
RYAN RAIDER BAND 2016-2017 NEW MEMBER INFORMATION Is there an audition?

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RYAN RAIDER BAND 2016-2017 NEW MEMBER INFORMATION Is there an audition?
How do I sign-up for band?
All incoming 9th graders who play woodwinds or brass sign up for course 31116 Concert Band 1.
All incoming 9th graders who play percussion sign up for course 31110 Percussion 1.
All incoming 9th graders who want to be in Jazz Band sign up for course 31125 Jazz Ensemble 1.
Is there an audition?
If you are already an 8th grade band member there is not an audition to be in the RHS band program. Just sign up for the
correct course number above. However, we will have auditions after school April 25-26 at RHS for the cases below.
Audition materials will be distributed at the middle school. Students will sign up for audition times in April.
 Woodwind and Brass players that would like to be considered for Symphonic Band or Wind Symphony must
audition. The audition will consist of 2 major scales, the audition etude, and a brief sight-reading.
 All Percussion students must audition for Mr. Smith so that they can be placed on instruments that best fit their
current abilities. Students will have the opportunity to play a variety of instruments throughout the year.
 Students that want to be in Jazz Band class must perform the selected jazz audition material.
Is there an Orientation?
Yes. We will have a new member/new parent orientation meeting on April 18, 2016 in the Ryan HS Band Hall at 7pm.
What is “Super Saturday”?
Super Saturday is May 21, 2016. It is the first time the 2016-17 Raider Band will play together. The day begins with Band
Registration in the Band Hall (open from 9am to 12pm). Lunch is served at 12pm for $5. Students will receive all music,
the summer camp schedule, and school-owned instruments beginning at 1pm. We will rehearse all of the 2016 fall music
until 5pm. Student participation this day is VERY important. More details will be mailed to students and available on the
Raider Band website www.dentonisd.org/raiderband
How much does it cost to be in band?
Every band student must pay for these items at Super Saturday, May 21, 2016 (details provided at April 18 meeting).
 $15 RR band t-shirt
 $15 band show shirt
 $5 for two pairs of gloves (woodwinds and brass only)
 $35 shoes (you will not have to order these each year unless you need a replacement)
 $25 Raider Band Camelbak (you will not have to order this each year unless you need a replacement)
Due August 1, 2016: $150 Activity Fee. This is used to cover the cost of the RHS camp, meals, music, the marching band
show, and equipment and supplies necessary for the normal functions of the band program. In order for every student
to benefit, every student must pay this fee. If you have the need to raise all or a portion of this fee, our booster club will
have fundraisers available. If you have the need to set-up an installment plan, please contact Mr. Russell. This fee may
be reduced if you qualify for free ($50) or reduced ($100) lunch. To find out if you qualify for free or reduced lunch, you
must fill out the appropriate paperwork required by Denton ISD. A copy of the letter certifying your free or reduced
lunch status must be provided to Mr. Russell in order to have this fee reduced.
If you use a Denton ISD-owned instrument, there is a $100 per year usage fee. You may pay this fee using an
installment plan or you may pay in full. This fee may be reduced if you qualify for free ($25) or reduced ($50) lunch.
Fundraiser monies cannot be used to cover this fee.
For additional information and answers to frequently asked questions, visit the Raider Band website
www.dentonisd.org/raiderband and click on the “New Students” tab.
Do you have questions about the Ryan High School Bands?
Please contact one of the directors or visit our website.
Eddy Russell
Director of Bands
[email protected]
Lee Smith
Associate Director
Percussion Coordinator
[email protected]
Mary Brown
Assistant Director
[email protected]
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