
Doctoral Candidates & Postdoctorates Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

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Doctoral Candidates & Postdoctorates Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Department of Chemical
& Biomolecular Engineering
Doctoral Candidates
& Postdoctorates
Resume Booklet
(2015 - 2016)
University of Delaware
2015-2016 Resumes
Letter from Department Chair, Dr. Abraham M. Lenhoff
Alphabetical Listing of Resumes
Michelle Calabrese
Ming Luo
Jillian A. Emerson
Stephen Ma
Jingsi Gao
Jennifer L. Mantle
Melissa B. Gordon
Ryan P. Murphy
Chad T. Greco
Marcel P. Nunez
Daniel G. Greene
Ryan Edward Patet
Geun Ho Gu
Nicholas R. Sandoval
Chen Guo
Lisa A. Sawicki
Angela L. Holmberg
Ellinor D. Schmidt
Lilian Lam Josephson
Edward P. Schreiner
Tyler R. Josephson
Cameron Shelton
Young Jin Kim
Huibo Sheng
Molly Koehle
Andrew C. Tibbits
Amalie L. (Tuerk) Levy
Jie Zheng
Robert J. Lovelett
January 2016
Dear Friends and Prospective Employers:
On behalf of the faculty of the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, I am pleased to
introduce to you candidates for professional careers at the doctoral or post-doctoral level who are or
intend to be available for employment within the next year.
We are now one of the largest producers of chemical engineering PhDs in the country, with more than
150 current graduate students, postdocs and researchers in the department. The tradition of excellence
that has long permeated our principal missions of education and scholarship is especially clearly seen
in our graduate program, which continues to be ranked as one of the top programs in the country. This
recognition owes much to the outstanding qualities of our graduate students and other participants, and
although we take great pride in their successes and accomplishments as students in the department, it is
in their subsequent careers that they really come into their own. We therefore greatly appreciate your
potential interest in their future employment, and look forward to their having a high impact in your
Many of our graduate students take advantage of the rich array of interdepartmental and
interdisciplinary programs and resources at the university to enhance their education and training.
Examples include many institutes and centers, such as the Delaware Biotechnology Institute, UD
Energy Institute, Institute for Energy Conversion, Center for Composite Materials, Center for Catalytic
Science and Technology, Center for Molecular and Engineering Thermodynamics, Center for
Biomanufacturing Science and Technology as well as training programs such as the NIH Chemistry–
Biology Interface Program and the NSF IGERT Program in Systems Biology of Cells in Engineered
Environments. These provide our students with access to facilities, faculty mentors, and graduate
student peers well beyond the scope that any one department could offer, and are crucial to our
commitment to provide educational and research opportunities at the interdisciplinary frontiers of our
To learn more about the Department, our faculty and their research, and each of these students, I invite
you to visit our web site www.che.udel.edu. The changes that we continually strive to make in terms
of new faculty, new research initiatives, and new leadership will continue to make Chemical and
Biomolecular Engineering at Delaware a premier educator of highly qualified doctoral and postdoctoral students.
Finally, the motivation and organization for this effort originated with our graduate student
organization, the Colburn Club. We are proud of our students and are grateful for the energy and
creativity they bring to all our endeavors. We hope that this compilation of resumes will be of benefit
to all – please share it broadly with others in your company interested in hiring students.
Abraham M. Lenhoff
Allan P. Colburn Professor and Department Chair
2649 15 St NW
Washington, DC 20009
(724) 766-2419
NIST, 100 Bureau Dr. 235/E120
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-6102
[email protected]
PhD candidate in Chemical Engineering (2012-present)
Coursework GPA: 3.87/4.0
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Norman Wagner
Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Magna Cum Laude
(2008-2012) - Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering with
minor in energy and sustainability
UD- Graduate Student Professional Development Award (Feb. 2014, April 2015); Robert L. Pigford Teaching Assistant Award;
American Physical Society FGSA Travel Award for Excellence in Graduate Research; Exceptional Pass PhD Qualifying Exam;
UPenn- Dean’s List; Melvin Molstad 3rd Prize in Chemical Engineering; SWE Research Poster Competition: only undergraduate
to win; Hexagon Honor Senior Society; Rachleff Scholars Program: One of nine and only female in inaugural class of engineering
honors program. Awarded 2nd prize in research symposium; Eleven merit-based college scholarships
WAGNER RESEARCH GROUP, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark DE
Graduate Research Assistant (2012-present) at UD and NIST Center for Neutron Research (Gaithersburg, MD)
Thesis Topic: Structure-property relationships of nanostructured fluids via rheology and small angle neutron scattering (SANS)
• Employed state-of-the-art, simultaneous time-resolved SANS and non-linear rheological techniques (LAOS) to
characterize microstructure and macroscopic flow properties in branched wormlike micelles (WLMs)
• Implemented time-resolved scattering techniques to quantify key structural differences in steady vs. dynamic deformation
• Developed new time-resolved analysis and data processing methods to improve SANS resolution in space and time while
reducing scattering time for implementation in experiments at NIST and the Institut Laue-Langevin (Grenoble, France)
LEE RESEARCH GROUP, Department of Chemical Engineering, UPenn, Philadelphia PA
Research Assistant for lab curriculum development (2012)
• Designed experimental protocol for superhydrophobic/superoleophilic mesh for implementation in Penn curriculum
• Developed experimental procedures for mesh coatings, contact angle measurements and self-contained separations
WEBER RESEARCH GROUP, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley CA
Science Undergraduate Laboratory Intern (SULI) in Advanced Energy Technologies (2011)
• Designed multiple experiments to test the properties of proton-exchange membranes in fuel cells
• Performed tests on Nafion membranes to study synergistic chemical and mechanical effects on their degradation
S. MARGULIES RESEARCH GROUP, Department of Bioengineering, UPenn, Philadelphia PA
Rachleff Scholars Research Assistant (2010-2011)
• Conducted studies to determine effects of traumatic brain injury (TBI) on biomarker levels in blood serums of piglets
• Designed and implemented new protocols; trained future lab employees on biomarker methods
UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE, Department of Chemical Engineering, Newark DE
Teaching Assistant (Spring 2014) – CHEG345: Junior Laboratory
• TA in charge of all grading/editing and giving lectures on technical writing and error analysis
• Received student evaluation average of 4.86/5 over 6 categories from 90 students in CHEG Junior Lab
• Awarded the Robert L. Pigford Teaching Assistant Award from the CHEG Department
UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Philadelphia PA
Teaching Assistant and Instructor (Summer 2012)
• Teaching assistant and lab instructor for summer course on biotechnology; research advisor for individual proposals
• Extensive instruction, office hours and proposal/research paper editing for 50 engineering students
UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, Netter Center for Community Partnerships
Community School Student Partnerships (2008-2012) Tutor/Mentor; Penn Reading Initiative (2009) Tutor/Instructor
• Tutor and instructor in afterschool program in two low-income West Philadelphia schools multiple times/week
Gordon Research Seminar on Colloidal, Macromolecular & Polyelectrolyte Solutions – Chair for 2016 meeting
Memberships: Society of Rheology (SOR), European Society of Rheology (ESR), American Physical Society (APS) –
DCMP, FGSA, GSOFT; Society of Women Engineers (SWE); Neutron Scattering Society of America (NSSA)
Advancing Women in Engineering (UPenn) & Women in Engineering (UD): Advisory Board (2009-2015)
Engineering Peer Adviser (UPenn), Graduate Peer Adviser (UD): Department leader and peer adviser (2009-2013)
Theta Tau Professional Engineering Fraternity and Delta Delta Delta Sorority (2009-present)
American Cancer Society Relay for Life: President (2012), team captain (2008- 2013)
Big Brothers Big Sisters; K-12 Science Outreach: Mentor students in Philadelphia, Delaware, DC area (2008-present)
Best Buddies/Philly Friends: “Buddy” to people with intellectual disabilities; volunteered over 1,500 hours (2002-present)
Rheometry: TA Instruments ARES and AR series rheometers and related software; orthogonal superposition rheology.
Anton Paar Physica MCR 501 rheometer and related software. CaBER (extensional rheology measurements).
Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS): Static, rheo-SANS, and flow-SANS at the Gaithersburg, MD campus of the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble, France.
Software/Programming: Matlab, Igor, Origin, Aspen, Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat/Photoshop, Java, basic HTML
1. M.A. Calabrese, Rogers, S. A., Porcar, L. & Wagner, N. J. “Understanding steady and dynamic shear banding in a branched
wormlike micellar solution,” submitted to Journal of Rheology, 2015.
2. M.A. Calabrese, N.J. Wagner and S.A. Rogers. “An optimized protocol for the analysis of time-resolved scattering
experiments,” submitted to Soft Matter, 2015.
3. M.A. Calabrese, S.A. Rogers, R.P. Murphy and N.J. Wagner. “The rheology and microstructure of branched micelles under
shear,” Journal of Rheology, 2015, 59(5), 1299-1328.
4. S.A. Rogers, M.A. Calabrese, N.J. Wagner. “Rheology of branched wormlike micelles,” Current Opinion in Colloid &
Interface Science, 2014, 19(6), 530-535.
5. S.A. Rogers, M.A. Calabrese and N.J. Wagner. “Advances in Time Resolved Neutron Scattering from Flowing Complex
Fluids,” NCNR Annual Report, 2014.
6. A. Kusoglu, M. Calabrese and A. Z. Weber. “Effect of mechanical compression on chemical degradation of Nafion
membranes,” ECS Electrochemistry Letters, 2014, 3(5), F33-F36.
1. The Society of Rheology 87th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, October 11-15, 2015
‘Effect of branching on shear banding in wormlike micelles (WLMs) under large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS)’
2. The 89th ACS Colloids & Surface Science Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA, June 15-17, 2015
‘The effect of branching on dynamic response of wormlike micelles (WLMs) under nonlinear shear flows’
3. The 10th Annual European Rheology Conference, Nantes, France, April 14-17, 2015
a) ‘The effect of branching on the shear rheology and microstructure of wormlike micelles (WLMs)’
b) ‘The effect of branching on dynamic response of wormlike micelles (WLMs) under nonlinear shear flows’
4. The Society of Rheology 86th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia PA, October 5-9, 2014.
‘The effect of branching on the nonlinear rheology of wormlike micelles (WLMs) using small angle neutron scattering (SANS)
with spatial and temporal resolution’
5. The 88th ACS Colloids and Surface Symposium, Philadelphia PA, June 22-25, 2014
‘Spatiotemporal measurements of branched micellar solutions under large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) using small angle
neutron scattering (SANS)’
6. The 2014 American Conference on Neutron Scattering, Knoxville TN, June 1-5, 2014
‘Developing spatiotemporally-resolved small angle neutron scattering (STR-SANS) techniques to characterize branching in
wormlike micellar solutions under nonlinear shear flows’
7. The Gordon Research Conference in Colloidal, Macromolecular & Polyelectrolyte Solutions, Ventura CA, Feb 15-16, 2014
‘The effect of micellar topology (branching) on steady shear rheology’ (Gordon Research Seminar, poster at GRC)
Jillian A. Emerson
1103 Lauren Pl, Newark, DE 19702
Email: [email protected]
Office: 302-831-6636
Cell: 603-770-6658
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Ph.D. Candidate: Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Cumulative GPA: 3.54/4.00
Thesis advisors: Thomas H. Epps, III and Eric M. Furst
Thesis: “Thermodynamics of polymers in solution and their applications”
Expected completion: 2016
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Bachelor of Science: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Minor: Environmental Engineering
Cumulative GPA: 3.69/4.00
Graduated May 2010
Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, NH
Graduated June 2006
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Delaware
Winter 2011 - present
Graduate research assistant
‒ Determined polymer-solvent and polymer-polymer interaction parameters for semi-conducting and
sustainable polymers using solvent vapor swelling of thin films
‒ Combined theoretical and experimental methods to study polymer blend solution phase behavior
‒ Developed method to capture the onset of phase separation in situ during casting of polymer blends
and polymer nanocomposites using changes in material properties
‒ Established an international collaboration to visualize phase separation in thin films during casting
‒ Synthesized gold nanoparticles via two phase syntheses and seed-mediated growth syntheses
‒ Created protocols for capturing in situ thin film drying behavior
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
Summer 2009 - Fall 2009
Undergraduate researcher
‒ Examined the methods for algae lysis and separation of the lipids from other cell material
‒ Wrote comprehensive report to relay findings to professor and graduate students
Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware
Summer 2008
National Science Foundation-Research Experience for Undergraduates (NSF-REU)
‒ Studied the self-assembly of amino acids under acidic, basic, and neutral conditions
‒ Presented findings to a board of professors and peers
Ul Haq, E.; Toolan, D. T. W.; Emerson, J. A.; Epps, T. H., III; Howse, J. R.; Dunbar, A. D. F.; Ebbens, S.
J. J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys. 2014, 52 (15) 985-992 “Real Time Laser Interference Microscopy
for Bar-Spread Polystyrene/Poly(methyl methacrylate) Blends” *cover article*
Emerson, J. A.; Toolan, D. T. W.; Howse, J. R.; Furst, E. M.; Epps, T. H., III, Macromolecules 2013, 46
(16) 6533-6540 “Determination of Solvent−Polymer and Polymer−Polymer Flory−Huggins Interaction
Parameters for Poly(3-hexylthiophene) via Solvent Vapor Swelling”
Jillian A. Emerson, Eric M. Furst, Thomas H. Epps, III, “Effect of material rheology on polymer blend
thin film morphology” (poster), Society of Rheology 86th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, October 8,
Jillian A. Emerson, Eric M. Furst, Thomas H. Epps, III, “Phase Behavior of Polymer Blends for Organic
Photovoltaic Applications” APS March Meeting, Denver, CO, March 5, 2014
Jillian A. Emerson, Eric M. Furst, Thomas H. Epps, III, “Phase Behavior of Polystyrene/Poly(3hexylthiophene) Blends for Organic Photovoltaics”, Winter Research Review, Newark, DE, January, 29,
Jillian A. Emerson, Eric M. Furst, Thomas H. Epps, III, Mid-Atlantic Soft Matter Conferences (Summer
2014, Winter 2014, Summer 2013, Winter 2013, Fall 2012, Summer 2011)
Teaching assistant, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Fall 2011, Fall 2013
‒ Introduction to Thermodynamics (CHEG231), undergraduate core course
• Organized and led exam review sessions
• Created homework solutions, graded term projects, managed team of undergraduate graders
‒ Introduction to Polymer Science (CHEG600/MSEG630), upper lever undergraduate and graduate
student elective
• Created problem set solutions and graded assignments, including a term project
• Held weekly homework help sessions
Research Mentor
Summer 2012 - present
‒ Trained undergraduate and graduate students on laboratory techniques and equipment use
‒ Supervised 2 high school student interns through American Chemical Society’s Project SEED
program (3 summers) and one undergraduate research student (1 year)
Outreach volunteer, University of Delaware
Summer 2013 – present
‒ Developed content for STEM outreach modules & presented to local K-12 students
‒ Assisted with various STEM outreach events
Graduate student mentor, University of Delaware
Fall 2012
Mentored first-year chemical & biomolecular engineering graduate students
Vice president, Ready Set Design, Johns Hopkins University
Spring 2008 - Spring 2010
Helped organize events to introduce middle school girls to engineering
Robert L. Pigford Teaching Assistant Award
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Delaware
Departmental Honors
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
Dean’s List, Johns Hopkins University
Spring 2014
Spring 2010
Spring 2007, Spring 2008 - Fall 2009
Equipment/Techniques: atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, spectral
reflectometry, tribology, optical microscopy, dynamic light scattering, UV-Vis transmission, nanoparticle
synthesis, spin coating, blade coating, polymer thin film annealing techniques
Computer: MS Office Suite, Origin, Matlab, Mathematica, Brookhaven Dynamic Light Scattering
Software, LaTeX
Email: [email protected]
Cell: 865-566-6270 Office: 302-831-6738
18 Country Club Dr. #3D, Newark DE 19711
Chemical engineer with 5 years of strong research experience in the design and characterization of nanostructure and
using technical knowledge of rheology, colloids, coatings, surface science, and scattering techniques to understand
structure/property performance of complex fluids, with proven teamwork, leadership, strong problem solving skills
and extensive community involvement.
Colloidal Suspensions Analysis and Characterization
– Surface coatings of colloidal silica particles and particles stability/interface structure study
– Rheology (stress/strain controlled rheometers), small angle neutron scattering (SANS, in NIST national lab),
rheology-small angle light scattering (Rheo-SALS), dynamic light scattering (DLS), zeta potential analyzer
(ZetaPALS), rolling ball viscometer, scanning/transmission electron microscopy (SEM, TEM),
thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), densitometry, proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR), small angle xray scattering (SAXS)
Other Material Characterization Skills
– High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), Instron electromechanical testing system
Ph.D. candidate in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Anticipated completion: Spring 2016
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Research Advisor: Norman J. Wagner
Thesis: Flexible, Micrometeoroid and Orbital Debris (MMOD) and Puncture Resistant Shear Thickening
Fluid/Textile Composites for Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) Space Suits
Major GPA: 3.85/4.0
B.S. in Chemical Engineering Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
Research Advisors: Zhengbao Wang
Thesis: Synthesis of High-Performance Zeolite Membranes on Inexpensive Large-Pore Supports
Major GPA: 3.96/4.0, Minor in Finance
June 2010
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Delaware
2011 – Present
Graduate Research Assistant
– Developed structure-property relationships for ionic liquid colloidal dispersions and resolved the mechanism of
colloidal stability by studying rheology, particle size, interactions and interface structure
– Created novel homogenous and stable silica particle ionic liquid suspensions using particle surface coatings,
collaboration with Dr. Mark Shiflett from DuPont
– Developed stable shear thickening fluids in ionic liquids and fabricated shear thickening fluids/Kevlar○
composites for extreme environment condition in space for NASA project
– Investigated the surfactant property of ionic liquids and microstructure of ionic liquid and its silica suspensions
at various temperatures with addition of water
– Designed low-temperature and low-pressure rheometer chamber and determined shear thickening fluids
properties at simulated space environment
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Zhejiang University, China
June 2009 – March 2011
Undergraduate Research Assistant
– Synthesized highly reproducible, high-performance NaA zeolite membranes on large-pore alumina tube
supports using the seed paste method
– Evaluated zeolite membranes gas separation properties using pervaporation (PV) experiment on ethanol
aqueous solution
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Zhejiang University, China
May 2008 – May 2009
Research Team Leader, Student Research Training Program
– Optimized the synthesis condition of thickening agent polyethylene glycol (6000) diisostearate
– Investigated the viscosity of thickening agents at various temperatures and aging influence as well
Research Mentor, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Delaware
Summer 2014
– Supervised undergraduate students, trained them on laboratory techniques and equipment use; one of the
undergraduate students won the research poster award
Teaching Assistant, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Delaware
Fall 2013
– Senior Lab: Distillation; taught 40 senior undergraduates to operate distillation column working on
methanol/water separation project and tutored their technical writing
Outreach Instructor, University of Delaware
2012 -2013
– Assisted with various K-12 STEM outreach events: shear thickening fluids for soft body armor
1. Gao, J.; Wagner, N. J., “Microstructure and Rheology of Silica Nanoparticle-[C4mim][BF4] Suspensions at High
Temperatures” Journal of Rheology (expected submission on Jan. 2016).
2. Gao, J.; Wagner, N. J., “Rheological Response of Shear Thickening Fluids (STFs) in Simulated Vacuum/Low
Temperature Space Environment” Journal of Rheology (in preparation).
3. Gao, J.; Wagner, N. J., “A New Correlation between Excess Viscosity, Excess Molar Volume, and Microstructure
for [C4mim][BF4] Mixtures with Water” Langmuir (expected submission on Dec. 2015).
4. Gao, J.; Ndong, R. S.; Shiflett, M. B.; Wagner, N. J., “Creating Nanoparticle Stability in Ionic Liquid
[C4mim][BF4] by Inducing Solvation Layering” ACS Nano 2015, 9, (3), 3243-3253.
5. Wang, Z.; Ge,Q.; Gao, J.; Shao, J.; Liu, C.; Yan, Y., “High-Performance Zeolite Membranes on Inexpensive
Large-Pore Supports: Highly Reproducible Synthesis using a Seed Paste” Chemsuschem 2011, 4, (11), 1570-1573.
1. Gao, J.; Wagner, N. J., “Rheology and Microstructure of Particle Dispersions in Ionic Liquids”, 2015 AIChE
Annual Meeting, November 2015, Salt Lake City, UT
2. Gao, J.; Wagner, N. J., “Volumetric, Transport Properties and Microstructures for Binary System of
[C4mim][BF4] with Water under Wide Temperature Range”, 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 2015, Salt
Lake City, UT
3. Gao, J.; Wagner, N. J., “Rheology and Microstructure of Silica Particle Dispersions in The Ionic Liquid
[C4mim][BF4]”, 87th Society of Rheology (SOR) Annual Meeting, October 2015, Baltimore, MD
4. Gao, J.; Ndong, R. S.; Shiflett, M. B.; Wagner, N. J., “Rheology of Colloidal Dispersions in the Ionic Liquid
[Bmim][BF4]”, 86th Society of Rheology (SOR) Annual Meeting, October 2014, Philadelphia, PA (poster)
*2nd place award for the student poster competition*
5. Gao, J.; Shiflett, M. B.; Wagner, N. J., “Dispersing Colloidal and Nanoparticles in the Ionic Liquid
[Bmim][BF4]”, Gordon Research Conference: Ionic Liquids, August 2014, Portland, ME (poster)
6. Gao, J.; Ndong, R. S.; Shiflett, M. B.; Wagner, N. J., “Understanding Colloidal Stability in Ionic Liquid
[Bmim][BF4]”, 88th ACS Colloidal and Surface Science Symposium, June 2014, Philadelphia, PA
7. Gao, J.; Wagner, N. J., “Microstructure of Coated Silica Particles in Ionic Liquid [Bmim][BF4]”, nSoft Annual
Meeting, August 2013, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD (poster)
8. Gao, J.; Wagner, N. J., NASA Delaware Space Grant Consortium Research Symposium, 2012 & 2013 (poster)
2nd place award for the student poster competition at 86th Society of Rheology (SOR) Annual Meeting
Bob & Joyce Richards Fellowship
Outstanding Graduate of Zhejiang University
Merck Sharp & Dohme Scholarship
Summer Internship Award
2nd prize in “Sanjing Cup” National Chemical Process Design Competition (eastern China area)
Outstanding Student & Excellent Student Award, 3 times
Sheng Xiong Scholarship
2014 - 2016
2007 - 2009
Melissa B. Gordon
150 Academy Street
Newark, DE 19716
Phone: 201.519.6628
Email: [email protected]
University of Delaware
Doctor of Philosophy, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Thesis Advisors: Dr. Norman J. Wagner and Dr. Christopher J. Kloxin
Cumulative GPA: 4.0/4.0
2013 – Present
Lafayette College
Bachelor of Science, Chemical Engineering
Cumulative GPA: 3.94/4.0
2007 – 2011
Professional Experience
Graduate Research Assistant, University of Delaware
2013 – Present
Advised by: Dr. Norman J. Wagner and Dr. Christopher J. Kloxin
Ph.D. thesis focused on enhancing material reliability and performance by (1) developing a novel polymer
network that can repair and strengthen itself on demand and by (2) fundamentally understanding the
microstructural basis of the aging process in a model thermoreversible colloidal gel. Selected by NASA to
test materials on the exterior of the International Space Station.
Shirley and Fraser Russell Teaching Fellow, University of Delaware
Spring 2016
Selected to co-teach an undergraduate-level chemical engineering course under the guidance of an
experienced professor at the University of Delaware. Responsible for preparing and presenting lectures
and working directly with students.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Delaware
Spring 2014
Served as a teaching assistant for the junior chemical engineering laboratory at the University of Delaware.
Directed the vapor-liquid equilibrium experiment and designed the temperature measurement laboratory.
Scored well-above department averages in student evaluations.
Undergraduate Researcher, Honors Thesis, Lafayette College
2010 – 2011
Advised by: Dr. James K. Ferri
Honors thesis optimizing voxel resolution for 3D printing. Studied the effect of piezoelectric inkjet head
orientation on drop size to examine the feasibility of 3D printing in space.
Research Intern, Argonne National Laboratory
Summer 2010
Advised by: Dr. Richard Brotzman
Worked on joint project with the Boeing Company to investigate the controlled heating of an adhesive
bond line. Used atomic layer deposition to prepare FeO xPt superparamagnetic nanocomposites that can
serve as additives for adhesives to prevent subjecting structural materials to heat stresses.
Fellowships & Selected Awards
American Chemical Society Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Award, 2016
Shirley and Fraser Russell Teaching Fellowship, 2016
NASA Space Grant Graduate Fellowship, 2015-2016
Society of Rheology Travel Grant, 2015
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRFP), 2011-2014
Summa cum Laude, Lafayette College, 2011
Honors in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Lafayette College, 2011
Charles Duncan Fraser Prize, 2011
Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Honor Society, 2010
Marquis Scholarship (Lafayette College’s highest merit scholarship in 2007), 2007-2011
Publications & Selected Presentations
Gordon, M.B., French, J.M., Wagner, N.J., Kloxin, C.J., “Dynamic bonds in covalently crosslinked polymer
networks for photo-activated strengthening and healing,” Advanced Materials (2015).
doi: 10.1002/adma.201503870
Gordon, M.B., French, J.M., Wagner, N.J., Kloxin, C.J., “Dynamic bonds in covalently crosslinked polymer
networks for photo-activated strengthening and healing,” American Chemical Society National Meeting.
March 2016. [Accepted]
Gordon, M.B., Kloxin, C.J., Wagner, N.J., “Aging and nonlinear rheology of thermoreversible colloidal gels,”
Society of Rheology Meeting. October 2015.
Gordon, M.B., Kloxin, C.J., Wagner, N.J., “The microstructural basis of colloidal gel aging,” Gordon Research
Conference: Colloidal, Macromolecular and Polyelectrolyte Solutions. February 2016. [Accepted] (poster
Gordon, M.B., French, J.M., Kloxin, C.J., Wagner, N.J., “Dynamic bonds in covalent crosslinked polymers for
mechanically triggered self-healing,” ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium. June 2015. (poster
Gordon, M.B., Kloxin, C.J., Wagner, N.J., “Dynamic bonds in covalent crosslinked polymers for mechanically
triggered self-healing,” DE Space Grant Research Symposium, University of Delaware. March 2015. (poster
Gordon, M.B., Kloxin, C.J., Wagner, N.J., “Dynamic bonds in covalent adaptable networks,” Winter Research
Review, University of Delaware. January 2015. (poster presentation)
Service & Leadership
Chemical Engineering Representative, Women in Engineering (WIE)
Spring 2015 – Present
Plan and organize panels, workshops, lunches, coffee breaks and ice cream socials with the goal of
promoting a healthy, inclusive environment at the University of Delaware.
Safety Officer & Payload Developer, NASA EPSCoR Flight Opportunity
Spring 2014 – Present
Work with personnel at NASA on a weekly basis to prepare to launch a new space suit layup on the
International Space Station.
Co-president, AIChE Lafayette College Chapter
2010 – 2011
Organized events for Lafayette College students to learn about opportunities such as studying abroad,
conducting undergraduate research and applying to graduate school.
Board Member, Society of Women Engineering (SWE)
2010 – 2011
Planned and organized outreach events and networking opportunities for women engineering students at
Lafayette College.
Professional Memberships
Society of Rheology, student member
American Chemical Society, student member
Melissa B. Gordon, page 2
[email protected]
(315) 439-7960
Chad T. Greco
123 Arielle Dr.
Newark, DE 19702
University of Delaware (Newark, DE)
Ph.D. Candidate: Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Cumulative GPA: 3.84/4.00
Expected Fall 2017
University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA)
B.S.E.: Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Magna Cum Laude
Minor: Economics
Cumulative GPA: 3.68/4.00
May 2012
University of Delaware, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Graduate research assistant
Thesis: “Controlled Nucleic Acid Delivery Using Photo-Responsive Block Copolymer Assemblies”
Advisors: Millicent O. Sullivan and Thomas H. Epps, III
 Investigated formulation conditions and stabilities of nucleic acid/polymer assemblies
 Characterized release mechanisms of nucleic acids that enabled spatial gene patterning
 Developed kinetic models to predict optimal dosing regimens for enhanced gene silencing
 Analyzed formulation materials and nanocarrier compositions to improve potency and decrease costs
2012 - present
Cornell University (Ithaca, NY), Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
National Science Foundation-Research Experience for Undergraduates (NSF-REU)
Advisor: Matthew P. DeLisa
 Engineered outer membrane vesicles to display foreign antigens for use in vaccines
 Performed standard recombinant DNA techniques to transform the targeted cells
 Analyzed protein compositions and concentrations using western blotting
University of Pennsylvania, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Undergraduate research assistant
Advisor: Raymond J. Gorte
 Fabricated solid oxide fuel cell cathodes by infiltration
 Performed electrochemical testing of fuel cells and generated porous ceramic tapes
University of Pennsylvania, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Undergraduate research assistant
Advisor: Daeyeon Lee
 Studied nanoparticle thin films using layer-by-layer depositions under various processing conditions
 Analyzed surface zeta potentials using dynamic light scattering techniques
Bristol-Myers Squibb (New Brunswick, NJ)
Technical Operations Intern
 Collaborated with the manufacturing sites to update the global database system and the associated technical
documents detailing the chemicals used in the manufacturing process
 Investigated the impact of pharmacopeia changes on manufacturing quality tests
 Created and analyzed statistical spreadsheets of batch potencies to improve quality control
1. Greco, C. T.; Muir, V. G.; Epps, T. H., III; Sullivan, M. O. “Modeling and control of siRNA dose response behavior using
photo-responsive mixed polymer nanocarriers” In preparation.
2. Greco, C. T.; Epps, T. H., III; Sullivan, M. O. “Precise On/Off Spatiotemporal Control of siRNA Release and Tunable Gene
Silencing Using Photo-Responsive Polymer Nanocarriers” Submitted.
3. Foster, A. A.; Greco, C. T.; Green, M. D.; Epps, T. H., III; Sullivan, M. O. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2015, 4, 760-770
“Light-Mediated Activation of siRNA Binding and Release in Diblock Copolymer Assemblies for Controlled Gene Silencing”
4. Green, M. D.; Foster, A. A.; Greco, C. T.; Roy, R.; Lehr, R. M.; Epps, T. H., III; Sullivan, M. O. Polymer Chemistry 2014, 5, 55355541 “Catch and Release: Photocleavable Cationic Diblock Copolymers as a Potential Platform for Nucleic Acid Delivery”
*cover article*
1. ACS Spring Meeting, Colorado Convention Center, Denver, CO, March 2015, "Photoresponsive on/off dormancy in
polyplexes for patterned control of cell behavior"
2. Winter Research Review, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, June 2014, “Photocleavable Cationic Polymers to Control
Nucleic Acid Encapsulation and Release”
3. Center for Targeted Therapeutics and Translational Nanomedicine (CT3N) Symposium, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, November 2013, “Photo-responsive polymers for controlled nucleic acid delivery”
Teaching Assistant, University of Melbourne (Australia) and University of Delaware
Chemical Engineering Laboratory II, Recipient of Robert L. Pigford Teaching Assistant Award
 Coordinated “Bioreactor Fermentation” laboratory preparation and logistics
 Guided students through experiments, data analysis, and technical writing
Research Mentor, University of Delaware
 Trained numerous students on mammalian cell culture and materials characterization techniques
 Supervised 2 undergraduate students and guided their senior thesis projects
2014 - present
Science Outreach Volunteer, University of Delaware
 Assisted various STEM outreach programs with local secondary schools
2015 - present
Graduate Student Government, University of Delaware
 Department Representative, Member of Student Affairs and Social Committees
2012 - 2014
Alternative Spring Break Trip Leader, University of Pennsylvania
 Planned and supervised week-long volunteering trip for 14 students, Habitat for Humanity
2011 - 2012
Tour Guiding Shift Leader, University of Pennsylvania Admissions Office
 Recruited, managed, trained and evaluated campus tour guides
2010 - 2011
Molecular and Cell Biology: Mammalian and Bacterial Cell Culture, Flow Cytometry, Western Blotting,
Quantitative PCR, Light and Fluorescence Confocal Microscopy, Electrophoretic Mobility, Fluorescence Correlation
Material Synthesis and Characterization: Dynamic Light Scattering, Reversed Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography
(RP-HPLC), Fmoc Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis, Mass Spectrometry, Electron Microscopy
Computational: Matlab, Aspen Plus, Minitab, Microsoft Office
150 Academy St, Newark, DE 19716 • 781-635-0942 • [email protected]
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Ph.D. candidate in Chemical Engineering
Advisors: Dr. Abraham M. Lenhoff, Dr. Norman J. Wagner, Dr. Stanley I. Sandler
University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA
B.S. summa cum laude, Chemical Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Harry Bermudez
2011 - Present
2007 - 2011
Graduate Research Assistant, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA
2011 - Present
Principal investigators: Dr. Abraham M. Lenhoff, Dr. Norman J. Wagner, Dr. Stanley I. Sandler
Project: Structural characterization of non-crystalline protein dense phases to better understand protein phase
behavior and to find alternate routes to protein crystallization
• Extensively used national neutron sources and synchrotron x-ray sources to study small-angle scattering from
protein precipitate particles and protein solutions
• Developed computer scattering models in Fortran, MATLAB, and Python to calculate small-angle scattering
from arbitrary objects and to invert experimental scattering data
• Characterized protein dense phase structure on length scales 1 µm - 100 µm using light microscopy as well as
small-angle light scattering
• Measured the dynamics of protein dense phases and their growth kinetics using diffusing wave spectroscopy,
dynamic light scattering and time-resolved small-angle neutron scattering
• Purified protein using size-exclusion chromatography, ion-exchange chromatography, and recrystallization
Drug Delivery Intern, Genentech, South San Francisco, CA
Summer 2014
Managers: Karthik Rajagopal and Isidro (Dan) Zarraga
Project: Understanding molecular interactions in a PEGylated therapeutic protein
• Developed a high throughput capillary rheometer to measure protein solution viscosity
• Studied the interactions of a PEGylated protein using viscometry, dynamic light scattering, and small-angle
neutron scattering
Technology Development Intern, Genzyme, Framingham, MA
Summer 2010
Manager: Zhenyu Gu
Project: Understanding the aggregation mechanism of a therapeutic protein
• Utilized experimental techniques including UV-VIS spectroscopy, size-exclusion and reverse-phase
chromatography, differential scanning calorimetry, dynamic light scattering, and circular dichroism to study
the aggregation mechanism of a recombinant protein
Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA
Principal investigator: Dr. Harry Bermudez
Senior Thesis: The Stability of DNA Nanostructures
Fall 2010 - Spring 2011
• Built DNA triangles with polymerase chain reaction techniques
• Confirmed triangle assembly with gel electrophoresis and dynamic light scattering
• Quantified triangle thermal stability using SyBr green, an intercalating fluorescent dye.
Project: Peptides to improve drug half-life
Winter 2008 - Summer 2010
• Screened a phage-display library against mouse immune cells to find peptide candidates to increase half-life of
therapeutic agents
1. Greene, D.G., Ferraro, D.V., Lenhoff, A.M., Wagner, N.J., Sandler, S.I., “A critical examination of the
decoupling approximation for scattering from non-spherical objects.” in preparation, 2015.
2. Greene, D.G., Lenhoff, A.M., Wagner, N.J., Sandler, S.I., “Highly ordered structures in the salted-out phase of a
hard to crystallize monoclonal antibody.” in preparation, 2015.
3. Greene, D.G., Modla, S.M., Lenhoff, A.M., Wagner, N.J., Sandler, S.I., “Local crystalline structure in an
amorphous protein dense phase.” Biophys. J., 109, 1716-1723, doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2015.08.023, 2015
4. Greene, D.G., Keum, J.-W., and Bermudez, H., “The Role of Defects on the Assembly and Stability of DNA
Nanostructures.” Small, 8, 1320-1325, doi: 10.1002/smll.201102221, 2012
Gokarn, Y., Agarwal, S., Arthur, K., Bepperling, A., Day, E. S., Filoti, D., Greene, D.G., . . . , Zarraga, I. E.,
“Biophysical Techniques for Characterizing the Higher Order Structure and Interactions of Monoclonal
Antibodies.” In J. E. Schiel, D. L. Davis, & O. V Borisov (Eds.), State-of-the-Art and Emerging Technologies for
Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibody Characterization Volume 2. Biopharmaceutical Characterization: The
NISTmAb Case Study (Vol. 2, pp. 285-327). American Chemical Society, doi: 10.1021/bk-2015-1201.ch006, 2015
1. Greene D.G., Sandler, S.I., Wagner, N.J., Lenhoff, A.M., “Time evolution of protein gel bead microstructure”,
PAPER ID: 2130949, 249th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Denver, CO.
March 22 - 26, 2015
2. Greene D.G., Sandler, S.I., Wagner, N.J., Lenhoff, A.M., “Nanocrystalline ordering in protein gel beads”,
PAPER ID: 26668, 248th American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, CA. August 10 - 14, 2014
3. Greene D.G., Sandler, S.I., Wagner, N.J., Lenhoff, A.M., “Order from disorder: A closer look at protein
precipitate”, 11th Mid-Atlantic Soft Matter Workshop, Newark, DE.
July 11, 2013
1. Greene D.G., Sandler, S.I., Wagner, N.J., Lenhoff, A.M., “Microstructure and Evolution of Protein Gels and
Precipitates”, CECAM Workshop on The Physics of Protein Self-Assembly, Lausanne, Switzerland.
June 22 - 24, 2015
2. Greene D.G., Sandler, S.I., Wagner, N.J., Lenhoff, A.M., “Nanocrystalline ordering in protein gel beads”,
Gordon Research Conference on Colloidal, Macromolecular & Polyelectrolyte Solutions, Ventura, CA.
Feb. 16 -21, 2014
• Proposal no. 43364, “The microstructure of precipitated soy isolate, lysozyme, and a monoclonal antibody.”
July 1 - 3, 2015
• Proposal no. 19571, “USANS on Ovalbumin Gel Beads.”
May 13-16, 2013
• Proposal no. 17898, “Characterization of Ovalbumin Dense Phases.”
Feb. 20 - 22, 2013
• Proposal no. 14565, “Characterization of Ribonuclease-A Dense Phases.”
May 29 - June 1, 2015
• Proposal no. 10386, “Characterization of Ribonuclease A Dense Phases.”
April 1 - 4, 2014
• Proposal no. 8255, “Characterization of Ovalbumin Dense Phases.”
May 13 - 16, 2013
• “SAXS study on protein separations: chromatography and protein precipitation.”
Feb. 26 - 28, 2014
• “Microstructure of protein dense phases.”
Nov. 10 - 11, 2013
University of Delaware, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
• Teaching Assistant for Thermodynamics II
• Teaching Assistant for Thermodynamics I
Spring 2015
Fall 2013
1. NSF Responsible Conduct of Research, Newark, DE.
2. Third Course on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology, Oak Ridge, TN.
Jan. 23, 2013
June 4 - 8, 2012
American Chemical Society, BIOT Division
Tau Beta Pi
J&E Armstrong Fund
Genzyme Scholar
John and Abigail Adams Scholarship
2015 - present
2011 - present
*References available upon request
Geun Ho Gu
79 Ray Street | Newark, Delaware 19711 | 302-332-8382 | [email protected]
University of Delaware
September 2012 - Present
Ph.D. Candidate in Chemical Engineering, GPA 3.4/4.0
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
September 2008 - May 2012
B.S. in Chemical Engineering, Magna Cum Laude, GPA 3.8/4.0
Research Experience
Doctoral Research
University of Delaware
2012 - Present
Advisor: Dr. Dion G. Vlachos
• Identified key activation mechanisms for removing oxygen substituents on stable aromatic ring on catalytic
surface for applications of converting renewable lignin monomers to useful petroleum-like products
• Integrated quantum mechanical calculations, micro-kinetic modeling, and experimental data for mechanistic
understanding of catalytic process
• Advanced methodology for rapid and accurate estimation of thermochemical and kinetics properties for
mapping large and complex catalytic reaction network
• Refined key fundamental characteristics and physical phenomena for catalytic reactions on surface using firstprinciple calculations to improve predictive capability of computational catalysis
Undergraduate Research
University of Illinois
Advisor: Dr. Paul J. A. Kenis
• Built and operated microfluidic H 2 /O 2 fuel cell in acidic and alkaline media
• Optimized electrode hydrophobicity for superior performance and long-term stability
2011 - 2012
Technical Skills
Expertise in reaction engineering, microkinetic modeling, large reaction network analysis, quantum mechanical
calculations, methodology development for fast thermodynamic and kinetics estimation, large data analysis,
regression and statistics, metal catalyst prediction, stochastic simulations
Proficiency in MATLAB and Python, familiarity with, HTML, bash, CHEMCAD and Mathematica. Experience
with Windows and Linux operating system.
English (Fluent), Korean (Native)
Honors and Awards
Distinguished Honor Student, University of Illinois
Dean’s List, University of Illinois
Phi Eta Sigma (National Freshmen Honor Society), University of Illinois
Omega Chi Epsilon (Chemical Engineering Honor Society), University of Illinois
CITGO Award, University of Illinois
2008 - 2012
2008 - 2012
2011 - 2012
Backup server (Linux) and group website administrator in Vlachos Research Group
Member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineering (AIChE)
Alpha Chi Sigma (Professional Chemistry Fraternity), University of Illinois
Geun Ho Gu
2014 - Present
2014 - Present
2008 - 2012
Page 1 of 2
Publicity member of student chapter of AIChE, University of Illinois
Project leader in Engineering Open House, University of Illinois
Mentored freshmen in Chemistry Enrichment Project, University of Illinois
2008 - 2012
2009 - 2011
2008 - 2010
Teaching Experience
CHEG345: Chemical Engineering Laboratory I, University of Delaware
Spring 2015
Instructor: Professor Prasad Dhurjati, Professor Douglas J. Buttrey, Professor Feng Jiao, and Dr. Mark B. Shiflett
CHBE321: Thermodynamics, University of Illinois.
CHBE421: Momentum and Heat Transfer, University of Illinois.
Instructor: Professor Hyunjoon Kong
Instructor: Professor Brendan Harley
Spring 2011
Fall 2010
Geun Ho Gu, Dion G. Vlachos. “Group Additivity and Modified Linear Scaling Relations for Estimating Surface
Thermochemistry on Transition Metal Surface: Application to Lignin Monomers” In preparation.
Geun Ho Gu, Dion G. Vlachos. “Group Additivity for Estimating Thermochemical Properties of Lignin Monomers
on Pt(111).” In preparation.
Geun Ho Gu, Dion G. Vlachos. “Can Monofunctional Catalysts Carry out Hydrogenolysis? Microkinetics of pCresol on Pt(111).” In preparation.
Kyungtae Lee, Geun Ho Gu, Charles A. Mullen, Akwasi A. Boateng, Dion G. Vlachos. “Guaiacol
Hydrodeoxygenation Mechanism on Pt(111): Insights from Density Functional Theory and Linear Free Energy
Relations.” ChemSusChem. 2015, 8, 315-322.
Matthew S. Naughton, Geun Ho Gu, Akash A. Moradia, Paul J. A. Kenis. “Tailoring Electrode Hydrophobicity to
Improve Anode Performance in Alkaline Media.” J. Power Sources. 2013, 242, 581-588.
Geun Ho Gu and Dion G. Vlachos. Fast Estimation Methods of Catalytic Cycles of Lignin Molecules on Pt(111).
AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, November 2015. (Presentation)
Geun Ho Gu, Kyungtae Lee and Dion G. Vlachos. Computational Study of Hydrodeoxygenation of Lignin
Compounds on Pt(111). NACS North American Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. June 2015. (Poster)
Geun Ho Gu, Kyungtae Lee, Sai Konda and Dion G. Vlachos. Insights into the Hydrodeoxygenation Mechanisms
for Lignin Upgrade. ACS National Meeting, Denver, Colorado, March 2015. (Presentation)
Geun Ho Gu, and Dion G. Vlachos. Hydrodeoxygenation Mechanisms of p-cresol on Pt(111). AIChE Annual
Meeting, Atlantic City, Georgia, November 2014. (Presentation)
Geun Ho Gu and Dion G. Vlachos. DFT and Microkinetic Modeling of p-cresol Hydrodeoxygenation on Pt(111).
CCST Research Review, Newark, Delaware, October 2014. (Poster)
Geun Ho Gu, Kyungtae Lee and Dion G. Vlachos. Modeling of Bio-oil Upgrade. USDA Farmbio3 Annual Meeting,
Villanova, Pennsylvania, July 2014. (Presentation)
Geun Ho Gu and Dion G. Vlachos. DFT and Microkinetic Modeling of p-cresol Hydrodeoxygenation on Pt(111).
CCEI Spring Symposium, Newark, Delaware, April 2014. (Poster)
Geun Ho Gu, Kyungtae Lee and Dion G. Vlachos. Modeling of Catalytic Hydrodeoxygenation of p-cresol on
Pt(111). USDA Farmbio3 Annual Meeting, Villanova, Pennsylvania, August 2013. (Presentation)
Geun Ho Gu
Page 2 of 2
Chen Guo
[email protected]
• PhD in Chemical Engineering with research focused on polymeric hydrogels for drug delivery and tissue engineering
• Two year postdoc training in small molecule and peptide synthesis, peptide self assembly and biomolecule conjugation to hydrogels,
and 3D cell culture
• Excellent problem solving skills and creativity proven by publications in newly developed research groups
• Outstanding oral and written English communication skills demonstrated by national conference presentations and peer-reviewed
• Strong collaboration skills, experience working in multidisciplinary teams
Lab Skills
• Synthesis: small molecule and polymer synthesis, living polymerization, peptide SPPS, solution based oligomer synthesis,
biocompatible chemistries for bioconjugation including photo initiated thiol-ene click chemistry and copper free click chemistry
• Analytical techniques: Proficiency in NMR, GPC, ESI LC-MS, Circular Dichroism, UV-Vis, TLC, TEM, cryoTEM, Small Angle X-ray
Scattering (SAXS), Rheology, DSC, TGA and fluorescence, Hands-on experience in SEM, FTIR and FPLC
• Purification: HPLC, column chromatography and polymer fractionation
• Other lab competence: DOE, safety inspection, extensive training on hazardous waste management
Research Experience
Post Doctoral Researcher University of Delaware, Newark, DE
2014 - present
• Developed dynamically controllable collagen mimetic peptide (CMP) conjugated 3D hydrogel network for lung fibrosis study
Optimized SPPS by scaling-up tripeptide oligomer synthesis to gram-scale and then utilized fragment condensation for simplified
purification, higher yield and higher purity
Improved self-assembled peptide purification by optimizing HPLC procedure
Investigated CMP self assembly via CD,TEM and cryoTEM
Conjugated CMP nanofibers into hydrogels using photo-initiated thiol-ene reaction
• Designed and synthesized cell degradable peptide with various functional groups for wound healing study
• Investigated and studied other biocompatible orthogonal chemistries in water for hydrogel fabrication and modification, including
thiol-maleimide, copper free click chemistry and thiol-ene click reaction under visible light
• Designed and fabricated micrometer scaled multi-layered hydrogels for protein/enzyme immobilization and studied the release profile
using fluorenscence
Graduate Research Assistant Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
2006 - 2013
• Developed modular nanostructured hydrogels from self-assembled block copolymer melt blends
Optimized step-wise PS-PEO diblock copolymer synthetic methodology and resolved the polydispersity issue by reducing
polymer propagation rate via diluting reaction concentration and adding crown-ether
Increased coupling reaction yields by using syringe pump to lower coupling agent local concentration
Studied block copolymer self assembled nano scaled morphology using SAXS
Laid the foundation of the research in our lab by preparing the prototype hydrogel and devising characterization protocols
• Explored hydrogel systems through controlling the distances between micelles
Fashioned a fractionation protocol to separate PS-PEO diblock copolymer and PS-PEO-PS triblock copolymer from mixtures by
manipulation of polymer solubilities in different solvents
• Improved hydrogel toughness independent from swelling ratio by installation of secondary mesh in hydrogel swollen state via click
Modified PS-PEO diblock copolymer with azide and alkyne groups and quantified the conversion using NMR
Researched a means to examine hydrogel tensile properties on a TA ARES rheometer
• Developed ionic liquid gels for gas separation (collaborated with Prof. Doug Gin (Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering,
University of Colorado, Boulder))
Designed experiments to evaluate novel gel swelling behavior and mechanical properties
Reported project progression to Prof. Gin and Prof Richard Noble (Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of
Colorado, Boulder) and discussed future work plan
Undergraduate Research Assistant Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
• Prepared PS-PMMA hollow/porous polymer particles via emulsion polymerization
• Investigated pore-forming agents and pore-forming kinetics through TEM
• Researched on the synthetic method of UV light absorber (UV-214)
2005 - 2006
R&D Intern Cenway Technologies, Ltd, Beijing, China
• Carried out acetone recycle protocols using fractional distillation in trial run
• Attended a one-week scaling-up pilot plant test for a pharmaceutical extraction process
Field Engineer Intern SINOPEC Beijing Yanhua Petrochemical Co. Ltd, Beijing, China
• Conducted computer-aid control and product analysis for phenol-acetone reaction and distillation
Publications - Refereed Journal Articles
1. Chen Guo, Jackson T. Lewis, Miriah M. Schwartz and Travis S. Bailey, ‘Dangling-End Double Networks: Tapping Hidden Toughness
in Highly Swollen Thermoplastic Elastomer Hydrogels’ (submitted to Chemistry of Materials)
2. Chen Guo and Travis S. Bailey, ‘Tailoring Mechanical Response through Coronal Layer Overlap in Tethered Micelle Hydrogel
Networks, Soft Matter, 11(37), 7345-7355, 2015
3. Chen Guo and Travis S. Bailey, ‘Highly distensible nanostructured elastic hydrogels from AB diblock and ABA triblock copolymer
melt blends’, Soft Matter, 6(19), 4807-4818, 2010
1. Poster presentation, ‘Hydrogels with structural complexity provided by multifunctional collagen mimetic peptides’, Neutron Day 2015,
University of Delaware, Newark, DE, November 4
2. Poster presentation, ‘Strategies for independent mesh-size and swelling ratio control in tethered-micelle hydrogel networks’, ACS
Fall 2011 National Meeting & Exposition, Denver, CO, August 29
3. Oral presentation, ‘Tailoring nanostructure in tethered-sphere hydrogel networks’, ACS Spring 2011 National Meeting &
Exposition, Anaheim, CA, March 31
4. Oral presentation, ‘Thermo-sensitive nanostructured hydrogels based on block copolymer self-assembly’, ACS Fall 2009 National
Meeting & Exposition, Washington, DC, August 16
Ph.D. Chemical and Biological Engineering Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
December 2013
Research was focused on the development and modification of a modular tethered-micelle hydrogel system using prestructured block
copolymers melts
• Assisted in the establishment of a new research lab and conducted weekly lab safety inspection
• Served as a liaison between my research group and Prof. Kisiday’s group (Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Colorado State University)
for hydrogel tensile property measurement
• Recruited, trained and supervised two undergraduate students and designed their projects
• Created and updated the inventory database
• Coordinated and purchased necessary chemicals and glassware
B.S. Polymer Science and Engineering Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Undergraduate research was focused on the evaluation of pore-forming agents for latex particles in emulsion polymerization
• Accomplished extensive training on polymer processing, including film blowing, compression molding and extrusion
July 2006
Professional Memberships
American Chemical Society (ACS) 2009 - Present; American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS) 2009 - Present; American
Physical Society (APS) 2007
Angela L. Holmberg
400 Wollaston Ave ▪ Apt. A3 ▪ Newark, DE 19711
Phone: 612-220-7139 ▪ Email: [email protected]
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Degree conferral: Feb. 2016
- Ph.D. candidate in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
GPA: 3.78/4.00
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- B.Ch.E. in Chemical Engineering with Distinction
- B.S. in Chemistry with Distinction
May 2010
GPA: 3.83/4.00
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Nov. 2010–Jan. 2016 (expected)
Graduate Research Assistant
Advisor: Prof. Thomas H. Epps, III
Dissertation: “Bottom-Up Designs and Syntheses of Sustainable Block Polymers”
- Investigated the synthesis and properties of lignin and fatty acid-based polymers
- Developed water-and-oil-repellent polymer coatings with reduced fluorine content
from monomers with no environmental persistency
Medtronic, Inc., Fridley, MN
May–Sept. 2009
Quality and Core Tech. Polymer Group Research Intern
Advisor: Dr. Kimberly Chaffin
- Determined solubility limits of crystalline small molecules in polyurethanes
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
June–Aug. 2008
*National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network
Advisor: Prof. Brian A. Korgel
Research Experience for Undergraduates Intern
- Studied effects of embedding gold nanocrystals into phospholipid vesicle bilayers
- Related acknowledgement: M. R. Rasch, et al., "Hydrophobic Gold Nanoparticle SelfAssembly with Phosphatidylcholine Lipid: Membrane-Loaded and Janus Vesicles,"
Nano Lett. 2010, 10, 3733
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Jan. 2007–May 2008
Department of Chemistry Undergraduate Researcher
Advisor: Prof. Marc A. Hillmyer
- Prepared semi-biodegradable block polymers and aligned nanoporous monoliths
- Related awards/support: a Freshman Undergraduate Research Fellowship, the
Heisig/Gleysteen Chemistry Summer Research Fellowship, and research credits
Macromolecular synthesis: RAFT polymerization, anionic polymerization, and some
ATRP and ROMP; determining monomer reactivity ratios; and controlling kinetics
Macromolecular characterization: NMR (1-D and 2-D), SEC, DSC, TGA, [synchrotron]
SAXS, static light scattering, some TEM, some WAXS, and some shear-rheology
Polymer physics: some structure–property and composition–property relationships
(e.g., Flory–Fox) and block polymer self-assembly
Green chemistry: sustainability metrics (e.g., E-factors) and design principles
Small-molecule synthesis and purification: acylation chemistries, vacuum
distillation, solvent recrystallization, and liquid–liquid extraction
Surface characterization: contact-angle goniometry, optical microscopy, analysis of
XPS and ToF-SIMS data, and some AFM
Numerical methods via Matlab and Excel
Vector graphics via Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and PowerPoint
Undergraduate Research Supervisor (3×)
Mentored undergraduate students on surface science and chemistry projects
Elected Colburn Club Representative (4×)
Organized departmental events and served as a liaison between students and faculty
Teaching Assistant
Thermodynamics II (89 undergraduate students)
Spring 2014
Introduction to Polym. Sci. (32 mixed graduate/undergraduate students)
Fall 2012
1. Angela L. Holmberg, Kaleigh H. Reno, Ngoc A. Nguyen, Richard P. Wool and
Thomas H. Epps, III, “Syringyl Methacrylate, a RAFT-Polymerizable Derivative of
Hardwood Lignin for High-Tg Materials,” (in preparation for Dec. 2015 submission)
2. Angela L. Holmberg et al., “Softwood Lignin-Based Methacrylate Polymers with
Tunable Thermal and Viscoelastic Properties,” Macromolecules, submitted
3. Angela L. Holmberg, Michael G. Karavolias and Thomas H. Epps, III, "RAFT
Polymerization and Associated Reactivity Ratios of Methacrylate-Functionalized
Bio-Oil Constituents," Polym. Chem. 2015, 6, 4728-5739
4. Angela L. Holmberg, Kaleigh H. Reno, Richard P. Wool and Thomas H. Epps, III,
“Biobased Building Blocks for the Rational Design of Renewable Block Polymers,”
Soft Matter 2014, 10, 7405–7424 [review article] *highlighted in the 2014 Soft
Matter Hot Papers collection*
5. Angela L. Holmberg, Joseph F. Stanzione, III, Richard P. Wool and Thomas H. Epps,
III, “A Facile Method for Generating Designer Block Copolymers from Functionalized
Lignin Model Compounds,” ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2014, 2, 569–573
1. Angela L. Holmberg, Joseph F. Stanzione, III, Richard P. Wool and Thomas H. Epps,
III, “Bio-Based Block Polymers Derived from Lignin and Fatty Acids.” U.S. Pat. App.
(one provisional)
14/200,855, filed Mar. 7, 2014
2. Angela L. Holmberg, Kaleigh H. Reno, and Thomas H. Epps, III, “Syringol-Based
Monomers for Tuning Polymer Properties.” Prov. Pat. App. 62/191,551, filed July 13,
1. Angela L. Holmberg et al., “Precision Properties of Polymers Prepared from
Multicomponent Lignin-Based Bio-Oils,” ACS 19th Ann. Green Chem. Eng. Conf., July
2015, Bethesda, MD (talk)
2. Angela L. Holmberg et al., “RAFT Polymerization of Complex Mixtures in Pursuit of
Sustainable Polymers from Bio-Oils,” Polymers Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) and
Conference (GRC), June 2015, Mount Holyoke, MA (invited talk [GRS]; poster [GRC])
3. Angela L. Holmberg et al., “Designing Block Copolymers from Lignin Model
Compounds” and “Nanoscale Self-Assembly and Morphology-Dependent Repellency
of Omniphobic Triblock Terpolymers,” ACS 248th National Meeting, Aug. 2014, San
Francisco, CA (talk and poster, respectively)
4. Angela L. Holmberg and Thomas H. Epps, III, “Incorporating Green Chemistry
Concepts into the Design and Synthesis of Nanostructured Block Copolymers,” ACS
18th Ann. Green Chem. Eng. Conf., June 2014, Bethesda, MD (poster)
5. Angela L. Holmberg et al., “Lignin- and Fatty Acid-Derived Block Copolymers for
Nanostructured Thermoplastic Elastomers,” ACS 17th Ann. Green Chem. Eng. Conf.,
June 2013, Bethesda, MD (talk)
*Excellence in Grad. Polymer Research Award Finalist (AIChE, Div. 08)
*Ciba Travel Award (ACS Green Chemistry Institute)
Robert L. Pigford Teaching Assistant Award (University of Delaware)
*Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship
(646) 339-6902 • [email protected] • www.linkedin.com/in/lljosephson
• Creative and goal-oriented Chemical Engineer; invented a small-sample device for material
rheology characterization (currently implemented at Genentech) and developed an automated
product testing process at a raw cosmetics material company
• Extensive teamwork experience with cross-functional product development teams resulting in
patent application, journal publications, and marketing materials
• Excellent communication and presentation skills; voted best presentation (out of 80) at ACS
National Meeting, invited as featured speaker in webinar, and presented research findings at
15+ national and international scientific conferences
Genentech Inc., South San Francisco, CA
08/2015 - 12/2015
Visiting Scientist, Early Stage Pharmaceutical Development
• Key contributor to improvement of potential drug molecule risk assessment procedures and
related labor/cost savings through implementation of new microrheology technique; decreased
sample consumptions by up to ten times
• Evaluated the effects of surfactants and excipients on protein molecules, resulting in new insights on protein rheology and physical stability; results were transitioned to other development
teams for aid to formulation development and knowledge building
• Coordinated comprehensive training sessions for cross-functional team members and authored
standard operating procedures; successfully transferred microrheology technique
Momentive Performance Materials, Tarrytown, NY
06/2010 - 05/2011
Product Development Intern
• Key initiator in standardizing experimental procedures for hair product effectiveness and claim
substantiations through design and development of new automated hair straightening process;
decreased variability in experiments and improved process efficiency by three times
• Planned and executed instrumental evaluation of the effect of silicones on microfilament keratin
denaturation in thermally-treated hair; identified critical process parameters and presented
findings in journal publication and international hair science symposium
• Interfaced with R&D and marketing teams to analyze consumer trends and translate scientific
insights into patent application and marketing materials
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
12/2011 - Present
Graduate Research Assistant
• Engineered high-throughput microfluidics device and temperature control stage for applications in therapeutic protein solutions; reduced sample size to 2 µL and increased experimental
throughput ten times compared to rheology experiments
• Designed undergraduate research projects; recruited and mentored four undergraduate students to support research activities
• As teaching assistant of two undergraduate courses, managed a team of graders (6), designed
and reviewed 50+ student projects, and organized course materials for faculty members
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering
CUNY City College of New York, New York, NY
B.E. in Chemical Engineering, summa cum laude
Expected 05/2016
Patent Law Basics, UD Horn Program of Entrepreneurship
Polymer Rheology, Dupont
Microfluidics and its Application, Society of Rheology
Colloidal Suspension Rheology, TA Instrument
Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC)
Instron Tensile Testing
Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation
Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator, Photoshop)
Cantonese (native)
Rheosense m-VROC
Microscopy (optical & fluorescent)
Soft Lithography
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
Igor Pro
Mandarin (full proficiency)
Best of BIOT Presentation Award, ACS 249th National Meeting (2015)
Poster Award Finalist, ECI Biological and Pharmaceutical Complex Fluids II Conference (2014)
Student Travel Grant, 84th Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology (2013)
U.S.-Swedish International Research Scholar, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (2011)
Patell Memorial Award in Chemical Engineering, City College of New York (2011)
Alois X. Schmidt Scholar, City College of New York (2011)
Roslyn K. Gitlin Women in Engineering Alumni Award, City College of New York (2010)
Kaylie Engineering Scholarship, City College of New York (2007-2011)
Dean’s List, City College of New York (2007-2011)
Self-taught lip balm and soap formulator, crafted for wedding favors, gifts and charities
Passionate and dedicated singer for 15+ years, co-manager and vocalist of a 7-person music band
Event Coordinator & Webmaster, UD InterGrad Fellowship (2013 - Present)
Vice President, Omega Chi Epsilon (Honor Society for Chemical Engineers) (2010 - 2011)
President, CUNY-wide CCF annual winter conference for 120+ attendees (2008 - 2010)
Chief Copy Editor & Science Writer, The Campus bi-weekly college newspaper (2008)
American Chemical Society, BIOT and COLL
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
American Scientific Affiliation
Omega Chi Epsilon, Honor Society for Chemical Engineers
Society of Cosmetic Chemists
Society of Rheology
(651) 269-1433
[email protected]
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering
Expected 8/2016
Thesis topic: “First-principles modeling of solvent effects in biomass processing”
GPA: 3.86/4.00
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Bachelor of Science, Chemical Engineering
Emphasis on Renewable and Process Chemistry
GPA: 3.83/4.00
Graduate Research Assistant, University of Delaware
11/2011 - Present
Advisors: Prof. Dionisios G. Vlachos and Dr. Stavros Caratzoulas
 Examined solvent/solute interactions for furanics in solution using density functional theory
 Provided theoretical insight into spectroscopic measurements of furanics in solution
 Developed mechanism for sugar transformation pathways over novel zeolitic catalysts
 Applied multi-scale modeling techniques to elucidate solvent effects
 Advised undergraduate student in computational chemistry research project
Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Minnesota
1/2008 - 5/2011
Advisor: Prof. Lanny D. Schmidt
 Built and operated flow reactors for catalytic partial oxidation of liquid biofuels
 Designed and built high pressure/high temperature reactors for methanol synthesis from syngas
University of Minnesota
Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Engineering, Invited Lecturer
University of Delaware
Special Topics in Energy, Invited Lecturer
3/24/2015 and 3/26/2015
Advanced Chemical Kinetics, Invited Lecturer
Graduate Thermodynamics & Statistical Thermodynamics, Teaching Assistant
Fall 2013
Thermodynamics (Undergraduate core course), Teaching Assistant
Spring 2013
 CRE Travel Grant, Reaction Engineering Category, AIChE Annual Meeting
 Finalist, Catalysis Club of Philadelphia Poster Award
 Finalist, EFRC Graduate Student Competition, 2015 EFRC PI Meeting
 CRE Poster Award, Reaction Engineering Category, AIChE Annual Meeting
 Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute, Montevideo, Uruguay
Accepted to two-week intensive course on advanced topics in molecular simulation
 George W. Laird Fellow
 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
 Rhodes Scholar Candidate for University of Minnesota
Brand, S., Josephson, T., Labinger, J., Caratzoulas, S., Vlachos,
“Methylstannasilsequioxane catalyzed reactions of glucose.” In Preparation.
Josephson, T., Caratzoulas, S., Vlachos, D. “Effects of functionalization and solvation in
stannasilsequioxane catalyzed reactions of glucose.” In Preparation.
Josephson, T., Tsilomelekis, G. Bagia, C. Nikolakis, V. Vlachos, D., and Caratzoulas, S. “Solventinduced frequency shifts of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural deduced via infrared spectroscopy and ab
initio calculations.” Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 118 (51) December 2014.
Tsilomelekis, G., Josephson, T., Nikolakis, V., and Caratzoulas, S. “Origin of 5hydroxymethylfurfural stability in water/dimethyl sulfoxide mixtures.” ChemSusChem, 7,
December 2013. Cover article.
Kruger, J., Rennard, D., Josephson, T., Schmidt, L.D. “Effect of functional groups on autothermal
partial oxidation of bio-oil. Part 1: role of catalyst surface and molecular oxygen.” Energy and
Fuels, 25, 7, July 2011.
Kruger, J., Rennard, D., Josephson, T., Schmidt, L.D. “Effect of functional groups on autothermal
partial oxidation of bio-oil. Part 2: role of homogeneous and support-mediated reactions.” Energy
and Fuels, 25, 7, July 2011.
Rennard, D., French, R., Czernik, S., Josephson, T., Schmidt, L.D. “Production of synthesis gas by
partial oxidation and steam reforming of biomass pyrolysis oils.” International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy, 35, 9, May 2010.
Josephson, T., Brand, S., Labinger, J., Davis, M., Caratzoulas, S., Vlachos, D. “Revealing Sugar
Transformation Chemistry on “Molecular” Zeolites.” Oral and Poster Presentation, AIChE Annual
Meeting, Nov. 8-13, 2015.
Josephson, T., Tsilomelekis, G. Bagia, C. Nikolakis, V. Vlachos, D., and Caratzoulas, S. “Solventinduced frequency shifts of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and their role in its stability.” Oral
and Poster Presentation, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 16-20, 2014. Poster Award Winner.
Josephson, T., Tsilomelekis, G. Bagia, C. Nikolakis, V. Vlachos, D., and Caratzoulas, S.
“Solvation and hydrogen bonding effects on the reactivity of biomass derivatives.” Poster
Presentation. Gordon Research Conference on Catalysis, June 22-27, 2014.
Webmaster, Catalysis Club of Philadelphia
Virtual Lab Tour for Redwood Valley High School
Introduced rural high school students to research lab via web conference
8/2014 - 8/2015
Editorial board for Frontiers in Energy Research newsletter
Guest writer for Frontiers in Energy Research newsletter
4/2013 – 4/2014
4/2014 – 4/2015
Engineering Presentation to Sudlersville Elementary School
Engineering Presentation to Newark High School Science Club
Young Jin Kim
150 Academy Street, Newark, DE 19716
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 302-287-1911 (cell)
2007. 03. ~ 2014. 08. Ph.D., Department of Chemical Engineering (Advisor: In-Sik Nam, Ph.D)
Pohang University of Science & Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, Korea
Thesis: Low-Temperature SCR Catalyst for removing NOx by NH3 (Urea)
2003. 03. ~ 2007. 02. B.S., Department of Chemical Engineering,
Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
Research Experience
2015. 10. ~ present
Postdoctoral Researcher (Advisor: Raul Lobo, Ph.D.),
Center for Catalytic Science and Technology, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University
of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
 Studies on the reaction site and mechanism of Cu-based catalysts for the methanol synthesis via
hydrogenation of CO2.
Understanding the relation between catalytic activity and chemical properties
Investigation in reaction routes and intermediates by in-situ FTIR and isotopic studies.
2014. 09. ~ 2015. 09
Postdoctoral Researcher (Advisor: Suk Bong Hong and In-Sik Nam, Ph.D.s)
Center for Ordered Nanoporous Materials Synthesis, Pohang University of Science & Technology (POSTECH),
Pohang, Korea
 Synthesis and characterization of Cu/zeolites for NH3/SCR reaction
Exploring the possible Cu/zeolite catalysts for NH3/SCR reaction
Understanding the effect of framework structure on thermal stability of Cu2+ ion (ESR, XAFS and XPS)
 Investigation of effective perovskite-based oxide for NO oxidation and TWC reactions.
Understanding the role of oxygen vacancy in NO oxidation reaction (XPS, O2-TPD and H2-TPR).
Development of reaction kinetics for predicting NO oxidation activity.
Study on the effect of preparation method on the active site in Pd-based perovskite for TWC reaction
2007. 03. ~ 2014. 08
Graduate Research Assistant (Advisor: In-Sik Nam, Ph.D.)
Department of chemical engineering, Pohang University of Science & Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, Korea
 Studies on catalytic activity and properties of small-pore zeolite catalysts for NH3/SCR reaction.
Synthesis and characterization of SSZ-13 w.r.t. Si/Al ratio (N2 sorption, XRD and MAS NMR)
Understanding the effect of local environment of Cu2+ ion on turnover frequency of NH3/SCR reaction
(ESR, XAFS, H2-TPR and in-situ FTIR)
 Development of low-temperature NH3/SCR catalyst.
Optimization of catalyst composition and preparation method for Mn-based catalysts.
Investigating the active site of Mn-based catalysts for NH3/SCR (XRD, XPS, XAFS, TPD and HR-TEM).
Development of reaction kinetics for describing NH3/SCR performance.
Dal Young Yoon, Young Jin Kim, Ji Hyun Lim, Byong K. Cho, Suk Bong Hong, In-Sik Nam, Jin Woo
Choung, “Thermal stability of Pd-containing LaAlO3 perovskite as a modern TWC” Journal of Catalysis,
2015, 330, 71-83.
2. Dal Young Yoon, Eunho Lim, Young Jin Kim, Byong K. Cho, In-Sik Nam, Jin Woo Choung, Seungbeom
Yoo “A Combinatorial Chemistry Method for Fast Screening of Perovskite-Based NO Oxidation Catalyst”
ACS Combinatorial Science, 2014,16, 614-623.
3. Dal Young Yoon, Eunho Lim, Young Jin Kim, Ji Ho Kim, Taekyung Ryu, Sumin Lee, Byong K. Cho, In-Sik
Nam, Jin Woo Choung, Seungbeom Yoo, “NO oxidation activity of Ag-doped perovskite catalysts”, Journal
of Catalysis, 2014, 319, 182-193.
Young Jin Kim, Kyung Myung Min, Jun Kyu Lee, Suk Bong Hong, Byong K. Cho, In-Sik Nam, “Effect of
CO2 on the deNOx activity of a small pore zeolite copper catalyst for NH3/SCR”, ChemCatChem, 2014, 6,
Young Jin Kim, Jun Kyu Lee, Kyung Myung Min, Suk Bong Hong, In-Sik Nam, Byong K. Cho,
“Hydrothermal stability of CuSSZ13 for reducing NOx by NH3”, Journal of Catalysis, 2014, 311, 447-457.
Young Jin Kim, Hyuk Jae Kwon, Iljeong Heo, In-Sik Nam, Byong K. Cho, Jin Woo Choung, Moon-Soon
Cha, Gwon Koo Yeo, “Mn-Fe/ZSM5 as a low temperature SCR catalyst to remove NOx from diesel engine
exhaust”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2012, 126, 9-21.
Jun Kyu Lee, Young Jin Kim, Heung-Ju Lee, Su Hyun Kim, Sung June Cho, In-Sik Nam, Suk Bong Hong,
“Iron-substituted TNU-9, TNU-10, and IM-5 zeolites and their steam-activated analogs as catalysts for direct
N2O decomposition”, Journal of Catalysis, 2011, 284, 23-33.
Tae Joong Wang, Seung Wook Baek, Hyuk Jae Kwon, Young Jin Kim, In-Sik Nam, Moon-Soon Cha,
Gwon Koo Yeo, “Kinetic parameter estimation of a commercial Fe-Zeolite SCR”, Industrial and Engineering
Chemistry Research, 2011, 50, 2850-2864.
Young Jin Kim, Hyuk Jae Kwon, In-Sik Nam, Jin Woo Choung, Jeong Ki Kil, Hong-Jip Kim, Moon-Soon
Cha, Gwon Koo Yeo, “High deNOx performance of Mn/TiO2 catalyst by NH3”, Catalysis Today, 2010, 151,
10. Hyuk Jae Kwon, Young Jin Kim, In-Sik Nam, Seong Moon Jung, Ju-Hyung Lee, “The hydrothermal stability
of paper-like ceramic fiber and conventional honeycomb-type cordierite substrates washcoated with Cu-MFI
and V2O5/TiO2 catalysts for the selective reduction of NOx by NH3”, Topics in Catalysis, 2010, 53, 439-446.
Selected Oral Presentations
Young Jin Kim, Kyung Myung Min, Jun Kyu Lee, Suk Bong Hong, Byong K. Cho, In-Sik Nam, “Local
environment of active site in CuSSZ13 for reducing NOx by NH3”, 2014 Cross-Cut Lean Exhaust Emissions
Reduction Simulations (CLEERS) meeting, Dearborn, MI, USA, Apr. 29-May 1, 2014.
Young Jin Kim, Iljeong Heo, Jun Kyu Lee, Suk Bong Hong, In-Sik Nam, Byong K. Cho “Hydrothermal
stability of CuSSZ13 catalyst for reducing NOx by NH3”, 7th International Conference on Environmental
Catalysis (ICEC), Lyon, France, Sep. 2-6, 2012.
Young Jin Kim, Hyuk Jae Kwon, In-Sik Nam, Jin Woo Choung, Jeong Ki Kil, Hong-Jip Kim, Moon-Soon
Cha, Gwon Koo Yeo, “Mn-Fe/ZSM5 as a low temperature SCR catalyst for diesel exhaust aftertreatment”,
2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) annual meeting, Nashville, TN, USA, Nov. 8-13,
Molly Koehle
221 Academy Street, Newark, DE 19716
[email protected]
University of Delaware
Doctoral candidate in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Raul Lobo
Thesis topic: Catalytic transformations of biomass with zeolites
Newark, DE
2013- Present
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT
Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Ashish Mhadeshwar
Thesis topic: Microkinetic modeling and analysis of ethanol partial oxidation and reforming
University of Pittsburgh
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Magna Cum Laude
Pittsburgh, PA
2006- 2010
ExxonMobil Process Research
Clinton, NJ
May-December 2012
• Supported catalytic research in the Catalyst Technology group
• Responsibilities included catalyst synthesis, experimental design, data analysis and preparation of
written reports and patent applications
Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Environment and Energy
Washington, DC
Technical Intern
Summer 2009
• Performed literature review and composed report on feasibility of alternative aviation fuel technologies
• Assisted in the planning of the Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative (CAAFI) annual
• Proofread and provided comments for the International Panel on Climate Change’s Zeroth Order
Draft of Special Report on Alternative Energy
Mascaro Center for Sustainable Innovation
Pittsburgh, PA
Research Intern
Summer 2008
• Conducted biofuels research project that resulted in provisional patent
• Investigated viscosity behavior of various fuel blends with waste vegetable oil
• Developed biofuels lab that was incorporated into physical chemistry laboratory course
University of Delaware
Newark, DE
Graduate Research
February 2013-present
• Investigating zeolites for catalytic biomass transformations in batch and flow reactors
• Synthesized solid Lewis acid zeolites and studied their kinetics in transfer hydrogenation reactions
• Investigated Brønsted acid zeolites for Friedel-Crafts acylation and Diels-Alder cycloaddition
• Experience with XRD, UV-Vis, IR, EXAFS, NMR, MS, GC, and HPLC techniques
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT
Graduate Research
Nov. 2010-May 2012
• Developed a microkinetic model for the partial oxidation and reforming of ethanol
• Performed experimental work on ethanol reforming via microwave heating and methane dry reforming
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA
Undergraduate Research
Oct. 2007-April 2008
• Conducted biofuels research with other students and a chemistry faculty member
• Used bomb calorimetry, UV-Vis and viscosity measurements to analyze possible biofuel blends
1. Koehle, M. and Lobo, R.F., “Lewis acidic zeolite Beta for the Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley reduction of
furfural”, Catalysis Science and Technology, 2015. DOI: 10.1039/c5cy01501d
2. Koehle, M.A. and Mhadeshwar, A.B., “Nanoparticle Catalysis for Reforming of Biomass-Derived
Fuels”, Steven Suib, Ed., Catalysis by Nanoparticles, Elsevier, 2013.
3. Wagner, E.P., Lambert, P.D., Moyle, T. M., and Koehle, M.A. “Diesel vehicle performance on
unaltered waste soybean oil blended with petroleum fuels.” Fuel, 107 (2013) 757-765.
4. Koehle, M.A. and Mhadeshwar, A.B., “Microkinetic Modeling and Analysis of Ethanol Partial
Oxidation and Reforming on Platinum at Short Contact Times”, Chemical Engineering Science, 78 (2012)
5. Wagner, E.P., Koehle, M.A., Moyle, T.M., and Lambert, P.D., “How Green is your Fuel? Creation and
comparison of automotive biofuels”, Journal of Chemical Education, 87 (2010) 711-713.
6. Wagner, E.P., Koehle, M.A., Moyle, T.M., and Lambert, P.D., “Predicting temperature dependent
viscosity for unaltered waste soybean oil blended with petroleum fuels”, Journal of the American Oil
Chemists’ Society, 87 (2010) 453-459.
1. Koehle, M. and Lobo, R.F., “Friedel-crafts acylation of furans”, Pacifichem, December 15-20, 2015,
Honolulu, HI.
2. Koehle, M. and Lobo, R.F., “Catalytic transformation of biomass-derived compounds on Lewis acidcontaining zeolites”, 250th ACS National Meeting, Boston, MA, August 16-20, 2015.
3. Koehle, M. and Lobo, R.F., “Catalytic transformation of biomass-derived compounds on Lewis acidcontaining zeolites”, 24th North American Catalysis Society Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, June 14-19, 2015
4. Koehle, M., Moreno, A., and Mhadeshwar, A.B., “Analysis of Reaction Pathways for Ethanol Partial
Oxidation on Platinum”, 2011 AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October 16-21, 2011.
5. Koehle, M., Moreno, A., and Mhadeshwar, A.B., “Microkinetic modeling of sustainable hydrogen
production from catalytic reforming of ethanol”, 242nd ACS National Meeting, Denver, CO, August
28-September 1, 2011.
6. Koehle, M., Moreno, A., and Mhadeshwar, A.B., “Microkinetic analysis of sustainable hydrogen
production from catalytic reforming of biomass-derived oxygenates”, 22nd North American Catalysis
Society Meeting, Detroit, MI, June 5-10, 2011.
Saurabh A. Palkar Graduate Award for Mentoring, 2015
National Science Foundation GK-12 Fellowship, August 2011- August 2012
North American Catalysis Society Meeting Kokes Travel Award, June 2011
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, Honorable Mention, 2011
CESE Multidisciplinary Environmental Summer Research Award, March 2011-June 2011
U.S. Department of Education GAANN Graduate Fellowship, August 2010-August 2011
Special Act Award, Federal Aviation Administration, August 2009
University of Pittsburgh School of Arts and Sciences Small Grant, July 2008
University of Pittsburgh School of Engineering Dean’s List: May 2007-May 2010
University of Pittsburgh University Honors College Full Tuition Scholarship: 2006-2010
University of Pittsburgh Engineering Honors Scholarship: 2006-2010
Amalie L. (Tuerk) Levy
328 S. 15th St. Apt. 1 ● Philadelphia, PA 19102 ● 484-888-4624 ● [email protected]
Ph.D. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (since September 2011)
GPA: 3.91/4.00
The University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Projected graduation date: May 2016
M.S. in Chemical Engineering
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
GPA: 3.78/4.00
Graduated: December 2011
B.S. in Chemical Engineering – Bioprocess Engineering Option
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Schreyer Honors College Scholar
GPA: 3.88/4.00
Graduated: December 2005
Ph.D. Research: Engineering- and Systems-based Analysis of Chlorobaculum tepidum Sulfur Metabolism
Identified sources of culture growth variability and developed standardized culture methods
Validated biomass quantitation methods and optimized sample preparation for proteomics
Identified economy of amino acid biomass composition under energy-limited conditions
Employed systems-based methods to identify pathways and proteins involved in sulfur metabolism
Supervised, mentored, and directed an undergraduate and graduate rotational student in research
M.S. Thesis: Assessment of Photosynthetic Biofuels & Electrofuels Technologies under Rate-Limited Conditions
Determined that light and not intrinsic growth rate determines productivity in high-density algal culture
Investigated and resolved issues of mass transfer and nitrogen/pH balance in high density algal culture
Developed model to explore and predict the economic feasibility of Electrofuels technologies
Supervised, mentored, and directed 6 undergraduates in their related research efforts
Co-Project Manager: EPA P3 Student Design Competition, 2010-2011
Generated materials and coordinated efforts for submission of the successful grant/competition proposal
Led student team to investigate feasibility of integrated waste-to-fuels bioprocesses
Undergraduate Thesis: Transient Protein Expression and O 2 Transport Limitations in Plant Tissue Culture
The University of Delaware, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Newark, DE
Teaching Assistant, CHEG 345 (Chemical Engineering Laboratory I)
Jan 2013 – May 2013
Responsible for fluid flow module of 3rd year undergraduate unit operations laboratory
Updated laboratory procedures, supervised undergraduate laboratory sessions, graded lab reports
The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Chemical Engineering
University Park, PA
Instructor, CHE 340 (Intro to Biomolecular Engineering)
Jan 2009 – May 2009
Co-taught 3rd year undergraduate course of 120 students with full responsibility to section of 55 students
Developed course materials, lesson plans, and course organization
Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, Technical Operations
Cambridge, MA
International Project Manager
Jul 2008 – Jan 2009
International Project Coordinator
May 2007 – Jun 2008
Managed manufacturing activities at international site and liaised with related functions (Clinical
development, Regulatory Affairs) to ensure supply of vaccine for time-dependent Phase I clinical trials
Led and facilitated collaboration among a multidisciplinary team to achieve Process and Analytical
Validation Gap closure in preparation for product licensure
Interfaced with manufacturing sites, consultants, suppliers, and management to develop goals, scope, and
timelines for various international assignments. Built and re-built relationships to achieve project success.
GlaxoSmithKline, U.S. Biopharm
Conshohocken, PA
Associate Manufacturing Specialist
Feb 2006 – May 2007
Developed and implemented systems to improve regulatory compliance with respect to cleaning
verification, self-audits, and bench-top equipment maintenance
Production point person for coordinating maintenance, validation, engineering, commissioning activities
Supervised, mentored and provided project direction to multiple co-ops and interns
DuPont, Chemical Solutions Enterprise
Co-op: Various process engineering and R&D assignments
Deepwater, NJ/Wilmington, DE
Summer-Fall 2004, Summer 2005
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow (2011-2016)
Robert L. Pigford Teaching Assistant Award, University of Delaware (2014)
Robert L. Pigford Fellowship Award, University of Delaware (2011)
2nd Place in Undergraduate Research Paper Competition, AIChE Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference (2005)
Gerard Hauser Award for Best Presentation of Original Research to a General Audience, Penn State (2005)
1. Tuerk Levy AL, Hanson TE, Lee KH. Chlorobaculum tepidum responds to changing energy availability
by modulating amino acid composition and cell size. [submitted Dec 2015]
2. Marnocha CL, Powell DH, Tuerk Levy AL, Hanson TE, Chan CS. Mechanisms of extracellular S(0)
globule production and degradation in Chlorobaculum tepidum via dynamic cell-globule interactions.
[submitted Oct 2015]
3. Hanson TE, Bonsu E, Tuerk AL., Marnocha CL, Powell DH, and Chan CS. Chlorobaculum tepidum
growth on biogenic S(0) as the sole photosynthetic electron donor. Environ. Microbiol. 2015; doi:
4. Khan NE, Myers JA, Tuerk AL, Curtis WR. A process economic assessment of hydrocarbon biofuels
production using chemoautotrophic organisms. Bioresource Technology. 2014; 172: 201-211.
5. Tuerk AL, Lee KH. The Evolving Engineer. AIChE Journal. 2014; 60(6): 1956-1963.
6. Curtis WR, Tuerk AL. Oxygen Transport in Plant Tissue Culture Systems. In: Dutta Gupta S, Ibaraki Y,
eds. Plant Tissue Culture Engineering. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer; 2006: 173-186.
(*presenting author)
Tuerk AL*, Hanson TE, Lee KH. Proteomics and factorial experimental design enabled novel insights
into sulfur metabolism and microbe-mineral interactions in a model phototrophic bacterium. American
Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT. Nov 8-13, 2015. Oral Presentation.
Tuerk AL*, Hanson TE, Lee KH. Novel insights into sulfur and energy metabolism and microbe-mineral
interactions in a model phototrophic bacterium. Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology
Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. Aug 2-6, 2015. Oral Presentation.
Tuerk AL*, Hanson TE, Lee KH. Proteomic study of zero-valent sulfur metabolism in Chlorobaculum
tepidum. Gordon Research Conference: The Microbial Basis of One-Carbon Metabolism. South Hadley,
MA: Mount Holyoke College. August 10-15, 2014. Poster Presentation.
Curtis WR* and Tuerk AL*. Sunlight to C 34 Hydrocarbons: From Ultra-high Algae Productivity to
Electrofuels. BIO World Congress. Toronto, ON, Canada. May 9, 2011. Oral Presentation.
Link D*, Tuerk AL*, Curtis WR, et al. Overall Energy Considerations for Algae Species Comparison and
Selection in Algae-to-Fuels Processes. 5th Annual Alternative Energy NOW Conference. Lake Buena
Vista, FL. Feb 23, 2011. Oral Presentation.
Delaware Biotechnology Institute
Newark, DE
Volunteer: Science for All Delawareans Outreach Program (2012 – Present)
Judge: Delaware BioGENEius Challenge, New Castle County Competition (2012, 2013)
The University of Delaware
Newark, DE
Resource Person Volunteer: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (2011 – Present)
Officer: Colburn Club, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (2011 – 2014)
Penn State University
State College, PA
Mentor: Schreyer Honors College Mentoring with Honors Program (2014 – Present)
Member: Triathlon Club Team (2010 – 2011)
Officer: American Institute of Chemical Engineers Student Chapter (2003-2005)
Fundraiser and Committee Member: Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon (2001-2005)
“Science Outside the Lab: A policy immersion program for graduate students.” Consortium for Science,
Policy, and Outcomes, Arizona State University. Washington, DC. June 2-13, 2014.
R O B E RT J . L O V E L E T T
contact information
[email protected]
(M) +1 (518) 225 8385
451 Wyoming Road, Newark, DE 19716
University of
Ph.D. thesis research with goal to develop and optimize a high-throughput
method to synthesize CuInGaSe2 thin films for use in photovoltaic cells.
Research has included reactor modeling, design of rapid thermal processing
system, design of custom temperature control system, film and solar cell
fabrication and characterization, and design of a novel reaction simulation to
explain film properties.
Babatunde A. Ogunnaike · [email protected] and
Robert W. Birkmire · [email protected]
Fall 2012
University of
Honors Thesis — Easton, PA
Collaborative project with the Chemical Engineering and Electrical Engineering
departments. Research concerned modeling and validation of a novel technique
to measure state of charge of a lithium iron phosphate battery.
Advisor: Javad Tavakoli · [email protected]
Summer 2010
Pacific Northwest
Graduate Teaching Assistant — Newark, DE
Served as teaching assistant for the senior level course Process Dynamics and
Control. Acted as primary instructor for computer lab sections that consisted of
MATLAB and Simulink projects on control theory and application.
Instructor: Abraham Lenhoff · [email protected]
Lafayette College
Graduate Research Assistant — Newark, DE
Research Intern — Richland, WA
Developed a bottom-up computer model to size and estimate cost of lithium
ion batteries for transportation applications, with a focus on plug-in hybrid
electric and pure electric vehicles. Paper submitted to DOE Office of Science
was selected as one of approximately 15 from over 700 entries for publication in
the 2011 DOE Journal of Undergraduate Research.
Mentor: Vilayanur V. Viswanathan · [email protected]
Exp. 2016
University of
Department: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
GPA: 3.96/4.0 · admitted to candidacy with commendation
42nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference Best Student Paper Award
Gore Fellow Award Finalist
Lafayette College
Doctor of Philosophy
Bachelor of Science
Major: Chemical Engineering · Minor: Mathematics
GPA: 3.76/4.0 · magna cum laude · tau beta pi · sigma xi
Marquis Scholarship (Lafayette College’s highest merit scholarship in 2011)
Honors in Chemical Engineering · Dean’s List (seven semesters)
selected publications and presentations
Exp. 2016
Effective temperature control system for thin film
Cu(InGa)Se2 production via rapid thermal processsing
Manuscript in
Authors: Robert J. Lovelett, Gregory M. Hanket, Robert W. Birkmire,
William N. Shafarman, Babatunde A. Ogunnaike
Exp. 2016
A stochastic model of solid state thin film
deposition: application to chalcopyrite growth
Manuscript in
Authors: Robert J. Lovelett, Tyler M. Roberts, William N. Shafarman, Robert
W. Birkmire, Babatunde A. Ogunnaike
A stochastic model for Cu(InGa)(SeS)2 absorber
growth during selenization/sulfization
June 2015
42nd IEEE
2013 AIChE
Annual Meeting
Authors: Robert J. Lovelett, William N. Shafarman, Robert W. Birkmire,
Babatunde A. Ogunnaike
Design of a research-scale rapid thermal
processing reactor for production of CuInGaSe2
Nov. 2013
Authors: Robert J. Lovelett, Robert W. Birkmire, Babatunde A. Ogunnaike
computer skills
Math and science
Python, Fortran, C, C++, VBA, OpenMP, MPI
Matlab with Simulink, LabVIEW, Origin, Mathematica, JMP, Minitab, Aspen
Plus, COMSOL Multiphysics, AutoCAD
other information
2013–Present QESST Student Leadership Council
Positions Held: Vice President (2014), Innovation Committee Chair (2013-2014),
University of Delaware Liaison (2013-pres.)
Responsibilities: Organizing student events, helping establish partnerships with
industry, and helping coordinate research at an eight university, NSF and DOE
sponsored research consortium
Engineers Without Borders
Peer Tutor for Lafayette College chemistry courses
Jan. 2015
Presentation at UD Chem. Eng. Winter Research Review
Oct. 2014
Poster at DOE Sunshot Thin Film Workshop
Feb. 2014
Poster at UD Energy Institute Workshop
Jan. 2014
Poster at UD Chem. Eng. Winter Research Review
May 2013
Presentation at UD Chem. Eng. Summer Research Review
Nov. 2012
Apr. 2011
Perfect Pitch presentation at NSF ERC meeting
Feb. 2011
Poster at AAAS Annual Meeting
Poster at ACS Green Chemistry Conference
December 1, 2015
18 Country Club Dr, Apt 3D, Newark, DE 19711
Email: [email protected]
Cell: (302) 562-4954 Office: (302) 831-6636
Self-motivated material scientist with 5 years of hands on experience in R&D polymer science, elastomer
formulations/film coatings, surface/interface modification; well trained in statistical analysis and design of experiments
Strong background in polymer physics and chemistry, structure/property characterization and testing
Proven ability to solve problems independently and in a team environment, excellent written/communication skills
Ph.D. Candidate in Chemical Engineering
Anticipated completion: March 2016
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Research Advisor: Thomas H. Epps, III
Thesis: Control of Self-assembled Nanostructure and Ordering in Block Polymer Thin Films
Cumulative GPA: 3.97/4.0
B.S. in Chemical Engineering
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
Research Advisors: Kun Cao and Zhen Yao
Thesis: Improving Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Synthetic Biodegradable Polymers
Cumulative GPA: 3.86/4.0, Major GPA: 3.94/4.0
June 2010
Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
January 2011 – Present
University of Delaware
- Manipulated block polymer structures through various surface chemical modification approaches; developed
high-throughput tools for screening surface chemistry effects
- Characterized block polymer nanostructure using atomic force microscopy (AFM), focused ion beam
milling/scanning electron microscopy (FIB/SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and grazingincidence small angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS)
- Developed directed self-assembly method for templating stimuli-responsive materials and electronic devices;
fabricated well-controlled nanostructure ordering (directional macroscopic alignment) using PDMS elastomer
in block polymer thin films; improved significantly the efficiency of current methods for fabricating 3D thin
film devices (3D integrated-circuit elements)
- Resolved salt ion distribution in polymeric electrolyte thin films by AFM, X-ray reflectometry (XRR) and Xray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) depth profiling; developed new techniques and models for analyzing
depth information of small molecules in thin films
- Investigated tapered block interface modification of block polymers using thermal analysis techniques
Active Collaborations: Cohen group and Rubner group (MIT), Stein Group (University of Huston)
Undergraduate Research Project, State Key Laboratory of Polymerization Division
June 2009 – May 2010
Zhejiang University
- Explored ester-amide exchange reaction between polyester and nylon in extruder using proton nuclear
magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H NMR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform
infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
- Improved thermal and mechanical properties of synthetic biodegradable polymers
Student Research Training Program, Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering
June 2008 – May 2009
Zhejiang University,
- Designed and synthesized new catalyst for N-methylmorpholine with high performance (>90%)
Synthesis and Characterization
- Anionic polymerization, photo/thermal curing of elastomers, lithography, surface/interface modification
- Glove box techniques, formulations/thin film coating, solvent vapor annealing
- Bulk characterizations: NMR, gel permeation chromatography (GPC), DSC, FTIR
- Thin film characterizations: contact angle, Spectral reflectance, AFM, SEM and TEM, FIB milling technique,
TEM tomography, time-of-flight secondary-ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS), XPS and XRR
Luo, M.; Scott, D. M.; Epps, T. H., III “Determination of Interfacial Mixing Effects in Tapered Block Polymer
Thin Films” (expected submission – November 2015)
Luo, M.; Scott, D. M.; Epps, T. H., III “Writing Highly Ordered Macroscopic Patterns in Cylindrical Block
Polymer Thin Films via Raster Solvent Vapor Annealing and Soft Shear” ACS Macro Lett 2015, 4, 516-520
Gilbert J. B.; Luo, M.; Shelton, C.; Rubner, M. F.; Cohen, R. E.; Epps, T. H., III “Determination of Lithium-Ion
Distributions in Nanostructured Block Polymer Electrolyte Thin Films by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Depth Profiling” ACS Nano 2015, 9, 512-520 (co-first author, highlighted on Nanotechweb.org and UDaily)
Luo, M.; Epps, T. H., III “Directed Block Copolymer Thin Film Self-Assembly: Emerging Trends in
Nanopattern Fabrication” Macromolecules 2013, 46, 7567-7579. (Perspective, Front Cover Article)
Luo, M.; Seppala, J. E.; Albert, J. N. L.; Lewis, R. L.; Mahadevapuram, N.; Stein, G. E.; Epps, T. H., III
“Manipulating Nanoscale Morphologies in Cylinder-Forming Poly(styrene-b-isoprene-b-styrene) Thin Films Using
Film Thickness and Substrate Surface Chemistry Gradients” Macromolecules 2013, 46, 1803-1811.
Chen H.; Zhang T.; Luo M.; Qian C.; Liu J.; Han X.; Chen X. “Synthesis of N-Methylmorpholine over the
Catalyst Cu-Ni-Co/Al2O3 in the Gas Phase” Chem. J. Chinese U. 2009, 23, 801-806.
Luo, M.; Epps, T. H., III “Determination of Lithium Ion Distributions in Nanostructured Block Polymer
Electrolyte Thin Films by XPS Depth Profiling,” APS Marching Meeting 2015
Luo, M.; Epps, T. H., III “Macroscopic Alignment of Cylindrical Block Polymer Thin Film via Raster Solvent
Vapor Annealing with Soft Shear,” APS Marching Meeting 2015 (poster)
Luo, M.; Epps, T. H., III “Manipulating Nanoscale Morphologies in Block Copolymer Thin Films Using
Gradient Approaches,” APS Marching Meeting 2014;
Luo, M.; Epps, T. H., III “Controlling Nanoscale Morphologies in Block Copolymer Thin Films Using High
Throughput Gradient Approaches,” MASM Conference 10 & 11, January & July 2013
Professional Development Award from University of Delaware (2015)
Professional Development Award from University of Delaware (2014)
Member of American Physical Society (APS) (2013 – Present)
Member of Center for Molecular and Engineering Thermodynamics (CMET) (2011 – Present)
Dow Chemical Scholarship (2009)
Excellent Undergraduate Scholarship (2008 – 2009)
Research mentor, thin film laboratory manager, trained graduate and undergraduate students on laboratory techniques
and equipment use (2013-2015)
Teaching assistant for “Introduction to Chemical Engineering” and “Green Engineering”, University of Delaware;
advised students completing design project, graded project reports and lectured two classes (2012-2014)
Production practice in Juhua Group Corporation (July 2009)
Chair of Department of Rights and Service, Student Union in Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering,
Zhejiang University (2007 – 2009)
Stephen Ma
27 Berkley Drive
Newark, DE 19702
718 · 689 · 4875
[email protected]
Ph.D. Candidate in Chemical Engineering (w/ qualifier commendation)
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Expected graduation date: June 2016
BE in Chemical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude
Department of Chemical Engineering
Macaulay Honors College at City College of New York, New York City, NY
Graduate Research Assistant, University of Delaware
Advised by Prof. Christopher J. Kloxin and Prof. Norman J. Wagner
Newark, DE
Control surface interactions through thiol-ene click chemistry, focus on development of low cost methods of
generating surface topography for material applications
 Created new rapidly curing, low-cost thiol-ene elastomer buckling system through
 Developed methods to confine and create complex wrinkle patterns and gradients through
 Synergistically combine wrinkles with thiol-ene surface chemical functionality
The State Key Laboratory of Supramolecular Structure and Materials
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Advised by Prof. Bing Zhao
Changchun, China
International Research and Education in Engineering (IREE) program funded by the NSF and organized by
Purdue University. Conducted Raman spectroscopy on semiconductors in order to find suitable substrates
for Surfaced-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS)
 Performed SERS on Anodized Titanium Oxide (ATO) nanotubes using probe molecules such as 4mercaptobenzoic acid (4-MBA)
 Obtained SERS from ZnS by doping with various transition metals to produce charge transfer
 Characterized all samples using UV-VIS spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, SEM, TEM, AFM and
Raman spectroscopy
The Laboratory for Nanoparticle Modification and Assembly
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Advised by Prof. Ilona Kretzschmar
New York City, NY
Improved the efficiency of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC) by creating order films of TiO 2 using
polystyrene templates
 Developed an efficient and reproducible method of creating porous colloidal templates using
polystyrene for preparation of TiO 2 electrode
Colburn Club
Newark, De
4th Year Representative
09/14 - Present
The Colburn Club is the chemical engineering graduate student organization, and is responsible for
organizing major department events such as graduate student recruiting
 Organized presentations for the annual 2nd and 4th year graduate research symposium, which
showcases current research conducted by 2nd and 4th year graduate students
 Hosted prospective engineering students at annual Diversity Graduate Student Recruiting workshop
1 of 2
Graduate Student Liaison with Undergraduate UD AIChE Chapter
09/14- Present
A new role established within Colburn Club to facilitate interactions between the graduate students/faculty
and undergraduate chemical engineering students
 Initiated a series of graduate student lecture series to explore professional development and
research opportunities for undergraduate students within the department
 Coordinated faculty luncheons, where professors meet with undergraduates students to discuss
mentorship and professional opportunities in an informal setting
 Volunteered for STEM outreach at local K-12 schools
Tau Beta Pi (TBP) MINDSet Initiative
New York City, NY
 Promoted STEM related disciplines and provided hands-on design projects over a three-week
period that simulated the engineering design process to local high school juniors
 Developed and organized design modules in several engineering disciplines which applied basic
engineering concepts and equations, including thermodynamics and fluid mechanics
Royal DSM Science and Technology Award Americas @ AIChE 2015
The Gore Fellows Award (3rd Place)
ACS Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Award
Graduate Student Professional Development Award, University of DE
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
A.X. Schmidt Scholarship
Al Moschner-Pella Engineering Scholarship
2010 Chancellor’s Award for Academic Excellence
Bronx CCNY Scholarship
Edward I. Koch Scholarship for Public Service
Macaulay Honors College Scholarship
06/2012 – Present
02/2011 – 06/2011
08/2007 – 06/2011
08/2007 – 06/2011
08/2007 – 06/2011
American Institute for Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
Tau Beta Pi (TBP) NYH Chapter – External Vice President
Omega Chi Epsilon (OXE) – Chemical Engineering Honor Society
09/2008 – Present
05/2009 – Present
12/2009 – Present
Ma, S.J., Mannino, S.J., Wagner, N.J., Kloxin C.J. (2013). “Photodirected Formation and Control
of Wrinkles on a Thiol-ene Elastomer” ACS Macro Lett., 2(6), pp 474-477
Mathew, S., Ma, S., Kretzschmar, I. (2013). “3DOM TiO2 Electrodes: Fabrication of inverse TiO2
opals for pore-size dependent characterization,” J. Mater. Res., 28, 369-377
Ma, S., Livingstone, R., Zhao, B., Lombardi, JR. (2011). “Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of
Nanostructured Semiconductor Phonon Modes,” J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2 (6), pp 671–674
Mao, Z., Song, W., Chen, L., Ji, W., Xue, X., Ruan, W., Li, Z., Mao, H., Ma, S., Lombardi, JR.,
Zhao, B. (2011) “Metal–Semiconductor Contacts Induce the Charge-Transfer Mechanism of
Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering,” J. Phys. Chem. C., 115 (37), pp 18378–18383
Honors and
Stephen Ma, “Photodirected Control of Topography using Thiol-Ene ‘Click’ Chemistry”, American
Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Fall National Meeting, November 2015, Salt Lake City,
UT – DSM Science and Technology Award Winner
Stephen Ma, “Photodirected Formation and Control of Wrinkles on a Thiol-ene Elastomer”,
American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Fall National Meeting, November 2013, San
Francisco, CA
Stephen Ma, “Photodirected Formation and Control of Wrinkles on a Thiol-ene Elastomer”,
Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium, American Chemical Society (ACS) National
Meeting, March 2014, Dallas, TX
Benjamin Carberry, Undergraduate Research Assistant
Stephanie Copenhaver-Anderson, Undergraduate Research Assistant
Samantha Mannino, Undergraduate Research Assistant
2 of 2
01/2013 – Present
01/2014 – 09/2014
01/2011 – 06/2012
Jennifer L. Mantle
2508 Cedar Tree Drive Apt. 3A, Wilmington, DE 19810  (516)849-3246  [email protected]
University of Delaware
Ph.D. Candidate, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Newark, DE
May 2017 (Expected)
Villanova University
Bachelors of Science in Chemical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude
Villanova, PA
May 2009
University of Delaware
Newark, DE
Graduate Research Assistant
September 2012 – Present
• Established cell culture protocols for consistent differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells
(hiPSCs) into brain microvascular endothelial cells for use in an in vitro blood-brain barrier (BBB) model
• Achieved physiologically relevant BBB properties in the in vitro model by optimizing endothelial cell
culture conditions to facilitate the study of drug transport
• Working to understand the biological transport mechanisms of intravenous immunoglobulin across the
BBB in Alzheimer’s disease using the optimized in vitro model
NSF Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship Fellow
January 2012 – December 2014
• Member of the first cohort of a two-year multi-disciplinary doctoral traineeship program with a focus on
research ethics, business innovation, and communication of science to a non-science audience
• Developed critical technical, professional and personal skills to be a leader and creative agent for change
through interdisciplinary science and practical problem-centered training
Villanova University
Villanova, PA
Senior Research Thesis: Protein Separation by Liquid Chromatography
September 2008 – May 2009
• Developed procedures for running and troubleshooting a new size exclusion chromatography unit for use
in a separation experiment in the junior chemical engineering laboratory class
• Screened protein candidates, developed instructional material, and supervised students during
Janssen Research & Development
Malvern, PA
Graduate Student Intern, API Large Molecule PDMS
August 2015 – December 2015
• Compiled and analyzed 21 large and small scale bioreactor runs across 9 CHO cell lines to better
understand metabolite and amino acid consumption in current platform and used this information to
design new feed media
• Investigated next generation media as well as new feeding strategies using the AMBR250 culture system
towards improving product titer and viable cell density in CHO fed batch processes
Suffolk County Division of Environmental Quality
Yaphank, NY
Assistant Public Health Engineer, Office of Wastewater Management
October 2009 – August 2012
• Reviewed and approved new commercial project plans within the county to ensure water and wastewater
system compliance with health standards to protect sole source aquifer
• Represented the Department at technical review board hearings and at legal disciplinary hearings
• Evaluated new small scale treatment technologies for use within the County as a member of a case study
review team
Jennifer L. Mantle
[email protected]
University of Delaware
Townsend Outreach Fellow, Delaware Biotechnology Institute
December 2015 – Present
• Lead and organize K-12 visits to the Delaware Biotechnology Institute including tours, panels and
Science for All Delawareans Outreach Mentor
January 2013 – November 2015
• Tour guide, panelist, and activity guide for K-12 students visiting the Delaware Biotechnology Institute
• Led a cross-functional team of scientists and engineers to plan a unique visit for an advanced high school
genetics class to involve students in an ongoing interdisciplinary research project
Research Mentor (1 graduate, 2 undergraduate, 1 high school student(s))
September 2013 – Present
• Designed and supervised research projects to improve stem cell culture protocols, explore three
dimensional cell culture and develop novel methods to quantify endocytosis in brain microvascular
endothelial cells
Teaching Assistant – Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
January 2013 – May 2013
• Mentored two senior undergraduate researchers tasked with improving the junior fluids lab; developed
new fundamentals of measurement laboratory experiment; instructed junior laboratory students on
equipment use, supervised lab sessions, and advised students on improving technical writing and
presentation skills
• Mantle, JL., L. Min, and KH. Lee. “An in vitro blood brain barrier model derived from stem cells to
study small and large molecule drug transport.” In preparation.
• Joye, DD., A. Hoffman, J. Christie, M. Brown and J. Niemczyk. “Project-based learning in education
through an undergraduate lab exercise.” Chemical Engineering Education (2011) 45: 53-57.
• Townsend Outreach Fellowship, Delaware Biotech Institute, University of Delaware
• NSF Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) Fellowship
• Robert L. Pigford Fellowship Award, University of Delaware
• Robert E. White Scholarship, Villanova University
• Villanova Alumni Association Scholarship, Villanova University
• NCAA & CRCA Scholar Athlete, Women’s Varsity Rowing
• Mantle, JL, & KH Lee. A human in vitro blood–brain barrier model for evaluating drug transport in
Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference. Washington, D.C. July 18-23,
2015. Poster Presentation
• Niemczyk, JL. & KH. Lee. The blood-brain barrier: Studying brains in a dish. Systems Biology of Cells
in Engineered Environments IGERT Retreat. Newark, DE. August 20, 2014. Oral Presentation.
• Niemczyk, JL. & KH. Lee. An in vitro blood-brain barrier model derived from human induced
pluripotent stem cells to study drug transport. Delaware Center for Neuroscience Research Symposium.
Newark, DE. December 4, 2015.
RYAN P. MURPHY EDUCATION E-­‐MAIL [email protected] PHONE 620-­‐314-­‐8354 ADDRESS 150 Academy St, Newark, DE 19716 University of Delaware Ph.D. Candidate in Chemical Engineering (expected 2017) Advised by N. J. Wagner GPA 3.93/4.00 Master of Chemical Engineering (2014) Advised by M. Sullivan, T. Epps University of Kansas Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering (2011) Graduated with Highest Distinction, Dept. Honors Advised by C. L. Berrie GPA 4.00/4.00 RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Synthesis, rheology, and microstructure of anisotropic colloidal suspensions and gels Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark DE (2014 – Present) Synthesized and characterized model systems of anisotropic silica nanoparticles with tunable sizes, shapes, and interactions. Explored the effects of particle shape and interactions on gelation using rheometry, scattering, microscopy, and various analytical methods. Designed and constructed temperature-­‐controlled sample chamber for x-­‐ray scattering with open user access at Argonne National Lab. Established collaborative research with scientists at NIST Center for Neutron Research, ORNL Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, and ANL Advanced Photon Source. Polymer physics of amphiphilic block copolymer micelles for drug delivery Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark DE (2011 – 2014) Investigated the solution assembly of amphiphilic block copolymer micelles and the influence of processing conditions on micelle stability. Developed pH-­‐responsive polymer-­‐peptide conjugates for stimuli-­‐responsive drug delivery applications. Selected to the 2012 National School on Neutron and X-­‐ray Scattering at Argonne National Lab and Oak Ridge National Lab. Surface science, self-­‐assembled monolayers, and photovoltaics Department of Chemistry, University of Kansas, Lawrence KS (2009 – 2011) Explored the chemical manipulation and exchange of self-­‐assembled monolayers on thin gold surfaces. Initiated and awarded funding for a project on structural characterization of dye molecules adsorbed on titanium oxide surfaces. Awarded NSF REU at UD to explore nanoparticle loading and annealing of composite block copolymer nanostructures for organic photovoltaics. PUBLICATIONS R. P. Murphy, K. Hong, N. J. Wagner. “Anisotropic silica colloids with thermoreversible short-­‐range interactions” (in preparation). R. P. Murphy, K. Hong, N. J. Wagner. “The role of polymer and citrate stabilization in the growth of anisotropic silica colloids” (in preparation). R. P. Murphy, N. J. Wagner. “Rheology and microstructure of thermoreversible gels composed of adhesive hard rods” (in preparation). M. Calabrese, S. Rogers, R. P. Murphy, N. J. Wagner. “The rheology and microstructure of branched micelles under shear.” Journal of Rheology, 59, 1299 (2015). 1
R. P. Murphy , E. Kelley , S. Rogers, M. Sullivan, T. Epps. “Unlocking chain exchange in highly amphiphilic block polymer micellar systems: influence of agitation.” ACS Macro Letters, 3, 1106-­‐1111 (2014). 1
E. Kelley , R. P. Murphy , J. Seppala, S. Hann, T. Smart, M. Sullivan, T. Epps. “Size evolution of highly amphiphilic macromolecular solution assemblies via a distinct bimodal pathway.” Nature Communications, 5, 3599 (2014). M. Quadir, S. Morton, Z. Deng, K. Shopsowitz, R. P. Murphy, T. Epps, P. Hammond. “PEG-­‐polypeptide block copolymers as pH-­‐responsive endosome-­‐solubilizing drug nanocarriers.” Molecular Pharmaceutics, 11(7), 2420-­‐2430 (2014). J. Patterson, E. Kelley, R. P. Murphy, A. Moughton, M. Robin, A. Lu, O. Colombani, C. Chassenieux, D. Cheung, M. Sullivan, T. Epps, R. O’Reilly. “Structural characterization of amphiphilic homopolymer micelles using light scattering, SANS, and cryo-­‐TEM.” Macromolecules, 46, 6319-­‐6325 (2013). TECHNICAL EXPERIENCE Colloids: silica particle synthesis, silica coating, TGA, densitometry, ZetaPALS, BET 1
Polymers: anionic polymerization, solid-­‐phase peptide synthesis, HPLC, SEC, MALDI-­‐TOF MS, H NMR, FTIR Scattering: SANS, USANS, Rheo-­‐SANS, SAXS, USAXS, DLS, SLS Microscopy: TEM, Cryo-­‐TEM, SEM, AFM Rheometry: DHR, ARES-­‐G2 Software: MATLAB, VBA, IGOR Pro, TRIOS, ChemCAD, Photoshop, Illustrator, SketchUp, SolidWorks 1
PRESENTATIONS American Physical Society, Mar. 16, 2016. (Submitted) Gelation of anisotropic silica colloids with thermoreversible short-­‐range interactions. Gordon Research Conference, Feb. 7, 2016. (Accepted) Gelation of anisotropic silica colloids with thermoreversible short-­‐range interactions.
Neutron Day, Newark DE, Nov. 4, 2015. (Poster) Rheology and microstructure of thermoreversible gels composed of silica rods. Society of Rheology, Baltimore MD, Oct. 14, 2015. (Poster) Rheology and microstructure of thermoreversible gels composed of silica rods. CNMS User Meeting, Oak Ridge TN, Sep. 1, 2015. (Talk, Poster) Gelation of anisotropic silica nanoparticles with short-­‐range interactions. ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, Pittsburg PA, June 15, 2015. (Poster) Gelation and phase behavior of adhesive hard silica rods. Tiger-­‐Hen-­‐Hawk Rheology Symposium, Lehigh University, May 9, 2015. (Poster) Gelation and phase behavior of adhesive hard silica rods. Colloidal Gel Workshop, Newark DE, Jan. 8, 2015. (Poster) Anisotropic silica nanoparticles with thermoreversible short-­‐range attractions. Neutron Day, Newark DE, Mar. 24, 2014. (Poster) Chain exchange in highly amphiphilic block copolymer micelles. Mid-­‐Atlantic Soft Matter Workshop, Philadelphia PA, Jan. 17, 2014. (Talk) Chain exchange in highly amphiphilic block copolymer micelles. NER IDEA Conference, Newark DE, Aug. 14, 2013. (Poster) Self-­‐assembly and evolution of block copolymer micelles in aqueous solutions. Mid-­‐Atlantic Soft Matter Workshop, Washington DC, Jan. 11, 2013. (Talk) PB-­‐PEO block copolymer micelle dynamics upon cosolvent removal. ACS Midwest Regional Meeting, Wichita KS, Oct. 28, 2010. (Talk) Structural characterization of the TiO2-­‐Dye interface. UD Research Symposium, Newark DE, Aug. 12, 2010. (Poster) Block copolymer-­‐nanoparticle blends for photovoltaic applications. KU Research Symposium, Lawrence KS, Apr. 24, 2010. (Talk) Charge transport in dye-­‐sensitized solar cells and the dye-­‐TiO2 interface. PROPOSALS Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Lab. Awarded 5 days for use of 9-­‐ID-­‐C USAXS/SAXS (2015-­‐2016). High Flux Isotope Reactor, Oak Ridge National Lab. Awarded 3 days for use of GP-­‐SANS (2015). NIST Center for Neutron Research, National Institute of Standards and Technology. Awarded 8 days for use of BT-­‐5 USANS (2015). Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Lab. Awarded 1 day for use of 9-­‐ID-­‐C USAXS/SAXS (2015). Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National Lab. Awarded 60 days for particle synthesis and characterization (2015). NIST Center for Neutron Research, National Institute of Standards and Technology. Awarded 7 hours for use of NG-­‐7 SANS (2014). LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE Teaching assistant and laboratory instructor for Colloid Science and Engineering, CHEG667 and CHEG617, UD (2015). Research mentor for undergraduate student exploring synthesis and characterization of anisotropic colloids, UD (2015 – Present). Event coordinator for Colloidal Gel Workshop, UD (2015). Teaching assistant for Introduction to Chemical Engineering, CHEG112, UD (2013). Research mentor for undergraduate student studying block copolymer solution assembly, UD (2013). Chair of professional development, social, and rush committees for Theta Tau professional engineering fraternity, KU (2008-­‐2011). VOLUNTEER WORK ACS National Chemistry Week, demonstrations of acid-­‐base chemistry, Eaton Elementary School, Washington DC (2015). Society of Rheology, demonstrations of shear thickening fluids, Maryland Science Center, Baltimore MD (2015). Society of Rheology, demonstrations of shear thickening fluids, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia PA (2014). University of Delaware, demonstrations of phase behavior, Newark DE (2012). KU Engineering Expo, demonstrations of fluid mechanics and separations, Lawrence KS (2009, 2010, 2011). PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES Theta Tau, professional engineering fraternity (2008 – Present) Tau Beta Pi, engineering honor society (2010 – Present) Society of Rheology (2014 – Present) Neutron Scattering Society of America (2014 – Present) American Chemical Society (2015 – Present) American Physical Society (2015 – Present) 2
Marcel P. Nunez
79 Ray St., Newark, DE 19711
[email protected]
University of Delaware (UD)
Ph.D. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
GPA: 3.8 / 4.0
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
B.S. in Chemical Engineering and Mathematics
GPA: 4.5 / 5.0
Minor: Economics
Newark, DE
expected 2017
Cambridge, MA
Jun 2012
Research and Industrial Experience
University of Delaware
Newark, DE
Graduate Research Assistant
Thesis Advisor: Dionisios G. Vlachos
“Uncertainty Quantification in Multiscale Models of Heterogeneous Catalysis”
 Developed a parametric sensitivity analysis method for multiscale kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) and implemented the
technique in a novel code
 Developed a framework for optimizing catalyst structure using descriptors which incorporated a detailed model of
the catalyst surface and reaction network
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Los Alamos, NM
Student Intern
Summers 2011 and 2012
 Investigated molten composition B rheology by conducting falling ball viscometer experiments, simulating the
experimental system in COMSOL Multiphysics, and fitting a viscosity model to the data
Promex Industries
Santa Clara, CA
Process Engineering Intern
Jan 2011
 Conducted plasma cleaning, sandblasting, and wire bond testing experiments guided by statistical DOE analysis
 Designed a metal cleaning procedure needed to manufacture a new semiconductor packaging product
MIT Center for Biomedical Engineering
Cambridge, MA
Undergraduate Researcher
Aug 2009-Aug 2010
 Purified olfactory receptor proteins using wet lab techniques for use in odorant sensor devices
 Designed and tested odorant sensor devices for specificity, sensitivity, and stability
MIT Buildings Technology Laboratory
Cambridge, MA
Undergraduate Researcher
Jun-Aug 2009
 Developed a user interface using C# for CoolVent, a building heat flow simulation tool available online
M.P. Nunez, D.K. Zerkle, J.M. Zucker, “The rheology of molten Composition B” Los Alamos National Lab Report LAUR-12-24029 (2012).
D.K. Zerkle, M.P. Nunez, J.M. Zucker, “Molten Composition B Viscosity at Elevated Temperature” Journal of
Energetic Materials (accepted).
M. Nunez and D. G. Vlachos, “Steady state likelihood ratio sensitivity analysis for stiff kinetic Monte Carlo
simulations” Journal of Chemical Physics 142(4), 044108 (2015).
A. Hashemi, M. Nunez, P. Plechac, D.G. Vlachos, “Stochastic Averaging and Sensitivity Analysis for Two Scale
Reaction Networks” Journal of Chemical Physics (under review).
Oral Presentations
M. Nunez and D.G. Vlachos, “Uncertainty Quantification in Stochastic Multiscale Models of Heterogeneous
Catalysis” AIChE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Nov. 18, 2014.
M. Nunez and D.G. Vlachos, “Designing Active Sites from First Principles” AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT,
Nov. 12, 2015.
Software Contributions
Natural ventilation simulation tool for designing buildings
 Developed the graphical user interface
Multiscale KMC code with built-in sensitivity analysis
 Developed from scratch
under development
Graph-theoretical KMC software
 Implemented a sensitivity analysis module
Technical Skills
Computer Programming: Java, C#, Matlab, Fortran 90, Scheme
Software: VASP, LAMMPS, COMSOL Multiphysics, LaTeX, GitHub
Foreign Language: Spanish
Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistantships
University of Delaware
 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (Fall 2014)
 Chemical Engineering Principles I (Fall 2013)
Volunteer Teaching
MIT Education Studies Program
 Western Philosophy (Summer 2009)
Meritorious recognition in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling (2010)
Top 500 Nationwide in the William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition (2010)
6724 Ashwood Rd. #207 | Woodbury, MN 55125 | Phone (651) 734-3675 | Email: [email protected]
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware, 2017 (Expected)
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, with Distinction, Purdue University, 2012
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, with Distinction, Purdue University, 2012
University of Delaware, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Newark, DE
Graduate Research Assistant, Advisor: Prof. Dionisios G. Vlachos, Aug. 2012 – Present
• Developed mechanically embedded QM/MM models for the description of zeolite active
sites and pores
• Modeled adsorption and heterogeneous reactions in Brønsted and Lewis acidic zeolites
• Developed microkinetic model and reduced model that described the fundamental transition
between two kinetic regimes for the production of p-xylene
• Collaborated with experimentalists to improve model accuracy and test model predictions
Purdue University, Department of Chemical Engineering, West Lafayette, IN
Undergraduate Research, Advisor: Prof. Doraiswami Ramkrishna, Jan. 2011 – May 2011
• Wrote Matlab script to model biofilm growth on surfaces
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Allentown, PA
Five-Term Co-Op, Process, Systems, and R&D Engineering, Aug. 2008 – Aug. 2011
• Built a dynamic steam balance for Pasadena, TX plant that produced toluenediamine (TDA)
• Developed methodology for the deposition of metal contacts to 2nd generation thin-film
photovoltaic devices
• Designed system and led team of engineers in safety review for equipment associated with
hydrogen selenide production facility expansions
• Expertise in density function theory (DFT) calculations and analysis, Brønsted- and Lewis-acid
catalyzed carbohydrate chemistry, and zeolites.
• Experience in microkinetic modeling and reduced model development
• Proficiency in Gaussian, MatLab, and Origin. Experience with Windows and Linux operating
Energy Frontier Research Center Newsletter Board Member, Apr. 2015 - Present
CCEI Spring Symposium Poster Competition Winner, Mar. 2015
Omega Chi Epsilon, Purdue Chapter President, May 2011 – May 2012
Purdue Visitor Information Center Volunteer, Student Ambassador, Jan. 2009 – May 2012
University of Delaware, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Newark, DE
Senior Lab, Pilot-Plant Scale Biodiesel Production from Soybean Oil
Teaching Assistant, Instructor: Prof. Antony N. Beris, Aug. 2013 – Dec. 2013
• Created process flow diagram and updated operating procedures for pilot-plant scale
biodiesel production facility
• Led six teams of chemical engineering senior students through pilot-scale biodiesel
production procedures
• Graded pre-lab presentations, mid-term reports, and final reports and presentation given
teams of senior students
Ryan E. Patet, Stavros Caratzoulas, and Dionisios G. Vlachos. “Modeling Binding of Molecules in
H-MFI, H-BEA, and H-FAU Zeolites: Convergence Behavior of Mechanically Embedded Cluster
ONIOM Calculations.” In preparation.
C. Luke Williams, Katherine Vinter, Ryan E. Patet, Chun-Chih Chang, Nima Nikbin, Shuting
Feng, Matthew R. Wiatrowski, Stavros Caratzoulas, Wei Fan, Dionisios G. Vlachos, Paul J.
Dauenhauer. “Inhibition of Xylene Isomerization in the Production of Renewable Aromatic
Chemicals from Biomass-Derived Furans.” ACS Catal. 2015, Submitted.
Sara K. Green, Ryan E. Patet, Nima Nikbin, C. Luke Williams, Chun-Chih Chang, Stavros
Caratzoulas, Wei Fan, Dionisios G. Vlachos, Paul J. Dauenhauer. “Diels-Alder Cycloaddition of 2Methylfuran and Ethylene for Renewable Toluene.” Appl. Catal., B 2016, 180, 487-496.
Ryan E. Patet, Nima Nikbin, C. Luke Williams, Sara K. Green, Chun-Chih Chang, Wei Fan,
Stavros Caratzoulas, Paul J. Dauenhauer, and Dionisios G. Vlachos. “Kinetic Regime Change in the
Tandem Dehydrative Aromatization of Furan Diels–Alder Products.” ACS Catal. 2015, 5, 23672375. (ACS Editors Choice Article)
AIChE Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT. “The Effect of Brønsted Acidic Zeolites on the Synthesis of
Aromatics from Furans.” Presentation. Nov. 2015
AIChE Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA. “Modeling the Production of Aromatics from Biomass in Solid Acid
Zeolites.” Presentation. Nov. 2014
Nicholas R. Sandoval NIH NRSA Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dept. of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Delaware Delaware Institute of Biotechnology, 15 Innovation Way, Newark, DE 19711 Contact: (302) 831‐6168, [email protected] Education December 2011
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering Thesis: Genome Engineering to Improve Acetate and Cellulosic Hydrolysate Tolerance in E. coli for Improved Cellulosic Biofuel Production University of Colorado; Boulder, CO, Advisor: Prof. Ryan T. Gill Master of Science in Chemical Engineering December 2008
University of Colorado; Boulder, CO May 2006
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering Summa cum laude, biochemistry minor University of Colorado; Boulder, CO Professional Experience September 2012
Postdoctoral Research Fellow ‐ Present
Projects: Transcription engineering for biosensor‐based screening of metagenomic libraries; Enhanced production of butanol from waste glycerol with C. pasteurianum; Heterologous sigma factor expression for metagenomic library screening University of Delaware; Newark, DE, Mentor: Prof. Eleftherios T. Papoutsakis Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering August 2011
Colorado Mesa University/University of Colorado Boulder Mechanical Engineering ‐ May 2012
Partnership Program; Grand Junction, CO August 2006
Graduate Research Assistant ‐ August 2011
University of Colorado; Boulder, CO, Advisor: Prof. Ryan T. Gill Honors and Awards NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein Postdoctoral National Research Service Award (NRSA) 2014 ‐ present
NSF Graduate Research Fellow 2007‐2011
Graduate Assistantship in Areas of National Needs (GAANN) Fellow 2009 ‐ 2010
Chemical Engineering Outstanding Teaching Assistant for Undergraduate Course Spring 2007
University of Colorado American Chemical Society Student of the Year May 2006
Publications Sandoval NR, Venkataramanan KP, Groth TS, Papoutsakis ET: Genome sequencing identifies Spo0A inactivation in Clostridium pasteurianum as imparting enhanced tolerance to crude glycerol and increased growth‐associated butanol production. Under review at Biotechnology for Biofuels. Gaida SM*, Sandoval NR*, Nicolaou SA, Chen Y, and Papoutsakis ET: Expression of heterologous sigma factors enables functional screening of metagenomic and heterologous genomic libraries. Nature Communications. (2015) 6:7045. (*Equal contribution) Whitaker WB, Sandoval NR, Bennett RK, and Papoutsakis ET: Synthetic methylotrophy: engineering the production of biofuels and chemicals based on the biology of aerobic methanol utilization. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. (2015) 33:165–175. Glebes TY, Sandoval NR, Gillis JH and Gill RT: Comparison of genome‐wide selection strategies to identify furfural tolerance genes in Escherichia coli. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. (2015) 112:129‐140. Glebes TY, Sandoval NR, Reeder PJ, Schilling KD, Zhang M, Gill RT: Genome‐wide mapping of furfural tolerance genes in Escherichia coli. PLoS One. 9(1): e87540. Sandoval NR, Kim JYH, Reeder P, Glebes TY, Aucoin HR, Warner JR, and Gill RT: A Strategy for Directing Combinatorial Genome Engineering in E. coli. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 26 (2012) 10540‐10545. Sandoval NR, Mills TY, Zhang M, and Gill RT: Elucidating acetate tolerance in E. coli using a genome‐wide approach. Metabolic Engineering. 13 (2010) 214‐224. Mills TY*, Sandoval NR*, and Gill RT: Cellulosic hydrolysate toxicity and tolerance mechanisms in Escherichia coli. Biotechnology for Biofuels. (2009) 2:26. (*Equal contribution) Gall S, Lynch MD, Sandoval NR, and Gill RT: Parallel mapping of genotypes to phenotypes contributing to overall biological fitness. Metabolic Engineering. 10 (2008) 382‐393. Warnecke TE, Lynch MD, Karimpour‐Fard A, Sandoval NR, and Gill RT: A genomics approach to improve the analysis and design of strain selections. Metabolic Engineering. 10 (2008) 154‐165. Selected Conference Presentations Sandoval NR, Gaida SM, Nicolaou SA, Venkataramanan KP, Papoutsakis ET: Heterologous sigma factor expression for functional screening of heterologous and metagenomic libraries, in Biochemical and Molecular Engineering XIX, Good T, Seth G, Chairs: 2015. Puerto Vallarta, MX. (Poster) Sandoval NR, Venkataramanan KP, Papoutsakis ET, Genomic and transcriptomic characterization of butanol hyperproducing mutant of Clostridium pasteurianum, in AIChE 2014 Annual Meeting, Z. Shao, Chair. 2014: Atlanta, GA. Gaida SM, Sandoval NR, Nicolaou SA, and Papoutsakis ET, Expanding the Searchable Genomic Space: Heterologous Sigma Factor Expression for Screening of Metagenomic Libraries, in AIChE 2013 Annual Meeting, G. Sriram and H. Salis, Chairs. 2013: San Francisco, CA. Sandoval NR, Mills TY, Warner JR, and Gill RT, Using genome‐wide and targeted tools to engineer acetate tolerance in E. coli for improved cellulosic biofuel production, in ACS 2011 Spring Meeting, J. Dueber and U. Lao, Chairs. 2011: Anaheim, CA. Sandoval NR, Mills TY, Warner JR, and Gill RT, Engineering Acetate Tolerance in E. coli Using Multiple Genome‐
Wide Tools for Improved Cellulosic Biofuel Production, in AIChE 2010 Annual Meeting, T. Johannes and C. Peebles, Chairs. 2010: Salt Lake City, UT. Sandoval NR and Gill RT, Elucidating Acetate Tolerance Mechanisms in E. coli Using Genome‐Scale Tools for Improved Cellulosic Biofuel Production, in AIChE 2009 Annual Meeting, H. Alper and B. Pfleger, Chairs. 2009: Nashville, TN. Sandoval NR and Gill RT, Elucidating mechanisms of acetate tolerance in E. coli with genome‐wide tools, in 267th ACS National Meeting, M. Castellanos and S. Banta, Chairs. 2009: Washington, D.C. Sandoval NR and Gill RT, Elucidating mechanisms of acetate tolerance in E. coli using SCALES, in 236th ACS National Meeting, R. Srivastava, Chair. 2008: Philadelphia, PA. Teaching and Mentoring Experience Guest Lecturer – Metabolic Engineering Instructor: Prof. ET Papoutsakis
Facilitator – “Role of Ethics in Chemical Engineering” Workshop, Alexandria, VA Society for Biological Engineering, AIChE Lecturer – CMU/UCB Mechanical Engineering Partnership Program Independent instructor for undergraduate: Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Dynamics, and Measurements Lab Colorado Mesa University/University of Colorado Boulder; Grand Junction, CO Graduate Student Teaching Fellow – Primary Instructor for Material and Energy Balances University of Colorado Boulder; Boulder, CO Advanced Teaching Assistant for Fluid Mechanics CU Effective College Teaching Workshop Participant NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates Mentor Teaching Assistant for Instrumentation and Process Control 2013 & 2015
December 2014
August 2011
‐ May 2012
Spring 2011
Spring 2009
Spring 2009
Summer 2008
Spring 2007
LISA A. SAWICKI [email protected]
150 Academy St  Colburn Laboratory 219  Newark, DE 19716  302-831-4528
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Ph.D. Candidate, IGERT Fellow
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
B.S. in Chemical Engineering, Magna Cum Laude
Department of Chemical Engineering
August 2011 – present
August 2007 – May 2011
Graduate Research Assistant and NSF IGERT Fellow
January 2012 – present
University of Delaware, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Advisor: Prof. April Kloxin; IGERT Advisor: Prof. Kelvin Lee
Developing a 3D synthetic hydrogel model of the extracellular matrix (ECM) to understand cell-ECM interactions
responsible for breast cancer cell dormancy and activation.
R&D Intern, Product Development
October – December 2015
Becton Dickinson Medical, Diabetes Care, Andover, MA
Worked in a cross-functional project team engaged in new product development for electromechanical and softwaredriven medical devices.
NSF-REU in Functional Materials
Summer 2010
University of Colorado, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Advisor: Prof. Kristi Anseth
Studied photodegradable step-growth poly(ethylene glycol)-based (PEG) hydrogels formed through a base-catalyzed
Michael-type addition for biological applications.
Biological Wastewater Treatment Lab
Summer 2009, Fall 2010 – Spring 2011
University of Florida, Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering
Advisors: Prof. Spyros Svoronos, Prof. Ben Koopman
Investigated the Paracoccus Pantotrophus and Pseudomonas Denitirificans bacteria strains and their effects on diauxic lag time
during the nitrogen cycle.
Materials Synthesis and Characterization
Peptide and polymer synthesis, HPLC, 1H-NMR, ESI, MALDI-MS, rheology, profilometry, tensile stress/strain
Cell Culture
Mammalian and bacterial cell culture, 3D cell culture, immunostaining, flow cytometry, SDS-PAGE, Luminex assays,
fluorescent and confocal microscopy.
Graduate Teaching Assistant
University of Delaware, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Undergraduate Kinetics, Led recitation sections and held office hours.
Fall 2012, 2013
WVUD Radio
Host and co-founder of the science-themed radio show Science Rocks!
October 2013 – present
Educational Kiosk at the Delaware Museum of Natural History
June 2014 – April 2015
Helped design and install a kiosk exhibit at the Delaware Museum of Natural History to teach families about
biomaterials research for human health.
Science Night in Sussex County
Led activities to teach K-12 students about scientific research at the University of Delaware.
Bike and Build
Cross-country cycling trip to support affordable housing.
March 2015
June – August 2008, June – August 2011
Habitat for Humanity
August 2007 – May 2011
University of Florida campus chapter president (2009-2011) and vice president (2008-2009).
NSF IGERT Fellowship
University of Delaware Graduate Fellowship
Schipper Fellowship
Robert L. Pigford Fellowship
Graduated Magna Cum Laude, University of Florida
Florida Bright Futures Scholarship
January 2013 – June 2015
Awarded September 2014
August 2012 – 2013
August 2011 – 2012
May 2011
August 2007 – May 2011
L. Sawicki, A. Kloxin, “Mimicking the Extracellular Matrix: The Intersection of Matrix Biology and Biomaterials”
Editors: W. Murphy, G. Hudalla. Royal Society of Chemistry. 2015. Chapter 9, 285-334.
L. Sawicki, A. Kloxin, “Design of Thiol-ene Photoclick Hydrogels Using Facile Techniques for Cell Culture
Applications” Biomaterials Science. 2014. 2, 1612-1626. Featured on Front Cover.
M. Smithmyer, L. Sawicki, A. Kloxin, “Hydrogel Scaffolds as In Vitro Models to Study Fibroblast Activation in
Wound Healing and Disease” Biomaterials Science. 2014. 2, 634-650.
M. Tibbitt, A. Kloxin, L. Sawicki, K. Anseth, “Mechanical Properties and Degradation of Chain and StepPolymerized Photodegradable Hydrogels” Macromolecules. 2013. 46, 2785-2792.
6th Northeast Regional IDeA Conference. Bar Harbor, ME. September 2015 (Poster)
AIChE Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA. November 2014 (Presentation)
Gordon Research Conference: Signal Transduction by Engineered Extracellular Matrices. Waltham, MA. July
2014 (Poster)
MRS Fall Meeting. Boston, MA. December 2013. (Poster)
5th Northeast Regional IDeA Conference. Newark, DE. August 2013. (Poster)
University of Delaware, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department
Delaware Biotechnology Institutew15 Innovation WaywNewark, DE 19711
[email protected] | 302-831-6168
University of Delaware
Ph.D. candidate in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Thesis Advisor: Terry E. Papoutsakis
Newark, DE
Spring 2017 (expected)
Thesis: “Enhancing Microbial Product Yields Through Mixotrophic Fermentation”
Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen
M. Sc. in Molecular and Applied Biotechnology with a Concentration in
Chemical Engineering
Aachen, Germany
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
B. Sc. in Chemical Engineering with a Biochemistry Concentration
Amherst, MA
Dec 2012-current
Graduate Researcher, University of Delaware
Advisor: Dr. E. T. Papoutsakis
· Improving microbial fuel production from waste gases using a synthetic CO2 fixation pathway
· Molecular Cloning and Engineering for synthetic pathway design (employing genomic
integrations and plasmid based expression systems)
· Designing new anaerobic enzyme activity assays
· Developing new mixotrophic fermentation utilizing both carbohydrate and gaseous
feedstocks simultaneously
· Studying biofuel fermentation of anaerobic clostridia species on sugars and gases
Jan 2012-June
Graduate Researcher, University of Delaware
Advisor: Dr. W. Chen, University of Delaware, Co Advisor: Dr. L. Blank, RWTH Aachen
Master Thesis: “Designing nano-enzyme scaffolds for the assembly of mini cellulosomes
on the yeast cell surface”
· Molecular Cloning and Engineering for protein assemblies in E. coli and Yeast
· Synthetic Cellulosome assembly for consolidated bioprocessing
Nov 2010-Nov
Researcher at CAT Catalytic Center, ITMC, RWTH Aachen, Germany
· Investigated phosgene free synthesis of isocyanates
· Studied the kinetics and equilibrium of isocyanate reaction pathways
· Used results to understand the Bayer Material Science fire-resistant isocyanate foams
Dec 2010-Jan
Research Assistant at Enzyme Technology Lehrstuhl, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Project Title: “Redox Effects of the Laccase Enzyme and ABTS Mediator for the
Degradation of Lignin”
· Used cyclic voltammetry to study the effects of the mediator ABTS on the electron transfer
between laccase enzymes and lignin
May 2010- Sept
Summer Intern at ExxonMobil Corporation, Clinton, NJ
ExxonMobil Process Research – Lubricants and Specialties
· Studied catalytic de-waxing and directed high-throughput catalyst screening
· Improved aromatic saturation of hydrocrackate by optimizing catalyst properties such as
zeolite to binder ratio, platinum loading and Si/Al ratio
Jan 2008- May
Research Assistant at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
Advisor: Prof. George Huber
· Conducted independent research using algae as an alternative biomass feedstock for the
production of fuels and chemicals
· Studied the thermo-chemical decomposition of algae and characterized the decomposition
products (thermodynamics of algae pyrolysis)
Summer 2009
REU at Peking University, Beijing, China
Research Advisor: Prof. Yuan Kou
· Synthesized metal nanoparticle catalysts suspended in various organic and inorganic
solvents for the hydrogenation of phenol to alkanes and alkenes
Summer 2008
REU at the University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Research Advisor: Prof. Jochen Lauterbach
· Synthesized ruthenium nanoparticle catalysts for ammonia decomposition for hydrogen
production in a plug flow reactor
· Developed reverse micelle techniques and characterized catalysts using SEM and TEM
Microsoft Office Suite, Mathlab, MathCad, Mathematica, Lotus Notes, ASPEN, HTML
HPLC, MS/GC, Anaerobic Lab Work, Biological Culturing and Fermentation, Genetic Engineering Techniques
Townsend Fellow, Delaware Biotechnology Institute
Organized STEM Outreach for Middle and High School students and communicated Science
to all levels of education
Member of the Colburn Club
DBI Rep: Served as a representative for students researching at DBI (2013)
Vice President: Planned and executed the Prospective Graduate Student Visits (2014)
4th year Rep: Liaison for 4th-year graduate students and the Department (2015)
President of the AICHE Student Chapter, UMass Amherst
Increased membership by targeting freshmen involvement
Started a Chem-E Car Team that compete in the national competition, Nashville 2009
Hosted the Regional Student Conference, 2009
1. Fast, A. G., Schmidt, E. D., Jones, S. W. & Tracy, B. P. Acetogenic mixotrophy: novel options for yield
improvement in biofuels and biochemicals production. Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 33, 60–72 (2015).
2. Ellinor D. Schmidt (presenting Author), E. T. Papoutsakis
“Instating the Wood-Ljungdahl Pathway for Carbon Dioxide Fixation into the Solventogenic
Clostridium acetobutylicum”, AICHE Annual Meeting, Salt-Lake City, Utah 2015
3. Ellinor D. Schmidt, E. T. Papoutsakis “Enhancing Microbial Product Yields through Chemotrophic
Carbon Capture”, Poster Presentation (Young Presenter Award), Clostridium XIII, Shanghai, China
· Townsend Fellow
· Otto-Bayer Fellowship
· J&A Adams Tuition Waiver and Dean’s List
· College of Engineering Scholarship
· Research Assistant Fellowship
I am fluent in German and English and have dual citizenship. I am interested in renewable energy and
green chemistry. I enjoy the outdoors, playing ultimate Frisbee, rock climbing, traveling the world and love
to learn foreign languages.
Page 2
Edward P. Schreiner
123 Arielle Drive • Newark, DE 19702
(717) 405-8950 • [email protected]
University of Delaware – Newark, DE
Ph. D Chemical Engineering
Expected 2016
The Pennsylvania State University – University Park, PA
B.S. Chemical Engineering, cum laude
Spring 2012
The Pennsylvania State University – University Park, PA
B.S. Energy Engineering, cum laude
Spring 2012
Research Experience________________________________________________________________
University of Delaware – Newark, DE
Graduate Research Assistant
2012 - Present
Thesis: High Pressure Catalytic Conversion of Hydrocarbons for Endothermic Cooling
Advisor: Raul F. Lobo
Investigated high pressure catalytic conversion of n-pentane on H-[Al]ZSM-5
Developed and tested Mo/H-[B]ZSM-5 as a new catalyst for dehydrogenation of alkanes
(C5-C7 were tested)
Characterized Mo/H-[B]ZSM-5 using a variety of techniques including XRD and EXAFS
The Pennsylvania State University – University Park, PA
Research scholarship sponsored by John D. and Jeanette McWhirter
Summer 2010
Investigation of structural differences of cellulose in various lignocellulosic biomass samples
Advisor: Seong H. Kim
Characterized a variety of lignocellulosic biomass samples via FTIR
1. Schreiner, E.P., Teketel, S., and Lobo, R.F. Alkane Activation by Molybdenum Supported on
Low-Acidity Zeolites. (In preparation)
2. Schreiner, E.P., Teketel, S., and Lobo, R.F. High Pressure Conversion of n-pentane on H[Al]ZSM-5. New Journal of Chemistry. (In Review)
3. Barnette, A.L., Lee, C., Bradley, L.C., Schreiner, E.P., Park, Y.B., Shin, H., Cosgrove, D.J., Park,
S., Kim, S.H. (2012) Quantification of crystalline cellulose in lignocellulosic biomass using sum
frequency generation (SFG) vibration spectroscopy and comparison with other analytical
methods. Carbohydrate Polymers. 89: 802-809.
4. Barnette, A.L., Veres, B.D., Bradley, L.C., Schreiner, E.P., Park, Y.B., Park, J., Park, S., Kim, S.H.
(2011) Selective detection of crystalline cellulose in plant cell walls with sum-frequencygeneration (SFG) vibration spectroscopy. Biomacromolecules. 12: 2434-2439.
Selected Presentations_____________________________________________________
1. Oral. Schreiner, E.P., Teketel, S., Lobo, R.F. (2015) Alkane Activation by Molybdenum
Supported on Low-Acidity Zeolites. 24th North American Meeting of Catalysis. Pittsburgh, PA.
2. Oral. Schreiner, E.P., Teketel, S., Lobo, R.F. (2015) Alkane Activation over Molybdenum
Carbide Nanoparticles Supported on Nonacidic Zeolites. 249th American Chemical Society
National Meeting. Denver, CO.
3. Poster. Schreiner, E.P., Teketel, S., Lobo, R.F. (2015) High Pressure Catalytic Conversion of npentane. 249th American Chemical Society National Meeting. Denver, CO.
4. Poster. Schreiner, E.P., Teketel, S., Lobo, R.F. (2014) High Pressure Catalytic Conversion of npentane on H-[Al]ZSM-5. 18th Northeast Corridor Zeolite Association Annual Meeting.
Philadelphia, PA.
1. Teketel, S., Schreiner, E.P., Lobo, R.F. Alkane Dehydrogenation Catalyst. Provisional Patent,
Serial Number 62/006,965.
Teaching and Mentoring Experience__________________________________________
University of Delaware – Newark, DE
Teaching Assistant for Senior Lab (CHEG 445)
Fall 2014
Students were tasked to operate a 200L pilot scale plant to convert soy bean oil into usable
Responsibilities included supervising operation of the pilot plant and product analysis, as
well as fixing and upgrading the pilot plant
Professional Organizations__________________________________________________
Catalysis Club of Philadelphia
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
American Chemical Society
Phi Kappa Phi Honors Society
Cameron Shelton
1225 King James Court Bear, DE 19701
University of Delaware, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Ph.D. Chemical Engineering
• Overall GPA 3.83
University of Virginia, School of Engineering and Applied Science
B.S. Major Chemical Engineering, B.A. Major Physics,
B.A. Minor Engineering Business
• Overall GPA 3.91
[email protected]
Newark, DE
(Expected) May 2017
Charlottesville, VA
May 2012
Doctoral Research under Professor Thomas H. Epps, III (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering)
• Utilized chlorosilane-modified substrates surfaces to determine and control the effect of individual dispersive
and polar surface energy components on block polymer thin film interfacial and through-film self-assembly
• Designed new equipment and methods for in situ exploration of block polymer thin film self-assembly
during solvent vapor annealing with small-angle neutron scattering and neutron reflectivity
o Collaboration with NIST Center of Neutron Research as a guest researcher from 2014-2015
• Developed a novel flow-coating device to continuously cast and directionally-align block polymer thin film
nanostructures in a one-step process
Undergraduate Research under Professor David Green (Chemical Engineering)
• Experimented with creating gold and silver nanoparticles as well as the attachment of ligands to the
surface of the nanoparticles in order to graft polymers from them with desired properties
Research Science Institute (Center for Excellence in Education)
• Researched methods to improve geothermal/nuclear power efficiencies using thermodynamic simulations
at the Nuclear Engineering Department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1. Shelton, C.K.; Dura, J.A.; Jones, R.L.; Epps, T.H., III “Tracking Solvent Distribution in Block Polymer Thin Films with In
Situ Solvent Vapor Annealing during Neutron Scattering” ACS Nano, 2015, in preparation
2. Shelton, C.K.; Epps, T.H., III “Mapping Substrate Surface Field Propagation in Block Polymer Thin Films”
Macromolecules, 2015, under review
3. Shelton, C.K.; Epps, T.H., III “Decoupling Substrate Surface Interactions in Block Polymer Thin Film Self-Assembly”
Macromolecules, 2015, 48, 4572-4580
4. Gilbert, J. B.; Luo, M.; Shelton, C.K.; Rubner, M.F.; Cohen, R.E.; Epps, T.H., III “Determination of Lithium-Ion
Distribution in Nanostructured Block Polymer Electrolyte Thin Film by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Depth Profiling”
ACS Nano, 2015, 9, 512-520
5. Farrell, Z.; Shelton, C.; Dunn, C.; Green, D. “Straightforward, One-Step Synthesis of Alkanethiol-Capped Silver
Nanoparticles from an Aggregative Model of Growth” Langmuir, 2013, 29, 9291-9300
American Physical Society March Meeting
• Oral presentation: 2015
• Poster presentation: 2015
University of Delaware Neutron Day
• Poster presentation: 2013, 2015
Mid-Atlantic Soft Matter Conference
• Oral sound-bite: 2013, 2014
AICHE National Conference
American Physical Society
Professional Development Award
NIST Center of Neutron Research Summer School Participant
Junior Lab Teaching Assistant
Robert L. Pigford Fellowship
American Institute of Chemists Award
University of Virginia Fourth Year Trustees
2013, 2015
2013, 2014
150 Academy Street, Newark, DE 19716
(302) 229-3188
[email protected]
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
2012 – Present
Ph.D. candidate in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Advisors: Prof. Raul F. Lobo
GPA: 3.67/4.00
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
B.Eng. in Chemical Engineering
GPA: 3.82/4.00
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Munich, Germany
ZJU-LMU exchange program
2008 – 2012
Mar. 2011 – Sep. 2011
Center for Catalyst Science and Technology (CCST), University of Delaware, Newark, DE
2013 – Present
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering – Graduate Research Assistant
Proficient in heterogeneous catalysts synthesis, screening, evaluation, and characterization
Strong background in chemical reactor design, equipment troubleshooting and maintenance
Project: Non-oxidative coupling of methane to ethylene with Mo 2 C/[B]-ZSM-5
Designed and built a flow reaction system for the kinetic study of non-oxidative methane coupling reaction
Elucidated the structure-property relationship of the boron substituted zeolite supported molybdenum
Project: Selective furfural hydrodeoxygenation with Silica supported Cu-Fe catalyst
Synthesized silica supported Cu-Fe nanoparticles, evaluated the HDO performance, and conducted kinetic
study in a flow reactor
Proposed the origin of the exceptional catalytic activity and selectivity using various surface and structure
characterization techniques
Argonne National Lab (ANL), Argonne, IL
Advanced Photon Science – Guest Researcher
Characterized the molybdenum oxide/carbide structure and molybdenum oxidation state during the
carburization process with EXAFS and XANES
Brookhaven National Lab (BNL), Upton, NY
Advanced Photon Science – Guest Researcher
Jun. 2015 – Aug. 2015
Nov. 2014
Studied the oxidation state and coordination number of iron in Cu-Fe/Silica catalyst with X-ray absorption
State Key Lab of Chemical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
Sep. 2011 – Jun. 2012
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering – Undergraduate Research Assistant
Investigated the temperature profile of ethylene polymerization fluidized bed reactor in condensed-mode
Characterized the hydrodynamic behavior in liquid-containing gas-solid fluidized bed reactor with acoustic
emission technique
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Sep. 2015- Dec. 2015
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering – Graduate Student Teaching Assistant
Taught 24 senior undergraduates to perform distillation column and tutored their technical writing
Experimental Techniques: heterogeneous catalysts synthesis, flow reaction system design, gas
chromatography (GC), mass spectroscopy (MS), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray diffraction
(XRD), X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), temperature programmed hydrogenation/oxidation/
desorption (TPR/TPO/TPD), gas adsorption/desorption, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR),
ultraviolet- visible spectroscopy (UV-vis), and working experience with electron microscopy (SEM, EDX,
and TEM)
Computer: Aspen Plus, AutoCAD, C programming, Origin, Matlab, Minitab, and MS Office
Language: English (Fluent), German (B2 level), and Mandarin (Native)
Sheng, H., Loiland, J.A., Lobo, R.F. “Selective Hydrodeoxygenation of Furfural to 2-methylfuran Using
Cu-Fe/Silica.” In preparation.
Sheng, H., Schreiner, E.P., Zheng, W., Lobo, R.F. “Non-oxidative Coupling of Methane to Ethylene with
Mo 2 C/[B]-ZSM-5.” In preparation.
“Selective Hydrodeoxygenation of Furfural to 2-methylfuran Using Cu-Fe/Silica.” Center for Catalyst
Science and Technology (CCST) Research Review, October 2015, Newark, DE, poster presentation
“Selective Hydrodeoxygenation of Furfural to 2-methylfuran Using Cu-Fe/Silica.” 24th North American
Catalysis Society Meeting (NAM), June 2015, Pittsburgh, PA, poster presentation
“Biomass Derived Furfural Upgrade with Cu-based Bimetallic Catalyst” UD Winter Research Review,
January 2014, Newark, DE, poster presentation
“Bimetallic Catalyst and Molybdenum Carbides as Selective Furfural Hydrodeoxygenation (HDO)
Catalysts.” UD Summer Research Review, June 2014, Newark, DE, oral presentation
Honor Graduate of Zhejiang University, 2012
First Prize in Experimental Innovation Competition of Process Engineering Zhejiang University, 2011
First Class Academic Scholarship in Zhejiang University, 2010
Excellent All-round Student of Zhejiang University, 2010
Sanhe Scholarship, 2009
123 Arielle Drive
Newark, DE 19702
Andrew C. Tibbits
[email protected]
University of Delaware, Newark, DE (August 2012 – Present); Projected Completion: Spring 2017
Ph.D. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
GPA: 3.64/4.00
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC (August 2008 – May 2012)
B.S. in Chemical Engineering (Honors Concentration); Minors in Spanish and International Studies
GPA: 3.91/4.00; Summa Cum Laude
Research and Work Experience
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Graduate Research Assistant (January 2013 – Present); PIs: Dr. Chris Kloxin and Dr. Yushan Yan
Thesis Topic: “Design, Synthesis and Characterization of Photo-Crosslinked Ion Conductive Click
Chemistry Membranes with Novel Microstructure.”
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Undergraduate Researcher (December 2010 – May 2012) PI: Dr. Orlin Velev
o Particle-stabilized foams derived from cellulose and lignin biomaterials.
Undergraduate Researcher (January 2010 – May 2010) PI: Dr. Wesley Henderson
o Solvent and anion structural effects on Li+ cation solvation state for lithium-ion battery applications.
Eastman Chemical Company, Kingsport, TN
Intern (May – August 2011): Fibers Research and Development Division
o Evaluated a photo reflectance tool in the examination of fundamental acetate tow crimp behavior
and measured line-to-line batch variations in crimp properties.
Intern (May – August 2010): Specialty Chemicals Process Improvement Division
o Designed and installed a cold glycol meter, implemented a Visual Basic (VBA) program to reform the
division interlock disabling system, and revised division standard operating procedures.
Honors and Awards
Graduate Student Professional Development Award (November 2015)
Honorable Mention in National AIChE Conference Poster Competition: Sustainability (October 2011)
Dennis Carroll Scholarship (2011 – 2012)
Recipient of NC State Visionary Leadership Certificate (April 2011)
NC State Goodnight Scholarship (2008 – 2012)
Teaching and Mentoring Experience
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Mentor for Undergraduates (June 2014 – Present)
o Laura Mumper: June 2014 – Present; John Affriol: June 2014 – August 2014
Teaching Assistant for CHEG305 (Applied Mathematics for Chemical Engineers) (February – May 2014)
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Undergraduate Tutor (January – December 2009)
o Served as an individual tutor, group tutor, and sign up tutor on an as-needed basis.
o Led a supplemental information recitation session for a CH201 (Quantitative Chemistry) lecture
three times a week (Fall 2009).
Tibbits, A.C.; Mumper, L.E.; Yan, Y.S.; Kloxin, C.J. Thiol-Ene Photo-polymerization of Allylic Ionic
Species: Investigation of Kinetics and Network Formation. 2015, In Preparation.
Tibbits, A.C.; Mumper, L.E.; Kloxin, C.J.; Yan, Y.S. “A Single-Step Monomeric Photo-Polymerization
and Crosslinking via Thiol-Ene Reaction for Hydroxide Exchange Membrane Fabrication.” Journal of The
Electrochemical Society, 2015, 162 (10) F1-F6.
Selected Presentations (underline denotes presenting author)
Tibbits, A.; Kloxin, C.; Yan, Y. “Design of Photo-Crosslinked Ion Conductive Networks via the ThiolEne Reaction of Charged Allylic Species.” Material Research Society Fall Meeting and Exhibit: Boston,
MA. November 30, 2015. (Talk)
Tibbits, A.; Mumper, L.; Kloxin, C.; Yan, Y. “Charged Thiol-Ene Chemistry: Hydroxide Exchange
Membranes by Photo-Initiated Crosslinking Polymerization.” Gordon Research Conference in Fuel Cells:
Smithfield, RI. August 4 – 7, 2014. (Poster)
Tibbits, A.; Kloxin, C.; Yan, Y. “Charged Thiol-Ene Chemistry: Hydroxide Exchange Membranes by
Photo-Initiated Crosslinking Polymerization.” Gordon Research Seminar in Fuel Cells: Smithfield, RI.
August 3, 2014. (Invited Talk)
Lam, S.; Tibbits, A.; Velev, O. D. Synthesis and Characterization of Lignin Particles for Colloidal
Stabilization, 85th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium 2011, Montreal (Canada). (Contributed
Tibbits, A.; Lam, S.; Velev, O. D. “Engineering of Biopolymer Particles for Foam Stabilization” AIChE
Regional Conference: Clemson, SC. April 1, 2012. (Poster)
Tibbits, A.; Lam, S.; Velev, O. D. “Engineering of Biopolymer Particles for Foam Stabilization” AIChE
National Conference: Minneapolis, MN. October 17, 2011. (Poster)
Technical Skills
Synthesis: synthesis and purification of organic monomers (primarily ionic liquids and salts) and
fabrication of thin film ion conductive polymer networks. Limited experience with fuel cell anode
Characterization: TGA, DSC, DMA, SEM, TEM, AC Impedance Spectroscopy, NMR, FTIR, Raman
Spectroscopy, and rheometry. Limited experience with Cyclic Voltammetry, UV-Vis, and GC.
Computer: MATLAB, Origin, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint), Visual Basic, Material
Studio, ASPEN, Illustrator (limited experience).
Service, Leadership, and Professional Affiliations
Colburn Club President (Sept. 2014 – Sept. 2015)
o Coordinated graduate recruitment efforts and served as the primary graduate student liaison for
chemical engineering graduate student concerns at the University of Delaware.
Chris Kloxin Group Lab Manager (February 2013 – Present)
o In charge of enforcing lab safety and general housekeeping.
Omega Chi Epsilon (inducted 2010)
American Institute of Chemical Engineers (2009 – Present)
North Carolina Science Olympiad Volunteer and Event Leader (Spring 2009 – Spring 2012)
Tau Beta Pi (inducted 2009)
Phi Eta Sigma (inducted 2009)
Jie Zheng
108 Hullihen Ct, Newark, DE, 19711
Email: [email protected] 951-880-8186
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
University of Delaware
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Ph.D. Candidate in Chemical Engineering, GPA (3.9/4.0)
University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA
Ph.D. Student in Chemical Engineering, GPA (4.0/4.0)
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
B.S. Chemical Engineering and minor in Business Management,
GPA (3.96/4.0, 91.14/100), Rank 1st out of 130
2011 – 2016 (Expected)
2010 – 2011
2006 – 2010
Development Chemist Intern, Hewlett-Packard
Jun 2015 – Dec 2015
(Mentor: Dennis Guo)
Pigment dispersion development
 Perform Design of Experiment (DOE) to fundamentally understand how each factor affects the particle size
of pigment in dispersion, and find the optimum condition for prepare stable pigment dispersion
 Formulate dispersions into inks and study their properties
Research Assistant, Center for Catalytic Science and Technology (CCST), University of Delaware
Sep 2011 – present
Electrocatalysis study for hydrogen oxidation/evolution reaction (HOR/HER)
(Advisors: Dr. Yushan Yan and Dr. Bingjun Xu)
2014 - present
 Studied kinetics of HOR/HER on carbon supported platinum, iridium, palladium and rhodium nanoparticles
in electrolytes with a broad pH range from 0 to 13 using rotating disk electrode (RDE) method, and correlated
their HOR/HER activities with hydrogen binding energy (HBE) measured experimentally from cyclic
voltammograms (CVs)
 Investigated the particle size effect for HOR/HER on iridium nanoparticles in alkaline electrolyte
Synthesis and characterization of catalysts for methanol oxidation reaction in direct methanol fuel cells
(DMFCs) (Advisor: Dr. Yushan Yan)
Sep 2011 – 2013
 Developed PtRu nanotubes and PtRu coated copper nanowires for methanol oxidation reaction (MOR) that
outperform the benchmark catalyst (PtRu/C)
 Investigated the PtRu compositional effect and optimized the PtRu ratio to achieve highest MOR activity
Research Assistant, University of California, Riverside
Synthesis of catalysts for methanol oxidation reaction (Advisor: Dr. Yushan Yan)
Sep 2010 – Aug 2011
Teaching Assistant, University of California, Riverside
Mar 2011 – Jun 2011
Nanoscale processing laboratory (ChE161, Spring 2011)
 Tutored 28 senior undergraduate students on synthesis of Au nanoparticles and characterize the synthesized
Au nanoparticles using UV-Vis spectra
Undergraduate Researcher, Zhejiang University, China
May 2008 – May 2010
Dynamic synthesis of b-oriented MFI zeolite thin membrane (Advisor: Dr. Zhengbao Wang)
 Synthesized b-oriented MFI zeolite films on silica wafer using hydrothermal method in a rotating oven
 Investigated the effect of reaction conditions (e.g., temperature, reaction times, and rotating speed) on the
formation of continuous film, optimized the reaction condition, and proposed a possible growth mechanism
Techniques: Electrochemical testing of various reactions (oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), hydrogen oxidation
reaction (HOR), methanol oxidation reaction (MOR), etc.), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission
electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), synthesis of nanomaterials, dynamic light scattering (DLS)
Computer skills: Microsoft Office, OriginLab, Matlab, Minitab, Aspen, Object oriented programming (C++).
Catalysis and Reaction Engineering (CRE) Division Travel Award for AIChE Meeting (2014)
Outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University (2010)
National Scholarship of China (2008 and 2009)
First Grade Scholarship of Zhejiang University (2007, 2008 and 2009)
First Prize of Excellent Undergraduate Scholarship (2007, 2008 and 2009)
J. Zheng, Y. Yan and B. Xu, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 162, F1470 (2015).
J. Zheng, Z. Zhuang, B. Xu and Y. Yan, ACS Catalysis, 5, 4449 (2015)
J. Zheng, D. A. Cullen, R. V. Forest, J. A. Wittkopf, Z. Zhuang, W. Sheng, J. G. Chen and Y. Yan, ACS
Catalysis, 5, 1468 (2015)
P. Xu, B. Wei, Z. Cao, J. Zheng, K. Gong, F. Li, J. Yu, Q. Li, W. Lu, J.-H. Byun, B.-S. Kim, Y. Yan and
T.-W. Chou, ACS Nano, 9, 6088 (2015)
W. Sheng, Z. Zhuang, M. Gao, J. Zheng, J. G. Chen and Y. Yan, Nat Commun, 6 (2015)
Q. Fang, J. Wang, S. Gu, R. B. Kaspar, Z. Zhuang, J. Zheng, H. Guo, S. Qiu and Y. Yan, Journal of the
American Chemical Society, 137, 8352 (2015)
J. A. Wittkopf, J. Zheng and Y. Yan, ACS Catalysis, 4, 3145 (2014)
Q. Fang, Z. Zhuang, S. Gu, R. B. Kaspar, J. Zheng, J. Wang, S. Qiu and Y. Yan, Nat Commun, 5 (2014)
Q. Fang, S. Gu, J. Zheng, Z. Zhuang, S. Qiu and Y. Yan, Angewandte Chemie, 126, 2922 (2014)
X. Li, Z. Wang, J. Zheng, S. Shao, Y. Wang and Y. Yan, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 32, 217 (2011)
“PtRu nanotubes and PtRu coated CuNWs as catalysts for methanol oxidation in direct methanol fuel cells”,
2014 AIChE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA (Nov. 17th, 2014)
“Particle size effect of iridium nanoparticles on hydrogen oxidation and evolution reaction activity in alkaline
electrolyte”, 2014 AIChE Annual Meeting, Atlanta CA, DE (Nov, 19th, 2014) (Poster)
“Particle size effect of iridium nanoparticles on hydrogen oxidation and evolution reaction activity in alkaline
electrolyte”, 2014 CCP Poster Composition, Wilmington, DE (Oct, 16th, 2014) (Poster)
“Decipher the pH dependence of hydrogen oxidation and evolution reaction activity: correlating activity with
hydrogen binding energy”, CCST Annual Review, Newark, DE (Oct. 15th, 2014)
“PtRuCuNWs catalysts for methanol oxidation reaction in direct methanol fuel cells”, 224th ECS meeting,
San Francisco, CA (Oct. 30th, 2013)
“PtRu coated CuNWs as an efficient catalyst for methanol oxidation reaction”, CCST Annual Review,
Newark, DE (Oct. 10th, 2013)
“PtRu coated CuNWs as an efficient catalyst for methanol oxidation reaction”, SUNCAT Summer Institute,
2013, Menlo Park, CA (Aug 26th, 2013) (Poster)
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Equal Opportunity Employer
The University of Delaware is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. For the University’s
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