D NEWS VtOLUME lle—NUMIIER 19 Studies Mapped For R. and R. Unit In Second Term .4.1tDalORE, PA.. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 19, 1944 Students Must File Schedules by Today Students are reminded that schedules for next term must be filed in Dean Gibb's office by this morning. The tentative list of courses le posted. During the exam week courses to be arranged will be arranged, and hours to be changed will be changed. Corrected schedules must be filed on Monday or Tuesday, January 31st and February lat. $2.1 A YEAR Cornelia Otis Skinner Gives Monologues to Packed House Staff of NEWS Elects Leuchter Last Wednesday night, ac- The most successful of these To Succeed Hsia companied by the guffaws of • was The Arithmetic Problem, BY WAL1LEX STUART large, more enthusiastic than Four News Editors discriminating audience, Mist which depended for much of its Cornelis Otis Skinner proved humour on an accent not un- Chosen at Meeting; that besides her own undenia- common in these parts. In ble charm, he had all the quali- spite of the fact that the Stokes Ts Re - elected 'Social Case Work' ties of a great actress. DurNow heads of all the departing the evening the moot over- humour would not have been New courses of Andy and artaxed of these qualities was her decreased end the subtlety ments of the Haverford NEWS, tiviti. have been outlined as with the exception of the Busisense of tinting, might which have been enabled the Relief and Reconstruction increased by ness Bowel, were elected at a her to work the lines of five the deletion of a maerrble Unit prepares to enter its secor meeting of the monologues in edgewise amidst entire NEWS ond term at Haverford. the almost continuous laughter. • doweling here Ind there, it staff held Monday evening in was, on the whole, the best of the Union. New Courses to Be Gives Timm Square Moat Dramatic Ben Z. Leuchter was chosen the funny skits. Professor Frank Dekker WatAll five of the sketches which as editor, succeeding David Y. son is opening a new course *be chose are tried and proven Becomes; Entangled in Beads Y. Has, who assumed the post for the unit st the beginning Skinner successes—Tim ArithThe program ended with a in May, 1942. Devil E. Long of the coming term. Its submetic Problem, sad The Hotel was elected managing editor ject will be "Social Case Work"; Porch, along with the Automo- short characterisation of an in- and John K. Libby, associate the course is to Last six weekA•. Student Quiz Show bile Ride, being probably her credibly stupid British lady editor, positions vacant during This will be followed by a three most famous monologues. lecturer. In the middle, the the last two , semesters. The study of "International Relief Planned for Feb. 29 From a dramatic and tech- distinguished lady became en- board unanimously re-elected Administration," to be Liven by The Collection speakers for nical point of view the best en- tangled in her bead., and there Joseph Stokes, III. business Herta Emus of the Bryn Mawr the month of February have re- tertainment was furnished by has been much speculation manager, and Charles C. Ryrie College faculty. wan voted the sports editorship, cently been announced by Brin- Times Square, in which Miss Corammi cos P., 2 Of the twenty-one students ton succeeding George MontgomH. Stone, Assistant to the Skinner portrayed half a clown now in the group, all are to recharacters on Broadway ery, Jr. The position of Photogmain next term. Maria Louisa President. Dr. Edward H. the theatre hour. The during replay editor was unanimously Gildermeister, who entered the Hama, Secretary of the Christ- piece was held together whole voted to Richard D. Rivers. who by the college last spring, will grad- ian Medical Council for Over- contrast of the characters, succeeds Edward Block in that and see, Work, will ;meek an Tuesuate this month with the only this contrast was made beauticapacity. undeeffradote degree ever be- day morning, February 1, on lnBy by a series of News Editors Elected stowed upon a woman by BALT- "American Medicine Abroad." masterful split-second transiProfessor J. Duncan ‘ipeeth New. editors elected by the erford College. She will receive will speak February 3 on Alma- tion. Thus an audience which, staff (Deluded William IL Chara Bachelor of Arta degree, but hem Lincoln. Professor Spaeth at one minute, was feeling toner, Thomas P. Goodman. after bee graduation intends to was formarty president of Kan- sorry for an office girl losing Chartener and Libby Charles Long, 11, resides Is the Relief mod. BA- sas City and Walker her man was in the next aroused College and is ProfesStuart. ,Lawrence ocostratidge Unit hers. sor Emeritus of English Litera- by the playful technique of a To Represent College Jr., was unanimouslD. Steele], y selected fluffy Southern bridesmaid . ture at Princeton University. Owe* Is Sods Berning for the position of circulation H. was * visiting professor at Thee, after being torn by the A New England tour is be- manager, nueceeding James C. pathos ot a courageous young ing planned by the Darin the aloft to the ilisvertord last year. William Buckley, who will enter the and of the 311. Fraser. a Syracuse. wife giving hope to her in- Winter Comfort Debating So- Army month. The staff flitritag qt lirel , attorney and a promd's- valid tamband, is test into ciety for the first week in electedneat Martin Sanders an es. for the R. and /Pa, there will be end figure paroxysms of laughter by • February. in legal action intour will in- satiate, on the editorial board. a rotation of groups among the volving government Brooklyn-accented Boom spar- clude severalThe agencies, colleges and uniLeuchter fraduated from the severe] fields of applied work. will speak February ring with 15 on the Navy. her boy friend from versities from Princeton to Vineland (N.J.) High School, Each group works for • full "Bureaucracy in Attics," Boeton. William II. Chartener class of 1942, where quarter in sack of the sentinels. be was and On John K. inton Libby, Three s Bidbi chairman Entirely illessioreas editor-In-chief of the senior The Crafts section has ceased February 22. the ap.akar will The most serious of the 'kits, and manager of the society, re- yearbook, president of the Boys' functioning, but work is con- be FAA G. Harrison, spectively, are expected who to is the take the famous Hotel Porch, conPublic Speaking Club, and a tinuing in Motor Mechanics commissioner of the U. S. Im- tains, in the person of selfish part on the tour. member of the basketball teem. sad at Weekend Workcamp. migration and Natturslitation old lady, a villainness worthy At Haverford, he was a memThe American Friends Service Service in Philadelphia To Discuss Ramie and was of the Shakespeare of !ago or ber of the Debating Committee him also opened a one of the Radio delegates from the Hellman of Regina GidAlthough negottatimis for de- Clubs in his freshmanand bold of work fur volunteers who the Unitedtwo year, and States to the Inter- dons. The horror of her re- bates have been begun with participated are apprenticed in the cake. of American Democratic in jayvee football, Congress fusal to allow her daughter 'a some eight colleges, only two jayvee and varsity basketball, she eoramittee. in Mexico City last October. life of her own and of her con- debates are definitely arranged and baseball. A new source of training has The program on February 29 tinued diabolical prying Long, a graduate into now. On 'Tuesday evening, been found at the Douglas Hos- will be a student quit chow un- other February 1, Haverford will de. Ceonge School, was alsoof the editorpital in South PhiAdalphia, der the direction of William Is ever, peoples affairs was, bow- bate Princeton. And on Thurs- in-chief of his senior yearbook. dissipated by the com*where several members of the Lehmann. This program will bination of a few humorous day afternoon, February 3, the He joined the NEWT immediunit will help out. Two women be similar to one held last year lines opponent will be the and Massaan uncontrollab ly hiately upon entrance To Haverwill &est at the hospital four with Robert F. Jordan as M. C. larious chusetts Institute of Tech- ford and has audience. also been a memafternoons every week during Mr. Stone welcome. seirres• More in keeping with the nology, ber of the International Relathe coming term. It has also lions from students for Collec- mood of the evening were the The question for debate in tk'ne Club. been announced that a counts tion speakers and programs. three entirely humorous piers.. both of these contests will in Home Nursing will he given Libby, Ryrie Active be: Resolved: That the United one evening a week under the Libby, the new associate edStates should enter into a mili- itor, graduated direction of the Ardmore Rod from Annapolis tary alliance in which Soviet (Md.) High Cross. Most of the women are &hoot and entered Russia is a member after the Heverford in expected to take the course. September, 1942. present war." Both opponents Since his arrival Minor Changes to Hs Male have elected to uphold the el. become secretary-here, he has treasurer of firrnative Haverford will de- the Students' BY WALTEll I. Setiosoim The three mine courses givCouncil and manfend the negative. en last term—German, Polish, ager of the Debating Club. He -Stand By Your Guns," ano the play and and Area Study—will be con- original confessed that is also • member of the NautiOregon Style To Se Used tinued. 'The Area Study group, ten by musical comedy, writ- he had had quite a dercall eel and International Relations Pet. Myron A. Lenin time turning husky PM. into The debate with K. L T. will clubs, and played on the cricket however, which his heft eddy- and Pvt. Richard H. Warren, *eductive be in the Oregon style. This team last spring. Ryrie, eborus girls. ing the economic and will be given by the Prostyle of debating, of which M. is student vice-presIdent ofwho Ram. Film Offer graphical conditions in Cher Meteorology Cap unit on Saturday, The theatre column, "Curtain I. T. is one of the foremost ex- end Bells and a member of the many, will shift their *mentos:, February 5, at ei30 P. M., in Call," of the PM publication, ponent. in the East, involves Students' Council, was abo on to a similar study of Cuero- Roberts Hail. Pats. Lenin and "Pre-Met-itations," crow-examination. After each the Steering Committee of the slavakia and Poland. mention Warren are the co-producers the fact that Pets. Lenin, Lipp constructive speech an op- Glee Club. Made Um of College Grade and co-directors of the play, man, and Warren, have refused- ponent questions the speaker while Pet. Morton A. Lippman an offer of fifty thousand During the past term the R. composed the music. dol- for five minutes on matter. relars for film rights, because 'sting to the content of his J. K. Libby to Speak and R, Unit ham participated in speech. M. I. T. has also made they *till holdoat for threemany traditional Haverford acThe plait unhers in a week day pewee Rem ota also cir- arrangement. for a critic judge At IRC Joint Meeting tivities. This mason, for the of graduation festivities for culate that special Language for the debate, The debate with first time, Hweerford woman the Mt end A under the genA joint meeting of the triterstudents have attended the col- eral supervision of the gradua- courses were given at Bryn Princeton will be orthodox in lege'. football, weer, and tion committee, which conalsta Mawr for members of 'Qs cast style and will hare an audience net/0nel Relations Clubs of derision. Haverford Who were and Bryn Mawr will unacquainted with the basketball games. of throe seb-eesanditess for local jargon. be held at Bryn Mawr during New England tour will the The unit, eonslatmg mostly the play, the &nee, and the find Members of the east are Pats. beThe week the third tour of the present was announcedin February, it college graduates, will con- yearbook. It le satin on the John Burnett, Anthony by Manual J. Di season. In November trol s its work here until June, Ha of the Pita at Haverford Philippe a debate /eines Dunn, Hyman was held president of the Haverat which time the members will and on the Main IAD. at Baltimore with Graves, Epstein, Alexander Liftman, ford group. Johns Hopkins. This was in separate for work at work; "The Arley *remit the eyes George Farrow, Rodney John, K. Libby will be the Hoffcamps or other activideo a the knee was Pvt. Lonliea man, George lisitansann, John conjunction with the Interne- principal speaker at the joint eared by the A. R. 5. C. riptice et the play. Miller, Stanley Schlesinger, Hon.( Relations Clubs Confer- nursling, talking on the subject ence. Two debates were held of "Internal MB rebirth in the TUB le re- art=g at the fatal= Arthur Singer. In their Esiononte." opinin New York City in December. sease Senses until Deasseben. ast crealited. bat ion, the play win prove that Shiro Gamer will graduate Plana contemplate several deAct neetbers et the es11 wi is the ebseerest him et 1st regulatioes bates with local celleans and from Haverford next month, it tbs. be ellsible two tie Mate/ tem" be added epelodetheeliy. alatiiiite. planned to hold an election &Wu Xall re11she lily be metre' Penn- le Pet. Lenin Is the dopes &rester tsina the aid, of Ars degree. for • new president al this prewar spirit. /glee In the mama. meeting., Lbw F. D. Watson to Give Six Week,s Course, Stone Announces Collection Talks Debate Society Plans Contests & PM's to Give Musical Comedy On February 5 in Roberts flail :yr= MAYERFORD NEWS PAGE TWO Haverford News • Founded February 15, 1909 Editor: David TI-Yang Baia Business Manager: Joseph Seek= III Sports Editor: George hteataaniery, Jr. Photographic Editor: Edward Meek Circulation Manager: James C. lbetiday Libby, David E. News Editors: Ben Z. Leuchter. John K. -.• Long, Charles C. Ryrie. er, Associates: William H. Chartener, Stewart P. Schneid , Thomas P. Goodman, Walker Stuart, Julius Kitchen Roche, Charles Long, IT, Harry F. Manbeck, Robert P. . Walter Seligsohn, George B. Starr, Mee= Trainer five hundred food, both rationed and =rationed, to filed nearly men, and we appreciate a job well done. at supMinor changes, such as jam at breakfast and tea the whole per, do not go unnoticed by those who eat hare, and efficient one. atmosphere of the dining room has become a quiet, and In spite of this, we still hear compliant& from some, in line. Both there are still student. who can't wait their turn lines and g rationin both of these groups should remember that basic were formed so that all might be put on an equal a job Apart from that, the dining room can be termed well done! Wednesday, Jamul 19, 11441 Hornets to Play Strong Quintets On February 4, 8 Montiomery Totals 98 Points Thus Far; Bob Clayton Returns Across the Desk Sporting a record of three victories against one defeat, the Revertant College basketball squad will find itself facing two formidable opponents during the tint week of the new semester. will determine From a military ntandpoint, the year 1944 to reign whether the democratic or the totalitarian is designed Second da unchallenged. General Eisenhower has promise wee be. the of Front which will conclude the European phase To Meet La Salle of the year. end the fore STAFF BUSINESS The Scarlet and Black will viewpoint, the year 1544 also presents! a political a From d with travel to Philadelphia on FebAdvertising Manager: J. Frederick Muench. crisis; in it will be elected the man who will be entruste its relation- ruary 4 to meet the is Salle Business Associate: Lawrence D. Steeled, Jr. the responsibility of guiding the United States in the for rs, at present ships with the other nations and its home-front policies elec- College dribble the the wave of SPORTS STAFF next four years. Unless Norman Thorne should stealbe repre- riding high on will three straight wins. The scortion, it is quite certain that the American people Aanstant Sports Editor: Richard D. Rivers. atic party. It ing star for La Salle, which last sented either by the Republican or the Democr Associates: Robert Good. James B. Wright. be selected Friday night defeated Rider by is fairly certain that President Roosevelt will again t the even- thirteen points, is 16-year-old momen the at and atic ticket, Democr the on run to weekly College the least, un- Bobby Walters, freshman guard. Published by the student body of Haverford tual candidate of the Republican party is, to say re Ardmo the by Printed year. throughout the academic Wait-ere collected sixteen points certain. e, Pa. Printing Company, 49 Rittenhouse Place, Ardmor pulls a Friday night against the TrenUnass a black horse, or should we say elephant, Office, Post Pa, e, Ardmor it appears ton quintet. Entered as second-class matter at the Willkie-blita at the Republican convention in June, Dewey under Act of Congress August 24, 1512. Haverford will play hoot on that either the same Mr. Willide or Governor ThomasDespite ncy. Preside the for ted December 8 to the University of New York will be nomina that he will of Delaware, of whom not much the fact that Mr. Dewey has declared repeatedly In shar=e of this =se: David Y. Y. Ilia and his not be a candidate, his bandwagon is picking up steam rses, is known this year. One may wheelho party The waving. remember, however, that in banner, though unofficial, is ttee, and February of last year the Blue many of whom are stationed on the National Commi rd They gon. Looking Forwa Hens from Delaware gave Haythe Old Guard are protecting Mr. Dewey's bandwa and feel that are bitterly opposed to Mr. Winkle's nomination erford an unmerciful beating. THIS ISSUE OF THE NEWS comes the end of another again from him ing prevent examina of r mid-yea capable the Dewey is the only man 69-21. Most of last year's DelYfradministration of the paper. After the mashers dominating the Presidential scene. aware five were seniors playtions. a new Board will take over the paper. We, luck in their the ca- ing their last basketball game, of the retiring Senior Board wish them the beet of Let us for a moment analyze the background and ent po- so this year's team should difficult task ahead. pabilities of the two men. Dewey first became promin had t Attorney of New York Qty, where he show many new fame. The present Administration has, like all prevous boards, we litically as Dietrio representation for efficiency in dealing rs ago, quite a Clayton to Return our ups and downs. Since we book office two semeste we have earned himself is not with the underworld. We must canteen that Mr. Winkle strike hen seen many changes at Raverford. Soros of these Badly in mad of 'reserves, is one which ls, crimina upcatching of have art we the in these of polished Some as Ray Mullen will receive sees many =engem et Eaves-ford. ed to rms. against him, for Mr. Dewey has the advantage of knowing all Coach e addition to the squad held and supported, others Condemned and attempt beet of oar the methods of doing away with common murderers like Hit- a 'welcom Clayton, '48, who was vent We have at all timed tried to uphold to the Bob in whole we feel ler, Hirohito, and their respective stooges. On the other hand, ability the right of the student body and on the deprivation of life, is not recently given a medical dismore not ie war the after object stand. our that chosen that we do not regret having moral and charge from the U. S. Army, the bloodthirsty pursuit of our enemies, but is the Board, l and and who expects to return to To cite a few of the issues taken up. by the present psychological reconstruction of the world on a fraterna ng of the d improve ents, qualifications of experience does Dewey college at the beginni What we leave successfully altered the degree requirem basis. l peacefu sappers, of February semester. the lighting system, sponsored the Student - Faculty in extra- show, that would point tqohim logically as the man capable tion tried to farther Bryn Mawr - Haverford coopera him to create suEh an international state of affairs! In the four games played thus e speak- helping has failed to curricular activities, attempted to obtain better Collectk Absolutely none. A. Governor of Nut York he far, Captain George Montgomof s problem the the for clarify race to the ed platform pledges. In has split the cords for a ers, fonght student apathy, attempt ent at carry oat his liberal he is being backed by the conservative. ery total of 95 points, or an avercy the dining room, and tried to activate student governm candida tial Presiden foron h of 24-5 points per game. Reverford. We have taken an international approac ist forces in the Republican party; If he should become age This is tar ahead of the record domestic 's- isolation decision, would undoubtedly be strongly in- he eat last year at Raves-ford his' eign policy and a liberal, anti-reactionary stand on t, Presiden the these issues, group, a dis- in tallying over two hundred etae We have not always been socceseful on all of fluenced and controlled- by the interests of We diecouragehas points and a game average of but =areas in some has prompted us on, despite state of affairs indeed. He has yet to prove that he astrous out g bringin heiriT 17.1. Second in acorinoo for the merely ' inent oT others, and we consider that in a stifikierit knowledge of economics to direct the increast in step a y Scarlet and Black is Torward omen certainl have he we faces; place, S. U. fleet some of these issues in the complex internal problems that the who has 38 ional affairs, Frank Kennedy,games for an the direction of progress. can't boast of being a dominant figure In internat points in the four a relative- overage =eh in centered we been will, has it life paper, 9.5. of the political over whose takes A man As the new Administration d to eommand the respect of facing expecte be be will It cannot off. area left we small ly where issues the hope, take on will, thereIt will find men like Churrhill, Stalin. and Chiang Kai-Shek and many more difficult problems than we have facedproportionin face of the er fore, not have the influence in post-war discussions it increasingly harder to carry on a weekly paper determining Cornelia Otis Skinn t lack of ate to the size of the role played by the U. S. in under the steady decrease-of civilian students and the resultan Co•tiwwl from Peg, I body faithworld conflict This, of course, the of student e the of outcom the soppert the with But . campus on nun would deign to have the U. S. par- hereabouts as to whether this of alumni fully behind them and with the sincere appreciation stand= assumption that Dewey little sequence was completely ticipate In any kind of International organization. who keep telling us that they are glad that the NEWS Dewey. premeditated or mot One obthe changing Now for Mr. Willkle, who is a complete contrast to as the one normal part of Haverford unaltered by remarked that ha was his server shown has blessed the and till In the first place, he is extremely liberal, ed that Coreffects of the war,. it will carry on msecessfully tly and out- absolutely convinc is dark and Sklatter could oat liberal attitude towards minority groups frequen Otis nelia day of peace comes to us all unli! The road ahead man at the have planned to remain silent strive iness should we big-bus a why was reason himself lee more the all Though is y. that spokenl difficult, but has gained a on the stage for as long a time head of a large utility, and from that experience on and rise up to wee greater heights for Raves-ford! the common as the disentanglement conpractical knowledge of economics, he is aware of sumed. Whether extemporan—Mans' problems. and if elected, would do his best to solve these eous or not, however, the result problems. was a very funny bit of busibetween ness. Cen foreign issue* there is virtually no difference A Job Well Done has policy his elt; Roosev his platform and that of President On the whole, the • performsemester, been the too The dining room and cafeteria has, this consistently favored U. S. participation of world affairs; there ance euffered from having n not only in person- large me audience in such a He Willkie. l subject of much comment. It has received attentio Wendel with isolation of danger no is off and on fad the both from NEWS and the in apace, also but small great ation, the of worldin student esmvars ally well-liked and respected by the leaders el rethem. that many, having heard of the editorial page. However, recent changes in personn powers, aped unlike Deck!y would be accepted as one of as a comedienne, and ac- Mire ninner traveled well ely extrem is quire that this editorial be written. Dewey, unlike, Re. also, expected a sort of female Bob the respect- Hope and were ready to laugh Bytes, quainted with the people of Europe and Asia and The appointment of Messieurs Howell, Prey, and whenever she opened her t a most favorive countries to which they belong. r aestheticas heads of the dining room staff, has brough liberal, month. But howeve of whom Obviously then, If the American people want a able =sags into the dining room. These men, each ally imperfect the whole may be not have will ace, war world exparis of roared. another deal still that great so people a nt, with been, have far-eighted Preside came te Haverford ughs, by the war. caused by our refuel to participate in an international organi- And inasmuch a. belly-la handled well their Jobe made increasingly diffinalt y rativel the compa is, the he If on te. even raised. sation, Wlllkie must be the Republican candida t home front, are at a ;dimwi ve, In general, the quality d the food served boo been executi chief sound a of =turd people can be as int. evethe Americ compla days, lawn these sail m sea that premiu r. howeve It 'boatel = noted, whether be he Roosevelt or Wilkie and can feel that our po- ning, for that mason, can be ints less =oat. the quantity, although the number se asespla considered a great 41111111raisey Ow 40.011 lineell future Is In safe bands. decreased. Everyone at Haverford fully mai. 111110011•11. J. L of buying smiggin task which arafreete the Inman and his stet ak- Weltomdae, leassary It, 1544 Loyola Beaten By Haverford At Baltimore HAVIDIFOMD NWWB PAGE MR= eillumni `Notes Lt. Robert Miller Lands at Tarawa Varsity Basketball Bearing C. M. Henry, '31, 1.1385 Rolm M. bate preached at 'Writes from Italy the first, December graduation Captain Otarles M. Henry, of Mount Holyoke College. Was Active Student '91, in a letter dated Decem1924 ber Sfi, 1943, writes! that he While at Haverford Montgomery Paces Dean Carpenter in manager has been on the Italian front Robert E. Miller, Jr., is now Johnson 4 13 4 30 7.6 of the Hilton Hotel In Akre- recently. Commenting on Team to 5141 Win; the NEWS, he &aye, "We serving as s first lieutenant in querque, New Mexico. Wright probably a sign of provincial- the United States Marine Corp.l, 4 7 6 20 5.0 Johnson Tallies 14 ism, but I feel a twinge of and he has seen active service 1928 4 1 1 8 .7 nostalgia with every issue, in several areas. Word has been Journeying South Wed- (laid Lt. (Jr) G lfeely Fox sod his for regardless of other received that he was among nesday night to invade the wife announce the birth of a changes at Haverford, the the marines who tok part In the realm of the Matson-Dixon Colnon, Charles Keels, Fox, born NEWS romaine a fairly fix- assault on Tarawa Island 1.n the legiate Seeks-that] Conference, in Washington, D. C., on De- ed Institution. About the central Pacific, and that he the Scarlet and Black basketcember 22. only change seems to be the came through this costly battle ball team defeated Loyola ColJ. McLain King is stationed deadline; it seems but a few unhurt. let. of Baltimore by the more at the U. S. N. R. Midshipmen's days Miller left college in 1942 of 41-41 for its third consecuSchool at Columbia University, the since I was a part of mad rush on Sunday after hie graduation, and entive victory of the 1944 season. New York, where Cheater A. However, this ten-point marOlinger. '27, and G. Ralph night to get the copy whip- tered the marines shortly afgin. seemingly substantial, must Fouls Hinder Fords; Stroh!, Jr., '41, are also study- ped up in time to make the terwards for his bode training last train to Philadelphia." period. He has been in the not be taken as en indication ing. service since that time. While that the game was a runaway Montgomery Tabs 25 in College he was active In 1922 for Haverford. The home team many extracurricular activitrailed throughout the greater Traveling to West Cheater William E. Miller writes in a ties. He nerved aa Sports Edpart of the game, but their fast lest Monday evening to meet letter to Dr. Carl Allendoerfer 1936 itor of the NEWS, and was on break, and pick-off plays fort- the Purple and Gold in that he is now teaching taiga their Sebastian Pugliese play- the varsity baseball and footed the Hornets to make the at the Ground School. AAF edJohn recently on the first Hall of ball squads. He was also a most of all foul shots end dor- second game of the infant sea- Pilot Scheel (Advanced Twolag chances they were given. son, the Scarlet end Black hoop- Engine) Army Alr Field, in Fame program of the Philco member of the Varsity Club. Corporation. He was heard In He is now in Battery F, 2nd The Fords completed 11 of their eters did not behave "Lite 1111 Altus, Oklahoma. He teaches 14 free throws from the foal guests should, but badly sub- identification of aircraft and two selections with Paul White- Battalion, 10th Mariann, and man's Orchestra. On Saturday, his address is c/o Fine Postline—proof that they have the naval veasels. Since he came ability to do it when points are merged their hosts by the over- to the Air Field last January January 9, Putties. was guest master, San Francisco, Cal. soloist with the Rochester Symwhelming more of 64-44. From he has had six weeks needed. in the whistle to whistle, the Fords Central Instructors School at phony Orchestra. A "harmonica tiontgonaery Leads Soaring dominated virtuoso," he is Currently apthe play, utilising a San Antonio, Teem!. pearing in New York', Cafe As used, Big resorge Mont- fart break that worked havoc While in college Miller. was Society Vice President Speaks Uptown. gomery led the HiTedford scor- with class secretary in his Junior the inexperienced Teaching pared., this time with eight year, and was Phi Beta Kappa. To Pittsburgh Alumni 1941 field goals and four out of five era' defense. Paced by Captain He was • corporation scholar Edwerd Page Allinsee was Vice President Archibald foot shots for 20 point.. Jim Montgomery and Kennedy, who in his Senior year. He was also Lacy, are forward for the scored 26 and 17 points respect- a member of the Classical Club married to Miss Louise Elliot Macintosh was the speaker at Rothermel, daughter of Mr. Green, racked up 10 and 2 for and the English Club. the annual luncheon reunion of 22 point., while Dave Johnson ively, Haverford piled rap a 81Walter C. Baxter was recent- and Mrs. Peter Frederick Roth- Pittsburgh alumni on Tuesday, 21 halftime lead and was never ly promoted to the position bellied 14. of ermel, III, on Monday, Decemthreatened in its quest for vic- assistant tenet officer of the ber 27, at the Church of the December 28. The luncheon was Montgomery opened the veer- tory. Girard Trent Company of Redeemer, Bryn Mawr, Pa. held in the Hotel Roosevelt, ing with a field goal after about Philadelphia. The Girard Trust 'Pecker Frasier Meehan re- and about 85 alumni were presthe first three minutes of play. Fads Jinx Second Period Company has among its officers cently enlisted in the service. ent. Mr. Macintosh dimmed The first quarter pruned quickthe following Haverfordian s: Wilfrid Lee Simmons is re- the present organisation and ly, and with Motel finding the Starting off strong, the Hor- A. Douglas Oliver, '19. vice ported missing nets loat little range for 7 more points and in action in the activities 'of the college. time in finding president; G. Randle Grimes, Matey and Johnson collaborat- the range and halfway through '23, trust officer; F. W. Elliott South Pacific. Simmons, an en ing for 4, the Hornets led after the first half were anchored Farr. '31, trust °Meer; Allen sign in the Navy and a pilot, to ten minutes, 12 to 6. Midway M. Terrell, '32, assistant trust was a member of the NEWS Board, of the Student Council, Eastman, Dillon & Co. in the towed quarter, the a 16-4 lead by virtue of three Investment. officer. of the Cap and Belle Glee Club, Waver New York Seca Each... Greyhounds trailing by twelve beaker' by Monty, two by Kenand he was a corporation !cho1933 points, Schanberger and Lacy nedy, and on. each by Wright, ler while he was in college, opened fire to tally ten points Johnson, and Estey. At the Investments James Hemphill, who between them tfeettgoutere dart of the second period, the'graduatedMiss 225 S Fifteenth SL Phila.. Ps from the University 1943 finished the scoring for the fouling hug plagued the Fords, of Pennsylvania Medical School. period with two long one-hand- and J. Morrie Bream was married still ale minutes to go '37, is now a lieutenant in the ers, and the score at the end of untilwith half time: Montgomery Army and at present is station- to Miss Dorothy Anne Tall, the half stood at 24-18, Advan- had committed of Mr. and Mrs. ed in Greenland. Mrs: Hemp- daughter three personals tage Haverford. At the half, and for safety's sake had been hills and their son, Beep& are George Tall, Jr., of Giamatti., Ardmore Printing Montgomery had scored 16 of removed from the game. Ken- living at 209 Lippincott Avenue, on Saturday, January 8, at 5 o'clock in the Calvary Presbythe Scarlet and Black's 24 nedy, Wright, and Este, Company Riverton, N. J. oleo terian Church, Wyncota, Pa. points. were called for violations durHINTERS mu. ENGRAV7.13 1934 ing this rough quarter, and The following Haverfordiana lacy Ties Score mainly through such an excess Lewis H. Bowen, director of are now stationed at the Boca 49 RITTENHOUal3 PLACE The third period had hardly of free throws and the effort, Publicity for American Red Raton Field, Florida: Second opened when Lacy and Gimlet of Sachs, who caged two beau- Cross, sailedthe AEDMOKE In the middle of Lient George M. Ryer, '43; 13/ combined foreee to reduce the tiful long shots, the Purple was December for an extensive are nose Ardmore 17W Set. Pad C. Rowland, '41; Pfc. margin to one point.Lacy them able to regain some lost ground slgronent in the Southwestern James A- Samara, ex-'45, and imam lie Maw tying the score at 27 with • feel and whittled the score down to Pacific. Ler Over to Yew, Stagg- M. Wayne Meeeley, shot. ,Taking advantage of 2141 at halftime. their fast break. Loyola pushed themselves ahead at 32-31, hat To start the second half, Frank Kennedy connected with Coach Mullen switched Ken• lay-up from the right to pet nedy and Montgomery, the latthe Horneta once more in the ter going to forward where lead. And they were never be- there wrtald be lent chance to foul This move was decisive, hind from there on tn. for the change seemed to do ti It was Dave Johnson who fin- both boy, good. Monty finally ally put the game on tee for found the range, and in the Haverford. braking Loyola's course of the next twenty minheart with three field goals and utes pumped eight field goals, two successful fools in the space mainly one-handers from ten •;1;1 J "h- ff t? of fire minutes. From thee an feet out and a foul through the ' .•• the Greyhounds picked up their mesh to start the Fords rolling final points of the greening, leav- and keep them in high. Kening the court open for Mont- nedy, on the other hand, loopgomery. Eatery, Wright, and ed in two beautiful whets and Johnson once again to bring the converted two Ards to bring score to 51-41. hie total for the evening to 17 Jimmy Wright 1110 seemed to The box score : earn. to life in the amend heir Haverfeed • P and contributed five points. Fir while and Johnson, who Johnson. f 2 14 playedEttey excellent defensive ball Xisisasly, f ~/" rit 2 1 5 throughout. collaborated for • 116smkgemery, .8 4 20 eight points. AmAmmym. astsv. 1 5 Michaels Scores fee Teediers Geld 0 o 0 For the home team. Michaels Wright, g 2 patted in three rebounds and made on two layups to 20 11 11 spark good Hasa a "Cake", says the American soldier in Iceland, and in three the Teacher.' gassier Leeds scoring effort, while Hoffman words he ban made a friend. It works ie Redriadc as it doe. in Lacy .._. 10 M and GISMINS each tallied lye. Rochester. Be malt you have Coca-Cola in your kebet or home. Schaerberger ..... 4 Sachs' third long shot of the 0 'Round the globe. Coca-Cola sands for the purse that psfretb, (Acrid 1 1 game, coming about three min1 ute. before the final gun, mark—has become ttse ice-breaker between kindly-minded strangers, 0 4 ed the and of all resistance to °Coire'txtee-,,C,do O I the selestlen Haverford surge, 110”1.11) UNDER AVTIIORM OP VIII COCA. COLA COMPANY It ft t sad the Haste sestiased to Mau. T4or'lk ■lay me I.e. phi04 Saint 110= 64 COCA-000.A BOTPLLNG 0012PAP I Cowe-Gule caked -cone% I 41 sir Ise me lee% Isigh G Fg F T Avg. Montgomery 4 44 10 98 24.5 Kennedy 4 15 8 38 9.5 Fetey 4 15 282 8.0 Fords Swamp West Chester Have a "Coke"= Come, be blessed and be happy tali •• • rom Idaho to Iceland tia67‘; 1. 0 ' Weilmsday, Unwary IR /OM IAVERPORD NEWS PAGE POUR James Shipley Gets New Post ARTICLE IV THE HONOR SYSTEM College .tut guests. and toe n Haverford new. I. All &amines.the Howe System. The Honor Seem dad/ conducted under dull he theee nioro 1.3 seem be construed to men the during raunim r, acting ar the capacity of membe no panne, tuber ;Indent or Emote t conduc proper the for ihk roporo student deli be official manna, toed 51•11•111 ressind prem ash I=(6r Weletateml lex ANDA. W lama f t tura/sum atone. aeon sisartetamo Weisman. Poles' ham kap al mei emtersettae here respfed WON .risk, IMallArfrIth vosidlets Who ead James E. Shipley, of the otO atmosp ity soda/bee ee • 1111-arte !arm coaaam ford Haver from 1916, of Class N WM PMTM exCollege, has been appointed .. Preeo. ecutive director of the Abinge JAMES V. WALAIALS. renames. we...we bertol. women ton Manorial Hospital, Georg F. Tyler, president of the board of directors, announced today. Shipley, who served as an officer in the Navy during the of last war, is vice president of ATLAS PHOTO Haverford Pharmacy the Hoapital Association an also is He ia. RAVING CO. Philadelph ENG elRotate of Henry W. Preen, P.D. active member of the Philad s of Fine 11062114*Ea phia, State, and National Hos- Maker Peanayhruds ord Hannt Pa Phila., St. . 210 N. Broad pital Amociationa He is former busineas adminions cript Hosan Pres Germ the of istrator pital He resigned this position to take the present apDrugs and Sundries pointment clec rt. IllZGV.o Phone Ardmore 0122 le a Normal Year ates Enter MI Calisres GEORGE & YROOKAN. INC. IS Gemin 11.**4 4■11....1 Cow.* aal g. felend Ls. a...a Tr./Wa gadfly Ceased Gaya Vesta arm PermoeMeaMhos Nose awl Ohio Is she nom. IRVIN RHYNE, A. S. St. ard Lomb IWO Delaware Ara 6.16.1 mete. erealleem HAVIRFORD meet We Apereoral of Me Marl PHILADELPHIA ta Centel. Trherbotsedeg Terem 045 -*ere OssRECOMMENDED TUTOR pea *5 sales Rem likasaol-MATH - PHYSICS. etc WU. 10 sines tevas Tomem O. A. WALTON', A. M. EVERGREEN 6142 Primisal ENTS STUD FOR ANCE es. INSUR Goers. Seloel. Bee 557 liability Property life of ell mensinationa. miming the Frothe) Each incoming student, whether Sective 1. Than Riga the following pledges sum Clams or one of the thee nip. clews, ',Applies at Hereford it as System Honor e h "I hereby Accept t at 1 pledge myself neither College. undemanding shit to meanth ation, and if I ate anyme to gee nog to receive aid in any examin Students' Council will be the that else do so, 1 pledge ray word hours of the ciao of the rianaination, our twenty-f within d informe either by the offender or by me. , and peinsve the "I furthermore wet to safeguud, uphold at all time and under all Honce System to the het of my ability eircurnesnen.“ ge it the end of all shall tidy the following pled (d) Each sedum eaminadore gem in *Seal hookas examinatenn, this in aid "1 have neither• gem nor received pledge m7 wooed that the and if I hive wen aneom the do to. I •four hole, twenty widths ed inform be Student,' Coviscil ether by the offender oe by ow.. net given in the official ots t and qualm, However, esuninstiona„ but are to be comidend le without the pledge, books will be empela . being been given under the Home System of Haverford College dell student tive Write 3. (.1 Every promee being eu to accept the Honor System before signify in writing hn willingn be son to tech applicmt ,hall Imes A . College atlanitud to Haverfoed she ing captain nt. Preside (Maned sod signed by on A copy by the Smarms' for the applicant. reply. :ester. Spam in foil, and making provision thin , modem shall s) of the Sy-Law o f thee Article (Article IV h. made. where,, youible, during In sidditien to this, premnimon tbaH Kemal intenew. of the College year, ell new men (61 Immediately upon the opening of dad Home Symms in full by the Phil be teemed with en eiglenitiese ouch members of the rrudent and Fresidenz of the Student.' Auceistion advisabk, and Mall eign the pledge body and the Faculty aa he may deem article. this mated io Section 7 la) of System thall comet of Stream e. Vmdauene of the Honor writes or primed aide, Any attempt to procure maistamie from (0) t to give anistance in attemp my or from Any pease ce papers. or of apply both within and without shall The num. er whatev of or way time during which the enavenneeicin the camination room during the entire is in proem, °Maio meow to any eassenerion, to ng stuneli or ing Obtain questions to appear tbeleon, or to copies of the testsinaten porn no the s. quettion thew of ge knowled illegal obese snit of the Hoorn Seem (c) Failure to report any infringement upon the cansuitenao both. (l) Inability to sign the pledge peed ho notified 63 the Students' dell pledge the sign to Any student fading sign. the cane dell be investigated Council. and if he is onside then to Coma t.' by the Studen ed in this maim, but deemed (e) Any action not verifies/1y mention opposed to the spirit of the Honor by the Conned to he dithuneet or Semen. the duty of the Seam.' (eoocil Section 1. In all case, At shall be of a violation of the Honor System to reeve and ineestagste any report be the duty of the Cooacil shall it d, After all evidence hu been collecte or persons be guilty or not guilty to determine whether the ....nth melon or mewls be found person mused the If 31.4m. of •M000lf the Mom to the College =thorium alum the pithy, the Camel shall' teomennuad .he anted. Collegr the with peons or person connection of mid ence in the ezonineted room Seren 6. Any unnecenary disturb . in which cam the eilloades or Conned ts' Studen the to d reporte be map not Inc than two dollen (12.0e). offender, shall be rubies to a fine of IV of the By.Lawss shall be yobSulam 7. This Article (Ankle fint month of each college year. the daring Ness er Idled m de e ism of the lioverford College raw Amick shall also mprar in the catalogu oil i :r=ePreaareters t J. B. Longacre 435 Walnut Street Philadelphia 0.7 tic dishormte rote falling Sutler 1- Any cue of general scholas n) which may he brought to under Article IV, meet, 1, of the By-Loo a menthes of the faculty dell by l Counci t.' Studen the the attention of demean. be deeded by the caused at ni own THE LAST STRAW Meeting Place (ll Haverfordians E. S. McCawley & Co, Inc. Haverford, Pa. ARDMOEE 2117 COLLEGE TEXT BOOK AGENCY TORT LIEDIANN JIMMY 'WRIGHT UNDERGRADUATE MGRS. ARD. 5541 JOHN TRONCELLITI Expert Hair Cutting Special Attesting te HAYERFORD MEE Keep 'ern smiling with Breyer's delicious iee cream Ardmore Arcade Phone Ardmore DM Wedniesdey evealaga fee the AthRY. tatsha ole•o k E t of her job is to let you know when the Long Distance circuit you want is busy. So, when you are making a call over a line that she knows is crowded, the operator will say— "Please limit your call to 5 minutes." War traffic will get through better with your help. NO SINGLE DETAIL ction than the jewelry of a woman's ensemble lends greater distin greatest importance, the in of ty ,quali ry jewel of e she wears. In the choic is real and fine is sure to stand and the woman who wears jewelry that out from the group. ITAIKA RED J. COOPER PH ILADELPHIA Ulf tOle 90. P3' P lean Gem Say Assow m herois ral lagiaa test, 0.11111N4 Ganda • F • 1114 Ink ItIONNOW VIMP11,11 so WIIIIIV