Sopravvivere Non Basta 10 - Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici
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Sopravvivere Non Basta 10 - Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici
Sopravvivere Non Basta 10 Eventi per La Giornata Mondiale del Rene 2016 Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies Gold medal of the European Parliament University Aldo Moro, Bari “A. Perrino” Hospital, Brindisi Bulgarian Society of Nephrology Catholic University of Rome International Association for the History of Nephrology Lyceum Manzoni, Caserta Mediterranean Kidney Society The Hellenic College of Nephrology Tunisian Society of Nephrology University of Gaziantep University of Messina University of P.J. Šafárik, Košice Varna Medical University Second University of Naples Survival is Not Enough 10 Prevention and Organ Donation - One Route OSTUNI, March 8 BARI, March 10 GAZIANTEP, March 10 MESSINA, March 10 NAPLES, March 10 VARNA, March 10 CASERTA, March 12 KEŽMAROK, March 17 PORTARIA in PELORIO, April 15-17 PROGRAMS SURVIVAL IS NOT ENOUGH 10 Events linked with the World Kidney Day 2016 Promoted by Natale Gaspare De Santo, Naples Ayse Balat, Gaziantep Guido Bellinghieri, Messina Massimo Cirillo, Salerno Franco Citterio, Roma Athanasios Diamandopoulos, Patras Georgios Eustratiadis, Athens Loreto Gesualdo, Bari Aziz El Matri, Tunis Miroslav Mydlik, Košice Dimitar Nenov, Varna Adele Vairo, Caserta Luigi Vernaglione, Brindisi Panos Ziroyannis, Athens Gerardo Marotta, Naples Scientific Committee Antonio Gargano, Naples Ayse Balat, Gaziantep Gennaro Castaldi, Caserta Salvatore Coppola, Piedimonte Matese Ludovica D’Apice, Caserta Giusy De Rosa, Caserta Katarina Derzsiova, Košice Biagio Di Iorio, Solofra Emma Marchitto, Marcianise Eugenio Monteleone, S.M.Capua Vetere Biagio Ricciardi, Milazzo Vincenzo Savica, Messina Antonella Serpico, Caserta Guglielmo Venditti, Naples Vesselin Nenov, New Castle Luigi Vernaglione, Brindisi Organizing committee Daria Acone, Naples Pietro Anastasio, Naples Giancarlo Bilancio, Salerno Giusy De Rosa, Caserta Emma Faraldo, Caserta Fortunata Farina, Caserta Paolo Giannattasio, Napoli Dimitrios Grekas, Thessaloniki Jamil Hachica, Sfax Katarina Javorska, Kezmarok Anna Maria Pastore Docimo, Naples Rosa Maria Pollastro, Napoli Peter Slovik, Kezmarok Project(2007-2016) Rosa Maria De Santo Consultant Dr. Massimiliano Manna Organized by Magrassi-Lanzara Department of Medicine Second University of Naples Travel Dora Amantea: [email protected] Roll of Honour PAOLO ALTUCCCI, Emeritus Professor of Medicine, SUN ALFONSO BARBARISI, President National Association of University Professors of Surgery in Italy REMO BODEI, Philosopher, Law School, University of Southern California, Los Angeles ALOJZ BOMBA, Chief Institute of Experimental Medicine, University of P.J. Šafarik, Košice FRANCESCO CACUCCI, Metropolite Archbishop of Bari-Bitonto DOMENICO CALIANDRO, Bishop of Brindisi FRANCESCIO PAOLO CASAVOLA, President, National Committee for Bsioethics FORTUNATO CIARDIELLO, Director Department of Medicine, Second University of Naples FRANCO CITTERIO, President Italian Society for Organs Transplantation M.YAVUZ COSKUN, President University of Gaziantep Rev.a GIOVANNI D’ALISE, Bishop of Caserta ALBERTO DEL GENIO, Emeritus Professor of Surgery SUN CARLO DE PASCALE, A Past President of the Campania-Sicilian Branch of SIN ATHANASIOS DIAMANDOPOULOS, Past President of the International Association for the History of Nephrology LUDOVICO DOCIMO, President Neapolitan Society of Surgery GARABED EKNOYAN, Professor of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston ANTON FABIAN, Professor of Theology, University PJ Safarik, Kosice MARIANNA GENSABELLA, Member of the National Committee for Bioethics CARMELO GIORDANO, A Founder of the Italian Society of Nephrology , SUN JAMIL HACHICHA, President of the Tunisian Society of Nephrology His Serene Holiness, HIERONYMUS B! Archbishop of Athens and Whole Greece PETER HOLEC, Mons. JCDr. The Roman Catholic Church, Archdiocese, Košice, Slovak Republic MARIO MANCINI, Emeritus Professor of Medicine, University Federico II, Naples AZIZ EL MATRI, Founder of the Tunisian Society of Nephrology, Hon Member of the Mediterranean Kidney Society GIUSEPPE PAOLISSO, President Second University of Naples EMIL PASCALEV, President Bulgarian Society of Nephrology MALCOLM E. PHILLIPS, Hon Consultant Nephrologist Charing Cross Hospital, London, UL CARLO PIGNATELLI, Emeritus Professor of Surgery, SUN ANDREA RENDA, President Italian Society of History of Surgery PIETRO RESCIGNO, Director Scientific Committee, Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies MARCELLO RICCIUTI, Director Palliative Care Unit, San Carlo Hospital Potenza LUIGI SANTINI, Professor of Surgery, SUN, Naples Rev. ma ANGELO SPINILLO, Bishop of Aversa VIERA SPUSTOVÁ, President of Slovak Nephrological Society, Bratislava MARCH 08, 2016 ― SURVIVAL IS NOT ENOUGH AULA MAGNA “LUDOVICO PEPE” HIGH SCHOOL, 3.00 PM-8.00 PM OSTUNI, ITALY I SIGNIFICATI DI UN DONO/THE MEANINGS OF A GIFT PROMOTED BY LUIGI VERNAGLIONE, Department of Nephrology, “A. Perrino” Hospital Brindisi 4.00 PM SALUTI/WELCOME Moderators: F. DI GIRONIMO, Brindisi - G. COLUCCI, Ostuni 4.30 PM LUIGI VERNAGLIONE, Brindisi, Intoduction/Presentazione LORETO GESUALDO, Bari – Il trapianto in Puglia: stato dell'arte/Transplantations in Puglia: State of the art 5.00 PM MASSIMO CALO', Brindisi - Cosa si intende per morte cerebrale encefalica?/ What does it mean Encephalic Death? 5.20 PM LUIGI VERNAGLIONE, Brindisi – l significati di un dono /The meanings of a gift 5.40 PM GRAZIA BELLANOVA, Francavilla Fontana - Attività e scopi del Centro di coordinamento territoriale per la diffusione della cultura della donazione di organi / Efforts and Aims of the Transplantation Coordinating Center for the Culture of Organ Donation 6.00 PM AIDO-ANED-ATO- Il ruolo delle Associazioni di volontariato/ The role of Volunteer Associations 6.30 PM Discussion 6.45-8.45 PM Moderators: F. DI GIRONIMO, Brindisi - G. BELLANOVA, Francavilla Fontana TALK SHOW “La parola all'esperienza viva”. Incontro con alcuni protagonisti che hanno reso possibile l'esperienza del dono: pazienti trapiantati, familiari di donatori e coppie donatore/ricevente da vivente, gestori delle liste d'attesa, pazienti in lista d'attesa/”Chatting with real life experience”. Meeting with some people involved in the experience of giving: the waiting person and the transplanted person, families of donors, doctors managing waiting lists” BARI MARCH 1o ―SURVIVAL IS NOT ENOUGH/WKD Aula Magna “De Benedictis” AOU Consorziale Policlinico 10,45 AM- 6.30 PM SOPRAVVIVERE NON BASTA - La migliore medicina: il dono Non c’è occasione più propizia della Giornata Mondiale del Rene per parlare del dono, ossia ciò che può essere considerato la migliore medicina. La sacralità del dono della vita è strettamente correlata alla responsabilità delle scelte. L’impegno a tutelarla e valorizzarla passa in prima istanza attraverso il rispetto della salute, tramite un corretto stile di vita, e la prevenzione. Donare significa per definizione consegnare un bene nelle mani di un altro senza ricevere in cambio alcunché. Sono sufficienti poche parole per distinguere il “donare” dal “dare”, perché nel dare c’è la vendita, lo scambio, il prestito. Nel donare c’è un soggetto, il donatore, che in piena libertà, senza alcuna costrizione, per generosità, per amore, fa un dono all’altro, indipendentemente dalla risposta di questo. Questo aspetto importante del dono è indissolubilmente legato ai trapianti di organo. La trapiantologia si è arricchita di un nuovo straordinario capitolo che è la donazione del "samaritano". riferito al donatore vivente di rene che offre l'organo alla collettività, e non ad uno specifico ricevente, senza alcun tipo di remunerazione o contraccambio. L'organo reso disponibile dal samaritano viene trapiantato ad un ricevente in lista di attesa, scelto secondo criteri predeterminati. In questo modo l'organo prelevato dal samaritano rende possibile il trapianto di un singolo paziente. La donazione samaritana può essere utilizzata anche per facilitare il trapianto di potenziali riceventi in coppie incompatibili per motivi biologici, ad esempio soggetti con gruppi ABO incompatibili, tra i quali, mediante meccanismi "a catena aperta", è possibile effettuare più trapianti. L’esito clinico positivo può essere opportunamente adiuvato tramite terapie farmacologiche immunosoppressive, che possono essere personalizzate. SURVIVAL IS NOT ENOUGH: Organ Donation the Best Drug The World Kidney Day represents a splendid occasion to speak about donation which should be considered the best drug. The sacredness of giving life is directly linked to the responsibility of decisions. Out attempt to defend life, to support its value includes the respect for health by appropriate life styles and the promotion of prevention. Donating represent the act of giving in the hands of another person a good without expecting anything in exchange. Donating is different from giving since the latter may also mean selling, exchange, loan. Donating presupposes a persons who, without any constriction , pushed by its generosity and love donates something to another. This happens in organs transplantation that is now experiencing the new chapter of Samaritan donation that is giving a living kidney, without expecting anything in exchange, to the community, not to a specific recipient. That organ is implanted into someone on the waiting list according to fixed criteria. This act may well find place to favor transplantation between couples which are not compatible for biological reasons―for example―ABO incompatibility. This generates a chain of transplants. 10.45 SALUTI ISTITUZIONALI Prof. ANGELO VACCA, Pro-Rettore università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro” Dott. VITANGELO DATTOLI, Direttore Generale AOU Consorziale Policlinico di Bari SESSION 1 Moderatori: F.P. SCHENA - F. P. SELVAGGI Introduzione LORETO GESUALDO /ANNARITA SANTORO La vita ritrovata ONOFRIO BRUNO AND MARTINA DADDARIO Etica del dono, eticità della donazione ALFRED MATINGOU, Padre Spirituale A.I.D.O.Molfetta Le associazioni di volontariato nel complesso processo di donazione e trapianto La donazione da vivente: implicazioni psicologiche nella coppia FELICE VADRUCCIO Problematiche nel mantenimento del paziente in lista d’attesa SIMONA SIMONE SESSION 2 Moderatori: MICHELE BATTAGLIA , GIUSEPPE CARRIERI Il trapianto di rene nei pazienti con malattia rara: il caso della Sindrome Emolitico Uremica atipica GIUSEPPE GRANDALIANO Il donatore anziano nel ricevente anziano GIOVANNI STALLONE Le problematiche chirurgiche nel trapianto da vivente PASQUALE DI TONNO SESSION 3 Moderatori: FILIPPO AUCELLA, LORETO GESUALDO I nuovi protocolli di induzione nei pazienti iperimmuni ANTONIO SCHENA Lo switch terapeutico nella terapia immunosoppressiva GIUSEPPE CASTELLANO Tavola Rotonda La migliore medicina: il dono FILIPPO AUCELLA, GIUSEPPE CASTELLANO, Take home messages LORETO GESUALDO LORETO GESUALDO, ANTONIO SCHENA MARCH 10, 2015 -―SURVIVAL IS NOT ENOUGH / WKD GAZIANTEP, TURKEY GAZIANTEP UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AUDITORIUM SAHIMBEY MEDICAL CENTER, 900- 1230 “SURVIVAL IS NOT ENOUGH” Chronic Kidney Disease: From Prevention to Organ Donation ORGANIZED BY AYSE BALAT, Chief of Pediatric Nephrology, Gaziantep University MITHAT BÜYÜKÇELIK, Professor of Pediatric Nephrology, Gaziantep University BELTINGE DEMIRCIOGLU KILIC, Assistant Professor of Pediatric Nephrology, Gaziantep University MEHTAP AKBALIK KARA, Fellow in Pediatric Nephrology, Gaziantep University INTRODUCTORY SESSION Prof. M. YAVUZ COSKUN, Rector of Gaziantep University Prof. LEVENT ELBEYLI, Dean of Gaziantep University, School of Medicine Prof. METIN KILINC, Chancellor of Sahinbey Medical Center, Gaziantep University Prof. BELGIN ALASEHIRLI, Vice-Chancellor of Sahinbey Medical Center, Gaziantep University SCIENTIFIC SESSION May ESRD be a fate: What could be done for prevention? AYSE BALAT, Professor of Pediatric Nephrology, Gaziantep University Screening programs for prevention of CKD: Which programs, and How to perform ? Screening programs in children BELTINGE DEMIRCIOGLU KILIC, Assistant Professor of Pediatric Nephrology, Gaziantep University Screening programs in adults ÖZLEM USALAN, Associate Professor of Nephrology, Gaziantep University Economical advantage of preventive programs in chronic diseases; comparison with treatment ARIF OZSAGIR, Professor in Faculty of Economics, Gaziantep University How can we struggle against to chronic disease stress? OSMAN VIRIT, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Gaziantep University If the prevention is impossible, "organ transplantation" is the best solution! SACID ÇOBAN , Associate Professor in Department of General Surgery, Gaziantep University The responsibilities of parents and relatives in a candidate patient for organ transplantation: Religious perspectives MUSTAFA UNVERDI , Associate Professor in Faculty of Theology, Gaziantep University The boy who saved thousands of lives: Nicholas Green Mr. REG GREEN, Los Angeles, USA Sharing of feelings, observations, and experiences on renal transplantationPatients and parents' perspectives MESSINA MARCH 10 – SURVIVAL IS NOT ENOUGH / WKD AULA MAGNA DIPARTIMENTO DI CIVILTÀ ANTICHE E MODERNE, UNIVERSITÀ DI MESSINA Polo Annunziata, Viale Annunziata 98168 Messina, 10.00 AM 1.00 PM Problemi medici, etici e sociali nella cura delle persone con malattie croniche Medical, ethical and social problems in the treatment of persons with CKD. 10.00/ 1.00 PM – EVENTO/ SCIENTIFIC EVENT Coordina e modera: GIROLAMO COTRONEO, Presidente Istituto Italiano di Bioetica, sezione Sicilia MARIO BOLOGNARI, Direttore del Dipartimento di Civiltà antiche e moderne, Università degli Studi di Messina Benvenuto/Welcome GUIDO BELLINGHIERI, Presidente eletto International Society for Uremia Research and Toxicity Qualità di vita e fragilità/Quality of life and fragility VINCENZO SAVICA, Istituto A.Monroy di Biomedicina ed immunologia molecolare CNR Palermo Spending review e malattie croniche/ Spending review for chronic diseases GIUSEPPE GEMBILLO, Dipartimento di Scienze cognitive, psicologiche, pedagogiche e degli studi culturali, Università di Messina: Il malato cronico nel contesto familiare e nel contesto sociale/ The patient with chronic disease in the femilial and social context MARIANNA GENSABELLA FURNARI, Dipartimento di Civiltà antiche e moderne, Università di Messina : La relazione paziente-medico nella cura delle persone con malattie croniche/ Physician to patient relatioship in the treatment of chronic diseases ANTONIA CAVA, Dipartimento di Scienze cognitive, psicologiche, pedagogiche e Studi culturali, Università di Messina: Lo storytelling in sanità: la salute tra narrazioni, connessioni e contraddizioni digitali/Storytelling in health care: healath between narration, connections and digital contraddictions FRANCESCO PIRA, Dipartimento di Civiltà antiche e moderne, Università di Messina: L’informazione della salute: giornalismo e marketing sociale/Informations about health: journalism and social marketting NAPLES MARCH 10―SURVIVAL IS NOT ENOUGH/WKD PALAZZO SERRA DI CASSANO, VIA MONTE DI DIO 14, 9.30 AM-0.30 PM IN COLLABORATION WITH SECOND UNIVERSITY OF NAPLES AIDO CAMPANIA REGION ISISS G.B. NOVELLI, MARCIANISE LYCEUM MANZONI CASERTA PATRONAGE: CAMPANIA-SICILIAN BRANCH OF THE ITALIAN SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY 9.30 AM -10.00 AM – WELCOME GERARDO MAROTTA NATALE G DE SANTO CARMELO GIORDANO AANDREA RENDA GIOVAMBATTISTA CAPASSO FRANCESCO CITTERIO 10.00-10.05 AM ―PERFORMANCE DEL LICEO MANZONI, CASERTA LAURA DE LUCIA, liceo classico, voce DAVIDE NAVELLI, liceo scientifico, chitarra MARIO DEL TREPPO, liceo economico sociale, violino 10.05-10.10 AM ― PERFORMANCE DELL’ISISS GB. NOVELLI, MARCIANISE T0RTORA SERENA (autrice ed attrice), monologo FABIANA MAIETTA, balletto 10.10 AM– 11.20 AM – EVENTO SCIENTIFICO/ SCIENTIFIC EVENT Chair: Giovambattista CAPASSO, Professor of Nephrology, SUN Andrea RENDA, President Italian Society for the History of Surgery, University Federico II FRANCESCO CITTERIO, Presidente Società Italiana Trapianti Il trapianto di rene oggi/ Renal transplantation present status Discussione Intervento preordinato Paolo GIANNATTASIO, Centro Regionale Trapianti, Regione Campania 11.20-11.30 AM – TEN YEARS OF SURVIVAL IS NOT ENOUGH Videclip of GIUSY DEROSA for the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies 11.30 AM-0.30 PM – ONORIAMO LE FAMIGLIE DEI DONATORI, I DIALIZZATI E I TRAPIANTATI / Chair: ADELE VAIRO and GUGLIELMO VENDITTI ADELE VAIRO, EMMA MARCHITTO, GENNARO CASTALDI, GIUSY DEROSA, NATALE G DE SANTO consegnano a nome dell’AIDO e di SOPRAVVIVERE NON BASTA attestati di riconoscimento a donatori d’organo, dializzati e trapiantati della Regione Campani MARCH 10 WORLD KIDNEY DAY/SURVIVAL IS NOT ENOUGH VARNA, CITY HOSPITAL, 10.00 AM -1.00 PM VARNA, BULGARIA ORGANIZED BY Bulgarian society of nephrology and Bulgarian kidney foundation PROMOTED BY DIMITAR NENOV, President Varna Kidney Foundation SCIENTIFIC EVENT Prof. A. DIAMANDOPOULOS (Patra, Greece): History of nephrology; Prof. E.PASKALEV (Sofia, Bulgaria) Renal transplantation in Bulgaria Prof. D.BLIZNAKOVA (Varna, Bulgaria) Vascular access in children for dialysis; Ass. Prof .S. STAYKOVA (Varna, Bulgaria) Kidney diseases in Bulgarian children Prof.D.NENOV (Varna, Bulgaria) To survive is not enough CASERTA, MARCH 12 ― SURVIVAL IS NOT ENOUGH DUEL VILLAGE, 10,00 AM-1.00 PM PROMOTED BY ADELE VAIRO, Principal Lyceum Caserta GENNARO CASTALDI, President AIDO CASERTA GIUSY DEROSA, Scientific and Organizing Committee of Survival is Not Enough NATALE G DE SANTO, Emeritus Second University of Naples PATRONAGE: CAMPANIA-SICILIAN BRANCH OF THE ITALIAN SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY ORGANYZED BY LYCEUM MANZONI, CASERTA In Collaboration with ITIS F. Giordani, Caserta PRIMA PARTE COORDINA: DANIELA VOLPECINA, Giornalista del Mattino 10.00-10.45 AM- WELCOME ADELE VAIRO, Preside Liceo Alessandro Manzoni ANTONELLA SERPICO, Preside ITIS F. Giordani ROSANNA CIOFFI, Prorettrice Vicaria Seconda Università di Napoli GIOVANNI D’ALISE, Vescovo di Caserta: Una riflessione sul dono SALVATORE COPPOLA, Primario Nefrologo Piedimonte Matese: La nefrologia in Provincia di Caserta LUDOVICA D’APICE, Primaria Divisione di Nefrologia Azienda San Sebastiano, Caserta DOMENICO DEL PIANO, Primario Nefrologo Ospedale Moscati Aversa, Dializzare gli extracomunitari GIUSEPPE IULIANIELLO, Primario Nefrologo Ospedale San Felice a Cancello SALVATORE MOZZILLO, Primario Nefrologo Ospedale Santa Maria Capua Vetere GIOVAMBATTISTA CAPASSO, Professore di Nefrologia SUN 10.45--10.50 AM ― PERFORMANCE DEL LICEO MANZONI, CASERTA LAURA DE LUCIA, liceo classico, voce DAVIDE NAVELLI, liceo scientifico, chitarra MARIO DEL TREPPO, liceo economico sociale, violino 10.50--10.55 AM ― PERFORMANCE DELL’ITIS F.GIORDANI, CASERTA SECONDA PARTE COORDINA ANTONIO LUISÈ, Responsabile Provinciale UCSI 11.00-12.10 SCIENTIFIC EVENT MASSIMO a CIRILLO, Cattedra di Nefrologia, Università di Salerno La malattia renale: rischio dialisi e non solo PARIDE DE ROSA, Centro Trapianto Rene Azienda San Giovanni e Ruggi, Salerno I trapianti renali in Campania/ Renal Transplantation in the Campania Region 12.20 AM -1.20PM - SESSION II IN COLLABORAZIONE WITH AIDO PROVINCIALE CASERTA ONORIAMO LE FAMIGLIE DEI DONATORI E I DIALIZZATI E DEI TRAPIANTATI DI RENE - HONOURING DONOR FAMILIES, DIALYZED and TRANSPANTED PATIENTS ADELE VAIRO, ANTONELLA SERPICO, GIUSY DE ROSA , GENNARO CASTALDI, NATALE G. DE SANTO consegnano attestati a famaiglie di donatori, a trapiantati, dializzati, pazienti in lista d’attesa. TAKE HOME MESSAGES: Adele VAIRO MARCH 17, 2016― Survival is Not Enough KEŽMAROK, Slovak Republic Congress Hall, Club Hotel ―Dr. V. Alexander 24, Kežmarok, 2.00 - 5.00 p.m. Promoter: MIROSLAV MYDLIK, Prof. MD, DSc. Emeritus Professor of Medical School of P.J. Šafárik University, Košice, Slovak Republic Welcome KATARÍNA JAVORSKÁ, MD, Head of Dialysis Centre Dialcorp Ltd., Kežmarok PETER SLOVIK, MD, President of V. Alexander MD Medical Society, Kežmarok Scientific Session Chair: MIROSLAV MYDLIK, Professor MD, DSc. & KATARÍNA JAVORSKÁ, MD. MIROSLAV MYDLIK, Introduction ĽUDMILA PODRACKÁ, Professor, MD, PhD.- Head of the 1st Pediatric Clinic of the Pediatric Faculty Hospital, Medical School of Comenius University, Bratislava Excess of salt is harmful to children and to adults also JANA POPELKOVÁ, MD, ANNA ANTALIKOVÁ, MD, BEÁTA ŠOLTÝSOVÁ, MD. Pediatric Department, Hospital in Poprad. Polycystic kidney disease in our group of patients EVA SMREKOVÁ, MD. Dialysis Centre Dialcorp Ltd., Kežmarok Polycystic kidney disease – complications in adults MIROSLAV MYDLIK, & KATARÍNA DERZSIOVÀ, Dipl. Ing. University Hospital of L. Pasteur, Košice Report of the 9th Congress of International Association for the History of Nephrology (IAHN), October 22 – 24, 2015, Milazzo, Italy Disscusion with the floor KATARÍNA JAVORSKÁ, MIROSLAV MYDLIK, PETER SLOVIK, MD Closing remarks APRIL 15-17 , 2016 SURVIVAL IS NOT ENOUGH NEPHROLOGY PORTARIA IN PELION, Creece In collaboration with the HELLENIC COLLEGE OF PROMOTED BY Professor GEORGIOS EUSTRATIADIS fromm The Aristotelean University, Thessaloniki ORGANIZED BY Hellenic College of Nephrology Chair GEORGIOS EUSTRATIADIS and ATHANASIOS DIAMANDOPOULOS NATALE G DE SANTO, Emeritus Second University of Naples 10th Anniversary of Survival is Not Enough ATHANASIOS DIAMANDOPOULOS Past President and of IAHN and IFHM My personal engagement with Survival is Not Enough REG GREEN, Los Angeles USA Organ Donation: A Personal Experience Video Clip of GIUSY DE ROSA (Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies) The Italian Places of Nicholas Green Discussion Sopravvivere Non Basta 10 Survival is not enough is the annual international event started by the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies and the Second University of Naples, in 2007 in Naples (Italy), around the World Kidney Day to discuss the needs of renal patients and the quality of a machine-dependent life. Renal patients and their associations, philosophers, economists, nephrologists, expert in bioethics, and health care managers are invited to discuss the possibility to grant the best cures and care, to patients treated with dialysis, a technique which grants a “Life With Many Losses and Various Dependencies”. Losses include even the possibility of selecting foods and beverages, playing sports, exerting a demanding job, having a refreshing sleep, properly expressing one’s own feelings, and fulfilling the responsibilities toward the family. Dependencies are linked to physicians, dialysis staff, dialysis machines, dialysis shift, and dialysis calendar. Survival is not Enough- has the ultimate aim to promote prevention and organ donation as the most reasonable and economically sound action for such global disaster. The presence of philosophers, as third parties, aims to give tutorial help to the needs of the sufferers who are no longer under the patronage of physicians who are now told by managers what, how much, and for how long they can prescribe to patients. In 2008 Survival is Not Enough was started also in the University of Foggia by Professor Loreto Gesualdo and at the University of Messina by Guido Bellinghieri and Vincenzo Savica. From 2010 the event was organized in many Mediterranean cities both on the European and African shores (Bari, Catania, Palermo, Benevento, Salerno, Caserta, Brindisi, Rende, Rome, Trieste, Athens, Gaziantep, Bucharest, Koper, Varna, Tunis, Sfax, […]. Leading nephrologist with international reputation have taken care of such events. Various quests have arisen for (i) a new cadre of managers capable of keeping health accounts in balance without cutting expenditure but by reducing waste of resources; (ii) the promotion of prevention as the only measure capable of reducing costs in the long run;(iii) the promotion of clinical as well as translational research; and (iiii) the promotion of organ donation, being kidney transplantation is the safest, cheapest, and associated with the longest survival and best quality of life of the patients. Papers related to Survival is Not Enough have been published in Journal of Nephrology, Giornale Italiano di Nefrologia, AJKD, Ital J of Preventive Medicine, and as annual proceedings of appealing size, high quality of printing and binding in the series “ Witnesses of the times” directed by Professor Aniello Montano, the late Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Salerno. Following the advice of Professor Francesco Paolo Casavola, emeritus President of the Constitutional Court and President to the National Committee of Bioethics, we have developed a rationale to prevent opposition to organ donation after death. We do now think that young people registering for organ donation should discuss the decision with the family, so that if donation becomes a possibility, everyone knows what to do. Thus students are asked to campaign in their family for modernity and make the will for organ donation a family decision, since no one lives alone, and at the end the body of the deceased, after organ removal, is given to the family. Professor Casavola also pointed out that transplantation represents modernity, so the relevant laws should be reviewed frequently in order to achieve all the advantages emerging from modernity. Since transplantation saves life, costs less in comparison with other therapies, is innovative and provides excellent results, nephrologist s should tell the patients, from the very beginning, that transplantation is the best option. Thus teaching organ donation to students of high, middle and primary schools is the cornerstone on which the program is built. AIDO Campania has associated its efforts to those of Survival is Not Enough (a fine collaboration) thus diplomas are currently assigned to family of donors, dialyzed and transplanted patients. Reg Green, the Los Angeles based journalist father, who had his son Nicholas shot during a family vacation in Italy, by donating his organs changed the life of seven Italians ―is our speaker, testimonial and campaigns for Survival is Not Enough since 2011 in Italy and in other Mediterranean countries. We are proud and thankful for his witness. His witness is unique. SYMBOLS -VEDI 2015 Istituto filosofico SUN Università di Gaziantep università dI Messina Università di Bari Liceo Manzoni Caserta Università Safarikiana Kosice International Association for the History of Nephrology MKS AIDO WORLD KIDNEY DAY 2016 University of Varna Société Tunisienne de Nephrologie ITiS Caserta Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore ISISS GB Novelli Marcianise Medical University of Varna (GOOGLE) Hellenic College of Nephrology (CERCA GOOGLE) Bulgarian society of nephrology ( GOOLE)) ORGAN DONATION - A Moral Decision When I looked at my seven-year old son, Nicholas, who had been shot in the head in a carjacking in Italy, and had just been declared brain dead, I have never known such bleakness. I remember thinking: “After this, how am I going to get through the rest of my life without him?” It was then that my wife, Maggie, with the thoughtfulness that marks everything she does, said quietly. “Now that he has gone, shouldn’t we donate the organs?” And, for the first time since he had been shot, I realized that, after all, some good could come out of this brutish act of violence. It was clear that he did not need that little body any more but clear too that there were others out there, who did desperately need what that little body could give. As it turns out, there were seven of them, five very sick people, four of them teenagers, who received the organs, and two who were going blind. Because of the huge publicity surrounding this case, all seven were immediately known throughout Italy. Until then they had been simply statistics on a very long waiting list but now we met them and, having seen how close to death they had been and what agonies and fears they and their families had gone through, I know that if we had made a different decision – shrugged off their problems as none of our concern – Maggie and I could never have looked back without a deep sense of shame. In the 21 years since then we have never had a moment’s regret. Reg Green, father of Nicholas