Phytophthora Studies on Citrus Rootstocks J. O.Whiteside Introduction The common and widespread
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Phytophthora Studies on Citrus Rootstocks J. O.Whiteside Introduction The common and widespread
-15- PhytophthoraStudieson Citrus Rootstocks J. O.Whiteside Introduction The commonand widespreadoccurrenceof phytophthora fungi that arepathogenk:to citrus continuesto havea great influenceon the world rootstock situation. While much can be doneto preventseriousinfection by adoptingsafercultural practicesand by usingsuitablepreventativemeasures, the only certain solution to a severephytophthora diseaseproblem is to usemore resistantrootstocks. Unfortunately, few citrus speciesor relativesarehighly resistantto phytophthora, and much of this materialis unsatisfactoryfrom other standpoints. Thus, in practice,manysu8:eptiblerootstocksstill haveto be planted becauseof their superiority in other more essentialrespects. The severityof phytophthoraattack variesaccordingto local climatic and edaphicconditions. In citrus producingareasof the world that havewell-drainedandwell-aeratedsoils,and whererainfall is not too frequent, it may still be reasonablysafeto useas rootstocksany but the very highly susceptiblevarieties. Whereconditions are morefavorablefor diseasedevelopment,as on soilsthat remainwet for long periodsfollowing rain or irrigation, it may be unwiseto useeventhose rootstocksthat are only moderatelysusceptibleto phytophthora. Suchconsiderationsaffect the latitude tha1can be permitted in different citrus producingareaswith respectto the screeningout of phytophthorasusceptiblematerialin rootstock improvementprograms. In Florida, serious lossesgenerallyoccur only wherehighly susceptiblevarietieshavebeenused8Srootstocks. Havingmade this statement,I must hastento add that much of the more seriousdamagecausedby phytophthora in local nurseriesand grovesinvolvesprimarily the scionportion of the trunk and not the rootstock. This is not alwaysfully appreciatedand in many casesthe rootstock variety is wrongly blamedfor the attack. The questionasto how much importanceshould be attachedin Florida to the sel~tion of rootstocksthat are highly resistantto phytophthora will be consideredlater in this talk; becauseit will be possibleto ex~minethis subiectobjectivelyonly after consideringin somedetai what is known about the host-parasite relationshipand the possibleeffectsof phytophthora on tree performance. Parts of tree affected by phytophthora Certainpartsof citrustreesare more susceptibleto phytephthora attack than others,and the namesgivento the different expressionsof the diseasesyndromevary accordingly. Particularlyproneto attack on suchhighly susceptiblespeciesas&Weet orangeare the feederroots andthe bark of the crown roots and lower part of the trunk. Olderparts of the root systembetween the fibrous roots and the regionwherethe rootsstart to form the crown portion of the trunk areaffectedlessfrequently. If theseolder roots do becomeinfected,the lesionstend to be smallandself-limiting, givingriseto a symptom that hasbeendescribed asfrog-eye(7). Bark on the lf1Nerpart of the trunk is potentially more susceptibleto infection than bark below ground(9). This is one of the reasonswhy treesshould be planted no deeperthan they stood in the nursery,the aim beingto reduceasmuch aspossiblethe amount of highly susceptiblestembark in contactwith the soil. In somevery wet areasof the world, infection of bari<can occur quite high on the trunk and evenon the limbs. Under Florida conditions,hcmever,the bark of eventhe highly susceptiblescionvarietiesseldombecomesinfected,providedthat it is separated from the soil by at least3 inchesof resistantrootstock bark. On the moreresistantrootstock varieties,rotting of the bark on the crown roots and the trunk is uncommon. Someinfection may, however,still occur on the feederroots of suchvarieties,thereby permitting the fungusto build up and threatenthe bark of a susceptiblescionvariety if it is closeenoughto the ground. Thus,evenon so-calledresistantrootstocks,it is very important to bud treesashigh aspractical. The variousnamesgivento the different types of damagecausedby phytophthora areasfollows: W11en infection is confined to the feederroots, the resultinginjury is called"feeder or fibrous root rot", If the damageto the root systemis more extensive andyet doesnot extend upwardsto the crown roots, it is describedas"phytophthora root rot", Damageto the bark of crown -16- rootsand/or baseof the trunk is called"phytophthora gummosis,collar rot or foot rot" and it is the last mentionedname that is generallyusedin Florida. The term "foot rot" originatedin Florida in the last century and wasintendedto describea bark rotted condition on the trunk baseor crown roots. Unfortunately,this term hasat times beenusedinterchangeablywith root rot. Suchbroad use of the term foot rot tendsto obscurethe real natureof the phytophthora problemasit facesus in Florida. Hereafterin this talk, "foot rot" will be usedto describea diseasedbark condition on the crown roots or lower part of the trunk, asdistinct from feederr!)ot rot. It will alsobe usedto describethe situationwherethe diseaseactually startedon, or remainedconfined to, the scionportion of the trunk. Life cycle of phytophthora and mode of infection Two speciesof phytophthora pathogenic to citrus have been recorded in Florida; they are Phytoph thora parasitica and P. CI"trophthora. The latter is rarely encountered in this State (12), but is a serious problem in certain other citrus producing areasof the worl d. In Florida, P. parasitica has been detected in th e soil of almost every grove and nursery tested. It has not, however, been detected in soil samples collected from any sites where citrus has never been planted, suggestingpossibly that this fungus can only survive and multiply in the presenceof a citrus substrate. Growth in the soil itself is very restricted, but the fungus can survive for limited periods in the soil May from the host substrate in the form of drought-resisting resting spores (11). Very little inoculum arises from the diseasedbark and direct spread of infection from the bark of diseasedtrees to that of healthy trees is probably unlikely. Invasion of host tissueis by motile, free-9Nimmingsporesknown aszoospores.Theseare producedin fruiting bodiescalled sporangia that grow out in profusion from the surface of infected feeder roots and from germinating resting spores. Water, and not just high humidity, is the key factor in almost all stagesof the I ife cycle. Water is required for sporangial formation,dispersal of zoospores as well as for spore germination. Zoospores ~im through the soil water and, if they get closeenoughto young roots, they becomeattracted by a chemotactic responseto the regionof cell elongationimmediatelybehindthe root tip (14). On older roots and stems,penetrationapparently occursonly wherethere is a breakin the bark (1,13). Oirect penetrationof stemsis, however,possibleon young shootsbe. fore a protectivebarrier of corky tissuestartsto form in the outer layer of the stemcortex (13). A strong attraction of zoospores to freshly madebreaksin the bark of older roots (1) and stemshasbeenobserved(13). 11haslong beenrecognizedthat foot rot often commencesat locationswherethe bark hasbeendamagedas,for example, during cultivation or after removingunwantedshoot growth. But suchopeningsin the bark are not the only onesthat allow fungal entl'Y. Penetrationcan alsooccur through growth cracks(13). Suchnaturally formed crackshavebeendetectedby using the triphenyl tetrazoliumchloride (TTC) technique(13). This colorle~ chemicalturns redwhen it comesinto contact with liv. ing cells. Because aqueoussolutionsare unableto penetrateintact bark, the appearance of a red stain in the underlyingliving cellsafter applyingTTC to the surface of the trunk providesevidencefor the existenceof somekind of breakin the outer corky layer of the bark. In inoculation testswith zoosporesuspensions carriedout at the lake Alfred Researchand EducationCenter(AREC), relatiwly few uninjuredsweetorangetreesdevelopedfoot rot, whereasthe diseaseincidenceincreasedto almost 10(rl/oon trunks that had beenintentionally injured before inoculation (13). Theseresultshaveservedto strengthenthe contention tf1atavoidanceof mechanicalinjury cal} greatly reducethe incidenceof foot rot. 7ne association befi.\.eenfoot rot and low budding The bark of most commercial-scion varieties is highly susceptible to Phytophthora infection. Thus, even if trees are gr(Ming on resistant rootstocks, there is still a chance that foot rot can occur if the tree has been budded too low and/or planted too deeply. One of thq problems we have experienced in Florida in carrying out meaningful surveys to determine the involvement of the rootstock in foot rot outbreaks, is that becauseof low budding it is frequently impossible to determine whether the infection started above or below the bud union. The true situation can be further obscured by the fact that, by the time the diseasebecomes evident, the roots may have already died from starvation due to the lack of food translocation from the tree canopy into the roots. .17- Young treescan succumbto stemgirdling in a matter of only a few months,and after the root systemhasdied, it is virtually impo~ible to be certain of the causeof death. Neverttleless there is a commontendencyto blamesuch "root rot" on phytophthora invasionof the rootstock. Another factor that may influencethe true phytophthorapicture in Floridaisthat somerootstocks, because of certain practicalproblemsin the nursery,tend to be buddedlower than others. Generally,roughlemon seedlingsare buddedlower than sour orange,and this may account,at I~st partly, for the observationthat treeson roughlemon developfoot rot more frequently than treeson sour orange. But other explanationsfor the reputedlyhigh susceptibiity of rough lemon to foot rot arealsolikely, aswill be discussed later. TM relati~ importance of foot rot and feeder root injury in Florida citriculture The economiceffects of foot rot in citriculture aremuch moreapparentthan thosedueto partial destructionor temporary lossof feederroots following phytophthora attack. Evenafter allowingfor the fact that a greatdealof foot rot could beavoided by usingsafercultural practices.we know that it is still unwiseto plant treeson highly susceptiblestocks. High1ysusceptible varieties. therefore.needto beexcludedfromanyrootstockimprovement program. In contrast to foot rot, the economicsignificanceof feederroot infection in Florida is uncertain. Feederroot infection is, of course,important from the standpointthat it buildsup inoculumto infect the trunk of the tree. Considerabledoubt remains, however,asto whether the temporarylossof feederroots that can occur duringspellsof wet weatherreally hasany long-term effect on tree growth. It could beconjecturedthat a partial lossof root absorbingsurfaceat timeswhen the soil is excessively wet would be much lessseriousthan sucha loss(ascould becausedby other agents)when so~moisturelevelsare low. The ultimate effect on tree performancewould probably dependon the ability of a rootstock to producenew roots rapidly asthe so~ driesout andthe conditions becomelessfavorablefor the phytophthora pathogen. Reliable and meaningful data on the importanceof feeder root rot wouklbe very difficult to obtain. Growth comparisons between potted trees growing in phytophthora-infested and noninfested soil would hardly be trandatable to field or even nursery conditions. Nor would the results of soil fumigation tests necessarily provide the required information becausesuch treat. mentscan affect tree performancethroulll their other effects on the soil microbiology. Foot rot is often observedon treesthat had beengrowingexceptionallyvigorouslyup to the time that extensivetrunk girdling causedthe treesto go into a decline. Apparentty,the destructionof feederroots that must havebeenoccurringin such groves for some time prior to the foot rot attack had little, if any, effect on tree growth. Perhapsthe situation could be different on sites with high water tables, but here the urgency would be for better land drainage rather than to try and solve the problem only by using stocks that are highly resistant to phytophthora. In the long term, feeder root infection in itself may not significantty affect tree performance, except in excessively wet groves and in nurseries that are irrigated too frequently. Procedures for testing the relati~ susceptibility of rootstocks to phytophthora Methodsusedto determinethe relativesusceptibility of rootstocksto phytophthora needto providethe folllMing information: 1) the relative rate of feederroot destructionunderconditionsfavorablefor phytophthoraattack; 2) the rateat which a root systemis ableto regeneratenew roots following a reduction in diseasepressure;3) the susceptibilityof the crown roots and trunk to the foot rot phaseof the diseasesyndromeand; 4) the ability of the rootstockto producecallustissuearound the diseasedbark, therebypreventingextensivegirdling or renewedfoot rot activity at a later time. Programs for testingthe relativesusceptibiity of rootstocksto phytophthora attack havebeenin operationin severalcitrusproducingareasof the world for manyyears(2,3,4,6,8,10). Two basicinoculation procedureshavebeenused;oneto test the susceptibilityof the roots andthe other to test the susceptibilityof the stem bark to infection. For testingthe relativesusceptibilityof the roots to phytophthora attack, young seedlingsor rooted cuttings are first grown in a sterilemediumuntil a largenumberof healthy feederroots havebeenproduced. The plantsarelifted carefully to preserve asmuch of the root systemaspossible,and the entire root systemis then placedin a tank containingaeratedwater, to which zoospore-producing inoculum is added. After leavingthe roots in the inoculation tank for a day or more,the plantsare planted in pots in the greenhouseor in nurserybedsoutdoors. In order to encouragefurther infection and to provide optimum conditions for diseasedevelopment,the plantsarewateredmore frequently than actually requiredfor growth. Undersuchheavydisease .18. pressure,young plantsof:high1ysusceptibleand evenmoderatelysusceptiblevarieuescan be rapidly killed. The resultsof suchfeederroot inocula1iontestshavebeenmeasuredvariouslyin terms of plant survival,the.amountof root rot, or asa reduction in root and shoot growth. A major weaknesswith this kind of test is that it.5 difficmt, or perhapsevenimpossible, to determinethe root regeneratingcapacityof the stock. The methodis thereforeusefulfor assessing high revelsof susceptibilityor resistance,but haslimited valuefor determiningthe likely field bel1aviorof thosemany rootstocksthat fall in betweenthese2 extremes. Teststo determinethe relativesusceptibilityof stembark to phytophthora havebeencarried out in the pastasfollows (2,8,10): A smalldisk of bark extendingdown to the cambiumis removedfrom the trunk and a disk of agarculture of phytophthorais insertedin its place. The areais then boundwith waterproof wrappingmaterial. After suitableperiods, the wrappingis removedand the distancethat the rotted bark extendsawayfrom the point of inoculation is measured. Usefulthough this steminoculationtechniquehasbeen,it certainly doesnot stimulatevery closelythe naturalinfection process in whichzoospores arethe main,andperhaps the onlykind of infectivepropagule. Methods cuffently being in-.esti{F1tedat LAREC to determinethe relati-.esusceptibilityof rootstocksto foot rot Since 1969,attemptshavebeenmadeat lake Alfred to devisea more naturalprocedurefor determiningthe susceptibility of the trunk bark to infection, usingzoosporesuspensions asinoculum. The first requirementwasto developsome systemwherebylargenumbersof zoosporescould be brought into contactwith stem bark without alsohavingto immerse the root systemin the inoculum. This wasachievedon young potted plantsin the greenhouseby building a watertight collar aroundthe stemwith segmentsof Tygon tubing. The resultingcollar,which restedon the soil surface,was sealedat the baseby pouring in a melted 1:1 mixture of paraffin wax and vaseline.A measuredvolume of zoosporesuspensionof standardizedconcentrationwasthen pouredinto eachcollar. The resultsof testsusingthis technique (13) showedthat 1) after the peridermhad formed, no infection could occur unlessa breakexistedin the outer bark; 2) relatively largenumbersof zoosporeswere requiredfor infection to occur at ~I; 3) an injury renderedthe stemsusceptibleto infection for up to 2 weeksafter it had beenmadeand; 4) the chancesof infection were greaterwhen the injury extendedinto the cambium. It wasfound that only a minute cut in the barkwas requiredfor fun{PI1penetration. The procedureeventuallyadopted for uniformly woundingthe stemsin variety susceptibilitytestsconsistedof making2 or 4 vertical cutswith the point of a scalpelblade. Thesecuts extendedup the stemfor a distanceof 25 mm abovethe soil surface. Diseaseratingswere based on the distancethat diseasedbark extendedlaterally from eachvertical cut. . For inoculatinglargertreesoutdoorswith zoospores,a muchsimplertechniquehasbeensuccessfullyused(13). Four vertical cutswerefirst madeat the baseof the trunk with a pointed pocket knife blade. A 6-inch high collar of absorbent cotton waswrappedaroundthe baseof the trunk, which wasthen bankedwith soil to the top of the cotton collar. After saturatingthe cotton with lakewater or rain water, a freshly preparedzoosporesuspension waspouredaroundthe bark in sucha mannerthat it would run down the stem overthe areascontainingthe vertical cuts. Microscopicexaminationsrevealedthat only a short period of wetting was requiredfor infection (13). Zoosporessettled on the exposedinner bark tissuealmostimmediately. They germinatedin lessthan 30 min, and the germtubes mostly penetratedthe living tissueadjacentto the cut in lessthan 60 min after inoculation. Sufficient fungal growthwithin the bark to causefoot rot only occurred,however,if the bark waskept moist for a further period after fungalpenetration. This wasachievedby pouringsmall amountsof water overthe cotton 2 or 3 times a day for the next 2 days. Thereafter, the collarswere kept moist during dry weatherby applying overheadsprinkler irrigation asrequired. Treeswere inoculated mostly in June.July. On susceptiblevarieties,foot rot developedvery rapidly and the trunk of 1.3 year old trees often le. comecompletelygirdledin lessthan a month. lesion developmentstartedto slow down by October-November, and callus tissuebeganto developat the peripheryof the rotted area. The soil bankswerethen removedand the amount of trunk girdling and callusformation was recorded. The reactionof somecurrently usedand experimentalrootstocksto zoosporeinoculation hasnow beenstudied both in the greenhouse and in the field. Somevarietiesshowedthe samerelativeresponsein both environments.For example, 'Pineapple'orangeseedlingsalwaysshoweda highly susceptiblereactionboth when testedasyoung seedlingsin the green. houseand asolder plantsin the field. At the other extreme,trifoliate orange,'Carrizo' and 'Troyer' citrangesconsistently showeda highly resistantreaction. With someclones,however,particularlywithin the roughlemon group,different resc. tions occurredbetweenthe greenhouseand outdoor tests. For example,certain rough lemontypes that hadappeared moderatelysusceptiblein greenhouse testsshoweda highly resistantreaction in the field tests (Whiteside,unpublished .19- data),suggestingthat the bark had becomemoreresi~tantwith age. The reversesituation hasalsooccurred. Onerough lemon variantthat appearedto be only moderatetysusceptiblein the greenhouse testsshoweda highly susceptiblereaction in field tests. Suchdiscrepancies havecastdoubtsfJnthe reliability of greenhouse testson young plantsfor determiningthe likely "field" reactionof rootstocksto phytophthora attactc. Becauseof the current importanceof rough lemon in Floridacitriculture and the greatvariability that existsin this species andthe contradictingreportsthat havebeenmadeconcerningits susceptibilityto foot rot, specialattention is beinggivenat lake Alfred to the field testing of different roughlemoncultivarsfor susceptibilityto foot rot. A major problemin the growingof rough lemon asa tree outdoorsin Florida is the very stunted growth that is causedby the almostconstantalternarialeaf spot attack. Because th~ diseaseis very difficult to control by fungicidespraying,the ob. vioussolution was to bud the greenhouse-grown treeswith sweetorangebeforeplanting outdoors. This enabledthe inherently vigorousrough lemonstock to grow asfast as,and evenfasterthan, treeson other rootstock. It wasmainly becauseof the specialproblemwith roughlemon that the decisionwasmadeto bud all rootstock varietieswith sweetomngebeforetes. ting them for foot rot susceptibility. But anotheradvantagein makingthe testson buddedtreessoonbecameapparent. By makinginoculationsacrossthe bud union, a further checkcould be obtainedasto whethera rootstock had failed to develop foot rot becauseof inoculationfailure or becauseit wastruly geneticallyresistant. This inoculationtechnique ensuredthat therewould be a doublechanceof foot rot developingon the stock;either by direct penetrationof the rootstock at the time of inoculation,or by growth of the fungusacrossthe bud union from the highly susceptibleand almost invariablyinfected Meet orangebark. To date,perhaps the most surprisingresultthat hasbeenobtainedfrom thesefield inoculationsis the apparentlyhigh resistanceto foot rot of most (though not all) sourcesof rough lemon. This rootstock hasearneda ~putation for beingmoderatelyto highly susceptibleto foot rot in somecitrus growingareasof the world. This view is alsowidely held in Florida, althoughthe experiencein manylocal grovesdoesnot really supportthis contention. Many caseshavebeenobservedlocally in which foot rot hasremainedconfined to the scion portion of the trunk on treesgrowingon rough lemonstock. Perhapsthe apparentcontradictionsin the behaviorof roughlemon stock are relatedto the greatgeneticvariability which occurswithin this species.Differencesin the susceptibilityof feederroots to infection havepreviouslybeenreported (5). In field testsat lake Alfred lar!p!differencesin the incidenceof foot rot havebeenobservedbetweenclonesof rough lemon (Whiteside,unpublisheddata). In fact, someclonesappearedto be assusceptibleto foot rot assweetorange.The majority, however,appearedto be moderatelyresistantto this disease.Therefore,at leastsomeof the locally severeoutb~aks of foot rot that haveoccurredin Floridacould, in fact, havebeendueto tI1eunwitting useof highly susceptibleclonesof rough lemon. Rootsproutpropagationshavebeenmadefrom severalgrovesin which foot rot hasoccurredon supposedlyrough lemon stock. The relativesusceptibilityof tI1esecloneswill eventuallybe determinedin controlled field inoculation tests. r,. citrus rootstock-phytophthorasituation in Florida in perspecti~ The only long-termpracticalmethodfor preventingfoot rot and phytophthoraroot rot is to usesufficiently resistant rootstocksand to bud the treesat least3 inchesabovegroundlevel. In view of the Florida habit of buddingtreesvery low, it is perhapssurprisingthat foot rot hasnot becomean evengreaterproblemin our citrus groves.Probablywhat prevents this happeningis the sandynature of the soil andthe fact that the bark on the trunk seldomstayswet for long periodsafter rain. In fact, infection usuallystartson those parts of the crown roots and trunk lying below groundlevel. If infection does occur aboveground,this is usuallyassociatedwith the piling of plant residuesor soil againstthe trunk. In spiteof the sandyandwell-drainedpropertiesof the soil, experiencehasshownthat the incidenceof foot rot on highly susceptiblecitrus speciesand varietiescan be very high. Thus, it is important to avoid usingsuchkinds of citrus as rootstocksif at all possible.The questionarises,however,asto how much resistanceor toleranceto phytophthora is really required under Florida conditions. Any speciesthat is ashighly susceptibleto foot rot assweetorange,grapefruit,andsmooth lemon certainly needsto be avoided. But it is doubtful whether there is any justification for goingto the other extremeand retainingaspossiblerootstock candidatesonly thosevarietiesthat are highly resistantto phytophthora. Certainlyin Florida this doesnot seemto be necessary.For commercialplanting,rootstockshaveto meet many other requirements,including resistanceto somediseases that areevenmore devastatingthan phytophthora. Therefore,high resistanceto phytophthora frequently becomesa secondaryconsiderationin the choiceof rootstock. However,it is important to know whether a candidaterootstock is highly susceptibleto foot rot under groveconditions. It is alsoimportant to know what capacityan easily infectedvarietyhasfor sealing off areasof diseased barkby producingcallustissue.Reliableinformationon these .20- matterscan probably only be obtainedby testingthe susceptibilityof stem bark under field conditions,and after buddingthe tree with a locally usedscionvariety. It is to be hopedthat the inoculationtechniquesnow beingtestedat lake Alfred might proveusefulin theserespects. .21- Literature Cited 1. Broadbent,P. 1969. Observationson the modeof infection of Phytophthoracitrophthor8 in resistantand susceptible citrus roots. Proc. First IntI. CitrusSymp. Univ. Calif., Riverside3: 1207-1210. 2. Broadbent, P., L. R. Fraser and V. WatelWorth. 1971. The reaction of seedlings of Citrus spp. and related genera to Phytophthora citrophthora. Proc. Linn. Soc. New. South Wales 96: 119.127. 3. Carpenter, J. B.,andJ. R.Furr.1962. 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