Document 1676984
Acknowledgements The UC Berkeley Information Services & Technology Customer Satisfaction Survey Team consisted of the following: Shel Waggener, Sponsor, Chief Information Officer Harold Pakulat, Associate Director, IST Service Desk Tony Roybal, Project Coordinator Brian McDonald, MOR Associates Chris Paquette, MOR Associates MOR Associates, an external consulting firm, acted as project manager for this effort, analyzing the data and preparing this report. MOR Associates specializes in continuous improvement, strategic thinking and leadership development. MOR Associates has conducted a number of large-scale satisfaction surveys for IT organizations in higher education, including MIT, Stanford, the University of Washington, the University of Chicago, and others. MOR Associates, Inc. /CKP5VTGGV5WKVG Watertown, MA 02472 tel: 617.924.4501 fax: 617.924.8070 Brian McDonald, President [email protected] Contents +PVTQFWEVKQP /GVJQFQNQI[ 5WTXG[4GUWNVU1XGTXKGY 4GCFKPIVJG%JCTVU )GVVKPI*GNRYKVJ6GEJPQNQI[ 0GVYQTM5GTXKEGU 4GOQVG#EEGUU 'OCKNCPF9GDOCKN 6GNGRJQPG5GTXKEGU %QORWVKPI'PXKTQPOGPV UQHVYCTGEGPVTCN %QORWVGT5GEWTKV[ &CVC$CEMWR %CN0GV+& 5VWFGPV4GIKUVTCVKQP5[UVGOU %CN#IGPFC +561XGTCNNCPF+565GTXKEG#VVTKDWVGU 0GYQT+ORTQXGF5GTXKEGU #RRGPFKZ#6JG(WNN6GZVQH9TKVVGP%QOOGPVU # #RRGPFKZ$6JG)GPGTCN5WTXG[+PUVTWOGPV$ #RRGPFKZ%#FFKVKQPCN1DUGTXCVKQPU % 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs)NTRODUCTION| 1 Introduction This report provides a summary of the purposes, the methodology and the results of the customer satisfaction survey sponsored by UC Berkeley Information Services & Technology in November 2008. The survey is one means through which Information Services & Technology can give a voice to their customers. It is a systematic way to identify what is working and what needs to be improved from the customers’ vantage point. As IST focuses more energy on becoming a quality service provider, this survey can provide a baseline for documenting progress. This survey was preceded by a similar survey in 2006 and thus includes data on changes in ratings since 2006. This survey was undertaken for the following purposes, all of which helped guide the construct and design of the survey: s4ODOCUMENTWHERECUSTOMERSARESATISFIEDALONGWITHWHERETHEYAREDISSATISFIED and to identify what causes any disappointment in the customer experience. s4OFINDOUTWHATIMPROVEMENTSAREIMPORTANTTOCUSTOMERS s4OUSETHISDATATOPRIORITIZETHECONTINUOUSIMPROVEMENTINITIATIVESTHATWILL make it easier for IST’s customers to do their work. The survey results can help provide even greater focus to IST as the organization works on implementing the IT strategic plan and enhances the support for the campus. The ultimate goal is to provide an excellent customer IT experience that supports the IT teaching, learning, research and administrative needs of the UC Berkeley community. In the near term the goal is to improve the customers’ ability to use IT to get their work done. The survey findings on the following pages provide a sound basis for determining how Information Services & Technology can focus its efforts to enhance the quality of the customer experience at UC Berkeley. Brian McDonald President MOR Associates MOR Associates, Inc. 2 | )NTRODUCTIONs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs)NTRODUCTION| 3 Methodology Survey Population The survey solicited feedback from three customer communities: faculty, students, and administrators (staff). Selection Criteria - Faculty and Research Academic s4ENUREDANDTENURETRACKFACULTYAREINCLUDED s0ARTTIMEFACULTYARENOTINCLUDED Selection Criteria - Students s)NCLUDESUNDERGRADUATESANDGRADUATES Selection Criteria - Administrative s)NFORMATION3ERVICESSTAFFAREEXCLUDED s"ARGAININGUNITSAREINCLUDED UC Berkeley Sample Size Estimates The following table presents a summary of the population and sample size estimates that resulted from applying the above criteria and served as the guide to sampling strategy. 2QRWNCVKQP$TGCMFQYP (CEWNV[ /CLQT %QJQTV %QWPVU 6CTIGV 5CORNG5K\G 4GVWTPGF UWTXG[U 5VWFGPVU Graduate Undergraduate #PVKEKRCVGF 4GURQPUG 4CVG +PKVKCN 5CORNG 5K\G 0WODGTQH 4GURQPUGU 5VCHH 616#. #EVWCN 4GURQPUG 4CVG (KPCN9GKIJVGF 4GRTGUGPVCVKQP Notes: s4HE4ARGET3AMPLE3IZEWASDERIVEDASSUMINGA#ONFIDENCE)NTERVALOFANDAMINIMUM#ONFIDENCE,EVELOF s4HESAMPLEWASDESIGNEDTOACHIEVEDESIREDRATIOSOFFACULTYSTUDENTSANDSTAFF4HISWOULDRESULTINRELATIVEOVER weighing of the faculty, but under weighting of students and staff. Demographic Data Some demographic data for faculty and staff including department and campus was also captured. MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs3URVEY2ESULTS/VERVIEW| 5 Survey Results Overview MOR Associates, Inc. 6 | 3URVEY2ESULTS/VERVIEWs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Executive Summary Overview This survey was in many respects a repeat of the customer survey that was conducted in 2006. As such, it presented the opportunity to compare ratings and discern changes over time. There were two notable areas of change: emailrelated ratings saw significant improvements, and ratings related to CalAgenda declined significantly. Improved Email Is Still a High Customer Priority, But ITS Has Made Significant Progress In 2006, respondents were very frustrated with the amount of spam and the time wasted deleting spam, and many of them wrote text comments pleading for UC Berkeley and IST to minimize the wave of spam washing over the community. Respondents also felt the email disk quota was too limited and the mailing list function could be improved. Since that time, ITS has made progress and both spam screening and email disk storage quotas saw statistically significant ratings improvements. Mailing list management and email overall also received statistically significant ratings improvements. Email was the only service area to enjoy statistically significant ratings improvements. 2008 Question Q14a. Spam blocking Q14b. Mailing list management (e.g., Listserv) Q15a. Email overall Q14c. Disk space quota Mean 4.21 4.42 4.40 3.76 2006 Count Mean Count Chng 624 2.67 754 1.54 491 3.89 577 0.53 655 3.98 765 0.42 538 3.47 690 0.29 While ratings for aspects of email have improved, email is the top improvement opportunity highlighted by the survey and ITS should continue to build on the efforts it has made. Question Q14c. Disk space quota for storing email Q14d. Email support services Q14a. Spam blocking Q15a. Email overall Mean 3.76 4.16 4.21 4.40 Tot Neg* 40% 22% 23% 17% Count 538 440 624 655 4HEEMAILDISKSPACEQUOTAWASMOREOFACONCERNFORFACULTYWITHOFTHEMEXPRESSINGDISSATISFACTIONANDSOME OFGRADUATESTUDENTSWEREDISSATISFIEDWITHTHEEMAILDISKSPACEQUOTA)NTHECASEOFUNDERGRADUATESANDSTAFF THOSEFIGURESWEREDISSATISFIEDANDDISSATISFIEDRESPECTIVELY"ASEDONOUREXPERIENCESWITHOTHERSCHOOLSIN recent months, we might speculate that undergraduates are using GMail in large numbers and thus are less affected by email storage limits. ,IKELYREFLECTINGITSIMPROVEDRATINGSTHEIMPORTANCETHECOMMUNITYPLACEDONIMPROVEDSPAMBLOCKINGDECREASED SIGNIFICANTLYSINCE(OWEVERWHILEOFRESPONDENTSINDICATEDTHISWASIMPORTANTITWASSTILLIMPORTANT TOOFRESPONDENTS 2008 Question Q14a. Improved spam blocking Mean 4.52 2006 Count Mean Count Chng 636 5.27 559 -0.75 *Negative percentages include responses of “Somewhat Dissatisfied,” Dissatisfied” and “Very Dissatisfied.” MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs3URVEY2ESULTS/VERVIEW| 7 Wireless Networking Is Another Top Improvement Opportunity The feedback from the community indicates IST customers are by and large satisfied with the wired network and somewhat dissatisfied with the coverage of the wireless network. Question Q9a. Wired network performance Mean 4.71 Tot Pos* Count 89% 585 As was true in 2006, wireless networking is a significant cause of dissatisfaction for the community. Question Q10b. Coverage of the wireless network Q10c. Guest access to the wireless network Q10a. Reliability of the wireless network Mean 3.83 3.59 4.17 Tot Neg 35% 47% 25% Count 559 336 572 In Question 14 of the survey, which asked repondents to rate the importance of possible new or improved services, “Wireless access everywhere on campus” garnered the highest importance ratings, supplanting spam blocking from 2006. Question Q1b. Wireless access everywhere on campus Mean Tot Imp Count 5.38 92% 655 Remote Access Respondents identified “Improved remote access” as their second top choice for possible improvements. Question Q1d. Improved remote access Mean Tot Imp Count 4.75 80% 600 Many Aspects of CalAgenda Received Lower Ratings, Especially Synching CalAgenda with Mobile Devices 3YNCHING#AL!GENDAWITHMOBILEDEVICESRECEIVEDTHELOWESTRATINGSOFTHESURVEYWITHOFFACULTYEXPRESSINGDISSATISFACTIONANDOFSTAFFEXPRESSINGDISSATISFACTION Question Q35b. Synching CalAgenda with mobile devices Q36a. CalAgenda overall Q35d. CalAgenda website Q35a. Usability of the CalAgenda program Q35c. Scheduling meetings with people across campus with CalAgenda Mean 2.19 3.74 3.74 3.96 4.07 Tot Neg 77% 36% 35% 31% 28% Count 75 181 125 179 156 Highlights from the Text Comments Respondents were given a number of opportunities to share feedback on issues that were important to them and that may or may not have been covered in the survey. For faculty, the most prominent issue was a desire for improved backup services. Other themes for all cohorts were: confusion about IST’s scope and role, a desire for improved email and spam screening, and a desire for improved wireless. *Total Positive percentages include “Somewhat Satisfied,” “Satisfied” and “Very Satisfied.” MOR Associates, Inc. 8 | 3URVEY2ESULTS/VERVIEWs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Satisfaction Ratings from the General Survey Sorted by Mean Question Mean Count Q29a. Ease of activating your ID for use across campus 4.92 620 Q31b. IST keeps the IT systems up and running 4.78 484 Q9a. Wired network performance 4.71 585 Q32b. Bear Facts 4.64 234 Q29b. Ease of changing your passphrase 4.61 395 Q32a. E-Grades 4.55 112 Q12a. Remote access within the U.S. 4.54 603 Q33b. Performance of the student registration service once you’ve gained access 4.54 214 Q25a. Security software provided by IST 4.48 292 Q11a. Network services overall 4.42 637 Q14b. Mailing list management (e.g., Listserv) 4.42 491 Q15a. Email overall 4.40 655 Q30a. Berkeley IT services overall 4.35 604 Q32c. Course enrollment/waitlist 4.30 220 Q32d. Degree Audit Report (DARSweb) 4.29 111 Q12b. Remote access outside the U.S. 4.27 324 Q32e. Tele-BEARS 4.24 226 Q21b. Ease of finding desired software 4.24 279 Q14a. Spam blocking 4.21 624 Q18a. Telephone services overall 4.21 408 Q33a. Availability of the student registration service 4.21 214 Q16a. Availability of telephone features 4.18 360 Q10a. Reliability of the wireless network 4.17 572 Q14d. Email support services 4.16 440 Q21c. Timeliness of updates 4.15 204 Q7a. IST communications during major service interruptions 4.11 332 Q31a. IST takes a “customer-oriented” approach to helping you 4.10 362 Q35c. Scheduling meetings with people across campus with CalAgenda 4.07 156 Q25b. Effectiveness of documentation and instructions in preventing attacks 4.03 243 Q16c. Telephone problem resolution 3.98 215 Q21a. Available selection of software 3.96 282 Q35a. Usability of the CalAgenda program 3.96 179 Q21d. Helpfulness of Berkeley-specific software documentation 3.93 197 Q10b. Coverage of the wireless network 3.83 559 Q25c. Effectiveness of documentation and instructions in recovering from attacks 3.79 171 Q14c. Disk space quota for storing email 3.76 538 Q35d. CalAgenda website 3.74 125 Q36a. CalAgenda overall 3.74 181 Q10c. Guest access to the wireless network 3.59 336 Q16b. Telephone cost 3.15 258 Q35b. Synching CalAgenda with mobile devices 2.19 75 MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs3URVEY2ESULTS/VERVIEW| 9 Changes in Satisfaction Ratings From November 2006 to November 2008 The table below shows the changes in ratings since 2006 for those questions that were asked in both 2006 and 2008. Improvements that were statistically significant are highlighted in green. Declines that were statistically significant and are highlighted in yellow. 2008 2006 Question Mean Count Mean Count Chng Q14a. Spam blocking 4.21 624 2.67 754 1.54 Q14b. Mailing list management (e.g., Listserv) 4.42 491 3.89 577 0.53 Q15a. Email overall 4.40 655 3.98 765 0.42 Q14c. Disk space quota 3.76 538 3.47 690 0.29 Q12b. Remote access outside the U.S. 4.27 324 4.15 324 0.11 Q31b. IST keeps the IT systems up and running 4.78 484 4.68 565 0.10 Q18a. Telephone services overall 4.21 408 4.13 516 0.08 Q16a. Availability of telephone features 4.18 360 4.11 488 0.07 Q30a. Berkeley IT services overall 4.35 604 4.29 681 0.06 Q31a. IST takes a “customer-oriented” approach to helping you 4.10 362 4.07 454 0.03 Q33a. Availability of the student registration service 4.21 214 4.18 214 0.03 Q16c. Telephone problem resolution 3.98 215 3.96 336 0.02 Q32a. E-Grades 4.55 112 4.54 99 0.02 Q33b. Performance of the student registration service once you’ve gained access 4.54 214 4.53 211 0.02 Q12a. Remote access within the U.S. 4.54 603 4.54 705 0.00 Q32d. Degree Audit Report (DARSweb) 4.29 111 4.29 103 0.00 Q29a. Ease of activating your CalNetID for use across campus 4.92 620 4.93 744 -0.01 Q21b. Ease of finding desired software 4.24 279 4.25 258 -0.01 Q32b. Bear Facts 4.64 234 4.67 228 -0.03 Q10c. Guest access to the wireless network 3.59 336 3.63 305 -0.04 Q32c. Course enrollment/waitlist 4.30 220 4.35 214 -0.05 Q10a. Reliability of the network 4.17 572 4.23 575 -0.05 Q10b. Coverage of the network 3.83 559 3.90 591 -0.07 Q9a. Wired network performance 4.71 585 4.78 718 -0.07 Q11a. Network services overall 4.42 637 4.49 762 -0.07 Q29b. Ease of changing your CalNet ID passphrase 4.61 395 4.68 466 -0.07 Q21a. Available selection of software 3.96 282 4.08 259 -0.12 Q25a. Security software provided by IST 4.48 292 4.61 198 -0.12 Q32e. Tele-BEARS 4.24 226 4.37 218 -0.13 Q25c. Effectiveness of documentation and instructions in recovering from attacks 3.79 171 4.00 99 -0.21 Q25b. Effectiveness of documentation and instructions in preventing attacks 4.03 243 4.25 137 -0.22 Q21d. Helpfulness of Berkeley-specific software documentation 3.93 197 4.17 185 -0.24 Q21c. Timeliness of updates 4.15 204 4.42 187 -0.27 Q35a. Usability of the CalAgenda program 3.96 179 4.37 211 -0.41 Q35c. Scheduling meetings with people across campus with CalAgenda 4.07 156 4.55 188 -0.48 Q35d. CalAgenda website 3.74 125 4.26 139 -0.51 Q36a. CalAgenda overall 3.74 181 4.34 210 -0.60 Q35b. Synching CalAgenda with mobile devices 2.19 75 3.44 70 -1.26 MOR Associates, Inc. 10 | 3URVEY2ESULTS/VERVIEWs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Top Seven Areas of Satisfaction by Cohort Sorted from Highest to Lowest by Mean (CEWNV[ Question Mean T Pos* Count Q29a. Ease of activating your ID for use across campus 4.85 90% 284 Q31b. Keeps the IT systems up and running 4.78 94% 233 Q9a. Wired network performance 4.64 85% 286 Q29b. Ease of changing your passphrase 4.56 85% 185 Q25a. Security software provided by IST 4.45 84% 164 Q12a. Accessing UC Berkeley online services away from campus within the U.S. 4.39 81% 284 Q11a. Network services overall 4.32 86% 290 Mean T Pos* Count Q29a. Ease of activating your ID for use across campus 4.83 89% 120 Q31b. Keeps the IT systems up and running 4.70 94% 94 Q9a. Wired network performance 4.65 91% 94 Q12a. Accessing UC Berkeley online services away from campus within the U.S. 4.64 88% 112 Q32a. E-Grades 4.60 86% 57 Q33b. Performance of the student registration service once you’ve gained access 4.59 87% 119 Q32b. Bear Facts 4.56 86% 130 Mean T Pos* Count Q29a. Ease of activating your ID for use across campus 5.28 98% 97 Q9a. Wired network performance 4.85 92% 91 Q31b. Keeps the IT systems up and running 4.82 95% 56 Q32b. Bear Facts 4.74 88% 104 Q12a. Accessing UC Berkeley online services away from campus within the U.S. 4.73 89% 90 Q29b. Ease of changing your passphrase 4.72 83% 58 Q14a. Spam blocking 4.66 88% 93 Mean T Pos* Count Q29a. Ease of activating your ID for use across campus 4.90 92% 119 Q9a. Wired network performance 4.82 92% 114 Q31b. Keeps the IT systems up and running 4.82 94% 101 Q12b. Accessing UC Berkeley online services away from campus outside the U.S. 4.81 97% 31 Q25a. Security software provided by IST 4.80 98% 45 Q29b. Ease of changing your passphrase 4.78 94% 82 Q15a. Email overall 4.75 92% 131 )TCFWCVG5VWFGPVU Question 7PFGTITCFWCVGU Question #FOKPKUVTCVKXG5VCHH Question *Total Positive percentages include “Somewhat Satisfied,” “Satisfied” and “Very Satisfied.” MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs3URVEY2ESULTS/VERVIEW| 11 Top Seven Areas of Dissatisfaction by Cohort Sorted from Lowest to Highest by Mean (CEWNV[ Question Mean T Neg* Count Q35b. Synching CalAgenda with mobile devices 1.92 81% 48 Q16b. Telephone cost 2.97 61% 205 Q36a. CalAgenda overall 3.13 54% 84 Q35d. CalAgenda website 3.33 49% 57 Q14c. Disk space quota for storing email messages 3.40 52% 246 Q10c. Guest access to the wireless network 3.43 52% 164 Q35a. Usability of the CalAgenda program 3.54 42% 83 Mean T Neg* Count Q10c. Guest access to the wireless network 3.35 52% 62 Q14c. Disk space quota for storing email messages 3.69 44% 108 Q10b. Coverage of the wireless network 3.81 35% 127 Q25c. Effectiveness of documentation and instructions in recovering from attacks 3.84 35% 31 Q21d. Helpfulness of Berkeley-specific software documentation 3.97 31% 29 Q10a. Reliability of the wireless network 3.98 28% 129 Q25b. Effectiveness of documentation and instructions in preventing attacks 4.05 29% 38 Mean T Neg* Count Q7a. IST communications during major service interruptions 3.82 37% 38 Q25c. Effectiveness of documentation and instructions in recovering from attacks 3.97 23% 31 Q25b. Effectiveness of documentation and instructions in preventing attacks 4.05 18% 38 Q10c. Guest access to the wireless network 4.08 31% 49 Q32d. Degree Audit Report (DARSweb) 4.15 32% 72 Q32e. Tele-BEARS 4.17 27% 103 Q10b. Coverage of the wireless network 4.19 26% 97 Mean T Neg* Count Q35b. Synching CalAgenda with mobile devices 2.67 70% 27 Q10c. Guest access to the wireless network 3.85 39% 61 Q16b. Telephone cost 3.87 32% 53 Q25c. Effectiveness of documentation and instructions in recovering from attacks 3.94 29% 31 Q35d. CalAgenda website 4.09 24% 68 Q21a. Available selection of software 4.10 25% 40 Q25b. Effectiveness of documentation and instructions in preventing attacks 4.16 23% 44 )TCFWCVG5VWFGPVU Question 7PFGTITCFWCVGU Question #FOKPKUVTCVKXG5VCHH Question *Negative percentages include responses of “Somewhat Dissatisfied,” Dissatisfied” and “Very Dissatisfied.” MOR Associates, Inc. 12 | 3URVEY2ESULTS/VERVIEWs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Counts of Clients Expressing Dissatisfaction for Satisfaction Questions, Sorted by Total Dissatisfied One method of interpreting the results of satisfaction questions and prioritizing possible improvement is to sort the results into a matrix with two axes, satisfaction and importance. The illustration below elaborates on the the concept. HIGH HIGH IMPORTANCE LOW SATISFACTION Importance s0RIORITIZEFOR IMMEDIATEIMPROVEMENT LOW LOW IMPORTANCE LOW SATISFACTION s.OTACURRENTLYAPRIORITY s#ONSIDERELIMINATING ORDEEMPHASIZING Satisfaction HIGH IMPORTANCE HIGH SATISFACTION s-AINTAINEXCELLENCE s"EONTHELOOKOUTFOR POSSIBLEIMPROVEMENTS LOW IMPORTANCE HIGH SATISFACTION s.OTAPRIORITY s#ONSIDERREDEPLOYING RESOURCES HIGH Typically, when these matrices are used, it presupposes that for any given satisfaction question, a parallel question was asked about the importance that respondents placed on the item being rated for satisfaction. This was not practical for this survey, given its length and breadth. However, in lieu of a question asking specifically about importance, we can infer some measure of importance by looking at the total number of respondents to each question. In this survey THENUMBEROFRESPONSESFORQUESTIONSASKEDOFALLCOHORTSRANGEDFROMALOWOF1B3YNCHING#AL!GENDAWITH MOBILEDEVICESTOAHIGHOF1A%MAILOVERALL4HEFOLLOWINGTABLESQUANTIFYTHENUMBEROFPEOPLEWHOREGIStered dissatisfaction with each of the services or service attributes that respondents were asked to rate for satisfaction. It is one way to get at the same type of information provided by the matrix to think about what service improvements might have the most impact. MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs3URVEY2ESULTS/VERVIEW| 13 Counts of Customers Expressing Dissatisfaction for All Satisfaction Questions, Sorted by Total Dissatisfied Question Q14c. Disk space quota for storing email Q10b. Coverage of the wireless network Q10c. Guest access to the wireless network Q14a. Spam blocking Q16b. Telephone cost Q10a. Reliability of the wireless network Q15a. Email overall Q14d. Email support services Q12a. Remote access within the U.S. Q31a. IST takes a “customer-oriented” approach to helping you Q30a. Berkeley IT services overall Q7a. IST communications during major service interruptions Q18a. Telephone services overall Q16a. Availability of telephone features Q21a. Available selection of software Q11a. Network services overall Q14b. Mailing list management (e.g., Listserv) Q12b. Remote access outside the U.S. Q9a. Wired network performance Q36a. CalAgenda overall Q16c. Telephone problem resolution Q21d. Helpfulness of Berkeley-specific software documentation Q25b. Effectiveness of documentation and instructions in preventing attacks Q25c. Effectiveness of documentation and instructions in recovering from attacks Q35b. Synching CalAgenda with mobile devices Q21b. Ease of finding desired software Q29b. Ease of changing your passphrase Q35a. Usability of the CalAgenda program Q32e. Tele-BEARS Q29a. Ease of activating your ID for use across campus Q33a. Availability of the student registration service Q32c. Course enrollment/waitlist Q21c. Timeliness of updates Q35c. Scheduling meetings with people across campus with CalAgenda Q35d. CalAgenda website Q25a. Security software provided by IST Mean 3.76 3.83 3.59 4.21 3.15 4.17 4.40 4.16 4.54 4.10 4.35 4.11 4.21 4.18 3.96 4.42 4.42 4.27 4.71 3.74 3.98 3.93 4.03 3.79 2.19 4.24 4.61 3.96 4.24 4.92 4.21 4.30 4.15 4.07 3.74 4.48 Tot Neg 40% 35% 47% 23% 55% 25% 17% 22% 16% 26% 15% 27% 21% 23% 28% 12% 16% 23% 11% 36% 29% 32% 25% 35% 77% 20% 14% 31% 24% 9% 24% 22% 23% 28% 35% 13% Count of All Resp. 538 559 336 624 258 572 655 440 603 362 604 332 408 360 282 637 491 324 585 181 215 197 243 171 75 279 395 179 226 620 214 220 204 156 125 292 Total Dissat. 217 198 157 144 143 141 111 95 94 94 90 89 87 84 79 78 77 74 66 65 63 63 61 60 58 57 56 56 54 53 52 49 46 44 44 39 Q33b. Performance of the student registration service once you’ve gained access Q32b. Bear Facts Q31b. IST keeps the IT systems up and running Q32d. Degree Audit Report (DARSweb) Q32a. E-Grades 4.54 4.64 4.78 4.29 4.55 14% 13% 6% 26% 12% 214 234 484 111 112 31 30 29 29 13 MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs2EADINGTHE#HARTS| 15 Reading the Charts MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs2EADINGTHE#HARTS| 17 Reading the Charts Throughout this report there are charts that show the percent responding for a given point in the scales depicted below. The diagram below illustrates the structure of these charts. Satisfaction with Network Services Overall Mean N Q8a. Network services overall 4.48 762 Mean N F G U A Satisfaction with Aspects of Remote Access Satisfaction Scale Q9a. Ability to access UC Very Dissatisfied Berkeley online services within Dissatisfied the U.S. 1 2 Q9b. Ability to access UC Importance Scale Berkeley online servicesVery outside Unimportant Unimportant the U.S. 1 2 Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 Somewhat Satisfied 4 Not Very Important 3 Somewhat Important 4 Satisfied Very Satisfied 4.53 705 5 Important 6 4.15 324 Very Important 5 6 All charts for the scales shown above feature a dotted line that indicates the midpoint of all possible responses. Satisfaction with Aspects of Dialup Modem Services Q10b. Dialup modem services: !PPROXIMATELYOFTHEQUESTIONSREPSHIPS resenting the most significant differences between cohorts within the community feature a breakout by cohort, in this case it’s Q10a. Dialup modem services: Faculty, Graduate Students, Undergraduate Low cost modems Students and Administrative Staff Mean N 3.71 94 3.34 127 MOR Associates, Inc. 18 | 2EADINGTHE#HARTSs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs'ETTING(ELPWITH4ECHNOLOGY| 19 Getting Help with Technology MOR Associates, Inc. 20 | 'ETTING(ELPWITH4ECHNOLOGYs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Agreement with Specified Statement 69 Mean N 2.70 624 Mean N 3.27 179 3.27 190 3.26 223 31 Q4a. I understand the range of services provided by ITS F G U A Agreement with Specified Statements 50 Q6b. I can find the service Iím looking for in the IST Service Catalog. 50 F G U A 45 55 Q6c. I get the information I need from the IST Service Catalog. F G U A 50 Q6a. The IST Service Catalog is easy to find. MOR Associates, Inc. 50 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs'ETTING(ELPWITH4ECHNOLOGY| 21 Q4a I understand the range of services provided by ITS All F G U A Mean 2.70 2.63 2.34 2.87 3.10 Q6a The IST Service Catalog is easy to find. All F G U A Mean 3.26 3.05 3.32 3.43 3.50 Q6b I can find the service Iím looking for in the IST Service Catalog. All F G U A Mean 3.27 3.00 3.70 3.62 3.33 Q6c I get the information I need from the IST Service Catalog. All F G U A Mean 3.27 2.87 3.45 3.96 3.48 Q28a It's important to have daily backups of my desktop data files. All F A Mean 4.94 4.94 4.94 Q28b I understand the options available for desktop backup. All Q5 F A All F Q28c G U A Q20 Strongly Disagree 21% 23% 30% 14% 13% Strongly Disagree 19% 26% 16% 11% 15% Strongly Disagree 14% 20% 4% 12% 10% Strongly Disagree 17% 24% 14% 7% 11% Strongly Disagree 2% 2% 1% Disagree 29% 28% 29% 35% 28% Disagree 13% 13% 13% 16% 13% Disagree 15% 17% 11% 12% 17% Disagree 15% 18% 10% 11% 13% Disagree 5% 4% 6% Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Agree 18% 22% 20% 23% 19% 18% 17% 20% 15% 29% Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Agree 17% 25% 16% 22% 21% 26% 16% 38% 19% 21% Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Agree 21% 32% 21% 26% 26% 33% 8% 50% 24% 33% Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Agree 13% 38% 14% 33% 14% 45% 4% 46% 17% 39% Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Agree 7% 14% 9% 13% 4% 17% Agree 7% 6% 3% 10% 12% Strongly Agree 2% 1% 0% 3% 3% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+624 1.30 0.10 282 129 98 115 Agree 22% 21% 21% 14% 29% Strongly Agree 3% 2% 3% 5% 4% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+223 1.50 0.20 100 38 37 48 Agree 16% 15% 22% 12% 14% Strongly Agree 2% 0% 4% 8% 2% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+179 1.34 0.20 84 27 26 42 Agree 14% 10% 14% 21% 15% Strongly Agree 3% 0% 3% 11% 4% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+190 1.41 0.20 87 29 28 46 Strongly Agree 45% 46% 41% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+407 1.27 0.12 290 117 Agree 27% 26% 31% Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Agree Agree Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+Mean Disagree Disagree Disagree Agree Have Catalog 3.44you visited 14%the IST Service 23% 13%web site17% 17% 15% 373 1.68 0.17 in3.38 the last six 17% months? 23% 12% 17% 16% 15% 272 3.59 9% Not 23% 16% 19% 20% 14% 101 Sure Count Yes No 15% 67% 18% 669 15% 299 My 16% desktop69% data files are automatically backed up daily to a departmental or central server. 10% 74% 16% 134 11% 65% 24% 105 21% 57% 21% 131 Have you visited IST's software website at any time in the past year? Not Sure Count Yes No MOR Associates, Inc. 22 | 'ETTING(ELPWITH4ECHNOLOGYs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Q26b. Other people's medical records Importance of Specified Sources of Help with Computers & Technology 18 12% 661 Mean N 4.96 557 4.38 609 3.11 456 2.82 383 2.52 339 82 Q2a. My department's IT support staff F G U A 26 74 Q2e. Peers or colleagues 59 41 Q2b. IST Service Desk F G U A 66 34 Q2c. IST Departmental On-site Computing Support (DOCS) F G U A 73 Q2d. IST Technical Account Management (TAM) F G U A MOR Associates, Inc. 27 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs'ETTING(ELPWITH4ECHNOLOGY| 23 Q2a All F G U A Q2b All F G U A Q2c All F G U A Q2d All F G U A Q2e All F G U A Q3a All F G U A My department's IT support staff Mean 1-VU 2 3 4 4.96 6% 5% 7% 9% 5.06 5% 5% 5% 10% 4.28 12% 8% 12% 13% 4.05 9% 9% 18% 20% 5.64 3% 0% 2% 2% 5 15% 16% 17% 18% 10% 6-VI 58% 60% 38% 25% 83% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+557 1.54 0.13 278 109 44 126 IST Service Desk Mean 1-VU 2 3.11 26% 18% 2.90 29% 23% 2.68 36% 16% 3.76 13% 9% 3.71 16% 12% 5 13% 11% 11% 20% 15% 6-VI 14% 12% 8% 17% 22% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+456 1.76 0.16 231 88 46 91 3 15% 12% 18% 22% 14% 4 14% 13% 10% 20% 20% IST Departmental On-site Computing Support (DOCS) Mean 1-VU 2 3 4 5 6-VI Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+2.82 34% 20% 12% 11% 10% 13% 383 1.80 0.18 2.71 36% 24% 8% 7% 11% 13% 193 2.24 46% 22% 10% 10% 6% 5% 78 3.64 11% 11% 25% 20% 18% 14% 44 3.25 29% 12% 15% 15% 7% 22% 68 IST Technical Account Management (TAM) Mean 1-VU 2 3 4 5 6-VI 2.52 38% 22% 12% 12% 8% 7% 2.23 43% 27% 9% 11% 5% 5% 2.13 48% 21% 12% 11% 4% 4% 3.51 13% 15% 26% 15% 15% 15% 3.10 29% 16% 13% 16% 14% 13% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+339 1.61 0.17 162 75 39 63 Peers or colleagues Mean 1-VU 2 3 4.38 5% 7% 14% 4.01 8% 9% 19% 4.96 3% 3% 6% 4.70 3% 5% 9% 4.45 2% 9% 17% 4 22% 25% 19% 21% 17% 5 23% 19% 25% 29% 27% 6-VI 29% 21% 45% 34% 29% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+609 1.45 0.12 286 119 80 124 IST Service Catalog Mean 1-VU 2 3 2.65 36% 21% 11% 2.24 44% 25% 10% 2.56 40% 21% 9% 3.46 18% 12% 20% 3.21 25% 16% 10% 4 14% 12% 12% 20% 16% 5 12% 6% 13% 16% 22% 6-VI 7% 4% 6% 14% 9% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+373 1.66 0.17 178 78 50 67 MOR Associates, Inc. 24 | 'ETTING(ELPWITH4ECHNOLOGYs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Importance of Specified Online Resources as a Source of Help with Computers & Technology 14 Q3d. Sources external to UC Berkeley such as Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, vendors, etc. 60 Mean N 4.95 613 3.04 406 2.65 373 2.42 390 86 40 Q3b. IST Knowledge Base F G U A 68 32 Q3a. IST Service Catalog F G U A 74 Q3c. Campus user groups and mailing lists such as Micronet, Magnet, Webnet, etc. F G U A MOR Associates, Inc. 26 G U A 4.96 3% 3% 6% 19% 25% 45% 119 4.70 3% 5% 9% 21% 29% 34% 80 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs'ETTING(ELPWITH4ECHNOLOGY| 4.45 2% 9% 17% 17% 27% 29% 124 Q3a All F G U A Q3b All F G U A Q3c All F G U A Q3d All F G U A Q13a All F G U A Q13b All F G U A Q13c All F G U A IST Service Catalog Mean 1-VU 2 3 2.65 36% 21% 11% 2.24 44% 25% 10% 2.56 40% 21% 9% 3.46 18% 12% 20% 3.21 25% 16% 10% 4 14% 12% 12% 20% 16% 5 12% 6% 13% 16% 22% 6-VI 7% 4% 6% 14% 9% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+373 1.66 0.17 178 78 50 67 IST Knowledge Base Mean 1-VU 2 3.04 27% 19% 2.76 33% 21% 2.73 29% 26% 3.69 15% 11% 3.65 19% 11% 4 14% 14% 12% 20% 12% 5 16% 13% 12% 22% 23% 6-VI 11% 8% 8% 15% 19% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+406 1.74 0.17 199 78 54 75 3 14% 12% 14% 17% 17% 25 Campus user groups and mailing lists such as Micronet, etc. Mean 1-VU 2 3 4 5 6-VI Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+2.42 43% 18% 13% 13% 8% 6% 390 1.59 0.16 1.98 51% 21% 12% 10% 4% 2% 187 2.19 45% 23% 12% 10% 4% 5% 77 3.29 20% 12% 18% 27% 18% 6% 51 3.16 33% 11% 12% 12% 15% 17% 75 Sources external to UC Berkeley such as Google, etc. Mean 1-VU 2 3 4 5 6-VI Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+4.95 5% 3% 6% 15% 21% 50% 613 1.39 0.11 4.80 5% 4% 8% 16% 21% 46% 279 5.26 5% 2% 1% 11% 16% 66% 122 5.11 1% 2% 6% 17% 23% 51% 95 4.87 5% 4% 7% 12% 26% 46% 117 Blackberry Mean 1-VU 2.26 62% 1.99 69% 2.26 65% 2.56 51% 2.80 45% 2 8% 6% 7% 8% 16% 3 5% 5% 1% 10% 5% 4 5% 4% 5% 8% 2% 5 8% 6% 9% 8% 13% 6-VI 12% 9% 13% 14% 20% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+383 1.86 0.19 186 82 59 56 Windows Mobile Mean 1-VU 2 1.98 66% 10% 1.65 77% 7% 2.07 65% 7% 2.38 50% 16% 2.53 51% 16% 3 6% 5% 5% 10% 4% 4 4% 2% 9% 5% 2% 5 7% 3% 9% 9% 14% 6-VI 8% 6% 6% 10% 14% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+367 1.65 0.17 176 82 58 51 3 5% 5% 6% 7% 2% 4 4% 4% 3% 5% 4% 5 6% 6% 4% 11% 6% 6-VI 11% 12% 8% 5% 18% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+376 1.76 0.18 189 79 57 51 Palm Mean 1-VU 2.10 64% 2.12 66% 1.82 71% 2.11 60% 2.47 51% 2 10% 7% 9% 12% 20% MOR Associates, Inc. All F 26 G U A | Mean 1-VU 2 3 4 5 6-VI Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+3.53 16% 13% 21% 17% 19% 14% 385 1.64 0.16 3.58 15% 15% 18% 15% 21% 15% 188 'ETTING(ELPWITH4ECHNOLOGYs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY 3.46 14% 17% 25% 14% 15% 15% 72 3.52 12% 7% 29% 29% 14% 9% 58 3.46 22% 9% 18% 15% 22% 13% 67 Satisfaction with IST Communications Q1j Tools for managing collections of physical objects DuringMean Major1-VU Service2 Interruptions 3 4 5 6-VI Count All 2.80 34% 16% 17% 12% F 41% 18% during 16% 9% Q7a. IST2.47 communications G 2.86 34% 16% 14% 14% major service interruptions U 3.61 13% 11% 23% 23% A 3.08 30% 11% 20% 11% Q7a 9% 6% 8% 13% 17% 11% 9% 14% 16% 11% Std. Dev. 95% CI+42827 1.73 0.16 73 223 73 61 71 Mean N 4.11 332 Mean N 4.71 585 Mean N 4.17 572 3.83 559 3.59 336 Mean N 4.42 637 IST communications during major service interruptions Mean with VD Wired D SD SS Performance S VS Count Satisfaction Network All 4.11 3% 8% F 4.01 4% 8% Q9a. Wired G 4.46network 4% 4% performance U 3.82 3% 13% A 4.24 1% 7% 16% 19% 6% 21% 14% 29% 28% 25% 34% 29% Wired network performance Mean VD D SD SS Satisfaction the All 4.71 with 1% Aspects 4% 6%of21% F 4.64 2% 5% 8% 20% G 4.65 0% Q10a. Reliability of the5% 3% 28% U 4.85 0% 3% 4% 23% wirelessnetwork A 4.82 1% 3% 4% 19% 37% 33% 52% 21% 42% 8% 8% 10% 8% 7% S VS 44% 49% 43% 51% 22% 15% 26% 22% Std. Dev. 95% CI+332 11 1.20 0.13 89 158 52 38 84 Q9a Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+1.06 0.09 75 28625 94 91 114 Wireless 46% 21% Network 585 35 65 Q10b. Coverage of the wireless network 47 53 Q10c. Guest access to the wireless network F G U A Satisfaction with Network Services Overall 12 Q11a. Network services overall See !PPENDIX A 88 Q8. What would help with IST communications during major service interruptions? MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs.ETWORK3ERVICES| 27 Network Services MOR Associates, Inc. 28 | .ETWORK3ERVICESs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Satisfaction with IST Communications During Major Service Interruptions 27 Q7a. IST communications during major service interruptions Satisfaction with Wired Network Performance 11 Satisfaction with Aspects of the Wireless Network 332 Mean N 4.71 585 Mean N 4.17 572 3.83 559 3.59 336 Mean N 4.42 637 65 Q10b. Coverage of the wireless network 47 4.11 75 Q10a. Reliability of the wirelessnetwork 35 N 89 Q9a. Wired network performance 25 Mean 73 53 Q10c. Guest access to the wireless network F G U A Satisfaction with Network Services Overall 12 Q11a. Network services overall MOR Associates, Inc. 88 G U A Q9a All F G U A Q10a All F G U A Q10b All F G U A Q10c All F G U A Q11a All F G U A Q12a All F G U A Q12b All F G U A 4.46 3.82 4.24 4% 4% 6% 25% 52% 10% 52 3% 13% 21% 34% 21% 8% 38 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs.ETWORK3ERVICES| 1% 7% 14% 29% 42% 7% 84 Wired network performance Mean VD D SD SS 4.71 1% 4% 6% 21% 4.64 2% 5% 8% 20% 4.65 0% 5% 3% 28% 4.85 0% 3% 4% 23% 4.82 1% 3% 4% 19% S 46% 44% 49% 43% 51% VS 21% 22% 15% 26% 22% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+585 1.06 0.09 286 94 91 114 Reliability of the wireless network Mean VD D SD SS 4.17 3% 7% 14% 29% 4.08 4% 10% 15% 29% 3.98 6% 8% 14% 33% 4.38 2% 4% 11% 33% 4.47 1% 3% 14% 20% S 36% 32% 31% 35% 52% VS 10% 10% 8% 14% 10% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+572 1.22 0.10 253 129 97 93 Coverage of the wireless network Mean VD D SD SS 3.83 6% 12% 18% 30% 3.58 8% 17% 18% 30% 3.81 9% 9% 17% 30% 4.19 1% 5% 20% 34% 4.19 2% 8% 15% 24% S 28% 22% 28% 29% 44% VS 7% 6% 7% 11% 7% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+559 1.31 0.11 250 127 97 85 Guest access to the wireless network Mean VD D SD SS S 3.59 8% 18% 21% 22% 24% 3.43 8% 23% 21% 18% 26% 3.35 16% 13% 23% 27% 10% 4.08 2% 10% 18% 33% 20% 3.85 7% 13% 20% 18% 34% VS 8% 4% 11% 16% 8% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+336 1.43 0.15 164 62 49 61 Network services overall Mean VD D SD 4.42 1% 3% 8% 4.32 1% 3% 9% 4.25 1% 7% 10% 4.60 0% 2% 7% 4.69 1% 1% 3% SS 35% 40% 37% 27% 27% S 47% 41% 40% 57% 58% VS 6% 5% 5% 7% 9% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+637 0.91 0.07 290 130 99 118 Remote access within the U.S. Mean VD D SD SS 4.54 1% 5% 9% 24% 4.39 2% 6% 12% 24% 4.64 0% 6% 6% 28% 4.73 1% 6% 4% 21% 4.67 0% 4% 9% 20% S 44% 45% 37% 43% 51% VS 16% 11% 23% 24% 16% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+603 1.10 0.09 284 112 90 117 Remote access outside the U.S. Mean VD D SD SS 4.27 3% 7% 13% 27% 4.16 3% 7% 16% 29% 4.32 2% 10% 12% 24% 4.50 0% 14% 0% 27% 4.81 0% 3% 0% 23% S 37% 34% 32% 41% 61% VS 13% 11% 20% 18% 13% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+324 1.22 0.13 230 41 22 31 29 MOR Associates, Inc. 30 | .ETWORK3ERVICESs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs2EMOTE!CCESS| 31 Remote Access MOR Associates, Inc. 32 | 2EMOTE!CCESSs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Satisfaction with Ability to Access UC Berkeley Online Services While Away from Campus 16 Q12a. Within the U.S. 23 Satisfaction with Aspects of Email 4.27 324 Mean N 4.42 491 4.21 624 4.16 440 3.76 538 Mean N 4.40 655 78 Q14d. Support services 40 603 77 Q14a. Spam blocking 22 4.54 84 Q14b. Mailing list management (e.g., Listserv) 23 N 77 Q12b. Outside the U.S. 16 Mean 84 60 Q14c. Disk space quota F G U A Satisfaction with Email Overall 17 Q15a. Email overall MOR Associates, Inc. 83 G U A Q12a All F G U A Q12b All F G U A 4.25 4.60 4.69 1% 7% 10% 37% 40% 5% 130 0% 2% 7% 27% 57% 7% 99 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs2EMOTE!CCESS| 1% 1% 3% 27% 58% 9% 118 Remote access within the U.S. Mean VD D SD SS 4.54 1% 5% 9% 24% 4.39 2% 6% 12% 24% 4.64 0% 6% 6% 28% 4.73 1% 6% 4% 21% 4.67 0% 4% 9% 20% S 44% 45% 37% 43% 51% VS 16% 11% 23% 24% 16% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+603 1.10 0.09 284 112 90 117 Remote access outside the U.S. Mean VD D SD SS 4.27 3% 7% 13% 27% 4.16 3% 7% 16% 29% 4.32 2% 10% 12% 24% 4.50 0% 14% 0% 27% 4.81 0% 3% 0% 23% S 37% 34% 32% 41% 61% VS 13% 11% 20% 18% 13% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+324 1.22 0.13 230 41 22 31 33 MOR Associates, Inc. 34 | 2EMOTE!CCESSs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs%MAILAND7EBMAIL| 35 Email and Webmail MOR Associates, Inc. 23 77 36 | %MAILAND7EBMAILs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Q12b. Outside the U.S. 4.27 324 Satisfaction with Aspects of Email 16 Q14b. Mailing list management (e.g., Listserv) 23 4.42 491 4.21 624 4.16 440 3.76 538 Mean N 4.40 655 78 Q14d. Support services 40 N 77 Q14a. Spam blocking 22 Mean 84 60 Q14c. Disk space quota F G U A Satisfaction with Email Overall 17 Q15a. Email overall MOR Associates, Inc. 83 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs%MAILAND7EBMAIL| 37 Q14a All F G U A Q14b All F G U A Q14c All F G U A Q14d All F G U A Q15a All F G U A Q16a All F A Q16b All F A Spam blocking Mean VD D 4.21 3% 10% 3.96 4% 13% 4.35 3% 6% 4.66 3% 5% 4.32 1% 10% S 38% 35% 38% 42% 41% VS 11% 5% 15% 24% 13% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+624 1.25 0.10 284 120 93 127 Mailing list management (e.g., Listserv) Mean VD D SD SS S 4.42 2% 4% 10% 28% 47% 4.29 1% 6% 11% 33% 43% 4.40 2% 4% 12% 26% 44% 4.46 2% 1% 9% 30% 50% 4.65 2% 2% 7% 20% 56% VS 9% 7% 11% 7% 13% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+491 1.04 0.09 209 97 82 103 Disk space quota for storing email Mean VD D SD SS 3.76 12% 13% 16% 18% 3.40 15% 16% 20% 16% 3.69 14% 13% 17% 15% 4.29 6% 8% 7% 24% 4.29 5% 8% 12% 20% S 31% 26% 30% 37% 40% VS 11% 6% 12% 17% 16% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+538 1.55 0.13 246 108 83 101 Email support services Mean VD D SD 4.16 3% 8% 10% 3.86 6% 10% 15% 4.23 3% 6% 13% 4.52 2% 2% 4% 4.54 0% 8% 4% SS 33% 36% 30% 37% 26% S 39% 30% 41% 46% 52% VS 7% 4% 7% 9% 10% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+440 1.17 0.11 210 70 54 106 Email overall Mean VD 4.40 2% 4.21 3% 4.32 1% 4.57 1% 4.75 1% SS 29% 27% 35% 30% 24% S 43% 43% 42% 40% 48% VS 11% 7% 8% 17% 20% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+655 1.09 0.08 292 130 102 131 Availability of telephone features Mean VD D SD SS 4.18 4% 7% 12% 27% 4.04 6% 9% 12% 27% 4.47 1% 3% 11% 27% S 42% 38% 50% VS 8% 7% 8% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+360 1.21 0.13 245 115 Telephone cost Mean VD D 3.15 20% 21% 2.97 24% 22% 3.87 6% 17% S 23% 19% 40% VS 4% 4% 4% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+258 1.58 0.19 205 53 D 6% 7% 7% 2% 4% SD 10% 11% 12% 3% 11% SD 10% 13% 8% 10% 3% SD 14% 16% 9% SS 28% 32% 26% 23% 24% SS 17% 15% 25% MOR Associates, Inc. 38 | %MAILAND7EBMAILs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Importance of UC Berkeley Support of Specified Mobile Email Clients 55 Q13d. iPhone 75 Mean N 3.20 421 2.26 383 2.10 376 1.98 367 1.75 336 45 25 Q13a. Blackberry F G U A 79 21 Q13c. Palm 82 18 Q13b. Windows Mobile F G U A 86 Q13e. Android MOR Associates, Inc. 14 G U A Q13a All F G U A Q13b All F G U A Q13c All F G U A Q13d All F G U A Q13e All F G U A Q19a All F G U A Q19b All F G U A Q19c All F G 5.26 5% 2% 1% 11% 16% 66% 122 5.11 1% 2% 6% 17% 23% 51% 95 4.87 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs%MAILAND7EBMAIL| 5% 4% 7% 12% 26% 46% 117 Blackberry Mean 1-VU 2.26 62% 1.99 69% 2.26 65% 2.56 51% 2.80 45% 2 8% 6% 7% 8% 16% 3 5% 5% 1% 10% 5% 4 5% 4% 5% 8% 2% 5 8% 6% 9% 8% 13% 6-VI 12% 9% 13% 14% 20% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+383 1.86 0.19 186 82 59 56 Windows Mobile Mean 1-VU 2 1.98 66% 10% 1.65 77% 7% 2.07 65% 7% 2.38 50% 16% 2.53 51% 16% 3 6% 5% 5% 10% 4% 4 4% 2% 9% 5% 2% 5 7% 3% 9% 9% 14% 6-VI 8% 6% 6% 10% 14% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+367 1.65 0.17 176 82 58 51 Palm Mean 1-VU 2.10 64% 2.12 66% 1.82 71% 2.11 60% 2.47 51% 2 10% 7% 9% 12% 20% 3 5% 5% 6% 7% 2% 4 4% 4% 3% 5% 4% 5 6% 6% 4% 11% 6% 6-VI 11% 12% 8% 5% 18% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+376 1.76 0.18 189 79 57 51 iPhone Mean 3.20 3.34 2.85 3.06 3.36 1-VU 43% 43% 52% 40% 38% 2 8% 6% 4% 11% 14% 3 4% 3% 4% 8% 0% 4 6% 6% 8% 8% 5% 5 9% 9% 9% 11% 9% 6-VI 30% 34% 22% 22% 34% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+421 2.22 0.21 211 89 63 58 Android Mean 1-VU 1.75 71% 1.61 77% 1.72 73% 2.20 57% 1.78 65% 2 11% 10% 9% 11% 23% 3 3% 2% 3% 9% 0% 4 4% 4% 7% 4% 0% 5 5% 3% 3% 13% 8% 6-VI 5% 5% 5% 6% 5% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+336 1.45 0.16 167 75 54 40 Windows Mean 1-VU 4.89 12% 4.48 20% 4.75 14% 5.41 0% 5.56 3% 2 3% 4% 4% 5% 0% 3 3% 4% 4% 2% 1% 4 6% 6% 7% 8% 3% 5 14% 13% 11% 16% 18% 6-VI 61% 53% 60% 69% 75% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+603 1.75 0.14 268 121 96 118 Mac OS X Mean 1-VU 4.42 22% 4.57 21% 4.54 20% 4.25 16% 3.99 30% 2 5% 4% 3% 9% 6% 3 3% 2% 3% 9% 3% 4 6% 4% 10% 9% 3% 5 9% 7% 5% 15% 14% 6-VI 56% 62% 59% 43% 44% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+540 2.08 0.18 264 108 80 88 Linux Mean 1-VU 2.86 45% 2.99 44% 2.99 46% 2 11% 11% 6% 3 7% 6% 9% 4 8% 7% 10% 5 8% 8% 4% 6-VI 21% 25% 26% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+407 2.04 0.20 209 90 39 MOR Associates, Inc. 40 | %MAILAND7EBMAILs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs4ELEPHONE3ERVICES| 41 Telephone Services MOR Associates, Inc. 55 45 42 | 4ELEPHONE3ERVICESs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Q16b. Telephone cost 3.15 258 F A Satisfaction with Aspects of UC Berkeley Telephone Service 23 Q16a. Availability of telephone features Agreement with Statements Regarding UC Berkeley Telephone Options Q17a. I could do my job with Q16c. Telephone problem only a UC Berkeley landline resolution telephone. 29 37 55 46 68 Q17a. I could do my job with Q18a. Telephone services only a UC Berkeley landline overall telephone. 46 68 Q18a. Telephone services overall MOR Associates, Inc. Mean N 3.98 3.89 215 402 3.15 3.55 258 352 2.78 365 Mean N 3.89 4.21 402 408 3.55 352 2.78 365 Mean N 4.21 408 63 79 54 32 Satisfaction with Telephone Services Overall 21 360 32 Q17b. I could do my job with only a UC Berkeley cell phone. Q17c. I need both a UC Berkeley landline and cell phone to do my job. 4.18 45 54 Agreement with Regarding UC Berkeley Telephone Options Satisfaction withStatements Telephone Services Overall 37 21 N 71 63 Q17b. I could do my job with Q16b. Telephone cost only a UC Berkeley cell phone. Q17c. I need both a UC Berkeley F landline and cell phone to do my A job. Mean 77 79 G Q16c U A All F A Q16a All F A Q16b All F A Q16c All F A Q18a All F A Q21a All F G U A Q21b All Q18a F G All U F A A Q21a All F G U A Q21b All F G U A 4.32 1% 7% 8% 35% 42% 8% 130 Telephone problem resolution 4.57 1% 2% 10% 30% 40% 17% 102 Mean 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs4ELEPHONE3ERVICES| VD D SD SS S VS Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+4.75 1% 4% 3% 24% 48% 20% 131 3.98 7% 7% 15% 29% 34% 7% 215 1.31 0.17 3.75 11% 9% 16% 29% 30% 5% 138 4.39 0% 5% 13% 30% 42% 10% 77 Availability of telephone features Mean VD D SD SS S VS Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+4.18 4% 7% 12% 27% 42% 8% 360 1.21 0.13 4.04 6% 9% 12% 27% 38% 7% 245 4.47 1% 3% 11% 27% 50% 8% 115 Telephone cost Mean VD D 3.15 20% 21% 2.97 24% 22% 3.87 6% 17% SD 14% 16% 9% SS 17% 15% 25% S 23% 19% 40% VS 4% 4% 4% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+258 1.58 0.19 205 53 Telephone problem resolution Mean VD D SD SS 3.98 7% 7% 15% 29% 3.75 11% 9% 16% 29% 4.39 0% 5% 13% 30% S 34% 30% 42% VS 7% 5% 10% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+215 1.31 0.17 138 77 Telephone services overall Mean VD D SD SS 4.21 2% 7% 12% 30% 4.01 3% 9% 15% 33% 4.67 0% 4% 3% 24% S 43% 36% 60% VS 5% 4% 9% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+408 1.10 0.11 285 123 Available selection of software Mean VD D SD SS 3.96 4% 7% 18% 36% 3.83 4% 8% 20% 38% 4.09 2% 7% 15% 37% 4.32 0% 7% 11% 32% 4.10 5% 3% 18% 30% S 33% 29% 33% 43% 43% VS 2% 1% 6% 7% 3% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+282 1.10 0.13 160 54 28 40 Ease of finding desired software Mean VD D SD SS 4.24 3% 6% 12% 33% Telephone services overall 4.09 4% 7% 15% 32% Mean VD D SD SS 4.48 0% 4% 7% 39% 4.21 2% 7% 12% 30% 4.43 0% 7% 7% 29% 4.01 3% 9% 15% 33% 4.34 2% 2% 12% 29% 4.67 0% 4% 3% 24% S 39% 35% S 37% 43% 50% 36% 49% 60% VS 8% 7% VS 13% 5% 7% 4% 5% 9% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+279 1.11 0.13 156 Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+54 408 1.10 0.11 28 285 41 123 Available selection of software Mean VD D SD SS 3.96 4% 7% 18% 36% 3.83 4% 8% 20% 38% 4.09 2% 7% 15% 37% 4.32 0% 7% 11% 32% 4.10 5% 3% 18% 30% S 33% 29% 33% 43% 43% VS 2% 1% 6% 7% 3% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+282 1.10 0.13 160 54 28 40 Ease of finding desired software Mean VD D SD SS 4.24 3% 6% 12% 33% 4.09 4% 7% 15% 32% 4.48 0% 4% 7% 39% 4.43 0% 7% 7% 29% 4.34 2% 2% 12% 29% S 39% 35% 37% 50% 49% VS 8% 7% 13% 7% 5% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+279 1.11 0.13 156 54 28 41 43 MOR Associates, Inc. F 44 | 4ELEPHONE3ERVICESs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY A Agreement with Statements Regarding UC Berkeley Telephone Options Q17a. I could do my job with only a UC Berkeley landline telephone. 37 46 68 Q18a. Telephone services overall MOR Associates, Inc. 3.89 402 3.55 352 2.78 365 Mean N 4.21 408 32 Satisfaction with Telephone Services Overall 21 N 54 Q17b. I could do my job with only a UC Berkeley cell phone. Q17c. I need both a UC Berkeley landline and cell phone to do my job. Mean 63 79 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs4ELEPHONE3ERVICES| 45 Q17a I could do my job with only a UC Berkeley landline telephone. All F A Mean 3.89 3.74 4.21 Q17b I could do my job with only a UC Berkeley cell phone. All F A Mean 3.55 3.60 3.42 Q17c I need both a UC Berkeley landline and cell phone to do my job. All F A Mean 2.78 2.78 2.79 Strongly Disagree 14% 16% 9% Strongly Disagree 17% 16% 21% Strongly Disagree 32% 32% 30% Disagree 15% 17% 12% Disagree 20% 21% 18% Disagree 26% 26% 26% Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Agree 8% 12% 8% 12% 8% 12% Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Agree 9% 13% 8% 12% 10% 16% Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Agree 11% 7% 11% 5% 11% 10% Agree 33% 32% 37% Strongly Agree 18% 16% 22% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+402 1.72 0.17 279 123 Agree 26% 27% 24% Strongly Agree 14% 15% 13% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+352 1.76 0.18 250 102 Strongly Agree 10% 11% 9% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+365 1.75 0.18 258 107 Agree 15% 15% 13% MOR Associates, Inc. 46 | 4ELEPHONE3ERVICESs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs#OMPUTING%NVIRONMENT| 47 Computing Environment MOR Associates, Inc. 48 | #OMPUTING%NVIRONMENTs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Importance of UC Berkeley Support of Specified Desktop Operating Systems 19 Mean N 4.89 603 4.42 540 2.86 407 2.70 409 81 Q19a. Windows F G U A 30 70 Q19b. Mac OS X 63 37 Q19c. Linux 66 Q19d. Unix MOR Associates, Inc. 34 G U A 1.72 73% 9% 3% 7% 3% 5% 75 2.20 57% 11% 9% 4% 13% 6% 54 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs#OMPUTING%NVIRONMENT| 1.78 65% 23% 0% 0% 8% 5% 40 Q19a Windows Mean 1-VU 4.89 12% 4.48 20% 4.75 14% 5.41 0% 5.56 3% 2 3% 4% 4% 5% 0% 3 3% 4% 4% 2% 1% 4 6% 6% 7% 8% 3% 5 14% 13% 11% 16% 18% 6-VI 61% 53% 60% 69% 75% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+603 1.75 0.14 268 121 96 118 Mac OS X Mean 1-VU 4.42 22% 4.57 21% 4.54 20% 4.25 16% 3.99 30% 2 5% 4% 3% 9% 6% 3 3% 2% 3% 9% 3% 4 6% 4% 10% 9% 3% 5 9% 7% 5% 15% 14% 6-VI 56% 62% 59% 43% 44% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+540 2.08 0.18 264 108 80 88 Linux Mean 1-VU 2.86 45% 2.99 44% 2.99 46% 2.64 40% 2.34 52% 2 11% 11% 6% 16% 18% 3 7% 6% 9% 12% 6% 4 8% 7% 10% 14% 4% 5 8% 8% 4% 12% 8% 6-VI 21% 25% 26% 7% 12% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+407 2.04 0.20 209 90 58 50 Unix Mean 1-VU 2.70 46% 2.90 43% 2.61 51% 2.26 47% 2.51 51% 2 11% 11% 7% 19% 11% 3 8% 6% 11% 9% 11% 4 9% 8% 10% 12% 5% 5 10% 14% 3% 9% 7% 6-VI 15% 18% 17% 4% 15% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+409 1.93 0.19 210 87 57 55 All F G U A Q19b All F G U A Q19c All F G U A Q19d All F G U A 49 MOR Associates, Inc. 50 | #OMPUTING%NVIRONMENTs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYsSOFTWARECENTRAL| 51 software.central MOR Associates, Inc. 52 | SOFTWARECENTRALs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Satisfaction with Aspects of 20 Q21b. Ease of finding desired software 23 32 MOR Associates, Inc. 4.24 279 4.15 204 3.96 282 3.93 197 72 Q21a. Available selection of software Q21d. Helpfulness of Berkeleyspecific software documentation N 77 Q21c. Timeliness of software updates 28 Mean 80 68 All F A Q21a All F G U A Q21b All F G U A Q21c All F G U A Q21d All F G U A Q25a 4.21 4.01 4.67 2% 7% 12% 30% 43% 5% 408 1.10 0.11 3% 9% 15% 33% 36% 4% 285 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYsSOFTWARECENTRAL| 0% 4% 3% 24% 60% 9% 123 Available selection of software Mean VD D SD SS 3.96 4% 7% 18% 36% 3.83 4% 8% 20% 38% 4.09 2% 7% 15% 37% 4.32 0% 7% 11% 32% 4.10 5% 3% 18% 30% S 33% 29% 33% 43% 43% VS 2% 1% 6% 7% 3% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+282 1.10 0.13 160 54 28 40 Ease of finding desired software Mean VD D SD SS 4.24 3% 6% 12% 33% 4.09 4% 7% 15% 32% 4.48 0% 4% 7% 39% 4.43 0% 7% 7% 29% 4.34 2% 2% 12% 29% S 39% 35% 37% 50% 49% VS 8% 7% 13% 7% 5% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+279 1.11 0.13 156 54 28 41 Timeliness of software updates Mean VD D SD SS 4.15 3% 4% 15% 34% 3.97 5% 7% 14% 38% 4.45 0% 0% 15% 36% 4.35 0% 4% 17% 22% 4.31 3% 0% 16% 28% S 38% 32% 36% 52% 50% VS 5% 4% 12% 4% 3% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+204 1.10 0.15 116 33 23 32 Helpfulness of Berkeley-specific software documentation Mean VD D SD SS S VS Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+3.93 5% 10% 18% 27% 39% 3% 197 1.21 0.17 3.77 6% 10% 21% 30% 31% 2% 115 3.97 3% 10% 17% 31% 31% 7% 29 4.32 0% 9% 14% 14% 64% 0% 22 4.23 3% 10% 10% 19% 55% 3% 31 All F G U A Q5 Security software provided by IST Mean VD D SD SS S VS Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+4.48 1% 5% 8% 28% 50% 9% 292 0.98 0.11 4.45 1% 6% 9% 25% 50% 9% 164 4.41 0% 2% 9% 39% 45% 5% 44 4.33 3% 8% 8% 26% 49% 8% Have you visited the IST Service Catalog web site 39 0% 2% 29% 56% 13% 45 in4.80 the last0% six months? Q25b All F All G F U G A U A Not Sure Count Yes No Effectiveness of documentation and instructions in preventing attacks 15% 67% 18% 669 Mean VD D SD SS S VS Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+16% 69% 15% 299 4.03 3% 7% 15% 35% 37% 2% 243 1.09 0.14 10% 74% 16% 134 3.97 4% 11% 12% 33% 37% 2% 123 11% 65% 24% 105 4.05 0% 5% 24% 34% 34% 3% 38 21% 57% 21% 131 4.05 5% 5% 8% 42% 39% 0% 38 4.16 2% 0% 20% 36% 39% 2% 44 Q20 Q25c All All F F G G U U A A Q29a Q22 All F All G 53 Have you visited IST's software website at any time in the past year? Effectiveness of documentation & instructions in recovering from attacks Not Mean VD D SD SS S VS Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+Sure Count Yes No 3.79 4% 12% 19% 33% 30% 2% 171 1.17 0.18 35% 52% 14% 653 3.64 5% 14% 23% 28% 28% 1% 78 46% 42% 12% 287 3.84 0% 10% 26% 35% 29% 0% 31 30% 57% 13% 133 3.97 6% 13% 3% 32% 45% 0% 31 18% 56% 26% 105 3.94 3% 6% 19% 42% 23% 6% 31 27% 64% 9% 128 Ease of activating your ID for use across campus Do you manage any Mean VD D aspect SD of SS S VS Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+the security 4.92 1%for your 3% computer? 4% 15% 46% 30% 620 1.05 0.08 Yes 1% No 4% Count 4.85 5% 15% 47% 28% 284 71% 1%29% 3% 661 4.83 7% 17% 46% 27% 120 MOR Associates, Inc. 54 | SOFTWARECENTRALs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs#OMPUTER3ECURITY| 55 Computer Security MOR Associates, Inc. 56 | #OMPUTER3ECURITYs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Q23. Percent of Respondents Practicing Specified Preventive Security Measures, n=668 Operating system updates are installed automatically. Some anti-virus software is installed in your computer. F G U Application software updates are installed regularly. A Managed ant-virus software available on is installed. Don't know/ None of the above 0% MOR Associates, Inc. 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs#OMPUTER3ECURITY| 57 Q23 All F G Q5 All F G U A Q20 All F G U A Q22 All F G U A Q27 All Preventive security measures practiced Operating system updates are installed automatically. 75% 79% 81% Some anti-virus Application software is software updates installed in your are installed computer. regularly. 69% 62% 72% 71% 72% 68% Managed antvirus software available on softwarecentral.berkeley.e du is installed. 31% 43% 26% Don't know/ None of the above Count 12% 668 7% 300 5% 133 Have you visited the IST Service Catalog web site in the last six months? Not Sure Count Yes No 15% 67% 18% 669 16% 69% 15% 299 10% 74% 16% 134 11% 65% 24% 105 21% 57% 21% 131 Have you visited IST's software website at any time in the past year? Not Sure Count Yes No 35% 52% 14% 653 46% 42% 12% 287 30% 57% 13% 133 18% 56% 26% 105 27% 64% 9% 128 Do you manage any aspect of the security for your computer? Yes No Count 71% 29% 661 78% 22% 294 83% 17% 132 84% 16% 105 34% 66% 130 Are you aware of campus procedures for protection of sensitive info? Yes No Count 46% 54% 601 MOR Associates, Inc. 58 | #OMPUTER3ECURITYs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Satisfaction with Aspects of IST's Computer Security Offerings 13 Q25a. Security software provided by IST Q25b. Effectiveness of documentation and instructions in preventing attacks Q25c. Effectiveness of documentation and instructions in recovering from attacks 25 35 MOR Associates, Inc. 4.03 243 3.79 171 Mean N 4.92 620 4.61 395 Mean N 4.35 604 86 Satisfaction with the Overall Level of IT Services Q30a. Berkeley IT services overall 292 91 Q29b. Ease of changing your passphrase 15 4.48 65 Q29a. Ease of activating your ID for use across campus 14 N 75 Satisfaction with Aspects of Using CalNet IDs 9 Mean 87 85 G U A Q25a All F G U A Q25b All F G U A Q25c All F G U A Q29a All F G U A 3.97 4.32 4.23 3% 10% 17% 31% 31% 7% 29 0% 9% 14% 14% 64% 0% 22 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs#OMPUTER3ECURITY| 3% 10% 10% 19% 55% 3% 31 Security software provided by IST Mean VD D SD SS 4.48 1% 5% 8% 28% 4.45 1% 6% 9% 25% 4.41 0% 2% 9% 39% 4.33 3% 8% 8% 26% 4.80 0% 0% 2% 29% S 50% 50% 45% 49% 56% VS 9% 9% 5% 8% 13% 59 Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+292 0.98 0.11 164 44 39 45 Effectiveness of documentation and instructions in preventing attacks Mean VD D SD SS S VS Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+4.03 3% 7% 15% 35% 37% 2% 243 1.09 0.14 3.97 4% 11% 12% 33% 37% 2% 123 4.05 0% 5% 24% 34% 34% 3% 38 4.05 5% 5% 8% 42% 39% 0% 38 4.16 2% 0% 20% 36% 39% 2% 44 Effectiveness of documentation & instructions in recovering from attacks Mean VD D SD SS S VS Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+3.79 4% 12% 19% 33% 30% 2% 171 1.17 0.18 3.64 5% 14% 23% 28% 28% 1% 78 3.84 0% 10% 26% 35% 29% 0% 31 3.97 6% 13% 3% 32% 45% 0% 31 3.94 3% 6% 19% 42% 23% 6% 31 Ease of activating your ID for use across campus Mean VD D SD SS S VS Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+4.92 1% 3% 4% 15% 46% 30% 620 1.05 0.08 4.85 1% 4% 5% 15% 47% 28% 284 4.83 1% 3% 7% 17% 46% 27% 120 5.28 0% 1% 1% 12% 40% 45% 97 4.90 3% 3% 3% 14% 51% 27% 119 MOR Associates, Inc. 60 | #OMPUTER3ECURITYs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Q24. Which Measures Would Be Most Effective in Helping Respondents Protect Their Computers, n=635 Better documentation on how to secure my computer More timely communication about threats F G U A Assistance in responding to email security notices sent from IST regarding my computer None of the above 0% MOR Associates, Inc. 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs#OMPUTER3ECURITY| 61 Q24 All F G U A What would be most effective in helping respondents protect their computers Assistance in responding to Better email security documentation on More timely notices sent from how to secure my communication IST regarding my computer about threats computer None of the above Count 51% 42% 34% 29% 635 50% 41% 37% 29% 286 55% 36% 24% 30% 126 48% 47% 32% 31% 101 52% 47% 39% 27% 122 MOR Associates, Inc. 62 | #OMPUTER3ECURITYs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Frequency of Handling Types of Sensitive Data Total At All N Q26c. Student grades 63% 662 Q26d. Other people's salary or other financial information 37% 652 Q26a. Other people's Social Security numbers or birth dates 35% 663 Q26b. Other people's medical records 12% 661 Mean N 4.96 557 4.38 609 3.11 456 Importance of Specified Sources of Help with Computers & Technology 18 82 Q2a. My department's IT support staff F G U A 26 74 Q2e. Peers or colleagues 59 Q2b. IST Service Desk F G U A MOR Associates, Inc. 41 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs#OMPUTER3ECURITY| 63 Q26a All F G U A Q26b All F G U A Q26c Q5 All All F F G G U U A A Q26d Q20 All F All G F U G A U A Q22 All F G U A Q27 All F G U A Other people's Social Security numbers or birth dates Less Than Monthly 20% 25% 10% 16% 21% Never Count 65% 663 68% 293 74% 133 72% 105 40% 132 Less Than Monthly 7% 5% 7% 9% 11% Never 88% 94% 85% 86% 81% Count 661 292 133 105 131 Never 37% 2% 47% 72% 76% Count 662 294 133 105 130 Other people's salary or other financial information Have you visited IST's software website Less Than at any time in the past year? Monthly Daily Weekly Monthly Never Not 5% 5% 9% 18% 63% Sure Count Yes No 6% 10% 24% 57% 35% 2% 52% 14% 653 3% 11% 83% 46% 1% 42% 12% 2873% 3% 3% 5% 13% 76% 30% 57% 13% 133 7% 15% 15% 47% 18%18% 56% 26% 105 Count 652 287 133 101 131 Daily 5% 1% 3% 3% 18% Weekly 5% 2% 5% 3% 11% Monthly 6% 3% 8% 6% 10% Other people's medical records Daily 2% 0% 4% 0% 4% Weekly 1% 0% 3% 2% 2% Monthly 2% 1% 2% 4% 2% Have yougrades visited the IST Service Catalog web site Student in the last six months? Less Than Not Daily Weekly Monthly Monthly Sure Count Yes No 5% 16% 17% 25% 15% 67% 18% 669 8% 27% 29% 34% 16% 69% 15% 299 2% 11% 12% 28% 10% 74% 16% 134 1% 6% 9% 12% 11% 65% 24% 105 6% 2% 4% 12% 21% 57% 21% 131 27% 64% 9% 128 Do you manage any aspect of the security for your computer? Yes No Count 71% 29% 661 78% 22% 294 83% 17% 132 84% 16% 105 34% 66% 130 Are you aware of campus procedures for protection of sensitive info? Yes No Count 46% 54% 601 53% 47% 252 28% 72% 128 24% 76% 102 68% 32% 119 MOR Associates, Inc. 64 | #OMPUTER3ECURITYs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs$ATA"ACKUP| 65 Data Backup MOR Associates, Inc. 66 | $ATA"ACKUPs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Agreement with Specified Statements Q28a. It's important to have daily backups of my desktop data files. Q28f. I would use an automated backup system if it were easier to setup. Q28e. I would use an automated backup system if it were cheaper. Q28d. My desktop data files are occasionally backed up to a locally attached storage device such as another hard drive, flash 14 17 21 32 Mean N 4.94 407 4.78 288 4.66 268 4.03 358 3.44 373 2.92 360 86 83 79 68 F A 51 49 Q28b. I understand the options available for desktop backup. Q28c. My desktop data files are automatically backed up daily to a departmental or central server. F A MOR Associates, Inc. 62 38 G U A 3.45 3.96 3.48 14% 10% 14% 45% 14% 3% 29 7% 11% 4% 46% 21% 11% 28 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs$ATA"ACKUP| 11% 13% 17% 39% 15% 4% 46 67 Q28a It's important to have daily backups of my desktop data files. All F A Mean 4.94 4.94 4.94 Q28b I understand the options available for desktop backup. All F A Mean 3.44 3.38 3.59 Q28c My desktop data files are automatically backed up daily to a departmental or central server. All F A Mean 2.92 2.39 4.30 Q28d My desktop data files are occ. backed up to a locally attached storage device such as another hard drive, flash drive or C All F A Mean 4.03 4.36 2.94 Q28e I would use an automated backup system if it were cheaper. All F A Mean 4.66 4.71 4.39 Q28f I would use an automated backup system if it were easier to setup. All F A Mean 4.78 4.87 4.40 Strongly Disagree 2% 2% 1% Strongly Disagree 14% 17% 9% Strongly Disagree 41% 51% 15% Strongly Disagree 18% 15% 30% Strongly Disagree 7% 7% 9% Strongly Disagree 6% 5% 9% Disagree 5% 4% 6% Disagree 23% 23% 23% Disagree 17% 20% 10% Disagree 10% 6% 25% Disagree 6% 5% 9% Disagree 4% 3% 7% Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Agree 7% 14% 9% 13% 4% 17% Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Agree 13% 17% 12% 17% 16% 19% Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Agree 4% 4% 5% 1% 1% 10% Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Agree 4% 12% 4% 12% 4% 12% Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Agree 8% 12% 8% 12% 7% 16% Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Agree 7% 13% 8% 12% 5% 19% Agree 27% 26% 31% Strongly Agree 45% 46% 41% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+407 1.27 0.12 290 117 Agree 17% 16% 20% Strongly Agree 15% 15% 14% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+373 1.68 0.17 272 101 Agree 14% 8% 32% Agree 30% 33% 19% Agree 25% 25% 27% Agree 30% 28% 36% Strongly Agree 20% 15% 32% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+360 2.05 0.21 260 100 Strongly Agree 26% 31% 10% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+358 1.86 0.19 275 83 Strongly Agree 41% 43% 32% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+268 1.57 0.19 224 44 Strongly Agree 40% 44% 24% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+288 1.43 0.17 230 58 MOR Associates, Inc. 68 | $ATA"ACKUPs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs#AL.ET)$| 69 CalNet ID MOR Associates, Inc. 35 65 Q25c. Effectiveness of 70 | #AL.ET)$s5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY documentation and instructions in recovering from attacks 3.79 171 Satisfaction with Aspects of Using CalNet IDs Mean N 4.92 620 4.61 395 Mean N 4.35 604 9 91 Q29a. Ease of activating your ID for use across campus 14 86 Q29b. Ease of changing your passphrase Satisfaction with the Overall Level of IT Services 15 Q30a. Berkeley IT services overall MOR Associates, Inc. 85 G U A Q29a All F G U A Q29b All F G U A Q30a All F G U A Q31a All F G U A Q31b All F G U A Q32a All G U Q32b All G U Q32c All G U 3.84 3.97 3.94 0% 6% 3% 10% 26% 35% 29% 0% 31 13% 3% 32% 45% 0% 31 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs#AL.ET)$| 6% 19% 42% 23% 6% 31 71 Ease of activating your ID for use across campus Mean VD D SD SS S VS Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+4.92 1% 3% 4% 15% 46% 30% 620 1.05 0.08 4.85 1% 4% 5% 15% 47% 28% 284 4.83 1% 3% 7% 17% 46% 27% 120 5.28 0% 1% 1% 12% 40% 45% 97 4.90 3% 3% 3% 14% 51% 27% 119 Ease of changing your passphrase Mean VD D SD SS S 4.61 3% 5% 6% 21% 44% 4.56 3% 6% 6% 19% 48% 4.46 6% 3% 10% 27% 30% 4.72 0% 7% 10% 16% 38% 4.78 4% 1% 1% 23% 49% Berkeley IT services overall Mean VD D SD 4.35 1% 5% 9% 4.09 2% 7% 12% 4.45 0% 5% 8% 4.62 0% 2% 5% 4.61 2% 1% 5% SS 33% 39% 29% 29% 26% S 47% 36% 54% 55% 61% VS 21% 17% 24% 29% 22% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+395 1.20 0.12 185 70 58 82 VS 5% 3% 4% 8% 6% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+604 0.97 0.08 269 120 95 120 ITS takes a "customer-oriented" approach to helping you Mean VD D SD SS S VS Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+4.10 6% 8% 13% 27% 39% 8% 362 1.28 0.13 3.74 8% 12% 19% 26% 30% 5% 170 4.21 7% 2% 9% 38% 36% 9% 58 4.46 0% 4% 10% 27% 52% 6% 48 4.56 2% 6% 5% 22% 51% 14% 86 ITS keeps the IT systems up and running Mean VD D SD SS S 4.78 0% 2% 4% 22% 57% 4.78 0% 2% 3% 24% 53% 4.70 0% 3% 3% 27% 54% 4.82 0% 2% 4% 18% 64% 4.82 1% 1% 4% 16% 65% VS 15% 17% 13% 13% 13% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+484 0.84 0.08 233 94 56 101 E-Grades Mean VD 4.55 3% 4.60 4% 4.51 2% D 4% 4% 4% SD 5% 7% 4% SS 29% 19% 38% S 44% 49% 38% VS 16% 18% 15% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+112 1.11 0.20 57 55 Bear Facts Mean VD 4.64 2% 4.56 2% 4.74 1% D 4% 5% 4% SD 7% 7% 7% SS 22% 24% 19% S 46% 45% 47% VS 19% 17% 22% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+234 1.10 0.14 130 104 Course enrollment/waitlist Mean VD D SD SS 4.30 2% 8% 12% 25% 4.38 3% 7% 9% 25% 4.20 2% 10% 15% 26% S 40% 44% 35% VS 13% 13% 13% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+220 1.21 0.16 117 103 MOR Associates, Inc. 72 | #AL.ET)$s5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs3TUDENT2EGISTRATION3YSTEMS| 73 Student Registration Systems MOR Associates, Inc. U 74 | 3TUDENT2EGISTRATION3YSTEMSs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY A Satisfaction with Specified Student Registration Systems 13 Q32b. Bear Facts 12 Satisfaction with Aspects of Student Registration Systems Q33b. Performance of the student registrationservice once you've gained access 24 Q33a. Availability of the student registration service See !PPENDIX A 4.55 112 4.30 220 4.29 111 4.24 226 Mean N 4.54 214 4.21 214 76 Q32e. Tele-BEARS 14 234 74 Q32d. Degree Audit Report (DARSweb) 24 4.64 78 Q32c. Course enrollment/waitlist 26 N 88 Q32a. E-Grades 22 Mean 87 86 76 Q34. What would most increase your satisfaction with student registration systems? MOR Associates, Inc. G U A 4.70 0% 3% 3% 27% 54% 13% 94 4.82 0% 2% 4% 18% 64% 13% 56 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs3TUDENT2EGISTRATION3YSTEMS| 4.82 1% 1% 4% 16% 65% 13% 101 Q32a All G U Q32b All G U Q32c All G U Q32d All G U Q32e All G U Q33a All G U Q33b All G U Q35a All F A Q35b All F A Q35c All F A E-Grades Mean VD 4.55 3% 4.60 4% 4.51 2% D 4% 4% 4% SD 5% 7% 4% SS 29% 19% 38% S 44% 49% 38% VS 16% 18% 15% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+112 1.11 0.20 57 55 Bear Facts Mean VD 4.64 2% 4.56 2% 4.74 1% D 4% 5% 4% SD 7% 7% 7% SS 22% 24% 19% S 46% 45% 47% VS 19% 17% 22% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+234 1.10 0.14 130 104 Course enrollment/waitlist Mean VD D SD SS 4.30 2% 8% 12% 25% 4.38 3% 7% 9% 25% 4.20 2% 10% 15% 26% S 40% 44% 35% VS 13% 13% 13% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+220 1.21 0.16 117 103 Degree Audit Report (DARSweb) Mean VD D SD SS 4.29 3% 11% 13% 18% 4.54 0% 10% 5% 18% 4.15 4% 11% 17% 18% S 41% 54% 33% VS 15% 13% 17% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+111 1.32 0.25 39 72 Tele-BEARS Mean VD 4.24 5% 4.31 6% 4.17 5% S 38% 41% 34% VS 14% 14% 14% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+226 1.31 0.17 123 103 Availability of the student registration service Mean VD D SD SS S VS 4.21 3% 6% 15% 28% 39% 9% 4.15 5% 8% 11% 26% 43% 8% 4.28 1% 2% 21% 30% 35% 11% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+214 1.18 0.16 120 94 D 6% 5% 8% SD 12% 11% 15% SS 25% 24% 25% 75 Performance of the student registration service once you've gained access Mean VD D SD SS S VS Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+4.54 1% 1% 12% 27% 44% 14% 214 1.00 0.13 4.59 3% 1% 9% 24% 50% 13% 119 4.48 0% 1% 16% 32% 37% 15% 95 Usability of the CalAgenda program Mean VD D SD SS S 3.96 8% 11% 12% 22% 39% 3.54 13% 16% 13% 24% 29% 4.32 3% 7% 11% 21% 47% Synching CalAgenda with mobile devices Mean VD D SD SS S 2.19 49% 19% 9% 12% 8% 1.92 58% 21% 2% 13% 2% 2.67 33% 15% 22% 11% 19% VS 8% 5% 10% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+179 1.41 0.21 83 96 VS 3% 4% 0% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+75 1.49 0.34 48 27 Scheduling meetings with people across campus using CalAgenda Mean VD D SD SS S VS Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+4.07 5% 12% 11% 24% 38% 10% 156 1.35 0.21 3.77 7% 19% 10% 26% 29% 9% 69 4.31 3% 7% 11% 22% 46% 10% 87 MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs#AL!GENDA| 77 CalAgenda MOR Associates, Inc. 78 | #AL!GENDAs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Satisfaction with Aspects of CalAgenda Q35c. Scheduling meetings with people across campus using CalAgenda 28 31 Mean N 4.07 156 3.96 179 3.74 125 2.19 75 Mean N 3.74 181 72 69 Q35a. Usability of the CalAgenda program F A 35 65 Q35d. CalAgenda website F A 77 23 Q35b. Synching CalAgenda with mobile devices F A Satisfaction with CalAgenda Overall 36 Q36a. CalAgenda overall F A MOR Associates, Inc. 64 All G U Q33a All G U Q33b All G U Q35a All F A Q35b All F A Q35c All F A Q35d All F A Q36a All F A 4.24 4.31 4.17 5% 6% 5% 6% 12% 25% 38% 14% 226 1.31 0.17 5% 11% 24% 41% 14% 123 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs#AL!GENDA| 8% 15% 25% 34% 14% 103 Availability of the student registration service Mean VD D SD SS S VS 4.21 3% 6% 15% 28% 39% 9% 4.15 5% 8% 11% 26% 43% 8% 4.28 1% 2% 21% 30% 35% 11% 79 Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+214 1.18 0.16 120 94 Performance of the student registration service once you've gained access Mean VD D SD SS S VS Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+4.54 1% 1% 12% 27% 44% 14% 214 1.00 0.13 4.59 3% 1% 9% 24% 50% 13% 119 4.48 0% 1% 16% 32% 37% 15% 95 Usability of the CalAgenda program Mean VD D SD SS S 3.96 8% 11% 12% 22% 39% 3.54 13% 16% 13% 24% 29% 4.32 3% 7% 11% 21% 47% Synching CalAgenda with mobile devices Mean VD D SD SS S 2.19 49% 19% 9% 12% 8% 1.92 58% 21% 2% 13% 2% 2.67 33% 15% 22% 11% 19% VS 8% 5% 10% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+179 1.41 0.21 83 96 VS 3% 4% 0% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+75 1.49 0.34 48 27 Scheduling meetings with people across campus using CalAgenda Mean VD D SD SS S VS Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+4.07 5% 12% 11% 24% 38% 10% 156 1.35 0.21 3.77 7% 19% 10% 26% 29% 9% 69 4.31 3% 7% 11% 22% 46% 10% 87 CalAgenda website Mean VD D 3.74 10% 12% 3.33 14% 16% 4.09 7% 9% SD 13% 19% 7% SS 30% 30% 29% S 28% 16% 38% VS 7% 5% 9% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+125 1.44 0.25 57 68 CalAgenda overall Mean VD D 3.74 11% 13% 3.13 19% 19% 4.27 4% 7% SD 12% 15% 9% SS 26% 26% 26% S 31% 17% 44% VS 7% 4% 9% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+181 1.47 0.21 84 97 MOR Associates, Inc. 80 | #AL!GENDAs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs)34/VERALL| 81 IST Overall and IST Service Attributes MOR Associates, Inc. 14 86 Q29b. Ease of changing your 82 | )34/VERALLs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY 4.61 passphrase Satisfaction with the Overall Level of IT Services 15 Satisfaction with Aspects of Services Provided by IST 26 N 4.35 604 Mean N 4.78 484 4.10 362 Mean N 4.64 234 4.55 112 4.30 220 4.29 111 4.24 226 Mean N 4.54 214 94 Q31b. Keeps the IT systems up and running Q31a. Takes a "customeroriented" approach to helping you Mean 85 Q30a. Berkeley IT services overall 6 395 74 F G U A Satisfaction with Specified Student Registration Systems 13 87 Q32b. Bear Facts 12 88 Q32a. E-Grades 22 78 Q32c. Course enrollment/waitlist 26 74 Q32d. Degree Audit Report (DARSweb) 24 76 Q32e. Tele-BEARS MOR Associates, Inc. Satisfaction with Aspects of Student Registration Systems Q33b. Performance of the student registrationservice once 14 86 G U A Q30a All F G U A Q31a All F G U A Q31b All F G U A Q32a All G U Q32b All G U Q32c All G U 4.46 4.72 4.78 6% 0% 4% 3% 10% 27% 30% 24% 70 7% 10% 16% 38% 29% 58 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs)34/VERALL| 1% 1% 23% 49% 22% 82 Berkeley IT services overall Mean VD D SD 4.35 1% 5% 9% 4.09 2% 7% 12% 4.45 0% 5% 8% 4.62 0% 2% 5% 4.61 2% 1% 5% SS 33% 39% 29% 29% 26% S 47% 36% 54% 55% 61% VS 5% 3% 4% 8% 6% 83 Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+604 0.97 0.08 269 120 95 120 ITS takes a "customer-oriented" approach to helping you Mean VD D SD SS S VS Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+4.10 6% 8% 13% 27% 39% 8% 362 1.28 0.13 3.74 8% 12% 19% 26% 30% 5% 170 4.21 7% 2% 9% 38% 36% 9% 58 4.46 0% 4% 10% 27% 52% 6% 48 4.56 2% 6% 5% 22% 51% 14% 86 ITS keeps the IT systems up and running Mean VD D SD SS S 4.78 0% 2% 4% 22% 57% 4.78 0% 2% 3% 24% 53% 4.70 0% 3% 3% 27% 54% 4.82 0% 2% 4% 18% 64% 4.82 1% 1% 4% 16% 65% VS 15% 17% 13% 13% 13% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+484 0.84 0.08 233 94 56 101 E-Grades Mean VD 4.55 3% 4.60 4% 4.51 2% D 4% 4% 4% SD 5% 7% 4% SS 29% 19% 38% S 44% 49% 38% VS 16% 18% 15% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+112 1.11 0.20 57 55 Bear Facts Mean VD 4.64 2% 4.56 2% 4.74 1% D 4% 5% 4% SD 7% 7% 7% SS 22% 24% 19% S 46% 45% 47% VS 19% 17% 22% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+234 1.10 0.14 130 104 Course enrollment/waitlist Mean VD D SD SS 4.30 2% 8% 12% 25% 4.38 3% 7% 9% 25% 4.20 2% 10% 15% 26% S 40% 44% 35% VS 13% 13% 13% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+220 1.21 0.16 117 103 See !PPENDIX A Q37. What is one thing IST could do that would make it easier for you to do your UC Berkeley work? Q38. Is there anything we didn’t ask about that you would like to comment on? MOR Associates, Inc. 84 | )34/VERALLs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs.EWOR)MPROVED3ERVICES| 85 New or Improved Services MOR Associates, Inc. 86 | .EWOR)MPROVED3ERVICESs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Importance of Specified Existing and Potential New Services 8 Mean N 5.38 655 4.75 600 4.52 636 4.16 597 3.99 572 3.90 601 3.76 599 92 Q1b. Wireless access everywhere on campus F G U A 20 80 Q1d. Improved remote access 25 75 Q1h. Improved spam blocking 33 67 Q1g. High-performance computing for research F G U A 35 65 Q1e. Collaboration software (wikis, file storing and sharing) 37 63 Q1a. A university-wide calendaring system F G U A 44 Q1f. Assistance with creating and Associates, maintaining MOR Inc.websites, blogs F 56 F 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs.EWOR)MPROVED3ERVICES| 87 G U A Importance of Specified Existing and Potential New Services 8 44 Mean N 5.38 3.76 655 599 4.75 3.61 600 530 4.52 636 4.16 597 3.53 385 2.80 428 3.99 572 92 56 Q1b.Assistance Wireless access Q1f. with creating everywhere on campus and maintaining websites, blogs F F G G U U A A 20 47 80 53 Q1d. Personal Improvedweb remote access Q1c. hosting F Q1h. Improved spam blocking 75 G U Q1g. High-performance computing for research 25 33 67 A F 50 50 Q1i. Digital asset management G and conservation services U Q1j. Tools for managing collections of physical objects 67 33 A 35 F Q1e. Collaboration software (wikis, file storing and sharing)G 65 U A MOR Associates, Inc. 88 | .EWOR)MPROVED3ERVICESs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Q1a All F G U A Q1b All F G U A Q1c All F G U A Q1d All F G U A Q1e All F G U A Q1f All F G U A A university-wide calendaring system Mean 1-VU 2 3 4 5 3.90 15% 13% 9% 18% 19% 3.47 21% 17% 9% 20% 15% 3.55 17% 17% 13% 18% 18% 4.55 5% 7% 5% 22% 31% 4.67 6% 7% 10% 10% 21% 6-VI 25% 19% 17% 30% 44% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+601 1.78 0.14 264 120 91 126 Wireless access everywhere on campus Mean 1-VU 2 3 4 5 5.38 3% 2% 3% 7% 15% 5.40 3% 2% 2% 6% 16% 5.78 1% 1% 1% 1% 7% 5.61 0% 1% 1% 7% 18% 4.75 8% 5% 8% 13% 17% 6-VI 70% 70% 88% 73% 50% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+655 1.21 0.09 296 134 99 126 Personal web hosting Mean 1-VU 2 3 3.61 14% 15% 18% 3.84 11% 14% 17% 3.62 15% 15% 16% 3.53 13% 15% 21% 3.07 20% 20% 20% 4 19% 17% 20% 22% 23% 5 17% 21% 16% 17% 9% 6-VI 17% 21% 18% 13% 8% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+530 1.65 0.14 248 114 72 96 Improved remote access Mean 1-VU 2 3 4.75 3% 6% 11% 4.72 4% 7% 11% 4.86 3% 5% 8% 4.73 1% 5% 14% 4.72 3% 5% 9% 4 14% 12% 16% 16% 15% 5 26% 24% 24% 25% 33% 6-VI 41% 42% 44% 38% 34% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+600 1.40 0.11 279 126 79 116 Collaboration software (wikis, file storing and sharing) Mean 1-VU 2 3 4 5 6-VI Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+3.99 7% 12% 16% 24% 23% 18% 572 1.49 0.12 3.97 7% 13% 16% 24% 21% 19% 263 4.14 7% 12% 10% 24% 27% 20% 122 3.93 5% 9% 23% 28% 23% 12% 82 3.91 9% 14% 14% 21% 24% 18% 105 Assistance with creating and maintaining websites, blogs Mean 1-VU 2 3 4 5 6-VI Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+3.76 12% 15% 17% 18% 17% 21% 599 1.68 0.13 4.20 7% 13% 14% 16% 19% 31% 285 3.16 20% 21% 18% 17% 14% 10% 125 3.15 13% 22% 28% 17% 12% 7% 82 3.78 14% 10% 16% 21% 21% 18% 107 MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs.EWOR)MPROVED3ERVICES| 89 Q1g All F G U A Q1h All F G U A Q1i All F G U A Q1j All F G U A Q7a All F G U A Q9a All F G U A High-performance computing for research Mean 1-VU 2 3 4 5 6-VI 4.16 12% 10% 11% 16% 19% 32% 4.02 14% 11% 12% 17% 12% 34% 4.32 10% 10% 11% 10% 27% 32% 4.82 1% 4% 7% 23% 29% 36% 3.70 21% 11% 13% 13% 17% 26% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+597 1.75 0.14 282 124 97 94 Improved spam blocking Mean 1-VU 2 3 4.52 3% 8% 13% 4.62 2% 7% 13% 4.17 6% 11% 16% 4.50 3% 9% 12% 4.68 3% 8% 11% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+636 1.45 0.11 295 129 92 120 4 17% 16% 18% 23% 16% 5 25% 28% 24% 17% 22% 6-VI 34% 34% 25% 36% 41% Digital asset management and conservation services Mean 1-VU 2 3 4 5 6-VI Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+3.53 16% 13% 21% 17% 19% 14% 385 1.64 0.16 3.58 15% 15% 18% 15% 21% 15% 188 3.46 14% 17% 25% 14% 15% 15% 72 3.52 12% 7% 29% 29% 14% 9% 58 3.46 22% 9% 18% 15% 22% 13% 67 Tools for managing collections of physical objects Mean 1-VU 2 3 4 5 6-VI Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+2.80 34% 16% 17% 12% 9% 11% 428 1.73 0.16 2.47 41% 18% 16% 9% 6% 9% 223 2.86 34% 16% 14% 14% 8% 14% 73 3.61 13% 11% 23% 23% 13% 16% 61 3.08 30% 11% 20% 11% 17% 11% 71 IST communications during major service interruptions Mean VD D SD SS S VS Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+4.11 3% 8% 16% 29% 37% 8% 332 1.20 0.13 4.01 4% 8% 19% 28% 33% 8% 158 4.46 4% 4% 6% 25% 52% 10% 52 3.82 3% 13% 21% 34% 21% 8% 38 4.24 1% 7% 14% 29% 42% 7% 84 Wired network performance Mean VD D SD SS 4.71 1% 4% 6% 21% 4.64 2% 5% 8% 20% 4.65 0% 5% 3% 28% 4.85 0% 3% 4% 23% 4.82 1% 3% 4% 19% S 46% 44% 49% 43% 51% VS 21% 22% 15% 26% 22% Count Std. Dev. 95% CI+585 1.06 0.09 286 94 91 114 MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs!PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTS| A-1 Appendix A The Full Text of Written Comments MOR Associates, Inc. A-2 | !PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTSs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY 3C9JCVYQWNFJGNRYKVJ+56EQOOWPKECVKQPUFWTKPIOCLQTUGTXKEGKPVGTTWRVKQPU! The reponses to this questions have been sorted by cohort and then by satisfaction rating with IST communications during major service interruptions (in parentheses). f: (VS): blast phone message to all campus telephones f: (S): text messages to phones + email f: (S): some alternative for schools accessing our content f: (S): phone link f: (S): good info on how long I should spend at the beach-no point in Berkeley if no internet f: (S): A system like “WarnMe” for individuals interested in being kept updated during the interruption. f: (SS): text message to phone -- not much good getting e-mails when the server is down! f: (SS): Produce sticker with IST web address remaining online during major system failures f: (SS): not have major service interruptions f: (SS): More detailed updates f: (SS): Keeping the IT people in my department informed f: (SS): If we could find out via a news outlet that there was a campus problem f: (SS): I call, it seems to work. I don’t know if therre’s a way of sending out bulletins electronically. f: (SS): faster posting to the outage page, more frequent updates re progress f: (SS): email notification f: (SD): text message system f: (SD): Restoring service. f: (SD): prominent message on the websites of the affected service; bulletin on the main IS&T website f: (SD): out of band communications, e.g., via SMS or gmail f: (SD): Inforamation on webpage; campus radio. For very serious events, ability to contact outside individu f: (SD): Have we ever had a major service disruption? f: (SD): be succinct, mitigate jargon f: (SD): An external web site where one could check the status of services f: (D): Need to improve speed of response. I have found it difficult to connect with a live person. f: (D): emails in advance or clear postings on the website F$#OMMUNICATIONSWITHIN)34NEEDTOBEIMPROVEDSOTHAT!,,YOURSTAFFKNOWSWHATSHAPPENING f: (D): Communication in lay terms and with unit IT helpdesk to disseminate and interpret impact on unit. f: (VD): short description, precise explanation what is affected and what not f: (VD): A message on the telephone answering machine OR notice on website f: (No Rating): Yes, if I knew what to do. MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs!PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTS| A-3 f: (No Rating): Our department needs more computing staff to help faculty f: (No Rating): external information source (off campus website) g: (S): Upfront notice of unavailability g: (S): additional updates, eta for corrections, etc. more frequent and informative communications. g: (SD): a more well known location to check g: (No Rating): I don’t think I have received any communications from IST g: (No Rating): I don’t recall ever receiving a communication from IST. I hear from my department (IRIS). g: (No Rating): GIS Map showing the service areas effected, cause of interruption if known, and est. rest. time u: (SS): I haven’t really had a problem with this - just once, so I don’t see the need for much improvement. u: (D): Not having interruptions A63.OTIFICATIONTHROUGHACOMMUNICATIONSTREEWINDICATIONOFSEVERITYSEVANDESTRESTTIME a: (VS): I subscribe to the updates, been pretty happy with those. a: (S): nothing more. it’s the interruption that impacts my own work. a: (S): Not only email but text messages as well as timely updates. a: (S): Maybe a recorded message that can be called with status info if the network is down. a: (S): Don’t use jargon and address the question: How does this affect me? a: (SS): Wireless a: (SS): Frequent updates. During power outages, getting status updates allow better decision making. a: (SD): text messages to department points-of-contact for major outages a: (SD): Text message noting the expected duration of outage (approximation) a: (SD): Push text message to my pda a: (SD): more frequent updates to webpage listing progress with repairs a: (SD): faster posting on the IST status page a: (SD): advance warning? i know that is sometimes impossible. it’s really hard for employees to not worry... a: (D): telephone notification that service is down with updates on when service will be resumed. a: (D): Inform appropriate person in the department. a: (D): Fast response. We waited way too long for service when our subnet has gone down. a: (No Rating): if the serive interruption is planned an email 24 hours earlier a: (No Rating): If it’s a major service interruption it seems the only way to communicate would be by messenger. a: (No Rating): I usually find out because something doesn’t work. Not because I’ve been notified. a: (No Rating): error messages with info on the webpage a: (No Rating): Being able to phone one number to find out what’s happening. a: (No Rating): An email communique MOR Associates, Inc. A-4 | !PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTSs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY 39JCVYQWNFOQUVKPETGCUG[QWTUCVKUHCEVKQPYKVJUVWFGPVTGIKUVTCVKQPU[UVGOU! The reponses to this questions have been sorted by cohort g: 24 hour availability; better organization of information and interconnectivity of systems (i.e. you should not have to log into two different systems to find your tele-bears appt. and to use telebears) g: accurate and timely updates of seats available. if a class is full, possibly suggestions of other sections. seeing your registered classes at all times to see if the suggested section will fit into your schedule. g: Being able to register during working hours any time g: Better notification/reminders about pass times for class registration. g: CCN and course number correspondence; maybe a history page so searches don’t have to be reentered from scratch g: cleaner interface and streamlining of functions (grades, registration, rosters, etc.) g: Clearer and more intuitive layout g: clearer instructions on available times to register for courses g: combine telebears and bearfacts. g: Combine/Integrate Tele-BEARS, Bear Facts, etc into ONE system. It’s absurd that I have to log into 2 different systems to check my grades and to enroll in classes. g: constant access g: create single portal, today they seem disjoint g: don’t have internet programs function based on working hours, don’t link repeatidly to the same thing (ie, click on student section, click on student again, log in) just have the log in on the first page. make telebears and bear facts the same thing bc I can’t remember the difference between them and always get the wrong one. g: Eliminate all these different venues. Put my information all in one place, please. You have FIVE DIFFERENT systems. That’s ridiculous. g: For class registration it’s annoying not even being able to view my schedule in the evening. I can understand not being able to change it, but really, do the computers get tired and sleep at night? g: I don’t understand why there are certain times of day I can’t access the system. I’m sure there’s some reasoning that is making is easier for IT or the administration, but I’d like to actually hear it. (i.e. can’t register for classes on certain dates/times; can’t access financial aid package after 7 p.m.!?!?) g: I would like to be albe to drop classes after the deadline without a petition (ie just online) g: In the case where course enrollment is unavailable, but waitlisting is available, a failed enrollment attempt should prompt an offer to waitlist the course. If waitlisting is also unavailable, then a notification stating that should be given. GITSEEMSTOTAKEAWHILETOACTUALLYUPDATEINFORMATIONDAYS3EEMSEXCESSIVE g: it should be available 24 hours, should have linking directly to course catalog (i.e. you shouldn’t have to type in CCN’s), and telebears/bearfacts/etc should all be integrated into one sensible website. g: Keyword search through course descriptions g: longer registration periods g: Make it modern, i.e. not dependent on an ages-old backend with limited availability. MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs!PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTS| A-5 g: minimizing the amount of pages to click through to get to what I want, and having to leave a site for a pop up to continue what I’m doing g: More detailed unofficial transcripts, better interface for Bear Facts g: More info about category restrictions and remove Jr. Sr. or other status restrictions for enrollment g: more open hours for students who missed their registration pass G-OREUSERFRIENDLY)WENTTO5#,!FORMYUNDERGRADANDTHEYHADEVERYTHINGHOUSEDINONEONLINESYSTEM (URSA) and registraction was more point and click, not needing to remember CCNs g: One shouldn’t have to go to a separate website to look up CCNs. g: open access g: point and click adding g: Reminders about my access time just before would be nice. This semester I was traveling to a conference and in my rush I forgot about the phase 1 registration. g: some sort of interface between the schedule of classes and tele-bears that would elliminate the need to copy and paste the course number. perhaps we could just click the course number and it would enroll us. g: System seem outdated and clunky. G4HENAVIGATIONISCONFUSING,INKINGTOCOURSEDESCRIPTIONSWOULDBEHELPFUL g: too many disparate systems. Need to centralize. u: A more user-friendly interface would be nice (sometimes it’s hard to find things) u: An automated system that selects a nonconflicting time for all class schedules. U"RING4ELE"%!23INTOTHESTCENTURY)4.%%$3!./6%2(!5,!3+!.9/.% u: Clarification on waitlists, updated student catalog online u: Condense class information into one service, not several (telebears + class schedule + general listing of courses + dept. page is often needed for me to plan my schedule - can this be condensed into one program/service?) u: Consolidation. Would be nice to have one page linked to bearfacts, telebears, calmail, DARS, ebill, etc. u: DARS doesn’t work for all majors. They need to make it work! I’m a history major and am constantly warned by my department NEVER to use DARS - so it’s pointless for us. u: DARSweb is unavailable for my major (Forestry and Natural resources) u: for it not to crash u: I think the process of enrolling online is about as efficient as can be; TeleBEARS should not log you out after just 10 MINUTESMAYBEOR u: If the restriction on the number of times per semester a student can log in to Tele-Bears is removed. u: If the waitlist would tell how many people total are on waitlist. u: increased availability of telebears to students u: It is confusing to have so many different pages and numbers to keep track of. It would be nice to have a way to see all class and registration information on one page. MOR Associates, Inc. A-6 | !PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTSs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY U,ESSREDTAPEMOREACCESSIBILITY u: longer time before timeout u: Make everything more consistent and easier to use. u: more available hours u: More condesnded information, i.e a FAQ page u: more registration hours U/RGANIZETELEBEARSLIKE5#,!SSYSTEM u: Please include a scheduling calender system to aid in course selection u: Removing unnecessary screens before logging into Bearfacts. Also removing login limit for telebears. u: TeleBears sometimes slow u: Update course enrollment/waitlist on schedule website u: Updates when status on Tele-bears changes (ie class time, professor, or place on waitlist changes. u: upgrade interface of DARSweb u: What I am most dissatisifed with is the schedule policies, not necessarily the systems MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs!PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTS| A-7 39JCVKUQPGVJKPI+PHQTOCVKQP5GTXKEGUCPF6GEJPQNQI[EQWNFFQVJCVYQWNF OCMGKVGCUKGTHQT[QWVQFQ[QWTYQTM! The reponses to this questions have been sorted by cohort. f: (1) It would be great to have a cheaper, more usable backup solution. The current service (Iron Mountain as I recall) is simply much, much too expensive for most laboratories.(2) It would be helpful if the campus had a more systematic approach to campus-based cloud computing and storage. f: across the board support for macs; remote access and compatability with all mobile devices (i realize this isn’t one) f: Automated online backup. f: automatically backing up my data f: automating more of the campus business processes such as managing expense reports, improved online library services, etc. f: Availability of someone by telephone to answer questions f: bandwidth here in Giannini f: Be more available. The computer specialist available in my department (one among many departments serviced by the same person) is too busy helping too many people and as I result I never rely on him but prefer to ask peers and family members for help. f: Be more Mac oriented!!! f: Better access to computing resources. f: better access to high performance computing F"ETTERCALENDARSOFTWAREFORCAMPUSWITHBETTERLINKINGTOMOBILEDEVICES,ESSOUTOFDATESOFTWAREAVAILABLE)34 appears to lean towards older software. f: better live help-- more technical assistance with people rather than web pages f: better publicize services available to faculty f: Better Spam control f: Better WIFI for us and for guests f: better wireless access, especially in the classrooms f: better wireless coverage in Wheeler Hall f: CalAgenda is impossible .. my only contact with College IT staff is how to figure out CalAgenda. I basically use Apple’s iCal web site for all my staff. f: Can’t tell the difference between TAMs, DOCS and IS&T. Slow response to requests. f: Cell phones instead of landlines. f: Cheap academic website hosting. f: Cheap, automated backup for all devices, e.g. like Apple MobileMe. Campus wireless everywhere - crazy that you have to go to Yali’s to get wireless in Tolman Hall. f: Clarify the process for getting phone & data lines in a new lab. MOR Associates, Inc. A-8 | !PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTSs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY f: Come up with a functional e-mail system--I’m still using Eudora at home because I’m not ready for the disruption of moving to Thunderbird, and Cal Mail is still horrible--clunky, unresponsive, difficult to use and generally a royal pain--for all my other e-mail access. The one thing that has improved on CalMail is the Spam blocking. f: Coordinate with my departmental IT staff. Provide them options for services for my department at reasonable costs. f: Do a better job of reaching the campus community with available services. f: Easier automatic back up -- not clear my department computer tech understands the system. I pay for it but I don’t think it is hooked up to anything. f: easily accessible advice on setting up and maintaining my web-page f: Easy, affordable, automatic data backup from desktop machines.Discounts on research-related software: Matlab, Igor, statistics packages. f: Electronic databases accessible through library website must be expanded f: Eliminate Calmail and contract for a more user friendly mail program to use when it is not possible to use the POP server. f: email: continue campus wide email software like Eudora. Calmail is not convenient to use. f: employ some decent and knowledgable people to help humanitiesprofessors f: Even smaller departments such as my own should have more and less costly IT support!!!!!!!!!!!!! f: Every classroom has good technology equipment including cables and complete instructions. f: Faster access to email (remote server) f: free, secure, cross-platform, automatic, off-site, continuous backups f: ftp site or web sites for exchange of data with collaborators I currently use my own .mac account, the current available options on campus are not of sufficient capacity f: Get everyone onto a single calendaring system that can sync with (almost) any mobile device. f: Give me access to airbears or other wireless access f: had continual problems syncing. I now have a Windows Mobile system and it’s better but not without problems. Roger Rosenblum and Mimi Mugler have been very helpful. They are great. f: Have a cheap backup option that is competitive with other organizations. f: have a live-staff answer the phone when there’s a computer problem. f: Have IT assistance available at the department/cluster level. f: Have someone available to discuss and recommend options - or even to manage and install them - when I need new hardware and software. f: help with lab website updating/maintenance would be great. f: Help with personal and departmental websites (we are a poor department and cannot afford the campus fees). f: Help with transition to new operating systems such as VISTA f: High bandwidth wired conncetivity on the south side of the campus f: Hire more computer staff at the department level. My computer is often disfunctional for days at a time. MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs!PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTS| A-9 f: I could most benefit from a session that would be run FOR HUMANISTS by a tech expert. I would like someone to contact members of our department and invite them to sign up for a series of “how-to” sessions. Some could be devoted to operating Word, some to MAC. A run through of the basics (including making an outline, sending photographs, using redline functions, etc) would be useful since I never have time to teach myself these things. I know that I am not availing myself of half of what my software can do for me. But most important would be having assistance in creating AND MAINTAINING a profession website. In the English department, faculty do not yet have homepages associated with the department site. No one knows how to do this--and those that do, don’t have the time to constantly update and maintain these sites. Yet they are increasing important for our institutional visibility, both within and outside UC Berkeley. In general, I think there is a huge gulf between the humanist’s computer needs and the scientist’s. Since most tech support staff are not humanisits, we need to better convey to them the particular needs (mostly software needs) we have for computing and email. f: I didn’t know that there was a software center until last week - and this is my second year as a new faculty member! So I strongly urge you to publicize IST services to incoming new faculty (you can work with Steve Tollefson (campus teaching consultant) to figure it out). f: I don’t know enough about IST to reply! f: I dont use my phone services to link to email. I know its possible, but i havent taken the time to learn. Perhaps making it more user friendly would help, but perhaps i’m just to busy to figure it out... Also, i cant get into CalAgenda and i dont know why... f: I think it’s insane that my unit does not have a server for data storage nor a backup system. It’s up to each individual investigator to set up and manage their own system. Insane and really poor management decision. f: I’d like them to visit me and give me support f: I’d like to be able to see if there are voice mail messages on my phone waiting for me without having to pick up the phone. I often forget to check and will miss messages for days. f: If a person were easily available to help and to tell us about what we should be doing. I don’t know enough to even figure out what I need to know! F)F)CALLFORHELPATTHE(ELP$ESKTHATCALLSHOULDBESEAMLESSFORMEASTHECLIENT)DONTWANTTOBESENTTOOR 4 different people who maybe could help me, then turn out to be the wrong person. Please train your people well enough to ask the right questions, then determine who needs to be called and send them to the customer. Don’t assume that I am an expert. That’s why I call you. f: If IST explained things better. f: implement campus-wide calendaring system free of charge. Huge amounts of time wasted scheduling meetings by email b/c most depts (including my own) do not subscribe to CalAgenda. f: Improve bSpace f: improve Calagenda, particularly for Mac systemsavoid creating web pages that are IE specific. More mac compatibility is required f: Improve support for high performance computing. f: Improve the availability and bandwidth of internet access - both wired and wi-fi -- across the campus. f: Improve UCBackup reporting and provide user/admin tools to perform common tasks f: Improve web interface - I’m having trouble sending mail from outside, so I’ve been using webmail, and it’s far too clunky. f: improve wireless services in all campus buildings, including Wheeler Hall MOR Associates, Inc. A-10 | !PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTSs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY f: Improved level of customer service and follow through to verify issue resolution. f: increase calmail disk space f: Increase e-mail quota. f: increased disk space in my calmail account f: Integrate all database systems on campus and provide greater faculty access to compensate for staff deficiencies in campus administrative offices, dept. units, research services. f: It ought to be easier to set up a large personal WEBsite, where visitors to my Department WEBside can click their way to. f: It seems that I’m really not aware of most of what IST does, so exposure to the range of services would be beneficial. f: It would be great if you could make me more aware of what services you offer that I might be entitled to draw on. For instance, I’d like to set up a nice web-page, but I don’t know exactly how to do it, and I don’t know where to turn for help. f: keep socrates or its equivalent available f: Keep the scam down on email. F,ESSJARGON F,ETMESYNCHMYI0HONEWITH#AL!GENDA F,IVEHELPAHELPDESK7HENPROBLEMSARRIVE)NEEDANIMMEDIATEANSWER4HELEVELOFSUPPORTISVERYSPOTTY f: Make an easy-to-follow list of what I should do to manage my computer in various areas (security, backup, etc.) -- I know nothing about computers and really need step-by-step instructions! f: Make back ups easier, especially from my laptop f: make calendar synching automatic and wireless F-AKECAMPUSWIDEWIRELESSEASYTOCONNECTTOANDPORTABLETOALL/3S,INUX7INDOWS-AC)SHOULDONLYHAVE to configure my machine once with any necessary secrets and then never have to type a darn thing when I open my machine; it should connect automatically to a campus network. I hate having to type in my password onto a web page every time I open the machine. I hate that the web page disables my browser’s password manager, so I have to type in the passphrase by hand. I hate the DNS-hijacking that the wireless authentication system uses. I wish you’d just enable WEP or something like that and let me install a WEP key once, so that thereafter my machine can automatically connect to the wireless network and authenticate it with no further passphrases or other nonsense.I specialize in computer security, but I don’t know of any persuasive security reason why the current AirBears approach would be more secure than an alternate one along the lines I suggest. The EECS department has an EECS network where machines authenticate using a WEP key, and that’s more user-friendly, from my point of view.Even better would be a totally open network, with no login or authentication or sign-in web pages, that’s available campus-wide. This network might use an external IP address range and thus might not provide any access into internal UCB networks (at least, not any more access than someone’s home machine), but it would be great. Yes, I know, there would be no way to restrict access to only UCB members, but I feel that the service provided to UCB members would be a tremendous step forward over the current AirBears system. But for this to work well it is crucial that there be no special web page to go to before connecting to the network; when I open up my laptop lid and unsuspend my laptop, it should be automatically fully connected to the network. I feel that this goal is not given adequate priority. f: Make clearer the options for and mechanics of automatic synchronization and backup of files. f: Make easier backup arrangements for those of us (many) who only use a laptop MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs!PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTS| A-11 f: make it easier to find the software download website, more software options, easier backup system, larger email quota (google is unlimited) f: make it possible for me to have voice mail; apparently insuperable obstacles there, and no phone or Web support could solve them f: Make me more aware of services. f: make more storage space on calmail f: Make remote access of libraries and their journals and search tools easier. f: Make scheduling/calendars consistent with more widely used tools - iCal, Google calendar f: make the automatic turn off time when I don’t hit a key on my computer much longer - eg one to two hours f: make UC Backup much cheaper so we could afford to use it for everyone. f: Many of these questions did not allow feedback on the specific issues that were a problem. For example: my primary problem with CalAgenda is the high cost which causes people to opt-out and make it less useful (unlike ,.",WHICHINCLUDESITFORFREE(AVINGCALLWAITINGIDWOULDBEVERYHELPFUL4HENETWORKACCESSTOOFFCAMPUSIS so slow as to impede research; I can access data and websites more quickly from a Comcast connection at home. In general, IST offers useful research computing and data services but the costs are so high as to be impractical. For EXAMPLEITCOSTSLESSTOBUYA4B,4/TAPESYSTEMTHANTOUSECAMPUSBACKUPFORYRON4B$ISKSERVICESARE similarly priced as to be impractical and instead require lab-specific purchases. f: Migrate to Google Calendar or another open ical based calendaring. Make sure the library proxy works fast and well. f: Modernize CalMail--make it more user friendly. f: More information, low cost and ease of use f: More Mac Support f: More prompt service response from network experts f: more robust wireless access on campus f: More tech support in Humanities departments (now virtually none in small departments.) f: more tips on how to save time f: More widespread and more reliable Airbears/Airbears_beyond. Oddly, my laptop drops the Airbears signal quite OFTENBUTITDOESNTDROPOTHERSIGNALSEGMYSIGNALATHOME)DONTKNOWIFITSAIRBEARSORMYCOMPUTER!,3/)D like ATT cellphone coverage across campus - there’s a dead spot in the middle of campus. f: My biggest issues are better access off campus. I can login using my CalNet ID and password, but I’m constantly prompted to do it over and over again. I’d also like to figure out how to back up my computer to a remote server, rather than the external hard drive and flash drive system I use. f: Oh lord! Get a better iPhone log in, more airbears access, better training for local IT folk, stop making me re-learn new e-mail and classroom management systems, more electronic classrooms... f: Probably cheaper access to the internet - high cost of IP installation is a problem. f: Provide a better, less expensive data backup system. f: Provide backup support for MacIntosh. Our department will only support PCs f: provide basic services like Cal Agenda for free. MOR Associates, Inc. A-12 | !PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTSs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY f: Provide better consulting for basic software problems (OS, word processing, mail) with my computer. f: Provide cell-phone repeaters to get cell reception in weak areas f: provide complete Airbears coverage. There are still dead spots in Dwinelle Hall f: Provide convenient workshops for learning how to USE the technology; provide permanent staff for clusters of departments. f: provide financial support for our Departmental Technology support person f: provide free assistance with digitizing slides, creating course web pages, and related items f: provide free or very cheap backup of all my data. f: Provide free personal webspace for class websites/teaching. NOT bspace. f: Provide licenses for standard desktop software beyond antivirus. f: Provide more information about the latest technology options. f: Provide more local service and technical assistance at the departmental level. f: Provide more storage, period. For both e-mail and back-up systems. The rest is useless. f: Provide reliable infrastructure. Attempts to educate users or provide personalized service unlikely to be effective, and these kinds of support services available for many services from off-campus. f: Provide software and information enabling faculty to create and maintain their websites. My personal and project websites are now a few years out of date because the software I used to use for wysiwyg html composition and editing is no longer supported and I can’t find out what to use or how to use it. When I edited them before it was very hard to find out how to make changes, upload edited pages, etc. and there were often glitches in doing it. It would make a very large difference in my research and professional life if I could easily keep my websites up to date. This is something that is generally expected of faculty and should be made easy for us. f: Reduce the cost of intenet nodes, or facilitate the establishment of local wireless networks f: Reliable email (this has been a recent problem in my department) f: replace CalAgenda f: replace my old computer and energy-wasting CRT monitor f: send a consultant for tutorials in using and managing IT f: Set up a centralized web-based desktop for course management, calendar use and sharing, webpage maintenance, etc. f: Set up University Field Stations so that their communications are integrated with the campus network (particularly supporting reliable connectivity) f: smile on face-- customer friendliness matters! f: some places there is no internet - now the dial up is being eliminated - how can one go to a very remote location and still stay in contact f: Sorry, this sounds very demanding, but I would really benefit from “Day & night & weekend availability” by phone of someone who immediately gets to my problem for cases of emergency. It’s usually something very urgent -- e.g., I am in another country and cannot access files which I have to shown within a few hours or so. f: Standardize! MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs!PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTS| A-13 f: support drupal development on campus f: Support iPhone to sync calendars with Oracle and Obtain DHCP from campus network without using AirBears interface f: Systems admin for large computing clusters. This service is supposed to be covered by overhead, and I cannot hire a sys admin person from my NSF grant. The tasks are usually beyond the capability of Dept sys admin personnel - who deal with small systems and who are not up-to-date on the latest technologies. f: Talk English, not tech-speak f: tell me what all the stuff mentioned here is and what things IST might do for me f: The Calnet system is antiquated, user UNfriendly, very limited in space. I now forward all of my calnet email to gmail, which is easier to use. f: The server abatement process has been very trying. Even at this date the limited time available and the lack of specificity about key details of the options makes this more difficult than one would have wanted it to be. f: The voicemail service is truly terrible in the time that it takes to retrieve messages. The old system was much better f: The voicemail system is cumbersome. Do we really need to know whether we are available when we remotely check messages? f: There are obviously many services about which I know nothing. Some education about what’s available would help. f: There could be more on-site support from trained technical people. I still haven’t managed to get someone to help me with some issues. f: There is absolutely no obvious Service and Technology orientation for new faculty, so it unclear what services are available. I just recently found out that it was possible to have automated backups made -- in late October -- and that’s only because I overheard some comment to make me think the service existed. That said S & T is not worse really than any other division of the university in informing new faculty about procedures and services offered -- the university seems to be generally pretty dismal in this regard. Just an example: I found out about bSpace the day a few days before my first class -- more or less by chance! I’ve since learned that my GSIs get more and better training than I did as incoming faculty. Clearly people like me are falling between the cracks. f: Update needed software licences on a timely basis, so that we do not need to run SAS for six weeks with messages that the software is about to expire. Work out sensible pricing options for multiple user installations of software such as SAS, Matlab, and Stata. Every year we have to renegotiate the costs of our renewals and the access that is permitted. The process is not very transparent and it is time consuming for both me and my staff. f: User-friendly information about IST and where to get help. f: When I have a problem, i would like to be ab le to call someone on the phone. i am totally tech-helpless, and often-just in using bSpace or whatever, i get wildly frustrated, and the “help” instructions just make me more frustrated. One quick phone call could save me hours of midery. f: who are you? I depend on Haas Computer Center for help but wonder if your help would be useful as well. f: yes, bring the training to the department faculty. g: 1. MS Office on all computers2. turn off the internet explorer / firefox security prompts that come up every time I LOGON3HOULDNTBEARFACTSANDTELEBEARSBESYSTEM4HESCHEDULEOFCLASSESSHOULDHAVEAFILTERFORDISCUSSION sections. this would make it easier to view classes. UCSC’s schedule is a great example. g: Airbears needs to stop sucking! Half the time it’s down, and the other half it takes forever to connect. g: Allow subdomains for registered groups MOR Associates, Inc. A-14 | !PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTSs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY g: Allow us access to free wifi in more locations on campus and off campus. g: At boalt law building, sometimes it is difficult to get access to airbears. g: Basic info about how to build my own basic website for my research and teaching. How do I get hosting space? How can I upload documents, etc.? g: Be more clear about helping me find out how to service my computer g: better advertisements of when/where IST can provide assistance. I often turn to my department IT people when IST would be more helpful. g: better email g: better email interface g: Better network coverage on the northside (Cory hall, Euclid Ave.) g: better off-campus access to network g: Better wireless connectivity, better remote access g: bring telebears into the modern age. G%NSURETHATALLPARTSOFTHESYSTEMARECOMPATIBLEWITH,INUXATLEASTACOMMONFLAVORLIKE5BUNTU g: everything works well enough for my use g: explaining the restrictions on electronic access to my own information 24/7! (i.e. can’t access financial aid after 7 p.m., can’t change courses during inexplicable times of day) g: Faster Airbears and better coverage. g: First, I think these boxes need to come earlier in the survey, or there should be more clarification about what “IT” includes in this survey. For instance I think the bSpace staff is fantastic! They are very nice and smart and helpful. I think someone (I am terrible at names) named Mario? (the man who seems to run that IT open-window/bar office in Dwinelle) is very helpful with IT stuff and also once fixed the handlebars on my bike with a metric Allen-Wrench. I think that is *an* IT department but I am not sure. Then, down at the Northwest corner of campus (right across the street) in that newish-looking building there were some women on the first floor on the right who helped me ROUTEALLMYBERKELEYMAILTOMYYAHOOMAIL4HATWASGREATBECAUSEFORMYFIRSTYEARSHERE)COULDNOTREMEMBER my original password. Finally, the bad news, connectivity on Campus is really awful. I have a MacBook which is SUPPOSETOBEONEOFTHEBEST7I&IWISEBUTMANYMANYTIMESITTAKESMEMINUTESTOGETONLINE4HISISESPECIALLY terrible when I am teaching down in 104 Moffitt. All my students have trouble getting online there too. The system is not adequate to support the load of people using the Wireless in many places on campus. (FSM caf, the Bio-Sci ,IBRARYETC3OMETIMESITISNOTPOSSIBLETOFOLLOWMYLESSONPLANBECAUSETHEREISNOROOMSIGNALSTRENGTHFORME Sorry, I know that is more than one thing, but really, this form left me nowhere else to express these things, and I am unsure which of these things is grouped under the name “IT”. I will say too that one time I asked a question on an IT page and the woman I sent it to wrote back with a rather snotty “Why did you send this to me?” email. I think that computer people forget that the names the give to things are ambiguous to people who don’t work in the tech business. This woman might have just passed the email to the person who could resolve the problem rather than passive-aggressively trying to “fix” my mistake. g: Have a more prominent on campus presence so people are aware of the range of services provided. G(AVEFULL,INUXSUPPORT&OREXAMPLEMAKESURETHATPRINTERSANDCIFSSHARESCANBEACCESSEDEASILYANDRELIABLY FROM,INUXMACHINES g: Help me to understand what services are offered MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs!PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTS| A-15 g: i don’t like the set up of calmail. shortcuts (like on yahoo) or a different layout would help. g: I doubt this is an IST issue, but the fact that I can’t have the same password for calmail, bearfacts, telebears, etc. it sooooo annoying. For sure at least Calmail and telebears have different password requirements so they can’t be the same. g: I had no idea that IST had so many available services! Perhaps there’s a better way to get the word out? Had I known that there was software, security help, etc available I would have made use of you guys a long time ago! Please find a way to let people know about your services! g: I’d like to not have to log onto airbears every few minutes. g: If IST deals with bspace, it should make bspace faster to use, because right now it is too slow. especially the gradeBOOKROSTERFORAPERSONCOURSEALSOITWOULDBENICEIFYOUCOULDSAVEADRAFTOFANEMAILONCALMAILAND not have the email close. g: Improve AirBears access not only within Doe/Moffitt but also outside of the buildings -- including AirBearsExtreme and AirBearsBeyond. g: Improve Airbears coverage. g: improve reliability and speed of wireless network, at least in Evans Hall g: Improve the wireless access throughout Tolman Hall (education side)! Airbears is very spotty here and it’s quite frustrating when doing work where I need the internet (much of my work) g: improved wireless access g: In the website, there are a lot of information that it is in two or more places... sometimes is a mix-up and also you can imporve the “Search” g: Increase email quota. g: Increase the availability of Airbears to every floor of every building. g: inform students how/when to contact IT, including services provided. tutorials would be nice, like how to log on as a guest on campus and how to access the Berkeley network remotely. g: Inform us about the available services. g: larger email storage; my mail gets full fast especially if someone sends me images; but as an optometry student; images of disease are important to pass around amongs students via email. G,ARGERWIRELESSNETWORK G,ETPEOPLEKNOWTHAT)4EXISTS3ENDPERIODICEMAILSWITHINFORMATIONANDTELLINGABOUTTHEIRWEBSITE G,UMPINFOBEARSTELEBEARSANDBEARFACTSINTOONEVENUE g: make bibliographic software free G-AKESUREYOURENEWLICENSESLIKE3!3ONTIME,ASTMONTHAGOTHELICENSEFORTHATWASSUPPOSEDTOBE available in July was still not available. g: Make the wireless network stronger. g: More comprehensive email client that rivals or integrates features of Gmail and Hotmail g: More trainings on how to access IT sercices before the semester begins or at times convenient - ie not during class TIMESORJUST MOR Associates, Inc. A-16 | !PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTSs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY g: My department’s IT people aren’t very proactive about making computers useful to grad students. Most grad students agree that our computer lab is just a place to check email--always frustrating to use for research. g: Off campus access to the Berkeley library for journal access is difficult. Is there a way to do a one time authentication? Thanks. g: Organizing workshops tailored to different audiences that help you make the best use of my computer, use better linux, discover productivity tools that I am not aware of etc.Another big thing: have a service to assist labs when they set up a cluster and to do cluster managements. There are too many labs in which a graduate student had to set up the cluster or where the IT person is overwhelmed because he is alone to have to maintain too many resources. g: Provide access to norton antivirus for Windows users, not just Macs! g: Provide easier access for Windows Vista anti virus security programs. g: Provide faster, more complete wireless internet coverage on campus. For instance, provide good wireless coverage at the base of the Campanille. g: provide software to remove adware and spy programs. i wish the wireless network worked in buildings but it doesn’t work in my building. g: provide wireless access throughout Wheeler Hall-- particularly in lounge spaces. Provide access to things like printers, etc, from personal computers. g: remote printing for mac leopard g: Save our CalNet ID once we’ve logged online so we don’t need to do that every time we log on. g: Single Sign onAccess to library resources while away from the campus g: The wireless internet at the law school is VERY slow and spotty! It’s a huge problem. g: umm maybe just reminders of what’s available, and how to get to it. g: Unfortunately, I’m realizing that my interactions with IST have been limited so I am unsure what that would be. Everything has been great so far. g: update and upgrade systems to function like other online systems; not so clunky and awkward. g: wireless coverage and stability U!BILITYTOSEARCHFORARTICLESINALLJOURNALSBYKEYWORDONTHE5#,IBRARYPAGEINSTEADOFTHROUGHINDIVIDUAL articles or by subject) u: Accessing UC-protected documents from off campus shouldn’t take so long. u: AIRBEARS more available throughout campus. Support for programs like excel. u: Better Airbears coverage. u: better internet connection outside of buildings u: Explain what IST is. I am not very familiar with it. u: faster wireless internet u: free printing u: Have the mail server respond more quickly/refresh automatically and timeout less. u: I don’t know. Perhaps make the services that can be provided more widely known to students. MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs!PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTS| A-17 u: i havent really heard much about IST so having maybe a freshman mandatory workshop would help out a lot. people do not get much of the information about IST which could patentially help out a lot u: I’m not really sure what the IST department is in general.. I haven’t had any major problems as of yet, but when I did have a minor laptop problem, it was easily fixed by going down to Rescomp in my Unit 1 center. u: If I could access web databases like Jstor using my CalNet ID while off campus u: improve class registration system. u: Improve the wireless connection or make information about wireless connection more accessible to students u: Improve wireless connectivity on Sproul Plaza. u: Improving the user interface of Calmail to make it more reflective of the sleekness of gmail and yahoo mail. u: Integrate a class calendar into telebears U,ARGER%MAIL$ISKSPACEALLOWPERSONALIZEDFILTERSFOR%MAILLIKEIN'MAIL U,INKTODEPARTMENTSFACULTYONTHETELEBEARSSCHEDULEOFCLASSESLINKS u: make online services available off campus through ID/passphrase u: make sure more people know that you can download antivirus software for FREE since you’re a student. I didn’t know until i took this survey! u: More effective and interactive e-mail system. u: more step-by-step directions u: More wireless coverage in basement type buildings like Evans. u: More wireless- even around the dorms. u: Navigation. The easier I can navigate to and from pages, the easier it is for me. u: off campus internet connect.. internet is very expensive and as a college student its very hard to pay for it. u: Provide an automated log-in system for iPhone users accessing AirBears. u: provide better wireless access on campus as well as off campus (especially in places near by!) u: provide persistent access credentials for airbears u: restore webfiles u: strong wireless access everywhere on campus u: Stronger wireless signal around campus. u: Tele-BEARS! Please make it better! Also, Airbears can be bad at times. Why can’t I get a unique IP in Cory or Soda? I can everywhere else on campus. u: too many websites; bearfacts, telebers, etc u: wireless internet everywhere on campus a: 1) I find the IST websites difficult to navigate, and information hard to find. (They’re getting better.)2) The campus main page has one miniscule search box and three tiny radio buttons for selecting the type of search. It’s maddening -- bring back the old three-boxes approach and MAKE IT BIGGER! a: Allow more Administrative functions, i.e., downloading, updates, etc. MOR Associates, Inc. A-18 | !PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTSs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY a: As a user, it would be helpful to have written documents describing the processes involved with data population of user tables (in my case student data tables), including logic. Over the years we figure out bits and pieces, it would be nice to have a legacy for future employees to help them with the learning curve. a: Availability of Macs for more unit across campus and access to cross-functionaility a: Basically just making sure that we are able to change your password without any difficulties. a: Be responsive when units query about charges that appear in their chartstrings; be responsive about changing the chartstring used or the billing, as appropriate. a: Become more user-friendly and send more frequent communication. a: Better access and improvement to my campus e-mail and my iphone. I have had problems with the system bumping me off and difficulties sending e-mail communications through the campus system. a: Better assistance when problems or questions arise. a: Better back-up system, more reliable wireless service. a: cell phones working everywhere on campus a: Continue to work with the various department network staff persons so that staff can utilize the best resources. a: Decrease desk-top computer start-up time once computer is powered down. Have each telephone set up with it’s own phone number and voicemail as well as have access to answering one main phone line. a: distribute information faster when there is a campus-wide problem a: Encourage use of non-Microsoft/PC platforms a: For ethnographic studies provide the ability to batch capture data from handwritten docuements, instead of scanning a document one at a time. Then combine all of the doucments into one, which would allow a researcher to read the document and code it on the same docuement. a: Give me a CalAgenda patch so tha I caouls download my calendar to my IPhone. a: Go to place for forms or procedurces on equipment that is network on the such as copier and when employee leave UCB service. a: Have Cal Agenda be able to sync to an iphone a: Have more laptops available to work on weekends and remotely. a: Have wireless access everywhere on campus. Also, phones with caller ID and call waiting. a: Having the dedicated one on one personal IT service help for the department. Phone/email support has not been helpful at all. a: Help me to connect to campus resources from home. a: help with the online service request system: it is often down or unavailable and i end up having to track down IT people for help. a: I do fine with the services of which we are aware and use, but I don’t feel like I have a handle on additional services that may be available to us that we are not using. a: I use a laptop and don’t have a desktop computer at all. I take my laptop home every night. It would be nice to have some sort of automatic backup system that would work for laptops that are not stored at UC at night. a: I would like to be able to download certain applications without getting approval from IT, such as Yahoo Messenger MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs!PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTS| A-19 and Google Earth, which are needed to perform my job functions.I would also like to be able to run updates on my own w/o approval from IT. The little icon in my task bar drives me nuts sometimes when my computer hasn’t been updated. a: I would like to know more on IST and how it works. a: I’m pretty much satisfied with IST. Haven’t had problems. I’ve been working here about six months, and considering the massive size of the school and how many different systems have to work together somehow, I’ll have to say I’ve been impressed. a: If I could have remote access to items on the shared drive in order to work on projects remotely, this would be very helpful to me. a: improve descriptions when billing to chartstrings a: It would be useful to get security warnings that are associated with a particular cable id or mac address rather than ip address. My building uses dhcp, so the ip address is of limited use. a: Keep me automatically posted when there are system-wide outages/problems. a: Make it possible for me to sync my calendar to my iPhoneHave a Microsoft Exchange Server a: Make more of an effort to instruct managers on how and why to use CalAgenda campus wide. It makes little sense to have a networked calendaring system if people don’t use it. Why invite someone to meetings if they don’t use that program to schedule themselves. Also, it’s sort of a bare-bones program compared to Meeting Maker or Outlook. a: More FAQs, self-help articles posted in Knowledge Base a: More information on how to secure my computer and prevent attacks. a: My department has a Systems group, so they probably interact with campus IST, but I never do. I have no suggestions. a: Network funding model, ridiculous markups on port costs. I feel like IST is trying to profit off of other departments. You standardize on the most expensive gear on the planet. a: new calendaring system (as good as google calendar) please!! a: Offer drop ins or more workshops on what they offer. a: On G-Mail if I put a message in a different mailbox I can still view that message on my home computer. It would be extremely helpful if Calmail could do that. a: Online skill development and/or education related to my specific field of work (desktop publishing & digital photography) a: provide some type of a one-client service. we have to log into so many things just to get the day going a: Provide support for my I-Phone, e.g., installing Microsoft Exchange, and having synch ability to Cal agenda. a: reconcile different calendar programs a: Replace CalAgenda with a state-of-the-art integrated calendaring, email, and contact database that is accessible via from handhelds like iPhones and Blackberries. a: Since I work in RSSP, I have more contact with RSSP-IT than IST. RSSP-IT addresses the majority of my work needs. a: This survey was constructive to seek input from campus end-users a: To answer my email... I’ve written twice and received no response. MOR Associates, Inc. A-20 | !PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTSs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY a: Unfortunately I’m not familiar with the ITS website, so I don’t have an opinion here. a: Use of credit card for payments. a: User manuals in PRINT form for non-technically oriented employees. A7ARNUSEARLYENOUGHOFTERMINALSHUTDOWNS;ATLEASTMINUTES=SOTHAT)WOULDNTLOSEANEMAIL)MINTHE middle of writing. a: We have been put in the position of relying on the network for HR, payroll, purchasing, gift processing, student records, etc. and the network (particularly in our building) is too unreliable and slow. Fixing these problems would MAKEMYJOBMUCHEASIER!COWORKERGETSTIMESFASTERACCESSFROMHOMEWITHCABLEMODEMTHANHEGETSFROM his desk top!! MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs!PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTS| A-21 39CUVJGTGCP[VJKPIYGFKFP¶VCUMCDQWVVJCV[QWYQWNFNKMGVQEQOOGPVQP! The reponses to this questions have been sorted by cohort and then by satisfaction with IST overall (in parentheses). f: (VS): People I have worked with have been very helpful - I appreciate it! f: (S): You only asked if I back up to the central server daily. I do back up, but only occasionally. The backup software was extremely difficult to setup--I couldn’t have done it without department IT help--and all I wantged to do was back up my files and not all of the programs etc. f: (S): Would like to hear more about a UCB cell phone instead of a landline - or a Vonage like system where I can get my voicemail even when out of the country. f: (S): Usually when I need to call it is become the system has crashed in some way. This is more frequent here than other places I have been. Sometimes the advice on the phone is good and other times does not address the problem and then the problem just fixes itself because there has really been some crash, but one part of IT personnel does not know what the other is doing to the system, or it is the local IT network that is the problem. F34HEPHONEDESKSETSAVAILABLEFROM)34SEEMOLDhCLUNKYvANDEXPENSIVEFORASTANDARDPUSHBUTTON PHONETHATLOOKSLIKEITSOUTOFTHES&EWCORDLESSOPTIONSAVAILABLE f: (S): The library proxy: perhaps the single most important thing for us to do our jobs. f: (S): The IT services are not well explained. More simple pedagogy to teach us what’s out there -- not a long booklet every so oftne that no one has time to read... f: (S): See above - we need a much better web interface, which includes formatting text, etc. f: (S): I use unix machines in a cluster in my college. I have had a hard time getting a lab with terminals to access these machines for teaching. f: (S): I use my cellphone for work, but have poor reception in some rooms - installation of repeaters would be very helpful. f: (S): I prefer that the campus contract with commercial service providers rather than create local solutions for SERVICESTHATAREWIDELYAVAILABLESUCHASWIKIS,-3ORCALENDARS f: (S): give a mobile phone to every faculty f: (S): Getting any help around Berkeley is always welcome!! f: (S): CalAgenda is not feasible for things like setting up office hours. Check out (my pages) for a non-bloated, user friendly (UCB student developed) program f: (S): bSpace is an awkward and badly designed system for class work. It’s workable, but not too much more than that. f: (S): better interface with calmail f: (SS): Why not shift to using Google’s inline tools? f: (SS): Why don’t we negotiate a better deal with the phone company? We pay a fortune for service, and especially long distance and international phone calls. It’s ridiculous. I use calling cards when I have to call colleagues overseas. f: (SS): Want to emphasize that spam is out of control; Gmail manages to stop most spam but at UCB it seems everything gets through. MOR Associates, Inc. A-22 | !PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTSs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY f: (SS): University upgraded the network at Etcheverry Hall. However the network of Hesse Hall has not been upgraded. It would be perfect if university could upgrade the network of Hesse Hall too. f: (SS): The UC dial-up should not be discontinued, since all faculty and many staff do work at home as well as on campus. f: (SS): The faculty support staff is fantastic. f: (SS): TAM needs more staffing. f: (SS): proxy services for connecting to the library website using an off-campus *laptop* -- it’s working for me right now but I’ve had trouble in the past f: (SS): Our interactions with the Data Services Group have been prolonged but unproductive f: (SS): No support for home computer, where most of my UC work is done. f: (SS): make it possible for spouses of faculty to pay for individual email account F33,INUX4HECAMPUSSHOULDPROVIDEMORESEEMLESSSUPPORTFORLINUXANDOPENSOURCESOLUTIONSSINCETHESEARE general more affordable than proprietary systems. F33,INKUPBETWEENHOMECOMPUTINGANDCAMPUSCOMPUTING4HISCOULDBEBETTERMANAGED)NFORMATIONON how to access research materials and other university-licensed material from home should be more widely accessible, synching e-mail between home and campus can be awkward, etc. f: (SS): I think professional web site help for departments and faculty is very important. f: (SS): I get all my IT support from my departmental IT staff. If I have a problem with an IST service like CalAgenda, CalMail, etc., they fix it for me. I know they are aware of IST service offerings and would have more of an opinion on these services and how well they are provided than I can offer. f: (SS): I don’t feel I know enough about what IST is responsible for to answer this question. f: (SS): I dislike not being able to save my login info for the campus on my home computer the way I used to be able to do so. f: (SS): I am not entirely sure what IST does or is, but I infer from this questionnaire it handles email at least whose performance is on the whole OK, although I get too much spam. But apparently there is a lot more useful stuff you provide of which I am unaware, e.g. “calendar” and lots more. Also f: (SS): have you considered outsourcing services like email and backup given the number of Internet companies that support such services these days. f: (SS): Faculty should receive greater support for upgrading and replacing out of date hardware and software, at less cost to faculty and departments. f: (SS): Connections between IT and our campus’ library system f: (SS): Campus subsidies for purchase of new faculty computers f: (SS): bSpace f: (SD): Well, it is not really your area, but one of the hardest aspects of IT on campus is the poor quality of the financial information available to chairs and directors and grant-holders,which is partly a matter of the software used and partly a matter of the inadequate staff support in my area. f: (SD): This is perhaps not your issue, but I’d love it if I could enter my cal net id information once in a session and move fluidly among different campus services MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs!PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTS| A-23 f: (SD): the attitudes and availability of service support staff f: (SD): Survey too desktop-centric to apply to many of my computing needs. f: (SD): Server hosting cost issues: this is another example of the university “passing the buck” to faculty. This is an indirect cost of doing research and should be supported that way, just as experimental labs are. The logical next step would be to charge for experimental labs. F3$)DONTKNOWWHATTHE)4HELPDIVISIONISORHOWTHEYCOULDASSISTME)USEEXCLUSIVELYTHE,3TECHSTAFF and live in fear of having a crash at a time when they are busy. If I have a simple question--like why my cursor has suddenly stopped working or why my back-up stick is suddenly write-protected--I end up asking a colleague. f: (SD): General level of dissemination of knowledge about what is available via IST is pretty poor. If I knew more about it I might take advantage of more opportunities . . . I’m actually not even sure what this survey was supposed to cover--B-space? Cal-Mail? Obviously Cal Agenda, which I’ve never used (it is or was on my computer but I’ve no idea how to use it--no support that I know of, the department MSO just put it on), and I still get the Connecting at Berkeley disk from Scholar’s Workstation, but otherwise what IST does and, to be more specific, could do specifically for me or other faculty, is still rather a mystery . . . and if, as seems to be the case, my office ethernet connection is going away and I’m going to have to pay to have Comcast or something similar in my office I’ll switch entirely to wireless, which means that service needs to be improved . . . f: (SD): CalId with proxy server is awkward and wastes my time f: (SD): Alternative back-up: I am so dissatisfied with the back-up options that I am now paying myself for sugarsync. com. Thus, I can get to my files from any computer anytime anywhere ... It would be *GREAT* if Berkeley could copy their approach. f: (SD): (1) Ease of finding out how to connect to the library via vpn and proxy server. I managed to do this a couple of years ago but found it very confusing and complicated.(2) A question not asked: Does your department or unit HAVEAN)34PERSON)NMYCASEWEHAVENOONE!QUESTIONNOTASKED#OULDYOUDOYOURJOBWITHNOCAMPUS phone? with no phone at all? f: (D): What is the relation between what you do and what department support staff might do (who seem to leave faculty to their own devices in terms of all these issues)? f: (D): Unit IT dept not trained and consistent with IT skill sets across campus. Need comparability of IT positions across campus in terms of training, skills, compensation. They need consistent training at campus level for econoMIESOFSCALEANDTOKEEPCAMPUSSUPPORTCONSISTENT!LSOONRESEARCHCAMPUSKEEPSOVERHEADANDDOESNTGIVE enough back to research units to provide IT support to research. Should not have to pay campus for web services - I expect better campus support instead of replication at high costs. Need occasional technical on Microsoft Access, but can’t find it anywhere. Need campus-wide operational solutions such as Our Unit, but leery since campus hasn’t endorsed or sponsored such solutions. Campus doesn’t give sufficient solutions to ensure security for restricted data. ,OTSOFPOTENTIALRESOURCESEG/PEN!UDITINOPENSOURCEBUTCAMPUSHASNTGIVENGUIDANCE f: (D): The question of service, looking for information online is very time-consuming. f: (D): The cost of setting up new ethernet ports is really too high. f: (D): Provide more storage, period. For both e-mail and back-up systems. The rest is useless. f: (D): It is very difficult to obtain IT assistance. When my computers break down, I can sometimes get help from our department IT manager; otherwise, I must do all the research necessary to fix them. The campus backup system is unbelievably arcane, expensive, and user unfriendly. This is really important on a campus sitting right on a major earthquake fault. MOR Associates, Inc. A-24 | !PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTSs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY f: (D): I strongly support the use of central campus funds to upgrade outdated internet infrastructure (especially wired, but also wi-fi) in campus departments, rather than charging individual units or users for all (or a significant portion) of these costs. f: (D): Give the departments funds to hire computer staff to be close by. f: (D): Electronic classrooms f: (D): bspace. good support. bugs on the classroom side. hard to learn. need class web site at UCB not dept expense to go with. f: (D): bSpace is almost unusable. I waste so much time moving through menus or going through redundant commands. I wish it were more click and drag, modeled after the mac interface. it is also too limited in storage capacity. It is visually confusing, as well, so that one spends time just orienting oneself, even after several years of working with it. f: (VD): People at IS&T need to take responsibility for customer service calls and make sure that if they can’t help the customer, then they find the appropriate person to do so. There is a severe lack of willingness to follow through in IS&T and no sense of accountability. I had to involve 8 people once, just to get the help I needed. I spent several days trying to track down the right person and finally had to go to the head of the group who then sent me right back to the person I started with several days before. Your groups are so disassociated with each other and your individuals so unwilling to involve yourselves. “Oh, we don’t do that” and “No, I don’t know who does, bye bye” is a standard response for working with IS&T. You must establish some accountability if you are going to successfully support me, the customer. f: (VD): IST seems very far removed from my day-to-day life and technology needs at UC Berkeley. When I need something, I’m usually told to go someplace else to get it. Feel like I have to take care of my own technology needs and those of my research team. Makes my job very difficult and is unlike anything I’ve experience at any of the other universities where I’ve been employed. It’s one of the things (along with how bad OSP is) that makes me think of looking elsewhere for employment. f: (VD): I often regret that the Berkeley IT philosophy is based so heavily on decentralization: departments have to make up for the fact that IS&T provides only limited services. I realize it’s a fact of life, and with budgets being supertight, it’s hard to see that changing any time soon, but it seems unfortunate. f: (No Response): whether I understand what you’re talking about f: (No Response): We have a great departmental computer guy. F.O2ESPONSE-YFACULTYAPPOINTMENTISA"ERKELEY,AW)AMWELLFAMILIARWITHTHE,AW3CHOOLS)34SUPPORT but not the campus support. F.O2ESPONSE)WOULDLIKETOSEE,INUXMACHINESINTHECOMPUTERLABSFORTHESTUDENTSWITHOPENSOURCESCIENTIFIC software installed. Dual-boot would be fine, but Windows or Mac only is not appropriate in a public university. f: (No Response): I have very little idea what IST does. I never use CalAgenda. I went online looking for software from you exactly once. So for most of your questions, I’m not even sure what you’re talking about. f: (No Response): I believe I have been sent to your site to update Eudora: (in the past- I’ve now got Microsoft Outlook, a much more cumbersome and annoying program for my email) and my VPN client (at least I assume it was your site). The biggest problem is that you don’t inform us when updates are available. It seems like there should be a way for you to identify faculty who are using your site to install programs and notify them when there is an important update. Especially if it is security related. f: (No Response): Fot those of us who are truly deeply ignorant, a personalized (group) tutorial on key issues (security, e.g.) might be helpful. MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs!PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTS| A-25 f: (No Response): External access from a laptop at a hotel rooms while travelling can be difficult. There is no problem accessing the Berkeley computer. The problem that sometimes arises is sending email through an email client such as Thunderbird; downloading email usually works, it is the uploading part that sometimes does not. I have had to CHANGETHE0ORTSETTINGON4HUNDERBIRD)TUSEDTOBEAT0ORTAND)BELIEVECHANGINGITTOORSOMEOTHER number did the trick. Advice on how to handle this would be helpful. The required Port will clearly vary with server at the hotel, so no foolproof advice can be given, but some general advice can be given and made easily accessible. f: (No Response): Backup. Help with transitions between computing platforms and installation of software on various platforms (e.g. clusters) - this includes migration of scientific codes and software to a new platform. Such a SERVICEEXISTSELSEWHEREEGAT5#,! g: (S): You didn’t ask about anything except my relative satisfaction with broad categories! We need better wireless ACCESSIN7HEELER(ALLONTHERDANDTHFLOOR)REALLYCOULDUSEAWEBBASEDFILESHARINGAPPLICATION-YDEPARTment (English) needs a website update really bad -- profs and grad students should be able to post info about our most recent publications. g: (S): Yes, a big reason why I put N/A for many answers was that I’m at Haas, and I use the Haas email instead of the Berkeley email. g: (S): seems to frequently be a wait at the computer lab in Haviland Hall (Social Welfare building). would be nice to know where other computer labs are, or better yet, have additional computers in the lab. g: (S): please let us do a course search on telebears when we’re signing up for classes g: (S): I would love it if someone would teach a course in using Unix-flavored systems to social scientists. I was shocked that this is not available on the campus that developed BSD. g: (S): I think things run fairly well. I get alot of spam in my email from the school (its been coming since I got the email), but otherwise the hardest thing is just remembering how to find things - which is never impossible. g: (S): bSpace is a blessing and a curse. It could use some work to be less curse, more blessing. g: (S): A lot of the question assumed I knew and used most of IST services.I believe there are some (many) services that I use without knowing that IST is behind it and that have been extremely useful in my work at Berkely such as the software available in particular for security and secure networking, being able to log remotely on compute servers etc. And also the services related to having remote access to UCB resources G334HISMAYBEDEPARTMENTALBUT)DLIKETOBEABLETOADDMONEYTOMYPRINTINGACCOUNTIN,ANDSCAPE !RCHITECTURE#OLLEGEOF%NVIRONMENTAL$ESIGNONLINEWITHOUTHANDINGACHECKTOTHE#OMPUTER,AB-ANAGER g: (SS): Providing more outlets across campus for laptops, larger computer labs in departments g: (SS): I think (I’m sure, actually) I don’t even know the range of services that IST provides. Many questions left me wondering whether I was even aware of what IST does... Maybe there is a better way to get that information out there. For me, I just sort of take what’s offered, but I don’t do a lot of work to find what’s offered. (My fault entirely.) I have a feeling I am not taking full advantage of IST services. (fyi - I am a 6th year grad student.) g: (SS): Email about suspicious activity on my computer on the network was not very helpful. It contained too many technical terms, when in the end, all I needed to do was scan my computer in safe mode due to some viruses. G3$)DONTKNOWIFTHISFALLSUNDERYOURPURVIEWBUTTHETELNETINTERFACEFORTHE,IBRARYSYSTEMISABSURDAND should be updated to a modern browser-based interface. MOR Associates, Inc. A-26 | !PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTSs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY g: (SD): I came from an undergraduate institution with a highly centralized computing system -- all computing, departmental or otherwise and including students’ private computers -- was essentially under the aegis of the information services group. The Byzantine system at Berkeley, which involves a zillion different disparate systems, has REALLYSTRUCKMEASBEINGWOEFULLYCOMPLICATEDANDINEFFICIENT!NEXTENDEDCAMPAIGNOFUNIFICATIONLIKEINLATETH century Germany might be a good thing. g: (D): Not sure what IST is, I have sought IT help but not sure where or from whom. g: (D): I would like to see better integration of computer systems such as email, telebears, bear-facts, info-bears, library services, web-hosting, etc. It always takes me a long time to figure out where I have to go to find specific information about things like registration or bills. I have used other University systems where one login gives you access to all of the above services (for example University of Washington’s MyUW system). The current system at Berekeley seems very fragmented, and is also very frustrating to use because of the limited hours of service for some systems. Also, I found the web files system very confusing and annoying to use. I would prefer a simple unix account that could be used with sftp and ssh to manage files and webpages. g: (No Response): Maybe I will post this here too, in case the information in these boxes gets routed to different people:First, I think these boxes need to come earlier in the survey, or there should be more clarification about what “IT” includes in this survey. For instance I think the bSpace staff is fantastic! They are very nice and smart and helpful. I think someone (I am terrible at names) named Mario? (the man who seems to run that IT open-window/ bar office in Dwinelle) is very helpful with IT stuff and also once fixed the handlebars on my bike with a metric Allen-Wrench. I think that is *an* IT department but I am not sure. Then, down at the Northwest corner of campus (right across the street) in that newish-looking building there were some women on the first floor on the right who HELPEDMEROUTEALLMYBERKELEYMAILTOMYYAHOOMAIL4HATWASGREATBECAUSEFORMYFIRSTYEARSHERE)COULDNOT remember my original password. Finally, the bad news, connectivity on Campus is really awful. I have a MacBook WHICHISSUPPOSETOBEONEOFTHEBEST7I&IWISEBUTMANYMANYTIMESITTAKESMEMINUTESTOGETONLINE4HIS is especially terrible when I am teaching down in 104 Moffitt. All my students have trouble getting online there too. The system is not adequate to support the load of people using the Wireless in many places on campus. (FSM caf, the "IO3CI,IBRARYETC3OMETIMESITISNOTPOSSIBLETOFOLLOWMYLESSONPLANBECAUSETHEREISNOROOMSIGNALSTRENGTH for me. Sorry, I know that is more than one thing, but really, this form left me nowhere else to express these things, and I am unsure which of these things is grouped under the name “IT”. I will say too that one time I asked a question on an IT page and the woman I sent it to wrote back with a rather snotty “Why did you send this to me?” email. I think that computer people forget that the names the give to things are ambiguous to people who don’t work in the tech business. This woman might have just passed the email to the person who could resolve the problem rather than passive-aggressively trying to “fix” my mistake. g: (No Response): bspace... if it is in your purview. U34HISSURVEYUSESSCALEWHYNOTUSEACONVENTIONALOR3OMEQUESTION)PUTTHINKINGITSTHE highest score. u: (S): Nothing was missed. u: (S): library online renewal system seems quite outdated u: (S): For a long term goal, I see no reason for having so many different websites (bearfacts, telebears, schedule, calmail, etc). There should simply be one site we can log into which grants us access to everything we need. For example, we shouldn’t have to go to to find a CCN and then go to telebears to type it in. We should be able to just click on the class and have the option to add it. Consolidating and streamlining things such as registration would make things a lot less confusing. U332ES(ALL7I&IWOULDBEAPLUS,OUNGENETWORKSAREVERYWEAK u: (SS): I have a Nokia Symbian phone and it wasn’t listed in the mobile section of the survey - please add an “Other” field MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs!PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTS| A-27 a: (VS): I work with IS&T for construction/surge related activities and have always received a high rate of customer service and have been very pleased with all services in this regard. The questions in this survey didn’t seem to relate to this aspect of the services. I always use the CNS shopping cart, I was surprised I didn’t know of the IST Catalog. We have an IT internal department that generally handles all security and technological issues. a: (S): Sometimes I make a request for services to be performed, and I don’t hear a response (or I hear an initial response but no follow-up). I’ve had a couple occasions where I’ve been told, “Oh, I didn’t even know about that request.”I do want to say, though, that I am happy with the service that I do get from the IT guys themselves. Very friendly and always willing to help. a: (S): Not sure how IST interfaces with our department’s IT people and vice-versa: (or who is responsible for what, at what level). Could just be less than ideal intra-departmental communications on our end. a: (S): My job does not require me to need a blackberry or cell phone on a regular basis, but I do end up using my personal cell on a semi-regular basis. I feel I should be reimbursed for use of my personal cell phone at the very least. a: (S): IST database services - generally very good, but would appreciate much more written documentation (eg, how to manage db accounts, how to get access to db meta information, etc) a: (S): I’m having some problems with CalAgenda. I’m sure the program works well for other people, but I am in the process of getting help from your office about my particular set of issues. :) a: (S): I still use Eudora for email, though I’ve been told I have to switch asap. My email archive is my main filing system, and it contains multiple folders and large numbers. I’m nervous about losing the information, and I have heard bad things about making the email switch--colleagues have told me the other systems don’t work as well. If I’m going to be forced to switch, I want help insuring I don’t lose any information or functionality. a: (S): I likely underutilize what’s available or do not realize the scope of services provided. Virtually all computer/ technology issues are handled through our interdepartment IT staff. A3IKNOWTHE)4PEOPLEAT,(3WORKVERYVERYHARD4HEYDOAGOODJOB4HANKS)4THEYKEEPUSRUNNING a: (S): focus on centralizing solving and other infrastructure-type systems, ex: timekeeping a: (SS): The wiki should be more user friendly and the language made simpler for better upstanding by a none programming audience. a: (SS): Satisfaction with Thunderbird email system since we were required to switch from Eudora. a: (SS): In my one dealing with IS&T this year, it was extremely difficult to find the person that I needed to get to the person to give me the answer/ help that I needed. I went through about 6 different folks. They were all trying to be very helpful but it would be nice to have one stop shopping. a: (SS): Identity management for people who use different ‘everyday’ names from legal names is poorly handled, and the new campus directory listings site has never been sufficiently de-bugged! a: (SS): I was made to transfer all my personal photos as well as my address book to my hard drive. When that died... so did all my photos and my address book. The policy seems ridiculous. a: (SS): I think your team is doing a great job for such a varied customer pool! Know this isn’t the correct venue, but STILLWOULDLIKETOCOMMENTON #ALEITHERORFIXITINDAYSORGETRIDOFIT4HANKYOUFORTHEOPPORTUNITYTO provide feedback. a: (SS): I find your people to be great, but they work under severe resouce constraints. a: (SS): Fix the HR Jobs website. You get lost and stuck in their navigation menu on the top when searching for staff jobs and can’t get out. It’s not built right. MOR Associates, Inc. A-28 | !PPENDIX!4EXT#OMMENTSs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY a: (SS): Did not ask specifics about areas of dissatisfaction, so I am unsure how useful this survey will really be. a: (SD): I realize that this was a survey re. IST but my office is in the Tang Center and it would be useful to survey the satisfaction level with the in house IT service. a: (SD): coordination of student information systems a: (VD): yes, the fact that our IT systems generally are so far behind those of others I’ve observed in non-profits and businesses a: (No Response): Tech Support should be centralized and not left to the units to manage; it is too decentraized and there is not sufficient expertise in the units; if we continue to have unit tech folks, they should be trained at the campus level and meet regularly with their camppus colleagues and IST leads. MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs4HE3URVEY)NSTRUMENT| B-1 Appendix B The General Survey Instrument MOR Associates, Inc. B-2 | 4HE3URVEY)NSTRUMENTs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Only answer questions about -YOURexperiences. If you don't understand a question or have had no experience related to the question, leave the question answer blank OR check "N/A Don't know." During the survey, please do not use your browser's FORWARD and BACK buttons. Instead, please always use the buttons below to move backward and forward through the survey. Simply click the NEXT button at the bottom of the page to begin the survey. MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs4HE3URVEY)NSTRUMENT| B-3 New and/or Improved Services Q1a Please rate the importance to you of the following existing or potential new services. A university-wide calendaring system Q1b Wireless access everywhere on campus Q1c Personal web hosting Q1d Improved remote access Collaboration software (wikis, file storing and sharing) Assistance with creating and maintaining websites, blogs Q1e Q1f Q1g High-performance computing Q1h Improved spam blocking Digital asset management and conservation services Tools for managing collections of physical objects Q1i Q1j Not At All Important1 2 3 4 5 VeryImport ant6 N/ADon't Know ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! Sources of Getting Help with Technology Q2a How important are the following sources to you in getting direct help with computers and related technologies that you use for your UC Berkeley work? Very Unimp My department's IT support staff Q2b Q2c Q2d IST Service Desk IST Departmental On-site Computing Support (DOCS) IST Technical Account Management (TAM) ortant 1 2 3 4 5 VeryImport ant 6 N/ADon't Know ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! Q2e Peers or colleagues Q3a How important are the following online resources to you in getting help with computers and related technologies that you use for your UC Berkeley work? Very Unimp IST Service Catalog Q3b Q3c Q3d IST Knowledge Base Campus user groups and mailing lists such as Micronet, Magnet , Webnet, etc. Sources external to UC Berkeley such as Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, vendors, etc. ortant 1 2 3 4 5 VeryImport ant 6 N/ADon't Know ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! MOR Associates, Inc. IST Communications Q4a Rate your level of agreement with the statement, "I understand the range of services provided by the Information Services and Technology (IST) department." I understand the range of services provided by ITS Q5 StronglyDis agree1 Disagree2 % $ # " ! % $ # " ! Somewhat SomewhatA gree4 Disagree3 % $ # " ! % $ # " ! Agree5 StronglyAgr ee6 N/ADon't Know % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! Have you visited the IST Service Catalog website in the last six months? ! Yes % $ # " % No $ # " ! % I'm not sure $ # " ! IST Communications Q6a Q6b Q6c Q7a Rate your level of agreement with the following statements regarding the online IST Service Catalog. The IST Service Catalog is easy to find. I can find the service I!m looking for in the IST Service Catalog. I get the information I need from the IST Service Catalog. Disagree2 ! % $ # " % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! Agree5 StronglyAgr ee6 N/ADon't Know ! % $ # " % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! How satisfied are you with IST communications during major service interruptions? IST communications during major service interruptions Q8 Somewhat SomewhatA gree4 Disagree3 StronglyDis agree1 Very Dissatisfied 1 Dissatisfied 2 Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 SomewhatS atisfied 4 Satisfied 5 Very Satisfied 6 N/ADon't Know % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! What would help with IST communications during major service interruptions? 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs4HE3URVEY)NSTRUMENT| B-5 Network Services Q9a How satisfied are you with the performance of the wired network at UC Berkeley? Wired network performance Q10a Very Dissatisfied 1 Dissatisfied 2 Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 SomewhatS atisfied 4 Satisfied 5 Very Satisfied 6 N/ADon't Know % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! How satisfied are you with the following aspects of UC Berkeley's campus wireless network? Reliability of the network Very Dissatisfied 1 Dissatisfied 2 Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 SomewhatS atisfied 4 Satisfied 5 Very Satisfied 6 N/ADon't Know ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! Q10b Coverage of the network Q10c Guest access to the wireless network Q11a How satisfied are you with network services overall? Network services overall Very Dissatisfied 1 Dissatisfied 2 Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 SomewhatS atisfied 4 Satisfied 5 Very Satisfied 6 N/ADon't Know % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! Remote Access Q12a How satisfied are you with your ability to access UC Berkeley online services while away from campus? Within the U.S. Q12b Outside the U.S. Very Dissatisfied 1 Dissatisfied 2 Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 SomewhatS atisfied 4 Satisfied 5 Very Satisfied 6 N/ADon't Know ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! ! % $ # " MOR Associates, Inc. B-6 | 4HE3URVEY)NSTRUMENTs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Email and Webmail Q13a Please rate the importance to you of UC Berkeley support for the following mobile email clients. Very Unimp Blackberry ortant 1 2 3 4 5 VeryImport ant 6 N/ADon't Know ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! Q13b Windows Mobile Q13c Palm Q13d iPhone Q13e Android Q14a How satisfied are you with the following aspects of email? Spam blocking Very Dissatisfied 1 Dissatisfied 2 Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 SomewhatS atisfied 4 Satisfied 5 Very Satisfied 6 N/ADon't Know ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! Q14b Mailing list management (e.g., Listserv) Q14c Disk space quota Q14d Support services Q15a How satisfied are you with UC Berkeley email overall? Email overall Very Dissatisfied 1 Dissatisfied 2 Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 SomewhatS atisfied 4 Satisfied 5 Very Satisfied 6 N/ADon't Know % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! Telephone Service (Faculty and Staff) Q16a How satisfied are you with the following aspects of UC Berkeley telephone service? Availability of features Very Dissatisfied 1 Dissatisfied 2 Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 SomewhatS atisfied 4 Satisfied 5 Very Satisfied 6 N/ADon't Know ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! Q16b Cost Q16c Problem resolution Q17a Rate your level of agreement with the following statements regarding the UC Berkeley telephone options. Q17b Q17c Q18a I could do my job with only a UC Berkeley landline telephone. I could do my job with only a UC Berkeley cell phone. I need both a UC Berkeley landline and cell phone to do my job. Somewhat SomewhatA gree4 Disagree3 StronglyDis agree1 Disagree2 Agree5 StronglyAgr ee6 N/ADon't Know % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! How satisfied are you with UC Berkeley telephone service overall? Telephone services overall MOR Associates, Inc. Very Dissatisfied 1 Dissatisfied 2 Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 SomewhatS atisfied 4 Satisfied 5 Very Satisfied 6 N/ADon't Know % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs4HE3URVEY)NSTRUMENT| B-7 Computing Environment Q19a Please rate the importance to you of UC Berkeley support for the following desktop operating systems. Very Unimp Windows Q19b Mac OS X Q19c Linux Q19d Unix ortant 1 2 3 4 5 VeryImport ant 6 N/ADon't Know ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! Software Q20 Have you visited IST's software website at any time in the past year? ( ! Yes % $ # " % No $ # " ! % I'm note sure $ # " ! Q21a Rate your satisfaction with the following aspects of Available selection of software Q21b Ease of finding desired software Q21c Timeliness of updates Helpfulness of Berkeley-specific software documentation Q21d Very Dissatisfied 1 Dissatisfied 2 Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 SomewhatS atisfied 4 Satisfied 5 Very Satisfied 6 N/ADon't Know ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! MOR Associates, Inc. B-8 | 4HE3URVEY)NSTRUMENTs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Security Q22 Do you manage any aspect of the security for your desktop or laptop computer? ! Yes % $ # " % No $ # " ! Q23 Which of these preventive security measures have you made a practice of following? (Check all that apply.) & Some anti-virus software is installed on your computer. * ) ( ' * Managed anti-virus software available on is installed. ) ( ' & * Operating system updates (such as Windows and Mac OS X updates) are installed automatically. ) ( ' & * Application software updates (such as Microsoft Office updates) are installed regularly. ) ( ' & * Don't know / None of the above ) ( ' & Q24 Which one of the following would be most effective in helping you protect your computer? (Check all that apply.) & More timely communication about threats * ) ( ' * Assistance in responding to email security notices sent from IST regarding my computer ) ( ' & * Better documentation on how to secure my computer ) ( ' & * None of the above ) ( ' & IST Computer Security Offerings Q25a Q25b Q25c Please rate your satisfaction with the following aspects of IST's computer security offerings: Security software provided by IST Effectiveness of documentation and instructions in preventing attacks Effectiveness of documentation and instructions in recovering from attacks Very Dissatisfied 1 Dissatisfied 2 Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 SomewhatS atisfied 4 Satisfied 5 Very Satisfied 6 N/ADon't Know ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! Security Policies Q26a How often do you handle the following types of sensitive information? (Pick the point on the scale that comes closest.) Daily Weekly Monthly Less Than Monthly Never Other people's Social Security numbers or birth dates % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! Q26b Other people's medical records Q26c Q26d Student grades Other people's salary or other financial information ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! Q27 Are you aware of campus procedures for how sensitive information must be protected? ! Yes % $ # " MOR Associates, Inc. ! No % $ # " 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs4HE3URVEY)NSTRUMENT| B-9 Data Backup (Faculty and Staff) Q28a Q28b Q28c Q28d Q28e Q28f Rate your level of agreement with the following statements regarding backing up computer files. It's important to have daily backups of my desktop data files. I understand the options available for desktop backup. My desktop data files are automatically backed up daily to a departmental or central server. My desktop data files are occasionally backed up to a locally attached storage device such as another hard drive, flashdrive or CD. I would use an automated backup system if it were cheaper. I would use an automated backup system if it were easier to setup. Somewhat SomewhatA gree4 Disagree3 StronglyDis agree1 Disagree2 Agree5 StronglyAgr ee6 N/ADon't Know % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! CalNet ID Q29a Q29b Please rate your satisfaction with the following aspects of using your CalNet ID: Very Dissatisfied 1 Dissatisfied 2 Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 SomewhatS atisfied 4 Satisfied 5 Very Satisfied 6 N/ADon't Know Ease of activating your ID for use across campus % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! Ease of changing your passphrase % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! Berkeley IT Services Overall Q30a How satisfied are you with the overall level of information technology services at UC Berkeley? Berkeley IT services overall Very Dissatisfied 1 Dissatisfied 2 Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 SomewhatS atisfied 4 Satisfied 5 Very Satisfied 6 N/A Don't Know % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! IST Service Attributes Q31a Q31b How satisfied are you with the following aspects of services provided by the Information Services and Technology (IST) department? Very Dissatisfied 1 Dissatisfied 2 Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 SomewhatS atisfied 4 Satisfied 5 Very Satisfied 6 N/A Don't Know Takes a "customer-oriented" approach to helping you % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! Keeps the IT systems up and running % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! MOR Associates, Inc. B-10 | 4HE3URVEY)NSTRUMENTs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Student Registration Systems (Students Only) Q32a Please rate your satisfaction with the following student registration systems: E-Grades Very Dissatisfied 1 Dissatisfied 2 Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 SomewhatS atisfied 4 Satisfied 5 Very Satisfied 6 N/ADon't Know ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! Q32b Bear Facts Q32c Course enrollment/waitlist Q32d Degree Audit Report (DARSweb) Q32e Tele-BEARS Q33a Please rate your satisfaction with the following aspects of student registration systems: Very Dissatisfied 1 Dissatisfied 2 Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 SomewhatS atisfied 4 Satisfied 5 Very Satisfied 6 N/ADon't Know ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! ! % $ # " Q33b Availability of the service Performance of the service once you've gained access Q34 What would most increase your satisfaction with student registration systems? Calendaring (CalAgenda) (Faculty and Staff) Q35a Please rate your satisfaction with the following aspects of CalAgenda: Very Dissatisfied 1 Dissatisfied 2 Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 SomewhatS atisfied 4 Satisfied 5 Very Satisfied 6 N/ADon't Know Q35c Synching with mobile devices Scheduling meetings with people across campus ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! ! % $ # " % $ # " ! % $ # " ! Q35d CalAgenda website % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! Q36a How satisfied are you with CalAgenda overall? Very Dissatisfied 1 Dissatisfied 2 Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 SomewhatS atisfied 4 Satisfied 5 Very Satisfied 6 N/ADon't Know % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! % $ # " ! Usability of the program Q35b CalAgenda overall MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs4HE3URVEY)NSTRUMENT| B-11 One Thing Q37 What is one thing Information Services and Technology could do that would make it easier for you to do your UC Berkeley work? Did We Miss Anything? Q38 Was there anything we didn't ask about that you would like to comment on? Can We Help With Something Specific? Q39 Is there a specific issue you would like us to get back to you on? If so, please describe it below and be sure to fill in your contact info as well. Please click the submit button below to send us your answers. The buttons will disappear and a number of seconds may pass before you see a confirmation page, so please be patient. MOR Associates, Inc. B-12 | 4HE3URVEY)NSTRUMENTs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY MOR Associates, Inc. 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs!DDITIONAL/BSERVATIONS| C-1 Appendix C Additional Observations MOR Associates, Inc. C-2 | !DDITIONAL/BSERVATIONSs5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEY Correlations with “Satisfaction with Berkeley IT Services Overall” for All Question r2 n Q30a. Berkeley IT services overall 100% 604 Q31a. ITS takes a “customer-oriented” approach to helping you 50% 362 Q31b. ITS keeps the IT systems up and running 36% 484 Q11a. Network services overall 33% 637 Q14d. Email support services 32% 440 Q21d. Helpfulness of Berkeley-specific software documentation 28% 197 Q21a. Available selection of software 22% 282 Q7a. IST communications during major service interruptions 20% 332 Q15a. Email overall 20% 655 Q10b. Coverage of the wireless network 20% 559 MOR Associates, Inc. Strength of Correlation Moderate to High Moderate to Low 5#"ERKELEY)NFORMATION3ERVICES4ECHNOLOGY#USTOMER3URVEYs!DDITIONAL/BSERVATIONS| C-3 Question r2 n Q35d. CalAgenda website 19% 125 Q32b. Bear Facts 18% 234 Q36a. CalAgenda overall 18% 181 Q21b. Ease of finding desired software 18% 279 Q21c. Timeliness of software updates 18% 204 Q25c. Effectiveness of documentation and instructions in recovering from attacks 18% 171 Q25a. Security software provided by IST 17% 292 Q16c. Telephone problem resolution 16% 215 Q25b. Effectiveness of documentation and instructions in preventing attacks 16% 243 Q33b. Performance of the student registration service once you’ve gained access 16% 214 Q10a. Reliability of the wireless network 14% 572 Q18a. Telephone services overall 13% 408 Q9a. Wired network performance 13% 585 Q14c. Disk space quota for storing email messages 13% 538 Q16b. Telephone cost 13% 258 Q33a. Availability of the student registration service 13% 214 Q35c. Scheduling meetings with people across campus using CalAgenda 12% 156 Q12a. Accessing UC Berkeley online services away from campus within the U.S. 12% 603 Q35b. Synching CalAgenda with mobile devices 12% 75 Q14b. Mailing list management (e.g., Listserv) 12% 491 Q29a. Ease of activating your CalNet ID for use across campus 12% 620 Q35a. Usability of the CalAgenda program 12% 179 Q32e. Tele-BEARS 11% 226 Q16a. Availability of telephone features 11% 360 Q32c. Course enrollment/waitlist 10% 220 Q29b. Ease of changing your CalNet ID passphrase 10% 395 Q14a. Spam blocking 10% 624 Q12b. Accessing UC Berkeley online services away from campus outside the U.S. 8% 324 Q32a. E-Grades 8% 112 Q10c. Guest access to the wireless network 4% 336 Q32d. Degree Audit Report (DARSweb) 2% 111 Strength of Correlation Low Very Low MOR Associates, Inc.