Official Transcript of Proceedings NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
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Official Transcript of Proceedings NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
Official Transcript of Proceedings NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Title: Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Thermal Hydraulic Phenomena Subcommittee Docket Number: (n/a) Location: Rockville, Maryland Date: Friday, February 27, 2009 Work Order No.: NRC-2693 NEAL R. GROSS AND CO., INC. Court Reporters and Transcribers 1323 Rhode Island Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 234-4433 Pages 1-135 1 1 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2 NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION 3 + + + + + 4 ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON REACTOR SAFEGUARDS 5 (ACRS) 6 + 7 + + + + SUBCOMMITTEE ON THERMAL HYDRAULIC PHENOMENA 8 + 9 + + + + TRACE APPLICABILITY TO ESBWR LOCA 10 + + + + + 11 FRIDAY 12 FEBRUARY 27, 2009 13 + + + + + 14 The Subcommittee 15 Regulatory 16 T2B1, 17 Banerjee, Chairman, presiding. 18 SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Commission, 11545 Rockville Two met at White Pike, at Flint 8:30 the Nuclear North, a.m., 19 SANJOY BANERJEE, Chairman 20 SAID ABDEL-KHALIK, Member 21 MICHAEL CORRADINI, Member (via telephone) Room Sanjoy 22 23 24 25 NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 2 1 ALSO PRESENT: 2 DAVID BESSETTE, Designated Federal Official 3 GRAHAM WALLIS, Consultant 4 RALPH LANDRY, NRO/DSRA 5 JOHN MAHAFFY, RES/DSA 6 JOE KELLY, RES/DSA 7 NATHANAEL HUDSON, RES/DSA/CDB 8 RON HARRINGTON, RES/DSA/RSAB 9 ANDREW IRELAND, RES/DSA/CDB 10 MATTHEW PANICKER, NRR/DSS/SNPB 11 KATHY GIBSON, RES 12 JOSEPH BOROWSKY, RES/DSA/RSAB 13 STEVE BAJOREK, RES/DSA 14 DON FLETCHER, Information Systems Labs 15 JENNIFER UHLE, RES 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 3 1 2 A-G-E-N-D-A 3 4 Opening Remarks by the Chairman .................... 4 5 Introduction from RES .............................. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Chris Hoxie, RES TRACE Film Condensation Development for ESBWR ..... 13 Joe Kelly, RES TRACE Standard Separate Effects Assessment Applicable to ESBWR .......................................... 96 Joe Staudenmeier, RES TRACE Integral Test Assessment Specific 13 to ESBWR .................................... 96 14 Joe Staudenmeier, RES 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 4 1 2 3 P-R-O-C-E-E-D-I-N-G-S 4 8:29 a.m. 5 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 6 come to order. 7 Committee 8 Thermal 9 chairman of the subcommittee. The meeting will now This is a meeting of the Advisory on Reactor Hydraulic Safeguards Phenomena. Subcommittee I'm Sanjoy on Banerjee, Subcommittee members in 10 attendance 11 join us later, Mike Corradini will be on the phone. 12 I'd also like to welcome ACRS consultant and former 13 ACRS chairman Graham Wallis. 14 designated federal official for this meeting. 15 are Said The Abdel-Khalik, purpose of John Stetkar may David Bessette is the today's meeting is to 16 consider 17 hydraulic 18 analysis for ESBWRs. 19 information, analyze the relevant issues and facts, 20 and 21 appropriate for deliberation by the full committee in 22 September. 23 meeting have been announced as part of the notice of 24 this 25 Register. the applicability system formulate for the of the TRACE loss-of-coolant thermal accident The subcommittee will gather those positions and actions as The rules for participation in today's meeting previously published in the Federal Portions of today's meeting will be closed NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 5 1 for the discussion of proprietary information. 2 have received no written comments or requests for time 3 to make oral statements from members of the public 4 regarding 5 meeting is being kept and will be made available as 6 stated in the Federal Register notice. 7 that 8 available 9 subcommittee. The 10 themselves speak 11 volume so that they can be readily heard. 12 we can start the meeting and I think the first thing 13 on the agenda is an introduction from Chris Hoxie who 14 is there, and we'll take it from there. participants 15 16 17 today's meeting. in this microphones and transcript meeting when speaker MR. HOXIE: is Chris Hoxie. A with use of one first sufficient the We request of addressing should We the the identify clarity and With that, Okay, good morning. My name I will give you a brief introduction. We are here today to discuss the adequacy of the 18 TRACE 19 analyses of design basis loss-of-coolant accidents and 20 the Economical Simplified Boiling Water Reactor, or 21 the ESBWR. 22 take the better part of the day. 23 used for transient calculations and MELCOR was used 24 for long-term containment pressure calculations, these 25 topics are not covered today. computer code for performing confirmatory As you can see from the agenda, this will While TRACE is also Today we're going to NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 6 1 focus on ESBWR LOCA calculations. 2 In 3 identification 4 reviews and evaluations on phenomena, processes and 5 components and systems important to the prediction of 6 ESBWR behavior during LOCAs. 7 equations, 8 reviewed for applicability to ESBWR LOCAs. 9 attention was paid, of course, to the new ESBWR design 10 features such as the gravity-driven cooling system, a 11 passive 12 region. 13 TRACE 14 analyses concerned the film condensation model, and 15 Joe Kelly will talk about that shortly. 16 were 17 predicting 18 pertinent to the ESBWR LOCAs. 19 tests representing important basic physical processes, 20 separate 21 unique 22 configured to represent the overall behavior of the 23 ESBWR reactor system. 24 experimental data represents a major portion of the 25 code adequacy demonstration. our work ranking numerics containment we cable and used a approach to phenomena focus our The TRACE code governing closure cooling relations system and were Particular a chimney In terms of development, a measure area of model development made of integrated the behavior effects ESBWR in tests components, support code observed the ESBWR Evaluations performance and for experiments The experiments include simulating and of performance integral effects of test Assessment of the code against NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 7 1 A quick review of the agenda and the 2 presentation shows that we'll spend a fair amount of 3 time discussing these topics. 4 subcommittee's 5 presentations so that all of the public stuff is at 6 the beginning and then we go into closed session. 7 request, To accommodate the ACRS we did CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: segregate the With regard to the 8 agenda items, which ones are going to be in closed 9 session? You have the agenda in front of you, right? 10 11 MR. HOXIE: Basically open is up until I believe - let me. 12 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: So you see, closed 13 session you have to go in from 8:45. 14 overview - oh, okay. 15 MR. HOXIE: 16 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 17 This is not the It doesn't show the closed. 18 19 No sorry, the MR. HOXIE: We were planning on following this. 20 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Well, I don't mind 21 following whatever agenda, I mean that would be fine 22 too. 23 follow 24 different from what we have in front of us. 25 Okay, so you want to reorient the agenda to the thing that MR. HOXIE: you've got there which is The problem is going in and NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 8 1 out of closed session. 2 My understanding was that - CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Okay, so what we want 3 is to put Joe Kelly at some point, and that's the only 4 one which is open? 5 MR. HOXIE: 6 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 7 Yes. The very first one. TRACE Film Condensation Development? 8 MR. HOXIE: 9 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 10 Which is what, the Right. So, on the agenda that we have in front of us that's shown at 11 o'clock. 11 MR. HOXIE: 12 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: That's correct. So what we could do is 13 we could close the session after this and then open 14 the session at 11:00 through lunch, and then close it 15 after. 16 oh, sorry. 17 Is that what you would like? MR. HOXIE: The only open - There really were only two. 18 There's Joe Staudenmeier with the separate effects, 19 and there's Joe with the film condensation. 20 were the two open pieces. 21 Everything else is closed. CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 22 the session after the break. 23 All right, carry on Chris. 24 agenda. 25 MR. HOXIE: Those Okay, so we'll open Okay, we can do that. We'll just reorient the All right. Let's see here. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 I 9 1 think then we're pretty much - basically I wanted to 2 mention we view this as an informational briefing for 3 you. 4 for ESBWR and we view this meeting here as supportive 5 of - We know that there are future meetings scheduled 6 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 7 MEMBER CORRADINI: 8 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 9 started. Sorry. Good morning, Mike. Good morning. Okay, the meeting's Just Mike, Chris Hoxie is on and 10 besides the first introduction section now he's simply 11 saying something about how the staff view the meeting. 12 Are you on, Mike? 13 MEMBER CORRADINI: 14 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 15 MR. HOXIE: Yes sir, I'm on. Okay Chris, go ahead. Our hope is that this will be 16 supportive and informative, and that future meetings I 17 believe that are planned for this year, that they can 18 focus on the ESBWR design certification as opposed to 19 having TRACE be the center of attention. 20 I think - 21 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: So with that Well, let me ask you 22 before, since Mike is now on, that there are two ways 23 to view this issue. 24 conclusions from - which the subcommittee and the full 25 committee then agree to - to an ESBWR report at some One is that we could put in some NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 10 1 point which I have to ask Mike about. 2 is 3 something based on, say, TRACE applicability to the 4 various passive cooled plants in one document. 5 there have been two sort of schools of thought as to 6 how the ACRS as a full committee should respond. 7 me ask Mike first to give an opinion on this. to aggregate 8 9 10 the passive MEMBER CORRADINI: apologize for being late. plants, write So Let Mike? Well, two things. I Beautiful weather in the Midwest. 11 12 all The alternative CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: I'm glad I'm missing it. 13 MEMBER CORRADINI: I was going to say that 14 I think since this is coming to the Thermal Hydraulic 15 subcommittee 16 opinion and I'll let you guys on the subcommittee and 17 full committee decide further, but I think the focus 18 ought 19 plants, and any particular technical challenges that 20 raises. 21 and 22 those. 23 things that the subcommittee on ESBWR is interested in 24 where we've asked the applicant to go back and do 25 analysis and we've yet to see it, but those things - to the be on focus - TRACE's I mean, now applicability this to is my passive And then as those things are identified, try understand how the staff is going to address There were some - there's been a number of NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 11 1 Said is there - those things involve noncondensable 2 gas trapping and then potential reduction in ECCS for 3 - on the GDCS and the PCCS because of that, and we 4 wanted to see calculations. 5 that 6 applicant's calculations to make sure that they have 7 comfort that things are working properly and they'd be 8 using TRACE, we want to understand the applicability 9 of TRACE to those same situations. if the staff is Similarly, I would expect using TRACE to audit the So I think I would 10 be looking for, from my perspective, general technical 11 issues that are unique to passive plants that staff is 12 going 13 applicability and use. to have to look at relative to TRACE 14 I mean, the one that - I'll give one that 15 I wanted to ask about eventually, and I will apologize 16 since I have to go somewhere in two hours anyway, is 17 the - is this question was raised in the peer review 18 about the momentum equation and corrections that have 19 to 20 particularly when I have low pressure driving heads, 21 that could be an issue. 22 something 23 generic, but yet has particular application when I 24 have a passive plant with low pressure heads. 25 enough for now? be made to that make started it off more consistent. And So that's an example of in the peer review as Is that NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 12 1 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Yes, I think that's 2 fine Mike. 3 can write me a brief paragraph or a note at some 4 point. What I understood from you, and maybe you 5 MEMBER CORRADINI: 6 CHAIRMAN 7 Yes, I will. BANERJEE: Okay, just summarizing your views that would be fine. 8 CORRADINI: Yes, 10 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Thanks. 11 MEMBER 9 and MEMBER that's fine. I'll listen Sorry. CORRADINI: And 12 primarily unless - I just ask everybody if you could 13 for at least the next couple of hours speak up a tad 14 so I can hear, and then I'll try to be quiet unless 15 there's something that you guys aren't going to pick 16 up. 17 you're going to ask similar questions. But with you folks in the room, I'm guessing 18 19 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: All right. Okay. So Chris, are you done now? 20 MR. HOXIE: 21 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Yes. So, in the revised 22 agenda the next speaker will be - we are still in open 23 session and we will be in open session till the break. 24 The next two speakers will be Joe Kelly on the film 25 condensation model development and followed by Joe NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 13 1 Staudenmeier, who will speak on the separate effects 2 assessment. 3 Why are we into closed session for such a large amount 4 of time? After that we go into closed session. Is it because the data are proprietary data? 5 MR. HOXIE: 6 DR. WALLIS: 7 It's proprietary. Do we have a handout from Joe Kelly? 8 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 9 DR. WALLIS: 10 11 Yes. We do? CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: from Joe? Where is the handout I think you can go ahead, Joe. 12 MR. KELLY: Okay. I'll be speaking to the 13 development that we did for the TRACE condensation 14 model, the applicability to the ESBWR. 15 actually a model that was - the need for which was 16 identified 17 concentrated 18 you're going to see was pretty much done five to six 19 years ago, and committee members that have been for 20 awhile have seen elements of this presentation several 21 times already. 22 this time. 23 early in the development I'm program effort on and And this is we it. spent The a work But I'll see if I can get it better going to start out with an 24 introduction, very, very brief background, modeling 25 approach, and overview of the model accuracy. The NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 14 1 model 2 framework, 3 constitutive models in five different areas: wall 4 friction, interfacial wall-to-liquid heat 5 transfer, and liquid-to-interface heat 6 transfer, 7 effect. 8 to go through all five areas, so I flagged the two 9 that I'm going to attack, and that's the - description, 10 11 and there then then fits are into the a actually shear, finally the two-fluid changes noncondensable to gas There wasn't enough time in this presentation DR. WALLIS: What's missing in there is buoyancy. 12 13 so this MR. KELLY: Well, if we're talking about a falling film then it's the gravitational - 14 DR. 15 ceilings and water surfaces. 16 TRACE had was modeling the surface of the pool, the 17 condensation on the pool, which is governed very much 18 by buoyancy effects. 19 didn't see them in your scope. 20 MR. WALLIS: No, I'm interested in One of the problems that And ceilings are the same, and I KELLY: No, and you won't. I 21 shortened the title of this presentation by one very 22 critical word. 23 24 DR. WALLIS: So maybe you have some work to do in those areas, Joe? 25 MR. KELLY: Well, we've looked at doing, NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 15 1 you know, the turbulent wave jet modeling in the pool 2 and so on, and didn't go to the history effect because 3 we were initially going to use TRACE for the whole 4 containment and so I started doing some work on that 5 and kind of developed a first cut at a model to put 6 into the suppression pool. 7 the contained code for the containment, so all the 8 TRACE work on that stopped. 9 with the TRACE contained coupling and we went back to 10 using TRACE for everything, but by then it was too 11 late to put that model in. 12 DR. WALLIS: Then we were going to use Then there were problems Well, you're telling me 13 history, but it seems to me that there is work to do 14 on the area where you don't match the data which is 15 predicting surface condensation on the pool. 16 MR. KELLY: And this is just my 17 recollection because this has been years and I haven't 18 been involved with this work for a couple of years 19 now, to handle that they did some sensitivity studies 20 to see how important the effect was and decided that 21 for, you know, and I don't remember what the data was, 22 but - 23 DR. WALLIS: Yes, but that still isn't an 24 excuse for why it doesn't model PUMA. 25 get into that till we talk about the data. So let's not NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 16 1 MEMBER CORRADINI: Can I ask a follow-up 2 question just so I'm clear? 3 to actually do containment condensation phenomena such 4 as the one Graham is suggesting, or is that just an 5 extra benefit? 6 MR. KELLY: So is the intent of TRACE For this particular case where 7 the 8 reactor system, the final position was to use TRACE 9 for the entire containment. containment is so intimately 10 MEMBER CORRADINI: 11 MR. KELLY: coupled to the Okay, thank you. And I really should have said 12 this presentation is about film condensation because 13 certainly what Professor Wallis was talking about are 14 important things, but they're different than what I'm 15 going to talk about. 16 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: So your interest is 17 primarily here to model the PCCS to ICS and these 18 types of - 19 MR. KELLY: That was the initial thrust 20 was, 21 component, 22 sure TRACE has a model for it. ICS is also there and 23 then the 24 extended to include the containment volumes, then we 25 needed a model for the condensation on the containment you later know, we it's an when know that important the scope the ECCS component, of TRACE is a let's model new make was NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 17 1 walls with the effect of noncondensable on those as 2 well. 3 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: So you can handle, if 4 you like, the vertical walls, film condensation on 5 those? 6 7 MR. Yes, and I'll show some comparisons here. 8 9 KELLY: CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Whereas what Graham was talking about, on the horizontal surfaces - 10 MR. KELLY: Yes, evaporation from, you 11 know, a stratified layer on top of the suppression 12 pool, that kind of thing, that's different. 13 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: What about the 14 ceilings on things where pre-convection effects and so 15 on could be important? 16 17 MR. KELLY: detail so I can't say. 18 19 I haven't looked at that in DR. WALLIS: The ceiling is - they'll talk about the ESBWR or not in this stage. 20 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Maybe not. Well, I think we'd 21 better hold it to the closed session. 22 understand exactly, and I think you brought it up 23 there. 24 condensation. 25 As long as we PCCS to ICS and the wall - vertical wall MR. KELLY: All right. So this is what I NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 18 1 was tasked to do was first to come up with a model in 2 TRACE, or just show that the existing TRACE model was 3 adequate for the passive containment cooling system. 4 What you have here is obviously condensation and the 5 presence of noncondensable gases, but it's co-current 6 downflow and the films tend to be laminar and the 7 Reynolds number of the gas mixture is fairly modest so 8 the gas velocities are low, so interfacial shear does 9 not play much of a role. It's pretty much a falling 10 laminar film with noncondensable gas condensation. 11 we start condensing noncondensable gases we've got a 12 problem. 13 model the Isolation Condenser System. 14 be more pure steam because the primary system is still 15 closed up, at least when that tends to be important. 16 And what you have here is a highly sheared turbulent 17 film, 18 condensation. 19 If But at the same time we wanted to be able to more of the DR. WALLIS: classical kind That tends to of in-tube Now, the argument that's used 20 later in the report is it doesn't matter because the 21 PCCS is self-regulating anyway. 22 23 24 MR. KELLY: I think that's probably true. Quite often there are system effects that one thing balances the other. 25 DR. WALLIS: Or if it goes too far one way NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 19 1 it corrects itself. 2 MR. KELLY: 3 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Right. How - I guess this was 4 my question and Graham has asked it already, is how 5 sensitive 6 right? 7 are the overall MR. KELLY: results to I don't know. getting this I haven't been 8 involved with this for awhile and I didn't do the 9 ESBWR calculations. There are people here in the room 10 who can answer that question better than I can. 11 think when they start doing the plant calculations and 12 show those to you they'll be able to answer that. 13 CHAIRMAN 14 these condensation - BANERJEE: 15 MR. KELLY: 16 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 17 DR. WALLIS: 18 The And I sensitivity to Right. Okay. Have you been out of the picture for awhile? 19 MR. KELLY: I've been working on gas 20 reactors for more than a year now and my last year 21 really with the TRACE development team was dedicated 22 to documentation. 23 DR. WALLIS: Nobody comes back to you and 24 says Joe, why did you do this? 25 whatever you did? They just accept NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 20 1 MR. KELLY: No, they do, and that's kind 2 of why I'm here today. Later on, pretty late in the 3 process it was decided to extend the scope of TRACE to 4 the 5 modified the model to account for that as well. 6 first thing you do is, you know, does what we have 7 existing in TRACE work well enough that we just go 8 with that? 9 and kind of went well, I don't think so, but just 10 because you'll see like the effect of noncondensable 11 gases was an empirical correlation and it was for 12 condensation on a turbulent liquid jet in a cross-air 13 stream which you don't expect to work in PCCS. wall condensation. 14 And so you'll see how I The So I took a look at what was in the model DR. WALLIS: So the question here is that 15 TRACE has to be rebuilt when you get to ESBWR. 16 going to have to be redone when you get to some other 17 design? 18 19 MEMBER CORRADINI: that again? 20 Is it Graham, can you say I didn't understand what you just said. DR. WALLIS: I was just saying, if you 21 found that the old model didn't work for ESBWR and you 22 fix it. 23 MEMBER CORRADINI: 24 DR. WALLIS: 25 Okay. I'm just wondering if it has to be fixed again when we get another design. Because NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 21 1 these phenomena are so design-specific. 2 MR. KELLY: If we talk about tube 3 condensation, I'll say no. 4 completely different, you know, say it's an innovative 5 design for the 6 Well, if that's something that's never been studied 7 before, yes. 8 model. 9 TRACE against data to see if it did work, and the If we talk about something flow of an accumulator, for example. But I didn't just go on reviewing the I went ahead and did some calculations with 10 performance was pretty poor. 11 model development effort. 12 said this a couple of times, in-tube condensation, the 13 presence of noncondensable gases for the PCCS, but I 14 also make that same model applicable to the isolation 15 condenser, later on modify it for wall condensation 16 for large containment models. And so that led to a And so again, I've already 17 TRACE is a two-fluid code, as you know. 18 Most literature correlations are really built for, I 19 don't want to say homogenous things, but you know, 20 where you assume things are at saturation temperature. 21 So a lot the literature models don't go into a two- 22 fluid code very easily. 23 and play some tricks, and so on. 24 do since I had the chance to possibly develop a new 25 model was try to make it consistent with the two-fluid You have to shoehorn them in, So what I wanted to NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 22 1 framework. 2 solving 3 providing a lot of the information that some of the 4 empirical models really would need. 5 talking about here is by solving the mass and energy 6 equations 7 condensive flow rate. 8 it like you do in the Nusselt model. 9 momentum And another part of that is when you're the two-fluid you get equation equations, the you axial you're already Now what I'm distribution of the You don't have to calculation now get to By solving the liquid film 10 thickness, assuming you do that right, okay? 11 get to liquid film thickness, the Nusselt formula is 12 just 13 thickness. the 14 15 liquid connectivity CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: by the film But that's only for laminar. 16 MR. KELLY: 17 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 18 divided If you That's correct. Assuming the film is laminar. 19 MR. KELLY: That's correct. But I'm 20 replacing that final formula with K over delta because 21 I'm taking advantage of what - everything the code is 22 going to go through to calculate the delta anyway. 23 DR. WALLIS: It's not just gravity that's 24 pulling the film. 25 the first by doing momentum balance, but it's only The second equation follows from NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 23 1 gravity that's working. 2 MR. KELLY: Right. Yes, there's no 3 interfacial drag in the Nusselt, it's only gravity and 4 wall drag. 5 that comes out of solving the two-fluid conservation 6 equations, if you do it right you at least can get the 7 effect 8 thickness. 9 Whereas if you're using a film thickness of interfacial CHAIRMAN drag on BANERJEE: the liquid Well, there film is a 10 problem with the Nusselt formula because as soon as 11 you get significant waves you get stirring. 12 delta there is an effective delta and not a - 13 MR. KELLY: So the That's exactly right. You 14 know, it kind of all comes out in the wash because you 15 change the Nusselt formula part, but. 16 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 17 think we get the picture here. 18 MR. KELLY: All right. Right. Anyway, I Well, so I want to 19 give you an overview of the model accuracy. 20 is 21 condensation database, and the calculations I'm going 22 to show you in just a second are more spreadsheet- 23 based. 24 local conditions from the experimental data and stuck 25 them in the new model and I'm going to compare the the set of test data that I used Now, this for the What I did was for each data point I took the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 24 1 TRACE model to several empirical correlations. 2 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 3 stuff in the report, is that the MIT stuff? 4 MR. KELLY: Yes. So, this - the ABDHBI I will refer to it as 5 MIT-Dehbi and I'll show some - a plot of that later. 6 I can describe. 7 you what it looked like later. 8 because this is what I started with, and the Dehbi is 9 more, you know, a vessel test. I don't have drawings, but I can tell This was done for N2 I wanted to do pure 10 steam 11 conditions 12 Berkeley, and the last one which was the one that got 13 the best data because they learned progressively how 14 to do the tests better was by a student named Kuhn, 15 and he did both pure steam condensation tests as well 16 as steam air and steam helium. 17 three of those show up. 18 me the conditions that you're more likely to see in 19 something like the PCCS. 20 those 21 films into small diameter. condensation are, there you first. was a know, Well, whole DR. WALLIS: 23 CHAIRMAN series the of ESBWR tests at And you'll notice all So for pure steam, that gives The NASA Goodykoontz test, highly 22 for sheared turbulent-type That's very old. BANERJEE: Even the UCB-Kuhn 24 data, falling liquid - if you're basing that Reynolds 25 number on the film thickness, falling liquid films NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 25 1 become turbulent actually at close to 400 to 800. 2 the 2000 data is well turbulent. 3 MR. KELLY: Yes. So Well, as in - I brought 4 along a bunch of extra slides so I can show you how 5 the wall liquid correlation goes, and it does - first, 6 it goes above Nusselt through the effect of the holes 7 on the film, and then as the Reynolds number increases 8 it gets higher, then it gets fair into a correlation 9 for a turbulent film. So that's there, and that's why 10 we can do these tests, okay? 11 again the UCB-Kuhn, but they had some companion tests 12 at MIT, two students named Siddique and Hasanein, and 13 then helium steam, those three. 14 style presenter. 15 16 MR. KELLY: Sitting in front of a laptop just doesn't - isn't CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 20 reporter can hear, that's okay. 21 MR. KELLY: 22 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: As long as the court Oh, that's right. That's all that really matters. 24 25 We can get you a laser pointer. 19 23 I'm still an old I like getting up and pointing. CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 17 18 Then for air steam, DR. WALLIS: same tube size. So everybody uses about the How does that compare with the ESBWR NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 26 1 tube size? 2 3 MR. KELLY: Kuhn is prototypic. 4 DR. WALLIS: 5 MR. 6 As far as I remember, the UCB- Okay. KELLY: Because these tests were sponsored by GE. 7 MEMBER CORRADINI: If I may break in. 8 Joe, just to follow on Graham's question, this - to 9 get back to the bigger picture, if I understand it, 10 the periphery tests were done literally so that you 11 could get an in-tube condensation heat transfer with 12 noncondensables and they stuck with the same weight 13 scale because it's pretty unclear as to when you go 14 from essentially in-tube to an in-vessel phenomenon. 15 Is that correct? 16 MR. KELLY: The part about doing the test 17 to develop heat transfer correlations to use in their 18 model for the ESBWR is correct. 19 length scale I can't say. 20 make the tubes prototypic. 21 The choice of the I just know they tried to MEMBER CORRADINI: Okay. Well, the reason 22 I bring it up like that is the Dehbi experiments at 23 MIT, 24 centimeters even though it was viewed as a vessel, 25 whereas Tagami-Uchida from long ago were much larger the length scale there was only about 30 NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 27 1 vessels. 2 something 3 actual design to get around the question of how to 4 scale. So I'm only getting at that we're focused on where length scales 5 MR. KELLY: 6 MEMBER CORRADINI: 7 CHAIRMAN are matched to the That's correct. Okay. BANERJEE: Yes, actually of 8 course, as you get towards the bottom of the tubes 9 your Reynolds numbers for liquid film will increase 10 significantly. 11 MR. KELLY: Yes, actually on my previous 12 slide, those Reynolds numbers were the tube exit. 13 film 14 ventilate. 15 was the tube Okay? exit, the gas was the The tube So, here are the experiments again. The pointer doesn't work on white. So, you see the 16 number of data points, and there's three different 17 correlations, the Vierow-Schrock which was developed 18 from the first set of UCB tests, the Kuhn-Schrock- 19 Peterson which was the last set, and then the well 20 known Shah correlation for pure steam condensation in 21 tubes. 22 I'm showing here the average error and the RMS error 23 for each of these compared to all the data points in 24 those sets. 25 Kuhn-Schrock model compared to their own data. And what you'll see if you'll compare the - And let's just for example look at the The NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 28 1 errors are very small, but you're fitting an empirical 2 model to one set of data, so that's kind of what you'd 3 expect. 4 as good with what I'll call a semi-mechanistic model 5 in TRACE. 6 model and apply it to a different data set, like you 7 take this model which was for lightly sheared laminar 8 films and you apply it to a highly sheared turbulent 9 film, the errors are pretty large, whereas again, the 10 What is surprising is we're able to do almost Now, if you take a model, an empirical TRACE errors aren't too bad. 11 DR. WALLIS: 12 MR. KELLY: 13 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 14 That's the old TRACE? No, that's the new TRACE. You'll show us the formative correlation at some point? 15 MR. KELLY: Yes. It's not one 16 correlation. 17 different 18 showing you some of them. 19 ahead and try to - but you know, that's a 2- to 3-hour 20 presentation, so. 21 What it is, it's models for those five categories CHAIRMAN I show, and I'm planning on If we have time I can go BANERJEE: Right. The other 22 thing you could do is just give us the backup slides. 23 I mean, we've been reading this report, but you know, 24 we've got thousands of pages to read through. 25 MR. KELLY: You don't have the TRACE NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 29 1 theory manual by heart now? 2 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 3 DR. WALLIS: Almost. It's okay. It doesn't really 4 tell us applicability to the range of variables we're 5 interested in because the - I don't know if RMS tells 6 us much about where ESBWR fits on the statistical 7 curve, on the tail of your distribution. 8 - we need to know that. 9 MR. KELLY: Perhaps more Well, these NASA tests, that's 10 pure steam, high flow rates - that's ICS, not PCCS. 11 And 12 conditions overlap. 13 tests were designed for - I don't remember the degree to which the However, both the UCB and the MIT 14 DR. WALLIS: They top out the right range. 15 MR. KELLY: The MIT ones tend to cover 16 about the right range. The Kuhn ones go a little bit 17 past that. 18 to five bar, but we're not planning on having five bar 19 inside the containment. 20 range very well, but also bracket it. So for example, pressure goes from one bar So they tried to cover the 21 So, for the pure steam test - actually, 22 the point I really wanted to make here is that when 23 you 24 empirical model gets its own database, it's very good. 25 now go to air-steam TRACE is equally as good. condensation, again the And if you then go to a NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 30 1 test outside that database, TRACE is much better than 2 the 3 comparison. 4 coefficient versus measured. 5 or minus 25. 6 You see it lines up very nicely except for a few 7 points 8 turbulent film transition where we're going from one 9 model to the other. 10 other correlations. So this just shows that So this is the calculated heat transfer here, The error bars are plus This is the UCB-Kuhn pure steam data. and those are right in the laminar We over-predict the heat transfer by a bit. 11 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: That's interesting. 12 So, you'd expect the laminar ones to be on the left- 13 hand side, but lower. 14 MR. KELLY: Well, this has to do with the 15 way the models in TRACE work. 16 mean. 17 Oh no, I see what you You're expecting CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: It's at the lower end 18 of the - the turbulent along the - 19 MR. KELLY: Yes. Now, I'm overlaying on 20 the same plot the results of the Kuhn air steam test. 21 And you see again they line up very well with a 22 slight bias, but there are some points out here where 23 TRACE 24 points tend to be at the end of the tube, and so then 25 all the errors, you know, for the mass and energy as under-predicts fairly significantly. Those NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 31 1 you integrate down from the top of the tube to where 2 you're actually running out of steam, those errors 3 have accumulated. 4 That's part of it. CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Let me ask you a 5 question here. 6 on the gas side which becomes significant due to the 7 accumulation of the air. 8 9 MR. KELLY: CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Okay. So it's sort of diffusion control. 12 13 That model I'm going to show in detail later. 10 11 Obviously you've now got a resistance MR. KELLY: It's a mass transfer of conducted - 14 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 15 a 16 transfer. heat transfer controlled Yes, you're going from condensation 17 MR. KELLY: 18 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: to mass Exactly. And that - is that 19 sort of where the big errors arise? 20 MR. KELLY: Well, no, but close, because 21 what you're - for these points, if you go and look at 22 where 23 Reynolds number is in the hundreds. 24 laminar regime. 25 what the Sherwood number ought to be you expect it to they actually are, the local gas mixture So you're in the And if you back out from the data NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 32 1 be on the order of four because it's laminar in a 2 tube, but instead it's on the order of 10 to 12 which 3 doesn't make a whole lot of sense. 4 think, 5 something phenomenologically? 6 proof, but from what I've looked at, what I think it 7 is is the persistence of turbulence, it's a history 8 effect. well 9 is it the data, or So you have to are we missing And I don't have any CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Or it could be the 10 stirring effect of the liquid film. 11 DR. WALLIS: 12 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Maybe it's not a steady flow. Well, you've got - 13 that's what I'm saying, you've got large waves by 14 then. 15 stirring the - The film is 16 MR. KELLY: 17 CHAIRMAN 18 and it could be That's possible as well. BANERJEE: MR. KELLY: It's a classical My explanation also covers one other case though. 21 22 thick problem. 19 20 fairly CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Could be also fossil turbulence. 23 MR. KELLY: When we first looked at the 24 PUMA PCCS condensers, and now these are quarter height 25 so everything is shortened up, but the tubes are still NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 33 1 a pretty good diameter. 2 scaled that facility for a noncondensable conduction 3 heat 4 Schrock, and that model is only - it's a function of 5 the laminar film Reynolds number and a function of the 6 gas - you know, mole fraction of noncondensable gas. 7 It doesn't have any effect of the gas mixture Reynolds 8 number in it. 9 didn't worry about the gas mixture Reynolds number in transfer model I don't remember. they were using When they the Vierow- So when they scaled the facility, they 10 the PCCS tubes. 11 noncondensable gas concentration there. 12 actually come in laminar, if you look at the local 13 Reynolds number. 14 conditions model, 15 should 4, 16 under-predict that, just like we under-predict this. 17 But if you go back and look at the facility, and I 18 don't remember this exactly, but you know, size of the 19 pipe coming in and what the Reynolds number of the 20 pipe going into the header is, that flow is highly 21 turbulent before it enters into the header. 22 instead of the header being the size of the plant, the 23 header is reduced because it's quarter height. 24 have a highly turbulent flow coming in, going to the 25 set of tubes. be They just wanted to get the right Well, so they And our model, which is only a local says Sherwood our laminar number should Nusselt be 4, number and we And now So you They're going to have a history effect NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 34 1 and have some turbulent kinetic energy in them even 2 though 3 laminar. the local Reynolds number says hey, I'm So - 4 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: How long - are other 5 deviations occurring near the entrance or near the 6 exit of the type? 7 MR. KELLY: In these tests where the 8 Reynolds number was about 20,000, these are all at the 9 exit. 10 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 11 MR. KELLY: Right. And that's one thing where the 12 experimental error has been magnified because you're 13 integrating it from the top of the tube to the bottom, 14 but that's also where the local gas Reynolds number 15 says it would be laminar, and like you said, that's 16 also 17 maximum. where 18 the liquid film thickness CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: is at its There are - I mean, 19 there's a lot of evidence that the liquid film, the 20 waves can stir up the gas. 21 laminar liquid film mass transfer due to that which 22 gives you over 50 percent, 60 percent higher than 23 you'd expect from Nusselt theory. 24 film side I'm not sure. 25 sort of effect is seen due to these large waves. You get an effect even on So on the liquid On the gas side, the same So NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 35 1 anyway, it's an interesting problem, but I don't know 2 how germane it is to our prediction for ESBWR. 3 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: I have sort of a big 4 picture question. 5 means for the TRACE model to either under-predict or 6 over-predict 7 percent. 8 sensitivity study will be done to look at the effect 9 of that much deviation in various parameters on the 10 overall plant response - on the calculated overall 11 plant response? 12 the I'm trying to understand what it heat transfer coefficient by 40 Is there a presentation later on where a CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: I guess we asked that 13 question earlier and we said we're going to defer that 14 to. 15 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: I'm just trying to 16 see, you know, how much I should keep track of these 17 individual deviations. 18 MR. STAUDENMEIER: I don't think we have 19 any sensitivities on that because what that really 20 affects is going into long-term cooling and we don't 21 have plant calculations doing that. 22 23 MEMBER CORRADINI: We have some - Can you speak up? And I didn't hear, you will have plant calculations? 24 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Joe Staudenmeier. 25 MR. STAUDENMEIER: Joe Staudenmeier. Our NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 36 1 plant 2 cooling period where this becomes more important. 3 had some integral test facility calculations that do, 4 but 5 essentially what you do if you're under-predicting a 6 heat 7 you're doing is changing the temperature difference 8 that it's floating by, and then you can translate that 9 into calculations we don't transfer a don't have in into sensitivity coefficient difference extend or t-sat on the long-term that. But over-predicting, and a We difference what in 10 pressure if you want, and that's really the way you 11 have to look at it. 12 MEMBER CORRADINI: I understand your 13 explanation. 14 is exactly the sort of stuff the TH community should 15 worry about, but eventually if we ever get back to an 16 ESBWR subcommittee, somebody in that meeting is going 17 to ask, this is all very good for the physics of it, 18 but how much does it impact? 19 Said's major point. 20 going to be a question. 21 I think Said's point is - I mean, this And I think that's And I think downstream that's MR. STAUDENMEIER: Yes, that will be a 22 question. 23 a question more for MELCOR than for TRACE since we're 24 not responsible for the long-term cooling calculation. 25 I think for long-term cooling that's really MEMBER CORRADINI: Hold on there. That's NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 37 1 the - well, I guess - this is Mr. Chairman Banerjee's 2 issue here, but that was part of the reason I think 3 that we had this - or that he had had this meeting is 4 that it was my understanding and Joe's response to my 5 original question that you have to couple into the 6 containment. 7 able to do this. 8 you do it, how much sensitivity you have to these 9 models. 10 That means TRACE has at least got to be That leads us to the question of if I mean, that's kind of going back to Said's original question, if I understood it. 11 MR. STAUDENMEIER: Yes, and you'll get to 12 see some integral test predictions and I'll discuss 13 sensitivities of that during that presentation. 14 CHAIRMAN 15 access to the slides being shown? 16 BANERJEE: MEMBER CORRADINI: Mike, do you have They just came. I'm 17 sorry, if I'm taking you off track just tell me to be 18 quiet. 19 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 20 you're on track. 21 through the day? 22 No, no, it's fine, You're not going to be with us MEMBER CORRADINI: I go into budget crisis 23 meetings and doctor things in about an hour and a 24 half, and I'll come back to you after that. 25 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: All right. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 38 1 MR. KELLY: The one thing that I can say 2 about the plant response, at least the last time I 3 checked, 4 condenser error - area were over-designed. 5 safety margin built in. 6 under-predict 7 happens is you just open up a little bit more of the 8 area. 9 of the way down the tube and the last third of the things like the the PCCS tube heat transfer There's a So as we talked later, if you condensation heat transfer, what Typically, this completes say about two-thirds 10 tube is pretty much all noncondensable gases. 11 you just move that interface down a little bit further 12 until you condense all the steam. 13 steam up to the partial pressure corresponding to the 14 temperature in the PCCS pool. 15 DR. WALLIS: 16 MR. KELLY: 17 DR. WALLIS: Now, You know, all the So, sort of self-controlled. Exactly. Which is nice. Now, as I read before, it 18 seems that you fixed the driving force by using the 19 partial pressure. 20 21 MR. KELLY: For the noncondensable gas effect, that's true. 22 DR. WALLIS: It may be okay when you have 23 a very turbulent flow with everything well mixed in 24 the tube, but when you're dealing with containment, 25 the buildup of noncondensables is more governed by NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 39 1 diffusion and you get this layer which snuffs out 2 condensation in a way it does not do in a tube. 3 wouldn't think that this model that you're developing 4 for the tube would apply to these big air, big volumes 5 and walls and surfaces. 6 MR. KELLY: 7 DR. WALLIS: 8 So I Well Is it the same model, or do you have a completely different model? 9 MR. KELLY: It's the same model except for 10 how the Sherwood number is calculated. 11 the 12 convection 13 basically reproduces Uchida when you compare it to the 14 conditions Uchida is for. Sherwood 15 16 number is correlation, DR. WALLIS: In that case, calculated and it by turns a out natural that it Are you going to get to that later? 17 MR. KELLY: 18 DR. WALLIS: Okay. 19 MR. KELLY: So in summary, we developed Yes. 20 the model. 21 advantage of the solution and conservation equations, 22 and the accuracy is as good as empirical correlations 23 when 24 correlations came from and it's superior to empirical 25 models when you go to other databases. it's It's consistent with two-fluid. compared against the We take database those NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 40 1 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 2 fluid 3 noncondensables, 4 concentration? model carrier concentration you just 5 MR. KELLY: 6 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 7 fields get for the the average Yes. So somehow you have to change that. 8 9 Now, within the two- MR. interface. KELLY: Into a concentration And I will show you how we do that. Not 10 in great detail, but I think in enough. 11 mentioned, we had to make changes to five different 12 constitutive models. 13 friction, a noncondensable gas effect. 14 say, why would you worry about wall friction? 15 I'll show you. 16 the film thickness, but I'll show why I worried about 17 it. 18 assessment results, and these are the ones that I did 19 as part of the developmental assessment. 20 will show you the ESBWR-specific ones. 21 Then I'm going to talk about wall And you may And You know, obviously it's important to I'll DR. So as I give you WALLIS: a Now, 22 essentially rather than gravity? 23 much effect in these tubes. 24 MR. KELLY: 25 DR. WALLIS: sample does of the TRACE Other people shear govern Gravity doesn't have For PCCS tubes it's gravity. It is? NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 41 1 MR. KELLY: Because the gas mixture 2 velocity 3 important than interfacial drag. 4 conditions where you have high-speed velocities, then 5 you're back more to the traditional tube condensation 6 stuff where it's a highly sheared film. is relatively 7 DR. WALLIS: 8 MR. KELLY: 9 slow, so gravity is more But if you go to ICS Thank you. And I'll show you a slide later which will kind of show that some. So, this is 10 what I talked about earlier. 11 literature for a condensation heat transfer model, you 12 get 13 coefficient times t-wall minus t-sat. 14 course if there are noncondensables in here there's 15 going to be some extra term for the effect of the 16 noncondensables. 17 representation, we have a wall, a liquid and a vapor, 18 co-current downflow from PCCS tubes, and we have three 19 different heat transfer processes. 20 remove heat from the liquid to the wall. 21 removing heat from the interface to the liquid, and 22 this is really the primary heat removal that causes 23 the condensation at the interface. 24 vapor would have to be super-heated, you can also be 25 transferring some heat to this interface which could heat flux is equal If you look in the to the heat transfer And then of But when you look at the two-fluid First you have to You're also If for example the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 42 1 be causing evaporation so you end up taking the net. 2 So 3 actually the wall to liquid heat transfer coefficient 4 times 5 temperature. 6 two interfacial processes divided by the latent heat. 7 And this is something that Professor Banerjee asked in the two-fluid wall model temperature the wall minus heat the flux is condensate Condensation rate is the sum of those 8 earlier. 9 t-sat at the partial pressure of the steam, and it 10 should be the partial pressure of the steam at the 11 interface. 12 framework it's assuming that it's at the bulk vapor 13 partial pressure. 14 that, and I make that adjustment explicitly and then 15 add in a heat transfer resistance here to account for 16 that. 17 18 This interface temperature which is really But within two-fluid numerical So I have to make an adjustment for And I'll show you how that's done. DR. WALLIS: TNI is the saturation temperature at the bulk partial pressure? 19 MR. KELLY: 20 DR. WALLIS: 21 the In reality, no. Shouldn't it be at the actual - 22 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 23 MR. KELLY: That is the issue. That's exactly what I just 24 said. 25 mass transfer conductance model and locally calculate And so to account for that I'm going to use a NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 43 1 what it really is. 2 3 DR. WALLIS: So you're going to do it right. 4 MR. KELLY: 5 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Yes. The only way you can 6 do that is to get the concentration of the interface 7 normal. 8 MR. KELLY: 9 CHAIRMAN 10 And that's exactly BANERJEE: And then you can always calculate. 11 MR. KELLY: So with this framework, the 12 first thing we're going to do, you know, the model 13 first. 14 noncondensable gas mixtures. 15 to both falling and sheared films. 16 worry about both gravity and interfacial, and that's 17 what 18 literature 19 together a model that would handle all of this. 20 film 21 gravity, wall friction, and interfacial shear. 22 we've discussed for PCCS conditions, it's primarily 23 wall friction. 24 needed. 25 And here we're going to talk first about what happens It had to be for both pure steam and steam- makes just kind thickness, picking of It had to be applicable one correlation difficult. that's a So now I have to So I function from tried to obviously the put For of As And these are the other models we I'm going to talk about the wall drag now. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 44 1 with the legacy code version which in some of the 2 slides 3 TRACE. 4 phase velocity in meters per second versus the axial 5 position. 6 you'll see with Original You come into the tube, the blue curve is the vapor 8 condense 9 velocity decreases. 10 what 11 velocity. Comes in at 6 meters per second. the TRACE vapor, was the mass flow rate Okay, well and good. calculating It's not right. for the As you hence the Look at liquid film It's actually unphysical. You don't have a thin film along the wall falling at 5 meter a second. 14 15 labeled This is for a pure steam condensation run. velocity. 13 plots So, the plot on the left-hand slide is the 7 12 the You know, it just doesn't happen. DR. WALLIS: How did TRACE ever predict that? 16 MR. KELLY: Well, it predicts it because 17 this is the legacy TRACE model. 18 the wall drag between liquid and vapor. 19 uses the void fraction to do that. 20 high void fractions, which you are with thin liquid 21 films, there's basically no wall drag on the liquid. 22 DR. WALLIS: 23 MR. KELLY: Because it partitions So - and it When you have very Pretty cool. Yes. And it was the same 24 thing in RELAP when we started doing RELAP for the 25 8600 and the SPWR back 13 years ago. This was NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 45 1 something we had to look at in RELAP too. 2 something that I expected to stumble on in TRACE as 3 well. 4 5 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: So it was The history of this goes back to Solberg who partitioned these things. 6 MR. KELLY: You know you're right at the 7 limits, you know, and it's - and they weren't thinking 8 of trying to calculate a film thickness. 9 what they were worried about. That wasn't They were worried about 10 blowing down a plant, large break LOCA, what's the 11 PCT. 12 did 30 years ago because from their focus they were 13 doing 14 reasonable when it's applied to this. You know, not going to criticize what someone something 15 DR. that was reasonable, WALLIS: It just but it's not shows why you 16 shouldn't use a code without understanding what's in 17 it. 18 MR. KELLY: I agree with that. The plot 19 on 20 millimeters versus the axial position for the same 21 calculation. the right-hand side is the film thickness in The legacy TRACE one is the blue curve. 22 This red one is a hand calculation where what I did 23 is just simply took the liquid condensate flow rate, 24 divide - you know, and solved gravity versus - so it's 25 a Nusselt thing in effect. So there's no interfacial NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 46 1 drag 2 between 100 and 150 microns, which is kind of what 3 you'd expect. on this. 4 You notice the film thickness is So, the revised model which is what's now 5 the default model in TRACE. 6 the parallel plate formula for smooth laminar film and 7 as Professor Banerjee stated, that will slightly over- 8 predict the film thickness because it's neglecting the 9 effect of ripples. Parameter film is just Rather than put that into the wall 10 drag, I'm going to make that up when I go to the wall 11 heat transfer model. 12 delta, it'll be K over delta times 1 plus Reynolds 13 number 14 rippling on the film, where that Reynolds number is 15 the film Reynolds number. to 16 17 a power, So rather than it being K over you DR. WALLIS: MR. KELLY: 19 DR. WALLIS: make up for the So this is restricted to down This wall drag model Well, it assumes a sort of linear profile. 21 22 to flow? 18 20 know, CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: This is just a laminar prediction. 23 MR. KELLY: That's where this comes from, 24 but this model is used everywhere except as long as 25 you have a film. When the film grows large enough so NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 47 1 that we're getting to void fractions greater than 0.9 2 and we're starting to look more like pipe flow, then 3 the laminar goes to 60 and over Reynolds number. 4 DR. WALLIS: But I'm just saying in up 5 flow, or in the sort of low velocity region you can 6 get the liquid going down at the wall and up in the 7 middle. So then this wouldn't make any sense. 8 9 MR. KELLY: No, that's true. the PCCS - co-current down flow. Fortunately And just, you know, 10 an explicit approximation, the Colebrook-White for the 11 turbulent film, and in a power wall combination. 12 know, pretty standard stuff. 13 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Why did you have to 14 get such a - go back to the previous slide. 15 there are simpler ways to make things turbulent. 16 did you have to go through? 17 18 MR. KELLY: Lazius. I mean, Why Oh, I could have used the That would work equally well. 19 20 You CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Lazius or something like that. 21 MR. KELLY: But I was - what I was trying 22 to do was remove uncertainty where I could, you know, 23 and that's not that - it's an explicit approximation. 24 It's not that hard for the computer to evaluate it, 25 and I can also start using the same models across the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 48 1 board, rather than have a turbulent wall drag model 2 that we only use for liquid film and PCCS tubes. 3 can use that for two-phase flow once we get to, you 4 know, two-phase flow in the pipe. 5 CHAIRMAN 6 BANERJEE: that's why the epsilon is there. 7 MR. KELLY: 8 DR. WALLIS: 9 So I Right. Does epsilon over D have any effect in PCCS tubes? 10 MR. KELLY: 11 DR. WALLIS: 12 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 13 make it more universal. 14 MR. KELLY: We - no. None whatsoever. Why did you put it there? Well, as I said, to Right. So, this is a non- 15 dimensional 16 divided by the Nusselt parameter, you know, the little 17 viscosity squared over G delta rho, all over one-third 18 power. 19 found all the data that at least when I was looking at 20 that time I could, and I had to digitize a lot of old 21 - 22 23 film thickness plus the film thickness Plot against the film Reynolds number. DR. WALLIS: I This is with no vapor doing anything, right? 24 MR. KELLY: 25 Because that's the first thing. Right. This is falling films. I mean, I want to NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 49 1 make sure I can at least get the film thickness for 2 the falling film. 3 of 4 parameter to rippling films to highly turbulent films, 5 okay? the literature 6 7 10 I could go from very low I'm just looking to see if the best data isn't the old data. MR. KELLY: more time. In some cases. People took There's some old data that is a little suspicious. 11 12 so DR. WALLIS: 8 9 So I pulled as much as I could out DR. WALLIS: It was out on the West Coast, wasn't it? 13 MR. KELLY: Well, maybe they were 14 measuring the wave crests, you know, I don't remember. 15 So that's the same data, but I took away the legend 16 so I could easily overlay the TRACE calculation. 17 it's a TRACE calculation with the interfacial drag set 18 to zero and you see it matches very well. 19 have a reasonably good approximation for what the film 20 thickness is going to be and I think I can now do say 21 laminar film condensation equally as well as Nusselt 22 model without some of the restrictions that are built 23 into 24 temperature. Nusselt 25 model like, you CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: know, So So now I uniform plate So this is on a mock NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 50 1 scale, of course. 2 MR. KELLY: Right. That's why I used the 3 word "reasonable." 4 data is smaller than the scatter in the data. 5 hard to get better than that. 6 wall friction section. 7 about is the noncondensable gas effect, and that's 8 where we're going to calculate the - 9 DR. WALLIS: 10 But it's - the error versus the It's So, that finishes the Now what I'm going to talk I have a question for you. These tubes are vertical? 11 MR. KELLY: 12 DR. WALLIS: In the - yes. They're vertical? 13 the tube is not quite vertical. 14 effect. 15 MR. KELLY: Because There's quite a big There's a section - I'm trying 16 to think because this is open session. 17 header above and below. 18 down. 19 coming out from the header, but for most of their 20 length they're vertical, and they're inclined going 21 back into the other header. 22 23 Some of the tubes go straight There are tubes that have an incline section DR. WALLIS: Because all of this assumes uniform film around the tube. 24 25 There is a MR. KELLY: Exactly. So it would mis- predict if the film thickness is the limiting heat NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 51 1 transfer resistance, which it would be for pure steam 2 condensation. 3 incline section, that's correct. 4 Then you would CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: mis-predict in that I guess the concern in 5 a 6 noncondensables towards the exits, and if it's not 7 completely vertical, how does this clear? 8 now it has to somehow get pushed out. 9 of a sporadically occurring phenomena, or is it sort 10 of continuous drag sporadically happening where you 11 clear it, and you accumulate it, and you clear it. very 12 macroscopic MR. KELLY: way I is don't accumulation of You know, Is this a sort remember all the 13 details. 14 ago the last time I did like a calculation for PUMA, 15 but when we did you see it in the test data and you 16 see it in the code calculations. 17 you're saying. 18 build up, condensation rate will slow down, pressure 19 will go up a tick until you get just enough to purge 20 it all, and so it's a very oscillatory phenomenon. 21 22 I know from - because this has been years It does just what You know, the noncondensables will CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: And the code predicts that? 23 MR. KELLY: With a reasonable, you know, 24 guess as to the amplitude and frequency. 25 don't start at the same time, they're not in a locked Now, they NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 52 1 phase, that's not going to happen, but yes. 2 3 CHAIRMAN Authoritatively it gets the reality. 4 5 BANERJEE: MR. KELLY: earlier. Because of just what was said It's a self-regulating system. 6 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 7 MR. KELLY: Right. All right. So now we'll talk about the 8 noncondensable 9 calculating the mole concentration of the gas at the gas effect and how we end up 10 interface which then gives us that. 11 to do is take a mechanistic approach similar, very 12 similar I might add to the mass transfer conductance 13 model 14 Peterson, and it actually came from Kuhn's PhD thesis. 15 So if you go and get a copy of his thesis you'll see 16 that it's almost exactly this model inside it, and 17 then he makes the point that this model describes his 18 data more accurately than his empirical correlation. 19 I kind of thought, well that sounds like a good idea. which was described by So what I'm going Kuhn, Schrock and 20 These are the same assessment things I've 21 talked about before, except with the containment wall 22 condensation. 23 Uchida formula and the MIT-Dehbi test. 24 this was all compared to the Wisconsin Flat Plate 25 Test. I will later show a comparison to the They were - When I was preparing the presentation I didn't NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 53 1 have those plots, but I can at least talk about it. 2 So, you start out - we need the liquid interface heat 3 transfer 4 remove 5 controlling this. 6 transfer coefficient, t-interface minus t-liquid. because from 7 8 that's that - the interface amount is of what heat you really is As the liquid to interface heat CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: You're going to show us what you used there? 9 MR. KELLY: Yes. Because you will notice 10 that's what it says. 11 the heat flux from the gas mixture to the interface it 12 has two components, one is condensation and one is 13 sensible heat transfer. 14 - heat flux is obviously the condensation mass flux 15 times the latent heat, and the sensible heat just 16 looks 17 typically negligible. 18 you could leave it out and you wouldn't see it. 19 what you're going to do is equate - like 20 21 your That's the unknown here. The condensation is obviously normal CHAIRMAN For heat transfer. This is It's built into the model but BANERJEE: That's on the So gas side, obviously. 22 MR. KELLY: Yes. You're going to equate 23 the 24 provided to the interface, and that gives you a system 25 of heat removed equations from that the you interface solve to with the heat interface NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 54 1 temperature. 2 those equations? 3 here. 4 potential and these are just the mole fractions. 5 is the vapor in the bulk and this is the vapor at the 6 interface, and this is why you have to iterate because 7 the 8 concentration 9 straightforward. So what are the models that go into The condensation mass flux is given The letter B here is the mass transfer driving temperature is and a function you know, of This the mole that's not The mass transfer, you know, this is 10 the Sherwood number and this ratio of the molecular 11 weights - this is molecular weight of the mixture at 12 the interface to the molecular weight of the mixture, 13 and in this case it's to the 0.4 power. 14 what I'm talking about now is for the tube model. 15 going to make a change to this when I get to the wall. 16 17 DR. WALLIS: I should say, I'm That must be a small effect of molecular weight. 18 MR. KELLY: It's - what this takes account 19 of is the change in the properties as you go from the 20 bulk across the boundary layer. So it's, you know, a 21 10-20 percent kind of effect. It's not major, but 22 it's not negligible. 23 24 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Steam to air, or steam to whatever. 25 DR. WALLIS: The big thing is beta, isn't NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 55 1 it? 2 concentration-polarization effect. 3 MR. KELLY: 4 Isn't CHAIRMAN MR. deal? Beta is the Well, it's not as large as you BANERJEE: I would say that KELLY: Well, that's actually my backup slides, okay? 9 10 big somewhere you have to tell us what HLI is. 7 8 the expect. 5 6 beta CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Because that it seems to me is where people get things wrong. 11 MR. KELLY: We'll talk about that. Let me 12 finish that - this part and bring that back up. 13 most 14 limited by the mass transfer driving potential, and 15 what happens in the liquid film is inconsequential. 16 For other things, it's different. of 17 these conditions in the CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: PCCS tube For you're I can believe that 18 because you're getting a fairly thick noncondensable 19 there. 20 MR. KELLY: Yes, because we're up at, you 21 know, mass fractions 20-30 percent, you know, so the 22 noncondensable is the major potential. 23 24 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: So that correction is just a correction for properties? 25 MR. KELLY: Correct. It's like NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 a 56 1 viscosity ratio and a Nusselt number, you know, or if 2 you're doing a Nusselt number for gas-heat transfer 3 you do a temperature ratio. 4 from, if you write down, you know, everything in the 5 Sherwood number, all the property groups and then you 6 look at how they are - how they change as a function 7 of the gas concentration as you go from the bulk to 8 the interface, you can do a first order correlation of 9 that property group as a function of the molecular Where it really comes 10 weight. 11 weight to be 0.4 power. 12 believe it was Eckert, and I just pulled it out. And the - it comes out in the molecular This was in a textbook by, I 13 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 14 DR. WALLIS: Yes, I think - I'm just puzzled here because 15 I see beta and B, but beta is log 1 plus B over B, so 16 doesn't the B cancel out and you just get log 1 plus 17 B? Is that true? 18 MEMBER CORRADINI: 19 about the suction effect? 20 through? 21 DR. WALLIS: Are you guys talking Is that what you're going We're talking about the mass 22 transfer and the polarization. 23 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 24 MEMBER CORRADINI: 25 think it cancels out, Graham. Suction and blowing. Yes, yes, yes. I don't NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 57 1 DR. WALLIS: 2 MEMBER CORRADINI: 3 DR. WALLIS: 4 No. It does in the equations he's presenting on the board. 5 6 Well, it does. MEMBER CORRADINI: Well, then the equations are wrong. 7 DR. WALLIS: That's what puzzles me. I 8 expected to see an exponential, because once it builds 9 up in the wall it has a huge effect. 10 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 11 - maybe within the log. 12 outside the log? 13 14 MR. KELLY: Is that B within the log or Well, it's a natural log of 1 plus B divided by - 15 16 DR. WALLIS: It's within the log. CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 18 MR. KELLY: DR. WALLIS: MR. KELLY: The So it cancels out when you Yes. And then this ends up being times the natural log of 1 plus B. 24 25 The denominator is not. put it in the - 22 23 No. numerator is. 20 21 It's inside the log? 17 19 I think that B may be DR. WALLIS: So that's a very weak effect of B. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 58 1 MEMBER CORRADINI: That's what he said at 2 the beginning, yes. 3 is about a 10 percent effect. 4 than just a few percent as the pressure rises. 5 atmospheric pressure is about 2 percent effect at a 6 few bars, it's a 10-ish percent effect or something of 7 that order if I remember this from the experiment. 8 9 10 It's about a - the suction effect MR. KELLY: what you're saying, It tends to get bigger So And you know, I understand but these are WALLIS: So literature type things and it works. 11 DR. 12 calculations 13 where 14 transfer operations. the in Sherwood effect could 15 be I like very MEMBER CORRADINI: remember homework big in doing problems some mass Right, but I think - I 16 think 17 concentrations of a large amount of noncondensable and 18 at these pressures, we're talking, you know, 5 to 15 19 percent effect, of that order. Joe's point at this juncture 20 MR. KELLY: 21 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: is with these That's correct. Now, one of the things 22 of B is really the driving force for mass transfer, 23 right? 24 MR. KELLY: 25 CHAIRMAN That's correct. BANERJEE: And the Sherwood NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 59 1 number is basically the mass transfer coefficient. 2 MR. KELLY: 3 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 4 MR. 5 KELLY: Yes. Corrected for - Once you bring in the diffusivity and the density over the 2. 6 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Right. 7 really the mass flux in some sense. 8 MR. KELLY: 9 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 10 MR. KELLY: And gamma is That's correct. Okay. So what we're doing is solving 11 for the diffusion of steam molecules - the interface 12 and in effect the air molecules back away from the 13 interface. 14 you this effect. It's that equilibrium situation that gives 15 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 16 counter diffusion, if you wish? 17 MR. KELLY: 18 DR. WALLIS: 19 20 Yes, so it's sort of Exactly. Something doesn't make sense. Without any beta, gamma is proportional to B which makes sense. 21 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 22 DR. WALLIS: What makes sense? When you put in the beta, the 23 B's cancel, you get log 1 plus B. 24 B has less effect because it's a mock. 25 MR. KELLY: Yes. It looks as if the There's also one other NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 60 1 thing that's dependent upon the mole concentration: 2 mixture gas density. 3 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: It's true, but where 4 I'm losing this is that without all these complexities 5 gamma would be proportional to the Sherwood number row 6 D divided by D into B. 7 MR. KELLY: 8 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 9 Yes. Okay. So why does this blowing effect cancel B which is your driving 10 potential? 11 Imagine that it was very, very slow, the process, so 12 there's no blowing. 13 would expect in a fairly thick gas layer. 14 thing is a small effect. 15 16 Somehow I'm not understanding something. I mean, this is exactly what you DR. WALLIS: The flowing But if you expand log plus B you get B as the first term, don't you? 17 MR. KELLY: 18 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Exactly. Exactly, thank you. So, the empiricism is 19 hidden, so the reality of that physics is obscured by 20 the blowing factor. 21 because as you go to very low condensation rate, that 22 blowing factor is 1 basically. 23 MR. KELLY: Which is that B is really - It's nothing. So you know, I took this kind 24 of as the - and I never looked into it. 25 the empirical parts of it here, but the other part I I looked into NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 61 1 just - 2 3 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: becomes 1 as you blow slowly. 4 5 DR. WALLIS: it? Beta becomes zero, doesn't Or 1. 6 7 What happens is beta CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: No, if it comes here it would be - 8 MR. KELLY: 9 DR. WALLIS: It becomes - do I find this beta? 10 MR. KELLY: 11 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 12 MR. KELLY: Yes. And what - Calculated, you know, for a 13 very specific situation, and I'm sure it's exactly the 14 same formulation. 15 16 17 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: So the classical formulation for the Sherwood number is of course 3.66. What is this Gnielinski or something? 18 MR. KELLY: Okay. Remember, we have to go 19 laminar to turbulent conditions in the gas mixture. 20 So what you're seeing is 3.66 for laminar flow in the 21 tube. 22 transfer 23 analogy. 24 Reynolds number and the SPT number instead of Reynolds 25 and Prandtl. Gnielinski, this is actually a turbulent heat flow that I'm using as a mass transfer So I'm evaluating it as a function of the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 62 1 Yes. Actually, this is the one that 2 everyone recommends nowadays because it's much more 3 accurate. 4 Reynolds 5 know, it's the series of those Russian ones that start 6 out as, you know, functions of the friction factor. 7 This one has a Reynolds number -1000 stuck into it so 8 it - no, it's good because it fares into the laminar 9 region better. You know, it's more accurate at higher numbers, but in particular there's - you Because if you just take the defaulter 10 and this laminar Nusselt number and plot them like 11 this, in this region you over-predict significantly, 12 whereas the Gnielinski fares in and matches the data 13 in that transition region better. 14 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: The reality is that 15 that transition rate region, the reason none of these 16 really work very well is even the data has a huge 17 scatter because you get slugs of turbulence, slugs of 18 - it's a complicated business. 19 20 MR. KELLY: Yes, and if you can't measure, you can't correlate it. 21 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Yes. So this is sort 22 of 23 nevertheless it helps the core which is what matters. a 24 25 fake correlation MR. KELLY: to make it work. But So this is really the meat of it, is how do you calculate the condensation mass flux NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 63 1 to sensible heat flux. 2 thing. 3 Prandtl. 4 because it's inconsequential. 5 6 You notice It just looks like the same some - here it's Reynolds and And I'm not going to spend time on this CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: But eventually I do want to get back to the HLI or whatever. 7 MR. KELLY: I'm almost finished. After I 8 show the data comparisons I have some backup slides 9 and we'll go into that. 10 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Because that will 11 become important in some cases where you have high 12 shear. 13 the gas resistance will be relatively small. 14 15 If the gas is very turbulent, you see, then MR. KELLY: I'll go you one better. I'm going to go to pure steam condensation. 16 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 17 MR. KELLY: Oh, pure steam, yes. Then all you've got is that, 18 the HLI and the H-wall liquid. 19 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 20 MR. KELLY: Right. And it's those two resistances 21 that govern it. 22 We don't do it perfectly, but it's not horrible. 23 And you'll see an example of that. CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Yes, what worried me 24 is say I remember the condensation of steam bubbles. 25 If you don't get that HLI right you get a completely NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 64 1 wrong condensation rate. 2 in a slide. 3 MR. KELLY: I think you showed this once And fortunately in this case - 4 the interfacial heat transfer is pretty - typically if 5 you get it to the right order of magnitude you're 6 pretty happy. 7 driving the resistance, the finite resistance, so we 8 can model this better. 9 10 But fortunately in this case that's not CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Well, what you're saying it doesn't matter in this. 11 MR. KELLY: 12 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Okay. 13 MR. you Right. KELLY: Once go above half a 14 percent weight fraction in noncondensable gas, that 15 takes over. 16 for a vertical wall. 17 Sherwood 18 molecular weights has changed. 19 for 20 correlation natural convection on a simple vertical 21 wall. 22 This So this is how I modified this to work number natural and Same formula, except now the the convection, exponent this on the ratio of The Sherwood number is just the standard Function of the Grashof number, the link scale. is for turbulent film having turbulent 23 conditions, so the link scale doesn't really matter, 24 it ends up getting canceled out. 25 DR. WALLIS: And - I'm sorry. This XV, is it NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 65 1 null fraction of the vapor? 2 MR. KELLY: 3 DR. WALLIS: 4 MR. And XVI is at the interface KELLY: That's correct. That's DR. WALLIS: 8 MR. KELLY: So B is negative? Let's see, that's positive and that's negative, yes. 10 DR. WALLIS: B is not negative. You don't 11 - there's a minus up there in the gamma too. 12 funny way to do it. 13 14 I agree, it's a funny way to do it. DR. WALLIS: So log 1 plus B is log 1 minus something? 17 18 It's a Okay. MR. KELLY: 15 16 a vapor, yes. 7 9 That's correct. where it's less? 5 6 In the bulk. MR. KELLY: 1 minus a number that's less than 1. 19 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: But the gamma is the 20 mass flux out of the phase, is it? 21 extended, or is it the mass flux into the phase? 22 mean, physically when you do these equations it's the 23 N dot row K into BK minus VI, so it's out of the 24 phase, but you reverse the sign I think. 25 MR. KELLY: Yes. The wave is So negative means you're NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 I WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 66 1 condensing, and gamma will be negative here because as 2 we discussed earlier the B's cancel. 3 and you've got 1 minus a small number, and so - 4 DR. WALLIS: The B's cancel When you're evaporating is 5 not a problem. 6 build up more condensables. When you're condensing you really It's okay. 7 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 8 be right, or if not it's just an oversight. 9 MR. KELLY: I think the signs must Or it's a typo on my slide, 10 but 11 wouldn't work. 12 from the vertical wall, you know, using again the heat 13 transfer, mass transfer analogy. 14 calculated and I explained how I did that before. 15 looked at the property groups in this and I correlated 16 this function of the molecular weight, and as you'll 17 see this tends to work out great. I know 18 it's right in the code, otherwise it So, this is simple natural convection CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: This exponent C I I So the length scale 19 cancels - the Grashof, that has to be the vertical 20 length scale, right? 21 L. MR. KELLY: Right, in which case you then 22 turn that into a vertical length scale. 23 is cubed to the one-third power. 24 it 25 turbulent convection. cancels. That's one of This length It's first power and the nice things about Otherwise - NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 67 1 2 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: The inner scale in this problem. 3 MR. KELLY: That isn't a code where you do 4 is it a vertical length scale, when you have a node is 5 it the node length, you know. 6 and I don't have to worry about that. 7 do in the model is we just simply take the maximum of 8 a natural convection Sherwood number and the force 9 convection, and that way it works either for the wall 10 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 12 that, please? 13 in the code? 14 DR. WALLIS: you know what XVI is? 18 do you know what XVI is? 19 MR. KELLY: Did I miss something? How do Is it written somewhere? How Well, I can't - it's right here. 21 DR. WALLIS: That's temperature. That's not concentration. 23 24 And the switch is by taking a maximum, because that's nice and continuous. 17 22 Can you go back to So you have some sort of a switch here MR. KELLY: 16 20 And so what we or for the tube. 11 15 Fortunately they cancel CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Well, it is related through TI and some sort of Henry's law - 25 DR. WALLIS: Oh, I see. This is another NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 68 1 equation which you have to tell us - 2 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 3 MR. KELLY: There's an equation. This is the equation I solve, 4 but 5 procedure to find the temperature which is a partial 6 pressure of the steam at the interface which is the 7 mole fracture. the guts 8 9 of this equation CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: an iterative We're running slightly behind schedule, so let's - 10 DR. WALLIS: 11 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 12 are Okay, let's move on. I think we understand the procedure. 13 MR. KELLY: So I've already shown this. 14 This just tells you the average RMS error again. 15 is the steam air. 16 steam helium. 17 does very well except again for those cases I told you 18 about in very low gas to mixture Reynolds numbers. 19 Now, 20 calculated 21 spreadsheet, checking the model out before I put it 22 into TRACE. 23 happens when we actually put the model into TRACE and 24 run it. 25 steam only, NASA Goodykoontz, that's steam only, and This This you haven't seen, which is This is calculated versus measured. everything I've basically shown by so far was hand, you know, It actually in Now I'm going to show a sample of what I'm going to show presets. This is UCB-Kuhn NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 a WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 69 1 for noncondensable gas effect the air steam or Kuhn. 2 So you notice here I go from a pressure of 1 to 5 3 atmospheres. 4 just because you get higher, more condensation. 5 you have warmed up the flow at the bottom. 6 turbulent film, 7 piercing. For noncondensable gas I picked a pressure 8 of 4 bar because I had a very nice parametric on that, 9 on a noncondensable gas mass fraction. 10 The film Reynolds number, that changes you know, highly So That's the sheared flows, I'm going to show you results from 1 to 40 percent mass fraction. 11 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 12 model 13 simulating the test facility? for 14 these When you say a TRACE experiments, MR. KELLY: are you actually Yes, which is just in this 15 case 16 laminar 17 Calculated heat transfer versus measured. 18 original model. 19 from 1 to 5 atmospheres. 20 is fairly miserable, except for a few points where 21 we'll assume the code got lucky. With the revised 22 model model 23 variable PCCS condensation model here, you see a very, 24 very close calculation just for a couple of points. a 25 single film, which tube. so is So, these this are is the the Kuhn pure steam steam tests. This is the I've got all five tests here going what the You can see the comparison default CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: now, it's Which is what you saw NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 70 1 in the film thickness. 2 MR. KELLY: Well, it's also nice to know 3 that when you stick it in the code you get the same 4 answers you got in the spreadsheet. 5 DR. WALLIS: 6 So the higher noncondensable fraction is way down on the left. 7 MR. KELLY: 8 DR. WALLIS: Haven't gotten to that. 9 MR. KELLY: That was a pure steam. 10 We haven't gotten to that yet. On Page 27 this is pure steam. 11 DR. WALLIS: Okay. 12 MR. KELLY: And this is pure steam also, 13 showing 14 axial trend. 15 new. 16 the very large effect at the inlet. 17 liquid film thickness. 18 that's the old model. 19 ignoring interfacial drag. 20 was calculated by TRACE which has both the wall drag 21 and interfacial shear in it. 22 23 you the heat transfer coefficient and its This was the old model and this is the The TRACE calculation is the red curve, notice DR. WALLIS: This is the The plot I showed before, This is the hand calculation, The yellow curve is what Well apparently if you used this one you'd do about as well. 24 MR. KELLY: 25 DR. WALLIS: Exactly. So you don't need all that NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 71 1 stuff. 2 MR. KELLY: 3 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 4 Well, this is pure steam. But he wants to keep things that he could drag in. 5 MR. KELLY: You need it for this. This is 6 the highly sheared turbulent film and these are two 7 different tests that an orange line is the original 8 TRACE model, blue line is the beta, yellow line is the 9 new 10 model. You notice the new model does not reproduce - 11 DR. WALLIS: That's interesting because I 12 think Goodykoontz had such high velocities that he 13 probably entrained some liquid. 14 MR. KELLY: Could be because I think we 15 got about 100 meters a second or something. 16 what you'll see is we under-predict near the inlet of 17 the two where the film is laminar, and once it becomes 18 turbulent we do pretty well. 19 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: If I go And so back to 20 slide 21 comparison made by the model developer in his own 22 thesis? 28, why is this any different 23 DR. WALLIS: 24 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 25 MR. KELLY: than the You mean Kuhn? In Why would it be? this particular case NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 72 1 there's a difference because the model developer had 2 an empirical correlation for the heat transfer, okay? 3 Just wall to t-sat. 4 numerical 5 calculated 6 dimension. 7 framework film In this case, this is within the of TRACE thickness and as it's the using the characteristic So you've got MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: I'm just trying to 8 understand 9 You're using a set of external data, a model based on 10 a set of external data, you put in the code, you go 11 back 12 experiment, then you get good comparison. 13 voila, this is great. 14 15 and if use this is the simply same MR. KELLY: a code circular to model argument. the same You say Well, that's the reason why you should also look at other databases. 16 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Are you actually doing 17 that, or you're putting in the wall friction and the 18 interfacial friction, calculating the film thickness 19 as a part of the process? 20 MR. KELLY: 21 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: That's exactly what we do. And then using a wall 22 heat 23 transfer coefficient which you haven't shown us yet. transfer coefficient 24 MR. KELLY: 25 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: and interfacial heat Right. But, so it's not, he's NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 73 1 not using that correlation. 2 right. He's actually doing it 3 DR. WALLIS: 4 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 5 MR. KELLY: 6 CHAIRMAN Doing it from fundamentals. Yes, correctly. To the best that I can, yes. BANERJEE: I don't see that 7 you're 8 He's putting in wall friction, interfacial friction. using 9 anything MR. KELLY: wrong, other than the data. Yes, there's one thing you 10 haven't seen and that's the heat transfer coefficient 11 used between the wall to the liquid and the liquid to 12 the interface. 13 14 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: He's asking for that, of course. 15 MR. KELLY: For the laminar - and for the 16 laminar film I use a correlation recommended by Kuhn 17 in his data. 18 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 19 MR. KELLY: 20 what we use for the film thickness. 21 kind of film thickness with a multiplier on it for the 22 effects of interfacial shear. 23 way of calculating the film thickness that he used. 24 used 25 models for wall drag and interfacial shear to get me a solution of That's - But, there's a difference in TRACE He used a Nusselt So he had a separate equations with different NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 I 74 1 my film thickness. 2 film 3 condensation, the films are laminar, they're a little 4 wavy, but the waviness is a 20 percent kind of thing. thickness 5 is And in this particular case, the it. You know, CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: it's pure steam So if I understand 6 you, the heat transfer coefficients that you're using, 7 we haven't seen them so we don't know what you're 8 using, 9 coefficients are based on some form of heat transfer 10 enhanced due to the ripples or whatever which comes 11 from Kuhn's work. but 12 one MR. set is KELLY: based And - all I'll heat show transfer you that 13 compared to other models very quickly, as soon as I 14 finish going through this. 15 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Okay, so let's defer 16 that till we come to that then, and we take up Said's 17 question as to whether it's circular or not at that 18 point. 19 20 MR. KELLY: So this is compared to the air steam data - 21 DR. WALLIS: Excuse me. Can you do the 22 Goodykoontz measure pressure drop too? 23 compared that? 24 because you're doing wall shear. 25 heat transfer? What if you That's another check on your model You just focused on NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 75 1 2 MR. KELLY: I - now we're going back six years. 3 4 I focused on heat transfer. DR. WALLIS: Yes. With Goodykoontz you're going back 40. 5 MR. KELLY: Yes, well six years in my 6 memory might be 40 to some. 7 looked at it, but you also - it's not just heat. It's 8 hard also 9 decelerating the vapor because you're condensing it to think up here, I, you know I think I but remember 10 all. 11 of that, because of the acceleration. you're So you have a very large pressure drop because 12 DR. WALLIS: 13 MR. KELLY: Pressure rise. Right, excuse me. So it makes 14 getting the wall drag kind of. 15 steam results going with mass fractions of air from 1 16 percent to 40 percent, and you can see it looks very 17 good. 18 that 19 results from the wall condensation. 20 transfer 21 fraction. 22 Uchida correlation and Uchida is kind of the base for 23 containment analysis. 24 calculation. So this is the air These are TRACE calculations solving the model I 25 just showed. coefficient Now, I'm versus just - some quick This is heat noncondensable mass The blue diamonds are evaluated using the CHAIRMAN And the red line is the TRACE BANERJEE: That's using the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 76 1 Grashof? 2 MR. KELLY: It looks - yes, that's using 3 the Grashof. There's a really good paper, I don't 4 remember author's 5 something like - because the Uchida correlation is a 6 very simple empirical thing. 7 ever work. 8 like The Physical Basis Behind the Uchida Correlation. 9 And what he did, he started with a model that looks 10 just like mine, does some simplifications like ignore 11 the 12 turning it into just a mass transfer model, makes a 13 couple of simplifications in that, comes up with a 14 property group and shows how that property group is 15 like a coefficient in Uchida to a certain power - 16 under certain pressure, excuse me. 17 the point is he has a fundamental basis, even though 18 the original author didn't make that point, but it's 19 only valid over a fairly narrow pressure range. heat 20 the name, but the title You wonder how it can And the title of the paper was something transfer DR. resistance WALLIS: of This is the liquid if there drafts in the rule. 22 convection 23 something else going on that stirs things up. 25 things film, So what he makes 21 24 was are no Fill in with all these natural is MR. KELLY: in reality almost always And I don't have it to show you, but I'll comment on that in just a second. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 77 1 MEMBER CORRADINI: If I might just break 2 in. 3 sure if Joe, but I seem to remember this was Whitley 4 from UCLA or Denny Mills, or Mills or Denny from UCLA, 5 but I think the point is because it's so simple and 6 because it's natural circulation, this minimizes the 7 heat 8 pressure, and that's why Uchida has always been the 9 default heat transfer coefficient that's used in all Graham, I think in this regard I think - I'm not transfer 10 containment 11 pressure. 12 to heat the wall which transfer. MR. KELLY: It maximizes tends to the maximize I think that's exactly right, 13 Mike, because it's - I think it's most correct at low 14 pressure - 15 MEMBER CORRADINI: 16 MR. KELLY: 17 Yes. - and as you go to a higher pressure it underestimates. 18 MEMBER CORRADINI: And the if there reason it 19 underestimates, 20 circulation is back to your point about the suction 21 effect. 22 from a few percent effect to 10 or 20 percent effect 23 and 24 pressures. it 25 Graham, even was no At higher pressures the suction effect goes starts deviating from CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: what is measured So Mike, this comment NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 78 1 of yours, if you carry through to the containment 2 over-pressure calculations, what would you say then? 3 MEMBER CORRADINI: I hesitated talking 4 about this because I had this bad feeling you were 5 going to go in another direction. 6 forcing 7 Tagami-Uchida and all their stuff. 8 to check with Almeida and Francesca to make sure I'm 9 not misstating this, but that is historically what 10 all the applicants I think staff is to use traditionally I mean, you have staff requires the applicant to do. 11 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: So if you have a few 12 drafts around does this mean that we get sort of a 13 conservatively high containment over-pressure? 14 MEMBER CORRADINI: For calculations where 15 you are purposely trying to get a high containment 16 pressure - 17 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: This is fine, but 18 where you're trying to get a purposely low containment 19 pressure. 20 MEMBER CORRADINI: I don't want to even 21 dare to say that. 22 staff and have them explain that. 23 24 I think we should bring in the CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: All right. Carry on. And that's another subject which doesn't - 25 MEMBER CORRADINI: Yes, sir. Yes, sir. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 79 1 MR. KELLY: So this is the condensation 2 heat transfer coefficient versus air mass fraction for 3 the MIT-Dehbi test data. 4 said, this is a relatively short heat transfer surface 5 to spend in a large containment volume where they vary 6 the pressure from 1.5 atmospheres to 4.5 and a very 7 wide range of air mass fraction. 8 are the three different pressures. 9 curved fit to the data, because he had a lot of data 10 11 points. You And as Professor Corradini And the blue symbols That's a fit, a And the red lines are the TRACE calculation. notice there is an under-prediction at low 12 pressure, but it matches very well at the 3.0 and 4.5 13 atmospheres. 14 is the University of Wisconsin Flat Plate Test. 15 apologies, Professor Corradini. The plot I don't have in comparison to 16 MEMBER CORRADINI: 17 MR. KELLY: And My No, don't apologize. so we looked at the 18 vertical ones. 19 forced 20 different velocities, or at least two that we looked 21 at. 22 The model I've shown you compares very well with the 1 23 meter per second test. 24 percent for the 3 meter per second test. 25 of that, we built in a sensitivity parameter so that - And so here the air vapor mixture is convection, not natural, and they use two One was 1 meter a second and the other was 3. It under-predicts by about 40 And because NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 80 1 to make it easy for people to do sensitivity studies 2 on the wall condensation so that they could quantify 3 the effect should, you know, if they want to. 4 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: the which 5 understand 6 interesting. 7 3 8 turbulence in the - meters second? MR. KELLY: 10 you now, didn't let show me sounds Why do you physically under-predict the per 9 data So, Is there some aspect like In the gas vapor mixture? CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: - gas, yes. Which you 11 don't really account for except through - so you don't 12 have a free plus force convection sort of expression 13 for the heat transfer? 14 MR. KELLY: Well, we do, but in this 15 particular case because of the way the Reynolds number 16 came out - let me back up. 17 stages. 18 model and there was the wall model, and at that time 19 the wall model only had the Grashof number in it. 20 it 21 convection, so it kind of has reinforced. has At one point in history there was the PCCS the 22 23 maximum of that and a turbulent Now force CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: We don't have mixed MR. Only convection. 24 25 The model was done in two KELLY: No. by taking the maximum of those two. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 81 1 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 2 MR. KELLY: I see. But at the time of the data 3 comparison that I'm remembering, I think a model was 4 only a function of the Grashof number, in which case 5 you would expect it to under-predict. 6 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 7 you'd get a better prediction? 8 9 MR. prediction. KELLY: So if you redid it now Well, not as poor a I don't know, you know, I'm not going to 10 speculate on how good it would be. 11 that 12 calculations 13 report were with the final version of the code, but I 14 don't remember. 15 model change that was. are I in mean, the CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: I don't know when ESBWR I think the applicability Are there scenarios in 16 the ESBWR where you might have combined free force 17 convection sort of scenarios? 18 to be pre-convection? 19 MR. KELLY: Or is it always going I think when it's important 20 it's primarily free. 21 into these containments, so obviously you, you know, 22 there are periods where you - 23 DR. WALLIS: I mean, you are boiling down Well, the thermal transient 24 in the wall governs after awhile and this doesn't 25 matter at all. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 82 1 2 MR. KELLY: That's true as well. 3 4 That's true. CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: So Mike, why did you do these experiments? 5 MEMBER CORRADINI: 6 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Yes. 7 MEMBER CORRADINI: Well, do you want the 8 Why did I? honest answer or do you want an answer for the record? 9 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: I want an answer - 10 well, honest answer you can tell me over dinner, so 11 give us an answer for the record. 12 MEMBER CORRADINI: Well, these experiments 13 - the experiments that I think Joe is referring to 14 were sponsored by Westinghouse for the AP600. 15 MR. KELLY: 16 MEMBER Exactly. CORRADINI: Giving a series of 17 experiments to look at flow over inclined plates both 18 facing downward and up to 90 degrees vertical to try 19 to 20 experiments, 21 experimental devices that were built, all focused on 22 AP600 heat transfer from the cooled dome to the steam 23 air atmosphere. 24 think the ones you're referring to are the original 25 experiments done 20 years ago by Jim Barry. get an estimate there - were there was actually a four series of different And I think the ones he's - I mean, I NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 83 1 2 MR. KELLY: Yes, the ones on the vertical plate. 3 MEMBER CORRADINI: 4 CHAIRMAN 5 Yes. BANERJEE: Okay. So that explains it. 6 MR. KELLY: This is the summary slide. I 7 have said some of this so many times I'm simply not 8 going to repeat it. 9 note is that everything I've shown has been against But the one thing I want to most 10 single tube or simple wall tests. 11 extensive ESBWR-specific testing, including multi-tube 12 heat exchangers, for example, the full height PANTHERS 13 facility, and I believe you'll see some of that later 14 today in the closed session. 15 liquid to interface heat transfer. 16 17 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: could show us both. 18 There has been more You asked about the And the wall, if you What was that? MR. KELLY: Okay, this is a section on the 19 descriptions of the wall heat transfer. 20 legacy data. 21 averaged over the heat transfer surface, that's what 22 the brackets are for. 23 the length scale in it is the Nusselt parameter, you 24 know, the velocity squared over g delta rho thing, 25 plotted against the film Reynolds number. This is old This is a non-dimensional Nusselt number The non-dimensional means that I mean, NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 84 1 some of this data is people like Kutateladze, okay? 2 This is a simple Nusselt correlation. 3 under-predicts and that's the rippling effect. 4 this levels out it starts to turn around, and for this 5 data which is FREON data, you notice it starts going 6 back up. 7 falling films. This is turbulent film. So it always When These are just 8 Whole lot of different models. 9 at a couple of them against the data, you know, it's, 10 depending on what, you know, here's Nusselt, the green 11 one is Kutateladze and that's Labuntzov which seems to 12 be a little bit better fit. 13 against the UCB-Kuhn pure steam test and so that's 14 that data. 15 large 16 correction for interfacial shears. 17 interfacial shear in the test, a fairly small effect, 18 but what I've done now is I've actually calculated the 19 film 20 plotted a Nusselt number versus film Reynolds number. 21 When you do that all of these old equations over- thickness predict. 23 to use. 24 25 This based on is the That's the UCB fit. CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: is the Then I plotted them And you see the models, that's a pretty uncertainty. 22 Just look Reynolds number that data with no There was some local conditions and So that's what I chose So what you're seeing effect which takes some NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 85 1 turbulence into account. 2 actually start to go higher. Because the Reynolds numbers 3 MR. KELLY: 4 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 5 MR. KELLY: You notice this is 1. Yes. That's k over delta. As a 6 film Reynolds number comes up you start to increase. 7 And this is a log scale here, so. 8 CHAIRMAN 9 BANERJEE: Yes, I think what you're seeing is the rippling effect actually starts 10 around 11 solution for the problem. 20. 12 You know, MR. KELLY: if you look at Benjamin's And that's what these models 13 are supposed to be doing is taking into account the 14 rippling. 15 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 16 MR. KELLY: 17 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: What you've shown there is Kuhn's database. 20 21 Well, they do against their database, but they don't against the one from Kuhn. 18 19 They don't. MR. KELLY: Which I figured was most applicable to PCCS conditions. 22 DR. WALLIS: What's really surprising is 23 that a lot of the data below 1, so it's worse than k 24 over delta? 25 delta? How can you ever get worse than k over NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 86 1 2 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: scatter in the experimental data. 3 4 MR. KELLY: Yes. There's experimental data and I'm also calculating that film thickness. 5 6 That shows you the DR. WALLIS: You must have calculated delta wrong. 7 MR. KELLY: That's possible. We're also 8 doing - you know, I didn't want - Mike, how easy are 9 condensation heat transfer tests to do? 10 MEMBER CORRADINI: 11 MR. 12 DR. WALLIS: we're talking about I don't think you have to figure that. 15 16 No, experimental error in condensation tests and - 13 14 KELLY: I'm sorry, Joe? CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: They didn't measure the film thickness directly. 17 MEMBER CORRADINI: Well, I think - I 18 guess, I don't know what Graham - I apologize that I 19 don't have anything laid up on my screen as you guys 20 are talking, but I think in most of the containment 21 work, as you drive the noncondensable gas fraction to 22 zero, your heat transfer coefficients get so large 23 your error starts really becoming large because most 24 of these facilities were not built to remove that 25 amount of heat. So instead of getting 5, 10, 15 NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 87 1 percent error, you're going to get a much larger error 2 in your measurement. 3 steam, I would not believe many of these experimental 4 data because your error rate, your scatter gets very 5 big. 6 And so as I drive it to pure DR. WALLIS: I think we might sort of 7 establish that once the heat transfer coefficient is 8 above some value you don't really care what it is. 9 10 MEMBER CORRADINI: Right. Well, I think that's the practical conclusion Graham, I agree. 11 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Well, but there is 12 actually if you really look at this equation, it is 13 fundamentally wrong up there, and the reason for it is 14 as soon as you start to get some stirring there's a 15 Prandtl number effect that comes in and turbulence, 16 it's clearly Prandtl to the two-thirds that has to be 17 there. 18 sort 19 principles as soon as it goes turbulent. 20 Prandtl number in that. So, I mean, it is trying to fit it without a of 21 22 analogy is MEMBER CORRADINI: good point. 23 24 Reynolds wrong from first You have no But - I think that's a You're absolutely right. CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: So let's move on anyway. 25 MR. KELLY: That was for the laminar film NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 88 1 turbulent 2 correlations, now the spread is much worse. 3 chose to do was look at heating correlations, models 4 where you heat a film, a fallen film. 5 you can control the wall heat flux instead of having 6 to try to back calculate it from whatever happened on 7 the secondary side. 8 close 9 correlation which is in four different parts pieced channel. together. If you look at condensation So what I Because here Here, the models are very, very There's the Wilke Film heating 10 together, 11 Gnielinski correlation which we used throughout TRACE 12 code for forced convection turbulent heat transfer, if 13 you divide it by four you reproduce this. 14 the fourth come from? 15 hydraulic diameter. 16 thickness as a characteristic link - the Gimbutis, and turns out the Where does Think of how you calculate a You know, now I'm using a film 17 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 18 MR. KELLY: 19 it This is the gas side. No, this is for the liquid film. 20 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: On the interface? Or 21 which part of the liquid film are we talking about? 22 The wall or the interface? 23 MR. KELLY: 24 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 25 Wall to film. Wall to film. But I thought you were already using NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 89 1 MR. KELLY: That's for laminar. That only 2 goes up. 3 1,200, and the Reynolds number and then starts to not 4 look so good. Remember it only goes up to about 1,000, 5 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Okay. Because 6 turbulent liquid films go turbulent - I mean, liquid 7 films go turbulent about 800. 8 MR. KELLY: 9 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 10 the turbulent region. 11 Right. So you're well into So there's an overlap. MR. KELLY: Right. So I have the laminar 12 correlation and a turbulent one, and of course there's 13 going to be a power wall combination. 14 showing the comparison data. 15 the interfacial. 16 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 17 MR. KELLY: This is just Now you also asked about Yes. Well, there's a lot of 18 correlations out, you know, for mass transfer that you 19 can make turn into interfacial ones. 20 diffusivity models, gas diffusivity models. 21 pretty large scatter. 22 23 Again, So - CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: But gas has a Schmidt number of 400. 24 25 You know, any MR. KELLY: turn it in. Yes, well you correct it and You know, this is turned into a Nusselt NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 90 1 number, 2 experimental data to help me choose one of these. 3 it's 4 It's hard to measure. 5 test 6 Banerjee. 7 to the half versus film Reynolds number. 8 five measurement stations and you notice there is a - 9 this okay? hard to which I So I find wanted to interfacial know go heat look at transfer some And data. So I went to the Northwestern you know very well, Professor So this is Nusselt number, Prandtl number is horizontal cocurrent flow. There were There's an 10 entrance effect. 11 first model he quoted where he uses the liquid film as 12 the 13 number that's really nothing more than a film Reynolds 14 number. 15 change the lead coefficient to correlate the data for 16 these last two stations so that I wouldn't see the 17 larger entrance effect. 18 some more of his data. 19 series 20 counter-current and vertical counter-current. 21 all on here. 22 Reynolds number range from about, you know, 6,000 up 23 to 50. 24 where the UCB-Kuhn data is, is down here. 25 do between those two lines, okay? Then this is the model, the very characteristic link and a turbulent I modified that correlation. of tests, Reynolds All I did was Then I went and looked at So there were three different horizontal cocurrent, horizontal That's You notice it's a fairly limited film It doesn't hit this transition region. That's So what I NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 91 1 2 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: The Kuhn data is wall heat transfer, right? 3 MR. KELLY: 4 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 5 MR. KELLY: 6 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Okay. 7 MR. KELLY: If you do the Nusselt No. Some of it is - It's both. Okay? 8 solution, you know, where you're assuming it's laminar 9 film 10 flow, across the film, I can't With the remember which is which. 11 12 conduction CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: noncondensables it would be - 13 MR. KELLY: That's - we're just talking 14 pure steam here. 15 resistance inside the film it's a three-eighths, five- 16 eighths, distribution. 17 one is interfacial. 18 21 One is one the wall side and I don't remember which is which. That's just pure Nusselt. 19 20 But if you look at the thermal DR. WALLIS: How do you do a horizontal counter-current fluid test? What's driving the film? It's slightly tilted, is it? 22 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 23 yes. 24 experiments. 25 It's slightly tilted, George did these a long time ago. MR. KELLY: Beautiful So what I did here was I just NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 92 1 simply 2 between wall liquid and liquid interface. divided 3 4 the heat transfer CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: resistance 50/50 So this is sort of an arbitrary - 5 MR. KELLY: It's arbitrary, but you know. 6 And I worried about this laminar turbulent transition 7 region, and if I bring in Gnielinski it looks like 8 that. 9 Bankoff I don't. 10 At least it hits this, whereas if I use the data where the Bankoff model looked good, so that's - 11 12 And it manages to hit the Bankoff CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: wall, right? 13 MR. KELLY: It's for the wall. 14 using it, splitting it again. 15 wall and for the interface. 16 17 19 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Right. Yes. Gnielinski, can you show me the form of the correlation again? 21 MR. KELLY: I don't - did I have it? I don't remember. 23 24 You're using it for both now. MR. KELLY: 22 Now I'm I'm using it for the CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 18 20 Gnielinski is for the CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: I don't think you showed it. 25 MR. KELLY: Yes, I didn't show it. It's NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 93 1 one of those complicated, you know, friction factor 2 and natural log things. 3 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: The worry about all 4 these correlations is that they are for the liquid - 5 vapor-liquid interface any form of Reynolds analogy 6 breaks 7 dependence on Schmidt number and Prandtl number. 8 where - down 9 10 is - and MEMBER CORRADINI: you go into different And Where they break down, Sanjoy, is why? 11 12 which CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Because the interface to the liquid is not a solid boundary. 13 MEMBER CORRADINI: 14 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Okay, sorry. You can actually move 15 parallel to the interface, but not easily normal to 16 the interface. 17 MEMBER CORRADINI: What you're really 18 saying is the analogy is modified based on the surface 19 structure. 20 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Yes. It's completely 21 - any relationship, for example, will vary as Prandtl 22 number to the half rather than Prandtl to the two- 23 thirds just because of this, or Schmidt number. 24 you put in Reynolds analogy which this is trying to do 25 you will get condensation of bubbles, for example, if So if NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 94 1 you 2 condensation on a stratified layer wrong, which is 3 mainly turbulent-centered, you know. 4 DR. WALLIS: use it universally wrong. Or you'll get So what are you doing here, 5 Joe? 6 early work. 7 details don't work very well when examined carefully. I mean, you showed us in the first 30 pages your 8 9 Now you're showing us that some of the MR. KELLY: And this comparisons to the Goodykoontz test. is why the Well, there's 10 possibly the entrainment like you noted, but I think 11 this is why the Goodykoontz tests don't work as well. 12 DR. WALLIS: For the PCCS you're in the 13 sort of red region there, aren't you? 14 very well. 15 MR. KELLY: 16 DR. WALLIS: 17 MR. KELLY: How about the other one, the That's the NASA Goodykoontz. And that's where at the tube - 20 21 Yes. one where you have labels. 18 19 DR. WALLIS: Then off to the right here and Bankoff would work. 22 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 23 DR. WALLIS: 24 CHAIRMAN 25 So it works The ICS would work. The ICS would work. BANERJEE: Well, you know, think - we're going to have to end it, Joe. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 I 95 1 MR. KELLY: Given the uncertainties in 2 condensation heat transfer data anyway, the model is 3 representative of that. 4 It's not going to be better. CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: So we're running - 5 Joe, thank you very much. 6 and we'd like to have these slides as well if you 7 would give it to me or whatever so that we have access 8 to them. 9 10 Do they have the electronic copy right here? CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Whatever. I mean, just. 13 14 We'd be very grateful. MR. KELLY: 11 12 This was most illuminating MR. KELLY: It's right here. They're CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Okay. I think what we tacked onto the end. 15 16 need 17 appreciate that - is we are running roughly 45 minutes 18 behind schedule. 19 Professor Abdel-Khalik will need to leave around 5:00, 20 we might go over a little bit, is perhaps we should 21 bring 22 Steve Bajorek will do somewhat earlier to make sure 23 that it covers that before he has to take off. to the do now TRACE - thank you very much; really So what we might need to do as momentum equation discussion which Okay? 24 But right now what I would suggest is that we take a 25 little break for about 10 minutes say, we reassemble NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 96 1 at 25 to 11:00 and then we go into Joe's talk, Joe, 2 and we'll try to keep that half an hour, hopefully, if 3 not we'll do whatever we can. 4 close the session. 5 session and I'm just going to go for a break now for 6 10 minutes. And then after that we So this will still be in open 7 MEMBER CORRADINI: Sanjoy? 8 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Yes. 9 MEMBER CORRADINI: I'm going to have to 10 pull away for a couple of hours. 11 12 I will call you. (Whereupon, the foregoing matter went off the record at 10:23 a.m. and resumed at 10:37 a.m.) 13 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: All right, we are back 14 in session. 15 session and we'll have Joe tell us about the separate 16 effects test now. 17 On the record. We are still in open These are not in color, the slides. MR. STAUDENMEIER: No, they're not, and 18 unfortunately when I closed down PowerPoint last night 19 I 20 version of this here, so we're going to have to go 21 from 22 straightforward material. didn't 23 24 the save it paper so I don't slides. have So CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: the electronic fortunately it's Is this due to a a glitch in Windows or a glitch? 25 MR. STAUDENMEIER: I think a glitch in the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 97 1 operator. 2 separate effects assessment that applies to lots of 3 different reactors and we have assessment for a void 4 fraction, heat transfer, critical flow. 5 two that really matter are voice fraction and critical 6 flow. 7 never get - recovery. 8 critical - a little bit of critical flow covered by 9 Don Fletcher later, but I'm going to go over our void 10 fraction assessments, both in rod bundles and pipes 11 since 12 predicting minimum level inside the reactor system. So, for TRACE we've done quite a bit of For ESBWR the Heat transfer isn't as big a deal because we the 13 main parameter CHAIRMAN 14 interrupt, 15 right? 16 we're So there is going to be some we're BANERJEE: also Joe, interested MR. STAUDENMEIER: looking in at just the is to chimney, Yes, the chimney is a 17 region 18 looking at the minimum levels is - on top of the four, 19 we end up looking at minimum level up in the chimney 20 above the cooler. 21 to run through a sample of void fraction tests that 22 we've done TRACE assessment against. 23 in our assessment manual. 24 test for rod bundle and some recent Purdue, marked 25 hydraulic diameter data that we've done through our of interest and that's where we'll Move to the third slide. end up I'm going Some of them are Two that aren't are FLECHT NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 98 1 thermal hydraulic institute testing. 2 should be the FRIGG rod bundle. 3 of the FRIGG facility and a cross-section of the rod 4 bundle. 5 FRIGG was a model of a single bundle in a Marviken 6 reactor that was going to be built. 7 circulation BWR. 8 at 9 diameter in the FRIGG bundle is a little larger than high Next slide, it It's just a picture As you know, FRIGG, at least this version of It was a natural The nice thing about FRIGG is it's pressure and full power. The hydraulic 10 what 11 essentially the major distortion between FRIGG and the 12 regular BWR rod bundle, but it does have full power 13 which is - it's hard to get tests with full power. it 14 15 is in a typical BWR rod CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: bundle. Remind us about the length here of the bundle. 16 MR. STAUDENMEIER: 17 as long as a BWR rod bundle would be. 18 believe it's about 12 feet. 19 exact dimensions. 20 21 MR. KELLY: Okay. The length, it's So it's, I I don't remember the The next slide shows about 4.5 meters. 22 23 That's MR. STAUDENMEIER: Okay, so yes a little bit longer than that. 24 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 25 MR. STAUDENMEIER: Okay, thanks. Okay, next slide is - NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 99 1 DR. WALLIS: You don't even have page 2 numbers on the slides so I don't know what the next 3 slide is. 4 5 6 MR. STAUDENMEIER: It shows an axial FRIGG rod bundle plot. void profile for one test calculated in an experimental - 7 DR. WALLIS: So you do better with this 8 complicated geometry than a university does with a 9 straight button? 10 MR. STAUDENMEIER: I don't know what a 11 university does with a straight button or what you're 12 referring to. 13 DR. WALLIS: I'm just saying that two- 14 phase 15 geometry does not get - very well. 16 very well with this rather complicated geometry. 17 18 fraction, DR. WALLIS: in a very simple You seem to do We have really good You have to - you have to attune things in the code to that? MR. STAUDENMEIER: We use the Bestion - simple Bestion correlation - 23 DR. WALLIS: 24 MR. STAUDENMEIER: 25 even predictions in rod bundle - 21 22 void MR. STAUDENMEIER: 19 20 flow Which is for - equal to 1 is our rod bundle void correlation. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 100 1 2 DR. WALLIS: data. 3 4 So it is based on rod bundle MR. STAUDENMEIER: It's based on rod bundle data. 5 DR. WALLIS: 6 MR. That's why it works. STAUDENMEIER: But this hydraulic 7 diameter for FRIGG is much larger than the database 8 that SDL was based on, so it is not in the same range 9 of 10 conditions that the data was based on, or the correlation. 11 MR. KELLY: And this is Joe Kelly. 12 Remember, you're looking at the bundle average void 13 fraction. 14 any one subchannel or say the subchannel up against 15 the wall which is the subchannel in the center, TRACE 16 isn't going to calculate that difference for you. If you were to look at the void fraction in 17 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Remind 18 Dominique correlation. 19 sort of correlation, or what is it? 20 21 of the Is this sort of a drift flux MR. STAUDENMEIER: Yes, it's a drift flux correlation. 22 23 me CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: And you back out the interfacial friction from that then? 24 MR. STAUDENMEIER: 25 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Yes. So this is different NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 101 1 from that guy in EPRI. And that also is a drift flux 2 type correlation. 3 MR. KELLY: And like in the RELAP 5 code 4 they do the same kind of thing backing that out into 5 an 6 complicated correlation, it has switches in it so it 7 has discontinuities, and we found we could get the 8 same or better accuracy with the simple model so we 9 went with the simple model. 10 interfacial correlation. It's a very We actually compared both models against the data set before we chose one. 11 12 drag CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Thank you. All right. Let's keep on going. 13 MR. STAUDENMEIER: Okay. The next slide 14 is just predicted versus experimental void fraction 15 for essentially the whole test series of FRIGG tests 16 that had been measured void fraction. 17 over a wide range of subcoolings. 18 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: And that goes Do you also - I mean, 19 in these correlations, is it primarily the interfacial 20 shear that is adjusted, or do you also adjust the wall 21 friction 22 friction and back out the interfacial shear from the 23 drift flux correlation? in some way? Or 24 MR. KELLY: 25 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: do you keep the wall Do you want me to answer? Either. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 102 1 MR. STAUDENMEIER: Yes, I mean this - the 2 correlation doesn't depend on the wall friction, and 3 we 4 something like the FRIGG rod bundle, or BWR full flow 5 conditions, the wall friction can give a significant 6 pressure drop. 7 FLECHT low pressure thing where you're sitting under 8 decay 9 correlation assess over heat, a wide range of flow rates. In In more stagnant conditions like the wall wasn't friction isn't developed so with a big. wall So the friction 10 component in it, but we have assessed over a range of 11 conditions with different impacts other than the wall 12 friction. 13 MR. KELLY: This is Joe Kelly again. What 14 Joe is saying is completely correct. 15 however, getting to the higher void fractions, 0.8 or 16 so, you're going into the annular flow regime and here 17 the wall friction is very important, and here we're 18 actually using the - excuse me, the Wallis interfacial 19 drag model with the two-phase flow wall drag model. 20 And it's the - how those two interact that gives you 21 the void fraction at these highest factors. 22 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 23 MR. KELLY: When you start, So - So wall drag is being computed 24 in all of this. In some places it's important, in 25 others it isn't. If I were to develop a drift flux NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 103 1 model from scratch, I would take the data, subtract 2 out the effect of the wall drag, then correlate the 3 interfacial 4 development of the models that we chose to use, but 5 what Joe is showing you is that when you put that 6 interfacial drag model together with the wall drag 7 model, you get this. 8 9 drag. That was MR. STAUDENMEIER: not done in the Okay, the next data I'm going to show assessment against was the THTF rod 10 bundle, the level swell test. 11 powered range pressure 12 condition, I think about four megapascals. You can 13 get in 14 Appendix B of our assessment manual. 15 mission of this facility was also blow-down cooling 16 for PWRs under large break LOCA but the level swell 17 tests were done for PWR small break LOCA conditions. all 18 bundle, the and details it's of a This is also a highmedium these assessments the I guess the main Next slide, it shows a plot. It's giving 19 an example from one test showing comparison of void 20 fraction predictions with both the channel and the 21 vessel component in TRACE versus experimental data. 22 This is fairly representative of our predictions. 23 get good predictions. 24 of some kind of global parameters that are calculated 25 from the test. We Next slide shows a comparison The left plot is experimental collapse NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 104 1 level, and you can see that we're predicting that 2 fairly well. 3 phase mixture level, and TRACE is either predicting it 4 very 5 conservative. well 6 The right slide is mixture level, two- or under-predicting it CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 7 Chan model and vessel model? 8 MR. which would be What do you mean by STAUDENMEIER: Well, there's two 9 places where we can have rod bundle interfacial drag. 10 We can have it in our vessel component and our BWR 11 channel model. 12 also have it in a height component. 13 designate a region where you're using the rod bundle 14 interfacial drag, and these are - when we were testing 15 this we wanted to make sure that both the vessel model 16 and the Chan model were both giving predictions as 17 they should be since - 18 19 Actually, since this was done we can DR. WALLIS: You have to Is the chimney a vessel or a pipe? 20 MR. STAUDENMEIER: - in our ESBWR input 21 deck is modeled in the vessel component, so but we've 22 also done testing with vessel and pipes and get the 23 same void fractions in those in non-rod bundle regions 24 also. 25 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Is there going to be NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 105 1 some discussion of critical flow as a separate effects 2 thing, or are you just focusing on void fractions? 3 MR. STAUDENMEIER: I'm just focusing on 4 void 5 little bit about critical flow predictions. 6 I have a little bit that's related to critical flow 7 later 8 dependant on vapor critical flow. fraction. 9 10 in the I GE think level Fletcher swell test CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: goes which into a Actually, is partly And are you going to also discuss the void fraction for Ontario Hydro data? 11 MR. STAUDENMEIER: 12 presentation I'm not. 13 his presentation. 14 15 Don Not in this Don Fletcher has that one in MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: Why is that? Why doesn't it belong here? 16 MR. STAUDENMEIER: Well, I'd rather not 17 talk about why I don't think it belongs here since 18 it's open session. 19 20 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: to it in the closed session? 21 MR. STAUDENMEIER: 22 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 23 Yes. Okay. The data - are these proprietary data, the Hydro data? 24 25 But you'll come back MR. STAUDENMEIER: They actually were presented in an open conference at one time and there NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 106 1 is a conference paper that has it. 2 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: So if that's the 3 case, why aren't they being included in this open 4 discussion? 5 6 MS. UHLE: specific to ESBWR - 7 8 MEMBER MS. UHLE: closed session. We didn't discover the data. CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Fine, okay. MR. STAUDENMEIER: RBHT rod bundle tests. Left plot is an example of one prediction of void 19 fraction prediction and measurements. 20 is a summary of all TRACE predictions versus - 21 22 DR. WALLIS: These The right thing are local void fractions, are they? 23 24 That's fine. 17 18 Let's defer it to the That's fine. MR. STAUDENMEIER: 15 16 nothing - a particular test to that, CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 13 14 There's that could create an uncomfortable situation. 11 12 ABDEL-KHALIK: specific in this comparison. 9 10 Because if there's anything MR. STAUDENMEIER: Yes, they're local void fractions. 25 MR. KELLY: These are going down to three NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 107 1 inches and there's also grid spacer effects in there. 2 MR. STAUDENMEIER: And some of the data is 3 noisy. 4 of the experiments also, and nobody has really gone 5 through and sorted out which are the ones you really 6 need to keep and which ones maybe should be discarded 7 since it's drawing all of them together, so. They had trouble controlling pressure on some 8 9 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: I guess I have a philosophical question which is in some sense related 10 to the comparison with the Ontario Hydro data. 11 do you do when you compare the code against two sets 12 of data and in one case it says excellent comparison, 13 and in the other case it says inadequate comparison? 14 15 MR. STAUDENMEIER: What Well, I guess you try to - 16 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: For the same 17 physical phenomenon and the same range of parameters, 18 presumably. 19 MR. STAUDENMEIER: I guess you try to see, 20 well, is - are both sets of test data valid, and if 21 they are both valid then you have to look into the 22 reasons, or start looking into the reasons why you're 23 not predicting one set of data very well. 24 about that data that may be slightly different, or 25 there may be something in those conditions that you What is it NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 108 1 didn't consider in the correlations you had built. 2 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: Is that part of the 3 presentation that we will hear later on today? 4 you faced that situation in any of these comparisons 5 at all? 6 MR. STAUDENMEIER: Have I don't think we've 7 faced a situation where we think that we're just not 8 getting good answers at all. 9 couple of slides later that large hydraulic diameters, 10 we tend to under-predict void fractions up in the 11 large void fraction range, and that's something we're 12 investigating in the code now is to why we're doing 13 that. 14 why we went out and got this Purdue large hydraulic 15 diameter data to try and look at developing a better 16 correlation that applies to high void fractions and 17 large hydraulic diameters. Well, I'll show you in a And we actually went out - that was one reason 18 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: So in all the 19 comparisons that you've made in the experimental data, 20 all 21 various sources to be consistent? 22 telling me? of 23 these comparisons had found the data from Is that what you're Vis-a-vis the code predictions? MR. BAJOREK: No, I don't think we have 24 found any data to be dichotomous, in that one set is 25 predicting one thing and another one is predicting NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 109 1 something else. 2 RBHT 3 Hopefully in the long run when we develop an uncertain 4 methodology 5 correlations be it drag or heat transfer, and ranging 6 that over that entire set of data to get all of the 7 bad actors, as you will, regardless of whether the 8 code is better for one or the other. where 9 We do see quite a bit, like on the there's we a would lot be of scatter looking at MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: in some the of data. those Well, I have two 10 sets of data and that's why I was wondering why you 11 explicitly 12 from 13 comparison here it says the calculated ESBWR Hydro 14 chimney level are judged to be minimal when compared 15 against that set of data. 16 the data against Wilson bubble rods data which you 17 elect to show us, it says the TRACE capabilities for 18 predicting the collapse ESBWR RPD chimney level are 19 judged to be excellent. 20 you're 21 presentation. 22 excluded this open being the Ontario Hydro presentation. test Because results in the And then when you compare So I'm just wondering if intellectually MR. STAUDENMEIER: honest in this Well, I think there is 23 a fairly good comparison versus the Wilson data and I 24 won't talk about the other data now, but you'll see 25 hints at the Wilson data high void fractions that we NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 110 1 are starting to under-predict, and I think the Wilson 2 data void fractions don't go quite as high. 3 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: I think what we can 4 say so we can have a free discussion of this, let's 5 table this till we go into closed session and then I 6 think your point is very well taken, because if you 7 look at the Purdue PhD data, it over-predicts that. 8 MR. STAUDENMEIER: 9 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 10 is happening there. 11 point. Probably, yes. So we can discuss what I think, let's do it at that 12 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 13 MS. UHLE: 14 here? 15 ACRS or - Sure. Thank you. Can I just advocate something I know we're not in the habit of lying to the 16 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: I'm not suggesting 17 that. 18 discussion then you should present the whole story in 19 the open discussion, not part of the story. I, you know, if you're going to have an open 20 MR. STAUDENMEIER: Actually, we wanted to 21 close the whole meeting and we were forced to open 22 part of it and so we kept - that was one reason why I 23 kept 24 wanted as much open as they could. that 25 out of this presentation, CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Right. because they We understand NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 111 1 that. 2 MR. LANDRY: This is Ralph Landry from the 3 New Reactors office. 4 to as Ontario, while it's been reported in an open 5 paper many years ago, the data were provided to us 6 through proprietary documentation from the applicant. 7 Therefore we are treating the material as proprietary The data that are being referred 8 so that we can't discuss that in open session. 9 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: I think we'll wait 10 till that closed session then and discuss. 11 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 12 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 13 sure 14 selective. that 15 whatever story MR. LANDRY: I think we'll just I just want to make you're presenting is not No, the Office of Research is 16 trying 17 applicant has provided the material under proprietary 18 documentation, so they're trying to be honest and not 19 present it in open session, even though they are going 20 to present it later. 21 22 to be honest with the CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: thanks. Let's move on. that the I think it's fine, Go ahead. 23 MR. STAUDENMEIER: 24 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 25 applicant, Okay. Which slide now? You have to tell us. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 112 1 2 MR. Next slide is the FLECHT rod bundle slide. 3 4 STAUDENMEIER: CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Now, we have gone over the RGHT data, right? 5 MR. STAUDENMEIER: 6 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Right. There is a - I mean, 7 the RGHT data though, there's quite a bit of data that 8 seems to lie below the predictions. 9 correct, or am I seeing it wrong here? 10 Is that sort of If you look at the void fraction - 11 MR. STAUDENMEIER: Well, we over-predict - 12 I think we over-predict void fractions more than we 13 under-predict it. 14 15 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: of the data lies below your prediction. 16 17 MR. STAUDENMEIER: Right. And there's a lot of scatter in this data. 18 19 Yes, well, I say a lot CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Is it the scatter is coming from the experiment, or is it coming from - 20 MR. KELLY: Almost exclusively. There are 21 very small DP cells over about a 4-foot length of the 22 bundle, 23 spacers. 24 grid spacers. 25 the void fraction, go to the very next one and you see every three inches, and they span grid They're just upstream, just downstream of You go from one DP measurement and for NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 113 1 these 10, 20, 30 percent void fraction changes one DP 2 set to the other. 3 scatter. 4 done a systematic qualification of the data as to what 5 should be used in this kind of comparison. 6 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: So most of this is experimental And as Joe said, we've never sat down and 7 Dominique Bestion's work? 8 you haven't adjusted anything? 9 MR. KELLY: So you're still using Everything is consistent, No. What he's doing now is 10 showing you the model for void fraction prediction rod 11 bundles. 12 power BWR conditions, transitioning to high pressure 13 low flow DKE, that was the PHDF, that's like a small 14 break 15 pressure EKE so now the ADS flow down is complete and 16 you're just sitting there whole boiling kind of thing 17 the rod bundle. 18 trajectory of the transient that you can postulate. 19 20 And he's showing it for higher pressure, for LOCA kind, and the RBHT and FLECHT are low So he's covering the whole span, the CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: So this is at low pressure now. 21 MR. KELLY: 22 MR. STAUDENMEIER: Right. I think if you look at 23 the left plot on the RBHT slide you'll see that's void 24 fraction measurements, across is from one test going 25 up to bundle and you can see just the scatter in that NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 114 1 under supposedly steady conditions. 2 MR. BAJOREK: If you follow those points 3 you'll see the ones where you start to get a lot of 4 decreases in the voids. 5 spacers. 6 They're right at the grid CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Yes, I see some dark 7 to the extent I can tell from this black and white 8 flow 9 crosses. 10 up there, Do some they thicker have MR. STAUDENMEIER: 12 MR. KELLY: thinner significance, the No. That's two crosses on top of each other. 14 15 any and difference? 11 13 crosses MR. STAUDENMEIER: That's just resolution from the screen grab that I did to paste it in here. 16 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: All right. 17 MR. STAUDENMEIER: Okay. Fine. Next is FLECHT 18 rod bundle. 19 we've done this assessment in looking at selection of 20 Bestion 21 pressures, 20 and 40 PSIs. 22 conditions. 23 predictions for both of those. 24 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 25 It's not in our assessment manual, but correlations. This shows two different This is under decay heat And you see we get good void fraction But these FLECHT data, what sort of rod bundle remind me these were? NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 115 1 MR. KELLY: 2 These were reflood 3 reflood is complete 4 awhile just simply 5 pressure rod bundle. This is a PWR 17x17 geometry. tests, and but this you're boiling at 6 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 7 MR. STAUDENMEIER: is after the sitting there for rate, low low flow Okay, go ahead. Okay. Next, looking at 8 some pipe data, larger graph broad diameter pipe data 9 versus Wilson bubble rods experiment. 0.46 meter 10 diameter test section, a range of pressures that the 11 data was taken over. 12 summary of TRACE predictions versus measurements. 13 CHAIRMAN Can see, the next slide shows a BANERJEE: So these were 14 basically sort of experiments where the level rose and 15 then 16 looking at the relatively low void fraction range with 17 these? broke 18 - it MR. broke through STAUDENMEIER: and No, you're it goes mainly up to 19 fairly high void fractions, but yes, it's essentially 20 putting steam up through - a cone of water sitting 21 there which wouldn't apply to ESBWR under steady state 22 conditions, 23 circulation in sitting there, this is kind of the 24 situation we have. 25 but after you've CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: broken natural So, you have either NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 116 1 very little water flow or no water flow, right? 2 this case. 3 MR. STAUDENMEIER: 4 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 5 MR. In Yes. Okay. STAUDENMEIER: If you look at the 6 slide showing the summary of the test predictions, you 7 see we have reasonable predictions until you get up 8 towards the high void fractions up about 0.7 and above 9 and you see - starts to seem systematically under- 10 predict the data. 11 MR. KELLY: It's like two data points the 12 void fraction is greater than 70 percent. 13 go is it the code, is it the experiment - because 14 you're using a delta p cell in this column of water, 15 and there's two data points. 16 Allis-Chalmers, so we're going way back in history. 17 Same thing. 18 might be a trend away from it. 19 and we're going is it real? 20 we did was institute a test program at the Thermal 21 Hydraulic Institute at Purdue and that's what Joe is 22 going to show you in just a minute, to investigate 23 just that area. 24 25 And so you And there was one other, Right in that point it looks like there You know, we saw this We don't know. CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: So what Now, in this case, you're still using Bestion's NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 117 1 2 MR. STAUDENMEIER: drift flux model. 3 This is a Kataoka-Ishii model. MR. KELLY: And this is the model that 4 will 5 That's what you're assessing. be used 6 in No, this is a light the chimney region CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 7 rod 8 correlation. bundle 9 region. And MR. KELLY: of the ESBWR. So you're out of the you're using a different And it's for assessment of the 10 chimney region is the reason he's looking at large 11 diameter pipes. 12 pipes anymore. 13 can find. We're not looking at 1-inch diameter We're looking at things as large as we And there's not that much data out there. 14 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 15 DR. WALLIS: 16 Okay. Is this a correlation they use is drift flux in the C-0 distribution? 17 MR. KELLY: 18 DR. WALLIS: Yes. Because if you have a 1.2c 19 you have difficulty getting high void fractions. 20 cuts everything off. 21 MR. KELLY: 22 DR. WALLIS: 23 Bingo. You can't get in that region up there. 24 25 It MR. STAUDENMEIER: probably going to be And that's what we're looking at in developing NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 118 1 correlations - 2 3 DR. WALLIS: So you shouldn't use it for high void fractions. 4 MR. STAUDENMEIER: I mean, if you look at 5 the dimension-less hydraulic diameter in these things 6 that goes into Kataoka-Ishii, when you get up into 7 ESBWR chimney conditions you're up in the range of 500 8 to 600 I think. 9 that high, but we're probably going to be looking at 10 some way, a dimension-less hydraulic diameter tapering 11 off that CNOP from 1.2 down to 1 as you go up into 12 large hydraulic, dimension-less hydraulic diameter. 13 Our Purdue test data doesn't go up CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: There's one thing that 14 we should also look at and we've been concerned about 15 as a committee, which is the - when you're in this 16 region of turbulent flows and things, you get a sort 17 of chugging phenomenon. 18 systems, you see this and what you see is the time 19 constant of these typically is of the order of two 20 seconds. 21 whether you can actually get significant fluctuations 22 in hydraulic head in this because after all, this is a 23 buoyancy-driven system and would these feedback into 24 the sort of time scales associated with the regional 25 instabilities in the core. If you ever look at these Now, the concern has been with the committee So if you look at that, NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 119 1 that's of the order of a couple of seconds. 2 coupling is of some interest, or potential coupling. 3 So when you do these experiments, it would be very 4 interesting 5 fluctuations are like for a large pipe. 6 that 7 couple 8 actually 9 fluctuations which are correlated between the two, and shall of to know remain gamma look what nameless the at it, hydraulic right densitometers there there 11 completely 12 interesting to measure these if you can. 13 MR. time KELLY: and had if a you significant So, but that had a constant. My they are the part had an instability. head Now, the data now, 10 different So, the So experience it's just the time on 14 constant is it's quite often related to the height of 15 the facility. 16 back down and reforms. In the Purdue test which he's 17 going some 18 measurements were in - it's inductance for the void 19 fraction and it's always a continuos signal. 20 see those traces, variations in time, and they put 21 that signal for a neural net to identify which kind of 22 regime 23 response. 24 another time so you can look at that. 25 to Kind of the slug hits the top, comes show they're you in. So of, they the look experimental at So you frequency That's data that they can bring back to you CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: So this is - the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 120 1 cross-flow in - 2 MR. KELLY: It's a large pipe, so it's 3 just two, you know, it's an acrylic pipe, but there 4 are sections where you have measurements, and there 5 it's metal. 6 remember the details. Two metals and it's, you know, I don't 7 8 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: So it's not the Dresden-type - 9 MR. KELLY: No. You don't get the local 10 information here. 11 average void fraction from it. 12 time signal of that void fraction which you can then 13 look at. 14 time signal on the pressure traces. 15 we got at the Purdue test, okay, they're in water, 16 they're 17 pressure, so that's not correct. 18 high - they go up to the high void fraction range and 19 they cover everything from zero liquid velocity where 20 they 21 believe it's 2 meters a second. 22 at 2,000 kilograms meter squared. 24 But you also get the We can provide that to you as well as the not look 23 But you get the cross-sectional high like pressure the Wilson steam, so they're low But, they cover the bubble CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: And in the film rise test to I So that's mass flux Is that comparable to - 25 MR. KELLY: That's BWR operating NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 121 1 conditions. 2 3 I think it's actually CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: And the diameter, is it comparable? 4 MR. KELLY: Well, I'm trying to - the 5 diameters are not comparable. 6 chimney region. 7 across and we can't build a facility that large. 8 what we did, the testing was done I believe in a 6- 9 inch and a 10-inch pipe. I mean, we're in the Something like this almost a meter So And so you're getting big 10 enough that you no longer can have slugs anymore, but 11 we did it at two different diameters so we could see. 12 You know, one of the problems with going to larger 13 diameters is you can't put that much air through it 14 anymore. 15 The cross-sectional area goes as a square. CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: You're aware of course 16 that there are major facilities in the world which - 17 in the oil and gas industry, which have as large or 18 larger diameters and can put through the appropriate 19 mass fluxes, and have incredible instrumentation. 20 21 MR. KELLY: Actually, I'm not aware of, but that would be - 22 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Yes. SINTEF has it. 23 If you ever go, they have 100-meter long and 50 meters 24 high or something. 25 This is a different ball game. MR. KELLY: SINTEF? NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 122 1 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 2 MR. KELLY: 3 CHAIRMAN Yes. T-E-F? BANERJEE: In Norway. Their 4 facilities, their incredible facility is available to 5 do this stuff, except of course the oil industry can 6 afford it, not the nuclear. 7 aside, the reason I'm saying you get this. 8 in 9 risers, the slug catchers you design have to be, you the oil business But anyway, leaving that that when you go You see it into these 10 know, 11 exactly this regime, which give you big fluctuations 12 in hydraulic head. 13 get 14 question we are asking. they this get is 15 very long slugs coming through in Now, whether in GE's case you'll hard to know, MR. KELLY: but that's what - the When you - when you get - I've 16 looked 17 different pipes. 18 pipe and you go to these kind of void fractions, and 19 the 20 operate 60, 70, 75 percent void, something like that. a chimney 21 22 at lot of like air-water experiments in When you start getting to the larger region if CHAIRMAN I remember BANERJEE: is designed Turbulent, to exactly, the wrong region. 23 MR. KELLY: The wrong region, except 24 you're not going to have intact slugs anymore. And if 25 you - because of the void fraction. And when you talk NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 123 1 about having the liquid film bridging. 2 3 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: sense. It's not slugs in that What you get are - actual void weight. 4 MR. KELLY: 5 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Okay, that You see, what you get 6 in these, it's very well known, at least my impression 7 is, that you get an agglomeration of liquid into large 8 regions, and you get regions of low liquid. 9 has multiple sources coming in, so it's not an oil-gas Now, GE 10 pipeline. 11 these. 12 flow at the inlet. 13 develop within the length of the chimney which is a 14 relatively 15 don't know. 16 You know, you've got many channels feeding So you've got a relatively different dispersed short So whether these void waves can length compared to a pipeline, I So it's like an entrance region problem. But it's a significant problem for pipelines. So I 17 think we need to take cognizance of this and TRACE's 18 capability to capture these void waves. 19 density waves in the sense that density waves - these 20 are flow regime waves. 21 They're not They're not density waves. MR. KELLY: Of course, the constitutive 22 models in TRACE were designed to provide the correct 23 time 24 averaged over volume and time. 25 you the kind of local density waves you're talking average response, not - you know, they're So they're not to give NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 124 1 about. 2 condensation-induced 3 things we should have a chance of getting, but not 4 what you're talking about. Ones that come from a system effect, like a 5 instability. CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Those kind of Well, the multi-field 6 model is known to be able, with high enough resolution 7 and 8 capture some of these effects. 9 Jeffrey 10 low aspects. enough won't numerical agree to diffusion to be able to Because there - well, this, but there are many But some - 11 MR. KELLY: 12 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: The first order. Yes, the first order, 13 you can get them. 14 mode 15 resolution, you probably will see some of this stuff 16 at some point. with low So, if you ran it in an explicit numerical diffusion with a high Anyway, that's a separate discussion. 17 All we're saying is not only average voids, but void 18 waves could be of interest in this problem from an 19 ESBWR point of view. 20 several times. 21 the ACRS he raised that question and it's never really 22 been adequately answered I think up till now. 23 there's some coupling between the chimney and the core 24 instability. 25 And that question has come up I think when Graham was chairman of MR. KELLY: Whether You know, I don't think the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 125 1 data that we have can answer that, but we can show you 2 some of the data that we have, not here today, but 3 another time. 4 air water, but also the PUMA facility. 5 a chimney region sitting over the top of a pool. 6 again it's not exactly prototypic, it's shorter, but 7 they have pressure taps and they have optical void 8 fraction probes inside the chimney region. 9 look at a temporal trace of void fraction and see what 10 the oscillations are. 11 12 There is the pipe test we talked about, CHAIRMAN It does model Now So you can I don't remember what the BANERJEE: Were they at full pressure in these? 13 MR. KELLY: 14 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Of course not. What are we talking 15 about really is a normal operations issue. 16 drift, you know, into regions where we are more likely 17 to have instabilities. 18 As you But let's go around that now. DR. WALLIS: I think we should move on. I 19 think that this business of building up these regions, 20 concentrations of bubbles in this sort of geometry 21 involves 22 isn't in the model at all. 23 one 24 they're big ones, and that's not I think in TRACE at 25 all. the bubble attraction pulls in between other the bubbles which In fact, so the wake of ones, particularly if So I think we should move on. NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 126 1 MR. STAUDENMEIER: Okay. As I said, you 2 can see at the upper end of the Wilson data that TRACE 3 is starting to it looks like under-predict the void 4 fraction. 5 to the predicted values. 6 to roll over up near the high void fractions. You can see there was kind of a curvature 7 Next slide, 8 large 9 transient conditions. hydraulic It looks like it's starting GE diameter level pipe swell void experiment, fraction under Also has some steam critical 10 flow in it. 11 in it, look at the level swell in the tank and as it 12 boils down. 13 couple runs that were done. 14 the discharged coefficient at the nozzle to try to get 15 a better estimate of the depressurization. 16 was just using discharged coefficient of 1. 17 You have a large vessel, open up a hole Next slide. CHAIRMAN experiments, 19 coefficient, is that it? 20 TRACE best was adjusting BANERJEE: 18 you You can see there were a didn't So adjust MR. STAUDENMEIER: the the We did. Base run nozzle discharge The plots that 21 are going to be shown are with the adjusted discharge 22 coefficient. 23 estimate of the depressurization rate. 24 the 25 estimate for discharge coefficient. void We try to match deeper, get a better fraction thing will be So it'll be - using the best First plot is up NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 127 1 near the top of the tank. 2 good 3 firm. 4 down there. 5 the level swell. prediction void fraction versus It's also getting a decent prediction of CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: What are those bars there? 8 9 transient Next plot is further down in the tank, so also 6 7 of You can see it gets fairly MR. STAUDENMEIER: Bars are uncertainty in the test data. 10 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: And if you ran TRACE 11 with the base model, did you get this particularly 12 different, or? 13 MR. STAUDENMEIER: Well, it wouldn't be - 14 I 15 depressurizing at too fast a rate, so you'd get more 16 level swell in the calculation compared to the test 17 data. mean, 18 you'd get CHAIRMAN the right shape, BANERJEE: So but basically you're what 19 you're saying is that if you enclose some sort of 20 correct pressure transient you get more or less the 21 right? 22 MR. STAUDENMEIER: Right. And like in 23 something like ESBWR they'll have specifications on 24 nozzles like SRVs or DTV valves saying that you're 25 going to get this flow rate and at this pressure, and NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 128 1 that's part of essentially the design basis of the 2 plant. 3 you're going to get this flow rate at this pressure. 4 So in a plant calculation you're really - you don't 5 care what the actual area is, you put an area that's 6 nominal, put a discharge coefficient on that's going 7 to give you that flow rate at that pressure. 8 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 9 information for this experiment? Their exiting calculations are done assuming 10 MR. STAUDENMEIER: You didn't have that There was - it wasn't 11 good characterization of the discharge coefficient in 12 that documentation we had for the experiment. 13 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: I'm just trying to - 14 if that is the case, then what do we learn from these 15 comparisons? 16 MR. STAUDENMEIER: Well, if you're looking 17 at 18 depressurization rate, then you're looking at seeing 19 what the level swell is at that depressurization rate 20 which is prototypical of what happens in a BWR. 21 you 22 down, hit a level trip, then you start the automatic 23 depressurization system which depressurizes the system 24 at some rate which is close to what this test is 25 showing. what know, happens the inside BWR safety the vessel systems, at the you're right As draining NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 129 1 2 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: understand. 3 4 I'm just trying to You sort of tweak the loss coefficient. MR. STAUDENMEIER: A discharge coefficient, not a loss coefficient. 5 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: A discharge 6 coefficient, excuse me. 7 the pressure history and therefore were able to match 8 the level swell. 9 MR. STAUDENMEIER: 10 Right. MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: 11 another 12 coefficient? 13 14 And you were able to match experiment. MR. You Then we move on, get tweak STAUDENMEIER: No. a discharge Once you characterize a discharge coefficient for a facility - 15 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: So you're telling me 16 that this sort of process of tweaking the discharge 17 coefficient happened only in this set of data because 18 you didn't have that information? 19 MR. STAUDENMEIER: That's right. In 20 pretty much any test or any integral test we have, 21 hopefully 22 discharge coefficient and will give it to you and say 23 if you use this formula for steam critical flow and 24 this discharge coefficient with this area, this will 25 give you the right flow rate like something like ETSI the experimenters characterized the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 130 1 tests with steam generator blow-downs. 2 information is given in other test facilities. 3 characterize discharge coefficients or data that you 4 can come up with a discharge coefficient for your 5 code, but all nozzles are different. 6 you need to know what the hardware is. I know this You I mean really, 7 MEMBER ABDEL-KHALIK: Okay. 8 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: What was - this is 9 still Ishii-Kataoka for the interfacial drag? 10 MR. STAUDENMEIER: 11 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Let's go on. 12 MR. STAUDENMEIER: Okay. Yes. The next thing 13 is 14 diameter test data. 15 Andrew Ireland has started doing TRACE assessment of 16 it recently. 17 inch pipe at this time. 18 water tests, large hydraulic diameter, void fractions 19 up to about 80 percent. going over 20 some of the hydraulic One of our junior staff members As Joe said, there are air- CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: the 22 flows, right? Wilson large All we have is assessment against the 6- 21 bubble rods? Or 23 MR. STAUDENMEIER: 24 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: 25 Purdue Are these similar to you also have liquid Yes. But Wilson bubble rods were steam water and went up to high pressure? NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 131 1 MR. STAUDENMEIER: Right. 2 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Okay. 3 MR. STAUDENMEIER: Very high pressure. 4 These, 5 pressure slide, but both of them are relatively low 6 pressures. 7 kilopascals. 8 taken at different axial locations along the pipe. 9 You can see generally TRACE is over-predicting this 10 set of test data, although we don't go up to - you can 11 look at the maximum void fraction and it's up around 12 0.7. 13 TRACE assessments up at high elevations you'll get 14 oscillations in the predicted void fraction in the 15 TRACE calculations. 16 for the facility to see if there's oscillations in the 17 data. 18 although we don't really have models built in for 19 transient flow regime changes like that, we want to 20 see at least are our oscillations consistent with the 21 facility, or is that just another sort of bug in the 22 code that we have to deal with to get the oscillation. 23 I mean, there's a high pressure and a low The low pressure data was done at 180 You can see there were measurements One thing I'll also say is in some of these We want to look at time traces We haven't done that yet. And see if it's - Next slide is the high pressure data which 24 is at 280 kilopascals. 25 generally over-predicting but you can kind of see that You can see, again, TRACE is NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 132 1 effect in there. 2 the data you can see the predictions are starting to 3 roll over a little bit at the high void fractions 4 again, where the higher void fraction you get, the 5 less 6 assessments. 7 assessment performed on TRACE and we have reasonable 8 agreement with data that we think is important to 9 ESBWR calculations. it's 10 If you drew the best line through over-predicting. BANERJEE: 11 subcommittee members on this? 12 to the closed session? 14 of the We've done a lot, an extensive amount of CHAIRMAN 13 Summary DR. WALLIS: Any comments from Or should we defer them I would like to get on to the ESBWR. 15 MR. STAUDENMEIER: One more comment before 16 the session closes. 17 that came up in the first presentation. Has there 18 been any assessment done for containment? We do have 19 some 20 predictions 21 predictions. 22 the 23 providing for conservative pressure predictions for 24 heat 25 pressure is low pressure for ECCS calculations, both integral heat This has to do with some things tests in for ESBWR, - related both the to PUMA containment and PANDA And one comment was made about some of transfer pressure correlations calculations. In in ECCS containments the worst NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 133 1 for large-break LOCA and for BWRs. 2 some calculations where we've looked at making the 3 pressure 4 ESBWR. 5 done 6 atmospheric pressure during the calculations, so it 7 has to boil down further and that - both for BWRs and 8 PWRs it's - large-break LOCA, it's conservative to 9 have low pressures in containment for the in-vessel 10 artificially low in And we have done the containment for You'll get to see a calculation where that was where the suppression pool was kept at ECCS response. 11 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Are we going to - I 12 mean, talk about what the staff actually are using for 13 calculations? 14 TRACE 15 MELCOR is being used for calculating the containment. 16 Because I know that this is related to applicability, but the hearsay is that the Is that true? 17 MR. STAUDENMEIER: Well, I don't think 18 it's hearsay. 19 before 20 containment 21 calculations, MELCOR is the code that the staff is 22 using 23 assessment in that period for TRACE for some long-term 24 cooling, but I mean, the things that are going on in 25 those the for I think it's actually been presented ACRS already, cooling calculations confirmatory experiments so. aren't But for and peak calculations. really what's long-term pressure We driving have the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 134 1 long-term pressure in ESBWR in these calculations. 2 think 3 noncondensable 4 You 5 system, the pressure's going to keep rising. 6 assessment cases and the test data don't cover that 7 situation 8 noncondensable gas to the system over three days. it's keep the that 9 - addition or and of radiolysis the where you're electrolysis noncondensable noncondensable gas to a gas. closed Our test constantly CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: I adding Now, TRACE has the 10 capability to do this long-term containment pressure 11 calculations, it seems. 12 MR. STAUDENMEIER: 13 CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: It does. So I guess this is to 14 be presented to NRO at some point, but why is NRO 15 using MELCOR rather than TRACE? 16 MR. LANDRY: We can do that at some point 17 when we are up supposed to be talking about this BWR. 18 and the Chapter 21 which I think are in August? 19 can talk about that a little bit then. 20 MR. BAJOREK: We Ralph, I think part of it 21 though 22 higher pressures with ESBWR are going to mean hours, 23 days in the transient, and MELCOR is better suited to 24 look at those very long-running transients. 25 could get there, but it would take an exceedingly was the assessment and the run time. The TRACE NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 135 1 large amount of CP time. 2 MR. LANDRY: But this is involving our 3 containment branch. 4 that we have the right people here to address any 5 questions that come up. 6 I think I'd prefer to make sure CHAIRMAN BANERJEE: Well, one of the 7 things that we understand is that GE is using TRACG to 8 do other things. 9 MR. LANDRY: 10 CHAIRMAN Right. BANERJEE: So. Slightly 11 different approach. 12 thanks Joe, and I think we should probably go into 13 closed session now. 14 15 Anyway, let's continue with - (Whereupon, the foregoing concluded at 11:28 a.m.) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 TRACE Condensation Model Development for the ESBWR Presented to the ACRS Subcommittee on Thermal-Hydraulic Phenomena by Joseph M. Kelly Feb. 27, 2009 1 TRACE Condensation Model Development for ESBWR CONTENTS Introduction Background Modeling Approach Model Accuracy New Model Description Wall Friction Interfacial Shear Wall-Fluid Heat Transfer Interfacial Heat Transfer Non-Condensible Gas Effect Sample of TRACE Assessment Results Summary 2 Background Proposed ESBWR design: Tube Condensation Passive Containment Cooling System (PCCS) Isolation Condenser System (ICS) Highly sheared turbulent film condensation. Wall Condensation Containment volumes such as the dry well. Condensation in the presence of non-condensible gases. Falling films with non-condensible gas effect. A model review and assessment was performed: Significant deficiencies identified in both the modeling approach and predictive capability of legacy TRACE model. 3 Introduction Model Development Effort Objective Implement a model in TRACE for In-tube condensation that is applicable to the ICS and PCCS systems, Modify tube model for wall condensation in large containment volumes. Approach Model should be compatible with two-fluid numerical framework. Model should take advantage of quantities computed by TRACE through the solution of the conservation equations: (e.g.) axial distribution of the condensate flow rate and film thickness then, the Nusselt formula becomes: h = kl ! instead of: 14 % !l " g " #! " h fg " kl3 ( h = ' * 4 " µ " z " T $ T ( ) l sat w ) & 4 Introduction Model Accuracy Condensation Data Base Experiment Tube Diameter (mm) Pressure (MPa) Gas Reynolds No. Film Reynolds No. NC Mass Fraction (%) Pure Steam Condensation Tests UCB-Kuhn 47.5 0.11 - 0.52 4000 - 34,800 43 - 2000 - NASA 7.44 0.02 - 0.26 3300 - 237,000 83 - 8400 - Air-Steam Condensation Tests UCB-Kuhn 47.5 0.11 - 0.52 3300 - 46,900 36 - 1800 1 - 56 MIT-Siddique 46 0.11 - 0.49 310 - 23,400 40 - 700 8 - 87 Helium-Steam Condensation Tests UCB-Kuhn 47.5 0.39 - 0.43 3100 - 31,200 50 - 1400 0.3 - 26 MIT-Siddique 46 0.11 - 0.47 650 - 9300 73 - 450 2.8 - 46 MIT-Hasanein 46 0.12 - 0.60 1100 - 21,500 50 - 650 2.5 - 66 5 Introduction Model Accuracy Experiment No. of Data Points VierowSchrock Avg. RMS KuhnSchrockPeterson Avg. RMS Shah Correlation TRACE Model Avg. RMS Avg. RMS Pure Steam Condensation Tests UCB-Kuhn 252 2.652 2.975 0.031 0.083 -0.675 0.683 0.018 0.102 NASA 299 -0.021 0.668 -0.468 0.510 0.003 0.244 -0.121 0.300 Air-Steam Condensation Tests UCB-Kuhn 571 1.944 2.131 0.067 0.248 - - 0.077 0.161 MIT-Siddique 255 0.878 1.210 0.770 1.277 - - -0.394 0.446 Helium-Steam Condensation Tests UCB-Kuhn 192 - - 0.063 0.162 - - -0.026 0.158 MIT-Siddique 68 - - 0.406 0.788 - - -0.481 0.506 MIT-Hasanein 198 - - 0.755 1.491 - - -0.123 0.474 6 Introduction Model Accuracy UCB-Kuhn Pure Steam Tests Over-prediction occurs for points at higher film Reynolds no. and is related to the laminar-turbulent transition for the film. 7 Introduction Model Accuracy UCB-Kuhn Air-Steam Tests Under-prediction for points at low values of the gas/vapor Reynolds no. due to persistence of turbulence (history effect), or neglecting mixed convection in mass transfer. 8 Introduction Summary: A model has been developed and implemented in TRACE for in-tube condensation that is applicable to the ICS and PCCS systems of the ESBWR design. compatible with two-fluid numerical framework. takes advantage of quantities computed by TRACE through the solution of the conservation equations. Tube model was extended for condensation on the walls of containment volumes. Accuracy of the new model: Pure steam condensation: nearly as accurate as empirical correlations when compared to the correlation’s database. Condensation with non-condensible gases: accuracy is as good or better than empirical models when compared to the correlation’s database and superior when compared to other data sources. 9 TRACE Condensation Model Development for ESBWR CONTENTS Introduction Background Modeling Approach Model Accuracy New Model Description Wall Friction Interfacial Shear Wall-Fluid Heat Transfer Interfacial Heat Transfer Non-Condensible Gas Effect Sample of TRACE Assessment Results Summary 10 Model Description Film Condensation Normal Representation q!w! = hcond " (Tw # Tsat ) Two-Fluid Model qw!! = hwl " (Tw # Tl ) $ = qli + qvi h fg where qli = hli ! Ai ! (Tl " Ti ) qvi = hvi ! Ai ! (Tv " Ti ) and Ti is the saturation temperature at the bulk vapor partial pressure. 11 Model Description Film Condensation Model Requirements Condensation with pure steam and steam-NC gas mixtures Applicable to both falling and sheared films Models Needed Film Thickness Wall Heat Transfer Wall Friction Interfacial Shear Wall-Liquid HTC Interfacial Heat Transfer Liquid-Interface HTC Vapor-Interface HTC Non-Condensible Gas Effect 12 Model Description Wall Friction Legacy TRACE Model Partitions wall drag between liquid and vapor: Unphysical behavior for liquid film velocity. Film thickness is an order of magnitude too small. 13 Model Description Wall Friction Revised Model Laminar Parallel plate formula for a smooth laminar film fl = 24 Re l » Note: will slightly over-predict film thickness due to neglecting effect of ripples, this effect will be taken into account in the wall heat transfer model. Turbulent Haaland explicit approximation of Colebrook-White /2 ft # ) 6.9 #" D&1.11 ,& = %3.6 ! log10 ++ + % (' ..( $ Re 3.7 %$ * l -(' Power-Law Combination fw = [ f l3 + f t3 ] 3 1 14 Model Description Wall Friction Film Thickness: Falling Film Data Base 15 Model Description Wall Friction Film Thickness: Falling Film TRACE Results 16 Model Description Film Condensation Model Requirements Condensation with pure steam and steam-NC gas mixtures Applicable to both falling and sheared films Models Needed Film Thickness Wall Heat Transfer Wall Friction Interfacial Shear Wall-Liquid HTC Interfacial Heat Transfer Liquid-Interface HTC Vapor-Interface HTC Non-Condensible Gas Effect 17 Model Description Non-Condensible Gas Effect Non-Condensible Gas Effect Approach: Use a mechanistic approach similar to the mass transfer conductance model described by Kuhn, Schrock & Peterson (1994). Assessment: In-Tube: UCB-Kuhn Steam-Air Tests UCB-Kuhn Steam-Helium Tests MIT-Siddique Steam-Air Tests MIT-Siddique Steam-Helium Tests MIT-Hasanein Steam-Helium Tests Containment Wall Condensation: Comparison to Uchida formula MIT-Dehbi Tests UWisc Flat Plate Tests 18 Model Description Non-Condensible Gas Effect Mass Transfer Conductance Model Liquid-Interface Heat Flux: qli!! = hli " (Ti # Tl ) Gas Mixture-Interface Heat Flux: ! = q!cond ! + q!sens ! q!mix ! q!cond = "!! # h fg ! q!sens = hsens # (Tmix $ Ti ) Iteration Required to Find Interface Temperature (Concentration) qli!! = qcond !! + qsens !! 19 Model Description Non-Condensible Gas Effect Mass Transfer Conductance: Tube Model Condensation Mass Flux: & M w,i ) & $ % D) " !! = # ( m % , % Sh % (' M +* ' d +* w 0.4 %b Mass Transfer Driving Potential b = ( x v ! x v,i ) ( x v,i ! 1) Sherwood No. 3 13 3 ! Sh = ( 3.66 ) + ( Gnielinski ( Re, Sc )) # " $ “Blowing” Factor ! = ln (1 + b) b 20 Model Description Non-Condensible Gas Effect Mass Transfer Conductance: Tube Model Sensible Heat Flux: ! q!sens = #k & f fog " % m ( " ) " Nu " (Tm * Ti ) $d' Nusselt No. Nu = Max [ 4, Gnielinski(Re,Pr )] “Blowing” Factor ! = ln (1 + b) b Fog Factor f fog = 2 21 Model Description Non-Condensible Gas Effect Mass Transfer Conductance: Modifications for Wall Model Condensation Mass Flux: c & M w,i ) & $ % D) " !! = # ( m % , % Sh % (' M +* % b ' d +* w Sherwood No. Natural Convection ShNC = 0.13 ! ( GrL ! Sc ) 13 c = 0.57 Model "M % Sh ! $ w,i ' # M & w c = 0.57 0.4 (* " M w,i % " M w,i % ,* Max )ShNC ! $ , ShFC ! $ ' '& M M # & # w w *+ *. 22 Model Description Non-Condensible Gas Effect Comparison to UCB-Kuhn Experiment Steam-Air Data: (72 tests, 571 data points) Average Error = 7.7% RMS Error = 16.1% 23 Model Description Non-Condensible Gas Effect Comparison to UCB-Kuhn Experiment Steam-Helium Data: (25 tests, 192 data points) Average Error = -2.6% RMS Error = 15.8% 24 TRACE Condensation Model Development for ESBWR CONTENTS Introduction Background and Status Modeling Approach Model Accuracy New Model Description Wall Friction Interfacial Shear Wall-Fluid Heat Transfer Interfacial Heat Transfer Non-Condensible Gas Effect Sample of TRACE Assessment Results Summary 25 Sample of TRACE Assessment Results Test Matrix: Tube Condensation Laminar Film UCB - Kuhn (Steam Only) Turbulent Film NASA Goodykoontz NC Gas Effect UCB – Kuhn (Air-Steam) Film Reynolds No. NC Gas Mass Fraction (%) Run No. Pressure (bar) Gas Reynolds No. 1.1-1 1.16 35,400 450 - 1.1-2 2.02 33,900 720 - 1.1-3R 3.20 30,160 1270 - 1.1-4R1 4.10 29,800 1820 - 1.1-5R1 5.04 28,930 1970 - 172 1.77 85,980 3020 - 174 1.78 105,240 3800 - 2.1-1 4.20 23,960 1360 1 2.1-4 3.93 25,590 1010 4.2 2.1-7 4.00 26,960 750 10 2.1-9 4.05 29,280 610 20 2.1-13 4.15 36,620 440 40 26 Sample of TRACE Assessment Results Laminar Film Condensation: Calculation dramatically improved, good prediction over entire pressure range. Few values over-predicted due to laminar-turbulent transition. 27 Sample of TRACE Assessment Results Laminar Film Condensation: Excellent prediction of the heat transfer coefficient both in magnitude and axial trend. 28 Sample of TRACE Assessment Results Laminar Film Condensation Realistic calculation of liquid film thickness. 29 Sample of TRACE Assessment Results Turbulent Film Condensation: Significantly improved prediction of heat transfer coefficient, but Under-prediction in laminar regime with good prediction once film becomes turbulent. 30 Sample of TRACE Assessment Results Non-Condensible Gas Effect: Excellent prediction for a range of inlet non-condensible mass fraction from 1% to 40%. 31 Sample of TRACE Assessment Results Wall Condensation Model: Excellent comparison to empirical model of Uchida. 32 Sample of TRACE Assessment Results Wall Condensation Model: Good comparison to MIT-Dehbi test data. 33 TRACE Condensation Model Development for ESBWR Summary: A new condensation model has been developed and implemented in TRACE. Applicable to the ICS and PCCS systems of the ESBWR design. Extended to wall condensation in large containment volumes. Compatible with two-fluid numerical framework. Takes advantage of quantities computed by TRACE: Accuracy of the new model e.g., axial distribution of the condensate flow rate and film thickness For pure steam condensation, nearly as accurate as empirical correlations when compared to the database of the empirical model. With non-condensible gases, accuracy is as good or better than empirical models developed from that data and superior when compared to other data sources. Assessment Developmental assessment of TRACE has been performed against single-tube experiments. Excellent predictions of UCB-Kuhn pure steam and air-steam tests. Reasonable prediction of NASA pure steam tests. Very good comparisons to containment wall condensation data & empirical models. More extensive ESBWR specific testing has been conducted, including multi-tube exchangers (e.g., PANTHERS). 34 Model Description Interfacial Friction Selection of Interfacial Friction Model Use data of Andreussi-Zanelli for co-current downflow Measured film thickness, pressure gradient and entrainment fraction. Reduced data to give values of the interfacial friction coefficient. Compare interfacial friction models of Wallis (1969) Modified Wallis Henstock-Hanratty (1976) Bharathan (1979) developed for counter-current flow Asali-Hanratty (1985) uses friction factor as fn(Re) models with and without entrainment Jayanti-Hewitt (1997) ripple & disturbance wave models 35 Model Description Interfacial Friction Selection of Interfacial Friction Model Average Error Maximum Error RMS Error Wallis (fs = 0.005) -0.176 -2.801 0.517 Wallis (fs = f(Re)) 0.400 5.055 1.480 Henstock-Hanratty 2.266 11.13 1.489 Asali-Hanratty (no entrainment) -0.165 -0.642 0.049 A sali-Hanra t ty ( en t rainmen t ) -0.07 6 0. 36 4 0. 0 2 26 Bharathan 1.425 6.160 6.612 Jayanti-Hewitt (ripple wave) -0.396 -0.8252 0.212 Jayanti-Hewitt (disturbance wave) -0.453 0.718 0.302 Model 36 Model Description Interfacial Friction Selection of Interfacial Friction Model 37 Model Description Interfacial Friction Film Thickness: Sheared Films TRACE Results for data of Andreussi & Zanelli 38 Model Description Film Condensation Model Requirements Condensation with pure steam and steam-NC gas mixtures Applicable to both falling and sheared films Models Needed Film Thickness Wall Heat Transfer Wall Friction Interfacial Shear Wall-Liquid HTC Interfacial Heat Transfer Liquid-Interface HTC Vapor-Interface HTC Non-Condensible Gas Effect 39 Model Description Wall Heat Transfer Modeling needs Wall-Film heat transfer coefficient Laminar/smooth and laminar/wavy films Turbulent films Approach Laminar Films: Use falling film condensation data to select suitable correlation. Compare to pure-steam data of UCB-Kuhn. Split heat transfer resistance between wall and interfacial. Turbulent Films: Use falling film heating data to select suitable correlation. Interfacial heat transfer considered separately. 40 Model Description Wall Heat Transfer Film Condensation: Falling Films Data Base Example: Heat transfer averaged over surface (no local values). Significant enhancement over Nusselt due to waves. 41 Model Description Wall Heat Transfer Laminar Model Selection Film Condensation: Falling Films Nusselt: Nu0* 3 = 1.47 ! Re "1 f # Nu$ = 1 Kutateladze: Nu0* 4 = 1.23 ! Re "1 f # Nu$ = 0.895 ! Re1f 12 Nozhat: Nu0* = 1.28 ! Re "0.263 f Zazuli: Nu0* = 0.955 ! Re "0.22 f # Nu$ = 0.8 ! Re f 4 Labuntsov: Nu0* = 1.346 ! Re "0.293 f # Nu$ = # Nu$ = 0.921! Re 0.07 f ( ( Re 4 ) ) 0.11 0.04 f 42 Model Description Wall Heat Transfer Laminar Model Selection Falling Film Condensation: surface average data 43 Model Description Wall Heat Transfer Laminar Model Selection Sheared Film: local data from UCB-Kuhn pure steam tests 44 Model Description Wall Heat Transfer Laminar Model Selection Sheared Film: local data from UCB-Kuhn pure steam tests 45 Model Description Wall Heat Transfer Laminar Model Selection Use Kuhn-Schrock-Peterson Fit: Nu! = (1 + 1.83x10 "4 # Re f ) 46 Model Description Wall Heat Transfer Turbulent Film Model Difficulty: Falling film database does not have local heat transfer data, only values averaged over the entire heat transfer surface. Sheared film data (e.g., NASA) have large uncertainties. Data is integrated over both laminar and turbulent regions, and so Cannot be used in a straightforward model selection process. Data uncertainty & effect of interfacial shear on film thickness. Correlations for turbulent condensation vary widely. Approach: For the wall-liquid HTC, turbulent falling film heating data will be used for model selection. For interfacial heat transfer, considered later, several models will be selected from the literature and compared to data. 47 Model Description Wall Heat Transfer Turbulent Falling Film Condensation: Large variation between condensation correlations for turbulent falling films. Which correlation is “right” ? 48 Model Description Wall Heat Transfer Turbulent Falling Films Example of correlations for film heating: Gnielinski is a modern correlation for single-phase forced convection modified for a film. 100 8 7 6 Wilke Film Heating Gimbutis Gnielinski/4 5 4 3 2 Nusselt No. 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Pr = 1.75 1 3 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 10 Film Reynolds No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 10 49 Model Description Wall Heat Transfer Turbulent Falling Films Use correlation of Gnielinski modified for a film. 50 Model Description: Wall Heat Transfer Turbulent Falling Film Condensation: 1 3 = 0.056 ! Re 0.2 f ! Pr f Colburn (1933) Nu* Kirkbride (1934) Nu* = 0.0084 ! Re 0.4 f Kutateladze (1949) 0.0429 ! Re f ! Pr f0.4 Nu = Labuntsov (1960) Nu* 2 = 0.023! Re 0.25 f ! Pr f Soliman et al (1968) Nu* = 0.0132 ! Re 0.292 ! Pr f0.65 f * 0.4 0.65 Nu = 0.004 ! Re ! Pr f f Chen, Gerner & Tien (1987) * ( 5 Re 6f " 149.2 + 66.7 ! Pr f0.4 ) 1 51 Model Description Film Condensation Model Requirements Condensation with pure steam and steam-NC gas mixtures Applicable to both falling and sheared films Models Needed Film Thickness Wall Heat Transfer Wall Friction Interfacial Shear Wall-Liquid HTC Interfacial Heat Transfer Liquid-Interface HTC Vapor-Interface HTC Non-Condensible Gas Effect 52 Model Description Interfacial Heat Transfer Modeling needs Liquid-Interface heat transfer coefficient Laminar and laminar/wavy films Turbulent films Approach Laminar Films: Use Kuhn-Schrock-Peterson correlation. Split heat transfer resistance between wall and interfacial. Turbulent Films: Use NWU co-current flow condensation data to select correlation. Look at other NWU data and UCB-Kuhn for the transition region. 53 Model Description Interfacial Heat Transfer Turbulent Falling Films Example of Candidate Interfacial HTCs: 2 Water Pr = 1.75 100 Nusselt No. (Liquid-Interface) -13 Ka = 3.23x10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Condensation Correlations Linehan (??) Bankoff (1980) 10 Eddy Diffusivity Models 8 7 6 A-T-C (1998) Sandall et al (1988) 5 Gas Diffusivity Models 4 Lamourelle & Sandall (??) Banerjee et al (1967) McCready & Hanratty (1985) 3 2 3 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Film Reynolds No. 9 4 2 3 4 10 54 Model Description Interfacial Heat Transfer NWU Interfacial Condensation Data Exhibits significant entrance effect. 55 Model Description Interfacial Heat Transfer NWU Interfacial Condensation Data Use Bankoff Turbulence Centered Model Modify coefficient to match fully developed data. 56 Model Description Interfacial Heat Transfer NWU Interfacial Condensation Data What about transition region? Look at other NWU data. 57 Model Description Interfacial Heat Transfer NWU Interfacial Condensation Data What about transition region? Bankoff TCM would significantly over-predict. 58 Model Description Interfacial Heat Transfer NWU Interfacial Condensation Data What about transition region? Better correlation is needed. Use Gnielinski modified to match Bankoff (for now). 59 Model Description Interfacial Heat Transfer NWU Interfacial Condensation Data What about effect of interfacial shear on Nusselt no.? Negligible effect for horizontal co-current (not shown) and for vertical counter-current flow. Possible effect for horizontal counter-current flow. 60