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Donald R. Pozzi
County Judge
Chris F. Rivera
Commissioner, Pet. 1
Kevin Janak
Commissioner, Pet. 2
Gary Burns
Commissioner, Pet. 3
Wayne D. Dierlam
Commissioner, Pet. 4
August 1, 2008
Exelon Generation Company
Attn: Keith Kemper, Director - Emergency Preparedness
200 Exelon Way
Kennett Square, PA 19348
Dear Mr. Kemper,
This letter is in reference to the Combined Operation License Application
(COLA) submitted by Exelon Generation Company, LLC for the construction
and operation of two nuclear power units at the Victoria County Station site
in Victoria County, Texas.
Victoria County has reviewed the proposed Victoria County Station
Emergency Plan being submitted in support of the COLA and finds it to be a
thorough, practical, and useful tool for use in managing potential events at
Victoria County Station.
Victoria County commits to participate in the continuing planning efforts and
scheduled field demonstrations for this Emergency Plan. Victoria County is
committed to leading the effort to ensure that the health and safety of the
public is maintained as the highest priority during implementation and
continued improvement of the emergency preparedness and response plans
for Victoria County Station.
Victoria County is committed to executing its responsibilities under the plans
in the event of emergencies at the Victoria County Station.
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this letter or Victoria
County's support of the Victoria County Station Emergency Plan.
VerY Truly Yours,
f)M~rf~ ,G?~
Donald Pozzi
Victoria County Judge
Exelon Generation Company
Attn: Ken Ainger, Director - New Plant Licensing
4300 Winfield Road
Warrenville, IL 60555
County Courthouse -101 N. Bridge, Room 102 - Victoria, TX 77901 - (361) 575-4558 - FAX (361) 573-7585
August 6, 2008
Rene Mascorro
County Judge
Exelon Generation Company
Attn: Keith Kemper, Director - Emergency Preparedness
200 Exelon Way
Kennett Square, PA 19348
Dear Mr. Kemper:
Letitia Wright
This letter is in reference to the Combined Operation License Application (COLA)
submitted by Exelon Generation Company, LLC for the construction and operation of two
nuclear power units at the Victoria County Station site in Victoria County, Texas.
Refugio County has reviewed the proposed Victoria County Station Emergency Plan being
submitted in support of the COLA and finds it to be a thorough, practical, and useful tool for
use in managing potential events at Victoria County Station.
Refugio County commits to participate in the continuing planning efforts and scheduled
field demonstrations for this Emergency Plan. Refugio County is committed to leading the
effort to ensure that the health and safety of the public is maintained as the highest priority
during plan implementation; and will support continued improvement of the emergency
preparedness and response plans for Victoria County Station.
Mailing Address:
808 Commerce, Room 104
Refugio, Texas 78377
Refugio County is committed to executing its responsibilities under the plans in the event of
emergencies at the Victoria County Station.
Please contact me if you have any additional questions regarding Refugio County's support
of the Victoria County Station Emergency Plan.
Office Telephone:
(361) 526-4434
(361) 526-4433
~ ..Q_/,-~
Rene Mascorro
Refugio County Judge
Office Fax:
(361 )526-51 00
cc: Exelon Generation Company
Attn: Ken Ainger, Director - New Plant Licensing
4300 Winfield Road
Warrenville, IL 60555
q[ountp of ~o(iab
P.O. Box 677
Goliad~ Texas 77963
(361) 645-3337
Fax (361) 645-3474
August 4, 2008
Exelon Generation Company
Attention: Keith Kemper, Director - Emergency Preparedness
200 Exelon Way
Kennett Square, PA 19348
Dear Mr. Kemper:
This letter is in reference to the Combined Operation License Application (COLA) submitted by
Exelon Generation Company, LLC for the construction and operation of two nuclear power
units at the Victoria County Station site in Victoria County, Texas.
Goliad County commits to participate in the continuing planning efforts and scheduled field
demonstrations for this Emergency Plan. Goliad County is committed to leading the effort to
ensure that the health and safety of the public is maintained as the highest priority during the
implementation and continued improvement of the emergency preparedness and response plans
for the Victoria County Station.
Goliad County is committed to executing its responsibilities under the plans in the event of
emergencies at the Victoria County Station.
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this letter or Goliad County's support of
the Victoria County Station Emergency Plan.
Very truly yours,
Exelon Generation Company
Attention: Ken Ainger, Director - New Plant Licensing
4300 Winfield Road
Warrenville, IL 60555
VlctOri!i ~unty
Govet119r~•. DIVision
l' a~:2,
Qf,EmergtJnc.Y; Management
~ '~vemor'-s Divi$lon of
Emergency Management (GOE~J~ Texas Oepsrnnenf of
the emergency plan.upportlng th&CombfnedJJcen$e
""Pfleador"toi'~twe new nuclear ~neratihg uoitS atthe Vloti:Jt!a,¢ounty. SiatiG'l sjt~-,near
~orta. Texas. and c~l1ifi. ~hat,
react9t (l,ulQn PI()pOS8c:l'fOcithe:ViQlOrJa'C:Ou,nty StatiQn;sltehaSl1Q1
been bUIlt andoPerate~JnU1e United ·St$t6~the,pl'()pO$~ emergency plans-are'
GDEM Is.c;t:>mmil;t~ top$Jtf<;ipatlog 1(t,fu,rtf1er d.ev~ent orthe-ptal1$ lndudlng
any reqlJirf!<;f field oemQnstrations: and
GDEM Is committed to 8x:ecutihg ltaresponslbilities ull,der the ptsfl$An the event
of an emerQency~
F(jrthermo~. GOEM concurs·with the p~epem!J,rge(iCy et~$lfir;atto(t$Y;$tel11l
Iriitiatlngcont;jitlQn$ and emergency QdiQtlI~vel$:~sCrtbe¢ in the \'letona CQunti SlatiOn
emergency plan and evacuation tlme8$timates:pr<WidtKJ in' VittOria -eoonly'StatiOn,
Ewcuatlon Time Estim~tes'l .dated AuQliJSt2008,:
Ifi$ my l,I('ld~rstan~lngthal thespecifio, nature,Pf. am;tngernents~in S1Jp'~ of' $msl'genC)"
prepar~ne.~f4r'·operatlon ?f~e:p~opA$$d n~w nuct~rge"'e[atlng Unita~wlll' bect~rty
e$ialjllsl;\ed tn a 'properly exec",l~; and~bitidlnQ ICJtt8r _a§reel11ent1h~t'Wljr be. r~
in the Vf~~a COunW·Statton. Unlt$ 1 and:2:eme.rge~i ,Plsn·lt·a~;w.h~",Ex'81on
Genera1Jon Company p'roce~s w\1fl. Gom~truc~on and 9Pc,~t1:on ()f,tt1J~nl;lJ;:lear tacillty~
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