
Curriculum Vitae Leah C. Stokes

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Curriculum Vitae Leah C. Stokes
Curriculum Vitae
Leah C. Stokes
Location: Ellison Hall, 3716
Mailing: Department of Political Science, 9420
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9420
[email protected]
Academic Positions
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of California Santa Barbara, 2015-Present
Ph.D. Public Policy, Department of Urban Studies & Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2015
M.A. Political Science, Department of Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2015
M.P.A. Environmental Science & Policy, School of International & Public Affairs, Columbia University,
Hons. B.Sc., Department of Psychology and Department of East Asian Studies, University of Toronto 2007
Research Interests
Energy and environmental politics, political behavior, public policy and legislative politics, quantitative
and qualitative methods, international environmental negotiations.
Fellowships and Awards
Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship, 2012-2014
Martin Family Sustainability Fellow, 2013-2014
Scholars Strategy Network (SSN) Graduate Fellow, 2013-2014
Best Paper in Public Policy, University of Texas at Austin Energy Forum, 2014
William Emerson Travel Award, 2013
MIT Energy Initiative Fellow, 2010-2011
Parliamentary Internship Fellow, Canadian Political Science Association, 2009-2010
Women’s International Leadership Fellow, International House, 2008-2009
Leah C. Stokes
Working Papers
“Splitting the South: China and India’s Divergence in Global Environmental Negotiations” (with A. Giang
and N. Selin, under review).
“Internet Voting and Voter Turnout: An Empirical Examination of Local Elections in Ontario, Canada”
(with N. Goodman).
“Rethinking the Study of Feedback Processes in Politics and Public Policy” (with A. Hertel-Fernandez and
M. Mildenberger).
“Trade-offs and synergies in international scientific assessments: Analyzing the interaction of science and
policy under the Minamata Convention on Mercury” (with R. Silverman and N. Selin).
Peer Reviewed Articles
Stokes, L. C. (2015). “Electoral Backlash against Climate Policy: A Natural Experiment on Retrospective
Voting and Local Resistance to Public Policy.” Forthcoming at American Journal of Political Science.
Giang, A., Stokes, L. C., Corbitt, E. S., Streets, D. G., & Selin N. E. (2015). “Impacts of the Minamata
Convention on Mercury Emissions and Global Deposition from Coal-Fired Power Generation in Asia.”
Environmental Science & Technology, 49, 53265335.
Stokes, L. C. & Selin, N. E. (2015). “The Mercury Game: Evaluating a Negotiation Simulation that
Teaches Students about Science-Policy Interactions.” Forthcoming in Journal of Environmental Studies
and Sciences.
Trancik, J. E., Chang, M. T., Karapataki, C., & Stokes, L. C. (2014). “Effectiveness of a Segmental
Approach to Climate Policy.” Environmental Science & Technology, 48(1), 27-35.
Stokes, L. C. (2013). “The Politics of Renewable Energy Policies: The Case of Feed-in Tariffs in Ontario,
Canada.” Energy Policy, 56, 490-500.
Mildenberger, M., Stokes, L., Savan, B., Kolenda, B., & Dolderman, D. (2013). “Beyond the Information
Campaign: Community-Based Energy Behavioral Change at the University of Toronto.” Environmental
Practice, 15(2), 147-155.
Stokes, L. C., Mildenberger, M., Savan, B., & Kolenda, B. (2012). “Analyzing Barriers to Energy
Conservation in Residences and Offices: The Rewire Program at the University of Toronto.” Applied
Environmental Education and Communication, 11(2), 88-98.
Shiu, H., & Stokes, L. (2008). “Buddhist Animal Release Practices: Historic, Environmental, Public
Health and Economic Concerns.” Contemporary Buddhism, 9(2), 181-196.
Other Publications
Stokes, L. C. (2013). “The Benefits and Challenges of Using Feed-in Tariff Policies to Encourage Renewable Energy.” Scholars Strategy Network Brief.
Schenk, T., & Stokes, L. C. (2013). “The Power of Collaboration: Engaging all Parties in Renewable
Energy Infrastructure Development.” IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, 11(3), 56-65.
Stokes, L. C., Selin, N. E., & Susskind, L. (2013). “The Mercury Negotiation Simulation.” Program on
Negotiation, Harvard Law School.
Stokes, L. (2013). Book Review of Global Environmental Governance Reconsidered. Edited by Frank
Bierman and Philipp Pattberg. Review of Policy Research, 30(5), 607-609.
Leah C. Stokes
Stokes, L. C., & Lee, H. (2012). “Gainesville Regional Utility’s Feed-in Tariff Experiment.” Harvard
Kennedy School of Government Case, 1963.0, Harvard University.
Griffith-Jones, S., Hedger, M. & Stokes, L. (2009). “The Role of Private Sector Investment in Increasing
Climate Friendly Technologies in Developing Countries.” Research paper commissioned for United
Nations World Economic & Social Survey 2009.
News Media
Stokes, L. “Ontario’s Backward Step on Renewable Energy.” The Toronto Star. July 22, 2013.
Teaching Experience
Instructor for Making Public Policy (undergraduate), MIT, Fall 2014, with Christopher Warshaw.
Overall Rating: 6.4 out of 7.
Instructor for The Art and Science of Negotiation (undergraduate), MIT, Spring 2013, with Xavier Briggs.
Overall Rating: 6.4 out of 7.
Teaching Assistant for Global Environmental Science and Politics (undergraduate and graduate), MIT, Fall
2013. Instructor: Noelle Selin. Overall Rating: 6.3 out of 7.
Teaching Assistant for Research Design for Policy Analysis and Planning (doctoral), MIT, Fall 2013.
Instructor: Gabriella Carolini. Overall Rating. 5.9 out of 7.
Teaching Assistant for Global Environmental Negotiations Practicum: Mercury (graduate), MIT, January
2013. Instructor: Noelle Selin. Overall Rating: 6.6 out of 7.
Teaching Assistant for Making Public Policy (undergraduate), MIT, Fall 2012. Instructors: Judith Layzer
and Christopher Warshaw. Overall rating: 6.0 out of 7.
Teaching Assistant for Global Environmental Science and Politics (undergraduate and graduate), MIT, Fall
2011. Instructor: Noelle Selin. Overall rating: 6.9 out of 7.
Invited Talks, Conferences
“U.S. Carbon Price, Opportunities for Innovation,” (with P. Sharp, G. P. Shultz, B. Inglis), Climate Colab
webinar, May 2015.
“International Relations: The Mercury Negotiation,” Teaching Negotiation Symposium, Harvard Program
on Negotiation, May 2015.
“How Could a National Price on Carbon be Implemented in the US?” (with P. Sharp, G. P. Shultz, B.
Inglis), Climate Colab webinar, July 2014.
“Internet Voting and Voter Turnout: An Empirical Examination of Local Elections in Ontario, Canada,”
(with N. Goodman), International Political Science Association Congress, July 2014.
“The Electoral Consequences of Climate Policy: Evidence from a Natural Experiment,” Canadian Political
Science Association Annual Conference, June 2014.
“Feed-in Tariff Politics,” Lecture for PP 190/290, UC Berkeley, March 2013.
“Negotiation in theory and practice: Environmental Treaties,” Lecture for FES 850a, Yale University, Sept.
“The Electoral Consequences of Energy Policy: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Ontario, Canada,”
American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Aug. 2013 (poster).
Leah C. Stokes
“Beyond Lock-In: Rethinking Policy Feedback Mechanisms and Effects,” (with M. Mildenberger and A.
Hertel-Fernandez), International Conference on Public Policy, June 2013.
“The Electoral Consequences of Renewable Energy Policy,” Ontario Network for Sustainable Energy Policy
Conference, April 2013.
“Science and Action: International Mercury Treaty Negotiations,” MIT Joint Program on the Science and
Policy of Global Change, Feb. 2013.
“The Paradox of Success in Renewable Energy Policy: Dynamics of Support and Opposition to an Environmental Policy,” Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Conference, Nov. 2012.
“The Mercury Game: Exploring how Countries and Stakeholders Represent Mercury Science in the Global
Mercury Negotiations,” The International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, July 2011.
“The Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development’s Effect on Canada’s Environmental
Policy,” Canadian Political Science Association Annual Conference, May 2010.
“Integrating Psychology and Energy in Social Marketing Evaluation,” (with M. Mildenberger), Behavior,
Energy and Climate Change Conference, ACEEE, Nov. 2009.
“Visualizing Climate Aid to Evaluate Adaptation Effectiveness: Utilizing PLAID in the Global Adaptation
Atlas,” (with N. Krishnan), Project-Level Aid Data Vetting Workshop, Sept. 2009.
Research Experience
Research Assistant, Christopher Warshaw, MIT, 2014-2015
Research Assistant, Noelle Selin, MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, 2010-2014
Research Assistant, Shalini Vajjhala, Global Adaptation Atlas, Resources for the Future, 2009
Research Assistant, Initiative for Policy Dialogue, Columbia University, 2008-2009
Research Assistant, Sustainability Office, University of Toronto, 2005-2007
Research Assistant, Social Development Lab, University of Toronto, 2006
Professional Experience
Consultant, Adapt Environmental Inc., Toronto ON, 2007-2009
Environmental Stewardship Advisor, Plan Canada International, Toronto ON, 2007-2008
Faculty Search Committee, Energy Policy and Planning, DUSP, MIT, 2011 & 2014.
PhD Minority Student Application Reviews, DUSP, MIT, 2012 & 2013.
Chair, Center for International Studies Global Sustainability Working Group, MIT, 2010-2012.
Manuscript Referee: American Journal of Political Science, Business and Politics, Energy Policy,
Energy Research & Social Science, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy,
Nature Climate Change, Review of Policy Research
Leah C. Stokes
Professional Memberships
American Political Science Association
Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management
Canadian Political Science Association
International Studies Association
French (advanced oral, intermediate written)
August, 2015
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