
Can-Do Neighborhood Association January Meeting Minutes January 15, 2013 Attendees:

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Can-Do Neighborhood Association January Meeting Minutes January 15, 2013 Attendees:
Can-Do Neighborhood Association January Meeting Minutes
January 15, 2013
Rebekah Engle
Erma Hoffman
Bruce Hoffman
Paul Gehlar
Amy Dixon
Jayne Downing
Sara Beth Brennan
Linda Bierly
Brady Rogers
Bob Hanna
Jeff Starkey
Woody Dukes
Deb Camonini
Nate Boderman
Chuck Bennett
Lloyd Hill
Officer DeMarco
Officer Ramirez
Sergeant Treven Upkes
Can-Do Chairperson
Can-Do Treasurer
Can-Do Secretary
City of Salem
Mid Valley Women’s Crisis Service
Mid Valley Women’s Crisis Service
Salem Parks Foundation
Salem First Christian Church
City of Salem
Ward Councilor
Hill Architects
City of Salem Police
City of Salem Police
City of Salem Police
Meeting called to order at 6:03 P.M.
Minutes for November were approved.
Police Report
Sargeant Treven Upkes and two new members of the City Enforcement team came to
their first Can-Do meeting. Sgt. Upkes described there would be more flexibility to
enforce in the downtown area. This is week two of their new enforcement process. They
are looking for project oriented policing - proactive policing. They will be assigned to the
downtown area for the next two to four years and will attend future Can-Do meetings.
Chuck Bennett City Council Report
City of Salem is holding a public hearing 2/25 on airport master plan.
There will also be a hearing on internally illuminated free standing sign on 2/25.
Currently free standing signs are not allowed to be illuminated in residential districts.
Electronic message centers allowed through an exception process.
1/16 money forecast will be provided - things are looking better. $500,000 to
$1,000,000 reduction this coming year but it is better than we expected. Savings are
being found by city management. Fiscal cliff avoided. There are a series of budget
committee hearings in April and May. In February and March city managers and the
Mayor will hold public meetings. Center 50+ is likely the closest meeting to the
downtown neighborhood. There are no plans to cut police, fire, or Central library (West
Salem always a concern). Work session on transportation funding plan (plan to add flat
rate to unified public utility bill $2 to $4 for streetlights). Gas tax shortfall due to energy
savings and less gas usage. Mounting bills for mercury streetlights. The plan is to move
to LED lighting system which will result in a $1.4 million savings in electric bills per
year. Discussion will focus on flat rate charge - not progressive, everyone pays the
same cost. This is a fee not a tax so it is based on council vote unless the council
determines that it should be put to a vote.
Salem Parks Foundation
All volunteer, all donation funds go to parks. Competitive process for grants to be given
to parks in each neighborhood. Goal is to improve parks. Application is available online.
Deadline is March 29, 2013.
Rebekah asked about a bicycle fix station for the waterfront park. We do research for
the city, ask for the money from the Salem Parks Foundation, and if approved, the
money goes back to the city for construction.
www. salemparksfoundation.org
Lloyd Hill
Hill Architects
Mr. Hill is working on a small part of the Boise Cascade site, south end of waterfront
park area, four acres of land, mixed use development, apartments, mostly 1-2, some
studio and three bedroom units.
Access to the site would be State Street - past the carousel. The exit and entrance is
via State Street. 2,000 to 3,000 square feet of mixed use commercial site near the
parking portion of the apartments. Three story buildings close to the park with a
clubhouse for residents in the center of the parking area. Parking buildings next to the
railroad tracks. 118 dwelling units. 180 parking spaces. 24 garage spaces. Typical are
1-2 bedroom which are 600 sq to 1000 sq ft. Rental rates expected to be slightly more
than in other neighborhoods. They are hoping to break ground in June. Applications are
pending for site plan approval, design review. Expect construction to last a year.
Lloyd W Hill President Hill Architects
1914 Willamette Falls Drive Suite 280
West Linn, OR 97068
503-781-5197 mobile
[email protected]
Jane Downing Exec Director of Mid-Valley Women's Crisis Center
The need for their services is rising. Domestic violence, stalking, human trafficking...
They've also been reaching out - 10k to 11k contacts per year - increased to 17k to
20k contacts per year. Their house no longer meets the demands, the space is too
small. Parking has also become an issue. Volunteers have to leave the area after 90
minutes due to parking. Union and Cottage building has 46 parking spaces. 14,000
square foot building available for subdivision. City granted 300,000 in grant money and
they've raised 440,000 in donations. They would like neighborhood support for their
plans to move to this new location. It will be named the Center for Hope and Safety.
There is also a Fundraiser from noon to four on Saturday, January 18.
It was moved and seconded and unanimously voted that we will write a letter of
support and send it to:
Rena Peck
Federal Programs Manager
City of Salem
350 Commercial Street, NE
Salem, OR 97301
Jayne Downing Executive Director
503-378-1572 office
866-399-7722 toll free
503-364-7998 fax
[email protected]
Midvalley Women's Crisis Service
795 Winter Street NE
Salem, OR 97301
Woodrow Dukes Interested Neighbor
Lives at 802 Church St NE
Opposition to remove the Zelcova (a form of elm) trees on State Trees. His main
concern is that this may become the beginning of tree removal in downtown Salem.
Rebekah agreed to review the letter we wrote and make sure it correctly states our
position that we prefer the trees not be removed.
January 17, 2013
Rena Peck
Federal Programs Manager
City of Salem
350 Commercial Street NE
Salem, OR 97301
Re: Mid Valley Women's Crisis Service
Dear Ms Peck,
Jayne Downing attended the January 15 meeting of the Can-Do Neighborhood
Association and described their plans to purchase a building at 680 Cottage Street NE
and move their operations to that location. We discussed these plans with Ms. Downing
and Ms. Brennan and we support their plans. We believe their mission is important,
they have been a good neighbor in their current location within our neighborhood
association, and we believe the new facility will allow them to expand their operations
and influence in a positive and meaningful way.
The board of the Can-Do Neighborhood Association gives their unanimous support to
the Mid Valley Women’s Crisis Service purchase of the 680 Cottage Street NE building
and their relocation to this new facility. If you would like to contact us and discuss any
concerns, please call or email either of us:
Rebekah Engle
Can-Do Neighborhood Association Chair
[email protected]
Bruce Hoffman
Can-Do Neighborhood Association Secretary
[email protected]
Bruce Hoffman
Copy to:
Jayne Downing, Executive Director
Midvalley Women's Crisis Service
795 Winter Street NE
Salem, OR 97301
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