South Salem Off-ramps
South Salem Off-ramps Final Presentation CE450 Traffic Safety Analysis Department of Civil and Env. Engr. Team members: Chris Goya Joe Strobel Justin Willard Project Overview Two southbound off-ramps Queuing problems at Kuebler Difficult access to south Commercial Kuebler off-ramp Kuebler off-ramp Southbound on/off-ramp Existing Proposed Northbound on/off-ramp Existing Proposed VISSIM Model Results Existing versus Proposed designs Future ADTs used for volumes Modeled with a fixed time controller and a ring barrier controller Travel time decreases: Fixed time 16.2% Ring barrier 14.9% Stopped delay decreases: Fixed time 13.7% Ring Barrier 24.8% Safety Analysis 9 out of 10 crashes were rear-end 6 of 10 crashes occurred during pm peak Reduction of rear-end crashes with proposed design Safety Analysis Which CMF applies? CMF of 0.77 for all crash types (Maze, 2010) CMF of 0.55 for injury crashes 23% reduction for all crash types Cyclist and Pedestrian Needs Two cyclists and two pedestrians used intersection during two hr. period Proposed change would give right lane free access How do you accommodate cyclists and pedestrians? Soutbound Commercial Off-ramp Off-ramp for southbound I-5 traffic to Commercial St. Geometric curve and elevation concerns Off-ramp would alleviate traffic for the previous Kuebler off-ramp Proposed Preliminary Design Design Speeds Horizontal curve ODOT’s Highway Design Manual was referenced (chap. 9) 65 mph freeway: 35 mph offramp min. design speed 35 mph design speed: max. curve of 19° R=10° R=19° 45 mph design speed: max curve of 10.5° Superelevation Superelevation for 19° curve: 12% Superelevation for 10° curve: 11% Existing site superelevation: 7 to 10% Vertical Grade Ascending vertical curve 35 mph design speed: 6% Descending vertical curve 45 mph design speed: 6% Existing site grade at a max. of 7%~ May need to soften the grade by building up the ramp downhill Conclusions Commercial St. off-ramp: Site appears well-suited to provide an off-ramp with minimal earthwork needed Kuebler Blvd. off-ramp: Reduction in total intersection delay of 15%~ Questions? Questions?