KYLE PATRICK MCHUGH [email protected] • (716) 903-2430 SUMMARY Cell and molecular bioengineer with over 8 years of experience solving research problems and communicating scientific ideas to professionals and a general audience Completed multiple research accomplishments including cloning a library of over 40 transcription factors, developing a computational model of library screening, and establishing a cell culture model to study neurodegenerative diseases Demonstrates the ability to efficiently manage and collaborate with others through various leadership, mentoring, and teamwork roles EDUCATION 2010–2016 2006–2010 Ph.D. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering | University of Delaware Thesis: “Neuronal reprogramming and propagation of tau strains for the development of cell culture models of neurodegenerative disease” (GPA: 3.75 / 4.0) B.S. Chemical and Biological Engineering | State University of New York at Buffalo Minor in Biological Sciences, summa cum laude, Honors Scholar (GPA: 3.83 / 4.0) SELECTED LABORATORY SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES Molecular biology Recombinant DNA cloning RNA isolation and qRT-PCR cDNA library synthesis SDS-PAGE and Western blotting Ion-exchange and affinity chromatography In vitro protein aggregation/fibrillization Bioreactor fermentation (22L scale) E. coli gene deletion/overexpression Flow cytometry and FACS Lentivirus production/infection Cytotoxicity/viability assays CRISPR and RNAi Harvesting embryonic fibroblasts Image analysis – ImageJ Serial Cloner Mammalian cell culture Stem cell culture and differentiation (iPSC) Primary neuronal and fibroblast culture CHO cell scFv antibody production Immunolabeling/fluorescence microscopy Animal research Murine handling and breeding Murine brain dissection Computational skills MATLAB, Maple HTML, CSS, JavaScript (limited) RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 2010–2016 Graduate Research Assistant University of Delaware, Advisor: Prof. David W. Colby Independently generated cDNA libraries and subcloned over 40 transcription factors into a lentivirus vector Bred transgenic mice and isolated primary neurons and embryonic fibroblasts to study neuronal reprogramming using lentivirus, fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), and qRT-PCR Developed a computational model of library screening with MATLAB to identify optimal experimental parameters Established a cell culture model to propagate tau strains from human brain requiring expression/purification of tau protein and standard protein characterization techniques Screened multiple anti-prion antibody mutants by CHO cell antibody secretion and purification for clearance of prion infection in cell culture 2008–2010 Undergraduate Research Assistant University at Buffalo, Advisor: Prof. Sriram Neelamegham (May 2009-May 2010) Identified effective siRNAs to silence specific glycotransferases in human leukocytes by lentivirus transduction and produced microfluidic PDMS devices to test cell adhesion Established immunocytochemistry and fluorescent microscopy protocols for the lab University at Buffalo, Advisor: Prof. Mattheos Koffas (Jan 2008-May 2009) Generated multiple E. coli gene knockouts to optimize the production of polyphenol compounds and assessed strain performance by anaerobic fermentation and HPLC Iowa State University, Advisors: Profs. SK Mallapragada, DS Sakaguchi (May 2008-Aug 2008) Cultured primary rat neurons on patterned substrates to guide differentiation and neurite alignment for nerve regeneration RELEVANT COURSEWORK Biochemistry Biomolecular Engineering Cell Biology DNA-Protein Interactions General Physiology Genetics Immunology Molecular Biology Protein Engineering Protein Structure and Function Virology LEADERSHIP/MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Mentored 6 undergraduate students on laboratory techniques and experimental design and analysis Secured $900,000+ in research funds by contributing to proposal writing for the successful award of 3 out of 4 grants Multiple leadership positions including: o Cell Culture Room Manager, Profs. Colby and Kloxin labs, UD (2012-2016) o At-Large Representative, UD Colburn Club (2010-2011) o Undergraduate Chapter President, UB Society for Biological Engineers (2009-2010) Conducted a risk-reduction marketplace analysis with a team for high-throughput cellular analysis and lean startup training with the NSF Innovation Corps Sites Program Presented class lectures and mentored students on their group projects as a Teaching Assistant for: o Systems Biology (Fall 2012) o Bio-Based Materials (Fall 2014) Presented scientific ideas by oral presentation and posters at over 12 different conferences and departmental symposia, including 2 best poster awards Volunteer outreach to local middle school students to communicate STEM ideas with hands-on experiments (hydrogels, emulsions, bio-polymers, chromatography) PUBLICATIONS McHugh KP, Morozova OA, Colby DW. (2015) Tau Strains and their Propagation in Experimental Disease Models. In The Prion Phenomena in Neurodegenerative Diseases: New Frontiers in Neuroscience; Legname G, Giachin G, Ed.; Nova Science Publishers, Inc. p157-176. Buffone A Jr, Mondal N, Gupta R, McHugh KP, Lau JT, Neelamegham S. (2013) Silencing alpha(1,3)fucosyltransferases in human leukocytes reveals a role for FUT9 enzyme during E-selectin-mediated cell adhesion. J Biol Chem 288(3):1620-1633. Ariza CA, McHugh KP, White SJ, Sakaguchi DS, Mallapragada SK. (2010) Extracellular matrix proteins and astrocyte-derived soluble factors influence the differentiation and proliferation of adult neural progenitor cells. J Biomed Mater Res A 94(3):816-24. Chemler JA, Fowler ZL, McHugh KP, Koffas MA. (2010) Improving NADPH availability for natural product biosynthesis in Escherichia coli by metabolic engineering. Metab Eng 12(2):96-104. McHugh KP, Kaliszewski RL, Colby DW. “Optimization of cellular reprogramming library screening by combinatorial analysis.” (in preparation) McHugh KP*, Doolan KM*, Colby DW. “Directed evolution of anti-prion antibody ICSM18 fragment for increased affinity and clearance of misfolded prion protein.” (in preparation) McHugh KP, Morozova OA, Colby DW. “Intracellular propagation of tauopathy disease strains.” (in preparation) CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS McHugh KP, Morozova OA, Colby DW. “Propagation of disease-associated tau strains in a cell culture model” American Chemical Society BIOT Division event, Sept 2015, Villanova, PA. Poster. McHugh KP, Morozova OA, Colby DW. “Propagation of disease-associated tau strains in a cell culture model” CAG Triplet Repeat Disorders Gordon Research Seminar and Conference, May 2015, Lucca, IT. Technical presentation and poster. McHugh KP, Colby DW. “Neuronal reprogramming for an in vitro model of Huntington's Disease” Hereditary Disease Foundation HD2014 Conference, Aug 2014, Cambridge, MA. Poster. McHugh KP, Colby DW. “Neuronal reprogramming for an in vitro model of Huntington's Disease” Northeast Regional IDeA Conference, Aug 2013, Newark, DE. Poster. Buffone A Jr, Mondal N, McHugh KP, Lau JT, Neelamegham S. “Silencing alpha(1,3)-fucosyltransferases in human leukocytes reveals differences in E-selectin ligand synthesis between humans and mice” AIChE Annual Meeting, Oct 2012, Pittsburg, PA. Technical presentation. McHugh KP, Buffone A Jr, Neelamegham S. “Identifying important fucosyltransferases in human leukocyte recruitment” UB 6th Annual Celebration of Academic Excellence, Apr 2010, Buffalo, NY. Poster. Fowler ZL, Chemler JA, McHugh KP, Koffas MA, “Developing metabolic workhorses through in silico evolutionary optimization: Case studies in flavonoid biosynthesis” AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov 2009, Nashville, TN. Technical presentation. McHugh KP, Buffone A Jr, Neelamegham S. “Targeting important fucosyltransferases in leukocyte recruitment and adhesion” UB Open House Research Symposium, Oct 2009, Buffalo, NY. Poster. McHugh KP, Ariza CA, Sakaguchi DS, Mallapragada SK, “Effect of extracellular matrix on differentiation of neural stem cells” Iowa State BioMAP Research Symposium, Aug 2008, Ames, IA. Poster. AWARDS / HONORS 2015 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2006–2010 Best poster, 2015 CAG Triplet Repeat Disorders GRC Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Award of Distinction AIChE Outstanding Senior Award School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Senior Scholar Award Finalist for 2010 UB Engineering Alumni Association Leaders in Excellence Award Best poster, University at Buffalo 6th Annual Celebration of Academic Excellence AIChE Donald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer National Scholarship Award Society of Biological Engineering Outstanding Student Award Chemical and Biological Engineering Academic Excellence Award University at Buffalo Honors College Scholarship