Introduction Florida grows about
Introduction Florida All of tons) this in everyone and grows huge !n growing. harvesting. it. the procedures money outlet. paid laborers, The truck of to one This course emphasizes fruit to drivers, the that for the,consumer. in This, then, is the million m. cash register and many a fair canners, share the subject of pickers, citrus how for shipping qualities Florida the crop. make money returning upon is citrus processing, packers, livelihood (10.3 to fruit who make up the their boxes income links growers. etc., bu. packing. of essential commercial purpose, source are whom depend only ~ which for world's 1-3/5 involved of grove million for retail the 252.1 the produced the all volume, of is in and a quarter 1976-77, marketing the about industry fruit of gets from FRC 4612 (FC 437). Roughly tangelos, 85% of etc., shipped as as he has had fruit for or fruit of lemons, 36.5%.) Fruit of unless he can get dition to consumer. in a mature, His best possible variety time seriously state the is of of The to take place the factors in have the location; case quality Slow to or the sound, wholesome or indirectly fruit as they develop changes. on the of fruit on that rootstock-scion where point peak handling the xix only fruit part quality later is to is con- a vital these variety is only grower is crop fruit. is concern the now, California's oranges influencing are his later inept the in scion for his of citrus in has a commercial directly proper quantity of 90% of to delivered has grower processed value remainder outlets about of little and Production the to The the alternative grower which and harvest. impair is and Thus, proportion temples, processed. locally. amount their tangerines, are viable harvested proper quality in state consumed sort changes combination. particularly the any concern in and them edible initial rootstock the the shipments exclusive the in grapefruit, some decades, fresh interest oranges, harvested fresh (Florida's the proper produce of the the picture, attained can obliterate unfit for human at or to Citrus Maturity an~ Pac!!ngh2use Int~oductian. consumption. is to Many people be processed. concentrate and handled properly who has only as the Not if of , they or The continually physical of the with on decades of experience and dwell the to point out or 5 events in shaping voyages late and duced and from indeed became ning subsequent and throughout one, the quality juice by perfection to in which fresh 1955-56, E. crop. The next industry, was Bean in move southward highways has in 1875. were the played 1943 juice. a product of The which citrus carried could the which orange marked the bu. ensuing playa by introduction leaps it begin- freezes decades into a vast many years. concentrate the intro- before 1894-95 to at climate long move was the and plants, the for in sour one was continue xx on the 1-3/5 the 4 instrumental the expand grown were of in least established state to rather At congenial industry one was but de Soto other based here sweet, were also along and of event, since has ones Florida's third is 2. and and handling purpose Table de Leon of overnight. chemical industry so many a frozen latest the unlike the built, the requirements not dismay. a multitude harvesting development The not lime major and will of emerge did buyer, numerous 1) Indian in the with into plantings many areas industry their was Ponce thrived in which citrus Citrus, naturalized to minor and West countries, found numerous Permanent lemons away modern railroads fourth 1500's. have in all, grower the processing is the the and of summarized Columbus, 1565-1575. became box the area was far the standard and in of fruit mercy regarding It and of of early a commercial of First oranges, Augustine research. frozen quality Florida market fruit the modifiers, and highlights explorations and legal consequence course. or knowledge background the major its bittersweet as some of of 1400's St. historical in their if'the especially high at crops (Table fruits, compliance is other products and upon fruit of of forgotten Furthermore, industry body be products, consumption canned expanding components practices fresh can be made from his citrus for this be palatable. range gigantic chilled to for a wide available frozen, are (cant.) processed must outlet of of for juice, a single The present all so, chilled producers varieties say Pr2cedures The dominant role, comparable of and bounds in chilled in the last 10-15 industry the years. have Florida Among other been Citrus development of for and agencies state and evolution Code of grades, the the maturity and ~nd and influencing of 1949 packinghouses standards ment the forces concerned food the marketing rules and of the culminating amendments, canneries, with growth standards later myriad the in gradual agreements and regulations of federal protection of the environ- and legal quality, .like.. , An outline of and consumer citrus factors is . fruit characters, presented in . qua11ty Table modif1ers The starting 3. point is the , tree consisting etc.) budded of growth during ofa ranges characters first upon remains at nounced changes objective of qualities shipped for of is the the appearance, characters grades they intrastate produce register remains the and the retail and keeping the and pro- 1). The deterioration iri consumed. Fruit subject to regulations market. The outlet, hence quality starch. low (Figure : until apples, a citrus unlike fruits rules reaches in palatability also CO11DBerce are and numerous accumulate rate harvested throughout to while minimize tree. like only climacteric are on the fruits stresses) to depends occurs (barring is variety, organisms failure respiration of living familiar their the remain are other in these fruit produce modifiers or cash of temperature moment wholesome and miscellaneous the upon The season internal qualities The etc.). external, mangos other orange, grapefruit, depending from characteristic and sound, income tree. interstate maturity on11 on the postharvest from in and given sour 'Marsh' months other or sugars any lemon, while differ avocados of orange, The expression modifiers They bananas, constant intrinsic CO11DBonwith cycle. Development 15-18 develop. in life fruit the ('Hamlin' (rough 8 to preharvest fruit pears, from t1me fruit their varIety on a rootstock which Citrus scion are fruit standards to sole ensure source consumer vitally of factor;s important. , This table the principal and graph thus factors A glossary of provide affecting terms, an overview of fruit characters artd them. whose understanding are indisp~nsable to an , understanding metric measures of the are course given content, in Tables and 4 and xxi a conversion 5, respectively. table for U.S. and Fi.gure 1. The key to postharvest Grierson., 1973'). xxii handling (From Tab!, 1,- Area and disposition of Florida Citrus citrus, 1976-77 gro'\>'es (860,000 season. acres=348,000 ha.) ~ Fresh Fruit Conunercial Processed Fr~it 1000 ~-3/.5 bu. ~Qxes (~~ tons) Va!,!~ies Oranges: Early (H~a1iri, Parson Early-midseason Midseason Late (Navels) (Pineapple) 3,095.7 (126.304) 1.447.4 (59,054) 904.7 (36,912) (Valencia) Grapefruit: White Pink Brown) seeded seeded White (Foster) seedless Z 285.0 69~115.3 (~.1,228) (2~819~904) 31.0 (1,196) 7.9 (305) 9,312.0 (Duncan) (Marsh) (359,443) Pink and red seedless (Thompson, Ruby, Burgundy) 6.,.118.2 (236,163) Sp~ialty fruits: Temple Tangerines Honey 991..2 (40,441) (DancYt tangerine Tangelos (Orlando, (=Murcott) Nova) K-Early Acid citrus: Lemons Limes (principally.. 2,222...0 Robinson) (9,576.8) 290.7 (11,861) 2,118.3 (84,427) 421.l (17,185) 122. .1 (3,13 L6) Bearss) 650..,1 (16,5J '8) (Tahiti) xxUi 111,488.0 (4,548,710) 8~650.4 (333~905) 386.5 (14~919) 20~O96.5 (775~725) 5~975.0 (230~635) 983.3 (42,380) 1,006.7 (41,074) 2,505.3 (102,216) 131.9 (5,26_2) 784.2 (31,996) Table 2. History Stage 1492.,-1875-Introduetion I. 1492 - early 1565 - 1776: 1823: 1835, of citrus 15001s: Leon, 1575: fruit Citrus de Soto. Permanent handling. brought p1antings to New Wor1d--Co1umbus~ established at de Augustine--sweet orange, sour orange~ bitter-sweet orange, lemon (including rough), (West Indian) lime. First shipment of oranges from Anastasia Island to England. Grapefruit introduced (Don Philippe, Safety Harbor). 1870's: Introduction of navel orange, (lost in 1835 and later 1840 's freezes). - 1850 IS: 1870's: 1800's: thence to Florida. Introduction of Valencia orange. Domestic shipments of oranges by boat: and various boxes. Stage II. 1875: St. Ponce Introduction of tangerines 1875-.191Q--Modern Iud!!.!try: Development of the. standard systematic grading and sizing .from Early citrus of or Asia railroad to Louisiana in barrels phase box by E. Bean; first oranges to fit 2 cu. ft. = '1-3/5 bu. box. 1880's: First shipments of grapefruit. 1894: Production about 5 million boxes at time of 1894-95 'freezes. 1875 - 1910: Early packi~ouse operations--washing (dry or wet) y drying (sun) y grading (removal of cuts and p1ugsy sorting of bright and rusty fruit). boards. rope). packing nailed box with bulge); Stage III.. ~~o1_~t_!9_~- 1910-1945--Modern ~~ .1911. 1913.. :if)15. 1925. 1~Z7. 1'933.. trus sizing (eye. slotted boards. (individually wrapped .fruit in shipment by boat or rail. Indu$try:Mi.ddle diverging standard phase Laws: Immature Fruit Law: Illegal to ship rawt immature fruit. Maturity Law: Season Sept. 1 to Nov. 15; l2-fruit sample; maximum 1.30% crystalline citri~ acid for oranges, 1.75% for grapefruit ~ half color. u.S. Bureau of Chemistry (USDA):: Total soluble solids to total (titratable) acid (anhydrous citric acid) ratio 8-1 for oranges and 7-1 for grapefruit (interstate shipments). Maturity Law: First comprehensive standards for oranges and grapefruit, with sliding ratio (minimum according to total soluble solids); registration of packinghouses; inspection fees. Arsenic Law: Ban on use of arsenic on bearing citrus; lifted 1929-1930 for Mediterranean fruit fly campaign, reimposed 1931. MaturLty Law: Minimum juice requirement for grapefruit {plus solids and ratio), minimum solidst ratio and color break for oranges. Permanent injunction by Judge H.C. Petteway against enforcement of arsenic law on grapefruit. x:rlv Table 2. (cont.) ~'35. 1931. 1939. 1941. ,9,4$. Maturity Law: Higher standards. Color Add Law: Legal on oranges, higher maturity standards. Creation of Florida Citrus Commission. Advertising Tax. Bond and License Law. Registration of field boxes. Federal Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act: Enabling act for marketing Agreements. Citrus Marketing Agreement (Order 905, originally 933). U.S. standards for Persian (Tahiti) Limes (revised 1952,1957). Creation of Indian River Citrus Area. U.S. standards for citrus fruits: sweet oranges, grapefruit and mandarins, except tangerines. U.S. standards for tangerines (revised 1948, 1955, 1960, 1967, 1968). U.S. standards for lemons (revised 1959,1961,1964). Maturity Law: Minor changes. on Seasonal Changes of Citrus 1913. in Florida: Oranges and grapefruit, 500 tests over one season. 1935 OD. Harding and associates: Oranges, grapefruit, tangerines; tests over 3 or 4 seasons. ~lopment Collison: of Packinghouses: 1915. Ramsey's research on benefits of precooling plus refrigeration at 40°F in transit for oranges; emphasis on careful handling. 1920. First de greening rooms, using kerosene fumes. 1923. Denny's discovery that ethylene was active ingredient in kerosene fumes. 1925. Borax first postharvest fungicide for control of stem-end rot. 1920-1945. Introduction of ruff1eboard (longitudinal) washer, drier-polisher, slab wax, hot wax, grading belts, roller grading tables, longitudinal be1t~and-ro11 sizers, transverse brushes (to replace longitudinal brushes), wirebound (Bruce) boxes, mesh (cloth, paper) bags, fiberboard cartons; refrigerator (ice bunker) cars, trucks for shipments; heavier loading (to 1000 instead of 400 to 600 boxes) of rail cars (during war). Development of Canneries: 1915. Bottled grapefruit juice. 1920. First frozen citrus concentrate (not marketable). 1921. First grapefruit sections (glass containers. later cans). 1923. Canned grapefruit juice. 192.4. Canned orange juice; hot pack concentrate (mainly grapefruit). 1924-1925. Citrus pulp dried for animal feed. 193~193l. First marketing of frozen citrus juice (mainly grapefruit. 1935. First low temperature vacuum hot pack concentrate. xxv Table 2 (cont.) 1935-1936. Orange-grapefruit juice blends marketed; 212,000 boxes of oranges processed. 1943. First marketable frozen concentrated orange juice. 1944-1945. 14,243,000 boxes of oranges processed. Stage v. Mature ,phase C.ttrusLMIs: 1949. 195~, 1955~ 1957. 1959. 1961. 1963, 1967. 1969. 1970, 1975. Florida Citrus Code (Consolidation of existing statutes and changes into a single chapter-60l; Indian River Citrus Area and registration of field boxes excluded): Higher maturity requirements for all fruits, including Temples; mandatory year around inspection of fruit to packinghouses and canneries; arsenic legal only on (bearing) grapefruit; legislative recognition of necessity for higher maturity standards and strict enforcement in public interest. 1953. Separate maturity requirements for seeded, white seedless and pink and red seedless grapefruit. Tangelo Act; increased juice requirements for grapefruit early in season. Revision of grapefruit juice requirements; changes in powers and composition of Florida Citrus Commission; recognition that maturity requirements are minimum quality standards; limes dropped from Citrus Code; ch4nges in maturity test procedures. Revision of grapefruit maturity requirements; changes in powers of Florida Citrus Commdssion; Murcott maturity requ1rements established. Changes in Florida Citrus Commission powers; Citrus Stabilization Act (repealed 1963); color add under permit legal for Temples; changes in bonds for citrus fruit dealers (amounts increased); truck marking law; revision of fruit theft law; revision of grapefruit maturity requirements. 1965. Changes in Florida Citrus Commission Powers. Revision of grapefruit juice requirements; changes in Florida Citrus Commission powers; Orange Stabilization Act (lapsed in 1969). Changes in Florida Citrus Commission Powers. 1971. Changes in Florida Citrus Commission Powers; revision of definitions for tangerines and hybrid citrus; deletion of hybrids (Temples. tangelos. Murcotts) from Citrus Laws with maturity requirements established by Florida Citrus Commission Regulations; changes in maturity test procedures. Change of Florida Citrus Commission Regulations to Official Rules (Standard system statewide). xxvi T~1~Z. (cont. ~~rke.ting ~gr.eeme~: Order 905. Handling of oranges, grapefruit, tangerines and tangelbs grown in Florida: 1939, amended 1946,1947. 1951, 1965, 1966 and 1969~ Order 912. Grapefr~i~ grown in the I~dian River District in Florida: 1969. Grapefruit grown in the Interior District in Florida: Order 913. --Order 914. "'~' U.S.'Stahdards , :-~, 1946,. for ~ ~~::~es grown in 1970 (dead). the Interior ni,tt¥~~::ln l~l'O Florida: I"'J~ ; Grades: c,; A&r~icu1tural QfU..S. Marketing standards Act for (enabling grades of act for establishment fresh' and processed citrus). Florida Florida Florida oranges and tangelos: 1947, 1955, 1960,1961, 1965, 1967, 1968. ~rapefruit: 1947,1952, 1960, 1961, 1967, 1968.' tangerines: 1'960,1961,1968., , Frozert concentrated orange juice: 1964,1966, 1968.'." Pasteurized orange juice (chilled ,juice): 1967, 1~68, 1969;;; Dehydrated <>range juice: 1956, 1957, 196~. Canned orange juice: 1964, 1966, 1968, 1969. Concentrated orartge juice for manufacturing: 1957, 1964. Frozen concentrated grapefruit juice: 1956, 1957,1968. Frozen concentrated blended grapefruit juice and'orange j,\lic~: 1951, 1957, 1958. Dehydrated grapefruit juice: 1956,1957, 1968. Canned grapefruit: 1959, 1970. Concentrated grapefruit juice for J'!~ve1opment 1957. 1968. of Packinghouse!: 1945-1960: 196Qto 19'51. manufacturing: Concentrated lemon juice for manufacturing: Canned lemon juice: 1962. 1956, 1957, Frozen concentrate for limeade: Bulk haad1ing systems, solv~nt-type waxes, cen~al belt-and-roll sizers, transverse sizers, perforated belt sizers, plastic bags, bag filling machines, carton fillers, pallet boxes, fungicidal waxes, Dowicide A-hexamine fungicide. date: TWo-stage packinghouse, ground-level packinghouse, pallet-box harvesting, plastic mesh bags, pallet-box degre~ning rooms (batch and continuous flow). Develop~nt2fCanneries: 1945':;;:1946.. '226.000 gallons juice (FCOJ). 1948-1949. (8.550 hi.) frozen conct?ntrated '. 116.000 gallons (4.390 hI..) grapefruit juice (FCGJ). xxvii frozen concentrated orange Table 2. (cont.) 1950-1951. 1955-1956. 1965-1966. 1970-1971. 1976-1977. 30~758~000 gallons (1~164~190 hI.) FCOJ; 2~530~000 gallons (95~760 hI.) processed COJ. 70 million gallons (2~649~500 hI.) ~J; 2.5 million gallons (94~760 hl~) processed FCGJ; chilled juice first put on market. 57~3l7~000 boxe$ (2~.338~535 m. tons) for ~ (70.83 million gallons=2~680~9l5 hI.); 3,966,000 boxes (161,810 m. tons) for ~ (3~97l,OOO gallons= l50~302 hI.). 103~52l~OOO boxes (4~223~660 m. tons) for ~ {125~174~000 gallons=4~737,835 hI.); 6~729~OOO boxes (259~740 m. tons) for FCGJ (6,876,000 gallons= 260~255 hI.); 19,772~OOO box-;s--(806,700 m. tons) for chilled juice; 2,348,.000 boxes (90,635 m. tons) for chill~d sr~fruit juice; 7,668~000 boxes (312,855 m. tons) for single-strength OJ; 14,573,000 boxes (569,465 m. tons) for single-strength GJ; 2~333,000 boxes (90,055 m. tons) for ~rapefruit sections; 1~09l,000 boxes (42~115 m. tons) for chilleq grapefruit sections and salad~ l47,772~000 boxes (6,029,100 m~ tons) for ~ (158~O35~OOO gallons=5,~81,625 h.1~); 27~250,000 boxes (1,111,800 m. tons) for chi!led OJ (124~578,OOO gallons=4~7l5,280 hI., 43.5% of which was from reconstituted FCOJ, 54,107,000 F;allons=2,047,950 hI.) that is only 18.4% as many boxes but 78.4% as many gallons (actu~ about 30%~ considering FCOJ gallons are concentrate); 7,429,000 boxes (303,100 m. tons) for single-strength OJ; .13,013,000 boxes {502~300 m. tons) for FCGJ (11,258,000 gal10ns=426,115 hI.); 4~331~OOO ~s (167~175 m. tons) for chil1e~ GJ (17,852~OOO gallons=675,700 hl.~ 42% of which was from reconstituted FCGJ, 7,492,000 gallons= 283,570 hI.); 14~360,00O boxes (554~295 m. tons) for single-strengthGJ. xxviii Out1.ine of citrus fruit characters, legal and consumer factors. T4b1e 3. Scion modifiers of quality and variety/Rootatock Juice J Totalsolub.1e (TSS) Tota! acid solids ~ (14) Solids:acid ratio, A~tive acidi~y (pH) Si2 :e Fot :m WejLght Fit :-mness AgE! De<:ay Vi tamin C Volatiles Seedsc, rag - --,- Modifiets: :,i.~ " Preharv~st Pos~ha~st RootstockS Climate Soil Respiration: Ethylene (endogenous) Ethylene (exogenous) = degreening Mineral nutrition Harve~ting Pac~inghouse handling Refrigeration D;isorCiers and their Spr~ys Watexrelations Pruning :],'ree age Position on tree co~t;rol: Pat~ological Physiological Standards: Maturity Grade Rules and Appearance Palatability Keeping quality Regulations: CAC FCC (DOC) EPA etc. xxix, --- xxx Table 4. Bin: container house used or shallow top Box: a Glossary for cannery; metal, of each 3 types of a. Field b.. Pallet hauliJig citrus square wooden other or for boxes plastic bu. the grove (sometimes boxes, usually the liters) to packing-' cylindrici11) stacked several on if sides, Florida citrus industry. capacity. (282 as such solid usually in capacity marked with status (78.66 10 box or rectangular 1.egal 2~23 box: from transportat1on. have box: or fruit liters; 408 kg larger; wooden slotted bottom 32 inches (80 high bushels (56.4 cm) or and and of oranges) plastic runners beneath, 44 inches (119 square. Standard c~ box: 1-3/5 90 lb (40.8 kg) for oranges, 85 lb (38.6 kg) for grapefruit for Standard d. British Thermal Brix: Bulk (synonymous bin: baffles or degreening 100 ltlF with rectangular of to Climacteric box: (BTU): pound of water legal weights 'Temples', are tangelos, and 95 lb(43.'1 kg) tangerines. shipping Unit liters); 4/5 bushel the quantity (actually total bin with ciderpress of at liters). required 1 to heat 59° to 60°F). solids~ sloping supporting oranges of heat from soluble (28.2 bottom cloth, which see). and zigzag arrangement temporary storage for a packinghouse; usual capacity is 150 boxes. fruit: one which contains and shows a characteristic rise ripening, during which starch in period or other respiration starChes~ etc., energy sources indicative are converted of to sugars. C9lor-add: application of to surface solution a+4di~ional the terms will a dye (currently of oranges, be defined xxxi in FDA Citrus 'Temple' discU$sion or Red No.2) tangelos. of specific topics. em) . 'able 4. (cont.) Co~or break: I i sunburn, the natural change in color of citrus.fruit (excludes insect damage, etc.) whereby the chlorophylls disappear and carotenoid Conduction: pigments movement of to another, cdnvection: as in thermal movement of temperatures energy a solid in a medium (gas, in become evident. from one molecule or liquid. thermal liquid or by transfer energy by active or solid; forced motion of molecules may be natural as when molecules from differences are moved with a fan or pump Crop year: August 1 to the acceleration Degreening: phylls the disappear use of (90-95% July3l. of and ethylene the carotenoid process pigments (l-5ppm), + relative natural heat humidity), whereby become evident, (85°F=29.4°C), and continuous chlorowith high air humidity circulation and ventilation. Di;coloration: I properly citrus fruit colored Grade: stage Field: limits energy the of when of their quantity of may also a citrus product of one the capacity energy released when as liquid to (heat liquid (heat of liquefaction-heat to gas (heat of vaporization) of condensationsheat conditions of of pressure xxxii according qualities. removed temperature and heat solid may be eaten cooling to difference, a change of volume. heat). of state fusion), of or or another, (specific vaporization) and in temperature thermal from like. calories. energy from the vegetable) or on light and fruit (or or lesions include melanose fruit thermal an object (weight) colored characteristics as BTU's mass but speck-type measured the brown mites development being Latent: rust scattered heating ~.. to light classification stipulated Thermal t. by of an arbitrary to Heat: caused windscars, the Ed~bllity: refers gas solid fusion), to liquid under occurs, to liquid (heat standard Table 4. (cont.) Re~~~ration: thermal metabolic carbon d~ Sensible: dioxide metric from one ~pecific 8", water vapor heat the Absolute mass sugars to animals; per unit time or the field in cooling another. have heat and an object (Note that calculations a time-dependent com- respiration.) amount of change thermal the energy (BTU or temperature of a unit ca1.) mass 1°. air. (specific): in to heat of to in or both removed temperature required Humidity: with of plants per including sensible heat: of as BTU's respiration, ponent, conversion and water) energy, of connection equivalent. thermal heat in (e.g.. expressed involving . released processes usually the energy the a given measure mass of of dry the mass (at standard air (weight) of water barometric pressure). ~. Dewpoint: the (at Relative: te~erature to a constant the ratio present pressure) between and the and barometric for d Vapor dry air pressure (or pressure; calculations with the possible at that vapor vapor dependent, (disregarding percent vapor temperatur~ corrections saturation); as a percentage. pressure rather, of water combination at corrected that in absolute pressure) water maximum and be lowered condensation. water vapor e.g., initiate of partial + water must quantity pressure the air the expressed pressure: moist to pressure partial normally which at sea Florida). (specific) regardless that pressure There xxxiii would is exist upon (at in a given hum:idity) temperature.. in any barometric barometric be used a direct temperature. or_absolute however, level a given a standard humidity of can to vapor a given in correlation barometric The quantity space is (i.e., directly of 'ab).e 4. (cont.) Maturity: the to an edible since Mathrity i I i stage of development state. (Applies no such stage standard: such".~~ is of strictly an arbitrary legal such that it will ripen ~6 climacteric-type ',r; in citrus.) discernible juiceconte~t~ctota.1 ratiq, a fruit limitation soluble of solids. some fruit, fruit soluble factor soli4s:acid etc. Mechanical reefer car, mechanical truck: Rail refrigeration car or semi-trailer facilities for equipped keeping produce with cool in transit. Non~climact~ric : or fruit: other energy-rich sugars have during exhibit respiration Pa~tability: course a well they which constituents the neither henc.e of tbose'iikecitrus of 'under stage the the of ripening normal throughout literally, capable the defined do not of being process. maturity period taste of a fruit, sugar:acid ratio converted of their into fruit ripening, a rather of starch' These nor circumstances later contain low rate lifetime. important contributing ~ factors of being the ~~odyct soluble solids, the Pr~c()oling: Prorate: , and volatiles at the time con~~tion.. Po~nds-solid~:,,:; I sugars, of juice ~uallyex:p~essed rapid a shipment cooling quota . house's Qf pounds of for share fru.f.tprior the total on a per box basis. some time of x percelltage. to period total transportation. based shipments ;'. for upon a packingthe prev1.ous , month or season. Reefer: ;l rail car refrigerating produce refrig~rator cars and which rate the stage edible; the of of development is ice bunkers, to market; fans and vents now replaced for by mechanical trucks. term for applicable process with en route and a general Refrigeratibn: Ripening: equipped anytype;!of of strictly preceded a fruit to or xxxiv when it climacteric-type acco~anied respiration. cooling- by becomes soft fruit in a rapid rise in Table 4. (cant.) Season growth: of the rtddseason Season of or varieties maturity for to fr~i~: Specific gravity: December June for those to = 1..0.) Selective removal or grades: coloration heat divided the by the gradient (i.e., whereas thermal so.1u~le~so1ids pure sucrose (titratable) endpoint for per for 1,ate September February for to to and varietias. November midseason and 6 seeds. compared or air. £ruit to that (Solids from unit of a or liquids a tree on the' thermal are bas-is of fofu~ dis- is = in alkali area a unit heat, density is the sugars, acids unit (grade). through specific Brix firmness~ per degree thickness. conductivity standard per diffusivity (0 Brix): color~ cl~&ification time passing of (degrees for a given unit heat product acid; with early varieties. ranges per gradient diffusivity: for color. blemishes conductivity: temperature of arbitrary and August from of an object compared for to witbO such as water water to late material Standards Tota,l early, Mayor maturity set period standard size, :otal the the density picking: Thermal fruit and to December to February cOImnercially. Seedless Thermal from (edibility): December February Spot period etc., and in per and rate quantity % pure juice the area of of unit temperature heat movement heat). juice, measured as % sucrose). t.ftrated reported to as the phenolphthalein % anhydrous citric tree the acid. Tree storage: normal the practice of holding harves t period. xxxv fruit on the time beyond Table 5. ERstONS:u.s. 6.METRIC HEASL'RES U..S. Vnite K Metric Equivalents ConversioR Factors Metric 1o<!n~th or Thickness = 1 mile 1 yard 1 toot (ft) 1 inch (in) 1 mil (1/1000 in) i= a Q = c = = D .Yg1umeor Capacity 1 pint 1 gallon (gal) --1 bushel (bu) a . a = 1 acre~inch 1 Fla. field 1 Fla. citrus box (4,800 cu ins) carton (4/5 bu) 1.6093 0.9144 kilometers meter. (III) 0.3048 2.5400 (km) .. centi..ters (c.) 0.02>4 mLl1i_ters (R8) 6.4516 square centimete~s 0.8361 square meters (a) 0.4047 hectares (ha) 258.988 00 0.4732 liters 3.7853 3.5.2381 2 (t) to to 102.7938 (~~ 3 cubic = 0.7866 a 0.2922 D 28.349S grams a 0.4536 kilograms 45.3592 to - 0.9072 meters hectoliters (.) (hi) to ~..!2.h':- 1 ounce (oz) 1 pound (lb) 1 hundredweight (cwt) 1 ton metric (g) (kg) tonnes to U.S. X X X X X 0.6214 1.0936 3.28?8 0.3937 39.3700 X X X X 0.1550 1.1960 2.4110 0.OO3~ x X X X X X 2.1.133 0.2642 0.0284 0.0097 1.2713 3.5436 X X X X 0.0353 2.2046 0.0220 1.1022 . Rate or Yleld .: 1 grOlin/pouoo I 1 1 1 1 1 1 = (at'/lb) pound/act'e (lb/act'e) ton/acre gallon/acre (gal/acre) Fla. field box/act'e bushel/act'e (bu/acre) pound/lOO gallons (lbilOO gal) cubic foot/minute (ft /min) Enerv.v. 1 horsepower 1 foot candle b Pressure (HP) (ft-cp) 1 polJnd/square inch (psi) 1 British Thermal Unit (BTU) :rempeT~tu!:! Fahrenheit ~ ~) + 32 = ~ D = ~ 0.1429 grams/kilO&loa. 1.1208 kilogram/hectare 2.2417 metric tonnes/hectarc 9.346 liters/hectare «(/ha) 1.9437 hectoliters/hectare 0.870.5 1.1983 = grams/liter 0.4720 liters/second - = - (h£/ha) ,. ~ a (g/kg) (kg/ha) " (g/t) (f/sec) 0.7457 kilowatts (kw) 10.7639 lux 2 70.3069 grallls/cnt 0.2530 kilogram calories Celsius (Centigrade) = (r~J2) 5 (From r~ Florida Sta~_e_J!Q.!-t.Soc. 90, 1971.) xxxvi (Kg-~1t X S X 7.000CJ X X X X X X X 0.8922 0.4461 0.1070 0.5162 1.1488 0.8345 2.1186 X X X X 1.3410 0.0929 0.0142 3.9526 and Packinghouse Proce~ures Ci;!:us~tu!:ity I~~_o~uction Selected (cant.) --References H!;!t2!:I: 1908. Powell, G. H., et al. The decay u.s. 1914. of oranges while in . Bur. Plant Indus. De Staubenrauch~ A. V.~ et Factors govenring from Florida. 1915. Ramsey, the successful U..S. Dept. and shipping 123. p. 9-20. Agr. shipment Bul. 63, of orartges 50 p. fruits Bul. in the Gulf States "yj~ ~~ 696. 28 p. Humet H. H. Cultivation of citrus chap 1., ZL Webber, H. J. ctrmts. (1957. Citrus Macmillan, NewYork fruits.) and L. D. Batchelor, edge The c1trus industry, Univ. Berkeley. VoL. I, chap. L. Pierce, of California Press, w. C. Citrus. Sections Harrison, Chase, 3-18~ Atlanta~ 29-34. ~ F1orida law and practice. Ga. Randall. History of the 39{9): 1967. Bul. California. al. Dept. Agr. Farmer's 1958. from H. J. Handling 1926. (1957) transit Webber, 5-6, H. J., History ~ citrus industry. Citrus - Indus 8~ 11., 16-17. W. Reuther and H. w. Lawton. and development The citrus Batchelor, Vol. F1orida industry, eds. Div. of the eitrus W. Reuther, Agr. Sci., I. xxxvii Univ. industry. Chap. 1. H. J. Webber and L. D. of California, Berkeley. Citrus Maturity and. Packlngh2u!e.!rocedures . ." ,~ \ _~troduction Federal-State Daily Florida Market c1trus Citrus Annual Florida report. of Citrus regional representatives' and Consumer policy for each citrus and annual Florida De t. Costs of processing, ware housing I~t. selling g~i!: EcQ!!..~~on. Grierson, W. Quality ofproouce packaging.. and stattstical Univ. Resource weekly.) Dept. of crop year.) Committee. of products. (issued Florida Costs citrus packing Division, and Services. (issued Administrative managers' reports Inspection report Marketing 1.973. weekly.) Commission and Vegetable Growers ' Citrus. merchandising Annual season.) : report , (issued Dept. Agriculture during Mutual. Florida Fruit (issued statistical Triangle. Florida News Service. Mutual. Citrus (cont.) Florida t:eport. fresh citrus fruits. Food & Resource Econ. !lor!~a.IF~. and selling Florida ~e2t. Food & t~ ~pt. as Inst. influenced Refri2. xxxviii by prestorage Conmd~sion treatment C-2:5l-65. and Citrus Maturity and PackinRhousePro~~~!!!:es Introduction Veldman, L. G., et al. Symposi~-The Proc. Covey, C. Fla. {cont.} agricultural State Hort. labor Soc. in Florida. situation 86:205-22.9. D. Handbook of regulati,ons and employees. ~!a. affecting CoQ2.Extens. xxxix Florida farm Se!:!~c.i.J;". employers 441.22 p.