
Document 1701972

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Document 1701972
•Mental Health Mental health means generally accepting and liking oneself
and adapting to and coping with the emotions, challenges
and changes that are a part of life.
A person with good mental health is described as one who:
•Feels good about her/himself
•Feels comfortable with other people
•Is able to meet the demands of everyday life
Feedback is defined as messages from
others that tell you how they feel about
you. From the moment you are born, you
begin to receive, process, and store these
messages. These can be verbal and nonverbal.
Feedback comes from:
•Adults that took care of you
•Brothers and sisters
•Extended family
Emotions are your feelings and
they influence everything you do.
They have affects on your
thinking, relationships, behaviors,
and successes.
Emotions can sometimes be so
strong that you will want to act on
them right away before having a
chance to think.
Everyone has fears, if you
did not have any fear you
probably would not be here
now. Fear can be a
safeguard, a protection
against danger.
•Hormones cause your heart to
beat faster.
•Increased supply of blood to
your heart and large
•Blood vessels in other parts of
your body constrict.
•Breathing rates increase.
Anger is often thought of
as a negative emotion due
to the fact that anger is
often expressed in negative
or violent ways.
Here are some healthy and safe ways to handle anger:
1. Channel energies into productive work or activity.
2. Get away by yourself.
3. Do some physical exercise.
4. Hit a pillow or punching bag.
5. Count to 10 slowly and take deep breaths.
6. Call a friend and talk about what is making you angry.
7. Listen to music and take your mind off of the
8. Write down what you are feeling.
The Mind-Body Connection
Emotions can affect your physical
health. Over time, if you do not deal
with your emotions, fatigue and
stress can cause physical illnesses.
Facts to consider:
1. People who hold in emotions and are highly
stressed may experience increased heart rate
and higher blood pressure.
2. People who have positive attitudes live longer
than people with negative attitudes.
3. People who have positive attitudes about
illnesses are more likely to survive longer.
Facts to consider:
4. Living with mental stress can lead to panic
attacks and a lower ability to handle pain.
5. People who are frequently hostile have a
higher rate of heart attacks.
6. People under 30 tend to get sick more often
from daily stress than those who are older.
Ways To Improve Your Mental Health:
1. Acknowledge that you are feeling a strong
2. Identify the emotion’s source – what triggered
the feeling.
3. Express that emotion in a constructive way.
4. Share your feelings with someone you trust.
Ways To Improve Your Mental Health:
5. Feelings are not facts. Remember you may not have
control of how you feel but you do have control over how
you act.
6. Remember, no matter how upset you get this problem will
7. If you have a strong or disturbing emotion that lasts a
long time – it affects relationships and the quality of your
life – get help.
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