
Minutes of Board Meeting

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Minutes of Board Meeting
Minutes of Board Meeting
DATE: June 19, 2012 - 6:30 pm
1. Welcome/Introductions
2. Board Members: (checked if attending, highlighted were excused)
Nick Beleiciks
Bill Dorney
Bill Holmstrom
Nancy McDaniel
Leslie Polson
Ken Simila
Ken Betterton
Burt Edwards
Evan Lloyd
Eleanor Miller
Jacqueline Schindele
Corliss Boehne
Silas Heisler
Joan Lloyd
Kristi Neznanski
Alan Scott
3. Approval of Minutes
• NA
4. Certificates
• Certificate of recognition to Alyssa Neal for being the "Key to North Salem
High Vikings" historic first ever girls league title in any sport and for being
the Statesman-Journal's All-Mid-Valley girls track and field athlete of the
year. Unanimously approved.
5. Speakers
• Toni Payseno, State Fair Manager - Fair is very mindful of neighbors and
will address concerns; race track will allow only 4-cycle engines and
monitor concert noise (503-947-3247). Noise not to exceed current set
decibel level. Would like letter of support from NEN. Also would like
volunteers to help with the Fall clean-up on Saturday, August 4 from 8 am to
noon. Tall grass will be mowed at fairgrounds. Have been waiting for
Camas to bloom. MOTION: by Silas Heisler to send letter of support for
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State Fair with conditions to address noise, events, etc. as stated. 2nd by
Evan Lloyd. APPROVED unanimously. Also mentioned that graduation
events went well. The paintball events course will be moved to a different
area of the fairgrounds.
• Officer Chancellor, Salem Police - and Chuck Bennett indicated that the
19th and 20th Street complaints were resolved within a few days and Chuck
thanked the Police Department for doing so quickly. National Night Out is
August 7 and applications are now being accepted. McGruff will attend
some of the events. The kick-off party is July 24. The Code Compliance
officer was also thanked.
• Christopher Chemsak, School Gardens - is the School Gardens Coordinator.
Planning to build gardens at schools to create venue for children and youth
to learn about self-sufficiency with food production. Programs available at
some schools for after-school program, Food Corps. Parrish and North have
gardens and would like to invite NEN to help support their programs which
would lead to growth of gardens in food supply. It was suggested that they
also partner with Willamette University Sustainability program.
6. City Councilor Report
• Chuck Bennett, City Councilor - Appreciated the quick response to the
complaints about homes in 18th and 17th St. Arrests were made as there
were endangered children. The results were encouraging. There will be a
City Council meeting and work session with the Salem Planning
Commission about the governing of the wireless communication towers.
There will be a staff presentation of information but no public comment
taken. There will be annexation hearings (enclave annexations). There
was a taxi driver's license denial Pioneer Cemetery/bicycle trail/path issue
about access of neighborhoods/city for bicyclists. Meeting July 9
regarding sign code revisions.
7. Announcements / Liaison Reports
• Evan Lloyd - The work party at Englewood Park was a success. 13 people
showed up to volunteer. $600 made toward the $1,700 commitment.
Another work party will be scheduled (TBA) for Englewood and McRae
Parks and volunteers will be needed.
8. Old Business
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• Discussion about the NEN Annual meeting and a request for ideas.
MOTION by Silas Heisler to set meeting for September 18, with alternate
date of September 25. 2nd by Ken Betterton. APPROVED unanimously.
• Discussion regarding use of 2011-2012 Communication Funds. Money left
over from picnic to be put in another fund for future use. Possible uses are
business cards for Board, sign for NEN "special events". MOTION by
Silas Heisler, 2nd by Ken Betterton. APPROVED with one opposed
9. New Business or Discussion Items
• A "THANK YOU" to Joan for organizing the neighborhood picnic. Great
turnout and very successful and fun.
• No meeting July 3. Next meeting July 17 at First Nazarene Church
10. Adjournment
• Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM
Submitted by Corliss Boehne, Secretary
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