UMW ur HAVERFORD COLLEGE NAVERFORD. M. HAVERFORD NEWS Glee Ckb lotorclogiate ol Goo.. Folmar, 1 ery Pe 12 •.111.11111 SRI Rah Oar.. VOLUME 22-NUMBER 2 woo WM NEW NE Ora Still Undecided DECO DIE SOON Alumni and Students Express Desire to Retain Him; Students Act Faculty Dissatisfied With Habits Growing Out of Non-Supervision Will free Om em we.. MO Ihiveraly, Coach Ilan. no, Ma football mu., reProed to Haverford ho led week. Coact Harm. hr... false a• ...led Pee. Mapatek seed Om Her.. 101. morammed In ma. COUNCIL TAKES ACTION A -vvv,vo ...vv., Nt morale enneeents, Ile Ise. of the Rena. Oyster nod to mom, better oh le aaaaa ace of the Reim to bring ntart• d this went aa • remin of dee... Hat erode at • meeting of the StMot el'eatilgterrirorra":1.91jelti r Conde. Parley night. oadeelded as to Ms amlon cameral. This meet. follow. • two-home to know . mtrart. bet 0r meatoo hue, Mming definitely werk 1•111•Thm • "MP... leiththin 1,..111. W. W. Cost.. Commit roMerred with the ImIty moo font Morned to the Mo.. enmenletee andel. affalra. This HARVEY 11ARNP month. Pi Dr. 30.° """"'"' moors.. rxv.rd 14•1511 Ithialer M. Is sail IL M.o. of A resolution maim the dole of the eld... 4.1 saptlp p oll.yone Mathmalleo, Marmon: Ow., H. Tat. mode. body to re.. Hannon mt.. al Imam the emb we, pas. at a soll Pro., Jr., IR. John A, ERR, Inedeoem Som.. Feld. .cm worodate profenmer of Germ, Or. Theo ismolution MS be . Leas W. Reid. profeanor of 11.11,. Freddrot Comfort- It reads, mat, and Hough. V. Meer, asairtTo Mow ot the net offer to he ort. of Morn. linichatT Assures. Orys'anri::.1112r1:;"ra'd. The rerlerriZr:". id verford Cone.. Mire to Mts eaboortmolte. Geld a com. of femme MO the Otedeot Cotten to Oft.. the facie .1 to rotr. the to • bled eduiZeittrherdlf gartdry lenOlorr Hr MOM. type. Net only oo the ford. .11 AMA but olmo Me emMee cell. h. he end.vored to farther the Ira TRYOUT RESULTS FOR `FAUSTUS' ANNOUNCED Mostly Sophomores to Take Part in English Club "-t 1, r1r:=-,̀7eLelehil.e"; Play on March 7 v. ti belhrIlI bid .bavl Irt lees of Hannan io being mode, the 4.11.• of wideb hare not Mem mode peon Harman moot lent week sr 11.1.114e lookr4 ewer h. ommVernre Moot awl coo mip with collede Solmes. Ible to the oosettled meant. ,•ab.udo.M ,Lenee!".:1. -,?1:4,4"tr-b.2 for the prom RT. Interview. so next rm. Wantow. Coach Rms. mid Mot there wan . mid mdlook, mt. Ye 0.. eeeeopaN tr..' 'orlt eke math .12,-. 11.11nt of the EPRIth Club ley.. foe Th. Pam.' held Slander might to Mimeo 11.11. were aameoced by Fly G. Id.. 100 president of the dub. It the arm rehearsal Thur.. Med. be T. priori./ perm W C. It. Haloes led fi, .1.0 of o bad expreinom thl. year to the Clamemel (lob Mo. "F•tooloo.. Rai.. trill take the port ad Fawn.. Mane Hum Mil Way Other students chemee forto the plat are as Ia..: II. Gm, Jo. M. an Tel.,: II. Parker. '8y Memel. H. • J Loiter: . F. . . el IL ope, P Toga. 713. Rommel FL C. Clan.nhorm 1,00 Old Man; F. IL Walt, T2, the Om tied he_S,.mh-EmwrmY. Y: Map It a.m. 1{11.1,0" : ":restlag"Thr""lecVirca " t" eryren:::.° opporteelity for weak m.o. to Race be essolloottoo. go to their atre it=err.:1 ";Monhalr It' :i. Morrrit1'.7rhO7rlie77,7" that Mme 2 -. 1e nn"Inf I lea moan • of a. offere. Peron, 1.1 Prooel Ir. el. entree. toorenti.0 brareori;473:d 71"ild kr•T through la eolleetion w li MILK'S `IXIVER MAY CAP ANI) BELLS PLAY Tryouts Willie Held Thursday; Schedule Not Announced; Reev Again Coach • rm.-me r.111'The Mover nb- by A, A. Nien. I. • maned hao the Cop end Hen for IMO RecordTd, hordoess mmo• . to 11. ecoo Tryoun foe thi irate maim mod four .door pa, whiehomke the mst 11111 he. y in Hobe. HMI o them,. mo, Thif Amy .1701.1.7. Id Rn End.. Ming io IM. the More. ealitier tee In comma, stn rmlx' Nil.a Well mo. Mahar Ile. MI. Is t Mier of meta well-kno. pls. moots them befog 'TT Troth - The nomole " About My." el. 'Moen r n'n booko. -Who, We Are nine ode Mr. land t. • mom MT MM.Lem. smi Trawl mph.: ....try gales. lort.tion he sborel . t r.,;tr r mama me • whole ealated. The opinion doe,. nevera1 will onto Mr. that let' .nth an settee • tea eel be tg.!. ral f.11111.111. ""17re' arce Rom MM. mu raper.. to 01101 ' Tber IM07dele oft otions le m " so 11. " Vry“":ielt1tor"" wforrral d'rom " cdtr " "e".' ne rot completed oser rend. for leeo kr Yr metrgalovd. The efat,,,a-P. 01•11.1p the rode t Me MhonMent mid C. G• Weser o TO. will ...le the port three ref orrag,.. '":"'"41:41.;:t 1"f"14od"re'. MORLEY'S STOCK COMPANY 4kip the Mao. ma • whine to rote GOES INTO RECEIVERSHIP f "" rolt" traner'eRnsigeer: for or men na roma.. R Maw., The fee. satlefamory. It wen felt that i ems PwatlIf of Former Treater. Gam will M J. T. noldlog. W.11. to Mee the Pre,. thor , Floormia Otaleolity er Idau ,,,, L71: Lrol r t21 I tr. formed It eAriototMer HMO.. Pam C.fenriere WM a. Hi. !Wen owl the otmien;n 1remerthig 1= 'toxin This Wmk Beeson* _Olaltr he "ee, T. "st ki°,1.1111i the,offrode. orr he•tr el ICs. Plant, . hut 511141: . the madeelmduaterf ma two Not., ' d'rettrone ''.1gle taalhel"pillife onnt of of 0.0111.11 ea.. le attend Ile 1.0 The miff of arc.. mini ood, of by these rlawnea in then mho,. f ermlaeloo of • former agree of mision of the hadailoter Men, CooR'IIWm A. Wyse,, mo he. ...mei to • eyelets The romps, woe siert.. the coo. .e Ieeett 1 ° ,Al_41 4 7tidreentiltItin % Sth. laM Rod L Amen/mall] giti27„:Tzit.,t; let he Lad mu. aertoe .Poreno"mo.... This le lee """'" Me dal., of the m of Moho.. NM to Rothe Nor. ; ; .., "'Y'lbl,"2.1 "1.1"e;mgMaVIV:r1:111' ECONOMICS IS FAVORITE The re.. mon..., of heram MfMolt te miltivate Re any of the moolp-Anottle Kim College.. ""lge One of the futures of the three. WITH PRESENT SENIORS t 313.10 day miumenlion is the tweet, laforml yob. creditor. Pt p.... The Mom, I71V t1. . Mal. Tab. Soma Pia.: Chemistry :re It Rebuke, I. worth SHAM. but tin.nor of Ito eaiaaa .a= 1 gritett7tgril trt1" 1:Cfr:latt mad PhIlosophy Al. Pointer oteere, miaton profmor of PhD.. to 3:13,V4 '" ,\''Irr.rrrir."r/140;V:r1 ea." oat hi. ,min of maim. A oPH. , frokin,‘,1% trot of the iheetre ".1.7:t"the'Vo",:t.K f IL" ;"; 1 ! .? Deon H. Tote. Bee, Jr, .011 .o att. the roofer... special Fem. me solarn of tee primeot Serer P.. rfoletV=orrd, "7:1M '1 Mr Morley rtared Mei the thmtre Student Comma ...log nifty oloto Seminar which will endeavor o come to • decision. "',1" m V. of eo. elle Council reached the coma-lotion f Ton Roden. or enjoying eientbe with the Pao• the empor Chrietl. prose... Howard Therm, ir. let April the in., ono 411.1oatml :10 .1.11V".sta".1.or. i Mord graduate atudeat last year ma : : ''',5, hers co the"Sturient Coot. letni"Yeele i negro poet owl Mole.. le to a.. ""7 W; 11niv ire'''1[7!."7: WIt",:10""frlIV: Irvel ff '16 to the more.. Mo. ere oottelders. behl, ' 1.417; Over two Modred Modem. from Ino no ,the matter. Tle moment fir:rt IY=Vrrorrttrit' d y. ea. two; Imast add French. ette the ,theme tinlge!re:Ti;f" .̀" inkieT::°t" linallatt woo obo0i: "^ awe I{amt Cade better x111 Le .n lee ,tt Profewor Stmt. "Ikerrlord IMO be "e ler HAVERFORD SENDS 11 TO BUCK HILLS FALLS p 1:•;.: • t g :074 :grata. rotsr71■2"the'grot ADVISES ON MARRIAGE 11"." 3:1%!dillit7 It 08' . Ri ne:14;11;3V. 2: phoe. History hoolt mond Mice lout Alleadoetfer. IT. 0. 11 Heron. MIMa Conlon Addmme Collo. emedmitionn. Ir. P. Prieto, rO7 Firli:Vr`toriiorntt er;o• The e. duel. la Con.. Tpetd of 111134 will have the code 112f J. R. Miolos, Mi T. I. Pot., the Prr.uted to thou. next fell In an em. lilt. AM R Pamtlerpeed, =4'0' rethe differeot mo0 Esp...m Iu be remiln by the meeker of the ale fell e f oleenoo . .oc f Student Comail faculty ammeters mud k fo ho tpe. t hemother lot/esker. to le neto. Mar VcrlQd , . 11.d.fert, brought out. tbeh tuer psi ex Vrir He ot Irfrre. 1:14 .1=1"errfir"eiy":ritr 'leo, The ago, a this wl ired77.1' ' . "7;:•::;"eerilLmte:1"1:7-Trf a.. optional Pato. groom, A good wire. aeon.. to ,11;„ Ho"e a. F. lit:t.. 1 4:`11E1".1.V17.•Tirdi: &um.. 1 REV. MUTCH SPEAKS ON PRESIDENT RETURNS 'Z„ „eorort; SCALE Of VALUES FROM ENGLISH TRIP 74,1o,s1'. Bryn Mawr Pastor States Strike of Steamer's Crew Need of Perspective in Collection The Reo IR. Andrew Hutch. a Arm Delays Arrival of Boat; Mission Is Mystery r: ar7.1.2o s"" " Unemployment Situation Now Being Studied By Sociology Professor the preTi. I:ed ''Frrrn.rMyl=r Ilawa Prenbyterlan Cho.. ad- to PX'" d.. the Rodent Cods he CoIne3. Itler:Ill 'rettd Watson Carrying on Industrial Research lonmora M. sod Ic """ go the general topic of Ines ''' .lues. hie narks ii at Wharton School of Commerce II Hn begori by quote. two plumagea from the epistle. of St. Paull II both He a During Sabbatical Leave YHA ein.M.ed the nail of Wwrmh iu commet. M. the eaMOM. eil/Mtuot tills. tux I. s soolo ho on TueedM of life'. TM.. He exPlalond how conThere has beeo inorh Hlemem, m"rid": ret 'en! rgertrinlinr. f4r51k teed. II .. with ChM. hod,,rompletely Mang, brtla .01.1, ,vtllne. to Sr Vt'0■1 1. gretell:11;n1 r.rirleLiftr. hint of its Mu. has been Mon: exworhior Sad the wrld. He They see II/ au lootitute tor wen of the most degte m ot empt that prat 'osoo Tod De Watson nw 1 be .e of twelve bebefl"Valft,:r4LTI,Trkti: Id trer' rett, „:3"1., or lam be ...aged in various 111 let. T. the Phl.aelphiti,demeireg! •, ' ,Vss elt I t ede PPHIl,. red ri7.7":44711te"on7=:or111: " la) tonelloodi ens r . r...:',:rerre:eoseogr„!"-Th the nubile 'M.o. to) rem.. Pri: tore b LAre 'to the dell, In "HC Mk. In ":12 reemploy...oh broken map! 515..11,irebegVe lb. eW,'oeeeel.ty remileatatIoAi., f nomialtafeet"ho thie tap. the R.. ey, iEti:tgeliohelels b7V,7 geft: Dr. Si 14.:VITA r.zwf,g:oal:it",'"Arr..;2;Z:d 113:;',.:T?f•hT=11r'Sel.= " 1° eel.: 11:4`,.7114'..t r o.`"Xv"ww'e.::;::??Zi -Ir;''rdi 1571 natisi • Proper appmmi.lo: how, of • ffeetnairt velomo Ir.. the of today- Be "r11 jig.61:1:11,1721:irlred!"1:r pegetrd de ed the It% the l.mpakb - that tbe "TS get hO" Otoodroo mSueu gg, wele - Mr to0 for Sectional Honors With Four Other Colleges re D. V. SIRE TO SPEAK DR. GRANT VISITS IN UNION TOMGHT POINTS IN AEGEAN 74.r 3°.s=1"7°47'2 tl"e" ;011=71 7:s e:: „drItlaCi" .t" .mhe rletVittr: ,s icrm f,:(t ,rat bi m.o. arms "may be taped. mu. Henry I.e. Broom Seabee ,f D' ro"'r Brow. is • member of The commit.. yeHe.e DI .p roumtely NEWS ELECTS MURDER itel.phallrge Irdnel" per7ert" of atirel are Mamma in detail Iv: ut f work a .alt of he Inlet111:71. Welialtnr' 2" Wt' W. t0e,:gg"Ire de Work or W.A.alre.13.*:ettch.8, Lod d".it. t..ULtrytemta for No. Somed bad gi"Z '1gl:,,Frbremel Ism of the Roo """".""fn of the "d ""a"reh' Ir. on Monday night Gifford P. roll.... Leo. Outiloos Pro11, Henn K Thin then eardiddery for meMbermato Cl Ibe Moe " rorlIttret! Mr ,f Cumm rcl V thin .Ludy edito.I board Watson polo. Id to Mat ...lay. 7.61:".";7:1.7:117.17..:11-;..11 "r::;:o.;;;; the ombern by the Glee end Inntr. ma'al ohieh wore the nome on erfaretrt:Zgro „ra,„, om 1 hr. would In.. name then p GLEE CLUB CONTEST IN WITHERSPOON HALL SATURDAY, FEB. 22 lotto It. Corr, ex-711 M. remota f ilVh. Harrerthrit, tee yrorte 12/ gala. nationdekle reermotarol 10. farehMr,O:e0F,......,.%.*Tig:...,,,n;:,, HaVerferd Competes latent hook. -ft Welke II, Mg.". nlymery novel published by Harm ail A, am yoy,,,,.,,t,rrj .: Itrotberin New Tort. Thy .101.1.1 0' west regml it as roe their out... of fay • pee M fob pohlkelloon Mod prof.. blo.mttrim he h. hoeing ss"""""' 4 COLLEGES WITHDRAW Pr,f.rega, r"" " CAT Hr the otyle of the Ti7VIi much acclaim Mr p. ‘13. 4•Mooi HaD. %loot end Juni. He tl •Mo He ham.. detemive. here. my Am., Philitdehdda will he tm eel e Ibr lead- .den to we. Pen.yhon. Reglome1 Ito lrarromer. stunto.m. o Me Hseerfordlo. up the J tenolimen. Glee Illob Cost., tr. le held Mornay, robe.. MR, oL,."11" 'Iit: 1" '" It. " Salts.. Aomori MI. lommigatrir ' tot, """ hr lot. her hill rem"mlwr bat the mole lade Ile. IIu[n /.. e7LiTuitt:1 '" . Isd ira " In Hr I:GI YfaedoNl.r. 0.• ,tz tie ea . Gine Club la Pmsosylvaola mad for the .. ta7 Vant7,11eilltum. adj. of .11. Ftmerfonlimo eho t, tampering hi the E.I eon, TMy ao. and.71::mr ilre """‘' petition ro he held In New rate. n. ' 17"”11.""T. k"/ el 1 le """ oefei woo the lovable Reorolfe. Thom- Penn S, to Lafayette mot Ca. entered Haver.. ■•■■ ii• in Wolk. by Mohr wilt man lo the 101 of ULM. Thai mom he woe. in ter book mmely,oehyr Mar, Ron-visa I.• to the prises hen ..... tell by tbe prise Room no w" :1" •41.e " th f rtr ilMr"r4l e "to Ma ...ore yr. mot.. ow the Mon 01 Irherrt:rt (neon Win.aoperior wort' In tit Minh siol wee ern„„ ''''A" mth' esnlone":for of tor of Om Ilmerirgum, lo thia -110 met, co ....haniet of the mom.. I Ines. rgett 7dro .e WI sorrel bor.. the onalnhen, 0.00 mono,. ege 111=17 """ nonm the that ney oho 1.1 hi= ontrar, .1. th. s himmelf,•O. to the mal.Ear not enough inter NM. CUM at Cedar Cent 14.01. mow of 1. oriOlto to lot or rotroi te lowaY dm neat end re, or The Ile of the intermilmar ,lee Club Association poralit noir thin, in I.0 "'" hi. .11"'"" hi fl np ell W... " nrirlsT: 0"e"ir‘ ii::ol1c07.1,1trd me. eloto neemdtaii. • .M1. of mooto I.four. 'file whieh hrldo only foe Orn rummy .1 Pe Morn thee nook. me. 71 447ko..d.., ` 1',17,',77:i..;?;.1,t71:4.. Ivotown .nroloy Mph. se ate • mac Rhodes Scholarships Will Be Sees Excavations and Mines Topic of Illustrated at Cyprus; Studies Social Lecture ioa and Economic Situation "•;,m irb.lee blaltallooe Dloapprowed It wa. mmeoted 10.1 ral.. be added v.. Mem, owlet, In• PAO.... Plt. nI SRO the" he m, ON I.e. .1 obiloormhy, give an ral • trip ...rt:MATM'"°Hrtett"""! rtrl'aiiro'd; lImm. hue It Is asps. Met lertum ioxfoni end the Faemptella, rye.... Mt moil restrictions woo diamprored. sine he remd.1:41,/cre ... be polio, Modes liMalarobio, in the 1.1. tothe fellog was that timthe to oam. Ls., soci Ityworm rhk tr:":Rdo=f'er""lit:irr" qr."•r'r belleval son thio emed ma a hindrenee work on the port of the mo. .. to.ofxrd grs.trs.7.• 62.00 A YEAR Carr, Ex-'29, Writes Best Seller Siorlr Weteornes Strohm, • so File An Collection Mystery; Published By Harpers c.o.,. w Former Editor of Hauer f ordian Meets With eeY9M . r.": 7 n.' I "'we At gonl n Great Success in Publication lA"tett difZrr‘ I r of Firm Book a 1,1.4407.; , w. HAVERFORD (AND FAFNIR. PA., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1900 111111371., STUDENT COM AND FACULTY COMMITTEE CONSIDER HONOR CODE l Alumni! bosh Sa Helm Write tem News Whet You An Doi. trtarl '"W"at l'irre 'r=noIrre at Joh I' Tatter and Hauer E, I4 dam'. rl, mimiarien l were well emeoed. Ai Ano. roll.. rho comer, the maitre fur... by Site Rom • IR manager. Ione, ea Jo,eattorday >birch 1.1-Dolannt-Alts <y 17, Mow he returned in Me Amer. Mao Colverolty et Selma, lhowrili. Ch M. toter Cypree. Or .1, "Tenter., Wort raking tbe meow N"Perldr'.11=0 ,name Concert. am, 11 ...moo... re yea./ Monk. to. • joim roncert wal Tem -.are Pool tle A... Mg. his tour ple roimomity • and • era .e imam of the hand emis tH. torof •Ir Ma Erlanger Ronne are .irm The dais, of • sown thumb .ore 71. tar. strespd. amo.. to ON M. Ando of Melast 1.01,5111.1.110-7.11...1-134 BIM, want BOARD ELECli nem n/ the rlainrleat Moore of the Sta. onion " olif la ert IIM Mato. t Hometown • Mori Smirk Corromtieni. had:Merto tiro. •mn mid le giving Min lertorr PhilMeloblie. who ho• room mho.. or .e moment of L. Arnold Pond A..- t Itmn end et blew., for npplLL ft William. 1. hoer ermenfly hero .Ink. Thee Hruee roe led My.' alms chat 1...m of 01.11. 1•11. "r"dIfeny'T'ot;'"'Thici t="14:! ...bre thr Comdr. of Nelemlon I III Ntrarto we reveled toe teem 11:yri al of mimeo lime/opt of thin More. hi te armee ItsImo tr: ..................... Alr:' ehe b... The 10- Abram P ',lee rrI"otr'rt e. oho. old, d'art were found In Ile '7 "0.1tri::"Itt:rror=r now da hail no for tive yem. l'tr' r'n gy of human eaten. ionld weibniFh rf‘limeMo . rylir nine; le ineflool of Mennen eheleh,rid Ir 'he n.0 In . iM■101111. MIMI. um of maid.. , J. ye,. Mr firm ts. ". treee. I. th r'Tturf' Olcomminiewliemo e of Me willeye M41:4 Ls on Anorlems in pa y min. eta Miywo eromi • oste. mere. ...core of the CorporaAim 1.0.41111.1 1.00111 trourialr tion siod of th• of Dire.. and too or them grou. 1.1 siatoro Intotew pwwnxe Wrmn of the Fib.. Committee, Torten J. Rhea.. Iraft, chairmen of 7.37, Thera .111111, fill MM./ into <lot TM, a„ he Flom. CommIrin. sod Prmlerreb metime of .4 Mts.. Paii-h lee. I MrawbrIdge. 'MI retain.. of Ih. IVO tarn front own "please'"""'"X!" Oil"til"terh 11.11miltor on noifil.• oni nmonir 117-. " mholnA71o '"'"'"" """ ma tulles of Orverommit 'tie Mlwat dilly omm. "..: " 11.1";11'1 1 COLLEGE CALMEIMI aulmm~bile of rt third year in added Lt. IrrttlrZr:for'ritlY fned or at mime 01.0 l-Minh re Merl, mityr:anr. inervire between Goverment Sen./ he a ad Mena& minatory sm ol. ltn'7"1,."i±Vor'enerire"orr:Pr.e' or leebamo Tlie tourist budnem .1 fond howl. fni.rttst l% e Ir'wttl dertt"'"ten,"ro hriller.t ' end M. tgra'Vireeale and a for ,pert per.. M• OffrIty mark. the ...Me develop. . formerly they mom oomph mem of • the Ikb manila. of that mat to he s,. leader . ma matey tey lime. of h.. int.nt, o eight n'elok. It 1,1101 a Mom nirolmon, of food aml Me ouelIfnall. mmorwar, for 31.1 of the talk. holm.. MII be demi.. Me academic mai modal 110. nt ford sod no eapl000lloo of ohot owe Mould rearm ow out of two or three ram. madoithemo Ilte leo.. elides ohich ere to he Mown •ro the property of the EMI:: " his will. They .mem betweeli Mom. CLASSICAL CLUB TO MEET mmorty-Me. itomrelml. no/ with oo, con, ye•re of ...MEM imIlege Prof..... Will Rm. Peahen o acme ..f moite. Nom. Spell. F.. Art. 14... orofeonor horraltarrdin rn"il:ertg."1=r Gre•k. MR.,. en -31e.em Mo. eta. -.aim Sta..- neer mei Me u 11. A two years al ;r..177,47,„,te, s,'"71171, Colon, Friday night at right, E. WIlono. of the It. G. LLOYD GIVES LAND rink tam pemideor wek. mod • top., oo ale TO COMMUNITY CENTRE Ilr. Pont will Melt he hma done vow Pr.. Get. Tr. Adlotml. PropodY, J. N. Reml.. A.m... woo 111. at O.. memory. ra Aeromii. Pm le le of Pn':11'1=r ret...1 11.. II, no. that a.. rohrtfitry .3.1;. that ma Me sense porehologiIA., nye.. of n...eora thRffeHeRe • tram of toed of Motto rhnot mud • ma. lee fro Gallo. ace., ed. prove,.... . ing to thom .1. e: College RM..... [toil ti""re'llorlongLer:Itty'n TIoditur"iteta, and Milo IN. rorrrogro:Iiiroih`jrtor.:1,5 JONES AND LEEDS WRITE arm. thverford het *em. been elooett mom,. Profaner Wel. Si.. •Mraleo- 1•1••••••• stmorismi with the Pont, which ,vrTte ltd fcs;.'",1 Joneo profesoor with them e. land reetain gesoll"ne. lo demtland Pleon, ood offItarmo. to he Me hest mm.. rIO Haverfool Too-mobil, At "'.15th. help ,n, Thum Al P1101.. 'bier= St was realieted ProeMot A rend. HMV. .1.7.4,7ory eitlteZeteg. Haverford undersoldPHONES GO IF SLUGS OEINT a lA t. d :" „Prt tom ot so 1!•:411„ t7:1' 1,110111 if.the OF Philos:. 47, 2:4'4L-;.',g""rt,lar On. 7. ft. Ile. v. 11.7 inat. at In. la tee PM. Twok Yid. el P. le. 7 - Trrnma. Oe Bel 70 eillialse ■Prat.aa m Tr utt Pe.t 1an al Me 01. CUP tio vi Loh , t1:11, .11v Ma.] ka tea .12.2.11-11.1. 1. a. (February e7.23 2101119■T-41... of Om wow. M d .f ma oaw. 14 usk 1.1. T. Kett- tM ub hel•,`',5 he reit'e, .to mettle by Morris FL Iserlo TR. IthN ra8.1:PteW17L Cl'u orortif ' , rke firaphle"Alrillere Ith lamb in itembloot of the td .of Mcmagens JUNIORS ELECT- MORETARY fr z ire!: held Pfrierrtl'r'f:et te.°Ofa'"'7 iVereeri:: ola. interment/ At =Mown meet. Ina. • tie for t6at offiee ram.. be. Leo O. Pleb " w: " Jyrt?se:rlo ' rgrartVirreletitylrr lb toe son meeting the umetion of . .lor fert the class bine. min Remo.. Cl. Van. t at 1.e THIIP A -Oea eS Oe . Po.Nte./Tan.. h8 aP. M pee. . P. .. sr Oleo 0.■ . . "Coo M... al with 1. TeMILT-......1 et the 0.1. tu nage se s. PAT01/111AT CUP am... VOItherreeee IlItZlVt!TInejett"47tt.ani' thlt • ▪ ▪• ▪ • HAVERFORD NEWS woes M. ao boron. MdersOests./roam Argramtatoo= ma vow se moo ty a. ten a. T/IECROW'S NEST ALUMNI NOTES m, mime wows ore. Utt° 87" &sa . no. erg. Fin oft." loon The Mail FINANCIAL ADVERTISING woo mot o• woo a. Mao, .0 Yro... By HAULS P. SHANE, '31 a.. ra .11 om DIty Yr. Go. "I May Be Wrong" ...metereemreeeeeee+++mee.. ... 10.ofholiar. 2, rolska, or Ten To the Editor of The Nem RECENT SOCKS I mir be aro. but I limb retire. mos erame1 .« anion & Co. Real Estate and Insurance . 1•01 .. Before going cm rood defining The annual college catalogue whIelo 1.11ar O. las. 211: law. • Or, one Ile 2 ION 9111127 way or the other, maybe I bed het• toe geoid recently I. terming eft yeaaoeuona or, rad or ter OCIVYWNIVCIONOMI AR lest a few peg, stan.tb, code 11a not nods. to menses... om- of Jr. rt. in.. ntorly •• Y. 2 Ma time,Nee woe* voo. Ow. the rabea.....,. plaw oe. I most recently had elet... mod .11.101ott resder.apAn too noon d moo Po .4as LeZtelie a...... ieenos e. • a....... the x blogsl We 0111 P. .rearm safely predict that one. Ihe r IntelOr Cor. ILI WC.. gala meter cone the holt he will not he at Ow 0.1•10.1. Sr V..1.2 Clot. In then effort 11 ese the wand c. Demon owe a. moo. •n ly r arena Sam . H. 0. Held. Hen. and 1 will dt. 2 ... adriamilyo it down endive.., no matter bow late .1.11•31 Yr VI* ma Neer. 2112. Ie. • my me not try to enallfj 0. nhed1.0 OOOM maroon One thew ea expert. or le the hour he wiey net • crow. as A the iv• Them too few radio] chg... Incomae. ten It r.ut deed. • week of literature which be. room • zoo. wad rtert ra. arr. tenotatioo, tWiea. ...we...moons et"*" {2,1.2 fee, ete. Atoka have Amnon.. erne. mac of now es well am Al. rat of . Pomo.. Dor 2••••••• . -221 conlienTION ONO. rhom in thle vonue nodes mr (the present motor n,wol. TA) weed . art. E.. b Ltd rellandtdd• hot sad being strongere Morley, Wood & Company have heroine set he rewritten every fee ream to Nem am rm. MA .norlog do :gain. bumble, ooraoasomo mosor:a on the tote of ch. hot-Mlle. The I ale nom wain. r. sou.. os investment Bankers •11 Beek in the old don before 211,, Md. Onto ie la the woe dm. of bou- Dr. Jr 511 Cheese Album, Plsitsalsipits. Oaek eel of lumbago em tower ploe o own to w.7 oreAr 'n'.="essex= Meg C.J:2.1.71= doir goy wiA the faro cover de-• mar Aro se aim se. no ntin of Am double.chinned gentlemea /14mboas New York they 1.11..--Plidiradelega Orb me Oo.h. mow•w • to In with w eld. In Club. They Memel • fair enertment resoled, gleam d:M UM ..4.R.AVAR *too 11116mMeo New TEO Cob , hi go. Arno. ubido to or of air eon. at ere . . .Ah. what modes he could the 121... moon. ear seem. plAdhl. Now AM Some of the .t.enn eon. &MX. &ekes, .r1 Joseph E. laseley hey oe .amen .111 to Dior • mnia. Bode mt. • tad Womack Jr J44244 better usic: they ph. I too 1. I it vb. it tar. 1.a. egtWi r tta McClelland Bomenyl.b, but we on Menuselm C. Wen& Jr. rn to .1 al Mae Ow*. rer Illstridn Daturas Pen er•zzn • 4:M.! one whit the talent, that dm pro- rtir nertl of 61.1. 221. ty4 war title whO lo Frock and neonD kee. TokeolA od Telephone '"•••••• ". Mem be ••• •em cover . ortebily mare diet.. Dm.Orin New Toll of 12..tooti Pa. owrblo but I may he you. C norm.... Yet not hot. too 1•1111 too Mien.. it ler tact7'"friel; woe f THE NEWS EDITORIAL POLICY • rarlar of 11. S.. 124 GO The Club frontispiece would takes be the ono. form or of a Editoriala la the Nees de oat oneessrily repreenn al Itarbtan 211., ...My L. Or. opinin et the year. What mon, majority of the andergodolo faculty or alumni. They are denoted tic theme nyilerll''Cot.:''")/ fth"rTme scould oulhe chosen! The Cal. am. al ffIrrt. Indeed armee 'Intelligent dionotelt of oclo Hsverford probletne as !be eadse-our whoa. %re' cam. Now. believe. merle the consideration of theme Interested in the College. Nolo to theolendary-falthfal IA ea nos. Ano. reesemen. rand. Heaney or l a. A ho.ebokl drodte-de. ell st bertore after *DI Constructive co...olio. newernice Harerford O. for a ho rid, and wondered If oo.. noir of the debotaste-ao sootetio. autreen, oe- z. er 12.1. Eastman, Dillon & ralla door e ekt i e. 1/.nra iihe had ow of thew holy hop duct of lids nelviiimirf, whether ravening or OA.. the roily Its axe sod Mlobe by 11110 Mo. as • reendation Scholarship. Ibis paper, are welcomed by the WI. aad grill be published ea NO page. moo a A.... To, moreoen owe. so •9111.1.. F•16 ono. Dr. tr. D. Dem auras ra wo eubjeto to Ingalls .n fore Th* eget foto. is • brief The News does not imam' reepoosibility to the farts or oploioes Id* 7101.... the Carnegie ho Connote. But, id the college 1.5 undid end, of lam. of this h,d mined In such communication. sod mot rem.. ole Jed. of HO, 0.11.. will I m. wrong I'm been Moo. to enable the /oder A too most Artonymoun letter ere stet coneidered. bit otos will be witk. of the sidien ketone. or oar Alma SU aryl. el Mr 0asie at There oe.• one InOnvaliae, Itynerey held from publication If ea desired. INVESTMENT BANKERS Oter-way Heaven pregerve her fan rtlarts. r 221.2 of 'but realg looking. name, Th ISM 1VALNUT STORM aa. asen o. tbe anner ,,er &" ..‘ e body of the yob. i. nog • Pr.. rya.. Itu a Eerie, of Awn, pithy comment. The Honor System Threatened mows w aeon. an. we o ewe reedy •npraretted • neer MO on the van.. moon prefaeol by cep t to 4. trie throughout Ile erea.S. Pat The poreible breakdown of the honor Astern at Hmerford, which I. make a note • fir"Iet wee presented A the Student Council last wok by • committee of the 1 to ho to write Odor ▪ .nadir M.. Id DLR. faculty. la a matter worthy of the meet maims consideration of every olderment bow teTylij oe'n, " in 2.2* 'The rot sober 6 sot ma aware Oa. DIN undergradoete and alumnus. The faculty ha ve °WO. that under the by Men 1.1 Ma Var.. it Cook. our Alma Hater: It Esteloliebed 1672 The demriDiona of the course. ere. wee .et moment of ao iete1.1.2 present ayetem there in a great opportunity for weak [tridents to leave In one,. dooe--alrbough Dal h. bort, but tzi.linet,,A the examination, go to their room. and find out the answers to the emoKELSEY WRITES BIOGRAPHY Mt 'Ik Liirlete7 N'Ve*I:os71,7, HOPPER, SOLIDAY & CO. tion, which have een b asked. Fervor Preside. Iowa wows. U. INDUSTIUMISTS CONFER There in no doubt but that the Acuity are tight in this matter. It i e bb owns., el own*, of moos loan e.soremem Members Philadelphia Stock Exchange the raaket thing imaginable for en undergraduate who has no respect for pr.. 0.0 Tsleekeeel RoPontentho TH. doe Armonk char. by Ilinitana ellthe ideals of Haverfnere honor eyeAm to cheat sa muck am he desirie In drep mmhod. mt., of deny of thorium kleet Heenan/14mo Friday if h, she en examination. Tide matter le particularly seri.. when considered in monition. etc On liege at the autho Dr. Doc Bb for Malone, Itepreonouterm from the Nell Tele. INVESTMENT SECURITIES the light of the fact that those studento who have been observed g ant to the .10x. eat root its: of American Riatir•1111. the Dr. 14.• Bharolos 021111•Ity nee to lat . the nestheir rooms during the first half-hour of an eomlotfon are in general 100,0150 Teren onoradot of Harerford from Vert e. Bidder to mooed me. ce nom forretien wa.11117. 1420 Walnut Street the very ones who in the past hoe been in dIffieultke, wholtolie Or other- trrg:ta.. ' Mooted is golo late this :Los lue. Roma Ovid. Mi.. Modal He came to Omen. in 1875 as aftee rI11■ 111■11iIIR. wim. and thereAre am more liable to be In need of additional infoosaie mooted thin Ono in order to pos. It is in order to protect Doe men from unjuat an web.. .o wt. te meter with Akilaielphia a IVP,O7.7riger= that some members of the footty hoe propoleed peed restriction. on =Ft . 2 ; mute profe/er of Satroomor regr1;171'.Vitrrar, in Ale7amiZra! lime ono of the •erk. the honor syOni which would make.. action Pm In rotary. to erne.. for the The pr000sed restrictions are in the form of rules forbidding anyone Loh of mace prem. o from em. 1005. HAW onferenees to leave the examination building until hi, paper ha. boo turned in. De. of the College. lie held 000 Two reprootatios from the • otU A posmible anoodment to this seas to erector etude.. outside the comb :o'n1 Colony. ose 1.47121??'" lil HAINES COLLIER & CO. Dario his preeddenm, De. Sheol.. who weeFJecork. nation buildIng if they should need to go to their rooros for canoe leek]. It S. Roo 02. Iva onion. mod ,11141.0Atemiewed re /MK week, mato re.on. The application of such rules and regulations would moo They ➢ replete. trestioshetto Wthe total dotructIon of the Mar eyetem. Haverfordiao would no longer Owen. ire Bab ee. Ike Primary and Beeof tondos Ben Ae men Mat INVESTMENT BANKERS erne.. believe themselves to be true gentlemen whose honor I. to be trusted. oder, Wok" mod hoer • history They would be trusted only so long se someone wo looking at them. [ Haretr:V. AIM. "The Bon, of • :rareiZtrebt which is not treating thorn at all. If an honer system to to work. there be is a etisno to saner the 1520 LoPlist St.., Phil., P. Ithr frog Cou. tenat'forit, • mum be complete freedom to do anything one wk.., excepting, of Weethichou. ore...tine mad Meow as to whirl phew he with be moot .co., Interfering with the work of other etude.. It mot be left en. TO DISCUSS TELEVISION ..eon. :b`r. :7015i la Holy to the honor of the student that he will not cheat 00 the'examlna. Member. of Philadelphia Stack Exchange at Mamie Peeteleillesse to S. Soo • "Om. - Any restriction of movement or partial proctorthip would be Nash AMERICAN STUDENTS TOUR *: sod would be worse than complete proctorship. itaeorhosets le'Traonhatet Jobe J. Collier Theo ore. then, only two feasible ways of conducting an <online. R. M. Haim.. Ti Rey. Lev,ras. otesded Wm. H. liMam, Jr. .ad Egoist Pro.. tion. fl/ under the honor system, and Ill order complete proctorship. an oo. to, Reverie. orteroad. To limey ledepeoinus Ode. Sooner Travel If any change is to be made from the present sysAm. it must therefore to sinned n lecture by Caporal Me.. it Ranger Piebrory 2410 l'he formation of A Ong ten in. Me.. be to omplete proctorship. Such a enlamity has never befallen the Mean of lisverford College. May it peter come to pm hog.. if you can, •mooning '4'1°1 coda., Am he "w:an :gyre* 1.10 Where Yoe Wear Ice Call o eomination in which it would be inormelbA to step outside A get • be • fond mon, oder. Cap.. Once, loupe MU he 11- end Ramo. es •• whole, being -. breath of air to clear one. head. Imossible to have • smoke to Weedy etither Wonted by noriment. to dor -fee. isertd by ehe lea.. Ar Iselonal dOdustes in geom.l were jot Ire,. Meyer 1175 on nerve, impossible to gain relief from the calls of nature. Imagthe menae... obs.. Democracy in meoperroion with Ow a proctor sitting eta desk before you or walking up and down the steles o they •re ty, Ale crest Oemleal r.'=!tentrrj12:12'"1: type !bad, Inec Oven, Zrelro. W. B. KERRIGAN better known leder Ae tn. of tele- The party Mil sell trying you reading imaglory notes up oar eleeve or under your New Yoh le mien. Caton. Donor expect. A pen on the Over Linerfrom Yore wrist watch. Would there not ba • grater tendency for one to try S. S. Bremen izey ! rom Guidon. A the Amine cheat to see how much they could get any with? No longer would lila boo.. to. tweel tretr teliTer'Ign1.11: ikeerfordien consider his honor to be his mot sacred possosion, for if fran7trane"rat;. g W. 0 7, A ": 'rhir '"" 1.1.1 ed. the faculty of his own college did not trot It. who could he expected tot awl Yonne. TEA WELL- ATTENDED Aret no longer would there be the immeasurably greet once in charO Thin Aim le helm, organized to •m linen epee e1 hr acter building which Haverford's system now eorA. finder no circum- tAe time, ra. was told the Ninon wax Sore. letere.t. nry.Allat WM mare VALENTINE DAY stances let es return to the proctor system and undermine the moral tone be ettspe.ed he the fandir If it roallinled of Revertant College. In ••••paolt ono of eistheld hi th FeIrroary 14 owerned oag the room Sloe partial proctorship would be • makeshift, and complete porton rrn ehip is entirely out of the question, there remaios for us to invotigste 71.O Igot. ANUSEIHRT CALLE:tea '' rsm o - t Comfort eying a. haste. A 75 Don't forest yaw Mobs. ee Se•otlort loon A Valero what can be done to strengthen the honor sedans ite present form. The i deal, tho in the foo .1 ao soon.. 66666 .1Seri, Flows will ho most effective means of having an efficient honor system is to totalities Pegtoky. 7 tee. gi„o letelly raraciaret an "honor morale." Such would be • mood ode coneerning the honor now larearaysystem similar to whet ho already been in force at Haverford, but of a IL■vint100.0 ;rra'.00311.'1 IL . ralrra, We Telerraph Flowers Everywhere much stronger and penetrating nation. There must be InetlgaAd into -Per MIder and ben to to doll ovoid.* of leg club Ta. o is planned the mind of each undergraduate that under no drew:m.o. will way what teem. to us A be Oft. la on ham the led tea of Ae for gx rhe method. of College discipline. in Ilaverfordian cheat either In an somination or ...where. It ehould be in the Colo* O so. Yeramba HENGEL BROS. of athelniettalloo. and In the to fail the eorninntion, fall the coon, end even otiele. onsidered fur meog the telt,o!.n emont of the Calle. .nend00. be forced to love college, than to cheat and thus get an unearned, din ARDMORE, PA. woo ..Toder-alen My. IS, April honest diploma. The student holy should not tolerate its rants to be t7."It was • new rate.. Oa hen.. asset. the presence of any such member. It should condor it A Dr. Joao. "that rodeo had Iowans bomlothed by ••• ...=..,Dalarr Dal be its great..[ privilege and highest duty to report anyone whom they JONES SPEAKS DI MEETING try ebanes to me violating the code of Heverford honor. There should not, t;te tee= el" erert: to however. he any eept011.22 of One Student 22011 another for the purpose P.M. for Own They were op Pretense et Pallesephy legasue •1fst far Reeeetly of catching him. Each one must trust implicitly in the Integrity of his Retoried PAK Leo Are. .1.-0.1 try Insurance for Students fellow-eollegiaos until the conDary Is forced MM. hie artotion• and on he geed foe tweet, thew and ley were to the other bend each slundd make hie conduct worthy of such confidence he ••21.4 Personal Effects. Automobiles, be tan od Mot. We A. M.. Imo rem bb m from from his assotiatee. •hewA en Accident., Firs or Theft while .t • tot ancient Aeon and claimed Any evident found violating A any the honor code of Haver- • yoke." olive or elsewhere. Make to ford should be immediately ostracised from Haverfordl. property or, person while travelSPOdY Sloe theee dam mum rhonar, Boob, end perms.0 expulsion for Y103210Y11 of the ode would go for loomed ing in tide country or abroad. preventing weak atudents from trespomaing upon its principles. Such i7titerelV Itittee Dem.. to motor ors. Liabillt, methods would brAg about the weeding out of an anclogables by the end a 1 nlreolto n. aloe saki. for oddents to persons or prop,ere I. to life ahem IAA. there Is of the Sophomore yea. The College .0016 be sum Sheen., of its oPP.- dm. of ese.h- for Mr 70ewe W. erty. o foL er,h,, elosornen was the lean bit &Indy end therefore would net cat sOpici011 a 17.4 beg ',fl1AS/ ■•■ I.i.dy■ J. IL Longacre upon them if they did find it neeemsary to core the exarolostion. battled yearn awm But Joel reont ..1.11 to the dodo. *hurt The honor Ado would be notterielly strengthened if It were to et. crableat orabletleatina of the on• Oen. rne was held ergo., nod Sooner o ...tided to all phoes of College life. The reportiog of donne donebe lean ted deo to ...Tones hashonot •I Mae SM1 14.1.--,e. LONGACRE & EWING • dormitories, of broko *Ind.., of violations of the -liquor ode end other Jud tria7p=m17.'"" " conernone . tirr.ra. ao• •Ittd•o , nevi Roan Belldne Lfzr. t,eieet. la the Non, rulo of the Student's Assoeiatioe could very molly be added to the field Mot, MI,Po, of' the horror sysArn. This addition would stoke the system SO 0, large thr gh "dt=r1:1'. VCiafte:2Z ht, nket lyine over all the verious functions of Hogrfordian's life. He Adel. ithe eu vision ten obliged to stay beneath the biotite and [lye at to the Ithly over the doorway to Robert. Hell erg 'Mu Nat visions and obligations set op by It. But if he doided that he couldpro. 142.0hl• P.12,4111 do the words from Dr. lore.' Kole better by breaking through this over and by violation the code of a true Haverfordinn. may he aver be *Roved to re-enter its folds and partake A. $20,000 Provident Thrift teat the 1 n0e1...4b." of its ...teem erib* . Policy is a safe, systematic, profitIdealistic enrolments are of little avail if no practical euggestlos l7Y2 I611•7111::OL, 11.2tlaily fi Zatql.:"Witn: can be offered for attaining thew ideals. The most important step Which able plan of saving money. Nor can tio• taken In the future is the proper presentation of the honor gyee h e et dmeat Been only do. it pay $20,000 to the tem to the Freshman class. In the paat this has funs ore by the prole ' eTt 'Law" 2t2 Or: yozm°11 'r••r dont of the Students' Asotiation be a rather perfunctory ceremony. No The Merlon Title insured at age 65, but it pay. the opportunity is given the new on to understand the aystom or ta reel. 2•131q101. its toe obligations and privileges. A much more efficient method has NEW ORATORICAL CONTEST -VIlot=.:Strulal $20,000 00 his dependents in cam been suggested by the Student Council and should adopted. In order & Trust Co. he dies before that time. 'rnIt'70:1r1141. .211Et to keep "the signifionce af the eYstem fresh in the minds of the under. Eetries Cleo Hook251 Word Limn graduate body there should be ono ...leg a year in which it io re. to HAMA Thee Restriction And the yearly deposit is exexplained to the ceded, prefemblY for bY some member of the doeit, In The Better Americo Federation ef thin way no Haverfordtan, could just what it meow to suborn. Califorele, of the Notional ceedingly Jowl to the Haverfonl code. Interco...late to Oratorio' COO, no ___221110 21•91 Tho immediete problem la what should be done to correct the presmt woo, omen Agog. for the 11700 Ardmore Why net return the cOupon for ."'elatt727Mrie 1100 fituation so thet it Will not be Mooted next June. The Enstalletkil of • :='" otorier =142' lavatory and making mon ih Chan Hall would materiel], rate et 1...7 5ge? leoen the Narberth Bata-Cynwyd ee. te''.a n n'rev:ertle;tr.t erinitt w ho did love the precincts of Chain Ran would do ea only on the risk of being sopoted of cheating and their numbs would decree. mate- Anflo t. I Provident `Mutual lib be rially. The Reverford code oh be brought to the attention •ZI In :Ord 1■111 150= of the pres- don; subnituted The total amount of the ent undergraduate body in eerie. of otenninge this week am ha. c.tearr‘ tha the loot prise been suggested by the Student Connell. The elms leaders should conelder elrahowever, to 7,100. The Total Resources the honor system one of Haverford's eicheert heritages and ehould do all fint prize motesatUMW 0501,... totem oon In their power to mayhem. Ito importance to the members of thahThe alumni are lotted to write their friends on the camp,. erallkirdelf lo[ ,;170' ‘10e ty Pt" Oleo men oboe 14-ig to them the grave threat that h. Men made to the Inwor of the honor ne ethet d'" women, kw been anconced. .0 The system and urging them to uphold the tradition. Penis dots MI lee held show Oft Loa Am. 11 10,000,000 them he a united effort et Ifaverfeed to reaffirm the tradition ed Addmo i :; . 44t7.. e z 70i vI , that at toe Havertown. will be dishonest wider asp cireumstance, thus maintain tho boner system is, its wore state. free from any rules or • 1".1t.11. 1 -W17, reetrietions. non d MinnOAT zuLionw vent owe "red Me. lee sue. steed the 1.314.41i". W. the of tun. *petit. Mt. one slut •lo.*gmpeones. tete Um., Se. I. era Atee ke erne. to teee the and that Ir. ...houne eel won. .-71 • Cep The ▪gr ▪ trd" °F7! sure ar,". .t..`1,17 Scala' to catch • Irresse he 2S set,. moteltrieol of nete.'etetterouthou'rt.torll'V't:!oll.;. 7r 7 7g; med... ego. hotter LeerRets-Lett.Cell ■ V.111.17,..1',...".r1r..7.'",7.41.41. Jeer degree ;1v3..1.0.f.7;r:; tv.a7..'17,sv that thee. °hire tee' otheegt; re] It:: XIV ,,,2°.i.noref.1 be g elms Let Ione .o wa 4t. Sa e Mandan February 1 1, IN) HAVERFORD NEWS Scarlet & Black Quintet Bows Three Times; Track Team Enters Meadowbrook Games TAYLORMEN BEATEN TWICE Team Improves IN GAMES ON HOME FLOOR In Washington Hold. P. M. C. in First Half, Scarlet Court Contest !COR OF !MIRE OPPONENTS Mnormla. hai IP P.n. a Mean SC MI., te. eameamse, to • n. Dar 1Wwww., and Black But Lore., 41-30; Inability to Locate Net Poor Playing Marked Cause. Setback by Williams, 41-20 in Home Games With EDGAR LEADS IN QUAKER SCORING P. M. C. and Williams I re..,..-f........ .....,, lino IOW, (d- I lowed . qmoet °womb most of zemoo. maenad re the bete. playot ou the bone wort do wok. whey the Lopown fell Deka P. X- ...TO It ma own Cum TN close Armlet mod Mack., ht.. a 11-10 lot Leads Scorers W. ; COLLEGE H. GASKILL RUNS WELL SINKS QUAKER FIVE AS RELAY TEAM LOSES 31-22 IN TOUGH GAME AT ERSE RELAYS IN INDOOR 1U MOVER Plaverfora Tom Comma/ of Th. to ' e'a .l.trtdnramt'es 4" to n« all the time, he must cattle. the bet holf, of the Thirteen Games; Drexel Battle Here _ Playto a far Oned of ba k...01 iloi... e.,........ ii. sV. b la • ib. W. mo. amp mei dest than mutt the Scarlet an BIN. seine, moth.' Woldwato co., Mann. con ".". idet-VrionOte ". two , g.. .. '5.•'•" . il l el CO.° 1.1.°11.°1 011° .11° hlarylmna, to tO Oboe t me to mem. It is M. to Seth up epos la play two strong flies lb. wok. Nothereem, wen mblelimit le poll otit and ro _.! Tetne will play hot. to the bfain Lin- win y m 31-72 ono. o Smas.. ed. It wee ...OM to no° emu 77 Ana, cOmnit OR. R... Ott M COM mown -Pim l Morrie. m:ere-nett 'Ble ' e4 8' et. r tb g 13 ... W. Isd 'n' ll"%t4" re k. 4' enact and prera' emaIn. '''' ,t,.7111" '''.7.-" bre Imoer .,:ir" ,„'lli.tiri m'n... .,.;m74,1V, ap eaM7 IMO in the P. 11- C. ORO Temple I. oe of the atroomt m . ot ; With a half-tima moo of IC-17 there tees. IASI. .'tat Co met by the Ionia •Pe e-fspIly" ,..,tler,M ' et „1.4',, .'er,T. h:„ " ; In osekto criticism mobile. took • III-17 1,1,1. Bob Maar, Hmerfardt tall pirOmen, od eAle Roulet kept the Melo linen in thr cm.. Wall a apeCeMakni of .ondons' orerbead md me-heoded state S.M. heti ...Weenie othdortene with eumeroua lb. of tie shots which Cro tot felled to Om. lipped NIS tide intent*. 11. two home 1 trey‘...„ '4.'.,,, .',"°0.7.„, -,...L.... 12" "-lf, `:,,,,'',.., Tr:hq..., a'.12:5"z: • -," ",,, ,,, t'P's_v_rT,f.,:td, 11;tt:Ty 7■17::1trI2171ato .II ''I e ' :5fer. esPeri. IT: O'l be.■17elt3 1-1 1,re" . ■ t"' nel -entrhi' Int' . s• e 81 PPS na.lall. mar ss t sraleh tbrinbs. been mil... up In the 'lL'belf. all' thatC4ol. ed t be ball, utheinm of peep sham end in At the Demist time. Roulet lad by the Slain Lite. Suppler mho! with temm,htleat work were th• poets°,Merl supporter*, the room optimistic mmerkatte Sall, teem ...a. Item R. F. ELIGAR, '31 i,,...., fee. .1nat P. M. C. r1 WI tin ..a . shrmen, to Ihmerf rel h.,....,.. „„,,, . b. 1,„ Ha morlonl one or of oroerin t pas, lee fom pivot play I Have the Rue- Oa rlet mod RDA_ Coach Taylor lit to tit Om totals from any spot ea the OrMten tine if iniCh • dna, Wln ti• men . primed to MOW am nor •• tri, idimm on, II the floot In IN emir. &pert maned by tondet moo., led the Aritma. po,nde • all the loy shoot., which 4._ M.O.D.. ibOMP. the Queker point. win ,... Iteti oil, od . visa. eight Ohl dole and two ten, p.c.. end elm.. polo. .won I.B. eItts"., 'S. I"T... .....,n4.1 surrombil Ir.. m. the 5.fost /Inman Ithr.- nil """ w"t '""1.".''. '". " "" epectively. The sms oart The kinret• ■ fiends. SIBS VV.1.7474" enntrIbutad OF LOBO. bi711 tlIZT..... poll .. no Itu...... et Is in we, •""'" ...' e. Man tweete. ott Iron from C. floor Rim mut Editor did tit: masher rLr Msla lest mart, the Nnineves Noel to Sum- we,. ,,,n„, •a ., „,,,, ...140, 17:f . r ..... 0 . 41..7I1 ,27. .11171 „..„, . ,.,,,,,, .. ..., ow wee onsofol oice at . penalty Co 30. -27.. 1. .up,• , II. lete quiriMI theed Willlithe'th..;IM.a,S:-oisit.-the VT'Illiams pote was pecultie TS. '-"•••• We e'•°°°'• "..!°"•,.." SIM that • Supplem now ***** forhte rhwo afein Lim.' mere game •a. for so. to ha. it Penner PencemS,I2, bps fins __ Vi."6"?.. ",...". ° re°. ..„, near nked? With • man such ma is Mont., sow that ...... Morris 1.1.0e. ff.° es. r -red to that of tn. etalollteno, hat A.... I.. ire ll, his sla. a. Edgar at cent.. .m. Plet• should bee Lio meses me. to,. T.., , mom for Wastannon ,loin[ orer the see the lid wo• au the local bent. Peep; mole were may up tn. fie,. tka mei- m dm; ed rem. am • ramere, . woo,e, ,,,,,, ,,,,, , aAp,,,,,,, sow wo the loth. moribotor to di „„ hut ......, -. ... leo on - . I A ck ut.,..20,..w,,,z,„ba,1,.1 :11.e:,. k i. .e 11...;(7.81.. the rt:,5.' "4,71's%.*., f:,4.11:' " ,,Lt'..1, °,,11:.,?:ri: ...74,:1=..r.t.M.,1::,r',',4 ,,;;;t, ,,,,,..",„,,,,,.„,-;t ,,,i,,NTI, i,.•.•:Ifir,,,,13.:;,,, 7,,,,,m,,,,17117' ,..7.•-g.,1,I.tbr 4Ty.,::2,,,T= P.°.:., .„.z.f.:g.". :::f.. :-..,T„1,,,..i tr:: ,,,r:,,n,r, ;°.x, bl.b:,,,c.h,ri.1;', -- ,,,,,-'„:.'• ,'.V..-171,,t41..-,t ':24,1,,.1;,",4 I. +r 'auk snip bat Me [pewee generally eater, to total , one field rani sad he,OP...On 105e DM Panto asm• route the New Ensiled... oats., the,TItyWilliams Take. Lail Mood not it he most Moo Orr Oa Toe Biwa can oley tood beaker bell that 1°1 oi eTT".1eh• '"•O , °rte. of balm yarned if he pull. a oned. wo.. .., To ,,,,,, Ana 0,,,, if ,,,,,, mints . TO should he Don • Mateo . Pt mat worked In the Sem tate se, e seFrom the Sele ,titt tdinitera wate.I.1 1,"11,1 z.1,.-tatr.::4*.L.°';:z..1 0."„,:: 7,:=„74,-,. °:,,,,,,-.7.: ,, r.47.- T;',.1,„-,,r.",',.:...•:..,T7.r.:11„T. :t. oode. At, Bieck :de 't Iti•rItel"ptinTa: Luton .her 7112; Inrgro=ifal .1, llret ball efforts. better them Item when he ode aood on tbe somood of emM, no. Room mmoid get rid et li •nr eso reftelowl teem @booting toy tkartet mel fames by 11 so IN 1 The ante ocelot. oued the vain; a pair of royalty shots_ Two Williams the bell eolther. _ abets the alloond 1.0 Motored. 1 .". ms Om mot.. to wo. IMO blab-water mark h e this same, bat the doble-deekers An brought a Haverford When a man ii It. under the mot the fool One that mai the Legume Cat Gunn., am aa, mord larked either number' or en- time.ent. fool end • Iona kit YU iii It the other four :Rade The Scarlet and Blatt Mould Mite I "I"I• .... 'h. ". thoslaton end did not make as morh oho feu the by time tee come d ...mi.. Tti td Bildt oilers soddeoQ eel blind A ,,,, I. ..,,,.,.. f-,,,,,, the woh. Rartland teem Phtled • iro clue nolo es it bad Orin. the P. IL, 0. of dm coo by -Loh- knotted Or evil not tms• to lano1 . TX. : isiI;Liel: Itto .li t Leri The Staryiendem om, tool. game, cvmmatilan intly tw Porde, The bend was imithi shoot own •t too, ,,, . -,,,,. Noun' pommel.. IN the four Ole. from h mod Irma Orel, m1 57 thfa I. tbe.erl•egroVlar . 4 The 111A .1° Supple. sent a Mole tool, d° 0 Ume feet le vreerect " L Diel ahem Pottier lila, tried by the Ho obeyed to tell the end of the halves of ot more: these, Wood a Poe* 811151 iniprovernent no noted in dm we. 1,, ,e0e.. ,,,,. i.,,,,,.., Of .e, two were coed. On the other No shore of atOntion when it fool od Old OD. brollEht the men •arly pert of the 121/thent onie. The Qeee .,..,.,...„,,,,, ,,,,,, ,.„ . . teed. Bashom-too had metre trim fire •■ the rod of the ant per.: •ii bog data were boy. pored ail around thr New Isar nommen, a .m., blot of which were mtereofol. • eyontelm tar. by the *ore. • hers not WOO. the backboard amd there land tom in the ms boy but can% R,,,,,,,,. And /ado, ,,,,,,,, elle.. Reimer. Haserlourts Node famed . Onto to yell loudly sot wo 1101. silos to sin le them on the they shoo 1 Ao limo.. ol mom t,A,,,„,, „ont.... ....,, ,,, ea.", Moo, forwent. played a ono Of ul continuously le •ttract the tearee• re... ehoold be able o nuke seven polut• A„ ,,,,, t,,,,, „. o„, ,,...i4 Ford. minie. as did -AM- Phlov. attention In • Olt Tbeo's WIlllesta Palle Away to no •retmeirm any ,,.,,,,,. , .... ,...,,,,,, ,,,,, file,„„, air. the roller to. thMr opo. . , Lead OmMoDI T. Rad I The visit. to ado peep Slate WM.. . dew, the memmi half veate. Dom., litosner m tim.t. bm, Edstar ettlfxrd .JO o bl..4 0,::: h four of Oteir first•eringere to weer1 twenty polo. Otter term Hs, . ,.......... ,...., ..„,,,,,, ,i,„, „ 1 . _ lo oer . rier p.m " i" '.." .1• ' 13: 41 4.1 . 2.oarkr.itt:t.1 .47.,=:,-. , ' 114,1411' T.° e°. I 1;4, ''„, -rOlio. that the 771Mkere ram phi ;1:• ' e• e at tan„ V- •.,...e.-. . - "t ".. 0° l''"I ,.. 7 .'',,toe r.,.`g' ,1.,.11t;.,111"..717:r1... gr... :.":1 V,V.fl, 1,1.11,7,...l."; ,..III".,:.. ."1...".17,.."11,';;',,:: ....i. lee°°°11 ne 1,:r.r-,z, ,arp,,,,:. ,21 ..i...... 1 the re"' ""r "' "r t,o .hee he ,. ." ''"" .11o. en. point whirls Oa erased Node fent ea, field .oni opened the abet; old pc . b.,ye to work poet 4i1 .:' Z .7. 4:7 am volume, am ) 1 RaPalee's ameendal sink to Alt pe4wfs ...opine. Logan.. second field P1.1°. - foot entrL A Imo fro° LoOe •nd posh tom mow on. le the WO eel heimaht to en.t to L1-21 PA " 4•4 EEO, Mare. 1 Maar. netted oath,. 1110.1.4ethe opeeher repkeed Kate alid relehMted Am for -Robe Sidaar. In dm 0 H. li r e:, •°: , ' ...: ,̀J= 17"„,,2!..-= Fl.H . zi llo z. .„ are th . zi rliird l iert r0.11 11 . Iii ten.F° I 1 1 y.i d. ro .1 .. 1, De m000n•• firm tbronal . a..e .. 77 .2,.... .d,e ofaxer.s,,,,.... C. .p. .oljei L ...., t. '„.1.01.4. Haverfordb veteran know that pour oppooelit ham a ••.• • "••••••••. '...• '..,•••• L rIv....1., = ;,':'7;r:,,.7,Vb.P.',.7.;!g,,,r,4,,:g ..... .L'.: ** . i • .. _ , P M. . ”.... ... 0 0., 0.. ,,..... ...... ..h. • _ on coat" r ali a ri _ s 13... cited Ant m it Oboe.. Neoprene, t „ t. h. ..t ,11 , IC= whites. preOTe un nn Imp "h g, moo at Woking. ,aored moral Oleo. That the No el and QUALITY SHOE REPAIRING =G§P''t.PE`-ur- M .767 PlOrtb,0y1:1.„„„„'„, Gelhoo wt as mod Wby COOPERATIVE STORE j CA Rao, A. 111..1/I A WI ••■■•rol GET HAVERFORD TEA AND DINING ROOM Haverford College i Seal Stationery foul oota by !Wow "Rob-' .4ar ' .211 ,11%tano. the SLOO • box 1 1 Sodas, Sundaes and ST. MARY'S LAUNDRY HABERDASHERY Ardmore SPORT CLOTHES Agents: RAINCOATS "Doc" Leake and "Car HATS and CAPS The Season's Smartest Styles and Colorings ro- 'room, boo. linesman. Pnv-M‘ool somo, o ,ehe, demand the bea t la clothes. Homo Mad. Ice Grow. Fag, C.A. Home Coked Heal. Phone Ardmore 1140 QUAKER = Beroa Dolly 11 to 'S BOOKS YOU SHOULD READ _. 11•111 and Prot.., Um Ctokom Rase M. Imo Qsalterm Slery aa4 11roaao, A. N. Brenelsor Jobe Weelmo, Amelia IL Goma.. Postage Enna. Get Them From. WM Sant 1111.00 FRIENDS' BOOK STORE UR ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA C. 0. FRANKLIN I Meats & Poultry Institutions, Hotels Family Trade 1334.1136 CHESTNUT STREET PHILAOTIPHIA 1414 Gebhardes Bakery Dinner WHITEHALL LANcAsiti ST T O AVE AT RAVERFORD T.I. Poplar 1018 1814 Ridge Ave. Philadelphia A I N, HAMAR% PA. Roomsfor Transient Guests Always Available Excellent Dialog Room Service and MacDonaldECampbell ...Awe.* tie A. Loos. are. Luncheon Haverford i Pharmacy 1,„.....„..„,„.........„.j I Suits and Topcoats Phone Swiss Breakfast Sandwiches at the NEW SPRING Isom P. it. ad I of e.g.z 41,1r„'00 .=. =1„.0.1" MASTER CRAFTSMEN 7.4 c.o.• Ins. 211,1m Special Attention Given to Grill Room Ardmore 3160 Just Off • souni LLOYD WINS FIVE VICTORIES; TOPS LEAGUE Firm mod of I POrditota Play Nor the stamper elm At the ore. wan hen to retain the Med, but wen oremmoot ntt row. uaUS t".11; "•;:-Ztt! ehi. pain ,.,.,-,. mar di.1 1.1, p 0.1 in tee helm, fell 1, aarl Me Of, r•rriS no it msin eel orbr nee arm • err r. aJ the nest wpas■I' ' wet°, tinifkmi 'he nn,onion the fl. half of the Noo. Viroam. Mr.. "'" "'" 8;v' the Is the mown. r, tett ....and wale tuelicil• . dim to omit... rel... pima. Hmoribrd Usable le .1n Adh Motto Oleo and 1111 ilthiniei Poilei mid j Completed; North Llese Wins ntal. retulost " etra"I ;rim Mena Then. with oult i,tt • where much miaamr. :tomb lAoyd e•. mew.. d. ih, teri +se 4 ran coomer no. woo ei a moidmilly v.v., or. fe. match. atMcimil licrlh Private Mink, Main Room Garage Service the Collepe Campus Mmiii 411 . rte mw`aw tea ;;41. rot eMt 'mimed the tao elm molter alm. time of thov minutes "* .a. " ; a reenli of ihe mom., law wren. ▪ thirm-tor mooed, 11.,...em Roth Ile,/ trramett II• Out elide Drought up the re. P.m me. be. Ono, Norm mill 111 emood None 1.1o, 1,,,,Le the Po with LMl tart 1.1.11 mpturvil thini tan. Tt . floaeh -Po latter len 1.1 folittli place II del Moron I. ,hilsot shoot the prosod. .7 eur- Pouuder. nod North Rareis, have y..1 to ale ■t a:ts■et,.. see “ tte ellon:ler":1.117,'1.7,.it wee momtint I.e .-Rob- 1,41tar ..... 101.1 N., nee nil r.M' •toll ono*, to addition `POPow. ma Wood with tee oohs of the 11111new "'Lido Ile telly the. Will be four whet. ellen., the 'TVShalf. 1301sioV i'res':111 •■■11.1.t7t; rIth'„'a elated for tbe middle.dieten O. I:4er is down for Me mil, 1 171=Irisara "Darbr" .ad 'Bridal" Cm... Pooh , by Sob ul • oa woo 12.5220.470122-7 12=9 tIR info tho other tomb hands. Don% a Ono et {nod. Eda:;Forboralmh Otit in for OW thy. Always .Alteasi 111.11a S Delaware Ave. PIiladelphia atom -Lot WmIt rola ' Mier' 11171=Vi.S: '"rihn The The ',Meet will 1.:rret't7t1:::'1■It7/ a The Or de, • nI O ••••. - ' INIRAINUIAL COVET LEAGUE i art thr rail 1.1.1unt wit°1: - more milalateney. Het met n Mlle moo. Sole shoo The molts Win irime 1011. Ohoror in Max I with .11.1ie'e OPT- The. Dot i• e . Ame it rite.. Sous chief dtIficulty. Renner. Et se*. Orli. dot half to en Med. _. ••5•" TS. P. ht C. lea whIMIrd • .. . .... .. .. throor the tepid ...ion before 'wenn. who wee hms. off do o hie lona abotw combed thenoth Mtn bmt more field reale Vinew •' ....... mnd two fob did little to Mao. the 11005 among the Owlet end BMA Mott., Au maenad Oat wae eon 111," when Rho. ridltnrim pot one op ."Yetei that rIteled hoop and row . betweea. t. ILbtr. m. ttlia me -::'71;'"_.!:",7:t wish av ehuk of ,e plot,. tn' h4e"reiF nine of the, stamod Inp that eliminated ,,,,,,,,,z,.; .,.., ,,,,,, . ,„..„, ...„1,.t, .... ,I s Comly, Flanigan Co. In. :1‘i 1:',x g"..",z,ft"..'.r4:; --- ". ''''''"""": t 1 Hahn tend lowikeion .,71,• ,.....V1.....ra;:y.,..r07., t z .:!.., W.7,I.' -1-ei ...- 6. ii.......-. . GEO. L.W'ELLS,INC. 7,,,.. m., TcpurAtirriry,LTR to ' tk oV7InC :tg loop alme paint.. 111 Miler tame. mime Mtn Dot the foal line. where h e..1 moo when Jon . 11...,.. ity,z6.....1. .,17:11:ye. It. t le Eve of nine trio. The ot . Liao, 110101 T 1 .... pteta, were rontramted . tit :„.= i,'.. ....I.ISe .,....yil ,I,Vi g.,. p:r Ltari " ." :„. ...tee , -" ... We C.C.. le. them in. able to the heralded forward of the rloitees ent H. 117 t myna on ii foal. Reimer reeern"..' 1 1 ...11 tie tapolf, mimed his Oot, Mt 4 a ti to InIehed orto your felt. 17h7 PrIllrg Ma . 'Tire ', ' " To rn' anliTs.hy .. ra °°.' . . 5 1 a Ieji. 'V.' • 41:14 . 7,e. .:fiot.. Var. meein of , d,_„.,„, '.('..„.., '7:%." -..,1.1 'Z''1,%; w,,. -ra ,,,,, ,,,,,, -1, ,,, - '" t41,1'..:"=1 "a" `II.* •120,11:.,I=.7:4."Ir.'i, ,b. 5.E. '";,."' th?„4,1..,.., z., .,, ,,,,,,,,, boys :%,,,,.„ Lrj.,:;°;;,,;77.7,,,, ,;;;:-„,;,z Lred whom Ito feu =k"I dtairth. e";rob°„„ o., m IIDA O the Enal '000le. The ben. bleb played Is the lire' for the Bret time, did meth to liven up the elfalr. Fre esorted to sit 15. Clots. Cadets turn went out on pence to sm to Browne. The genre was elm 42-10 wIlb fru mhos. to play. Fldenr aro. tool end Logan moo M from ant.. the penalty circle. Edor made els fifth denble-dmber no Z..4,00ettee il s gr ...L7en . Lr Tbe fforlet amel Blob of II•op foru loW The 1.°1°e neh1e `t' el!!uir7.1 ,'1* .ptare Cer• tmid gatnwiss, yeek. milorelat Iterehens mt. teem crewed dm ale. • Imot Mat, Imillost..1.14. taloa and Wain.. h"71:1: the p linkiletne, mem bad hard lock. Dame Moo look. ere e..., mom. a.m. not reajent with basil, At rreobtr,0,111:e. the *"len' ..wege ellr 71.o Lelloe 1 einkoop of the L .7.1% 'o.. .040' mt''' " "" memo-meg to shift ;Menke Seine .100.1.,:".t.,, ,iz,"-, iiitlem and it locoed o ..11 the Om,. At . erpose of Nem Or- in merhal • O ° eh° me. rtf 1°. enee.iee° rowel. epaelp." ;:-.21ne Um TOrto wee marl. en Wert lost beer. wt.' II Aleand %WOO. and leffilmob. eon.. tried 90 relied on lo the wooer Iowa .curs inwhin, If tO bete moat loot, All told the Own Sere wee teeth. out men worked olio. ZU.. 1: .. E.-g. ,T play. with in tD: 'Po e:::ItiVi iame our down Rating og. :ol,trilt. , of MIrtees oom battle.. o er to milli:se effem. With Colt At OM point thenine Mood up Seet"lertrilla"a rk "rem "roeiStehP° to into pod, 7. o the fleet lime SUPPLEE HIGH SCORER . the en7 Mooed showing of the min. la root battle wItt Went.. :4:tutt„lsZa o ,I":1".717 . 2. 2.1;1,17,-1"-114■ 1T 741111e' :2 Cil e: end dopped. .t:roz " I! NETMEN MEET PENN A. C. Returns to Main Line Haddleton Dubious Over Out QUAKER FIVE MEETS Morris COURT BATTLE Quintet After Three-Year Come of the Meadowbrook TEMPLE AND DER LaY-off From Sport Next Wednesday Night _ 7111..1'.1,11,1.:1,Arb."1.T. EDGAR LOOMS IN MILE Owls Have Won Twelve of ..... . -. - tool .7 I ' ratrit.marrt'Z'Pra,r,r4.2:.17., -II-7a ' th the fpot num Ihmerfo. optima up at tW wnatle sad took an me? lead 3-2 Wore Co. etal. fousithao .... The Scarlet me PLO Id,. teada-up bathettelk tut thelr more ea- MIL., ...,1;..;,I, , b7,-. ..miltd ,,, Ilitii,',.M.1. 7.51.4 fROIVIDUAL SCORING WASHINGTON PH I LA DLL PN IA au... 10.4 topcoat,. 1.1 en,o1 .1 ries , rnwnl colorinsa. SUITS sod TOPCOATS 145.54 moo JACOB RELDB SONG 1424-26 CLepor rho-Liehl' ▪•▪ 4 Monday, February 10, 1920 HAVERFORD NEWS of Library Discloses NEWS TO CELEBRATE y PEACE COMMITTEE TO Investigation Curious Collection of Miscellany INTERVIEW STUDENTS Notebooks of Maxfield Parrish and Robert ITS 21ST ANNIVERSARY Howard Thurman, Colored inister; to Speak Sunday Hoard ilTuroniCaradate stu• dent liaverford Lot Presentation of Swarthmore Declaration Is Object; 3 Join Group Louis Stevenson Feature Odd Group daddy and iweatiteaus. nettling rand the enoofir lade, Jut... tei nor. mum ,t lee Lila, repo. toe olive. larking oillertire de...15.11 by the h ie of, raneaboin Indeed. du. ..111.■ that they 1411.1 re not free a.m.. tee dignity. of no [nen bade Ort tape the Rat of Jay fn. the iota prdrodttle eol. t .. of the meth weld. o t he more diva ndalous ohum/ totiIkie 0. 1174 *bete maff be laud . gran of awls weary tare bees .. tineohnift Stem awn Pad, flIoet of which harc been contributed by atom. the in impre.ed with the oerletg of obi.. to he toad. Next to two 'Min paw. warrior sae.," the label read... Sod • more onus. date of onyx whi.h we are told la In d.. Hebrew weight. A few feet suer we stye • faded yen.. piece el p.a. nurtte, shoal .• Mae of the SITVIM. tabloid hexed el the tor with the fol. lowing nwrIptioni 'Coronation Motet Queen VIctiorio" It n doted June 1S9T. Near it we eee • letter untencial mem.. eitteen ▪to I'.' Iwhe .1. for letnilinat oat and the an. ,runCad. 11. Jan..y. beta ion alai. other tooled. during the not ath. obJed oten. thou nab the Swarth.... tooth Deadandior for Pen, aided le lea wait. Nays At s merlin. Wrattod. deb el Ihten obe hot the gret tw. 1.0. 0 It. 0 Itichir.110. who ennead the ito and nriung. Ire by A.bnel Wrll.. 1h. d'art thin for t te. to nen the leathern el theft biNlopMY. The to r In 6.1 Ch. the informally ad dive '1"'n'tit ur the IfrI01 In dorte7tt Toa owe w.rld peat.. Au tan to. outehook rro. ND Well. In order the sothrecite sued; from ter his column Peeve..14.14 Letter. hav Ma be. node to paw. taw to I the the denuder nude Red. of Iiiterottire. firth One of the wore four I 10 M. told blo U.. that he wee oat,. toe ist • lottert ticket widen., learn n. [woad. .heir 111,1•110111.. ID lad 111....711:1 he amid data rithr tr:te• itutht iteenty-te bed lege. I be for The A:.nePse":11...!./V:ey "I ',went diat In. -would aid 11 to Ilse "nine issortent. 1e more The lot.. wan held year the more enlightee. day* of tho a.. meeting three etude.. Itn.trloir. ranok await. bore obrier. they would id. the Dead. Iv . the .othern end of Use Wilding swot no ...urn. whieh la at. tarefellg covered dth drum toter. hum.. to twin publir opinion ha Ia. b. II, retry weir! Ide. Motor wrote other. oat, to trievo. Uaer the eaves., e of a rtnatitutowel anednent new beintroduced tato the fon. went. ate ale 10 the unewt hr Naar Lyon J. reader, of S ered tatte"ae may see wren hunPirelab Dattrates Ono. INelee totiew dred nprodalan in lichle vory. of Wmth lyskt. onti 1116 vrork IN,- red .ashen eared Ivory blini Iteponino own.. Wor tor ea.. OUR Di Rent and way; de Coked rfi 1:1:7 Ter 1" """' dn., Torni. or as leat-hii Ctn... notebook t.1. oor orame:': mederoWgTr: noal.. or aralooNed lo hMverret. The drawing of the e•• frt. Wet., - Indolent to obit* lb. Wok la canon :kever41 terser ere reed. rest1. [labor Mien wer or o rose in. or tarry re Me centre. whleis ht en Imlittu week ,d •rmed oed.. cut... m.o. oe Leaned I, un...king. wale. er witheet me. abb. lb. .01..1.0. .11.4 funds the be ates: no. .1.II 111 the raided boe Ked. ...1. aannwoont or ...Sod len at 1...a. teamin. be lei.. lo t ontbe then. t, NO 11.401. '"Vi...T11.7,17.1011 pronoto. of lb. enhe esoerimenn lo .healrtieolar s page are to dett Ihre. Kr1,11 clothed air ...- lies with 1+1..1. otilt Expert Haieeireeia, iith art., ere iteteby reu teto n ,"fgl'r7,"S°4;7'" Publication Grows From "College Weekly" to 6•Page Issues Saturday mark. the tweoly•Int as. avers n af the witabliatiment of the New.. It as founded oh Fthento 10. 1000. hy David b. Illinhaw. , h14... 11Loodtt the Keoderd fs. .Leak 71:tlerVrti rte tows Claw If. r. Thornily I. rotor. man who took an . A.0t ng! ithtokti?% Aft. veer. Wu 8. 88 he ,.eeise of an Oludio. egorto for • •ear before tolkire "O•tutrazZ5 Collett meet t.:1; .entree toot.. of dhle foe lettine B6V:Illia= White. eau of So th Gana Itieltsn/ Z. Ramisho special writer •• the [soma. TR orpoIsed M MEET Pre. Wowtor. wall Leda* a W. not Visa H Welestm The Chem Cleb will hold one of :r3r.1.7t; nea°"*. fie. hie lb. Nan. of gaoled World...' Hr. Ova.. has made a Weaned of Dr. &khan. did hIa wova. Tk. dub, for Oda raft. Peal In Man for • sp.. • mentelha L*:eu kn. " . et; =AMR': dhigt on hAl. seiertifie 7. book men... ekie. le es. ratrItz. mk- LOSE EARLIER The Ardmore Herat Rod Coon. Title aod Treat Coloyanlee lure at fie in boa.. how. beand. • tan. of their patrons 1.111. to Mite athonlsry of late after.. .4 eve• alnt bunting boom Dieu Oa. III he opts In the latex from 8 o'clock 11111 war mug thug. Ifitellti Imre ...Wet le the 11111111411MPIll of he News Under the editorship el 0. 1. Blachnan. TA the exp... of IS Sew. M. death to Tee Ire. went Me-poge James loetterlag wed. by Ceeetheure. "*.Pre "111 .."1 ,14 meet number .0. win eeenfhlg . fillfg" " two lie In Om tee Ne. eon ant du I. N. A. antral vow Is Eat At The tee tee *.,foe DIEN MID TO nr,711-41::ri "'"*" No Need fee a Time Table ee the Give the battle roll a break ...wear E DWARD CLOTHES .MADE ?OR slou P. & W. 28.75 Pais 38.75 HY-WAY DINER Tr.ins at Frornseet Doolesad We se go Ilasawas Iry ram 4 I. W. Usual. Pik. Arelm.v.. Pa Open AU MINTS Ineseseeiu see Itowanoisetivo '1:4 7, tetter. rffill:g. "71tiZe4s71,:irV rano. "'' 4:" teen1.Z er"=1.T.Z.I1`.7,47ds:VTI:IFIV; end at fLrsumeie.hon at ""'"- 7.71.11i. John Troartiliti l''''''-1111,1.1.41141 : :Sinn 'Iro'tf COI. letaletlan I.e.. mons E tae mvr tl raw. 1.17 Ptet!.,.i'n . ; 1:1111: .;:tre Ilse.. art too lote re thie ft i1.1 back by th e hit i ou. tow., t ta. Erothiebitin um: t er the tirnnie awl Iho tote 13361: the Trani OPAL: area. of Cong.. Mel.. Mr 1.1, • Ilaverfordb... Arthur II. went* Sri... lid T. I. ..ate. lg. Hem Ow tie. 11852): and ,n. HIS Iltddl. smartie.. .749. all nonifolly written In ionehne[1. with WESLEY HERR 41, '24, FEATURED IN ARTICLE Courawated • Mads. Rio. Feat Os 52000 • Tar Cl... Wed. M. H. R.. IN le the ben of a 1o11 age Datum •nIelo *aided out of O. M. flan.' white in Me gel... -Sew. ue... The a t e ,oMn t.toment . ten he iw-oWraen,ee betin uene. that would isot be wt.. in bit fn.., hue.. lie Spocialising for Haverford Student. Anima. Arcade 2 Ilan West of Thad. Naas Anima. 510 awd 393 te 'llrhe"oude thwe''.[Paks7 ?t7S'td.o1" 7I Philodolakaa New Yowls Styles and lasts to suit envy taste-to fit every foot. S7 & Both Can't Be President WESLEY M. HEILMAN 71-A■ra.,,"g :gg• ttil[1.44! dent Mottod Inounita fir. Michael Handley had a wife, a daughter and three sons-two mature men active in his business and the third a young boy. Life Insurance !al. :Iv Si,, to ire. in the adv.. in After 1• 111. Ole Ub. his career • full-Raged nier111. For bin first bell hum he made a net of 1000. For dm year. 11100. tine day he re•thed the future io the work. Ile ewe the of Y... men I. art.. .th ibele to M. ted be oast Wet for O. nape If he art. are nom his owe ma. he woad 11. ao. foe. kin tunnage doubled .1., 11)et 'III, hi, bine.. Imu grown at readily that le all out or Om WOO Haw The Gift Shop Pictures, Picture Framing and Novelties Bryn MaseivArdmore•Wayne He came to us to get a trust company viewpoint on be had recently made. We studied this man's provisions for settling his estate, met his family, discussed hi. bumineo affairs with him, and then said: a will ISIS PG.., Phil.. Teat. Bldg. 400 Mediae. Ave. The 1930 ValentineSweet thoughts in a sweet Send a Sampler to women Whitman's Sampler as a form. Whitman's Choco. who you wish to please- Valentine is an example of latex are appreciated-a your mother-wife-sister 1930 good taste and good really mentedVeleatiae. ( or romeone's sister). 'sense. America's favorite! PRINTING Wm. H. Pile's Sons .2 OALNUT STREET ..... ra. Rooks, PaishItts ad Castoffs*. Office Stationery HEART BOXES Meer eyeitel elf rebates. is, ei eke eel A yr Ikkienvoneo 'ea of peeks,- mkt the eseleas earsieefor islreled. Cheese year Iran bares at year ,,,,,,, Ths SALMAGUNDI 4 fenierisre bakeries beta... et ilo oee. oft, ,,,,,re met e'vio dowittoi not be, no wen bar;, se Nodal. la versed brai pomade. N.50 opt mead "The weak spot in your estate plans is-the human element. Your two elder sons are able and ambitious. But both can't be president to succeed you. One is older and more experienced than the other-the logical choice for president. But the other, as star salesman, is very vi fit] to your business. If he should become dissatisfied and withdraw, his loss not only would work to his own detriment, but might also have a harmful effect on the business ass whole and the interests of the daughter and the youngest son, "These two, by the way, might think that your two elder sons, being active in your business, would receive special preference in your will. Your estate problem is to insure good-will among your heirs. -•• "Why not make next Christmas • real one? Mahe • partial distribution of retreat:ate now, inroad of after your death. Set up a $50,000 trust for your daughter I JEROME13 GRAY 160E ARCH STREET PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISING COPY JOHN R HOOPES '21 RITTENHOUSE 9266 The PRESTIGE The dr Ivy, ralratinr! With in 11”. T.SAMPLER Each par Werr and .an beaker mesi Ike Sambre,- al eer raleitera Wall mere ar? n4eoamkeMalaloib-as bb pe at ee d satereese-s4r year Sksbakt tallow keel. Send As Angier gad ka,* • eoe■be la me, Is, aro, awl ice koala, $144 els keel lot bee ditimpittrhed euirh heraldic dr. lips. th e et appeal t to eke .7,. rho oar, eta practical tide of at, tooaiett Each pieta, el moll Partible.. <eta !wig. cottly renter, it Nadi. ail 1.5.1, heed work le 1.4 ewe eked thser pond,. $2 the Noma Suburban Publishing Co. and another for your youngest son. Give catch of your two elder sons outright 50 dowel of stock in your baldness. Make yourself chairman of the board, your eldest son president, and the other grown son sales manager. Solidify good-will in your family today and see the good mules of your action while you are still living." He acted on our advice-and today we have the satOlfaction of knowing that the business is prospering and that the four heirs are satisfied and on good terms. Thu story is one of those told in our booklet, Tref Scotia of Tee Estates, eetus/ eases which have been changed in minor detaib to avoid any violation of confidence. Have you made an estate plan without expert advice? Ow trust officers are always available for consultation with you and your attorney. Wayne, ANY WHITMAN AGENT WILL BE Fine Stationery GLAD TO MAIL YOUR VALENTINE 200 Skate Sheet. ?Se 100 Ewes,. 75e Printed to Mack or Bleu WHITMAN'S FAMOUS CANDIES ARE SOLD BY PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY Warner's Drug Store, Haverford Haverford Pharmacy, Haverford Harper Drug Co., Inc., Ardmore Llewellyn 's Drug Store, Ardmore • 410 vekki Y Om. D. M. West, Ardmore Spring Pharmacy, Ardmore PROVIDENT TITLE COMPANY AMERICA'S PIONEER LIFE INSURANCE TRUSTEE