER RAY: Yes, just tell me what the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 321 1 answer is and that's okay, we'll move on. 2 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 3 MEMBER RAY: Between what? About whether -- you are 4 basically saying it is not important or it is not 5 timely or whatever to address this issue. Okay. 6 But, you know, I'm still hung up over the 7 fact that I've watched us get to a place on another 8 technical subject, and I won't mention what it is at 9 this moment but you all know what I'm talking about, 10 in which steps were taken, steps, steps, steps, every 11 time looking back to the step before. 12 And then finally you get way down here 13 where you are doing something that you think might be 14 a bad idea but after all, you had all these precedents 15 going 16 further down the road. back 17 18 time, each CHAIR CORRADINI: one just a little bit He's worried about a slippery slope is what I think he's saying. 19 20 over MEMBER RAY: Okay. Fine. But if we can't have a policy on defense in depth now, okay. 21 But I think we ought to be aware that, you 22 know, 23 Commission does have a policy on defense in depth. 24 think 25 anyway. normally that is speaking what they people think would on the think 18th the floor NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 I 322 1 And if we don't have one because we can't 2 figure it out, that's as good as answer as any, I 3 suppose. 4 5 CHAIR CORRADINI: I'm going to step back. You guys are having too much fun. 6 George, you're up. 7 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: if we think of I think we all feel 8 better this exercise without 9 existence of a policy statement, like Bill said. the As a 10 first test of the technology-neural framework and the 11 ideas behind defense in depth, we will have a lot of 12 opportunities to influence that. 13 14 15 And then that may be will go to the Commission when they formulate their policy statement. And I'm pretty happy with that. 16 MEMBER RAY: Well, as I told you, we 17 recently had an example here in another realm where 18 statistical 19 behavior which turned out to be dead wrong. 20 once. inferences were drawn about economic More than 21 And I'm just concerned that we will all 22 talk ourselves into the same mindset the way those 23 geniuses did. 24 here. 25 So that is why I'm raising this issue MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: I would have to NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 323 1 understand better what you mean so maybe this is not 2 the right place. 3 4 CHAIR CORRADINI: Invite him to dinner and you will. 5 MEMBER BLEY: 6 just said resonates a bit with me. 7 there's 8 neutral framework that can get its test here. 9 having 10 a a de test facto I think something George policy before through you The idea that the actually technology- anchor And it in concrete isn't a bad idea. 11 And if it moves forward along the lines we 12 heard the last time with that as something of a de 13 facto way to do that, I think that is very good. 14 CHAIR CORRADINI: So if we went -- if Mary 15 were 16 there's -- just if I might just push the point a bit - 17 - if we were to ask at what level do I have fuel 18 integrity, fuel rod or fuel pellet integrity that I 19 can remove a barrier, the staff has an example of 20 where that would be? 21 in 1860. 22 I'm getting it. here 23 now I could ask her and she And that's what I guess MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: This committee will 24 look at this issue on its own merits. 25 somebody there say Because I don't think I see it It doesn't exist. said would is a policy to Not because have an extra NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 324 1 barrier. We are an independent group. 2 know why you worry about it. So I don't 3 You think there is going to be a committee 4 letter that says we really think there ought to be a 5 barrier but there is a policy. 6 CHAIR CORRADINI: There's no policy. 7 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: It will be totally 8 different added comments because somebody will write 9 them. 10 (Laughter.) 11 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: I really don't see 12 any issue. And I would have to understand better 13 where 14 comfortable if I understand where he is coming from. 15 But everything else that has been discussed in my mind 16 is a non-issue. Harold 17 is coming from in order to feel Definitive. MEMBER RAY: Well, George, precedent, I 18 think, 19 suggest. 20 is a test. 21 implying that well, maybe we'll change our mind the 22 next time. weighs 23 more heavily here than you would In other words, as Dennis said, well, this We'll try it out and see how it works, But that's not the way it works. You make 24 this 25 application but every one like it from now on. decision, you've made it not only in this NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 325 1 2 MEMBER BLEY: I've seen it in some other areas. 3 MEMBER RAY: You're darn right. 4 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: But what has been 5 tested here is, in fact, the whole DNF -- not just the 6 defense in depth part, the whole technology-neutral 7 framework. 8 the first time that somebody is trying seriously at 9 least in a federal agency -- there are other places 10 If you guys decide to use it, it would be where it has already been tried. 11 CHAIR CORRADINI: 12 MR. 13 decision. RUBIN: Stu, you had a -- Well, it was a management It just didn't come out of thin air. 14 And one of the issues is the policy issue, 15 as it was being crafted, was technology-neutral, okay, 16 and you try to be all things to all technologies. 17 And when you do it at that level, it 18 becomes difficult to kind of understand how it applies 19 to 20 technologies 21 coolant. specific 22 technologies. where the fuel And is there are dissolved in some the There is no particle, okay. Now what is my defense in depth? Exactly, 23 and so you start having different kinds of concepts. 24 Is this universal statement, how does this really work 25 for me? NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 326 1 So does it make sense to go forward with a 2 technology-neutral statement or maybe we need to be 3 technology specific. 4 in this case. 5 6 And that's maybe more tractable And so I think that's the path we're going down is a more technology-specific case. 7 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: And that, in fact, if 8 you are very careful with that formulation may take 9 care of some Harold's concerns because then a decision 10 here will not bear a precedent for other decisions. 11 But we'll see. 12 listen. We'll see. 13 CHAIR CORRADINI: 14 MS. BANERJEE: 15 I mean I'm willing to You are really? Maitri again. Commission SRM said -- 16 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 17 MS. BANERJEE: 18 What did you say? The Commission -- I said my name Maitri Banerjee -- I have to say my name. 19 20 What the MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: Okay. I'm sorry. I heard something else. 21 MS. BANERJEE: What staff -- what I 22 understood from attending this meeting is the staff is 23 saying 24 consider the licensing -- the option development of 25 licensing option paper -- a position paper for NGNP. the Commission paper wanted the staff to NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 327 1 And then use the experience from the PBMR 2 reactor pre-application review. And they are saying 3 from development of licensing paper, it's not -- they 4 haven't gotten much experience and PBMR work is on 5 hold. 6 you know, some ideas on that. So they need to do more work to come up with, 7 MEMBER RAY: 8 context of this was more PBMR work. 9 That's where I read that the MS. BANERJEE: And in terms of option two 10 or option three that, George, I think you asked, staff 11 is still working on -- they are still struggling with 12 it. 13 how to develop DBAs and beyond-DBAs from DBA -- And they are having meetings with INL and DOE on 14 15 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: DBAs. 16 17 They are -- not the MS. BANERJEE: LBEs -- LBEs comes from PRAs. 18 CHAIR CORRADINI: They're trying to decide 19 where to draw the line once they get all their LBEs on 20 a piece of paper, I think, is what she just said. 21 22 MS. BANERJEE: Right. And then, you know how do you -- 23 CHAIR CORRADINI: 24 line? 25 design basis? Where do you draw the What is design basis? And what is beyond NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 328 1 MS. BANERJEE: So you have your LBEs from 2 PRAs and then you are going to draw out your DBAs and 3 beyond-DBAs 4 events. 5 three. 6 day -- was alluding a lot of people. And 13 to use things option -- two design-basis versus option George, I think that as we understood it -MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: There is a concept of design basis in the TNF. 11 12 how those CHAIR CORRADINI: 9 10 all And the clear definition is -- what I saw that 7 8 and CHAIR CORRADINI: Well, there isn't. But there is in the licensing strategy for this machine. So to the extent -- 14 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 15 CHAIR So -- CORRADINI: No, I guess my 16 interpretation -- my understanding of the memo and 17 what 18 discussions about NGNP is is that we will -- from the 19 lessons learned of NGNP, we will take the TNF further. all that we've heard is when we had the 20 But for the NGNP, there will be things 21 that are in the design base and there will things that 22 are out of the design base. 23 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 24 CHAIR CORRADINI: 25 It will be a hybrid. Yes, that's why it is 2- 3 versus 4 or whatever. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 329 1 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: By the way, when you 2 say option two and three, these are not the ten years 3 ago option two and three. 4 MS. BANERJEE: No these are the option two 5 and three in the licensing strategy bulletin. 6 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: There is a strong 7 record forgetting about options in this agency. 8 don't worry about it. 9 (Laughter.) 10 MR. RUBIN: So Well, the basic difference 11 between option two and option three in the selection 12 of 13 selected bounding events. events is the concept of MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 15 MR. RUBIN: For this reactor. MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: MR. RUBIN: 20 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: Supplement by the Yes, from the PRA. I've always wondered -- 22 23 For this licensing basis events. 19 21 For this reactor. license. 17 18 deterministically Okay. 14 16 a MR. RUBIN: And so you can continue with that as your licensing policy forever -- 24 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 25 MR. RUBIN: Oh, I hope not. -- or you can, as confidence NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 330 1 builds with the PRA, experience and the like, to relax 2 that. 3 4 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: Again, we're getting into discussions here that require Mary. 5 MR. RUBIN: 6 MEMBER Yes. APOSTOLAKIS: But I've always 7 wondered in the TNF what exactly -- how would the LBEs 8 be scrutinized by the agency? 9 me how that would happen. 10 MEMBER BLEY: 11 Well, they didn't get that far to define it. 12 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 13 MEMBER BLEY: 14 But the idea was they would MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: MEMBER BLEY: That All right. kind of detailed analysis -- 19 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 20 MEMBER BLEY: 21 Okay. That's my understanding. 17 18 So it's not there. be scrutinized at the level of the DBA. 15 16 It was never clear to That's what -- -- LBEs which were a limited set. 22 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: That's right. 23 where the practical issues came up. 24 the TNF -- 25 MEMBER SHACK: That's But there is -- It was clear it was part of NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 331 1 them. And as you said, the real question is do you 2 pick those licensing basis events based on strictly 3 the PRA? 4 the 5 deterministic ones but look at the PRA and see if 6 there 7 really ought to be -- you know, we didn't want the old 8 LWR case where we picked out design basis events and 9 found out we left out important things. two Or well, you know, we argued when we wanted and were a half was additional to licensing 10 MR. RUBIN: 11 MEMBER SHACK: okay, basis pick events some that No, we're not doing that. That really was what we 12 were trying to avoid here. 13 informed option two and a half. 14 yes, And that is our risk- MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: That's correct. But 15 there is also, because the staff is very clever, there 16 is a long discussion on the LBE. 17 says and the staff is free to pick any sequence they 18 like and declare it a design basis or an LBE. 19 that. I love it. (Laughter.) 21 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: But let's wait until tomorrow. 23 24 I like I really love it. 20 22 Then at the end, it CHAIR CORRADINI: Okay. Other comments? Questions? 25 MEMBER ARMIJO: I have a comment on the -- NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 332 1 first of all, I thought the research plan was very 2 well written and very comprehensive. 3 through it I just kept -- you know, the cash register 4 kept turning around. 5 (Laughter.) 6 MR. KRESS: But as I read It is an enormous set. You 7 know unless a lot of that stuff is already available, 8 it's going to take an enormous amount of time as well 9 as money. And part of the -- so I don't think there 10 is a chance that you will ever meet those dates. 11 that goes for DOE. 12 And Because first of all, the design hasn't 13 been selected. 14 be prismatic or pebble. 15 going to be a gas turbine or a steam generator. 16 You don't know whether it is going to You don't know whether it is There's -- fuel development takes a lot of 17 time. 18 irradiations on the fuel. 19 technology that was pretty well established when ABR 20 was operating. 21 graphite, all this stuff. And you're still what I would call like scoping And you are resurrecting a But it is all being resurrected -- the 22 So I think the staff could push back to 23 DOE and say you guys have got to make up your mind on 24 what reactor you are going to build, what fuel you are 25 going to make -NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 333 1 2 CHAIR CORRADINI: And the size of the machine. 3 MEMBER ARMIJO: -- and the size of the 4 machine and back off on your 950 until we have some 5 experience that we know that this fuel will work. 6 else you'd better start developing some better fuel if 7 you are insisting on the 950. 8 9 Because that's an enormous, amount of work that is in that plan. 10 a good plan. 11 it. 12 all the money you wanted. Or enormous I thought it was But I don't think there is money behind I don't think there's even time even if you got 13 So that's my comment. 14 MEMBER SHACK: I would say, you know, the 15 customer is always free to choose what he wants as 16 long as the staff could say you have to give me enough 17 evidence to convince me it will work. 18 CHAIR CORRADINI: 19 MEMBER SHACK: Right. And the longer he waits, 20 the less -- to me, that's the customer's choice. 21 he wants to go for 750 or 950, that's his business. 22 As long as the staff is willing to dig in and say if 23 you want to go 950, I need all of the data that you 24 want -- that I need to make that safety decision. 25 MR. RUBIN: If It's a bargain we have on this NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 334 1 strategy. 2 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: 3 DOE to do anything. 4 data. 5 The staff cannot ask I mean no. MEMBER ARMIJO: Besides asking for This is unusual. This 6 isn't the licensee coming to the staff. 7 little bit co-development, government co-development. 8 MEMBER BLEY: 9 MEMBER ARMIJO: This is a Under law. 10 MEMBER BLEY: 11 MEMBER ARMIJO: Under law, okay. Yes. And so the staff could 12 simply say hey look, for 950, we're going to need a 13 hell of a lot of data. 14 this time, this date, to license this machine, you 15 know, time is running out. 16 decisions. 17 And you want us to be ready by You have to make some CHAIR CORRADINI: But it's my -- I don't 18 disagree with your comments. 19 are very good. 20 those internal discussions now and has had them for 21 the last couple years. 22 23 But it is my impression DOE is having MEMBER ARMIJO: You could tell they hey, your licensing on this schedule is at risk. 24 25 I actually think they CHAIR CORRADINI: No, it wasn't a slip of the tongue because they have been mulling over this NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 335 1 for a while. 2 longer than a couple of years. 3 not exactly sure if the staff has any dog in this 4 fight. 5 schedule. 6 discussion. They observe that MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: very clear earlier. 9 they can't meet I think Stu made it He said, you know -- MR. RUBIN: 10 11 can My only worry is I'm And that's about the only way into this 7 8 Harold and I are quite aware of that for If they slip, we slip. MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: -- yes, if you slip - - 12 MR. RUBIN: It's an agreement. You look 13 to your part of the bargain of staying on schedule, 14 we'll keep up with you. 15 broken. 16 talked 17 drives you to certain temperatures. 18 may not be for hydrogen but may be for process heat 19 that may not require those temperatures. If they don't, the bargain is But the question of temperature, the ENACT about 20 a hydrogen plant. A hydrogen plant The interest now Okay. So there are some issues now. Can we 21 lower them? 22 final on that or they are still sticking with their 23 hydrogen goals. 24 25 And we're not sure if they are firm and CHAIR CORRADINI: any temperature. You can make hydrogen in Electrolysis does very well -- NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 336 1 electricity at ambien conditions. 2 MEMBER BLEY: I had one comment -- and Jay 3 is gone -- that's too bad -- on the human performance 4 presentation. 5 I'm disappointed that, you know, for many 6 years the people in human performance have argued they 7 really need to be involved up front as design and 8 development go ahead. And I think so far we're missed 9 a golden opportunity. While they are in the plan, it 10 is more a catalogue of things -- what they know and 11 what they don't know rather than a plan of how of how 12 to move forward in the research to mesh up with the 13 research plan. And I think they really need to get on 14 the lay 15 performance work is going to integrate with the rest 16 of the development. ball and out a plan 17 CHAIR CORRADINI: 18 MEMBER 19 make comments tomorrow, right? 20 CHAIR for Okay. APOSTOLAKIS: CORRADINI: how the human Thank you. Everyone Correct. can also I'm just 21 trying to, you know, save us -- so that when it is 22 fresh in your mind, I get I down. 23 MEMBER SHACK: Well, I would, just as a 24 comment, I would support Steve's contention that, you 25 know, you should not build this thing without an NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 337 1 integral test for the thermal fluids part. 2 MR. KRESS: 3 CHAIR I second that motion. CORRADINI: Yes, but the integral 4 test -- if we're going to get into that, the integral 5 test, before you start picking it, it is going to be a 6 very difficult integral test given -- 7 8 MR. KRESS: It will be the most difficult one they have done. 9 CHAIR CORRADINI: Yes. All right. And I 10 guess I think we have to see the scaling analysis of 11 it before I'd buy into anything that I'd want to call 12 integral. 13 MR. KRESS: 14 MEMBER 15 integral test. That's right. ARMIJO: Bill (Laughter.) 17 MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: bad So you guys don't believe in simulation? 19 CHAIR CORRADINI: 20 will adjourn for the night. 21 8:30. 22 23 say He said integral test. 16 18 didn't Anything else? So we And pick up tomorrow at (Whereupon, the above-entitled meeting of the ACRS meeting was concluded at 4:58 p.m.) 24 NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 Advanced Reactor Research Plan for Accident Analysis Allen Notafrancesco Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research January 14, 2009 1 Accident Analysis R&D Objectives • Develop, validate and utilize accident source term and fission transport analysis models, tools and knowledge to support NRC licensing application reviews in the areas of HTGR source term, FP release, dose assessment and PRA analysis. • Integrate the TRISO fuel, nuclear and T-F models into the accident source term and fission product transport analysis models and tools for the NRC HTGR accident evaluation. 2 HTGR Mechanistic S-T and FP Transport Calculation Must Model Many Complex Phenomena Helium Pressure Boundary (HPB) Reactor Building HPB Break UO2, UCO Graphite Dust Reactor Bldg Vent M-285(7) 8-27-01 Fuel Vent Filter? 3 Accident Analysis Methods • Calculate normal operation and transient behavior for the entire system (core, vessel, confinement), integrating thermo-fluids and fission product release/transport processes including dust, and graphite oxidation. 4 Selected MELCOR Code • Code includes most of the capability to build upon for HTGR analysis for Design Basis Accidents (DBA) and beyond DBA accidents events (e.g., air and water ingress) 5 Current MELCOR Modeling Capabilities Phenomena from PIRT MELCOR “Packages” Decay Heat Decay Heat Aerosol Dust Deposition Radionuclide (RN) Cavity Filter Performance Flow Path (filter model w/RN) Combustion of Flammable Gas Burn Core Coolant Flow & Properties Control Volume Hydrodynamics & Flow Path Reactivity temperature feedback Core 6 Initial Activities for PBR & PMR • Review INL MELCOR version for HTGR and review He-Air thermal-physical data/correlations for expected conditions • Update Core Package (COR) to model HTGR core fuel and structural material components • Incorporate graphite oxidation (steam and air) models 7 Review of INL MELCOR Modifications and He-Air Data • INL Modifications to MELCOR – Oxidation of graphite Heat Structures – Diffusion of air in helium • He-Air Properties in MELCOR compared to NIST data (range is 300-1500K, 0.110MPa) – Ideal gas law modeling is reasonable 8 Update MELCOR Core Package • HTGR cores implemented as new reactor types PBR (pebble bed) and PMR (prismatic block) into MELCOR 2.1 • PBR pebble fueled and unfueled zones • PMR fuel compacts and graphite prismatic blocks • Graphite reflectors (inner and outer annular elements) 9 MELCOR Modeling Capabilities Related to Core Phenomena from PIRT table Status Plan of Approach Graphite Oxidation of Fuel Components Added and tested Added graphite oxidation in steam and air to MELCOR Pebble Temperature Profile Added and tested Modify MELCOR fuel profile to add sphere fuel modeling Bed Effective Conductivity Added and tested Added packed bed correlation for conduction and radiation Fuel and Graphite Blocks Radial Conduction Added, PBR tested. Graphite Blocks to be tested with PMR input file. Expanded MELCOR core conduction model by adding radial heat transfer Pebble Bed friction factor and heat transfer Completed Using packed bed friction factor and heat transfer He coolant properties Reviewed properties from NIST MELCOR can model He adequately CO/CO2 reaction products Added oxidation, need to add the ratio model Kim and NO model for CO/CO2 ratio will be implemented in MELCOR. Point Kinetics Preliminary testing performed Reflector components Added and needs testing 10 Accident Analysis Strategy • Develop MELCOR input models for PMR and PBR designs (SNL in partnership with Texas A&M) • Perform analyses of accident classes – loss-of-forced circulation (pressurized) – loss-of-forced circulation (depressurized with air ingress) – ATWS – water/steam ingress from secondary system • Conduct code assessments against relevant plant benchmarks 11 Fission Product Release & Transport Modeling • PARFUME and TMAP4 insights will be used for CFP failure rate predictions and fuel fission product releases • Devise simplified models/methods to incorporate into MELCOR framework 12 Thermal-Fluids Improvements • Implement Reactor Cavity Cooling System (RCCS) model – Removal of heat from the reactor vessel using either air or water as the RCCS cooling medium – Radiation and convection heat transfer with participating medium (gray gas and dust effect) • Plant components – Heat exchangers – Secondary system components (gas turbine, compressor) • Stratified flow air ingress modeling (counter current flow) 13 Other Planned Activities • FP lift-off and resuspension modeling • Identify areas requiring benchmarking and experimental validation • Improve code numerics for slow and long transients for HTGR analysis – Time-step optimization (e.g., convergence criteria, subcycling) – Code parallelization – Optimization of numerical schemes and solution strategies 14 Models to be Added to MELCOR for HTGR Modeling Phenomena from PIRT table Status Plan of Approach RCCS Modeling TAMU is assigned to add an RCCS to the PBR core input Use existing CVH, FP and HS radiation models in MELCOR Air Ingress (Countercurrent Flow) SNL is evaluating this problem Improved Balance of Plants components SNL will try to use existing Mechanical and Heat Exchanger models in MELCOR Fission Product Release model Awaiting review of INL codes SNL will review the models in INL codes and devise a simplified model for fission product release. Liftoff/Suspension of Dust Plan to perform literature search on entrainment Re-entrainment model to be built in MELCOR 15 Summary • HTGR model extensions in MELCOR 2.1 are well underway – Development informed by past work and PIRT – Assessment activities will follow – Extensive coordination with other programs is required 16 Advanced Reactor Research Plan for Reactor Consequence Analysis Jocelyn Mitchell Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research January 14, 2009 1 Reactor Consequence Analysis R&D Objective • MACCS2 code itself is technology-neutral • MACCS2 input now developed for LWR technology • Objective to consider any important differences in input stemming from advanced reactor technologies 2 Licensing Issues related to Reactor Consequence Analysis • Offsite consequence analysis is the final aspect of PRA • Mix of radionuclides and the chemical forms may be different for advanced reactors 3 Technical and R&D Issues (Reactor Consequence Analysis) • Other analyses would give the inventories of produced radionuclides • Other analyses would provide the chemical forms of the released material • This effort would determine if there are new biologically important nuclides and determine the dose conversion factors for the appropriate chemical forms for all nuclides 4 R&D to be started between now and FY 09 • None • Await input from other areas • Techniques well developed, so no need to start earlier 5 Advanced Reactor Research Plan for Fuels Analysis Stuart D. Rubin Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research January 14, 2009 1 HTGR Fuels Analysis Objectives: • Develop, validate and utilize HTGR fuel behavior and fuel fission product transport analysis models, methods and insights to support safety and licensing reviews. • Use the HTGR fuel behavior and fuel fission product transport methods and data for developing an accident source term for normal operation and accident conditions for use in the NRC accident analysis evaluation model. • Develop NRC inspection capability to independently assure the production fuel supply quality. • Develop NRC staff technical knowledge and capability to effectively review the fuel performance aspects of an HTGR licensing application. 2 Key Fuel Safety and Licensing Issues • Predicting fuel particle failure rates during: Normal operation, core heat-up, air ingress, water ingress, large reactivity insertion events • Predicting fuel fission product release during: Normal operation, core heat-up, air ingress, water ingress, large reactivity insertion events • Establishing the margins to significantly increased particle failure rates and fuel fission product release during normal operation and accidents • Determining the magnitude of metallic radionuclides in mobile graphite dust • Confirming the adequacy of fuel qualification irradiation and accident condition testing methods • Providing regulatory assurance of the quality of the fuel fabricated over fuel supply lifetime 3 Background “The key (HTGR) concept is the coated fuel particle, which serves as a miniature fission product containment vessel.” 1 1 DOE-HTGR - 90257 4 HTGR “TRISO” Coated Fuel Particle Porous Carbon Buffer Layer Dense Inner Carbon Layer Dense SiC Layer UCO or UO2 Fuel Kernel Dense Outer Carbon Layer 5 Background • An HTGR core contains billions of coated fuel particles (CFPs) • To meet dose acceptance limits: FP release from fuel heavy metal contamination, CFP defects from manufacture, CFP operational failures, CFP accident failures and, intact CFPs - must all be very low • Fuel manufacture has a prime effect on: CFP properties, performance and FP release • Fuel operating conditions have a strong effect on: CFP performance and FP release • Fuel accident conditions have a strong effect on: CFP performance and FP release • Design and manufacture-specific fuel irradiation and accident condition test data are needed to: develop and validate the fuel behavior and fuel FP transport models and to qualify the fuel for licensing • Due to the projected low levels of fuel FP release and circulating activity, HTGR plant designers propose a low pressure vented reactor confinement building. 6 Pebble Bed Reactor Fuel Element 7 Prismatic Block Reactor Fuel Element 8 HTGR Fuel Particle Integrity Requirements To meet dose acceptance criteria at the site boundary, CFP initial defects, irradiation failures and accident condition failures must not exceed (i.e., design limits) about…. + + < 6X10-5 manufacturing (un-irradiated) defect rate < 6X10-5 normal operations (irradiation) failure rate < 1X10-4 accident (heat-up) failure rate …..crediting fission product transport holdup and retention mechanisms within the fuel element, core graphite structures, helium pressure boundary surfaces, confinement building surfaces and release dispersion characteristics. 9 Background “Successful operation (of the HTGR) is dependent on predictable performance of the fuel.” 1 1 DOE-HTGR - 90257 10 Fuel Particle Performance: Single Particle Behavior/Failure Modeling 11 Particle Integrity: Failure Mechanisms* CFP Failure Mechanisms: • Pressure vessel failure (SiC layer rupture) • PyC irradiation failure (dimensional change) • PyC layer de-bonding from SiC layer (SiC local stress riser) • Kernel migration (SiC layer degradation) • SiC failure due to fission product attack • SiC failure due to decomposition (elevated temperature) • SiC failure due to oxidation (air ingress) • Particle failure due to rapid energy deposition (reactivity insertion) • Elevated fission product diffusion through intact coating layers * TRISO-Coated Particle Fuel Phenomenon Identification and Ranking Tables (PIRTs) for Fission Product Transport Due to Manufacturing, Operations, and Accidents (NUREG/CR-6844)” 12 Particle Integrity: Important Phenomena Particle Property Phenomena* Kernel: fission gas release; CO production; swelling during rapid reactivity events Buffer layer: interconnected void volume, cracking/failure PyC layers: anisotropy, Poisson’s ratios (elastic and creep), strength, bonding to SiC, CTE, elastic modulus, irradiation-induced dimensional change, creep SiC layer: strength, elastic modulus, CTE, irradiation-induced swelling and creep All of the Above: Variation in dimensions and material properties Operational and Accident Condition Phenomena Normal operations: Fuel element surface temperature and kernel power (to calculate CFP radial temperature gradient) fast fluence, kernel burn-up, Heat-up accidents: Fuel element max surface temperature, fast fluence, kernel burn-up, CFP irradiation temperature history Reactivity events: Kernel burn-up, irradiation temperature history; kernel energy deposition and rate, kernel max transient temperature Oxidation events: SiC oxygen or H20 partial pressure; SiC temperature; SiC time at temperature * Property values can change with irradiation, temperature; CFP manufacture-specific irradiation and accident condition test data needed for most material properties 13 NRC Fuel Particle Performance Analysis Model Development and Use • Obtain multi-dimensional behavior, finite element PARFUME code, models, data and manuals from DOE/INL • Evaluate PARFUME via code-to-code and code-to-data benchmarks • Conduct sensitivity studies to evaluate variations in important phenomena, qualification test program adequacy, etc • Use PARFUME to develop NRC staff knowledge of CFP performance and behavior to prepare for licensing reviews • Update PARFUME with NGNP-specific CFP materials data, irradiation test data, accident condition test data when available • Use PARFUME sensitivity studies to inform selection of CFP failure rate vs. fuel temperature and B.U. to be used in NRC accident analysis evaluation model 14 Fuel Particle Performance: Core-Wide Particle Failure Rate Modeling 15 NRC Core-Wide Particle Failure Rate Model Development NRC Accident Analysis Evaluation Model (EM) • Establish CFP failure fraction based on NGNP CFP failure fraction design requirements and NGNP fuel qualification program CFP failure fraction data. • Establish CFP failure fraction versus fuel temperature and burn-up based on the above NGNP failure fraction requirements and data • Use PARFUME to inform the development of conservative and best estimate CFP failure fraction versus temperature and burn-up • Commission decisions on mechanistic source term calculation and use will determine where conservative or best estimate CFP failure fraction versus temperature and burn-up will be used in EM for normal operation, transients, DBAs and BDBAs • Utilize the selected CFP failure fraction function in the NRC accident evaluation model to predict number of CFP failures in the core vs. R, Z and time for normal operation, transients, DBAs and BDBAs • Compare the NRC CFP failure fraction function to the NGNP COL applicant’s CFP failure fraction function • Near Term: Utilize a CFP failure fraction versus fuel temperature and burn-up based on German reference fuel qualification (irradiation and heat-up) test results 16 NRC Core-Wide Particle Failure Fraction Model* Z Particle failure fraction (normal operation) FF = f {max fuel operating temp, B.U.} Particle failure fraction (accident heat-up) FF (r, z, t) = f {fuel accident temp (r, z, t), B.U.} * To be based on NGNP fuel qualification test data r 17 Particle Failure Fraction vs. Fuel Temperature and Burn-up* (Response Surface) 1 CFP Failure Rate Fresh Fuel 0.1 1/2 Design BU Design BU 0.01 0.001 0.00001 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 Fuel Temperatu re * Prototypical - for illustration only o 1500 C 1600 1700 1800 Fu el Bu rn- up 0.0001 18 Modeling Fuel Performance: Fission Product Transport and Release 19 Fuel Fission Product Transport Modeling Fuel element component • • • • • • Kernel Inner PyC layer SiC layer Outer PyC layer Fuel matrix (pebble or compact) Fuel graphite block (PMRs only) 20 Fuel Fission Product Transport Modeling Fuel Element Component Fission Prod. Source* Kernel IPyC SiC OPyC Matrix Graphite Contamination - - - - Yes Yes Failed SiC Layer Yes Yes - Yes Yes Yes Failed Particles Yes - - - Yes Yes Intact Particles Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes *Leach-burn-leach test provides distribution for fresh fuel 21 Fuel Effective Diffusion Coefficients* UO2 SiC IPyC and OPyC Matrix * IAEA TECDOC 978 22 Fuel Fission Product Transport Modeling TMAP4 Code • FP transport in a TRISO coated particle and fuel matrix • Solves 1-D diffusion equation, with trapping (if needed) for all layers • Intact, failed, defective SiC, and matrix contamination can be modeled • User-specified fission product generation rate in kernel vs. time • Calculates temperature distribution from fuel element surface to kernel • User-specified effective diffusivities for each component • Effective diffusion coefficients for each component calculated • Soret diffusion in any layer (e.g., large ∆T in buffer during normal operation) • PBR cyclic or PMR steady irradiation temperatures can be input • Normal operation/irradiation and accident heat-up FP transport • Fuel temp vs. time is most important to fuel FP transport and release 23 NRC Fuel Fission Product Transport Model Development • Obtain TMAP4 code from INL for fuel FP transport analysis • Evaluate TMAP4 via code-to-code and code-to-data benchmarks • Conduct sensitivity studies to evaluate variations in diffusivities, etc. • Use TMAP4 to develop NRC fuel FP transport knowledge for the NGNP COL review • Near-Term: Use available (IAEA TECDOC-978) effective diffusivities • Long-Term: Update TMAP4 with NGNP fuel-specific effective diffusivities based on DOE/INL AGR test program results/data 24 NRC Fuel Fission Product Transport Model Development • Evaluate using TMAP4 for calculating core-wide fuel FP diffusion and release versus fuel temperature, burn-up and time for: contamination; failed particles; particles with failed SiC layers and; intact particles or, • Develop alternative simplified fuel FP diffusion and release models for calculating core-wide fuel FP diffusion and release versus fuel temperature, burn-up and time for: contamination; failed particles; particles with failed SiC layers and; intact particles • Utilize the selected particle failure fraction response surface together with the selected fuel FP diffusion and release models in the NRC accident analysis EM to calculate the core-wide fuel FP transport and release vs. R, Z and time for normal operation, transients, DBAs and BDBAs • Near-term: utilize available (IAEA TECDOC) fuel FP diffusion and release rate data • Long-term: utilize the fuel diffusion and release rate data developed by the NGNP fuel development and qualification program 25 Fuel Fission Product Release: Effects of Water Ingress Stored 85K Fission Gas Release as a Fraction of Kernel Inventory Oxidants reaching exposed kernels can rapidly/significantly increase fuel particle fission product release • Release fraction from exposed kernels depends on H2O partial pressure and fuel temperature • If NGNP design has steam generators, SG tube failure could significantly increase exposed kernel releases • NGNP designs with no high pressure, high volume water sources, could limit/preclude increased kernel releases • Limited fission product release data/models for irradiated compacts with UCO kernels and pebbles with UO2 kernels • Additional experimental data for NGNP fuel will be needed to reduce model uncertainties for H2O ingress FP release • DOE AGR fuel technology development program may test irradiated fuel with intact and failed particles for H2O ingress • NRC has access to DOE test data for developing NRC fuel fission product release models • Near-term: Use available data/models (e.g., IAEA TECDOC) with uncertainty for NGNP fuel design H20 at 186 Pa and 770O C Stored 85K Fission Gas Release as a Fraction of Kernel Inventory • H2O Partial Pressure 26 Fuel Fission Product Release: Modeling Air Ingress • Fuel matrix/OPyC oxidation can release FP by means other than diffusion • Oxidation can fail particles by OPyC degradation and/or SiC oxidation (SiC + O2 -> SiO or SiO2) • Particle failure fraction depends on extent of air supply, particle temperature and can be much greater than heat-up without air ingress • Low chemical reactivity of PMR nuclear-grade fuel blocks (vs. PBR fuel element matrix material) provides some protection of PMR fuel compacts and particles • Air ingress provides a HPB opening and motive force for FP transport from HPB • Existing irradiated fuel oxidation effects data/models are not typical of NGNP fuel design (e.g., burn-up, fluence) • DOE AGR fuel technology development program may include air ingress testing of irradiated fuel • NRC has access to DOE test data for developing NRC fuel fission product release models • Near-term: Use available data/models (e.g., IAEA TECDOC) with uncertainty for NGNP fuel design Oxidation of two similar fuel spheres in air. Top: 9% FIMA; Bottom: 8.8% FIMA (IAEA TECDOC-978) 27 Fuel Fission Product Release: Modeling Reactivity Accidents • Large/rapid power pulse can release kernel FP and melt kernel, potentially over-pressurizing/failing CFPs • CFP failure rate depends on energy deposition, deposition rate and fuel kernel transient temp rise • Severity of reactivity accidents depends on core excess reactivity • Concurrent HPB failure (CR ejection) would provide a motive force for fuel FP transport outside the HPB • Limited reactivity insertion test data/models exist for irradiated fuel and is not typical of NGNP fuel design • Reactor type (PBR or PMR) and limiting RIA event selection will determine whether NGNP fuel-specific reactivity accident testing is needed • Near-term: Use available data/models (e.g., IAEA TECDOC) with uncertainty for NGNP fuel design Particle failure rate vs. pulse energy deposition (IAEA TECDOC-978) 28 Background “Manufacturing and inspecting of the fuel are critical steps in assuring the performance necessary for the success of the reactor system.”1 1 DOE-HTGR -90257 29 Fuel Fabrication 30 U.S. and German Fuel Performance Experience 1.00E-03 Range of Old (NPR) US Fuel Irradiation Data 1.00E-04 1.00E-05 1.00E-06 GF-4 SSL-2 R2-K13 HRB-15A NPR1 NPR1A NPR2 HRB21 FSV P13S Cell 2 P13R Cell 6 P13S Cell 5 1.00E-07 1.00E-08 1.00E-09 1.00E-10 0.00E+00 2.00E+00 4.00E+00 6.00E+00 8.00E+00 Range of New (AGR1) US Fuel Irradiation Data 1.00E+01 Range of German Fuel Irradiation Data Fast Fluence (* 10^25 n/m^2) 31 NRC Fuel Manufacture Quality Assurance Oversight Strategy Develop an NRC inspection protocol for HTGR production fuel fabrication facilities addressing: – Conformance with fuel product and process specifications to consistently meet fuel quality and performance requirements – Fabrication process equipment and process parameters for fuel quality and performance – Fuel characterization methods to ensure fuel product specifications are being met – Needed calibration testing equipment and calibration inspection procedures for critical product and process parameters – Maintenance procedures for fuel fabrication process equipment – Sampling and Q/C statistical analysis methods – Process equipment maintenance procedures, calibration and testing – Procedures, training and qualification of fuel fabrication facility staff – Automation of process controls and fuel characterizations methods 32 Summary • CFP integrity and FP retention is the key to the HTGR safety case • Fuel behavior and FP release depends on fuel fabrication, operating history and accident conditions • NRC is developing analytical tools, data and expertise to assess CFP behavior and fuel fission product diffusion and release • CFP behavior performance and fuel fission product release models are being evaluated for integration into the NRC accident evaluation model to predict the core-wide event-specific accident source term • The contribution of matrix dust to the accident source term must be assessed and addressed • NRC will extensively utilize the DOE AGR fuel development and qualification program work products to meet HTGR fuels R&D needs • Cooperative research will also be used to supplement and assess DOE data, models and tools, as appropriate • NRC is developing the basis for inspecting HTGR fuel production facilities 33 Advanced Reactor Research Plan Human Performance J.J. Persensky, Ph.D. Valerie E. Barnes, Ph.D. Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research January 14, 2009 1 Human Performance R&D Objectives • Establish the bases for new methods and tools for evaluation of human performance issues at advanced reactors • Anticipate paradigm shifts in human performance issues because of new concepts of operations. • Identify new, or any needed, changes to review guidance 2 Safety and Licensing Issues in the Human Performance Technical Area Safety issues – Potential for human error – Reduction of situation awareness – Availability of adequate qualified plant staff Licensing issues – Accommodation of rapidly changing technology in the current regulatory framework – Training and development of NRC staff 3 How HSIs at advanced control rooms may differ Current LWR Advanced Reactors Large expansive control rooms Centralization of HSIs into compact workstations and overview displays Crew interaction with plant systems and components Interaction through computer systems Physical HSIs Virtual HSIs Parallel access to HSIs Serial access to HSIs through view ports (keyholes) Fixed HSIs Flexible HSIs Limited functionality Expanding functionality of HSIs 4 Control Room at Beznau 5 PBMR simulator in South Africa 6 Human Performance Plan Activities • Basis document – “Human Factors Considerations with Respect to Emerging Technology in Nuclear Power Plants” (NUREG/CR-6947) – Ongoing research • Operations under degraded I&C conditions • Human factors methods and tools • Roles of personnel and automation 7 Human Performance Plan Activities (Cont.) • Related Activities – Develop long-term guidance for “Highly-Integrated Control Room - Human Factors” plan (TWG #5 of the Digital I&C Steering Committee) – Participate in the OECD Halden Reactor Project – Participate in the NEA/CSNI/Working Group on Human and Organizational Factors to implement the Technical Opinion Paper (TOP) on an integrated human factors research program for advanced reactors 8 Human Performance Planned R&D Areas in ARRP • • • • • • • • • New concepts of operation Operational designs and operator functions and tasks Function allocation - Automation Process complexity and opacity Workload variations, transitions, and staffing Teamwork and communication Computer-based procedures and intelligent automation Alarm management HFE methods and tools 9 Human Performance R&D to be started in FY 09 & FY 10 Project Title FY09 FY10 Degraded I&C and computerized procedures X X Update NUREGs-0711 & - 0711 X X Halden Reactor Program X X Distributed decision-making X Operator modeling X Support HF standards X EPRI collaboration X 10 Applications of Human Performance R & D • Clear expectations for the evaluation of advanced control rooms with a well-defined path for advanced reactor licensing • Identify the need for safety enhancements and regulatory action • Technical basis and criteria for design acceptability reviews (e.g., input for regulatory guides, SRP enhancements, NUREGs, or inspection guidance) 11 Human Performance R & D Conclusions • Good match between the NRC ARRP and the internationally recognized CSNI-TOP • Opportunities for international collaboration – Leveraging and efficiency • The Halden program will incorporate efforts related to the CSNI report • The CSNI program could encourage the development of new research facilities and opportunities for field studies 12 Advanced Reactor Control Room? 13 Advanced Reactor Research Plan for Hydrogen and Process Plant Analysis Nathan Hudson Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research January 14-15, 2009 1 Hydrogen and Process Plant R&D Objectives • To develop independent expertise, tools, and capabilities to support staff review of the safety implications on the VHTR posed by the NGNP hydrogen production facility. • Tools & methods to be implemented should be accurate to the extent that they are not unnecessarily overly-conservative. 2 Hydrogen and Process Plant Analysis 3 Hydrogen and Process Plant Performance Safety issues Chemical Releases: • Ground hugging heavy gas release (e.g., oxygen, suffocants, and toxic gases) • Hydrogen gas detonation from H2 plant • Combustion of another flammable gas or liquid Process Heat Transport System: • Transients in chemical plant that lead to reactor trip or component failures • IHX tube failures, PHX tube failures, piping failures VHTR Events that Effect Hydrogen Plant • Tritium transport 4 Hydrogen and Process Plant R&D Plans • Develop an Evaluation Model (EM) to predict response of VHTR to transients undertaken in the hydrogen production plant and vice versa. – to be accomplished by extending the developing VHTR core EM to include the connecting heat exchangers and piping – will be necessary to couple this extended EM to existing chemical process software through a software interface. 5 • Develop detailed fluid flow and solid stress models for the connecting process heat exchangers and piping using existing tools. • Develop EM for hydrogen deflagration & detonation events. – Hydrogen deserves a special treatment due to its highly buoyant & diffusive properties – EM to implement already existing analytical tools, correlations, or software. – EM to be able to predict the incident blast overpressure loading on the reactor containment as a function of the separation distance between the containment and the hydrogen plant. 6 • Assess hydrogen EM against historical experimental data • Develop EM for general deflagration and combustion events, excluding hydrogen at the hydrogen plant. – should be able to approximate radiative & convective heat flux projected upon the reactor building(s) – blast over-pressure & impulse shape from combustion event. 7 • Develop EM to approximate concentrations of a heavy gas release at specified distances from the reactor building(s) • Establish a measurable regulatory activity of tritium to be detected in the intermediate coolant loop, through use of a radiation detector submerged within the gas during NGNP operations. 8 Advanced Reactor Research for Nuclear Analysis Anthony Ulses Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research January 14th, 2009 1 Introduction • • • • Objectives Summary of Current Status Review PIRT Findings Research Plans 2 Objective • “…to establish and qualify the independent nuclear analysis capabilities and insights that may be needed to support the licensing evaluation of reactor safety analyses for PBR and PMR designs.” 3 NRC Code Suite 4 NRC Spectrum Analysis Capability • TRISO – 1- D CE Transport Theory for Detailed Spectrum • Fuel Sphere (or compact) – Uses TRISO averaged xsecs – 1-D CE Transport for Spectrum • Assembly (or multiple pebbles) – Uses Sphere or Compact averaged xsecs – Multi-dimensional MG Transport Theory • Makes Extensive use of pre-existing methods 5 Summary of Current Status • SCALE has working Double Heterogeneity Model Implemented – Uses layered continuous energy CENTRM calculations for self shielding • Calculated kernel specific disadvantage factors • Does not rely on Dancoff Factors – Initial Assessment is Promising – Applicable to both pebble and prismatic systems • SCALE has general quadrature capable of modeling non-orthogonal boundaries • Depletion and Branching of Double Het. Configurations implemented – Not extensively tested 6 HTR-10 Validation Model Development • Full model developed based on available specifications from IRPhEP Specifications • Provides a validation case to support pebble-bed methods development. • Used SCALE ENDF/B-VII cross section libraries, double-het capability and KENO Monte Carlo Code • Benchmark configurations available for: – Initial criticality – Control rod worth • Comparison of criticality at initial critical pebble height (123.06 cm) – SCALE keff = 1.0004±0.0007 • Control-rod worth calculations underway DeHart, et .al., “Status Report on the Validation of the SCALE Code System for High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Analysis,” July 30, 2008. 7 HTTR Validation Model • • • • Full model developed based on IAEA CRP5 Documents. Provides a validation model for prismatic core methods Data Available for: – Critical configurations with differing number of fuel columns – Control rod worth and scram reactivity – Crticiality vs isothermal temperature (temperature coef) Full SCALE model developed (cross section processing/KENO) Critical Control Rod Location (300K) Critical Control Location (418K) Control Rod Excess Reactivity Control Rod SCRAM Reactivity HTTR Experiment 1775 ± 5 mm 1903 ± 5 mm 12.1 % k/k -46.3 % k/k SCALE Model 1771 mm 1899 mm 11.9 % k/k -45.9 % k/k Ames, et. al. “BENCHMARK EFFORTS TO SUPPORT STUDIES OF VHTRs WITH TRUs,” HTR2008, Washington D.C., October 1, 2008. 8 NRC Reactor Analysis Capability • GenPMAXS – Currently handles TRITON generated cross sections • PARCS – Cylindrical coordinate solver implemented – N-group capability with upscattering 9 PBMR-400 Benchmark Slow Control Bank Withdrawal Reitsma, et. al., “OECD 400 MW PBMR BENCHMARK: TRANSIENT CASE 5a COMPARISON RESULTS,” PHYSOR 2008, Interlaken, Switzerland, 2008. 10 Review of PIRT Conclusions • Nuclear Phenomena Ranked High or of Low or Medium Knowledge Level – Flux and Power Profiles – Decay Heat – Temperature Dependent Reactivity Feedback – Reactivity Insertion from Moisture Ingress – Spatial Xenon Stability 11 Research Plans Flux and Power Profiles • We need to develop a fundamental understanding of system behavior – TSUNAMI methods will be used to better understand uncertainties • Multi-tiered approach envisioned – Small scale studies • Kernel and pebble (or compact) level – Study available measured data • HTTR, HTR-10, PROTEUS, etc. – Prepare detailed models of NGNP system for sensitivity and parametric studies – Identify focus areas • Prepare PARCS interface – Research homogenization / de-homogenization techniques • Prepare Interface for Fission Product Release Calculations 12 Current Expectations • Pebble systems more complex than prismatic – Stochastic nature of burnup – Homogenization / de-homogenization effects – Validating predictions difficult • Method to measure kernel (and pebble) power unavailable • Common Challenges – Neutron scattering and streaming – Enrichment – Multi layered heterogeneity 13 Research Plans Decay Heat • Stay involved with standards work • Point depletion models such as ORIGEN should be valid – Properly weighted cross sections – Good predictions of power distribution • Some applicable calorimetric data needed for validation 14 Research Plans Spatial Xenon Instability • Should be able to disposition analytically – Assuming good prediction of core isotopics • Confirm as part of startup physics program 15 Research Plans Reactivity Coefficients • Require fundamental understanding of phenomena – Will require measured data • Ideally, we will have separate effects data • SCALE to PARCS interface will strongly influence reactivity predictions • Recent work by Dagan suggests problem with processing of scattering resonances – CENTRM will be modified to assess impact – High temperature data will be needed to complete assessment • TSUNAMI will be used to assess uncertainties 16 Validation of Physics Methods • ORNL has performed an initial review of available experimental data that can be used for validation of our physics methods • Validation needed for: – – – – – – Criticality Power distribution Reactivity control worth Reactivity coefficients (fuel/moderator temperature) Decay heat Radionuclide source terms • Initial focus on establishing a pebble-bed and prismatic core model to assess current methods and use for testing during methods development • Take advantage of large amount of international data. 17 HTGR Physics and Fuels Sources of Experimental Data Current Facilities • High Temperature Test Reactor (HTTR) – 30MW prismatic reactor, JAEA, Japan – Currently operational – Well-documented startup experiments (IAEA CRP) • High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (HTR-10) – 10MWt pebble-bed reactor Tsinghua University, China – Currently operation – Well-documented startup experiments (IAEA CRP, OECD/NEA IRPHeP) • ASTRA Critical Facility – Zero-power critical facility, RRC-Kurchatov Institute, Russia – Pebble-bed configuration supporting PBMR – Critical states available in evaluated experiment description HTGR Physics and Fuels 18 Sources of Experimental Data Historical Facilities • HTR-PROTEUS Critical Experiments – Zero-power critical experiments performed at PSI, Switzerland, in early 1990s – Pebble-bed configuration – Excellent documentation • Very High Temperature Reactor Critical Assembly (VHTRC) – Critical assembly to support HTTR – Pin-in-block design – Documentation available • DRAGON Reactor Experiment – 20MWt Experimental Reactor for OECD High Temperature Reactor Project, 1960s-1970s – Over 1000 archived reports available – Large amount of data to sort through and evaluate, some LEU experiments HTGR Physics and Fuels 19 Sources of Experimental Data Prototype facilities • Prototype facilities can provide useful information, but fuel enrichment (HEU) and type (U/Th) limits usefulness • Prismatic cores: – Peach Bottom-1 (1967-1974) – Fort Saint Vrain (1977-1989) • Pebble-bed cores: – AVR (1967-1988) – THTR (1983-1989) HTGR Physics and Fuels 20 Neutron Scattering in Graphite • Recent NCSU work has raised some concerns about the adequacy of current scattering models – “Impact of Simple Carbon Interstitial Formations on Thermal Neutron Scattering in Graphite, ” Hawari, A. I., A. I. , Al-Qasir, I. I, and Ougouag, A. M, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 155, 449462 (2007) • Further work is planned – RES will continue to follow these developments and make code modifications as necessary 21 Near Term Actions (within the next several months) • Develop OECD Standard Problem for Pebble Burnup – For presentation at February WPRS meeting – Intended to guide our assessment and development of burnup capability • Refine list of data needs • Continue scoping studies • Begin detailed model development – Based on currently available HTR-10 and HTTR information 22 Expected work Scope for next Several Years • Complete detailed assessment studies – – – – – – Criticality Power distribution Reactivity control worth Reactivity coefficients (fuel/moderator temperature) Decay heat Radionuclide source terms • Update TSUNAMI as needed • SCALE execution speed – It is expected that complex models will be needed as part of licensing • Complete SCALE to PARCS interface – How to parameterize cross sections – Homogenization / de-homogenization 23 Summary • Supports the NRC Evaluation Model development by developing, validating, and utilizing HTGR nuclear analysis models and methods – Nuclear analysis interface for fission product release calculations – Flux and power profiles, effects of burnup and isotopic distribution – Insights to support safety and licensing reviews • Key Nuclear Analysis Challenges – – – – – • Temperature-dependent reactivity feedback Stochastic nature of burnup, homogenization/de-homogenization effects Multilayered heterogeneity Reactivity insertion from moisture ingress Reliable prediction of fuel isotopics Ongoing and Planned R&D – Phased approach to SCALE and PARCS development for HTGRs – MELCOR-PARCS interface – Code assessment and validation – Neutron scattering properties of graphite 24 Advanced Reactor Research Plan for Reactor-Plant Systems Analysis J. M. Kelly Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research New and Advanced Reactors Branch 1 Reactor Plant Systems Analysis • Presentation Roadmap – Overview of NRC Evaluation Model (this presentation) – Details of support for NRC Evaluation Model development by technical area: • • • • • Fuels Analysis: Stuart Rubin Nuclear Analysis: Anthony Ulses Thermal-Fluids Analysis: Stephen Bajorek Accident Analysis: Allen Notafrancesco Consequence Analysis: Jocelyn Mitchell 2 Reactor Plant Systems Analysis • Contents – Evaluation Model: Scope & Requirements – NRC Evaluation Models for NGNP – Role of CFD Analysis • Example of ongoing studies (time permitting) 3 Reactor Plant Systems Analysis • Evaluation Model – Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.203: • ‘An evaluation model (EM) is the calculational framework for evaluating the behavior of the reactor system during a postulated transient or design-basis accident. As such, the EM may include one or more computer programs, special models, and all other information needed to apply the calculational framework to a specific event.’ 4 Reactor Plant Systems Analysis • Scope – Reactor/Plant System Analysis • FP Release from Confinement/Containment – – – – Nuclear Analysis Thermo-Fluids Fuel Performance Fission Product Transport – Applies to PBR and PMR designs – Consists of three EM’s • Normal Operations (Pre-Break) • Initial FP Release • Delayed FP Release 5 Reactor Plant Systems Analysis • Evaluation Models – Normal Operations • Determines the source term for the initial release. – i.e., the generation and distribution of FPs, magnitude and distribution of plate-out & absorbed FPs within He pressure boundary, circulating activity, coolant contaminant & erosion activation products, and dust-born radionuclides. – Initial Release • Models the release of circulating activity including dust mobilization and plate out lift-off; large/rapid reactivity events that result in CFP failures. – Delayed Release • Models the release of FPs from intact & failed CFPs during core heat up and with or without air or steam ingress; models FP hold-up and retention within the helium pressure boundary and the confinement. 6 Reactor Plant Systems Analysis • Examples of Transients to be Analyzed – Pressurized loss-of-forced circulation (P-LOFC) • Temperature in upper vessel & associated components. – Depressurized loss-of-forced circulation (D-LOFC) • Peak fuel temperature; keff and RCCS performance. – Air Ingress following a D-LOFC • Graphite oxidation, integrity of core & support, CFP damage, release of fission products from graphite. – Reactivity Events, including ATWS • Control rod withdrawal, pebble-bed compaction, etc. – Water ingress • Reactivity insertion & chemical attack. 7 NGNP Evaluation Model • By Function • Code Specific 8 NGNP Evaluation Model • Development Tasks – Code & Model Development – Code Integration • Automated workflow for EM code suite – Uncertainty Analysis Methodology • Implementation of statistical approach – e.g., Wilks’ method • Incorporation of model bias & uncertainty factors into codes – PIRT Based Code Assessment – Code Applicability Report 9 NGNP EM: Codes • MELCOR - U.S. NRC Severe Accident Code – Solves 2D flow, heat transfer & fission product transport. • • • • • Core heat transfer & flow models: PBR & PMR Graphite oxidation models Extend aerosol models to graphite dust transport Fission product release models for coated fuel particles SCALE/AMPX - U.S. NRC Nuclear Analysis Code Suite – AMPX processes ENDF nuclear data into code usable libraries – SCALE provides lattice physics and depletion capabilities to generate few-group cross-sections, decay heat and FP inventory. • PARFUME/TMAP4 - INL Mechanistic CFP Performance Codes – CFP failure rate vs. fuel temperature and BU from NGNP-specific CFP failure rate test data & PARFUME sensitivity studies – FP transport in a CFP, fuel matrix, and prismatic fuel block (TMAP4) • MACCS2 - U.S. NRC Accident Consequences Code – Estimates off-site consequences – Input source term, health, and site parameters 10 NGNP EM: Codes • PARCS - U.S. NRC Advanced Reactor Core Neutronics Simulator – Solves 3D, Time Dependent Core Flux/Power Equations – Solves 3D Flux in both Cylindrical (PBR) and Hexagonal (PMR) – Benchmarked for PBR with OECD PBMR-400 Benchmark • AGREE - Advanced Gas REactor Evaluation – 3D, two-temperature porous medium (PBR) approach based on the legacy THERMIX/DIREKT codes. – Coupled to PARCS to provide coupled time-dependent neutronicsthermo-fluid solution for gas reactors – Benchmarked with Julich SANA Test Experimental Data and OECD PBMR-400 Benchmark – Will be extended to model prismatic core. • GENPMAXS - GENerates PMAXS cross section files for PARCS – Reads SCALE/TRITON output at all burnup and temperature/fluid conditions and provides cross section library for PARCS 11 NGNP Evaluation Model • Schedule – Code Development • Initial Model Development: • Model Improvement – Based on Assessment Results: Sept. 2010 May 2013 – Develop New Data: – Validation: Sept. 2012 • Existing Data: • New Data: Sept. 2012 May 2013 – Code Adequacy Report: Dec. 2013 12 Role of CFD Analysis • Not part of NRC EM, but used to – Provide benchmarks – Develop & select models for system level codes • Examples of Potential Applications: – Lower Plenum: • Graphite oxidation during air ingress event. – Dust deposition and lift-off. – Reactor Cavity Cooling System: • Provide benchmark for MELCOR model: combined radiation & natural convection heat transfer. • Investigate effect of graphite dust on radiation heat transfer. – PMR & PBR Core • Bypass flow due to gaps between fuel/reflector blocks. 13 Role of CFD: Examples of Ongoing Studies • Time & interest permitting 14 Role of CFD: Examples of Ongoing Studies • Core Heat Transfer – Pebble-Bed Reactors • Micro-Scale Model: – Fuel kernel temperature distribution – Effect of CFP clustering (hot spot factor) • CFD Modeling: – Pressure Loss & Pebble-Gas Heat Transfer » Randomly packed bed far from wall » Randomly packed bed next to wall (reflector) – Core Effective Thermal Conductivity – Pebble Multi-Batch Modeling – Whole Core Porous Body Model » Provide benchmarks for MELCOR 15 Role of CFD: Examples of Ongoing Studies • Core Heat Transfer – Prismatic Core Reactors • Meso-Scale Heat Transfer Model – Temperature distribution within a fuel element » Fuel compact surface & centerline temperatures » Moderator (graphite block) temperature » Coolant channel wall temperature • Macro-Scale Heat Transfer Model – Effective thermal conductivity for heat transfer between fuel assemblies. • NOTE: meso-scale results have been used to develop a simplified model for MELCOR. 16 Role of CFD: Examples of Ongoing Studies • Sample Results – Meshing of a random packed pebble bed. • Remote from reflector wall (infinite medium) 17 Role of CFD: Examples of Ongoing Studies • Sample Results: near reflector wall • Pressure Drop • Pebble-Gas HTC. 18 HTGR Thermal-Fluids Research Stephen M. Bajorek, Ph.D. Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Presentation to the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Subcommittee on Future Plant Designs January 14, 2009 1 Introduction & Background • Thermal-Fluids R&D Objectives • Major HTGR Thermal-Fluid Issues – Thermal-Fluids PIRT Rankings – Approach – Products & Relation to EM Development • Experimental Data & Facilities – Safety Significant Data Needs – Sources 2 Thermal-Fluids R&D Objectives • Support the NRC Evaluation Model development by: – Obtain and/or generate integral and separate effects data suitable for code assessment & model development. • DOE & Applicant Data • Collaboration with international organizations. • Conduct independent experiments: – Thermal-Hydraulic Institute (THI) – OSU/TAMU/PU Cooperative Agreement – Develop or identify correlations for HTGR processes as necessary. 3 PIRT Identified Processes of Significant Interest ( Importance = H and Knowledge Level = M or L ) • Core & Vessel Thermal-Fluids – Core effective thermal conductivity (PBR) – Thermal properties • Vessel, Core Barrel & Reflector emissivities • Gas mixture properties – Bypass and coolant flow distribution – Heat transfer correlations • Mixed convection • Coolant property variation (viscosity, mixture effects) • Air Ingress – Duct exchange flow – Molecular diffusion – Oxidation of core and supports 4 PIRT Identified Processes of Significant Interest • RCCS Performance – Cavity air circulation & heat transfer – Thermal radiation • RCCS panel and vessel emissivities • Participating media (.i.e. “gray gas” effect) – RCCS failure assumptions • Failure of 1 of 2 channel (asymmetry) • Failure of both channels (concrete thermal response) – RCCS internal side heat transfer • Parallel channel interactions • Forced-natural circulation transitions • Boiling and two-phase phenomena 5 PIRT Identified Processes of Significant Interest • Graphite “Dust” Phenomena – Hydrodynamic conditions for dust suspension. • Coolant velocity for liftoff • Suspension & carryover – Dust effect on coolant properties and flow. – Cavity filtering performance Note: Graphite “Dust” is an issue primarily for PBR and with D-LOFC scenarios. Note: Generation rate, FP content, size and shape distribution of graphite particles are also issues, but not specified in TF PIRT. 6 Introduction to Thermal-Fluid Technical Challenges Centre Reflector Conduction Pebble Bed Side Reflector Core Barrel RPV RCCS Citadel Radiation Conduction Conduction Convection Radiation Convection Conduction Conduction Radiation Radiation Convection Conduction Convection Convection Radiation •Combined Mode Heat Transfer •Bypass Flow •Maximum Fuel Temperatures •Local Temperature Variations 7 Core & Vessel Thermal-Fluids • Issues: – Limited convective heat transfer data exists at flow rates and temperatures expected in PBR or PMRs with helium as the coolant. – Properties of helium show large variations with temperature. Some uncertainty in properties for gas mixtures at high temperature. – Limited data to validate models for effective core thermal conductivity in PBR. – Bypass flows; flow along the reflectors (PBR) or through gaps in graphite (PMR), can account for a significant fraction of core flow. 8 Core & Vessel Thermal-Fluids • Approach – Project initiated to review existing correlations for core effective thermal conductivity and use CFD to examine sensitivities (PBR). - - - in progress – Gas mixture properties reviewed, improved model recommended for MELCOR. - - - in progress – Make use of existing and/or applicant data (such as SANA or tests planned by PBMR, Inc.) to evaluate models for core convective heat transfer & bypass. – Conduct NRC sponsored SETs, if necessary. 9 Core Convective Heat Transfer • Current Progress: – Assessing the several correlations for effective thermal conductivity and are attempting to validate CFD models. – Have examined effect of porosity (near- and far wall) on heat transfer and pressure drop. 10 Air Ingress • Issues: – “Lock Exchange” Flow refers to the counter-flow of fluids with different densities past one another. Initial view was that air ingress was diffusion limited - which is incorrect for most break orientations of interest. Difficult process to calculate. – Data for natural circulation in a scaled facility is lacking. Confinement to reactor cavity air ingress data also lacking. – Graphite oxidation: • Where in core oxidation takes place • Oxidation kinetics, including graphite irradiation and O2 content 11 Air Ingress • Approach: – Identified existing graphite oxidation rate models to be added to MELCOR. (Use existing models where applicable and evaluate on receipt of applicant data.) – Make use of existing and/or applicant data to evaluate modeling of air ingress and natural circulation in vessel. – NRC intends to conduct separate effects, and possibly integral effects tests to assist in model development and code assessment. 12 Air Ingress • Current Progress: – Separate effects test currently being planned and test apparatus being designed. Data to provide air ingress flow rates for variety of break sizes, orientations, and geometries. – Exploratory CFD calculations made to confirm air ingress for top vessel breaks. – Plans for a small integral multi-purpose test rig to be considered. Intent would be a test loop to investigate natural circulation, air ingress, and particulate transport. 13 Air Ingress Air ingress through vessel top break: Blue = He / Red = Air 14 RCCS Performance • Issues – Lack of prototypic data for vessel cavity air circulation & heat transfer. Difficult to benchmark codes for finding local hot spots. – Modeling of thermal radiation (including surface emissivities) and radiation-convention interactions. – Lack of data / modeling guidelines for RCCS performance with various failures. Asymmetric conditions may exist, affecting flows and heat transfer to cavity walls. – In-tube single phase and boiling heat transfer crucial to function. May be parallel channel interactions. Test data a major need. 15 RCCS Performance • Approach: – RCCS performance is viewed as crucial in evaluation of a HTGR and licensing. – NRC will participate in experiments using the Natural Convection Shutdown Heat Removal Test Facility (NSTF) at ANL to investigate RCCS performance. – NRC would sponsor independent RCCS tests if necessary to meet schedule. 16 RCCS Performance • Current Progress: – Preliminary CFD calculations initiated to explore modeling of “gray gas” in reactor cavity. – Experimental plans not started yet. Design information currently insufficient. 17 Graphite “Dust” Transport • Issues – During normal operation, abrasion & vibration may generate graphite particles which can carry FP. These FP can escape the vessel through a break very early in an event. – Very little data available on graphite particle size/shape distribution, fluid conditions for lift-off, suspension and transport. – Graphite particles may impact heat transfer through effect on circulation and thermal radiation. 18 Graphite “Dust” Transport • Approach: – Perform literature survey of graphite “dust” and its issues & identify existing applicable data. – NRC may need to conduct separate effects test(s) to develop models for MELCOR for graphite particle lift-off, transport, and deposition. 19 Graphite “Dust” Issues • Current Progress – Completed a literature survey on graphite dust issues; generation, size characterization, oxidation, etc. – New issue that may be of concern is detonation. – Test planning not started yet. 20 Experimental Database • An extensive experimental database, including both integral and separate effects data is considered vital towards development. • In preparation for EM development, NRC has compiled a survey of gas cooled reactor facilities that may be applicable to PBR or PMR. • Participating in international (CSNI) activity (TAREF = Task on Advance Reactor Experimental Facilities) . 21 Experimental Database Facility Type Status Operator Issue HTTR 30 MW prismatic, nuclear core Operating JAERI IET HTR 10 MW, pebble bed, nuclear core Operating China IET HTTTR Not specified. Proposed UT/GA IET NSTF SET, non-nucl Operating ANL RCCS INWA SET, non-nucl Operating Germany RCCS RCCS Fac. SET, non-nucl Planned S.Korea RCCS Air Ingress SET, non-nucl Operating JAERI Air ingress 22 Experimental Database Facility Type Status Operator Issue NACOK SET, non-nucl Operating Germany Air ingress, natural circ. SANA SET, non-nucl Operating Germany Pebble bed core heat transfer MIR SET, non-nucl Operating INL LP streaking, turbulent mixing AVR pebble bed, nuclear core Shutdown Germany IET HTF SET, non-nucl Planned PBMR, Inc. Aux systems, misc. PBMM SET, non-nucl Complete PBMR, Inc. Brayton cycle tests HTTF SET, non-nucl Planned PBMR, Inc. Core TF HELITE He Loop Operating CEA IHX, Component 23 Outlook on Infrastructure Needs • Separate effects data exist for many of the HTGR TF processes. However, most of these data are currently unavailable to the staff. Cooperative agreements & access to existing data is crucial. • The staff may need independent SET data for new model development where only Proprietary info will exist. • The staff will need access to a well scaled integral effects facility for any design licensed in order to investigate multiple system failures and safety system performance. 24 Thermal-Fluids Research Summary • Thermal-Fluids research has been initiated, with the intent to provide data for the staff’s EM development and assessment. • CFD is being used to help guide decisions on EM development and well as in identification of necessary test programs. 25