
Andrew Norris Department of Political Science

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Andrew Norris Department of Political Science
Andrew Norris
Department of Political Science
University of California
Ellison Hall 3720
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9420
[email protected]
(805) 893-5154
fax: (805) 893-3309
Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, 1995
M.A. University of California, Berkeley, 1988
B.A. University of California, Santa Cruz, 1987
with junior year at Sussex University
Professional Employment
Associate Professor of Political Science and Affiliated Professor of Philosophy,
University of California, Santa Barbara, 2008-present
Visiting Professor of Philosophy and of Political Science, Boğaziçi University,
Turkey, Summer 2009 and Summer 2012
Assistant Professor of Political Science and Affiliated Professor of Philosophy,
University of California, Santa Barbara, 2007-2008
Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania, 2000-2008
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Duquesne University, 1997-2000
Lecturer, Department of Rhetoric, University of California, Berkeley, 1995-1997
Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, California State University, Hayward, 1996
Lecturer, Department of English, University of San Francisco, 1994
Honors, Awards, and Fellowships
Research Fellow, Exzellenzcluster “Normative Orders” and Forschungskolleg
Humanwissenschaften, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, 2014
Dartmouth College Humanities Institute Fellow, 2009 (declined)
Stipendium, Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt am
Main, 2007
Queen’s National Scholarship, Queen’s University, Kingston, 2007 (declined)
Stipendium, Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt am
Main, 2005
University of Pennsylvania Weiler Faculty Humanities Research Fellowship,
University of Pennsylvania Humanities Forum Mellon Faculty Research
Fellowship, 2003-2004
Stipendium, Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt am
Main, 2003
Stipendium, Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt am
Main, 2002
Norris, p. 2
Honors, Grants, and Awards, continued
Stipendium, Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt am
Main, 2000
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Grant, 1999
Duquesne University Faculty Development Fund Grant, 1999
UC Berkeley Humanities Graduate Research Grant, 1994
UC Berkeley Chancellor’s Dissertation Year Fellowship, 1992
Departmental Distinction, Ph.D. Qualifying Exams, 1990
Wollenberg Grant, 1989
Publicity and Partiality: Stanley Cavell on the Political (in preparation)
(Co-Editor) Truth and Democracy (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012)
(R); Contributors: Jane Bennett, Wendy Brown, Joshua Cohen, Jeremy
Elkins, David Estlund, William A. Galston, David Couzens Hoy, Martin
Jay, Michael P. Lynch, Andrew Norris, Josiah Ober, Robert Post,
Frederick Rosen, Rogers M. Smith, Nadia Urbinati, Robert Westbrook,
Bernard Yack, and Linda Zerilli
(Editor) The Claim to Community: Essays on Stanley Cavell and Political
Philosophy (Stanford University Press, 2006) (R); Contributors: Stanley
Cavell, Ted Cohen, Piergiorgio Donatelli, Thomas Dumm, Richard
Flathman, Robert Gooding-Williams, Espen Hammer, Sandra Laugier,
Joseph Lima, Andrew Norris, David Owen, Hans Sluga, and Tracy Strong
(Editor) Politics, Metaphysics, and Death: Essays on Giorgio Agamben’s Homo
Sacer (Duke University Press, 2005) (R); Contributors: Giorgio Agamben,
Andrew Benjamin, Peter Fitzpatrick, Anselm Haverkamp, Paul Hegarty,
Andreas Kalyvas, Rainer Maria Kiesow, Catherine Mills, Andrew Norris,
Adam Thurschwell, Erik Vogt, and Thomas Carl Wall
“Receptivity, Judgment, and Politics,” (in preparation)
“Individuality and Its Postulates in Michael Oakeshott’s Liberalism,” (in
“Doubt in Wittgenstein’s Remarks on Frazer’s Golden Bough,” WittgensteinStudien (forthcoming) (R)
“Rhetoric and Political Theory,” The Oxford Handbook of Rhetorical Studies
(Oxford University Press, 2014)
“Ästhetische Freiheit,” Freiheit: Stuttgarter Hegel-Kongreß 2011 (Vittorio
Klostermann, 2013)
“‘How Can It Not Know What It Is?’ Self and Other in Ridley Scott’s Blade
Runner,” Film-Philosophy 17, no. 1 (2013): 19-50 (R)
“R” indicates a peer-refereed article or book.
Norris, p. 3
Articles, continued1
“On Public Action: Rhetoric, Opinion, and Glory in Hannah Arendt’s The Human
Condition,” Critical Horizons: A Journal of Philosophy and Social Theory
14, no. 2 (2013): 200-224 (R)
“The Disappearance of the French Revolution in Hegel’s Phenomenology of
Spirit,” The Owl of Minerva: Journal of the Hegel Society of America
44, nos. 1-2 (2012-13): 37-66 (R)
“Politics, Political Theory, and the Question of Truth,” with Jeremy Elkins, in
Truth and Democracy (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012), 1-8 (R)
“Skepticism, Finitude, and Politics in the Work of Stanley Cavell,” (part of a
critical exchange with Tom Dumm, Paola Marrati, Jörg Volbers, and Cary
Wolfe) Contemporary Political Theory 11, no. 4 (November 2012): 397429
“Jean-Luc Nancy on the Political after Heidegger and Schmitt,” Philosophy &
Social Criticism 37, no. 8 (October 2011): 899-913 (R)
 reprinted in Jean-Luc Nancy and Plural Thinking: Expositions of
World, Ontology, Politics, and Sense (SUNY Press, 2012), 143158 (also R)
“‘La chaîne des raisons a une fin.’ Wittgenstein et Oakeshott sur le rationalisme
et la pratique,” Cités: Philosophie, Politique, Histoire 38 (2009): 95-108
“Das Politische als das Metaphysische und das Alltägliche,” Wittgenstein
Philosophie als ‚Arbeit an Einem selbst’ (Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2009),
129-149 (R)
“Thoreau, Cavell, and the Foundations of True Political Expression,” in A
Political Companion to Henry David Thoreau (University Press of
Kentucky, 2009), 423-451 (R)
“Willing and Deciding: Hegel on Irony, Evil, and the Sovereign Exception,”
Diacritics 37, nos. 2-3 (2007): 135-156 (R)
 expanded, revised, and reprinted as “Beyond the State of
Exception: Hegel on Freedom, Law, and Decision,” in Sovereignty
in Ruins: The Crisis in Politics (Duke University Press,
forthcoming) (also R)
 revised and reprinted in German translation as “Wollen und
Entscheiden: Hegel über Ironie, das Böse und die souveräne
Ausnahme,” in Willkür: Freiheit und Gesetz II (August Verlag,
2011), 101-138 (also R)
“Becoming Who We Are: Democracy and the Political Problem of Hope,”
Critical Horizons: A Journal of Philosophy and Social Theory 9, no. 1
(2008): 77-89 (R)
“R” indicates a peer-refereed article or book.
Norris, p. 4
Articles, continued1
“Sovereignty, Exception, and Norm,” Journal of Law and Society 34, no. 1
(March 2007): 31-45 (R)
 reprinted in Democracy’s Empire: Sovereignty, Law and Violence
(Blackwell, 2007), 31-45 (also R)
“Cynicism, Skepticism, and the Politics of Truth,” with responses to critical
comments by Dick Flathman and Tracy Strong, Theory & Event 9, no. 4
(Winter 2006) 15,157 words (R)
 revised and reprinted in Truth and Democracy (University of
Pennsylvania Press, 2012), 97-113 (also R)
“Heideggerian Law Beyond Law? Technique, Recht, and Phusis,” Law, Culture
& the Humanities 2 (2006): 341-348 (R)
“Ernesto Laclau and the Logic of ‘the Political,’” Philosophy & Social Criticism
32, no. 1 (January 2006): 111-134 (R)
“Stanley Cavell and the Claim to Community,” Theory & Event 8, no. 1 (Winter
2005), 11,495 words (R)
 reprinted in The Claim to Community: Essays on Stanley Cavell
and Political Philosophy (Stanford University Press, 2006), 1-18
(also R)
“A Mine that Explodes Silently: Carl Schmitt in Weimar and After,” Political
Theory: An International Journal of Political Philosophy 33, no. 6
(December 2005): 887-898
“‘Us’ and ‘Them’: The Politics of American Self-Assertion After 9/11,”
Metaphilosophy 35, no. 3 (April 2004): 249-272
 reprinted in The Philosophical Challenge of September 11
(Blackwell, 2005), 19-41
“Beyond the Fury of Destruction: Hegel on Freedom,” Political Theory: An
International Journal of Political Philosophy 32, no. 3 (June 2004): 409418
“The Exemplary Exception: Philosophical and Political Decisions in Giorgio
Agamben’s Homo Sacer,” Radical Philosophy 119 (May/June 2003): 6-16
 reprinted in Orientations of the Right and Value of Life (Ashgate,
2010), 65-83 (also R)
 revised and reprinted in German translation as “Die exemplarische
Ausnahme: Philosophische und politische Entscheidungen in
Giorgio Agambens Homo sacer,” in Urteilen/Entscheiden
(Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2006), 254-268 (also R)
 reprinted in Politics, Metaphysics, and Death: Essays on Giorgio
Agamben’s Homo Sacer (Duke University Press, 2005), 262-283
(also R)
“R” indicates a peer-refereed article or book.
Norris, p. 5
Articles, continued1
“Against Antagonism: On Ernesto Laclau’s Political Thought,” Constellations:
An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory 9, no. 4
(December 2002): 554-573 (R)
“Political Revisions: Stanley Cavell and Political Philosophy,” Political Theory:
An International Journal of Political Philosophy 30, no. 6 (December
2002): 828-851 (R)
 reprinted in The Claim to Community: Essays on Stanley Cavell
and Political Philosophy (Stanford University Press, 2006), 80-97
(also R)
“The Pleasures of Morality,” New Essays in the Pre-Critical Kant (Humanity
Press, 2001), 86-109
“Carl Schmitt’s Political Metaphysics: On the Secularization of the Outermost
Sphere,” Theory & Event 4, no.1 (2000), 11,991 words (R)
“Giorgio Agamben and the Politics of the Living Dead,” Diacritics 30, no. 4
(2000): 38-58 (R)
 reprinted in Politics, Metaphysics, and Death: Essays on Giorgio
Agamben’s Homo Sacer (Duke University Press, 2005), 1-30 (also
“Jean-Luc Nancy and the Myth of the Common,” Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory 7, no. 2 (June 2000):
272-295 (R)
“Locke Reading the Law of Nature: Lockeian Hermeneutics and Political
Judgment,” 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early
Modern Era 5 (2000): 37-62
“Carl Schmitt on Friends, Enemies, and the Political,” Telos 112 (Summer 1998):
68-88 (R)
“Arendt, Kant, and the Politics of Common Sense,” Polity 29, no. 2 (Winter
1996): 165-192 (R)
Encyclopedia Articles
“Carl Schmitt,” The Nancy Dictionary (University of Edinburgh Press,
“Epictetus,” The Encyclopedia of Political Thought (Wiley-Blackwell,
forthcoming) (R)
“Stanley Cavell,” The Encyclopedia of Political Thought (Wiley-Blackwell,
forthcoming) (R)
“Hegelians,” International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Second Edition
(Macmillan, 2007)
“Hegel,” The Social Science Encyclopedia, Third Edition (Routledge, 2004)
“R” indicates a peer-refereed article or book.
Norris, p. 6
Book Reviews
The Ironist and the Romantic: Reading Richard Rorty and Stanley Cavell, by
Aine Mahon (Bloomsbury), Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
Hegel and the Sway of the Negative, by Karin de Boer (Palgrave Macmillan),
The European Journal of Philosophy 21, Issue Supplement S3 (September
2013): e5-10
In the Beginning was the Deed: Realism and Moralism in Political Argument, by
Bernard Williams (Princeton University Press, 2005), Philosophy in
Review/Comptes Rendus Philosophiques XXVII, no. 4 (August, 2007):
Sovereignty and its Discontents: On the Primacy of Conflict and the Structure of
the Political, by William Rasch (Birkbeck, 2004), Constellations: An
International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory 13, no. 1 March,
2006): 131-134
When the State Kills: Capital Punishment and the American Condition, by Austin
Sarat (Princeton University Press, 2001), American Political Science
Review 96, no. 4 (December 2002): 832
Virtue and the Making of Modern Liberalism, by Peter Berkowitz (Princeton
University Press, 1999), Political Theory: An International Journal of
Political Philosophy 28, no. 6 (December 2000): 879-889
Pluralism and the Personality of the State, by David Runciman (Cambridge
University Press, 1997), The Review of Metaphysics 53 (December 1999):
Carl Schmitt’s Critique of Liberalism: Against Politics as Technology, by John P.
McCormick, (Cambridge University Press, 1997), American Political
Science Review 92, no. 2 (June 1998): 445-446
Radio Interview
“Death and Western Culture,” Odyssey, Chicago Public Radio, October 7, 2004
Editorial Positions
Editorial Associate, Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and
Democratic Theory, 2005-present
Member, Advisory Board, Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies
Guest Editor, Critical Exchange: The Political Theory of Stanley Cavell,
Contemporary Political Theory (forthcoming)
Guest Editor, Special Issue on Truth and Politics After 2004, Theory & Event
9, no. 4 (Winter 2006)
Manuscript Referee
American Political Science Review; Constellations; Ethics & International
Affairs; The European Legacy; Journal of Politics; Perspectives on Politics;
Norris, p. 7
Manuscript Referee, continued
Philosophy and Rhetoric; Political Studies; Political Theory; Studies in Law, Politics &
Society; The British Journal of Politics and International Relations; The Review of
Politics; Theory and Event; Theory, Culture & Society; Berghahn Press; Oxford
University Press; Polity Press; Wiley-Blackwell; Open Court Press; RoutledgeCavendish; SUNY Press
Grant Referee
The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; The
Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Council for the
Invited Public Lectures
“Ordinary Language and Second Nature: Returning to Ourselves in Hegel and
Cavell,” Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, November 2014
“Receptivity and Politics,” Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, September
“What is a Doubtful Situation?,” Free University, Berlin, June 2014
“What Does it Mean to Ground Morality on Autonomy? Kant on Positive
Freedom,” Roosevelt University, April 2013
“Finding the Truth in our Doxa,” Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, July 2012
“‘How Can It Not Know What It Is?’ Self and Other in Ridley Scott’s Blade
Runner,” University of Western Sydney, February 2012
“The Perspective of Skepticism in Clarke and Cavell,” The University of Sydney,
Australia, February 2012
“Ridley Scott’s Bladerunner and the Myth of Lost Origins,” Roosevelt
University, April 2010
“The State of Exception as a Political and a Logical Problem,” Rice University,
February 2010
“The Chain of Reasons Has an End: Wittgenstein and Oakeshott on Rationalism
and Practice,” Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, July 2009
“Willing and Deciding: Hegel on Irony, Evil, and the Sovereign Exception,”
Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, July 2009
“The State of Exception as a Political and a Logical Problem,” Dartmouth
College, May 2009
“On Public Action: Rhetoric, Opinion, and Glory in Hannah Arendt’s The Human
Condition,” University of Minnesota, April 2009
“On Public Action: Rhetoric, Opinion, and Glory in Hannah Arendt’s The Human
Condition,” Northwestern University, April 2009
“On Public Action: Rhetoric and Glory in The Human Condition,” University of
California, Irvine, February 2009
“Public Action in The Human Condition,” University of California, Berkeley,
March 2008
Norris, p. 8
Invited Public Lectures, continued
“Thoreau, Cavell, and the Foundations of True Political Expression,” University
of California, Los Angeles, February 2008
“The Public Voice: Rousseau and Cavell on Speaking for Others,” California
Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, February 2008
“On Arbitrary Detention,” Colgate University, November 2007
“On Democratic Hope,” Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, May
“Cynicism, Skepticism, and the Politics of Truth,” Queen’s University, Ontario,
Canada, October 2006
“The Political as the Metaphysical and the Everyday,” Free University, Berlin,
Germany, October 2006
“On the Exceptional and the Normal,” Taking Exception to the Exception: A
Conference, Cornell University, September 2006
“Subjectivity, Identity, and Freedom in Stephen K. White’s Weak Ontology,”
Conference on the Bearable Lightness of Being: Weak Ontology and the
Affirmation of Moral and Political Life, Northwestern University, March
“Freedom, Autonomy, and the Concept of ‘the Political,’” Philadelphia Political
Theory Workshop, The University of Pennsylvania, February 2004
“Stuck in ‘The Thirties’: Metaphysics and Sovereign Killing in the Concept of the
Political and the Essence of the Political,” Sovereignty and the Right to
Death: A Conference, Cleveland-Marshall School of Law, Cleveland State
University, October 2003
“Conceiving of ‘the Political’ After Heidegger,” Johns Hopkins University,
November 2003
“Within and Without the Polis: On Hegel’s Socrates,” The Modern Setting of the
Classical Text, The University of Pennsylvania, January 2003
“Identity and Decision in the Political Thought of Ernesto Laclau,” Max Planck
Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt am Main, July 2002
“What is Politics and Why Should We Care About It?” Keynote Address for the
Penn Model Congress, The University of Pennsylvania, March 2002
“Exemplary Antagonism,” The New School for Social Research, New York
March, 2001
“Must We Decide? Judgment, Rule, and Political Community,” Max Planck
Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt am Main, June 2000
“Carl Schmitt and the Politics of the Outermost Sphere,” Culture and Politics
Colloquium on European Intellectuals and the Lure of Fascism, The
Center for Western European Studies, University of California,
Berkeley, September 1999
“Oakeshott’s Individualism and Its Postulates,” Western Political Science
Association Annual Convention, Seattle, WA, March 2014
Norris, p. 9
Conference Papers
“Oakeshott’s Individualism and Its Postulates,” American Political Science
Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, August 2013
“The Disappearance of the French Revolution in Hegel’s Phenomenology of
Spirit,” German Studies Association Annual Convention, Milwaukee, WI,
October, 2012
“The Disappearance of the French Revolution in Hegel’s Phenomenology of
Spirit,” American Political Science Association Annual Convention,
Seattle, WA, August 2011
“Rousseau on Political Self-Assertion and Otherness,” The Third International
Peace Workshop: Toward Perpetual Peace,” Istanbul, Turkey, July 2009
“On Public Action: Rhetoric, Opinion, and Glory in Hannah Arendt’s The Human
Condition,” Western Political Science Association Annual Convention,
Vancouver, BC, March 2009
“Thoreau, Cavell, and the Foundations of True Political Expression,” American
Political Science Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA, August
“Emerson and Cavell on Democratic Hope,” Western Political Science
Association Annual Convention, Albuquerque, NM, March 2006
“Cynicism, Skepticism, and the Politics of Truth,” American Political Science
Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., August 2005
“Cavell, Rousseau, and Conversation of Politics,” the Annual Conference of the
Association for the Study of Law, Culture, and the Humanities, University
of Texas at Austin, March 2005
“On Krisis and Community: ‘The Political’ After Heidegger and Schmitt, and
After Aristotle,” American Political Science Association Annual
Convention, Chicago, IL, August 2004
“Within and Without the Polis: On the Irony of Hegel’s Socrates,” Modern
Language Association Annual Convention, San Diego, CA, December
“Within and Without the Polis: On the Irony of Hegel’s Socrates,” American
Political Science Association Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA,
August 2003
“Ernesto Laclau and the Logic of the Political,” American Political Science
Association Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA, August 2003
“Within and Without the Polis: Hegel on Socrates, Schlegel and the Politics of
Evil,” the Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Law,
Culture, and the Humanities, New York, March 2003
“Giorgio Agamben’s Exemplary Exception,” American Political Science
Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA, August, 2002
“Against Antagonism: On Ernesto Laclau’s Political Thought,” the Annual
Conference of the Association for the Study of Law, Culture, and the
Humanities, Philadelphia, PA, March 2002
Norris, p. 10
Conference Papers, continued
“Against Antagonism: On Ernesto Laclau’s Political Thought,” Northeast
Political Science Association Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA,
November 2001
“Political Revisions: Stanley Cavell and Political Philosophy,” American
Political Science Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA,
August 2001
“The Death of the Political Animal,” Annual Convention of the Society for
Phenomenological and Existential Philosophy, Pennsylvania State
University, October 2000
“Carl Schmitt’s Political Metaphysics: On the Secularization of ‘the Outermost
Sphere,’” American Political Science Association Annual Convention,
Atlanta, GA, September 1999
“Death and the Political,” Northeast Political Science Association Annual
Convention, Boston, MA, November 1998
“Giorgio Agamben and the Politics of the Living Dead,” Annual Convention of
the Society for Phenomenological and Existential Philosophy, Denver,
CO, October 1998
“Politics and the Community of Judgment,” Twentieth World Congress of
Philosophy, Boston, MA, August 1998
“Carl Schmitt on Friends, Enemies, and the Political Form of Life,” Annual
Convention of the American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division,
Los Angeles, CA, March 1998
“Judgment and Law in Carl Schmitt’s Critique of Liberal Modernity,” American
Political Science Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA,
August 1996
“Legislation and Genius: The Lawless Birth of the Law in Aesthetics and
Politics,” Western Political Science Association Annual Convention, San
Francisco, CA, March 1996
“Hume and the Rule of Sensation,” Modern Language Association Annual
Convention, Chicago, IL, December 1995
“Anamnesis and the Myth of the Common in Rousseau and Nancy,” International
Association for Philosophy and Literature Annual Meeting, Philadelphia,
PA, May 1995
“States of Disinterest in Art and Politics: Arendt’s Reading of the Critique of
Judgment,” Western Political Science Association Annual Convention,
Portland, OR, March 1995
“The Role of the Sublime in Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France,”
Conference on Persons, Passions, and Powers, Berkeley, CA, May 1992
Norris, p. 11
Associate Professor, Departments of Political Science and Philosophy, UCSB
Nietzsche (Graduate Course): Spring 2015
Capitalism and Political Philosophy: Spring 2015
Film Noir (Freshman Seminar): Spring 2015
Evil (Freshman Seminar): Winter 2014, Fall 2013
Hegel’s Philosophy of Right (Graduate Course): Spring 2014, Winter
2011, Winter 2009
Contemporary Political Philosophy: Spring 2014, Summer 2013, Fall
2012, Fall 2010
Higher Education (Freshman Seminar): Winter 2014
Democratic Theory: Winter 2014
Modern Political Philosophy: Winter 2014, Fall 2011, Fall 2009
Existentialism (Freshman Seminar): Fall 2013
Politics and Film (Freshman Seminar): Spring 2013
Freedom: Winter 2013, Summer 2011
Politics and Literature: Winter 2013, Fall 2009, Summer 2008
Critical Theory (Graduate Course): Fall 2012
Ancient Political Philosophy: Winter 2011
Conservative Political Thought: Fall 2011, Fall 2008
Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit (Graduate Course): Fall 2010
Arendt and Oakeshott: Winter 2010
Introduction to Political Philosophy: Winter 2010, Winter 2009
Heidegger’s Being and Time: Fall 2009
Visiting Professor, Departments of Philosophy and Politics, Bogaziçi University
Current Debates in Social and Political Theory, Summer 2012
Weber/Schmitt/Arendt: Summer 2009
Introduction to Political Philosophy: Summer 2009
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, UCSB
Emerson and the Politics of American Transcendentalism: Winter 2008
Contemporary Political Theory: Winter 2008
Modern Political Theory: Fall 2007
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania
Contemporary Political Theory: Spring 2008
Heidegger and Political Philosophy (Graduate Course): Spring 2007
Modern Political Thought: Fall 2007, Spring 2007, Spring 2002, Spring
Democratic Theory: Fall 2006, Spring 2006
Heidegger’s Being and Time (Graduate Independent Study): Summer 2006
Freedom (Freshman Seminar): Summer 2006, Fall 2005, Spring 2005, Fall
2002, Fall 2001
Hegel’s Philosophy of Right (Graduate Course): Spring 2006, Fall 2002
Teaching Political Science (Graduate Course): Fall 2005, Fall 2004
Norris, p. 12
Teaching, continued
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania
Wittgenstein and Political Philosophy (Graduate Course): Spring 2005
Ancient Political Thought: Fall 2004, Fall 2000
Moral Conflict and Political Legitimacy (co-taught with Rahul Kumar,
Philosophy, University of Pennsylvania): Spring 2003
Political Judgment: Spring 2003, Fall 2000
Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Duquesne University
Modern Political Thought (Graduate Course): Spring 2002
Community and Political Identity (Graduate Course): Fall 2001
War and Political Theory: Spring 2001
Political Philosophy After Nietzsche (Graduate Course): Spring 2000
Introduction to Philosophy: Spring 2000, Fall 1999, Spring 1999, Fall
1998, Spring 1998, Fall 1997
Kant, Hegel, Marx (Graduate Course): Fall 1999
Philosophy of Law: Spring 1999
Political Philosophy: Fall 1998, Fall 1997
Judgment and Practical Reason (Graduate Course): Spring 1998
Contemporary Political Philosophy (Graduate Course): Fall 1997
Lecturer, Department of Rhetoric, University of California at Berkeley
Contemporary Political Theory: Spring 1997, Spring 1996
Evil and the Novel: Spring 1997
Lecturer, Department of Rhetoric, University of California at Berkeley
Modern Political Theory: Fall 1996, Fall 1995
Rhetoric, Law, and Political Theory, 1500-1700: Fall 1996
Social Theory and Mass Culture: Spring 1996
Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, California State University, Hayward
Human Rights and Social Justice: Fall 1996
Lecturer, Department of English, University of San Francisco
College Writing: Fall 1994
Academic Service
Graduate Program Advisor, Department of Political Science, UCSB: 2015-present
Member, Graduate Admissions Committee, Department of Political Science,
UCSB: 2013, 2011, 2010
Departmental Faculty Legislature Representative, 2013-2014, 2009-2010
Member, Faculty Senate Committee on Admissions, Enrollment, and Relations
with Schools, 2011-2013
Member, Faculty Senate Undergraduate Council, 2011-2013
Member, Faculty Senate Committee on Faculty Issues and Awards, UCSB:
Member, Undergraduate Committee, Department of Political Science, UCSB:
Norris, p. 13
Academic Service, continued
Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Promotion, Department of Political
Science, UCSB: 2007
Member, Graduate Committee, Department of Political Science, University of
Pennsylvania: 2006-2007, 2001-2002
Member, Undergraduate Committee, Department of Political Science, University
of Pennsylvania: 2005-2006, 2004-2005, 2002-2003, 2000-2001
Director and Co-Founder, Philadelphia Political Theory Workshop, University of
Pennsylvania, 2001-2006
External Honors Examiner, Modern Political Theory, Swarthmore College,
Spring 2004
Member, Departmental Bylaws Committee, Department of Political Science,
University of Pennsylvania: 2002-2003
Member, University of Pennsylvania Writing Program Committee, 2001-2002
References available upon request
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