
Acces “The Teacher’s Database” E

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Acces “The Teacher’s Database” E
“The Teacher’s Database”
RYAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CATALOGS .............................................................................................. 3
GRADE LEVEL CHART: ........................................................................................................................................ 3
GRADE AND OBJECTIVE EXAMPLE: ...................................................................................................................... 3
SELECTING PROBLEMS IN ACCES .............................................................................................................. 4
REMINDERS .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
PROBLEM MENU ............................................................................................................................................... 4
SELECT BY ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
AUTO ADVANCE .................................................................................................................................................. 5
MIX UP ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
LAYOUT MENU .................................................................................................................................................. 6
MULTIPLE CHOICE OPTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 6
DOCUMENT TYPE ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Test / Worksheet .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Standardized Test ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Overheads ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Flash Cards..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Monthly Calendar ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Weekly Calendar ............................................................................................................................................. 9
MAIN OPTIONS..................................................................................................................................................... 9
# Columns ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Workspace ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Separator....................................................................................................................................................... 10
HEADERS ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
ANSWER KEY ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
UTILITIES MENU ............................................................................................................................................. 11
PRINTING ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
PREVIEWING ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
PRACTICE LESSONS....................................................................................................................................... 12
PRACTICE 1 ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
PRACTICE 2 ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
APPENDIX A ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
LAYOUT ............................................................................................................................................................. 13
SCRAMBLING ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
ALTERNATING (A, B, C,…F, G, H) .................................................................................................................... 13
MAX CHOICES .................................................................................................................................................... 13
COUNTER ........................................................................................................................................................... 14
LABEL STYLE ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
FONT STYLE AND SIZE ........................................................................................................................................ 14
APPENDIX B ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
PRACTICE 1 ANSWER ......................................................................................................................................... 15
PRACTICE 2 ANSWER ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Last Revised 9/19/2016
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Ryan Elementary School has purchased the following Acces databases. Each database module (or
catalog) is identified by a three-character database code.
“Extra” Database
“Sample” Database
TAAS Elem. Reading
TAAS Elem. Math (TEKS revision)
Each module has a two-character category code; this code is always shown at the top of each catalog
page. The codes are broken down by grade level and objective here is an example:
Grade Level Chart:
Grade and Objective Example:
A = 3rd grade
C= Objective 3
B = 4th grade
A= Objective 1
C = 5th grade
B= Objective 2
NOTE: know which questions you want to select by reviewing the Reading or Math Catalog. Mark or
write down the database and category code that you want to use.
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1. Open Acces
Category Code (i.e. BI) –
Type the two-letter category
code (located at the top of
every catalog page).
Problem Number –
Type the number of
the problem that you
want to use.
Database Code (i.e. SMP)
– Type the three-character
database code.
Tab through the
remainder of the
columns. This will be
an advanced class.
To see how the
problem(s) will appear
in your document,
choose Utilities >
Repeat steps 1-5 for each
problem you want to add.
 If you do not know the code for a module (or catalog), put the cursor in the Database column and choose
Utilities > List Choices, or press CTRL-L as a shortcut.
After you select one problem in Access, you can speed things up by using the “ditto” feature on
subsequent rows. Click on the appropriate row and cell hold down the shift key and the quote key to
duplicate the above cell.
An alternative to selecting problems one-at-a-time
Select By
This gives you an alternative to selecting problems one-at-a-time on the grid, and it may be faster if you
already have a list of what you want. It can also be used to select a regular series of problems or select
problems randomly.
1. Choose Problem > Select By
2. Type in Script
This script is asking the
database to bring back
problems 1, 5 and 7.
This script is asking the
database to bring back
problems 1, 5, 7, 12,
13, 14, and 15.
3. Click Execute
4. Select Utilities > Preview
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Auto Advance
Is useful for selecting a regular series of problems, such as “every other odd”. When Auto Advance is
active, you can type a number in the Problem column then press Enter to get the next number in the
1. Choose Problem > Auto Advance
2. Select Auto Advance Active
NOTE: Generally you will
want to set the skip rate to a
multiple of two or four. A
lower skip rate will give more
repetition, a higher one, a
broader cross-selection of
Select Skip Rate
Click OK
Type in the Database Code > Category Code > Problem Number
Press Enter (every time you press the enter key you will get you will get the same database and
category code but your problem number will be in multiples of two or four or what ever you
7. Select Utilities > Preview
Mix Up
Is used mainly for test security, to scramble problems or produce parallel forms (e.g. pre- and post-test).
You can make use of one or both of the options.
1. Choose Problem > Mix Up
2. Select Put in random order (used alone will scramble your problems)
3. Select Auto-increment (similar to Auto Advance when used alone)
Positive or negative number
4. Click OK
5. Type in the Database Code > Category Code > Problem Number
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6. Press Enter (every time you press the enter key you will get you will get the same database and
category code but your problem number will be in multiples of two or four or what ever you
7. Select Utilities > Preview
The Layout menu provides numerous options for arranging problems or, more generally, for controlling
the appearance of your document. Among other things, you can:
change the number of columns on tests and worksheets
switch document types — e.g., from a calendar to ash cards
adjust page margins and spacing between problems
determine how parts and problems should be numbered
set various options for multiple-choice problems
vary the font size and type
NOTE: not all problems look good on all type of documents or in all page layouts.
Multiple Choice Options
Access has powerful formatting capabilities for multiple-choice problems. You can scramble choices to
produce different versions of a test; replace the last choice with “none of the above;” or in most cases,
hide choices to get free-response problems.
There are also ways to change the layout and labeling of choice. For example, you can print choices
side-by-side to save paper or alternate their labeling to match a standardized test (that is A,B,C… and
F,G,H…). You can also simulate a scannable form by labeling choices with bubbles or ovals.
1. Open Acces
2. Type in the Database Code > Category Code > Problem Number >Tab > Tab (type in all
problems for the worksheet)
3. Choose Layout > Multiple Choice
Please see Appendix A
for a detailed explanation
of each category.
4. Select appropriate choices and numbering (see Appendix A for a detailed explanation of each
5. Click OK
6. Select Utilities > Preview
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Document Type
Document Type lets you choose a `template' or overall page design.
Test / Worksheet
Choose this type of document if you want to produce an ordinary test, quiz, problem set, or
review worksheet. Through the Main options dialog box, you will be able to set the number of
columns, position of answer spaces, etc.
NOTE: On a test or worksheet with multiple columns, problems are numbered across the
page, then down.
Test / Worksheet
(one column with
answer spaces)
Test / Worksheet
(two columns with
work space)
Standardized Test
Choose this type of document to produce a `look-alike' for the SAT or ACT, a state competency
test, or most other standardized tests. Through the Main options dialog box, you will be able to
set the number of columns, type of workspace, etc.
NOTE: On a standardized test with multiple columns, problems are numbered down the
page, and a thin vertical line separates columns. As an option, horizontal lines may also
be included to separate individual problems.
Standardized Test
(two columns no
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Standardized Test
(two columns with
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Choose this type of document if you want a limited number of problems per page, magnified,
and with a border around them. (The idea is to print on transparencies, for use with an overhead
projector, or turn the document into a computer `slide show.') Through the Main options dialog
box, you will be able to set the number of problems per page, the print magnification, type of
border, etc.
Flash Cards
Choose this type of document if you want problems arranged in columns and rows with a border
around each one. (You can produce your own flash cards or game cards by printing on heavier
paper and cutting the pages.) Through the Main options dialog box, you will be able to set the
number of columns and rows, spacing, etc.
Monthly Calendar
Choose this type of document if you want to produce a monthly calendar or assignment schedule.
The problems you select will appear inside the squares of the calendar, making it possible to
assign a `problem of the day.' Through the Main options dialog box, you will be able to pick the
month and year, number of days per week, etc.
NOTE: Acces can produce just one monthly calendar at a time. Any extra problems that
will not fit in the squares are discarded. This means you will have to create multiple
Acces documents to get multiple monthly calendars.
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Weekly Calendar
Choose this type of document if you want to produce a weekly calendar or assignment schedule.
The problems you select will appear inside the squares of the calendar, making it possible to
assign a `problem of the day.' Through the Main options dialog box, you will be able to pick the
starting date (always a Monday).
NOTE: Acces can produce multiple weekly calendars at once. Any extra problems that
are, more than will fit in the squares are automatically placed on subsequent weekly
calendars (with appropriate starting dates). This makes it possible to produce weekly
calendars for an entire month or school year in just one Acces document.
Main Options
The options that appear in the dialog box vary depending on the current document type. While the
options are similar for tests/worksheets and standardized tests, the options differ greatly for flash cards,
overheads, and calendars.
# Columns
You can select one or more columns for your printed document.
 On a test/worksheet, problems are numbered across the page, then down.
 On a standardized test, problems are numbered down the page, and a thin vertical line separates
NOTE: Acces allows up to eight columns, but very few types of problems look good in more
than four. It is almost always best to limit text-based problems to two columns; otherwise, you
will get ugly line breaks.
Workspace has to do with the vertical spacing between problems.
 Choose none if you want your document to be printed in condensed form, with a minimum
amount of space between problems (about 2/10 inch). This option essentially ignores the
workspace values on the grid.
Choose fixed if you want problems to have pre-determined amounts of workspace between
them. The amounts will be determined strictly by the values you have entered on the grid.
(Recall that workspace values are tenths of an inch.)
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Choose optimized if you want problems to have workspace, but you are somewhat flexible
regarding the amounts. In this case, the amounts will be based on the values you have entered on
the grid, but they may be increased or decreased a little by the typesetting system.
NOTE: The purpose of optimized workspace is to improve page breaks. In particular, it
reduces the likelihood of a single problem falling on the last page. Unless you want
precise amounts of workspace, optimized is a better choice than fixed. On longer
documents, it tends to reduce the number of pages by one. On shorter documents, it tends
to make the spacing between problems more even.
This option puts a thin, horizontal line between problems. It looks particularly good on standardized
tests in two columns, but you may like its appearance on a one-column document as well. You can
choose yes or no for the Separator option.
Headers are typically used in printed documents and are printed at the top of each page. You can create
headers that include class name, teacher name, date, and document’s title or file name.
NOTE: All fields can hold up to 30 characters. The current date is put in as a default. The
information shows up in headers only and is entirely optional; you can leave one or more of the
fields blank.
Answer Key
This is used to control font size and various lists that appear on an answer key.
NOTE: An answer key is never produced for overhead-type documents. If you do not want an
answer key for another type of document, you can set the “Include” field to no lists, or simply
deselect the answer key when printing the document.
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Choose Utilities > Print
Click OK
You can choose to print
an answer key.
Choose Utilities > Preview
Click OK
You can change the
Magnification. Changing it
here changes it for all future
previews, until changed
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Practice 1
Formatting a TAAS Test
With Acces you can produce a test that looks almost exactly like TAAS. Follow these steps:
Open Access
Select problems you want
Choose Layout > Document Type then choose “ Standardized test”
Click OK
Choose Layout > Main Options
Workspace = optimized
Separators = yes
Number of columns = 2
Position = none
6. Click OK
7. Choose Layout > Multiple Choice
Layout = vertical
Alternating = yes
Counter = A,B,C…
Label Style = #
Font Style = Bold
8. Click OK
9. Make any other changes you like such as font size or headers
10. Utilities > Preview > OK
11. Utilities > Print > OK
See Appendix B for Answers
NOTE: Not all problems in Acces database can be formatted for a two-column standardized test (which
has a line down the middle of the page). In particular, you might have trouble when there is a large
picture or table. Similarly, you may need to keep the font size below 12 pt for many problems to fit in
two columns. If some problems do not fit, you can try lowering the font size, reducing page margins,
selecting different problems or reverting to a one-column document.
Practice 2
1. Open Access
2. Create a Test/Worksheet with the following components:
Using every 4th problem of the SMP database with the BI category (5 minimum)
Document will need separator
Header – class name, teacher name, document title
3. Preview
4. Print
See Appendix B for Answers
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This option lets you decide how multiple-choice answers should be arranged, or whether you even want
them to appear in a problem. There are four choices: condensed, vertical, optimized, and hidden.
Condensed will print answers across a single line, if possible. This may be appropriate if answers are
integrated into the problem or a mere continuation of the problem stem.
Vertical will print the answers above one another, usually with each answer occupying a single line.
This is a common style on standardized tests.
Optimized will print answers in a neatly arranged columns. This may be appropriate if you are trying to
save paper or if you simply like the appearance of the columns. (Acces will measure the answers and
arrange them automatically in 1 to 5 columns, depending on the maximum width.)
Hidden is used when you do NOT want answers to appear in multiple-choice problems. (This
effectively makes the problems free-response.) By hiding answers, you can get additional use out of
problems or create an `open-ended' section for a standardized test, such as in the SAT.
This option controls the order of multiple-choice answers.
Yes turns the feature on, so that answers appear in a random order.
No turns scrambling off, so that answers appear in the same order as in your printed catalog pages.
Reverse Reverses choices, which is desirable on some standardized tests (when answers must be in
ascending or descending order).
+None turns scrambling on and makes the last answer in each multiple-choice problem “none of the
NOTE: If you select this option, you should assume the correct answer will be stripped away
about 1/4 or 1/5 of the time (depending on how many choices there are). Since scrambling is a
completely random process, you may find situations where “none of the above” shows up more
often than you like. In that case, simply re-format the document and print or preview it again.
Alternating (A, B, C,…F, G, H)
With this option, you can tell Acces to alternate the counter for consecutive multiple choice problems.
For example, the choices for the first problem can be labeled A through F and then for the second
problem, G through K. (The option is ignored if the counter is numerical.)
Max choices
With this option, you can tell Acces the maximum number of answer choices that it should include in
multiple-choice problems. The possible values are from 3 to 8.
NOTE: Acces will never discard a correct choice; if the number of existing choices is greater
than the maximum, then Acces will randomly discard a wrong one. Nor will Acces create
additional choices; if a problem is written with fewer choices than the maximum, then this
setting is ignored.
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This option lets you pick a numbering or lettering scheme. Here are your choices:
lowercase letters
uppercase letters
regular numbers
Label style
This option controls the appearance of labels. Since the `counter' may be chosen independently, most
styles are shown with a # symbol, which means the counter that is, a letter or number is inserted in that
position. Here are the multiple-choice labels that are available:
no label
NOTE: The boxed and circled options include a counter, but the ovals option does not (it produces
empty ovals).
Font style and size
These options control the font style and size of labels (they do not have any effect on the text of the
answers). Here are the choices:
Font style
sans serif
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Font size
very small
very large
same as document's font size
reduced by about 80%
reduced by about 70%
enlarged by about 120%
enlarged by about 144%
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Practice 1 Answer
Practice 2 Answer
A special thanks is extended to Regena Terry, CTS of McMath MS for sharing the original document and allowing
us to make changes to fit the needs of Ryan Elementary School.
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