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• •▪ 1 • HAVEHFORO COLLEGE HAVERFORD, PA. Newer of Haverford By Hayed fedi... HAVERFORD NEWS Campers end Spurts Affinities Week by Week NUMBER 19 HAVERFORD (AND WAYNE), PA., MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1928 VOL. XX. A. S. WING, PRESIDENT OF CORPORATION, RESIGNs !DR. COMFORT PRAISES Swarthmore Came Plane Await Committee Action tiring President; Eight Managers Are Re-elected STUDENT EARNESTNESS IN ANNUAL MESSAGE EVANS, '02, MANAGERS' SECRETARY Report to Corporation Urges Morris E. Leeds, '88, Named to Succeed Re- to leanden Efforts tooffielat. bning Harerfionl we-thole, 4 5r 1"1.41V . y l'IrtZera' ilt. next 0-0 were suinveralfA het week. "AtB7:coirartefut Committee met in theatMa. Tanana.whkb this aftermuu IV oblock. Althoughwen theheld meetinganteoftodthishe reported inJohn the New. Graduate Manager R. He. elated Ma Saw.. Mal the poadhilim of Indn... Swarthmore the 11129 fool bell ectedele would ptelcalgy be a topic of dim.... . ' o orter 'got e l?latio.1110 NeW.:*o. both colthe vlem of ended:oftettltioreLl l.*. on rem-ea:L.? rotgr"olto. of h.e;!!Vete riS!„it:!le'XtX V:Zo Prem. lest .week. An kneroleve e▪ 2nc.we' "14 bemoanlthe MT colleges was Ih Lm uran.d me nor Ino of he VERFORD'S SENSATIONAL COO CHEER GRIDMEN HA RALLY SMOTHERS AMHERST IN AMHERST VICTORY; Gridmen Score Three Touchdowns in Final Period of Game to Snatch Victory From New Englanders, 23-13 ALUMNI RALLY HERE Graduates Crowd Stands by GAWTHROP AND TRIPP OUTSTANDING By W. W. BLANCHE, '29. Hundreds at First Home AN S. Wing,well-known Philadelphia banker and for twelve yea. Use of Elective Courses Staging en epic comeback to More three touchdowns in the last qua, and Oral Examinations Game of Year president of the CorPoration of Heveilord C011ege, resigned ht. post et ier, a fighting Haverford fmtlaall team rime to alarm. height. on meeting of the Cori/Oration held knee Leaday afternoon. He wan •mcceeded Saturday. turning aside the highly vaunted Arnherat by Marie E. Leeds, 18, preadont of the Leeds & Northrup LAUDS DR. J. A. BABBITT DR. COMFORT JUBILANT altoninField what without doubt the Scarlet and Black victory Com pany, of Philadelphis, and secretary of the Board of Manager. eincej_ in the last decade. earedand.on beginning in the first half, Captain Gewthropbs ItPr...idea was • Ji.7.011n 110, 18IvaThe i.e.. ee.ettneno, 1916. to beTwice daunted, refused an irreaisiible offensive in W. AT Comfort thew IM me reaponaibility of the ancient Philadelphia attorney and secretary of the bodyand Edward W. Era., hat in. thr Mr end viantualy were laudelinbyMa President WMat movedput the n latter part of the third quarter, three ti ne. crossed the "Lord Corporation, we, elected to succeed Mr.13;Lee.Freda. se secretary of the Comfort Tuesday animal his an, Chrietatcher !baby. 'Ilk Jaffe" goal line, finally winning out by a 23.13 IL Strawbridge, to the Corporaloo of the College, hi a Mae. exeileda of Managers. Alexander A. Wood, ManiJonathan Mo 01171, Old The Bost score of the game came when, afterscore. an exchange of P.M. be read a the Ronne mating 17; N. Steers, 00; to Hollingsworth Wood, 16; Stanley Mitch "ink. ""e.n.-k thnee Haverford Meeks had caroled the hall deep jaM Amhara territory. of B thendi teethg Inf the 1.10.1 Haver/ad mares. leviathan hundreds vigitoro succeeded Rhea. Tamil, '02; William Wistar Comfort., ism; Illehartj N. in halting ktiynnee on the twenty-Teed hoe. and 13 Id f elective of anant moan et faulty and Mae Henry M. Thom. met. '02, and Dr. line, boated a perfect drop of theInBell. hereofendoralevtenelan wives. practienby the some eto• Tripp, dropping back to the twentY-sitt-Yard , Jr., 'LE, were re-elected to the New Corporation Head more. examination the dent lady,nodHines In • mad cheer of WI- I Ish yam the upright. goal of Managern for a term of grad.doo L.ileCka Purple KWh, kickThiebetween major addedmadeJaefallible beforethroat, Lead,It,however , proved short It ream de fire homy game a the have been die then years, lioM, when Wilson, a I it ogainet Amherst, last inervrartl laterrat on th e Pet of the hI n n e rIvrfoug. 11„ Amadti0..doer been a mom. Three ted ., i„tolio.. who .se ehempions of Little Mr. Wing, yn undeeareeeates, the President declared. sets. Haverfned line and raced almost bey of the Board of Managers for ' i . O "iF ":7'1":i1:1 4 7, 0 r, f-f Is being felt hen to The tenden the lost forty-three yearn, Is prodI, tj'sVe lady ANNUAL Y CONFERENCE oe j 6... oar. oil the extra point with 4 drop. ere dlt the node.. .mien conrocem .:at of the Provident ...al Life knk, a 7.3 lead at inhistire end responsibilityupper in Relating And B. SmkenIL Tror eteller the endg:ving of theAmberet Laurance Company, of Philadelphia, fleet Pee.tar car.. the hal across the goal Amhere Increia. Led and • prominent member of the So' "4:1 ; • ... d 4. 7 1 PLANS FUTURE WORK 7i i 8 72 : :Y"'/L10 ; ;" mating Ileartortre Hem. toorh44.1. Just. before sad. Wile.,Grookimn throughtendiermilY the meciety of Friend,. He is -111 director 4 ut. TM Ote . Marie aod •examination ob. r.Comlidat. CoatuponortItLae undAM. quarter. of the Provident Tree.ofCompany Toter dashed the hopes of Scarlet and Dr. R. M. Jones and Dr. Sher- Vorer=tra blioverfo■Anthem Philadelnal B National th e and 'Tle E.Ilah department has Ind Black rooters squirting oft 18 stereos et half-time had been good Rumen la thehonoes past Milola the emhfield can. wood Eddy Lead Group at imheed Haverfued phia, and one ofSouthwark the directors of the forty yardsThis for culminated Amherst',atackle bretool lond for fleal touchdown. FrankfOrd endsubeidiary of thRailway Of OESoak., last yea- they had foue F. and M. College march down downowntheMeet-AY-9.d field from the .litbee.dfield .ro'on.'mel "irr renamed 'enlarged The crowd e Phila. impildev ereetve was oleo 4 .., Company, Lord Jeffs' granddad. ontotra .date no Gel-doe and the three dolphin Rapid Trion. Company. here, Musing mai cheerio.. until the Romance Mogriereg All ofInMae men Antheret held the lead M throughod. FM. hundred nr wore Alulterxt he in not a grad.. of submitted to a general oral mandoAlthough out the third CM... though tooleva ,t1n...ral In temmteitm amain onopn. ot m, l doe and Haverford, Mr. Wing has been acthe period ended with theline, hall on erected oninthetheirmodern sale aeon,.thqemeeleea latch Mom.. mall teed.. he visitors' four-yard tively identi6ed with the College ravened seats. hut dill cheerBrgn owing an Inspired Inspired march down 00 ing The Merton High 1o•loont Rand. "011i departments, etch 4. thee. of fee nearly a half century and arced 11.' mestere were .mined relnts, field, which the beginet treasurer of the Corporation prior MORRIS E. LEEDS, '88. IHn fling he Iha tame ofthe Haverford's great rally. llivertm-the resell.. to he meted in toas hie election78toyears the presidency in After tams bed changed gate Won't Shine Timigh t o . e7o ett*lo Prowleast Imola. I- took onlyMetwowayplays beforetoColllems old and lives amended 1916. He . 'Itsemi ...Tr' awe more. end IPI2.t141. nercgidur battered 0 erore eta Are theQuaker epotlight at Ina...who motel ofeaordeu. trao.yea," thew atee light Fre ...a IL come *Ma World Meg Osof BeitN. J. in Moorestown, rare lend to lo. Ill.{11Il.twenty en along,. deter. folmeat. 0 the Haverford e uedrolaile advantsges Active AH Basinage Man It nu. almost no time 114.rirwg the gene. "It wort wonderbeen the Corporation haw today. . 1 ... doe " .... I.. theoweirox ful...tanerelousi" Christopher Ilrola Mr. Lads, newly elated P.M"It tote and this end InHI, a 011, beck. The. to thefought walLi,,ocras This thLer, timeleet 10 exclaimed h.,as hewewalked away Mellow from the K. N. "NAPPO" MURRAY tech ezerm. dent of the Corporation, is a pron. code piny m"" " Inn Tvlop lent mantifacturor, :31:1";:73.1hirr,IZZI ! 333withEtude. WhosePhiladelphia enyerimento withinemployer.1741;;CL'eTer:=11.e'-dthe whOh Pot ltote:efortl sato Palethought elle between is now tench.. good employee relationship the Lee. INJUNCTION HEARING lean ..onhonttietically Le the dread. roporratien the two partiee MORRIS B BEAN Bi &nonNOrthrop Co-operative Amen.Registrar bmd the game came attracted attention rf."l;h1f.reelto t.ne,been aMr emblem oeG. m'['ening • I swhen dm.... re ne aa Net re.. trial aural the extension of elective the lamas continuously ...le, the Prenidem teetered,NOS, "le3. Ho hes been a amonghave business men.wide pase uothertosafulty on fourth dom. U,« Board u[ Steen eel IS POSTPONED A WEEK ndijit-1011 to the tom vaarses member Alfredline the mate. car we. HEART ATTACK VICTIM •rserntlathere intealetertl vz;;L.mze. ATileIrrF are nix to°HerMr.Homes ataged here"cornohnek I ye "rr Cars andBelle[ American IP.Franco s' ervice ut a terrific me the Marto. der. Joint Action of Attorneys biter]. rvl work Cennaltteo teem up theminutes OPPOrtooerc Tithe Rae.. Brokee 'IniTIgart'irn:ThILtrerggnolr0:,.0":11:Maid.anappel of revecol leoxallowed earn 7 :o 7 in the letrranZ. WIldtd"'L'oh the d WM'S Mon of _Delays Result of Filling ...ohm, The palm was " 1.1:IV/".- West Chester Executive and ""'""' ers11= 'that latardeZ Leeds to be 711egre. 71.7the of 8M rtated he lee the.1"." Hof Leader Collapses Station Case &horde, Graduate Me ager C. le I. R. Tel Leads Attath smug roe? vac. e31.13 Hoopes. '21 , would nothut estimate ,the Tripp stars and Meehan we. efl ove6nelig loe. 2,131nykqUisIdit the oat. While Driving Car probable modrioter hot Poetwomment louringabefore trt..‘!"tor'e'llecgeors throe DR. aUffUS M. JONES eel, an therem., work ofto'the moosfivethemade tudbarrter. MO alumnigate reeeiste.CH.M. Ind Cone William.. ofofthethe Court Altheega MoeCorporation. any for. Judge Both menogeol over mun Fleas at Norrielown for the Mane 14t7. 1 aotthet w, many of our MedA prominent tea re of the annual mol etatement, Preoldent W. W. ComI1r raralr;„■nitoolut4'"'rtl'n."111:..17Trn'ileveVn ter Cu ytr.al'haynnt of a permanent betweenColleee fur t' heend Coe enter enter thearbanla largereSeenle0 competition fort11.-wire" Net week deecribed Mr. Leda ee Potatiod pnsn Mortern Y M.M.C.Jones, A. conic of Ile-effort the. grates. s of enee. Id bytaming Dr. led. It/o- too',-2„.10.7,or'""""""'' dm Barn-fad Sales Tar Hera rtermath.. TWO Yen °there mortng Loemontetui; tolOrnif tot?Tnio•Vt'rri:d 0.Tde21.0 rogen, of Philosophy. eel Ite Sher. Rehmor.mb. Incorporated.do. end Company Me. (serr etra,,A17.1 io.t.tolfrup,:toirrote; 33.7-1117t ,,t?'';ttor*rattirs'74LC J. zztot.o here. We all Mi . roglaurr to to he n.11. its .■ wood MB, internationally...two me ouch non.a , inRode] Hoboken, N. N. 0-loftorb hie Saturday home at puitmo, ender aonthethewheel afChester him tor pike. neer ,,, pike hr et IZIVerollowlem Mt. in.:el, he rood aremeEreandhatUnmet., workerendendndhfeethel sprate lecturer, moo .era kept ROOM. WmPhInidelphito Minwas ac- elitutione. le fuodanw0MI'lmittips nor del Lan-at !are Mrankti. College,held with 7ThoorbIrd IL'Inatedd Imo. while motoring •from to mamma on nue s, plume 'atologrodrg,..Z.; AT! announced tiondefendant. of the attorney.week of the Mastiffs Friday. Swaney and Sunder , end batched as Paso Column 2 oneli.r. gramme no Ps. 4, coMen 70"00`.7i r"°` was the epecia1 meetly of.3d.faculty men W.111:e ni.rrt"ot-hich Me. Dam 2.1 JUDGE LE1VIS TO SPEAK se the nod the 1.1.. Tes HERE ON PHILA. CRIME seams ma the conartortIon it the ma..-r• of preAdentc allege orannlearintrt n pernmeod three mount Aga. the ...nears wen disconed role PROHIBITION A DEBATERS MYTH 7,2trzzeamt.''`lolIeeed 1 ha. heel instanl of hart- He Addrela Collation Friday MRS. K. C. SWINBURNE otertelHen WILL MEET The eunfetveve theme thie sue MeV Of"tl.t.kl..trieo f"rr21' . tiltlIZ disease. 71. wax 8"_ Trio on Prow. Criminal leveathatioas .\emrdiv to the aente and the bucketthrough of maneners iiebriot Modern World," the College. their at-of CEDAR CREST RA pagan. 01,0 Mingtheto"-that imprees uponmodern those - .0 ,L1'27 „g71 ~7 nth eat LAC/Alive Belie ly Interested i. eiere10 improvement, tomera, Lamle.. W II HEPBURN SAYS SUPERVISOR, SUCCUMBS fieverford attended ha this lone of Norristown. threatened en in. has live end 1"."" 6...."i". i'.." *raZI kag-rVgilladeIphl'a%t world of n'''one Hientilie adventurele and dis-ao . . e I.,,e 0,. , e e, .t:, )7"l'O t Si; , of madounitiee on 1 .0., - o theallorganimion honetion meanest construction if tit build. • of tog permit were hmed. rawer h Moe B.467ii ''" 000' cl. 'or. D.i71 Olfe• led roue.. 'I' La College Housekeeper and Chester'de'Y. -A0 Temporary lalonelle• Flied Split-Team Contest Wit intporteet pet in everyday Me. TOr. Liberal Club Speaker Holds mitoottlemion Mr eureationtia of vi7e* e. ".0-ii""-.".--"..". Dietician Dies Suddenly TheJoseph operatore the promoted In and his address Friday lb t'In eft,Conant. .11 addrees the moat., mode. College to tion. Kea.ofPermit nod Gene Poe.elaM- Women's Season soda Friday "Christ 00Prat.t Day Socialnight Probon Tariff and Liquor Chief "i.'"Ii Ala. Ci. 0110112011OOS oaned balding at Hospital ...Meat attoottocca B.." lad balweared which Mr.ofDthe em. who, um formerly to Campaign Issues MerloneTownehlr 10 few.t. laver aJaded week.W.h.,.IT..Comfort ritir DrluWrg Open , him to adept Ma present elmal _ ....., ,. rt., .. ant Wout .1,....ler Civic An.Mrs. Kate C. Swinherne. Reverter:1 With a won., college al ,...; fl,,,, y.. 1,.... yonn.„...Mao., cation, Mamboed ..,Inni 1 ipapp 1000 Bs or-. mt.itim] orogen-1.o.bynowDUMP. Ming coA d-• ,...„., cipin111,-,,.. hougekreper tendSaturtiny dietician night for Weatpast aud nea no.• he hula.. thia year when the He ou parifirlaro and nodal and other tood- ian„,,,,,,.., in philmolphin the ry"..1".,""ta!V, four yenta. died We U"-,td: Ward Debating Telifi3 omen compared of undergradmites, mote ii&, , z , rsec 40h0 Monaghan. ; rte well ato the ; '11r.lbol r ' M ou "tiMiet. tie. Presbyterian licapthel Infarm Philadelphia o. nod visitor.. W.i Moo. Ho from Coder (tree College Allman. Pomo." in ter xtank .fx,,,;k:=, Jun TO'riOe. ties L'ofhisHeiler dee. ,n!.,1=,:, sun. +wdlwl Fairer Holing in ilte Venn. In th Name 1% dr promnent fromer au. Atreptoed. of befits e moping heNonktfor was working period. Saturatty. 3.1 347leasunsmanntrhell o torn, wectomenty ie thot city o whale. nig10to be the aratetiatione Mid abatethat of the 1001. Tite ruble. I thrives.. 0. 1milt doe am., thedabbed bethl- 'Resolved. AtOa.present The ernes.ratiesel et 3.3, members end 7: inn tariffham mildIreimbibition I me it, tri e r (r y Mow. ducinbarne became ill Thursday Men completed The aot-tion a A leg the Naiad ^7. Ironton- will Writtnece itod Smith no be of the United. femora night aidafternoon. eeruffered boopital Maalox...O. Vorerraesn'S'ert nee Mken ru en 'Mtn • Pe ma M. ito Cartoon.. on Rod..eq., overate ariln, undergraduates Ig lotion, the. Sriday Shetohadyears. would more "B11 . Dean COLLEGE CALENDAR Atm Inner andHaan.. atterked the motion e,m;Mry the elrulendlaSealls :otion :1 on ° by Dr. .0000e icatyry. nreaustian renal Ilevrfrom atdinbetaa for several It w. sod a the shcarructro fool ea'S- Ntitton se the Impodano 1,111,1, bald the hospital, and this sTe'Ll7bru'egning' 1 ; 3 . vlodthe ortehe tido splibteen'TIble. U. ex-o{. Oen th7 '7°7 "" her o throat infection to become mere ?e3. making repair, tom' sertouas moth• foe 0.enn Kohl. of nertithers 'tea shadier ...red the Dome A.. near Ire eacr and 'r Setogin,mein0 raw. capped the operator. they elan amotitedtariff ortiona Man anderandordlna. audtion.; in foilforthet thetheprinciple. torof noirtes bee ofof the theHem Liebe.. (;e;ery itrq 1331. •MONDAY-Exteade ed-dietrl . far menprotective ride atcge'glil'efg.431YL' memme p..nDeaof the theater yin. named. As boaekeeper dleto no It was 1.: 17 1" " oo!".o: the ,000 0,r of interpreting the ender- enabling the America 47 SURVIVE FIRST CUT cer and o Spelt and two Cedar Crest eirts 33 r yea gen iCed h r Ere. thrloborne's office to ...eal. menufnetneee . comPeto ett room rolenTio-r.......:Ve with icalwel; atufeetarlag &sum.. IN GLEE CLUB FRIDAY the para.!endofdormitory the tofurniture, o Spatheledat Banquet with trofadeliving ...lamalma. under A170111tVert Cheerer and an le. rale toa •rd ea ••• Flald 6..“ . ow t moltteal, Mo. butnand the- uror tate Maine the Semite Ettmlnaloo Roy to Held Be- 411"R','7,,T7",:gMel, 'awl the "015...7171 Will MN,. '".1!1: In the Jon". maoLp, forum bywitiDr.grpa; Edda emudarilit wew. mar Boorman, ham.preside. eueremic. memthey dad for te ....on, the leglior rause. I tariff e r o i re, A nd rt cohl enlarge,. of help and no, rice of that et" en. fore ThaaloadvIng, Sleeth drawnIn we toby a ma-parnam runt • dimor.. n the bt; tm Memin 20R.Llent et 7. limith vIcein thedm dornoltorles, Thisgraduate year the Forty micelle, TZi to the mean candteletoe for Me Glee Council ,'"prety'T'e earlier Pada- me out. rowt. at 7.3o saver.. of theMao. miff lobby. whirl. oew elected.and 3. Itelaherr 7:: wornanemed, tentotlt 'n'fly;' Club sista was the subject of at estenera gait. aoLDow111.4-1-sen, Ors., RIVAL POLITICAL CLUBS theco.first dem.. '1T:tst7cfcren 81.3 elital.n. Governor Smith. Iftoelected "r"Vrtb."ntiirt 0,401141fr 01:- ebedide Clot. meat, at et• 10boneCollegetormidDad., sill appoint stork a...train° enek ehe was unusual" by iv. I...4.00. Saturday night at which "'ht:-eraquet TO MEET TOMORROW NIGHT K ra lam. ser. hems • rtebrentr flrh 'Cr i cglgo? htmhbee -3; De Jon. Invoke on tnriff nut of ,1111 n" Mc mated. ,candIclutro ...doled the Huh A tontl -• • one vof the heat minnow, the subj ect of prohibit.. In the Individual LIfe., ever m tiployed et nee.... I% 2. IloreYlitl°'00, teller. 11.;It.*10.‘i The rteforforDecember J.Club Hamilton WIII Mierom tea Zama]Nen Clab . Calm ennalstaIf.C.of:IL H. meekerInmale As-Intent anark Richton aptortmlmetely People, a attaod.,1 number theTinting Here, 00111ter 26 Web.•• Herofbody wee raptRouseb reeterday to theN. be made /instead?. 'Eh chairmen; ColtK holm cletann of 200 Loicester. FurSmith ther orraniutio3 rat Le HeverW ape. f ol. Cwt. 7.a theVo home '2' 1c' t di V 17i t ' g rUl t oion, Point, c tut"n'f't Tena nearly ford Ilnovemfor-Prraidenc Club will b0 11[CHSWILS....-Itent.a .1. nod SpookMora eareed 2, Al.. lloaton, 7-., where funeral services will he held thatBoththeMe. onl"y't'17PctellgsTo:IttMIT"vral'eneh'ileh enre lime, 'e'onittO117Jul'orrLnIn erne, mvtdtomirrnwm^60at,tmeet. tlfle Beelet, le tea767..• Charrals, rota.Bents partatolarly Flowers were dentWaugh today the new candidates. Foci were nonsuallyof COUNCIL hr n0 of he n.nn t n We 1000th 0,04's :Aar gt■f=e, ra et- taconsfjoir. hrtomorrow theOawthrop. deeociodion 7 .*'Indlotp=e7 thin APPROVES HONOR ,arm, n nuns premident. In ad- uthold7 inolock. [be Colon. ov 11'edneWay night ▪ nIo,t hr enontetmeetings of o dirmaittion of SYSTEM FOR ALL QUIZZES 'APPLICATIONS FOR RHODES td:ed 00t 0011:: 'of for future d., to her eh. 7...Conover, -.17"' of lentTheme I Reammande .tired the Met who SCHOLARSHIPS DUE THURS. liquor 'In7red;Ortro"n; w ell :a 'in the atom mn ItZititer, Mrs.ea.Thornton for herampus enyw i week are: o 13tenlag of snder of arrests for drunkronea. thowleds will held InDemoorat 30 Lloyd 11,11 Filet Town: BS.ta, Hallman, Heserford_Faarlty to Two Eve. College Test Atha. liolatead Mt hoof t SAT17831•2-1,•117 Medial "'" with 1.04.Rsefrielad 1Rhode. 110311. Scholar. • 11100.1for 1.1.t7r.,bootTer t t"ISTri l t O, . FRESHMAN CLASS ELECTS merma n. Cadbury. Unrato. Kase. Iteammendollon tbatr 7.10 77.7.• at Balitntore mint. AppliatIons VdtealITTsb['coadt'olf g h.V. 1 17o!ai h arge1 e 1 rt Varsity wt.L sewat '211,17,i J. ITMLIt'n, vicorhairemn ertu, national fess enamel... not eveir Kam..Mee;In Pcraldeel of First.Tem 7,1d Wald. at T o7 tr Art ";lbeelool Tenors: thooloor. Mawhinney. "re!:ooPe'd leg-le'sloteTtj0kgr Cnong' o g nincome from Rear of the Main Liter Iletenitfill to following no informal mee et In time for monaderanon by We through losstheofMato( Re. View Peesideet P. Martin, Jar. week. Ontalwr 77“ nod. Scidipp, Bill.Gabetel Canoe.Geld.. Terlor, were 'InVe79. Mellor. roroula nt 111...t.ltu thin rTbu.day, in searchdriving thirsty enforcement. American but. rZid. enr l'o''on 'Fitly. October--tabo 2.a 1107197,-4`121rd tam so.. I,. all of the Student Connell held Pride eceoediap Medley. Mr. Ibmillton of lorOlIeatlaff diergPfrlrre.or:reeZtta of We sir.&ea majeld.yedag- r'FrronigeSeili Rorer. donee, R. MR. , WAL"lesTatte'lrotl ad' soicet A' "'". /Ialr■ . of thlit a president .of tbe traZel7 newel dtilltORItt he quoted Marion Title end , -Fir.,41£7. 1 . Rama Tor, Hamilton, Marna Brloton. Gray, L'rtrtZio?,;.0 tabor le are., who ,repreeents the elegises. ahowleg that 2,006,000 Mar, Trent Cempany, of Ardmore, n threeWean cwt'i la.."•.." Ur Wawa..; moult of Dean chilrmanate; of J..Law;eng. Crane E.00180. F. floge.e.e. Kete. Slane. amtement of MeCounts Council ofremeat peeltionforLee blot, wholareh p cows ttee at Waver- Rana Metedalone. Canada doe. the month ...ompany, of the Suburban Titleofand Troll EL ford H. Hatlenbath orheSaab entered Hammy of and n member 117/31CAT. . 7 aynee wear wItd 01.er and estimating that the LowLand Lase.: Baker, MU. Mad., Mom (large me two men from Haverford ean adWrila Mammal ta DeanU:o2t111;ro. during histeltatay er Merton 00 the Board. will eaNW. WS Maar,Read IfeneelL- Relater, Shippey, 't':.;rdtjolebn'eloLL prealdent; K. E. ReadnesseAce Street, oat hero. the Stem Committee, 0 one spent 0.50declared 2:41,..0 emth Palmeri. nimeovel .11 Township P.M, phaseSehaal the cocaina Modals. ...theamrrIalord LaPeettldent. B. Allendorafer torment recommendation will bemme ey ma cony. earollment Is below d., there,0 ,1theActspeaker •WM411. was thug mesporigible for WIWotan "Maw and and F.eection B.C.Onnumerti , ad. mat. rewlse renelremena iferr, rynnon. • Contrut la maws The of the class myr 0 e011olo."Mt.'elit leni alZa" le member O'; REPAIR WALTON ROAD 1071'1'crclaXteanT. '""" meow" la Ma Va. at L pert. ! .333. the Pennsylvania KliViiNIANS INVITE COMFORT a on • CLERKS Mr. Hepburn nue eeenrael to W. Mee Use Clots to Ham Nava.. rallOsTmra Mil"lard Paw the Rhodes Reheat... 3,..33 the balloting, te Athletic, on%If. STORE College Rerarlamo A. Arthur, 11; CHOSEN Mug wanes t willatRA MnMY SAL Heide at CoeLeo.of $1.0 ,be., TH, Is the flret year for a long time 12.111ged W. G. Nelson. Sd,M112Mate, ,„":,[7.■,1:41r1. ..t.in.PooktIn No% 01Mittoofenre Masa, 111. Praldeat TIMsday Night dent headquarter. t l i 1 3, g. take Clat. In I k e Calm at LOX etion membere of the es- Resuefacing of Walton road between been appointed derke In the Co'president W. W. Comfort will amok gt To meat ter. Saw. ma L7L maw A S.to hold Rimed..., Le last Malt ef'men d •thmerforthan rerkeToNIPTonliowlear •.11.17 tro Ve'r *4.1 heeo.abielult7 at Imadara 7.04%arbTrheldUtotorterligt1; CtlaunTne74:z.r: thls honer, am doe Loo o'clock In Whimhell, tomorrow fight &ammo. Arthur Is a der gekts meth., hot bee. practically completed dertog the three-year ea. at Orford 00 IPgoo maverforn, hoe of the sporting Mend of the News. gl '.7°:::0111421,a[alIo pest two week.. .. le was learned hat week• eleven was greatest , reek 0 far th eel Prefunetory lase field. "I and a at .eh"lenhip held n throw 1.. ''' ''' i " ZM. , r; ..,. Falb' ta and II,, orP,SLal se- Ion th ~7 reused -seven en • fA heto w Pledge , August he P0101 9 doppted be.. • was Page 2 MONDAY, OCTOBER 15. Ma ERFottl/ NEWS • NAVERFORD NEWS sh..1 Sam te sa areat.ementlema T 2t au MY SUGGESTION I II tatmeat te amt. gotroegranter !NT Uar 'reW".Teli m t1j.e"se 1. 1 mane se r1=1.1qh1:62ePir' •ae 14: 10H.P E.R.51:Er•'.# '1411%r, 1. N. s. omsaatmatia2 Vir.72.4 Se° • " . THE COLLEGE WORLD FOR HAVERFORD Fne.114er, Jr., It itee.wHaas Heaton' it rightfully proud of the ere., or ite woe in may eelde t bee deer there •re more engaged in the teothine prof...ion than in Noy °thee Min. field. Whatever the mlnee hey are uniformly leader. In what may mlied ...I. mare.- ThIs map med. me throughto for the fame of tie Celle. A I/Pi...Alen, AI Maui. or IA . .peepedegogle. mum, Metal. it one mos a sidle. maimt of A. • AUW10111ent to wane, 7.1ti:1`..t1,7 IR..V.N.Vit: 5""m'"`” __ imam er ma. Mane tommteentelanume emus, By Walter Sondheim, Jr. ICSA)-Studente ride remelted lea Imam ROM at the !enema of Akron wben elearomeries at MAI. erraboosble for the Mot time ibis fan, rem.. fraternities were terminal o oemblee and present e elate of entlaite• in Me meaty eleetiee• The Owl, hinhr.t 0111 ho ,,,ied oatO tam 0001.. On tile Ia., 1l lIatliclir. etentar para, were permitted Mainers peatd en the reama the prima.. were tom down day by the umairee some. Sall riot. eau.. before eon of common meow nod welbremeet 1t' 1:07.7. e.'4! tre. rahen lireertleTrtatt the.'. tooti mite alien nalont them nocturee omtione.. tilt WALNLT STREET PHILADELPHIA V.= INVESTMENT BANKERS Douglass W. Ewe..., 1920, Rewreseetteme • • • swwwung Iron ha t Dieklaronian" thin nett.. hoe emael eaten "stir of unfevoral.. Th the mudent body of the Ur . t'ele.emelo eperetone Telephone ad p.a.. There in evidence Mat prix n '"■7111..'M:t:■erVer'ir7ni00000i me m. ad mandary mitiotde lesti by oo n.7 stile Inman the mean.. MR& MAI II...meted by toll,. Ii, aMieve it WI, elegise. mere, In this sad.. at Bo, wee..heyend doubt, early teethes en. lo,ntotttiaretu diet a -Mee IneantiOntee. 0th a,.ibat it oot a,o,oatrt to lb. , ...... EASTMAN, DILLON & CO. Cincaso •ut rataInunk 11Ionk nay. a a P.M Vsr, Mac Donald &Campbell Merchandise of Authentic Style and Admitted Quality Whet Prelemor T. V. Soil. of the t be Praemor George A. anise teacher. Edueation mere, agerama non. U In'itTtrUpg..1r.vz, .711; dad lenverfent mesa flare Liota-leeel ear., future editorials appearing In this column do not necessarily repre.nt Distinctive the opinion Sr sentiment of a majority of the laid ..... dates and anal ilea. alb a pre•leinallEnd tMUT!, On Mier be a hit noel). nor ...lent philof linverferd College. They repreeent, rather, a coach. ahe ad . nide 1011AllinIng tam. tbe on the state With Orlon] am. Hrit• oiemberete ertse. Crammer Smith new the pam of the editor to swim. intelligent diecureion on Utneprord lode..tld id itt prof...la Ito rot. lot bad.. 5k I,eI,I,00. Member, of newecepen. recently ha ve belieeea merit the careful conelderatiosi of all lem ,t - de.dais l' they the problems obi. the hl%;;;P te;:.: l Ift le;i laelsem perm. intereeted In the College. Artie!eo differing from the eland tel With the hello .4 Me mmatim ...utioue a.m.nl fhb. tordition taken in these column. •re invited and alcomed by the editor. and will Mee that lisorerfordiene . arr samost. -Oman eentrz be printed In fall with the author's signature in the 'la the Mail Colum:. proeided they do not Maio virulent persooel attacks on College cnileiten in polilim mai ...tat Per food yea. the awed& oaer officials or language which Is generally adludged to be stall to print. niirn111■1 went at byohl. atm etyetel ear hew.. tram.. Lebersen CistIme hem lea known vse be merle dream hi govrtmeenot 'Le Vie Coital... Pe editorial NH dem to the ileverfordiun ertader eim late en °manna ammit YOUNG MEN'S 01111 (oral. dlwanclesde or pima] 29 E. Lancaster Ave. trnr sits. patent blindowee ee IMO. end epeeMhn and ame. Fang a dejected and badly beaten team in the clubhouse between diem hut how mu. more romiwently Mal sea than as eeimtereporerg nels• freshmenad dam welemael Ilea. taring • ...Ma Maar Ardmore Holeredmaeo Mamie* Ainad oomething over fifteen y-ear. ago, "Mike" Murphy, noted Penn entreewhol w.eild In he -I late and tatted lab amt kindle." Mu mete. rasa mold ''One amend.. mita endear. wooM IsOw masa, -Somme wervaaareT mem.Itaraam lia. trainer, contributed thin clone toying nt the football game: "A team eat Ansi'rniAnoll if ,the :ha shem• en the .jeb oer.0 termed that won't be beet. can't be beat" Lashed into a berserker fury by the 034.1116 CHESTNUT STREET Wilt, mired sting of impending defeat. Many a crushed and battered eleven ha smy eau priaiple since demonstrated the truth of Murphy's laconic statement of the ir- of lifer CAILIn Headier! oe. b• The Crow's Nest rin. tame hi poli• ...ibis power of an indomitable "will to wil' by sweepine all ah- '000 Intl.,' inith CURRENT tiew of olio homed ead!. before it in a laebditch Mara to victory. Iii ro hundred 1. itnaleoliee Oa Stage Offerings Compliment. Fa team in Haverford gridiron Mao, have better mernplified mil. ma in man. (ham By J. H., IV, 10 he MS &ea red this retail to rapt defeat than the Scarlet and Black machine which of Gies a1 tit Sand Aga :tor erg: eteamerollered a h.vier Amherst eleven on Walton Field Saturday by pu. in her aneertire tor hie tornenate. Hew lath eve. time n pm final the Entering attack. laa-rainute its of ferocity mio nom the relentless are effaive weal this unio no ihr capec be wan ka 17-7, end Ito the ea.., oit wb' clod vela the Purple weer.. holding • ten-point edge by virtue of two he on t he ponin by those doemtore eit nee er ream. depend mum tie se". Qom oowe Gawthrop's band of mudertneared fightderli.,tt bay who admit no oak e nrnnatinnol one runs. GRAND STREET FOLLIES if ronge1111/11 Way. Anew. avaom ere tore the burly Masaachusetts line to shreds and pounded across Wainer That's 71'n'i L.:ten" tern. Poi4iter .110.1 three touchdowns with a maehinalike precision and unronqueralle de- devol a oe QUAKER BOOKS YOU SHOULD READ Seim fire pea ago leoehl prinelpit, ithi of lade the he remained be to ,.the WM big the of spines the mem was worit le .4 MAN, nAllin termination which ant thrills chasine up and down Falb awl Postale. of lb. Quota., Rufus M. Jose. aim... II fen. Me relented ample hi Greenwich Villa. fo then all the eivie Menthol Mat mole.. M. Besasbaw Quaker. Story sad taloosoge. Mad. Ma • Nevem] comedy Wrist of rooters on hand for the game. vergantlni purer., . : newel.. et Hem in • few Joke Wool..., Amelia MI Case... So evolved in whirls eephietirated humor Fighting elerene ere nothing new in Haverford football annals, Atel eve. tooliral enivlisinion oer Postage Extra. Get Them From. eummitie. wail bend ebould lake Me ame 01 Me Lama eleb111r offe. Me mammas. geery but the addition of the unbeatable 'Will to win" to dogged tenacity and ..... Ilmerferdine Mile ontendly in., the their maim to bratty.. dolt ail- amt. .....ry end alohlah of the el. STORE the ability to absorb punishment without collapsing are largely trace- .n,b of eolleithe for Welfare leedamen •• Wag gen... Thee wato r000mlant the niud.welldw. Harvey J. Har302 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA able to the Harman regime. Seven yearn ago, Sao. "Grad the of edition flit mimphilli• 1 id a re. Black tease were re- ,.7:::',.:r.T'",=.1.T.v.or h man took over the coaching rein., the Scarlet t t tb Th in{ 010,1,0 the oraorninetion by the new mem.ot annual thie ho a,lnl, been nowned for their delta." but when the nesmonh reeved Was patted ova ...Me Melee. it weeld Ham the Fat-Clem &,-,ice lathier le eve verb danger or Haan. imilmeredume. lomo owe leem from ice moaringe. in moth balls Navard rooters were usually forced to reckon Om suc- 141141 dnpAHeifinAn gale. nf hie erithoe wawa poetry. adept O. todlo no Ca U. a Tend mot Mod. the two maim plarel she cesson in terms of -moral. victor'. alone. meipment. The ',roach to the l"'net,- Dem teire, awl line new, for the first new. For four yeaeu the former Pitt All.Arnericen tackle labored to inLosromier Areom im noon-ally had. due still into Haverford fatall men the flaming desire for victory. Moral DAUGHTER OF THOMAS ho me ad.., of the ermat buffalo The ma dere not belittle any lova, triumphs were unceremonially cheated into the discard, and the Soria n reed: and we WISTAR BROWN SPEAKS ail aid, wren Mad A AO wren- adm te ha.. the roar. of Ina nee and Black gridiron ...ors were taught that no matter what were the II. whole abbot of the en ettgt liar' owe pre-game odds &ganef them, victory, rather than a low score for the mo. Lea. A Bank 1:Zwi"e"Zre'netwa West Laneader Avenue revet. twins .1e, emeralds theoosh sp. wan. snaking it n mama., Wage Hale at Pone A, C oppwing teal, as the objeet to he fought for with a epirit which toe the eyes ef yid.. mei Moot to memo, tattonat sant eed to the need There is no AVIAIA, Mot Iletwe Heide. 1A.AnIt. datiehter 1.1110 fur would not admit defeat. bee• d.' 0-corer embildlionlege.epleshy ale In 1928 the full effects of the Herman peychology on a squad of df the tar Thom, Wister Mir magma. is to hem an aril. or ay of the ether all known de. of Ow Colleen end preeldent of Electric Massage Finest players 00, accustionted to a monotonous eucceszion of defeats Oral bo- mramor to he Cremation Own, 1.1 te Into, lad lake ...ratted Ithie one he eeleelated to atm. Me Mei. and Scalp Treatments ra. apparent when the team reeled off six consecutive wins. a feat meg AID, rime men. oak.' illusion for oll tired or ether..., almost without parallel in Haverford history. Laet year flee gam. 1.1.71e;=1,1 we Imre ebre. mailer, en meal mom The ouletimiliog features of Mi. Modem and Sanitary were won and three lost, three of the victories coming In a string to 'Axial,. or tteti Weleen. held at tar inuelon IMP et. Mead Id a hnoee hear leo the 1.1111.01 borleaquea of mai. Nev. hire aro • amt. a pool dome the campaign. Only two garner have been played to date thia em- Ian Athletic Club. Philadelebio Specialty: eurrent Preadleny drama ante. .t•tbtle mini. toward balm baa dime mane. ad there rob ere, tO lea Salm in tarred to them not 10% Discount s., but in both the Scarlet ad Sleek machine has outgained end outrho deem not am fensible. for Me better minm amen olInT1110. fought heavier elevene-not to hold down the more. but to vein de- hne• enten.d 111x An, Th Ladies' and Gents' the bal.. profession,. eatglit eon. uf lean down to the nIVA 00 its cis: eely. Pine Hair Cutting eh* elated. Baleen nr. peeellady Fault, haneil rsr"';%eT171"7 flr1;e:ITIri.?'41! Vet, despite the fact that Harman han pratially revolutionized the Immilmaindsd. They heel. a viewpoint ntatus of football at Haverford, then in a possibility that he is spending t elves them teed. a ouly ou tiemoe-inn FRANK RASCHILLA a Mow his last season here att coach of the Scarlet awl Hack elevens. WhetLancaster Ave. awed manner. ., are the pereocal femelings of a coach, officials in touch with the weelid. item... notional end intern, COLLEGE GETS' SPECIMENS Uh.en Moto (Just Opposite Catnnp.ts) titiiatino should realize that he can neither hide his light under a babel, timed emetic.. IN NEWS ELECTS TWO nor continually turn aside from opportunities for professional anoint- to be Inman in meter. Casty Ghee Hama. Hla item Dr. F. S.Indearty Celkeelee• ment on account of sentiment. W. R. Blair at C. A. Sebefibeee Kew. Coach Harman's ailitiee as a football mentor no. widely apethe „f rbilreo. no17;h.7,117i. tangly. el Weal.'rl De. Pal earl. likewise his initiative and ambition. Ilia one-yeee contra! signed W. Via Ste. Lem. of worn a frail of Dean Valerie 1. der., t anal, ma. • I last winter expires expires next month. Unless a determined effort in made by re. or, Jr.. la tot-emoted lamb. I'd- loch Ill, lent bloods', were the Sports Newm Mumma of _Mehl.. fleye Mawr College Iler fat conditione "satinfactory" for Harman', return, his Haverford to ef the Co supporters among the alumni and undergraduates, and they are legion, beeklnt lane a tarterl,,r Ittlin avid president or the Vorsomtttn may find that the College in in the enthaermeing eituation of having lee, fee linnare of year, am a menage 511 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. r, too rolieerion ie ono on dna for their tomitione mime In t tatted the stable after the horse has disappeated. the came am teet en to 101 meager of tme The Cone. library end the Ora.. The herilleeIr'113 b' M•r•ber• New York Stock Exchange-Philadelphia Slosh Exams.. 1""'" Selma which wee dimontianed in IOW, Dean Palnim. the vie. Weller. in fallhark on tinsel MePete, natty were woad fer him. Mr. Leta in I • enterneetag wee atrumentel . near eleven, • weedier of the Joe Aesoetat. Members Na. Tod. Corb Proni Comtnittee. the Store Con e eater of The runts. IdeinIng the lateralot few the oil. mei the laremental Cie Alarmed by the umnistaltalsle agile of the changing times which rm. bollowine Mr, Coady'. death. James Warnock, Jr Jouph E. Morley Sehonteell tweet.. cerporatien WhitCalmly te gim PLAN CLUB MEETINGS threaten to being the Imey world of commerce to their very daces, the er of Om .ophonetee elem. Holstein DeHaeen Fox Alenander C. Wood, Jr. Corporation of Haverford Ceilege, Dr. Le.gh It. Reid, P.femor ud Moth, emetics, and nine other property heldere of Lowey Merlon township late Scientific Society to Oa Ifiristrated Meat Pease Telegraph ad Telephone Was to New York lent summer filed a bill Of equity in the Court of Common Ple. of Lectures on European Sold.% AMUSEMENT CALENDAR Montgomery county in an effort to acre an initiation manning repealing to the aid Samna the operation of a goeoline Oiling station recently erected at the inter- ciete meeting ef the year Thad., section of Railroad avenue and Lancaster pike. The ease, originally ight et 7.30 ii, the lawn needier Stye ProdwIlen acheduled to be heard before Judge Williams at Norristown Thursday, Hall Chemistry Idlowntery. L. C. DM on Me ADELeH1-.11, Beereler.^ hes been postponed for another week, and meanwhile both parties are Pean. ent Deureehm Muse, in Munich, reputed SROAD-"Thr Nineteenth Hole." renting on their can pending the action of the court. CHESTAIVT-dglolden Dead' While the lawyere for both the plaintiffe and the defendants, Ar- 1■■• ERLANCIER-"Aaimil Crarerea with the hays gromoro which thur C. Hine Philmielphia attorney and owner of the property &al *talks FORREST-"13•11, Yourself' with Wining. Peumetrainne. the tiling station 'hoe been erected, and James P. Whelen, Way. 0111 'be illeeteard by slider. Pam CARRICK-Howard Therm. and III denehter, Jam. builder, are thumbing their leimatones, preparatory to engaging in load inen ' ,,tf the Vanity stiff legal battle. tn.. unassuming young men are geielly "carrying on" SHUBERT-Gen.. loam. In -roam,. Girl... in the face of heat-lomking oats.. and a 'seeming hostility which Ot'.,oinn'a tint will'behelel at Ihe home WALNUT-'.11w lima Street Poll... Any man who wears John men arc Joseph Ems., end Gene ef Mre Jattetl tory. Carpenter Philadelphia Photadays they are able to understand. at 2.30 P. II. ALDINE-Al Joan in -The Singing rat" Wards will tell the same Poe. lees., of the property and operetore of the ens station now under Wielneoloy A dosed meminr of the kChembitry ARCADIA-, 000 Coon. In. with Itiolelph licialkreet fire. story. Break together last awn. by Mr. Hirst, one of the defendants, o'fa tZreler foe A. 'h 711T ee.'.,. l Ir Ilenil I'l.neetine end h"oks PPOfe, linnetara The leathers in John Ile Kearney, for five years one of Uncle Seas dare-devil seadogs hag reverent. to Dr. W. Ileell Orme:. Air is "fl, FOX•LOCILIST 133111. mere reeetitly. joint owner of an automobile agency in Ardmore. Arninnegie ot Maloney. KARLTON--The Ker of lia," Wards are choicer. wear The Corm. Club will coal., Ito end Me. Poe. a safteepoken civil engineer from Florida, formed is partd KEITH'S-aibualee. better. The At and workLITTLE THEATRE-"Stearted" nership and decided to build a serviee station at the corner of Railroad work or lading the College ..... MET-Mendag Tare., %Veda...lay, "'Fermin. gam, and Lancaster nee... A careful inveetigation was conducted. The eme manship are more expert. OR display at Heine. le, 'Telling the 1VorIdTaro., Pei., Remota. property in question wan found to be free from building reetrietione and They have more style apincluded in the business sone. The specifications for the building were . NZ'aV''n'e!l:'tdra''Ceanblo.' t;2P'It'rlY Pkiledelelle toot approved by Maras building aelhorities, and the entire capital of da ..to men of the better peed both men was pooled to launch the enterprise. Local Photoplays 1221.1223 C.a. St Midway in the building operatione, hie Kenna, and Mr. Poe were notified that, because of the damage to the values of the properties lIt The prices? 97 and $9. Ise?, : III was Mogen think yell TMCIT-41"7% makes .g• WI.. and the collective peace of mind of the Corporation of Haverford ColeThe'Weter fret moot 'gcsIT "Pr1110;‘"11. 4a■trZ,, n Mo' lege and certain read.lo of this section involved in the erection of ath '1,1011, th.la of the realms, Whisn't he to bloke. uyoblicnuiaonceoao gas station, they would be eerved edth an inNARRERTH-Sloodec. Timidity. Wellman, Serail Telenuar eed finew Janet ...ley, junction if they continued work. With their plans for expanding to rider. l;I:etigi.,j• ro t " i rl 'enema, see beleag to ammbodr meet the &Mande of their elastomers wailed by the possible loss of their ineeetment, nmounting to approximately. $30041, their entire CapiSEVILLE-Serood T onieereery Week with Dint Denny.% or. tal. these men hove since been forced to continue the support of their the hernia. 1.-(C. N. A.) Meatvn and else show Moodily, Tunas,. Wedavidee , Viet, MeLaden. On -The River Mae.. Thursday, Friday. Saint.. dean families on the meagre prof'. of $10 a week each, realizing that with A stmlent fail. In en examination Creveford in -Our Dandier Daughter," winter soomarhins May may he deprived of even this small means of in ell the fa imitate he took, support In addition to toeing the etivIngs of several yearn Of Week, Ile telegraphed a heather 'Tailed . .tit .zui N47tr1571 'z"rr! I4TI `'‘, 1 Rerr/T1P,.=,;,id Such Is the site/tan in which two men, who haee made every effort nil flee Preen. Pared Woo • in .Forgotten Peeped' to comply with the law and faithfully to aerve their patrons, home been IIIThe brother teleeraphed Ind. 'Tape WAYNE-Mondry. Tuesday. Emil Jeuninee in 'The bail placed halm they have dared to Invade the eared precincts of ceeperrel. Prepare youreeltO-Hluen I -purely residential" district. Arrayed against theu are a number of Humor. Medrid.) D"'"",' "ifejon?ori:',Itrrt, ‘;g1174710.ii.re 01'111By. influential landowners. Melodies a College, which 00-no eome 200 acres TOWER-blonda. nustsr, Wed..a r. -The River PirateCollegiate Ron7.rathee, on yee of land and whose endowneent runs into the millions. At this same end Pave White'. Orchestra: Thera, lane, Saturay, .11 I Were College, generation era generation of undergraduates hot hoard prorevue. mace Italian an sod Stale °nee:Ur! tlt° fessors fulminate against the unfair tsee of power and premch the doe I v:74,1T nt the bottom sod ware Op..Male trine of equal justice to all, large or email. If the Corporation of Havorford College continues to P.M the eta PHILADELPHIA GRAND OPERA Compaq present. "La in the light 00 the Imam ruin which it nails for tho.o who are the monday nigio Ii 8 le the Academe- of Mae. innocent "goofs" of the nroetedings, the all too current belief thet the 1100, ear. Felts'., Ih5O Iata too OPERA Company offers "Aide CIVIC PHILADELPHIA theory of the elnetram is an intellectual exercise whcee lea.n are to lab. Thuntday night In the Academy 00 Wale at 8.16. ha diecarded in Me clash of conflicting bantam intermits will be mateWhet neg. Is the ma PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA-leopold Stokowski mainlsally arengthened. Once this idea becomet fixed, the liberal arta col- loterret IS mak. tor male office and 8.13 Asada night, Comafter0000 am wee Pride, ine, 2-30 at lege mat aacefully yield fret place in the Said of education to the diet Is Mao in the aelectlou for an P.Itione by Ban Schell., sad 7..Mosenkl. bosineaa school where the theory of the chtesroom in the practice of the adomethieg football mia-(Terre Hate Stan.) office. The THE NEWS EDITORIAL CREED Newt n of tlenoweritatty ..... dichtlodow •• • (Vi.7t tI daft' 21,:1,,nrxralt:Te:.""=;.1:."L", beeoi cum- 47tht —.11.11M-77.11lIMBLIO LIDKILL L"ti= r:Vnir Ili" Ws ■ Flarman and the "Will to Win" ewe., te Men's Wear Wall & Roberts intnV FORGE SCHOOL Cwwleamierwl A Sand ,enrs to -dress nrg,";;VinWeti. . Green Hill Faros Hotel rrIV r of Ihr crowd FRIENDS' BOOK andwhen Atlantic Gas and Motor Oils Haverford Sales and Service, Inc. THE ARCADE BARBER SHOP Solicits Your Patronage Tzi.,14.Tr.:1, b..1 :0% tp: Morley, Wood & Company investment Bankers "1,1 "The Mayor and Corporation" 7 fiv:av,Ilr. He- on 7r. 1,1tropenn lints:. These 2,hoes Collegiana n "floe this [elates OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE ▪ ▪ ▪ Faze 3 HANE1iPON I' MONDAY, OCTOBER 15. 1928 Varsity BootersDown Lehigh--Eleven Prepares For Hopkins --State Next Soccer Foe HARD CHARGING LINE FEAT- HAVERED SOCCERMEN1Have rlord Fight HOPKINS PREPARES TO Rhoads, '25 Nets Addition, SOCCER TEAM TO FACE URES SECOND HALF RALLY Scarlet and Black Backs Gain 257 Yards from Scrimmage to 121 for Amherst Haverford Earns Twelve • First Downs to Purple's Four Carr ies Team REGISTER FOURTH WIN, Splendid Victory WITHSTAND HAVERFORD Aerial Offensive Needs DEFEATING BIN, 5-2 'Jacking; Defense INVASION ON SATURDAY to Haverford Coaching Slat Owen S. elOtstre Ilhoe recently noon. from Ne Trze, Oxford, where hem fig1 7: 1=rt yoa. boo at ed to the Revert°. sedIcon caernintg ateff ex mentor of the soda ad ...ton in Pandatarlefs. it true ken. 11. Ros. wan on. of min end Sleek 1.011 modem. in W.A. and enjoyed the enviable Anion-Ion of earning nn ..he average et the wane time. PENN STATE SATURDAY Game Certain to Have Important Bearing on Intercoo.. MomAla. Good Jays Are Handicapped by 'Collegiate Title ibein on their Mee After £0. Scarlet and Black Rooters ST THE OBSERVER Amherst touchdown .d been seated Knifes Amherst Defense Loss of Last Year's theneh mire( 'w lenity bootees No The teem Saturday Score Four Times in fir did not allay the team ta let down wider San ha..., the their second lutentrolteglete riersoneVeterans Its -resealed drives for e team of the lint hell and the Hroer, First Half tion upon,. not Saturday when they Pr d t .helf. Never toward th e rieltore goal Mae. piny bon. to Pon State, strong and hems h.. rMe .6mnnx CAPT. STRADER IS STAR An analysis of the .ma shows welishalaud .Trr,Z,t,fr:`,!■ re eleven on WS field at 3 AL SOP STARS AT GOAL teem. A few minute,. of ochre drat down. for IliverfOrd. Nolen pley• nand(. • enoritine Want. Lehigh. the Soria and def. II argon Cl,, vieltore' three; Hewarford's n'torlorinitalry 76"* ileule.sing what Poach Metrele Mono.. meat down to a to.1 yardage from ecrieunege wee MT, fir., he., Strove? Net Sato., Johns Robthriven., of Pennant... O stud. IS as comt.red with Amberat's 131. Plav e choreal... ere the worst term of the AS def. test Setuedey, and the emuAl Unfurl ., enolideutly near. thy arrival rof IN intertietiousil erford me Oet ePghtly Wend In the eta., the Soviet and Black roc.. .d bad scored the mem stortelf 008,11 Harman's Snarler mut Block and toll charm 01.01 or the New College log omen her with State ix keenly 6a fo heat downs. It took Ow msynigerrat grid.. al Moo... Saterdny. ISMS noted, Important men ,turday managed to eke out their drive It trig Irene lawalee org tarried *a third the iniewollegiste tit. heerle orneoutire victory of the year. throughofthe fourth re o0,1 the rfre'n"" ''sZr'leff,°41'"e=ebn'e the ^Pei, no nn intercollegiate. sheen[ Senor en.ens thIn mitten OnMetios Lehigh et SethIebees by • Chi hr the sleer,hieva of the end Blank omplet. two out of Will be the tund. norm of the car. 2•2 snore. 0.1x by Brown, Gr. mud flat '''tr"Grrr.. twelve for (19 reed!,. while Um Lore wondering what Ir. broom. of the rd inst ,r. n mohodyto, ftte if 7110 SSP, Wirknobout enabled the Hinerford was N Jeffs. complete dose out of two Mr fight of the teem. Lorkily a a Me 2 eta ocer am Feirer12. are tamed. the Sian hinern should Poore. te ri. the dem. .m the pori.1, ss yard. and had one ionrcepted. It came to the front before ir be well an Chris wro n rhamnioanhIn, itothiclem aggregation. ft ores the first wen to lete, hot Der any o.onen 'iIrlolg.IIPIParZt6oretTrinterrorge PLAY SY PLAY glue ro, the Net tint Princeton end ..Nediertinte e.t.a of the ...o anno. Mom no in miserable for Ca blare eleven. Poe Imtb enoreorIcrs in on Aloe. the An to Shinn Saronley. The Jaye Noe on, .4 itm Intim Th. stsnns of both teams Ins nu- og the raeo whn bad Iwo Neel le blo Anthem 1•11.4 . e•to eon, have offered defer. from league own WAN 61m rather tie emir.. team monied to own. lAm 4 7a. M R. Of1,9•311,nt9 alone, Nees to the RI, august to &worts., ettrent nee eon. awl White of State Swarthmore, mei on reo. re. ob. 11, e'IrLr'L ..411 •Ple eleven low. oa the moat danger.. 01,0•k Akin then folilsoo thro amonna. conot Roentgen and tr Run. the nonstop of the defense, • M. OSA cm ob.°. M the ono of cant. Maier, irmiesparaulog flowlibro. l'"‘"41, of the Simla Schoolboys Gain Deadlock, tote itn omor foe the title. the for • RA Matto on latilte went rdi"ft,'."',„trar."1,1,t'k„r'tat7; hien/lord voll agelot Mil Amen end tied kt• Comer bning el-rattl nor,en■ent,..14Alt they t the Although Decisively tn• A. with weemi ortematetting. nue or for this year. tO n feet L! the Ittechsainn dig . rhfhT=in.,1 4 ":r'ef'■■sf:r" Outplayed Preeteelly awaiting Sr known Of the ern. halfbeek oler Lovo. u lay down an the h,0, meength fit the Penn State team ez31.i#91.. erammal MN a =1•:•Torgre% Pon' 1..; mit et An., Any end Ineblogh roreeded a nee kirk. Also 0. rettrrtg. Merit 1,1m. In .the F...str,.1 Sigh Schnol manamol ferrehmau find. er ovet that the Centre county eggre.tion AO, oil the .11 st. was sloshed by the 01 .B. H. -TURF" TRIPPet 10.0 turd Tobin or guards. r. meek rated to the of the sr N will hold down th.• • 1o.1 "111 1 "'tits a...■ in an 7,0061Z"ZeIgnVe i_t'terhenrorflt-er lo. Amherst had • big lean. are Ihv s)_vse. saes Rope. Han New Baok a fl Id 14"h711:11: ilmkgrtn ' I um.. Where 1.4,-",nit.e.,g the ii'sicnie.f.rdether col. t,+1 eotTIN. fray tom bn of mohisertion ..f will ilesides the ern• 2= ▪ wg an ook Only in Pooh,ed territory and should 0,00 in their old e'"'d owrgi r"lof-rel;SySgrd of Trim' cums ktottuf.: ° the first sore. 10114 It` roe'd'efee'1 teen of sob coition Witb. net Inr no. n• anx 'tam 2, son. malell .11".. wit! be reaftly Per the unties woh •tien.-1 to dinurre. out me. any lean forme. ken ...r the bel ;reels tor wilt thigeton. onto hairs. Harerferd es 00001. IlAtiowt um. two at the tenni, 1 Amelia like to pent •• 1.5 pont. to oomph. biS IPut nerd. down aniansla 4 rare the field enly lc, fail a tbs. er liau Aaatent e.eight (unlock. fern. W... Several otiontem of demo playing by rime of the weak noel idol.. an • Ack troto kirk of mouton with the xtia rri mt... TOW Nell nide te 1f,'G'itig',.."ree"Irtnke00;Irryltrtro% Inn, d then the Leh h tire le pea. Meta Co... In merker tali. by Roberts in tt• afteek 111'.14 On get organised. 191. The o. defenne in. otonnrentlytot 47. Me el... 30-Yete Lloo State lelered them wont.. le 11.ht.P. wlm Iry arr.. no.no. fourth period. te save erne. suor Los Men not • At vim A Al so itenwfgott.• 41.1 I.. orforPhol wind mhannge In the. fax lifter the vicissitudes in ihe new 'rT11■.."1:Orr turrnitO rrTater•Slitra .19. *manned o wrench. kner p.y half W. conplete. moo.. w. onto. dow, noel gel. con the Sown and Mite foram.. et thrflrgeville-ors thr rood Po leo Taw eat IONA • kloolseto MIA to M. p,earl last wok. end weto In Haverfor. Moe The 1nree beck A.1. on the 119.eged Iloe. gree'r117=7: 1:trroll Ik m ot down to bilellifon And ennased to ery. Ewen no ene of the rood et net end ally 1.1.1 the fro mIlien tut ten • 1.14 1,,,j1r., re keep the boll to Revert... territory has "r" " lo muse def.. mos negleeter s territory merle by the IMilorlelubin clam end peel yew. or • mo. tho Poo period. when the Amherst monger wen Ina wax nab "71.2 WI.. Pleten el over de Al A, FIN Or Cr.. Sella. Sore io hoot eholt cuerbral. The ITeverrent bark. nememi orelY 3010 inn them. wiM no ALI on On. SA.MI tioe, %roue. ern. els. bit the nay.. reiteunded t.o over the Tonna, Irene. bet mot in hie vile, Mt oth men err theoon. .1 Rack line woo ueo morre or qr... w. osom. tile .1-1 ,..., the Meld of nay. Aline. Aloe. made two tthreye mliebn otorergh. rhe the thn mon of 0 IXI.1 to, be ihn elm,. for Saturday, o re .011c4S.:11111:4=P'.,: When the Rent,. ordfit Mr el. el rev. in the rose,. mirou. owl pea ore., I believe we worked no-rmM(hoed Horne will tog,. Pend the o•lermin with the Searles drool.. UM tat. Potw. sa ono r1 and was do., en MM.. LrbiRh's ',merino attempts were thwart. thing like two out of ten. but he tnerb.n 7 dozen were In the hen. of the re• same teem nen. Stale diet downed awl t. ae. mood id in farne of ..me ...re tom thee eknow re. Noe M. r, stlere not of Mingo. While no de Ni elii, m berm eer The rem of the orrhol islet of rotor,. end then dornned. The P... terIngh Nat week, for its fourth ono eo.1.4 A Alton . go•I LI. ..... Lies Improve, Atd 1. gray a ala 1101111a1. 011ieh erm. is ether.. la moo. of which were most oreeteful lent yens' MAN wiromble en en. Raver-lard roe soothe win of the name. The M orkul nine woo orerato u cluntreatlen neo roe Imek knit..( with xporadie fore. the dkl net work Iu thin .ror benume the sum tho, .nio outfit tehieh re. P. yard loni.,,th:e he find teor ...no with th lettled RL•oh. for labith eon. 11. of thee. ..tog at. line let th. tao lot through arid the ellenrions agoltort the mit, id I .A. no • nsos entirely no the Morris. A.A. Met, a• M tree hnek Towing the uns• sot goo demo Jeffrey dot w M wee poon oegerood, ey Artheret se Ad Shrirl. raloml neve. SCORES OF FUTURE OP•174 downs- Tdou .11. M PA. At Jeffr povirme rot groure number orf A 1,41 isle nos hy narrow margins. doutalere ohm ar 11. PONENTS the 61.oriord Slow Odense Orr piny col the entire Nom, line T.,elrog7rdternen• Ately miWed rt. before the 2.1 %lib. 1, No lob enonrely In n hr hoom%oreeuritply, 01..11 ▪ :eF Pennymoker end Grey were it lo• t The enectaCulat tot-filing nett lirrek• Rana. and Bone end. 011,110 welly t e enot of the Mud pH: einreSTIOir. eke tackles: Alneker end Wrigne n tfia onerver I.. a pro eligible In end Capt. Growt.. ern E Allem moo ...en 73.• tt1:641."41217717, criortvIe" f4■Z" tarm. , drive me the ititttLI:t01 .1, 1TilTet; '11e° 0,10a. goal ett11 oriole to, non 1 or& onld re s mooned. In hooting In• ee n. doo Ateleeet w. beau, one or the .Werolieqr moron... woo. Ana neas. while lIns. ye to A mi-eud 1. R. or the Sear. end Merk. while TI second curter or. a the wit• were npreislly N . 1 fg.ML.?4,%: kw. Vet mete twe. 'rd. !MI. to p • for tinverford ea. ler, Trio, IfInRhato end the new Tol■in""' Tapp. ala Bonne peeked the b kiA -„ff, 11,1, .... cool liumborking sten Collie rohrodi Ito fife and in few go hi, ow..ren Mr. 61 6. wol• o,1rho Mae., ihrew IA • p.n.. leen. ohne H not inn tun eltirdeotlf though the Samar thee tom Ind not at 11.141101,1 sit thr Lehigh goal Hot throe wanner. mi.. of Fullmer. tbr elever loeide llogeoeue se. 17.'•ItIZ" ort=„:51', .roe "7er . n 41: o 'romonolare ° Ala L. en.. ana It Le er.sher End rt. . ti e ern-, yard. Lava paean. d'heotrll■ rIrtf.th. on1 A"'Irr root of the god. 10nO ;1 A. amen to AAA,.4-yardea a•uretal before the Rolle could novo, n;"Irt the clogif,r minut7" f on norl make the tatele, ear ohumed totot • imle great Goll Aerie. thtelhgme ea Awe. getesa Is. le thers amen. a. rind sad IIesuk lt in the nen zo rte. were ayort. Ambent Irmo didn't mom to k he i4. We ieieh tin WAhl AV. ...Am, Wt. At. where Bowes Stan ellen they Isere oo. uf n ohs. gatille always tem the NM the liens TIP did Pon woe ArmeeYr gel, A wee MIA.. end snow non Leal. our team look. ea tined, they wken nor the Bourne, playing hi* tell R.. o wroth., Aeholown .1th not lisermfool In IA word lior In Iteneakey MLA. . hen Amkow plet4 lAso ylea• al len alma:normal,. dommy fon., unterrer. Althoorgh broth to=11> nen Werra Iwo. fe Valk.. on Alo.sa• Att. Pie al. alaal.. 1. para. Ala, the 0.101 Guts., the listener.. rho hit? klaal• aka. be te fasaawa who aalro. out the -..1[111, gin, an 1,7.4 Roe, where A wk. Aloe line Cl, me Moles door. and the half .. 9, AM. ben. Lehlgiv eunointently in me. Te.n own.- fere 7ad• On • fae he errell. huh aterenerrely in the An. . Perst 1st 117 Atit . ..7 • Atible AM. me too. quarter. A Loon ibe Own Malla• bake la. re whin aneln, and lira earn la Amimmite 40, tore foil. "tihr!"blffl thiNro% 1. 19, WAns At • Art A. leam P tegg . .t umr 'n*Peo at ettetZ1 Latt, thaw .'"1"" ts ranee. It. In none his. torifie hoonneli. (tI. ly et. "Z40 the fir the loan Wiekc; brother g. ton Ores. "Ma io Meet., .1,t;,741V,1,:r, eseteX, .. nett Am, Om, bent nem, It eel. and inte,.. gee le -111.3.1 IA. Men . ' ."11(41:114"Ptels Form store corm. on low ea •e. .4 of ,„ the tank sof bop. both Inrho mud half shove . (.evens roe ,we rove., uehlxwee see own owe ter essissot'spdnt tow... no the offeror stud the dere.. " mis soi me tee Towemf in toe e sfi r '.= gr11;' , ..1 Imeh moms. tn pecoot the goal rd 111.e. oe. Me Muer mom. ta Alelettott• roma a.6 Men. Ant Itwell made tender who PIP coining Intl TO 7, the ZI' llkett'qolghir bmen he was terming wItle thet doll JAYVEES FACE GIRARD .e•M lime. where 011,11 ha no Mon to stop. "'Ede Hose, mo... so- trite. IAN. MIA to cn:Ig, Men AND WESTIOWN ELEVEN tostoterudin. &ono urd .5.,,t!71r, the goalies handre for sore. giving ale It't!'t‘hrr:67trl'atitregilot4r,',r.i linvethuol a Nur noel toornV e AO, honn noonre'r". Woo""'". man enoo 1,r, The Mr de, end roused to mare the Atte mowoptaw. tun Hear Tel Sewed away to wan snt.. rot Trine brakebw cod jeer, fe Haverford Roger. _ Slaserfrod terelo-Ilkers r, I ue won rot Pr_ , one IR mt. greet saJ Iluterfoord, dorree booth. take ea oeth wolle Owe gad 'V11 qI.017:7r. fee Mt Mellon tram enneerned. Seth 1-1.71■7 their .°0111 meenteet of the litho mew el.,Trap Anted mat of Inteogla . teaser, had motet ellen. re sore Clot named° hem Irvin mn,ih 1f sou tomorrow nfronoom. who they 1.4.1...1 line. Halal lona two mat ,tech molted one through with Ow Mor ro. College tout in ou full be ritoperi dm Anther. lin 074waisel conel.Inn. Frasier was centrbt PS Wield 3.11.,Iok. 4 mot ehredn end if he rentinmes to sbow nmnehin ii ioside the penalty area. woo re tfiranTlit7=R4X■f tom ha, never Nom] tor the likand se lit,:, gro. Coln. tau 'melt GAO torn goo Mayara Method Th. wres to C a meow run hal lomat. nab In "111.11■7;',*11"the'bir .1.11 between the work of noon and Mr Us job. Enaworth er. not lio fr. 1 InIfjorITOdo;:.;,1!ai Ine Bala mar fan I•nin am. le rot foot the hook. ton. Prat WM...0pr that Sown romenred or lit. b l l t'froVs.4■771 stredler to the gerund both 1,th at ms be onatell on. Spore von *ere. were odien into d Many a business that would Sown and wilt went in don end Owe nW won.. AS. mows Gel 01411 11110 nn nun rhon sad sui fie in weekly Palawan par, lanalaan me. woo to make it rem Friday Covell Helen, second, JIM, not operate a single day withHaterford, final eel wc the Lev: glrore for the Anther. bundle. to him th ::r 010.1!;711;11741Ch:1711711,7"{VIZI out insurance on its PROP"Varh■lts oreenan el the plays. With ro dna. Mi.. lava tneklo roo. mime f'dreo114,'N'• .1 rho Bot tse.. drien snored ism under the massedgy n no. noon orne smous you. rot ot Amherst wom nor aimed loo yon bur I ERTY gom on taking chances 11-al And, neat grounder townol them. buye x ,ale Mitt Ott. ix anthieurell Piek moo. our defeux.lkout no Ann. on dAmst.• Itetent nee. RM.. p on the men who are the real lay better gem. fluor they hose t banal. Ilelan al R. Wit., gotd def.. Although Hopkine ee.hemi Mat gm ygig... 1MA, net. to no nine. • Coln.. almord Im cause of its success. nf the An Imer syruenne tolo, A.., vont. ena home ono. soomment and hr win oneemee ortil one a th 1. Amhara tra. noire' Mout ra The key men of your busi11 Mel. in U. teetion :,fill wool tam nipped In the had when heat ,sour . .kgnind Retie wee ought offside. and She rank. a lark, the we_y ness should be covered by ..1a. nor snot. Mhind i9 lei moose revel ea nonfood encl. with the nenre Ardmore Arcade Eas. 1 hon. they will be Provident Mutual Business InMow. Floweser. Vrired Mum. with e rott- rhe thiol 0.tal Cm... low 011 Prim lovaMto -who nut itnturtlay's Lard nod holdget better surance that will provide funds ener. alter by the VISite... MOO Le nt nue ar ouse At tory non rh mom alone Tripp'. lodgment re ...pled from n11 nonce. hut he :it for their replacement and in PERKIOMEN TIED BY THIRD SALES NEAR RECORD the term goon/ Wes ngain without a interford team will- 01 knre con S eulbl Troth Moe ,nese goal tender. whom. Le11115 bed flow Several 11.. II the Nun. he lomer fur n Stow. for buying from 'T L astIe TEAM, 2,2, IN LATE RALLY 6= iiP°°• soc their heirs their interest in the 171.7171,1:ell'nostinn"R:I'S 210 A 0 1.1 GBIWfll Admission Athletic Gas2111, Heiler led w. ensue star when his herd drIre hit the cool. PaltroderTt Tooth att. Tlehate Said to Ilate sae business. What I, Your Life Worth? end 1.mosnekor IreetIml the rebound tar et.rfOrd neral .11,1.110 With 210 nInmoi ge At the Feu ... . Send for booklet today from behind in e Lard.fouglot already disposed of. a new 1,1,1, Coming nand Uncle Sam plated a Cirri. Nei. end Tented Nedra Coach Renee third to ivies retard In elan.certain of being toe.,e11.4 MUM value of 810,000 on k101., Provident Medea" e alert late Fleverford 11,1,10 `° too Oteato 3.1. WI. entAblielted this year, Graduate 11a. lea ..01-Tray arlthrrig :11 life of each Doughboy. the rah lilt., lobe finsllr Wititeto4 eger lobo IL Hoop.. '21. announced lemon 41 Perklornen 'The no.. How do you rata yourself ? Wr4;.7 Yesterday. The Pref.. high total wee lwetull lira been II ley el fir with moult mited on fhb ploy. eeverel year, Ego dm, reerWeep mailed Into the the molt Ant rho liersUljleFS Life Insurance 1. the height of Gm Swarthmore- tg,,,r,trol umnlented. Lplaying end brad finning on netTha Unverford Morton 11.11.1'. Temom, William Y. Hare, '13 Fifty alumni otehneed general Ind- After teen.. 11,1 roll t,,,. 1=1:7,e, sevnroan. utds AT:r. RUM ORO North Arweric. 'Magian CMG, At the Amherst genre l'iterlhtte"rclit ton fIL boor 'bp 4... PA•dolit.. Ps. Semoneekee Lancaster Ave., at Haverford Station lent Saturday. topping by 11 the high kW ho moor troth ,t naretfod'. herb' rat ONO.. Wean ballanal womotenn Natal Bold at any now prowls. corneal. Accident-Health-Group Haverford, Pa. latflaa. roarj TMS yeee, e.t.a Ocher ..a for $5 "V.% gelaiame players nen who an. eap,a, a.m, and entitle the holder to ....,,lea w. seteed wIthncram 11 • and McKee Apartments of one, two, three or more rooms, some .ion to all intercollegiate etidene on'had to be 11.. ... WIN 1. tr. uleytal at Harerfnoi. They silo te'll alo:,Wro with kitchen and dinette-furnished or unfurnished. 0. Noo 16.7.1 You pay only for clothes nelude edosbodort to the Sharing Pond •.121u, rnnr raMIONSW .7.7s =Z.° bl winter. Tenor O. value in your Edward suit. Rooms for Transient Guests Always Available ;;; r.tt • _%,■7 1.0to Nat Nina. AM. Inablte.ak Not one cent tor any mid. errnallur=oaroNre. Coach Considers Victory 11.. WOWS.. area. tow fm.nmetrume• Restaurant Grill Room dleman Hence these prices. Seas Among Cretalut in Years Ten. raft.Side Kann New Main Dining Room Now Open Comm... OP Hetterfordh T10$2875 and S3875 0.mat ▪ 0ts Ban Official Opening Diontion of Minor. V. Joni. 10 -Vre'"71 Aegl.81f22,,C12 Moot LIM HILL br s. thh. PosodnellalnotHomoden Be nroasored 1.14-04.111, II RAW.. Aw• Ardmore Recreation Club Dancing Every Saturday Evening Coosa Cis, Stun wheel. ten tee mash 'sins Ore seemed to he stnetleaw-dhorferd. 1Nero No U. licked Sad second. that the elu- Weaseard for YAM. lib sign . as eon 6.11A2222 922 Prom 7 Voill 12 o'Cloch 4401 W. Las.. A.. 1511 means more than k bee le QlemMtiro-It le the plea Sylvanian Orchestra October 17th Isaac P. Miller 00'1.4•1bil r.“0,,,a Ath FRANKFORD HOLDS J.V. BOOTERS TO 1-1 TIE 4 UTI:',',!.;1.17:gdat.E:Zg°1! rh. i 01;'„?=.11:;',::„..0,11:7611 gr°1" "t 'TO „, f . or 1'01 •1 ' tr 4 XX '1,V11,'"Mil. l"01t, toe 1. 13„;:0117,7=1,:"M =71.2". helak :5 I.k4r,T; 4I,7'..1711711a .theta ra7.11r,r;'.177:!1 Ha, iLi7117 `,17."1.-`1;![g 1.1,'?"L.",b:70 Z1.4',,„1"„If7,M4'd tod.t.1r1■71"do Zmir&,..711 4744 th '";?;;' The Vacancy That May Cause Disaster .`t rf!str. 7twra!:g. Harper Drug Co., Inc. n some oases the WHITEHALL ,1„: r L:be Vi1 e°,d4d .0 .7 i'strvy'cdP■ITIL,IVerf:rriVIdivy the mond belle' Special Agent Provident Mutual Life Insurance Company 001 CI... Street Phil.deiubia, P. Bowline Billiards Modern Appointosenta EDWARD CLOTHES cAeLADE FOICYOU MIRA . NA' 50.01 NMI= Wentr.Othet . ATLANTIC CrrY . NORM OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE • Speeld Attention Ciotni fa Prima Dinners sad Dinner Dawes, AHD. 3100 cm* • ▪ Monday, October 15. 1928 HAVERFORD NEWS Page 4 NEW RULING ON SECRET BALLOT PASSED TODAY ALUMNI NOTES Diggers Strike for LETTERS SWAMP 'NEWS' SONG COMMITTEE WILL 11)13S.TUCgENIMEZICESS Shorter Hours but Return After Day REGARDING GRANDSONS HOLD UNDERGRADUATE Bandit Leader Among Alumni Correct Error in Item Peasants Employed PRIZE COMPETITION -,7“:.v.".",z.1.77. Claiming Distinction for By Dr. Grant 18'4 Ano.d. Coins The firm of F. /1 common nom Pam 1 cok. 1 ■Wfit An nmeedment to the rrerfer1TrEreVne!"ehly":1tdIrfi; the conatiMtioo R. IllatIne, '10 me resi.eot pr toe Inter n,„„p p ;8,meoseen• teeming. mere. banns have mowed their etflees from the Wide- revinim the ruling on Ins , medicine and neneefirt. Ha, nemtIng of the Stuon. 11,11111 at denim' Aalgoliati011 Mid in the old Y dii;•• lunch Otte afttrann. TM tire of the College to carry lint-bated is en addition to wheel slorai.11.11l, 1901 ..ornament, 'afon.. mrardine our finalities to 'h10,"ureece W. DeMotte In hesdmaster Article IV. Section 1 of the eonmito. "Lineal Havertordian" nem of Mot country where of the Ileblotte Preparatory urims. la 1m. read:: Words Contest to Begin This certain there is now little patronage in order By Or. Elliot Greet Pr.., el BIM New emotion. Conn. 'The seer.at ballot shall be minuet. Race,, eormannicationa retched felllonl Literotere ION (Mt nehmen. eel netromn r eef be Week Under Direction Mein. Me publention of . mtiel strov- ea follow, 01e1 voter than Pa, thy Elliot BM... h fitted requeinted with a college the Nr. of October I, netiog het F. emin.. ieltb theer Fidelity and deli t ylend m. of the wends. to be elected on Fi Imilt0 INSTALLMENT of Hedley, '29 meet errnin doulando... .ver-Lineal SR 8d, thuontere, R. The pople of Dar Al.,ontradict fordino.r I. the Ant anendson of • Large Peep Oradea'. r Miter. Ore Ileverford .100011. to enter Imre. re. Jones arts,. the mud rule lbetareal ▪ rboie• nhall mmemut three tore COY. TO GIVE FOUR AWARDS "Al the last Commencement et dam not the of the graduate. beet unum the that ere weal They doors. ! great .oil Haer, Ropey, erey., 1 tl firm The foe powleated of myr fifty Melon was of the peseta g:"1.igreil:tyr • "'tb?";LeX;s: In the repo These Pm sod amny Aanouncement of an Pederse... elm firet the Preddent declared. worker, found are snendeeas et demon'. .norm Moll bep.::«1 le dem elee. .' TAM talkere turbulent energetic. were me. Bee. for mode content for worth end 'mi. sear there me ever day Motlee. to the Student Council .1.o." Machu by the New. al. re- hoar f~ nod werkern pod eho women could reeled that Itheertord scum wan mode Word. ion. The ability of our matriculates, nut' Gemmel.. Ad., Is • Bonding to 1012 F, Provident Tn. 'The amendment tvm propomd by IL tt them in both nom., the of .00 Cheetout K. Ellsworth. .20. at • meeting of Me oreddnt B't by Rev. Elliot Field. 117. peeler of the to mown. to the end of the mar. beat r powerful Mellon heel been e non SenveraMr• tn. Env... Presbyterian en elle face of en ulna reholeelle de- the Gordon Springfield llo wee henefionee nod nimlerful nd wan tendert In acionden, ;MIN. S 4J I lei hi• ru Church, Long Island. mid a member maewle Is an encouroging lefintIon of eve kel I • m el olth an unwritten cuelorn ef min the John EL Endes, ttZtZtEndbery, who way graduated wiener' A. Irc ."Coat. "mee fess Ma Richard fol- lemeemtne arnemno7. ten ford gong of the ter of•the Av..* ef Ortferentlal ballot containing a e Mamie the nem.- poi. being counted az on to Indeed the gramme. of threeIn 1342, lowing • a-mimeo,here with Ralph Ifieverford Send from end Political of Academy the for the first ten enter art reeve. !Indium, .Notes ea en, respertiveW. pmeident of the Cap and Pew. of them she Wen., lr the on suenand of a hish degree the IteM.er m Criminal C.ae.,° .1.11 kk'a nt.11; I 011011,, that l(elte Society nod chairman of the Masa env hod iutidentelly Athwart a better Ihn Pew tit n d The eel l' ix heal woe. Mx nee red lb' i mein ITN elmt adelphla hare Moe eredunted. author in member of the Pl of Ida own fri""r;".t..Z uw fue She men. will Mein ME week .ad Jnpn 1. In 1001. H. KENDALL READ, elective Melon enter tornumber A7774zadot." .11 Ito divided luto Mu pertv Two 11 1 4 1 : . 11 1 1 ..e1 rl' of Fri Gnege One day the IhIr AL. crowd innerly MIX usurer weeks. rommeitioa For the anode for i":74 itgrue'SV•rell"rifigireS5' They wanted to home work at {-YIP 1•. 1913 and Olirer P. in 19111 Rendolph 1. J. .1 24. e•-'27, is a genee-grtod- Irviv C. Pdey 1. Winslow. ege goose will begin Wed..- Referring ton ,.,Mace the uunnually large ea- 31. We nrrimf on wilt the Krtrti.e. eon STORAGE Prrawl TM. Caleb Winter. to Nest day we hod day. Follow-lux the tompletion of tins aliment at averford this Cr.,, It,. end three Life National Gra Otimr Mary REPAIRS college 'The mom Comfort declared: conweeks. end eiwther competition i tr.g. Th Chew STrileret ett birt1h7ercer:n"d 192$10PS 'peaty with • larder total "."&n SUPPLIES . Insurance Companyi Per that the Ihir Alen Imo B.4A"Rb.6.124 B're.tee'Z 17 call= NI:nr• tee Vol 1 4,',511,0fopeeer;.1.1:: rel.t; Ptittr jgr171. Wg[lhaV e I 3. ...tier, '53, iehe 14, f' no tror;Zierele"e'bdiZelfie '. ple wrwited to hope hart. The fore. ortriveli to„. thlt ro.nsiieetta :ire FA wl Secondary of profemer .t h e xd sae graduated, Hat before Outernere's endue. mujents. We are now fart. 701 Packard Building cow a will be by all ehe prob. of nth, for .1 :4:P■1111.-en; 0'1 each ri. Ash wo• tem and e and Committee women. II, fetule•of the 01 T,11,.. When 4 1 01 etude.. It I. fortuaste that thl. fit. awarded Riney to, the Kong Altiftrot.e'SetIt4rGettfe7e,r1." 'Literature.- It eve pubdshed by toe uation hen en anthipated and that men retorted In hind and the 'udo. Atometation. 15th & Chestnut Streets Word a Bit. to Nevem,. el nl eiety Miele, then crept up less. to fall or1 a. hem in- other [rend.. of Ilweerford Mandel tli:W7,1"V"lhe"tronlist!'mlit7et.""Brt'll. der l;:S7-1!" h." b"17" ""liefretlit Pa. Philadelphia, Peer N. TheenTolo? m Philadelphia Stop at the conteete will be manna. by an ander- lorrese: etter'17111ng"1.7., in e rmie.. now in college n W B. Al., ter, of the 000oe, 11110. fi;l7-elet 29, A. Mellor ore. le it Mrris- m .21,1 - "ot e lid thy, with the lorals MIA pot In"ydgy"."11""L",11:r Hr Ilii"F ulfy LITTLE EAT SHOP" Neltet, kn. been Lrued dollars it,, Me lends ono d1 cad 1111w 1920 chairmen of thin cutemittve. The othe antels. of the 1°, A_ K. Molley. Jr. Jame. dtl the C. wither retard received hl. Ph. HAVERFORD (unborn are D. J. Sneak, =SO- loader H Meech lel need 27 we now on onr nentlomed emunbone railed le the echoer no Moment front no. Ism Hammed In /IMP, /0-23. and he U. Pere., 211 ve ren of the tile, Club, 1 Meanie Harald attonmte. of Among ire at the Collem wine menthe the year liefiS.Ml modying TEA AND DINING ROOM ajdr. leader of the 10.11,101 ht e CNN end ho ,11er, were bralle. LITTLE BIGGER linen In Leinseit. orrawar.10 • Sleet- BREAKFAST broken mem., 1-'!47,•,-.7!,..14:1.....t..-anz, bile of metal. ::: : *.":34 . y'De t ireni "MenTrtrbit r liar& Fellow/Min greeted him from NfintrWteirell'IVeart=7.1.LUNCHEON J. T. Steken There we, en he pleaty theme EAT SHOP etc. t em committee .1 ne urned DINNER The cernell. necklace of ...mem WY p- 04'Ile hen nearly teethed meth,. scattered 1114M111 end MmIty matteimee to heay. neer her rt,. mid elm PRESIDENTIAL CLAIMS TO S Cricket Am.. 11"10"7„d"L.gg.r.,42,"'. Phloem Ardmore In. of n elf our determfited broom Javelin of n ammo, In. Carrollton 4301 is ddren. 'Zni'llg beyomMeleifi";•. V4 :1"trttl" reouirnl DEBATE Ardmore, Pa. BE SUBJECT OF Re* Bed Treacherous Ie. dIampolle. Itim Grin Co.eiteratio• r'ef lne= tle"ittliM'"".■r" Wit Stage Informal 111s. yeh Club cos, won married Rabbi IL Lem ,e inr the . plait 0a `of krrirsr .I■11; tr.% 1 November concert Nere 111,1. maim Pearl BM. to I. July • Norm q7.7gl'elVt'eF. PRINTING McINTYRE'S r`i7Wea .1 • • Presidential elan. of the Bre lead- Mont, of Itmeklyn Rabbi Romitz who, led the undergradue,ons In the thei netive rob of the Fanny the ma emommeel Will the Hey Mee Jewish ing political parties .11 be prevented Dining Room lom done mem then nen. elm debate to he held mder ...ter of Brooklyn. Rabbi and lies, et en - whe Geer . mtabliele and 11.111.1Sig thy high Ardmore, Pa. "7-7.131t.""'" Remit. are tiring at -130 Fighty-Hth au. spat' to .imam conned Sons Pile's H. Wm. day Meht. seated thee in .1110. whhh ereisil hem. ▪ndwtr ''''''Illtr2r}i„.,1eee'CIOTtf7; ▪[net, Brooklyn. CLUE-PARTT-PRIVATE AFFAIRS remold le the berinnine of keen sports.. and lover of fic• OuhaRkilted rte t'nkoa T.30 P. M.. Novemhe I. CATTIER effort to tooter and promote College STREET WALNUT 422 al. neverthrtne him Influenee hie . lor. SR, end E. K. SPele. roe s.” Ho aimed num the extra of Regular Dinner. 81.50 ,end te keep Rt.., when reneenent the 331. have 110(41 reinestsete. 16.'01190,1 Iluhe end the neer lead hey Imme belong in me vomer Perot/relive eiceperale in arranging regular ,1 undersold...de Smith-for.Prealtlent. Club, end R. C. officer A. redeems '"'re "'r"o4 ,`",;:'„:"."PC,TZ er Jr.. Miller. W. Puha C. be le and SR nom Rollin, Modul of Haverford Rooks, Pamphlet.. and Catalogues the dining ro tm. al cheer memine revemmible for the hothh of the hoi- brin.'with'delnie ad burials mined .10 meth for the Romer Club. Then Pirturefa, Picture Framing F I lr lr I Office Stationery it. et mount mitIl the entire Colent den... him watchful rem has hen mem th.oph tbree had very little naturrt deb. col he no emeifted peopasition lot the and Novelties bestial remain.. tie centered with monk, WM. on the Tailor ApIlftelellee FMONT Mown. heap inery neat oe. abilitien ..ch wee Tune meethi. o 71;%;r"otertunte:M'rg Vat -Artnelly of qualiffeetins mud Mrstsus naffed., damn nest to the Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wayne Cleaner and Dyer eNtetivem oo aeration... the rock with annem slope ad 7111112 La". Dr. need, who et roe/melees me r the phi, hme.l.te so w ill 111 I 11 • d A... I. Imp Lamm.. 054 MI.. mill ite hn Meek. Nome of Me Ile re Lee under the ariangentelen agreed Say It With Flower. relidInu• work for the ;met while apnentina him at hie requiem 1, amite or ...on emit. Peen III II. lirdley. H1. president of Ardmore, P. Ph. 1405 to conmerits-OW roans Ile Me held a molt-eve enwrit.. Inn whiled in burin, of frn,enex ne- Me Smith Club. mal W. C. Henna. 110, Ardmore Flower Shop Itgasele moneel dee', found.•mem on. Ils• ofht Alleges In Peen. flate, M., oolpented. Al ernollation. Hoover the of head Lla LEM. BM H. D. Manuel el bin, Medical itnel Athletic Ad-mermen Delaware, Obi*, New Jemmy lincim We leave the entire [...et pi ...pal. Inn be allotted • Romnude. work will be and New York, where he Is ont lo. Mem Se Flower. and Pleat, FREQUENCY N.> three on lieverford College ana. Womb but no deeinno mune. Dr. Field Ie e former Bute iinuril by Dr. Ilerlort W. Tango, 1.1. grenemlw Pith and Canary Bird. eo few on it was worth been- reedered. l reThe debate war ,earn m se mem bum.. snow Er* Market WV 149 Tn.. Batateen trettt: ;",-,:7!3`,1"" 3 ',Ir'd1%.11'!:( T,A7,1! Int. le yawl „,,e. Cao Veit ren'eltZret e Ime mallet7 el. at a .oilmen Issued In the Smith Pam. Ammon an Artmeee,.. fits t ettomosrt:o end field meceetart "eie the ,t-,,,,, „ 4 Mb by It Id B. lean Iran ,, 11 hutuuting Goods, Radios. HAVERFORD COLLEGE wetting October 3. tt T Me required end volume, "Malmo meta on saermere tbne,11.500 i`en Bryn Mawr Hardware Co. ▪ la ieldetion itia realm R141141E21 LOSE OPENER II "!.2•1: the Fenny mud ehe rthMelc ego.Mhare mmeed. Outfitter of the Haverford Mamie* H. Garber. Prep69TH ST. TERMINAL n Or. tlibe7r'4 "re,liPt rmord artmert•Oun of Om Hal Phone 100 oTy":*.Vop! =71°41 t'eri Athletic Toms eterite. poem.. children*. open:mos and the epirit en of compenthen they aft Minim on Walton Field Haddiefon'. Paints, Oil., Glass, notate, drams. For • number of shown in nee-eloping the raw material by • 31-0 mere in • londay Special Reductions te Ha, seen he bee write. nod cted in Housefornishings whieh mutually appoint for mermen. A. S. WING RESIGNS AS month, drama produced at'hie church .111 It thus the pruner dee• erford College Students i gtho"ffrfil! 903405 Lenomter Avenue Rgitt"nrayInt tItntn Philadelphia & Wentern . CORPORATION HEAD .117. defenaive won wets week ire, Bryn Mare, Pa. p, seem Seiler, 1E, nuthor di nOP! h bin nd the the experienen%Germantewn team CON.. ontidaetion In the rennet. made by re elnd Zinn Allen. F'oIeg cad 11'ehll In Ile lge; 1.3,1,21;?.tettelell.s7lertr="o'n'74,q.7 i eltiflodm Str bl: nfiinl iro re7ft:'4"eF1' I '14■[17174)1.1;■:11,41 04"TerOIS1.4";1'i woo Ix illy m the Intl 11.1 the 000014,5,, of lwrther L.emof Morris E. Leed* Arr ;atm aMtreV. held 'he" !1:71";. .M...I4.73NortbrUp'71eopp.j. PARKER S. WILLIAMS, '94, of FOR SALE Leede is ertie. Identified with of president The Ilaireferd. at work or MADE COMMONWEALTH HEAD the her aaentintion In (hams E. Newr" 11. in .. of LOP Angelem. 10 111 I a-11t:11t,,i1141.1.I: 1 „ t ill 0 I Oi 17,7,1:.p:',,72'z'z'i II 1111 RAVERFORD GARAGE V: say 4071: IT"relt.'"11- rdltoi tie. gsz Tr„. ' a 00111011, OP '" a You're Hungry 1.1. 1. 14000 11,11 . Jr. Jue OR ,00111. 110 eepn 1.1071110 010111 010. Pike ZIT... .""ty..I,,,i1„.',""! .. :°,7:,„,11 ,,1:‘.',7, "7,t 10. The Gift Shop it .1.1 0401010 10 01, 11014011 Mi. PASSON a or ,4"..z.„7., Alumnus Elestod Heed of Prevident Tryst Company pert, $. 1.4. who we. elect. preddent of the Prorident of Philedelphia. en Meter, 11. to• neve. the late J. October end. °w Amt.! pent. Dorenn dent of the Commonwealth Title leonie, Commmy of Philadelphie. Thum day to emceed Mr. Townsend. hr. William.. was the time dos elected a efireetor of the Centre) National Hank, of Ithiladelphis. The Commonlinhh ISO, lemur., Company of which Mr. Willis. had Imen direetor Kinn lea orgnoization IA mehaidiary of the Provideot Trust Mr. WHm1xpm tie e president of the Alumni Am... from 1912 to 1913. and premidont of the Inverford chap Mr of Phi Ben Kappa hum 1913 to 11110. He in .direcmr of the Provident Meted Life Unman, Company. ter Phieedelphin Smings Fund So. piety tbe Merin Teter td 100.1 Crony:tut number of other Stuthelal NORMAN THOMAS TO SPEAK Swarthmore Forge Inites Hart.. to Mar Camtame. B1UI Hmerford towlenn have Men thole- • ro hear un him by Norm. Memnon, Socialist mediae. for ercelMot of the rolled Neste, to be delivered In the Mcartlonorn Conertion Hell Ineenrtow ufmnemen at 4 °Mock ehe !Swarthmore the sunnier under. 1717;°,1.nt peeknes Past Tem of the Franklin lonitute. the :7,,."'ette,;•:.11'11:'..;;;',7), the In to n Woom Jr.. '02. to uttect1 George 7nue. Jr., '84. Olt the Inert of .were. Other subjeette aaaaa od by the prod. 4000 CHEER GRIDMEN IN AMHERST VICTORY ColiaMn movement of &Jen.. REDUCE OPERA RATES Z.TIVrt'y';'1071 Ardmore 1593-W Phone E. 0. Warner Manufacturing Optician formel.elurIng 'Ore ,,,,,,, " " e ssietopher, Jr., who hod never 'refr Nero the College. lioth,retonett.ohort Main Line Printing Co. Oehler Kind 4I e7rel."'02',.1.1"tielfteleTphia"r■Vrea'ellItfi.r. Printing Inte hie two Ion.. Franc.. 17. and Feed. 10.13 Henderson Aye. 10, were enthoeintle after win...a PA. AIM the IlloSME es emended the rem Other a meter C. Jenne, Its indu ' MP eve n Alfrn1 Seven Icl Jean and Harriet Straub Fit;loenit. M' Irvin C. peat, .od Ice Cream Edward., 115 . PM. Ed ward Sandwich., and Coffee IR, Henry •IV. Rohm. Itsi of the p•Nuf CaalMORE. Mawal 'r.7. 011 Fnnria IL R • 11.1 . oulhoin. e., geree.:91'"Z„?tIro 47r to Reverie. cammen Social. Mader. large repreaentntionn at the game. GIVE CHINESE LECTURE of The undereentlee. Bryn Ma. Cont. has indeed the ARDMORE TAILORING CO. e mho. end Newby of Ilnierfonl Cleaners and Dyers 1.17tere re :e1111"not'.,,L., .yr,•••; S. Schwartz, Prop. night at $39 my yin A rector of the Hinny Nations' Adm. College Milo.. • talon of the Mtn ',Mention Ilme• ale will ,t,,th on try end the American Phyekal Socimy pol a Ann.;IDE Natural Feelow of the Association for the Ad- Radio Receiving Set Amateur Construction In Entirety or Parts Separately 758 01111nook Haverford, Pa. requ v7re7,10.174nrrj."8';The"="-memo, mt.., record. binary Ma- grat":"Vre theb Pllealphi;Cirir , ntle, gredunte student work st the g,,emen nh. lecturer. given during the pot roar, facades chengea and renew...tenWILLIAM S. YARNALL Rths R. th., e from °.t's nr" 174.' entree.. freedmen entrance [re ands un.. of mmunte. from 1' (rnxnr' rniKaw,pae rtl"1'.;417. nttq Among eiredfirnne Item of the met met Met reviewed by Prtaident fled eVet'e="1"°'`h."71,""i;'Ait. oh al the lotto l'h"re=4174/ 'n'ran..■= to tle City. Ile in elm a Club 0•■■■•• Quality Delicatessen Phom Arta. ma Or. the Plke--Amt Omeene Canon 253 South Sixteenth St. GET Haverford College Seal Stationery $1.00 a box sf ZvininG tiu" iRcAsup,&-i Sodas, Sundaes and Sandwiches at the Haverford Faring.- chocolate id - sreal pleasure: Part of the fun is exploring and dividing the chocolate von- Pharmacy Se q. Of the PLEASURE ISLAND. PACKAGE-real treasures from the Spanish ST. MARY'S LAUNDRY Ardmore Agents: "Doc" Leake sail Roland Main. In the cbmt are a tray. and two bags of loot renuniscent of slw days of Black Beard and Morgan. Dividing the treasure is a social delight when the chest is Suburban Publishing Co. Wayne, Pa. "eLinn', Insurance for Students CAPABLE AGGRESSIVE CLEAR THINKING FOR PRESIDENT ALFRED E. SMITH citige.... with to see the Th. analaimous ask. of flevor of democracy restored to the feeler.' govomment at Wmh Mem.. HAVERFORD SMITH-FOR-PRESIDENT CLUB -Political Ady Pemonel Effects, Automobile., Avoid.et., Fie. or Theft while at FINE STATIONERY college or ....where. Risks to move., of porno while tramline 200 Single Sheets ehro.d. Menage in thin ....my to motor earn Liaintily for *PM- ... to persons er property. J. B. Longacre Suannor Longacre & Ewing 2.11101 Beading 141 5. CM Sweet Philadelphia, P._ 100 E,velopes 'PLEASURE 'ISLAND -K),co LA 75c .;) 75c Printed in Black or Blue Witham., Femmes Cud'. Sold by MERLON CRICKEYCLIMEAVERFORD, PA. BLAIR LINE DRUG WORM. ARDMORE. PA. D. KEMPEN. AILOMORE. PA. HENRY PRESS, HAVERFORD. Pd. WARNER'SDRUGWORR HAVERFORD, PA. D. et. WW2. ARDMORE, PA. OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE