Figure 7.1-20—Implementation of Independence Between Safety and Non-Safety I&C Safety I&C
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Figure 7.1-20—Implementation of Independence Between Safety and Non-Safety I&C Safety I&C
U.S. EPR FINAL SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT Figure 7.1-20—Implementation of Independence Between Safety and Non-Safety I&C SCDS Safety I&C Non-Safety I&C SDM PS/SAS FUNCTIONAL UNIT (APU, ALU, CU) Input Module MSI Function Processor Communication Module Fiber Optic Communication Module Function Processor Communication Module EOC Communication Module EOC Fiber Optic Fiber Optic QDS (SICS) EOC Gateway EOC PICS Output Module PACS Priority Module Communication Interface Module Fiber Optic LEGEND SYSTEM BOUNDARY SAFETY RELATED EQUIPMENT NOTES HARDWIRED CONNECTION POINT TO POINT DATA CONNECTION NETWORKED DATA CONNECTION NON-SAFETY RELATED EQUIPMENT The interface from the Service Unit to the safety I&C systems is not shown on this figure. The Service Unit interface is shown in the Digital Protection System Technical Report (ANP-10309P) (Reference 6). QUALIFIED ISOLATION DEVICE REV 003 EPR3095 T2 Tier 2 Revision 4 Page 7.1-187 U.S. EPR FINAL SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT Figure 7.1-21—Deleted Tier 2 Revision 4 Page 7.1-188 U.S. EPR FINAL SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT Figure 7.1-22—Distributed Control System Physical Architecture Controlled Area Switchyard (UAA) Protected Area Switchgear Building (UBA) Turbine Building (UMA) PAS (Train 1) Essential Service Water Pump Structure #3 (3UQB) Essential Service Water Pump Structure #4 (4UQB) SCDS (Div 3) SAS (Div 3) PAS (Div 3) PACS (Div 3) SCDS (Div 4) SAS (Div 4) PAS (Div 4) PACS (Div 4) PAS (Train 2) Safeguard Building 2 (2UJK) SICS Circulating Water Cooling Tower Structure (URA) PAS (Train 1) PAS (Train 2) Emergency Power Generating Building #2 (2UBP) PICS (NOTES 3&4) Safeguard Building 3 (3UJK) SICS SCDS (Div 2) DAS (Div 2) PS (Div 2) SAS (Div 2) RCSL (Div 2) PAS (Div 2) PACS (Div 2) SCDS (Div 2) SAS (Div 2) PAS (Div 2) PACS (Div 2) Emergency Power Generating Building #1 (1UBP) PICS SCDS (Div 1) DAS (Div 1) PS (Div 1) SAS (Div 1) RCSL (Div 1) PAS (Div 1) PACS (Div 1) Essential Service Water Pump Structure #1 (1UQB) Essential Service Water Pump Structure #2 (2UQB) SCDS (Div 1) SAS (Div 1) PAS (Div 1) PACS (Div 1) SCDS (Div 2) SAS (Div 2) PAS (Div 2) PACS (Div 2) Emergency Power Generating Building #3 (3UBP) SCDS (Div 3) DAS (Div 3) PS (Div 3) SAS (Div 3) RCSL (Div 3) PAS (Div 3) PACS (Div 3) Safeguard Buidling 1 (1UJK) SCDS (Div 1) SAS (Div 1) PAS (Div 1) PACS (Div 1) (NOTE 3) SCDS (Div 3) SAS (Div 3) PAS (Div 3) PACS (Div 3) Safeguard Building 4 (4UJK) Reactor Building (UJA) Fuel Building (UFA) SCDS (Div 4) DAS (Div 4) PS (Div 4) SAS (Div 4) RCSL (Div 4) PAS (Div 4) PACS (Div 4) Emergency Power Generating Building #4 (4UBP) SCDS (Div 4) SAS (Div 4) PAS (Div 4) PACS (Div 4) NOTES 1. Not drawn to scale 2. Only buildings that contain DCS systems are shown. DCS systems do not reside in buildings other than those shown here. 3. Redundant switches and gateways within the PS, SAS and RCSL for communications with PICS are located in the computer rooms in Safeguard Buildings 2 and 3. PAS (Div 4) PAS (Div 4) Nuclear Auxiliary Building (UKA) Radioactive Waste Processing Building (UKS) 4. Engineering Workstations for the SICS, PICS, PS, SAS, RCSL, and PAS are located in the I&C service center, which is located in Safeguard Building 2. EPR3101 T2 Tier 2 Revision 4 Page 7.1-189 U.S. EPR FINAL SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT Figure 7.1-23—Signal Conditioning and Distribution System Architecture SIGNAL CONDITIONING AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM SICS DAS PS SAS RCSL PAS SICS DAS RCSL PAS SICS DAS PS SAS RCSL PAS SICS DAS RCSL PAS SICS DAS PS SAS RCSL PAS SICS DAS RCSL PAS SICS DAS PS SAS RCSL PAS SICS DAS RCSL PAS SCDS DIVISION 1 Signal Distribution Module(s) Signal Conditioning Module(s) SENSORS/ BLACK BOXES DIVISION 2 Signal Distribution Module(s) Signal Conditioning Module(s) SENSORS/ BLACK BOXES Signal Distribution Module(s) Signal Conditioning Modules(s) SENSORS/ BLACK BOXES DIVISION 4 DIVISION 3 Signal Distribution Module(s) Signal Distribution Module(s) Signal Conditioning Module(s) SENSORS/ BLACK BOXES Signal Conditioning Module(s) SENSORS/ BLACK BOXES Signal Distribution Module(s) Signal Conditioning Module(s) SENSORS/ BLACK BOXES NOTES 1. MULTIPLE SIGNAL CONDITIONING MODULES OR SIGNAL DISTRIBUTION MODULES MAY BE USED AS NEEDED. 2. FOR DISTRIBUTION OF SPND SIGNALS, EACH DIVISION OF SCDS SENDS 18 SPND SIGNALS TO ALL FOUR PS DIVISION. Signal Distribution Module(s) Signal Conditioning Module(s) SENSORS/ BLACK BOXES Signal Distribution Module(s) Signal Conditioning Module(s) SENSORS/ BLACK BOXES LEGEND SYSTEM BOUNDARY HARDWIRED CONNECTION SAFETY RELATED (SR) EQUIPMENT NON-SAFETY RELATED (NSR) EQUIPMENT QUALIFIED ISOLATION DEVICE EPR3102 T2 Tier 2 Revision 4 Page 7.1-190 U.S. EPR FINAL SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT Figure 7.1-24—Self Powered Neutron Detector Functional Arrangement INCORE INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEM SIGNAL CONDITIONING AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM SCDS Cabinet Incore Instrumentation System Cabinet PS Div 1 SPND Co 60 Compensation Signal Multiplier Signal Distribution Module PS Div 2 PS Div 3 PS Div 4 Amplifier RCSL Signal Distribution Module Amplifier Card PAS Gain Adjustment SIMPLIFIED SIGNAL PATH LEGEND SYSTEM BOUNDARY HARDWIRED CONNECTION SAFETY RELATED (SR) EQUIPMENT NON-SAFETY RELATED (NSR) EQUIPMENT QUALIFIED ISOLATION DEVICE EPR3103 T2 Tier 2 Revision 4 Page 7.1-191 U.S. EPR FINAL SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT Figure 7.1-25—Rod Position Measurement System Arrangement ROD POSITION MEASUREMENT SYSTEM Control Rod Power Supply Upper End Coil Upper End Position Primary Coil DCS (PAS) Analog Position Coil DCS (SCDS) Analog Rod Position (Temperature Compensated) Rod Position Measurement Unit (RPMU) (Div 1) Lower End Position (TXS Processing Unit) DCS (SCDS) Bottom End Coil Primary Coil Temperature NOTE Position Coils are part of the CRDM housing and not part of the RPMS Signal Conditioning Module MSI (Div 1) Div 2 Div 3 Div 4 LEGEND HARDWIRED KEY SWITCH SYSTEM BOUNDARY HARDWIRED CONNECTION POINT TO POINT DATA CONNECTION SAFETY RELATED EQUIPMENT SU NON-SAFETY RELATED EQUIPMENT EPR3104 T2 Tier 2 Revision 4 Page 7.1-192 U.S. EPR FINAL SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT Figure 7.1-26—Control Rod Drive Control System Arrangement Control Rod Drive Control System CRDCS Cabinet RCSL Rod Control Unit DAS RCSL Rod Control Unit DAS RCSL DAS Rod Control Unit Coil Module (Control Transistors) Lift Coil Coil Module (Control Transistors) Movable Gripper Coil Coil Module (Control Transistors) Stationary Gripper Coil Coil Module (Control Transistors) Lift Coil Coil Module (Control Transistors) Movable Gripper Coil Coil Module (Control Transistors) Stationary Gripper Coil Coil Module (Control Transistors) Lift Coil Coil Module (Control Transistors) Movable Gripper Coil Coil Module (Control Transistors) Movable Gripper Coil Coil Module (Control Transistors) 24 VDC Power Supply Module RCCA 3 Lift Coil Coil Module (Control Transistors) Rod Control Unit DAS RCCA 2 Stationary Gripper Coil Coil Module (Control Transistors) RCSL RCCA 1 RCCA 4 Stationary Gripper Coil Trip Contactor Module 24 VDC Power Supply Module PS Main Trip Breakers PS DAS 250 VDC EPR3106 T2 Tier 2 Revision 4 Page 7.1-193 U.S. EPR FINAL SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT Figure 7.1-27—Turbine Trip Logic within Turbine Generator I&C DAS DIVISION 1 PS DIVISION 1 2 out of 4 2 out of 4 2 out of 4 TG I&C DIVISION 1 TG I&C DIVISION 2 OR 2 out of 4 2 out of 4 2 out of 4 TG I&C DIVISION 3 OR OR TURBINE GENERATOR INSTRUMENTATION & CONTROL LEGEND SYSTEM BOUNDARY HARDWIRED CONNECTION SAFETY RELATED (SR) EQUIPMENT NON-SAFETY RELATED (NSR) EQUIPMENT QUALIFIED ISOLATION DEVICE Hydraulic System Trip Block (2 Out of 3) EPR3428 T2 Tier 2 Revision 4 Page 7.1-194