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•1 - - COLLtu c ;ED 6 1999 e ORO. WOWS Activities of Students, Alumni, Faculty VOLUME 21-NUMBER 1 ▪ Fr' HAVERFORD NEWS HAVERFORD IMO) WAYNE), JOINT MUSICAL CLUBS GIVE NINTH ATLANTIC CITY PRESENTATIONS Senior President B. F. BLAIR IS MADE MANAGER OF NEWS AS BOARD REORGANIZES Audience of 1000 Applauds Specialty Numbers; Dance Follows SAX QUARTET FEATURES Turner, A. Minton, Saint, Speller and Shaw Given New Positions SIX MEN AWARDED KEYS Peened. • Frogmen of ore..moll rere"Wftre 7angeltro mm B. F. Blair. 10. nu elected bmi. sem mansger of Um Harerford News, J n IP. et Oa umbel reeremaelion meeting of the board. Mal. is renneser•elect of moos, ...teems manager of the Cap end Belle Club. and a eorporation *Molar. He mecode N. V. frullivm, Tft who has served in thia capacity for the past You. J. L Blackman, Jr, la. had been eleetol editor of the Sewn Mo melee tofore the meeting owing to the resignation of the Incumbent. David II re.Z.76111 -..z1Vir:r274% adp yo AtImtle City Friday and mt• The COW< ri Saturdny npht at It Chalfon..lieddon broadeast over WPC. the Atlantis CID ractoleinal rung nation, and was followed * • damn An Wendel Mom. wee pmmated at the Hotel Deno* Fn., sight A specialty eel by C. I. Corson. "NI. conelming of two math monolomee, [see,. by the ...adipose, leas Ili. P. skit was an imperamation of • church ducat nuking an Impromptu Deco.. while his Meond 11001 wee a colleo don of modem. golf. Sophomore. Pepe. Flaned0eMe nom.. H. TRIPP Feerdeller athlete, who was elected ary'17."•T. C. J.H. qrs1••••%•:•111::•t K. Emeasellt Gaarop, II, Rea SZtr.%[•72';',"el01.. 47.1,'V1g , D. ft. Longo., it md K. E. dead. 10.11 ISE • eta. ma Mr the honer. Maite="1„las.:.'". 1"1 The program presented at bath Ear'. fIrreornita:' b,Jthe inifroore b me Clue: dire the minuet tram tt A t rt,v.4 **t . :1 7 numdbe:"yE"eee kophon•Me ,. edler bof he 4 Mother T. ht I T,• Choru'. from Wayber.e .Tens o omev 0-sttis • VI- .1, ht t tyy, !st ekareheoMlli e .. h ... MI Club: 'The Reaper.. Sen..' -Se and -By the Beautiful Bin Danube," by the Glee Club. and 'Tem, Danube," rudee." Ibe majority of the members of the Stoical Clubs went to Atlantic City by ; c' l bus Friday afternoond a time ▪ illttetZgb'Sqb7T7era'sIlled.b,°:;.: Prod...elf pram perms*. ion0 Atte. Comeel The club me Den were free he met Illy except for a mhearsal let the moralist and the taking of • group to „ye Is the lionderalk Nem in the TZ Mner. TO, was elected moore editor at Me mine meetled. to aucteed . Mlle, .30. F. N. Bahr, .31. r."rt!'`giLVV."':tdTlir.h.ig Nene of Haverford BY Hn yo gi or d iams PA- MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, MS $2.00 A YEAR DR. COMFORT ENDS TOUR WITH PHILA. AL UMNI TALK Has New Idea Broadcasted Address I Home Again Finishes 3000 • From Chicago Over WMAQ ner; `COLLEGE SIZE OK' 28 Schools; Makes Three Weeks President Pleased With Reception on Journey; Favors Further Trips Lietener. on the Chian Daily New. Indio Smtion WMACtodltonday atterme nut Wierkig rom the °Windy 1111," on •lilt ;[!Nerl'.1.0011'etroltigrerr Oneellen. Timer day. later Ile Comfort was WM, woe Dr. AlexMang ander Ileikelje., Itrittingham tai and doh... of Me nor of Philmont, For rime b I f the DuPont,' of Memo, null Dr. Jomph S. BMus, promseor of Metileine at the Jr I I Oversity, Leaving Ileverford, Saturday. Jams. tine travelins through mut in [hat t and Omit. sixteen Mirtem des. He stopped et twentmeight enelting et two Meaddimate.fore threo tOrendembern, esmcialione. • Member of commerce col about Co am®1 getherina. Visite Blum NM, Scheel Preralent Graben rooked the •"lent'O:rarg.Tatta ''"nitrterd'' elehre'ii?eci by Ra nt.' J. Shotl re. W. m whose home he stayed beadm until Ile denaraure for Poughkeepsie Preeid.t W. W. Comfort wound up his busy 3000.0111 e tour of thin. teen States and alx.en pities In the Eon and Middle We. SattardaY night Ot Philadelphia at the ,annual alumni midwinter diaper in the Bellevue-Stratford , where he made vigorous deo/stations that Haverlard has now reached the limit of Its sin, that the Wooed of his Min was riot to enlarge the student body, MO to broaden the source of its POTenamel, and tbat Haverford now on the crest of an edumatlonal wnve In welch it !should emphasira its act. hodie achievements in *ROM to attract here the most desirable etcdents. The Preeident addressed a gram, of Amproeialliely 3011 &lomat includina dietiaguiehed bankers. lawyer, educe. tor, maatelmetorere al. attire 4teipmes end oratenioal men In the Itose Goren of De Belleroe•Ntrotferd on the rams*. of hie re.rn Dom Isle three• weeks` sitombelIC Ile follow. by Morrie E. Leede, I., Tirade. of the mem...ries and Pord of manager. and Dr. Bofors ht Dina, .05. pretence of philmophy, bolt of whom delivered addmeee. ran. Over 30 Speeches in CLASSES HELD TODAY IN NEW LABORATORY 01, were o.n.o.]; elem. moo editor, Two new offices were reveled at this time. /I. W. Reiser, 31, was eleeted . editor of the Mews weralee.” ..bid■ Hines Memorial Building 501 evolved teem the en.. more Phil. . not .1.-dm Finished in Less Than Ciraleilea llanag er. This offlee now to take neer he duties of adver. Ten Months Mine roommlelon se well a• thole of Met simulation dePeOment. Cmipletion of the Sanoe1 1111lea Mani Keys Aelealed Lebratery of Applied Scionee In hoe ACcordim to ,,,,,, the Keen than 10 months after the ground was Gawthrop, Ensw orth, Wright Bard reoramoism, •rmmd trato tint beaten sou anouneed lam week ::, ec k. oth.e2r.,,ii re- by Also Permanent Officers Williem Eddlevian. Etinuerrle• Marne. met in the new of 1929 talon., today Mr the find Mee. Ali . Me merhine Mop .nitment Ma herb N. TY"' 101,1., Skrgiarin. 14/.4ofDtMer:1111nrai tc "e•el. F. yr tramderred in too. time to 110 wee elected preeminent'M..'" prmident of Pomible the Honiara of Me building the Mem of 19E9 ot a mmting of the Z. HeklaTIVirf. olbgretrtnend, immollate, •Ites esonimelona. The lam Samara 17. He is Froverforn B. la. Spam Brae. Polito, wiertrb.,, and 00 es, ea, only four-letterman, Mehra woe iti• and R. C. Suff., busisene ,,, otter In football, baekettall. Meebell. itittralsome. sad trsek. He N mho balnem manager . 1 ,7irom,■.:x nor for a ts.th, Laos 1 7.../bT TRIPP HEADS SENIORS AS 4 CLASSES ELECT tut d MOO PRESIDENT W. W. COMPORT And ..... of 3000.1I• trip Mao Is It eltMs which he has len eempletml. The jenny lona at Nnerford Jan Jo.. '12, ad girded at PbIladelphle Mil- amodate nrofemorCernerow. of Pomace Mow an), 1. Drage,. mug two troupe of barite. solo, Stealer IL Tsenail. twinaryl of Germantown Friends School end president of the Alamo Arreo. tra, wt. Hamel.. ea Cent of Wave oblect nn thin trip sr. not to get more 'Rodent,- Dr. Comfort de. Hared_ -We are ailed and alwit, sill be no tBut wewedo net whcb to resteict oar enrollment to New Took, Pennsylvania, Jersey. Delaware Speakers at - Dinner Suggest and Maryland. Noe I found fin ho ejoDMMe Wen,. !oracularly% '/Chieat.. Personnel Department Here Coma end Kane. City high school boys of the raddie elan. with minuet and Stress Moral Education mentalities mlui pieurag Perammiltieo The runt Marti,n mblre,en mad They are open ...Don. from 1104erford. sad we Amalfi [et mem of them iconter d then ner In the liellerue.Str•tford Hotel Philadelphia. Saturday night were We'S' oor '"If ` •.0 not tbe:1 4eineiPele'sneetese by Morrie E. Leedn, IA presi- ▪ Y11n0vteR tale ,Mew sr 0. Adieu)) doting this to entshuMed ebout. dent of Me Cornneatho and boned of ere Aa Hemel- ford wog Ito mums] echelon* Comfort visited Buffalo. wbhee‘s se and Dr. !tufa. Y Jones. pohm. and this. rep be modem.. bet. 'NS. protean. a Philmophm ter with 300 than with 3000 student.. n th; 'ori The President reported that ev,anemb be wan named by T..- Hadiesit chmegen is mining methods where be remind the warm.. erre. ton INvi, beadle...ter of the .chub of olneation at flavorless! were pow and itiembere of the faculty. Be mired by theme emakere. both mud.luneked, 4e.e 'Iel.* ChM with [Ming particularly attention to the holt • enthaision et•mudeum Mc: raver vkleal prMlerne of the Madera aloes rarepleted tbelmeouree at tier. treinins in am. erford would put some of u. who bays. :'17'.714ifFeeel t'.4 to shame." he maid. waelr. Waned aa Flea Amnion fn Cleeelenti, Ohio, Wedato. Rem., s Peeper.' paper, Br. Leeds advorated the eemblishmra t of Lier. Not Isaly did the Prorldmt indcrate kit he thought the trin migrates himbe addreesed The oennel deportment sed mere careful self permeate aed to the Congo for E. tt. e ni it.ttni.t.o.„.. tre.M „ingoirtt the eke moped in It lot be sur• L' Zi117 Blau 1146 00 for a donation 321,000, or leh ..... "Vertd ie''ImIdeh0a=ar''' rt" th* in "Every where I Ina hailed s" la Laimen's league of [m.o., it takes to rebuild the College roads, nee rasa from the [End,'" he said, id, more publieity for the lostIlutlen and 'am an orator. student and philmonber. Parente and rhumb woken. his slay In Detroit Dr. Con, Il In the Weed they are tired of golf ul bt.atitlhilirtrtle •01014.11 fletnt•fiVal Zr.1:.* 4010 '"l et n n e ‘21telejr. 01'0g: boos his remark.. the result. of This jemmie pan. Arbor. Saturday nista he met • Benin not only mportant. ...Dom with Middle West reran. bat •• duty. sItlare-establishes contact tore at Astfact Cotter, Ohio, about • with alumoi oho meet eon see :Te'r4 h the [mob T . his sowitelaw The two• except on summer meet*, " e ■T t ietd, 0;7:: Oint r . " :1,rth'bUt:Il tripe when it day step at Werner Hall Detroit, vim Nosed. We should n complete. rod from interviews sisel lbe colleges of today. ore falling train [cod anima Ulu D. Jena or th eir diminnee meet the den" Brown foe the W make go regularly to th reds of the stwionn wi. remrd of to ate But they theywould have to be se.t general entaprelteneiun of human CaBed 'Swarthmore Precideer and situation.. tme Demarcating n opeech nu the .preeMalmo Dead. Preraul aft; day ideation of higher edomtion in -There le no not esideriee of 10 1110 .aeon e the Individual .tuaent in the college,' iiat's 'grid O'fiteTi'l rcr ale .70', retrain defest•." ""'t •"' 1••• chid; ere not corrected tie ";741•Te: grtrireng/ .17Hi•Ch•TrE 1713 Moon, T2 and )Ira and m a. 4. Ft Fox. "1' ?'" at ent it:::yrfc7Inlireex.t' jr7e Kin; shim of Cod le Whiblo 1;10" William 2. ling.,. 115. headmaster ,0.'1.*"01eu:"etrartf.I7LeerifOrt'tl•g-i•hour. on 'on January 14 during the few stay there. Dr. Comfort of 016110, "ireq:Itialg. teet4 ."eIrle en one rIcIf mod.. an3 prbymicti-erfire're,!..7ol. Dr. Comfort met • rrono of eight boys oho bad extern.. an Interest he Haverford or other collegm. Ream. In onnmentinp m the elecit remarked that Preindest Comfort had mode en excelleet Impression for Hao tetrad nd bed cad .bc Fe node.. a more intelligent attitude talrard alet" Alegay Almost Clive Lenolues ea 12 DR. JONES AND LEEDS RECOMMEND CHANGES if. O. week. The rune end [Dairies Insclua, 1" De, elm ...ore, wi Malb.Clam Committee,d'irr"rn sod was .0801.11ma. t61. one F. A. Ems., TO. dames ems arattobb con the old Keys were elm emerded on Me hm. mbratory until next foil hj.e in Ern president of kis duo added. Tripp ,solo Ill J. ...MU Canepuipment. mas, VIM... mil John A. cooing about 19000 ie of UN latest Lento TO of Pottstown. P., Haversoon-wed type, Mr. Rittenhouse dotard.. nrevione fnmlettermen. es Om "GRUMILD-PROBABLE CAP ;;;',',"1,4' boat altround othletes itigra A 7ruelinately one Perr bt gradmae eueoger of stdietia. ASD .1" 13 Pitotirnott :11,1: 01•:4 II` 000101 thetught‘flair T. C. limethenn. IL °Mt who ohm Fogy, Fig, pas... sag Installation et tikle. In the lecture foliow rd"Tr"nbiTsce from 10 to 13 runneeop to Tripp . the presidency 0., en, sum comviet. Ns/ we. Tee oclock. Music wale provided by Me contest. wee <boom permanent Viee botel orchestra, 001 re::" "cett,1■11 ;t :111"ee ttIVI're'rijr }Mira, alumni. ieducilne Itelph Melegn'br flOrVe"Hol , lor, let who mode the trip erilan 't= rlpPanel"latnb'S. ditbnOrT [1;1. of 'En,LV frr.lnite'rttLV":i.0" podnates accompanied the fifty...NM Philadelphia. MI. in the proud., Mated 'ratted,. Amord.g to Lane. as $120.7110 sto r balloting. ob for foot who * chairman of the play selemion a corporation ached. e. member. ot the Denial Claw. of the ear* timnart /Mee, serfermers Warmed to College _ Ipb"ey ent Soicleltru briv!rd M■foLTir:[. yeted.T Of.rnom. after n morning ."Sicat 7:00:0II '017 7irrOW'k In mom au Me femora Atlantic City ormht, 20. of Creetwool, N. Y.. Ill. el the committee no yet DM when . rammittra Manua woe yore soccer m ,,,,, r and omsident of he 'de, which sae drat present. boardwalk. etected tree.. In London In 190P, Two Median,en the musical um ube Chemlatry Etch that Mae had a our, run laming Dre, Dumb Cyril Meade. 1•410 • ,welldoescrn Fairlieh odor. took Frans. Leeds 4011104 RHODES SCHOLAR NAMED The Class nf 1W10 elem. W. n the [mbar part. It has not Men given Fr.., In the I rated ..... for memo, yr., • .1 me Ch•pei 01 the Prince of Pee, Ph iladelOh...1•000,7 1h. dear the wood half a thie not. Due to the rale, In Ote elude. rat o Eserarth. 211, Defereted by Harvard mia• ter SehelanthimatLarge Min. no definite elyegelarals Mr the He sand . treasurer of MA cln. Other doh imee mramered. AID CITY MANAGERS The Rhoden mtobir009-1"hlir oBeers are IL B. Bowe, of Dxford t'aiyersity, for bob • Nam IleallerDloi. Keen sad NOM Wert Philadelphia. Mee president: IL WILL GIVE SENIOR DINNER L. Dothard, of Iderberth, a member New Be vy In Menemeat f the News Som. secretary, owl Weiam• Fatuity Club to ROOMPI le A. Mellavere, of fluvard, It v. ert Clarence G. Hoeg, SI. and De. II. 011on, of Newark. J.. treasurer. Old Y Room This Meath no W. Kelsey. protector of History. 74: Vr 4rcrerd bl thr„Tec'11:','; Sophomores elected IL a. rb„ „nib, of were among the eerie. of pronanot Baltimore, e tes. lid, • imeabm of h ,vb„.„, the „,„ ,p1 h pow sod eereetary of the Rhode. Trustees men .ecerriewed MOMS teem, hicOorern. • motor at Berard woo preddeatf W. W. R., 0 d, , 1, the Baldwin Prize for Me beet tbeais l:f. ti'■;••Cd14- of Fort Ways, Ind., vice preside.; on esuoMpal my/element Net yet, mei of Germmtow W E Cadbury . • .1 • hh. • • ht bolds the Chaffee Joseph Hommrte tai.' •hd P17:g:111.11:ns•by" • stun 1.17tietRe'rt L.7'.10ra oholarehip for the hisbeet atanding In eq.". •eerefdefi Mitre* IL the br... ilion'er!'etaled last molt. „01 the 7117,:r711111.:! Jarrett, Jr., of Penn); Gros, W. . r .fr r°,1"' were tramcar. shish will be held in it, Old room. 0..°IlLis.riAit:;"*Rboloa benetily ml Se rotor C. B, Allendoerfer, Of Kaman CRY. Mr, Dean P. I,ckwood Imo. at mrpontion acloisr. anti- the meeting on Olovenni Palestrin, do 1 1 "::= rtherlit0A'ee"30:13 .011!..e Irat ritthe ester's rinse tectetery, and a member Ire mookira, who wen the n Wen an at Oeford. Ennverth, who la Kma, secre of the Nom Board, wet elected Fresh• her mge,,,b Inept undergradoste anivitie. here, tary of the Pro- Man president. Other of- lant winter, portional ! flare- bra, are O. P. Foley. ofFraehings Wayne, Vito notation Lam. crake.: W. C. Baiter, of Cierrdam recommended for the scholar NO LIBRARY LECTURE elip.atlarge. Alfred 0. &ann. town, secretary. and W. H. Ayres. of good. TS le the Durham, K. Bo Do..., Dean Wiens, of-PrIe enee, Morseled STUDENTS FIGHT GRASS FIRE hrIlimma From Appearing crone It 1111:4.1 The "animal fire. It the grass field POND BRINGS IN $1200 .4.2.012. , 1% 00, 4*7:"="7:;:inr.a":.= The. Ian, lecture lo Iteram behind the fatuity homes on Cone Circle neared Wednesday afternoon]. Ins of 190' Charter Committee which N el/upped 00,00,004 " S'"" CI,,. 141'=,:1,11',,r:111" bleb "1,44Sce'lleilig"4":p'eek rued ee Pour valiant Haverfordhva• and four pee* SI Recent Beanie Of citizens drairloos a! obtaining the ha mode; n•Igh7 fire..111 e1 .010401 to ac 11 Ins While In Chicsoo Dr. Comfort vieit• write English nn demonst.ratol not ellitier form of government for Come orris. (ram the eperation of I be en cancelled. ed the 11,0, Perk High SIeboa1, when eels ill -regular but in ertramerieula e he cancelled of Rem Mari sdthe Col! Re ekeling noel mach. 1040ehreed by Prinelp. E pee. artivit ea. $1200 thle week. according to 0. M. Dam was mos. by his elehnege. He R. anemia ee M. HIM,. TR and J. P. Jon x HYNES, STORE MANAGER Chase. redener. The reralpte ere el. cos to have been am Prot lecturr,nameee College; the Winnetke1 g:rogY ie 171111nrir horn In ITS, School, Winnetko and the Evens. Mal enterpri.ee cwithout"jaloseles or 1% r!le:77tly Eden Gemnittee Matta Ito TteOrrar•y're:rutit."'0•" the'riar=•''''• 1•'•••• TIOXIO*. Itre'eraraj. In the min, part of the winter the *1,1'0* '"V".' Meaux le flagentil Molter. '24 4. D. Hy., TO, wax elected roma dud f.Tlit"Zaan'frorge bowed la !be Chia.° folio Pkbool"hy "omitted OLT. enontrob ter of the Co.operative Blom at a poed would be .ho B. TarDne,father of I. 0.10... ePratiee an Mace of n MOTO. • 00, low this me ,4L. a.mmlepweted year. Due to Meeaceptiomily lack of meow and the Yovd.y ,flu ecotinued cold of the Mot two wet:, Peedelat Comfort addr Neel the Mente1 .th`t.ve, which n4vlrce banquet given at the Hotel•L %ale. lei..111:L.,,Iiverford almon, perltan'e"p•it'eikiTetelPillIT'en'tatialtnett 7`11wrerford C new high record for Deo sett for g alle•te• Rucker p.m. the. ,nlanalter: it promMence recently when mcropolitan (cepa. Nathan 11 11raCheney of lob, of whleh •di this pear. male of morel values to CMOW.I..3100 . dmAinmoral newspapers quoted the record of Hs. deeland It le false no lent• maim deeielm, 1111 L. gOteidaln'entiorrtribre r m'Zdn'T."12. criord men hi the World Weir to pact Mr. Leols mid he 11 Fos did r net ebtall W. liabriel, 11 who Ma Mao bets m PRO BONO REACHES $4181 that President-elect Herbert Ifiemet Istr ?e'lltXt'o":1:1:nt •10ttIZ Oo alth°uh make. la not A> State, roatee of lieverford rriarVInt[lirtScionalWrIeg;! r'!"" , pee.. .4.1IMUttr: ft,teXV-1":: 085 Datelbeled to F111111 Siam Jail. 14. eh 's lam were cement. urating on the (mutating subject of W1 education.TM demur to Load Apia. Mal meetinr of the committee boa bee fr:rirttiorlI' at ertnI:rt al; He [seed his remarks railed fee Friday at 6. "4:17eTe• Torit Herald Trial. sated Held Up by 51101.01 on edueation with Oe netemeat torallt;lb47'1Xlv'er dPigass'ite Peel t utee7rds of Gut college ItlarerSimpler let off at Mots, IIN„ for he Intew he could bring from the man• weelm, have brought the to .,..bow that the aebool contrito- ,.kremon Canal erapt motor Motu Is om ager. their appreciation for the alumni amount received .Need gine. Sentembe eoramisaloaed officers teed 203 College Mourns Passing lorraii" Comhrt we. n ,load moment/Mr. on the hoard, who at 0010 I. atin meal 34181. red on the jecy[r„bewl,41.,:hare to their dellberatiom Of Ethics Costume Shout Oentineed en Pam e, moms a "1::deXi'reS'Olstne'lltr*olrel"{Vre". Th• 70%..,_whee-atraffeiate. 1721;:alr.57.Z.T.. to tp0"dlt on obg"tw .Millen to thme men, the College ""1"%' est Oho the Corpora. Mr. Vermilr'lltrodsced alumni secetary. For the firer time Mors 1818 S. 11, Hoopoe. bit are Mao president .Down"below, ZT'T.",%:•.:Vic,''' :ostler arje:•',..r:g eteletront ha ALUMNI Haverford and...duet. and their The Ham•randin, Le had restudy been elect. • mem• of 1000 hour taken the lead tomb mention. ,ilenc,14. Tx dep;ivgle of ttiplalt. from the Nam aura en. et um sememen ties of 1004 since Jammer likely that mom of the condiatanta Alva Da., am O:11 lue [01107 g1 204:111 were of wee other deamalcation... ha In he Muter commie frolic. attenant 14. tan Mee Iola se um handmatt of Dreher om. President Asa W, W. fit r.....thr:,,,cl. Ethice lecture la SWARTHMORE "LIT" ABOLISHED Comfort and Dr. Jamee A. B,bbltt. name. Z. lam, ea easecemeet 0. Witig, he wea fitted to forty on M. :rartialiFtWrdMgte77etTa•re ey No lame us* hot ma. r• "'I ced predecesaer.a work in the educational After a brief life of four years, the emeritua professor of Myr.sod Ph,- doting the roma of the .._,At ge ,suggenion.of Dr. Sofas sae he and eumom central ia one. field •1 Hoverter. He win eked by Beeentunore Coney...at nod KM... In Use fall llsra were &rand members of the Jones, professes. a Plfilmooty, faulty leer bra us otM eneeet. MY • fey m. Mr. Yarnell ea a halve., organiser. sent to France. where the Red Cross ed °meta a. Mis hmh min he er philantbrapIst, Inmate, end cooperePieced them In rule.. brood,,. of re. iteVZ eltr14=e:17"re he te all mama.. sonnuera m ive.persosnel movement Diener. , .L.70,4 01.. 777 k pr ivz r; tV"lot.-.7:1t.'11414, oleo L5 elm am p Habill.tt,AIed te Poe. eau The minute adopted by the COMM., 1,2 Tr et: :17.1%Tifedo7milol..w.?!nion e:rile'Clsr4le : 7.1111. ". " endowment one 4. emoOm trah am mid. out, fram Ilo &MM. meeting Octobe 9, of a surgical capital at Sermalso. Al L-14irrl... • amalealrte ;11;2,1 194 1;417 4 same 1148. pay., tribute to the woe): Of Ibe time . 1=1Vrd'a Retail or flanelal 11. Jane., Andean,Came* ell. peas Frederick Palmer, Te Ls la emu men 4111.1. It J... emery midynra saw no Mr. Wing for the College, wee read by Marine Murray, editor of the 'Pon. . 4.Zire In the Chemical division In donnerede. Irt5:4:7■•:it Pea.: " folio,. declared. COMM. an IL 001mne • p.10r11-3g.,,7:.?„grg.7„,r),.i.iefLI: Lt0.".:74T'.'{{"11 ..6ilte..2FL-'. "tr'" 00 T. 250 Present MET MEIKELJOI-iN Visited MORES E LEEDS, 'BS testa of Ilea beard et to , wee sapneted the eetaMbh•on ncome. Arent. torsi i ri=1",11 7:• • !"•=tr•E:1:1'. miner 0004.0 m Philadelphia Seta, day. Mile Trip at Annual Din- 111.101 °,11.':'..,":r7.17,.!:..7°Mg Co- -aaerd ;:rivgavlo,:i17`41717 Al. tau . '4i,r.or.l.nk17-112:: r en: PrOO, neat(., dm... Ren vz. pitu '2.. H. gri ;wt.:1r: t„Or;,...1.1= 1 7'1e1.:.00," ['overlord Men's World War Record Receives Publicity From Newspapers :r,V.,-,VX-L2,1?g• ° .. .0at i° ,MA 2 PUG enannwn ea Pace canon a COLLEGE CALENDAR Farman/ 4.10 .."ritIL-Firtnegrit mall es • y ratri eitpmag-ilr.: . era. la eritioa1i hein"tree "OA ins "tml,e, FSlrelry 11.17. pbwmAT 91rert ta.g t="1 ".• "TrAiV.7 .7A2Va 1"." a,q422.1 '&1,1 Igtrra rum • ▪ 2 Monday, February 4,1629 HAVERFORD NEWS HAVERFORID NEWS, 11TThe Crow's Neal 1.1.77 471.21 it as U.* 72.71.777 17777 0777 71 1.771■11 Xs 1221272. THE COLLEGE WORLD Exams reams me Noe that These the midyme rd"re", w;•11to1"reverse ',:" nett!,the'tact 01:1 NXITO.' SO we negleged SPORIN'SO COROR charmer" 707C.11.X2.B727. :ad x4eminsgra tIon.frIt4he fsmily, we 72.7Toroth Learn While Traveling A Real Comp E. 7.1. img pre leader Is stein 1.491WIrtarZ:CiiiiitTsho/Vn:8131 0171. 138110 0 t17,4 we Tn.'s arrived s g.reet 'deVI'l; InaPribeeton, NDIT0111.1. HOARD 4rl® R. lathy, '11 niessure from Camomile. etbicatIoni Menlo-to b eth!r.tVg. No 'Velergdelo rtielio,..7Ara 1177.0. Sroher...fr.. .31 dons le thatSerer. nett. hare coroNned bloat exordia; Coins slumor. to the In Ou.rr psrtiedAf. r4eltht to notiz hond:and comseeeo The hi. are mburtnnites oncemot• ten for mody to the student. IX. P.X 1172. 'SI Irene trarellng to and he from gets their per rant ells7722. Re. 7( ire• grindever ilk heirTrdidae",:sr. work ,Lt .70 EOM. TDITOR n'tlers Coat R. A.17.7.2. ...hut 1-heto mho.. beg. this fell, melte mereofthan to put m re profit skin throatels th 'rho coneenation two Compromise With the Movies rare .ihnlare mmlly after a tortirelerly mann easy exam Is mournful metigh to A compromise h. bree elected be177100.2111C On rem. raid nine. or twee. the tude. body of Conseil on thF°.471 wren oil whil• the tang the local ecs aseemmt of the the 11.020.1. XXX.. Eberle Roomy.beThe rem aru 11T st beforelas the InInetetheareexam roomoutjuwould Pa- former heeeby.to deport upon Mebromeme. agreement of tbeon 7u.`7'' hooded eaomh quietly CIRCULATION cr..:, `711: bet o .VINT11.0 boob qi ,;: .: P.m a Moe, 111.110. ,ml N. 11711x. 7.. 1. tune hod a "freiVr :=411'...1,.:1.`170,..:.,t • • Approbation evenSaturday. •pplame at the .1.7.1 0.1D Abolishing Baseball sreond show toe :NS /...701 wlen. Franklin and Martha college bt= ream. bra MM. Muria armed baseball from the meets pro-b. ashea ITI'datti011eitttt." herd 'm name be retied Motu: X..171.2. at Time to Par Debts 1141[10 IS. QUM... 1:14 meerdthe oaf for nhothehadaseotolittle 1CNSI-gredeme •t thCmital Ve7:417" ,'IC.f.`:',1Qtattt, nerd for the termini. ad. eir had been beamed that malle . ott forI VatelTerVineertric Airtt,t.t.h.Zberc=rXect • rltirep ' T ••=sma tin college's todeurDay". holidays, Mown tab artl :=1:107'conten.tg; Lholdadou Lister.= tri:l"M .M.F TaT Z1:11,74E:IT< fet.°7`71....11':..-ne ofasnerd Oa t="ormT.r ebb am ...io creditor. may •ppearneebe• rx°,thr:gi :e et ltrrre'etieVetrreeftVit'rm lre • • Secrete • fore their en donna mud withoutdebtors embareassmeet If the stiff 1::11 rFt.:11F.,:rt; MIdelaht om be .devise Tan yoeinlie methods of Andy are debtor lark s THE NEWS EDITORIAL POLICY i r e ,T. a to make of fanner Editorials the Nem&rates do notfaculty neemearly represent theareopinion of ...te "t " tboed tri core whams topsthemiabode. nify thrirgi res. •inelead mates-Ey of theinLind or alumni. Theyproblems desIgued to arouse intelligent dimumton of meh Haverford as the 1.=;;;:„r":* :^ 1 1:147:e" '07 News belie.. merit the connideration THIEF, ESCAPES of thane interested AFTER in the College. peopOrtiOns larxe esough to horrify Constructive coramunicatione renter... Haveaord enabler. or the eonROBBING O. M. CHASE ' [71.1 duct the stand of thinarenewsmen. roe In The Mail by trineifell,'Itr.,:nrra whether mowing mf ectiveh. ere win eitow bate this paper, boor7sed•a wweek weleomed thefavoring editor endorfor will be perished on thtaken is page. Narrowly by Richmese .. nat The New. doescommunication. not mrentebyrmponsibility the fact. or opinions eon. ard Meter, assistant inquarter, Chandra, lleged "PlegistismA tatted in such and meet re male Mde judge of their arta- ream-inns by eerie. that he ex. to month thief raided the of 0 Ti,Ittheis Editorde.. at The Newel Anonymen lette rs are not considered. but names will be with- all tie... ▪ , lee meek to expect IL Came. reran, luring the ou. bekl from publican. if ao desired. • snt all [M. Ilireline athlete ornality Breuer, 93 literary mann.ofbutbutBurch.la perThehour, tome And on that•we•would reau eta risk a Mr clothe.. bu 00 our Mess like to add _la eondes. reaurkeS, but aotal•S wereexcept ue me fIner that we are prying for a Milenium metre There Is Hope •Natrtie's;eilia.s"I'1,1:1e. wm taken eilrerMitt plated Jewelof The gathering of 260 Haverford alumni on the roof garden of the tell around to borrow our totes, and thee P.remq madeMom toed Demme tr ease conteining a•loss few snide no cont....11y after he has bidnie story, 'lb. Sabra." nee.... la Bellevue-Stratford in Philadelphia Saturday night was a remarkable dee little vol.. The of a mann a ree library with HI, 0,hresre Ibex Havertmdlen te. of event in mere nom than one. It was certainly remarkable In the num- the himself beam me, ,..ne overcoat. mmrse. sad a wno. enemas. hence to rat. the wee but let the em. ins Me first week of examine... dor. ber of distinguished roan from the vicinity who took time to visit with hethathimself good ss the on ete of theybaleAretooknotIIeaHann Th 1. their college mate,, it was certainly remarkable for the large percentage 171. e ly. 'The amt.'. I. to tab, of 7,7144 of Briefly, of the total number of alumni who were present for the Brief occasion, and • wanderer. atter tone last MU, only to •t At.71.4rer:th.2.9','ef.t;Nn'e!.ttnin10ge!.: certainly also for Its unusual procedure of honoring -prophets in their that MM.hesa famous sal Rs Aeon al lengeh nbe Z own count," by providing as its principal speakers and entertainers toils Mm NEW COMMITTEE FORMED r ::7` 1174: VZ.1..,t. graduate. and officers of the College Itself. But there vain a still more feature to this week-end af- Then it some PalletthiphiaiiFeral.inter Policy Amnia. due from fair, in the unusually epecille, in significant the unusually challenging nature of the the etntlenr torn to the men who Is epos • fame. city, Bun it bed TheIlea addresses which the three Haverford siumni-officials delivered. The Align to ern College miter serelmt Fortin Polley Anoreetim Phtladelphie Deem], has enamored the Speeches presented an entireir Meta to the Haverford view: they bedien. . buelne. eh*butane. ...?? ml this II'''. 7241.6 rotirild',..:"Upro. ., het formed. yofbneita T,Junior Committee to editorhiemanes... of the New. Me. Mem show a sin, prenened an entirely new avenuenewof appro.+ to Haverford education. If mamfer to the AmaodaiI v'. &Moe Iris,71„ Ian, moot isItruly remarlable--stid there sem a possibility that the addresses would bear fruit, it could be itt. eta ttire metrshrer Inn Von., believe. was flret in ems theIndfield,not only Is there t intereetIng "erdtZio. said that they opened a new lease on life to Haverford, available for the rinthon committee. Either the Council, V oa Serer., Febtaking. the Amiortrtion easily pereliellem oh plot but en.nreally U rr.'Tt %;01stir'n'leettl:tt"' "lima theircould sympethe by ran orfarboth The remarks of President W. Comfort were delivered upon the tepee. mobeornMartanio. are heldat'in19..). th, reit rind appreciation mender of gellvaegtratfool be Itallmem completion of a mimlonmy effortW.which wa e astounding for its initiative the tin. a... •••11b ere ehe Bar.quite dead and The mlareams at 1.90 P. M. W. and energy, and sounded the battlecry for continued afore. of this and idiom modated Otb nth Ha f broker III= 'ordZeski."Irk him wire bleary ra M. du not . like kind in behalf of the small college and of Haverford in particular. 0 .t7" I Elifor have The suggmtions of Corporation President walla.M.sad1.rtalmrie there is noenlifehim. Morris E. Leeds were so pro- onunumesIlon."3. Is bare g. Pattern. ex.ere Moms S. Dates, timbers: Bk. ;LT,: gressive and plausible se to appear tabelieMble tfled.r.d. EflvddflIrd• Alone nub his other renege. end oat.11v4.1ans.. in Economic. while their indorsement by Dr. Rufus M. Jones in the name of a broader. endue ef Aneetch, oboe keel toer "141 ' " :5"11"Thh".`",;' , 1: lend J. Gordon. More spiritual education seemed to set the seal of good promise on the feu'rtli anneal roes .ere at the Col- the chy of La:toga TM. deed 'mid George ex.flig, is the the emeaMtion. poseibilities Haverford actually getting "one jump ahead" in the ed. vereity of Minnuri lust before the .fain dQ sot woe sow. Inn erne Ir ehairme of Patterson, Mtn... world, ea the spooninan of '80 succinctly put it. Approximately 9149 to rhenium,. beam,. Haver. sent x0)..ex The very proem t ia overwhelming-HarerfOrd progressive} Haw- ITN Or. scabs Mr. adding.. sad Inn Den.m • reepectiee ancient,. -•1 erford a leader' Moderate Haverford? But common sense brings Halo NM Mil me. Van 700 XXtutme 7171 onle know that • memo. inhere.. Liner. down to earth. The Haverford feculty a whole, the Raverford t,",.:^2071zr.tIldbr, alumni.as • whole, even the Haverford studmtasbody m1. and bill' mer. te's as a whole, would • .1... I my the aittoZe never consent to the rereluttonmy outlined by Mr. Leeds and "L' els:an e'...E. Vra.:. b w a. 7. hare pereelved, nuke do Dr. Jones. These innovations wouldpractices education on a new basis-on ma..111,•Zos. Sereme"IIinmly that !Mat . shepherd thatage of preparation for the work of put fife rather than that of the mere fund theknow hipening wtth pass of semLannual memory teats while in College, It would not only 1,ve been mien 'nn nre lest weeko trer rat:VeZtt 071•17"'" "7 add courses etudentsand on the practicality of religion and ethics, the history and Ifwiththehosnk onlookerri lied termed t balers tinned of Im- ' unfulnesa of morality in the world, but it would require a change of outAll to'br similelook from that cold,ofscientific pCS.Sinlien1 to one of hopeful seientille trent. .27 menden, Into the Aram, own-bred mu ta d eaimaging art optimism, fromofthat materialmean scientific sensuality to one of spirituel scientific generoolty. ItAmerica would sadopted carrying outyet-and of ideas that scarcely levee nitantrels:'r sari 1int 7.V; czr,;t"...;.17.1'•,,L one or two colleges in have *a that is too much much good work ex all the fireme. put read certainly not emeet ,, toassociation ask of a twentieth tos000r. _ feu Haverford student body, faculty and alumni en ohne. -WM.lc a. 01.bbenonte Meareenr Sere nm put together. Of course, there will be some who will support the idea. A large numbet of the alumni at the banquet seemed Impressed by the sugges- =114 tion.ideas Thereas thetheusepresent existence at the College of such moderately rm /TEND EXAM rfilliE :el "7" .stiI 112.772 e" new ofofunlimited cola, approval of student curriculum Cof[ege c.a.editorial into the Ms. Nen tie!",gre committee, 'atTeloe"egilvnelen employment the honor system in examinatiena, freedom of atke now.e...papers remain the mejor inject be required hef speech for College publications. establiehment of Imn funds, conduct of yea archaeologimi expeditions andsanction of student government. v hens ngrgt, ;' , 1`nom., lion has been improved andmade less frequ ent. A number of the faculty bonne ...en ampere ith the prehensile or OM reek.. examinable for and of the alumni are active in social and civic improvement probe December ameetiag of the facoltY.at grams, a course in the History of Quakerism has been established and imperfection, now theofprofessors hare gone so fee at to secure • majority favoring the use comprehensive AMUSEMENT CALENDAR examinations in major subjects prior to graduation. at that thereandIs the stillunderg seriousraopposition on the facultyattosoma a num-of nutla 1.1.1rete diffealtles often interfere ADELPNI-Jem conStop. Prodeetleos her ofgotDoubt these items, in retitle., the work orereonerl In dna. The Jest.. Moon." there.present and fear andto lead inertiain the willduates coonthemselves be at workof kick again , and then of their exuroeh 17 the end of the BROAD---The News.' Kimono." smreite May Went. the reenter; lot tlive., oppartunity Muni° not Mail to eetablishMent a personnel deDNESTNUT-"Gwod a remind• mretere rented,play. starring George Ohre ntthe Assigarneot on teaching the campus of Additional or of will a spiritual work into ERLANGER-closed sense of balance in the curries. lethedone md Ms bud_ Ode week. Iona dud. the cram pedrel attitude he gone. violati. of the Welty rutted adoptFORREST-The Duman Damen in a Hunan productl. with • We might nap with Mumma, "There Is Hope!" but do we dare? ed lman, 1027, al the melend large net a Bunn. performert. studentRuch cutrieulem Led,.ileum.' -glairGummy committee. forbid- GARRICK-Lew kblas. playageoleted revue. KEITIPS-"The Silent ding Neither marringmusket John Nieh tHden7. •5it practice. 7 one cow. Mixofehoohl year. The Building 'Vie's the Green Door LYNIe-'Atthiltreol'IVerel7nr, doing choke meted,. giveo Inc booed len.sided on the life or It duries "If you want to:. 8141.111;;FIToe Cnk in numiceletly "Bain or Shim." Mang n is building finished.... Exams mumnom, the semesThe with theforgreen door.time by jubilant Haverford eta...- ter, WALNUT-Edward G. Robinson In • cisrectrrecomen, 'The mark, gintwo-Miran take onlynf ate-et It was need today the first building whichyears,'? Is characterized byfor thewhich Enginnring department Philadelphia PliefeeleY•In "Tbe athis "dream of fifteen thisorbuilding a fewwork beneficent grad-as ee ;itmoden.t.. ALDINE-Mmem md Dorothy delt uates campaig "'go. ned three years more end on which Was artnally ARCADIA-Reg inald Denny in •ItedIbiehaill Hot Speed." Harker.n March of 1928, this building for whose construction and equipbegun I Wilming BOVO-George inutsrott and Menton .The Wolf of Wall Street." ment a ton alumna...eve 1120,000, this building which is E artisARLE-Mae Murree inand person NYI.722.21 7.71 two and her inMarimba tiredly designed in antique Z 72...4 'Ls. • ■•■ ttrvo'irt‘toAl Colonial finial both inside and oot-with oak Dorothy Marken] Jack Muth. ?MeterOrchestra; Front." also woodwork, bronze bolero., lead windows.... James have taken And green door. Htlior"trertleT■re... Dorothy Burat,Th.mePhilsdelpril• cry .theft 171.71e 01 HARLIreerri-IteW It is said in behalf of this door that it ie a savin green g touch of Harerford!" And even the Joh. Hopirs!ifret ereled ant "The.1'4ft...a Fins, in -Broken Blot, color, that itthe willBummer match themonths grass which to expected tO grow vp in front Mos News Later Mill7 the flarrhy• IS LITTLE-Lillianoalth anB..rRich of itWeather during tone, iiiii ',Immurement when the students are away, and that samewhet the heroin's .Intercolleglate the willwall darken it. anyhow, afterbuilding, a mriod ofDym time. It istheprobably STAN174. .CeorgeCrawfo Satterrdinand',Give AcAather like that louden modest STANLEY-Joon which the the and Physics Nue t In "Dream of Love." Laboratory havearchitectural been made tocurios lean. Itwhich adds one mono item to the museum Local Photoplays kaleidoscopic comprise the physical reality hen ARDNORE--Monday and Tema', "Me LIfe:" wobouley ofofaidee Heverford College. Each one a gem of beauty in itself, the whole proand Ilduselair, FL W. Griffitlfe "ThePrivate Battle the Sexes.with aoutehte more puzzling constructiomi assortment than may be found anyPhyllis and Saturday, mimeoofEnloe in 'glean, whereThe of aslesigner'e textsecond book. boat BPL-Hever.AFrIday wall appears NARB.ERTM-Mmids to he the unit of the formidable battlements 'Torsda And Wednewler bane been erected between several of the which is buildings, perste; Jeme.." haps to their keep eloiatered out intruders or to .prevent the undergraduates from looking SIXTY-NINTH STREET-Monday. Tuesday end Wean..., D. .11:. beyond campus into the temptation of the world and the TWO ALUMNI DIE beauties of the trera beyond. 14114! '.9.a"Pgal;, 112a! 1:mi,". 74T-TbVti,7,:g7, "'"d The interior of this new Samuel Hines Memorial Labor/nit, of AP. TOWER-Lowrad Nagel and JmewCollyer in "Red Wine," During plied Science, as its baptismal name denominatel It, I. light , roomy and Chairman of Poor•Minte SEVILLE-Monday sal Tuesday. Carrel in 'The CarePep:" w" Wee ftheemeha to Hoer! Attack attractive. It completesofthetheprovision of ample, up-to-date Wedeeedey and Thursday. Nene, Drexel to 'PrepAirend quarters for Nonce the nienee departments College, of and the of deaths one-eighth of Abel of Wesley the 11,000,000 0'04. Oa, Lmadale. Pe. one FdcenMnary program for 1933. In addition, the improvements made toPoen. Rob- Kral.Peltier Wednesday ma • Thursday. n-bl. of Loa Cheney la "Weft of • Z senhan" erts Hall and Lloyd Hall end the establishment of the William Penn iiiiiiii dation, except an annoying percentageschedule of debt,one-third have made the total I' E greens.owl MM., ' The• Mt of the Stow" Mar.. Joseph progress on theInforannicereary improvement to date, leav- '1`.:. Kra.. oho nes 44 rest. old. ing four years which to complete Moab the program. PHILADEL The outaide O RCHESTRA, of the Engineering building was designed "o7r4 particularly 1 1? n'as'eannierh7,,kr,7 by :dr". etHETI 7 the architects IinPHIA AOceRd ai*V.97ftfl. woe tocampus' ogee a diplomatic tor a the conciliation North and betwren Penn• membet studiesofend some of themediamore LOIN Asmeletlen, variant of the the structural deeirts, and this architectural Lambaste Board of Trade. Durlmethe PENNSYLVANIA Ofail tion itself would be counted among the building's blessed attributes; were .etnevn oyei:116t.„3. it notFoe the monastery wallmrtx,71..7 um" Mornay aleht"AP., at Sig in the leademj Rfitale. widowILmd e oon Er. Oft Med oeOe maL.ON:;111rSitro And the green door. It. Jame, t. Eastman, Dillon & Co. INVESTMENT BANKERS MN WALNUT STREET HILLABELPIIIA , s to yea ure ;16.70iI7c1;11 Gra. of risen rear hin . You will sham find only the most approved street and dims in John Wards They have been grouped here esmciallyfor college men-For John Wards have been the man's shoe. 00 year. college (7i1NW-edd MEN'S SHOES Complete stock and se, time at our Philadelphia Chestnut store, St. Just below the Adelphia. leStet223 GliVatia& bee m i rove PROinting-1 1334-1036HOLADELPHIA CHESTNUT STREET We Welcome the Accounts of Students We believe that your opening • checking sc. rnunt with Girard Trust Company will prove mutually in our desire to establish cordial relations with the future business of It advantageous. Atlantic Gas and the community. leaders It should be equally adMotor Oils vantageous for them to form strong banking conHaverford Sales and onections early in life. GIRARD Service, Inc. TRUST COMPANY Solicits Your arose a Che.mot St.. Phil.. Patronage Lancaster Ave. (Just Opposite Campus) The Gift Shop and Novelties Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wayne Pictures, Picture Framing century When You Think of Life Insurance Think of rite rae-b rd OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE WESLEY M. HEILMAN Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co. 401 Clieston Street Phil., Pa Morley, Wood & Company Investment Bankers 511 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Mom.. New York Stock Each...a-Philadelphia Steak Etc.,. As.relete Member. New Yorit Curb Joseph E. Morley Jame. Warnock, Jr Alexander C. Wood, Jr. Holstein DeHaven Fos Direct Priem. Telem..6 and Telephone Wire. to New Tort WHITEHALL HAVERFORD, PA. LANCASTER AVE. AT HAVERFORD STATION A choice suite and a few single bachelor apartments, either furnished or unfurnished, are now available. Rooms for Transient Guests Always Available Excellent Dining Room Service Special Attention Given to Private Affairs Grill Room Ardmore 3160 Restaurant Garage Service • ▪ ▪ • L Monday, Eg511111.17 4, 1929 HAVERFORD NEWS Scarlet and Black -Courtmen Down Triangle A. A. For First Victory of Current Campaign HAVERFORD IS SWAMPED BY RUTGERS FIVE, 37-16 Losing Streak Ends as Quakers Nose Out Triangles in Powerful Last Half Drive, 38-35 TRIPP RETURNS 7'O VARSITY ARRAY Alter awe mayor ' selbents. the Net of which wa• set...tend by &leers ea Jan.. IS. at the home of the ferns.. to the tea. of 87.10. the Haver. .urunee .mured nut !XL 1t.'1!:Aentir' A. phis, SS.315. on the local noor, Jenu• era Heverfordt ninao-to-ruarin delta. wonted admirably signior. the Roger. aggregation until the lam though the quarter, thin it emmed bottom droop. out of the retrial of the Main Line Ire. In thl• fats] lost .ried the Jersey doormen rang uP .ren.no P.N....age • do. germ- Into • nuraway. Captain Dovnaod et. ward plaved • wooderful tempted te Klein the Fl.rlet rush sinA but his efforts peered re. gie-h.ndedi l'iligrelde"Ortte "e"'ohi eA4 ' .don. taming to nix hM britinig a[gre go, from ell anglee to Ink. highmaina r h000rs for the even s. Trip,. Retorts to Mere. Tripp's i,thre,, theta ;rine:et:eV theTn'entile'LL. Ihr iee ' the bieottrwlogl"hi: elir';;;'.1:ir the Seselet and RNA etit to aheerie fore. never to he headed. The le f•Iternated brew. the two fire. almost rontinuoriely. Hared,' gain.. a lead of more than 5.• PM , nor the elute. more than three Mathieu., played the tined pole • c.reer to ph high-ecotiog hone. le, In dolna so he rev. up els field 1:.91..!jith::::;:d "rni:4171;:;;;Wrahy'llrg While the el.-111•11 were amused. heir not rune. Poinr, Kat, distil r" j13110:141:n.21'2F6..g ....„.....of V ""11Plrille,thrlo'b'en elemR '11.7$ hole too newt Tripp at r. Upstairs" Electric, Radio and Lock Shop We Wish Our Patrons a Very Merry Xrnas and a ,tr,117 fo N.N A.. .>r I lion thy. the Cmnee cod Ian. p.. ▪ o bee not Americen University. 43.8e. and he downed Temple by au early and brit Won p.m *Ulna which .ined them Led •0 half-time and a anal :w."41 yet12".4r;',1,:77,:„00.100,;, lb 7.,±4" Th Mint wee uversed +nuns. r A Dellynburs eros only lour point „rdr,V!1:etl' tr.".71iT areel:i7ely'tartg it to firb,leileOgfur "Ltm.: 21. in their Not game. •■■•a. 4 prrri emit LAT WRICR MM., Peru Away. M. il•ma amm. ea. 0... Ilesnfitri forth Ll Dr. 'WU.. Bennett we. head math iridiro of the Scarlet o ar 'ii!reIyna;r•ruf:. ;11":d'ilr"rotine tr*T.121 'by Its Deno. the ..1, pm of hi. regime his "07;;eertrIl! %Tr ngIrl:e*""t;ithee'r Not aggrw.S.; y`fr r1774.1.1 ":led la the eier; url.Z. pis,. and wan the blot Mein I.ine ...rep to down Swerthmere. Tandy, slap. 44 B. We. Lome.. Ave. Ardmore, Pa HARRY P. SWING, PROP. 849 Lancaster Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pa. CROL FARLEY, INC. display of Studs, Belts, Gloves, Socks, Ties, Shirts, Underclothing, etc. Picire/es, Sleuth, Shed Muir n. btu in At the Haverford Co-operative Store Compliments of OREARFASIT WM:14E0N Thursday, December the Thirteenth FARLEY, INC. CO-OP STORE- DINNER rinse. &Lt. 1940 Wayne College 233 South Sixteenth St. HARRY PELLEGRINI [velem Shoemaker Main Line Printing Co. Export Arm Shining and RM Cletening Printing of the Better Kind Student Agent 10-12 Atel Ave. MenerlOttg, PA Joe MacNamee Moeda Coadderamaa Mud* MeINTYRE'S When You're Hungry and Want a Bite Stop Cing-PARTY-MUYATE AFFAIRS CAM= of the Ts Miami Komi. ma.Jausassaa,-. BICYCLES, LOCKSMITHING Blvd. Repairs & A D. F. Donohoe ries If E., Lancaster Ave Plamr. 3313 Ard Bryn Mawr Supplies Co. Talking Machine 'Records. Radios Little Isaac THE ARCADE- • WM. I...CASTE* Aft Most ...ars Nattlaml 4.1 LILL.. .4 Grote' Pins Hale Cato. FRANK P. Miller Spacial Agent Provident Motu& ERTY goes on taking ehmeas PyhAchAlyt.hy Pe, on the men who are the real RASCHILLA Persosal Eff.U. Automobile, AccIdests. Fire or 75.11 while at college or starve w. %ski to property of pen. whits traveling in GOs notate, fir alerted. Dene& motor Liability few ear • their heirs their intetmt in the deals la or prOPart, businma. H. Pile's Sons 422 WALNUT STREET PtIlsdatp14. OM. Stationery •Pluss Leak. 1111 its success. The key men of your business should be covered by Provident Mutual Business Insurance that will provide fund. for their replacement and in some cases for buying from cause of Insurance for Students PRINTING Wm. The Vacancy That May Cause Disaster Many a business that would not operate a single day without insurance on Its PROP- Life Innoance Company 401 Cluntaat Streak PROPAIre011 130.1L, PlIfilphleta Sind C.1•101.1•11 awe m.11•riW 1441 A.Donnelly setatOn.ridi . Picteddri. Ruud& D.., !ISO Bigger Eat Shop BARBER SHOP TY."72,1na d. EP.] Ardmore, Pa. '4;1 1.° ■17". B. Longacre Send for booklet today Longacre & Ewing `Provident Mutual J. Ball. BMW. 41 S. 4th street Philadelphia, Pa. Pir-ZzirdurponytlIttfetta QUAKER BOOKS YOU SHOULD READ •■■• Suburban Publishing Co. Faith a, Practice of 16th Quaker . &au.. Qt..,Suet .4 Mena., A.NN. Jab. Wool... Amelia M. Goma.. Postage Extra. Get Them From: W•yne, Pa. GET Haverford College Seal Stationery $1.00 a box Sodas. Sundaes and Sandwiches at the Haverford Pharmacy FRIENDS' BOOK OttO MOO WOO STORE 302 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA FINE STATIONERY 200 Single Sheets 751 100 E.-.elope. 7s< USED AT HAVERFORD SERVED ALL ALONG THE MAIN LINE Printed in Block or FM. SUPPLEE-WILLS-JONES Happy Nero Year Suburban Electrical Co. 1.1a. Acctoutr • .".""a. %ALT', ups Announces a special Christmas AZPELL'S "Tke Mm Line Melee Store" art t•-tasem land w. Twan. 11.11.1■Ownw littratay ysstss. Terminal WILLIAM Y. HARE13 he& Putty cal 01. • 7.4n1 tals4d 4.1. pour sway. SC try Mulls,. It Iforel Earsla7 •1: 41•41Z.• .eniXa171..g 01.7.1 n. Loyd B.••■Wort! .71 vsarias ra.1.. 1..20.im. vs. 4se 4rea, 4nla7 n. roue Par. Manufacturing Optician Phone, Br. Mawr 751 SECO SERVICE c:;;.Awitz- the.. 10111,. WILLIAM S. YARNALL Haverford Express Baggage Stand Haverford Station Haverford, Pa, "We Carry Your Trunks ZIT ..;117; H 1,T:74 Green Hill Farms Hotel •„.. Argot, Pe. n.T, TEA AND DINING ROOM nr =:t. Joseph Daugherty mama or JAYVEE QUIIITEFTE BOWS TO HAVERFORD ENTERS 31 IN MEADOWBROOK GAMES PALMER INSTITUTE, 20-13 Ex•Haverford Grid Coach PHILADELPHIA & WESTERN from the fifteeoefoot mark. Malehtnara hl'seen'Z'q 'u$r;W::7 hotrhe ;gr.' onee Aa felled to bonne the the half ended the .ore was 17-3. Retie. Biles Rear: In the final Bolder the um.. ere 1:fill under the roof. SI bitty Al.. fie .Nth ela•e MEXICO'S PRESIDENT THANKS 'MIKE' BENNET Fleet a. marital or &tame el ..... • Sell.. Mewl.. Tripp to Baseetialt Gen Plop. thew first same this taw. Ilerertordle trent med Mid pa, tin of es teener It. the Y. V. tresitrten will teen its first actual tv.a recetred a 20-13 en back et rhe tuiro. nnennebebeit In an illlnnet MnyilllnbnIneb Amor, FebDid ., narked the Sent •ppes.ere this 7Ir the =MU. tO me Fine Work in Teaching Per of Tripp. .triter forward on tem pick up some rehmble ia the Football to Mexicans Telerl';: ,;:;nelre;r7.6Iou;lhde T' W. Jr.. be guarding was elor'ai■d'rolsire■I In °Y. mnnleRDr. 311.1mel Smith Bennett. h,e the 8fi00 A C. Wood. anal Bin. will Thl. year the rarer from long shot, &up et tiewsure and former Hayrr thr.Z; ntries in both the IL A. S. C. ford gridiron mentor. irso thanked y The worrier honorer. theheme teem haver a rosy f...11e.c.ne,„ Le t elnen matt who got le the g.1l. 'Pyle. In rho lIt elel Preeldmit Pares Gi,1, : et re THOMAS ANNEXES JUMP rn"bliel"arra'etrege ell whew f.the fie, rot me eater r Wins First Piled t of Ae oldtime farm.The .er. In theoMn evrete linverfool stsseiss Area 'Bowed goehre 1 de f pro JSVII, Pa. A. C. Me. f.tball rosehea. held In '177"11; the Jnnl the Allen P. Thome, 27. mistimed rd /rm. rw the My vault. the nigh t [midi Jump. •sui i■Tre'll-porn5 premier bolero In the ...Ng broad feature. ITU..r the opponeest. an bump event st 111eineiratiou indoor e$ wee high tier. wt three andd The [noir, held normally by the he first s s go.1...1 fool. meet held at the Pe. A. hils410. Mendowbrook Club of the John Wentuotb:11' tres t.firt=e1141.11"ert' s Mr Phi.. on January 7s Thomas. who . moat. Wore, will festUre rs. of ISATLISSO1b the liendieg ebb egi eollegiate mere represeeted the her. not, clemed of the tract world. Perry William, aloe feet alarm inehee to octet.. .11 s trip. The- op stud.. IftMl Oinnuir champion in Oh. 100 end other .mpetitare. of ly. mum twamem 2X1 e la b . Aix Inc his speed f Itoeld. that the termer Haver. io the sprint .e r•- while Paz. 41•S 4if ar.rfr' .4. hem strintly being arttfifitststi with the ford !Whistle, end trot SW ,finwer....tvatteses. Km. fat gm. Nur., the Flying Finn, t. the fimehtnentela Potreb 1..01 wee U In the two-mile race. The errom famn ed with r he ieterent . and enthust= Zrieffid gthle"It!'wlitye.OM Oerrton Mile Trophy &II ottrart the a rhye iSais.r.1!'netenrel.'Pjaste.1•11Tt heat milers in the East. while numernue II rain! n be held lints aml declared That the, ere alt.. thy races will draw rollogie end Wsiss!' troipernmen.1 tpirit ae well es Indy ki;r! Ms' pert Prveldent ,....,,. .21:1 , 71111!S ,y Y . OUR PRESENT SALARY 11111.1111.11. TAGS' LLICUE etureased •ppreciation of the action rill the Anwaean marhel put Ada be would Yee ewed =ril 1."." STIAVIIWIs e .n,1fet with the e. of 10 Patel. Up Heler".7:: The Senior Pleo footh, lonerrent through the Newo today,.. fo':1111.";rolei'•=5: ay'rederge‘el from the runall balance Iris twin me recci;172apol;; . Rebel& 1$1.Pelt.. BC IV, E. fa. TO: So.., 149 Trains Daily an the an' re:$71 and Dyers S. Schwartz, Prop. College Tailor OfF4V17.7, •as the seemed Watt, to take the Bed eigererthe'Z'll.711-!WITal 11;i:;rth■Z ll 'en Ifttel."the'inethol; Ist,tt 69th St. i I l t r Haver37.1.'while /idler fred Mr • eminent to Mick the other in from Cleaners 0. 101,1,, who detet.tedy llIel vgetrford 17-19, fie the Ant m meet and defy. Senior Grithrren Express Appreciation to Alumni HAVERFORD COLLEGE & .. . .. 1 • inn r' ham the SeeN.`to atl.6eer- ARDMORE TAILORING CO. the e z.n„141111%-= • I 't:tir:; Ifrot'''tUro'nfarthe V$11:1;1141 •tre! note offered by the Ha...lord tee Down.. tithconnIderable eri 'I'd I byt 'ad'Setritehtynallifr rotates deb•cle. Fro scored on. from the floor mid four times from the out mane lo his desperate effort. to Mart the tld.. When he left the Soo. durihe the cl.iog minutes of Nu half. to be replared by Runner. ti e Deverford call meet Gettleborg not tOrlterhO;I' traTgUr tOth111.; remeater. The Scarlet and Meek en were made frau under the ha kat 0.e1 tee'rely,rule'rriana'binaTe4Outdcho the aloe On a field gad by Mawbion, store was tied rot mgr.-all. Prom il;:e':41r:hei'm:a'llieO1m"y1P-117. tbe game morited by tin•PIT Wen. Mal &mallet .hooting. &unary It Xing and liewhinney mimethre.4wg,t1,,%-ad''..2.■: ■ on nill revert st o .Captain Down. HoM•wenk evened the count. ; Thy nerd will Jump rentre. and Bevan • elobareu then mired ahead goal. Sr Abrams mid Boyle. Shuns was tuned Mean Supple* will bold down nee by dl and dropped ta both re& euml bertha nonexed its lam err f the doable-header. Ic The .001 at Getty.burs hmino this th the of tbele heel ea. followed with two p.n., Down- of qtr in ream end their pawing Me iveM netting the bell (rem under are the er .:girl .all kinds of trouble for &nut and MeClain rtglaterlue rm.:Nr ..1. .rnee. ma.1 4.=. mamma Giese Geordie', la &rat HMI LDS. sm.. marked the firm quell., Me.rteed tett, g hot two pieta on • Noll by I/Own4td, while the Dr. Mot pm. made eight- Adler dropped the leather leather through the rho twice. &elle Boettcher and Kish eneh countered nce. The Seeelet .and Alma abet, 'teemed to here diffieulty in locating the basket. although tee, hold unmete Teic;ZIlluerter. In which their n"th' tight defy.. Pm., the opporrittn to four pole., the charge. been, Avery took the honors by served. i■ ! oeglr-r, Orange and Blue Quintet Has Captured Five Frays in a Row r.rrr....1ifiter4!"' it" • n.. Roth Of hr. "rregleitt: I effect on the Heverford wa• mediate are Tit Themen t;':' se to :11 47. Trop 1'I H•whlvnhe oche fie .s7dee, 0f t e . 1O'cr th4'ne'ver 11 risen relineredshe. Tripp. himeelf. :1"n at:g;.Vatot;t'OnrtrothferiV 41. eit reed ID-31. Mutant &Nom. th ta by convent...limper pass inthda tee point. egly.Mtde Bevan moat... one of hI. liti .e. specialty shots from way off of the Ude ceenderably handi- of the Door, taut who ThIn fie. followed up capped ay • bad ankle. mature, to paby Tete te.ih nesrighe foul I Is during r thee. 'envenom Old the ...Ed half. liaverfrrel alf;reptIon. The milmatirl showing of Tripp 4 ea the more rnrksb rhet the fac ti : 'ff.7r 1;1 Prigi{ree".4%7•Tri:',1 . * .E fel ted' stlarlts.;:bu •"''""d J 1 'gg 1 T:n". ; g hi. 7:r two Meld. 0. bfe at te haslet he regt ..... d both Hohivorm alb pot 'maned:Fe 101011, II lbe re from the Imes, to equal.. 07. .eore.. h e: ;re17' t, "dr id:.7 j! thr. t:i GETTYSBURG FIVE WILL PLAY HERE SATURDAY EMLEN & CO. Reliable Real Estate Service Garnutews Lhnhd lidl 9flutearsh Chub Ulm MU Li. W. O. gemartreth 2IL J.2lis0.thr r.21`,6 kN. KW. Jr. 11.41741•111 112 k A. B. 41•1117 nth wtM. Plauldfleh Lam.. YU Zee lig PASSON 307 Meet., Street Importing Goods, Radio., Toys Outfitter of the Haverford Athletic Teams Special Redaction. to Hawerford College Students Established 1872 HOPPER, SOLIDAY & CO. Members Philadelphia Stock Exchange INVESTMENT SECURITIES 1420 Walnut Street Philadelphia OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE -YOUR PATRONAGE "Every time," muttered the disturbed freshman, "every time I'm calling the folks at home at their expense, you fellows have to crowd in here and remind me of what a material world I'm living in!" "Even you," murmured the Suave Senior as he' rushed out on his way to the nearest telephone, ,`,`have a good idea once in a blue moon!" Even if you're "broke," you eau telephone home-just tell the Operator to reverse the Charge Page 4 POET ALUMNUS CALLS tHAVERFORDIAN' MATURE C. W. Stork, '02, Likes Feb. Issue, But Finds Plenty to Criticize right .as °.= Ittr— ,;;; %.2:e=,.vm.7,, „ VISITS 28 SCHOOLS ON JOURNEY Bur. put 7;1.7.4;114 tu pt isith word.. The tirlion In particular than. butt, tariety. Or. J. W. W..rtmae I. "Tbr Oak" is • sto worthy of De Ad. . The The here. wrong thong Muothly. :e.'"ar!'"e7.11'; DI.. Young body. ir a geoid. glIfferentiated Le. impeerable fora, hat to it7"1:711I:in'oRat it:" !MP' t t'arm-.71!Ly rt?E'ple'Velte'rfrfti7J!. ..,.'"v?. ' -.2:tili"fwli!:tot7L'a oro" Ia. butterer.. well bey.. ti; paw era of Mr. AL IL. Crawford both in mailer and ninon.. Thin in Idaiaidanr. oiled.. It Is tutions, Mit or Boredom! in police. r.b;.'7.11:11; A'S 0117, lar—to develop end ontald the deeper .17 e, :701.1",,,LIA7rkt„,:.rfee Irrrorfer' wrrtier'sfl= orliltgl' 7or'r'11S/7ev' e DR. JONES AND AL E. LEEDS hare the mind dln lo neutral. We ADDRESS AWING DRINER ohouLl in no IMO Oa.. Minim., research. non' Me' mod et. miatuate trom ease t. corm. s torts lo oomeertna the nevem'ant ...Taman bolos. pr esePtinit Br. eplAldul taiga, tr Fn. !seem In his odd,. declared that Amer.. mine..s la avowing like an poworkl. lo grove mow.. a( ernthiug hint unless the to need mural Ode Ills Ls brought out to rate P. "We are liring Fur rememlenn drift or d Id llI. ,f ark, Din poselleglet 1151 M.: amiiu Ph," hr told stt 'have u Rea of ootoro. how E■rnduee both Ilfe nod death. •nd se s oe'ehri'a ti':17tt:'Ire'Tud IIIe" arena a .hr u,s3r.1., I ,;,' tr. It the misefon of all clumtiuml insti- 1;,z; ^.i7.77.: 7 Contissea Isom ewe Cotsmn 5 Job ..., a 3Iarlerle Inner I,, Law.. in Om Madison Vorsiiiiosi 11.1. anti her Lister, Ali. laara n.n. rident. of French at the Wi.ansin. While at rally Ardmore AMA*l "Doc" Leaks and Roland Photo,. Ardmore Ill "Protects Health of Community" JACOB REED'S SONS Edward A. Kearney 14144418 amiss Ilinst Stabaldsla Roberts Hall Thursday night, 7.00 P. M. .1.1•11•1••■••••••••151.5•11•/••••■••11•15111,TIT,P. TAILORED! Modem.. to the shame .. let emu% rotates aerie: maser. Is erase. rp d Modern oar thod• of lllll that Imamr out slatterns II k direst it *21V4 *3 Mew LIN ItILL Posisiks• Haase, tansy Gerard Clay stare as Cm. ush a, manner ers. 24. 7-.• an, iSisiiss EDWARD CLOTHES ,PilMorsh `MADE FOICYOU Naha-mar mat..1 Tmammar a.m. cm max. ud Changing Horses el dinner f here the rusts= the psat. 31...1 planate .1.0 to notify ining nane aw.; '2. 217 N. (Marl, street. Baltimore,. 31d., moo., of the soiety. The committer In Aar.. of the goner tongs. of Joseph XL Beatty. In, '13, ehairoomi 3111.1 IL Marro. VD u. CheMOa care. it'Pqrartlemtfei Eteeeklta gaTlerr ea.121". MARTEL CAMERON Re/SINN F. A Cameron. Jr.. 131. and 1. N. Hart. "I. Mil. •Iliiseted to ristorn lo Colliwv far the Wart of the wooed it war lenroml st 01 erg.. boa week. The fa. that 1,1, t':11!".0' 1'71!"` Ziterrrhirl7(rirfo: knisseis, 12111•1 •Iliette to en i 1511 ia fanning- with hin hither. We Quieted The Fears Of Employees "While I'm alive, I run this business. When I'm gone, you do. That's why I named you as executor." . . That is how Fronk Ericson, inventor and manufacturer of a new automobile accessory, replied when we suggested he should train an understudy to step into his place eventually. When in time we took over our duties of executorship, the employees were Orate the Ericson Company would fail and throw them out of work. Competition 'endangered the company's profits. Litigation over patents was threatened by rival inventors. Bidders sought to buy the business at few than Its value in the belief ,that a forced sale wa necessary. to We explained the situation to the employees and won their loyal support in continuing the businew efficiently. We reorganized the ewes end to meet competition. We employed an expert patent attorney to protect the estate's interests against infringement. Meantime, convinc-n1 that the neirs would best be served by sale of the business and reinvestment of the proceeds in securities, we sought a buyer for the plant. LEARN THE PIANO IN TEN LESSONS TENOR-BANJO OR MANDOLIN IN FIVE LESSONS York, N. Y. New Ideas In Clothes, are fine Amen berm Suit. and Top Caw 535.00 & Upward JOBBING A SPECIALTY MAIN LINE PLUMBING AND HEATING CO. ONT-TA MOVIE Prwiety whirl, will tote plow at POO Cathedral alreet. mare, nolowlay night. Tel.mry 111 at oVInek. J. 3L ot.. Jr.. 1 3. tire mesWent of t. ..ted Dot Dr. Tem.,. maam.. as uncertain. Imenediat. white the dn.,. Dr. oontion to make ao attractive or000dtion to agents. Seed foe your cony today. Adds.. The 9 ffialmark SeThInat Nor," Sta tion G. PON Mee ;Oa III, New Mew is lemma C. Ilasuks see and a S Owing to . hIlmard whiett aletsiowl his train owerat hears lo, Jn s, 25. Comfort tO wax lotted to Slims B cO. 1" 00 room Breed,- to fit. Pool indeed. y et St. Mall Artarmy, pawns etit̀17.1t7a13%. lirotnr, "" hl ne l'U r"d" headmneter. awl Dr. and ?dm II. Toylar. Taylor renetted tied an bonne., Ph. D. degree fro. Haverforel at rommeneemegt last Jane. On Ihe folleadoe day Ito. Taylor gar. a lune... for a, Earl'-which !trio. ,11.7.1 ,kstlendedi With nun [Neoax to iha UoNeront of Mio..tn. adder. to hoolheo onal friend. of Ilarertooliaom the ruiversity Chili is Onlahn. Nth. Doomed Man. day night. Jan. Ma The runnernight Dr. ...fort tooke haters M Without nerveoecking. heartbreaking scales and exercises. You are taught to play by, note in professional Chord -MIN Inn In your MY first lesson you will be able to playa popular number by note. SEND FOR IT ON APPROVAL The 'hallmark Self-Instructor.. is the title of this method. Eight years were required to pmfeet this great work. The entire course, watt the necessary exami. notion sheets. is hound in one vol. woe. The first lessen is on/Waled which the student may examine and be his own "JUDGE and JURY." The later part of the "Hallmark Self-Instruelox. is sealed. Upon the student returning any copy Of the 'hallmark SelfInstructor with the unbroken. we will refund in full all moo, paid. This arearing Sell-Inetructor will be sent anywhere. You do not need to send any money. When you receive this new method of teaching music, deposit With the Postman the StIO1 Of ten dollars. If you arc not entirdy satisfied, the money paid will he returned in full,upon written request. The Publishers are anxious to place this "Self-Instruetor in the hands of music foyers all"ver p the country, and I. ie IA Li& Tow hanwas I. Mena awl Per &mks Assured Mars Antrim' alent-MORIPPI For an interesting half-hour tin. MD, ALUMNI DINNER IT lad tie INI1 President W. W. Comfort od H. T.- 01;1,0 Paul R. Ta .all Brow. Will Probably steak President W. 11'. Comfort and H. Totting Mown. amine.. Mon nre ex. Good Bread. FREIHOFER BAKING CO. Warner's Drug Store lementie et to 225 Linwood Avenue Ardmore, Pa. ml Nr tithe w ton nbramed. AUd elan -rim. Liss, enamlna a wider exec, th. 1 lirm, 'or, teen attempted lo Mot Non, the rilanell, The refrain. Ss /mond gra nee. ant tins ista. to two ton... mm hash ha. els... finality 11.1 the entire poem IrwIrd this "Prairie Huskplisse in the yearly e ncash,. ot xraorienu Sngs Bine rem,. Kees mentality and terse N. 5'.tehI% RtZt": -he -- m tree tett.. Ihe totter. two 711g' stn. ,' 1.."1"..A.4:, They only (snow is the vs.. iissitton is ne hr:* .1 Sins hieh miliools in °maim, Mr. Pratowell lariat ritmephour, "The ,tited Floaalms Haver/ars Late Friday l'entaur •141 the laurel." aml M. is While II Kaman Illy. Wmatoedalt ear a Joon., M. Prorldent Comfort mkner, noon rim!. k fur3. long of the to tho rhombi, of Connueree on Welled by Me J. 13. 11unnet wit . o, Ill fu nigher Diu.ee. "Under The Green..I Mr. Mammy hes Sterol... Itt:0"D:r1oli'itin,;iell'o". " a5 formality end menors. of phra. Eut Rel;:ol trailed Panther. and Wearpurt 1111 he 1.015 • good deal of steer to Felon-de f1. 11rdsnefer. rather near little. The bunk reviews w. contention.. probably from leek al stN"Li.' he."Aira72/1 ". ialord Dr. Moods. 10 iin hl. on t."th`r".?:' On his n.y Pe. led.. IIn.. It2 11,71...7.,..1 AX... where. .00, 011 the ST. MARY'S LAUNDRY 7.:rgr1r:, There is ao Substitute for 'Ls init.. el Ws ss•issr Is • Philadishikla amber meta.. sikaewirlbsadat. ...et.... re, Ow Sim pikas Posiestatiso se ea@ st kis or. l mot Maar By C. WHARTON STORK. '02 The current Mso, of the DaterfordIan in both nurture unit npirited, a coedbin it the writean and rho college There I. partirular /Winneea of treatment PRESIDENT throughout sa of those who have tomebina Monday, February 4, 1529 ILAVERFCiftD NEWS the moral and DR. COMFORT TELL&OF TRIP FlaGaVs211stand.. Xn. pre toe= del them vac nttal factUrAlo life. we ammo! AT MINWINTEL BANQUET Intombargb K. R. Camforfm'YO 4 midge Ilte.workIxafe for devroe., or that be reached home all AT the portals of our large cities—New York, Baltimore, Detroit, and soon Cleveland—a semaphore halts a luxurious Byer drawn by a puffing steam engine. A After running the business for fifteen months, during which time It made 535.000 profit. we sold it tor $50,000 more than the heirs bad expected. The buyer retained two of our officers on his board of directors, since he had two young sons woo would some day inherit the business simple switching maneuver, and electricity takes charge. A giant electric locomotive, quickly under way, glides silently into the homestretch with its long suing of Pullmans. Hoye YOU arranged your estate affairs so that your business will be carried hrt sot:ems/oily? Have YOU taken pour fume execute, and trustee mac your confidence on the problems nu will arme when your property becomes your estate i Our truer officers use constanth engaged Ir sOlvime peaches. 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COMMONWEALTH TITLE, Taal 01 ,R ADVERTISERS DESERVE-YOUR-PATRONAGE •.22 ;tt iYA3E3raaveA,, ELIQ, INSURANCE C 0.MP.A.N.Y