
ELVIRA DI NARDO Habilitation for Associate Professor in 01/A

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ELVIRA DI NARDO Habilitation for Associate Professor in 01/A
Elvira Di Nardo
Viale dell’Ateneo Lucano, 10
[email protected],
Dept. Mathematics, Computer Science and Economics [email protected]
Univ. Basilicata
85100, Potenza, Italy
(+39)0971205890 (office)
(+39)0971205896 (fax)
Skype: elvira.di.nardo
Habilitation for Associate Professor in 13/D1 (Statistics) from February,10 – 2014
Habilitation for Associate Professor in 01/A (Probability and Statistics) from
December, 30 – 2013
PhD in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Dept. Mathematics and
Applications, University of Napoli, Italy
• Dissertation: “Eigenvalue computation for symmetric matrices and computational
statistics problems for correlated normal processes.”
Advisor: Prof. L.M. Ricciardi.
BA (magna cum laude), University of Napoli, Italy
• Dissertation: “Algorithms and procedures for generating pseudo-random numbers
with applications to numerical statistical problems.”
Advisor: Prof. L.M. Ricciardi.
Researcher (assistant professor), University of Basilicata, Italy
• (CODE: 01/A) - SSD – MAT/06 – Probability and Mathematical Statistics
PhD student in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Dept. Mathematics and
Applications, University of Napoli, Italy
Research interests
statistical inference on random matrices;
symbolic methods in statistics, with applications to computational statistics and stochastic processes;
first passage time density estimations for linear stochastic processes, Gaussian Markovian and non
Markovian processes, with applications in biomathematics;
simulation of special stochastic processes and study of their main statistical properties.
Post-degree education
Cortona – Italy
• Combinatorics, Prof. G.C. Rota (MIT)
Potenza – Italy
• Umbral calculus and polynomial zeros, Prof. G.C. Rota (MIT)
Aosta – Italy
• Statistics, Prof. M. Tarter (Aosta)
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Napoli – Italy
• Computational Statistics, Prof. V. Lanskà (Univ. Prague)
Bologna – Italy
• Parallel and vectorial computing, CINECA
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Elvira Di Nardo
Cortona – Italy
• Probability, Prof. P. Billingsley (Univ. Chicago), Statistics, Prof. Cifarelli (Bocconi)
Aosta – Italy
• Convergence of distributions with applications in statistics, Prof. P. Billingsley
(Univ. Chicago), Multivariate statistical analysis Prof.A.Rukhin (Univ. Maryland ;
Multivariate distributions Prof.V.V.Sazanov (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Mosca)
Budapest – Hungary
• Computational Statistics Prof. T. Pröhle (Eötvös Loránd), Coding theory, Prof. T.
Szõnyi Eötvös Loránd)
Napoli – Italy
• Various PhD Courses.
Presentations and Invited Lectures
2015 Vienna (Austria) – 8th International Workshop on Simulation
• Invited Talk in Algebraic Statistics in Design of Experiments.
Genova (Italy) – Algebraic Statistics 2015
• Invited long Talk: Symbolic methods in statistics: elegance towards efficiency.
2014 Pisa (Italy) – ERCIM 2014
• Session: Taking advantage of a symbolic representation of a non-central Wishart distribution.
Geneve (Swiss) – Chair: COMPSTAT 2014
• Session: Symbolic/algebraic methods in computational statistics.
Geneve (Swiss) – COMPSTAT 2014
• Talk: Symbolic representation of non-central Wishart random matrices with applications
Sydney (Australia) – Chair: IMS ASC 2014
• Session: Spatial Statistics
Sydney (Australia) – IMS ASC 2014
• Talk: Natural spectral k-statistics
Salerno (Italy) – Invited Lecturer
• Lecture: Symbolic representation of non-central Wishart random matrices with applications.
2013 Budapest (Hungary) – 29th European Meeting of Statisticians
• Talk: Symbolic representation of non-central Wishart random matrices with applications.
Wroclaw (Polland) – 7th Conference on Lévy Processes: Theory and Applications
• Selected poster: A symbolic approach to multivariate polynomial Lévy processes.
2012 Roma (Italy) – 46 Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society
• Poster: k-statistics: from simple random sampling to spectral sampling via moment symbolic calculus.
Vietri (Italy) – Mathematical modeling and Computational Topics in Biosciences
• Poster: On some applications of a symbolic representation of non-centered Lévy processes.
2011 Dublin (Irland) – Invited Speaker – 58th World Statistics Congress of the International Statistical
• Panel session: New challenges and future developments in Mathematical Statistics - Chairman: Prof
Bologna (Italy) – Invited Lecturer – 67th Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
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Elvira Di Nardo
• Lectures: Moment symbolic calculus in probability and in statistics
Roma (Italy) – Chairman – XIV Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis
• Session: Stochastic processes
2010 Lisbona (Portual) – Invited Lecturer - Centro des Estruturas Lineares e Combinatorias
• Lectures: The eleventh and twelveth problems of Rota's Fubini Lectures: from cumulants to free probability
2008 Singapore – 7 world congress in Probability and Statistics
• Talk: Umbral methods in statistics.
2007 Salerno (Italy) – Collective Dynamics: Topics on Competition and Cooperation
• Poster: On the first passage time for non linear processes
Salerno (Italy) – Invited Lecturer
• Lecture: Applications of the umbral calculus in probability and statistics.
2006 Torino (Italy) – Invited Lecturer
• Lecture: Cumulants and k-statistics via the classical umbral calculus.
2005 Salerno (Italy) – Diffusion processes in Neurobiology and Sub cellular Biology
• Poster: On Some Bounds for the First-Crossing-Time Probabilities of a Jump-Diffusion Process.
Las Palmas (Gran Canaria) – 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems
• Talk: Simulations of Gaussian processes and neuronal modeling.
Maratea (Italy) – XI Incontro italiano di Combinatoria Algebrica
• Talk: The classical umbral calculus.
2003 Las Palmas (Gran Canaria) – 9th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems
• Talk: Computational methods for the evaluation of neuron’s firing densities.
2002 Vienna (Austria) – 16th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research
• Talk: Gaussian processes and neuronal modeling: an asymptotic analysis.
L’Aquila (Italy) – Gian-Carlo Rota memorial conference
• Talk: Umbral nature of the Poisson random variables.
Salerno (Italy) – Topics in Biomathematics and related computational problems
• Talk: Computational approaches to neuronal firing by Gaussian processes.
Vienna (Austria) – 15th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research
• Talk: First passage time densities evaluation for simulated Gaussian processes.
Trento( Italy) – Methods and mathematical models in the study of biological systems
• Talk: Computational approaches to first-passage-time problems in neurobiological modeling.
Roma (Italy) – Annual conference of Italian Society for Computer Simulation
• Talk: Evaluation of upcrossing first passage time densities for Gaussian processes via a simulation procedure.
Vienna (Austria) – 7th International Workshop on Computer Aided Systems Theory
• Talk: Simulation of Gaussian processes and first passage time densities evaluation.
1997 Napoli (Italy) – Methods and mathematical models in the study of biological systems
• Talk: Estimating upcrossing FPT densities via simulation of Gaussian processes.
1996 Oxford (England) – International euroconference on metrology
• Talk: On a grouping rule for random samples.
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Elvira Di Nardo
Roma (Italy) – Annual conference of Italian Society for Computer Simulation
• Talk: Evaluation of first passage time densities for normal processes via a simulation procedures.
1995 Napoli (Italy) – Invited Lecturer
• Lectures on Computational Statistics for Statisticians.
Conference organizing committees
XVIII Incontro Italiano di Combinatoria Algebrica: “Combinatorial
methods in stochastic calculus”
BIOCOMP: Mathematical modeling and Computational Topics in Biosciences
BIOCOMP: Collective Dynamics: Topics on Competition and Cooperation
BIOCOMP: Diffusion processes in Neurobiology and Sub cellular Biology
BIOCOMP: Topics in Biomathematics and related computational problems.
VI Incontro Italiano di Combinatoria Algebrica: International Conference dedicated to
the memory of G.C. Rota
Conference scientific committees
COMPSTAT2014 – Organizer Session.
XVIII Incontro Italiano di Combinatoria Algebrica: “Combinatorial
methods in stochastic calculus”
Visiting Professor/Fellowship
2010 (lecturer)
2009 (3 months)
1993 (3 months)
CELC – Centro des Estruturas Lineares e Combinatorias (Lisboa)
Dept. Statistics (Univ. Chicago)
Visiting scholar at Dept. Pure and Applied Mathematics (University of Padova)
Visiting scholar at Dept. Science (University of Eötvös Loránd, Budapest),
TEMPUS project.
Editorial and Referring Activity
Editorial Board ISRN Probability and Statistics
Referee for Horizon 2020.
Referee for Mc-Graw Hill. Referee for MIUR and CRUI.
Referee for American Mathematical Society.
Referee for international journals Annals of Combinatorics, Communications in Statistics,
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Discrete Mathematics, Journal of Computational and
Applied Mathematics, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, Probability theory and
related fields, Statistics and Computing, Stochastic Models, Symmetry, Computational Geosciences,
Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Brazilian Journal of
Probability and Statistics, Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, British Journal of Mathematics &
Computer Science
Referee for the following books:
- Algebraic Combinatorics and Computer Science: a tribute to G.C. Rota (eds. H. Crapo, D. Senato),
Springer-Verlag Italia. 2000.
- A. Di Crescenzo, L.M. Ricciardi Elementi di Statistica. Liguori Editore. 2000.
- D. Piccolo Statistica. Il Mulino 2000.
- P. Erto Probabilità e statistica per le Scienze e l’Ingegneria McGraw Hill (2008).
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Elvira Di Nardo
Professional Memberships
BS – Bernoulli Society, SIS – Società Italiana di Statistica, IMS – Institute of Mathematical
Statistics, ASA – American Statistical Association, ISI – International Institute of Statistics;
Elected Member; Sponsors: Prof. V. Capasso (Milano, Italy), Prof. P. McCullagh (Chicago, USA), Prof.
E. Ragazzini (Pavia, Italy).
National Society for Computer Science and Mathematics (GNIM).
Società Italiana di Statistica (SIS)
Italian Society for Computer Simulation (ISCS)
National Society for Scientific Computing (GNCS)
Visiting professors
(2015 - Giugno) Henry Wynn (The London School of Economics and Political Science)
(2015 - Giugno) Piotr Zwiernik (Berkeley Univ./Univ. Genova)
(2013) Brunero Liseo (Università Roma La Sapienza)
(2013) Peter McCullagh (Università Chicago)
(2010) Antonia Tulino (Bell Laboratories)
(2007) Enzo Orsingher (Università Roma La Sapienza)
Research projects and Collaborations
Statistical advisor in:
Computational-statistics models and methods for measuring and
monitoring the therapeutical answer to allogenic stem cell, Dept. Clinical and Molecular
Sciences (Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona)
Statistical advisor in: Predation and feeding preferences of Macrolophus pygmaeus on
Acyrthosiphon pisum: effect of parasitoid stage and the prey density, School of Agricultural
Science, Forestry, Food and Environmental (UniBas)
Statistical advisor in: Predation and feeding preferences of Macrolophus pygmaeus on
Acyrthosiphon pisum: effect of parasitoid stage and the prey density, School of Agricultural
Science, Forestry, Food and Environmental (UniBas)
Statistical advisor in: Trattamento con imatinib mesilato (Glivec) della GVH cronica
severa scleroderma-like, refrattaria alla terapia immunosoppressiva convenzionale, San
Carlo Hospital (Potenza)
Member of PRIN: Stochastic models for the transmission of information in neuronal
systems theory and computation. (chairman Prof. Aniello Buonocore, Univ. Napoli).
Statistical advisor in: Trattamento con imatinib mesilato (Glivec) della GVH cronica
severa scleroderma-like, refrattaria alla terapia immunosoppressiva convenzionale, San
Carlo Hospital (Potenza)
Statistical advisor in: A test for checking earthquake aperiodicity estimates from small
Samples by M.Mucciarelli, work pubblished on Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 7, 399–
404, 2007.
Member of PRIN: Processing and transmitting information in neuronal systems under
stochastic evolution (chairman Prof. L.M. Ricciardi, Univ. Napoli).
Member of a GNCS project: Algorithms and procedures for simulating and modeling the
actin/myosin system (chairman Prof. L.M. Ricciardi, Univ. Napoli).
Chair of a USB project: First passage time analysis for normal stochastic processes and
historical series.
Statistical advisor for PCA and CA in a USB project devoted to Intellectual Capital
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Elvira Di Nardo
Member of PRIN: Methods, algorithms and codes for the analysis and the simulation of
neuronal unities under stochastic evolution and high reliability. (chairman Prof. L.M.
Ricciardi, Univ. Napoli).
Member of a GNCS project: Methods, algorithms and codes for neuronal models and in
nanobiology (chairman Prof. L.M. Ricciardi, Univ. Napoli).
Statistical advisor for ANOVA in: Lipoxygenase activity and proline accumulation in
leaves and roots of olive trees in response to drought stress by Adriano Sofo,
Bartolomeo Dichio, Cristos Xiloyannis, Andrea Masia, work pubblished on Physiologia
Plantarum 121 (1) , 58–65, 2004, Effects of different irradiance levels on some
antioxidant enzymes and on malondialdehyde content during rewatering in olive tree, by
Adriano Sofo, Bartolomeo Dichio, Cristos Xiloyannis, Andrea Masia, work pubblished
on Plant Science 166 (2) , 293-302, 2004.
Member of a CINECA project: Development and implementation of simulation
algorithms for Gaussian processes with applications in theoretical neurobiology.
(chairman Prof. L.M. Ricciardi, Univ. Napoli).
Member of PRIN for 2001, Local Chair of PRIN 2002: Analysis, simulation and
predicting methods for processing and transmitting information in neuronal systems
stochastically stimulated, (chairman Prof. L.M. Ricciardi, Univ. Napoli).
Chair of a USB project: First passage time analysis for long memory stochastic
Member of a GNIM project: Computational methods in modeling the neuronal activity.
(chairman Prof. L.M. Ricciardi, Univ. Napoli).
Member of a PRIN project: Analysis, simulation and predicting methods for processing
and transmitting information in neuronal systems stochastically stimulated. (chairman
Prof. L.M. Ricciardi, Univ. Napoli).
Member of a USB project: Development of stochastic models and methods with
applications in biomathematics. (chairman Prof. A.Di Crescenzo, Univ. Basilicata).
Member of a PRIN project: Numerical analysis: methods and mathematical software.
(chairman Prof.ssa V. Ruggiero, Univ. Ferrara).
Member of a USB project L: Orthogonal polynomials and their applications. (chairman
Prof. G.Mastroianni, Univ. Basilicata).
Member of a CNR project: Mathematical methods and models in the study of biological
phenomena (chairman Prof. D.Iannelli, Univ. Trento).
Member of a CINECA project: Parallel simulating in first passage time problems for
Gaussian processes. (chairman Prof. L.M.Ricciardi, Univ. Napoli).
Statistical advisor for statistical inference within the research program FEOGA on the
improvement and enhancement of the wines obtained from South-Italy autochthonous
by means of the study and the control of some critical factors determine its sensorial
PhD Advisor
Imma Oliva, PhD in Mathematics, Univ. Bologna
PhD Boards
Mathematics and Computer Science, Univ. Basilicata in joint with Univ. Salento
Member of Jury for the PhD final exam in Probability at the University of Bari
Mathematics and Computer Science, Univ. Basilicata
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Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Univ. Basilicata
Mathematical Methods and Models for dynamical systems, Univ. Basilicata.
Member of Jury for the PhD final exam in Mathematics, Computer Science and
Applications to human sciences, at the Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales
(Paris), chairman Prof. P.Cartier (CNRS).
Local Committees
Member of Teaching evaluation system of Univ. Basilicata
Member of the Council in Economics, Univ. Basilicata.
Vice-chair of the Research Council in Mathematics, Univ. Basilicata
Vice-chair of the Council in Mathematics, Univ. Basilicata.
Member of Research evaluation system of Univ. Basilicata.
Statistical advisor in Ethical Committees for various local health authorities.
Member of various committees for graduations.
Chair of examination committees in: Applied Mathematics, Laboratory of Statistics,
Statistics and Probability, Complements of Probability and Statistics, Statistics,
Laboratory of statistical methodologies, Probability I, Probability II, Probability
Graduate Staff Council in Mathematics, and in Computer Science, Univ. Basilicata.
Equal opportunity committee, Univ. Basilicata.
Graduate Staff Council in Mechanics Engeneering, Univ. Basilicata
Graduate Staff Council in Biotechnologies, Univ. Basilicata.
Various committees devoted to teaching reorganizations, Univ. Basilicata.
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Elvira Di Nardo
Teaching experiences
PhD and Master
Geostatistics (3CFU)
Master GEORIS (head office - USB).
Stochastic methods fo dynamical systems. (3CFU)
PhD in Models for earthquake risk (head office - USB).
Data Analysis (2 CFU)
Master in Engineering and economy of the rewable energies (ENEA-MT)
Statistics (3 CFU)
Master in Business Administration (USB)
Stochastic dynamical systems (6 CFU)
PhD in Methods and models for dynamical systems (head office - USB).
Stochastic processes I (6 CFU)
PhD in Methods and models for dynamical systems (head office - USB).
Stochastic processes II (6 CFU)
PhD in Methods and models for dynamical systems (head office - USB).
Stochastic dynamical systems. Concepts, numerical methods and data analysis
(6 CFU)
PhD in Methods and models for dynamical systems (head office - USB).
Probability and Statistics
Postgraduate course ex DPR 970/75.
Statistical quality control
Master in expert of International Marketing for Italian agricultural and food
industry promotion, USB
Mathematics and Statistics
European Master ENSEMA “Aquaculture Managemement”(head office - Ecole
d'Agriculture de Poisy, France).
Training courses
a.a. 2014/15
Teaching methods in Probability and Statistics
Internship for teachers
a.a. 2014/15
a.a. 2009/10
Statistics with R
High School G. Galilei (Potenza)
San Carlo Hospital, Potenza
Statistical quality control
Company A.S.D. Pantanello di Metaponto
Degree of II level
a.a. 2014/15
a.a. 2013/14
a.a. 2012/13
a.a. 2011/12
a.a. 2011/10
a.a. 2009/10
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Realiability Theory and Statistical control quality (6 CFU)
Mechanics Engineering and for the environment, USB
Complements of Probability and Statistics (3 CFU)
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Elvira Di Nardo
a.a. 2008/09
a.a. 2007/08
a.a. 2006/07
a.a. 2005/06
a.a. 2004/05
a.a. 2003/04
a.a. 2014/15
a.a. 2013/14
a.a. 2013/12
a.a. 2007/08
a.a 2006/07
a.a. 2005/06
a.a. 2003/04
a.a. 2000/01
Mechanics Engineering and for the environment, USB
Probability and statistics II (6 CFU)
Mathematics, USB
Laboratory of experimental statistics methods (3 CFU)
Biotechnology, USB
Probability (6 CFU)
Mechanics Engineering, USB
Degree of I level
a.a. 2014/15
a.a 2007/08
a.a. 2006/07
a.a. 2005/06
a.a. 2004/05
a.a. 2003/04
a.a. 2002/03
a.a. 2007/08
a.a. 2006/07
a.a. 2005/06
a.a. 2003/04
a.a. 2002/03
a.a. 2001/03
a.a. 2002/03
a.a. 2001/02
a.a. 2000/01
a.a. 1999/00
a.a. 2002/03
a.a. 2001/02
a.a. 2001/02
a.a. 2000/01
a.a. 1999/00
a.a. 1999/00
a.a. 1998/99
a.a. 1995/96
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Statistics (10 CFU)
Statistics and Probability (4.5 CFU)
Mechanics Engineering, Engineering for the environment and Civil Engineering,
Probability and Statistics I (6 CFU)
Mathematics, Computer Science, USB
Statistics (3 CFU)
Vegetable biotechnologies, USB
Applied Mathematics (7.5 CFU)
Mechanics Engineering, Engineering for the environment and Civil Engineering,
Potenza, USB
Applied Mathematics (7.5 CFU)
Mechanics Engineering, Engineering for the environment and Civil Engineering,
Matera, USB
Numerical Analysis
Mechanics Engineering, USB
Laboratory of statistics
Mechanics Engineering, Engineering for the environment and Civil Engineering,
Probability I
Statistical and actuarial sciences, Univ. Sannio
Statistics and Probability (co-teaching)
Logistic and production engineering – FIAT, Melfi, PZ (head office School of
engineering Torino)
Computational Statistics
Statistics (Univ. Napoli)
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Elvira Di Nardo
Teaching assistance
a.a. 2004/05
a.a. 2003/04
a.a. 2001/02
a.a. 1997/98
a.a. 1997/98
a.a. 1996/97
a.a. 1995/96
a.a. 1998/99
Mathematics for Engineering
Mechanics Engineering, Engineering for the environment and Civil Engineering,
Mechanics Engineering, USB
Tutor for the students of Engineering and Mathematics.
Seminars at some high-schools of Potenza: texts available at the web page
In the local board of “Progetto lauree scientifiche” for teaching Statistics in High Schools.
Web-manager of the following web page http://www.unibas.it/utenti/dinardo/didattica.html where
students can find notes, slides, exercices and examination tests of courses.
Advisor of the following dissertations for graduation:
• Event History Analysis for monitoring student careers in Unibas (in progress)
• Roc Analysis for the early identification of the predicted Poor Mobilizers (in progress)
• Statistical inference in the multivariate sensorial analysis
• A combinatorial approach to stochastic integration (with Prof. Senato)
• Analysis of first passage time density for Gauss-Markov processes in R
• A new algorithm for computing k-statistics in R.
• On the stochastic integration and its application in mathematical finance.
Technical Skills
General skills in statistics, biomathematics, computing. Specific expertise and interests in:
• Computational Statistics: symbolic computations, simulation, monte Carlo Methods
• Statistics for industry: Manufacturing Process Control and Statistical Quality Control, Robust Design,
• Computing platforms: UNIX, Windows 2000/NT; Macintosh.
• Programming languages: C++, FORTRAN, MPI: parallel and vectorial computing.
• Statistical software: Matlab, Maple, Mathematica, SPSS.
• Text formatting and office computing: LaTeX, Word, Excel, PowerPoint
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Elvira Di Nardo
Papers on journals
[1] Di Nardo E., Symbolic Calculus in Mathematical Statistics: a
review. Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire. In press.
[2] Di Nardo E., Oliva I. Multivariate time-space harmonic polynomials: a
symbolic approach. Math. Methods Econ. Finance. In press.
[3] Di Nardo E. On a symbolic representation of non-central Wishart random
matrices with applications. Jour. Mult. Anal. Vol. 125, 121–135.
[4] Di Nardo E., Liseo B. Ditelo con un grafico. Induzioni. 48, 51--71.
[5] Di Nardo E., Oliva I. On some applications of a symbolic representation of
non-centered Lèvy processes. Comm. Stat. Theory Methods, vol. 42, 3974 –
[6] Di Nardo E., McCullagh P., Senato D. Natural statistics for spectral
samples. Annals of Statistics vol. 41, 982 – 1004.
[7] Di Nardo E. On a representation of time space-harmonic polynomials via
symbolic Lèvy processes. Scientiae Math. Japonicae, vol. 76, 99 – 118.
[8] Di Nardo E. Cattive abitudini, ovvero quando l'intuizione prende il posto
della conoscenza. Induzioni. vol. 45, 22 – 25.
[9] Di Nardo E., Oliva I. Multivariate Bernoulli and Euler polynomials via Lévy
processes. Appl. Math. Letters vol. 25, 1179 – 1184.
[10] Di Nardo E., Oliva I. On a new representation of space-time harmonic
polynomials with respect to Lévy processes. Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. vol. 192, 917
– 929.
[11] Di Nardo E., Senato D. Symbolic solutions of some linear recurrences.
Jour. Statist. Plann. Inference. vol. 142, no. 2, 423 – 429.
[12] Attolico I., Pavone V., Ostuni A., Rossini B., Musso M., Crescimanno A.,
Martino M., Iacopino P., Milone G., Tedeschi P., Coluzzi S., Nuccorini R. ,
Pascale A., Di Nardo E., Olivieri A. Chemo-mobilization followed by G-CSF,
and additioned by Plerixafor, is safe and allows adequate PBSC collection in
Multiple Myeloma and Lymphoma patients predicted poor mobilizers. Biology of
Bone and Marrow Transplantation, vol. 18, 241 – 249.
[13] Di Nardo E., Liseo B. Il lato oscuro dell’incertezza e i mille colori delle
regole del caso: riflessioni e materiali per la divulgazione della probabilità.
Induzioni. vol. 44, 29 – 54.
[14] Di Nardo E., Niederhausen H., Senato D. A symbolic handling of Sheffer
sequences. Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. vol. 190, no. 3, 489 – 506.
[15] Di Nardo E., Guarino G., Senato D. A new algorithm for computing the
multivariate Faà di Bruno’s formula. Appl. Math. Comp. vol. 217, no. 13, 6286
– 6295.
[16] Di Nardo E., Liseo B. Il lato oscuro dell’incertezza e i mille colori delle
regole del caso: riflessioni e materiali per la divulgazione della probabilità.
Induzioni. vol. 44, 29 – 54.
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[17] Di Nardo E., Petrullo P., Senato D. Cumulants and convolutions via Abel
polynomials. Europ. Jour. Combinatorics. vol. 31, no. 7, 1792 – 1804.
[18] Di Nardo E. A new approach to Sheppard’s corrections. Math. Meth. Stat.
vol. 12, no. 2, 151 – 162.
[19] Di Nardo E., Guarino G., Senato D. A new method for fast computing
unbiased estimators of cumulants. Stat. Comp. vol. 19, 155 – 165.
[20] Di Nardo E., Oliva I. On the computation of classical, boolean and free
cumulants. Appl. Math. Comp., vol. 208, no 2, 347 – 354.
[21] Di Nardo E., Liseo B. L’arte di raccontare bugie con l’ausilio dei grafici e
non solo. Induzioni. Vol. 38, 75 – 96.
[22] Di Nardo E., Guarino G., Senato D. An unifying framework for k-statistics,
polykays and their multivariate generalizations. Bernoulli. vol. 14, no. 2, 440 –
[23] Di Nardo E., Guarino G., Senato D. Symbolic computation of moments of
sampling distributions. Comp. Stat. Data Analysis vol. 52, no. 11, 4909 – 4922.
[24] Di Nardo E. On the first passage time problem for linear processes.
Scientiae Math. Japonicae. vol 21, 61 – 76.
[25] Di Nardo E., Guarino G., Senato D. A Maple algorithm for polykays and
their generalizations. Adv. Appl. Stat. vol. 8, no. 1, 19 – 36.
[26] Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. Gaussian processes
and neuronal modeling. Natural Computing. vol. 6, no. 3, 283 – 310.
[27] Di Nardo E., Senato D. An umbral setting for cumulants and factorial
moments. Europ. Jour. Comb. vol. 27, no. 3, 394 – 413.
[28] Di Crescenzo E., Di Nardo E., Ricciardi L.M. On certain bounds for firstpassage-time probabilities of a jump-diffusion process. Scientiae Math.
Japonicae vol. 64, no. 2, 449 – 460.
[29] Di Nardo E., Senato D. A symbolic method for k-statistics. Applied Math.
Letters. vol. 19, no. 9, 968 – 975.
[30] Di Crescenzo A., Di Nardo E., Ricciardi L.M. Simulation of first-passage
times for alternating Brownian motions. Meth. Comp. in Applied Prob. vol. 7,
161 – 181.
[31] Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. Gaussian processes
and neuronal modeling. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3561, 178 –
[32] Di Crescenzo A., Di Nardo E., Ricciardi L.M. Evaluation of neuronal firing
densities via simulation of a jump-diffusion process. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, vol. 3561, 166 –175.
[33] Di Nardo E. On the connection between orthant probabilities and first
passage time problem. Jour. Stat. Comp. Simul. vol. 75, no. 6, 437 – 445.
[34] Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. Computational
methods for the evaluation of neuron’s firing densities. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science. vol. 2809, 394 –403.
[35] Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. On the asymptotic
behavior of first passage time densities for stationary gaussian processes and
varying boundaries. Meth. Comp. in Applied Prob, vol. 5, 211 – 233.
[36] Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. Towards the modeling of
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neuronal firing by gaussian processes. Scientiae Math. Japonica, vol. 58, no. 2, 255 –
[37] Buonocore A., Di Crescenzo A., Di Nardo E. Input-output behaviour of a
model neuron with alternating drift. BioSystems, vol. 67, 27 – 34.
[38] Di Nardo E. On first-passage problem for a non-singular Gaussian discretetime series. Quaderni di Statistica. vol. 4, 51–70.
[39] Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. A computational
approach to first-passage-time problem for gauss-markov processes. Adv.
Applied Probability, vol. 33, 453 –482.
[40] Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. Computer-aided
simulations of gaussian processes and related asymptotic properties. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2178, 67 – 73.
[41] Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M., Rinaldi S. Simulation
of gaussian processes and first passage time densities evaluation. Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, vol. 1798, 319 – 333.
[42] Di Crescenzo A., Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. On
some computational results for single neurons 'activity modeling. BioSystems,
vol. 58, 19 – 26.
[43] Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. On a non-markov
neuronal model and its approximations. BioSystems, vol. 48, 29 – 35.
[44] Di Nardo E., Pirozzi E. On the estimation of first passage time densities for
stationary normal processes. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and
Applications, vol. 41, 383 – 387.
[45] Di Nardo E., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M., Rinaldi S. Vectorized simulations
of normal processes for first crossing-time problems. Lecture notes in
computer science, vol. 1333, 177–188.
[46] Morandi Cecchi M., Di Nardo E. The modified bordering method to
evaluate eigenvalues and eigenvectors of normal matrices. Numerical
Algorithms, vol. 11, 285 – 309.
[47] Di Nardo E., Pirozzi E. On the grouping rule for random samples. Series
on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences, vol. 40, 248 – 253.
[48] Di Nardo E., Pirozzi E., Rinaldi S. On FPT densities of normal processes
with an oscillatory covariance. Rend. Acc. Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche,
LXIII, serie IV, 179 – 192.
[49] Di Nardo E., Pirozzi E. Algorithm for data sample representation by
histograms with unequal cell widths. Cybernetics and System, vol. 26, 343 –
Papers on books
[50] Di Nardo E., Senato D. The problems eleven and twelve of Rota's Fubini
Lectures: from cumulants to free probability theory. Invited Chapter. From
Combinatorics to Philosophy: the legacy of G.C. Rota. (eds. E. Damiani, F.
Palombi, O. D’antona, V. Marra) Springer-Verlag. Milano, 91–130.
2003 [51] Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. Simulations of
Gaussian Processes for Neuronal Modeling. Science and Supercomputing at
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CINECA 375 – 381.
[52] Di Nardo E., Senato D. Umbral nature of the Poisson random variables,
Algebraic Combinatorics and Computer science: a tribute to Gian-Carlo
Rota (eds. H. Crapo, D. Senato) Springer-Verlag, 245 – 266.
[53] Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. Parallel simulations
in FPT problems for Gaussian processes. Science and Supercomputing at
CINECA 405 – 412.
Proceedings with referee
[54] Attolico I., Olivieri J., Nuccorini R., Pascale S., Chiarucci M., Poiani M. ,
Gozzer M. , Capria S., Mele G., Melpignano A., Perseghin P., Pioltelli P.,
Martino M., Moscato T., Musto P., Pietrantuono G., Corradini P., Farina L.,
Nassi L., Margiotta Casaluci G., Di Marco A., Spadaro A., Gumenyuk S.,
Marchesi F., Lanza F., Brambilla P., Pini M., Zallio F., Marktel S., Gattillo S.,
Sica S., Ausoni G., Merli F., Codeluppi K., Specchia G., Pastore D., Pizzuti M.,
Di Nardo E., Olivieri A. A refined composite clinical score for the early
identification of the predicted Poor Mobilizers (PM): a GITMO analysis. EBMT
[55] Attolico I., Di Nardo E., Nuccorini R., Chiarucci M., Nassi L., Mengarelli
A., Capria S., Ciceri F., Martino M., Piccirillo N., Pascale S., Pizzuti m., Olivieri
A. Validation in a multicenter setting of GITMO criteria for identification of the
poor mobilizer in multiple myeloma (MM) and lymphoma patients: preliminary
analysis on 312 patients. EBMT 2014.
[56] Di Nardo E., Oliva I. On a Symbolic Version of Multivariate Lévy Processes.
AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 1389, 345 – 348.
[57] Di Nardo E., Oliva I. Umbral calculus and Lévy processes. ASMDA11,
[58] Di Nardo E., Nobile A., Pirozzi E. Ricciardi L.M. Gaussian processes and
neuronal modeling. EUROCAST 2005. vol. 3561, 176 – 185.
[59] Di Crescenzo A., Di Nardo E., Ricciardi L.M. Evaluation of Neuronal
Firing Densities via Simulation of a Jump-Diffusion Process. EUROCAST 2005.
vol. 3561, 166 – 175.
[60] Di Crescenzo A., Di Nardo E., Ricciardi L.M. On the first-passage-time
problem of Brownian motion with alternating drift. IWAP 2004, 119 – 122.
[61] Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. Computational
methods for the evaluation of neuron’s firing densities. Eurocast '03, 163 – 166.
[62] Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. Gaussian processes
and neuronal models: an aymptotic analysis. Cybernetics and Systems 2002
(Trappl R. ed.), 313 – 318.
[63] Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. Computer-aided
simulations of gaussian processes and related asymptotic properties. Eurocast
'01, 3 – 6.
[64] Di Nardo E., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M., Rinaldi S. First passage time
densities evaluation for simulated gaussian process. Cybernetics and Systems
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Elvira Di Nardo
2000 (Trappl R. ed.), 301-306.
[65] Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. Simulation of
Gaussian Processes
and First Passage Time Densities Evaluation. EUROCAST'99. vol. 1798, 319333.
1999 [66] Di Crescenzo A., Di Nardo E., Nobile A. G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. On
some computational methods for single neurons’ activity modeling. Neuronal
Coding’99, 95-102
Proceedings with no referee
[67] Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. Computational
approaches to neuronal firing by gaussian processes. BIOCOMP'02, 3 – 7.
1999 [68] Di Nardo E., Nobile A. G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. Evaluation of
upcrossing first passage time densities for gaussian processes via a simulation
procedure. ISCS'99, 95 – 102.
1997 [69] Di Nardo E., Nobile A. G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. Estimating
upcrossing FPT densities via simulation of gaussian processes. ISCS'97, 9 – 10.
[70] Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E., Rinaldi L.M. Vectorized simulations
of normal processes for first crossing-time problems. EUROCAST'97. vol. 1333,
177 – 188.
1996 [71] Di Nardo E., Pirozzi E. The RANDOM algorithm and its use for FPT
densities evaluations. SIMAI’96, 61 – 63.
[72] Di Nardo E., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M , Rinaldi S. Evaluation of first
passage time densities for normal processes via a simulation procedure.
ISCS'96, 55 – 60.
[73] Di Nardo E., Dragomir S. Analisi matematica II, Esercitazioni. Edizioni
Ermes, pp. 303
1996 [74] Di Nardo E. Calcolo di autovalori per matrici simmetriche e problemi
statistico-computazionali per processi normali correlati. Tesi di dottorato.
[75] Di Nardo E. Convergence of distributions with applications in statistics.
Quaderni del corso estivo di Statistica e Calcolo delle Probabilità. Università
Commerciale “Bocconi". No. 8 , pp. 65
Technical reports
[76] Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E. Ricciardi L.M. Simulations of
gaussian processes for neuronal modeling. Science and Supercomputing at
CINECA, 375-381
2001 [77] Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. Parallel simulations
in FPT problems for gaussian processes. Science and Supercomputing at
CINECA, 405-412
1995 [78] Di Nardo E., Pirozzi E. Statistical results on a Grouping rule for random
samples. Progetto Finalizzato Sistemi Informatici e Calcolo Parallelo,
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Elvira Di Nardo
Sottoprogetto I, Rapporto tecnico n. 1/216.
Preprints and Works in progress
Di Nardo E. On photon statistics parametrized by a non-central Wishart
random matrix. Submitted
Battaglia D., Di Nardo E., Fanti P., Trotta V., Predation and feeding
preferences of Macrolophus pygmaeus on Acyrthosiphon pisum: effect of
parasitoid stage and the prey density. Preprint.
Di Nardo E., Wynn H., Zwiernik P. Cumulants: theory, computation and
applications. Project Book. Wiley & Sons. In progress.
Di Nardo E. Selected topics in Probability and Stochastic processes.
Project book: invited contributions. Lectures Notes of Seminario
Interdisciplinare di Matematica. In progress.
Di Nardo E. et all. A refined composite clinical score for the early
identification of the predicted Poor Mobilizers (PM): a GITMO analysis.
In progress.
Di Nardo E., G. Guarino, D. Senato (2009) Multiset subdivisions. Worksheet Maple Software.
Di Nardo E., G. Guarino, D. Senato (2009) A Maple algorithm for k-statistics, polykays and
their multivariate generalizations. Worksheet Maple Software.
Di Nardo E., G. Guarino, D. Senato (2009) Fast algorithms for k-statistics, polykays and their
multivariate generalizations.Worksheet Maple Software.
Di Nardo E., G. Guarino (2010) New algorithms for computing Sheppard’s corrections.
Worksheet Maple Software
Di Nardo E., Guarino G. (2014) A new algorithm for computing moments of complex noncentral Wishart distributions. Worksheet Maple Software
Di Nardo E., Guarino G. (2014) Spectral k-statistics. Worksheet Maple Software
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